Coptic Coptic of Truth

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The document discusses concepts like truth, error, and the Father. It describes the Father as being without evil, imperturbable, sweet, and knowing all things. It says the children of the Father are perfect and worthy of his name, and that he loves children of this kind.

The document is a passage from The Gospel of Truth, which discusses concepts like truth, error, ignorance, and the Father.

The Father is described as being without evil, imperturbable, sweet, knowing all spaces before they have come into existence, and having no need to be instructed.


5 83
16 1
16.31 ITy~rrJdON NTMH oyT.i\.H.i\. IT I NN1 3 The gospel of truth is joy I for those who have re-
NT~Z.Xl mzM~T ~B~.i\.
Z"iTOOTq I MJTI(.UT NT ceived from I the Father of truth the grace of knowing him,
TMH. ~Tpoycoyc.uNq 1 ZN T6~M MTTJC9.X NT~Z"i I through the power of the Word that came forth from
35 B~.i\. ZN II ITITT.i\.HpC.UM~ IT1 TZN TTJMY 35 the pleroma, the one who is in the thought I and the
I oy~z~ TTINOYC NT TTIC.UT T I IT1 IT mind of the Father, that is, I the one who is addressed as I
TOYC9.X ~p~q .X. I ITCC.UTHp ITpN M<j>C.UB the Savior, (that) being the name of the work he is I to
T(jN~ 1 1q IT ~ITCC.UT NN1 NT~ZP perform{or the redemption of those who were I7.I igno-
1Zj17 II ~TCOYC.UN TTIC.UT TTip~N" ~~ [M] 1 ITy~rr.i\.ION rant of the Father, while the name [of] I the gospel is the
IT ITOYC.UNZ ~~B~.i\. NT tz.i\.JTIC IT61N IT
1 NN1 TKC.UT Ncc.uq
proclamation I of hope, being discovery I for those who
search for him. '
5 TTI.AH" II ITTHpq ~YK~TOY NC~ ITNT~y11 ~B~.i\.
When 5 the totality went about searching for the one I
NZHT(j ~yc.u NpITTH 1pq Z"i C~NZOYN MM~q TTI~T
from whom they had come forth - and the totality was I
10 tMNT 11 ~TC{'N'}oyc.uN TTIC.UT. ~Cp oyNoyc,yn I MN inside of him, the I incomprehensible, inconceivable one I
oyzpT ITNoyc,yn .a ~q 1 c.up.X MITPHT Noy- who is superior to every thought- 10 ignorance of the Fa-
Z.i\.~CTN K~~c .X N'9.i\.~Y NY 1 ~B~.i\. TB
1 ther brought about anguish I and terror; and the anguish I
15 IT1 ~c6M6~M 11 N6J TIT.i\.~NH" ~cp ~tZY.i\.H grew solid like a fog, I so that no one was able to see. I For
1 NTC ZNN oyiTTC90Y1T 1 MITccoyc.uN NtT- this reason error IS became powerful; it worked on its own
MNT1MH. ~cc,yc.uiT ZNN oyiT.i\.~CM~ 1 CC~BT ZN matter Ifoolishly, I not having known the truth. It set about
20 T6~M ZN oyMNT 11 C~1 NT.XBBJc.u NtTMNTIMH with a creation, I preparing with power and 20 beauty the
IT1 6 NY9BBIO Nq I N IT. TTI~TC9~ITw substitute for the truth. I
N~TMY 1 ~p~q NOY.i\.~Y r~p IT JTINoylc,yn MN
This was not, then, a humiliation for him, I the incom-
25 tsc,y MN TTIIT.i\.~CM~ II NT IT6~.i\. tMNTMH
prehensible, inconceivable one, I for they were nothing, the
T CM~NT. oy~Tc,yB<T>c T.
oy~T 1 c,yT~pTp T.
anguish and the oblivion and the creature 2 5 of deceit,
oy~T<T>C~1~C T. I TB IT1 K~T~<j>pONJ Nt-
while the established I truth is immutable, I imperturbable, ~
30 T1 T a MNTC 11 NOYN MMY ~cc,yc.uiT ZN
perfect in beauty. I For this reason, despise I error.
1 oyz.i\.~CTN mc.uT cc,yooiT 1 cc~BT. NZNp- Thus 3o it had no root; it fell into I a fog regarding the
roN MN ZN 1Bc,y MN ZNZPT C91N~ .}(. I ~B~.i\. ZN Father, while it was involved in I preparing works and I
35 N1 NCCC.UK NN~ 11 TMHT Ncp ~JXM~.i\.C.UTIZ MIM~Y oblivions and terrors, in order that I by means of these it
tsc,y NT tiT.i\.~NH NC 1 oy~Nz ~B~.i\. N" C01 might entice those 35 of the middle and capture I them.
aHj18 NNoy 11 [ .... ]N. z~TM mc.uT tsc,y N 1 r~cc,yc.uiT. N The oblivion of error was I not revealed. It is not a
Z~TM mc.uT JC9 1IT. NT~cc,yc.uiT 6 TBHHT(j 18 1
[ ] from the Father. Oblivion I did not come into ex-

5 1 ITTC9C.UIT NT~q NZHT(j IT mc~yiiN. IT1 istence from the Father, I although it did indeed come into
existence because of him. I But what comes into existence
17.1 The line begins with an angular filler(>). I TTJ<VT, rr written over q. I 10
c{'N'}oyruN MacRae I 17 Nt{T}MNTMH Till (ZNTV) lz6 oy~TgJB<T>c Till
(Or.) I 27 oy~T<T>c~1~C ed. pr. I 31 z.>..~CTN, N written over rr. I g)OOTT, <:9
probably written over another letter. I
18.1 oy[.xr p]N Grobe!: oy[~1N] eN Dubois I

NT}..qoyWNZ }..B}...i\.. '!JI 1N}.. NCBW.i\. }..B}...i\. N61 tB'!J
in him is knowledge, s which appeared in I order that
I }..yw mwT NCcoywNq TIJAH 1 NT}..C'!JWTI N6J oblivion might vanish I and the Father might be known.
tB'!J J( Nylc}..yN MTIIWT N" TOT Y'!J}..N- Since I oblivion came into existence because I the Father
IO llcoywN mwT CN}..'!JWTI N .X1 1N{.x} TIJNY N6a was not known, then if ro the Father comes to be known,
tscy oblivion I will not exist from that moment on.
TI1 nyl}..rTA.ION MTITOYKWT N 1cwq N- Through this, I the gospel of the one who is searched I
T}..qoy}..Nzq NNT 1.XHK }..B}..A.. Z"iTN NIMNT'!JANZTHq for, which <was> revealed to those who I are perfect
IS II NT mwT mMyCTHplON eHn 1 IH(coy)c TI-
through the mercies rs of the Father, the hidden mystery, I
xp(lcTo)c n1 }..B}..A. Z"iTooTq 1 Aqr oy}..1N
Jesus, the Christ, I enlightened those who were in dark-
}..NTZM TIKK1I }..B}...i\. 2)TOOTC Ntscy }..qji
ness I through oblivion. I He enlightened I them; he showed
20 oy}..1JN ArAY Aqt NOYM}..1T m 11 M}..JT NA n
(them) a way; 20 and the way is the truth I which he taught
tMNTMH N 1T}..qT}..M}..Y }..p}..C"
TB TI1. I }..CBW.i\.K }..p}..q N61 tTIA.}..NH" }..C-
InwT Ncwq Aczwcy NZHTq I }..coywcq }..y}..qTq
For this reason I error grew angry at him, I persecuted
2S }..ycy }..q 11 cywn NNOYT}..Z MJTIC}..YN N 1T TIIWT
him, was distressed at him I (and) was brought to naught.
NT}..qTKO 6 N J( 1 }..z0Y}..M(j NNT}..ZOY}..Mq He was nailed to a tree (and) he 2 5 became a fruit of the
A 1 }..qt NY }..Tpoycywn }..yp 1'9 NZPH"i NZN. knowledge of I the Father. It did not, however, cause de-
1 struction because I it was eaten, but to those who ate it I it
30 m6JN. NT}..q N 11 .X N1 NT}..q6NTOY NZHT(j: }..YW
NT}..q }..y6NT(j NZHToy gave (cause) to become glad I in the discovery, and he
mi}..T'!JATI(j N}..TMY ArAq m 1wT n1 T- 3o discovered them in himself, I and they discovered him in
3s 11
.XHK TI1 NT}..Z 1TNO MTITHpq pTITHpq N ZHT(j themselves.
}..YW TITHpq q'!J}..}..T. 1 }..q}..M}..2T MTII-
MM}..q As for the I incomprehensible, inconceivable one, the I
Father, the perfect one, the one who I made the totality,
Nqji <t>eoNJ N"
N61 I mwT Y 6 M$90NOC
within him is 35 the totality and of him the totality has
1eji9 nToy11Twq NqMA.oc N9 11 Nr}..r NT}..-
need. I Although he retained their perfection I within him- _
TIJ}..JWN .X(I TIJ(WK] 1 NTY" NYN}..'!J 1 J:! .. [ .. ]
self which he did not give to the totality, the Father was
1 notjealous.l What jealously indeed (could there be) 4o be-
S NZHT(j [q] 11 t MM}..q NY NOYCTO '!J}..p}..q MN
oyc}..yN. OY1 ZN oy 1.XWK NT}..q TI NT}..qTCNO
tween himself and his members? r9.r For, if this aeon had
I MTITHpq }..YW TITHpq qNzH 1Tq }..YW NpTITHpq thus [received] I their [perfection], they could not have
IO '!JAAT 11 MM}..q n come [ ... ]1 the Father. He retains within himself their
t=inpHT zi 1TooT\ NoyT YNZ}..1N
}..B}...i\. perfection, s granting it to them as a return to him I and a
I Y01 N}..TC}..YN. }..p}..q cy}..q 1oywcy }..Tpoy- perfectly unitary I knowledge. It is he who fashioned I the
IS coywNq AYW I }..TpoyMjiplTq\zmrHT Y II r}..r totality, and within him is the totality I and the totality was
TINpTITHpq '!J}..}..T. M 1M}..q 1.MHTI }..TIJC}..YN. in need ro of him.
As in the case of I a person of whom some I are ignorant,
ro-II J(JN{.XI} ed. pr. I II TI1 <ne> Till (Or.) I 13 NT<\.qoy<\.N<_q MS: Read
NT<\.yoy<\.N<_q Till (Or.) l26 6e, 6 possibly written over e. I 27 he I wishes to have them know him and I love him, so -
NNT<\.<_oy<oy><\.Mq Till (Or.) 129-30 N.X, i.e., i' I rs for what did the all have need of I if not knowledge re-
19.1 .x[1 TI.XruK] Save-Soderbergh I 3 [<\.<_pHI <\.] Save-Soderbergh I
AIITIWT" _ Aq'!}WIT N.XAYMA"iT" 1 E:qc6pAZT Ayw
garding I the Father? - he became a guide, I restful and
20 E:qCpAqT" MMA I N.XI CBW Aql ATMHT Aq.X II ITI- leisurely. I In schools he appeared (and) he spoke 20 the
'!}.X" E:q01 NoycAz 1 AY1 '!}ApA1 N61 NCO- word as a teacher. IThere came the men wise Iin their own
1 estimation, I putting him to the test. I But he confounded
<j>oc 1 NZPHI zii1 ITOYZHT" oyAE: Toy E:ympAZ
MM~q NTAq 1 .A Nq.XTTI0 MMAY .X N"- them because they 2 5 were foolish. They hated I him be-
25 11zNITT'!}OY1T N" AYMC 1Twq .X NZNPMNZHT cause they were not really I wise.
N I N MAMH After all these, Ithere came the little I children also, those
MNNCA N1 THipoy AY1 '!}ApA"i N61 NKKOYi to whom 3o the knowledge of the Father belongs. Having
o I <;9HM" N1 T ITWOY IT" II ITCAYN MITIWT" been strengthened, I they learned about the impressions I of
the Father. They knew, I they were known; they were glo-
ITIWT" AycAyN 1 AycoywNoy Ay.XJ AY Ayt
11 rified, they I glorified. There was manifested in their
1 35 heart the living book I of the living- the one written I in
TANZ 1 NT NTANZ IT1 TCHZ zpH 1. zii1
K/2o 1
mME:E:y oyAzii1 m Noyc 11 [NT IT]I.WT" Ayw .XIN
the thought and the mind 20 ' [of the] Father, which from
zAeH NTKAI[TA]B<?"-<H> {z}ii1ITTHpq E:qNzpH"i zN
before the I foundation of the totality was within I his in-
I NIATTZAY NTOOT(j IT1" I T MN 6AM N/\.AY" comprehensibility - that (book) I which no one was able
1 to take, 5 since it remains for the one who will take it Ito be
AqiTq E:mll.aH E:cKH MITE:TNAqJTq NczX zw"-'i
MIT/\.AY '!}OYANZ 1 ABA/\." ZN N1 NTAyN- slain. No one could have become manifest I from among
zoyToy I ATTIOY.X1 NMITq1 TMHT N61 those who have believed I in salvation unless I that book
10 IT'I 1.XWWM TMMY 11 TB IT1 ITI'!}ANZHT" ITI- had appeared. ro For this reason the merciful one, the
Aqp '!}AP'<9 ZHT" E:q'!}WIT N- faithful one, I Jesus, was patient in accepting sufferings I
NIZ"iC I ZANTE:qql MITI.XWWM TM MY TTI.AH until he took that book, I since he knows that his death I is
qcAYN .X mMoy 1 NTooTq oywNz NZAZ IT life for many. '5
Just as there lies hidden in a will, before I it is opened,
ZHIT N61 toyciA 1 MITNIT
1 NE:qzHIT" E:pE:mwT the fortune I of the deceased master of the house, I so (it is) _
with the totality, which I lay hidden while the Father of
20 MITTHpq 0
the totality was 20 invisible, being something which is I
IH(coy)c Aq-
from him, from whom I every space comes forth. I For this
25 6AAq MTTI.XWM" 11 TMMY AyAqTq AY'!}" Aq- reason Jesus appeared; I he put on that book; 2 5 he was
1Tw6 MIT.AIATAfMA ABA/\. N 1T TTIWT" z"i IT- nailed to a tree; I he published the edict I of the Father on
CT(Ay)pOC" W MNitNA6 NCBW NT16AT" qCWK the cross. 0 I such great teaching! He draws I himself down

9 u<oy>MHT Till (Or.) I 21 '!)4p4el (i.e., '!)4ZPH1) MS: '!)4p4q Till (Or.)
i.e., '!)4Z~H"i I
I 28 g)4p4I
20.1-2 K4[T4]BQl\. zt:i MS: K4[T4]~Q~H B ed. pr.: Read K4[T4]BQl\.<H>
{z}t:i Attridge I 3 NI4TTZ4Y MS: TTI4TTz4q ed. pr. I 6 oy4Nz<q> Till (0~.)
I II '!)4P'C!I'ZHT MS: p possibly written over N. I 16 Mll4Toy<oy>HN T1ll
(Or.) 1 23 oy4Nz<q> Till (Or.) l24 4q64l\.eq MS: 4q64l\.rrq Grobel
z"iOJillq eAqBill<y I MMAq NNmX6e eTTeKA"iT~ to death though life 3o eternal clothes him. Having
1 Aqt z"iillillq NTMNTAT"TeKO 1rreel" eTe MN stripped I himself of the perishable rags, I he put on imper-
<y6AM NAAye I Ag) q1Tq NTOOT(j" eAq<ye AzoyN ishability, I which no one I can possibly take away from
n ANIMAeiT" eT<yOYeiT" .NT 1 NIZPTe" AqCINe him. Having entered 35 the empty spaces of I terrors, he
ABAA Z"iTOOTOY I NNeel eTBH<y ABAA. NTOOTC passed through I those who/were stripped naked by I obliv-
1 NTB"cye eqoel NNoycAyNe 1 MN oy.XillK eqill<y ion, being knowledge I and perfection, proclaiming the
NNeTNZHT" II .[.).[ ... ]T ~TAp[ - - - ) TCeBO NN-
[K]I./ 21 things that are in the heart, 2 1.r [ ] [ ] I teach
1" eTA.XI CB[ill) I those who will receive teaching.
NeTN~~; . CBill .A J:le NeiTANZ eTCHZ" ArTI-
I But those who are to receive teaching [are ]I the living
S .XillillM~ UNT NeTANZ ey.XJ CBill" A 1PAY oyAe-
who are inscribed in the book 5 of the living. It is about
I ApAq NKeCATT" eTTI.AH eperr 1.XillK NT TTTHpq ZM themselves that they receive instruction, I receiving it Ifrom
TTiillT" II ANArKH ATpeTTTHpq <ye AlzpH"i g)ApAq the Father, turning I again to him. Since the I perfection of
TOTe eperroyleel CAYNe <yAq.XI NNeTe 1 Noyq the totality is in the Father, ro it is necessary for the total-
Ne" AYill <yAqcillK M1MAY <yApAq TTeTOel rAp ity to I ascend to him. Then, if I one has knowledge, he
15 NIIATCAYN" q<yAAT" AYill oy 1NA6 rre eTq<yAAT. receives what are I his own and draws I them to himself.
MMAq emi.AH eq<yAAT. MTTeTNA" 1.XAK(j eTTI.AH For he who is '5 ignorant is in need, and I what he lacks is
20 epeTT.XillK NT I TTTHpq cyoorr ZM TTiillT" ANAr KH great, I since he lacks that which will I make him perfect.
N.Ae ATperrTHpq eye 1 AZPH"i <yApAq NTerroyeel Since the perfection of I the totality is in the Father 20 and
rroyleel {rroyeel} .XI NNeT NOyq I N" NTAqp it is necessary for the totality to I ascend to him and for
2S <ypfi NCAzoy eAq 1csTillTOY AT1 NN1" N TAZ"i each I one to receive what are his own, I he enrolled them in
ABAA NZHT(j advance, having I prepared them to give to those 2 5 who
Neel NITAqp <yAprr NCAYNe" Mrroy 1peN AeAH"
1 came forth from him.
AyMoyTe APAY 1 zillc oyeel eqcAyNe NTAq rre
Those I whose name he knew in advance I were called at
30 NTAqTeyo MTTeqpeN Nll61 TTiillT" TTeTeMTTOy.Xoy the end, I so that one who has knowledge is I the one whose _
rAp MITTeqpeN" qOel NATCAYN" 1 MMAN e<y NpHT"
epeoyle1" NACillTM eMTTOYill<9 M1rreqpeN TTeT01 name the Father 3o has uttered. For he whose name I has
I . - not been spoken is ignorant. I Indeed, how is one Ito hear if
5 rAp NATncAyNe <yA T9AH" oyTTAACMA rre NT
3 I - -1 \ I
Tscye AYill qNA BillA ABAA NMMeC el<yTTe M MA 1:1 his name has not I been called? For he who is 35 ignorant
KB/22 NICill<y AZPAY MNTeY M 11 [M]~[y] NNoypeN MMNTey until the end is a creature I of oblivion, and he will I vanish
1 MMeY NTCMH" zillCTe oy 1eel eq<yACAYNe" oyA- along with it. If not, I how is it that these miserable ones
5 BAA rre I ZM TTCANzpe ey<yAMoyTe A 11 pAq <yAq- have 22 ' no name, (how is it that) they do not have I the
CillTM <yAqp oyill 1 AYill <yAqNAyzq ATTeTMOYTe call? Therefore, I if one has knowledge, he is I from above.
I ApAq Nq<ye" AzpH"i <yApAq AYill 1 g}AqMM .X If he is called, 5 he hears, he answers, I and he turns to him
who is calling I him, and ascends to him. And I he knows in
36 <_ITOOTOY <NN1 - - - >Till (Or.) 1
r. [q i'imw]T ~T1..r ed. pr. I 2 T1..~1. <;:~[w] ~acRae: T1..?[~1] <;:~[w] ?r
2 1
T1..~[N] <;:~[w] I 6 MM1..Y MS: MM1..~ (?)_Till (Or.) l22_ {rr~y1} Till
(Or.) I 24 TI<Toy> Till_(Or.) I 38 M1.. wntten m the left margm. NICW<y, <:9
written over c. 1
1,3 THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH 22.8-23.20 91
YMOYT 4.p4.q N 1(9 NpHT. qC4.YN (94.qip what manner he I is called. Having knowledge, he does
IO n ii1rroyw<;Y'' MTTNT4.<_MOYT 1 4.p4.q (94.qoy-
the will of the one who called I him, he wishes to be
W(9 4.p Nq (94.ql.xl MT4.N" (94.prrpN ii1rroy1 pleasing to him, he Ireceives rest. Each one's name Icomes
I (9WTT Nq TTTN4.C4.YN M 1TTipHT {9~qMM . .X to him. He who is to have knowledge I in this manner
IS NT4.ql NIITON" 4.YW .X qNN4. 4.TON I (94.qMM knows where he comes rs from and where he is going. IHe
1 4.qtz 4.qN4.YZ'i 4.84."- zii1
ii1rrpHT Noy1. knows as one Iwho having become drunk has turned away
I TTqtz 4.qN4.y<_q 4.p4.q oy14.Tq 4.qT<_0 from Ihis drunkenness, (and) having returned to himself, I
20 NNT Noyq 11 4.pTOY N. has set right what 20 are his own.
4.qcTo N<.4.Z 1 4.84."- <.N TTTA.4.NH 4.qcwK ziaH
He has brought many I back from error. He has gone I
MM4.Y (94. NIM4.1T. I NTOOTOY NT4.YKIM 4.84./\.
before them to their places, I from which they had moved
away, I since it was on account 2 5 of the depth that they
MTTT{4.}KT4.11T. 4.M4.1T NIM. MN TT 1TKT4.1T.
4.p4.q NYN4.6 1
ii1 M4.1<_ T . .X NYZN TTIWT"
received error, the depth of the one who encircles I all spa-
30 1 YC4.YN MM4.q N 4.YW Ny 11 6M64.M N1 4.84./\.. ces while there is none Ithat encircles him. It was a great I
OY4.TOY I rr TTI.AH NY'9 6M64.M N 4.(9 WTT wonder that they were in the Father, I not knowing him,
4.p4.y 4.YW 4.C4.YN. MTT 1TNYNZHTq N9 r4.p and (that) they were 3o able to come forth by themselves, I
3S 1NMTTql 4.84./\.. N<_HT(j N6r II rrqoyw(9 4.q- since they were unable to Icomprehend or to know the one
oy4.N~:q r4.p 1 4.84./\.. 4.YC4.YN YTHT NM 1MC Iin whom they were. For if Ihis will had not thus emerged
THpoy N61 NltH NTOOTC I from him - 35 for he revealed it I in view of a knowledge
T TT1 TT TTIC4.YN NT 1 TTI.XWWM T4.NZ in which Iall its emanations concur. I
NT4.qlloy4.Nzq NNIII4.1WN 4.T94.H NNI.C~~(1 NTO]- This is the knowledge of I the living book which he re-
IoT(j qoy4.NZ 4.8~~ 1.'9[)1.X <_NTOTTOC N N.
vealed to the z3.r aeons, at the end, as [his letters], I re-
S NT~ 1 <_NCMH oy.A <_NC<_1 t;-l 11 N. Y(94.4.T.
vealing how I they are not vowels I nor are they 5 conso-
NNOYZP4.Y I (91N4. NTOY1 4.(90Y Nq MY 4.Y-
nants, I so that one might read them and I think of some-
TTT<;YOY1T" I 4./\./\.4. <_NC<_1 N NT tiMNTMH
11 YC4.YN thing foolish, Ibut they are letters of the Itruth which they _
Io NT4.Y Y<;Y.X MM4.Y oy4.TOY
I OYM<y> q.XHK TT TTC<_1 I TTC<_1 M-
alone speak ro who know them. I Each letter is a complete
rrpHT NNoy.xwlwM. q.XHK 4.84./\.. <_NC<_ 11 N <thought> I like a complete I book, since they are I letters
IS 4.yc4.zoy 4.84./\. <_"iTOOTc 11 NtMNTOYr 4.<_4.- written by rs the Unity, the Father having I written them
mwT I C4.<_0y <N>NI4.1WN (91N4. 4.84./\.. I <_"iTO- for the aeons in order that by I means of his letters I they
OTOY NNIC<_1 NTOOTq I Y4.COYWN TTICJ)T. should know the Father.
20 tco4>14. I NTOOT(j Cp M/\.T4. ji111TTJ(9.X While his wisdom I contemplates 20 the Word, and his

22.12 MTIOY1 <noyeel> Till (Or.) I 19-20 AqTEZO NNT Noyq

APTOY N MS: AqTEZO APToy, etc. Till (Or.) l2o AqCTO, c written over
T. I 25 nET{ A} ed. pr. I 26 AMA1T, IT written over erased NIM. 33 APAY MS:
ApAq (?) Attridge I 36 NMMC MS: NMMq Schenke I 37 NTOOTC MS: NTOOT(j
Schenke I
23.1-2 NNI.C?~[1 NTO]OT(j Arai: N~(yill[ ed. pr. I 2-3 E!c_y[e].X MacRae:
ey[ ed. pr. I 11 EOYME<Eye> Till (Or.) I 16 <N>NIAiillN <!}INA MacRae:
<!}INA NIAiillN Till (Or.) I
epetcsw NTOOT(j 1 C<!J.X MM~q mc~yN N- teaching I utters it, his knowledge I has revealed <it>. I
ITooTq ~qoy~Nz<q> ~B~J\.' I TTI~CO NTOOT(j eq- While forebearance is I a crown upon it, 2 5 and his glad-
25 01 NINoyKA.~M ~.xwq epem 11 p<!J NTOOT(j eq- ness is in harmony I with it, his glory I has exalted it, his
THT' I NMMq ITI~y NTOOT(j 1 ~q.XIC' MM~q image I has revealed it, I his repose has 3o received it into
ITICM~T I NTOOT(j ~qoy~Nzq ~~B~J\.' ITIMT~N NT0- itself, his love I has made a body over it, I his fidelity has
3o oTq ~qii<!)~Tiq ~p~q t~r~TIH NToloTq ~cp oy- embraced I it. In this way the Word I of the Father goes
CWM~ ziwwq m 1 N~2T NTOOT(j ~q~M~2T I M- 35 forth in the totality, as the fruit 2 4.r [of] his heart and Ian
M~q mpHT epem<!)e 1.xe NT mwT eqM~~ze
impression of his will. I But it supports the totality; it I
K-?>./24 11 ~B~J\. ZN TITHpq TIOYT~2 11 [NT] 1J"I.2HT'
chooses them and also receives 5 the impression of the
totality, I purifying them, bringing them back I into the Fa-
1W<!)' eqq NT'~q' z~ TITHpq eq 1cwTii M'M~Y
5 ~yw ~N eq.x1 MIITIMOYNf NZO NT TITHpq I eq-
ther, into the Mother, I Jesus of the infinite I sweetness.
cwTq MM~Y eq'c'To MM~Y 1 ~zoyN ~mwT
The Father reveals ro his bosom.- Now his bosom I is
~zoyN ~tMY I IH(coy)c NT tMNT<~T>~pH.XC the Holy Spirit. - He I reveals what is hidden of him - I
NT' I mzl\.~6 what is hidden of him is I his Son- so that through r5 the
ro eq6wA.ii MTIqT~TI II ~B~J\. N61 mwT TIqT~TI mercies of the Father I the aeons may know him I and cease
.A I TI TIITIN(yM)~ TOY~~B qoy 1WNZ ~B~J\.' laboring in search of I the Father, resting there I in him,
MTIITI9HTI NTo 1oT(j' mTI9HTI NTOOT(j TI 1 TIq- knowing 20 that this is the rest. Having Ifilled the deficien-
I5 <!JHP' <!)IN~ J( ~B~J\. II ZN NJM2T NTOOT(j MTIIillT cy, he abolished I the form - the form of I it is the world,
1 NcecoywNq NCA.o eyz~ 1 c N6J NI~IWN' ey- that I in which he served.- 2 5 For the place where there is
<!JIN NC~ I TIIillT YM~TN MM~Y M 1 M~Y NZPH'i envy I and strife is deficient, I but the place where (there is)
20 NZHTq eyc~y 11 Ne .xe TI1 TI mMT~N e~q 1 Moyz
unity I is perfect. Since the deficiency I came into being be-
cause the 3o Father was not known, therefore, when I the
T001Tq TI TIKOCMOC' TI1 N 1 T~q<!)M<!) NZHT(j'
11 TIM~ r~p T oyN Kill2 MMY I 2'it TillN OY<!JT~ Father is known, I from that moment on the deficiency will
TI' TIM~ I .A T tMNTOY1' oy 1.XWK TI'
no longer exist. As I in the case of the ignorance I of a per- _
TIJ.AH NT~q<!)WTI I N6J ITI<!)T~ J( NYC~YN son, when he comes 35 to have knowledge, his ignorance I
30 II N MTIIillT' TI' TOT' Y<!J~N 1 COYWN TIIillT' vanishes of itself, I as the darkness vanishes I when light
qN~<!)illTI N I J(JN TIINY N61 TII<!)T~ MTipHT appears, 2 5.r so also I the deficiency vanishes I in the perfec-
I ~B~J\. Z'iTOOTC NTMNT~Tc~y 1 N NT oyeet TOT tion. So I from that moment on the form is not apparent,
35 eq<9~ 11 c~yNe <9~cswA. ~s~A. Z'iToo 1Tc N6J TMNT-
~Tc~yNe NTo 1oTq MTIPHT MTIKKJ <!)~q
K/25 1BWJ\. ~B~J\. q<!)~NOYWNZ' 11 N9J. TIOY~1N MTII.-

rHT ~N 1 m<!JT~ <!J~qswl\. ~s~J\. zrH["il 1 zN


22 4qoy4Nz<q> Till (Or.) I

24.2-3 rrqoymc,y, rr written over q. I 7 MY MS: MY<> Grobel I 8
tMNT<4T>4pH.XC ed. pr. I r8-r9 MM4Y (i.e., MMY) {MM4Y} ed. pr. I 33
NTMNT{4T}C4YN Schenke I
s eqNABWl\. ABA/\.' i\i<_pH"i 1
Al\. 11 1\.A ITTWT NT zi'i 5 but it will vanish I in the fusion of Unity, I for now their
tMNToy eel' tNoy rAp NOYZBHY 1 CeKH Ney works I lie scattered. In I time Unity will perfect ro the spa-
ey<gH<g zi'i
ITOyA 1el<g epetMNTOyeel NA.XWK ces. It is within I Unity that each one I will attain himself;
Io 11 MMAeiT' ABA/\. i\i<_pH"i zi'i
t 1MNTOY1 epeiToyeel within I knowledge he will purify himself I from multiplic-
IToyle1 NA.XI MMAq N<_pH"i <_N 1 oycAyNe eq- ity into r5 Unity, consuming I matter within himself I like
NACWT(j MMAq I ABA/\. <_NN oyTO' NpHT' A<_oy(N)
fire, and I darkness by light, death by I life.
IS 11 AYMNTOY1' eqoywM 1 i'itZYl\.H i\i<_pH"i N<_HT(j
If indeed these things have happened 20 to each one of
ii11ITpHT NNoyceT Ayw ITKe 1KeJ oyAeiN zi'i us, I then we must Isee to it above all that I the house will be
ITMOY ZN oy 1wNz
holy I and silent for the Unity. 2 5 (It is ) as in the case of
20 eJ<giT AN1 6 <gWIT 11 MITOY1 ITOY1
MMAN 1 oyN ITTe<g<ge APAN 6 1 NTNMeye AITTH-
some people I who moved out of dwellings I having I jars
pq <!)INA' I pTTIH1 NA<!)WIT eqoyA 1Aq AYW that in I spots were not good. 3o They would break them,
2s eqc6pA<_T AtMNT 11 oyeel' MITPHT N<_AeiN 1 eAy- and Ithe master of the house would not suffer loss.l Rather
ITWN ABA/\. <_N <_NMA 1 eyNTey MMY N<_N- <he> is glad because I in place of the bad jars I (there are)
IcKeyoc i\i<_pH'i zi'i
zi'i 1TOITOC eNANoyoy eN full ones which are made 35 perfect. For such is I the judg-
30 II N<!)AyoyA6IToy AYW MAq 1t ACI N61 ITNIT ment which has come from 26 1 above. It has passed judg-
MITH1 Al\.11\.A <!)ACpe<g' .X? N<_pH"i rAp I <_N ITMA ment on I everyone; it is a drawn sword, I with two edges,
3S NNICKeyoc e 1eAy NTMH<_ NT<!)Ay 11 .XAKOy cutting I on either side. When the 5 Word appeared, the
ABA/\. .X T1 T I TKp1CIC NTA<_1 ABA/\.'
one that is I within the heart of those who utter it - I it is
K5/26 II MITCA NTIT' ACt <_IT' Aoy 1AN NIM' eyCHqe T
not a sound alone I but it became a body - a great I dis-
C<!)Al\.M I M<j>O CNey C<!)WWT' N 1CA TTICA MN
turbance took place among ro the jars because some had I
S IT1' eAql ATMH 11 Te i\i61 TTI<!).X' eTN<_pH1 I <_N
been emptied, others filled; that is, some had been sup-
IT<_HT' NNT<!).X MMAq I oyzpAy oyAeeT(j eN
IT Al\.' 11\.A Aqp oycWMA' oyNA6 N 1<!)TApTp Aq-
plied, I others poured out, I some had been purified, still
r5 others broken up. All the spaces I were shaken and dis-
IO <gWIT i\i<_pH'i zi'i II i\icKeyoc .Xe zAeiNe Azoy-
1<goywoy <_NKAYe AzoyMA 1zoy .xec <_NKAYe turbed I because they had no order I nor stability. I Error-
AzoyczNH 1Toy <_NKAye AzoyiTANoy 1 zAeiNe was upset, not knowing 20 what to do; I it was grieved, in
IS AzoyToyBAY <_NKe 11 KAye AzoyiTw<ge MAeiT' mourning, I afflicting itself because it knew I nothing.
1 NIM AYKIM AYW AY<!)TApTp 1 .X MNTOY CMN' When I knowledge drew near it- this 2 5 is the downfall of
MMey I oyTe MNTey CTACIC Cel\.A 1l\.T' i\i61 (error) and all its emanations - I error is empty, I having
20 tiTl\.ANH' NCMM II eN .X ey IT' TCNAelq nothing inside. I
C 1MAKZ N<_HT' CN<_IT' ec 1wcz MMAC ABA/\.'
.X CMM 1 eN' Al\.Aye TTI.A.H Aqzw(N) 1 ApAC N61
2s mcAyNe eT IT1 11 IT' TTITeKo NTec MN NectH
I THpoy tiTl\.ANH C<!)OY1T' e 1MN /\.Aye N<_HTC'
ACeT ATMH 1T' N6J tTMNTMH A<_oy 1coyWNC'

25.29 N4Noyoy, The second o written over q. I 32 cy4cpcy MS: Read

cy4qp'=!J ed. pr. I
26.12 .X{c} ed. pr.: i.e., .X C, .X JC Till (Or.) I 22 rucz, i.e., ruzc I
N"61 NJtH THpoy NTC 11 ~yp ~CTT~Z" MTTIWT" ZN Truth appeared; I all its emanations knew it. 3 They
oyMHie MN oy6~M eC.XHK ~B~A. ec'TWT t:iM~Y greeted the Father in truth I with a perfect power I that
MN TTIWT" .X oy 1 ~N r~p NIM TM~"i NtTMNT 1MH joins them with the Father. I For, as for everyone who
35 .X tTMNTMH TT pwq II MTTIWT" TTI/\.C NTOOT(j loves the truth - I because the truth is the mouth 35 of the
KZ/27 TT mlrrN(eyM)~ TOy~is TTTTW6 M 11 M~q ~tT Father; his tongue is the I Holy Spirit - he who is joined
MNTMI;I~ eqTW6 1 MM~q ~pwq MTTIWT" ~B~~ 1ZM 2
7.r to the truth is joined I to the Father's mouth I by his
TTI/\.C NTOOT(j eq~ 1 .XJ MTTITTN(eyM)~ TOY~~B tongue, whenever he is to Ireceive the Holy Spirit, 5 since
11 eTT1 rre rroywNz ~s~A. ii1m 1wT ~yw rr6wA.rr
5 this is the manifestation of the I Father and his revelation I
~B~A. N"Teq 1 <9~ Neq~IWN to his aeons.
~qoyWNZ ~B~/\. I MTTITT9HTT" NTOOT(j ~qB~A.q
He manifested I what was hidden of him; he explained
it. I For who contains, ro if not the Father alone? I All the
T(j M~ 1 JT NJM zN"t NTq N" NT~y 1 coywN(j .X
spaces are his emanations. I They have known that they
N"T~Yel ~s~A. 1 N"zHT(j ii1rrpHTe N"zN"<,yH 1pe eyzN"
oypWM eqii.XHK ~B~/\. Neyc~yN MIM~q TT" ..}{
came forth Ifrom him like children Iwho are from a grown
NMTT~Toyi.Xl MOpcj>H" OYT MTT~ 1 TOY.XI peN T- r5 man. They knew I that they had not yet I received form

20 <,y~qMIC I ii1rroye"i rroyeel N"61 mwT II TOT ey- nor yet I received a name, each one of which I the Father
<:Y~N.XI cj>OpMH I MTTIC~YN NTOOT(j I MM~N eyN"- begets. 20 Then, when they receive form I by his know-
ZHT(j C1c~yN" MM~q N" TTIWT" tJIT~q q.XHK ledge, I though truly within him, they I do not know him.
~B~/\. eqc~y 11 N ~M~1T NIM" TNZHT(j I (,YWTT But the Father I is perfect, knowing 2 5 every space within
eq<,y~NOYW(,Y I TTT(joy'~'<,yq qoyWNZ MM~q him. IIf he wishes, Ihe manifests whomever he wishes Iby
I eqt Mopcj>H Neq ~yw eqt I peN Neq ~yw {~yw} giving him form and giving I him a name, and he gives a
30 <,y~qt peN II Neq ~YW eqTpO MM~q I ~Tpoy<,yWTT" name 3o to him and brings it about I that those come into
N"NeeT Teii1 1 rr~Toy<,ywrre C01 N"~T 1 c~yNe"
existence who, Ibefore they come into existence, are Iigno-
rant of him who fashioned them. I
I do not say, then, that 35 they are nothing (at all) whQ
TMTT ~~Toy<,ywrre ~A.A.~ Ce<,yoorr 11 zii1 TTT-
have not I yet come into existence, but they are 28 -r in him
N~oyw<,ye I ~Tpoy<,yWTT eq<,y~(N)Ioyw<,y MTTpH-
5 T I MTTK~tpoc eTNNHY ZNeey II NJM" eMTT~Toy
who will wish I that they come into existence when he I
WNZ ~B~A. I qc~yNe" NT~q MTTeT(jN~IN"Tq ~B~A. wishes, like I the time that is to come. 5 Before all things
TTK~pTTOC NT~q I TMTT~T(jOyWNZ ~B~/\. I q- appear, I he knows what he will I produce. But the fruit I
IO C~YN NA.~Y N" 11 qp A.~ye N"zwq N ~N which is not yet manifest I does not know anything, nor
m 1pHT" M~JT NIM T(,YOOTT" I zwwq ZN TTIWT" ro does it do anything. Thus, I also, every space which is
zN"~s~A. 1 zN" rreT<,yoorr N rreN 1 T~qTez~q N"T~q itself in the Father is from Ithe one who exists, who Iestab-
15 ~llpT(j" ~B~/\. ZN TTT(,YOOTT I N" .X TTTMNTq lished it r5 from what does not exist. I For he who has no I

27.9-ro rrenywrr IMHTI Till (Or.): rrenywrre IMHTI ed. pr. lzo eycy;\.N-
~~ MS: eycy;\.y~I ed. pr. lzr MTTIC;\.yNe MS: M<N> TTIC;\.yNe Till (Or.) l29
{;\.yw} ed. pr. 130 Neq MS: Ney Menard I MM;\.q MS: MM;\.Y (?) ed. pr. I
28.5 eMTT;\.-roy<oy>wNz Till (Or.) 16 i'irre-rqN;\., q written over N. 1
Noy 1Ne MMY MNTeq oy 1 [~ .. ]TAZ MMey AN" root has no Ifruit either, but Ithough he thinks to himself,
20 AA- 1/\.A eqMeye weq 11 .xe AZ"i<!JWrre eJ.Te A~ "I have come into being," yet Ihe will perish by himself. I
1qNABWA. ABA/\.. Z"iTOOT(j 1eTBe rree1 rreTeNeq- For this reason, he who did not exist I at all will I never
<!JOiorr TTTHpq N eqNA 1<!}WTT" N AN ey 6e come into existence. What, then, did he 2 5 wish him to
25 TTT'A'qlloyA<!}(j ATpqMeeye ApAq I .X A1- think of himself? I This: "I have come into being like the I
<!JWTT MTTPHT NNI 1ZA1B MN Nl<j>ANTACIA" IN- shadows and phantoms I of the night." When I the light
TOY<!JH rr6Ji'iTpeqp 1oyAeiN i'i61 rroyAeiN eapTe shines on the terror 3o which that person had experienced,
30 11 eNTAq.XITC" i'i61 rree1 TM 1Mey eq<!}AqMM .xe Ihe knows that it is nothing. I
oyA.Ay 1e rre Thus they were ignorant I of the Father, he being the
one 2 9 1 whom they did not see. Since I it was terror and
Ka/29 11 eNeyNey ApAq eN em.A.H Ne 1qoe1 i'ioyzpTe MN
disturbance I and instability I and doubt and 5 division,
there were many Iillusions at work Iby means of these, and
5 ZHT" CNY" MN oy 11 TTW<!J" NYN ZAZ MMNTA 1TT6/\.A"
eyp zwq ABA/\. Z"iTo 1oT(j" NN1 OYAZN
(there were) empty fictions, as if Ithey were sunk in sleep
<zi'i>Mi'i<T>AT cBw ey<9oye1T" MrrpHTe 1<!JA-
1 and found themselves in I disturbing dreams. Either
Io poycMMNTOY ATTNKAT" 11 Ke NC6JN MMAY" ZN (there is) a place I to which they are fleeing, or I without
i'ipe 1coye Y<!JTPTAPT H oyMA 1TTTOYTTWT" strength they come (from) having chased I after others, or
ApAq H eyo i'i 1ATNAMTe eye1 eAyrrwT 1NCA they are involved in 1 5 striking blows, or they are receiving
IS ZNZA1N H eyzt:i zt:i 11 MNTTA1CH<!J" H Y<!JWTT" I blows themselves, or they have fallen from high places, I
1{z}t:izi'icH<!}" NTY H AYZA 11 ABA/\. ZN ZNMA or they take off into Ithe air though they do not even have
ey.XACI I H eycwK AZPH"i ABA/\. Z"iTOOTq 1MTTAHP wings. 20 Again, sometimes (it is as) if people Iwere mur-
20 eMi'i TNZ pw MMAY 11 zi'icArr AN 1<!J.X ZA1N" dering them, though there is Ino one even pursuing them,
1NT"ZAA.ZX MMAY eMN rreT 1rrwT pw i'icwoy H
or they themselves I are killing their neighbors, I for they
NTAY ey 1MoyoyT NNTZ"iToywoy 1.xe AY.XWZM
have been stained with 2 5 their blood. I When those who I
25 ABA/\. Z"iT00 11 Tq MTTCNAq NN1 <!}A" I TTCATT" T-
are going through Iall these things wake up, they see noth-
<!}AyNezce i'i61 1N1" T<!JAY<!J ZN N1 1TH-
ing, I they who were in the midst 3o of all these distur-
poy- MAyNey AA.Aye 1N61 N1 T NOYN zpH"i
30 11 ZN N1 THpoy N<!JTApTp 1 ABA/\. .X NZNA.AY bances, I for they are nothing. I Such is the way I of those
Ne I Nee MTTipHTe rrpHTe rre 1rree1 NN4?NTAY- who have cast I ignorance aside 35 from them like sleep, I
35 Noy.xe 1NtMNTATCAYN ABA/\. 11 MMAY MTTpHT not esteeming it as anything, I nor do they esteem its
MTTNKA 1TKe MAYATT(j .xe oyA.Aye 1rre 3o.I works as solid Ithings either, but they I leave them be-
A./30 MAYWTT NNeq11KZBHye .X ZNZBHye ey 1cMMANT hind like a dream in the night. The 5 knowledge of the
Ne AA.A.A <!}Aoy 1KAAY i'icwoy MrrpHTe i'i 1oy-
S pecoye ZN TOY<!JH" TTICAy 11 Ne NT TTIWT" NC-

17 oy, y written over an uncertain letter. I 18 Three letters were erased at the
beginning of the line. I 31 {eq}c.y4q ed. pr. I
29.6 zwq i.e., zws I 6-7 Z"iTOOT(j MS: Z"iTOOTOY Till (Or.) I 7 OY4ZN
<zN"> Till (Or.) I MN<T>4T ed. pr. I 14-15 zN", The second T
written over c. I 16 {z}N"zN" ed. pr. I 16-17 e{4}yz4J ed. pr. I
<!)ITq 1rroya1N" TT TTpHT TT TT1 I NTaq1q Father they value Ias the dawn. This is the way Ieach one
qN"KaTK N" 161 rroy1 rroy1 MTTCaTT 1Nq01 has acted, I as though asleep at the time I when he was
ro N"aTCaYN" 11 oyaza rrpHT TT TT1 N" 1TpqcaTN ignorant. Io And this is the way I he has <come to know-
KaTa 9 NITaqNZC" {ayc.u} OYTTTNa 1Noyq ledge>, as if I he had awakened. {and} Good Ifor the man
MTTpWM TaCTaq 1N{jNZC" OYaZN oyMaKa- who will return I and awaken. And IS blessed is he who
llp!OC TT TT1 NTaqoyHN 1aNBA. NNIBXA.Y has opened Ithe eyes of the blind.
oyaz I aqTTWT" NCWq N61 TTITTN(yM)a I tHe And Ithe Spirit ran after him, Ihastening from Iwaking
20 aBaA. ZN TTTpq 1ToyNacq aqt TOOT(j II MTTT- him up. Having extended his hand 20 to him who lay upon
<!)H<!) azpH"i z"i rr 1cHT" aqTpqTWK apTq 1a.xN"
the Iground, he set him up Ion his feet, for Ihe had not yet
NqOyp1T" ..)(. N 1MTTaT(jTWOYN .A TT TTICay-
risen. I He gave them the means of knowing 2 5 the know-
25 IN NTM mwT oyaza rroy 11 wN2 aBaA." Mrrq<!)Hp
ledge of the Father and the I revelation of his Son. I For,
aq 1t NY plT aMM" N" 1TapoyNY rap apaq ayw
ay 1cwTM apaq aqt NY aTpoy 1.x trr aBaA.
when they had seen him and had I heard him, he granted
30 MMaq oyazN" 11 aTOY<!)aA.Mq oyazN"N TOYMaZ- them to Itaste him and 3o to smell him and Ito touch the I
T a.XN TT<!)pMN" 1p1T" beloved Son.
aqoywN2 aBaA." I qTaMO MMay aTTIWT m- When he had appeared Iinstructing them about the Fa-
1aT<!)arrq aqNiq NZHTOY 1MTTTZN TTIMY ther, I the incomprehensible one, when he had breathed
q111p MTTqoyW<!) aY.XI M1rroya1N N61 zaz into them 35 what is in the thought, doing Ihis will, when
ayKaTOY 11 apaq .X NY01 N<!)MMO TT I ayw many had I received the light, they turned 3r.I to him. For
NYNY aTTqJN N 1TT ayw NMTTOycoyw1Nq the material ones were strangers Iand did not see his like-
5 N6J eyA.H .X N"Taq1 a 11 BaA. Z"iTOOTC N"oycap~ ness Iand had not known Ihim. For he came s by means of
N1CMaT" MTTA.ay zc.uc N"t6N 1Maaz NTOOT(j ..)(. fleshly I form, while nothing blocked I his course because I
tMN"T 1aT"TKO <oy>MN"TaTMaZT 1MMaC T q-
incorruptibility is irresistible, I since he, again, spoke
ro <!)..)(. aN II ZN zsspp .)(.IN q<!).X a" 1TTTZN
Io new things, still speaking about Iwhat is in the heart of
<t>HT" i=imwT" aq11N aBaA." MTT<!).X N"aT" 1<!)Ta"
the Father, having Ibrought forth the flawless word. I
I5 aq<!).X aBaA. zN" I pwq N"61 rroyaJN 11 oyazN"
When light had spoken Ithrough his mouth, Is as well
MY Z"i MNTPMNZHT" I Z"i Na z oy..X1-A Z"i as his voice I which gave birth to life, he I gave them
TTTTN(yM)a N" 16aM" aBaA. ZN tMNT<aT>apH.XC thought and understanding Iand mercy and salvation and
20 NUT TTIWT" oyazN tMNTZA.a6 1aqTpoyc.u.XN N"61 the powerful spirit Ifrom the infiniteness 20 and the sweet-
NIKOA.aCJC" I MN NIMaCTJr~ ..)(. NTay TTT":. ness of the Father. I Having made punishments I and tor-
1NYCapM N"zpq NN1Za1N" 1NTayp Za MTTINa tures cease - for it was they which I were leading astray
25 N"zpH"i zN" 11 trrA.aNH oyazN zN"cNYZ 1ayw MN from his face some Iwho were in need of mercy, in 2 5 error
oy6aM aqsaA.oy a 1BaA. ayw aq.Xmay zN" rrcay- and in bonds - I he both destroyed them with power I and
3o.u C4TN MS: Read c4yNe Till (ZNJV): C4YTN (?) ed. pr. I 12 {4yw}
ed. pr. I 13 eT4<z>cT4q ed. pr. l23 .a.e written over rr. I
31.4 <N4>ey?..H ed. pr. I 8 <oy>MNT4TM4ZT Grobel: <t>MNT4TM4Z-
T ed. pr.: <MN T>MNT4TM4ZT Till (Or.) I 19 tMNT<4T>4pH.XC ed. pr.
I 23 Neyc4pM MS: NeyccvpMe ed. pr.: NeyccvpM Till (Or.) 1 N"zpeq MS: zN"
zpeq ed. pr.: N"zpey Till (Or.) I NNIZ4JN MS: N6J Z4JN Grobel I

N 1 IT" 4q'!)WIT eqoel N"oy 1M41T" NN1 Ney- confounded them with knowledge. I He became a I way for
1 those who were gone astray 3o and knowledge for those
3o c4pM II 4yru oyc4yNe" NN1 eTOI N4TC4YN"
oy61N NN1 e 1NeYC!)IN" OY4ZN" oyT4.Xpo N"- who were I ignorant, a discovery for those I who were
N1 eTNeYN41N 4P4Y 1 oyMN"T4T.XWZM NN1 searching, and a support I for those who were wavering, I
35 Te 11 NeY.X4ZM immaculateness for those who 35 were defiled.
NT4q IT ITC!)illC I NT42Kill NCruq MTTIITCT- He is the shepherd I who left behind the ninety- 32 ' nine
.i\.B/32 ll'flc NC4Y TMITOycrupM 1 4qeT 4q'!)IN NC4 sheep which were not lost. I He went searching for the one
IT1 NT4qlcrupM 4qpe(,9 NT4peq 161N MM4q .X
which I had gone astray. He rejoiced when he I found it, for
5 miTCTe'feJC II oyruiT IT" eqzN" T61.x N"6soyp
ninety-nine 5 is a number that is in the left hand I which
holds it. But I when the one is found, I the entire number I
MITOyle1 (,94pITilliT THpq [4TOy] I ITillillN
11 ITTC!)44T t:imoyeel" eT passes to the right (hand). As ro that which lacks the one
10 4TOYNM" mpHT
I T1 T" toyNeM THpC T 1(,94CCillK MITNT42P
- that is, I the entire right (hand) - I draws what was
C!)T4 N"cl.x1 MM4q 4B4.i\. Z'iTOOTC
N"t T41
deficient and I takes it from the I left-hand side and brings
15 11
N"6soyp N"qiTWN N"toy NeM 4Yill mpHT" NT- (it) to the '5 right, so too the number I becomes one hun-
ITWIT I p (,9" TTIM41N" MITTN I ITOYZP4Y IT" dred. It is the sign of the one who is in I their sound; it is
ITiillT IT IT1" I K4N ZN 'f4B4TTON ITC4Y the Father.l Even on the Sabbath, he labored for the sheep
20 I NT4q6JNT(j 4qz41" 4TTI 11 211T" 4qp ZWB 4p4q I which he found fallen into the 20 pit. He gave life to I the
4qTNZ0 1 MTTIC4Y e4qNT(j 4ZPHI ZN mz"ieiT sheep, having brought it up I from the pit in order that you
38-39 .XK4C pTN41MM NZHT II NTillTN N NIC!)Hp I might know interiorly - 38 you, the sons of interior
NT ITMM I NZHT II .X ey IT ITC4s 1s4TON IT1 39 knowledge - I what is the Sabbath, on which it is not
25 TM(,9(,9 N 11 TeiTOy.Xe1 oyrucq NZHTq .X- fitting 2 5 for salvation to be idle, I in order that you may
K4C epeTNC!)e.Xe 4B4.i\. 1 zN" mzruoy eTNZPH1
speak I from the day from above, I which has no night, I and
IT1 I eT MNTeq oyc,gH MMeY 1 oy4zN" 4B4.i\. ZM
from the light 3o which does not sink because it is perfect. I
30 ITOY41N"" II TM4qZWTIT" .}(. q.XHK 4B4.i\. I
Say, then, from the heart that I you are the perfect day I _
(,9-X 6 4B4.i\. ZM <j>HT .}(. I NTillTNN IT
and in you dwells I the light that does not fail. 35 Speak of
mzruoy T.XHK I 4B4.i\. 4Yill eqOYHZ" ZN THN
35 I N"61 ITOY41N" eTM4qill.XN 11 c,ge.X 4TMH MN
the truth with those who I search for it and (of) knowledge
40 N1 TC!)IIN NCillC 4Yill ITC4YN NN1" II NT4YP to those I who have committed sin in their error. 33' Make
A.r/3 N4BI N"zpH"i zN" TOYIT.i\.4N'H' 11 T4.xpo N"ToypJTe firm the foot of those I who have stumbled and stretch out I
NN1 NIT4ZC.i\.4T" OY424 CillT N"N 1TN61.X 4N1 your hands to those who are ill. Feed I those who are hun-
TC!)illN" C4N<;!} 1 NN1 TZK1T" 4Yill NTZ4"- gry and 5 give repose to those who are weary, and Iraise up
5 llc1 NTeTNt MT4N NTe 1TN"ToyNeC N1
NNeY" those who wish to I rise, and awaken those who I sleep. For

32.4 mcTe'l'elC, rr apparently written ove: c_. I ro Mm~yeel, the first. 1 writ-
ten over an erased o. I 23 A siglum at the begmnmg of the lme calls attentwn to a
siglum over .X, indicating that lines 38-39 are to be inserted here. A short stroke
appears at the end of the line. I 38-39 These lines are set off by a decoration over
NTillTN, and by a siglum. The latter appears in the margin before N<_HT.
NTWTN NrAp Te TMNT 1pMNZHT. T.TAKM '.!)WIT you are the I understanding that is drawn forth. If
IO p11(_9AN1TTWK. p tze '.!)AqTWK I t:izoyo .XI strength acts thus, it becomes I even stronger. Be con-
ZPHTN APWTN MMI.N I {MIN} MMWTN. MTTp.Xl ZPHTN cerned with yourselves; I do not be concerned with I other
AZNIKAye eT N1 Ne NTATTN 1NA.XOY ABAJ\. things which you have Irejected from yourselves. rs Do not
MMAY MrrpcwT return to what you have vomited I to eat it. Do not be
I APAY 'A'oyAMoy- Mrrpp .XAJ\.eC 1 Mrrpp qNT .X
moths. IDo not be worms, for you have already Icast it off. I
Do not become a 20 (dwelling) place for the devil, for Iyou
20 '.!)WIT epeTN01 NTollrroc MTTAIABOJ\.OC .X AT-
have already destroyed him. I Do not strengthen (those
ITt:ioyw pTNoywcq MMAq 1 MTTfT~.XpO .fiNTN-
who are) obstacles to you I who are collapsing, as though
,.xporr N 11 eTZA1~ zwc oycoze rr 1 oyl\.AY
2S rAp JT TTIATZTT A.X1 11 Tq N6ANC t:izoyo ATTI21T"
(you were) a support (for them). I For the lawless one is
I .X NTAq rAp JTTMMY 1 qlp NNeqzsHye zwc someone to treat 2 5 ill rather than the just one. I For the
oyiATzerr rre rre1 NTAq 1 oyAIKAJoc rr
zwc former Idoes his works as a Ilawless person; the latter as Ia
30 qlpe NNeqllzsHye zt:i zt:iKeKAye eJP 1 6 NTWTN righteous person does his 3o works among others. So Iyou,
MTTOYW'.!) MTTIWT. 1 .X NTWTN ZNABAJ\. MMAq 1 do the will of the Father, Ifor you are from him. I
.X mwT rAp qzAJ\.6 Ayw zt:i 1 moyw'.!)e For the Father is sweet and in Ihis will is what is good.
3S NTOOTq oyrreTNA 11 Noyq NeAq.XJ CAYNe ANT 35 He has taken cognizance of I the things that are yours
I NOYTN N NTTNMTAN MIMWTN A.Xwoy ABAJ\. rAp that you might find rest I in them. For by the I fruits does
ZN Nl 1oyTwwz '.!)AY.XI CAYN AN 1Te NOYTN N one take cognizance of I the things that are yours because
J\.e/34 .X N'.!)Hp Mmw'T' II NTAY N rreqCTA1 .X zt:iA-
the children of the Father 34.r are his fragrance, for I they
IsAJ\. Ne zt:i TXAplc NT rreq 1zo eTB TT1 rrJwT
are from the grace of his Icountenance. For this reason the
Father loves I his fragrance and manifests it s in every
ZM MA NIM" AYW eq'.!)ATWZ 1 MN tZYJ\.H '.!)Aqt
place, and if it mixes Iwith matter he gives his fragrance I
I '.!)AqTpeqp CA Trre NCMAT NIM 1 NZPAY NIM to the light and in his repose Ihe causes it to surpass every
IO MM(_9.X rAp N 11
NeT '.!)WJ\.M AlTCTAel AAAA form I(and) every sound. For it is not the ears that 10 smell _
TTCTAel I rrerrN(eyM)A TTT oyNTeq MMY M- the fragrance, but I (it is) the breath that has I the sense of
lrr(_yWJ\.M Ayw (_yAqcwK MMAq 1 Neq (_yApAq AYW smell and attracts the fragrance Ito itself and is submerged
IS N(jWMC AZPH"i I ZN JTCTA1 MJTIWT. NT(jMA 11 Nq 6 Iin the fragrance of the Father, so that he rs thus shelters it
N(j.XIT(j AzpHI AlTMA I NTAq1 ABAJ\. MMY ABAJ\. and takes it to the place I where it came from, I from the
I ZM mcTA1 N'.!)APTI TA 1pq) oyeel ZNN oyrrl\.AC- first fragrance which Iis grown cold. It is something in a I
20 MA I M'l'YXIKON TT eq01 11 MrrpHT t:ioyMAY
psychic form, being 20 like cold water I which has frozen
eqApq) I NTAZWT. eqzt:i oyKAz eq 1THK N

33.12 {MIN} ed. pr. I 15 K<w> ABA?.. Schenke I r8 MMAq MS: MMAY (?) ed.
pr. I 33-34 zti<eBOA. zti> moywc,ye Till (Or.) I 39 A decorative mark follows
the last line of the page. I
343 mruT, mw possibly written over erased letters. I 9-ro NeT<q>c,yruA.M
ATTCTA1 <N<_HToy> Till (Or.) I ro AA.A.A {rrCTAel} Schenke I II rre
<rr>TTNA Till (ed. pr.) I I4 ti{T}q Till (Or.) I r8 oy{e}el Schenke lzr WTe
MS: c,yTe (i.e., c,yTA) Grobel: <_eTe Dubois I
T.<;!)ApoyMY 1 ApAq N61 NTNY ApAq .X (?), which is on earth I that is not solid, of which those I
25 oyiKAZ TT. MNNCWC <;!)AqBWA II NKCATT. p- who see it think it I is earth; afterwards it dissolves
<;!}ANOYNiq I CAK(j <;!)AqzMAM. NICTA1 I 6 T- 5 again. If a breath Idraws it, it gets hot. The fragrances, I
Ap@ ZNABAA. ZN TTITTW'9 1 N TB TT1 Aql N61 therefore, that are cold are from the division. I For this
30 TTNA? 1T. AqBWA MTTITTW<;!J ABAA II AYW Aq1N reason faith came; I it dissolved the division, 3o and it
brought the warm pleroma Iof love in order that Ithe cold
should not come again I but there should be the unity of I
perfect thought. 35
35 rr111 <rr> TTAoroc Mm<yMNoyq NIT61N. NT
This <is> the word of the gospel Iof the discovery of the
pleroma, for I those who await 35' the salvation which is
CCAMT I N61 TOYZATTIC TOYCAMT I ABAA coming Ifrom on high. While their Ihope, for which they I
II TT TTOYA1N T MN are waiting, is in waiting - they whose image 5 is light
1<y.X MTTCATT" 1TMMY with no shadow Iin it- then, at that time, Ithe pleroma Iis
cyAqMAAz A1 N61 1 mrrAHpruMA NTAqcyrurr proceeding to come. The <deficiency> Iof matter came to
10 N 1 N61 TTI<;!)T@ NtZYAH ABAA Z"iT0 11 0TC be not through ro the limitlessness of I the Father, who is
NtMNTATApH.XC NT 1 TTIWT" TNNHY ATN oyA1<;9 coming to give time for I the deficiency, although no one I
t:11mcyTA KAITOJr MTTAAY 1 6M6AM N.xooc .X could say that the incorruptible one would I come in this
qNA1 MTTipHT. N61 TTIAT"TKO AAAA way. But '5 the depth of the Father was multiplied I and
1 1
IS AqA 11 <y{}1 N61 TTIBA90C NT m 1ruT [zA Z THq
the thought of I error did not exist Iwith him. It is a thing
N"] AYW Nq<yoorr 1 ZAZTH~ N N61 TTIMY NT
1 trrAANH.
that falls, I it is a thing that easily stands upright (again)
oyzwq NCZM rr 1 oyzwq qMATN 20
11 ApTq TT. ZN m61N MTT1 1 NTAZI
in the discovery of him Iwho has come to him whom he
20 NCzruq
shall bring back. I For the bringing back Iis called repen-
25 TB TT1 AtMNTAT"TKO II Nlq ABAA. ACOy- For this reason incorruptibility 2 5 breathed forth; it _
AZC NCA TT(N)ITAqp NABI. J(KAC qM 1TAN pursued the one I who had sinned in order that he might I
MMAq TTKW rAp ABAA TT I TT<yW.XTT" ATT0YA1N rest. For forgiveness is I what remains for the light in the
3o ZN TTI<;!}TAI TTI<;!J.X NT TTITTAHpWMA: II TTCA1N deficiency, Ithe word of the pleroma. 3o For the physician
rAp <;!)AqTTWT ATTMA 1T oyN <yWN NZHTq oX runs to the place I where sickness is, because I that is the
moylrucy NTAq rr T<yoorr I NZHT(j TTTp <yTA will that is I in him. He who has a deficiency, then, does
35 6 MAqzA 1rrq .X oyNTq MMY MTT 11 Tq<;!)AAT" not Ihide it, because one has what 35 the other lacks. So the
MMAY mpHT TTITTAHipruMA T Nqp <yTA N pleroma, I which has no deficiency, I but fills up the defi-
AC)/36 TT<;!}TA I NTAq qMoyz MMAq TTNTAq 11 T1q AB.AA
ciency, is what he 36' provided from himself for filling up I
what he lacks, in order that Itherefore he might receive the
35 <rre> rrA.oroc ed. pr. I 36 T61N<J> Till (Or.) I
35.1 oy.xeene{e1} Till (Or.) I 9 <!}T<;y MS: Read <!}TA Schenke, Till (Or.)
I II <rr>oyA1<!} ed. pr. I I5 A<!}{}1 Schenke, Till (Or.): {A}<!} 1 Grobel
I r8 c<w>zM (?) ed. pr. I 35 MMAY MS: Read MMAq Till (Or.) I
TTJ<_MAT "qA.XITq .X<> MITCAIT I TNq<yAAT" grace. For when I he was deficient, he did not have s the
s NMNTq MIIMY MIT<_MAT" TB IT1 I NOY- grace. That is why I there was diminution existing in I the
TCBKO IT T<yOOIT ZN I ITMA" TpIT<_MAT place where there is no grace. I When that which was di-
MMY I N ITCAIT NTAY.Xl MIT1 TCABK minished I was received, he revealed what he Io lacked,
IO ITT(j<yAAT. MMAq Aq 11 oyANiA q01 being (now) a pleroma; I that is the discovery of the light I
NNOYIT.A.HpWMA I T IT1 IT IT6tN MITOYA1N of truth which rose upon him because I it is immutable.
I NTMH" NTA<_<yA1 ApAq .X 1 OYAT"<;YBT(j IT"
That is why I Christ was spoken of in their IS midst, so
TB IT1 {t:i}IITx(ptcTo)c AY<y.X ApAq ZN
1 that those who were disturbed I might receive a bringing
IS ToyiiMHT" <ytN" NC.Xt NNoycTo N6t N1
back, and he I might anoint them with the ointment. The
NTA<_<yTApTp NqTA<_ 1coy MTTJTwzc TTJTW<_C IT
ointment is I the mercy of the Father who will have mercy I
20 coy .A II N N1 NTA<_.XWK ABAJ\." I NCKYOC rAp
on them. But those whom he has anointed 20 are the ones
TMHZ NT1<yAOYTA<_COY" ITCAIT .A" T who have become perfect. I For full jars are the I ones that
1 ITTwzc NOY1" NABW.A. A BA.A.. <yAq<yoyo oy- are usually anointed. But when I the anointing of one Gar)
zs <_N TJ\.AII16 ATpqp <yTA IT IT<_WB
T {M}- is dissolved, I it is emptied, and the 2 s reason for there be-
ITqTwzc NABWK I NTOOT(j ITCAIT rAp TMMY ing a deficiency is the thing I by which its ointment goes. I
I <yApOYNiq CAK(j oyT I <_N T6AM MITTNMMq For at that time I a breath draws it, a thing I in the power of
30 AJ\.117\.A" ZATN IT1 NTAq T OYAT" <yTA IT" that which is with it. 3o But from him who I has no de-
MAYNAZ TBB NJ\.AAY 1 <_A<_THq oy.a MAy<yoy ficiency, no seal is removed I nor is anything emptied, I but
.A.AY I AJ\.J\.A ITT(j<yAAT MMAq <yAq MA<_q AN what he lacks Ithe perfect Father fills again. 3S He is good.
3S MMAq N6J mwT qll.xHK ABAJ\." oyArAeoc IT"
He knows I his plantings, because it is he I who planted
them in his paradise. I Now his paradise I is his place of
This 37I is the perfection in the thought I of the Father,
oy<_N N1 N I N<y.X" NT" ITqMAKMK ITOY-
1 and these are I the words of his meditation. I Each one of-
S 11
1 ITOY1 NT Nq<y .X" IT IT<_Wq NT his words s is the work of his I one will in the revelation I of
ITqoywl<y" oy1 <_M ITOYWNZ ABAJ\.
NT ITq- his Word. While they were still I depths of his thought, the
<y.X" .XIN YO NBAIeoc NT ITqMY" ITJ\.OrOC Word I which was first to come forth revealed Io them
Io NITAZP <yApiT NT ABA.A.. AqoywNz 11 MMAY ABA.A.. along with a mind that I speaks, the one Word in I silent
oyXzN oyNoyc ql<y.X IT.A.oroc oy1 <_NN grace. He was called I thought, since they I were in it before
1 ApAq .X m-
oylxAplc CKAPA1T" AYMOYT being revealed. IS It came about then, that he I was first to
MY TTJ.AH Nyl<yooiT
N<_HTC MITOYWNZ come forth at the time when the will of him I who willed
IS II ABAJ\." AC<yWIT 6 ATpq 1p <yApTI N1 ABAJ\."

36.3 .x<e> Till (Or.) I 13-14 {M}iixc Till (Or.) Irs <!}IN M_S: <;YIN~ ed. pr.
l26 {i'i}rreqTwzc Till (Or:) l28 c~Kq oyeel MS: oyeel c~Nq Trll (Or.) 130
"-~, "- written in the left margin. I
20 oyru<y I rroyru<y .A TTT TTIWT M~.UTN MMAq desired it. I And the will is what the Father rests in and I

NZHT(j oy~zN 1 TTTp Nq MApA.AY <yW 1TT is pleased with. Nothing I happens without him nor does
A.XNT(j OYA MApA.Ayl <yWTT A.XN rroyru<y" anything I happen without the will of I the Father, but his
25 NT I TTIWT" AAAA oyaTTzpT{j" 11 TT" TTq- will 2 5 is unsearchable. His trace I is the will and no one I
oyru<y" TTq"i.XNOC 1TT rroyru<y" ayru MN A.ay will know him nor is it possible I for one to scrutinize him
I NaMM apaq oyT N(j<yoorr 1N" aTpoyt ZTHY in order to I grasp him. But 3o when he wills, I what he
30 apaq <yiNa 1NCMaZT MMaq aA.A.a 11 rrcarr wills is this - even if I the sight does not please them I in
TqOyW<y" TTT{joy1a<yq TT1 TT" KaN <yW-
any way before God - I desiring the Father. For he
TT" I TTNY aBaA." Nqp NY N" 1ZN A.ay
knows the 35 beginning of all of them and their end. I For
NNaZPN TTNOYT rroy 1ru<y" TTIWT" qcayN rap
at their end he will question them I directly. Now, the end
35 NToy11zoy1T THpoy- MN ToyzaH" 1ZN ToyzaH
rap qNa<yNTOY 1azpy- TZaH A TT TT.XI CayN"
is receiving knowledge I about the one who is hidden, and
A.H/38 I aTT1 9HTT" TT1 .A TT TTIWT" II TT1 NTa- this is the Father, 3 81 from whom the beginning came I
TZOY1T" T a 1BaA. MMaq TT1 TOYNaCW 1T forth, to whom all will I return who have I come forth from
apaq THpoy N61 Nl NTa~_IT aBaA. MMaq ayoy- him. 5 And they have appeared for the glory and the I joy
5 ruNz II A aBaA. ayay MN oy1TA.HA." NT rrq- of his name. I
pN" Now the name of the Father is the Son. It is he I who
rrpN I .A MTTIWT" TT TT<yHp NTaq N1<yaprr first gave a name to the one I who came forth from him,
TTNTaqt pN aTTN 1TaZT asaA. MMaq NTaq pw who was himself, 10 and he begot him as a son. I He gave
10 II TT" ayru aqMCT(j NNOy<yH 1p aqt TTqpN him his name which I belonged to him; he is the one to
apaq T N1oyNTqc NTaq TT T oyN 1Tq whom I belongs all that exists around I him, the Father.
NK1 NIM Y<yOOTT zaz 1THq N61 TTIWT" OYNTq His is the name; 1 5 his is the Son. It is possible I for him to
15 Mrrp(N) II oyNTq MTT<yHp oyN 6aM 1NCNY
be seen. The name, however, I is invisible because I it alone
apaq rrpN A N1Taq oyaTNY apaq rr .X
is the I mystery of the invisible 20 which comes to ears that
I NTaq oyaT{j TT TTMy 1CTHp10N MTTiaTNY apaq
11 TNNHY aZNM<y.X YMHZ 1MMaq THpoy N- are completely filled I with it by him. For indeed, I the Fa-_
TOOTq Kal rap I IJJ.qJT" C.XOY MTTqpN" I N ther's name is not spoken, I but it is apparent through a I
qoyaNZ A asaA." ZN oy 1<yl;lp Son.
25 TTipHT 6 oyNa6 TT TTp(N) II NIM 6 TTTa<y In this way, then, the name is a great thing. 2 5 Who,
TY pN Nq I TTINa6 NpN NCaBHA. apaq 1oya- therefore, will be able to utter a name for him, I the great
T{j" TT1 T rrruq TT I rrpN oyazN N<yHp name, except him I alone to whom I the name belongs and
30 MrrpN I N1 TNqMaTN MMaq 11 NZHTOY" N61 the sons of the name I in whom rested 3o the name of the
rrpN MTTIWT I TTaA.IN NyMaTN MMay zwoy I ZM Father, I (who) in turn themselves rested I in his name?

37.25 T.XNOC, i.e., TXNOC I 33 (.NA.~ye <Ne> Till (Or.) I 36-37 qN~{_yNTOY
<.xe t:iT>~zr ey Till (Or.): qN~c_yi\i NT~zoyf ey ed. pr. 137 ~zpey MS:
~zpHT Schenke I 38 JT1, the second e possibly written over rr. I
38.2-3 caJT{e} ed. pr.: KWT Till (Or.) I 24 rrpe(N), e written over ~. l25
neT~ <z>c_y ed. pr. 1
rrqpN TTI..A.H oy~n_yrurr 1 TT mruT NT~q Since the I Father is unengendered, he alone is the one I
35 oy~Tq TTN 1 T~qMIC MM~q Nq N"oypN II z~eH" who begot him for him(self) as a name, 35 before he
'.YIN~ N"qc_yrurr ~.xN" brought forth the I aeons, in order that the name I of the
ToyXIrr N"61 rrpN MTTIWT" qoT 1 N".X~1c T Father should be over their head as I lord, that is the
.1\.6/39 TT1 TT rrpN II M~MH . T~p.X 2M TTq 1 oy~z 39 name in truth, which is firm in his I command through

C~ZN" 2N T6~M T.XHK I ~B~J\. .X TTipN oy~- perfect power. I For the name is not from I (mere) words,
5 B~J\. N I TT" ZN 2NJ\.~1C OY~2N zN" 11 MNTT~1pN nor 5 does his name consist of appellations, I but it is invisi-
TT TTqpN I ~.1\..1\.~ oy~TNY ~p~q TT I ~qt pN
ble. I He gave a name to him alone, I since he alone sees
~p~q oy~Tq I qNY ~p~q oy~T{j N 1 T~q
him, he I alone having 10 the power to give him a name. I
IO oy~T{j TTT oy 11 N" 6~M Nt pN ~p~q I .X
1 N MNT(j pN MMY I YN~t Y For he who does not exist I has no name. I For what name
15 r~p NpN" ~p~q I TT1 T N{j(_900TT N II TT1
is given to him I who does not exist? 1 5 But the one who
NT~q Tc_yoorr qc_yo 1orr MN TTqKpN ~yru exists I exists also with his name, and I he alone knows it, I
I qc~yN MM~q oy~T{j I ~yru ~Tpqt pN ~p~q and alone (knows how) to give him a name. I It is the Fa-
20 oyi~T(j TTiillT JJ TT(_9Hp II TT TTqpN NT~q- ther. The Son 20 is his name. He did I not, therefore, hide it
1z~rrq 6 N" 2N mzruq I ~.1\.J\.~ Nqc_yoorr I TT(_9H- in the thing, I but it I existed; as for the Son, he alone gave a
oy~ 1 T{j TTpN 6 TT~ TTiill T
1 1
25 p Nqt pN II TT" name. I The name, therefore, is that of the Father, 2 5 as the
N"e T rrpN i'1 1mruT TT rrc_yHp TTIM2T 1 TT1 name of I the Father is the Son. Where Iindeed would com-
qN~6N pN TON N 1 C~BHJ\. ~TTiillT" passion find a name I except with the Father?
30 ~}\_}\_~ TT ~N 1 TillC qN~J(OOC N61 OY1 II 2~2TN
But I no doubt one will say 3o to his neighbor: "Who is it I
TTq(_9BHp .X NIM TT I TN~t pN ~TT1 TNqp
who will give a name to him who I existed before himself, I
I c_ypfi N(_900TT z~eH MM~q I 2illC 6 TTpN (_9~
as if offspring did not receive a name 4o. 1 from those I who
M/40 poy.XIT(j" II N N6t MMIC NTOOT(j N 1N1 NT~2-
begot <them>?" First, I then, it is fitting for us I to reflect
MCTOY c_y~pfi I 6 OYTTT(_9(_9 ~p~N TT I ~p
5 N01 i'imzrus .X oyy 11 rr rrpN .X NT~q TT on this matter: What 5 is the name? It is the name I in
rrpN I M~MH NT~q N 6 TT I TTpN" ~B~J\. truth; it is not therefore I the name from the Father, for I it
MTTiillT" .X N" 1 T~q TT TTT(_900TT" N.X~1C I N"pN is the one which is the proper I name. Therefore, he did
ro N"T~q.x 6 i'irrpN 11 N ~rroyc_yrr i'irrpHT 1 N"zN"- not receive the name 10 on loan as (do) I others, according
K~y K~T~ TTCM~T I MTTOY1 TTOY1 TOy- to the form I in which each one I is to be produced. I But this
IN~{c}TN~q NZHTq TT1 1 .A TT rr.X~1C N"pN is the proper name. 1 5 There is no one else who gave it to
I5 NK 11 .1\.~Y N TT" NT~qTtq I ~r~q ~}\_}\_~ oy~Tt him. I But he <is> unnamable, I indescribable, I until the
pN I ~p~q TT" oy~T"TOy~q N I (_9~ TTC~rr time when he I who is perfect spoke of him alone. 20 And it
NT~q NT~TT1 1 T.XHK '~B~J\.' (_9-X ~p~q oy-
2o ~~~Tq ~yru N"T~q TTT 1 oyN" 6~M MM~q ~.xoy

394 oy2..zi'i, o possibly written over z. I 19 rre, rr possibly written over N. I 21

zwq, i.e., zws: zwrr ed. pr. I 23 peN <Neq> Till (Or.): peN <2..p2..q> Menard
40.1-2 Both lines begin with angular fillers (>). I r NTOOT(j: NTOOToy ed. pr.
I 13 N2..{C}TeN2..q or N2..TCeN2..q ed. pr.: The initial N;\. written over TC. I 17 Ne
MS: Read rre MacRae I r8 NT2..q, N written overT. I
1MTTqpeN ~yw ~NY 1~p~q is he who Ihas the power to speak Ihis name and to see Iit.
NT~pe[qq]qwK 6e 1eqNZHT(j .xe rreqpeN eT- When, therefore, it pleased Ihim that his name 2 5 which
25 lloy~'!)q TTq'!)Hp TT ~yw I ~qt MTTipN ~p~q N61 is loved should be his Son, and I he gave the name to him,
rree1 1NT~ZI ~B~.A. ZN ms~eoc ~qc.9e 1 .xe ~Neq that is, him I who came forth from the depth, he I spoke
rreeHrr eqc~yNe I .xe mwwT' oy~T"rree~y rre about his secret things, knowing I that the Father is a be-
30 II TB TT1 pw ~qN TT1 ~~B~/\. .XK~C eq~ ing without evil. 3o For that very reason he brought him I
(_9.X I z~ TTTOTTOC ~yw TTqM~ I NMT~N NT~ql
forth in order to speak I about the place and his I resting-
M~/41 ~B~/\. N1ZHT(j II ~yw Nqt e~y MTTITT.A.HpWM~ It-
place from which he had come forth, 4r.r and to glorify the
f'1NTN~6 NT rreqpeN ~yw 1mz.A.~6 NT mwT
pleroma, Ithe greatness of his name and Ithe sweetness of
rroyee1 rroy 1ee1 TTM~ NT~qe1 ~B~.A. NZHT(j'
the Father. About Ithe place each one came from 5 he will
5 II qN~(_9J( z~p~q ~yw ZN tT~ 1 1 NT~q.XI MTTq-
TZO ~re 1 Tq NTooTc qN~rrwT ~T'cTo 1~peTe speak, and to the I region where he received his establish-
NKC~rr ~yw ~q1 ~B~.A. 1zii1 'rr'M~ TMMY TTM~ ment I he will hasten to return I again and to take from I
10 NT~qw 11 ze ~peTq NZHT(j eq.x1 trre ~~B~.A. zii1 rrM~ that place- the place where he 10 stood- receiving a
TMMY' ~yw I eq.XI C~N<}}' eq.Xl ~1Y' ~Y'P taste Ifrom that place and Ireceiving nourishment, receiv-
I rreqM~ NMT~N MMJN MM~q 1rre rreqrr.A.HpwM~ ing growth. And Ihis own resting-place Iis his pleroma.
15 NJtH 6e 11 THpoy NTN ITIWT' ZNTT.A.H 1 pwM~ N' Therefore, rs all the emanations of the Father I are ple-
~YWZN NeqtH 1THpoy TOYNOYN TT ZN 1TTN- romas, and I the root of all his emanations is in I the one
T~qTpoypWT' ~B~.A. N1ZHT(j THpoy ~qt NY N- who made them all Igrow up in himself. He assigned them
20 IINOYTW'!)' ceoy~NZ 6e ~~B~.A. N61 rroyee1 rroye- 20
their destinies. Each one then Iis manifest, Iin order that
1' I J(K~C ~B~/\. ZN rroyMe 1eye MMIN MM~Y
through their I own thought < ... >. I For the place to
< - - - > TTM~ 1r~p TOY.X~y MTTOYMY which they send 2 5 their thought, that place, Itheir root, is
25 11 '9~r~q rrM~ eTMMey 1ToyNoyNe TeTq MM~Y
what takes them Iup in all the heights Ito the Father. They
I ~Trre ZN NI.XIce THpoy 1'9~ mwT' oyNTY
possess his I head, which is rest for them, 3o and they are
30 NTeq 1 ~rre ecoe1 NMT~N Ney 11 ~yw ceeM~ZT
NMMY 1 ~zoyN YZHN ~zoyN 1~p~q zwc supported, I approaching him, Ias though to say that Ithey_
~Tpoy.xooc .xe 1~y.x1 ~B~.A. ZN rreqzo 1~B~.A. have participated in his face I by means of kisses. 35 But
MB/42 Z"iTOOTq NNJ~crr ~c 11 Moc ceoy~NZ .ae eN 11 ~B~.A. they do not become manifest 42 1 in this way, I for they
N6J N1 i'impHT' I .xe Mrroyp TTT MMJN MM~Y were not themselves exalted; I (yet) neither did they lack
1oyTe ii1rroy'!)WWT' ii1rre~y 1ii1mwT oyTe Nce- the glory I of the Father nor did they think of him as
5 MY ~p~q 11 N zwc '!)HM' OYT .X qC~'!)I

23-24[qq]qwK 6 eqNZHT(j MS: NTApeqp rrwK 6 NZHT ed. pr.

124-25 TOYA'!}q i.e., Toy<oy>Acy(j: eT<q>oyAcy(j Till (Or.) 125 Ayw, y
possibly written over 1. I
41.9 ZM, added in the left margin. I TMMy, the first written over q. I 17
{rre} Till (Or.) I 23 MMAY < - - - > ed. pr. I 27 ATTT, A written over N. I 30
{N}MMY Grobel: NMMq Schenke I 34 ZITOOT(j MS: Z'iTOOTOY Till (Or.) I
42.1 The line begins with an angular filler(>). I 2 TIT <MMAy> Till (Or.) I
I oyT .X oyBAA.K{j TT" AAAA oy 1ATTT6AY TT" 5 small nor that he is harsh I nor that he is wrathful, but I
1 (that) he is a being without evil, imperturbable, I sweet,
oyAT(9TApTp TT 1 oyzA.A6 rre qCAYN AMA JT
Io NIM" MTTAToycywrre Ayw 11 Neqp xp1A N knowing Iall spaces before they have come into existence,
ATPOYTCB 1 1T{j ABAA. and Io he had no need to be instructed. I
TT1 rre rrpHT NINTOYNTY MMYABAA. ZN This is the manner of I those who possess (something) I
IS TTCA zpe NTOOTC NtiMNTNA6 NATC!}ITC eoycA MT from above of the Iimmeasurable greatness, as they I 5 wait
NCA moye1 oyAeeTq Ayw TTT.XHK ABAA.. rreT-
for the one alone I and the perfect one, the one who is I
01 MIMey Ney Ayw MAycye AzpH 1el AMNT
there for them. And they do not go down I to Hades nor
20 oyT MNTY 1 <f>eoNOC MMY OYT" II AC!}2AM"
1 have they I envy nor 20 groaning nor death I within them,
but they Irest in him who is at rest, Inot striving nor Ibeing
MMAY ZN rreTMATN MMAq eyzAc eN oyTe
twisted around 2 5 the truth. But they I themselves are the
I pw rre TMH" Ayw eqcyo 1orr NZHTOY N61 mwT truth; and Ithe Father is within them and Ithey are in the
Ayw N 1TAY eyzN mwT ey.XHK" A 1BAA.. eyoe1 Father, being perfect, I being undivided in 3o the truly
1 good one, being Iin no way deficient in anything, but Ithey
30 NAT"rrwcye ZN 11 TTJArAeoc NAMHe eyt C!}TA
A.Aye eN ZN A.Aye AAAA 1 eyt MTAN eyA.HK" ZN are set at rest, refreshed in the ISpirit. And they will heed
rrelrrN(eyM)A Ayw eyNACWTM ATY 1NoyNe ey- their I root. They will be concerned with those (things)
3s NACpq ApAy II N1 TqNA6N TqNOYN" IN- 35 in which he will find his root Iand not suffer loss to his I
ZHTOY N(jTMP TTACI NTq 1'J'yXH TT1 TT TTTOTTOC soul. This is the place of the Iblessed; this is their place. I
NNIIMAKApiOC TT1 TT rroyT0 1TTOC For the rest, then, may they 4o know, in their places,
that I it is not fitting for me, 43-I having come to be in the
Mr/43 oylrreTecycye ApA1 N rre 11 A21C!}WTT ZM TTMA
resting-place, Ito speak of anything else. But Iit is in it that
I shall come to be, and (it is fitting) to Ibe concerned at all
II TTTHpq oywzzN NICNHY NA 1MH" N1 pt-
times with the Father of s the all and the true brothers, I
s 1 those upon whom the love of Ithe Father is poured out and _
ArATTH MlmwT" cyoyo A.xwoy Ayw MN C!}TA
NTeq cyoorr ZN TOYMHT 1 N1 NTAY Toy- Iin whose midst there is no lack of him. IThey are the ones
Io w[z]N[M]Z 11 MAMH[1] eycyoorr ZM TTJWNZ INA- who appear Io in truth, since they exist in Itrue and eter-
MH" Ayw NNANHze Ayw 1 eycye.xe ATTOYA1N nal life and Ispeak of the light which Iis perfect and filled
eT"I.xHK ABAA. Ayw eTMHz 2 ~ 1 mcrrepMA. NT with I the seed of the Father, and IS which is in his heart
IS mwT Ayw 11 T"ZN rreqzHT" Ayw ZN mrr A.H- and in the I pleroma, while his I Spirit rejoices in it and
pwMA. eqTA.HA. NZHT(j 1 N61 rreqrrN(eyM)A Ayw glorifies I the one in whom it existed I because he is good.
eqt AY I MTTTNqC!}OOTT NZHT{j .X NANoyq And 20 his children are perfect and I worthy of his name, I
20 Ayw C.XHK 11 ABAA. N6i NqC!}Hp AYW I CMTTC!}A for he is the Father: it is children I of this kind that he I
MTTqpN .X I NTAq rAp TTIWT" ZNC!}H 1pe NT1-
MJN NT{jOyA 1cyoy

7 TT oy4T, 4 written over erased <9 I 25 MTMH i.e., NTMH I 27 MT4N

<Ny> (?)Attridge I
439 NT4y, y written over q. I ro M4MH[1], M4 added in the left margin. I

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