Methods For Reduction of Voltage Unbalance in Weak Grids Connected To Wind Plants

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Methods for Reduction of Voltage Unbalance in

Weak Grids Connected to Wind Plants

Bjarne Idse Nss Tore M. Undeland Terje Gjengedal
Norwegian University Norwegian University Statkraft SF
of Science and Technology of Science and Technology Norway

1 INTRODUCTION Further the measurement method is used to

The location of wind turbines is based on wind compute the necessary current injection from the
properties. Normally, areas with good wind converter to maintain a balanced voltage to the
resources are geographical remote. The cost of the asynchronous generator.
electrical power grid connecting the wind plants
should be as low as possible. The voltage quality in
a weak power grid may be poor, and unbalanced
voltages can occur. Induction machines are
attractive as wind turbine generators due to their
low cost, ruggedness and the need for little or no
maintenance. If an induction machine is connected
to even a low unbalanced voltage, its stator currents
will be highly unbalanced. The unbalanced current
creates unequal heating on the stator winding and
torque pulsations in the generator. At a field trip to
the wind plants on Buffalo Ridge (Minnesota)
during the fall of 2001, the problems caused by
unbalanced voltages were pointed out. A
representative from Enron Wind confirmed that
wind turbines without unbalanced voltage
correction schemes had to be disconnected under
unbalanced voltage conditions.

A double fed induction generator with converter Fig.1. Double Fed Asynchronous Machine Model.
and control is shown in Fig.1. The main task for the
back-to-back converter control is to regulate the 2 SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS IN
active and the reactive power of the induction THE TIME DOMAIN
machine. The converter can thus reduce the The symmetrical components are in the following
mechanical stresses on the wind turbine and the text expressed in the time domain. This is done to
fluctuations in the delivered power. The PWM express the power flow under unbalanced
converter connected to the power grid can also be conditions analytical. By introducing the operator
used for other tasks, it may be controlled as a a=ej120=1120, the sequence voltages can be
STATCOM or as an active filter to reduce written:
unbalance in the grid voltages.
v a0 (t ) 1 1 1 v a (t )
+ 1
The capacitor, the PWM inverter and the
v a (t ) = 3 1 a a 2 vb (t )
transformer may also function as a STATCOM as
indicated by the block in Fig .1. Then the back-to- v a (t ) 1 a 2 a vc (t )

back inverter may be seen as a STATCOM when Eq.1
designing the control system for handle unbalance
in the power grid. A method to measure unbalanced The sequence voltages can be transferred back to
conditions by using a synchronous rotation frame phase voltages as follows:
for each phase together with symmetrical
components theory is used. Lasseter and Hochgraf v a (t ) 1 1 1 v a0 (t )
v (t ) = 1 a 2
have developed this measurement method [1]. In
b a v a+ (t )
this project the method is implemented in a
PSCAD/EMTDC simulation of the case indicated vc (t ) 1 a a 2 v a (t )
in Fig. 1 and the resulting power flow is compared
to an analytical analyses of the symmetrical
components in the time domain.
Eq.1 and Eq.2 can also be used for the currents.
illustrated in Fig.1. From this it can be concluded
By using Eq.2 and the fact that each sequence that it is not necessary to compensate for the zero-
component represents a symmetrical system the sequence components.
power flow may be computed as follows:
p (t ) = i a v a + i b v b + i c v c
( )(
= i a+ + i a + i a0 v a+ + v a + v a0 )
+ (i +
+ i b + i b0 )(v +
+ v b + v b0 ) QUANTITIES
To eliminate the need for three phase symmetry, a
b b

+ (i +
+ i
+ i 0
)(v +
+ v c + v c0 )
single-phase synchronous frame transform is used.
a c c c

Eq. 3 The single-phase synchronous frame transform was

introduced in [1]. Imagine the phase voltage Va,
Inserting the time domain sequence components in shown in Fig.2, rotates around the origin by a speed
Eq. 3 the following expression can be established: of 60Hz. Then let the dq frame also rotate with
p (t ) = v a+ i a+ + v b+ i b+ + v c+ i c+
++ 60Hz around its origin. The quantities Vqa and Vda
are dc values and can be calculated by the angle a
= 3V +
I + cos u+ i+ ) and the absolute value |Va|. The synchronously
rotating qd-axes for phase A are shown in Fig.2 and
p (t )
= v a+ i a + v b+ i b + v c+ i c the transform is described in the following text.
= 3V +
I cos 2 t + u+ + i )

p (t )
= v a+ i a0 + v b+ i b0 + v c+ i c0 = 0

p (t )
= v a i a+ + v b i b+ + v c i c+
= 3V
I + cos 2 t + u + i+ )

p (t )

= v a i a + v b i b + v c i c
= 3V
I cos u i )

p (t )
= v a i a0 + v b i b0 + v c i c0 = 0

p (t )
= v a0 i a+ + v b0 i b+ + v c0 i c = 0 Fig. 2. The Synchronously Rotating qd-axes for
Phase A.
p (t ) From [1], the Vq* is defined as:
= v a0 i a + v b0 i b + v c0 i c = 0
Vq* = v(t ) * 2 cos(t )
p (t )
Vq* = V sin (t + ) * 2 cos(t )
= v a0 i a0 + v b0 i b0 + v c0 i c0
= 3V 0
I 0
{cos ( 0
) + cos (2 t + 0
+ 0
Vq* = V * 2 * 1 * [sin (t + + t ) + sin (t + t )]
u i u i

Eq.4 2
Vq = V * [sin (2t + ) + sin ( )]

Eq.4 shows that combining a positive-sequence

voltage and a positive-sequence current will result
in a constant power flow. The voltages and currents
The Vq* quantity from Eq.5 contains a dc value and
in a power system will mainly consist of positive-
a second harmonic ripple. The second harmonic
sequence components. This combination will then
represent the majority of the power in the load. ripple, sin(2t+), is filtered out from Vq* and the
Combining a positive-sequence component and a dc-component witch represents the q-quantity
negative-sequence component will result in a remains:
second harmonic power ripple. The combination of Vq = V sin ( )
a zero-sequence component and a positive- or
negative-sequence component will have no Eq.6
influence on the power flow. The combination of a
zero-sequence voltage and a zero-sequence current From [1], the Vd* is defined as:
will lead to a constant power flow and a second Vd * = v(t ) * 2 sin (t )
harmonic power ripple. The contribution to the
power flow from these components will be small Vd * = V sin (t + ) * 2 sin (t )
since the zero-sequence components are relatively Vd * = V 2 1 [cos(t + t ) cos(t + + t )]
small. The neutral point of the stator winding in an
induction generator will not be grounded [3]. Thus Vd * = V [cos( ) cos(2t + )]
the combination of a zero-sequence voltage and a Eq. 7
zero-sequence current will not exist in a case as
The Vd* quantity from Eq.7 contains a dc value and The symmetrical components are then represented
a second harmonic ripple. The second harmonic as:
ripple, cos(2t+), is filtered out as in the previous V + 0 = V d+ 0 + jV q+ 0
case: Eq.13
Vd = V cos( )
Eq.13 is introduced in Eq.2 to transform the
Eq. 8 sequence components back to the synchronous
To transform the dq-quantities back to time domain frame quantities:
phase quantities the definition in [1] is used: 1 0 1 0 1 0 +
Vqa V
v(t ) = Vq cos(t ) + Vd sin (t )
V 0 1 0 1 0 1 q+
v(t ) = V sin ( ) cos(t ) + V cos( ) sin (t ) da 1 3 1 3 V
1 0 d
Vqb 2 2 2 2 Vq
1 [sin ( + t ) + sin ( t )]
2 = 3 1 3 1 0 1 V
v(t ) = V Vdb 2 2 2 2 d
+ 2 [sin (t + ) + sin (t )]
Vqc 1 3 1 3 1 0 Vq0
2 sin (t + ) + [sin ( ) cos(t )] [cos( ) sin (t )]
2 2 2 2 0
v(t ) = 1 V Vdc 3 1 3 1 0 1 d
2 + [sin (t ) cos( )] [sin ( ) cos(t )] 2 2 2 2
v(t ) = V sin (t + ) Eq.14
Eq. 9
The alternating phase voltages and phase currents
The time domains voltages and currents can be will be represented by dc quantities in sequence
transferred to dc quantities and back to time components by using the synchronous frame
alternating values with this transform. This transform and the transform in Eq.12. This means
transform, however, suffers from an additional that the alternating phase values will be divided into
delay imposed by its requirement for filtering of the its respective positive, negative and zero system as
large second harmonic ripple. time domain dc values. Thus the sequence voltages
may be regulated by an ordinary control component
such as a PI-controller.
SYMMETRIC COMPONENTS A power system model, similar to the illustration in
The synchronous frame quantities, shown in Fig.2, Fig.3, was implemented in PSCAD/EMTDC. The
may be represented as a real and an imaginary phase voltages at the source can be regulated
value: independently. An unbalanced load voltage is
V = Vd + jV q created by decrease the phase A voltage at the
Eq. 10

Using the synchronous frame transform on each

phase voltage these may be expressed as:
V abc = V dabs + jV qabc
Eq. 11

The phase voltages in Eq.1 are expressed as dq-

components as shown in Eq.11. The transform from
phase voltages represented as dq-quantities to
sequence components represented as dq-quantities
will for a three-phase system be: Fig.3. The Power System Model Implemented in
0 1 3 1 3 By making the phase voltages unequal to each other
Vq+ 3 6 6 6 6 V
+ 0 1 3 1 3 1 qa at the source the symmetrical components can be
Vd 3 6 6 6 6 Vda treated as decoupled since the phase impedances are
Vq 1 0 1 3 1 3 Vqb remained equal to each other. Then the power
= 3 6 6 6 6
Vd 0 1 3 1 3 1
Vdb system shown in Fig.3 can be separated into three
V 0 3 6 6 6 6 V decoupled sequence systems. The sequence systems
q0 1 0 1 0 1 qc
0 are illustrated in Fig.4.

Vd 3 3 3 Vdc
0 1 0 1 0 1
3 3 3
id (t ) = d A (t )i A (t ) + d B (t )i B (t ) + d C (t )iC (t )

The duty ratios are given by the control system and

the phase currents are taken from the simulation
results. Then the dynamic behavior of the
converters dc and ac terminals is maintained and a
control system for these dynamics is build.

Fig.4. The Power System Represented as To find the dynamical behaviour of the negative-
Sequence Systems. sequence voltage system a regulation system, as
illustrated in Fig.6, was implemented in
The STATCOM was simulated with a pulse-width PSCAD/EMTDC.
modulated converter. The switches in the converter
were replaced with voltage sources. By doing this
the simulation speed will be improved and the
harmonic distortion from the switches are
cancelled. The converter model is designed to
respond on the capacitor voltage and thus maintain
its dynamic behaviour. An illustration of the
converter model is shown in Fig.5.
Fig.6. STATCOM Negative-Sequence Voltage

Since it is not easy to determine the response of the

power system analytical this investigation was done
by simulations in PSCAD/EMTDC. A power
system model as illustrated in Fig.3 is used in these
simulations. The converter in the STATCOM is
Fig.5. The Converter Model where the Switches modelled with a dc source instead of a capacitor.
are Replaced With Voltage Sources This is done to maintain the dc voltage at its
operating point.
From [2] the duty-ratio, d, of the converter legs is
defined as the ratio of the pulse width to the The first step was to determine how the negative-
switching time period Ts. sequence system responds on the injected
v compensating current with different levels of
d =1 +1 c ( 0 d 1 ) negative-sequence voltage. To create a negative-
2 2 V
tri sequence load voltage the phase A source voltage
Eq.15 was decreased below the phase B and phase C
voltages. Then a negative-sequence current was
Where the vc is the control signal and Vtri is the injected from the STATCOM to compensate for the
amplitude of the triangular signal. The control unbalanced load voltage. The current was created
voltage continuously varies with time, but much by increase the negative-sequence voltage from the
more slowly compared to the switching frequency STATCOM. An illustration of the regulator system
waveform of vtri. Therefore, the duty ratio in Eq.15 is shown in Fig.6. When the negative-sequence load
can be treated as continuous function of time and voltage is decreased to 70% under the negative-
the phase voltage, without the disturbance from the sequence source voltage the voltages and currents
switches, can be calculated by: in the power system begins to oscillate. Thus, the
v AN (t ) = d A (t )v d (t ) negative-sequence load voltage was decreased to
v BN (t ) = d B (t )v d (t )
the voltages and currents begin to oscillate. The
source voltage Ea was decreased in step from 99.5%
vCN (t ) = d C (t )v d (t ) to 80% below the other phase voltages. For each
step the negative-sequence load voltage was
compensated to it was 70% under the negative-
Where the duty ratios are given from the control sequence source voltage. The data form the test is
illustrated in Fig.7. This figure shows that the
system and the capacitor voltage vd(t) is taken from
the simulation result. The capacitor current can be system have a linearly respond to the injected
found by: negative-sequence current. This means that a
control system designed for one degree of
unbalanced voltage will be valid for all degrees of value where these to restrictions are taken in
unbalanced voltage. consideration.

The injected signal:

vinjected (t ) = Vi sin ( i t ) = vi (t )
Eq 18
Where Vi is the amplitude of the permutation and i
is the permutation frequency.

The respond signal in steady state:

Vmeasured (t ) = Vm sin ( m t + m )
Eq 19
Where Vm is the amplitude of the respond signal
and m is the phase shift of the respond signal. The
frequencies i and m are equal.

Fig.7. The Compensation Current as a Function The amplitude gain and phase shift was found for
of the Negative-Sequence Source Voltage each permutation signal. The gain and phase shift
was plotted in a bode diagram as shown in Fig.9. It
The negative-sequence voltage control loop is can be established, from the bode plot, that the
shown in Fig.8. The measured negative-sequence amplitude gain is almost constant to the signal
voltage is compared to the negative-sequence reach 10Hz. After 10Hz the gain will begin to
reference voltage, and then the resulting error is decrease. When the permutation is in the 60Hz area
feed into a proportional controller. The ordered the positive sequence voltage will begin to oscillate
negative-sequence voltage to the STATCOM is with the negative-sequence current. The response
given from the P-controller. This negative-sequence between the negative and positive system causes
voltage is transferred together with the other the increasing gain in the 60Hz area. This means
sequence-voltages, which is not controlled, to the that the positive and negative system cannot be
ordered dq-voltages. The dq-voltages are treated as decoupled systems in the 60Hz area. Thus
transferred to phase voltages and fed into the operating in this area should be avoided. After the
STATCOM model. The STATCOM model will 60Hz area the gain will continue to decrease to it
give out the ordered phase voltages to the power reach the 120Hz area. In this area the permutation
system. The responding load voltage are measured signal have the same frequency as the noise from
and transferred to sequence voltages. the dq-transformation. This causes the disturbance
seen in the gain and phase shift plots at 120Hz.

Fig.8. Illustration of the Negative-Sequence

Voltage Control Loop.
The control parameters was found by the bode
diagram of the open loop frequency respond of the
negative-sequence voltage control system. The
open loop frequency response was found
experimentally by inject sinus shaped permutations
and compare these with the load voltage respond.
The permutation signals were injected by the
Vinjected shown in Fig.6. If the amplitude of the
injected permutations is to small the noise will
dominate the respond signal. If the amplitude is
chosen to large the system may go out of the
operation region where the response is linear. The
amplitude of the permutation signal has to be a
controller. The ordered phase shift in the positive-
sequence voltage is given from the lead-lag
controller. The actual power flow in the
STATCOM is computed by Eq.4. The only
combinations of sequence voltages and currents that
gives an average power flow is P++, Pand P00.
Since the positive-sequence voltage is much larger
than the negative and zero-sequence voltages only
the contribution from the positive-sequence voltage
and positive-sequence current is taken into account.

The design of the dc-bus voltage control system is

not straightforward. The operation point off the
control system was assumed to be the reference
voltage of the dc-bus. Since this control system is
not linear the controllers will not function as they
should if the dc-bus voltage is to far away from its
operating point. This can be avoided by increase the
capacitor. Then the ripple in the dc-buss voltage
will be decreased. An alternative is to design a
control system that regulates the duty-ratio to
maintain constant output voltages from the
converter when the dc-bus voltage varies. When the
Fig.9. Frequency Response of the Negative-
output voltage is remained constant the fluctuations
Sequence Load Voltage Control System.
in the power flow into the converter P++ will be
reduced. In this project it was chosen a relatively
The bandwidth of the controller is chosen to 10Hz. large capacitor. An illustration of the control system
The respond time will be relatively slow with this used in the EMTDC/PSCAD simulations is shown
bandwidth. Avoiding the control system to operate in Fig.11.
in the 60Hz and 120Hz area is the advantage by
choosing a small bandwidth like this. By using a
proportional controller the gain respond can be
increased. Choosing Kp=3.7dB the gain at 10Hz
will be 0dB. From the phase shift plot it can be seen
that the phase shift margin is very good at 10Hz. A
P-controller will produce a steady state error. As
explained the power system will be unstable if the
negative-sequence voltage is decreased to zero. The
steady state error produced by the P-controller will
avoid the negative-sequence voltage to reach zero.

The same method as explained in the previous text

was used to find the parameters in the dc-bus
voltage controllers. The control system for the dc-
bus voltage is shown in Fig.10.
Fig. 11. The negative-sequence voltage control
system and the dc-bus voltage control system.

In Fig.12 the negative-sequence components, at t1
(without compensating) and t2 (with
compensating), are illustrated as vector
components. As seen from the figure the line
current is relatively small at t1, when injecting a
Fig.10. The dc-bus Voltage Control System.
large current from the STATCOM, at t2, the line
current will be dominated by the STATCOM
The dc-bus reference voltage is compared to the
current. The impedance between the converter and
actual dc-bus voltage, the error is fed into a P-
the power system is almost inductive, due to this
controller. The Pref is given from the P-controller.
the injected current will be nearly 90 shifted to the
Pref is compared to the actual power flowing in the
load voltage. The line current, which is dominated
STATCOM. The error is fed into a lead-lag
by the STATCOM current, will then lay almost 90 seen that the dc-bus voltage will have a second
after the source voltage. The line impedance is harmonic ripple. The capacitor current shown in the
almost purely inductive and then the line voltage 6th graph causes this ripple. The current will have
will lay 90 after the negative-sequence line an average value near zero. The small average value
current. The source voltage will be the same at t1 of the current will compensate for the losses in the
and t2, thus the load voltage has to change when the capacitor.
line voltage changes. Since the line current is
almost perpendicular to the source voltage the
negative-sequence line voltage will lay parallel to
the source voltage. Thus the negative-sequence load
voltage will decrease in amplitude and be parallel to
the source voltage. The voltage drop over the line
impedance will increase if the line impedance
increases. Then the needed compensation current
from the STATCOM to decrease the negative-
sequence load voltage will be less. This means that
the needed STATCOM current to decrease the
negative-sequence load voltage depends on the line

Fig.12. The Negative-Sequence Components

Before and After Injecting a Negative-Sequence
current Into the Power System.
Fig.13. Simulation Results Whit and Without
Unbalanced Voltage Compensation.
In Fig.13 are some simulations result shown. The
power flowing into the load is plotted in the 1st REFERENCES
graph. The power ripple will not be totally damped [1] C. Hochgraf and R. H. Lasseter, Statcom
because the power system will begin to oscillate if Controls for Operating with Unbalanced
the negative-sequence voltage is driven to near Voltages, IEEE Transactions on Power
zero. From the 2nd graph it can be seen that the Delivery, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 1998,
power flowing into the STATCOM will mainly pp.538-544.
consist of a second harmonic oscillation. The
average power flow will be small and will only [2] N. Mohan, Electric Drives, An
compensate for the losses in the STATCOM. The Integrative Approach. MNPERE,
3rd graph shows the positive-voltage component Minneapolis, 2001.
over the load. With unbalanced voltage
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drop less than without unbalanced voltage Butterfield, Understanding the
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voltage components contain some ripple. This noise Applicattions Conference, Vol.2, 1999,
is mainly caused by the synchronous frame pp.1359-1365
transform. The negative-sequence load voltage will
be almost zero with compensation. Without
compensation there will be a large negative-
sequence load voltage. From the 5th graph it can be

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