Unsatisfactory Approaching Standard At the Standard Proficient
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 4 pts
Similarities Unsatisfactory Approaching Standard At the Standard Proficient
The identified character traits provided The student highlights 3 or less The identified character traits are 4 or The identified character traits are 5 or are 1 or less. character traits and does not repeat. more and do not repeat. They include more and do not repeat. They include They include well described examples. well described examples. well described examples.
Differences Unsatisfactory Approaching Standard At the Standard Proficient
The identified character traits provided The student highlights 3 or less The identified character traits are 4 or The identified character traits are 5 or are 1 or less. character traits and does not repeat. more and do not repeat. They include more and do not repeat. They include They include well described examples. well described examples. well described examples.
Oragnization Unsatisfactory Approaching Standard At the Standard Proficient
The Venn Diagram is very sloppy and The Venn Diagram is very sloppy and it The Venn Diagram is legible and The Venn Diagram is very neat and well unreadable. takes away from the content. organized. organized.