HE Limategate Mails: John Costella
HE Limategate Mails: John Costella
HE Limategate Mails: John Costella
by John Costella
After teaching for eight years at Mentone Grammar and The Peninsula School, he
took up a position as reliability engineer with the Department of Defence in 2006,
analysing statistical data for Defence equipment.
He then moved into the financial sector in April 2007, where he works as Data
Manager and Senior Research Scientist for a leading investment firm.
This booklet is dedicated to the memory of John Daly, Australia’s pioneer global
warming skeptic. John’s first publication about global warming, The Greenhouse
Trap, was published by Bantam Books in 1989. It has stood the test of time ex-
tremely well.
John was a pioneer in the use of the Web to disseminate information that was
relevant to this important debate and his website, ‘Still Waiting for Greenhouse’,
showed the power which the Web afforded to those who were shut out of the main-
stream media, but who had important information to make available to all who were
involved in this historic debate.
His sudden, untimely death in January 2004, at the age of 61, was a great loss to the
skeptics’ cause, and tributes to him flowed in from all over the world. An obituary
can be found on the Lavoisier Group website.
The Climategate Emails
John Costella
© 2010 John Costella and The Lavoisier Group Inc.
The Climategate emails expose to our view a world that was previously hidden from
virtually everyone.
This formerly hidden world was made up of a very few players. But they controlled
those critical Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) processes involv-
ing the temperature records from the past, and the official interpretation of cur-
rent temperature data. They exerted previously unrecognized influence on the “peer
review” process for papers seeking publication in the officially recognised climate
science literature from which the IPCC was supposed to rely exclusively in order to
draw its conclusions.
The Climategate emails demonstrate that these people had no regard for the tradi-
tions and assumptions which had developed over centuries and which provided the
foundations of Western science. At the very core of this tradition is respect for truth
and honesty in reporting data and results; and a recognition that all the data, and all
the steps required to reach a result, had to be available to the scientific world at large.
There are two issues which now have to be addressed. The first is the damage which
has been done to the standing of science as an intellectual discipline on which our
civilisation depends. The second is the status of the IPCC, since that institution is
the source of scientific authority on which prime ministers and other political lead-
ers rely to legitimise their statements about global warming.
The IPCC was established by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and
the United Nations Environment Panel (UNEP) in 1988. From the very beginning
its brief was to report on mankind’s influence on climate change.
The IPCC has published four assessment reports, in 1991, 1996, 2001, and in 2007.
Every successive report has upped the ante, both in the confidence of their predic-
tions of increasing global temperatures and rising sea-levels, and in the surety that
mankind is responsible for continued warming.
The Climategate emails originate from the University of East Anglia’s, Climatic Re-
search Unit, (CRU) founded by climatology pioneer Hubert Lamb. Tom Wigley,
who was born and educated in Adelaide, was Director of the CRU until 1993 and
was succeeded by Phil Jones, who is one of two lead players in this story.
The other lead player is Mike Mann, from Penn State University. Mike Mann leapt
from relative obscurity to international fame with his “hockey stick”, a graph of
global temperatures from 1000 AD to the present, which was the showpiece at the
launching of the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report in Shanghai in January 2001.
The hockey stick became a corporate logo for the IPCC , but because it rubbed out
the Mediaeval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age from the historical record, it was
subjected to a US congressional inquiry. Eventually it was shown that random data
fed into the algorithms used by Mann to produce his hockey stick from bristle cone
pine tree ring data, also yielded hockey stick results.
In this annotated edition of the Climategate emails, John Costella shows us how a
very small cabal of climate scientists, based at the University of East Anglia and at
Penn State University, were able to control the temperature record fed into the IPCC
reports and which comprised the foundation on which the whole global warming
structure was based. The only data base which they could not influence was the
satellite measured temperature data which John Christy and Roy Spencer, from the
University of Alabama, had established from 1979 on.
That this was a real conspiracy is beyond argument. The word “conspiracy” is used
by the players themselves. In any conspiracy there is a tight inner core and then suc-
cessive rings of collaborators, who accept the leadership of the central core.
The hero who emerges from these emails is Steve McIntyre, a Canadian ex-geologist
and mining analyst, who with remarkable patience and courtesy kept on asking for
the data and the computer programmes upon which the various IPCC pronounce-
ments were based. He has performed a great service for the world, which one day
will surely be recognised.
The other hero, so far unknown, is the whistle-blower who realised the implications
of what was going on and was able to place all these emails on an obscure Russian
John Costella has done a great service in making these emails intelligible to us all.
The Lavoisier Group is grateful to him for allowing us to publish his work. The cost
of this publication was met through donations from the Lavoisier Group’s member
and friends and on behalf of the Board I thank them for their generous support.
Hugh Morgan
March 2010
Why Climategate is so Distressing to Scientists
The most difficult thing for a scientist in the era of Climategate is trying to explain
to family and friends why it is so distressing to scientists. Most people don’t know
how science really works: there are no popular television shows, movies or books
that really depict the everyday lives of real scientists; it just isn’t exciting enough. I’m
not talking here about the major discoveries of science—which are well-described
in documentaries, popular science series, and magazines—but rather how the week-
by-week process of science (often called the “scientific method”) actually works.
The best analogy that I have been able to come up with, in recent weeks, is the crimi-
nal justice system—which is often depicted in the popular media. Everyone knows
what happens if the police obtain evidence by illegal means: the evidence is ruled
inadmissible; and, if a case rests on that tainted evidence, it is thrown out of court.
The justice system is not saying that the accused is necessarily innocent; rather, that
determining the truth is impossible if evidence is not protected from tampering or
The same is true in science: scientists assume that the rules of the scientific method
have been followed, at least in any discipline that publishes its results for public con-
sumption. It is that trust in the process that allows me, for example, to believe that
the human genome has been mapped—despite my knowing nothing about that field
of science at all. That same trust has allowed scientists at large to similarly believe in
the results of climate science.
Until now.
So what are the “rules” of the scientific method? Actually, they are not all that differ-
ent from those of the justice system. Just as it is a fundamental right of every affected
party to be heard and fairly considered by the court, it is of crucial importance to
science that all points of view be given a chance to be heard, and fairly debated. But,
of course, it would be impossible to allow an “open slather” type of arrangement, like
discussion forums on the Internet; so how do we admit all points of view, without
descending into anarchy?
century—has been the “peer review” process. The career of any professional scien-
tist lives or dies on their success in achieving publication of their papers in “peer-
reviewed” journals. So what, exactly, does “peer-reviewed” mean? Simply that other
professional scientists in that discipline must agree that the paper is worthy of publi-
cation. And what is the criterion that determines who these “professional scientists”
should be? Their success in achieving publication of their papers in peer-reviewed
journals! Catch-22.
It may seem, on the surface, that this circular process is fundamentally flawed but,
borrowing the words of Winston Churchill, it is the worst form of government ex-
cept for all those others that have been tried. Science is not, of course, alone in this
respect; for example, in the justice system, judges are generally selected from the
ranks of lawyers. So what is it that allows this form of system to work, despite its
evident circularity?
The justice system again provides a clue: judges are not the ones who ultimately
decide what occurs in a courtroom: they simply implement the laws passed or im-
posed by the government—and politicians are not, in general, selected solely from
the ranks of the legal profession. This is the ultimate “reality check” that prevents the
legal system from spiralling into navel-gazing irrelevance.
Equivalent “escape valves” for science are not as explicitly obvious, but they exist
First, a scientific discipline can maintain a “closed shop” mentality for a while, but
eventually the institutions and funding agencies that provide the lifeblood of their
work—the money that pays their wages and funds their research—will begin to
question the relevance and usefulness of the discipline, particularly in relation to
other disciplines that are competing for the same funds. This will generally be seen
by the affected scientists as “political interference”, but it is a reflection of their de-
scent into arrogance and delusions of self-importance for them to believe that only
they themselves are worthy of judging their own merits.
Second, scientists who are capable and worthy, but unfairly “locked out” of a given
discipline, will generally migrate to other disciplines in which the scientific process
is working as it should. Dysfunctional disciplines will, in time, atrophy, in favour of
those that are healthy and dynamic.
The Climategate emails show that these self-regulating mechanisms simply failed to
work in the case of climate science—perhaps because “climate science” is itself an
aggregation of many different and disparate scientific disciplines. Those component
disciplines are extremely challenging. For example, it would be wonderful if NASA
were able to invent a time machine, and go back over the past hundred thousand
years and set up temperature and carbon dioxide measurement probes across the
breadth of the globe. Unfortunately, we don’t have this. Instead, we need to infer
these measurements, by counting tree rings, or digging up tubes of ice. The science
of each of these disciplines is well-defined and rigorous, and there are many good
scientists working in these fields. But the real difficulty is the “stitching together” of
all of these results in a way that allows answers to the fundamental questions: How
much effect has mankind had on the temperature of the planet? And how much dif-
ference would it make if we did things differently?
It is this betrayal of the principles of science—in what is arguably the most impor-
tant public application of science in our lifetime—that most distresses scientists.
John Costella
10 December 2009
The Climategate Emails and
What they Mean
Climategate began on 19 November 2009, when a whistle-blower leaked thousands
of emails and documents central to a Freedom of Information request placed with
the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom.
This institution has played a central role in the “climate change” debate. Its scientists,
together with their international colleagues, quite literally put the “warming” into
Global Warming: they were responsible for analysing and collating the various
measurements of temperature from around the globe and that, going back for many
years, collectively underpinned the central scientific argument that mankind’s
liberation of “greenhouse” gases—particularly carbon dioxide—was leading to a
relentless, unprecedented and ultimately catastrophic warming of the entire planet.
The key phrase here, from a scientific point of view, is that it is “unprecedented”
warming. There is absolutely no doubt that mankind has liberated substantial
quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere over the past two centuries. But
mankind did not “create” this carbon dioxide out of nothing. It was released by the
burning of “fossil fuels”, which were created over millions of years from the remains
of plants and animals (who themselves ultimately obtained their nutrition from
those plants). So where did those plants get their energy and carbon dioxide from?
They absorbed the radiant energy of the Sun, and breathed in carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere, as plants continue to do today. In other words, when we burn fossil
fuels, we are utilizing a small part of the solar energy that had been collected and
stored by plants over millions of years, and in the process we are liberating into the
atmosphere the carbon dioxide that those plants had absorbed from the atmosphere
in the first place.
This may sound like a fairly benign sort of natural cycle, until you realize that a
couple of hundred years is a mere blink of an eye compared with the millions of
years it took for the planet to build up those resources. It is right for scientists to
worry about whether that massive and almost instantaneous “kick” to the planet
may throw the equilibrium of the biota into complete chaos. It is a valid question, of
ultimate global importance—one that most people would have thought would have
demanded the most careful, exacting and rigorous scientific analyses that mankind
could muster.
Climategate has shattered that myth. It gives us a peephole into the work of the
scientists investigating arguably the most important issue ever to face mankind.
Instead of seeing large collaborations of meticulous, careful, critical scientists, we
instead see a small team of incompetent scientists; abusing almost every aspect
of the framework of science to build a fence around themselves and their fellow
activists, to prevent real scientists from seeing the shambles of their “research”. Most
people find it impossible to believe that this could have happened; and it is only
because “climate science” exploded from a relatively tiny corner of academia into a
hugely funded industry in a matter of a few years that the perpetrators were able to
get away with it for so long.
This is one of the darker periods in the history of science. Those who love science,
and all it stands for, will be pained by what they read below. However, the crisis is
here, and cannot be avoided.
For simplicity, I have maintained the numerical and chronological order of the
emails, as they appear in the Climategate files. I considered reorganizing them by
topic, but quickly realized that this would require the replication of large numbers of
excerpts—which would lengthen what is already a long document. Thus, the various
issues involved in this scandal are explored chronologically, in parallel.
To assist the reader in getting acquainted with the various characters in this
saga, I have colour-coded their emails, as described below. To make the emails
understandable to any normal person, I have edited out scientific jargon, expanded
acronyms where appropriate, and inserted explanatory comments where I thought
it necessary. All of my comments, and the editing that I have done to the excerpts,
are in black.
Unlike the Climategate perpetrators themselves, however, I have made all the raw
data—the emails themselves, in unredacted raw text format—available through the
Lavoisier Group website in an online version of this hard copy document. Simply go
to the website at www.lavoisier.com.au, follow the obvious link to the PDF version,
and you will find that the corresponding heading for each email contains a hyperlink
to that original Climategate email. Thus, if you believe that I have excerpted from
the email unfairly, or out of context, then you can simply read the original email to
determine if that is the case.
So let us begin.
Cast of colourful characters
Mike Mann: lead player in the United States
Tom Wigley: older player who becomes increasingly worried about the unfolding
Keith Briffa: older player whose blunders lead the others to all but abandon him
Ben Santer: dangerously arrogant and naive young player in the United States
This earliest email of note in the Climategate collection reminds us that—as with
many things in life—money plays a key role in this saga. Let me emphasize that
Climategate is not riddled with financial scandals of Madoff magnitude. Rather, we
are reminded of the fact that the entire industry of “climate science” was created out of
virtually nothing, by means of a massive influx of funding that was almost universally
one-sided in its requirement that its recipients find evidence for man-made climate
change—rather than investigate whether or how much mankind had caused climate
In contrast to the trillions of dollars of global expenditure which these scientists urged
world leaders to spend by the end of 2009, the amounts involved in funding their
research appear trifling—typically measured in “mere” millions of dollars. But many
“climate scientists” built their entire careers on this funding, and so it is not surprising
that they became so completely dependent on this conditional lifeline that they single-
mindedly focused on achieving the ends for which they were commissioned—and
attacked any intruders who threatened it.
In this unfortunate case, a scientist in the former Soviet Union appears to descend
to the level of tax evasion, in order to maximize the amount of money available. As
Stepan Shiyatov writes to Keith Briffa:
Also, it is important for us if you can transfer the … money on the personal
accounts which we gave you earlier and the sum for one occasion transfer
(for example, during one day) will not be more than 10,000 United States
Dollars. Only in this case we can avoid big taxes …
Unfortunately, all other emails relating to these cash transfers have either been lost,
deleted, or withheld by the Climategate whistle-blower, so we don’t know whether
Keith Briffa complied with this request or not.
I believe that this level of financial impropriety would be a rare occurrence—although
it does highlight the fact that some of the people involved in this research were
prepared to “bend the rules” in order to achieve their goals. It also reminds us that
scientists in general are often ignorant of the requirements of the law; but, most of
the time, this does not lead to any significant ramifications. Therefore, although there
are other examples of low-level financial impropriety and misappropriation sprinkled
throughout the Climategate emails, I do not believe that they are of any significance
over and above the general comments that I have made here, and I will not explicitly
list them in the following.
He’s not all bad as he doesn’t have much confidence in nuclear-power
We here see clearly that Jones’s assessment of a scientist’s worth is influenced strongly
by his assessment of his or her ideology—in scientific terms, nuclear power safety is
completely unrelated to the science of climate change. This dangerous prejudice will
prove to be one of the most persistent threads throughout the Climategate scandal.
The data is of course interesting but I would have to see it and the board
would want the larger implications of the statistics clearly phrased in
general and widely understandable (by the ignorant masses) terms before
they would consider it not too specialised.
Two days after the previous exchange, Gary Funkhouser reports on his attempts to
obtain anything from the data that could be used to sell the message of climate change:
I really wish I could be more positive about the … material, but I swear I
pulled every trick out of my sleeve trying to milk something out of that.…
I don’t think it’d be productive to try and juggle the chronology statistics
any more than I already have—they just are what they are … I think I’ll
have to look for an option where I can let this little story go as it is.
His reluctance to report a “null result” (namely, that the data do not show anything
significant) is extremely disturbing, as it flies in the face of standard scientific practice,
which requires that all results be reported. The fundamental problem is that any
censoring of results that do not lead to a predetermined conclusion will always—by
design—bias the corpus of reported results towards that conclusion, in the same way
that a gambler who always brags about his wins (but stays silent about his losses) will
appear to be hugely successful, even if his losses have, in reality, far outweighed his
winnings (as is generally the case, in the long run, except for the extremely skilful).
We will, sadly, see that this fundamental scientific flaw—which, in and of itself, is
sufficient to render the evidence for climate change completely unreliable and
scientifically worthless—is one that runs throughout the entire Climategate saga.
Note, also, the immense power wielded—albeit ever so subtly—by Briffa: he influenced
the analysis that Funkhouser performed, simply by telling him that the results would
need to be politically “saleable”. Scientists are not naive: they know that securing
funding, publication of their papers, and interest from other institutions are the key
factors determining their future.
Geoff Jenkins was head of climate change prediction at the Hadley Centre for Climate
Prediction and Research, part of the United Kingdom’s Met(eorological) Office
(national weather service). He writes to Phil Jones:
Remember all the fun we had last year over 1995 global temperatures, with
the early release of information (via Australia), “inventing” the December
monthly value, letters to Nature, etc., etc.?
I think we should have a cunning plan about what to do this year, simply
to avoid a lot of wasted time.
Again, selling the public message—before the actual end of the calendar year—is of
primary importance for these senior scientists. Jenkins goes on to explain how this
“invented” data should be leaked:
We feed this selectively to Nick Nuttall (of the United Nations Environment
Program) (who has had this in the past and seems now to expect special
treatment) so that he can write an article for the silly season. We could also
give this to Neville Nicholls (climate scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology
Research Centre in Melbourne, Australia)?
Lest it be thought that this may be standard public relations procedure for the
Met(eorological) Office, Jenkins puts the issue beyond doubt:
I know it sound a bit cloak-and-dagger but it’s just meant to save time in
the long run.
In other words, Jenkins was more interested in getting “headline” numbers out to the
general public, than in ensuring an impartial release of information to all members of
the press at the same time.
One can only speculate about the trouble in which Jenkins would have landed himself
if he had written those words today, but given that we are here talking about 1996—
before so many billions of dollars were expended on the climate change debate, and
stock prices of “green” companies responded very quickly to such reports—we can
put his actions down to mere expedience and naïveté.
October 9, 1997: email 0876437553
We now encounter one of the most insidious red herrings in the climate debate: how
many thousands of scientists “endorsed” the views of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC).
Just months before the UNFCCC’s Third Conference of Parties (COP III), the critical
Kyoto meeting of December 1997 which resulted in the Kyoto Protocol, we find the
germ of this idea fertilizing in an email from Joe Alcamo, Director of the Center for
Environmental Systems Research in Germany, to Mike Hulme and Rob Swart:
Sounds like you guys have been busy doing good things for the cause.
This statement alone shows how ridiculous the “endorsement” process was from the
very beginning. Signing a petition in support of an opinion—regardless of whether
the signatory has a PhD or not—is as scientifically meaningless as if these same people
had voted Albert Einstein’s hairstyle as the most interesting in the history of science.
It is simply nonsense.
Alcamo continues:
2. If the Statement comes out just a few days before Kyoto I am afraid
that the delegates who we want to influence will not have any time to pay
attention to it. We should give them a few weeks to hear about it.
Conclusion I suggest the week of 10 November, or the week of 17 November
at the latest.
Alcamo demonstrates that this is a carefully crafted piece of political activism, not
related to the scientific process at all. Indeed, the optimization of the timing—allowing
just enough time for delegates to absorb the message, but not enough time for the
scientists signing on to this petition to actually examine or criticize its contents—will
return with a vengeance below.
I am always worried about this sort of thing. Even if you have 1000
signatures, and appear to have a strong backup, how many of those asked
did not sign?
Tol is absolutely correct: just as suppressing research results that do not support
climate change inevitably biases the published record, so too does suppressing the
number of scientists who declined to sign the petition.
Many similar lessons are related to undergraduate students of statistics every year the
world over, which earn much laughter in the lecture theatre, but are less humorous in
real life: estimating war-time damage to planes by examining only those that return;
completely wrong predictions of elections, because conservative voters are less likely
to respond to pollsters; and so on. That any faith at all was placed on climate petitions
of this sort is worrisome.
Tol continues:
I think that the text of the Statement conveys the message that it is a
scientific defense for the European Union’s position. There is not any.
Indeed, as we have seen in the intervening years, it was used to justify much more
than that.
say that “the latest IPCC assessment makes a convincing economic case for
immediate control of emissions.” …
This is a complex issue, and your misrepresentation of it does you a
disservice. To someone like me, who knows the science, it is apparent that
you are presenting a personal view, not an informed, balanced scientific
assessment. What is unfortunate is that this will not be apparent to the
vast majority of scientists you have contacted. In issues like this, scientists
have an added responsibility to keep their personal views separate from
the science, and to make it clear to others when they diverge from the
objectivity they (hopefully) adhere to in their scientific research. I think
you have failed to do this.
Your approach of trying to gain scientific credibility for your personal
views by asking people to endorse your letter is reprehensible. No scientist
who wishes to maintain respect in the community should ever endorse
any statement unless they have examined the issue fully themselves. You
are asking people to prostitute themselves by doing just this! I fear that
some will endorse your letter, in the mistaken belief that you are making a
balanced and knowledgeable assessment of the science—when, in fact, you
are presenting a flawed view that neither accords with the IPCC nor with
the bulk of the scientific and economic literature on the subject.
When scientists color the science with their own personal views or make
categorical statements without presenting the evidence for such statements,
they have a clear responsibility to state that that is what they are doing. You
have failed to do so. Indeed, what you are doing is, in my view, a form of
dishonesty more subtle but no less egregious than the statements made by
the greenhouse skeptics …. I find this extremely disturbing.
I couldn’t express it any better myself.
As we shall see, Mike Mann does not tolerate any criticism—no matter how mild,
even if it comes from his own colleagues; and he does everything within his power to
prevent the publication of any such criticisms. In this case, it seems that he has failed.
In defence of his team, Jones raises an issue that recurs throughout the Climategate
You may think Keith or I have reviewed some of your papers but we haven’t.
I’ve reviewed Ray’s and Malcolm’s—constructively, I hope, where I thought
something could have been done better. I also know you’ve reviewed my
paper with Gabi Hegerl very constructively.
This is a remarkable discussion for two senior scientists to be having. The “peer
review” process for papers submitted to academic journals is, in general, completely
anonymous, for the same reason that voting at elections is anonymous: to prevent
intimidation or bullying. For these scientists to be surreptitiously trying to determine
who the reviewers of their papers are immediately tells us two things: that the
practitioners have no respect for the principles of scientific integrity and objectivity;
and that this “discipline of science” has such a small and exclusive membership that
they are able to guess at the names of their reviewers by a simple process of elimination.
Jones tries to heal over the rift, but then proceeds to back up the statements of his
There are two things I’m going to say though:
1) Keith didn’t mention in his Science piece but both of us think that you’re
on very dodgy ground with this long-term decline in temperatures on the
1000 year timescale. …
2) The errors don’t include all the possible factors. …
Scientific disagreement is absolutely normal and healthy; that is not the point of this
exchange. Rather, it is Jones’s feeling the need to justify the criticisms being published
by his staff—and to assert, unequivocally, that he agrees with and supports those
criticisms—that is of real concern. Presumably, if Jones had not agreed with them,
then Mann’s attempt to have the criticisms suppressed might well have been successful.
In other words, these two men—Mike Mann and Phil Jones—essentially controlled
what could and could not be published in the scientific literature relating to their field.
This is an extremely dangerous concentration of power for any discipline, let alone a
field possessing such enormous political and financial ramifications.
We’ll differ a bit on a few points, but let’s wipe the slate clean …
I must admit to having little regard for the Web. Living over here makes that
easier than in the United States—but I would ignore the so-called skeptics
until they get to the peer-review arena. I know this is harder for you in
the United States and it might become harder still at your new location. I
guess it shows though that what we are doing is important. The skeptics are
fighting a losing battle.
It might seem remarkable that a senior scientist in 1999 could be dismissive of the
World Wide Web; but we must remember that this is not particle physics (where the
web originated, in the early 1990s), but rather a small corner of science that enjoyed
a surge of interest when the Ice Age scare took off in the early 1970s but enjoyed a
massive increase in government funding when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in
the UK, and US Vice President Al Gore made global warming a major political issue.
As he dismisses the impact of the Web, Jones feels safe that he won’t be hassled by
skeptics, as he knows that they have no chance of penetrating the closed club of peer
review; recall that the field of his “peers” is so small that he can determine who is
anonymously reviewing his papers by a process of elimination.
In 1999 the global warmists were riding a very big wave indeed. Al Gore was set to
win the 2000 US presidential election; Tony Blair, the UK Prime Minister, was a true
believer; and the entire EU apparatus in Brussels was pushing global warming as a
basic EU policy. Phil Jones, in 1999, had every reason to feel invincible.
really matter given all of the uncertainties. I didn’t mention this because
I thought that opening up that can of worms would confuse people even
The climate model output is also uncertain.
The fact that scientists are disagreeing here is not remarkable; rather, it is the degree
of confusion that is alarming—and a seeming complete lack of concern for the
consequences of publishing data that is agreed to be wrong. Wigley’s argument is that
the consequences of the mistake are insignificant compared to the uncertainties in the
model itself; and so he deemed it better to “let sleeping dogs lie”.
As we shall see, this form of disregard for accuracy and honesty was widespread in
this very small community of scientists, and sowed the seeds of their own destruction.
This caveat by Cook implies that “applying a bodge”—that is, a fudge, a fake-up; a
manipulation of the data to obtain the property you wish to see in it—is something
that he believes that Briffa may well have done; and he wants to first make sure that
Briffa has not done so, before encouraging him to publish a response that may be
critical of the published work.
“Applying a bodge” is scientific fraud, pure and simple; that it was accepted by this
small coterie of scientists as “standard practice” is damning.
I really have not had time to fully digest their message but I can’t see why
either they or Nature did not ask my opinion of it. My instinctive first
reaction is that I doubt it is the answer but we do get results that support
… that may be consistent with their hypothesis … If you get any detailed
thoughts on the Nature paper please let me know, as I don’t know how to
respond, if at all.
Briffa implicitly assumes that any paper that touches on his own work would
automatically be sent to him for review, and he cannot understand why this
“gentlemen’s understanding” was not honoured in this case—even though he admits
that the published paper may well be correct! Again, this highlights how tiny, cosy,
and scientifically dysfunctional this discipline of science really was—at a time when
the Western world was being assured by most major political leaders that the science
had been extensively corroborated and was rock-solid against any criticism.
Adam Markham from the WWF (formerly the World Wildlife Fund) writes to
University of East Anglia climate scientists Mike Hulme and Nicola Sheard, about a
paper that Hulme and Sheard had written about climate change in Australasia:
Hi Mike,
I’m sure you will get some comments direct from Mike Rae in WWF
Australia, but I wanted to pass on the gist of what they’ve said to me so far.
They are worried that this may present a slightly more conservative
approach to the risks than they are hearing from Australian scientists. In
particular, they would like to see the section on variability and extreme
events beefed up if possible. …
I guess the bottom line is that if they are going to go with a big public splash
on this they need something that will get good support from Australian
scientists (who will certainly be asked to comment by the press).
Climategate takes on a new dimension with this revelation: political activists from
an environmental lobby group are telling East Anglia climate scientists to rewrite
sections of their paper, as it is less alarming than the message that Australian scientists
have already presented for public consumption!
In this next email, Keith Briffa raises one of the issues that is central to the infamous
“hide the decline” email (which is the next email to be dealt with, below). It is therefore
worth spending some time understanding what this is all about, at least in a simplified
form. (Scientists interested in a more thorough account of all the methods used to
“hide the decline” should refer to Steve McIntyre’s extensive discussion of these issues
[see: http://climateaudit.org/2009/12/10/ipcc-and-the-trick/].)
scientific thermometers all over the planet, to make these measurements for us. Of
course, this isn’t possible, so scientists need to use other things as substitutes—or
“proxies”—for these thermometers.
Now, even my sons (in elementary school at the time of writing) can tell me a handful
of different factors that might influence the growth of a tree in a particular year: the
amount of sun shining on it; the amount of rain it gets; how hot the weather is when
it is growing; the conditions of the soil it is growing in; and particularly the amount of
carbon dioxide available for it to breathe in. We should imagine that the growth of a
tree should, at the very least, depend on these five things.
As a physicist, such a proposition seems fraught with danger from the outset. Let’s
pretend, for the moment, that the growth of a tree depends only on these five factors,
and no others. An elementary fact of mathematics, that I used to teach to my 15-year-
old high school students, is that if you have five unknowns (these five factors at any
given instant of time in a particular tree’s lifetime), then you need at least five pieces
of independent information to disentangle them all—and you need to know these five
quantities to a high accuracy.
So to make any use at all of tree ring data, climate scientists would need at least four
other completely independent “proxies”. Is this what they do?
They do not.
At best, they have a few other “proxies”, which themselves introduce more unknown
quantities into the equation—like the differences between sea temperatures and
air temperatures, or the sizeable differences of temperature across the planet. And
instead of using these other “proxies” to try to disentangle temperature from the other
relevant physical quantities, these climate scientists told the world that each of them is
an independent measure of temperature.
“averaging out” the various discrepant pieces of data, to give an artificial appearance
of consistency.
Unfortunately for them, the game fell apart when one of their colleagues did what any
good scientist would have done in the first place: they went to check that their main
“temperature proxy”—the tree ring data—agreed with absolutely reliable and rock-
solid temperature measurements: those made in a certain area in the United States,
over the previous forty years, using actual, genuine, scientific thermometers.
And what did they find?
That while the thermometers said that temperatures had gone up, the rings of the trees
in those same locations indicated that temperatures had gone down.
In other words, tree rings had been proved to be completely unreliable thermometers.
It is with this huge problem in mind that Keith Briffa writes to Mike Mann, Phil Jones,
Tom Karl, and Chris Folland, expressing severe reservations about their contribution
to the next Report by the IPCC (the 2001 IPCC’s Third Assessment Report or TAR),
at that time in its revision stages:
I know there is pressure to present a nice tidy story as regards “apparent
unprecedented warming in a thousand years or more in the temperature
proxy data” but in reality the situation is not quite so simple. We don’t have
a lot of temperature proxies that come right up to today and those that
do (at least a significant number of tree proxies) have some unexpected
changes in response that do not match the recent warming. I do not think
it wise that this issue be ignored in the chapter.
That is an understatement! Indeed, Briffa states his key opinion even more clearly:
I believe that the recent warmth was probably matched about 1000 years
This is a remarkable statement, which undermines the entire argument propounded
by Briffa and his colleagues that global warming was “unprecedented”.
Mike Mann responds to this catastrophic development:
I walked into this hornet’s nest this morning! Keith and Phil Jones have
both raised some very good points. And I should point out that Chris
Folland, through no fault of his own, but probably through me not
conveying my thoughts very clearly to the others, definitely overstates any
singular confidence I have in my own (Mann and co-workers’) results.
In other words, Mann has hardly any confidence in his own results!
Mann now engineers what became the infamous “green graph”—the green tree-ring
line in the graph in the IPCC Report that mysteriously passes behind the other lines at
the year 1961—and never emerges on the other side. First, he needs to fiddle the data,
to make sure that the lines all cross at right place:
Satisfied with that solution, he then turns to the problem of that bothersome “late
20th century decline”:
So if Chris and Tom (?) are OK with this, I would be happy to add Keith’s
line to the graph. That having been said, it does raise a conundrum: We
demonstrate … that the major discrepancies between Phil’s and our line
can be explained in terms of (statistical excuses). But that explanation
certainly can’t rectify why Keith’s data, which has similar properties to
Phil’s data, differs in large part in exactly the opposite direction that Phil’s
does from ours. This is the problem we all picked up on—everyone in the
room at the IPCC was in agreement that this was a problem and a potential
distraction/detraction from the reasonably consensus viewpoint we’d like
to show with the Jones and co-workers’ and Mann and co-workers’ results.
In other words, there was no consensus at all at the IPCC—other than the participants’
universal agreement that there was a problem with what they wanted to show. Mann
is here telling us, in his own words, that there was an agenda to present a “consensus
viewpoint”—that simply didn’t exist in reality because of the science.
Mann now buries himself, by explaining what they should have done:
So, if we show Keith’s line in this plot, we have to comment that “something
else” is responsible for the discrepancies in this case. Perhaps Keith can
help us out a bit by explaining the processing that went into the data and
the potential factors that might lead to it being “warmer” than the Jones
and co-workers’ and Mann and co-workers’ results? We would need to put
in a few words in this regard. Otherwise, the skeptics would have a field
day casting doubt on our ability to understand the factors that influence
these estimates and, thus, can undermine faith in the …estimates from
paleological data. I don’t think that doubt is scientifically justified, and I’d
hate to be the one to have to give it fodder!
In other words, Mann believes that all the lines should agree, but the actual data say
otherwise; and he is loath to give that “fodder” to the critics. Mann is in denial of the
obvious conclusion: that the science is in doubt. He tries to pressure Briffa to come up
with excuses why his data might not agree with the others.
Of course, we know that, ultimately, he gave up on this impossible task, and the
troublesome “decline” was simply removed! This was how the term “hiding the
decline” came into being (see below).
Mann-made global warming, indeed.
partner, and will contribute to a studentship fund, though under certain
And they accuse skeptics of “being in the pockets” of Big Oil?
I’m talking to Shell International’s climate change team, but this approach
will do equally for the new Foundation, as it’s only one step or so off Shell’s
equivalent of a board level. I do know a little about the Foundation and what
kind of projects they are looking for. It could be relevant for the new building,
incidentally, though opinions are mixed as to whether it’s within the remit.
Sounds lucrative. Buildings don’t come cheap.
Tom Karl, Director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
National Climatic Data Center, compounds the comedy:
Steve, I agree with your assessment of “inconclusive”—“quite possible”
is much better and we use “possible” in the United States National
Assessment. Surveys have shown that the term “possible” is interpreted in
this range by the public.
Despite Karl completely agreeing with his butchering of the language, Schneider is
concerned that Karl’s term is still not alarmist enough. His response reminds one of
Sir Humphrey in Yes, Minister:
Great Tom, I think we are converging to much clearer meanings across various
cultures here. Please get the “inconclusive” out! By the way, “possible” still has
some logical issues as it is true for very large or very small probabilities in
principle, but if you define it clearly it is probably OK—but “quite possible”
conveys medium confidence better—but then why not use “medium
confidence”, as the 3 rounds of review over the guidance paper concluded
after going through exactly the kinds of discussions we’re having now?
Indeed, if they continued this farce for long enough, they would eventually conclude
that they may as well say that it is “overwhelmingly likely”! Remember, we are here
talking about a scenario that—even according to their own calculations—was just as
likely to be wrong as it was right!
have to be published does not even apply, because the Japanese model, for
example, is very different from the published one which gave results not
even close to the actual … version …. Essentially, I feel that at this point
there are very little rules and almost anything goes. I think this will set a
dangerous precedent which might undermine the IPCC’s credibility, and
I am a bit uncomfortable that now nearly everybody seems to think that it
is just OK to do this. Anyway, this is only my opinion, for what it is worth.
Further on in the email, he describes the criterion for determining that models “agree”:
1) Do we soften our requirement, i.e. from “all the models except one need
to agree with each other” to “all the models except two need to agree with
each other” agreement? I do not feel strongly about it but am more in favor
of not softening the criterion. We are looking for confidence and model
agreement and should have stringent requirements on it.
In other words—to fill in the missing emails, that we do not have—what has happened
is the following: The scientists previously decided that they would accept that all the
models “agree” if either all of them agree with each other, or all but one of them agree
with each other. But in preparing their Chapter for the Report, they found that two
of the models did not agree with the others. Thus it has been suggested that they now
“move the goalposts”—after the event—to redefine “agreement” so that two of the
models be allowed disagree with the others!
In fact, this entire “criterion for agreement” is absolute nonsense in the first place,
flying in the face of the most elementary principles of statistics, as I will discuss shortly.
But even ignoring that, the idea that they can avoid the “inconvenient truth” of their
results by moving the goalposts after the fact is, in and of itself, serious scientific fraud.
To his great credit, Filippo is arguing against this form of subterfuge.
He continues:
2) Do we include the data that disagree in the analysis? I say yes, not having
time for more detailed analysis as to why they should not be included. In
Chapter 9 of the Report they are presented as bracketing the answers, not
as being wrong. This is the problem of not having published research on
this: perhaps a paper would have excluded them on scientific grounds, but
can we, at this point? I am not sure we can have solid enough foundations
to legitimate it. Besides, I have done the analysis without them as well, and
things did not change almost at all.
To any scientist with even a rudimentary knowledge of statistics, this paragraph
shows that the entire IPCC had absolutely no idea what they were doing. Data that
disagree with the other data (“outliers” in the jargon of mathematics, although I
will not use that term here) are of critical importance: understanding them is key to
understanding what your data is telling you; they provide the ultimate “reality check”
that you really know what you are doing. They are not “wrong”, as these “scientists” are
suggesting; they should not simply be omitted. Nor should they simply be presented
as “bracketing” the data that do agree.
Again, Giorgi’s comments are a credit to his wisdom and integrity: he urges—
correctly—that if there is no valid reason to exclude the data, then it must be
presented as it stands. He is also arguing against using unpublished (and thus not
peer-reviewed) results, particularly from models such as the Japanese model that have
not been published, and disagree with the results of models that have been published.
As noted above, standard scientific practice is to ensure that the chances of getting
agreement purely by luck is less than some percentage, often 5 per cent. To argue that
the criterion is too strong because the chance of such a “false (lucky) positive” is only
3.5 per cent—and that the previous situation of allowing a 37 per cent chance of false
positive is far preferable—is simply astounding: it shows a very poor understanding
of the fundamental principles of statistics.
But more astonishing is Whetton’s lack of confidence in performing an elementary
calculation in probability theory that 16-year-old high school students routinely
calculate every day! It would be equivalent to Tiger Woods expressing a lack of
confidence in his ability to decide which wood he should use for a particular hole …
What they do is “cherry pick” those proxies that seem to give the “right” answers, and
ignore those that don’t. That’s not just bad science: it’s completely wrong.
Hughes’s next comment exemplifies this “cherry picking”:
I am confident that, before 1850, they do contain a record of temperatures
changing over decades. I am equally confident that, after that date, they are
recording something else.
And, at the end of the day, that’s what this “cherry picking” is based on: the gut feeling
of these scientists.
Thus, the impasse—one side the skeptics pointing to large temperature
variations in many records around the globe, and the other side saying,
“Yes, but not at the same time and so, if averaged out, is no big deal.”
He then points out that this glib brush-off is simply not valid:
But, just replying that events don’t happen at the same time (sometimes by
a few decades) is the reason might not be enough. It seems to me that we
must go one step further. We must address the question: what effects can
generate large … temperature variations over hundreds of years, regional
though they may be (and, could these occur at different times in different
regions due to shifting climate patterns)? If we can’t do this, then there
might be something wrong with our rationale that the average does not
vary much even though many regions see large variations. This may be the
nub of the disagreement, and until we answer it, many careful scientists
will decide the issue is still unsettled, and that indeed climate in the past
may well have varied as much or more than in the last hundred years.
This remarkable statement—mailed to all of the key players in this scandal—shows
that they knew, clearly, more than eight years before the Climategate whistle-blower
released these emails, that the entire basis of their claims was on shaky ground.
In his last paragraph, Keller points out the elementary mathematical error in the
“averaging trick”:
Also, I note that most proxy temperature records claim timing errors of …
50 years ahead or behind the correct date or so. What is the possibility that
records are cancelling each other out on variations in the hundred-year
time frame due simply to timing errors?
There are, in fact, many more mathematical reasons why the “averaging trick” is
completely wrong; but Keller’s observation is completely correct, and by itself discredits
the entire corpus of work establishing these “multi-proxy” historical temperature
Cook parries admirably:
Of course, I know everyone in this “very able group” and respect their
opinions and scientific credentials. The same obviously goes for you. That
is not to say that we can’t disagree. After all, consensus science can impede
progress as much as promote understanding.
Mann is taken aback, and tries a different tack:
I don’t in any way doubt yours and Jan’s integrity here.
I’m just a bit concerned that the result is getting used publicly, by some,
before it has gone through the gauntlet of peer review. Especially because
it is, whether you condone it or not, being used as we speak to discredit the
work of us, and Phil and his co-workers; this is dangerous. I think there are
some legitimate issues that need to be sorted out ….
I’d be interested to be kept posted on what the status of the manuscript is.
Cook responds with a level of integrity foreign to Mann’s mind-set:
Unfortunately, this global change stuff is so politicized by both sides of the
issue that it is difficult to do the science in a dispassionate environment. I
ran into the same problem in the acid rain/forest decline debate that raged
in the 1980s. At one point, I was simultaneous accused of being a raving
tree hugger and in the pocket of the coal industry. I have always said that I
don’t care what answer is found as long as it is the truth or at least bloody
close to it.
uncertainty is almost useless! … I believe that this is absolutely essential to
do, whether or not we can do a perfect job.
Cook is arguing that misleading estimates of uncertainties are worse than not
presenting any estimates at all; Mann is arguing that graphs without error estimates
would not look credible, which is more important than the estimates actually being
Cook is correct.
This is a remarkable admission: even if the scientists are completely wrong, we “should”
force changes on mankind that could cost trillions of dollars, on purely ideological
reasons I outlined before (and have attached for those of you who haven’t
seen them). I have to wonder why the functioning of the review process
broke down so overtly here.
Keith Briffa replies, refuting Mann’s insinuations and rebuffing his intimidations:
Given the list of people to whom you have chosen to circulate your
message(s), we thought we should make a short, somewhat formal,
response here. I am happy to reserve my informal response until we are
face to face!
Finally, we have to say that we do not feel constrained in what we say to the
media or write in the scientific or popular press, by what the skeptics will
say or do with our results. We can only strive to do our best and address
the issues honestly. Some “skeptics” have their own dishonest agenda—we
have no doubt of that. If you believe that I, or Tim, have any other objective
but to be open and honest about the uncertainties in the climate change
debate, then I am disappointed in you also.
Mike Mann is demonstrating his need to be the unchallenged leader of the team, and
his annoyance with anyone who does not toe his line.
In other words, because these astrophysicists don’t use the mathematically and
statistically incorrect method of “averaging” the various temperature proxies to hide
the variability of temperature in the past, they’re not members of the club!
He continues:
Writing this I am becoming more convinced we should do something …
I will be emailing the journal to tell them I’m having nothing more to do
with it until they rid themselves of this troublesome editor. A Climatic
Research Unit person is on the editorial board, but papers get dealt with
by the editor assigned by Hans von Storch.
Recall, this action is being taken before he has even read the whole paper even a single
Mike Mann replies:
The Soon and Baliunas paper couldn’t have cleared a “legitimate” peer
review process anywhere. That leaves only one possibility—that the peer-
review process at Climate Research has been hijacked by a few skeptics
on the editorial board. And it isn’t just De Freitas; unfortunately, I think
this group also includes a member of my own department… The skeptics
appear to have staged a “coup” at Climate Research (it was a mediocre
journal to begin with, but now it’s a mediocre journal with a definite
In other words, the publication of a single paper critical of their work—which is how
any healthy discipline of science is supposed to work—is, automatically, evidence of a
“hijacking” of an entire peer-reviewed journal.
Mann urges his colleagues to start a witch-hunt:
Folks might want to check out the editors and review editors:
[there follows a link to a page on Climate Research’s website listing the
Despite the paper having barely been looked at, Mann immediately starts to plan their
I told Mike MacCracken that I believed our only choice was to ignore this
paper. They’ve already achieved what they wanted—the claim of a peer-
reviewed paper. There is nothing we can do about that now, but the last
thing we want to do is bring attention to this paper, which will be ignored
by the community on the whole…
It is pretty clear that the skeptics here have staged a bit of a coup, even
in the presence of a number of reasonable folks on the editorial board
(Whetton, Goodess, …). My guess is that Von Storch is actually with them
(frankly, he’s an odd individual, and I’m not sure he isn’t himself somewhat
of a skeptic himself), and with Von Storch on their side, they would have a
very forceful personality promoting their new vision.
There have been several papers by Pat Michaels, as well as the Soon and
Baliunas paper, that couldn’t get published in a reputable journal.
This was the danger of always criticising the skeptics for not publishing in
the “peer-reviewed literature”. Obviously, they found a solution to that—
take over a journal!
We now see what Mann and colleagues are so upset about: they believed that their cosy
club was safe from intruders, as the only way to challenge them was to be published
in a “peer-reviewed” journal—which they themselves controlled. But now that the
fortifications were breached, the entire house of cards was in danger of falling down.
Mann immediately suggests black-balling the journal that dared to challenge their
So what do we do about this? I think we have to stop considering Climate
Research as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should
encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer
submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider
what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit
on the editorial board…
So it’s OK for their gang to control the “peer review” process, but not OK for skeptics
to have any say?
Using their weight of numbers to “redefine” these historical periods? Is this the genesis
of the Wikipedia censorship scandal?
The manuscript was reviewed initially by five referees. … The other three
referees, all reputable atmospheric scientists, agreed it should be published
subject to minor revision. Even then I used a sixth person to help me
decide. I took his advice and that of the three other referees and sent the
manuscript back for revision. It was later accepted for publication. The
refereeing process was more rigorous than usual.
On the surface this looks to be above board—although, as referees who
advised rejection, it is clear that Danny and I should have been kept in the
loop and seen how our criticisms were responded to.
Again, Wigley perpetuates the arrogant myth that this small club of scientists should
have the right to interfere with, and ultimately veto, the review and publication process
for each and every paper published in their field. Such censorship is not how a healthy
discipline of science operates; indeed, any discipline that operates in this manner is
not “science” at all.
Wigley continues:
I suspect that de Freitas deliberately chose other referees who are members
of the skeptics camp. I also suspect that he has done this on other occasions.
How to deal with this is unclear, since there are a number of individuals
with genuine scientific credentials who could be used by an unscrupulous
editor to ensure that “anti-greenhouse” science can get through the peer
review process (Legates, Balling, Lindzen, Baliunas, Soon, and so on). The
peer review process is being abused, but proving this would be difficult.
This is a damning admission by Wigley: he acknowledges that these skeptics have
impeccable scientific credentials; the only reason that they should be banned from
reviewing papers for journal publication is that they don’t buy into their dogma of
global warming! This email dispels any doubt that this cosy club redefined “peers” to
mean “scientists who agree with us”—which makes a mockery of the entire idea of
“peer review”.
The ultimate irony in all this, of course, is that skepticism is not a scientific insult, but
rather an essential tenet of the scientific method. Only in debates within dogmatic
theology are sceptics branded as heretics.
latter to provide a second opinion on a paper and reviewers’ comments
prior to publication. A General Editor would be needed to adjudicate in
the event of disagreement. Of course, this could then slow down the review
process enormously. However, without an editorial board to vote someone
off, how can suspect Editors be removed except by the Publisher (in this
case, Inter-Research, the publishers of Climate Research).
Tom Wigley replies:
Re Climate Research, I do not know the best way to handle the specifics
of the editoring. Hans von Storch is partly to blame—he encourages the
publication of crap science “in order to stimulate debate”. One approach
is to go direct to the publishers and point out the fact that their journal is
perceived as being a medium for disseminating misinformation under the
guise of refereed work. I use the word “perceived” here, since whether it is
true or not is not what the publishers care about—it is how the journal is
seen by the community that counts.
In other words, Wigley is unambiguously advocating a “smear campaign” against the
Wigley continues:
I think we could get a large group of highly credentialed scientists to sign
such a letter—50+ people. Note that I am copying this view only to Mike
Hulme and Phil Jones. Mike’s idea to get the editorial board members to
resign will probably not work—we must get rid of von Storch too, otherwise
the holes will eventually fill up with people (skeptics) like Legates, Balling,
Lindzen, Michaels, Singer, etc. I have heard that the publishers are not
happy with von Storch, so the above approach might remove that hurdle
Mann continues:
Here, I tend to concur at least in spirit … that other approaches may be
necessary. I would emphasize that there are indeed, as Tom notes, some
unique aspects of this latest assault by the skeptics which are cause for
special concern. This latest assault uses a compromised peer-review
process as a vehicle for launching a scientific disinformation campaign
(often vicious and personal) under the guise of apparently legitimately
reviewed science, allowing them to make use of the “Harvard” moniker in
the process.
Mann’s outrage is laughable: he cannot bear to be criticized by an astrophysicist—from
Harvard, no less.
However, his relief at being able to control almost all of the media is equally evident:
Fortunately, the mainstream media never touched the story (mostly it
has appeared in papers owned by Murdoch and his crowd, and dubious
fringe on-line outlets). Much like a server which has been compromised
as a launching point for computer viruses, I fear that Climate Research has
become a hopelessly compromised vehicle in the skeptics’ (can we find a
better word?) disinformation campaign, and some of the discussion that
I’ve seen (e.g. a potential threat of mass resignation among the legitimate
members of the Climate Research editorial board) seems, in my opinion, to
have some potential merit.
Remember, this retaliation is in response to the publication of a single critical paper—
which in any healthy discipline of science is an absolutely vital, every-day occurrence.
Mann continues to engineer the “spin-doctoring” of this retaliation:
This should be justified not on the basis of the publication of science we
may not like, of course, but based on the evidence (e.g. as provided by Tom
and Danny Harvey, and I’m sure there is much more) that a legitimate
peer-review process has not been followed by at least one particular editor.
Mark Eakin adds:
Since the White House has shown interest in this paper, the Office of
Science & Technology Policy really does need to receive a measured,
critical discussion of flaws in Soon and Baliunas’s methods. I agree with
Tom that a noted group … such as Mann, Crowley, Briffa, Bradley, Jones
and Hughes should spearhead such a letter. Many others of us could sign
on in support. This would provide Dave Halpern with the ammunition he
needs to provide the White House with the needed documentation that
hopefully will dismiss this paper for the slipshod work that it is.
“Ammunition” it is, indeed—for an attempted character assassination. Mike Mann
confirms that he has supplied this “ammunition” to their man in the White House:
Indeed, I have provided David Halpern with a written set of comments on
the offending paper(s) for internal use, so that he was armed with specifics
as he confronts the issue within the Office of Science & Technology Policy.
He may have gotten additional comments from other individuals as well—
I’m not sure. I believe that the matter is in good hands with Dave, but we
have to wait and see what happens.
If there was ever any doubt that the fundamental principles of science had been lost
in this discipline, this email absolutely demolishes it. Cook should never have been
entrusted with the task of reviewing this paper.
Mike Hulme forwards this email to Phil Jones, Tom Wigley, and Mike Mann:
So, this would seem to be the end of the matter as far as Climate Research
is concerned.
Mike Mann is not willing to let it go at that:
It seems to me that this “Kinne” character’s words are disingenuous, and
probably supports what de Freitas is trying to do. It seems clear we have
to go above him. I think that the community should, as Mike Hulme has
previously suggested in this eventuality, terminate its involvement with
this journal at all levels—reviewing, editing, and submitting, and leave it
to wither way into oblivion and disrepute.
Tom Wigley realizes that such tactics amount to scientific blackmail:
I agree that Kinne seems like he could be a de Freitas clone. However, what
would be our legal position if we were to openly and extensively tell people
to avoid the journal?
Ben Santer has no such qualms:
Based on Kinne’s editorial, I see little hope for more enlightened editorial
decision-making at Climate Research. Tom, Richard Smith and I will
eventually publish a rebuttal to the Douglass and co-workers paper. We’ll
publish this rebuttal in the Journal of Geophysical Research—not in Climate
I’m not too comfortable with this, and would rather not sign—at least
not without some real time to think it through and debate the issue. It is
unprecedented and political, and that worries me.
My vote would be that we don’t do this without a careful discussion first.
To his great credit, Overpeck understands the ramifications of crossing the line
between honest scientific research, and pure political activism:
What are the precedents and outcomes of similar actions? I can imagine
a special-interest organization or group doing this, like all sorts of other
political actions, but is it something for scientists to do as individuals?
It just seems strange, and for that reason I’d advise against doing anything
with out real thought, and certainly a strong majority of co-authors in
Is it acceptable for taxpayer-funded scientists to advocate political issues?
I have been closely involved in the Climate Research fiasco. I have had
papers that I refereed (and soundly rejected), under de Freitas’s editorship,
appear later in the journal—without me seeing any response from the
authors. As I have said before to others, his strategy is first to use mainly
referees that are in the anti-greenhouse community, and second, if a paper
is rejected, to ignore that review and seek another more “sympathic”
reviewer. In the second case he can then (with enough reviews) claim that
the honest review was an anomalous data point that can be ignored.
Again, Wigley’s view is so myopic that any dissenting opinion must be “dishonest”.
He then has the gall to suggest formalizing this closed-shop mentality:
I agree that an ethics committee is needed and I would be happy to serve
on such a committee. It would have to have endorsement by international
societies, like the Royal Society of London for the Improvement of
Natural Knowledge, the United States National Academy of Sciences, the
Academy of Europe, plus the Royal Meteorological Society, the American
Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, etc.
Now that would really provide fertile ground for institutionalized bullying and
ideological exclusion!
Wigley continues:
Jim Titus mentioned to me that in the legal profession here people are
disbarred for behavior like that of de Freitas (and even John Christy—
although this is a more subtle case). We cannot do that of course, but we
can alert the community of honest scientists to such behavior and formally
discredit these people.
The Danish Academy did something like this recently, but were not entirely
This sentence refers to the attempt by the Danish Academy to blackball Bjørn Lomborg.
Wigley then joins the chorus of conspirators urging that the journal be black-balled:
In the meantime, I urge people to dissociate themselves from Climate
Research. The residual “editorial” (a word I use almost tongue in cheek)
board is looking like a rogues’ gallery of skeptics. Those remaining who are
credible scientists should resign.
We need some data on Soon and Baliunas. One of my concerns is that they
only publish in low-impact journals, and completely bypass the normal
give-and-take of presentations at open scientific meetings (for example, I
think I have probably heard 100 presentations overall from the people on
this mailing list).
His implication is that, if you repeat something enough times—to a sympathetic
audience—it somehow becomes more credible. From this hypothesis, he develops an
entire line of attack on these interlopers:
It is therefore very important to inquire, for the sake or our exchanges with
reporters, legislators, etc, as to how often any of you may have heard Soon
or Baliunas give a talk in an open meeting, where they could defend their
Please respond to me as to whether you have heard either of them present
something on their climate analyses (I think I heard Baliunas speak once
on her astrophysics work, but that doesn’t count).
I will let you know the results of the poll so that we may all be on the same
grounds with respect to the data, and reporting such information to press
inquiries, legislators, etc.
Tom Wigley proposes a tactic that is pure disinformation:
Might be interesting to see how frequently Soon and Baliunas, individually,
are cited (as astronomers).
Are they any good in their own fields? Perhaps we could start referring to
them as “astrologers”(excusable as … “oops, just a typo”).
Mike Mann recommends counting citations (“my count is bigger than yours”)—a
practice that is meaningless when the members of a small discipline repeatedly cite
each other’s papers:
I checked this out prior to my United States Senate hearing. Their science
citations in the climate literature are poor, as one would hope and expect.
Interestingly, they both drop their second initials when publishing in the
climate literature so that their names don’t turn in up in the citation index if
you do a search on their publications in the astronomy literature (which use
the full initials)—apparently, they don’t want their astronomy colleagues
to be aware that they’re moonlighting as supposed climatologists…
What a bizarre theory!
Mann is forced to acknowledge that his research into their publication record is
Their numbers are better in the astronomy literature, though Soon’s
numbers even here are mediocre.
Baliunas had some well-cited publications more than a decade ago. This is
her work on the use of sun-like stars as a model for solar variability, etc.,
which is well referenced in the astrophysics community. However, most of
these appear to be her Ph.D. work, and appear to have been published with
her Ph.D. adviser.
Which is, of course, absolutely standard practice—and indicates that her PhD work
was both original and useful to the astrophysics community. Mann continues:
Not much evidence however that she has made any useful, independent
contribution since then. There are some additional papers she’s published
on time series analysis of solar signals—looks like the kind of stuff you
might expect to see from a graduate student first-year research project….
This is the ultimate irony, given that Mann and his colleagues demonstrated their
absolute ineptitude in this very area of mathematics—called “time series analysis”—
that is needed to properly understand their temperature proxy data.
Mann now suggests that they “cherry-pick” their citation record to give the misleading
impression of a low citation count, by ignoring their publications in astrophysics:
In my opinion, it would be a mistake to evaluate these on their citations
numbers in astronomy. We should focus on their numbers in the climate
literature, which are the only ones relevant when discussing the issue of
how their work on climate is received by their fellow scientists.
it as well), but I am willing to offer to include them if they can contribute
without just defending their past work—this is the key to having anyone
involved. Be honest. Lay it all out on the table and don’t start by assuming
that any reconstruction is better than any other.
This is testament to the parlous state of this field: that an established member of this
group is reduced to suggesting that a paper be written in which past mistakes are no
longer covered up.
Cook’s suggestions end with comments that are only half-humorous:
7) Publish, retire, and don’t leave a forwarding address
Without trying to prejudice this work, but also because of what I almost
think I know to be the case, the results of this study will show that we can
probably say a fair bit about … temperature variability within a century
(at least as far as we believe the temperature proxy estimates), but that we
honestly know fuck-all about what the … variability was like on timescales
greater than a century with any certainty (i.e. we know with certainty that
we know fuck-all).
Cook’s “calling a spade a spade” immediately endears him to my heart, and gives us
confidence that he is expressing his genuine opinion. And while that opinion agrees
completely with my own assessment of this field of science, it is astounding to hear it so
explicitly (and colourfully), directly from the mouth of one intimately involved in this
case: temperature variations within a century can probably be reliably estimated, but we
can conclude absolutely nothing about temperature variations over longer time-scales.
That, dear reader, is the absolute crux of the global warming question: whether current
temperature changes are “unprecedented” over historical time periods. Here we have,
in no uncertain terms, a definitive statement that we have no idea if this is the case.
The jury is dismissed. Mankind has been found not guilty of all charges.
When the paper came out, some critics argued that the paper actually
showed that there have been three periods in the last 2000 years which were
warmer than today (one just prior to AD 700, one just after, and one just
prior to AD 1000). They also claimed that the paper could only conclude
that current temperatures were warmer if one compared the proxy data
with other data sets. (For an example of these arguments, see: link to paper)
I’d be very interested to include your rebuttals to these arguments in the
piece I’m doing. I must admit to being confused by why proxy data should
be compared to instrumental data for the last part of the data-set. Shouldn’t
the comparison be a consistent one throughout?
With many thanks for your patience with this
Robert Matthews
A reasonable request, one would think. Here is Mike Mann’s response:
Dear Mr. Matthews,
Unfortunately Phil Jones is travelling and will probably be unable to offer a
separate reply. Since your comments involve work that is his as well, I have
therefore taken the liberty of copying your inquiry and this reply to several
of his British colleagues.
The comparisons made in our paper are well explained therein, and
your statements belie the clearly-stated qualifications in our conclusions
with regard to separate analyses of the Northern Hemisphere, Southern
Hemisphere, and globe.
An objective reading of our manuscript would readily reveal that the
comments you refer to are scurrilous. These comments have not been
made by scientists in the peer-reviewed literature, but rather, on a website
that, according to published accounts, is run by individuals sponsored by
ExxonMobil Corporation, hardly an objective source of information.
Owing to pressures on my time, I will not be able to respond to any further
inquiries from you. Given your extremely poor past record of reporting
on climate change issues, however, I will leave you with some final words.
Professional journalists I am used to dealing with do not rely upon un-
peer-reviewed claims off internet sites for their sources of information.
They rely instead on peer-reviewed scientific research, and mainstream,
rather than fringe, scientific opinion.
Michael E. Mann
I don’t think the message gets much clearer than that—Robert Matthews is black-
balled on both sides of the Atlantic!
Note the common threads being weaved by Mike Mann here. Firstly, he hides behind
the pretence of “peer-reviewed literature”, safe in the knowledge that he and his
collaborators have that avenue under their control. Secondly, he bullies Matthews
by forwarding his email to as many collaborators as possible, so that they all know
that they are not to speak to him under any circumstances. Thirdly, with great
condescension, he tells the journalist that the answers to his questions are self-evident
from their paper, if only he had the intelligence to understand it.
These are the tactics of an academic bully. Real scientists don’t need to hide behind
such intimidation.
sciences, atmospheric sciences, and environmental sciences departments
at any number of major universities.
In other words, Holdren is implying that if you’re too dumb or too lazy to read the
papers, then simply ask the members of the “club”!
His last alternative:
(3) The least satisfactory approach for those not qualified for (1) and
lacking the time or initiative for (2), would be to learn what one can
about the qualifications (including publications records) and reputations,
in the field in question, of the authors on the two sides. Doing this
would reveal that Soon and Baliunas are, essentially, amateurs in the
interpretation of historical and paleoclimatological records of climate
change, while the Mann and co-workers’ authors include several of the
most published and most distinguished people in the world in this field.
Such an investigation would also reveal that Dr. Baliunas’s reputation in
this field suffered considerable damage a few years back, when she put her
name on an incompetent critique of mainstream climate science that was
never published anywhere respectable but was circulated by the tens of
thousands, in a format mimicking that of a reprint from the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, in pursuit of signatures on a petition
claiming that the mainstream findings were wrong.
This text could have been taken straight out of a dirty tricks manual on “disinformation”,
character assassination, and dishonest techniques for discrediting opposition!
Holdren now displays his flair as an intelligence agent, by pointing out the obvious
flaws in his last suggestion—and then covering them up with yet more insinuations of
laziness and inability, and a bogus “probability” argument:
Of course, the third approach is the least satisfactory because it can be
dangerous to assume that the more distinguished people are always right.
Occasionally, it turns out that the opposite is true. That is one of several
good reasons that it pays to try to penetrate the arguments, if one can, or
to poll others who have tried to do so. But in cases where one is not able or
willing to do either of these things—and where one is able to discover that
the imbalance of experience and reputation on the two sides of the issue is
as lopsided as here—one ought at least to recognize that the odds strongly
favor the proposition that the more experienced and reputable people are
right. If one were a policy maker, to bet the public welfare on the long odds
of the opposite being true would be foolhardy.
Are you convinced yet?
October 26, 2003: email 1067194064
Mike Mann receives secret information about the forthcoming McIntyre and
McKitrick paper, which marks the start of the debunking of the “hockey stick”:
Two people have a forthcoming Energy and Environment paper that’s being
unveiled tomorrow (Monday) that—in the words of one Cato Institute /
Marshall Institute / Competitive Enterprise Institute type—
… will claim that Mann arbitrarily ignored paleo data within his own
record and substituted other data for missing values that dramatically
affected his results.
When his exact analysis is rerun with all the data and with no data
substitutions, two very large warming spikes will appear that are greater
than the 20th century.
Personally, I’d offer that this was known by most people who understand
Mann’s methodology: it can be quite sensitive to the input data in the early
In other words, most of Mann’s colleagues were fully aware of the problems.
Anyway, there’s going to be a lot of noise on this one, and knowing Mann’s
very thin skin I am afraid he will react strongly, unless he has learned (as I
hope he has) from the past….
Mike Mann passes this on to a large number of colleagues:
Dear All,
This has been passed along to me by someone whose identity will remain
in confidence. Who knows what trickery has been pulled or selective use
of data made. It’s clear that Energy and Environment is being run by the
baddies—only a shill for industry would have republished the original
Soon and Baliunas paper as submitted to Climate Research without even
editing it. Now apparently they’re at it again…
A remarkable conclusion, given that he hasn’t read the paper yet!
He continues:
My suggested response is:
1) to dismiss this as a stunt, appearing in a so-called “journal” which is
already known to have defied standard practices of peer-review. It is clear,
for example, that nobody we know has been asked to “review” this so-
called paper;
Again, Mann displays characteristic arrogance in assuming that each and every paper
submitted for publication should automatically be passed to one of his gang, so that
it can be vetoed.
He continues:
Who knows what sleight of hand the authors of this thing have pulled. Of
course, the usual suspects are going to try to peddle this crap. The important
thing is to deny that this has any intellectual credibility whatsoever and, if
contacted by any media, to dismiss this for the stunt that it is.
Thanks for your help.
How on earth can Mann tell others to discredit this paper, before anyone has actually
read it? Simply because it disagrees with him?
McIntyre (not included, but we can infer the nature of the request shortly):
You will have seen Stephen McIntyre’s request to us. We need to talk about
it, though my initial feeling is that we should turn it down (with carefully
worded/explained reasons) as another interim stage and prefer to make
our input at the peer-review stage.
Osborn then forwards an email that Steve McIntyre wrote to Mike Mann and Tim
Osborn, asking for data that is in dispute, and asks that erroneous statements be
publicly withdrawn:
In the meantime, here is an email (copied below) to Mike Mann from
McIntyre, requesting data and programs (and making other criticisms). I
do wish Mike had not rushed around sending out preliminary and incorrect
early responses—the waters are really muddied now. He would have done
better to have taken things slowly and worked out a final response before
publicising this stuff. Excel files, other files being created early, or now
deleted, is really confusing things!
Osborn is describing a flurry of activity by Mann and colleagues, whereby data files
were hastily cobbled together using Microsoft Excel (which should not have been
necessary: the data should have been available for scrutiny or distribution at any
time), posted to the download site, then quickly withdrawn as elementary errors were
This is clear evidence that it was only the increasingly persistent demands of Steve
McIntyre and others that caused this group to start cleaning up their data, into what
was only a superficial semblance of acceptability.
Osborn then expresses relief that they are now “off the hook” regarding McIntyre’s
earlier request:
Anyway, because McIntyre has now asked Mann directly for his data and
programs, his request that we send McIntyre’s request to Mann has been
dropped (I would have said “no” anyway).
Is it any wonder that getting the data and computer programs from these “scientists”
was more difficult than pulling teeth? Perhaps dictionary pages for the word
“obstruction” should be redirected here…
1. The papers that McIntyre and McKitrick refer to came out in Nature in
1998 and to a lesser extent in Geophysical Research Letters in 1999. These
reviewers did not request the data (all the temperature proxy series) or the
computer programs. So, acceding to the request for this to do the review is
setting a very dangerous precedent. Mike has made all the data … available
and this is all anyone should need. Making computer programs available
is something else.
Jones is arguing for despicable double standards: he and his colleagues continue to
cite these papers, by the dozen, as the “gold standard” of the global warming debate;
but when asked to substantiate the claims made in them, he effectively argues that it
is “past history”—and if they got away without providing the programs to the peer
reviewers in 1998 or 1999, then they should be scot-free forever!
He continues:
2. The computer programs are basically irrelevant in this whole issue. In
the Geophysical Research Letters paper (in 2003 by Mann and Jones), we
simply average all the data sets we use together. The result is pretty much
the same as for Mann, Bradley, and Hughes in 1998 in Nature, and for
Mann, Bradley, and Hughes in 1999 in Geophysical Research Letters.
More misdirection. “Averaging the data sets together” is not “simple”—or, rather,
if they did do it “simply”, that is, naively, then not only is it statistically invalid and
completely meaningless, but the computer program should be so simple that there
should be no reason not to release it. Even Jones is forced to use the qualifier “pretty
Jones’s next misdirection:
3. As many of you know, I calculate temperature data each month. Groups
at the National Climatic Data Center and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies do this as well.
We don’t exchange computer programs—we do, occasionally, though,
exchange the data. The computer programs here are trivial as they are in
the paleoclimatology work.
Again, if the computer programs were trivial, then surely they could be distributed
without any qualms at all.
Note that Jones is here admitting that the various groups do not even check each other’s
programs, let alone make them available for independent scrutiny. In other words,
they have not been checked outside their own lab at all. He furthermore admits that the
data are only checked “occasionally”.
Jones now widens the crack of self-contradiction:
Mann, Bradley, and Hughes get geographical patterns, but the bottom line
(the 1000-year series of global temperatures) is almost the same if you
simply average.
Ah-ha! “Almost” the same. And it is the panoply of subtleties that come into that
“almost” that necessitates careful checking and validation.
He continues to explain why none of this is in the least bit “trivial”:
The geographical patterns give more, though, when it comes to trying to
understand what has caused the changes—e.g. by comparison with models.
McIntyre and McKitrick are only interested in the Northern Hemisphere
and Global 1000-year data sets—in fact only in the Mann, Bradley, and
Hughes work from 1400.
Perhaps realizing that he is arguing against his own thesis, Jones now tries to argue
that Mann is being victimized:
4. What has always intrigued me in this whole debate, is why the skeptics
(for want of a better term) always pick on Mike. There are several other
data sets that I’ve produced, as has Keith Briffa … and Tom Crowley. Jan
Esper’s work has produced a slightly different data set but we don’t get
bombarded by McIntyre and McKitrick. Mike’s paper wasn’t the first. It
was in Nature and is well-used by IPCC. I suspect the skeptics wish to
concentrate their effort onto one person as they did with Ben Santer after
the second IPCC report.
Apart from answering his own question—Mann’s “hockey stick” work is held up by
all of them, including in their role as the voice of the IPCC, as the gold standard—
Jones’s argument is ridiculous. Mann’s data and programs should not be scrutinized,
simply because other people’s data haven’t yet been scrutinized? That sounds like a
good Catch-22 argument for preventing the process from starting at all!
Jones now displays the ultimate in hypocrisy:
5. … I found out later that the (skeptic) authors of a paper were in contact
with the reviewers up to a week before the article appeared. So there is peer
review and peer review!! Here the peer review was done by like-minded
As the Climategate emails show, Mann, Jones, and their colleagues were not only in
contact with their reviewers, but regularly chose them—or applied detective work to
determine who they were—as a matter of course! It is unbelievable that they seem
unable to recognize that they themselves do precisely what they accuse others of
doing—and they openly discuss it!
Now, in contrast to the above carefully-constructed defence, consider the following
email: Jones frantically leaks the journal’s request to Mike Mann:
Subject: Climatic Change needs your advice—YOUR EYES ONLY !!!!!
This is for YOUR EYES ONLY. Delete after reading—please! I’m trying
to redress the balance. One reply from Christian Pfister said you should
make all available!! Pot calling the kettle black—Christian doesn’t make
his methods available. … I told Steve separately, and told him to get more
advice from a few others, as well as Kluwer (publishers), and the legal
PLEASE DELETE—just for you, not even for Ray Bradley and Malcolm
Phil Jones forwards to Mike Mann an email advising the sudden death of Australian
climate skeptic John Daly:
It is with deep sadness that the Daly Family have to announce the sudden
death of John Daly. Condolences may be sent to John’s email account
([email protected]).
Moderator, Climatesceptics
Jones’s comments:
In an odd way this is cheering news! One other thing about the Climatic
Change paper—just found another email—is that McKittrick says it is
standard practice in Econometrics journals to provide all the data and
computer programs!! According to legal advice, Intellectual Property
Rights overrides this.
Ignore Jones’s insensitive comments regarding an opponent’s death, if you can. What
is remarkable here is that Jones apparently finds completely bizarre and foreign the
idea that the data and methods used to arrive at a scientific conclusion should be
made available for independent scrutiny! This is astounding: these requirements are
fundamental to the entire scientific method, through its demands of reproducibility:
any scientist, anywhere in the world, must in principle be able to reproduce and verify
a scientific result, before it is even considered to be a result at all.
Of course, in the context of the climate debate, Jones’s arrogance is far more damning:
these results, central to their call on world leaders to enact treaties and legislation
that would have huge ramifications for the world’s peoples, should have been audited,
scrutinized, validated, and verified with greater thoroughness than possibly any other
results of modern science. To have Jones and Mann argue that the data and programs
central to these recommendations are “private property”—protected by patent and
copyright laws—is astonishing.
allows someone to see how the programming was done. And I do think
that is a far sight easier than providing stuff that can be run, etc. I am
suggesting that one could do the minimum. Then the point is, one isn’t
faced with garish headlines about “refusal to provide programs”. I think
it is harder to come up with a garish headline about “refusal to provide
completely documented programs with appropriate instructions files and
hand-holding for running it”.
Mearns’ overwhelming concern with newspaper headlines, rather than scientific
corroboration and validation, is the mark of a political operator, not a scientist.
Mearns’ argument is effectively this: if we are forced to provide the computer
programs, then let’s break them up into the smallest possible pieces, so that McIntyre
can see roughly what we have done, but would have an almost impossible task putting
the pieces back together again so that it could be used—sort of a “Humpty Dumpty”
version of transparency and full disclosure.
Phil Jones realizes that this won’t fool many: if they had done the science properly, then
the computer programs and supporting documentation would be readily available for
anyone to use, without any further work:
So now it seems that we’re separating “providing the programs” from
“running the programs”. I can’t see the purpose of one without the other.
Even if Mike Mann complies, I suspect there will need to be several sessions
of interaction to explain how to run the programs, which neither side will
be very keen on.
Jones is savvy enough to understand that providing un-runnable programs will lead
to an immediate request or demand for assistance in actually getting them to run.
He now admits that, even with possession of the programs and the data, a lot of “fiddling”
is needed to get to their claimed results:
As I said before, I know that running the programs will involve lots of
combinations (for different time periods with different temperature
He further realizes that validating their programs would require validating their
mathematical “number-crunching” programs—often shared between different
programs, and hence called “library routines”:
Also I would expect, knowing the nature of the mathematical approach
that we use, that there will be library routines. We don’t want McIntyre
(and McKitrick) to come out and say that he can’t get it to work after a few
At least Jones understands the realities of the situation—although it is surprising
that he doesn’t know for certain whether they use library routines or not. One must
wonder about the environment which the more junior scientists are accustomed to,
for them to be seriously considering withholding parts of the programs to prevent
them from being usable.
Jones continues:
So, it is far from simple. I’m still against the computer programs being
given out. Mike has made the data available. That is all they should need.
The method of calculations is detailed in the original paper … and also in
several other papers Mike has written.
In other words, the skeptics have a description of what was done—and that should be
Then this bombshell:
As an aside, Mike Mann is now using a different method from the paper of
Mann, Bradley, and Hughes of 1998.
So even if McIntyre and colleagues follow the method described in the 1998 paper,
they still won’t obtain agreement with what Mann is now doing!
Could there be any clearer argument for providing the exact computer programs and
methodology used for each and every published paper? Jones apparently can’t see how
ridiculous his words are.
He continues:
It might appear that they want the programs to check whether their version
works properly. If this is the case, then there are issues of Intellectual
Property Rights. So, if they get the programs, how do we stop them using
it for anything other than this review?
God forbid that any other scientists should be given assistance in researching this issue
of critical importance to humanity! Jones’s treatment of their data and research, paid
for by the taxpayers, as “private property”, for them to exploit without challenge—to
the exclusion of all other scientists—is astonishing.
Do you plan to make available a public archive of this data? Otherwise, I
would appreciate an email copy of the data.
Thanks for your consideration.
Stephen McIntyre.
Van Ommen forwards the ensuing email exchange to Phil Jones:
What you will find below is … an email interchange between Steve McIntyre
and myself. He has been asking for Antarctic data for a while (since your
Geophysical Research Letters paper came out) and to my chagrin; I have put
him off once already, for reasons I spell out below. …
Anyway, I am aware of McIntyre’s controversial history and am trying to
handle things in a non-inflammatory way. He seems not to be troubling me
over my own delay, but has asked for data that was used in your Holocene
paper of 1998. For this, I have referred him to you. I expect he wants to
replicate your calculations, and so he should use the identical data set, and
I give you permission to pass on whatever it was I gave you for that work—
with the caveat that it is representative of where the Antarctic proxy record
was in 1997, not 2004. I leave it to you to decide how to deal with this—you
may prefer to ignore the issue, and I would understand.
Van Ommen clearly understands that it is crucial for McIntyre to be given the identical
data set in order to replicate Jones’s calculations—but then goes on to condone what
he guesses will be Jones’s likely response: to ignore the issue completely.
Phil Jones replies, copying in Mike Mann:
Thanks for the email. Steve McIntyre hasn’t contacted me directly about
the Antarctic data (yet), nor about any of the data used in the 1998
Holocene paper or the 2003 Geophysical Research Letters one with Mike
Mann. I suspect (hope) that he won’t. I had some emails with him a few
years ago when he wanted to get all the station temperature data we use
here in Climatic Research Unit. At that time, I hid behind the fact that
some of the data had been received from individuals and not directly
from Met(eorological) Services through the Global Telecommunications
Service (GTS) or through the Global Climate Observing System.
We here start to learn about the tricks that Jones and colleagues have used to thwart
attempts to get access to the data on which their published claims are based: to “hide
behind”, in Jones’s words. In this case, Jones is trying to argue that data provided
by individuals does not need to be provided for independent scrutiny—yet the
mathematical results obtained from those very data can be published in leading
journals, which then makes it eligible to be used to support their statements in the
IPCC Reports!
He continues:
Emails have also been sent to some other paleoclimatology people asking
for data sets used in 1998 or 2003. Keith Briffa here got a request, for
example. Here, they have also been in contact with some of Keith’s Russian
contacts. All seem to relate to trying to get data that we’ve used. In the
Russian case, issues relate to the Russian (Rashit Hantemirov) having a
paper out with the same data that Keith used …. The data are different for
two reasons. One reason is that Keith used (a mathematical method on the
data); and, secondly, Rashit has added some data since Keith got the data
a couple of years ago.
Jones is here giving yet more reasons why the original data should be made available.
So what will he do?
I’ll just sit tight here and do nothing. Mike will likely do the same, but we’ll
expect another publication in the nearish future.
Mann is behaving more badly than Jones. He seems to revel in the fact that McIntyre
will still be missing some of the data:
There are a few data sets from our 2003 paper that he won’t have—these
include the latest data from Jacoby and D’Arrigo, which I scanned in from
their publication (they haven’t made it publicly available), and the extended
western North American series, which they wouldn’t be able to reproduce
without following exactly the procedure described in our 1999 Geophysical
Research Letters paper to remove the estimated non-climatic component.
In other words, unless McIntyre and colleagues were able to follow the procedure
described in Mann’s and Jones’s 1999 paper—without the aid of the computer
programs used to apply those methods, which they are refusing to supply—then they
will be unable to even get hold of the fundamental data on which Mann’s and Jones’s
research is based! No wonder Mann is confident that their secrets are safe.
He continues, admonishing Jones for his weakness:
I would not give them anything. I would not respond or even acknowledge
receipt of their emails. There is no reason to give them any data, in my
opinion, and I think we do so at our own peril!
Peril? That is not a word that an innocent man would use.
Jones is now forced to defend his act of sending McIntyre two data sets:
These were two simple data sets to provide. Also, Tas told him that I had
one of them. I guess that these are the ones that aren’t available on web sites.
Anyway, it is done now. If he starts asking for them in dribs and drabs, I’ll
baulk at that.
Ben waded in with very positive comments regarding the Climatic Change
issue. Steve McIntyre’s going to find it very hard to ask you to send the
computer programs. Those … on the Climatic Change board that say that
you should send the programs have little idea what is involved. Most are
on the social science side.
One set of “soft” scientists belittling another set of “soft” scientists? Are there any real
scientists doing climate science?
Yet again, we find that Jones sees the issue of accountability as a series of battles, rather
than a looming war.
Can I ask you something in confidence—don’t email around, especially
not to Keith and Tim here. Have you reviewed any papers recently for
Science that say that the paper by Mann, Bradley, and Hughes in 1998 and
the paper by Mann and Jones in 2003 have underestimated variability in
the thousand-year record—from models or from some slowly varying
temperature proxy data? Just a yes or no will do. Tim is reviewing them—I
want to make sure he takes my comments on board, but he wants to be
squeaky clean with discussing them with others. So forget this email when
you reply.
An interesting way to manipulate the peer-review process, and a novel definition of
“squeaky clean”!
This pair of emails demonstrates most clearly that one was either “in the club” or not,
as far as these conspirators were concerned. The paper by Kalnay and Cai was skeptical
of man-made global warming. Here, Phil Jones is telling Mike Mann that the paper has
been shown to be wrong—in a written report, no less. Yet Jones condones the fact that
the criticism is being buried: he is accepting that “peer review” has been distorted into
whatever the reviewer wants it to be, rather than its intended mechanism: ensuring
that published papers are correct.
Contrast this to their actions on hearing of skeptical papers being published by those
not “in the club”: they organize letters of protest to journals, and to the White House,
even before they have read the papers at all! Indeed, Jones exemplifies their approach,
just two paragraphs on:
The other paper by McKitrick and Michaels is just garbage—as you knew.
De Freitas is the Editor again. Pielke is also losing all credibility as well by
replying to the mad Finn as well—frequently, as I see it. I can’t see either of
these papers being in the next IPCC Report. Kevin and I will keep them out
somehow—even if we have to redefine what the “peer-review literature” is!
This pervasive inculcation of double standards—not just between the proponents and
skeptics (their terms) of global warming, but between different “classes” of skeptics,
no less—destroys the very fabric of science.
Most of the data for most of the graphs have just appeared on the Climatic
Research Unit web site. Go to “data”, then to “paleoclimate”. We did this to
stop getting hassled by the skeptics for the datasets. Mike Mann refuses to
talk to these people and I can understand why. They are just trying to find
if we’ve done anything wrong.
He continues:
I sent one of them loads of data sets and he barely said a thank you.
Jones’s imperious comment shows that he considers that he is doing the skeptics a
huge favour by providing the data that is central to his claims. In reality, the “onus of
proof ” is on him and his colleagues.
August 10, 2004: email 1092167224
Mike Mann writes to Phil Jones, Gabi Hegerl, and Tom Crowley:
Dear Phil and Gabi,
I’ve attached a cleaned-up and documented version of the computer
programs that I wrote for doing the Mann and Jones (2003) calculations.
I did this knowing that Phil and I are likely to have to respond to more
crap criticisms from the idiots in the near future, so it is best to clean up
the programs and provide them to some of my close colleagues in case
they want to test it, etc. Please feel free to use these programs for your own
internal purposes, but don’t pass them along where they may get into the
hands of the wrong people.
So here we are, in mid 2004, before Mike Mann finally feels the need to bring his
computer programs up to the standard that would be required of any high-school
student—and not because of any feelings of guilt about their parlous state, but simply
because “the heat was on” from the skeptics, and it becoming increasingly likely that
he would be forced to provide these programs for independent scrutiny in the near
To anyone who has spent their career performing numerical computations, Mann’s
email is simply astounding. Firstly, by “cleaning up” his programs, he is not, in fact,
providing the programs that generated the results that his publications were based on;
he is providing an altered version. It would be like the police prosecutor “cleaning up”
the evidence before showing it to the jury.
Second, Mann’s admission that his programs were previously undocumented—an
admission that he will repeat shortly—destroys any residual credibility that any of his
scientific work may have otherwise retained—period. Masses of formulas, without
any explanation of what they are doing or why they are being applied, are worse than
Third, it is unfathomable that it is only at this late date that Mann even suggests that
his “trusted colleagues” check that his programs produce the results he claims—let
alone that what has been programmed is even mathematically or statistically correct.
In other words, none of the results of any of these “scientists” are ever checked by anyone
prior to publication. That is simply beyond belief.
Fourth, Mann again damns himself by expressing his fear that his programs—even
after being cleaned up and documented—will get into the hands of the “wrong people”.
One might wonder whether all of this astounding incompetence might cast doubts
on Mann’s results. But wait! There is no need to speculate: Mann himself provides
the first answer, in the very same paragraph, with what must make him eligible for an
honorary role in Monty Python:
In the process of trying to clean the programs up, I realized I had something
a bit odd, not necessarily wrong, but it makes a small difference. … It looks
like I had two similarly-named data sets floating around in the programs,
and used perhaps the less preferable one ….
This may explain part of what perplexed Gabi when she was comparing
my results with the real temperatures. I’ve attached the version of the
analysis where the correct data is used instead, as well as the computer
programs, which you’re welcome to try to use yourself and play around
with. Basically, this increases everything everywhere by the factor 1.29.
Perhaps this is more in line with what Gabi was estimating (Gabi?).
Anyway, it doesn’t make a major difference, but you might want to take
this into account in any further use of the Mann and Jones data…
Yes, the world will take this into account: Don’t trust the Mann and Jones data at all.
Mann’s lack of honesty is manifest in his own words: he himself discovers, in his own
bird’s nest of “spaghetti programming”, that he made a careless error; but rather than
declare it as such—to even his closest colleagues—he whitewashes it as “not necessarily
wrong, but it makes a small difference”.
Hilariously, Mann then suggests that his comedy of errors might provide a good
opportunity for publishing another of his illustrious publications, rather than a
correction to the original:
Phil: is this worth a follow-up paper to Geophysical Research Letters, with a
link to the computer programs?
Roll credits.
So The New York Times should have headlined, “Climate Change Scientists Could Be
Very Wrong,” and sub-headlined, “Time to Toss the Hockey-Stick Graph.” Or is that
not “Fit to Print”?
Somewhat hilariously, the “RealClimate.org team” in the signature block contains the
name William Connolley twice. Did this infamous “Wikipedia censor” hack into their
own announcement email?
(William Connolley is a climate modeller who established himself as an editor at
Wikipedia and with a cadre of supporters he controlled all entries relating to climate,
climate change and the people involved. This included putting up false material about
skeptics. They constantly monitored the entries and if anyone tried to correct anything
it was rapidly returned to the original false information. With so many people, they
could easily circumvent the limit on the number of edits per person. As a designated
editor, Connolley had even more latitude.)
manuscript was not written as a Comment, but rather as a full-up scientific
manuscript, you would not in general be asked to look it over. And I am
satisfied by the credentials of the reviewers. Thus, I do not feel that we have
sufficient reason to interfere in the timely publication of this work.
Mike Mann forwards this response to a number of his colleagues:
Dear All,
Just a heads-up (warning). Apparently, the contrarians now have an “in”
with Geophysical Research Letters. This guy Saiers has a prior connection
with the University of Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences
that causes me some unease.
I think we now know how the various Douglass and co-workers papers
with Michaels and Singer, the Soon and co-workers paper, and now this
one have gotten published in Geophysical Research Letters.
Tom Wigley writes:
This is truly awful. Geophysical Research Letters has gone downhill rapidly
in recent years. I think the decline began before Saiers. I have had some
unhelpful dealings with him recently with regard to a paper Sarah Raper
and I have on glaciers—it was well received by the referees, and so is in the
publication pipeline. However, I got the impression that Saiers was trying
to keep it from being published.
Proving bad behavior here is very difficult. If you think that Saiers is in the
greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we can find documentary evidence of
this, we could go through official American Geophysical Union channels
to get him ousted. Even this would be difficult.
Mike Mann responds in terms we would expect from a political apparatchik rather
than a genuine scientist.
Yeah, basically this is just a heads-up to people that something might be up
here. What a shame that would be. It’s one thing to lose Climate Research.
We can’t afford to lose Geophysical Research Letters. I think it would be
useful if people begin to record their experiences with both Saiers and
potentially Mackwell (I don’t know him—he would seem to be complicit
with what is going on here).
If there is a clear body of evidence that something is amiss, it could be
taken through the proper channels. I don’t think that the entire American
Geophysical Union hierarchy has yet been compromised!
Malcolm Hughes suggests using the Editor-in-Chief ’s words as a loophole:
Does it not … follow that if you were to challenge their “work” in “full-
up scientific manuscript”, but not as a “Comment”, then it, too, should be
reviewed without reference to McIntyre and McKitrick?
But Mann is adamant that Geophysical Research Letters is to be black-balled:
I’m not sure that Geophysical Research Letters can be seen as an honest
broker in these debates any more, and it is probably best to do an “end
run” around Geophysical Research Letters now where possible. They have
published far too many deeply flawed contrarian papers in the past year
or so. There is no possible excuse for them publishing all three Douglass
papers and the Soon and co-workers paper. These were all pure crap.
There appears to be a more fundamental problem with Geophysical
Research Letters now, unfortunately…
Four “contrarian” peer-reviewed papers? Intolerable!
The leaflet appeared so general, but it was prepared by the University
of East Anglia so they may have simplified things. From their wording,
computer programs would be covered by the Freedom Of Information
Act. My concern was if Sarah is/was still employed by the University of
East Anglia. I guess she could claim that she had only written one tenth of
the programs, and therefore only release every tenth line of the programs.
This is an ingenious attempt to find a loophole, but one unlikely to succeed.
Wigley returns to the original topic:
Let me fill you in a bit (confidentially) (on the VTT Review Panel). You
probably know the panel members. … As token skeptic there is Dick
Lindzen—but at least he is a smart guy and he does listen.
Glad to know that the “token skeptic” has been appointed! I guess we don’t need to
wonder what conclusion that Panel will come to!
Phil Jones replies, refining the loophole even further:
As for the Freedom Of Information Act, Sarah isn’t technically employed
by the University of East Anglia and she will likely be paid by Manchester
Metropolitan University.
Not that she wouldn’t be covered by the Act: merely that she would be paid by a
different University!
He continues:
I wouldn’t worry about the computer programs. If the Freedom Of
Information Act does ever get used by anyone, there is also Intellectual
Property Rights to consider as well. Data is covered by all the agreements
we sign with people, so I will be hiding behind them. I’ll be passing any
requests onto the person at the University of East Anglia who has been
given a post to deal with them.
So, yet again, Phil Jones has found another cubby hole: this time behind the various
dubious agreements that they have signed with individuals and institutions, giving
them legal assurance that the data would remain private, despite the publications and
policy recommendations derived from it being most definitely public.
So that’s three potential loopholes: no longer employed by us; intellectual property
rights; and the data are not ours to give.
Just sent loads of … data to Scott Rutherford. Make sure he documents
everything better this time!
So it isn’t until 2005 that they decide it is time to document what they are doing?
And don’t leave stuff lying around on anonymous download sites—you
never know who is trawling them. McIntyre and McKitrick have been after
the Climatic Research Unit … data for years. If they ever hear there is
a Freedom of Information Act now in the United Kingdom, I think I’ll
delete the file rather than send it to anyone.
Does your similar Act in the United States force you to respond to enquiries
within 20 days?—ours does! The United Kingdom works on precedents, so
the first request will test it.
How uncivilized: actually being forced to respond to enquiries!
We also have a Data Protection Act, which I will hide behind.
Ah, we were wondering how long it would take him to find a loophole to hide behind.
Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it—he
thought people could ask him for his computer programs. He has retired
officially from the University of East Anglia so he can hide behind that.
Every civilized man should have something to hide behind.
Intellectual Property Rights should be relevant here, but I can see me
getting into an argument with someone at the University of East Anglia
who’ll say we must adhere to the Freedom of Information Act!
God forbid: someone there will insist on them abiding by the law?
Mike Mann responds:
Yes, we’ve learned our lesson about anonymous download sites. We’re
going to be very careful in the future what gets put there. Scott really
screwed up big time when he established that directory so that Tim could
access the data.
Fancy giving independent scientists access to the data!
Yeah, there is a Freedom Of Information Act in the United States, and the
contrarians are going to try to use it for all it’s worth. But there are also
intellectual property rights issues, so it isn’t clear how these sorts of things
will play out ultimately in the United States.
Ah, similar hiding places on the other side of the Atlantic, too.
February 21, 2005: email 1109021312
Phil Jones writes to Mike Mann, Ray Badley, and Malcolm Hughes, regarding news
reports that Mann will be forced to release his data:
The skeptics seem to be building up a head of steam here!
Leave it to you to delete as appropriate!
PS I’m getting hassled by a couple of people to release the Climatic Research
Unit … temperature data. Don’t any of you three tell anybody that the
United Kingdom has a Freedom of Information Act!
One would think that, eventually, people would realize this without having to be told
Phil Jones:
On Horizon, I’m supposed to be called in a few minutes by someone. I’m
not sure who yet. This program is generally good. They did something on
global dimming a few months ago and now want to do something on the
truth about global warming, the IPCC and skeptics. That’s all I know so
far. The person’s name is Paul Olding. He should be calling at 2:00 pm, so
in five minutes’ time.
In other words, it’s acceptable for the BBC to be biased—as long as it is in their
Any computer programmer would know that FORTRAN—a computer language so
old that its name is spelt in uppercase, because computers did not have lowercase
letters back then—is very efficient at performing mathematical calculations, but very
obscure to understand if extensive documentation is not provided throughout the
program on a line by line basis, and very easy to make mistakes in if the program is
not well-structured and well-documented.
So we now know that the Climatic Research Unit had no policies covering the
checking of results, data archiving, or anything to control the writing and archiving of
computer programs!
That the claims of climate change could rest on such a parlous state of affairs would be
hilarious, if it were not so serious.
Jones continues to reminisce about his FORTRAN program:
I recall the program did a lot more that just average the series. I know
why he can’t replicate the results early on—it is because there was a
mathematical adjustment when there were fewer data sets.
In other words, McIntyre was exactly correct: the data did not match in the earlier
time periods, because Jones’s program—the one that he refuses to hand over—fiddled
with the data.
It is remarkable that the only thing that Jones can remember about this work from
seven years previously is that he had to adjust the data.
stick. The smart folks will realize that that the fluff in the news is just that,
but those with a real stake in that debate will hopefully get the point that
it doesn’t matter…
This is a remarkable admission. It was the work of Hubert Lamb and others (to be
discussed at greater length shortly) that sparked the fears of climate change in the first
place. Just as these scientists “re-branded” their claims—from the “Greenhouse Effect” to
“Global Warming” to “Climate Change”—so too did they change their apparently “rock
solid” results, through the First, Second, and Third Assessment Reports of the IPCC.
The Medieval Warm Period and subsequent Little Ice Age—so well established in
both history and the scientific evidence that these very scientists showed them clearly
on their graphs in the 1991 Assessment report—gradually became “undesirable”, as
it was realized that it would not simply be sufficient to show the planet warming, but
essential to argue that it was unprecedented warming.
Mediaeval Warm
But by this time—mid-2005—the mainstream media had begun to take note of the
increasing number of scientists crying foul over this subtle but systematic form of
scientific revisionism—more than four years before the exposure of the “Wikipedia
censor”, William Connolley.
Overpeck is here effectively telling his colleagues that “the evidence doesn’t matter”—
that all that is important is that, at any point in time, they had some evidence that
apparently substantiated their claims. That they subsequently discredited their own
evidence is to be swept under the rug!
If there was any lingering doubt that these “scientists” were simply working towards
justifying a predetermined conclusion, rather than honestly seeking the scientific
truth, then these comments—and those to follow—eliminate them.
June 27, 2005: email 1119924849
Jonathan Overpeck writes again to Keith Briffa, Tim Osborn, and Eystein Jansen, over
the brewing storm:
The recent Wall Street Journal editorial that is creating all the crap in the
United States actually showed a graph from the IPCC First Assessment
Report—if you don’t have it, or Eystein can’t send it, I can scan it in (my
Republican Dad sends me these things, although he’s an increasingly rare
breed of moderate Republican). My thought is that it might be worth
adding a couple lines of text documenting how the IPCC view of the
Medieval Warm Period changed with each of its Assessment Reports and
new knowledge. In doing so, it could be made very clear that there is a
reason that scientists don’t show those old graphs anymore. We need to
move the debate beyond the IPCC’s First Assessment Report, Second
Assessment Report, and Third Assessment Report on this issue!
In other words, these scientists themselves have discredited their own IPCC claims;
their only problem is achieving their revision of history—even to the point of “moving
beyond” their most recent IPCC Report!
However, his true colours quickly shine through: this is an opportunity to weed out
those who are not “on the team”:
There may, in fact, be an opportunity here. As you know, we suspect that
there has been an abuse of the scientific review process at the journal editor
level. The method is to choose reviewers who are sympathetic to the anti-
greenhouse view. Recent papers in Geophysical Research Letters (including
the McIntyre and McKitrick paper) have clearly not been reviewed by
appropriate people. We have a strong suspicion that this is the case, but,
of course, no proof because we do not know who the reviewers of these
papers have been. Perhaps now is the time to make this a direct accusation
and request (or demand) that this information be made available. In order
to properly defend the good science it is essential that the reasons for bad
science appearing in the literature be investigated.
We need not wonder from which ranks the “appropriate people” should be chosen.
Further on, Wigley uses a curiously appropriate turn of phrase:
The others who could be added to this email list at this early stage are Ray
Bradley and Malcolm Hughes, your “co-conspirators”—and perhaps Phil
Jones, Keith Briffa and Tim Osborn.
Well, that answers the question of whether it is fair to call them “(co-) conspirators”:
it is their own term!
One would imagine that Wigley would suggest that Mann use these other colleagues
to support his scientific claims. But the reality is the exact opposite:
A word of warning. I would be careful about using other, independent
paleoclimatology … work as supporting your work. I am attaching my
version of a comparison of the bulk of these other results. Although these
all show the “hockey stick” shape, the differences between them prior to
1850 make me very nervous. If I were on the greenhouse deniers’ side, I
would be inclined to focus on the wide range of paleoclimatology results
and the differences between them as an argument for dismissing them all.
And that is the final nail in the coffin of one of the greatest scientific frauds in the
history of mankind: Wigley has demonstrated that all of the temperature estimates for
before 1850—the period needed to show that the warming is “unprecedented”—are so
discrepant as to be inconclusive.
Mike Mann, as always, is concerned about himself:
Thanks—yes, we seem to back in the days of McCarthyism in the States.
Fortunately, we have some good people who will represent us legally pro
bono, and in the best case scenario, this backfires on these thugs…
The response of the wording is likely to change dramatically after
consultation with lawyers …
It is remarkable that Mann ignores completely Wigley’s dire warnings that his results
are wrong; his only concern is obtaining free legal advice to ensure that he does not
have to testify before Congress. We note that he is now drawing in his co-conspirators:
his terminology has shifted from “me” to “us”.
being allowed to state something publicly which he acknowledges is actually true, is
telling. Could you imagine how intimidated the more junior scientists would be?
It is also extremely telling that Jones excuses his silence on the grounds of statistical
insignificance only for facts, such as these, that go against the “relentless warming”
message. In fact, his own colleagues have shown that all of their temperature estimates
lack statistical significance. The correct course of action would be to be silent.
Later in the same email:
As you know, I’m not political. If anything, I would like to see the climate
change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the
consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.
So Jones would prefer catastrophic global warming actually to occur, just so that he
could bask in the accolades of being “proved” right! Ignoring the fact that catastrophic
global warming—if it occurred—would not prove whether mankind’s liberation of
carbon dioxide was a causative factor at all, Jones’s “ego trip” death-wish offers us yet
another insight into his character.
Nuclear Theory itself, which hosted both of us for some months in early 1992. That
Jones not only did not acknowledge his sources of public funding, but moreover
hoped that he could keep the fact hidden to avoid proper scrutiny by the United States
Congress, is another black mark on his record.
but not much about paleoclimatology! He might need some education, but
is probably OK. I have not met him, but Tim has. He is doing some worked
funded by the Dutch government on the “hockey stick” graph.
Thanks, yes I’m in China now. …
Martin Juckes has an invited talk in my session. I invited him, because
he was working with Stott and co-workers, and so I assumed that he was
legitimate, and not associated with the contrarians. But if he’s associated
with the Dutch group, he may actually be a problem. Do you have additional
information about him and what he has been up to?
He’s been working with Myles Allen. Tim went to the first meeting of this
Dutch-funded project near Oxford last week.
Tim said they were doing some odd things …
The meeting wasn’t that productive, according to Tim. There was a belief
amongst those there that all the trees you used have lost their low-frequency
information (the information needed to estimate long-term trends). …
Tim got the impression that they wanted to find that Mann, Bradley, and
Hughes (the “hockey stick” paper) is wrong. …
Martin isn’t associated with the contrarians, but he’s not in possession of
… all the facts.
Mike Mann:
Thanks for the heads-up (warning). I will be prepared for this, then. I
thought that Gabi Hegerl was involved with this guy? Doesn’t she know
better? It is disturbing that she hasn’t set them straight on this.
Phil Jones:
Gabi was supposed to be there, but wasn’t either. I think Gabi isn’t being as
objective as she might, because of Tom Crowley. …
What more needs to be said?
Jones now makes a remarkable comment, about something that is elementary even to
high-school science experiments:
There is an issue coming up in the IPCC. Every graph needs uncertainty
bars, and having them is all that matters. It seems irrelevant whether they
are right or how they are used.
In other words, he is only concerned that they give the appearance of estimating
the uncertainties in their predictions, rather than actually getting those (subtle and
difficult) vital calculations right.
August 25, 2005: email 1124994521
Mike Mann writes to Christoph Kull, Phil Jones, Heinz Wanner, and others:
In our discussion of possible participants in Bern, I think (someone correct
me if I’m wrong) we concluded that the last two on the list (with question
marks) would be unwise choices because they are likely to cause conflict
than to contribute to consensus and progress.
Phil Jones to Christoph Kull:
I agree with Mike that the last two names on the list should be removed.
Debate and disagreement is crucial to the healthy functioning of science. Weeding out
those who may prevent a predetermined “consensus” is abhorrent.
Our attention is here drawn to an undercurrent in this entire saga: the need to give
the perception of international agreement—which translates into the notion of the
need for a “quota” of representation from the key countries involved, rather than true
international debate.
senior author, Dr. D’Arrigo, for the download location of the data used in
this article, or for alternative access to the data. Dr. D’Arrigo categorically
refused, and I was referred to the journal editor if I desired recourse.
I point out that American Geophysical Union (AGU) policies for data
citation and data archiving (provides link) specifically require that authors
provide data citation according to AGU standards, and require that
contributors archive data in permanent archives, such as the World Data
Center for Paleoclimatology.
In cases where the data has been archived, it has not been cited according
to AGU policies. …
In order that this submission comply with AGU policies on data archiving,
I request that you require D’Arrigo and co-workers do (1) provide accurate
data citations complying with AGU policies for all data sets presently
archived at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology; (2) archive all
“grey” data used in the article.
Rob Wilson forwards the request to Tim Osborn and Keith Briffa:
Please see the e-mail (attached) from Steve McIntyre to the Editor of the
Journal of Geophysical Research. This seems a major abuse of his position
as reviewer for the IPCC?
Tim Osborn replies to Rob Wilson and Keith Briffa, including Rosanne D’Arrigo in
his response:
In other words, they should be able to use the pending publication in their IPCC
Chapter, but at the same time block McIntyre’s ability to review the paper on the
technicality that it has not actually been published at the time that he wishes to review
it! This is a remarkably duplicitous tactic.
I will take this issue up with the Chapter Lead Authors and the Working
Group 1 technical support unit—unless you prefer that I didn’t. Please let
me know.
Osborn then keeps the process rolling, writing to Phil Jones, Eystein Jansen, Jonathan
Overpeck, and Keith Briffa:
Dear Phil, Eystein and Peck,
I’ve already talked about this to Phil and Keith, but for Eystein’s and Peck’s
benefit the emails copied below relate to McIntyre downloading a copy of
a manuscript cited by the IPCC paleoclimatology chapter …
Rosanne replied to my email below, to say that they do want this taken
further. So…
Phil has agreed to forward these messages to Susan Solomon and Michael
Eystein and Peck: do you want to add anything too?
It almost goes without saying that actually providing McIntyre with the data would
take far less collective effort than this rearguard action.
It is astounding to see Mann acknowledging that McIntyre’s criticisms of their
mathematical methods are correct, and nevertheless believing that it doesn’t really
matter to the “big picture”. This is a common theme: it doesn’t matter if each and
every piece of evidence is systematically shown to be flawed; all that matters is that
the “proponents” can jump to a new claim to justify their predetermined conclusions.
That mode of operation is as false in science as it is in the law.
Mann continues:
I was told by a journalist Paul Thacker that his poster got prominent
placement; probably not an accident (see forwarded email). I believe that
Mike Schlesinger and David Karoly were there in the same session, so it
might be worth checking with them. I think Connie Woodhouse and Tom
Wigley were also at the meeting, but not sure…
If the science were rock-solid, why would they be obsessed with finding out the identity
of the person who was responsible for the prominent placement of a dissenting poster?
Mann reports victory in at least one battle:
The Geophysical Research Letters leak may have been plugged up now
with new editorial leadership there, but these guys always have Climate
Research and Energy and Environment, and will go there if necessary. They
are telegraphing quite clearly where they are going with all of this…
So they have “taken back control” of at least one journal.
However, Keith Briffa remarkably acknowledges that, despite all this political
manoeuvring and interference, the scientific arguments of McIntyre are actually valid:
… so they are sort of right that the emphasis on 1032 is probably overdone.
Isn’t that what these scientists should be concentrating on?
February 3, 2006: email 1138995069
Keith Briffa is still struggling with the fact—already highlighted above by Tom
Wigley—that, when the uncertainties in their temperature estimates are reported
fairly, they completely “swamp” the variations that they are trying to use to bolster
the conclusion of man-made global warming. He writes to Jonathan Overpeck and
Eystein Jansen:
We are having trouble … expressing the real message of the results—being
scientifically sound in representing uncertainty, while still getting the crux
of the information across clearly. It is not right to ignore uncertainty, but
expressing this merely in an arbitrary way (and as a total range as before)
allows the uncertainty to swamp the magnitude of the changes through
But that is the truth of the matter! Perhaps “the penny is starting to drop” for Briffa.
(link to list of members)
So I would encourage you to strongly reconsider!
Ah! In other words, the panel is already “stacked”; it is friendly; and so there is no
danger in Briffa appearing before it.
However, Briffa’s lack of confidence is manifest:
Thanks for this, but after a lot of soul-searching this weekend, I have
decided to decline the invitation. Pressure of stuff here is intense—but the
real reason is that I really think it could be politic to retreat into “neutral”
mode, at least until after the IPCC Report is out. I know you can argue this
various ways, but the skeptics are starting to attack on this “non neutral”
stance, and the less public I am at the moment, the better, I think. I hope
you do not think I am a wimp here—just trying to go the way I think best.
Mann, who no doubt understands the message that non-appearance by one of their
key scientists would send, tries to get Briffa to reconsider:
I’m pretty sure they’re just asking for a neutral discussion of the science that
you’ve done that is relevant to the issues being reviewed by the Committee
(after all, this is the United States National Academy of Sciences, not the
United States Senate, etc.). But I understand where you’re coming from,
nonetheless. Perhaps you could suggest an alternative speaker? Is there any
possibility that Tim could do this instead? My greatest fear is that McIntyre
dominates the discussion. It’s important that they hear from the legitimate
Again, we know what Mann’s definition of “legitimate” is.
the extreme warming of the recent times, and can’t reliably be counted as
catching the extreme warmth of the Medieval Warm Period if there was
extreme warmth then.
Because, as far as I can tell, the “hockey stick” really was a tree-ring record,
regardless of how it was labelled as “multiproxy”, this looks to me to be
a really big deal. And, a big deal that may bite your Chapter of the IPCC
Report …
Overpeck responds:
Hi Richard—this issue is one that we refer to in our key uncertainty table.
I believe Keith Briffa was one of the first to write about it, and it is an
important issue. I haven’t seen Rosanne’s paper or results myself, but I bet
Keith has. I’m cc’ing this to him to see what he thinks.
Keith Briffa responds:
We do need to say something, but as I said in an earlier message, not
without more consideration. We should not write something curt on
this—ditto the possible direct effects of carbon dioxide. In the push to do
all this other stuff, we have had to leave it—to discuss later how to include
an “uncertainty issues” bit about recent environmental mess-ups. The
D’Arrigo paper is not convincing, but we have to do some work to show
why, instead of just saying this.
Indeed! Briffa finally realizes that brief public assertions without any scientific backing
will no longer be credible.
He continues:
The divergence issue is not universal, and not unrelated to very recent
period bias arising from processing methods.
In other words, the problem is real—and its extent unknown. That “processing
methods” can completely bias their results completely undermines their stated public
confidence that “the science is settled”. Indeed, Briffa explains how little they really
know—and this is 2006, not 1986:
It is very likely not the threshold problem that D’Arrigo thinks it is. We
need money here to work on this, and losing our last application to Europe
has messed us up. For now we cannot include anything. I will work on text
for the next IPCC Report.
In other words, as of 2006, they needed funding to begin new research to even
determine how reliable any of their previous results were. Is this “settled science”?
March 7, 2006: email 1141737742
Steve McIntyre is trying to get the data needed to verify a paper published in Science.
Jesse Smith of Science writes to Tim Osborn:
We have just received an email from Steve McIntyre (pasted below), with a
long and very specific list of alleged deficiencies in the availability of data
by which to evaluate your recent paper … We would like to have your
confidential response to this request, keeping in mind the stated policy
of Science that “Any reasonable request for materials, methods, or data
necessary to verify the conclusions of the experiments reported must be
Osborn replies to Smith:
Before responding to the specific data requests, we would like to say that
it is our view that we should provide sufficient data to enable all the main
elements of our analysis to be checked, but that we are not obliged to
provide the data that would enable the research reported in other papers
to be checked, even if we cite those other papers or use results reported
in those other papers. You will see how this view has determined our
response to some of the requests.
A continuation of the same cunning tactics previously employed: we are allowed to
cite results published by others; but if you want their data, that’s your problem, not
ours. Science seems satisfied:
Thank you for your clear and careful response to the requests made by
Mr. McIntyre, which we forwarded to you: it was quite satisfactory, we
believe, and will greatly help Brooks (Hanson) in crafting his reply to Mr.
McIntyre. I hope that this will be the end of this episode, but if it is not, we
will be in touch again.
The relief at Science is almost palpable!
Osborn seems to realize that the victory is only temporary:
Keith—see below. I bet it won’t be the end of the episode!
regardless. The NRC committee is accepting comments now (I don’t know
for how long)… As I noted, my observations of the NRC committee
members suggest rather strongly to me that they now have serious doubts
about tree-rings as thermometers (and I do, too … at least until someone
shows me why this divergence problem really doesn’t matter).
Overpeck responds, copying his response to many colleagues:
Hi gang—Richard is raising important issues, and Keith is going to respond
in some detail on Friday when he gets back. I am cc’ing this to a broader
group of IPCC Chapter 6 folks so that we make sure we (Chapter 6) deal
with the issues correctly. I’m hoping that Keith will cc to us all, and we’ll
go from there.
For those just in on the issue raised by Richard. There is a paper written
by Rosanne D’Arrigo that apparently casts serious doubt on the ability of
tree ring data to reconstruct the full range of past temperature change—
particularly temperatures above mid-20th century levels. Chapter 6
obviously has to deal with this more in the next draft, so Eystein and I
would like to get on top of it starting this week.
Keith or Richard—do you have a copy of this paper? Is it accepted?
Yet again, the problem is being handed to Keith Briffa, the one person who has most
doubts about the validity and uncertainty of the reconstructions.
I’m saddened to hear that this bozo is bothering you too, in addition
to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the National Science
Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, the IPCC and everyone
else. Rest assured that I won’t ever respond to McIntyre should he ever
contact me, but I will forward you any email he sends related to this. I
assume Scott feels the same way…
Is the mathematical approach robust? Are the results statistically
significant? It seems to me that in the case of Mann, Bradley, and Hughes
(the “hockey stick” paper) the answer to each question is no. It is not clear
how robust and significant the more recent approaches are.
the comments give the impression that the recent 50-year warming is
unprecedented over the last 500 years (seems reasonable) and elsewhere
over the last 1000 years (less clear).
So the “hockey stick” is acknowledged to be dead. Even the recent warming is only a
“reasonable” impression for the past 500 years—not surprising, because most of the
past 500 years was the Little Ice Age.
I may have inadvertently had a hand in this millennium graph! I recall
getting a fax from Jack with a hand-drawn graph, that he asked me to review.
Where he got his version from, I don’t know. I think I scribbled out part of
the line and amended it in some way, but have no recollection of exactly
what I did to it. And whether he edited it further, I don’t know. But as it
was purely schematic (and appears to go through around 1950) perhaps
it’s not so bad. … In any case, the graph has no objective basis whatsoever;
it is purely a “visual guess” at what happened, like something we might
sketch on a napkin at a party for some overly persistent inquisitor… (so
make sure you don’t leave such things on the table…). What made the last
millennium graph famous (notorious!) was that Chris Folland must have
seen it and reproduced it in the 1995 IPCC Chapter he was editing.
Mike Mann responds:
Ray, happy holidays and thanks for the (quite fascinating) background on
this. It would be good material for an … article for our website. It would
be even better if someone could get Chris on record confirming that this is
indeed the history of this graphic…
Mann seems completely unperturbed that the IPCC published a completely bogus
graph, and that there is no record of where it came from.
The saga continues below…
what we are finding out now makes the IPCC process look somewhat
unsophisticated back in 1990, so it is a diplomatic conundrum how to be
completely truthful in reporting this, as we need to be as scientists, without
providing the skeptics undue fodder for attacking the IPCC. But maybe
we’re too concerned—the skeptics can’t really attack the IPCC easily in this
case without shooting themselves in the foot.
Rasmus Benestad:
I think that this story could possible catch on and make headlines, so I agree
that we should be careful. … The skeptics may argue that the IPCC Reports
are political after all, and this is also what it sounds like if governments
“hoisted the national flag” by having their own graphs inserted at the last
minute. However, by providing an account of the “evolution of the IPCC
report writing”, we could possibly give the story a softer landing. E.g.
how many times of review the First Report underwent as compared to
the present Report. … There are sometimes a few rotten apples in a good
batch, unfortunately.
The unmistakable message is that the only way to salvage any credibility for the IPCC
Reports of the 2000s is to reveal that the IPCC Reports of the 1990s were deeply
flawed. But they were the reports upon which the entire climate change argument was
(cites a 1981 paper, of which he himself is first author)
It could be …
(cites a 1986 paper, again with himself as first author)
The point of this paper (whichever one it is) is that it covers only the
decade-scale variation—but it shows that Hubert Lamb was out to lunch
even on these time scales. As you know, this arose from his uncritical use
of historical sources—a problem exposed in a number of CRU papers in
the 1980s, staring with Bell and Ogilvie in Climatic Change.
So part of the issue is: where did Hubert get the century time scale changes
in that diagram? The answer is, mainly from his own fertile imagination.
For this he tried to synthesize both his flawed historical record for England
(and records for Europe, equally flawed) and proxy data from many sources,
again accepted uncritically. Still, there almost certainly was a Little Ice Age
in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries (but not in Iceland—at least not
in the 17th century). Whether or not there was a significant centuries-long
Medieval Warm Event is doubtful in my view.
On another historical note, Hubert got many of his ideas from C.E.P.
Brooks—possibly Brooks’s work is what inspired Hubert to pursue his
climate interests. Of course, he went a lot further (too far) because he had
a lot more information to work with. However, it is interesting that Fig. 33
in Brooks (1928) looks a lot like the IPCC 1990/Lamb Figure—in Brooks
the record goes back further, and there is a very warm period from about
500 to 950.
In other words, even though Wigley admits that his views of historical climate are
doubtful and uncertain, he accuses his predecessor Hubert Lamb of producing
completely fabricated historical climate results. Hubert Lamb, regarded as the father
of climatology in the UK, founded the Climatic Research Unit at the University of
East Anglia, and the building they occupy is the Lamb Building.
Phil Jones replies to Wigley and Caspar Ammann:
Keep the attached to yourself. I wrote this yesterday, but still need to do a
lot more. …
So your point (3) needs to document that we knew the diagram wasn’t any
good, as well as how far back it goes. Knowing Hubert on some of his other
“breakthroughs!” it is clearly possible it goes back to Brooks!
On the post-Lamb work in the CRU, I recall talking to Graham (maybe mid-
1980s) when he was comparing recent CRU work with Lamb’s results—
agreement, etc. Did that ever see the light of day in these publications or
elsewhere? I will look. It isn’t in the chapter that Astrid and he wrote in the
CRU book from 1997. I recall some very low agreement between Lamb’s
results and later results—for periods from 1100 to 1500.
This is all getting quite complex. It clearly isn’t something that should
be discussed online on our website—at least till we know all the detail
and have got the history right as best we can. A lot of this history is likely
best left buried, but I hope to summarise enough to avoid all the skeptics
wanting copies of these non-mainstream papers. Finding them in the CRU
may be difficult!
As for who put the graph in the IPCC Reports—I think I know who did
it. Chris may be ignorant of the subject, but I think all he did was use the
Department of Energy graph. This is likely bad enough.
I don’t think it is going to help getting the real culprit to admit putting it
together, so I reckon Chris is going to get the blame. I have a long email
from him—just arrived. Just read that and he seems to changing his story
from last December, but I still think he just used the diagram. Something
else happened on Friday—that I think put me onto a different track. This
is all like a mystery whodunit.
It is strange that there are no records of who wrote the relevant part of the IPCC 1990
Report and put in the graph. Never mind—Chris Folland will be blamed anyway.
This oft-cited graph from the 1991 IPCC First Assessment Report may be the result
of intuition on the part of Hubert Lamb and written historical accounts from the past
rather than solid scientific evidence, but it stands up much better today than Mann’s
Hockey Stick.
March 8, 2007: email 1173420319
Piers Forster to Eystein Jansen, Ken Denman, and others:
Also please could people approve the attachment of their name to such
a letter. Non-highlighted names are people who appear to have already
given approval for their name to be used. If you are a yellow highlighted
name I think you are likely (or very likely) to sign!
If we could have a relaxed attitude and sign a letter that is still in the process
of being drafted it would save someone (me) a bunch of work at the end
collecting approvals.
Yes, much easier not having to go through the inconvenience of actually reading what
you’re signing!
In other words, the raw data was never properly documented at all, and in any case is
now gone.
Mike Mann:
This is all too predictable. This crowd of charlatans is always looking for
one thing they can harp on, where people with little knowledge of the facts
might be able to be convinced that there is a controversy. They can’t take
on the whole of the science, so they look for one little thing they can say is
wrong, and thus generalize that the science is entirely compromised.
That is how science is done: claims are analysed, one by one.
So they are simply hoping to blow this up to something that looks like
a legitimate controversy. The last thing you want to do is help them by
feeding the fire. The best thing to do is to ignore them completely. They
no longer have their friends in power here in the United States, and the
media has become entirely unsympathetic to the rants of the contrarians,
at least in the United States—the Wall Street Journal editorial page is about
the only place they can broadcast their disinformation. So in other words,
for contrarians the environment appears to have become very unfavorable
for development. I would advise Wang the same way. Keenan may or may
not be bluffing, but if he tries this I believe that British law would make it
easy for Wang to win a defamation suit against him (the burden is much
tougher in the States).
In other words, forget about defending the science—use legal bullying tactics instead.
Kevin Trenberth:
I am sure you know that this is not about the science. It is an attack to
undermine the science in some way. In that regard I don’t think you can
ignore it all, as Mike suggests as one option, but the response should try
to somehow label these guys as lazy and incompetent and unable to do
the huge amount of work it takes to construct such a database. Indeed
technology and data handling capabilities have evolved and not everything
was saved. So my feeble suggestion is to indeed cast aspersions on their
motives and throw in some counter-rhetoric. Labelling them as lazy with
nothing better to do seems like a good thing to do.
In other words, only the people who constructed the adjusted data sets should have
the right to see them; everyone else should obtain their own data!
How about “I tried to get some data from McIntyre from his 1990 paper,
but I was unable because he doesn’t have such a paper because he has not
done any constructive work!”
There is no basis for retracting a paper given in Keenan’s message. One
may have to offer a correction that a particular sentence was not correct if
it claimed something that indeed was not so. But some old instrumental
data are like paleoclimatology data, and can only be used with caution
as information about the data does not exist. It doesn’t mean they are
worthless and cannot be used. Offering to make a correction to a few
words in a paper in a trivial manner will undermine his case.
Again, the old data was so poorly documented that no information about what it
refers to survives.
Phil Jones to Ben Santer, regarding the data that Keenan wishes to see:
Possibly I’ll get the raw data from the Global Historical Climatology
Network and do some work to replace our adjusted data with these, then
make the Raw data (i.e. as transmitted by the National Meteorological
Services). This will annoy them more, so may inflame the situation.
Again, Jones does not have the raw data, only his adjusted data, and is looking for
ways of reconstructing the raw data from other sources.
Ben Santer:
I looked at some of the stuff on the Climate Audit web site. I’d really like to
talk to a few of these “Auditors” in a dark alley.
Keith Briffa writes to Mike Mann, about the latest IPCC Report:
I tried hard to balance the needs of the science and the IPCC, which were
not always the same. I worried that you might think I gave the impression
of not supporting you well enough while trying to report on the issues and
Such is Mann’s overbearing and intolerant demeanour, that Briffa feels the need to
apologize for actually examining the uncertainties in a scientific manner!
Ms. Zeng told me when I was in Beijing in April 2007 that she no longer
has … access to this data because it has been a long time (since 1990) and
also because the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy
of Sciences has moved office. But if you are interested, you can make an
inquiry to the China Meteorological Administration …
I won’t be replying to either of the emails below from Doug Keenan and
Steve McIntyre, nor to any of the accusations on the Climate Audit website.
I’ve sent them on to someone here at the University of East Anglia to see if
we should be discussing anything with our legal staff.
The second letter seems an attempt to be nice to me, and somehow split up
the original author team.
I do now wish I’d never sent them the data after their Freedom Of
Information Act request!
There are a few interesting comments on the Climate Audit web site. One
says it is up to me to prove the paper from 1990 was correct, not for Keenan
to prove we’re wrong. Interesting logic.
June 20, 2007: email 1182346299
Kevin Trenberth to Phil Jones:
It is nasty. It is also very inappropriate. Even were some problems to
emerge over time, those should be addressed in a new paper by these guys.
Unfortunately all they do is criticise.
Oh, no—not criticism!
I’ve been in touch with Wei-Chyung Wang, who’s in China at the moment.
He forwarded the “paper!” to the people dealing with Keenan’s allegations
at the State University of New York. He got a reply to say that Keenan has
now violated the confidentiality agreement related to the allegation. So, it
isn’t right to respond whilst this is ongoing.
Confidentiality is obviously something that only the “contrarians” must abide by.
Mike Mann replies, copying in Kevin Trenberth:
I did take the liberty of discussing this with Gavin, who can of course be
trusted to maintain the confidentiality of this. We’re in agreement that
Keenan has wandered his way into dangerous territory here, and that in
its current form this is clearly libellous; there is not even a pretense that
he is only investigating the evidence. Furthermore, while many of us fall
under the category of “limited public figures” and therefore the threshold
for proving libel is quite high, this is not the case for Wei-Chyung. He
is not a public figure. I believe they have made a major miscalculation
here in treating him as if he is. In the United Kingdom, where Energy and
Environment is published, the threshold is even lower than it is in the
United States for proving libel. We both think he should seek legal advice
on this, as soon as possible.
With respect to Peiser’s guest editing of Energy and Environment and your
review, following up on Kevin’s suggestions, we think there are two key
points. First, if there are factual errors (other than the fraud allegation)
it is very important that you point them out now. If not, Keenan could
later allege that he made the claims in good faith, as he provided you an
opportunity to respond and you did not. Secondly, we think you need to
also focus on the legal implications. In particular, you should mention that
the publisher of a libel is also liable for damages—that might make Sonja
Boehmer-Christiansen be a little wary. Of course, if it does get published,
maybe the resulting settlement would shut down Energy and Environment
and Benny and Sonja all together! We can only hope, anyway. So maybe in
an odd way it’s actually win-win for us, not them. Lets see how this plays
Their proposed legal strategy now encompasses the possibility of shutting down
Energy and Environment.
Knowing this journal, there is no point, not even if I said I ought to review
the paper. Peiser is a well-known skeptic in the UK. Not sure what to do.
I guess you (Wei-Chyung Wang) should forward this to whoever needs to
see it at Albany.
If you think I should respond then I can. I will forward this to someone
here, but mainly for their file.
I did say the quote on page 3 about two to three years ago. I am still not
releasing the Climatic Research Unit … data collected over … the last 25
Wei-Chyung Wang:
I have forwarded the file to the Vice-President of Research and she wrote
back to me that Keenan has violated the confidentiality agreement, as I
told her in the very beginning. In any case, I am letting the university …
handle this. Send me whatever you have and I will forward it to the State
University of New York at Albany. Keenan does not follow … any rules at
all; reasoning with him is useless, but this will come back to badly hurt
The Editor of Energy and Environment writes to Phil Jones, clarifying Jones’s query
about its review:
The paper has been sent to three reviewers. Of course I will take your
comments and assessment into consideration. Indeed, if the claims are
unsubstantiated, I would certainly reject the paper.
I won’t do anything then until the State University of New York (SUNY)
process has run its course. Can you clarify what you mean by violated
confidentiality? I presume you mean that Keenan agreed to do nothing
on the issue until the SUNY process has run its course. I presume this
will conclude sometime this autumn. Keep me informed of when the final
decision might be, as after this we ought to do something about the paper
in Energy and Environment. I checked with their guest editor and got
this amazing reply! See above. So, if we didn’t already think this was the
worst journal in the world, now we know for certain it is, and have clear
information from them to prove it.
On something completely different—just agreed to review another crappy
paper by Chappell and Agnew on Sahel Rainfall. Chappell is out of a job—
and still he tries to write papers saying the Sahel drought might not have
happened! Both are just time wasters—but the review is necessary to do
Tom Wigley’s remarkable reply:
It seems to me that Keenan has a valid point. The statements in the papers
that he quotes seem to be incorrect statements, and that someone (Wei-
Chyung Wang at the very least) must have known at the time that they
were incorrect.
Whether or not this makes a difference is not the issue here.
Wigley, again, realizes that they have all missed the point: Keenan’s allegations are
factually based and are very damaging.
know that I would sue them for that, and that I have a top lawyer already
representing me.
Wei Chyung needs to sue them, or at the least threaten a lawsuit. If he
doesn’t, this will set a dangerous new precedent. I could put him in touch
with a leading attorney who would do this free of charge. Of course, this
has to be done quickly. The threat of a lawsuit alone may prevent them from
publishing this paper, so time is of the essence. Please feel free to mention
this directly to Wei Chyung, in particular that I think he needs to pursue
a legal course here … independent of whatever his university is doing. He
cannot wait for Stony Brook to complete its internal investigations! If he
does so, it will be too late to stop this.
I’ve been in discussion with Michael over the past several months about a
number of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for Climatic Research
Unit data. …
Michael McGarvie:
I would like to suggest that we ask Dave Palmer to comment on the events
on the Freedom Of Information Act request—I don’t think I fully agree
with the story presented here. Do you agree?
Jacquie Burgess:
I will keep your email and hope we don’t have to mobilise. This is very
close to harassment, isn’t it?
Despite the growing controversy, Mike Mann feels the need to find an award for his
mate, Phil Jones. This episode—and its hilarious aftermath—offers amazing insights
into the characters of these two leading conspirators; but it also demonstrates the folly
of relying on fancy-sounding awards and memberships to denigrate the criticisms of
all those who are not “in the club”. First, the menu:
be the right one. Let me know if you have any particular options you’d like
me to investigate…
Just wanted to give you a heads-up (warning) on something. Have you
seen this?
(link to graphic on the Met(eorological) Office site)
Apparently the contrarians are having a field day with this graph. My
understanding that it is based on using only January and February 2008
and padding (filling the remaining values) with that final value.
Surely this can’t be?? Is (skeptic) Fred Singer now running the United
Kingdom Met(eorological)Office website?
I would appreciate any info you can provide.
David Parker of the United Kingdom Met(eorological) Office responds, including
John Kennedy on the cc list:
Yes, it was based on only January and February 2008 and padding with
that final value, but John Kennedy has changed / shortly will change this
misleading plot!
This episode will be continued shortly.
April 2, 2008: email 1207158227
Chris Folland of the UK Met(eorological) Office writes to Mike Mann, Phil Jones,
Tom Karl, and Richard Reynolds, regarding the incorrect temperature graph on the
Met(eorological) Office website:
First, thanks very much, Mike, for noticing this and preventing greater
problems. The error arose from a pre-existing hidden software bug that
the person updating the data had not realised was there. The software is a
mixture of languages which makes it less than transparent. The bug is now
fixed on all the smoothed graphs. It was made worse because the last point
was not an average of several preceding years as it should have been but
was just January 2008. So many apologies for any excitement this may have
created in the hearts of the more ardent skeptics. Some are much on the
warpath at present over the lack of recent global warming, fired in some
cases by visions of a new solar Dalton Minimum.
It is remarkable that, as recently as 2008, the Met(eorological) Office’s quality
management processes are in the same parlous state as that of the researchers—their
computer programs a mess of different languages, full of bugs and hacks.
Gavin and I have been discussing: we think it will be important for us to do
something on the Thompson and co-workers paper as soon as it appears,
since it’s likely that naysayers are going to do their best to put a contrarian
slant on this in the blogosphere. Would you mind giving us an advance
copy? We promise to fully respect Nature’s embargo (i.e., we wouldn’t post
any article until the paper goes public), and we don’t expect to in any way
be critical of the paper. We simply want to do our best to help make sure
that the right message is emphasized.
Thanks in advance for any help!
May 27, 2008: email 1211924186
Tim Osborn writes to Casper Ammann, copying in Keith Briffa and Phil Jones:
Our university has received a request, under the United Kingdom Freedom
of Information law, from someone called David Holland for emails or
other documents that you may have sent to us that discuss any matters
related to the IPCC assessment process.
We are not sure what our university’s response will be, nor have we even
checked whether you sent us emails that relate to the IPCC assessment or
that we retained any that you may have sent.
However, it would be useful to know your opinion on this matter. In
particular, we would like to know whether you consider any emails that
you sent to us as confidential.
Sorry to bother you with this.
Osborn’s tactics in evading the Freedom of Information request are multi-layered.
Firstly, he is hoping that the University of East Anglia will block the request outright.
Secondly, he is giving an invitation to Ammann to declare that any emails that he
did send did not relate to the IPCC process. Thirdly, he is hopeful that any emails
not covered by such a denial were not “retained” (demonstrating his naivety with
regard to email archiving processes). Fourthly, he is inviting Ammann to declare any
emails that slip through the first three filters to be “confidential”, which he is obviously
hoping will be a sufficient excuse to prevent them from being released.
Ammann responds:
Oh man! Will this crap ever end?
Well, I will have to properly answer in a couple days when I get a chance
digging through emails. I don’t recall from the top of my head any specifics
about IPCC.
I’m also sorry that you guys have to go through this bullshit.
We will come to Osborn’s response to this email shortly.
Please note the response received today from Mr. Holland regarding
his Freedom of Information request. Could you provide input as to his
additional questions 1, and 2, and check with Mr. Ammann in question 3
as to whether he believes his correspondence with us to be confidential?
Palmer now raises what the others would see as a potential loophole:
Although I fear/anticipate the response, I believe that I should inform the
requester that his request will be over the appropriate limit and ask him to
limit it …
(lists guidelines)
In effect, we have to help the requester phrase the request in such a way as
to bring it within the appropriate limit …
In other words, it is not a loophole: they must do everything in their power to assist
Holland to adjust his request to fall within the allowable limits.
Palmer clearly understands the gravity of the situation:
I just wish to ensure that we do as much as possible “by the book” in this
instance as I am certain that this will end up in an appeal, with the statutory
potential to end up with the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Tim Osborn begins the process of “divide and conquer”:
These follow-up questions appear directed more towards Keith than to me.
But Keith may be unavailable for a few days due to family illness, so I’ll
attempt a brief response in case Keith doesn’t get a chance to.
Items (1) and (2) concern requests that were made by the IPCC Technical
Support Unit (hosted by the University Corporation for Atmospheric
Research in the United States) and any responses would have been sent
direct to the IPCC Technical Support Unit, to the email address specified
in the quote included in item (2). These requests are, therefore, irrelevant
to the University of East Anglia.
So they can handball this one to the IPCC. (We will see shortly why this is a cunning
Item (3): we’ll send the same enquiry to Ammann as we sent to our other
colleagues, and let you know his response.
This prompted the email discussed above.
Item (3) also asks for emails from “the journal Climatic Change that discuss
any matters in relation to the IPCC assessment process”. I can confirm that
I have not received any such emails or other documents. I expect that a
similar answer will hold for Keith, since I cannot imagine that the editor of
a journal would be contacting us about the IPCC process.
Osborn here believes that simply asserting that none of the communications relate to
the IPCC assessment process will suffice—ignoring completely the reality that these
very scientists refer to the IPCC as “us”, namely, that drawing an arbitrary distinction
between their climate work and that of the IPCC is meaningless.
Phil Jones, the master of finding loopholes to hide behind, enters the fray:
Although requests (1) and (2) are for the IPCC, so irrelevant to the
University of East Anglia, Keith (or you Dave) could say that for (1) that
Keith didn’t get any additional comments in the drafts other than those
supplied by the IPCC. On (2), Keith should say that he didn’t get any
papers through the IPCC process either. I was doing a different chapter
from Keith and I didn’t get any. What we did get were papers sent to us
directly—so not through the IPCC, asking us to refer to them in the IPCC
Jones is trying to argue that when they received papers, with explicit requests that
the papers be referred to in the IPCC Report, then this was not part of the “IPCC
process”! This is ludicrous.
Jones now laments the fact that Holland does not understand how the “old boys’ club”
If only Holland knew how the process really worked! Every faculty member
in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia
and all the post-doctoral research fellows and most PhD students do, but
seemingly not Holland.
So Jones is confessing to having effectively indoctrinated the entire faculty!
He returns to the task at hand, telling everyone what they should say, even though he
does not know whether it is correct or not, rather than actually asking anyone what
the truth is:
So the answers to both (1) and (2) should be directed to the IPCC, but
Keith should say that he didn’t get anything extra that wasn’t in the IPCC
Jones now proceeds to concoct answers on behalf of others:
As for (3), Tim has asked Caspar Ammann, but Caspar is one of the worst
responders to emails known. I doubt that either he emailed Keith or Keith
emailed him related to the IPCC.
Ironically, we have already seen, above, that Ammann responded immediately!
Jones now tries to infer a motive for the requests:
I think this will be quite easy to respond to once Keith is back. From
looking at these questions and the Climate Audit web site, this all relates to
two papers in the journal Climatic Change. I know how Keith and Tim got
access to these papers and it was nothing to do with the IPCC.
So Jones is admitting that Briffa and Osborn had premature access to the papers in
question, but that their method of doing so could not be explicitly traced to the IPCC
process. A loophole!
As you can see from my reply to Dr. Douglass, I feel strongly that we should
not give him an advance copy of our paper. However, I think we should
resubmit our revised manuscript to IJoC as soon as possible.
This is remarkable: the paper is not even in the publication process! It was returned to the
authors for revision. In other words, it was not accepted for publication at the time it was
With proper caveats, such a premature citation is acceptable. However, under no
circumstances would it be acceptable to then refuse to supply a preprint of the paper on
The sooner we receive a final editorial decision on our paper, the less likely that
it is that Dr. Douglass will be able to cause problems. With your permission,
therefore, I’d like to resubmit our revised manuscript by no later than close
of business tomorrow. I’ve incorporated most of the suggested changes I’ve
received from you in the past few days. My personal feeling is that we’ve
now reached the point of diminishing returns, and that it’s more important
to get the manuscript resubmitted than to engage in further iterations about
relatively minor details. I will circulate a final version of the revised paper
and the response to the reviewers later this evening. Please let me know if
resubmission by Close Of Business tomorrow is not acceptable to you.
Santer is so desperate to hide the fact that the paper in question is not in publication
that he wants to railroad his co-authors into resubmitting it immediately—before they
have completed the process of properly correcting it.
Steven Sherwood responds:
I wouldn’t feel too threatened by the likes of Douglass. This paper will
likely be accepted as is upon resubmission, given the reviews, so why not
just send him a copy too once it is ready and final.
Tom Wigley disagrees:
Sorry, but I agree with quick submission, but not with giving anything to
Douglass until the paper appears in print.
Phil Jones:
This is definitely the right response—so I agree with Tom. I have been known
to disagree with him, and he’s not always right. Submit as soon as possible!!
One would gather, from these recommendations, that the co-authors’ confidence in
their paper is rock-solid; that the science is rock-solid; that the paper was already
ready to publish, aside perhaps from some minor cosmetic repairs. Right?
Read on.
May 28, 2008: email 1212026314
Ben Santer now drops a bombshell, to a large number of recipients:
Dear folks,
I just wanted to let you know that I did not submit our paper to IJoC.
After some discussions that I’ve had with Tom Wigley and Peter Thorne,
I applied our mathematical tests … The results are shown in the attached
The rock-solid paper was not submitted? Why not?
The worrying thing about the appended Figure is the behavior of one of the
tests. This is the test which we thought Reviewers 1 and 2 were advocating.
As you can see, the test produces unexpected results. We do not wish to be
accused by Douglass and co-workers of devising a test that is unfair.
So the results are flawed.
So the question is, did we misinterpret the intentions of the Reviewers?
Or the real questions are: Did the Reviewers understand the mathematics and statistics
better than the authors? Did the authors even understand what was being told to
them? Did they even listen?
I will try to clarify this point tomorrow with Francis Zwiers (our Reviewer
The bottom line here is that we need to clarify with Francis the exact form
of the test he was requesting.
This lack of comprehension is astounding.
I’m sorry about the delay in submission of our manuscript, but this is an
important point, and I’d like to understand it fully. I’m still hopeful that
we’ll be able to submit the paper in the next few days. Many thanks to Tom
and Peter for persuading me to pay attention to this issue. It often took a
lot of persuasion…
Even Santer realizes that they will not be able to “bulldoze through” a paper that is
patently wrong.
Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith regarding the
latest IPCC report? Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment—
minor family crisis.
Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new
email address.
We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.
So the primary co-conspirators in the IPCC are Phil Jones, Mike Mann, Keith Briffa,
Eugene Wahl and Caspar Ammann.
Mike Mann’s response is likewise very damaging to his reputation.
I’ll contact Gene about this as soon as possible.
May 30, 2008: email 1212156886
Despite Phil Jones’s assertion above that he does not respond to emails, Caspar
Ammann writes to Tim Osborn, Keith Briffa, and Phil Jones, regarding Osborn’s
earlier hope that Ammann would consider his emails to be “confidential”:
In response to your inquiry about my take on the confidentiality of my
email communications with you, Keith or Phil, I have to say that the intent
of these emails is to reply or communicate with the individuals on the
distribution list, and they are not intended for general “publication”. If
I would consider my texts to potentially get wider dissemination then I
would probably have written them in a different style. Having said that, as
far as I can remember (and I haven’t checked in the records, if they even
still exist) I have never written an explicit statement on these messages that
would label them strictly confidential.
Not sure if this is of any help, but it seems to me that it reflects our standard
way of interaction in the scientific community.
Ammann’s answers are exactly what one would expect any professional scientist to
give, with regard to their workplace emails: they are written in the style of informal
communication, rather than for publication, but there is nothing to hide.
Hi Phil,
This is coming along nicely. I’ve got five very strong supporting letter
writers lined up to support your American Geophysical Union Fellowship
nomination (confidentially: Ben Santer, Tom Karl, Jean Jouzel, and Lonnie
Thompson have all agreed; I’m waiting to hear back from one more
individual; the maximum is six letters, including mine as nominator).
Meanwhile, if you can pass along the following information that is needed
for the nomination package, that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance!
If this were a colleague acting in good faith, I’d say do it at no cost. But of,
course, he’s not. He’s not interested in the truth here; he’s just looking for
another way to try to undermine confidence in our science.
So the real issue is not the labour involved, but the fact that this is yet another loophole
to hide behind.
I guess you’re going to get your money’s worth out of your scanner.
That Mann is unsurprised that the CRU is only now catching up with twenty-year-old
technology is revealing.
2. Would you mind considering a minor revision of your two-page
bibliography? In my nomination letter, I’m trying to underscore the diverse
areas where you’ve made major contributions … For example, your early
Nature papers with Wigley… in 1980 and 1981 seem to be among the
earliest efforts to try to do this (though I don’t have copies of the papers,
so can’t read them!), and that seems very much worth highlighting to me.
Mann wants to highlight “contributions” of Jones that he himself has never read!
Or is that an incorrect interpretation of his words?
Also, if you happen to have copies of the two early Wigley papers, or even
just the text for the Abstracts, it would be great to have a little more detail
about those papers so I can appropriately work them into the narrative of
my letter.
No, it’s not: he has no idea what is in the papers he wants to cite.
Also—can you provide one or two sentences about the 1980 and 1981
Nature articles with Wigley so that I might be able to work this briefly into
the narrative of my letter?
So he doesn’t even feel the need to have a broad understanding of the papers, but will
let Jones write his own accolades of himself. Jones replies:
The 1980 and 1981 papers: I don’t have soft copies.
(summarizes each paper in one paragraph)
I did look a while ago to see if Nature had back-scanned these papers, but
they hadn’t.
Is the above enough? I have hard copies of these two papers—in Norwich.
Note that Jones does not take the opportunity of asking Mann to use the correct figure
of H = 52 rather than 62. Jones is going along with Mann’s deception of the American
Geophysical Union.
Thanks, Phil—yes, that’s perfect. I just wanted to have some idea of the
paper; that’s more than enough information. I wouldn’t bother worrying
about scanning in, etc.
I should have a draft letter for you to comment on within a few days or so,
after I return from Trieste.
Mann assumes that Jones would have scanned in the papers, simply for the purpose of
his own nomination for an award—but previously argued against scanning in a paper
for the purposes of critical review by a skeptic. It is good to understand the priorities
of these “scientists”.
These claims have no factual basis whatsoever, and are demonstrably
libellous. I did not falsify data. I did not commit fraud. I did not—nor have
I ever—”adjusted” scientific data “to make it agree with political policy.”
Nor did I ever state that I had made data adjustments in order to conform
to political policy.
I request that you retract these claims immediately. They are completely
fictitious, and are harmful to my scientific reputation. If you do not retract
these claims immediately, I will transfer this matter to the attention of legal
staff at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Dr. Benjamin Santer
United States Department of Energy Distinguished Scientist (2006)
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award (2002)
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fellow (1998)
Some explanatory comment is warranted here. The IPCC’s second assessment report
(SAR) was published in 1996 and the Summary for Policy Makers (SFMP) included
the oft-quoted words “the balance of evidence suggests that there is a discernible
human influence on global climate”. These words were sourced to Chapter 8 of the
scientific working group’s report, but that report had several disclaimers of any such
influence, disclaimers that were removed by Ben Santer, the ‘lead author’ who also,
without any reference to his peers, had included the words concerning a “discernible
human influence” in the Policy Maker’s Summary. So Ben Santer, acting on the advice
of Tim Wirth, then US Under-Secretary of State and a close confidant of Al Gore,
deleted important disclaimers from the text of Chapter 8, and then wrote into the
SFPM the opposite conclusion from that of the Working Group. This led to a strong
letter of protest, published in the WSJ, from Frederick Seitz, former President of the
US National Academy of Sciences, and of the American Physical Society.
Ben Santer admitted to the truth of these events on a popular American TV programme,
hosted by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, in mid-December 2009.
I’ve got letters from three of the five other letter writers now; I am waiting
on the two last ones, and then will submit the package.
Jones replies:
This is fine. …
Another thanks for putting this all together.
Then Jones sends an addendum:
There is one typo in your nomination letter. I missed it the first time I read
it. In the second paragraph, second line, remove the first “surface”. You
have two, one before and one after “CRU”. Just the one after is needed.
Hilariously, Jones is correcting typos in his own nomination letter—but presumably
letting the false citation number of H = 62 stand!!
Thanks Phil—fixed!
I am waiting on two more letters, then I’ll send in the package to the
American Geophysical Union. Should be a no-brainer!
Osborn writes:
I’ve just had a quick look at Climate Audit. They seem to think that somehow
it is an advantage to send material outside the formal review process. But
anybody could have emailed us directly. It is in fact a disadvantage! If it is
outside the formal process then we could simply ignore it, whereas formal
comments had to be formally considered. Strange that they don’t realise
this and instead argue for some secret conspiracy that they are excluded
It is remarkable that he assumes that anything sent outside the formal process would
be ignored, rather than actually considered! The implication is that even things that
had to be formally considered would ultimately be rejected.
He continues:
I’m not even sure if you sent me or Keith anything, despite McIntyre’s
conviction! But I’d ignore this guy’s request anyway. If we aren’t consistent
in keeping our discussions out of the public domain, then it might be
argued that none of them can be kept private. Apparently, consistency of
our actions is important.
This is an intriguing comment, and perhaps suggests the possibility that whistle-
blowing sentiments were already circulating in mid-2008.
Keith Briffa:
I have been of the opinion, right from the start of these FOI requests,
that our private, inter-collegial discussion is just that—private. Your
communication with individual colleagues was on the same basis as that
for any other person and it discredits the IPCC process not one iota not
to reveal the details. On the contrary, submitting to these “demands”
undermines the wider scientific expectation of personal confidentiality. It
is for this reason, and not because we have or have not got anything to
hide, that I believe none of us should submit to these “requests”.
An interesting choice of words by Briffa: he argues that the refusals should be based
on his opinion of the privacy of email communications—even work emails—“and not
because we have or have not got anything to hide”. In other words, he is not denying
that they have things to hide.
This is a confidential email.
Have a look at Climate Audit. Holland has put all the responses and letters
There are three threads—two beginning with “Fortress” and a third later
It is worth saving the comments on a Jim Edwards—can you do this, Tim?
Tim Osborn:
So is this (confidential).
I’ve saved all three threads as they now stand. I have no time to read all the
comments, but I did note in the topic “Fortress Met(eorological) Office”
that someone has provided a link to a website that helps you to submit
Freedom Of Information requests to United Kingdom public institutions,
and subsequently someone has made a further Freedom Of Information
request to the Met(eorological)Office and someone else made one to the
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). If it turns
into an organised campaign designed more to inconvenience us than
to obtain useful information, then we may be able to decline all related
requests without spending ages on considering them. It is worth looking
out for evidence of such an organised campaign.
The search for loopholes continues!
I have to confess that I was a little ticked off by Reviewer 2’s comments. The
bit about “wilfully ignoring” expert mathematical literature was uncalled
for. Together with my former Max Planck Institute colleague Wolfgang
Brueggemann, I’ve fooled around with a lot of different methods of
estimating uncertainties …. One could write a whole paper on this subject
Phil Jones:
From a quick scan below, Myles does seem to be a pain! As we both know
he can be.
Ben Santer:
Myles (if it is Myles) was a bit pedantic in his second review. Karl (who is
a very-mild-mannered guy) described the tone of the review as “whining”.
It seems like the Reviewer was saying, “I’m a lot smarter than you, and I
could do all of this stuff much better than you’ve done”. I was very unhappy
about the “wilfully ignoring” bit. That was completely uncalled for.
It sounds as if Myles Allen (if it was Myles) is a lot smarter!
“Fooling around” with different methods is no substitute for actually understanding
what you should be doing.
The continuation of Jones’s technique of surreptitiously determining the identity of
anonymous reviewers—and spreading this news widely, so that the “culprit” can be
bastardized—is abhorrent.
The FOI line we’re all using is this: The IPCC is exempt from any
country’s FOI Act—the skeptics have been told this. Even though we (the
Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, the Climatic Research Unit and
University of East Anglia) possibly hold relevant information, the IPCC is
not part our remit (mission statement, aims etc.); therefore, we don’t have
an obligation to pass it on.
It is this attempt at evading domestic law that may provide a basis for legal action
against the perpetrators.
October 31, 2008: email 1225462391
Steve McIntyre writes to Ben Santer:
Dear Dr Santer,
Could you please provide me either with the monthly model data …
used for the statistical analysis in the Santer and co-workers 2008 paper,
or a link to a website containing the data. I understand that your version
has been collated from the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and
Intercomparison; my interest is in a file of the data as you used it (I presume
that the monthly data used for statistics is about 1–2 megabytes).
Thank you for your attention,
Steve McIntyre
Ben Santer forwards this request to a large number of colleagues:
Dear folks,
While on travel in Hawaii, I received a request from Steven McIntyre for all
of the model data used in our International Journal of Climatology paper
(see forwarded email). After some conversation with my Program for
Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison colleagues, I have decided
not to respond to McIntyre’s request. If McIntyre repeats his request, I will
provide him with the same answer that I gave to David Douglass …
In summary, you have access to all the raw information that you require
in order to determine whether the conclusions reached in our IJoC paper
are sound or unsound. I see no reason why I should do your work for
you, and provide you with derived quantities (zonal means, synthetic MSU
temperatures, etc.) which you can easily compute yourself.
Santer is placing as many impediments in McIntyre’s way as possible.
I am copying this email to all co-authors of the 2008 Santer and co-workers
IJoC paper, as well as to Professor Glenn McGregor at IJoC. I gather that
you have appointed yourself as an independent arbiter of the appropriate
use of statistical tools in climate research.
Just in case McIntyre didn’t get the message that he is black-balled.
Please do not communicate with me in the future.
This last sentence seems to be a standard statement of Santer’s. We will see it again.
Santer shares the view of his colleagues that their research is “personal” and immune
from “intrusion”. If so, it should never have been published in the professional scientific
literature. Is review and replication of scientific research now a “frivolous” activity?
I believe that our community should no longer tolerate the behavior of
Mr. McIntyre and his cronies. McIntyre has no interest in improving our
scientific understanding of the nature and causes of climate change. He
has no interest in rational scientific discourse. He deals in the currency of
threats and intimidation.
Those words describe exactly Santer’s response to McIntyre, copied to an extensive list
of colleagues? And where, exactly, are the threats and intimidation from McIntyre in
his requests for information?
We should be able to conduct our scientific research without constant fear
of an “audit” by Steven McIntyre; without having to weigh every word we
write in every email we send to our scientific colleagues.
Again, their results should be taken on their say-so, without any chance of independent
verification. This is not how science works.
In my opinion, Steven McIntyre is the self-appointed Joe McCarthy
of climate science. I am unwilling to submit to this McCarthy-style
investigation of my scientific research. As you know, I have refused to send
McIntyre the “derived” model data he requests, since all of the primary
model data necessary to replicate our results are freely available to him. I
will continue to refuse such data requests in the future. Nor will I provide
McIntyre with computer programs, email correspondence, etc. I feel very
strongly about these issues. We should not be coerced by the scientific
equivalent of a playground bully.
Again, “a playground bully” is a concise description of himself.
I will be consulting Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Legal
Affairs Office in order to determine how the Department Of Energy
and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory should respond to any
Freedom Of Information requests that we receive from McIntyre. I
assume that such requests will be forthcoming.
We will see shortly the results of this consultation.
I am copying this email to all co-authors of our 2008 IJoC paper, to my
immediate superior at the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and
Intercomparison (Dave Bader), to Anjuli Bamzai at the Department Of
Energy headquarters, and to Professor Glenn McGregor (the editor who
was in charge of our paper at IJoC).
That seems to be as intimidatory as it gets.
I’d be very happy to discuss these issues with you tomorrow. I’m sorry that
the tone of this letter is so formal, Tom. Unfortunately, after today’s events,
I must assume that any email I write to you may be subject to FOI requests,
and could ultimately appear on McIntyre’s Climate Audit website.
Is Santer perhaps finally beginning to understand?
but then go on to note that his method of operation seems to be flawed.
Wigley then points out that they themselves have already provided their own form of
The issue of auditing is a tricky one. The auditors must, themselves, be
able to demonstrate that they have no ulterior motives. One way to do this
would be to audit papers on both sides of an issue. In other words, both us
and Douglass should be audited together. In a sense, our paper is an audit
of Douglass—and we found his work to be flawed. A second opinion on
this already exists, through the refereeing of our paper. I suppose a third
opinion from the likes of McIntyre might be of value in a controversial area
like this. But then, is McIntyre the right person to do this? Is he unbiased?
Does he have the right credentials (as a statistician)?
This is the ultimate example of the pot calling the kettle black: when superior
statisticians criticize their results, they try to lock them out as not being part of their
soft-science club.
Phil Jones describes the con job that he has apparently successfully sold within his
own institution:
When the FOI requests began here, the FOI person said we had to abide
by the requests. It took a couple of half-hour sessions—one at a computer
screen, to convince them otherwise, showing them what Climate Audit
was all about. Once they became aware of the types of people we were
dealing with, everyone at the University of East Anglia (in the Registry
(administration) and in the Environmental Sciences School—the Head of
School and a few others) became very supportive. I’ve got to know the FOI
person quite well, and the Chief Librarian—who deals with appeals. The
Vice-Chancellor is also aware of what is going on—at least for one of the
requests, but probably doesn’t know the number we’re dealing with. We are
in double figures.
Jones must be extremely convincing, to get all of these officials to be complicit in
flouting the law.
One of his tactics is, perversely, to use the sheer number of requests to argue against
their validity:
One issue is that these requests aren’t that widely known within the School.
So I don’t know who else at the University of East Anglia may be getting
them. The Climatic Research Unit is moving up the ladder of requests at
the University of East Anglia though. … We’re aware of requests going to
others in the United Kingdom—Meteorological Office Hadley Centre, the
University of Reading, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs, and Imperial College.
Jones now describes how he evaded the latest request:
The inadvertent email I sent last month has led to a Data Protection Act
request sent by a certain Canadian, saying that the email maligned his
scientific credibility with his peers!
If he pays 10 pounds (which he hasn’t yet) I am supposed to go through
my emails and he can get anything I’ve written about him. About 2 months
ago I deleted loads of emails, so have very little—if anything at all.
In response to FOI and Environmental Information Regulations requests,
we’ve put up some data—mainly paleoclimatology data. Each request
generally leads to more—to explain what we’ve put up. Every time, so
far, that hasn’t led to anything being added by us—instead we just put up
statements saying “Read what is in the papers and what is on the web site!”
Tim Osborn sent one such response (via the FOI person) earlier this week.
We’ve never sent computer programs … or manuals.
December 9, 2008: email 1228922050
Ben Santer catches on to Phil Jones’s strategy of arguing that a greater number of
requests implies lower credibility and validity, rather than the opposite:
I had a quick question for you: What is the total number of Freedom Of
Information (FOI) Act requests that you’ve received from Steven McIntyre?
Jones replies:
I haven’t got a reply from the FOI person here at the University of East
Anglia. So I’m not entirely confident the numbers are correct. … I did get
an email from the FOI person here early yesterday to tell me I shouldn’t
be deleting emails—unless this was “normal” deleting to keep emails
McIntyre hasn’t paid his 10 pounds, so nothing looks likely to happen
regarding his Data Protection Act email.
Anyway, requests have been of three types—observational data,
paleoclimatology data, and who made IPCC changes and why. …
According to the FOI Commissioner’s Office, the IPCC is an international
organization, so is above any national FOI Act. Even if the University of
East Anglia holds anything about the IPCC, we are not obliged to pass it
on, unless it has anything to do with our core business—and it doesn’t! I’m
sounding like Sir Humphrey here!
At least Jones recognizes that his arguments are as ridiculous as the fictional public
servant in the famous television series Yes Minister. The Climatic Research Unit’s “core
business” has nothing to do with the IPCC?
Finally, I know that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs (DEFRA) receive Parliamentary Questions from Members
of Parliament to answer. One of these two months ago was from a
Conservative Member of Parliament asking how much money DEFRA
has given to the Climatic Research Unit over the last five years. DEFRA
replied that they don’t give money—they award grants based on open
competition. DEFRA’s computer system also told them there were no
awards to the Climatic Research Unit, as when we do get something it is
written down as going to the University of East Anglia!
More loopholes! Sir Humphrey would indeed be proud.
I’ve occasionally checked DEFRA responses to FOI requests—all from
David Holland.
It is remarkable that Jones should have access to this level of information.
December 16, 2008: email 1229468467
Ben Santer writes to many:
I just wanted to alert you to the fact that Steven McIntyre has now made
a request to United States Department Of Energy (DOE) Headquarters
under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). … I was made aware of the
FOIA request earlier this morning.
McIntyre clearly realized that, if he went high enough, someone would take note of
Santer’s recalcitrant attitude.
McIntyre’s request eventually reached the United States DOE National
Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Livermore Site Office. The
requested records are to be provided to the “FOIA Point of Contact”
(presumably at NNSA) by December 22, 2008.
In other words, he has been ordered to provide the data as requested—within six days.
Over the past several weeks, I’ve had a number of discussions about
the “FOIA issue” with the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and
Intercomparison (PCMDI)’s Director (Dave Bader), with other Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) colleagues, and with colleagues
outside of the Lab. Based on these discussions, I have decided to “publish”
all of the climate model data that we used in our International Journal of
Climatology (IJoC) paper.
In other words, he didn’t “decide” to provide the data; rather, his colleagues and
superiors told him that his refusal to provide the data was wrong.
This will involve putting these data sets through an internal “Review
and Release” procedure, and then placing the data sets on the PCMDI’s
publicly-accessible website. The website will also provide information
on how synthetic Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) temperatures were
calculated, anomaly definition, analysis periods, etc.
This procedure should already have been carried out for such internationally crucial
After publication of the model data, we will inform the “FOIA Point of
Contact” that the information requested by McIntyre is publicly available
for genuine scientific research. Unfortunately, we cannot guard against
intentional or unintentional misuse of these data sets by McIntyre or
It is neither Santer’s responsibility nor prerogative to determine who uses the data, or
for what purposes.
I hope that “publication” of the synthetic MSU temperatures resolves this
matter to the satisfaction of the NNSA, DOE Headquarters, and LLNL.
In other words, all of these levels of management told him that his refusal to provide all
the data was wrong.
Tom Wigley replies, showing that his support is not of Santer, but of the principles of
scientific accountability:
This is a good idea. … To have these numbers on line would be of great
benefit to the community. In other words, although prompted by McIntyre’s
request, you will actually be giving something to everyone.
The email concerns the climate model data used in our recently-
published International Journal of Climatology (IJoC) paper. Mr. Smith
has requested that I provide him with these climate model data sets. This
request has been made to Dr. Anna Palmisano at Department Of Energy
(DOE)Headquarters and to Dr. George Miller, the Director of Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
Another request for data. One would think that, by now, Santer has his data in order.
I have spent the last two months of my scientific career dealing with
multiple requests for these model data sets under the United States
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I have been able to do little or no
productive research during this time. This is of deep concern to me.
Santer still seems unable to comprehend that proper documentation and archiving of
data is a crucial part of his job.
He seems unwilling to learn from his last dressing-down:
I would like a clear ruling from DOE lawyers—ideally from both the
National Nuclear Security Administration and DOE Office of Science
branches—on the legality of such data requests. They are troubling, for a
number of reasons.
1. In my considered opinion, a very dangerous precedent is set if any
derived quantity that we have calculated from primary data is subject
to FOIA requests. At LLNL’s Program for Climate Model Diagnosis
and Intercomparison (PCMDI), we have devoted years of effort to the
calculation of derived quantities from climate model output. … The
intellectual investment in such calculations is substantial.
Santer wants “exclusive rights” to the publicly-funded data. Even if he had managed
to secure such a lucrative arrangement, he should not have publicly published papers
based on the data.
2. Mr. Smith asserts that “there is no valid intellectual property justification
for withholding this data”. I believe this argument is incorrect. The data used
in our IJoC paper—and the other examples of derived data sets mentioned
above—are integral components of both PCMDI’s ongoing research, and of
proposals we have submitted to funding agencies (DOE, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and National Aeronautics and
Space Administration).
So, this is about money.
Can any competitor simply request such data sets via the United States
FOIA, before we have completed full scientific analysis of these data sets?
Santer’s characterization of independent researchers as “competitors” is disturbing.
Climate scientists should not seek to profit from their research—particularly not
when their public pronouncements on the issue are used to lobby for political policy
3. There is a real danger that such FOIA requests could (and are already)
being used as a tool for harassing scientists rather than for valid scientific
discovery. Mr. McIntyre’s FOIA requests to the DOE and the NOAA are
but the latest in a series of such requests. In the past, Mr. McIntyre has
targeted scientists at Penn State University, the United Kingdom’s Climatic
Research Unit, and the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville. Now
he is focusing his attention on me. The common denominator is that Mr.
McIntyre’s attention is directed towards studies claiming to show evidence
of large-scale surface warming, and/or a prominent human “fingerprint”
in that warming. These serial FOIA requests interfere with our ability to
do our job.
That would sound like a reasonable set of studies for McIntyre to target. Again, Santer
misunderstands that “doing his job” properly in the first place would have obviated
the need to clean up his mess at this late date.
As many of you may know, I have decided to publicly release the data that
were the subject of Mr. McIntyre’s FOIA request … These data sets have
been through internal review and release procedures, and will be published
shortly on PCDMI’s website, together with a technical document which
describes how they were calculated. I agreed to this publication process
primarily because I want to spend the next few years of my career doing
research. I have no desire to be “taken out” as scientist, and to be involved
in years of litigation.
If Mr. McIntyre’s past performance is a guide to the future, further FOIA
requests will follow. I would like to know that I have the full support of
LLNL management and the United States Department of Energy in dealing
with these unwarranted and intrusive requests.
I do not intend to reply to Mr. Smith’s email.
Santer has learnt nothing.
Stephen Schneider:
I had a similar experience—but not FOIA since we at Climatic Change
are a private institution—with Stephen McIntyre demanding that I have
the Mann and co-workers cohort publish all their computer programs for
papers published in Climatic Change. I put the question to the editorial
board who debated it for weeks. The vast majority opinion was that
scientists should give enough information on their data sources and
methods so others who are scientifically capable can do their own brand
of replication work, but that this does not extend to personal computer
programs with all their undocumented parts, etc. It would be an odious
requirement to have scientists document every line of code so outsiders
could then just apply them instantly. Not only is this an intellectual property
issue, but it would dramatically reduce our productivity since we are not
in the business of producing software products for general consumption
and have no resources to do so. The National Science Foundation, which
funded the studies I published, concurred—so that ended that issue with
Climatic Change at the time a few years ago.
This is a startling admission on the part of Schneider: that computer programs
throughout climate science are so shoddily written and poorly documented—or even
completely undocumented—that they do not even reach the minimal standards
required of high school students. His allegation that his funding agency, the National
Science Foundation, supported this stance is, hopefully, under investigation by that
This continuing pattern of harassment, as Ben rightly puts it in my
opinion, in the name of due diligence is in my view an attempt to create a
fishing expedition to find minor glitches or unexplained bits of computer
programs—which exist in nearly all our kinds of complex work—and then
assert that the entire result is thus suspect.
Again, this demonstrates a hopelessly amateurish attitude to computer programming.
Glitches could indeed render the entire result false: that is why good documentation,
verification, and replication are vital parts of science.
Our best way to deal with this issue of replication is to have multiple
independent author teams, with their own programs and data sets,
publishing independent work on the same topics—like has been done
on the “hockey stick”. That is how credible scientific replication should
It is ironic that Schneider quotes the discredited “hockey stick” in support of his
suggestion—which is one possible arm of a validation and verification process, but
most certainly not a comprehensive blueprint.
Let the lawyers figure this out, but be sure that, like Ben is doing now, you
disclose the maximum reasonable amount of information so that competent
scientists can do replication work, but short of publishing undocumented
personalized programs etc. The end of the email Ben attached shows their
intent—to discredit papers so they have no “evidentiary value in public
policy”—what you resort to when you can’t win the intellectual battle
scientifically at the IPCC or the National Academy of Sciences.
The most disturbing aspect of this commentary is that Schneider completely
understands the enormous public policy ramifications of this research—yet still
expresses such remarkably naive sentiments. He still thinks enormous public policy
decisions should be based on the results from undocumented and unchecked personal
computer programs.
Good luck with this, and expect more of it as we get closer to international
climate policy actions. We are witnessing the “contrarian Battle of the
Bulge” now, and expect that all weapons will be used.
PS Please do not copy or forward this email.
The need for confidentiality is becoming more apparent to the co-conspirators. Do
they sense a dissenter or a whistle-blower in the ranks?
Also I note the National Academy of Sciences booklet “On Being a
Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research” (2nd edition) states “After
publication, scientists expect that data and other research materials will be
shared with qualified colleagues upon request. Indeed, a number of federal
agencies, journals, and professional societies have established policies
requiring the sharing of research materials. Sometimes these materials
are too voluminous, unwieldy, or costly to share freely and quickly. But
in those fields in which sharing is possible, a scientist who is unwilling
to share research materials with qualified colleagues runs the risk of not
being trusted or respected. In a profession where so much depends on
interpersonal interactions, the professional isolation that can follow a
loss of trust can damage a scientist’s work.” I know that the 3rd edition
is expected soon, but I cannot imagine this position will be weakened.
Indeed, with electronic storage of data increasing dramatically, I expect
that most of the exceptions are likely to be dropped.
I understand that science is considered by some to be a “blood sport” and
that there are serious rivalries and disputes. Nevertheless, the principles
above are vital to the continuation of good science, wherever the results
may lead.
Again, I thank you for making the data available, and I wish you success in
your future research.
Kind regards,
Geoff Smith
I couldn’t express it better myself.
Ben Santer’s reply:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Please do not lecture me on “good science and replicability”. Mr. McIntyre
had access to all of the primary model and observational data necessary
to replicate our results. Full replication of our results would have required
Mr. McIntyre to invest time and effort. He was unwilling to do that.
Santer is still labouring under the misunderstanding that his research remains
Mr. McIntyre could easily have examined the appropriateness of the
Douglass and co-workers statistical test and our statistical test with
randomly-generated data (as we did in our paper). Mr. McIntyre chose
not to do that.
Santer’s arrogance extends to dictating that McIntyre must do only as Santer and his
co-workers did. It does not seem to occur to him that the principles of statistics are
not the exclusive domain of his small group of colleagues.
He preferred to portray himself as a victim of evil Government-funded
scientists. A good conspiracy theory always sells well.
Ironic, given that Tom Wigley has described themselves in precisely those terms.
Mr. Smith, you chose to take the extreme step of writing to Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory and the Department Of Energy
management to complain about my “unresponsiveness” and my failure to
provide data to Mr. McIntyre.
Let us see if Santer has decided to become more “responsive”.
Your email to George Miller and Anna Palmisano was highly critical
of my behaviour in this matter. Your criticism was entirely unjustified,
and damaging to my professional reputation. I therefore see no point in
establishing a dialogue with you. Please do not communicate with me in
the future. I do not give you permission to distribute this email or post it
on Mr. McIntyre’s blog.
Now where have we seen the phrase “Please do not communicate with me in the
future” before? In his reply to Steve McIntyre on November 10, 2008. There’s not much
chance of “the open exchange of data, procedures and materials” with Ben Santer.
No one disputes Dr. Santer’s claim that the “primary model data” is publicly
available, but there is a strong case to be made that intermediate results,
e.g., collation of such data and the relevant computer programs should
be made available in studies such as this one, since there is an important
possibility of errors in trying to replicate such a collation. The archiving
of such intermediate results is required for econometrics journals, among
It is further reported online that the posting of the data was not pursuant to
an FOIA order, but posted voluntarily (although likely at the request of the
funding agency, the Department of Energy, Office of Science). I hope other
scientists will take this type of voluntary action. You may have heard that
Professor Hardaker, the Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Meteorological
Society, which publishes the International Journal of Climatology, has
confirmed that the issue of data archiving will be on the agenda for the
next meeting of the Society’s Scientific Publishing Committee. There is
a need for journals as well as funding agencies, and publishing scientists
themselves, to establish and enforce good data and computer program
archiving policies. A more precise definition of “recorded factual material
commonly accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate
research findings” is probably overdue.
I hope the Hadley Centre will take a lead in this issue. From time to time
I’ll look at the progress on archiving, but in the mean time, no reply is
Kind regards,
Geoff Smith
Instead of improving their data and computer program archiving standards, Jones
is only interested in influencing the committee that will revise the minimum
Santer replies:
Yes, this is the same Geoff Smith who wrote to me. Do you know who he
is? From his comments about the Royal Meteorological Society, he seems
to be a Brit.
Agreement has been reached that the best way forward is to influence the Royal
Meteorological Society.
Phil Jones writes to Paul Hardaker, the Chief Executive Officer of the Royal
Meteorological Society (RMS):
This email came overnight—from Tom Peterson, who works at the National
Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina.
(link to article)
“Phil Jones, the director of the Hadley Climate Center in the United
We all know that this is not my job. The paper being referred to appeared in
the Journal of Geophysical Research last year. The paper is (cites reference).
The paper clearly states where I work—the Climatic Research Unit at the
University of East Anglia. There is no mention of the Hadley Centre!
I am sending you this as it gives a good example of the sort of people you
are dealing with when you might be considering changes to data policies
at the RMS.
So the RMS should refrain from improving its policies because someone in the United
States erroneously associated Jones with the wrong United Kingdom climate science
institution? It is hardly surprising that people mistakenly confuse the two organizations,
because they work closely together, as evidenced by the joint development of climatic
data sets such as “HADCRUT3”.
There are probably wider issues due to climate change becoming more
mainstream in the more popular media that the RMS might like to consider.
I just think you should be aware of some of the background. The Climatic
Research Unit has had numerous Freedom Of Information requests since
the beginning of 2007. The Met(eorological) Office, the University of
Reading, the National Climatic Data Center and the Goddard Institute
for Space Studies have had as well—many related to IPCC involvement.
I know the world changes and the way we do things changes, but these
requests and these sorts of simple mistakes should not have an influence
on the way things have been adequately dealt with for over a century.
Ah, reminiscing to the “good old days” when the old boys’ club wasn’t accountable to
Ben Santer is still not going to let anyone have access to his data and methods:
If the RMS is going to require authors to make all data available—raw
data plus results from all intermediate calculations—I will not submit any
further papers to RMS journals.
Phil Jones:
I don’t know whether they even had a meeting yet—but I did say I would
send something to their Chief Executive.
Jones clearly believes that he holds some sway over Hardaker.
I’m having a dispute with the new editor of Weather. I’ve complained about
him to the RMS Chief Executive. If I don’t get him to back down, I won’t be
sending any more papers to any RMS journals and I’ll be resigning from
the RMS.
The same tactics, yet again.
It is quite possible that Jones would have resigned from enough societies and black-
balled enough journals that he would have effectively put himself into early retirement,
even if Climategate hadn’t effectively ended his career eight months after this email!
Wigley writes:
You are the co-worker, so you must have done something like provide
Keenan with the Department Of Energy report that shows that there are
no station records for 49 of the 84 stations. I presume Keenan therefore
thinks that it was not possible to select stations on the basis of …
“… station histories: selected stations have relatively few, if any, changes in
instrumentation, location, or observation times”
(Discusses two possibilities, both problematical for Wang)
Now my views. (1) I have always thought Wei-Chyung Wang was a rather
sloppy scientist. I therefore would not be surprised if he screwed up here.
But ITEM X is in both the Wei-Chyung Wang and Jones and co-worker
papers—so where does it come from first? Were you taking Wei-Chyung
Wang on trust?
Wigley has not only passed judgment on Wang—he furthermore fears that Jones and
colleagues didn’t even check the data that they used.
(2) It also seems to me that the University at Albany has screwed up. To
accept a complaint from Keenan and not refer directly to the complaint
and the complainant in its report really is asking for trouble.
Such actions eclipse their allegations that Keenan breached a confidentiality agreement
with the State University of New York; Wigley’s damning observation reveals their
“investigation” to be nothing more than a whitewash.
(3) At the very start it seems this could have been easily dispatched. ITEM
X really should have been …
(modified version of ITEM X)
… but this is not what the statement says.
Why, why, why did you and Wei-Chyung Wang not simply say this right at
the start? Perhaps it’s not too late?
Wigley’s lamentations suggest that this is simply wishful thinking.
I realise that Keenan is just a trouble-maker and out to waste time, so I
apologize for continuing to waste your time on this, Phil. However, I am
concerned because all this happened under my watch as Director of the
Climatic Research Unit and, although this is unlikely, the buck eventually
should stop with me.
Despite labelling Keenan as a trouble-maker rather than a seeker after truth, Wigley is
facing up squarely to the realization of this scandal—and accepting responsibility for
it as their leader, despite being unaware of it at the time. This speaks volumes about
his fundamental integrity. However, where is the concern that this fraudulent data has
been used for 19 years, and where are the suggestions for dealing with the research
that has used this false data for 19 years?
Let us now gain some further insight into the fundamental character of Mike Mann.
He writes to Phil Jones:
I’ve looked over the current list of American Geophysical Union Fellows,
and it seems to me that there are quite a few who have gotten in (e.g. Kurt
Cuffey, Amy Clement, and many others) who aren’t as far along as me in
their careers, so I think I ought to be a strong candidate.
Anyway, I don’t want to pressure you in any way, but if you think you’d be
willing to help organize, I would naturally be much obliged. Perhaps you
could convince Ray or Malcolm to take the lead? The deadline looks as if
it is again July 1 this year.
I’m looking forward to catching up with you some time soon, probably at
some exotic location of Henry’s choosing.
Does any remnant of doubt remain that awards in this field are absolutely and
completely meaningless? Mann may as well pin a gold star on his own chest!
What with all the work that these fine fellows (and Fellows) were busy with—lining
up to award each other in every conceivable combination, with all the paper-work
involved—it is no surprise that they didn’t have enough time to properly document or
archive their data or computer programs!
So even government ministers realise that they will look stupid trying to forecast the
climate in 50 and 100 years’ time, when they can’t even forecast next week’s weather.
That sounds good. So why don’t we wait until next round (June 2010) on
this then. That will give everyone an opportunity to get their ducks in a
row. Plus I’ll have one more Nature and one more Science paper on my
resume by then (more about that soon!). I’ll be sure to send you a reminder
sometime next May or so!
Well that’s one onerous task that can be struck off the schedule!
The contrarians’ attacks certainly have not abated. The only hope is that
they’ll increasingly be ignored.
He hopes scientific skepticism will be ignored by the media and governments. Given
that the very important Copenhagen summit was just seven months away, Mann’s
confidence in their ability to avoid scrutiny is highly optimistic.
I just received the reviewers’ comments and editor’s decision on our Science
manuscript (attached).…
You’ve got to be kidding! They don’t even know what this is? Do any of these climate
scientists understand statistics?
Phil Jones writes to Tom Peterson, of the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) in
the United States:
I have a question for you. I’m going to write a small document for our
web site to satisfy (probably the wrong word) the 50 or so Freedom Of
Information / Environmental Information Regulations requests we’ve
had over the weekend. I will put up the various agreements we have with
Met(eorological) Services.
The question—I think you told me one time that you had a file containing
all the data you couldn’t release (i.e. it’s not in the Global Historical
Climatology Network).… Do you know off-hand how much data is in
this category? Would the NCDC mind if I mentioned that you have such
data—not the amount or locations or anything, just that there is some?
More restrictions to hide behind! And Jones is explicitly trying to not put specific
bounds on which data is restricted in this way—so that he can apply the excuse to
anything and everything!
Peterson replies:
In other words, they do release data, against these very agreements that Jones wants
to hide behind. Importantly, Peterson does not want to be dragged in to supporting
Jones. Are cracks beginning to appear?
But I can give you a good alternative. You can point to the Peterson–
Manton article on regional climate change workshops. All those workshops
resulted in data being provided to the author of the peer-reviewed paper
with a strict promise that none of the data would be released. So far as
far as I know, we have all lived up to that agreement—myself with the
Caribbean data (so that is one example of data I have that are not released
by NCDC), Lucie and Malcolm for South America, Enric for Central
America, Xuebin for Middle Eastern data, Albert for south/central Asian
data, John Ceasar for South-East Asia, Enric again for central Africa, etc.
The point being that such agreements are common and are the only way
that we have access to quantitative insights into climate change in many
parts of the world. Many countries don’t mind the release of derived data,
but very much object to the release of actual data (which they might sell to
potential users). Does that help?
Kevin Trenberth to Mike Mann and others, regarding their submission to the Journal
of Geophysical Research:
I think you should argue that it should be expedited for the reasons of
interest by the press. The key question is who was the editor who handled
the original, because this is an implicit criticism of that person. We may
need to point this out, and ensure that someone else handles it.
Is there any journal left in their field that they are not threatening in one form or
another? Should papers be published expeditiously because of press interest? Such an
attitude is anathema to any semblance of worth left in the “peer review” process in
this field.
Mike Mann:
Folks, I was thinking exactly the same thing … it does immediately call
into suspicion the integrity of the review process.
We probably need to take this directly to the Chief Editor at the Journal
of Geophysical Research, asking that this not be handled by the editor
who presided over the original paper, as this would represent a conflict of
interest. If we are told that is not possible, then we would at least want the
Chief Editor himself to closely monitor the handling of the paper.
I’ve attached a plot of the original, and another with the data flipped.
The next day:
The data was oriented in the reconstruction in the way that McIntyre said.
I took a look at the original reference—the temperature proxy we looked
at is X-ray density, which the author of the data interprets to be inversely
related to temperature. We had higher values of X-ray density as warmer
in the reconstruction, so it looks to me like we got it wrong, unless we
decided to reinterpret the record, which I don’t remember. Darrell, does
this sound right to you?
Again, it is absolutely astounding that they did not meticulously document where the
data came from, what assumptions were made, how it was interpreted and applied,
and so on. They are relying on their memories!
In Darrell Kaufman’s reply:
Regarding the “upside down man”, as Nick’s plot shows, when flipped, the
data has little impact on the overall graphs. Also, the data was not included
in the calibration.
According to Nick McKay, these points were already made by McIntyre.
Nonetheless, it’s unfortunate that I flipped the … data. … I should have
used the inverse of density as the temperature proxy. I probably got
confused by the fact that the 20th century shows very high density values
and I inadvertently equated that directly with temperature.
Is there any clearer sign that they were working towards predetermined conclusions?
To decide which way to orient the data just by “how it looks for the 20th century”
demonstrates an extremely poor methodology.
This is new territory for me, but not acknowledging an error might come
back to bite us. I suggest that we nip it in the bud and write a brief update
showing the corrected composite (Nick’s graph) and post it to our website.
Do you all agree?
To Kaufman’s credit, he acknowledges his mistake, and suggests a reasonable path of
action to correct it. What is astounding is the behind-the-scenes anarchy.
Kaufman is also concerned that they have stretched the truth:
McIntyre wrote to me to request the yearly data that we used to calculate
the 10-year averages. The only “non-published” data are yearly data from
the ice cores … We stated this in the footnote, but it does stretch our
assertion that all of the data are available publicly. Bo (Vinther): How do
you want to proceed? Should I forward the yearly data to McIntyre?
Again, an admirable admission—but one that further confirms that the difficulties
faced by McIntyre and other skeptics were absolutely real, and not fabricated or
I’m also thinking that I should write to the authors of the data directly to
apologize for inadvertently reversing their data.
Another good suggestion. Perhaps they should also write to Steve McIntyre, thanking
him for pointing out the error?
Darrell and others—Please write all emails as though they will be made
I would not rush and I would not respond to any of them until the best
strategy is developed—I don’t want to waste anyone’s time, including yours
or McIntyre’s. Since the graph in Science has an error, I think you do need
to publish a correction in Science. … I don’t think you have a choice here.
Kaufman’s question about data is tricky. Giving McIntyre the data would
be good, but only if it is yours to give. You can’t give him data that you got
from others and are not allowed to share. But it would be nice if he could
have access to all the data that we used—that’s the way science is supposed
to work. See what Mike and Ray say…
Overpeck acknowledges “the way science is supposed to work”, but he also knows the
mantra of their leaders that the data is “private property”, and that they should “hide
behind” every agreement that they have signed with its providers.
Be careful, very careful. But now you know why I advocated redoing all the
analyses a few months ago—to make sure we got it all right. We knew we’d
get this scrutiny.
Again, Overpeck senses the impending catastrophe. The mind-set is now to get it
right—not because it is important to get it right, but simply because they know
that others can now check it. Clearly, all previous work has never been thoroughly
September 6, 2009: email 1252233095
Bo Vinther responds to Darrell Kaufman’s email to the co-authors:
I will suggest that we release the 1860–2000 section of the yearly ice core
data, as these are the data that go into Figure 2 in the paper. Such a limited
release I can permit immediately. Releasing everything is something
different, and I can’t see the need—as far as I remember we are not
presenting or using the 1–1859 part of the data anywhere in the paper—or
am I wrong?
Vinther clearly believes that data relating to the paper must be released—but only that
much, no more.
Regarding the yearly data: You’re correct that we only use 10-year averages
throughout our calculations (Figure 2 shows yearly values, but they are
not used in any calculation or conclusion). In his e-mail to me, McIntyre
requested the yearly data that we say are not publicly available as a footnote
to Table S1.
Unless anyone has another suggestion, I will reply and send him the 10-year
data (which is already posted at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Paleoclimate website) and explain that they were the basis
for all of the calculations. He might want the annual data that the averages
were based on. I suppose we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Kaufman is now proposing that McIntyre should only be given the data that would
allow him to replicate some of their calculations, not the data he requested—and
would not allow him to replicate their Figure 2 at all. Such hair-splitting is a farce.
It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still
left with “why the blip?”
Why not just leave the data alone, and not try to fudge it to support a preconceived
conclusion? Why not actually explain the blip?
Phil Jones writes to Tim Osborn, Mike Mann, and Gavin Schmidt, regarding McIntyre’s
analysis of Keith Briffa’s Russian tree-ring results:
I totally agree that these attacks (for want of a better word) are getting
worse. Comments on the thread are snide in the extreme, with many saying
they see no need to submit the results to a journal. They have proved Keith
has manipulated the data, so job done.
Given the control that Jones and his colleagues had over the journals (and their stated
intention to regard as essentially nonexistent those that publish skeptical papers),
perhaps it is more than reasonable to say “job done” once they have proved that Briffa
manipulated the data!
So, even if there were a problem with Briffa’s data, it wouldn’t matter as far
as the key conclusions regarding past warmth are concerned. But I don’t
think there is any problem with these data, rather it appears that McIntyre
has greatly distorted the actual information content of these data. It will
take folks a few days to get to the bottom of this, in Keith’s absence.
We return to the familiar tune: even if this result is wrong, there are other results that
say the same thing. In some contexts, such an argument would hold weight. But we
know that, in this field, Mann and his colleagues tortured all data that came their
way until it appeared to support their predetermined conclusions; and, moreover,
McIntyre almost had to perform a miracle to squeeze enough data and computer
programs out of the gang to show that there was a problem. In such an environment—
and with the insight we now have into their methods and practices—the inescapable
conclusion is that all of their results are suspect.
has been submitted. So it’s more likely he won’t submit a paper for peer-
reviewed scrutiny, or if he does get his criticism “published” it will be in
the discredited contrarian home journal Energy and Environment. I’m sure
you are aware that McIntyre and his ilk realize they no longer need to get
their crap published in legitimate journals.
Fortunately, the prestige press doesn’t fall for this sort of stuff, right?
I’m sure you’re aware that you will see dozens of bogus, manufactured
distortions of the science in the weeks leading up to the vote on Cap and
Trade legislation in the United States Senate.
He will if Mann and colleagues get their many prognostications into the press!
Andy Revkin of the New York Times writes to Mike Mann and Tim Osborn:
I just want to be sure that what is spliced below is from you … a little
It’s remarkable that Mike Mann gets to check what’s Fit to Print!
I’m going to blog on this as it relates to the value of the peer-review process,
and not on the merits of the McIntyre and co-workers’ attacks.
Peer review, for all its imperfections, is where the herky-jerky process of
knowledge building happens, would you agree?
Mann has shown that, in his field, it’s certainly a herky-jerky process—but more of the
empire-building nature, than knowledge-building.
Mann replies:
Yep, what was written below is all me, but it was purely on background;
please don’t quote anything I said or attribute to me without checking
So he can put words in Revkin’s mouth, but they aren’t to be attributed to him without
his permission. Remarkable.
Regarding your point at the end—you’ve taken the words out of my mouth.
Skepticism is essential for the functioning of science. It yields an erratic
path towards eventual truth.
Sounds fine so far.
But legitimate scientific skepticism is exercised through formal scientific
circles, in particular the peer review process. A necessary though not in
general sufficient condition for taking a scientific criticism seriously is that
it has passed through the legitimate scientific peer review process. Those
such as McIntyre who operate almost entirely outside of this system are
not to be trusted.
Ironically, Mann’s “delegitimization” of the peer-review process will be his most
devastating legacy.
We saw it over the summer with the health insurance industry trying to
defeat Obama’s health plan, and we’ll see it now as the United States Senate
moves on to focus on the Cap and Trade bill that passed Congress this
Here the author of the discredited “hockey stick” treats the climate change debate as
just another partisan political battle?
It isn’t coincidental that the original McIntyre and McKitrick Energy and
Environment paper with associated press release came out the day before
the United States Senate was considering the McCain–Lieberman Climate
Bill in 2005.
What about Mann and colleagues’ repeated rushing of papers into print barely hours
before the deadline to appear in the IPCC Report?
We’re doing the best we can to expose this. I hope our website post goes
some ways to exposing the campaign and pre-emptively deal with the
continued onslaught we can expect over the next month.
Ah, pre-emptive strikes are fine, as long as you’re the “good guys”.
would not be able to critically evaluate the data as a possible climate proxy.
So the data has already been discussed in the literature, but is not available even to
Briffa (let alone skeptics).
As you know, it is my intention to be friendly, cooperative and open, but
I’m determined to get some scientific value from all the years of work I’ve
invested in the Russian … work, and in cooperation with Russia in general.
Releasing these data now would be too much.
Hughes wants to have the exclusive right to exploit the Russian data. That would be
fine—if he didn’t publicly publish papers based on that “private” data.
In his reply, Keith Briffa admits that he didn’t actually understand where the data sets
were coming from:
I fully accept and would never go behind your back to ask for the data. …
I could do without all this now—I don’t really understand what Climate
Audit are getting so hysterical about, but I feel that I cannot ignore it this
time—but I don’t feel up to getting involved. I fully admit to being out of
the loop as regards all this and having trouble getting back to it.
…—to be honest also—I actually was not really aware that the data you
were producing and that used by Sidorova were one and the same.
This is unbelievable! The conspirators are so possessive of their own data that even
their own colleagues couldn’t work out whose data were from where. How could
anyone be expected to peer-review the work? Can anyone have any faith in any of the
published papers?
… Keith does seem to have got himself into a mess. …
But, more generally, … how does Keith explain the McIntyre graph that
compares data sets? And how does he explain the apparent “selection” of
the less well-replicated data rather that the later (better replicated) data?
Of course, I don’t know how often some of the data has really been used
in recent, post-1995, work. I suspect from what you say it is much less
often than McIntyre and McKitrick say—but where did they get their
information? I presume they went through papers to see if the data was
cited, a pretty foolproof method if you ask me. Perhaps these things can be
explained clearly and concisely—but I am not sure Keith is able to do this
as he is too close to the issue and probably quite pissed off.
Wigley’s criticisms of Briffa have unquestioned credibility: he still supports the man,
just not his science.
And the issue of withholding data is still a hot potato, one that affects
both you and Keith (and Mann). Yes, there are reasons—but many good
scientists appear to be unsympathetic to these. The trouble here is that
withholding data looks like hiding something, and hiding means (in some
eyes) that it is bogus science that is being hidden.
I think Keith needs to be very, very careful in how he handles this.
Wigley comprehends that their “reasons” are merely excuses, and that refusing
transparency is fundamentally indefensible.
The article concludes, “In short, the data invoked to verify the most
significant forecasts about the world’s future, have simply vanished.” Could
you comment on this please, as someone (e.g. Siemens Corporation) may
pick this up and I think we should all be forearmed by knowing what really
happened and what to say if asked.
The reality of the good ship Global Warming hitting an iceberg has started to sink
in, and the crew are looking for the lifeboats. We are here just six days away from the
Climategate whistle-blower leaking the first tranche of emails to Paul Hudson of the
British Broadcasting Corporation.
Manning forwards the query to Phil Jones:
Is this another witch hunt …? How should I respond to the email below?
(I’m in the process of trying to persuade Siemens Corporation (a company
with half a million employees in 190 countries!) to donate me a little cash
to do some carbon dioxide measurements here in the United Kingdom—it
is looking promising, so the last thing I need is news articles calling into
question (again) observed temperature increases—I thought we’d moved
the debate beyond this, but it seems that these skeptics are real die-hards!).
Phil Jones:
McIntyre has no interest in publishing his results in the peer-review
literature. The IPCC won’t be able to assess any of it unless he does.
What? Jones seems to think that even exposing the missing data is something that has
to run through the gauntlet of their “peer review”.
Your dad (Martin Manning, Director of Climate Change at the New
Zealand Climate Change Research Institute) and Susan Solomon have had
run-ins with him and others.
So this is now a generational feud?
So other groups around the world have also entered into agreements
restricting access to data. I know this doesn’t make it right, but it is the
way of the world with both instrumental and paleoclimatology data. I
frequently try and get data from other people without success, sometimes
from people who send me a soft copy of their paper, then tell me they can’t
send me the data that generated their plots.
At last, Jones admits that all this “hiding” is not right—but he tries to deflect the blame
onto others.
It is the right-wing web sites doing all this, presumably in the build up to
As with Mann in the United States, so with Jones in the United Kingdom: it is all a
partisan political battle.
the raw temperature data might be the subject of legal proceedings by the
Competitive Enterprise Institute and Pat Michaels.
Just as Santer would not have predicted receiving an email from Rick Piltz on October
8, 2009. But they most definitely should have known that they could be asked to justify
their claims, at any time—especially given the extreme public policy implications.
The critics are applying impossible legal standards to science.
Santer supports critical legislation being enacted on the basis of the science, but denies
the applicability of legal standards? His naivety is extraordinary.
They are essentially claiming that if we do not retain—and make available to
self-appointed auditors—every piece of information about every scientific
paper we have ever published, we are perpetrating some vast deception on
the American public.
I support that claim: All information should be archived.
I think most ordinary citizens understand that few among us have
preserved every bank statement and every utility bill we’ve received in the
last 20 years.
Santer’s comparing what is arguably the most important scientific data in the history
of mankind to the electricity bill of a labourer in outback Wyoming must go down as
one of the more ridiculous arguments of the Climategate perpetrators.
Michaels should and does know better. I can only conclude from his
behavior—and from his participation in this legal action—that he is being
intentionally dishonest. His intervention seems to be timed to influence
opinion in the run-up to the Copenhagen meeting, and to garner publicity
for himself.
Remember: only the “good guys” are permitted to influence opinion or receive
In my personal opinion, Michaels should be kicked out of the American
Meteorological Society, the University of Virginia, and the scientific
community as a whole.
Santer’s tantrum, yet again.
He cannot on the one hand engage in vicious public attacks on the
reputations of individual scientists (in the past he has attacked Tom Karl,
Tom Wigley, Jim Hansen, Mike Mann, myself, and numerous others),
and on the other hand expect to be treated as a valued member of our
professional societies.
You’re either for us, or against us. “Our” professional societies are for our team only.
The sad thing here is that Phil Jones is one of the true gentlemen of our
field. I have known Phil for most of my scientific career.
They deserve medals as big as soup plates—not the kind of crap they are
receiving from Pat Michaels and the CEI.
Are American Geophysical Union Fellowships awarded with soup plates? Maybe that
should be added to the privileges of the award.
Corporation (BBC)’s reporter on climate change, on Friday (October 9)
wrote that there’s been no warming since 1998, and that Pacific oscillations
will force cooling for the next 20–30 years. It is not outrageously biased in
presentation as are other skeptics’ views.
(includes links)
The BBC has significant influence on public opinion outside the United
Do you think this merits an op–ed response in the BBC from a scientist?
Intriguingly, Hudson claims that he received the first tranche of emails from the
Climategate whistle-blower on October 12.
Schneider sends the email on to many of his colleagues. Mike Mann responds:
It is extremely disappointing to see something like this appear on the BBC.
It’s particularly odd, since climate is usually Richard Black’s beat at the
BBC (and he does a great job). From what I can tell, this guy (Hudson) was
formerly a weather person at the Met(eorological) Office.
It seems that their “man on the ground” at the BBC (Richard Black, an environmental
correspondent) has been displaced by a person with a scientific background who
worked for the Met(eorological) Office for ten years.
Usually, we would expect a chorus of agreement with Mann. But something has
changed. Kevin Trenberth, of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research:
Well I have my own article on “where the heck is global warming?” We are
asking that here in Boulder where we have broken records the past two
days for the coldest days on record. …
The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and
it is a travesty that we can’t. The … data published in the August … 2009
supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the
data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
The belief system of these scientists is undergoing crisis. For decades, they have predicted
catastrophic, accelerated warming—but someone forgot to tell the Earth about it.
Rather than draw the obvious conclusions—that their predictions are wrong; that
the models that their predictions come from are inadequate—they instead start to
question the measured temperatures themselves!
It is not clear whether Trenberth realizes that, if true, his assertions would absolutely
destroy climate science, not save it; for the measured temperature data is the very best
and most direct data that we have (albeit almost impossibly intractable to analyse);
and if he throws out all of that data, then all that remains is a hopelessly anaemic and
ragtag collection of rotting tree stumps and melting ice tubes, without any hope at all
of calibrating these souvenirs against real-world temperature measurements.
In other words, even the direct temperature measurements are indeed suspect—there
are plausible reasons why they are giving an incomplete picture.
Thanks Kevin, yes, it’s a matter of what question one is asking. To argue
that the observed global average temperatures of the past decade falsify
the model projections …, as the contrarians have been fond of claiming, is
clearly wrong. But that doesn’t mean we can explain exactly what’s going
Mann is almost right, but his logic is slightly muddled. Not being able to “explain
exactly what’s going on” does invalidate their model projections, without any doubt.
What it doesn’t do is “prove” any opposing view, either.
The simple fact of the matter is that the incompetence of these “scientists”—covered up
with decades of manipulation and “stacking the deck” of peer review—has left us with
absolutely no idea whether the Earth’s climate has been affected to any appreciable
degree by mankind.
I didn’t mean to offend you. But what you said was “we can’t account for
the lack of warming at the moment”. Now you say “we are nowhere close
to knowing where energy is going”. In my eyes these are two different
things—the second relates to our level of understanding, and I agree that
this is still lacking.
We are now debating how quickly the ship is sinking. But why didn’t any of these
scientists speak up when their paymasters said to the world, “the science is settled”?
It is appropriate that Mike Mann’s last words in the Climategate repository explain
what it’s all about. To Phil Jones and Gavin Schmidt:
As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all; it’s about plausibly deniable
And again: it’s tough when even your allies are starting to turn:
Be a bit careful about what information you send to Andy Revkin of The
New York Times and what emails you copy him in on. He’s not as predictable
as we’d like.
And, finally, we turn to Phil Jones’s final actions in the Climategate repository, still
attempting to silence his critics by bullying tactics. He writes to Sonja Boehmer-
Christiansen’s head of department at the University of Hull:
The email below was brought to my attention … It was sent by the person
named in the header of this email. I regard this email as very malicious.
Dr Boehmer-Christiansen states that it is beyond her expertise to assess
the claims made. If this is the case then she shouldn’t be sending malicious
emails like this. The two Canadians she refers to have never developed a
tree-ring chronology in their lives and McIntyre has stated several times
on his blog site that he has no aim to write up his results for publication in
the peer-review literature.
I’m sure you will be of the same opinion as me that science should be
undertaken through the peer-review literature as it has been for over 300
years. The peer-review system is the safeguard science has developed to
stop bad science being published.
Dear Phil, sorry to hear this. I don’t see much of her these days, but when I
do see Sonja next I’ll try and have a quiet word with her about the way the
affiliation to us is used, but at the moment in fairness she is entitled to use
it in the way she does. Fortunately I don’t get to see many of these email
exchanges but I do occasionally hear about them or see them and frankly
am rarely convinced by what I read. But as with all academics, I’d want to
protect another academic’s freedom to be contrary and critical, even if I
personally believe she is probably wrong. I agree with you that it’d be better
for these exchanges to be conducted through the peer review process but
these forms of e-communication are now part of the public debate and it’s
difficult to do much about it other than to defend your position in this and
other fora, or just ignore it as being, in your words, malicious.
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The Lavoisier Group Inc
The Lavoisier Group is named after the founder of modern chemistry, Antoine-Laurent
Lavoisier, who discovered oxygen, identified carbon dioxide as the product of combus-
tion of carbon in air, and who laid down the theoretical basis of modern chemistry. He
was also an ingenious experimenter and instrument-maker who insisted on the highest
possible accuracy when taking measurements. He was executed by the French Revolu-
tionary Government in 1794.
The Lavoisier Group was incorporated in April 2000. At that time, the founders were
concerned that the Australian Government might ratify the Kyoto Protocol without
proper understanding of the scientific claims on which it was based, or of the economic
implications of the decarbonisation regime which ratification would have required.
During the federal election campaign of 2007, ALP Leader Kevin Rudd campaigned
passionately on the need to manage “climate change”, and after winning the election he
went, as Prime Minister, to Bali to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Since then, he and ‘Climate
Change’ Minister Penny Wong, supported by the then Opposition Leader Malcolm Turn-
bull, strove indefatigably to get the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme Bill through the
Parliament. It failed in the Senate twice, and now sits as a trigger for a double dissolution
election and possible passage through a joint sitting of both Houses.
The Copenhagen conference resulted in the humiliation of the European Union and its
allies (including Australia), and the recognition by the USA that the developing coun-
tries, notably China, India, Brazil and South Africa, were going to reject any attempt by
the West to curtail their rapid progress to the complete electrification of their countries.
Copenhagen was the point at which “Warmist” ideology was overwhelmingly rejected by
the developing world. In Australia, the debate over “climate change” has vanished from
sight, as it has in the USA. Nevertheless, the Warmists are striving to get it back on to
the political agenda.
The Lavoisier Group provides a network and a Website which enables Australians who
are concerned about this issue to keep abreast of developments here and overseas. Those
who sympathise with our aims, and wish to join, can apply for membership through the
Website: www.lavoisier.com.au
The Lavoisier Group’s Board comprises President Hugh Morgan AC; Vice-President Ian
Webber AO; Treasurer Harold The Lavoisier
Clough AO; BruceGroup
Kean AM; Bob Foster; Tom Bostock;
George Fox AM; Philip Wood; Peter Chew; and Secretary Ray Evans.