(2003) Improving Torque Output of Stroke Patients With Assitive Torque Controlled by EMG Signals

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Hang-Shing Cheng Improving Elbow Torque Output of

Department of Mechanical Engineering

National Cheng Kung University
Tainan, Taiwan 701
Stroke Patients with Assistive
Phone: ⫹886-6-2757575, ext. 62263
Fax: ⫹886-6-2352973
e-mail: [email protected]
Torque Controlled by EMG Signals
This paper develops an assistive torque system which uses homogenic surface electromyo-
Ming-Shaung Ju* gram (EMG) signals to improve the elbow torque capability of stroke patients by applying
Department of Mechanical Engineering an external time-varying assistive torque. In determining the magnitude of the torque to
National Cheng Kung University apply, the incorporated assistive torque algorithm considers the difference between the
Tainan, Taiwan 701 weighted biceps and triceps EMG signals such that the applied torque is proportional to
Phone: ⫹886-6-2757575, ext. 62163 the effort supplied voluntarily by the user. The overall stability of the assistive system is
Fax: ⫹886-6-2352973 enhanced by the incorporation of a nonlinear damping element within the control algo-
e-mail: [email protected] rithm which mimics the physiological damping of the elbow joint and the co-contraction
between the biceps and triceps. Adaptive filtering of the control signal is employed to
Chou-Ching K. Lin achieve a balance between the bandwidth and the system adaptability so as to ensure a
Department of Neurology smooth assistive torque output. The innovative control algorithm enables the provision of
University Hospital an assistive system whose operation is both natural to use and simple to learn. The
National Cheng Kung University effectiveness of the proposed assistive system in assisting elbow movement performance is
Tainan, Taiwan 701 investigated in a series of tests involving five stroke patients and five able-bodied indi-
Phone: ⫹886-6-2353535, ext. 2692 viduals. The results confirm the ability of the system to assist all of the subjects in
e-mail: [email protected] performing a number of reaching and tracking tasks with reduced effort and with no
sacrifice in elbow movement performance. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1634284兴

Introduction dictable situations such as when the patient performed motion

under loading or with disturbances. Kiguchi et al. 关7兴 developed
Hemiparesis is a common deficit which causes stroke patients
an exoskeletal robotic system incorporating a fuzzy-neuro control
to be less efficient in lifting and supporting loads in the affected
algorithm which collected surface EMG signals to estimate the
side. Conventionally, a physical rehabilitation approach is adopted
degree of elbow torque required. The results of this study demon-
to improve the muscle strength of patients with milder deficits,
strated the effectiveness of the proposed system in facilitating a
while functional electrical stimulation offers promise for patients
wide range of elbow motion.
with more severe deficits 关1–3兴. However, it has been observed
When using surface EMG signals to control the assistive
that the results of rehabilitation are often less than satisfactory for
torque, the method adopted to estimate the torque information
patients with moderate to severe deficits. Accordingly, researchers
from the collected EMG signals is an important consideration. It
have developed a variety of mechanical systems capable of in- has been shown previously that surface EMG evaluation involves
creasing elbow torque as a means of assisting patients who are a complex nonlinear function of numerous physiological and ex-
unable to regain adequate muscle force after rehabilitation. perimental factors 关8兴, including the number and spatial distribu-
Reinkensmeyer et al. 关4,5兴 proposed the use of an assistive me- tion of muscle fibers and motor units, the length of the muscle
chanical guide for brain-injured individuals to improve the active fibers, the contraction velocity, the location of the sensing elec-
range of their arm motion and to compensate for the passive prop- trodes, etc. Researchers have developed a variety of processing
erties of the arm, including gravitational load and passive tissue methods for EMG feature evaluation which permit the measured
stiffness. The results of this study demonstrated the effectiveness EMG signals to be related to the muscle force for a single muscle
of the proposed counterpoise assistance in increasing the active 关9–11兴.
range of arm motion, but revealed that the mechanical guide did The control algorithm adopted in the present study is simplified
not enable the users to move through the full range of passive by the assumption that the voluntary elbow torque can be deter-
motion. Furthermore, since the system was designed to compen- mined solely from the elbow angle and the dynamic EMG signals
sate for the passive load of the arm, rather than to improve muscle of the biceps and triceps. Therefore, the ratios of the unilateral
strength, it was found that individuals were unable to generate EMG signals to the elbow torque under isometric contraction at
sufficient muscle force when the arm was extended beyond a cer- various elbow angles and torque levels are calculated, and the
tain range. Cozens 关6兴 employed a servomotor to apply a velocity- applied assistive torque is proportional to the difference between
dependent assistive torque to the elbow of stroke patients. When the weighted EMG signals of the biceps and triceps.
the velocity of the patient’s motion was less than a predetermined Since the frequency content of a surface EMG signal is consid-
threshold, the servomotor applied an increasing torque until either erably higher than that of human movement and is of a broader
the torque or the velocity reached a preset limit, at which point the bandwidth, it is necessary to process the raw EMG data in order to
torque was gradually reduced. Testing of this robotic assistance generate a lower frequency signal for the assistive device control
technique confirmed that patients were able to perform a large system. Various methods have been proposed for deriving control
range of extension-flexion movements. However, it was noted that signals from the measured surface EMG signals. These methods
the assistive torque approach failed to adapt adequately to unpre- include taking the integral of the average rectified value, and vari-
ance and autoregressive models 关11兴. However, the low-pass fil-
*Corresponding author tering which results from these methods prevents the system from
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF
BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Divi-
performing rapid movements. Accordingly, past studies generally
sion September 27, 2002; revision received June 25, 2003. Associate Editor: only employed EMG signals for switch control purposes or as a
K. Vaughan. means of identifying the direction of movement 关1,2,12兴. In order

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Copyright © 2003 by ASME DECEMBER 2003, Vol. 125 Õ 881

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where j is an integer representing the number of the processed
EMG signal, n is the number of samples in the moving window
共100 msec兲 used for evaluating the EMG feature, and m is the
original sampled EMG signal.
The processed EMG signal can then be normalized as follows:
w j ⫺w rel
M j⫽ (2)
w rel
where w rel is the processed EMG signal in the muscle-relaxed
state, and M j is the normalized EMG signal. From this expression,
it can be seen that subtracting w rel from w j causes M j to tend
toward zero when the muscle is in the relaxed state.
As shown in Eq. 共3兲 below, the assistive torque was estimated
on the basis of the difference between the weighted EMG signals
measured at the biceps and triceps. Since the direction of the
subject’s voluntary exertion is indicated by the sign of the differ-
ence, it is possible to apply the torque to the elbow in such a way
that it is always in the ‘‘assistive’’ direction, i.e., it always rein-
forces the subject’s voluntary effort. Although the difference be-
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. The EMG tween the weighted EMG signals provides an approximation of
signals of the triceps and biceps and the elbow angle are mea- the net torque acting on the joint as a result of the subject’s effort,
sured to generate the torque command. Meanwhile, the subject it ignores the joint stiffness considerations arising from co-
is requested to support the applied load and to follow the pre- contraction. Therefore, in order to reflect various degrees of joint
defined trajectory displayed on the monitor. stiffness, a nonlinear damping term was added to the control com-
mand as a function of the summation of the biceps and triceps
EMG signals and a one-third power of the elbow angular velocity
to permit the use of EMG signals for the proportional control of 关13兴. From the form of this function, it can be seen that the physi-
the manipulator, the present study incorporates an adaptive low- ological damping of the elbow joint is mimicked by modeling a
pass filter which performs an automatic tuning of the EMG signal damping effect which is relatively larger for lower velocities of
bandwidth. motion and for larger co-contractions. Accordingly, the total esti-
The intention of this present study is to develop a control sys- mated torque output (T r ) of the system is expressed in terms of
tem which provides an assistive torque to the elbow joint whose the difference between the weighted EMG signals of the triceps
magnitude is proportional to the processed homogenic EMG sig- and biceps and the additional nonlinear damping effect term, i.e.:
nals of the biceps and triceps. The proposed assistive system aims
to improve the elbow torque capability of stoke patients without
sacrificing elbow movement performance. The study assesses the
performance of the developed assistive system against two design

T r ⫽G K t M t ⫺K b M b ⫺C 0 共 M t2 ⫹M 2b 兲 1/2 冉 冊冊

objectives, namely its ability to reduce the voluntary effort re- where G and C 0 are constants, K t and K b are the gains of the
quired to support loading, and the requirement that the tracking processed triceps and biceps EMG signals, respectively, M t and
movement when using the assistive device should be at least as M b are the triceps and biceps EMG signals, respectively, and ␪ is
accurate and smooth as the performance when the system is not the joint angle.
used for stroke patients and able-bodied users alike. The constant G is used to adjust the magnitude of the assistive
torque relative to the voluntary torque generated at the elbow by
Methods the subject. Meanwhile, the constant C 0 is used to adjust the con-
tribution of the nonlinear damping, and the gains, K t and K b , are
Experimental Setup. Figure 1 presents the experimental determined from measured data of the elbow angle and the EMG
setup adopted in the present investigation, in which a servomotor- level. These gains are estimated under isometric contraction at
driven manipulator provides an assistive torque to the subject’s four joint angles 共i.e., 65, 90, 115, and 140 deg, where full elbow
elbow in order to help him or her support a predetermined load. A extension is taken to be 180 deg兲 and three torque levels 共i.e.,
torque sensor is located between the motor and the elbow holder, 16.7%, 33.3%, and 50% of maximum voluntary torque兲 in both
and a weight is suspended around a disk of radius 25 cm to pro- the flexion and the extension directions. The values of the gains
vide the loading effects during the reaching and tracking experi- are calculated as the ratios of the elbow torque to the processed
ments. Since the elbow torque capability varies from subject to EMG signal of the agonist. For example, the value of K t at 90 deg
subject, the load was specified to be approximately 40% of the with a 50% torque level is calculated as the ratio of the measured
minimum of the maximum voluntary elbow torque under flexion elbow torque to the processed triceps EMG when the subject is
and extension for each particular subject. The monitor shown in requested to support a load corresponding to approximately 50%
Fig. 1 was used to provide visual feedback during the reaching of the maximum voluntary torque in the extension direction. In-
and tracking experiments when the subjects were requested to terpolation and extrapolation techniques were utilized to derive
trace a preset trajectory. appropriate gain values for system control purposes at arbitrary
EMG Processing. The EMG signals of the biceps and triceps torque levels and angles in the reaching and tracking experiments.
brachii were measured using standard Ag-AgCl surface cup elec- Since the proposed system uses a servomotor to apply the as-
trodes. Prior to sampling, the signals were amplified with a gain of sistive torque to the elbow, rapid changes in the applied torque
10,000 and low-pass filtered in 300 Hz. The signals were all might cause the subject to experience operating difficulties. There-
sampled at 500 Hz/channel, band-passed in 10 and 200 Hz and fore, an adaptive filter was employed to reduce the rate of change
then calculated using the formula proposed previously by Hogan of the torque. The torque output of the system, T r , was low-pass
and Mann 关9兴, i.e. filtered with this adaptive filter 关14兴 to obtain T c j , i.e.:

w j⫽ 冋冉 1
n 兺

m (2j⫺1)n⫹i 冊册
1/2 4/3

(1) zj
T c j ⫺T c j⫺1
⫹T c j ⫽T r j (4)

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Table 1 Details of 10 test subjects

Maximum torque 共Nm兲

Dominant side External load
Subject* 共affected side兲 Extensor Flexor 共Nm兲 Sex Age
AB1 L 23.01 32.32 8.9 male 24
AB 2 R 15.65 21.45 6.12 female 25
AB 3 R 23.22 30.64 8.9 male 23
AB 4 R 28.08 42.82 11.12 male 24
AB 5 R 29.4 45.23 11.68 male 24
S1 R 25.69 29 10.01 male 49
S2 R 11.62 17.24 4.45 male 45
S3 R 9.17 12.57 3.89 male 57
S4 R 25.83 28.72 10.01 male 48
S5 R 14.06 15.69 5.56 male 70

*AB 1⬃AB 5: able-bodied subjects; S1⬃S5: stroke subjects

where S is the sampling period, T c j is the jth output of the low- was set at 100%, which implied that the torque applied by the
pass filter which is provided to the servomotor as a control com- manipulator was approximately equal to the voluntary torque sup-
mand, and z j is a variable time constant adjusted in accordance plied by the subject. The Integrated EMG magnitude 共IEMG兲 and
with the following expression: Mean Path Length 共MPL兲 were utilized as performance indicators

冏 冏 ⫺ 2/3
throughout these experiments. The IEMG indicator, which was
共 p j ⫺p j⫺1 兲 /S
z j⫽␤ (5)
where ␤ is a constant, and p j is the output of T r j which then
passes through a second order low-pass filter 共cutoff frequency
⫽2.5 Hz). The function of the adaptive filter is to perform an
appropriate tuning of the cutoff frequency given in Eq. 共4兲 so as to
maintain a rapid response at the onset of movement and to
dampen the oscillation of the control signal in order to maintain a
stable condition. As the value of ␤ increases, the time constant
increases and the cut-off frequency decreases. In the current study,
␤ was specified as being equal to 1, which allowed the cutoff
frequency to vary within the range of 0.25 and 2.5 Hz when the
absolute value in Eq. 共4兲 varied from 0.125 to 5 关14兴.
Experimental Procedures. In order to demonstrate the feasi-
bility and effectiveness of the proposed assistive system, the Bio-
ethics Board of National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, ROC,
authorized the recruitment of five able-bodied subjects and five
stroke patients to participate in a series of experimental studies.
Table 1 presents the relevant data pertaining to each of these ten
individuals. It is noted that the stroke patients were all male, aged
between 45 and 70 years old, and with their right sides affected. Fig. 2 The subject lies on a bed with his forearm strapped to
As shown in Fig. 2, during the experiments, the subjects lay in the manipulator and attempts to match the trajectory displayed
a supine position with their forearm attached to the manipulator on the monitor. The weight hanging on the disk provides the
by means of an elastic strap. Before the main reaching and track- load during movement. „S: monitor, M: DC torque motor, D:
ing experiments were conducted, isometric contraction measure- disk, W: weight…
ments were performed to estimate the gain mapping functions (K t
and K b ). Individual maps of the gains K t and K b were plotted as
functions of the EMG signals and the joint angle using interpola-
tion and extrapolation techniques. Figure 3 presents the example
of the map derived for K t . Meanwhile, Table 2 provides the full
set of triceps and biceps gains and processed EMG signals for
subject S1 over a range of elbow angles at different degrees of
voluntary torque.
The current study performed two basic experiments, namely
reaching and tracking. During each of these experiments, a moni-
tor was used to display both the required and the actual elbow
movement trajectories to the subject. The reaching experiments
were only performed by the able-bodied subjects, and were de-
signed to investigate the effects of nonlinear damping and adap-
tive filtering on the system stability. In this series of experiments,
the subjects followed the predefined trajectory presented on the
monitor by performing a step-up movement within a range of 60
deg with a preset load, and then maintaining the elbow at the
terminal angle for 5 s. As stated previously, the load was specified Fig. 3 An example of the map produced to show the relation-
as approximately 40% of the individual’s maximum voluntary ship between K t , the EMG signal of the triceps, and the elbow
torque capability. The gain constant (G) of the assistive torque angle.

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Table 2 Values of K t , K b , M t , and M b for test subject S1

Percentage of Triceps Biceps

voluntary torque Elbow angle* Kt† Mt‡ Kb Mb

16.7% 65 deg 3.86 1.07 1.63 2.42

90 deg 3.35 1.28 2.03 2.19
115 deg 2.8 1.46 3.68 1.16
140 deg 2.5 1.72 1.83 2.25
33.3% 65 deg 3.81 2.24 2.13 3.74
90 deg 3.8 2.24 2.59 3.21
115 deg 3.62 2.32 3.11 2.78
140 deg 3.49 2.38 2.97 2.8
50% 65 deg 2.57 4.55 1.7 6.91
90 deg 3.12 3.84 2.24 5.52
115 deg 3.46 3.67 2.38 5.23
140 deg 3.55 3.41 2.16 5.87

*Full elbow extension as 180 deg

Unit: Nm

The processed, normalized EMG 共dimensionless兲

calculated by summing the processed EMG signals and then di- dition for statistical analysis purposes 共the Mann-Whitney test,
viding by the movement time 共5 s兲, was taken to represent the ␣ ⫽0.1). In the tracking experiments, the Root Mean Squared
voluntary exertion, while the MPL indicator was used to estimate error 共RMS error兲 and the Integration of Square of Jerk 共ISJ兲
the smoothness of the movement, and was calculated as the ratio measures were adopted as performance indicators of the tracking
of the total path length of the angle trajectory to the movement accuracy and the smoothness of movement, respectively. In these
time. Having completed the reaching experiments for the five us- measures, the RMS represents the difference between the actual
ers, the results were evaluated and a set of parameters 共i.e., C 0 elbow trajectory and the required trajectory, while the jerk re-
⫽0.2 and ␤ ⫽2) was established for the subsequent tracking ex- ferred to within the ISJ measure was the third differential of the
periments. angle.
The aim of the tracking experiments was to investigate the per-
formance of the assistive system. Each subject was requested to Results
move his or her forearm to match the trajectory displayed on the
monitor while supporting a preset load. As shown in Fig. 4, the Since this was the subjects’ first experience of using an assistive
predefined trajectory consisted of a ramp-up stage, followed by a torque device to manipulate a load, most of them were initially
hold stage and then a subsequent ramp-down movement. This unable to operate the system very well. Generally, they tended to
series of movements was designed specifically to verify the func- exert an excessive force, and the corresponding trajectory of
tion of the assistive system under both concentric and eccentric movement oscillated as they then attempted to exert an opposing
contractions. As in the reaching experiments, the range of move- force to regain the correct trajectory. Sensing that the subject was
ments considered in this series of experiments was set to be 60 applying an opposing force, the servomotor also supplied an as-
deg. Furthermore, the ramp-up movement was conducted at a sistive torque in the same direction, which further exacerbated the
speed of 20 deg per second, while a slower speed of 10 deg per problem. However, after performing three practice trials, it was
second was adopted for the ramp-down movement. As before, the found that all of the subjects were able to master the use of the
supported load corresponded to approximately 40% of the sub- device, and could proceed to the experimental trials.
ject’s maximum voluntary torque capability, and the assistive Reaching Experiments. Figure 5 presents the agonist IEMG
torque gain was set at 100% for all subjects. Tests were also results of the able-bodied subjects with and without the assistive
performed using a gain of 150%. However, these tests were only torque 共i.e., G⫽0% and G⫽100%, respectively兲. It is noted that
performed by the able-bodied subjects since a gain of this magni- the results on the left of the figure relate to movements in the
tude implies that the torque applied by the servomotor was greater flexion direction, while those on the right relate to movements in
than that supplied voluntarily by the subject, and this situation the extension direction. It can be seen that the application of an
proved difficult for the stroke subjects to control very well. assistive torque decreases the value of IEMG significantly (p
The reaching and tracking experiments were performed with ⬍0.1) in all cases other than the extension movements of subject
the load applied in both the flexion and the extension directions. AB1. Furthermore, during the experimental trials, when the assis-
The experiments were repeated six times under each testing con-

Fig. 4 The predefined trajectory in the tracking experiment. It Fig. 5 The agonist IEMG of able-bodied subjects during the
is noted that the trajectory comprises a series of elbow move- reaching experiment with assistive device activated „ G
ments including lifting a weight at a constant speed until the Ä100%… and with no applied assistance „ G Ä0…. It is noted that
target position is attained, and then holding the weight for a the results on the left of the figure relate to movements in the
specified period of time before lowering the weight at a slower flexion direction, while those on the right relate to the exten-
speed and then holding it in position until the end of the trial. sion direction.

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Fig. 7 The results of stroke patient S3 in the tracking experi-
ment: „a… without assistive torque, and „b… with assisting
torque. In the upper plots, the solid lines present the mean
values of the six trials, while the dotted lines indicate the range
of one standard deviation. Meanwhile, the dashed lines present
the desired trajectory. During these experiments, the subject
moved the forearm in the extension direction during the
ramp-up segment and then supported the load in the flexion

Fig. 6 The effects of various parameter sets on the agonist

IEMG „the upper plots… and the MPL „the lower plots…. The two triceps and biceps. It is noted that both sets of plots represent the
plots on the left provide the results when the parameter of the average results of the six trials, and that the dotted lines in the
adaptive filter, ␤, is set to 1 in order to test the performance of upper plots indicate the range of one standard deviation. A com-
the nonlinear damping under various conditions, including no
assistive torque, and C 0 Ä0, 0.2, and 0.4. The two plots on the
parison of the two figures reveals that the amplitude of the agonist
right present the results when the damping of the adaptive fil- EMG signal is decreased when the assistive device is activated,
ter, C 0 , is set to 0 to test the performance of the adaptive filter but that there is no significant difference in the antagonist EMG
under various conditions, including no assistive torque, and signal. Furthermore, it is noted that these is a delay at the begin-
␤ Ä1, 2, and 4. ning of both the ramp-up and the ramp-down segments. Compar-
ing the upper plots in Fig. 7, it is noted that the standard deviation
is smaller during the ramp-up segment of Fig. 7(b), which indi-
cates that the subject moved his forearm more stably when the
tive system was active, the subjects provided subjective comments assistive torque was applied. In the ramp-down segment, it is ob-
relating to the need to expend less effort in supporting the load. served that the movement of the forearm is smooth even though a
Figure 6 indicates the effects of changing two parameters relat- significant tracking error exists.
ing to nonlinear damping and adaptive filtering 共i.e., C 0 and ␤, Figure 8 presents a summary of the RMS errors, and the ISJ
respectively兲 on the agonist IEMG and MPL. It is noted that each and IEMG results of the agonist and antagonist in both directions
of the sub-figures also indicates the IEMG and MPL results when of movement for the ten test subjects. For all the subjects, the
the assistive device is not activated. As shown in the upper sub- results show that the agonist IEMG value with a 100% assistive
plots of Fig. 6, the agonist IEMG is reduced in all cases when the torque is significantly smaller than the IEMG value when the as-
assistive device is employed. Conversely, from the lower sub- sistive torque is not applied. It is observed that there is no signifi-
plots, it can be seen that there is a significant increase in the MPL cant difference in the RMS error and the ISJ results for applied
when the assistive device is activated with parameters of C 0 ⫽0 assistive torque gains of 0% and 100% in the case of the able-
and ␤ ⫽1. From the previous definition of MPL, it is clear that an bodied subjects. However, a gain of 150% applied to the assistive
increased MPL value implies a poorer movement performance, torque results in a clear deterioration of the movement perfor-
i.e., it suggests that a large angular displacement of the elbow is mance, as indicated by the increased RSM error and ISJ value.
required to complete the reaching trial. Therefore, the results sug- Regarding the stroke subjects, it is noted that the assistive system
gest that the proposed assistive system is ineffective in the case
where no damping effect is applied and ␤ is specified as 1. How-
ever, it can be seen that as the damping effect is increased, the
value of MPL falls. This implies that the subjects completed the
reaching tasks with less effort and with a smaller angular displace-
ment. Similarly, the results indicate that increasing ␤ also reduces
the value of MPL. However, comparing the MPL results with
those of the IEMG reveals that the improvement in smoothness of
motion is paid for at the expense of an increased voluntary effort
共i.e., the value of the IEMG rises as ␤ is increased from 1 to 4兲.
On the basis of the results presented in Fig. 6, compromise values
of the two parameters were chosen for the tracking experiments,
i.e., C 0 ⫽0.2 and ␤ ⫽2.
Tracking Experiments. Figures 7(a) and 7(b) present the
tracking results of a representative stroke subject, S3, as he moves
his forearm in the extension direction during the ramp-up segment
and then supports the load in the flexion direction. Note that Fig.
Fig. 8 Summary of results for RMS error, ISJ and IEMG of ago-
7(a) presents the results for the case where the assistive torque is nist and antagonist for: „a… able-bodied subjects with no assis-
not applied, while Fig. 7(b) provides the corresponding results tive torque and for torque gains of 100% and with 150%, and „b…
when the device is activated. The upper plots within each figure stroke subjects with no assistive torque and with a torque gain
show the required and actual trajectories of the elbow movement. of 100%. Each bar indicates the average of each of these mea-
Meanwhile, the lower plots depict the raw EMG signals of the surements for all test subjects and for all trials.

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tends to reduce the average RMS error, but has little effect upon Conclusion
the ISJ results. Finally, the results show that the antagonist IEMG
The current study has developed a system to provide an assis-
increases in both the able-bodied and the stroke subjects as the
tive torque to a patient’s elbow which is proportional to the dif-
assistive torque is increased.
ference of the weighted EMG signals of the patient’s biceps and
Discussion triceps. The experimental results have confirmed the effectiveness
of the proposed system in developing a large apparent torque at
The current study uses the static EMG signals to construct the the elbow joint if system stability can be achieved and if the
gain (K t and K b ) maps. Although there is evidence to suggest that patient is allowed sufficient practice time. A series of reaching
the static and dynamic EMG signals may be different, the tracking experiments have been performed in order to determine the opti-
movements adopted during the experimental studies are relatively mum values of the nonlinear damping and adaptive filter param-
slow, i.e., 20 deg/s, and consequently, the dynamic influence is eters. Using these parameter values, tracking experiments have
comparatively small. The results have indicated that the specified confirmed that the proposed assistive torque system can increase
velocity is sufficient to improve the elbow capacities of stroke the elbow torque output by 100% without impairing movement
patients 共i.e., Fig. 7 indicates that the stroke subject accomplished performance. Hence, the system enables stroke patients suffering
the tracking movement with less effort兲. However, it is acknowl- from muscle weakness to move heavier objects or to exert force
edged that the performance of the proposed control algorithm with more efficiently. It is the intention of the current authors to extend
higher velocity movements requires further study. the performance of the proposed system to applied assistive
The results of the reaching experiment show that the assistive torques in excess of 100% of the voluntary torque in a future
system reduces the exertion significantly, but, as shown in Fig. 6, research study.
it is clear that increasing the damping effect and decreasing the
bandwidth of the adaptive filter results in an increased agonist
IEMG. Nevertheless, the appropriate choice of damping and adap-
tive filter parameters can increase the stability of the system, such Acknowledgments
that at the very least, the performance when using the assistive
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided to this
device can match the performance achieved with no applied
study by the ROC National Health Research Institute and by Tai-
torque. In the current experiments, the minimum value of ␤ was
wan’s NSC under contract numbers NHRI-EX90-9017EP and
specified as 1 since individuals were unable to operate the system
NSC 90-2213-E-006-070, respectively.
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