Experiment 1: An Introduction To The Telecoms-Trainer 101 Objective

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An Introduction to the Telecoms-Trainer 101

To become familiar with the following modules of the Telecoms-Trainer 101: The Masters Signals, The
Speech, The Buffer, The Adder, The Phase Shifter, The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO).

The Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 lets you bring to life the block diagrams that fill
communications textbooks. A "block diagram" is a simplified representation of a more
complex circuit. The Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 has a collection of blocks (called modules)
that you can put together to implement dozens of communications and telecommunications
block diagrams.


• Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 (plus power-pack)
• Dual channel 20MHz oscilloscope
• two Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 oscilloscope leads
• assorted Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101 patch leads
• one set of headphones (stereo)

Two signals that are in phase with each other are synchronized. That is, they go up
and down at the same time. Two signals that are out of phase are not synchronized.
An example of two signals that are out of phase is shown below.

Phase difference describes how much two signals are out of phase and is measured in
degrees. Signals that are in phase have a phase difference of 0°. Signals that are out
of phase have a phase difference > 0° but < 360°.

The Master Signals Module

The Master Signals module is an AC signal generator or oscillator. The module has six
Analog Digital
• A 2kHz sinewave • A 2.083kHz squarewave
• A 100kHz sinewave • An 8.33kHz squarewave
• A 100kHz cosine wave • A 100kHz squarewave
Each signal is available on a socket on the module's faceplate that's labelled accordingly.

1. Gather a set of the equipment listed.
2. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1

This set-up can be represented by the block diagram in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2

3. Set up the scope. Ensure that:

• the Trigger Source control is set to the CH1 (or INT) position.
• the Mode control is set to the CH1 position.
4. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the Master Signals
module's 2kHz SINE output.
5. Measure the amplitude (peak-to-peak) of the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE
output. Record your measurement in Table 1.
6. Measure and record the period of the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output.
7. Use the period to calculate and record the frequency of the Master Signals module's
2kHz SINE output.
8. Repeat Steps 4 to 7 for the Master Signals module's other two analog outputs.

The next part of the experiment gives you practice to measure the phase difference between
the Master Signals module's 100kHz SINE and COSINE outputs.

9. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 3 below.

Note: Insert the black plugs of the oscilloscope leads into a ground (GND)

Figure 3

10. Set the scope's Mode control to the Dual position to view both of the Master Signals
module's 100kHz outputs.
11. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view as few complete cycles of the two signals
as possible.
12. Set the Input Coupling controls for both channels to the GND position.
13. Use the Vertical Position control of both channels to align both traces with the
horizontal line in the middle of the scope's display.
14. Set the Input Coupling control for Channel 1 to the AC position.
15. As accurately as you can, count the number of divisions for one cycle of the signal.
Call this dimension the "period".

Record your measurement here: period =

16. Set the Input Coupling control for Channel 2 to the AC position.
17. As accurately as you can, count the number
of divisions between the two signals as
shown in Figure 4.

Call this dimension the "difference" and

record your measurement here:

difference =

Figure 4

18. Use the equation below to calculate the phase difference between the two
signals. Record the answer to your calculation in Table 2.
 difference   3600

Question 1
The theoretical phase shift between a sinewave and a cosine wave is 90°. If your
measurement isn't exactly 90°, what could explain the difference?

The Speech Module

In this part you will examine the signals generated by speech.

19. Set the scope's Mode control to the CH1 position.

20. Set the scope's Timebase control to the 2ms/div position.
21. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5

22. Talk into the microphone while watching the scope's display. Be sure to say "one"
and "two" several times. Try humming and whistling too.

The Buffer Module

Amplifiers are used extensively in communications and telecommunications equipment.
They're often used to make signals bigger. They're also used as an interface between
devices and circuits that can't normally be connected. The Buffer module in the Emona
Telecoms-Trainer 101 is an amplifier that can do both.

23. Locate the Buffer module and set its Gain control to about the middle of its travel.
24. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 6 below.

Figure 6

25. Set the scope's Mode control to the DUAL position.
26. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the Buffer module's
27. Adjust both of the scope's Vertical Attenuation controls to make the signals as big on the
display as possible without going off the top and bottom of the screen's grid.
28. Measure the amplitude (peak-to-peak) of the Buffer module's input. Record your
measurement in Table 3.
29. Measure and record the amplitude of the Buffer module's output.

The measure of how much bigger an amplifier's output is compared to its input is called gain
( AV ). An amplifier's gain can be expressed as a simple ratio:
AV 
Importantly, if the amplifier's output signal is upside-down compared to its input then a
negative sign is usually put in front of the gain figure to highlight this fact.

Question 2
Calculate the Buffer module's gain (on its present gain setting).

The Buffer module's gain is variable. It can be set so that the output voltage is smaller than
the input voltage. This operation is called a loss or attenuation. The next part of the
experiment shows how attenuation affects the gain figure.

30. Turn the Buffer module's Gain control fully anti-clockwise then turn it clockwise
just a little until you can just see a sinewave.
31. Measure the amplitude of the Buffer module's input. Record your measurement in
Table 4.
32. Measure and record the amplitude of the Buffer module's new output.
Tip: You'll have to adjust the scope's Channel 2 Vertical Attenuation control first.

Question 3
Calculate the Buffer module's new gain.

Question 4
In terms of the gain figure, what's the difference between gain and attenuation?

Note that the DC power supply limits the size of the amplifier's output. If the amplifier
is forced to try to output a signal that is bigger than the DC power supply voltages, the
tops and bottoms of the signal are chopped off. This type of signal distortion is called
clipping. Clipping usually occurs when the amplifier's input signal is too big for the
amplifier's gain. When this happens, the amplifier is said to be overdriven. It can also
occur if the amplifier's gain is too big for the input signal. To demonstrate clipping:

33. Turn the Buffer module's Gain control fully clockwise.

Question 5
What do you think the output signal would look like if the buffer's gain was sufficiently

34. Turn the Buffer module's Gain control fully anti-clockwise.

Headphones are low impedance devices - typically around 50Ω. Most electronic circuits are
not designed to have such low impedances connected to their output. For this reason,
headphones should not be directly connected to the output of most of the modules on the
Emona Telecoms-Trainer 101. However, the Buffer module has been specifically designed to
handle low impedances. So, it can act as an interface between the modules' outputs and the
headphones to let you listen to signals. The next part of the experiment shows how this is
35. Ensure that the Buffer module's Gain control is turned fully anti-clockwise.
36. Without wearing the headphones, plug them into the Buffer module's headphone socket.
37. Put the headphones on.
38. Turn the Buffer module's Gain control clockwise and listen to signal.
39. Disconnect the plugs from the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output and connect
them to the Speech module's output.
40. Speak into the microphone and listen to the signal.
41. Disconnect the plugs from the Speech module's output and connect them to the Master
Signals module's 100kHz SINE output.
42. Carefully turn the Buffer module's Gain control clockwise and listen to the signal.

Question 6
Why is the Master Signals module's 100kHz SINE output inaudible?

43. Turn the Buffer module's Gain control fully anti-clockwise again.

The Adder Module

Several communications and telecommunications systems require that signals be added
together. The Adder module has been designed for this purpose.

1. Gather the equipment listed (but not the headphones).
2. Set up the scope. Ensure that:
• the Trigger Source control is set to the CH1 (or INT) position.
• the Mode control is set to the CH1 position.
3. Locate the Adder module and turn its g control (for Input B) fully anti-clockwise.
4. Set the Adder module's G control for (Input A) to about the middle of its travel.
5. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7
6. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the Master Signals
module's 2kHz SINE output.
7. Set the scope's Mode control to the DUAL position to view the Adder module's output
as well as the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output.
8. Set both of the scope's Vertical Attenuation controls to the 1V/div position.
9. Vary the Adder module's G control left and right and observe the effect.

Question 7
What aspect of the Adder module's performance does the G control vary?

10. Measure the voltage on the Adder module's Input A. Record your measurement in
Table 5 .
11. Turn the Adder module's G control fully clockwise.
12. Measure and record the Adder module's output voltage.
13. Calculate and record the voltage gain of the Adder module's Input A.
14. Turn the Adder module's G control fully anti-clockwise.
15. Repeat steps 12 and 13.

Question 8
What is the range of gains for the A input?

16. Turn the Adder module's G control fully anti-clockwise.

17. Disconnect the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output from the Adder module's
Input A and connect it to the Adder's Input B.
18. Turn the Adder module's g control fully clockwise.
19. Measure the Adder module's output voltage. Record your measurement in Table 6.
20. Calculate and record the voltage gain of the Adder module's Input B.
21. Turn the Adder module's g control fully anti-clockwise.
22. Repeat steps 19 and 20.

Question 9
Compare the results in Tables 5 and 6. What can you say about the Adder module's two
inputs in terms of their gain?

23. Turn both of the Adder module's gain controls fully clockwise.
24. Connect the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output to both of the Adder
module's inputs.
25. Measure the Adder module's new output voltage. Record your measurement in
Table 7.

Question 10
What is the relationship between the amplitude of the signals on the Adder module's inputs
and output?

The Phase Shifter Module

Several communications and telecommunications systems require that the signal to be
transmitted (speech, music and/or video) is phase shifted.

26. Locate the Phase Shifter module and set its Phase Change control to the 0° position.
27. Set the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control to about the middle of its travel.
28. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 8 below.

Figure 8
29. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the Master Signals
module's 2kHz SINE output.
30. Set the scope's Mode control to the DUAL position to view the Phase Shifter's output
as well as the Master Signals module's output.
31. Vary the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control left and right and observe the
effect on the two signals.
32. Set the Phase Shifter module's Phase Change control to the 180° position.
33. Vary the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control left and right and observe the
effect on the two signals.

The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) Module

In this part of the experiment, you will use the VCO module.

1. Gather the equipment listed (but not the headphones).
2. Set up the scope. Ensure that:
• the Trigger Source control is set to the CH1 (or INT) position.
• the Mode control is set to the CH1 position.
3. Locate the VCO module and set its Gain control to about the middle of its travel.
4. Set the VCO module's Frequency Adjust control to about the middle of its travel.
5. Set the VCO module's Range control to the LO position.
6. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 9 below.

Figure 9

7. Adjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the VCO module's
SINE output.

8. Measure the amplitude (peak-to-peak) of the VCO module's SINE output. Record your
measurement in Table 8.
9. Turn the VCO module's Frequency Adjust control fully anti-clockwise.
10. Readjust the scope's Timebase control to view two or so cycles of the VCO module's new
11. Measure the waveform's period and use this to calculate its frequency. Record the frequency
in Table 9.
12. Turn the VCO module's Frequency Adjust control fully clockwise.
13. Readjust the scope's Timebase control accordingly.
14. Measure the waveform's period and use this to calculate and record its frequency.
15. Set the VCO module's Range control to the HI position.
16. Repeat steps 9 to 14.

As you've just seen, the VCO module's output frequency can be changed manually using its Frequency
Adjust control. The frequency can also be changed electronically by varying the size of a voltage on
the module's VCO INPUT. The next part of the experiment shows how this is done using the Variable
DCV module.

17. Locate the Variable DCV module and set its VDC control to about the middle of its travel.
18. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10

This set-up can be represented by the block diagram in Figure 11 below.

Figure 11

19. Set the scope's Mode control to the DUAL position.

20. Set the scope's Channel 2 Vertical Attenuation control to the 1V/div position.
21. Set the scope's Channel 2 Input Coupling control to the GND position.
22. Use the scope's Channel 2 Vertical Position control to align the Channel 2 trace with the
horizontal line in the middle of the scope's display.
23. Set the scope's Channel 2 Input Coupling control to the DC position.
24. Turn the Variable DCV module's VDC control clockwise while watching the scope's display.

Question 11
What happens to the Variable DCV module's VDC output when you turn the VDC control clockwise?

Question 12
What happens to the frequency of the VCO module's output when you turn the VDC control

25. Return the Variable DCV module's VDC control to about the middle of its travel,
then turn it anti-clockwise while watching the scope's display.

Question 13
What happens to the Variable DCV module's VDC output when you turn the VDC control anti-

Question 14
What happens to the frequency of the VCO module's output when you turn the VDC control anti-

Modelling Equations
In this part of the experiment, you're going to add two electrical signals together but one of
them will be phase shifted. Mathematically, you'll be implementing the equation:

Adder module output = Signal A + Signal B (with phase shift)

1. Locate the Phase Shifter module and set its Phase Change control to the 180° position.
2. Set the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control about the middle of its travel.
3. Connect the set-up shown in Figure 12 below.

Figure 12
As the two signals have the same amplitude and frequency, if the phase shift is exactly
180° then their voltages at any point in the waveform is always exactly opposite. This
means that we get: adder module output = 0Vp-p

Let's see if this is what we get in practice.

4. Set the scope's Mode control to the DUAL position to view the Phase Shifter module's
output as well as the Master Signals module's 2kHz SINE output.
5. Adjust the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control until the two signals look
like they're 180° out of phase with each other.
6. Disconnect the scope's Channel 2 lead from the Phase Shifter module's output and
connect it to the Adder module's output.
7. Set the scope's Mode control to the CH2 position.
8. Measure the amplitude of the Adder module's output. Record your measurement in
Table 10.
Tip: You'll probably need to adjust the Channel 2 Vertical Attenuation control to
obtain an appropriate display (try the 0.1V/div setting).

Question 15
What are two reasons for the output not being 0V as theoretically predicted?

The following procedure can be used to adjust the Adder and Phase Shifter modules so that
the set-up has a null output. That is, an output that is close to zero volts.

9. Vary the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control left and right and observe
the effect on the Adder module's output.
10. Adjust the Phase Shifter module's Phase Adjust control to obtain the smallest
output voltage.

Question 16
What can be said about the phase shift between the signals on the Adder module's two inputs

11. Vary the Adder module's g control left and right and observe the effect on the Adder
module's output.
12. Adjust the Adder module's g control to obtain the smallest output voltage.

Question 17
What can be said about the gain of the Adder module's two inputs now?


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