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Lab #3

This document describes an electrical engineering lab experiment on determining Thévenin and Norton equivalents. The objective was to solve circuit properties using these equivalent models. Students measured an original circuit's open circuit voltage and short circuit current, then calculated the Thévenin resistance and compared it to direct measurement and PSpice simulation. Results showed less than 2% error between measured and simulated values, validating the use of Thévenin and Norton equivalents to simplify circuits for analysis.
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Lab #3

This document describes an electrical engineering lab experiment on determining Thévenin and Norton equivalents. The objective was to solve circuit properties using these equivalent models. Students measured an original circuit's open circuit voltage and short circuit current, then calculated the Thévenin resistance and compared it to direct measurement and PSpice simulation. Results showed less than 2% error between measured and simulated values, validating the use of Thévenin and Norton equivalents to simplify circuits for analysis.
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American University of Sharjah

Department of Electrical Engineering

Electric Circuits and Devices
Fall 2017

Experiment Title: Thvenin and Norton Equivalents

Due Date: 2nd October, 2017
Lab Session: #3

Mohammad Ahmmed Shabib b00058988
Mohammad Latifi b00061746
Elmehaisi Elmoiz b00069555

The objective is to solve and find the electrical properties of circuits and to devise different
methods and strategies. The two methods that are used to solve for the properties are the concepts
of the Thvenin and Norton circuit. The Thvenin circuit comprised of a source and resistor in
series with the source, and in Norton circuit the current source is parallel to the resistor. These two
have equivalence, so that while solving the circuits problems, one can isolate a part in the circuit
which resembles the Norton or Thvenin circuit and the conversion can also be made. Moreover,
different parts of the circuits can be simplified to Norton or Thvenin circuits through defined
relationships. This process allowed us to solve the KCL and KVL problems.

Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 2
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Procedure ........................................................................................................................................ 5
1. DMM method...................................................................................................................... 5
2. Short circuit method ............................................................................................................ 6
Results and Discussion.................................................................................................................... 7
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 10

List of Tables

Table 1 Recorded data from the experiment ................................................................................... 7

List of Figures

Figure 1 - Thvenin Equivalent Circuit .......................................................................................... 4

Figure 2 - Measuring Voc and Isc using the DMM ........................................................................ 6
Figure 3 - Measuring Rth using an Ohmmeter ............................................................................... 6
Figure 4 - Circuit in general ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 5 - Measuring Voc ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 6 - Thvenin Equivalent Circuit .......................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 - Norton Equivalent Circuit .............................................................................................. 9


In this lab session we were introduced to Thvenin's theory for linear electrical network.

The theory states that any and all combinations of voltage sources, current sources and resistors

included within two terminals have a voltage and resistance value that is equivalent to a single

voltage source V and a resistor R in series with V.

Figure 1 - Thvenin Equivalent Circuit

To calculate the equivalent circuit, the following steps need to be followed:

1. By using the open circuit shown measure VAB, by placing the voltmeter to the terminals. This

value is labeled VTh.

2. Then place a wire across ab (thereby shorting it) and thus note down the reading of the current

from the ammeter connected in series. This is known as Isc or short circuited current. To find

RTh using the measured values of VTh and ISc we use the formula:

Rth = Vth/ Isc

The equivalent circuit is a voltage source with voltage VTh in series with a resistance RTh.

Step 2 could also be thought of as:

a. Voltage sources are replaced by short circuits and current sources are made to open circuits.

b. Calculate the resistance between terminals A and B. This is RTh.

Rth = Vth/ Isc

If there are no dependent current or voltage sources in the circuit, R th can also be calculated by

removing all the current and voltage sources and getting the equivalent resistance across AB.

Norton's theorem is similar to Thvenin's theorem and follows similar calculation procedure. The

only difference is instead of a voltage source a current source (value Isc) is placed and the resistor

is in parallel.


The Thvenin Resistance, Rth was measured using three methods which include:

1. Using the DMM to calculate current and voltage

2. Calculating resistance directly by placing a short

3. Using Pspice software

1. DMM method

The circuit was connected as shown below. In order to calculate the equivalent resistance we

were required to first measure the equivalent voltage and the short current. Both were measured

by connecting the DMM between the 0 and 3 nodes. The voltage Voc was measured and noted

down. The current was measured the same way by only changing the knob of the DMM from V

to A in order to measure the current. Both of these recordings were noted down in the data sheet

and the Thvenin Resistance Rth was then measured by dividing Voc by the current Isc. The

results are shown in the data sheet below.

Figure 2 - Measuring Voc and Isc using the DMM

2. Short circuit method

In this method the resistance Rth was measured directly using the DMM. First we were required

to place a short between the nodes 0 and 1 which was done by removing the power supply as

shown in the figure below. Then the resistance was measured by the DMM which was connected

between nodes 0 and 3 and used as an ohmmeter to measure Rth.

Figure 3 - Measuring Rth using an Ohmmeter

Results and Discussion

Thvenin is reconstructed so that it is made up of a voltage source in series with a resistor

called the "Thvenin Resistance". Norton circuit is comprised a current source connected in

parallel to a resistor equal to the Thvenin resistance. In this experiment, simplified Thvenin and

Norton equivalent circuits were constructed from a more complex given circuit. Firstly, 1k,

2.2k, and 470 resistors were placed with a 15V DC source (pin 51 and ground pin 53) shown

in the figure Figure 2 using the ELVIS Kit and software.

As shown above, a DMM (Digital Multimeter) was placed across node 0 and node 3. First,

the DMM was set as a voltmeter to read the open circuit voltage Voc then, it was used as an

ammeter to measure the short circuit current Isc. Using these two values, the Thvenin resistance

can be calculated using the formulae Rth=Voc/Isc. However, the Thvenin resistance can also be

calculated by shorting the voltage source and using the DMM as an Ohmmeter. The Ohmmeter

reading shown will be the Thvenin resistance. All the calculated values are shown in the table

below with their corresponding percentage error.

Table 1 Recorded data from the experiment

Measurement PSpice PE = PSpice PE
V 4.8916 V 4.796 V 1.99%
2.329 k 2.5067 k 2.52K k 0.5277%
I 0.00210 A 1.903 mA 10.35%

Additionally, a PSpice simulation was used to construct the same circuits. The first is for the short

circuit and the second is for the open circuit.

Figure 4 - Circuit in general

Figure 5 - Measuring Voc


Figure 6 - Thvenin Equivalent Circuit

Figure 7 - Norton Equivalent Circuit


Through the experiment, it has been found out that the Thvenin equivalent circuit gives same

results as the designed circuit. And both method of finding Thvenin circuits where satisfactory

level. Nevertheless, there is high percentage error in values on current (more than 10%) which is

comparison between PSpice calculations and ammeter values. This error can have three major

sources. First, it can be due to the wrong setup of the circuit if any electrical part, for example, has

been lose. Second, it can be due to resistance difference between the color reading and the real

value of the resistance. Third, it can be due to resistance of ammeter since the ideal ammeter has

zero resistance whereas in practice this is impossible. The last one is unlikely since the current

value of is higher than the PSpice outputs. Therefore, this can be either from misconfiguration of

the circuit or due to resistances errors in color codes. In general, it has been found that the circuit

can be simplified into a Thvenin or Norton circuit. The founding supports the relationships

purposed for the Thvenin and Norton circuit


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