Wear Analyse Groove ZPMC Sheave

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The paper studies the contact problem between wire ropes and pulleys using Hertz contact theory and finite element analysis. It aims to explain pulley groove wear patterns and provide theoretical support for pulley processing technology.

The paper is studying the contact stress between wire ropes and pulleys under different hoisting loads. It establishes a contact model and uses finite element analysis to obtain the stress distribution and stress contours in pulley grooves.

Several measures are proposed to prevent pulley wear, including strictly controlling pulley dimensions and surface flatness errors, thickening pulley parts, heat treatment, regular inspection and replacement of worn pulleys, lubrication, and avoiding excessive shock operations.

American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No.

4; August 2015

The Pulley Grooves Wear Interpret Analytical form Based on the Hertz Contact
Theory and Finite Element Analysis

Zhu Qing & Shuisha Ling

School of Mechanical Engineering
Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Shanghai, 201600

Using mechanics basic theory, the Hertz contact theory and finite element analysis ANSYS, the aim is to study the
contact problem of wire rope and pulley, and establish the contact model of wire rope and pulley. The theory and
simulation result are effective to explain the wear of pulley groove. According to the analysis results from the
design and use of pulley, putting forward some measures on how to avoid pulley wear and wear indentation after
processing method, which can effectively extend the service life of the pulley, as well as provide certain theoretical
support for the pulley processing technology.
Keywords: Hertz theory; Pulley groove wear contacts; Finite element analysis
In recent decades, the heavy machinery research teams in China has carried on the research breakthrough to the
crane key technology, so that our crane products have achieved remarkable results, and continues to the large-
scale, intelligent development, and the pulley as an important part of the crane equipment, widely used in
aviation, water conservancy project, chemical engineering, metallurgy and other engineering industries. During
the crane's long-term operation, There are obvious indentation and wear in the bottom of the crane pulley groove.
Taiyuan iron and steel plant expansion project in July 2006 investment casting crane production, in August 2008
found a large casting crane pulley deformation, wear serious. The 36 with type pulley has four rim grinding
through, the other pulley have varying degrees of wear such as shown in Figure 1, which brings some technical
problems to the enterprise. The contact wear problem between wire rope and pulley was studied in the world. Pu
Han Jun [1] in his doctoral dissertation by the contact analysis of nonrotating wire rope and pulley, the contact
model of the wire rope and the pulley is deduced, and the external contact stress and wear of the wire rope and the
pulley are analyzed theoretically, the internal friction wear model of the nonrotating wire rope was established.
Li Xi , Cao Shi-Hao and other [2] through hertz and finite element analysis software ANSYS,A study on the
contact fatigue of the rail wheel with the surface of the rail is carried out, under different axle load and operating
conditions, obtained the crack tip stress intensity factor of the different position. Liao Hong-Wei [3]the influence
of on the fatigue damage of wire ropes was studied by means of the various pulley of the rope groove hardness
from HB170-HRC60finally the sensitivity index of the fatigue life of the wire ropes was introduced. Chen Hai-
Rong[4]The initial research on the pulley of the port crane in 60t, obtained the stress distribution and the
maximum contact stress of the surface of the wire rope groove. GuHai-Tao, Gao Chong-Ren[5] of wire rope force
characteristic of and spectral coefficients by the crane load level and load and considering the wire rope of the
reverse bending and other factors, and gives the improving measures to the fatigue life of the steel wire rope
pulley. Tao Yan, Sun Shu -Cheng [6] the best matching measure of the lifting mechanism and wire rope for hoisting
mechanism is presented. Jiang [7-8] and nawrocki[9] analyzing and calculating the finite element model of wire rope
strands. The results are in agreement with the theoretical analysis of Costello and some experimental results. At
present, although the domestic and international scholars have done a lot of research on the wear of wire rope and
pulley, it is still in the preliminary stage of study.

ISSN 2162-139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijcrnet.com

In this paper, combining the mechanics theory and Hertz theory, analyzed the different hoisting heavy wire rope
and pulley rope groove of the contact stress, and established the wire rope and pulley contact model, and by the
finite element analysis, and ultimately come to different hoisting heavy lower pulley rope groove of the stress
distribution and the stress nephogram, and put forward some prevention measures, which can provide certain
academic support for the pulley groove machining process, even provides effectively prolong the service life of
the pulley.

Fig 1: Pulley Wear Diagram

1. Establish Contact Model Rope and Pulley
Wire rope is a kind of flexible space helicoid. Rope and pulley during operation, because the rope to withstand the
load is variable load, rope pulley groove surface will wear at work for some time, to solve this problem, first
assume that the rope and the rope groove sidewall contact with interference does not occur on the pulley rope
groove contact stress analysis.

Fig 2: Rope and Pulley Groove Contacting Schematic Diagram

Figure 2 shows a typical class 18x7 non-rotating wire rope and pulley wheel groove contact with most companies
use schematic figure, after straightening the bent wire rope, mark the outside real point of contact within the rope
on one strand. Friction and wear rope and development takes place on a real point of contact in the wheel groove.
If rotating wire rope and pulley contact section of length L; outside flank side yarn twist pitch of P in stocks; rope
outside Shares will be made by the N root, root side per share have N wire; rope pulley has eaten into the depth
of the rope half the diameter. It can be deduced rope groove in contact with the wheel as the number of points
= 1

According to the geometry relationship, the length of the contact section of wire rope and pulley groove L=( D +d
-the pulley rope wrap angle in radians;
d/ D- the diameter of the rope and pulley,
The rope groove in contact with the wheel point number can also be written as
( )
= 2

American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No. 4; August 2015

1.1 Contact Load Analysis from the Rope and Pulley Groove of the Hoisting System
In Fig3, according to Taiyuan Heavy Industries 250t rope pulley winding system diagram, analysis shows that the
spreader on both sides of the rope pulley in the same condition is substantially equal to the force, so just study the
forces of a pulley. Thus simplifying the rope and pulley contact with the forces.

Fig 3: Rope and Pulley Winding Diagram

Acting on the rope pulley groove, assuming the pulley rope wrap angle is , obtained under micro-element model
for the roleof rope.As shown in Figure 3.

Fig 4: Rope and Pulley Groove contact with Loaded Infinitesimal Model
Rope and pulley contact process will produce relatively pulley sliding, stress analysis can be obtained through the
vertical equilibrium equation:

F sin + (F + dF) sin dF = 03
dF micro segment rope positive pressuredFRally increment is infinitesimal on approximately equal role

in infinitesimal friction on the ropeBecause d is very small, equivalent to sin Because the wire ropeof
the large overhead crane main lifting system is run slower rope when the working operation, and therefore the
centrifugal force is negligible, the above equation simplifies to:
Fd + dF dF = 0

Ignore higher order terms: dF the above equation simplifies to:
Fd =0
And becausedF = dF , Joint formula obtainedd = Integration on both sides can get pulley contact
surface radian contact positive pressure:

q() = 4
From (2), (4), obtained rope grooves each contact point normal average pressure.F

= 4 sin 5
( )

the coefficient of friction rope and pulley rope groove in contact with the rope pulley adopted here at 0.11
coefficient of friction lubrication conditions. According to the formula can be drawn positive pressure rope and
pulley contact surface distribution. As shown in Figure 5.
ISSN 2162-139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijcrnet.com

Fig 5: Rope and Pulley Groove Positive Pressure Contact Surface Distribution diagram
From Figure 5 positive pressure rope and pulley rope groove surface wrap angle decreases gradually decreased,
and the maximum force rope pulley occurs in the beginning of the rope and pulley contact points, the theoretical
analysis derived from the rope force formula indicates the wrap angle = 180. .that is to ignore the impact of the
rope deflection, the force rope ismaximized.
1.2 Hertz Contact Analysis Theory Establish Rope Pulley Rope Grooves
The contact between the rope and the pulley rope grooves may be considered an object contacts the contact
between the two surfaces, wire rope and rope groove stocks between the points of contact with a lot of power
when it is not loaded, and after loading the elastic deformation of the material, the contact point into the contact
surface, these features can be used on the classical Hertz theory, it is assumed that the two elastic rope and pulley
cylinder, two elastic body contact surfaces in the role of the force of an oval face, the maximum contact pressure
occurs in elliptical surface center[10]
q = 6

PThe force of the rope pulley rope grooves;
aElliptical contact surface semimajor axis;
bElliptical contact surface semiminor;
Elliptical contact surface of the long and short axle by the following formula
( )
( ) 7

m, nContact stress coefficient between the rope and the rope grooves calculated according to Hertz theory;
EElastic modulus pulley;
VPoisson's ratio pulley;
Coefficients A, B by the equation (8) is obtained.
+B= + +
The radius of the wire rope side strands;
Radius pulley groove;
Radius pulley;
According to Hertz theory know pulley rope groove when under load rope and the rope grooves each contact
point can be considered oval spots, Taiyuan Heavy Industry hoist normally used to 250t, 200t, 150t load on the
main hoisting pulley, from (5), (7), (8) can be obtained at each point of contact in contact with the pulley rope
calculation the normal contact pressure, as shown below

American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No. 4; August 2015

Fig 6: 250t between the Pulley Groove and Side Strand Wire Rope Each Contact Point Normal to Positive

Fig 7: 200t between the Pulley Groove and Side Strand Wire Rope Each Contact Point Normal to Positive

Fig8150t between the pulley groove and side strand wire rope each contact point normal to positive pressure
As can be seen in Figure 6, 7, 8, with the increase in weight lifting, pressure and contact patch area rope pulley
groove of contact points are significantly increased, weight lifting 250t, 200t, 150t peak contact pressure 2.49x10
^6N , 2.25x10 ^ 6N, 1.87x10 ^ 6N. When we can see the rope and pulley rope groove effect maximum positive
pressure occurs in the rope and pulley rope groove geometric center.
2. Finite Element Rope and Pulley Contact Point Analysis and Preventive Measures
The steel actual exposure and use finite element software ANSYS its rope grooves - pulley contact stress finite
element analysis. In order to obtain a high accuracy, and not too large computational grid mesh wire when the
contact surface and the wheel groove whichever is less, and the non-contact surface of the mesh rope grooves
desirability larger value, just rope groove contact pressure peaks corresponding contact points limited analysis, as
shown below.

Fig 9: Contact Stress Distribution 250t Pulley Groove

ISSN 2162-139X (Print), 2162-142X (Online) Center for Promoting Ideas, USA www.aijcrnet.com

Fig 10: Contact Stress Distribution 200t Pulley Groove

Fig 11: Contact Stress Distribution 150t Pulley Groove

From Figure 9,10,11 can be drawn wire rope hoist 250t, 200t and 150t maximum value stress distribution pulley
groove contact area, contact stress were 114.44MPa, 103.41MPa and 85.948MPa. Stress analysis can be explained
by an effective Figure 1 Actual pulley wear problems, in line with long-term job pulley wear process status.
Pulley groove wear side is mainly due to heavy wear and tear after the initial roll-forming pulleys, pulley bottom
geometric center and geometric center of the web eccentric, or pulley bottom portion of the thickness of the main
force of a deviation, and pulley installation, the weaker side of the rim just the rope attached to the inclined angle
of the side, after the horizontal component pulley Loaded produce tiny plastic deformation leads to the rim, with
the increase in working hours, the plastic deformation increases, the geometric center of the bottom pulley
removal the geometric center of the webs, the relative trajectory of the bottom rope and pulley becomes oval, rope
and pulleys sliding motion into even roll wear gradually increased. Eventually lead rope and rim wear, fast
damage, and along the bottom of the rim and the webs transition joints wear out.
The following measures should be taken to prevent creasing in the design and use of stage wear.
1. Strict prosecution bottom pulley and a web geometric center line, forming the bottom end surface of the pulley
irregularities error no larger than 1mm.
2. Pulley rope along the bottom center of the center of the web 30o direction should be equal to the rim thickness
t1 or t2 t1-t21mm, high rope center wing thickness t3 = t4 or t3-t41mm.
3. Forged wheels, the bottom part properly thickened, or rolling pulley bottom portion of the thickened, and
strictly control the end surface flatness errors. May be considered if necessary trough hardening, to improve
abrasion resistance.
4. Recommend heavy into the factory pulley strict checks and controls t1, t2, t3, t4 thickness and bottom center
and the webs center deviation t5, and save inspection records
5. Recommend that users regularly check and found that the timely replacement of wear serious.
6. With suitable oil (or fat), regularly lubricate wire rope.
7. When purchasing a new cord should pay attention to the consistency with the original rope and rope
replacement structure type and brand to be careful.
8. In the main working condition of the crane should avoid excessive shock and point operations.
3. Conclusion
Pulley under different loads occur wear for the study, through the analysis of the mechanical rope and pulley, the
establishment of a formula calculation model with rope pulley contact pressure and the side strands of steel rope
and pulley groove of contact points, the use of hertz theory draw each point contact method positive pressure to
the method of calculating the results of the contact point positive pressure profile using finite analysis of the stress
distribution pulley, effectively explains pulley wear patterns, and proposed some measures to prevent wear and
tear of the pulley, which will prolong the life of the pulleys to provide some theoretical guidance.

American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 5, No. 4; August 2015

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