Identifying Causal Mechanisms of Change

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Received: 28 September 2021 Accepted: 4 November 2021

DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2687


Identifying causal mechanisms in psychotherapy: What can we

learn from causal mediation analysis?

Hugo Hesser1,2

School of Law, Psychology and Social Work,
Center for Health and Medical Psychology, Abstract
Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden Despite widespread interest in the development of process-based psychotherapies,
Department of Behavioural Sciences and
little is still known about the underlying processes that underpin our most effective
Learning, Linköping University, Linköping,
Sweden therapies. Statistical mediation analysis is a commonly used analytical method to
evaluate how, or by which processes, a therapy causes change in an outcome. Causal
Hugo Hesser, School of Law, Psychology and mediation analysis (CMA) represents a new advancement in mediation analysis that
Social Work, Örebro University, SE-701
employs causally defined direct and indirect effects based on potential outcomes.
82 Örebro, Sweden.
Email: [email protected] These novel ideas and analytical techniques have been characterized as revolutionary
in epidemiology and biostatistics, although they are not (yet) widely known among
researchers in clinical psychology. In this paper, I outline the fundamental concepts
underlying CMA, clarify the differences between the CMA approach and the tradi-
tional approach to mediation, and identify two important data analytical aspects that
have been emphasized as a result of these recent advancements. To illustrate the key
ideas, assumptions, and mathematical definitions intuitively, an applied clinical exam-
ple from a previously published randomized controlled trial is used. CMA's main con-
tributions are discussed, as well as some of the key challenges. Finally, it is argued
that the most significant contribution of CMA is the formalization of mediation in a
unified causal framework with clear assumptions.

causal analysis, mediation analysis, methods, potential outcomes, psychotherapy

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N which these therapies achieve their effects (Cuijpers et al., 2019;

Kazdin, 2007).
Fundamental to any good clinical evaluation is to ask and evaluate In a clinical experimental setting (e.g., randomized clinical trial
theory-driven questions such as “By which mechanisms, or processes [RCT]), statistical mediation analysis aims to uncover the causal path-
of change, does the treatment work?” “What specific components ways by which an independent variable (treatment vs. control) influ-
are responsible for activating such processes” and “Under which cir- ences a dependent variable through one (or more) mediator variable(s)
cumstances, or for whom, are these processes activated to such an (MacKinnon, 2008). In combination with a solid research design and
extent that they produce change in the outcome.” While a number substantive theory, mediation analysis can be an important analytic
of different psychotherapy approaches are known to produce posi- method to test (causal) theories on how a treatment produces change
tive and clinically meaningful effects for a wide variety of clinical in an outcome (Judd & Kenny, 1981). The motives for conducting
conditions, little is still known about the underlying processes by mediation within treatment evaluations are multiple as it can provide

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
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© 2021 The Author. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Clin Psychol Psychother. 2021;1–9. 1


important clues to how we can refine our treatments to be able to

pinpoint the active ingredients in better way or understand why a
Key Practitioner Message
treatment failed to produce a change in the outcome (Judd &
• Understanding why and how psychotherapy works is criti-
Kenny, 1981; MacKinnon, 2008; VanderWeele, 2015). Over time,
cal for treatment and theory development.
information gained from mediation analysis can be used to enhance,
• Mediation analysis is a data analytical technique used to
modify, or develop new treatment procedures or to eliminate compo-
address why-questions in clinical trials by identifying
nents that are unnecessary (or even counterproductive).
mediators; nevertheless, it is fraught with methodological
Mediation analysis has a long history dating back to (at least) the
1950s (see Kenny, 2008; MacKinnon, 2008) and the number of arti-
• Recent advances in mediation analysis provide clinical
cles on mediation analysis that have been published in clinical psy-
psychology researchers with methods to rigorously evalu-
chology journals over the years demonstrates the enormous interest
ate mediation under clear (but strong) assumptions.
in providing an in-depth theoretical understanding of how our treat-
ments work. Recent papers published in Clinical Psychology & Psycho-
therapy, for example, have employed mediation analysis to answer a
number of theory-driven and clinically relevant causal questions: Does developed. In addition, since these methods have mainly been pro-
cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder work by alter- moted in technical papers published in statistical journals, many
ing cognitive distortions (O'Toole et al., 2015)? Is the effect of applied researchers may find the CMA literature difficult to penetrate.
internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy on obsessive compul- In this paper, I provide a brief introduction to CMA based on the
sive symptoms achieved by altering believes about obsessions potential outcomes framework and offer thoughts on how these new
(Andersson et al., 2015)? Does an add-on dialectical behaviour ideas can inform the statistical practices of mediation analysis in RCTs.
therapy-skills training for individuals with borderline personality disor- I will not go into technical details, nor is the article intended to be
der work by modifying assertive anger (Kramer et al., 2016)? Is the comprehensive given the topic's complexity, but interested readers
effect of internet-delivered emotion-regulation and conflict manage- are referred to sources cited throughout for a more in-depth treat-
ment training on emotional partner abuse achieved through a change ment of CMA. To help illustrate the key ideas intuitively, throughout
in emotion-regulation skills (Hesser et al., 2017)? the paper, I will use an applied example from an RCT in which individ-
Given the recent promotion of processes-based therapies within uals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were randomized to an
psychotherapy (Hofmann & Hayes, 2019), the interest in mediation exposure-based cognitive behavioural therapy or to a control condi-
analysis is unlikely to wane in the coming years. However, mediation, tion (the same treatment without the exposure element) (see for more
as a model describing a causal pathway by which the treatment casu- tsson et al., 2014).
details about the study, Hesser et al., 2018; Ljo
ally influences the mediator, which, in turn, influences the outcome, Given prior theoretical and empirical evidence, it was postulated that
presents a number of challenges that have proven difficult to over- IBS-specific avoidance would serve as a key mediator of the effect of
come, both analytically and conceptually. In fact, several fundamental exposure on IBS-symptoms (primary outcome). Thus, the purpose of
concerns have been raised that are often overlooked by researchers the mediation analysis is to evaluate the causal effect of the exposure
conducting mediation analysis (Bullock et al., 2010; Kline, 2015; treatment on change in IBS-symptoms through its effect on change in
Spencer et al., 2005; Tate, 2015). IBS-specific avoidance. Throughout, I will refer to the binary treat-
At the same time, methods for improving estimation and infer- ment variable, T, the continuous avoidance mediator variable, M, and
ences for mediation continue to develop (e.g., Kraemer et al., 2008; the continuous IBS-symptom outcome variable, Y.
MacKinnon, 2008; Preacher, 2015; Shrout & Bolger, 2002). These
advancements in mediation analysis also include seminal methodologi-
cal work in the field of causal modelling using the potential outcomes 2 | THE POTENTIAL OUTCOMES
framework (e.g., Imai et al., 2010; Jo, 2008; Pearl, 2014; Valeri & FR A M E WO RK F O R C A U SA L I N F E R EN C E
VanderWeele, 2013). Several new analytical methods, known collo-
quially as causal mediation analysis (CMA) (Imai et al., 2010; Muthén & Within biostatistics, causal inferences are often couched within the
Asparouhov, 2015), have been developed using this framework. In potential outcomes framework (aka. the counterfactual framework or
fact, the major ideas emanating from this work have even been Rubin's causal model) where the assumptions underlying analysis
described as revolutionary by some scholars because they offer new can be made explicit for the identification of causal quantities
analytical tools that allow for the estimation of causal quantities, (Rubin, 1974, 2005). In this framework, we need to consider not only
which are of critical importance for science (Glymour & Hamad, 2018; the actual realized outcome under one treatment condition but also
Hernán, 2018; Pearl & Mackenzie, 2018). Yet these advancements all the unrealized potential outcomes (counterfactual outcomes) under
have been slow to reach intervention researchers in psychology, all conditions. Using the potential outcomes framework, the effect of
including researchers doing clinical treatment evaluations. Part of the exposure-based treatment T = 1 (vs. the control condition T = 0) on
reason is that many clinical psychology researchers are unfamiliar with the post-treatment outcome Y for a specific individual i can be
the statistical causal framework within which these methods were expressed as the difference between the outcomes, Y i ð1Þ  Y i ð0Þ,

where Y i ð1Þ and Y i ð0Þ denote the outcome the individual would take mechanisms. Consider Figure 1 that depicts a path model from a RCT
if exposed to treatment and control, respectively. Thus, the unit-level with a single mediator, where T represents the binary treatment vari-
causal effect of the exposure-based treatment can be expressed as able (1 = treatment, 0 = control), M the continuous mediator, and
the difference in the IBS symptoms between exposure, Y i ð1Þ, and Y the continuous outcome. The most common analytical approach to
control, Y i ð0Þ. statistical mediation analysis in psychology (henceforth referred to as
The problem, which was referred to by Holland as the “funda- the traditional approach) quantifies the indirect effect using the prod-
mental problem of causal inference” (Holland, 1986, p. 947), is that uct of two regression coefficients (Hayes, 2017; MacKinnon, 2008;
for any individual, only one of the two potential outcomes can be Preacher, 2015; Shrout & Bolger, 2002). Here, the product of regres-
observed, and thus, even randomized experiments cannot identify the sion coefficient, a, the effect of T on M, and, b, the effect of the M on
unit-level causal effect. For a participant allocated to exposure treat- Y, adjusted for T, is the indirect, mediated effect; coefficient c0 repre-
ment, for example, we obtain the observed value of the outcome sents the effect of T on Y, adjusted for M (see Figure 1) and is the
under treatment, Y i ð1Þ, whereas the outcome that would have been direct effect. In psychology, these coefficients are usually obtained by
realized under control is unobserved, Y i ð0Þ. Thus, from this perspec- estimating two separate ordinary least squares linear regression
tive, causal inference can be viewed as a missing data problem where models, one for the mediator and one for the outcome, or by estimat-
we need to make assumptions to be able to estimate unobserved out- ing all of them jointly using structural equation modelling (SEM).
comes in a reasonably way (Rubin, 1974). This also means that even While significant advancements in estimation and inferential
though the causal effect is defined at the individual level, the effect techniques have been achieved using the traditional approach
can only be identified and estimated using multiple individuals. We (e.g., Preacher, 2015; Shrout & Bolger, 2002), less emphasis has been
can, however, identify and estimate the average causal effect (ACE), placed on causal assumptions (although, see, e.g., Judd &
which we can define, using expectations, as ACE ¼ E½Y i ð1Þ  Y i ð0Þ: Kenny, 1981). A common misconception among researchers is that
In addition to making sure that there is no interference among randomization of individuals to treatment conditions ensures the
individuals in a treatment trial, randomization of individuals to condi- validity of the statistical mediation analysis; it is noteworthy, however,
tions is the key to provide an unbiased ACE, as this ensures, in expec- that it was shown and emphasized early that both direct and indirect
tation, that treatment and control conditions are balanced on effects do not represent causal quantities (in the same sense as ACE),
pretreatment covariates that may serve as confounders. That is, when even if individuals are randomly assigned to treatment conditions
treatment can be randomly assigned, the observed quantities can be (Holland, 1988; Judd & Kenny, 1981). Additional assumptions are
used for those unobserved, opining up for making causal inference at always needed, and the CMA movement has been important in clari-
the average, solely based on observed data. In other words, the way fying the causal assumptions that underpin both the traditional and
in which individuals get assigned treatment is critical and randomiza- modern approaches to mediation (Imai et al., 2010; Jo, 2008).
tion is one method that provides valid estimates of the unobserved The potential outcomes framework has been extended to media-
potential outcomes needed to obtain an unbiased ACE. More formally, tion, within which potential outcomes can be used to define direct
this means that T is statistically independent of potential outcomes
(aka. ignorability of treatment assignment assumption). These ideas
will be important when we extend our model to an intermediate vari-
able, that is, a mediator. When working with a continuous outcome,
the ACE can simply be identified by the posttreatment observed mean
difference between treatment and control. As individuals were
randomized to conditions in the IBS-trial, the ACE would be reflected
in the posttreatment mean difference of IBS-symptoms between


I N D I R E C T ( M E D I A T E D ) E F F E C T S BA S E D O N

Mediation, as an analysis that aim to uncover the variable(s) that

explains the total effect transmitted from the treatment variable to
the dependent variable, decomposes the ACE into two parts: direct
F I G U R E 1 A conceptual model of mediation showing the
effect and indirect effect. An indirect effect can be thought of as the
mediated pathway (bolded paths) from the binary treatment variable
part of the treatment effect on the outcome due to a change in the
(T) to the continuous outcome (Y) via the continuous mediator (M).
mediator, whereas the direct effect is the “residual” effect that is not The MT variable represents the product of M and T; C is an
transmitted via the mediator but works through other potential unmeasured (latent) confounder influencing both M and Y

and indirect effects. To define these quantities at the individual level, definition of the indirect effect captures the following key causal
we need now also consider the potential outcomes as a function of (counterfactual) question: What change in IBS-symptoms would occur
the values of the mediator under both treatment and control condi- if one changed the level of avoidance that would be realized under
tions. In the IBS-trial example, we need to consider the mediator control condition, Mi ð0Þ, to the level that would be observed under
values for IBS-specific avoidance under the two conditions. Suppose treatment, Mi ð1Þ, while holding constant treatment assignment at t?
we use Mi ð1Þ and Mi ð0Þ to indicate potential avoidance mediator Clearly, when treatment has no effect on avoidance, that is,
values for individual i under the exposure-based treatment and con- Mi ð0Þ ¼ Mi ð1Þ, then the mediated effect is zero. In this way, the defini-
trol, respectively. As with the potential outcomes, only one of two tion formalizes the commonly held intuitive notions about mediation.
potential mediator values is realized. For example, if an individual is Using this definition, there are two indirect effects, one in each
randomized to control, we observe Mi ð0Þ but not Mi ð1Þ. To define condition: the indirect effect in control (aka. pure natural indirect
direct and indirect effects, we need to extend our causal model by effect [PNIE]) and treatment (aka. total natural indirect effect [TNIE]).
considering potential outcomes not only as a function of treatment When these two differ, we have a non-zero interaction between
but also as a function of both treatment and the mediator values. For- treatment and mediator on the outcome (an important point that I will
mally, we define potential outcomes with Y i ðt, mÞ representing the return to). The same logic applies to the direct effect, which can be
outcome that would occur if the treatment variable T i and the media- defined as Y i ð1, Mi ðtÞÞ – Y i ð0, Mi ðtÞÞ (Imai et al., 2010). Here, the medi-
tor variable Mi had the value t and m, respectively (Imai et al., 2010). ator values, rather than treatment, are held constant. Like the indirect
For example, in the IBS-trial, Y i ð1,45Þ represents the level of IBS- effects, two direct effects are obtained: the direct effect in control
symptoms that would be observed had an individual i been allocated (aka. pure natural direct effect [PNDE]) and treatment (aka. total natu-
to treatment and obtained an avoidance score of 45. ral direct effect [TNDE]). For t ¼ 1, in the IBS-trial, for example, the
Table 1 includes all the potential outcomes combinations for equation represents the effect of exposure-based treatment on an
t = 1 or 0, along with associated causally defined direct and indirect individual's IBS-symptoms, while holding the level of his or her IBS-
effects. For example, Y i ð1,Mi ð0ÞÞ refers to the potential value of the specific avoidance constant at the level that would be realized under
outcome for individual i who is allocated to the treatment but takes treatment. Importantly, these definitions of direct and indirect effects
on a value of the mediator that would be realized under the control. also allow us to decompose the total effect (TE) in two ways: TE ¼
In the IBS-trial, this represents the IBS-symptoms level that would TNIE þ PNDE or TE ¼ PNIE þ TNDE: In the continuous case, however,
occur if the individual was in the exposure-based treatment but had assuming no mediator by treatment interaction, a single decomposi-
taken the avoidance level that would result under control. Clearly, this tion of the TE into direct and indirect effects is achieved, since these
combination of values is impossible to observe in practice as we can- quantities do not differ across conditions in such a situation
not observe the mediator value an individual would have taken in con- (i.e., TNIE ¼ PNIE, TNDE ¼ PNDE).
trol if, in fact, the individual was assigned to treatment. Thus, these Of course, as with ACE, these causally defined effects are not
are purely contrafactual (unobservable) outcomes, but are required for possible to estimate at the individual level, and thus, we normally express
defining the direct and indirect effects. all these causal quantities using averages (expectations) as follows:
Using aforementioned notations, we can then formally define the
indirect effect as Y i ðt, Mi ð1ÞÞ – Y i ðt, Mi ð0ÞÞ for t = 1 or 0 (Imai TNIE ¼ E½Y i ð1, Mi ð1ÞÞ  E½Y i ð1, Mi ð0ÞÞ
et al., 2010). This can be understood as the difference between the
potential value of the outcome under the two conditions where indi- PNIE ¼ E½Y i ð0,Mi ð1ÞÞ  E½Y i ð0,Mi ð0ÞÞ
vidual i with a treatment status of t takes on values for the mediator
of Mi ð1Þ and Mi ð0Þ under the treatment and control, respectively. By TNDE ¼ E½Y i ð1,Mi ð1ÞÞ  E½Y i ð0,Mi ð1ÞÞ
holding constant t, the indirect effect represents the change in the
outcome purely due to a change in mediator values. In the IBS-trial PNDE ¼ E½Y i ð1,Mi ð0ÞÞ  E½Y i ð0,Mi ð0ÞÞ
example, this quantity represents the causal effect on IBS-symptoms
due to the change in avoidance induced by the treatment. The formal TE ¼ E½Y i ð1, Mi ð1ÞÞ  E½Y i ð0, Mi ð0ÞÞ

TABLE 1 Casually defined direct and indirect effects based on potential outcomes Y i ðt, mÞ for a binary treatment variable (t = 0 or 1)

Y i ð1, Mi ðtÞÞ Y i ð0,Mi ðtÞÞ direct effect ¼ Y i ð1,Mi ðtÞÞ – Y i ð0,Mi ðtÞÞ
Y i ð1, Mi ð1ÞÞ Y i ð0, Mi ð1ÞÞ TNDE ¼ Y i ð1, Mi ð1ÞÞ – Y i ð0, Mi ð1ÞÞ
Y i ð1, Mi ð0ÞÞ Y i ð0, Mi ð0ÞÞ PNDE ¼ Y i ð1, Mi ð0ÞÞ – Y i ð0, Mi ð0ÞÞ
indirect effect ¼ Y i ðt, Mi ð1ÞÞ – Y i ðt,Mi ð0ÞÞ
TNIE ¼ Y i ð1, Mi ð1ÞÞ – Y i ð1, Mi ð0ÞÞ PNIE ¼ Y i ð0, Mi ð1ÞÞ – Y i ð0, Mi ð0ÞÞ

Note: PNDE, pure natural direct effect; PNIE, pure natural indirect effect; TNDE, total natural direct effect; TNIE, total natural indirect effect.

Valeri and VanderWeele (2013) have clarified the four general (e.g., non-linear models) (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2015). Moreover, in
assumptions required for providing a causal interpretation of indirect the case of continuous M and Y, ordinary least squares linear regres-
and direct effects as defined above: (i) no unmeasured treatment- sion analysis can be used to obtain the unobserved potential out-
outcome confounders; (ii) no unmeasured mediator-outcome con- comes needed to estimate causally defined direct and indirect effects
founders; (iii) no unmeasured treatment-mediator confounders; and (MacKinnon et al., 2020; Valeri & VanderWeele, 2013), so in many
(iv) no measured or unmeasured mediator-outcome confounders scenarios, there is no need to turn to more advanced methods. This
affected by treatment. When treatment conditions are randomized, raises the question of whether CMA brings something new to the
assumptions (i) and (iii) are generally satisfied, whereas (ii) and (iv) are table. In this section, I discuss two data analytical aspects that, I
not. The essence of these ideas can also be condensed into a single believe, have been (re-)emphasized as a result of the CMA movement.
assumption, the assumption of sequential ignorability, which is also a
key assumption on which the traditional approach depend (Imai
et al., 2010; Jo, 2008). This assumption, in turn, consists of two igno- 4.1 | Consider mediator, outcome confounding
rability assumptions that are assessed sequentially (hence the name).
In addition to assuming that treatment assignment is ignorable (i.e., is Arguably, and as previously discussed, one of the biggest challenges
statistically independent of potential outcomes and mediator values), with doing mediation analysis in an RCT is that the mediator values
the assumption states that after adjustment for observed pre- are rarely randomized, and thus, individuals can self-select into differ-
treatment covariates and observed treatment, assignment of mediator ent values of the mediator (Imai et al., 2010; MacKinnon &
values is also essentially random (i.e., is ignorable) (Imai et al., 2010). In Pirlott, 2015). This opens for unmeasured confounders when we con-
the IBS-trial, the randomization of individuals to conditions does not dition on the mediator (in, for example, a regression model). Figure 1
ensure the second part of the assumption as the posttreatment level illustrates an unmeasured (latent) mediator-outcome cofounder with
of avoidance is not randomly assigned by the researcher. In other the variable affecting both the mediator and outcome. As stated pre-
words, people who decreased their level of avoidance to a significant viously, while mediator-outcome confounding was highlighted early in
amount (i.e., improved) may have different characteristics than those the mediation literature, this is often, incorrectly assumed, to be less
who did not alter their level of avoidance to the same extent. As a of an issue in an experiment in which individuals are randomized.
result, if we are interested in comparing their outcomes, as we are in Thus, researchers need to be made aware of this issue and carefully
mediation analysis, we cannot rule out the possibility that any differ- consider mediator-outcome confounding, even in RCTs. Two analyti-
ence observed in outcomes is attributable to variations in characteris- cal aspects are important to consider, both of which have been
tics rather than differences in mediator values. To satisfy the second highlighted by CMA methodologists. First, researcher interested in
part of the assumption, we need to assume that among IBS- doing mediation analysis need to consider potential (pretreatment)
individuals with the same treatment status and pretreatment charac- confounders that are relevant for their study, measure them, and
teristics, the mediator values can be regarded as if they were random- include them in the analysis as observed covariates (in both the medi-
ized. Thus, it is a very strong assumption that need to be recognized ator and outcome regression). This requires careful thought in
among researchers doing mediation analysis. Is important to note that advance and substantive knowledge in the research area in which the
even when both treatment assignment and mediator values can be study is conducted.
randomly assigned by the researcher, the sequential ignorability Second, given that is unlikely that researchers can identify and
assumption may still be violated (e.g., in the case of non-zero treat- correctly measures all potential confounders in a treatment trial, it is
ment mediator interaction). In fact, this point is often missed as the often recommended that a sensitivity analysis be performed to test
sequential ignorability assumption is sometimes incorrectly inter- the robustness of the findings to violations to the no mediator-
preted as simply the no-admitted variable assumption, and CMA outcome confounding assumption (Imai et al., 2010;
methodologists have been instrumental in highlighting this essential VanderWeele, 2015). Several sensitivity analyses have been devel-
aspect (Imai et al., 2010; Valeri & VanderWeele, 2013). oped, but one proposed method is to fix the residual correlation
between mediator and outcome at different values to see how this
influences the findings (e.g., indirect effect) (Imai et al., 2010). The
4 | T W O WA Y S CM A C A N I M P R O V E basic idea is that correlation between residuals (assumed to be zero
M E D I A T I ON A N A L Y S I S I N R C T S under sequential ignorability) captures unmeasured confounders that
affect both M and Y (see Figure 1). If the results (e.g., estimate, sign,
CMA appears to be a very different approach to mediation than and significance) do not change substantially with a high fixed residual
the traditional one. However, working with a single continuous correlation that is taken as evidence for that (unmeasured) con-
mediator and outcome in an RCT, it can be shown the two approaches founders are unlikely to alter the conclusion. Imai et al. (2010, p. 315)
produce the same results and also work under the same causal clarified the overall aim in the following way: “The goal of sensitivity
assumptions (MacKinnon et al., 2020). In fact, in many cases, analysis is to quantify the degree to which the key identification
the effects presented within CMA coincide with the effects assumption must be violated for a researcher's original conclusion to
of the traditional approach, with some important exceptions be reversed. If an inference is sensitive, a slight violation of the

assumption may lead to substantively different conclusions.” They the model given that most studies have low statistical power of identi-
went on stating that “Given the importance of sequential ignorability, fying interactions, and non-statistically significant, but non-zero inter-
we argue that a mediation analysis is not complete without a sensitiv- actions can alter the estimate of the indirect effect (MacKinnon
ity analysis.” This is regrettably rarely done in practice as many et al., 2020; VanderWeele, 2015). Thus, a general recommendation is
assume that randomization to treatment protects against unmeasured to include the interaction to examine the impact on the mediated
confounders (see for a recent exception in a clinical trial, Wahlund effect as a sensitivity analysis.
et al., 2021). More broadly, researcher should always consider the boundary
conditions for mediated effects. In addition to the mediator by treat-
ment interaction highlighted by CMA methodologists, other theory-
4.2 | Consider including the mediator by treatment driven interactions are also potentially of importance. The traditional
interaction and examining boundary conditions of the approach to mediation has also emphasized the key idea of combing
mediated effect mediation and moderation in informative ways (Hayes, 2017;
Morgan-Lopez & MacKinnon, 2006; Preacher et al., 2007). In fact,
Another assumption, which is often overlooked in the traditional early seminal work made a point of discussing mediation and modera-
approach, is that the association between mediator and outcome tion together (Baron & Kenny, 1986; Judd & Kenny, 1981). Despite
should be homogenous across treatment and control conditions. In this, potentially important interactions are rarely considered in media-
other words, the interaction between treatment and mediator on tion analysis of RCTs evaluating psychological treatments. For exam-
outcome should be zero. Using the traditional approach, the ple, an potentially important conditional process model is the baseline
assumption if often assumed, although there may be both substan- mediator-by-treatment interaction model (MacKinnon, 2008;
tive and methodological reasons to why this may not be the case MacKinnon et al., 2007, pp. 606–607). In this model, the baseline
(see Judd & Kenny, 1981; Kraemer et al., 2008; MacKinnon mediator serves as the moderator of the effect of the treatment on
et al., 2020). As pointed out by VanderWeele (Valeri & the mediator (assessed at later time point). This model may be espe-
VanderWeele, 2013; VanderWeele, 2015), while this interaction was cially important to consider in intervention research as it is reasonable
emphasized early (Judd & Kenny, 1981), it was omitted from one to assume that mediated effects are stronger for individuals who are
seminal, widely cited article on mediation (Baron & Kenny, 1986), functioning poorly on the mediator at intake due to fact that the
possibly leaving many researchers ignorant of this assumption. This treatment will most likely produce a more pronounced effect on the
interaction is, however, included in CMA (and corresponds to the mediator in this subpopulation, assuming that the postulated action
difference between PNIE and TNIE), and mediation effects may be theory is correct (Hesser et al., 2018; MacKinnon, 2008; MacKinnon
missed when there is non-zero interaction and the term is not et al., 2007). In that way, these conditional process analyses not only
included in the model (MacKinnon et al., 2020; VanderWeele, 2015). provide strong tests of theory, but also clues to whom our theory-
Figure 1 illustrates the mediator by treatment interaction effect as the driven interventions are best suited for. Thus, including interactions in
h-path from MT to Y. In this IBS-trial, this would be the effect on IBS- our mediation models, including the treatment-mediator interaction, is
symptoms due to the interaction term between the post- critical to get an in-depth understanding of how, and under what con-
measurement of the avoidance variable and the treatment variable. In ditions, our treatments work.
other words, with a non-zero interaction, the association between the
mediator, avoidance, and the outcome, IBS-symptoms, differs
depending on which condition you are allocated to. For example, it is 5 | C O N C LU D I N G R E M A R K S : W H A T A R E
a possibility that by explicitly targeting avoidance in the exposure- T H E M O S T S I G N I F I C A N T L E S S O NS LE A R N E D
based treatment, it may also change the impact of avoidance on IBS- FR O M CMA ?
symptoms in that condition, whereas the same effect is, however, not
observed in control. For simplicity, I restricted the discussion to continuous variables, but
MacKinnon et al. (2020) recently argued that this interaction is another essential contribution of CMA has been to formalize effects
the key link between the traditional approach and CMA, highlighting that allow for non-linearity and variables with non-normal distribu-
the similarities between the two in the continuous case, but also dif- tions, as the formal definitions of direct and indirect effects do not
ferences in interpretation, even when the interaction is included in depend on any specific analytical model (Imai et al., 2010;
the traditional approach. While this key interaction has also been VanderWeele, 2015). This makes the overall framework attractive,
highlighted outside the CMA literature (i.e., so-called MacArthur and researcher interested in pursuing mediation analysis with, for
approach to mediation; Kraemer et al., 2008), the CMA framework example, variables that require non-linear models (e.g., categorical
allows both direct and indirect effects to be identified and effect mediators) would be wise to consider CMA. In fact, CMA is now
decompositions to be accomplished in the presence of a non-zero implemented in both commercial and noncommercial software
interaction term (Valeri & VanderWeele, 2013). It is, in this context, (at least for simpler mediation models; see, for an overview, Valente
important to also note that statistical significance is not an appropri- et al., 2020), making these methods readily available to intervention
ate way of determining whether the interaction should be included in researchers.

Clearly, identifying mediators is no simple task as it involves name and making it explicit may help to improve causal thinking, pro-
causal inference with nonexperimental data (even in RCTs). CMA has cedures, and inference. To cite Kenny (2008, p. 356), “Mediation anal-
made considerable contributions in this regard, and this paper was ysis is a form of causal analysis. […] all too often persons conducting
written with the aim of clarifying the framework and the key ideas mediational analysis either do not realize that they are conducting
that are not widely known among clinical psychology researchers. In causal analyses or they fail to justify the assumptions that they have
addition, I highlighted two specific analytical aspects that are fre- made in their casual model.” By demystifying CMA among researchers
quently overlooked in the traditional mediation analysis in RCTs eval- in clinical psychology, it is hoped that mediation may be assessed
uating psychological treatments. Of course, several formidable more rigorously, whether using a traditional or modern analytical
analytical challenges were not covered here, including, but not limited, approach, with careful consideration for underlying assumptions. This
to temporal ordering (Tate, 2015), measurements error (Muthén & paper was written with that aim in mind.
Asparouhov, 2015), longitudinal models (Maxwell & Cole, 2007), Finally, given the difficulty in identifying mediators by pure statis-
multiple mediators and intermediate confounding (De Stavola tical means, it is probably wise to consider alternative research
et al., 2015)—issues that all require careful consideration and, at the designs whenever possible (e.g., cross-over designs and double ran-
same time, often complicate identification of causally defined effects. domization) (e.g., Imai et al., 2013) as well as to examine patterns of
Furthermore, the greater issue of whether change processes that are findings obtained from multiple studies (patterns matching;
assumed to work at the individual level are reflected in population (MacKinnon, 2008). This would most likely require an entire research
parameters at the average (e.g., such as means, variances, and covari- program devoted to the study of mediators, which in addition to
ances) may require use to turn to person-centred methods for evalu- appropriate statistical mediation analysis in RCTs also incorporates
ating mediation in psychology (Grice et al., 2015; Hayes et al., 2019). fundamental laboratory work and theory development.
Yet, this would certainly imply a paradigm shift in how we approach
measurement issues, statistical models, and causal inference in psy- AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S
chology as a whole (Grice, 2015). I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the IBS-0 trial,
In fact, I would suggest that there is no one optimal method to which was used as an illustrative example.
evaluate mediation, and it is essential to reemphasize the truism that
our models, whether statistical or theoretical, are always wrong, but CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
may still be useful for practical or theoretical reasons. In this context, The author declares no conflict of interest.
it should also be noted that the sequential ignorability assumption
that was highlighted as one key assumption is not the only assump- DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
tion available, and other identifying assumptions (e.g., exclusion Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were cre-
restriction) with other types of associated analytical methods ated or analysed in this study.
(e.g., principal stratification) may make more sense in certain situations
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