UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.W.6.3.D
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.W.6.3.D
UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template: Ccss - Ela-Literacy.W.6.3.D
Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
I can add sensory details to show what my characters are This lesson is appropriate because
feeling, seeing, smelling, touching, hearing, and thinking. students have been struggling with
adding details to their writing. Point of
I can stay inside the narrators point of view when writing. view is another concept of narrative
writing that students need to
understand, and the two targets
support each other. I am hoping that
students get a better understanding of
the importance of sensory details by
re-teaching it, but pairing it with P.O.V
this time around.
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
I will be pre-assessing students based on their answers This pre-assessment/discussion is to
during whole-group discussion about vocabulary. make sure all students understand the
vocabulary and criteria to meet the
Formative assessment: standards and complete the work.
I will be observing and carefully listening to students
while participating in whole-group discussions to I will use discussions to observe
determine levels of comprehension. answers from students who are willing
I will circulate the room and observe Ss conversations to share out. Ss have two ways of
while they are brainstorming and collaborating. expressing their ideas, orally and
I will collect and review students work and see where written. I will be able to pinpoint
there may be misconceptions, strengths, and weaknesses. misconceptions and struggles. I will be
I can also see whether this mini-lesson and the two using students written work to
standards/targets being paired have helped those provide feedback and set up
students struggling with sensory details. Students are conferences.
expected to add sensory details to their writing to support
point of view of the narrator and other characters.
Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
5 minutes Discuss learning targets, teaching point, Each day we begin the lesson with a
and vocabulary. check-in/brainstorm/discussion about
vocabulary and expectations for the
5-7 minutes Read-aloud first example of point of view day to prepare students for the
writing. independent/partner/group work
following the mini-lesson.
Have students show thumbs up and
thumbs down when point of view The mini-lesson provides students
changes and does not match narrators with an opportunity to learn and then
point of view. practice new skills and techniques to
improve their own narrative writing.
Discuss why, study the piece.
Check-in and sharing are expected to
15 minutes Mini-lesson: Share example writing support each other in understanding
piece, study use and techniques for the content and providing perspective
narrators point of view. about the topic.
Students use iPads to gain access to Voice and choice for the writing
document on Google Classroom. assignment. I noticed some students
Brainstorm and study, compare two were already doing well with point of
writing examples. view and sensory details in their
writing. I provided this opportunity for
Students work collaboratively, those students to have a challenge
brainstorm, and fill out document during this writing piece and to help
together. They answer the question, engage them.
What doesnt work in the first example?
What works in the second?
I can add sensory details to show what my characters are feeling, seeing, smelling, touching, hearing,
and thinking.
Meets: 7
Partially Meets: 0
Does Not Meet: 5
Students who did not add sensory details at all did not meet the first target. More students are
showing an understanding of the importance of using sensory details though. I think that pairing the
two targets in this lesson really emphasized this point. All students proved they could stay inside the
narrators point of view. Those students who were not writing narratives, have written a narrative
with the support of the point of view lesson. This target forces students to focus on a smaller
moment and add details to their story. Without details, these students know that it is difficult to
understand point of view.
The first time teaching this lesson was very frustrating. Students were not understanding the point of
view of two different characters in the story and how the writing can support this. Mid-way through
the lesson, I knew I had to show them, not just tell them. I found a box with staples, sticky notes, etc. I
had a student be one character from the example writing piece. I was the narrator, and I showed
them that from where I was standing (or the character from the example) we cannot know what is in
the box of the other character. We then discussed how the writer ended up letting us know what was
in the box while staying inside the narrators point of view. This is where dialog came into play.
Students immediately saw the difference and made the connection.
This standard means that the teacher understands that all students are at different levels of
development, whether that is physically, mentally, or cognitively. The teacher gains this knowledge
through assessments, observations, and getting to know students and uses this information to create
lessons that are appropriate to students levels, while also trying to challenge learners with effective
lessons and activities.
1(b) Creates developmentally appropriate instruction that considers individual learners strengths,
interests and needs and that enables each learner to advance and accelerate his/her learning.
For this lesson, I gave students two choices for their writing practice. They could either choose what
they are comfortable with, what they have been doing, to write a personal narrative. Another choice
offered a little more of a challenge. They could write a shorter story from their point of view and re-
write the same story from someone elses point of view. This extension uses higher-order thinking
skills. Students are aware of their goals and their level of comfortability. This supports many
developmental levels, helping students who need more of challenge and still supports students in
lower proficiency levels.
This standard means that the teacher embraces the need and positive effect of technology on
learning in the 21st century classroom. The teacher tries to incorporate technology, not to replace a
task, but to enhance it. The teacher also models responsible use of technology in the classroom.
(a) Participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of
technology to improve student learning
(b) Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared
decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of
For this lesson, I used Google classroom as a collaborative learning approach. Students were
expected to work as pods to add to a google document to share their brainstorming ideas and answer
an open-ended question about the content. With observation data and this brainstorming
assignment turned in, I can see if students are collaborating and using the technology appropriately.
Google classroom is a school-wide approach to implement more technology into everyday learning.
Student Artifact #1 Staying inside p.o.v./Target 2: (Meets)
Student Artifact #2 Sensory details/Target 1: (Does not meet, yet)
Writing Example for Mini-lesson (thumbs up/down)
Google Document for collaborative brainstorming