GEN AFTN Terminal User Manual

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AFTN Terminal User Manual

Flight ATM Systems Ltd.

Document Number Rev Page

GEN-USR A0.01 1/41
Filename: GEN_AFTN_Terminal_User_Manual.doc Paper size: A4 Template: Flight ATM.doc
All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement
with Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Revision History

Revision Description of changes made

Draft A.01 Initial release

Change History

Revision Draft A.01 A B C D

Rev-Date 16th Oct 09

Written by Peter Venton

Checked by

Approved by

Quality Stamp

Document Authorisation

Authorised for use Approved by

Peter Venton Customer

Date Date

Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Doc No: GEN-USR Rev: A0.01 A4 2 of 41

All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Document Authorisation

No. of Hardcopy /
Name Company
Copies Softcopy

Anders Brolien Flight ATM Ltd. System 1 SC

Architecture Design

Peter Venton Flight ATM Systems Ltd. 1 SC

Application Design

Referenced Documents

Reference Identification Name

[1] ICAO DOC 4444 Procedures for Air Navigation

Services, Air Traffic Management,
Fourteenth Edition 2001

[2] Volume II, Communication Annex 10 to the Convention on

Procedures including those with International Civil Aviation
PANS status, Sixth Edition October International Civil Aviation
2001; Organization, International
Standards and Recommended
Practices and Procedures for Air
Navigation Services

[3] GEN-CDP Flight ATM Systems Ltd, AFTN

Terminal Configuration Data


Exchange Presentation (ADEXP)
Edition: 2.1
Edition Date: December 2001

[5] AFTNTERM-ARCH Flight ATM Systems Ltd, AFTN

Terminal Architecture Overview

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Table of Contents
1 Document Overview .................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Identification ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Conventions ........................................................................................................................... 6
2 System Overview ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Message Processing ....................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 System Architecture Overview ...................................................................................... 9
3 Application Basics ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 On-Line Help ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Limitations........................................................................................................................... 11
4 Using the Application ................................................................................................................ 12
4.1 Main Window ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 Status Bar ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Main Window Print Options ........................................................................................ 15
4.1.3 Main Window Tree Folder Manipulation .................................................................... 15
4.1.4 Message Templates ...................................................................................................... 16
4.1.5 Main Window Message Correction ............................................................................. 16
4.1.6 Main Window Message Deletion ................................................................................. 16
4.1.7 Main Window Message Display .................................................................................. 17
4.1.8 Main Window Message Composition .......................................................................... 17
4.1.9 Main Window Message Transmission ......................................................................... 18
4.1.10 Acknowledging Received Message ............................................................................. 18
4.2 Message Editors .................................................................................................................. 18
4.2.1 Text Editor ................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Form Editor .................................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Network Connectivity Window........................................................................................... 37
5 Appendix A Command Availability Matrix ........................................................................... 39
6 Appendix B Acronyms............................................................................................................ 40

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Simplified Architectural Overview ................................................................................ 9
Figure 2 - Client Primary GUI Window ....................................................................................... 10
Figure 3 - Main Application Window Appearance after cold Start .............................................. 12
Figure 4 - Main Application Window Appearance after warm Start ........................................... 13
Figure 5 - Main Application Window with Error Selected .......................................................... 14
Figure 6 - Text Editor Appearance (new Message) ...................................................................... 20
Figure 7 - Text Editor Appearance (Reply To)............................................................................. 21
Figure 8 - Form Editor (FPL) ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 9 - Network Connectivity Window ................................................................................... 37

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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

List of Tables
Table 1 - Status Bar Icons ............................................................................................................... 15
Table 2 - Command Availability Matrix ......................................................................................... 39

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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

1 Document Overview
1.1 Identification
Program: <Program Name>

Document Name: AFTN Terminal User Manual

Document Number: GEN-USR

Revision: A0.01

Revision Date: Sunday, 18 October 2009

Document Owner: Peter Venton Flight ATM Systems Ltd.

File Name: GEN_AFTN_Terminal_User_Manual.doc

1.2 Purpose
This is the user manual for the Flight ATM Systems Ltd. AFTN Terminal application.

1.3 Scope
This document provides end users with sufficient information to use the AFTN Terminal Application
in an operational environment.
This document can be used as training material if required.
This document cannot be used for system monitoring and control; this includes system
configuration, fallback operation and general functionality of a system nature typically reserved for
SMC and/or technicians maintaining the operational systems for the ANSP.

1.4 Conventions
Menu and submenu item selection are shown in fixed pitch font as follows:
File Print Summary List
This means select Print Summary List File menu item.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

2 System Overview
The Flight ATM Systems Ltd. AFTN Terminal Application is designed to receive from and transmit
to the AFTN a number of different message types including:
ATS Messages in both ICAO and ADEXP formats;
METARs for meteorological data;
Other plain text messages as required;
The application is implemented using state of the art technological solutions:
Messages are stored in a COTS XML database;
The application is implemented in Java which provides scalability for future enhancements
as well as a reduction in initial production and subsequent maintenance costs due to the
high levels of support for the language.
The application paradigm is based on commercial email applications; this paradigm is immediately
recognisable from the main application window. The application provides the following functionality:
Support for processing all ICAO ATS messages defined in [1], (receive and transmit);
Support for processing ADEXP messages, message processing conforms to the rules
defined by EUROCONTROL in [4] (receive and transmit). The ADEXP message titles
supported are defined in configuration data at a programming level. Currently changes to
the ADEXP configuration data must be made through Flight ATM Systems. Ltd.
Support for reception and transmission of METAR and NOTAM messages;
Support for reception and transmission of other free text message carried by the AFTN;
Archiving of all received and transmitted messages to meet legal retention obligations;

2.1.1 Message Processing

The application aims to reduce operator workload by automating the ATS message filing process
as far as possible.
Received ATS (ICAO and ADEXP) messages are parsed for syntax and semantics and saved to
the database; erroneous messages are also saved to the database but flagged to users as
containing errors; errors do not have to be corrected.
When composing ATS (ICAO and ADEXP) messages for transmission any errors detected during
message composition must first be corrected before transmission onto the AFTN. It is not possible
to transmit an erroneous message.
The payload of METAR and NOTAM messages is not parsed on reception or transmission, the
message header is.
To assist in efficient message composition, message creation is supported with a number of form
editors. Context sensitive help is continuously available to users providing an explanation of a
fields syntax.
Free text editors are also available in which messages can be entered; these editors must be used
for METAR and NOTAM messages or other non-ATS messages. No form editor support is
currently available for ADEXP message and these must also be entered by hand if required. Message Parsing

Received and created ATS messages are fully parsed for conformance to ICAO or ADEXP
standards as defined in [1] and [4] respectively. The route field (ICAO field 15) is checked for
correct syntax and semantics; there is no check with any AIP data to ensure a point lies on a route
etc. As much semantic checking is carried out as possible without the availability of AIP data.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Field 18 and 19 are also checked but many fields are not parsed due to the free text nature of
many fields. However, fields such as field 18 EET are checked for correct syntax and semantics.
The overall concept is to provide syntax and semantic checking wherever ICAO specifies very
specific rules (EET and DOF are examples where such rules are clearly defined).
ADEXP messages are parsed for the following:
That the correct primary fields are present for a given message title;
That auxiliary terms are syntactically and semantically correct;
That a primary field contains the correct auxiliary term;
All parsing rules are implemented as defined in the ADEXP standard given in [4].
Only messages with a priority indicator FF are parsed for ATS message compliance, (this
includes ADEXP and ICAO formats); other priority indicators are used for specific message types
which, as already stated are not parsed.
The messages parsed are:
and IRQS;

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

2.1.2 System Architecture Overview

This section provides a brief synopsis of the applications architecture; this section is provided for
improved understanding how the application fits into the overall ANSP architecture.
This section does not attempt to provide a detailed view of the system architecture; for a more
detailed description refer to the document [5].
The network infrastructure is based on standard Ethernet using TCP/IP. Clients are connected to a
redundant server that in turn is connected with a TCP/IP connection to the ANSP AFTN switch.
A client instance can be configured to run in any of the tower CWPs; the physical network
infrastructure is shared with the CWP.

Flight Plan & AFTN Terminal

ATS Message
Server TCP/IP
Database AFTN/SITA Interface


Local tower CWP Client(s) AFTN

Figure 1 - Simplified Architectural Overview

When a message is received, the server ensures that the message is parsed and stored.
Connected clients are notified that a message has been received; clients subsequently display
messages to the end user.
Messages created by a client are parsed and stored in the database. The user is able to optionally
transmit the message onto the AFTN. Messages derived from a client are secured in the database
and cause all clients to be notified of the new message; clients update their respective views of
the data once a client has completed inputting a message.
Each message secured to the database is stored as a single XML document;

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

3 Application Basics
This section provides a brief overview of the AFTN Terminal Application functionality without going
into detail; later sections elaborate on the use of the application in greater detail.
The application provides functionality to:
Enter all ICAO ATS Message types in either ICAO or ADEXP format;
Ensure entered messages are syntactically correct;
Ensure entered messages are semantically correct as far as is possible without
environmental data checking against AIP data;
Receive all ICAO ATS Message types in either ICAO or ADEXP format;
Transmit all ICAO ATS Message types;
Message creation is supported using two mechanisms:
Plain text editors these editors are free format text editors allowing complete freedom as to
the data entered. These editors are difficult to use as a user must have extensive knowledge
of both syntax and semantics for a message being entered.
Form editors these editors provide a form where many fields are initialised by default and
context sensitive help is provided for all fields in a given form providing users with as much
support as possible during message composition. The online help is configured in off-line
configuration data and can be modified for user preferences.
Default ICAO AFTN originator and addresses are provided in both the form and text editors. This
data is obtained from configuration data; for details on how to configure such data refer to [3]
As stated previously, the paradigm used for the application is analogous to many commercial email
applications. The following drawing provides a high level description of the applications primary
client window at application start up. This window is never closed; closing this window closes the
client and disconnects the client application from the server.
Window Title Bar
Tool Bar

List view displaying a summary of messages contained in a selected

folder of the tree view pane on the left

Tree view displaying

messages secured in the
XML database. Disabled text editor displaying the message in ICAO or ADEXP format

Error reports

Status Bar

Figure 2 - Client Primary GUI Window

The following describes the areas of the primary application window:

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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Title bar standard windows title bar containing the name of the application with a minimise,
maximise and close button.
Menu standard window menu with a number of menu items (described later) from which
inputs can be made.
Tool bar standard window toolbar that contains a number of buttons that replicate many
options available in the menus, these buttons provide a shortcut to the menu functions.
Tree view displays a hierarchical view of the messages held in the XML database. The
user is able to create, modify and delete folders as required. There are a number of folders
that cannot be deleted, (e.g. the Inbox which is used to display all received messages).
Summary list this displays messages stored in a folder selected by a user from the tree
view. The summary list contains a number of columns that provide a synopsis of the data for
a given message.
Text Editor displays the message as received on the AFTN. This editor is normally
disabled but if the message contains an error it is enabled to allow the message to be
corrected and saved to the database. Once saved the editor is again disabled.
Error reports this area displays the errors (if any) in received messages. Selecting an error
causes the erroneous part of the message to be highlighted in the Text Editor.
Status bar provides status information about various parts of the application, including
network connection status and the number of messages in a selected folder etc.
Once a message is received it can be moved around to a folder of choice (just as files in a file
explorer). Stored messages can be copied or a Reply to initiated.
When a Reply to is initiated using a form editor the form is filled out using data from the message
being copied. Hence if a Reply to is initiated on an FPL to reply with a DEP then the DEP form
editor is opened with all fields initialised from the original message; the user need only provide the
ATD, check the message for correct syntax and transmit it.
Users have the ability to Save a message to a Draft folder and then send it immediately or defer
the transmission for a later time.
All the buttons, menu items and fields are supported with tool tips that can be used as a reminder
as to their function or data input requirements of a GUI component.

3.1 On-Line Help

The application comes with a comprehensive on line help facility that can be invoked from any
window with the F1 key. Where appropriate, the help is context sensitive displaying help
information relevant for the window used to invoke the help.
If a form editor is open with the focus set in an editable field then F1 causes the help to open
displaying information on the field with the focus.

There is also a help button ( ) on the toolbar which causes the help to be displayed at the
Introduction page of the help documentation.

3.2 Limitations
The application provides numerous dialogues for creating and correcting messages along with a
number of windows that provide functions other than message editing. Many of the windows can
be opened more than once; this functionality is provided in order to be able to copy data from one
message to another or compare data between messages. In order to ensure that system resources
cannot be exhausted by opening too many windows a limit is placed on the maximum number of
windows that can be opened. The limit can be configured using configuration data.
The maximum number of windows that can be opened excludes the main application window, the
About dialogue, the Network Connectivity window and the Help window. Message boxes
reporting warnings, information and errors are also excluded. Once the limit is reached the user is
prompted to close one or more windows in order to continue opening additional windows.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

4 Using the Application

This section describes how to use the AFTN Terminal Application. The functions available and
described in this section are summarised in Appendix A Command Availability Matrix. The
matrix provides a synopsis of where a function can be found along with accelerator keys for fast
keyboard access to a function.

4.1 Main Window

Once the application is started the window shown in the following figure is displayed; this is the
main window as it appears after a cold start. Note that there is a set of default folders displayed in
the tree at the left of the window. These default folders cannot be renamed or deleted. There are
no specific folders relating to received messages, i.e. an 'Inbox'.

Figure 3 - Main Application Window Appearance after cold Start

Once the application server starts to receive messages a number of 'Inbox' folders are
automatically created in which the received messages are stored. These automatically created
folders cannot be deleted or renamed by the user.
When a message is received a bell sounds at the client (this is configurable and can be turned off)
to notify users that a message has been received. Messages with an SS priority indicator always
sound an alarm at the client; this alarm cannot be disabled.
As users are typically presented with the main window containing received messages the following
figure is used for the descriptions that follow. The figure shows the appearance of the main window
with a number of received messages and the folders created in which the message have been
automatically placed.

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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Figure 4 - Main Application Window Appearance after warm Start

Each node in the tree displays the following:
The total number of messages contained in a tree node (last number in parenthesis);
The number of messages not read in a tree node (first number in parenthesis);
A yellow warning icon if the folder contains a message with and error;
Selecting a tree node with the left mouse button causes the message(s) stored in the selected tree
node to be displayed in the summary list. Selecting an entry from the summary list causes the
message content to be displayed in the text editor below the summary list; the message is
displayed as received from the AFTN. Messages containing errors are displayed with a yellow
warning icon in the left most column of the summary list.
The text editor below the summary list is disabled for error free messages; erroneous messages
can be edited using this editor if required. There is no need to correct messages with errors; all
messages are stored in the database irrespective of their error status. However, if a message is to
be used as a template to build a message for transmission it must be error free before it can be
sent onto the AFTN.
The following figure illustrates the appearance of the main window with an erroneous message
selected. Selecting the error highlights the part of the message containing the error.

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AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Figure 5 - Main Application Window with Error Selected

4.1.1 Status Bar

The status bar contains five information areas, from left to right these are:
The number of messages in the selected folder and how many of these have been read;
Server availability status;
Client server connection status;
The connection status of the server with the AFTN switch;
A small stateless progress bar that is active when the client is waiting for a response from the
Double clicking the server, client or AFTN status icons opens a window displaying more detailed
information about network connectivity for all servers and clients in the system. A subsequent
double click will hide the network connectivity status window. Refer to section 4.3 titled Network
Connectivity Window for further details on this window.
The icons displayed in the status bar indicate connection status and server availability; the exact
meaning for each icon is explained in the following table.

Icon Meaning

No servers are available;

STBY server is available and this client is connected to it;

EXEC server is available and this client is connected to it; the availability of the STBY is not
indicated. For further information the Network Connectivity window must be opened.

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AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Icon Meaning

This client is not connected to an EXEC server; The connection to a standby server is not
indicated. For further information the Network Connectivity window must be opened.

This and client is connected to an EXEC server; The connection to a standby server is not
indicated. For further information the Network Connectivity window must be opened.

This and client and at least one other client are connected to the EXEC server; The connection
to a standby server is not indicated. For further information the Network Connectivity window
must be opened.

Neither the EXEC nor STBY server is connected to the AFTN.

The STBY server is connected to the AFTN;

The EXEC server is connected to the AFTN; the connection status of the STBY is not indicated.
For further information the Network Connectivity window must be opened.

Table 1 - Status Bar Icons

4.1.2 Main Window Print Options

Two print options are available from the Main Window:
Printing the summary list the output contains a list of the messages displayed in the
summary list.
Printing the message displayed in the editor the print output contains the message in the
same format as displayed in the text editor. Printing the Summary List

The summary list can be printed using one of the following options:

Selecting the print button ( ) on the main window toolbar;

Selecting the File Print Summary List option from the menu; Printing a Displayed Message

A displayed message can be printed using one of the following options:
Right click on a summary list entry and select the Print option from the popup menu;
Right click anywhere in the editor displaying the message and select the Print option
from the popup menu;

4.1.3 Main Window Tree Folder Manipulation

The creation, modification, deletion and expansion/collapse of folders in the tree view can be
carried out using the following methods:
From the main window menu with
File Folder (Create Folder, Delete Folder, Rename Folder or
Expand/Collapse Folder);
From the popup menu displayed by right clicking a tree node with
Create Folder, Delete Folder, Rename Folder or Expand/Collapse

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

A number of the folders displayed in the tree view cannot be altered and/or deleted. These are
automatically created and reserved for special purposes, these include:
All the Inbox folders;
The Draft folder;
The Outbox folder;
The Sent folder;
The popup and file menu items associated with the renaming and/or folder deletion will be disabled
or not present in the folder menus when invoked on a protected folder.

4.1.4 Message Templates

The application provides a means to store message templates that can be copied and used as a
basis for messages of similar content to be created and sent. Under normal circumstances
messages older than a given date and time are periodically removed by the housekeeping
function. Message templates must never be removed by the housekeeping function; to ensure
message templates are not removed they must be placed in a special folder titled Templates;
any messages in this folder will not be removed by housekeeping irrespective of their age.

4.1.5 Main Window Message Correction

A received ATS message that contains errors is displayed in the summary list with a yellow
explanation mark ( ) in the left most column of the list. These messages can be corrected if
required by selecting the error in the error report area, which sets the cursor to the field in the
message containing the error. The correction can be typed into the text area displaying the

Once something has been typed into the text area the Check button ( ) displayed on the main
window toolbar is enabled to validate any changes made. A message must be error free before it
can be saved.

Once the message passes input validation, the Save button ( ) is enabled on the toolbar and
the message can be saved by selecting the Save button. The original message is updated with
any changes made and secured to the database when the Save button is pressed.
The Save and Check options are also available from the popup menu displayed when the right
mouse button is clicked and the cursor is in the text editor.
Messages can also be corrected using a text editor that can be invoked from:
The popup menu displayed when right clicking a summary list entry and selecting the Edit
Message option ( );
Selecting the Text Editor button ( ) from the main window toolbar.
The text editor is discussed later in this document. The text editor functions in an identical manner
to the text editor displayed in the main application window.

4.1.6 Main Window Message Deletion

Messages can be deleted using one of the following mechanisms:
Selecting a message in the summary list and either:
Pressing the Delete button ( ) on the main window toolbar;

Pressing the Delete menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu invoked with a right
click on a selected message displayed in the summary list;

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Pressing the Delete menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu invoked with a right
click in the message editor area;
Selecting the main window edit menu item Edit Delete ATS Message;
The various Delete menu items are only enabled when a message is selected in the summary
list. When a message is deleted from a folder other than the Deleted folder, the message is
removed from the list in which it was selected and moved to the Deleted folder. If a message is
deleted from the Deleted folder it is permanently deleted and removed from the database;
messages deleted from the Deleted folder cannot be recovered.

4.1.7 Main Window Message Display

The original message as received can be displayed in a separate window; as many instances of
such windows can be opened as required. To display a message use one of the following

Select the Display Message button ( ) on the main window toolbar;

Select the Display Message menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu invoked with
a right click on a selected message displayed in the summary list;
The window displays a read only copy of the message that can be printed if required.

4.1.8 Main Window Message Composition

Messages can be created for transmission onto the AFTN. Two different types of editor are
provided to create new messages a plain text editor and a form editor. Both editor types are
described in section 4.2 titled Message Editors.
When creating a new message, it can be created from a blank form/editor or by copying an existing
message to initialise as many fields of the new message as possible.
This section describes how to invoke the message editors from the main window, refer to section
4.2 titled Message Editors for details on the editors.
Once a message is created the editors provide a means to both save and send a message. If a
message has been saved it is placed in the Draft folder. Any message in the Draft folder can be
sent using the send button ( ) displayed on the main window toolbar. Creating a Message from a Blank Editor

To invoke the form editors for message creation one of the following methods can be used:
Select one of the form editors displayed in the drop down list displayed at the left of the main
window toolbar.
Select one of the form editors displayed in the menu invoked from the main window menu
with File Create Message <Message Title> Editor
Fill out the form as described in section x. Creating a Message Copy

To create a copy of a message to use as a template for a new message with an identical message
title use one of the following methods:

Select the Copy Message button ( ) on the main window toolbar;

Select the Copy Message menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu invoked with a
right click on a selected message displayed in the summary list;

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A message copy always copies the message field for field; (if an ARR message is copied the
ARR editor is opened, if FPL then an FPL editor is opened etc.). A message box is displayed
when an attempt is made to open a form editor on a message that has no form editor support. The
message box advises that the plain text editor should be used instead. Replying to a Message

To reply to a message use the following method:

Select the Reply To Message <Message Title> Editor menu item ( )

displayed in the popup menu invoked with a right click on a selected message displayed in
the summary list;
Select a message title from the sub-menu as required to invoke the form editor appropriate
for the desired title;
The Reply to message provides a fast method to respond to a given message with a required
message title. For example, reception of an FPL for an arrival flight may eventually lead to an ARR
message being required for transmission back to the CFMU. To do this for the FPL message, the
FPL can be replied to with an ARR message. Upon displaying the ARR form editor the editor has
all the fields filled out using data from the FPL message used to invoke the ARR form editor. The
user only has to fill in the ATA and send the message onto the AFTN. The originator and
addressees are automatically filled in using a combination of configuration data and address data
contained in the message being copied.
A reply can also be made using a text editor by selecting the text editor option instead of a
message title editor option.

4.1.9 Main Window Message Transmission

Any messages that are in the Draft folder can be transmitted onto the AFTN by pressing the
Send button ( ) on the main window toolbar. Once the message has been sent it is moved to
the Outbox folder. If a connection is available to the AFTN the message is sent and then moved to
the Sent folder.
Messages are put into the Draft folder whenever an editor has been used to Save a message
and not send it.

4.1.10 Acknowledging Received Message

When messages are received they are displayed as not read. Once a message has been read
and the user is satisfied that the message has been dealt with it can be set as Read. This process
is not automated to ensure the end users acknowledge each and every message.
The status can be toggled between read and unread as required using the following method:

For an unread message - Select the Read menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu
invoked with a right click on a selected message displayed in the summary list;
For a read message - Select the Unread menu item ( ) displayed in the popup menu
invoked with a right click on a selected message displayed in the summary list;

4.2 Message Editors

The AFTN Terminal application provides two types of editors:
Plain text these can be used to enter any type of message onto the AFTN;
Form editors these are designed for specific message titles to aid fast message

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Form editors invoked using Reply to or Copy Message are initialised with as much data from the
message used to invoke the editor as possible, thus minimising the amount of additional data to
input before they are ready for transmission.
Form editors are available for the following message titles:
Form editors are not available for ADEXP messages and other types of non-ATS message such as
NOTAM and METAR messages.
This section describes how to use the various editors supported by the application.

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4.2.1 Text Editor

The text editors can be invoked for new messages or invoked using Reply to. When invoked as a
new message editor the message header is initialised with an originator and addressee list derived
from configuration data.
The user must provide the message body; the message body is described in more detail in section titled ICAO ATS Message Description. An example of how this editor appears is shown

Figure 6 - Text Editor Appearance (new Message)

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When the text editor is invoked with a Reply to both the message header and body are initialised
with data obtained from the message used to invoke the message. This results in a complete copy
of the message being placed into the editor, which can then be modified before validating and
ultimate transmission onto the AFTN. When a text editor is invoked from an ATS message the
callsign of the message is displayed in the window title bar.

Figure 7 - Text Editor Appearance (Reply To)

A message cannot be saved until all errors have been corrected. Saved messages are placed in
the Draft folder. A message can be sent once it has been saved.
A message displayed in a text editor can be printed if required using the print button. ICAO ATS Message Description

The text editors provide a means for any AFTN message to be entered. However, the AFTN
terminal provides advanced parsing for the ATS message set and as such these messages require
special mention in order to assist users in preparing these message types.
This section describes the overall message structure for the following ICAO message titles:
RQS and SPL.
In the following definitions fields shown in brackets are optional. The AFTN Terminal parser
tolerates white space between fields and field separators (the hyphens) but down-route systems
may not. Hence it is important to conform to the ICAO rules and concatenate the fields with the
field separators except when a separator starts a new line.
The AFTN terminal limits the number of characters to 69 per line upon transmission. The user
need not be concerned with writing the message in a single line. For easy reading it is often better
to split a message over several lines, preferably at the end of a field with the field separators
always starting a new line. This is the standard format that messages are sent over the AFTN.
Fields shown between curly braces occur a minimum and/or a maximum number of times as
indicated by a preceding or succeeding integer. If no integer precedes or follows a curly bracket
then this implies any number of times. ACH

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1{-FIELD_22}) CNL

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-FIELD_16 1{FIELD_16C}2
-FIELD_16 1{FIELD_16C}2
(RQS-1{Any text so long as its a minimum of 1 character}) SPL
-FIELD_16 1{FIELD_16C}2

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4.2.2 Form Editor

The form editors can be invoked for new messages or invoked using Reply to. When invoked for a
new message the editor is initialised with an originator and addressee list derived from
configuration data.
When invoke with a Reply To the editor is initialised with as much data as possible from the data
of the message used to invoke the Reply To. The form editors always consist of three panels:
Window upper half the fields available for a given message title; if there are a lot of fields
this panel is scrollable to avoid the window having to be too large to fit all the fields in one
display area;
Lower left an error panel that displays errors when the message is checked;
Lower right interactive help that provides information as to a fields syntax and semantics
when a field has the focus;
A field with focus is indicated to users; the TAB key can be used to skip from one field to the next.
As a user skips through the fields the interactive help displays the information appropriate for the
Selecting an error causes the field with the error to gain the focus and the cursor is positioned at
the text containing the error.
The following illustration is for a fully initialised flight plan (FPL) form editor.
For a description of syntax and semantic rules for the individual fields refer to section titled
ICAO Field Descriptions.

Figure 8 - Form Editor (FPL)

Messages can be printed from a form editor using the print button.

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To input a message using a form editor, data must be entered into the various fields. If a Reply To
was selected then most of the fields are filled out upon displaying a form editor. Once data is
entered into any field the Validate button is enabled.
Pressing the Validate button causes entered data to be parsed. If errors are detected they are
displayed in the Error Messages area. A message cannot be saved or sent while errors are
present. In order to expedite message correction, selecting an error causes the cursor to be placed
at the text in error and the field with the erroneous text to gain the focus.
When no errors are present the Save button is enabled; selecting this button causes the message
to be saved to the Draft folder.
Once saved the Send button is enabled; selecting this button sends the message to the Outbox
folder. If a connection with the AFTN switch is available the message is sent and moved to the
Sent folder.
Selecting the Close button closes the form editor. ICAO Field Descriptions

This section contains a description for each ICAO field that may occur in the form editors. Message Originator

The originator address which can be specified as either an ICAO or SITA address:
7 Characters represents a SITA address;
8 characters represents a ICAO address; Priority Indicator

Two character priority indicator:
SS - Distress message
DD - Urgent message
GG - One of the following:
Meteorological message
Flight Regularity Message
Aeronautical Information Services message
KK - Aeronautical Administrative message Filing time

Time and date at which the message is filed in the format DDHHMM. Destination Address

Address to which the message is to be sent which can be specified as either an ICAO or SITA
7 Characters represents a SITA address;
8 characters represents a ICAO address; Destination Address

Additional addresses to which the message is to be sent, can be specified as either an ICAO or
SITA address:
7 Characters represents a SITA address;
8 characters represents a ICAO address;

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AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09 ICAO Field 5a - Phase of Emergency

An emergency has been declared in respect of the aircraft concerned. Values for this field are one
of the following:
INCERFA if an uncertainty phase;
ALERFA if an alert phase;
DETRESFA if a distress phase; ICAO Field 5b - Originator of Message

8 LETTERS being the 4-letter ICAO location indicator plus the 3-letter designator of the ATS unit
originating the message followed by the letter X or, if applicable, the one-letter designator
identifying the division of the ATS unit originating the message. ICAO Field 5c - Nature of Emergency

Short plain language text to explain the nature of the emergency; this includes natural spaces
between the words. ICAO Field 7a - Aircraft Identification

Not more than seven characters, being the aircraft identification shown in the filed flight plan and
composed as specified in DOC 4444 Appendix 2, Section 2. ICAO Field 7b - SSR Mode

The character 'A' giving the SSR Mode related to field 7c. This field is optional in messages
relating to flights operating within areas where SSR is not used, or when the SSR Code information
is not known or would not be meaningful to the accepting unit. ICAO Field 7c - SSR Code

4 Numeric characters giving the SSR Code assigned to the aircraft by ATS and transmitted in the
Mode given field 7b, which for the form editor always assumes Mode 'A'. This field is optional in
messages relating to flights operating within areas where SSR is not used, or when the SSR Code
information is not known or would not be meaningful to the accepting unit. ICAO Field 8a - Flight Rules

One character as follows:
I if IFR
V if VFR
Y if the flight starts IFR
Z if the flight starts VFR
Note: If the letter Y or Z is used, the point or points at which a change of Flight rules is planned is
to be shown as indicated in Field 15. ICAO Field 8b - Type of flight

One character as follows:
S if scheduled air transport
N if non-scheduled air transport
G if general aviation
M if military
X other flights

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AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09 ICAO Field 9a - Number of Aircraft

The number of aircraft, if more than one, given as one or two digits representing the number of
aircraft in the flight.
Note: This element is included only in the case of formation flights. ICAO Field 9b - Type of Aircraft

Two to four characters, being the appropriate designator chosen from ICAO Doc 8643, Aircraft
Type Designators, or ZZZZ if no designator has been assigned or if there is more than one type of
aircraft in the flight.
Note: If the letters ZZZZ are used, the type(s) of aircraft is (are) to be shown in the Other
Information Field (see Field Type 18). ICAO Field 9c - Wake Turbulence Category

One character indicating the maximum certificated take-off mass of the aircraft:
H - Heavy
M - Medium
L - Light
J - Jumbo (A380) ICAO Field 10a Equipment

Radio Communication, Navigation and Approach Aid Equipment defined as one character 1 as
N - No COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried, or the equipment
is un-serviceable,
S - Standard COM/NAV/approach aid equipment for the route to be flown is carried and
serviceable (See Note 1),
COM/NAV/approach aid equipment serviceable:
A - (Not allocated)
B - (Not allocated)
E - (Not allocated)
G - (GNSS)
I - Inertial Navigation
J - (Data link) (see Note 3)
K - (MLS)
M - Omega
P - (Not allocated)
Q - (Not allocated)
R - RNP type certification (see Note 5)

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W - RVSM Capable
X - When prescribed by ATS
Y - 8.33KhZ channel separation supported
Z - Other equipment carried (see Note 2)
Note 1. Standard equipment is considered to be VHF RTF, ADF, VOR and ILS, unless another
combination is prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
Note 2. If the letter Z is used, the equipment carried is to be specified in Item 18, preceded by
COM/ and/or NAV/ as appropriate.
Note 3. If the letter J is used, specify in Item 18 the equipment carried, preceded by DAT/ followed
by one or more letters as appropriate.
Note 4. Information on navigation capability is provided to ATC for clearance and routing purposes.
Note 5. Inclusion of letter R indicates that an aircraft meets the RNP type prescribed for the route
segment(s), route(s) and/or area concerned. ICAO Field 10b - Surveillance Equipment

One or two characters to describe the serviceable surveillance equipment carried:
SSR equipment:
N - Nil
A - Transponder Mode A (4 digits 4 096 codes)
C - Transponder Mode A (4 digits 4 096 codes) and Mode C
X - Transponder Mode S without both aircraft identification and pressure-altitude
P - Transponder Mode S, including pressure-altitude transmission, but no aircraft
identification transmission
I - Transponder Mode S, including aircraft identification transmission, but no pressure-
altitude transmission
S - Transponder Mode S, including both pressure-altitude and aircraft identification
ADS equipment:
D - ADS capability ICAO Field 13a - Departure Aerodrome

Four characters defining one of the following:
The ICAO four-letter location indicator allocated to the departure aerodrome,
ZZZZ if no ICAO location indicator has been allocated (see Note 1) or if the departure
aerodrome is not known,
AFIL if the flight plan has been filed in the air (see Note 2).
Note 1. If ZZZZ is used, the name of the departure aerodrome is to be shown in the Other
Information Field (see Field Type 18) if this Field Type is contained in the message.
Note 2. If AFIL is used, the ATS unit from which supplementary flight data can be obtained is to be
shown in the Other Information Field (Field Type 18) ICAO Field 13b - Time

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Four digits giving one of the following:

The estimated off-block time at the aerodrome in Field 13a in FPL and DLA messages
transmitted before departure and in RQP message, if known, or the actual time of departure
from the aerodrome in Field 13a in ALR, DEP and SPL messages,
The actual or estimated time of departure from the first point shown in the Route Field (see
Field Type 15) in FPL messages derived from flight plans filed in the air, as shown by the
letters AFIL in Field 13a.
Note - This field is optional in message types CHG, CNL, ARR, CPL, EST, CDN, ACP and RQS. It
shall be omitted in message type RQP if the estimated off-block time is not known. ICAO Field 14a - Boundary Point

The boundary point expressed either by a designator consisting of 2 to 5 characters, in
Geographical Coordinates, in Abbreviated Geographical Coordinates, or by bearing and distance
from a designated point (e.g. a VOR).
Note 1. This point may be an agreed point located close to, rather than on, the FIR boundary.\n\
Note 2. See ICAO DOC 4444 Section 1.6 for data conventions. ICAO Field 14b - Time at Boundary Point

Four digits giving the estimated time at the Boundary Point; ICAO Field 14c - Cleared Level

This field gives the cleared level at which the aircraft will cross the Boundary Point, if in level
cruising flight, or the cleared level to which it is proceeding, if climbing or descending at the
Boundary Point.
F followed by 3 NUMERICS, or
S followed by 4 NUMERICS, or
A followed by 3 NUMERICS, or
M followed by 4 NUMERICS
Note - Refer also to data conventions in DOC 4444 section 1.6 of Appendix 3. ICAO Field 14d - Supplementary Crossing Data

A level, expressed as in field 14c, at or above which or at or below which (see field 14e) the aircraft
will cross the Boundary Point.
Note - This field is optional if the aircraft crosses the Boundary Point in level cruising flight. ICAO Field 14e - Crossing Condition

One character as follows:
A if the aircraft will cross the Boundary Point at or above the level in field 14d;
B if the aircraft will cross the Boundary Point at or below the level in field 14d; ICAO Field 15 - Route Description ICAO Field 15a - Cruising Speed or Mach Number

The True Airspeed for the first or the whole cruising portion of the flight, can be one of the
K followed by 4 NUMERICS giving the True Airspeed in kilometres per hour;

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N followed by 4 NUMERICS giving the True Airspeed in knots when so prescribed by the
appropriate ATS authority;
M followed by 3 NUMERICS giving the Mach Number to the nearest hundredth of unit Mach; ICAO Field 15b - Requested Cruising Level

F followed by 3 NUMERICS, or
S followed by 4 NUMERICS, or
A followed by 3 NUMERICS, or
M followed by 4 NUMERICS, or
See data conventions in ICAO DOC 4444 section 1.6 of Appendix 3. ICAO Field 15c - Route Description

A number of elements/groups of elements of the following seven types separated by SPACES, in
whatever sequence is necessary to describe the route in an unambiguous manner (see ICAO DOC
4444 Appendix 2, Section 2). (c1) Standard Departure Route

The designator for the Standard Departure Route from the aerodrome of departure to the first
significant point on the defined route to be flown.
Note 1. See data convention in DOC 4444 section 1.6.3 a) of Appendix 3.
Note 2. Element (c1) may be followed by (c3) or (c4).
Note 3. Standard Departure Route need be included only where appropriate. (c2) ATS Route Designator

Note 1. See data convention in DOC 4444 section 1.6.3 a) of Appendix 3.
Note 2. Element (c2) may be followed by (c3) or (c4) only. (c3) Significant Point

Note. See alternative data conventions in DOC 4444 section 1.6.3 b), c), d) and e) of Appendix 3. (c4) Significant Point/Cruising Speed and Cruising Level

SIGNIFICANT POINT (as in element (c3))
REQUESTED CRUISING LEVEL (as in field 15b). (c5) Indicator

1. VFR if a change to VFR is to be made at the preceding point,
2. IFR if a change to IFR is to be made at the preceding point, or
3. DCT if the flight to the next point will be outside a designated route, unless both points are
defined by geographical coordinates or by bearing and distance.
4. T if the route description is truncated at the preceding point and the remainder is to be sought in
a previously transmitted FPL or other data.
Note 1. Element (c5) may follow (c3) or (c4) and (c6) only.
Note 2. When used, T must conclude the Route Field.

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AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09 (c6) Cruise Climb

The letter C followed by an oblique stroke; then the point at which cruise climb is planned to start,
expressed exactly as in (c3) above, followed by an oblique stroke; then the speed to be maintained
during cruise climb expressed exactly as in field 15a above followed by the two levels defining the
layer to be occupied during cruise climb; each level expressed as in field 15b above, or the level
above which cruise climb is planned, followed by the letters PLUS, without a space between them. (c7) Standard Arrival Route

The designator for the Standard Arrival Route from the point of leaving the defined route to the
point at which the approach procedure is initiated.
Note Standard Arrival Route need only be included where appropriate.
M082F310 BCN1G BCN UG1 52N015W 52N020W 52N030W 50N040W
N0420F310 R10 UB19 CGC UA25 DIN/N0420F330 UR14 IBY UR1 MID ICAO Field 16a - Destination Aerodrome

Four characters, being one of the following:
The ICAO four-letter location indicator allocated to the destination aerodrome,
ZZZZ if no ICAO location indicator has been allocated.
Note: If ZZZZ is used, the name of the destination aerodrome is to be shown in the Other
Information Field (see Field Type 18). ICAO Field 16b - Total Estimated Elapsed Time

Four Digits, giving the total estimated elapsed time.
Note: This field is optional in all message types other than ALR, FPL and SPL. ICAO Field 16c - Alternate Aerodrome(s)

One or two further elements of field 16a should be added, as necessary, preceded by a space.
Four characters being one of the following:
The ICAO four-letter location indicator allocated to an alternate aerodrome,
ZZZZ if no ICAO location indicator has been allocated.
Note: If ZZZZ is used, the name of the alternate aerodrome is to be shown in the Other Information
Field (see Field Type 18).
This field may be terminated here in FPL messages when so agreed between the ATS units
concerned or prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation agreements. ICAO Field 17a - Arrival Aerodrome

Four characters being one of the following:
The ICAO four-letter location indicator allocated to the arrival aerodrome,
ZZZZ if no ICAO location indicator has been allocated. ICAO Field 17b - Time of Arrival

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Four characters giving the actual time of arrival.

Note: This field is optional if an ICAO location indicator has been allocated to the arrival
aerodrome. ICAO Field 17c - Arrival Aerodrome

Name of arrival aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in field 17a. ICAO Field 18 - EET

Significant points or FIR boundary designators and accumulated estimated elapsed times over
such points or FIR boundaries, when so prescribed on the basis of regional air navigation
agreements, or by the appropriate ATS authority.
The field is optional and can be left blank.
Examples: CAP0745, XYZ0830 or EINN0204 ICAO Field 18 - RIF

The route details to the revised destination aerodrome followed by the ICAO four-letter location
indicator of the aerodrome. The revised route is subject to re-clearance in flight.
The field is optional and can be left blank.

The registration markings of the aircraft; only if necessary if different from the aircraft identification
in field 7.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - SEL

SELCAL Code, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - OPR

Name of the operator, if not obvious from the aircraft identification in field 7. This should be a three
letter code such as BAW (British Airways) or AFR (Air France).
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - STS

Reason for special handling by ATS e.g. hospital aircraft, one engine inoperative, e.g. STS/HOSP,
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - TYP

Type(s) of aircraft, preceded if necessary by number(s) of aircraft, if ZZZZ is used in field 9b.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - PER

Aircraft performance data, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
The field is optional and can be left blank.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09 ICAO Field 18 - COM

Significant data related to communication equipment as required by the appropriate ATS authority,
e.g. COM/UHF only.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - DAT

Significant data related to data link capability, using one or more of the letters S, H, V and M, e.g.
DAT/S for satellite data link, DAT/H for HF data link, DAT/V for VHF data link, DAT/M for SSR
Mode S data link.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - NAV

Significant data related to navigation equipment as required by the appropriate ATS authority.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - DEP

Name of departure aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in field 13a, or the ICAO four-letter location
indicator of the location of the ATS unit from which supplementary flight plan data can be obtained,
if AFIL is inserted in field 13a.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - DEST

Name of destination aerodrome, if ZZZZ is inserted in field 16a.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - ALTN

Name of destination alternate aerodrome(s), if ZZZZ is inserted in field 16c.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - ORGN

7 character SITA or 8 character AFTN address.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - RALT

Name of en-route alternate aerodrome(s).
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - CODE

Aircraft address (expressed in the form of an alpha-numerical code of six hexa-decimal characters)
when required by the appropriate ATS authority. Example: 'F00001' is the lowest aircraft address
contained in the specific block administered by ICAO.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - RMK

Any other plain language remarks when required by the appropriate ATS authority or deemed
necessary by the Pilot-in-command for the provision of air traffic services.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - RVR

Runway visual range in meters;
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 18 - DOF

Date of flight in the format YYMMDD;
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - E

4 NUMERICS giving the fuel endurance in hours and minutes.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - P

1, 2 or 3 NUMERICS giving the total number of persons on board, when so prescribed by the
appropriate ATS authority.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - R

One or more of the following, without spaces:
U if frequency 243.0 MHz (UHF) is available,
V if frequency 121.5 MHz (VHF) is available,
E if emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is available.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - S

One or more of the following, without spaces:
P if polar survival equipment is carried,
D if desert survival equipment is carried,
M if maritime survival equipment is carried,
J if jungle survival equipment is carried.
The field is optional and can be left blank.
ICAO Field 19 - J
One or more of the following, without spaces:
L if the life jackets are equipped with lights
F if they are equipped with fluorescein, followed by space followed by
U if any life jacket radio is equipped with UHF on frequency 243.0 MHz,
V if any life jacket radio is equipped with VHF on frequency 121.5 MHz.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - D

One or more of the following, separated by spaces:
2 NUMERICS giving the number of dinghies carried,

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

3 NUMERICS giving the total capacity, in persons carried, of all dinghies.

C if dinghies are covered,
The colour of the dinghies (e.g. RED).
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - A

One or more of the following, separated by spaces:
The colour of the aircraft
Significant markings (this may include the aircraft registration)
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - N

Plain language indicating any other survival equipment carried and any other useful remarks.
The field is optional and can be left blank. ICAO Field 19 - C

Name of the pilot-in-command.
The field is optional and can be left blank.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

4.3 Network Connectivity Window

This window displays information about the network configuration and node availability associated
with the servers, clients and AFTN switch.
The window can be opened and closed by double clicking the icons or their associated text
displayed in the status bar. If the window is opened when the status bar is double clicked the
window is closed, if closed it is opened. The double click action toggles the display of the window.

Figure 9 - Network Connectivity Window

The window is divided into three sections; each section provides availability and network
configuration information about the servers, clients and AFTN switch.
The information displayed is cyclically updated once a second.
In the screen shot shown, a single instance of a server and client are running; if there were a
standby server this would be shown in addition to executive server in the Server Connection(s)
part of the window.
Additional clients would be shown in the section of the window displaying the client information.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

The AFTN details pertain to a single server; if two servers are running the status for each servers
AFTN switch connection would be shown. As only one server is up and running in the screen shot
shown above, there is only one AFTN switch connection shown.

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

5 Appendix A Command Availability Matrix

Network Connectivity
Summary list popup
Accelerator Keys

Tree view popup

Editor popup

Form Editor
Text Editor
Help Menu
Edit menu
File menu
About -
Check -
Create copy (FPL only) CTRL Shift C
Delete message CTRL D
Display original message (read only) CTRL Shift
Edit original message, (form editor) CTRL Shift F
Edit original message, (text editor) CTRL Shift E
Exit -
Folder manipulation -
Help Contents F1
Open selected form editor (creates new message) -
Paste CTRL V
Print individual message CTRL Shift P
Print summary list CTRL P
Read toggle -
Reply to message (select message title for -
Save -
Select all CTRL A
Send - D
Status bar icons (double click) -

Table 2 - Command Availability Matrix

D Only enabled when the Draft folder has been selected;

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

6 Appendix B Acronyms
Acronym Description
ACH ATC Change Message (ICAO format, CFMU special)
ACP Acceptance message (OLDI)
ADEXP ATS Data Exchange Presentation
AFP ATC Flight Plan proposal Message (ICAO)
AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network
AIP Aeronautical Information Publication
APL ATC Flight Plan Message (ICAO)
ARR ICAO ATS Arrival Message
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATM Air Traffic Management
ATS Air Traffic Service
CDN Coordination Message (OLDI)
CDP Configuration Data Preparation
CFMU Central Flow Management Unit
CHG ICAO ATS Change Message
CNL ICAO ATS Cancel Message
COTS Common Off The Shelf
CPL ICAO ATS Current Flight Plan Message
CWP Controller Working Position
DEP ICAO ATS Departure Message
DLA ICAO ATS Delay Message
DOF ICAO Field 18 subfield, Date of Flight
DPS Data Playback System
EET Estimated Elapsed Time
EST ICAO ATS Estimate Message
EUROCONTROL European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
FNM ICAO ATS Message (Oceanic)
FPL Flight Plan Message (ICAO)
GUI Graphical User Interface
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IP Internet Protocol
METAR Meteorological Aviation Routine Report
MFS ICAO ATS Message (Oceanic)
NOTAM Notice To Airmen
PANS Procedures for Air Navigation Services
RQP Request Flight Plan (ICAO)
RQS Request Supplementary Information (ICAO)

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
persons, without the prior written consent of Flight ATM Systems Ltd.; nor shall it be used for any purpose other than in connection with an agreement or proposed agreement with
Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;
AFTN Terminal 18-Oct-09

Acronym Description
SC Soft Copy
SMC System Monitoring and Control
SPL ICAO ATS Supplementary Flight Plan Message
TBD To Be Decided
TBP To Be Provided
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
XML Extensible Mark up Language

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All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of Flight ATM Systems Ltd. No part of it may be copied, or disclosed by the recipient to third
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Flight ATM Systems Ltd. Registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 562 5816;

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