Poem Recitation Rubric

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Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pts 2 pts 3 pts 5 pts

Pronunciation & Punctuation Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student prononounced most words and Student prononounced some words and Student prononounced most words and Student prononounced all words and used
used most punctuation incorrectly. used some punctuation correctly. used most punctuation correctly. all punctuation correctly.

Volume & Clarity Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student's voice was never clear, and the Student's voice was rarely clear, and Student spoke in a mostly clear voice, Student spoke very clearly, and was heard
audience could not hear them. most of the audience could not hear and could be heard by the majority of the by all of audience.
them. audience.

Phrasing, Timing Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student was not understood by the Student needs to improve on timing and Student used good timing and phrasing. Student used excellent timing and phrasing.
audience because the student sped phrasing. Part/role was hard to Part/role was spoken in a voice that was Part/role was spoken in a steady voice.
through their lines. understand because the student spoke too usually steady. Student spoke slightly too Student did not speak too quickly.
quickly. fast.

Getting into character Poor Fair Good Excellent

Student did not use gestures, voice Student tried a few gestures, voice Student used some gestures, voice Student used gestures, voice fluctuations,
fluctuations, or facial expressions. fluctuations, and facial expressions. fluctuations, and facial expressions to and facial expressions to enhance meaning
Student did not make the audience enhance meaning of the part played. of the part played. Student made others
believe that they really were the Student worked toward getting into believe that he/she really was the character.
character. character.

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