Chambless 1998

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Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Copyright 1998 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1998, Vol. 66, No. 1. 7-18 OOZ2-00698/$3.00

Defining Empirically Supported Therapies

Dianne L. Chambless Steven D. Hollon

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Vanderbilt University

A scheme is proposed for determining when a psychological treatment for a specific problem or
disorder may be considered to be established in efficacy or to be possibly efficacious. The importance
of independent replication before a treatment is established in efficacy is emphasized, and a number
of factors are elaborated that should be weighed in evaluating whether studies supporting a treatment's
efficacy are sound. It is suggested that, in evaluating the benefits of a given treatment, the greatest
weight should be given to efficacy trials but that these trials should be followed by research on
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

effectiveness in clinical settings and with various populations and by cost-effectiveness research.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

In this special section, the authors of review articles have Intervention Guidelines (1995), but we have made a number
been asked to evaluate the psychological treatment research liter- of changes. Hence, the responsibility for the particular criteria
ature in their area of expertise to identify empirically supported we describe here is our own. These criteria are summarized in
treatments' (ESTs). Briefly, we define ESTs as clearly specified the Appendix and discussed in detail in the section on efficacy.
psychological treatments shown to be efficacious in controlled Evaluators have been asked to consider the following broad
research with a delineated population. Thus, following Kiesler issues about ESTs in their area: (a) Has the treatment been
(1966), we suggest that practitioners and researchers will profit shown to be beneficial in controlled research? (b) Is the treat-
from knowing which treatments are effective for which clients ment useful in applied clinical settings and, if so, with what
or patients. That psychological treatments (undefined) benefit patients and under what circumstances? (c) Is the treatment
the majority of clients or patients (undefined) is already well efficient in the sense of being cost-effective relative to other
established (see, e.g., M. L. Smith & Glass, 1977). Further- alternative interventions? These questions are addressed by stud-
more, our particular emphasis is on the effects of the treatments ies on efficacy (including clinical significance), effectiveness
as independent variables. This is not to deny the importance of (or clinical utility), and efficiency (or cost-effectiveness).
other factors such as the therapeutic alliance, as well as client
and patient variables that affect the process and outcome of Efficacy
psychological therapies (see, e.g., Beutler, Machado, & Neu-
feldt, 1994; Garfield, 1994; Orlinsky, Grawe, & Parks, 1994). Overall Research Design
Rather, these factors are simply not the focus of this special
section. Following the two task forces (APA Task Force on Psycholog-
ical Intervention Guidelines, 1995; Task Force on Promotion
Implementation of the plan for this special section required
an operational definition of ESTs. In this article, we provide a and Dissemination of Psychological Procedures, 1995), we take
as our starting point the position that treatment efficacy must
structure for evaluation of treatments that the authors have been
be demonstrated in controlled research in which it is reasonable
asked to adopt as a starting point for their reviews. We draw on
the foundations provided by the Division 12 (Clinical Psychol- to conclude that benefits observed are due to the effects of the
ogy ) Task Force on Promotion and Dissemination of Psychologi- treatment and not to chance or confounding factors such as
cal Procedures (1995; Chambless et al., 1996) and the American passage of time, the effects of psychological assessment, or the
Psychological Association (APA) Task Force on Psychological presence of different types of clients in the various treatment
conditions (see Campbell & Stanley, 1963; Kazdin, 1992). In
our view, efficacy is best demonstrated in randomized clinical
trials (RCTs)group designs in which patients are randomly
Dianne L. Chambless, Department of Psychology, University of North
assigned to the treatment of interest or one or more comparison
Carolina at Chapel Hill; Steven D. Hollon, Department of Psychology,
conditionsor carefully controlled single case experiments and
Vanderbilt University.
their group analogues. This approach has not gone unchallenged.
We thank the members of the Division 12 Task Force on Psychological
Interventions, The Division 12 Task Force on Promotion and Dissemina-
Some argue that statistical controls alone can suffice to draw
tion of Psychological Procedures, and the APA Task Force for Psycholog-
ical Intervention Guidelines for their contributions to the thinking that
shaped this article, along with the many individuals who have provided The term we have elected to use, empirically supported therapies,
feedback on the task forces' efforts. In particular, we acknowledge Paul is deliberately different from empirically validated therapies, the term
Crits-Chrisroph, Robert Elliott, David Haaga, Varda Shoham, and John used by the American Psychological Association Division 12 Task Force
Weisz. (1995), for two reasons: (a) to make clear that the criteria for the two
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dianne labels are different and (b) to avoid the unfortunate connotation, to
L. Chambless, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina, some, of the phrase empirical validation (to wit, that the process of
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3270. Electronic mail may be sent validation has been completed, and no further research is needed on a
to [email protected]. treatment; see Garfield, 1996).

causal inferences (e.g., Seligman, 1995). However, these ap- also important to know whether the mechanisms that underlie an
proaches are so susceptible to model raisspecification and infer- observed effect go beyond the simple consequences of receiving
ential error that any conclusion drawn on their basis must be attention from an interested person or the expectation of change.
tentative indeed. For this reason, we simply have more confi- For this reason, treatments found to be superior to conditions
dence in inferences derived from controlled experimentation that control for such nonspecific processes or to another bona
than those derived from purely correlational analyses, no matter fide treatment are even more highly prized and said to be effica-
how complex. cious and specific in their mechanisms of action. Such findings
As is the case in research in general, replication is critical, have implications for theory, because they increase confidence
particularly replication by an independent investigatory team. in the specific explanatory model on which the treatment is
The requirement of replication helps to protect the field from based, but also for practice, because they suggest that particular
drawing erroneous conclusions based on one aberrant finding. kinds of training and experience may be necessary to produce
Replication by an independent team of investigators also pro- the desired effect.
vides some protection against investigator bias or reliance on Comparisons with other rival interventions can provide the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

findings that prove unique to a particular setting or group of most stringent tests of all, because they not only control for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

therapists. Thus, only when a treatment has been found effica- processes independent of treatment and common to all treat-
cious in at least two studies by independent research teams do ments but may also involve tests between competing specific
we consider its efficacy to have been established and label it mechanisms. Thus, such studies sit atop a hierarchy of increas-
an efficacious treatment. If there is only one study support- ing competitive difficulty and should be at least as informative
ing a treatment's efficacy, or if all of the research has been con- about causal agency as comparisons with no-treatment condi-
ducted by one team, we consider the findings promising but tions or even nonspecific controls. Moreover, such comparisons
would label such treatments as possibly efficacious, pending can provide explicit information regarding the relative benefits
replication. of competing interventions. For this reason, treatments that are
Furthermore, we specify that the efficacy research must have found to be superior to other rival alternative interventions are
been conducted with methods that are adequately sound to jus- more highly valued still.
tify reasonable confidence in the data. No one definition of For ethical reasons, some investigators prefer to compare
sound methodology suffices for all areas of psychological treat- treatments of unproven benefit with established interventions
ment research. Nonetheless, we lay out some of the basic issues for the purpose of demonstrating equivalence. Although this
that evaluators need to consider after a brief description of the design allows the investigator to avoid assigning some clients
overall designs that might be used in treatment research accept- to conditions he or she believes will be inferior, the resultant
able for our purposes. We begin our discussion with a focus on data are inherently difficult to interpret. One concern is that the
group designs because they are more common; we comment evaluator needs to be confident that the established comparison
later on specific issues for single-case experiments. treatment was implemented well in the particular study; other-
Comparisons with no treatment. The fundamental question wise, the unproven treatment will erroneously be deemed effi-
clients presenting for treatment are likely to pose is, ' 'Does the cacious by comparison with a degraded version of the more
treatment you propose for me actually work?" This question is established treatment (Klein, 1996). Another common problem
addressed by the comparison of treatment with some type of is low statistical power. Rarely do psychological treatment re-
minimal or no-treatment condition (e.g., waiting list or assess- searchers have a sufficient number of clients in their study to
ment-only control) in which clients receive the assessment pro- detect medium differences among treatments with statistical
cedures but no significant amount of active treatment. If, in two tests of significance. For example, to have the conventional
or more studies conducted by different research teams, treatment 80% power (Cohen, 1988) for a significance test of a medium
proves more beneficial than no treatment and the findings are difference between two treatment groups, an investigator needs
not contradicted by others (see later section on resolution of approximately 50 clients per condition, a very expensive propo-
conflicting data), we consider the treatment to be efficacious. sition indeed. In contrast, in their meta-analysis of psychological
Obviously, the more replications that have been conducted and treatment outcome research, Kazdin and Bass (1989) found that
the more different settings in which these replications have been the median sample size per treatment condition was 12! For
carried out, the more confidence one has in the findings. Thus, these and other reasons, equivalence is always easier to interpret
we set here a minimum threshold rather than an optimal one. if it occurs in the context of a design that compares the estab-
In this regard, our criteria differ from those originally pro-
posed by the Division 12 task force (1995) in that we do not
require evidence of specificity to consider a treatment effica- We recognize that drugs are typically required to demonstrate speci-
cious. Although evidence that a given treatment is superior to a ficity before they can be brought to market; that is, they must be shown
pill or psychological placebo or to another treatment informs to have a pharmacological effect that transcends the benefits provided
inferences about causal agency, we suggest that it is not neces- by simply believing that one is taking an active medication. We make
no corresponding requirement for psychological treatments. If, as some
sary to demonstrate such specificity for a treatment to be said
theorists suggest, it were ultimately proved that psychological treatments
to have a beneficial effect (cf. Parloff, 1986). Simply put, if a
work solely through shared relational mechanisms (so-called nonspecific
treatment works, for whatever reason, and if this effect can be
effects), it would still be a legitimate enterprise as long as it provided
replicated by multiple independent groups, then the treatment is benefit. This represents something of a double standard but one that
likely to be of value clinically, and a good case can be made reflects the twin notions that drugs are particularly likely to cause nox-
for its use.2 ious side effects and that it is not ethical to deceive people about whether
Comparisons with other treatments or with placebo. It is they are taking a pharmacologically active medication.

lished efficacious treatment with the kinds of control conditions was designed and tested. Thus, we do not ask whether a treat-
against which it was initially established. ment is efficacious; rather, we ask whether it is efficacious for
Whatever qualms we have about interpreting a treatment as a specific problem or population.
efficacious on the basis of null results, we recognize that much In much recent research, the sample is described in terms of
of the psychological treatment research literature falls in this a diagnostic system such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Man-
category. Rogers, Howard, and Vessey (1993) have recom- ual of Mental Disorders (third edition revised; American Psy-
mended a methodology for determining when two groups are chiatric Association, 1987). This approach has a number of
statistically equivalent. This method could (and should) be re- benefits in that it ties treatment research to a large body of
search. Unfortunately, this procedure has yet to find its way into descriptive psychopathology literature based on the same defini-
the treatment outcome literature. Rather than ignore most of the tions, and there are standardized diagnostic interviews that per-
comparative psychological treatment literature, we suggest an mit reliable diagnoses to be made. Moreover, many clinicians
intermediate step: When, in an otherwise sound study, (a) inves- are familiar with this nomenclature because they use this system
tigators have a sample size of 25-30 per condition (thus for their own diagnostic work or billing for third-party payers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

allowing a reasonably stable estimate of the effects of treat- Diagnostic labels, however, are not the only reliable method for
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ment), (b) the unproven treatment is not significantly inferior identifying a population for research. Alternatives include cutoff
to the established efficacious treatment on tests of significance, scores on reliable and valid questionnaires or interviews identi-
and (c) the pattern of the data indicates no trends for the estab- fying the problem or focus of interest. Consider, for example,
lished efficacious treatment to be superior, the treatments may a marital discord prevention program designed for couples plan-
be considered equivalent in efficacy in this study. ning to marry in the subsequent 6 months. Being engaged is
Combination treatments. Finally, the special case of combi- hardly a disease state, but it can be reliably identified. In addition
nation treatments needs to be addressed. A typical study of to a description of the presenting problem, investigators should
combination treatments involves comparison of a multiple com- describe other characteristics of the population that might affect
ponent treatment and one or more of its individual parts (e.g., the generalizability of their findings (e.g., major comorbid con-
medical intervention alone for chronic pain vs. medical interven- ditions included or excluded, age range, and socioeconomic
tion plus psychological treatment). In keeping with our greater status).
emphasis on replication, we do not think that it is necessary to When the sample is described in terms of a diagnostic system,
control for the additional attention and support typically pro- it is highly desirable that the investigators use a structured diag-
vided in a multiple component treatment to conclude that such nostic interview to assign diagnoses and that they demonstrate
combinations are possibly efficacious or established as adjuncts that these diagnoses were reliably made in their study. In many
to medication. However, such controls would be necessary to older studies, this step may have been omitted. Whether such
establish the specificity of that effect. studies are useful depends on the problem in question. Some
A last concern about combination treatment research involves diagnoses are easily made, and their definition has changed little
contrasts among psychological treatment, pharmacotherapy, and over the years (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder), whereas
their combination. A common design has four cells: drug, pla- others are more difficult and unreliable (e.g., generalized anxiety
cebo, psychological treatment plus drug, and psychological disorder). The importance of standardized diagnostic proce-
treatment plus placebo. In cases in which psychological treat- dures increases along with the difficulty of the diagnosis.
ment plus placebo is better than placebo alone, investigators
often indicate that they have demonstrated the efficacy of the
Outcome Assessment
psychological intervention used on its own. Such an assumption
is unwarranted, because it is possible that the effects of psycho- Selection of instruments. Given that we have specified that
logical treatment plus placebo are not simply additive but inter- we want to know whether a treatment is efficacious for a particu-
active. That is, psychological treatment may be potent only in lar problem, it follows that outcome assessment tools need to
combination with the placebo. Consider, for example, the hypo- tap the significant dimensions of that problem. These tools
thetical case of a man with social phobia who agrees to test should have demonstrated reliability and validity in previous
himself in previously avoided situations because the placebo research; reliability of interviewer-rated measures should be
gives him confidence that he will not be too anxious to talk to demonstrated; and interviewers should be uninformed as to the
a woman he is interested in dating. In such a case, exposure treatment group assignment of clients they assess. It is desirable,
instructions would be beneficial, but only in the context of the although not absolutely required, that multiple methods of as-
morale boost from the placebo. Thus, in the absence of a fifth sessment be used, and it is particularly desirable that researchers
cell in which patients receive only psychological treatment, con- not rely solely on self-report.
fident conclusions about the efficacy of the psychological inter- In some areas of research, investigators rely on indexes of
vention are precluded (for a further discussion of these issues, such high face validity that consideration of formal psychomet-
see Hollon & DeRubeis, 1981). ric properties beyond reliability would add little. Examples in-
clude pounds lost and reductions in the frequency of arrests or
days in the hospital. We do not insist on prior validity studies in
Sample Description
such cases. However, for most measures, some explicit attention
In light of the great heterogeneity of problems for which needs to be paid to the construct validity of the measures se-
psychologists provide treatment, we believe that, if psychologi- lected (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955).
cal treatment outcome research is to be informative, researchers Similarly, it is desirable that investigators go beyond assess-
must have clearly defined the population for which the treatment ment of symptoms and examine the effects of treatment on more

general measures of functioning and quality of life. Not all life in the absence of a documentable symptomatic relapse). Investi-
concerns can be reduced to specific signs and symptoms, and gators can conduct multiple analyses in which premature return
treatments may differ with respect to the breadth of their effects. is sometimes ignored, sometimes incorporated into the definition
Moreover, it is important that they consider whether there are of relapse, and sometimes treated as a censoring variable,
negative effects of treatment. In practice, few studies as yet have thereby removing the participant from the pool at risk for relapse
included such measures, but we expect to see more such data (Evans et al., 1992).
emerging in future research. Another major problem with follow-up designs is that they
Follow-up. Information regarding the long-term effects of are particularly susceptible to bias resulting from differential
treatment is highly desirable but difficult to come by. At the retention. In most naturalistic follow-ups, patients not only must
least, it is important to know whether treatment has an enduring complete treatment but must show improvement to be retained
effect and whether different treatments differ with respect to in the sample. If one treatment is more effective than another
their stability over time. Psychological treatments have long been in keeping high-risk patients in treatment or in eliciting their
presumed to have more stable effects than pharmacotherapy, response, then acute treatment can act as a differential sieve that
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

either because they redress underlying propensities that contrib- undermines the effects of initial randomization (Klein, 1996).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ute to risk or because patients acquire stable skills that enable For example, several studies have suggested that patients treated
them to cope better with those underlying vulnerabilities. There to remission with cognitive therapy are about half as likely to
is growing evidence that this may be the case for at least the relapse after treatment termination as patients who respond to
cognitive and cognitive-behavioral interventions (Hollon & pharmacotherapy (Hollon et al., 1991). However, only about
Beck, 1994) and tantalizing evidence that interpersonal psycho- half of the patients initially assigned to treatment both complete
therapy may have a delayed effect on social functioning and and respond to either modality. If high-risk patients need medi-
related symptoms that may not emerge until well after treatment cations to respond and are better able to tolerate their side ef-
has been completed (Fairburn, Jones, Peveler, Hope, & O'Con- fects, then high-risk patients would be systematically screened
nor, 1993; Weissman & Markowitz, 1994). out of cognitive therapy because they did not show improvement.
Nonetheless, follow-up studies are hard to conduct and diffi- Concomitantly, low-risk patients would be systematically
cult to interpret. Patients are typically free to pursue additional screened out of pharmacotherapy because they could not tolerate
treatment if they so desire, and they may do so for a number of the medication. The consequence would be that underlying risk
reasons. They are particularly likely to go back into treatment would no longer be randomly distributed between the treatment
if their symptoms return, but they may also return to treatment conditions, and cognitive therapy's apparent prophylactic effect
for other reasons. Moreover, return to treatment may either pre- could be nothing more than an artifact of its lower capacity to
vent an incipient symptomatic relapse or resolve a problem if retain high-risk patients (Klein, 1996).
it has already started. Thus, it is not clear whedier return to There is no simple resolution to this problem. Lavori (1992)
treatment in the absence of a documentable symptomatic event has recommended retaining all patients initially assigned to
should be considered an index of underlying risk. treatment in the final analysis (intention-to-treat analysis), but
The situation can be further complicated if both treatment it is not clear how to categorize patients who either drop out of
and symptoms status are not assessed in an ongoing fashion treatment or initially fail to respond. Censoring their data from
over time. Without longitudinal assessment, clients' status at the beginning of the follow-up (i.e., ignoring information about
any one point can be misleading. For example, Nicholson and their subsequent course) is functionally equivalent to excluding
Herman (1983) once questioned whether follow-up studies were them from the analysis, whereas treating them as if they exhib-
really necessary because the existing studies so rarely produced ited a symptomatic event at the beginning of the follow-up
evidence of differential stability of effects. What the authors period confounds conceptually different negative outcomes. Nei-
failed to recognize is that differential return to treatment often ther attrition nor nonresponse is functionally equivalent to re-
masks the emergence of differences in the stability of response. lapse or recurrence. They may all be undesirable outcomes, but
Because patients are particularly likely to pursue additional it is likely that they have different causes and consequences.
treatment if symptoms begin to return, and because subsequent Nonetheless, we think it is better to collect these data (and to
treatment may redress those emerging symptoms, simple cross- exercise caution in then- interpretation) than to not collect them
sectional assessments that do not take into account the sequence at all.
of events over time may fail to detect real prophylactic effects. Finally, it is not clear how long naturalistic follow-ups ought
For example, depressed patients treated to remission pharmaco- to be maintained. Any information is likely to have some value,
logically are more likely both to relapse and to seek subsequent but the utility of continuing data collection is likely to reach a
treatment after initial termination than are patients treated to point of diminishing returns. There is no uniform answer to
remission with cognitive therapy, the net effects of which are the question of how long posttreatment follow-ups ought to be
likely to cancel each other out when assessed only cross section- maintained. We suggest that those disorders that tend to follow
ally at periodic intervals (Hollon, Shelton, & Loosen, 1991). a more variable course require longer follow-ups than those that
Strategies that monitor the occurrence of symptomatic events tend to be more stable over time. Similarly, the magnitude of
across time (e.g., survival analyses) provide some protection the potential prophylactic effect is also a consideration; strong
against the potential masking effects of differential treatment effects are likely to require less time to be detected than weak
return (Greenhouse, Stangl, & Bromberg, 1989). Nonetheless, ones, particularly if they are stable over time. Thus, the length
they are not without their own difficulties, because they tend to of the follow-up required is likely to depend on the natural
be low in power and do little to resolve the ambiguity sur- course of the disorder in question and the strength and stability
rounding premature return to treatment (i.e., return to treatment of the treatment effect that is worthy of detection.

Clinical significance. Of great importance, but often ig- fail to impress not because it lacks efficacy but because it was
nored, is an assessment of the clinical significance of treatment poorly implemented as a result of inadequate training or supervi-
response. If a treatment is to be useful for practitioners, it is sion. This is particularly likely to be the case when therapists
not enough for treatment effects to be statistically significant; are new to a modality or have an allegiance to another approach.
they also need to be large enough to be clinically meaningful. For example, despite the evident care that went into training,
Theoretically, it is possible for a small effect to be so robust the recent National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of De-
that it exceeds anything that could be explained by chance alone pression Collaborative Research Program has been criticized for
but still not be of sufficient magnitude to be of value clinically, failing to provide sufficient supervision to ensure that recently
particularly if the sample studied is large. trained cognitive therapists (several of whom had prior alle-
There are a number of ways to assess the clinical significance giances to other approaches) could and would implement that
of an effect. Jacobson and colleagues have developed an ap- modality in a competent fashion (Jacobson & Hollon, 1996a,
proach to assessing clinical significance that defines reliable 1996b).
change in terms of the error of measurement and defines mean- Our concern with therapist training flies in the face of consid-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ingful change in terms of the intersection between functional erable research suggesting that therapist experience contributes
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

and dysfunctional populations; clinical significance is indicated little to outcome (Christensen & Jacobson, 1994). We are skep-
by the proportion of patients who meet both criteria (Jacobson & tical of this literature and the way it is being interpreted. Many
Truax, 1991). Other investigators have compared individual out- of the studies looked at credentials rather than competence or
comes against a normative standard. Procedures for such com- at years of experience in conducting any type of psychological
parisons have been described by Kendall and Grove (1988). treatment versus training in and experience with a specific EST.
For some populations a return to normalcy is a reasonable goal, We would not expect that number of years of experience in
whereas for others (e.g., patients with chronic schizophrenia) administering a minimally beneficial treatment would matter;
it is not. Here, clinical significance might be determined on when there are specific efficacious interventions to learn, how-
the basis of attainment of some other societally or personally ever, we do expect training to matter. Moreover, even the proto-
important goal (e.g., the number of patients able to live in a typic studies in this literature fail to stand up to careful scrutiny.
group home with minimal supervision). The evaluators have For example, Strupp and Hadley's (1979) oft-cited finding that
been urged to report available information on the clinical sig- kindly college professors performed about as well as experi-
nificance of findings. However, we have not raised attainment enced psychodynamic or experiential therapists provides a case
of a particular level of clinical significance to the status of a in point: The college professors were highly selected for their
criterion for ESTs for two reasons. First, authors have only skill in working with the minimally troubled undergraduates
recently begun to provide such data. Second, the issue of how who made up the bulk of the sample, whereas the trained psycho-
much change to require for a given problem is quite complex therapists were not. There is considerable evidence that therapist
(e.g., If spouses who have attended marital therapy do not di- effects are reduced in controlled clinical trials relative to natural-
vorce, is this necessarily a good outcome?), and such a decision istic studies of clinical practice (Crits-Christoph et al., 1991),
is not readily generalized across presenting problems. presumably in part as a result of the greater training and supervi-
sion provided, as well as initial selection of talented therapists.
This is not to say that all types of therapies require trained and
Treatment Implementation
experienced practitioners to produce maximum effect, but there
Treatment manuals. Psychological treatment research is not is evidence that this is true for at least some types of interven-
informative to the field if one does not know what treatment tions and for some populations (e.g., Burns & Nolen-Hoeksema,
was tested; nor can researchers replicate an undefined treatment 1992; Lyons & Woods, 1991; Weisz, Weiss, Han, Granger, &
intervention. For this reason, research projects for which a treat- Morton, 1995).
ment manual was not written and followed are of limited utility The problem is compounded by the fact that there is, at pres-
in terms of assessment of treatment efficacy.3 The exception is a ent, only a rudimentary sense of how best to measure quality
treatment intervention that is relatively simple and is adequately of implementation. Certainly, any such assessment should be
specified in the procedure section of the journal article testing based on actual samples of therapist behavior, but the measure-
its efficacy. ment technologies that will make that possible are only now
Treatments manuals are, at base, a cogent and extensive de- beginning to be developed. It appears to be easier to measure
scription of the treatment approach therapists are to follow. adherence (whether therapists did what they were supposed to
Depending on the type of psychological treatment to be tested, do) than it is to measure competence (how well they did it;
they may contain careful session-by-session outlines of inter- Waltz, Addis, Koemer, & Jacobson, 1993). Research supporting
ventions, or they may describe broad principles and phases of the commonsense notion that therapists' competence should be
treatment with examples of interventions consistent with these related to treatment outcome is beginning to appear (e.g., Bar-
notions. It is unlikely that these manuals will be sufficient in ber, Crits-Christoph, & Luborsky, 1996). However, the use of
themselves. Usually they will need to be supplemented by addi-
tional training and supervision, but they should provide a clear 3
Psychotherapy process research may be less hindered by the lack of
and explicit description of the kinds of techniques and strategies a treatment manual. For example, one could investigate whether the
that constitute the intervention. therapist-client relationship predicts outcome or what therapist behav-
Therapist training and monitoring. It is important to ascer- iors lead to a better working alliance without specifying the nature of
tain whether the treatments provided in a given study were im- the interventions closely. However, our focus in this special section is
plemented in an adequate fashion. A particular intervention may on the effects of treatment rather than the process.

these measures is fairly recent. Accordingly, we have asked eval- the control condition. This argument is specious because the
uators to consider studies in which checks for adherence or favored treatment may have barely met the criterion for signifi-
competence were not conducted but to comment on this cance and the control condition have barely missed it, all in the
drawback. absence of even a trend for the groups to differ significantly.
Investigator allegiance. Both quantitative and qualitative re- Furthermore, we have already described the reasons that uncon-
views have consistently suggested that outcome variability trolled pretest-posttest comparisons do not provide interpret-
across studies is associated with the preferences and expertise able data.
of the respective research teams involved (Luborsky, Singer, & 3. The treatments have different rates of refusal or dropout,
Luborsky, 1975; Robinson, Berman, & Neimeyer, 1990; M. L. but the authors ignore this problem in their data analysis or
Smith & Glass, 1977). That is, any given therapy tends to do interpretation. For example, consider the hypothetical example
better in comparison with other interventions when it is con- of Treatment A, in which 70% of clients improve, and Treatment
ducted by people who are expert in its use than when it is not. B, in which 50% of clients improve. Treatment A would appear
For example, cognitive therapy for panic has fared better (rela- to be more efficacious than Treatment B, unless the authors take
into account that 50% of the clients who entered Treatment A
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tive to pharmacotherapy) when it has been implemented by

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knowledgeable experts (Clark et al., 1994) than when it has dropped out, whereas 10% of those who entered Treatment B
not (Black, Wesner, Bowers, & Gabel, 1993). Conversely, dif- failed to complete treatment. Thus, of the original group that
ferences favoring cognitive therapy over drugs in the treatment started Treatment A, 35% completed treatment and improved,
of depression found in early comparisons have not been evident whereas, of those who began Treatment B, 45% completed treat-
in more recent studies that have done a better job of implement- ment and improved. Whenever there is differential attrition from
ing pharmacotherapy in an adequate fashion (Hollon et al., treatment groups, authors need to conduct such intention-to-
1991). treat analyses in which the outcomes for all individuals who
Our sense is that this has more to do with honest differences were randomized to treatments are examined (see Flick, 1988).
in the capacity of any given research group to adequately imple- 4. The investigators fail to test for therapist or site effects. We
ment multiple interventions than it does with any more malig- have argued that evaluators need to be alert to the possibilities of
nant effort to bias the results. It seems to us that the best way site effects (which include allegiance of investigator effects, as
to deal with this issue is not to try to eliminate allegiances but well as the effects of experience with a given treatment modal-
to balance them. We are particularly impressed by studies in ity ) or inadequate therapist training or monitoring. So do investi-
which each modality is overseen by knowledgeable experts gators. Checks for such effects should be planned as part of the
committed to ensuring its competent implementation. To date, data analyses. Ideally, any given study should involve multiple
the number of such studies is limited. Accordingly, evaluators therapists so as to enhance the generality of the findings, and the
need to be alert to the potential influence of allegiance effects as investigators should test whether the therapists are differentially
they evaluate the findings in a given area of research. Inferences effective. Similarly, tests should be made for site effects before
regarding treatment efficacy can be framed only in the context pooling across settings in multisite studies. In either case, it is
of how the therapy was delivered and by whom. not sufficient to find that these factors fall short of conventional
levels of significance; rather, investigators should relax their
criterion for statistical significance somewhat to make sure that
Data Analysis
they do not inadvertently overlook a potentially confounding
Although the peer review process often ensures that authors variable (Crits-Christoph & Mintz, 1991). Because the inclu-
will have analyzed and interpreted their outcome data appropri- sion of such analyses is relatively recent, we have asked evalua-
ately, we find this is not always the case. For this reason, evalua- tors to consider site and therapist effect analyses as desirable,
tors have been asked to make their own judgments of the results but not required, for efficacy tests.
of each study purporting to demonstrate treatment efficacy.
We have previously mentioned the problem of low statistical
Single-Case Experiments
power, wherein investigators may decide two treatments are
equally efficacious on the basis of nonsignificant statistical tests, In general, the principles we have described for evaluating
even though their sample size is too small to detect differences group design psychological treatment research also apply to
that are clinically important. The following are other typical single-case experiments. In addition, there are special issues to
errors in analysis and interpretation we have observed. consider (see Barlow & Hersen, 1984; Kazdin, 1982).
1. The authors conduct many tests, find one that is significant Establishing a stable baseline. To be able to demonstrate
and advantageous to their favored treatment, and conclude they that a treatment has changed a target behavior, single-case exper-
have demonstrated its superiority (Type I error). This would imenters first need to establish a baseline for that behavior over
be credible only if there were a convincing and a priori rationale a period of time. The baseline serves as the comparison condi-
that this one measure is the critical outcome measure. tion that controls for the effects of assessment and the passage
2. Rather than relying on between-groups comparisons when of time and that, depending on the nature of the baseline (no
examining the efficacy of their favored treatment versus a wait- intervention vs. control intervention), may control for expec-
ing list control or other treatment procedures, the authors (a) tancy, attention, and the like. Often, during baseline, improve-
report the uncontrolled pretest-posttest comparisons; (b) note ment due to one or more of these factors will be noted. The
that the favored treatment showed significant change from base- investigator should implement the treatment of interest only
line, whereas the control condition did not; and (c) conclude once the baseline of the behavior targeted for change is stable
that, therefore, their treatment has been shown to be superior to or indicates deterioration for at least the three assessment points

necessary to establish a linear trend. If the behavior examined before we consider a treatment's efficacy as established (each
is variable (e.g., a client with considerable daily fluctuations in in the absence of conflicting data). If, during the baseline phase
severity of depressed mood), longer baselines are needed to (or phases), the client is engaged in an alternative treatment
establish the pattern of the data before proceeding. controlling for expectancy and attention as well as assessment
Typical acceptable designs. Because the types of single- effects, we consider the effects to be specific.
case experimental designs are limited only by the creativity Interpretation of results. Researchers usually interpret sin-
of the experimenter, it is impossible to enumerate all possible gle-case experiments visually because they are interested in ef-
acceptable designs. However, we mention the most common. fects that are so striking that they are readily convincing to the
1. ABAB design in which A is the baseline condition and B naked eye. Comparisons of active treatment and an assessment-
is the treatment of interest: Once an appropriate baseline is only condition often provide such stark contrasts. Comparisons
established in the first A period, the pattern of the data must among active treatments are not always so obvious. Moreover,
show improvement during the first B period, reversal or leveling the naked eyes of different judges frequently disagree. Accord-
of improvement during the second A period, and resumed im- ingly, statistical procedures have been introduced (e.g., ITSA-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

provement in the second B period. This design provides a power- CORR; Crosbie, 1993), but these procedures require many data
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

ful demonstration that the effects of treatment in B are not due points and have been used in relatively few studies. Given the
to passage of time, changes in the client's life external to the potential for investigator bias, evaluators are urged to carefully
treatment process, or the effects of continued assessment alone. examine data graphs and draw their own conclusions about the
This design can be extended to a similar group design, the efficacy of the intervention.
equivalent time-samples design (Campbell & Stanley, 1963).
According to this design, a single group of participants under-
Resolution of Conflicting Results
goes multiple periods of the active treatment and of the control
condition. When random assignment is used to determine which In the previous sections of this article, we have repeatedly
intervals will contain active treatment and which will contain mentioned the caveat "in the absence of conflicting results,"
the control condition, this design allows a high level of confi- but, of course, conflicting results are not unusual in psychologi-
dence in efficacy data collected within a single group of cal research. Evaluators need to consider the entire body of
participants. controlled research literature on a treatment when they consider
2. Multiple baseline designs: There are several variations on its efficacy. Thus, for example, when we state that the efficacy
this theme, including multiple baselines across behaviors, set- of a treatment has been established if it has been shown to be
tings, and participants. Note that the last is not literally a single better than an assessment-only or waiting list control condition
case design, but we include it here because of its close similarity in two studies conducted by two teams, we do not mean that
to such designs. the threshold is crossed whenever two positive studies appear,
In multiple baseline across behaviors designs, the researcher regardless of the amount of conflicting data available. How are
must identify at least three clinically important behaviors that evaluators to resolve discrepancies?
are relatively independent of one another, that is, behaviors that First, they examine the quality of the conflicting research. If
are not so closely linked that a change in one brings about the well-designed studies point in one direction and the poorly
change in the others without specific intervention for the two designed studies point in another, the well-designed studies
behaviors yet to be targeted. After establishing the initial base- carry the day. Second, in a group of studies of roughly compara-
line for all behaviors, the experimenter must show that Behavior ble methodological rigor, evaluators consider whether the pre-
1 changes when it is the target of treatment, but Behaviors 2 ponderance of studies argue for the treatment's efficacy. When
and 3 remain stable or deteriorate; that Behavior 2 changes the picture is truly mixed, we ask that evaluators be conservative
when and only when it becomes the focus of treatment, whereas and not include the treatment as possibly efficacious or estab-
Behavior 3 remains stable or deteriorates; and that, in turn, lished in efficacy until such time as the factors leading to differ-
Behavior 3 changes once it is included as a treatment focus. ential results can be identified. Third, evaluators are urged to
Multiple baselines across settings target a similar behavior consult meta-analyses while realizing their limitations as well
in several different situations (e.g., home, classroom, and play- as their benefits. These limitations and benefits bear some
ground), whereas multiple baselines across participants involve discussion.
3 different participants rather than three different behaviors. In Meta-analyses can provide useful summaries of large bodies
all cases, the pattern of the data needs to be as described for of empirical studies and provide one means to compensate for
multiple baselines across settings if the data are to be clearly the limited power of individual studies. However, they can also
interpreted. The multiple, linked replications and the timing of obscure qualitative differences in treatment execution. For ex-
change make it highly implausible that assessment effects, the ample, Dobson (1989) found that cognitive therapy outper-
passage of time, or external events in a patient's life are responsi- formed drugs in the treatment of depression by a magnitude of
ble for the pattern of improvement observed. about half a standard deviation (a moderate-sized effect that
Defining efficacy on the basis of single-case experiments. would have real implications for clinical practice) but failed to
Our categorization of the results of single-case experiments, like recognize that the observed effect was largely due to a failure
those of group designs, rests on the number and independence to implement pharmacotherapy adequately in a number of trials
of replications. We consider a treatment to be possibly effica- (Hollon et al., 1991; Meterissian & Bradwejn, 1989). As a
cious if it has proved beneficial to at least 3 participants in general rule, we think it is unwise to rely on meta-analyses
research by a single group. Multiple replications (at least three unless something is known about the quality of the studies that
each) by two or more independent research groups are required have been included and there is confidence in the data.

A number of investigators have tried to deal with concerns logical equivalents were seen as the most powerful bases for
of this kind by quantifying various aspects of design quality and drawing such inferences.
incorporating these features in their analyses (Robinson et al., At the same time, the members of the task force recognized
1990; M. L. Smith & Glass, 1977). One aspect that consistently that there is more to determining whether a treatment has value
predicts variability across studies is the allegiance of the group than demonstrating that it can produce change under controlled
conducting the investigation, a point we have previously men- conditions. They suggested that efforts to construct treatment
tioned. Although we applaud such efforts, we doubt that they guidelines should also take into consideration evidence of treat-
are (as yet) sufficiently sophisticated to capture the complex ment utility or effectiveness, that is, whether the treatment can
interplay of multiple factors that need to be considered when be shown to work in actual clinical practice. There is a growing
evaluating the quality of the studies that make up a given litera- recognition that controlled clinical trials may not capture the
ture. However, even if they were, the important point is that full richness and variability of actual clinical practice and a
meta-analyses do not eliminate the need to make informed judg- concern on the part of some that the very process of randomiza-
ments about the quality of the studies reviewed, and, all too tion may undermine the representativeness of the clinical en-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

often, the people who conduct these analyses know more about counter (e.g., Seligman, 1995). We do not necessarily share
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the quantitative aspects of their task than about the substantive this latter concern, and we believe that randomization (or its
issues that need to be addressed. logical equivalents) affords a particularly compelling means of
testing for causal agency (i.e., whether observed change can be
attributed to the treatment). Furthermore, like Jacobson and
Limitations of Efficacy
Christensen (1996), we believe that often RCTs could them-
A final issue we ask evaluators to consider in describing selves be used to address many of their alleged deficits (e.g.,
a treatment's efficacy straddles the line between efficacy and Do patients randomly assigned to long-term treatment improve
effectiveness research. That is, for whom is the treatment bene- more than those assigned to time-limited treatment?). Nonethe-
ficial? For example, has the treatment been shown to work only less, we recognize that RCTs vary in the generalizability of their
with well-educated clients or with clients from a single ethnic findings. At the effectiveness stage of research, we concur that
group? How does comorbidity affect efficacy? Practitioners of- quasi-experimental and nonexperimental designs can be fruit-
ten mention that research trials do not generalize well to their fully used to address questions of clinical utility (see also Hol-
settings because research samples are vigorously screened to lon, 1996).4
yield pure samples without comorbidity. From our reading of Accordingly, we have asked evaluators to consider the effec-
the literature, this is sometimes true but often not (cf. Wilson, tiveness data for treatments they have determined to be possibly
in press). efficacious or established in efficacy and to include in then-
A related issue concerns the interplay between clients' per- evaluation nonexperimental, quasi-experimental, and fully ex-
sonal characteristics and treatment, that is, Aptitude X Treatment perimental research studies. Note, however; that we address here
interactions (or moderator effects). In this exciting area of re- a particular and, as yet, very limited type of effectiveness re-
search, researchers attempt to identify variables such as person- search: the evaluation in clinical settings of a specified treatment
ality characteristics that may affect reactions to a given treatment already shown in controlled research to be efficacious.
approach. Few consistent moderator effects have yet been estab-
lished, perhaps as a result, in part, of the difficulty inherent 4
Although we frame our discussion in terms of efficacy and effective-
in detecting interaction effects (B. Smith & Sechrest, 1991). ness, we think it unwise to draw too sharp a distinction between these
Nonetheless, there are some intriguing early findings. For exam- terms. Rather, we prefer the more traditional distinction between internal
ple, research by Beutler and colleagues (e.g., Beutler et al., and external validity and note that any given study (or body of literature)
1991) and by Shoham and colleagues (e.g., Shoham, Bootzin, can be evaluated with respect to how informative it is on each dimension.
Rohrbaugh, & Urry, 1995) suggests that clients who are reactant Certain design features, particularly random assignment of participants
(resistant) benefit more from nondirective therapy or paradoxi- to conditions, increase the confidence with which changes observed can
be attributed to the treatment manipulations (internal validity ). Nonethe-
cal interventions than from standard cognitive or behavioral
less, there is no reason why controlled experimentation cannot take place
treatments. Such information is of considerable importance to
in applied clinical settings using fully representative samples of patients
practitioners, who must select among possible beneficial treat-
and therapists, thereby also maximizing external validity. If the goal is
ments for a particular client.
to determine whether a particular treatment works in actual clinical
practice (the question typically asked in effectiveness research), the
Effectiveness most informative design is still an RCT conducted in that setting. Thus,
we think the growing tendency to assume that all efficacy studies lack
In a recent report, the APA Task Force on Psychological Inter- external validity or that effectiveness research must necessarily sacrifice
vention Guidelines (1995) recommended that guidelines for internal controls is unfortunate. At the same time, we recognize that
treatment interventions be evaluated with respect to how closely there are important questions regarding natural variations in patient
characteristics and clinical practices that can best be addressed with
they adhere to empirical evidence speaking to the effects of
purely observational methods and that, for some purposes, rigorous ex-
treatment. In their resultant template, the task force suggested
perimental control is neither necessary nor desirable. However, if the
that the greatest weight be given to the quality of the empirical
goal is to ascribe cause to an effect (i.e., to determine whether a treat-
evidence speaking to treatment efficacy, that is, whether the ment works in actual clinical practice), then the ideal design is one that
observed clinical change can be attributed to the treatment inter- maximizes both internal and external validity. Thus, the most informative
vention. Movement along this efficacy dimension largely corre- designs for our current purposes are studies in which efficacy and effec-
sponded to the notion of internal validity, and RCTs or their tiveness features converge.

Generalizability controlled clinical trials prevent clinicians from using their judg-
ment to tailor treatment to the idiosyncratic needs of their pa-
Generalizability across populations. As defined by the task tients, implying that outcomes should be better in flexible treat-
force, the clinical utility dimension not only incorporates the ment controlled by the practitioner. One of the few studies to
concept of external validity (generalizability) but also encom- examine this issue found that therapists produced better results
passes aspects of feasibility and cost utility. With respect to when they followed a set protocol than when they tried to indi-
external validity, it is useful to consider the extent to which vidualize treatment for each patient (Schulte, Kunzel, Pep-
evidence from efficacy trials is relevant to the kinds of patients ping, & Schulte-Bahrenberg, 1992). Because the kind of therapy
actually seen in clinical practice (cf. Krupnick, Shea, & Elkin, specified by protocol (exposure therapy) may be specifically
1986). For example, there is a widespread belief that the patients efficacious for the phobic patients treated (most of whom met
studied in RCTs are necessarily less complex and easier to treat criteria for agoraphobia), it remains to be seen whether this
than the patients typically encountered in everyday clinical prac- finding will generalize to other types of patients and treatments.
tice. However, this is not necessarily true. Although some RCTs Nonetheless, this study does suggest that idiosyncratic clinical
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

have relied on analogue populations, others have sampled fully intuition may be no better guide to treatment modification than
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

clinical populations. Participants in research trials do tend to be it is to clinical assessment (cf. Wilson, 1996).
selected to be homogeneous with respect to the presence of a All things being equal, those studies that most faithfully re-
particular target problem and are often screened to be free of produce the conditions found in actual clinical practice are most
other more serious comorbid disorders, but inclusion criteria likely to produce findings that generalize to those settings. It is
can be defined in an infinite number of ways. Most studies not only important to know whether a treatment works in con-
adhere to a rough severity hierarchy when defining their exclu- trolled research (efficacy); it is also important to know whether
sionary diagnoses. For example, most studies of depression it works in a clinical setting under naturalistic conditions (effec-
allow patients to be comorbid for personality or anxiety disor- tiveness). However, differences between efficacy and effective-
ders but not schizophrenia, whereas most studies of schizophre- ness can result from any of a number of factors, some of which
nia also allow patients to be comorbid for depression. One need are fixed (e.g., the nature of the populations studied) and some
look no further than the work of Prank et al. (1990) with de- of which are modifiable (e.g., the type of treatment used and the
pressed patients with histories of multiple recurrences or the quality of the training and supervision provided). Naturalistic
work of Linehan et al. with parasuicidal borderline patients studies of actual clinical practice are certainly needed, but con-
(Linehan, Armstrong, Suarez, Allmon, & Heard, 1991) to find trolled trials (or their logical equivalents) are also needed to
examples of controlled clinical trials with extremely difficult determine causal agency. The greater the clinical realism of
populations. There is nothing inherent in the logic of RCIs those controlled trials, the greater their relevance to actual clini-
stating that the samples studied must be free from comorbid cal practice.
disorders or easy to treat. Many studies are done with fully
clinical samples with whom it is extremely challenging to work.
Treatment Feasibility
Generalizability across therapists and settings. One factor
that may boost outcomes in efficacy studies relative to clinical Patient acceptance and compliance. In addition to issues
settings is therapist expertise. Therapists in RCTs often have of generalizability, the task force also recommended that issues
access to a level of training and supervision not typically avail- related to feasibility be considered in evaluations of overall
able to the average practitioner. Moreover, therapists in con- clinical utility. For example, many patients prefer systematic
trolled trials often have the luxury of focusing on a specific desensitization over exposure-based treatments even though the
type of problem that they can approach with a particular clinical latter often work faster, largely because they also tend to generate
intervention. We are intrigued with the development of special- more immediate distress (Masters, Burish, Hollon, & Rimm,
ized clinics for particular presenting problems in the public and 1987). Patients clearly have a right to choose the kind of treat-
private sector and expect that such clinics will be able to offer ment they receive, but clinicians have an obligation to ensure
superior treatment because of their concentrated focus. that their patients know the advantages and disadvantages of the
Another challenge made to the generalizability of findings various options available to them (see Pope & Vasquez, 1991).
from RCTs to clinical settings is the notion that the very act of For example, most patients typically prefer psychological treat-
controlling treatment changes its nature and threatens the practi- ment over drugs in the treatment of depression, even though
cal utility of any findings obtained. Although we recognize the there is little empirical basis for choosing between them. If
legitimacy of this concern (up to a point), we are intrigued anything, the quality of the empirical support for the efficacy
that different commentators seem not to agree as to whether of pharmacotherapy is considerably greater than it is for the
exercising greater control over what goes on in therapy is likely efficacy of psychological treatment (Mufioz, Hollon, McGrath,
to make treatment more or less effective. For example, in their Rehm, & VandenBos, 1994). Likelihood of compliance is also
meta-analytic investigation of treatment benefits in clinical ver- an important issue; many patients fail to benefit from treatments
sus research settings, Weisz, Donenberg, Han, and Weiss (1995) that might otherwise be effective because they are unable or
reported better effects for treatment of children and adolescents unwilling to adhere to the treatment regimen.
in research settings than in clinical settings, and they tested a Ease of dissemination. Similarly, there are issues with re-
number of reasons why this might be the case (e.g., less dis- spect to ease of dissemination. Even highly efficacious treat-
turbed patients in research settings and more frequent use of ments are unlikely to be implemented if few people in clinical
behavioral treatment methods in such settings). Persons (1991), practice are competent to provide them. In this regard, it was
on the other hand, has argued that the constraints imposed by disconcerting to learn that many clinical training programs and

internships largely ignore those treatments that have been empir- after treatment termination (Fairbum et al., 1993). More than
ically validated in favor of more traditional but less systemati- a year later, patients previously treated with interpersonal psy-
cally evaluated approaches to treatment (Crits-Christoph, Frank, chotherapy were found to be doing as least as well as patients
Chambless, Brody, & Karp, 1995). By way of contrast, when initially treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (who tended
surveys of pharmacological practice revealed that many patients to maintain their gains) and considerably better than patients
were either undermedicated (Keller et al., 1986) or being treated initially treated with behavior therapy alone (who were particu-
with the wrong drug (Wells, Katon, Rogers, & Camp, 1994), larly likely to relapse). This suggests that there may be an
organized psychiatry responded with greater efforts at profes- inverse relation between the exclusivity with which a treatment
sional education (Regier et al., 1988) and the promulgation of focuses on immediate symptoms resolution and the stability and
practice guidelines (American Psychiatric Association, 1993a, breadth of the changes it obtains (Hollon, 1996). Regardless of
1993b; Depression Guideline Panel, 1993). Unfortunately, the the accuracy of this speculation, it clearly behooves evaluators
response among the advocates of the more traditional psycho- of the literature to consider the relative costs and benefits of
therapies has all too often been to dismiss the need for controlled treatments not only in the short run but across the full life course
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

clinical trials. We think that such a strategy is short sighted. of the patient, to the extent that the available information will
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Although we suspect that many of the largely untested strategies allow.

in current clinical practice would fare well in such trials, the
time is rapidly approaching when unsystematic clinical impres- Conclusions
sions will no longer suffice to document a treatment's value,
particularly when alternative treatments such as the pharmaco- We have touched on a great many issues of considerable
therapies exist that have been subjected to more rigorous empiri- complexity. On one hand, this will give readers a sense of the
cal scrutiny. magnitude of the task that the evaluators undertook. On the
At the same time, treatments that are straightforward and other hand, we may have raised as many questions as we have
easier to learn are more likely to be disseminated to the larger answered, given the brevity of our coverage. We hope, in this
practice community. For example, Jacobson and colleagues re- case, that the references we have provided will be of assistance.
cently found that the simple behavioral activation component of Necessarily, we have provided our view of important vari-
cognitive therapy for depression was as effective as the full ables to consider in evaluating psychological treatment research,
treatment package in which it is typically embedded (Jacobson and others, including this special section's evaluators, might
et al., 1996). If this finding is valid, it could revive interest in find much cause for disagreement. In particular, we recognize
more purely behavioral approaches to depression, because they that not all would agree that randomized controlled clinical
are typically easier to master than the more complex cognitive trials or their logical equivalents (e.g., single case experiments)
interventions. All things being equal, one would expect that a represent the best (although not the only) means of detecting
simpler treatment intervention would be easier to disseminate causal agency or that efficacy takes priority over effectiveness.
than one that is more complex. Of course, all things are not Similarly, we expect that some will disagree with our decision
necessarily equal, and existing proclivities and preferences may not to require evidence of specificity to consider a treatment as
slow the penetration of even the simplest and most effective efficacious. For this reason, although authors in this special
of treatments. Nonetheless, evaluators should be alert to those section have been asked to start their reviews by examining the
treatments that lend themselves to ease of dissemination either literature on the basis of the criteria we have delineated, they
because they correspond to existing practices and predilections have also been invited to raise points of disagreement and to
or because they are inherently less complex and easier to master. extend their reviews according to their own criteria. We hope
that this will make for stimulating reading.

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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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Summary of Criteria for Empirically Supported Psychological Therapies

1. Comparison with a no-treatment control group, alternative treat- If there is conflicting evidence, the preponderance of the well-controlled
ment group, or placebo (a) in a randomized control trial, controlled data must support the EST's efficacy.
single case experiment, or equivalent time-samples design and (b) in 4. For a designation of possibly efficacious, one study (sample size
which the EST is statistically significantly superior to no treatment, of 3 or more in the case of single case experiments) suffices in the
placebo, or alternative treatments or in which the EST is equivalent to absence of conflicting evidence.
a treatment already established in efficacy, and power is sufficient to 5. For a designation of efficacious and specific, the EST must have
detect moderate differences. been shown to be statistically significantly superior to pill or psychologi-
2. These studies must have been conducted with (a) a treatment cal placebo or to an alternative bona fide treatment in at least two
manual or its logical equivalent; (b) a population, treated for specified independent research settings. If there is conflicting evidence, the pre-
problems, for whom inclusion criteria have been delineated in a reliable, ponderance of the well-controlled data must support the EST's efficacy
valid manner; (c) reliable and valid outcome assessment measures, at and specificity.
minimum tapping the problems targeted for change; and (d) appropriate
data analysis.
3. For a designation of efficacious, the superiority of the EST must Received October 14, 1996
have been shown in at least two independent research settings (sample Revision received March 1, 1997
size of 3 or more at each site in the case of single case experiments). Accepted March 17, 1997

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