Fighter 1330 Manual en

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MOS GB 0727-4

Installation and Maintenance Instructions


Contents 1
General Electrical additional heater ................................... 28
Concise product description ................................. 2 Oil boiler ............................................................... 30
Scope of the Installation and Maintenance Instruc- Gas boiler ............................................................. 32
tions . ................................................................. 2 HPAC .................................................................... 32
Setting table ......................................................... 2 Fixed condensing ................................................. 34
System description Floor drying function . ........................................... 34
Principle of operation . .......................................... 3 Room control ........................................................ 35
Front panel Description of functions - Expansion card 1
Layout . ................................................................. 4 Electrical additional heater ................................... 36
Explanation . ......................................................... 4 HPAC .................................................................... 36
Room temperature Hot water circulation pump ................................... 37
Automatic heating control system ........................ 6 Pool ...................................................................... 38
Default setting ...................................................... 6 Sub shunt ............................................................. 40
Changing the room temperature .......................... 6 Description of functions Expansion card 2
Setting the heating controls Docking instructions ............................................. 42
Setting with diagrams ........................................... 7 Groundwater pump . ............................................. 43
Heating curve offset -2 ......................................... 7 Passive cooling with 4 pipe system ...................... 44
Heating curve offset 0 .......................................... 7 Passive cooling with 2 pipe system ...................... 46
Heating curve offset +2 ........................................ 7 Combined cooling/heating modes
with accumulators . ............................................ 48
General information for the installer Description of functions - External control
Transport and storage .......................................... 8
Electrical connection, external control/blocking of the
Erecting the heat pump ........................................ 8 additional heat and compressor ........................ 50
Master /Slave . ..................................................... 8
External control (e.g. DUC) .................................. 8 Control
General . ............................................................... 51
Collectors ............................................................. 8
Quick movement . ................................................. 51
Inspection of the installation ................................. 8
Screen saver ........................................................ 51
Opening the top covers ........................................ 9
Key lock ................................................................ 51
Opening the lower covers ..................................... 9
Changing parameters ........................................... 52
Pipe connections Menu tree ............................................................. 52
General . ............................................................... 10 Main menus .......................................................... 55
Pipe connection (heating medium) ....................... 10 0.0 System ........................................................... 56
Pipe connection (brine) ........................................ 10 1.0 Hotwater temperature . ................................... 56
Pressure expansion vessel . ................................. 11 2.0 Flow temperature ........................................... 57
Limiting condenser out and condenser in . ............ 11 3.0 Flow temperature 2 ........................................ 59
Available pressure, heating medium side ............. 11 4.0 Outdoor temperature ...................................... 60
Available pressure, brine side (ethanol 28 %) ...... 11 5.0 Heat pump . .................................................... 60
Filling and venting the collector system . .............. 12 6.0 External units ................................................. 63
Filling the heating medium system ....................... 12 7.0 Clock .............................................................. 68
Internal venting valves . ........................................ 13 8.0 Other settings ................................................. 69
Readjusting, heating medium side ....................... 13 9.0 Service menus ............................................... 71
Readjusting, brine side . ....................................... 13
Component positions
Docking Component positions . .......................................... 74
General . ............................................................... 14
Example FIGHTER1330 docked with an List of component
oil/pellet boiler and water heater List of components ............................................... 75
(floating condensing) ......................................... 14 Dimensions
Example FIGHTER1330 docked with an Dimensions and setting-out coordinates .............. 76
electric element/electric boiler and water heater
(floating condensing .......................................... 15 Accessories
Accessories .......................................................... 77
Electrical connections
Electrical installation . ........................................... 16 Technical specifications
Connection of external sensors ............................ 16 Technical specifications ........................................ 78
Connection ........................................................... 17 Enclosed kit .......................................................... 78
Phase sequence monitor . ..................................... 17 Dealing with malfunctions
Description of functions - Start up Low room temperature ......................................... 79
Inspection ............................................................. 18 High room temperature ........................................ 79
Start up with a FIGHTER1330............................... 20 Low hot water temperature or no hot water .......... 79
Start up with several FIGHTER 1330s in a system.20 Standby mode ...................................................... 79
Operating type selection . ..................................... 21 Alarm .................................................................... 80
Screen saver ........................................................ 21 Alarm with automatic resetting ............................. 80
Master / Slave . ..................................................... 22 Constant alarm ..................................................... 81
Draining, heating medium side ............................. 82
Description of functions - Basic functions Draining, brine side .............................................. 82
Brine pump ........................................................... 23 Helping the circulation pump to start .................... 82
Level monitor ......................................................... 23 Cleaning the circulation pump .............................. 82
Heating medium pumps (VBP-A/VBP-B and VBP3). 23
Heat production .................................................... 24
Hot water production ............................................ 26
Extra hot water ..................................................... 27

2 General
In order to get the ultimate benefit from your heat pump FIGHTER 1330 you should read through
this Installation and Maintenance Instruction.

FIGHTER1330 is a heat pump for heating large properties such as apartment buildings and indus-
trial properties. Soil, rock or lakes can be used as heat source.

FIGHTER1330 is a Swedish made quality product offering a long life span and safe operation.

The Installation and Maintenance Instructions also takes up accessories for FIGHTER 1330 and
the pictures show the heat pump with accessories installed.

Completed by the installer when the heat pump is installed

Type designation / serial number
FIGHTER 1330- _ _ kW / 089 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Installation date


Type of brine - Mixing proportion/freezing point

Active drilling depth/collector length


Factory Factory
Menu setting Menu setting

0.2.1 Oper.type Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 2.1 Curve slope . . . . . . . . . . . 9

0.2.2 Oper.type slave 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 2.2 Offset heating curve . . . . . . . . . . . 0
0.2.3 Oper.type slave 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 6.1.1 Op-mode external CP . . . . . . . . . . Continuous
0.2.4 Oper.type slave 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.1 Exp.card 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Off
0.2.5 Oper.type slave 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.2 Exp.card 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Off
0.2.6 Oper.type slave 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.3 RCU . . . . . . . . . . . Off
0.2.7 Oper.type slave 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.4 Sub shunt . . . . . . . . . . . Off
0.2.8 Oper.type slave 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.5 Pool . . . . . . . . . . . Off
0.2.9 Oper.type slave 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Off 9.1.6 Hot water acc. tank . . . . . . . . . . . Off
9.1.7 Fixed condensing . . . . . . . . . . . Off
9.1.8 Additive . . . . . . . . . . . Off
9.1.9 Extra collector . . . . . . . . . . . Off
9.1.10 Cooling . . . . . . . . . . . Off
9.1.11 Room control mode . . . . . . . . . . . Off

Date_ __________ Signature_ _____________________________

System description 3

Principle of operation
FIGHTER 1330 consists of two heat pump modules Ground water can also be used as a heat source. This
and a CPU unit with a display to control the heat pump requires an intermediate heat exchanger.
and any additional heating. FIGHTER 1330 has built- The brine emits its heat to the refrigerant in the heat
in circulation pumps, making it easy to connect to the pumps evaporator. It then vaporises and is compressed
heating medium and brine circuits. in the compressor. The refrigerant, with its increased
The energy from the heat source is taken up via a temperature, is led into the condenser where it emits
closed collector system in which a mixture of water its energy to the heating medium circuit.
and antifreeze circulates. The heat source can be rock,
soil, lake, exhaust air or other process heating.

50.0 C

Compressor B
Kompressor B

Heating water in/ /

Heating water flow
Heating water pump B
Vrmebrarpump B
Brine out Particle filter
Heating water return
Heating water return
Brine pump
Kldbrarpump Particle filter
Heating water flow

A Vrmebrarpump
Heating water pump A

Kldbrare-in Compressor AA
Brine in
Particle filter

Frngare Expansions-
Expansion- Condenser

4 Front panel
Layout TYSKA

Display B

50.0 C 5500 .. 00 CC 50.0 C

tur Brauchwassertemp. V Ha or m
t wvaat et tr e
t enmt e
pme rp
aet urraet u r Brauchwassertemp.
13.43 1.0 13.43 1.01.0 13.43
13.43 1.0
E Right 13.43


Left C

A Switch

Heating D 50.0 C D
curve offset Temp. Ciepej Wody
1.0 13.43

A Switch
Extra hot water symbol
with three positions 1-0- : A I II III AB I II
Indicates when the Extra hot water function
1 Normal mode. All control functions connect- is active.
A indicates that a temporary temperature
0 Heat pump off. increase is activated.
See the section, Description of functions -

50.0 C
B indicates that a time determined tem-
Start up >Standby mode.
perature increase, for example periodic,
is activated.
The power switch must not be turned to either

VAaB r m v a tI IIt e n t e m p e r a t u r
the 1 or position before the heating sys-
tem has been filled.
I II III Circulation pump symbol
I indicates that the heating medium
B Display pump A is operational.

First row:
1.0 II indicates that the heating medium
pump B is operational.
50.0 C
A B Compressor symbol I II Oil boiler symbol
Indicates that one of the compressors in
the heat pump is operational. Indicates that the oil boiler is activated.

Va r m v a t t e n t e m p e r a t u r
A indicates that compressor A (lower I II

51.005.00. 0 C C
module) is operational.
B indicates that compressor B (top mod-
Second row: Value of the current parameter.
ule) is operational.
13.43 Third row:  escription of current display param-

Va V
rm a vt t5
a rvm aet0
nt et.ne0 p .pC
tme m 1e .r 0a t u r
Fourth row: Shows menu numbers, key lock, clock
Additional symbol I II symbol and time.
Indicates when immersion heater is opera-

1.0a r m v a t t e n t e m p e r a
50.0 C FIGHTER1330
1.0 1
Front panel 5
B Display (continued)
C Extra hot water
When the button is pressed the current

attentemperatur The program ignores the enter button being

pressed when key lock is activated, this
Extra hot water position is shown on the
display, further pressing changes the

prevents the settings from being changed position in the increments 24, 12, 6 and
unintentionally. Key lock is activated in 3 hours and off. When Extra hot water is
the main menus by pressing the plus and
minus buttons simultaneously. The key
activated, the hot water temperature is
increased to a higher level (set on menu 1.4) than nor-
mal. The temperature then returns to the normal value.
symbol will then be shown on the display.
The function is active when an A is displayed above

mperatur Br
The same procedure is used to deactivate
the key lock. the Extra hot water icon.

The symbol becomes visible when a timer

function is selected, for example, periodic
lowering of the flowtemperature or time
setting for extra hot water. TYSKA GB See screensaver mode.
Screen saver mode
54.1 55.7 C
In screen saver mode, you can A I II III A B I II

S5 l0a. v
0 e C3 see any alarms as 5well 0 . 0asCthe 50.0 C
Varmvattentemperatur flow temperaturesB r a u c h wcurrently
5 0 . 0 CH1.0o t w a t e r t e m p e r a t u13.43
50.0 C
1.0 13.43 given by the1.0 compressors13.43
HP-ALARM (VBFA and VBFB) and wheth- V a r m v a t t e n t e m p e r a t u r Brauchwass
er the heat pump is a Master 1.0 13.43 1.0
Slave 3 or Slave. The screen saver is
D Offset heating curve
A B deactivated
A B in the lower
A Bby pressingI IIthe
enter button and the button
A B left for approxi- I II The Offset heating curve knob is used
1.0 AB mately 8 seconds.
AB Menu
is then displayed. The screen
I II 13.43 to change the heating curve's parallel
offset and in doing so the room tem-

50.0 C
saver comes on automatically perature. Turning clockwise increases

V a r m v5a0
t t e. n0t e m C
the room temperature. When the knob PL
30 minutes after the last button
was pressed and when start- is turned, menu 2.0 is shown on the
5 0 . 0
ing the heat pump.
Varmvattentemperatur C 13.43
display and the value for the calculated
flow temperature changes.
Note! Only the knob on the Master unit can be 50

C Left keypad 1.0 V a r m v a t t e n t e m p e r a13.43

tur used for this setting. T e m p . C1

desired operating mode with regard to 13.43 1
permitting/blocking of the circulation pump
and additional heating is set using the Oper- E Right keypad
ating mode button. The selection does not
need to be confirmed with the enter button.
The plus button is used to browse through
The current operating mode is shown on the the menu system (forwards) or raise the
display when the button is pressed and the value of the selected parameter.
mode changes when you continue to press the button. The
display returns to the normal display mode once the enter See the section Control > General.
button is pressed.
The minus button is used to browse
The different operating modes are:
through the menu system (backwards) or
Auto mode: lower the value of the selected parameter.
FIGHTER 1330 automatically selects the operating mode by
taking the outdoor temperature into account. The circulation See the section Control > General.
pumps and additional heating are permitted to be operational
when the need arises. The enter button is used to select a sub
menu in the menu system, to activate a
Summer mode:
parameter change as well as confirm a
Only hot water production using FIGHTER 1330. The circu- parameter change.
lation pumps and additional heating are blocked. However,
when Extra hot water is activated, the additional heat (XVV) A I II III A B I II See the section Control > General.

can be connected. A I II III AB I

Spring/Autumn mode: 50.0 C

Only production of heating and hot water using FIGHTER V a r m v a t t e n t e m p e r a t u r 50.0
1330. The circulation pumps are operational. Additional heat 1.0 13.43 Va r m t v a n d s t e m
blocked. However, when Extra hot water is activated the addi- 1.0
tional heat (XVV) can be connected.
Only additional heat:
Compressors blocked. The function can also be activated/
deactivated by pressing the operating mode button for 7
6 Room temperature

Automatic heating control system

The indoor temperature depends on several fac- Heat production is usually controlled using the floating
tors. Sunlight and heat emissions from people and condensing principle. This means that the tempera-
household machines are normally sufficient to keep ture level needed for heating at a given outside tem-
the house warm during the warmer parts of the year. perature is produced on the basis of values taken from
When it gets colder outside, the heating system must sensors for outside temperature and flow temperature.
be started. The colder it is outside, the warmer radia- This adjustment is made automatically, however the
tors and floor heating system must be. basic settings must first be made on the boiler, see the
section Room temperature > Default setting.

Default setting
The basic heating is set using menu 2.1 and with the
Offset heating curve knob.

If the required room temperature is not obtained, read-
justment may be necessary.
NOTE! Wait one day between settings so that the tem-

50.0 C peratures have time to stabilise.

Hotwatertemperature Readjusting the default settings

1.0 13.43 Cold weather conditions
When the room temperature is too low, the Curve
slope value is increased in menu 2.1 by one incre-
When the room temperature is too high, the Curve
slope value is lowered in menu 2.1 by one incre-
Warm weather conditions
If the room temperature is low, turn the Heating
curve offset knob one step clockwise.
If the room temperature is high, turn the Heating
curve offset knob one step anticlockwise.

Heating Changing the room

curve offset temperature PL
Changing the room temperature manually
If you want to temporarily or permanently lower or raise
the indoor temperature relative to the previously set
temperature, turn the Heating curve offset knob A B anti- AB
clockwise or clockwise. One to three lines approximately
represents a 1 degree change in room temperature.

NOTE! An increase in the room temperature may be 50.0

inhibited by the radiator or floor heating thermostats, if
so these must be turned up.
Temp. Ciep

Setting the heating controls 7

Setting using diagrams Offset heating curve -2

The heating control system of the FIGHTER 1330 is HEATING CURVE
controlled by the outside temperature. This means the C

flow temperature is regulated in relation to the current 70
15 14 13 12 11 10

outdoor temperature. VRMEKURVA9

The relation between the outdoor temperature and 60 15 14 13 12 11 10
flow temperature is set in menu 2.1, Curve slope. VRMEKURVA

The diagram is based on the dimensioned outdoor 50 15 14 13 12 11
10 8
temperature in the area and the dimensioned supply 5
temperature of the heating system. When these two 40 4
50 8
values meet, the heating controls curve slope can be 60
read. 30
50 2
The Heating curve offset knob is then set on the Mas- +5
ter unit. A suitable value for underfloor heating is -1 3
30 4 C
and for a radiator system -2. 40 10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 402
10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 402 C
Offset heating -curve
10 0 20- 100 VRMEKURVA
- 30 - 40 C
11 10 9

60 15 14 13 12 11 10 97


50 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
70 75
60 3

30 2
+5 1
40 10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 C
+5 3
10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 C
+5 1
TURE- 40 C
10CURVE 0 - 10 - 20 - 30

15 14 13 12 11 UTETEMPERATUR
10 9
Offset heating curve
+2 8

C 7

60 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
C 75

50 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

40 3
30 1
50 3

40 10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 3 C
- 401
10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 401 C
10 0 - 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 C

8 General information for the installer

Transport and storage Collectors

The FIGHTER 1330 must be transported and stored Soil heat Rock heat
upright and dry. Type recommended recommended
collector length active drilling depth

Installation 22 3 x 350 4 x 400 m 2 x 180 3 x 180 m

30 3 x 450 4 x 450 m 3 x 150 5 x 150 m
The FIGHTER 1330 must be installed on a firm sur-
40 4 x 500 4 x 500 m 4 x 170 5 x 200 m
face, preferably a concrete floor or a concrete founda-
tion in a boiler room or a separate equipment room.
Avoid installing it in or adjacent to a sound-sensitive The maximum length of each loop is 500 metres.
room. Wherever the unit is located, any wall that backs The hose normally used is PEM hose 40 x 2.4 PN
on to a bedroom should be fitted with sound insula- 6.3.
tion. The length of the collector hose varies depending on
the rock/soil conditions and on the heating system,
Master / Slave e.g. radiators or underfloor heating.
Collectors are always connected in parallel, with some
Several FIGHTER 1330s can be interconnected to means of adjusting the flow.
work together. This is done by selecting one heat For surface soil heat, the hose should be buried at a
pump as the Master and the others as Slaves. Exter- depth of about 1 metre and the distance between the
nal units, e.g. oil boiler, are connected to the Master hoses should be at least 1 metre.
unit. Each Slave is given a unique address for commu- For rock heat, there must be a distance of at least 15
nication with the Master unit. See the section Descrip- meters between boreholes.
tion of functions - Start up > Master/Slave.

External control (e.g. DUC) Inspection of the installation

FIGHTER 1330 can be controlled up to a certain point In accordance with applicable regulations, heating
using signals from an external system (e.g. DUC). See installations must undergo an installation inspection
the section Description of functions - External control. before being commissioned. The inspection must be
carried out by a suitably qualified person. The above
applies to closed heating systems. If the heat pump is
replaced, the installation must be inspected again.

The sensor and communication cables
must not be routed closed to the power cable.
This applies to all external sensors and
all communication cables.
When cable conduit is used for the outdoor sen-
sor this should be sealed to prevent
condensation in the outdoor sensor capsule.

General information for the installer 9

Opening the top covers

1 2


3 4


Opening the lower covers




10 Pipe connections

Pipe installation must be carried out in accordance
with current norms and directives. FIGHTER 1330
can work up to a return temperature of approx. 58 C
and an outgoing temperature from the heat pump of
approx. 65 C. When FIGHTER 1330 is not equipped
with shut off valves, these must be fitted outside of the
heat pump to assist future service work.

Pipe connections
(heating medium)
The pipe system needs to be flushed
Pipes are connected at the rear of the heat pump. The out before the heat pump is connected
necessary safety equipment, shutoff valves (fitted as
close as possible to the heat pump), and the particle so that debris cannot damage compo-
filter and flexible hoses supplied must be fitted. nent parts. This applies to both
When connecting to a system with thermostats on all hot and cold sides.
radiators/coils, a relief valve must be fitted, or some of
the thermostats must be removed to ensure sufficient
The unit is designed to allow hot water production with
one or two heat pump modules. However, this requires
different pipework and a different electrical installa-

Pipe connections (brine)

When dimensioning the collector, consideration must
be given to the geographical location, type of rock and
ground and the degree of coverage provided by the VVF
heat pump. VBP-B
KBut B
When installing the collector hose, ensure it rises con-
stantly towards the heat pump to avoid air pockets. If VVR
this is not possible, install high points to vent the air. VBFA
All brine pipes in heated rooms must be insulated KBP
against condensation. KB-in
As the temperature of the collector system can fall SF
below 0 C it must be protected against freezing down
to -15 C. One litre of ready mixed brine per meter of
collector hose (applies when using PEM-hose 40 x 2.4
PN 6.3) is used as a guide value when making the vol-
ume calculation.
The collector system should to be labelled to show BK / JK
what antifreeze has been used.
Shut-off valves should be installed as close to the heat
pump as possible. Fit a particle filter to the incoming AV Shutoff valve
pipe. BK Rock collector
In the case of connection to an open groundwater sys- EXP Level vessel
tem, an intermediate frost-protected circuit must be JK Soil collector
provided, because of the risk of dirt and freezing in the KB-in Brine in
evaporator. This requires an additional heat exchang- KB-out Brine out
er. KBP Brine pump
SF Particle filter

l l

60 60

Pipe connections
40 40

30 Pressure expansion vessel 30 Limiting condenser out and

The brine circuit should be fitted with a pressure
20 condenser in
10 vessel. If there is a level vessel, this should Kldbrar 10 quellen-
For HTF in hotter than -5 C, limiting of max conden-
be replaced. The brine side should be pressurised to
volym volumen
ser out 65 C and max condenser in 58 C.
at 0least 0.5 bar. 0
For HTF in colder than -5 C, max condenser out and
The0 pressure expansion
100 200 300 400 vessel
500 600 700 800 900 1000 should
1100 1200 1300be dimen-
1400 1500 l max0 condenser
100 200 300 400 in500lowers
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
automatically, 1400 1500
according tol
sioned as set out in the diagram, to prevent operat-
diagram, additional heat maintains desired supply
ing disturbances. The pressure expansion vessel cov-
ers the temperature range from -10 C to +20 C at a
pre-pressure of 0.5 bar and the safety valves opening For HTF in lower than -8 C, the compressor stops and
pressure 3 bar. the desired supply temperature is only maintained by
additional heat.

Kondensor ut out
Pressure expansion vessel

50 66
Tryck FIGHTER 1320-20
kPa mvp62
100 10
30 60
80 8 58 2
20 3
60 6 56
10 Brine 54
40 4 2 Brine
volume 52 rare
in in
0 20 2 50

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 l -9 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 9 111 13 15 17 Flde
19 21 C
0 0
0 500 1000 1.1500
2000 2500 out
3000 2. Condenser
3500 4000 4500 in
5000 l/h

Available pressure, heating medium side

Tryck FIGHTER 1330 -22
FIGHTER 1320-20 Pressure FIGHTER 1320-25/30/40
Tryck FIGHTER 1330-30/40
kPa mvp kPa mvp
100 10 100 10

80 8 80 8
60 6 60 6
40 4 2 40 4

20 2 20 2 2
1 Flow 1 Flow
Flde Flde
0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 l/h 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 l/h

Available pressure, collector side (ethanol 28 %)

Tryck FIGHTER 1320-25/30/40 Vrmebrarsida, tillgngligt tryck
kPa mvp Tryck
Pressure FIGHTER
FIGHTER 1330 -22/30/40
kPa 10mvp
300 30
80 8 40
250 25
60 6
200 20 22 30 3
40 4
150 15
20 2 2
100 10 1
0 0
50 5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 l/h
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 l/h

Vrmebrarsida, tillgngligt tryck
12 Pipe connections

Filling and venting the collec-

tor system
To fill the collector system, mix antifreeze with water in P
an open container which connect with filling pump and
hoses as illustrated. The brine should be protected
from freezing down till -15 C. EXP VVF
The valve on the main pipe between service con- VBFB
nections is closed.
To fill, start the pump in the filling vessel and allow it VVR
to run until the fluid comes back in the return hose. VBFA
The fluid can circulate via the mixing vessel until KBP
fluid, without air, returns to the return hose. KB-in
Stop the filling pump and clean the particle filter.
Start the filling pump again.
Open the valve on the main pipe between the serv- AV
ice branches while the filling pump is still opera-
tional (to release the air between the branches).
Close the valve on the return hose. BK / JK
Pressurise the system (to max 3 bar) with the filling
AV Shutoff valve
Close the filling valve and stop the filling pump. BK Rock collector
EXP Level vessel
JK Soil collector
KB-in Brine in
KB-out Brine out
KBP Brine pump
SF Particle filter
Filling the
heating medium system
The heating medium system is filled with water until
the required pressure is reached and then vented.

Pipe connections 13

Internal venting valves

77 75




heating medium side (75)
Air is initially released from the hot water and venting
may be necessary. If bubbling sounds can be heard
from the heat pump, the entire system requires further
venting. When the system has stabilised (correct pres- 80
sure and all the air removed) the heating controls can
be set at the required value.

Readjusting, brine side (77)
Check that all air is removed from the collector sys-
tem by opening the venting valves. The pressure in
the brine circuit is checked with the help of pressure
gauges. Filling of collector system is done by pumping
ready mixed brine through the filling valve.
Venting and filling are repeated until all the air has
been removed and the correct pressure (0.5 - 3 bar)
has been obtained.

14 Docking

FIGHTER 1330 can be installed in several different
ways, some of which are described below. NOTE!
More docking options can be found at http://www.nibe.
The safety equipment must be
installed in accordance with current
regulations for all docking options.

Example FIGHTER 1330 docked with an

oil boiler/pellet boiler and water heater (floating condensing)



UG HR Panna SV*
Boiler T


KB-ut HR

FIGHTER 1330 gives priority to hot water charging at A Heat pump module A RG Return sensor
half power (heat pump module B) via a shuttle valve AV Shutoff valve RV Control valve
(RV). When the water heater/accumulator tank (VVB/
B Heat pump module B SF Particle filter
ACK) is fully charged the shuttle valve (VXV) switch-
es over to the heating circuit. When there is a heat BV Non-return valve SV-P Shunt
requirement, module A starts first. For larger require- EXP Expansion tank with SV Safety valve
ments, module B takes care of the heating.
52 The boiler necessary UG Outside temperature
43 103
is connected automatically when the energy20demand safety equipment sensor
exceeds the capacity of the heat pump and the shunt FG Flow 89 sensor VBP3 Heating medium
(SV-P) is activated when the temperature on the boiler
HR Auxiliary relay /Con- pump 3
sensor (PG) is above 55 C. 85
109 94
tactor VVB Water heater
If VVB/ACK is fitted with an immersion heater (IU) and
31 with by-pass
a junction box (K11) the Extra hot water function can VVB/ACK A
 ccumulator with
19 Brine in water heater
be used. A by-pass contactor is recommended.
15 31 98
KB-out Brine52*out VVG
Hot water sensor
PG Boiler sensor VXV Shuttle valve
* A safety valve must be installed if the VPA is
equipped with an immersion heater.

88 96
Docking 15

Example, FIGHTER 1330 docked with an electric element

/electric boiler and water heater (floating condensing)

Elpanna RV HR



KB-ut B HR


KB-in A

FIGHTER 1330 gives priority to hot water charging at A Heat pump module A
half power (heat pump module B) via a shuttle valve AV Shutoff valve
(RV). When the water heater/accumulator tank (VVB/ B Heat pump module B
ACK) is fully charged the shuttle valve (VXV) switch-
es over to the heating circuit. When there 52 is a heat
BK/JK Rock collector/Soil collector
requirement, module A starts first.85For larger require- BV Non-return valve
ments, module B takes care of the heating. The elec- EXP Expansion tank with necessary
tric boiler is connected automatically when the energy 103 safety equipment
requirement exceeds the capacity of the heat pump. FG Flow sensor
If VVB/ACK is fitted with an immersion
heater (IU)81and HR Auxiliary
94 relay/Contactor with bypass
a junction box (K11) the Extra hot water function can LV Level vessel
be used. A by-pass contactor is recommended. 44 31 49
RG Return sensor
RV 19 Control valve
SF 52* filter

SV Safety valve
UG Outside temperature sensor
VBP3 Heating medium pump 3
VVB Water heater
81 VVB/ACK Accumulator with water heater
49 88
VVG Hot water sensor
* A safety valve must be installed if the VPA is 95
31 Shuttle valve
equipped with an immersion heater. B
52 6 5 44 FIGHTER1330
P 52
(70) VB-Fram (A) 28

(70) Heating medium flow (A) 28




16 Electrical connection

(4) KB-f (in) 42

(4) Brine in 42


Electrical installation Connection of

30 - 50

30 - 50
80 80
120 120

The cable for incoming power shall enter from the rear
external sensors 180

as set out in the figure.

See respective Description of functions for connection
The sensor inputs and communication connection of external sensors.
are of the type SELV. Sensors cables must not be
For example, for the flow sensor (FG), return sensor
routed together with power cables. Cables may be
(RG), outdoor sensor (UG) see Description of func-
taken out from the rear of the heat pump.
tions - Basic functions > Heat production. For the hot
water sensor (VVG), see Description of functions -
Cable gland for electrical supply
Cable gland Basic functions > Hot water production.
starkstrm (matning) for sensors
Kabelintag, givare

The sensor and communication cables must not
be routed close to the power cable.
This applies to all external sensors and
all communication cables.
When cable conduit is used for the outdoor sen-
sor this should be sealed to prevent
condensation in the outdoor sensor capsule.

Electrical installation and servicing
must be carried out under the supervi-
5 4 71 70

sion of a qualified electrician

in accordance with the
stipulations in force.

Electrical connection 17

A heat pump must not be connected without the Connect the heat pump to the terminal block X9,
permission of the electricity supplier and must be 400 V 3-phase, neutral + earth via a distribution
connected under the supervision of a qualified board with fuses. Where there is more than one
electrician. heat pump, each unit must have a separate supply.
If an miniature circuit-breaker is used this should Continue the installation by carrying out the inspec-
have a motor characteristic D (compressor opera- tion set out in Description of functions - Start up >
tion). For MCB size see Technical Specifications. Inspection.
When the building is equipped with an earth-fault NOTE! It is not permitted to fit additional com-
breaker, the heat pump should be equipped with a ponents in the electrical connection area.
separate one. Note that FIGHTER 1330 provides 230V control
The FIGHTER 1330 does not include an isolator signals that are intended to control external
switch on the incoming electrical supply. The instal- contactors and not to drive pumps.
lation must be preceded by a circuit-breaker with at
least a 3 mm breaking gap.
If an insulation test is to be carried out in the build-
ing, disconnect the heat pump.
Sensor cables X9, incoming electricity Supply cable



Phase sequence monitor

FIGHTER 1330- 30, 40kW
Set the switch to 1 and check the phase sequence as
Frstoring p U6
Orange LED is lit at correct phase sequence.
Green LED is lit when there is power.

18 Description of functions - Start up

This inspection should be done on all heat pumps in 7. Start the heating medium pump A (VBP-A) by set-
the system individually. Other heat pumps should be ting Continuous in menu 5.4.7. See the section
switched off when the inspection is made. Description of functions - Basic functions > Heat-
When FIGHTER 1330 is switched off during the ing medium pumps.
inspection, the Service mode should be reselected 8. Check that the brine and heating medium pumps
from menu 8.1.1 to gain access to menus that are not are vented and if necessary help the pumps to
normally accessible. start.
9. Go to menu 5.2.2 and check that the temperatures
1.  Start the heat pump by turning the power switch correspond with the collector temperature, which
(8) to the 1 position. The unit will now enter screen indicates the brine flow.
saver mode and the text Master will be shown on 10. Short the inputs KPRAA and KPRAB with their
the bottom row of the display. When only Connec- own strap.
ting flashes the heat pump this may be because
the heat pump is set as a Slave. If so, set the
unit as the Master according to the instructions
in Description of Functions Start up > Master/
Deactivate the screen saver by holding down the
button in the far left corner and the enter button
for approximately 8 seconds. (See the section the
Description of Functions Start up > Screensaver.)
3. Set in the Service position from menu 8.1.1. (See
the example in Control > Changing parameters.)
4. On delivery FIGHTER 1330 is set with English as
the menu language, if another language is requi-
red this can be changed in the menu 8.1.2.
5. Start the brine pump (KBP) by setting Continuous
in menu 5.4.6. See the section Description of func-
tions - Basic functions > Brine pump.
6. Check that the direction of rotation of the brine
pump agrees with the arrow on the pump. When
the direction of rotation is wrong, two of the
incoming phases on terminal block X9 must be

+Measure card


Description of functions - Start up 19

11. Set the heat pump's operating type to External When all heat pumps have undergone this inspection,
control in menu 0.2.1. continue with Description of functions - Start up >
12. Remove the strap for compressor A (KPRAA). Start up with a FIGHTER1330 or if several FIGHERS
1330 are connected Description of functions - Start
13. Compressor A starts. Note there may be a slight
up > Start up with several FIGHTER1330s in a sys-
delay of a few minutes before starting. See menu
0.1.1 to see the time to start.
14. Check the temperature difference on the heat
medium in menu 5.2.1. Nominal difference is 5 to
10 C.
See Dealing with malfunctions at the end of the
15. Check the temperature difference on the brine
medium in menu 5.2.2. Nominal difference is 2 to booklet in the event of any problems at start-up.
5 C.
16. Reset the strap for compressor A (KPRAA).
17. Remove the strap for compressor B (KPRAB).
18. Compressor B starts. Note there may be a slight
delay of a few minutes before starting. See menu
0.1.2 to see the time to start.
19. Check the temperature difference on the heat
medium in menu 5.3.1. Nominal difference is 5 to
10 C.
20. Check the temperature difference on the brine
medium in menu 5.3.2. Nominal difference is 2 to
5 C.
21. Reset the strap for compressor B (KPRAB).
22. Reset all settings by selecting Extended in menu
5.4.10. Note that the setting returns to Off as soon
as the heat pump has made the factory setting.
23. Set the power switch (8) in position 0.
24. Remove both straps (KPRAA and KPRAB).

20 Description of functions - Start up

Start up with a FIGHTER 1330 Start up with several FIGHTER

1. Start the heat pump by turning the power switch
1330s in a system
(8) to the 1 position. The unit will now enter screen
1. FIGHTER 1330 is delivered as the Master. Other
saver mode and the text Master will be shown on
units in the system must be selected as unique sla-
the bottom row of the display.
ves. This is done according to the instructions in
 When only Connecting flashes the heat pump this Description of Functions - Start up > Master/Slave.
may be because the heat pump is set as a Slave. It is extremely important that this is done for all
If so, set the unit as the Master according to the units when the following settings are made.
instructions in Description of Functions - Start up >
2. Start all the heat pumps by turning the power switch
(8) to the 1 position. The slaves will now flash Con-
2. Deactivate the screen saver by holding down the necting, while the Master is in screen saver mode.
button in the far left corner and the enter button
3. Deactivate the screen saver on the Master by hol-
for approximately 8 seconds. (See the section the
ding down the button in the far left corner and the
Description of Functions - Start up > Screensaver.)
enter button for approximately 8 seconds. (See the
3. Set in the Service position from menu 8.1.1. (See section the Description of Functions - Start up >
the example in Control > Changing parameters.) Screensaver.)
4. Set the heat pump's operating type, i.e. whether 4. Set the Master in the Service position from menu
the heat pump should produce hot water and/or 8.1.1. (See the example in Control > Changing para-
heating. This is done in menu 0.2.1. (See the sec- meters.)
tion Description of Functions - Start up > Operating
5. Set each connected unit's operating type, i.e. which
type selection.)
pumps should produce hot water and/or hea-
5. Continue the start up settings with the help of ting. This is done in menu 0.2.1. (See the section
Description of Functions - Basic Functions. Con- Description of Functions - Start up > Operating
nect and configure the pertinent functions for the type selection.) As long as Off is selected as the
installation. operating type, no communication with the Slave
will occur, however, as soon as the operating type
is changed to something other than Off, the Slave's
display will stop flashing Connecting and will enter
Screen saver mode.
6. Check that all connected heat pumps display the
correct Slave number on the display. If this is not the
case, check that all communication cables are cor-
rectly connected and shutoff all heat pumps. Now
restart the Slaves and then the Master. Should the
wrong Slave number be displayed or a display conti-
nues to flash Connecting - start again with the Mas-
ter/Slave settings in point 1.
7. Continue with the start up settings with the help of
Description of Functions - Basic Functions. Connect
and configure the pertinent functions for the instal-

Description of functions - Start up 21

Operating type selection

The operating type must be selected for each connect-
ed FIGHTER 1330. This is selected in the sub-menus
to 0.2.0 and can be selected from:
Off: Compressor modules A and B are not used. No
communication with the heat pump.
Heat: Compressor modules A and B only provide
heating. No shuttle valve necessary.
Hot water: Compressor modules A and B only provide
hot water. No shuttle valve necessary.
Combi: Compressor module B provides both hot water
and heating via the shuttle valve, while compressor
module A always provides heating. The shuttle valve
should be installed to the flow line on compressor B.
Parallel: Compressor modules A and B provide both
hot water and heating via the shuttle valve. The shuttle
valve should be connected to the common flow line for
compressors A and B.
External control: Start and stop signal from external
equipment. The shuttle valve can be connected, but
should not be controlled from FIGHTER 1330. TYSKA

Screen saver
In screen
A Bsaver mode,
A B you can I II see any alarms as AB AB I II
well as the flow temperatures currently given by the
compressors (VBFA and VBFB) and whether the heat

50.0 C
pump is a Master or Slave. The screen saver is deac-
tivated by pressing the enter button and the but- 50.0 C
ton in the
V alower
r m vleft
a t tfor
e napproximately
t e m p e r a t8useconds.
r Brauchwassertem
Menu 1.0 is then displayed. The screen saver comes
on automatically 30 minutes after the last 13.43
button was
1.0 1
pressed and when starting the heat pump.


54.1 55.7 C HP-ALARM

Slave 3 Slave 3

Frstoring p U6
22 Description of functions - Start up

Master /Slave
FIGHTER 1330 is always delivered as the Master. Up
to 8 Slaves can be connected to the Master. Only one
heat pump with each address can be installed in the
same system, i.e.only one Master and only one Slave U6
5. 1
External temperature sensors and control signals
should only be connected to the Master, with the
exception of the shuttle valve/s (VXV) which can be
connected one on each heat pump. See the section
Description of functions - Start up > Operating type
selection for setting, as well as Description of func-
tions - Basic functions > Hot water production for con-
necting a shuttle valve (VXV).
Should contact between the heat pumps fail, the Mas-
ter will attempt to re-establish communications every 4
ten minutes. During the period of the communication
error, the text Com. error will be shown as the status of
the heat pump in menu 0.1.x, 5.2.0 and 5.3.0.
When starting a system with several heat pumps,
the Master should never be switched on before the
Slaves. If this does occur, the Master will not the find
the Slaves during start up and the Slaves will then not
work for up to 10 minutes.

In order to reset the heat pump between Master

and Slave 1 8, proceed as follows:
1. Check that the heat pump is switched off. Discon-
nect the communication between the heat pumps.
The easiest way to do this is to temporarily discon-
nect the modular cables from the communications
card. (fig. 1)
2. Set the power switch (8) in position 1.
3. Wait approximately 30 seconds.
4. Turn the selector switch marked U6 (fig. 4) on the

Measure card using a small screwdriver so that the
arrow points to the required position. 0 refers to a
Master while 1 8 refers to Slave 1 8. Each Slave
is given a unique address for communication with
the Master unit.
5. Wait approximately 5 seconds and check that the
display shows your selection.

Slave 1 8
6. S
 hut down the heat pump by turning the power
switch (8) to 0. The heat pump is now configured
to act according to the setting.
7. R
 econnect the modular cables that were discon- Frstoring p U6
nected in step 1.
X4 Cable
Connection of Master/Slave X3 Cable
Daisy-chain the heat pumps by using a screened 3- SLAVE 2 SLAVE 1 MASTER
core cable. Position A on terminal block X4 Cable on
the communications card (3) should be connected to
position A on terminal block X3 Cable on the commu-
nications card in the next heat pump. In the same way,
position B and GND are connected together with the
communications card in the next heat pump.

Description of functions - Basic functions 23

Brine pump Heating medium pumps

The operating mode for the integrated brine pump can
(VBP-A/VBP-B and VBP3)
be set separately for each heat pump in menu 5.4.6. The operating mode for the heating medium pump for
compressor A/B (VBP-A/VBP-B) can be set separately
for each heat pump in menu 5.4.7/5.4.8.
Quick guide - menu settings
The external heating medium pump's (VBP3) operat-
Brine pump ing mode is set in menu 6.1.1.
Menu 5.4.6 Oper. mode brinepump The settings for the economy operating mode are the
The operating mode for the brine pump is set same for both pumps and are set in menus 6.1.2 and
here. Selectable options are: 6.1.3.
Intermittent:The brine pump starts 20 seconds Connection of heating medium pump VBP3
before and stops 20 seconds after the compres-
sor. The external heating medium pump's (VBP3) con-
Continuous:Continuous operation. trol signal is connected to the terminal block X6:19
10 days cont:Continuous operation for 10 days. (230V), X6:20 (N) (max 0.2A).
The pump then switches to intermittent opera- Quick guide - menu settings
tion. Heating medium pumps (VBP-A/VBP-B,
The factory setting is Intermittent. VBP3)
Menu 5.4.7 / 5.4.8 Oper.mode heat pump A / B
The operating mode for the heating medium pump
Level monitor A/B (VBP-A/VBP-B) is set here. Selectable options
A level monitor, brine pressostat or flow sensor can be Intermittent: The heating medium pump starts
connected to prevent operation in the event of leakage 20 seconds before and stops 20 seconds after
the compressor.
in the collector circuit.
Continuous:Continuous operation.
The status of the input can be checked during opera- Economy:The pump is operational a specific
tion of the compressor and just prior to compressor time per period (see menu 6.1.2 and 6.1.3), and
start (when the brine pump is already in operation). together with the compressor.
Alarm given as existing and the brine pump is unaf- The factory setting is Intermittent.
fected until the alarm is reset. Economy and Continuous operation are only rec-
ommended when there is no external circulation
Level monitor connection Menu 6.1.1 Op-mode external cp
The level monitor is connected to terminal block X1:16- The operating mode for an external heating medium
17. pump (VBP3) is set here. Selectable options are:
Quick guide - menu settings Continuous:Continuous operation.
Level monitor Economy:The pump is operational a specific
time per period (see menu 6.1.2 and 6.1.3), and
Menu 5.4.4 Level monitor together with the compressor.
Select here whether an external brine presso- The factory setting is Continuous.
stat, When economy mode is set in menu 5.4.7 the
level monitor or flow sensor is connected to the setting in this menu must also be set to economy.
Menu 6.1.2 Periodtime economy
Can be set to On (NC), On (NO) or Off. The The period time for economy mode is set here.
factory setting is Off. This applies to heating medium pump A/B (VBP-
If set to On (NC) alarm triggered when input is A/VBP-B) when Economy is selected in menu
opened. 5.4.7/5.4.8, and/or the external heating medium
If set to On (NO) alarm triggered when input is pump (VBP3) when Economy is selected in
closed. menu 6.1.1. Adjustable between 5 and 120 min-
utes. The factory setting is 20 minutes.
Menu 6.1.3 Operating-time economy
The operating time per period for the economy
mode is selected here. This applies to heating
medium pump A/B (VBP-A/VBP-B) when Economy
is selected in menu 5.4.7/5.4.8, and/or the external
heating medium pump (VBP3) when Economy is
The outline diagram with docking instruc-
selected in menu 6.1.1. Adjustable between 1 and
tions is available at 120 minutes. The factory setting is 5 minutes.
24 Description of functions - Basic functions
50.0 C
The outdoor temperature (UG) and set value for heat 5 0of. heat
Connection 0 production
curve v a at t etheoretical
give n t e m p e rset
a t upoint
r value, which the Brauchwassertemp. H
building's heating system needs 13.43 in order to heat the The 1.0
flow temperature sensor (FG)
13.43is installed on the 1.
house. The set point value as a function of the true flow line towards the heating system. For a more exact
flow temperature (FG) gives a value in degree-minutes placement see each docking option. The sensor must
as a basis for operation in heating mode. make good contact with the measurement area to
give the best function. When a submerged tube is not
The desired operating mode with regard to available, use the supplied copper tube. The sensor is
permitting/blocking of the circulation pump and
connected to screw terminals X4:15 and X4:16 on the
additional heating is set using the Operating
mode button. The selection does not need to be
confirmed with the enter button. The return line temperature sensor (RG) is installed
The current operating mode is shown on the display on the return line from the heating system. For a more
when the button is pressed and the mode changes exact placement see the selected docking option. The
when you continue to press the button. The display sensor must make good contact with the measurement
returns to the normal display mode once the enter but- area to give the best function. When a submerged
ton is pressed. tube is not available, use the supplied copper tube.
The sensor is connected to screw terminals X4:13 and
X4:14 on the EBV-card.
The different operating modes are:
The outside sensor (UG) must be installed in a shaded
Auto mode: location on a wall facing north or north-west, where it
FIGHTER 1330 automatically selects the operating will not be affected by any morning sun. The sensor
mode by taking the outdoor temperature into account. is connected using a two-core cable to the terminal
The circulation pumps and additional heating are per- blocks X1:1 and X1:2 on the EBV-card.
mitted to be operational when the need arises. The external heating medium pump's (VBP3) con-
trol signal is connected to the terminal block X6:19
Summer mode:
(230V), X6:20 (N) (max 0.2A) on the EBV-card.
Only hot water production using FIGHTER 1330. The Note that FIGHTER 1330 delivers 230V control sig-
circulation pumps and additional heating are blocked. nals intended to control external contactors and
However, when Extra hot water is activated the addi-
not to drive pumps.
tional heat (XVV) can be connected.
Spring/Autumn mode: +EBV-card
Only production of heating and hot water using FIGHT- X4
ER 1330. The circulation pumps are operational. Addi-
tional heat blocked. However, when Extra hot water is
activated the additional heat (XVV) can be connected.
Only additional heat:
Compressors blocked. The function can also be acti-
vated/deactivated by pressing the operating mode
button for 7 seconds.

X1 X6




Description of functions - Basic functions 25

50.0 C 50.0 C
Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp.
1.0 13.43
Heating 1.0 13.43
Quick guide - menu settings heat production
Operating mode Menu 2.3 Min. flow temp.
 The menu is accessible via the operat- The set minimum level for the flow temperature to
ing mode button. Whether heat produc- the heating system is shown here. The calculated
tion is permitted is selected here and if supply temperature never drops below this level
so whether the electrical additional heater irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve
may be used. slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust-
able between 2 and 65 C. The factory setting is
Menu 2.1 Curve slope 15 C.
The selected curve slope for the heating curve
is shown here. The value is adjustable between Menu 2.4 Max. flow temp.
curve 1 and 15, or in Own curve. The values for The set maximum level for the supply tempera-
own curve are set in menu 2.6.0. The factory set- ture to the heating system is shown here. The
ting is 9. calculated supply temperature never exceeds
this level irrespective of the outdoor temperature,
Menu 2.2 Offset heating curve curve slope or offset heating curve. The value is
The chosen offset for the heating curve is shown adjustable between 10 and 80 C. The factory
here. The value is adjustable between -10 and setting is 55 C.
+10. NOTE! The value cannot be changed using
the plus and minus buttons, only by using the Off-
set heating curve knob on the Master unit.
If the RCU is connected, the set offset is shown
via RCU between brackets. The actual offset then
becomes the total of the set offset and RCU off-

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

26 Description of functions - Basic functions

Hot water
The need of hot water production is created when Connection of hot water production
the temperature on the hot water sensor (VVG) drops
below the temperature set in menu 1.1. The need The shuttle valve (VXV) is connected to the terminal
ceases when the temperature exceeds the set tem- block X6:4 (230V), X6:5 (N), X6:6 (230 V with heat
perature in menu 1.2. production) and X6:7 (230 V with hot water produc-
When two or more compressors are programmed for
hot water charging, these are engaged and disen- The hot water sensor (VVG) is installed in the water
gaged with 0.5 degrees minus difference for starting heater's submerged tube. The sensor must make good
and stopping.The value can be set in menu 1.8. Thats contact with the measurement area to give the best
to say, if compressor 1 starts at 50C and stops at function. The sensor is connected to screw terminals
55C then compressor 2 starts at 49.5C and stops X4:11 and X4:12 on the EBV-card.
at 54.5C i.e. each FIGHTER 1330 connected for pos-
sible switching between hot water and heating has its
own shuttle valve.
Hot water mode normally has priority over heating mode.
However, it is possible to set the period time and max
time for hot water production in menus 1.6 and 1.7.
When in heating mode, the hot water temperature is
measured before stopping. With less than 2 degrees
to hot water start, hot water mode will start using one
compressor directly without stopping, once the heat-
ing requirement is reached.




Quick guide - menu settings hot water production

Menu 1.1 Start temperature HW the set temperature by the value in brackets. The
The temperature when the heat pump starts to reduction is removed when the value is changed.
work with the hot water production is set here. The value is adjustable between 20 and 60C.
When brackets are shown, this means the high The factory setting is 50C.
pressure pressostat has tripped during hot water
charging and FIGHTER 1330 has automatically Menu 1.6 Periodtime HW/Heat.
lowered the set temperature by the value in brack- The length of the period time for hot water pro-
ets. The reduction is removed when the value is duction and heating are set here. The value is
changed. The value is adjustable between 5 and adjustable between 0 and 60 minutes. The fac-
55C. The factory setting is 45C. tory setting is 60 minutes.
Frstoring p U6
Menu 1.2 Stop temperature HW Menu 1.7 Maxtime HW-product.
The temperature when the heat pump stops work- Here you select how much time of the period time
ing with the hot water production is set here. When (menu 1.6) is to be used to heat the hot water
brackets are shown, this means the high pressure when there is a need of both heating and hot
pressostat has tripped during hot water charging water. The value is adjustable between 0 and 60
and FIGHTER 1330 has automatically lowered minutes. The factory setting is 60 minutes.

Description of functions - Basic functions 27

Extra hot water

The function Extra hot water temporarily raises the Connection of Extra hot water
temperature of the hot water. The temperature is
raised first to an adjustable level with the compressor The supply to the control signal/power supply to the
(menu 1.3) and then an externally mounted immer- immersion heater is connected to the terminal block
sion heater takes over, if required, to increase the last X6:17 (Max fuse 16A and 250V) and the control sig-
degrees (menu 1.4). nal/power supply out is on terminal X6:18.
Extra hot water can either be activated via the keypad There is a potential free relay for the Extra hot water
on the display, automatically at a specific time, periodi- function, which can be used for the control voltage or
cally or via an external contact. power supply (max 16 A, 250 V). When you use the
When the external contact is used, this should be relay for the control voltage, the power supply can be
potential free and momentary. The function is activated strapped from X6:14 to X6:17 and use X6:13 as N, but
when the contact is closed for at least one second. An the max. current must then be 0.4A and the control
automatic return to the previously set function occurs voltage will be 230V. If you take more power than this
after 12 hours. from X6:14 the Base card can be overloaded.
The external contact function is connected to terminal
X4:3 and X4:4 on the EBV-card.

+Base card



50.0 C 50.0 C
Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp.
The 1.0
outline diagram with docking
13.43 instruc- 1.0 13.43
tions is available at

Quick guide - menu settings Extra hot water

Extra hot water water production is set here. The value is adjust-
The menu can be accessed by pressing able between 50 and 80 C, or Off. The factory
the Extra hot water button. See the sec- setting is Off.
tion Control, for a detailed explanation.
Menu 1.5 Interval per. XHW
Menu 1.3 Stop Temp. compr XHW How often the hot water temperature is increased
The temperature that the compressor shall stop from the normal level to the "Extra hot water"
Frstoring p U6
producing hot water in Extra hot water and allow level is shown here. Periodic "Extra hot water"
is activated when the value changes. The digit
the additional heat (XVV) to take over is set here.
within brackets indicates the time in days that
The value is adjustable between 20 and 60 C, or remain until the next periodic "Extra hot water"
Off. The factory setting is 50C. increase. When periodic hot water heating runs,
the number between brackets changes to show
Menu 1.4 Stop temperature XHW the number of minutes that remain before it is
The required temperature for Extra hot water, ready. The value is adjustable between 1 and 90
when the additional heat shall stop during hot days, or "Off". The factory setting is "Off".

28 Description of functions - Basic functions

Electrical additional heater

The electrical additional heater can be controlled by Connection of electrical additional heater
up to 6 relays, of which 3 are on the Base card and 3
on Expansion card 1. ETS-1 is connected to terminal blocks X6:13 (N) and
X6:15 (230V with activation).
FIGHTER 1330 delivers 230 V control signals for addi- ETS-2 is connected to terminal blocks X6:11 (N) and
tional heat, i.e. signals to control external relays, con- X6:12 (230V with activation).
tactors etcetera, however, not to power these. ETS-3 is connected to terminal blocks X6:8 (N) and
In standby mode, the output ETS-3/OP (Base card) X6:9 (230V with activation).
and the output ETS-6 (Expansion card 1) are voltage
fed. ETS-4, ETS-5 and ETS-6 are accessories (Expansion
card 1)
Stepping takes place at intervals of at least 3 minutes
ETS-4 is connected to terminal blocks X6A:15(N)
between the steps when stepping up. When stepping
and X6A:14 (230V with activation).
down the interval between steps is at least 1 minute.
ETS-5 is connected to terminal blocks X6A:11(N)
When HPAC is connected on the Base card and select- and X6A:13 (230V with activation).
ed in menu 9.1.10, the outputs ETS-1 and ETS-2 are ETS-6 is connected to terminal blocks X6A:11(N)
used to control this and accordingly can not be used and X6A:12 (230V with activation).
to control the electrical additional heater. With that, the
first electrical step is shifted to ETS-3. Current transformers (STL1, STL2 and STL3) are
When the oil boiler is connected and Electri/Oil is connected to the terminal blocks X1:8-X1:11 on the
selected in menu 9.1.8, the relay ETS-3 is used to EBV-card. X1:11 is the common conductor for the
control the oil boiler and the electrical additional heat- three current transformers. The current transformers
er then jumps over this relay when stepping. are installed in the distribution box in the house using
unscreened LiYY or screened LiYCY cable. The cable
All electrical output can be force out by shorting the
cross section should be a minimum of 2 x 0.25 with
input Tariff B (TB).
cable lengths up to 50 m.
By using the Fuse knob (100) (adjustable to 16, 20,
25, 35, 50 or 63 A) the current through the ring cores +Base card

can be limited. The last connected electrical output is

automatically disconnected if this happens. Extra hot
water - immersion heater (XVV) is disconnected last of
all. The setting can be checked in the menu 8.3.1.
The Max electrical output knob (101) permits a limi-
tation in the number of available electrical steps as
part of the number of possible electrical steps accord-
ing to immersion heater type (menu 6.2.1) and relay
setting (menu 6.2.2). Variable setting between 10 and
100 percent. The setting can be checked in the menu

100 101
X1 X6 X6A


Description of functions - Basic functions 29

Electrical additional heater

Quick guide - menu settings electrical additional heater
Menu 9.1.8 Additive Menu 8.3.2 Max electric power
Whether additional heat is to be engaged is set The setting selected on the EBV card (2) knob
here. The options are: Off, Electricity, Oil or Elec- (101) is shown here.
tri/Oil. The factory setting is Off.
In order for the electrical additional heater to be Menu 6.2.1 Immersionheater type
active the option Electricity or Electri/Oil must be Here you select whether immersion heater
selected in this menu. When Electri/Oil is select- control shall take place in binary or linear.
ed, electricity is used for the additional output Binary control means that stepping is car-
when the input Tariff A (TA) is short-circuited, oth- ried out according to the binary sys-
erwise oil is used. tem and in doing so makes it possible to
control a maximum of 63 electrical steps.
Menu 8.2.5 Additive start value Linear control gives a maximum of 6 electrical
Here you select at which degree-minute setting steps when stepping is carried out according to
the first additional heater step shall start for heat- the linear increase model.
ing. The value is adjustable between -3000 and 0.
The factory setting is -500. Menu 6.2.2 Immersionheatrelays
Here you select how many relays are connected
Menu 8.2.6 GM for additive step to the electrical additional for heat production.
Here you set how many degree-minutes shall Adjustable between 1 and 6. The factory setting
pass between each additional heater step. The is 3.
value is adjustable between 10 and 500. The fac-
tory setting is 100. Menu 6.2.3 Steps at 2h delay
The number of permitted electrical steps within 2
Menu 8.3.1 Fuse size hours of start up. Adjustable between 0 and 63.
The setting selected on the EBV card (2) knob The factory setting is 3.
(100) is shown here.
Examples of Binary control with 3 relays: Examples of Linear control with 3 relays:
Step ETS-1 ETS-2 ETS-3 Step ETS-1 ETS-2 ETS-3
0 - - - 0 - - -
1 230 V - - 1 230 V - -
2 - 230 V - 2 230 V 230 V -
3 230 V 230 V - 3 230 V 230 V 230 V
4 - - 230 V
5 230 V - 230 V
6 - 230 V 230 V
7 230 V 230 V 230 V

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

30 Description of functions - Basic functions

Oil boiler
The oil burner is controlled by a relay (ETS-3/OP) and Connection of oil boiler
the shunt valve's (SV-P) increase/decrease signals
using 2 relays. A boiler sensor (PG) should also be ETS-3/OP is connected to terminal blocks X6:8 (N)
installed. and X6:9 (230V with activation).
When the degree-minute setting is reached the oil The shunt valve (SV-P) is connected to the terminal
burner starts. When the temperature reaches the blocks X6:1 (decrease signal), X6:2 (N) and X6:3
required temperature on the boiler sensor (PG), the (increase signal).
shunt starts to regulate with increase and decrease The boiler sensor (PG) is fitted in the top of the boiler.
pulses after the set period and pulse times. When the The sensor must make good contact with the meas-
temperature in the boiler is below the set temperature, urement area to give the best function. The sensor is
the shunt valve moves towards the closed position. connected to screw terminals X4:9 and X4:10 on the
In standby mode the output ETS-3/OP (Base card) is
voltage fed and with that, FIGHTER 1330 requests the
oil boiler. However, the boiler shunt (SV-P) must be +Base card
controlled manually in standby mode.




Frstoring p U6

Description of functions - Basic functions 31

Oil boiler
Quick guide - menu settings oil boiler
Menu 9.1.8 Additive Menu 6.3.1 Oil Boiler time
Whether additional heat is to be engaged is set Number of hours the oil boiler shall be active. The
here. The options are: Off, Electricity, Oil or Elec- value can be set between 1 and 24 hours. The
tri/Oil. The factory setting is Off. factory setting is 12 hours.
In order for the oil boiler to be active the option
Menu 6.3.2 Start temp. shunt
Oil or Electri/Oil must be selected in this menu.
When Electri/Oil is selected, oil is used for addi- Here you select the temperature on the boiler
tional output when the input Tariff A (TA) is bro- sensor (PG) at which the boiler shunt (SV-P)
ken, otherwise electricity is used. shall start to regulate. Adjustable between 10 and
90 C. The factory setting is 55C.
Menu 8.2.5 Additive start value
Here you select at which degree-minute setting
the first additional heater step shall start for heat-
ing. The value is adjustable between -3000 and 0.
The factory setting is -500.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

32 Description of functions - Basic functions

Gas boiler
In those cases, additional heating is supplied using a See the section Description of functions - Basic func-
gas boiler you can choose to connect it as an oil boil- tions > Electrical additional heater to connect it as an
er if you need to control a shunt valve or alternatively electric boiler and the section Description of functions
connect it as an electric boiler. - Basic functions > Oil boiler to connect it as an oil boil-

Three different cooling curves can be selected, see
NOTE! the figure for a detailed description.

This system solution means that the flow temperature

brine will also circulate through the C
heating system. Check that all compo-
nent parts are designed 15 k=1
for the brine in question.
HPAC can either be connected to the Base card or to 5
the Expansion card 1. When HPAC is to be connected
k=3 Outdoor
to the Base card the immersion heater can be run at a 0 Utetemp.
maximum on one step. 0 20 30 40 C
Control of cooling mode takes place by means of an
outdoor sensor and, when connected, a room sensor
(RG 10/RG 05, see the section Description of func- If room sensors (RG 10/RG 05) are connected, cool-
tions - Basic functions > Room control for a description ing starts at a 1 degree excess temperature in the
of the connection). room andframledningstemperatur
Berknad the supply calculation counts on an outdoor
temperature of 30 C (if the outdoor temperature is
The control of cooling to the house takes place accord-
greater, then the actual outdoor temperature is used).
ing to the set curve slope and curve offset in menus
When the room temperature has fallen to 0.5 degrees
6.4.2 and 6.4.3. After adjustment, the house receives 20
of excess temperature, the cooling is switched off. To
the correct amount of cooling for the prevailing outdoor
prevent self-oscillation in the heating system, there is a
temperature. The flow temperature from HPAC will fluc- k=1
neutral zone between heating and cooling operations.
tuate around the theoretical required value (value in
brackets in menu 2.0). In the event of excess tempera- Lower10shunt (SV-V2) is regulated during cooling oper-
ture, FIGHTER 1330 calculates a surplus in the form ation in opposite direction to heating operation,
k=2 which
of degrees-minutes, which means that the connection normally means the shunt closes completely during
of cooling production is accelerated the greater the cooling operation. k=3

excess temperature that temporarily prevails.

20 30 40
FIGHTER 1330 automatically switches to cooling X6 X6A
mode when the outdoor temperature exceeds the set
value in menu 6.4.5.
Passive cooling means that FIGHTER 1330, with the
help of the circulation pumps, circulates fluid from the
soil/rock collector in the house's distribution system
and cools the house.
In the event of a large cooling requirement where pas-
sive cooling is not sufficient, active cooling is engaged
at the limit value set in menu 6.4.7. A compressor

then starts and the cooling produced circulates to the

house's distribution system and heat is circulated out
to the soil/rock collector. When more compressors are
available, these will start with a difference on the set
degree-minute setting in menu 6.4.8.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

Description of functions - Basic functions 33

Connection of HPAC
When HPAC Basec. is selected in menu 9.1.10: When HPAC Expcard 1 is selected in menu 9.1.10:
The shuttle valve for active cooling. (VXV-ACX) is The shuttle valve for active cooling. (VXV-ACX) is
connected to the terminal block X6:15 (NC with connected to X6A:23 (NC with active cooling mode,
active cooling mode, i.e. 230V). i.e. 230V).
The shuttle valve for passive cooling. (VXV-PCX) The shuttle valve for passive cooling. (VXV-PCX)
is connected to terminal block X6:12 (NC with pas- is connected to terminal block X6:22 (NC with pas-
sive or active cooling mode i.e. 230V). sive or active cooling mode i.e. 230V).
 The supply voltage for HPAC is connected to termi- The supply voltage for HPAC is connected to termi-
nal blocks X6:10 (230 V) and X6:11 (N). nal blocks X6:20 (230 V) and X6:21 (N).

+Base card

For details how to connect a room sensor (RG 10/

RG05) see the section, Description of functions -
Basic functions > Room control.
Quick guide - menu settings HPAC
 enu 9.1.10 Cooling
M Menu 6.4.5 Start temp. cooling
The type of cooling system is set here. The Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) on the outdoor
options available are:Off, HPAC Basecard, HPAC sensor (UG) when the heat pump switches to cool-
Expcard1 and Coolacc. The factory setting is Off. ing mode. The value is adjustable between 0 and
30 C. The factory setting is 25 C.
Menu 6.4.1 Cooling
Here is cooling function can be set On or Off. The Menu 6.4.6 Start active cooling
factory setting is Off. The heat pump starts to actively produce cool-
ing at this degree-minute surplus. The value is
Menu 6.4.2 Cooling curve adjustable between 10 and 500 degree-minutes. /
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is The factory setting is 30 degree-minutes.
shown here). The value is adjustable between 1
and 3. The factory setting is 2. Menu 6.4.7 GM for compr.-step
Degree-minute difference between compressor
Menu 6.4.3 Offset cold curve stages. The value is adjustable between 10 and
The selected cooling curve offset is shown here. 500 degree-minutes. The factory setting is 30
The value is adjustable between -10 and +10. degree-minutes.
The factory setting is 0.
Menu 6.4.8 Diff PC/AC
Menu 6.4.4 Start temp. heating If the flow temperature on the sensor (FG)
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor exceeds the calculated flow temperature + this
sensor (UG) when the heat pump switches to heat- value the system switches to active cooling. The
ing mode. The value is adjustable between 0 and value is adjustable between 1 and 9 C. The fac-
30 C. The factory setting is 20 C. tory setting is 4 C.

34 Description of functions - Basic functions

Fixed condensing Floor drying function

With fixed condensing the compressor start for heat In order to obtain the correct drying of new concrete
charging is regulated using the flow line sensor (FG). floors, the integrated floor drying function can be used.
The start and stop temperatures can be set in the sub- The function forces the temperature on the flow line
menus to 2.7.0. The compressors and additional heat- sensor (FG) to fixed temperatures irrespective of the
ing steps are started and stopped with a 0.5 degree outdoor temperature and curve settings.
minus difference. That is to say, if compressor 1 starts The settings for the function can be found in the sub-
at 50C and stops at 55C, compressor 2 starts at menus to 9.2.0.
49.5C and stops at 54.5C etc. Once the selected program is complete, control of
When the sub shunt (SV-V2) is required this can be the flow temperature automatically returns to normal
connected to the Expansion card1, see the section operation.
Description of functions - Expansion card 1 > Sub Quick guide - menu settings
shunt. floor drying function
Connection of fixed condensing Menu 9.2.1 Op-mode floor drying
The operating mode for the floor drying function
The flow line sensor (FG) is ideally placed in a sub- is set here. Selectable modes are:
merged tube in the working tank, boiler or the like.
Off: Normal operation, i.e. the floor drying func-
To connect the sub shunt (SV-V2) see the section tion is switched off.
Description of functions - Expansion card 1 > Sub Own program: Two fixed temperatures in two
shunt. periods are adjustable in menu 9.2.3 to 9.2.6.
Quick guide - menu settings Fixed program: The flow temperature starts
fixed condensing day 0 at 20 degrees and increases each day
by 5 degrees. The temperature has reached 45
Menu 9.1.7 Fixed condensing degrees on day 5, this is maintained on days 6
Here fixed condensing is set either On or Off. and 7. The program is terminated by lowering
The factory setting is Off. the temperature on days 8 to 12 by 5 degrees on
each day.
Menu 2.7.1 Starttemp.compressor
The factory setting is Off.
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
the first compressor starts. The value is adjust- Menu 9.2.2 Floor drying day
able between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is Here you can see which day the floor drying
47 C. function is on. It is also possible here to enter the
Menu 2.7.2 Stoptemp. compressor floor drying program by changing this value. The
value is adjustable from 0 to 20 days. The factory
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
setting is 0.
the last compressor stops. The value is adjust-
able between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is Menu 9.2.3 Nos. of days per. 1
50 C. Here you set the number of days that the flow
Menu 2.7.3 Starttemp. additive temperature shall maintain the temperature in
menu 9.2.4 when Own program in menu 9.2.1 is
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
selected. The value is adjustable between 1 and
additional heating engages. The value is adjust-
10 days. The factory setting is 5 days.
able between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is
45C. Menu 9.2.4 Temperature per. 1
Menu 2.7.4 Stoptemp. additive Here you set the temperature to be maintained
on the flow line sensor (FG) during period 1
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
when Own program is selected in menu 9.2.1.
additional heating disengages. The value is
The value is adjustable between 15 and 50 C.
adjustable between 5 and 60 C. The factory
The factory setting is 25 C.
setting is 49 C.
Menu 9.2.5 Nos. of days per. 2
Here you set the number of days that the flow
temperature shall maintain the temperature in
menu 9.2.6 when Own program in menu 9.2.1 is
selected. The value is adjustable between 1 and
10 days. The factory setting is 5 days.
Menu 9.2.6 Temperature per. 2
Here you set the temperature to be maintained
on the flow line sensor (FG) during period 2
when Own program is selected in menu 9.2.1.
The outline diagram with docking instruc- The value is adjustable between 15 and 50 C.
tions is available at The factory setting is 35 C.

Description of functions - Basic functions 35

Room control
A thermostat can be connected to temporarily change Connection of room control
the calculated flow temperature. It is also possible to
connect a thermostat to the sub shunt system (see the When Thermostat is selected in menu 9.1.11:
section Description of functions - Expansion card 1 > Connect the thermostat for heating system 1 to
Sub shunt). When thermostat control is required, Ther- the screw terminals X1:12 and 13 on the EBV-
mostat should be selected in the menu 9.1.11. card (RTGA) and, when required, the thermostat
for heating system 2 (Sub shunt) to the terminal
Alternatively a room sensor of the type RG10 (acces-
blocks X1:14 and X1:15 on the EBV-card (RTGB).
sory) can be connected to the system. This includes
The thermostat/s shall be potential free and nor-
settings for the required room temperature and the
mally open (NO).
system automatically compensates the calculated flow
temperature according to the difference between the If RG10 is selected in menu 9.1.11:
true and required room temperature. Connect screw terminal X1:12 to the screw termi-
Room sensors can be used together with the cooling nal in RG10 marked 2.
functions onExpansion card 2. Cooling production Connect screw terminal X1:13 to the screw termi-
starts at 1 degree excess temperature in the room nal in RG10 marked 6.
if, at the same time, the mean outside temperature Connect screw terminal X1:14 to the screw termi-
(menu 4.1) exceeds the set temperature in menu 6.4.5 nal in RG10 marked 1.
alternatively 6.8.6. If RG05 is selected in menu 9.1.11:
X1 Connect X1:12-13.

Quick guide - menu settings room control

Menu 9.1.11 Room control mode If RG10 or RG05 is selected in menu 9.1.11:
Here the type of room control connected is set. Menu 6.9.1 Room balancing
Selectable modes are Off, Thermostat, RG05 or Here you set the factor that determines how
RG10. The factory setting is Off. much deviation between the desired and true
room temperatures shall affect the flow tem-
If Thermostat is selected in menu 9.1.11:
perature. The factor is adjustable between 0
Menu 2.5 External adjustment and 6 in increments of 0.1. The factory setting
When the thermostat is selected in menu is 1.0.
9.1.11, you can connect an external contact,
see Electrical connection - External contacts. Menu 6.9.2 Room balancingsystem
Using an external
p U6 for example, a room Here you select which heating system the room
thermostat or a timer allows you to temporarily sensor shall affect. Can be set to Off, Heating
or periodically raise or lower the flow tempera- syst1, Heating syst2 or Heatingsys 1&2. The
ture and with that the room temperature. When factory setting is Off.
the external contact is made, the heating curve
offset is changed by the number of steps If RG10 or RG05 is selected in menu 9.1.11:
shown here. The value is adjustable between Menu 6.9.3 Desired room temperature
-10 and +10. The factory setting is 0. The menu is only displayed if RG05 is select-
Even the menu 3.5 (External adjustment 2) ed in menu 9.1.11. The value can be adjusted
comes into question if the Sub shunt (SV-V2) between 10 and 30 C in increments of 0.5 C.
has been activated. Factory setting is 20 C.

36 Description of functions - Expansion card 1

Access to the following functions
requires the Expansion card 1 (10)
accessory with associated
terminal block X6A.
When this is connected the card
must be activated in menu 9.1.1.



Electrical additional heater HPAC

To connect the relays ETS-4 to ETS-6, see the section To connect HPAC on Expansion card 1 see the section
Description of functions - Basic functions > Electrical Description of functions - Basic functions > HPAC.
additional heater.

Frstoring p U6

Description of functions - Expansion card 1 37

Hot water circulation pump

A hot water circulation pump (VVC) can be controlled Connection of hot water circulation pump
to circulate the hot water by operating time or period
time within the selected time period. There is a potential free relay for the Hw-cp function,
which can be used for the control voltage or power
The Hot water circulation pump (Hw-cp) (VVC) con- supply (max 16 A, 250 V). When the relay is used for
nection can be made using a T-piece docking to an the control voltage, you can strap the power supply
electric water heater (peak water heater). This is done from X6A:20 to X6A:19, use X6A:21 as N and then
especially on smaller installations. The docking is inde- get the signal on X6A:18. Max. current may then be
pendent of how the heat pump works with the double- 0.4A and the control voltage becomes 230V. If you
jacketed water heater. take more output from X6A:20 you can overload the
When connected to a separate Hw-cp (VVC) outlet on L1-phase causing the fuse to trip.
the double-shelled water heater (e.g. VPA) it is impor- The supply to the control signal/power supply to
tant that the circulation flow is accurately adjusted and the Hw-cp (VVC) is connected to the terminal block
that the mixing valve on any electric peak water heater X6A:19 (Max fuse 16A and 250V) and the control
is not set too high. This can result in the stratification in signal/power supply out is on terminal X6A:18.
the double jacket being disturbed and the heat pump
knocked out. This docking is especially used on large
installations, which e.g. use two, double-jacketed water
heaters. The sensor (VVG) is placed in the first water
heater and the Hw-cp (VVC) connection is made to
the other.


+Exp.card 1

Quick guide - menu settings hot water circulation pump

Menu 6.1.4 Time of period Hw-cp Menu 6.1.6 Operatingtime Hw-cp
Here you select between which times of the day The operating time per period for the hot water
the hot water circulation pump shall run accord- circulation pump is selected here. Adjustable
ing to the period time (menu 6.1.5) and the oper- between 1 and 60 minutes. The factory setting is
ating time (menu 6.1.6). 3 minutes.
Menu 6.1.5 Periodtime Hw-cp
Frstoring p U6
Here the period time for the hot water circulation
pump is set here. Adjustable between 10 and 60
minutes. The factory setting is 15 minutes.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

38 Description of functions - Expansion card 1

A shuttle valve (VXV-P) can be connected to control Connection of pool
one part of, or the entire, heating medium flow to a
pool exchanger. The shuttle valve, or, if required - the Shuttle valves (VXV-P) is connected to the terminal
shuttle valves (however, with the same control signal), blocks X6A:1 (230V), X6A:2 (N) and X6A:3 (NC) or
is/are installed on the heating medium circuit that goes X6A:4 (NO).
to the radiator system as normal. The compressor The pool temperature sensor (PTG) is either fitted on
modules that are connected via pool exchange valve the circulation pipe for the pool water (presupposes
must be selected as available for pool operation in continuous circulation) or in a submerged tube in the
menu 5.4.12 and 5.4.13. Circulation pump VBP3 must pool. The sensor is connected to screw terminals X1:3
be installed for pool operation. and X1:4 on the EBV-card.
During pool heating, the heating medium circulates
between the heat pump and pool exchanger using
the heat pump's internal circulation pumps (VBP-
A respectively VBP-B). VBP3 circulates the heating
medium around the heating system and additional
heat can be connected as required at the same time
as the flow line sensor (FG) continuously senses the
heating requirement of the house.
Start and stop temperatures for pool heating are set
in menu 6.5.1 respectively 6.5.2. Heating operation is
normally prioritised before pool heating, but shifting
between pool heating and heating operation can be
set in menus 6.5.3 and 6.5.4 if required. If the same
value is set in both the menus, heating operation is
prioritised before pool heating.
If several compressors are available for pool opera-
tion, these start at 5 minute intervals until no more are
available or the number of started compressors is the
same as the number that is selected in menu 6.5.5.

X1 X6A


Description of functions - Expansion card 1 39

Quick guide - menu settings pool
Menu 9.1.5 Pool Menu 6.5.3 Periodtime heat/pool
Here pool heating is set either On or Off. The fac- The length of time is set here. The value is adjust-
tory setting is Off. able between 10 and 1000 minutes. The factory
setting is 100 minutes.
Menu 6.5.1 Start temp. pool
Here you select at which pool temperature on the Menu 6.5.4 Max-time heatproduct
sensor (PTG) heating should start. The value is Here you select how much time of the period
adjustable between 5 and 60 C in increments of time (menu 6.5.3) is to be used to heat the house
0.5 C. The factory setting is 22.0C. when there is a need of heating and pool heating.
The value is adjustable between 0 and 1000 min-
Menu 6.5.2 Stop temp. pool utes. The factory setting is 50 minutes.
Here you select at which pool temperature on
the sensor (PTG) heating should stop. Adjustable Menu 6.5.5 Max compr. to pool
between 5 and 60C in increments of 0.5 C. The The maximum number of compressors that can
factory setting is 24.0C. be operated towards the pool exchanger (VX-P)
is set here. The number of compressors that cur-
rently produce pool heat is within brackets. The
value can be adjusted between 0 and 18. Factory
setting is 1.

Menu 5.4.12 Pool heating compr. A

The menu is only displayed when pool is selected as
On in menu 9.1.5
If it is On, compr. A in the heat pump that is selected in
menu 5.1 is permitted to carry out pool heating.

Menu 5.4.13 Pool heating compr. B

The menu is only displayed when pool is selected as
On in menu 9.1.5
If it is On, compr. B in the heat pump that is selected in
menu 5.1 is permitted to carry out pool heating.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

40 Description of functions - Expansion card 1

Sub shunt
A shunt valve (SV-V2) and a circulation pump (VBP4) Connection of the sub shunt
can be connected to a second heating circuit with a
lower temperature requirement. The flow line sensor 2 (FS2) is fitted on the flow line
towards heating circuit 2. The sensor must make good
The circulation pumps for heating circuits 1 and 2 contact with the measurement area to give the best
(VBP3 and VBP4) are controlled together. These are function. When a submerged tube is not available, use
activated in standby mode. the supplied copper tube. The sensor is connected to
The flow temperature is controlled via the shunt valve's screw terminals X4:7 and X4:8 on the EBV-card.
increase/decrease signal and the sensor FS2. The return sensor 2 (RG2) is fitted on the flow line
The possibility to set the period and pulse times for the towards heating circuit 2. The sensor must have good
shunt are located in menus 3.8 and 3.9. insulation and make good contact with the measure-
The calculation of the flow temperature is done in the ment area to give the best function. The sensor is con-
same way and with the same type of settings as for nected to screw terminals X4:5 and X4:6 on the EBV-
heating circuit 1. card.
The pump's (VBP4) control signal is connected to the
terminal blocks X6:19 (230V), X6:20 (N), i.e. same
connection as VBP3.
The shunt valve (SV-V2) is connected to the terminal
blocks X6A:5 (230V decrease signal), X6A:6 (N) and
X6A:7 (230V increase signal).
Note that FIGHTER 1330 delivers 230V control sig-
nals intended to control external contactors and
not to drive pumps.


X6 X6A



Frstoring p U6
Description of functions - Expansion card 1 41

Sub shunt
Quick guide - menu settings sub shunt
Menu 9.1.4 Sub shunt Menu 3.4 Max. flow temp. 2
Here the sub shunt is set either On or Off. The The set maximum level for the supply tempera-
factory setting is Off. ture to the heating system is shown here. The
calculated supply temperature never exceeds
Menu 3.1 Curve slope 2 this level irrespective of the outdoor temperature,
The selected curve slope for the heating curve curve slope or offset heating curve. The value is
is shown here. The value is adjustable between adjustable between 10 and 80 C. The factory
curve 1 and 15, or in position Own curve. The val- setting is 55C.
ues for own curve are set in menu 3.6.0. The fac-
tory setting is 9. Menu 3.8 Shunt period time
Here you select the period time, i.e. the time
Menu 3.2 Offset heatingcurve 2 between corrections for the sub shunt (SV-V2).
The chosen offset for the heating curve is shown The value is adjustable between 10 and 500 sec-
here. The value is adjustable between -10 and onds. The factory setting is 120 seconds.
+10. The factory setting is 0.
If the RCU is connected, the set offset is shown Menu 3.9 Shunt intensificat.
via RCU between brackets. The actual offset then Here you select how many seconds the sub shunt
becomes the total of the set offset and RCU off- (SV-V2) shall run in relation to the difference
set. between the calculated flow and the true flow.
For example, a difference of 2 degrees and a set
Menu 3.3 Min. flow temp. 2 amplification of 5 gives 10 seconds in control of
The set minimum level for the flow temperature to the sub shunt. The value is adjustable between 1
the heating system is shown here. The calculated and 10. The factory setting is 1.
supply temperature never drops below this level
irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve
slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust-
able between 10 and 65 C. The factory setting is
15 C.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

42 Description of functions Expansion card 2

The accessory Expansion card 2
(11) with accompanying terminal block
X6B is required in order to access the
following functions. When it has been
connected the card must be activated
in menu 9.1.2.


Docking instructions
Outline diagrams with docking instructions for the
functions on the expansion card 2 is at the address

Frstoring p U6

Description of functions Expansion card 2 43

Groundwater pump
A ground water pump (CP-G) can be controlled by Ground water pump connection
There is a potential free relay for the ground water
The pump starts 20 seconds before the first compres- pump function (CP-G), which can be used as control
sor starts and stops 20 seconds after the last com- voltage or power supply (Max 6 A, 250 V).
pressor stops.
If the relay is used as control voltage, the supply can
be bridged internally from X13:4 to X6B:24, use X13:9
as N and receive the signal on X6B:25, but max cur-
rent must be 0.4 A and the control voltage is 230 V.
The external supply to the control signal/power sup-
ply for the ground water pump (CP-G) is connected to
terminal block X6B:24 (max fusing 6 A and 250 V) and
the control signal/power supply is on X6B:25.


+Exp. card 2


Frstoring p U6

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

44 Description of functions Expansion card 2

Passive cooling with 4 pipe system

The cooling system is connected to the heat pump col- Connection of passive cooling with 4
lector circuit, through which cooling is supplied from pipe system
the collector via the circulation pump (CP-K) and the
shunt valve (SV-K). The shunt valve (SV-K) is connected to terminal block
X6B:8 (230 V reduce signal), X6B:9 (N) and X6B:10
When cooling is required (activated from the outdoor (230 V increase signal).
sensor and any room sensor) the three way valve and
the circulation pump are activated. The shunt valve There is a potential free relay for the circulation pump
regulates so that the cooling sensor (KG) reaches function (CP-K), which can be used as control voltage
the current set point value that is equal to the outdoor or power supply (Max 6 A, 250 V). If the relay is used
temperature and the set min. value for the cooling tem- as control voltage the supply can be bridged inter-
perature (to prevent condensation). nally from X13:4 to X6B:22, use X13:9 as N and then
receive the signal on X6B:23. Max current must be 0.4
For connection of, and function for, room sensors, see A and the control voltage is 230 V.
section Description of functions Basic functions >
Room control. External supply to the control signal/power supply for
the circulation pump (CP-K) is connected to terminal
block X6B:22 (max fusing 6 A and 250 V) and the con-
X6B trol signal/power supply is on X6B:23.
For the cooling sensor (KG) location see docking
instructions. The sensors must have a good contact
with the measuring point for best function. If a sub-
merged tube is not available, use the copper tube sup-
The sensor is connected to screw terminals J5:7 and
J5 J5:8 on the measurement card.


+Measure card

Frstoring p U6

+Exp. card 2

Description of functions Expansion card 2 45

Passive cooling with 4 pipe system

Quick guide menu settings for passive cooling with 4 pipe system
Menu 9.1.10 Cooling Menu 6.4.9 Min. flow temp.
The type of cooling system is set here. The The lowest flow temperature in cooling mode. The
selectable modes are:Off, HPAC base card, value is adjustable between 2 and 65C. The fac-
HPAC expansion card 1, Cooling accumulator, tory setting is 5C.
PKM 2 pipes and PKM 4 pipes. The factory
setting is Off. Menu 6.4.10 Period time shunt
Select PKM 4 pipes. The time period for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
here. Adjustable between 1 and 500 seconds.
Menu 6.4.1 Cooling The factory setting is 60 seconds.
The cooling functions can be set to On or Off
Menu 6.4.11 Shunt intensification.
here. The factory setting is Off.
The amplification for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
Menu 6.4.2 Cooling curve here. For example, a 2 degree difference between
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is shown the flow line and the calculated flow line with 5
here. The value can be set between 1 and 3. The in amplification gives 10 secs/min controlling the
factory setting is 2. shunt. The value can be set between 1 and 10.
The factory setting is 1.
Menu 6.4.3 Offset cold curve
The selected cooling curve offset is shown here.
The value can be set between -10 and +10. The
factory setting is 0.
Menu 6.4.4 Start temp. heating
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce heat. The value can be set between 0
and 30 C. The factory setting is 20C.
Menu 6.4.5 Start temp. cooling
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce cooling. The value can be set between 0
and 30 C. The factory setting is 25 C.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

46 Description of functions Expansion card 2

Passive cooling with 2 pipe system

The collector circuit is connected to a heat exchanger Connection of passive cooling with 2
via a three way valve (VXV-KV A/B). The other side pipe system
of the exchanger is connected to the heating medium
circuit via a shunt valve (SV-K) and a circukation pump Three way valve (VXV-KV A/B) is connected to termi-
(PC-K). nal block X6B:1 (230 V), X6B:2 (N) and X6B:3 (NC)
alternatively X6B:4 (NO).
When cooling is required (activated from the outdoor
sensor and any room sensor) the three way valve and The shunt valve (SV-K) is connected to terminal block
the circulation pump are activated. The shunt valve X6B:8 (230 V reduce signal), X6B:9 (N) and X6B:10
regulates so that the cooling sensor (KG) reaches (230 V increase signal).
the current set point value that is equal to the outdoor There is a potential free relay for the circulation pump
temperature and the set min. value for the cooling tem- function (CP-K), which can be used as control voltage
perature (to prevent condensation). or power supply (Max 6 A, 250 V). If the relay is used
For connection of, and function for, room sensors, see as control voltage the supply can be bridged inter-
section Description of functions Basic functions > nally from X13:4 to X6B:22, use X13:9 as N and then
Room control. receive the signal on X6B:23. Max current must be 0.4
A and the control voltage is 230 V.
External supply to the control signal/power supply for
X6B the circulation pump (CP-K) is connected to terminal
block X6B:22 (max fusing 6 A and 250 V) and the con-
trol signal/power supply is on X6B:23.


+Exp. card 2

Frstoring p U6

Description of functions Expansion card 2 47

Passive cooling with 2 pipe system

Quick guide menu settings for passive cooling with 2 pipe system
Menu 9.1.10 Cooling Menu 6.4.9 Min. flow temp.
The type of cooling system is set here. The The lowest flow temperature in cooling mode. The
selectable modes are:Off, HPAC base card, value is adjustable between 2 and 65C. The fac-
HPAC expansion card 1, Cooling accumulator, tory setting is 5C.
PKM 2 pipes and PKM 4 pipes. The factory
setting is Off. Menu 6.4.10 Period time shunt
Select PKM 2 pipes. The time period for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
here. Adjustable between 1 and 500 seconds.
Menu 6.4.1 Cooling The factory setting is 60 seconds.
The cooling functions can be set to On or Off
Menu 6.4.11 Shunt intensification.
here. The factory setting is Off.
The amplification for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
Menu 6.4.2 Cooling curve here. For example, a 2 degree difference between
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is shown the flow line and the calculated flow line with 5
here. The value can be set between 1 and 3. The in amplification gives 10 secs/min controlling the
factory setting is 2. shunt. The value can be set between 1 and 10.
The factory setting is 1.
Menu 6.4.3 Offset cold curve
The selected cooling curve offset is shown here. Menu 6.4.12 Time betw. heat cold
The value can be set between -10 and +10. The The time the heat pump must wait between pro-
factory setting is 0. duction of heat and cooling is set here. The value
can be set between 0 and 10 hours. The factory
Menu 6.4.4 Start temp. heating setting is 3 hours.
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce heat. The value can be set between 0
and 30 C. The factory setting is 20 C.
Menu 6.4.5 Start temp. cooling
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce cooling. The value can be set between 0
and 30 C. The factory setting is 25C.

The outline diagram with docking instruc-

tions is available at

48 Description of functions Expansion card 2

Combined cooling/heating modes with accumulators

The installation consists of one or more FIGHTER Connecting cooling/heating modes with
1330s with accumulator tanks on both the collector accumulators
and heat medium sides. Ground/rock collector(s) have
three way valves so that the accumulator tanks can be NOTE! When dumping the excess heat in the
utilised as: outdoor air, the circulation pumps for dumping
1. Heat storage in heating mode (CP-D) must be connected in parallel. The fans in the
outdoor air module can also be connected with CP-D.
2. Cold storage in passive cooling mode VXV-KV A/B must not be used.
3. Heat dump in active cooling mode
Heat production occurs via the accumulator tank Three way valve (VXV-KV A/B) is connected to termi-
where the flow line sensor (FG) is located. nal block X6B:1 (230 V), X6B:2 (N) and X6B:3 (NC)
The circulation pump (VBP3) circulates the heating alternatively X6B:4 (NO).
medium from the tank to the distribution system. The control valve (SV-VVX) is connected to terminal
The brine circulates between the brine tank and the block X6B:8 (230 V reduce signal), X6B:9 (N) and
heat pump evaporator. When the temperature is low- X6B:10 (230 V increase signal).
ered in the tank (small cooling requirement in the There are three potential free relays for functions CP-D,
system) the circulation pump (CP-KO) is started to CP-KO & CP-K, which can be used as control voltage
retrieve energy from the collector. or power supply (Max 6 A, 250 V). If the relay is used
When the cooling sensor (KG) requests cooling, the as control voltage the supply can be bridged internally
circulation pump (CP-K) starts and the shunt valve from X13:4 to X6B:18, , X6B:20 and X6B:22 and use
(SV-K) starts regulating cooling from the brine tank. In X13:9 as N and receive the control signal for CP-D
the event of falling temperatures in the tank (KBack) on X6B:19, CP-KO on X6B:21 and CP-K on X6B:23.
CP-KO is started to retrieve cooling from the collec- When connected like this the max current must be 1 A
tor (passive cooling). When the collector is unable to from X13:4 and the control voltage is 230 V.
provide sufficient cooling the heat pump is started to External supply to the control signal/power supply for
produce active cooling. CP-D is connected to terminal block X6B:18 (max fus-
In the event of excess heat, this is dumped to the col- ing 6 A and 250 V) and the control signal/power supply
lector or outdoor air via a fan battery outdoors. is on X6B:19.
External supply to the control signal/power supply for
CP-KO is connected to terminal block X6B:20 (max
fusing 6 A and 250 V) and the control signal/power
supply is on X6B:21.
External supply to the control signal/power supply for
CP-K is connected to terminal block X6B:22 (max fus-
ing 6 A and 250 V) and the control signal/power supply
is on X6B:23.
The sensors must have a good contact with the meas-
uring point for best function. If a submerged tube is not
available, use the copper tube supplied.
For the cooling sensor (KG) location see docking
X6B instructions. The sensor is connected to screw termi-
nals J5:7 and J5:8 on the measurement card.
For the sensor KB-KO location see docking instruc-
tions. The sensor is connected to screw terminals
J4 J4:21 and J4:22 on the measurement card.
For the cooling sensor (KBack) location see docking
instructions. If a submerged tube is not available, use
J5 the copper tube supplied. The sensor is connected to
screw terminals J4:23 and J4:24 on the measurement

The outline diagram with docking instruc-
tions is available at

Description of functions Expansion card 2 49

Combined cooling/heating mode with accumulators

+Exp. card 2

+Measure card
/ /

+Measure card

Quick guide menu settings cooling/heating modes with accumulators

Menu 9.1.10 Cooling Menu 6.8.6 Start temp. cooling
The type of cooling system is set here. The Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
selectable modes are:Off, HPAC base card, sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
HPAC expansion card 1, Cooling accumulator, produce cooling. The value can be set between 0
PKM 2/ pipes and PKM 4 pipes. The factory and 30 C. The factory setting is 25 C.
setting is Off.
Menu 6.8.7 Temp. to cool. acc.
Select Cooling accumulator.
/ The desired temperature for the cooling accumu-
Menu 6.8.1 Cool acc temperature lator is set here. The value can be set between 0
Shows the current temperature at the cooling and 20 C. The factory setting is 13 C.
accumulator sensor (KBack).
Menu 6.8.9 Min. flow/ temp. /
Menu 6.8.3 Cooling curve The lowest flow temperature in cooling mode. The
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is shown value is adjustable between 2 and 65C. The fac-
here. The value can be set between 1 and 3. The tory setting is 5C.
factory setting is 2. / Menu 6.8.10 Period time shunt
Menu 6.8.4 Offset cooling curve The time period for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
The selected cooling curve offset is shown here. here. Adjustable between 1 and 500 seconds.
The value can be set between -10 and +10. The The factory setting is 60 seconds.
factory setting is 0.
Menu 6.8.11 Shunt intensification.
Menu 6.8.5 Start temp. heating The amplification for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor here. For example, a 2 degree difference between
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to the flow line and the calculated flow line with 5
produce heat. The value can be set between 0 in amplification gives 10 secs/min controlling the
and 30 C. The factory setting is 20 C. shunt. The value can be set between 1 and 10.
The factory setting is 1.

50 Description of functions - External control

Electrical connection, external control/blocking of the

additional heat and compressor





FIGHTER 1330 can be controlled up to a certain point

using signals from an external system
Frstoring p U6 (e.g. DUC). X4
All control signals must come from potential free

Activating/blocking compressor A (KPRAA) External Extra hot water activation (XVVA)

When the input (KPRAA) is made, the compressor will If the input (XVVA) is made for at least one second,
stop irrespective of the operating status and the oper- Extra hot water will be activated for 12 hours. See
ating type. Description of functions - Basic functions > Extra hot
When the operating type is set to External control in water for more information.
menu 0.2.x, the compressor A will start with an open Connection is made to terminals X4:3 and X4:4 on the
input and stop when the input is made. However, EBV-card (2).
alarms and time conditions in FIGHTER 1330 are
superordinate to the external control.
Tariff A (TA)
Connection is made to terminals X4:1 and X4:2 on the
Input (TA) can be used to select additional heat type
EBV-card (2).
(oil or electricity) if additional heat in menu 9.1.8
is selected as El/Oil. See Functions description-
Basic functions > Electrical addition and Function
description- Basic functions > Oil addition for further
Connection is made to terminals X1:5 and X1:7 on the
EBV-card (2).

Tariff B (TB)
Activating/blocking compressor B (KPRAB) When the input (TB) is made all electrical additional
Same function as above, but for compressor module B. heating is stopped. See Description of functions -
Connection is made to terminals J5:1 and J5:2 on the Basic functions > Electrical additional heater for fur-
Measure card (22). ther details. Connection is made to terminals X1:6 and
X1:7 on the EBV-card (2). +EBV-card

+Measure card

Control 51
A General
Value of the cur-
The menu tree shows all the menus. Three different
menu types can be chosen. rent parameter
Normal, the menus the user needs for a quick
production control.

Extended, shows all menus except the service

I II menus. AB AB I II
0.0 C AB
50.0 AB
hwassertemp. Service, shows all menus. Returns to the previ-
S ously selected menutype 30 minutes after the last Hotwatertemperature
was pushed. 1.0 5 0
5c h0 . 0 C
. 0 Ct e m p
peratur Changing of menu type is done from menu 8.1.1
B r a u5 0w.a0s s e rC
Menu name Clock
mperatur Menu 1.0
Brauchwassertemp Key lock
m p e r a13.43
t u r is provided on the display about the heat
pump's operating status. A screen saver is normally
number B r a u c h w a s s e r t e m11p
shown on the display screen. The plus and minus but- 1.0 1
tons and the enter button can be used to scroll through
the menu system as well as to change the set value in
some menus.
Screen saver
In screen saver mode, you can see any alarms as
 he plus button is used to move forward to
T well as the flow temperatures currently given by the
the next menu on the current menu level compressors (VBFA and VBFB) and whether the heat
and to increase the value of the parameter 50.0 C
pump is a Master or Slave. The screen saver is deac-
tivated by pressing the enter button and the but-
in menus where this is possible.
V alower
ton in the r m vleft
a t tfor
e napproximately
t e m p e r a t8useconds.
1.0is then displayed. The screen 13.43
Menu 1.0 saver comes
 he minus button is used to move back to
T on automatically 30 minutes after the last button was
the previous menu on the current menu pressed and when starting the heat pump.
level and to decrease value of the param-
eter in menus where this is possible. Example:

 he enter button is used to select sub-

T 54.1 55.7 C HP-ALARM
menus of the current menu, to permit
Slave 3 Slave 3
parameters to be changed and confirm any
changes to parameters. When the menu
number ends with 0 this indicates there is
a sub-menu.

Quick movement
To quickly return to the main menu from sub-menus
press the following:
Operating mode button
Enter button
Key lock
NOTE! A key lock can be activated in the main menus by
simultaneously pressing the plus and the minus but-
Ensure the operating mode is not tons. The key symbol will then be shown on the dis-
play. The same procedure is used to deactivate the
changed during quick movement. key lock.



Changing parameters 50.0 C 50.0 C 50.0 C

Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp. Hotwatertemperature
1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43
Other settings
Changing a parameter (value):
Access the required menu.
Press the enter button, the numerical value starts N N
8.1.0 8.1.1 0.0 N
to flash Display settings Menu type
Increase or decrease the value using the plus 8.1.2
respective minus button. Language N N PL
0.1.0 0.1.1
N Status Status Master:A
Confirm by pressing the enter button. 8.1.3
Display contrast N AB AB I II

Menu 1.0 is automatically displayed again 30 0.1.2

8.1.4 N 0.2.0 S S
0.2.1 Status Master:B 50.0 C DK
minutes after pressing the last button. Light intensity Oper.type setting. Oper.type Master Temp. Ciepej Wody
N 1.0 13.43
N 0.1.3
8.1.5 S AB AB I II
0.2.2 Status Slave 1:A*
Return to 8.1.0 0.3 Oper.type slave 1
Example Return to 0.0 N 50.0 C
0.1.4 Varmtvandstemp.
Changing the Menu type, menu 8.1.1. S Status Slave 1:B* 1.0 13.43
U U 0.2.3
8.2.0 8.2.1 Oper.type slave 2
The starting point is menu 1.0. Only additional heat N
Operatingmodesetting 0.1.5
0.2.4 S Status Slave 2:A*
Press the plus or minus button several times until U
8.2.2 Oper.type slave 3
menu 8.0 is shown. Changing temperature 0.1.6 N
U 0.2.5 S Status Slave 2:B*
Press the enter button to move to menu 8.1.0 8.2.3 Oper.type slave 4
Start value compr. 0.1.7 N
Press the enter button to move to menu 8.1.1 U S Status Slave 3:A*
8.2.4 0.2.6
Press the enter button to allow the value to be GM for compr.step Oper.type slave 5
0.1.8 N
changed. U 0.2.7 S Status Slave 3:B*
The value now starts to flash. Change the value Additive start value Oper.type slave 6
0.1.9 N
using the plus or minus buttons. U S Status Slave 4:A*
8.2.6 0.2.8
Confirm the selected value by pressing the enter GM for additive step Oper.type slave 7
0.1.10 N
button, the value will then stop flashing. 8.2.7 0.2.9 S Status Slave 4:B*
Flow diff HP Oper.type slave 8
Press the minus button to move to menu 8.1.5 0.1.11 N
8.2.8 0.2.10 S Status Slave 5:A*
Press the enter button to return to menu 8.1.0

Diff HP-Add Return to 0.2.0
U 0.1.12 N
Press the plus button 3 times to move to menu 8.2.9
Status Slave 5:B*
8.4 Return to 8.2.0

0.1.13 N
Press the enter button to return to menu 8.0 Status Slave 6:A*
8.3.0 U U
Press the plus or minus button several times to 8.3.1
Load monitor Fuse size 0.1.14 N
move to menu 1.0 Status Slave 6:B*
8.4 N U
Return to 8.0 Max electric power 0.1.15 N
U Status Slave 7:A*
Current phase 1 0.1.16 N
U Status Slave 7:B*
Current phase 2 0.1.17 N
U Status Slave 8:A*
Current phase 3
0.1.18 N
U Status Slave 8:B*
Ratio of transf. EBV
0.1.19 N
8.3.7 Return to 0.1.0
Tariff status
8.3.8 N Normal menus: Displayed in all menu modes. * Slaves 1-8 are only shown when made operational
Return to 8.3.0 
Extended menus: Only displayed when extended in menu 0.2.x
U or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.

Service menus: Only dispalyed when service is
S selected in menu 8.1.1


50.0 C 50.0 C 50.0 C

Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp. Hotwatertemperature
1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43

1.0 N 2.0 N N N N
3.0 4.0 5.0
Hotwater temp. Flow temperature Flow temperature 2* Outdoor temp. Heat pump

1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 PL 5.1
Start temperature HW Curve slope Curve slope 2 Medium outdoor temp. Heat pump unit
2.2 N 4.2 AB AB I II
1.2 3.2 5.2.0 5.2.1
Stop temperature HW Offset heating curve Offset heatingcurve 2 Return to 4.0 A
Compressor module DK Heating flow/return
U 50.0 C
U 2.3 U Temp. Ciepej Wody N
1.3 Min. flow temp. 3.3 1.0 13.43 5.2.2
Stop temp. compr XHW N N
Min. flow temp. 2 5.3.0 AB AB I II
5.3.1 Brine in/out
U Compressor module B Heating flow/return
U 2.4 U FI U
1.4 Max. flow temp. 3.4 50.0 C 5.2.3
Stop temperature XHW Varmtvandstemp.
Max. flow temp. 2 1.0
5.3.2 Hot gas temperature
U 13.43
2.5 Brine in/out AB AB I II
1.5 U U U
External adjustment 3.5 U 5.2.4
Interval per. XHW External adjustment 2 5.3.3 5 0 .Overheating
0 C temp.
U U Hot gas temperature
2.6.0 2.6.1 Kyttvesi lmptila
U U U 1.0 U
1.6 Own curve definition Flow -20C 3.6.0 5.2.5 13.43
3.6.1 5.3.4 U
Periodtime HW/Heat. Own curve definit. 2 Flow -20C Liquide line temp.
U Overheating temp.
U 2.7.0 U U 2.6.2
1.7 2.7.1 Flow +20C N U U 5.2.6 U
Fixed condensing 3.7 3.6.2 5.3.5
Maxtime HW-product. Start temp.compressor Return temperature 2 Flow +20C Liquide line temp. Tot. starts compr. A
U 2.8 N U 2.6.3
1.8 2.7.2 Set buckling Temp. U U 5.3.6 U 5.2.7 U
Diff between compr. Return temperature 3.8 3.6.3
Stoptemp. compressor Shunt period time Set buckling Temp. Tot. starts compr. B Opera.time compr. A
2.9 N U 2.6.4
Degree minutes 2.7.3 buckling U U 5.3.7 U 5.2.8 N
Starttemp. additive 3.9 3.6.4
Shunt intensificat. buckling Opera.time compr. B Return to 5.2.0
2.10 2.6.5
Return to 2.0 2.7.4 U 5.3.8 N
Return to 2.6.0 N 3.6.5 U
Stoptemp. additive 3.10 Return to 5.3.0
Return to 3.0 Return to 3.6.0
2.7.5 U
5.4.0 U U

Return to 2.7.0 Settings 5.4.1

Max.heat returntemp.
1.9.0 U U
1.9.1 U

HW with additional heat Start temp. additional heat 5.5.0 S S Min. brine out
Sensor calibration 5.5.1
N U Heating return A U
1.10 1.9.2 5.4.3
Return to 1.0 Stop temp. additional heat 5.6 N S Max. brine in
5.5.2 U
N Return to 5.0 Heating return B 5.4.4
1.9.3 Level monitor
Return to 1.9.0 S
5.5.3 U
Brine in 5.4.5
Start to start time
5.5.4 U
Brine out A 5.4.6
Oper. mode brinepump
5.5.5 U
Brine out B 5.4.7
Oper.mode heatpump A
5.5.6 5.4.8 U
Outdoor temp.sensor Oper.mode heatpump B
5.5.7 5.4.9 U
Room temp. sensor Quickstart of compr.
5.5.8 5.4.10 U
Flow temp. sensor 1 Factory pre-set
5.5.9 S U
N Normal menus: Displayed in all menu modes. Flow temp. sensor 2 Reset alarm
Extended menus: Only displayed when extended 5.5.10 5.4.12 U
U or service is selected in menu 8.1.1. Return to 5.5.0 Pool heat comp A
Service menus: Only dispalyed when service is 5.4.13
S selected in menu 8.1.1 Pool heat comp B
* Accessories N
Return to 5.4.0


50.0 C 50.0 C 50.0 C

Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp. Hotwatertemperature
1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43

External units* N Clock Other settings
6.0 8.0

6.1.0 6.1.1 7.1 8.1.0 8.1.1
Circulation pumps Op-mode external cp Date Display settings Menu type
6.1.2 N 8.1.2 N
U Periodtime economy 7.2
6.2.0 6.2.1 DK Language
Immersionheatersetti Immersionheater type Time 50.0 C
6.1.3 U Temp. Ciepej Wody
1.0 13.43
U Operati-time econom 8.1.3 N
6.2.2 U U
N U 7.3.0 7.3.1 AB AB I II
6.3.0 6.3.1 Immersionheatrelays Display contrast
6.1.4 U Temp set back time 1 Temp set back time 1 FI
Boiler settings Oil boiler time U 50.0 C
6.2.3 Time of period Hw-cp 8.1.4 N
U U Varmtvandstemp.
6.3.2 Steps at 2h delay 7.3.2 1.0 13.43 Light intensity
6.1.5 U AB AB I II
Start temp. shunt Offset heating curve
6.2.4 U Periodtime Hw-cp N
U Quickstart el.heater 8.1.5
50.0 C
6.3.3 U
Period time shunt 6.1.6 U 7.3.3 - 7.3.9 K yReturn
t t v e s i to
l m8.1.0
U Operatingtime Hw-cp 1.0 13.43
6.2.5 Set time Monday - Sunday
6.3.4 U Time factor el.cass.
6.1.7 U U 8.2.0 U U
Shuntintensification U 7.3.10 8.2.1
6.2.6 Return to 6.1.0 Operatingmodesetting Only additional heat
U Return to 6.2.0 Return to 7.3.0
Timefactor oilboiler U
U Changing temperature
6.3.6 7.4.0 U U
Return to 6.3.0 7.4.1
Temp set back time 2 U
Temp set back time 2 8.2.3
U U Start value compr.
6.4.0 6.4.1 U
HPAC/PKM settings 7.4.2
Cooling 8.2.4 U
Offset heating curve
U GM for compr.step
6.5.0 6.5.1 Cooling curve 7.4.3 - 7.4.9 U
8.2.5 U
Pool settings Start temp. pool Set time Monday - Sunday
U Additive start value
6.5.2 U
Offset cold curve 7.4.10 U
6.6.0 6.6.1 Stop temp. pool 8.2.6 U
U Return to 7.4.0

HW storage vessel Loading temperature 6.4.4 GM for additive step
6.5.3 U Starttemp. heating
6.6.2 U Periodtime heat/pool
N U 8.2.7 U
6.7.0 6.7.1 N Per.-time ctrl.valve 6.5.4 6.4.5 7.5.0 U U
U Starttemp. cooling 7.5.1 Flow diff HP
Collector Load collector temp. Max-time heatpro-

6.6.3 U Timer Extra Hotwater Timer Extra Hotwater

N Ctrl.valve intensific. duct U U
6.7.2 6.4.6 8.2.8
Soil sensor temp. 6.5.5 U Start active cooling U Diff HP-Add
6.6.4 U N 7.5.2 - 7.5.8
U Max compr. to pool 7.6 Extra HW Monday - Sunday
6.7.3 Return to 6.6.0 6.4.7 U U
Mindiff for collect. U Return to 7.0 8.2.9
6.5.6 GM for compr.-step U
Return to 6.5.0 7.5.9 Return to 8.2.0
6.7.4 U
6.4.8 U Return to 7.5.0
Maxdiff for collect.
Diff Passive/Active
6.7.5 U
U 8.3.0 U U
Contload bripu col/e 6.4.9 8.3.1
Min. flow temp. Load monitor Fuse size
6.7.6 U
Load collector only 6.4.10 U U
N Periodtime shunt N Max electric power
6.7.7 8.4
Return to 6.7.0 6.4.11 U Return to 8.0 U
Shunt intensificat 8.3.3
N N U Current phase 1
6.8.0 6.8.1 6.8.7 6.4.12 U U
Cooling settings Cool acc temperature Temp. to cool. acc. 8.3.4
Time betw. heat cold
N U Current phase 2
6.8.2 6.8.8 U
6.9.0 N U Brine collector Cooldiff for acc. 6.4.13 U
6.9.1 Return to 6.4.0 8.3.5
Room sensor Room balancing U U
6.8.3 6.8.9 Current phase 3
U Cooling curve Min. flow temp.
N 6.9.2 U
6.10 Room balancingsystem 6.8.4 U 6.8.10 U 8.3.6
Return to 6.0 Offset cooling curve Periodtime shunt Ratio of transf. EBV
6.9.3 U
N Normal menus: Displayed in all menu modes. U
Desired room temp 6.8.5 6.8.11  8.3.7
U Start temp. heating Shunt intensificat. Extended menus: Only displayed when extended Tariff status
6.9.4 N U or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Return to 6.9.0 6.8.6 U 6.8.12 U
Start temp. cooling
* Accessories Return to 6.8.0 Service menus: Only dispalyed when service is
Return to 8.3.0
selected in menu 8.1.1


50.0 C 50.0 C
Main menus
50.0 C
Varmvattentemperatur Brauchwassertemp. Hotwatertemperature
1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43 1.0 13.43

N System N Heat pump
0 . 0 5.0
Service menues S
9.0 Menu 0.0 System Menu 5.0 Heat pump
Here the current status of the various heat pump Values can be read and various settings can be
S S modules are shown and settings concerning Master or made concerning each connected heat pump from
9.1.0 9.1.1
System settings Expansion card 1 Slave can also be made. these sub-menus.

9.1.2 DK
9.2.0 S 5S0 . 0 CExpansion card 2
9.2.1 Temp. Ciepej W ody
1.0 13.43
Floor drying setting Op-mode floor drying S
9.1.3 AB AB I II
54.1C N External units
9.2.2 N H o t w a t eFIr t e m p e r a t u r e 6.0
S S S Floor drying day 50.0 C
9.3.0 - 9.3.x.1 S Varmtvandstemp.
1 . 0
Alarm log Alarm 1 - 6 9.1.4 1.0 13.43
Type of alarm S AB AB I II Menu 6.0 External units
9.2.3 Sub shunt
S Nos. of days per. 1 Menu 1.0 Hotwater temperature
9.3.x.2 S 50.0 C Values can be read and various settings can be made
9.1.5 The current water temperature
Heat pump S K y t t v e s(VVG)
i l m p t is
i l a shown here.
9.2.4 Pool 1.0 13.43 from these sub-menus. Many of the sub-menus to 6.0
Temperature per. 1 require accessories.
9.3.x.3 9.1.6 S
Date 9.2.5 S Hot water acc. tank
Nos. of days per. 2
9.3.x.4 S 9.1.7 S 31.7(28.0)C
Time 9.2.6 S N Flow temperature
Fixed condensing N Clock
Temperature per. 2 2 . 0
9.3.x.5 S 9.1.8
9.2.7 S
Outdoor temperature Additive Menu 2.0 Flow temperature
Return to 9.2.0 Menu 7.0 Clock
9.1.9 S The current flow temperature (FG) for the heating sys-
9.3.x.6 S
9.3.7 Extra collector Settings regarding the date and time are made in the
S Hot watertempe- tem is shown here with the calculated flow tempera-
Clear the alarm log rature sub-menus of this menu. Even different temperature
9.1.10 S ture in brackets.
S reductions and increases at selected times are set
S Cooling

9.3.8 9.3.x.7 from this menu.

Return to 9.3.0 Flow temperature.
9.1.11 S

9.3.x.8 Room control mode
Heating flow/return
9.1.12 S N Flow temperature 2 N Other settings
S S S HW with additional heat
9.4.0 9.4.1 9.3.x.9 3 . 0 8.0
Testing mode Force control Brine in/out S
S S Return to 9.1.0 Menu 3.0 Flow temperature 2* Menu 8.0 Other settings
9.4.2 9.3.x.10
9.5 Relay card Hot gas temperature The current flow temperature (FG2) for the heating Settings regarding the menu type, language, opera-
Return to 9.0
system is shown here with the calculated flow tempe- ting settings and load monitor reading are made in the
9.4.3 S
9.3.x.11 rature in brackets. This menu is first shown when To sub-menus to this menu.
Relay 1-8 Overheating temp.
been selected in menu 9.1.4.
9.4.4 S 9.3.x.12 S
Relay 9-14 Liquide line temp.
S S Service menus
9.4.5 9.3.x.13 S
Return to 9.4.0 Relay status 1-8 10.3C
N Outdoor temperature Menu 9.0 Service menus
9.3.x.14 S
Relay status 9-14 4.0
This menu and its sub-menus are only shown when
9.3.x.15 S Menu 4.0 Outdoor temperature access has been selected in menu 8.1.1.
Compressor status Values can be read and various settings can be
The current outdoor temperature is shown here. Mea-
9.3.x.16 S sured via the outdoor sensor (UG). made from these sub-menus. NOTE! These settings
Return to 9.3.x.0 should only be made by persons with the neces-
sary expertise.
* Accessories
Normal menus: Displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
U or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.

Service menus: Only dispalyed when service is

S selected in menu 8.1.1

56 Control

0.0 System 1.0 Hotwater temperature

N Menu 0.1.0 Status U Menu 1.1 Start temperature HW
The number of compressor modules that produce The temperature when the heat pump starts to work
hot water (HW), radiator heating (Rad), pool heat- with the hot water production is set here. When
ing (Pool) or cooling (Cold) are shown here. brackets are shown, this means the high pressure
pressostat has tripped during hot water charging
N Menu 0.1.1 Status Master A and FIGHTER 1330 has automatically lowered
The current mode of compressor module A is the set temperature with the value in brackets. The
shown here: reduction is removed when the value is manually
changed. The value is adjustable between 5 and 55
Heat / Hot water / Ext. control / Wait xx min / Alarm C. The factory setting is 45 C.
N Menu 0.1.2 Status Master B U Menu 1.2 Stop temperature HW
The current mode of compressor module B is The temperature when the heat pump stops work-
shown here: ing with the hot water production is set here. When
Heat / Hot water / Ext. control / Wait xx min / Alarm brackets are shown, this means the high pressure
pressostat has tripped during hot water charging
N Menu 0.1.3 - 0.1.18 Status Slave 1A - Slave 8B* and FIGHTER 1330 has automatically lowered
The current mode of for compressor mod- the set temperature with the value in brackets. The
ules A or B in every Slave is shown here: reduction is removed when the value is manually
Heat / Hot water / Ext. control / Waiting / Alarm changed. The value is adjustable between 20 and
60C. The factory setting is 50 C.
Menu 0.1.19 Return
U Menu 1.3 Stop temp. compr XHW
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu
0.1.0 Here the temperature at which the compressor
shall stop producing hot water in Extra hot water
S Menu 0.2.0 Oper.type setting and allow the additional heat (XVV) to take over is
Pressing the enter button takes you to the sub- set. The value is adjustable between 20 and 60 C,
menus where the heat pump's operating type is or Off. The factory setting is 50C.
selected, options are: U Menu 1.4 Stop temperature XHW
Off: Compressor modules A and B are not used. The required temperature for Extra hot water, when
Heat: Compressor modules A and B only provide the additional heat shall stop during hot water pro-
heating. duction is set here. The value is adjustable between
50 and 80 C, or Off. The factory setting is Off.
Hot water: Compressor modules A and B only pro-
vide hot water.
U Menu 1.5 Interval per. XHW
Combi: Compressor module B provides both hot How often the hot water temperature is increased
from the normal level to the "Extra hot water" level
water and heating via the shuttle valve, while com-
is shown here. Periodic "Extra hot water" is activated
pressor module A always provides heating. when the value changes. The digit within brackets
Parallel: Compressor modules A and B provide indicates the time in days that remain until the next
both hot water and heating via the shuttle valve. periodic "Extra hot water" increase. When periodic
External control: Start and stopsignal from exter- hot water heating runs, the number between brack-
ets changes to show the number of minutes that
nal equipment.
remain before it is ready. The value is adjustable
S Menu 0.2.1 Oper.type Master between 1 and 90 days, or "Off". The factory setting
The operating type for the Master is selected here. is "Off".
The factory setting is Off. U Menu 1.6 Periodtime HW/Heat.
S Menu 0.2.2 - 0.2.9 Oper.type Slave 1 - 8 The length of the period time for hot water produc-
tion and heating is set here. The value is adjust-
The operating type for the slave/slaves is selected able between 5 and 60 minutes. The factory setting
here. The factory setting is Off. is 60 minutes.
S Menu 0.2.10 Return U Menu 1.7 Maxtime HW-product.
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu Here you select how much time of the period time
0.2.0. (menu 1.6) is to be used to heat the hot water when
N Menu 0.3 Return there is a need of both heating and hot water. The
value is adjustable between 0 and 60 minutes. The
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu 0.0. factory setting is 60 minutes.

* Slaves 1-8 are only shown when activated in menu 0.2.2 - 0.2.9.

Control 57

1.0 Hotwater temperature 2.0 Flow temperature

U Menu 1.8 Diff between compr. N Menu 2.1 Curve slope
The difference between connection and discon- The selected curve slope for the heating curve is
nection of compressors during hot water charging shown here. The value is adjustable between curve
and fixed condensing if several are available for hot 1 and 15, or in position Own curve. The values for
water charging. The value is adjustable between 0 own curve are set in menu 2.6.0. The factory set-
and 10 C. The factory setting is 0.5 C. ting is 9.

U Menu 1.9.0 Hot water with additional heat N Menu 2.2 Offset heating curve
This menu is displayed if On is selected in menu The chosen offset for the heating curve is shown
9.1.12. here. The value is adjustable between -10 and +10.
NOTE! The value cannot be changed using the
plus and minus buttons, only by using the Offset
U Menu 1.9.1 Start temperature additional heat heating curve knob on the Master unit.
The temperature at which additional heat is to start If the RCU is connected, the set offset is shown
is shown here. The value is adjustable between 5 via RCU between brackets. The actual offset then
and 70 C. becomes the total of the set offset and RCU offset.
The factory setting is 45 C.
U Menu 2.3 Min. flow temp.
U Menu 1.9.2 Stop temperature additional heat The set minimum level for the flow temperature to
The temperature at which additional heat is to the heating system is shown here. The calculated
stop is selected here. The value can be adjusted supply temperature never drops below this level
between 5 and 70 C. irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve
The factory setting is 50 C. slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust-
able between 2 and 65 C. The factory setting is
15 C.
U Menu 1.9.3 Return
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
1.9.0 U Menu 2.4 Max. flow temp.
The set maximum level for the supply temperature
to the heating system is shown here. The calcu-
N Menu 1.10 Return lated supply temperature never exceeds this level
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu 1.0 irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve
slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust-
able between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is

U Menu 2.5 External adjustment

When the thermostat is selected in menu 9.1.11,
you can connect an external contact, see Descrip-
tion of functions - Basic functions > Room control.
Using an external contact, for example, a room
thermostat or a timer allows you to temporarily or
periodically raise or lower the flow temperature and
with that the room temperature. When the exter-
nal contact is made, the heating curve offset is
changed by the number of steps shown here. The
value is adjustable between -10 and +10. The fac-
tory setting is 0.

N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

58 Control

2.0 Flow temperature

U Menu 2.6.0 Own curve definition U Menu 2.7.0 Fixed condensing
Your own curve definition is chosen here. This is Pressing the enter button takes you to the sub-
an individual linear curve with one break point. You menus, which show the settings for fixed condens-
select a break point and the associated tempera- ing. Only shown when fixed condensing is selected
tures. NOTE! The Curve slope in menu 2.1 must be in menu 9.1.7.
set to Own curve to activate this.
U Menu 2.7.1 Starttemp.compressor
U Menu 2.6.1 Flow temp. at -20 C Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when first
The flow temperature is selected here with at an compressor starts. The value is adjustable between
outdoor temperature of -20 C. The value is adjust- 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is 47 C.
able between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is
55 C. U Menu 2.7.2 Stoptemp. compressor
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
U Menu 2.6.2 Flow temp. at +20 C the last compressor stops. The value is adjustable
The flow temperature is selected here with at an between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is 50 C.
outdoor temperature of +20 C. The value is adjust-
able between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is U Menu 2.7.3 Starttemp. additive
18 C.
Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
additional heating engages. The value is adjustable
U Menu 2.6.3 Set buckling temp. between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is 45 C.
Here you select at what outside temperature the
break point shall occur. The value is adjustable
U Menu 2.7.4 Stoptemp. additive
be-tween -15 and +15 C. The factory setting is
0 C. Temperature on the flow line sensor (FG) when
additional heating disengages. The value is adjust-
able between 5 and 60 C. The factory setting is
U Menu 2.6.4 Flowtemp. at buckling 49C.
You set the required flow temperature for the break
point here. The value is adjustable between 10 and U Menu 2.7.5 Return
80 C. The factory setting is 40 C.
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu
U Menu 2.6.5 Return
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
N Menu 2.8 Return temperature
The current temperature of the return water (RG)
from the heating system is shown here.

N Menu 2.9 Degree minutes

Current value for number of degree-minutes. This
value can be changed to e.g. accelerate the start
of heat production. The value is adjustable in incre-
ments of 10.

N Menu 2.10 Return

Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 2.0.

N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 59

3.0 Flow temperature 2*

N Menu 3.1 Curve slope 2 U Menu 3.6.0 Own curve definite. 2
The selected curve slope for the heating curve is Your own curve definition is chosen here. This is
shown here. The value is adjustable between curve an individual linear curve with one break point. You
1 and 15, or in position Own curve. The values for select a break point and the associated tempera-
own curve are set in menu 3.6.0. The factory set- tures. NOTE! The Curve slope in menu 3.1 must be
set to Own curve to activate this.
ting is 9.

U Menu 3.6.1 Flow temp. at -20 C

N Menu 3.2 Offset heatingcurve2
The flow temperature is selected here at an out-
The chosen offset for the heating curve is shown door temperature of -20 C. The value is adjust-
here. The value is adjustable between -10 and +10. able between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is
The factory setting is 0. 55C.
If the RCU is connected, the set offset is shown
via RCU between brackets. The actual offset then U Menu 3.6.2 Flow temp. at +20 C
becomes the total of the set offset and RCU offset. The flow temperature is selected here at an out-
door temperature of +20 C. The value is adjus-
U Menu 3.3 Min. flow temp. 2 table between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is
18 C.
The set minimum level for the flow temperature to
the heating system is shown here. The calculated
supply temperature never drops below this level
U Menu 3.6.3 Set buckling temp.
irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve Here you select at what outside temperature the
slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust- break point shall occur. The value is adjustable
able between 10 and 65 C. The factory setting is between -15 and +15 C. The factory setting is 0 C.
15 C.
U Menu 3.6.4 buckling
Menu 3.4 Max. flow temp. 2 You set the required flow temperature for the break
point here. The value is adjustable between 10 and
The set maximum level for the supply temperature 80 C. The factory setting is 40.
to the heating system is shown here. The calcu-
lated supply temperature never exceeds this level U Menu 3.6.5 Return
irrespective of the outdoor temperature, curve
slope or offset heating curve. The value is adjust- Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
able between 10 and 80 C. The factory setting is 3.6.0.
55 C.

N Menu 3.7 Return temperature 2

U Menu 3.5 External adjustment2
The current temperature of the return water (RG2)
When the thermostat is selected in menu 9.1.11, from the heating system is shown here.
you can connect an external contact, see Descrip-
tion of functions - Basic functions > Room control.
Using an external contact, for example, a room U Menu 3.8 Shunt period time
thermostat or a timer allows you to temporarily or Here you select the period time, i.e. the time
periodically raise or lower the flow temperature and between corrections for the sub shunt (SV-V2). The
with that the room temperature. When the exter- value is adjustable between 10 and 500 seconds.
nal contact is made, the heating curve offset is The factory setting is 120 seconds.
changed by the number of steps shown here. The
value is adjustable between -10 and +10. The fac- U Menu 3.9 Shunt intensificat.
tory setting is 0. Here you select how many seconds the sub shunt
(SV-V2) shall run in relation to the difference
between the calculated flow and the true flow. For
example, a difference of 2 degrees and a set ampli-
fication of 5 gives 10 seconds in control of the sub
shunt. The value is adjustable between 1 and 10.
The factory setting is 1.

N Menu 3.10 Return

* Accessories
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 3.0.

60 Control

4.0 Outdoor temperature 5.0 Heat pump

N Menu 4.1 Medium outdoor temp. N Menu 5.1 Heat pump unit
The average outdoor temperature for the last 24 The heat pump unit is selected here, for which
hours is shown here. submenus to menu 5.0 applies:
Master / Slave 1 / Slave 2 / ... / Slave 8.
Only activated units can be selected (menu 0.2).
N Menu 4.2 Return
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 4.0.
N Menu 5.2.0 Compressor module A
The current mode of compressor module A is
shown here:
Heat / Hot water / Ext. control / Waiting / Alarm
/Off. Pressing the enter button takes you to the
sub-menus that show the temperatures and statis-
tics for compressor module A.

N Menu 5.2.1 Heating flow/return

The internal flow (VBFA) and return temperatures
(VBRA) are shown here for the heat medium to the
compressor module A.

N Menu 5.2.2 Brine in/out

The current incoming (KBinA) and outgoing tem-
perature (KButA) are shown here for brine to the
compressor module A.

U Menu 5.2.3 Hot gas temperature

The current hot gas temperature for compressor
module A at the sensor (HGA) is shown here.

U Menu 5.2.4 Overheating temp.

The current bulb temperature for compressor mod-
ule A at the sensor (BA) is shown here.

U Menu 5.2.5 Liquide line temp..

The current fluid line temperature for compressor
module A at the sensor (VLA) is shown here.

U Menu 5.2.6 Tot. starts compr. A

The number of times that compressor A has been
started since the first start up is shown here. The
value is saved in the microprocessor and thus is
not reset even when the heat pump is switched off
using the main power switch.

U Menu 5.2.7 Opera.time compr. A

The number of hours that compressor A has been
in operation since the first start up is shown here.
The value is saved in the microprocessor and thus
is not reset even when the heat pump is switched
off using the main power switch.
N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.
Extended menus: Only displayed when exten-
N Menu 5.2.8 Return
U Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
ded or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 61

5.0 Heat pump

N Menu 5.3.0 Compressor module B U Menu 5.4.0 Settings
The current mode of compressor module B is Pressing the enter button takes you to the settings
shown here: for the unit selected in menu 5.1.
Heat / Hot water / Ext. control / Waiting / Alarm
/ Off. Pressing the enter button takes you to the U Menu 5.4.1 Max.heat returntemp.
sub-menus that show the temperatures and statis-
The maximum permitted heating medium-return
tics for compressor module B.
temperature for the compressor is displayed here.

N Menu 5.3.1 Heating flow/return U Menu 5.4.2 Min. brine out

The internal flow (VBFB) and return temperatures
The minimum permitted brine temperature out from
(VBRB) are shown here for the heat medium to the
the heat pump. Can be set between -10 and +15C
compressor module B.
or Off. The factory setting is -8 C.

N Menu 5.3.2 Brine in/out

U Menu 5.4.3 Max. brine in
The current incoming (KBinB) and outgoing tem-
Maximum permitted brine temperature in to the
perature (KButB) are shown here for brine to the
heat pump. Can be set between -10 and +40 C or
compressor module B.
Off. The factory setting is Off.

U Menu 5.3.3 Hot gas temperature

The current hot gas temperature for compressor U Menu 5.4.4 Level monitor
module B at the sensor (HGB) is shown here. Select here if an external brine pressostat, level
sensor or flow sensor is connected to the EBV
U Menu 5.3.4 Overheating temp. card.
The current bulb temperature for compressor mod- Can be set to On (NC), On (NO) or Off. The factory
ule B at the sensor (BB) is shown here. setting is Off.

U Menu 5.3.5 Liquide line temp. U Menu 5.4.5 Start to start time
The current fluid line temperature for compressor The shortest time from start to start of the same
module B at the sensor (VLB) is shown here. compressor is set here. Can be set between 20
and 60 minutes. The factory setting is 20 minutes.
U Menu 5.3.6 Tot. starts compr. B
U Menu 5.4.6 Oper. mode brinepump
The number of times that compressor B has been
started since the first start up is shown here. The The operating mode for the brine pump is set here.
value is saved in the microprocessor and thus is Selectable options are:
not reset even when the heat pump is switched off Intermittent:The brine pump starts 20 seconds
using the main power switch. before and stops 20 seconds after the compressor.
Continuous:Continuous operation.
U Menu 5.3.7 Opera.time compr. B 10 days cont:Continuous operation for 10 days.
The number of hours that compressor B has been The pump then switches to intermittent operation.
in operation since the first start up is shown here. The factory setting is Intermittent.
The value is saved in the microprocessor and thus
is not reset even when the heat pump is switched
off using the main power switch.

N Menu 5.3.8 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

62 Control

5.0 Heat pump

U Menu 5.4.7 Oper.mode heat pump A U Menu 5.4.13 Pool heating compr. B
The operating mode for the heating medium pump The menu is only displayed when pool is selected
A (VBP-A) is set here. Selectable options are: as On in menu 9.1.5
Intermittent:The heating medium pump starts 20 If it is On, compr. B in the heat pump that is
seconds before and stops 20 seconds after the selected in menu 5.1 is permitted to carry out pool
compressor. heating.
Continuous:Continuous operation.
U Menu 5.4.14 Return
Economy:The pump is operational a specific time Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
per period (see menu 6.1.2 and 6.1.3), and togeth- 5.4.0.
er with the compressor.
The factory setting is Intermittent. S Menu 5.5.0 Sensor calibration
Sensors are calibrated here using the sub-menus.
U Menu 5.4.8 Oper.mode heat pump B All (Menu 5.5.1 - 5.5.9) are adjustable between -5
The operating mode for the heating medium pump and +5 C in increments of 0.1 C. Factory setting
B (VBP-B) is set here. Selectable options are: on all is 0 C.
Intermittent:The heating medium pump starts 20
seconds before and stops 20 seconds after the
S Menu 5.5.1 Heating return A
compressor. S Menu 5.5.2 Heating return B
Continuous:Continuous operation.
S Menu 5.5.3 Brine in
Economy:The pump is operational a specific time
per period (see menu 6.1.2 and 6.1.3), and togeth- S Menu 5.5.4 Brine out A
er with the compressor.
S Menu 5.5.5 Brine out B
The factory setting is Intermittent.
S Menu 5.5.6 Outdoor temp.sensor
U Menu 5.4.9 Quickstart of compr.
Select Yesin order to reduce the pressure-com- S Menu 5.5.7 Room temp. sensor
pensating time to 0 and in doing so permit a quick
S Menu 5.5.8 Flow temp. sensor 1
NOTE! The setting returns to No as soon as the S Menu 5.5.9 Flow temp. sensor 2
heat pump has implemented the action.
S Menu 5.5.10 Return
U Menu 5.4.10 Factory pre-set Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu
The heat pump can be reset to the factory settings 5.5.0.
Normal: Factory settings on all settings except the
system settings (menu 0.x and 9.x) and operating N Menu 5.6 Return
statistics. Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 5.0.
Expanded: Factory settings on all settings except
operating statistics.
NOTE! The setting returns to No as soon as the
heat pump has implemented the action.
U Menu 5.4.11 Reset alarm
Resetting/acknowledging an alarm on FIGHTER

U Menu 5.4.12 Pool heating compr. A

The menu is only displayed when pool is selected
as On in menu 9.1.5
If it is On, compr. A in the heat pump that is
selected in menu 5.1 is permitted to carry out pool N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.
heating. Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 63

6.0 External units*

U Menu 6.1.0 Circulation pumps N Menu 6.2.0 Immersionheatersetti
Pressing the enter button takes you to the sub- The number of electrical steps activated is shown
menus for the circulation pumps. Settings are made with the text, x el. steps. Pressing the enter button
here for internal and external circulation pumps. takes you to sub-menus where settings concerning
the connected electrical additional heater for heat
U Menu 6.1.1 Op-mode external cp production are made. Only shown when Electricity
The operating mode for an external heating medium or Electri/Oil is selected in menu 9.1.8.
pump (VBP3) is set here. Selectable options are:
Continuous:Continuous operation. U Menu 6.2.1 Immersionheater type
Economy:The pump is operational a specific time Here you select whether immersion heater
per period (see menu 6.1.2 and 6.1.3), and togeth- control shall take place in binary or linear.
er with the compressor. Binary control means that stepping is car-
The factory setting is Continuous. ried out according to the binary sys-
tem and in doing so makes it possible to
control a maximum of 63 electrical steps.
U Menu 6.1.2 Periodtime economy Linear control gives a maximum of 6 electrical
Here the period time for economy mode is set here. steps when stepping is carried out according to the
This applies to heating medium pump A/B (VBP- linear increase model.
A/VBP-B) when Economy is selected in menu
5.4.7/5.4.8, and/or the external heating medium
pump (VBP3) when Economy is selected in menu U Menu 6.2.2 Immersionheatrelays
6.1.1. Adjustable between 5 and 120 minutes. The Here you select how many relays are connected to
factory setting is 20 minutes. the electrical additional heater for heat production.
Adjustable between 1 and 6. The factory setting is
U Menu 6.1.3 Operati-time econom 3.
The operating time per period for the economy
mode is selected here. This applies to heating U Menu 6.2.3 Steps at 2h delay
medium pump A/B (VBP-A/VBP-B) when Economy The number of permitted electrical steps within 2
is selected in menu 5.4.7/5.4.8, and/or the external hours of start up. Adjustable between 0 and 63.
heating medium pump (VBP3) when Economy is The factory setting is 3.
selected in menu 6.1.1. Adjustable between 1 and
120 minutes. The factory setting is 5 minutes.
U Menu 6.2.4 Quickstart el.heater
U Menu 6.1.4 Time of period Hw-cp Select Yes to bypass the 2-hour electrical additional
heater delay
Here you select between which times of the day
the hot water circulation pump shall run according NOTE! The setting returns to No as soon as the
to the period time (menu 6.1.5) and the operating heat pump has implemented the action.
time (menu 6.1.6).
U Menu 6.2.5 Time factor el.cass.
U Menu 6.1.5 Periodtime Hw-cp The time factor of the immersion heater since first
Here the period time for the hot water circulation start up is shown here. The value is saved in the
pump is set here. Adjustable between 10 and 60 microprocessor and thus is not reset even when
minutes. The factory setting is 15 minutes. the heat pump is switched off using the main power
U Menu 6.1.6 Operatingtime Hw-cp
The operating time per period for the hot water cir- U Menu 6.2.6 Return
culation pump is selected here. Adjustable between Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
1 and 60 minutes. The factory setting is 3 minutes. 6.2.0.

U Menu 6.1.7 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

* Only shown when the accessory in question is

connected and activated in menu 9.1.x.

64 Control

6.0 External units*

N Menu 6.3.0 Boiler settings U Menu 6.4.0 HPAC/PKM settings
Shows the temperature level of the oil boiler. Press- Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
ing the enter button takes you to sub-menus for the for the HPAC-settings. Only shown when HPAC is
boiler settings. Only shown when Oil or Electri/Oil selected in menu 9.1.10.
is selected in menu 9.1.8.
U Menu 6.4.1 Cooling
U Menu 6.3.1 Oil boiler time Here is cooling function can be set On or Off. The
Number of hours the oil boiler shall be active. The factory setting is Off.
value can be set between 1 and 24 hours. The fac-
tory setting is 12 hours. U Menu 6.4.2 Cooling curve
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is shown
U Menu 6.3.2 Start temp. shunt here). The value is adjustable between 1 and 3.
Here you select the temperature on the boiler sen- The factory setting is 2.
sor (PG) at which the boiler shunt (SV-P) should
start to regulate. Adjustable between 10 and 90 C. U Menu 6.4.3 Offset cold curve
The factory setting is 55C.
The selected cooling curve offset is shown here.
The value is adjustable between -10 and +10. The
U Menu 6.3.3 Period time shunt factory setting is 0.
Here you select the period time, i.e. the time
between corrections for the shunt (SV-P). Adjust- U Menu 6.4.4 Start temp. heating
able between 10 and 500 seconds. The factory set-
ting is 120 seconds. Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump switches to heat-
ing mode. The value is adjustable between 0 and
U Menu 6.3.4 Shuntintensification 30 C. The factory setting is 20 C.
Here you select how many seconds the shunt (SV-
P) shall run in relation to the difference between
U Menu 6.4.5 Start temp. cooling
the calculated flow and the true flow. For example,
a difference of 2 degrees and a set amplification Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) on the outdoor
of 5 gives 10 seconds in control of the shunt. The sensor (UG) when the heat pump switches to cool-
value is adjustable between 1 and 10. The factory ing mode. The value is adjustable between 0 and
setting is 1. 30 C. The factory setting is 25 C.

U Menu 6.3.5 Timefactor oilboiler U Menu 6.4.6 Start active cooling

The time factor of the oil boiler since first start up The heat pump starts to actively produce cooling at
is shown here. The value is saved in the micro- this degree-minute surplus. The value is adjustable
processor and thus is not reset even when boiler is between 10 and 500 degree-minutes. The factory
switched off using the main power switch. setting is 30 degree-minutes.

U Menu 6.3.6 Return U Menu 6.4.7 GM for compr.-step

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu Degree-minute difference between compressor
6.3.0. stages. The value is adjustable between 10 and
500 degree-minutes. The factory setting is 30

U Menu 6.4.8 Diff Passive/Active

If the flow temperature on the sensor (FG) exceeds
the calculated flow temperature + this value the
* Only shown when the accessory in question is system switches to active cooling. The value is
connected and activated in menu 9.1.x. adjustable between 1 and 9 C. The factory setting
is 4 C.

N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when exten-
U Menu 6.4.9 Min. flow temp.
ded or service is selected in menu 8.1.1. The lowest flow temperature in cooling mode. The
value is adjustable between 2 and 65 C. the fac-
Service menus: Only displayed when service is tory setting is 5 C
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 65

6.0 External units*

N Menu 6.4.10 Periodtime shunt N Menu 6.5.0 Pool settings
The time period for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen Shows the current pool temperature on the sensor
here. djustable between 1 and 500 seconds. The (PTG). Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-
factory setting is 5 C menus for the Pool settings. Only shown when pool
is selected in menu 9.1.5.
N Menu 6.4.11 Shunt intensificat.
The amplification for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen U Menu 6.5.1 Start temp. pool
here. For example, a 2 degree difference between Here you select at which pool temperature on the
the flow line and the calculated flow line with 5 in sensor (PTG) heating should start. The value is
amplification gives 10 secs/min controlling the adjustable between 5 and 60 C in increments of
shunt. The value can be set between 1 and 10. The 0.5 C. The factory setting is 22.0C.
factory setting is 1.
U Menu 6.5.2 Stop temp. pool
N Menu 6.4.12 Time betw. heat cold
Here you select at which pool temperature on
The time the heat pump must wait between pro- the sensor (PTG) heating should stop. Adjustable
duction of heat cooling is set here. The value can between 5 and 60 C in increments of 0.5 C. The
be set between 0 and 10 hours. The factory setting factory setting is 24.0C.
is 3 hours.
U Menu 6.5.3 Periodtime heat/pool
N Menu 6.4.13 Return
The length of time is set here. The value is adjust-
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu able between 10 and 1000 minutes. The factory
6.4.0. setting is 100 minutes.

U Menu 6.5.4 Max-Time heatproduct

Here you select how much time of the period time
(menu 6.5.3) is to be used to heat the house when
there is a need of heating and pool heating. The
value is adjustable between 0 and 1000 minutes.
The factory setting is 50 minutes.

U Menu 6.5.5 Max compr. to pool

The maximum number of compressors that can be
operated towards the pool exchanger (VX-P) is set
here. The number of compressors that currently
produce pool heat is within brackets. The value can
be adjusted between 0 and 18. Factory setting is 1.

U Menu 6.5.6 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

* Only shown when the accessory in question is

connected and activated in menu 9.1.x.

66 Control

6.0 External units*

N Menu 6.6.0 HW storage vessel N Menu 6.7.0 Collector
Shows the current temperature in the hot water Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
accumulator. Pressing the enter button takes you to with settings for load collector. Only shown when
sub-menus for the hot water accumulator settings. the collector is On in menu 9.1.9.
Only shown when hot water accumulator is select-
ed in menu 9.1.6.
N Menu 6.7.1 Load collector temp.
Shows the current temperature on the load collec-
U Menu 6.6.1 Loading temperature tor sensor (LKG).
The temperature that the control valve (SV-VVX)
attempts to reach on the hot water charging sensor N Menu 6.7.2 Soil sensor temp.
(VVLG). The value is adjustable between 40 and
60 C. The factory setting is 48 C. Shows the current temperature on the soil sensor
U Menu 6.6.2 Per.-Time shuntvalve
U Menu 6.7.3 Mindiff for collect.
The period time for the control valve (SV-VVX) is
set here. Adjustable between 10 and 500 seconds. The minimum difference between the load collector
The factory setting is 60 seconds. sensor (LKG) and the soil sensor (MG) to charge
from the load collector to soil is set here. The value
is adjustable between 1 and 25 C. The factory set-
U Menu 6.6.3 Shunt intensificat. ting is 2 C.
Applies to the control valve (SV-VVX). The value is
adjustable between 1 and 10. The factory setting U Menu 6.7.4 Maxdiff for collect.
is 2.
The maximum difference between the load col-
lector sensor (LKG) and the soil sensor (MG) to
U Menu 6.6.4 Return charge from the load collector to soil is set here.
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu The value is adjustable between 1 and 25 C. The
6.6.0. factory setting is 10 C.

U Menu 6.7.5 Contload bripu col/e

Here you select whether the brine pump should run
continuously when loading from the load collector
to soil.

U Menu 6.7.6 Load collector only

The temperature on the load collector sensor (LKG)
is set here when only the load collect is used. The
value can be set between -0 and +40 C or Off. The
factory setting is Off.

N Menu 6.7.7 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
* Only shown when the accessory in question is con-
nected and activated in menu 9.1.x. Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 67

6.0 External units*

N Menu 6.8.0 Cooling settings U Menu 6.8.10 Periodtime shunt
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus The period time for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
with the cooling settings. Only shown when cooling here. Adjustable between 1 and 500 seconds. The
accumulator is selected in menu 9.1.10. factory setting is 60 seconds.

N Menu 6.8.1 Cool acc temperature N Menu 6.8.11 Shunt intensificat.

Shows the current temperature on the cooling The amplification for the shunt (SV-K) is chosen
accumulator sensor (KBack). here. For example, a 2 degrees difference between
the flow and the calculated flow line with 5 in ampli-
N Menu 6.8.2 Brine collector fication gives 10 sec/min controling the shunt. The
value can be set between 1 and 10. The factory
Shows the current temperature on the collector for
setting is 1.
the brine (KB-KO).
N Menu 6.8.12 Return
U Menu 6.8.3 Cooling curve
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu
The selected curve slope (cooling curve) is shown
here). The value can be set between 1 and 3. The
factory setting is 2.

U Menu 6.8.4 Offset cooling curve

The selected cooling curve offset is shown here.
The value can be set between -10 and +10. The
factory setting is 0.

U Menu 6.8.5 Start temp. heating

Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce heat. The value can be set between 0 and
30 C. The factory setting is 20 C.

U Menu 6.8.6 Start temp. cooling

Outdoor temperature (menu 4.0) at the outdoor
sensor (UG) when the heat pump is permitted to
produce cooling. The value can be set between 0
and 30 C. The factory setting is 25 C.

U Menu 6.8.7 Temp. to cool. acc.

The desired temperature for the cooling accumula-
tor is set here. The value can be set between 0 and
20 C. The factory setting is 13 C.

U Menu 6.8.8 Cooldiff for acc.

The required cooling difference for the accumulator
is set here. The value is adjustable between 1 and
10 C. The factory setting is 2 C.

U Menu 6.8.9 Min. flow temp.

The lowest flow temperature in cooling mode. The
value is adjustable between 2 and 65 C. The fac-
tory setting is 5 C.

* Only shown when the accessory in question is

connected and activated in menu 9.3.x.

68 Control

6.0 External units* 7.0 Clock

N Menu 6.9.0 Room sensor N Menu 7.1 Date
Shows the current temperature on the room sensor The current date is set here.
(RG05 or RG10). Pressing the enter button takes
you to sub-menus with settings for the room sen-
sor. Only shown when the room unit or RG10 is N Menu 7.2 Time
selected in menu 9.1.11. The current time is set here.

U Menu 6.9.1 Room balancing U Menu 7.3.0 Temp set back time 1
Here you set the factor that determines how much Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
a deviation between the desired and true room for day changes period 1, where settings for night
temperature shall affect the flow temperature. The reduction are located.
factor is adjustable between 0 and 6 in increments
of 0.1. The factory setting is 1.0.
U Menu 7.3.1 Temp set back time 1
U Menu 6.9.2 Room balancingsystem Here you which heating system is to be influenced
by day changes period 1. When heating system 2
Here you select which heating system the room
sensor shall affect. Can be set to Off, Heating is installed both System 1 and 2 can be selected.
syst1, Heating syst2 or Heating sys 1&2. The fac- Can also be set to Off. The factory setting is Off.
tory setting is Off.
U Menu 7.3.2 Offset heating curve
U Menu 6.9.3 Desired room temperature Changes to the flow temperature with a day
The menu is only displayed if RG05 is selected in change, e.g. the night reduction is set here. The
menu 9.1.11. The value can be adjusted between value is adjustable between -10 and +10. The fac-
10 and 30 C in increments of 0.5 C. Factory set- tory setting is 0.
ting is 20 C.
U Menu Set Time MondaySunday
U Menu 6.9.4 Return
The time for the day change, e.g. night reduction, is
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu chosen here.

U Menu 7.3.10 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
U Menu 6.10 Return
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 6.0.

N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.

Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 69

7.0 Clock 8.0 Other settings

U Menu 7.4.0 Temp set back time 2 N Menu 8.1.0 Display settings
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
for day changes period 2, where settings for night for the display settings, where settings concerning
reduction are located. language and menu types are made.

U Menu 7.4.1 Temp set back time 2 N Menu 8.1.1 Menu type
Here you which heating system is to be influenced The menu type is chosen here: Normal, extended
by day changes period 1. When heating system 2 or service.
is installed both System 2 and 2 can be selected. N
Normal, the menus the user needs for a quick
Can also be set to Off. The factory setting is Off. production control.

U Menu 7.4.2 Offset heating curve U Extended, shows all menus except the service
Changes to the flow temperature with a day
change, e.g. the night reduction is set here. The
value is adjustable between -10 and +10. The fac- S
Service, shows all menus. Returns to the previ-
tory setting is 0. ous setting 30 minutes after the last button was
U The factory setting is Normal.
Menu Set Time MondaySunday
The time for the day change, e.g. night reduction is
chosen here.
N Menu 8.1.2 Language
The menu language is selected here. The factory
setting is English.
U Menu 7.4.10 Return
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu Menu 8.1.3 Display contrast
The display's contrast is set here. The value is
adjustable between 0 and 31.

U Menu 7.5.0 Timer Extra Hotwater N Menu 8.1.4 Light intensity

Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus The light intensity in screen saver mode is set here.
for the Extra hot water time settings. Settings are Can be set to Off, Low or Mid. Screen saver mode
included here when you wish to have Extra hot starts 30 minutes after the last button was pushed.
water on a specific day.
N Menu 8.1.5 Return
U Menu 7.5.1 Timer Extra Hotwater Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
You select here whether the time settings for Extra 8.1.0.
hot water are to be On or Off. The factory setting is

U Menu 7.5.2 - 7.5.8 Extra HW Monday - Sunday

The period for respective days when Extra hot water
is to be active is selected here. Hours and minutes
for both start and stop are shown The same start
and stop times deactivates Extra hot water.

U Menu 7.5.9 Return

Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

N Menu 7.6 Return

Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 7.0.

70 Control

8.0 Other settings

U Menu 8.2.0 Operatingmodesetting U Menu 8.3.0 Load monitor
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
for the operating mode settings. where readings and settings concerning the load
monitor are made.
U Menu 8.2.1 Only additional heat
You select here whether additional mode should be U Menu 8.3.1 Fuse size
activated. Can be set to Yes or No. When additional The setting (16, 20, 25, 35, 50 or 63A) selected on
mode is activated the compressors are blocked and the EBV-card (2) knob (100) is shown here.
additional heating and circulation pump can not be
blocked using the operating mode button. The fac-
tory setting is No. U Menu 8.3.2 Max electric power
The setting (variable between 10 and 100%)
U Menu 8.2.2 Changing temperature selected on the EBV-card (2) knob (101) is shown
At this average outdoor temperature, the heat here.
pump changes operating mode when auto mode is
selected. The value is adjustable between 10 and U Menu 8.3.3 - 8.3.5 Current phase 1-3
40 C. The factory setting is 25 C.
Shows the measured current from the current sen-
sor, phase 1-3.
U Menu 8.2.3 Start value compr.
When the current falls below 2.0A, low is shown
Here you select at which degree minute setting the on the display.
first compressor shall start for heating. The value
is adjustable between -3000 and +100. The factory
setting is -60. U Menu 8.3.6 Ratio of transf. EBV
The transfer value must be defined depending on
U Menu 8.2.4 GM for compr.step the current transformers used for the EBV card.
Here you set how many degree-minutes shall pass This is done in this menu. The value is adjustable
between each compressor stage. The value is between 100 and 900 in increments of 10. The set-
adjustable between 0 and 500. The factory setting ting 300 applies for the supplied current transform-
is 60. ers. The factory setting is 300.

U Menu 8.2.5 Additive start value U Menu 8.3.7 Tariff status

Here you select at which degree-minute setting the Shows the current tariff status.
first additional heater step shall start for heating.
The value is adjustable between -3000 and 0. The U
factory setting is -500. Menu 8.3.8 Return
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
U Menu 8.2.6 GM for additive step 8.3.0.
Here you set how many degree-minutes shall pass
between each additional heater step. The value is
adjustable between 10 and 500. The factory setting N Menu 8.4 Return
is 100.
Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 8.0.
U Menu 8.2.7 Flow diff HP
The largest deviation from the calculated flowtem-
perature before forced control comes into effect is
set here. The value is adjustable between 1 and
20C. The factory setting is 13 C.

U Menu 8.2.8 Diff HP-Add

When the current flow temperature differs from
that calculated by this value plus the value in menu
8.2.7, a further additional step is force connected
or disconnected. The value is adjustable between 1
and 20 C. The factory setting is 3 C.
N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.
U Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
Menu 8.2.9 Return U
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
8.2.0. Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

Control 71

9.0 Service menus

S Menu 9.1.0 System settings S Menu 9.1.11 Room control mode
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus Here the type of room control connected is set.
for the system settings. Selectable modes are Off, Thermostat, RG05 or
RG10. The factory setting is Off.
S Menu 9.1.1 Expansion card 1
Here the expansion card 1 is set On or Off. The fac- S Menu 9.1.12 Hot water with additional heat
tory setting is Off.
Whether additional heat is to be engaged during
hot water charging is selected here if any compres-
S Menu 9.1.2 Expansion card 2 sor that is normally available for hot water produc-
Here the expansion card 2 is set On or Off. The fac- tion prioritises heating.
tory setting is Off. Possible modes are On or Off. The factory set-
ting is Off.
S Menu 9.1.3 RCU
Here the RCU is set On or Off. The factory setting S Menu 9.1.13 Return
is Off. Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
S Menu 9.1.4 Sub shunt
Here the sub shunt is set either On or Off. The fac-
tory setting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.5 Pool

Here pool heating is set either On or Off. The fac-
tory setting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.6 Hot water acc. tank

Charging the hot water to a single-jacketed accu-
mulator via a heat exchanger. Here the hot water
accumulator is set either On or Off. The factory set-
ting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.7 Fixed condensing

Here fixed condensing is set either On or Off. The
factory setting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.8 Additive

The type of additional heat that is engaged is set
here. The options are: Off, Electricity, Oil or Electri/
Oil. The factory setting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.9 Extra collector

Whether an extra collector is to be connected is set
Can be set On or Off. The factory setting is Off.

S Menu 9.1.10 Cooling

The type of cooling system is set here. The selecta-
ble modes are: Off, HPAC base card, HPAC
expansion card 1, Cooling accumulator, PKM2
pipes and PKM 4 pipes. The factory setting is
72 Control

9.0 Service menus

S Menu 9.2.0 Floor drying setting S Menu 9.3.0 Alarm log
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
for the floor drying settings. where all operating disturbances and the heat
pump's status are logged.
S Menu 9.2.1 Op-mode Floor drying
The operating mode for the floor drying function is S Menu - Alarm 1 - 6
set here. Selectable modes are:
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
Off: Normal operation, i.e. the floor drying function where the status is shown for the heat pump when
is switched off. the different operating disturbances have occurred.
Own program: Two fixed temperatures in two peri- The alarms are sorted chronologically, which
ods are adjustable in menu 9.2.3 to 9.2.6. means alarm 1 is always the most recent. (When
Fixed program: The flow temperature starts day there are no alarms stored, pressing enter has no
0 at 20 C and increases each day by 5 C. Day 5 effect). x in these menus symbolizes the alarm
the temperature has reached 45 C, which is main- number.
tained on days 6 and 7. The program is ended on
days 8 to 12 with the temperature dropping by 5 C
each day. The factory setting is Off.
S Menu 9.3.x.1 Type of alarm
The alarms are shown in plain text,
S Menu 9.2.2 Floor drying day for example, HP-Alarm / Sensor alarm HG, etc.
Here you can see which day the floor drying function
is on. It is also possible here to enter the floor drying S Menu 9.3.x.2 Heat pump
program by changing this value. The value is adjust- Shows on which heat pump and module the alarm
able from 0 to 20 days. The factory setting is 0. occurred, e.g. Slave 1:B.

S Menu 9.2.3 Nos. of days per. 1

S Menu 9.3.x.3 Date
Here you set the number of days that the flow tem-
perature shall maintain the temperature in menu Shows the date when the alarm tripped.
9.2.4 when Own program in menu 9.2.1 is select-
ed. The value is adjustable between 1 and 10 days. S Menu 9.3.x.4 Time
The factory setting is 5 days. Shows the time when the alarm tripped.

S Menu 9.2.4 Temperature per. 1 S Menu 9.3.x.5 Outdoor temperature

Here you set the temperature to be maintained
Shows the outdoor temperature on the outdoor
on the flow line sensor (FG) during period 1 when
sensor (UG) when the alarm tripped.
Own program is selected in menu 9.2.1. The value
is adjustable between 15 and 50 C. The factory
setting is 25 C. S Menu 9.3.x.6 Hot watertemperature
Shows the hot water temperature on sensor (VVG)
S Menu 9.2.5 Nos. of days per. 2 when the alarm tripped.
Here you set the number of days that the flow tem-
perature shall maintain the temperature in menu S Menu 9.3.x.7 Flow temperature
9.2.4 when Own program in menu 9.2.1 is select-
ed. The value is adjustable between 1 and 10 days. Shows the flow temperature on sensor (FG) when
The factory setting is 5 days. the alarm tripped.

S Menu 9.2.6 Temperature per. 2 S Menu 9.3.x.8 Heating flow/return

Here you set the temperature to be maintained Shows the internal flow- (VBFA/B) and return line
on the flow line sensor (FG) during period 2 when temperatures (VBRA/B) for the heating medium to
Own program is selected in menu 9.2.1. The value the compressor module in question when the alarm
is adjustable between 15 and 50 C. The factory tripped.
setting is 35 C.
S Menu 9.3.x.9 Brine in/out
S Menu 9.2.7 Return
Shows the incoming (KBinA/B) and outgoing (KButA/
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu B) brine temperature when the alarm tripped.

Control 73

9.0 Service menus

S Menu 9.3.x.10 Hot gas temperature
Shows the hot gas temperature on sensor (HGA/B) NOTE!
when the alarm tripped.
Incorrect management of the menus
S Menu 9.3.x.11 Overheating Temp.
below can seriously damage the heat
Shows the bulb temperature for the compressor
module in question on sensor (BA/B) when the alarm
S Menu 9.4.0 Testing mode
Pressing the enter button takes you to sub-menus
S Menu 9.3.x.12 Liquide line temp.
that can be used during installation to check that
Shows the fluid line temperature on sensor (VLA/B) the correct connection has been carried out.
for the compressor module in question when the
alarm tripped.
S Menu 9.4.1 Force control
When this menu is set to On, the user temporar-
S Menu 9.3.x.13 Relay status 1-8
ily takes control of the relays on the selected relay
Shows the relay status for relay 1-8 (relay 1 to the card (menu 9.4.2) in the heat pump the action was
far left) when the current alarm tripped. taken on. The setting automatically returns to Off,
30 minutes after the last button was pushed or after
S Menu 9.3.x.14 Relay status 9-14 a restart.
Shows the relay status for relay 9-14 (relay 9 to the
far left) when the current alarm tripped. S Menu 9.4.2 Relay card
The relay card to be force operated is selected here
S Menu 9.3.x.15 Compressor status (Base card, Exp.card 1 or Exp.card 2). Only Base
card can be selected on Slave units. This is also
Shows the compressor status at the time of the
valid for Master units where no expansion card has
alarm. E.g. Off / Hot water / Heat/cold / Pool.
been installed.

S Menu 9.3.x.16 Return S Menu 9.4.3 Relay 1-8

Pressing the enter button returns you to
Shows the relay status for relay 1-8 (relay 1 to
the far left). It is possible to force the relay to the
required position using the enter button. The menu
is only shown when menu 9.4.1 is set to On.
S Menu 9.3.7 Clear the alarm log
Select Yesto clear the alarm log. S Menu 9.4.4 Relay 9-14
NOTE! The setting returns to No as soon as the Shows the relay status for relay 9-14 (relay 9 to
heat pump has implemented the action. the far left). It is possible to force the relay to the
required position using the enter button. The menu
S Menu 9.3.8 Return is only shown when menu 9.4.1 is set to On.
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu
9.3.0. S Menu 9.4.5 Return
Pressing the enter button returns you to menu

S Menu 9.5 Return

Pressing the Enter button returns you to menu 9.0.
N Normal menus: displayed in all menu modes.
Extended menus: Only displayed when extended
or service is selected in menu 8.1.1.
Service menus: Only displayed when service is
selected in menu 8.1.1.

74 Component placement

26b 26a 37 6 6a 6b 9

424710 100

22 29

34 10

2 11


FIGHTER 1330-22
18 110 112 17 Copeland

69b 69a 60b 60a 38 1 32 8 13


75 88
27 77

96 19
48 93

111 153 73
Mitsubishi 79 71
FIGHTER 1330-30, 40
18 112 110 94
41 96
nds i Fxx10/xx15-modellerna. Den hgra i Fxx20/xx30. 7
65 86
42 35
LEK 76

111 153

List of components 75
1 Miniature circuit breaker 70 Heating medium flow from module A
2 EBV-card 71 Connection, heating medium return
3 Communication, several FIGHTER 1330s 72 Heating medium flow from module B
4 Brine connection, KB-in 73 Return line from water heater
5 Brine connection, KB-out 75 Air vent valve, heating medium system
6 Terminal blocks, external units, X6 76 Drain for heating medium system
6 a * Terminal blocks, external units, X6A 77 Venting valve, collector system
6 b * Terminal blocks, external units, X6B 78 Drain for collector system
7 a, b Service connection, high pressure 79 Temperature sensor, brine out, (KB-utB)
8 Switch, 1 - 0 - 80 Temperature sensor, brine out, (KB-utA)
9 Terminal block, incoming electricity, X9 86 Temperature sensor, brine in, (KB-in)
10 * Expansion card 1 88 Temperature sensor, heating medium flow,
11 * Expansion card 2 (VBFB)
13 Terminal blocks, pumps, accessories 89 Temperature sensor, heating medium flow,
15 ** Outdoor sensor, connection (VBFA)
16 Heating medium pump, module A 93 Temperature sensor, heating medium return,
17 a, b Evaporator (VBRB)
18 a, b Condenser 94 The temperature sensor, heating medium
return, (VBRA)
19 Heating medium pump, module B
95 Rating plate (see the section Dimensions >
22 Measure card
Dimensions and setting out code)
26 a, b Motor protection, including reset
96 Rating plate, cooling section
27 a, b Compressor
97 a, b Soft-start relay
29 Base card
100 Knob setting Fuse
32 Display unit
101 Knob, setting Max electrical output
33 a, b High pressure pressostat
102 Knob, setting Max boiler temperature
34 CPU-card
103 Serial number (see the section Dimensions >
35 Brine pump
Dimensions and setting out code)
37 Motor protection device, brine pump
110 Temperature sensor, hot gas temp., cooling
38 Contactor, brine pump circuit (HG)
41 a, b Low pressure pressostat
111 Temperature sensor, fluid line. temp., cooling
42 a, b Service connection, low pressure circuit, (VL)
48 a, b Expansion valve
112 Temperature sensor, bulb temp., cooling cir-
52 ** Safety valve, brine side cuit, (B)
60 a, b EMC-Filter
153 Compressor heater
63 ** Particle filter
164 *** Phase sequence monitor
65 a, b Drying filter
69 a, b Contactor, compressor operation 165 Terminal block -X200, compressor heater

* Accessories
** Enclosed
*** Only 30, 40 kW

76 Dimensions

Dimensions and setting-out coordinates 600

Kabelintag, starkstrm (matning)

(72) VV-Fram /VB-Fram (B) 28

(5) KB-r (ut) 42

(73) VV-retur 28

(71) VB-r (in) 35

(70) VB-Fram (A) 28

(4) KB-f (in) 42

30 50

525 30 525
598 625

Leave space free to the right

of the heat pump for servic-

An area of 800 mm
is required in front
of the heat pump for starkstrm (matning) Kab
service work.

Cable gland, electrical supply Cable gland, sensors Kabelindgang, strmtilfrsel

(72) Heating medium flow (B) 28 (72) VV-Frem /VB-Frem (B) 28

(5) Brine out 42 (5) KB-r (ut) 42
(73) HW-return from water heater 28 (73) VV-retur 28

(71) Heating medium return 35 (71) VB-r (in) 35


(70) Heating medium flow (A) 28 (70) VB-Frem (A) 28


(4) Brine in 42 (4) KB-f (in) 42


30 - 50

80 5 4 71 70


Accessories 77
Room sensor RG 10 Auxiliary Relay HR 10 RCU 10
Part no. 018 433 Part no. 089 423 Makes it possible to control and
monitor operation via a compu-
ter or mobile phone.
1 Part no. 418 925

2 34

6 5


Hot water control VST 11 Hot water control VST 20 Filling set KB R32
Part no. 089 152 Part no. 089 388 (max 30 kW)
including insulation
Art nr: 089 971



Shuttle valve, Cu-pipe 28 Shuttle valve, Cu-pipe 35

(Max recommended (Max recommended
charge power, 17 kW) charge power, 40 kW)

Expansion card 1 Junction box K11 HPAC 42 ELK 213 TYP-HL

with terminal block and with termostat and cooling module Part no. 069 300 HL 25, Part no. 089 880
sensor overheating protection Part no. 089 265 HL 35, Part no. 089 881
Part no. 089 375 Part no. 018 893 HL 50, Part no. 089 882
HL 65, Part no. 089 883
Expansion card 2
with terminal block and
Part no. 089 376 K11




Electric element
Low temperature boiler
13 kW
for oil and gas

Elpatron IU EK 15*

EP 26* EP 42*
3 kW Part no. 018 084 Part no. 069 310 Part no. 069 320 Part no. 069 321
6 kW Part no. 018 088
9 kW Part no. 018 090 K10
EP 42
EP 26



Electric element 15 kW

Electric boiler 26 kW Electric boiler 42 kW

* Adapted for controlling from Fighter 1330
78 Technical specifications
IP 21
Type 22 30 40
Delivered/supplied power* at 0/35 C ** (kW) 23,1/4,8 30,8/6,8 39,0/9,0
Delivered/supplied power* at 0/50 C ** (kW) 21,6/6,3 29,5/8,9 37,2/11,1
Delivered/supplied power* at 0/45 C *** (kW) 20,9/6,1 28,8/8,6 36,3/10,9
Operating voltage (V) 3 x 400 + N + PE 50 Hz
Starting current (A) 22 30 30
Max operating current, compressor (A) 2 x 7,5 2 x 10,5 2 x 13,9
Fuse, HP only (motor characteristic/slow blow) (A) 25 35 35
Power, heating medium pump, single-phase (W) 2 x 170
Power, brine pump, three-phase (W) 370 600 750
Connection brine ext (mm) 42
Connection, heating medium ext (mm) 2 x 28/35
Refrigerant quantity (R407C) (kg) 2 x 2,1 2 x 2,3 2 x 2,5
Brine flow (l/s) 1,30 1,48 1,94
Availabile pressure for collector system (kPa) 110 115 100
Max pressure brine system (bar) 3
Pressure drop, evaporator (kPa) 12 15 17
Operating temperature range collector system (C) -5 +20
Max pressure heating medium (bar) 6
Heating medium flow***** (l/s) 2 x 0,26 2 x 0,36 2 x 0,45
Pressure drop condenser flow***** (kPa) 2,2 2,8 4,3
Max temperature (flow line/return line)**** (C) 65/58
Break value pressostat HP (bar) 29
Difference pressostat HP (bar) -7
Break value pressostat LP (bar) 1,5
Difference pressostat LP (bar) +1,5
Enclosure class IP 21
Weight (kg) 315 338 356
Part no. 065 017 065 013 065 008
* Compressor power only.
** Refers to the brine flow temperature/heat medium flow temperature in accordance with EN 255.
*** Refers to the brine flow temperature/heat medium flow temperature in accordance with EN 14511.
**** The compressor provides up to 65 C, the remainder is obtained using the additional heat.
***** In accordance to EN 255 (l/s)

Enclosed kit
The enclosed kit is located behind the panel by the

upper module.

Tubes for sensors Heating pipe paste LEK LEK

Temperature sensors
Thermal insulat- Part no. 408 017 Part no. 021 081 with probes

Safety valve Outside sensor

ing tape Part no. 418 027
Part no. 424 091 Part no. 018 764
Part no. 025 910



Particle filter Hoses with seals


1 x R25, Part no. 024 076 (heating medium flow, R25 male/
Three current transformers Aluminium tape 1 x R32, Part no. 024 077 female)
Part no. 018 569 Part no. 025 179 1 x R40, Part no. 024 194 Part no. 424 088
Actions with operating disturbances 79
In the event of malfunction or operating disturbances first
check the points below:

Low room temperature NOTE!

Cause: Compressor and electric element do not As FIGHTER 1330 can be connected
heat up. to a large number of external units
Action: Check and replace the any blown circuit and
main fuses.
even these should be checked.

Cause: The compressor does not start because of a

too low value set on the heating curve. Standby mode
Action: Check and possibly increase the Heating
curve offset (knob on the front panel) or When the switch (8) is turned to the position, the
Curve slope (see section Room tempera- outputs for the external heating medium pumps (VBP3
ture. and VBP4), internal heating medium pump (VBP-A)
and the additional heat outputs (ETS-3/OP) and, when
Expansion card 1 is connected, additional heat output
Cause: The compressor is not running due to tripped ETS-6 are activated.
internal overheating protection.
All control from the heat pump ceases, which means
Action: Automatic resetting after cooling for a few that when the oil boiler is connected, the shunt (SV-P)
must be controlled manually.
When connecting an external electrical additional
Cause: Possible earth circuit-breaker tripped. heater, a thermostat must be connected to the control
Action: Reset the earth circuit-breaker, if the earth circuit. This thermostat must be set to approximately
circuit-breaker trips repeatedly, call an electri- 10C above the maximal flow temperature (menu 2.4)
cian. to not have an effect in normal operation. However, in
standby mode the thermostats cut-out value can be
High room temperature lowered if necessary.
Note that hot water is not produced in standby mode.
Cause: Incorrect setting of Curve slope and/or Off-
set heating curve.
Action: Adjust the setting. Also see section Room

Low hot water temperature or

no hot water
Cause: Large amount of hot water drawn off.
Action: Wait until the water heater reheats.

Cause: Compressor and/or immersion heater does

not heat up.
Action: Check and replace the any blown circuit and
main fuses.

Cause: Too low start temperature on the CPU-unit

Action: Adjust the hot water setting, see the section
Description of functions - Basic functions >
Hot water production.

Cause: Possible earth circuit-breaker tripped.

Action: Reset the earth-fault breaker. If the earth-
fault breaker trips repeatedly - call an electri-

80 Actions with operating disturbances

Alarm Alarm with automatic resetting

In the event of an alarm the background lighting High condenser return
flashes and the alarm is presented in plain text on the The temperature on the incoming heating medium
affected heat pump if the screen saver is active. The (VBRA or VBRB) is higher than maximum temperature
alarm status is also shown in menu 0.1.x and 5.2.0 as in menu 5.4.1.
well as 5.3.0. If a constant alarm occurs this is saved
This may be due to:
in the alarm log together with numerous temperatures
and output statuses (menu 9.3.0). Too high flow on the heating medium.
All alarms stop the compressor affected by the fault. Too high stop temperature for hot water charging,
In the event of a constant alarm, the heat pump alarm check menu 1.2.
relay is activated (VPL) on the affected heat pump. A The alarm is reset when the temperature drops by 2
common alarm is also activated on the Master when degrees below the set max temperature.
alarm occurs on any of the heat pumps in the system
(SL). Hi Brinealarm
Both relays are potential free and may be loaded max. Incoming brine temperature (KBinA) exceeds the
with 250V and 2A. The relays are drawn in the alarm value set in menu 5.4.3.
positions on the wiring diagram. The alarm is reset when the temperature drops by 2
The heat pump alarm (VPL) is connected to the termi- degrees below the set temperature.
nal blocks X2:1 (signal feed), X2:2 (NC in the event of
an alarm), X2:3 (NO in the event of an alarm) on the Lowbrinealarm
The temperature on the outgoing brine pump (KButA
Common alarm (SL) is connected to the terminal or KButB) is lower than the value set in menu 5.4.2.
blocks X3:1 (signal fed), X3:2 (NC in the event of an
alarm) and X3:3 (NO in the event of an alarm) on the This may be due to:
EBV-card. Too low flow on the brine.
The alarm is reset when the temperature increases by
2 degrees above the set temperature.

Hot gas-alarm
Occurs when the hot gas sensor (HGA or HGB) tem-
perature exceeds 135 C.
This may be due to:
Defective/incorrect setting on the expansion valve
The alarm is reset when the temperature drops below
90C. Becomes continuous after three repetitions
within 240 minutes.

Com. error
Occurs when communication with one of the units
This may be due to:
Broken cable between heat pumps.
Incorrect Master/Slave setting. See the section
Description of functions - Start up > Master / Slave.
The alarm is reset automatically within 10 minutes
X2 X3 from when the cause of the fault was rectified.

High condenser flow

The temperature of the outgoing heating medium
(VBFA or VBFB) is outside the compressor's working
range. /
This may be due to:
Incorrect flow.
Incorrect settings
The alarm is reset when the temperature drops
2degrees on the return line. /

Actions with operating disturbances 81

Constant alarm
Phase sequence alarm HP-Alarm
This text is displayed when the hot gas temperature When this alarm is shown the high pressure presso-
has not increased 10 C within 30 seconds after com- stat has tripped.
pressor start. This may be due to:
This is only checked at the first start-up. No or too low flow on the heating medium side,
This may be due to: check VBP-A and VBP-B.
The compressor rotates in the wrong direction due Too high stop temperature for hot water charging,
to incorrect phase sequence. Swap the two incom- check menu 1.2.
ing phases at the terminal X9. Too high return temperature set in menu 5.4.1.
Fuse F3 has blown on the base card (29). The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified
The alarm resets when the fault is corrected and the and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been
unit is restarted.. acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm).

SensfaltWw-in LP-alarm
This text is shown when a fault on the incoming heat- When this alarm is shown the low pressure pressostat
ing medium sensor (VBRA or VBRB) has been regis- has tripped.
tered. This may be due to:
This may be due to: Bad circulation in collector system due to inferior
Defective sensor. venting/low pressure or ice (if ice has formed the
Broken sensor cable. brine pump (35) will be warm).
The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified Brine pump (35) malfunction
and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been Iced evaporator due to too low antifreeze concentra-
acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm). tion.
Leakage in the brine circuit.
SensfaltBriou The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified
This text is shown when a fault on the outgoing brine and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been
sensor (KButA or KButB) has been registered. acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm).
This may be due to:
Defective sensor. MS-alarm
Broken sensor cable. Shown when the motor cut-out on compressor A/B or
The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified the brine pump has tripped.
and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been This may be due to:
acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm). Phase failure due to tripped fuse.
Motor cut-out set incorrectly.
Sensfalt HG The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified
This text is shown when a fault on the hot gas sensor and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been
(HGA or HGB) has been registered. acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm).
This may be due to:
Defective sensor. Lev.sens.alarm
Broken sensor cable. Shows that the level, pressure or flow in the collector
The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified circuit is low. The brine pump stops.
and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been This may be due to:
acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm). Leakage in the brine circuit.
The alarm is reset once the fault has been rectified
and the unit has been restarted or the alarm has been
acknowledged in menu 5.4.11 (Reset alarm).

82 Actions with operating disturbances

Draining, heating medium side

Draining, brine side
Close the shut-off valves in heating medium system. When performing a service on the collector system
Now open the drain valve (76). A little water, possibly the closest shut off valves are closed on both sides.
Max. 10bar
Class H
TF 110

warm, runs out. In order to empty the entire heating Draining of the fluid can then be done using the drain
IP 44

medium side the coupling that joins the heating medi- valve (78).

um side and the connection on the heat pump, heat-

Type UPS 25 - 60

0.40 90
0.30 65
0.20 45
1m(A) P,(W)

ing medium flow should be loosened a little to let in



air so that the remaining water can run out. When the
heating medium is empty the requisite service can be
carried out. 16

Helping the circulation pump to start

Shut downDEFIGHTER 1330 by turning the switch
(8) to 0.
Open the front cover.
Venting screw
Luftningsskruv Loosen the air screw with a screwdriver. Hold a
cloth around the screwdriver blade as a certain
amount of water may run out.
Insert a screwdriver and turn the pump rotor.GB
Max. 10bar
Class H
TF 110
IP 44

Max. 10bar
Class H
TF 110
IP 44

Screw in the venting screw.


Start FIGHTER1330 and check whether the circu-
Type UPS 25 - 60

0.40 90
0.30 65

Type UPS 25 - 60
0.20 45
1m(A) P,(W)

0.40 90

0.30 65
0.20 45
1m(A) P,(W)
pump runs.

It is usually easier to start the circulation pump with Rotor unit
FIGHTER 1330 running, switch (8) set to 1. If helping
the circulation pump to start is performed
16 with FIGHT-
ER 1330 running, be prepared for the screwdriver to GB
jerk when the pump starts.

Cleaning the circulation pump

Drive side
Drivsida Drivsida
Set switch (8) to 0.
Close the shut-off valves outside the heat pump. A Rotor unit


Drain the part of the circuit where the pump to be

Spaltrr Venting screw DE
cleaned is located, the heating medium pump or
the brine pump.



Loosen the venting screw.

Max. 10bar
Class H

TF 110
IP 44

Stator can
Spaltrr Spaltrr

Remove the drive side from pump housing by loos-


ening the two screws. Now dismantle the drive side


Type UPS 25 - 60

(fig. A).
0.40 90
0.30 65
0.20 45
1m(A) P,(W)


Remove the rotor unit (including pump housing) by LEK

carefully pulling the pump rotor. If it sits firmly, it can

be loosened by knocking the rear of the shaft (fig. 16


Clean inside the stator can using a cleaning agent C
(fig. C).
Also clean the rotor unit using the cleaning agent
and lubricate the O-ring with, for example, a soap LE
solution (fig. D). LE

Refit the rotor unit.

Refit the drive side (the flat packing is best placed D LE

on the pump housing).

Open the shut-off valves. LE

Set switch (8) to 1.





NIBE CZ, V Zavetri 1478/6, CZ-170 00 Prague 7
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