Active Electronically Scanned Array (Aesa) Fire Control Radar

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Radar & Advanced Targeting


Vixen 1000E is a high performance AESA radar KEY FEATURES
designed for fighter/interceptor aircraft building on
over 60 years of fire control radar experience. Vixen The Vixen 1000E Radar has been designed from the
1000E features an innovative roll-repositionable outset to meet worldwide fire control radar detection
AESA antenna to provide a full 100 field of regard and target tracking needs combined into one efficient
allowing maximum situational awareness and platform modular system. The Vixen 1000E builds on common
survivability. This Wide Field of Regard (WFoR) allows modular units for a scaleable system architecture to
the aircraft to turn away after missile launch, whilst still meet the needs of fire control and intercept radar
maintaining datalinks to the missile. operational requirements whilst remaining resistant to
radar countermeasures.
The highly reliable AESA transmit-receive module
technology incorporated in Vixen 1000E significantly The AESA antenna is coupled to fully digital
improves system availability leading to reduced multi-channel exciter/receiver and processor
lifecycle costs. Line Replaceable Units (LRUs). These provide a
comprehensive mode suite which includes air-to-air,
Vixen 1000E is part of a family of AESA Radars air-to-surface, interleaved and support functions,
delivering greater performance and higher reliability which can be readily adapted or extended in software
than comparable mechanically scanned radars and to meet future needs.
offers all the advantages of multi-function AESA arrays
with significant through life cost savings.

The radar makes use of AESA alert-confirm techniques TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION

to confirm targets on first detection. This combined
Frequency X Band
with optimised AESA waveforms results in increased Scan Coverage +/- 100
track initiation ranges, whilst simultaneously Scan Velocity Instant beam switching
maintaining situational awareness. The instantaneous Cooling Liquid and Air
scanning ability of the AESA also provides a Weight 215kg
comprehensive suite of interleaved air and surface Key Interfaces Ethernet, 1553B
modes, thus providing the pilot with all round
situational awareness.
Air-to-Air Modes Search While Track
Single Target Track
Air Combat Modes HUD search
At the core of the AESA radar design is the ability to Vertical scan
tolerate individual item failure. Component failures in Slewable scan
the array result in graceful performance degradation Boresight
rather than complete system failure, delivering Air-to-Surface modes Real beam ground map
high operational availability when compared with Doppler Beam Sharpening
conventional radar systems. Significant cost benefits Sea Surface Search and Track
over the life of the system are realised due to the Ground Moving Target Indication and Track
high reliability, increased availability and reduced Spotlight & Stripmap Synthetic Aperture
maintenance requirements.
Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
Modes and capabilities
Air to Surface Ranging
The mode set allows the system to deliver all of the Interleaved Modes Customer configurable
functional capabilities of a Fire Control Radar within interleaved Air & Surface modes
an acceptable platform volume. This is combined Support Functions Passive Search
with the full capabilities of a detection, tracking and While Track
prosecution system to meet the needs of emerging Missile Datalinks
new world threats. Cued Search
Non-Cooperative Target Recognition
The system utilises all the benefits of an electronically Comprehensive ECCM suite
Weather mode
scanned array to deliver:
Significantly enhanced performance relative to
similar sized systems with the same weight, volume
and power
Comparable performance to larger mechanically
scanned system whilst offering reduced weight and

For more information please email [email protected]

Leonardo MW Ltd
Crewe Toll - 2 Crewe Road North - Edinburgh - EH5 2XS - United Kingdom - Tel: +44 (0) 131 3322411
This publication is issued to provide outline information only and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part of it may be reproduced or used unless
authorised in writing. We reserve the right to modify or revise all or part of this document without notice.
2017 Leonardo MW Ltd ASS MM08133 1-17

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