DFDR Parametes and Mnemonic

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Appendix A

Flight Data Extracted from AGS

(Airbus A320 eet)

Table A.1: General Data (Aircraft)

Parameter Parameter Description A717 Rate [Hz] A429 Prim Source
AC_TAIL Aircraft Tail Number 1/4 FDIU/302/00
ACTYPE Aircraft Type 1/4 FDIU/304/00
ALT_STD Standard Barometric Altitude 1 ADC/203/01
DATE Flight Date Recorded 1/4 FDIU/260/00
EGT1 Exhaust Gas Temperature Eng #1 1 ECU/345/01
EGT2 Exhaust Gas Temperature Eng #2 1 ECU/345/10
FF1 Fuel Flow Engine #1 1 ECU/244/01
FF2 Fuel Flow Engine #2 1 ECU/244/10
FLTNUM1 Flight Number (Char #1 and #2) 1/4 FGC/233/00
FLTNUM2 Flight Number (Char #3 and #4) 1/4 FGC/234/00
FLTNUM3 Flight Number (Char #5 and #6) 1/4 FGC/235/00
FLTNUM4 Flight Number (Char #7 ) 1/4 FGC/236/00
GS Ground Speed 1 IRS/312/01
HEIGHTD Decision Height 1 DMC/370/01
IAS Indicated Air Speed 1 ADC/206/01
LATG Lateral Acceleration 4 SDAC/332/01
LONG Longitudinal Acceleration 4 SDAC/331/01
N11 N1 Actual Engine #1 (low rotor spd) 1 ECU/346/01
N12 N1 Actual Engine #2 (low rotor spd) 1 ECU/346/10
N21 N2 Actual Engine #1 (high rotor spd) 1 ECU/344/01
N22 N2 Actual Engine #2 (high rotor spd) 1 ECU/344/10
SAT Static Air Temperature 1 ADC/213/xx
TAS True Air Speed 1 ADC/210/01
TAT Total Air Temperature 1 ADC/211/xx
TLA1 Selected Throttle Lever Angle Eng #1 1 ECU/133/01
TLA2 Selected Throttle Lever Angle Eng #2 1 ECU/133/10
VAPP Approach Speed 1 FGC/077/00
VIB_N1FNT1 N1 Vibration Engine #1 1 EIVMU/135/01
VIB_N1FNT2 N1 Vibration Engine #2 1 EIVMU/135/10
VIB_N2FNT1 N2 Vibration Engine #1 1 EIVMU/136/01
VIB_N2FNT2 N2 Vibration Engine #2 1 EIVMU/136/10
VRTG Vertical Acceleration 8 SDAC/333/01

Table A.2: General Data (Calculated)

Calculation Control Parameter(s) Procedure description
Touch Down Corrected (TOUCH_DOWNC) Accelerations + Radio Alt Appendix B.2
Thrust Lever Detent Position Engine n TLAn Appendix B.5
Radio Altitude Rate RALT Appendix B.3
Flap and Slat Conguration (CONF) FLAP_n, SLATRW Appendix B.4
Flap and Slat Lever Position (LEVER_POSITION) FLAP_n, SLATRW Appendix B.4
Continued on next page

Table A.2  continued from previous page
Calculation Control Parameter(s) Procedure description
Max Brake Pressure BRAKE_Pn Appendix B.8
Time between TD and APx Disengage T, AP_EGDn Appendix B.8.1
Time between TD and AUTOLAND_ON T, AUTOLAND_ON Appendix B.8.1
Time TR Actuated T, REV_DEPLOYEDn Appendix B.8.1
Reverse Type N1n,T,REV_DEPLOYEDn Appendix B.8.2
Glide Slope Track FMA_GS_TRK, APMOD14 Appendix B.7
Landing Distance T, GS Appendix B.6

Table A.3: Key Point Flight Data - Ground Sector

Parameter Parameter Description A717 Rate [Hz] A429 Prim Source
ABRK_SEL_MAX AutoBrake Selection Maximum 1 BSCU/027/01 - bit 22
ABRK_SEL_MED AutoBrake Selection Medium 1 BSCU/027/01 - bit 21
ABRK_SEL_MIN AutoBrake Selection Minimum 1 BSCU/027/01 - bit 20
AUTOLAND_ON Autoland Warning ON 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 16
BRAKE_FAULT Normal Brake Fault 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 26
BRAKE_LPA Left Brake Pedal Angle 1 BSCU/331/xx
BRAKE_P1 Brake #1 Pressure 1 BSCU/300/xx
BRAKE_P2 Brake #2 Pressure 1 BSCU/301/xx
BRAKE_P3 Brake #3 Pressure 1 BSCU/302/xx
BRAKE_P4 Brake #4 Pressure 1 BSCU/303/xx
BRAKE_RPA Right Brake Pedal Angle 1 BSCU/330/xx
L2_CAP Autoland Capability CAT 2 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 16
L2_INOP Autoland Capability CAT 2 Inoperative 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 20
L2C_FMA Autoland Capability CAT 2 - FMA Display 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 23
L3FO_CAP Autoland Capability CAT 3 Fail Operational 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 18
L3FP_CAP Autoland Capability CAT 3 Fail Passive 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 17
L3FO_FMA Auto Cap CAT 3 Fail Operative - FMA Display 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 24
L3FP_FMA Auto Cap CAT 3 Fail Passive - FMA Display 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 24
L3FO_INOP Autoland Cap CAT 3 Fail Operative Inoperative 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 22
L3FP_INOP Autoland Cap CAT 3 Fail Passive Inoperative 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 20
LDG_ON_1 LH Landing Gear Compressed 1 LGCIU/021/xx - bit 13
LDGN_ON Nose Landing Gear Compressed 1 LGCIU/021/xx - bit 12
LDG_ON_2 RH Landing Gear Compressed 1 LGCIU/021/xx - bit 14
REV_DEPLOYED1 Reverser Deployed Eng #1 (GREEN) 1 DMC/270/xx - bit 13
REV_DEPLOYED2 Reverser Deployed Eng #2 (GREEN) 1 DMC/270/xx - bit 14
REV_UNLOCK_1 Reverser Unlock Eng #1 (AMBER) 1 DMC/270/xx - bit 11
REV_UNLOCK_2 Reverser Unlock Eng #2 (AMBER) 1 DMC/270/xx - bit 12
SPOIL_L2 LH Spoiler #2 Position 1 FCDC/362/xx
SPOIL_L3 LH Spoiler #3 Position 1 FCDC/363/xx
SPOIL_L4 LH Spoiler #4 Position 1 FCDC/364/xx
SPOIL_L5 LH Spoiler #5 Position 1 FCDC/365/xx
SPOIL_R2 RH Spoiler #2 Position 1 FCDC/372/xx
SPOIL_R3 RH Spoiler #3 Position 1 FCDC/373/xx
SPOIL_R4 RH Spoiler #4 Position 1 FCDC/374/xx
SPOIL_R5 RH Spoiler #5 Position 1 FCDC/375/xx
WS1 MLG Wheel Speed #1 1 BSCU/320/xx
WS2 MLG Wheel Speed #2 1 BSCU/321/xx
WS3 MLG Wheel Speed #3 1 BSCU/322/xx
WS4 MLG Wheel Speed #4 1 BSCU/323/xx

Table A.4: Key Point Flight Data - Air Sector

Parameter Parameter Description A717 Rate [Hz] A429 Prim Source
ALLIGN Autopilot Align Mode 1 FGC/275/00 - bit 25
ALT_STD Standard Barometric Altitude 1 ADC/203/01
AOAL Angle of Attack System #1 1 ADC/241/01
AOAR Angle of Attack System #2 1 ADC/241/10
AP_BLW_200FT Autopilot OFF Below 200 ft 1 FWC/126/10 - bit 11
AP_EGD1 Autopilot #1 Engaged 1 DMC/276/01 - bit 13
AP_EGD2 Autopilot #2 Engaged 1 DMC/276/10 - bit 14
AP_INST_DISC Autopilot Instictive Disconnect 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 11
AP_OFF_WARN Autopilot OFF Warning 1 FWC/126/10 - bit 19
APFLARE Autopilot Flare Mode (FGC) 1 FGC/274/00 - bit 25
APGS Autopilot Glide Slope (FGC) 1 FGC/274/00 - bit 22
APMOD18 Autopilot Mode 18 - Land Track (FGC) 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 14
APTRK Autopilot TRACK (FGC) 1 FGC/274/00 - bit 20
Continued on next page
Table A.4  continued from previous page
Parameter Parameter Description A717 Rate [Hz] A429 Prim Source
AT_AFLOOR Autothrust ALPHA FLOOR Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 17
AT_ASYM Autothrust ASYM Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 21
AT_IDLE Autothrust IDLE Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 16
AT_MCT Autothrust MCT Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 12
AT_SPEED Autothrust SPEED Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 19
AT_THR Autothrust THR Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 15
AT_TOGA Autothrust TOGA Mode Displayed 1 FGC/271/00 - bit 11
ATH_OFF_WARN Autothrust OFF Warning 1 FWC/126/10 - bit 12
ATHID Autothrust Instictive Disconnect 1 FGC/146/00 - bit 17
ATHR_OFF_WARN Autothrust OFF Warning 1 FWC/126/10 - bit 12
ATHRA Autothrust Active 1 FGC/270/00 - bit 14
ATHRE Autothrust Engaged 1 FGC/270/00 - bit 13
ATN1 Autothrust N1 Mode 1 FGC/270/00 - bit 21
ATRETARD Autothrust RETARD Mode (FGC) 1 FGC/270/00 - bit 20
ATS_RET_MOD Autothrust RETARD Mode (DMC) 1 DMC/271/xx - bit 18
ATSPDMN Autothrust Speed/Mach Mode 1 FGC/270/00 - bit 18
CG Center of Gravity 1 FMC/077/00
CPT_MC_ON Captain Master Caution ON 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 15
CPT_MW_ON Captain Master Warning ON 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 14
DRIFT Drift Angle 1 IRS/321/01
ELEV_1 Elevator Position Left 1 FCDC/314/01
ELEV_2 Elevator Position Right 1 FCDC/334/01
FD_PITCH Flight Director PITCH 1 FGC/141/00
FD_ROLL Flight Director ROLL 1 FGC/140/00
FD_STATUS Flight Director Status 1 DMC/276/xx - bit 24
FD_1 Flight Director #1 Engaged 1 DMC/276/xx - bit 15
FD_2 Flight Director #2 Engaged 1 DMC/276/xx - bit 16
FLAP_RAW Flap Actual Position (FPPU angle) 1/2 SFCC/137/xx
FLAP_LP_0 Flap Lever Position #0 1 SDAC/046/xx - bit 17
FLAP_LP_1 Flap Lever Position #1 1 SDAC/046/xx - bit 18
FLAP_LP_2 Flap Lever Position #2 1 SDAC/046/xx - bit 19
FLAP_LP_3 Flap Lever Position #3 1 SDAC/046/xx - bit 20
FLAP_LP_4 Flap Lever Position #4 (FULL) 1 SDAC/046/xx - bit 21
FM_FWC FWC Flight Phases 1 FWC/126/01
FMA_LG_FLARE Autopilot Flare Mode (Displayed) 1 DMC/302/01 - bit 25
FMA_LAT_LANDTK Autopilot Land Track Mode 1 DMC/300/01 - bit 14
FMA_LAT_LOCTRK FMA Lat LOC TRK Mode active 1 DMC/301/xx - bit 14
FMA_LG_GS FMA Longitudinal G/S Mode Active 1 DMC/302/xx - bit 22
FMA_LG_TRK FMA Longitudinal TRK Mode Active 1 DMC/302/xx - bit 20
FO_MC_ON First Ocer Master Caution ON 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 23
FO_MW_ON First Ocer Master Warning ON 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 22
FPA Flight Path Angle 2 IRS/322/01
FPAC Flight Path Acceleration 4 IRS/323/xx
GSDEV1_MDDM ILS Glide Slope System #1 1 DMC/174/01
GSDEV2_MDDM ILS Glide Slope System #2 1 DMC/174/10
GW1KG Actual Gross Weight System #1 1 FMC/075/00
HEAD_MAG Magnetic Heading 1 IRS/320/01
ILS1_FREQ ILS #1 Tuned Frequency 1/4 DMC/033/01
ILS2_FREQ ILS #2 Tuned Frequency 1/4 DMC/033/10
INR_MK ILS Inner Marker 1 DMC/274/xx - bit 15
IVVR Baro-Inertial Vertical Speed 4 IRS/365/01
LDG_SELUP Landing Gear Selector UP 1 LGCIU/020/xx - b14
LDG_SELDW Landing Gear Selector DOWN 1 LGCIU/020/xx - b29
LOC1_MDDM ILS Localiser System #1 1 DMC/173/01
LOC2_MDDM ILS Localiser System #2 1 DMC/173/10
MAS_MAR Master Warning 1 FWC/126/11 - bit 14
MID_MK ILS Middle Marker 1 DMC/274/xx - bit 14
OUT_MK ILS Outer Marker 1 DMC/274/xx - bit 13
PITCH Pitch Angle 4 IRS/324/01
PITCH_CPT Side-Stick Pitch Command CAPT 2 FCDC/305/xx
PITCH_FO Side-Stick Pitch Command FO 2 FCDC/306/xx
PTCR Body Axis Pitch Rate 4 IRS/326/xx
RALTD1 Radio Altitude System #1 4 DMC/164/01
RALTD2 Radio Altitude System #2 4 DMC/164/10
ROLL Roll Angle 2 IRS/325/01
ROLL_CPT Side-Stick Roll Command CAPT 2 FCDC/301/xx
ROLL_FO Side-Stick Roll Command FO 2 FCDC/302/xx
ROLR Body Axis Roll Rate 2 IRS/327/xx
ROLLOUT Autopilot Rollout Sub-Mode 1 DMC/301/01 - bit 26
RUDD Rudder Position 2 SDAC/312/00
RUDPP Rudder Pedal Position 2 FCDC/304/01
RUDT Rudder Trim 1 FAC/313/00
SLATRW Slat Actual Position 1 SFCC/127/01
SPOIL_GND_ARM Ground Spoilers Armed 1 FCDC/043/xx - bit 27
STAB Stabiliser Position 1 FCDC/315/01
YAW Body Axis Yaw Rate 2 IRS/330/xx
WIN_SPDR Wind Speed 1 IRS/315/01
WIN_DIRR Wind Direction 1 IRS/316/01


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