Manual Cormix PDF
Manual Cormix PDF
Manual Cormix PDF
State of the Art Mixing Zone Modeling System
Dear Friends:
CORMIX v8.0 has improved capabilities for drilling muds and cuttings discharge
modeling for offshore oil and gas drilling applications. The new version includes
an updated version of CorPlot which can be used to graph bottom sediment
deposition plots and other 2D graphics that help with the analysis of model results
from simulations of discharges during typical drilling operations. The model and
post processing capabilities have been updated and improved to be able to perform
time series analysis of varying ambient conditions usually encountered during such
offshore operations.
CORMIX v8.0GTR now has the capability to couple with a Far-Field model like
Delft-3D FLOW. The coupling allows for the dynamic linking of the two models,
communicating and running concurrently on different workstations/computers/
The CorHyd multiport diffuser design tool with advanced graphics and hydraulics
analysis has been updated to support most common wastewater discharges and
has been successfully used in several diffuser design projects.
The free CORMIX v8.0E evaluation version is available for immediate download
from our web site. This allows you to evaluate and explore CORMIX data
requirements, prediction capabilities and advanced features, before licensing a
commercial product.
You can rely on CORMIX to deliver the most dependable hydrodynamic predictions,
high quality 3D interactive graphics, extensive help and system documentation,
and ample quality assurance features. As always, CORMIX is backed by our expert
technical support.
Robert L. Doneker, Ph.D., P.E.
President, MixZon Inc
Table Of Contents
CORMIX v8.0 Feature Comparison .......................................................... 3
CORMIX v8.0 2
CORMIX v8.0 Feature Comparison
v8.0E v8.0G v8.0GT v8.0GTH v8.0GTS v8.0GTD v8.0GTR*
Features Free General Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Research
Release Release Tools Tools Tools Tools Tools
Hydraulics Sediment Design Release
Contact Contact Contact Contact
CorSupport Technical Support Service
9 9 Us Us Us Us
Print/Save 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorData - Legacy Data Import Tool 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorHelp Online User Guide 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CORMIX User Manual (PDF) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorSpy 3D/2D Outfall Graphics 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorVue 3D/2D Mixing Zone Graphics 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorSens Sensitivity Analysis Tool 9 9 9 9 9 9
CORMIX1 Single Port Discharges 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CORMIX2 Multiport Diffusers 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CORMIX3 Surface Discharges 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorJet 3D Jet Integral Model 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
FFL Far-field Plume Analysis 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorGIS BASINS/ArcView Tool 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Brine Discharge Modeling 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorHyd - Internal Diffuser Hydraulics 9 9 9 9
Sediments Dill Cuttings and Muds Discharge
Modeling 9 9 9 9
CorPlot - 2D Graphs and Deposition Plots 9 9 9 9
CorUCS - Coordinate System Converter 9 9 9
CorDocs Technical Documentation 9 9 9 9 9 9
CorVal - Case Validation Service
9 9 9 9 9 9
CorBatch - Batch Processing Utility 9
CorTime - Time Series/Far-Field Model Link 9
*GTR version for research and development use. Contact us for availability/licensing.
Subscription Fee required in addition to current software licensing. Contact us for more details.
NOTE: Please review the online feature comparison table at, for more details.
CORMIX v8.0 3
New and Improved Features in CORMIX v8.0
CorPlot - 2D Graphs and Deposition Plots
CorPlot - bottom deposition plots of WBM Muds and Cuttings from example studies of offshore drilling
discharges under varying ambient current directions.
CORMIX v8.0 4
CorHyd - Internal Diffuser Hydraulics Model for Multiport Diffusers
CORMIX v8.0 5
Improved Rule Base and Hydrodynamics
New effluent specification allows for detailed mixing analysis of dense discharges such
as concentrates from desalination facilities. Improved hydrodynamics now account for
bottom density current mixing with sloping bathymetry, essential for coastal mixing
zone analysis.
Detailed ambient density and current profile specification is available, to account for
internally stratified flow layers for dense discharges. In addition, negatively buoyant
surface source configurations are allowed in Version 8.0.
CORMIX v8.0 6
Sediment Discharges, Drilling Muds and Cuttings
CORMIX v8.0 can simulate both water column v8.0 GTS models discharge sources
suspended solids concentrations and bottom with suspended sediment
deposit footprint sediment flux. The CorPlot tool
can then create 2D deposition plots.
CORMIX v8.0 7
You can learn more about the internal logic of the CORMIX decision support system.
View the Flow Classification Rule Base to determine flow class for your simulation.
CORMIX v8.0 8
CorSupport CORMIX Technical Support Subscription Service
CorHelp is an easy to use on-line help and user documentation system integrated into
the CORMIX user interface. From the simplest to the most complex questions find
answers in CorHelp quickly and easily.
CorDocs is now hosted on-line and just a mouse click away no more large downloads
to install the documentation system. With CORMIX v8.0 you get instant web-based
access to the complete CORMIX1, CORMIX2, and CORMIX3 technical reports.
CORMIX v8.0 9
CORMIX v8.0 10
CorTime - Time Series/Far-Field Model Link
CORMIX v8.0 11
My Account
Participants review the basic theory of mixing zone modeling from point source discharges;
explore new ways to schematize and extend range of model application; discover time
saving tips and techniques for advanced model application; learn to avoid benthic
ecological impacts with advanced outfall designs; comply with NPDES requirements for
conventional and toxic discharges. This course delivers technical training to engineers,
scientists, regulators, and consultants on mixing zone modeling for NPDES mixing zone
The course includes an introduction to theory of transport modeling, outfall design, and
mixing zone water quality management supported by extensive hands-on computer
exercises. Attendees will receive 1.6 CEU (Continuing Education Units) or 16 PDH
Professional Development Hours.
The workshop is taught by Dr. Robert L. Doneker, primary developer of the CORMIX
MixZon can also provide a comprehensive training course on mixing zone modeling and
the CORMIX software at your location.
CORMIX v8.0 12
Outfall and Mixing Zone Monitoring Services
MixZon Inc has the unique capability to integrate water quality measurement, outfall
and mixing zone monitoring and analysis, in addition to mixing zone modeling using
CORMIX. We specialize in Mixing Zone Field Studies for NPDES permit compliance. Our
capabilities include:
Aerial Remote Sensing System for monitoring water quality at site scales;
Mixing Zone Dye Tracer Studies;
Ambient bathymetry and velocimetry characterization;
Dilution studies using CTD;
Outfall Condition Inspection and Assessment.
CORMIX v8.0 13
Mixing Zone & Dilution Dye Tracer Studies
Mi Z
MixZon IInc uses GIS tto analyze
l and
present data collected from remote
sensing and ADCP sonar surveys
CORMIX v8.0 14
Dilution Studies using CTD
M diffuser construction
Our capabilities in aerial remote sensing combined with our state of the art sonar for
velocimetry and bathymetry surveys, allows us to perform CORMIX model validation
and/or calibration for single port, multiport diffuser, and surface discharge sources.
CORMIX v8.0 15
MixZon Client List
MixZon has over 6000 academic, government, commercial, and consulting clients worldwide. We
Appreciate Your Support! Here are some of our valued users:
ADM Velva Environment Agency UK Manly Hydraulics Laboratory Tennessee Valley Authority
Alaska DEC Environment Canada Maine DEP, DMR Tetra Tech
Alabama DEM Environmental Reclamation Services Maryland DOE, DNR The Camdus Group
Alden Research Lab Environmentek McGinley & Associates The Citadel
Amec Exxon-Mobile Michigan DEQ Triad Engineering, Inc.
Anderson Marine Surveys FDA Middle East Technical University Underwood Engineers
Applied Science Associates Florida Atlantic University Minnesota PCA University of New Brunswick
Aqua-Fact International Services Florida DEP Mississippi DEQ Universidad de Chile
ARCADIS FMC Corp. Montana DEQ, DNR Universidad de Zaragoza
Arizona DEQ GBMC & Associates Najarian Associates Universidade de Sao Paulo
Argonne National Laboratory Georgia DNR National Institute of Ocean Technology, Universitt Karlsruhe
Autoritat Portuaria De Barcelona Georgia Tech India University Catolica De Chile
AWML International, Nigeria GHA Technologies Nebraska DEQ University of Alberta
AZTI Fundacion Golder Associates Nebraska Public Power University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt
Baird and Assoc. Gradian New Hampshire DES University of Canterburry
Barr Engineering Company Gray & Osborne New Jersey DEP University of Chile
Basler & Hofmann Great Barrier Reef Marine Park New South Wales EPA, Australia University of Concepcin
Battelle Authority, Australia New York DEC University of Minnesota
Beaufort Group Great Lakes Environmental Center NIWA, New Zealand University of New Orleans
Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Groundwater Management Associates NOAA Fisheries University of Patras
Bechtel Corporation Halcrow Group Normandeau Assoc. University of the West of England
Boyle Engineering Corp. Hampton Rhoads Sanitation District North Carolina DENR-DWQ University of Western Australia
British Petroleum Herrera Environmental Consultants Norwegian Institute for Water Research University of Wisconsin
Brown & Caldwell Hidroambiente Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, URS Corporation
Burgess & Niple HIDROSISTEM Engenheiros MEP, China US Army Corps of Engineers
California Dept. of Health Services Consultores Ohio EPA US Bureau of Reclamation
California Dept. of Water Resources Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates Oklahoma DEQ US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
California State University Hong Kong Drainage Services Ontario Ministry of Environment. USEPA, USEPA Regions 1-10
California SWRCB Department Oregon DEQ Veolia Water Systems
Camdus Group HR Wallingford Pacific Northwest National Lab Vermont ANR
Camp Dresser McKee HydroAnalysis Parametrix Vigil-Agrimis
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Hydrocontrol Parsons Brinckerhoff Virginia DEQ
Carl Bro Hydrometrics Petrobras America, Brazil W.F. Baird & Associates
Carollo Engineers HydroQual Petronyx Consulting Engineers Wacker Siltronic
Cascade Steel IAEA Pinnacle Consulting Group Wald + Corbe
CEDEX, Spain Indiana DEM, DNR Qatar Petroleum Wallis Engineering
CEOM SCpA Initec Technologia Quebec Ministere de lEnvironnement Washington DOE, DOH
CETESB, Brazil Innogy Railroad Commission of Texas Washington Group International
Chevron ETC Instituto Mexicano de Tecnologa del Rundall Blanchard Assoc Weaver Boos Consultants
Chevron Texaco Agua Safege Cetiis WESI Consulting
Chu Hai College J. E. Edinger Associates Science Applications Intl. West Virginia DEP - DWR
Conic-Bf Ingenieros Jacobs Consulting Services SEAUS Western Resource Solutions
Connecticut DEP Jaime Illanes y Asociados Consultores SECOR International Incorporated Westinghouse Savannah River
D Appolonia, Italy Japan NUS Sharp and Associates Woods Hole Group
Daebul University Kansas Dept. of Health Shaw E&I Worley
DAL Science & Engineering Kentucky Div. Of Water Shell Global Solutions WS Atkins
Delaware DNREC KEPRI, KEPCO SIDMAR Bernhard Pack
Deltares Kerr Wood Leidal Assoc. Sinclair Knight Merz
Democrete University of Thrace King Saud University South Carolina DHEC
DynMcDermott - DOE Kingett Mitchell SPAWAR
E.I. DuPont Komex International Agricultural & Rural St. Johns River Water Management
Earth Tech Infrastructure District
EBX Engineering SRL Larry Walker Associates Stantec Consulting
Eco-Logic Engineering LaSalle Consulting Group Stevens Institute of Technology
Ecology & Environment Latinoconsult Stoller-Navarro Joint Venture
Ecoprogress Limno-Tech Subsea Engineering
Engineering-Environmental Mgmt LORAX Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological
EnSafe Louisiana DEQ Institute
Entech Consultants MACTEC Engineering & Consulting Taxon Estudios Ambientales
ENVIRON UK Makai Ocean Engineering Tennessee DOWPC, DEC
CORMIX v8.0 16