Laporan Prak - Sisdig Modul 1

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Percobaan I

Parameter Gerbang Logika

Rinaldi Madani Pakpahan (14s16032)
Tanggal Percobaan : 05/10/2017
[ELS2104] [Sistem Digital]
[Laboratorium Sistem Kendali] Teknik Elektro
Institut Teknologi Del

AbstrakIn this lab several experiment were conducted to

know and understand some charateristics of logic gate, such as
volatage transfer, noise margin, and propagation delay. The first
experiment was experiment to know the charateristics of voltage
and noise margin. The second experiment is an experiment to find
the value of NML and NMH. The third experiment is an
experiment to determine the propagation delay. The fourth
experiment is an experimental verification of logic functions. The
fifth experiment is a simple combinational circuit and the last
experiment is the experiment of Nor TTL logic gate. From the
experiment, it can be concluded that the characteristics of the logic
gate include voltage transfer, noise margin, and propagation delay Figure 2.1
with operating point parameters that represent HIGH and LOW
A. Operating Point
logic ranges.
The operating point is the value of the output voltage
Kata Kuncilogic gate, voltage transfer, noise margin, generated by the logic gate which can be identified as LOW or
propagation delay. HIGH output.
Noise Margin.
Noise margin is the amount of noise voltage that can be
I. INTRODUCTION tolerated by the input without changing the output value of the
This practice provides an overview and understanding of logic gate output. The noise margin value is obtained with two
some characteristics of logical equations. Logic gate is the voltage values.
foundation of Digital Digital System that function to change Higher input voltage can be called , and the lower is .
one or several Input (input) into a Logical Output (Output) So obtained with the included voltage dan .
signal. This circuit has characteristics different from other For LOW noise margin is formulated as:
circuits, such as voltage transfer, noise margin, and =
propagation delay. The objectives of this experiment are: For HIGH noise margin:
1. Understand and understand the characteristics of simple =
logic gates such as voltage transfer, noise margin, and
propagation delay.
2. Know and understand the parameters of the logic gate is the
operating point that presents the logic range HIGH and LOW.
3. Can make simple combinational circuit using CMOS logic


2.1 charateristic voltage transfer
The static voltage transfer characteristic of a logic gate is Figure 2.2
the plot of the output voltage of the logic gate VOUT
compared to the input voltage of the VIN logic gate.
Mathematically we can describe the characteristics of voltage B. Gate Delay
transfer as VOUT = f (VIN). Gate Delay, is the time needed to change the input into
output. There are two types of time that is changing from low
to high (low to high propagation time = ) and change from
high to low (high to low propagation time = ). In addition B. Looking for value and
there is also a time propagation delay ( ). From the experiment obtained data from the oscilloscope by
using how to convert diosiloskop image into x-y mode.

Figure 2.3


Figure 3.3
Before doing the experiment then do the first calibration of After x-y mode.
the tool.

Figure 3.4
In experiment we use voltage 5V. From figure 3.3 we
In CH 1: 1V
In CH 2: 1V
Time : 500 ns
Figure 3.1 In the second experiment there was a slight problem so the
image or the resulting data did not match what was expected.
The problem may be caused by the lack of good work from
The experiment result data is obtained as follows:
the practicum tool.
A. Voltage transfer characteristic and noise margin ic
C. Delay Propagation
On the third experiment conducted experiments to
determine the effect of room temperature and not. But on the
third practicum there is no datashet so no comparison will be

Figure 3.2
Based on the picture above can be analyzed that when the
input signal in the form of a triangle signal is inserted into the
IC then the signal is converted into the opposite signal from
inputnya.Ketika input signal given a low signal, then the
output is converted into high signal and otherwise, when the
input signal given is a high signal then the resulting output is
low signal.
Figure 3.5
= 200
Based on the practicum should be obtained the value of tplh Figure 3.6
and tphl but because the tool is not optimal when the process
so that no found.
D. Verificate Function of Gate
On the third practicum is done to know that when inserted 1. Real logic gates have certain limitations of having
into a voltage of 5V then the lamp will flame but if one only propagation time so gate feeding must be limited so
breaks (0) then the lamp will not live (0), but if all is as not to exceed the delay time of the circuit.
connected then the light is on (1). 2. The noise margin is the tolerance for the input on the
gate to be within the logical range HIGH "1" or LOW
Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Output
0 0 0 0
3. We can determine the function of a gate by creating a
0 0 1 0
truth table and verifying its function.
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 REFERENS
1 1 1 1
1. Vahid Frank, Digital Design, Page. 73 76,
Wiley, Australia, 2007
In the above truth table is the same as the AND Gate truth
2. Pandapotan Siagian, Petunjuk Praktikum Sistem
table because life (1) when everything is alive (1) nothing is
Digital, Laboratorium Sistem Digital,
not lit (0). And the next experiment from of this experiment,
Sitoluama, 2015
we dont finish because time has been done, so the experiment
3., logic gate,
finish only one in this experiment.
In experiment we know gate given to us even the gate we
logika-dasar-simbol/ (accessed on October 9th,
dont know.
1. Picture of calibration

2. Picture of the first experiment

3. Picture of the second experiment
4. Picture of the third experiment

5. Picture of the fourth experiment

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