Assessment 2: JEE508 - S C, D A D A

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Assessment 2


Description OH&S: Safety boots and lab coats must be worn during lab sessions in the Control Lab
building. Foods and drinks are strictly prohibited.

The main aim of this assignment is to investigate effects of quantization and sampling
on digital data using DAQ cards and LabVIEW and analyse provided data set/s. You
need to:

1. Determine a set of DAQ cards, signal generator and accelerometer, and

experiments to collect data;
2. Select various sampling rates;
3. Determine if any of the experiments should be repeated, explaining why;
4. Determine which instrument could be replaced resulting in a decrease in error
for the results;
5. Specify a replacement model for the instrument determined in step 4; and
6. Investigate the effects of quantisation and sampling.

To complete this assessment you need to use Control Lab facilities (you MUST liaise
with Hung Nguyen to gain access). In the Control Engineering Lab
(NH.AN28.L01.103, the Old Cavitation Tunnel Building) there are the following
transducers, data acquisition boards and software:

Transducers (in Control Lab):

Accelerometers (Charge Mode Accelerometer: Brel & Kjr 4371, IEPE
Accelerometer: Brel & Kjr 4514-001) and Charge Amplifier
Delorenzo Frequency Signal Generator (up to 100 kHz)
Tektronix 2MHz Function Generator
Maxon DC motor, Encoder and ESCON motor drive (outputs: analog voltage to
control speed, digital output to enable the motor drive, inputs: speed and
armature current)
Pressure transducers
Strain gauges
Flow transducers

Data acquisition boards (in Control Lab):

USB-6251 board (M series, 16-bit, 1.25 MS/s) + Terminal connector block (can
be used with SC-2345, SCC ACC01)
NI USB-6351 board (X series, 16-bit, 1.25 MS/s) + Mass terminals
NI USB-6000 (12-bit, 10 kS/s)

Software (in Control Lab):

LabVIEW 2013 (or other versions)
Accelerometer data logging LabVIEW program/s (liaise with Hung Nguyen)
Towing Tank Suite (liaise with Jonathan Binns)
MATLAB/Simulink 2014b/2015a and Data Acquisition Toolbox

You are recommended to run 2 experiments using the following transducers and data
acquisition boards:

Experiment 1 (known frequency signal): USB-6000, USB-6351 and Tektronix 2
MHz Function Generator; and

Experiment 2 (unknown frequency signal): USB-6351, Maxon DC motor with

imbalance mass rotor and motor drive, encoder, charge mode accelerometer and charge
amplifier to get raw data including acceleration, speed and current signals.

The data will be saved in text-formatted files. Please take your USB memory stick to
copy data files.

Task Length Sufficient to describe the experiment, the fundamentals of the analysis method, the
results and the meaning of the results. Typically this will be a report of approximately
5-10 pages (excluding Appendix) like a journal/conference paper. You can use the lab
report template at

Due Date 11:59 pm 22nd February 2016 (you can submit the electronic copy with analysis
programs via MyLO or email. No hardcopy is required.)

Assessment % 40% from the full unit marks.


1 List 5 probabilistic and 5 deterministic methods of analysing time series data
2 Design and test a combined analog and digital filter system for an expected set of experimental data
Specify a temperature, a pressure, a strain, a force, a flow, a level and an acceleration transducer for a given set of data
acquisition requirements using global and local resources
4 Report the details of an experimental setup for a specialist experimentalist and a generalist scientist
5 Differentiate between an impulse signal and a periodic signal and apply analysis methods appropriate to each form of data
6 Determine if a particular study requires formal ethical approval, if not then identify what ethical considerations are required

The extent to which the three elements listed above are defined.

(See the attached rubrics for details.)

Student name Student number
JEE508 Signal Processing, Data Conditioning and Data Analysis Spring, 2015
Laboratory Report Weight: 40%
Criteria HD DN CR PP NN
Demonstrate and apply demonstrate and apply demonstrate and apply broad demonstrate and apply demonstrate and apply basic demonstrate partially
theoretical and practical comprehensive knowledge of knowledge of signal knowledge of signal knowledge of signal developed knowledge of signal
signal conditioning, data conditioning, data acquisition conditioning, data acquisition conditioning, data acquisition conditioning, data acquisition
knowledge of signal acquisition and data analysis and data analysis when and data analysis when and data analysis when and data analysis, state
conditioning, data when thoroughly discussing discussing and describing the discussing and describing the discussing and describing features related to the
acquisition and data and describing the main main concepts and features main concepts and features some of the concepts and transducers, data acquisition
analysis concepts and features related to related to the transducers, data related to the transducers, data features related to the and experiments
the transducers, data acquisition and experiments acquisition and experiments transducers, data acquisition
acquisition and experiments and experiments
30% make meaningful assumptions make relevant assumptions and make assumptions and make at least half the required make insufficient or wrong
and correctly calculate all of correctly calculate all of the calculate most expected assumptions and calculate assumptions and partially
the expected parameters and expected parameters and parameters and variables, some of expected parameters calculate some of expected
variables, thoroughly justifying variables, justifying their use justifying their use and and variables, justifying their parameters and variables,
their use and outcomes and outcomes outcomes use and outcomes occasionally justifying their
use and outcomes
support all your work with support your work with support most your work with support at least haft of your partially support your work
extensive, relevant and current relevant and current literature, relevant literature, link some of work with literature, link some with some literature, link to
literature, link all of your link most of your design and your design and analysis work of your design and analysis some measurement, signal
design, experiments and analysis work to relevant to relevant measurement, work to measurement, signal conditioning principles and
analysis work to relevant measurement, signal signal conditioning principles conditioning principles and data presenting methods
measurement, signal conditioning principles and and data presenting methods data presenting methods
conditioning principles and data presenting methods
data presenting methods
Solve problems in the correctly and fully identify the correctly identify the relevant identify most of the relevant identify at least half of the partially identify the
design of experiments, relevant engineering problems, engineering problems, design engineering problems, design relevant engineering problems, engineering problems and
design criteria and regulations criteria and regulations and criteria and regulations and design criteria and regulations provide inaccurate and/or
conduction of and provide solutions that are: provide solutions that are: provide solutions that are: and provide solutions that are: incomplete solutions.
experiments, analysis of correct and efficient correct and largely efficient correct; mostly correct;
obtained data and data innovative and practical, and practical and mostly practical; and largely practical; and
acquisition systems meet all and exceed some innovative, and meet most stipulated design meet at least half of
stipulated design meet all stipulated design specifications and stipulated design
specifications and specifications and operational conditions specifications and
30% operational conditions operational conditions operational conditions
develop well thorough out develop clear methods and develop methods and solutions develop some methods and develop partially accurate and
methods and solutions to solutions to improve the to improve the performance of solutions to improve the incomplete methods to solve
significantly improve the performance and versatility of the data acquisition systems performance of the data performance related problems
performance and versatility of the data acquisition systems and reduce noise in data: acquisition systems and reduce
the data acquisition systems and reduce noise in data: provide practical solutions noise in data
and reduce noise in data: provide accurate and evaluate most of errors and
provide accurate, practical solutions noise in obtained data
innovative and practical evaluate errors and noise
solutions in obtained data
evaluate errors and noise
in obtained data
successfully use software mostly successfully use use software programs use software programs
programs (LabVIEW, software programs (LabVIEW, (LabVIEW, (LabVIEW,
MATLAB/Simulink) to log MATLAB/Simulink) to log MATLAB/Simulink) to log MATLAB/Simulink) to log
data, present and analyse the data, present and analyse the data, present and analyse the data, present and analyse the
obtained data obtained data obtained data obtained data
Evaluate the performance thoroughly and methodically methodically evaluate and evaluate and analyse the evaluate and analyse the partially evaluate and analyse
of the transducer/s and evaluate and analyse the analyse the transducers, data transducers, data acquisition transducers, data acquisition some aspects the transducers,
transducers, data acquisition acquisition systems and their systems and their components systems and their components data acquisition systems and
data acquisition systems systems and their components components by: by: by: their components
through relevant by: justifying your judgements justifying most of your justifying at least half of
calculations, results, clearly justifying your and assumptions by judgements and your judgements and
experiments and data judgements and referring to relevant and assumptions be referring assumptions be referring
assumptions by referring current literature, theory to partly relevant to partly relevant
analysis to relevant and current and calculations literature, theory and literature, theory and
literature, theory and comparing and justifying calculations calculations
20% calculations most calculated and comparing most calculated comparing at least half of
comparing and justifying predicted performance and and predicted performance calculated and predicted
all calculated and results against: and results against: performance and results
predicted performance and stipulated design most stipulated design against:
results against: specifications, specifications and some stipulated design
stipulated design regulations and operational conditions; specifications,
specifications, and operational conditions; and regulations and
operational conditions; and most initial assumptions, operational conditions;
and initial assumptions, engineering theory, and and
initial assumptions, engineering theory, and relevant industry and some initial
engineering theory, and relevant industry and engineering data assumptions,
relevant industry and engineering data engineering theory, and
engineering data relevant industry and
engineering data
Communicate in writing communicate concisely and communicate concisely and communicate coherently in a communicate in a structured present information
in the form of a technical coherently in a structured and coherently in a structured and structured and readable report and readable report that
readable report that adheres to readable report that adheres to that adheres to the given largely adheres to the given
report. the given format the given format format format

20% include fully detailed and include detailed and correct include correct sketches and include sketches and drawings include some sketches and
correct sketches and drawings sketches and drawings that drawings that assist in that assist in comprehending drawings
that make it easy to make it easy to comprehend comprehending the designed most of the designed
comprehend the designed the designed experiments, data experiments, data presentation experiments, data presentation
experiments, data presentation presentation and analysis. and analysis and analysis.
and analysis.
present information in a format present information in a format present information in a format present information in a format present data
that is easily interpreted that is easily interpreted that is interpreted because it: that is interpreted because it:
because it: because it: is neat and accurately is sorted and labelled
is neat, clearly and is neat, clearly and sorted and labelled uses accurate legends and
accurately sorted and accurately sorted and uses clear and accurate units
labelled labelled legends and units
uses clear, concise and uses clear, concise and
accurate legends and units accurate legends and units
correctly states signal states signal processing
processing terminology terminology
Comment Grade
Instructions for Programming Data Acquisition

Lab 1 Logging data from function generator

Objective: To continuously acquire data from a DAQ device and log the date to a file and investigate
of quantization

Hardware: Tektronic function generator, Delorenzo function generator, DAQs (including USB 6000,
USB 6351), Computer and LabVIEW

Hardware Configuration
USB-6351 or USB-6000 DAQ Configuration (as shown in Fig. 1)
1. Connect USB DAQ Input Channel AI0 (see the pin-out diagram) to the output of the
2. Connect USB Cable to one USB port of the computer (see Fig. 2).


Tektronix function

PC and LabVIEW

DAQ Card USB-6351

Figure 1 Experimental apparatus including a Tehtronix function generator, DAQ USB-6000, DAQ USB-
6351 and Computer/LabVIEW

Analog input AI0
SC-2345 Computer and
Accelerometer Signal cond. LabVIEW
Analog input AI0


Figure 2 Connection diagram

New Project and VI

Launch LabVIEW (Ver 2013 or 2011) > Empty Project > Save as JEE508_DAQ_Project_1.lvproj (see
Fig. 3a)

Figure 3a Project Window

Create a VI to continuously acquire lo data: Right click My Computer (within the project window) >
New > VI > then save as Continuous Acquisition and Logging (see Fig. 3b). Get familiar with
programming environment: Front Panel Windows and Block Diagram Window.

Figure 3b Continuous Acquisition and Logging within a project

Continuous Acquisition Programming

Place the following DAQ Assistant VIs on the block diagram (Block Diagram Windows (Right
Click) > Functions Pallet > Measurement I/O Sub-pallet > DAQmx > DAQ Assistant)

The sample VI program is shown in Fig. 3c, 4 and the configuration is shown in Fig. 5 and 6.

Figure 3c Block Diagram window of an express logging program using DAQ Assistant

Figure 4 Front Panel window

Figure 5a Physical channel for USB-6000

Figure 5b Settings of the DAQ Assistant for logging data through Input Channel 0 of USB-6000

Figure 5c Physical channel for USB-6351

Figure 5b Settings of the DAQ assistant for logging through Input Channel 0 of USB-6351

Figure 6 Settings of Write to Measurement File VI

Suggestions for Sets of Apparatus for Experiment 1 (known frequency signal)

1. Tektronix function generator;
2. USB-6000; and
3. USB-6351 (with different sampling frequencies).

Before conducting experiments, DONT FORFET to plan your experiments and when
changing hardware, DONT FORGET to change software settings!
Before copying data files to your USB memory stick, DONT FORGET to check up
whether the data are correct.

Appendix 1.1 DAQ Analog Input, Sampling and Aliasing (see attachments)

Lab 2 Maxon motor and accelerometer (unknown frequency signal)

Launch LabVIEW (Ver 2013 or 2011) > Empty Project > Save as JEE508_DAQ_Project_1.lvproj (see
Fig. 7). If you did Lab 1, just add a VI into the Project you made in Lab 1.

Figure 7 Project Window

Create a VI to continuously acquire lo data: Right click My Computer (within the project window) >
New > VI > then save as Continuous Acquisition V2 (see Fig. 8). Get familiar with
programming environment: Front Panel Windows and Block Diagram Window.

Figure 8 Continuous Acquisition V2 Motor vi

Hardware and Connection Diagram: see the diagram in Fig. 9a and 9b.

PC and LabVIEW Motor


Charge amplifier

Figure 9b Hardware of the motor/accelerometer system

Terminal block and

DAQ Card
Accelerometer amplifier Analog input AI0

Speed [V] Computer and

Analog input AI2 LabVIEW

Current [V]
Analog input AI3
ESCON motor
drive To control speed Analog output AO0

To enable Digital I/O P0.0

Figure 9b Connection diagram for motor/accelerometer system

Make the VI program by referring to the following figures.

Figure 10 Front Panel window for motor control program

Figure 11 Front Panel window for motor control program

Figure 12 Settings of 3 analog input channels (AI0, AI2, AI3)

Figure 13 Setting of analog output channel for motor speed

Figure 14 Setting of digital output channel to enable the motor drive

Figure 15 Setting of Write to Measurement VI to log data

Suggestions for Sets of Apparatus for Experiment 2 (unknown frequency signal)

1. Maxon motor (273752)(*), ESCON 50/5 motor drive, and encoder; and
2. Charge mode accelerator, charge amplifier and USB 6351 (with different sampling

Appendix 2.1 Charge Amplifier 2626 Instruction Manual (see attachments)

Motors datasheet:


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