Bone and Cortical Bone Thickness of Mandibular Buccal Shelf

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Original Article

Bone and cortical bone thickness of mandibular buccal

shelf for mini-screw insertion in adults
Riccardo Nuceraa; Antonino Lo Giudiceb; Angela Mirea Bellocchiob; Paola Spinuzzab;
Alberto Caprioglioc; Letizia Perillod; Giovanni Mataresee; Giancarlo Cordascof

Objective: To analyze the buccal bone thickness, bone depth, and cortical bone depth of the
mandibular buccal shelf (MBS) to determine the most suitable sites of the MBS for mini-screw
Materials and Methods: The sample included cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) records
of 30 adult subjects (mean age 30.9 6 7.0 years) evaluated retrospectively. All CBCT examinations
were performed with the i-CAT CBCT scanner. Each exam was converted into DICOM format and
processed with OsiriX Medical Imaging software. Proper view sections of the MBS were obtained
for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of bone characteristics.
Results: Mesial and distal second molar root scan sections showed enough buccal bone for mini-
screw insertion. The evaluation of bone depth was performed at 4 and 6 mm buccally to the
cementoenamel junction. The mesial root of the mandibular second molar at 4 and 6 mm showed
average bone depths of 18.51 mm and 14.14 mm, respectively. The distal root of the mandibular
second molar showed average bone depths of 19.91 mm and 16.5 mm, respectively. All sites
showed cortical bone depth thickness greater than 2 mm.
Conclusions: Specific sites of the MBS offer enough bone quantity and adequate bone quality for
mini-screw insertion. The insertion site with the optimal anatomic characteristics is the buccal bone
corresponding to the distal root of second molar, with screw insertion 4 mm buccal to the
cementoenamel junction. Considering the cortical bone thickness of optimal insertion sites, pre-
drilling is always recommended in order to avoid high insertion torque. (Angle Orthod.
KEY WORDS: Mandibular buccal shelf; Mini-screw; Mini-implants; Skeletal anchorage; Extra-
alveolar orthodontic anchorage; Temporary anchorage devices

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical and Dental
Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, Section of Orthodon- Orthodontic mini-screws have attained widespread
tics, School of Dentistry, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. use recently, providing skeletal anchorage to improve
Research Assistant, Department of Biomedical and Dental orthodontic mechanics.13 Mini-screws have demon-
Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, Section of Orthodon-
tics, School of Dentistry, University of Messina, Messina, Italy. strated good patient acceptance4 and relatively low
Associate Professor, Head of Orthodontic Unit and Chair of failure rates, reported at around 13.5%.5,6 Primary
the Orthodontic Postgraduate Program, Department of Surgical stability is a key factor for successful mini-screw
and Morphological Sciences, Section of Orthodontics, School of
Medicine, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy. placement.7 Anatomical factors affecting the stability
Associate Professor, Head of Orthodontic Unit and Chair of of mini-screws are bone characteristics (bone density,
the Orthodontic Postgraduate Program, Multidisciplinary Depart-
ment of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties, Second
Corresponding author: Dr Riccardo Nucera, c/o AOU Policli-
University of Naples, Naples, Italy.
nico G. Martino, UOC di Odontoiatria e Odontostomatologia,
Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical and Dental
Via Consolare Valeria 1, 98125 Messina, Italy
Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, Section of Orthodon-
(e-mail: [email protected])
tics, School of Dentistry, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
Full Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical and Accepted: April 2017. Submitted: January 2017.
Dental Sciences and Morphofunctional Imaging, Section of Published Online: June 09, 2017
Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Messina, 2017 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation,
Messina, Italy. Inc.

DOI: 10.2319/011117-34.1 745 Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


bone depth, cortical bone thickness), soft tissue ization based on patients sex was applied to select the
characteristics (mucosa vs attached gingiva, tissue included CBCT exams. The protocol of this study was
thickness, mobility and proximity to the frenum), and approved by the human research ethical committee
the proximity of specific anatomical structures (roots, (Approval No. 102/16). All CBCT examinations were
nerves, vessels, sinus/nasal cavities). performed with the i-CAT CBCT scanner (Imaging
Different sites have been used for mini-screw Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa) after setting the
insertion: palatal bone,7,8 the palatal side of the acquisition parameters as follows: 120 kV, 5 mA, and
maxillary alveolar process,9 the mandibular retromolar 4- to 6-second exposure time. Each exam was
area,10 the infrazygomatic crest,11 the maxillary and converted to digital imaging and communications in
mandibular bucco alveolar cortical plate,12 and the medicine (DICOM) format. DICOM files were pro-
posterior palatal alveolar process.7 Recently, the cessed using the OsiriX Medical Imaging 32-bit
mandibular buccal shelf (MBS) has been proposed13 software (Pixmeo, Geneva, Switzerland; www.
as a suitable extra-alveolar mini-screw insertion site.
The MBS is located bilaterally in the posterior part of The following procedure was used to obtain proper
the mandibular body, buccal to the roots of the first and view sections of the MBS for quantitative and
second molars and anterior to the oblique line of the qualitative evaluation of bone characteristics. Three
mandibular ramus. preliminary reference lines were considered, as shown
To date, no quantitative and qualitative bone by the software interface, corresponding to the three
assessment of the MBS has been performed for mini- conventional scan planes (sagittal: yellow line; axial:
screw insertion. The aim of this study was to analyze violet line; and coronal: blue line). These view scan
the buccal bone thickness, bone depth, and cortical planes were reoriented according to the following
bone depth of the MBS to determine the most suitable method: the furcation point of the right and left first
sites of the MBS for mini-screw insertion. molar and the furcation point of the right second molar
were identified and the axial view scan plane was
MATERIALS AND METHODS reoriented in order to pass through these three
furcation points. In this reoriented axial scan plane,
The sample of this retrospective study included two points were identified at the center of the dento-
cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) records of alveolar process at the level of the mesial root of the
30 subjects (mean age 30.9 6 7.0 years), including 15 mandibular first molar and the distal root of the second
males (mean age 31.2 6 7.7 years) and 15 females molar. These points were used as references to
(30.7 6 5.2 years) selected from the digital archive of a reorientate the sagittal view scan plane section in
private practice. The CBCT exams were performed order to identify the mesio-distal direction of the
between June 2012 to November 2015 and were pre- mandibular alveolar process in the molar segment.
selected if the examined subjects fulfilled the following Finally, the coronal view scan plane was reoriented in
selection criteria: Caucasian subjects, aged between order to best fit the direction of the two-thirds coronal
20 and 41 years, with an absence of periodontal long axes of these four roots (Figure 1): mesial and
disease, no metallic restorations in the first or second distal first molar roots, mesial and distal second molar
permanent mandibular premolars and molars, no roots. This procedure identified four coronal view
missing teeth except for third molars, no genetic sections used to investigate the MBS bone character-
syndromes or craniofacial dysmorphism, no history of istics. It was repeated for both the right and left sides.
facial trauma, and no previous orthognathic surgery A modified version of the method reported in
treatment. previous publications14,15 was performed to identify
Seventy-six patients fulfilled the selection criteria (35 specific parameters evaluating bone quantity and
male and 41 female). The patients were divided quality on each coronal view section.
according to sex, and each of the two samples was This methodology included the following steps:
ordered by age from the youngest to the oldest patient.
These two lists of patients were used to assign a  Identification of the vestibular cementoenamel junc-
number to each patient from 1 to 35 for the male list tion (CEJ) on each scan view root section;
and from 1 to 41 for the female list. A random  Evaluation of the buccal total bone thickness on two
sequence generator ( was horizontal reference lines located apically at 6 mm
used to generate two lists of randomized numbers of (TotThick-at-6) and 11 mm (TotTick-at-11) from the
35 and 41 numbers, respectively. The first 15 numbers CEJ (Figure 2); and
of both random lists were selected and the corre-  Apico-coronal total bone depth (cortical medullary
sponding CBCT exams were included in the study. bone) and cortical coronal bone depth were mea-
According to this method, a balanced block random- sured on two vertical reference lines buccally located

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


Figure 1. Software interface; reoriented reference scan lines (sagittal: yellow line; axial: violet line; and coronal: blue line) in order to best fit the
direction of the long axes of the mesial root of the second left mandibular molar.

at 4 mm (TotDepth-at-4 and CortDepth-at-4) and 6

mm (TotDepth-at-6 and CortDepth-at-6) from the CEJ
(Figure 3).
The cortical bone depth was measured considering
only the coronal cortical plate because it was assumed
that only the cortical bone plate interacts with the mini-
screw during mini-screw insertion. A set of eight
measurements was taken for each scan root plane
assessing the total and cortical bone depth in an apical
direction (at 4 and 6 mm from the CEJ buccally) and
bone thickness in a buccal direction (at 6 and 11 mm
from the CEJ apically). All measurements were taken
by the same expert operator (AMB).

A preliminary analysis was run on 10 subjects to
obtain data for power analysis evaluation. The MBS
bone thicknesses measured on a horizontal reference
line apically located at 6 mm from CEJ (TotThick-at-6)
of the mesial and distal roots of the right second molar
were compared, and the difference in means of 1.81
Figure 2. The bucco-lingual thicknesses of total bone (cortical
mm and the standard deviation (SD) of 2.47 mm were medullary bone) and cortical bone were measured on two horizontal
used as outcomes to perform the power analysis reference lines apically located at 6 mm (TotThick-at-6) and 11 mm
calculation. The results of the power analysis indicated from the CEJ (TotTick-at-11).

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Total Buccal Bone Thickness

Values of Different Root Sites Measured on Two Horizontal
Reference Lines at 6 mm Apical to the Cementoenamel Junction
(CEJ) (TotThick-at-6) and 11 mm apical to the CEJ (TotTick-at-11).
Data Considered Suitable for Mini-Screw Insertion Are Labeled with
the Light Gray Color; the Data Considered as Nonsuitable Are
Labeled with the Dark Gray Colora

First column abbreviations: R1M-m indicates right first molar
Figure 3. The apico-coronal bone depth thicknesses of total bone mesial root; L1M-m, left first molar mesial root; R1M-d, right first
(cortical medullary bone) and coronal cortical bone were measured molar distal root; L1M-d, left first molar distal root; R2M-m, right
second molar mesial root; L2M-m, left second molar mesial root;
on two vertical reference lines buccally located at 4 mm (TotaDepth-
R2M-d, right second molar distal root; and L2M-d, left second molar
at4 and CortDepth-at-4) and 6 mm (TotaDepth-at6 and CortDepth-at- distal root.
6) from the CEJ.

all measurements were highly reliable, with the ICC

that in order to reach 80% of power it was necessary to
varying from 0.76 to 0.84. Random error ranged from
analyze a sample of 30 subjects.
0.5 to 0.9 mm. SPSS Statistics software (version 17.0;
Preliminary data analysis of all samples suggested
IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY) was used for all
normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test) and equality of
variances (Levenes test). Descriptive statistics were statistical analyses. The significance levels for all tests
performed reporting mean, SD, maximum and mini- were set at P , .05.
mum values for each parameter and for all root scan
sections. The descriptive statistics were used to RESULTS
perform a preliminary evaluation of the potentially Descriptive statistics are reported in Table 1 for total
suitable sites for mini-screw insertion. The insertion bone thickness. Tables 2 and 3 report descriptive
sites were considered suitable if they presented a statistics for total bone depth and cortical bone depth,
minimum horizontal bone thickness of 5 mm (1.7 mm of
respectively. In Tables 1 and 2, the data cells reporting
root safety distance, 1.6 mm of screw diameter, 1.7
mm of cortical buccal bone safety distance) and a Table 2. Descriptive Statistics of Total Bone Depth Values of
minimum average vertical bone thickness of 6 mm Different Root Sites Measured on Two Vertical Reference Lines at 4
(which represents the minimum standard mini-screw mm Buccal to the Cementoenamel Junction (CEJ) (Tot-Depth-at-4)
length). The potentially suitable sites were compared and 6 mm buccal to the CEJ (TotDepth-at-6). Data Considered
Suitable for Mini-Screw Insertion Are Labeled with the Light Gray
using inferential statistics to detect significant bone Color; the Data Considered as Nonsuitable Are Labeled with the
thickness differences. Unpaired t-tests were used to Dark Gray Color. The Abbreviations in the First Column Are
compare data derived from different root scan sections. Explained in the Table 1 Footnote
Paired t-tests were used to compare data obtained
from the same scan root sections at different vertical
locations from the CEJ.
In order to assess the methodological error, view
section identification and measurement of parameters
were repeated for 10 randomly selected patients 1
week apart. Paired t-tests and intraclass correlation
coefficients (ICCs) were used to assess the intra-
operator reliability. The magnitude of the random error
was assessed using the Dahlberg formula. No differ-
ences (P , .05) were found between the two readings;

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Cortical Coronal Thickness Values of Different Root Sites Measured on Two Vertical Reference Lines at 4
(CortDepth-at-4) and 6 mm (CortDepth-at-6) buccal to the Cementoenamel Junction. The Abbreviations in the First Column Are Explained in the
Table 1 Footnotea
CortDepth-at-4 CortDepth-at-6
Evaluated Root Sites Mean SD a
Min b
Max c
Mean SDa Minb Maxc
R1M-m 7.20 6.94 0 20.75 2.38 5.21 0 16.27
L1M-m 7.66 5.53 0 19.85 4.63 5.27 0 14.73
R1M-d 7.45 5.57 0 17.15 4.34 5.76 0 19.19
L1M-d 5.19 2.38 0 13.2 7.58 6.14 0 21.28
R2M-m 6.63 4.86 2.24 19.62 7.45 6.60 0 21.87
L2M-m 5.45 3.77 0 18.58 7.45 6.68 0 21.93
R2M-d 6.07 5.32 1.24 21.9 10.46 8.08 0 23.23
L2M-d 4.94 3.35 1.9 17.78 6.99 6.31 0 20.48
SD indicates standard deviation; bMin, minimum; and cMax, maximum. Vs indicates versus.

values considered suitable for mini-screw insertion ciated with mandibular interradicular mini-screw inser-
are labeled with the light gray color, and data tion. In order to properly insert a mini-screw in the
considered nonsuitable are labeled with the dark MBS, an understanding of the anatomical bone
gray color. Table 4 reports the results of the inferential characteristics of this insertion site is essential.
statistics. Upon preliminary evaluation, a minimum cutoff value
of the buccal extension of the MBS for safe mini-screw
DISCUSSION insertion was considered to be 5 mm of buccal bone
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in thickness (1.7 mm of root safety distance, 1.6 mm of
the literature that investigates the anatomic skeletal screw diameter, 1.7 mm of cortical buccal bone safety
characteristics of the MBS for mini-screw insertion. distance). Descriptive statistical data showed that the
The MBS potentially offers some clinical advantages total buccal bone thickness increases in the distal and
compared to dento-alveolar interradicular mini-screw in the apical portions of the MBS.
insertion sites. The MBS extends buccally with a The amount of buccal bone thickness was evaluated
considerable amount of bone, and this extension at two different vertical levels: 6 and 11 mm apical to
allows clinicians to insert mini-screws in an orientation the CEJ. Distal root of the second molar scan sections,
parallel to the long axes of the molar roots.13 This on both the right and left sides, were the only sections
insertion modality could offer clinical advantages by that showed an average of more than 5 mm of total
avoiding possible screw-to-root contact during anterior- buccal bone thickness 6 mm apical to the CEJ (Table
posterior dental movements along the dento-alveolar 1). Both the mesial and distal second molar root scan
process. Another advantage could be a reduced risk of sections on both sides (right and left) showed enough
screw-to-root contact during insertion, considering that buccal bone for mini-screw insertion at 11 mm apical to
screw-to-root contact is one of the most frequent the CEJ. Significant differences (P , .05) in buccal
causes of failure.16 This characteristic could help to bone thickness were found between measurements at
explain the observations by Chang et al.,13 who 6 and 11 mm (Table 4). Inferential statistics also
reported lower failure rates compared to those asso- revealed that the distal root of the second molar site

Table 4. Inferential Statistics of Buccal Bone Thickness Data of Right and Left Second Molar. The Abbreviations in the First Column Are
Explained in the Table 1 Footnotea
Right Second Molar Left Second Molar
Evaluated Root Sites R2M-m R2M-d L2M-m L2M-d
TotThick-at-6 3.76 (62.53) Vs** 5.57 (62.42) 4.25 (62.38) Vs** 5.63 (62.44)
Vs* Vs* Vs* Vs*
TotThick-at-11 6.86 (62.02) Vs** 7.88 (61.71) 7.04 (61.65) Vs** 7.71 (61.69)
TotDepth-at-4 9.46 (63.64) Vs (NS) 8.81 (64.41) 8.44 (63.47) Vs (NS) 8.19 (62.8)
Vs (NS) Vs (NS) Vs (NS) Vs (NS)
TotDepth-at-6 8.69 (66.33) Vs (NS) 11.41 (67.44) 9.44 (65.96) Vs (NS) 9.34 (65.63)
TotCort-at-4 6.63 (64.86) Vs (NS) 6.07 (65.32) 5.45 (63.77) Vs (NS) 4.94 (63.35)
Vs (NS) Vs (*) Vs (NS) Vs (NS)
TotCort-at-6 7.45 (66.6) Vs (NS) 10.46 (68.08) 7.45 (66.68) Vs (NS) 6.99 (66.31)
NS indicates not significant.
** Significant difference with P , .05 (unpaired t-test); * Significant difference with P , .05 (paired t-test).

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


showed significantly thicker bone compared to the

mesial root of the second molar on both the left and
right sides (P , .05), signifying the region of the distal
root of the second molar as a safer zone for insertion,
compared to the mesial root (Table 4).
Other than the characteristic of horizontal bone
thickness, evaluation of the corono-apical (vertical)
bone depth dimension of the MBS is also important in
order to select the proper screw length. Data showed
that the sites of the MBS with adequate bone depth on
average are at the mesial and distal roots of the
second molar. Evaluation of the vertical bone depth
dimension of the MBS was performed at 4 and 6 mm
buccal to the CEJ (Table 2). The mesial root of the
mandibular second molar showed average bone depth
dimensions of 18.51 and 14.14 mm at 4 and 6 mm
buccal to the CEJ, respectively. The distal root of the
mandibular second molar showed average vertical
bone depth dimensions of 19.91 and 16.5 mm,
respectively. These data indicate that the insertion Figure 4. Occlusal drawing of left mandibular buccal shelf. A mini-
screw representation was placed corresponding to the insertion site
sites evaluated offer the opportunity to insert any screw
with the optimal anatomic characteristics. It is the zone of MBS
length commercially available. The average amount of adjacent to the distal root of the second molar and 4 mm buccal to the
bone depth dimension was greater at 4 mm buccal to CEJ.
the CEJ compared to 6 mm buccal (Table 2). However,
no significant differences were found comparing bone lateral to the CEJ (Table 3). These data indicate that
depths between the 4- and 6-mm insertion sites or pre-drilling is always recommended before mini-screw
between the mesial and distal insertion sites of the insertion in the buccal shelf in order to avoid excessive
second molars (Table 4). Only the bone depth insertion torque.16
difference measured between the 4- and 6-mm sites One limitation of this study is that it evaluated only
buccal to the distal right second molar was found to be the bony anatomical characteristics of possible MBS
statistically significant (Table 4); however, this differ- insertion sites. Evaluation of the MBS periodontal soft
ence would be clinically irrelevant, considering the tissue characteristics was beyond the purpose of this
great amount of available vertical bone depth at these study. However, in order to select the proper mini-
locations. screw insertion site, soft tissue should be considered,
The high standard deviation of vertical bone dimen- because mobility of the alveolar mucosa can affect
sions at 6 mm buccal to the CEJ (TotDepth-at-6) of the long-term mini-screw stability. Moreover, this study
mesial and distal root scans of the mandibular second evaluated only Caucasians, and the bony characteris-
molars indicates the high anatomic variability of the tics of the MBS could be different in other ethnic
MBS. Minimum values at 6 mm buccal to the CEJ groups. Further studies are necessary to evaluate MBS
(Table 2) were zero for all the considered parameters, characteristics in different ethnic groups. However, the
indicating the presence of at least one subject with
results of this study showed that specific sites of the
reduced buccal extension of the MBS. The variability of
MBS (specifically the distal root of the second molar)
the MBS observed in this study emphasizes the
present great amounts of bone that may be adequate
importance of preliminary clinical evaluation of poten-
even when considering possible ethnic variations.
tial insertion sites on an individual basis.
Evaluation of cortical bone thickness before mini-
screw insertion is appropriate since pre-drilling may be
indicated in order to improve primary stability and to  Specific sites of the MBS offer enough bone quantity
avoid excessive insertion torque and screw failure.1723 and adequate bone quality for mini-screw insertion.
Cortical bone depth was measured (Table 3) in order to The insertion site of the MBS with the optimal
evaluate the necessity for pre-drilling in the MBS. All anatomic characteristics is the buccal bone lateral
sites evaluated displayed cortical bone thicknesses to the distal root of the second molar, with screw
that were greater than 2 mm, with average values at insertion located 4 mm buccal to the CEJ (Figure 4).
the distal root of the second molar of 5.5 mm measured For particular biomechanical needs, it is possible to
4 mm lateral to the CEJ and 8.72 mm measured 6 mm consider an insertion site lateral to the mesial root of

Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017


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Angle Orthodontist, Vol 87, No 5, 2017

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