Evaluation of Marginal Alveolar Bone in The Anterior Mandible With Pretreatment and Posttreatment Computed Tomography in Nonextraction Patients

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Evaluation of marginal alveolar bone

in the anterior mandible with pretreatment
and posttreatment computed tomography
in nonextraction patients
David T. Garlock,a Peter H. Buschang,b Eustaquio A. Araujo,c Rolf G. Behrents,c and Ki Beom Kimd
Denver, Colo, Dallas, Tex, and St Louis, Mo

Introduction: Our objectives were to evaluate marginal alveolar bone height in the anterior mandible after or-
thodontic treatment and to assess any correlations between morphologic and treatment changes. Methods:
We used 57 pretreatment and posttreatment cone-beam computed tomography images (17 male and 40
female subjects; 22 Class I, 35 Class II; average age, 18.7 6 10.8 years; average treatment time,
22.7 6 7.3 months) to measure cortical bone thickness, ridge thickness, distance from the apex to the labial
cortical bone, and the distance from the cementoenamel junction to the marginal bone crest. Changes in the
cementoenamel junction to the marginal bone crest distance were correlated with pretreatment
measurements and treatment changes. Results: Although there were great variations, the average facial and
lingual vertical bone losses were 1.16 6 2.26 and 1.33 6 2.50 mm, respectively. The incisor-mandibular
plane angle changes were also highly variable, averaging 2.4 . Conclusions: Orthodontic treatment causes
changes in alveolar bone height and cortical bone thickness around the mandibular incisors. Although pretreat-
ment cortical bone thickness, ridge width thickness, and specific tooth movements all play roles in what happens
to the bone during treatment, incisor inclination was not correlated with alveolar bone height changes. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2016;149:192-201)

he tissue response to orthodontic forces can height in the anterior region. Sarikaya et al,9 who evalu-
lead to gingival inflammation, alveolar bone loss, ated patients requiring retraction of the maxillary inci-
damage to the tooth enamel surfaces, pulpal reac- sors to close extraction spaces, found that the lingual
tions, root resorption, and marginal bone loss.1 Many alveolar bone thickness decreased significantly; in 11
studies have evaluated the effects of orthodontic treat- of 19 patients, at least 1 incisor was outside the alveolar
ment on alveolar bone height. bone at the crest level. Lund et al,10 who also evaluated
Most studies evaluating alveolar bone height have premolar extraction patients, found that 84% of the
used bitewing or periapical radiography and have lingual surfaces of the mandibular central incisors
focused on the posterior dentition.2-8 The advent of demonstrated bone height decreases of more than
cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) has allowed 2 mm, with average decreases of 5.7 mm on the lingual
for more extensive studies evaluating alveolar bone aspect and increases of 0.8 mm on the buccal aspect of
the same tooth.
Private practice, Denver, Colo. Experimental evidence suggests that vertical bone
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A&M loss can also occur when mandibular incisors are pro-
University, Dallas, Tex.
clined. Steiner et al11 found that in monkeys, moving
Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Saint Louis University, St Louis, Mo.
Associate professor, Department of Orthodontics, Saint Louis University, St the mandibular incisors labially by 3.05 mm caused
Louis, Mo. 5.48 mm of marginal bone loss. Also using monkeys, Ba-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of tenhorst et al12 reported 7 mm of bone loss associated
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: Ki Beom Kim, Department of Orthodontics, Saint with 6 mm of incisor proclination. Similar studies with
Louis University, 3320 Rutger St, St Louis, MO 63104; e-mail, [email protected]. human subjects have yet to be performed.
Submitted, September 2014; revised and accepted, July 2015. Because of the lack of human studies, the purpose of
Copyright Ó 2016 by the American Association of Orthodontists. this study was to evaluate how changes of incisor posi-
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.07.034 tion affect marginal alveolar bone height using CBCT. A
Garlock et al 193

Fig 1. Cephalometric landmarks.

secondary purpose was to evaluate any associations be- Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif) for analysis. With the 3-
tween initial bone characteristics and changes in bone dimensional image oriented along the Frankfort hori-
characteristics with the amount of vertical alveolar zontal plane, lateral cephalograms were constructed
bone height changes. with the midline bisecting the mandibular right central
incisor, thus creating an image representing the left
MATERIAL AND METHODS half of the craniofacial complex.
The study was based on pretreatment and post- From the constructed lateral cephalograms, the
treatment CBCT images of 57 patients who had none- following structures and landmarks were identified
xtraction treatment by 1 practitioner. The CBCT and traced: mandibular right incisor tip, mandibular
images were taken with an i-CAT CBCT machine (Imag- right incisor apex, labial gingival border, lingual gingival
ining Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa). The scans border, inferior alveolar canal (4 points), internal
were taken in a single 360 rotation at a scan time of border of the symphysis (superior and inferior), B-point,
4.8 seconds, 120 kVp, 0.3-mm voxel size, and pogonion, gonion, gnathion, and menton (Fig 1). The
536 3 536 mm field of view. incisor-mandibular plane angle (IMPA), the angle
A total of 114 CBCT images (57 pretreatment, 57 post- formed by the intersection of the long axis of the
treatment) pertaining to 17 male and 40 female subjects, mandibular incisor and the gonion-menton line, was
ages 18.7 6 10.8 years, were used. Of the 57 subjects, 22 measured. The pretreatment and posttreatment mandi-
had Class I and 35 had Class II malocclusions. Patients bles were then superimposed using stable structures as
were excluded if they had (1) missing or unerupted described by Bjork and Skieller.13 From the superimposi-
mandibular permanent incisors, (2) periapical or perira- tions, the x and y coordinates of each point were ob-
dicular pathologies or radiolucencies of either periodontal tained, with pogonion as the origin and orienting
or endodontic origin, (3) a significant medical or dental along the Frankfort horizontal plane. The coordinates
history (eg, use of bisphosphonates or bone altering med- were used to calculate the angular differences between
ications, or diseases), and (4) poor image quality. the pretreatment and posttreatment incisor positions.
All patients were treated with self-ligating Damon Q The coordinate system was also used to calculate the an-
brackets (Ormco, Orange, Calif) with a 0.022-in slot. teroposterior distances that the apex and the incisor tip
Initial leveling and aligning were performed using round moved.
(0.014 and 0.018 in) and rectangular (0.014 3 0.025 in, To examine the morphologic features of the alve-
and 0.018 3 0.025 in) heat-activated nickel-titanium olar bone, each CBCT image was oriented along the
archwires. Finishing archwires consisted of rectangular long axis of the mandibular right central incisor (bi-
(0.019 3 0.025 in) stainless steel wires. The mean treat- secting the pulp and the canal) in the sagittal and cor-
ment duration was 22.7 6 7.3 months. onal planes, and bisecting the canal in a labiolingual
Each CBCT scan was imported into the software direction in the axial plane at the same time (Fig 2).
(version 11.0; Dolphin Imagining & Management Only the right side was measured because there are

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Fig 2. All 3 planes of space on the CBCT were oriented simultaneously. A sagittal section x-ray was
built from the CBCT oriented along these planes.

Fig 3. Measurements from CBCT: A, distance from the CEJ to marginal bone crest (L-CEJ-MBC,
F-CEJ-MBC), and ridge thickness (MRR, AR); B, cortical bone thickness at midroot level (MLCB,
MFCB) and apex level (ALCB, AFCB). Distance from apex to internal border of the facial cortical
bone (ACB).

no side differences in cortical bone thickness.14,15 and lingual (L-CEJ-MBC) aspects were made from
Once oriented, a sagittal cross section of the the most apical portion of the cementoenamel
mandibular right incisor was produced. From this junction (CEJ) to the most coronal aspect of the
image, measurements from the labial (F-CEJ-MBC) marginal bone crest (Fig 3, A).

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Table I. Definitions of variables, their abbreviations, and method errors

Measurement Abbreviation Method error
Distance from facial cementoenamel junction to facial marginal bone crest F-CEJ-MBC 0.21
Distance from lingual cementoenamel junction to lingual marginal bone crest L-CEJ-MBC 0.22
Incisor-mandibular plane angle IMPA 0.86
Degree of change in incisor angulation calculated from x and y coordinates with trigonometry SUP 0.96
Distance that the apex of the mandibular right incisor moved between pretreatment and posttreatment APEX 0.44
from x and y coordinates
Distance that the tip of the mandibular right incisor moved between pretreatment and posttreatment TIP 0.32
from x and y coordinates
Distance from apex to internal border of facial cortical bone ACB 0.24
Midroot-level facial cortical bone thickness MFCB 0.13
Midroot-level lingual cortical bone thickness MLCB 0.14
Apex-level facial cortical bone thickness AFCB 0.21
Apex-level lingual cortical bone thickness ALCB 0.20
Midroot-level ridge thickness MRR 0.24
Apex-level ridge thickness AR 0.24

Table II. Descriptive statistics for tooth position changes and tooth landmark changes for pretreatment (T1), post-
treatment (T2), and differences between the variables, 1-sample t test P values for the means of T2 – T1, and method
T1 T2 T2 – T1 (D) t test

Variable Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD P value

IMPA ( ) 95.3 6.68 97.7 1.13 2.40* 6.90 0.01
SUP ( ) - - - - 2.52* 7.20 0.01
APEX (mm) - - - - -0.45* 1.47 0.03
TIP (mm) - - - - 0.07 0.25 0.79
ACB (mm) 3.44 1.33 3.77 1.88 0.32 1.39 0.08

T1 and T2 values are absent for SUP, APEX, and TIP because these variables were calculated from the rectangular “(x and y)” coordinates.
*Significant (P #0.05).

Table III. Statistics for bony changes

T1 T2 T2 – T1 (D) t test

Variable (mm) Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD P value

F-CEJ-MBC 1.90 1.89 3.06 2.46 1.12* 2.26 \0.01
L-CEJ-MBC 2.18 2.12 3.51 3.00 1.33* 2.50 \0.01
MFCB 0.75 0.38 0.65 0.40 0.10* 0.38 0.05
MLCB 1.04 0.58 0.76 0.59 0.29* 0.53 \0.01
AFCB 1.93 0.36 1.87 0.50 0.06 0.41 0.24
ALCB 2.32 0.55 2.07 0.68 0.25* 0.65 0.01
MRR 7.38 1.11 7.17 0.99 0.21* 0.70 0.02
AR 10.2 2.31 10.20 2.46 0.04 1.00 0.75
Positive numbers for CEJ-MBC values represents an increase in distance from the CEJ-MBC (bone loss), and negative numbers for CEJ-MBC values
represent a decrease in distance from the CEJ-MBC (bone gain); for all other variables, a negative number represents thinning of bone, and a positive
number represents bone thickening.
*Significant (P #0.05).

From the height of the labial CEJ point, a horizontal which the midroot-level ridge thickness (MRR) (Fig 3,
line was made. From this line, a vertical distance from A) and midroot-level cortical bone thickness (MLCB
the labiolingual midpoint of the pulp canal to the apex and MFCB) were measured (Fig 3, B). Another horizontal
of the root was measured. This distance was halved, line was drawn at the height of the apex. This height was
and a horizontal was drawn demarking the height at used to measure apex-level ridge thickness (AR) (Fig 3,

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Table IV. Distance changes between the pretreatment and posttreatment cementoenamel junction and the marginal
bone crest on the facial and lingual surfaces
n \ 4 mm 4 $ 2 mm  .0 mm 0 # 2 mm 2 \ 4 mm 4 # 6 mm 6 \ 8 mm
F-CEJ-MBC D 57 1 (1.8) 1 (1.8) 10 (17.5) 31 (54.3) 5 (8.8) 5 (8.8) 4 (7)
L-CEJ-MBC D 57 1 (1.8) 1 (1.8) 11 (19.3) 33 (57.8) 3 (5.3) 6 (10.5) 2 (3.5)
A negative number means that the CEJ-MBC posttreatment distance was shorter than the pretreatment distance, representing bone gain, and a
positive number mean that the CEJ-MBC posttreatment distance was greater than the pretreatment distance, representing bone loss.
Values are shown as n (%).

Fig 4. Averages and standard deviations for IMPA, SUP, APEX (a negative value is backward move-
ment, positive is forward movement), TIP, and ACB (a positive value represents a greater distance to
facial cortical bone after treatment; negative values represent a shorter distance from the apex to the
facial cortical bone after treatment). Note that 68% of the sample had IMPA changes ranging from
nearly 5 to 9 , indicating a large range of changes in the sample. Statistically significant areas are
starred (P #0.05).

A), cortical bone thickness (ALCB and AFCB), and dis- used to evaluate the changes between the pretreatment
tance (ACB) from the apex to the internal border of the and posttreatment measurements. The associations be-
labial cortical bone (Fig 3, B). tween variables were analyzed using the Pearson corre-
Cortical bone thickness was measured as the line lation coefficient. All analyses were performed with SPSS
from the point where the horizontal line intersected software (version 20; IBM, Armonk, NY).
the internal border of the cortical plate, perpendicular
to the external border of the cortical plate. RESULTS
Technical reliability of the measurements was based The random method error ranged from 0.13 to 0.96
on 2 replicate measurements of 40 pretreatment or post- for all variables (Table I).
treatment records, which were randomly selected from Tooth position changes that were statistically signif-
the larger sample. Random error was quantified using icant (P \0.05) included changes in IMPA, SUP, and
the method-error statistic, calculated with the following APEX (Table II). All bony changes were statistically sig-
formula: nificant except for the facial apex-level cortical bone
X .  thickness changes (AFCB D) and the apex-level ridge
ðReplicate1  Replicate2 Þ2 80 thickness changes (AR D) (Table III).
Most of the variables showed large variations among
subjects. For example, there was an average of 1.12 mm
of facial bone loss (F-CEJ-MBC D), but the individual
Statistical analysis changes ranged from a 4-mm gain to an 8.8-mm loss.
Skewness and kurtosis indicated that the measure- Similarly, there was an average of 1.33 mm of lingual
ments were normally distributed. A 1-sample t test was bone loss (L-CEJ-MBC D), with a range of 5.6 mm

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Table V. Correlations with age, treatment time, and Angle classification


Age 0.01 0.94 0.11 0.43
Treatment time 0.03 0.83 0.12 0.40
Angle class 0.19 0.17 0.09 0.53

Table VI. Correlations of pretreatment variables with facial and lingual cementoenamel junction to marginal bone
crest distance changes

ACB T1 0.18 0.17 0.10 0.48
AFCB T1 0.33y 0.01 0.18 0.17
ALCB T1 0.27* 0.04 0.01 0.96
MFCB T1 0.10 0.44 0.34y 0.01
AR T1 0.31* 0.02 0.05 0.72
MRR T1 0.13 0.36 0.25 0.06

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); ycorrelation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Fig 5. Scatter plot illustrating a negative correlation. This signifies that when the pretreatment cortical
bone thickness at the apex is thinner, there is an association with an increase in F-CEJ-MBC distance
change, or in other words, an increase in facial marginal bone loss.

of bone gain to 8.8 mm of bone loss. Table IV gives the mandibular incisor apex. The 0.07-mm anterior move-
range of CEJ-MBC distance changes, organized in 2-mm ment of the mandibular incisor tip was not statistically
increments and shown as percentages of the sample. significant. The apex to internal border of the labial
There were large ranges of incisor movements and cortical bone (ACB) showed a slight increase that was
angulation changes (Fig 4). However, on average, the not statistically significant.
mandibular incisor angulation changed little. The Age, treatment time, and Angle classification were
average change in IMPA was 2.4 , whereas the average not significantly correlated with changes in CEJ-MBC
change in incisor inclination calculated using trigonom- distances (Table V).
etry (SUP) was 2.5 . The average pretreatment IMPA was There were only weak correlations between CEJ-MBC
95.4 . The changes in incisor angulation were due pri- distance changes and the other variables. A correlation
marily to the 0.45-mm posterior movement of the of 0.33 (P 5 0.012) existed between the facial

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Fig 6. Scatter plot illustrating that a thinner pretreatment symphysis showed a greater CEJ to MBC dis-
tance change, or in other words, a greater amount of facial marginal bone loss.

SUP, TIP, APEX, ACB) (Table VII) after treatment. Facial

Table VII. Correlations of treatment change variables
and lingual CEJ-MBC distance changes were not statis-
to facial and lingual cementoenamel junction to mar-
tically correlated with changes in IMPA. However, there
ginal bone crest distance changes
was a weak positive correlation between changes in
F-CEJ-MBC D L-CEJ-MBC D facial CEJ-MBC distances to the changes in apex posi-
tion (APEX D), indicating that as the apex moved for-
IMPA D 0.01 0.94 0.21 0.11 ward, there was an increase in change of the CEJ-MBC
SUP D 0.02 0.87 0.19 0.16 distance on the facial aspect (Fig 7).
TIP D 0.14 0.29 0.08 0.54 There also was a weak negative correlation between
APEX D 0.30* 0.02 0.18 0.18 changes in facial CEJ-MBC distance and the change in
ACB D 0.39y \0.001 0.23 0.09
the distance of the apex to cortical bone (ACB), indi-
ALCB D 0.31* 0.02 0.45y \0.001
MFCB D 0.59y \0.001 0.43y \0.001 cating that as the distance from the apex to the facial
MLCB D 0.39y \0.001 0.49y \0.001 cortical bone decreased, there was an increase in change
of the CEJ-MBC distance on the facial aspect (Fig 8).
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); ycorrelation is
significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Changes in the facial CEJ-MBC distances were posi-
tively correlated with changes in lingual cortical bone
thickness at both the midroot (MLCB D) and the apex
CEJ-MBC distance change and the lingual CEJ-MBC (ALCB D) levels, indicating that as cortical bone on the
distance change. lingual aspect became thicker, there was an increase in
There were no correlations between lingual CEJ-MBC the facial CEJ-MBC distance. A negative correlation ex-
distance changes and any of the variables describing isted between changes in lingual CEJ-MBC distance and
pretreatment tooth positions (Table VI). Pretreatment lingual cortical bone thickness at both the midroot and
cortical bone thicknesses at the apex level on both the the apex levels. There was a moderate negative correla-
facial and lingual surfaces showed weak negative corre- tion between changes in facial CEJ-MBC distance and
lations with facial CEJ-MBC distance changes (Fig 5). changes in facial midroot-level cortical bone thickness
There also was a negative correlation between changes (Fig 9), indicating that the subjects who experienced
in lingual CEJ-MBC distance and pretreatment facial mid- the greatest increase in facial CEJ-MBC distance showed
root cortical bone thickness. The only correlation between the greatest decrease in facial midroot cortical bone
pretreatment ridge thickness (AR T1 and MMR T1) and thickness. Changes in lingual CEJ-MBC distance were
change in CEJ-MBC distance was a weak negative corre- positively correlated with that same surface change.
lation between ridge thickness at the apex (AR T1) and
change in facial CEJ-MBC distance (Fig 6). DISCUSSION
There were no correlations between lingual CEJ-MBC Although wide ranges of bone losses and gains
distance changes and changes in tooth position (IMPA, occurred, the average amounts of bone recession

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Fig 7. Scatter plot illustrating a weak positive correlation. This signifies that as the apex moved forward
(a positive number), there was an increase in the F-CEJ-MBC distance change, or in other words, an
increase in facial marginal bone loss.

Fig 8. Scatter plot illustrating a weak negative correlation. This shows that as the distance from the
apex to the facial cortical bone gets smaller, there is an increase in the F-CEJ-MBC distance change,
or in other words, an increase in facial marginal bone loss.

observed on the facial (1.12 mm) and lingual (1.33 mm) incisors was observed. The average change in IMPA was
surfaces were greater than previously reported by some 2.4 . Evaluating subjects with moderate to severe
and less than reported by others. Using bitewings to eval- crowding, Pandis et al16 found that teeth were aligned
uate posterior interdental vertical bone height, 0.5 mm2,6 with an average 3 increase in IMPA and expansion at
and 0.13 mm8 of bone loss has been reported in patients the intercanine and intermolar locations. This might be
orthodontically treated compared with an untreated why little proclination occurred in our study.
group. Lund et al,10 who used CBCT to evaluate marginal Pretreatment ridge thickness is associated with
bone crest levels of the anterior mandible in patients vertical bone loss in patients treated orthodontically.
treated with mandibular premolar extractions, found an The results in this study showed that the thinner the
average of 5.7 mm of bone loss on the lingual surface. ridge at the level of the mandibular incisor apex, the
Although a large range of IMPA changes was re- more facial bone loss can occur. It has been previously
ported, on average, very little tipping of the mandibular reported that more dehiscence occurred in patients

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Fig 9. Scatter plot illustrating a negative correlation. A negative correlation or a decrease in cortical
bone thickness change represents the cortical bone getting thinner. Therefore, a negative correlation
means that when the cortical bone got thinner, there was a greater F-CEJ-MBC distance, or in other
words, more facial marginal bone loss occurred.

with thin symphyses than those with a thick symphysis.17 It also appears that when vertical bone recession
It has been shown that a thin symphysis is associated does occur, the thickness of the cortical bone changes.
with thinner cortical bone,18,19 and when cortical bone It was observed that on the surface where vertical
thickness decreases, so too does bone density.20 There- bone recession happened, thinning of the cortical
fore, in patients with thinner ridges, and thus thinner bone on the same side also occurred, whereas the
and less dense cortical bone, the alveolus could be opposite side showed less cortical bone thinning.
more prone to microfractures associated with tooth This observation makes sense if it is assumed that it
movement, resulting in increased vertical bone loss.21 was translation of the tooth, not tipping of the tooth,
It also appears that pretreatment cortical bone thick- that caused bone loss. For example, if a tooth begins
ness is linked to facial vertical bone recession. There were in a more lingual position in the ridge, it will poten-
weak negative correlation of 0.33 and 0.27 between tially occupy space in the lingual cortical bone. If it
facial vertical bone recession and both the pretreatment is then moved labially to occupy space in the facial
facial and lingual cortical bone thicknesses (both at the cortical bone, the lingual cortical bone will effectively
apex level). Based on 11 subjects, Fuhrmann18 reported get thicker, and the facial thickness will be thinner.
that small symphyses with reduced labiolingual bone This would be especially true if the ridge width is
widths, frontal crowding, and thin facial or lingual thin. Sarikaya et al9 found that the lingual alveolar
cortical bone were risk factors for bone dehiscence. bone of the mandible decreased significantly over
There were no correlations between changes in facial the central incisors (at the crest, midroot, and apex
CEJ-MBC distance and changes of the IMPA. Batenhorst levels) in patients who had 4 first premolars extracted,
et al12 found that 6 mm of incisor proclination yielded even though the labial bone maintained its thickness.
an average of 5 mm greater bone loss compared with This suggests that the bone thins as a tooth or root
teeth that were not proclined. Steiner et al,11 using an approaches cortical bone. However, as a tooth or
experimental model, showed that 3.05 mm of labial root distances itself from the cortical bone, bone
incisor movement caused an average of 5.48 mm of ver- thickness does not change.
tical bone loss. IMPA is a measurement of incisor inclina- It appears that the closer the root apex is moved to-
tion relative to the mandibular plane. It does not ward the facial cortical bone during treatment, the more
measure a change in translation or vertical movement, facial bone recession occurs. A weak negative correlation
both of which could have an effect on vertical bone (0.39) was found between facial bone recession and
loss. In this study, we also did not measure the transla- the change in mandibular incisor apex position during
tion and vertical movements of the incisors. Compared treatment. Yu et al22 concluded that when teeth are
with the aforementioned studies, our study showed little facially proclined, the root apex approximates the
anteroposterior incisor tip movement. lingual cortical plate, indicating that proclination alone

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics February 2016  Vol 149  Issue 2

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