Antony Cooke Auth. Astronomy and The Climate Crisis
Antony Cooke Auth. Astronomy and The Climate Crisis
Antony Cooke Auth. Astronomy and The Climate Crisis
Astronomy and
the Climate Crisis
Antony Cooke
Camino Capistrano
Capistrano Beach
92624 California, USA
ISSN 1614-659X
ISBN 978-1-4614-4607-1 ISBN 978-1-4614-4608-8 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-4608-8
Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht London
planet. We know its climate is changing. But is that a consequence
of human activity? Or is it the result of natural processes that
are unrelated to our presence on Earth? It is already clear that the
answer to both questions is yes, but the extent to which each
contributes to global warming has remained a contentious issue.
Despite all attempts to ringfence the science, the arguments have
become highly politicized, with powerful vested interests seeking
to sway popular opinion.
Into this morass has stepped Antony Cooke with the remark-
able volume you now hold in your hands. And he has adopted a strik-
ingly Galilean approach in his investigation of the issues. Wisely,
perhaps, he has avoided the three-dudes-and-an-argument format
(which is pretty unfashionable these days), but he has followed
Galileo in presenting a broad range of ideas and opinions. By intro-
ducing an astronomical dimension into the discussion, Cooke has
set the climate debate against the widest possible backdropitself
a major contribution to the literature. And he has not been afraid
to tackle the political issues head-on. But, as he declares in the
book, it is not his purpose to render a verdict.
There is one other important way in which this book parallels
Galileos Dialogueand that is that they both present snapshots
of a rapidly evolving situation. Just as Keplers laws of planetary
motion quickly substantiated the Copernican model of the Solar
System, it will soon become abundantly clear which of the many
scientific views aired in Astronomy and the Climate Crisis come
closest to the underlying reality. In that regard, the book repre-
sents a valuable record not only of contemporary climate science
but of societys treatment of it. It is sure to find a place on the
bookshelves of anyone who cares deeply about the environment.
Rising global carbon dioxide levels (note slightly adjusted color gradient from
left to right in order to show detail better) (Image courtesy of NASA/JPL)
x Preface
It has been said that music and astronomy go hand in hand. Antony
Cookes passion for both fields was clear very early in his life, but
music ultimately would claim his career. A cellist of international
renown, Cooke has been one of the leading players in the Hollywood
recording industry for many years, having been associate professor
of cello at Northwestern University in Chicago until 1984. He is
a US citizen but was born in Australia and educated in London,
receiving numerous prizes and awards, including the Gold Medal
at the London Music Festival.
The dual nature of Cookes interests continued, astronomy
remaining the counterbalance in his life. Always looking for ways
to improve his experience at the eyepiece, he has constructed many
telescopes over the years, with increasing sizes being the hallmark
of his (often-quirky) designs. He has published four previous books
for Springer, Visual Astronomy in the Suburbs (2003), Visual Astron-
omy Under Dark Skies (2005), Make Time for the Stars (2009),
and, recently, Dark Nebulae, Dark Lanes and Dust Belts (2012).
Preface........................................................................................ v
1 The Astronomical Connection ......................................... 1
2 The Physics of a Crisis ..................................................... 19
3 Climate and Weather ........................................................ 53
4 The Variable Sun ............................................................... 77
5 Short-Term Climate Variation ......................................... 105
6 Gravitational Interactions of the Solar System ............... 127
7 The Possible Effects of Solar Cycles ................................ 145
8 Climate Models ................................................................. 159
9 Interpretations of the Data ............................................... 183
10 Global Warming on Other Worlds ................................... 205
11 Ice Ages and Long-Term Cycles ....................................... 235
12 Cosmic Crisis .................................................................... 251
1. The Astronomical Connection
All the evidence I see is that the current warming of the cli-
mate is just like past warmings. In fact, its not as much as
past warmings yet, and it probably has little to do with carbon
dioxide, just like past warmings had little to do with carbon
William Happer, 2009
Princeton University
Where to Start
Numbered references to all key research papers, other sources,
articles, or websites mentioned in the book (according to the
sequence presented in each chapter) are included at the end of each
chapter. It is strongly recommended that readers avail themselves
The Astronomical Connection 5
FIG. 1.1 Earth temperatures over the last 12,000 years (Graph by Robert
A. Rohde, courtesy global warming art project, prepared from multiple
FIG. 1.2 Glacial retreat; the Helheim Glacier in Greenland (Images cour-
tesy NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the U.S./Japan ASTER sci-
ence team; created by Jesse Allen, using data from NASAs Terra Satellite)
FIG. 1.3 This chart illustrates not only changes in thickness of these
massive ice reserves but more importantly the significant increase in the
rate of retreat since the early 2000s (Graph by Robert A. Rohde, courtesy
global warming art project)
FIG. 1.4 Sea level increases, as reflected in numerous proxy records (Graph
by Robert A. Rohde courtesy global warming art project)
Earths Lungs
A common perception, frequently used to describe the Amazon
rainforest, is that it acts as the Lungs of our Planet, or pol-
lution filters. As one of the worlds greatest natural resources,
the Amazon rainforest continuously recycles carbon dioxide
into oxygen, providing about 20% of Earths oxygen.
Most of this is really not in dispute, but a common mis-
conception is that the rainforest can counteract our excess
CO2, something now being lost through deforestation. And
because CO2 is not a pollutant in the normal sense of the
term, we should not regard it as a filter. However, the mature
rainforest does store a considerable amount of carbon (in
full saturation as a carbon sink), and maintains a balance
between the CO2 it takes in and the resulting O2 it releases.
However, we should not regard the shrinking rainforest as a
lost panacea to counteract an excess production of CO2.
The Astronomical Connection 13
FIG. 1.6 Mato Grosso State in Brazil, 1992 and 2006; Brazilian deforesta-
tion continues at a rate of 20,000 km2/year (Image NASA/USGS Landsat
Mission; Courtesy NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the U.S./
Japan ASTER Science Team)
The Astronomical Connection 15
FIG. 1.7 Dry tropical forest region east of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
(Image courtesy NASA/USGS; Landsat mission)
FIG. 1.8 Earths remaining tall canopy forestry in 2010 (Image courtesy of
NASA earth observatory; map by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, based on
data provided by Michael Lefsky)
A Happy Ending?
The Gaia hypothesis (after James Lovelock [8]) may leave
what could seem a depressing subject with a note of optimism.
This hypothesis is truly the ultimate wild card. Simply stated,
it refers to a philosophic/scientific philosophy that proposes
that the cosmos, world and the life it shelters are all interre-
lated. Thus, no matter what occurs, it is always balanced by
another reactive mechanism that maintains the habitability of
the environment.
To some degree, we can witness such forces almost every day,
where nature seems to have a response for almost any calamity,
The Astronomical Connection 17
1. Unresolved questions about Earths climate. Global Climate Change,
NASA. Online:
2. Michael JD (2009) Can science win over climate change skeptics?
ActionBioscience (July) Online:
3. Keeney BA, Danforth CW, Stocke JT, Penton SV, Shull JM (2005)
Does the Milky Way produce a starburst wind? In: Proceedings of the
International Astronomical Union, vol 1, pp 424426
4. Burroughs WJ (2001) Climate change: a multidisciplinary approach.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
5. Kloeppel JE (2001) Upper atmosphere temperatures hold some sur-
prises. Daily University Science News.
6. Siegel K (2011) Putting an Arctic scientist on ice. Huffington Post (11
Aug 2011). Online:
7. Alan B, Janet W (2011) NASA warns ice melt speeding up. NASA
(9 Mar 2011). Online:
8. Lovelock J (1979) Gaia: a new look at life on Earth. Oxford University
Press, Oxford/New York
9. Lovelock J (2009) The revenge of Gaia: Earths climate crisis and the
fate of humanity. Basic Books, New York
2. The Physics of a Crisis
Climate Mechanics
It will not be possible to proceed in any meaningful way unless we
have some background of the principles underlying the mechanics of
mainstream climate change. It is necessary to understand these the-
ories to understand how they align or contrast with the various astro-
nomical scenarios that are the focus of this book, and if presented in
isolation would be almost meaningless. This chapter also offers some
comparisons of different positions, since confusingly, there are often
numerous interpretations of the same components.
The foundations laid, later chapters can focus on matters that
some readers might not have been aware exist at all, perhaps having
already concluded that there was nothing left to discuss or examine in
broader detail. This involves substantial legitimate alternate, or dif-
ferently oriented research into all aspects of climate change science.
FIG. 2.4 The radiative properties of Earth. (Left) Heat given off by Earths
surface and atmosphere and radiated to space. (Right) Sunlight reflected
out into space by land, oceans, clouds and aerosols (Data provided by the
Atmospheric Sciences Data Center and CERES Science Team at NASA
Langley Research Center; Image courtesy of Todd Bridgman, NASA God-
dard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio)
FIG. 2.5 Proportions of gases of the atmosphere (not including water vapor)
(Graphic by Mysid)
FIG. 2.6 Long-wave radiation leaving Earth (the horizontal dividing line
representing the mid-point between reductions in radiated infrared energy
below the line up to 0 W/m2), and increases in radiated energy (above the
line up to 10 W/m2) (Graph courtesy of NASA)
FIG. 2.7 The rise in atmospheric CO2 since 1960 (Graph by Smhur)
FIG. 2.8 Greenhouse gases due to humans (anthropogenic gases) (Image cour-
tesy of Emmanuelle Bournay, UNEP/GRID-Arendal; available at: http://
34 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
From the NRDC (National Resources Defense Council):
Carbon dioxide and other air pollution that is collecting
in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the
suns heat and causing the planet to warm up. Coal-burning
power plants are the largest U.S. source of carbon dioxide
pollution they produce 2.5 billion tons every year. Automo-
biles, the second largest source, create nearly 1.5 billion tons
of CO2 annually.
How can we cut global warming pollution?
A: Its simple: By reducing pollution from vehicles and
power plants.
It is hard to forgive so many scientific misconceptions
and transgressions within just one sentence, since
Anthropogenic carbon dioxide is not a pollutant in the
normal sense of the term, despite the absence of the 14C
signature in naturally occurring CO2.
It does not collect in the atmosphere like a thickening
blanket, since it is essentially evenly distributed through-
out the atmosphere relative to volume.
CO2 does not trap the Suns heat.
CO2 has not yet been conclusively demonstrated to cause
the planet to warm up.
Automobiles are not the second largest source of CO2.
Look again, even at the IPCCs own analysis (Fig. 2.8), in
which all transportation accounts for just 13.5% of all
human-produced CO2, of which automobiles account for
just 9.9%.
The Physics of a Crisis 35
TAR, 2001
extracted in 1988 and was the deepest ice core ever found and
recovered (3,623 m), extending back through history some
400,000 years. This is an excellent proxy record, providing invalu-
able information on past climate cycles, along with the trace gas
composition of the atmosphere. In this case, especially, the record
of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration appears clear.
Glassman also discusses oceanic respiration (outgassing) of
CO2, that is reabsorbed back into cold ocean waters and trans-
ported down into the deepest, most highly saturated regions.
Increases in atmospheric CO2 have always accompanied increas-
ing temperatures, but delayed in time. As Nelson similarly
observed, if global temperatures had followed the projected warm-
ing that would accompany such increased CO2 concentrations as
in the ice cores, the consequences already would have been disas-
trous. Glassmans final take, however, is a little different. He con-
cludes that increased CO2 must have always been reabsorbed into
the oceans before such events could take place, an interesting
hypothesis. He also considers increased CO2 quite likely to be the
result of warming by some yet undetermined process of outgas-
sing and not the other way around.
Carbon Sinks
Closely related to this topic, and indeed part of it, are the natural
sinks of Earth, and their ability to mitigate the increased con-
centrations of heat and CO2 by absorption. By far the largest
The Physics of a Crisis 43
landmasses represent a far smaller CO2 sink than the oceans. How-
ever, the present day clearing of forests across large continental
landmasses, with the subsequent increased volumes of carbon
emissions, may play a larger role than Nelsons paper suggests.
This is even after we bear in mind that landmasses would still
encompass hugely less CO2 than the oceans.
Only in the last 100 years or so do we find no obvious correla-
tion between increasing concentrations of CO2 and the historic
record. Prior to this, the ratio of carbon dioxide relative to tem-
perature can be seen to be consistently predictable, where substan-
tial and proportional temperature increases apparently have always
followed elevated CO2 atmospheric concentrations (Fig. 2.10).
The ~12C swings in temperature that follow CO2 concentrations
are striking, but do not appear to correspond to:
Possible amounts of outgassing from such temperatures.
Any existing theory of comparable warming resulting from
CO2 increases.
The Physics of a Crisis 45
Heat Sinks
The oceans and landmasses, in addition to being able to store large
quantities of carbon dioxide, also have the capacity to act as vast
heat sinks, and much of the excess warmth from the Sun and
greenhouse gases can be effectively buried. However, there are
consequences from such storage. Because the ocean has far greater
heat storage capability than the land, it has some of the most pro-
found influences on much of what happens in Earths climate.
What is buried in the oceans drives the deep ocean currents, with
50 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
1. Water vapor: feedback or forcing? Real Climate. Online: http://www.
2. Graphic: effective temperature and comparison of the Sun to a black
body. 2006.
3. NASA (1971) Earth albedo and emitted radiation.
4. Andrews T, Forster PM (2008) CO2 forcing induces semi-direct effects
with consequences for climate feedback interpretations. School of
Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK
5. Data Source: Keeling CD, Whorf TP (1998) Atmospheric CO2 concen-
trations (ppmv) derived from in situ air samples collected at Mauna
Loa Observatory. Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Hawaii; Neftel
A et al (1994) Historical CO2 record from the Siple Station Ice Core,
Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland
6. Global temperatures, from resource of graphs based of numerous sat-
ellite measurements. Climate 4 You. 2010.
tures.htm#Outgounglongwave radiation global
7. Nelson TJ (2011) Cold facts on global warming. Sci Notes. Online:
8. Samanta A, Anderson B, Ganguly S, Knyazikhin Y, Nemani RR,
Myneni RB (2010) Physical climate response to a reduction of anthro-
pogenic climate forcing. Earth Interact 14(7):111
9. Lacis AA, Schmidt GA, Rind D, Ruedy RA (2010) Atmospheric CO2:
principal control knob governing Earths temperature. Sci Mag.
10. Watkins T. Global warming on Venus. Department of Economics,
San Jose State University. Webpage:
52 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
Because many people confuse climate and weather, this has resulted
in misconceptions about cause and effect between two phenomena
that are actually pretty much unrelated. It is possible to have local
cooling during times of global warming, and vice versa. Although
the two are indeed related on some levels, ultimately, long-term
climate patterns are established by entirely different factors than
what we experience as short-term regional weather.
FIG. 3.2 Global temperature trend from 1979 to 2010: Sea level 3,000 m
(Image courtesy of Remote Sensing Systems. MSU data are produced by
Remote Sensing Systems and sponsored by the NOAA Climate and Global
Change Program. Data are available at
FIG. 3.3 (ae) The great global conveyor (Graphic images courtesy of NOAA)
FIG. 3.4 (ad) El Nino conditions. (a) Normal situation; winds keep warm
water toward west Pacific. (b) El Nino developing; warm water moves east
La Nina conditions: Warm waters further west. (d) Classic pattern of large
El Nino event (Images (ac) courtesy of NASA/PMEL/TAO; (d) NASA)
FIG. 3.5 The Sun with huge prominences (Image courtesy NASA/SOHO)
FIG. 3.6 The formation of Rossby waves, (a), minimal circulation irregularities,
(b) increasing circulation regularities (c) Rossby wave formations (Courtesy of
Wikipedia (de:User:W))
FIG. 3.10 Angular power spectrum of the fluctuations in the WMAP full-
sky map the relative brightness of the spots versus the size of the spots
(Graph courtesy of NASA/WMAP Science team)
1. Henderson-Sellers A et al (1998) Tropical cyclones and global climate
change: a post IPCC assessment. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 79(1):19;
Sugi M et al (2002) Influence of the global warming on tropical
cyclone climatology: an experiment with the JMA model. J Meteorol
Soc Jpn 80:249272; Emanuel KA (1999) The power of a hurricane:
an example of reckless driving on the information superhighway.
Weather 54(4):107
2. Meehl G, Arblaster J, Matthes K, Sassi F, van Loon H (2011) Amplify-
ing the Pacific climate system response to a small 11 year solar cycle
forcing. Science 325(5944):11141118
3. Swingedouw D, Laurent T, Christophe C, Aurore V, David S-M,
Jerome S (European Geophysical Union, General Assembly) (2010)
Natural forcing of climate during the last millennium: fingerprint of
variability. Springer, New York
4. Kaspi Y, Schneider T (2011) Winter cold eastern continental bound-
aries induced by warm ocean waters. Nature 471(7340):621624
5. Chiang JCH, Kushnir Y, Zebiak SE (2000) Interdecadal changes in
Eastern Pacific ITCZ variability. Geophys Res Lett 27(22)
6. Compo GP, Sardeshmukh PD (2009) Oceanic influences on recent
continental warming. Springer, New York
7. Columbia University ocean temperature graphs, 2012. http://columbia.
8. Colorado University Sea Level Research Group, statement, 2012.
9. Ablain M, Cazenave A, Valladeau G, Guinehut S (2009) A new assess-
ment of the error budget of global mean seal level rate estimated by
satellite altimetry over 19932008. European Geosciences Union
10. Calder N (1974) The weather machine. Viking Press, New York
11. Mackay R (2007) Rhodes Fairbridge, the Solar System and Climate.
J Coast Res 50
12. Essenhigh RH (2001) Does CO2 really drive global warming? Chem
Innov (a Journal of the American Chemical Society) 31:4445
13. Weimer MR. Waveform analysis using the Fourier transform.
DATAQ Instruments, Inc. 1989.
4. The Variable Sun
FIG. 4.1 The Sun with coronal mass ejection (Image courtesy of NASA.
Although this image shows remarkable detail, the exposure has been
reduced to a degree that it is obvious the color is not true to life)
FIG. 4.2 Life cycle of the Sun (Graphic courtesy of Oliver Beatson)
Sun does not have too many billions of years to go before its demise
arrives, but suffice it to say, we have a little time left before having
to worry about this particular form of climate change. When it
happens, it will end life on Earth as we know it.
Although the surface (photosphere) temperature of the Sun is
around 6,000C, within its outer corona it is another matter
entirely, with temperatures ranging from an astounding average
1.5 million degrees Centigrade to at least ten times that in places.
The total energy emitted from the Sun has been calculated to be
3.8478 1026 W, an almost inconceivable amount. However, con-
stant variations in its output shade this figure slightly, but through
recent millennia they are of the order of about 0.1%.
Therefore, if solar activity were to be implicated in recent
warming, it would not be by direct warming effects alone, a piv-
otal factor in many scientists views. In other ways it is this small
amount that some researchers believe may hold at least some of
the keys to climate variations. Stuart Clark, in a 2010 article, dis-
cussed the current dearth of sunspots, and its significance relative
to the ways such activity might affect the climate [3]. Clark
stressed that ultraviolet radiation in the Suns spectrum may be at
the heart of changes to Earths climate and weather.
From quite early astronomical times, keen-eyed observers noticed
from time to time that dark spots could be detected moving across
the face of the Sun. Identified as true solar phenomena, they appear
dark in comparison to the brilliant surfaces that surround them.
As merely much less brilliant regions, their temperatures are still
in excess of 3,000C, even 4,000C. Lying at the heart of research
into solar variability, sunspots are major indicators of solar activ-
ity. Formed deep inside the Sun, they manifest themselves as the
familiar dark blotches when they rupture on the surface.
With diameters of up to 40,000 km, their general appearance,
as shown in Fig. 4.3, is quite typical, although this image captured
a particularly prominent high point during a strong cycle. These
irregular speckled blotches are each bordered by faculae, elon-
gated horizontal tube-like features. Grouped together, they form
The Variable Sun 81
the wide penumbrae around the dark spots themselves, their struc-
ture determined by the strong magnetic fields of the Sun. These
surrounding regions are brighter than the sunspots but still less
than the brilliant surrounding solar disc. Typically, the spots are
short-lived features, most of them lasting much less than a week.
They often hunt in pairs, or even in multiples, typically gaining
in size at the expense of their opposites.
When it was discovered that there are periods of greater, as
well as minimal, sunspot activity, it was thought that because
these regions must be cooler (indeed they are), this would signify
slightly reduced solar output. However, the opposite is true,
because of the increased irradiance of the surrounding faculae.
Now known to directly affect the total solar output, faculae are
more transparent to extremely intense radiation emerging from
deep within the photosphere. Apparently this explains the
increases in solar irradiance when many sunspots are present,
when otherwise one would have expected the cooler inner regions
of sunspots to reduce it. It turns out that radiation is greatest when
82 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 4.4 Sunspot close up, 2006 (Image courtesy of NASA Hinode JAXA)
solar activity is at its height, and not necessarily when only more
sunspots are visible.
In the next view, a close up of a pair of sunspots (Fig. 4.4), we
can see not only the highly granulated surface of the Sun itself in
stark relief but finally into a sunspot itself. Apparently, this sur-
rounding granulation represents convective cells rising from the
Suns interior into the photosphere (the overall surface). Faculae
also may be clearly seen, their more linear structure obviously dif-
ferent from the surrounding granulated surface. The Suns surpris-
ingly rapid rotation of 27 days (similar to that of Earths Moon but
shorter by just a day) is sufficient to show the apparent paths of
sunspots from day to day.
Unsurprisingly, considering the degree of contrast required in
order to effectively register detail in solar imagery, beneath the
surface (photosphere) we cannot make out anything inside the
spots themselves. However, there is another, far more profound
reason they appear so dark. The Sun is composed primarily of
molecular hydrogen; you may recall this is the primary ingredient
of the interstellar medium from which it formed. We can only see
on or near the surface of the Suns photosphere due to the creation
of negative hydrogen ions. Because at ever-increasing depths below
The Variable Sun 83
FIG. 4.5 Correlation between sunspots and sea surface temperature (Graph
courtesy of NOAA)
due to reduced solar activity, but only more time will tell if that is
so. Climate does not follow simple outlines, as there are usually
spikes in all directions, regardless. One paper by David C. Archi-
bald steps out on a solar limb with the prediction that tempera-
tures will actually decline 1.5C by 2020 [4].
It has been determined that there is approximately an 11-year
period separating one cycle of sunspot maximums to the next.
These cycles usually overlap by a year or two. At maximum activ-
ity in these cycles, sunspot formation gradually migrates towards
the solar equator. There have been 23 complete cycles since record
keeping began, and we have now entered the 24th cycle.
The late Timo Niroma, an independent Finnish researcher,
climatologist and student of the Sun, made a detailed study of the
historic record. In the absence of any readily available peer-re-
viewed studies by him, it is difficult to assess his work, although
he assembled some of the most detailed writings on sunspot cycles
still available online on his personal website [5]. Going on record
with much the same idea, he predicted that a new sunspot super
minimum was on the way, which would result in a delay to the
The Variable Sun 85
start of the new (present) cycle 24. He stated that activity would be
extremely low, even to the extent that a new Maunder Minimum
(an historic time of greatly diminished solar activity) might be
approaching. To date, the cycle does appear to be less active than
normal, and appears it will be the smallest sunspot cycle in the
past 100 years, according to the Marshall Space Flight Center
(September 2011).
For those who wish to delve into the topic more deeply, Niro-
mas unabridged discussions about the workings of the Sun may be
found on his website. Additionally, the website includes material
that references peer-reviewed research. Only time will tell if any
of his long-range predictions become reality, however, together
with those of so many others who theorize low sunspot activity
means lower temperatures. Niroma remains a somewhat mysteri-
ous figure, although he was respected enough to see his article,
Solar behavior, and its influence on Earths climate, included in
the Viewpoints and Technical Communications section in Energy
and Environment, Vol. 20, 2009.
Additionally, in 2004, Habibullo I. Abdussamatov, head of
space research at Pulkovo Observatory, investigated the 11-year
cycle, as well as variations in solar radius, irradiance and activity
correlations, concluding they are caused from deep within the Sun.
Because of historic solar behavior patterns, he, too, concluded that
the Sun has entered a cooling phase that will counteract any effects
of anthropogenic warming [6] (see also Chap. 9, [7, 8]). However,
Abdussamatov is no stranger to the contrarian view.
We are perhaps fortunate that we live in a time when soon we
will see whether the hypothesis by some, that a marked cooler
climate period is taking place through reduced solar activity
during the next few decades, is correct. Thus, we can test the the-
ories in real time. We are only perhaps fortunate because, if it is
correct, much of the world could experience the consequences of
significantly colder conditions, with all that this entails. If incor-
rect, however, the warming continues. Thus, climate change can
be a double-edged sword.
On the NOAA website, January 2011 was listed as the 17th
warmest January on record, compared to some others that have
been increasingly warm since the year 2000. However, it is far
from the warmest of recent years. Therefore, only time will tell if
86 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
this could actually represent a step away from the warming trend.
Since 2010 showed quite an alarming spike in upward tempera-
tures we cannot read too much into any short-term statistic, but
must wait instead for the longer-term scenario to evolve.
Each side of the debate has much invested in proving that the
Sun either does, or does not, have a direct bearing on the warming
of the last 3040 years. Many research papers and studies have
been undertaken in search of an answer, the answer. Although
much has been learned and determined, not enough has been
convincingly shown to those taking the IPCC position that an
alternative explanation might have been found. However, some
researchers are increasingly confident that a larger solar-climate
connection may be in the process of being uncovered. Regardless,
judging from the breadth of recent papers, statements and articles
on the topic, it is clear that a unanimous voice among researchers
is still far from close to being a reality.
the present (albeit with some leaner years), this still remains a
subject of controversy. However, since 2001, most researchers
seem to agree that overall solar activity has not increased at all,
and the Sun actually might have entered a significant period of
lesser activity, not only in sunspots (Fig. 4.6a) but also in the
strength of its magnetic field (Fig. 4.6b).
Although readings of total solar irradiance and magnetic
activity during the period do bear this out, the range of increases
and decreases nevertheless is too small, say some, to have any
direct warming effect [10]. This is, perhaps, the second key, how-
ever. If the Sun were to be, in fact, somehow responsible, then the
warming has to be occurring from some indirect mechanism trig-
gered by it. (Let us ignore cosmic ray scenarios for now.) Since the
IPCC has only allowed for the direct warming effects of the Sun
in their models, this gets to the core of the argument. Some
researchers point to one possible explanation: extreme ultravio-
let radiation (EUV) that might energize reactions in the high
atmosphere, creating amplification of the warming. More about
this later.
A curious position was taken by Alan. S. Brown in an other-
wise extremely good article on the climate controversy [11]. In it
he stated that IPCC models which by and large he supported
did not allow for the direct effect on the climate by the variations
of sunspot activity! It sounded a bit like Canute again, and cer-
tainly seems to be a case of putting the cart before the horse, since
it is not the models that determine things.
The article is doubly curious, though, because Brown is partly
critical of skeptics, who he summed up as engineers and scien-
tists, of whom only some have climate-related degrees. This might
be true only in part, but maybe it is not true just of skeptics.
Although he is apparently a well-educated individual in related
fields, Brown, like many of the other skeptics he targets for criti-
cism, also appears to have no credentials in climate science.
Not that he should have to in order to have a thoroughly informed
opinion, but he created a contradiction of sorts by his own valida-
tion of the IPCC. Regardless, he concluded with a very reasonable
and perceptive remark that it is not only modelers but the true
skeptics who will be those to advance our understanding of the
88 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 4.6 (a) Sunspot activity, with projected cycle activity. (b) Solar Mag-
netic Planetary Index, Ap (solar activity at a planetary scale)
The Variable Sun 89
A Solar Driver?
Although some scientists today believe that the Sun may indeed
be the primary driver of present-day climate change (see Gusev
et al. and Hoyt and Schatten [7] this is in direct contradiction to
todays predominant anthropogenic theories. Certainly, such alter-
nate concepts are controversial within the mainstream, to say the
least. However, those scientists engaged in researching these theo-
ries maintain there has been a virtual disregard of looking beyond
the status quo. Regardless, there has been a wide variety of findings,
ranging from confirmations of significant solar involvement to
virtually none at all. Contradictions seem to be the norm in all
areas of climate change studies.
The Suns intense magnetic field (Fig. 4.7) is directly linked to
many aspects of its activity. When the Sun is in an active phase we
can expect consequences on Earth, especially with communications
and transmissions of all kinds. This is because of the compression
it causes to Earths magnetosphere, as well as changes to the iono-
sphere the tenuous atmospheric component termed near-Earth
space. With energized ions, increased radiation is able to penetrate
normally protected regions and cause damage to satellite commu-
FIG. 4.7 The Suns magnetic field and solar wind (Graphic image courtesy
of NASA)
90 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 4.8 Solar plasma loops ((a) Image courtesy of Hinode JAXA/NASA
2007. (b) Image courtesy of NASA)
decline (with the end of one cycle overlapping the beginning of the
next), it was also noted that the number of sunspots within these
sequences followed a pattern of especially fast growth and slower
92 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 4.9 Solar butterfly and relative sunspot surface area (Graphs courtesy
of NASA)
FIG. 4.10 Periodic variation in sunspot number (Graph based on data from Hoyt
and Schatten [14])
FIG. 4.11 Variable output of the Sun (Graphic by Robert A. Rohde, courtesy
of Global Warming Art project)
component of the warming of the past 100 years that had been
featured in the IPCC reports.
Indeed, a gradually increasing trend of solar activity, as
recorded through sunspots until the end of the twentieth century,
can be noted on the 1997 graph in Fig. 4.10 (earlier, less reliable
proxy readings are in red). The graph shows the sunspot minimum
(Maunder Minimum) and seems to correspond clearly with the
Little Ice Age period. It should be noted that sunspot activity has
had some mild downturns in the intervening years since that time
(see paragraph following Fig. 4.11), but overall it climbed in inten-
sity through the duration of the graph sampling.
94 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 4.12 Sunspot activity over the past 11,000 years (Graph by Conscious,
based on data from Solanki et al. [16], 11,000-year sunspot reconstruction
IGBP Pages/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series
#2005-015. NOAA/NGDC)
present time corresponding only to the period 8,000 years ago [16].
They also found that solar activity of a similar level to that experi-
enced since 1940 registered to the same degree for only 10% of the
entire previous 11,000-year period. Proxy records, although impre-
cise, give us a better indication of what has occurred in the past,
and what may be in store in the future. More accurate data of recent
times will undoubtedly provide measurements by which theories
of possible solar interactions with climate will be tested, especially
with regard to the present rates of CO2 increase. Should tempera-
tures fall, in step with solar activity, or even soon thereafter, it
would cause quite a stir in the climate research community.
Further reinforcement of the contention that there is an indi-
rect link with solar variation and climate may be found in an arti-
cle in Science [17]. It was remarked that a link of radiative forcing
to the El Nino ocean thermostat could be demonstrated and
confirmed by proxy records over the course of the Holocene. This
does correspond with the findings of Kevin Trenberth, as discussed
in Chap. 3, but the link to ENSO events is still not considered by
all researchers to have been proven.
If the results of small changes to the Suns radiant output are
not immediately reflected on Earth with each cycle, a time delay
between contributing solar activity and reaction of Earths climate is
a possible explanation. This has prompted several theories about
such a possible phenomenon, termed Long Term Persistence, and its
96 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
potential causes (see Chap. 6, [11, 17]). If the phenomenon exists, the
present sunspot Cycle 24 might be slow to oblige in supplying evi-
dence of a cooling trend, effectively allowing continued assertions
on both sides about what is actually occurring in Earths climate.
Opposing the notion of majority opinion of those favoring
the IPCC position, some researchers believe that failures in exist-
ing climate models have resulted from not including all possible
inputs, but actually from discounting some possible key factors.
Only as recently as in the 2007 TAR would the IPCC make direct
reference and acknowledgement of the 11-year solar cycle, as well
as its effects on atmospheric ozone, the various hypotheses of the
Suns influence on cloud formation (including through direct inter-
actions with cosmic rays), possible tropospheric changes associ-
ated with the cycle, and warmer, wetter periods at solar maximum,
including winds in the upper atmosphere. It also referenced the
difficulties of determining certainties in creating projections.
analysis of the research into his position may be found in his 2008
paper [8]. In another paper dating from 2006, he and Ilya Usoskin
concluded that variations in solar UV flux are likely to affect tem-
peratures more than variations in cloud cover from cosmic rays
(for more on cosmic rays and Earths atmosphere, see also Chap.
12) [19]. Burroughs also dealt comprehensively with the topic of
UV, cosmic rays and climate in his book.
Photochemical processes also affect the composition of the
atmosphere. Oxygen (O2) absorbs solar radiation under 240 nm,
but UV produces more energetic auroral and proton particles that
break apart O2 into atomic oxygen (O), a free radical. Other free
radicals are created, too, including nitric oxide (NO), hydroxyl
(OH). Ozone (O3) is produced as a consequence of ultraviolet radia-
tion photochemical/catalytic reactions with other free radicals,
while this double ionization of oxygen (O2) and atomic oxygen (O)
also warms the surrounding air. Ozone also absorbs solar radia-
tion. UV is readily absorbed by ozone from 240 nm up to 310 nm
in the upper stratosphere, providing protection below on Earth
against electromagnetic radiation.
We should also bear in mind that since the Suns energy spec-
trum is not evenly distributed, and increased radiation is dispro-
portionately skewed towards the higher frequencies (i.e., UV and
EUV), this may be another key. Lean also confirmed that solar
activity was at an historically elevated level. Stressing the uncer-
tainty of determining the degree that the Suns influence is affected
by fractions of a percent of forcing changes, Lean further remarked
that the many unknown and likely factors in the twenty-first
century would complicate peoples abilities to determine the total
natural and anthropogenic forcings and feedbacks (positive or neg-
ative) of future climate projections.
Interestingly, Lean acknowledged that there was cautious
confidence that the 11-year solar cycles do indeed affect varia-
tions in temperature, ozone, and winds. This was a striking posi-
tion compared to some of the heated debate that has occurred in
the interim. There were also interesting comments about the
problems facing climate modelers, instead of just insisting that
they had included all presently known factors.
The Variable Sun 101
1. Svensmark H (2007) Cosmoclimatology: a new theory emerges.
Astron Geophys 48(1):1.181.24
2. Svensmark H, Christensen EF (1997) Variation of cosmic ray flux and
global cloud coverage a missing link in solar-climate relationships.
J Atmos Sol Terres Phys 59(11):12251232
3. Clark S (2010) Whats wrong with the sun? New Sci (2764)
4. Archibald DC (2006) Solar cycles 24 and 25 and predicted climate
response. Energy Environ 17(1):2936
5. Niroma T (2009) Sunspots: from basic to supercycles. Website page:
6. Abdussamatov HI (2004) About the long-term coordinated variations
of the activity, radius, total irradiance of the Sun and the earths
climate. Inter Astro Union 541542
7. Gusev A, Pugacheva G, Incio MM, Spjeldvik W (2010) Climatic
variability as natural oscillation driven by solar activity variations.
In: 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Bremen, Germany; Hoyt DV,
Schatten KH (1997) The role of the Sun in climate change. Oxford
University Press, New York
8. de Jager C (2005) Solar forcing of climate. 1: Solar variability. Space
Sci Rev 120:197241
9. EPA. Climate change science: atmosphere changes. Website page
The Variable Sun 103
10. Conn TA, Lins F (2005) Natures style: naturally trendy. Geophys Res
Lett 32:L23402
11. Brown AS (2010) Climate models and their critics. The Bent of Tau
Beta Pi,
12. Willson RC, Mordinonov AV (2003) Secular total solar irradiance
trend during solar cycles 2123. Geophys Res Lett 30(5)
13. Beer J, Foos F, Lukasczyk C, Mende W, Rodriguez J, Siegenthaler U,
Stellmacher R (1994) 10Be as an indicator of solar variability and cli-
mate. In: The solar engine and its influence on terrestrial atmosphere
and climate. Springer, New York
14. Hoyt DV, Schatten HK (1997) Group sunspot numbers: a new solar
activity reconstruction, parts 1 and 2. Sol Phys 179:189
15. Yousef SM (2000) The solar Wolf-Gleissberg cycle and its influence
on the Earth. In: Proceedings of the international conference on the
environmental hazards mitigation, Cairo University, Cairo
16. Solanki SK, Usoskin IG, Kromer B, Schssler M, Beer J (2004) Unusual
activity of the sun during the recent decades compared to the previ-
ous 11,000 years. Nature 431(7012):10841087
17. Marchitto TM, Muscheler R, Ortiz JD, Carriquiry JD, van Geen A
(2010) Dynamical response of the tropical Pacific Ocean to solar forc-
ing during the early holocene. Science 330(6009):13781381
18. Foukal P, Lean J (1990) An empirical model of total solar irradiance
variations between 1874 and 1988. Science 274(4942):556558
19. de Jager C, Usoskin IG (2006) On possible drivers of Sun-induced
climate changes. J Atmos Terres Phys 68:2053
20. Krikova NA, Vieira LEA, Solanki SK (2010) Reconstruction of solar
spectral irradiance since the Maunder minimum. J Geophys Res
21. Matthes LK, Grenfell JL (2005) Solar impact climate: modeling
the coupling between the middle and the lower atmosphere. Soc
Astron Ital
22. List of publications for K. Matthes:
23. Lean J (1997) The Suns variable radiation and its relevance for Earth.
Annu Rev Astron Astrophys 35:3367
24. Lean J (1996) The Sun and climate. Article found on the website of
the U.S. Global Change Research Information Office. http://www.
25. Shaviv NJ (2010) Carbon dioxide or solar forcing? ScienceBits. www.
104 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
26. Brekke P (2001) The Suns role in climate change. Presentation at the
1st international conference on global warming and the next ice age
TH 1.2 p. 245
27. Andronova NG, Schlesinger ME (2000) Causes of global tempera-
ture changes during the 19th and 20th centuries. Geophys Res Lett
5. Short-Term Climate Variation
NASA does seem to have taken the position that the Little Ice
Age did, in fact, exist, remarking on its website, During the
Little Ice Age from the early 1400s to late 1800s, the vegeta-
tion changed again to plants that favored cooler and wetter
climates. The core records revealed increases in spruce and
hemlock that prefer cooler and wetter climates.
FIG. 5.2 Manns Hockey Stick (Graph courtesy of IPCC TAR 2001)
112 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
An Infamous Challenge
to the Hockey Stick
One of the best-known and similarly hot-button studies of climate
over the past millennia was that headed by Willie Soon, which
examined the entire period from medieval times to the present
[10]. It also has the dubious distinction for having stirred heated
accusations of questionable peer-reviewing practices in the jour-
nal that published its first version (Climate Change). In the paper,
which was expanded, rewritten and later published in Energy and
Environment, the researchers maintained that present-day warm-
ing was not exceptional. The authors examined a wide field of evi-
dence, which was, by default, all proxy. A degree of confidence in
each type of evidence was accorded, depending on the climate
measurements deduced.
Soon believed the methods used by Mann were out of step with
proxy climate evaluations, and that the use of empirical orthogonal
functions (EOFs) to evaluate proxy readings had introduced a
weighting towards the incorrect conclusions. Thus it was stated
Short-Term Climate Variation 113
In 2005, a new ray of hope appeared, bridging the gap between the
extremes of Mann and Soon. Better known as Moberg et al., it
seemed to blend possibilities from both extremes into something
likely to be a more accurate picture of the past 1,000 years [12].
114 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
but for different reasons. In 2009, Science Daily led with a blanket
headline about new findings that had concluded that solar changes
were not responsible for global warming [16]. However, it turned out
to be mostly centered on the potential of cosmic rays to trigger cloud
formation via solar modifications to the rays (see Chap. 12) rather
than the more immediate links we have been discussing. It seems
that not everyone is talking about the same things! Thus it is possi-
ble to see that the range of concepts, from the hypothetical to the
less esoteric, is wide indeed, though the Sun continues to be a prime
focus of investigation.
Solar Activity
FIG. 5.4 The complete satellite record from 1980 to 2011 (Graph courtesy
cycle show a lower point for Cycle 23 than Cycle 22. The upshot
is that the period when warming trends were significant in the
1990s coincided with increased solar irradiance, according to the
ACRIM researchers.
Next, compare the results of the adjustment made by the
PMOD team in Switzerland, subtly different but quite the oppo-
site to that of the ACRIM team. Their claim, thus, was that
significant warming occurred during a time of decreased solar
irradiance! Note how just a small difference of measurement
produces a dramatically different result. This led to the PMOD
teams entirely different conclusions about the larger issue of solar
output (Fig. 5.6).
Although his theories of cosmic rays, and our journey through
the galactic arms, led him to a new view of the ice ages, the leading
Short-Term Climate Variation 121
FIG. 5.5 The findings of the ACRIM team 19802011, with a continuous
slope gradient of solar irradiance up to 2011. Note also the first indication
of decrease during the present century, still higher than the first 11-year
solar cycle on the graph but lower than the second. This coincides with
many solar scientists claims that the Sun has now entered a cooling trend
since Cycle 23 (Graph courtesy of ACRIM/NASA)
FIG. 5.6 The solar irradiance gradient according to the PMOD researchers
(Graph courtesy of ACRIM/NASA)
some. For the rest of us, we have to build our own sense of where
reality may really lie.
FIG. 5.7 NASA records from 1979 to 2010 (Graphs courtesy of NASA)
1. Kobashi T, Severinghaus JP, Barnola J-M, Kawamura K, Catrer T,
Nakaegawa T (2009) Persistent multi-decadal Greenland tempera-
ture fluctuation through the last millennium. Springer, New York;
Masse G, Belt S, Sicre M-A (2010) Iceland in the Central Northern
Atlantic: hotspot, sea currents and climate change, IUEM Plou-
zan, France, Arctic Ice: high resolution reconstruction; Bluemle JP,
Sabel JM, Karlen W (1999) Rate and magnitude of past global cli-
mate changes. Environ Geosci 6(2):63; Keigwin LD (1996) The lit-
tle ice age and medieval warm period in the Sargasso Sea. Science
2. Hughes MK, Diaz HF (1994) Was there a medieval warm period, and
of so, where and when? Clim Change 26(23):109142; Jones PD,
Briffa KR, Barnett TP, Tett SFB (1998) Millennial hemispheric tem-
perature reconstructions, IGBP Pages/World Data center for Paleo-
climatology; Mann ME, Bradley RS, Hughes MK (1998) Global-scale
temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries.
Nature 392(6678):779
3. Lamb HH (1965) The early medieval warm epoch and its sequel.
Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 392, 1998 and 1999 extension
to a.d. 1000. Meteorological Office, Bracknell, Berkshire, UK
4. Perry CA, Hsu KJ (2000) Geophysical, archeological, and historical
evidence support a solar-induced model for climate change. Proc
Natl Acad Sci USA 97(23):1243312438
5. Budyko MI (1968) The effect of solar radiation variations on the cli-
mate of the Earth. Main Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad
Short-Term Climate Variation 125
6. Mann ME (2002) Little ice age. In: MacCracken MC, Perry JS (eds)
Encyclopedia global environmental change. Wiley, Chichester; Mann
ME (2002) Medieval climate optimum. In: MacCracken MC, Perry JS
(eds) Encyclopedia of global environmental change. Wiley, Chichester
7. Moberg A, Sonechkin DM, Holmgren K, Datsenko NM,
Karln W (2005) Highly variable Northern Hemisphere temperatures
reconstructed from low- and high-resolution proxy data. Nature
433(7026):613617; Lean J, Beer J, Bradley R (1995) Reconstruction
of solar irradiance since 1610: implications for climate change. Geo-
phys Res Lett 22(23):31953198
8. Mann ME, Bradley RS, Hughes MK (1998) Global-scale tempera-
ture patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries. Nature
9. Solanki SK, Fligge M (1999) A reconstruction of total solar irradiance
since 1700. Geophys Res Lett 26(16):2465
10. Soon W, Baliunas S, Idso CD, Idso SB, Legates DR (2003) Reconstruct-
ing climatic and environmental changes of the past 1,000 years: a
reappraisal. Energy Environ 14:233296
11. Cook ER, Palmer JG, DArrigo RD (2002) Evidence for a medieval
warm period in a 1,100 year tree-ring reconstruction of past austral
summer temperatures in New Zealand. Geophys Res Lett 29
12. Moberg A, Sonechkin DM, Holmgren K, Datsenko NM,
Karln W (2005) Highly variable Northern Hemisphere temperatures
reconstructed from low- and high-resolution proxy data. Nature
13. Budyko MI (1968) The effect of solar radiation variations on the
climate of the Earth, Main Geophysical Observatory, Leningrad;
Solanki SK, Fligge M (1999) A reconstruction of total solar irradi-
ance since 1700. Geophys Res Lett 26(16):2465; Perry CA, Hsu KJ
(2000) Geophysical, archeological, and historical evidence support
a solar-induced model for climate change. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
14. Shapiro AI, Schmuntz W, Rozanov E, Schoell M, Haberreiter M, Sha-
piro AV, Nyeky S (2011) A new approach to long-term reconstruction
of the solar irradiance leads to large historical solar forcing. Astron
Astrophys 529:A67
15. Archibald DC (2006) Solar cycles 24 and 25 and predicted climate
response. Energy Environ 17(1):2936 (Perth, Australia)
16. Adams P, Pierce J (2009) Can Cosmic rays affect cloud condensation
nuclei by altering new particle formation rates? Geophys Res Lett
126 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 6.1 The Suns domain: keys to climate? (Graphic image courtesy of
FIG. 6.2 Motion of the Sun around the barycenter of the Solar System
(Graphic by Carl Smith)
Gravitational Interactions of the Solar System 129
FIG. 6.3 The Sun and nearby planets (Image courtesy of NASA)
Spin-Orbit Coupling
Solar Variations
We can project from Fig. 6.2 approximately where the Sun may
presently be located in relation to previous years. According to the
chart, it has just entered a phase of greatly reduced output and is
considered to be in the second solar orbit within the larger nine-
orbit solar cycle. At this time early in Cycle 24, there has been a
noticeable decrease in sunspots, solar wind, and in radiant output
in the amount of 0.02% in the visible portion of its spectrum, and
about 300 times as much in the extreme ultraviolet portion. (See
again the discussion in Chap. 4 referencing disproportionate
increases in UV during active years).
During cold periods solar output reductions may seem small
in relation to the total. However, we have already seen that some
researchers believe that effects of this level of change on Earths
climate may be more significant than they might appear. They
have theorized the possible lowering of temperatures indirectly by
yet to be defined mechanisms, and not necessarily by just the
reduced influence of the disproportionately reduced high frequency
UV radiation. Additionally, a downside of a less active Sun is a
greatly reduced solar magnetic heliosphere, generally considered
to be a protection against cosmic radiation reaching Earth. Cosmic
rays have been implicated in cloud formation by other research,
and the possible mechanics of this process will be discussed in
Chap. 12. As would be expected, this related sub-topic has gener-
ated its own field of controversy.
132 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
A Cooling Period?
A Delicate Balance
Meanwhile, other researchers have continued to explore the pos-
sibilities of an Earth/astronomical connection. In a presentation at
the 2007 American Geophysical Union fall meeting, Ingo H. Leu-
bner demonstrated a quantitative model to reflect the degree that
planetary orbits can be affected by even slight changes to the Suns
radius [4]. Leubner spelled out some grisly specifics. Because the
Sun has been shown to vary by up to 1% in radius, his model
showed a directly linear, and remarkably sensitive, correlation
with radically altered planetary orbits.
His scenario for Earth was anything but rosy. With increased
solar radii corresponding to wider orbits and cooler climates and
Gravitational Interactions of the Solar System 133
FIG. 6.4 The 60-year cycle (Image courtesy @ British Crown copyright 2010,
the Met Office)
However, the 60-year cycle does seem clearly evident on the Had-
ley chart (approximately 18801940 and 19402000) and contained
within an overall upward temperature trend. It is not always so
clearly revealed on many other graphs. The El Nino spike of
1997/1998 is quite clear and draws our attention to similar spikes
at near comparable times in previous 60-year patterns. Histori-
cally, a strong El Nino event was registered in 1946, right in line
with the highest such spike. Similarly, as if right on cue with the
previous high mark, there was a notable increase of El Nino events
in the late 1870s, corresponding with a period of extreme drought
and famine in Asia at the time.
If we accept the possibility of a 60-year or so cycle, it would
appear that in 2011 we are occupying the downside of the last such
cycle, and might thus be seeing possibly the first clear stages of a
decline in warming. The full down and up cycle will bring us to
about 2060. Although the overall approximate 1C climate warm-
ing throughout most of the preceding twentieth century is not an
item of controversy, we can see that this is also clearly shown on
the graph by its continual upward trend.
Researchers and their theories concerning the 60-year cycle
are numerous, but among those who have inferred its existence
include the following:
Timo Niroma made explicit mention of such links in publi-
cations on his personal website [8]. He paralleled the larger
historical periods of sunspot activity (or lack thereof) that coin-
cide with the 60-year cycles of temperature. As he saw it, the
60-year timings are dead on, although they do not necessarily
alternate in sequence. There often can be more than one cold
or warming cycle in a row. He even listed the dates through the
past 400 years that correspond to solar cycles; certainly these
do seem to approximate the known record.
Craig Loehle, in his 2009 paper about the solar satellite record,
referenced many studies; 50- to 70-year cycles featured promi-
nently in his discussions and analyses [9]. Loehle concluded and
demonstrated that once the warming from cycles is removed
from trends shown in climate models, the upward curve bears
no resemblance to the warming and cooling periods under
Gravitational Interactions of the Solar System 137
Biondi et al. (2001) were able to tie proxy data to the historic
Pacific Decadal Oscillations and the El Nino Southern Oscilla-
tion, not only confirming historical periods of climate change
but reconciling these findings with an approximate 50- to
70-year cycle [10].
Klyashtorin and Lyubushin (2003) went even further [11]. They
first showed 60-year cycles, consisting of alternate periods of
warming for 30 years, followed by 30 years of cooling. In relat-
ing these statistics to the consumption of fossil fuels during
each 30-year span, they found little correlation, while noting
an overall warming trend from 1861. Utilizing data from ice
cores and their power spectra, they calculated it was possible to
accurately deduce a 64.13-year cycle from it. By this they were
able to produce a model of sorts that implied cooling from 2005
for the next 32 years (half of the cycle). We may soon see over
the next decade or two if their estimations resemble reality
in any way.
Michael E. Schlesinger and Navin Ramankutty similarly recog-
nized this cycle, but as a 65- to 70-year period, maintaining that
a broader cycle in the northern Atlantic Ocean of 5088 years is
responsible [12]. By applying what they term as singular spec-
trum analysis they believed that this phenomenon has made
the degree and effect of any anthropogenic warming difficult to
Nevertheless, in a follow up 2000 paper, Schlesinger and his co-
author concluded, seemingly in contradiction to the 1994 posi-
tion, that despite these oscillations, anthropogenic greenhouse
gases are the primary mechanism behind present-day warming
trends [13].
In another interesting parallel, another study showed that Earth
also reflects a 60-year cycle in its small length of day (LOD)
fluctuations [14].
1. Mackey R (2007) Rhodes Fairbridge and the idea that the sun regu-
lates the earths climate. J Coast Res (Special Issue) SISO 955968
2. Juckett D (2003) Temporal variations of low-order spherical har-
monic representations of sunspot group patterns: evidence of solar
spin-orbit coupling. Astron Astrophys 399(2):731741
Gravitational Interactions of the Solar System 143
The search for hidden links to the Suns activity has continued in
spite of denials of that possibility by some. Although the potential
for planetary interactions with the Sun has featured in some of
these searches, to date, their effects on Earths climate have been
problematic to prove. However, in due fairness, it must be pointed
out that many scientists do not consider that the IPCC position
has been proven either. Even the IPCC itself refers to various lev-
els of confidence in their positions rather than expressions of abso-
lutes. The contention by Duffy et al. [1]. that twentieth-century
warming can all be explained with established causes will not sat-
isfy many critics of the IPCC stance either, since all of those
known forcing influences are strikingly out of step with the rate of
warming itself.
Other researchers also have suggested, indeed strongly
implied, that the warming effects of the Sun more likely are pro-
duced indirectly rather than directly. If this sounds familiar, you
may recall similar hypotheses from earlier in this book. Even as
early as 2001, in his book Burroughs speculated about the possi-
bilities of still undefined processes in the atmosphere amplifying
small increases in solar irradiance into more significant warming
effects. However, at that time, scientific consideration of any
influences beyond just the 11-year solar cycle was still largely new
and revolutionary.
Accusations of failure to include all factors such as these in
climate models have been among the continuing objections to
these projections ever since they first appeared. It has been pointed
out repeatedly that modeling of changing climate conditions and
temperatures over the past 40 years has only been possible after
assumed contributing factors (i.e., anthropogenic additions) had
been accommodated into the models, and applied only from 1970
onwards. Critics claim the precise effect of anthropogenic green-
house gases has therefore been deduced, rather than observed or
proven through empirical data. Thus, they maintain that the
underlying cause of the most recent temperature increases is far
from established. We will continue this discussion in Chap. 8.
However, in the absence of definitive proof of conventional
AGW, its proponents have only been able to go so far as to consider
their own positions likely. If proposed alternative theories are
considered unlikely, climate skeptics maintain that such a posi-
tion does not translate into proof of it either, but only an opinion
about as good as theirs. It is easy to see why controversies con-
tinue unabated. Seen from the outside, the stakes appear more in
the realm of winner-take-all than in solving the riddle. But first,
everyone has to concede the existence of the riddle itself.
Now that the 11-year solar cycle has met with general accep-
tance, at least, we will look into those larger solar cycles discussed
in the previous chapter. The gravitational interactions of any indi-
vidual planet on the Sun would seem insufficient to cause such
cycles. Besides, their orbits do not directly correspond to them, so
we have to look further. Indeed, some have theorized that the
cycles could result from the combined effects of the larger planets
on the Sun, gravitational and/or otherwise. This has resulted in
speculation and even theories that the 60-year cycle, in particular,
could be linked to the Suns extended relationship to climate, and
that we should not only continue to investigate these phenomena
thoroughly but probably include them in future projections of
Earths climate.
Thus, in addition to the 60-year solar cycle, other cycles involv-
ing the Sun include the 179-year cycle (see Chap. 6), the 70100-
year Gleissberg cycle (see Chap. 4), the 11-year cycle and 22-year
Hale cycle (again, see Chap. 4), together with the possible existence
and effects of still more; these all compound the situation. Even the
9.1-year lunar cycle is yet one more to consider. The exact mecha-
nisms by which any of them might interact are not yet determined,
let alone understood. Regardless, these cycles do not seem in evi-
dence within most climate models, even absent entirely an
increasingly familiar-sounding comment. However, it is also fair to
ask how they could possibly have been expected to be included,
given the present state of knowledge.
The Possible Effects of Solar Cycles 147
FIG. 7.1 Tectonic plate boundaries and activity along them (Courtesy of the
U.S. geological survey)
FIG. 7.2 Solar flare with relative size of Earth for comparison (Image courtesy
Solar Flares
Solar flares are sudden fiery projections from the Suns sur-
face, representing enormous releases of energy of as much as
a sixth of the total solar output each second! Plasma loops
between spots are frequently precursors to flares, and are
responsible for vast concentrations of electrons, ions and
atoms flooding into space.
150 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
known flare took place when Venus and Jupiter, the planets of
greatest gravitational influence on the Sun, were both at such
(30) positions from the event plane, implying some process(es)
not yet understood. This 30 figure, in regard to positioning of
any of the four planets of most influence, cropped up several
times with many of the largest flare explosions. Hung specu-
lated that at these times, vertical and horizontal gravitational
forces became significant enough to cause the events.
In most instances, he noticed, the largest sunspots appeared to
generate the greatest flares when they rotated into a place on
the solar surface most directly affected by planetary position,
whereas smaller flares did not seem to be necessarily influenced
by tidal forces of the planets.
Interestingly, in 2009, the maverick researcher, Timo Niroma,
made related but not exactly parallel comments regarding Jupiters
eccentric orbit, its magnetic/gravitational influence and effect on
sunspot cycles [3]. Knowingly or otherwise, he seemed to concur
more or less exactly (with Hungs conclusions) on the direct con-
nection between them, maintaining at the closest point of approach
that sunspot numbers are at a minimum, only to increase as a
result of magnetic interactions before and after the approach. This
seems to tie in with the 30 orbital placements reported in Hungs
paper. Niromas study, however, though again only his personal
webpage and not constituting peer-reviewed research, is remark-
able in its complexity and depth of analysis, especially where it
apparently coincides with the more recognized research of others.
However, his independently produced theories are far from agreed
upon, let alone accepted. They might not even be widely known,
though they are worth at least a cursory inspection.
Meanwhile, Ching-Cheh Hung continued to explore the pos-
sibilities of planetary influences on the Sun occurring in cycles,
where the combined effects of more than one exerts its greatest
pull as in the case of the 11-year solar cycles. Thus, perhaps mul-
tiple compounded cyclical gravitational effects were perhaps the
key, and not those caused by the most obvious of them. Careful
analysis, therefore was how Hung able to prove virtually a direct
correlation with the combined cycles of Venus, Earth and Jupiter
and the 11-year cycle. When the influence of Mercury was included,
152 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
From NASA:
FIG. 7.4 (a) Zonal circulation (Image courtesy U. S. government). (b) Merid-
ional circulation (Image courtesy NOAA/NCEP)
158 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
1. Duffy PB, Santer BD, Wigley TML (2009) Solar variability does not
explain late-20th century warming. Phys Today 62(1):4849
2. Ching-Cheh Hung (2007) Apparent relations between solar activ-
ity and solar tides caused by the planets. Report NASA/TM-2007-
214817. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland
3. Niroma T (2007) One possible explanation for the cyclicity in the
4. Leubner IH (2007) Variability of stellar and solar radii and effect on
planetary orbits and temperatures. American Geophysical Union
Fall Meeting 2007
5. Georgieva K, Kirov B, Bianch C (2005) Long-term variations in
the correlation between solar activity and climate. Soc Astron Ital
6. Kuznetsova TV, Tsirulnik LB (2004) Solar activity cycles in interan-
nual global and hemisphere temperatures on the earths surface. In:
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Paris, France, July 2004
8. Climate Models
FIG. 8.1 IPCC climate model projections for different regions (Graphic
courtesy of and UNEP/GRID-Arendal. http:maps.grida.
166 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
the terms a little more general. Thus, usage of them in this writing
may not necessarily coincide with the meanings of the IPCC, those
often being hard to separate. The following are excerpts from the
IPCC Climate Model hierarchy:
The basic model is a numerical representation of the climate
system based on the physical, chemical and biological prop-
erties of its components, their interactions and feedback pro-
cesses, and accounting for all or some of its known properties.
A climate prediction or climate forecast is the result of an
attempt to produce a most likely description or estimate of the
actual evolution of the climate in the future, e.g., at seasonal,
inter-annual or long-term time scales. (See also below: climate
projection and climate scenario).
A climate projection of the response of the climate system to
emission or concentration scenarios of greenhouse gases and
aerosols, or radiative forcing scenarios, often based upon simula-
tions by climate models. Climate projections are distinguished
from climate predictions in order to emphasize that climate
projections depend upon the emission/concentration/radiative
forcing scenario used, which is based on assumptions concern-
ing, e.g., future socio-economic and technological developments
that may or may not be realized and are therefore subject to sub-
stantial uncertainty.
A climate scenario is a plausible and often simplified represen-
tation of the future climate, based on an internally consistent
set of climatological relationships, that has been constructed
for explicit use in investigating the potential consequences of
anthropogenic climate change, often serving as input to impact
Thus, as we have seen before, convolution is no stranger to
the IPCC. Meanwhile, depending on the purpose intended, climate
models range greatly in inputs, complexity, time frames, regions,
type, etc. The late E. N. Lorenz, in the early days of modern cli-
mate forecasting, established two principles in the definition of
predictability in atmospheric studies. (Lorenz also was one of the
first modern scientists to develop theories surrounding the cha-
otic nature of the environment, and to bring the concept into gen-
eral usage).
168 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
ENSO and NAO oscillations and other air and ocean currents.
Solar variations, and radiation input and output at all latitudes.
Deforestation, changing albedo.
Variations in snow and ice cover, water density and composi-
tion, according to speed and degree of ice melt, further chang-
ing albedo.
Responses of greenhouse gases to Earths emissive radiative
Computed energy loss to space, after all factors are taken into
The interaction of all of these factors together.
After this, each long-term model has to be adjusted according
the projected seasonal changes in weather patterns, as well as dif-
ferentiating between all global regions. It may need to cover
decades into the future. Because so much of Earths weather and
climate is chaotic in nature, this makes precise predictions and
projections further in advance increasingly problematic. We have
already seen how certain longer-term influences on weather can
ape true climate change (see again Chap. 3).
Models of all types and complexity may even be assembled
for specific regions in isolation, having entirely different contrib-
uting forcing and feedback processes than the greater surrounding
areas. High-resolution three-dimensional modeling applied to lim-
ited regions and time scales have been able to simulate ocean
eddies and show the flexibility of this technology. Because ocean
eddies have a great influence on the mixing of waters and ulti-
mately on deepwater circulation they influence climate more
than might seem obvious at first glance. In this instance, Fig. 8.3,
an OGCM, the specific modeling of eddies in the northern Atlan-
tic Ocean, shows that precise information may be deduced.
Figure 8.4 illustrates modeling on a global scale, at a 1012 km
resolution. Although limited to the study of cloud movements and
circulation only, it covers the entire globe. We can consider it an
AGCM, although this is again a highly short-term projection. In
this instance NASA created a moving graphic for a 1-day period,
from which this is excerpted.
Meanwhile, Fig. 8.5 shows something we may be far more
familiar with: a coupled climate model for the entire global sur-
face to project future temperatures for the remainder of the twenty-
first century. This is far more typical of the climate models we are
FIG. 8.3 Eddies off Greenland and Canada in the northern Atlantic Ocean
(Image courtesy of NOAA/GFDL)
into liquid water. What is not so clear is how warming affects its
overall impact on climate; as an intensely complex and transi-
tional component it is insufficiently understood. Thus, its effect
must be largely assessed depending on ones faith in computer pro-
jections and estimates.
As one of the central tenets of climatology, the ongoing study
of these hydrological factors has a number of well-known follow-
ers, such as climatologist Roy Spencer. His position and theories
about climate models can be accessed on his own website in addi-
tion to links on his various peer-reviewed research papers [1].
However, Spencer is no stranger to controversy, and his positions
are obviously at odds with other practitioners of mainstream sci-
ence. He remains a prominent and respected climatologist regard-
less, believing instead that Earth has many built-in systems of
self-regulation. Apparently this is another manifestation of the
Gaia Hypothesis (see Chap. 1), albeit in an unsung capacity.
FIG. 8.6 ENSO coupled climate model (Hovmoeller) and parallel observa-
tions (Image courtesy of NOAA)
FIG. 8.9 Effects of the urban heat island effect (Graphic courtesy of NOAA)
areas where the ground has far less stored heat near the imme-
diate surface.
The EPA estimates that the urban heat island effect can be as
large as 3C during the day in a city of at least one million people,
and a surprising 12C at night. The great divergence is, of course,
due to rural areas cooling down much more than do urban areas,
full of heat-retaining infrastructure, during the night (Fig. 8.9).
Another effect within the urban heat island phenomenon can
be clearly seen in Fig. 8.10. Interestingly, tall buildings often retain
heat to far lesser extent than the surrounding urban sprawl, pre-
sumably because heat is more readily radiated from the more iso-
lated taller structures than those near ground level, and the fact
that most of them are glass-covered and highly reflective. When
this image of Atlanta was made in 1997, the actual temperature
recorded in outlying areas was approximately 80 F, but within the
city, temperatures as high as 118F were recorded!
The reason this phenomenon is so important is that it is con-
nected to the way global temperatures are collected and inputted
180 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 8.10 Atlanta urban heat island effect (infrared) (Image courtesy of NASA)
into climate models. If the numbers being fed into the models do
not reflect accurately what is really happening, the models will
reflect and possibly compound such errors in computations many
times larger. Critics have continually raised questions about the
reliability of temperature measurements used in models, whether
due to the heat island effect or the various other methods utilized
for temperature collection. Among the criticisms:
Many monitors/sensors are located within areas of urban heat
Early models did not accurately account for the urban heat
island effect.
There is a greater density and longer history of land-based tem-
perature sensors located in the United States than elsewhere.
Ocean sensors are carried onboard buoys, with varying reli-
ability. Plus, early sensors were on board ships, and overesti-
mated SST by 0.6C because of the heat from the ships engines
another related effect.
Satellite SST readings may be unreliable because they usually
monitor only the tops of the oceans surfaces and not immedi-
ately below, where truer readings lie.
Climate Models 181
1. Spencer R (2009) How do climate models work? http://www.drroys-
2. Christy JR, Spencer RW, Braswell WD (1997) How accurate are satel-
lite thermometers? Nature 389:342343
3. Trenberth K (2011) Changes in precipitation with climate change.
Clim Res 47:123138
4. Fildes R, Kourentzes N (2011) Validation and forecasting accuracy in
models of climate change. Int J Forecast 27:9681005
5. Sierra CA, Harmon ME, Thomann E, Perakis SS, Loescher HW (2011)
Amplification and dampening of soil respiration by changes in tem-
perature variability. Faculty Research Publications, Oregon State
University, April 2011
9. Interpretations of the Data
FIG. 9.1 (a) An actual temperature graph by Hansens team (GISS) for the
United States, dating from 1999 [6]. It shows a clear downward trend in
temperature from a peak in the 1930s. (b) Compare (a) carefully with a
parallel plot by Hansens team from 2001 [7]. Though superficially similar,
we can readily see that subtle changes make it appear that temperatures
have been on an upward trend since the 1930s totally opposite to the
conclusion from just 2 years earlier!
Interpretations of the Data 187
spell also struck this winter across northern Europe. The event
may have been influenced by the decline of Arctic sea ice and
could be linked to warming temperatures at more northern
The loss of sea ice may also be driving Arctic air into
the middle latitudes. Winter weather patterns are notorious-
ly chaotic, and the GISS analysis finds seven of the last ten
European winters warmer than the average from 1951 to 1980.
The unusual cold in the past two winters has caused scientists
to begin to speculate about a potential connection to sea ice
Qualified Critics
Since we know there are many who disagree with conventional
AGW theories, we should know a little of such perspectives from a
few of those who have, at least, significant scientific credentials.
Richard Lindzen, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, was intimately involved in the creation of the 2001 IPCC
Report and Working Group 1, and a contributor to the 1995 IPCC
Second Assessment; he is one of an elite group of leading interna-
tionally renowned climatologists. He is widely respected, even
among those who take diametrically opposing positions, though
both Hansen and Lindzen have been among the most savagely
attacked by some of their opposite counterparts.
Lindzens perspectives perhaps can best be summed up by his
likening of the constant changes made to climate models to a
classroom exam where students know the answers but arrived at
them by using all the wrong methods. He famously outlined a
result of technical statements emanating from the scientific com-
munity that are beyond the capability of the media to interpret
correctly. Restated in alarmist terms, politicians respond by award-
ing increased funding for research!
He has maintained a position that all dire projections of
warming include assumptions that added feedback from water
vapor and clouds will greatly multiply this effect, believing that
undetermined feedback from water vapor damages the credibility
of climate models based on such statistics as provided by GISS.
Lindzen repeatedly has claimed that such models have been mis-
represented and manipulated through the conduit of the media,
and also has criticized the IPCC Summary for Policymakers for
not accurately reflecting the reports findings, as previously refer-
enced in the preface [13]. Lindzen has stated for the record that
doubling present levels of CO2 alone would produce a further
warming of just 1C. This is again much in line with T. J. Nelsons
calculations (see Chap. 2).
Climatologists Roy Spencer and William Braswell also have
weighed in, authoring several papers [14]. It is clear that they con-
sider that models of feedback effects have been misdiagnosed
and that current observations are biased in the positive direction.
Note that significantly, and in light of earlier remarks, they did not
dismiss the effect of greenhouse gases but consider them to have
Interpretations of the Data 195
And Then
Perhaps the most telling effort to find common ground among all
came as recently as 2011 from no less a figure than James Hansen
who, in a paper with several co-authors, made some interesting
and indeed rather startling adjustments to his long-held positions
[17]. This is a critically significant paper, as the authors attempted
to juggle contradictory evidence, some of it of their own making.
An extraordinary concession made early on in the paper was
that effects due to anthropogenic aerosols are virtually unmea-
sured, along with their influence on cloud formation, having prob-
ably been a greater negative forcing than had been assumed. Hansen
et al. then continued along some climate-hydrological lines not
too far removed from those analyzed by Trenberth (see Chap. 8).
The conclusion was that climate models failed to project accu-
rately the absorption of projected greenhouse heat into the oceans,
with rates of absorption since 2003 far less than had been expected.
Another stunning concession was the conclusion that the models
must have employed a net climate forcing greater than had taken
place in the real world of climate forcing, and that the slow cli-
mate response function of the oceans had allowed climate models
to compute an unrealistically large net climate forcing.
However, perhaps even more startling were remarks within
the summation that since projections of net anthropogenic cli-
mate forcing had been unrealistically large, it would signal some-
thing of a white flag and could only lead skeptics once again to
call into question the viability of models as a whole. Although
Hansen lauded the success and effectiveness of the GISS model
1E-R in projecting sea surface warming, its findings had overstated
Interpretations of the Data 197
FIG. 9.2 Carbon dioxide concentrations over the past 2,000 years (From the
NOAA website)
The 31,000
We cannot leave this part of the discussion without briefly touch-
ing upon a petition purportedly signed by 31,000 U.S. scientists
who have challenged the consensus view. Such dissent, if accu-
rately representing what it appears to, illustrates vividly the wide
disparity of interpretations of the same data. Many distinguished
names, astronomers and space scientists among them, appear on
these rolls, including Fred Singer, Edward Teller, Reid Bryson, Wil-
liam Gray and William Happer assuming they are one and the
same as the famous scientists of those names. One private website
claimed that the 31,000 scientists represent only 0.1% of U.S. sci-
entists who hold a BS degree or higher. If 31,000 signatories repre-
sent 0.1% of U.S. scientists, this would translate to 31 million, or
10% of the population! Regardless, of the portion who are con-
nected to astronomical and space sciences, this would translate to
an extremely unrealistic number.
Interpretations of the Data 201
1. Hansen J, Soto M, Khareshka P, von Schuckmann K (2011) Earths
energy imbalance and implication. NASA Goddard Institute for
Space Studies (GISS). Atoms Chem Phys 11:1342113499
2. Hansen J, Johnson D, Lacis A, Lebedeff S, Lee P, Rind D, Russell
G (1981) Climate impact of increasing carbon dioxide. Science
3. Hansen J, Lebedeff S (1987) Global trends of measured surface air
temperature. J Astrophys Res 92(D11):1334513372
4. Hansen J, Ruedy R, Sato M, Lo K (2011) 2010 global surface tempera-
ture change. Rev Geophys 48:RG4004
5. Brohan P, Kennedy JJ, Harris I, Tett SFB, Jones PD (2006) Uncertainty
estimates in regional and global observed temperatures: a new data
set from 1850. J Geogr Res 111(D12):D12106
6. Hansen J, Ruedy R, Glascoe J, Sato M (1999) GISS analysis of sur-
face temperature change of 1999. Goddard Institute for Space Studies
(GISS). J Geophys Res 104:3099731022
202 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 10.1 Evidence of once-flowing water and erosion on Mars (Ares Vallis)
(Image courtesy of NASA)
from the Sun. However, Earths less elliptical and smaller orbit
ensures more consistent and greater solar exposure.
Earth has an axial tilt and precessional wobble that is also
unique to it. These have significant consequences. Whereas
other planets and their satellites also have similar character-
istics, these are substantially different overall. Thus, they are
affected accordingly at any moment of time, their situation
often being totally opposite. Equivalents of the Milankovic
cycles on Earth (see Chap. 11) therefore cannot be applied with
the same blanket values, and maybe hardly at all.
The four largest planets are differently structured from Earth,
being primarily gaseous in nature. Presumably with no hard or
mountainous surfaces below, this affects their response to solar
activity. Additionally, their atmospheres have entirely differ-
ent compositions from Earths, and their substantially differ-
ent temperatures greatly affect their behavior and responses to
solar input.
Differences in the magnetospheres of different planets also play
a substantial role in climate issues. The interplanetary mag-
netic field (the Suns), or those of individual planetary magne-
tospheres, both have also been implicated in the deflection of
cosmic rays. Although deflection of the solar wind is part of
the whole, and not directly tied to temperature, its interactions
with other related planetary components do indeed affect envi-
ronments, and ultimately influence climate.
Because the lengths of planetary years and orbits also vary sub-
stantially (Plutos being the longest at some 248 Earth years),
entirely different potential tidal forces of their alignments with
other Solar System members have to be considered (see Chap. 7).
This could either reduce or enhance possible solar interactions.
The Sun, as ever, remains at the center of all controversies,
and no less so with climate issues concerning other members of
the Solar System. Despite the case that has been made for solar
irradiance having increased through the turn of the twenty-first
century, (as laid out by the ACRIM team and others), the contro-
versy has never gone away. The PMOD team has not given ground
in the argument and remains closely tied to the IPCC position
(Chap. 5). Old arguments thus die hard about the Suns recent out-
put, and continue to be raised in the most public of forums. If the
208 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
Although this planet is not among those that have been thought to
be currently experiencing climate change, looking at the processes
surrounding its dense carbon dioxide laden atmosphere is certainly
instructive. Many researchers have looked to it for parallels and
findings on Earths greenhouse conditions, because this planet per-
haps represents the ultimate extreme case of CO2 greenhouse warm-
ing. However, the warming definitely is not manmade! (Fig. 10.2)
Direct comparisons with Earths present situation are far from
productive, since the Venusian atmosphere is virtually all CO2
(96.5% CO2, 3.5% N2), compared to the puny proportion of CO2 in
Earths atmosphere at 0.0388%. There is really no way to compare
the two planets beyond their similarities in size, since even these
most basic of circumstances could hardly differ more. The atmo-
sphere is also a hundred times as dense. Fortunately, there are
other facts about greenhouse conditions we can learn from Venus.
FIG. 10.2 The surface of Venus in the vicinity of a volcano (infrared image)
(Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA)
210 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 10.3 The dense atmosphere of Venus (Pioneer) (Image courtesy of NASA)
Naturally, such estimates are far out of step with any of those
we discussed in Chap. 2. This is especially the case here, since it is
considered that less solar energy reaches the Venusian surface than
it does Earth, due to the great reflectivity of the cloud cover. There
does not appear to be any parallel study, so Nahle truly is out on
his own.
Martian Water
Mars, the subject of probably the most intense extraterrestrial
controversies, unsurprisingly can count climate change among
them. In recent years, with each new discovery of physical activity
on the Red Planet, numerous commentators have been swift to
214 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 10.5 Water on Mars (a), beginning of flow, through (d) maximum
observed flow (Images courtesy of NASA)
FIG. 10.6 Martian gullies and glacial remnants in Phaethontis (Image cour-
tesy of NASA)
FIG. 10.7 South polar cap, Mars, 2000 (Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin
Space Science Systems)
This does not apply to the present situation, though, because these
changes are slow progressing, with no sudden degree of change
being possible or having taken place from before observations of
the polar cap recession to the present. Despite the similarity of
Mars present angle of axial tilt to Earths, the Red Planet experi-
ences more pronounced seasons and climatic patterns neverthe-
less, due to its greater orbital eccentricity.
However, simply because solar activity had been declining
noticeably at the time the polar cap was observed to be shrinking
(and this is not in dispute), a direct solar link does not seem pos-
sible from this standpoint alone. Such variations cannot be so
immediately and directly tied to climate variations on Earth,
though. The lack of a significant Martian atmosphere (and any
oceans) means that any changes in the Suns output will be felt at
once on Marss surface. In comparison, on Earth, the buffering
from the Suns rays through its complex warming and cooling
mechanisms may take years to be reflected in changes to the cli-
mate. An extremely detailed rebuttal and analysis of various solar
warming hypotheses on Mars, by Steinn Sigurdsson (Penn. State
University), may be found online [14].
Storms on Jupiter
Adding further ammunition to the arsenals of speculation about
climate change in other places within the Solar System was an
article that appeared in 2004 in Letters to Nature [15]. The author,
Philip S. Marcus (a professor of fluid dynamics at University of
California at Berkeley, and one of the Hubble team), surmised that
we might soon be able to observe noticeable changes to the cloud
tops of Jupiter due to the disappearance of many anticyclonic vor-
tices (the familiar white oval spots). This would bring about a
warming effect of approximately 10 K (Fig. 10.9).
Marcuss theory proposed that anticyclonic vortices were
being trapped by Jupiters equivalent of Rossby waves, largely
eliminating the present cyclonic Jovian spots, a process with a
lifespan averaging 60 years (another 60-year cycle?). A recurring
sequence of events would result in the ongoing creation and
destruction of the vortices. Their loss would mean less venting of
222 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 10.11 The Great Red Spot, Red Spot Jr., and Baby Red Spot devoured
(arrow at right)
FIG. 10.12 Artists impression of the surface of Triton and its thin atmo-
sphere (Image courtesy of ESO/L. Calada)
among the larger objects of the Kuiper Belt in the early days of the
Solar System. Its retrograde orbit around Neptune and extreme
inclination (presently 129.8 relative to the ecliptic), along with its
various physical properties would seem to confirm a less than
impeccable planetary satellite origin. Orbiting in lockstep to Nep-
tunes rotation, as does Earths Moon, it keeps the same face turned
to its parent planet at all times, except Triton itself is slowly being
drawn inwards in an ultimate path to tidal disintegration.
With a surface coated in frozen nitrogen, water and carbon
monoxide, Titans overall makeup consists of up to 45% water ice,
the remainder consisting of rocky compounds. Its atmosphere is
extremely tenuous, comprised primarily of nitrogen that has sub-
limated from the surface, along with other trace gases. These
include carbon dioxide and methane, the latter of which has pro-
vided food for any amount of wild speculation about potential life
forms. The western hemisphere exhibits a curious texture that has
been termed cantaloupe terrain, which is believed may have
resulted from flooding by the hot processes of geysers or volca-
nism, or even the separation into uneven layering of different
materials of various densities (Fig. 10.13).
226 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 10.13 Triton and Neptune (cantaloupe terrain clearly visible) (Image
courtesy of NASA)
time than usual. Beyond this possibility, it was thought that varia-
tions in the crystalline ice or frozen nitrogen structure might have
affected reflectivity. We might even speculate that an unusually
active period of geysers or volcanism could have deposited dark
ash on the otherwise highly reflective surface. Indeed, active gey-
sers and even hydrocarbon ejecta have been imaged in Tritons
atmosphere. Might it be conceivable even that the surface could
have picked up some Kuiper Belt dust along its travels? (This last
supposition is just the writers wild speculation ) (Fig. 10.14).
Tritons normal average temperature of 35.6 K, although not
being far from absolute zero, is warm enough that small differ-
ences register like large differences would in our own environ-
ment. Thus the deduced increase of 1.7 K actually represents an
increase of 5%, not an insubstantial amount enough, in fact. to
cause frozen nitrogen to sublimate into a gas, and to make a mea-
surable difference in the density of the atmosphere. Such a large
temperature percentage in Earths climate would be calamity from
which all life on Earth probably would perish, apparently compa-
rable to a 22C warming.
Regardless, in no way does it appear that what has occurred
on Triton infers a warming caused by increased solar radiation. Of
course, any direct warming effects from a possible increase in solar
irradiance of just 0.01% at this enormous distance would likely be
very hard to measure. Plus, there is little possibility of indirect
solar warming of any kind. More significantly, and perhaps fatally
228 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
A Warming Pluto?
It was inevitable that still other examples of out-of-the-ordinary
warming phenomena would be found within the Solar System and
reported. Interestingly, in 1988 and 2002, the same basic tempera-
ture measuring techniques were utilized for Pluto, as had been
applied earlier with Triton, except with different instruments
located around the world [18]. James Elliot again led the team.
Pluto is not considered a particularly likely candidate for reacting
to changes in solar irradiance, which also would be miniscule at
its great distance, especially at aphelion. More significant to bear
in mind is the little worlds highly elliptical, lopsided orbit (greater
than any planet), which brings it alternately much closer to the
Sun than would normally be the case. Additionally, it is placed at
an oddly inclined angle to the ecliptic, as well as an extreme angle
of axial rotation. All such irregularities eliminate direct compari-
sons with Earths situation.
Other possible variations include changes to the surface
albedo, perhaps due to some kind of volcanism, but more likely
due to variations in frost and methane deposits. A 1988 paper [19]
dealt exclusively with this possibility, concluding that the general
lack of sunlight, and presumed lack of protection from the solar
wind, would cause the frozen surface methane to darken. It is not
known if Pluto has a magnetosphere, although it is possible that it
does through its barycentric orbit with Charon, its moon. It is not
generally thought possible for bodies predominantly made up of
icy compounds to have magnetic fields, but examples have been
discovered, most notably Ganymede, one of Jupiters four Galilean
It is also possible, if it should be that methane darkening is
taking place, that the increasingly cold conditions caused when
the planetoid becomes more distant from its approach at perihe-
lion would cause gases in the atmosphere to freeze on the surface
in the form of frost deposits. It is clear from the images in Fig. 10.15
Global Warming on Other Worlds 229
FIG. 10.16 The surface and atmosphere of Pluto, with its satellite, Charon,
low in the sky (Image courtesy of ESO/L. Calada)
are unaware. Perhaps Earth is the Great Regulator, after all. Only
time will tell.
Having examined the most significant of the various Solar
System members to which warming has been attributed, it remains
problematic to attempt to find a common thread linking any of
them, let alone all. Indeed, examples of uneven temperatures exist
throughout the Solar System. An example is the 10 K warmer
south polar zone on Neptune that will one day shift back and forth
to its north pole in a recurring pattern. Overall, it seems not unrea-
sonable to presume that many temperature irregularities, either
permanent or temporary will crop up continually within the Solar
System, and it is perhaps unwise to read too much into them at
least as far as trying to find a direct tie-in to Earths present cli-
mate situation.
Regardless, this has not stopped large numbers of astronomi-
cally unsophisticated individuals from trying. So until there really
is any clear evidence of a Solar System-wide warming pattern, it
would seem perhaps best to exercise extreme caution in sequester-
ing the jury away to deliberate the case. And however unlikely
such a scenario may seem to this writer, it is not the purpose of
this book to render a verdict.
1. The whole solar system is undergoing global warming, Fragile Earth
2. le Page M (2007) Climate myths: Mars and Pluto are warming too.
New Sci, 16 May 2007
3. CNRS (2010) Sulfur dioxide in Venus atmosphere could be key to
fighting global warming on Earth. Nat GeoScience. http://www.
4. Nahle NS (2010) Determination of the effective total emissivity of
the carbon dioxide in the Venusian atmosphere, and the mean free
path length and crossing lapse (delay) time of photons into the tropo-
sphere of Venus. Clim Realists. Online:
5. Luhmann JG, Russell CT (1997) Venus: magnetic field and magneto-
sphere. In: Shirley JH, Fairbridge RW (eds) Encyclopedia of planetary
science. Chapman and Hall, New York
Global Warming on Other Worlds 233
FIG. 11.1 Milankovic cycles (Graphic courtesy of Robert A. Rohde for the
Global Warming Art Project)
the Sun, and thus its degree of exposure to solar radiation. Because
many variable factors work together, the formula for their interac-
tion is complex. We should first consider the characteristics of
Earths orbit, which is far from a simple path:
Small variations in its orbit from perfectly circular (slightly
varying elliptically from between 0.005 to 0.058) influence
the degree of warming Earth receives from the Sun. The Sun
also is not to be found at the center of these elliptical orbits
(see Fig. 11.2, elliptical orbit exaggerated), due to the gravita-
tional influences of other planets, primarily Jupiter and Saturn.
Although the amount of eccentricity might seem small, on the
Earth-Sun scale it is apparently sufficient to produce a measur-
able difference. The reason for these orbital variations is also
mostly due to the gravitational influences of other planets. The
length of one full cycle of orbital eccentricity is approximately
100,000 years, although a more complex explanation is behind
this cycle.
Although a larger periodicity of 413,000 years may be seen to
be stronger than the former (by its relative amplitude), in the
simplest of terms, the combination with a number of other sub-
cycles (the most significant being of 95,000 years and 125,000
years) has resulted in an overall observable cycle within that
Ice Ages and Long-Term Cycles 239
Continuing Controversy
However, as in all things associated with the climate, there have
been continuing controversies regarding Milankovics theories as
well. It all began when isotope readings were sampled from a deep
location in a Nevada aquifer (Devils Hole). A 17,000-year discrep-
ancy between the 141,000-year date given to the culmination of
Ice Ages and Long-Term Cycles 247
the second last ice age (as well as timings proposed by Milankovics
theory) and those of the samples was noted. This opened a new
area of controversy, and the disputes continued with numerous
competing papers, variously in defense of or against Milankovics
1. Drysdale RN, Hellstrom JC, Zanchetta G, Fallick AE, Snchez Goi
MF, Couchoud I, McDonald J, Maas R, Lohmann G, Isola I (2009)
Evidence for obliquity forcing of glacial termination II. Science
2. Muller RA, MacDonald GJ (1997) Origin of the 100 kyr glacial cycle:
eccentricity or orbital inclination? Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:
3. Imbrie J, Imbrie JZ (1980) Modeling the climatic response to orbital
variations. Science 207(4434):943953
4. Broecker WS (1992) Upset for Milankovitch theory. Nature 359:
5. Emiliani C (1993) Milankovitch theory verified. Nature 364:583584
6. Landwehr JM, Winograd IJ, Coplan TB (1994) No verification for
Milankovitch. Nature 368(6472):594
7. Elkibbi M, Rial JA (2001) An outsiders review of the astronomical
theory of the climate: is the eccentricity-driven insolation the main
driver of the ice ages? Earth Sci Rev 56:161177
8. Keeling CD, Wharf TP (2000) The 1,800-year oceanic tidal cycle:
a possible cause of rapid climate change. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
9. Hays JD, Imbrie J, Shackleton NJ (1976) Variation in the Earths orbit:
pacemaker of the Ice ages. Science 194:11211132
12. Cosmic Crisis
Milankovics theories were not the only ones to emerge out of the
search for hidden clues to the large climate variations and epochs
that have taken place throughout Earths history. However, it con-
cerns only the domain of the Sun. Two related theories, with impli-
cations from far more distant places than any within the Suns
realm, also have been at the heart of no less bitter a controversy
and dispute than any we have encountered before. Probably the
most esoteric and contested of them all, they link us to the very
heart of the galaxy, involving the effects of galactic cosmic rays.
Although the proponents presented detailed cases and analy-
ses, these theories have had a rough ride, not unlike the furor sur-
rounding the ACRIM findings but on a grander scale. Although
some debunked the hypotheses, not all researchers have reached
an opinion, maintaining that no final resolution has been deter-
mined to their satisfaction. Meanwhile, the proponents have vig-
orously defended their turf.
The possible link of cloud formation to galactic cosmic rays
has been at the center of intense speculation on and off for many
years. In 1959 Edward Ney, who had been studying them since the
end of World War II, published his landmark study, Cosmic Radia-
tion and the Weather, in which the connection apparently was
first made a high level in the scientific community [1]. Indeed,
Burroughs referenced other pioneering work in cosmic radiation
being undertaken by Ralph Markson of MIT; this has continued up
to the present. Marksons primary research, though concerned
with the possible connection of cosmic rays to thunderstorms, has
developed further into examining possible electrical connections
to global warming itself [2].
All the materials warrant careful study if one wants to fully grasp
what was at the center of all the fuss. Ones interpretations and
conclusions will depend on many things, some of which may be
mired in ones own mindset. However, there can be no doubt that
this was an example of climate change acrimony at its most ugly
and personal. One wonders how these researchers would handle a
situation should they find themselves in the same room at some
social function! The argument was thus left in limbo, with some
scientists still intrigued at the possibilities. However, it was fre-
quently stated in many blog comments that the theory had been
debunked and discredited, so for the time being, at least, the the-
ory had taken on enough water to have become somewhat bogged
down under its own weight.
Regardless, other articles emerged from time to time that kept
the door open, such as one by E. Pall, who ventured to dip his toe
into the icy water, commencing with the prospect that satellites
may have artificially induced the apparent extent of low cloud
cover [14]. His concluding remarks left open the distinct possibil-
ity of cosmic ray influence on low cloud formation, and stated
with a fair degree of confidence that Sun/cloud relationships may
have played a large role in pre-industrial climate variation not an
insignificant position to take. Svensmarks work continued con-
cluding there was conspicuous evidence of the effects of varia-
tions in solar activity in the creation of clouds and aerosols, as
evidenced by Forbush Decrease events (FDs) the immediately
measurable decreases of cosmic rays striking Earth [15].
Also, galactic structure is not all that it might seem. The arms
are more akin to compression zones than the familiar firework
pinwheel arms, where stars periodically become more densely
packed together in waves during the course of circumnavigating
the galactic center. Not everyone is aware that spinning motions
of the galactic core do not form the galactic arms; pinwheels might
look similar but actually have nothing in common. In fact, galac-
tic arms are the product of density waves. There is a considerable
Cosmic Crisis 261
density of stars in between the spiral arms as well, but being far
more tenuous populations they are much less obvious. However,
any experienced observer knows well the luminous galactic halo
that immerses the entire galactic structure. Halos are comprised
of stars, the luminous product of which we can readily see in eye-
piece views in the brighter examples. CCD imagery makes this
even clearer, of course.
Shaviv theorized that CRF could be directly traced back
through the historic record to an approximate historical synchroni-
zation of Milky Ways arm placement with the epochs. His theory
was reliant on known models of its structure, at that time believed
to be a very large, four-armed barred galaxy. When the Sun passes
through one of the arms, an increase in CRF would be anticipated.
In pursuing his theory, remarkably, he found uncanny matching of
the calculated passage of the Sun through these spiral arms and the
onsets and declines of these past epochs. He theorized that increased
CRF during these crossings resulted in increased low cloud cover
and thus the onset of declining temperatures.
Interestingly, Shaviv referenced other earlier studies that had
theorized galactic connections, including one by Hoyle and Wick-
ramasinghe that theorized climate warming should occur if the
Solar System happened to pass through a cloud of interstellar mat-
ter, due to increased solar irradiance [20]. Shaviv listed several
other possibilities, too, some of them decidedly serious for life on
Earth. All of this is the stuff of further research, and even were any
of it occurring now, this could not be the cause of present-day cli-
mate change because it would take place over far greater lengths of
time. This distinction is important to know, since so many have
tried inaccurately to tie the recent twentieth-century warming to
such esoteric concepts, when, in fact, they are surely unrelated.
Naturally, those opposed to conventional theories rejoiced,
even if such findings could not be tied to the recent short upward
spike (at least, in these galactic terms) and present temperatures
on Earth. Many chose to ignore this important distinction. It was
a complex presentation and analysis indeed, thoroughly reasoned
and appearing to produce compelling evidence to support it. With
a calculated timing for galactic arm crossings was 108 years, Shaviv
thus believed that he had been able to show which arms were
crossed at what time in history, and the parallel ice ages that
262 Astronomy and the Climate Crisis
FIG. 12.1 The two Milky Ways: the New and the Old (Graphic courtesy
of NASA/JPL-Caltech)
FIG. 12.2 Earths position in the galaxy, comfortably within the Orion Spur
lying between the Sagittarius Arm and the Perseus Arm (Graphic courtesy
of NASA/JPL-Caltech, and Brews OHare (grid))
In Conclusion
Certainly some of the theories that we have examined in this book
are controversial and far from universally accepted or even
respected, but many of their advocates are leading figures in
research, and their studies are fascinating at the very least. Regret-
tably, the information is not well promulgated at this stage. The
lack of general recognition within the larger climate community
may speak more to unfamiliarity than lack of validity, or any desire
to suppress it, although even this may be true in some cases.
Cosmic Crisis 269
1. Ney EP (1959) Cosmic radiation and the weather. Nature 183:451452
2. Markson R (2000) The global circuit intensity; its measurement and
variation over the last 50 years. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 88:223241
3. Svensmark H, Friis-Christensen E (1997) Variation of cosmic ray flux
and global cloud coverage a missing link in solar-climate relation-
ships. J Atmos Sol Terres Phys 59(11):12251232
4. Jrgensen TS, Hansen AW (2000) Comment on Variation of cosmic
ray flux and cloud coverage a missing link in solar-climate relation-
ships. J Atmos Phys 62:7377
5. Svensmark H, Friis-Christensen E (1999) Reply to comments on
Variation of cosmic ray flux and global cloud coverage a missing
link in solar-climate relationships. J Atmos Terres Phys 62:7377
6. Svensmark H (1998) Influence of cosmic rays on Earths climate.
Phys Rev Lett 81:50275030; Svensmark H (2000) Cosmic rays and
Earths climate. Space Sci Rev 93:175185; Marsh N, Svensmark H
(2000) Cosmic rays, clouds, and climate. Space Sci Rev 94:215230;
Marsh ND, Svensmark H (2000) Low cloud properties influenced by
cosmic rays. Phys Rev Lett 85:50045007
Cosmic Crisis 271
Hadley cell, 55, 99 JASON satellite program, 69
Hadley Climate Research Unit, Jet stream, 65
135, 139 Jupiter, 65, 66, 127, 131, 150, 151,
Hale cycle, 90, 146, 150 221224, 228, 238, 243, 245
Handbuch der Klimatologie, 236
Hansen, James, 1, 102, 141,
183187, 194, 196198, 210, K
211, 254 Kuiper Belt, 225, 227
Heat sink, 4951, 170
Heliosphere, 131
Holocene, 5, 9, 10, 71, 95, 106 L
Hoyle, F., 261 LAC. See Low cloud cover (LAC)
Hoyt, D.V., 89, 93, 94 La Nina, 61, 62, 65
278 Index