1977 (Q3) - Simplified Design For Torsion

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Simplified Design for Torsional Loading of

Rolled Steel Members


When a structural member is loaded in such a manner that underestimates the lateral shear force and, consequently,
the plane of loading does not pass through the shear center, either overestimates or underestimates the lateral bending
the member is twisted about its longitudinal axis and is said that causes warping normal stresses. In some situations it
to be in torsion. In the energy-related industries, there are is so excessively conservative as to be practically useless.
many occasions in which torsion is severe enough to control
the design of a structural member. It is therefore very im- FLEXURAL ANALOGY METHOD WITH
portant that a structural engineer be able to recognize a ^ MODIFIER
torsion situation and apply a simple and fairly accurate
It is imperative that a simple, understandable, yet fairly
solution to achieve the design.
accurate solution be derived by modifying the aforemen-
Rolled steel members under uniform and nonuniform tioned approximate solution.
torsion have been studied analytically and experimentally In considering the beam in Fig. 2, the substitution system
by many investigators. For various loading and boundary
will indicate constant shear over one-half the span, but the
conditions, solutions to differential equations have been
true distribution of lateral shear contributing to lateral
derived, and for a limited number of cases, charts have been
deflection is only that part due to warping. See Fig. 3(A2).
made for use by the design engineer. Unfortunately, be-
cause the differential equation solution is rather mechanical
and time-consuming and, moreover, the designer cannot
clearly visualize what is happening in working with the COUNTERCLOCKWISE
hyperbolic functions for 0, an improper design may result NORMAL STRESS ROTATION
without the designer's knowledge. Thus, this ''exact" WHEN WARPING
method is really suited only for analysis. ROTATION AXIS



Warping torsion is the out-of-plane effect that arises when

the flanges are laterally displaced during twisting and is
identical to bending from laterally applied loads. As such, Fig. 1. Warping of cross section
torsion causes flexural normal stresses across the flange
width (see Fig. 1) as well as shear stresses that are normally
not of significance. Torsion boundary conditions, then, are
analogous to lateral bending boundary conditions.
Therefore, design of a beam to include torsion is usually
achieved by transforming torsion into ordinary bending,
( h
which is accomplished by substituting a lateral force PH
times beam section depth h for the applied torsional mo-
ment 7" on a beam section (see Fig. 2). The force PH can
then be treated as a lateral load acting on the flange of the
-^^^----r-L_--.--_-^-_-^ .-_-^-^^-.-v.-,--^

beam. This substitution, however, either overestimates or f
L/2 L/2

Philip H. Lin is Senior Structural Engineer, The Ralph M.

Parsons Company, Pasadena, Calif.
Fig. 2. Substitution of torsion and ordinary bending
Figures 3(A1), 3(A2), and 4(A) show that the normal Differentiating twice with respect to X, one obtains:*
shear distribution V/ is the sum of absolute values of St.
Venant torsional shear Vs and warping torsional shear V^^.
The relationship between the flexural analogy and the true
torsion problem is thus illustrated. It is interesting to see From the conventional beam theory:
that the pattern of the torsional moment diagram in Fig.
3(B) is very close to that of the flexural moment diagram EIfu'' = -Mf (2)
in Fig. 4(B). If one could correctly assess the correlation where If is the moment of inertia about the j-axis of one
factor between the two, design for torsion could be greatly beam flange, and Mf is the lateral bending moment acting
simplified. The correlation factor could be designated as on one flange. Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. (2), one ob-
modifier /3. Mathematically, the torsional moment at any tains:
point is equal to the flexural moment at that point times the
modifier ^ at that point, i.e., at point X, or:
Mr = 13 X Mo
where /? is primarily a function of beam torsion properties,
boundary conditions at the ends of the beam, and the dis- FC
tance X to the end of the beam.
For the problem in Fig. 3, if the beam is free to rotate where
after a torque T is applied, the beam will displace a twisting
angle 0 and a lateral displacement w, as shown in Fig. 5. C^ (warping constant) = ^ //
From geometry.
The mathematical expressions of the twist angle 0 for
various cases have been derived and can be obtained from
the references. For the case considered in this problem, 0
at point X is:




K .,.<rt7|lTTTTTrr^



Fig. 3. Torsionally simply supported beam subjected to Fig. 4. Simply supported beam subjected to concentrated
concentrated torsion T at midspan lateral load PH o,t midspan
Similarly, the formulas for j8 in other cases can be readily
derived. Computer programs w^ere developed to produce
values of /? for most practical design applications. These
^^ (3 values are tabulated in Appendix Tables 1-6. The gen-
\ ^ ^ h eral formulas in those tables for torsional moment Mr are
r\ , 2 the formulas for the moment of a simple beam subjected to
the converted lateral force times jS. The converted lateral
T V-4> ' h
force is equal to torsion divided by the depth of the beam,
, 2
i.e., T/h or m/h. For example, the torsional moment at
midspan of the beam in Fig. 3 is equal to /? at that point
Figure 5 times the simple beam moment. Thus,
Mr = 13 X Mo
<j> =
^ ^ _ 2 sinh A L / 2 \ .^^^ ^ (4)
2GJ\ Sinn XL / M=^^>^
and its second derivative is
// ^ _ //TX\
Z ^ \ /sinh
/sin XL/2\
0^ sinh XX (5)
Substituting the expression for 0^^ into Eq. (3), noting In the design of a wide flange beam section, there are three
that kinds of shear stress, shown in Fig. 6, that will arise from
torsional loading:
, 2 ==
X2 _ ^
EC, 1. Shear stresses V^ in the web and flanges due to St.
Venant torsion.
one obtains
2. Shear stresses V^^ in the flanges due to lateral bending
,, T\ /sinh XL/2\ .
/T\ or warping torsion.
sinh XL ; ^ ' " ' ' * ^ <"> 3. Shear stresses u due to normal bending of the flanges.
The bending moment M^ at point X on one flange of the In most practical steel design situations, the shear stress
beam due to T/h at midspan is: contributions are normally not of significance; therefore,
only the normal stresses from vertical and torsional bending
are computed and combined in order to check the design
--i(i) X adequacy of a beam. This combined normal stress, which
is the maximum at the flange tips, can be expressed as:
T ^ 2Mo
h X
where M and Mr are flexural and torsional moments,
Substituting the expression for T/h into Eq. (6), and re-
respectively, and Sx and Sy are the section moduli with
placing Mf with MT'.
respect to the X-X and Y-Y axes, respectively.
_ 2Mo /sinh XL/2\

MT= 0X Mo (8)
/tTTTTTTx .^ftTTfN
Comparing Eqs. (7) and (8), one can conclude that:
(2 sinh XL/2)(sinh XX)
XX sinh XL
where X = VGJ/ECyj. The terms / and Cyj are torsion
and warping constants of the steel sections which can be ST. VENANT WARPING VERTICAL
obtained from the 1970 AISC Manual of Steel Construction TORSION TOeSION BENDING

for rolled shape sections. For built-up open web sections,

formulas for / and Cz^ can be found in Example 4. Fig. 6. Distribution of shear stress in wide flange section

M r = 16.88 (TTT)
Four examples are presented to illustrate the application \ 0.83 /
of this method. It is assumed that the deflection of the beam = 11.97 kip-ft
is acceptable without calculation. The result of each ex-
ample has been closely compared and checked by the exact The maximum combined normal stress, / , at the load
solution. point is:
Example 1 M 2M7-^ (33.75)12 (24)(11.97)
^ S^ Sy 60.4 20.7
Select a wide flange section of A36 structural steel beam = 20.59 kips/in.2 o.k.
to carry a 9-kip concentrated load on a simply supported
Use W10X54.
span of 15 ft. Apply the load eccentrically 6 in. from the
web, and assume that the ends of the beam are torsionally
Example 2
supported, that the maximum combined allowable stress
is equal to 0.6 Fy, and that the beam weight is disregarded. Given:
See Fig. 7. Compute the stresses and design a beam of A36 structural
steel to carry a 10-ton concentrated load eccentrically 6 in.
Solution: to the plane of the web, as shown in Fig. 8. Assume that the
The maximum flexural bending moment M at the load
beam is fixed at both ends, that the maximum combined
point is: allowable stress is equal to 0.6i^^, and that the beam weight
is disregarded.
M = A ) (9)(15) = 33.75kip-ft
The maximum flexural bending moment M at the load
The maximum torsional moment MT at the load point
point and the ends is
M = -(20)(10) = 25 kip-ft
" - = K f ) <=="(?) 8
The maximum torsional moment Mj at the load point and
For steel, the ends is:
G 1
= 0.3846

E 2E{\ + M) 2(1 + 0.3)
- - a ) (?)<'-"
A = V ^ = 0.62 V ^
Try W10X54:
h = \0% in. = 0.83 ft
/=1.84in.'^ S^ = 60Am.^
20 KIP

/ ' K T= 10 FT-KIP

C^ = 2,350 in.6 Sy = 20.7 in.3 5 FT 5 FT

X = 0.01735 in.-i XL = 3.12

For a.= 0.5, Z = 0.5, and XL = 3.12, enter Table 1 to MAXIMUM M = (1/8) (20) (10)

obtain |8 = 0.58886. Then, ^ ^ f l f l ^ ^ MAXlM = 2 5 FT-KIP


ilk. ^
1^ 4.5 FT-KIP "^T = ^/8(l^)io/3

7 ^ / " ^ = 12.5(-^)FT-KIP

7.5 FT 7.5 FT

Fig. 7. Example 1 Fig. 8. Example 2

TryW12X53: The maximum torsional moment Mr at midspan is:
h = 12.06 in. = 1.0 ft S^ = 70.7 in.^
/= 1.59 in.4 Sy = 19.2 in.^ M,= (i=f^)(ffl = (^)(ffl
C^ = 3170 in.6 X = 0.01389 in."^
XL = (0.01389)(10)(12) = 1.67 Try Wl4X103:
For a = 0.5, Z = 0 or 0.5, and XL = 1.67, enter Table 2 h = 14.25 in. = 1.188 ft
to obtain 13 = 0.94253. Then, / = 6.02in.4 5^=164in.^
Ce= 18,900 in.6 53, = 57.6 in.3
.^ r /0.94253\ , , ^^, . r
MT= 12.5 / j = 11.78kip-ft X = 0.011065 in.-i XL = 2.92
For XL = 2.92 and Z = 0.5, enter Table 3 to obtain /? =
and the maximum combined normal stress / at the load 0.52562. Then,
point and the ends is
MT = ( ^ ) (0.52562) = 26.77 kip-ft
/ = ^?!K12)^(M)(11Z8) = 4.24+14.73
70.7 19.2 The maximum combined normal stress/at midspan is
= 18.97 kip/in.2<0.6F^ o.k. (127.1)(12) ^ (24)(26.77)
^ 164 57.6
Use W12X53
= 20.45 kip/in.2 < 0.6 Fy o.k.
Example 3
Use W14X103
Design an A36 structural steel beam to carry a uniform Example 4
load of 2 kips/ft on a simply supported span of 22 ft. Apply Given:
the load eccentrically 6 in. to the plane of the web, and as- Design an A36 structural steel beam to support a piece of
sume that the ends of the beam are torsionally supported equipment having concentrated loads of 300 kips and 400
and that the maximum combined allowable stress is equal kips at the base of its support legs as shown below. The
to 0.6i^^. See Fig. 9. beam will be loaded 3 in. eccentrically to the plane of its
Solution: web because of thermal expansion during equipment op-
The uniform load (plus the estimated beam weight) is: eration. Assume that the ends of the beam are torsionally
simply supported, that the allowable stress equals 0.6 Fy,
w = 2 -\- OA (estimated beam weight) and that the beam weight is disregarded. See Fig. 10.
= 2.1 kips/ft
The uniform torsion m is:
T^ = 7 5 FT-KIP

m = (2) ( ^ ) = 1 kip-ft/ft V
y^ 0-^ v ~^
The maximum flexural bending moment M at midspan 80 KIP 320 KIP
is: 240 KIP 60 KIP

M =^ = 127.1 kip-ft



Fig. 9. Example 3 Fig. 10. Example 4

The maximum flexural bending moment M2 at load point
M2 = (320 + 60)(5) = 1900 kip-ft
The maximum torsional moment MT2 at load point (2)
Figure 11
Pseudo reaction Rr = (75) (^ + (100) (^

= 15 + 80
_(15)(A) + (80)(fe) S^ = 1,308 in.5
M T2
^y = 216in.3
Try W36X300: X = 0.0085683 in."'
h = 36.72 in. = 3.06 ft S^= l,110in.3 XL = (0.0085683)(25)(12) = 2.57
/ = 64.2 in.4 Sy= 156in.3
C^ = 398,000 in.6 X = 0.007874 in.-i For XL = 2.57 and following the previous procedures,
XL = (0.007874)(25)(12) = 2.36 obtain /3i = 0.44223 and ^2 = 0.77405. Then,
For ai = 0.2, XL = 2.36, and Z = 0.8, enter Table 1 to _ (15)(0.44223) + (80)(0.77405)
obtain ,81 = 0.49353. M T2
For a2 = 0.8 (or 0.2), XL = 2.36, and Z = 0.8 (or 0.2), = 22.85 kip-ft
enter Table 1 to obtain /?2 = 0.79862.
(1,900)(12) ^ (24)(22.85)
,^ _ (15)(0.49353) + (80)(0.79862) ^ 1,308 216
JYlj^ Z~ZZ
3.06 = 19.97 kip/in.2 <0.6i^^ o.k.
= 23.3 kip-ft Use: Built-up Section
The maximum combined normal stress/at load point (T)
(1900)(12) ^ (24)(23.3) 1. Carter, W. O. Lecture Notes on Elements of Structures
^ 1110 156 Utah State University, Civil Engineering Department, Logan,
Utah, 1967.
= 24.13 kips/in.2 > 0.6Fy n.g. 2. Hotchkiss, John G. Torsion of Rolled Steel Sections in
Try a built-up section (see Fig. 11): Building Structures AISC Engineering Journal, Jan.
Section properties* are: 3. Lin, Philip H. Development of Small Scale Structures
Laboratory Demonstration Apparatus Utah State Uni-
versity, Civil Engineering Department, Logan, Utah,
J = Q [i2btf') + iht^^)] 1968.
4. Manual of Steel Construction Seventh Edition, American
= Q [(2)(18)(23) + (34)(P)] = 107.3 in.* Institute of Steel Construction, Inc., New York, N.Y., 1970.
5. Salmon, Charles G. and John E. Johnson Steel Structures
Design and Behavior Intext Educational Publishers,
Cu. = ( ^ ) tpb^ = ( ^ ) (2)(34)2(18)3 1971.
6. Timoshenko, S. and J. Gere Theory of Elastic Stabil-
= 561,816 in.6 ity Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, pp.
212-224, 1961.
* For other sections, see Ref. 6, Table A-3, "Properties of Sec- 1. Torsion Analysis of Rolled Steel Section Steel Design File,
tions", p. 503. Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Dec, 1972.


Table 1. j3 Values for Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Concentrated Torsion T

X = ZL (Tlh)bX
Mr, = :: ioiO <X <a

^ ^ ^ MT=^XMO
a = OfL
-K b= L - a .
Mn =
{Tlh)a(L -X)
ioia<X <L

XL Oi 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.1 0.97215 0.94621 0.92367 0.90441 0.88830 0.87525 0.86518 0.85803 0.85376
0.2 0.94621 0.95094 0.92829 0.90893 0.89274 0.87963 0.86951 0.86232 0.85803
1.0 0.3 0.92367 0.92829 0.93603 0.91650 0.90018 0.88696 0.87675 0.86951 0.86518
0.4 0.90441 0.90893 0.91650 0.92717 0.91066 0.89728 0.88696 0.87963 0.87525
0.5 0.88830 0.89274 0.90018 0.91066 0.92423 0.91066 0.90018 0.89274 0.88830

0.1 0.90737 0.82421 0.75509 0.69828 0.65238 0.61626 0.58904 0.57005 0.55883
0.2 0.82421 0.84075 0.77024 0.71230 0.66547 0.62863 0.60086 0.58149 0.57005
2.0 0.3 0.75509 0.77024 0.79590 0.73602 0.68764 0.64957 0.62087 0.60086 0.58904
0.4 0.69828 0.71230 0.73602 0.77004 0.71943 0.67959 0.64957 0.62863 0.61626
0.5 0.65238 0.66547 0.68764 0.71943 0.76159 0.71943 0.68764 0.66547 0.65238

0.1 0.83383 0.69234 0.58217 0.49686 0.43150 0.38237 0.34671 0.32255 0.30856
0.2 0.69234 0.72373 0.60856 0.51939 0.45106 0.39970 0.36243 0.33717 0.32255
3.0 0.3 0.58217 0.60856 0.65415 0.55830 0.48485 0.42965 0.38958 0.36243 0.34671
0.4 0.49686 0.51939 0.55830 0.61572 0.53472 0.47384 0.42965 0.39970 0.38237
0.5 0.43150 0.45106 0.48485 0.53472 0.60343 0.53472 0.48485 0.45106 0.43150

0.1 0.76451 0.57599 0.44036 0.34281 0.27295 0.22347 0.18933 0.16709 0.15456
0.2 0.57599 0.62269 0.47606 0.37060 0.29508 0.24159 0.20468 0.18064 0.16709
4.0 0.3 0.44036 0.47606 0.53942 0.41993 0.33435 0.27374 0.23192 0.20468 0.18933
0.4 0.34281 0.37060 0.41993 0.49566 0.39464 0.32311 0.27374 0.24159 0.22347
0.5 0.27295 0.29508 0.33435 0.39464 0.48201 0.39464 0.33435 0.29508 0.27295

0.1 0.70230 0.47911 0.33192 0.23450 0.16995 0.12735 0.09969 0.08253 0.07319
0.2 0.47911 0.54026 0.37428 0.26443 0.19164 0.14360 0.11241 0.09306 0.08253
5.0 0.3 0.33192 0.37428 0.45209 0.31941 0.23148 0.17346 0.13578 0.11241 0.09969
0.4 0.23450 0.26443 0.31941 0.40804 0.29572 0.22159 0.17346 0.14360 0.12735
0.5 0.16995 0.19164 0.23148 0.29572 0.39465 0.29572 0.23148 0.19164 0.16995

0.1 0.64703 0.39947 0.25051 0.16031 0.10540 0.07189 0.05159 0.03970 0.03349
0.2 0.39947 0.47356 0.29697 0.19005 0.12494 0.08522 0.06116 0.04707 0.03930
6.0 0.3 0.25051 0.29697 0.38590 0.24695 0.16236 0.11074 0.07947 0.06116 0.05159
0.4 0.16031 0.19005 0.24695 0.34411 0.22623 0.15430 0.11074 0.08522 0.07189
0.5 0.10540 0.12494 0.16236 0.22623 0.33168 0.22623 0.16236 0.12494 0.10540

0.1 0.55424 0.28016 0.14387 0.07501 0.04065 0.02280 0.01357 0.00885 0.00661
0.2 0.28016 0.37470 0.19241 0.10086 0.05437 0.03050 0.01815 0.01183 0.00885
8.0 0.3 0.14387 0.19241 0.29517 0.15472 0.08340 0.04678 0.02784 0.01815 0.01357
0.4 0.07541 0.10086 0.15472 0.25997 0.14013 0.07860 0.04678 0.03050 0.02280
0.5 0.04065 0.05437 0.08340 0.14013 0.24983 0.14013 0.08340 0.05437 0.04065



Table 2. j3 Values for Fixed S u p p o r t e d Beam Subjected t o C o n c e n t r a t e d Torsion T

X = ZL {T/h)b^ nSa + b)X -j

Mn a \ iorO<X<a
"1} L~L """J
'>T Mj^^ (3 X Mo
a = a:L b= L-a
= r(a++3b) (L-X)
36)(L-X) -]
M = ^ ^ b\ ioTa<X<L
L ^ L^ L L J

XL a 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

0.1 0.99393 1.01349 0.99576 0.98126 0.96970 0.96032 0.94891 1.00914 0.971^5 0.97369 0.98105
0.2 0.98888 0.97751 0.99859 0.98375 0.97197 0.96272 0.95351 1.06920 0.97080 0.97220 0.97925
1.0 0.3 0.98482 0.97741 1.02017 0.98805 0.97596 0.96674 0.95908 0.89245 0.97038 0.97164 0.97842
0.4 0.98176 0.97512 0.96244 0.97962 0.98176 0.97238 0.96563 0.95448 0.97041 0.97198 0.97856
0.5 0.97967 0.97318 0.96995 0.96995 0.97318 0.97967 0.97318 0.96995 0.96995 0.97318 0.97967

0.1 0.97681 1.05024 0.98242 0.92861 0.88682 0.85376 0.81440 1.02256 0.89511 0.90248 0.93021
0.2 0.9.5784 0.91567 0.99354 0.93808 0.89519 0.86232 0.83034 1.23012 0.89098 0.89696 0.92335
2.0 0.3 0.94286 0.91540 1.07008 0.95455 0.91001 0.87675 0.84978 0.61889 0.88951 0.89481 0.92008
0.4 0.93170 0.90713 0.86168 0.92322 0.93174 0.89728 0.87297 0.83390 0.88972 0.89594 0.92038
0.5 0.92423 0.90018 0.88830 0.88830 0.90018 0.92423 0.90018 0.88830 0.88830 0.90018 0.92423

0.1 0.95133 1.10121 0.95880 0.85105 0.77082 0.70976 0.63957 1.01190 0.78717 0.80456 0.86139
0.2 0.91258 0.82802 0.98312 0.87072 0.78737 0.72585 0.66818 1.38297 0.77925 0.79353 0.84709
3.0 0.3 0.88274 0.82786 1.12560 0.90536 0.81696 0.75332 0.70355 0.28876 0.77659 0.78906 0.83999
0.4 0.86102 0.81191 0.92573 0.84235 0.86119 0.79316 0.74667 0.67516 0.77734 0.79088 0.83992
0.5 0.84687 0.79872 0.77529 0.77529 0.79872 0.84687 0.79872 0.77529 0.77529 0.79872 0.84687

0.1 0.92057 1.15655 0.92450 0.75935 0.64296 0.55883 0.46651 0.95849 0.66758 0.69878 0.78863
0.2 0.85954 0.72939 0.96608 0.79085 0.66784 0.58149 0.50446 1.44848 0.65610 0.68191 0.76558
4.0 0.3 0.81401 0.72983 1.16409 0.84731 0.71300 0.62087 0.55226 0.00090 0.65249 0.67476 0.75365
0.4 0.78185 0.70651 0.58326 0.74992 0.78229 0.67959 0.61229 0.51475 0.65415 0.67680 0.75234
0.5 0.76159 0.68764 0.65238 0.65238 0.68764 0.76159 0.68764 0.65238 0.65238 0.68764 0.76159

0.1 0.88713 1.20870 0.88050 0.66304 0.51946 0.42189 0.32072 0.86361 0.55123 0.59816 0.72107
0.2 0.80395 0.83115 0.94231 0.70650 0.55137 0.44881 0.36273 1.40383 0.53705 0.57603 0.68892
5.0 0.3 0.74413 0.63271 1.17341 0.78615 0.61046 0.49674 0.41688 0.19608 0.53288 0.56624 0.67170
0.4 0.70332 0.60358 0.45358 0.65622 0.70417 0.57068 0.48755 0.37551 0.53563 0.56792 0.66833
0.5 0.67863 0.58060 0.53508 0.53508 0.58060 0.67863 0.58060 0.53508 0.53508 0.58060 0.67863

0.1 0.85285 1.25322 0.82890 0.56909 0.40962 0.30856 0.21038 0.74241 0.44675 0.50901 0.88260
0.2 0.74924 0.54004 0.91282 0.62345 0.44648 0.33717 0.25159 1.27115 0.43092 0.48268 0.62165
6.0 0.3 0.67769 0.54308 1.15210 0.72590 0.51649 0.38958 0.30626 0.29970 0.42655 0.47064 0.59922
0.4 0.63067 0.51012 0.34529 0.56771 0.63203 0.47384 0.38089 0.26572 0.43031 0.47153 0.59330
0.5 0.60343 0.48485 0.43150 0.43150 0.48485 0.60343 0.48485 0.43150 0.43150 0.48485 0.60343

0.1 0.78579 1.31352 0.71302 0.40357 0.24207 0.15456 0.08135 0.49016 0.28401 0.36917 0.57297
0.2 0.64917 0.38888 0.84276 0.47400 0.28226 0.18064 0.11281 0.89486 0.26767 0.33811 0.51678
8.0 0.3 0.56255 0.39511 1.04015 0.61645 0.36379 0.23192 0.15760 0.31766 0.26350 0.32328 0.48545
0.4 0.50987 0.35975 0.19395 0.41711 0.51237 0.32311 0.22583 0.12642 0.26840 0.32225 0.47434
0.5 0.48201 0.33435 0.27295 0.27295 0.33435 0.48201 0.33435 0.27295 0.27295 0.33435 0.48201

Table 3. j3 Values for Simply Supported Beam Subjected to Uniform Torsion m

X = ZL
{m/h) {L-X)X
^-7-7-7-7-7-7-7^7^ Mo

for 0 < X < L


XL 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0.5 0.97785 0.97643 0.97541 0.97481 0.97460

1.0 0.91744 0.91218 0.90843 0.90619 0.90545
1.5 0.83317 0.82265 0.81520 0.81076 0.80928
2.0 0.74039 0.72423 0.71287 0.70613 0.70389

2.5 0.65022 0.62882 0.61390 0.60510 0.60219

3.0 0.56864 0.54278 0.52493 0.51447 0.51103
3.5 0.49773 0.46831 0.44825 0.43657 0.43274
4.0 0.43737 0.40525 0.38364 0.37117 0.36710

4.5 0.38644 0.35239 0.32980 0.31689 0.31270

5.0 0.34355 0.30819 0.28509 0.27204 0.26782
5.5 0.30732 0.27118 0.24795 0.23496 0.23079
6.0 0.27657 0.24005 0.21697 0.20422 0.20015

6.5 0.25029 0.21372 0.19101 0.17862 0.17469

7.0 0.22768 0.19131 0.16914 0.15719 0.15341
8.0 0.19100 0.15557 0.13476 0.12383 0.12042
9.0 0.16274 0.12870 0.10946 0.09961 0.09657
10.0 0.14045 0.10804 0.09041 0.08160 0.07892

Table 4 . (5 Values for Fixed S u p p o r t e d Beam Subjected to Uniform Torsion m

X = ZL
MY = (3X MO
]'7 0 0 0 OJ '1 0 0 f
MQ = r-^r (6LX -L^ - 6^2) for 0 < X < L
-i f ^

\L 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

0.5 0.99586 0.99319 0.97602 0.99486 0.99315 0.99276

1.0 0.98372 0.97325 0.90614 0.97977 0.97312 0.97159
1.5 0.96441 0.94159 0.79627 0.95572 0.94137 0.93806
2.0 0.93911 0.90031 0.65504 0.92419 0.90005 0.89449

2.5 0.90925 0.85185 0.49246 0.88688 0.85167 0.84360

3.0 0.87625 0.79867 0.31858 0.84556 0.79878 0.78810
3.5 0.84145 0.74306 0.14241 0.80185 0.74371 0.73049
4.0 0.80598 0.68694 0.02869 0.75717 0.68839 0.67284

4.5 0.77070 0.63178 0.18923 0.71261 0.63433 0.61674

5.0 0.73628 0.57869 0.33555 0.66902 0.58261 0.56332
5.5 0.70317 0.52837 0.46559 0.62699 0.53391 0.51329
6.0 0.67164 0.48124 0.57851 0.58689 0.48863 0.46703

6.5 0.64184 0.43751 0.67443 0.54895 0.44693 0.42467

7.0 0.61381 0.39720 0.75410 0.51327 0.40878 0.38617
8.0 0.56301 0.32646 0.86951 0.44871 0.34260 0.32004
9.0 0.51869 0.26768 0.93594 0.39275 0.28845 0.26667
10.0 0.48006 0.21916 0.96485 0.34454 0.24437 0.22383



Table 5 . j8 Values for Cantilever Beam Subjected t o C o n c e n t r a t e d Torsion T a t Free End

- * - X = ZL


XL 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.5 0.92423 0.91705 0.91066 0.90504 0.90018 0.89609 0.89274 0.89015 0.88830 0.88719
1.0 0.76159 0.73915 0.71943 0.70229 0.68764 0.67540 0.66547 0.65782 0.65238 0.64913
1.5 0.60343 0.56651 0.53412 0.50763 0.48485 0.46608 0.45106 0.43959 0.43150 0.42669

2.0 0.48201 0.43446 0.39464 0.36155 0.33435 0.31237 0.29508 0.28204 0.27295 0.26758
2.5 0.39465 0.34000 0.29572 0.26002 0.23148 0.20898 0.19164 0.17879 0.16995 0.16478
3.0 0.33168 0.27246 0.22623 0.19023 0.16236 0.14100 0.12494 0.11329 0.10540 0.10082

3.5 0.28519 0.22310 0.17654 0.14164 0.11556 0.09621 0.08208 0.07205 0.06539 0.06158
4.0 0.24983 0.18600 0.14013 0.10714 0.08340 0.06641 0.05437 0.04606 0.04065 0.03760
4.5 0.22217 0.15737 0.11284 0.08214 0.06094 0.04632 0.03631 0.02961 0.02534 0.02297

5.0 0.19998 0.13476 0.09193 0.06369 0.04500 0.03261 0.02444 0.01913 0.01584 0.01404
5.5 0.18181 0.11655 0.07564 0.04986 0.03353 0.02315 0.01656 0.01242 0.00992 0.00859
6.0 0.16666 0.10163 0.06274 0.03935 0.02518 0.01655 0.01129 0.00810 0.00624 0.00526

7.0 0.14286 0.07882 0.04403 0.02499 0.01448 0.00862 0.00534 0.00349 0.00248 0.00198
8.0 0.12500 0.06241 0.03155 0.01620 0.00849 0.00458 0.00257 0.00153 0.00100 0.00074
10.0 0.10000 0.04088 0.01692 0.00711 0.00305 0.00135 0.00062 0.00030 0.00016 0.00011

Table 6. ]3 Values for Cantilever Beam Subjected t o Uniform Torsion m

X = ZL

^oo 00000^:^00
(L - Xy forO < X < L

XL 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

0.5 0.94302 0.93101 0.91735 0.90115 0.88093 0.85399 0.81501 0.75150 0.62606 0.25159
1.0 0.81930 0.78157 0.73937 0.68996 0.62878 0.54769 0.43045 0.23918 0.13965 1.27375
1.5 0.69584 0.63327 0.56509 0.48686 0.39133 0.26564 0.08421 0.21245 0.80271 2.57824

2.0 0.59693 0.51556 0.42985 0.33412 0.21935 0.06979 0.14563 0.49910 1.20683 3.34978
2.5 0.52147 0.42694 0.33124 0.22773 0.10639 0.04990 0.27457 0.64493 1.39244 3.67467
3.0 0.46322 0.35961 0.25924 0.15455 0.03492 0.11720 0.33548 0.69745 1.43515 3.70964

3.5 0.41697 0.30712 0.20556 0.10373 0.00945 0.15140 0.35486 0.69474 1.39522 3.57921
4.0 0.37924 0.26512 0.16459 0.06791 0.03644 0.16549 0.35043 0.66207 1.31247 3.36549
4.5 0.34776 0.23077 0.13269 0.04233 0.05228 0.16769 0.33324 0.61505 1.21125 3.11839

5.0 0.32104 0.20221 0.10744 0.02388 0.06096 0.16311 0.30999 0.56286 1.10567 2.86650
5.5 0.29805 0.17814 0.08720 0.01050 0.06503 0.15488 0.28458 0.51067 1.00338 2.62506
6.0 0.27805 0.15766 0.07083 0.00079 0.06613 0.14491 0.25924 0.46120 0.90818 2.40135

7.0 0.24497 0.12489 0.04656 0.01127 0.06342 0.12385 0.21291 0.37469 0.74397 2.01522
8.0 0.21877 0.10014 0.03012 0.01725 0.05778 0.10440 0.17451 0.30554 0.61356 1.70595
10.0 0.18000 0.06615 0.01105 0.02046 0.04524 0.07407 0.11961 0.20914 0.43069 1.26211



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