Consolidation 5-8 A

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The passages cover a variety of English grammar and vocabulary exercises, including verbs, articles, quantifiers, word building, collocations, and more.

Some grammatical concepts covered include perfect tenses, adding emphasis, relative clauses, verb forms, and linking words.

Vocabulary emphasized includes definitions, quantifiers, collocations, and word building.





Complete the gaps in the following sentences COLLOCATIONS
with the correct form of the verb in brackets. For each verb below, choose two words
or phrases from the box that can go
1. Whats the matter? ________ (hurt) yourself? with it.
2. Good morning, Mr Lett. ________ (wait) long?
dressed up for something
3. By the time he celebrates his seventieth off to a great start a world record
birthday, Garcia ________ (be) president for through your notes
five years. a reason for someone a
something challenge
4. By 9 oclock, everybody was getting impatient. talk about something
They ________ (wait) over an hour for take-
off. For example:
dressed up
5. I really dont know what happened to Christina. to get
off to a great start
We ________ (see) each other for years.

to look
Complete each sentence with the correct form of
the word in capitals.
For example: to give
She is one the most __successful__ business
people in the world. SUCCESS
1. The rapid _____ of new computer technology
is sure to continue in the future. DEVELOP D) ADDING EMPHASIS
Add emphasis to the following
2. Winning a gold medal at the Olympic was an sentences by rewriting them using the
amazing _____ because she was only 16 word in capitals.
years old. ACHIEVE
1. He is more intelligent than he looks.
3. The government is unlikely to spend more FAR
money on space _____ in the near future. _________________________
2. I didnt want to walk home, you did!
4. Senator McGuire is widely regarded as a very NOT / ME
skilful _____ POLITICS _________________________

4 3. Beethoven wrote the Moonlight

Sonata IT / WHO

E) QUANTIFIERS 5. (v) to shout as a way of showing
Complete the gaps in the following happiness, approval or support. When the
sentences with an appropriate quantifier concert ended, the crowd clapped and
(some, any, enough, plenty, etc.) c_____.

1. Are there _____ other questions, or can 5

we move on to the next item?

2. Maria didnt now _____ English, only a G) RELATIVE CLAUSES

few phrases shed learned from the TV. Read the sentences below, and decide
whether the relative pronoun underlined is
3. There isnt _____ space in the back for correct or incorrect. Tick () the correct
three people. Youll have to walk! sentences and cross () incorrect ones.
4. In general, I agreed with what he said, 1. Whos that man watching us so intently?
although I didnt agree with _____ points.

5. We had _____ to talk about.
2. Is there a shop near here what sells
6. A _____ people took part in the cosmetics?
3. The magazine, is published monthly, has
7. Can you give me _____ salt? become increasingly popular.

7 4. He offered to give me a lift home, which I

thought was very nice of him.
Read the definitions, and write a suitable 4
word in the example sentence. (You are
given the first letter.)
For example: H) VOCABULARY
phr vb to finish a telephone conversation by Complete the gaps in the following
putting the telephone down: After I hung up, sentences with the correct word (for, after,
I realised I forgot to ask him for his phone up, etc.)
1. Richard was very unfit and his doctor
1. (v) to throw something with a lot of force: advised him to take _____ jogging.
The demonstration became violent and
some people were h_____ bricks through 2. Everybody agrees that smoking is very
windows. bad _____ you.

2. (n) the state of not being known or 3. The people were standing so far _____
remembered. For many years, she was that we couldnt see their faces.
one of the most famous actors in
Hollywood, but now she lives in total 4. I love sleeping and can stay in bed for
o_____. hours at the weekend. So, during the
week I have to really make an effort
3. (n) a short form of a word or expression: _____ get up in time for work.
Dr is the written a_____ of Doctor.

4. (adj) very wet or wearing wet clothes.
After the storm, we were all absolutely

5. Its very hot in here. I think Im going to K) ARTICLES
take _____ my jacket. Complete the following phrases with a, an,
the or (no word).
1. Julias birthday isnt until _____ end of
July, so weve plenty of time to buy a
Write a suitable linking word or phrase 2. Christmas Eve is the name given to _____
(however, furthermore, etc.) in the gaps. Do night before Christmas.
not use and, but or so. 3. Usually, Im in too much of a hurry to have
For example: _____ breakfast.
Being rich means you never have to worry 4. Ive never really liked _____ jazz. Have
about paying the bills. However, there are you?
still plenty of things to be concerned about. 5. Who was your teacher _____last year?

1. The east of the country is mainly 5

industrial, _____ the western part is more
rural. TOTAL 50
2. She assured me that my ticket was valid.
_____, I still felt a little anxious.
3. There are plenty of good beaches on the
island, _____ they do get rather crowded
in summer.

Underline the correct form of the verb in the
following sentences.

1. Its no good argue / arguing / to argue with

her: shell never change her mind.
2. As long as I have enough money for pay /
to pay / to have paid the bills, Im perfectly
3. The kidnappers agreed to let the hostages
go / to / going when the ransom was paid.
4. Im really looking forward seeing / to see /
to seeing my family again.
5. Id advise you not to travel / to not travel /
to dont travel by third-class carriage. Its
6. The only film thats worth see / seeing / to
see at the moment is Perfect Strangers.

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