TD 302 Cemp EEx-d Technische Catalogus ATEX 63-315

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The document appears to provide technical information about electric motors, including their design, performance, specifications and spare parts.

The document covers information about the range of motors, their main characteristics, electrical design, performance data, and technical specifications.

The document discusses design features for electric motors such as installation options, materials, shaft ends, bearing systems, terminal boxes, and permissible loads.

Electric Motors

Electric motors

Flameproof with brake
Flameproof for mines
Non sparking
Dust proof
Gas + Dust

Frame size 63 315

Edizione 05-14 Edition 05-14 Edizion 05-14 Die Auflage 05-14 Edicin 05-14
Page Page
0. Introduction ...................................................................................... 40 3. Electrical design ............................................................................... 63
0.1 SI units and conversion equations...................................................... 40 3.1 Standard operating conditions .......................................................... 63
0.2 Engineering formulae for motor drives ............................................... 41 3.2 Efficiency and power factor at partial load ........................................ 64
0.3 Standards and specifications.............................................................. 42 3.3 Insulation and temperature rise .......................................................... 64
0.4 Protection against explosions in dangerous areas ............................. 43 3.4 Duty types ........................................................................................... 65
1. General informations ....................................................................... 48 3.5 Connecting diagrams ......................................................................... 67
1.1 Range of motors ................................................................................ 48 3.6 Brake connection diagrams ............................................................... 68
1.2 Common main characteristics ............................................................ 50 3.7 Hourly start-ups allowed (Braking: n per hour) ................................. 68
1.3 Main options ....................................................................................... 50 3.8 Additional terminals marking .............................................................. 69
1.4 Nomenclature .................................................................................... 51 3.9 Protection devices .............................................................................. 69
2. Design features ................................................................................ 52 3.10 Frequency converter driven motors ................................................... 70
2.1 Installation and applications .............................................................. 52 4. Performance data ........................................................................... 167
2.2 Low temperature version and anti-condensation heating ................. 52 4.1 Three-phase motors, 1 speed ......................................................... 168
2.3 Materials, painting and nameplate ..................................................... 53 4.2 Three-phase motors, 1 speed IE2 ................................................... 172
2.4 Shaft ends, balancing, vibrations, noise level coupling and 4.3 Three-phase motors, 2 speeds, (constant torque) .......................... 175
belt drives .......................................................................................... 55 4.4 Three-phase motors, 2 speeds, (quadratic torque) ......................... 179
2.5 Brake motors....................................................................................... 55 4.5 Single-phase motors, 1 speed ......................................................... 183
2.6 Bearing system ................................................................................... 57 4.6 Three-phase motors with brake, 1 or 2 speeds .............................. 184
2.7 Permissible radial loads on the shaft with standard bearings ............ 59 4.7 Motors energized by inverter ............................................................ 188
2.8 Permissible axial load on the shaft with standard bearings .............. 60 5. Overall dimensions and mounting arrangements ...................... 195
2.9 Terminal box ...................................................................................... 61 5.1 Mounting arrangements ................................................................... 196
2.10 Position of terminal box and terminals .............................................. 62 5.2 Overall dimensions of standard and mining version motors ........... 198
2.11 Cable-entries ...................................................................................... 62 5.3 Overall dimensions of motors with brakes ....................................... 202
6. Spare parts ..................................................................................... 209
0. Introduction
0.1 SI units and conversion equations
Table 0A
Description SI Conversion equations
Formular symbols Unit symbol Unit name
Distance L m metre
Area A m2
Volume V m3 1 m3 = 1000 dm3
1 dm3 = 1l

Angle in one plane , , rad radian 1 = rad

1 = 1/60
1 = 1/60

Time t s second 1 Hz = 1/s

Frequency f Hz Hertz
Speed n 1/min 1 km/h = 1 m/s
Velocity v m/s 3.6
Angular velocity rad/s

Acceleration a m/s2
Angular acceleration rad/s2
Mass m kg kilogram
Density kg/m3

Force F N Newton 1N = 1kg 1 m/s2

p 9.81 N = 1 kgf
Pressure Pa = N/m2 Pascal 9.81 104 N/m2 = 1kgf/cm2
Mechanical stress N/mm2 9.81 N/mm2 = 1 kgf/mm2

Work done W J = Nm Joule 9.81 Nm = 1 kgfm

Energy W 4187 J = 1 kcal
Thermal quantity Q 1 kWh = 3.6 x 106 J

Torque M Nm 9.81 Nm = 1 kgfm

1 Nm = 0.102 kgfm
Power P W = J/s = Nm/s Watt 735.5 W = 1 hp

Moment of inertia J kg m2 9.81 kg m2 = 1 kpms2

PD2 = 4 J
Dynamic viscosity Pa s 10 1 Pa s = 1 P (Poise)
Kinematic viscosity m2/s 10 4 m2/s = 1 St (Stokes)
Electric current I A Ampere 1 A = 1 W/V = 1 V/
Electric voltage U V Volt 1 V = 1 W/A
Electric resistance R Ohm 1 = 1 V/A = 1/S
Electric conductivity G S Siemens 1 S = 1/
Electric capacity C F Faraday 1 F = 1 C/V
Charge Q C Coulomb 1C=1As
Inductance L H Henry 1 H = 1 Vs/A
Magnetic flux density B T Tesla 1 T = 1 Wb/m2
Magnetic field strength H A/m
Magnetic flux Wb Weber 1 Wb = 1 V s

Temperature difference T K Kelvin 0 K = - 273.15 C


0. Introduction
0.2 Engineering formulae for motor drives
Power (3-phase motors) Torque from motor power Factor of Inertia FI
P1 = power input = P [Nm] J + Jload
M = 9550 2 FI = mot
U I cos CD
3 10-3 [kW] n Jmot
P2 = power output = P1 [kW] Where: Where:
P2 = motor output [kW] Jmot = moment of inertia of motor
Where: n = motor speed Jload = moment of inertia of load
U = voltage [ V ]
I = current [ I ] Conversion of torque for step-up and Starting time ta
cos = power factor step-down speed ratios: FI Jmot n
= efficiency M1 n1 ta = [s]
M2 = 9.55 ( Mmot - Mload )
Power requirements of some Where: Where:
applications n1 = motor speed [min-1] FI = Factor of inertia
M1 = motor torque at n1 [Nm] Jmot = moment of inertia of motor [kgm2]
Lifting: n2 = speed of load [min-1] n = motor speed [min-1]
M2 = torque of load at n2 [Nm] Mmot = motor torque
P = m v 9.81 10 [kW]

during starting (mean) [Nm]

Moment of Inertia J Mload = counter torque of load
Rotation: during starting (mean) [Nm]
Moment of Inertia of a cylindrical flywheel:
P= Mn [kW]
9550 md2
J= The no-load speed is virtually the same as
the synchronous speed. The synchronous
Fan and pump drives: Where:

speed of the motor is calculated as follow:
m = mass [kg]
P= HQ [W]
d = flywheel diameter [m]
ns = 120 f/p [min-1]

Where: Effective moment of inertia on the motor

P = power [kW] of a linearly moved load:
= mass [kg]
= speed [m/s] J = 91.2 m ( nv )
2 f
= frequency [Hz]
= number of pole
n = rotational speed [min-1]
= efficiency Where:
The synchronous speed is reduced by the
M = torque [Nm] m = mass [kg]
slip (S) to the rated speed:
Q = output [m3/s] v = velocity [m/s]
H = head [N/m2] n = motor speed [min-1]
nn = ns (1-S) [min-1]
Conversions of moments of inertia for
step-up or step-down speed ratio:

J2 = J1 ( nn )

n1 = motor speed
J1 = moment of inertia at n1
n2 = speed of load
J2 = moment of inertia of load

0. Introduction
0.3 Standards and specifications

Flameproof motors conform to the following

standards and specifications:

Table 0B


Electrical rotating machines/rated IEC 60034-1 EN60034-1

operation and characteristic data
Methods for determining losses and efficiency IEC 60034-2 EN60034-2
of rotating electrical machines
Protection types rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-5 EN 60034-5

Cooling methods of rotating electrical IEC 60034-6 EN60034-6

Construction types of rotating electrical IEC 60034-7 EN 60034-7
Terminal markings and direction of rotation IEC 60034-8 EN 60034-8
for electrical machines
Noise emission, limit values IEC 60034-9 EN 60034-9

Start-up behaviour of squirrel-cage motors at IEC 60034-12 EN60034-12

50 Hz up to 660V
Vibration severity of rotating electrical machines IEC 60034-14 EN60034-14

Protection level provided by enclosures for IEC60068-1 EN 60068-1

electrical equipment against mechanical impact IEC60068-2-75 EN 60068-2-75
(Code IK)
Fixing dimensions and outputs for IM B3 IEC 60072 EN 60072

Fixing dimensions and outputs for IM B5, IEC 60072 EN 60072

IM B14
Cylindrical shaft ends for electrical machines IEC 60072 EN 60072

Electrical equipment for hazardous areas IEC 60079-0 EN 60079-0

General provisions
Electrical equipment for hazardous areas IEC 60079-1 EN 60079-1
Flame-proof enclosure d

Electrical equipment for hazardous areas IEC 60079-7 EN 60079-7

Increased safety e

Equipment with protection type t for use in the IEC 60079-31 EN 60079-31
presence of flammable dusts

0. Introduction
0.4 Protection against explosions in dangerous areas
0.4.1 Types protection
The use of an electrical apparatus in Protection methods for GAS Protection method for flammable dusts
potentially explosive atmospheres is quite Two types of protection prevent the For flammable dusts, only one method of
usual today. presence of a potentially explosive protection is provided for:
This equipment has to be manufactured in atmosphere inside the electrical housing which prevents the infiltration of
such a way that there is no risk of apparatus: dust and surface temperature limitation
explosion. oil immersion (safety o); (protection type t).
An explosion occurs when of the three pressurized apparatus (safety p). In practice only five of these eight methods
following conditions happen: Two types of protection make the of protection are applicable to the electric
presence of a potentially explosive transmission of an internal explosion to the motor:
atmosphere; potentially explosive atmosphere pressurized apparatus (symbol Ex p);
possibility of transmission of the surrounding the electrical apparatus flameproof enclosure (symbol Ex d);
explosion; impossible: increased safety (symbol Ex e);
existence of an ignition source. sand filling (safety q); non sparking protection (symbol Ex n);
The recognized types of protection flameproof enclosure (safety d). protection by a housing (symbol Ex t).
eliminate one of these conditions and thus Lastly, three types of protection eliminate Electric motors have another method of
make an explosion impossible. any source of ignition, such as sparks, protection for gas (symbol Ex de) which is
overheating, etc...: a combination of:
increased safety (safety e); - flameproof enclosure d for motor
intrinsic safety (safety i); frame;
protection n (restricted to zone 2). - increased safety e for terminal box.

Fig. 0A - Specific marking for protection

against explosions - Directive 94/9/EC.

0.4.2 Dangerous areas and zones

Dangerous areas include any area in which Zones susceptible to gas Zones susceptible to combustible dust
explosive atmospheres may occur under When the hazard is due to the presence of When the hazard is due to the presence of
specific conditions. gas, vapours or mists of flammable combustible dust, the European directive
An explosive atmosphere is a mixture of air substances, the European directive 1999/92/EC envisages a classification in
and combustible gases, vapours, fumes or 1999/92/EC envisages a classification in three zones defined as followos:
dust under atmospheric conditions where three zones defined as follows: Zone 20 - Areas constantly susceptible to
combustion expands itself (explosion) after Zone 0 - Areas constantly susceptible to an an explosive atmosphere, or for long
ignition. explosive atmosphere, or for long periods of periods of time.
Only local authorities can classify hazardous time. Power equipment with double Power apparatus cannot be installed in this
areas. insulation must be installed in this area. zone.
The users shall classify the hazardous areas Zone 1 - Areas where an explosive Zone 21 - Areas where an explosive
as indicated in the European directive atmosphere is likely to develop during atmosphere is likely to develop during
1999/92/EC under their own responsibility. normal conditions. normal conditions.
International standards IEC 61241-10 Flameproof electric motors or motors with Electric motors certified in compliance with
provide instructions on how to classify the added protection means can be installed in the ATEX directive with IP6x protection
hazardous areas in relation to the chemical this zone (for the latter, restrictions by the rating can be installed in this zone
nature, to the physical characteristics and to standards apply). Zone 22 - Areas rarely susceptible to an
the amount of substances used and based Zone 2 - Areas rarely susceptible to an explosive atmosphere, and only for a short
on the frequency and period of time in explosive atmosphere and for a short period period of time. Depending on the type of
which an explosive mix may develop. of time. dust also in zone 22 it may be necessary to
Flameproof motors or motors with added have IP6x construction (see 0.4.4).
protection can be installed in this zone, as
well as non-sparking motors.

Table 0C - Dangerous areas classified into zones

Fig. 0B - Warning sign for areas subject
Usage area Usage area Hazardous level
to the risk of explosion - Directive 99/92/EC in the presence of in the presence of of the operational
Explosive atmosphere
Zone 0 Zone 20
Zone 1 Zone 21
explosive atmosphere
Explosive atmosphere
Zone 2 Zone 22

0. Introduction

0.4.3 Apparatus classification

The ATEX 94/9/EC European Directive NOTE: Equipment of higher categories
classifies equipment into three categories, can also be installed instead of those of a
with differing protection levels, related to the lower category.
protection guaranteed.

Table 0D - Equipment categories

guaranteed by COMBUSTIBLE
the equipment Category DUST
Category Category

Very high M1 1G 1D

High M2 2G 2D

Normal not provided for 3G 3D

0.4.4 Enclosure groups

The standards classify electrical equipment The housings for equipment to be used at The housings for equipment to be used in

into two groups. the surface in the presence of gas, with atmospheres containing flammable dust,
Group I: electric apparatus to be installed in protection method d (explosion proof), with protection method "t, are separated
mines or galleries susceptible to firedamp or are in turn subdivided into three sub-groups into three sub-groups depending on the type
coal dust. depending on the flammable substances for of dust:
which they are suitable: IIIA: flammable particles
Group II: electric apparatus to be installed
Group IIA, Group IIB, Group IIC. IIIB: non-conducting dust
in surface plants susceptible to other
A motor that belongs to a certain enclosure IIIC: conducting dust
explosive atmospheres.
group is also suitable for lower enclosure Note: for the IIIC group and also for
groups: a motor in group IIB is also suitable installation in zone 22 a minimum protection
for group IIA; a motor in group IIC is also level of IP6x is necessary.
suitable for group IIA and IIB.

0.4.5 Temperature classes (for gas

The electrical apparatus is classified into 6 Table 0E
classes according to the maximum surface Ignition temperature Temperature Maximum surface temperature of
temperatures. of medium relative class electrical equipment including 40C
The maximum surface temperature is the to limit temperature ambient temperature
highest temperature which is attained in
service under the conditions described in [C] [C] [F]
the standards, by any part of the electrical
over 450 T1 450 842
apparatus, which, could ignite the
surrounding atmosphere. from 300 to 450 T2 300 572
For electric motors this is: from 200 to 300 T3 200 392
the temperature of the outside surface of
the enclosure for d and p protection from 135 to 200 T4 135 275
from 100 to 135 T5 100 212
the temperature of any internal or external
point for type of protection e or n. from 85 to 100 T6 85 185

0. Introduction

0.4.6 Combustion temperatures of

gases, vapours and groups
Combustible gases and vapours are divided The indications contained in table 0F are
into classes according to their ignition shown only as an example.
temperature and into groups according to Classification of the substances is not
their explosive capacity. the responsibility of the supplier of the
Markings on motors and other electrical equipment.
equipment with the symbols used to indicate Responsibility for the choice of equipment
the protection mode, the enclosure group, lies with the user.
and the temperature class, indicate the zone
in which such equipment can be installed.

Table 0F - Classification of the more common combustible gases and vapours according to temperature class and group

Temperature classes
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
I Methane (firedamp)

IIA Acetic acid Acetic anhydride Cyclohexane Acetaldehyde

Acetone I amyl acetate Cyclohexanol Ether
Ammonia n butane Decane

Benzole n butyl alcohol Diesel fuels
Benzene Amylic alcohol Gasoline
Butanone Butyl acetate Heating oil
Carbon monoxide Cyclohexanon Heptane
Ethane Ethyl alcohol Hexane
Ethyl acetate Iso butylic alcohol Jet fuels
Ethyl Chloride Liquefied gas Pentane
Methane Natural gas Petroleum*
Methanol Propyl acetate
Methyl acetate
Methyl alcohol
Methyl Chloride

IIB Coke-oven gas 1,3- butadiene Hydrogen sulphide Ethyl ether

Water gas Ethylene Isoprene
(carburetted) Ethylbenzene Petroleum*
Ethylene oxide

IIC Hydrogen Acetylene Carbon disulphide

Ethyl nitrate

*depending on composition

0. Introduction

0.4.7 Temperature for atmospheres

with combustible dusts
The flash point of the dust must be taken Table 0G - Calculation of the flash points for combustible dusts
into account in providing protection against
flammable dust, in both the cloud form and Dust Cloud Layer
in layers. ignition temperature Tcl T5mm
The surface temperature of the enclosure
indicated on the motor nameplate must be Safety temperature Ts1 = 2/3 Tcl Ts2 = T5mm - 75K
less than the reference ignition temperature.
The reference temperature is the lowest Maximum surface
between the two values thus calculated: Tamm = lowest between Ts1 and Ts2
TS1 = 2/3 Tcl (Tcl = ignition temperature of
the cloud of dust) Surface temperature of the motor Tamm
TS2 = T5mm 75K (T5mm = ignition
temperature of a 5mm layer of dust).
Tamm = lowest between TS1 and TS2.

The surface temperature class is Table 0H - Examples of flash points for combustible dusts
expressed as degrees Celsius, the Cloud Layer
manufacturer determines the temperature [C] [C]

class depending on the thermal

characteristics of its own product. Aluminium 590 >450
The temperature classes for the Cemp Carbon dust 380 225
product are as follows:
T150C - T135C - T125C - T100C - Flour 490 340
Wheat dust 510 300
The indications contained in table 0H are
given only by way of example. Methylcellulose 420 320
Classification of the substances is not Phenolic resin 530 >450
the responsibility of the supplier of the
equipment. Polyethylene 420 melting
Responsibility for the choice of equipment
PVC 700 >450
lies with the user.

Source SIRA Ltd

Soot 810 570
Starch 460 435
Sugar 490 460

0.4.8 Level of protection for the

equipment (EPL, equipment
protection level)
In accordance with standard IEC The first letter makes the following b - high protection level (guarantees safety
EN 60079-0 the marking of equipment to be distinctions: in normal operation and when subject to
used in a potentially explosive atmosphere M - for mining foreseeable malfunctions);
must also have the suffix EPL. G - for gas c - increased protection level (it is not a
EPL is defined as the level of protection D - for dust source of ignition during normal opera-
assigned to electrical equipment based on tion and has some additional protection
the probability of it becoming a source of The second letter gives information on the measures to ensure that it remains an
ignition. probability of becoming a source of ignition: inactive source of ignition in events
The EPL also makes it possible to occurring regularly).
a - very high protection level (guarantees
distinguish between the different explosive
safety in normal operation, during
foreseeable malfunctions and when
subject to rare cases of malfunction);

0. Introduction

0.4.9 Choice of safety-electric motor

The connection between danger zones and
the categories of equipment to be used is
defined in Directive 1999/92/EC.
The specific construction standards for the
protection modes (e.g. Ex d) also define the
motor category that can be obtained by
applying the standards (e.g. 2G).

Table 0I - Choosing the protection mode for zones in which gas is present
Protection guaranteed
Explosive Atmosphere Danger Zone Motor Category Protection Mode
by Equipment

ALWAYS PRESENT 0 Very High 1G IEC EN60079-26

Ex d
PROBABLE 1 High 2G Ex de
Ex e

IMPROBABLE 2 Normal 3G Ex nA

Table 0L - Choice of protection mode for areas where combustible dust is present
Protection guaranteed
Explosive Atmosphere Danger Zone Motor Category Protection Mode
by Equipment

ALWAYS PRESENT 20 Very High 1D Ex ta

PROBABLE 21 High 2D Ex tb - IP6x

IMPROBABLE Normal 2D Ex tb - IP6x
Conductive dusts
IMPROBABLE Normal 3D Ex tc - IP5x
Non-conductive dusts

N. B. Equipment of a higher category can be

installed in place of equipment of a lower

1. General informations
1.1 Range of motors
The motors presented in this catalogue The certificates are issued by Certification
respect the standards in relation to Bodies, defined as Notified Bodies, to which
equipment and protection systems for the European Community assigns the task
use on safe areas or potentially explosive of assessing the conformity of products to
atmospheres, in conformity with European community directives.
directive n. 94/9/CE del 23/3/94, known as
The list of notified bodies can be found in
the ATEX directive.
the site of the European Union on the page
Classification of the areas is the
responsibility of the user and for the choice
The certificates of the motors can be found
of motor the indications are given in Table
on Internet at, on the
Product Search page.
The ATEX directive states that two different
IECEx certificates can also be found at
certificates of conformity are to be issued.
One is the EC-Type examination certificate
for the homologation of the prototype and All certificates may be supplied on request.
the other is for the Production Quality
Assurance Notification.

Table 1A - Temperature Class upon request

Version T3 T5 T6
63160 Same power as T4 Same power as T4 Power lower than T4

180315 Same power as T4 Power lower than T4 Power lower than T4

1. General informations
Table 1B - Cemp range of motors
Frame size Output range EPL = Gb
Type Version Ventilation Operation Ex d Ex de Ex d Ex de
[mm] [kW]
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.05 200.00 IC411 S1 AB 30 AB 35 AC 30 AC 35
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 63 315 0.15 160.00 IC411 S1 AB 20 AB 25 AC 20 AC 25
Explosion-proof GAS

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) quadratic-torque 63 315 0.18 160.00 IC411 S1 AB 40 AB 45 AC 40 AC 45
Single phase, (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 3.00 IC411 S1 AB 10 AB 15 AC 10 AC 15
Single-phase with capacitor in extra-size terminal box (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 1.10 IC411 S1 AB 12 --- AC 12 ---
Motors energized by inverter (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.09 200.00 IC411 S9 AB 70 AB 75 AC 70 AC 75
63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 30 DB 35 DC 30 DC 35
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole)
71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HB 30 HB 35 HC 30 HC 35
Single speed, three phase (4, 6, 8 pole) 180 315 18.50 200.00 IC416 S4 DB 30 DB 35 DC 30 DC 35
63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 20 DB 25 DC 20 DC 25
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HB 20 HB 25 HC 20 HC 25
With brake

180 315 18.50 160.00 IC416 S4 DB 20 DB 25 DC 20 DC 25

71 315 0.18 200.00 IC410 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
Single speed, three phase (6 pole) for hoist applications 71 160 0.18 11.00 IC411 S4 HB 50 HB 55 HC 50 HC 55
180 315 15.00 160.00 IC416 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
71 315 0.06 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
Two speeds, three phase (2/8, 4/12, 4/16 pole) for hoist
71 160 0.06 7.50 IC411 S4 HB 50 HB 55 HC 50 HC 55
180 315 2.00 37.00 IC416 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
T4 - T 135C
EPL = Gb - Db
Frame size Output range Ex d Ex de Ex d Ex de
Type Version Ventilation Operation
[mm] [kW]
Ex t
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.05 200.00 IC411 S1 AB 30 AB 35 AC 30 AC 35
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 63 315 0.15 160.00 IC411 S1 AB 20 AB 25 AC 20 AC 25

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) quadratic-torque 63 315 0.18 160.00 IC411 S1 AB 40 AB 45 AC 40 AC 45

Single phase, (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 3.00 IC411 S1 AB 10 AB 15 AC 10 AC 15


Single-phase with capacitor in extra-size terminal box (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 1.10 IC411 S1 AB 12 --- AC 12 ---
Motors energized by inverter (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.09 200.00 IC411 S9 AB 70 AB 75 AC 70 AC 75

63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 30 DB 35 DC 30 DC 35
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole)
71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HB 30 HB 35 HC 30 HC 35
Single speed, three phase (4, 6, 8 pole) 180 315 18.50 200.00 IC416 S4 DB 30 DB 35 DC 30 DC 35
63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 20 DB 25 DC 20 DC 25
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HB 20 HB 25 HC 20 HC 25
With brake

180 315 18.50 160.00 IC416 S4 DB 20 DB 25 DC 20 DC 25

71 315 0.18 200.00 IC410 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
Single speed, three phase (6 pole) for hoist applications 71 160 0.18 11.00 IC411 S4 HB 50 HB 55 HC 50 HC 55
180 315 15.00 160.00 IC416 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
71 315 0.06 160.00 IC410 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
Two speeds, three phase (2/8, 4/12, 4/16 pole) for hoist
71 160 0.06 7.50 IC411 S4 HB 50 HB 55 HC 50 HC 55
180 315 2.00 37.00 IC416 S4 DB 50 DB 55 DC 50 DC 55
Non sparking

Frame size Output range

Type Version Ventilation Operation EPL = Gc
[mm] [kW]
Ex nA

Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.18 200.00 IC411 S1 AN 30

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 63 315 0.15 160.00 IC411 S1 AN 30
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) quadratic-torque 63 315 0.18 160.00 IC411 S1 AN 30
Motors energized by inverter (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.09 200.00 IC411 S9 AN 30
T 135C
Frame size Output range
Type Version Ventilation Operation EPL = Db EPL = Dc
[mm] [kW]
Ex tb Ex tc
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.18 200.00 IC411 S1 AD 30 AD 30
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 63 315 0.15 160.00 IC411 S1 AD 20 AD 20

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) quadratic-torque 63 315 0.18 160.00 IC411 S1 AD 40 AD 40
Single phase, (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 3.00 IC411 S1 AD 10 AD 10
Single-phase with capacitor in extra-size terminal box (2, 4, 6 pole) 63 100 0.10 1.10 IC411 S1 AD 12 AD 12
Motors energized by inverter (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.09 200.00 IC411 S9 AD 70 AD 70
63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DD 30 DD 30

Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole)

71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HD 30 HD 30
Single speed, three phase (4, 6, 8 pole) 180 315 18.50 200.00 IC416 S4 DD 30 DD 30
63 315 0.05 160.00 IC410 S4 DD 20 DD 20
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 71 160 0.15 18.50 IC411 S4 HD 20 HD 20
With brake

180 315 18.50 160.00 IC416 S4 DD 20 DD 20

71 315 0.18 200.00 IC410 S4 DD 50 DD 50
Single speed, three phase (6 pole) for hoist applications 71 160 0.18 11.00 IC411 S4 HD 50 HD 50
180 315 15.00 160.00 IC416 S4 DD 50 DD 50
71 315 0.06 160.00 IC410 S4 DD 50 DD 50
Two speeds, three phase (2/8, 4/12, 4/16 pole) for hoist
71 160 0.06 7.50 IC411 S4 HD 50 HD 50
180 315 2.00 37.00 IC416 S4 DD 50 DD 50
T3 - T 150C
Non sparking

Frame size Output range

Type Version Ventilation Operation EPL = Gc - Db
[mm] [kW]

Ex nA - Ex tb Ex nA - Ex tc
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.18 200.00 IC411 S1 AQ 30 AQ 30

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) constant-torque 63 315 0.15 160.00 IC411 S1 AQ 20 AQ 20
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, pole) quadratic-torque 63 315 0.18 160.00 IC411 S1 AQ 40 AQ 40
Motors energized by inverter (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 63 315 0.18 200.00 IC411 S9 AQ 70 AQ 70
T 150C
Frame size Output range
Type Version Ventilation Operation EPL = Mb

[mm] [kW]
Ex d Ex de
Single speed, three phase (2, 4, 6, 8 pole) 71 315 0.15 200.00 IC411 S1 AM 30 AM 35

Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, 4/6, 6/8 pole) constant-torque 71 315 0.37 160.00 IC411 S1 AM 20 AM 25
Two speeds, three phase (2/4, 4/8, 4/6, 6/8 pole) quadratic-torque 71 315 0.37 160.00 IC411 S1 AM 40 AM 45
1. General informations
1.2 Common main characteristics

Flameproof motors compliant with the Internal and external mechanical 1.2.2 Special characteristics for
Standards IEC EN 60079-0, 60079-1, components painted with epoxy polyester motors for mining applications
60079-7 for atmospheres where gas is powders;
The motors in the ATEX series for mines
present and IEC EN 60079-31 for areas - stainless steel nameplate,
come under group I Category M2.
where combustible dust is present. - anti-corrosion screws.
They are intended for use below ground
Three phase and single phase Squirrel Highly resistant to impact: and in surface areas of mines where
Cage Asynchronous Induction motors. - cast iron made frame, terminal box and firedamp or combustible powder can be
Totally enclosed, fan cooled, frame IP55 endshields. found.
with Terminal box IP65. - fan cover in sheet steel. This equipment is meant to be
The motors dimensions comply with Low friction dust seals. de-energised in an explosive atmosphere.
IEC 60072 standard. The conformity certificates also cover Mounting options B3, B5, B35, B14, B34.
Power Supply 400V/50Hz. alternatives, such as: High protection against corrosion:
Three-phase, 1-speed motors, 2-4-6-8 - altitude over 1000m - inside and outside surfaces poly-esther
poles, T4 (for sizes between 63 and 250, - modification of the rated voltage and powder painting (minimum thickness
multi-voltage power supply rated frequency 150 m)
380-400-420V/50Hz and 460V/60Hz). - power supply from an inverter - stainless steel nameplate
Class F insulation. - motor protection through temperature - anticorrosion plated fasteners.
Noise level within 86 dB (A). Highly resistant to impact:
- duty S1 to S9.
Terminal Box: - special fan cover in sheet steel with rear
- available both in a flameproof, or 1.2.1 Special characteristics for grid protection.
increased safety version motors with brakes The conformity certificates also cover
- large size alternatives, such as:
Mounting options B3, B5, B35, B14, B34.
- standard position - top, opposite feet - modification of the rated voltage and
- rotate by 90 in 4 positions. Brake power supply:
rated frequency

- 400V/3/50Hz (for motors with axle

Motor frame and terminal box enclosure - power supply from an inverter
height of 63160)
separated to avoid the transmission of - motor protection through temperature
- 230V/1/50Hz (for motors with axle
explosions. detectors
height of 180250)
Winding cables connected to the terminal - duty S1 to S9.
Double terminal board box, one for the
board by means of terminal blocks or by
motor and the other for the brake, both
a flameproof sealing device. can be rotated through 90 in 4 positions,
for motors with an axle height of 180250.

1.3 Main options

Electrical variants Certificates

Non-standard voltages and frequencies Motors with special bearings Motors according to American Bureau of
(maximum voltage 1000V). (uni-directional, with sensors, with rollers, Shipping, Bureau Veritas, Det Norske
Motors for tropical climates. insulated, oversized, thrust bearings). Veritas, Germanischer LLoyd, Korean
Motors for low temperatures (-50C) Vibration level Grade A or B, according to Register of Shipping, LLoyd Register of
IEC 60034-14. Shipping, Nippon Kaiji Kyokaj, R.I.Na.,
Temperature rise below 80K. IECEx, CUTR, CCOE.
Motors with a rain cap or sun shield,
Motors insulated to class H.
water-shedding disc.
Motors with bimetallic detector, 1.3.1 Further options for motors with
Side terminal box frame size 160 to 315.
thermistor PTC or thermistor PT100. brakes
Motors with anti-condensation heaters. Separate terminal box for auxiliary
terminals. Electrical variants
Motors with special electrical design. Special power supply voltages and fre-
Low noise emission version.
Single-phase motors with capacitor quencies; maximum voltage 690 V both
High protection against corrosion for
fitted in a large-size terminal box for the motors and the three-phase brake.
tropical climates or applications in marine
(Ex d, max 50 F). For single-phase brakes, maximum
voltage 440 V.
Mechanical variants - external mechanical components finished
with epoxy paint; Motors with anti-condensate heating coils
Special flanges and shafts. for both the motor and the brake.
- protection of the internal parts (winding
Double ended shafts. and rotor) with protective paint; D.C. current brake
Cable gland fitted to terminal box. - stainless steel screws. Positive brake (brakes when energized)
Terminal box with special cable entries. with uninterrupted current.
Motors without terminal box with
sealing joints and conduits. Motors suitable for frequency inverter Mechanical variants
Motors protection IP56 - IP65 - IP66. Manual release
Motors with encoder.
Motors with condensation drainage
valves. Motors with forced ventilation (from frame
size 90).

1. General informations
1.4 Nomenclature

Pos. 1 = Motor series:

A Atex H Motors with self-ventilating brakes
Motors with brakes without ventilation
or with forced ventilation

Pos. 2 = Type of application:

B Enclosure group IIB Q Non sparking + Dust
C Enclosure group IIC N Non sparking
D Dust M Group I for mines

Pos. 3 = Type of motor (electric characteristics):

1 Single phase 4 Three-phase 2 speed quadratic torque
2 Three-phase 2 speed, constant torque 5 For lifting
3 Three-phase 1 speed 7 For inverters

Pos. 4 = Terminal box version:

0 Standard version 5 Protection method Ex e

3 Without box, with plate Ex d 2 Ex d capacitor holder in extra-size box

Pos. 5 = Size (centre height):

63 90 132 200 280

71 100 160 225 315
80 112 180 250

Pos. 6 = Length of stator pack:

63 71 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
* *
Extra short SA
Medium M MB M MB M M M
Extra long L ML L

* Three-phase, 2-speed version

Pos. 7 = Polarity:
2 2 poles 24 Double polarity: 2 / 4 poles 46 Double polarity: 4 / 6 poles
4 4 poles 28 Double polarity: 2 / 8 poles 48 Double polarity: 4 / 8 poles
6 6 poles 21 Double polarity: 2 / 12 poles 41 Double polarity: 4 / 12 poles
8 8 poles 43 Double polarity: 4 / 16 poles
10 10 poles 68 Double polarity: 6 / 8 poles
12 12 poles 61 Double polarity: 6 / 12 poles

Pos. 8 = Mounting (IM Code I):

B3 V5 V6
B5 V1 V3
B14 V18 V19
B35 V15 V36

Pos. 9 = Version with terminal box:

Three-phase 1-speed; voltage for delta connection;
3F xxxD / xxxS / xx
voltage for star connection; frequency
3F xxx / xx Three-phase, 2-speed: voltage; frequency
1F xxx / xx Single-phase; voltage; frequency

A B 2 5 132 S 46 B5 3F 400/50 = Example of the commercial codes

2. Design features
2.1 Installation and application

Standard installation Upper-Deck Installation

The motors can be installed outdoors and in W, S e M (additional letters for special Motors meant for installation on board ships
dusty, moist and chemically aggressive protections): and offshore areas are designed to comply
environments (industrial climate) at ambient W; this means that the machine is to be with the specifications of the relevant
temperatures from -20C to 40C. used in specified weather conditions and classification authorities (see 1.3 Main
with special protections. options - Certificates).
Mechanical protection (IP); Table 2A
The W letter has to be added to the IP code Gear mounting, Oil-protected Flange
The mechanical protection systems for
(e. g. IPW55).
electric motors are classified with the IP In some applications, it is necessary that the
code followed by two numbers and, in some S and M; these are used for protection flange and the drive shaft are completely
applications, by a letter. against water. sealed against oil. This need must be
The letter S stands for static protection; specified during the order phase.
IP (International Protection):
protection against water only for a
this indicates the level of protection against Fixed bearings
stationary motor. Letter M stands for
accidental contacts of foreign bodies and
protection against water when the motor is Some applications need to have a zero
against water.
running (e. g. IP56S). axial play. This need must be specified
0 - 6 (1st digit): during the order phase.
Without the additional letters the protection
this indicates the level of protection against
applies in both cases (standing still and Cooling
accidental contacts of foreign bodies.
running motor).
0-8 (2nd digit): Motors are air-cooled by means of external
Our standard motors are IP55 (terminal box surface ventilation (IC 411).
this indicates the level of protection against
water. Standard motors have radial flow fan
On request we can supply motors allowing fully reversible rotation.
without ventilation with IP56 or IP57, and Reference standards are: IEC 60034-6.

self ventilated motors with IP56S. From frame size 100 to 315 motors may
be supplied with forced ventilation.

Table 2A - Mechanical protection to IEC 60034-5

Protection against accidental contact International Protection against water
and the penetration of foreign bodies protection
Complete protection against contact and approaching IP55 A jet of water squirting out of a nozzle towards the motor from
of voltage-carrying parts as well as against contact standard design all directions has no harmful effect.
with rotating parts inside the housing.
Protection against harmful dust deposits. IP56 In case of temporary flood, e. g. heavy seas, water cannot enter
The penetration of dust is not completely prevented special design into the motor in harmful quantities.
but the dust cannot enter in such quantities as to
affect operation.
IP57 Motor can operate under water at given pressure.
special design
Complete protection against contact of voltage-carrying IP65 A jet of water squirting out of a nozzle towards the motor from
parts as well against contact with rotating parts inside special design all directions has no harmful effect.
the housing.
Protection against the penetration of dust (dust-proof).

Complete protection against contact of voltage-carrying IP66 In case of temporary flood, e. g. heavy seas, water cannot enter
parts as well against contact with rotating parts inside special design into the motor in harmful quantities.
the housing.
Protection against the penetration of dust (dust-proof).

2.2 Low temperature version and anti-condensation heating

Low Temperature Version Anti-condensation heating

Motors intended for use at extremely low Also, it is possible to use a special Condensate may form inside the motor due
temperatures are specially designed. construction with suitable materials in low to temperature fluctuations.
Flameproof certificates are valid for temperature areas (-50C) as an alternative To prevent this from happening, motors
temperatures as low as -50C. to heating the motor.
A version is also available for temperature must be heated using strip type heaters on
Motors equipped with heating coils keep the the end windings or low voltage power can
-60C with other certifications.
minimum temperature of a stopped motor at be supplied to the winding via terminals U1
-20C (see table 2B). and V1.
As an alternative to heaters, the motors can The heat output is given in table 2B.
be powered with low voltage via terminals It is vital that during the motor operation the
U1 and V1 (see table 2B). heaters are turned off.
The supply voltage for the heaters is 230V
10% (115V 10% on request)
2. Design features

Table 2B - Data of the anti-condensation heater

For protection at temperatures
For preventing condensation
below -20 C (down to -50 C)
Via Motor winding Via Motor winding
With With
Frame heater heater
size Heating voltage with a Heating voltage with a
Output Output
rated motor voltage of rated motor voltage of

Output 230V 400V 440V 500V 690V Output Output 230V 400V 440V 500V 690V
[W] [V] [V] [V] [V] [V] [W] [W] [V] [V] [V] [V [V]
63 25 35 45 75 90 100 130 50 90 70 120 140 160 210
71 25 55 35 65 75 85 110 50 130 60 100 120 135 175
80 25 70 30 55 65 75 100 50 180 50 90 100 115 155
90 25 100 25 45 50 60 80 50 250 40 70 80 95 125
100 25 140 20 35 40 50 65 50 440 40 65 75 85 115
112 50 190 20 38 45 50 65 100 490 35 60 70 80 105
132 50 300 20 35 40 45 60 100 700 30 55 65 70 90
160 50 420 17 30 35 40 50 100 950 25 45 55 60 80
180 100 500 15 25 30 35 45 200 1200 25 40 50 55 70
200 100 720 13 20 25 30 40 200 1500 20 35 40 45 60

225 100 800 13 20 25 30 40 200 2200 20 35 40 45 60
250 100 950 10 20 25 30 40 200 2700 20 35 40 45 60
280 200 1700 --- 20 22 25 30 200 3000 --- 28 35 40 50
315 200 1900 --- 16 20 25 30 200 3600 --- 25 32 38 48
315 L 200 2100 --- 14 18 24 30 200 4800 --- 22 30 35 45

2.3 Materials, painting and nameplate

2.3.1 Materials
Table 2C - Materials of the main components:

Frame size 63250 280315

Endshields Cast iron G200 (ISO 185) Cast iron
Terminal box

Fan cover
Steel Steel
Rain cap
Non sparking thermoplastic material or aluminium Aluminium
Brass for motors for mining applications Brass for motors for mining applications
Shaft Steel C45 Steel C45
Rotor Squirrel cage in pressure cast aluminium Squirrel cage in pressure cast aluminium
Winding Insulation class F or H Insulation class F or H
Bolts and screws Galvanised steel 8.8 or A4-80 UNI EN ISO 3506-1 Steel 8.8 zinc plated
Cable gland (on request) Brass or stainless steel Steel 8.8 zinc plated
Brake enclosure Cast iron Cast iron
Brake terminal box Cast iron Cast iron

2. Design features

2.3.2 Painting
Table 2D - Materials of the main components:

Frame size 63250 280315

All components are sandblasted, cleaned and All components are sandblasted, cleaned and
degreased degreased
Polymerised epoxy polyester powder, oven-baked at Treatment with anti-corrosion primer
200C Final coat of enamel paint
Total 120 m (different thicknesses available upon Total 120 m (different thicknesses available upon
request) request)
Colour RAL 5010 (special colours available upon request) RAL 5010 (special colours available upon request)
Non-abrasive, elastic, insensitive to scratches, Non-abrasive, elastic, insensitive to scratches,
Mechanical strength
resistant to impact resistant to impact
Corrosion resistance Highly resistant to water, water vapour, salt water Highly resistant to water, water vapour, salt water
Good resistance in chemically aggressive Good resistance in chemically aggressive
Chemical resistance
environments environments
Temperature range -40C +130C -40C +130C

2.3.3 Nameplate
The stainless steel nameplate is fitted on
the motor frame.


0 7 2 2 CES I 0 2 ATEX 1 2 3 X N m Y14 0 7 2 2 CES I 0 9 ATEX 0 4 6 X n Y14

E l e c t r i c Mo t o r AC 1 3 2 SB 2 3~ E l e c t r i c M o t o r AM 3 0 2 2 5 S 4 3~
Exd II C T 4 G b - I P55 E x d e I Mb - I P 5 5
V A Hz 1 /mi n cos kW V A Hz 1 /mi n cos kW
400 14 , 8 50 2925 0 , 85 7 , 5 400 69 , 0 50 1480 0 , 84 37
690Y 8 , 55 690Y 39 , 9

I C411 C I F Ta40C S1 I C411 C I F Ta40C S1

kg95 kg360
Manufacturer Cemp srl - I 20030 SENAGO (Milan) - ITALY Manufacturer Cemp srl - I 20030 SENAGO (Milan) - ITALY
Restore the greasing at every opening - fasteners 8.8 ISO 898-1 Restore the greasing at every opening - fasteners 8.8 ISO 898-1
To be energized with cable suitable for temperature 90C To be energized with cable suitable for temperature 90C
Warning - Potential danger of electrostatic charge - Read safety instruction Warning - Potential danger of electrostatic charge - Read safety instruction


TUV I T 1 3ATEX 0 0 6 X n Y14 0 7 2 2 CES I 1 2 ATEX 0 4 1 X n Y14

E l e c t r i c Mo t o r AQ3 0 90L 4 3~ E l e c t r i c Mo t o r DB 3 5 3 1 5M 4 3~
E x n A II C T 3 G c E x t c I I I C T 1 5 0 C I P 5 5 Ex de II C T 4 G b - I P 5 5
V A Hz 1 /mi n cos kW V A Hz 1 /mi n cos kW
230 6 , 12 50 1400 0 , 79 1 , 50 400 198 , 5 50 1488 0 , 85 110
400Y 3 , 54 690Y 114 , 7
B r a k e K 1 0 1 4 0W A C 2 3 0 V / 1 1 5 0 0 Nm
I C411 C I F Ta40C S1 I C410 C I F Ta40C S 4 4 0% 5 0 s / h
kg33 J e x t = 0 . 4 4 6 k g m2 kg1280
Manufacturer Cemp srl - I 20030 SENAGO (Milan) - ITALY
Manufacturer Cemp srl - I 20030 SENAGO (Milan) - ITALY Restore the greasing at every opening - fasteners 8.8 ISO 898-1
fasteners 8.8 ISO 898-1 To be energized with cable suitable for temperature 90C
Warning - Potential danger of electrostatic charge - Read safety instruction

Fig. 2A - Example of plate

2. Design features
2.4 Shaft ends, balancing, vibrations, noise levels, coupling and belt drives

Shaft ends Noise level Belt drive

The shaft ends are cylindrical and comply Noise measurements are performed to Slide rails are used for motors for easy
with IEC 60072 in their design and in their IEC 60034-9. tensioning and readjustment at the belts.
correspondence to frame sizes and outputs. In the performance data, the sound pressure Permissible forces have to be taken into
The shaft ends of all motors are equipped levels Lp are given in dB (A) for the consideration (See Table 2I).
with a tapped hole to assist in the fitting of individual frame sizes. Pulleys and couplings must only be
pulleys and couplings. They apply for no load at 50 Hz. fitted and removed by means of specific
The keys are always supplied along with The tolerance is + 3 dB (A). tools.
the motors. At 60 Hz the values of sound pressure
On request, special shaft ends or a second increase approximately by 4 dB (A).
free shaft end can be provided.
Coupling drive
Pole-changing motors with a 2-pole speed
have the same shaft ends as single-speed When aligning a motor to be coupled directly
2-pole motors. to the machine, care must be taken that
the rollers and balls of the bearings do not
Balancing, and vibration jam.
The motors are dynamically balanced with Elastic couplings are permissible with all
half keys in accordance with vibration grade motors.
A (N) normal balance IEC 60034-14 (and To ensure vibration-free running and to
ISO 8821). avoid any inadmissible stress on the
The low-vibration version B (R) (reduced) bearings, the machine to be coupled must
can be supplied where high demands are still be exactly aligned in the case of elastic
made on quiet running. coupling.
Care must be taken to ensure that Maximum accuracy must be applied to the

transmission parts (pulleys, couplings) coupling of 2-pole motors.
supplied by others are dynamically balanced
with half key.

Table 2E - Vibration limits according to IEC 60034-14

Limit values of the speed of vibration/oscillation for frame sizes:

Balancing rate
63132 160280 315
[mm/s] [mm/s] [mm/s]

A 1.6 2.2 2.8

B 0.7 1.1 1.8

Terms of measure: Free standing

2.5 Brake motors

Construction method Operation

Motors in these two series are built with an Alternatively, upon request, a magneto can The brake is made up of:
integrated brake and are considered as an be supplied with a direct current power - the magnet;
integral unit, consequently, a single ATEX supply using a rectifier, with a single-phase - the counter-magnet (or mobil armature)
certificate is provided for both motor and power supply of 48V to 440V. supported by three small columns where
brake. If you have a direct current power supply it can slide;
The brake is enclosed in a special enclosure line, the magneto can be powered directly - braking disk
built with a Ex d IIB or IIC protection type using that line (from 24V to 230V). - toothed hub secured to the motor shaft.
and IP65 mechanical protection. Motors with an axle height of 180 to 250 When the coil is powered, the magnet
The temperature class and maximum use a K10 type brake, which is only attracts the mobil armature which thus
surface temperature are those of the motor. available with the magneto powered using releases the braking disk so the motor can
The electro-magnet winding is encapsulated direct current. This type of brake is always rotate freely.
in resin which isolates it and provides supplied with a direct current power supply By removing voltage to the magnet, the
mechanical protection. using a rectifier, with a single-phase power springs push the mobil armature against the
supply of 48V to 440V. braking disk. which, by creating friction
Motors with an axle height of 63 to 160 are
normally fitted with a three-phase against the motor shield, locks the shaft
magneto with a power supply of 110V to rotation.
690V. In rest conditions, when the brake is not
powered, the motor remains locked.

2. Design features

Braking torque calibration

The motor is supplied with a ready-to-use Pressure is applied on the release positive braking-when power is applied,
calibrated brake. mechanism which moves the mobile the brake activates and locks on.
Special calibration available on request. armature, freeing the motor's shaft. With the power supply off, the brake is
This is carried out during assembly before When releasing pressure on the mechanism not energized and the motor shaft rotates
final testing. the brake automatically returns to the fail freely.
safe position. The positive brake is available only with
Table 2F shows the standard braking
D.C. current for motors with 90100 axis
Variants (63160) height.
Manual release On request: brake motors can be supplied
DB - DC and HB - HC series flameproof with single-phase power supply brakes
motors with brake can be supplied on between 110V and 400V. This version is
request with hand release lever for the only available in the Ex d version, the
brake. terminal box contains a rectifier.
supplied with D.C. current between 24V
and 260V

Table 2F - Standard technical data of the integrated brake

Frame Brake Static Air gap On-off Number of Maximum Power Current
size model braking (+0.1 / 0) braking time disks speed max.
torque [mm] requested [n] [1/min] [VA] [A]
[Nm] [ms]

63 AC1 4 0.2 20 1 3600 40 ---


71 MEC63 9 0.3 25 1 3600 50 ---

80 T80 17 0.3 30 1 3600 60 ---
90 MEC 80 35 0.3 40 1 3600 14 ---
100 MEC90 () 48 0.3 40 1 3600 180 ---
112 MEC100 () 70 0.3 45 1 3600 250 ---
132 MEC110 () 90 0.3 90 1 3600 400 ---
160 T140 () 130 0.3 100 1 3600 480 ---
180200 K10 400 0,3 220 1 1800 140 1,5
225250 K10 800 0,3 220 1 1800 140 1,5
240 - 400 - 800 220 1 1800 140 1,5
280315 S-M K10 0,3
1500 220 2 1800 140 1,5

() 2 brake discs available by request (braking torque about + 50%).

Fig. 2B - Fig. 2C - Fig. 2D -

Construction diagram for a 63160 brake Construction diagram for a 71160 brake Construction diagram for a 180315 brake
2. Design features

Brake Brake
Brake Off On Off

Brake On

Fig. 2E - Fig. 2F - Fig. 2G -

Manual release (optional on request) Manual release (optional on request) Manual release (optional on request)
for motors 71160 not ventilated for motors 180315 with forced ventilation for motors 180315 not ventilated

2.6 Bearing system

Standard motors are equipped with radial Lubrication Bearing Seal
deep groove ball bearings (ZZ pre-greased The ZZ series bearings are lubricated for life In order to prevent dust and water
series) or open bearings complete with and require no further lubrication. penetration, a seal ring is fitted to the
grease nipples.
Open bearings are supplied with grease endshield on the driving and non-driving
Where requested roller, or other special nipples and are to be lubricated according to ends.
bearings can be fitted. the indications given in the table 2G - 2H. These seal rings are highly resistant to
vibrations, thermally stable, and resistant to
mineral oils and diluted acids.
Seals for media not listed above are
available on request.

optional optional
(for open bearings) (for open bearings)

63132 160250 280315

Fig. 2H - Ball bearings - DE (front)

160250 280315

Fig. 2I - Roller bearings - On request execution DE (front)

2. Design features

Table 2G - Standard model - Table 2H - Upon request -

Closed non-lubricated bearings Open bearings with lubricators
Bearing Time interval
Frame Frame Amount of
Poles Non-Drive Poles for lubrication
size Drive end size Front ball Front Rear ball grease*
end (hours)
bearings rollers bearings
63 2-4-6-8 6202 ZZ 2 5500
160 4 6309 C3 NU 309 6309 C3 8250 12 g
71 2-4-6-8 6203 ZZ
6-8 11000
80 2-4-6-8 6204 ZZ 2 2000 12 g
180 4 6310 C3 NU 310 6310 C3 6000
15 g
90 2-4-6-8 6205 ZZ 6-8 7000
2 2100 12 g
100 2-4-6-8 6206 ZZ
200 4 6312 C3 NU 312 6312 C3 5000
15 g
112 2-4-6-8 6306 ZZ 6-8 7000
2 2000 15 g
132 2-4-6-8 6308 ZZ C3
4 4500
225 6313 C3 NU 313 6313 C3
160 2-4-6-8 6309 ZZ C3 6 5600 20 g
8 6400
180 2-4-6-8 6310 ZZ C3 2 6313 C3 NU 313 2000
4 4100

200 2-4-6-8 6312 ZZ C3 250 6313 C3 20 g

6 6314 C3 NU 314 5300
225 2-4-6-8 6313 ZZ C3 8 6200
2 3700
2 6313 ZZ C3
4 4300
250 280 S 6316 C3 NU 316 6316 C3 33 g
4-6-8 6314 ZZ C3 6313 ZZ C3 6 4600
8 4800
2-4-6-8 6316 ZZ C3 2 3700
280 4 4300
2-4-6-8 6316 C3 280 M 6316 C3 NU 316 6316 C3 33 g
vertical 6 4600
2 6316 ZZ C3 8 4800
horizontal 2 6316 C3 NU 316 3300
4-6-8 6317 ZZ C3 6316 ZZ C3
4 9500
315 S 6316 C3 37 g
2 6316 C3 6 6317 C3 NU 317 13700
vertical 8 15300
4-6-8 6317 C3 6316 C3 2 6316 C3 NU 316 2900
4 7800
315 M 6316 C3 37 g
6 6317 C3 NU 317 11300
8 13600
2 6316 C3 NU 316 4100 33 g
315 LA 4-6 6316 C3 11100
6317 C3 NU 317 37 g
8 19500
2 6316 C3 NU 316 3500
315 LB 4-6 6316 C3 9500 37 g
6317 C3 NU 317
8 16550
2 6316 C3 NU 316 2900 33 g
315 LC 4-6 6316 C3 7800
6317 C3 NU 317 37 g
2 13600

* Grease type LGHP2 SKF or equivalent.

2. Design features
2.7 Permissible radial loads on the shaft with standard bearings

Table 2I shows the values of radial load Table 2I

calculated considering: Permissible radial load FR [N]
- frequency 50Hz; Frame Pole
- temperature not exceeding 90C; Ball bearings Roller bearings
size number
- 20,000 hours of life for 2-pole motors; X0 X1 X2 X0 X1 X2
- 40,000 hours of life for 4, 6, 8-pole motors. 2 390 360 340 --- --- ---
4 390 360 340 --- --- ---
For operation at 60Hz the values have 6 440 410 380 --- --- ---
to be reduced by 6% in order to achieve 8 490 450 420 --- --- ---
the same useful life. For double speed 2 490 450 420 --- --- ---
motors, consider always the higher speed. 4 480 450 420 --- --- ---
6 550 510 480 --- --- ---
8 610 560 520 --- --- ---
The distance of the point of action of force
2 640 590 540 --- --- ---
FR from the shoulder of the shaft must not 4 640 580 540 --- --- ---
exceed the length of the shaft end. 80
6 730 660 610 --- --- ---
8 800 730 670 --- --- ---
FR = maximum radial load (e. g. 2 730 660 610 --- --- ---
belt load + weight of belt pulley) 4 720 660 600 --- --- ---
6 820 750 680 --- --- ---
F = belt load [N] = 2 K M 8 910 820 750 --- --- ---
D 2 1020 910 830 --- --- ---
4 1010 910 820 --- --- ---
M = torque [Nm] = 9550 P 6 1150 1030 940 --- --- ---
n 8 1270 1140 1030 --- --- ---

2 1480 1350 1240 --- --- ---
P = rated motor output [kW]
4 1470 1340 1230 --- --- ---
n = rated motor speed [1/min] 112
6 1680 1530 1410 --- --- ---
D = belt pulley diameter [m] 8 1850 1680 1550 --- --- ---
K = prestress factor governed by 2 2160 1930 1750 --- --- ---
belt type: it is assumed 4 2140 1910 1720 --- --- ---
approximately as follows 6 2450 2190 1970 --- --- ---
K = 3 for normal flat belts without 8 2700 2410 2180 --- --- ---
tensioning pulley 2 2790 2470 2210 5720 5200 4680
K = 2 for normal flat belts with 4 2770 2450 2190 5885 5350 4815
tensioning pulley 6 3150 2790 2490 5995 5450 4905
8 3480 3080 2750 6050 5500 4950
K = 2.2 for V-belts or special flat belts
2 3600 3200 2950 6490 5900 5310
4 3500 3350 2850 7040 6400 5760
6 3900 3600 3300 7370 6700 6030
8 4300 3950 3700 7480 6800 6120
2 4500 4300 4000 9680 8800 7920
4 4550 4350 4100 10450 9500 8550
6 5300 5500 5000 10780 9800 8820
8 5500 5350 5050 10945 9950 8955
2 5500 5000 4650 11880 10800 9720
4 5350 4900 4500 12760 11600 10440
6 5950 5650 5200 13200 12000 10800
8 6400 6100 5700 13420 12200 10980
2 5300 5100 4750 13860 12600 11340
4 5650 5400 5300 15950 14500 13050
6 5820 5600 5370 16500 15000 13500
8 6420 5980 5520 16665 15150 13635
2 5500 5000 4500 15400 14000 12600
4 5665 5150 4635 15950 14500 13050
6 6930 6300 5670 16500 15000 13500
Fig. 2L 8 7920 7200 6480 18150 16500 14850
2 5500 5000 4500 14300 13000 11700
4 6270 5700 5130 28050 25500 22950
315 S-M
6 7370 6700 6030 29150 26500 23850
8 8360 7600 6840 29700 27000 24300
2 6820 6200 5580 13640 12400 11160
4 7095 6450 5805 24750 22500 20250
315 L
6 8030 7300 6570 27500 25000 22500
8 9020 8200 7380 30800 28000 25200

2. Design features
2.8 Permissible axial load on the shaft with standard bearings

If the shaft end is loaded at X2 with the Table 2L

permissible radial load FA, an additional axial
load is allowed (table 2L). Limit axial load with FR at X2 - FA [N]
Frame Pole
Ball bearings Roller bearings
If the permissible radial load is not fully size number
utilized, higher loads are possible in axial B3 V5/V6 B3 V5/V6
direction (Values on request). push/pull push/pull push/pull push/pull
2 120 110 --- ---
4 120 110 --- ---
6 140 130 --- ---
8 160 150 --- ---
2 140 130 --- ---
4 140 120 --- ---
6 170 150 --- ---
8 190 170 --- ---
2 190 170 --- ---
4 190 160 --- ---
6 220 190 --- ---
8 250 220 --- ---
Fig. 2M
2 200 170 --- ---
4 200 160 --- ---
6 240 190 --- ---
Push 8 270 220 --- ---
2 280 230 --- ---
4 280 220 --- ---
6 330 260 --- ---

B3 8 370 300 --- ---

2 410 330 --- ---
4 410 320 --- ---
6 480 370 --- ---
8 540 430 --- ---
Pull 2 590 430 --- ---
4 590 380 --- ---
6 690 470 --- ---
8 780 560 --- ---
2 750 490 1000 700
4 750 450 1200 840
6 880 520 1300 910
8 1000 640 1400 980


2 880 950 1000 700

4 880 1150 1250 875
6 1030 1350 1350 945
8 1160 1550 1550 1085
2 1160 1100 1100 770
4 1160 1200 1200 840
6 1360 1400 1400 980
8 1520 1600 1600 1120
2 1300 1250 1250 875
4 1300 1350 1350 945
6 1520 1600 1600 1120

8 1710 1850 1850 1295


2 1460 1300 1300 910

4 1460 1400 1400 980
6 1710 1600 1600 1120
8 1920 1920 1900 1330
2 5500 3850 3700 2590
Fig. 2N
4 5500 3850 3700 2590
6 6500 4550 4000 2800
8 7400 5180 4500 3150
2 5500 3850 3700 2590
4 5800 4060 3500 2450
315 S-M
6 6800 4760 4000 2800
8 7650 5355 4500 3150
2 2200 1540 3850 2695
4 2200 1540 3800 2660
315 L
6 2500 1750 4600 3220
8 3000 2100 5500 3850

2. Design features
2.9 Terminal box design

The standard design has four basic versions:

- Ex d IIB
- Ex d IIC
- Ex de IIB
- Ex de IIC

On request we can supply:

- additional terminal box for auxiliary termi-
nals (Fig. 2P)
- motors without terminal box and with
leads (Fig. 2Q)
- bigger terminal box with capacitor for
single phase motors (Fig. 2R).

63160 180315

Fig. 2O - Standard motor version terminal box Ex d, group IIB

Fig. 2P Fig. 2Q Fig. 2R

Series DB - DC, HB - HC (63112) motors Series DB - DC, HB - HC (132160) motors

1 - motor power
supply terminal
2 - brake power
3 supply terminal
1 2

2 3 - auxiliary power
supply terminal
board (optional)

Fig. 2S - Motor with brake terminal box

2. Design features

Series DB - DC (180315) motors Brake terminal board in separate box

1 - motor power
supply terminal

Brake rectifier
2 - brake power
supply terminal
3 board
3 - auxiliary power
supply terminal
board (optional)

3 4 - Power supply
2 terminal board
for encoder


Fig. 2T - Motor with brake terminal box

2.10 Position of terminal box and terminals

The terminal box is usually located on top the number of possible additional terminals
and can be turned through 4 x 90 (Fig. 2U). 3 in the main terminal box.
For a horizontal mounted motor, the cable PTC thermistors can be connected to two
entry is normally located on the right side 4 2 additional terminals.
(looking at the driving-end). Two terminals are also necessary for
Cable entry: 1 connecting the anticondensation heater.
- standard position: 1 For PT 100 (RTD) thermistors, 3 or 4
- special positions upon request: 2, 3, 4. Fig.2U- Positioning of the cable entry, plan view terminals are necessary depending on the
type chosen.
Terminals and earthing terminal An earthing terminal is located in the
There are a maximum number of 6 power terminal box and another earthing terminal is
terminals in the terminal box. located on motor frame.
The type of monitoring device depends on

2.11 Cable-entries
As standard, the motors are delivered with Table 2M
one or two threaded cable entries for Mains connection cable entries
flameproof packing glands.
Conical threading
Ex de motors can be also provided with Frame Mains power Power supply from upon request*
Ex e packing glands. size supply an inverter
ANSI B 2.1 UNI 6125
Motors fitted with thermodetectors or
63 112 1 x M25 1 x M25 + 1 x M20 NPT 3/4 Gk 3/4
heaters are always provided with additional
cable entry. 132 160 2 x M32 1 x M32 + 1 x M20 NPT 1 Gk 1

180 250 2 x M40 1 x M40 + 1 x M20 NPT 1.1/4 Gk 1.1/4

280 315 2 x M63 1 x M63 + 1 x M20 NPT 2 Gk 2

Auxiliaries cable entries
63 315 ---- 1 x M20 NPT 1/2 Gk 1/2

* Other threads available upon request

3. Electrical design
3.1 Standard operating conditions

Output Height of installation [m]

Power [%]
The rated outputs and operating 0 - 1000 2000 3000 4000
characteristics given in the performance
data refer according to IEC 60034-1 to: 120
- continuous duty (S1)
- frequency of 50Hz 110
- voltage 400V (230V for single phase)
- maximum ambient temperature of 40C 100
- maximum height of installation of 1000m
above sea level. 90

Motors (IIB, Ex d or Ex nA or Ex t) can also 80

be operated in ambient temperatures from
40C to 80C and at altitudes of more than 70
1000m to 4000m above sea level.
In these cases, the rated output given in the 60

tables must be reduced in accordance with

table 3A or a larger motor has to be 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
chosen. Ambient temperature [C]
The rated data does not need to be Table 3A - Power variation of standard motors in case of coolant temperature different from 40C or
changed, if at altitudes in excess of 1000 m height of installation over 1000 m above sea-level
above sea level, the ambient temperature is
reduced according to the following table: Working voltage
Rated voltage

Altitude of Maximum ambient 1,10
installation [m] temperature [C]

0 to 1000 40
1000 to 2000 30 Rated
characteristics 1,05
2000 to 3000 19 point
3000 to 4000 9

Voltage, frequency Working frequency

The motors as standard are built to run at 0,95 0,98 1,00 1,02 1,03 Rated frequency
the voltage and frequency with the
tolerances indicated in figure 3A. Normal

The motors can run with the variations area 0,95

envisaged in normal operational areas at a

voltage of 5% and frequency of 2%. 0,93

Furthermore, the motors can be used in the Operational

area with
operational area with restrictions (variations restrictions

in voltage of 10% and frequency of 3%)

as long as the indications given by norm Fig. 3A
60034-1 are complied with.
Rated current
Torque In the performance data the rated currents No-load speed at
The motors are fitted with squirrel-cage are only indicated for a rated voltage of Pole
rotors suitable for direct-on-line starting. 400V. number 50Hz 60Hz
[1/min] [1/min]
The resulting starting and maximum For other voltages the rated currents are
torques, expressed as a multiple of the rated inversely proportional to the voltages: 2 3000 3600
torques are given in the performance data. U = I' 4 1500 1800
6 1000 1200
A deviation in the voltage from the rated U' I 8 750 900
value changes the torques as an This results in: 10 600 720
approximate function of the square of the 12 500 600
voltages. I' = U I 16 375 450
Normally two-speed motors have a nominal
torque that is roughly the same for both Direction of rotation
speeds. The motors can be operated in both
The rated speeds shown in the performance
A version is also available with quadratic directions of rotation. If the phases are
data are valid for 50 Hz and the rated speed
torque, for centrifugal machines (fans, connected in the sequence L1, L2, L3 to the
equals synchronous speed less slip.
pumps). In this case, the torque at the lower terminals U1, V1, W1, the motor turns
speed is roughly half that available at the The following speeds result from the number clockwise.
higher speed. of poles and the mains frequencies of 50
The direction of rotation can be reversed by
and 60Hz:
interchanging any two phases.
3. Electrical design

Note regarding electro-magnetic Tolerances

Low voltage induction motors, if installed According to IEC 60034-1 the electrical data Slip at rated load operating temperature:
correctly and connected to the power stated in the tables are subject to the 20% of rated slip.
supply, respect all immunity and emission following tolerances: Locked rotor torque (starting torque):
limits as set out in the regulations relating to Efficiency: - 15% + 25%
electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC Pn 50 kW: - 0.15 (1-) Maximum torque: - 10%.
Generic Standard for industrial
Pn > 50 kW: - 0.10 (1-) Current with locked rotor: + 20% (no lower
In the case of supply by means of electronic Power factor: - 1 - cos limit).
impulse devices (inverters, soft starters etc.), 6
all verifications and any modifications, (minimum 0.02 - maximum 0.07)
necessary to ensure that emission and
immunity limits, as stated within the
regulations, are respected, are the
responsibility of the installer.

3.2 Efficiency and power factor at partial load

The efficiency and power factor values
shown in the performance data refer to rated
output at 50Hz.

3.3 Insulation and temperature rise

The components of the insulation system Table 3B - Limit temperature for Table 3C - Temperature rise limit for
were selected so as to ensure good insulating material according IEC 60085 rotating machines according IEC 60034-1
protection against chemically aggressive
gases, vapours, dust, oil and air humidity. Insulation Limit temperature Insulation Max temperature
All materials used for insulating the winding class [C] class rise [K]
and winding ends correspond to insulating B 80
B 130
classes F or H according to IEC 60085: F 155 F 105
Enamel-insulated copper wires with H 180 H 125
temperature index 200 (class H);
Insulating sheet on polyester base According to Normative IEC 60034-1, the
Temperature rise
(class F); values shown in the table above may be up
Impregnation with fenolic resins modified Standard single-speed motors in continuous to 10C higher, with a feeding current
with polyesther resins (class H); service (excluding 315M) have temperature variance of 5%.
rises that are within the limits for class B.
Motors with higher output and
pole-changing motors normally have
temperature rise within class F limit.

3. Electrical design
3.4 Duty types

In compliance with IEC 60034-1 the agreed upon. For the cyclic duration factor Duty-type S7 - continuous operation
following duty-types are distinguished: the value 15, 25, 40, and 60% are periodic duty with electric braking.
Duty-type S1 - continuous running duty. recommended.
Duty-type S8 - continuous operation
Constant load operation. Duty-types where starting and braking periodic duty with related load/speed
Duty-type S2 - short-time duty. have a corresponding INFLUENCE on the changes.
Operating times of 10, 30, 60, and 90 temperature rise of the winding:
Duty-type S9 - duty with non-periodical
minutes are recommended.
Duty-type S4 - intermittent periodic duty load and speed variations.
After each operating period the motor
with starting. Typical operation for motors powered by
remains de-energized until the winding has
Intermittent periodical operation with frequency converters.
cooled down to the ambient temperature.
identical cycles.
Most of the real duty-type conditions
Duty-type where start-ups DO NOT
Duty-type S5 - intermittent periodic duty represent a combination of duty-types as
INFLUENCE winding over-heating:
with electric braking. mentioned under 1. and 2.
Duty-type S3 - intermittent periodic duty. Intermittent periodical operation with In order to exactly determine a suitable
Where starting does not influence the identical cycles, which include an electrical motor, details of all the operating conditions
temperature. Duty cycle 10 minutes unless braking phase. are required.
otherwise agreed upon. For the cyclic
duration factor the values 15, 25, 40, and For S4 and S5 duty-types the following
60% are recommended. details must be given after this code:
The output ratings stated in the
- Intermittence ratio;
Duty-type S6 - continuous operation Performance data (Chapter 4.) apply to
- The number of starts per hour;
periodic duty. duty-type S1.
- Moment of inertia of the motor;
Duty cycle 10 minutes unless otherwise - Moment of inertia of the load.

N N t

a N R

b b

 max c  max  max

c c

d d Intermittence ratio = 100%

Fig. 3B- Duty type S1 Fig. 3C- Duty type S2 Fig. 3D - Duty type S3

t t

D N R a


b b

 max  max  max

c c

d d d
Intermittence ratio = 100% Intermittence ratio = 100% Intermittence ratio = 100%

Fig. 3E- Duty type S4 Fig. 3F- Duty type S5 Fig. 3G- Duty type S6
3. Electrical design

t t
Intermittence ratio =

D + N1
a D+N1+F1 +N2 +F2 +N3
F1 + N2
D N F 100%
D+N1+F1 +N2 +F2 +N3 D N1 F1 N2 F2 N3

F2 + N3
b 100%
 max D+N1+F1 +N2 +F2 +N3 b

Intermittence ratio = 1

Fig. 3H - Duty type S7

Fig. 3I- Duty type S8

Table 3D - Simbology

a = Load D R S
b = Electrical losses F
c = Temperature L
d = Time
e = Speed e
t = Cycle length
D = Start-up or acceleration time
F, F1, F2 = Electrical braking time a P
N, N1, N2, N3 = Constant load operating
L = Variable load operating time
V = No-load operating time
R = Rest time
S = Overload operating time
P = Full load
max = Maximum temperature  max
reached during cycle

Fig. 3L - Duty type S9

3. Electrical design
3.5 Connecting diagrams

3.5.1 Three-phase motors

Connection for single speed motors:
Single-speed motors are normally
pre-arranged to be connected in star or U1 U1
delta method. W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2

Star connection
Connecting together the W2, U2, V2 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

terminals (star point) and connecting to the W1 V1

W1 V1
mains the U1, V1, W1 terminals a star Y-Connection L1 L2 L3 -Connection L1 L2 L3
connection is obtained.
The phase current Iph and the phase Number of pole: 2, 4, 6, 8 ......
voltage Uph are the following: Synchronous speed at 50 Hz: 3000, 1500, 1000, 750 .....
Iph = In
Uph = Un / CD 3
where In the line current and Un is the line Two separate windings for two speed motors:
voltage. L1 L2 L3
W2 U1

U2 V2 W2 Star point
W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2


Uph Iph Iph
{ Uph U1 V1 W1
W1 V1
U1 V1 W1
U1 V1 W1 V2 U2
High Speed Low Speed
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Un Un
Number of pole: 2/6, 2/8, 4/6, 6/8

Fig. 3M Synchronous speed at 50 Hz: 3000/1000, 3000/750, 1500/1000, 1000/750.

Delta connection
Connecting the end of each winding to the Dahlander system for two speed motors:
beginning of the next winding a delta
connection is obtained. W2 L1 L2 L3
The phase current Iph and the phase U1

voltage Uph are the following: W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2

Iph = In / CD
U1 W1 V2 W2
Uph = Un
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1
In V2 U2 W1 U2 V1
High Speed Low Speed L1 L2 L3
U2 V2 W2
Number of pole: 2/4, 4/8
Iph Iph Synchronous speed at 50 Hz: 3000/1500,1500/750.
{ Uph

Fig. 3O - Three phase motors connecting diagrams

U1 V1 W1

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 Uph L3

3.5.2 Single phase motors
Fig. 3N Single phase motors are designed for only
one rated voltage.
Star - Delta starting They have two windings (starting and main
The star-delta starting is an easy way to winding) which have to be connected to the
reduce the starting current and starting capacitor supplied with the motor.
torque. The sense of rotation can be reversed
Motors can be started with the star-delta according to the connecting diagram.
starting method whenever the supply
voltage correspond to the rated voltage of
Direction of rotation, Direction of rotation,
the motors in delta connections. clockwise anticlockwise

Two speed motors

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2
Standard two speed motors are designed
for only one rated voltage and for direct
starting. U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

When the speed ratio is 1/2 the standard

motors have one winding (Dahlander
L1 L2 F L1 L2 F
connection). Capacitor Capacitor
For other speed ratios the motors have two
different windings. Fig. 3P - Single phase motors connecting diagram

3. Electrical design
3.6 Brake connection diagrams

Other connection diagrams between motor

and brake are available, including a single
power supply for motor and brake, or power
supply on the same terminal board.

Connection to motor
Three-phase motors, single speed Three-phase motors, two speed, Three-phase motors, two speed,
one winding two windings
- High speed connection - High speed connection
- Delta connection L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

L1 L2 L3

Y- Star connection - Low speed connection - Low speed connection

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

Brake connection with separate power supply

Three-phase A.C. brake Single-phase brake, alternating current Single-phase brake, direct current
L4 L5 L6 L4 L5 L+ L-

Motor power supply line = L1, L2, L3

Brake power supply line = L4, L5, L6

= L+, L-

The rotation direction is reversible by

inverting the two phases..

Fig. 3Q - Motor and brake connection diagrams

3.7 Hourly start-ups allowed (Braking: n per hour)

For motors with intermittent service, (S4) the

start-ups per hour allowed depend on the
service time and load characteristics, of
which inertia is particularly influential.
In general, as inertia increases the number
of start-ups reduces.
The data given in the column for the
Braking: n per hour in section
4. Nominal data in this catalogue relate to
operation with loads that have an inertia 1,5
times that of the motor.

3. Electrical design
3.8 Additional terminals marking (IEC60034-8)

Motors having accessories are supplied with

auxiliary terminal boards which bear the
marking shown in table 3G.

Table 3E
Marking No. terminals Additional terminal for:

TP1 - TP2 (warning) 2

Thermistor PTC (*)
TP3 - TP4 (switch off) 2
R1 - R2 - R3 (I sensor) 3
R4 - R5 - R6 (II sensor) 3 Thermistor PT 100 with 3 wires
R7 - R8 - R9 (III sensor) 3
R11 - R12 - R13 (DE) 3
Thermistor PT 100 on bearing
R21 - R22 - R23 (NDE) 3
TB1 - TB2 (warning) 2
Normally closed bi-metallic switch (**)
TB3 - TB4 (switch off) 2
TB8 - TB9 (switch off) 2 Normally closed brake bi-metallic switch (**)
TM1 - TM2 (warning) 2
Normally open bi-metallic switch (**)
TM3 - TM4 (switch off) 2
HE1- HE2 2 Space heaters
U1 - U2 2 Single phase forced ventilation
U-V-W 2 Three phase forced ventilation

colours according manufacturer diagram 9 Encoder
CA1 - CA2 2 Capacitor
PE 1 Earth cable
(*) U rated = 6V - max 30V - (**) U rated = 250V

3.9 Protection devices

In order to protect the winding of a PT 100 (RTD) thermometric resistors Motors for operation with frequency
three-phase induction motor against thermal (from size 132 and above). converter are always supplied with PTC
overloads, resulting in example from The resistance value of this device varies thermistor temperature detectors.
overloading and operation with only two according to the windings temperature. Above devices have their proper terminal
phases, one of the following devices can be They are particularly suitable for a block located inside main box.
provided: continuous survey of the windings
Upon request also available with separate
Bimetallic type device: temperature.
terminal box.
it consists of 2 motor protectors For a good survey, at least two sets of
connected in series. The contact is PT 100 are requested; they must be
normally closed; the disc opens when the connected to their proper monitoring
windings temperature reaches limits equipment (supplied only on request).
dangerous for the insulation system. PTC and PT 100 also offer reliable
On request, normally open device are protection for operating modes other than
available. continuous operation, e. g. short-time
PTC temperature sensor operation, switching operation, longtime
(thermistors): start-up as well as for reduced cooling air
it consists of 3 sensors connected in flow rates and high ambient temperatures.
series embedded in stator windings.
Once it reaches the operating
temperature, this device quickly changes
the resistance; it must be connected to a
suitable releasing device (supplied only
on request).

3. Electrical design
3.10 Frequency converter driven motors

Motors with enclosures in protection type In a frequency converter drive the actual Operating periods at a speed above 3600
d, de are designed for variable speed operating speed of the motor may deviate 1/min must never exceed 10% of the
drives. considerably from its rated speed. entire work cycle of the motor to ensure
Chapter 4.7 lists the electrical data in For higher speeds it must be ensured that the bearings last accordingly.
different working conditions of the Ex d, the highest permissible speed of rotation If the rated voltage is 500V or if there is a
Ex de motors shown in this catalogue. of the motor, or the critical speed of the long feeding cable between the motor
Specific type-approvals are needed for entire equipment, is not exceeded. and the frequency converter, the insulation
motors with protection type Ex e, while in In addition, bearing lubrication and any of the motor must be reinforced
many countries motors with protection type ventilation noise suppression because of the occuring voltage peaks.
Ex nA are strongly restricted. arrangements will require special A correct earthing of the motor and the
When using a squirrel cage Ex d motor attention. driven equipment is also important to avoid
with a frequency converter, the following The torque values shown in this catalogue bearing currents and voltages.
points must be taken into account in for motors with constant torque at
addition to the general selection criteria: frequencies over 60Hz can be stably
The voltage (or current) fed by the supplied only if the motor has a delta
frequency converter is not purely connection.
sinusoidal. For example, to stably achieve these
As a result it may increase the losses, values from a 230/400V 50Hz winding
vibration, and noise of the motor. motor with a 400V 50Hz mains voltage
Futhermore, a change in the distribution supply, the motor must have a delta
of the losses may affect the motor connection and, consequently, the inverter
temperature balance. must be configured so that at 50Hz it
supplies a voltage of 230V.

In every case, the motor must be

correctly sized according to the Vice-versa, with a star connection, the
instructions supplied with the selected values listed can be supplied only for very
frequency converter and with our short periods.
technical data.

The features of motors for use in constant

torque and those for use in quadratic
torque are indicated in section 4.7.

Section 7.1 and 7.2 contains graphs

showing loading curves for the use of
variable torque motors.

The reference torque value (Mn) is the

value indicated in the tables in section 4.1.

4. Dati nominali FRANAIS
4.1 Motori trifase, 1 velocit, dati nominali a 400V 50Hz avviamento diretto DEUTSCH
4.2 Motori trifase, 1 velocit IE2, dati nominali a 400V 50Hz avviamento diretto
4.3 Motori trifase, 2 velocit, dati nominali a 400V 50Hz avviamento diretto, per uso generale (coppia costante) ESPAOL
4.4 Motori trifase, 2 velocit, dati nominali a 400V 50Hz avviamento diretto, per macchine centrifughe (coppia quadratica)
4.5 Motori monofase, 1 velocit, dati nominali a 230V 50Hz avviamento diretto
4.6 Motori trifase con freno, 1 o 2 velocit, per sollevamento, dati nominali a 400V 50Hz avviamento diretto
4.7 Motori alimentati da inverter

4. Performance data
4.1 Three-phase motors, 1 speed, rated data at 400V 50Hz direct on line start
4.2 Three-phase motors, 1 speed IE2 rated data at 400V 50Hz direct on line start
4.3 Three-phase motors, 2 speeds, rated data at 400V 50Hz direct on line start, for general purpose (constant torque)
4.4 Three-phase motors, 2 speeds, rated data at 400V 50Hz direct on line start, for centrifugal machines (quadratic torque)
4.5 Single-phase motors, 1 speed, rated data at 230V 50Hz direct on line start
4.6 Three-phase motors with brake, 1 or 2 speeds, for hoist applications, rated data at 400V 50Hz direct on line start
4.7 Motors energized by inverter

4. Donnes nominales
4.1 Moteurs triphass, 1 vitesse, donnes nominales 400V 50Hz dmarrage direct
4.2 Moteurs triphass, 1 vitesse IE2, donnes nominales 400V 50Hz dmarrage direct
4.3 Moteurs triphass, 2 vitesses, donnes nominales 400V 50Hz dmarrage direct, pour usage gnral (couple constant)
4.4 Moteurs triphass, 2 vitesses, donnes nominales 400V 50Hz dmarrage direct, pour machines centrifuges (couple quadratique)
4.5 Moteurs monophass, 1 vitesse, donnes nominales 230V 50Hz dmarrage direct
4.6 Moteurs triphass avec frein, 1 ou 2 vitesses, pour levage, donnes nominales 400 V 50Hz dmarrage direct
4.7 Moteurs aliments par variateur

4. Betriebsdaten
4.1 Drehstrom Motoren, 1 Drehzahl, Betriebsdaten bei 400V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung
4.2 Drehstrom Motoren, 1 Drehzahl IE2, Betriebsdaten bei 400V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung
4.3 Drehstrom Motoren, 2 Drehzahlen, Betriebsdaten bei 400V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung, fr allgemeinen Gebrauch (konstantes Gegenmoment)
4.4 Drehstrom Motoren, 2 Drehzahlen, Betriebsdaten bei 400V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung, fr Zentrifugalmaschinen (quadratisches Gegenmoment)
4.5 Einphasen Motoren, 1 Drehzahl, Betriebsdaten bei 230V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung
4.6 Drehstrom Motoren mit Bremse, 1 oder 2 Drehzahlen, Hubmotoren, Betriebsdaten bei 400V 50Hz Direkteinschaltung
4.7 Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung

4. Datos nominales
4.1 Motores trifsicos, 1 velocidad, datos nominales 400V 50Hz arranque directo
4.2 Motores trifsicos, 1 velocidad IE2, datos nominales 400V 50Hz arranque directo
4.3 Motores trifsicos, 2 velocidades, datos nominales 400V 50Hz arranque directo, para uso general (par constante)
4.4 Motores trifsicos, 2 velocidades, datos nominales 400V 50Hz arranque directo, para mquinas centrifugas (par cuadrtico)
4.5 Motores monofsicos, 1 velocidad, datos nominales 230V 50Hz arranque directo
4.6 Motores trifsicos con freno, 1 o 2 velocidades, para elevacin, datos nominales 400V 50Hz arranque directo
4.7 Motores alimentados con inverter

ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speed rpm Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesse tours/min Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahl U/min Bremse

ESPAOL 4.1 Motores trifsicos 1 Velocidad 3000 rev/min Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]
[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
63 A 2 0.18 2900 0.80 67.0 0.49 0.59 5.0 6.00 6.30 60 52 0.0001 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00015
63 B 2 0.25 2858 0.85 70.1 0.60 0.84 4.7 4.30 3.70 60 52 0.0001 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00015
71 A 2 0.37 2770 0.95 69.0 0.83 1.27 4.2 2.60 2.70 66 58 0.0004 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00082
71 B 2 0.55 2830 1.35 74.9 0.79 1.86 5.3 2.40 2.70 66 58 0.0004 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00082
80 A 2 0.75 2800 1.84 74.5 0.79 2.56 4.9 2.58 2.90 70 62 0.0006 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00140
80 B 2 1.10 2845 2.68 77.0 0.77 3.69 5.3 3.00 2.90 70 62 0.0008 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00160
90 S 2 1.50 2845 3.26 79.0 0.84 5.04 5.4 2.60 2.50 77 69 0.0012 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00230
90 L 2 2.20 2820 4.53 80.5 0.87 7.44 6.0 2.37 2.95 77 69 0.0015 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00260
100 LA 2 3.00 2910 6.64 82.5 0.79 9.85 7.5 3.20 3.40 80 72 0.0029 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.00422

112 M 2 4.00 2900 8.00 84.2 0.86 13.17 6.8 2.00 2.50 80 72 0.0074 65 100 50 70 250 240 0.00959

132 SA 2 5.50 2905 10.90 85.0 0.86 18.07 6.5 2.80 2.90 81 73 0.0124 95 124 60 90 400 236 0.01648
132 SB 2 7.50 2925 14.80 86.0 0.85 24.48 6.4 2.51 3.00 83 75 0.0150 95 124 60 90 400 236 0.01908
132 MB 2 9.20 2934 17.30 88.1 0.87 29.95 7.5 2.80 3.00 83 75 0.0178 105 134 60 90 400 236 0.02188
132 ML 2 11.00 2930 21.20 89.3 0.84 35.85 6.6 2.80 3.09 83 75 0.0216 105 134 60 90 400 236 0.02568

160 MA 2 11.00 2930 20.00 89.0 0.89 35.85 6.6 2.50 2.80 84 76 0.0360 180 217 90 130 480 136 0.04101
160 MB 2 15.00 2950 26.80 89.7 0.90 48.56 7.0 2.90 3.00 84 76 0.0463 180 217 90 130 480 136 0.05131
160 L 2 18.50 2930 33.00 89.8 0.90 60.30 7.0 2.80 3.00 84 76 0.0534 195 230 90 130 480 136 0.05841

180 M 2 22.00 2945 39.00 90.6 0.90 71.35 7.5 2.80 2.70 83 74 0.0818 230
200 LA 2 30.00 2975 54.00 91.6 0.88 96.29 8.5 3.50 2.70 87 77 0.1625 285
200 LB 2 37.00 2975 65.00 91.8 0.90 118.72 7.9 2.80 2.50 87 77 0.1947 305
225 M 2 45.00 2975 79.00 92.3 0.89 144.42 9.0 2.60 3.00 89 79 0.2902 385

250 M 2 55.00 2980 95.00 92.5 0.90 176.24 7.5 2.50 2.80 90 79 0.4197 505
280 S 2 75.00 2982 134.00 93.2 0.87 240.11 7.5 2.70 3.30 88 76 0.5200 842
280 M 2 90.00 2985 160.00 93.0 0.88 287.93 9.0 3.10 3.80 88 76 0.6300 881
315 S 2 110.00 2980 191.40 93.3 0.89 352.40 8.3 3.00 3.30 90 76 0.7000 932
315 M 2 132.00 2970 228.00 93.0 0.90 424.00 7.9 2.50 3.30 90 76 0.7500 948
315 LA 2 132.00 2984 222.00 94.0 0.92 422.47 7.0 2.00 2.30 99 85 1.8800 1340
315 LB 2 160.00 2984 268.50 94.5 0.91 512.21 7.0 1.65 2.00 99 85 2.2500 1430
315 LC 2 200.00 2980 336.00 94.5 0.91 640.72 7.3 1.70 2.00 99 85 2.7900 1550

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speed rpm Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesse tours/min Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahl U/min Bremse

ESPAOL 4.1 Motores trifsicos 1 Velocidad 1500 rev/min Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]
[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
63 A 4 0.12 1400 0.62 57.60 0.50 0.82 4.5 3.6 3.80 52 44 0.0002 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00025
63 B 4 0.18 1340 0.67 61.50 0.62 1.28 4.2 2.3 2.53 52 44 0.0002 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00025
71 A 4 0.25 1372 0.80 60.00 0.74 1.72 3.0 2.2 2.60 56 48 0.0006 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00102
71 B 4 0.37 1390 1.10 69.00 0.72 2.53 3.5 2.2 2.76 56 48 0.0009 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00132
80 A 4 0.55 1380 1.60 69.00 0.71 3.86 4.0 2.3 2.50 59 51 0.0009 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00170
80 B 4 0.75 1390 2.06 73.00 0.72 5.15 4.0 2.3 2.60 59 51 0.0013 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00210
90 S 4 1.10 1420 2.80 76.30 0.74 7.38 5.0 2.5 3.00 62 54 0.0020 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00310
90 L 4 1.50 1400 3.54 77.50 0.79 10.22 5.0 2.3 2.50 62 54 0.0026 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00370
100 LA 4 2.20 1427 5.15 80.50 0.77 14.72 5.0 2.5 2.60 63 55 0.0043 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.00562
100 LB 4 3.00 1436 7.07 81.70 0.75 19.95 4.8 2.4 3.10 63 55 0.0053 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.00662
112 M 4 4.00 1440 9.01 83.60 0.76 26.49 7.0 2.9 3.20 68 60 0.0103 65 100 50 70 250 240 0.01249

132 SB 4 5.50 1455 11.90 87.00 0.77 36.11 6.3 2.4 2.80 72 64 0.0250 95 134 60 90 400 240 0.02908
132 MB 4 7.50 1460 17.20 86.30 0.73 49.05 5.8 2.7 3.40 75 67 0.0324 95 134 60 90 400 240 0.03648
132 ML 4 8.80 1455 18.50 87.00 0.79 57.77 6.8 2.5 3.51 75 67 0.0405 105 134 60 90 400 240 0.04458
160 MB 4 11.00 1465 22.90 89.00 0.78 71.66 6.2 2.5 3.00 77 69 0.0627 180 217 90 130 480 240 0.06771
160 L 4 15.00 1470 31.40 89.50 0.77 97.42 5.9 2.5 2.99 77 69 0.0801 195 217 90 130 480 240 0.08511
180 M 4 18.50 1470 39.00 89.80 0.76 120.23 6.0 3.2 3.00 79 70 0.1236 230 420 300 400 140 150 0.13560
180 L 4 22.00 1470 44.00 91.00 0.79 142.90 7.0 2.3 2.50 79 70 0.1493 245 435 300 400 140 150 0.16130
200 LB 4 30.00 1470 54.00 91.20 0.88 194.91 6.5 2.5 2.90 82 72 0.2456 305 495 300 400 140 150 0.25760
225 S 4 37.00 1480 69.00 91.70 0.84 238.68 7.1 2.7 3.00 84 73 0.3737 360 710 600 800 140 150 0.38570
225 M 4 45.00 1480 85.00 92.50 0.83 290.30 6.2 2.4 2.80 84 73 0.4479 385 750 600 800 140 150 0.45990
250 M 4 55.00 1485 97.00 92.90 0.88 353.77 7.2 2.9 2.90 86 75 0.7673 540 835 600 800 140 100 0.77930
280 S 4 75.00 1480 136.00 93.00 0.86 483.95 6.3 2.2 2.40 82 70 0.9500 875 1170 600 800 140 100 0.96200
280 M 4 90.00 1485 163.00 93.00 0.86 578.00 7.3 3.0 3.10 82 70 1.1200 901 1196 600 800 140 100 1.13200
315 S 4 110.00 1488 198.50 94.00 0.85 706.40 8.3 3.2 3.49 85 71 1.2700 971 1266 600 800 140 100 1.34200
315 M 4 132.00 1485 242.00 93.00 0.85 848.00 7.1 2.7 2.90 85 71 1.3300 984
315 LA 4 132.00 1488 240.50 94.10 0.84 847.01 7.2 1.9 1.90 90 76 3.7200 1190
315 LB 4 160.00 1488 286.50 94.00 0.86 1026.88 7.1 2.0 2.10 90 76 4.1100 1455
315 LC 4 200.00 1494 364.00 95.00 0.84 1278.43 8.8 2.0 2.10 90 76 5.2100 1640

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speed rpm Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesse tours/min Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahl U/min Bremse

ESPAOL 4.1 Motores trifsicos 1 Velocidad 1000 rev/min Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]
[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
63 B 6 0.09 850 0.65 38.00 0.52 0.99 2.0 2.3 2.20 48 40 0.0002 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00025
71 A 6 0.18 945 0.92 55.00 0.51 1.82 3.7 3.7 3.70 50 42 0.0007 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00112
71 B 6 0.26 918 1.00 60.00 0.63 2.71 3.4 2.6 2.60 50 42 0.0010 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00142
80 A 6 0.37 930 1.60 58.00 0.58 3.80 3.1 2.9 3.20 53 45 0.0022 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00300
80 B 6 0.55 930 1.80 70.00 0.65 5.79 2.8 2.0 2.10 53 45 0.0027 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00350
90 S 6 0.75 910 2.20 70.00 0.71 7.85 3.0 1.8 2.10 54 46 0.0034 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00450
90 L 6 1.10 935 3.35 73.00 0.65 11.21 3.4 2.0 2.15 54 46 0.0049 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00600
100 LB 6 1.50 950 3.80 76.00 0.75 15.11 4.2 2.0 2.30 63 55 0.0088 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.01012

112 M 6 2.20 960 6.11 80.00 0.65 21.84 5.2 2.3 2.09 65 57 0.0172 65 100 50 70 250 240 0.01939

132 SB 6 3.00 950 7.50 80.00 0.72 30.16 5.8 1.5 1.68 68 60 0.0323 95 134 60 90 400 240 0.03638
132 MB 6 4.00 970 9.50 81.40 0.75 39.38 6.1 1.7 1.90 68 60 0.0395 95 134 60 90 400 240 0.04358
132 ML 6 5.50 960 12.30 84.00 0.77 54.69 4.7 1.8 2.00 68 60 0.0506 105 134 60 90 400 240 0.05468
160 MB 6 7.50 950 15.70 85.00 0.81 75.33 4.8 2.1 2.14 72 64 0.0919 180 217 90 130 480 240 0.09691
160 L 6 11.00 950 21.50 87.00 0.85 110.57 6.2 1.7 2.00 72 64 0.1218 195 217 90 130 480 240 0.12681
180 L 6 15.00 960 29.00 88.00 0.86 149.20 5.3 2.1 2.73 76 67 0.2263 245 435 300 400 140 150 0.23830
200 LA 6 18.50 975 38.25 90.30 0.77 181.21 5.9 1.6 2.10 79 69 0.2986 295 490 300 400 140 150 0.31060
200 LB 6 22.00 980 45.00 90.50 0.78 214.35 6.0 1.6 1.60 79 69 0.3064 305 515 300 400 140 150 0.31840
225 M 6 30.00 985 61.20 91.00 0.78 290.86 5.8 2.0 2.50 81 70 0.7617 385 750 600 800 140 150 0.77370
250 M 6 37.00 990 73.35 91.80 0.79 356.91 6.7 2.0 2.41 81 70 1.0475 520 813 600 800 140 150 1.05950
250 ML 6 45.00 988 93.60 93.00 0.75 434.60 8.6 3.0 1.9 81 70 1.2300 590 905 600 800 140 150 1.24200
280 S 6 45.00 982 90.50 89.00 0.80 436.29 4.9 2.5 2.80 77 65 1.1400 858 1153 600 800 140 150 1.15200
280 M 6 55.00 980 109.00 91.00 0.81 535.00 4.7 2.3 2.40 77 65 1.3600 894 1189 600 800 140 150 1.37200
315 S 6 75.00 990 151.80 93.20 0.77 722.51 6.1 2.2 2.40 79 65 1.6300 865 1160 600 800 140 150 1.84200
315 M 6 90.00 990 117.10 92.90 0.79 868.13 5.3 1.8 1.80 79 65 1.8300 991
315 LA 6 90.00 992 171.80 93.00 0.82 865.31 6.8 1.7 1.85 84 70 5.7300 1370
315 LB 6 110.00 992 184.50 94.00 0.91 1058.91 8.6 1.2 1.70 84 70 5.9400 1450
315 LC 6 132.00 995 243.00 94.00 0.83 1264.00 5.3 2.1 2.10 84 70 8.4500 1520

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speed rpm Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesse tours/min Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahl U/min Bremse

ESPAOL 4.1 Motores trifsicos 1 Velocidad 750 rev/min Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]
[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
63 B 8 0.05 590 0.44 27.00 0.60 0.79 1.60 1.6 1.8 47 39 0.0002 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00025
71 B 8 0.15 600 0.57 54.00 0.75 2.54 2.10 1.3 1.5 48 40 0.0010 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00142
80 A 8 0.18 707 1.00 51.00 0.51 2.43 3.10 1.9 2.0 49 41 0.0022 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00300
80 B 8 0.25 690 1.00 61.00 0.60 3.53 3.30 1.4 1.7 49 41 0.0027 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00350
90 S 8 0.37 680 1.30 75.00 0.55 5.20 2.20 1.5 1.8 53 45 0.0034 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00450
90 L 8 0.55 680 1.90 80.00 0.52 7.73 2.10 1.5 1.8 53 45 00049 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00600
100 LA 8 0.75 700 2.85 67.50 0.57 10.20 2.60 2.0 2.2 60 52 0.0088 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.01012
100 LB 8 1.10 675 3.10 75.00 0.68 15.50 2.70 1.8 2.2 60 52 0.0088 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.01012
112 M 8 1.50 720 4.40 76.00 0.65 20.00 4.10 1.9 2.2 62 54 0.0172 65 100 50 70 250 240 0.01939
132 SB 8 2.20 720 6.50 75.00 0.66 29.20 4.00 1.8 2.3 66 58 0.0323 95 134 60 90 400 240 0.03638
132 MB 8 3.00 720 8.50 82.00 0.63 40.25 3.90 1.7 2.3 66 58 0.0506 105 134 60 90 400 240 0.05468
160 MA 8 4.00 718 9.70 85.00 0.70 53.20 4.50 2.3 2.6 70 62 0.0919 180 217 90 130 480 240
160 MB 8 5.50 725 14.00 76.00 0.77 73.00 3.90 2.2 2.5 70 62 0.0919 180 217 90 130 480 240
160 L 8 7.50 720 18.00 80.00 0.77 99.50 4.20 2.4 2.8 70 62 0.1218 195 217 90 130 480 240
180 L 8 11.00 720 23.00 87.40 0.79 146.40 5.70 2.2 2.4 73 64 0.2791 245 435 300 400 140 150

200 LB 8 15.00 735 35.00 89.00 0.70 196.00 5.30 1.6 2.1 75 65 0.4595 305 495 300 400 140 150 0.47150
225 S 8 18.50 735 42.25 88.00 0.72 240.33 5.80 2.4 2.7 79 68 0.6337 360 710 600 800 140 150 0.64570
225 M 8 22.00 730 46.00 88.00 0.79 288.00 5.00 2.1 2.3 79 68 0.7617 385 750 600 800 140 150 0.77370
250 M 8 30.00 740 61.00 94.00 0.76 386.90 6.20 1.8 2.2 79 68 1.2961 550 840 600 800 140 150 1.30810
280 S 8 37.00 730 71.00 90.00 0.86 492.30 5.50 1.9 2.5 72 60 1.5100 875 1170 600 800 140 150 1.52200
280 M 8 45.00 739 83.00 94.00 0.83 581.53 5.30 1.4 1.9 72 60 1.7900 901 1196 600 800 140 150 1.80200
315 S 8 55.00 742 115.00 93.00 0.74 707.88 8.70 2.7 2.9 75 61 1.9900 965 1260 600 800 140 150 2.19200
315 M 8 75.00 735 142.00 93.00 0.82 971.00 7.00 2.0 2.5 75 61 2.1800 991
315 LA 8 55.00 740 117.10 93.20 0.77 709.53 6.60 1.7 2.0 77 63 5.7300 1330
315 LB 8 90.00 744 164.50 95.00 0.84 1164.00 6.40 1.7 2.5 77 63 6.9400 1470
315 LC 8 110.00 743 202.00 94.00 0.84 1414.00 6.40 1.7 2.7 77 63 8.4500 1590

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase IE2 Velocit giri/min

ENGLISH Three-phase motors IE2 Speed rpm

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass IE2 Vitesse tours/min

4. Drehstrom Motoren IE2 Drehzahl U/min

ESPAOL 4.2 Motores trifsicos IE2 1 Velocidad 3000 rev/min

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
80 A 2 0.75 2847 1.80 77.4 0.78 2.52 5.7 2.40 2.60 70 62 0.0006 26
80 B 2 1.10 2830 2.50 79.6 0.80 3.71 5.8 3.65 2.50 70 62 0.0008 26
90 S 2 1.50 2880 3.30 81.3 0.81 4.97 6.4 2.70 2.60 77 69 0.0012 33
90 L 2 2.20 2880 4.80 83.2 0.80 7.29 7.1 3.20 4.00 77 69 0.0015 33
100 LA 2 3.00 2905 6.45 84.6 0.79 9.85 7.8 3.20 3.40 80 72 0.0029 46

112 M 2 4.00 2900 7.75 85.8 0.87 13.16 7.6 2.70 3.40 80 72 0.0074 65
132 SA 2 5.50 2920 10.55 87.0 0.87 17.98 7.2 2.80 2.90 81 73 0.0124 95
132 SB 2 7.50 2920 14.45 88.1 0.85 24.51 7.3 3.00 3.60 83 75 0.0150 95
160 MA 2 11.00 2935 19.90 89.4 0.89 35.79 6.9 3.40 3.80 84 76 0.0360 180
160 MB 2 15.00 2945 26.65 90.3 0.90 48.62 7.6 3.40 3.50 84 76 0.0463 180
160 L 2 18.50 2930 32.30 90.9 0.91 60.24 5.5 3.00 3.20 84 76 0.0534 195

180 M 2 22.00 2952 38.30 91.3 0.90 71.15 9.2 3.00 2.90 83 74 0.0818 230
200 LA 2 30.00 2970 51.25 92.0 0.92 96.42 9.3 3.70 2.95 87 77 0.1625 285
200 LB 2 37.00 2960 62.50 92.5 0.93 119.30 9.4 2.20 1.95 87 77 0.1947 605
225 M 2 45.00 2973 76.95 92.9 0.91 144.57 8.1 2.10 2.30 89 79 0.2902 385

250 M 2 55.00 2975 95.20 93.2 0.90 176.64 8.6 2.50 2.80 90 79 0.4197 505
280 S 2 75.00 2978 128.90 93.8 0.90 240.49 8.0 2.30 2.50 88 76 0.5200 842
280 M 2 90.00 2984 157.70 94.1 0.88 287.93 8.1 3.10 3.30 88 76 0.6300 881
315 S 2 110.00 2980 189.10 94.3 0.89 352.50 6.7 1.80 2.00 90 76 0.7000 932
315 LA 2 132.00 2983 218.90 94.6 0.92 422.44 7.2 2.00 2.20 99 85 1.8800 1340
315 LB 2 160.00 2984 267.70 94.8 0.91 516.06 7.0 1.70 2.10 99 85 2.2500 1430
315 LC 2 200.00 2980 333.70 95.0 0.91 640.70 7.5 1.70 1.90 99 85 2.7900 1550

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase IE2 Velocit giri/min

ENGLISH Three-phase motors IE2 Speed rpm

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass IE2 Vitesse tours/min

4. Drehstrom Motoren IE2 Drehzahl U/min

ESPAOL 4.2 Motores trifsicos IE2 1 Velocidad 1500 rev/min

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
80 B 4 0.75 1430 2.05 79.6 0.67 5.01 5.4 3.00 3.20 59 51 0.0013 26
90 S 4 1.10 1430 2.70 81.4 0.73 7.34 5.8 3.30 3.60 62 54 0.0020 33
90 L 4 1.50 1430 3.75 82.8 0.72 10.02 6.4 3.70 4.40 62 54 0.0026 33
100 LA 4 2.20 1450 5.20 84.3 0.72 14.47 7.1 2.50 3.10 63 55 0.0043 46
100 LB 4 3.00 1450 6.70 85.5 0.76 19.98 6.6 3.00 3.30 63 55 0.0053 46
112 M 4 4.00 1435 8.80 86.6 0.76 26.35 7.4 3.50 4.00 68 60 0.0103 65
132 SB 4 5.50 1450 11.70 87.7 0.78 36.37 5.1 2.20 2.70 72 64 0.0250 95
132 MB 4 7.50 1444 14.65 88.7 0.83 49.59 5.9 3.10 3.40 75 67 0.0324 95
160 MB 4 11.00 1444 23.10 89.8 0.77 71.57 6.0 2.30 3.00 77 69 0.0627 180
160 L 4 15.00 1468 30.50 90.6 0.79 97.63 6.6 2.70 3.00 77 69 0.0801 195
180 M 4 18.50 1465 36.65 91.2 0.80 120.17 7.3 3.10 3.60 79 70 0.1236 230
180 L 4 22.00 1470 42.20 91.6 0.82 142.89 8.4 3.48 4.40 79 70 0.1493 245
200 LB 4 30.00 1470 53.30 92.3 0.88 194.44 7.7 1.80 2.50 82 72 0.2456 305
225 S 4 37.00 1472 66.40 92.7 0.87 239.79 6.0 2.00 2.40 84 73 0.3737 360
225 M 4 45.00 1474 80.60 93.1 0.87 290.87 6.8 2.10 2.50 84 73 0.4479 385
250 M 4 55.00 1475 96.50 93.5 0.88 353.69 7.3 2.90 2.70 86 75 0.7673 540
280 S 4 75.00 1485 134.90 94.0 0.85 483.80 6.5 2.70 2.90 82 70 0.9500 875
280 M 4 90.00 1480 160.40 94.2 0.86 577.60 7.5 3.00 3.50 82 70 1.1200 901
315 S 4 110.00 1487 198.00 94.5 0.85 706.40 8.3 3.20 3.60 85 71 1.2700 971
315 LA 4 132.00 1488 239.00 94.7 0.84 847.01 7.2 1.90 2.20 90 76 3.7200 1190
315 LB 4 160.00 1488 283.00 94.9 0.86 1026.88 7.1 2.00 2.00 90 76 4.1100 1455
315 LC 4 200.00 1494 361.00 95.1 0.84 1278.43 8.8 2.00 2.20 90 76 5.2100 1640


In = In
(In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase IE2 Velocit giri/min

ENGLISH Three-phase motors IE2 Speed rpm

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass IE2 Vitesse tours/min

4. Drehstrom Motoren IE2 Drehzahl U/min

ESPAOL 4.2 Motores trifsicos IE2 1 Velocidad 1000 rev/min

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
90 S 6 0.75 955 2.38 75.9 0.60 7.50 5.0 2.50 2.80 54 46 0.0034 33
90 L 6 1.10 920 2.95 78.1 0.69 11.41 3.4 2.00 2.30 54 46 0.0049 33
100 LB 6 1.50 948 3.85 79.8 0.71 15.11 4.2 2.00 2.20 63 55 0.0088 46

112 M 6 2.20 964 5.60 81.8 0.69 21.79 6.1 2.40 2.80 65 67 0.0172 65

132 SB 6 3.00 960 7.32 83.3 0.71 29.84 5.8 2.00 2.20 68 60 0.0323 95
132 MB 6 4.00 960 9.10 84.6 0.72 39.67 5.7 2.00 2.20 68 60 0.0395 95
132 ML 6 5.50 968 13.25 86.0 0.70 54.27 6.0 2.90 3.20 68 60 0.0506 105
160 MB 6 7.50 970 16.20 87.2 0.77 73.94 6.5 3.00 3.30 72 64 0.0919 180
160 L 6 11.00 965 22.95 88.7 0.78 108.86 6.5 2.30 2.50 72 64 0.1218 195
180 L 6 15.00 975 31.45 89.7 0.77 146.85 7.2 2.50 3.00 76 67 0.2263 245
200 LA 6 18.50 980 39.38 90.4 0.75 180.28 6.5 1.80 1.90 79 69 0.2986 295
200 LB 6 22.00 985 47.85 90.9 0.73 213.30 7.5 2.30 2.60 79 69 0.3064 305
225 M 6 30.00 985 62.96 91.7 0.75 290.86 7.0 2.80 3.20 81 70 0.7617 385

250 M 6 37.00 985 71.10 92.2 0.82 358.43 7.0 2.00 2.40 81 70 1.0475 520
280 S 6 45.00 982 87.58 92.7 0.80 437.63 4.9 2.50 2.80 77 65 1.1400 858
280 M 6 55.00 985 109.32 93.1 0.78 533.25 5.2 2.30 2.40 77 65 1.3600 894
315 S 6 75.00 990 150.04 93.7 0.77 723.48 6.1 2.20 2.40 79 65 1.6300 865
315 LA 6 90.00 992 172.74 94.0 0.80 866.43 6.8 1.70 1.85 84 70 5.7300 1370
315 LB 6 110.00 992 185.02 94.3 0.91 1058.97 8.6 1.20 1.70 84 70 5.9400 1450
315 LC 6 132.00 995 236.94 94.6 0.85 1266.93 6.3 1.90 2.00 84 70 8.4500 1520

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per uso generale - 1 avvolgimento Dahlander Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for general purpose - 1 winding Dahlander Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour usage gnral - 1 enroulement Dahlander Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 3000 U/min fr allgemeinen Gebrauch - 1 Wicklung Dahlander Bremse

ESPAOL 4.3 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 1500 rev/min para uso general - 1 devanado Dahlander Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
63 B 24 0.20 2740 0.52 68 0.83 0.7 3.5 1.9 60 52 0.0002 16 22 3 4 40 240 0.00015
0.15 1310 0.59 49 0.74 1.1 2.2 1.6
71 A 24 0.30 2820 0.86 71 0.71 1.0 3.7 1.7 66 58 0.0006 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00082
0.20 1360 0.76 54 0.70 1.4 3.8 1.5
71 B 24 0.45 2805 1.26 62 0.83 1.5 4.6 2.5 66 58 0.0009 19 29 6 9 50 240 0.00082
0.30 1420 1.20 59 0.63 2.0 3.4 2.3
80 A 24 0.60 2800 1.60 68 0.87 2.1 4.9 2.8 70 62 0.0009 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00140
0.45 1400 1.20 69 0.84 3.1 4.7 2.3
80 B 24 0.80 2800 2.10 64 0.85 2.7 4.4 1.8 70 62 0.0013 26 36 12 17 60 240 0.00160
0.60 1400 1.70 72 0.71 4.1 4.1 1.7
90 S 24 1.25 2780 2.90 65 0.96 4.3 5.5 2.0 77 69 0.0020 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00230
0.90 1380 2.40 64 0.85 6.2 4.6 1.8
90 L 24 1.60 2850 3.70 71 0.90 5.4 5.1 2.4 77 69 0.0026 33 52 25 35 140 240 0.00260
1.20 1410 3.10 73 0.77 8.1 4.5 2.3
100 M 24 2.35 2780 5.40 70 0.90 8.1 6.5 2.4 80 72 0.0043 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.00562
1.85 1400 4.50 72 0.82 12.6 5.4 2.1
100 L 24 3.00 2880 7.30 73 0.77 10.0 6.6 2.6 80 72 0.0053 46 62 34 48 180 240 0.00662
2.40 1420 5.70 79 0.77 16.1 5.2 2.4
112 M 24 4.00 2860 8.60 84 0.80 13.4 7.0 2.3 80 72 0.0103 65 100 50 70 250 240 0.00959
3.30 1450 6.80 65 0.80 21.7 6.2 2.2
132 S 24 5.90 2880 11.50 80 0.93 19.6 7.2 2.2 83 75 0.0150 95 124 60 90 400 236 0.01648
4.80 1430 10.00 81 0.85 32.1 6.4 2.1
132 MB 24 7.50 2880 14.50 88 0.85 24.9 8.9 2.2 83 75 0.0178 95 134 60 90 400 236 0.02188
5.50 1430 13.50 73 0.80 36.8 7.2 2.1
132 L 24 8.00 2890 19.00 72 0.85 26.5 7.5 2.3 83 75 0.0216 105 134 60 90 400 236 0.02578
6.00 1440 17.00 63 0.80 39.3 6.3 2.2
160 M 24 11.00 2940 22.00 80 0.90 35.7 7.3 2.3 84 76 0.0627 180 217 90 130 480 136 0.04101
8.80 1440 22.00 78 0.74 58.4 6.5 2.1
160 L 24 15.00 2945 29.50 77 0.95 48.6 7.5 2.4 84 76 0.0801 195 230 90 130 480 136 0.05841
12.00 1450 28.50 81 0.75 79.0 6.6 2.3
180 M 24 18.50 2930 36.00 82 0.90 60.3 6.4 2.1 83 74 0.1270 230
15.00 1460 29.50 83 0.88 98.1 5.6 2.0
180 L 24 22.00 2960 42.60 89 0.84 71.2 6.6 2.2 83 74 0.1488 245
18.50 1465 38.00 90 0.78 121.1 5.8 2.1
200 LB 24 30.00 2970 54.60 90 0.88 97.3 7.7 2.2 87 77 0.2436 315
24.00 1480 44.60 93 0.84 156.5 3.9 2.5
225 S 24 33.00 2955 66.00 80 0.90 106.6 6.8 2.2 89 79 0.3762 355
30.00 1475 55.00 91 0.87 194.2 6.2 2.1
225 M 24 40.00 2965 77.00 82 0.92 128.8 6.8 2.2 89 79 0.4451 380
37.00 1480 69.00 88 0.88 238.7 6.2 2.2
250 M 24 50.00 2970 92.00 88 0.89 160.8 6.9 2.1 90 79 0.4611 450
45.00 1475 84.00 89 0.87 291.3 6.4 2.3
280 S 24 66.00 2950 123.30 91 0.85 200.7 9.4 2.8 88 76 0.5200 875
52.00 1480 102.80 85 0.86 238.8 8.2 2.7
280 M 24 79.00 2950 145.90 91 0.86 242.8 9.2 2.8 88 76 0.6300 901
60.00 1480 122.90 84 0.84 290.4 8.0 2.6
315 S 24 90.00 2955 166.10 89 0.88 323.2 9.4 2.9 90 76 0.7000 971
70.00 1485 133.80 90 0.84 334.4 8.0 2.9
315 M 24 95.00 2965 173.30 89 0.89 347.9 9.5 2.9 90 76 0.7500 984
75.00 1485 140.10 91 0.85 353.7 8.1 2.8
315 LA 24

315 LB 24

315 LC 24

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
(In = intensit U Volt);
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert q
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per uso generale - 1 avvolgimento Dahlander Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for general purpose - 1 winding Dahlander Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitessees tours/min pour usage gnral - 1 enroulement Dahlander Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1500 U/min fr allgemeinen Gebrauch - 1 Wicklung Dahlander Bremse

ESPAOL 4.3 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 750 rev/min para uso general - 1 devanado Dahlander Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg] [kg] S1 S4
71 A 48 0.17 1330 0.57 74 0.58 1.2 3.2 1.5 56 48 0.0007 19 29 3 9 50 240 0.00102
0.09 670 0.48 48 0.57 1.3 2.4 1.4
71 B 48 0.20 1400 0.71 68 0.80 1.4 5.6 2.1 56 48 0.0010 19 29 3 9 50 240 0.00132
0.10 700 0.67 35 0.52 1.4 3.0 3.0
80 A 48 0.30 1400 0.90 67 0.72 2.1 4.3 2.0 59 51 0.0022 26 36 6 17 60 240 0.00170
0.15 710 1.05 42 0.48 2.0 2.7 1.7
80 B 48 0.40 1400 0.95 71 0.86 2.7 4.2 1.8 59 51 0.0027 26 36 6 17 60 240 0.00210
0.20 710 1.12 48 0.54 2.7 1.3 2.6
90 S 48 0.60 1380 1.60 64 0.84 4.1 3.0 2.4 62 54 0.0034 33 52 12 35 140 240 0.00310
0.30 700 1.70 47 0.54 4.1 2.1 2.1
90 L 48 0.90 1370 2.00 74 0.90 6.4 4.0 1.8 62 54 0.0049 33 52 12 35 140 240 0.00370
0.45 710 1.80 65 0.60 6.1 2.9 1.6
100 LA 48 1.25 1400 3.20 81 0.70 8.5 3.8 2.0 63 55 0.0088 46 62 25 48 180 240 0.00562
0.60 700 3.00 61 0.47 8.2 3.0 1.8
100 LB 48 1.60 1445 3.60 73 0.88 10.6 4.8 1.9 63 55 0.0088 46 62 25 48 180 240 0.00662
0.80 700 4.00 59 0.49 10.9 3.7 1.6
112 M 48 2.55 1420 5.40 78 0.90 17.2 5.1 1.8 68 60 0.0172 65 100 34 70 250 240 0.01249
1.25 710 4.90 66 0.61 16.8 4.1 2.5
132 S 48 3.30 1430 7.20 77 0.86 22.5 5.0 1.7 72 64 0.0323 95 134 50 90 400 240 0.02908
1.85 720 8.30 58 0.56 24.5 3.6 1.6
132 MB 48 4.80 1410 10.50 77 0.86 32.5 5.3 1.8 75 67 0.0506 95 134 50 90 400 240 0.03648
2.40 700 8.10 68 0.63 32.0 4.9 1.7
132 L 48 5.50 1450 11.00 87 0.83 36.2 5.6 1.8 75 67 0.0506 105 134 50 90 400 240 0.04458
3.00 720 13.50 72 0.45 40.0 4.6 1.8
160 M 48 7.50 1450 16.00 82 0.82 49.4 5.8 1.9 77 69 0.0919 180 217 60 130 480 240 0.06771
4.80 730 15.00 83 0.56 62.8 4.8 1.7
160 L 48 10.00 1440 21.00 76 0.91 66.3 6.9 1.8 77 69 0.1218 195 217 60 130 480 240 0.08511
6.60 710 22.00 73 0.59 88.8 2.8 1.8
180 M 48 13.00 1474 26.50 81 0.87 84.1 6.6 2.0 79 70 0.2067 230 435 90 400 140 150 0.13560
8.10 735 22.50 85 0.61 105.2 5.3 2.0
180 L 48 16.00 1472 33.00 82 0.86 103.8 8.3 2.5 79 70 0.2067 245 435 90 400 140 150 0.16130
9.90 735 27.00 88 0.60 128.6 6.2 2.5
200 LB 48 20.00 1480 37.30 91 0.85 129.0 7.3 2.8 82 72 0.2436 315 495 300 400 140 150 0.25760
13.00 730 39.00 86 0.56 170.2 4.6 2.9
225 S 48 25.00 1460 47.50 82 0.93 163.5 6.5 2.1 84 73 0.3762 355 710 600 800 140 150 0.38570
17.00 720 44.50 79 0.70 225.5 5.2 1.9
225 M 48 30.00 1485 57.30 90 0.84 193.6 7.7 2.0 84 73 0.4451 380 750 600 800 140 150 0.45990
20.00 735 61.00 88 0.54 261.0 4.5 1.5
250 M 48 40.00 1480 73.00 91 0.88 258.4 6.4 2.2 86 75 0.4611 450 835 600 800 140 100 0.77930
26.00 735 67.50 91 0.62 336.8 5.5 2.0
280 S 48 59.00 1485 110.00 91 0.86 380.1 9.0 2.4 82 70 0.9500 875
34.00 740 101.00 90 0.55 448.5 4.5 1.9
280 M 48 71.00 1480 132.00 92 0.85 456.3 5.5 1.8 82 70 1.1200 901
41.00 740 105.00 90 0.62 524.8 3.7 1.4
315 S 48 80.00 1485 152.90 90 0.84 514.5 5.4 1.9 85 71 1.2700 971
47.00 735 116.90 88 0.66 610.7 3.8 1.5
315 M 48 85.00 1480 158.80 91 0.85 548.5 4.9 1.8 85 71 1.3300 984
50.00 735 123.00 89 0.66 649.7 3.8 1.4
315 LA 48

315 LB 48

315 LC 48

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert
(In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per uso generale - 2 avvolgimenti

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for general purpose - 2 windings

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour usage gnral - 2 enroulements

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1500 U/min fr allgemeinen Gebrauch - 2 Wicklungen

ESPAOL 4.3 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 1000 rev/min para uso general - 2 devanados

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
71 B 46 0.20 1420 0.76 60 0.63 1.3 4.5 1.4 56 48 0.0010 19
0.10 900 0.57 50 0.51 1.1 4.2 1.4
80 A 46 0.40 1360 1.00 80 0.72 2.8 3.5 1.5 59 51 0.0027 26
0.20 900 0.86 56 0.60 2.1 2.9 1.4
80 B 46 0.50 1380 1.40 70 0.73 3.4 3.7 1.5 59 51 0.0027 26
0.30 910 0.95 68 0.67 3.2 3.1 1.5
90 S 46 0.65 1400 2.00 63 0.75 4.4 2.0 1.6 62 54 0.0034 33
0.45 910 1.70 55 0.70 4.7 1.9 1.4
90 L 46 0.95 1455 2.70 80 0.65 6.4 5.6 1.6 62 54 0.0049 33
0.60 920 1.60 71 0.78 6.3 3.7 1.5
100 LA 46 1.40 1400 3.80 70 0.76 9.5 5.8 1.8 63 55 0.0088 46
0.90 930 2.90 64 0.70 9.2 4.2 1.6
100 L 46 1.85 1415 4.20 77 0.84 12.7 4.5 1.8 63 55 0.0088 46
1.10 900 3.05 71 0.73 11.5 3.0 1.6
112 M 46 2.40 1420 5.20 79 0.84 16.1 6.6 1.8 68 60 0.0172 65
1.60 920 4.20 71 0.78 16.6 4.4 1.6
132 S 46 3.00 1475 8.30 83 0.65 20.0 6.0 2.0 72 64 0.0323 95
2.00 960 5.50 75 0.71 19.7 4.0 1.5
132 MA 46 4.00 1460 9.40 79 0.78 26.2 6.2 2.0 75 67 0.0395 95
2.60 960 8.40 72 0.62 25.9 4.6 1.8
132 MB 46 4.40 1450 10.50 76 0.80 29.0 6.4 2.0 75 67 0.0506 105
3.00 950 8.90 79 0.62 30.2 4.5 1.8
132 L 46 5.15 1470 12.00 83 0.75 33.5 6.9 1.9 75 67 0.0506 105
3.30 965 9.50 79 0.64 32.7 4.8 1.7
160 M 46 6.60 1460 14.50 79 0.84 43.2 6.8 2.0 77 69 0.0919 180
4.40 960 10.50 87 0.70 43.8 4.6 1.9
160 L 46 8.80 1460 18.50 78 0.88 57.6 7.0 2.0 77 69 0.1218 195
5.90 970 13.50 88 0.72 58.1 5.0 1.9
180 M 46 11.00 1470 21.50 88 0.84 71.5 6.6 2.0 79 70 0.2067 230
7.50 980 18.50 84 0.70 73.1 5.2 1.9
180 L 46 13.00 1475 25.00 88 0.85 84.2 8.9 2.3 79 70 0.2067 245
8.80 980 20.50 86 0.72 85.7 8.5 3.8
200 LA 46 16.00 1480 33.50 82 0.84 103.2 6.7 2.1 82 72 0.2986 295
11.00 985 24.50 80 0.81 106.6 5.4 1.9
200 LB 46 18.50 1485 40.10 88 0.76 119.0 9.8 2.2 82 72 0.3503 315
13.00 985 28.70 90 0.73 126.0 8.9 3.2
225 S 46 22.00 1485 42.50 89 0.84 141.8 8.1 2.6 84 73 0.6965 355
15.00 995 33.50 88 0.74 144.4 5.5 3.6
225 M 46 26.00 1480 48.40 91 0.85 167.7 7.1 2.6 84 73 0.6965 380
16.50 990 33.90 90 0.74 159.2 5.4 3.6
250 M 46 30.00 1480 55.90 90 0.87 195.2 5.0 1.2 86 75 0.7216 450
20.00 990 41.30 90 0.78 193.5 4.9 1.4
280 S 46 56.00 1480 109.80 91 0.81 361.4 8.1 2.9 82 70 0.9500 875
34.00 985 78.30 86 0.73 329.6 6.4 2.8
280 M 46 65.00 1480 124.50 92 0.82 419.4 8.2 2.8 82 70 1.1200 901
40.00 985 89.60 86 0.75 387.8 6.2 2.9
315 S 46 75.00 1485 147.00 91 0.81 482.3 8.3 2.9 85 71 1.2700 971
46.00 990 103.30 87 0.74 443.7 6.4 3.0
315 M 46 80.00 1488 145.00 96 0.84 518.0 6.9 2.0 85 71 1.3300 984
50.00 990 104.40 93 0.74 482.6 5.0 2.2
315 LA 46

315 LB 46

315 LC 46

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert (In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per uso generale - 2 avvolgimenti

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm or general purpose - 2 windings

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitessees tours/min pour usage gnral - 2 enroulements

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1000 U/min fr allgemeinen Gebrauch - 2 Wicklungen

ESPAOL 4.3 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 750 rev/min para uso general - 2 devanados

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
71 B 68 0.12 960 0.73 45 0.55 1.2 3.0 2.4 50 42 0.0010 19
0.08 670 0.48 32 0.77 1.2 1.4 1.0
80 A 68 0.15 930 0.67 46 0.70 1.5 4.0 1.5 53 45 0.0027 26
0.13 690 0.62 51 0.59 1.8 3.2 1.4
80 B 68 0.25 920 1.00 51 0.71 2.6 2.8 1.6 53 45 0.0027 26
0.15 680 0.81 46 0.58 2.1 2.6 1.3
90 S 68 0.35 910 1.30 53 0.74 3.7 3.2 1.4 54 46 0.0034 33
0.25 640 1.00 59 0.61 3.7 2.2 1.4
90 L 68 0.60 920 2.12 53 0.72 6.2 3.2 1.5 54 46 0.0049 33
0.30 690 1.55 41 0.58 4.1 2.6 1.7
100 LA 68 0.80 920 2.30 66 0.76 8.3 1.7 1.5 63 55 0.0088 46
0.55 700 1.90 67 0.62 7.5 1.8 1.5
100 LB 68 1.00 920 3.30 54 0.82 10.4 3.0 1.1 63 55 0.0088 46
0.65 680 2.55 50 0.74 9.1 2.6 1.4
112 M 68 1.50 960 4.10 74 0.71 14.9 1.0 1.7 65 57 0.0172 65
1.00 710 3.20 65 0.69 13.4 1.2 1.6
132 S 68 1.85 960 5.20 73 0.70 18.4 4.1 1.6 68 60 0.0323 95
1.30 715 4.20 68 0.66 17.4 4.0 1.7
132 MA 68 2.55 965 6.80 75 0.72 25.2 4.2 1.8 68 60 0.0395 95
1.85 720 5.80 68 0.68 24.5 4.1 1.8
132 MB 68 3.00 970 7.40 79 0.74 29.5 5.4 1.9 68 60 0.0506 105
2.00 730 6.00 73 0.66 26.2 3.9 1.8
160 M 68 4.00 980 10.80 84 0.65 39.6 6.0 2.3 72 64 0.0919 180
2.80 730 9.50 77 0.56 36.7 4.8 2.7
160 L 68 5.50 985 14.60 86 0.64 53.5 7.7 2.5 72 64 0.1218 195
4.00 732 11.60 81 0.63 52.9 5.6 2.3
180 M 68 6.50 970 15.00 83 0.75 64.0 4.1 1.7 76 67 0.2067 230
5.00 720 12.50 77 0.75 66.3 4.3 1.8
180 L 68 8.00 965 17.50 85 0.78 79.2 4.4 1.8 76 67 0.2067 245
6.00 715 15.00 78 0.74 80.1 4.2 1.9
200 LA 68 9.90 970 21.00 85 0.80 97.5 4.6 1.7 79 69 0.2986 295
7.50 710 18.00 80 0.75 100.9 4.3 1.7
200 LB 68 12.00 990 33.40 88 0.59 115.8 7.0 2.4 79 69 0.3503 315
8.80 736 22.20 87 0.66 114.3 4.9 1.7
225 S 68 15.00 970 32.50 82 0.81 147.7 4.8 1.8 81 70 0.6965 355
11.00 720 24.50 83 0.78 145.9 4.7 1.8
225 M 68 17.00 975 37.00 81 0.82 166.5 4.9 1.8 81 70 0.6965 380
13.00 725 30.50 80 0.77 171.2 4.6 1.9
250 M 68 22.00 980 48.50 82 0.80 214.4 4.7 1.9 81 70 0.7216 450
16.00 730 37.00 82 0.76 209.3 4.5 1.8
280 S 68 37.00 990 80.30 90 0.74 356.9 7.3 3.1 77 65 1.1400 858
25.00 740 57.00 88 0.72 322.6 5.3 2.7
280 M 68 44.00 995 97.00 91 0.72 422.3 7.5 3.0 77 65 1.3600 894
30.00 740 70.40 88 0.70 387.2 5.2 2.7
315 S 68 52.00 990 112.80 90 0.74 501.6 7.9 3.4 79 65 1.6300 965
36.00 745 81.20 89 0.72 461.5 5.4 2.9
315 M 68 60.00 995 132.30 91 0.72 575.9 7.8 3.3 79 65 1.8300 997
40.00 743 91.80 90 0.70 514.1 5.3 2.9
315 LA 68

315 LB 68

315 LC 68

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert
(In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per macchine centrifughe - 1 avvolgimento Dahlander

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for centrifugal machines - 1 winding Dahlander

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour machines centrifuge - 1 enroulement Dahlander

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 3000 U/min fr Zentrifugalmaschinen - 1 Wicklung Dahlander

ESPAOL 4.4 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 1500 rev/min para mquinas centrfugas - 1 devanado Dahlander

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
63 B 24 0.24 2800 0.86 55 0.75 0.8 4.1 3.0 60 52 0.0001 16
0.07 1340 0.34 43 0.71 0.5 2.1 1.9
71 A 24 0.37 2750 1.00 74 0.72 1.3 3.6 2.0 66 58 0.0004 19
0.09 1380 0.27 69 0.70 0.6 2.9 2.0
71 B 24 0.50 2810 1.50 67 0.72 1.7 2.5 1.8 66 58 0.0004 19
0.14 1380 0.42 72 0.70 1.0 4.5 2.0
80 A 24 0.75 2820 1.90 70 0.80 2.5 4.0 1.7 70 62 0.0006 26
0.18 1400 0.48 70 0.76 1.2 3.6 2.1
80 B 24 0.11 2800 2.60 75 0.82 3.8 4.2 1.8 70 62 0.0008 26
0.25 1380 0.71 66 0.76 1.7 3.7 2.0
90 S 24 1.50 2780 3.20 81 0.84 5.2 5.8 1.9 77 69 0.0012 33
0.37 1400 1.00 68 0.78 2.5 4.1 2.1
90 L 24 2.00 2760 4.30 77 0.88 7.0 4.3 1.9 77 69 0.0015 33
0.51 1380 1.30 68 0.82 3.5 3.2 2.1
100 M 24 2.60 2810 5.60 75 0.89 8.8 7.7 2.2 80 72 0.0029 46
0.62 1410 1.60 69 0.81 4.2 7.0 2.0
100 L 24 3.30 2870 7.70 78 0.80 11.0 5.6 2.2 80 72 0.0029 46
0.75 1480 2.20 57 0.85 4.8 5.1 2.0
112 M 24 4.41 2930 8.90 81 0.88 14.4 7.9 2.5 80 72 0.0074 65
1.10 1450 2.30 82 0.83 7.2 6.9 2.7
132 S 24 6.50 2910 12.50 83 0.90 21.3 6.2 2.1 83 75 0.0150 95
2.00 1450 4.80 75 0.80 13.2 6.0 1.9
132 M 24 8.50 2945 16.70 89 0.82 27.6 8.8 3.4 83 75 0.0178 95
2.50 1460 5.50 88 0.74 16.4 5.9 2.8
132 L 24 9.20 2910 17.50 90 0.84 30.2 6.9 2.3 83 75 0.0216 105
2.80 1440 5.70 87 0.82 18.6 6.6 2.2
160 M 24 12.00 2955 21.50 89 0.90 38.7 8.1 2.1 84 76 0.0360 180
3.00 1470 6.45 84 0.81 19.6 4.9 2.5
160 L 24 16.00 2945 29.60 87 0.90 51.6 7.0 2.5 84 76 0.0534 195
4.40 1455 8.90 87 0.82 29.0 5.3 2.6
180 M 24 18.00 2965 37.00 79 0.89 58.0 8.4 2.6 83 74 0.0750 230
5.00 1465 11.40 75 0.85 32.6 7.1 2.3
180 L 24 24.00 2960 44.50 90 0.87 77.4 9.7 3.3 83 74 0.0750 245
6.00 1480 11.80 89 0.83 39.0 9.6 3.1
200 LB 24 30.00 2970 51.20 92 0.92 96.5 7.2 2.0 87 77 0.1449 315
8.00 1480 15.60 88 0.86 52.2 7.2 1.9
225 S 24 37.00 2960 68.00 86 0.91 119.4 7.3 2.1 89 79 0.1714 355
9.20 1460 21.00 74 0.86 60.2 7.0 2.0
225 M 24 44.00 2970 78.00 91 0.90 141.5 9.0 2.6 89 79 0.2656 380
11.50 1480 21.80 91 0.84 74.3 8.4 2.4
250 M 24 51.00 2970 93.00 89 0.89 164.0 6.5 2.2 90 79 0.2809 450
13.50 1475 26.50 87 0.85 87.4 6.2 1.8
280 S 24 70.00 2960 130.80 91 0.85 225.8 9.4 2.8 88 76 0.5200 875
25.00 1480 49.40 85 0.86 161.3 8.2 2.7
280 M 24 86.00 2960 158.80 91 0.86 277.5 9.2 2.8 88 76 0.6300 901
31.00 1480 63.50 84 0.84 200.0 8.0 2.6
315 S 24 100.00 2965 181.50 91 0.87 322.1 9.4 2.9 90 76 0.7000 971
36.00 1485 75.50 83 0.83 231.5 8.0 2.9
315 M 24 110.00 2970 196.30 92 0.88 353.7 9.5 2.9 90 76 0.7500 948
40.00 1485 83.90 84 0.82 257.2 8.1 2.8
315 LA 24

315 LB 24

315 LC 24

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert (In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per macchine centrifughe - 1 avvolgimento Dahlander

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for centrifugal machines - 1 winding Dahlander

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour machines centrifuge - 1 enroulement Dahlander

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1500 U/min fr Zentrifugalmaschinen - 1 Wicklung Dahlander

ESPAOL 4.4 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 750 rev/min para mquinas centrfugas - 1 devanado Dahlander

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
71 A 48 0.20 1420 0.82 50 0.71 1.4 3.5 1.7 56 48 0.0009 19
0.05 700 0.39 32 0.59 0.7 1.8 1.4
71 B 48 0.30 1390 0.95 58 0.78 2.1 3.7 1.8 56 48 0.0009 19
0.07 680 0.44 34 0.70 1.0 1.8 1.6
80 A 48 0.45 1410 1.40 66 0.70 3.0 2.9 2.0 59 51 0.0013 26
0.10 700 0.48 44 0.69 1.4 4.4 1.8
80 B 48 0.65 1420 1.67 70 0.80 4.4 4.3 1.8 59 51 0.0013 26
0.14 695 0.69 47 0.63 1.9 2.5 2.0
90 S 48 0.90 1420 2.15 76 0.80 6.1 4.3 1.8 62 54 0.0020 33
0.22 700 0.85 61 0.61 3.0 2.4 1.5
90 L 48 1.20 1440 3.25 77 0.70 8.0 4.3 2.0 62 54 0.0026 33
0.30 700 1.50 56 0.52 4.1 3.7 1.8
100 M 48 1.90 1410 4.70 74 0.79 13.0 4.3 1.8 63 55 0.0053 46
0.44 700 1.90 58 0.58 6.2 2.4 1.6
100 L 48 2.20 1405 5.30 73 0.82 15.0 4.8 2.3 63 55 0.0053 46
0.55 695 2.00 63 0.64 7.6 2.8 1.9
112 M 48 3.00 1440 6.50 80 0.85 20.2 5.1 1.7 68 60 0.0103 65
0.75 710 2.50 67 0.66 10.1 2.9 1.5
132 S 48 4.41 1445 9.30 86 0.80 29.3 5.5 2.2 72 64 0.0250 95
1.10 710 3.90 74 0.56 15.0 2.9 1.7
132 M 48 5.90 1455 12.00 86 0.83 38.7 5.3 2.0 75 67 0.0324 95
1.50 715 4.80 76 0.59 20.0 2.7 1.6
132 L 48 7.50 1440 16.00 83 0.82 49.8 6.9 2.0 75 67 0.0405 105
1.85 710 6.20 72 0.60 25.0 4.5 1.8
160 M 48 8.80 1470 18.00 89 0.80 57.7 7.0 2.1 77 69 0.0627 180
2.50 730 7.75 82 0.58 33.1 4.0 1.8
160 L 48 12.00 1470 25.10 89 0.77 77.7 5.9 2.1 77 69 0.0801 195
3.20 715 10.50 79 0.56 42.5 3.1 2.0
180 M 48 16.00 1480 36.00 89 0.72 103.3 7.8 3.3 79 70 0.1270 230
4.00 735 13.80 83 0.51 52.0 4.0 2.3
180 L 48 22.00 1470 45.00 89 0.80 143.0 6.7 2.6 79 70 0.1488 245
5.50 732 17.20 82 0.56 71.8 3.2 1.9
200 LB 48 26.00 1480 49.40 92 0.83 168.2 9.1 3.4 82 72 0.2436 315
6.00 735 15.60 91 0.61 78.2 4.5 2.6
225 S 48 32.00 1470 65.00 92 0.77 207.9 6.5 3.6 84 73 0.3762 355
8.10 725 21.00 91 0.62 106.8 5.5 2.8
225 M 48 37.00 1475 67.00 92 0.87 236.6 6.9 2.8 84 73 0.4451 380
9.20 730 22.00 90 0.67 120.0 4.6 2.4
250 M 48 45.00 1475 87.00 94 0.80 291.3 5.8 2.4 86 75 0.4611 450
11.00 730 27.90 91 0.63 143.3 5.0 2.2
280 S 48 69.00 1480 128.90 91 0.85 445.2 5.4 1.9 82 70 0.9500 875
20.00 720 49.80 88 0.66 265.3 3.8 1.5
280 M 48 83.00 1480 155.10 91 0.85 535.6 5.5 1.8 82 70 1.1200 901
25.00 720 63.90 87 0.65 331.6 3.7 1.4
315 S 48 94.00 1485 173.70 92 0.85 604.5 5.4 1.9 85 71 1.2700 971
28.00 725 70.50 87 0.66 368.8 3.8 1.5
315 M 48 100.00 1485 182.60 92 0.86 643.1 4.9 1.8 85 71 1.3300 984
30.00 725 75.80 88 0.65 395.2 3.8 1.4
315 LA 48

315 LB 48

315 LC 48

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert
(In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per macchine centrifughe - 2 avvolgimenti

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for centrifugal machines - 2 windings

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour machines centrifuge - 2 enroulements

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1500 U/min fr Zentrifugalmaschinen - 2 Wicklungen

ESPAOL 4.4 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 1000 rev/min para mquinas centrfugas - 2 devanados

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
71 B 46 0.30 1390 0.95 56 0.82 2.1 2.9 1.2 56 48 0.0009 19
0.10 905 0.45 46 0.76 1.1 2.0 1.1
80 A 46 0.44 1430 1.40 65 0.70 2.9 3.0 1.6 59 51 0.0013 26
0.13 930 0.49 55 0.70 1.3 7.8 1.2
80 B 46 0.59 1430 1.60 74 0.72 4.0 4.0 1.7 59 51 0.0013 26
0.18 950 0.67 56 0.69 1.8 3.6 1.9
90 S 46 0.90 1440 2.95 68 0.66 5.9 4.1 2.5 62 54 0.0020 33
0.30 970 2.20 41 0.49 2.9 2.4 2.7
90 L 46 1.15 1395 3.20 70 0.77 8.3 3.9 2.2 62 54 0.0026 33
0.40 920 1.65 51 0.69 4.2 2.5 2.0
100 LA 46 1.80 1430 4.10 79 0.80 12.0 5.2 2.0 63 55 0.0053 46
0.60 955 1.90 70 0.65 6.0 4.0 1.7
100 LB 46 2.20 1425 4.70 80 0.85 14.7 5.0 1.9 63 55 0.0053 46
0.70 950 2.10 73 0.66 7.0 3.8 1.6
112 M 46 3.00 1455 6.90 76 0.83 19.7 5.0 1.9 68 60 0.0103 65
0.90 960 2.30 75 0.75 9.0 4.3 1.8
132 S 46 4.00 1460 9.50 79 0.77 26.2 6.5 2.0 72 64 0.0250 95
1.20 980 4.60 68 0.55 11.7 5.2 1.7
132 MA 46 4.80 1455 11.50 75 0.80 31.5 6.9 1.9 75 67 0.0324 95
1.40 965 5.10 68 0.58 13.9 5.4 1.8
132 MB 46 5.50 1460 13.00 76 0.80 36.0 5.7 1.9 75 67 0.0324 105
1.70 960 6.50 63 0.60 16.9 4.9 2.0
132 L 46 6.60 1470 15.50 88 0.70 42.9 6.9 1.8 75 67 0.0405 105
2.00 980 8.00 76 0.49 20.0 5.4 1.8
160 M 46 7.50 1470 15.35 86 0.82 48.9 7.1 2.1 77 69 0.0627 180
2.50 985 6.67 83 0.66 24.4 6.2 2.2
160 L 46 11.00 1460 23.00 82 0.84 71.9 7.1 2.2 77 69 0.0801 195
3.30 980 9.50 71 0.71 32.2 6.2 2.3
180 M 46 15.00 1450 31.50 81 0.85 98.8 6.9 1.8 79 70 0.1270 230
5.20 960 21.00 85 0.57 51.7 6.0 1.6
180 L 46 18.50 1450 36.00 84 0.88 121.8 7.0 7.0 79 70 0.1488 245
6.25 965 22.00 66 0.62 61.8 6.2 6.2
200 LA 46 21.00 1460 41.00 85 0.87 137.4 6.9 2.0 82 72 0.2436 295
7.50 970 16.50 82 0.80 73.8 6.5 1.9
200 LB 46 26.00 1465 48.50 89 0.87 169.5 6.4 1.8 82 72 0.2436 315
8.80 970 24.50 83 0.63 86.6 6.8 2.1
225 S 46 31.00 1470 58.00 88 0.88 201.4 6.5 2.2 84 73 0.3762 355
11.00 975 23.00 82 0.84 107.7 6.0 2.1
225 M 46 36.00 1475 70.00 88 0.84 233.0 4.9 2.2 84 73 0.4451 380
12.00 990 30.00 86 0.68 117.0 6.1 2.0
250 M 46 38.00 1485 72.66 89 0.85 244.5 5.6 1.9 86 75 0.4611 450
14.00 985 28.89 85 0.83 136.0 5.4 1.9
280 S 46 65.00 1480 123.00 92 0.83 419.4 8.1 2.9 82 70 0.9500 875
25.00 980 63.60 86 0.66 243.6 6.4 2.8
280 M 46 80.00 1485 145.20 96 0.84 518.0 8.2 2.8 82 70 1.1200 901
30.00 995 76.30 91 0.63 291.6 6.2 2.9
315 S 46 90.00 1485 170.30 92 0.83 578.8 8.3 2.9 85 71 1.2700 971
35.00 985 89.40 87 0.65 339.3 6.4 3.0
315 M 46 95.00 1485 179.80 92 0.83 610.9 8.2 2.8 85 71 1.3300 984
37.00 990 92.10 88 0.66 356.9 6.4 3.0
315 LA 46

315 LB 46

315 LC 46

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert (In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase Velocit giri/min per macchine centrifughe - 2 avvolgimenti

ENGLISH Three-phase motors Speeds rpm for centrifugal machines - 2 windings

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass Vitesses tours/min pour machines centrifuge - 2 enroulements

4. Drehstrom Motoren Drehzahlen 1000 U/min fr Zentrifugalmaschinen - 2 Wicklungen

ESPAOL 4.4 Motores trifsicos 2 Velocidades 750 rev/min para mquinas centrfugas - 2 devanados

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
80 A 68 0.33 930 1.15 59 0.68 3.4 3.2 1.8 53 45 0.0027 26
0.09 700 0.64 33 0.51 1.2 2.0 1.4
80 B 68 0.40 930 1.20 61 0.76 4.1 2.9 1.7 53 45 0.0027 26
0.12 680 0.65 44 0.63 1.7 2.0 1.8
90 S 68 0.48 895 1.54 52 0.89 5.3 2.2 1.6 54 46 0.0034 33
0.19 705 0.82 52 0.65 2.6 2.7 3.3
90 L 68 0.66 925 2.10 63 0.72 6.9 2.6 2.0 54 46 0.0049 33
0.25 700 1.25 46 0.65 3.4 2.0 3.0
100 LA 68 0.88 960 2.90 66 0.66 8.8 4.1 1.8 63 55 0.0088 46
0.37 715 1.80 47 0.63 4.9 3.6 1.7
100 L 68 1.10 930 3.25 68 0.75 11.6 3.2 2.2 63 55 0.0088 46
0.44 720 2.20 55 0.55 5.9 2.9 2.9
112 M 68 1.50 970 4.60 74 0.64 14.8 4.2 2.0 65 57 0.0172 65
0.75 725 3.30 60 0.54 9.9 3.4 2.6
132 S 68 2.20 975 6.00 79 0.67 21.6 4.5 2.2 68 60 0.0323 95
0.88 730 3.50 67 0.54 11.6 3.8 1.7
132 MA 68 3.00 960 7.00 76 0.81 29.8 4.9 2.0 68 60 0.0395 95
1.20 730 4.80 59 0.61 15.7 3.9 2.0
132 MB 68 3.70 965 8.90 79 0.76 36.6 5.1 2.2 68 60 0.0506 105
1.50 715 5.00 64 0.68 20.0 3.9 2.1
160 M 68 5.50 980 12.50 87 0.73 53.6 5.6 2.2 72 64 0.0919 180
2.50 730 6.80 83 0.64 32.7 4.3 2.3
160 L 68 7.50 970 17.40 83 0.75 73.9 5.8 1.8 72 64 0.1218 195
4.00 728 11.60 78 0.64 52.8 4.0 2.3
180 M 68 9.00 965 20.00 83 0.78 89.1 5.8 2.3 76 67 0.2067 230
4.50 725 11.00 80 0.74 59.3 4.3 2.2
180 L 68 10.00 960 23.50 79 0.78 99.5 5.6 2.1 76 67 0.2067 245
5.20 720 13.00 80 0.72 69.0 4.1 2.0
200 LA 68 13.00 970 29.50 81 0.79 128.0 5.3 2.0 79 69 0.2986 295
6.50 720 15.50 82 0.74 86.2 4.7 2.1
200 LB 68 16.00 970 36.00 80 0.80 157.5 5.2 1.9 79 69 0.3503 315
8.10 725 21.00 72 0.77 106.7 4.6 2.0
225 S 68 20.00 980 41.00 88 0.80 194.9 5.0 2.3 81 70 0.6965 355
10.00 730 24.50 76 0.78 130.8 4.9 2.2
225 M 68 23.00 988 46.40 91 0.79 223.9 5.0 1.9 81 70 0.6965 380
11.00 737 25.20 89 0.72 144.8 4.2 1.7
250 M 68 26.00 980 53.00 89 0.80 253.3 4.8 1.8 81 70 0.7216 450
13.00 730 31.50 75 0.80 170.1 4.5 1.7
280 S 68 40.00 985 81.40 91 0.78 387.8 7.3 3.1 77 65 1.1400 875
16.00 740 38.20 84 0.72 206.5 5.3 2.7
280 M 68 48.00 990 99.50 90 0.68 464.5 7.5 3.0 77 65 1.3600 901
20.00 740 53.40 86 0.63 258.0 5.2 2.7
315 S 68 58.00 990 119.60 91 0.77 559.5 7.9 3.4 79 65 1.6300 971
24.00 742 56.90 87 0.70 308.9 5.4 2.9
315 M 68 65.00 995 130.90 92 0.78 623.9 7.8 3.3 79 65 1.8300 884
27.00 740 62.30 87 0.72 348.4 5.3 2.9
315 LA 68

315 LB 68

315 LC 68

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert
(In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori monofase Velocit giri/min

ENGLISH Single-phase motors Speed rpm

FRANAIS Moteurs monophas Vitesse 3000 tours/min

4. Einphasen Motoren Drehzahl 1500 U/min

ESPAOL 4.5 Motores monofsicos 1 Velocidad 1000 rev/min

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Condensatore Rumorosit Momento Massa
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Capacitor Noise level Moment Mass
output factor current torque of inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Condensateur Niveau de Moment Masse
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kondensator Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse
faktor moment pegel moment
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Condensador Nivel de ruido Momento Peso
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn C [dB(A)] J m

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [F] Lw Lp [kgm2] [kg]
63 A 2 0.10 2750 1.30 35 0.95 0.3 3.3 0.6 6.3 60 52 0.0001 16
63 B 2 0.15 2750 1.30 53 0.95 0.5 3.8 0.6 8.0 60 52 0.0001 16
71 A 2 0.20 2800 2.60 48 0.92 0.7 3.6 0.7 10.0 66 58 0.0004 19
71 B 2 0.40 2730 2.90 63 0.95 1.4 2.7 0.7 12.5 66 58 0.0004 19
80 A 2 0.55 2720 5.40 53 0.82 1.9 2.5 0.6 16.0 70 62 0.0006 26
80 B 2 0.75 2790 5.30 63 0.97 2.6 4.5 0.8 20.0 70 62 0.0008 26
90 S 2 1.10 2750 7.80 63 0.97 3.8 4.4 0.7 45.0 77 69 0.0012 33
90 L 2 1.50 2800 8.90 74 0.98 5.1 4.9 0.7 60.0 77 69 0.0015 33
100 LA 2 2.20 2800 15.50 65 0.95 7.5 5.0 0.6 60.0 80 72 0.0029 46
100 LB 2 3.00 2800 18.00 74 0.98 10.2 5.0 0.6 80.0 80 72 0.0036 46

63 A 4 0.09 1360 1.10 39 0.90 0.6 3.2 0.6 6.3 52 44 0.0002 16

63 B 4 0.13 1350 1.30 55 0.90 1.1 3.0 0.6 8.0 52 44 0.0002 16
71 A 4 0.15 1380 1.70 42 0.90 1.0 3.2 0.7 10.0 56 48 0.0006 19
71 B 4 0.25 1380 2.30 48 0.97 1.7 3.4 0.7 12.5 56 48 0.0009 19
80 A 4 0.35 1410 3.30 49 0.96 2.4 3.8 0.7 20.0 59 51 0.0009 26
80 B 4 0.45 1420 4.30 53 0.85 3.0 3.8 0.8 25.0 59 51 0.0013 26
80 L 4 0.55 1420 4.90 56 0.87 3.7 3.9 0.7 20.0 59 51 0.0014 26
90 S 4 0.75 1420 5.90 56 0.97 5.2 2.1 1.0 30.0 62 54 0.0020 33
90 L 4 1.10 1430 7.20 73 0.91 7.3 4.0 0.6 35.0 62 54 0.0026 33
100 LA 4 1.30 1370 8.10 72 0.98 9.0 3.2 0.5 35.0 63 55 0.0043 46
100 LB 4 1.60 1400 10.00 71 0.98 11.1 2.6 0.5 40.0 63 55 0.0053 46

71 A 6 0.10 900 1.50 36 0.80 1.1 2.6 0.5 8.0 50 42 0.0007 19

71 B 6 0.15 850 1.40 50 0.93 1.7 2.8 0.5 10.0 50 42 0.0010 19
80 A 6 0.20 910 2.70 40 0.81 2.1 2.9 0.6 16.0 53 45 0.0022 26
80 B 6 0.30 930 3.00 53 0.82 3.1 3.0 0.6 25.0 53 45 0.0027 26
90 S 6 0.55 920 4.30 63 0.88 5.7 3.0 0.6 30.0 54 46 0.0034 33
90 L 6 0.75 910 6.10 60 0.88 7.9 3.1 0.7 35.0 54 46 0.0049 33
100 LB 6 1.10 920 8.00 65 0.92 11.4 3.2 0.7 75.0 63 55 0.0088 46

In = In (In = corrente a U Volt);
(In = current at U Volt);
(In = intensit U Volt);
(In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase con freno Velocit giri/min Servizio tipo per sollevamento Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors with brake Speed rpm Duty type or hoist applications Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass avec frein Vitesse tours/min Service type IC410 pour levage Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren mit Bremse Drehzahl U/min BetriebS4 Hubmotoren Bremse

ESPAOL 4.6 Motores trifsicos con freno 1 Velocidad 1000 rev/min Rgimen 40% para elevacin Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento massima dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Maximum Noise level Moment Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage maximal bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Kippmoment Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Par maximo Nivel de Momento Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque ruido de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn Mm/Mn [dB(A)] J m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]
[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lp [kgm2] [kg] S1 S4

71 A 6 0.18 945 0.92 55.0 0.51 1.82 3.7 3.7 3.7 42 0.00112 29 3 9 50 240 0.00112
71 B 6 0.26 918 1.00 60.0 0.63 2.71 3.4 2.6 2.6 42 0.00142 29 3 9 50 240 0.00142
80 A 6 0.37 930 1.60 58.0 0.58 3.80 3.1 2.9 3.2 45 0.00300 36 6 17 60 240 0.00300
80 B 6 0.55 930 1.80 70.0 0.65 5.79 2.8 2.0 2.1 45 0.00350 36 6 17 60 240 0.00350
90 S 6 0.75 950 2.39 73.0 0.62 7.52 4.0 3.0 3.3 46 0.00450 52 12 35 140 240 0.00450
90 L 6 1.10 935 3.35 73.0 0.65 11.21 3.4 2.0 2.2 46 0.00600 52 12 35 140 240 0.00600
100 LB 6 1.50 950 3.80 76.0 0.75 15.11 4.2 2.0 2.3 55 0.01012 62 25 48 180 240 0.01012

112 M 6 2.20 960 6.11 80.0 0.65 21.84 5.2 2.3 2.1 57 0.01939 100 34 70 250 240 0.01939

132 SB 6 3.00 975 9.34 82.0 0.56 29.40 6.4 3.3 3.5 60 0.04046 134 50 90 400 240 0.03638
132 MB 6 4.00 970 9.84 86.0 0.69 39.38 6.0 2.0 2.5 60 0.04766 134 50 90 400 240 0.04358
132 ML 6 5.50 960 15.56 74.0 0.69 54.90 5.5 2.7 3.0 60 0.05876 134 50 90 400 240 0.05468
160 MB 6 7.50 950 15.70 85.0 0.81 75.33 4.8 2.1 2.1 64 0.09691 217 60 130 480 240 0.09661
160 L 6 11.00 965 25.60 89.0 0.70 109.20 5.0 2.5 2.9 64 0.12681 217 60 130 480 240 0.12681
180 L 6 15.00 984 33.41 93.0 0.70 145.70 7.7 3.0 3.5 67 0.23830 435 90 400 140 150 0.23830
200 LA 6 18.50 980 41.70 90.2 0.71 180.28 7.2 2.5 3.7 69 0.31060 490 300 400 140 150 0.31060
200 LB 6 22.00 985 49.90 90.4 0.70 212.97 7.3 2.8 4.4 69 0.03184 515 300 400 140 150 0.31840
225 M 6 30.00 985 61.00 91.7 0.78 290.86 5.8 2.0 2.5 70 0.77370 750 600 800 140 150 0.77370
250 M 6 37.00 990 72.00 94.0 0.70 358.00 5.2 2.0 2.4 70 1.05950 815 600 800 140 150 1.05950
250 ML 6 45.00 988 93.60 93.0 0.75 434.60 8.6 3.0 1.9 70 1.23000 905 600 800 140 150 1.24200
280 S 6 45.00 982 90.50 89.0 0.80 436.29 4.9 2.5 2.8 65 1.14000 1153 600 800 140 150 1.15200
280 M 6 55.00 980 109.00 91.0 0.81 535.00 4.7 2.3 2.4 65 1.36000 1189 600 800 140 150 1.37200
315 S 6 75.00 990 151.80 93.2 0.77 722.51 6.1 2.2 2.4 65 1.63000 1160 600 800 140 150 1.84200

Numero di avviamenti superiori su richiesta In = In (I n = corrente a U Volt);
Higher number of start-ups by request U
(In = current at U Volt);
Nombre de dmarrages suprieurs sur demande
Hhere Anzahl von Starts pro Stunde auf Anfrage (In = intensit U Volt);
Nmero de arranques superiores a peticin (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase con freno Velocit giri/min Servizio tipo per sollevamento Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors with brake Speeds rpm Duty type or hoist applications Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass avec frein Vitesses tours/min Service type IC410 pour levage Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren mit Bremse 3000
Drehzahlen U/min BetriebS4 Hubmotoren Bremse

ESPAOL 4.6 Motores trifsicos con freno 2 Velocidades 750 rev/min Rgimen 40% para elevacin Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de ruido Momento Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lp [kgm2] [kg] S1 S4

71 B 28 0.36 2860 1.10 60.6 0.82 1.20 3.5 2.0 58 0.0009 29 6 9 50 240 0.00082
0.06 670 0.60 21.0 0.68 0.86 1.5 1.4
80 A 28 0.55 2935 1.32 77.0 0.78 1.79 6.4 2.4 62 0.0009 36 12 17 60 240 0.00140
0.12 688 0.85 45.0 0.45 1.77 1.6 1.3
80 B 28 0.66 2840 1.48 78.0 0.82 2.22 6.1 2.1 62 0.0013 36 12 17 60 240 0.00160
0.17 660 1.02 47.0 0.51 2.46 1.5 1.2
90 S 28 0.90 2845 2.45 58.0 0.91 3.02 4.8 2.9 69 0.0020 52 25 35 140 240 0.00230
0.22 680 1.35 36.0 0.65 3.09 2.1 2.8
90 L 28 1.10 2968 4.10 60.3 0.64 3.54 6.2 3.2 69 0.0026 52 25 35 140 240 0.00260
0.30 722 1.40 57.6 0.54 3.97 2.2 2.1
100 LA 28 1.30 2960 3.40 71.1 0.78 4.19 8.6 3.7 72 0.0043 62 34 48 180 240 0.00422
0.33 735 2.58 48.0 0.39 4.29 2.9 3.6
100 L 28 1.50 2930 4.00 70.0 0.78 4.89 6.1 2.5 72 0.0053 62 34 48 180 240 0.00662
0.37 725 3.00 47.0 0.38 4.87 2.4 3.7
112 M 28 2.60 2950 5.50 86.0 0.81 8.42 8.3 2.6 72 0.0103 100 50 70 250 240 0.00959
0.70 720 2.70 69.0 0.55 9.28 3.1 2.5
132 S 28 4.00 2950 6.80 83.0 0.91 12.95 8.5 2.7 75 0.03316 134 60 90 400 236 0.01648
1.00 720 4.20 63.0 0.60 13.26 3.3 2.3
132 M 28 5.00 2960 10.77 77.0 0.87 16.13 8.1 2.8 75 0.04056 134 60 90 400 236 0.02188
1.25 720 4.73 72.0 0.53 16.58 3.1 1.6
132 L 28 6.00 2950 14.42 78.0 0.77 19.42 7.2 3.0 75 0.04866 134 60 90 400 236 0.02568
1.50 710 7.34 59.0 0.50 20.18 2.4 1.7

Numero di avviamenti superiori su richiesta
In = In U (I
n = corrente a U Volt);
Higher number of start-ups by request (In = current at U Volt);
Nombre de dmarrages suprieurs sur demande
Hhere Anzahl von Starts pro Stunde auf Anfrage (In = intensit U Volt);
Nmero de arranques superiores a peticin (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase con freno Velocit giri/min Servizio tipo per sollevamento Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors with brake Speeds rpm Duty type or hoist applications Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass avec frein Vitesses tours/min Service type IC410 pour levage Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren mit Bremse 1500
Drehzahlen U/min BetriebS4 Hubmotoren Bremse

ESPAOL 4.6 Motores trifsicos con freno 2 Velocidades 500 rev/min Rgimen 40% para elevacin Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de Momento Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque ruido de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lp [kgm2] [kg] S1 S4

90 S 41 0.55 1450 1.50 69.6 0.76 3.62 4.0 1.6 52 25 35 140 240 0.00310
0.18 432 1.10 34.7 0.70 3.98 2.0 1.6
90 L 41 0.75 1455 2.25 69.0 0.70 4.92 4.5 2.0 52 25 35 140 240 0.00370
0.25 440 1.35 45.0 0.60 5.43 2.0 1.8
100 LA 41 1.10 1473 4.80 56.3 0.59 7.13 4.8 3.4 62 34 48 180 240 0.00562
0.37 478 3.65 31.3 0.47 7.39 1.6 2.5
100 LB 41 1.50 1455 4.83 64.0 0.70 9.85 4.6 2.3 62 34 48 180 240 0.00662
0.50 455 3.00 40.9 0.59 10.49 1.8 1.8
112 M 41 1.80 1475 7.05 61.3 0.60 11.65 6.3 2.9 100 50 70 250 240 0.01249
0.60 470 3.85 44.0 0.51 12.19 2.2 1.7
132 S 41 2.20 1484 7.25 77.0 0.57 14.16 6.5 3.7 134 60 90 400 240 0.02908
0.73 470 4.60 50.0 0.46 14.83 1.7 1.8
132 M 41 3.50 1480 10.20 84.0 0.59 22.58 9.4 2.9 134 60 90 400 240 0.03648
1.17 485 10.56 41.0 0.39 23.04 1.3 2.4
132 L 41 4.00 1484 10.60 84.0 0.65 25.74 6.8 2.8 134 60 90 400 240 0.04458
1.33 479 9.87 54.0 0.36 26.52 1.9 2.5
160 M 41 5.50 1470 12.60 77.0 0.82 35.73 5.8 2.1 217 90 130 480 240 0.06771
1.83 485 10.91 55.0 0.44 36.03 2.3 2.1
160 L 41 7.50 1480 16.98 85.0 0.75 48.40 5.7 2.5 217 90 130 480 240 0.08511
2.50 483 14.34 68.0 0.37 49.43 2.0 2.1
180 M 41 9.00 1485 20.98 86.0 0.72 57.9 8.1 3.7 70 0.2383 435 300 400 140 150 0.13560
3.00 485 17.62 63.0 0.39 59.1 2.0 2.1
180 L 41 11.60 1480 24.80 92.5 0.73 74.8 8.3 3.5 70 0.2383 435 300 400 140 150 0.16130
3.87 480 23.98 61.3 0.38 77.0 1.9 2.5
200 LA 41 13.00 1490 27.00 89.1 0.78 83.3 11.4 2.5 72 0.3184 515 300 400 140 150 0.25760
4.33 493 20.57 74.1 0.41 83.9 3.6 2.4
200 LB 41 16.00 1490 36.34 89.5 0.71 102.5 10.0 2.8 72 0.3184 515 300 400 140 150 0.25760
5.33 491 27.78 71.0 0.39 103.7 3.8 2.7
225 S 41 18.00 1475 38.90 90.0 0.64 116.4 11.6 3.8 73 0.7737 750 600 800 140 150 0.38570
6.00 485 22.30 78.0 0.50 119.6 1.9 2.7
225 M 41 20.00 1470 42.53 91.0 0.75 129.9 10.6 3.4 73 0.7737 750 600 800 140 150 0.45990
6.67 480 22.99 79.0 0.53 132.7 1.7 2.7
250 M 41 29.00 1490 51.01 92.2 0.89 185.9 10.5 2.8 75 1.2300 905 600 800 140 100 0.77930
9.50 495 33.77 84.6 0.48 183.3 4.8 2.3
250 ML 41

280 S 41

280 M 41

315 S 41

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta Numero di avviamenti superiori su richiesta
In = In U (I
n = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request Higher number of start-ups by request (In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande Nombre de dmarrages suprieurs sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert Hhere Anzahl von Starts pro Stunde auf Anfrage (In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite Nmero de arranques superiores a peticin (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori trifase con freno Velocit giri/min Servizio tipo per sollevamento Freno

ENGLISH Three-phase motors with brake Speeds rpm Duty type or hoist applications Brake

FRANAIS Moteurs triphass avec frein Vitesses tours/min Service type IC410 pour levage Frein

4. Drehstrom Motoren mit Bremse 1500
Drehzahlen U/min Betrieb S4 Hubmotoren Bremse

ESPAOL 4.6 Motores trifsicos con freno 2 Velocidades 375 rev/min Rgimen 40% para elevacin Freno

Tipo Potenza Velocit Corrente Rendimento Fattore Coppia Corrente Coppia Rumorosit Momento Massa Coppia Potenza Frenate per Inerzia
motore resa potenza avviamento avviamento dinerzia ora totale
Motor type Rated Speed Current Efficiency Power Torque Starting Starting Noise level Moment Mass Torque Power Braking: Total
output factor current torque of inertia n per hour inertia
Moteur Puissance Vitesse Intensit Rendement Facteur de Couple Intensit Couple Niveau de Moment Masse Couple Puissance Freinages Inertie
type mcanique puissance dmarrage dmarrage bruit dinertie par heure totale
Motor Typ Leistung Drehzahl Strom Wirkungsgrad Leistungs- Moment Anlaufstrom Anlauf- Schalldruck- Trgheits- Masse Moment Leistung Bremsungen Gesamt
faktor moment pegel moment pro Stunde Trgheit
Tipo de Potencia Velocidad Corriente Rendimiento Factor de Par Corriente de Par de Nivel de Momento Peso Par Potencia Frenados Inercia
motor proporcionada potencia arranque arranque ruido de inercia por hora total

Pn n In cos Mn Ia/In Ma/Mn [dB(A)] J m [Nm] [VA/W] [max n.] [kgm2]

[KW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] Lp [kgm2] [kg] S1 S4

132 S 43 2.20 1475 5.79 78.3 0.70 14.2 7.3 2.4 134 60 90 400 240 0.02908
0.55 355 4.54 39.7 0.44 14.8 1.8 2.0
132 M 43 3.50 1470 10.04 68.0 0.74 22.7 5.8 2.6 134 60 90 400 240 0.03648
0.88 345 5.51 48.0 0.48 24.4 2.7 1.7
132 L 43 4.00 1475 10.44 77.9 0.71 25.9 6.7 2.0 134 60 90 400 240 0.04458
1.00 355 6.93 43.4 0.48 26.9 1.9 2.1
160 M 43 5.50 1485 14.80 78.9 0.68 35.4 9.7 3.1 217 90 130 480 240 0.06771
1.38 364 9.76 55.7 0.37 36.2 2.3 1.8
160 L 43 7.50 1480 16.94 83.0 0.77 48.4 7.2 2.3 217 90 130 480 240 0.08511
1.90 358 9.67 63.0 0.45 50.7 2.2 1.6
180 L 43 9.50 1475 19.26 89.0 0.80 61.5 9.3 2.8 70 0.2911 435 300 400 140 150 0.16130
2.40 365 19.09 55.0 0.33 62.8 2.6 2.9
200 LA 43 12.00 1490 26.21 89.3 0.74 76.9 9.4 3.5 72 0.2576 495 300 400 140 150 0.25760
2.75 365 18.85 56.9 0.37 71.9 1.7 2.0
200 LB 43 16.00 1490 34.40 89.5 0.75 102.5 10.6 4.0 72 0.2576 495 300 400 140 150 0.25760
3.25 365 21.47 57.5 0.38 85.0 1.9 2.1
225 M 43 18.50 1488 34.79 90.3 0.85 118.7 8.1 2.2 73 0.4599 750 600 800 140 150 0.45990
4.65 365 22.58 74.3 0.40 121.7 1.9 1.6
250 M 43 37.00 1490 65.03 94.4 0.87 237.1 9.9 2.6 75 0.7793 835 600 800 140 100 0.77930
9.50 360 42.68 71.4 0.45 252.0 2.2 1.7
280 S 43

280 M 43

315 S 43

I dati non indicati sono forniti su richiesta Numero di avviamenti superiori su richiesta
In = In U (I
n = corrente a U Volt);
Data not indicated is supplied on request Higher number of start-ups by request (In = current at U Volt);
Les donnes qui ne sont pas indiques sont fournies sur demande Nombre de dmarrages suprieurs sur demande
Die nicht angegebenen Daten werden auf Anfrage geliefert Hhere Anzahl von Starts pro Stunde auf Anfrage (In = intensit U Volt);
Los datos que no se han precisado se pueden comunicar cuando se solicite Nmero de arranques superiores a peticin (In = Strom mit U Volt ); PD 2
(In = corriente de U Voltios); J=
ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur
4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung
ESPAOL 4.7 Motores alimentados con inverter
IC 411 IC 411 / IC 416 IC 416 IC 411

400V, 50 Hz [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 10 50 [Hz] 25 50 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 5 50
range 1 10 range 1 5 range 1 2 range 10 17 range 10 17 range 1 10 range 1 10
[1/min] 3000 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 600 3000 [1/min] 1500 3000 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 300 3000
Tipo Alimentazione Coppia costante - Coppia costante - Flusso costante Coppia costante - Coppia
Coppia costante Coppia costante Coppia costante
motore da rete Flusso indebolito collegamento Ventilazione Assistita quadratica
Motor Mains Constant torque - Constant torque - Constant flux Constant torque - Quadratic
Constant torque Constant torque Constant torque
type connection Weakened flux connection Forced Ventilation torque
Moteur Alimentation Couple constant - Couple constant - Flux Couple constant - Couple
Couple constant Couple constant Couple constant
type de secteur Flux affaibli constant raccordement Ventilation Assiste quadratique
Motor Typ Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Quadratisches
Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Feldschwchbetrieb konstanter Strom -Verbindung Fremdbelftung Gegenmoment
Tipo Alimentacin Par constante - Par constante - Flujo Par constante - Par
Par constante Par constante Par constante
de motor desde la red Flujo debilitado constante conexin Ventilacin asistida cuadrtico

Pn In P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P
Ex d - Ex de
[kW] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW]

63 B 2 0.25 0.85 0.02-0.16 0.54 0.53 0.04-0.18 0.61 0.60 0.11-0.22 0.76 0.74 0.13-0.23 0.46 0.44 0.21-0.36 0.70 1.18 --- --- --- 0.25

71 A 2 0.37 1.10 0.02-0.24 0.81 0.71 0.05-0.27 0.91 0.80 0.16-0.33 1.12 0.99 0.20-0.35 0.68 0.60 0.30-0.53 1.04 1.60 --- --- --- 0.37
71 B 2 0.55 1.40 0.04-0.35 1.19 0.91 0.08-0.40 1.34 1.02 0.24-0.49 1.65 1.26 0.30-0.51 1.00 0.76 0.45-0.79 1.53 2.02 --- --- --- 0.55

80 A 2 0.75 1.90 0.05-0.48 1.6 1.29 0.11-0.54 1.84 1.45 0.33-0.67 2.2 1.80 0.40-0.70 1.37 1.08 0.62-1.07 2.10 2.89 --- --- --- 0.75
80 B 2 1.10 2.60 0.07-0.70 2.38 1.67 0.16-0.79 2.67 1.88 0.49-0.98 3.31 2.32 0.59-1.03 1.99 1.40 0.90-1.57 3.05 3.73 --- --- --- 1.10

90 S 2 1.50 3.10 0.10-0.96 3.19 1.99 0.22-1.08 3.59 2.24 0.67-1.34 4.45 2.78 0.81-1.40 2.68 1.67 1.23-2.14 4.10 4.45 --- --- --- 1.50
90 L 2 2.20 4.80 0.14-1.41 4.77 3.08 0.32-1.58 5.36 3.47 0.98-1.96 6.64 4.29 1.18-2.06 4.00 2.59 1.81-3.15 6.12 6.88 --- --- --- 2.20

100 LA 2 3.00 7.30 0.19-1.92 6.41 4.67 0.43-2.16 7.21 5.26 1.34-2.67 8.93 6.51 1.61-2.80 5.38 3.92 2.47-4.29 8.23 10.44 0.27-2.70 9.02 6.57 3.00

[Hz] 50 70 [Hz] 50 70
range 10 14 range 10 14
[1/min] 3000 4200 [1/min] 3000 4200

112 M 2 4.00 8.70 0.30-2.60 8.40 5.60 0.60-2.90 9.50 6.30 1.80-3.60 11.70 7.80 3.00-4.10 9.80 6.50 3.90-5.40 12.80 14.90 0.40-3.60 11.90 7.90 4.00

132 SA 2 5.50 12.00 0.40-3.50 11.60 7.40 0.80-4.00 13.10 8.30 2.50-4.90 16.20 10.30 4.10-5.70 13.50 8.60 5.30-7.50 17.60 19.50 0.50-5.00 16.40 10.40 5.50
132 SB 2 7.50 15.00 0.50-4.80 15.80 9.60 1.10-5.40 17.70 10.80 3.30-6.70 21.90 13.40 5.60-7.80 18.20 11.10 7.30-10.20 23.90 25.30 0.70-6.8 22.20 13.50 7.50
132 MB 2 9.20 18.00 0.60-5.90 19.40 11.50 1.30-6.60 21.80 13.00 4.10-8.20 27.00 16.10 6.80-9.50 22.40 13.40 8.90-12.50 29.40 30.40 0.80-8.30 27.30 16.20 9.20

160 MA 2 11.00 20.60 0.70-7.00 23.00 13.10 1.60-7.90 25.80 14.80 4.90-9.80 32.00 18.30 8.10-11.40 26.50 15.20 10.70-14.90 34.80 34.60 1.00-9.90 32.3 18.50 11.00
160 MB 2 15.00 26.80 1.00-9.60 31.10 16.90 2.20-10.80 35.00 19.00 6.70-13.40 43.30 23.60 11.10-15.50 36.00 19.60 14.60-20.40 47.20 44.60 1.40-13.50 3.80 23.80 15.00
160 L 2 18.50 32.80 1.20-11.80 38.40 20.90 2.70-13.30 43.20 23.50 8.20-16.50 53.50 29.00 13.70-19.20 44.40 24.10 17.90-25.10 58.20 55.00 1.70-16.70 54.00 29.30 18.50

[Hz] 50 60 [Hz] 50 60
range 10 12 range 10 12
[1/min] 3000 3600 [1/min] 3000 3600

180 M 2 22.00 40.00 1.40-14.10 46.00 25.40 3.20-15.80 51.00 28.50 9.80-19.60 63.00 35.30 19.80-23.80 64.00 35.70 22.00-26.40 71.00 68.90 2.00-19.80 64.00 35.70 22.00

200 LA 2 30.00 55.00 1.90-19.20 62.00 35.20 4.30-21.60 69.00 39.60 13.40-26.70 86.00 49.00 27.00-32.40 87.00 49.50 30.00-36.00 96.00 95.70 2.70-27.00 87.00 49.50 30.00
200 LB 2 37.00 67.00 2.40-23.70 76.00 42.40 5.30-26.60 86.00 47.70 16.50-33.00 106.00 59.00 33.30-40.00 107.00 59.60 37.00-44.40 119.00 115.20 3.30-33.30 107.00 59.60 37.00

225 M 2 45.00 82.00 2.90-28.80 92.00 52.00 6.50-32.40 104.00 58.50 20.00-40.10 129.00 72.30 40.50-48.60 130.00 73.10 42.70-51.30 137.00 134.20 4.10-40.50 130.00 73.10 45.00

250 M 2 55.00 98.00 3.50-35.20 113.00 62.80 7.90-39.60 127.00 70.60 24.50-49.00 157.00 87.40 49.50-59.40 159.00 88.30 52.20-62.70 168.00 162.10 5.00-49.50 159.00 88.30 55.00

280 S 2 75.00 132.00 4.60-46.40 149.00 81.00 10.10-50.70 163.00 88.50 31.70-63.40 203.00 110.70 63.70-76.50 204.00 111.30 67.50-81.00 216.00 205.00 6.40-63.70 204.00 111.30 73.50
280 M 2 90.00 165.00 5.60-55.60 178.00 101.40 12.20-60.80 195.00 110.90 38.00-76.10 244.00 138.70 76.50-91.80 245.00 139.40 81.00-97.20 259.00 256.70 7.70-76.50 245.00 139.40 87.30

315 S 2 110.00 139.00 6.80-68.00 218.00 118.50 14.90-74.40 238.00 129.60 46.50-91.00 298.00 162.10 93.50-112.20 300.00 163.00 99.00-118.80 317.00 300.10 9.40-93.50 300.00 163.00 105.60
315 LA 2 132.00 222.00 8.20-81.60 262.00 140.70 17.90-89.20 287.00 153.90 55.80-111.60 359.00 192.40 112.20-134.60 361.00 193.40 118.80-142.50 382.00 356.20 11.20-112.20 361.00 193.40 124.10
315 LB 2 160.00 269.00 9.90-98.90 317.00 166.00 21.60-108.20 346.00 181.50 67.60-135.30 433.00 227.00 136.00-163.20 435.00 228.20 144.00-172.80 461.00 420.30 13.60-136.00 435.00 228.20 147.20
315 LC 2 200.00 332.00 12.40-123.60 396.00 206.00 27.00-135.20 433.00 225.30 84.50-169.10 541.00 281.70 170.00-204.00 544.00 283.20 180.00-216.00 576.00 521.50 17.00-170.00 544.00 283.00 180.00

Valori arrotondati Valori riferiti a 50 Hz Si consiglia IC416 per ridurre il rumore (disponibile da altezza dasse 100) Frequenza superiore su richiesta
Rounded values Values refer to 50 Hz To reduce noise level, IC 416 is advisable (available from frame size 100) Higher frequency upon request
Valeurs arrondies Valeurs se rfrent 50 Hz On conseille IC 416 pour rduire le bruit (disponible partir de hauteur daxe 100) Frquence suprieure sur demande
Gerundete Werte Werte beziehen sich auf 50 Hz Zur Lrmverringerung wird IC 416 empfohlen (verfgbar ab Baugre 100) Auf Anfrage hhere Frequenz
Valores redondeado Valores se refieren a 50 Hz Hz Se aconseja IC 416 para reducir el nivel de ruido (disponible a partir de altura del eje 100) Frecuencia mayor a peticin del cliente

ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur
4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung
ESPAOL 4.7 Motores alimentados con inverter
IC 411 IC 411 / IC 416 IC 416 IC 411
400V, 50 Hz [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 10 50 [Hz] 25 50 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 5 50
range 1 10 range 1 5 range 1 2 range 10 17 range 10 17 range 1 10 range 1 10
[1/min] 3000 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 600 3000 [1/min] 1500 3000 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 300 3000
Tipo Alimentazione Coppia costante - Coppia costante - Flusso costante Coppia costante - Coppia
Coppia costante Coppia costante Coppia costante
motore da rete Flusso indebolito collegamento Ventilazione Assistita quadratica
Motor Mains Constant torque - Constant torque - Constant flux Constant torque - Quadratic
Constant torque Constant torque Constant torque
type connection Weakened flux connection Forced Ventilation torque
Moteur Alimentation Couple constant - Couple constant - Flux Couple constant - Couple
Couple constant Couple constant Couple constant
type de secteur Flux affaibli constant raccordement Ventilation Assiste quadratique
Motor Typ Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Quadratisches
Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Feldschwchbetrieb konstanter Strom -Verbindung Fremdbelftung Gegenmoment
Tipo Alimentacin Par constante - Par constante - Flujo Par constante - Par
Par constante Par constante Par constante
de motor desde la red Flujo debilitado constante conexin Ventilacin asistida cuadrtico

Pn In P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P
Ex d - Ex de
[kW] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW]

63 A 4 0.12 0.62 0.01-0.08 0.53 0.34 0.02-0.09 0.60 0.38 0.05-0.11 0.74 0.48 0.06-0.11 0.45 0.29 0.10-0.17 0.68 0.76 --- --- --- 0.12
63 B 4 0.18 0.67 0.01-0.12 0.82 0.44 0.03-0.13 0.92 0.49 0.08-0.16 1.14 0.61 0.10-0.17 0.69 0.37 0.15-0.26 1.05 0.97 --- --- --- 0.18

71 A 4 0.25 0.80 0.02-0.16 1.11 0.49 0.04-0.18 1.25 0.56 0.11-0.22 1.55 0.69 0.13-0.23 0.93 0.41 0.21-0.36 1.43 1.10 --- --- --- 0.25
71 B 4 0.37 1.10 0.02-0.24 1.63 0.69 0.05-0.27 1.83 0.77 0.16-0.33 2.26 0.96 0.20-0.35 1.37 0.58 0.30-0.53 2.09 1.54 --- --- --- 0.37

80 A 4 0.55 1.60 0.04-0.35 2.44 1.04 0.08-0.40 2.74 1.17 0.24-0.49 3.39 1.44 0.30-0.51 2.04 0.87 0.45-0.79 3.13 2.32 --- --- --- 0.55
80 B 4 0.75 2.00 0.05-0.48 3.27 1.29 0.11-0.54 3.68 1.45 0.33-0.67 4.56 1.79 0.40-0.70 2.75 1.08 0.62-1.07 4.21 2.87 --- --- --- 0.75

90 S 4 1.10 2.80 0.07-0.70 4.80 1.75 0.16-0.79 5.40 1.97 0.49-0.98 6.69 2.43 0.59-1.03 4.03 1.47 0.90-1.57 6.17 3.91 --- --- --- 1.10
90 L 4 1.50 3.60 0.10-0.96 6.46 2.31 0.22-1.08 7.26 2.60 0.67-1.34 8.99 3.21 0.81-1.40 5.42 1.94 1.23-2.14 8.29 5.15 --- --- --- 1.50

100 LA 4 2.20 5.25 0.14-1.41 9.42 3.34 0.32-1.58 10.60 3.76 0.98-1.96 13.12 4.65 1.18-2.06 7.91 2.80 1.81-3.15 12.10 7.46 0.20-1.98 13.25 4.70 2.20
100 LB 4 3.00 6.83 0.19-1.92 12.77 4.34 0.43-2.16 14.36 4.88 1.34-2.67 17.78 6.04 1.61-2.80 10.71 3.64 2.47-4.29 16.40 9.68 0.27-2.70 17.96 6.10 3.00

112 M 4 4.00 8.20 0.30-2.60 17.00 5.10 0.60-2.90 19.10 5.80 1.80-3.60 23.60 7.20 2.20-3.70 14.30 4.30 3.30-5.70 21.80 11.50 0.40-3.60 23.90 7.20 4.00

132 SB 4 5.50 11.60 0.40-3.50 23.10 7.40 0.80-4.00 26.00 8.30 2.50-4.90 32.20 10.30 3.00-5.10 19.40 6.20 4.50-7.90 29.70 16.50 0.50-5.00 32.50 10.40 5.50
132 MB 4 7.50 16.50 0.50-4.80 31.60 10.50 1.10-5.40 35.60 11.80 3.30-6.70 44.00 14.60 4.00-7.00 26.50 8.80 6.20-10.70 40.60 23.30 0.70-6.80 44.50 14.70 7.50
132 ML 4 8.80 18.50 0.60-5.60 37.00 11.80 1.30-6.30 41.60 13.30 3.90-7.80 51.50 16.50 4.70-8.20 31.00 9.90 7.20-12.60 47.50 26.40 0.80-7.90 52.00 16.60 8.80

160 MB 4 11.00 23.00 0.70-7.00 45.70 14.60 1.60-7.90 51.50 16.50 4.90-9.80 63.70 20.40 5.90-10.30 38.40 12.30 9.00-15.70 58.70 32.70 1.00-9.90 64.30 20.60 11.00
160 L 4 15.00 30.00 1.00-9.60 62.40 19.10 2.20-10.80 70.20 21.50 6.70-13.40 86.80 26.70 8.10-14.00 52.30 16.10 12.30-21.50 80.10 42.80 1.40-13.50 87.70 26.90 15.00

180 M 4 18.50 39.00 1.20-11.80 77.00 25.00 2.70-13.30 87.00 28.20 8.20-16.50 107.00 34.90 9.90-17.30 65.00 21.00 15.20-26.50 99.00 55.90 1.70-16.70 108.00 35.20 18.50
180 L 4 22.00 44.00 1.40-14.10 92.00 28.30 3.20-15.80 103.00 31.90 9.80-19.60 127.00 39.40 11.80-20.60 77.00 23.80 18.10-31.50 118.00 63.30 2.00-19.80 129.00 39.80 22.00

200 LB 4 30.00 54.00 1.90-19.20 124.00 34.30 4.30-21.60 140.00 38.60 13.40-26.70 173.00 47.80 16.10-28.00 104.00 28.80 24.70-42.90 160.00 76.60 2.70-27.00 175.00 48.30 30.00

225 S 4 37.00 70.00 2.40-23.70 153.00 44.60 5.30-26.60 172.00 50.20 16.50-33.00 213.00 62.20 19.90-34.60 128.00 37.50 28.90-50.30 186.00 94.70 3.30-33.30 215.00 62.80 37.00
225 M 4 45.00 82.00 2.90-28.80 186.00 52.70 6.50-32.40 209.00 59.30 20.00-40.10 259.00 73.40 24.20-42.00 156.00 44.20 35.10-61.10 227.00 111.90 4.10-40.50 261.00 74.10 45.00

250 M 4 55.00 96.00 3.50-35.20 226.00 61.40 7.90-39.60 255.00 69.10 24.50-49.00 315.00 85.50 29.50-51.40 190.00 51.50 42.90-74.70 276.00 130.30 5.00-49.50 318.00 86.40 55.00

280 S 4 75.00 136.00 4.80-48.00 310.00 86.60 10.50-52.50 339.00 94.70 32.20-64.50 416.00 116.40 33.70-58.70 218.00 60.90 58.60-101.90 378.00 183.80 6.60-66.00 426.00 119.10 75.00
280 M 4 90.00 163.00 5.80-57.60 370.00 103.90 12.60-63.00 405.00 113.70 38.70-77.40 498.00 139.70 40.50-70.50 261.00 73.10 70.30-122.30 452.00 220.50 7.90-79.20 509.00 142.90 90.00

315 S 4 110.00 199.00 7.00-70.40 453.00 127.20 15.40-77.00 495.00 139.10 47.30-94.60 608.00 170.90 49.50-86.10 318.00 89.40 85.90-149.40 552.00 269.80 9.70-96.80 623.00 174.80 110.00
315 LA 4 132.00 239.00 8.50-84.50 543.00 154.20 18.50-92.40 594.00 168.70 56.80-113.50 730.00 207.20 59.40-103.30 382.00 108.40 103.10-179.30 663.00 327.30 11.60-116.10 747.00 212.10 132.00
315 LB 4 160.00 282.00 10.20-102.40 657.00 179.90 22.40-112.00 719.00 196.80 68.80-137.60 883.00 241.80 72.00-125.30 462.00 126.50 124.90-217.40 802.00 381.80 14.10-140.80 904.00 247.40 160.00
315 LC 4 200.00 354.00 12.80-128.00 822.00 225.60 28.00-140.00 899.00 246.80 86.00-172.00 1104.00 303.20 90.00-156.60 578.00 158.60 156.20-271.70 1002.00 478.80 17.60-176.00 1130.00 310.20 200.00

Valori arrotondati Valori riferiti a 50 Hz
Rounded values Values refer to 50 Hz
Valeurs arrondies Valeurs se rfrent 50 Hz
Gerundete Werte Werte beziehen sich auf 50 Hz
Valores redondeado Valores se refieren a 50 Hz Hz

ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur
4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung
ESPAOL 4.7 Motores alimentados con inverter
IC 411 IC 411 / IC 416 IC 416 IC 411
400V, 50 Hz [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 10 50 [Hz] 25 50 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 5 50
range 1 10 range 1 5 range 1 2 range 10 17 range 10 17 range 1 10 range 1 10
[1/min] 3000 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 600 3000 [1/min] 1500 3000 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 300 3000
Tipo Alimentazione Coppia costante - Coppia costante - Flusso costante Coppia costante - Coppia
Coppia costante Coppia costante Coppia costante
motore da rete Flusso indebolito collegamento Ventilazione Assistita quadratica
Motor Mains Constant torque - Constant torque - Constant flux Constant torque - Quadratic
Constant torque Constant torque Constant torque
type connection Weakened flux connection Forced Ventilation torque
Moteur Alimentation Couple constant - Couple constant - Flux Couple constant - Couple
Couple constant Couple constant Couple constant
type de secteur Flux affaibli constant raccordement Ventilation Assiste quadratique
Motor Typ Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Quadratisches
Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Feldschwchbetrieb konstanter Strom -Verbindung Fremdbelftung Gegenmoment
Tipo Alimentacin Par constante - Par constante - Flujo Par constante - Par
Par constante Par constante Par constante
de motor desde la red Flujo debilitado constante conexin Ventilacin asistida cuadrtico

Pn In P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P
Ex d - Ex de
[kW] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW]

63 B 6 0.09 0.65 0.01-0.06 0.65 0.42 0.01-0.06 0.73 0.47 0.04-0.08 0.90 0.59 0.05-0.08 0.54 0.35 0.07-0.13 0.83 0.94 --- --- --- 0.09

71 A 6 0.18 0.92 0.01-0.12 1.18 0.70 0.03-0.13 1.33 0.79 0.08-0.16 1.65 0.97 0.10-0.17 0.99 0.59 0.15-0.26 1.52 1.56 --- --- --- 0.18
71 B 6 0.26 1.00 0.02-0.17 1.73 0.64 0.04-0.19 1.95 0.71 0.12-0.23 2.41 0.88 0.14-0.24 1.45 0.53 0.21-0.37 2.22 1.42 --- --- --- 0.26

80 A 6 0.37 1.60 0.02-0.24 2.43 1.02 0.05-0.27 2.74 1.14 0.16-0.33 3.39 1.41 0.20-0.35 2.04 0.85 0.30-0.53 3.12 2.27 --- --- --- 0.37
80 B 6 0.55 1.80 0.04-0.35 3.61 1.12 0.08-0.40 4.07 1.26 0.24-0.49 5.03 1.55 0.30-0.51 3.03 0.94 0.45-0.79 4.64 2.49 --- --- --- 0.55

90 S 6 0.75 2.20 0.05-0.48 5.04 1.39 0.11-0.54 5.67 1.57 0.33-0.67 7.01 1.94 0.40-0.70 4.23 1.17 0.62-1.07 6.47 3.11 --- --- --- 0.75
90 L 6 1.10 3.20 0.07-0.70 7.19 2.00 0.16-0.79 8.09 2.25 0.49-0.98 10.01 2.79 0.59-1.03 6.03 1.68 0.90-1.57 9.24 4.47 --- --- --- 1.10

100 LB 6 1.50 3.80 0.10-0.96 9.65 2.43 0.22-1.07 10.86 2.73 0.67-1.34 13.44 3.38 0.81-1.40 8.10 2.04 1.23-2.14 12.39 5.43 0.13-1.35 13.57 3.42 1.50

112 M 6 2.20 6.20 0.10-1.40 14.00 3.90 0.30-1.60 15.80 4.40 1.00-2.00 19.50 5.40 1.20-2.10 11.80 3.30 1.80-3.20 18.00 8.70 0.20-2.00 19.70 5.50 2.20

132 S 6 3.00 8.50 0.20-1.90 19.30 5.40 0.40-2.20 21.70 6.10 1.30-2.70 26.90 7.60 1.60-2.80 16.20 4.60 2.50-4.30 24.80 12.10 0.30-2.70 27.20 7.60 3.00
132 M 6 4.00 9.50 0.30-2.60 25.20 6.10 0.60-2.90 28.40 6.80 1.80-3.60 35.10 8.50 2.20-3.70 21.20 5.10 3.30-5.70 32.40 13.60 0.40-3.60 35.40 8.60 4.00
132 ML 6 5.50 12.00 0.40-3.50 35.00 7.70 0.80-4.00 39.40 8.60 2.50-4.90 48.80 10.70 3.00-5.10 29.40 6.40 4.50-7.90 45.00 17.10 0.50-5.00 49.20 10.80 5.50

160 MB 6 7.50 16.00 0.50-4.80 48.30 10.20 1.10-5.40 54.30 11.50 3.30-6.70 67.20 14.20 4.00-7.00 40.50 8.50 6.20-10.70 62.00 22.70 0.70-6.80 67.90 14.30 7.50
160 L 6 11.00 23.00 0.70-7.00 70.80 14.80 1.60-7.90 79.60 16.60 4.90-9.80 98.50 20.50 5.90-10.30 59.40 12.40 9.00-15.70 91.00 33.00 1.00-9.90 99.50 20.80 11.00

180 L 6 15.00 29.00 1.00-9.60 96.00 18.30 2.20-10.80 107.00 20.60 6.70-13.40 133.00 25.50 8.10-14.00 80.00 15.40 12.30-21.50 123.00 40.90 1.40-13.50 134.00 25.70 15.00

200 LA 6 18.50 38.00 1.20-11.80 116.00 24.40 2.70-13.30 130.00 27.40 8.20-16.50 161.00 34.00 9.90-17.30 97.00 20.50 15.20-26.50 149.00 54.50 1.70-16.70 163.00 34.30 18.50
200 LB 6 22.00 44.00 1.40-14.10 137.00 28.30 3.20-15.80 154.00 31.90 9.80-19.60 191.00 39.40 11.80-20.60 115.00 23.80 18.10-31.50 176.00 63.30 2.00-18.80 193.00 39.80 22.00

225 M 6 30.00 61.00 1.90-19.20 186.00 38.60 4.30-21.60 209.00 43.40 13.40-26.70 259.00 53.80 16.10-28.00 156.00 32.40 23.40-40.80 227.00 81.90 2.70-27.00 262.00 54.30 30.00

250 M 6 37.00 72.00 2.40-23.70 228.00 46.00 5.30-26.60 257.00 51.80 16.50-33.00 318.00 64.10 19.90-34.60 192.00 38.60 28.90-50.30 279.00 97.70 3.30-33.30 321.00 64.70 37.00

280 S 6 45.00 90.50 2.90-28.80 280.00 58.40 6.30-31.50 306.00 63.80 19.40-38.70 376.00 78.40 20.30-35.20 197.00 41.00 35.10-61.10 342.00 123.90 4.00-39.60 385.00 80.30 45.00
280 M 6 55.00 109.00 3.50-35.20 343.00 68.90 7.70-38.50 375.00 75.40 23.70-47.30 461.00 92.60 24.70-43.10 241.00 48.50 43.00-74.70 419.00 146.20 4.80-48.40 472.00 94.80 55.00

315 S 6 75.00 147.20 4.80-48.00 463.00 93.30 10.50-52.50 506.00 102.00 32.20-64.50 22.00 125.30 33.70-58.70 326.00 65.60 58.60-101.90 565.00 197.90 6.60-66.00 637.00 128.30 75.00
315 LA 6 90.00 167.60 5.80-57.60 558.00 111.90 12.60-63.00 611.00 122.40 38.70-77.40 750.00 150.40 40.50-70.50 393,00 78.70 70.30-122.30 681.00 237.50 7.90-79.20 768.00 153.90 90.00
315 LB 6 110.00 205.00 7.00-70.40 676.00 130.20 15.40-77.00 740.00 142.40 47.30-94.60 909.00 175.00 49.50-86.10 476.00 91.60 85.90-149.40 825.00 276.30 9.70-96.80 930.00 179.00 110.00
315 LC 6 132.00 243.00 8.50-84.50 811.00 156.30 18.50-92.40 887.00 170.90 56.80-113.50 1090.00 210.00 59.40-103.30 570.00 109.90 103.10-179.30 989.00 331.60 11.60-116.10 1115.00 214.90 132.00

Valori arrotondati Valori riferiti a 50 Hz
Rounded values Values refer to 50 Hz
Valeurs arrondies Valeurs se rfrent 50 Hz
Gerundete Werte Werte beziehen sich auf 50 Hz
Valores redondeado Valores se refieren a 50 Hz Hz

ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur
4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung
ESPAOL 4.7 Motores alimentados con inverter
IC 411 IC 411 / IC 416 IC 416 IC 411
400V, 50 Hz [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 10 50 [Hz] 25 50 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 50 87 [Hz] 5 50 [Hz] 5 50
range 1 10 range 1 5 range 1 2 range 10 17 range 10 17 range 1 10 range 1 10
[1/min] 3000 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 600 3000 [1/min] 1500 3000 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 3000 5200 [1/min] 300 3000 [1/min] 300 3000
Tipo Alimentazione Coppia costante - Coppia costante - Flusso costante Coppia costante - Coppia
Coppia costante Coppia costante Coppia costante
motore da rete Flusso indebolito collegamento Ventilazione Assistita quadratica
Motor Mains Constant torque - Constant torque - Constant flux Constant torque - Quadratic
Constant torque Constant torque Constant torque
type connection Weakened flux connection Forced Ventilation torque
Moteur Alimentation Couple constant - Couple constant - Flux Couple constant - Couple
Couple constant Couple constant Couple constant
type de secteur Flux affaibli constant raccordement Ventilation Assiste quadratique
Motor Typ Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Konstantes Gegenmoment - Quadratisches
Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Gegenmoment Feldschwchbetrieb konstanter Strom -Verbindung Fremdbelftung Gegenmoment
Tipo Alimentacin Par constante - Par constante - Flujo Par constante - Par
Par constante Par constante Par constante
de motor desde la red Flujo debilitado constante conexin Ventilacin asistida cuadrtico

Pn In P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P M I P
Ex d - Ex de
[kW] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW] [Nm] [A] [kW]

63 B 8 0.05 0.44 0.003-0.03 0.52 0.29 0.01-0.04 0.58 0.32 0.02-0.04 0.72 0.40 0.03-0.05 0.43 0.24 0.04-0.07 0.67 0.64 --- --- --- 0.05

71 B 8 0.15 0.57 0.01-0.10 1.53 0.34 0.02-0.11 1.72 0.38 0.07-0.13 2.13 0.48 0.08-0.14 1.28 0.29 0.12-0.21 1.96 0.76 --- --- --- 0.15

80 A 8 0.18 0.97 0.01-0.12 1.56 0.58 0.03-0.13 1.76 0.65 0.08-0.16 2.17 0.81 0.10-017 1.31 0.49 0.15-0.26 2.00 1.30 --- --- --- 0.18
80 B 8 0.25 1.00 0.02-0.16 2.21 0.63 0.04-0.18 2.49 0.71 0.11-0.22 3.08 0.88 0.13-0.23 1.86 0.53 0.21-0.36 2.84 1.41 --- --- --- 0.25

90 S 8 0.37 1.30 0.02-0.24 3.33 0.83 0.05-0.27 3.74 0.93 0.16-0.33 4.63 1.15 0.20-0.35 2.79 0.70 0.30-0.53 4.27 1.85 --- --- --- 0.37
90 L 8 0.55 1.90 0.04-0.35 4.94 1.22 5.56 1.37 0.24-0.49 6.88 1.70 0.30-0.51 4.15 1.02 0.45-0.79 6.35 2.73 --- --- --- 0.55

100 LA 8 0.75 2.90 0.05-0.48 6.37 1.85 0.11-0.54 7.16 2.08 0.33-0.67 8.86 2.57 0.40-0.70 5.34 1.55 0.62-1.07 8.18 4.12 0.07-0.67 8.95 2.60 0.75
100 LB 8 1.10 3.10 0.07-0.70 9.96 1.99 0.16-0.79 11.21 2.24 0.49-0.98 13.87 2.77 0.59-1.03 8.36 1.67 0.90-1.57 12.79 4.45 0.10-0.99 14.01 2.80 1.10

112 M 8 1.50 4.40 0.10-1.00 12.70 2.80 0.20-1.10 14.30 3.20 0.70-1.30 17.70 3.90 0.80-1.40 10.70 2.40 1.20-2.10 16.40 6.30 0.10-1.40 17.90 3.90 1.50

132 SB 8 2.20 6.50 0.10-1.40 18.70 4.10 0.30-1.60 21.00 4.60 1.00-2.00 26.00 5.70 1.20-2.10 15.70 3.40 1.80-3.20 24.00 9.20 0.20-2.00 26.30 5.80 2.20
132 ML 8 3.00 8.50 0.20-1.90 25.50 5.40 0.40-2.20 28.70 6.00 1.30-2.70 35.50 7.50 1.60-2.80 21.40 4.50 2.50-4.30 32.70 12.00 0.30-2.70 35.80 7.50 3.00

160 MA 8 4.00 9.70 0.30-2.60 34.10 6.20 0.60-2.90 38.30 7.00 1.80-3.60 47.40 8.60 2.20-3.70 28.60 5.20 3.30-5.70 43.70 3.90 0.40-3.60 47.90 8.70 4.00
160 MB 8 5.50 14.00 0.40-3.50 46.40 8.70 0.80-4.00 52.20 9.80 2.50-4.90 64.60 12.10 3.00-5.10 38.90 7.30 4.50-7.90 59.60 19.40 0.50-5.00 65.20 12.20 5.50
160 L 8 7.50 18.00 0.50-4.80 63.70 11.20 1.10-5.40 71.60 12.70 3.30-6.70 88.60 15.70 4.00-7.00 53.40 9.40 6.20-10.70 81.80 25.10 0.70-6.80 89.50 15.80 7.50

180 L 8 11.00 23.00 0.70-7.00 93.00 14.80 1.60-7.90 105.00 16.60 4.90-9.80 130.00 20.60 5.90-10.30 78.00 12.40 9.00-15.70 120.00 33.00 1.00-9.90 131.00 20.80 11.00

200 LB 8 15.00 35.00 0.70-7.00 125.00 22.20 2.20-10.80 140.00 25.00 6.70-13.40 174.00 31.00 8.10-14.00 105.00 18.70 12.30-21.50 160.00 49.7 1.40-13.50 175.00 31.30 15.00

225 S 8 18.50 42.25 1.20-11.80 155.00 24.60 2.70-13.30 174.00 27.70 8.20-16.50 213.00 34.20 9.90-17.30 130.00 20.60 14.40-25.10 189.00 52.20 1.70-16.70 218.00 34.60 18.50
225 M 8 22.00 46.00 1.40-14.10 184.00 29.20 3.20-15.80 207.00 32.90 9.80-19.60 256.00 40.70 11.80-20.60 155.00 24.50 17.20-29.90 225.00 62.00 2.00-19.80 259.00 41.10 22.00

250 M 8 30.00 61.00 1.90-19.20 248.00 38.80 4.30-21.60 279.00 43.60 13.40-26.70 345.00 54.00 16.10-28.00 208.00 32.50 23.40-40.80 302.00 82.30 2.70-27.00 348.00 54.50 30.00

280 S 8 37.00 71.00 2.40-23.70 310.00 44.20 5.20-25.90 339.00 48.30 15.90-31.80 416.00 59.30 16.70-29.00 218.00 31.00 28.90-50.30 378.00 93.70 3.30-32.60 426.00 60.70 37.00
280 M 8 45.00 83.00 2.90-28.80 372.00 53.30 6.30-31.50 407.00 58.30 19.40-38.70 500.00 71.60 20.30-35.20 262.00 37.50 35.10-61.10 454.00 113.00 4.00-39.60 512.00 73.20 45.00

315 S 8 55.00 113.50 3.50-35.20 453.00 71.90 7.70-38.50 496.00 78.60 23.70-47.30 609.00 96.60 24.70-43.10 319.00 50.50 42.90-74.70 553.00 152.50 4.80-48.40 623.00 98.80 55.00
315 LA 8 75.00 136.60 4.80-48.00 624.00 90.80 10.50-52.50 682.00 99.40 32.20-64.50 838.00 122.10 33.70-58.70 439.00 63.90 58.60-101.90 761.00 192.70 6.60-66.00 858.00 124.90 75.00
315 LB 8 90.00 164.50 5.80-57.60 739.00 104.20 12.60-63.00 809.00 113.90 38.70-77.40 994.00 140.00 40.50-70.50 520.00 73.20 70.30-122.30 902.00 221.00 7.90-79.20 1017.00 143.20 90.00
315 LC 8 110.00 102.00 7.00-70.40 905.00 128.70 15.40-77.00 990.00 140.70 47.30-94.60 1216.00 172.90 49.50-86.10 636.00 90.50 85.90-149.40 1104.00 273.00 9.70-96.80 1244.00 176.90 110.00

Valori arrotondati Valori riferiti a 50 Hz
Rounded values Values refer to 50 Hz
Valeurs arrondies Valeurs se rfrent 50 Hz
Gerundete Werte Werte beziehen sich auf 50 Hz
Valores redondeado Valores se refieren a 50 Hz Hz

ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter - Curve di caricabilit Coppia variabile flusso indebolito
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter - Load capacity curves Variable torque - Weakened flux
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur - Courbes de chargeabilit Couple variable flux affaibli
DEUTSCH 4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung - Belastungskurven Variables Drehmoment mit Feldschwchbetrieb
ESPAOL 4.7.1 Motores alimentados con inverter - Curvas de capacidad de carga Par variable flujo debilitado

2 poli - pole - ples - polig - polos

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%) 63 100 Mn (%) 112 160
120 120

100 100
IC 416 IC 416

80 80
IC 411 IC 411

60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 (Hz)

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%) 180 250 Mn (%) 280 315
120 120

100 100
IC 416
IC 416
80 80
IC 411
IC 411
60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 (Hz)

4 - 6 - 8 poli - pole - ples - polig - polos

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%)
63 250 Mn (%)
280 315
120 120

100 100
IC 416 IC 416
80 80
IC 411 IC 411

60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz)

Mn (%) (Hz) IC 411 IC 416

Coppia Frequenza Autoventilati Ventilazione assistita (disponibile da altezza d'asse 100)
Torque Frequency Self-ventilated Forced ventilation (available from frame size 100)
Couple Frquence Autoventils Ventilation assiste (disponible partir de hauteur daxe 100)
Gegenmoment Frequenz Eigenbelftet Fremdbelftung (verfgbar ab Baugre 100)
Par Frequencia Autoventilados Ventilacion asistida (disponible a partir de altura del eje 100)

Motori alimentati da inverter - Curve di caricabilit Coppia variabile flusso indebolito ITALIANO
Motors energized by inverter - Load capacity curves Variable torque - Weakened flux ENGLISH

Moteurs aliments par variateur - Courbes de chargeabilit Couple variable flux affaibli FRANAIS

4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung - Belastungskurven Variables Drehmoment mit Feldschwchbetrieb DEUTSCH

4.7.1 Motores alimentados con inverter - Curvas de capacidad de carga Par variable flujo debilitado ESPAOL

2 poli - pole - ples - polig - polos

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%) 63 100 Mn (%) 112 160
120 120

100 100
IC 416 IC 416

80 80
IC 411 IC 411

60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 (Hz)

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%) 180 200 Mn (%) 225 250
120 120

100 100
IC 416 IC 416

80 80
IC 411 IC 411

60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 (Hz)

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao

Mn (%) 280 315

IC 416

IC 411


5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 (Hz)

Nel funzionamento a coppia costante il valore di coppia utilizzabile il valore minore del range di funzionamento prescelto
In the constant torque operating mode, the usable torque value is the lowest value of the chosen range of operation
Lors du fonctionnement couple constant la valeur de couple utilisable est la valeur infrieure la plage de fonctionnement slectionne
Im Betrieb mit konstantem Drehmoment ist der verwendbare Momentwert der Mindestwert des gewhlten Betriebsbereichs
En el funcionamiento con par constante el valor de par que se puede utilizar es el valor menor del intervalo de funcionamiento elegido

Il valore di coppia di riferimento (Mn) quello indicato nelle tabelle della sezione 4.1
The reference torque value (Mn) is the value indicated in the tables in section 4.1
La valeur de couple de rfrence (Mn) est celle indique dans les tableaux de la section 4.1
Der Richtwert des Drehmoments (Mn) ist der in den Tabellen in Abschnitt 4.1 angegebene
El valor de par de referencia (Mn) es el que recogen las tablas de la seccin 4.1

ITALIANO Motori alimentati da inverter - Curve di caricabilit Coppia variabile flusso indebolito
ENGLISH Motors energized by inverter - Load capacity curves Variable torque - Weakened flux
FRANAIS Moteurs aliments par variateur - Courbes de chargeabilit Couple variable flux affaibli
DEUTSCH 4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung - Belastungskurven Variables Drehmoment mit Feldschwchbetrieb
ESPAOL 4.7.1 Motores alimentados con inverter - Curvas de capacidad de carga Par variable flujo debilitado

4 - 6 - 8 poli - pole - ples - polig - polos

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao
Mn (%) 63 200 Mn (%) 225 250
120 120

100 100
IC 416 IC 416

80 80
IC 411 IC 411

60 60

40 40
5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz) 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz)

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao

Mn (%) 280 315

IC 416

IC 411


5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 87 (Hz)

Motori alimentati da inverter - Curve di caricabilit Coppia variabile flusso indebolito

Motors energized by inverter - Load capacity curves Variable torque - Weakened flux
Moteurs aliments par variateur - Courbes de chargeabilit Couple variable flux affaibIi
4. Motoren mit Umrichterversorgung - Belastungskurven Variables Drehmoment mit Feldschwchbetrieb
4.7.2 Motores alimentados con inverter - Curvas de capacidad de carga Par variable flujo debilitado

4 - 6 - 8 poli - pole - ples - polig - polos

altezza dasse - frame size - hauteur daxe - Baugrsse - tamao

Mn (%) 63 315




40 Note:
vedi pagina 192, 193;
IC 411 see page 192, 193;
0 voir page 192, 193;
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (Hz) siehe Seite 192, 193;
vase pgina 192, 193;

5. Dimensioni d'ingombro e forme costruttive FRANAIS
5.1 Forme costruttive DEUTSCH
5.2 Dimensioni d'ingombro motori standard e per miniera ESPAOL
5.3 Dimensioni d'ingombro motori con freno

5. Overall dimensions and mounting arrangements

5.1 Mounting arrangements
5.2 Overall dimensions of standard and mining version motors
5.3 Overall dimensions of motors with brakes

5. Dimensions et formes de construction

5.1 Formes de construction
5.2 Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs standard et pour mine
5.3 Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs frein

5. Abmessungen und Bauformen

5.1 Bauformen
5.2 Abmessungen der Standardmotoren und der schlagwettergeschtzten Motoren
5.3 Abmessungen der Motoren mit Bremse

5. Dimensiones de espacio mximo y formas constructivas

5.1 Formas constructivas
5.2 Dimensiones totales de los motores estndares y para minas
5.3 Dimensiones totales de los motores con freno

ITALIANO Forme costruttive
ENGLISH Mounting arrangements
FRANAIS Formes de construction
DEUTSCH 5. Bauformen
ESPAOL 5.1 Formas de fabricacin

Le forme costruttive comunemente - IM B3 in IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 o A tale scopo i motori montati in verticale
utilizzate sono raffigurate nella tabella 5A. IM V6, con albero rivolto verso il basso devono
Su richiesta sono fornite altre forme - IM B5 in IM V1 o IM V3, avere un tettuccio di protezione sopra il
costruttive. - IM B14 in IM V18 o IM V19. copriventola.
I motori ordinati nelle forme costruttive La normativa per le macchine elettriche a
IM B3, IM B5 o IM B14 possono essere sicurezza prescrive che debba essere
utilizzati anche per altre posizioni di impedita la caduta di corpi estranei
montaggio: allinterno del copriventola.

The most commonly used mounting IM B3, IM B5 or IM B14 can also be According to the safety standard for
arrangements are shown in the table 5A. operated in the following different electrical machines, foreign objects must
Other mounting arrangements are mounting positions: be prevented from falling into the fan
available on request. - IM B3 in IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 or cover.
IM V6,
Standard motors ordered in basic Motors for vertical arrangement with shaft
- IM B5 in IM V1 or IM V3,
mounting arrangements (universal end down are fitted with a protective hood
- IM B14 in IM V18 or IM V19.
mounting arrangements) over the fan cowl.

Les formes de construction communment - IM B3 en IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 A cette fin, les moteurs installs
utilises sont reprsentes au tableau 5A. ou IM V6, verticalement avec larbre orient vers le
Sur demande, dautres formes de - IM B5 en IM V1 ou IM V3, bas doivent tre munis dune tle de
construction peuvent tre fournies. - IM B14 en IM V18 ou IM V19. protection plac au-dessus du
Les moteurs commands avec les formes La norme pour les machines lectriques
de construction IM B3, IM B5 ou IM B14 scurit indique quil faut empcher les
peuvent galement tre utiliss dans corps trangers de tomber lintrieur du
dautres positions de montage: carter du ventilateur.

Die gewhnlich verwendeten Bauformen - IM B3 als IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 Um dies zu verhindern, sind vertikale
werden in der Tabelle 5A dargestellt. oder IM V6, Motoren, deren Welle nach unten gerichtet
Auf Wunsch knnen auch andere Bauformen - IM B5 als IM V1 oder IM V3, ist, mit einem Schutzdach ber der
geliefert werden. - IM B14 als IM V18 oder IM V19. Lfterhaube ausgestattet.
Die mit den Bauformen IM B3, IM B5 oder Die Richtlinie fr die elektrischen
IM B14 bestellten Motoren knnen auch fr Maschinen zur Sicherheit schreibt vor, dass
andere Montagepositionen verwendet das Herabfallen von Fremdkrpern in das
werden: Innere der Lfterhaube geschtzt sein muss.

Las formas constructivas utilizadas - IM B3 in IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5 o Con este fin los motores instalados en
corrientemente estn descritas en la IM V6, vertical con el eje hacia abajo tiene que
tabla 5A. - IM B5 in IM V1 o IM V3, tener una tapa de proteccin por encima del
Sobre pedido se proporcionan otras formas - IM B14 in IM V1 o IM V3, cubre ventilador.
La normativa sobre las mquinas elctricas
Los motores requeridos en las formas de seguridad prescribe que se debe
constructivas IM B3, IM B5 o IM B14 impedir la cada de cuerpos extraos en el
pueden ser utilizados incluso para otras interior de la cubierta del ventilador.
posiciones de montaje:


Tabella 5A
Motori con piedi
Foot-mounted motor
63315 Moteurs pattes
Motoren mit Sttzfen
Motores con patas

CEI 2-14 B3 V5 V6 B6 B7 B8
IEC EN 60034-7 codice I IM B3 IM V5 IM V6 IMB6 IMB7 IMB8
IEC EN 60034-7 codice II IM 1001 IM 1011 IM 1031 IM1051 IM 1061 IM1071
Motori con flangia: flangia normale, fori di fissaggio passanti
Flange-mounted motor: large flange, clearance fixing holes
63315 Moteurs bride trous lisses
Motoren mit Flansch: normaler Flansch, Durchgangslcher zur Befestigung
Motores con brida: brida normal, orificios de fijacin de los pasadores

CEI 2-14 B5 V1 V3
IEC EN 60034-7 codice I IM B5 IM V1 IMV3
IEC EN 60034-7 codice II IM 3001 IM 3011 IM3031
Motori con flangia: flangia ridotta, fori di fissaggio filettati
Flange-mounted motor: small flange, tapped fixing holes
63132 Moteurs bride trous tarauds
Motoren mit Flansch: reduzierter Flansch, gewindegeschnittene Befestigungslcher
Motores con brida: brida reducida, orificios de fijacin fileteados

CEI 2-14 B14 V18 V19

IEC EN 60034-7 codice I IM B14 IM V18 IMV19
IEC EN 60034-7 codice II IM 3601 IM 3611 IM3631
Motori con piedi e flangia: flangia normale, fori di fissaggio passanti
Foot and flange-mounted motor: large flange, clearance fixing holes
63315 Moteurs pattes et bride trous lisses
Motoren mit Sttzfen und Flansch: normaler Flansch, Durchgangslcher zur Befestigung
Motores con patas y brida: brida normal, orificios de fijacin de los pasadores

CEI 2-14 B3/B5 V5/V1 V6/V3 B6/B5 B7/B5 B8/B5

IEC EN 60034-7 codice I IM B35 IM V15 IM V36
IEC EN 60034-7 codice II IM 2001 IM 2011 IM 2031 IM2051 IM 2061 IM2071
Motori con piedi e flangia: flangia ridotta, fori di fissaggio filettati
Foot and flange-mounted motor: with small flange, tapped fixing holes
63132 Moteurs pattes et bride trous tarauds
Motoren mit Sttzfen und Flansch: reduzierter Flansch, gewindegeschnittene Befestigungslcher
Motores con patas y brida: brida reducida, orificios de fijacin fileteados

CEI 2-14 B3/B14 V5/V18 V6/V19 B6/B14 B7/B14 B8/B14

IEC EN 60034-7 codice I IM B34
IEC EN 60034-7 codice II IM 2101 IM 2111 IM 2131 IM2151 IM 2161 IM2171
ITALIANO Dimensioni d'ingombro motori standard e per miniera
ENGLISH Overall dimensions of standard and mining version motors
FRANAIS Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs standard et pour mine
DEUTSCH 5. Abmessungen der Standardmotoren und der schlagwettergeschtzten Motoren
ESPAOL 5.2 Dimensiones totales de los motores estndares y para minas 63315 IMB3 IMB5 IM B35

AL l
+ AF






AL l+ AF





+ AF




IM B35





8 fori
8 holes
8 trous



8 Bohrungen
8 orificios



Type A AA AB AC AD n
. 0.5
63 100 25 125 123 145 139 95 80 9.5 105 40 63 6 208 7 247 275.5
71 112 32 140 140 155 139 106 90 11.0 112 45 71 7 226 7 276 311.0
80 125 40 160 158 165 139 142 100 15.0 130 50 80 8 245 9 327 372.5
90 S 140 45 175 178 175 139 125 100 14.0 157 56 90 9 265 9 390 441.0
90 L 140 45 175 178 175 139 125 125 14.0 157 56 90 9 265 9 390 441.0
100 160 45 200 196 185 139 125 140 15.0 170 63 100 10 285 12 430 490.5
112 190 45 235 223 206 139 138 140 17.0 175 70 112 12 318 12 475 543.5
132 S 216 56 272 258 260 205 163 140 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 505 590.0
132 M-L 216 56 272 258 260 205 163 178 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 580 665.0
160 M 254 64 318 310 290 205 166 210 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 693 811.0
160 L 254 64 318 310 290 205 166 254 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 693 811.0
180 M 279 71 350 359 326 242 223 241 25.0 340 121 180 17 506 14 814 923.5
180 L 279 71 350 359 326 242 223 279 25.0 340 121 180 17 506 14 814 923.5
200 318 75 393 395 346 242 230 305 27.0 360 133 200 18 546 18 867 985.0
225 S 356 78 431 445 371 242 240 286 38.0 380 149 225 20 596 18 945 1090.0
225 M 2 356 78 431 445 371 242 240 311 38.0 380 149 225 20 596 18 915 1030.0
225 M 4-8 356 78 431 445 371 242 240 311 38.0 380 149 225 20 596 18 945 1090.0
250 M 2 406 95 500 467 396 242 221 349 33.0 415 168 250 22 646 24 963 1110.0
250 M 4-8 406 95 500 467 396 242 221 349 33.0 415 168 250 22 646 24 963 1110.0
280 S 2 457 90 540 558 548 320 316 368 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1119 1272.0
280 S 4-8 457 90 540 558 548 320 316 368 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1119 1272.0
280 M 2 457 90 540 558 548 320 316 419 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1119 1272.0
280 M 4-8 457 90 540 558 548 320 316 419 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1119 1272.0
315 S 2 508 110 590 558 548 320 316 406 68,5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1269 1420.0
315 S 4-8 508 110 590 558 548 320 316 406 68,5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1299 1480.0
315 M 2 508 110 590 558 548 320 316 457 68,5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1269 1420.0
315 M 4-8 508 110 590 558 548 320 316 457 68,5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1299 1480.0
315 L 2 508 100 590 626 612 320 330 457 68.5 610 216 315 41 927 28 1407 1560.0
315 L 4-8 508 100 590 626 612 320 330 457 68.5 610 216 315 41 927 28 1437 1620.0

IEC 60423 D E F GA GD DB
63 275 24 1 x M25 100 11j6 23 4 12.5 4 M4 6.5 115 95j6 140 10 3.0
71 305 24 1 x M25 110 14j6 30 5 16.0 5 M5 6.5 130 110j6 160 10 3.5
80 356 24 1 x M25 120 19j6 40 6 21.5 6 M6 11.0 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
90 S 418 24 1 x M25 130 24j6 50 7 27.0 7 M8 12.0 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
90 L 418 24 1 x M25 130 24j6 50 7 27.0 7 M8 12.0 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
100 458 24 1 x M25 140 28j6 60 7 31.0 7 M10 14.0 215 180j6 250 15 4.0
112 503 24 1 x M25 161 28j6 60 7 31.0 7 M10 16.0 215 180j6 250 15 4.0
132 S 550 35 2 x M32 185 38k6 80 8 41.0 8 M12 17.0 265 230j6 300 15 4.0
132 M-L 625 35 2 x M32 185 38k6 80 8 41.0 8 M12 17.0 265 230j6 300 15 4.0
160 M 738 35 2 x M32 215 42k6 110 8 45.0 8 M16 18.0 300 250h6 350 18 5.0
160 L 738 35 2 x M32 215 42k6 110 8 45.0 8 M16 18.0 300 250h6 350 18 5.0
180 M 860 38 2 x M40 266 48k6 110 9 52.0 9 M16 20.0 300 250h6 350 18 5.0
180 L 860 38 2 x M40 266 48k6 110 9 52.0 9 M16 20.0 300 250h6 350 18 5.0
200 913 38 2 x M40 286 55m6 110 10 59.0 10 M20 20.0 350 300h6 400 18 5.0
225 S 991 38 2 x M40 311 60m6 140 11 64.0 11 M20 22.0 400 350h6 450 18 5.0
225 M 2 991 38 2 x M40 311 55m6 110 10 59.0 10 M20 22.0 400 350h6 450 18 5.0
225 M 4-8 991 38 2 x M40 311 60m6 140 11 64.0 11 M20 22.0 400 350h6 450 18 5.0
250 M 2 1006 38 2 x M40 336 60m6 140 11 64.0 11 M20 22.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
250 M 4-8 1006 38 2 x M40 336 65m6 140 11 69.0 11 M20 22.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
280 S 2 1215 56 2 x M63 410 65m6 140 11 69.0 11 M20 18.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
280 S 4-8 1215 56 2 x M63 410 75m6 140 12 79.5 12 M20 18.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
280 M 2 1215 56 2 x M63 410 65m6 140 11 69.0 11 M20 18.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
280 M 4-8 1215 56 2 x M63 410 75m6 140 12 79.5 12 M20 18.0 500 450h6 550 18 5.0
315 S 2 1365 56 2 x M63 410 65m6 140 18 69.0 11 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 22 6.0
315 S 4-8 1395 56 2 x M63 410 80m6 170 22 85.0 14 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 22 6.0
315 M 2 1365 56 2 x M63 410 65m6 140 18 69.0 11 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 22 6.0
315 M 4-8 1395 56 2 x M63 410 80m6 170 22 85.0 14 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 22 6.0
315 L 2 1503 56 2 x M63 474 65m6 140 18 69.0 11 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 24 6.0
315 L 4-8 1533 56 2 x M63 474 80m6 170 22 85.0 14 M20 22.0 600 550h6 660 24 6.0

vedi pagina 198 ; see page 198 ; voir page 198 ; siehe Seite 198 ; vase pgina 198 ;

vedi pagina 201 ; see page 201 ; voir page 201 ; siehe Seite 201 ; vase pgina 201 ;

ITALIANO Dimensioni d'ingombro motori standard e per miniera
ENGLISH Overall dimensions of standard and mining version motors
FRANAIS Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs standard et pour mine
DEUTSCH 5. Abmessungen der Standardmotoren und der schlagwettergeschtzten Motoren
ESPAOL 5.2 Dimensiones totales de los motores estndares y para minas 63160 IMB14 IM B34

+ AF


IM B14



l+ AF



IM B34









Type A AA AB AC AD n
. 0.5
63 100 25 125 123 145 139 95 80 9.5 105 40 63 6 208 7 247 275.5
71 112 32 140 140 155 139 106 90 11.0 112 45 71 7 226 7 276 311.0
80 125 40 160 158 165 139 142 100 15.0 130 50 80 8 245 9 327 372.5
90 S 140 45 175 178 175 139 125 100 14.0 157 56 90 9 265 9 390 441.0
90 L 140 45 175 178 175 139 125 125 14.0 157 56 90 9 265 9 390 441.0
100 160 45 200 196 185 139 125 140 15.0 170 63 100 10 285 12 430 490.5
112 190 45 235 223 206 139 138 140 17.0 175 70 112 12 318 12 475 543.5
132 S 216 56 272 258 260 205 163 140 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 505 590.0
132 M-L 216 56 272 258 260 205 163 178 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 580 665.0
160 M 254 64 318 310 290 205 166 210 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 693 811.0
160 L 254 64 318 310 290 205 166 254 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 693 811.0

IEC 60423 D E F GA GD DB
Type AO AG M N P T
63 275 24 1 x M25 100 11j6 23 4 12.5 4 M4 75 60j6 90 M5 2.5
71 305 24 1 x M25 110 14j6 30 5 16.0 5 M5 85 70j6 105 M6 2.5
80 356 24 1 x M25 120 19j6 40 6 21.5 6 M6 100 80j6 120 M6 3.0
90 S 418 24 1 x M25 130 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 115 95j6 140 M8 3.0
90 L 418 24 1 x M25 130 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 115 95j6 140 M8 3.0
100 458 24 1 x M25 140 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 130 110j6 160 M8 3.5
112 503 24 1 x M25 161 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 130 110j6 160 M8 3.5
132 S 550 35 2 x M32 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 165 130j6 200 M10 3.5
132 M-L 625 35 2 x M32 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 165 130j6 200 M10 3.5
160 M 738 35 2 x M32 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 215 180h6 250 M12 4.0
160 L 738 35 2 x M32 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 215 180h6 250 M12 4.0

Quote non impegnative la quota L dei motori per miniera corrisponde alla quota LM dei motori antideflagranti per superficie
Tolerances allowed the distance L of the motors for mining applications corresponds to the distance LM of explosion-proof motors for surfaces
Dimensions donnes titre indicatif La dimension L des moteurs pour mine correspond la dimension LM des moteurs antidflagrants de surface
bliche Toleranzen Der Abstand L bei schlagwettergeschtzten Motoren entspricht dem Abstand LM bei explosionsgeschtzten
Cotas no vinculantes Motoren nach Oberflche
la cota L de los motores para minas corresponde a la cota LM de los motores antideflagrantes para superficie

parapioggia: normalmente presente solo per montaggio verticale, albero in basso 1 nella scatola morsetti, 1 sulla carcassa
rain canopy: only when vertical shaft-down mounting 1 in the terminal box, 1 on the frame
parapluie: uniquement pour position verticale, arbre vers le bas 1 l'intrieur de la bote bornes, 1 sur la carcasse
Regenschutzdach: nur fr die Vertikalbauformen 1 am Klemmkasten, 1 am Motorgehuse
tapa de proteccin contra la lluvia: slo para montaje en vertical, eje en la parte inferior 1 en la caja de bornes, 1 en la carcasa

280 e 315 L piedi fissi standard, su richiesta piedi removibili con misure dingombro diverse da quelle indicate
280 and 315 L fixed feet. Removable feet available on request with different dimensions
280 et 315 L pieds fixes standards, sur demande pieds amovibles avec des mesures autres que celles indiques
280 und 315 L ortsfeste Standardfe, auf Wunsch entfernbare Fe mit von den angegebenen abweichenden Abmessungen
280 y 315 L pies fijos estndar, bajo pedido pies desmontables de medidas diferentes de las indicadas
ITALIANO Dimensioni d'ingombro motori con freno
ENGLISH Overall dimensions of motors with brakes
Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs frein
DEUTSCH 5. Abmessungen der Motoren mit Bremse
ESPAOL 5.3 Dimensiones totales de los motores con freno 63160 71160 IMB3 IMB5 IM B35

+ AF






+ AF




+ AF




IM B35






IM B5 IM B3-B35 0 l t
Type A AA AB AC AD l+ AF B BC BB C H- 0,5 HA HD K
63 100 25 125 134 176 145 95 95 80 9.5 105 40 63 6 239 7 310
71 112 32 140 165 186 145 106 106 90 11.0 112 45 71 7 257 7 365 410
80 125 40 160 183 196 145 142 142 100 15.0 130 50 80 8 276 9 423 478
90 S 140 45 175 208 206 145 125 125 100 14.0 157 56 90 9 296 9 502 557
90 L 140 45 175 208 206 145 125 125 125 14.0 157 56 90 9 296 9 502 557
100 160 45 200 234 216 145 125 125 140 15.0 170 63 100 10 316 12 537 595
112 190 45 235 259 237 145 228 138 140 17.0 175 70 112 12 349 12 609 668
132 S 216 56 272 311 260 205 193 163 140 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 650 722
132 M-L 216 56 272 311 260 205 268 163 178 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 725 797
160 M 254 64 318 348 290 205 311 166 210 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 823 901
160 L 254 64 318 348 290 205 311 166 254 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 823 901

it IEC60423
LM n. x O
63 26 1xM25 1xM20 96 11j6 23 4 12.5 4 M4 6.5 115 95j6 140 10 3
71 438 26 1xM25 1xM20 106 14j6 30 5 16.0 5 M5 6.5 130 110j6 160 10 3.5
80 507 26 1xM25 1xM20 116 19j6 40 6 21.5 6 M6 11 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
90 S 585 26 1xM25 1xM20 126 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 12 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
90 L 585 26 1xM25 1xM20 126 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 12 165 130j6 200 12 3.5
100 624 26 1xM25 1xM20 136 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 14 215 180j6 250 15 4
112 697 26 1xM25 1xM20 157 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 16 215 180j6 250 15 4
132 S 767 35 2xM32 1xM20 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 17 265 230j6 300 15 4
132 M-L 842 35 2xM32 1xM20 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 17 265 230j6 300 15 4
160 M 946 35 2xM32 1xM20 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 18 300 250h6 350 18 5
160 L 946 35 2xM32 1xM20 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 18 300 250h6 350 18 5

l t
Versione DB, DC Versione HB, HC 1 nella scatola morsetti, 1 sulla carcassa Quote non impegnative
Version DB, DC Version HB, HC 1 in the terminal box, 1 on the frame Tolerances allowed
Version DB, DC Version HB, HC 1 lintrieur de la bote bornes, 1 sur la carcasse Dimensions donnes titre indicatif
Ausfhrung DB, DC Ausfhrung HB, HC 1 am Klemmkasten, 1 am Motorgehuse bliche Toleranzen
Versin DB, DC Versin HB, HC 1 en la caja de bornes, 1 en la carcasa Cotas no vinculantes

parapioggia: normalmente presente solo nei motori autoventilati (IC411) per montaggio verticale, albero in basso
rain cover: normally found only on self-ventilating motors (IC411) for vertical assembly, shaft at the bottom
capot parapluie: normalement, elle nest prsente que sur les moteurs autoventils (IC411) destins un montage vertical, arbre en bas
Regenschutz: ist normalerweise nur bei den eigenbelfteten Motoren (IC411) fr die senkrechte Montage, Welle unten, vorhanden
tapa de proteccin contra la lluvia: normalmente slo est presente en los motores autoventilados (IC411) para el montaje en vertical, con el eje en la parte inferior

ITALIANO Dimensioni d'ingombro motori con freno
ENGLISH Overall dimensions of motors with brakes
Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs frein
DEUTSCH 5. Abmessungen der Motoren mit Bremse
ESPAOL 5.3 Dimensiones totales de los motores con freno 63160 71160 IMB14 IMB34

+ AF




+ AF


IM B34







IM B14 IM B34 0 l t
Type A AA AB AC AD l+ AF B BC BB C H- 0,5 HA HD K
63 100 25 125 134 176 145 95 95 80 9.5 105 40 63 6 239 7 310
71 112 32 140 165 186 145 106 106 90 11.0 112 45 71 7 257 7 365 410
80 125 40 160 183 196 145 142 142 100 15.0 130 50 80 8 276 9 423 478
90 S 140 45 175 208 206 145 125 125 100 14.0 157 56 90 9 296 9 502 557
90 L 140 45 175 208 206 145 125 125 125 14.0 157 56 90 9 296 9 502 557
100 160 45 200 234 216 145 125 125 140 15.0 170 63 100 10 316 12 537 595
112 190 45 235 259 237 145 228 138 140 17.0 175 70 112 12 349 12 609 668
132 S 216 56 272 311 260 205 193 163 140 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 650 722
132 M-L 216 56 272 311 260 205 268 163 178 22.0 222 89 132 13 392 12 725 797
160 M 254 64 318 348 290 205 311 166 210 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 823 901
160 L 254 64 318 348 290 205 311 166 254 25.0 305 108 160 15 450 14 823 901

it IEC60423
LM n. x O
63 26 1xM25 1xM20 96 11j6 23 4 12.5 4 M4 75 60j6 90 M5 2.5
71 438 26 1xM25 1xM20 106 14j6 30 5 16.0 5 M5 85 70j6 105 M6 2.5
80 507 26 1xM25 1xM20 116 19j6 40 6 21.5 6 M6 100 80j6 120 M6 3
90 S 585 26 1xM25 1xM20 126 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 115 95j6 140 M8 3
90 L 585 26 1xM25 1xM20 126 24j6 50 8 27.0 7 M8 115 95j6 140 M8 3
100 624 26 1xM25 1xM20 136 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 130 110j6 160 M8 3.5
112 697 26 1xM25 1xM20 157 28j6 60 8 31.0 7 M10 130 110j6 160 M8 3.5
132 S 767 35 2xM32 1xM20 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 165 130j6 200 M10 3.5
132 M-L 842 35 2xM32 1xM20 185 38k6 80 10 41.0 8 M12 165 130j6 200 M10 3.5
160 M 946 35 2xM32 1xM20 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 215 180h6 250 M12 4
160 L 946 35 2xM32 1xM20 215 42k6 110 12 45.0 8 M16 215 180h6 250 M12 4

l t
Versione DB, DC Versione HB, HC 1 nella scatola morsetti, 1 sulla carcassa Quote non impegnative
Version DB, DC Version HB, HC 1 in the terminal box, 1 on the frame Tolerances allowed
Version DB, DC Version HB, HC 1 lintrieur de la bote bornes, 1 sur la carcasse Dimensions donnes titre indicatif
Ausfhrung DB, DC Ausfhrung HB, HC 1 am Klemmkasten, 1 am Motorgehuse bliche Toleranzen
Versin DB, DC Versin HB, HC 1 en la caja de bornes, 1 en la carcasa Cotas no vinculantes

parapioggia: normalmente presente solo nei motori autoventilati (IC411) per montaggio verticale, albero in basso
rain cover: normally found only on self-ventilating motors (IC411) for vertical assembly, shaft at the bottom
capot parapluie: normalement, elle nest prsente que sur les moteurs autoventils (IC411) destins un montage vertical, arbre en bas
Regenschutz: ist normalerweise nur bei den eigenbelfteten Motoren (IC411) fr die senkrechte Montage, Welle unten, vorhanden
tapa de proteccin contra la lluvia: normalmente slo est presente en los motores autoventilados (IC411) para el montaje en vertical, con el eje en la parte inferior

ITALIANO Dimensioni d'ingombro motori con freno
ENGLISH Overall dimensions of motors with brakes
Dimensions dencombrement des moteurs frein
DEUTSCH 5. Abmessungen der Motoren mit Bremse
ESPAOL 5.3 Dimensiones totales de los motores con freno 180315 IMB3 IMB5 IMB35




















IM B35




225 - 250

8 fori
8 holes
8 trous
8 Bohrungen


8 orificios


Type A AA AB AC AC1 AD AD1 l+ AF l+ AF1 AL AL1 AL2 B BC BB C H- 0,5 HA HD K L
180 M 279 71 350 394 412 326 320 242 205 223 162 482 241 25.0 340 121 180 17 506 14 1055
180 L 279 71 350 394 412 326 320 242 205 223 162 482 279 25.0 340 121 180 17 506 14 1055
200 318 75 393 394 412 346 320 242 205 230 162 481 305 27.0 360 133 200 18 546 18 1086
225 S 356 78 431 394 467 371 320 242 205 240 162 506 286 38.0 380 149 225 20 596 18 1156
225 M 4-8 356 78 431 394 467 371 320 242 205 240 162 506 311 38.0 380 149 225 20 596 18 1156
250 M 4-8 406 95 500 394 467 396 320 242 205 221 162 507 349 33.0 415 168 250 22 646 24 1157
280 S 4-8 457 90 540 394 558 548 320 320 205 316 162 618 368 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1265
280 M 4-8 457 90 540 394 558 548 320 320 205 316 162 618 419 80.0 550 190 280 41 828 25 1265
315 S 4-8 508 110 590 394 558 548 320 320 205 316 162 618 406 68.5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1445
315 M 4-8 508 110 590 394 558 548 320 320 205 316 162 618 457 68.5 560 216 315 41 863 27 1445

IEC60423 IEC60423
n. x O n. x O1
180 M 1376 1419 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 266 245 48k6 110 14 52.0 9 M16 20 300 250h6 350 18 5
180 L 1376 1419 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 266 245 48k6 110 14 52.0 9 M16 20 300 250h6 350 18 5
200 1412 1455 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 286 245 55m6 110 16 59.0 10 M20 20 350 300h6 400 18 5
225 S 1501 1544 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 311 245 60m6 140 18 64.0 11 M20 22 400 350h6 450 18 5
225 M 4-8 1501 1544 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 311 245 60m6 140 18 64.0 11 M20 22 400 350h6 450 18 5
250 M 4-8 1503 1546 38 35 2xM40 1xM25 336 245 65m6 140 18 69.0 11 M20 22 500 450h6 550 18 5
280 S 4-8 1721 1817 56 35 2xM63 1xM25 410 245 75m6 140 20 79.5 9 M20 18 500 450h6 550 18 5
280 M 4-8 1721 1817 56 35 2xM63 1xM25 410 245 75m6 140 20 79.5 9 M20 18 500 450h6 550 18 5
315 S 4-8 1901 1997 56 35 2xM63 1xM25 410 245 80m6 170 22 85.0 9 M20 22 600 550h6 660 22 6
315 M 4-8 1901 1997 56 35 2xM63 1xM25 410 245 80m6 170 22 85.0 9 M20 22 600 550h6 660 22 6

1 nella scatola morsetti del motore, 1 sulla carcassa e 1 nella scatola morsetti del freno Quote non impegnative
1 in the motor terminal box, 1 on the motor frame and 1 in the brake terminal box Tolerances allowed
1 dans la bote bornes du moteur, 1 sur la carcasse et 1 dans la bote bornes du frein Dimensions donnes titre indicatif
1 im Klemmenkasten des Motors, 1 auf dem Gehuse und 1 im Klemmenkasten der Bremse bliche Toleranzen
1 en la caja de bornes del motor, 1 en la carcasa y 1 en la caja de bornes del freno Cotas no vinculantes

6. Parti di ricambio FRANAIS

6. Spare parts ESPAOL

6. Pices dtaches

6. Ersatzteilliste

6. Piezas de repuesto

ITALIANO Parti di ricambio
ENGLISH Spare parts
FRANAIS Pices detaches
DEUTSCH Ersatzteilliste
ESPAOL 6. Piezas de repuesto

1 Fondello esterno anteriore (13) Anello ritenzione grasso posteriore 25 Cuscinetto posteriore 44 Supporto motore ventilazione assistita
(2) Ingrassatore anteriore (14) Ingrassatore posteriore 26 Anello di tenuta posteriore 45 Motore ventilazione assistita
3 Cuscinetto anteriore 15 Fondello esterno posteriore 27 Ventola 52 Targa
4 Scatola morsetti 16 Calotta copriventola (28) Tettuccio parapioggia 53 Vite di messa a terra
(5) Nipplo passaggio ausiliari 17 Albero 29 Scudo posteriore portafreno 54 Basetta di separazione
6 Coperchio scatola morsetti 18 Anello di tenuta anteriore 30 Custodia freno 55 Freno
7 Morsettiera (19) Anello ritenzione grasso anteriore 38 Scudo custodia freno
8 Nipplo passaggio cavi 20 Scudo anteriore 39 Custodia coprifreno (...) = quando previsto
9 Rotore 21 Molle di precarico 40 Coperchio scatola morsetti freno
N.B.: la calotta copriventola (16) nei
10 Statore avvolto 22 Fondello interno anteriore 41 Scatola morsetti freno
motori per miniera saldata al tettuccio
11 Carcassa (23) Piedi 42 Morsettiera freno parapioggia (28)
12 Scudo posteriore 24 Fondello interno posteriore 43 Nipplo passaggio cavi freno

1 End cap - front (13) Grease sealing ring - rear 25 Rear bearing 44 Forced ventilation motor support
(2) Grease nipple - front (14) Grease nipple - rear 26 Sealing ring - rear 45 Forced ventilation motor
3 Front bearing 15 End cap - rear 27 Cooling fan 52 Plate
4 Terminal box 16 Fan cover (cowl) (28) Rain cap 53 Electrical earth screw
(5) Auxiliary connections 17 Shaft 29 NDE shield brake holder 54 Separation base
6 Terminal box lid 18 Sealing ring - front 30 Brake enclosure 55 Brake
7 Terminal board (19) Grease sealing ring - front 38 Brake shield
8 Cable nipple 20 Endshield - front 39 Brake cover enclosure (...) = when provided
9 Rotor 21 Pre loading springs 40 Brake terminal box cover
N.B.: the fan cap (16) in the motors for
10 Wound stator 22 Inner bearing cap - front 41 Brake terminal box
mining applications is welded to the rain
11 Frame (23) Feet 42 Brake terminal board cover (28)
12 Endshield - rear 24 Inner bearing cap - rear 43 Cable nipple brake

1 Couvercle avant (13) Bague arrire de rtention graisse 25 Roulement arrire 44 Support du moteur avec ventilation
(2) Graisseur avant (14) Graisseur arrire 26 Bague arrire dtanchit assiste
3 Roulement avant 15 Couvercle arrire 27 Ventilateur 45 Moteur avec ventilation assiste
4 Bote bornes 16 Capot de ventilateur (28) Tle parapluie 52 Plaque
(5) Dispositif pour le passage des 17 Arbre 29 Flasque porte-frein 53 Vis de mise la terre
auxiliaires 18 Bague avant dtanchit 30 Carter du frein 54 Base de sparation
6 Couvercle bote bornes (19) Bague avant de rtention graisse 38 Couvercle du frein 55 Frein
7 Bornes traversante 20 Flasque avant 39 Carter de protection du frein
8 Dispositif pour le passage des cbles 21 Ressorts de prcharge 40 Couvercle de la bote bornes du frein (...) = si prvu
9 Rotor 22 Flasque intrieur avant 41 Bote bornes du frein
N.B. : le capot du ventilateur (16) dans les
10 Stator envelopp (23) Pattes 42 Bornier du frein
moteurs pour mine est soud au capot
11 Carcasse 24 Flasque intrieur arrire 43 Dispositif pour le passage des cble parapluie (28)
12 Flasque arrire du frein

1 usserer Fettkammerdeckel A-Seite (13) Schmierfett Schleuderring B-Seite 25 Kugellager B-Seite 44 Trger Motor Fremdbelftung
(2) Schmiernippel A-Seite (14) Schmiernippel B-Seite 26 Dichtungsring B-Seite 45 Motor Fremdbelftung
3 Kugellager A-Seite 15 usserer Fettkammerdeckel B-Seite 27 Lfterflgel 52 Typenschild
4 Klemmkasten 16 Lfterhaube (28) Regenschutzdach 53 Erdungsschrauben
(5) Kabeldurchfrung Hilfskreise 17 Welle 29 Lagerschild B-Seite Bremsenhalter 54 Trennplatte
6 Klemmkastendeckel 18 Dichtungsring A-Seite 30 Kapselung der Bremse 55 Bremse
7 Klemmbrett (19) Schmierfett Schleuderring A-Seite 38 Deckel Bremse
8 Druckfeste Kabeldurchfhrung 20 Lagerschild A-Seite 39 Kapselung Bremsabdeckung (...) = wenn vorgesehen
9 Lufer 21 Lagervorspannung 40 Deckel Bremsen-Klemmenkasten
10 Gewickelter Stator 22 Innerer Fettkammerdeckel A-Seite 41 Bremsen-Klemmenkasten
schlagwettergeschtzten Motoren ist die
11 Motorgehuse (23) Fsse 42 Bremsen-Anschlussklemmen Lfterhaube (16) mit dem Regenschutzdach
12 Lagerschild B-Seite 24 Innerer Fettkammerdeckel B-Seite 43 Druckfeste Kabeldurchfhrung der (28) verschweisst

1 Tapa externa delantera (13) Anillo retencin grasa trasero 25 Cojinete trasero 44 Soporte motor ventilacin asistida
(2) Engrasador delantero (14) Engrasador trasero 26 Anillo de retencin trasero 45 Motor ventilacin asistida
3 Cojinete delantero 15 Fondo externo trasero 27 Ventilador 52 Placa
4 Caja de bornes 16 Casquete cubre ventilador (28) Tapa de proteccin contra la lluvia 53 Tornillo e toma a tierra
(5) Niple paso auxiliares 17 Eje 29 Escudo portafrenos 54 Base de separacin
6 Tapa de la caja de bornes 18 Anillo de retencin delantero 30 Envolvente del freno 55 Freno
7 Placa de bornes (19) Anillo retencin grasa delantero 38 Tapa del freno
8 Niple paso cables 20 Escudo delantero 39 Protector del freno (...) = cuando previsto
9 Rotor 21 Muelles de carga previa 40 Tapa caja de bornes freno
Nota importantes: el crter del ventilador
10 Esttor bobinado 22 Fondo interno delantero 41 Caja de bornes freno
(16) en los motores para minas est
11 Armazn (23) Pies 42 Placa de bornes freno soldado al techo para proteger de la
12 Escudo trasero 24 Tapa interna trasera 43 Niple paso cables del freno lluvia (28)

Motori standard e per miniera ITALIANO
Standard and mining application motors ENGLISH

Moteurs standard et pour mine FRANAIS

Standardmotoren und schlagwettergeschtzte Motoren DEUTSCH

Motores estndares y para minas ESPAOL

63132 6


4 8


3 26




6 27



1 53
18 10

3 9

20 17

ITALIANO Parti di ricambio Motori standard e per miniera
ENGLISH Spare parts Standard and mining application motors
FRANAIS Pices detaches Moteurs standard et pour mine
DEUTSCH Ersatzteilliste Standardmotoren und schlagwettergeschtzte Motoren
ESPAOL 6. Piezas de repuesto Motores estndares y para minas

180250 (28)
53 7






18 20

280315 6 (28)


(5) (14)


(2) (13)
53 12

20 9
18 1 (19) 17

Motori con freno ITALIANO
Motors with brakes ENGLISH

Moteurs frein FRANAIS

Motoren mit Bremse DEUTSCH

Motores con freno ESPAOL



20 39




20 9


8 7
4 42






20 17

ITALIANO Parti di ricambio Motori con freno ventilati
ENGLISH Spare parts Motors with ventilated brakes
FRANAIS Pices detaches Moteurs frein ventils
DEUTSCH Ersatzteilliste Belftete Motoren mit Bremse
ESPAOL 6. Piezas de repuesto Motores con freno ventilados

180250 40
41 42

11 30



18 1

3 9

20 17

280315 53
6 41

(5) 7 (14)
4 7

11 38

(2) 53 12

21 9

3 17

Motori con freno ventilati ITALIANO
Motors with ventilated brakes ENGLISH

Moteurs frein ventils FRANAIS

Belftete Motoren mit Bremse DEUTSCH

Motores con freno ventilados ESPAOL



53 16
(5) 7 27
4 44
20 11



3 9
1 17


6 53 43
41 (28)
(5) 7
4 53 7
11 44
20 30
(2) 53 29

21 9
(19) 17

ITALIANO Parti di ricambio Motori con freno ventilati
ENGLISH Spare parts Motors with ventilated brakes
FRANAIS Pices detaches Moteurs frein ventils
DEUTSCH Ersatzteilliste Belftete Motoren mit Bremse
ESPAOL 6. Piezas de repuesto Motores con freno ventilados


20 26





20 8 53
4 27
11 26




18 17

Nel redigere questa documen- Every care has been taken to Dans la prparation de cette Die Ausfhrungen und tech- La presente documentacin
tazione stata posta ogni cura ensure the accuracy of the documentation nous avons nischen Eigenschaften, die in se ha redactado de manera
al fine di assicurare la corret- information contained in this pris le soin dy intgrer les dieser Broschre angegeben muy atenta para poder asegu-
tezza delle informazioni con- publication. informations les plus exactes sind, drfen nicht als ver- rar que las informaciones que
tenute. possibles. bindlich angesehen werden. contiene son correctas.
Due to Cemps policy of con-
Tuttavia, anche in conseguen- tinuous development and Nanmoins, compte tenu de In keinem Fall knnen je- No obstante, como conse-
za della politica di continuo improvement, the company notre politique de dveloppe- doch die in diesem Dokument cuencia de la poltica de con-
sviluppo e miglioramento della reserves the right to supply ment et damlioration conti- aufgefhrten technischen Da- tinuo desarrollo y mejora de
qualit del prodotto perseguita products which may differ nue des produits, la Socit ten als rechtlich verbindlich la calidad del producto que
da Cemp, la societ si riserva il slightly from those illustrated Cemp se rserve le droit et la angesehen werden. Cemp pone en prctica, la so-
diritto e la facolt di apportare and described in this publica- facult dapporter toute modi- ciedad se reserva el derecho y
modifiche di qualsiasi genere, tion. fication sur la documentation Cemp behlt sich das Recht la facultad de modificar en lo
in qualsiasi momento e senza et sur les produits, tout mo- vor, ohne Mitteilung, jegliche que fuera necesario, en cual-
preavviso, sia a questo docu- Descriptions and technical fe- ment et sans pravis. Abweichungen und nderun- quier momento y sin que para
mento sia ai propri prodotti. atures listed in this brochure gen jederzeit vorzunehmen, ello medie preaviso alguno,
may not be considered as bin- Les descriptifs et les caractri- sowohl in diesem Dokument tanto este documento como
Le descrizioni e le caratteri- ding. Under no circumstances stiques techniques contenus als auch bei den Produkten, sus productos.
stiche tecniche della presente should data in this publication dans ce catalogue nengagent die hier beschrieben sind.
pubblicazione non sono quindi be considered as a contractual pas la Socit. Por lo tanto, las descripciones
impegnative e i dati riportati obligation. Par consquent, ces donnes y las caractersticas tcnicas
non costituiscono, in nessun ne constituent en aucun cas indicadas en el presente do-
caso, impegno contrattuale. un engagement contractuel. cumento no son vinculantes,
y los datos que contiene no
constituyen en ningn caso,
vnculo contractual.
TD 302

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