Tactics Tuesdays - How To Use Barriers To Make Girls Chase You - Girls Chase

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The key takeaways are that barriers can be used as a tactic to get women to chase you by presenting small obstacles they have to overcome. Barriers prompt women to qualify themselves and initiate actions to progress the interaction.

Barriers are small obstacles presented to a woman to get her to chase you and qualify herself. They can be used flirtatiously if the woman is interested. Explicit barriers directly state what a woman must do to continue the interaction, while implicit barriers hint at it.

The two formats for explicit barriers are: 1) "Things are great...except/but/it's too bad (barrier)" and 2) "If not for (barrier)...we'd have/do this great thing".

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use Barriers to Make Girls Chase You

By: Chase Amante (/users/chase-amante)

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Barriers are a way to set up small 'walls' a woman must climb with you. In climbing these small walls, you can make a girl start to chase you.
The other day in my ar cle on the click moment (//www.girlschase.com/content/pickup-tac cs-and-click-moment) I
men oned the use of barriers.
Barriers are a tac c I've touched on only a bit before (in my ar cle from long ago on being a challenge to women
Today I want to go a lot more in-depth about this powerful technique.
If you're not using barriers, you're missing out on an outstanding tool to get the women you talk to chasing you.
So let's get you using them.

What Is a Barrier?
In a seduc on, a barrier is an obstacle you create that is designed to be overcome.
For instance, if, with a smile and a wink, you tell a girl, "I'll bet you'd never be interested in a guy like me," that's a barrier.
If you tell her, "It's too bad there's always these people around. Otherwise I'd be all over you," that's a barrier.
Disqualifiers can o en serve as barriers: "You're too much of a nice girl for me," is both a disqualifier and a barrier. In effect,
she is disqualified only so long as she remains on the wrong side of the barrier. If she gives chase and qualifies herself as
naugh er than she looks, she's scaled the barrier.
Barriers are used to prompt women to chase you, qualify themselves, or ini ate ac ons helpful to the courtship. They're a
form of flirta on and, if used with girls who like you, can be quite fun (for both par es).
If a barrier is insurmountable, it's not a good barrier.
However, if it's one able to be overcome with just enough effort, and it's used with a girl you suspect is going to want to
overcome it, it's a good one.

Explicit Barriers
With an explicit barrier, you lay it out almost explicitly what a woman must do or whom she must be to progress the
courtship with you.
All these, for instance, are explicit barriers:
"I'd love to talk to you more right now but I'm sure you're probably in a hurry"
"I'm having a great me talking to you; it's too bad you have to go back to your friends"
"It feels like we'd be a great match for each other... except that you said you don't like guys who work office jobs"
"If your friends didn't keep jumping in I'd have pulled you away to a dark corner already and told you all my secrets"
"If I thought you were the type who'd go for it, I'd pull you into a bathroom stall right now"
"If we didn't have all these people around I'd be all over you already"
There are basically two (2) explicit barrier formats you can follow:
1. "Things are great... except/but/it's too bad (barrier)"
2. "If not for (barrier)... we'd have/do this great thing"

From the examples above, the first three barriers follow our format #1, the second three barriers our format #2.
The neat thing about barriers is they allow you to throw something out there without totally commi ng to it.
If she isn't ready to go that route yet, and doesn't take the bait, no harm no foul. You didn't actually a empt to pull her and
run into nega ve compliance. Nor did you a empt to do anything else and hit nega ve compliance.
You merely floated a hypothe cal.
Yet depending on where she's at, if she wants the thing, you'll see one of a few reac ons:
A. She leaps over the barrier herself ("Actually I'm not really in a hurry")
B. She becomes visibly more aroused and doesn't reinforce the barrier
On that la er, if you met a girl on the street and a er a few minutes of conversa on tossed up the "I'd love to keep talking but
I'm sure you're probably in a hurry" barrier, and she doesn't say she is in a hurry, but rather just acts flustered and excited and
unsure, you can then follow up with a proposal:
"Or, I mean, we could do something right now. What do you say?"
If she doesn't respond to your barrier, just stands there and gawps, try proposing yourself the thing you seeded with your barrier.
Typically if a woman doesn't want to overcome your barrier, she'll agree with it:
You: I'd love to talk to you more right now but I'm sure you're probably in a hurry.
Her: Yeah, I really do need to go.
If you're not ge ng that but are instead ge ng her staring at you at a loss for words, that's a good indica on she's probably
open to you pushing aside the barrier yourself and leading.

Implicit Barriers
You can go s ll subtler with your barriers, too.
An implicit barrier is one where you don't connect the dots as clearly for the girl, and instead leave them for her to connect
on her own.
One example:

“ "You seem like a really nice girl. Me, I'm kind of into the naughty girls myself."

You began with what seemed like a compliment. O en it will be an outright cold read
The girl gets a quick hit of endorphins as she feels like "Wow, he really knows me!"
But then you stated that your preferences are for something different from what you complimented her as being.
Instantly, she's gone from 'known and understood' to 'disqualified'.
That's a harsh reversal.
It's a potent one, too.
This is one of the few techniques women can use on me that s ll gets me to some degree. If a girl tells you, "You seem like a
really smooth guy. I usually go for guys who are more raw or unfiltered," it's pre y hard to resist showing her you can be raw
and unfiltered too.
You can do this with all sorts of things where you want the girl to chase you and put herself into your frame:
"You seem like the kind of girl who needs to be wined and dined. Me, I always go for the girls you can have a deep
connec on with over a beer or a cup of coffee." --> for if you want her to not be trying to get you to wine and dine her
"You strike me as a girl who really needs a wild guy to just s mulate the heck out of her. Whereas you know I'm the kind
of guy who likes girls with a wild side but I like to get to know them a li le more gradually, and then once you know each
other you have some really wild mes together." --> for if she's a bit too wild and you want her to tone it down (because
your game style is not super wild)
"I can tell you love animals and I'll bet you're really really good with them. But you know me, what I love is people: ge ng
to know them, flir ng with them, finding out everything about them." --> if she's a girl who keeps talking about animals
and avoids ge ng sucked into personal conversa on
"Yeah, you probably are the type who needs three dates to figure out very carefully and gradually if a guy's the right fit for
you. Whereas you know I go for girls with a lot of passion, women who know if they like you and aren't afraid to act on it
if they do." --> if she's giving you hard resistance about coming back to your place or escala ng to sex once she's at your
"You know you, I can see that you like to flirt. Me, I like to flirt, but I also like to really get to know people." --> if she's
being the flirta ous social bu erfly rather than taking me to connect with you
You can use implicit barriers to overcome specific resistance:
You: Let's go grab a seat.
Her: I like standing here.
You: I can tell you probably do love standing. However my feet are red and as we are talking, I would much prefer we
were si ng down to talk.
Her: [laughs] Okay let's sit.
You can use implicit barriers to disarm women's tests (//www.girlschase.com/content/when-women-test-men):
Her: How's this technique work on other girls?
You: You know I can see that you're feisty type who loves to give guys a hard me on things. Me personally I like
conversa ons where it's coopera ve and the two people work together on the same page.
Her: [laughs] All right, I'm sorry.
You can use implicit barriers to seed your pull home (//www.girlschase.com/content/how-seed-dates-and-pulls-back-home):
You: You know I'll bet you're having a great me here. However you know me, myself, I like to come out and hang for a
bit. But then I love to go back someplace quiet and enjoy a nightcap.
Her: I'd like a nightcap.
You: Well then let's go.
Implicit barriers are a lot of fun, and allow you to throw ideas out there that make women work just a li le bit harder to
connect the dots on before they can start to chase you.
That li le bit of extra work connec ng dots, plus the reversal of compliment/cold read --> disqualifier, leads women to very
o en start chasing you without even realizing how they fell into it.
They'll enjoy doing so, too.
When Do You Use Barriers?
You should use barriers with women you feel are hooked, but with whom an outright compliance demand or a firmly imposed
frame is likely to backfire.
Instead, you use barriers to get women to climb over those barriers themselves and begin to chase you.
Use explicit barriers with women who are warmed up to prompt immediate ac on. The moment a woman hears an explicit
barrier, she knows what you're trying to tell her.
Use implicit barriers with women you aren't worried about harming a ainability (//www.girlschase.com/content/book-
excerpts-being-a ainable-women) with (because they're confident enough of their odds with you) and with whom you can
afford to do the li le build up / then go down reversal.
You will find by using barriers women chase you to do things you want you didn't realize they'd be willing to agree with... all
while not pu ng yourself totally out there to do it.

Try se ng up barriers to see what you can prompt women to do (you'll be surprised).
Barriers are a great indirect game tool that let you elicit all sorts of behaviors from women, at very li le risk to yourself.
They're a fantas c trick to use -- and if you don't use 'em, you likely ought to start.
Chase Amante

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Chase Amante

Chase woke up one day in 2004 red of being alone. So, he set to work and read every book he could find, studied every teacher he could meet, and
talked to every girl he could talk to to figure out da ng. A er four years, scads of lays, and many great girlfriends (plus plenty of failures along the way),
he launched this website. He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System

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