Oracle Cloud General Concept

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Oracle® Cloud

Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Release 17.2

June 2017
Documentation for Oracle Cloud users that describes how to
subscribe to Oracle Cloud services, add users, assign roles, and
access service consoles.
Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud, Release 17.2


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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... vii

Topic Overview........................................................................................................................................... vii
Audience ..................................................................................................................................................... viii
Related Documents.................................................................................................................................... viii
Conventions................................................................................................................................................ viii

1 About Oracle Cloud

About the Oracle Cloud Website............................................................................................................ 1-1
Web Browser Requirements ........................................................................................................... 1-2
Oracle Cloud Terminology...................................................................................................................... 1-2
Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts............................................................................................................ 1-4
Overview of Oracle Cloud Subscriptions.............................................................................................. 1-5
Service Limits for Pay-As-You-Go Subscriptions........................................................................ 1-5
Requesting a Service Limit Increase .............................................................................................. 1-6
Contacting Oracle Support...................................................................................................................... 1-7
Chatting Online with an Oracle Representative .......................................................................... 1-7
Contacting Oracle............................................................................................................................. 1-7

2 Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial

Overview of Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial................................................................ 2-1
Getting an Account.............................................................................................................. 2-2
Requesting a Trial Subscription.............................................................................................................. 2-3
Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences .................................................................................... 2-7
Activating Your Trial Subscription ........................................................................................................ 2-7
About Activating a Trial Subscription .......................................................................................... 2-7
Activating Trial Subscriptions from the Email Link ................................................................... 2-8
Activating Trial Subscriptions From Oracle Cloud..................................................................... 2-8
Verifying That Your Trial Subscription Is Running .......................................................................... 2-10
Managing Your Oracle Cloud Trial Subscriptions ............................................................................ 2-11
Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service ................................................................................................. 2-12

3 Requesting and Managing Free Oracle Cloud Promotions
Overview of Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion ................................................................................ 3-1
Signing Up for the Free Oracle Cloud Promotion ............................................................................... 3-2
Setting Language Preferences ................................................................................................................ 3-3
Verifying That Your Services Are Ready ............................................................................................. 3-3
Managing Your Credit Balances............................................................................................................. 3-4
Converting Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion .................................................................................. 3-4
Next Steps .................................................................................................................................................. 3-5

4 Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service

Overview of Buying a Nonmetered Oracle Cloud Service................................................................. 4-1
Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences .................................................................................... 4-2
Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service ......................................................................................................... 4-3
After Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service....................................................................................... 4-4
Ordering Oracle Cloud Applications ............................................................................................ 4-4
Activating Your Order ............................................................................................................................. 4-4
Activating Oracle Cloud Services .................................................................................................. 4-5
Activating an Order from the Email Link..................................................................................... 4-5
Activating an Order from Oracle Cloud ....................................................................................... 4-7
Verifying That a Service Is Running .................................................................................................... 4-11
Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service ................................................................................................. 4-13
Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service ................................................................................................. 4-14

5 Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service

Overview of Buying Metered Oracle Cloud Services.......................................................................... 5-1
Browsing and Learning About Oracle Cloud Services ....................................................................... 5-2
Ordering an Oracle Cloud Metered Service ......................................................................................... 5-2
Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account..................................................................................................... 5-3
About Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account ................................................................................ 5-4
Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account from the Email Link........................................................ 5-4
Logging in to My Services ....................................................................................................................... 5-6
Managing Your Metered Oracle Cloud Services.................................................................................. 5-7

6 Adding Users and Assigning Roles

Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges ............................................................................................... 6-1
Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account .................................................................................... 6-5
About the Users Page in a Traditional Cloud Account .............................................................. 6-6
Creating a User and Assigning a Role........................................................................................... 6-7
Assigning One Role to Many Users............................................................................................. 6-10
Importing a Batch of User Accounts............................................................................................ 6-11
Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS.................................................................................... 6-15
About the Users Page in a Cloud Account with IDCS.............................................................. 6-15

Creating a New Cloud Account User.......................................................................................... 6-15
Assigning Cloud Account Roles to a User.................................................................................. 6-16
Changing Password for Your Cloud Account with IDCS........................................................ 6-17
Importing a Batch of Users into a Cloud Account with IDCS ................................................. 6-17

7 Creating Service Instances

Before You Create Service Instances ...................................................................................................... 7-1
Creating a Service Instance ..................................................................................................................... 7-1
After Creating a Service Instance ........................................................................................................... 7-3

8 Managing Your Password

About the My Profile Options................................................................................................................. 8-1
Changing Your Traditional Cloud Account Password ....................................................................... 8-1
Changing Your Password Challenge Questions .................................................................................. 8-2

9 Accessing Service Consoles............................................................................... 9-1

10 Frequently Asked Questions When Getting Started ....................................... 10-1

A About the Assign Service Details Page

B Limits By Service


Getting Started with Oracle Cloud introduces you to cloud concepts and describes how
you can request a trial subscription or purchase a subscription for an Oracle Cloud
service. In addition, this document describes how to add users, change passwords,
and access service consoles.


• Topic Overview

• Audience

• Related Documents

• Conventions

Topic Overview
This document contains the following sections:

Title Description
About Oracle Cloud Offers a brief introduction to the Oracle Cloud environment,
terminology, and user roles.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Describes how to get a free 30-day trial subscription to an
Service Trial Oracle Cloud service.

Buying a Nonmetered Describes how to purchase and manage your subscription

Subscription to an Oracle to an Oracle Cloud service.
Cloud Service

Buying a Metered Subscription Describes how to purchase and manage your pre-paid
to an Oracle Cloud Service metered subscription to Oracle Public Cloud Services.

Adding Users and Assigning Describes how to add and assign roles.

Creating Service Instances Describes how to create service instances for entitlements.

Managing Your Password Describes how to change your password and password
challenge questions.

Accessing Service Consoles Describes how to access your service consoles.

Title Description
Frequently Asked Questions Lists a set of frequently asked questions about Oracle Cloud
When Getting Started Portal.

This document is primarily for users who are responsible for provisioning and
activating Oracle Cloud services, for adding other users who would manage the
services, or, who want to develop Oracle Cloud applications.

Related Documents
For additional documentation related to your Oracle Cloud service, visit the Oracle
Cloud website at:
Open the Support menu at the top of the page and select Documentation to access the
Oracle Cloud Documentation home page. Search or browse the library for
documentation specific to your application, infrastructure, or platform cloud service.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements
associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder

variables for which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs,

code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you

About Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud is an enterprise cloud for businesses. Oracle Cloud offers self-service
business applications delivered on an integrated development and deployment
platform with tools to extend and create new services rapidly.
With predictable subscription pricing, Oracle Cloud delivers instant value and
productivity for users, administrators, and developers. Our fully managed
environment is built using Oracle Exadata, Oracle Exalogic, Oracle Database, and
Oracle WebLogic products.
In addition, the Oracle Cloud environment includes built-in identity management,
high availability, elasticity, backup, and monitoring to enable secure and scalable
applications. With open Java and SQL standards at the core, enterprises can finally
leverage existing IT skill sets and avoid lock-in of their business applications in the


• About the Oracle Cloud Website

• Web Browser Requirements

• Oracle Cloud Terminology

• Contacting Oracle Support

• Overview of Oracle Cloud Subscriptions

About the Oracle Cloud Website

From the Oracle Cloud website, you can learn about the available Oracle Cloud
services, sign up for a free trial subscription, or purchase one or more subscriptions to
Oracle Cloud services. The free trial subscriptions give you the opportunity to try an
Oracle Cloud service before you buy a subscription.
Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:
The menu bar provides options that help you navigate in Oracle Cloud and learn more
about Oracle Cloud services.

• Select a service category in the menu bar or one of the service category tabs to
learn about a specific application, platform or infrastructure service in Oracle

• Select Support to look at the literature and video library. You can access data
sheets, documentation, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), tutorials, videos,
white papers, and discussion forums.

About Oracle Cloud 1-1

Oracle Cloud Terminology

• Click Sign In to go to the Sign In page. You can then sign in to My Services
(Cloud Account) or My Account (Order Management).

Web Browser Requirements

The following table lists the web browser requirements for using Oracle Cloud and
Oracle Cloud service-specific tools such as Oracle Java Cloud Services Control.

Web Browser Version Notes

Microsoft Internet 9, 10, or 11 • Set Browser Mode to IE9 or IE10
Explorer • Set Document Mode to IE9 or IE10

Mozilla Firefox 17, 24, and later ——

Google Chrome 29 and later For some Oracle Cloud service-specific tools,
Google Chrome may not be supported.
Consult the document specific to the Oracle
Cloud service for additional requirements.

Apple Safari 6 and 7 For some Oracle Cloud service-specific tools,

Apple Safari may not be supported. Consult
the document specific to the Oracle Cloud
service for additional requirements.


This release does not support mobile browsers.

Oracle Cloud Terminology

The following table lists the terminology that documentation uses when describing the
Oracle Cloud features and functionality. It is important that you have a good
understanding of these terms.

Term Definition
Oracle Account To register for a trial or purchase a subscription to an Oracle Cloud service from
Oracle Store, you must have an Oracle Account ( account). If not, the
system prompts you to create an account when you attempt to sign up for an Oracle
Cloud service. You can also use this account to manage your (buyer) profile in the
store such as manage orders, or buy additional services.
Oracle Account is a unique customer account and can correspond to an individual,
an organization, or a company that is an Oracle customer. Each account has one or
more identity domains.
An account must have at least one account administrator who is responsible for
activating Oracle Cloud services, creating identity domains, monitoring status and
usage, and designating other users as account administrators.

Data center A facility used to house computer systems and associated components.
Oracle provides data centers in various geographical regions. An identity domain
and the services associated with that domain must belong to a specific data center.

Entitlement Entitlements represent the right to use Oracle Cloud services, based on the resources
you’ve purchased.

1-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud Terminology

Term Definition
Identity domain Controls the authentication and authorization of the users who can sign in to an
Oracle Cloud service and what features they can access.
An Oracle Cloud service must belong to an identity domain. Multiple services can
be associated with a single identity domain to share user definitions and
authentication. Users in an identity domain can be granted different levels of access
to each service associated with the domain.

Metered Oracle Public These are bundled Oracle Public Cloud Services that contain associated services in a
Cloud Services categories single order. These services are metered based on the payment method that the
(buckets) customer chooses. Currently, there are 3 metered categories available, namely:
• Oracle Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Public Cloud Services category:
Includes Compute, Storage, Java, and Database Public Cloud services.
• Oracle Java Public Cloud Services category: Includes a host of other Oracle
Public Cloud Services such as Documents, Java, Messaging, or Mobile among
• Oracle Database Public Cloud Services category: Includes Database and
Database Backup Public Cloud services.

Oracle Public Cloud In the case of Oracle Public Cloud Services, an account is a unique customer account
Services Account / that can have multiple Oracle Public Cloud Services of different service types.
Identity Domain For example, You can have three different instances of Oracle Public Cloud Services,
such as Java, Database, and IaaS in a single Oracle Public Cloud Services account,
but you cannot have multiple instances of Oracle IaaS Public Cloud Services in a
single account.
Account creation results in creation of an identity domain (IDM slice) for that
customer that is leveraged across all Oracle Public Cloud Services services (and
across all data centers). During the Oracle Public Cloud Services account setup
process, the customer needs to create an account and specify an account name.
Using the specified account name, that the identity domain will be implicitly

Service A software offering in Oracle Cloud. Oracle offers social, application, and platform

Service association An association between service instances that are part of the same identity domain.
For example, a new Oracle Java Cloud Service trial automatically includes a new
Oracle Database Cloud Service in the same identity domain.
If an identity domain has an existing Oracle Application Cloud service, such as
Oracle Sales Cloud, you can associate any other Platform as a Service offerings, such
as Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension or Oracle Database Cloud Service, in
the same identity domain.

Service console Refers to the unique console of the service or to the administrator console if the
service has both an administrator console and a user console.

Service instance An instance of one of the service types. For example, an instance of an Oracle Java
Cloud Service. A service instance can be a slice of a multi-tenant service
infrastructure or a dedicated single tenant service infrastructure.

Service instance URL URL to the provisioned service instance.

Service name A name assigned to your Oracle Cloud service. The name must be unique within the
identity domain. You can add a longer description to a service to help you identify
it, after it is activated.

About Oracle Cloud 1-3

Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts

Term Definition
Service notification An event reported on the Notifications page that does not require administrative
action. This type of notification provides information about upcoming system-wide
and service-specific events, such as outages and blackouts.

Trial subscription An Oracle Cloud service that is available for free for 30 days, for trial and evaluation
purposes only.

Utilization Metrics that show how much system resources are being consumed by a service.
You can use either the My Account or the My Services application to view the
utilization metrics for a service.

Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts

There are two types of Cloud Accounts: Traditional Cloud Accounts (also known as
Cloud Service Accounts) and Cloud Accounts with Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).
The two account types differ in how they handle users and roles. In addition, some
specific management tasks, such as changing your password, are different.
Both use enterprise-ready Oracle Identity Management software, which manages your
login credentials and controls what services and features you can access when you log
in. However, one account type uses traditional Oracle Identity and Access
Management software that is associated with a particular Oracle Cloud data center.
The other uses Oracle Identity Cloud Service (Oracle IDCS) to perform the same tasks.
If you manage multiple services or service entitlements, then you might use both.
Which account type you use depends on when you signed up for Oracle Cloud, the
types of services you are using, and which Oracle Cloud data center you are using.
When you create or manage additional users in your account, you’ll notice that the
user interface is different, depending up on which type of account you are using. For
this reason, be sure to use the instructions specific your account type when you are
performing Oracle Cloud management tasks.
Tips to Identify Which Cloud Account Type You are Using
Here are some tips for how to tell which Cloud Account you are using:

• When you are assigned a Traditional Cloud Account, your Welcome email
includes an identity domain, which you must specify when you log into your
account. When you are assigned a Cloud Account with IDCS, your welcome email
includes only the Cloud Account name; you don't need to specify an identity
domain when you log in.

• When you click Users on the My Services dashboard, the resulting page is
different. If you are assigned a Traditional Cloud Account, the Users page is
labeled, Users, and the data center information appears at the top of the page. If
you are assigned a Cloud Account with IDCS, the page is labeled, Identity Cloud

• You’ll also notice differences in the Web address used to access your account (the
My Services URL). Cloud Accounts with IDCS use the actual Cloud Account
name within the My Services URL.

1-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Overview of Oracle Cloud Subscriptions

Overview of Oracle Cloud Subscriptions

We offer Oracle Cloud services at several pricing and service levels to suit the needs
and budget of your organization.
Metered Service Offerings
With the metered service offerings, you’re billed in arrears based on your actual usage.
The metered offerings apply to Oracle’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform
as a Service (PaaS) Cloud services. You can purchase our metered Cloud services by
choosing one of the following purchase models:

• Pre-Paid Subscription: You commit to a Pre-Paid subscription and receive a

custom rate card attached to your Cloud Ordering Document. The Cloud
Ordering Document identifies the specific Oracle IaaS and Oracle PaaS services
that you can activate and use with your Oracle Cloud Services account. The
standard term for a Pre-Paid offering is 12 months and it is a use it or lose it model.

• Pay as You Go: When you know the specific resources you may need (number of
users, data size, OCPUs) you can opt for Pay-As-You-Go subscription. You can
also increase the service limits of specific resources if you need more than the
default available limit. You’re billed monthly, in arrears, based on your actual
usage at the predetermined Pay-As-You-Go rates.

• Commit Model: Some Oracle Cloud services offer a monthly commit

subscription. In this model, you select a subscription category, and you specify a
monthly or a yearly commitment amount, irrespective of whether you use all the
services in the category or not. The minimum subscription period is one year but
you will be billed monthly. Your service usage will be metered hourly. Any
unused amount expires at the end of the committed period (either monthly or
yearly). Usage above the committed amount results in overage.
See Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service and Service Limits for
Pay-As-You-Go Subscriptions.
Nonmetered Service Offerings
With the nonmetered service offerings, you pay for a set amount of users over the
course of the service period. You’re billed up front based on that committed quantity.
The nonmetered offerings can be applied to Oracle IaaS, Oracle PaaS, and Oracle
Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) Cloud services (as well as a handful of other
offerings). These offerings are sold via a usage-based metric, such as Hosted Named
User or Hosted Environment. See Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle
Cloud Service.
Some Oracle Cloud services offer entitlements that represent your right to use Oracle
Cloud services. This right to use allows you to create and activate multiple service
instances, based on your business requirements. The entitlements are controlled by
configuration parameters, or purchased resources for each cloud service, or both. See
Creating Service Instances.

Service Limits for Pay-As-You-Go Subscriptions

This topic describes the service limits set for Pay As You Go Oracle Cloud metered
services and the process for increasing those default limits.
About Service Limits

About Oracle Cloud 1-5

Overview of Oracle Cloud Subscriptions

When you sign up for Oracle Cloud metered services and select the pay as you go
payment option, a set of service limits are configured for your services, by default. The
service limit is the quota or allowance set on a service resource. For example, when
you purchase Oracle Compute Cloud Service, 50 OCPUs (for Compute General
Purpose) would be configured by default. Similarly, other Compute resources
(Compute High-I/O, Compute Block Storage etc) in the service would have various
limits defined. If you signed up for our credit promotions through Oracle Store,
promotional limits are set initially and the Pay-As-You-Go limits are set if you decide
to convert the service to Pay As You Go. If you need more resources than the specified
service limits, you can request to have the service limits raised.
What Happens When I Reach a Service Limit?
When you reach the service limit for your service, you won’t be allowed to create new
service instances. You’ll get an error if you try to do so. You can only create new
instances after you increase your service limits or you terminate an existing service
To learn more about the service limits for specific resources of Oracle Cloud Pay-As-
You-Go services, see Limits By Service.

Requesting a Service Limit Increase

You can use My Oracle Support to file a service request for increasing your service
limit. Please note that the service limits are increased only after they are approved.
Approval is not immediate and may take a few days to become effective.

To request a service limit increase:

1. Sign in to with your Oracle Account.

a. If you are using My Oracle Support, click Switch to Cloud Support at the top of
the page to log service requests.

b. Select the Service Requests tab.

2. Click Create Service Request.

3. Click Cloud.

4. Select the following:

• Service Type: For example, Oracle Compute Cloud Service.

• Service Name: Any service instance name associated with the identity domain
that you are requesting a limit increase for. For example, iaasmb-a473329 or

• Problem Type: Select General/Other Questions and then select Request

service limit increase.

5. Enter your contact information.

6. Provide a description.

7. Specify the following:

a. Identity Domain ID: Identity Domain of the service.

1-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Contacting Oracle Support

b. Service for which you are requesting the limit increase. For example, Request
increase in limit for Compute Cloud Service.

c. Requested limit increase. For example, Increase the service limit for Compute
Capacity to 75 OCPUs and Block Storage to 150 TB.

d. Reason for the request. Describe what you are trying to accomplish with the
increase. For example, The application to be deployed requires more resources
than the default Pay-As-You-Go service limits for Compute Cloud Service.

Contacting Oracle Support

You can contact us to get help with your cloud services.


• Chatting Online with an Oracle Representative

• Contacting Oracle

Chatting Online with an Oracle Representative

To start a live online chat with an Oracle Support or Sales representative, click the
icon at the top of My Services dashboard or from the help drawer.
In the Chat with Us dialog box, select from the following links:

• Live Sales Chat: To chat with a sales representative about products and their

• Live Cloud Chat: To chat with a customer support representative about technical
help or troubleshooting.
Fill in your contact details. Enter your questions and get immediate assistance from a
support or sales representative.


Live online chat is available only for trial subscription users. If you have
purchased Oracle Cloud services, then you must use My Oracle Support to log
service requests.

Contacting Oracle

To contact us, click the icon located on any Oracle Cloud page. This displays a
toggle window with the contact information.
Click the icon again to collapse the toggle window.
You can:

• Call us at the specified 800 number or click Global Contacts to look up contact
information for Oracle offices around the world.

• Click the link to the My Oracle Support website, sign in, and get help from Oracle
Technical Support.

About Oracle Cloud 1-7

Contacting Oracle Support


For some services such as Oracle Service Cloud, you can get help from Oracle
Service Cloud Technical Support.

• Click the link to the Oracle Support Community if you have questions on system
usage or metrics.

• Click the link to the Oracle Cloud discussion forums where you can post a reply,
start a new thread, or search the current discussions for answers. Oracle product
managers, development, support, and operations team members respond to
threads on the forum.

• If you are a trial subscription user, you can start a live online chat with an Oracle
Support representative. However, if you have purchased Oracle Cloud services,
then you must use My Oracle Support to log service requests.

1-8 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service

You can request a free 30-day trial for the Oracle Cloud services that offer a trial
Your 30-day free trial subscription begins on the date that you activate your trial
subscription to an Oracle Cloud service. It doesn’t begin on the date that you requested
the trial.


• Overview of Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial

• Getting an Account

• Requesting a Trial Subscription

• Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

• Activating Your Trial Subscription

• Verifying That Your Trial Subscription Is Running

• Managing Your Oracle Cloud Trial Subscriptions

• Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Overview of Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial

This section explains how you can subscribe to an Oracle Cloud Service trial.
Before requesting a trial subscription, you should have an understanding of Oracle
Cloud Terminology and Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges.
The following tables shows you the steps you take to get a free 30-day trial
subscription for an Oracle Cloud service.

Not all services offer trial subscriptions.


Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-1

Getting an Account

Task Description More Information

Get an Go to the Oracle Cloud website, click Sign In, Getting an Account
account and sign up for the service.

Request a trial Go to the Oracle Cloud website, provide your Requesting a Trial Subscription
subscription information, and submit your request.

Set your language After Oracle processes your trial subscription Setting Language and Time
preferences request, sign in to My Account. You must set Zone Preferences
your language and time zone preferences when
you log in for the first time, before activating
your trial subscription.

Activate your trial Sign in to My Account and activate the Oracle Activating Your Trial
subscription Cloud service. Subscription

Verify that your trial After you activate your service, sign in to My Verifying That Your Trial
subscription is ready to Account or My Services to confirm that your Subscription Is Running
use service is ready to use.

Manage your Oracle Service administrators and identity domain Managing Your Oracle Cloud
Cloud trial subscription administrators use My Services to manage and Trial Subscriptions
monitor service usage, view service details, use
the control panel and associated tools for Oracle
Cloud services.

Sign in to an Oracle Cloud When the activation of your trial is complete, Signing In to an Oracle Cloud
service you’ll receive a postactivation email from Oracle Service
Cloud. The email contains the sign-in credentials
to access My Services.

Getting an Account

You must have an account to request a trial or purchase a subscription to
an Oracle Cloud service.
If you don’t already have an account, then you can:

• Create the account during the process of signing up for an Oracle Cloud service.

• Use the following procedure to create your account before you start
your request for an Oracle Cloud service.

1. Go to the website:

2. Click Sign In/Register. The Sign In page opens.

3. Click the Sign Up link. The Create Your Oracle Account page opens.

4. Enter your account and personal information into the appropriate fields. Be sure to
complete all the required fields.


• We prefer that you use a valid business email address as the user name for
your Oracle account. Valid email addresses use the following standard format:

2-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Requesting a Trial Subscription

[email protected]
Only one account can be created for each business email address.

• Your password must have at least eight characters, must contain both
uppercase and lowercase letters, and must contain at least one number.

5. Click Create. We create your account and send a confirmation email to the address
that you used to create the account.

6. Follow the instructions in our email to verify your email address.

After your email address is verified, you can use your account to
register for Oracle Cloud services.

Requesting a Trial Subscription

You start the request for a trial subscription to both nonmetered Oracle Cloud services
and metered Oracle Public Cloud services from the Oracle Cloud website.
When you request a trial subscription, the system automatically assigns you the
following roles:

• Account administrator for the service

• Identity domain administrator for the domain

• Service administrator for the service

To request a trial subscription:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

2. Select one of the service category tabs. For example, Applications or Platform.

3. Click Free Cloud Trial. The page lists the services that have free subscriptions.

4. Click Try It for the service you want to try.


The trial subscription for Oracle Java Cloud Service typically includes Oracle
Database Cloud Service, which is created in the same identity domain. If you
intend to use both the service types, then request a trial subscription for Oracle
Java Cloud Service. If you intend to use Oracle Database Cloud Service only,
then request a trial subscription for Oracle Database Cloud Service.

5. Select one of the following options to continue:

• If you already have an Oracle Account, enter your single sign-on (SSO) user
name and password, and click Sign In. The Sign Up for a Trial Subscription
wizard opens.
Note that if you are already signed in to your account, the system
does not prompt for your credentials again. The Sign Up for a Trial
Subscription wizard opens immediately.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-3

Requesting a Trial Subscription

• If you don’t have an Oracle Account, then click Sign Up to register for a free
account. Follow the on-screen instructions. We create your account and sends
you a confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email to verify the
status of your email address. You can then use your account to
register for Oracle Cloud services.

6. Enter the information required to set up your Oracle Cloud account as follows:

Field Description
First Name, Last Name Enter your name.

Company, Country Enter a new company name or select an existing one. Parentheses are allowed in the
company name.
If you are requesting your first trial, enter the company name, and select the
If you have already requested a trial, the Company field shows a company name by
default. You can select an existing company name from the list or you can enter a
new company name.

Country Calling Code The country calling code is automatically selected based on the country you choose
from this list. If you select Other in this field, then you’re prompted to enter the
country code.

Mobile Number Enter a valid mobile number.

Request Code/ You must request a verification code, which will be sent to the mobile number you
Verification Code specified, to verify your identity and complete the trial flow. Click Request Code.
Enter the code (that you received on the mobile phone) in this field. Verification
codes are valid for one-time use.

2-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Requesting a Trial Subscription

Field Description
Service Name /Identity Enter the service name that you want to use for which you are requesting a trial
Domain/Account Name subscription.
Oracle Cloud determines your options for the Identity Domain field based on the
company name and country you entered on the Account Information page. For
metered services, this is the account name. You can either create a new identity
domain when requesting for metered service trials or use an existing domain. Note
that you can’t activate metered trials in a domain containing applications such as
Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud Service (Oracle HCM) or Oracle
Customer Relationship Management Cloud Service (Oracle CRM).
• If an identity domain for trial subscriptions does not exist for the company and
country you entered, then Oracle Cloud automatically generates and displays a
unique name for the identity domain. You cannot change the value.
• If an identity domain for trial subscriptions already exists for the company and
country you entered, then the Identity Domain field displays the name of an
existing domain by default. You can select any existing domain from the list or
create a new identity domain.
Some trial services require dependent services to be in the same domain you
create or select. Depending on the service type definition, you can either create
a new domain for such trial services or select an existing one from the list. This
list includes only those domains that contain the required dependent services, if
defined by the service type.
You can see the assigned name in the Identity Domain field. If you change the
domain name, then ensure that you enter a unique domain name in the
Identity Domain field. If you don't, then you'll get an error message when you
try to go to the next step of the workflow.
When generating names for identity domains, Oracle Cloud uses either of the
following formats:
• For metered trial subscriptions: countrycompanynnnnn
• For nonmetered trial subscriptions: countrycompanytrialnnnnn
• country: Standard two-letter abbreviation for the country.
• company:
– For metered trial subscriptions: Up to the first eight characters of the
company name that you specified previously.
– For nonmetered trial subscriptions: Up to the first 13 characters of the
company name that you specified previously.
• trial: The word “trial”
• nnnnn: A 5-digit number, randomly generated.
• For metered trial subscriptions: usopenbree94621, caopenbree37518
• For nonmetered trial subscriptions: usopenbreezetrial94621,

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-5

Requesting a Trial Subscription

Field Description
Data Region If you are prompted, then select the region where you want us to set up your trial
service. Data regions are filtered based on the requested service and subscription
type. A data region is automatically selected based on the Company’s country.
However, you can select another data region to set up your trial, if supported. You
can’t select a data region when you request metered trials.
The company’s country is mapped to configured data region in the system such as:
• South America
• North America
North America is selected by default if the country doesn’t belong to the other 3 data
regions. If North America isn’t available, then the first available data region is
selected. You can customize the data region settings as required.


The generated service URL preview is displayed at the bottom:

For example:

The generated service URL preview changes as and when you change the
service name, the identity domain name, or both. Note that the actual format
of service URL preview varies based on the service type.

7. Read and accept the terms and conditions of the trial agreement before continuing.

8. Click Sign up. The system confirms that Oracle has received your request for a

The Review Summary page displays the following details:

• Service Information: Displays the type of service you requested, the name of
the service, and the identity domain to which the service belongs.
In addition, the Review Summary page lists the name and types of other
services included with your trial subscription request, if any. For example, the
trial subscription for Oracle Java Cloud Service includes Oracle Database
Cloud Service, which is created in the same identity domain.

• Order Information: Displays the order ID, which is a unique identifier for this
order, and the order date. Refer to the order ID whenever you contact us about
billing or payment issues.

• Trial Information: Displays the trial duration (usually 30 days).

After we process your request for a trial subscription, we'll send you an email with the
following subject:

2-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

Welcome to Oracle Cloud. Activate your trial.

The email includes details about your order and your service. It also includes a link to
activate your service. Activating the service makes it available for you to use.
Alternatively, you can sign in to My Account at any time to monitor the status of your
services, including when a service is ready for activation.
See Activating Your Trial Subscription.

Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

You are prompted to set your language and time zone preferences when you log in for
the first time to either My Account or My Services. When you set your display
language and time zone preferences, you can view the on-screen text and metrics in
your selected language and based on your selected time zone.
You can also set your language and time zone preferences by selecting the Preferences
option from the logged-in user name menu at the top of the My Account or My
Services dashboard, anytime.


For paid orders, you set your language and time zone preferences during
service activation. You can either accept or change the settings before using
the application.

To set your language and time zone preferences:

1. In the Save Preferences page, select your preferred language from the Language

2. From the Timezone list, select your time zone.

To view the changed time zone information, place the mouse pointer over the ? icon.

Activating Your Trial Subscription

Oracle Cloud sends an email when your trial subscription to a service is ready to be


• About Activating a Trial Subscription

• Activating Trial Subscriptions from the Email Link

• Activating Trial Subscriptions From Oracle Cloud

About Activating a Trial Subscription

When your trial subscription to a service is ready to be activated, you’ll get an email
from Oracle Cloud. You then use the My Account application to activate your service.
Only trial requests that were processed by us can be activated.
You can activate your service from the link in the email we sent or from My Account.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-7

Activating Your Trial Subscription

Notes About Activating a Trial Subscription

These are some points to bear in mind when activating a trial subscription.
When you activate a trial subscription, note that:

• If you activate an Oracle Java Cloud Service trial, both Oracle Java Cloud Service
and Oracle Database Cloud Service, which is included with the Java trial, will be

• If you view the record for the trial service just after activation, the service is listed
but it may not be fully activated yet by Oracle. When fully activated, the status is
set to Active.

• When the service activation process is complete, the service and its details will be
available in My Services, where you can monitor the status and usage of the
If you already have trial or paid subscriptions to Oracle Cloud services, you can
go to My Services before you activate your service. However, if this request is
your first request for a trial or paid subscription, you will not have access to My
Services until after the activation process.

Activating Trial Subscriptions from the Email Link

One way to activate a trial is to use the activation link provided in the email from
Oracle Cloud. We send the email when your service is ready to be activated.

To use the email link to request that we activate your trial subscription:
1. Open the Welcome email you received from Oracle Cloud.

2. Click Activate My Trial.

• If you are not signed in, then the Oracle Sign In page opens. Enter your account user name and password, and click Sign In. The My
Account application opens and displays the details page for the service.

• If you are already signed in to your account, then the My Account
application opens and displays the details page for the service. You don’t need
to sign in again.
On the details page for the service, note that the system:

• Displays a message that indicates the service was submitted for activation.
You’ll get another email when the service is active and ready to use.

• Updates the cloud icon to indicate the current status.

• Updates the Status field in the Additional Information section to indicate the
current status.

See Notes About Activating a Trial Subscription for a Service.

Activating Trial Subscriptions From Oracle Cloud

If you activated your trial subscription by using the email link, then you can skip this

To open My Account to request that we activate your trial subscription:

2-8 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Activating Your Trial Subscription

1. Sign in to My Account.

a. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

b. Click Sign In and then click My Account in the Order Management section.

c. Enter your account user name and password, and click Sign In.

The Dashboard page in My Account opens.

2. Navigate to the listing of the trial service that you want to activate.


• The cloud icon and its hover text indicate that the service hasn’t been activated.

• The Subscription field specifies the date by which you must activate the trial
subscription for this service. If you don’t activate the service by the deadline,
then Oracle Cloud cancels the subscription.

• The Activate button, which appears only if the service needs to be activated, is
now available.

3. Click Activate.

Note that the system:

• Displays a message at the top of the page that indicates the service was
submitted for activation. You’ll get another email when the service is active
and ready to use.

• Places the service listing in alphabetic order on the page.

• Updates the cloud icon and the Subscription field to indicate that the
activation is in progress.

See Notes About Activating a Trial Subscription for a Service.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-9

Verifying That Your Trial Subscription Is Running

Verifying That Your Trial Subscription Is Running

As the account administrator, you use the My Account application to view the current
status of an Oracle Cloud service and monitor the progress of an activation request.
When you activate a trial subscription, we process the information and create the
required instances for your Oracle Cloud service. This process may take some time.
You can view the service information in My Account, but its status may show that the
activation for the service is still initializing or is in progress.
When the activation of your trial subscription to an Oracle Cloud service is complete,
you’ll get a postactivation email from Oracle Cloud.
The email contains the following information required to access the My Services

• Sign-in Credentials: Your user name, temporary password, identity domain, and
the data center where the service is located.

• My Services URL
As a service administrator or an identity domain administrator, you use My Services
to verify that your Oracle Cloud service is up and running. You can also use My
Services to monitor utilization, view service details, and access any control panels and
associated tools for the Oracle Cloud service.

To verify that an Oracle Cloud service is up and running:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

2. Click Sign In. The Sign In page displays several options, including signing in to
My Services.

3. Be sure to specify the correct data center in the Select Data Center field. The
postactivation email includes the name of the data center where your service is

4. Click Sign In to My Services.

5. Enter your service administrator user name and password, and the identity domain
that contains the services you want to administer.

If you are signing in to My Services for the first time after the first service for this
identity domain is activated and you haven’t selected your own password, then
use the temporary administrator password you got in the postactivation email.

6. Click Sign In. Note that:

• When you sign in to My Services for the first time, you must provide a new
password and register three password challenge questions.

• If you get an error message when you try to sign in, you may not be using the
correct user name, password, or identity domain. If you think that you chose
the wrong data center, then go back to the Sign In page and confirm that the
data center is correct before you try to sign in to My Services again.

2-10 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Managing Your Oracle Cloud Trial Subscriptions

When you sign in successfully, the My Services Dashboard page displays a list of
activated services that you are designated to manage for the selected identity

7. Scan the Dashboard page to check the current status of a service. You can:

• Position the cursor on the cloud icon to view status information.

• Look at the calendar for status and uptime information.

• Click the service name to open the details page and view additional status

The following table describes the service status icons you may see on the dashboard.

Status Description

Pending activation This service and any associated services haven’t been activated.
You ordered either a trial or paid subscription for an Oracle Cloud service.
We received and processed your order, and sent you an email that says
your service needs to be activated.
To activate your services, click Activate. The status changes to Activation
in progress.

Activation in progress This service and any associated services are in the process of being
You clicked the Activate button to request that we activate the service. We
are in the process of activating and fully provisioning the service in Oracle
Cloud. When the service is ready for you to use, the status changes to

Active Service is active.

You activated this service and we fully provisioned the service.
An active service can be active and up, active and down (issue), or active
and locked.

Managing Your Oracle Cloud Trial Subscriptions

After a trial subscription is active, administrators use the following applications to
manage trial requests, trial subscriptions, and users:

• My Account: As an account administrator, you use your (single sign-

on) user name and password to sign in to My Account and view your Oracle
Cloud services. My Account shows you all your services that are in an identity
domain and the data center where your services are located.
From My Account, you can activate services after a service request is complete,
assign additional account administrators to a service, review service details, and
monitor service resource utilization.

• My Services: As an identity domain administrator or a service administrator, you

sign in to My Services and view the active Oracle Cloud services in a single
identity domain that you are assigned to manage. You can verify that services are
up and running, develop and administer services for an identity domain, view
service details, monitor utilization, and view notifications and historical uptime.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-11

Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

• Users Page in My Services: As an identity domain administrator, you use My

Services to manage the user accounts and roles for those users who need access to
My Services and any of the Oracle Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS) services and
Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service for a specific domain.
Use the following table as a guide for common administrative tasks.

Task Who Can Perform This Task

Verify that a service is up Identity domain administrators or service

Manage and monitor a service Identity domain administrators or service


Lock and unlock services Identity domain administrators or service


Add and manage users in your identity domain Identity domain administrators
Note: Users must be added before they can sign in and
use a service.

Grant roles to users Identity domain administrators or service

Note: The appropriate roles must be explicitly granted administrators
to individual users according to the service type they
are allowed to access.

Add custom roles Identity domain administrators

Reset user passwords Identity domain administrators

Manage applications Identity domain administrators or service


Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Before you can sign in to an Oracle Cloud service, you must have a user account that
defines your user name, password, and identity domain, and access rights to the
service. You also need the web address (URL) for your Oracle Cloud service.
When an Oracle Cloud service is activated, we send the sign-in credentials and URL to
the designated administrators. The administrator then creates an account for each user
who needs access to the service. Check your email or contact your administrator for
your account credentials and service URL.
To sign in to an Oracle Cloud service:
1. Open your web browser and go to the service URL given to you either in an email
or by your administrator. The Sign In page opens.

2. Enter your identity domain, user name (user ID), and password.

3. Click Sign In.

If you are signing in for the first time, Oracle Cloud prompts you to create a new
password for security reasons. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete
this task.

For information about using a particular Oracle Cloud service, see the appropriate
user documentation for the service. For example, for information about developing

2-12 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Java EE applications, see Developing Applications for Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS
Extension in Using Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS Extension.

Subscribing to an Oracle Cloud Service Trial 2-13

Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

2-14 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Requesting and Managing Free Oracle
Cloud Promotions

You can sign up for a 30-day Oracle Cloud promotion and receive predefined free
credits. This promotion applies to some of the metered Oracle Platform as a Service
(Oracle PaaS), Oracle Infrastructure as a Service (Oracle IaaS), Oracle Middleware, and
Oracle Big Data Cloud services only.


• Overview of Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

• Signing Up for the Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

• Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

• Verifying That Your Services Are Ready

• Managing Your Credit Balances

• Converting Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

• Next Steps

Overview of Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

For certain metered services such as Oracle Infrastructure as a Service (Oracle IaaS),
Oracle Database Cloud Service, Oracle Middleware, and Oracle Big Data Cloud
Service, Oracle Cloud offers a promotion period that includes predefined free Cloud
credits. You can use these free credits to try out the cloud services for a period of 30
When you sign up for the free credit promotion, you can choose to continue using
your cloud services even after the free credit period ends (or the credits are used up).
If you do so, the promotion converts to a Pay-As-You-Go service, where you’ll be
charged based on your actual service usage. If not, the promotion period ends. You’ll
be given a week to convert your promotion into a Pay-As-You-Go option, after which
the promotion is terminated.

Only one credit promotion per user account is allowed. That is, if you’ve
already subscribed to free credits, you can’t subscribe to them again after your
promotion expires.

Here’s how to sign up for the free Oracle Cloud credit promotion and get started using

Requesting and Managing Free Oracle Cloud Promotions 3-1

Signing Up for the Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

Task Description More Information

Sign up for the free Oracle Go to the Oracle Store at, Signing Up for the Free Oracle
Cloud promotion. select Get started for free and sign up. If Cloud Promotion
you don’t have an Oracle Account, you can
create one when you sign up for the free

Set your language preferences. When the setup of free credits is complete, Setting Language and Time
you’ll receive a welcome email from Oracle Zone Preferences
Cloud. After we process your order request,
sign in to My Account or My Services. You
must set your language and time zone
preferences when you log in for the first

Verify that your services are The welcome email contains the sign-in Verifying That Your Services
ready to use. credentials to access the My Account and Are Ready
My Services applications. Log in to the
application to confirm that your service is
ready to use.

Manage your credit balances. Use My Services to view usage details, Managing Your Credit Balances
monitor utilization and credit balances.

Get started with your cloud Learn how to get started with your new Next Steps
service. cloud service.

Signing Up for the Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

Get started for free on Oracle PaaS and Oracle IaaS cloud services by signing up for
the Oracle Cloud credit promotion. You’ll get predefined free credits toward any
Oracle Cloud service that’s typically available as a pay-as-you-go subscription.

1. Go to Oracle Store at:

2. On the Get Free Credits page, click View Details to open the Promotion details
page, and then click Get started for free.

3. Create an Oracle Account (if you don’t have one) by filling in your contact details
and verify your email address from the notification email that is sent to you.

4. Enter and verify your mobile phone number. It’s important to provide a valid
mobile phone number as the verification code is sent via SMS to the phone number
you provide.

5. Provide your company details.

6. Click Add Payment Method to add your credit card information. Your credit card
will be charged temporarily for verification. The charges will be reversed within a
few days and you will be charged only if you select the following option.

7. (Optional). Select the check box Yes, convert my account to Pay as You Go... to
continue using your services after the promotion period. If selected, your
promotion will be converted to a pay-as-you-go service and your credit card will
be charged based on your service usage. If you don’t select the check box, the
promotion is suspended after the period ends or the credits are used up.

3-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Setting Language Preferences

8. Accept the terms and conditions and click Complete.

Your order will be automatically activated by the system and you’ll receive a welcome
email with sign-in credentials and links to My Account and My Services.

Setting Language Preferences

You’re prompted to set your language and time zone preferences when you log in for
the first time to either My Account or My Services. After you set your display
preferences, you’ll see the on-screen text and metrics in your selected language and in
your selected time zone.
1. In the Preferences dialog box, from the Language list, select your preferred

2. From the Timezone list, select your time zone.

Verifying That Your Services Are Ready

After you subscribe to free credits, the services are automatically activated and you’ll
get a welcome email from Oracle Cloud.
The email contains information required to access the My Account and My Services

• Your user name and temporary password (sign-in credentials)

• The My Account and My Services URL

• The name of your identity domain

Use the My Account application to view the current status of service promotion and
perform administrative tasks across domains.
As a service administrator, use My Services to verify that your Oracle Cloud service is
running, view service details, monitor account usage, and access any control panels
for the Oracle Cloud service.

1. Click the My Account or My Services URL provided in your welcome email to

sign in to the application.

2. Change your password when prompted.

3. Scan the dashboard to check the current status of your service. You can:

• Place the mouse pointer on the cloud icon to view status information.

• Expand the service tiles to see status, metrics, and uptime information.

• Click the service name to open the details page and view additional status
If you see a flag in the My Account dashboard then the flagged service is part of a
promotion with the subscription type as Pay as you go. On the My Services Dashboard,
look at the Account Summary section to see your flagged service and credit balance.
After you verify that the service is ready, you can do the following:

• Add other users to monitor the services. See Adding Users and Assigning Roles.

• Create service instances for each of the services under promotion. See Creating a
Service Instance .

Requesting and Managing Free Oracle Cloud Promotions 3-3

Managing Your Credit Balances

Managing Your Credit Balances

After successfully subscribing to free credits, as a service administrator, you can use
My Services to monitor and manage your service usage.
On the My Services Dashboard, look at the Account Summary strip under the Cloud
Services section to see your credit balance. Hover over the promotion flag to see the
balance summary. Click on the balance amount to view the Account Balance page.
The credit balances are displayed under Cloud Promotion section.
Here’s how you can view and monitor credit balances for your free cloud promotion.

Task Who Can Perform This Task More Information

View and monitor service details. Account administrators or service Viewing Service Details in My
administrators Services for Entitlements

View and manage credit balances. Service administrators Viewing Account Balance Details in
My Services

Set soft or hard limits to monitor Service administrators Configuring Alert Rules for
service usage. Entitlements

Monitor usage metrics. Service administrators Monitoring Service Usage

Converting Your Free Oracle Cloud Promotion

You can choose to convert your free promotion to a paid service or terminate the
services after the promotion period expires (promotion period ends or the credits are
used up). If you didn't choose to convert your free promotion to a paid service when
you signed up, then you can always do so from Oracle Store while the promotion is
Additionally, after the promotion period expires, you have a grace period of 7 days to
convert your free promotion to a paid (Pay As You Go) service. If you don’t convert
your promotion during this period, then it is terminated. If you did choose to convert
your promotion to a paid service during sign up but later decide to terminate it, then
you can do so from Oracle Store while the promotion is active.

1. Go to Oracle Store at:

2. Sign in using your Oracle account.

3. From the logged-in user menu at the top, click Cloud Services. A list of your cloud
services is displayed.

4. Click the Contract/Plan link for the required order. You’ll find your order number
in the order confirmation or welcome email. The subscription plan page is

5. Click Update for Convert to Pay As you Go Model option and change it to Yes.
Change it to No to terminate your services after the promotion period expires.

When you change it to yes, you can continue to use your credit promotion as a Pay-
As-You-Go service after the promotion expires and you’ll be charged for your service

3-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Next Steps

Next Steps
The free credits apply to several metered cloud service categories. You can find the list
of included services in your welcome email. You can choose how you want to get
started with these Oracle Cloud services.
For example, here’s a list of some services and how you can get started with them.

Cloud Service User Assistance Videos and Tutorials

Oracle Application Container Getting Started with Oracle Application Oracle Application Container
Cloud Service Container Cloud Service Cloud Service

Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Bare Metal Getting Started with Oracle Bare
Cloud Service Metal Cloud Service

Oracle Big Data Preparation Getting Started with Oracle Big Data Cloud Oracle Big Data Cloud Service
Cloud Service Service

Oracle Big Data Cloud Service - Getting Started with Oracle Big Data Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Big
Compute Edition Service - Compute Edition Data Cloud Service - Compute

Oracle Compute Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Compute Oracle Compute Cloud Service
Cloud Service

Oracle Container Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Container Getting Started with Oracle
Cloud Service Container Cloud Service

Oracle Content and Experience Getting Started with Oracle Content and Getting Started with Oracle
Cloud Experience Cloud Service Content and Experience Cloud

Oracle Database Backup Getting Started with Oracle Database Getting Started with Oracle
Service Backup Cloud Service Database Backup Cloud Service

Oracle Database Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Database Cloud Oracle Database Cloud Service

Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Database Getting Started with Oracle
Service Exadata Cloud Service Database Exadata Cloud Service

Oracle Developer Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Developer Oracle Developer Cloud Service
Cloud Service

Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Getting Started with Oracle GoldenGate Getting Started with Oracle
Service Cloud Service GoldenGate Cloud Service

Oracle Integration Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Integration Getting Started with Oracle
Service Cloud Service Integration Cloud Service

Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Getting Started with Oracle IoT Cloud Oracle Internet of Things Cloud
Service Service Service

Oracle Java Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Java Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Java
Service Cloud Service

Requesting and Managing Free Oracle Cloud Promotions 3-5

Next Steps

Cloud Service User Assistance Videos and Tutorials

Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Get to Know Oracle Mobile Cloud Service Oracle Mobile Cloud Service

Oracle MySQL Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle MySQL Cloud Getting Started with Oracle
Service MySQL Cloud Service

Oracle Process Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Process Cloud Getting Started with Oracle
Service Process Cloud Service

Oracle Ravello Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Ravello Cloud None

Oracle Storage Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle Storage Cloud Oracle Storage Cloud Service

Oracle SOA Cloud Service Getting Started with Oracle SOA Cloud Getting Started with Oracle
Service SOA Cloud Service

See Accessing Service Consoles for information about accessing specific cloud service
consoles to monitor your service.

3-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an
Oracle Cloud Service

This section describes how you can purchase a subscription to an Oracle Cloud
service, set your preferences, activate your order, and manage your Oracle Cloud


• Overview of Buying a Nonmetered Oracle Cloud Service

• Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

• Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service

• Activating Your Order

• Verifying That a Service Is Running

• Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service

• Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Overview of Buying a Nonmetered Oracle Cloud Service

We offer nonmetered Oracle Cloud services at several pricing and service levels to suit
the needs and budget of your organization.
The following table describes the process of purchasing an Oracle Cloud service.

Task Description More Information

Get an You must have an account to Getting an Account
account order a service.

Order a service You or an Oracle sales representative Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service
creates an order for an Oracle Cloud
service. As part of the ordering process, you
(or sales representative) specify information
about the person who will be the account

Set your language After we process your subscription request, Setting Language and Time Zone
preferences sign in to My Account. You must set your Preferences
language and time zone preferences when
logging in for the first time, before
activating your service.

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-1

Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

Task Description More Information

Activate your service The account administrator receives Activating Your Order
notification from Oracle when the Oracle
Cloud service is ready for activation.
The account administrator then uses the My
Account application in Oracle Cloud to
activate the service. As part of the
activation process, the account
administrator specifies information for the
activation, including information about the
administrators for the service. We process
the information and create the required
instances for the Oracle Cloud service.

Verify that your service is Service administrators and identity domain Verifying That a Service Is Running
ready to use administrators use My Services to verify
that an Oracle Cloud service is up and

Managing Your Oracle Service administrators and identity domain Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service
Cloud Service administrators use My Services to monitor
utilization, view service details, and access
the control panel and associated tools for
the Oracle Cloud service.

Sign in to an Oracle Cloud When the activation of an Oracle Cloud Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service
Service service is complete, the service
administrator and the identity domain
administrator (if different) receive a
postactivation email from Oracle Cloud.
The email contains the sign-in credentials to
access the My Services application. The
administrator then creates user accounts
who needs to access the service.

Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

You are prompted to set your language and time zone preferences when you log in for
the first time to either My Account or My Services. When you set your display
language and time zone preferences, you can view the on-screen text and metrics in
your selected language and based on your selected time zone.
You can also set your language and time zone preferences by selecting the Preferences
option from the logged-in user name menu at the top of the My Account or My
Services dashboard, anytime.

For paid orders, you set your language and time zone preferences during
service activation. You can either accept or change the settings before using
the application.

To set your language and time zone preferences:

1. In the Save Preferences page, select your preferred language from the Language

4-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service

2. From the Timezone list, select your time zone.

To view the changed time zone information, place the mouse pointer over the ? icon.

Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service

This section explains how to order an Oracle Cloud service.
To order an Oracle Cloud service:
1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

2. Browse through the product category tabs listed on the home page or open the
categories menu at the top to show the complete list of available cloud services.

3. Select the Oracle Cloud service you want to order.

4. Review the overview information and the list of features.

5. When you're ready to purchase a service, click the Pricing tab.

6. Click Buy Now for the subscription plan that you want to purchase. The system
redirects you to Oracle Store.

7. Review the service you selected, make additional selections for your service, and
add items to your shopping cart.

8. To review the contents of your shopping cart, click View Cart Details.

You can add items to your cart, remove items from your cart, and update quantities
as needed.

9. When you're ready to complete the purchase of your service, click Checkout.

10. Sign in and follow the on-screen instructions to provide information about your
account administrator, specify the service activator (if applicable) by selecting the
Add activator check box and entering the email address of the Oracle employee
who will activate the service on your behalf, set up your online account profile,
enter billing and payment details, and accept the Oracle Cloud Services

11. Review and confirm your purchase details.

12. Click Place Order.

We will confirm that your order was placed successfully. The Order Details page
provides information about the Oracle Cloud service you purchased, the account
administrator you assigned to the service, and the payment and billing options you

13. Make a note of the following two important numbers shown on the Order Details

• Order Number: Refer to this number whenever you contact us about the
status of your order.

• Customer Support Identifier (CSI) Number: Refer to this number whenever

you contact an Oracle Support representative for assistance with your Oracle
Cloud service.

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-3

Activating Your Order

14. Check your email. You’ll get an email from Oracle Store that confirms your order
was received and is being processed.

After we process your purchase order, Oracle Cloud sends an email to the account
administrator you specified during the ordering process. The account administrator
must activate the service. See Activating Your Order for an Oracle Cloud Service.


You can’t buy some Oracle Cloud services from Oracle Store. Instead, you
must contact Oracle. See Ordering Oracle Cloud Applications.

After Ordering an Oracle Cloud Service

If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of an Oracle Cloud Service,
then you can create multiple service instances based on your business needs. You
must set up an Oracle Cloud Services account before creating instances.
For information on setting up an Oracle Cloud Services account, see Setting Up an
Oracle Cloud Account.
For information on creating instances, see Creating Service Instances.
If your subscription offers a single instance of an Oracle Cloud Service, then you can
proceed to activate your order. See Activating Oracle Cloud Services.

Ordering Oracle Cloud Applications

This section explains how to order Oracle Cloud applications such as Oracle Software
as a Service (SaaS) and Oracle Data as a Service (DaaS).
To order an Oracle Cloud application:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

2. Browse through the Applications tab listed on the home page or open the
Applications menu at the top to show the complete list of available cloud services.

3. Select the Oracle Cloud service you want to order.

4. Review the overview information and the list of features.

5. When you're ready to purchase a service, click the Pricing tab.

6. Click Buy Now for the subscription plan that you want to purchase. You’ll be
directed to contact Oracle.

7. Call the Oracle number listed in the Buy Now dialog box to purchase your service.

Activating Your Order

When your order (paid subscription) for an Oracle Cloud service is ready to be
activated, the designated account administrator receives an email from Oracle Cloud.
The account administrator must activate the service even if an Oracle sales
representative ordered the Oracle Cloud service for you.

4-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Activating Your Order


• Activating Oracle Cloud Services

• Activating an Order from the Email Link

• Activating an Order from Oracle Cloud

Activating Oracle Cloud Services

The account administrator is responsible for activating an Oracle Cloud service.
The following are true for subscriptions:

• When you request a trial subscription, Oracle Cloud automatically assigns you the
role of account administrator for the service.

• When you order a paid subscription, you can specify information about the
person who will be the account administrator for the service. You can designate
either yourself or another person to be the account administrator for the service.
In either case, Oracle Cloud processes the request or order, sets up the service, and
sends an email to the account administrator when the service is ready to be activated.
The account administrator then uses the My Account application to activate the
Only requests that were processed by us can be activated. See Activating Your Trial
Subscription and Activating Your Order.


Oracle Java Cloud Service requires Oracle Database Cloud Service. Therefore,
the Activate button for Oracle Java Cloud Service is disabled until there is at
least one active Oracle Database Cloud Service in the identity domain.

If you don’t use your Oracle Cloud services for some time, they may be reclaimed by
us. We also send an email to notify you that a service has been reclaimed. To reactivate
the service, do the following:

1. Sign in to My Services with your user name and password.

2. Navigate to the service listing that has been reclaimed.

3. Click Create Instance to reactivate your service instance.

You’ll get an email when the service is reactivated with details of the service and sign
in information.

Activating an Order from the Email Link

Account administrators can activate an order for an Oracle Cloud service from the
activation link given in the email. We send an email when a service is ready to be

To use the email link to complete your order and request that we activate your

1. Open the Welcome email you received from Oracle Cloud.

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-5

Activating Your Order

2. Review the detailed information about your service included in the email.

3. Click Complete My Order.

• If you are not signed in, then the Oracle Sign In page opens. Enter your account user name and password, and click Sign In. The Oracle
Cloud Order Activation wizard opens. The wizard steps you through
activating your services.

• If you are already signed in to your account, then the Oracle Cloud
Order Activation wizard opens. You don’t need to sign in again. The wizard
steps you through activating your services.


The information you provide depends on the type of service you’re activating.
Not all services require the same information.

4. In the Oracle Cloud Order Activation wizard, complete the Select Services page.

• The wizard displays the Select Services page only if this purchase order
includes line items for more than one Oracle Cloud service.

• The Select Services page displays the details for the order you selected and lists
the services in your order.

• Select the service you want to activate. You can activate only one service in an
order at a time with the exception of Oracle Java Cloud Service. Oracle Java
Cloud Service requires Oracle Database Cloud Service.
If this order includes Oracle Java Cloud Service and Oracle Database Cloud
Service, but you do not have an active Oracle Database Cloud Service, then
both services are activated at the same time.

• Click Next.

5. Complete the Assign Service Details page.

The information you provide depends on the type of service you’re activating. Not
all services require the same information.
Based on the service name and identity domain name that you enter, Oracle Cloud
generates the service preview URL for most of the services in the following format:
For example:

The generated service URL preview changes as and when you update the service
name, the identity domain name, or both. Note that the actual format of service
URL preview can vary based on the service type.

4-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Activating Your Order

For Oracle Cloud Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) applications, such as Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management Cloud Service, we deploy two instances of the
service and one instance is for production; the other instance is for testing.
You have one URL for your production service instance and one URL for your test
service instance. Each instance is in its own identity domain. We append -test to
your specified identity domain to create a unique domain name for the test
instance. For example, if you enter ourdomain as the identity domain name and
hcm as the service name, then your service URLs begin with:
ourdomain.hcm… (production) ourdomain-test.hcm… (test)
See About the Assign Service Details Page for field descriptions in this page.

6. Complete the Associations page. Specify the services associations, if any.

The wizard displays the Associations page only if you’re activating a service that
can be associated with other services. The Associations page lists both the required
and optional services. Required associations can be added or removed later.
However, optional associations selected during activation cannot be added or
removed later.

For example, Oracle Java Cloud Service service requires Oracle Database Cloud
Service. Optionally, you can associate Oracle Java Cloud Service with Oracle Sales
Cloud Service if the service is configured within the same identity domain.
When the selected identity domain contains Oracle SaaS applications such as
Oracle HCM Cloud Service or Oracle Sales Cloud Service, you can select only 1
application to associate with the selected service. By default, the None radio button
is selected. However, if the selected domain contains only 1 such service, then it’s
selected by default. It is also possible to activate
You can also associate an Oracle Cloud Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) with an
Oracle Cloud Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS). See Associating an Oracle
Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) with Oracle Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS).

7. Review the Activate Services page and verify that the responses you provided are

If you need to make changes, click the Go Back button to navigate to the
previous pages.

8. To request us to activate the services you selected, click Activate.

9. Review the information on the Review Summary page.

• Verify that your request to activate the service was submitted successfully.

• Note the details about your service.

• Check out the other options, such as activating another service or viewing all
the services in your account.

10. Click Close.

Activating an Order from Oracle Cloud

If you activated your service order by using the email link, then you can skip this

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-7

Activating Your Order

To request us to activate your service orders, open My Account:

1. Sign in to My Account.

a. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

b. Click Sign In and then click My Account in the Order Management section.

c. Enter your account user name and password and click Sign In. The
Dashboard page in My Account opens.

2. Click Orders.

3. Scroll down the page to find the order that has the services you want to activate.

You can also select Pending Activation from the Show menu to display only those
orders that have one or more services that need to be activated.

4. Click Activate.

The Oracle Cloud Order Activation wizard opens.

The wizard steps you through activating your services.
The information you provide depends on the type of service you’re activating. Not
all services require the same information.

5. In the Oracle Cloud Order Activation wizard, complete the Select Services page.

• The wizard displays the Select Services page only if this purchase order
includes line items for more than one Oracle Cloud service.

• The Select Services page displays the details for the order you selected and lists
the services in your order.

• Select the service you want to activate. You can activate only one service in an
order at a time with the exception of Oracle Java Cloud Service. Oracle Java
Cloud Service requires Oracle Database Cloud Service.
If this order includes Oracle Java Cloud Service and Oracle Database Cloud
Service, but you do not have an active Oracle Database Cloud Service, then
both services are activated at the same time.

• Click Next.

6. Complete the Assign Service Details page.

The information you provide depends on the type of service you’re activating. Not
all services require the same information.
Based on the service name and identity domain name that you enter, Oracle Cloud
generates the service preview URL for most of the services in the following format:
For example:

4-8 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Activating Your Order

The generated service URL preview changes as and when you update the service
name, the identity domain name, or both. Note that the actual format of service
URL preview can vary based on the service type.
For Oracle Cloud Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) applications, such as Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management Cloud Service, we deploy two instances of the
service and one instance is for production; the other instance is for testing.
You have one URL for your production service instance and one URL for your test
service instance. Each instance is in its own identity domain. We append -test to
your specified identity domain to create a unique domain name for the test
instance. For example, if you enter ourdomain as the identity domain name and
hcm as the service name, then your service URLs begin with:
ourdomain.hcm… (production) ourdomain-test.hcm… (test)
See About the Assign Service Details Page for field descriptions in this page.

7. Complete the Associations page. Specify the services associations, if any.

The wizard displays the Associations page only if you’re activating a service that
can be associated with other services. The Associations page lists both the required
and optional services. Required associations can be added or removed later.
However, optional associations selected during activation cannot be added or
removed later.

For example, Oracle Java Cloud Service service requires Oracle Database Cloud
Service. Optionally, you can associate Oracle Java Cloud Service with Oracle Sales
Cloud Service if the service is configured within the same identity domain.
When the selected identity domain contains Oracle SaaS applications such as
Oracle HCM Cloud Service or Oracle Sales Cloud Service, you can select only 1
application to associate with the selected service. By default, the None radio button
is selected. However, if the selected domain contains only 1 such service, then it’s
selected by default. It is also possible to activate
You can also associate an Oracle Cloud Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) with an
Oracle Cloud Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS). See Associating an Oracle
Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) with Oracle Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS).

8. Review the Activate Services page and verify that the responses you provided are

If you need to make changes, click the Go Back button to navigate to the
previous pages.

9. To request us to activate the services you selected, click Activate.

10. Review the information on the Review Summary page.

• Verify that your request to activate the service was submitted successfully.

• Note the details about your service.

• Check out the other options, such as activating another service or viewing all
the services in your account.

11. Click Close.

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-9

Activating Your Order

Associating an Oracle Software as a Service (Oracle SaaS) with Oracle Platform as a

Service (Oracle PaaS)
If you’re associating an existing Oracle SaaS application with Oracle PaaS, do the
following during activation.

1. Make a note of the identity domain you used during activation of your Oracle
SaaS application.

2. Activate your Oracle PaaS within the same identity domain that you used for
activating your Oracle SaaS application. All the available applications are
displayed in the Associations page.

To associate an Oracle PaaS with an existing Oracle SaaS application:

1. In the Oracle Cloud Order Activation wizard, select the required services in the
Select Services page.

2. Complete the Assign Service Details page. Specify the required details as below.

Fields Description
Language Select the default language for all the
administrators for the Cloud Account for
which the current order is being

Time Zone Select the country and relevant time zone

for all the administrators for the Cloud
Account for which the current order is
being provisioned.

Account Administrator Displays the user name, first name, and the
last name of the person designated as the
account administrator at time of ordering
the service. If the account administrator and
the order activator is the same person, then
these fields are read-only.

Identity Domain Name Select the identity domain you used for
activating your Oracle SaaS application.
When activating a service type that requires
SaaS, it’s good practice to select an identity
domain that already contains an Oracle
SaaS offering. If not, the system warns you
that the domain you selected does not
contain a SaaS offering but allows you to
continue. However, you cannot change the
identity domain after the service is

4-10 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Verifying That a Service Is Running

Fields Description
Identity Domain Administrator Enter information, such as email, user
name, first name, and last name, for the
person who will be the administrator for
the domain.
To make this person the administrator of
the service as well as the identity domain,
select the Make this person the service
administrator also? check box.

Service Name Enter the service name.

Service names must be unique within an
identity domain.

Service Administrator If you didn’t select the Make this person

the service administrator also? check box
in the Identity Domain Administrator
section, enter information about the person
who will be responsible for managing and
monitoring service operations (the
administrator for the service).
For Oracle SaaS, there is only one service
per identity domain. Therefore, for these
services, the designated administrator
performs the functions of both the service
administrator and the identity domain

3. In the Associations page, ensure that you select the existing Oracle SaaS and click
Next to continue.

4. Review the Activate Services page and click Activate to activate your Oracle PaaS.

5. In the Review Summary page, click Close.

Verifying That a Service Is Running

When the activation of a paid subscription to an Oracle Cloud service is complete, the
designated service administrator and identity domain administrator (if different) receive a
postactivation email from Oracle Cloud.
The email contains the following information required to access the My Services

• Sign-in Credentials: Your user name, temporary password, identity domain, and
the data center where the service is located.

• My Services URL
As a service administrator or an identity domain administrator, you use My Services
to verify that your Oracle Cloud service is up and running. You can also use My
Services to monitor utilization, view service details, and access any control panels and
associated tools for the Oracle Cloud service.

To verify that an Oracle Cloud service is up and running:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-11

Verifying That a Service Is Running

2. Click Sign In. The Sign In page displays several options, including signing in to
My Services.

3. Be sure to specify the correct data center in the Select Data Center field. The
postactivation email includes the name of the data center where your service is

4. Click Sign In to My Services.

5. Enter your service administrator user name and password, and the identity domain
that contains the services you want to administer.

If you are signing in to My Services for the first time after the first service for this
identity domain is activated and you haven’t selected your own password, then
use the temporary administrator password you got in the postactivation email.

6. Click Sign In. Note that:

• When you sign in to My Services for the first time, you must provide a new
password and register three password challenge questions.

• If you get an error message when you try to sign in, you may not be using the
correct user name, password, or identity domain. If you think that you chose
the wrong data center, then go back to the Sign In page and confirm that the
data center is correct before you try to sign in to My Services again.
When you sign in successfully, the My Services Dashboard page displays a list of
activated services that you are designated to manage for the selected identity

7. Scan the Dashboard page to check the current status of a service. You can:

• Position the cursor on the cloud icon to view status information.

• Look at the calendar for status and uptime information.

• Click the service name to open the details page and view additional status

The following table describes the service status icons you may see on the dashboard.

Status Description

Pending activation This service and any associated services haven’t been activated.
You ordered either a trial or paid subscription for an Oracle Cloud service.
We received and processed your order, and sent you an email that says
your service needs to be activated.
To activate your services, click Activate. The status changes to Activation
in progress.

4-12 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service

Status Description

Activation in progress This service and any associated services are in the process of being
You clicked the Activate button to request that we activate the service. We
are in the process of activating and fully provisioning the service in Oracle
Cloud. When the service is ready for you to use, the status changes to

Active Service is active.

You activated this service and we fully provisioned the service.
An active service can be active and up, active and down (issue), or active
and locked.

Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service

After an Oracle Cloud service is successfully activated, identity domain administrators
and service administrators use the following applications to manage new order
requests, paid subscriptions, and users.

• My Account: As an account administrator, you use your (single sign-

on) user name and password to sign in to My Account and view your Oracle
Cloud services. My Account shows you all your services that are in an identity
domain and which data center is being used.
From My Account, you can complete the paid order purchasing process, assign
additional account administrators to a service, review service details, and monitor
service resource utilization.

• My Services: As an identity domain administrator or a service administrator, you

sign in to My Services and view the active Oracle Cloud services in a single
identity domain that you are assigned to manage. You can verify that services are
up and running, develop and administer services for an identity domain, view
service details, monitor utilization, and view notifications and historical uptime.

• Users Page in My Services: As an identity domain administrator, you use My

Services to manage the user accounts and roles for those users who need access to
My Services.
The following table lists common administrative tasks you perform after your Oracle
Cloud service is active.

Task Who Can Perform This Task

Verify that a service is up Identity domain administrators or service

Manage and monitor a service Identity domain administrators or service


Lock and unlock services Identity domain administrators or service


Buying a Nonmetered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 4-13

Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Task Who Can Perform This Task

Add and manage users in your identity domain Identity domain administrators
Note: Users must be added before they can sign in and
use a service.

Grant roles to users Identity domain administrators or service

Note: The appropriate roles must be explicitly granted administrators
to individual users according to the service type they
are allowed to access.

Add custom roles Identity domain administrators

Reset user passwords Identity domain administrators

Manage applications Identity domain administrators or service


Create Service instances Identity domain administrators, service entitlement

administrators or service entitlement administrators

Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Before you can sign in to an Oracle Cloud service, you must have a user account that
defines your user name, password, and identity domain, and access rights to the
service. You also need the web address (URL) for your Oracle Cloud service.
When an Oracle Cloud service is activated, we send the sign-in credentials and URL to
the designated administrators. The administrator then creates an account for each user
who needs access to the service. Check your email or contact your administrator for
your account credentials and service URL.
To sign in to an Oracle Cloud service:

1. Open your web browser and go to the service URL given to you either in an email
or by your administrator. The Sign In page opens.

2. Enter your identity domain, user name (user ID), and password.

3. Click Sign In.

If you are signing in for the first time, Oracle Cloud prompts you to create a new
password for security reasons. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete
this task.

For information about using a particular Oracle Cloud service, see the appropriate
user documentation for the service. For example, for information about developing
Java EE applications, see Developing Applications for Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS
Extension in Using Oracle Java Cloud Service-SaaS Extension.

4-14 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle
Cloud Service

You can purchase subscriptions to eligible Oracle Cloud services that are metered,
based on certain metrics. The services that are available in this metered subscription
model are called Oracle Public Cloud Services.
This section describes how you can purchase and provision subscriptions to Oracle
Public Cloud Services.


• Overview of Buying Metered Oracle Cloud Services

• Setting Language and Time Zone Preferences

• Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

• Logging in to My Services

• Managing Your Metered Oracle Cloud Services

• Signing In to an Oracle Cloud Service

Overview of Buying Metered Oracle Cloud Services

When you order a metered Oracle Cloud service, you follow a standard process. If you
don’t have an Oracle Cloud Account, you receive an email with a linke you can use to
create the account. Then you receive a second email, which provides login credentials
and a URL you can use to access your services.

• A purchase order created by an Oracle sales representative

• Oracle Store
The following table describes the process of purchasing metered subscriptions to
Oracle Public Cloud Services.

Task Description More Information

Browse and learn about Oracle The Oracle Cloud website contains all the Browsing and Learning About
Cloud Services information you need to browse and select Oracle Cloud Services
the services you need. Requesting and Managing Free
Optionally, you can sign up for an Oracle Oracle Cloud Promotions
Free Cloud Promotion and try out some
Oracle Cloud Services free of charge.

Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 5-1

Browsing and Learning About Oracle Cloud Services

Task Description More Information

Purchase an Oracle Cloud When you’re ready to purchase a Ordering an Oracle Cloud
subscription subscription, go the Oracle Store, add your Metered Service
selections to the shopping cart, and check

Set up your Cloud Account, After you purchase a subscription, you’ll Setting Up an Oracle Cloud
using the first email notification receive an an email message. The message Account
includes a link to set up your new Cloud
Use the wizard to provide the details
required to set up your account.

Log in to your Cloud Account, When the setup is complete, you’ll receive Logging in to My Services
using the URL and credentials another email with the sign-in credentials to
in the second email access your Cloud Account and view the
My Services dashboard.

Create Service Instances After you have access to your Cloud Creating Service Instances
Account, you can create instances of your
new services and you are on your way.

Browsing and Learning About Oracle Cloud Services

To learn more about what Oracle Cloud can do for you, browse the offerings available
on the Oracle Cloud Web site.
To browse and learn about the Oracle Cloud services:

1. Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:

2. Browse through the product category tabs listed on the home page or open the
categories menu at the top to show the complete list of available cloud services.

3. Select an Oracle Cloud service you want to learn about.

4. Review the overview information and the list of features.

5. Review any additional information or related documentation, tutorials, and videos

about each service.

Ordering an Oracle Cloud Metered Service

You can order new metered Cloud services by contacting Oracle Sales via the contact
information on the Oracle Cloud Web site or by clicking Buy Now for services
available from the Oracle Store.
To order an Oracle Cloud service from the Oracle store:

1. From the Oracle Cloud website, locate a service you want to order:

2. Click the Pricing tab on the page that describes the service features.

5-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

3. Scroll through the pricing options and click Buy Now for the subscription plan that
you want to purchase.

The system redirects you to Oracle Store.

4. Review the service you selected, make any additional selections for your service,
and add the items to your shopping cart.

5. Click View Cart Details to see the contents of your cart.

6. When you're ready to complete the purchase, click Checkout.

7. Sign in and follow the on-screen instructions to identify an account administrator,

and provide your online account profile, billing and payment information, and
other details.

8. Accept the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement, and review the confirm your

9. Click Place Order.

The Order Details page provides information about the Oracle Cloud service you
purchased, the account administrator you assigned to the service, and the payment
and billing options you selected.

10. Make a note of the following two important numbers shown on the Order Details

• Order Number: Refer to this number whenever you contact us about the
status of your order.

• Customer Support Identifier (CSI) Number: Refer to this number whenever

you contact an Oracle Support representative for assistance with your Oracle
Cloud service.

11. Check your email. You’ll get an email that confirms your order was received and is
being processed.

After we process your purchase order, Oracle Cloud sends an email to the account
administrator you specified during the ordering process. The account administrator
uses the information in the email to set up the Cloud Account.

Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

When your Oracle Public Cloud metered service or service entitlement is processed,
the designated account administrator gets an email with instructions on how to set up
the Oracle Cloud Account. The account administrator sets up the Oracle Cloud
account, even if an Oracle sales representative ordered the service for you.


• About Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

• Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account from the Email Link

Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 5-3

Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

About Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

As an account administrator, you use your Oracle Account to set up the Oracle Cloud
Services account.
The exact steps you perform to set your Cloud Account vary, depending on whether
you are setting up a Traditional Cloud Account or a Cloud Account with IDCS. See
Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.
For a Traditional Cloud Account, you receive an email with a link to the Assign
Account Details page. From there, you can:

• Select your Oracle Cloud services order.

• Create or select an Oracle Cloud Account to assign the purchased Oracle Cloud
For a Cloud Account with IDCS, you receive the account setup email only if you
didn’t create a Cloud Account previously.

Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account from the Email Link

When you purchase one or more Oracle Cloud services, the designated account
administrator receives an email message, which includes a link to set up an Oracle
Cloud Account.
To set up your account:

1. Open the Welcome email, entitled, “Welcome to Oracle Cloud. Set up your

2. Review the information in the email.

3. Click Cloud Services Account Setup or Complete My Order.

4. If you are prompted to sign in, then enter your Oracle Account user name and
password, and click Sign In.

• If you see the Oracle Public Cloud Services Account Setup wizard, then go to
Using the Oracle Public Cloud Services Account Setup Wizard.

• If you see the Oracle Cloud Account Setup wizard, then go to Using the Oracle
Cloud Account Setup Wizard.

Using the Oracle Public Cloud Services Account Setup Wizard

You can use the Services Account Setup Wizard to create a new Oracle Cloud Services
Account or to assign your order to an existing account.
If you have an existing account, you can add the following to the account:

• Oracle Database as a Service (Oracle DBaaS) and Oracle Java as a Service (Oracle
JaaS) subscriptions to an account containing metered Oracle Infrastructure as a
Service (Oracle IaaS) Cloud Services.

• Metered Oracle DBaaS and metered Oracle Java Cloud Services to an account
containing Storage and Compute subscriptions.

• Oracle Java Cloud Service subscription to an account containing metered Oracle

IaaS and metered Database Public Cloud Services.

5-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Setting Up an Oracle Cloud Account

• Metered Oracle Java Cloud Services to an account containing Storage, Compute

and Oracle Database Cloud Service subscriptions.

1. In the Assign Account Details page of the Oracle Public Cloud Services Account
Setup wizard:

• If you ordered for an Oracle IaaS Public Cloud Services account along with
your Oracle Database or Java Public Cloud Services account, then enter an
account name (Sold to Customer) for assigning the purchased Oracle Public
Cloud Services.
An account name:

– Must be unique

– Must start with a letter

– Can have lowercase letters, hyphens, and numbers

– Can be up to 25 characters long

• If you want to assign your Oracle Database or Java Public Cloud Services to an
existing account, then select the account name from the list of applicable,
existing accounts. You can also select a nonmetered domain, a credit account,
or an entitlement to activate your metered service, if they are available. Based
on the account name that you provide, Oracle Cloud generates the My Services
preview URL and the service console preview URLs. Oracle Cloud displays the
preview URL for only one service per service category.


Oracle Cloud Services must belong to an identity domain. The identity

domain name is the same as the account name that you specify here. Also,
when activating a service type that recommends activation in an identity
domain containing Software as a Service (SaaS), it’s good practice to select
such an identity domain. If not, the system warns you that the domain you
selected does not contain a SaaS offering but allows you to continue.
However, you can’t change the identity domain after the service is activated.

2. If you selected the option to create a new account in the last step, then enter the
email address, user name, first name, and last name of the initial identity domain
administrator and service administrator for your services. This administrator can
create other administrators or users.

3. Click Assign Account.

4. Click Close in the Review Summary page to exit the wizard.

Using the Oracle Cloud Account Setup Wizard

When you sign up for services that use Cloud Accounts with IDCS, you’ll receive a
welcome email. The email contains a link to create and set up your Cloud Account that
will house your purchased services. You can use this Cloud Account for all your
current and future purchases including allocation of budget, resources, or users.
Clicking the set up link will display the Cloud Account Setup Wizard, which guides
you through the account creation process.

Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 5-5

Logging in to My Services

1. In the Account section of the page, enter name for the new Cloud Account.

You will use this name to identify the new account and to log in to the account and
access your Cloud services.

2. Enter the email address that you provided when you purchased your Cloud
services in the Oracle Store.

The Welcome email that got you here was sent to this address.

3. In the Administrator section of the page, enter the email, user name, and first and
last name of the person who will be administering this account.

When you submit this form, Oracle sends an email message to the administrator.
The administrator can then log in to access and manage the Cloud services. The
administrator can also create additional users who can access and optionally
manage the Services in the new Cloud Account.

4. Click Create Account.

5. Click Close.

Logging in to My Services
After you set up your Oracle Cloud Account, Oracle Cloud processes the information
and creates the required Cloud service instances. Oracle Cloud then sends an email to
the account administrator with the information to log in and manage the services
you’ve ordered.
More specifically, when the account setup for metered Oracle Cloud Services is
complete, the designated service administrator and identity domain administrator (if
different) receive an email with the subject Welcome to Oracle Cloud. Your
Oracle Public Cloud Services are ready for use.
The email contains the following information required to access the My Services

• Sign-in Credentials: Your user name, temporary password, identity domain, and
the data center where the service is located.

• My Services URL
As a service administrator or an identity domain administrator, you use My Services
to verify that your Oracle Cloud service is up and running. You can also use My
Services to monitor utilization, view service details, and access any control panels and
associated tools for the Oracle Cloud service.
The following table describes the service status icons you may see on the dashboard.

Status Description

Pending activation This service and any associated services haven’t been activated.
You ordered either a trial or paid subscription for an Oracle Cloud service.
We received and processed your order, and sent you an email that says
your service needs to be activated.
To activate your services, click Activate. The status changes to Activation
in progress.

5-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Managing Your Metered Oracle Cloud Services

Status Description

Activation in progress This service and any associated services are in the process of being
You clicked the Activate button to request that we activate the service. We
are in the process of activating and fully provisioning the service in Oracle
Cloud. When the service is ready for you to use, the status changes to

Active Service is active.

You activated this service and we fully provisioned the service.
An active service can be active and up, active and down (issue), or active
and locked.

Managing Your Metered Oracle Cloud Services

After an Oracle Cloud service is successfully activated, identity domain administrators
and service administrators manage users and applications using My Services and
service-specific tools.
The following table lists common administrative tasks you perform after your Oracle
Cloud service is active.

Task Who Can Perform This Task

Monitor service details Identity domain administrators or service

Add and manage users in your identity domain Identity domain administrators
Note: Users must be added before they can sign in and
use a service.

Grant roles to users Identity domain administrators or service

Note: The appropriate roles must be explicitly granted administrators
to individual users according to the service type they
are allowed to access.

Add custom roles Identity domain administrators

Reset user passwords Identity domain administrators

Buying a Metered Subscription to an Oracle Cloud Service 5-7

Managing Your Metered Oracle Cloud Services

5-8 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users and Assigning Roles

You can use the My Services Users page to manage identity domain administrators,
service administrators, users, roles, and passwords.
The features and capabilities available when you are adding users will vary,
depending on whether you are using a Traditional Cloud Account or a Cloud Account
with Identity Cloud Service (IDCS). See Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.


• Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges

• Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

• Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges

This section describes the Oracle Cloud user roles and lists the privileges associated
with each role. A user can be assigned more than one role. A role may include
privileges that let the user purchase an Oracle Cloud service, manage one or more
Oracle Cloud services, or manage the accounts of the users who can access a service.
The following table describes the roles and responsibilities of an Oracle Cloud service
user. These roles aren't predefined.

User Role Privileges

Buyer Administrator Controls the buying process. A buyer:
• Makes purchases in Oracle Store on behalf of a company or an
• Designates who will be the initial account administrator for the
Oracle Cloud service. When a subscription to an Oracle Cloud
service is purchased, the buyer or another person must be
designated as the account administrator.
• Can change (upsize or update) the paid subscription to an Oracle
Cloud service.
• Can terminate the paid subscription to an Oracle Cloud service.

Purchase Entitlement A purchase entitlement administrator can manage purchases in

Buyer Administrator Oracle Store.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-1

Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges

User Role Privileges

Account Monitors and manages one or more Oracle Cloud services.
administrator An account administrator signs in to the My Account application in
Oracle Cloud with the (single sign-on) user name and
From the My Account application, an account administrator can:
• Activate Oracle Cloud services. When activating a service, the
account administrator provides information about the service.
• Monitor the status of services across identity domains and data
• Review details about services.
• Create identity domain administrators and other account
• Review historical utilization data about services.
• Grant and revoke access to other account administrators.

Purchase Entitlement A purchase entitlement account administrator has similar privileges

Account as the service administrator and can create new Cloud Accounts, or
Administrator use an existing account to provision purchases in that account.

Oracle Cloud Predefined Roles

When Oracle Cloud services are provisioned in an identity domain, Oracle Cloud
automatically populates the My Services application with several roles and several
user accounts. These roles:

• Correspond to the type of Oracle Cloud service being provisioned.

• Include both administrative roles and non-administrative roles.

• Give certain privileges to the users based on the role assigned to them. Users can
be assigned more than one role.

6-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges

User Role Privileges

Service Manages administrative functions related to Oracle Cloud services
administrator, service within an identity domain. A service administrator uses the user
instance name and password defined by My Services to sign in to the
administrator application.
A user with an administrator role is automatically granted a
predefined role that corresponds to the type of administrator role the
person has and the type of service that is being managed by that
For example, the service administrator for Oracle Java Cloud Service
is given the Service-name Java Administrator predefined role and the
service administrator for an Oracle Database Cloud Service is given
the Service-name Database Administrator predefined role.
From My Services, a service administrator can:
• Configure and manage one or more service instances in a single
data center and identity domain.
• Perform monitoring and management tasks related to individual
• Monitor current and historical utilization data.
• Lock and unlock services.
• Review notifications.
• Perform service-specific operations such as data loading for
Oracle Database Cloud Service.
• Manage user roles.
From My Services, a service administrator can view user accounts
and roles, assign and revoke roles, and change password and
challenge questions.
A service administrator can be granted access to multiple identity
domains, but must access and manage each one separately.
For Oracle Applications Cloud services, typically, there is only one
service per identity domain. Therefore, for these services, the
administrator performs the functions of both the service
administrator and the identity domain administrator.
For Software as a Service (SaaS) applications, identity domain
administrators also perform the functions of service administrators.
If an identity domain has an existing Oracle Applications Cloud
service, such as Oracle Sales Cloud, and subsequently any other
Platform as a Service offerings, such as Oracle Java Cloud Service -
SaaS Extension or Oracle Database Cloud Service, are added to the
same identity domain, there can be multiple service administrators
handling the different services.
A service administrator or an instance administrator can’t create new
service instances but can update or delete them.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-3

Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges

User Role Privileges

Identity domain An identity domain administrator is granted the Identity Domain
administrator Administrator predefined role when an identity domain is first set
up. If an individual is both the identity domain administrator and the
service administrator, then the individual is automatically assigned
the Identity Domain Administrator and the Service-name Service-
type Administrator predefined roles.
An identity domain administrator can perform all the same
administrative functions that the service administrator performs
related to the Oracle Cloud services within an identity domain.
Note: If an individual is both the service administrator and the
identity domain administrator, Oracle Cloud creates only one user
account and then assigns multiple roles to that person.
An identity domain administrator performs administrative functions
related to the users who will have access to your Oracle Cloud
To sign in to the application, an identity domain administrator uses
the user name and password defined by My Services.
From My Services, an identity domain administrator can:
• Create user accounts and roles within a given identity domain,
independent of any service.
• Assign one or more roles (privileges) to a user. Can assign the
identity domain administrator role to other users.
• Manage roles assigned to a user.
• Create custom roles.
• Reset user passwords.
• Set up secure SFTP user accounts for Oracle Cloud services
An identity domain administrator can’t create or destroy identity
For Oracle Applications Cloud services, there is only one service per
identity domain. Therefore, for these services, the administrator
performs the functions of both the service administrator and the
identity domain administrator.
Note: If the identity domain administrator manages more than one
identity domain, then the administrator must sign in to each identity
domain separately to manage users and roles for each identity

6-4 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

User Role Privileges

Entitlement If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of an Oracle
administrator or Cloud service, Oracle Cloud automatically creates a service-specific
bucket entitlement entitlement administrator role. A user assigned to this role can create
administrator or delete service instances, based on specific business requirements.
The name of the role depends on the type of Oracle Cloud service
being provisioned. The format is: service-name_SE service
name Based Entitlement Administrator.
For example, if you’ve subscribed to Oracle Documents Cloud
Service, then the fully qualified name of the entitlement administrator
role for that service is: Documents_SE Documents Service
Based Entitlement Administrator.
If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of bundles
of Oracle Cloud Service, a bucket entitlement administrator role is
created as follows: Service bundle-name Entitlement
For example, if you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances
of Oracle JAVAMB service bundle, then the fully qualified name of
the entitlement administrator role for that service bundle is: JAVAMB
Entitlement Administrator.

User (service-specific, In addition to the predefined roles, Oracle Cloud automatically

non-administrative creates several user accounts such as service-specific user or
role) developer roles, and assigns the appropriate role to the user. The user
accounts created depends on the type of Oracle Cloud service being
provisioned. Each user account includes the user's name, password,
email address, and roles assigned to the user.
All names for predefined roles related to a specific service are
prefixed by the name of the service instance and the type of service.
The format is: service-name service-type role-name. For
example, if myservice1 is the name for an Oracle Database Cloud
Service, then the fully qualified names of the roles for that service are:
myservice1 Database Developer myservice1 Database User.
A user works with one or more Oracle Cloud services. A user is
assigned service and application roles. These roles let a user access
the Oracle Cloud service instances within an identity domain.
As a non-administrative user, you use the My Services application to
manage your password and security challenge questions for your
user account. You can access only the My Profile page.

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

Oracle Traditional Cloud Accounts are those that use traditional Identity and Access
Management software to manage users and security, as opposed to Cloud Accounts
with IDCS, which use Oracle Identity Cloud Service for these tasks.
For more information, see Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.


• About the Users Page in a Traditional Cloud Account

• Creating a User and Assigning a Role

• Assigning One Role to Many Users

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-5

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

• Importing a Batch of User Accounts

About the Users Page in a Traditional Cloud Account

As an identity domain administrator, you use options on the My Services Users page
to manage users and their roles for specific Oracle Cloud applications and services.
This topic describes how to use the Users page in a Traditional Cloud Account. See
Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.


• Overview of the Users Page

• Tasks That You Can Perform from the Users Page

Overview of the Users Page

As an identity domain administrator, you use options on the My Services Users page
to manage users and their roles for Oracle Cloud applications and services.
The system stores the user accounts in an identity management repository that’s
dedicated to your enterprise. An identity domain administrator must manage these
user accounts.
From the My Services Users page, you can:

• Add users and assign roles

• Manage users who can access the service

• Manage SFTP predefined user accounts

• Change or reset passwords, and manage password challenge questions


The options on the My Services Users page may vary depending on the
selected service. For information about specific services, see the service-
specific documentation.

Tasks That You Can Perform from the Users Page

The following table briefly describes each tab on the My Services Users page.

Tab on Users Page Description

Users Add user accounts, import a batch of user accounts, assign roles to
users, modify user accounts, reset passwords, and remove user

SFTP Users Set passwords for the secure FTP (SFTP) user accounts.

Roles View a list of all the predefined roles created by Oracle Cloud and
link to a list of users assigned the role you select.

Custom Roles View, add, and remove roles that you created for customized access
to your Oracle Cloud services.

6-6 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

Tab on Users Page Description

Identity Self Service View your user information, change your password, and change your
password challenge questions.

Contacts Add, modify, or delete contacts who would receive service

notification emails about planned maintenance, service outages, and
so on. This tab is available only if the user is a service administrator.
Identity Domain administrators (who are not service administrators)
will not be able to see this tab.

My Profile View your user information, change your password, and change your
password challenge questions.

Creating a User and Assigning a Role

Only identity domain administrators can create user accounts, and only in the identity
domains that they are assigned to manage.
This section describes how to create one user account at a time. To create many user
accounts at once, see Importing a Batch of User Accounts.
To add a user account, you need the following information:

• The first name and last name of the user

• A valid business email address for the user

• The services that the user is allowed to access

To create one user account at a time:

1. Sign in to My Services. Be sure to specify the appropriate identity domain.

2. Click Users.

3. Click the Users tab.

4. Click Add.

5. Enter the following details in the Add User dialog box:

• First Name: Enter the user's first name.

• Last Name: Enter the user's last name.

• Email: Enter a valid business email address in standard format. For example,
[email protected]. Special characters are allowed within email
addresses. If you use an improperly formatted email address, then you'll get an
error message. The email address shouldn’t be longer than 71 characters.

• Use email as user name: The user name is the unique identifier for the user.
The user enters this value in the User Name field when signing in to Oracle
If this check box is selected, then the system automatically makes the user
name the same as the email address unless the user name is currently in use or
had previously been in use within the current domain. For these cases, the

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-7

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

system adds a number to the email address to create a unique value for the
user name.

• User Name: If you deselect the Use email as user name check box, then you
can enter a unique user name for the user. The user name, along with the
password and the name of the identity domain, define a user's sign-in
credentials. The User Name field accepts spaces between characters, but it
doesn’t allow special characters such as !#$%'*+/=?^`{|}~&.

• Manager Email (optional field): Enter the email address of the user’s manager.
You can also search for the manager’s email address by clicking the search
(magnifying glass) icon and then entering a part of the manager’s email
address. If you specify the same email address for both the user and the
manager, then you’ll get an error message.

6. Assign one or more roles to this user. Roles control access to applications,
resources, and services.

a. Simple Role Selection

Use this section to assign basic roles to the user, such as the identity domain
administrator role, or the service-specific user or administrator roles.

• To assign an identity domain administrator role, select the Identity

Domain Administrator check box.

• To assign service-specific roles, select a service from the Service list.

– If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of an Oracle

Cloud Service, then you can assign a entitlement administrator role to
the user. Select the Entitlement Administrator role check box. An
entitlement administrator can create or delete service instances.

– If your service entitlement administrator has created multiple instances

of an Oracle Cloud Service, then you must select a specific service
instance from the Instance list before selecting a role. You can select
one or more instances. Purged or canceled instances aren’t displayed in
the list.

– If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of bundles of

Oracle Cloud Service, then you can assign a bucket entitlement
administrator role to the user. For example, if you selected metered
Oracle Java Cloud Services (JAVAMB) from the Service list, then the
Bucket Entitlement Administrator check box is displayed. Select this
check box to assign the role to the user.

• To assign an administrator role for the selected service or instance, select

the Service Instance Administrator check box. To assign a non-
administrator role such as user, developer, or planner for the selected
service or instance, select the Other Roles check box.

The service-specific roles are enabled for selection only after you select a
specific service or an instance. You can add more service-specific or instance-
specific roles to the user by repeating the previous steps.

6-8 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

• To assign the selected roles to the user, click >>. To remove a role, clear the
check box next to the role you want to remove and click the clear link. To
remove all the roles, simply click the clear link.


The >> button is enabled only after you select a role.

b. Advanced Role Selection

Expand this section to add advanced roles to the user. Roles are instance-
specific. Some services, such as Oracle Human Capital Management Cloud
(HCM) Service, have two instances: one instance for testing and one instance for
production. To allow a user to access both the test instance and the production
instance, assign a role that belongs to each instance.
You can select one or more roles, and then use the left and right arrows to move
the roles back and forth between the Available Roles column and the Selected
Roles column.

• To select a single role, click the role.

• If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of bundles of

Oracle Cloud Service, then you can assign a bucket entitlement
administrator role to the user. Select the entitlement administrator role from
the list. For example, to assign a bucket entitlement administrator role for
metered Oracle Java Cloud Services (JAVAMB), select the JAVAMB
Entitlement Administrator role. A bucket entitlement administrator can
also create or delete service instances.

• To select a consecutive group of roles, click the first role you want in the
group, press and hold down the Shift key, and then click the last role you
want in the group.

• To select non-consecutive roles, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then
click each role you want to select.

• To assign all available roles to the user, click >>.


Simple and advanced role selections are mutually exclusive; you can’t switch
between them. Use one or the other for role assignments.

7. Click Add.

The system adds an account for the user and displays a message if the user account
was created successfully.

After the user account is created, Oracle Cloud sends an email notifying the user that
an account was created. The email includes the following sign-in credentials:

• The user's sign-in name.

• A temporary password. Users are forced to change their temporary password

when they sign in the first time.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-9

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

• The name of the identity domain.

The user has the required credentials to sign in, but needs to know the appropriate
URLs. The identity domain administrator or the service administrator must:

• Provide the URL for the My Services application to the user.

• Provide one or more service URLs to the user, depending on the services the user
is allowed to access.
Identity domain administrators and service administrators can modify an existing user
account and change the roles assigned to a user. Roles control access to applications,
resources, and services.
If users forget their password, identity domain administrators can reset it.

Assigning One Role to Many Users

Oracle Cloud lets you assign one role to many users.


• Task 1: Verify the User Accounts Exist

• Task 2: Create or Edit a CSV File to Assign a Role to Many Users

• Task 3: Assign the Role in a Batch

Task 1: Verify the User Accounts Exist

Before you can assign a role to a group of user accounts, the user accounts must exist.
See Creating a User and Assigning a Role or Importing a Batch of User Accounts.

Task 2: Create or Edit a CSV File to Assign a Role to Many Users

You can create a comma-separated values (CSV) file that contains user information
and then upload the CSV file to assign a role to all the users identified in the file.
To assign one role to many users, the CSV file needs to list only the email address for
the appropriate users. The first row (line) in the file must be Email. This is the column
heading. Each subsequent row specifies the email address for one user. For example:

To create a CSV file, you can use a standard spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft
Excel or Google Spreadsheet, or you can use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.
You must be sure to save the file in a valid CSV format.

6-10 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

Spreadsheet applications make it easy to create, edit, and save CSV files. You can use
standard features to add and delete rows of data, edit individual fields, search for
records, or sort the list.
The CSV file must meet the following requirements:

• Must be ANSI or UTF-8 encoded

• Must not be larger than 256 KB (maximum file size)

• Must include one column with this exact heading: Email

• Doesn’t use a comma when there is only one value

If you already created a CSV file to import user accounts, then edit the CSV file to
include only those users to which you want to assign a role.

• You can select one role to assign to all the users listed in the CSV file and then you
can repeat the process to assign additional roles to the group of users.

• You can create as many CSV files as needed to assign roles to your users.

Task 3: Assign the Role in a Batch

To assign one role to all the users listed in a CSV file:

1. Sign in to My Services. Be sure to specify the appropriate identity domain.

2. Click Users.

3. Click the Roles tab if you want to assign a predefined role; click the Custom Roles
tab if you want to assign a custom role.

4. Click Batch Assign Role.

5. To find and select the CSV file you want to use, click Browse.

6. To select the role you want to assign to all the users listed in the CSV file, use the
drop-down list.

7. Click Assign. The system processes the file and assigns the role you selected to
each user listed in the CSV file.
When the system finishes processing the file, the Batch Assign Role dialog box
displays the following results:

• The total number of users assigned the role and the name of the role assigned.

• The total number of users not assigned the role, the user names, and the
reason for the failure. For example, the system can’t assign a role to a user
account the does not exist.
When you make changes to the role assignments, the changes aren’t immediate.
See Oracle Cloud User Roles and Privileges.

Importing a Batch of User Accounts

Oracle Cloud lets you import a batch of users accounts.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-11

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account


• Task 1 Create a Comma-Separated Values File

• Task 2 Import the Comma-Separated Values File

• Task 3 Review and Fix Any Reported Errors

• Task 4 Assign Roles and Provide Access Details to Users

Task 1 Create a Comma-Separated Values File

If you are an identity domain administrator, you can add a batch of user accounts by
importing a comma-separated values (CSV) file that lists the information required to
set up each user account.
The CSV file is a simple text file in a tabular format (rows and columns). The first row
in the file, which defines the columns (fields) in your table, must have these exact
column headings:

• First Name

• Last Name

• Email

• User Login
For each user account, you create a new row (line) and enter data into each column
(field). Each row equals one record.
To create a CSV file, you can use a standard spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft
Excel or Google Spreadsheet, or you can use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.
You must be sure to save the file in a valid CSV format.
Spreadsheet applications make it easy to create, edit, and save CSV files. You can use
standard features to add and delete rows of data, edit individual fields, search for
records, or sort the list. The following illustration shows an example of user account
data defined in a Microsoft Excel file. The layout lets you easily review the data.

When you save your spreadsheet as type CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv), a comma
separates the values in each row. For example, the following illustration shows the
data from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, saved as a CSV file, and opened in

6-12 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

The CSV file must meet to the following requirements:

• Be ANSI or UTF-8 encoded

• Not be larger than 2 MB (maximum file size)

• Use a comma as the delimiter between the values

• Include three columns with these exact headings: First Name, Last Name, and

• (Optional) A fourth column with this exact heading: User Login


In the CSV file, the column heading is User Login. However, the value you
enter in the User Login column maps to the User Name on the Users page in
My Services. This value, also called the user name, is the name the user enters
on the Sign In page.

The user name (that is, the value in the User Login column), along with the
password and the name of the identity domain, define a user's sign-in credentials.
If you don’t include a value in the User Login column, then the system makes the
user name the same as the email address unless the user name being used or been
used within the current domain. For these cases, the system adds a number to the
email address to create a unique value for the user name.
The maximum length of the user name is 80 characters.

• Not contain more than 50,000 user records

Task 2 Import the Comma-Separated Values File

To import a comma-separated values (CSV) file and automatically add a batch of user
accounts to the identity management system:

1. Sign in to My Services. Be sure to specify the appropriate identity domain.

2. Click Users.

3. Click the Users tab.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-13

Adding Users to a Traditional Cloud Account

4. Click Import.

5. Enter the name of the CSV file to import. You can also click Browse to locate and
select the CSV file to use.

6. Click Import. A message confirms that the import operation is in progress

The system begins creating the user accounts. The time required to create the user
accounts depends on several factors such as system load, import requests in
progress, and number of user entries in the CSV file.
When the processing of the CSV file is finished, Oracle Cloud sends you an email
with the following subject line:
User Loading completed
The email provides the following information:

• The total number of user records processed in the CSV file

• The number of user records successfully uploaded

• The number of user records that failed

• Details about failure and errors, if any

Task 3 Review and Fix Any Reported Errors

In the User Loading completed email that you receive from Oracle Cloud, review
the list of errors, if any. Some of the reasons the system could not create a user account

• Invalid email address format

• Missing information

• User account already exists

• Invalid CSV file

If there are only a few invalid accounts, then re-create these user accounts manually.
See Creating a User and Assigning a Role.
If there are many invalid accounts, then create a new CSV file and import the file

Task 4 Assign Roles and Provide Access Details to Users

After the user accounts are created, you must explicitly assign one or more roles to the
users. Roles control access to applications, resources, and services.
When you use the Import function in My Services to add user accounts, the system
automatically generates a temporary password for each user.After the CSV file
finishes processing, and the user accounts are created, Oracle Cloud automatically
sends your users an email with details about the account created for them.
The email includes the following sign-in credentials:

• The user's sign-in name (also referred to as the user login).

• A temporary password. Users are forced to change their temporary password

when they sign in the first time.

6-14 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

If users forget their password, identity domain administrators can reset it.

• The name of the identity domain.

The user has the required credentials to sign in, but needs to know the appropriate
URLs. The identity domain administrator or the service administrator must:

• Provide the URL for the My Services application to the user.

• Provide one or more service URLs to the user, depending on the services the user
is allowed to access.

Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

If you are using an Oracle Cloud Account with IDCS, then you can use Users page on
the My Services dashboard to access the features of Oracle Identity Cloud Service
(IDCS) to manage users and security for your Oracle Cloud services.
See Types of Oracle Cloud Accounts.


• About the Users Page in a Cloud Account with IDCS

• Creating a New Cloud Account User

• Assigning Cloud Account Roles to a User

• Changing Password for Your Cloud Account with IDCS

• Importing a Batch of Users into a Cloud Account with IDCS

About the Users Page in a Cloud Account with IDCS

If you are using a Cloud Account with IDCS, the Users page gives you access to the
user management features of Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).
When you navigate to the My Services Users tab in a Cloud Account with IDCS, you
can use the features of Oracle Identity Cloud Service (Oracle IDCS) to create and
manage your Cloud Account users. Note that this page provides all the features of
Oracle IDCS, but in the context of My Services, there only a few key tasks you likely
need to perform, including:

• Create a new Cloud Account user

• Assign Cloud Account roles to a user

• Change your password

• Import a batch of Cloud Account users

For information about using the complete set of Oracle IDCS features, see Managing
Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

Creating a New Cloud Account User

If you are an cloud account administrator, you can create user accounts from the Users
tab in My Services.

To create a user account:

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-15

Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

1. Sign in to My Services with your sign-in credentials.

2. In the dashboard, click Users, and then click Add.

3. In the Add User page, enter the first name and last name of the user. To use the
email address as the user name, leave the check box selected, and enter the email
address in the User Name/Email field. If you'd like to use a user name other than
the email address, clear the check box and provide a user name.

4. To assign the user account to a group, click Next. Otherwise, click Finish. You can
always assign groups to the user account later.

a. In the Assign User to Groups page, select the group to assign to the user
account. You can also Select All to assign all the groups to the account.

b. Click Finish

The user account is created and the Details page is displayed. You can continue filling
in the user details as required. To provide application access to the user, select the
Access tab and select the applications to assign.
See Managing Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in Administering Oracle Identity
Cloud Service.

Assigning Cloud Account Roles to a User

After you create or import user accounts, you can assign roles and delegate
administrative responsibilities for these accounts.

Users can be assigned both administrative roles and application-specific roles.

Assigning Administrative Roles

To assign cloud account administrative roles to a user, do the following:

1. Sign in to My Services with your sign-in credentials.

2. In the dashboard, click Users and then click Settings

3. From the side navigation bar, click the Delegated Administration icon.
A list of available roles is displayed. For example, Identity Domain Administrator,
Security Administrator, or Application Administrator.

4. Expand the role that you wish to assign to the user.

5. To add a user account to an administrator role, click Add.

6. Select the user and then click OK.

The selected user is granted the corresponding administrative privileges. See Adding
or Removing a User Account from an Administrator Role in Administering Oracle
Identity Cloud Service.

Assigning Application-Specific Roles

To assign application-specific roles to a user, do the following:

1. Sign in to My Services with your sign-in credentials.

6-16 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

2. In the dashboard, click Users and then click Applications.

A list of relevant applications is displayed.

3. Select an application from the list and then select the Application Roles tab.

4. For each of the applicable predefined role, click Action and then select Assign

5. Select one more users from the Role window and then click Assign.
See Managing Oracle Identity Cloud Service Users in Administering Oracle Identity
Cloud Service.

Changing Password for Your Cloud Account with IDCS

You can change your password in the My Profile page either from My Services or My
Home. Note that passwords are valid only for a specified period as defined in the
password policy.

To change your password:

1. Sign in to My Services.

2. Click Users and then click My Profile.

The User Details page is displayed.

3. Click the Change Password tab.

4. Enter a new password in the New Password field.

For password requirements, review the Password Criteria pane and ensure that
you meet the specified criteria.

5. Reenter your new password in the Confirm New Password field.

6. Click Save.

If successful, then you’ll receive an email notification. See also Changing Your
Password in Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

Importing a Batch of Users into a Cloud Account with IDCS

If you are cloud account administrator, you can batch import user accounts using a
comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Before importing user accounts, you must first create a CSV file that is properly
formatted for the import process. The CSV file is a simple text file in a tabular format
(rows and columns). The first row in the file, which defines the columns (fields) in
your table, must have these exact column headings such as First Name, Last Name,
Work Email, and User ID.

To import user accounts:

1. Create a CSV file using any standard spreadsheet application. For each user
account, create a new row (line) and enter data into each column (field). Each row
equals one record.

Adding Users and Assigning Roles 6-17

Adding Users to a Cloud Account with IDCS

2. Save your file in a CSV format.

3. Sign in to My Services with your sign-in credentials.

4. In the dashboard, click Users and then click Import.

5. In the Import Users dialog box, click Browse to locate and select the CSV file that
contains the user accounts to import. You can also download a sample CSV file for
your reference and use.

6. Click Import.

• If the import job can be processed immediately, a dialog box appears with the Job
ID link. You can review the details by clicking the link.

• If the job can’t be processed immediately, a Schedule ID is provided. Use the

Schedule ID to search for the job in the Jobs page. The job appears in this page
after the import process is complete.
See Importing user Accounts in Administering Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

6-18 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Creating Service Instances

If you’ve subscribed to an entitlement to create instances of an Oracle Cloud Service,

then you can create multiple service instances and distribute your resources among
the instances.

• Before You Create Service Instances

• Creating a Service Instance

• After Creating a Service Instance

Before You Create Service Instances

Before you create service instances, ensure that:

• You’ve set up an Oracle Cloud Services account. See Setting Up an Oracle Cloud

• You’ve identity domain administrator privileges to create a user and assign the
service entitlement administrator role to the user, who’ll create service instances.
The actual name of this role depends on the Oracle Cloud service that you’ve
subscribed to. See Creating a User and Assigning a Role.

Creating a Service Instance

You can create one or more service instances from the My Services dashboard if
supported by the service type. Only identity domain administrators, service
administrators, entitlement administrators, or bucket entitlement administrators can
create instances. Instance administrators can only view the metrics and the state of
service instances. You can’t create instances for a suspended service or a disabled

You can create an instance only when you have sufficient resources. If you didn’t
purchase a required resource for a service, you’ll get an error when you try to create
an instance. Also, you can’t create more than the maximum number of instances
allowed for the service type.
However, if overage is enabled for your purchase, then you can create additional
instances up to the hard limit you specified for the resource, or up to a system-defined
value if you didn’t specify a hard limit. This is possible only if supported by the
service type.
To create an instance:

1. Sign in to My Services.

2. In the My Services dashboard, click the Create Instance tile.

Creating Service Instances 7-1

Creating a Service Instance

3. Select the service you want to create an instance for, from the Create Instance

The Oracle Cloud Instance Creation wizard opens.

The wizard steps you through the process of creating an instance.

4. Complete the Instance Details page. Specify the following:

a. Name: Specify a unique name for your service instance. If you specify a name
that already exists, the system displays an error and the instance is not created.

b. Region: Lists all applicable data regions for the selected domain. This field is
displayed only if supported by the service type. Select a data region from the

c. Plan: Select your service plan from the Plan list.


Only those plans that you purchased and whose resources are yet to be
allocated are displayed in the list. If an instance is created using a plan, then it
no longer appears in the list. For example, if you purchase 1 Enterprise and 2
Standard plans, then all of them appear in the Plan list. If you create an
instance using the Enterprise plan, then only the Standard plans appear in the

d. Product: If prompted, select the product from the list. The service-specific
attributes that are displayed depend on the product you select. This option is
read-only during instance modification. Products displayed in the list
correspond to the resources you’ve purchased for service entitlements.

e. For some entitlements, you may be prompted to specify service-specific

attributes such as number of users, number of cores, number of connections, or
number of interactions. They are displayed only when these resources have
been purchased. If there are no available resources, these fields are read-only.
You may also be prompted for passwords if supported by the service type.
Follow the on-screen instructions to specify the details.

f. Specify the administrator credentials in the Administrator Details section. Enter

the email, user name, first name, and the last name as required in the respective
fields. If you’re entering an existing administrator login credentials, ensure that
the email and user name are correct and match the ones provided earlier.
Administrator details are automatically populated based on the logged-in user’s
details only if such information is available or if the administrator has created
an instance earlier.

5. Associations: If instance association is enabled, for some service types, you’re

prompted to associate the new instance to an active existing instance of the
associated service.

6. Click Next to continue.

7. In the Confirmation page, review the details you entered and click Create Service

7-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

After Creating a Service Instance


When creating an instance, you can’t specify more resources than what you
purchased. When updating an instance, you can’t change a plan but you can
specify additional resources if available.

A new instance is created and the Service Instances page is displayed, which lists all
the instances created for the selected service. Instances are listed in the descending
order, by date. You can add more instances if required by clicking the Create Service
Instance button on top of the page. If supported by the service type, you can click the
instance name (for active instances) or the Service Console link to access the service
console (if available). Or, you can click the Open Admin Console link (if available) to
access the service administration console. You can cancel the instance creation when
an instance is in the initialized state if supported by the service type. See Managing
Service Instances in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud.

After Creating a Service Instance

The following table describes the tasks you can perform after creating an Oracle Cloud
service instance.

Task Description More Information

Verify that your service Service administrators and identity domain Verifying That a Service Is Running
instance is ready to use administrators use My Services to verify Logging in to My Services
that an Oracle Cloud service instance is up
and running.

Managing a specific Service administrators and identity domain Managing Your Oracle Cloud Service
service instance administrators use My Services to monitor Managing Your Metered Oracle
utilization, view service details, and access Cloud Services
the control panel and associated tools for
the Oracle Cloud service instance.

Creating Service Instances 7-3

After Creating a Service Instance

7-4 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Managing Your Password

Use the My Services application to change your password and password challenge


• About the My Profile Options

• Changing Your Traditional Cloud Account Password

• Changing Your Password Challenge Questions

About the My Profile Options

Use the My Profile options in My Services to view your user information, change your
password, and change your password challenge questions.
Note that your view in My Services and the options available to you depends on your

• If you are assigned a non-administrative role, then signing in to My Services

opens the My Home application that displays the Consoles and the My Profile

• If you are assigned an administrative role, such as the identity domain

administrator role or a service administrator role, then you can view all the pages
in the My Services application.
When you sign in to My Services for the first time, the system prompts you to change
your temporary password and set your password challenge questions.
You can change your password and password challenge questions any time you are
signed in to My Services.

• If you are using a Traditional Cloud Account, then see Changing Your Traditional
Cloud Account Password.

• If you are using a Cloud Account with IDCS, then see Changing Password for
Your Cloud Account with IDCS.

Changing Your Traditional Cloud Account Password

If you have a My Services sign-in account, then you can use My Services to change
your password.

To unlock or reset user passwords, see Resetting User Passwords in Managing and
Monitoring Oracle Cloud.

Managing Your Password 8-1

Changing Your Password Challenge Questions


Passwords are valid only for 120 days. You must change your password
within the period to continue using Oracle Cloud services.

To change your password:

1. Sign in to My Services. Be sure to specify the appropriate identity domain. See

Signing In to the My Services Application in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud.

Your view in My Services depends on your role:

• If you are assigned a non-administrative role, then signing in to My Services

opens the My Home application that automatically displays the Consoles page.
Click My Profile, or you can select My Profile from the user name menu at the
top right corner of the My Home application.

• If you are assigned an administrative role, then My Services opens the

Dashboard page. To view the self-service options, click Users, and then click
the My Profile tab.
You can also select My Profile from the user name menu at the top right
corner of the My Services application.

2. Enter your current password in the Old Password field. You can enter up to 128

3. Enter a new password in the New Password field.

For password requirements, click Password Policy to expand the section and view
the details.

4. Reenter your new password in the Confirm New Password field.

5. Click Submit.

If updating your password failed, then the system displays an error message at the top
of the page. Some common errors are:

• You entered your current password incorrectly.

• You entered a new password that doesn’t meet the requirements.

• The value you entered in the Confirm New Password field doesn’t match the
value you entered in the New Password field.

Changing Your Password Challenge Questions

When you sign in to My Services for the first time, the system prompts you to select
your password challenge questions and answers. If you forget your password, you
must provide the answers to your challenge questions before the system will reset
your password.

To change your password challenge questions and answers:

1. Sign in to My Services. Be sure to specify the appropriate identity domain.

Your view in My Services depends on your role:

8-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Changing Your Password Challenge Questions

• If you are assigned a non-administrative role, then signing in to My Services

opens the My Home application that automatically displays the Consoles page.
Click My Profile, or you can select My Profile from the user name menu at the
top right corner of the My Home application.

• If you are assigned an administrative role, then My Services opens the

Dashboard page. To view the self-service options, click Users and then click
the My Profile tab.
You can also select My Profile from the user name menu at the top right
corner of the My Services application.

2. Scroll down the page to view the Change Challenge Questions section.

3. Enter your password in the Current Password field.

4. Select a question from the list, and then enter your answer in the associated field.
Repeat this procedure for the second and third questions. Be sure to select three
different questions and provide three unique answers.

5. Click Submit. The system displays a confirmation message if your challenge

questions were updated successfully.

Managing Your Password 8-3

Changing Your Password Challenge Questions

8-4 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Accessing Service Consoles

If you’re a user without administrative privileges, then when you sign in to My

Services, you’re redirected to the My Home application. You can also log in to My
Home from the logged-in user name menu in My Services. My Home provides you
with a single window to access all the service consoles applicable to you. You can also
change your sign-in password and password challenge questions.
The top-right corner of the My Home application displays the identity domain name,
the Preferences menu, and the user name menu.
You can select Diagnostics from the user name menu to test the end-to-end
throughput (in Mbps) of the network connection between the browser displaying the
network throughput test page and the Oracle Cloud data center.
The My Home application contains the following tabs:

• My Oracle Services

• My Profile Page
My Oracle Services
The My Oracle Services page is displayed as a default when you open My Home. Use
the My Oracle Services page to view and access the service consoles that you’ve access
By default, service consoles in the domain that you logged into are displayed. You can
select another identity domain to view all the service consoles in that domain from the
Scope menu. You can also search for a specific identity domain by entering a few
characters in the search box in the Scope menu. The system suggests possible matches
and the list is refined to display only those, from which you can select the required
The following table describes the key elements shown on the My Oracle Services page.

Element Description

Data Center Displays the data center name and the time zone
information for a specific identity domain.

Accessing Service Consoles 9-1

Element Description

Displays the following:

• Service type and icon. Click the service icon to
access the service console.
• Name of the service instance
• Admin Console link if available
• My Services tile if you are a service
Clicking the star icon (Favorites) marks a particular
service as a favorite. Marking a service as a favorite
adds the service to the list of favorite services. After
you mark at least one service as a favorite, the
favorites (star) icon appears next to the Show filter.
If you select multiple services as favorites, the most
recently added service is displayed first in the
favorites list. You can mark up to four services as
favorites. If you already selected four favorite
services, and you try to add another service as a
favorite, then a pop-up window will prompt you to
deselect one of the services. You must deselect one
of the services before you can add a new service to
the list of favorites.

User Badge Icons A console with a user badge denotes one of the

Indicates that the logged-in

user may have access to the service console.

Indicates that this user is a normal user and

has access only to the user console.

Indicates that this user is an administrator and

has access to the administrator console.

With Oracle Public Cloud services, individual service listings display the
service name, such as Oracle Storage Cloud Service, and a link to access the
service console.

9-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

My Profile Page
The My Profile page lets you view your user information, change your password, and
change your password challenge questions. See Managing Your Password .

Accessing Service Consoles 9-3

9-4 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud
Frequently Asked Questions When Getting

This section lists the frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to Oracle Cloud Portal.


• Where do I get information about Oracle Cloud services?

• Where can I get a list of the available trial Oracle Cloud services?

• When does my 30-day trial period for an Oracle Cloud service begin?

• Can I use any email address to sign up for a trial subscription to an Oracle Cloud

• I activated my trial subscription. What should I do next?

• My 30-day free trial period for a service is over. Can I get an extension?

• Can I transfer my existing trial account to a paid one?

• I purchased a subscription to Oracle Java Cloud service, and I want to activate the
service. Why is the Activate button disabled in My Account?

• Where do I find my Customer Support Identifier (CSI)?

• How can I contact Oracle to get help on the Oracle Cloud services?

Where do I get information about Oracle Cloud services?

From the Oracle Cloud website, you can learn about the available Oracle Cloud
services, sign up for a free trial subscription, or purchase one or more subscriptions to
Oracle Cloud services.
Open your web browser and go to the Oracle Cloud website:
See About the Oracle Cloud Website.

Where can I get a list of the available trial Oracle Cloud services?
For a list of Oracle Cloud services that are available on trial, use the following link:

Frequently Asked Questions When Getting Started 10-1

When does my 30-day trial period for an Oracle Cloud service begin?
Your 30-day free trial subscription begins on the date that you activate your trial
subscription to an Oracle Cloud service. It doesn’t begin on the date that you requested
the trial.

Can I use any email address to sign up for a trial subscription to an Oracle
Cloud service?
Before you can request a trial subscription or purchase a subscription to an Oracle
Cloud service, you must have an account.
We prefer that you use a valid business email address as the user name for your account. Your account gives you access to a variety of online
applications and resources such as Oracle Store and My Oracle Support.
See Getting an Account.

I activated my trial subscription. What should I do next?

After your trial subscription is activated, you’ll get an email with role-specific details
and access information. Use the information in the email to sign in to the My Services
application to verify whether the service is running.
See Verifying That Your Trial Subscription Is Running.
After you verify that your trial service is running, you can start using your service. If
you’re the administrator of the service, then you can use My Account and My Services
to manage the service and activate trial subscriptions of other requested services.
See Managing Your Oracle Cloud Trial Subscriptions.

My 30-day free trial period for a service is over. Can I get an extension?
You can request a one-time 30-day extension for your trial subscriptions.

Can I transfer my existing trial account to a paid one?

No. Currently, you can’t convert or transfer your existing trial account to a paid

I purchased a subscription to Oracle Java Cloud service, and I want to activate

the service. Why is the Activate button disabled in My Account?
Oracle Java Cloud Service requires Oracle Database Cloud Service. Therefore, the
Activate button for Oracle Java Cloud Service is disabled until there is at least one
active Oracle Database Cloud Service in the identity domain.

Where do I find my Customer Support Identifier (CSI)?

You can find your CSI in the following ways:

• From the Welcome email that we sent you when your subscribed services were
ready for use.

10-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

• Using Oracle Cloud Portal – My Account:

1. Go to

2. Click the Sign In link.

3. Sign in to My Account.

4. Click the Orders tab.

5. Set the display filter to Show: All.

6. Navigate to the particular service order entry.

You can find the CSI number displayed there.

How can I contact Oracle to get help on the Oracle Cloud services?
You can get help on the Oracle Cloud services by:

• Chatting online with an Oracle support representative: To start a live online chat
with an Oracle Support representative, click at the right edge of any Oracle
Cloud page. Enter your questions and get immediate assistance from a support

• Contacting Oracle over phone: To contact Oracle, click located on any Oracle
Cloud page. This displays a toggle window with the contact information.
See Contacting Oracle Support.

Frequently Asked Questions When Getting Started 10-3

10-4 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud
About the Assign Service Details Page

When you activate your service, refer to this table. This table provides information on
the Assign Service Details page.

Service Detail Notes

Language Select the default language for all the administrators for the Oracle Cloud
Account for which the current order is being provisioned.
This is useful if you’re activating an order for a customer whose primary
language is not English.
Based on your selection, the Welcome and Onboarding emails are sent in the
specified language.

Time Zone Select the country and relevant time zone for all the administrators for the
Oracle Cloud Account for which the current order is being provisioned.

Account Administrator Displays the user name, first name, and last name of the person designated as
the account administrator at time of ordering the service. If the account
administrator and the person who activated the order are the same person,
then these fields are read-only.

Identity Domain Name You can create a new identity domain for this service or select an existing
domain. You can also select a domain, which contains metered Oracle Cloud
services, when activating a nonmetered Oracle Cloud service.
Enter a name for the identity domain to which this service belongs.
Note: To activate your service in any of the existing domains, you must be an
account administrator to at least one of the subscriptions in the selected
identity domain. If not, the identity domain will not be displayed for selection.
If you create a new identity domain, but you enter the name of an existing
identity domain in the Identity Domain field, then you'll get an error message
when you try to go to the next step in the workflow.
When you order Oracle Platform as a Service (Oracle PaaS) or Oracle Software
as a Service (Oracle SaaS), and an application such as Oracle Customer
Relationship Management Cloud Service (Oracle CRM) together, it is
recommended that you activate Oracle SaaS first and then use the same
identity domain for extending Oracle CRM in that domain.
Identity domain names must be unique across all Oracle Cloud services.
Note: When activating a service type that requires Software as a Service (SaaS),
it’s good practice to select an identity domain that already contains an Oracle
Software as a Service offering. If not, the system warns you that the domain
you selected does not contain a SaaS offering but allows you to continue.
However, you can’t change the identity domain after the service is activated.

About the Assign Service Details Page A-1

Service Detail Notes

Identity Domain Administrator Enter information, such as email address, user name, first name, and last name,
for the person who will be the administrator for the domain. Administrator
User Name is a required field, and it accepts spaces in between characters.
Administrator User Name also supports multibyte characters.
To make this person the administrator of the service and the identity domain,
select the Make this person the service administrator also? check box.

Service Name Enter the service name.

Service names must be unique within an identity domain.
Oracle Cloud automatically assigns the name for some services. You can’t
change the name.
Provide an optional description to help you easily identify this service in your
Enter information, such as email address and user name, for the person who
will be the administrator for the service.

Service Administrator If you didn’t select the Make this person the service administrator also? check
box in the Identity Domain Administrator section, then enter information
about the person who will be responsible for managing and monitoring service
operations (the administrator for the service). You can enter spaces between
characters in the User Name field for the service administrator. User Name is a
required field and it supports multibyte characters. The User Name field
allows up to 80 characters.
The service administrator can be the same person as the identity domain
Every service must have a service administrator. You can use the same
information as an existing service administrator if you want one service
administrator to manage multiple services.
For some Oracle Cloud services, such as Oracle Database Cloud Service and
Oracle Java Cloud Service, the identity domain can have more than one
service. By default, the service administrator is also the identity domain
administrator. However, you can designate a different user to be the identity
domain administrator.
For Oracle Applications Cloud services, there is only one service per identity
domain. Therefore, for these services, the designated administrator performs
the functions of both the service administrator and the identity domain
If an identity domain has an existing Oracle Applications Cloud service, such
as Oracle Sales Cloud, and any other Platform as a Service offering, such as
Oracle Java Cloud Service - SaaS Extension, and they are added to the same
identity domain, then multiple service administrators can handle the different

Additional Details This section is displayed for some services that may have custom attributes,
depending on the service configuration settings or the purchased plan. Provide
the details as required.

A-2 Oracle Cloud Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

Limits By Service

The following table describes the service limits for different resources.

Service Name Resource Name Limit

Storage Cloud Service Storage Capacity 100TB

Compute Cloud Service Compute Capacity 50 OCPUs

High I/O Compute 50 OCPUs


GPU Compute Capacity 25 OCPUs

Block Storage Capacity 50 TB

High Performance Block 50 TB

Storage Capacity

Database Backup Cloud Storage Capacity 100TB


Database Cloud Service Standard Edition 8 OCPUs

Enterprise Edition 12 OCPUs

High Performance 12 OCPUs

Extreme Performance 16 OCPUs

Java Cloud Service Standard Edition 16 OCPUs

Enterprise Edition 12 OCPUs

Suite 8 OCPUs

Analytics Cloud Service Standard Edition 4 OCPUs

Enterprise Edition 8 OCPUs

Big Data Cloud Service Starter Pack 1 (includes 3 nodes/pack)

Additional Nodes 3 Nodes

Exadata Cloud Service Quarter Rack 0

Half Rack 0

Full Rack 0

Limits By Service B-1

B-2 Getting Started with Oracle Cloud

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