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Sheave Groove Inspection

Over the past few years we are seeing field reports from OEM's and third-party
inspection services that claim sheave grooves that are supposedly worn out and we see
by the photos and returns via urgent airfreight that sheave grooves are not worn at all.
We actually had one contractor send sheaves for repair that were found to be new. It
seems apparent that many do not understand what sheave groove wear is or how
sheaves wear in general. This document has been written to address sheave grooving,
flame hardening, contour of the groove and groove wear during a sheaves life cycle and
explain what to look for during a sheave inspection.

Examine the sheave grooves for wear and proper groove size. To check the size,
contour and amount of wear, use an API worn sheave gauge (Nominal rope diameter
PLUS 2.5 %.) See attached table at the end of this document for groove dimensional
info. These gauges will have written on them "Minimum for worn grooves" stamped in
the largest gauge of the set. And example for one-and-a-half-inch rope 1-1/2 DIA
+1/32 This is the standard gauge in use today found on most rigs. Gauges can be
bought or made from any material but should be whatever the nominal rope diameter is
plus 2.5% as per API RP9B. (found gauges for sale on Amazon website) That is the
spec from API RP-9B for worn sheaves. Please note this is a smaller groove profile than
that for new sheaves. The worn gauge in a worn groove will contact the groove for
about 120 to 150 degrees of arc in the bottom of the groove and may show a daylight
gap at the very bottom if severely worn.

The actual width of the groove in the contact area can be confusing when reading the
API documents. Maximum sheave wear always equates to a smaller groove diameter
just as wire rope wear shows up as smaller rope diameter. It is that worn smaller rope
diameter that causes sheaves to wear out prematurely.

API only references the radius of the groove, that radius dimension when drawn out is
the width of the gauge at its widest point. (Radius times 2) This is taking into account
that the sheave gauge is a standard teardrop style seen further along in this document.

Most all sheaves in use today are flame hardened in the groove area. In discussion with
sheave experts we know that the depth of hardness obtainable through flame
hardening is never more than 2.5mm or 0.100 inch.

Understanding this we realize that the best way to track and monitor sheave wear is by
checking and recording the depth of the groove when sheaves are new as well as
checking/recording the sheave groove contour and wear during yearly CAT 3 inspection.
Once the depth of groove exceeds 1/8th inch or 3mm over the original manufactured
depth, the sheave should be scheduled for replacement.

Monitoring depth of groove is a simple way to verify groove condition.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 1|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Here we see a cut away of the standard 3 piece sheave construction where web is
welded to a forged ring and a hub (not shown). The maximum new groove width is
shown at the top of the red arc. The maximum wear (minimum groove size plus 2.5%) is
shown at the bottom of the red arc. The red area denotes the flame hardened portion of
the groove and the allowable wear that is normal to a sheave. Note that hardness
diminishes as depth increases. Surface may be Rc 40 but within 1.5 mm depth the
hardness might be down to Rc 35.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 2|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Here is how an API worn sheave gauge will set in a new or unworn groove shown
below. The gauge will only contact at the bottom of the groove and there will be
daylight along both sides.

New sheave with API worn gauge

This is normal and sheave groove is as new condition with API worn gauge inserted.
Note the groove hardness represented by 3 colors, RED, ORANGE and YELLOW. This
is the best way to visualize the hardness as well as critical wear areas on sheave
grooves. Radii for new sheaves is nominal +6% to nominal +10% and most
manufactures try and machine grooves to nominal+8% as a start point.

Wear in the sheave groove is mostly associated with rope diameter running through the
sheaves and to some extent lubrication. Adherence to a good cut and slip program will
minimize potential sheave wear for many years. Generally, rope is 5% oversized from
nominal diameter coming off the spool and is considered worn out when rope diameter
at the drawworks drum has reached 5% under nominal diameter. This is why fast line
sheaves always show the most wear, they are closest to drawworks and deal with
worn/undersized rope throughout their working life.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 3|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Here is how an API worn sheave gauge will set in a worn groove below. At this point
the original groove hardness is worn away and the sheave should be scheduled for
replacement at the next Out of Service Period.

Worn groove with API worn sheave gauge

Note that the API worn sheave gauge fits snug and there is no gap along the sides. Had
this sheave been checked for depth of groove when new we would now see that the
depth had increased around 0.100 or 2.5 mm at this point. This is normally only found
on fast line sheaves on block and crown if a good cut and slip program has been

Note here that the hardened area of RED, ORANGE and YELLOW are gone in the
center of the groove. Original groove hardness is worn away. It may have taken 10
years to get to this point but additional wear will happen much faster due to lack of
hardness. Depending on design and original manufacturing depth of groove, the
conventional 3 piece fabricated sheaves can be requalified via inspection and MPI, re-
grooved and re-hardened and reused.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 4|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Below we see an API worn sheave gauge in a sheave that is excessively worn and
should be removed from service at the next opportunity. In this case the groove width
is adversely affecting the integrity of the wire rope due to pinching and high stranding.
This has normally been seen in derrick traveling assemblies on the fast line sheaves
closest to the Drawworks and is usually caused by a poor cut and slip program.

Severely worn sheave groove with API worn gauge

This is the condition we find when we are requested to inspect sheaves due to pre-
mature wire rope strand breakage and the root cause is found to be sheave wear. That
is an important point, today issues with wire rope wear has nothing to do with the
sheaves or the sheave grooving.

Most common issues with wire rope wear/strand breakage are due to lack of adequate
weight on the traveling assembly, spooling issues on drums at the crossover points,
excessive wear on wearplates and kick pads on drum.

When hoisting heavy loads and there is a very loud POP noise as the wire rope reaches
the end of each layer on drum spool and transitions to the next layer issues are on drum
and not with traveling assembly or sheaves. This can get so bad that it shakes the rig
and sounds like a gun shot as rope transitions from one layer to the next.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 5|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Misconceptions on sheave gauging.

Sheaves grooves very seldom if ever wear wider/larger than they were originally
machined, wire rope reduced diameter causes sheave grooves to wear and the rope
stretches and gets smaller as it runs through the reeving of the traveling assembly and
accumulates ton miles through use. The stretched worn rope causes sheave grooves to
wear deeper and the contour of groove to get smaller. The only reasons grooves could
get wider are listed by probability below.

Oversized wire rope installed in the reeving which opened the groove is the most
likely reason a groove would be wider than API allowable specification.
If the bearings collapsed and sheave wobbled severely. In this case the sheave
bore would be badly damaged and the sheave would need to be replaced.
Excessive fleet angle will eat one side of the grove flange wall away and in that
case sheave may show a wider groove but the narrow flange on one side would
show the root cause.

If during and inspection one finds what they think is and oversized groove, insert the
next larger API worn gauge (in increments of 1/8th inch or 3 mm) into the groove and
see how it fits. This actually works from 1.5 inch gauges and larger.

IE you are gauging 2 inch rope sheaves with a worn 2.5% gauge and one groove looks
questionably wide. (usually at dead end side) Put in a 2-1/8th worn sheave gauge and
see if it fits snug or has daylight around the bottom. If so the groove is good for 2 inch.

Maximum 2 inch groove width according to API nominal + 10% or 2.200 inches

Minimum 2-1/8th inch worn gauge +2.5% is 2.178 which is smaller than max allowable
for a 2 inch groove.

The wider grooving found when gauging is usually always on the slower or deadman
sheaves which see the new wider rope first during reeving.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 6|
Sheave Groove Inspection

The following are photos of damage that would be considered reason for rejection
when inspecting sheave grooves other than normal depth wear.

Fleet Angle Wear Here we have some severe wear from excessive fleet angle.
This was a traveling block sheave that was in use with a retract dolly system.

This sheave was next to the one skipped, it dealt with the fleet angle from dolly retract
plus and additional 6 inches of fleet angle due to the skipped sheave not used in

The conservative opinion is that when found in this condition these sheaves should be
scrapped. We have seen contractors flip them to allow wear on the other side. We do
not consider this advisable under most circumstances but if the sheave passes MPI in
flange welds as well as the groove area it is acceptable for use if groove is within API
allowable and the sheave is flipped. In this case MPI of the groove area would be
important to look for any fatigue cracking from loss of material which may occur.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 7|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Dual web sheaves such as found in European and Chinese Manufactured Equipment
today should never be used in any application where they are subject to fleet angle or
side loading. The dual web sheaves routinely crack at the flange or hub welds when
subjected to side loading due to the rigid nature of their design. Furthermore, the dual
web sheaves usually have thin side walls in the wire rope groove areas that lack
enough material for any side wall wear from fleet angle scrubbing of the drill line.

Above we see a dual web hub failure, it also appears there is a

faint line at the bottom of the groove where it is staring to fail.

To the right we see a cut away of the dual web design, welds at
flange to groove and hub areas are small fillet. None of these
design sheaves could be manufactured to API-8C PSL-2
specification which requires full penetration welds.

To stop any chance of receiving dual web sheaves always stipulate

in the PO that sheaves must be manufactured to API-8C PSL-2
spec. This will give you the best chance of not receiving this style
sheave which is being pushed by both primary equipment OEMs
as their standard.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 8|
Sheave Groove Inspection

Duel web sheaves due to design (as seen below) do not meet the criteria for remedial
repair; there is not enough material in the bottom of the groove to allow for wear let
alone rework

Cut away of a dual web sheave with No-Go gauge depth set at 1.5 times rope diameter.

This style sheave should be removed and replaced when found, these dual web
sheaves appear to be designed to wear out within 10 years or less. This cut away we
found cracks starting at both webs inside. Also hardness depth can be seen in the
bottom of groove discoloration.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 9|
Sheave Groove Inspection

We have also noted during CAT 4 inspections on Dual web sheaves that many of
them the groove is made from rolled and welded angle bar and the weld where it is
joined together usually always has a transverse crack running through the groove.

Here you see the transverse indication and look closely at left flange and you can see it
has been hand ground to match up the transition on the ends.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 10 |
Sheave Groove Inspection

Negative Impression or Corrugation in Sheave Grooves

Sheaves in Marine Riser Tensioners, (known as MRT or Tensioner sheaves) and turn
down sheaves do not follow normal wear sequence as sheaves in traveling assemblies.
The MRT sheaves tend to spend a lot of time rocking back and forth. This has shown
over time to cause the groove to pick up the rope impression in the bottom of the saddle
as seen in the below photos.

Here we see a sheave that the groove checks good for width but the surface finish is
badly damaged from wire rope. Many times these sheaves can be repaired by re-
grooving and re-flame hardening but that has to be done in a shop by people who are
familiar with the procedures.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 11 |
Sheave Groove Inspection

Here again in this close up we see wire imprint into the groove and corrosive pitting;
this is an MRT sheave.

The technical term here is negative imprint

Below we see corrosive pitting as well as faint


Both of these conditions will have adversely affected

the life of the wire rope.

This will usually show up as breakage or wear of the

individual rope strands and premature rope failure.

Most all of the MRT or Tensioner sheaves

we have inspected were all originally
machined to the minimum depth of groove
as stipulated by API. That is 1.33 times the
diameter of the rope.

In all cases with standard 3 piece sheave

construction we were able to repair these
sheaves after they were qualified by blast,
dimensional inspection and passing NDT.
The grooves were then re-cut 1/8th inch
deeper or until the marks and pits were
removed. In no case did we allow a re-cut
depth greater than 1.5 times the rope
diameter and in no case, did we have to.

Sheaves were then flame hardened again

and put back in service.

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 12 |
Sheave Groove Inspection

Repair to sheave grooves (regrooving sheave) is normally only possible on single web
3 piece constructions, IE groove made into a forged ring welded to web plate which is
welded to the hub. (Sheaves 60 inches and above generally).

Any sheaves that get reconditioned by re-grooving has to be re-hardened. We have

done this via flame/quench as well as induction hardening. Both worked well.
Reported by Michael L Yoakum, Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC Opinions here are based on my experience performing
inspection and repairs and working with sheave manufactures over the last 30+ years Last edit 5 June 2017

Yoakum Technical Consulting LLC

13710 Brannon Field Lane Houston Tx 77041 13 |

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