SF & BM Problems

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1 A cantilever beam of length 2m

carries the pointed loads as shown in fig.
Draw the shear force and B.M. diagrams
for the cantilever beam.
6.2 A cantilever of length 2 m carries an uniformly distributed load 1 kN/m run over a length of
1.5m from the free end. Draw the SF & BM diagram for the cantilever
6.3 A cantilever of length 2 m carries an uniformly distributed load 2 kN/m run over the whole
length and a point load of 3 kN at the free end. Draw the SF & BM diagram for the cantilever.
6.4 A cantilever of length 2 m carries an uniformly distributed load of 1.5 kN/m run over the whole
length and a pointed load of 2 kN at a distance of 0.5m from the free end. Draw the SF & BM diagram.
6.5 A cantilever 1.5m long is loaded with an uniformly distributed load of 2kN/m run over a length
of 1.25m from the free end. It also carries a pointed load of 3kN at a distance of 0.25m from the free end.
Draw the SF & BM diagram for the cantilever.
6.6 A cantilever of length 5m is loaded as
shown in fig. Draw the SF & BM diagram for the

6.7 A cantilever of length 4m carries a gradually varying load, zero at the free end and 2 kN/m at
the fixed end. Draw the SF & BM diagram of the cantilever.
6.8 A simply supported beam of length 6m, carries point loads of 3kN and 6kN at distances of 2m
and 4m from the left end. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of the beam.
6.9 Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram of a simply supported beam of length 9m
carrying an uniformly distributed load of 10 kN/m for a distance of 6m from the left end. Also calculate
the maximum bending moment on the section.
6.10 Draw the SF & BM diagram of a simply
supported beam of length 8m carrying a uniformly
distributed load of 10kN/m for a distance of 4m
as shown in fig.
6.11 Draw the SF & BM diagram of a
simply supported beam of length 7m carrying an
uniformly distributed load as shown in fig.

6.12 A simply supported beam of span 10m

carries uniformly distributed load and two point
loads as shown in fig. Draw thw SF & BM diagram
for the beam and also calculate the maximum
bending moment.
6.13 A simply supported beam of length 5m carries an uniformly varying load of 800 N/m at one end
to 1600 N/m at the other end. Draw the SF & BM diagram. Also find the position and magnitude of the
maximum bending moment.
6.14 Draw the SF & BM diagram for the
over hanging beam carrying an uniformly
distributed load of 2 kN/m as shown in fig.

6.15 Draw the SF & BM diagram for the over

hanging beam carrying an uniformly distributed
load of 2kN/m over the entire length and a point
load of 2kN as shown in the figure. Locate the
point of contraflexure.

6.16 A beam of length 12m is simply

supported at 2 supports which arre 8m apart,
with an overhang of 2m on each side as
shown in fig. The beam carries a concentrated
load of 1000N at each end. Draw SF & BM diagrams.
6.17 Draw SF & BM for the beam which is
loaded as shown in the fig.
Determine the point of contraflexure
within the span AB.

6.18 A horizontal beam 10m long is carrying an udl of 10kN/m. The beam is supported on two
supports 6m apart. Find the position of the supports so that the BM on the beam is as small as possible.
Also draw the SF & BM diagrams.


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