Mathematics Throughout The Ages: Witold Wiȩsław Geometry in Poland in XV - XVIII Centuries

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Mathematics throughout the ages

Witold Wiȩsław
Geometry in Poland in XV - XVIII centuries

In: Eduard Fuchs (editor): Mathematics throughout the ages. Contributions from the summer school
and seminars on the history of mathematics and from the 10th and 11th Novembertagung on the
history and philosophy of mathematics, Holbaek, Denmark, October 28-31, 1999, and Brno, the Czech
Republic, November 2-5, 2000. (English). Praha: Prometheus, 2001. pp. 51–66.

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Witold Wiȩslaw

The knowledge of geometry in the Middle Ages was rather small. It

was restricted only to elementary facts needed for measuring the surfaces
of fields and volumes. University at Cracow was founded in 1364. Ele-
ments of practical geometry, beginning six books of Euclid’s Elements,
perspective and optics as well as the elements of arithmetic and music,
were lectured at Stobner Collegium at beginnings of the university.

1 Martinus Rex (1422–1460?) and his

Geometry [1]
Marcin from Żurawica, called Martinus Polonus (also: Mar-
tinus Rex de Premislia) was one of the first professors at Cracow
Academy. He was born in 1422 at Żurawica. He started his study at
Cracow Academy in 1438, and received very quickly the title magister
artium, the highest scientific degree at the univerity. He also studied
at Prague Univeristy and later at Leipzig University, receiving mas-
ter’s degree at both universites. He lectured mathematics, elementary
arithmetic and Euclid’s geometry at Cracow Academy. The cathedra of
astrology at Cracow University was founded by Martinus in 1450. In
Bologna he obtained also the title doctor of medicine. In next years he
was episcopal physician at Cracow (so called Rex in medicinis).
The manuscript [1] is one of his known texts. The author dis-
cusses there fundamental properties of measuring, dividing them into
three parts: Altimetria, which deels with hights, Planimetria, and Pro-
fundimetria (measuring of depth). He also shows how to measure prac-
tically volumes of bottles and barrels, giving numerical examples. Mar-
tinus distinguishes the theory from the practice of measuring.
52 Witold Wiȩslaw

2 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) and

De Revolutionibus [2]
We will discuss only the mathematical parts of [2]. The history of the
manuscript of [2] is not known exactly. The manuscript was in the hands
of the family Nostitz in the year 1774, as its exlibris shows. Manuscript
was in possession of the library of Prague University (Karlova Univer-
sita) in the years 1945–1956. In July 1956, the Government of Czechoslo-
vakia presented the manuscript of De Revolutionibus to Polish nation.
Now the manuscript of [2] is in the possession of the library of Jagel-
lonian University under the number: sygn.10.000 II.
Since the life of Copernicus is well described in many sources, I
recall only a few facts from his life. He studied mathematical sciences
at first at Cracow in the years 1491–1494, next in Bologna, Padua and
Ferrara. In Italy, he studied not only mathematical sciences, but also
medicine, Roman and Greek literature, and the law. He lectured ma-
thematics at Rome at 1500. He came back to Poland in 1504.
Mathematical foundations of [2] are contained in Chapters XII–XIV
of Book I. Namely, Chapter XII (De magnitudine rectarum in circulo
linearum) deals with chords of a circle, where similarly as in works of
Ptolemy, Copernicus calculates lengths of chords in a circle, corre-
sponding to a given angle, presenting the calculations in tables. Nowa-
days we have suitable tables of the values of trigonometric functions.
Chapter XIII (De lateribus et angulis triangulorum planarum rectilin-
earum) discusses rectangular triangles, their sides and angles, triangles
described on a given circle and the Sine Theorem. Chapter XIV (De
triangulis sphaericis) presents fundamental properties of spherical tri-
angles, and methods of their solutions. He uses no signs and symbols,
with the exception of signs of segments of lines. Theorems and their
proofs are presented verbally. Let us see as an example Ptolemy Theo-
rem. Copernicus formulates it in the following way:

Si quadrilaterum circulo inscriptum fuerit, rectangulum sub-

diagoniis comprehensum, aequale est eis que sub lateribus
oppositis continentur.

It can be translated as:

In quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, rectangle of [its] two

diagonals is equal to the sum of rectangles of [its] opposite
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 53

It means that AB × BD = AB × CD + AD × BC, in our contemporary

A proof runs as follows:

Let be the quadrilateral ABCD, in-

scribed in a circle. I say that rectangle
[formed] from AC and BD is equal to
[the sum of ] rectangles [formed] from
AB and CD, and from AD and BC.
We draw an angle ABE equal to
the angle CBD. Adding to them EBD
we obtain equality of angles ABD and
EBC. The angles ACB and BDA are
equal, since they both correspond to the
arc AB of the circle. Consequently the
angles BEC and BAD are also equal.
Since the triangles BCE and BDA have their angles respectively equal,
[they are similar triangles], their sides are proportional. It means that
BC : BD = EC : AD. Thus rectangle with sides BC and AD equals to
the rectangles with sides EC and BD [i.e. BC ×AD = EC ×BD]. Since
the angles ABE and CBD are equal, by the construction, and angles
BAC and BDC are also equal, as corresponding to the arc BC, the tri-
angles ABE and CBD are [also] similar. Thus AB : BD = AE : CD.
Consequently rectangle with sides AB and CD equals to the rectangle
with sides AE and BD [i.e. AB × CD = AE × BD]. It implies the
theorem: rectangle with sides AC and BD is equal to [the sum of ] rect-
angles with sides AB and CD, and AD and BC, respectively. [In-
deed, AC × BD = (AC + EC) × BD = AE × BD + EC × BD =
AB × CD + BC × AD, since AE + EC = AC.]

It seems that the presented proof is the simplest known proof of the
Ptolemy Theorem.
Mathematics can also be found in Chapter III (Book III), where
Copernicus described the curve obtained by moving of the poles of the
Earth, a suitable algebraic curve of degree four. In Chapter VII (Book
VI) he applies arithmetic mean to the results of experiments.
He calculated tables of legths of chords: subα = 2r sin α2 , taking
r = 100.000.
54 Witold Wiȩslaw

Stanislaw Grzepski: Geometria

A page from Chapter 3
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 55

3 Stanislaw Grzepski (1524–1570) [3]

The problem of correct mensuration of fields was so much important in

Poland in the XVI century, that it was considered by King’s Secretary,
Stanislaw Miloszewski. Grzepski studied at Cracow Academy and
also at Wroclaw in Jesuits Academy. Many Poles lived then in Königs-
berg (Królewiec). Grzepski spent there some time, having possibility to
get in touch with some persons and ideas of the Reformation. Later,
about 1553, he was a teacher at Koźminek in the School of Czech Breth-
ern. In 1556, he came back to Cracow to finish his study. He received the
bachelor’s degree, nineteen years after starting his university study, the
lowest university degree, and next, seven years later, he finally obtained
master’s degree. One of his students, Miloszewski, proposed to him
to write a practical guide for geometers (now: geodesists). Grzepski
wrote the book [3] in a short time. The book was used in Poland for
about a century. It is the first text from geometry written in Polish lan-
guage. He introduced there new Polish mathematical terminology. The
first part of the book contains fundamental notions of plane geometry,
including only definitions, terminology, often either Greek or Latin, and
fundamental theorems, but without proofs.

Grzepski presents an approximate squaring the circle on enclosed

pages. He draws two perpendicular diameters in a circle. Next he divides
each of them into eight equal parts and takes one more part in each
direction of the both diameters. In this way he obtains edges of a square,
which is approximately equal to the circle. He presents calculations in
the case when diameter = 10 ells, and obtains the number 50 square
ells. He states that the obtained result for the surface, attributed by
him to Albrecht Dürer, is not so exact, as the result obtained in
another way, giving the value 50 27 square ells. He states that the second
calculation is much more exact, than the first one. It is easy to see
that Dürer’s construction gives 25 8 as the approximation for π, i.e. the
Babylonian result, and the second gives Archimedes’ approximation
7 for π.

In the second part of the book, Grzepski introduces practical infor-

mation about measuring of fields, and elements of altimetria and pro-
fundimetria. Moeover, he described different systems of measures used
in the XVI century in Poland.
56 Witold Wiȩslaw

4 Jan Brożek (1585–1652)

alias Johannes Broscius
Jan Brożek was Rennaissance magister scientiarum at Cracow Academy.
He took position of Astrologus Ordinarius in the years 1614–1629, at
the Cathedral of Astrology founded at the university by Marcin Król
from Żurawica. Earlier, in 1605, he was bachelor at the university
and he lectured Arithmetica of J. Peurbach, astronomy based on the
papers of Sacro Bosco, elementary geometry and many others. His
activity was well-known. He fought against Jesuits, and he tried (with a
success) to save the independence of Cracow Academy from Jesuits. He
saved many manuscripts of Copernicus, but probably lost many oth-
ers. He wrote poems and had many scientific and personal connections
with many known people of the epoch. But in the first place he was a
mathematician. He wrote Gaeodesia Distantiarvm (1610), Dissertatio
de Cometa Astrophili (1619), Arithmetica Integrorvm (1620), a text-
book for students, De Nvmeris Perfectis Disceptationes Dvae (1637), to
mention only few of his publications. In the last text he discovered the
Little Fermat Theorem earlier than Pierre de Fermat. Broscius
states there some properties of perfect numbers and gives ten theorems
without proofs. For example, he states that

22n ≡ 1 (mod 3); 24n ≡ 1 (mod 5); 210n ≡ 1 (mod 11);

212n ≡ 1 (mod 13)

holds for every positive integer n, to mention only half of them. His
interest in geometry was concentrated on the star-shaped polygons and
on filling the plane by regular polygons. In [4] he stated that the plane
can be paved by regular polygons with the number of sides equal only
to 3, 4, and 6. He tried to explain in the paper why the bees prefer the
last possibility. Recall here that eight years later Johann Kepler in
Harmonices Mundi found how to pave the plane with different regular

5 Minor papers from geometry [5],[6],[8]

The papers like the above (loc. cit.) contain very elementary informa-
tion for geometers. The two page paper [6] is a thesis obtained for few
elementary statements from geometry such as: Quadratum est figura
habens quatuor latera aequalia, et angulis totidem aequales, seu rectos.
[ . . . ] (A square has four equal sides and all angles equal each other, i.e.
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 57

right angle). In another place he states that the side and the diagonal
of a square are not commensurable.
A much more interesting (but not too much) is the book [8]. Part I:
De Lineae Dimensione presents not only different linear measures from
the ancient times and their applications, but also some geographical in-
formations. Part II: De Superficierum mensuratione presents fundamen-
tal algorithms for measuring plane figures, i.e.: Aream circuli invenire
(Measure the surface of a circle), Triangulo dato aequale parallelogram-
mum constituere (Construct a parallelogram equal to a given triangle
[with equal surface]), De Coni dimensione (Measure a cone) etc.
Papers of above type appeared often, but they are not too much

6 Stanislaw Solski and his monumental work [7]

Stanislaw Solski was born in 1623. He studied at Jesuit Schools.
After some time he taught the pronunciation and mathematics. He was
sent to Constantinopole to be there a preacher of Christian prisoners.
After coming back to Poland, he decided to live at Cracow, spending
there his last years. He died at the end of the XVII century.
Stanislaw Solski wrote the following books at Cracow:

1. Geometra Polski, to iest nauka rysowania, podzialu, przemieniania

y rozmierzania Liniy, Angulów, Figur y Bryl pelnych. Ksiȩga I,
1683, 288 p.; Ksiȩga II, 1684, 152 pp.; Ksiȩga III, 1686, 204 pp.
2. Archytekt Polski, to iest nauka ulżenia wszelkich ciȩżarów, używania
potrzebnych machyn ziemnych i wodnych [ . . . ], in three books,
but only one of them was printed; Cracow, the year 1690, 200 pp.
3. Praxis nova et expeditissima mensurandi geometrice quasvis dis-
tantias altitudines et profunditates, etc. Cracoviae A. 1688, 136 pp.
4. Machina exhibendo motui perpetuo artificiali idonea, mathemati-
cis ad examinandum et perficiendum proposita, A. 1663. Cra-
coviae. ex offic. Caesarii, 68 pp.
5. Nauka o czȩstem używaniu Nayświȩtszego Sakramentu i sto sposobów
czczenia P. Jezusa. W Krakowie u Szedlów r. 1671, 208 pp.
6. Rozmyślania codzienne na caly rok, w niedziele i świȩta uroczyste
z ich wlasnych ewangeliy a w dni powszedne z ewangeliy niedziel-
nych przysposobione tygodniowym obrotem etc. w piȩŠ czȩści
58 Witold Wiȩslaw

Stanislaw Solski: Geometra Polski.

Title page.
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 59

rozlożone. W Krakowie, u Fr. Cezarego, Cz. I 1667, 415 pp.; Cz. II

1677, 462 pp.; Cz. III 1677, pp. 463–918; Cz. V 1681, pp. 919–1354:
Cz. V (not known).

Archytekt Polski is the first text from the mechanics written in Polish
language. Praxis nova is the Latin version of selected parts of Geome-
try. Book 4 deals with the perpetuum mobile. Books 5 and 6 are from
Catholic teology. I shall not discuss them here.
Geometra Polski is divided into three Books, each of which contains
chapters called Amusements [Zabawy]. Theorems are called Properties.
Proofs, called Demonstrations, are rather seldom. At the beginning he
states, that the proofs of obvious facts are not necessary. However, there
are often references to Euclid, Archimedes, Apollonius. Each book
of Geometra polski contains Polish and Latin terminology with short
explanations. Geometrical terms, definitions and theorems are put to-
gether with very practical remarks. The book has chapters dealing with
astronomy, cartography, geodesy and geography. He describes many
practical instruments. There are also many tables of measure systems,
money systems in the neighbour countries etc. In Books II and III there
are short verses describing some fundamental algorithms, e.g. an algo-
rithm for calculating square roots.
Contents of Geometra Polski:

Amusement I: Part I gives fundamental geometrical terminology; Part

II presents definitions; Part III contains sentences not needing any
proofs, which are clear for every clever man, as he writes in other

Amusement II teaches drawing i dividing any lines.

Amusement III gives a science about angles.

Amusement IV draws any plane figures.

Amusement V transforms plane figures into another ones.

Amusement VI gives properties of lines, and figures, as well plane as

space figures.

Amusement VII teaches how to measure any lines which are either
long, high or deep.

Amusement VIII measures perimeter of any plane figure.

60 Witold Wiȩslaw

Stanislaw Solski: A page with “Amusements”

Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 61

Amusement IX finds a measure [surface] of any plane figure [ . . . ]

Amusement X brings buildings, fortresses etc. onto maps.

Amusement XI divides any field and plane figures into any parts [ . . . ]

Amusement XII gives methods of measuring any space figures.

Amusement XIII builds sundials.

Amusement XIV recalls arithmetical rules and forgotten by the reader

methods of calculations.

Below we present an approximate squaring the circle taken from [7].

I) Construct a square equal to a given circle.

Solski proceeds as follows. He divides the diameter d = EC into
equal 14 parts a, i.e. d = 14a. Let T C = 3a. He draws T L orthogonal
to the diameter EC. He claims that the square with the side EL equals
to the circle. Then in the right triangle ELT :

EL2 = LT 2 + ET 2 = ET × T C + ET 2 = ET (T C + ET ) =
= ET × EC = ( d)d = πd2 ,
implying Archimedes approximation for the ludolfina: π = 7 .
II) Another exercise from [7]:
Draw a line from a given point D on the side CL in any triangle
CP L dividig the trinagle into equal parts. Construction is given in the
figure. Let H be the middle point of CL. Draw a line HN parallel to
DP . Then CDN P and DN L are equal (i.e. have equal areas).
62 Witold Wiȩslaw

III) An approximate construction of a 7-gon.

Let HT D and HT F be equliateral triangles in a given circle with
radius r and centrum H. Solski claims that DL is approximately equal
to the side of a 7-gon inscribed in the circle. Indeed, if DL would be
such a side, then we would have:
2π π
DL = 2r sin == 2r sin ≈ 0.8672r.
2×7 7

In the construction above, DL = 2 r ≈ 0.866r.
IV) Construct a square inscribed in a given triangle.
We leave construction to the reader.

The constructions are not new. However, Solski selected them and
presented in an elegant form.

7 Simon Lhuilier (1750–1840)

– a mathematician and a teacher
Simon Antoine Jean Lhuillier (1750–1840) was a teacher of ma-
thematics in Geneve. In 1777 he obtained a prize in a competition for
a textbook from arithmetic, announced by the Society for Elementary
Books (Towarzystwo do Ksia̧g Elementarnych) in Nova Acta Erudito-
rum MDCCLXXIV (pages 364-384). He came to Poland, where he was
a teacher and librarian at prince Adam Czartoryski in the years 1777–
1788. He won other competitions for textbooks and he wrote for Pol-
ish reformed schools the following textbooks: Geometry (in two parts)
and Algebra. He wrote the textbooks in French. Andrzej Gawroński
translated them into Polish after discussions under meetings of the Soci-
ety for Elementary Books. Discussions concentrated mainly on language
problems: which scientific terminology should be used in translations.
Starting from1795 he was professor at university in Geneve. His mathe-
matical results are concerned around geometry and calculus. He used in
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 63

1786 for the first time a notion and the sign LIMES, writing it as LIM
(Exposition lmentaire des Principes des Calculs Suprieurs. l’Academie
Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres, pur l’Anne 1786. Berlin). One
of Lhuilier’s most important results is a generalization of Euler’s for-
mula for polyhedrons. Euler remarked in 1750 (a letter to Christian
Goldbach from 14th November 1750) that for any polyhedron without
“holes” the formula
H +S−A=2
holds. (H stands for the number of sides of the polyhedron, S for the
number of its vertices, and A for the number of its edges). Lhuillier
remarked in 1812 that Euler’s formula holds only for polyhedrons with
genus zero. In other cases, when the polyhedron has genus n (i.e. with
n “holes”), the formula

H + S − A = 2 − 2n

holds. The number is today called Euler’s characteristic of the polyhe-

dron. He had no satisfactory proof, but the remark was very essential
for algebraic topology in future. He published many papers in Annales
de Mathematiques pures et appliques at the beginning of XIX century.
He had also results in elementary isoperimetrical problems (see [11]).
Now we describe shortly his Geometry [9, 10].
Part I, accepted by the Society for Elementary Books on 30. X. 1780,
has thirteen Chapters and two Annexes. The exposition is in the spirit
of Euclid, exact and precise, but not so formal as in Elements. Already
at the beginnig, writing on isometries, he warns the teaches:

(f ) The Teachers should not be afraid to explain geometrical

theorems using motions for their beginning pupils. They are
far from any Metaphysics. [. . . ]

80. Theorem 2. In every Triangle the sum of its three angles is equal to
two right angles. The proof is finished by the remark:

(h) The Theorem is very important. Thus pupils would un-

derstand it as exactly as it is possible. [. . . ]

Part II, also accepted on 30. X. 1780, contains stereometry, consists

of ten chapters:

I. On relative location of Lines and Planes.

II. On solid Angles.

64 Witold Wiȩslaw

Preparation to the next Chapters.

On square and cubic Roots.

III. On orthogonal Parallelepipeds.

IV. On non orthogonal Parallelepipeds.

V. On Prisms.

VI. On Prisms and Pyramids.

VII. On Cylinders.

VIII. On Cones.

IX. On Spheres.

X. On similar Bodies.

The book (either of its parts) contains no exercises for the pupils.
However, it was typical in textbooks on geometry before XIX century.
(Digressio) On the method called in Latin Methodus exhaustionis.

Lhuilier illustrates the method by proving very exactly, that two

prisms with equal heights and basis with equal measure must have equal
The number of editions of the Part II was less than of the Part I.
In opinion of the General Visitor after his visit at Piotrków Schools
(25-56. VII 1783):

[. . . ] Lhuilier’s Geometry is very good, but for children very

dark. In many places the book is too precise [. . . ].

The book was difficult also for teachers. Józef Czech, professor
of mathematics at many schools, e.g. at Cracow Academy, decided in
this situation to translate Euclid’s Elements (Wilno 1807; next edition
1817). However, he only translated eight Books containing pure geome-
try. Thus till now we have no translation of full Euclid’s Elements into
Geometry in Poland in XV–XVIII Centuries 65

8 Jan Śniadecki (1756–1830) and his treatise

from algebra and geometry [12, 13]
Jan Śniadecki was one of the most famous Polish mathematicians
and astronomers in XVIII and XIX centuries. He was very active in
preparation of the Polish educational refom starting from 1775, at high
schools and at universities. After being retired at Cracow Academy in
1797 and after some visits abroad, he leaved Cracow and go to Vilnius.
He was the rector of Alma Mater Vilnensi (1807-1815). After leaving
the rector’s chair he was retired.
The book [12]–[13] is a university textbook. It contains elements of
algebra, mainly algebra of polynomials and systems of linear eqautions
(vol. I) and analytic geometry (vol. II). In particular, he classified
curves defined in the plane by algebraical equations of two variables and
degree two. He started in his book a similar classifiacation for quadratic
surfaces. However, the classification was not finished in the book.
Note: The references below are arranged chronologically.

[1] Mag. Martini de Żórawica alias ”Martinus rex de Premislia” vocitati GEOME-
TRIAE PRACTICAE seu Artis mensurationum Tractatus. [circa 1450]. [Polish
translation as: Marcina Króla z Przemyśla GEOMETRIA PRAKTYCZNA.
wydal L.Birkenmajer. Warszawa 1895.

[2] Nicloai Copernici Torinensis De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri VI.

Norimbergae apud Ioh. Petreium, Anno M.D.XLIII.

[3] [Stanislaw Grzepski], GEOMETRIA, to iest Miernicka Nauka/po Polsku krótko

nápisána z Graeckich y Láćinskich Kśiág. [ . . . ] Teraz nowo wydaná/Roku 1566.
W Krákowie. [Geometry, that is the surveyor’s handbook.]

[4] [Jan Brożek-Ioannes Broscius] Problema geometricvm, [ . . . ] Editvm

A. M. Ioanne Broscio Curzelouień. Cracoviae. [ . . . ] Anno Domini 1611.

[5] [Maciej Glogowski] Geometria perigrinans. [circa Anno 1649]

[6] M. Iosepho Wisniowski, Questio Geometrica, De Quantitate Continua in Con-

creto [ . . . ] Pro collegio minorI [ . . . ] Publice ad Disputandum proposita [ . . .
] Cracoviae, Typis Vniversitatis, [circa Anno 1680].

[7] Stanislaw Solski, Geometra polski, to iest navka rysowania, podzialv,

przemiȩniania, y rozmierzania Lnij, Angulow, Figur, y Bryl pelnych [ . . . ]
W Krakowie M D C LXXXIII.

[8] Adalberto Tylkowski, Geometria practica, Curiosa. In tres libros divisa [ . . . ]

Posnaniae. Typis Collegij Societatis JESV. Anno 1692.
66 Witold Wiȩslaw

[9] Simon Lhuillier. Geometryá dlá Szkól Národowych. Czȩść I. W Krakowie 1780
Roku. [Tlumaczyl Andrzej Gawroński] (wyd II, 1785) Cena Zl.3.

[10] Simon Lhuillier. Geometryá dlá Szkól Národowych. Czȩść II. W Drukarni Nad-
worny J. K. Mci. Roku 1781. (wyd. II, 1785) Cena Zl.1 i gro.3 sreb.

[11] Simon Lhuillier. De Relatione mutua Capacitatis et Terminorum Figurarum, ge-

ometrice considerata: seu de maximis et minimis pars prior, elementaris. Varso-
viae 1782. Second edition: Polygonomtrie. Geneve. Paris M.DCC.LXXXIX.

[12] Jan Śniadecki. Rachunku algebraicznego TEORYA Przystosowana do Geome-

tryi Linii Krzywych [. . . ] TOM PIERWSZY Zawieraia̧cy Algebrȩ na dwie czȩści
podzielona̧. W Krakowie w Drukarni Szkoly Glównéy 1783.

[13] Jan Śniadecki. Rachunku algebraicznego TEORYA [. . . ] TOM II. w którym siȩ
przez zrównaniá nieoznaczoné tlómacza̧ wlasno’ sci linii i powierzchni krzyzych.
W Krakowie w Drukarni Szkoly Glównéy 1783.

Witold Wiȩslaw
Instytut Matematyczny
Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego
plac Grunwaldzki 2/4
50-384 Wroclaw
e-mail: [email protected]

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