Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics

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Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics

LEARNING OBJECTIVES pressures inside the lungs and chest wall are referenced in
Upon completion of this chapter, the student should be able to relation to atmospheric pressure, which is considered 0.
answer the following questions: Thus a negative pressure in the pleural space is a pressure
1. Define the different pressures in the respiratory system. that is lower than atmospheric pressure. Also in accordance
2. Explain how a pressure gradient is created. with convention, pressures across surfaces such as the lungs
3. Define the different volumes in the lung, and describe or chest wall have been defined as the difference between
how they are measured. the pressure inside and the pressure outside the surface.
4. Explain how static lung mechanics determines lung The pressure differences across the lung and across the chest
volumes. wall are defined as the transmural (across a wall or surface)
5. Define lung compliance. pressures. For the lung, this transmural pressure is called
6. Explain how surfactant affects lung compliance, and the transpulmonary (or translung) pressure (PL), and it
describe its importance in maintaining unequal alveolar is defined as the pressure difference between the air spaces
(alveolar pressure [PA]) and the pressure surrounding the
lung (pleural pressure [Ppl]):
Equation 21.1

o achieve its primary function of gas exchange, PL = PA Ppl
air must be moved in and out of the lung. The The transmural pressure across the chest wall (Pw) is the
mechanical properties of the lung and chest wall difference between pleural (inside) pressure (Ppl) and the
determine the ease or difficulty of this air movement. Lung pressure surrounding the chest wall (Pb), which is the atmo
mechanics is the study of the mechanical properties of the spheric pressure or body surface pressure:
lung and chest wall (including the diaphragm, abdominal Equation 21.2
cavity, and anterior abdominal muscles). Lung mechanics
is important for how the lungs work both normally and Pw = Ppl Pb
in the presence of disease, inasmuch as most lung diseases The pressure across the respiratory system (Prs) is the sum
affect the mechanical properties of the lungs, chest wall, or of the pressure across the lung and the pressure across the
both. In addition, death from lung disease is almost always chest wall:
due to respiratory muscle fatigue, which results from an Equation 21.3
inability of the respiratory muscles to overcome the altered
mechanical properties of the lungs, chest wall, or both. Prs = PL + Pw
Lung mechanics includes static mechanics (the mechanical = (PA Ppl ) + (Ppl Pb )
properties of a lung whose volume is not changing with = PA Pb
time) and dynamic mechanics (properties of a lung whose
volume is changing with time). Dynamic mechanics of the
lung and chest wall are described in Chapter 22. How a Pressure Gradient Is Created
Pressures in the Respiratory System Air flows into and out of the lungs from areas of higher pres
sure to areas of lower pressure. In the absence of a pressure
In healthy people, the lungs and chest wall move together gradient, there is no airflow. Thus at end inspiration and
as a unit. Between these structures is the pleural space, at the end of exhalation, which are periods of time when
which under normal conditions is best thought of as a there is no airflow, alveolar pressure (PA) is the same as
potential (or virtual) space. Because the lungs and chest atmospheric pressure (Pb), and there is no pressure gradient
wall move together, changes in their respective volumes are (Pb PA = 0). Pleural pressure at these same times, however,
equal during inspiration and exhalation. Volume changes is not 0. Before inspiration begins, the pleural pressure in
in the lungs and chest wall are driven by changes in the normal individuals is approximately 3 to 5cm H2O.
surrounding pressure. In accordance with convention, Therefore, the pressure in the pleural space is negative in

448 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

relation to atmospheric pressure. This negative pressure is and gas again flows from a higher (alveolar) pressure to a
created by the inward elastic recoil pressure of the lung, lower (atmospheric) pressure. In the alveoli, the driving
and it acts to pull the lung away from the chest wall. The force for exhalation is the sum of the elastic recoil of the
lung is not able, however, to pull away from the chest wall, lungs and pleural pressure (see Chapter 22). This relation
inasmuch as the two function as a unit. Thus the inward ship between changes in pressure, changes in airflow, and
elastic recoil pressure of the lung is balanced by the outward changes in volume during inspiration and exhalation is
recoil of the chest wall. displayed in Fig. 21.2. During tidal volume breathing in
With the onset of inspiration, the muscles of the dia normal individuals, the decrease in alveolar pressure at the
phragm and chest wall contract, which causes a downward start of inspiration is small (1 to 3cm H2O). It is much
movement of the diaphragm and an outward and upward larger in individuals with airway obstruction because of the
movement of the rib cage. As a result, pleural pressure larger pressure drop that occurs across obstructed airways.
decreases during inspiration. This negative pleural pressure Airflow stops in the absence of a pressure gradient, which
is transmitted across the lung tissue and results in a decrease occurs whenever alveolar pressure and atmospheric pressure
in alveolar pressure. As alveolar pressure decreases below 0 are equal.
(i.e., from atmospheric pressure to a lower pressure), gas
moves into the airways when the glottis is open. As gas Lung Volumes and Their Measurement
flows into the airways to the alveoli, the pressure gradient
along the airways decreases, and flow stops when there is Lung volumes (Fig. 21.3) and the factors that determine
no longer a pressure gradient from atmospheric to alveolar these volumes are important components of lung mechanics
pressure. The decrease in pleural pressure at the start of
inspiration secondary to inspiratory muscle contraction is
greater than the transmitted fall in alveolar pressure, and, as Inspiration Exhalation
a result, transpulmonary pressure at the start of inspiration
is positive (see Eq. 21.1). Positive transpulmonary pressure 0.4
is necessary to increase lung volume, and lung volume
increases with increasing transpulmonary pressure (Fig.
21.1). Similarly, during inspiration, the chest wall expands (L) 0.2

to a larger volume. Because pleural pressure is negative in 0.1

relation to atmospheric pressure during quiet breathing, 0
the transmural pressure across the chest wall is negative A
Pleural pressure

(see Eq. 21.2). 5

(cm H2O)

On exhalation, the diaphragm moves higher into the

chest, pleural pressure increases (i.e., becomes less nega
tive), alveolar pressure becomes positive, the glottis opens, 7

5 + 0.5
Emphysema TLC


4 TLC 0 D
Vital capacity (L)

3 0.5
2 Fibrosis +1
Alveolar pressure
(cm H2O)

1 A C
0 D

0 1
0 +10 +20 +30 +40
Translung pressure (cm H2O) Time

Fig. 21.1 Volume of the Lung as a Function of the Transpulmo- Fig. 21.2 Changes in Alveolar and Pleural Pressure During Quiet
nary Pressure in Health and Disease. As the transpulmonary pressure Breathing (Tidal Volume). Inspiration is represented to the left of the
increases, lung volume increases. Also shown are the changes in lung vertical dotted line, and exhalation is represented to the right of it.
volume in the presence of emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis. Note Positive (in relation to atmospheric) pressures are represented above
that for the same change in transpulmonary pressure, in the presence the horizontal dotted line, and negative pressures are represented
of either of these types of diseases, the changes in lung volume are below it. See text for details. At points of no airflow (points A and C),
different. TLC, total lung capacity (the total volume of gas in the lung). alveolar pressure is 0. FRC, functional residual capacity.
CHAPTER 21 Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics 449



Volume (L)

0 10 20 30 40

Fig. 21.3 The Various Lung Volumes and Capacities. ERV, expiratory reserve volume; FRC, functional

residual capacity; FVC, forced vital capacity; IC, inspiratory capacity; IRV, inspiratory reserve volume; RV,
residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity; VC, vital capacity; VT, tidal volume.

and play a major role in the work of breathing (see Chapter TABLE
22). All lung volumes are subdivisions of total lung capac- 21.1 Normal Values (Average White Male Adult)
ity (TLC), the total volume of air that is contained in the
lung at the point of maximal inspiration. Lung volumes Lung Volumes
are reported in liters either as volumes or as capacities. A Functional residual capacity (FRC) 2.4L
capacity is composed of two or more volumes. Many lung Total lung capacity (TLC) 6L
volumes are measured with a spirometer. The patient is Tidal volume (VT) 0.5L
asked to first breathe normally into the spirometer, and the Breathing frequency (f) 12/min
volume of air (the tidal volume [VT]) that is moved into Static Mechanics
and out of the lungs with each quiet breath is measured. Pleural pressure (Ppl), mean 5cm H2O
The patient then inhales maximally and exhales forcefully Chest wall compliance (Cw) at FRC 0.2L/cm H2O
and completely, and the volume of exhaled air is measured. Lung compliance (CL) at FRC 0.2L/cm H2O
The total volume of exhaled air, from a maximal inspira
tion to a maximal exhalation, is the vital capacity (VC).
Residual volume (RV) is the air remaining in the lungs
after a complete exhalation. TLC is the sum of VC and IN THE CLINIC
RV; it is the total volume of air contained in the lungs at
Pulmonary function tests are often used to diagnose
the end of maximal inspiration, and it includes the volume
abnormalities in lung function and to assess the progression
of air that can be moved (VC) and the volume of air that of lung disease. They can distinguish the two major types
is always present (trapped) in the lungs (RV). Functional of pulmonary pathophysiologic processes: obstructive
residual capacity (FRC) is the volume of air in the lungs lung diseases and restrictive lung diseases. For example,
at the end of exhalation during quiet breathing and is also in normal individuals, the ratio of RV to TLC is less than
0.25. Thus in a healthy individual, approximately 25% of the
called the resting volume of the lungs. FRC is composed of
total volume of air in the lung is trapped. In obstructive
RV and the expiratory reserve volume (the volume of air pulmonary diseases, an elevation in RV/TLC ratio is
that can be exhaled from FRC to RV). secondary to an increase in RV out of proportion to any
increase in TLC. In contrast, in restrictive lung diseases,
the elevation in the RV/TLC ratio is caused by a decrease in
Measurement of Lung Volumes TLC.
RV and TLC can be measured in two ways: by helium
dilution and by body plethysmography. Both methods are
used clinically and provide valuable information about lung In normal individuals, the FRC measured by helium
function and lung disease. The helium dilution technique is dilution and the FRC measured by plethysmography are
the older and simpler method, but it is often less accurate the same (Table 21.1). This is not true in individuals with
than body plethysmography, which requires sophisticated lung disease. The FRC measured by helium dilution is the
and expensive equipment. volume of gas in the lung that communicates with the
450 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

C1 C2 Shutter

Before equilibration After equilibration
C1  V1 = C2  (V1 + V2)
Fig. 21.4 Measurement of Lung Volume by Helium Dilution. C1,

known concentration of an inert gas; C2, new (previously unknown)

concentration of the gas; V1, known volume of a box; V2, lung volume
(initially unknown).

airways, whereas the FRC measured by plethysmography is

the total volume of gas in the lungs at the end of a normal
exhalation. If a significant amount of gas is trapped in the
lungs (because of premature airway closure; see Chapter
22), the FRC determined by plethysmography is consider
ably higher than that determined by helium dilution.
Fig. 21.5 The Body Plethysmograph. Note that the box in which

the patient sits is not depicted.

In the helium dilution technique, a known concentration
(C1) of an inert gas (such as helium) is added to a box of Determinants of Lung Volume
known volume (V1). The box is then connected to a volume
(V2) that is unknown (the lung volume to be measured). What determines the volume of air in the lung at TLC or
After adequate time for distribution of the inert gas, the new at RV? The answer lies in the properties of the lung paren
concentration (C2) of the inert gas is measured. The change chyma and in the interaction between the lungs and the
in concentration of the inert gas is then used to determine chest wall. The lungs and chest wall always move together as
the new volume in which the inert gas has been distributed
(Fig. 21.4). Specifically, a unit in healthy individuals. The lung contains elastic fibers
that (1) stretch when stress is applied, which results in an
C1 V1 = C2 ( V1 + V2 ) increase in lung volume, and (2) recoil passively when this
In body plethysmograph (body box), Robert Boyles gas stress is released, which results in a decrease in lung volume.
lawthat pressure multiplied by volume is constant (at a The elastic recoil of the lung parenchyma is very high. In
constant temperature)is used to measure lung volumes. the absence of external forces (such as the force generated
The patient sits in an airtight box (Fig. 21.5) and breathes by the chest wall), the lungs become almost airless (10%
through a mouthpiece that is connected to a flow sensor of TLC). Similarly, chest wall volume can increase when
(pneumotach). The patient then makes a panting respiratory
effort against a closed mouthpiece. During the expiratory the respiratory muscles are stretched and decrease when
phase of the maneuver, the gas in the lung becomes respiratory muscle length is shortened. In the theoretical
compressed, lung volume decreases, and the pressure inside absence of the lung parenchyma, the resting volume of the
the box falls because the gas volume in the box increases. chest wall increases and is approximately 60% of TLC.
Once the volume of the box and the change in pressure of Lung volumes are determined by the balance between
the box at the mouth are known, the change in volume (V)
of the lung can be calculated: the lungs elastic properties and the properties of the
muscles of the chest wall. The maximum volume of air
P1 V = P2 ( V V ) contained within the lung and the chest wall (i.e., TLC)
where P1 and P2 are mouth pressures and V is FRC. From is controlled by the muscles of inspiration (see Chapter
the measurement of FRC, inspiratory capacity can be 20). With increasing lung volume, the chest wall muscles
recorded as the volume of air inspired above FRC, and lengthen progressively. As these muscles lengthen, their
expiratory reserve volume can be determined as the volume ability to generate force decreases. TLC occurs when the
of gas exhaled from FRC. These measurements can then be inspiratory chest wall muscles are unable to generate the
used to determine the other lung volumes.
additional force needed to further distend the lung and
chest wall. Similarly, the minimal volume of air in the
CHAPTER 21 Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics 451

100 Chest

Lung TLC
75 Chest wall
and lung

Vital capacity (%)

(Respiratory system)


25 FRC

40 20 0 20 40
Pressure (cm H2O)
(PL, Pw, or Prs)

Fig. 21.6 Relaxation Pressure-Volume Curve of the Lung, Chest Wall, and Respiratory System. The

curve for the respiratory system is the sum of the individual curves. The curve for the lung is the same
as the one for the normal lung in Fig. 21.1. FVC, forced vital capacity; PL, transpulmonary (or translung)
pressure (PL); Prs, the pressure across the respiratory system; Pw, the transmural pressure across the
chest wall; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.

lung (i.e., RV) is controlled by the expiratory muscle force. greater than 60% of TLC, the chest wall recoils inward and
Decreasing lung volume results in shortening of the expira positive transmural pressure is needed, whereas at volumes
tory muscles, which, in turn, results in a decrease in muscle below 60% of TLC, the chest wall tends to recoil outward.
force. The decrease in lung volume is also associated with The lungs alone are smallest when transpulmonary
an increase in the outward recoil pressure of the chest wall. pressure is 0. The lungs, however, are not totally devoid
RV occurs when expiratory muscle force is insufficient to of air when transpulmonary pressure is 0 because of the
further reduce chest wall volume. surface tensionlowering properties of surfactant (see the
FRC, or the volume of the lung at the end of a normal section Surfactant). The transmural pressure for a healthy
exhalation, is determined by the balance between the elastic lung alone flattens at pressures higher than 20cm H2O
recoil pressure generated by the lung parenchyma to become because the elastic limits of the lung have been reached.
smaller (inward recoil) and the pressure generated by the Thus further increases in transmural pressure produce little
chest wall to become larger (outward recoil). When the change in volume, and compliance (see the section Lung
chest wall muscles are weak, FRC decreases (lung elastic Compliance) is low. Further distention is limited by the
recoil > chest wall muscle force). In the presence of airway connective tissue (collagen, elastin) of the lung. If further
obstruction, FRC increases because of premature airway pressure is applied, the alveoli near the lung surface can
closure, which traps air in the lung (see Chapter 22). rupture, and air can escape into the pleural space. This is
called a pneumothorax. In a pneumothorax or when the
Pressure-Volume Relationships chest is opened, as during thoracic surgery, the lungs and
chest wall no longer function as a single unit. The lungs
A number of important observations can be made from recoil until transpulmonary pressure is 0; the chest wall then
an examination of the pressure-volume curves of the lung, increases in size until trans chest wall pressure is 0.
chest wall, and respiratory system (Fig. 21.6). At the resting The relationship between transpulmonary pressure and
volume of the lung (FRC), the elastic recoil of the lung acts pleural, alveolar, and elastic recoil pressures is depicted in
to decrease lung volume, but this inward recoil is offset by Fig. 21.7. Alveolar pressure is the sum of the pleural pres
the outward recoil of the chest wall, which acts to increase sure and elastic recoil pressure (Pel) of the lung:
lung volume. At FRC, these forces are equal and opposite, Equation 21.4
and the muscles are relaxed. As a result, the transmural pres
sure across the respiratory system (Prs) at FRC is 0. At TLC, PA = Ppl + Pel
both lung pressure and chest wall pressure are positive, and Because transpulmonary pressure (PL) = PA + Ppl,
both require positive transmural distending pressure. The Equation 21.5
resting volume of the chest wall, in the absence of the lungs,
is the volume at which the transmural pressure for the chest PL = (Pcl + Ppl ) Ppl
wall is 0, and it is approximately 60% of TLC. At volumes PL = Pcl
452 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

Pleural space
Ppl 2

Lung volume (%TLC)

PL 1
50 V

Chest wall
Fig. 21.7 Relationship between transpulmonary pressure (PL) and P
the pleural (Ppl), alveolar (PA), and elastic recoil (Pel) pressures of the 25
lung. Alveolar pressure is the sum of pleural pressure and elastic recoil RV
pressure. Transpulmonary pressure is the difference between alveolar
pressure and pleural pressure. MV

In general, PL is the pressure distending the lung, whereas 0

Pel is the pressure that tends to collapse the lung. Lung 10 0 +10 +20 +30
elastic recoil increases as the lung inflates. Translung pressure (cm H2O)

Fig. 21.8 Deflation Pressure-Volume Curve. The patient inhales

Lung Compliance to total lung capacity, and transpulmonary pressure is measured with
the use of an esophageal balloon (which measures pleural pressure).
Lung compliance (CL) is a measure of the elastic properties The patient then exhales slowly, and pressure is measured at points
of the lung. It reflects how easily the lung is distended. Lung of no airflow, when the respiratory muscles are relaxed. The pressure-
compliance is defined as the change in lung volume result volume curve of the lung is not the same in inspiration (not shown) and
ing from a 1cm H2O change in the distending pressure exhalation. This difference is called hysteresis, and it is caused by
the action of surfactant. In accordance with convention, the deflation
of the lung. The units of compliance are in milliliters (or pressure-volume curve is used for measurements. Compliance at any
liters) per centimeter of water. When lung compliance is point along this curve is the change in volume per change in pressure.
high, the lung is readily distended. When lung compliance The curve demonstrates that lung compliance varies with lung volume.
is low (stiff lung), the lung is not easily distended. The A line can be drawn between two different volumes on the curve,
compliance of the lung (CL) is expressed as and the slope of this line represents the change in volume (V) for a
change in pressure (P). Compare the compliance at line 1 versus line
Equation 21.6 2. The slope of line 2 is less steep than the slope of line 1, and so the
compliance is less at this higher lung volume than it is at the lower lung
C L = V P
volume. In accordance with convention, lung compliance is the change
where V is the change in volume and P is the change in in pressure from functional residual capacity (FRC) to FRC +1L. MV,
pressure. Graphically, lung compliance is the slope of the minimal volume; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity.
line between any two points on the deflation limb of the
pressure-volume loop (Fig. 21.8). The compliance of a
normal human lung is approximately 0.2L/cm H2O, but
it varies with lung volume. Note that the lung is less dis
tensible at high lung volumes. For this reason, compliance IN THE CLINIC
is corrected for the lung volume at which it is measured
(specific compliance; Fig. 21.9). Compliance is not often The compliance of the lungs is affected by several respiratory
measured for clinical purposes because it requires placement disorders. In emphysema, an obstructive lung disease that
of an esophageal balloon. The esophageal balloon, which is usually occurs in people who smoke and is associated with
destruction of the alveolar septa and pulmonary capillary
connected to a pressure transducer, is an excellent surrogate bed, the lung is more compliant; that is, for every 1cm
marker for pleural pressure, which is very difficult to H2O increase in pressure, the increase in volume is greater
measure directly. The change in pleural pressure (Ppl) is than that in a normal lung (see Fig. 21.1). In contrast, in
measured as a function of the change in lung volume; that pulmonary fibrosis, a restrictive lung disease associated with
is, CL = V/Ppl or .Ppl = CL. increased collagen fiber deposition in the interstitial space,
the lung is noncompliant; that is, for every 1cm H2O change
in pressure, the change in volume is less. These changes in
compliance are of clinical significance because a lung with
Surface Tension and Surfactant low compliance requires larger changes in pleural pressure
to effect changes in lung volumes; as result, the work of
Surface Tension breathing is increased for every breath that the individual
In addition to the elastic properties of the lungs, another
major determinant of lung compliance is surfactant and its
CHAPTER 21 Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics 453

Compliance = compliance =
lung volume lung compliance
pressure lung volume

1 liter 0.2
Situation 1 = 0.2 = 0.2
5 cm H2O 1 liter

R and L

0.5 liter 0.1

Situation 2 = 0.1 = 0.2
5 cm H2O 0.5 liter

0.1 liter 0.02

Situation 3 = 0.02 = 0.2
  L 5 cm H2O 0.1 liter


Fig. 21.9 Relationship Between Compliance and Lung Volume. Imagine lungs in which a 5cm

H2O change in pressure results in a 1-L change in volume (situation 1). If one lung is removed (situation
2), the compliance decreases, but when corrected for volume of the lung, there is no change (specific
compliance). Even when the remaining lung is reduced by 90% (situation 3), the specific compliance is

effect on surface tension. Surface tension is a force caused and (3) stabilizing alveoli, especially those that tend to
by water molecules at the air-liquid interface that tends deflate at low surface tension. In the absence of surfactant,
to minimize surface area, which makes inflating the lungs the surface tension at the air-liquid interface would remain
more difficult. The effect of surface tension on lung infla constant, and the transalveolar pressure needed to keep it
tion is illustrated by a comparison of the volume-pressure at that volume would be higher when alveolar volumes are
curves of a saline-filled lung and of an air-filled lung. Higher lower (Fig. 21.10A). Therefore, higher transalveolar pressure
pressure is necessary to fully inflate the lung with air than would be necessary to produce a given increase in alveolar
with saline because of the higher surface tension forces in volume at lower lung volumes than at higher lung volumes.
air-filled lungs than in saline-filled lungs. Surface tension is Surfactant stabilizes the inflation of alveoli because it allows
a measure of the attractive force of the surface molecules the surface tension to increase as the alveoli become larger
per unit length of material to which they are attached. The (see Fig. 21.10B). As a result, the transalveolar pressure nec
units of surface tension are those of a force applied per unit essary to keep an alveolus inflated increases as lung volume
length. For a sphere (such as an alveolus), the relationship and transpulmonary pressure increases, and it decreases as
between the pressure within the sphere (Ps) and the tension lung volume decreases. In the presence of surfactant, surface
in the wall is described by the law of Laplace: tension is increased at high lung volume and decreased at
Equation 21.7 low lung volume. The result is that the lungs can maintain
alveoli at many different volumes. Otherwise, the gas in
Ps = 2 T r small alveoli would empty into large alveoli.
where T is the wall tension (in dynes per centimeter) and r
is the radius of the sphere. Surfactant
The alveoli are lined with a predominantly lipid-based
substance called surfactant. Pulmonary surfactant serves Pulmonary surfactant is synthesized by alveolar type II cells,
several physiological roles, including (1) reducing the stored in the cell in lamellar bodies, and secreted into the
work of breathing by decreasing surface tension forces; (2) alveolar space in a precursor form (tubular myelin), from
preventing collapse and sticking of alveoli on exhalation; where it spreads throughout the entire alveolar surface and
454 S E C T I O N 5 Berne & Levy Physiology

attains its ability to decrease surface tension. Surfactant 1% to 10% of total surfactant. These lipids are important
is 85% to 90% lipids, predominantly phospholipids, and in formation of the monolayer on the alveolar-air interface,
10% to 15% proteins (Table 21.2). The major phospholipid and phosphatidylglycerol is important in the spreading of
is phosphatidylcholine, approximately 75% of which is surfactant over a large surface area. Surfactant protein A,
present as dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC). which is the protein most studied, is expressed in alveolar
DPPC decreases surface tension and is the major surface- type II cells and in Clara cells in the lungs. Surfactant
active component in surfactant. The second most abundant protein A is involved in the regulation of surfactant turn
phospholipid is phosphatidylglycerol, which accounts for over, in immunoregulation within the lungs, and in the
formation of tubular myelin.
Surfactant is secreted into the airway through exocytosis
of the lamellar body by constitutive and regulated mecha
nisms. Numerous agents, including -adrenergic agonists,
activators of protein kinase C, leukotrienes, and purinergic
agonists, stimulate the exocytosis of surfactant. The major
routes of clearance of pulmonary surfactant within the lung
are reuptake by type II cells, absorption into the lymphatic
vessels, and clearance by alveolar macrophages. Surfactant is
readily inactivated by hypoxia, infection, and edema fluid,
which results in a decrease in lung compliance.
In addition to surfactant, another mechanism, interde
A B pendence, contributes to stability of the alveoli. Alveoli,
Fig. 21.10 Surface Forces in a Sphere Attempt to Reduce the except for those on the pleural surface, are surrounded by
Area of the Surface and Generate Pressure Within the Sphere. By other alveoli. The tendency of one alveolus to collapse is
Laplaces law, the pressure generated is inversely proportional to the
opposed by the traction exerted by the surrounding alveoli.
radius of the sphere. A, In the absence of surfactant, surface forces
in the smaller sphere generate higher pressure (heavier purple arrows) Thus collapse of a single alveolus causes stretching and
than do those in the larger sphere (lighter purple arrows). As a result, distortion of the surrounding alveoli, which in turn are
air moves from the small sphere (higher pressure) to the larger sphere connected to other alveoli. Small openings (pores of Kohn)
(lower pressure; black arrow). This causes the small sphere to collapse in the alveolar walls connect adjacent alveoli, whereas the
and the large sphere to become overdistended. B, Surfactant (shaded
canals of Lambert connect the terminal airways to adja
layer) lowers surface tension and lowers it more in the smaller sphere
than in the larger sphere. The net results are that the pressures in the cent alveoli. The pores of Kohn and the canals of Lambert
small and larger spheres are similar, and the volumes of the spheres provide collateral ventilation and prevent alveolar collapse
are stabilized. (atelectasis).

21.2 Composition and Function of Surfactant Components
Component % Composition Function

Phospholipids 80-85
Phosphatidylcholine 70-80 Decrease surface tension
Phosphatidylglycerol 1-10 Spreading ability
Phosphatidylethanolamine 1-2 Unclear
Phosphatidylserine 1-2 Unclear
Phosphatidylinositol 1-2 Unclear
Neutral Lipids 5-10
Cholesterol 3-5 Stabilization
Cholesterol Esters 1-3 Stabilization
Free Fatty Acids 1-3

Proteins 2-5
Surfactant protein A 2-4 Turn over, immune regulation, tubular myelin formation
Surfactant protein B 2-4 Decrease surface tension, spreading ability, lipid layering
Surfactant protein C 2-4 Decrease surface tension, spreading ability
Surfactant protein D 1-2 Unknown
CHAPTER 21 Static Lung and Chest Wall Mechanics 455

In 1959, Avery and Mead discovered that in premature infants infants is lack of phosphatidylglycerol. In general, as the
who died of hyaline membrane disease (HMD), the lungs level of phosphatidylglycerol increases in amniotic fluid, the
were deficient in surfactant. HMD, also known as infant infant mortality rate decreases. Research in this field has
respiratory distress syndrome, is characterized by culminated in successful attempts to treat HMD in
progressive atelectasis and respiratory failure in premature premature infants with surfactant replacement therapy.
infants. It is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the Today, surfactant replacement therapy is standard care for
neonatal period. The major surfactant deficiency in premature premature infants.

Key Points
1. Gas flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of 4. Total lung capacity (TLC) is equal to the total
lower pressure. Positive transpulmonary pressure is volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximal
needed to increase lung volume. The pressure across inspiration (vital capacity [VC]) and the air remaining
the respiratory system is 0 at points of no airflow (end in the lung after a maximal exhalation (residual
inspiration and end exhalation). At functional residual volume [RV]).
capacity (FRC), the pressure difference across the 5. Lung compliance is a measure of the elastic properties
respiratory system is 0, and lung elastic recoil pressure, of the lung. Elastic recoil is lost in patients with
which operates to decrease lung volume, and the emphysema, and this loss is associated with an
pressure generated by the chest wall to become larger increase in lung compliance, whereas in diseases
are equal and opposite. associated with pulmonary fibrosis, lung compliance
2. Pressure gradients in the respiratory system are created is decreased.
by the active contraction and subsequent relaxation of 6. The surface tension-reducing and antisticking
the muscles of respiration. properties of surfactant increase lung compliance,
3. Lung volumes are determined by the balance between decrease the work of breathing, and help stabilize
the lungs elastic recoil properties and the properties of alveoli of different size.
the muscles of the chest wall.

Additional Readings Lumb AB. Nunns Applied Respiratory Physiology. 8th ed. St. Louis:
Elsevier; 2016.
Gibson GJ, Pride NB. Lung distensibility: the static pressure-volume Mead J, Macklem PT, vol eds. American Physiological Society Handbook
curve of the lungs and its use in clinical assessment. Br J Dis Chest. of Physiology: The Respiratory System, vol. 3: Mechanics. Bethesda,
1976;70:143-184. MD: American Physiological Society; 1986.
Jobe AH. The alveolar lining layer: a review of studies on its role in Otis AB. A perspective of respiratory mechanics. J Appl Physiol.
pulmonary mechanics and in the pathogenesis of atelectasis, by 1983;54:1183-1187.
Mary Ellen Avery, MD, Pediatrics, 1962:30:324-330. Pediatrics. Otis AB, Fenn WO, Rahn H. Mechanics of breathing in man. J Appl
1998;102(S1):234-235. Physiol. 1950;2:592-607.

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