Transfer Functions

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Transfer Functions

By: John Getty

Laboratory Director
Engineering Dept.
University of Denver
Denver, CO

Identify and verify circuit transfer functions and practice transfer function design.

Equipment Required:

• 1 - Agilent 54600B Oscilloscope

(Replacement model: Agilent DSO6012A Oscilloscope or Agilent DSO5014A 5000
Series Oscilloscope)
• 1 - Agilent 34401A Digital Multimeter
• 1 - Agilent 33120A Function Generator
(Replacement model: Agilent 33220A Function / Arbitrary Waveform Generator)
• 1 - Protoboard
• 1 - 1-kΩ Resistor
• 1 - 0.01-µF Capacitor
Various Passive Components

Review the sections in Ch. 9* covering pole-zero diagrams and the sections in Chs. 10 and
11 covering transfer functions and transfer function design.

1. Transfer Function Analysis

The circuit of Fig. 1 is a first-order RC circuit with the output vout(t) taken across the
capacitor. The input is the unit step function vin(t) = u(t).

1) Determine the circuit voltage transfer function TV(s), the step response transform
G(s) and the output waveform g(t) for vout(t) as indicated in Fig. 1.
b. Enter the circuit of Fig. 1 into a CCA program and determine the step response by
performing a transient analysis. Plot the results and tape the output into your lab journal.

2. Transfer Function Design

a. Use Table 1 to determine your assigned design project by adding your student number to
that of your partner. The last digit of this sum determines the project.

b. The input to the circuit will be a unit step function vin(t) = u(t). Find the step
response transform G(s) and the step response waveform g(t) for your assigned
transfer function TV(s).

c. Design a circuit that will realize the voltage transfer function TV(s) associated with
your assigned project. Use the standard component values available in your
laboratory. Fully document your design.

d. Use transient analysis in a CCA program to verify that your circuit design produces the step
response waveform g(t) found in step 2b.


1. Transfer Function Analysis

a. Connect the circuit of Fig. 1. Set the output of the function generator to produce a
square wave, 1 VPP and a DC offset of +0.5 Vavg. You will need to determine an
appropriate frequency so that the circuit reaches its final value before the source
changes state back to 0 V. The scope should be triggered on the rising edge of the
square wave.

b. On a half page in your journal, sketch the waveform displayed on the scope. Label
the horizontal and vertical axes with the units and scales.

2. Transfer Function Design

a. Construct your circuit design that realizes the voltage transfer function Tv(s)
assigned in the Prelab. The source vin(t) is a square wave with 1 VPP and a DC
offset Vavg of 0.5 V. You will need to determine an appropriate frequency to ensure
the circuit will have time to reach its final value.

b. On a half page in your journal, sketch the waveform displayed on the scope. Label
the horizontal and vertical axes with the units and scales.


For the step function u(t), all of the activity occurs at t = 0 when the function changes from
a value of 0 for all t < 0, to a value of 1 for all t > 0. In practice this singular event is
2 difficult to capture and record. Our approach uses a square wave that, in effect, repeats
the step function over and over again. We ignore the square wave transition from a value
of 1 back to 0, and concentrate our efforts on recording the positive-going transition.

The step response for the circuit of Fig. 1 is of the form:

g(t) = [A + Be −t / T ]u(t) (1)

The initial value of g(t), at t = 0+ is given by:

g(0) = A + B (2)
The final value of g(t) is found by letting time t approach infinity. When t reaches
infinity, Eq. 1 reduces to:

g(∞) = A (3)
Equation 3 can be applied to the data collected in this lab exercise only if the half-period of
the input waveform is greater than five time constants of the circuit, 5TC. This requirement
on the period of the input waveform can be written as:

≥ 5Tc (4)
If the condition specified in Eq. 4 is satisfied, the final value given in Eq. 3 can be
determined from the sketch of the response waveform after an interval of time t > 5Tc.

1. Transfer Function Analysis

From the sketch of the response waveform drawn in Procedure 1b, determine the values
of A, B, and TC. (the “Exponential Waveforms” experiment provides details on determining
the time constant from a sketch of the circuit response.) Use these experimental values
for A, B and TC and Eq. 5 to determine the realized transfer function TV(s) for the circuit of
Fig. 1.

Does the transfer function derived from the empirical data agree with the transfer function
computed in Prelab 1a? Plot a pole-zero diagram for this circuit.

2. Transfer Function Design

From the sketch of the response waveform drawn in Procedure 2b, determine the values
of A, B, and Tc. Use these values to determine TV(s), and compare this result with your
assigned transfer function listed in Table 1. Does this comparison support the claim that
your circuit design realizes your assigned transfer function? Plot a pole-zero diagram for
this circuit.
Roland E. Thomas and Albert J. Rosa, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, Prentice Hall, (New
Jersey, 1994)

These experiments have been submitted by third parties and Agilent has not tested any of the experiments. You will undertake any of
the experiments solely at your own risk. Agilent is providing these experiments solely as an informational facility and without review.


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