Tiedemann, WRIT 1122, Winter 2023, Syllabus
Tiedemann, WRIT 1122, Winter 2023, Syllabus
Tiedemann, WRIT 1122, Winter 2023, Syllabus
Some of our time will be spent discussing assigned readings and viewings, but most of it will be
devoted to drafting and revising a series of short pieces based upon what the Greeks called the
progymnasmata: i.e., writing exercises designed to give practice in the argumentative, storytelling,
and other writerly skills needed to participate effectively in public discourses. Students will practice
adapting old tales for new audiences, turning news stories into gripping fictions, applying universal
principles to particular situations, taking stances on public debates, painting vivid pictures in words,
and more.
You’ll draft and revise one these writing exercises each week, more or less, selecting from among six
drafts the four that you’ll submit for a grade. You’ll also help one another to develop your work,
providing suggestions for revision to your peers. And you’ll meet individually with me to discuss what
you’ve been writing and revising. At the midpoint and again at the end of the course, you’ll write a
reflection upon the work you’ve done, thus demonstrating and consolidating what you’ve learned.
Copies of (or links to) all assignments, readings and viewings will be posted on Canvas. But your own
texts are the central element of this class — so please bring your laptop to every class meeting.
• Goals
The goal of WRIT 1122 is to teach you strategies vital to writing across a variety of different situations,
both in school and outside it. You’ll be introduced to fundamental principles of rhetorical theory and
practice and to methods for generating, revising, and repurposing texts. You’ll receive sustained
practice in writing, with feedback from me and your peers, resulting in several revised and polished
texts by quarter’s end.
Thinking and composing well take practice, practice, and more practice. So we’ll typically spend at
least half of our time in the classroom writing. The writing may involve responding to a prompt, revising
something you’ve already started, or helping each other to brainstorm or revise in small groups.
In order to hit the ground running in the classroom, you’ll need to prepare beforehand, So expect to
spend approximately four or more hours each week writing, reading, and viewing outside of class; to
turn in writing before class begins; and to start by taking a brief quiz.
Finally, although we’ll meet on Zoom for (required) one-on-one conferences and (optional) weekly
Zoom study halls, our class meeting are designed to take place in person. You cannot zoom in to class.
If you’re going to be absent for an extended period, message me on Canvas so we can discuss it.
Ø In-class participation: You’ll participate in class in all sorts of ways: sometimes by talking with your
classmates and me about texts and ideas; sometimes by responding to your classmates’ writing;
sometimes by drafting and revising writing of your own. Students who take part in class activities
thoughtfully, helpfully, and energetically will receive 10 points each class, A student will receive no
points if they fail to attend class, if they distract their classmates, or if they waste valuable class
time by checking email, Facebook, etc., or otherwise disengaging.
• Attendance
As the above indicates, there are no “excused” absences from class. If you miss class, you will not
receive credit for class discussion for that day (though you can still receive credit for preparing by
posting homework on time).
• Late Work
Assignments are due when they are due. Late drafts will not receive feedback from me and they
won’t receive prepration credit.
• Civility and Tolerance
The Writing Program affirms DU’s Code of Student Conduct (http://www.du.edu/ccs/code.html),
which in part “expects students to recognize the strength of personal differences while respecting
institutional values.” Because writing courses rely heavily on interactions between all members of the
class, students and faculty must act in a manner respectful of different positions and perspectives. A
student who behaves in an uncivil or intolerant manner will be asked to stop and/or formally repri-
manded and/or subject to action by the Office of Student Conduct. Becoming educated requires
encountering new ideas and information, some of which may conflict with an individual’s existing
knowledge or perspectives. I expect students to engage such materials thoughtfully, in ways that
reflect the values and mission of the University of Denver.
• Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Writing Program will provide reasonable accommodations to every student who has a disability
that has been documented by The University of Denver Disability Services Program
(http://www.du.edu/studentlife/disability/ or 303.871.2455).
• Plagiarism
The Writing Program follows the Council of Writing Program Administrators policy “Defining and Avoid-
ing Plagiarism,” which states, “In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately
uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without
acknowledging its source” (http://wpacouncil.org/node/9). DU’s Honor Code also maintains that all
members of the University must responsibly use the work of others. Students who have plagiarized a
project will receive an F on that project, and I will inform the Executive Director of Writing and the Office
of Student Conduct, which may take further action. Any documented acts of plagiarism after the first
may be subject to more severe actions.
• Technology in the classroom
Obviously, you’ll need your laptop for class, whether online or in person. But you are only to use it to
work — so no surfing the web, no email, no social media, etc. You are also not permitted to record
class in any way. And, before class starts, you are to turn off your phone, put it away, and leave it there.
I won’t be reminding students to observe these rules. If a student breaks them, I’ll simply deduct their
participation points for the day. If a student breaks them repeatedly, we’ll need to discuss whether
they are better off taking the class at a later date.
In addition to grades for exercises, you will also receive a grade for your final reflective essay, for
participation, and for the work you do to prepare for required conferences with me. Here’s the