IASTM Hemiparesia

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Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 24 (2014) 23892394 2389

DOI 10.3233/BME-141052
IOS Press

Inhibitory effects of instrument-assisted

neuromobilization on hyperactive
gastrocnemius in a hemiparetic stroke patient
Jeong Jae Lee, Jae Jin Lee, Do Hyun Kim and Sung (Joshua) Hyun You*
Department of Physical Therapy, Yonsei University, Wonju City, Kangwon-do,
Republic of South Korea

Abstract. An instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) technique has recently been used specifically to inhibit
hypertonic muscles and to lengthen muscle fiber shortness. However, it is unknown whether IASTM will show such
promising inhibition effects on excessive ankle plantarflexion following stroke. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
use electromyographic (EMG) analysis to determine the ability of IASTM to reduce gastrocnemius (GCM) hypertonicity and
concurrently facilitate tibialis anterior (TA) lengthening in a stroke patient. EMG activity on the patients TA and GCM was
measured before and after applying IASTM. After the intervention, the GCM was deactivated by 43%, and TA activity
increased by 150%, indicating IASTM-induced inhibition of the overactive GCM. The neuromobilization technique using
IASTM showed a promising improvement of neuromuscular imbalance between TA and GCM activations, which can
increase gait performance in a stroke case.

Keywords: Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM), Electromyography (EMG), stroke, gait

1. Introduction

Excessive ankle plantarflexion is an important hallmark locomotion impairment often associated

with a high risk of fatal falls in spastic stroke [13]. Cortical dis-inhibition occurs after cerebral
diaschisis and decreases inhibitory control over the excitatory interneurons in the spinal cord, which
transmits excitatory neuronal signals via alpha and gamma motor neurons innervating plantarflexors.
Subsequently, the excitatory neuronal impulses contribute to hypertonicity or overactivation of the
antagonist (e.g., gastrocnemius, GCM) and resulting in reciprocal inhibition of the agonist (e.g.,
tibialis anterior, TA), thereby leading to excessive ankle plantarflexion [47]. Over time, this
excessive ankle plantarflexion can result in soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligaments, fascia, and skin)
shortness and contraction during locomotion [810]. Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying
hypertonicity or over-activation of the antagonist post-stroke have not been fully elucidated, but prior
work suggests that the reduction of the hyper-activated antagonist GCM might help mitigate excessive

Corresponding author: Joshua (Sung) H. You, Department of Physical Therapy, Yonsei University, Wonju City,
Kangwon-do 220-710, Republic of South Korea. Tel.: 033-760-2476; Fax: 033-760-2496; E-mail: [email protected].

0959-2989/14/$27.50 2014 IOS Press and the authors.

This article is published with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution and Non-Commercial License.

2390 J.J. Lee et al. / Inhibitory effects of instrument-assisted neuromobilization on hyperactive GCM

plantarflexion and concurrently facilitate the underactive TA, which will improve foot clearance
during the swing phase of the gait cycle [3,1114].
Neuromobilization techniques, including hold-relax (HR), strain-counterstrain (SCS), and soft tissue
mobilization (STM), have been commonly used to improve hypertonicity and associated flexibility
[1517], but the results were variable. Moreover, the conventional manual neuromobilization
techniques are often physically demanding, which can result in tenosynovitis or other musculoskeletal
impairments among clinicians if improper biomechanics is repetitively used over time [18].
To mitigate the musculoskeletal risks, an instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
technique has recently been used because it provides superior merits to specifically inhibit the
hypertonic muscle and lengthen muscle fiber shortness [19]. An electromyographic (EMG) study
showed decreased excessive muscle activation and improved knee terminal extension movement and
strength after application of IASTM in subjects with hamstring shortness [20]. However, it is unknown
whether IASTM would produce such promising inhibition effects in excessive ankle plantarflexion
following stroke. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to use EMG analysis to determine the
effects of IASTM on GCM hypertonicity and TA facilitation in a stroke patient.

2. Methods

A 22-year-old male was admitted to a university hospital for evaluation of acute ischemic stroke in
2011. He presented with acute onset numbness and tingling of right upper and lower extremities and
mild expressive aphasia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrated a left-sided
acute hemorrhage in the middle cerebral artery territory, which involved moderate lesions along the
corticospinal tract (corona radiata, posterior limb of the internal capsule) (Figure 1). Currently, clinical
neurological tests revealed muscle weakness on the right upper and lower extremities (e.g., triceps,
TA) and hypertonicity on biceps and GCM muscles (Modified Ashworth Scale: 1+ to 2), which
affected locomotion, primarily due to neuromuscular imbalance between the overactive GCM and
underactive TA. His sensation, vision, cognitive, and mental functions were relatively intact. Ethical
approval for the study was granted by the Yonsei University Wonju Campus Human Studies

3. Procedure

Surface EMG data were collected using a WEMG-8-type (LAXTHA Inc., Daejeon, Korea). Before
electrode attachment, skin was prepared by shaving, cleaning with an alcohol prep pad, and sanding. A
pair of active electrodes was attached on the muscle zone in parallel, and a reference electrode was
attached on the patella. A pair of active electrodes with a diameter of 1.8 cm and an inter-electrode
distance of 2 cm was placed on the two muscles on the right leg: the TA and GCM. The TA electrodes
were placed on the anterior, lateral, and superior aspects of the tibia at approximately one-third the
distance between the knee and ankle. Two active electrodes were placed parallel and just lateral to the
medial shaft of the tibia, at one-quarter to one-third the distance between the knee and ankle. For the
GCM, two active electrodes were placed proximally so that one electrode was on each muscle.
Specific recordings from the lateral aspect were obtained by placing active electrodes 2 cm apart,
running parallel to the muscle fibers, just distal from the knee and 2 cm lateral to the midline [21]. The

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Fig. 1. Diagnostic brain MRI and spectroscopy. Fig. 2. Instrument-assisted neuromobilization

(IASTM technique with Dr. You STM).

EMG signals were collected at sampling rate of 1024 along with a 60- notch filter; the band-
pass filter was between 20 and 450 and was analyzed using Telescan 3.06 software.

4. Instrument-Assisted Neuromobilization (IASTM)

The participant underwent Instrument-Assisted Neuromobilization of the GCM using a soft tissue
mobilization (STM) instrument (Y1; Dr. You STM, Seed Tech Cooperation, Kyong-gi, Republic of
Korea) (Figure 2). First, the participant was positioned prone with both feet hanging over the end of
the exam table. The location of the shortness or tightness associated with hypertonicity of the GCM
fiber was identified by the Y1 stroking method. Massage lotion was applied on the target location, and
the Y1 tool was used to mobilize the short or tight muscle fiber in parallel using a stroking method in
both non-weight-bearing (prone) and weight-bearing (standing) positions. The intervention was
provided for 2 minutes in each position. Mobilization pressure was determined by the subjects
tolerance to pressure and was kept comfortable to prevent pain-induced noxious stimulation or
reflexive activation [22].

5. Results

Figure 1 presents diagnostic MRI and spectroscopy of the brain, which revealed an acute
hemorrhage in the left middle cerebral artery territory, which involved moderate lesions along the
corticospinal tract.
As illustrated in Figure 3, EMG amplitude analysis showed that prior to the intervention, the GCM
was more significantly activated than the TA during ankle dorsiflexion, suggesting abnormal
hypertonic GCM activity common in stroke. However, after the intervention, the GCM was
deactivated by 43%, and TA activation increased by 150%, indicating IASTM-induced inhibition of
the overactive GCM.

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Fig. 3. Raw EMG activity of TA (red line) and Fig. 4. EMG analysis of TA and GCM amplitudes
GCM (blue line) before (upper) and after () before and after intervention.
(bottom) intervention.

6. Discussion

The present study demonstrates compelling therapeutic effects for IASTM on GCM and TA muscle
activation and the associated motor control mechanism. The IASTM technique was useful to decrease
overactive GCM activity and reciprocally increase TA muscle activity in a stroke case. This finding
has important clinical ramifications for stroke patients with gait impairment due to hypertonic or
spastic plantarflexion [23,24].
Our EMG analysis showed that before the intervention, the ankle plantarflexor (GCM) was
overactive, even during ankle dorsiflexion movement when it should be relaxed or inhibited; the ankle
dorsiflexor should be activated. Interestingly, after 2 minutes of the neuromobilization technique,
abnormally hypertonic GCM activity was decreased by 43%, and TA activation increased by 150%,
indicating IASTM-induced reciprocal inhibition effects of the overactive GCM (Figure 4). This
finding supports Jandas notion of reciprocal inhibition of hypertonic activation of antagonist GCM
and concurrent facilitation of the agonist TA activation [25]. To date, little or no evidence validates the
effects of conventional manual neuromobilization techniques on hypertonic antagonist GCM affecting
gait performance in stroke patients. Only a few studies [19,26] have attempted to examine such
techniques. It has been reported that IASTM was beneficial for inhibition of the hypertonic muscle and
an increase in muscle fiber length in tight or shortened muscles in healthy subjects [19,26]. Recent
EMG study investigated potential inhibition effects of IASTM on overactive and shortened hamstring
muscles in 45 adults with hamstring shortness [20]. Significantly decreased hamstring muscle
activation and improved quadriceps muscle activation were associated with terminal knee extension
angle following the application of IASTM [20].

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In this study, the IASTM neuromobilization technique showed a promising improvement of

neuromuscular imbalance between TA and GCM activations in a stroke case. IASTM could be used as
an alternative technique to alleviate the physical demands and associated common musculoskeletal
impairments of among manual therapists when manual techniques with improper biomechanics are
repetitively used over time [18].
Future studies should examine the long-term inhibition effects of IASTM in stroke patients with a
larger sample size.


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