English 100 TTH 2 Fall 17 Syllabus
English 100 TTH 2 Fall 17 Syllabus
English 100 TTH 2 Fall 17 Syllabus
English 100
FALL 2017
Inside this issue youll find information that will be valuable for you
to gain the knowledge and skills you need from this English 100
class. Be sure to read it carefully, and consult it throughout the
semester. Remember that the information is subject to change, so
you must keep up with any changes by coming to class regularly
and staying in touch with your classmates and me. The syllabus
begins with the best ways to stay in touch with memy email ad- CLASS INFORMATION
dress, office phone number, office location and visiting hours: Section: 13417
Class Days and Time:
TTh 1:00-3:05 PM
Course Description - English 100 prepares students for academic read-
ing, critical thinking, and writing expected in transfer and associate- Classroom: GC 150
degree classes. Students plan, draft, revise, and edit compositions based Class Website: Canvas
on college-level readings that cover topics that challenge students' think-
ing and provide an intellectual background for the assignments. This
course prepares students for English 101. CONTACT ME!
Instructor: L. Tejada
Syllabus - This syllabus contains our schedule of assignments, so bring it
with you every day to class. To succeed in this class, you must consult Office and Visiting Hours:
this syllabus regularly. The syllabus is also available on our Canvas site. GC 280K
M/W 1:00-3:00
T 4:00-5:00 / Th 4:00-4:30
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 310.287.4254
English 100 Student Learning Outcomes
At end of the course, the successful student will be able to compose and support
an explicit thesis statement by citing evidence in a multi-paragraph essay.
At end of the course, the successful student will be able to quote, paraphrase and
summarize texts effectively in written compositions
Instructor Responsibilities
Be on time to class and dismiss class on Expect you to succeed
Be available during regular office visiting
Create a safe learning environment hours
Multiplication is for White
People: Raising Expectations Daily Journals: It is important to get focused and ready to start class. To help facilitate this, you will have
for Other Peoples Children the opportunity to practice your writing in your journal at the beginning of each class period. I will be read-
Lisa Delpit ing these periodically, so make sure you have substantial and thoughtful responses. I will give general top-
ics, and you should feel comfortable to explore your ideas without worrying too much about grammatical
Between the World and Me errors. The more you practice writing, the better your writing will become.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Reading Assignments: Reading assignments should be completed by the due date on the syllabus. Com-
Bright (red, pink, green, etc) pleting each reading assignment should take several hours, so plan accordingly. Being prepared for class
colored pen for revising includes keeping up with the reading assignments and coming to class prepared to discuss them.
Loose-leaf paper and blue/ Talking to the Text (TttT): You will be assigned material to read for every class meeting. We will practice
black pens a strategy to develop your college reading skills called Talking to the Text. This will include identifying
Stapler and looking up unfamiliar words, asking yourself questions, making predictions, and making connections
about the text, identifying golden lines (one or two from each reading), thinking about challenging pas-
At least two different col- sages, and checking your comprehension. To earn points for this, you will submit photos of these required
ored highlighters notes in your books.
Three large green books Essays: All essays written outside of the classroom must be typed. If you do not have a computer at
from the WLAC bookstore or
home, do not panic! There are computer labs in several locations on campus, most notably in the library.
the ASO Office (free for ASO
When you turn in a take-home essay, you must turn in all prewriting, drafts, and peer reviews as well.
Please staple your work together in the top left corner and include the following items in this order, top to
bottom: final draft, rough draft with peer reviews, prewriting.
Drafts: We will be writing multiple drafts of all take-home essays. In order to be eligible to be turned in
for credit with the final version of the essay, the drafts must be present in class on the day that they are
due. You will receive a lot of guidance revising your drafts in class, but this can only work if you bring
them with you to class. Failure to do so will result in a 10% deduction to your final essay grade.
In-Class Essays: You will complete two timed, in-class essays. You must be present for these in-class
writing assignments to demonstrate your off the cuff writing skills.
Writing Center Session: You are also required to visit the Writing Center at least once this semester. The
Writing Center offers free tutoring that will support you in doing well on your assignments.
Office Visit and SI Session: You will earn points for visiting me in my office and for attending one SI ses-
sion at least one time during the semester by the 14th week or ___________.
Essay Prep Quizzes: For each reading unit, you will have an in-class writing assignment that requires you
to apply what you read to your own experience. These quizzes will help you draw connections between
the readings, and they will prepare you for the formal essays.
Portfolio: At the end of the semester, you will submit revised versions of one synthesis quiz and two
essays. You will also write an in-class essay where you will have the opportunity to reflect on your learn-
Other Resources
The Writing Lab: On the bottom
floor of Wests HLRC (Library build-
ing), you will find the Writing Lab.
The lab provides complimentary
tutoring for West students. You
can reach the lab by phone at (310)
287-4420. Check out the labs web
site: http://www.wlac.edu/library/
Please take advantage of this ser-
You will be dropped from the class if you do not attend the second class session.
If you miss two consecutive days without notification, you may be dropped.
Please avoid being late to class. Lateness of 5 minutes or more will be counted as a tardy;
if you are tardy twice, you will earn one absence on your
If you are absent for THREE class meetings, you are at risk
of being dropped from the course.
If you stop attending, you are responsible for dropping the class to avoid receiving an F
in the course.
Academic Integrity
You probably know that plagiarism is presenting someone elses work as your
own. If someone else is doing your assignments, if you are copying and
pasting someone elses work from the Internet, or if you are copying a class-
mates work, then you are not learning or improving your writing. The pur-
pose of this class is to make mistakes, learn from them, and improve your
reading and writing skills. You cant do that if you plagiarize, so dont do it. If
you turn in an assignment that contains plagiarism or cheat on a test or as-
signment, that assignment will earn 0 credit, and you will be reported to the
Dean of Support Services.
Preferred method of contact: text call email Preferred method of contact: text call email
_______________________________________ ____________________________________________
NOTE - Syllabus and Schedule Changes: Instructors try to make their syllabuses as
complete as possible; however, during the course of the semester they may be required to al-
ter, add, or abandon certain policies/assignments. Instructors reserve the right to make such
changes as they become necessary. Students will be informed of any changes in writing.
Important Dates