Calgaro, Jean-Armand - Formichi, P. - Gulvanessian, H. - Harding, Geoff-Designer's Guide To Eurocode 1 - Actions On Buildings - en 1991-1-1 and - 1-3 To - 1-7-Thomas Telf

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The document provides an overview of Eurocode design guides for structural design.

The document discusses Eurocode design guides related to structural design standards.

The document covers topics such as actions on buildings, bridges, steel structures, composite structures, geotechnical design, wind actions and more.




EN 1991-1-1 AND -1-3 TO -1-7

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

Eurocode Designers Guide series
Designers Guide to EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of structural design. H. Gulvanessian, J.-A. Calgaro and
M. Holicky. 978 0 7277 3011 4. Published 2002.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. EN 1998-1 and EN 1998-5.
General rules, seismic actions, design rules for buildings, foundations and retaining structures. M. Fardis,
E. Carvalho, A. Elnashai, E. Faccioli, P. Pinto and A. Plumier. 978 0 7277 3348 1. Published 2005.

Designers Guide to EN 1994-1-1. Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures, Part 1-1:
General Rules and Rules for Buildings. R.P. Johnson and D. Anderson. 978 0 7277 3151 7. Published 2004.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design. EN 1997-1 General rules. R. Frank, C. Bauduin, R. Driscoll,
M. Kavvadas, N. Krebs Ovesen, T. Orr and B. Schuppener. 978 0 7277 3154 8. Published 2004.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures. EN 1993-1-1 General rules and rules for buildings.
L. Gardner and D. Nethercot. 978 0 7277 3163 0. Published 2005.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures. EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2 General rules and
rules for buildings and structural re design. R.S. Narayanan and A.W. Beeby. 978 0 7277 3105 0. Published

Designers Guide to EN 1994-2. Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures. Part 2 General
rules for bridges. C.R. Hendy and R.P. Johnson. 978 0 7277 3161 6. Published 2006

Designers Guide to EN 1992-2. Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures. Part 2: Concrete bridges. C.R. Hendy
and D.A. Smith. 978-0-7277-3159-3. Published 2007.

Designers Guide to EN 1991-1-2, EN 1992-1-2, EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1994-1-2. T. Lennon, D.B. Moore,
Y.C. Wang and C.G. Bailey. 978 0 7277 3157 9. Published 2007.

Designers Guide to EN 1993-2. Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures. Part 2: Steel bridges. C.R. Hendy and C.J.
Murphy. 978 0 7277 3160 9. Published 2007.

Designers Guide to EN 1991-1.4. Eurocode 1: Actions on structures, general actions. Part 1-4 Wind actions.
N. Cook. 978 0 7277 3152 4. Published 2007.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 1: Actions on buildings. EN 1991-1-1 and -1-3 to -1-7. H. Gulvanessian, P. Formichi
and J.-A. Calgaro. 978 0 7277 3156 2. Published 2009.

Designers Guide to Eurocode 1: Actions on Bridges. EN 1991-1-1, -1-3 to -1-7 and EN 1991-2. J.-A. Calgaro,
M. Tschumi and H. Gulvanessian. 978 0 7277 3158 6. Forthcoming: 2009.

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.




EN 1991-1-1 AND -1-3 TO -1-7

H. Gulvanessian, P. Formichi and J.-A. Calgaro

with contributions to Part 7 from Geo Harding

Series editor
H. Gulvanessian

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

Published by Thomas Telford Limited, 40 Marsh Wall, London E14 9TP, UK.

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First published 2009

Eurocodes Expert

Structural Eurocodes oer the opportunity of harmonized design standards for the European
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# Authors 2009

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EN 1991: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures includes ten parts which provide comprehensive
information and guidance on all actions that it is normally necessary to consider in the design
of building and civil engineering structures. All parts have now been published by the
European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) as European Standards (EN).

Aims and objectives of this guide

The principal aim of this book is to provide the user with guidance on the interpretation and
use on actions on buildings in the following parts of EN 1991: Actions on Structures.
EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-1: Densities, self-weight and imposed
EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-3: Snow loads
EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-4: Wind actions
EN 1991-1-5: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-5: Thermal actions
EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-6: Actions during execution
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures: Part 1-7: Accidental actions
Guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1991-1-2: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures;
Part 1-2: Actions on structures exposed to re is not provided in this book but the user will
nd this information in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide to the Eurocode Fire Parts
(EN 1991-1-2; EN 1992-1-2; EN 1991-1-3 and EN 1991-1-4) by Colin Bailey, Tom Lennon,
David Moore and Yong Wang.
The guidance given on the part in this Designers Guide on EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1:
Actions on Structures: Part 1-4: Wind Actions is for the design of the everyday general
building. For information on matters relating to dynamic sensitive building, vortex shedding
etc. reference should be made to the Thomas Telford Designers Guide on EN 1991-1-4:
Wind Actions by N. J. Cook.
For guidance on the interpretation use on actions on bridges in the appropriate parts of
EN 1991: Actions on Structures, the user should use the sister book to this volume, namely
the Thomas Telford Designers Guide to EN 1991: Actions on Bridges.
In producing this guide the authors have endeavoured to provide explanations and
commentary to the clauses in EN 1991 for all the categories of users identied in the foreword
of each Eurocode part. Although the Eurocodes are primarily intended for the design of
buildings and civil engineering works, EN 1991 is intended for the consideration of more
categories of users who include:
. designers and contractors

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. clients
. product manufacturers
. public authorities and other bodies who produce regulations.

Layout of this guide

EN 1991: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures has ten parts which are described in the
Introduction to this Designers Guide. This guide gives guidance on the parts mentioned
above. The Guide is divided into seven parts with for example Part 1 covering EN 1991-1-
1; Part 3 covering EN 1991-1-3; Part 5 covering EN 1991-1-5 etc. Each part of the guide
has a number of chapters, each numbered as for the sections of each Eurocode part with
further chapters for each of the annexes. For example, for EN 1991-1-1 Chapters 1 to 6
correspond to Sections 1 to 6 of EN 1991-1-1, and Chapters 7 to 8 correspond to Annexes
A and B of EN 1991-1-1 respectively.
All cross-references in this guide to sections, clauses, sub-clauses, annexes, gures and
tables of EN 1991 or its National Annexes are in italic type. Where text from a clause of
EN 1991 has been directly reproduced, this is also shown in italics.
Examples and background information are set in shaded boxes.
Some tables given in this guide show the style of the tables of EN 1991 but do not give the
complete information. Complete data can be obtained from EN 1991.

This book would not have been possible without the successful completion of EN 1991 and
the authors would like to thank all those who contributed to its preparation. Those involved
included the members of the Project Teams and the National Delegations. The following
individuals are especially thanked: Professor Luca Sanpaolesi, Professor Gerhard Sedlacek,
Dr Paul Luchinger, Mr Lars Albretkson and Mr Malcolm Greenley.
Mr Geo Harding deserves a special thank you for his advice on Part 7 of this Designers
While this book was being prepared, Professor Gulvanessian was involved in producing
the Institution of Structural Engineers manual on EN 1990 and EN 1991. Some of the
content of the current guide springs from the IstructE committee producing the manual
and the authors acknowledge in particular John Tubman, David Dibbs-Fuller and John
Professor Gulvanessian would also especially like to thank Rohan Rupasinghe of the
Building Research Establishment (BRE) who was his constant sounding board.
This book is dedicated to the following:
. The authors employers and supporters, BRE Garston and the Department of Com-
munities and Local Government, London; the University of Pisa and the General
Council for Environment and Sustainable Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable
Development and Town and Country Planning, Paris.
. The authors wives, Vera Gulvanessian, Enrica Formichi and Elisabeth Calgaro, for their
support and patience over the years.


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Preface v
Aims and objectives of this guide v
Layout of this guide vi
Acknowledgements vi

Introduction 1
Background to the Eurocode programme 1
Status and eld of application of the Eurocodes 3
National standards implementing the EN Eurocode 3
Additional information on EN 1991 4
National Annexes on EN 1991 7
References 7

PART 1: EN 1991-1-1 9
Chapter 1. General 11
1.1. Scope 11
1.2. Normative references 12
1.3. Distinction between principles and application rules 12
1.4. Terms and denitions 13
1.5. Symbols 14

Chapter 2. Classication of actions 15

2.1. Self-weight 15
Example 2.1 16
2.2. Imposed loads 17

Chapter 3. Design situations 19

3.1. General 19
3.2. Permanent loads 20
Example 3.1 20
3.3. Imposed loads 22
Example 3.2. A cantilever beam against overturning (reference
Table A1.2(A) of EN 1990) 23
Example 3.3. A three-span continuous oor slab (reference
Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990) 25

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Chapter 4. Densities of construction and stored materials 29

4.1. General 29

Chapter 5. Self-weight of construction works 31

5.1. Representation of actions 31
5.2. Characteristic values of self-weight 32

Chapter 6. Imposed loads on buildings 35

6.1. Representation of actions 35
6.2. Load arrangements 37
6.3. Characteristic values of imposed loads 38

Chapter 7. Annex A (informative)

Tables for nominal density of construction materials, and nominal
density and angles of repose for stored materials 55

Chapter 8. Annex B of EN 1991-1-1: Vehicle barriers and parapets for car parks 57
Example 58

References 59

PART 2: EN 1991-1-2 61
Chapter 1. Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.2: General Actions
Actions on structures exposed to re 63

References 63

PART 3: EN 1991-1-3 65
Chapter 1. General 67
1.1. Scope 67
1.2. Normative references 68
1.3. Assumptions 68
1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules 69
1.5. Design assisted by testing 69
1.6. Terms and denitions 69
1.7. Symbols 70

Chapter 2. Classication of actions 71

Chapter 3. Design situations 73

3.1. General 73
3.2. Normal conditions 74
3.3. Exceptional conditions 74

Chapter 4. Snow load on the ground 77

4.1. Characteristic values 77
4.2. Other representative values 80
4.3. Treatment of exceptional snow loads on the ground 80
Example 4.1 81

Chapter 5. Snow load on roofs 83

5.1. Nature of the load 83
5.2. Load arrangements 83
5.3. Roof shape coecients 89


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Example 5.1 92
Example 5.2 93
Example 5.3 93
Example 5.4 97
Example 5.5 98

Chapter 6. Local eects 101

6.1. General 101
6.2. Drifting at projections and obstructions 101
Example 6.1 101
6.3. Snow overhanging the edge of a roof 102
6.4. Snow loads on snowguards and other obstacles 104
Example 6.2 104
Example 6.3 105

Chapter 7. Annex A. Design situations and load arrangements to be used for

dierent locations 107

Chapter 8. Annex B. Snow load shape coecients for exceptional snow drifts 109

Chapter 9. Annex C. European ground snow load maps 111

Example C.1 114

Chapter 10. Annex D. Adjustment of the ground snow load according to return
period 117

Chapter 11. Annex E. Bulk weight density of snow 121

References 123

PART 4: EN 1991-1-4 125

Chapter 1. General 127
1.1. Scope 127
1.2. Denitions and symbols 127

Chapter 2. Design situations 131

Chapter 3. Modelling of wind actions 133

Chapter 4. Wind velocity and velocity pressures 135

4.1. Basis for calculation 135
4.2. Basic values 135
4.3. Mean wind 137
4.4. Wind turbulence 138
UK National Annex 138
4.5. Peak velocity pressure 139
UK National Annex 140
4.6. Explanation of hdis displacement height 144

Chapter 5. Wind actions 145

5.1. General 145
5.2. Wind pressures on surfaces 145
5.3. Wind forces 145

Chapter 6. Structural factor cs cd 149


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Example 6.1. Comparing cscd values between EN 1991-1-4 and the

BSI NA 150
Wake bueting 151

Chapter 7. Pressure and force coecients 153

General 153
Choice of aerodynamic coecient 153

Chapter 8. Annexes to EN 1991-1-4 155

References 156

PART 5: EN 1991-1-5 157

Chapter 1. General 159
1.1. Scope 159
1.2. Normative references 159
Introductory advice for using this EN 1991-1-5 for the design
of buildings 160
1.3. Assumptions 161
1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules 161
1.5. Terms and denitions 161
1.6. Symbols 161

Chapter 2. Classication of actions 163

Example 2.1 164

Chapter 3. Design situations 165

Chapter 4. Representation of actions 167

Chapter 5. Temperature changes in buildings 169

5.1. General 169
5.2. Determination of temperatures 169
5.3. Determination of temperature proles 170

Chapter 6. Annex A to Thermal Actions Part of the Manual 175

Chapter 7. Annex B to Thermal Actions Part of the Manual 177

Temperature Proles in Buildings and other Construction Works
covered in Annex D of EN 1991-1-5 177

References 178

PART 6: EN 1991-1-6 179

Chapter 1. General 181
1.1. Scope 181
1.2. Normative references 182
1.3. Assumptions 182
1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules 183
1.5. Terms and denitions 183
1.6. Symbols 183
Introductory advice for using this EN 1991-1-6 for the design
of buildings 183

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Chapter 2. Classication of actions 185

2.1. General 185
2.2. Construction loads 185

Chapter 3. Design situations and limit states 189

3.1. General Identication of design situations 189
Choice of characteristic values of variable actions for transient
design situations 190
Example 3.1 193
3.2. Ultimate limit states 194
3.3. Serviceability limit states 194

Chapter 4. Representation of actions 197

4.1. General 197
Determination of  and values for construction loads Qc 198
4.2. Actions on structural and non-structural members during
handling 199
4.3. Geotechnical actions 200
Casting in in-situ concrete 200
4.4. Actions due to prestressing 201
4.5. Predeformations 201
4.6. Temperature, shrinkage, hydration eects 202
4.7. Wind actions 202
Treatment of wind actions during execution 202
4.8. Snow loads 203
4.9. Actions caused by water 203
4.10. Actions due to atmospheric icing 204
4.11. Construction loads 204
Dening construction loads 204
Background on construction loads Qc for buildings 204
4.12. Accidental actions 210
4.13. Seismic actions 211

Annex A1 Supplementary rules for buildings 213

(normative) A1.1. Ultimate limit states 213
A1.2. Serviceability limit states 213
A1.3. Horizontal actions 214

Annex A2 Supplementary rules for bridges 215


Annex B Actions on structures during alteration, reconstruction or demolition 217


References 217

PART 7: EN 1991-1-7 219

Chapter 1. General 221
1.1. Scope 221
EN 1990 requirements aecting EN 1991-1-7 222
1.2. Normative references 223
1.3. Assumptions 223
1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules 223
1.5. Terms and denitions 223
1.6. Symbols 225


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Chapter 2. Classication of actions 227

Chapter 3. Design situations 229

3.1. General 229
Design for accidental actions and the acceptance of localized
damage 230
3.2. Accidental design situations strategies for identied accidental
actions 232
3.3. Accidental design situations strategies for limiting the extent
of localized failure 234
Example 3.1 235
3.4. Accidental design situations use of consequence classes 236

Chapter 4. Impact 239

4.1. Field of application 239
4.2. Representation of actions 240
4.3. Accidental actions caused by road vehicles 241
4.4. Accidental actions caused by forklift trucks 245
4.5. Accidental actions caused by derailed rail trac under or
adjacent to structures 245
4.6. Accidental actions caused by ship trac 248
4.7. Accidental actions caused by helicopters 249

Chapter 5. Internal explosions 251

5.1. Field of application 251
Gas explosions 251
5.2. Representation of actions 252
5.3. Principles of design 253

Chapter 6. Annex A (informative): Design of consequences of localized failures in

buildings from an unspecied cause 255
Introduction 255
A.1. Scope 256
A.2. Introduction 256
Background to the UK requirements for achieving robustness
in buildings 256
A.3. Consequence classes of buildings 257
A.4. Recommended strategies 259
A.5. Horizontal ties 259
Example 6.1. Horizontal ties for framed structures 261
Example 6.2. Horizontal ties for load-bearing structures 262
A.6. Vertical ties 263
Example 6.3. Vertical ties for framed structures 263
A.7. Nominal section of load-bearing wall 264
A.8. Key elements 264
Example 6.4. Vertical ties for load-bearing construction 264

Chapter 7. Annex B (informative): Information on Risk Analysis 265

B.1. Introduction 265
Application of risk assessment to Class 3 buildings 265
B.2. Denitions 266
B.3. Description of the scope of risk analysis 266
B.4. Methods of risk analysis 267


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B.5. Risk acceptance and mitigating measures 269

B.6. Risk mitigating measures 270
B.7. Reconsideration 271
B.8. Communication of results and conclusions 271
B.9. Application to buildings and civil engineering structures 271
Introduction to B.9 271

Chapter 8. Annex C (informative): Dynamic design for impact 277

C.1. General 277
Introduction to this chapter 277
C.2. Impact dynamics 278
C.3. Impact from aberrant road vehicles 279
C.4. Impact by ships 279

Chapter 9. Annex D (informative): Internal explosions 281

D.1. Dust explosions in rooms, vessels and bunkers 281
Introduction to Annex D 281
D.2. Natural gas explosions 283
D.3. Explosions in road and rail tunnels 283

References 284

Index 285


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The material in this Introduction relates to the forwards of the parts of the European
Standard EN 1991: Actions on Structures. The forewords include the following aspects:
. The background to the Eurocode programme
. Status and eld of application of the Eurocodes
. National Standards implementing Eurocodes
. Additional information on EN 1991
. National Annexes on EN 1991.
The forewords of all of the Eurocode parts have common text. Guidance on the common text
is provided in the Introduction of the Designers Guide to EN 1990: Eurocode: Basis of Struc-
tural Design1 to which reference should be made. Only information essential to the user of
EN 1991 is given here.
The European Commission (EC), in close cooperation with representatives of Member
States (the Eurocode National Correspondents (ENC)) has prepared a document Application
and Use of the Eurocodes.2 The reader is recommended to study this document, guidance to
which is given in reference 1.

Background to the Eurocode programme

The objectives of the Eurocodes and their status
In 1975, the Commission of the European Community decided on an action programme
in the eld of construction based on article 95 of the Treaty of Rome. The objective of the
programme was the elimination of technical obstacles to trade and the harmonisation of
technical specications.
Within this action programme the Commission took the initiative to establish a set of
harmonised technical rules for the structural design of construction works, with the follow-
ing European Commission objective: The Eurocodes to establish a set of common technical
rules for the design of buildings and civil engineering works which will ultimately replace the
diering rules in the various Member States.
For almost 15 years, the Commission, with the help of a Steering Committee containing
representatives of Member States, conducted the development of the Eurocode programme,
which led to the publication of a rst-generation set of European codes in the 1980s.
In 1989 the Special Agreement between CEN and the European Commission (BC/CEN/
03/89) transferred the preparation and the publication of the Eurocodes to CEN, thus
providing the Eurocodes with a future status of European EN Standards.
This links, de facto, the Eurocodes with the provisions of all the Councils directives and/or
the Commissions decisions dealing with European standards; for example:

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. The Construction Products Directive (N.B. it is proposed to convert this to a Regulation,

the Construction Products Regulations (CPR) in 2010)
. Public Procurement Directives, on public works and services for execution, design etc. of
buildings and civil engineering works.

Eurocode programme
The structural Eurocodes, as shown in Table 0.1, each generally consisting of a number of
parts, some of which relate to bridges, have all now been released in EN form.

Table 0.1. The structural Eurocodes

EN Number The structural Eurocodes

EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design

EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures
EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures
EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures
EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of Timber Structures
EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of Masonry Structures
EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design
EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance
EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures

Each of the ten Eurocodes listed above are made up of separate parts, which cover the
technical aspects of the structural and re design of buildings and civil engineering
structures. The Eurocodes are a harmonised set of documents that have to be used together.
Figure 0.1 shows the links among the various Eurocodes.

Structural safety,
EN 1990 serviceability and

Actions on
EN 1991 structures

EN 1992 EN 1993 EN 1994

Design and
EN 1995 EN 1996 EN 1999

Geotechnical and
EN 1997 EN 1998 seismic design

Fig 0.1. Links between the Eurocodes

Potential benets of the use of Eurocodes

The intended benets of the Eurocodes are as follows:
. Provide a common understanding regarding the design of structure between owners,
operators and users, designers, contractors and manufacturers of construction products.
. Provide common design criteria and methods to full the specied requirements for
mechanical resistance, stability and resistance to re, including aspects of durability
and economy.
. Facilitate the marketing and use of structural components and kits in Member States.

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. Facilitate the marketing and use of materials and constituent products, the properties of
which enter into design calculations, in Member States.
. Be a common basis for research and development.
. Allow the preparation of common design aids and software.
. Benet the European civil engineering enterprises, contractors, designers and product
manufacturers in their worldwide activities, and increasing their competitiveness.

Status and eld of application of the Eurocodes

The status of the Eurocodes and their relationship with the Construction Product Directives
Interpretive Documents are comprehensively described in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.1

National Standards implementing the EN Eurocode

It is the responsibility of each National Standards Body (e.g. British Standards Institution
(BSI) in the UK) to implement Eurocodes as National Standards.
The National Standard implementing each Eurocode part, will comprise, without any
alterations, the full text of the Eurocode part and its annexes as published by the CEN.
This may be preceded by a national title page and national foreword, and may be followed
by a National Annex (see Fig. 0.2).


a: National title page

e b: National foreword
c: EN title page
d: EN text
e: EN annex(es)
f f: National Annex

Fig 0.2. National implementation of Eurocodes

Rules and contents of National Annexes for Eurocodes

The European Commission recognises the responsibility of regulatory authorities (e.g. the
Building Regulations Division of the Oce of the Deputy Prime Minister in the UK) or
national competent authorities (e.g. the Highways Agency or Railway Safety in the UK)
in each EU Member State. It has safeguarded their right to determine values related to
safety matters at national level through a National Annex.
The National Annex may only contain information on those parameters, which are left
open in the Eurocode for national choice, known as Nationally Determined Parameters,
to be used for the design of buildings and civil engineering works to be constructed in the
country concerned.

Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)

Possible dierences in geographical or climatic conditions (e.g. wind or snow maps) or in
ways of life, as well as dierent levels of protection that may prevail at national, regional
or local level, can be taken into account by choices left open about values, classes or
alternative methods that are identied in the EN Eurocodes to be determined nationally.

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The values, classes or methods to be chosen or determined at national level, called

Nationally Determined Parameters, will allow the EU Member States to choose the level
of safety, including aspects of durability and economy, applicable to works in their territory.
They include:
. values and/or classes where alternatives are given in the Eurocodes
. values to be used where only a symbol is given in the Eurocodes
. country-specic data (geographical, climatic, etc.), e.g. snow maps
. procedures to be used where alternative procedures are given in the Eurocodes.

National Annexes
The National Standards bodies should publish the parameters in a National Annex on behalf
of and with the agreement of the national competent authorities.
A National Annex is not required if the EN Eurocode Part is not relevant for the Member
State (e.g. seismic design for some countries).
The Annex may also contain
. decisions on the application of informative annexes
. references to non-contradictory complementary information to assist the user in applying
the Eurocode.
A National Annex cannot change or modify the content of the EN Eurocode text in any way
other than where it indicates that national choices may be made by means of Nationally
Determined Parameters.

Annexes not transferable

Each EU Member State will have a dierent National Annex; the Annex used must be the
one applicable to where the building or civil engineering work is being constructed. For
example, a UK designer will have to use the appropriate Eurocode with the UK National
Annex when designing a building in the UK. The same designer, designing a building in
Italy, will have to use the Eurocode with the Italian National Annex.
When using Eurocodes in countries where a National Annex is not available (e.g. in some
overseas countries) in accordance with Guidance paper L2 the recommended values may be
used with the designer ensuring correct use of climatic etc. information.

Additional information on EN 1991

Background and current programme
EN 1991: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures provides comprehensive information and
guidance on all actions that are normally necessary to consider in the design of building
and civil engineering structures. All parts have now been published by the European
Committee for Standardisation (CEN) as European Standards (EN).
EN 1991 comprises ten EN Parts (see Table 0.2). The parts are referred to in
this Introduction by their proposed EN numbers. These parts provide the actions for
use with EN 1990: Eurocode: Basis of Structural Design, and EN 1992 to EN 1999 as
appropriate, for design and verication on the basis of overall principles which are given
in EN 1990.

Denitions of actions in EN 1990: Eurocode Basis of Structural Design

EN 1990 classies actions according to their:
. variation in time: permanent, variable, accidental
. nature and/or structural response: static or dynamic
. origin: direct or indirect
. spatial variation: xed or free.

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Table 0.2. The parts of Eurocode 1: Actions on structures

EN number Title

1991-1-1 Densities, Self-weight and Imposed loads

1991-1-2 Actions on Structures Exposed to Fire
1991-1-3 Snow Loads
1991-1-4 Wind Actions
1991-1-5 Thermal Actions
1991-1-6 Actions During Execution
1991-1-7 Accidental Actions
1991-2 Trac Loads on Bridges
1991-3 Actions Induced by Cranes and Machinery
1991-4 Actions in Silos and Tanks

The classication of actions by their variation in time is shown in tabulated form in

Table 0.3.
A comprehensive table showing classication of actions according to the above criteria is
included in Part 6 of this Designers Guide.
The term single action is also used to dene an action which is statistically independent in
time and space from any other action acting on the structure.
The self-weight of a structure can be represented by a single characteristic value (Gk),
provided the variability of G is small, and it can be calculated on the basis of the nominal
dimensions and the mean unit mass. If the variability of G is not small and the statistical
distribution is known, two values are used: an upper value (Gk,sup) and a lower value
(Gk,inf). More information on this subject has been given in Part 1 of this Designers Guide.
A variable action has the following representative values (see Fig. 0.3):
. the characteristic value (Qk)
. the combination value ( 0 Qk)
. the frequent value ( 1 Qk)
. the quasi-permanent value ( 2 Qk).
The combination value ( 0 Qk) takes account of the reduced probability of simultaneous
occurrence of the most unfavourable values of several independent variable actions. It is
used for the verication of ultimate limit states and irreversible serviceability limit states.
The frequent value ( 1 Qk) is used for verication of ultimate limit states involving accidental
actions and reversible limit states. The quasi-permanent value ( 2 Qk) is also used for ulti-
mate limit state verication involving accidental actions and for reversible serviceability
limit states. The recommended values of 0 , 1 , 2 for buildings are shown, reproduced
from EN 1990,3 in Table 0.4.
Information on combining actions for particular design situations is given in Part 1 of this
paper for both ultimate and serviceability limit states.

Table 0.3. Classication of actions

Permanent action Variable action Accidental action

(a) Self-weight of structures, (a) Imposed oor loads (a) Explosions

ttings and xed equipment (b) Snow loads (b) Fire
(b) Prestressing force (c) Wind loads (c) Impact from vehicles
(c) Water and soil pressures (d) Indirect action, e.g.
(d) Indirect action, e.g. temperature eects
settlement of supports (e) Actions due to trac

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Arbitrary point-in-time value Q

Characteristic value Qk

t1 t2 t3

Combination value 0Qk

Frequent value 1Qk

Quasi-permanent value 2Qk


Fig. 0.3. Representative values

Values of actions depending on design working lives

The characteristic values of actions which are either given directly or obtained from basic
information supplied in EN 1991, are normally for a 50-year return period.
For the design of buildings and civil engineering works for a shorter or a longer design
working life than 50 years, the value of the action determined from the appropriate Eurocode
Part should be multiplied by a coecient k (see Table 0.5 for climatic actions).
The expressions for determining k are given in Part 6 of this Designers Guide. For deter-
mining k for the climatic actions the recommended values of the appropriate parameters
have been used. For snow, a coecient of variation v 0:6 has been used.
Table 0.5 covers both the design working life of the construction works together with
execution phases (ref: EN 1991-1-6), and the value for Qk,R where R is the design working
life can be obtained from the following expression:
Qk;R kQk;50

Table 0.4. factors for buildings (Table A1.1 of EN 1990)

Action 0 1 2

Imposed loads on buildings, category (see Part 1)

Category A: domestic, residential areas 0.7 0.5 0.3
Category B: oce areas 0.7 0.5 0.3
Category C: congregation areas 0.7 0.7 0.6
Category D: shopping areas 0.7 0.7 0.6
Category E: storage areas 1.0 0.9 0.8
Category F: trac area, vehicle weight  30 kN 0.7 0.7 0.6
Category G: trac area, 30 kN < vehicle weight  160 kN 0.7 0.5 0.3
Category H: roofs 0 0 0
Snow loads on buildings (see Part 3)
Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden 0.7 0.5 0.2
Remainder of CEN Member States, for sites located at altitude H > 1000 m a.s.l. 0.7 0.5 0.2
Remainder of CEN Member States, for sites located at altitude H  1000 m a.s.l. 0.5 0.2 0
Wind loads on buildings (see Part 4) 0.6 0.2 0
Temperature (non-re) in buildings (see Part 5) 0.6 0.5 0

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Table 0.5. Coecient k of actions Qk,R for dierent return periods R

Coecient k

Return Probability of for thermal, for thermal, for snow, for wind,
Design working life period, R exeedence, P Tmax;R Tmin;R sn;R vb;R

3 days 2 years 0.5 0.8 0.45 0.64 0.77

3 days < t  3 months 5 years 0.2 0.86 0.63 0.75 0.85
3 months < t  1 year 10 years 0.1 0.91 0.74 0.83 0.90
1 year < t  50 years 50 years 0.02 1 1 1 1
80 years 80 years 0.0125 1.03 1.08 1.09 1.03
120 years 120 years 0.0083 1.05 1.14 1.16 1.05
500 years 500 years 0.002 1.13 1.36 1.42 1.12
1000 years 1000 years 0.001 1.17 1.47 1.55 1.16

Note: The expressions for determining k are given in Part 6 of this Designers Guide. For determining k for the climatic
actions, the recommended values of the appropriate parameters have been used. For snow, a coecient of variation
v 0:6 has been used.

National Annexes on EN 1991

The ten parts of EN 1991 allow national choice through a number of clauses. A National
Standard implementing a part of EN 1991 should have a National Annex containing all
NDPs to be used for the design of construction works in the relevant country.
The clauses in the parts of EN 1991 where national choice is allowed are listed in the
foreword of each EN 1991 part.

1. Gulvanessian, H., Calgaro, J.-A. and Holicky, M. Designers Guide to EN 1990: Euro-
code: Basis of Structural Design. Thomas Telford, London, 2002.
2. Guidance Paper L (concerning the Construction Products Directive 89/106/EEC)
Application and Use of the Eurocodes: European Commission, Enterprise Directorate-
General, 2004.
3. European Committee for Standardisation. EN 1990: Eurocode: Basis of Structural
Design. CEN, Brussels, 2002.

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1.1 Densities,
self-weight and
imposed loads

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This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1 Actions on
structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.1 The
material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Scope Clause 1.1: 1991-1-1
. Normative references Clause 1.2: 1991-1-1
. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules Clause 1.3: 1991-1-1
. Terms and denitions Clause 1.4: 1991-1-1
. Symbols Clause 1.5: 1991-1-1

1.1. Scope
1.1.1. Primary scope
EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities, self-
weight, imposed loads for buildings is one of the ten Parts of EN 1991 (see Table 0.2).
It gives design guidance and species actions for the structural design of buildings and civil
engineering works for the following topics: cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-1
. Densities of construction materials and stored materials, for the design of buildings and
civil engineering works.
. Self-weight of construction works for the design of buildings and civil engineering works.
. Imposed loads for buildings.

1.1.2. Scope in relation to densities of construction materials and stored

With regard to densities of construction materials and stored materials, Chapter 4 of cl.1.1(2): 1991-1-1
EN 1991-1-1 gives nominal values for densities of specic building, bridge and stored
materials. Where relevant, for appropriate materials EN 1991-1-1 also provides the angle
of repose.

1.1.3. Scope in relation to self-weight of construction works

Section 5 of EN 1991-1-1 gives methods for the determination of the characteristic values of
self-weight of construction works. cl.1.1(3): 1991-1-1

1.1.4. Scope in relation to imposed loads for buildings

Section 6 of EN 1991-1-1 gives characteristic values of imposed loads for oors and roofs cl.1.1(4): 1991-1-1
according to category of use in the following areas in buildings:

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

. residential, social, commercial and administration areas

. garage and vehicle trac areas
. areas for storage and industrial activities
. roofs
. helicopter landing areas.

EN 1991-1-1 also gives the loads:

cl.1.1(5): 1991-1-1 . on trac areas for vehicles up to a gross vehicle weight of 160 kN, and
. for barriers or walls, which have the function of barriers, horizontal forces are given.

cl.1.1(6): 1991-1-1 An informative Annex B provides additional guidance for vehicle barriers in car parks.
cl.1.1(7): 1991-1-1 No comment is necessary for Clause 1.1(7): 1991-1-1.

1.2. Normative references

cl.1.2: 1991-1-1 No comment is necessary for Clause 1.2: 1991-1-1.

1.3. Distinction between principles and application rules

cl.1.3(1): 1991-1-1 The clauses in EN 1991-1-1 are set out as either Principles or Application Rules.
cl.1.3(2): 1991-1-1 . Principles are dened as general statements and denitions for which there is no alterna-
tive, as well as requirements and analytical models for which no alternative is permitted
unless specically stated.
cl.1.3(3): 1991-1-1 . The Principles are identied by the letter P following the paragraph number. The word
shall is always used in the Principle clauses.
cl.1.3(4): 1991-1-1 . The Application Rules are generally recognised rules which comply with the Principles and
satisfy their requirements.
cl.1.3(5): 1991-1-1 . It is permissible to use alternative design rules dierent from the Application Rules given in
EN 1991-1-1 for works, provided that it is shown that the alternative rules accord with the
relevant Principles and are at least equivalent with regard to the structural safety, service-
ability and durability which would be expected when using the Eurocodes.

cl.1.3(5): 1991-1-1 EN 1991-1-1, through a note to Clause 1.3(5): 1991-1-1 states:

If an alternative design rule is substituted for an Application Rule, the resulting design cannot be
claimed to be wholly in accordance with EN 1991-1-1 although the design will remain in accor-
dance with the Principles of EN 1991-1-1. When EN 1991-1-1 is used in respect of a property
listed in an Annex Z of a product standard or an ETAG, the use of an alternative design rule
may not be acceptable for CE marking.

cl.1.3(5): 1991-1-1 With regard to the note to Clause 1.3(5): 1991-1-1, the European Commission guidance
paper L, Application and Use of the Eurocodes2 states:

National Provisions should avoid replacing any EN Eurocode provisions, e.g. Application Rules,
by national rules (codes, standards, regulatory provisions, etc).
When, however, National Provisions do provide that the designer may even after the end of
the co-existence period deviate from or not apply the EN Eurocodes or certain provisions
thereof (e.g. Application Rules), then the design will not be called a design according to EN

cl.1.3(6): 1991-1-1 . Application Rules are identied by a number in brackets (only). The word should is
normally used for application rules. The word may is also used for example as an
alternative application rule. The words is and can are used for a denitive statement or
as an assumption.


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1.4. Terms and denitions

Most of the denitions given in EN 1991-1-1 derive from ISO 2394,3 ISO 38984 and cl.1.4: 1991-1-1
ISO 89305. In addition reference should be made to EN 1990 which provides a basic list of
terms and denitions which are applicable to EN 1990 to EN 1999, thus ensuring a
common basis for the Eurocode suite.
For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key denitions,
which may be dierent from current national practices:
. action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature eects or settlement)
. eects of actions or action eects are internal moments and forces, bending moments,
shear forces and deformations caused by actions.
From the many denitions provided in EN 1990, the following apply for use with EN 1991.
(1) From common terms used in EN 1990. The denitions for: cl.1.5.1: 1990
. construction works cl. 1990
. structure cl. 1990
. structural member cl. 1990
. execution. cl. 1990
(2) From special terms relating to design in general. The denitions for: cl.1.5.2: 1990
. design situations cl. 1990
. transient design situation cl. 1990
. persistent design situation cl. 1990
. accidental design situation cl. 1990
. design working life cl. 1990
. hazard cl. 1990
. load arrangement cl. 1990
. load case cl. 1990
. limit states cl. 1990
. ultimate limit states cl. 1990
. serviceability limit states cl. 1990
. resistance cl. 1990
. strength cl. 1990
. reliability cl. 1990
. basic variable cl. 1990
. nominal value. cl. 1990
(3) From terms relating to actions. The denitions for:
. action (F) cl. 1990
. eect of action (E) cl. 1990
. permanent action (G) cl. 1990
. variable action (Q) cl. 1990
. accidental action (A) cl. 1990
. seismic action (AE) cl. 1990
. geotechnical action cl. 1990
. xed action cl. 1990
. free action cl. 1990
. single action cl. 1990
. static action cl. 1990
. dynamic action cl. 1990
. quasi-static action cl. 1990
. characteristic value of an action cl. 1990
. reference period cl. 1990
. combination value of a variable action ( 0 Qk) cl. 1990
. frequent value of a variable action ( 1 Qk) cl. 1990


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

cl. 1990 . quasi-permanent value of a variable action ( 2 Q k)

cl. 1990 . representative value of an action (Frep)
cl. 1990 . design value of an action (Fd)
cl. 1990 . combination of actions.
cl.1.5.5: 1990 (4) From terms relating to geometrical data. The denitions for:
cl. 1990 . design value of a geometrical property (ad).
Gulvanessian et al.6 provide an explanation of the denitions in EN 1990.
The following comments are made to help the understanding of particular denitions in
EN 1991-1-1.
cl.1.4.1: 1991-1-1 . bulk weight density. The bulk weight density is dened as the overall weight per unit
volume of a material, including a normal distribution of micro-voids, voids and pores. In
everyday usage bulk weight density is frequently abbreviated to density. The denition
of density is mass per unit volume. The term density in EN 1991-1-1 is used for weight per
unit volume, area or length.
cl.1.4.2: 1991-1-1 . angle of repose. According to ISO 9194,7 which is the base document for the parts of
EN 1991-1-1 referring to actions due to self-weight of structures, for non-structural ele-
ments and stored materials it should be considered a deviation of 30% for the angle of
repose. Annex B of EN 1991-1-1 takes this into account for some materials.
cl.1.4.3: 1991-1-1 . gross weight of vehicle. No further comment necessary.
cl.1.4.4: 1991-1-1 . structural elements. It should be emphasised that structural elements are referred to as
structural members in the EN 1990 denitions. The denition in EN 1991-1-1 diers from
that given in ISO 8930,5 which denes structural elements as Physically distinguishable
part of a structure, for instance a column, a beam a slab, a shell element.
cl.1.4.5: 1991-1-1 . non structural elements. No further comment necessary.
cl.1.4.6: 1991-1-1 . partitions. No further comment necessary.
cl.1.4.7: 1991-1-1 . movable partitions. No further comment necessary.

1.5. Symbols
cl.1.5(1): 1991-1-1 The notation in Clause 1.5: EN 1991-1-1 is based on ISO 38984.
cl.1.5(2): 1991-1-1 EN 1990 Clause 1.6 provides a comprehensive list of symbols, some of which may be
appropriate for use with EN 1991-1-1. The symbols given in Clause 1.5(2): 1991-1-1 are
additional notations specic to this part of EN 1991-1-1.


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Classication of actions

This chapter is concerned with the classication of the actions in EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1
Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for
buildings. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses.
. Self-weight Clause 2.1: 1991-1-1
. Imposed loads Clause 2.2: 1991-1-1

2.1. Self-weight
EN 1991-1-1 classies self-weight as a permanent xed action in most cases. cl.2.1(1): 1991-1-1
Permanent actions (G), which normally are likely to act throughout the design life of a
structure, include self-weight of structures, xed equipment etc.
A xed action has a xed distribution in space such that its magnitude and direction
are determined unambiguously for the whole structure when determined at one point on
it. Static water pressure represents an example of a xed action (see Clause of
EN 1990).
Normally with self-weight the variability with time is negligible. Thus the variability of G
may be neglected as G does not vary signicantly during the design working life of the
structure and its coecient of variation is small. Therefore the characteristic value (Gk)
can be taken equal to the mean value ( of the statistical distribution for G, which may
be assumed to be normal (Gaussian). See Fig. 2.1.
However when self-weight can vary in time, it should be taken into account by the
upper (Gk,sup) and lower (Gk,inf) characteristic values in accordance with EN 1990: Clause cl.2.1(2): 1991-1-1
4.1.2. According to EN 1990, Gk,inf is the 5% fractile and Gk,sup is the 95% fractile of the
statistical distribution for G, which may be assumed to be normal (Gaussian) as shown in
Fig. 2.1.
For example: the self-weight of items such as parapets, waterproong, coatings, screeds,
etc. is taken into account using an upper and lower characteristic value because the
variability with time may not be small. cl.2.1(2): 1991-1-1
The following relationships (see Designers Guide to EN 19906) can be used to determine
the lower value Gk,inf and the upper value Gk,sup:
Gk;inf G  1:64G G 1  1:64VG D 2:1
Gk;sup G 1:64G G 1 1:64VG D 2:2
where VG is the coecient of variation of G.
Normally the variation of G could be considered signicant when VG  0:10. In this case
the variability of G should be taken into account for all structures and members.

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

1.64G 1.64G


Gk,inf G Gk,sup

Large variability

Fig. 2.1. Denition of mean value (G) and lower (Gk,inf) and upper (Gk,sup) characteristic values of
permanent actions based on normal (Gaussian) distribution

For special cases for particular design situations (e.g. when considering overturning and
strength of retaining walls), both the lower value Gk,inf and the upper value Gk,sup need to
be used in the design when the coecient of variation is greater than 0.05.
Two values, namely an upper value Gk,sup and a lower value Gk,inf, may have to be used
when considering the stabilising and de-stabilising eects of self-weight on for example a
multi-span oor where the quality control during the construction of the oor is below
that expected. This can occur for example when casting in in situ concrete, where there
may not be site supervision on behalf of the client. However, for quality-controlled construc-
tions (e.g. for a steel frame or precast concrete member, where the members are manufac-
tured under factory conditions), the variability of G may be neglected as G does not vary
signicantly during the design working life of the structure and its coecient of variation
is small. Therefore the characteristic value (Gk) can be taken equal to the mean value (
of the statistical distribution for G, which may be assumed to be normal (Gaussian). See
Fig. 2.1.

Example 2.1
Assume the design species a 200 mm thick (i.e. for determining the mean value G of G)
reinforced concrete slab, to be cast in situ. If the designer considers a coecient of
variation V 0:10, due to deviations from the design due to construction errors, then
using expressions (D 2.1) and (D 2.2), Gk,inf and Gk,sup will therefore be 16.4% less
than or greater than the mean value G .
Thus for a specied 200 mm slab the self-weight should be determined for a thickness of
167.2 mm for Gk,inf and 232.8 mm for Gk,sup.

When the self-weight is classied as a free action (e.g. for movable partitions, or oor
coverings), it should be treated as an additional imposed load. This applies in particular
cl.2.1(2): 1991-1-1 when the permanent free action is favourable. A free action may have various spatial
distributions over the structure.
cl.2.1(3)P: 1991-1-1 No comment is necessary in the case of buildings for Clause 2.1(3)P: 1991-1-1. For com-
ments regarding ballast on railway bridges, see Designers Guide to EN 1991 for bridges.8
cl.2.1(4)P: 1991-1-1 EN 1991-1-1 stipulates that earth loads on roofs and terraces (e.g. for roof gardens) be
considered as permanent actions.
cl.2.1(3)P: 1991-1-1 For both ballast and earth loads (e.g. for roof gardens) the self-weight will vary with time
cl.2.1(4)P: 1991-1-1 due to variations in moisture content and variation in depth, that may be caused by uncontrolled
accumulation during the design life of the structure and these should be considered in the
cl.2.1(5)P: 1991-1-1 design.


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Fig. 2.2. The position, magnitude and direction of a free action

Information on earth pressures is given in EN 1997 and the Designers Guide to EN 19979. cl.2.1(5)P: 1991-1-1

2.2. Imposed loads

EN 1991-1-1 classies imposed loads as free actions. See Section 1.1.4 of this Guide for the cl.2.2(1)P: 1991-1-1
imposed loads covered by EN 1991-1-1.
Imposed loads for bridges are covered by EN 1991-2 and its appropriate Designers
A free action may have various spatial distributions over the structure. An action that is
caused by people on a oor is an example of a free action. See Fig. 2.2.
No comment is necessary on Clause 2.2(2): 1991-1-1. cl.2.2(2): 1991-1-1
The characteristic load models specied in EN 1991-1-1 include the eects of acceleration
(dynamic eects) caused by the actions, which are taken into account as quasi-static actions
(see EN 1990 and 5.1.3(3)), when there is no risk of resonance or other signicant
dynamic response of the structure. For structures susceptible to dynamic excitation from
synchronised rhythmical movement of people or dancing or jumping, the load model
should be determined from a special dynamic analysis. cl.2.2(3): 1991-1-1
For structures that are susceptible to dynamic excitation, the design should take account
of the loadstructure interaction and dynamic characteristics of the structure, e.g. natural
frequency, mass, damping and mode shapes.
When oscillation or vibration is a serviceability criterion, separate consideration of their
inuence is necessary, e.g. on the operation of equipment in the building and/or on the
comfort of the users and occupiers of the building.
Some particular cases of dynamic loading conditions and structural types are described in
the three examples below.

Example of synchronised rhythmical movements

Structures with members which may be subject to dancing and jumping are liable to
inadvertent or deliberate synchronised movement of occupants. This may be to music
with a strong beat, such as occurring at pop concerts and aerobics events. These activities
generate dynamic eects that can result in enhanced vertical and horizontal loads. If a
natural frequency of a structure matches the frequency of the synchronised movement, or
an integer multiple of it, then resonance can occur that greatly amplies the dynamic
Three alternative procedures are recommended for such design situations, as listed below:
(1) In addition to using Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1 to obtain the appropriate imposed loads
the design should ensure that resonance of the structure is avoided by limiting its natural
frequencies, so that the vertical frequency is greater than 8.4 Hz and the horizontal fre-
quency is greater than 4.0 Hz. These frequencies should be evaluated for the appropriate
mode of vibration of an empty structure.
(2) Structural elements subject to dancing and jumping should be designed to resist the
anticipated dynamic loading. The deformation should not exceed limits appropriate
to the structure type. Detailed design should be carried out accounting for dynamic
response of the structure and a range of load frequencies and types, and with the help
of specialist advice and specialist guidance documents, e.g. BRE Digest 426.10 Alterna-
tively, item (3) should be followed.


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

(3) Use specic guidance as required by the certifying authority for the type of structure
under consideration. In certain cases, e.g. structures intended primarily for providing
spectator facilities, the relevant certifying authority may refer to specic guidance
documents as appropriate and sucient for compliance with their requirements.

Example of dynamic loads from machinery

Dynamic eects caused by the operation of machinery depend on the type of machinery and
the structural form, and dynamic loads and potential resonant excitation of such structures
should be investigated. For actions induced by cranes and machinery see EN 1991-3.11

Example of lightweight structures and long-span structures

Where these structures are used as concourses and public spaces, they are likely to be subject
to inadvertent or deliberate synchronised movement by people, causing dynamic excitation.
The design provisions should take account of the nature and intended use of the structure,
the potential number of people and their possible behaviour.
cl.2.2(4): 1991-1-1 No comment is necessary for Clause 2.2(4): 1991-1-1 for the consideration of forklifts and
helicopters in this chapter. However Clause 5.1.3(3) of EN 1990 may be consulted.
An action which causes signicant acceleration to a structure or its members is classied a
cl.2.2(5)P: 1991-1-1 dynamic action according to Clause 2.2(5)P: 1991-1-1. To determine the eects of a dynamic
action on the design a dynamic analysis should be used. See also Clause 5.3 of EN 1990.


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Design situations

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of design situations relating to EN 1991-1-
1: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 3.1: 1991-1-1
. Permanent loads Clause 3.2: 1991-1-1
. Imposed loads Clause 3.3: 1991-1-1
. Additional provisions for buildings Clause 3.4: 1991-1-1

3.1. General
EN 1990 Clause 3.2 identies the following design situations for the verication of ultimate
limit states: cl.3.1(1)P: 1991-1-1
. persistent design situations, which refer to the conditions of normal use
. transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the
structure, e.g. during execution or repair
. accidental design situations, which refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the
structure or to its exposure, e.g. explosions
. seismic design situations.
Each of these design situations is linked to a particular expression for the combination of
action eects as follows:
. persistent and transient design situations, which refer to expressions (6.10), or (6.10a)
and (6.10b) in EN 1990
. accidental design situations, which refers to expression (6.11b) in EN 1990
. seismic design situations, which refers to expression (6.12b) in EN 1990.
In addition, permanent and imposed loads need to be determined for the verication of
serviceability limit states and the following expressions for the combination of action
eects given in EN 1990:
. the characteristic combination which refers to expression (6.14b) of EN 1990
. the frequent combination which refers to expression (6.15b) of EN 1990
. the quasi-permanent combination which refers to expression (6.16b) of EN 1990.
The relevant permanent and imposed loads that need to be identied for each of the
above design situations for ultimate and serviceability limit state verications include the

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

(1) For self-weight, the characteristic value of a permanent action G. If the variability of G
can be considered as small, one single value Gk may be used. If the variability of G
cannot be considered as small, two values shall be used: an upper value Gk,sup and a
lower value Gk,inf (see section 2.1 of this Part of this Designers guide).
(2) For variable actions, the characteristic value (Qk) which usually corresponds to an upper
value with an intended probability of not being exceeded during a specic reference
period (normally 50 years for buildings). This return period is directly linked to the
service lifetime assumed in the design of the structure. In particular for a service lifetime
greater than one year but lower than 50 years, the return period should be taken as 50
years; for a longer service lifetime, the return period should be taken as the service
lifetime itself.
Depending upon the design situation being considered for the ultimate or service-
ability limit states (described in EN 1990 Clauses 6.4 and 6.5 and its Designers
Guide1) other representative values of a variable action need to be determined as follows:
. The combination value, represented as the product 0 Qk.
. The frequent value, represented as the product 1 Qk. For buildings, the frequent
value is generally chosen so that the time it is exceeded is 0.01 of the reference period.
. The quasi-permanent value, represented as a product 2 Qk. Quasi-permanent values
are also used for the calculation of long-term eects. For loads on building oors, the
quasi-permanent value is usually chosen so that the proportion of the time it is
exceeded is 0.50 of the reference period. The quasi-permanent value can alternatively
be determined as the value averaged over a chosen period of time.
The notations 0 , 1 and 2 are factors for the combination, frequent and quasi-
permanent value, respectively of a variable action. Values for 0 , 1 and 2 are given
in EN 1990 Table A1.

Example 3.1
Consider the combination of actions in expression (6.10) for the persistent or transient
design situation (EN 1990 Clause
G; j Gk; j 00 00 P P 00 00 Q;1 Qk;1 00 00 Q;i 0;i Qk;i 6:10
j1 i>1

Assume that the variability of self-weight is small; and three variable actions are being
considered as follows: wind (leading) and imposed and snow accompanying.
The following permanent and imposed loads need to be determined for the design
situation in this example:
. the characteristic value of a permanent action G
. for wind the characteristic value (Qk)
. for imposed and snow loads the combination value, represented as a product 0 Qk.
(For this example 0.7Qk and 0.5Qk in accordance with EN 1990: Table A.1.)

3.2. Permanent loads

The self-weight of structural members should be determined including non-structural
members (e.g. claddings and nishes, unless the expected variability of the nishes is
considered signicant). This is taken into account in combinations of actions as a single
cl.3.2(1): 1991-1-1 action with a characteristic value Gk. Upper and lower design values (i.e. when considering
the unfavourable (with G 1:35 and favourable eects (with G 1:0 for self-weight) are
obtained by using appropriate partial factors in accordance with EN 1990.
Figure 3.1 illustrates how the upper and lower design values are considered in the
combination of action eects in accordance with EN 1990 Table A1.2 (B) Note 3, for the
design of the central span of the beam. This case applies when a good standard of supervision


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q 1.5Qk



For mid-span effects of actions on central span with controlled conditions

Fig. 3.1. Applying upper and lower design values (e.g. the self-weight of continuous slabs, with good
standard of supervision during execution)

during execution is envisaged and when signicant deviations from a specied member thick-
ness are not expected. Furthermore, permanent loads are supposed to originate from one
source only.
With regard to EN 1990 Table A1.2 (B) Note 3, where the results of verication may be
. very sensitive to variations of the magnitude of a permanent action from G; and if
. the variability of G cannot be considered as small due to deviations from the design
during the execution process,
allowance has to be made for the construction tolerances.
This may be signicant, for example for the following two cases.
(1) For in-situ concrete where self-weight is dominant, and when the quality of site control
may not be high and hence deviation from a specied member thickness may occur.
(2) For a thin reinforced concrete member (e.g. <150 mm thickness). For these cases, two
values for G should be used in any verication: an upper value Gk,sup (where the
eects of the action are unfavourable) and a lower value Gk,inf (where the eects of
the action are favourable).
As explained in Clause 2.1 of this Designers Guide and according to EN 1990, Gk,inf is the
5% fractile and Gk,sup is the 95% fractile of the statistical distribution for G, which may be
assumed to be normal (Gaussian).
Figure 3.2 illustrates how the upper and lower design values are considered in the combi-
nation of action eects in accordance with EN 1990 Table A1.2 (B) Note 3 where signicant
deviations from a specied member thickness may occur. Upper and lower design values (i.e.
when considering the unfavourable (with G 1:35 applied to Gk,sup) and favourable eects
(with G 1:0 applied to Gk,inf) for self-weight) are obtained by using appropriate partial
factors in accordance with EN 1990.
As for the example in Fig. 3.1, permanent loads are assumed to originate from one single
The favourable or unfavourable eects of permanent loads in an area where it is intended
to remove or add structural or non-structural elements (e.g. removable surfacing or

q 1.5Qk



For mid-span effects of actions on central span with none or low controlled conditions

Fig. 3.2. Applying upper and lower design values (e.g. the self-weight of thin continuous slabs, or where a
good standard of supervision during execution is not expected)


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

coverings within a specic room in a building) should be determined accordingly. Generally a

load case considering unfavourable eects of a permanent load on a member should include
the non-structural elements; but the load case determining favourable eects of a permanent
cl.3.2(2): 1991-1-1 action should not include the non-structural elements (Clause 3.2(2): 1991-1-1).
The favourable or unfavourable eects of permanent loads in an area where it is intended
to add new coatings and/or distribution conduits after execution should be determined
accordingly. Generally a load case within a design situation determining unfavourable
eects of a permanent load on a member, should include the new coatings and/or distribu-
tion conduits; but the load case determining favourable eects of a permanent action should
cl. 3.2(3): 1991-1-1 not include them.
The favourable or unfavourable eects of permanent loads in an area where the eects of
water level are critical (e.g. a roof slab supporting a swimming pool or a water tank) should
be determined accordingly. Generally a load case within a design situation determining
unfavourable eects of a permanent load on a member should include the highest possible
water level. The load case determining favourable eects of a permanent action should
cl.3.2(4)P: 1991-1-1 consider the lowest possible water level, which may be an empty pool or tank.
Note to cl.3.2(4)P: Advice on varying water levels in the ground when determining the eects of earth
1991-1-1 pressure are explained in EN 1997 and its Designers Guide.9
The favourable or unfavourable eects of permanent loads for a building structure used
for storage of bulk materials, where the source and moisture content of the material can
eect its self-weight, should be determined accordingly. Generally a load case within a
design situation determining unfavourable eects of a permanent load on a member
should include the highest possible weight of the material. The load case determining favour-
able eects of a permanent action should consider the lowest possible weight of the material
cl.3.2(5): 1991-1-1 (Clause 3.2(5): 1991-1-1).
Note to cl.3.2(5)P: No comment is necessary to the Note to Clause 3.2(5)P: 1991-1-1.

3.3. Imposed loads

3.3.1. General
The favourable or unfavourable eects of the dierent categories of imposed loads in an area
should be determined accordingly. For example, for the design of beams and oor slabs the
cl.3.3.1(1)P: imposed loads q, from which Qk is determined (see Figs 3.1 and 3.2) should be applied in
1991-1-1 various arrangements within one storey to give the most unfavourable forces and moments.
If dierent categories of imposed loads in buildings (e.g. oors and balconies) are consid-
ered in a design situation where the imposed loads act simultaneously with other variable
cl.3.3.1(2)P: actions, then the total imposed loads can be considered in the load combination as a
1991-1-1 single action (see Chapter 1).
cl.3.3.1(3): 1991-1-1 No direct comment is necessary to Clause 3.3.1(3): 1991-1-1. Further information is given
in EN 1991-2 and its relevant Designers Guide.8
cl.3.3.1(4): 1991-1-1 No direct comment is necessary to Clause 3.3.1(4): 1991-1-1. The subject matter of this
clause is treated in Section 5.1.3 of the Designers Guide to EN 1990.6

3.3.2. Additional provisions for buildings

When determining the eects of actions on a roof, EN 1991-1-1 stipulates that imposed loads
need not be considered in the same combination as wind actions and/or snow loads as they
cl.3.3.2(1): 1991-1-1 are not likely to occur simultaneously on a roof.
In a combination of the eects of actions when the imposed load is considered as an
cl.3.3.2(4)P: accompanying action, only one of the reduction coecients ( from EN 1990, Table A1.1)
1991-1-1 or n from Clause (11) is allowed to be applied.
cl.3.3.2(3): 1991-1-1 No comment necessary for Clause 3.3.2(3): 1991-1-1.
The imposed loads to be considered for serviceability limit state verications should be
specied in accordance with the service conditions and the requirements concerning the
performance of the structure, and the appropriate representative values of the actions


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Instantaneous value of Q

Characteristic value Qk

t1 t2 t3

Combination value 0Qk

Frequent value 1Qk

Quasi-permanent value 2Qk


Fig. 3.3. Representative values of variable actions

0 Qk, 1 Qk and 2 Qk should be used. See Clause 4.1.3 of EN 1990 and the explanation in the
Designers Guide to EN 1990.6 cl.3.3.2(4): 1991-1-1
The combination value 0 Qk is associated with the combination of actions for irreversible
serviceability limit states. Examples where this representative value should be considered are
for the functioning of the structure or to its nishes or to non-structural parts (e.g. partition
walls, claddings).
The frequent value 1 Qk is primarily associated with the frequent combination in the
serviceability limit states. Examples where this representative value should be considered
are for the comfort of the user, or the functioning of machinery.
The main use of quasi-permanent values 2 Qk is the assessment of long-term eects, for
example cosmetic cracking and appearance of a building or creep eects in timber structures,
and for verication of frequent and quasi-permanent combinations (long-term eects) of cl.4.1.3(1)P:
serviceability limit states. 1991-1-1
See Fig. 3.3. for an explanation of the representative values of the actions 0 Qk, 1 Qk and
2 Qk.
Two examples, regarding Clauses 3.1 and 3.2 of EN 1991-1-1 are given below showing the cl.3.1: 1991-1-1
load arrangements for the design of the following: cl.3.2: 1991-1-1
. Example 3.2. A cantilever beam against overturning (reference Table A1.2(A) of
EN 1990)
. Example 3.3. A three-span continuous oor slab (reference Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990).
N.B. Reference needs to be made to Tables A1.2(A) and A1.2(B) of Annex A of EN 1990.

Example 3.2. A cantilever beam against overturning (reference Table

A1.2(A) of EN 1990)
A simply supported beam with a cantilever part.6 Only two actions are considered,
represented by uniformly distributed loads: the self-weight of the beam g and a free
variable action q. When studying a possible loss of equilibrium, the variable action is
applied only to the cantilever part (see Fig. 3.4).
In accordance with Clause of EN 1990 where the results of a verication may
be very sensitive to variations of the magnitude of a permanent action from place to place in cl.
the structure, the unfavourable and the favourable parts of this action shall be considered as EN 1990
individual actions. This applies in particular to the verication of static equilibrium and
analogous limit states.


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1



a b


Fig. 3.4. Simply supported beam with cantilever part

In a general manner, the expression of the vertical reaction at support A is:

1 b qq
RA aqg G1  2 G2   2 xQ with  and x
2 a qg

and the static equilibrium is considered as veried if RA  0. In the following, it is

assumed 2 0:5 for the establishment of the numerical example. Where the static
equilibrium is not ensured through the EQU verication (i.e. case A in Table 3.1), it is
assumed that an anchor is placed in A. This anchor should be designed for an appropriate
resistance (STR limit state) and an appropriate stability in the ground (GEO limit state)
cl.6.4.1(1)P: (for an explanation of EQU, STR and GEO see Section 6.4 of the Designers Guide to
EN 1990 EN 19906). For STR limit states verications for the anchor, EN 1990 recommends the
factors to be used are g;inf 1:00, g;sup 1:35 and q 1:50, as given in Table
A1.2(B) (i.e. case B in Table 3.1). Being a calculation related to equilibrium, the designer
should not use the single-source principle. Alternatively, EN 1990 also recommends,
through note 2 of Table A1.2(A), the factors to be used are g;inf 1:15, g;sup 1:35
and q 1:50 (i.e. case C of Table 3.1).
As can be seen from Table 3.1, if an anchor or other restraint is required, the alternative
method (i.e. case C) provides a much lower level of safety then using case B. Therefore the
authors recommend the use of case B only, if equilibrium in case A is not guaranteed. For
case B the single-source principle should not be used.

Table 3.1. A cantilever beam against overturning

Limit Reaction at support A and

state Application of actions and partial factors verication of the limit state

A. EQU 0.90g 1.50q Values recommended in

1.10g Table A1.2(A) of EN 1990
a b RA1 12 aG0:35  0:75x
RA1 RB1 EQU veried if x  0:47
B. STR 1.00g 1.50q Values recommended in
1.35g Table A1.2(A) of EN 1990
a b
RA2 12 aG0:325  0:75x
RA2 RB2 EQU veried if x  0:43
C. EQU 1.50q
Values recommended in
Alternative 1.35g Table A1.2(A) of EN 1990
combined A B
RA2 12 aG0:475  0:75x
verication a b
(note 2 to RA2 RB2
EQU veried if x  0:63
A1.2(A) of
EN 1990)


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Example 3.3. A three-span continuous oor slab (reference Table A1.2(B)

of EN 1990)
A steel beam and composite oor slab on three spans of equal length a (see Fig. 3.5). The
analysis will consider Expressions 6.10 and 6.10.a/6.10.b of EN 1990, and the load
arrangements and G and Q used are shown in Tables 3.2 to 3.5 below (Clause cl.6.4.1(1)P:
6.4.1(1)P: EN 1990). EN 1990
Assume low variability in self-weight, giving a single value of Gk 25 kN/m. Oce
loading, for which Qk 10 kN/m. Prestress is not present and geotechnical actions are
not present.


Fig. 3.5. Three-span continuous oor slab

Table 3.2. Using Expression 6.10 and Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990. Span BC

condition Application of actions and partial factors Comments

6.10 (33.57) (48.75) (33.57)

(Unfavourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15
span BC)
G,supGk,sup = 1.35 25 = 33.75

6.10 (40) (25) (40)

(Favourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 QQk = 1.5 10 = 15
span BC)
G,infGk,inf = 1.00 25 = 25

Table 3.3. Using Expression 6.10 and Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990. Span AB

condition Application of actions and partial factors Comments

6.10 (48.75) (33.75) (48.75)

(Unfavourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 QQk = 1.5 10 = 15
span AB)
G,supGk,sup = 1.35 25 = 33.75

6.10 (25) (40) (25)

(Favourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15
span AB)
G,infGk,inf = 1.00 25 = 25


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 3.4. Using Expressions 6.10a and 6.10b and Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990. Span BC

condition Application of actions and partial factors Comments

(33.75) (44.25) (33.75)

6.10a 0 0:7 for oce areas
(Unfavourable Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 = 10.5 (Table A1.1 of EN 1990)
span BC)
G,supGk,sup = 1.35 25 = 33.75

0 0:7 for oce areas

6.10a (35.5) (25) (35.5)
(Favourable Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 (Table A1.1 of EN 1990)
= 10.5 = 10.5
span BC)

G,infGk,inf = 1.00 25 = 25

6.10b (28.69) (43.69) (28.69) See Note 2 of Table A1.2(B)

(Unfavourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 of EN 1990
span BC)
G,supGk,sup = 0.85 1.35 25 = 28.69

6.10b (36.25) (21.25) (36.25) See Note 2 of Table A1.2(B)

(Favourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 of EN 1990
span BC)
G,infGk,inf = 0.85 1.00 25 = 21.25

Table 3.5. Using Expressions 6.10a and 6.10b and Table A1.2(B) of EN 1990. Span AB

Expression/ Application of action and partial factors Comments


0 0:7 for oce areas

6.10a (44.25) (33.75) (44.25)
(Unfavourable Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 (Table A1.1 of EN 1990)
= 10.5 = 10.5
span AB)

G,supGk,sup = 1.35 25 = 33.75

(25) (35.5) (25)

6.10a 0 0:7 for oce areas
(Favourable Q0Qk = 1.5 0.7 10 = 10.5 (Table A1.1 of EN 1990)
span AB)
G,infGk,inf = 1.00 25 = 25

6.10b (43.69) (28.69) (43.69) See Note 2 of Table A1.2(B)

(Unfavourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 of EN 1990
span AB)
G,supGk,sup = 0.85 1.35 25 = 28.69

6.10b (21.25) (36.25) (21.25) See Note 2 of Table A1.2(B)

(Favourable QQk = 1.5 10 = 15 of EN 1990
span AB)
G,infGk,inf = 0.85 1.00 25 = 21.25


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Conclusion for Example 3.3

The dierent applications of the actions considered in this example suggest that the
expression 6.10b, when used with unfavourable partial factors, gives the maximum
bending moment in the spans BC and AB.
However, it is not clear, from the above values, which of expressions 6.10a and 6.10b
would give the more onerous application of the actions for the bending moment at the
supports. It has to be ascertained by calculating the actual bending moments for each


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Densities of construction and

stored materials

This chapter is concerned with densities of construction and stored materials in EN 1991-1-1:
Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 4.1: 1991-1-1

4.1. General
Where available, the design should use characteristic values of densities of construction and
stored materials. Where characteristic values are not available, mean values should be used
as characteristic values. Annex A of EN 1991-1-1 (see Chapter 7 of the EN 1991-1-1 part of cl.4.1.(1): 1991-1-1
this Designers Guide) gives mean values. It should be noted that when a range is given,
EN 1991-1-1 recognises that the mean value will be highly dependent on the source of the
material, moisture variation etc. These values should be selected and used considering
each individual project and design situation (see Chapter 3 of the EN 1991-1-1 part of this
Designers Guide).
For materials (e.g. new and innovative materials) which are not covered by the Tables
in Annex A of EN 1991-1-1, the characteristic value of the density needs to be determined cl.4.1.(2): 1991-1-1
in accordance with EN 1990 Clause 4.1.2 and agreed for each individual project.
Further information is given in EN 1990 and its relevant Designers Guide.6
Sections 2.1 and 3.2 of the EN 1991-1-1 part of this Designers Guide explain how the cl.4.1.(3): 1991-1-1
requirements of (Clause 4.1.(3): 1991-1-1), and EN 1990 Clause 4.1.2 should be met. cl.4.1.(3): 1991-1-1
No comment necessary for Clause 4.1.(4): 1991-1-1. cl.4.1.(4): 1991-1-1

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Self-weight of construction works

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of self-weight of construction works
relating to EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings. The material described in this chapter is
covered in the following clauses:
. Representation of actions Clause 5.1: 1991-1-1
. Characteristic values of self-weight Clause 5.2: 1991-1-1

5.1. Representation of actions

The self-weight of the construction works eects the structure throughout its design working
life normally without substantial changes (see Fig. 5.1). For most cases, in particular for the
design of buildings it may be represented by a single characteristic value and be calculated on cl.5.1.(1): 1991-1-1
the basis of the nominal dimensions and the characteristic values of the densities.
The self-weight of the construction works includes:
. the structure (see examples for concrete, masonry, steel and timber in Section 5.2 below);
. non-structural elements, see below, which may include xed services. cl.5.1.(2): 1991-1-1
The eects of actions due to the self-weight of non-structural elements may change during
the lifetime of the structure due to maintenance, repairs and refurbishment. Such changes
may aect the load and its spatial distribution. At the time of design, it should be
anticipated whether such changes will occur, but the changes in magnitude and spatial
distribution will not generally be known. Removal of such components does not aect
the general load-carrying capabilities of a member or structure but it may change the
static equilibrium of the actionstructure system.
Clause 5.1.(3) of EN 1991-1-1 lists examples of non-structural elements as below: cl.5.1.(3): 1991-1-1
. roong
. surfacing and coverings
. partitions and linings
. handrails, safety barriers, parapets and kerbs
. wall cladding
. suspended ceilings
. thermal insulation
. bridge furniture
. xed services.

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Permanent action

Arbitrary point-in-time action

Variable action


Fig. 5.1. Example of variation of permanent and variable actions during the design working life of a

Note to cl.5.1.(3): There will be occasions when a manufacturer will need to be consulted (e.g. for safes and
1991-1-1 other industrial equipment).
cl.5.1.(4): 1991-1-1 Clause 5.1.(4) of EN 1991-1-1 lists examples of xed services as below:
. equipment for lifts and moving stairways
. heating, ventilating and air-conditioning equipment
. electrical equipment
. pipes without their contents
. cable trunking and conduits.
Loads due to some types of non-structural elements may be treated as imposed loads (e.g.
cl.5.1.(5): 1991-1-1 movable partitions).

5.2. Characteristic values of self-weight

5.2.1. General
cl.5.2.1.(1)P: Characteristic values of self-weight and of the dimensions and densities are determined in
1991-1-1 accordance with EN 1990, 4.1.2.
The characteristic values of the self-weight for structures or members of dierent materials
are described below.

Concrete structures
The factors which determine the characteristic values of the self-weight for concrete
structures or members include the cross-section dimensions, the characteristic values of
the densities for concrete, reinforcement, steel detail etc. Random deviations are mainly
caused by the random variability of the dimensions and the density of concrete. The self-
weight of a concrete member is a substantial part of the total load on a structure.

Masonry structures
The factors which determine the characteristic values of the self-weight for masonry
structures or members, include:
. the dimensions of the bricks and blocks
. ancillary elements (e.g. wall ties)
. the bulk density of bricks or blocks (depending on the voids)
. the property of the mortar


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. the pattern of masonry and thickness of the joints

. the extent of mortar penetration in the voids
. moisture contents.
Random deviations are mainly associated by the rst four factors above. The self-weight
of a masonry member is a substantial part of the total load on a structure.

Steel structures
The factors which determine the characteristic values of the self-weight for steel structures
or members include the weight of the individual parts and components, and the weight of
the connections. Random deviations are mainly caused by the variability of the dimensions
(material thickness). In comparison with the random deviations of structures of other
materials the random deviation of the self-weight of metal structures is small. The self-
weight of a steel member is often a small part of the total load on a structure.

Timber structures
The factors which determine the characteristic values of the self-weight for timber structures
or members, include:
. the weight density of the timber
. the dimensions of the individual parts
. the weight of connecting parts
. ancillary elements (e.g. the weight of metal parts)
. moisture contents.
Random deviations are mainly associated by the rst two factors above. The self-weight of
a timber member is important as timber structures are often designed to carry relatively low
When determining the characteristic values for self-weight, any required nominal cl.5.2.1.(2):
dimensions should be those as shown on the drawings. 1991-1-1

5.2.2. Additional provisions for buildings

Self-weights for manufactured elements (e.g. ooring systems, facades, lifts and other
equipment for buildings) are not given in EN 1991-1-1 but the code advises to contact the cl.5.2.2.(1):
appropriate manufacturer. 1991-1-1
For determining the eect of the self-weight due to movable partitions, an equivalent
uniformly distributed load shall be used and added to the imposed load. See, in this cl.5.2.2.(2)P:
Designers Guide, Chapter 6 of the EN 1991-1-1 part. 1991-1-1

5.2.3. Additional provisions specic for bridges

The clauses in this section of EN 1991-1-1 are discussed in the Designers Guide to EN 1991-
1-1 Actions on Bridges8. cl.5.2.3: 1991-1-1


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Imposed loads on buildings

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of imposed loads on buildings relating
to EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Densities,
self-weight, imposed loads for buildings. The material described in this chapter is covered in
the following clauses.
. Representation of actions Clause 6.1: 1991-1-1
. Load arrangements Clause 6.2: 1991-1-1
. Characteristic values of Imposed Loads Clause 6.3: 1991-1-1

6.1. Representation of actions

Imposed loads on oors or roofs of buildings are be caused by the following:

(1) Furniture and movable objects (e.g. movable partitions, storage, equipment, the
contents of containers); these loads at certain points in time are subjected to considerable
instantaneous changes in their magnitudes, mainly due to change of occupancy, change
of use etc. Between these instantaneous changes the load varies very slowly with time and
the magnitudes of the variation are generally small (see Fig. 6.1(a)).
(2) Normal use by persons; these loads are often periodical and only present during a
relatively small part of the time, e.g. for school rooms only for about 14 of a 24-hour
day (see Fig. 6.1(b)). In some cases the loads from persons may also cause dynamic
eects, e.g. dancing halls and gyms used for aerobics.
(3) Vehicles including industrial vehicles, and helicopters in the case of some roofs.
(4) Anticipated rare events, such as concentrations of persons or of furniture, or the moving cl.6.1.(1): 1991-1-1
or stacking of objects which may occur during reorganisation or refurbishment, or the
moving and stacking of storage items. These special situations occur during a short or
moderate period of time but suciently during the design working life of a building
to make it necessary to take them into account in the minimum values of imposed
loads given in EN 1991-1-1 (see Fig. 6.1(c)).

The imposed load on oors may, in special situations, be considerably increased for a
short or moderate period of time. Examples of such situations could be:

. The gathering of people during special planned events, such as parties. During such
events people tend to cluster into groups.
. The crowding of people under emergency-type situations, such as in an exit hall or a re

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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

(a) Load caused by furniture and heavy equipment

(b) Load caused by persons in ordinary load situations

(c) Loads in special load situations

Fig. 6.1. Time variability of the magnitude Q of the load

The density and intensity of people on a oor, as shown in Fig. 6.2,12 can have a signicant
inuence on the imposed load on a oor.
Imposed loads may be regarded as consisting of two dierent parts. The rst part is associated
with ordinary load situations occurring many times a year, and caused by the loads described in
Fig. 6.1(a) and (b) above. The second part is associated with special load situations, and caused
by the loads described in Fig. 6.1(c) above where the load may be considerably increased. The
ordinary and special load situations are also called sustained and intermittent loads.
cl.6.1.(22): 1991-1-1 The principal background to the modelling of imposed loads in EN 1991-1-1 is CIB
Report 116.13 The imposed loads specied EN 1991-1-1 are modelled by uniformly
distributed loads (to determine general eects on a oor or a roof ), line loads (normally
for horizontal loads acting on parapets) or concentrated loads (for the determination of
local eects) or combinations of these loads.
cl.6.1.(3): 1991-1-1 The values of imposed loads, on oor and roof areas in buildings are dependent on the
use of the oor or roof, and are categorised in EN 1991-1-1 accordingly.
The categorisation is into ten main categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K as follows:
. Category A: Areas for domestic and residential activities
. Category B: Oce areas
. Category C: Areas where people may congregate (with the exception of areas dened
under category A, B and D)
. Category D: Shopping areas
. Category E1: Areas susceptible to accumulation of goods, including access areas
. Category E2: Industrial use
. Category F: Trac and parking areas for light vehicles (30 kN gross vehicle weight and
8 seats not including driver)
. Category G: Trac and parking areas for medium vehicles (>30 kN, 160 kN gross
vehicle weight, on two axles)
. Category H: Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance and repair
. Category I: Roofs accessible with occupancy according to categories A to D
. Category K: Roofs accessible for special services, such as helicopter landing areas.
Values of loads for heavy equipment (e.g. in communal kitchens, radiology rooms, boiler
rooms etc.) are not given in EN 1991-1-1, and the designer is asked to agree these with the


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2.00 kN/m2 3.00 kN/m2

4.00 kN/m2 5.00 kN/m2

6.00 kN/m2 7.00 kN/m2

Fig. 6.2. Load values associated with various intensities of people loading

client and/or the relevant authority. Heavy equipment comes under Category E2 in EN 1991- cl.6.1.(4): 1991-1-1
1-1, and advice on value loads for heavy equipment is given in Section 6.3.2 and Table 6.6) of
this Designers Guide.

6.2. Load arrangements

6.2.1. Floors, beams and roofs
For the design of a oor member in one storey or a roof of a building, the imposed load is cl.6.2.1.(1)P:
taken into account as a free action applied at the most unfavourable part of the inuence 1991-1-1
area of the action eects considered. See Fig. 6.3.
Where the eects of the actions on the member from other storeys are considered relevant, cl.6.2.1.(2):
they may be assumed as xed actions, and be distributed uniformly (see Fig. 6.3(b)). A more 1991-1-1
rigorous chessboard arrangement of the actions may be also used (see Fig. 6.3(a)). See also
Examples 3.2 and 3.3 in this part of this Designers Guide.


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

(a) Chessboard arrangement (b) Simplification in EN 1991-1-1

Fig. 6.3. Mid-span bending moment of a oor structure (arrow points to element under consideration)

cl.6.2.1.(3)P: In addition, to ensure a minimum local resistance of the oor member a separate
1991-1-1 verication needs to be performed with a concentrated load. Unless required by the
design, a concentrated load need not normally be combined with the uniformly distributed
loads or other variable actions.
cl.6.2.1.(4): The imposed loads on an appropriate member (e.g. a beam) may be reduced according to
1991-1-1 the magnitude of the area supported, by a reduction factor A . See Clause for the
value and conditions of use of A .

6.2.2. Columns and walls

cl.6.2.2.(1): For the design of vertical elements (e.g. columns or walls), loaded from several storeys, the
1991-1-1 total imposed loads on the oor of each storey, according to EN 1991-1-1, should be assumed
to be distributed uniformly. The design however should consider the case when an alternate
span is not loaded with a variable action, the eects of which may be to produce tension on
one face of a column and/or additional compression on the other face.
cl.6.2.2.(2): The total imposed loads on a vertical element from several storeys may be reduced by a
1991-1-1 factor n . See Clause for the values and conditions of use of n .

6.3. Characteristic values of imposed loads

6.3.1. Residential, social, commercial and administration areas Categories
Areas in residential, social, commercial and administration buildings are divided into
. A (areas for domestic and residential activities)
. B (oce area)
. C (area where people may congregate)
. D (shopping area).

cl. See Table 6.1 which gives an example of the style of presentation of Table 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1.

Table 6.1. Example of style of Table 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1

Category Specic use Example

D Shopping areas D1: Areas in general retail shops
D2: Areas in department stores


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Within Table 6.1 Categories C and D have been sub-categorised reecting the dierent Table 6.1 and
specic uses within a category as follows: cl.
(1) For category C:
. C1: areas with tables, e.g. restaurants
. C2: areas with xed seats, e.g. churches, theatres and lecture rooms
. C3: areas without obstacles for moving people such as museums
. C4: for example gyms
. C5: areas susceptible to large crowds such as concert halls and stands.
(2) For Category D:
. D1: general retail shops
. D2: departmental stores.
Sub-categories C1 to C4, depending on their anticipated use, may be categorised as Note 2 to Table 6.1
C5 (e.g. area susceptible to large crowds). This recognises that areas covered by C1 to cl.
C4 may themselves be susceptible to large crowds during the design working life of the 1991-1-1
The National Annex may additionally sub-categorise Catagories A, B, C1 to C5, D1 and Note 2 to Table 6.1
D2. Reference should therefore be made to the appropriate National Annex. In particular, cl.
users in the UK should note that the BSI National Annex oers a comprehensive heavy sub- 1991-1-1
categorisation for all categories A to D as described below.
(1) Category A is sub-categorised into seven sub-categories:
. A1 (All usages within self-contained dwelling units (a unit occupied by a single family
or a modular student accommodation unit with a secure door and comprising not
more than six single bedrooms and an internal corridor.) Communal areas (including
kitchens) in blocks of ats with limited use. For communal areas in other blocks of
ats, see A5, A6 and C3)
. A2 (Bedrooms and dormitories except those in self-contained single family dwelling
units and in hotels and motels)
. A3 (Bedrooms in hotels and motels; hospital wards; toilet areas)
. A4 (Billiard/snooker rooms)
. A5 (Balconies in single family dwelling units and communal areas in blocks of ats
with limited use)
. A6 (Balconies in hostels, guest houses, residential clubs and communal areas in
blocks of ats) and
. A7 (Balconies in hotels and motels)
(2) Category B is sub-categorised into two sub-categories:
. B1 (General oce use)
. B2 (At or below ground-oor level)
(3) Category C1 (Areas with tables) is sub-categorised into three sub-categories:
. C11 (Public, institutional and communal dining rooms and lounges, cafes and
. C12 (Reading rooms with no book storage)
. C13 (Classrooms)
(4) Category C2 (Areas with xed seats) is sub-categorised into two sub-categories:
. C21 (Assembly areas with xed seating)
. C22 (Places of worship)
(5) Category C3 (Areas without obstacles for moving people) is sub-categorised into nine


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

. C31 (Corridors, hallways, aisles in institutional-type buildings not subjected to

crowds or wheeled vehicles, hostels, guest houses, residential clubs, and communal
areas in blocks of ats)
. C32 (Stairs, landings in institutional-type buildings not subjected to crowds or
wheeled vehicles, hostels, guest houses, residential clubs, and communal areas in
blocks of ats)
. C33 (Corridors, hallways, aisles in all buildings not covered by C31 and C32,
including hotels and motels and institutional buildings subjected to crowds)
. C34 (Corridors, hallways, aisles in all buildings not covered by C31 and C32,
including hotels and motels and institutional buildings subjected to wheeled vehicles,
including trolleys)
. C35 (Stairs, landings in all buildings not covered by C31 and C32, including hotels
and motels and institutional buildings subjected to crowds)
. C36 (Walkways light duty (access suitable for one person, walkway width approx
600 mm))
. C37 (Walkways general duty (regular two-way pedestrian trac))
. C38 (Walkways heavy duty (high-density pedestrian trac including escape
. C39 (Museum oors and art galleries for exhibition purposes)
(6) Category C4 (Areas with possible physical activities) is sub-categorised into two sub-
. C41 (Dance halls and studios, gymnasia, stages)
. C42 (Drill halls and drill rooms)
(7) Category C5 (Areas susceptible to large crowds) is sub-categorised into two sub-
. C51 (Assembly areas without xed seating, concert halls, bars and places of
. C52 (Stages in public assembly areas)
(8) Category D in the UK NA to EN 1991-1-1 is similar to EN 1991-1-1.
UK NA to EN 1991- The sub-categorisation is similar to BS 6399: Part 114. The necessity of such a heavy sub-
1-1: Table 6.1(BS) categorisation is debatable but given here to inform the designer.
For guidance on situations where dynamic eects need to be considered where it is
cl. anticipated that the occupancy will cause signicant dynamic eects, see Section 2.2 of
1991-1-1 this Designers Guide. Values of actions

cl. For each of the categories of loaded areas given in Table 6 of EN 1991-1-1 and described in
1991-1-1 Section of this part of the Designers Guide, Table 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1 species
characteristic values qk (uniformly distributed load) and Qk (concentrated load), which, as
either conrmed or modied by the National Annex must be used for the design of
members of structures for the appropriate categories.
In Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1 a range of values for qk and Qk are given for each category.
The actual value to be used for each appropriate country is set by the National Annex. In
EN 1991-1-1 the recommended values within the range are underlined. Table 6.2 of this
Designers Guide gives an example to illustrate the style of Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1.
Notations qk and Qk are intended for separate application. Notation qk is intended for
determination of general eects and Qk for local eects. The National Annex may dene
dierent conditions of use of this table. See in particular the BSI National Annex.15
The values given in Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1 should be regarded as minimum values and
when considered necessary, qk and Qk should be increased in the design. This can apply for
stairs, which are also used for emergencies where, depending on the occupancy of a building,
there may be crowding of people under emergency-type situations (e.g. a re alarm).


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Table 6.2. Example to illustrate the style of Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1. Imposed loads on oors, balconies
and stairs in buildings

Categories of loaded areas qk (kN/m2) Qk (kN)

Category A
Category B
Category C
Category D
. D1 4.0 to 5.0 3.5 to 7.0 (4.0)
. D2 4.0 to 5.0 3.5 to 7.0

Note: Bold type indicates recommended values

Balconies will also attract larger loads, for example at social gatherings, or watching street cl.
events, where clustering of people is common. 1991-1-1
When verifying for local eects, the concentrated load Qk from Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1, cl.
acting alone, should be used. 1991-1-1
Concentrated loads should be assumed to act at positions on a member to give the
greatest moment, shear or deection. Concentrated loads should be applied to individual
members and assumed to act on them unless there is evidence that adequate interaction
exists to ensure that the load can be shared or spread (e.g. a concrete slab with adequate
depth). cl.
No comment necessary for Clause 1991-1-1. 1991-1-1
When used for the calculation of local eects such as crushing and punching, the Note to
appropriate concentrated load Qk should be assumed to act at a position, and over an cl.
area of application of a oor, balcony or stair, appropriate to its cause. Where this 1991-1-1
cannot be foreseen, both the Note to Clause 1991-1-1 and BS 6399: Part 114 cl.
recommends a square contact area with a 50 mm side. 1991-1-1
For specic applications, for example for trac loads and helicopters, EN 1991-1-1 gives
specic recommendations (see Sections, 6.3.3 and 6.3.4 of this part of this Designers
Guide). cl.
No comment is necessary for Clause 1991-1-1. 1991-1-1
In accordance with EN 1991-1-1, oors that may be subjected to multiple use have to be cl.
designed for the most unfavourable category of loading which produces the highest eects of 1991-1-1
actions (e.g. bending moment, shear force or deection) for the member under consideration.
In EN 1991-1-1, movable partitions are considered as variable actions. Provided that a cl.
oor allows a lateral distribution of loads (e.g. a concrete oor), the self-weight of 1991-1-1
movable partitions is considered as a uniformly distributed load qk which is added to the
imposed loads of oors obtained from Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1. The value of qk is
dependent on the self-weight of the partitions. EN 1991-1-1 gives values for qk for
movable partitions with a self-weight:
. 1.0 kN/m
. 2.0 kN/m
. 3.0 kN/m wall length.
As an example:
. for movable partitions with a self-weight 2.0 kN/m wall length: qk 0:8 kN/m2.
Values for qk for other self-weighs of movable partitions are given in Clause 1991- cl.
1-1. 1991-1-1
When selecting a value for the self-weight of the partition it would be prudent for
the design to anticipate any alterations that may occur during the design working life if
For heavier partitions than those described above (i.e. >3.0 kN/m wall length), the design
should take account of:


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 6.3. Comparison between EN 1991-1-1 and the UK National Annex for A

A (m2) A (EN 1991-1-1 with 0 0:7 A (EN 1991-1-1 with 0 1:0 A (BSI NA for EN 1991-1-1)

40 0.75 0.96 0.96

80 0.63 0.84 0.92
120 0.59 0.80 0.88
160 0.56 0.78 0.84
240 0.54 0.76 0.76

. the locations and directions of the partitions

. the structural form of the oors.

cl. As described in Clause 6.2.1 of this Designers Guide, the imposed loads on an appropriate
1991-1-1 member (e.g. a beam, oors, and accessible roofs) may be reduced according to the
magnitude of the area supported, by a reduction factor A .
This reduction factor A may only be applied to the qk values for imposed loads in the
following Tables in EN 1991-1-1:

. Tables 6.2 and 6.10 for oors (Categories A to D)

. Table 6.9 for accessible roofs (Category I).

The following expression (expression 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1) is recommended in the Note 1 to

(Clause 1991-1-1), for the determination of the value for the reduction factor A
for categories A to D:

cl. 5 A0
A 0  1:0 (Expression 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1)
1991-1-1 7 A
with the restriction for categories C and D: A  0:6


0 is the factor according to EN 1990 Annex A1 Table A1.1

A0 10:0 m2
A is the loaded area.

Note 2 to (Clause 1991-1-1) allows the National Annex to give an alternative
cl.NA 2.5 UK NA to The National Annex for use in the UK substitutes expression 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1 by
1991-1-1 the expression below (expression NA.1 from UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-1) for the
determination of the reduction factor A .

A 1:0  A=1000  0:75 (Expression NA.1 from UK NA to EN 1991-1-1)

where A is the area (m2) supported.

It is emphasised that Clause NA 2.5 UK NA to EN 1991-1-1 states that Loads that have
been specically determined from knowledge of the proposed use of the structure do not
qualify for reduction.
Table 6.3 shows a comparison between the EN 1991-1-1 and the UK National Annex
values for A .
Figure 6.4 shows the comparison for A graphically for EN 1991-1-1 (CEN), the UK
National Annex (UK) and current practices (i.e. before implementation of the Eurocodes)
taken from the codes of practices for France (FR), Germany (DE), Czech Republic (CR)
and Finland (FI).


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CR (C, D)

0.9 FI

FR DE (C, D)
0.8 CR (A, B)

DE (A, B)

20 30 40 50 60
A (m2)

Fig. 6.4. Comparison of A values

As described in Clause 6.2.2 of this Designers Guide, the imposed loads on columns and
walls can be reduced by a reduction factor n . This reduction factor n may only be applied
to the qk values for imposed loads in the following Tables in EN 1991-1-1:

. Tables 6.2, for oors (Categories A to D).

The following expression (expression 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1) is recommended in Note 1 to Note to

(Clause 1991-1-1), for the determination of the value for the reduction factor cl.
n , where the total imposed loads from several storeys may be multiplied by the reduction 1991-1-1
factor n .

2 n  2 0
n (Expression 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1)

n is the number of storeys (>2) above the loaded structural elements from the same
0 is in accordance with EN 1990, Annex A1, Table A1.1.

Note 2 to (Clause 1991-1-1) allows the National Annex to give an alternative
The National Annex for use in the UK substitutes expression 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1 by cl.NA 2.6 UK NA to
the expression below (expression NA.2 from UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-1) for the 1991-1-1
determination of the reduction factor n .

n 1:1  n=10 for 1  n  5

n 0:6 for 5 < n  10 (Expression NA.2 from UK NA)
n 0:5 for n > 10

where n is the number of storeys with loads qualifying for reduction.

Clause NA 2.6 UK NA to EN 1991-1-1 states that Loads that have been specically cl.NA 2.6 UK NA to
determined from knowledge of the proposed use of the structure do not qualify for 1991-1-1


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 6.4. Comparison between EN 1991-1-1 and the UK National Annex for n
n (number of storeys of building) n (EN 1991-1-1); 0:7 n (BSI NA for EN 1991-1-1)

1 1 1
2 1 0.9
3 0.9 0.8
4 0.85 0.7
5 0.82 0.6
6 0.8 0.6
7 0.79 0.6
8 0.78 0.6
9 0.77 0.6
10 0.76 0.6

Table 6.4 shows a comparison between the EN 1991-1-1 and the UK National Annex
values for n .
Figure 6.5 shows the comparison for n graphically for EN 1991-1-1 (CEN), the UK
National Annex (UK) and current practices taken from the codes of practice (i.e. before imple-
mentation of the Eurocodes) for France (FR), Germany (DE), and the Czech Republic (CR).
No advice is given in EN 1991-1-1 on whether the reduction factors A and n can both be
used simultaneously. The UK National Annex gives the following guidance:
. Load reductions based on area may be applied if A < n .
. However, the reductions given by A cannot be used in combination with those
determined for n .
The following advice is recommended by the authors.
Use of A for the reduction of values of qk for the design of beams, oors, roofs etc. for
appropriate oor area.
The total imposed loads from several storeys, can be reduced by n . However, the value of
the imposed loads from oors etc. should be the value of qk before any reduction by A .

FR (C, D)


CR (C, D)

FR (A, B)
CR (A, B)

2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 6.5. Comparison of n values

6.3.2. Areas for storage and industrial activities Categories
Areas for storage and industrial activities may be separated into the two categories in
EN 1991-1-1 as follows:
. Category E1 for areas susceptible to accumulation of goods, including access areas (e.g.
cl. areas for storage use including storage of books and other documents).
1991-1-1 . Category E2 for Industrial use.


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Table 6.5. Categories of storage and industrial use from the UK National Annex to EN 1991-1

Category Specic use Examples (sub-categories)

E1 Areas susceptible to E1: General areas for static equipment not specied elsewhere
accumulation of (institutional and public buildings)
goods, including E11: Reading rooms with book storage, e.g. libraries
access areas E12: General storage other than those specied
E13: File rooms, ling and storage space (oces)
E14: Stack rooms (books)
E15: Paper storage for printing plants and stationery stores
E16: Dense mobile stacking (books) on mobile trolleys, in public and
institutional buildings
E17: Dense mobile stacking (books) on mobile trucks, in warehouses
E18: Cold storage
E2 Industrial use Values for actions

For the loaded areas, as categorised E1 and E2, EN 1991-1-1 gives characteristic values qk
(uniformly distributed load) and Qk (concentrated load). qk is intended for determination
of general eects and Qk for local eects.
For Category E1, EN 1991-1-1 provides only one set of values, namely qk 7:5 kN/m2 cl.
and Qk 7:0 kN. No further advice is provided in EN 1991-1-1. 1991-1-1
However, EN 1991-1-1 states that the recommended values for qk and Qk given above
may be changed if necessary according to the usage (e.g. for storage it refers to Annex A Note to
of EN 1991-1-1) for the particular project or by the National Annex. It is also stated cl.
the National Annex may dene dierent conditions of use. 1991-1-1
The UK National Annex expands the limited information given in EN 1991-1-1 for
Categories E1 and E2 with the information in Table 6.5 (reproduced from Table 6.3: Table 6.3:
National Annex to BS EN 1991-1-1). to 1991-1-1
Table 6.6a shows a representation of imposed oor load values due to storage from the
UK National Annex. The other values are in the UK National Annex (Table 6.4: National Table 6.4:
Annex to BS EN 1991-1-1). to 1991-1-1
BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002, does not specify values for imposed loads on oors for areas
of industrial use (i.e. Category E2 from BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002, Table 6.3). cl.
However, BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002, 6.1(4) does state that loads for heavy equipment (e.g. in 1991-1-1
communal kitchens, radiology rooms and boiler rooms) should be agreed between the client
and/or the relevant authority. cl.6.1(4): 1991-1-1

Table 6.6a. Imposed oor loads due to storage from the UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-1

Category of
loaded areas qk (kN/m2) Qk (kN)

Category E1 2.0 1.8

. E11
. E12 2.4 for each metre of storage height 7.0
. E13 5.0 4.5
. E14
. E15
. E16
. E17
. E18 5.0 for each metre of storage height but with a minimum of 15.0 9.0


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 6.6b. Imposed loads on oors for areas of industrial use

Category of qk Qk
loaded area Examples of specic use (kN/m2) (kN)

E2 Communal kitchens except those covered by occupancy 3.0 4.5

(industrial class A in Table NA.3
use) Operating theatres, X-ray rooms, utility rooms 2.0 4.5
Work rooms (light industrial) without storage 2.5 1.8
Kitchens, laundries, laboratories 3.0 4.5
Rooms with mainframe computers or similar equipment 3.5 4.5
Machinery halls, circulation spaces therein 4.0 4.5
Cinematographic projection rooms 5.0 To be
determined for
specic use
Factories, workshops and similar buildings (general 5.0 4.5
Foundries 20.0 To be
determined for
specic use
Catwalks 1.0 at 1 m
Fly galleries (i.e. access structures used in theatres to hang 4.5 kN/m run
scenery, curtains, etc.) distributed
uniformly over
Ladders 1.5 rung load

In the absence of such agreement, the minimum imposed loads given in Table 6.6b above,
reproduced from BS PD 6688-116 may be used for Category E2 loaded areas.
cl.6.3.2.(2)P: For industrial activities the characteristic value of the imposed load that is taken in the
1991-1-1 design should be the maximum value taking account of the dynamic eects when appropriate
(e.g. for forklifts, see and for other transport vehicles see The loading
arrangement needs to produce the most unfavourable conditions allowed in use.
Note to cl.6.3.2.(2)P: No further advice required for the Note to Clause 6.3.2.(2)P: 1991-1-1.
1991-1-1 In the absence of the information in EN 1991-1-1 or its appropriate National Annex, the
characteristic values of vertical loads in storage areas should be derived by taking into
account the density of the storage item which can generally be obtained from Annex A of
cl.6.3.2.(3): EN 1991-1-1 and the upper design values for stacking heights. When stored material
1991-1-1 exerts horizontal forces on walls etc. (e.g. in silos), the horizontal force can be determined
in accordance with EN 1991-4.
cl.6.3.2.(4): The design needs to take into account the stabilising and de-stabilising eects of the eects
1991-1-1 of lling and emptying.
As for example specied for Category E17 in the BSI National Annex to EN 1991-1-1 (see
Table 6.6 of this Designers Guide), loads for storage areas for books and other documents
cl.6.3.2.(5): should be determined from the loaded area and the height of the book cases using the
1991-1-1 appropriate values for density from Annex A of EN 1991-1-1 (Clause 6.3.2.(5): 1991-1-1).
cl.6.3.2.(6): No further guidance required for Clause 6.3.2.(6): 1991-1-1.
1991-1-1 Actions due to industrial vehicles (e.g. forklifts and transport vehicles) should be
considered as concentrated loads as described below. Where these industrial vehicle
loads occur simultaneously with the categories of loads which are given in Tables 6.2,
6.4. and 6.8 of EN 1991-1-1 (see Table 6.2, Clause 6.3.2 and Table 6.10 of this
Designers Guide), the appropriate imposed distributed loads given in Tables 6.2, 6.4 and
cl.6.3.2.(7): 6.8 need only be used with the concentrated loads from the forklifts (Clause 6.3.2.(7):
1991-1-1 1991-1-1).


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Table 6.7. Dimensions of forklift according to classes FL

Class of Net weight Hoisting load Width of axle a Overall width b Overall length l
forklift (kN) (kN) (m) (m) (m)

FL 1 21
FL 2 31
FL 3 44
FL 4 60 40 1.20 1.40 4.00
FL 5 90 60 1.50 1.90 4.60
FL 6 110 Actions induced by forklifts

EN 1991-1-1 describes six forklifts classes, namely FL 1 to FL 6, depending on their net cl.
weight, dimensions and hoisting loads. Table 6.7 provides a limited form of Table 6.5 of 1991-1-1
EN 1991-1-1.
The static vertical axle load Qk of a forklift is dependent upon the class of the forklifts cl.
FL 1 to FL 6 and is obtained from Table 6.8 below which reproduces Table 6.6 of 1991-1-1
EN 1991-1-1.
To determine the dynamic characteristic value of the action, the static vertical axle load cl.
Qk, obtained from Table 6.8 (Table 6.6 of EN 1991-1-1) needs to be increased by the 1991-1-1
dynamic factor using expression (6.3) of EN 1991-1-1.

Qk;dyn Qk (Expression 6.3 of EN 1991-1-1)


Qk;dyn is the dynamic characteristic value of the action

is the dynamic magnication factor
Qk is the static characteristic value of the action.

Notation for forklifts takes into account the inertial eects caused by acceleration and
deceleration of the hoisting load and is be taken as in EN 1991-1-1 as follows:

1:40 for pneumatic tyres cl.

2:00 for solid tyres. 1991-1-1

When the type of tyre is not known at the design stage, 2:00 should be used.
For forklifts having a net weight greater than 110 kN, EN 1991-1-1 recommends that cl.
the dynamic loads should be dened by a more accurate analysis. A good source would 1991-1-1
be the manufacturers of forklifts.
It is recommended that details of specic forklifts be checked with the clients or the
manufacturers in case they dier from those described in Table 6.7.
The load arrangements for the vertical axle load Qk and Qk,dyn of a forklift should be in cl.
accordance with Fig. 6.6 (reproduced from Fig. 6.1 of EN 1991-1-1). All measurements in 1991-1-1
the diagram are in metres.
For situations where the design needs to consider the horizontal loads due to acceleration cl.
or deceleration of forklifts, EN 1991-1-1 recommends that these are taken as 30% of the 1991-1-1
vertical axle loads Qk given in Table 6.8 below which reproduces Table 6.6 of EN 1991-1-1.
Dynamic magnication factors are not needed to be applied to horizontal loads for
forklifts (Note Clause 1991-1-1). Actions induced by transport vehicles

EN 1991-1-1 provides only general information on actions induced by transport vehicles,
and these are outlined below.


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 6.8. Axle loads of forklifts

Class of forklifts Axle load Qk (kN)

FL 1 26
FL 2 40
FL 3 63
FL 4 90
FL 5 140
FL 6 170

cl. The actions from transport vehicles that move on oors freely or guided by rails need to be
1991-1-1 determined considering the pattern of wheel loads.
cl. The static values of the vertical wheel loads are dened in terms of permanent weights
1991-1-1 and payloads. Their spectra should be used to dene combination factors and fatigue
cl. loads.
1991-1-1 The vertical and horizontal wheel loads need to be determined for each specic case.
cl. The load arrangements including the dimensions relevant for the design are determined for
1991-1-1 the specic case.
Appropriate load models from EN 1991-2 may be used where relevant. In the absence of
Note to cl. any information it is recommended that contact areas for loading be obtained from vehicle
1991-1-1 manufacturers or hirers. Actions induced by special devices for maintenance

EN 1991-1-1 provides only general information on actions induced by special devices for
cl. These special devices for maintenance can be modelled as loads from transportation
1991-1-1 vehicles, as explained above in Section
cl. As for loads from transportation vehicles, the load arrangements including the dimen-
1991-1-1 sions relevant for the design should be determined for the specic case.



a b



Fig. 6.6. Dimensions of forklifts


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Table 6.9. Trac and parking areas in buildings

Categories of
trac areas Specic use Examples

F Trac and parking areas for light vehicles Garages, parking areas, parking halls
(30 kN gross vehicle weight and 8 seats
not including driver)
G Trac and parking areas for medium vehicles Access routes, delivery zones, zones
(>30 kN, 160 kN gross vehicle weight, on accessible to re engines (160 kN gross
2 axles) vehicle weight)

6.3.3. Garages and vehicle trac areas (excluding bridges) Categories
Trac and parking areas in buildings are required to be divided into two categories cl.
according to their specied accessibility for vehicles as shown in Table 6.9 (reproduced 1991-1-1
from Table 6.7 of EN 1991-1-1.
Access to areas designed to Category F should be limited by physical means built into the
structure (Note 1 of Table 6.7 EN 1991-1-1).
Consideration should be given to posting appropriate warning signs for areas designed to
Categories F or G (Note 2 of Table 6.7 EN 1991-1-1). Values of actions

The load model which has to be used is:
. a single axle with a load with a total concentrated load Qk with dimensions according to Figure 6.2
Fig. 6.7 (Figure 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1); and 1991-1-1
. a uniformly distributed load qk.
The recommended characteristic values for qk and Qk are given in Table 6.10 (Table 6.8 of Table 6.8 and
EN 1991-1-1), where qk and Qk are Nationally Determined Parameters. cl.
In accordance with EN 1991-1-1, qk is intended for determination of general eects and Qk 1991-1-1
for local eects. Note to
EN 1991-1-1 does not give guidance as to whether qk and Qk should be considered in cl.
simultaneity or not. However, EN 1991-1-1 does state that the National Annex may dene 1991-1-1
dierent conditions of use of this table. Note to
The axle load should be applied as shown in Fig. 6.7 in the positions which will produce the cl.
most adverse eects of the action. 1991-1-1
The BSI National Annex for EN 1991-1-1 has selected the recommended value for qk and cl.
but dierent values for Qk than those recommended (Clause NA2.9: BS EN 1991-1-1) (Table 1991-1-1
NA6: BS EN 1991-1-1-1). Table 3.4 and
The BSI National Annex for EN 1991-1-1 requires that qk and Qk are not applied cl.
simultaneously. 1991-1-1
and Table NA6
a a 1991-1-1

a Qk/2 Qk/2 a


Fig. 6.7. Dimensions of axle load (for Category F, a 100 mm and for Category G a 200 mm (see
Table 6.10 below) (Note of Table 6.7 EN 1991-1-1))


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 6.10. Imposed loads on garages and vehicle trac areas

Categories of trac areas qk (kN/m2) Qk (kN)

Category F
Gross vehicle weight: 30 kN qk Qk
Category G
30 kN < gross vehicle weight 160 kN Qk

Note 1: For Category F, qk may be selected within the range 1.5 to 2.5 kN/m2 and Qk may be selected within the range
10 to 20 kN.
Note 2: For Category G, Qk may be selected within the range 40 to 90 kN.
Note 3: Where a range of values is given in Notes 1 and 2, the value may be set by the National Annex.
The recommended values are in bold type.

Regarding the information given in Table 6.10 for Category F, Qk 10 to 20 kN

represents the side of a vehicle being jacked to change a wheel. For Category G a 160 kN
vehicle represents a re engine.

6.3.4. Roofs Categories
cl. Roofs need to be categorised according to their accessibility into three categories as shown in
1991-1-1 Table 6.11 (based on Table 6.9 of EN 1991-1-1).
cl. and No further information required for Clause
cl. No further information required for Clause
1991-1-1 Values of actions
Category H roofs
For roofs of Category H (i.e. roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance and repair)
Table 6.10 the minimum characteristic values qk and Qk that have to be used are given in Table 6.12.
1991 These load values are related to the projected area of the roof under consideration (Clause
cl. 1991-1-1).
1991-1-1 In Table 6.12 qk and Qk are Nationally Determined Parameters.
It is recommended by EN 1991-1-1 for Category H roofs that qk may be selected within the
range 0.00 kN/m2 to 1.0 kN/m2 and Qk may be selected within the range 0.9 kN to 1.5 kN in
accordance with Note 1 of Table 6.10 of EN 1991-1-1.
The recommended values for these Nationally Determined Parameters are:
qk 0:4 kN=m2 ; Qk 1:0 kN
EN 1991-1-1 allows qk to be varied by the National Annex dependent upon the roof slope
in accordance with Note 2 of Table 6.10 of EN 1991-1-1. It should be noted that this reduc-
tion applies to qk only. For reductions for snow loads on pitched roofs see the Part of this
Designers Guide relating to snow loads.
qk may be assumed to act on an area A which may be set by the National Annex. The
recommended value for A is 10 m2, within the range of zero to the whole area of the roof
in accordance with Note 3 of Table 6.10 of EN 1991-1-1.

Table 6.11. Categorisation of roofs

Categories of
loaded area Specic use

H Roofs not accessible except for normal maintenance and repair (see Table 6.12)
I Roofs accessible with occupancy according to Categories A to G (see Tables 6.2, 6.6 and 6.10)
K Roofs accessible for special services, such as helicopter landing areas (see Table 6.13)


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Table 6.12. Imposed loads on roofs of Category H

Roof qk (kN/m2) Qk (kN)

Category H qk Qk

As an example of National Choices the BSI National Annex species values of qk and Qk
dierent from the EN 1991-1-1 recommended values given above. Furthermore, for more
pitched roofs the uniformly distributed load qk which is specied at 0.6 kN/m2 for pitches
of up to 308 reduces to qk 0 for roofs of pitch greater that 608 in the UK National
Annex. A value of Qk 0:9 kN is selected. It is debatable whether a reduction for increasing cl.NA.2.10 of
roof slope can be justied for imposed loads considering that they are already made for snow 1991-1-1
Regarding Note 3 to Table 6.10, it is recommended by the BSI National Annex that the cl.NA.2.10 of
value of A should be the whole area of the roof (Clause NA.2.10 of BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002). 1991-1-1
The minimum values given in Table 6.12 (Table 6.10 of EN 1991-1-1) or those specied in a cl.
National Annex do not take into account uncontrolled accumulations of construction and Note to
materials that may occur during maintenance (Clause 1991-1-1). Further cl.
information on these loads may be obtained from EN 1991-1-6: Actions during execution 1991-1-1
and described in the Part relating to EN 1991-1-6 of this Designers Guide (Note to Clause 1991-1-1).

Roofs all categories

To ensure that the worst case for the eects of actions are taken into account in the design cl.
of roofs, separate verications need to be performed for the concentrated load Qk and the 1991-1-1
uniformly distributed load qk, acting independently.
Roofs, other than those with roof sheeting, need to be designed to resist 1.5 kN on an area cl.
based on a 50 mm sided square. Roof elements with a proled or discontinuously laid 1991-1-1
surface, should be designed so that the concentrated load Qk acts over the eective area
provided by load-spreading arrangements.

Category K roofs
For Category K roofs, the actions from helicopters on landing areas are specied in cl.
EN 1991-1-1 Table 6.11 reproduced in this Guide as Table 6.13. Dynamic amplication 1991-1-1
factors (see below) have to be applied to the characteristic load values given for the two
classes of helicopter in Table 6.13.
A dynamic factor has to be applied to the characteristic take-o load Qk to take account cl.
of impact eects. EN 1991-1-1 species 1:40. 1991-1-1

Roofs general
Access ladders and walkways are assumed to be loaded according to Table 6.12 (Table 6.10 Table 6.10
of EN 1991-1-1) or the appropriate clause in a National Annex for a roof slope <208. 1991-1-1
Therefore considering the recommended values for Table 6.12 of EN 1991-1-1 these values
qk 0:4 kN=m2 ; Qk 1:0 kN

Table 6.13. Imposed loads on roofs of Category K for helicopters

Take-o load Q of Dimension of the loaded

Class of helicopter helicopter Take-o load Qk area (m  m)

HC1 Q  20 kN Qk 20 kN 0:2  0:2

HC2 20 kN < Q  60 kN Qk 60 kN 0:3  0:3


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PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

For walkways which are part of a designated escape route, qk should be according to Table
6.2 of EN 1991-1-2 and this Designers Guide. Therefore for a roof acting as a roof restaurant
considering the recommended values from Table 6.2 of EN 1991-1-1, qk 3:0 kN/m2.
EN 1991-1-1 does not recommend a value to use for Qk for walkways designated as
escape routes for Category I roofs. It is considered reasonable to use the recommended
values in Table 6.2.
cl. However, for walkways for service (e.g. for maintenance access) a minimum characteristic
1991-1-1 value for Qk of 1.5 kN is specied by EN 1991-1-1.
For the design of frames and coverings of access hatches (other than glazing), the supports
of ceilings and similar structures, EN 1991-1-1 species the following:
cl. . Without access: no imposed load.
1991-1-1 . With access: 0.25 kN/m2 distributed over the whole area or the area supported, and the
concentrated load of 0.9 kN so placed so as to produce maximum stresses in the aected

Horizontal loads on parapets and partition walls acting as barriers

Table 6.12 The characteristic values of the line load qk acting at the height of the partition wall or
1991-1-1 parapets but not higher than 1.20 m are given in Table 6.14 reproduced from Table 6.12
cl.6.4.(1)P: of EN 1991-1-1. It will be apparent from Table 6.14 that every line load value is a
1991-1-1 Nationally Determined Parameter and needs to be selected by the appropriate National
Table 6.12 As guidance to Table 6.14 (Table 6.12 of EN 1991-1-1) EN 1991-1-1 reminds the user that
1991-1-1 for areas susceptible to signicant overcrowding associated with public events, e.g. for sports
cl.6.4.(2): stadia, stands, stages, assembly halls or conference rooms, the line load should be taken
1991-1-1 according to Category C5.
The British National Annex sub-categorises Categories A; B and C1; C2 to C4 and D; and
Table 6.12 C5 from Table 6.14 (Table 6.12 of EN 1991-1-1). See Table 6.15 (Table NA8 from
1991-1-1 BS EN 1991-1-1). The table only gives partial information on the loads, which can be
Table NA8 from obtained from BS EN 1991-1-1.
2002 Table 6.14. Horizontal loads on partition walls and parapets

Loaded areas qk (kN/m)

Category A qk
Category B and C1 qk
Categories C2 to C4 and D qk
Category C5 qk
Category E qk
Category F See Annex B
Category G See Annex B

Note 1: For Categories A, B and C1, qk may be selected within the range 0.2 to
1.0 (0.5).
Note 2: For Categories C2 to C4 and D, qk may be selected within the range
0.8 kN/m to 1.0 kN/m.
Note 3: For Category C5, qk may be selected within the range 3.0 kN/m to
5.0 kN/m.
Note 4: For Category E, qk may be selected within the range 0.8 kN/m to
2.0 kN/m. For areas of Category E, the horizontal loads depend on the occu-
pancy. Therefore the value of qk is dened as a minimum value and should be
checked for the specic occupancy.
Note 5: Where a range of values is given in Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4, the value may
be set by the National Annex. The recommended value is shown in bold face.
Note 6: The National Annex may prescribe additional point loads Qk and/or hard
or soft body impact specications for analytical or experimental verication.


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Table 6.15. Horizontal loads on partition walls and parapets (from BS EN 1991-1-1)

Category of Sub-category Examples qk (kN/m)

loaded area

A (including (i) All areas within or serving exclusively one dwelling including stairs,
sub-categories in landings etc. but excluding external balconies and edges of roofs [see
Table NA.2) (vii)]
(ii) Residential areas not covered by (i)
B and C1 (iii) Areas not susceptible to overcrowding in oce and institutional
(including buildings, reading rooms and classrooms including stairs
sub-categories in (iv) Restaurants and cafes
Table NA.2)
C2, C3, C4 and D (v) Areas having xed seating within 530 mm of the barrier, balustrade or 1.5
(including parapet
sub-categories in (vi) Stairs, landings, balustrades, corridors and ramps 0.74
Table NA.2) (vii) External balconies and edges of roofs 0.74
Footways within building curtilage and adjacent to basement/sunken
(viii) All retail areas 1.5
C5 (ix) Footways or pavements less than 3 m wide adjacent to sunken areas
(including Footways or pavements greater than 3 m wide adjacent to sunken areas
sub-categories in (x) Theatres, cinemas, discotheques, bars, auditoria, shopping malls,
Table NA.2) assembly areas, studios
(xi) Grandstands and stadia See requirements of
the appropriate
certifying authority
E (xii) Industrial and storage buildings except as given by (xiii) and (xiv)
(including (xiii) Light pedestrian trac routes in industrial and storage buildings except
sub-categories in designated escape routes
Table NA.4) (xiv) Light access stairs and gangways not more than 600 mm wide
F and G (xv) Pedestrian areas in car parks including stairs, landings, ramps, edges or
internal oors, footways, edges of roofs
(xvi) Horizontal loads imposed by vehicles See BS EN 1991-1-1:
2002, Annex B

For areas where large crowds might occur, see C5.


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Annex A (informative)
Tables for nominal density of
construction materials, and
nominal density and angles of
repose for stored materials

Annex A of EN 1991-1-1 is an informative annex which gives the following tables for Annex A
nominal density of construction materials, and nominal density and angles of repose for 1991-1-1:
stored materials. Annex A will mean that BS 64817 will be withdrawn by the BSI in 2002
the UK.
(1) Table A.1 Construction materials concrete and mortar
(2) Table A.2 Construction materials masonry
(3) Table A.3 Construction materials wood
(4) Table A.4 Construction materials metals
(5) Table A.5 Construction materials other materials
(6) Table A.6 Bridge materials
(7) Table A.7 Stored materials building and construction
(8) Table A.8 Stored products agricultural
(9) Table A.9 Stored products foodstus
(10) Table A.10 Stored products liquids
(11) Table A.11 Stored products solid fuels
(12) Table A.12 Stored products industrial and general
For those materials where their density is dependent upon the moisture content, unless
otherwise stated it may be assumed that the tabulated value includes an allowance for this
for the situation in which the material is normally used.
For certain materials, means are given for converting dry densities to densities in situ,
taking account of the potential for absorption of moisture.
For some materials the density has signicant variability according to its source; for
these items a range of representative values is given in the tables.
A representative value for densities of the more commonly used construction materials
(from Tables A.1 to A.4) is given in Table 7.1 of this Designers Guide.

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

Table 7.1. Examples of nominal density of some construction materials (from Tables A.1, A.3 and A.4 of
EN 1991-1-1)

Materials Density (kN/m3)

Table A.1 Concrete (see EN 206)

1991-1-1 Lightweight
Density class LC 1.0 9.0 to 10.0 (see (1) and (2))
Density class LC 2.0 18.0 to 20.0 (see (1) and (2))
Normal weight 24.0 (see (1) and (2))
(1) Increase by 1 kN/m3 for normal percentage of reinforcing and pre-stressing
(2) Increase by 1 kN/m3 for unhardened concrete
Cement mortar 19.0 to 23.0

Materials Density (kN/m3)

Table A.3 Wood (see EN 338 for timber strength classes)

1991-1-1 Timber strength class C14 3.5
Timber strength class C30 4.6
Timber strength class D50 7.8
Timber strength class D70 10.8
Glued laminated timber (glulam) (see EN 1194 for timber strength classes)
Homogeneous glulam GL24h 3.7
Homogeneous glulam GL36h 4.4
Combined glulam GL24c 3.5
Combined glulam GL36c 4.2

Materials Density (kN/m3)

Table A.4 Metals

1991-1-1 Aluminium 27.0
Iron, cast 71.0 to 72.5
Iron, wrought 76.0
Steel 77.0 to 78.5


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Annex B of EN 1991-1-1:
Vehicle barriers and parapets
for car parks

Annex B of E 1991-1-1: Vehicle barriers and parapets for car parks is an informative cl.NA.3.2
annex. Its use is required by the UK National Annex. 1991-1-1:
The horizontal loads that barriers and parapets in car parking areas should be designed cl.B(1)
to resist are explained in this Annex B of EN 1991-1-1 and are explained below. 1991-1-1
The horizontal characteristic force F (in kN), normal to and uniformly distributed over cl.B(2)
any length of 1.5 m of a barrier for a car park, required to withstand the impact of a 1991-1-1:
vehicle is given by the expression below. 2002
F 0:5mv2 =c b
m is the gross mass of the vehicle (in kg)
v is the velocity of the vehicle (in m/s) normal to the barrier
c is the deformations of the vehicle (in mm)
b is the deformations of the barrier (in mm).
For car parks designed on the basis that the gross mass of the vehicles using the car
park will not exceed 2500 kg, the following values are used to determine the force F:
m 1500 kg
v 4:5 m/s
c 100 mm unless better evidence is available.
For a rigid barrier, for which b may be given as zero, the characteristic force F cl.B(3)
appropriate to vehicles up to 2500 kg gross mass is taken as 150 kN. 1991-1-1
For car parks designed on the basis that the gross mass of the vehicles using the car cl.B(4)
park can exceed 2500 kg, the following values are used to determine the force F: 1991-1-1
m the actual mass of the vehicle for which the car park is designed (in kg)
v 4:5 m/s
c 100 mm unless better evidence is available.
The force F determined in either B(3) or B(4) of EN 1991-1-1 may be considered to act cl.B(5)
at bumper height of the vehicle. For vehicles whose gross mass does not exceed 2500 kg 1991-1-1
this height may be taken as 375 mm above the oor level.

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

PART 1: EN 1991-1-1

The graph below (Fig. 8.1) shows the variation of F for various deformations for the
vehicle and the barrier for car of masses of 1500 and 2500 kg, assuming:
Thus for m 1500 kg, b 0 and c 100, F 150 kN
Thus for m 2500 kg, b 0 and c 100, F 250 kN


c = 50
m = 1500 kg

c = 50
c = 100 m = 2500 kg
m = 1500 kg

c = 100
c = 200
F (kN)

m = 2500 kg
300.0 m = 1500 kg

c = 200
m = 2500 kg


0 50 100 150 200
b (mm)

Fig. 8.1. Variation of F with b

EN 1991-1-1 does not give guidance for bumper height for vehicles greater that 2500 kg.
For car parks designed for these heavier vehicles the information may be obtained from
vehicle manufacturers or EN 1991-1-7.
cl.B(6) For the design of barriers to access ramps of car parks, these have to withstand one
1991-1-1 half of the force determined in B(3) or B(4) of EN 1991-1-1, acting at a height of 610 mm
above the ramp.
Opposite the ends of straight ramps intended for downward travel which exceed 20 m in
cl.B(7) length, the barrier needs to withstand twice the force determined in B(3) acting at a height
1991-1-1 of 610 mm above the ramp (Clause B(7) of BS EN 1991-1-1: 2002).


Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.


References to Part 1
1. EN 1991-1-1. Eurocode 1. Actions on Structures Part 1-1: General Actions Densities,
self-weight, imposed loads for buildings. European Committee for Standardisation,
Brussels, 2002.
2. Guidance paper L Application and Use of Eurocodes. European Commission Enterprise
Directorate-General ENTR/G5, Brussels, 27 November 2003.
3. ISO 2394: 1998. General Principles on Reliability for Structures. International Organisa-
tion for Standardisation, Geneva, 1998.
4. ISO 3898: 1997. Bases for Design of Structures Notations General symbols. Inter-
national Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1997.
5. ISO 8930: 1987. General Principles on Reliability for Structures List of equivalent terms.
International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1987.
6. Gulvanessian, H., Calgaro, J.-A. and Holicky, M. Designers Guide to EN 1990. Euro-
code: Basis of Structural Design. Thomas Telford, London, 2002, ISBN 0 7277 3011 8.
7. ISO 9194: 1987. Bases for Design of Structures Actions Due to the Self-weight of
Structures, Non-structural Elements and Stored Materials Density. International
Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1987.
8. Calgaro, J.-A., Tschumi, M. and Gulvanessian, H. Designers Guide to EN 1991 for
Bridges. Actions on Bridges. Thomas Telford, London, 2009.
9. Frank, R., Bauduin, C., Driscoll, R., Kavvadas, M., Krebs Ovesen, N., Orr, T. and
Schuppener, B. Designers Guide to EN 1997-1. Eurocode 7: Geotechnical Design
General rules. Thomas Telford, London, 2004, ISBN 9 780 7277 3154 8.
10. Building Research Establishment. The Response of Structures to Dynamic Crowd Loads.
BRE Digest 246, BRE, Watford, 2004.
11. BS EN 1991-3: 2006. Eurocode 1. Actions on Structures Part 3: Actions induced by
cranes and machinery. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2006.
12. Ferry Norges, J. and Castanheta, M. Structural Safety. Laboratorio, Nacional de
Engenharia Civil, Lisbon, 1971.
13. International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction.
Committee W81. Actions on Structures. Live Loads in Buildings. CIB report 116. CIB,
Rotterdam, 1989.
14. BS 6399-1: 1996. Loading for Buildings. Code of Practice for Dead and Imposed Loads.
British Standards Institution, London, 2006.
15. UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-1. Eurocode 1. Actions on Structures Part 1-1:
General Actions Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings. British Standards
Institution, London, 2005.
16. PD 6688. Background Paper to the UK National Annexes to BS EN 1991-1-1. British
Standards Institution, London, 2006.
17. BS 648: 1964. Schedule of Weights of Building Materials. British Standards Institution,
London, 1964.


Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

PART 2: EN 1991-1-2:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1.2: Actions on
structures exposed to re

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.


Eurocode 1 Actions on
structures: Part 1.2: General
Actions Actions on structures
exposed to re

EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.2: General Actions Actions on

structures exposed to re1 is one of the ten Parts of EN 1991. It describes the thermal and
mechanical actions for the structural design of buildings exposed to re, including the
following aspects:
. safety requirements
. design procedures
. design aids.
This part of Eurocode 1 is outside the scope of this guide as it is comprehensively described
in the Designers Guide to the Eurocode Fire Parts (EN 1991-1-2; EN 1992-1-2; EN 1991-1-3
and EN 1991-1-4) by Colin Bailey et al.2

1. EN 1991-1-2: 2002. Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures Part 1-2: General Actions
Actions on structures exposed to re. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels,
2. Moore, D., Bailey, C., Lennon, T. and Wang, Y. Designers Guide to the Eurocode Fire
Parts (EN 1991-1-2; EN 1992-1-2; EN 1991-1-3 and EN 1991-1-4). Thomas Telford,
London, 2007, ISBN 9 7807 2773 1579.

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

PART 3: EN 1991-1-3:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1.3: Snow loads

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.



This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1 Actions
on structures: Part 1.3: General Actions Snow loads.1 The material described in this
chapter is covered in the following clauses:

. Scope Clause 1.1: 1991-1-3

. Normative references Clause 1.2: 1991-1-3
. Assumptions Clause 1.3: 1991-1-3
. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules Clause 1.4: 1991-1-3
. Design assisted by testing Clause 1.5: 1991-1-3
. Terms and denitions Clause 1.6: 1991-1-3
. Symbols Clause 1.7: 1991-1-3

1.1. Scope
EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.3: General Actions Snow loads is cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-3
one of the ten Parts of EN 1991. It gives design guidance to determine the values of loads
due to snow for the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works.
EN 1991-1-3 only applies for sites at altitudes below 1500 m. Comparing with national cl.1.1(2): 1991-1-3
codes, in the UK, BS 6399 Part 3 is applicable for sites up to 500 m. For Italy the limit is
the same as EN 1991-1-3.
In the case of altitudes above 1500 m, advice may be found in the appropriate National Note to cl.1.1(2):
Annex. 1991-1-3
Diering climatic situations will give rise to dierent conditions. In EN 1991-1-3, the
following have been identied:

. non-exceptional falls and drifts

. exceptional falls and drifts.

Depending on the climatic conditions at the site, four possible situations and load cl.1.1(3): 1991-1-3
arrangements are identied in Annex A and explained below.

(1) Case A: non-exceptional fall and non exceptional drifts

(2) Case B1: exceptional fall and non-exceptional drifts
(3) Case B2: non-exceptional fall and exceptional drifts
(4) Case B3: exceptional fall and exceptional drifts.
The national competent authority may choose for inclusion in the National Annex, the Note to cl.1.1(3):
case applicable to particular locations for their own territory. For example: 1991-1-3

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Table 1.1. Recommended return periods for the determination of the characteristic values of climatic

Design working life Return period (years) to be used in design

3 days 2
3 months (but >3 days) 5
1 year (but >3 months) 10
>1 year (but less than 50 years) 50
>50 years Actual agreed design working life

. the UK National Annex species the use of case B2

. the Italian National Annex species the use of case A for the whole Italian territory
. the Spanish National Annex gives the responsibility for the choice of which case to use to
the designer, depending on the location and type of structure.
Annex B is intended to be used primarily by those countries where exceptional snow
cl.1.1(4): 1991-1-3 drifts occur (e.g. UK and Ireland) and where cases B2 and B3 apply.
Note to cl.1.1(4): The use of Annex B is only allowed through the National Annex.
1991-1-3 In Annex C the maps of the characteristic snow load values on the ground are
given, and these are based on the results of a research work carried out between 1995
and 1998, under a contract specic to this Eurocode, to DGIII/D3 of the European
cl.1.1(5): 1991-1-3 The maps are intended to give information to National technical Competent Authorities
for those countries that were members of the European Union (EU) and European Free
Trade Association (EFTA) in 1998, in order to help them redraft and update their
national maps, based on the established harmonised procedures identied in the research,
for inclusion in their National Annexes. It should be noted that Annex C of EN 1991-1-3
gives the maps of Czech Republic, Iceland and Poland, but these are not based on the
ndings of the research project.
cl.1.1(6): 1991-1-3 EN 1991-1-3, through its Annex D, gives guidance for determining ground snow loads
for return periods dierent than 50 years. This annex is useful for determining the ground
snow loads for structures with a design working life other than 50 years. The user must be
warned that a structure with, for example, nine months design life, must not be designed
for ground snow loads determined for a nine-month return period. Table 1.1 from
EN 1991-1-6 gives guidance for determination of return periods to be used for dierent
design and is reproduced above. For further details see Chapter 3 of Part 6 of this
Designers Guide.
The guidance in Annex E on bulk weight densities of snow may be used when an actual
cl.1.1(7): 1991-1-3 depth of snow needs to be converted into the relative action (Clause 1.1(7): 1991-1-3).
No comment is necessary on Clause 1.1(8): 1991-1-3, but see Section 1.2 below of this
Designers Guide.

1.2. Normative references

No comment is necessary on the quoted references, with the exception of ISO 43554 which
provides a comprehensive background to the information given in this code, and in
cls.1.1(8) and 1.2: particular gives guidance on dynamic forces on a snow fence from sliding snow, which is
1991-1-3 not covered in EN 1991-1-3.

1.3. Assumptions
cl.1.3: 1991-1-3 The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.3 apply to all the Eurocode
parts and designers guidance for these is given in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.


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Fig. 1.1. Transversal cross-section of the central market hall in Livorno, Italy and wind tunnel tests on
the roof structure

1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules

The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.4 apply to all the Eurocode cl.1.4: 1991-1-3
parts and designers guidance, for these are given in Chapter 1 Clause 1.3 of this
Designers Guide.

1.5. Design assisted by testing

For roofs for which the information given in EN 1991-1-3 cannot be directly used (e.g. for cl.1.5: 1991-1-3
stadia roofs or large-span roofs or roofs with shapes not covered by EN 1991-1-3, for
which there are no validated numerical methods) then design assisted by testing may be
With regard to roofs where the deposition patterns of snow is very sensitive to wind,
then wind tunnel tests may be considered.
As an example, Fig. 1.1 shows the plan view of the wind tunnel model used for the
denition of snow deposition patterns over an historical structure in Livorno, Italy. The
roof structure of the central marketplace, built in 1896, is made by latticed steel beams,
with a pitched shape, completed on the top by a duopitched structure. The assessment of
the roof snow loads in combination with wind eects has been possible through wind
tunnel tests.
Further examples of the use of wind tunnels to determine snow deposition patterns are
given by Irwin et al.5
No further guidance is required on the note to Clause 1.5: 1991-1-3.

1.6. Terms and denitions

Most of the denitions given in EN 1991-1-3 derive from ISO 2394, ISO 3898, and cl.1.6: 1991-1-3
ISO 8930 and ISO 4355. In addition reference should be made to EN 1990 which provides
a basic list of terms and denitions which are applicable to EN 1990 to EN 1999, thus
ensuring a common basis for the Eurocode suite.
For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key denitions,
which may be dierent from current national practices:
. Action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature eects or settlement).
. Eects of Actions or Action eects are internal moments and forces, bending moments,
shear forces and deformations caused by actions.


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

From the many denitions provided in EN 1990, those that apply for use with EN 1991
are described in Chapter 1 Clause 1.4(a), (b), (c) and (d): 1991-1-1.
The following comments are made to help the understanding of particular denitions in
EN 1991-1-3.
Note to cl.1.6.4: The Note to Clause 1.6.4 characteristic value of snow load on the roof explains that
1991-1-3 the coecients chosen for converting snow load on the ground into snow load on the roof
have been selected taking that the snow load on the roof has an annual probability of
exceedence equal to or less then the annual probability of exceedence of the snow load on
cl.1.6.1: 1991-1-3 the ground, which the code states in Clause 1.6.1: 1991-1-3 to be 0.02.

1.7. Symbols
cl.1.7(1): 1991-1-3 The notation in Clause 1.7: EN 1991-1-3 is based on ISO 3898.
EN 1990 Clause 1.6 provides a comprehensive list of symbols, some of which may be
appropriate for use with EN 1991-1-3. The symbols given in Clause 1.7(2): 1991-1-3 are
additional notations specic to this part of EN 1991-1-3.


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Classication of actions

This chapter is concerned with the classication of actions of EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1

Actions on structures: Part 1.3: General Actions Snow loads.
EN 1991-1-3 classies snow loads as variable, xed actions in most cases. See EN 1990:
2002, 4.1.1(1)P and 4.1.1(4).
A xed action has a xed distribution in space such that its magnitude and direction cl.2.(1)P: 1991-1-3
are determined unambiguously for the whole structure when determined at one point on
it. Deposits of snow either undrifted or drifted are considered xed actions.
EN 1991-1-3 classies snow loads as variable static actions in most cases. See EN 1990:
2002, 4.1.1(4).
A static action is an action that does not cause signicant acceleration of the structure cl.2.(2): 1991-1-3
or its elements.
As stated in EN 1990 Clause 4.1.1(2), snow loads may be considered in exceptional
cases as accidental actions dependent on the site locations.
In EN 1991-1-3 exceptional snow falls and exceptional snow drifts are treated as cls.2.(3) and 2(4):
accidental actions and explained in Chapter 3 of this Part of the Designers Guide. 1991-1-3
EN 1990 denes an accidental action as an action usually of short duration but of
signicant magnitude that is unlikely to occur on a given structure during the design
working life. For these cases the accidental design situation, described in expression 6.11b
of EN 1990, should be used in the design. See also Chapter 3 of this Part of the Designers
No further guidance is required to the notes to Clauses 2.(3) and 2(4): 1991-1-3.

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Design situations

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of design situations relating to
EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.3: General Actions Snow loads.
The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 3.1: 1991-1-3
. Normal conditions Clause 3.2: 1991-1-3
. Exceptional conditions Clause 3.3: 1991-1-3

3.1. General
EN 1990 Clause 3.2 identies the following design situations for the verication of ultimate cl.3.1(1)P: 1991-1-3
limit states:
. persistent design situations, which refer to the conditions of normal use
. transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the
structure, e.g. during execution or repair
. accidental design situations, which refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the
structure or to its exposure, e.g. exceptional snow falls and drifts
. seismic design situations.
Each of these design situations is linked to a particular expression for the combination
of action eects as follows:
. persistent and transient design situations, which refer to expressions (6.10), or (6.10a)
and (6.10b) in EN 1990
. accidental design situations, which refers to expression (6.11b) in EN 1990
. seismic design situations, which refers to expression (6.12b) in EN 1990.
In addition snow loads need to be determined for the verication of serviceability limit
states using the following expressions for the combination of action eects given in EN 1990:
. the characteristic combination which refers to expression (6.14b) of EN 1990
. the frequent combination which refers to expression (6.15b) of EN 1990
. the quasi-permanent combination which refers to expression (6.16b) of EN 1990.
In all the ULS and SLS verications for situations including snow loads, the character-
istic value (Qk in EN 1991-1-3 is described as sk which usually corresponds to an upper
value with an intended probability of not being exceeded during a specic reference period
(normally 50 years for buildings) is used. Depending upon the design situation being
considered for the ultimate or serviceability limit states (described in EN 1990 Clauses 6.4

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

and 6.5) and its Designers Guide, other representative values of a variable action need to
be determined. See Chapter 4 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
cl.3.1(2): 1991-1-3 When considering the local eects (e.g. drifting at projections and obstructions or snow
overhanging the edge of a roof) EN 1991-1-3 species that the persistent/transient design
situation should be used for normal snow falls.
In locations where exceptional drifting occurs, the accidental design situation is used
according to Annex B of EN 1991-1-3.

3.2. Normal conditions

Clause 1.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide explains four possible situations and load
arrangements for treating snow loads dependent on the location being considered and its
climatic features. The National Annex will specify the use of case A or cases B1, B2 and
B3 as appropriate. Case A refers to the normal situation and cases B1 to B3 refer to
exceptional situations.
Clause 3.2(1): 1991-1-3 covers locations where exceptional snow falls and drifts are not
expected. This condition is considered the normal condition where the transient/persistent
design situation should be used, in accordance with EN 1990, for both the undrifted and
drifted snow arrangements. See also Chapter 5 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
No further explanation is needed for the note to Clause 3.2(1): 1991-1-3.

3.3. Exceptional conditions

(a) Case B.1 Exceptional snow falls but no exceptional drifts
Clause 3.3(1): 1991-1-3 covers locations where exceptional snow falls are likely to be expected
but not exceptional drifts. This condition is considered exceptional and designated Case B1 in
EN 1991-1-3. In this case the designer should follow the procedure summarised below.
The transient/persistent design situation should be used for both the undrifted and the
drifted snow load arrangements, making reference to the characteristic ground snow load
value given in the appropriate National Annex to EN 1991-1-3. In this case the roof snow
load is obtained according to the specications given in Clause 5.2(3)P(a) and Section 5.3
of EN 1991-1-3.
In addition to the above verication the designer should use the accidental design situa-
tion for both the undrifted and the drifted snow load arrangements, making reference to
the exceptional ground snow load, determined according to Section 4.3 of EN 1991-1-3.
Again the roof snow load is determined according to the rules given in Clause 5.2(3)P(a)
and Section 5.3 of EN 1991-1-3.
Expressions of the roof snow loads to be used are given below; see also Chapters 4 and
5 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
Persistent/transient design situation
(1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk .
(2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk .
Accidental design situation (where snow is the accidental action)
(3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk .
(4) Drifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk .
No further guidance is required to the note 1 to Clause 3.3(1): 1991-1-3.
Note 2 to cl.3.3(1): The above applies for the overall verication of the roof s structure and of the building.
1991-1-3 For local eects described in Section 6 of EN 1991-1-3, such as snow drifting at projections
and obstructions or snow loads on snowguards, the National Annex may specify either the
persistent/transient or the accidental design situation may apply.
(b) Case B.2 No exceptional snow falls but exceptional drifts
Clause 3.3(2): 1991-1-3 covers locations where exceptional snow falls are not expected
and exceptional drifts are likely to be expected. This condition is considered exceptional


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and designated Case B2 in EN 1991-1-3. In this case the designer should follow the proce-
dure summarised below.
The transient/persistent design situation should be used for the undrifted snow load
arrangements; the same design situation should be used for the drifted snow load arrange-
ments, except for roof shapes indicated in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3. The characteristic
ground snow load value given in the appropriate National Annex to EN 1991-1-3 is the
reference ground load value. In this case the roof snow load is obtained according to the
specications given in Clause 5.2(3)P(a) and Section 5.3 of EN 1991-1-3.
In addition to the above verication the designer should use the accidental design situa-
tion for the drifted snow load arrangement for roof shapes indicated in Annex B to
EN 1991-1-3 only. In this case the exceptional snow drift is the accidental action and its
value is to be calculated according to specications given in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3.
Expressions of the roof snow loads to be used are given below; see also Chapters 4 and
5 and Annex B of this Part of this Designers Guide.
Persistent/transient design situation
(1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk .
(2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (except for roof shapes in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3).
Accidental design situation (where snow is the accidental action)
(3) Drifted i sk (for roof shapes in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3).
No further guidance is required to the note to Clause 3.3(1): 1991-1-3.
(c) Case B.3 Exceptional snow falls and exceptional drifts
Clause 3.3(3): 1991-1-3 covers locations where both exceptional snow falls and excep-
tional snow drifts are likely to be expected. This condition is considered exceptional and
designated Case B3 in EN 1991-1-3. In this case the designer should follow the procedure
summarised below.
The transient/persistent design situation should be used similarly to the above Case B2.
In addition to the above verication the designer should use the accidental design situa-
tion for the undrifted snow load arrangements, making reference to the exceptional
ground snow load, determined according to Section 4.3 of EN 1991-1-3. The roof snow
load is obtained according to the specications given in Clause 5.2(3)P(a) and Section 5.3
of EN 1991-1-3.
Furthermore, the designer should use the accidental design situation for the drifted
snow load arrangement for roof shapes indicated in Annex B to EN 1991-1-3 only. In this
case the exceptional snow drift is the accidental action and its value is to be calculated
according to specications given in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3.
Expressions of the roof snow loads to be used are given below; see also Chapters 4 and
5 and Annex B of this Designers Guide.
Persistent/transient design situation
(1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk .
(2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (except for roof shapes in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3).
Accidental design situation (where snow is the accidental action)
(3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk .
(4) Drifted i sk (for roof shapes in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3).
Note 1 to cl.3.3(3):
No further guidance is required to the note 1 to Clause 3.3(3): 1991-1-3. 1991-1-3
As in Case B1, for local eects described in Section 6 of EN 1991-1-3, the National Note 2 to cl.3.3(3):
Annex may specify either the persistent/transient or the accidental design situation may 1991-1-3


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Snow load on the ground

This chapter is concerned with the snow load on the ground in EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1
Actions on Structures: Part 1.3: General Actions Snow loads. The material described in
this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Characteristic values Clause 4.1: 1991-1-3
. Other representative values Clause 4.2: 1991-1-3
. Treatment of exceptional snow loads on the ground Clause 4.3: 1991-1-3

4.1. Characteristic values

The characteristic value of the snow load on the ground (sk should be determined cl.4.1(1): 1991-1-3
according to the main denitions given in EN 1990: 2002, Section 4.1.2 (7)P and Clause
1.6.1 of EN 1991-1-3. In these denitions sk is intended as the upper value of a random
variable, for which a given statistical distribution function applies, with the annual prob-
ability of exceedence set to 0.02. (i.e. a probability of not being exceeded on the unfavour-
able side during a reference period of 50 years).
The designer can generally obtain the characteristic value of snow load on the ground Note 1 to cl.4.1(1):
(sk from a national snow map provided in the appropriate National Annex. To cover 1991-1-3
unusual local conditions however, the designer is permitted to determine dierent snow
load values from that specied in the maps and this may have to be agreed with the client
and the relevant authority for an individual project. See also the guidance in this
Designers Guide for Clause 4.1(2) of EN 1991-1-3.
The characteristic values provided by the maps in the national annexes must be taken
as the minimum value for a particular location.
An example of an unusual local condition could be that of a construction site located in
a valley where, due to the local climate and wind eects, snow accumulates during the
winter. As normal for the elaboration of snow maps, the local climatic inuences of such
specic locations may not necessarily have been taken into account. Therefore based on
experience and judgement and in agreement with the client and the relevant authority, the
value for sk given in the map for this particular location should be increased.
Annex C of EN 1991-1-3 provides snow maps for the European Union (EU) and the
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries of 1998. It also provides maps for
the Czech Republic, Iceland and Poland. All the maps with the exception of those for the
Czech Republic, Iceland and Poland have been developed with a common basis in order
to eliminate, or reduce, inconsistencies occurring at borders between countries. Chapter 9
of this Part of this Designers Guide gives an explanation of the background of maps and
provides appropriate references.

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

For countries who have based their maps on the principles of the maps given in Annex
C of EN 1991-1-3, such as France, Germany, Italy and UK, the method, for which the
principles of calculation are given below, may be used to determine dierent values for a
particular location.
Before applying the method the designer is advised to check the background of a parti-
cular national map with the relevant standard authority.
Note 2 to cl.4.1(1): It is the intention that all the National Annexes eventually base their maps on those
1991-1-3 provided in Annex C. The maps in the National Annex should be used to determine sk .
The maps in Annex C may only be used directly with the agreement of the National
Competent Authority.
cl.4.1(2): 1991-1-3 For some locations it may be necessary to rene the data for the determination of sk .
and note 2 to For example for a location where the value of sk in the map is determined by interpolation
cl.4.1(2): 1991-1-3 from surrounding weather station measurements, where snow records are available for at
least 20 years, characteristic ground snow load may be determined for that particular loca-
tion (Clause 4.1(2): 1991-1-3 and note 2 to Clause 4.1(2): 1991-1-3).
For the maps in Annex C of EN 1991-1-3 a common mean return interval, equal to 50
years, was agreed upon, and a common statistical model adopted for processing yearly
maxima. The Gumbel Type I cumulative distribution function has been used together
with the least squares method to get the best tting regression curve. In the analysis both
the zero and the non-zero values have been taken into account, through the so-called
mixed distribution approach. In the research work2;3 it is shown that the above method
leads to the best correlation coecients of the tting curves for the majority of the 2600
Note to cl.4.1(2): weather stations analysed throughout Europe. See Fig. 4.1.
1991-1-3 No more guidance required to note 1 to Clause 4.1(2): 1991-1-3.
At some locations isolated very heavy snow falls have been recorded in the past and
these have resulted in abnormally large snow loads. Such snow falls disturb the statistical
processing of the more regular snow data signicantly and clearly do not t in with the
statistical distribution calculated for the remaining values. These snow loads are referred
cl.4.1(3): 1991-1-3 to as exceptional snow loads.
Exceptional values have been encountered in many areas of Europe, mainly in maritime
and coastal areas and in mild climates where snow falls are intermittent and generally
short-lived. Exceptional snow loads may be identied in the appropriate National


Reduced variable Y

Sk = 0.90 kN/m2


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20


Ground snow load, sk (kN/m2)

Fig. 4.1. Probability paper (Gumbel Type I) for the weather station at Arezzo, Italy. On the x axis ground
snow loads sk kN/m2 ; on y axis the probability reduced variable Y  lnf ln1  m=n 1g, where m
is the plotting position of the yearly maximum and n the total number of years in the database. The
intersection of the best tting regression line of the non-zero values with the line at
Y  ln ln0:98 3:90 gives the characteristic value sk 0:90 kN/m2


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Line A

Line B

Reduced variable Y



1.00 skA = 0.69 kN/m2 skB = 0.92 kN/m2

0.10 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.10 1.30


Ground snow load, sk (kN/m2)

Fig. 4.2. Probability paper (Gumbel Type I) for the weather station at Vercelli, Italy (135 m a.s.l.),
showing an exceptional value sk 0:69 kN/m2 , smax 1:13 kN/m2 , smax =sk 1:64

Annexes, and below is given the background to their derivation, as this may be of interest
to the user for understanding their concept. See also Cases B1 and B3 in Chapter 3 of this
part of this Designers Guide.
Figure 4.2 shows an example for exceptional snow loads according to the following
denition established within the programme of research:

If the ratio of the largest load value to the characteristic load value (determined without inclusion of
that maximum value) is greater than 1.5, then the largest load value shall be treated as an exceptional
snow load.

In Fig. 4.2 line A is the curve obtained using a regression analysis considering all the
values with the exception of the maximum value. In this case the characteristic value for
skA is 0.69 kN/m2 .
Line B is the curve obtained using a regression analysis considering all the values
including the maximum value. In this case the characteristic value for skB is 0.92 kN/m2 .
The maximum recorded value is 1.13 kN/m2 , which leads to a ratio of smax =skA 1:64.
Therefore in accordance with the denition provided above for exceptional snow loads,
the maximum value, being over 50% greater than skA , can be treated as an exceptional
snow load for the particular location. The characteristic snow load for that location is
0.69 kN/m2 .
The opportunity to choose skA together with the exceptional snow load or skA alone or
skB is a decision for the National Annex. See also Section 5.2 of this part of this Designers
Guide. For example in the UK no exceptional snow load locations were identied, and
hence skA was used.
In Italy, although over approximately 130 weather stations were used for the data, only
in eight cases exceptional snow loads were identied. Although these values are excep-
tional according to the above denition, they are not considered relevant to the Italian
snow map, since the interpolation of the results for skA leads to values covering the
maximum recorded values. In addition, although dened as exceptional, their absolute
values are relatively low compared to values obtained at other locations in Italy. Therefore
the Italian National Annex does not cover exceptional snow loads.


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

4.2. Other representative values

EN 1990, in its Clause, denes a representative value of an action (Frep as a value
used for the verication of the limit state. A representative value may be the characteristic
value (Fk or an accompanying value Fk . Dependent upon the ultimate limit state or
serviceability limit state verication, as described in EN 1990 Clauses 6.4 and 6.5, three
values of ( 0 ; 1 ; 2 need to be considered as appropriate. A brief description is given
below of the use of the representative values.
The characteristic value described in Section 4.1 above is used as a leading variable
action for the ultimate limit state verications for persistent and transient design situations
described in EN 1990 (expressions 6.10, 6.10a and 6.10b) and the characteristic combina-
tion for the serviceability limit state verication (expression 6.14b of EN 1990). For these
two verications all the accompanying actions are dened as the combination value (i.e.
0 Qk .
The other two representative values ( 1 Qk and 2 Qk are used as appropriate for the
verication of:
. accidental design situations for ULS (6.11b of EN 1990) when snow is not considered as
an accidental action; the case of snow considered as an accidental action is described in
Section 4.3 below
. seismic design situations for ULS (6.12b of EN 1990)
. frequent design situations for SLS (6.15b of EN 1990)
. quasi-permanent design situations for SLS (6.16b of EN 1990).
EN 1990, Clause 4.1.3 gives values to be used for snow loads as reproduced in Table 4.1
cl.4.2(1): 1991-1-3 As seen in Table 4.1, the recommended values of the coecients 0 , 1 and 2 for
buildings are dependent upon the location of the site being considered. The values of
may be set by the National Annex.
These values have been obtained by recent research activities sponsored by the
European Commission. Further details may be obtained from References 2 and 3.
In Example 4.1 below, snow is considered a normal variable load and therefore the
persistent design situation and hence expression 6.10 of EN 1990 is used.
For the cases B.1, B.2 and B.3 (see Section 3.3 above) both persistent and accidental
design situations need to be used as appropriate.

4.3. Treatment of exceptional snow loads on the ground

For specic locations where the National Annex species that exceptional snow falls on
the ground can occur, Clause 4.3(1) of EN 1991-1-3 gives the following expression to
calculate the design value sAd of exceptional snow load on the ground as follows:
sAd Cesl sk 4:1

Table 4.1. Recommended values of coecients 0, 1 and 2 for dierent locations for buildings

Regions 0 1 2

Finland 0.70 0.50 0.20

Reminder of other CEN member states, for sites located at altitude 0.70 0.50 0.20
H > 1000 m above sea level
Reminder of other CEN member states, for sites located at altitude 0.50 0.20 0.00
H  1000 m above sea level


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Example 4.1
Consider the combination of actions given in expression (6.10) for the persistent or
transient design situation (EN 1990 Clause 1990 cl.
G;j Gk;j 00 00 P P 00 00 Q;1 Qk;1 00 00 Q;i 0;i Qk;i 6:10
j1 i>1

Assume that the variability of self-weight is small, and three variable actions are
being considered as follows: wind (leading) and imposed and snow accompanying.
The following permanent and imposed loads need to be determined for the design
situation in this example:
. the characteristic value of a permanent action Gk
. for wind (the leading variable action) the characteristic value (Qk
. for imposed and snow loads (the accompanying actions) the combination value is
represented by the product 0 Qk (for this example 0.7Qk for imposed loads and
0.5Qk for snow loads, in accordance with EN 1990: Table A.1 for sites where
h  1000 m e.g. in Continental Europe).

Cesl is the coecient for exceptional snow loads which may be set by the National Annex.
EN 1991-1-3 recommends a value for Cesl is 2.0 cl.4.3(1): 1991-1-3
sk is the characteristic value of snow load on the ground for a given location.
In Example 4.2 below the snow load on the ground is considered an accidental action
and therefore the accidental design situation and hence expression 6.11b of EN 1990 is

Example 4.2
Consider the combination of actions in expression (6.11b) for the accidental situation. 1990 cl.
Gk; j 00 00 P 00 00 Ad 00 00 1;1 or 2;1 Qk;1 00 00 2;i Qk;i 6:11b
j1 i>1

Assume that the variability of self-weight is small; and three variable actions are
being considered as follows: snow as an accidental action, wind (as the leading variable
action) and imposed as the accompanying variable action.
The following permanent accidental and imposed loads need to be determined for
the design situation in this example:
. the characteristic value of a permanent action Gk
. the value for Ad is the accidental snow load (i.e. sAd
. for wind the leading value (taken as 1 Qk where 1 0:2 as given in EN 1990 cl.4.3(1):
Table A1.1 EN 1991-1-3
. for imposed load the accompanying value is represented as a product ( 2 Qk where
2 0:3 as given in EN 1990 Table A1.1.


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Snow load on roofs

In this chapter the determination of snow loads on the roof, to be used for the verication
of the whole structural resisting frame is described. The material described in this chapter
is described in the following clauses:
. nature of the load Clause 5.1: EN 1991-1-3
. load arrangements Clause 5.2: EN 1991-1-3
. roof shape coecients Clause 5.3: EN 1991-1-3

5.1. Nature of the load

This section is based on the premise that the snow layers on a roof can have many cl.5.1(1): 1991-1-3
dierent shapes depending on the following characteristics of the roof: cl.5.1(2): 1991-1-3
. its shape
. its thermal properties
. the roughness of its surface
. the amount of heat generated under the roof
. the proximity of nearby buildings
. the surrounding terrain
. the local meteorological climate, in particular its windiness, temperature variations, and
likelihood of precipitation (either as rain or as snow).

5.2. Load arrangements

A snow layer on a roof is the result of subsequent events such as snow falls, wind inter-
action, partial snow melting due to warming of the upper layers, sliding o of part of
snow from the roof, etc.
In the absence of wind, snow is deposited on the roof in a balanced way and generally a
uniform cover is formed (initial deposition).
Falling snow is deposited on roofs in uniform layers only when the wind speed is low.
It is known that with wind speeds in the range 45 m/s, much of the snow is deposited in
areas of aerodynamic shade (see Fig. 5.1).
For situations where the wind velocity increases above this range, snow particles can be
picked up from the snow cover and redeposited on the lee sides, or on lower roofs in the
lee side, or behind obstructions on the roof (see Fig. 5.2).
To cover the above situations EN 1991-1-3 considers two idealised load arrangements cl.5.2(1)P: 1991-1-3
due to snow as follows:

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

100 Aerodynamic
90 shaded area

Height (cm)
Wind 60
Snow 1
60 40 20 0 20 40 60
Length (cm)

Fig. 5.1. Model in wind tunnel, wind from the left side with velocity of 4 m/s

cl.1.6.5: 1991-1-3 (1) Undrifted snow load on roofs, which describes the uniformly distributed snow load on
the roof, aected only by the shape of the roof, before any redistribution of snow due to
other climatic actions (see Fig. 5.3, for a case where the load arrangement is an undrifted
cl.1.6.6: 1991-1-3 (2) Drifted snow load which describes the snow load distribution resulting from snow
having been moved from one location to another location on a roof, e.g. by the
action of the wind (see Fig. 5.4 for a case where wind has caused drifting from one
pitch to the other).
EN 1991-1-3 assumes snow depositions and drifting for the dierent climatic regions of
(a) Continental
Where the snow that falls is persistent and where snow falling in calm conditions may be
followed by further snow, carried by another weather system driven by wind and there
may be several repetitions of these events before there is any signicant thawing (this case
is covered in Section 5 of EN 1991-1-3).
(b) Maritime
Where all the snow usually melts and clears between the individual weather systems and
where moderate to high wind speeds occur during the individual weather system. For
example for the UK and Ireland it is assumed that all the layer of snow on the windward

Fig. 5.2. Model in wind tunnel for multi-pitched roof, wind from the left side with 4 m/sec velocity


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Fig. 5.3. Undrifted snow load Fig. 5.4. Drifted snow load

side is available for drifting. The amount of the drifted load is considered to be of a high
magnitude, compared to the ground snow load, and for this reason in these two countries
the drifted snow is considered an exceptional load and treated as an accidental load using
the accidental design situation (this case is covered by Annex B of EN 1991-1-3).
The National Annex may specify the use of alternative drift patterns dependent on the cl.5.2(2): 1991-1-3
climatic variations described above for particular roof shapes in specic locations.
In EN 1991-1-3 snow load on the roof is determined as follows:
Step 1. By determining the characteristic snow load on the ground, which is generally
obtained from national maps.
Step 2. Converting this load into an undrifted or drifted roof load for both persistent and,
where required by the National Annex, accidental design situations by the use of:
. an appropriate shape coecient which depends on the shape of the roof, and
. considering the inuence of thermal eects from inside the building and the terrain
around the building.
For the persistent/transient design situations, i.e. no exceptional snow falls or drifts:
s  i C e C t sk 5.1 EN 1991-1-3
For the accidental design situations, where exceptional snow load is the accidental
s i Ce Ct sAd 5.2 EN 1991-1-3
For the accidental design situations where exceptional snow drift is the accidental
action and where Annex B applies:
s  i sk 5.3 EN 1991-1-3
i is the snow load shape coecient (see Section 5.3 below and Annex B of EN 1991-1-3)
sk is the characteristic value of snow load on the ground
sAd is the design value of exceptional snow load on the ground for a given location (see
Section 4.3 above)
Ce is the exposure coecient (see Exposure characteristics below)
Ct is the thermal coecient (see Thermal characteristics below).
Dependent upon the specic locations, they can be four dierent cases that may need cl.5.2(3)P:
to be considered as shown in Table 5.1, as reproduced from Table A.1 of EN 1991-1-3. 1991-1-3
Decision for which case to use is found in the National Annex. For example in Italy


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Table 5.1. Design situations and load arrangements for dierent locations

Exceptional conditions
Case A Case B1 Case B2 Case B3

No exceptional falls Exceptional falls No exceptional falls Exceptional falls

No exceptional drift No exceptional drift Exceptional drift Exceptional drift

3.2(1) 3.3(1) 3.3(2) 3.3(3)

Persistent/transient Persistent/transient Persistent/transient Persistent/transient

design situation: design situation: design situation: design situation:
(1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk
(2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk
Accidental design (except for roof (except for roof
situation (where snow is shapes in Annex B) shapes in Annex B)
the accidental action): Accidental design Accidental design
(3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk situation (where snow is situation (where snow is
(4) Drifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk the accidental action): the accidental action):
(3) Drifted i sk (for roof (3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk
shapes in Annex B) (4) Drifted i sk (for roof
shapes in Annex B)

Note 1: Exceptional conditions are dened according to the National Annex.

Note 2: For Cases B1 and B3 the National Annex may dene design situations which apply for the particular local eects
described in Section 6.

cl.A.1: 1991-1-3 Case A is used; in the UK Case B2 is used; and in France for certain locations Case B1 is
cl.5.2(4): 1991-1-3 Once the snow load value on the roof has been determined, this should be assumed to
act vertically and referred to a horizontal projection of the roof area.
Load cases corresponding to severe imbalances on a roof resulting from snow removal,
redistribution of snow on the roof, sliding, melting etc. should be considered. The results
from these eects will cause load arrangement patterns which will include zero snow loads
on specic parts of the roof. These considerations are very important for structures that
are sensitive to the form of the load distribution, i.e. curved roofs, arches, domes, long-
span at roofs etc.
Figure 5.5 shows, as an example, the collapse of the roof of the Baltimore & Ohio Rail-
road Museum (Maryland, US), which occurred in February 2003, under a severe unba-
lanced load distribution on the roof surface. The roof structure was formed by simply
supported latticed beams, disposed along radial lines. The beams were tied together by
horizontal steel rings, unable to resist bending moments. The unbalanced load arrange-
ment caused by wind (a trace of which is visible on the upper roof in Fig. 5.5), induced
the collapse.
Another example of unbalanced load distribution is shown in Fig. 5.6.
cl.5.2(5): 1991-1-3 If articial removal or redistribution is anticipated, EN 1991-1-3 allows the National
Annex to produce suitable load arrangements if considered necessary.
cl.5.2(6): 1991-1-3 Another cause of possible increase in snow loads on roofs may occur in regions with
possible rainfalls on the snow and consecutive melting and freezing. Where such a
scenario is possible, the design snow loads on roofs should be increased, especially in
cases where snow and ice can block the drainage system of the roof. There have allegedly
been roof collapses causing fatalities due to this phenomenon.
In the US it is estimated that approximately 2000 roof collapses occur every year, a
relevant majority of which are supposed to be caused by ponding eects on large at
roofs, due to the presence of heavy snow and rain. Figure 5.7 shows a partial roof
collapse, which occurred in 2004 in Portland, Oregon.
EN 1991-1-3 asks the National Annexes to provide appropriate advice.


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Fig. 5.5. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum (Maryland, US) roof collapse

Exposure characteristics
Exposure of the structure depends on the wind speed in the area and the features of the
surrounding areas. If the structure is surrounded by high trees or other higher structures,
a so-called sheltered situation results. If on the other hand there is no obstruction in the
vicinity of the roof and high wind speeds occur in the region, windswept conditions result.
In addition EN 1991-1-3 asks for the consideration of the future development around the
site, for example in areas where planning permissions for future developments have been
EN 1991-1-3 denes the exposure coecient Ce as a coecient dening the reduction or cl.1.6.9: 1991-1-3
increase of load on a roof of an unheated building, as a fraction of the characteristic snow
load on the ground.

Fig. 5.6. Unbalanced snow deposition on spherical domes, covering oil tanks


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Fig. 5.7. Partial at roof collapse due to presence of snow and rain

cl.5.2(7): 1991-1-3 The exposure coecient Ce is used in expressions 5.1 and 5.2 for determining the snow
load on the roof, in cases where no exceptional snow drift occurs.
The choice for Ce is in the National Annex, the recommended value being 1.0 unless
otherwise specied for dierent topographies.
Table 5.1 of EN 1991-1-3 is partially reproduced below as Table 5.2.

Thermal characteristics
cl.1.6.8: 1991-1-3 The rate at which snow on roofs melts after snowfall is inuenced by the roof thermal
transmittance. EN 1991-1-3 denes the thermal coecient Ct as a coecient dening the
reduction of snow load on roofs as a function of the heat ux through the roof, causing
snow melting.
cl.5.2(8): 1991-1-3 The thermal coecient Ct is used in expressions 5.1 and 5.2 for determining the snow
load on the roof, in cases where no exceptional snow drift occurs. The choice for Ct is in
the National Annex, the recommended value being 1.0, unless otherwise specied.

Table 5.2. Ce values for dierent topographies

Topography Ce

Windswepta 0.8
Normalb 1.0
Shelteredc 1.2
A windswept topography is for at unobstructed areas exposed on all
sides without, or with little, shelter aorded by terrain, higher construc-
tion works or trees. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.8(a).
A normal topography is for areas where there is no signicant
removal of snow by wind on construction work, because of terrain,
other construction works or trees. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.8(b).
A sheltered topography is for areas in which the construction work
being considered is considerably lower than the surrounding terrain or
surrounded by high trees and/or surrounded by higher construction
works. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.8(c).


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Fig. 5.8. Examples of dierent exposure conditions: (a) windswept condition; (b) normal condition;
(c) sheltered condition

Regarding roofs with high thermal transmittance (>1 W/m2K), such as glass-covered
roofs, the eect of snow load reduction is important, especially in cases where there will
be melting between the upper roof surface and the layer of snow, producing a thin layer
of water, which reduces the friction between the snow layer and the top of the roof,
causing sliding of snow from the roof.
A check that melting water can be drained from the roof surface should be carried out.
Further guidance may be found in ISO 4355.4

5.3. Roof shape coecients

5.3.1. General
Section 5.3 of EN 1991-1-3 gives roof shape coecient , which is dened as the ratio of cl.1.6.7: 1991-1-3
the snow load on the roof to the undrifted snow load on the ground, without the inuence
of exposure and thermal eects.
Section 5.3 gives the roof shape coecients for undrifted and drifted snow load arrange-
ments for the following roof shapes:
. monopitch in Clause 5.3.2 cl.5.3.2: 1991-1-3
. pitched in Clause 5.3.3 cl.5.3.3: 1991-1-3
. multi-span in Clause 5.3.4 cl.5.3.4: 1991-1-3
. cylindrical in Clause 5.3.5 cl.5.3.5: 1991-1-3
. roofs abutting and close to taller construction works in Clause 5.3.6. cl.5.3.6: 1991-1-3
The drifted load arrangements given in this section refer to described roofs with the excep-
tion of the consideration of exceptional snow drifts, dened in Annex B of EN 1991-1-3.
The use of Annex B is allowed through the National Annex. cl.5.3.1(1):
The advice given in this Designers Guide on shape coecients  does not replicate the
actual values given in the clauses for dierent roof shapes in Section 5.3 of EN 1991-1-
3. The Designers Guide will however give additional information as appropriate for
each roof shape and also show the comparison for the normal and exceptional snow
drifted cases. Additionally this section of this Part of this Designers Guide will give a
few examples.

For other roof shapes than those covered by this section, further guidance may be
found in ISO 4355.4 In special cases, such as cantilever roofs in stadia, or for other very
large roofs or where severe load arrangements are anticipated, the shape coecients can
be determined by testing, using boundary layer wind tunnels.
Roofs that have an external geometry which may lead to increases in snow load, and
which may be signicant in comparison with a roof of linear prole, should be given
special consideration regarding the determination of the snow load shape coecients.


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Fig. 5.9. Example of a roof having an external geometry that may lead to increases in snow load

This case applies, for example, for large at roofs where the roof elements (e.g. precast
prestressed RC beams) are placed in such a way as to be treated as multi-span roofs (see
Section 5.3.4 below), and the clear length under the two adjacent pitches is greater than
cl.5.3.1(2): 3.5 m and the pitches angles are above 308.
1991-1-3 An example of such a roof is shown in Fig. 5.9.
Shape coecients  for the following roof shapes:
cl.5.3.2: 1991-1-3 . monopitch
cl.5.3.3: 1991-1-3 . pitched
cl.5.3.4: 1991-1-3 . multi-span
cl.5.3.1(3): are given in Fig. 5.10, which is reproduced from Fig. 5.1 of EN 1991-1-3.
1991-1-3 In Fig. 5.10  is the pitch angle.

cl.5.3.2(1): 5.3.2. Monopitch roofs

1991-1-3 No further guidance is needed for Clause 5.3.2(1).
Independently of pitch angle, if on the roof there are snow fences or other obstructions,
cl.5.3.2(2): or if the lower edge of the roof is terminated with a parapet, the  coecient should not
1991-1-3 be reduced below 0.8, as sliding will not take place.




0 15 30 45 60

Fig. 5.10. Snow load shape coecients


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1 = 1.08








Fig. 5.11. Wind tunnel tests on a large at roof: (a) diagrammatic representation of the snow deposition;
(b) lateral view of the model; (c) angled front view of the model

Load arrangements given in Fig. 5.2 of EN 1991-1-3 that should be used for both the
undrifted and drifted cases are calibrated for roof sizes which usually are encountered for
general everyday buildings.
The designer should consider large at roofs which are treated in EN 1991-1-3 as a
monopitch roof with  08.
There is research evidence that for larger roofs (e.g. square or almost square roofs with
length about 40 m) the snow layer may be non-uniform and the maximum value of the
ratio between the roof and the ground snow loads reaches unity. Figure 5.11 illustrates an
example of such a case which was obtained in a climatic wind tunnel.3 In this case, as is
shown in Fig. 5.11(a), the  shape coecient locally reaches 1.08. The average value for 
in this case is 0.77.

5.3.3. Pitched roofs

No further guidance is needed for Clause 5.3.3(1). cl.5.3.3(1):
As for the case of monopitch roofs, independently of pitch angles, if on the roof 1991-1-3
there are snow fences or other obstructions, or if the lower edge of the roof is terminated


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

cl.5.3.3(2): with a parapet, the  coecient should not be reduced below 0.8, as sliding will not take
1991-1-3 place.
cls.5.3.3(3) and No further guidance is needed for Clauses 5.3.3(3) and 5.3.3(4).
5.3.3(4): EN 1991-1-3 allows, through the National Annex, an alternative drifting load arrange-
1991-1-3 ment based on local conditions. An example of the use of an alternative drifting load
Note to cl.5.3.3(4): arrangement is a roof located in the UK, where the shape coecients are obtained for
1991-1-3 maritime climates.
Two examples are given below: the rst uses the guidance in Clause 5.3.3 and the
Italian National Annex; the second uses the guidance given in the UK National Annex to
EN 1991-1-3.

Example 5.1
Consider a steel portal frame located in Milan, Italy, with dimensions as shown in the
diagram below.


h = 8000

L = 20 000

Determination of sk 1 Ce and Ct .
Characteristic ground snow load:
From Italian Map: Zone I Mediterranean
sk 1:60 kN/m2
Shape coecient:
Slope: 10%
 68 100
1  0:8
Exposure coecient:
Normal topography Ce 1:0
Thermal coecient:
Insulated roof Ct 1:0
The load arrangements for the undrifted case and the drifted case are determined using
the guidance given in Clause 5.3.3 of EN 1991-1-3 and the following shape proles for
snow are obtained.
(a) Undrifted (case i)

s = 0.8 1.60 = 1.28 kN/m2

(b) Drifted (case ii and iii)

s = 0.5 1.28 = 0.64 kN/m2

s = 0.8 1.60 = 1.28 kN/m2


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Example 5.2
Consider the same steel portal frame as in Example 5.1, located in the Scottish High-
lands UK, see UK National Annex where sk 1:60 kN/m2, after allowing for altitude
(a) Undrifted (case i)
s = 0.8 1.60 = 1.28 kN/m2

(b) Drifted (case ii)

s = 0.8 1.60 = 1.28 kN/m2

(c) Drifted (case iii)

s = 0.8 1.60 = 1.28 kN/m2

5.3.4. Multi-span roofs and 5.3.4(2):
No further guidance needed for Clauses 5.3.4(1) and 5.3.4(2). 1991-1-3
EN 1991-1-3 allows through the National Annex an alternative drifting load arrange- Note to cl.5.3.4(3):
ment based on local conditions. 1991-1-3
Figure 5.12(a) and (b) illustrate the dierent patterns for drifted load arrangements for
normal and accidental conditions (for denition of symbols see EN 1991-1-3). cl.B2(1): 1991-1-3
2() = (1 + 2)/2
Case (ii)

ls1 ls2
1(1) 1(2)

1 2 1 2 b1 b2


(a) (b)

Fig. 5.12. Patterns for load arrangements: (a) normal drift; (b) accidental drift

An example of the use of normal load arrangements, for both undrifted and drifted, is
given in Example 5.3 below with reference to a building located in Sweden.

Example 5.3
Consider a factory building with the following properties.
Location: Sweden Snow load zone 2 300 m a.s.l.

40 30 40 30


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Determination of sk 1 Ce and Ct .
Characteristic ground snow load:
From Swedish Map: Zone 2
sk 0:790Z 0:375A=336
Z is the zone number 2
A is the altitude 300 m a.s.l.
Giving sk 2:85 kN/m2
Considering Fig. 5.1 of EN 1991-1-3, the shape coecients 1 and 2 are:
1 1 1 408 0:53
1 2 1 308 0:80
2 1 2 =2 2 358 1:60
Exposure coecient:
Building surroundings normal Ce 1:0
Thermal coecient:
Eective heat insulation applied to roof Ct 1:0
The load arrangements for the undrifted case and the drifted case are determined using
the guidance given in Clause 5.3.4 of EN 1991-1-3 and the following shape proles for
snow are obtained.
(a) Undrifted (case i)
2.28 kN/m2 2.28 kN/m2
1.51 kN/m2 1.51 kN/m2

40 30 40 30

(b) Drifted (case ii)

4.56 kN/m2
Drifted snow load

2.28 kN/m2
1.51 kN/m

40 30 40 30


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Fig. 5.13. Wind tunnel test on a cylindrical roof

The proles given in Clause 5.3.4 are not applicable when the slope  is greater than
608 as in this case all the deposited snow on the roof is available for drifting.
This case should normally be covered by the individual National Annexes and is
covered by ISO 4355.4

5.3.5. Cylindrical roofs cl.5.3.5(1):

No further guidance is needed for Clause 5.3.5(1). 1991-1-3
The shape coecient values given in this clause are calibrated also on the basis of wind
tunnel tests, performed on dierent types of cylindrical roofs. Figure 5.13 shows an
example of such wind tunnel tests.3
All the shape coecients given are intended for use in case of absence of snow fences Note 2 to clause
on the roof surface. Specic rules for considering such eects may be given in the National 5.3.5(1): 1991-1-3
Annex to EN 1991-1-3.
No further guidance is needed for Clauses 5.3.5(2) and 5.3.5(3). cls.5.3.5(2) and
5.3.6. Roof abutting and close to taller construction works
For normal conditions the shape coecients to be considered for undrifted and drifted cl.5.3.6(1):
snow load arrangements are shown in Fig. 5.14. 1991-1-3
Snow deposition patterns for the drifted load arrangement are inuenced by two
phenomena: the sliding of snow from the upper roof and the accumulation induced by the
redistribution of snow due to wind.
The rst phenomenon is possible when the slope of the upper roof is greater than a
given value , which in EN 1991-1-3 is taken equal to 158. This is a general indication. It
is important however to consider the thermal properties of the upper roof; in the case of a
glass covering with high thermal transmittance the sliding eects remain possible even in
the presence of lower pitch angles.
The shape coecient w , taking account of the snow accumulation due to wind, has
been calibrated also on the basis of wind tunnel tests, an example of which is shown in
Fig. 5.15.


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3




b1 b2

Fig. 5.14. Shape coecients for (a) undrifted and (b) drifted snow load arrangements

The expression giving w is:

w b1 b2 =2h  h=sk 5.1 EN 1991-1-3

where  is the weight density of snow, which for this calculation may be taken as
2 kN/m3.
Note 1 to cl.5.3.6(1): The National Annex may specify a range for the variation of both w and ls . The
1991-1-3 recommended range for w is 0:8  w  4. The recommended range for the drift length
ls , to be taken equal to 2h, is 5  ls  15 m.
Note 2 to cl.5.3.6(1): Examples of the use of normal load arrangements for the drifted case are given in
1991-1-3 Examples 5.4 and 5.5.

Fig. 5.15. Wind tunnel test on a multi-level at roof (wind acting from the left side)


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Example 5.4
Consider the building in Fig. 5.14, with the following dimensions:
b1 8:0 m
b2 10:0 m
sk 0:8 kN/m2
From the above, as  108, s 0.
For the calculation of the contribution of wind accumulation w let us consider
the variability of the distance h from the upper roof to the lower one within the range
0.57.0 m.
From the formula (5.1 EN 1991-1-3) we get the following variation of the shape
coecient w .


8.00 C


6.00 B





0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
h (m)

In the graph line A indicates the variation of the coecient w , which is limited by
line B (h=sk and by the hyperbolic line C b1 b2 =2h.
For h equal to 5 m the wind accumulation eect results in a shape coecient w
equal to 1.80 and the corresponding peak value of the snow load at the conjunction
line between the two buildings is s w , sk 1:80  0:80 1:44 kN/m2.
For greater values of h the shape coecient w decreases due to the action wind
vortexes, which are increasingly altered by the obstacle (see Fig. 5.15).


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Example 5.5
Consider the building in the previous Example 5.4, with the following dimensions:
b1 30:0 m
b2 15:0 m
The variation of the shape coecient w is illustrated in the gure below.










0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
h (m)

In this case, for the same dierence in height h 5:0 m examined in Example 5.4, the
shape coecient w rises to the maximum value 4.0, and the corresponding peak snow
load value to 3.2 kN/m2.
The above eects are justied by the alteration of the aerodynamic shaded area in
the vicinity of the change in height. The wider dimensions in plan of the two buildings
result in a sensible modication of the wind vortexes and of the available snow for
redistribution (see gure below taken during wind tunnel tests on a multi-level roof
with a large lower roof ).


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EN 1991-1-3 allows through the National Annex an alternative drifting load arrangement Note to cl.5.3.6(3):
based on local conditions. 1991-1-3
Figure 5.16 illustrates the pattern for drifted load arrangements for accidental conditions
(for denition of symbols see EN 1991-1-3). cl.B3(1): 1991-1-3

2 h



Fig. 5.16. Pattern for drifted load arrangements for accidental conditions


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Local eects

6.1. General
This chapter treats snow load arrangements specic for the verication of local eects,
which may involve structural members or structural parts rather than the whole structural
resisting frame, as for load cases treated in Chapter 5.
The cases covered allow the verication of:

. drifting at projections and obstructions Clause 6.2: EN 1991-1-3

. snow overhanging the edge of the roof Clause 6.3: EN 1991-1-3
. snow fences Clause 6.4: EN 1991-1-3

In all cases the design situations to be considered are persistent/transient. cl.6.1(2): 1991-1-3
It has to be recognised that there is an inconsistency in the above clause, which leads to
a contradiction when the case of drifting at projections and obstructions is considered
with reference to those locations where, through the National Annex, the use of Annex B
is allowed. This will give alternative load arrangements which actually cover exceptional
snow drifts.
To better clarify this point it has to be borne in mind that considering the load arrange-
ment given in Annex B for drifting at projections and obstructions for local verications,
it is assumed that there is no snow elsewhere on the roof, notwithstanding Clause 6.1(2).
It seems therefore reasonable to adopt the load arrangement indicated in Annex B only in
accidental design situations.

6.2. Drifting at projections and obstructions cl.6.2(1) and

No further guidance is needed for Clauses 6.2(1) and 6.2(2). cl.6.2(2): 1991-1-3
EN 1991-1-3 allows, through the National Annex, an alternative drifting load arrange- Note to cl.6.2.(1):
ment based on local conditions. 1991-1-3
Figures 6.1 and 6.2 illustrate the patterns for drifted load arrangements for accidental cl.B4(1): 1991-1-3
conditions (for denition of symbols see EN 1991-1-3). cls.B4(2) and B4(3):
A distinction is made for drifting patterns occurring at projections and obstructions 1991-1-3
other than parapets and for drifting occurring at parapets.

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3

Example 6.1
Consider the obstruction on a at roof illustrated in the gure below, located in a
region where the characteristic ground snow load is equal to sk 1:0 kN/m2 . Let us
now consider the variation of the height h of the obstruction in a range between 0.0
and 1.5 m.


ls ls

From the expression:

1 0:8, 2 h=sk (expression 6.1 EN 1991-1-3)

with the restriction: 0:8  2  2:0 (expression 6.2 EN 1991-1-3)

Taking for the weight density of snow the value  2:0 kN/m3 , we get the variation
of the shape coecient 2 illustrated in the graph below. Line A represents the varia-
tion of 2 within the imposed limits.









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
h (m)

From the above graph it is evident that the accumulation of snow at the obstacle is
signicant, in comparison with the undrifted distribution 1 which is present on the
rest of the roof surface. This is only if the obstacle height is greater than the undrifted
roof snow cover, which depends on sk . In this case the minimum height is
1 sk = 0:8  1:0=2:0 0:4 m.
The drift length ls , to be taken equal to 2h, is limited within the range 5  ls  15 m.
For all cases examined in the graph the drift length is equal to 5.0 m.


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1 2

ls1 ls2 h
b1 b2

Canopy over door or loading bay

b1 b2
Where b1 < 5 m
Obstruction on flat roof

1 2

ls1 ls2

h1 h2

b1 b2

Obstruction on pitched or curved roof

Fig. 6.1. Drifting at projections and obstructions allowed through the National Annex for specic local

b1 b1
Ridge line
h h
Gutter line

1 1

ls ls
Snow behind parapet; flat roof Snow in valley behind parapet at gable end


Note: b2 should be used in the

calculation of shape coefficient

Snow behind parapet at eaves; pitched or curved roof

Fig. 6.2. Drifting at parapets allowed through the National Annex for specic local conditions

6.3. Snow overhanging the edge of a roof

For sites located at medium to high altitudes (recommended above 800 m) the design of cl.6.3(1):
the cantilevered parts of a roof, beyond the external walls, should take account of the 1991-1-3
possibility of snow overhanging; an example of this phenomenon is shown in Fig. 6.3. Note to cl.6.3(1):
The load se per metre length of the roof s edge is given by the following formula: 1991-1-3
se ks2 = (expression 6.4: EN 1991-1-3)
s is the most onerous undrifted load case appropriate for the roof under consideration
 is the weight density of snow, which may be taken as 3 kN/m3
k is a coecient to take account of the irregular shape of the snow.


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3


Fig. 6.3. Snow overhang Fig. 6.4. Snow overhang

The values for the dimensionless coecient k may be given by the National Annex. The
recommended values are as follows:
k 3=d, but k  d
Note to cl.6.3(2):
1991-1-3 where d is the roof snow cover depth, measured as shown in Fig. 6.4.

Example 6.2
Consider the edge of a roof illustrated in Fig. 6.4 and suppose the building being
located at 1200 m a.s.l. in a zone where the characteristic ground snow load is
sk 1:50 kN/m2 . Suppose also that the edge considered is part of a duo-pitched roof
with identical pitch angles  258.
From 5.3.1 and 5.3.3 we get the most onerous undrifted load value for the pitch
terminating with the edge under consideration:
1  258 0:8
s 1:50  0:8 1:20 kN/m2
The roof snow cover depth d is: d s= 1:20=3:0 0:40 m.
The coecient k in this case is given by the upper limit k d 1:20.
Finally we get the action due to snow overhang:
se ks2 = 1:20  1:202 =3:0 0:58 kN/m

6.4. Snow loads on snowguards and other obstacles

cl.6.4(1): In accordance with Chapter 5 of this Part of this Designers Guide, snow cover on the
1991-1-3 roof is assumed to remain in place to a pitch angle of 608. The presence of snowguards or
other obstacles on the roof will need special consideration, both for the design of the
roof s structure, where the snow cover on the roof may not reduce below the obstacles


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Fig. 6.5. Snow load on a snowguard

height independently of pitch angle, as well as for the design of the snowguard or of a
more general obstacle.
Figure 6.5 shows the load pattern to be considered for the design of a snowguard.
The force Fs exerted by a sliding mass of snow, in the direction of slide, per unit length
of the building is given by:
Fs sb sin  (expression 6.5: EN 1991-1-3)
s is the snow load on the roof relative to the most onerous undrifted load case appropriate
for roof area from which snow could slide (see 5.2 and 5.3)
b is the width on plan (horizontal) from the guard or obstacle to the next guard or to the
 is the pitch of the roof, measured from the horizontal.

Example 6.3
Consider the monopitched roof illustrated in Fig. 6.5, with pitch angle 308, located in a
place where the characteristic ground snow load is sk 1:00 kN/m2 .
Let us calculate the force Fs exerted on the snowguard by the sliding mass of snow,
assuming that the distance b between two consecutive snowguards is b 3 m.
From 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 we get the most onerous undrifted load value for the pitch
under consideration:
1  308 0:8
The corresponding roof snow load is s 0:8  1:00 0:80 kN/m2 .
From expression 6.5 it results:
Fs sb sin  0:80  3:0  sin308 1:20 kN=m


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Annex A. Design situations and

load arrangements to be used for
dierent locations

This annex summarises, in a tabular form, the four possible cases for the denition of design
situations and load arrangements to be used in accordance with the specications contained
in the National Annex.
For detailed description of the four cases see Chapter 3. cl.A.1: EN 1991-1-3

Table A.1: EN 1991-1-3. Design situations and load arrangements for dierent locations Table A.1:
Exceptional conditions
Case A Case B1 Case B2 Case B3

No exceptional falls Exceptional falls No exceptional falls Exceptional falls

No exceptional drift No exceptional drift Exceptional drift Exceptional drift

3.2(1) 3.3(1) 3.3(2) 3.3(3)

Persistent/transient Persistent/transient Persistent/transient Persistent/transient

design situation: design situation: design situation: design situation:
(1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk (1) Undrifted i Ce Ct sk
(2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk (2) Drifted i Ce Ct sk
Accidental design (except for roof (except for roof
situation (where snow is shapes in Annex B) shapes in Annex B)
the accidental action): Accidental design Accidental design
(3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk situation (where snow is situation (where snow is
(4) Drifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk the accidental action): the accidental action):
(3) Drifted i sk (for roof (3) Undrifted i Ce Ct Cesl sk
shapes in Annex B) (4) Drifted i sk (for roof
shapes in Annex B)

Note 1: Exceptional conditions are dened according to the National Annex.

Note 2: For Cases B1 and B3 the National Annex may dene design situations which apply for the particular local eects
described in Section 6.


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Annex B. Snow load shape

coecients for exceptional
snow drifts

This chapter is covered in Chapters 5 and 6 of this Part of this Designers Guide as
appropriate. Note that  values given in the present annex are to be taken as non-
dimensional values.

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Annex C. European ground snow

load maps

Annex C of EN 1991-1-3 presents the European ground snow load maps, which are one of
the main results of scientic work, carried out under contract to DGIII/D-3 of the European
Commission, by a specically formed research Group.2;3
The maps represent a signicant innovation to the EN version of this Part of Eurocode 1.
In the previous ENV 1991-2-3,6 ground snow loads in dierent CEN countries, which at that
time numbered 18, were given in the form of individual national maps.
This assembly of snow information, applicable in dierent CEN member states, encour-
aged comparative examinations, which revealed discrepancies along national boundaries.
These were due to a large number of causes:
. National regulations were elaborated completely independently from one another.
. Diering procedures of measuring the amount of snow.
. The way of processing the data.
. The treatment of exceptional snow falls.
. The choice of an appropriate type of statistical distribution to calculate characteristic
. The choice of the return period.

In the research work reported in Reference 2 a homogeneous approach was set up for
the elaboration of snow data and for the drawing of maps, to help National Competent
Authorities to redraft their national maps, to eliminate or reduce the inconsistencies of
snow load values in CEN member states at borders between countries.
The majority of maps presented in this annex were elaborated, starting from the collection
of snow data in the 18 CEN member states, which were included in the previous ENV code.
The snow database consists of approximately 2600 weather stations, spread all over Europe
within a latitude ranging between 358 (Cyprus) and 708 North Cape Norway.
Maps presented in C(5) for Czech Republic, C(6) for Iceland and C(7) for Poland in Annex
C of EN 1991-1-3, were added, but were not elaborated within the research work.
Maps are based upon a common procedure for the statistical treatment of data coming
from the single weather station. The return period to calculate the characteristic value is
xed to 50 years, as indicated for climatic actions by EN 1990. The statistical analysis was
performed on the yearly extreme values, using the Cumulative Distribution Function
Gumbel Type I. The winters when there was no snow were taken into account.
Exceptional ground snow loads (see Sections 4.1 and 4.3 of this Part of this Designers
Guide) were excluded from the database.

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3



3.00 50 years
Reduced variable Y LSM

1.35 kN/m2


0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60


Snow load on the ground (kN/m2)

Fig. 9.1. Gumbel Type I probability paper, weather station in Parma, Italy; 50-year characteristic
value 1:35 kN/m2

Figure 9.1 shows, as an example, the probability paper for the weather station in Parma,
Italy, where the distinction between the years with zero and non-zero maximum snow loads
is evident. It also represents the best-tting line for the non-zero values and the characteristic
value, obtained from the intersection of this line with the horizontal line located at 3.90 of the
reduced probability scale (ordinate), corresponding to 0.02 probability of exceedance, which
is approximately associated with a 50-year return period.
The characteristic values of ground snow load at the location of the weather station need
to be interpolated with other values, to get a continuous geographical representation of the
ground load variation.
At rst sight, the simplest solution would be to set up a map giving directly the character-
istic snow load at any place. However, in all mountainous areas of Europe such a map would
have to be extremely detailed and would largely follow the topographic relief.
In the majority of regions with homogeneous climatic features, the best way to present the
snow loads in a map for use by design engineers is to dene areas in which a given altitude
function can be applied, thus assuming that snow load varies with altitude only, disregarding
other inuences caused by local eects such as presence of great water masses (lakes) or con-
centration of snow in valleys etc. These eects were carefully analysed and data from weather
stations which presented signicant alterations with respect to the surrounding ones were
excluded from the database.
The 18 CEN countries were divided into homogeneous climatic regions, through the ana-
lysis of the correlation presented by ground snow load characteristic values versus altitude of
the relative weather station. The European territory was divided into ten climatic regions as
illustrated in Fig. 9.2.
Borders of each region, dened through the correlation criteria illustrated above, are not
necessarily coincident with national borders; an example is the Alpine region, to which
belongs Switzerland, Austria and parts of Germany, France and Italy (see Fig. 9.3).
Figure 9.4 shows the scatterplot (ground snow load altitude a.s.l.) for the Alpine region.
In the scatterplot each point represents a weather station and it is possible to calculate, by
way of regression analysis, the best-tting curve correlating the ground snow load with alti-
tude. In the example, the curve is the parabola given by expression C.1.
"   #
A 2
sk 0:642Z 0:009 1 C:1


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Alpine region
Central East
Central West
Iberian peninsula
Mediterranean region
Sweden, Finland
UK, Eire


1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 km

Fig. 9.2. European climatic regions

A is the altitude a.s.l. of the site being considered in m
Z is the zone number given on the map for the site considered.
It is stressed that expression C.1 applies only for the Alpine region, and each climatic
region (see Fig. 9.2) has its unique expression. These expressions are given in Table C.1 of
EN 1991-1-3.
The variation of Z allows the coverage of the whole scatterplot in n intervals, which in the
case under consideration is 5. Each interval is represented by the mean curve marked with a
dashed line in Fig. 9.4.
Weather stations belonging to the same interval are geographically identied and grouped
in the same zone. In Fig. 9.3 the ve zones identied in the scatterplot are reduced to only
four. The two upper zones, numbered 4 and 5, are grouped together here.

Zone No. kN/m2

(A = 0)
1 0.7
2 1.3
3 1.9
4, 5 2.9


250 0 250 500 km

Fig. 9.3. Alpine region. Snow load at sea level


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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3


Alpine region


Snow load (kN/m2) 15


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Altitude (m)

Fig. 9.4. Alpine region. Correlation between characteristic ground snow load and altitude a.s.l.

Example C.1
Consider the ground snow load map for the Central West climatic region in the gure
below, to calculate the ground snow load in Paris, 75 m a.s.l.

Zone No. kN/m2

(A = 0)
1 0.1
2 0.2
3 0.4
4, 5 0.7


250 0 250 500 750 1000 km

The zone number corresponding to the location of Paris is 2.

The altitude function for the Central West region is given by the following expression:
sk 0:164Z  0:082
with Z 2 and A 75 it gives:
sk 0:32 kN/m2


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Data from weather stations from border regions, located within 100 km into the
neighbouring regions, have also been included. In this way the discontinuities at borders
between climatic regions are signicantly limited.
The use of the maps is extremely easy for the design engineer; he or she needs to input the
location of the site on the map and its altitude in metres only. With the zone number and the
altitude function known, the characteristic ground snow load on the site is easily obtained.
The following example shows the procedure.
Maps given in Annex C to EN 1991-1-3 are recommended to be considered as a reference
with the aim of satisfying the objectives indicated in Clause C(2) of EN 1991-1-3, listed here
. to help National Competent Authorities to redraft their national maps
. to establish harmonised procedures to produce the maps.
The nal goal of the implementation of the use of this European map will be the elimina-
tion or reduction of the inconsistencies of snow load values in CEN member states and at
borders between countries.
Further work is still needed for the enlargement of the map to cover the new CEN
member states, which now total 28.


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Annex D. Adjustment of the

ground snow load according to
return period

Ground snow load values given by maps in Annex C and by National Annexes are
characteristic values, and by denition are based on annual probability of exceedance of
0.02, corresponding to a mean recurrence interval of approximately 50 years (see Section
4.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide).
To obtain ground snow loads associated with any mean recurrence interval dierent to 50 cls.D(1) and D(2):
years it is recommended to apply the following formula: 1991-1-3
8 p 9
< 6 >
1V fln ln1  Pn  0:57722g
sn sk >  > Expression D.1
: 1 2:5923V ;

sk is the characteristic snow load on the ground (with a return period of 50 years, in
accordance with EN 1990: 2002)
sn is the ground snow load with a return period of n years
Pn is the annual probability of exceedance (equivalent to approximately 1=n, where n is the
corresponding recurrence interval in years)
V is the coecient of variation of annual maximum snow load.
Expression D.1 should not be used for probability of exceedance below 0.20, which is
associated with a return period approximately equal to ve years.
The use of the above formulation is based on the assumption that the available recorded Note 1 to cl.D(2):
series of yearly maxima ground snow loads shows a good t to a Gumbel Type I probability 1991-1-3
distribution function (PDF). This has been shown to be the case for the majority of
European snow data samples analysed in Reference 2. Any other best-tting statistical
distribution (such as log-normal or Weibull) can be adopted where allowed by the National
Annex. Obviously, in these cases expression D.1 has to be appropriately modied.
For the evaluation of the coecient of variation V of recorded yearly maxima, the
designer has to refer to specic information for the geographical location under considera-
tion. Obviously values of V may vary signicantly from site to site. Figure 10.1 shows an
example where the coecient of variation calculated for 331 weather stations in Germany
is plotted against the mean ground snow load.3

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3




Coefficient of variation





0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Snow load mean value (kN/m2)

Fig. 10.1. Coecient of variation plotted against mean ground snow loads for 331 weather stations in

In Fig. 10.2 the coecient of variation is plotted versus the altitude of the weather stations.
From Figs 10.1 and 10.2 it is evident that the scatter of the coecient of variation may be
very large (in this example ranging from 0.2 to 1.4), the wider scatter being associated with
lower mean ground snow loads, which are normally registered at weather stations located at
lower altitudes.
For initial calculations, and where no rened estimates are needed, it may be useful to refer
to mean values of the coecient of variation for a single climatic region or even for wider
In Reference 3 the coecient of variation has been calculated for 18 countries covered by
the European map in Annex C, and elaborated within the research work; the resulting overall
mean value is V 0:6.
cl.D(3): 1991-1-3 Figure 10.3 shows the graphical representation of expression D.1, plotted for
0:2  V  0:6.
For a return period of 10 years, which, for example, could be associated with a given
execution phase of the structure with an expected nominal duration of one year (see Part



Coefficient of variation






0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Altitude (m)

Fig. 10.2. Coecient of variation plotted against altitude for 331 weather stations in Germany


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V = 0.2




V = 0.6



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Return period in years

Fig. 10.3. Adjustment of the ground snow load according to return period

6 of this Designers Guide and Chapter 2 of EN 1991-1-6), the ratio sn =sk varies from 0.83 for
V 0:2 to 0.70 for V 0:6.
Expression D.1, where permitted by the National Annex, may also be used to calculate cl.D(4): 1991-1-3
snow loads on the ground for other probabilities of exceedance, such as for structures
where a higher risk of exceedance is deemed acceptable (e.g. greenhouses) or where
greater than normal safety is required (e.g. strategic structures).


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Annex E. Bulk weight density

of snow

The bulk weight density of snow is a function of many parameters among which are
. the duration of the snow cover on the ground (or on the roof )
. the location of the site
. the exposure to solar radiation
. the climate and the altitude of the site itself cl.E(1): 1991-1-3

Del Corso and Formichi7 illustrated and discussed in detail the inuences on the deter-
mination of snow bulk weight density registered in Italy, which are briey summarised
below as an example valid for regions in a Mediterranean climate.
First, the air temperature during the snow fall plays an extremely important role in the
formation of crystals, on the denition of their size and shape and on the tendency to
clump together, leading to a low snow density in the case of dry cold air and high densities
in the case of humid relatively warm air. That is, wet snow particles (generally in humid,
relatively warm air) are susceptible to clumping, due to cohesion, whereas dry snow
particles (generally in dry, cold air) behave more akin to sand particles, governed by fric-
tional eects.
Furthermore, it has been observed that the bulk weight density rapidly increases after a
few hours from the snow event. This is mainly due to the eect of the modication of
lower-layer crystals shape, under pressure exerted by upper snow layers; this results in a
reduction of the overall layer volume and in the increase of its mass.
Duration on the ground (or on the roof ) of the snow layer is also another extremely
important parameter, signicantly aecting snow density. For long-lasting snow layers,
the overall density varies due to the driftingcompressionerosion process, consequence of
successive snow events in time, wind action and air temperature variations. Therefore
younger snow layers have a lower density than older ones. Once again this is the eect
of the compression of the lower and oldest snow layers, which may have incorporated
water due to the melting of upper layers.
Measurements taken at several high-altitude weather stations in the Italian Alps are
described by Zanon,8 where snow lasts on the ground for periods up to several months;
the data show a clear tendency to an increase in density with time. Specically it has been
observed that a rapid increase occurs at the beginning of winter, due to the drifting and of
the successive compression of dierent fresh snow layers. This is followed by a central
period, during which, probably due to the crystals stabilisation shape and structure, snow

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PART 3: EN 1991-1-3


p p p

Fig. 11.1. Bulk weight density of snow as a function of layer duration, adopted in Italy

density can be assumed to remain constant. Finally, during the melting phase the density
increases rapidly due to the presence of water.
Figure 11.1 shows the simplied bulk weight density law based upon the above studies,
adopted in Italy for the conversion of ground snow depths into ground snow loads, where
the duration of the snow layer ( p) is greater than 10 days.
Values 1 , 2 , 3 are the limits of variation of the snow density during the period p.
Sub-periods p and p are the initial and the nal ones, associated with the increase in
snow density; p is the central sub-period during which density may be assumed to
remain constant. Values are calibrated through experimental measures810 as follows:
1 2:15 kN/m3, p 0:3
2 3:50 kN/m3, p 0:4
3 5:15 kN/m3, p 0:3
For snow layers with a duration lower than 10 days, which is typical of low-altitude sites
where the snow layer results from one single snow event, bulk weight density has been
assumed to remain constant and equal to 2.50 kN/m3.
Where no direct measures are available, and except where specied in Sections 1 to 6 of
EN 1991-1-3, mean bulk weight density of snow on the ground may be assumed to vary
cl.E(2): 1991-1-3 within the limits given in Table 11.1 (Clause E(2): EN 1991-1-3).

Table 11.1. Mean bulk weight density of snow

Type of snow Bulk weight density (kN/m3

Fresh 1.0
Settled (several hours or days after its fall) 2.0
Old (several weeks or months after its fall) 2.53.5
Wet 4.0


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References to Part 3
1. EN 1991-1-3: 2003. Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures Part 1-3: General Actions
Snow loads. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2003.
2. Final Report to the European Commission, Scientic Support Activity in the Field of
Structural Stability of Civil Engineering Works: Snow Loads Phase 1. Department of
Structural Engineering, University of Pisa, March 1998. The document is available at
the Commission of the European Communities DG III, D-3 Industry, Rue de la Loi,
200 B, 1049 Brussels, or at the Universita degli Studi di Pisa Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Strutturale, Via Diotisalvi, 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy. Or online at:
3. Final Report to the European Commission, Scientic Support Activity in the Field of
Structural Stability of Civil Engineering Works: Snow Loads Phase 2. Department of
Structural Engineering, University of Pisa, September 1999. The document is available
at the Commission of the European Communities DG III, D-3 Industry, Rue de la Loi,
200 B, 1049 Brussels, or at the Universita degli Studi di Pisa Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Strutturale, Via Diotisalvi, 2, 56100 Pisa, Italy. Or online at:
4. ISO 4355: 1998. Bases for Design of Structures Determination of Snow Loads on Roofs.
International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, 1998.
5. Irwin, P., Hochstenbach, F. and Gamble, L. Wind and Snow Considerations for Wide
Span Enclosures. Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Ontario, Canada, 2004.
6. ENV 1991-2-3: 1996. Eurocode 1. Basis of Design and Actions on Structures. Actions on
Structures. Snow loads. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 1996.
7. Del Corso, R. and Formichi, P. A proposal for a new normative snow load map for the
Italian territory in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Snow Engineering,
Davos, Switzerland, 2004. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2004.
8. Zanon, G. Osservazioni sul manto nevoso alla stazione pilota della Fedaia nellinverno
19621963. Bollettino Comitato Glaciologico Italiano, 1967, Series II, No. 13, Part 2.
9. Del Corso, R. and Formichi, P. Duration of the snow load on the ground in Italy.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Snow Engineering, Trondheim,
Norway, June 2000. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000.
10. Del Corso, R. and Formichi, P. Shape coecients for conversion of ground snow loads
to roof snow loads. Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the Precast
Concrete Industry, Venice, Italy, May 1999.


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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1-4: Wind Actions

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

This Part gives a brief introduction to EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part
1.4 General Actions Wind Actions.1 A comprehensive treatment for this Eurocode part is
given in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide on wind actions by N. J. Cook.2
The style of this brief introduction is dierent to the other Parts in this Designers Guide
which cover other Parts of EN 1991: Actions on Structures, in that it gives guidance on
selected clauses only. This Part makes numerous references to the UK National Annex to
EN 1991-1-4 and BS 6399: Part 2. In cases where the information is substantial, the text,
graphs etc. have been boxed.

The contents of EN 1991-1-4

EN 1991-1-4 contains eight sections and six informative annexes as follows:
Section 1 General
Section 2 Design situations
Section 3 Modelling of wind actions
Section 4 Wind velocity and velocity pressure
Section 5 Wind actions
Section 6 Structural factor cs cd
Section 7 Pressure and force coecients
Section 8 Wind actions on bridges
Annex A (informative) Terrain eects
Annex B (informative) Procedure 1 for structural factor cs cd
Annex C (informative) Procedure 2 for structural factor cs cd
Annex D (informative) Graphs of cs cd for common building forms
Annex E (informative) Vortex shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
Annex F (informative) Dynamic characteristics of structures

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1.1. Scope
EN 1991-1-4 gives guidance on the determination of natural wind actions for the structural cl.1.1(1):
design of buildings and civil engineering works for each of the loaded areas under considera- 1991-1-4
tion. The wind actions are given for the whole or parts of the structure, e.g. components,
cladding units and their xings. cl.1.1(2):
EN 1991-1-4 is applicable to: 1991-1-4
. building and civil engineering works with heights up to 200 m
. bridges with spans of not more than 200 m (subject to certain limitations based on
dynamic response criteria).

EN 1991-1-4 is intended to predict characteristic wind actions on land-based structures, cl.1.1(3):

their components and appendages. 1991-1-4
The specic exclusions are: cl.1.1(11):
. lattice towers with non-parallel chords
. guyed masts and guyed chimneys (covered in EN 1993)
. cable-supported bridges
. bridge deck vibration from transverse wind turbulence
. torsional vibrations of buildings
. modes of vibration higher than the fundamental mode.

The application range of EN 1991-1-4 is much wider than compared to some European
National Wind Standards. For example, comparing EN 1991-1-4 to BS 6399-2,3 the scope
of EN 1991-1-4 is much wider than BS 6399-2, as it includes wind actions on other structures,
which in the UK are given in a number of other British Standards and design guides. In some
cases, for example dynamic response of buildings, there is no equivalent UK standard.

1.2. Denitions and symbols

Some of the terminology, symbols and denitions used in EN 1991-1-4 will be new for cls.1.6 and 1.7:
designers. 1991-1-4
Regarding the UK, the major dierences between EN 1991-1-4 and UK practice4 are given
below. The clause numbers indicate where the term is rst mentioned in EN 1991-1-4.
. Background response factor B (6.3.1(1)): accounts for the lack of correlation of the cl.6.3.1(1):
wind gusts over the surface of the structure or element. There is no equivalent value in 1991-1-4
BS 6399-2.

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

cl.4.5(1): . Basic velocity pressure qb (4.5(1)): derived from the basic wind velocity (qb 0:613v2b .
1991-1-4 There is no equivalent value in BS 6399-2.
. Basic wind velocity vb (4.2(2)P): is the fundamental basic wind velocity modied to
cl.4.2(2)P: account for seasonal and directional eects. There is no direct equivalent value in
1991-1-4 BS 6399-2.
. Directional factor cdir (4.2(2)P): used to modify the basic wind velocity to produce
cl.4.2(2)P: wind speeds with the same risk of being exceeded in any wind direction. cdir is the
1991-1-4 same as Sd in BS 6399-2.
. Exposure factor ce(z) (4.5(1)): accounts for the eect of terrain, orography and building
cl.4.5(1): height. Similar to Sb2 in BS 6399-2. Note: orography is equivalent to topography in
1991-1-4 BS 6399-2.
. Force coecient cf (5.3(2)): the ratio of the force acting on a structure or element to
cl.5.3(2): the peak velocity pressure multiplied by an appropriate area. There are no equivalent
1991-1-4 values in BS 6399-2.
. Friction coecient cfr (5.3(2)): the ratio of the frictional drag on surfaces aligned
cl.5.3(2): parallel with the wind to the peak velocity pressure multiplied by an appropriate area.
1991-1-4 Corresponds to Cf in BS 6399-2.
. Fundamental basic wind velocity vb,0 (4.2(1)P): this is the mean wind velocity for a 10-
cl.4.2(1)P: minute averaging period with an annual risk of being exceeded of 0.02, at a height of
1991-1-4 10 m above ground level in at open country terrain (terrain category II). There is no
direct equivalent value in the main body of BS 6399-2. For use in the UK,
vb;0 vb;0 calt where vb;0 is the mean wind velocity for a 10-minute averaging period
with an annual risk of being exceeded of 0.02, at a height of 10 m above sea level in
terrain category II and calt is the altitude factor which accounts for the eects of alti-
tude on the fundamental basic wind velocity.
Note 4 to cl.4.2(2)P: . Mean wind velocity vm(z) (4.2(2)P Note 4): is the basic wind velocity modied to
1991-1-4 account for terrain roughness category and orography eects (dened below). There is
no direct equivalent value in BS 6399-2.
cl.4.3.1(1): . Orography factor co(z) (4.3.1(1)): used to account for the increase in wind speed due to
1991-1-4 topographic features such as hills, clis and escarpments. co z is obtained using the
same method for calculating topographic eects as included in the Sa factor in
cl.4.5(1): BS 6399-2.
1991-1-4 . Peak velocity pressure qp(z) (4.5(1)): is the site wind velocity taking account of the
terrain and building size. qp z corresponds to qs in BS 6399-2.
cl.5.2(1): . Pressure coecients cpe and cpi (5.2(1)): the ratio of the pressure acting on the external
1991-1-4 or internal surfaces to the peak velocity pressure. Corresponds to Cpe and Cpi in
BS 6399-2.
Note 4 to cl.4.2(2)P: . Probability factor cprob (4.2(2)P Note 4): used to modify the basic wind velocity to
1991-1-4 change the risk of the wind speed being exceeded. cprob is the same as Sp in BS 6399-2.
cl.6.3.1(1): . Resonant response factor R (6.3.1(1)): accounts for the eects of wind turbulence in
1991-1-4 resonance with the vibration of the structure in its fundamental mode of vibration.
There is no equivalent value in BS 6399-2.
cl.4.3.1(1): . Roughness factor cr(z) (4.3.1(1)): used to modify the mean wind speed to account for
1991-1-4 the terrain roughness upwind of the site and the height of the building or structure
under consideration. cr z corresponds to Sc in the BS 6399-2 directional method.
cl.4.2(2)P: . Season factor cseason (4.2(2)P): used to modify the basic wind velocity to produce wind
1991-1-4 speeds with the same risk of being exceeded in any specic sub-annual period. cseason is
the same as Ss in BS 6399-2.
cl.5.3(2): . Structural factor cscd (5.3(2)): takes account of the eect of non-simultaneous wind
1991-1-4 action over the surfaces of the structure or element combined with the eect of
dynamic response of the structure or element. cs and cd correspond to Ca and (1 Cr
respectively in BS 6399-2.
cl.4.4(1): . Turbulence intensity Iv(z) (4.4(1)): is the standard deviation of the wind turbulence
1991-1-4 divided by the mean wind velocity and is a measure of the gustiness of the wind. Iv z
corresponds to St Tt in the BS 6399-2 directional method.


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. Wind force Fw, Fw,e, Fw,i, Ffr (5.3(2)): the wind force acting on the overall structure or cl.5.3(2):
element (Fw , on the external surfaces (Fw;e , on the internal surfaces (Fw;i or due to 1991-1-4
frictional forces (Ffr . Corresponds to P and Pf in BS 6399-2.
. Wind pressure we and wi (5.2(1)): the wind pressure acting on external and internal cl.5.2(1):
building surfaces respectively. Corresponds to pe and pi in BS 6399-2. 1991-1-4


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Design situations

The general requirement of this chapter is that the relevant wind actions be determined for cl.2.1(1)P:
each design situation identied in EN 1990 (Basis of Structural Design), such as persistent, 1991-1-4
transient and accidental design situations.
In EN 1991-1-4, the following specic design situations should also be taken into account:
. Modication to wind actions due to other actions (such as snow, trac or ice) which will cl.2.1(2): 1991-1-4
aect the wind loads.
. Changes to the structure during construction which modify the wind loads. cl.2.1(3): 1991-1-4
. Where doors and windows that are assumed to be shut are open under storm conditions cl.2.1(4): 1991-1-4
then they should be treated as accidental actions.
. Fatigue due to wind actions should be considered for susceptible structures. cl.2.1(4): 1991-1-4

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Modelling of wind actions

This chapter describes wind actions and denes characteristic values of wind velocity and cl.3.1(1): 1991-1-4
velocity pressure according to EN 1990. Wind actions need to be classied according to
their variation in time, spatial variation, origin and their nature and/or structural response.
Wind actions are classied according to EN 1990 as variable xed actions; this means that
the wind actions will not always be present, and the wind actions have, for each considered
wind direction, a xed distributions along the structure. The classication to the origin of
wind actions can be direct as well as indirect: direct for external surfaces and internal surfaces
of open structures; indirect for internal surfaces of enclosed structures (Clause 3.1(1): cl.3.3(1): 1991-1-4
EN 1991-1-4) and (Clause 3.3(1): EN 1991-1-4).
Wind actions calculated using EN 1991-1-4 are characteristic values (see EN 1990 Clause cl.3.4(1): 1991-1-4
4.1.2) having annual probabilities of exceedance of 0.02, which is equivalent to a mean return
period of 50 years (Clause 3.4(1): EN 1991-1-4).

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Wind velocity and velocity


4.1. Basis for calculation

One of the main parameters in the determination of wind actions on structures is the cl.4.1(1): 1991-1-4
characteristic peak velocity pressure qp . This parameter is the characteristic pressure due
to the wind velocity of the undisturbed wind eld. The peak wind velocity accounts for
the mean wind velocity and a turbulence component. The characteristic peak velocity
pressure qp is inuenced by the regional wind climate, local factors (e.g. terrain roughness
and orography/terrain topography), terrain categories, see Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.1, and the
height above terrain. See UK National Annex information in 4.3.

Table 4.1. Terrain categories and terrain parameters

Terrain category z0 (m) zmin (m)

0 Sea or coastal area exposed to the open sea 0.003 1

I Lakes or at and horizontal area with negligible vegetation and without obstacles 0.01 1
II Area with low vegetation such as grass and isolated obstacles (trees, buildings) with 0.05 2
separations of at least 20 obstacle heights
III Area with regular cover of vegetation or buildings or with isolated obstacles with 0.3 5
separations of maximum 20 obstacle heights (such as villages, suburban terrain,
permanent forest)
IV Area in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with buildings and their average 1.0 10
height exceeds 15 m

Note: Examples of the terrain categories are illustrated in Fig. 4. cl.A.1: 1991-1-4

4.2. Basic values

The wind climate for dierent regions/countries in Europe is described by values cl.4.2(1)P:
related to the characteristic 10-minute mean wind velocity at 10 m above ground of a 1991-1-4
terrain with low vegetation (terrain category II, see Table 4.1). These characteristic values Note 2 to cl.4.2(1)P:
correspond to annual probabilities of exceedance of 0.02 which corresponds to a return 1991-1-4
period of 50 years. In EN 1991-1-4 this variable is denoted as the fundamental value of the
basic wind velocity vb;0 which may be given in the National Annex through a National
wind map.

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

Terrain category 0
Sea, coastal area exposed to the open sea

Terrain category I
Lakes or area with negligible vegetation and without obstacles

Terrain category II
Area with low vegetation such as grass and isolated obstacles
(trees, buildings) with separations of at least 20 obstacle heights

Terrain category III

Area with regular cover of vegetation or buildings or with
isolated obstacles with separations of maximum 20 obstacle
heights (such as villages, suburban terrain, permanent forest)

Terrain category IV
Area in which at least 15% of the surface is covered with buildings
and their average height exceeds 15 m

Fig. 4.1. Illustrations of the upper roughness of each terrain category

cl.4.2(2)P: The basic wind velocity vb having an annual probability of exceedance equal to 0.02 is
1991-1-4 determined with the expression:
vb cdir cseason vb;0 4:1


vb;0 is the fundamental value of basic wind velocity

vb is the basic wind velocity
cdir is the directional factor
cseason is the seasonal factor.

The following should be noted:

. The directional factor cdir accounts for the fact that for particular wind directions the
velocity vb could be decreased.
. The seasonal factor cseason takes into account, for example the case of temporary struc-
tures for particular periods (e.g. in summer) where the probability of occurrence of
high wind velocities is relatively low.
Note also that a transportable structure (such as light covering for exhibitions) may not
be considered as a temporary structure, and the cseason factor should be taken equal to 1.0
(see also EN 1991-1-6 for the denition of temporary structures).


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The recommended values for the directional factor cdir and the seasonal factor cseason Notes 2 and 3 to
are in general equal to 1.0. cl.4.2(1)P:
EN 1991-1-4 expression (4.10) (given below as expression (4.2)) gives the following 1991-1-4
relationship between the basic wind velocity (vb and the basic wind velocity pressure (qb :

qb =2v2b 4:2

where  is the density of air whose recommended value is 1.25 kg/m3. This value represents
the mean wind velocity pressure (averaging interval 10 min.) at a reference height of 10 m
in open terrain of category II, with a return period of 50 years, and does not include the
wind turbulence.

4.3. Mean wind velocity

The basic wind velocity pressure has to be transformed into the value at the reference cl.4.3.1.(1):
height of the considered structure. The wind velocity at a relevant height (z and the gusti- 1991-1-4
ness of the wind depend on the terrain roughness. The roughness factor (cr z describing
the variation of the wind speed with height has to be determined in order to obtain the
mean wind speed vm z at the relevant height z using expression (4.3):
vm z cr zco zvb 4:3


vm z is the mean velocity

cr z is the roughness factor
co z is the orography factor (usually taken as 1.0).

The roughness factor (cr(z)) accounts for the variability of the mean wind velocity at the cl.4.3.2.(1):
site of the structure due to: 1991-1-4
. the height above ground level
. the ground roughness of the terrain upwind of the structure in the wind direction

The recommended procedure for the determination of the roughness factor at height z Note to cl.4.3.1.(1):
is given by expression (4.4) and is based on a logarithmic velocity prole: 1991-1-4
cr z kr ln for zmin  z  zmax
z0 4:4
cr z cr zmin for z  zmin

z0 isthe roughness length dened in Table 4.1
kr isthe terrain factor depending on the roughness length z0 calculated using:
zmin isthe minimum height dened in Table 4.1
zmax isto be taken as 200 m, unless otherwise specied in the National Annex
z0 0:07
kr 0:19 4:5


z0;II 0:05 m (terrain category II, Table 4.1)

With regard to the guidance in EN 1991-1-4, Fig. 4.2 shows the variation of Cr with
height z, up to 200 m.


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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

UK National Annex
Expressions (4.4) and (4.5) are not used in the BSI National Annex in which the
classication of roughness categories has been simplied to give the following three
terrain categories:
. Terrain category 0 is referred to as Sea terrain (Zone A).
. Terrain categories I and II have been considered together to give a single terrain
category referred to as Country terrain (Zone B).
. Terrain categories III and IV have been considered together to give a single terrain
category referred to as Town terrain (Zone C).
NA2-11: BSI All inland lakes that extend more than 1 km in the direction of wind and closer than
NA: 1991-1-7 1 km upwind of the site should be treated as Sea.

150 0
z (m)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Fig. 4.2. Variation of the roughness factor cr z with the height above the terrain

4.4. Wind turbulence

cl.4.4. (1): The turbulence intensity Iv(z) at height z is dened as the standard deviation of the
1991-1-4 turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity.
The turbulent component of wind velocity has a mean value of 0 and a standard
Note 1 to cl.4.4(1): deviation lv . The standard deviation of the turbulence lv is be determined using
1991-1-4 expression (4.6).
v kr vb kI 4:6
the terrain factor kr is determined from expression (4.5)
the basic wind velocity vb from expression (4.1)
for turbulence factor kI see expression (4.7).
Note 2 to cl.4.4(1): The recommended rules for the determination of Iv z are given in expression (4.7)
1991-1-4 (Note 2 to Clause 4.4(1): EN 1991-1-4):
v kI
Iv z for zmin  z  zmax
vm z co z lnz=z0 4:7
Iv z Iv zmin for z < zmin


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0.300 IV



0 50 100 150 200
z (m)

Fig. 4.3. Variation of the tubulence intensity factor Iv z with the height above the terrain, for various
terrain categories (k1 1:0, c0 z 1:0

kI is the turbulence factor. The value of kI to be used in a country may be found in its
National Annex. The recommended value is kI 1:0
co is the orography factor as described in Clause 4.3.3
z0 is the roughness length, given in Table 4.1.
Figure 4.3 shows the variation of the turbulence intensity factor Iv z, for various
terrain categories, having assumed both k1 1:0 and c0 z 1:0.

4.5. Peak velocity pressure

The recommended method for determining the peak velocity pressure qp z at height z, cl.4.5(1):
which includes mean and short-term velocity uctuations, is given below. 1991-1-4
qp z 1 7Iv z12v2m z ce zqb 4:8
 is the air density, which depends on the altitude, temperature and barometric pressure
to be expected in the region during wind storms; its value may be given by the
National Annex. The recommended value is 1.25 kg/m3.
ce z is the exposure factor given in expression (4.9):
qp z
ce z 4:9
qb is the basic velocity pressure given in expression (4.10):
qb 12 v2b 4:10
The value 7 in expression (4.8) is based on a peak factor equal to 3.5 and is consistent
with the values of the pressure and force coecients given in Chapter 7.
For at terrain where c0 z 1:0 (see Section 4.3 above), the exposure factor ce z is
illustrated in Fig. 4.4 as a function of height above terrain and a function of terrain Note to cl.4.5(1):
category as dened in Table 4.1. 1991-1-4
In Fig. 4.4 the variation of the exposure factor ce z is separated into the two compo-
nents: the mean part and the part due to the turbulence, in order to clarify the eect of
the introduction of the Iv factor.


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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4




z (m) 100


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Fig. 4.4. Variation of the exposure factor ce z with height above the terrain for dierent terrain
categories. The dashed lines refer to the mean wind pressure, the solid lines include the eect of
turbulence eects

UK National Annex
The UK National Annex has a dierent expression for determining the peak velocity
pressure qp where ce z is the exposure factor which corresponds to Sb2 in BS 6399-2;
except that in EN 1991-1-4 a linearised version is used which disregards second-order
turbulence eects and consequently can signicantly underestimate the wind pressure,
particularly in urban terrain where the turbulence is greatest. ce;T is an exposure correc-
tion factor for town terrain.
NA2-17: BSI For this reason expression (4.8) in EN 1991-1-4 is not used in the UK and has been
NA: 1991-1-7 replaced by expressions NA.3a and NA.3b.
qp z ce zqb for sites in Country terrain NA:3a
qp z ce zce;T qb for sites in Town terrain NA:3b
Figure NA.7: BSI The values of exposure factor ce z for Country terrain are given in Fig. 4.5 (repro-
NA 1991-1-7 duced from Fig. NA.7 of the UK National Annex) and the values of exposure correc-
Figure NA.8: BSI tion factor for Town terrain ce;T are given in Fig. 4.6 (reproduced from Figure NA.8 of
NA 1991-1-7 the UK National Annex). In these gures hdis is the displacement height. See Section
cl.A.5: 1991-1-4 4.6 of this Designers Guide and Clause A.5 of EN 1991-1-4.
When orography is signicant (i.e. shaded areas of Figure 4.7):
qp z qp z from expression NA.3a or NA.3b co z 0:6=1:62 for z  50 m
qp z 1 3:0Iv z2  0:5m
for z > 50 m NA:4b
Annex A of BSI NA: Annex A to the UK National Annex shows ow diagrams for the determination of
1991-1-4 qp z.
Orography is not signicant in the unshaded areas of Fig. 4.7 (reproduced from
Figure NA.2: Fig. NA.2 of the UK National Annex) (co {orography factor} 1.0). Where there is
BSI NA 1991-1-7 signicant orography, as dened by the shaded zones in Fig. 4.7, A (altitude factor in
the BSI NA) should be taken as the altitude of the upwind base of the orographic
feature for each wind direction considered.


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100 4.0
80 3.9


50 3.7

z hdis (m)

20 3.1

4 2.0
3 1.8
<0.1 1 10 >100
Distance upwind to shoreline (km)
Note 1. The height z is the height at which qp is sought using expressions (NA.3a) or (NA.3b).
Note 2. Zones A and B are indicated for use in Table 6.1 (Table NA.3 in UK NA).

Fig. 4.5. Values of ce z for Country terrain


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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4


90 Use 1.0 in this area


A or B
30 1
z hdis (m)

20 0.94



10 0.86
9 0.84
8 0.82


5 C 0.78

<0.1 1 10 >20
Distance inside town terrain (km)
Note 1. The height z is the height at which qp is sought using expressions (NA.3a) or (NA.3b).
Note 2. Zones A, B and C are indicated for use in Table 6.1 (Table NA.3 in UK NA).

Fig. 4.6. Values of exposure correction factor ce;T for sites in Town terrain


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0.5 Ld if < 0.3

Hill or ridge 1.6 H if > 0.3

H/2 Downwind slope >0.05


Upwind slope > 0.05 1.5 Le if < 0.3

5 H if > 0.3
A = Base of upwind orography
Downwind slope <0.05



Fig. 4.7. Denition of signicant orography in accordance with Figure NA.2 of UK NA

4.6. Explanation of hdis displacement height

For buildings in terrain category IV (i.e. C in the BSI National Annex), closely spaced
buildings and other obstructions cause the wind to behave as if the ground level were
raised to a displacement height, hdis . hdis may be determined by expression (A.15) (see also
Fig. 4.8).
x  2have hdis is the lesser of 0:8have or 0:6h
2have < x < 6have hdis is the lesser of 1:2have  0:2x or 0:6h A:15
x  6have hdis 0
In the absence of more accurate information the obstruction height may be taken as
have 15 m for terrain category IV.
These rules are direction dependent; the values of have and x should be established for cl.A.5(1): 1991-1-4
each 308 sector as described in Clause 4.3.2 of EN 1991-1-4.




Fig. 4.8. Obstruction height and upwind spacing


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Wind actions

5.1. General
Section 5 of EN 1991-1-4 gives the rules for determining the wind pressures on internal cl.5.1. (1)P:
and external surfaces, the wind forces and frictional forces. 1991-1-4

5.2. Wind pressures on surfaces

EN 1991-1-4 gives guidance for the determination of the external wind pressure we on the
structures cladding and the internal wind pressure wi in case of openings in the cladding.
Both types of wind pressure depend on the geometry of the considered structure. In
addition the internal pressure varies with the permeability of the building.
Wind actions on a structure and/or on structural elements have to be determined taking
into account both external and internal wind pressures.
The wind pressure acting on the external surfaces, we , is obtained from expression (5.1). cl.5.2(1): 1991-1-4
we qp ze cpe 5:1
qp ze is the peak velocity pressure (see Section 4.5)
ze is the reference height for the external pressure given in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4
cpe is the pressure coecient for the external pressure, see Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4.
The wind pressure acting on the internal surfaces of a structure, wi , is obtained from cl.5.2(2): 1991-1-4
expression (5.2).
wi qp zi cpi 5:2
zi is the reference height for the internal pressure given in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4
cpi is the pressure coecient for the internal pressure given in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4.
The net pressure on a wall, roof or element is the dierence between the pressures on cl.5.2(3): 1991-1-4
the opposite surfaces taking account of their signs (ve or ve). Pressure, directed
towards the surface is taken as positive, and suction, directed away from the surface as
negative. Examples are given in Fig. 5.1.

5.3. Wind forces

The wind forces for the whole structure or of a structural component are determined by
integration of the wind pressure over the whole surface either (Clause 5.3(1): EN 1991-1-4): cl.5.3(1): 1991-1-4)

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

Neg Neg Neg Neg

Positive Negative
Pos internal Neg Pos internal Neg
pressure pressure

(a) (b)

Pos Neg Pos Neg

wi1 wi2
we1 we2

(c) (d)

Fig. 5.1. Example of signs for pressure on surfaces

. by calculating forces using force coecients given in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4 (see

5.3(2)); or
. by calculating forces by vectorial summation surface pressures over the individual
structural element (see 5.3.(3)).
The wind force Fw acting on a structure or a structural component may be determined
directly by using expression (5.3):
Fw cs cd cf qp ze Aref 5:3
cl.5.3(2): or by vectorial summation over the individual structural elements (as shown in Section
1991-1-4 7.2.2 of EN 1991-1-4) by using expression (5.4):
Fw cs cd cf qp ze Aref 5:4

cs cd is the structural factor as dened in Chapter 6
cf is the force coecient for the structure or structural element, given for buildings in
Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4 (see also below)
qp ze is the peak velocity pressure (dened in Section 4.5 above) at reference height ze
(dened for buildings in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4)
Aref is the reference area of the structure or structural element, given for buildings in
Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4.
Wind forces may be determined for the calculation of wind actions on a limited set of
structures or structural elements (see also Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4).
Note to cl.5.3(2): Chapter 7 gives cf values for structures or structural elements such as prisms, cylinders,
1991-1-4 roofs, signboards, plates and lattice structures. These values include friction eects.
In accordance with EN 1991-1-4 rectangular/polygonal shapes force coecients are
determined by:
cf cf;0 r 

cf;0 is the force coecient for shapes with sharp corners
r is the reduction factor for rounded corners at rectangular structures
cl.7.13:  is the end-eect factor for elements with free end ow as dened in Clause 7.13 of
1991-1-4 EN 1991-1-4


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Fig. 5.2. Relative inuence of the ow at the edge of the structure on the resulting wind force is smaller
for slender structures than for compact structures (where w is the wind pressure)

The reduction factor for rounded corners at rectangular structure r makes allowance
for the fact that the wind pressure for rounded corners is lower than for sharp corners
which provide a higher obstacle to the ow. This leads to a decreased wind force at
structures with rounded corners.
Furthermore, independent of the shape of the corner, the end-eect factor  takes into
account at the top of structures that the resulting wind pressure is lower than the average
value at the inner surface. This eect, i.e. this reduction, decreases relatively with
structures of higher slenderness. See Fig. 5.2.
Force coecients for other shapes and geometries are given in Section 7 of EN 1991-1-4.
The wind force Fw acting on a structure or a structural element may be determined by cl.5.3(3):
vectorial summation of the forces Fw;e , Fw;i and Ffr calculated from the external and 1991-1-4
internal pressures using expressions (5.5) and (5.6) and the frictional forces resulting from
the friction of the wind parallel to the external surfaces, calculated using expression (5.7).
External forces:
Fw;e cs cd we Aref 5:5

Internal forces:
Fw;i wi Aref 5:6

Friction forces:
Ffr cfr qp ze Afr 5:7
cs cd is the structural factor as dened in Chapter 6 below
we is the external pressure on the individual surface at height ze , given in expression (5.1)
wi is the internal pressure on the individual surface at height zi , given in expression (5.2)
Aref is the reference area of the individual surface
cfr is the friction coecient derived from Clause 7.5 of EN 1991-1-4
Afr is the area of external surface parallel to the wind, given in Clause 7.5 of EN 1991-1-4.
For elements (e.g. walls, roofs), the wind force is equal to the dierence between the Note 1 to cl.5.3(3):
external and internal resulting forces. 1991-1-4
The friction forces Ffr act in the direction of the wind components parallel to external Note 2 to cl.5.3(3):
surfaces. These can be disregarded when the total area of all surfaces parallel with (or at a 1991-1-4
small angle to) the wind is equal to or less than four times the total area of all external
surfaces perpendicular to the wind (windward and leeward).


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Structural factor cscd

Section 6 of EN 1991-1-4 gives rules for determining the structural factor cs cd which cl.6.1(1): 1991-1-4
accounts for the eect of non-simultaneous occurrence of peak pressures over the surface
of the structure (cs or element combined with the eect of dynamic response of the
structure or element due to turbulence (cd .
EN 1991-1-4 allows the separation of cs and cd through the National Annex. Note to cl.6.1(1):
For the majority of traditional low-rise or framed buildings cs cd may conservatively be 1991-1-4
taken as 1.0. Clause 6.2(1) of EN 1991-1-4 gives the following list of building and element
types for which cs cd may be taken as 1.0:

. For buildings with a height less than 15 m. cl.6.2(1): 1991-1-4

. For facade and roof elements having a natural frequency greater than 5 Hz.
. For framed buildings which have structural walls and which are less than 100 m high and
whose height is less than four times the in-wind depth.
. For chimneys with circular cross-sections whose height is less than 60 m and 6.5 times the

For other building types, or where a more precise value is required, cs cd is determined cl.6.3(1): 1991-1-4
using the detailed procedure (i.e. expression 6.1) given in Clause 6.3.1.
The procedure using expression 6.1 can only be used if the conditions given in Clause
6.3.1(2) apply.
1 2kp Iv ze B2 R2
cs cd 6:1
1 7Iv ze


ze is the reference height, see Fig. 6.2; for structures where Fig. 6.2 does not apply ze may
be equal to h, the height of the structure
kp is the peak factor dened as the ratio of the maximum value of the uctuating part of the
response to its standard deviation
Iv is the turbulence intensity dened in Clause 4.4 of EN 1991-1-4 and this Designers
B2 is the background factor, allowing for the lack of full correlation of the pressure on the
structure surface
R2 is the resonance response factor, allowing for turbulence in resonance with the vibration

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

Note 1 to cl.6.3(1): The size factor cs , which takes into account the reduction eect on the wind action due
1991-1-4 to the non-simultaneity of occurrence of the peak wind pressures on the surface, may be
obtained from expression (6.2):
1 7Iv ze B2
cs 6:2
1 7Iv ze

Note 1 to cl.6.3(1): The dynamic factor cd , which takes into account the increasing eect from vibrations
1991-1-4 due to turbulence in resonance with the structure, may be obtained from expression (6.3):
1 2kp Iv ze B2 R2
cd p 6:3
1 7Iv ze B2

Note 3 to cl.6.3(1): The procedure to be used in a Country terrain to determine kp , B and R may be given
1991-1-4 in its National Annex. A recommended procedure is given in Annex B. An alternative
procedure is given in Annex C. As an indication to the users, the dierences in cs cd using
Annex C compared to Annex B does not exceed approximately 5%.
Annex B: 1991-1-4 In the BSI National Annex it has been decided to separate cs cd into a size factor cs and
a dynamic factor cd . The BSI NA gives Table NA3 (Table 6.1 in this Designers Guide)
for determining cs values and Fig. NA9 (Fig. 6.2 in this Designers Guide) for determining
cd . These have been derived using the detailed procedure in Annex B of EN 1991-1-4
(Annex B: EN 1991-1-4).
In Fig. 6.1 graphs are given for four classes of structure which correspond to various
values of logarithmic decrement of structural damping, s . The benets of separating cs
and cd are greatest for large plan area low-rise buildings and are shown in Example 6.1

Table 6.1. Size factor cs for zones A, B and C indicated in Figs 4.6 and 4.7 (from Table NA3 UK NA)

b h z  hdis 6 m z  hdis 10 m z  hdis 30 m z  hdis 50 m z  hdis 200 m


1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
5 0.96 0.96 0.92 0.97 0.96 0.93 0.98 0.97 0.95 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.98
10 0.95 0.94 0.88 0.95 0.95 0.90 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.97 0.96 0.94 0.98 0.97 0.97
20 0.93 0.91 0.84 0.93 0.92 0.87 0.95 0.94 0.90 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.96 0.96 0.95
30 0.91 0.89 0.81 0.92 0.91 0.84 0.94 0.93 0.88 0.94 0.93 0.90 0.96 0.95 0.93
40 0.90 0.88 0.79 0.91 0.89 0.82 0.93 0.91 0.86 0.93 0.92 0.88 0.95 0.94 0.92
50 0.89 0.86 0.77 0.90 0.88 0.80 0.92 0.90 0.85 0.92 0.91 0.87 0.94 0.94 0.91
70 0.87 0.84 0.74 0.88 0.86 0.77 0.90 0.89 0.83 0.91 0.90 0.85 0.93 0.92 0.90
100 0.85 0.82 0.71 0.86 0.84 0.74 0.89 0.87 0.80 0.90 0.88 0.82 0.92 0.91 0.88
150 0.83 0.80 0.67 0.84 0.82 0.71 0.87 0.85 0.77 0.88 0.86 0.79 0.90 0.89 0.85
200 0.81 0.78 0.65 0.83 0.80 0.69 0.85 0.83 0.74 0.86 0.84 0.77 0.89 0.88 0.83
300 0.79 0.75 0.62 0.80 0.77 0.65 0.83 0.80 0.71 0.84 0.82 0.73 0.87 0.85 0.80

b cross-wind breadth of building or building part or width of element.

h height of building or building part or length of element.
cl.7.2.2(1): z height of building or height to top of element (or height of building part; subject to BS EN 1991-1-4: 2005 7.2.2(1))
1991-1-4 interpolation may be used (Clause 7.2.2(1): EN 1991-1-4).
The zone A, B or C to be used for a building can be determined as follows:
. For sites in country, it is determined with respect to distance from shore and (z  hdis using Fig. 4.5.
. For sites in town, using the distance into town and (z  hdis in Fig. 4.6, it is rst determined whether zone C applies. If
not, zone A or B will apply depending on the distance of the site from shore and (z  hdis as shown in Fig. 4.5.


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s = 0.025 s = 0.05
h/b = 10
1.25 1.25
h/b = 5 h/b = 2 h/b = 10
1.20 1.20
h/b = 1
h/b = 5 h/b = 2
1.15 1.15

h/b = 0.5
h/b = 1
1.10 1.10
h/b = 0.2 h/b = 0.5
1.05 1.05

1.00 1.00
10 100 200 10 100 200
h (m) h (m)
s = 0.1 s = 0.2
1.25 1.25

1.20 h/b = 10 1.20

1.15 h/b = 5 1.15


h/b = 2 1.10 h/b = 10
h/b = 1
1.05 1.05 h/b = 5

1.00 1.00
10 100 200 10 100 200
h (m) h (m)

Note 1. This figure is based on vb = 26 m/s, n1h = 46, ze = 0.6h. (The value of cd does not change significantly
for other wind speeds.)
Note 2. The size effect factor cs accounts for the non-simultaneous action of gusts over external surfaces.
It may be applied to individual structural components and cladding units and to the overall structure.
Note 3. The dynamic factor cd accounts for the effect of fluctuating wind loads in combination with the
resonance of the structure. The simplified approach given in this figure has been derived for typical buildings
with typical damping and natural frequency characteristics. More accurate values will be given using the
procedure in Clause 6.3 of BS EN 1991-1-4: 2005. cl.6.3: 1991-1-4
Note 4. The dynamic factor cd may be taken as 1.0 for framed buildings with structural walls and masonry
internal walls and for cladding panels and elements.
Note 5. Values of s for typical classes of structure are given in Annex F.5 of BS EN 1991-1-4: 2005. Annex A5:
(N.B. for reinforced concrete buildings s = 0.1 and for steel buildings s = 0.05). 1991-1-4
Fig. 6.1. Dynamic factor cd for various values of logarithmic decrement of structural damping, s

Expression (6.1) can be used provided the following requirements are satised:
. The structure corresponds to one of the general shapes shown in Fig. 6.2. cl.6.3(1P):
. Only the along-wind vibration in the fundamental mode is signicant, and this mode 1991-1-4
shape has a constant sign and the contribution to the response from the second or
higher along-wind vibration modes is negligible.
. The height of the building is less than 200 m.

h h h d
Wind Wind
ze Wind
h1 ze ze

h h
ze = 0.6h > zmin ze = h1 + > zmin ze = h1 + > zmin
2 2
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6.2. General shapes of structures covered by the design procedure: (a) vertical structures such as
buildings; (b) parallel oscillator, i.e. horizontal structures such as beams; (c) pointlike structure such as
signboards. The structural dimensions and the reference height used are also shown


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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

Example 6.1. Comparing cscd values between EN 1991-1-4 and the BSI NA
Consider wind loads on the long face of an oce building 10 m high with plan dimen-
sions of 60 m  20 m in Town terrain.
Using the BSI NA cd 1:0 from Table 6.2 (for h=b 0:167 and cs 0:77 from
Table 6.2 (for b h 70 and z  hdis 10 thus giving a cs cd value of 0.77.
This will give a 23% reduction in wind load on this face compared with the cs cd
value of 1.0 recommended in Clause 6.3.1 of EN 1991-1-4.

Wake bueting
cl.6.3.3(1): For slender buildings where h=d > 4 and chimneys (h=d > 6:5 in tandem or grouped
1991-1-4 arrangement, the eect of increased turbulence in the wake of nearby structures (wake
bueting) needs to be taken into account.
cl.6.3.3(2): Wake bueting eects may be assumed to be negligible if at least one of the following
1991-1-4 conditions applies:
. the distance between two buildings or chimneys is larger than 25 times the cross-wind
dimension of the upstream building or chimney
. the natural frequency of the downstream building or chimney is higher than 1 Hz.


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Pressure and force coecients

Section 7 gives pressure and force coecients for a wide range of buildings, structures and
Depending on the structure, EN 1991-1-4 uses four separate types of aerodynamic
. Internal and external pressure coecients, see paragraph (1) in Choice of aerodynamic cl.7.1(1): 1991-1-4
coecient below.
. Net pressure coecients, see paragraph (2) in Choice of aerodynamic coecient.
. Friction coecients, see paragraph (3) in Choice of aerodynamic coecient.
. Force coecients, see paragraph (3) in Choice of aerodynamic coecient.

Choice of aerodynamic coecient

(1) The pressure coecients should be determined for:
. buildings, using Clause 7.2 of EN 1991-1-4, for both internal and external pressures; cl.7.1.1(1):
and for 1991-1-4
. circular cylinders, using Clause 7.2.9 of EN 1991-1-4 for the internal pressures and
Clause 7.9.1 for the external pressures.

External pressure coecients give the eect of the wind on the external surfaces of Note 1 to cl.7.1(1):
buildings; internal pressure coecients give the eect of the wind on the internal surfaces 1991-1-4
of buildings.
In EN 1991-1-4, the external pressure coecients are divided into overall coecients Note 2 to cl.7.1(1):
and local coecients. Local coecients give the pressure coecients for loaded areas of 1991-1-4
1 m or less, e.g. for the design of small elements and xings; overall coecients give the
pressure coecients for loaded areas larger than 10 m2.
(2) The net pressure coecients should be determined for:
. canopy roofs, using Clause 7.3 of EN 1991-1-4 cl.7.1(2): 1991-1-4
. free-standing walls, parapets and fences using Clause 7.4 of EN 1991-1-4.
Net pressure coecients give the resulting eect of the wind on a structure, structural Note to cl.7.1(2):
element or component per unit area. 1991-1-4
(3) Friction coecients should be determined for walls and surfaces dened in Clause 5.2(3) cl.7.1(3): 1991-1-4
of EN 1991-1-4 and the Designers Guide using Clause 7.5 of EN 1991-1-4.

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

(4) Force coecients should be determined for:

. signboards, using Clause 7.4.3 of EN 1991-1-4
. structural elements with rectangular cross-section, using Clause 7.6 of EN 1991-1-4
. structural elements with sharp-edged section, using Clause 7.7 of EN 1991-1-4
. structural elements with regular polygonal section, using Clause 7.8 of EN 1991-1-4
. circular cylinders, using Clause 7.9.2 and 7.9.3 of EN 1991-1-4
. spheres, using Clause 7.10 of EN 1991-1-4
. lattice structures and scaoldings, using Clause 7.11 of EN 1991-1-4
. ags, using Clause 7.12 of EN 1991-1-4.
cl.7.1(4): 1991-1-4 A reduction factor depending on the eective slenderness of the structure may be
applied, using Clause 7.13 of EN 1991-1-4.
Note to cl.7.1(4): Force coecients give the overall eect of the wind on a structure, structural element or
1991-1-4 component as a whole, including friction, if not specically excluded.


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Annexes to EN 1991-1-4

There are six informative annexes in EN 1991-1-4:

. Annex A Terrain eects
. Annex B Procedure 1 for determining the structural factor cscd
. Annex C Procedure 2 for determining the structural factor cscd
. Annex D cscd values for dierent types of structure
. Annex E Vortex shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
. Annex F Dynamic characteristics of structures
Annex A gives guidance on the following: Annex A: 1991-1-4
. Description of terrain types, see Fig. 4.1 of this Designers Guide.
. Fetch factors which are dened as upwind extent of each kind of ground roughness.
. Orography.
. Eect of neighbouring structures.
. Displacement height ( for buildings in terrain category IV, closely spaced buildings cause
the wind to behave as if the ground level were raised to a displacement height). These are
explained in Chapter 4 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
Annexes B, C and D give procedures for determining cscd factor as follows: Annex B, C and D:
. Annex B Procedure 1, which is the recommended procedure.
. Annex C Procedure 2.
. Annex D gives charts for determining cscd for common building forms.
Annex E gives guidance on the following: Annex E: 1991-1-4
. Vortex shedding which occurs when vortices are shed alternatively from opposite sides of
the structure.
. Galloping which is the self-induced vibration of a exible structure in cross-wind bending
. Interference galloping for free-standing cylinders which is a self-excited oscillation which
may occur if two or more cylinders are close together but not connected.
. Divergence and utter which are instabilities that occur for exible plate-like structures,
e.g. signboards.
Annex F gives guidance on: Annex F: 1991-1-4
. dynamic characteristics of structures
. natural frequency
. damping
. mode shapes.

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PART 4: EN 1991-1-4

References to Part 4
1. EN 1991-1-4: 2005. Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures Part 1-4: General Actions Wind
actions. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2005.
2. Cook, N. J. Designers Guide to EN 1991-1-4. Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures, General
Actions Part 1-4. Wind actions. Thomas Telford, London, 2007, ISBN 9 7807 2773 1524.
3. BS 6399-2: 1997. Loadings for Buildings: Part 2: Code of Practice for Wind Loads. British
Standards Institution, London, 1997.
4. Blackmore, P. The Application of EN 1991: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1:
General Actions: Guide to the Use of EN 1991-1-4 Wind actions. BRE, Watford, 2005.
Available on the CLG website at:


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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1-5: Thermal Actions

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This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of EN 1991-1-5: Eurocode 1 Actions on
Structures: Part 1.5: General Actions Thermal actions.1 The material described in this
chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Scope Clause 1.1: 1991-1-5
. Normative references Clause 1.2: 1991-1-5
. Assumptions Clause 1.3: 1991-1-5
. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules Clause 1.4: 1991-1-5
. Terms and denitions Clause 1.5: 1991-1-5
. Symbols Clause 1.6: 1991-1-5

1.1. Scope
EN 1991-1-5: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.5: General Actions Thermal actions cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-5
is one of the ten Parts of EN 1991. It gives design guidance and rules for calculating thermal
actions on buildings, bridges and other structures including their structural elements.
Principles needed for cladding and other appendages of the buildings are also provided in
EN 1991-1-5.
EN 1991-1-5 also describes the changes in the temperature of structural elements. It gives cl.1.1(2): 1991-1-5
characteristic values of thermal actions for use in the design of structures which are exposed
to daily and seasonal climatic changes. This clause further states that Structures not so
exposed may not need to be considered for thermal actions.
EN 1991-1-5 also gives guidance for structures in which thermal actions are mainly a cl.1.1(3): 1991-1-5
function of their use (e.g. cooling towers, silos, tanks, warm and cold storage facilities,
hot and cold services).
This Designers Guide will only give guidance on the parts of EN 1991-1-5 dealing with build-
ings. Bridges are covered by The Thomas Telford Guide: EN 1991: Actions on Structures: Bridges.
Before discussing each clause relating to buildings in EN 1991-1-5, a brief introductory
advice for using this EN 1991-1-5 for the design of buildings is given below.

1.2. Normative references

No comment is necessary on the quoted references with the exception of EN 1991-1-6 dealing cls.1.2: 1991-1-5
with actions during execution (see also appropriate Part in this Guide). EN 1991-1-6 provides
guidance on the return periods for the determination of the characteristic values of climatic
actions for structures with design working lives dierent than 50 years and also for the
duration of an execution phase.

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

Introductory advice for using this EN 1991-1-5 for the design of buildings
There are buildings which can be characterised as sensitive to the eects of thermal actions
which need to be designed to resist their eects. The designer should use experience and
the guidance oered by EN 1991-1-5 and this manual to determine whether a building
is sensitive to the eects of thermal actions.
The four criteria that are important and need to be considered by the designer are:

1. Material
2. Geometry
3. Restraint
4. Temperature range and frequency.

These criteria are described below.

Coecients of linear expansion to determine temperature-induced strains are given in
Table 4.1 of this Part of the Designers Guide for a selection of common building

Buildings that have abrupt changes in geometry such as wings and courtyards will be
prone to dierential movement at junctions of architectural massing. This movement
will arise from thermal action and may be accompanied by movement from other actions
such as the dierential settlement of foundations or seismic eects.

Most buildings rely on bracing or framing systems to provide overall structural stability.
These stability systems have the potential to create points of restraint against temperature
movement which in turn leads to temperature-induced stresses. The combination of
changes in plan geometry and the proximity of such systems can cause particular
Long buildings (normally greater that 50 m) with stability systems located at the ends of
the building are likely to cause signicant temperature-induced stresses in both the
stability system and connected elements of structure. It will be preferable to locate
stability systems in the middle of the external face of the building or distributed evenly
along it provided that each stability system only works in one direction.
Multi-storey buildings may exhibit signicant dierential temperature movements
between the frame and its cladding. Cladding support systems should be designed to
accommodate dierential movement of the structural frame and the cladding while still
catering for normal vertical and horizontal loads from the cladding.
Consideration should be given to the construction conditions which may expose
elements of structure to temporary temperature eects.

Temperature range and frequency

Methods for determining an appropriate temperature range are given in EN 1991-1-5.
Frequency should be determined for the project under consideration and the following
information may be helpful:
. Most occupied buildings are either heated and/or cooled and therefore tend to have a
daily temperature cycle which, in the majority of cases, will not be signicant.
. Unheated buildings and car parks will have daily and seasonal temperature cycles
much larger than normal buildings. Buildings like these should be designed for
thermal action.


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. Temperatures can be increased by solar gain so roofs and top decks of car parks
should be checked. Car parks with surfacing are particularly susceptible to solar gain.
Extreme temperature changes due to equipment failures should be taken into account in
the design.
At the construction stage normal thermal action may need to be added to other strain-
related eects such as:
. concrete curing temperatures (for large or thick pours)
. shrinkage.

1.3. Assumptions
The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.3 apply to all the Eurocode parts cl.1.3: 1991-1-5
and designers guidance for these are given in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.

1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules

The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.4 apply to all the Eurocode parts
and designers guidance for these are given in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.

1.5. Terms and denitions

Most of the denitions given in EN 1991-1-5 derive from ISO 2394, ISO 3898 and ISO 8930. cl.1.5: 1991-1-5
In addition reference should be made to EN 1990 which provides a basic list of terms and
denitions which are applicable to EN 1990 to EN 1999, thus ensuring a common basis
for the Eurocode suite.
For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key denitions,
which may be dierent from current national practices:
. Action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature eects or settlement)
. Eects of Actions or Action eects are internal moments and forces, bending moments,
shear forces and deformations caused by actions.
From the many denitions provided in EN 1990, those that apply for use with EN 1991 are
described in Chapter 1 Clause 1.4(a), (b), (c) and (d): 1991-1-1.
The following comments are made to help the understanding of particular denitions in
EN 1991-1-5.
Maximum shade air temperature Tmax and maximum shade air temperature Tmax have an cl.1.5.3 and 1.5.4:
annual probability of being exceeded of 0.02 (equivalent to a mean return period of 50 years), 1991-1-5
based on the maximum or minimum hourly values recorded respectively.

1.6. Symbols
The notation in Clause 1.6: EN 1991-1-5 is based on ISO 3898. cl.1.7(1): 1991-1-3
EN 1990 Clause 1.6 provides a comprehensive list of symbols, some of which may be
appropriate for use with EN 1991-1-5. The symbols given in Clause 1.6(2): 1991-1-5 are
additional notations specic to this part of EN 1991-1-5.


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Classication of actions

This chapter is concerned with the classication of the actions in EN 1991-1-5: Eurocode 1
Actions on structures: Part 1.5: General Actions Thermal actions.
EN 1991-1-5 classies thermal actions as variable and indirect actions. cl.2.1(1)P:
The values of thermal actions, and the maximum and minimum shade air temperatures 1991-1-5
Tmax and Tmin given in EN 1991-1-5 are characteristic values unless it is stated otherwise
in the code. The characteristic values of thermal actions given in EN 1991-1-5 are values cl.2.1(2): 1991-1-5
with an annual probability of being exceeded of 0.02 (equivalent to a mean return period
of 50 years) unless otherwise stated, e.g. for transient design situations.
For determining the maximum and minimum temperatures for shorter return periods cl.2.1(3): 1991-1-5
(Tmax,p and Tmin,p) relating to transient design situations, the related values of thermal
actions may be derived using the calculation method given in Annex 1 of EN 1991-1-5 and Note to cl.2.1(3):
the characteristic values Tmax and Tmin are given in National maps showing isotherms for 1991-1-5
the minimum and maximum temperatures. These values have been based on a return
period of 50 years, but formulae are given in Annex A of EN 1991-1-5, based on Gumbel
law (i.e. law of extreme values of type I), for the assessment of temperatures based on a
return period other than 50 years. As a simplication, the results of these formulae are
given diagrammatically (see Fig. 2.1) as ratios between the maximum (minimum) for a

Maximum Minimum




0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3

Fig. 2.1. (From Figure A1 in EN 1991-1-5.) Ratios Tmax,p/Tmax and Tmin,p/Tmin

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

probability p and the maximum (minimum) for a return period of 50 years (probability
A2: 1991-1-5 p 0:02 (A2: 1991-1-5).

Example 2.1
Using Fig. 2.1 determine the ratios for Tmax,p/Tmax and Tmin,p/Tmin for a return period of
10 years.
For a return period of 50 years p 1=50 0:02
For a return period of 10 years p 1=10 0:01
Thus for maximum temperature the ratio for Tmax,p/Tmax is equal to 0.9 and for
minimum temperatures the ratio Tmin,p/Tmin is equal to 0.72.


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Design situations

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of design situations relating to
EN 1991-1-3: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.5: General Actions Thermal
EN 1990 Clause 3.2 identies the following design situations for the verication of ultimate cl.3.1(1)P:
limit states. 1991-1-5
. persistent design situations, which refer to the conditions of normal use
. transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the
structure, e.g. during execution or repair
. accidental design situations, which refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the
structure or to its exposure, e.g. explosions
. seismic design situations.
Each of these design situations is linked to a particular expression for the combination of
action eects as follows:
. persistent and transient design situations, which refer to expressions (6.10), or (6.10a)
and (6.10b) in EN 1990
. accidental design situations, which refers to expression (6.11b) in EN 1990
. seismic design situations, which refers to expression (6.12b) in EN 1990.
In addition, thermal actions need to be determined for the verication of serviceability limit
states and the following expressions for the combination of action eects given in EN 1990:
. the characteristic combination which refers to expression (6.14b) of EN 1990
. the frequent combination which refers to expression (6.15b) of EN 1990
. the quasi-permanent combination which refers to expression (6.16b) of EN 1990.
The thermal actions that need to be identied for each of the above design situations for
ultimate and serviceability limit state verications include the following:
. A characteristic value (Qk) which usually corresponds to an upper value with an intended
probability of not being exceeded during a specic reference period (normally 50 years for
buildings). Depending upon the design situation being considered for the ultimate or
serviceability limit states verications (described in EN 1990 Clauses 6.4 and 6.5 and its
Designers Guide), other representative values of a variable action need to be determined
as follows:
. The combination value, represented as a product 0 Qk .
. The frequent value, represented as a product 1 Qk . For buildings, the frequent value is
generally chosen so that the time it is exceeded is 0.01 of the reference period (i.e. 50

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

. The quasi-permanent value, represented as a product 2 Qk . Quasi-permanent values are

also used for the calculation of long-term eects. This does not occur in the case of
thermal actions.
EN 1990 Table A1 0 and 1 are factors for the combination and frequent value, respectively of a variable
action. For thermal actions 0 0:6 and 1 0:5. As mentioned above, the quasi-
permanent value 2 Qk does not apply to thermal actions.
cl.3.1(2)P: The elements of load-bearing structures which can be characterised as sensitive to the
1991-1-5 eects of thermal actions will need to be designed so that thermal movements will not
cause overstressing of the structure. This can be either by the provision of movement
joints or by including the eects of the thermal actions in the design.


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Representation of actions

This chapter is concerned with representation of actions in EN 1991-1-1: Eurocode 1

Actions on Structures: Part 1.1: General Actions Thermal actions.
The magnitude of the thermal actions and their distribution throughout individual
elements of a structure are a function of numerous parameters, some of which are dicult
to interpret numerically.
Daily and seasonal changes in shade air temperature, solar radiation, re-radiation, etc. cl.4(1): 1991-1-5
give rise to variations of the temperature distribution within individual elements of a
To determine the eects on a building due to thermal actions, the following parameters, cl.4(2): 1991-1-5
some linked to the conditions of the particular building in question, have to be
. local climatic conditions
. the presence of nearby structures that act as solar radiation screens
. the orientation of the building
. the buildings total mass (and consequent thermal inertia)
. nishes (e.g. cladding in buildings) for determining the degree of solar energy absorption
. heating, air-conditioning, ventilation regimes and thermal insulation of the building
. the structural form and the nature of connections and movement joints.
The temperature prole within an individual structural element is made up of the four cl.4(3): 1991-1-5
separate components as illustrated in Fig. 4.1:
(a) a uniform temperature component, designated Tu (see Fig. 4.1(a))
(b) a linearly varying temperature dierence component about the zz axis, designated
TMY (see Fig. 4.1(b))

z z z z z

y y y y y
= + + +

Centre of gravity

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 4.1. Diagrammatic representation of constituent components of a temperature prole

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

(c) a linearly varying temperature dierence component about the yy axis, designated
TMZ (see Fig. 4.1(c))
(d) a non-linear temperature dierence component, designated TE (see Fig. 4.1(d)),
resulting in a system of self-equilibrated stresses which produce no net load eect on
the element.
Of the four thermal components, the self-equilibrating component TE (see Fig. 4.1(d))
causes the least eect on the structure or element under consideration.
cl.4(4): 1991-1-5 The strains, deformations and the resulting stresses induced by the thermal actions are
dependent upon the geometry and boundary conditions of the element being considered
and on the physical properties of the material employed in the construction. When
materials with dierent coecients of linear expansion are used compositely the thermal
eect should be taken into account.
For determining the thermal eects, the coecient of linear expansion for a material
cl.4(5): 1991-1-5 will be required (Clause 4(5): 1991-1-5). Annex C of EN 1991-1-5 gives a comprehensive
list of the coecient of linear expansion for a selection of commonly used construction
Annex C of materials (Annex C of EN 1991-1-5). A sample from the UK National Annex to EN 1991-
1991-1-5 1-5 is reproduced in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Coecients of linear expansion

Material T (106 /8C)

Aluminium, aluminium alloy

Stainless steel
Structural steel, wrought or cast iron 121
Concrete, normal density 122
Concrete, lightweight aggregate
Masonry with concrete units
Masonry with clay units
Timber, along grain
Timber, across grain
For composite structures the coecient of linear expansion of the
steel component may be taken as equal to 10  106 /8C to neglect
restraining eects from dierent T values.
When limestone aggregates are used in concrete, T , may be taken as
12  106 /8C; however, the coecient may be as low as 9  106 /8C,
therefore both values should be considered.


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Temperature changes in

This chapter is concerned with the temperature changes in buildings in EN 1991-1-5: Euro-
code 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.5: General Actions Thermal actions. The material
described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 5.1: 1991-1-5
. Determination of temperatures Clause 5.2: 1991-1-5
. Determination of temperature proles Clause 5.3: 1991-1-5

5.1. General
Thermal actions on buildings due to:
. climatic temperature changes, and
. operational temperature changes inside the building
need to be considered in the design of buildings where there is a possibility of the ultimate
or serviceability limit states being exceeded due to thermal movement and/or stresses cl.5.1(1)P:
(Clause 5.1 (1)P: 1991-1-5). 1991-1-5
In addition thermal movement and stresses within the structure caused by temperature
changes can also be inuenced by:
. the shading from nearby structures
. the use of dierent materials in the structure with dierent thermal expansion coecients
and heat transfer
. the dierent geometric shapes of member cross-sections.
(Note 1 to Clause 5.1(1)P: 1991-1-5). Note 1 to cl.5.1(1)P:
Moisture and other environmental factors (orientation of the structure) may also aect 1991-1-5
the volume changes of elements (Note 2 to Clause 5.1(1)P: 1991-1-5). Note 2 to cl.5.1(1)P:

5.2. Determination of temperatures

This Section 5.2 of EN 1991-1-5 gives principles and rules for the determination of
thermal actions on buildings due to climatic and operational temperature changes.
Regional data and experience should also be taken into account (Clause 5.2(1): 1991-1-5). cl.5.2(1): 1991-1-5
In the event that a building is not exposed to signicant daily or seasonal temperature

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

variations caused by activities within the building, the eects of short-term thermal
actions can be neglected in the structural analysis.
cl.5.2(2)P: Climatic eects need to be determined by considering the variation of shade air
1991-1-5 temperature and solar radiation as described later in this section. The inuence of
activities (i.e. operations) carried out in the buildings interior (due to heating, cooling,
technological or industrial processes) also need to be considered for the particular project
if appropriate.
cl.5.2(3)P: In accordance with the temperature components given in Chapter 4 of this Part,
1991-1-5 thermal actions caused by climatic and operational inuences on a structural element need
to be specied using the following basic quantities:
cl.5.2(5)P: (a) A uniform temperature component Tu given by the dierence between the average
1991-1-5 temperature T of an element and its initial temperature T0. Tu is dened as:
Tu T  T0 5:1: 1991-1-5
T is an average temperature of a structural element due to climatic temperatures in the
winter or summer season and due to operational temperatures, and
cl.1.5.5: 1991-1-5 T0 is dened as the temperature of a structural element at the relevant stage of its
restraint (completion). Normally the value for T0 may not be known at the time of
the design. The designer should make a safe assessment for the value of T0, or national
guidance may be available. In Italy a value of T0 158C is recommended.2
(b) A linearly varying temperature component given by the dierence TM between the
temperatures on the outer and inner surfaces of a cross-section, or on the surfaces of
individual layers.
(c) A temperature dierence Tp of dierent parts of a structure given by the dierence of
average temperatures of these parts.
The values of TM and Tp are normally determined for the particular project.
cl.5.2(4): 1991-1-5 In addition, local eects of thermal actions should be considered where relevant (e.g. at
supports or xings of structural and cladding elements). Adequate representation of
thermal actions should be dened taking into account the location of the building and
structural detailing.
The quantities Tu , TM , Tp and T are determined in accordance with the guidance
provided in Section 5.3 below using regional data. When regional data are not available,
the rules in Section 5.3 may be applied.

5.3. Determination of temperature proles

cl.5.3(1): 1991-1-5 The temperature T in expression (5.1: 1991-1-5) is determined as the value of the average
winter or summer temperature of the structural element in question by adopting a specic
prole that denes the temperature distribution throughout the elements thickness. In the
case of a sandwich element, T is the average temperature of a particular layer.
Annex D: 1991-1-5 Temperature proles in elements for buildings may be obtained using the thermal trans-
Note 1 to cl.5.3(1): mission theory given in Annex D of EN 1991-1-5.
1991-1-5 For elements of one layer and when the environmental conditions on both sides are
similar, a simplied procedure is given by EN 1991-1-5 and T may be approximately
determined as the average of inner and outer environment temperature Tin and Tout. Thus:
T Tout Tin =2 Clause 5:31: 1991-1-5
cl.5.3(2): 1991-1-5 For the determination of the temperature of the inner environment, Tin, and the outer
environment Tout, EN 1991-1-5 provides three tables. For determining the temperature for
the inner environment Table 5.1 is provided. To determine the temperature of the outer
environment, Tout, Table 5.2 should be used for parts located above ground level, and
Table 5.3 for the parts below ground level.


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Table 5.1. Indicative temperatures of inner environment Tin

Season Temperature Tin

Summer T1
Winter T2

EN 1991-1-5 recommends the following values for T1, and T2 where

more precise information on the temperature of the internal environ-
ment of a building is not available.
. T1 208C, and
. T2 258C.

See also Fig. 5.1 for a diagrammatical representation of external and internal

(a) Determination of the temperature of the inner environment, Tin

The temperature of the inner environment, Tin, is determined in accordance with Table
5.1 of EN 1991-1-5 and Fig. 5.1.
As additional guidance the CIBSE Guide A Enviromental Design, 20063 in its Table 1.5
sets internal building environment comfort criteria for some typical building uses as

. education buildings 21238C

. dwellings 23258C
. hospitals 21258C
. hotels 21258C
. libraries 21258C
. museums, art galleries 21238C
. oces 22248C
. retail 21258C
. sports halls 14168C
. swimming pools 23268C

(b) Determination of the temperature of the outer environment, Tout

The temperature of the outer environment, Tout, is determined in accordance with:

(i) Table 5.2 for parts located above ground level

(ii) Table 5.3 for parts located below ground level,

and Fig. 5.1.

The temperatures Tout for the summer season as given in Table 5.2 (for the parts of
buildings above ground level) are dependent on the surface absorptivity and the orienta-
tion of the building. Table 5.2 gives:

. the maximum temperature Tout which is usually reached in Europe for latitudes between
458 and 558 (and also in accordance with the UK National Annex) for surfaces facing
west, south-west or for horizontal surfaces
. the minimum Tmin for surfaces facing north or north-east.

With reference to Table 5.2, Fig. 5.2 shows the recommended values for T3, T4 and T5
for dierent orientations of a building.
The values given on absorptivity depend on both colour (which EN 1991-1-5 notes) and
nish (which EN 1991-1-5 does not note).
In reality one may nd surfaces with absorptivity from 5% to 95%. Generally 0.5
means a light grey while 0.7 (which means reectivity 0.3) is a medium-dark surface which


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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

Summer Tmax + Ti (i = 3, 4 or 5)
See Table 5.2
Winter Tmin

Summer T1
See Table 5.1
Winter T2
Ground level

Summer T6
Summer T1 <1 m See Table 5.3
Winter T8
Winter T2 See Table 5.1

Summer T7
See Table 5.3
Winter T9

Fig. 5.1. Diagrammatic representations of internal and external temperatures

could be a medium grey or a glossy darker surface, and 0.9 (0.1 reectivity) is very dark,
like matt black.
The temperatures Tout for both the summer and winter seasons are given in Table 5.3
for the parts of buildings below ground level for parts of Europe between latitudes 458
and 558; these are dependent upon the depth below ground level.

Table 5.2. Indicative temperatures Tout for buildings above ground level for latitudes between 458 and 558

Season Signicant factor Temperature Tout in 8C

Summer Relative absorptivity 0.5 Tmax T3

depending on surface e.g. bright light surface (e.g. steel, light-coloured
colour bricks, plaster, whitewash, light-coloured paints)
0.7 Tmax T4
e.g. light-coloured surface (e.g. yellow or bu
bricks, red bricks, stone, concrete, dark paints)
0.9 Tmax T5
e.g. dark surface (e.g. black, non-metallic surfaces)
Winter Tmin

The values of the:

. maximum shade air temperature Tmax, and
. minimum shade air shade temperature Tmin

are given in maps in the National Annexes for mean return periods of 50 years.
The recommended solar radiation eects T3, T4, and T5 are given by the following values:
. T3 08C, T4 28C and T5 48C should be used for north or north-east facing elements, and
. T3 188C, T4 308C and T5 428C for south, south-west or horizontal facing elements.


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Table 5.3. Indicative temperatures Tout for parts of buildings below ground for latitudes between 458
and 558

Season Depth below the ground level Temperature Tout in 8C

Summer Less than 1 m T6

More than 1 m T7
Winter Less than 1 m T8
More than 1 m T9

The following values for T6, T7, T8 and T9 are recommended in EN 1991-1-5 and also used, for example, in the UK and
Italian National Annexes:
T6 88C
T7 58C
T8 58C
T9 38C

Building surface Solar radiation effect Building temperatures

Bright light surface T3 4.5


13.5 W E 4.5


Reflective light-coloured surface T4 9


23 W E 9


Dark surface T5 13.5


32.5 W E 13.5


Fig. 5.2. Solar radiation eects T3, T4 and T5 for dierent building orientations


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Annex A to Thermal Actions

Part of the Manual

Section 6 of EN 1991-1-5 Temperature changes in bridges is covered in the Designers Guide Section 6: 1991-1-5
for Actions on Road and Rail Bridges.
Section 7 of EN 1991-1-5 Temperature changes in industrial chimneys, pipelines, silos, Section 7: 1991-1-5
tanks and cooling towers is outside the scope of this Designers Guide.
Guidance on information given in Annex A Isotherms of National minimum and Annex A: 1991-1-5
maximum shade air temperatures is given in Figure 2.1 of this Designers Guide.
Guidance on information given in Annex B Temperature dierences for various surfacing Annex B: 1991-1-5
depths is covered in the Designers Guide for Actions on Road and Rail Bridges.
Guidance on information given in Annex C Coecients of linear expansion are given in Annex C: 1991-1-5
Table 2.1 of this Designers Guide.

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Annex B to Thermal Actions

Part of the Manual

Temperature Proles in Buildings and other Construction

Works covered in Annex D of EN 1991-1-5
This Annex B gives information on Annex D of EN 1991-1-5 Temperature Proles in Annex D:
Buildings and other Construction Works. It is referred to in the main text of EN 1991-1-5 1991-1-5
in Clause 5.3(1). cl.5.3(1): 1991-1-5
This Annex D of EN 1991-1-5 gives the thermal transmission theory for determining
the temperature prole for a simple sandwich element (e.g. slab, wall, shell). Assuming
that local thermal bridges do not exist, a temperature T(x) at a distance x from the inner
surface of the cross-section can be determined assuming steady thermal state as: D(1): 1991-1-5
Tx Tin  T  Tout
Rtot in
Tin is the air temperature of the inner environment
Tout is the temperature of the outer environment
Rtot is the total thermal resistance of the element including resistance of both surfaces
R(x) is the thermal resistance at the inner surface and of the element from the inner surface Figure D.1/1991-1-5
up to the point X.
The resistance values Rtot, [m2K/W] is determined using the coecient of heat transfer D(2): 1991-1-5
given in EN ISO 69464 as follows:
X hi
Rtot Rin Rout
Rin [m2K/W] is the thermal resistance at the inner surface
Rout [m2K/W] is the thermal resistance at the outer surface
i [W/(mK)] is the thermal conductivity and hi [m] is the thickness of the layer i.
The resistance R(x) [m2K/W] is determined using the coecients of thermal conductivity D(2): 1991-1-5
given in EN ISO 133705:
X hi
Rx Rin

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PART 5: EN 1991-1-5

30 Tin
Outer surface
20 Inner
10 T(x) X


10 Tout


Fig. D.1. Thermal prole of a two-layer element

where layers (or part of a layer) from the inner surface up to point x (see Fig. D.1/EN 1991-1-
5) are considered only.
Note to D(2): For buildings:
. the thermal resistance Rin 0:10 to 0.17 [m2K/W] (depending on the orientation of the
heat ow)
. Rout 0:04 (for all orientations)
. the thermal conductivity i for concrete (of volume weight from 21 to 25 kN/m3) varies
from i 1:16 to 1.71 [W/(mK)].

References to Part 5
1. EN 1991-1-5: 2003. Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures Part 1-5: General Actions
Thermal actions. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2003.
2. Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni, DM 14.01.08. Gazzetta Uciale della Repubblica
Italiana, n. 29 del 4 febbraio 2008 Suppl. Ordinario n. 30.
3. CIBSE Guide A: Environmental Design, Chartered Institution of Building Services
Engineers, 2006.
4. ISO 6949: 2007. Building components and building elements Thermal resistance and
thermal transmittance Calculation method. International Organisation for Standardisa-
tion, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007.
5. ISO 13370: 2007. Thermal performance of buildings Heat transfer via the ground
Calculation methods. International Organisation for Standardisation, Geneva, Switzer-
land, 2007.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1-6: Actions during

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This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1 Actions on
Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions during execution.1 The material described in
this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Scope Clause 1.1: 1991-1-6
. Normative references Clause 1.2: 1991-1-6
. Assumptions Clause 1.3: 1991-1-6
. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules Clause 1.4: 1991-1-6
. Terms and denitions Clause 1.5: 1991-1-6
. Symbols Clause 1.6: 1991-1-6

1.1. Scope
EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions during cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-6
execution is one of the ten Parts of EN 1991. It gives design guidance and rules for the
determination of actions which should be taken into account during execution of buildings
and civil engineering works.
The guidance given in EN 1991-1-6 can also be used for the determination of actions to be
taken into account for the design of:
. auxiliary construction works (auxiliary construction works include those which are
sometimes known as temporary structures, which are typically structures that are not
required after use when the related construction works are completed), and
. dierent types of construction works (e.g. structural alterations such as refurbishment Note 1 to cl.1.1(1):
and/or partial or full demolition). 1991-1-6
It is stressed that EN 1991-1-6 does not provide any guidance concerning the safety of cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-6
people (other than due to structural failure) in and around the construction site. Such
rules may be dened for the individual project in accordance with National requirements
(e.g. from the Health and Safety Executive in the UK).
A brief introduction is given below to the sections of this Part of EN 1991 which are cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-6
discussed in greater detail in Chapters 2 to 4 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
. Section 1: General. The scope of EN 1991-1-6 is wide, and it is the rst code in Europe on
this topic, and will benet and be applicable to many types of users, including clients,
designers and contractors of dierent disciplines.
. Section 2: Classication of actions. Among the many dened actions, particular attention
is paid to the introduction of a number of dierent types of construction loads, which

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

may typically be present during the execution stages but which are unlikely to be present
after completion of the structure.
. Section 3: Design situations and limit states. Principles and general rules on the choice of
design situations and combinations of actions are given in accordance with EN 1990:
Eurocode: Basis of structural design. Additionally, the planned duration of a relevant
phase of execution can be associated with a theoretical nominal duration which may
be used as a basis for the determination of characteristic values of climatic actions for
return periods shorter than 50 years.
. Section 4: Representation of actions. EN 1991-1-6 describes Principles and Application
rules for the determination of actions to be considered during execution of buildings
and civil engineering works, including the following aspects. It should be noted that
not all the actions and eects of actions below apply to buildings. In Chapter 4 only
those actions relating to buildings will be discussed:
k actions on structural and non-structural members during handling
k geotechnical actions
k actions due to prestressing eects
k predeformations
k temperature, shrinkage, hydration eects
k wind actions
k snow loads
k actions caused by water
k actions due to atmospheric icing
k construction loads
k accidental actions
k seismic actions.

. Annex A1: Supplementary rules for buildings, which is a normative annex, where
additional Basis of structural design information is given relating to Construction loads.
. Annex A2: Supplementary rules for bridges, which is a normative annex. This annex is
covered by the Thomas Telford Designers Guide for Actions on Bridges.
. Annex B: Actions on structures during alteration, reconstruction or demolition, which is an
informative annex where general introductory guidance is given by EN 1991-1-6.
cl. 1991-1-6 EN 1991-1-6 also gives rules for the determination of actions which may be used for the
design of auxiliary construction works which are dened as follows.

Auxiliary construction works

Any works associated with the construction processes that are not required after use when the
related execution activities are completed and they can be removed (e.g. falsework, scaolding,
propping systems, bracing).
This Designers Guide will only give guidance on the parts of EN 1991-1-6 dealing with
buildings. Bridges are covered by the Thomas Telford Designers Guide for Actions on Bridges.
Before discussing each clause relating to buildings in EN 1991-1-6, a brief introductory
advice for using this EN 1991-1-6 for the design of buildings is given in the following 1.3

1.2. Normative references

cls.1.2: 1991-1-6 No comment is necessary on the quoted references (Clauses 1.2: 1991-1-6).

1.3. Assumptions
cl.1.3: 1991-1-6 The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.3 apply to all the Eurocode
Parts and designers guidance, for these are given in the Designers Guide to EN 1990
(Clause 1.3: 1991-1-6).


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Introductory advice for using this EN 1991-1-6 for the design of buildings
The guidance given in this part of the Designers Guide is based on EN 1991-1-6 which
gives guidance for the determination of actions for the design or verication of structures
during their execution stages. It gives rules also for the determination of actions to be used
for the design of auxiliary construction works, as well as for the design of structures in
transient design situations, as dened in EN 1990, such as refurbishment, reconstruction
and partial or total demolition. Auxiliary construction works include those that are
sometimes known as temporary structures. The scope of EN 1991-1-6 is wide and it is
the rst such code in Europe and will benet many, including clients, designers and
contractors of dierent disciplines. Among all the many dened actions, particular
attention is paid to the introduction of a number of dierent types of construction
loads, which may typically be present during execution stages but which are unlikely to
be present after completion of the structure.

1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules

The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.4 apply to all the Eurocode Parts cl.1.3: 1991-1-6
and designers guidance, for these are given in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.

1.5. Terms and denitions

Most of the denitions given in EN 1991-1-6 derive from ISO 2394, ISO 3898 and ISO 8930. cl.1.5: 1991-1-6
In addition reference should be made to EN 1990 which provides a basic list of terms and
denitions which are applicable to EN 1990 and to EN 1999, thus ensuring a common
basis for the Eurocode suite.
For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key denitions,
which may dier from current national practices:
. Action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature eects or settlement).
. Eects of actions or Action eects are internal moments and forces, bending moments,
shear forces and deformations caused by actions.
From the many denitions provided in EN 1990, those that apply for use with EN 1991 are cl.1.4(a), (b), (c)
described in Chapter 1 of this Designers Guide. and (d): 1991-1-1
The following comments are made to help the understanding of particular denitions in
EN 1991-1-6:
. construction loads which are loads that can be present due to execution activities, but are cl. 1991-1-6
not present when the execution activities are completed.

1.6. Symbols cl.1.6: EN 1991-1-6

The notation in Clause 1.6: EN 1991-1-6 is based on ISO 3898. cl.1.6(1): 1991-1-6
EN 1990 Clause 1.6 provides a comprehensive list of symbols, some of which may be
appropriate for use with EN 1991-1-6. The symbols given in Clause 1.6(2): 1991-1-6 are cl.1.6(2): 1991-1-6
additional notations specic to this Part of EN 1991-1-6. cl.1.6(2): 1991-1-6


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Classication of actions

This chapter is concerned with the classication of the actions in EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1
Actions on Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions during execution. The material
described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 2.1: 1991-1-6
. Construction loads Clause 2.2: 1991-1-6

2.1. General
EN 1991-1-6 classies two sets of action types that occur during execution. The rst set of cl.2.1(1): 1991-1-6
actions are the general actions (e.g. snow loads, wind actions, thermal actions, self-weight)
that occur during the executing process. The second set of actions are the construction
loads (due to the operations of the execution process) which may typically be present
during execution stages but which are unlikely to be present after completion of the struc-
The general actions that occur during the execution process are classied in accordance cl.2.1(1): 1991-1-6
with EN 1990: 2002, Clause 4.1.1, and explained in the Designers Guide to EN 1990.
Table 2.1 of EN 1991-1-6 gives the recommended classications of actions for the general Table 2.1 of
actions, appropriate for buildings with respect to their variation in time (permanent/vari- EN 1991-1-6
able/accidental), origin (direct/indirect), their spatial variation (xed/free), by their nature
or structural response (static/dynamic). Note 1 of cl.2.1(1):
Actions not necessarily relevant for buildings are shown shaded in Table 2.1. 1991-1-6
Account should be taken of the fact that during the execution stages, as well as
after completion of a structure, some of the actions may have to be reclassied. A typical
example is the prestressing action applied to a concrete beam, which is to be regarded as a
permanent action for the completed structure, but may have to be taken into account as a
variable action for the design of anchorage areas during the execution phase for the jacking

2.2. Construction loads

Construction loads are represented in EN 1991-1-6, by a unique symbol Qc . Construction cl.2.2(1): 1991-1-6
loads, which can act on structures during execution activities, and which are not present
after the completion of the works, are classied as direct variable actions.
Depending on their nature, construction loads are generally classied free actions. Note 1 of cl.2.2(1):
Table 2.2, which reproduces Table 2.2 of EN 1991-1-6, gives a general overview of the 1991-1-6
classication of construction loads.

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Table 2.1. Classication of actions (other than construction loads) during execution stages (from EN 1991-1-6 Table 2.1)


Variation in Classication/ Spatial variation Nature

Action time origin (static/dynamic) Remarks Source

Self-weight Permanent Direct Fixed with Static Free during EN 1991-1-1

tolerance/free transportation/storage
Dynamic if dropped
Soil movement Permanent Indirect Free Static EN 1997
Earth pressure Permanent/ Direct Free Static EN 1997
Prestressing Permanent/ Direct Fixed Static Variable for local design EN 1990,
variable (anchorage) EN 1992 to
EN 1999
Pre-deformations Permanent/ Indirect Free Static EN 1990
Temperature Variable Indirect Free Static To be used with the EN 1991-1-5
National Annex
Shrinkage/hydration Permanent/ Indirect Free Static EN 1992,
eects variable EN 1993,
EN 1994
Wind actions Variable/ Direct Fixed/free Static/dynamic To be used with the EN 1991-1-4
accidental National Annex
Snow loads Variable/ Direct Fixed/free Static/dynamic To be used with the EN 1991-1-3
accidental National Annex
Actions due to Permanent/ Direct Fixed/free Static/dynamic Permanent/variable EN 1990
water variable/ according to project
accidental specications
Dynamic for water
currents if relevant
Atmospheric ice Variable Direct Free Static/dynamic ISO 124942
Accidental Accidental Direct/indirect Free Static/dynamic To be used with the EN 1990,
National Annex EN 1991-1-7
Seismic Variable/ Direct Free Dynamic To be used with the EN 1990,
accidental National Annex EN 1998

Note 1 of Table Section 4.11.1 and Table 4.2 of this Designers Guide give a comprehensive description of
2.2: 1991-1-6 the various types of construction loads.
Note 1 of Table Construction loads, which are caused by cranes, equipment, auxiliary construction works
2.2: 1991-1-6 or structures, may be classied as xed or free actions depending on their possible positions
for use. See Section 4.11 below.
cl.2.2(3): 1991-1-6 Where the construction loads are classied as xed, then tolerances for possible deviations
from the theoretical assumed position should be dened. This will normally be for the
individual project.
cl.2.2(4): 1991-1-6 Where the construction loads are classied as free, then the limits of the area where they
may be moved or positioned should be determined. EN 1991-1-6 allows these limits to be
Note 1 to cl.2.2(4): dened in the National Annex and also for the individual project. In the UK National
1991-1-6 Annex the limits of movement for construction loads classied as free, need to be dened
for the individual project.


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In accordance with EN 1990: 2002, 1.3(2), and Annex B of EN 1990, control measures cl.1.3(2): EN 1990
should be adopted, in particular to structures that fall within Consequence Classes CC2 Table B1: EN 1990
and CC3 in accordance with Table B1 from Annex B of EN 1990 to verify the conformity Note 2 to cl.2.2(4):
of the position and moving of construction loads with the design assumptions. 1991-1-6

Table 2.2. Classication of construction loads (EN 1991-1-6 Table 2.2)


Action Variation Classication/ Spatial Nature

(short description) in time origin variation (static/dynamic) Remarks Source

Personnel and hand tools Variable Direct Free Static

Storage movable items Variable Direct Free Static/dynamic Dynamic in case of EN 1991-1-1
dropped loads
Non-permanent equipment Variable Direct Fixed/free Static/dynamic EN 1991-3
Movable heavy machinery Variable Direct Free Static/dynamic EN 1991-2,
and equipment EN 1991-3
Accumulation of waste Variable Direct Free Static/dynamic Can impose loads on for EN 1991-1-1
materials example vertical surfaces
Loads from parts of Variable Direct Free Static Dynamic eects are EN 1991-1-1
structure in temporary excluded


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Design situations and

limit states

This chapter is concerned with the design situations and limit states in EN 1991-1-6:
Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions during execution.
The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Identication of design situations Clause 3.1: 1991-1-6
. Ultimate limit states Clause 3.2: 1991-1-6
. Serviceability limit states Clause 3.3: 1991-1-6

3.1. General Identication of design situations

The process of the execution of a building is primarily a transient design situation. cl.3.1(1)P:
Accidental actions and therefore accidental design situations, for example loss of static 1991-1-6
equilibrium due to the fall of a member, earthquake, storm conditions, etc., can also
occur. Therefore, the transient, accidental or seismic design situations need to be selected
and taken into account as appropriate.
When designing for wind actions during storm conditions (e.g. a hurricane) EN 1991-1-6 Note to cl.3.1(1)P:
allows the National Annex to select the design situation to be used, recommending the 1991-1-6
accidental design situation. The UK National Annex species the use of the accidental
design situation for wind actions during storm conditions together with the BCSA
Publication No. 39/05 Guide to steel erection in windy conditions for steel structures.3
For verication of the execution stages, the design situations should be selected for:
. the structure as a whole
. the structural members
. the partially completed structure, and
. also for auxiliary construction works and equipment cl.3.1(2)P:
as appropriate.
The selected design situations need to take into account the conditions that apply from cl.3.2(3)P: 1990
stage to stage during execution in accordance with EN 1990: 2002, 3.2(3)P, which states:
The selected design situations shall be suciently severe and varied so as to encompass all cl.3.1(3)P:
conditions that can reasonably be foreseen to occur during the execution and use of the 1991-1-6
structure. Therefore for the verication it is necessary to consider the conditions that can
change during execution, including, for example, the shape of the structure, the structural
system and especially the extent and degree of structural completeness.

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

cl.3.1(4)P: Additionally the selected design situations need to be in accordance with the execution
1991-1-6 processes anticipated and need to take account of any revisions to the execution

Choice of characteristic values of variable actions for transient design

The major problem concerning the choice of characteristic values of variable actions,
especially climatic actions, for the transient design situations is related with the possibi-
lity of dening these characteristic values on the basis of return periods shorter than
those accepted for persistent design situations. For the persistent design situation, in
particular to climatic actions, a return period equal to the design working life of a
structure is assumed.
The question to be discussed is:
(a) is it acceptable or not, and
(b) by how much,
to reduce the characteristic values of variable actions during execution and, more
generally, during transient design situations?
This question is often posed, for practical reasons, because common sense considers
it unlikely that rather high values of these actions (e.g. their characteristic value
corresponding to the design working life of the completed structure) are reached during
short periods (which is often the case for design situations during execution). Taking
these high values into account may in some cases be very uneconomical.
EN 1990 states: The characteristic value of climatic actions is based upon the prob-
ability of 0.02 of its time-varying part being exceeded for a reference period of one year.
This is equivalent to a mean return period of 50 years for the time-varying part. However
in some cases the character of the action and/or the selected design situation makes
another fractile and/or return period more appropriate. (Note 2 to cl.4.1.2(7)P: 1990.)
The emboldened part of the clause refers for example to transient design situations
which correspond to shorter return periods. In addition, CEB Bulletin 1914 states in
Clause 6.2.1 that for variable actions the characteristic value is chosen with regard to
the design situation under consideration.
This reduction at the execution phase has been used by some National codes. For
example, the French code for road bridges (dated 1971) species that in common cases
wind pressure may be reduced during execution to 50% for phases of less than three
months, 62.5% for longer phases.
EN 1991-1-6, through Clause 3.1(5), allows this reduction and this is discussed

cl.3.1(5): 1991-1-6 The expected time period or duration of a particular stage of execution may be asso-
ciated with a nominal duration of the selected design situation, thus enabling dierent
return periods of climatic actions to be taken into account. The nominal duration is
intended to be equal to or greater than the anticipated duration of the stage of execution
under consideration. Four ranges of return periods are recommended in EN 1991-1-6 as
indicated in Table 3.1 below.
Regarding the nominal duration of three days, that is chosen for short execution
phases, this corresponds to the extent in time of reliable meteorological predictions for the
location of the site. Therefore in determining on the actions and their values, reliable
meteorological predictions can be used instead in accordance with EN 1991-1-6. This
choice may be kept for a slightly longer execution phase if appropriate organisational
measures are taken. Generally, the concept of mean return period is generally not


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Table 3.1. Recommended return periods for the assessment of the characteristic values of climatic
actions Qk depending on nominal duration of execution phase

Nominal duration of t  3 days Return period R 2 years p 0:5

execution phase t 3 days < t  3 months 5 years p 0:2
3 months < t  1 year 10 years p 0:1
t > 1 year 50 years p 0:02

appropriate for short-term duration. However there may be situations when the time of Note (a) to Table
the short execution phase cannot be predicted, and in those cases a return period of two 3.1: 1991-1-6
years will give a reasonable value to be used.
Regarding the nominal duration of up to three months, actions may be determined
taking into account appropriate seasonal and shorter-term meteorological climatic
variations. For example, if for 3 days < t  3 months, the period of the year under Note (a) to Table
consideration is between June and the end of August, the likelihood of snow is very low. 3.1: 1991-1-6
However there may be situations when the time of the execution phase cannot be
predicted, and in those cases a return period of ve years will give a reasonable value to
be used.
EN 1991-1-6 allows for the return periods for the determination of characteristic values Note to cl.3.1(5):
of variable actions during execution to be dened in the National Annex or for the 1991-1-6
individual project. The UK National Annex, for example, species that these are dened
for the individual project, using the recommended values as a minimum.

Determination of characteristic value of a climatic action Qk for dierent return periods

The characteristic value of a climatic action Qk may be determined on the basis of
assumed probability distribution and selected return period R related to the probability p
of its possible exceedance. The probability distribution of the basic variable Qk may be
derived on the basis of known data from the locality of site. According to recommenda-
tions given in EN 1991-1-6 and other Parts of EN 1991: Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures,
the characteristic value Qk;R of a variable action for the return period of R years may be
determined on the basis of the characteristic value Qk;50 for a variable action for a 50-year
return period. This may be determined from the general relationship given as:
Qk;R kQk;50 3:1

where k is the reduction coecient of a variable action based on the extreme-value

distributions as explained below.
The following relationships for thermal, snow and wind actions, respectively are Note 3 to
recommended in the appropriate Parts of EN 1991. cl.3.1(5)P:
(a) Thermal actions in EN 1991-1-5
Tmax;R kTmax;50 for k fk1  k2 ln ln1  1=Rg 3:2
Tmin;R kTmin;50 for k fk3 k4 ln ln1  1=Rg 3:3


Tmax;50 =Tmin;50 is the maximum/minimum shade air temperature for 50 years return period
Tmax;R =Tmin;R for n years return period, and the coecients k1 0:781, k2 0:056,
k3 0:393, k4 0:156 may be used in case of lack of specic information
on the coecient of variation of temperature records.

See also the parts of this Designers Guide dealing with EN 1991-1-5.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Table 3.2. Reduction coecient k of actions Qk;R for dierent return periods R

Reduction coecient k
Return period
(years) p For thermal Tmax;R For thermal Tmin;R For snow sn;R  For wind vb;R

2 0.50 0.80 0.45 0.64 0.77

5 0.20 0.86 0.63 0.75 0.85
10 0.10 0.91 0.74 0.83 0.90
50 0.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

A coecient of variation v 0:2 has been assumed

(b) Snow actions in EN 1991-1-3

According to the Gumbel formulation:
0 p 1
B1  V fln ln1  p 0:57722gC
@  A
sk;R ksk;50 for k 3:4
1 2:5923V

sk;50 is the characteristic snow load on the ground for a 50-year return period, and
sk;R for n years return period, and
V is the coecient of variation of annual maximum snow load,
p is the probability of exceedance during the reference period of n years, and it may be
taken approximately equal to 1=n.
See also the Parts of this Designers Guide dealing with EN 1991-1-3.

(c) Wind actions EN 1991-1-4

1  K ln ln1  p n
vb;R kvb;50 for k 3:5
1  K ln ln0:98
vb;R is the basic wind velocity for n years return period
vb;50 is for 50-year return period
K is the shape parameter depending on the coecient of variation of the extreme-value
distribution, and n is the exponent. Recommended values are K 0:2 and n 0:5.
The calculated reduction coecients k indicating the amount of reduction of the
characteristic values of climatic actions Qk;R for dierent return periods R is shown in
Table 3.2.
As mentioned above, the reduction of the characteristic value of a climatic action Qk;R
associated with short expected durations of the execution activities under consideration,
may not be appropriate. In such cases short-term meteorological predictions may be more
appropriate to serve as a basis for estimation of climatic actions.
Note 2 to Recommended values to limit inadequate reductions of characteristic values of climatic
cl.3.1(5)P: actions may be given in the National Annex, and examples are given in EN 1991-1-6 (e.g.
1991-1-6 a minimum wind speed of 20 m/s for up to durations of three months). The UK National
Annex species that the value is dened for the individual project.
cl.3.1(6): 1991-1-6 When for the estimation of the characteristic climatic actions the design prescribes
limiting climatic conditions, or weather window, the following should be taken into
. the anticipated duration of the particular execution stage
. the reliability of meteorological predictions for the area of the construction works
. the time to organise protection measures.


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Example 3.1
The determination of characteristic values of variable actions Qk;R for four dierent return
periods (R can be seen below in Table 3.3 based on the k values given in Table 3.2.
This is for considered selected (2, 5 and 10 years) characteristic values of:
(a) For thermal actions a maximum shade air temperature Tmax;50 328C.
(b) For thermal actions a minimum shade air temperature Tmin;50 308C.
(c) For snow load on the ground sn;50 1:5 kN/m2.
(d) For basic wind velocity vb 26 m/s for a 50-year return period.

Table 3.3. Example of determination of climatic actions Qk;R for return periods R (2, 5 and 10 years)

Characteristic values of actions Qk;R

Return period (a) For thermal (b) For thermal (c) For snow (d) For wind
R (years) p Tmax;R (8C) Tmin;R (8C) sn;R (kN/m2) vb;R (m/s)

2 0.50 25.6 13.5 0.96 20.2

5 0.20 27.7 18.8 1.13 22.2
10 0.10 29.0 22.3 1.25 23.5
50 0.02 32.0 30.0 1.50 26.0

When there is a likelihood of simultaneity of occurrence of climatic actions (snow cl.3.1(7)P:

loads, wind actions etc.) with the construction loads Qc , the combinations of actions have 1991-1-6
to be in accordance with the rules given in EN 1990. See also Section 4.11.1 and Annex A
of this Designers Guide where advice is given on the safety factors ( and combination
coecients ( to be used.
Clause 3.1(7): 1991-1-6 regarding the rules for the combination of snow loads and
wind actions with construction loads Qc is unhelpful, as is the UK National Annex which
simply states that rules for combination should be dened for the individual project
(Clause 3.1(7): 1991-1-6) and (NA 2.6: BS EN 1991-1-6). A reasonable assumption, to be cl.3.1(7): 1991-1-6
used in the combination of action expressions given in EN 1990, would be to use the 0 NA 2.6: BS
values given in EN 1990, Table A1.1 when either wind or snow loads are accompanying. EN 1991-1-6
For situations where the construction load Qc is accompanying, Annex A of EN 1991-1-6
recommends a value for 0 of between 0.6 and 1.0, with a recommended value of 1.0,
which is also recommended by the UK National Annex.
In accordance with EN 1990 Clauses 3.5(3) and (7) imperfections in the geometry of the cl.3.1(8): 1991-1-6
structure and of structural members should be dened for the individual project consid-
ering relevant CEN products (e.g. for concrete structures, these include CEN Precast
Concrete Products standards) and CEN execution standards.
Clause 3.1(9): 1991-1-6 is generally not applicable for building structures. Information cl.3.1(9): 1991-1-6
may be obtained from the Designers Guide: Actions on Bridges. cl.3.1(10):
Where the structure or parts of it are subjected to accelerations that may give rise to 1991-1-6
dynamic or inertia eects, these eects should be taken into account. Note to cl.3.1(10):
Signicant accelerations may be excluded where possible movements are strictly 1991-1-6
controlled by appropriate devices.
Examples of situations that may cause accelerations are impact from a lorry, a dropped cl.3.1(11):
object, and reciprocating machinery left on, or beside a partially completed structure, etc. 1991-1-6
Actions caused by water, including for example uplift due to groundwater, should be
considered for the individual project, as appropriate.
Clause 3.1(12): 1991-1-6 is generally not applicable for building structures. Information cl.3.1(12):
may be obtained from the Designers Guide: Actions on Bridges. 1991-1-6
Actions due to creep and shrinkage and elastic shortening in concrete construction
works should be determined on the basis of the expected dates and duration associated cl.3.1(13):
with the design situations, where appropriate. 1991-1-6


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Actions due to post-tensioning operations should be determined for short-term eects

on the structure (elastic shortening) and load patterns on formwork (parasitic eects).

3.2. Ultimate limit states

cl.3.2(1)P: EN 1991-1-6 requires that ultimate limit states are veried in accordance with EN 1990,
1991-1-6 for all selected transient (i.e. expression 6.10 or 6.10a/6.10b from EN 1990), accidental
(expression 6.11b) and seismic (expression 6.12b) design situations as appropriate during
execution. The persistent design situation, which correspond to the conditions of normal
use for the completed structure, is not taken into account.
For transient and accidental design situations the ultimate limit state verications
should be based on combinations of actions expressions referenced above and applied
with the partial factors for actions F and the appropriate factors. Values of G , Q and
factors may be taken from EN 1990 Tables A1.1 to A1.4 for the actions given in Table
A1.1 of EN 1990 (i.e. imposed loads, climatic actions).
The combinations of actions for accidental design situations, with expression 6.11b of
EN 1990, are given below:
Note 1 to X X
Gk;j 00 00 P 00 00 Ad 00 00 1;1 or 2;1 Qk;1 00 00 2;i Qk;i
cl.3.2(1)P: j1 i>1
can either include the accidental action explicitly or refer to a situation after an accidental
event. The above expression 6.11b has to be used for a situation after an accidental event
when the value for Ad becomes zero. It should be noted that the choice of factor 1 or 2
to be used with the leading variable action Qk is given in the appropriate National Annex.
The UK National Annex to EN 1990 species the use of 1 .
Generally, accidental design situations refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the
structure or its exposure. During execution of the works these conditions may include:
. impact
. local failure and subsequent progressive collapse
. fall of structural or non-structural parts, and
. in the case of buildings, abnormal concentrations of building equipment and/or building
Note 2 to materials
cl.3.2(1)P: . water accumulation on steel roofs
1991-1-6 . re, etc.
Note 3 to Fire during construction should be treated as an accidental action.
cl.3.2(1)P: No additional guidance is required to Note 3 to Clause 3.2(1)P: 1991-1-6.
1991-1-6 The verications of the structure may need to take into account the appropriate
cl.3.2(1)P: geometry and resistance of the partially completed structure corresponding to the selected
1991-1-6 design situations. Patterns of temporary restraint should be taken into account.

cl.3.3(1)P: 3.3. Serviceability limit states

1991-1-6 EN 1991-1-6 requires that serviceability limit states have to be veried as appropriate
cl.3.3(5): during execution in accordance with EN 1990 for the design situations concerning func-
1991-1-6 tioning (i.e. expression 6.10b from EN 1990) and appearance (expression 6.11b).
Note to cl.3.3(5): The frequent design situation is not required by EN 1991-1-6 to be taken into
1991-1-6 account unless specically required for the individual project (Note to Clause 3.3(5):
cl.3.3(3)P: The objectives of these serviceability limit state verications during execution is to limit
1991-1-6 cracking and/or early deections which may adversely aect the durability, tness for use
and aesthetic appearance of the structure in the nal stage.
cl.3.3(2): 1991-1-6 Hence the serviceability limit states during execution need to take into account the
requirements for the completed structure.


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The criteria associated with the serviceability limit states to be checked during execution Note to cl.3.3(2):
may be dened in the National Annex and EN 1992 to EN 1999, but in many cases will 1991-1-6
need to be specied for the individual project.
Load eects due to shrinkage, elastic shortening (post-tensioned concrete) and tem- cl.3.3(5): 1991-1-6
perature need to be taken into account, generally by using the quasi-permanent load
combination, in the design where appropriate, and should be minimised in the design by
appropriate detailing.
Where relevant, serviceability requirements for auxiliary construction works need to be cl.3.3(6): 1991-1-6
dened in order to avoid any unintentional deformations and displacements which aect
the appearance or eective use of the structure or cause damage to nishes or non-
structural members.
These requirements may be dened in the National Annex or for the individual project. Note to cl.3.3(6):
Further guidance may be obtained from EN 12810,5 EN 12811,6 BS EN 12812,7 and BS 1991-1-6
EN 12813.8


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Representation of actions

This chapter is concerned with the representation of actions in EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1

Actions on Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions during execution. The material
described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:

. General Clause 4.1: 1991-1-6

. Actions on structural and non-structural members
during handling Clause 4.2: 1991-1-6
. Geotechnical actions Clause 4.3: 1991-1-6
. Actions due to prestresssing Clause 4.4: 1991-1-6
. Predeformations Clause 4.5: 1991-1-6
. Temperature, shrinkage, hydration eects Clause 4.6: 1991-1-6
. Wind actions Clause 4.7: 1991-1-6
. Snow loads Clause 4.8: 1991-1-6
. Actions caused by water Clause 4.9: 1991-1-6
. Actions due to atmospheric icing Clause 4.10: 1991-1-6
. Construction loads Clause 4.11: 1991-1-6
. Accidental actions Clause 4.12: 1991-1-6
. Seismic actions Clause 4.13: 1991-1-6

4.1. General
The determination of representative values of actions during execution need to be cl.4.1(1)P:
determined in accordance with EN 1990, EN 1991, EN 1997 and EN 1998 as appropriate. 1991-1-6
The characteristic value Fk for the design situations during execution is a main
representative value of a permanent or variable action. In accordance with EN 1990, the
value of Fk needs to be specied as a mean, an upper or lower value, or a nominal value.
If these values are specied for the individual project it must be ensured that consistency
is achieved with methods given in the Eurocodes.
For variable actions, the two other representative values of actions Frep that in common
cases need to be considered for design for the execution phase are:

1. the combination value, represented as a product 0 Qk , used for the verication of the
ultimate limit states and irreversible serviceability limit states
2. the quasi-permanent value, represented as a product 2 Qk , used for the verication of
ultimate limit states, involving accidental actions and for verication of reversible
serviceability limit states, for appearance etc.

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Note 1 to cl.4.1(1)P: The representative values of the actions (that also apply for the completed structure)
1991-1-6 during execution may be dierent from those used in the design of the completed struc-
Note 2 and 3 to ture. As explained in Section 3.1 of this guide, this may be due to the shorter duration of
cl.4.1(1)P: 1991-1-6 actions compared to the design working life of the structure.
No further guidance is necessary to Notes 2 and 3 of Clause 4.1(1)P (Note 1 to Clause
4.1(1)P: 1991-1-6) and (Note 2 to Clause 4.1(1)P: 1991-1-6).
cl.4.1(2): 1991-1-6 The determination of the representative values of construction loads will often depend
on the specic process and period of execution as described in Section 3.1 of this
Designers Guide. In some cases it may be more appropriate to specify the values for the
factors, in some cases, for the individual project.
Regarding the values for construction loads, Annex A1 of EN 1991-1-6 recommends
factors of construction loads for:
0 0:6 to 1.0, and
2 0:2
for building structures. It should be noted that 1 does not normally apply to construction
loads during execution.

Determination of  and values for construction loads Qc

For construction loads the design value of an action Fd can be determined from the
following expression:
Fd F Frep
where F is the partial factor for the action.
In EN 1990 three dierent sets of  factors are recommended for variable loads in
buildings depending on the ultimate limit state verication (EQU, STR and GEO)
under consideration. For example, a value of f 1:5 is recommended (for verication
of EQU and STR: the values of partial factors f for Qc may be altered nationally).
(For an explanation of EQU, STR and GEO see Section 6.4 of the Designers Guide to
EN 1990.9)
The design value of construction loads should take into account uncertainties in the
modelling of the action and its eects. As characteristic values of construction loads
are in many cases specied by the nominal value given in technical specications for
the individual project, the uncertainties in the determination of the action eect may be
considered as low, provided they are not contravened during the execution of the
works on site.
Thus, it might be reasonable to reduce the above mentioned F factors for construc-
tion loads Qc from 1.5 to 1.35 for building structures. However, it is also necessary to
take into account other reductions described elsewhere in this Designers Guide, e.g.
magnitude of factors inuencing representative values of construction loads, and also
reduction of characteristic values of other variable actions Q based on dierent return
The  and values may also be altered in the National Annex or for the individual
project, depending upon the allowed limits in the modelling of actions, on xed toler-
ances in the specic project and the degree of approximation with which construction
loads are dened.

cl.4.1(3): 1991-1-6 Interaction eects between structures and parts of structures need to be taken into
account during execution. Such structures also include structures that form part of the
auxiliary construction works.
cl.4.1(4)P: When parts of a structure are braced or supported by other parts of a structure (e.g. by
1991-1-6 propping oor beams for concreting), the actions on these parts resulting from bracing or
supporting have to be taken into account.


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Fig. 4.1. The slab of the lower level is supporting the casting weight of the upper one

Depending on the construction procedures, the supporting parts of the structure may Note 1 to cl.4.1(4)P:
be subjected to loads greater than the imposed loads for which they are designed for the 1991-1-6
persistent design situation, and this has to be checked. Additionally, concrete elements
(e.g. supporting slabs) may not have developed their full strength capacities.
Figure 4.1 shows an example where the already constructed lower level is supporting
the casting weight of the oor above.
Clause 4.1(4)P of EN 1991-1-6 is of particular relevance. Many collapses have occurred
for reasons directly linked to the underestimation of the resistance of lower oors during
the casting phases. As an example, Fig. 4.2 shows the collapse that occurred in the US10
during the casting of concrete in the building where the lower supporting slabs had not
developed their full strength. In the construction of the 26-storey building, concrete was
being placed on the 24th oor and shorings were simultaneously being removed at the
22nd oor cast two weeks before and insucient shear resistance of concrete caused
progressive collapse. Note 2 to cl.4.1(4)P:
No further guidance is necessary to Note 2 of Clause 4.1(4)P. 1991-1-6
Clause 4.1(5) may not generally have an application for buildings. However, where
appropriate, any horizontal actions from friction eects need to be determined and based cl.4.1(5): 1991-1-6
on the use of appropriate values of friction coecients.
In the assessment, the lower and upper bounds of friction coecients may have to be Note 1 to cl.4.1(5):
taken into account. Friction coecients may be dened for the individual project. 1991-1-6

4.2. Actions on structural and non-structural members

during handling
The source for determining the self-weight of structural and non-structural members cl.4.2(1): 1991-1-6
during handling is EN 1991-1-1.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Fig. 4.2. Progressive collapse during casting of concrete

Casting in in-situ concrete

During execution, non-uniformly distributed self-weight may occur when casting-in in-
situ concrete and in order to avoid undesired eects the intended organisation of
concreting and its control are essential (see also Section 4.11.2 below).
Regarding the weight of in-situ concrete for the assessment of vertical forces only,
the characteristic density of fresh concrete is assessed by increasing the design charac-
teristic value of the density of concrete by 1.00 kN/m3, in accordance with EN 1991-1-1.
After drying, this increased density is decreased to its normal design characteristic
For the execution of building structures, special attention should be paid to the
early-aged material properties of concrete oors (e.g. lower strength, cracking, deec-
tion). When the load imposed on a partially cured slab is higher than the capacity of
the slab, the construction procedure must be changed to either reduce the loads on the
slab, or to design accordingly so that the concrete strength at the time when the load is
applied is increased.

cl.4.2(2): 1991-1-6 Where necessary, the dynamic or inertia eects of self-weight of structural and non-
structural members will need to be taken into account. This will depend upon the indivi-
dual project but further information may be found in EN 1991-1-1.
Clauses 4.2(3) and 4.2(4) regarding:

cl.4.2(3): 1991-1-6 . actions on attachments for hoisting elements and materials and
cl.4.2(4): 1991-1-6 . actions on structural and non-structural members due to support positions and
conditions during hoisting, transporting or storage for which account needs to be
taken, where appropriate of the actual support conditions and dynamic or inertia
eects due to vertical and horizontal accelerations.


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are generally more applicable to bridge structures, and reference should be made to the Note 1 to cl.4.2(2):
Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges. 1991-1-6

4.3. Geotechnical actions

The characteristic values of geotechnical parameters, soil and earth pressures, and limiting cl.4.3(1)P: 1991-1-6
values for movements of foundations during execution, have to be determined using
EN 1997. Further guidance may also be found in the Designers Guide to EN 1997-1.
The soil movements of the foundations of both the structure and of auxiliary construc- cl.4.3(2): 1991-1-6
tion works (e.g. temporary supports during execution) need to be assessed from the results
of geotechnical investigations. EN 1991-1-6 requires that the investigations should give
information on both absolute and relative values of movements of foundations, their time
dependency and possible scatter.
It should be noted that movements of auxiliary construction works may cause displace- Note 1 to cl.4.3(2):
ments and additional stresses on other parts of the structure. 1991-1-6
The characteristic values of soil movements determined from statistical methods from cl.4.3(3): 1991-1-6
geotechnical investigation data can be used as nominal values for determining imposed
deformations of the structure.
If required, a more accurate determination for imposed deformations may be made by Note 1 to cl.4.3(3):
making a soilstructure interaction analysis. 1991-1-6

4.4. Actions due to prestressing

No further guidance is necessary to Clause 4.4(1) and its note. cl.4.4(1): 1991-1-6
In the case of prestressed concrete oors with unbonded tendons, special attention and Note 1 to
should be paid to the early-aged properties of the concrete, and to the load-balancing cl.4.4(1)
forces in combination with minimum variable oor loads during execution. These loads
may be selected from the construction loads which are likely to be present during such
phases, such as working personnel. For longer execution phases the loading related to the
completion phases of the oors, such as storage of construction material etc., should be
In general, the design situations to be checked are those concerned with the prevention
of unacceptable cracks or crack widths (i.e. the characteristic and quasi-permanent load
combinations for serviceability limit state verications).
During the execution stages, as well as after completion of a structure, some of the cl.4.4(3): 1991-1-6
actions may have to be reclassied. A typical example is the prestressing action applied
to a concrete beam, which is to be regarded as a permanent action for the completed cl.4.4(2): 1991-1-6
structure but may have to be taken into account as a variable action for the design of
anchorage areas during the execution phase for the jacking process.

4.5. Predeformations
The treatments of the eects of predeformations need to be in conformity with the cl.4.5(1)P: 1991-1-6
relevant design Eurocode (from EN 1992 to EN 1999). Note to cl.4.5(1)P:
Predeformations can result from displacements of supports, for example hangers and 1991-1-6
supports for oors.
Action eects from execution processes should be taken into account, especially where cl.4.5(2): 1991-1-6
predeformations (precamber or preset) are applied to a particular structural element
in order to generate action eects for improving its nal behaviour, particularly for
structural safety and serviceability requirements.
A typical example is the self-weight distribution in concrete slabs poured over precast
beams or oor elements with precamber, where the nal appearance of the oor should be
at, see Fig. 4.3.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Cast-in-situ topping


H1 H2
Supporting beams Precast RC floor with precamber

Fig. 4.3. Cast-in-situ topping over a precast prestressed reinforced concrete oor, with precamber

Another example is the case of a simply supported long-span prestressed reinforced

concrete beam, with a signicative depth and precamber. During the loading process the
free movements of its end sections have to be assured, against the faces of the supporting
cl.4.5(3): 1991-1-6 In critical cases, the action eects from predeformations should be checked against
design criteria by measuring forces and deformations during execution.

4.6. Temperature, shrinkage, hydration eects

cl.4.6(1)P: 1991-1-6 The eects of temperature, shrinkage and hydration may have to be taken into account in
each construction phase, as appropriate.
Note to cl.4.6(1)P: For buildings, the actions due to temperature and shrinkage are not generally signicant
1991-1-6 if appropriate detailing has been provided for the persistent design situation.
Attention is given however to the eects due to a dierence in time between casting one
concrete element to another element that has already hardened. In general, the limit state
to be checked is the prevention of unacceptable cracks or crack widths, especially in the
case of composite steel and concrete structures.
Note 2 to cl.4.6(1)P: Note 2 to Clause 4.6(1)P generally applies to bridges and no further guidance is given.
1991-1-6 In addition, temperature can rise signicantly in a massive concrete structure after casting,
with consequent thermal eects.
cl.4.6(2): 1991-1-6 No further guidance is necessary for Clause 4.6(2).
If considered necessary by the designer thermal actions due to hydration, and shrinkage
cl.4.6(3): 1991-1-6 eects in building materials should be determined according to EN 1992, to EN 1996 as
Note to cl.4.6(3): appropriate. In addition, temperature can rise signicantly in a massive concrete structure
1991-1-6 after casting, with consequent thermal eects.
cl.4.6(4): 1991-1-6 No further information is given on Clauses 4.6(4), 4.6(5) and 4.6(6) as these clauses do
cl.4.6(5): 1991-1-6 not normally apply for building structures.
cl.4.6(6): 1991-1-6

4.7. Wind actions

Treatment of wind actions during execution
The programme for execution of the works should be phased so that it does not take
place when the characteristic wind force assumed in the design is exceeded. Information
on wind speeds should be obtained ahead of execution phases. Such information can be
obtained from weather forecasts of the nearest meteorological station and local wind

cl.4.7(1): 1991-1-6 Clause 4.7(1) will not apply to the majority of building structures. However, for
Note to cl.4.7(1): dynamically sensitive buildings and structural elements such as slender columns or
1991-1-6 chimneys, the need for a dynamic response design procedure for wind actions should be
determined for the execution stages, taking into account the degree of completeness and
stability of the structure and its various elements. The criteria and procedures have to be
dened for the individual project.


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The characteristic values of static wind forces QW should be determined according to cl.4.7(2): 1991-1-6
EN 1991-1-4 and its Designers Guide and the chapter on wind actions in this manual, for Note to cl.4.7(2):
the appropriate return period. The appropriate return periods have been explained and 1991-1-6
specied in Section 3.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
For lifting and moving operations or other construction phases that are of short cl.4.7(3): 1991-1-6
duration, the maximum acceptable wind speed for the operations should be specied, in Note to cl.4.7(3):
accordance with Section 3.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide. 1991-1-6
Clause 4.7(1) will not apply to the majority of building structures and no further cl.4.7(4): 1991-1-6
guidance is provided here. The reader is referred to EN 1991-1-4 and its Designers Guide.
Wind actions on parts of the structure that are intended to be internal parts after its cl.4.7(5): 1991-1-6
completion (e.g. internal walls) should be taken into account for execution processes. In Note to cl.4.7(5):
such cases, the external pressure coecients cpe may have to be applied (e.g. for free- 1991-1-6
standing walls).
When determining wind forces, the areas of equipment, falsework and other cl.4.7(6): 1991-1-6
auxiliary construction works that are loaded should be taken into account.

4.8. Snow loads

Snow loads need to be determined according to EN 1991-1-3 and its appropriate National cl.4.8(1)P: 1991-1-6
Annex for the conditions of the site and the required return period.
The appropriate return periods have been explained and specied in Section 3.1 of this Note 2 to cl.4.8(1)P:
Part of this Designers Guide. 1991-1-6
Note 1 of Clause 4.8(1)P is not applicable to buildings. Note 1 to cl.4.8(1)P:

4.9. Actions caused by water

In general for buildings, actions due to water, including groundwater (Qwa should be cl.4.9(1): 1991-1-6
represented as static pressures. For hydrodynamic eects which will generally not apply to
buildings, see the Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.
No further guidance is given to the Note to Clause 4.9(1) which concerns hydrodynamic Note to cl.4.9(1):
eects. 1991-1-6
Actions caused by water may be taken into account in combinations as permanent or cl.4.9(2): 1991-1-6
variable actions. The classication of actions caused by water as permanent or variable
may be dened for the individual project, taking account of the specic environmental
For example groundwater may be considered as a permanent action if the water level is
considered to be always above the upper level of foundation and if the variations of the
water level are relatively minor.
No further guidance is given to the Note to Clause 4.9(3) which concerns, for example, cl.4.9(3): 1991-1-6
dynamic eects, exerted by currents on immersed structures. Guidance may be found in
the Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.
No further guidance is given to Clause 4.9(4), which concerns the determination of the cl.4.9(4): 1991-1-6
total horizontal force exerted by currents on a vertical surface. Guidance may be found in
the Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.
No further guidance is given to Clause 4.9(5), which concerns the possible accumu- cl.4.9(5): 1991-1-6
lation of debris in rivers. Guidance may be found in the Designers Guide on Actions on
No further guidance is given to Clause 4.9(5), which concerns actions due to ice and cl.4.9(6): 1991-1-6
oating ice.
Actions from rainwater need to be taken into account for conditions where there may cl.4.9(7): 1991-1-6
be collection of water such as ponding eects from, for example, inadequate drainage,
imperfections of surfaces, deections and/or failure of dewatering devices. Normally the
frequent design situation for serviceability limit state verication will apply.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

4.10. Actions due to atmospheric icing

cl.4.10(1)P: No further guidance is given to Clause 4.9(10), which concerns actions due to atmospheric
1991-1-6 ice loads. Guidance on atmospheric ice loads may be found in EN 1993-311 and
Note to cl.4.10(1)P: ISO 124942.

4.11. Construction loads

Dening construction loads
Actions that can be present due to the execution activities but are not present when the
execution activities are completed are called construction loads and are an innovative
part of the code.
For consistency with this denition, construction loads are classied as variable
actions. A construction load may have vertical as well as horizontal components, static
as well as dynamic eects.

Background on construction loads Qc for buildings

Numerical data from Chapter 2 of Cast-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and
Construction12 shows results from measures and investigations on construction sites.
During the visits, data on equipment, material storage and worker loads were collected
for two stages of construction:
1. before the concrete slab has been poured and
2. after the slab has been poured and preparations for the construction of the next oor.
To analyse the collected data, the surveyed oors were divided into successive sets of
grids of various sizes. Table 4.1 shows the observed mean structural loads, transformed
into an equivalent uniformly distributed load, for 10%, 1% and 0.5% fractiles.

Table 4.1. Observed mean structural loads, transformed into an equivalent uniformly distributed
load, for 10%, 1% and 0.5% fractiles

Grid size Mean load 10% fractile 1% fractile 0.5% fractile

(m2) (kN/m2) Load (kN/m2) Load (kN/m2) Load (kN/m2)

2.32 0.31 1.08 2.93 3.34

5.95 0.30 0.92 2.00 2.39
9.25 0.29 0.80 2.18 2.68
20.90 0.30 0.73 1.58 1.94
37.16 0.28 0.72 1.43 1.46

As an example, the 5% fractile value for the 9.25 m2 grid size is 1.23 kN/m2 (Gumbel
distribution of the random variable is assumed).
From Table 4.1 it can be seen that the mean load is independent of the loaded area
and its magnitude is low. But the coecient of variation is very high, ranging from about
1.00 to 2.00, which explains the high values corresponding to fractiles of 10, 1 and 0.5%.
Other studies, e.g. Partial Factor Design for Reinforced Concrete Buildings during
Construction13 have suggested higher mean construction variable actions, but with a
lower value of the coecient of variation.
From the above it is suggested that:
. the order of magnitude of the characteristic vertical uniformly distributed load on
oors during execution of buildings is close to 1 kN/m2
. the geometrical variability of loads during execution should be covered by an over-
loading on a limited area.


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4.11.1. General
Construction loads (Qc may be represented in the appropriate design situations in
accordance with EN 1990 and Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of this Part of this Designers Guide
either, as
. one single variable action, or
. where appropriate, dierent types of construction loads may be grouped and applied as a
single variable action.
In the appropriate combination of action expressions (see Sections 3.2 and 3.3 above), cl.4.11.1(1):
single and/or a grouping of construction loads need to be considered to act simultaneously 1991-1-6
with non-construction loads as appropriate.
Advice on simultaneity of non-construction loads, that can also apply when combining Note 1 to
non-construction and construction loads, are given in EN 1990 and EN 1991. cl.4.11.1(1):
Six types of construction loads (see Table 4.2) have been introduced in EN 1991-1-6 and 1991-1-6
the groupings of these loads that are to be taken into account as appropriate during Note 1 to
execution are dependent on the individual project. cl.4.11.1(1):
No further guidance is required on Note 3 to Clause 4.11.1(1). 1991-1-6
The dierent construction loads Qca , Qcb , Qcc , Qcd , Qce and Qcf that have to be taken Note 3 to
into account as appropriate are given in Table 4.2. cl.4.11.1(1):
Each will then be described with regard to the representation of the action together 1991-1-6
with remarks that include the values of loads to be used. cl.4.11.1(2):
Qca : Personnel and handtools
Qca , covering personnel (site sta and visitors) and handtools (see Fig. 4.4) is modelled
as a uniformly distributed load qca and applied as to obtain the most unfavourable
The recommended characteristic value qca;k of the uniformly distributed load I
EN 1991-1-6 which may be dened in the National Annex or for the individual project is
1.0 kN/m2.

Table 4.2. Construction loads (Qc

Construction loads (Qc

Type Symbol Description

Personnel and handtools Qca Working personnel, sta and visitors, possibly with handtools or other
small site equipment
Storage of movable items Qcb Storage of moveable items, e.g.:
. building and construction materials, precast elements, and
. equipment

Non-permanent Qcc Non-permanent equipment in position for use during execution, either:
equipment . static (e.g. formwork panels, scaolding, falsework, machinery,
containers), or
. during movement (e.g. travelling forms, launching girders and nose,
Movable heavy machinery Qcd Movable heavy machinery and equipment, usually wheeled or tracked
and equipment (e.g. cranes, lifts, vehicles, lift-trucks, power installations, jacks, heavy
lifting devices)
Accumulation of waste Qce Accumulation of waste materials (e.g. surplus construction materials,
materials excavated soil, or demolition materials)
Loads from parts of a Qcf Loads from parts of a structure in temporary states (under execution)
structure in temporary before the nal design actions take eect, such as loads from lifting
states operations


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Fig. 4.4. Representation of Qca : personnel and handtools

Table 4.1: The UK National Annex states the characteristic value qca;k of the uniformly distributed
1991-1-6 load may be dened for the individual project and a minimum value of 1.00 is

Qcb : Storage of movable items

Qcb covering storage of movable items (see Figs 4.5(a) and (b) which shows the storage of
movable construction materials) is modelled as free actions and represented as appropriate
. a uniformly distributed load qcb
. a concentrated load Fcb .
Table 4.1: The characteristic values of the uniformly distributed load and the concentrated load
1991-1-6 may be dened in the National Annex or for the individual project. The UK National
Annex does not dene any values but leaves it to be dened for the individual project.

Qcc : Non-permanent equipment

Qcc covers non-permanent equipment in position for use during execution, which can
either be static equipment (e.g. formwork panels, scaolding, falsework, machinery,
containers) or equipment during movement (e.g. travelling forms, launching girders and
nose, counterweights). See Fig. 4.6. Qcc is modelled as free actions and is represented as
appropriate by a uniformly distributed load qcc .
Table 4.1: These loads Qcc may be dened for the individual project using information given by
1991-1-6 the supplier of the equipment. Unless more accurate information is available, the loads
may be modelled by a uniformly distributed load with a recommended minimum charac-
teristic value of qcc;k 0:5 kN/m2.
For further information and for formwork and falsework design see EN 128127 and
EN 128116.

Qcd : Movable heavy machinery and equipment

Table 4.1: This type of load is not generally applicable to buildings and the appropriate information
1991-1-6 in EN 1991-1-6 is intended for bridges. Further guidance is available in the Designers
Guide on Actions on Bridges.

Qce : Accumulation of waste materials

Qce covers accumulation of waste materials (e.g. surplus construction materials, excavated
soil, or demolition materials). See Fig. 4.7.
Table 4.1: Qce is taken into account by considering possible eects on horizontal, inclined and
1991-1-6 vertical elements (such as walls), depending on the build-up, and thus mass eects of the
accumulation of material.


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Fig. 4.5(a) and (b). Examples of storage of building and construction materials

These loads may vary signicantly, and over short time periods, depending on types of
materials, climatic conditions, build-up and clearance rates.

Qcf : Loads from parts of a structure in temporary states

Qcf covers loads from parts of a structure in temporary states (under execution) before the
nal design actions take eect, e.g. loads from lifting operations. See Fig. 4.8.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Fig. 4.6. Example of non-permanent static equipment (formwork panels, scaolding, and falsework)

Qcf is taken into account and modelled according to the planned execution sequences,
Table 4.1: including consequences of those sequences, for example loads and reverse load eects due
1991-1-6 to particular processes of construction, such as assemblage.
cl.4.11.1(3)P: See Section 4.11.2 of this guide for additional loads due to concrete being fresh.
1991-1-6 No further guidance is necessary for Clause 4.11.1(3)P.
Note 1 to Recommended values of factors for construction loads which are given in Annex A1
cl.4.11.1(3)P: of EN 1991-1-6 for buildings, have been explained in Section 4.1 of this Designers Guide.

Fig. 4.7. Accumulation of waste materials


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Fig. 4.8. Loads from parts of a structure in temporary states

Note 2 to
No further guidance is necessary for Note 2 to Clause 4.11.1(3)P.
In case of heavy equipment or for other specic construction materials, the nominal
values supplied by the producers may be assumed as characteristic.
No further guidance is necessary for Clause 4.11.1(4)P.
No further guidance necessary for Clause 4.11.1(5)P.

4.11.2. Construction loads during the casting of concrete

Casting of concrete is an extremely common activity and is a good example of grouping
of dierent sources of construction loads in one single action, which will need to be
combined with other actions which may arise during this specic execution phase, such as
climatic actions (e.g. wind) or other construction loads applied to other parts of the
Actions to be taken into account simultaneously during the casting of concrete may cl.4.11.2(1):
include working personnel with small site equipment (Qca , formwork and load-bearing 1991-1-6
members (Qcc and the weight of fresh concrete (which is one example of Qcf , as
appropriate. An example of Qca , Qcb and Qcc occurring together is shown in Fig. 4.6. Note 3 to
Loads according to (a), (b) and (c), as given in Table 4.3, are intended to be cl.4.11.2(1):
positioned to cause the maximum eects. The loads and eects may or may not be 1991-1-6
symmetrical. Note 1 to
The density of fresh concrete can be obtained from EN 1991-1-1 Table A.1. The density cl.4.11.2(1):
of fresh concrete can be taken as 25 kN/m2. 1991-1-6
Qca , Qcc and Qcf may be given in the National Annex. During the casting of concrete Note 2 to
the following values should be used as recommended values: cl.4.11.2(1):
. For Qca : qca;k 0:75 kN/m2 as given in Table 4.3.
. For Qcc : qcc;k 0:5 kN/m2 given in Table 4.3.
. Alternative values for Qca and Qcc may be determined for the individual project if a
specic assessment is undertaken.
. Values for Qcf should be assessed and determined for the individual project taking
account of the information provided in Table 4.3 and this section.


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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Table 4.3. Recommended characteristic values of actions due to construction loads during casting of

Action Loaded area Load in kN/m2

(a) Inside the working area 3 m  3 m (or the span 10% of the self-weight of the fresh concrete for
length if less) the design thickness but not less than 0.75 kN/m2
and not more than 1.5 kN/m2
Includes Qca and Qcf
(b) Outside the working area 0.75 kN/m2 covering Qca
(c) Actual area Self-weight of the formwork, load-bearing
element (Qcc and the weight of the fresh
concrete for the design thickness (Qcf

(b) (a) (c) (b) (b) (a) (c) (b)

3000 mm 3000 mm

Note: For action (b) a lower value of Qca than the one in Table 4.1 of EN 1991-1-6. This takes into account the fact that
most site personnel will be in area (a) where the main construction activities are taking place.

Note 3 to Other values may have to be dened, for example when using self-levelling concrete or
cl.4.11.2(1): precast products.
1991-1-6 Horizontal actions of fresh concrete may need to be taken into account where

4.12. Accidental actions

Accidental actions that may occur on the site, for example
. impacts from construction vehicles, cranes, building equipment or materials in transit
(e.g. skip of fresh concrete), and/or
. local failure of nal or temporary supports, including dynamic eects, that may result in
collapse of load-bearing structural members
1991-1-6 have to be taken into account, where relevant.
Note 1 to It should be noted that abnormal concentrations of building equipment and building
cl.4.12(1)P: materials on load-bearing structural members should not be taken into account as
1991-1-6 accidental actions. The transient design situation should be used for this case. However, this
situation of abnormal concentrations of load should be avoided.
Note 2 to When dynamic eects due to accidental actions need to be taken into account a
cl.4.12(1)P: dynamic amplication factor of 2 may be used for the striking action. This can be
1991-1-6 dierent subject to assessment (e.g. a dynamic analysis) and specied for the individual
Note 3 to project.
cl.4.12(1)P: No further guidance is necessary on Note 3 of Clause 4.12(1)P.
1991-1-6 The action due to falls of equipment either onto or from the structure needs to be
cl.4.12(2): dened and taken into account where appropriate. The dynamic eects due to the fall
1991-1-6 need to be considered and may be given in the National Annex or for the individual
cl.4.12(3): project.
1991-1-6 Where relevant, a human impact load may need to be taken into account as an
Note to cl.4.12(3): accidental action, represented by a quasi-static vertical force.
1991-1-6 The recommended design values, conrmed in the UK National Annex, of the
NA2.16: 1991-1-6 human impact force to be used are:


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1. 2.5 kN applied over an area 200 mm  200 mm, to account for stumbling eects
2. 6.0 kN applied over an area 300 mm  300 mm, to account for falling eects.
The eects of the accidental actions described in this section should be assessed to cl.4.12(4):
determine the potential for inducing movement in the structure. The extent and eect of 1991-1-6
any such movement should be determined, and the potential for progressive collapse
Additional information may be obtained from EN 1991-1-7 and the chapter in this Note to cl.4.12(3):
Designers Guide relating to accidental actions. 1991-1-6
Accidental actions used for design situations should be taken into account for any
changes of the execution process. To ensure that the appropriate design criteria are cl.4.12(5):
applied at all times, corrective measures need to be taken as work proceeds. 1991-1-6
No further guidance required on the statement in Clause 4.12(6) Fire actions should be
taken into account, where appropriate. However, more information may be obtained from cl.4.12(5):
EN 1991-1-2 and its Thomas Telford Designers Guide1 and EN 1991-1-7 and the chapter 1991-1-6
in this Designers Guide relating to accidental actions.

4.13. Seismic actions

No further information is given on this Clause 4.13 Seismic actions, except for stressing cl.4.13(1):
the choice of the reference period during execution or repair. 1991-1-6
Reference should be made to EN 1998 and in particular the following parts of EN 1998: cl.4.13(2):
. EN 1998-1: 2004: Design for structures for earthquake resistance. Assessment and retro-
tting of buildings.14
. EN 1998-3: 2004: Design for structures for earthquake resistance. General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings.15


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Supplementary rules for


This chapter is concerned with the Annex A1 (normative) Supplementary rules for buildings
in EN 1991-1-6: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.6: General Actions Actions
during execution. The material described in this chapter which concern basis of structural
design rules during execution is covered in the following clauses:
. Ultimate limit states Clause A1.1: 1991-1-6
. Serviceability limit states Clause A1.2: 1991-1-6
. Horizontal actions Clause A1.3: 1991-1-6

A1.1. Ultimate limit states

The ultimate limit state verications during execution should be based on combinations of cl.A1.1(1):
actions applied with the partial factors for actions F and the appropriate factors for tran- 1991-1-6
sient (Expression 6.10 or 6.10a/610b from EN 1990), accidental (Expression 6.11b from
EN 1990), and seismic (Expression 6.12b from EN 1990) design situations. The values for
the actions should consider the length of a particular execution phase in accordance with
Section 3.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
For buildings, the values for G and Q should be obtained from EN 1990, Annex A1 Note 1 to
and the appropriate National Annex. factors for loads other than the construction cl.A1.1(1):
loads should be obtained from EN 1990, Annex A1 Table A.1.1 and the appropriate 1991-1-6
National Annex.
The representative values of the variable actions due to construction loads may be set by Note 2 to
the National Annex, within a recommended range of 0 0:6 to 1.0. The recommended cl.A1.1(1):
value of 0 is 1.0. The UK National Annex species the recommended values. 1991-1-6
The minimum recommended value of 2 is 0.2 and EN 1991-1-6 recommends that values NA 2.18:
below 0.2 are not selected. The UK National Annex species the recommended values. BS 1991-1-6
Generally, 1 does not apply to construction loads during execution.
Note 3 to
A1.2. Serviceability limit states 1991-1-6
The serviceability limit state verications during execution should be based on combinations
of actions applied with the partial factors for actions F (equal to 1) and the appropriate cl.A1.2(1):
factors for characteristic (Expression 6.14b from EN 1990) and quasi-permanent (Expression 1991-1-6
6.14c from EN 1990) combinations.

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

Note to cl.A1.2(1): The guidance given in Section A1.1 of this guide for values of factors are also applicable
1991-1-6 for serviceability limit state verications.

cl.A1.2(1)P: A1.3. Horizontal actions

1991-1-6 Horizontal actions which result from, for example, wind forces and the eects of sway
Note to imperfections and sway deformations need to be taken into account. Further information
cl.A1.2(1)P: is given in EN 1990 and EN 1991-1-4.
1991-1-6 Nominal horizontal forces (Fhn may be applied only when such a method can be justied
as appropriate and reasonable for a particular case. In such cases, the determined nominal
cl.A1.2(2): horizontal forces should be applied at locations to give the worst eects, and may not
1991-1-6 always correspond to those of the vertical loads. The recommended characteristic value of
these equivalent horizontal forces is 3% of the vertical loads from the most unfavourable
Note to combination of actions. Although the UK National Annex recommends this value it
cl.A1.2(2)2: states in addition the recommended value may be appropriate; however, values should be
1991-1-6 determined and dened for the individual project (NA 2.19: BS EN 1991-1-6).
NA 2.19:
BS 1991-1-6


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Supplementary rules for bridges

No guidance is given in the Designers Guide for Annex A2 (normative) Supplementary rules Annex A2:
for bridges. Information can be found in the Designers Guide for Actions on Bridges. 1991-1-6

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Actions on structures during

alteration, reconstruction or

No additional guidance is considered necessary in this Designers Guide for Annex B Annex B: 1991-1-6
(informative) Actions on structures during alteration, reconstruction or demolition.

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PART 6: EN 1991-1-6

References for Part 6

1. EN 1991-1-6: 2005. Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures. Part 1-6: General Actions
Actions during execution. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2005.
2. ISO 12494: 2001. Atmospheric icing of structures. International Organisation for
Standardisation, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001.
3. British Constructional Steelwork Association. BCSA Publication No. 39/05, Guide to
steel erection in windy conditions. BCSA, London, 2005.
4. CEB Bulletin 191. General Principles on Reliability for Structures A commentary on ISO
2394 approved by the Plenum of the JCSS. b, Lausanne, 1988, 62 pp.
5. EN 12810-1: 2003. Facade scaolds made of prefabricated components Part 1: Products
specications. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2003.
6. EN 12811-1: 2003. Temporary works equipment Part 1: Scaolds Performance
requirements and general design. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels,
7. EN 12812: 2008. Falsework Performance requirements and general design. European
Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2008.
8. EN 12813: 2004. Temporary works equipment Load bearing towers of prefabricated
components Particular methods of structural design. European Committee for Standar-
disation, Brussels, 2004.
9. Gulvanessian, H., Calgaro, J.-A. and Holicky, M. Designers Guide to EN 1990.
Eurocode: Basis for Structural Design. Thomas Telford, London, 2002, ISBN 0 7277
3011 8.
10. Carper, K. Beware of vulnerabilities during construction. Construction and equipment,
11. EN 1993-3: 2006. Eurocode 3 Design of steel structures Part 3-1: Towers, masts
and chimneys Towers and masts. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels,
12. Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Committee 21 D. Cast-in-Place Concrete
in Tall Building Design and Construction. McGraw-Hill, Ch. 2: Construction loads.
13. El-Shahhat, A. M., Rosowsky, D. V. and Chen, W. F. Partial Factor Design for
Reinforced Concrete Buildings during Construction. ACI Structural Journal, July
August 1994.
14. EN 1998-1: 2004. Design for structures for earthquake resistance. Assessment and
retrotting of buildings. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2004.
15. EN 1998-3: 2004. Design for structures for earthquake resistance. General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, 2004.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7:
Eurocode 1:
Part 1-7: Accidental actions

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This chapter is concerned with the general aspects of EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions
on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental actions.1 The material described in
this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Scope Clause 1.1: 1991-1-7
. Normative references Clause 1.2: 1991-1-7
. Assumptions Clause 1.3: 1991-1-7
. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules Clause 1.4: 1991-1-7
. Terms and denitions Clause 1.5: 1991-1-7
. Symbols Clause 1.6: 1991-1-7

1.1. Scope
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental cl.1.1(1): 1991-1-7
actions is one of the ten Parts of EN 1991. It gives strategies and rules for safeguarding
buildings and other civil engineering works (e.g. bridges) against identiable and unidenti-
able accidental actions.
EN 1991-1-7 denes the strategies based on: cl.1.1(2): 1991-1-7
. identied accidental actions, and
. limiting the extent of localised failure (e.g. when the accidental action is unidentied).
Typical examples of accidental actions that can be identied include re, some explosions,
earthquakes, impacts, oods, avalanches and landslides.
Next to these identied accidental actions, structural members may get damaged for a
variety of less identiable reasons such as human errors in design and construction,
improper use, exposure to aggressive agencies, failure of equipment, malicious attacks
(e.g. terrorist attacks), warfare and so on.
EN 1991-1-7 gives general guidelines on dealing with the eects of identied and uniden-
tied accidental actions. Because of the nature of accidental loads the design approach is
dierent from that for normal loads (e.g. imposed loads and climatic actions). Local
damage may be acceptable and non-structural measures (e.g. sprinkler installations or
vent openings) may prove to be more cost-eective than structural ones.
EN 1991-1-7 comprehensively deals with many topics including: cl.1.1(3): 1991-1-7
. impact (in Section 4 of EN 1991-1-7)
. explosions (in Section 5 of EN 1991-1-7).
The code includes a number of key informative annexes on the following:

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

. Design for the consequences of localised failure in buildings from an unspecied cause (in
Annex A of EN 1991-1-7).
. Information on risk assessment which may have to be used for eects giving rise to high
consequences of failure are given in Annex B of EN 1991-1-7.
. Dynamic design for impact. Section 4 gives values of actions due to impact from trac,
trains etc. As an alternative these can be directly obtained using Annex C of EN 1991-1-7.
. Internal explosions (in Annex D of EN 1991-1-7).

cl.1.1(4): 1991-1-7 No additional comment is required for Clauses 1.1(4) and (1.1.5).
cl.1.1(5): 1991-1-7 Although EN 1991-1-7 does not specically deal with accidental actions caused by
cl.1.1(6): 1991-1-7 external explosions, warfare and terrorist activities, this clause does refer to Clause 3.1(2)
Note 3 of cl.3.1(2): of EN 1991-1-7, which in its Note 3 states:
Strategies based on unidentied accidental actions cover a wide range of possible events and are
related to strategies based on limiting the extent of localised failure. The adoption of strategies for
limiting the extent of localised failure may provide adequate robustness against those accidental
actions identied in 1.1(6), . . . .

cl.1.1(6): 1991-1-7 In addition EN 1991-1-7 does not deal with the residual stability of buildings or other
civil engineering works damaged by seismic action or re, etc. Fire and earthquakes are
dealt with in specic parts in the Eurocode system.
Events, which are generally denoted as accidents, such as persons falling through
windows or roofs, are outside the scope of EN 1991-1-7. The reason is this type of acci-
dent has no potential for damaging the structural system.
This Designers Guide will only give guidance on the parts of EN 1991-1-7 dealing with
buildings. Bridges are covered by the Thomas Telford Designers Guide on Actions on

EN 1990 requirements aecting EN 1991-1-7

Very relevant to the logic used in developing EN 1991-1-7 and the determination of
Accidental actions, are the following clauses from EN 1990:
. 2.1 Basic Requirements EN 1990 Clauses 2.1(4)P and 2.1(5)P, and
. 2.2 Reliability dierentiation EN 1990 Clause 2.2(3)
which are given below.
2.1(4)P A structure shall be designed and executed in such a way that it will not be
damaged by events such as:
. explosion
. impact, and
. the consequences of human errors,
to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.
Note 1. The events to be taken into account are those agreed for an individual project
with the client and the relevant authority.
Note 2. Further information is given in EN 1991-1-7.
2.1(5)P Potential damage shall be avoided or limited by appropriate choice of one or
more of the following:
. avoiding, eliminating or reducing the hazards to which the structure can be subjected
. selecting a structural form which has low sensitivity to the hazards considered
. selecting a structural form and design that can survive adequately the accidental removal
of an individual member or a limited part of the structure, or the occurrence of acceptable
localised damage


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. avoiding as far as possible structural systems that can collapse without warning
. tying the structural members together.
2.2(3) The choice of the levels of reliability for a particular structure should take account
of the relevant factors, including:
. the possible cause and/or mode of attaining a limit state
. the possible consequences of failure in terms of risk of life, injury, potential economical
. public aversion to failure
. the expense and procedures necessary to reduce the risk of failure.

1.2. Normative references

No comment is necessary on the quoted references, all of which now have the status of cls.1.2: 1991-1-7

1.3. Assumptions
EN 1991-1-7 (Clause 1.3: 1991-1-7) directly references EN 1990 Clause 1.3. cl.1.3: 1991-1-7
The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.3 apply to all the Eurocode
parts, and designers guidance for these are given in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide
to EN 1990.3

1.4. Distinction between Principles and Application Rules

EN 1991-1-7 directly references EN 1990 Clause 1.4. cl.1.4: 1991-1-7
The statements and assumptions given in EN 1990 Clause 1.4 apply to all the Eurocode
parts and designers guidance for these are given in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide
to EN 1990.

1.5. Terms and denitions

Most of the denitions given in EN 1991-1-7 derive from ISO 23944, ISO 38985, and cl.1.5: 1991-1-7
ISO 89306 and ISO 4355. In addition reference should be made to EN 1990 which provides
a basic list of terms and denitions which are applicable to EN 1990 to EN 1999, thus
ensuring a common basis for the Eurocode suite.
For the structural Eurocode suite, attention is drawn to the following key denitions,
which may be dierent from current national practices:
. Action means a load, or an imposed deformation (e.g. temperature eects or settlement).
. Eects of Actions or Action eects are internal moments and forces, bending moments,
shear forces and deformations caused by actions.
From the many denitions provided in EN 1990, those that apply for use with EN 1991 cl.1.4(a), (b), (c)
are described in Chapter 1 Clause 1.4(a), (b), (c) and (d): 1991-1-1. and (d): 1991-1-1
The following comments are made with regard to particular denitions in order to help
the understanding of EN 1991-1-7.
(a) Accidental action is not dened in EN 1991-1-7. Accidental actions are actions with low
probability, severe consequences of failure and usually of short duration. The EN 1990
denition is reproduced below.
An action, usually of short duration, but of signicant magnitude, that is unlikely to occur on a
given structure during the design working life.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Note: An accidental action can be expected in many cases to cause severe consequences
unless appropriate measures are taken.
cl.1.5.2: 1991-1-7 (b) A denition is given for consequence class as follows.
Classication of the consequences of failure of the structure or part of it.
Note that the concept of consequence classes is introduced in Annex B of EN 1990, and
is discussed in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide to EN 1990.
cl.1.5.14: 1991-1-7 (c) A denition is given for robustness as follows.
The ability of a structure to withstand events like re, explosions, impact or the consequences of
human error, without being damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause.
To help with the better appreciation of this denition for robustness, the denition for
progressive collapse is given below.
A chain reaction of failures following damage to a relatively small portion of a structure. The
damage resulting from progressive collapse is disproportionate to the damage that initiated the
Note that in extreme circumstances if the accidental event is massive then progressive
collapse may be considered proportionate.
An example of a disproportionate collapse is the collapse of Ronan Point shown in
Fig. 1.1.

Fig. 1.1. The disproportionate collapse of Ronan Point


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The concrete panel building was subjected to an accidental event on 16 May 1968,
caused by a gas explosion which occurred at 5.45 a.m. in the kitchen of a at located
at the 18th oor. The explosion caused a progressive collapse with a domino eect,
involving the south-east corner of the building.
(d) The denitions for substructure and superstructure can be the cause of confusion,
because the denitions are dierent for buildings and bridges. The denitions are repro-
duced below but with the denition for buildings given in bold italics.
That part of a building structure that supports the superstructure. In the case of buildings this cl.1.5.15: 1991-1-7
usually relates to the foundations and other construction work below ground level. In the case of
bridges this usually relates to foundations, abutments, piers and columns etc.
That part of a building structure that is supported by the substructure. In the case of buildings cl.1.5.16: 1991-1-7
this usually relates to the above ground construction. In the case of bridges this usually relates to
the bridge deck.

1.6. Symbols
The notation in Clause 1.6: EN 1991-1-7 is based on ISO 3898. cl.1.6(1): 1991-1-7
EN 1990 Clause 1.6 provides a comprehensive list of symbols, some of which may be
appropriate for use with EN 1991-1-7. The symbols given in Clause 1.6(1): 1991-1-7 are
additional notations specic to this part of EN 1991-1-7.


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Classication of actions

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to classication of the actions in EN 1991-1-
7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental actions. The
material described in this chapter is covered in the following clause:
. Classication of actions Clause 2.1: 1991-1-7

Clause 2.1(1)P gives a table which species the relevant clauses and sub-clauses in cl.2.1(1)P:
EN 1990, which apply to the design of a structure subjected to Accidental actions, including 1991-1-7
the following:

(a) EN 1990 Clause 4.1.2(8) states that for accidental actions the design value Ad should be
specied for individual projects.
. where A is an accidental action, and
. Ad is the design value of an accidental action.

(b) The combination of actions for the accidental design situation is given by Clause
of EN 1990 as:
Gk; j 00 00 P 00 00 Ad 00 00 1;1 or 2;1 Qk;1 00 00 2;i Qk;i 6.11b/EN 1990
j1 i>1

The choice between 1;1 Qk;1 or 2;1 Qk;1 should be related to the relevant accidental
design situation (impact, re or survival after an accidental event or situation). In the
UK National Annex for EN 1990, 1;1 Qk;1 should only be used.

(c) In accordance with EN 1990 Clause A1.3.2. The partial factors for actions for the
ultimate limit states in the accidental design situations should be 1.0.
EN 1991-1-7 classies Accidental actions due to impact as free actions unless cl.2.1(1)P:
otherwise specied. 1991-1-7
It does not classify accidental actions due to explosions which may in some cases be
treated as xed action at the point of consideration (e.g. on a key element dened in cl.1.5.10:
EN 1991-1-7 as a structural member upon which the stability of the remainder of the 1991-1-7
structure depends.

Dierences between an Accidental and Variable actions

Figure 2.1 (obtained from the background document for EN 1991-1-7, which can be
obtained from the CEN/TC250 Secretariat, BSI) shows the typical dierence between a
variable and an accidental action as far as the time characteristics are concerned.

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7


Time Time
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.1. Typical time characteristics of (a) accidental and (b) variable load

A typical accidental action (Fig. 2.1(a)) will most probably not occur during the design
working life of the structure. If it does occur, it will normally last only a short time, varying
from a few seconds (for explosions) to some days (for oods).
A variable action (Fig. 2.1(b)) is nearly always present, although its value may be small for
a substantial part of the time. However, signicant high values will in most cases (e.g. wind,
snow) occur many times during the design life of the structure.
Another dierence between a variable and an accidental action is the action intensity. The
accidental action is so intense that it is considered an extremely rare event, unlikely to occur
during normal use of the structure.


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Design situations

This chapter is concerned with the general concepts of design situations relating to
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental
actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. General Clause 3.1: 1991-1-7
. Accidental design situations strategies for identied
accidental actions Clause 3.2: 1991-1-7
. Accidental design situations strategies for limiting the extent
of localised failure Clause 3.3: 1991-1-7
. Accidental design situations use of consequence classes Clause 3.4: 1991-1-7

3.1. General
In accordance with Clause 3.2 of EN 1990, the term design situation is dened to mean the
circumstances in which the structure may be required to full its function. The selected
design situations have to be suciently severe and varied enough to encompass all condi-
tions that can reasonably be foreseen to occur during the execution and use of the structure.
The phrase which can reasonably be foreseen is somewhat ambiguous in the case of
accidental situations, the characteristics of which are that they cannot easily be foreseen in
detail or maybe not at all. In EN 1991-1-7 therefore a distinction is made between so-
called identied and unidentied actions. See Section 3.2 of this Part of this Designers
EN 1990 Clause 3.2 identies the following design situations for the verication of cl.3.1(1)P:
ultimate limit states: 1991-1-7
. persistent design situations, which refer to the conditions of normal use
. transient design situations, which refer to temporary conditions applicable to the
structure, e.g. during execution or repair
. accidental design situations, which refer to exceptional conditions applicable to the
structure or to its exposure, e.g. explosions
. seismic design situations.
Each of these design situations is linked to a particular expression for the combination
of action eects as follows:
. persistent and transient design situations, which refer to expressions (6.10), or (6.10a)
and (6.10b) in EN 1990
. accidental design situations, which refers to expression (6.11b) in EN 1990
. seismic design situations, which refers to expression (6.12b) in EN 1990.

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

In addition, thermal actions need to be determined for the verication of serviceability

limit states and the following expressions for the combination of action eects given in
EN 1990:
. the characteristic combination which refers to expression (6.14b) of EN 1990
. the frequent combination which refers to expression (6.15b) of EN 1990
. the quasi-permanent combination which refers to expression (6.16b) of EN 1990.
Accidental actions are used only with the accidental design situation which refers to
expression (6.11b) in EN 1990.

Design for accidental actions and the acceptance of localised damage

The objective of design is to reduce risks at an economical acceptable price. Risk may
be dened as the danger that undesired events represent. Risk is expressed in terms of
the probability and consequences of undesired events. Risk-reducing measures consist
in reducing the probability of an event occurring, and the consequences of the occur-
ring event. Therefore risk-reducing measures should be given high priority in design for
accidental actions, and also be taken into account in design.
No structure can be expected to resist all actions that could arise due to an extreme
cause, but there should be a reasonable probability that a structure will not be damaged
to an extent disproportionate to the original cause, which is an EN 1990 requirement.
As a result of this requirement, local failure (which in most cases may be identied
as a component failure) may be accepted in accidental design situations, provided that
it does not lead to a system failure. The consequence is that redundancy and non-linear
eects both regarding material behaviour and geometry have a greater inuence in
design to mitigate accidental actions than in the case of variable actions.

EN 1991-1-7 makes a distinction between identied and unidentied actions.

The identied actions may be analysed using classical (advanced) structural analysis.
For the unidentied actions more general robustness requirements (e.g. prescribed tying
forces) have been introduced. These are described in Chapter 5 and 6 of this Part of this
Designers Guide.
cl.3.1(2): 1991-1-7 The strategies to be considered for accidental design situations are illustrated in Fig.
3.1, which is reproduced from EN 1991-1-7.
Note 1 to cl.3.1(2): The strategies and rules to be taken into account for the individual project should be
1991-1-7 agreed with the client and the relevant authority.
The two strategies shown in Fig. 3.1 recognise that an accidental action can be an
Note 2 to cl.3.1(2): identied (e.g. a delivery lorry impacting a large supermarket) or an unidentied (e.g. an
1991-1-7 internal gas explosion in a block of ats) accidental action. For a design based on the
strategies for identied accidental actions see Section 3.2 below. Notional values for
limiting the extent of local failure are given in Section 3.3 below.
For a design based on the strategies for unidentied accidental actions see Section 3.3
below. This strategy covers a wide range of possible events and is related to strategies based
on limiting the extent of localised failure. Guidance for buildings is given in Annex A in this
Part and in Chapter 6 of this Designers Guide.
This strategy, based on limiting the extent of localised failure, can also be used for
identied accidental actions. Figure 3.2 shows various hazards which may either be vari-
able or accidental actions that can occur on a multi-storey building. Concerning the
hazards caused by the crash of a helicopter, or an impact from a vehicle on the ground
oor of a building, although the accidental action for impact may be determinable, a
design based on limiting the extent of localised failure will also prove satisfactory.
Note 3 to cl.3.1(2): The adoption of strategies for limiting the extent of localised failure may provide
1991-1-7 adequate robustness against those accidental actions caused by external explosions,
warfare and some malicious (e.g. terrorist) activities, or any other action resulting from an
unspecied cause.


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Accidental design situations

Strategies based on identified accidental actions Strategies based on limiting the extent
e.g. explosions and impact of localised failure

Design the Preventing or Design structure Enhanced Key element Prescriptive rules
structure to have reducing the to sustain the redundancy designed to e.g. integrity
sufficient action e.g. action e.g. alternative sustain notional and ductility
robustness protective load paths accidental
measures action Ad

Fig. 3.1. Strategies for accidental design situations

Most of the rules in EN 1991-1-7 for limiting the extent of localised failure and thus
helping ensure against disproportionate collapse are based on the UK Codes of Practice
BS 8110,7 BS 59508 and BS 56289 and other ocial guidance on meeting the Building
Regulations in the UK. These rules have proved satisfactory over the past three decades.
Their eciency was dramatically demonstrated during the IRA bomb attacks that
occurred in the City of London in 1992 and 1993. Although the rules were not intended
to safeguard buildings against terrorist attack, the damage sustained by those buildings
close to the seat of the explosions that were designed to meet the regulatory requirement
relating to disproportionate collapse was found to be far less compared with other build-
ings that were subjected to a similar level of abuse.
For the strategy based on identied accidental actions, notional values for identied Note 4 to cl.3.1(2):
accidental actions (e.g. for certain impacts) are given in EN 1991-1-7. These values which 1991-1-7
are discussed in Chapter 4 of this Part of this Designers Guide may be altered in the
National Annex or for an individual project and agreed for the design by the client and
the relevant authority.
For some structures subjected to accidental actions from which there is no risk to Note 5 to cl.3.1(2):
human life, and where economic, social or environmental consequences are negligible (e.g. 1991-1-7
a rural agricultural building where people do not normally enter), the complete collapse of
the structure caused by an extreme event may be acceptable. The circumstances when such
a collapse is acceptable may be agreed for the individual project with the client and the
relevant authority.

Crash of a helicopter

Heavy snow

Very high wind

Internally Hit by an aeroplane


Internal gas

Impact from vehicles

Fig. 3.2. Hazards on a building


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

3.2. Accidental design situations strategies for identied

accidental actions
Note 1 to cl.3.2(1): The accidental actions that need to be taken into account are those agreed for the indivi-
1991-1-7 dual project with the client and the relevant competent authority. This is in accordance
with Note 1 of Clause 2.4(1) of EN 1990.
cl.3.2(1): 1991-1-7 In theory a majority of structures are susceptible to identied accidental actions, e.g.
impact from heavy vehicles, aeroplanes etc. However, to design a structure to every
accidental action to which it may be susceptible is not viable economically and therefore
the accidental actions that should be taken into account in accordance with Clause
3.2(1): 1991-1-7 depend upon:
. the measures taken for preventing or reducing the severity of an accidental action as
described in items (a) and (b) below
. the probability of occurrence of the identied accidental action which can be obtained
from statistical or historic information
. the consequences of failure due to the identied accidental action; as an example Table 3.1
below is given which is reproduced from Annex B of EN 1990.
Public perception does not accept fatalities and injuries due to structural failure (at
home, at the workplace, during recreational and other activities etc.), for the design
working life of a structure compared to fatalities arising from other hazards and events.
The concept of acceptable risk of human death resulting from structural failure raises
very sensitive questions, concerned with public perception. Fatalities due to accidents,
taken from recent gures5 given in Table 3.2 are considered to reect the public perception
of acceptability of fatalities for dierent types of accidents and exposure to serious
Note 2 to cl.3.2(1): The level of acceptable risk, depends mainly on the consequences of failure, public
1991-1-7 perception and political and economic matters. In practice, the occurrence and con-
sequences of accidental actions can be associated with a certain risk level as described in
Annex B of EN 1990 and explained in the Thomas Telford EN 1990 Designers Guide. If
this level cannot be accepted, additional measures are necessary. A zero risk level,
however, is impracticable and in most cases it is necessary to accept a certain level of risk.
Such a risk level can be determined by various factors, such as the potential number of
casualties, the economic consequences and the cost of safety measures, etc.
No further comment is required on Note 3 to Clause 3.2(1): 1991-1-7.
cl.3.2(2): 1991-1-7 For a majority of situations a localised failure due to an accidental action is acceptable
and possibly unavoidable, provided the localised failure will not endanger the stability
of the whole structure and that the overall load-bearing capacity of the structure is
maintained and allows necessary emergency measures to be taken.

Table 3.1. Denition of consequences classes

Consequences Examples of buildings and civil

class Description engineering works

CC3 High consequence for loss of human life, or Grandstands, public buildings where
economic, social or environmental consequences of failure are high (e.g. a
consequences very great concert hall)
CC2 Medium consequence for loss of human life, Residential and oce buildings, public
economic, social or environmental buildings where consequences of failure are
consequences considerable medium (e.g. an oce building)
CC1 Low consequence for loss of human life, and Agricultural buildings where people do not
economic, social or environmental normally enter (e.g. storage buildings,
consequences small or negligible greenhouses)


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Table 3.2. Accepted risks of death due to exposure to various hazards

Risk Risk
Hazard (106 p.a.)* Hazard (106 p.a.)*

Building hazards Occupations (UK)

Structural failure (UK) 0.14 Chemical and allied industries 85
Building res (Australia) 4 Shipbuilding and marine engineering 105
Agriculture 110
Construction industries 150
Railways 180
Coalmining 210
Quarrying 295
Mining (non-coal) 750
Oshore oil and gas (19671976) 1650
Deep sea shing (19591978) 2800
Natural hazards (US) Sports (US)
Hurricanes (19011972) 0.4 Cave exploration (19701978) 45
Tornadoes (19531971) 0.4 Glider ying (19701978) 400
Lightning (1969) 0.5 Scuba diving (19701978) 420
Earthquakes (California) 2 Hang gliding (19771979) 1500
Parachuting (1978) 1900
General accidents (US 1969) All causes (UK 1977)
Poisoning 20 Whole population 12 000
Drowning 30 Woman aged 30 600
Fires and burns 40 Man aged 30 1000
Falls 90 Woman aged 60 10 000
Road accidents 300 Man aged 60 20 000
Risk expressed as probability of death for typical exposed person per calendar year.

For building structures, such emergency measures can involve the safe evacuation of Note 1 of cl.3.2(2):
persons from the premises and its surroundings immediately after the accidental action 1991-1-7
has occurred.
No comment is necessary on Note 2 of Clause 3.2(2): 1991-1-7, as this has been Note 2 of cl.3.2(2):
described in the Thomas Telford Guide for Actions on Bridges. 1991-1-7
Within the strategy based on identied accidental actions, measures should be taken to
mitigate the risk of accidental actions. In accordance with EN 1991-1-7 these measures cl.3.2(3): 1991-1-7
can include, as appropriate, one or more of the following:
(a) By preventing the action from occurring, e.g. in the case of building over a road by
providing adequate clearances between the tracked lanes and the structure. Or redu-
cing the magnitude of the action to an acceptable level through the structural design
process, e.g. in the case of buildings by providing sacricial venting components with
a low mass and strength to reduce the eect of explosions;
(b) Protecting the structure against the eects of an accidental action by reducing the eects
of the action on the structure, e.g. by providing protective bollards, safety barriers or
continuous protection in the form of heavy elements built into the ground.
(c) Providing sucient robustness to the structure by adopting one or more of the following
. By designing certain components of the structure upon which stability depends as
key elements (see Sections A.4 to A.8 of this Part of this Designers Guide) to
increase the likelihood of the structures survival following an accidental event.
. Designing structural members, and selecting materials, to have sucient ductility
capable of absorbing signicant strain energy without rupture.
. Incorporating sucient redundancy in the structure to facilitate the transfer of
actions to alternative load paths following an accidental event.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Note 1 of cl.3.2(3): It may not always be possible to protect the structure by reducing the eects of an
1991-1-7 accidental action, or preventing an action from occurring. This is because an action is
dependent upon factors which, over the design working life of the structure, may not
necessarily be part of the design assumptions. Preventative measures may involve periodic
inspection and maintenance during the design working life of the structure.
No further comment is necessary on Note 2 of Clause 3.2(3): 1991-1-7.
The design philosophy necessitates that accidental actions are treated in a special
manner with respect to partial safety factors for actions and load combinations. Partial
load factors to be applied are dened in EN 1990 to be 1.0 for all actions (permanent,
variable and accidental).
cl.3.2(4)P: Hence, accidental actions need to, where appropriate, be applied simultaneously in
1991-1-7 combination with permanent and other variable actions in accordance with EN 1990,, using the following expression:
Gk; j 00 00 P 00 00 Ad 00 00 1;1 or 2;1 Qk;1 00 00 2;i Qk;i
j1 i>1

Note to cl.3.2(4)P: For , values for variable actions may be obtained from Annex A of EN 1990 or the
1991-1-7 appropriate national Annex.
Clause 3.2(5)P: EN 1991-1-7 requires that the safety of the structure immediately following the occur-
1991-1-7 rence of the accidental action needs to be taken into account.
Note to cl.3.2(5)P: The expression given above applies with the following qualication in: Combinations
1991-1-7 for accidental design situations either involve an explicit accidental action Ad (e.g. an
impact) or refer to a situation after an accidental event with Ad 0.
After an accidental event the structure will normally not have the required strength in
persistent and transient design situations and will have to be strengthened for a possible
continued application. In temporary phases there may be reasons for a relaxation of the
requirements, e.g. by allowing wind or wave loads for shorter return periods to be applied
in the analysis after an accidental event.

3.3. Accidental design situations strategies for limiting the

extent of localised failure
The design for unidentied accidental load is presented in Annex A of EN 1991-1-7.
Design rules for providing robustness by limiting the extent of localised failure were devel-
oped and made a regulatory requirement in the early 1970s following the partial collapse
of Ronan Point (see Fig. 1.1), a block of ats in east London caused by a gas explosion.
In addition, largely prescriptive design rules were introduced in UK Codes of Practice.
The rules have changed little over the intervening years. They aim to provide a level of
building robustness, thus safeguarding buildings against a disproportionate extent of
collapse following local damage being sustained from an accidental event.
The rules have proved satisfactory over the past three decades. Their eciency was
dramatically demonstrated during the bomb attacks that occurred in the City of London
in 1992 and 1993. Although the rules were not intended to safeguard buildings against
malicious attack, the damage sustained by those buildings close to the seat of the explo-
sions that were designed to meet the regulatory requirement relating to disproportionate
collapse was found to be far less compared with other buildings (e.g. the Muhra building
in Oklahoma) that were subjected to a similar level of abuse.
cl.3.3(1)P: In the design, the potential failure of the structure arising from an unspecied cause
1991-1-7 is required to be mitigated as follows by adopting one or more of the following
cl.3.3(2): 1991-1-7 approaches:
(a) Designing key elements, which is dened in (Clause 1.5(10): 1991-1-7) as a structural
member upon which the stability of the remainder of the structure (after an accidental


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(a) (b)

(A) Local damage not exceeding 100 m2 or 15% of floor area whichever is less
in each of two adjacent storeys.
(B) Column to be notionally removed.
(a) Plan (b) Section

Fig. 3.3. Recommended limit of admissible damage

action has caused local damage) depends. The key element needs to sustain the eects of 1991-1-7
a model of accidental action Ad .
The denition of the model and the design value of Ad is allowed in the National Note 1 to
Annex. For buildings, EN 1991-1-7 recommends a model of a uniformly distributed cl.3.3(2)a:
notional load applicable in any direction to the key element and any attached compo- 1991-1-7
nents (e.g. claddings, etc.). The recommended value for the uniformly distributed load UK NA 2.4:
given by EN 1991-1-7 is 34 kN/m2 for building structures. The UK National Annex 1991-1-7
species the use of the recommended model and 34 kN/m2 for the uniformly distributed UK NA 2.5:
load (UK NA 2.4: 1991-1-7) (UK NA 2.5: 1991-1-7). 1991-1-7
(b) Designing the structure so that in the event of a localised failure (e.g. failure of a single cl.3.3(2)b:
member) the stability of the remaining whole structure or of a signicant part of it is not 1991-1-7
The choice of the acceptable limit of localised failure is allowed in the National Note 2 to
Annex. The indicative limit for building structures is 100 m2 or 15% of the oor area, cl.3.3(2)b:
whichever is less, on two adjacent oors caused by the removal of any supporting 1991-1-7
column, pier or wall. See Fig. 3.3.
Although the UK National Annex species 100 m2 or 15% (UK NA 2.5: 1991-1-7) it UK NA 2.5:
should be noted that the ocial guidance in the Building Regulations in the UK at the 1991-1-7
present time (2009) recommends 70 m2.
The above limits are likely to provide the structure with sucient robustness
regardless of whether an identied accidental action has been taken into account.
(c) Designing the structure by applying prescriptive design/detailing rules that provide cl.3.3(2)c:
acceptable robustness for the structure (e.g. three-dimensional tying for additional 1991-1-7
integrity, or a minimum level of ductility of structural members subject to impact)
(Clause 3.3(2)c: 1991-1-7).

Example 3.1
Considering Clauses 3.3(2)a, b and c: 1991-1-7 a design may provide eective hori-
zontal and vertical ties in accordance with the BSI structural codes of practice.
Where such provisions cannot be made, it is recommended that the structure be
designed to bridge over the limited, localised area of collapse caused by the notional
loss of member.
If this is not possible, such a member should be designed as a protected (or key)
element capable of sustaining additional loads related to a pressure of 34 kN/m2 as
described in Clause 3.3(2)a: 1991-1-7.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Fig. 3.4. Example of an unidentied accidental action

Note 3 to The National Annex may state which of the approaches given in Section 3.3 are to be
cl.3.3(2)b: considered for various structures. Examples for buildings are discussed in Chapter 6 in
1991-1-7 this Part of this Designers Guide.
Figure 3.4 shows an example of a collapse, caused by an accidental action due to a
collapsed crane. This action would not normally have been identied at the time of the
design for the damaged older buildings.

3.4. Accidental design situations use of consequence classes

cl.3.4(1): 1991-1-7 Selecting strategies and the appropriate measures for designing to accidental design
Note 1 to situations can be based on the consideration of the following consequence classes as set
cl.3.4(1): out in EN 1990 Annex B where further information is given.
1991-1-7 . CC1 Low consequences of failure
. CC2 Medium consequences of failure
. CC3 High consequences of failure
See also Section 3.2 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
Note 2 to The measures selected in the design can be dierent in some parts of the structure
cl.3.4(1): 1991-1-7 which may belong to a dierent consequence class. An example is a structurally separate
low-rise wing of a building that is serving a less critical function than the main building.
Note 3 to cl.3.4(1): Preventative and/or protective measures can be employed and these are intended
1991-1-7 to remove or to reduce the probability of damage to the structure. The design may take
this into consideration by assigning the structure to a lower consequence class or more
appropriately a consideration of a reduction of forces on the structure.


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The National Annex can provide a categorisation of structures according to the Note 4 to cl.3.4(1):
consequence classes mentioned above. A suggested classication of consequence classes 1991-1-7
relating to buildings is provided in Chapter 6.
The accidental design situations for the dierent consequence classes given above may cl.3.4(2): 1991-1-7
be considered in the design as follows:
. For structures under CC1 (e.g. greenhouses, single-occupancy dwellings): no specic
consideration is necessary for accidental actions provided that the robustness and
stability rules given in EN 1990 to EN 1999, as applicable to CC1 structures, are met
(see Chapter 6 of this Part).
. For structures under CC2 (e.g. oces), depending upon the specic circumstances of the
structure, a simplied analysis by static equivalent action models may be adopted or
prescriptive design/detailing rules may be applied (see Chapter 6 of this Part).
. For structures under CC3 (e.g. major grandstands, concert halls) an examination of the
specic case will need to be carried out to determine the level of reliability and the depth
of structural analyses required. This may require a risk analysis to be carried out and the
use of rened methods such as dynamic analyses, non-linear models and interaction
between the load and the structure (see Chapter 6 of this Part).
Examples have been given above for CC1, CC2 and CC3. However, the National Note to cl.3.4(2):
Annex can give reference to, as non-conicting, complementary information, appropriate 1991-1-7
design approaches for higher and lower consequence classes.


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This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to accidental actions due to impact in
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental
actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:

. Field of application Clause 4.1: 1991-1-7

. Representation of actions Clause 4.2: 1991-1-7
. Accidental actions caused by road vehicles Clause 4.3: 1991-1-7
. Accidental actions caused by forklift trucks Clause 4.4: 1991-1-7
. Accidental actions caused by derailed rail trac under or
adjacent to structures Clause 4.5: 1991-1-7
. Accidental actions caused by ship trac Clause 4.6: 1991-1-7
. Accidental actions caused by helicopters Clause 4.7: 1991-1-7

4.1. Field of application

This section of EN 1991-1-1 is concerned with accidental actions due to the following cl.4.1(1): 1991-1-7

. Impact from road vehicles. EN 1991-1-6 excludes guidance on collisions on lightweight Note 1 to cl.4.1(1):
structures and gives the following examples of lightweight structures: footbridges, 1991-1-7
lighting columns. See Section 4.3 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
. Impact from forklift trucks which is described in Section 4.4 of this Part of this
Designers Guide.
. Impact from trains with exclusions on lightweight structures which is described in
Section 4.5 of this Part of this Designers Guide.
. Impact from ships.
. The hard landing of helicopters on roofs of buildings which is described in Section 4.7
of this Part of this Designers Guide.
The guidance in this Designers Guide is limited to accidental actions due to impact on Note 2 to cl.4.1(1):
buildings. The Thomas Telford Designers Guide relating to Actions on Bridges covers 1991-1-7
accidental actions due to impact on bridges. Note 3 to cl.4.1(1):
No further guidance is required on Notes 2 and 3 of Clause 4.1. 1991-1-7
For buildings, actions due to impact need to be taken into account for the following: cl.4.1(2)P: 1991-1-7
. buildings used for car parking, where information is given on impact due to smaller
collision forces (i.e. private vehicles or light vans) in EN 1991-1-1 Annex B and
described in Part 1, Chapter 8 of this Designers Guide

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

. buildings in which vehicles or forklift trucks are permitted (see Section 4.4)
. buildings that are located adjacent to either road or railway trac (see Sections 4.3
and 4.5), and
cl.4.1(4)P: 1991-1-7 . buildings where the roof contains a designated helicopter landing pad (see Section 4.7).
cl.4.1(3): 1991-1-7 Clause 4.1(3) is meant for bridges, but the part of the guidance given in this clause is
also applicable for buildings. In particular the actions due to impact should consider any
mitigating measures provided, the type of trac (e.g. delivery lorries near a hypermarket)
and the consequences of the impact.

4.2. Representation of actions

cl.4.2(1): 1991-1-7 In principle, the mechanical eects of an impact should be determined by a dynamic
analysis, taking into account the eects of time and the real behaviour of materials. But,
in common cases, actions due to impact are represented by an equivalent static force, i.e.
an alternative representation for the dynamic force intended to cover the dynamic
response of the structure without rened calculations.
cl.1.5.5: 1991-1-7 The collision force is a dynamic force, i.e. a force, with an associated contact area at
Note 1 to cl.4.2(1): the point of impact, that varies in time and which may cause signicant dynamic eects
1991-1-7 on the structure. It depends on the interaction between the impacting object and the
cl.1.5.5: 1991-1-7 This simplied representation, as shown in Fig. 4.1 (reproduced from EN 1991-1-7
Fig. 1.1), gives a simplied representation of a dynamic force, the structural response and
the static equivalent force.
Note 2 to cl.4.2(1): Impact loading is the result of a collision between two objects. The basic variables for
1991-1-7 impact analysis are the impact velocity of the impacting object and the mass distribution,
deformation behaviour and damping characteristics of both the impacting object and the
structure. In the case of buildings, the most common colliding objects are vehicles, and
exceptionally railways, helicopters and aeroplanes, that have an intended course. But the
occurrence of a human or mechanical failure may lead to a deviation of the intended
course and hence the angle of impact will be relevant. After the initial impact, the course
of the impacting object will depend on its properties and movement.
Note 3 to cl.4.2(1): No further guidance is required on Note 3 of Clause 4.2(1).
1991-1-7 As a simplication it may be assumed that the impacting body absorbs all the energy.
cl.4.2(2): 1991-1-7 Generally, this assumption gives conservative results.
Note to cl.4.2(2): No further guidance is required on Note 3 of Clause 4.2(3).
1991-1-7 Within Section 4.2 and Annex C, EN 1991-1-7 denes the concepts of hard and soft
cl.4.2(3): 1991-1-7 impact.
Soft impact corresponds to collision eects in the case of structures which are designed
cl.4.2(4): 1991-1-7 to absorb impact energy by elastic-plastic deformations of members. For this case the
equivalent static loads may be determined by taking into account both plastic strength
and the deformation capacity of such members.

F a

a Static equivalent force
b Dynamic force
c Structural response

Fig. 4.1. Denitions related to actions due to impact (EN 1991-1-7, Fig. 1.1)


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Annex C of EN 1991-1-7 gives detailed procedures for considering soft impacts (Annex Annex C: 1991-1-7
C: 1991-1-7).
Hard impact corresponds to collision eects in the case of structures for which the cl.4.2(5): 1991-1-7
energy is mainly dissipated by the impacting body. The impact forces given in Section 4 of
EN 1991-1-7 assume the phenomona of hard impact and hence the dynamic or equivalent
static forces may be determined from the guidance given in the rest of this chapter of this
Designers Guide.
In actual practice, collision eects are intermediate between hard and soft impact as cl.4.2(3): 1991-1-7
shown in the example of Fig. 8.1 in Part 1 of this Designers Guide. However, for simpli-
city, the impact load is determined using the rigid structure assumption, i.e. using a hard
impact model. The impacting force may be represented by an equivalent static force. This
simplied model may be used for the verication of static equilibrium, for strength
verications and for the determination of deformations of the impacted structure.
Annex C of EN 1991-1-7 gives information on design values for masses and velocities of Annex C: 1991-1-7
colliding objects as a basis for a dynamic analysis.

4.3. Accidental actions caused by road vehicles

4.3.1. Impact on columns and walls of buildings
Design values for actions due to impact on columns and walls of buildings, see Fig. 4.2, cl.4.3.1(1):
adjacent to various types of roads need to be considered. 1991-1-7
For hard impact (see 4.2 of this designers guide) from road trac, indicative equivalent
static design forces are given in EN 1991-1-7 and reproduced below in Table 4.1.
The National Annex may conrm the table or select alternative values which should Note 1 to
take account of the consequences of the impact, the expected volume and type of trac, cl.4.3.1(1):
and any mitigating measures provided. 1991-1-7

Fig. 4.2. Impact on building


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Table 4.1. Indicative equivalent static design forces due to vehicular impact on members supporting
structures over or adjacent to roadways

Category of trac Force Fdx * (kN) Force Fdy * (kN)

Motorways and country national and main roads 1000 500

Country roads in rural area 750 375
Roads in urban area 500 250
Courtyards and parking garages with access to:
. Cars 50 25
. Lorries 150 75
x direction of normal travel, y perpendicular to the direction of normal travel.

The term lorry refers to vehicles with maximum gross weight greater than 3.5 tonnes.

Note 2 to
cl.4.3.1(1): The force given in Table 4.1 may be given in the National Annex as a function of the
1991-1-7 distance s of the centreline of the tracked lanes nearest to the structural member.
In accordance with the UK National Annex for buildings where the distance s of the
cl.NA 12: UK NA centreline of the tracked lane nearest to the structural member is greater than 10 m, the
1991-1-7 equivalent static design force due to vehicle impact need not be considered.
The National Annex may dene types or elements of the structure that may not need to
Note 3 to be considered for vehicular collision. If a risk analysis is needed to dene these elements,
cl.4.3.1(1): guidance on risk analysis is given in Annex B of EN 1991-1-7.
1991-1-7 The UK National Annex also states that vehicle collision need not be considered for
buildings in CC1 and CC2 (see Tables 3.1 and A1) provided that the Annex A of
cl.NA 13: UK NA EN 1991-1-7 is used. However, where required by the client or the competent authority,
1991-1-7 consideration of impacts on particular buildings (e.g. a large supermarket or a high-prole
oce building) caused by road vehicles, Table 4.1 of EN 1991-1-7 should be used.
cl.NA 2-11-1: In accordance with the UK National Annex for buildings, the equivalent static design
UK NA 1991-1-7 force due to vehicular impact given in Table NA1 of the National Annex to EN 1991-1-7:
2006 should be used in category CC3 (see Tables 3.1 and A1) in the absence of mitigating
measures. The values in Table NA1 are about 50% greater than those given in Table 4.1
of EN 1991-1-7 and this Designers Guide.
Note 4 to No further guidance is required for Notes 4 and 5 of Clause 4.3.1(1) as these concern
cl.4.3.1(1): road and rail bridge trac matters respectively and are covered in the Thomas Telford
1991-1-7 Designers Guide relating to Actions on Bridges.
Note 5 to Rules for the application of Fdx and Fdy may be dened in the National Annex or for
cl.4.3.1(1): the individual project. It is generally recommended that Fdx does not act simultaneously
1991-1-7 with Fdy .
cl.4.3.1(2): The National Annex may dene the conditions of impact from road vehicles. The
1991-1-7 recommended conditions in EN 1991-1-7 are as follows (see Fig. 4.3):
cl.4.3.1(3): . For impact from lorries the collision force F may be applied at any height h
between 0.5 m to 1.5 m above the level of the carriageway. The recommended applica-
tion area is a 0:5 m (height) by 1.50 m (width) or the member width, whichever is the
. For impact from cars the collision force F may be applied at h 0:50 m above the
level of the carriageway. The recommended application area is a 0:25 m (height) by
1.50 m (width) or the member width, whichever is the smaller.

4.3.2. Impact on superstructures

cl.4.3.2(1): Design values for actions due to impact from lorries and/or loads carried by the lorries on
1991-1-7 members of the superstructure (e.g. the underside or the side of a building over a
roadway) should be taken into account unless adequate clearances or suitable protection
measures to avoid impact are provided. See Fig. 4.4.


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a is the height of the recommended force application area.
Ranges from 0.25 m (cars) to 0.50 m (lorries).
h is the location of the resulting collision force F, i.e. the
a height above the level of the carriageway. Ranges from
h 0.50 m (cars) to 1.50 m (lorries).
x is the centre of the lane.

Fig. 4.3. Collision force for columns and walls of buildings

The design values for actions due to impact together with the values for adequate clear- Note 1 to
ances may be dened in the National Annex. The indicative equivalent static design forces cl.4.3.1(2):
are given in Table 4.2. The recommended value for adequate clearance, excluding future 1991-1-7
re-surfacing of the roadway under the bridge, to avoid impact given in EN 1991-1-7 is
h0 5:0 m. No impact need be considered for a vertical clearance beyond an upper limit
equal to h0 b, b being dened at the national level. The recommended value is b 1 m.
See Fig. 4.5.
The choice of the values may take account of the consequences of the impact, the Note 2 to
expected volume and type of trac, and any mitigating (protective and preventative) cl.4.3.1(2):
measures provided. 1991-1-7
For h0  h  h1 h0 b (see Fig. 4.5) the magnitude of the impact force given in
Table 4.2 may be reduced linearly. Figure 4.5, reproduced from Fig. 4.2 of EN 1991-1-7,

Fig. 4.4. Clearance under a building above a carriageway


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Table 4.2. Indicative equivalent static design forces due to impact on superstructures

Category of trac Equivalent static design force Fdx (kN)

Motorways and country national and main roads 500

Country roads in rural area 375
Roads in urban area 250
Courtyards and parking garages 75



h1 (=h0 + b)
h h0

h = h0 h = h1 h

h is the physical clearance between the road surface and the underside of the bridge deck
h0 is the minimum height of clearance between the road surface and the underside of the bridge deck
below which an impact on the superstructure need to be taken into account. The recommended value
of h0 in EN 1991-1-6 is 5.0 m
h1 is the value of the clearance between the road surface and the underside of the bridge deck.
For values of h1 and above, the impact force F need not be considered. The recommended value of
h1 is 6.0 m (+ allowances for future re-surfacing, vertical sag curve and deflection of bridge)
b is the difference in height between h1 and h0, i.e. b = h1 h0. The recommended value for b in EN 1991-1-6
is 1.0 m. A reduction factor for F is allowed for values of b between 0 and 1 m, i.e. between h0 and h1

Fig. 4.5. Recommended value of the factor rF for vehicular collision forces on horizontal structural
members above roadways, depending on the clearance height h

Note 3 to
cl.4.3.1(2): shows the conditions of the recommended reduction factor rF applicable to Fdx between
1991-1-7 h0 and h1 .
Figure 4.6 gives a representation of the impact force based on the recommended values
cl.NA 2-17: of the Eurocode.
UK NA 1991-1-7 The UK National Annex recommends that h0 h 5:7 m.
EN 1991-1-7 recommends that account be taken of the impact loads Fdx given in Table
Note 4 cl.4.3.2(1): 4.2 acting with an upward inclination, the recommended value of upward inclination
1991-1-7 being 108, on the underside surfaces of the structural member as shown in Fig. 4.7. This
rule is intended to cover the risk of lifting of a crane under a structural member. See
Fig. 4.3.



5m 6m h

Fig. 4.6. Recommended values in EN 1991-1-7 for Fdx for clearance of underside of a structure over
a road surface


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F 10 10

x x Direction of traffic
h Height of the soffit or the structural members

Fig. 4.7. Impact force on members of the superstructure

No further guidance is necessary for Note 5 Clause 4.3.2(1): EN 1991-1-7.

EN 1991-1-7 denes only an impact force in the direction of normal travel, Fdx . cl.4.3.2(2):
EN 1991-1-7 recommends that, where appropriate, forces perpendicular to the direction of 1991-1-7
normal travel, Fdy , should also be taken into account. In these cases, EN 1991-1-7 recom- Note to cl.4.3.2(2):
mends that Fdy does not act simultaneously with Fdx . 1991-1-7
The UK National Annex recommends that Fdy may be taken as 50% of Fdx . cl.NA 2-16:
Regarding the area of application of the impact force(s) on the members of the super- UK NA 1991-1-7
structure, EN 1991-1-7 recommends a rectangular area of impact; a square with sides of cl.4.3.2(3):
25 cm length. 1991-1-7
Note to cl.4.3.2(3):
4.4. Accidental actions caused by forklift trucks
EN 1991-1-7 species that, where applicable, design values for accidental actions due to
impact from forklift trucks need to be determined. The design value may be determined
with a dynamic analysis taking account of the dynamic behaviour of the forklift truck and
the structure. The structural response may allow for non-linear deformation.
As an alternative to a dynamic analysis an equivalent static design force F may be cl.4.4(1):
applied as described below. 1991-1-7
For the design of buildings EN 1991-1-7 recommends an equivalent static design force
F due to accidental impact from forklift trucks may be taken as follows:
F 5W
where W is the sum of the net weight and hoisting load of a loaded forklift truck (given
in Part 3 Chapter 6 of this Designers Guide) applied at a height of 0.75 m above oor
level, although higher or lower values may be more appropriate in some cases.
The National Annex may give alternative values of the equivalent static design force F. Note to cl.4.4(1):
It is recommended that the value of F is determined according to advanced impact design 1991-1-7
for soft impact in accordance with C.2.2. Alternatively, it is recommended that F may be
taken as 5W, where W is the sum of the net weight and hoisting load of a loaded truck
(see EN 1991-1-1, Table 6.5), applied at a height of 0.75 m above oor level. However,
higher or lower values may be more appropriate in some cases. cl.NA 2-21:
The UK National Annex recommends the procedure in EN 1991-1-7. UK NA 1991-1-7

4.5. Accidental actions caused by derailed rail trac under

or adjacent to structures cl.4.5(1):
Accidental actions due to rail trac need to be taken into account where appropriate. 1991-1-7
The National Annex may give the types of rail trac for which the rules in this clause Note to cl.4.4(1):
are applicable. 1991-1-7
The types of rail trac to be considered for design of structure supports in the cl.NA 2-22: UK NA
UK National Annex are those described in UIC 777-2R6. 1991-1-7


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

4.5.1. Structures spanning across or alongside operational railway lines General
EN 1991-1-7 gives guidance to determine the design values for actions due to impact on
supporting members (e.g. columns and walls) caused by derailed trains passing under or
adjacent to building structures.
When designing structures that are built over tracks, the reasonably foreseeable
development of railway infrastructure, particularly the track layout and the structural
clearances, should be taken into consideration.
The strategy for design should consider other appropriate measures (both preventative
and protective) to reduce as far as is reasonably practicable the eects of an accidental
impact from a derailed train against structural members located above or adjacent to the
Examples of preventative and protective measures are given below.
. Increasing the lateral distance between the structural members being considered and
the centreline of the track.
. Increasing the longitudinal distance between the structural members being considered
and any switch or crossing on the approach to the structure.
. For structures over a railway line, the provision of a robust superstructure by having a
continuous superstructure, so that the superstructure is not disproportionately
damaged if one of the columns is removed due to an impact.
. Avoidance of supports located on a line that is crossed by a line extended in the direc-
tion of the turnout of a switch. If this is not reasonably practicable, the provision of
dwarf walls should be considered, taking into account their eect on other adjacent
. For structures adjacent to the railway line the provision of continuous walls or wall-
cl. type supports instead of columns.
1991-1-7 . Provision of deecting devices or absorbing devices.
Note 1 and 2 to
No additional guidance is necessary for Note 1 and Note 2 of Clause
EN 1990.
Structures that may be subject to impact from derailed railway trac are classied in
the next section of this Designers Guide. Classication of structures

cl. The Eurocode distinguishes two classes of permanent structures that may be subject to
1991-1-7 impact from derailed railway trac (rules concerning temporary structures may be given
at the national levels). These classes are dened in Table 4.3, which derives from Table 4.3
of the Eurocode.
Note 1 to The structures to be included in either Classes A or B may be dened in the National
cl. Annex or for the individual project.
1991-1-7 The National Annex may give reference to the classication of temporary structures
Note 2 to used by the public as well as auxiliary construction works as non-contradictory, comple-
cl. mentary information.

1991-1-7, Table 4.3. Classes of structures subject to impact from derailed railway trac (from EN 1991-1-7,
Table 4.3 Table 4.3)

Class A Structures that span across or near to the operational railway that are either permanently
occupied or serve as a temporary gathering place for people (such as waiting rooms) or consist
of more than one storey (such as car parks and warehouses).
Class B Massive structures that span across the operational railway such as bridges carrying vehicular
trac or single-storey buildings that are not permanently occupied or do not serve as a
temporary gathering place for people.


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Further information and background on this classication system given in Table 4.3 is Note 3 to
given in relevant International Union of Railways (UIC)-documents. cl.
The UK National Annex gives broadly the above advice (i.e. to be decided by the 1991-1-7
individual project) for the above in Clauses NA 2-23: EN 1991-1-7 and NA 2-24: cl. UK NA 2.23
EN 1991-1-7. and 2.24:
UK NA 1991-1-7 Accidental design situations in relation to the classes of structure
The consideration of situations involving the derailment of rail trac under or on the cl.
approach to a structure classied as Class A or B should be taken into account as an 1991-1-7
accidental design situation, in accordance with EN 1990. cl.
No additional guidance is required for Clause 1991-1-7 Class A structures

For class A structures, where the maximum speed of rail trac at the location is less than cl.
or equal to 120 km/h, the Eurocode gives indicative design values for the static equivalent 1991-1-7
forces due to impact on supporting structural members. Note to
Indicative values are given in EN 1991-1-7 (see Table 4.4 below). Table 7.5, deriving cl.
from Table 4.4 of the Eurocode, gives the indicative values. 1991-1-7
The UK National Annex to EN 1991-1-7 species that the indicative values in the UK NA 2-24:
above table should be used in the UK. 1991-1-7
These values may be reduced where supporting structural members are protected, for cl.
example by solid plinths or platforms with a minimum height of 38 cm above the top of 1991-1-7
the rail. Note to
EN 1991-1-7 does not recommend the scale of the reductions. These reductions cl.
may be given in the National Annex. The UK National Annex advises that the reduction 1991-1-7
of impact forces should be agreed for the individual project, and also refers the UK NA 2-26:
designer to the Guidance for reduction of impact forces for supports on platforms in UIC 1991-1-7
777-2R6. UK NA 2-27:
EN 1991-1-7 Clause and its Note recommends that the forces Fdx and Fdy (see 1991-1-7)
Table 4.4) should be applied at a height of 1.8 m above track level. This value is a Note to
Nationally Determined Parameter. This value is specied by the UK National Annex. cl.
The design should take into account Fdx and Fdy separately as appropriate (Clause 1991-1-7 EN 1991-1-7). cl.
EN 1991-1-7 does not give guidance for the determination of forces for rail speeds 1991-1-7
greater than 120 km/hour. However, if the maximum speed of rail trac at the location is cl.
lower or equal to 50 km/h, the values of the forces given in Table 4.4 may be reduced. 1991-1-7
This recommended value for the reduction, which may be given in the National Annex, Note to
is 50% with a recommendation, which is also specied in the UK National Annex, that cl.
further information may be found in UIC 777-2R6. 1991-1-7
UK NA 2-26:
Table 4.4. Indicative horizontal static equivalent design forces due to impact for class A structures 1991-1-7,
over or alongside railways (from EN 1991-1-7, Table 4.4) Table 4.4
Distance d from structural elements to
the centreline of the nearest track (m) Force Fdx * (kN) Force Fdy * (kN)

Structural elements: d < 3 m To be specied for the To be specied for the

individual project. individual project.
Further information is set out Further information is set out
in Annex B (of EN 1991-1-7) in Annex B (of EN 1991-1-7)
For continuous walls and wall type 4000 1500
structures: 3 m  d  5 m
D > 5m 0 0
x track direction; y perpendicular to track direction.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

cl. The values for Fdx and Fdy , given in Table 4.4, correspond to impact due to derailment
1991-1-7 at lower speeds. They do not cover a direct impact by a high-speed train derailing at full
velocity. Where the maximum permitted speed of rail trac at the location is greater than
120 km/h, EN 1991-1-7 Clause recommends the provision of preventative and/or
protective measures and to determine equivalent static forces assuming that consequence
class CC3 applies.
Note to The values for Fdx and Fdy , which may take into account additional preventative and/or
cl. protective measures, may be given in the National Annex or for the individual project.
1991-1-7 This recommended guidance is specied in the UK National Annex.
UK NA 2-29:
1991-1-7 Class B structures
cl. For class B structures, particular requirements need to be specied in the National Annex or
1991-1-7 for the individual project. These particular requirements may be based on a risk assessment.
Note to Clause The UK National Annex states that the requirements for the factors and measures to be considered within the risk assessment should be agreed for the individual project.
UK NA 2-30:
4.5.2. Structures located in areas beyond track ends
Actions caused by overrunning of rail trac beyond the end of a track or tracks (for
example at a terminal station) should be taken into account as an accidental design situa-
tion in accordance with EN 1990 when the structure or its supports are located in the area
immediately beyond the track ends.
The area immediately beyond the track ends may be specied either in the National
Annex or for the individual project (Note to Clause 4.5.2(1): EN 1991-1-7).
As an example in the UK National Annex, permanent new structures, including build-
ings and columns supporting structures, should not be located within a zone extending
20 m behind the face of the buer stop and 5 m either side of the projected centreline of
cl.4.5.2(3): the track approaching the buer stop (NA 2-31: EN 1991-1-7).
1991-1-7 No additional guidance is required for Clause 4.5.2(3).
cl.4.5.2(4): No additional guidance is required for Clause 4.5.2(4).
1991-1-7 Where supporting structural members are required to be located near to track ends, an
end impact wall should be provided in the area immediately beyond the track ends in
cl.4.5.2(5): addition to any buer stop. Values of static equivalent forces due to impact onto an end
1991-1-7 impact wall should be specied.
Particular measures and alternative design values for the static equivalent force due to
impact may be specied in the National Annex or for the individual project. The Note to
Note to cl.4.5.2(5): Clause 4.5.2(5) recommends design values for the static equivalent force due to impact on
1991-1-7 the end impact wall of Fdx 5000 kN for passenger trains and Fdx 10 000 kN for
shunting and marshalling trains. The Note to Clause 4.5.2(5) further recommends that
these forces are applied horizontally and at a level of 1.0 m above track level.
UK NA 2-31: The UK National Annex species the above recommended values.

4.6. Accidental actions caused by ship trac

cl.4.6: 1991-1-7 Clause 4.6 of EN 1991-1-7 gives guidance on accidental actions caused by ship (both river
and canal, and sea-going) ships. It gives indicative values for Fdx and Fdy for a variety of
ship types, areas and heights of impact etc. These clauses are in the main intended for
supporting structures of bridges. If guidance is required for buildings (e.g. a building at
risk from a ship impact), then the reader is referred to the Thomas Telford Designers
Guide on Actions of Bridges.

4.7. Accidental actions caused by helicopters

cl.4.7(1): For buildings with roofs designated as a landing pad for helicopters, an emergency
1991-1-7 landing force should be taken into account.


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Clause 4.7(1) gives the following expression (4.3) for determining the vertical equivalent
static design force Fd:
Fd C m (4.3 of EN 1991-1-7)
C is 3 kN kg0:5
m is the mass of the helicopter (kg).
The force due to impact should be considered as acting on any part of the landing pad cl.4.7(2):
as well as on the roof structure within a maximum distance of 7 m from the edge of the 1991-1-7
landing pad. The area of impact should be taken as 2 m  2 m.


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Internal explosions

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to accidental actions due to internal
explosions in EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on structures: Part 1.7: General Actions
Accidental actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Field of application Clause 5.1: 1991-1-7
. Representation of actions Clause 2.2: 1991-1-7
. Principles of design Clause 4.3: 1991-1-7

5.1. Field of application

The eects of explosions need to be taken into account in the design of all parts of a building cl.5.1(1)P:
where gas is burned or regulated; or where explosive material such as dust, explosive gases, or 1991-1-7
liquids forming explosive vapour or gas is stored or transported (e.g. chemical facilities,
vessels, bunkers, sewage constructions, dwellings with gas installations, energy ducts, road
and rail tunnels).
No further information is required for Clause 5.1(2). cl.5.1(2): 1991-1-7
No further information is required for Clause 5.1(3). cl.5.1(3): 1991-1-7
EN 1991-1-7 denes various types of internal explosions which are listed above (Clause cl.5.1(4): 1991-1-7
5.1(4): EN 1991-1-7 in Clause 5.1(4)).

Gas explosions
Gas explosions account for the majority of accidental explosions in buildings. Gas is
widely used and, excluding vehicular impact, the incidence of occurrence of gas explosions
in buildings is an order of magnitude higher than other accidental loads causing medium
or severe damage that may lead to progressive collapse.
Many gas explosions within buildings occur from leakage into the building from
external mains. According to Mainstone et al., in their 1978 BRE Report Structural
Damage in Buildings caused by Gaseous Explosions and Other Accidental Loadings,12
There should be no relaxation . . . for buildings without a piped gas supply, since a risk
would usually remain of gas leaking into the building from outside. It would be impractical
in most circumstances to ensure gas will not be a hazard to any particular building. There-
fore a gas explosion is taken as the principal design accidental action, together with
In this context an explosion is dened as rapid chemical reaction of dust or gas in air. It
results in high temperatures and high overpressure. Explosion pressures propagate as
pressure waves.

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

The following are necessary for an explosion to occur:

. fuel, in the proper concentration
. an oxidant, in sucient quantity to support the combustion
. an ignition source strong enough to initiate combustion.
The fuel involved in an explosion may be a combustible gas (or vapour), a mist of
combustible liquid, a combustible dust, or some combination of these. The most
common combination of two fuels is that of a combustible gas and a combustible dust,
called a hybrid mixture.
The pressure generated by an internal explosion depends primarily on the type of gas or
dust, the percentage of gas or dust in the air and the uniformity of gas or dustair mixture,
the size and shape of the enclosure in which the explosion occurs, and the amount of
venting of pressure release that may be available.
In completely closed rooms with innitely strong walls, gas explosions may lead to
pressures up to 1500 kN/m2 and dust explosions up to 1000 kN/m2, depending on the
type of gas or dust. In practice, pressures generated are much lower due to imperfect
mixing and the venting that occurs due to failure of doors, windows and other openings.
Windows make good explosion vents and venting is also aorded by failure of non-
structural relatively weak wall panels.
The response in real structures to explosions is highly complex and this is discussed
by Mainstone in his 1976 BRE Report The Response of Buildings to Accidental

5.2. Representation of actions

cl.5.2(1): 1991-1-7 Where appropriate, the determination of explosion pressures on structural members
should take account of reactions transmitted to the structural members by non-structural
Note 1 to cl.5.2(1): Note 1 of Clause 5.2(1) gives the following denition of an explosion: a rapid chemical
1991-1-7 reaction of dust, gas or vapour in air. It results in high temperatures and high overpressures.
Explosion pressures propagate as pressure waves.
Note 2 to cl.5.2(1): The pressure produced by an internal explosion depends on a number of issues of which
1991-1-7 the following are predominant:
. the type of dust, gas or vapour
. the percentage of dust, gas or vapour in the air
. the uniformity of the dust, gas or vapour air mixture
. the ignition source
. the presence of obstacles in the enclosure
. the size, the shape and the strength of the enclosure in which the explosion occurs
. the amount of venting or pressure release that may be available.
cl.5: EN.2(2): The probable presence of the items listed above needs to be taken into account as
1991-1-7 appropriate for the layout of the room or group of rooms under consideration, etc.
For construction works classied as CC1 (see Chapter 3 and Table A1 of this Part of
cl.5.2(3): 1991-1-7 this Designers Guide), provided the design complies with the rules for connections and
interaction between components provided in EN 1992 to EN 1999, no specic considera-
tion of the eects of an explosion will normally be necessary.
cl.5.2(3): 1991-1-7 For construction works classied as CC2 or CC3 (see Chapter 3 and Table A1 of this Part
of this Designers Guide), the design will need to incorporate key elements of the structure.
The key elements have to be designed to resist actions by either using an analysis based upon
equivalent static load models, or by applying prescriptive design/detailing rules. Addition-
ally, for structures classied as CC3 more advanced designs will be necessary including a
dynamic analysis.


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The methods given in Annex A gives information for the design against explosions for Note 1 to cl.5.2(3):
construction works classied as CC1, CC2 and CC3. The reader may also nd additional 1991-1-7
information in Annex D of EN 1991-1-6 Chapter 9.
Advanced design for explosions which will normally be needed for Construction Works Note 2 to cl.5.2(3):
classied as CC3 will include one or more of the following aspects as appropriate: 1991-1-7
. explosion pressure calculations, including the eects of connements and venting panels
. dynamic non-linear structural calculations
. probabilistic aspects and analysis of consequences
. economic optimisation of mitigating measures.

5.3. Principles of design

It is a requirement of EN 1990, Clause 2.1(4) (reproduced in Chapter 1 of this Part of this cl.5.3(1)P:
Designers Guide) that structures shall be designed to resist progressive collapse resulting 1991-1-7
from an internal explosion.
No additional information is required for the Note to Clause 5.3(1)P. Note to cl.5.3(1)P:
In accordance with the philosophy of design for achieving robustness and the strategy 1991-1-7
based on limiting the extent of localised failure (see Fig. 3.1), the failure of a limited part
of the structure due to an internal explosion may be permitted provided this does not cl.5.3(2): 1991-1-7
include key elements upon which the stability of the whole structure depends and lead to
disproportionate failure.
Within the strategy based on limiting the extent of localised failure, the consequences of cl.5.3(3): 1991-1-7
explosions may be limited by applying one or more of the following measures:
. designing the structure to resist the explosion peak pressure
. using venting panels with dened venting pressures
. separating adjacent sections of the structure that contain explosive materials
. limiting the area of structures that are exposed to explosion risks
. providing specic protective measures between adjacent structures exposed to explosion
risks to avoid propagation of pressures.
Annex D of EN 1991-1-7 provides information on obtaining peak and maximum pressures
due to a variety of type of internal explosions and venting.
In accordance with EN 1991-1-7, while the peak pressures may be higher than the values Note to cl.5.3(3):
determined by the methods given in Annex D, such peak pressures have to be considered in 1991-1-7
the context of a maximum load duration of 0.2 s and assume plastic ductile material behaviour.
The point is that in reality the peak will generally be larger, but the duration is shorter and
the duration of 0.2 s seems to be a reasonable approximation.

Advice in EN 1991-1-7 on explosive pressures, designing and locating venting panels, etc.
The explosive pressure should be assumed to act eectively simultaneously on all of the cl.5.3(4): 1991-1-7
bounding surfaces of the enclosure in which the explosion occurs.
If the possible ignition source is known and/or where pressures may be higher, the venting
panels should be placed close to these positions. However it needs to be ensured that:
. the location of venting panels is such that their failure will not endanger personnel or
ignite other material, and
. a venting panel is restrained so that it does not become a missile in the event of an
In addition, the design should limit the possibilities that the eects of the re cause any cl.5.3(5): 1991-1-7
impairment of the surroundings or initiates an explosion in an adjacent room.
Specically for the design of venting panels, they should be opened at a low pressure and cl.5.3(6): 1991-1-7
should be as light as possible. In determining the capacity of the venting panel, account needs cl.5.3(7)P:
to be taken of the dimensioning and construction of the supporting frame of the panel. 1991-1-7
Where windows are used as venting panels the risk of injury to persons from glass fragments


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Note to cl.5.3(6): or other structural members needs to be taken into account. Windows respond in a brittle
1991-1-7 manner because the thinness of the glass makes very little deformation possible before
there is complete disintegration. For this reason, coupled with their relatively light weight
and low static strengths, they make good explosion vents.
cl.5.3(6): In the phenomena for internal explosions, after the rst positive phase of the explosion
1991-1-7 with an overpressure, a second phase follows with an underpressure. No further information
Note to cl.5.3(6): is given in this Designers Guide but this eect should be considered in the design where
1991-1-7 relevant. Assistance by specialists is recommended.


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Annex A (informative): Design

of consequences of localised
failures in buildings from an
unspecied cause

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to the accidental actions due to design of
consequences of localised failures in buildings from an unspecied cause in Annex A of
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental
actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Scope Clause A.1: 1991-1-7
. Introduction Clause A.2: 1991-1-7
. Consequence classes of buildings Clause A.3: 1991-1-7
. Recommended strategies Clause A.4: 1991-1-7
. Horizontal ties Clause A.5: 1991-1-7
. Vertical ties Clause A.6: 1991-1-7
. Nominal section of load-bearing wall Clause A.7: 1991-1-7
. Key elements Clause A.8: 1991-1-7

Annex A1 of EN 1991-1-7 has been written to accord with the Requirements in
EN 1990: 2002 Eurocode Basis of Structural Design to provide robustness, and relia-
bility dierentiation.
Annex A of EN 1991-1-7 provides informative rules and methods for designing
buildings to sustain an extent of localised failure from an undened cause without
disproportionate collapse.
The Annex also provides an example of how the consequences of building failure
may be classied into Consequence Classes in accordance with EN 1990 corresponding
to reliability levels of robustness.
This classication of consequences has been partly derived from the outcome of a
research study commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Govern-
ment (CLG) to Allott & Lomax14, whose report Proposals for Amending Part A
Structure. A Consultation Package Available to the ODPM9 recommended the use of a

Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.

PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

risk-based analysis consistent with the philosophy adopted by EN 1990 and EN 1991-1-7.
The resulting recommendations produced from the study were subsequently calibrated
against current UK practice by the Building Research Establishment and rened accord-
ingly. The rules were further rened following the proposal being subjected to public
consultation in the autumn of 2001.

A.1. Scope
cl.A1: 1991-1-7 Annex A of EN 1991-1-7 gives rules and methods for designing buildings, to sustain an
extent of localised failure from an unspecied cause without disproportionate collapse.
Other approaches may be equally valid, but adoption of this strategy is likely to ensure
that a building, depending upon the consequence class (see Section 3.4 of this Part of this
Designers Guide), is suciently robust to sustain a limited extent of damage or failure
without collapse.

A.2. Introduction
cl.1.5.12: 1991-1-7 In accordance with strategies based on limiting the extent of localised failure, see Section
3.1 and Fig. 3.1 of this Part of this Designers Guide, a building can be designed so that
cl.A2(1): 1991-1-7 neither the whole building nor a signicant part of it will collapse if localised failure were
sustained. A localised failure is dened as that part of a structure that is assumed to have
collapsed, or been severely disabled, by an accidental event. Adopting this strategy should
provide a building with sucient robustness to survive a reasonable range of undened
accidental actions.
cl.A2(2): 1991-1-7 The design should take into account the requirement that a building needs to survive a
minimum period following an accident in order to facilitate the safe evacuation and rescue
of personnel from the building and its surroundings. For certain types of occupancy, e.g.
for buildings used for handling hazardous materials, provision of essential services, or for
national security reasons, longer periods of survival will probably be required, and this
should be agreed with the competent authority.
The rules in Annex A of EN 1991-1-7 are based on UK Codes of Practice (e.g. BS 8110,
BS 5950 and BS 5628) and Regulatory requirements introduced in the early 1970s
following the collapse of Ronan Point caused by a gas explosion.

Background to the UK requirements for achieving robustness in buildings

The UK robustness regulations were implemented following the progressive collapse
of one corner of Ronan Point in 1968 which resulted from a gas explosion on the 18th
oor of the 22-storey building. The event had a signicant eect on the engineering
community in the UK and this led to changes in the Building Regulations to deal speci-
cally with damage due to an accident such as a gas explosion for buildings of ve
storeys or more. The 1976 Building Regulations required that the building needs to be
so constructed that structural failure consequent on removal of any one member in a
storey should be localised and limited in its extent to a certain area of that storey. If
this was not possible, that member was required to sustain, without structural failure,
an additional load corresponding to a pressure of 34 kN/m2 (5 psi). This value was
chosen with reference to evidence recovered at Ronan Point.
Subsequent revisions were aimed at reducing the sensitivity of a building to dispro-
portionate collapse. One design option was to provide eective horizontal and vertical
ties in accordance with the structural codes of practice. Where such provisions could
not be made, it was recommended that the structure should be able to bridge over a
limited area of collapse resulting from the loss of an untied member. Finally, if this was
not possible, such a member was required to be designed as a protected (or key)


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element capable of sustaining additional loads related to a pressure of 34 kN/m2 acting

in any direction. In practice, the 34 kN/m2 was used to determine a notional load which
was applied sequentially to key elements in each possible direction and not as a specic
overpressure which would result from a gas explosion. These requirements were
considered to provide more robust structures which would generally be more resistant
to disproportionate failure due to various causes, such as impact, and were not solely
related to gas explosions.
The regulations relating to disproportionate collapse were translated into functional
requirements in 1985, together with ocial guidance being published in Approved
Document A of the the Building Regulations. More detailed guidance was subsequently
incorporated into the British Standards Institution (BSI) structural design Codes of
Practice for common structural materials. The accidental loading requirement was also
included in the 1996 BS Loading Code BS 6399-120 with the following text. When an
accidental load is required for a key or protected element approach to design (see
appropriate material design code) that load shall be taken as 34 kN/m2.
The current BSI structural material codes dealing with robust design are:
. BS 5628: Code of practice for use of masonry. Part 1 1992: Structural use of
unreinforced masonry. Clause 37.15
. BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building. Part 1 2000: Code of practice for
design Rolled and welded sections. Clause
. BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 1 1997: Structural use of plain, reinforced
and prestressed concrete. Clause
. BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 2 1985: Code of practice for special circum-
stances. Clause 2.6.18

A.3. Consequence classes of buildings

One of the most innovative aspects of EN 1990 is the introduction of consequence classes.
These classes specify how dierent categories of building should be designed to deal with
accidental actions.
The concept of consequence classes was introduced in Annex B of EN 1990 as a way to
meet the Requirement in Section 2.2 of EN 1990 on reliability dierentiation. The criterion
for classication of consequences is the importance, in terms of consequences of failure, of
the structure or structural member concerned. The consequence classes given in EN 1990
are reproduced in Table 6.1.
Table A.1 of EN 1991-1-7 (reproduced in this Designers Guide as Table A.1) gives a cl.A3: 1991-1-7
recommended categorisation of building types/occupancies to consequence classes. This
categorisation relates to the low (CC1), medium (CC2) and high (CC3) consequence
classes given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1. Denition of consequence classes in EN 1990

Consequences Examples of buildings and civil

class Description engineering works

CC1 Low consequences for loss of human life; Agricultural buildings where people do not
economic, social or environmental normally enter (e.g. storage buildings,
consequences small or negligible greenhouses)
CC2 Medium consequences for loss of human Residential and oce buildings, public
life; economic, social or environmental buildings where consequences of failure are
consequences considerable medium
CC3 High consequences for loss of human life; or Grandstands, public buildings where
economic, social or environmental consequences of failure are high
consequences very great


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Table 6.2. Dierences in consequence class denitions between EN 1991-1-7 and the UK

Class EN 1991-1-7 UK Building Regulations

(items not in UK Building Regulations) (items not in EN 1991-1-7)

1 Single occupancy houses not exceeding 4 storeys Houses not exceeding 4 storeys
2A Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of less Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of
than 1000 m2 oor area at each storey less than 2000 m2 oor area at each storey
3 Stadia accommodating more than 5000 spectators Grandstands accommodating more than 5000
Buildings containing hazardous substances and/
or processes

EN 1991-1-7 allows the classication to be specied in National Annexes. The categori-

sation given in the Approved Document A of the Building Regulations of England and
Wales11 is closely aligned, with minor dierences, with that in EN 1991-1-7. There are
minor dierences that are outlined in Table 6.2.
Note 1 to Table A1: For buildings intended for mixed use (e.g. domestic and oce), the most onerous
1991-1-7 consequences class should be used.
Note 2 to Table A1: When determining the number of storeys, basement storeys may be excluded provided
1991-1-7 the basement storeys full the requirements of Consequences Class 2b Upper Risk
Note 3 to Table A1: Table A.1 is not exhaustive and can be adjusted.
Table A.1. Categorisation of consequence classes

class Example of categorisation of building type and occupancy

1 . Single-occupancy houses not exceeding 4 storeys

. Agricultural buildings
. Buildings into which people rarely go, provided no part of the building is closer to another
building, or area where people do go, than a distance of 112 times the building height
2a . 5-storey single-occupancy houses
Lower Risk . Hotels not exceeding 4 storeys
Group . Flats, apartments and other residential buildings not exceeding 4 storeys
. Oces not exceeding 4 storeys
. Industrial buildings not exceeding 3 storeys
. Retailing premises not exceeding 3 storeys of less than 1000 m2 oor area in each storey
. Single-storey educational buildings
. All buildings not exceeding 2 storeys to which the public are admitted and which contain
oor areas not exceeding 2000 m2 at each storey
2b . Hotels, ats, apartments and other residential buildings greater than 4 storeys but not
Upper Risk exceeding 15 storeys
Group . Educational buildings greater than single storey but not exceeding 15 storeys
. Retailing premises greater than 3 storeys but not exceeding 15 storeys
. Hospitals not exceeding 3 storeys
. Oces greater than 4 storeys but not exceeding 15 storeys
. All buildings to which the public are admitted and which contain oor areas exceeding
2000 m2 but not exceeding 5000 m2 at each storey
. Car parking not exceeding 6 storeys
3 . All buildings dened above as Class 2 Lower and Upper Consequences Class that exceed
the limits on area and number of storeys
. All buildings to which members of the public are admitted in signicant numbers
. Stadia accommodating more than 5000 spectators
. Buildings containing hazardous substances and/or processes


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A.4. Recommended strategies

Adopting the following recommended strategies given in Annex A of EN 1991-1-7 and
shown in Table 6.3 of this Designers Guide should provide a building with an acceptable
level of robustness to sustain localised failure without a disproportionate level of collapse
and satisfying Clause 2.1(4)P of EN 1990, the requirement for robustness.

Table 6.3. Recommended strategies for Consequence Classes CC1, CC2 and CC3

Consequence Class of Building

as Classied in Table A.1 Recommended design strategy*

1 Provided a building has been designed and constructed in accordance with

the rules given in EN 1990 to EN 1999 for satisfying stability in normal use,
no further specic consideration is necessary with regard to accidental
actions from unidentied causes.
2a Lower Risk Group In addition to the recommended strategies for Consequences Class 1, the
provision of eective horizontal ties, or eective anchorage of suspended
oors to walls, as dened in A.5.1 and A.5.2 respectively for framed and
load-bearing wall construction should be provided.
2b Upper Risk Group In addition to the recommended strategies for Consequences Class 1, the
provision of:
. Horizontal ties, as dened in A.5.1 and A.5.2 respectively for framed and
load-bearing wall construction (see 1.5.11), together with vertical ties, as
dened in A.6, in all supporting columns and walls should be provided.
. Where it is inappropriate or impossible to provide vertical and horizontal
ties, the building should be checked to ensure that upon the notional
removal of each supporting column and each beam supporting a column,
or any nominal section of load-bearing wall as dened in A.7 (one at a time
in each storey of the building), the building remains stable and that any
local damage does not exceed a certain limit (see Fig. 6.1).
. Where the notional removal of such columns and sections of walls would
result in an extent of damage in excess of the agreed limit, or other such
limit specied, then such elements should be designed as a key element
(see A.8).
3 A systematic risk assessment of the building should be undertaken taking
into account both foreseeable and unforeseeable hazards.
Clause references are to both Annex A of EN 1991-1-7, and this Designers Guide.

For buildings in Consequence Class 2a, details of eective anchorage may be given in Note 1 to cl.A(4):
the National Annex. 1991-1-7
For buildings in Consequence Class 3, some guidance on risk analysis is included in Note 2 to cl.A(4):
Annex B of this Designers Guide. For more comprehensive guidance see Annex B of 1991-1-7
EN 1991-1-7 and Chapter 7.
For buildings the limit of admissible local failure may be dierent for each type Note 3 to cl.A(4):
of building. The recommended value is 15% of the oor, or 100 m2, whichever is 1991-1-7
smaller, in each of two adjacent storeys. See Fig. A.1 (reproduced below as Fig. 6.1). In
the UK, the Approved Document A of the Building Regulations species 70 m2 instead
of 100 m2.

A.5. Horizontal ties

N.B. This Section A.5 of this Part of this Designers Guide gives information on
horizontal ties only. For vertical ties see Section A.6.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7



(a) (b)

(A) Local damage not exceeding 15% of floor area or 100 m2, whichever is the smaller,
in each of two adjacent storeys
(B) Column to be notionally removed
(a) Plan (b) Section

Fig. 6.1. Recommended limit of admissible damage

A.5.1. Framed structures

cl.A5.1(1): Horizontal ties should be provided around the perimeter of each oor and roof level
1991-1-7 and internally in two orthogonal directions to tie the column and wall elements securely
to the structure of the building. The ties should be continuous and be arranged as closely
as practicable to the edges of oors and lines of columns and walls. At least 30% of
the ties should be located within the close vicinity of the centre lines of the columns and
the walls.
Note to cl.A5.1(1): See Fig. A.2 (reproduced here as Fig. 6.2).
1991-1-7 Horizontal ties for example, may consist of depending on the form of the structure:
. rolled steel sections
. steel bar reinforcement in concrete slabs, or
. steel mesh reinforcement and proled steel sheeting in composite steelconcrete oors (if
directly connected to the steel beams with shear connectors).
cl.A5.1(2): The ties can consist of a combination of the above types.
1991-1-7 In accordance with EN 1991-1-7, each continuous tie, including its end connections,
should be capable of sustaining:

2m 2m 3m



(a) 6 m span beam as internal tie
(b) All beams designed to act as ties
(c) Perimeter ties
(d) Tie anchored to a column
(e) Edge column

Fig. 6.2. Example of horizontal ties


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. a design tensile load of Ti for the accidental limit state in the case of internal ties, and
. Tp , in the case of perimeter ties (see Fig. 6.2)
equal to the following values.
For internal ties:
Ti 0:8gk qk sL or 75 kN, whichever is the greater A:1
For perimeter ties:
Tp 0:4gk qk sL or 75 kN, whichever is the greater A:2
s is the spacing of ties
L is the span of the tie (e.g. see Fig. A.2)
is the relevant factor in the expression for combination of action eects for the cl.A5.1(3):
accidental design situation (i.e. 1 in accordance with expression (6.11b) of EN 1990 1991-1-7
given in EN 1990, and is normally taken as 0.5).
EN 1991-1-7 does not make any dierentiation for lightweight building structures (e.g. cl.NA3.1: UK NA
those whose primary structure is timber or cold-formed thin gauge steel). This is made in to BS 1991-1-7
the UK NA, where in the case of lightweight building structures the values for minimum
horizontal tie forces in expressions A.1 and A.2 should be taken as 15 kN and 7.5 kN

Example 6.1. Horizontal ties for framed structures

Consider a framed structure, 5 storeys with story height structures h 3:6 m, consequence
class 2, upper group. The span is L 7:2 m and the span distance s 6 m. See Fig. 6.3.
Assume gk qk 4 kN/m2 the combination factor 0:5.
In that case, in accordance with expressions (A.1) and (A.2), the required internal
(T i and perimeter (T p tie forces may be calculated from:
T i 0:8gk wqk sL or 75 kN, whichever is greater (A.1), and
T p 0:4gk wqk sL or 75 kN, whichever is greater (A.2)
leading to T i 0:8f4 0:5  4g6  7:2 207:36 kN and T p 103:68 kN

In the design of ties any members that are being used for sustaining actions other than cl.A5.1(4):
accidental actions, may be utilised. 1991-1-7

A.5.2. Load-bearing wall construction

For Class 2 buildings (Lower Risk Group) (see Table A.1), in load-bearing (e.g. masonry) cl.A5.2(1):
construction, a cellular form of construction designed to facilitate interaction of all 1991-1-7
components including an appropriate means of anchoring the oor to the walls should be
adopted to provide the appropriate robustness.

Internal ties

Perimeter tie

Fig. 6.3. (Reference Example 1)


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7


H H (a) Plan
(b) Section: flat slab
(c) Section: beam and slab
(b) (c)

Fig. 6.4. illustration of factors H and z

cl.A5.2(2): For Class 2 buildings (Upper Risk Group) (see Table A.1), in load-bearing construction,
1991-1-7 continuous horizontal ties are required in the oors to achieve the appropriate robustness.
These should be internal ties which need to be uniformly distributed throughout the
oors in both orthogonal directions and peripheral ties extending around the perimeter of
the oor slabs within a 1.2 m width of the slab. The design tensile load in the ties should
be determined as follows.
For internal ties:
Ft gk qk z
TI the greater of Ft kN=m or kN=m A:3
7:5 5
For peripheral ties:
Tp Ft A:4
Ft is 60 kN/m or 20 4ns kN/m, whichever is less
ns is the number of storeys
z is the lesser of:
. 5 times the clear storey height H, or
. the greatest distance in metres in the direction of the tie, between the centres of the
columns or other vertical load-bearing members whether this distance is spanned by:
k a single slab, or
k a system of beams and slabs.

Factors H (in metres) and z are illustrated in Fig. 6.4.

N.B. The units for Tp is in kN/m to give it consistency with the units for Fc from which
it is derived. It is advised that the numerical value for Tp is taken in kN acting over a
1.2 m width.

Example 6.2. Horizontal ties for load-bearing structures

Consider a load-bearing structure, 5 storeys with story height structures h 3:6 m,
consequences class 2, upper group. The span is L 7:2 m and the span distance
s 6 m. (Load-bearing wall type of structure, consequences class 2, Upper Group.)
gk qk 4 kN=m2 the combination factor 0:5:


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Ft min60; 20 5  4 40 kN=m and

z is the lesser of 5h 5  3:6 18 m or the greatest distance in metres in the direction
of the tie, between the centres of the columns or other vertical load-bearing members
whether this distance is spanned by a single slab or by a system of beams and slabs (i.e.
7.2 m or 6 m depending on the direction of the tie considered).
From expression (A.3) for internal ties:
Ft gk qk z
TI the greater of Ft kN=m or kN=m
7:5 5
Hence T i maxf40; 404 0:5  4=7:5  7:2=5g maxf40; 46:1g 46:1 kN/m and
T i maxf40; 404 0:5  4=7:5  6:0=5g maxf40; 38:4g 40 kN/m in the ortho-
gonal direction.
From expression (A.4) for peripheral ties:
Tp Ft
Ft is 60 kN/m or 20 4ns kN/m, whichever is less
ns is the number of storeys.
Ft 20 4  5 40 kN/m which is less than 60 kN/m hence Tp 40 kN/m

A.6. Vertical ties

In the design each column and wall should be tied continuously from the foundations to cl.A.6(1): 1991-1-7
the roof level (Clause A.6(1): EN 1991-1-7).
In the case of framed buildings (e.g. steel or reinforced concrete framed structures) the
columns and walls carrying vertical actions should have the capacity to resist an accidental
design tensile force whose magnitude is equal to the largest design vertical permanent and
variable load reaction applied to the column from any one storey. Such accidental design
loading should not be assumed to act simultaneously with permanent and variable actions
that may be acting on the structure (Clause A.6(2): EN 1991-1-7). cl.A.6(2): 1991-1-7

Example 6.3. Vertical ties for framed structures

Consider the framed structure of Example 1, 5 storeys with storey height structures
h 3:6 m, consequence class 2, upper group. The span is L 7:2 m and the span
distance s 6 m and gk qk 4 kN/m2. For determining the vertical tensile force Tv
the combination factor 1:0 is taken.
In accordance with Clause A6(2):
Tv gk qk L  s

Thus T v 4 47:2  6 345:6 kN/column

For load-bearing wall construction (dened in Clause 1.5.11 of EN 1991-7 as non-framed

masonry cross-wall construction mainly supporting vertical loading. Also includes lightweight
panel construction comprising timber or steel vertical studs at close centres with particle
board, expanded metal or alternative sheathing the vertical ties may be considered eective
i. for masonry walls their thickness is at least 150 mm thick and if they have a minimum
compressive strength of 5 N/mm2 in accordance with EN 1996-1-1
ii. the clear height of the wall, H, measured in metres between faces of oors or roof does
not exceed 20t, where t is the thickness of the wall in metres


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

iii. if they are designed to sustain the following vertical tie force T:
34A H 2
T N, or 100 kN/m of wall, whichever is the greater A:5
8000 t
A is the cross-sectional area in mm2 of the wall measured on plan, excluding the non-
load-bearing leaf of a cavity wall.
cl.A.6(3): 1991-1-7 iv. the vertical ties are grouped at 5 m maximum centres along the wall and occur no further
than 2.5 m from an unrestrained end of the wall.

Example 6.4. Vertical ties for load-bearing construction

Consider a load-bearing structure of Example 6.2 of 5 storeys with clear height of the
wall H 3:6 m. The thickness of the walls t 0:2 m.
Using Expression (A.5) and adjusting the expression to give the results in kN/m:
T v 34  0:2=8  3:6=22 275 kN=m

A.7. Nominal section of load-bearing wall

(1) The nominal length of load-bearing wall construction referred to in Table A2 for
Consequence Class 2b Upper Risk Group should be taken as follows:
. for a reinforced concrete wall, a length not exceeding 2.25H
. for an external masonry, or timber or steel stud wall, the length measured between lateral
supports provided by other vertical building components (e.g. columns or transverse
partition walls)
. for an internal masonry, or timber or steel stud wall, a length not exceeding 2.25H
cl.A.7(1): 1991-1-7 H is the storey height in metres.

A.8. Key elements

cl.A.8(1): 1991-1-7 In accordance with 3.3(1)P, for building structures a key element, as referred to in Table A2
for Consequence Class 2b Upper Risk Group, should be capable of sustaining an accidental
design action of Ad applied in the horizontal and vertical directions (in one direction at a
time) to the member and any attached components having regard to the ultimate strength
of such components and their connections. This accidental design loading is applied using
expression (6.11b) of EN 1990, and may be applied either as a concentrated or distributed
Note to cl.A.7(1): The recommended value of Ad for building structures is 34 kN/m2. This value is used in
1991-1-7 the UK National Annex.


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Annex B (informative):
Information on Risk Analysis

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to information on risk analysis in Annex B
of EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental
actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Introduction Clause B.1: 1991-1-7
. Denitions Clause B.2: 1991-1-7
. Description of the scope of risk analysis Clause B.3: 1991-1-7
. Methods of risk analysis Clause B.4: 1991-1-7
. Risk acceptance and mitigating measures Clause B.5: 1991-1-7
. Risk mitigating measures Clause B.6: 1991-1-7
. Reconsideration Clause B.7: 1991-1-7
. Communication of results and conclusions Clause B.8: 1991-1-7
. Application to buildings and civil engineering structures Clause B.9: 1991-1-7

Application of risk assessment to Class 3 buildings

With reference to the range of Class 3 buildings (see Table A.2 in Annex A of this
Designers Guide) and corresponding strategies in this guidance, it is apparent that
much is left to the discretion of the designer. The requirements for Class 3 buildings state:
A systematic risk assessment of the building should be undertaken taking into account both
foreseeable and unforeseeable hazards.
The design for Class 3 structures should take account of the design rules for Class 2b
Upper Risk Group structures as a minimum. The design should also include con-
siderations of specic dened incidents or the provision of general robustness through
the provision of horizontal and vertical ties, alternate load paths or the provision of
key elements as described in Annex A1 of this Designers Guide. A systematic risk analysis
may result in enhancements to the Class 2b Upper Risk Group requirements and/or the
provision of further hazard mitigating measures.

B.1. Introduction
Risk analysis is the topic discussed in Annex B of EN 1991-1-7 which gives guidance for the
planning and execution of risk assessment in the eld of buildings and civil engineering

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Definition of scope and limitations

Qualitative risk analysis

source identification
hazard scenarios
description of consequences
definition of measures Reconsideration
scope and assumptions
mitigating measures

Quantitative risk analyisis

inventory of uncertainties
modelling of uncertainties
probabilistic calculations
quantification of consequences
quantification of consequences

Risk evaluation
Risk treatment

Accept risk
Risk communication

Fig. 7.1. Overview of risk analysis

cl.B.1(1): 1991-1-7 structures. In Clause B.1 a pictorial overview of the envisaged risk analysis is given. This is
reproduced below as Fig. 7.1.

cl.B.2.1 to B2.8: B.2. Denitions

1991-1-7 The following denitions are given:
. consequence in Clause B.2.1
. hazard scenario in Clause B.2.2
. risk in Clause in B.2.3
. risk acceptance criteria in Clause B.2.4
. risk analysis in Clause B.2.5
. risk evaluation in Clause B.2.6
. risk management in Clause B.2.7
. undesired event in Clause B.2.8.
It is recommended that the reader fully appreciates and understands these denitions
before using Annex B.
Two of the denitions are repeated below as they are very important for this chapter.
cl.1.15.13: Risk which is a measure of the combination (usually the product) of the probability or
1991-1-7 frequency of occurrence of a dened hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the
cl.B.2.3: 1991-1-7 occurrence.
Risk analysis which is a systematic approach for describing and/or calculating risk. Risk
cl.B.2.5: 1991-1-7 analysis involves the identication of undesired events, and the causes, likelihoods and
consequences of these events (see Fig. B.1 of 1991-1-7, reproduced here as Fig. 7.1).

B.3. Description of the scope of risk analysis

An eective risk analysis needs to fully describe:
. the subject
. background, and


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. objectives.
. technical
. environmental
. organisational, and
. human circumstances that are relevant to the activity and the problem being analysed
need to be stated in sucient detail.
. presuppositions
. assumptions, and
. simplications
made in connection with the risk analysis should be stated. cl.B.3: 1991-1-7

B.4. Methods of risk analysis

As shown in Fig. 7.1, there are two types of risk analysis. First, a risk analysis has a cl.B.4(1): 1991-1-7
descriptive (qualitative) analysis looking at the various hazards and their consequences,
and second, a numerical (quantitative) analysis that can be more rigorous, but which may
only be relevant and practicable in certain circumstances.
It should be appreciated that risk analysis is not an exact science and the main gain is
obtained through a systematic examination and recording of the potential hazards, the
structures vulnerability to these hazards, and if necessary the measures that can be taken
to minimise any undesirable consequences. Therefore it is not appropriate to provide a set
procedure for any specic type of building.

B.4.1. Qualitative risk analysis

A qualitative risk analysis is a systematic consideration of the various hazard scenarios, cl.B.4.1(1):
recording what has been considered and the actions that are to be taken. Further information 1991-1-7
on risk analyses can be found in References 1214. Identication of hazards and hazard
scenarios is a crucial task to a risk analysis. It requires a detailed examination and under-
standing of the system. Various techniques have been developed to assist the engineer in
performing this part of the analysis (e.g. PHA, HAZOP, fault tree, event tree, decision
tree, causal networks, etc.).
The risk analysis should initially identify the potential hazards to which a building may be
In structural risk analysis the following conditions can, for example, present hazards to the
. high values of ordinary actions
. low values of resistances, possibly due to errors or unforeseen deterioration
. ground and other environmental conditions dierent from those assumed in the design
. accidental actions such as re, explosion, ood (including scour), impact or earthquake
. unspecied accidental actions
. possible malicious attack on a building.
When dening the various hazard scenarios the following should be taken into account:
. the anticipated or known variable actions on the structure
. the environment surrounding the structure
. the proposed or known inspection regime of the structure
. the concept of the structure, its detailed design, materials of construction and possible
points of vulnerability to damage or deterioration
. the consequences of type and degree of damage due to the identied hazard scenario.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

For each hazard a prole should be developed including a determination of various

parameters including the magnitude, duration, frequency, probability and extent of a
hazard. The stakeholders (i.e. controlling authority, the owner) should be consulted
concerning the hazards to be included in the design, and it may be reasonably decided to
exclude some hazards. Next, for each hazard it is necessary to understand how it will
aect the structure and what impact this would have on the building contents, especially
the building occupiers (immediate and longer term) and possibly the local community.
This requires an assessment of the vulnerability of the construction, contents and economic
value of its functions.
The systematic evaluation of the vulnerability of the assets to the various hazards should
provide the basis to develop a design strategy, perhaps eliminating some hazards, reducing
others, and designing to resist specic hazards. For particular buildings the robustness
measures for class 2B buildings should be adopted for unidentied hazards (design or
construction errors, unexpected deterioration, malicious attacks etc.).
Once a risk has been determined it has to be decided whether it will be accepted or whether
mitigating measures will be specied. To mitigate the risk, the following measures may be
. structural measures that is, by designing over-strong structural elements or by designing
for second load paths in case of local failures
. non-structural measures that is, by a reduction of the event probability, the action
intensity or the consequences.

In some situations there may be conicting requirements for dierent hazards and these
should be considered carefully. For example, the use of laminated windows may reduce
the damage to external explosions (usually detonations) but serve to increase the pressures
in internal gas explosions (deagrations).
The results of the risk analysis should be presented as a list of consequences and probabil-
ities and their degree of acceptance should be discussed. The probabilities may need to be
expressed in relative terms, i.e. high, moderate, low, unless more detailed information is
available. Recommendations for measures to mitigate risk that naturally arise from the
risk analysis should be stated.
It is necessary to compile the results of the work and reasons for the various decisions, in a
written report which may need to be reviewed by another expert. The report may need to be
re-evaluated periodically or when there is a change in circumstances which may aect specic
hazards and thereby require dierent mitigation measures.

B.4.2. Quantitative risk analysis

cl.B.4.1(1): In the quantitative part of the risk analysis the probabilities for all undesired events and their
1991-1-7 subsequent consequences should be estimated. The probability estimations are usually at
least partly based on judgement and may for that reason dier substantially from actual
failure frequencies. If failure can be expressed numerically the risk may be presented as
the mathematical expectation of the consequences of an undesired event. A possible way
of presenting risks is indicated in Fig. 7.2.
In a rigorous quantitative assessment, mathematical calculations are used to determine the
expected consequences from the whole range of hazards. This provides a potentially more
accurate picture of the risk (and the benets of avoiding it) than the qualitative method,
provided the basic data related to the risk are sucient to warrant a rigorous mathematical
It is important therefore to consider whether the available information is sucient to make
such a quantitative risk analysis worthwhile. The statistical data available concerning
internal gas explosions in housing in the UK are probably as detailed as any statistical
data on a specic accidental action. Nevertheless, it is considered by Ellis13 that it is still
not possible to determine the intensity of a gas explosion with any condence, except for
single-room explosions which may be less severe than multi-room explosions. Therefore


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Very low

0.00001 0.001 0.001 0.01 >0.1


represents examples of maximum acceptable risk levels

Classification: The severity of potential failure is identified for each hazard scenario
and classified as Severe, High, Medium, Low or Very low. They may be defined
as follows:
Severe: Sudden collapse of structure occurs with high potential for loss of
life and injury.
High: Failure of part(s) of the structure with high potential for partial collapse
and some potential for injury and disruption to users and public.
Medium: Failure of part of the structure. Total or partial collapse of structure unlikely.
Small potential for injury and disruption to users and public.
Low: Local damage.
Very low: Local damage of small importance.

Fig. 7.2. Possible presentation diagram for the outcome of a quantitative risk analysis

for this important accidental action hazard, it is not yet sensible to place any condence in a
quantitative analysis. The quantity and quality of data for use in such analyses are a prime
The assumptions upon which the quantitative risk analysis is based should be reconsidered
when the results of the analysis are available. Sensitivities of factors used in the analysis
should be quantied.

B.5. Risk acceptance and mitigating measures

Once the level of risk is identied, decisions may be taken as to whether mitigating (structural cl.B.5.1(1):
or non-structural) measures should be specied. 1991-1-7
The ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) principle is the technique normally used
to consider risk acceptance. According to the ALARP principle, two risk levels are
1. If the risk is below the lower bound of the broadly tolerable (i.e. ALARP) region, no
measures need to be taken.
2. If the risk is above the upper bound of the broadly tolerable region, the risk is considered
as unacceptable.
If the risk is between the upper and lower bound, an economical optimal solution should be cl.B.5.1(2):
sought. 1991-1-7
When evaluating the risk of a certain period of time related to the failure event on the basis cl.B.5.1(3):
of the consequences, an appropriate reduction factor may be applied. 1991-1-7
The risk acceptance levels will need to be specied and be formulated on the basis of the cl.B.5.1(4):
following two acceptance criteria concerning the individual acceptable level of risk and the 1991-1-7
socially acceptable level of risk:
1. The individual acceptable level of risk: individual risks are usually expressed as fatal acci-
dent rates. They can be expressed as an annual fatality probability or as the probability
per time unit of a single fatality when actually being involved in a specic activity.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7





Very low

Very low Low Medium High Very high

Fig. 7.3. Risk matrix for the outcome of a qualitative risk analysis. (Note: The severity of potential failure
is identical to the one given in Fig. 7.2. The probabilities could be the same (on a yearly or event basis).)

2. The socially acceptable level of risk: the social acceptance of risk to human life, which
may vary with time, is often presented as an FN curve, indicating a maximum yearly
probability F of having an accident with more than N casualties.
Alternatively, concepts such as:
. value for prevented fatality (VPF), or
. quality index of life
may be used.
Risk acceptance levels will normally have to be specied for the appropriate individual
project and may be determined from:
. particular national regulations and requirements
. particular codes and standards, or
. from experience and/or theoretical knowledge that may be used as a basis for decisions
on acceptable risk.
Note to cl.B.5.1(4):
1991-1-7 The risk acceptance criteria may be expressed qualitatively or numerically (quantitatively).
cl.B.5.1(5): In the case of a qualitative risk analysis the following criteria may be used:
1991-1-7 . The general aim should be to minimise the risk without incurring a substantial cost
. For the consequences within the vertically hatched area of Fig. 7.3, the risks associated
with the scenario can normally be accepted.
. For the consequences within the diagonally hatched area of Fig. 7.3, a decision on
whether the risk of the scenario can be accepted and whether risk mitigation measures
can be adopted at an acceptable cost will need to be made.
. For the consequences considered to be unacceptable (those falling within the horizontally
hatched area of Fig. 7.3 are likely to be unacceptable), appropriate risk mitigation
measures (see Section B.6) should be taken.

B.6. Risk mitigating measures

cl.B.6.1(1): Where the risk is unacceptable the risk mitigation measures may be selected from one or
1991-1-7 more of the following:
. Elimination or reduction of the hazard. This may be achieved by making an adequate
design, modifying the design concept, and providing the countermeasures to combat
the hazard, etc.


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. By-passing the hazard. This may be achieved by changing the design concepts or
occupancy, for example through the protection of the structure, provision of sprinkler
system, etc.
. Controlling the hazard. This may be achieved by controlled checks, warning systems or
. Overcoming the hazard. This may be achieved by providing increased reserves of strength
or robustness, availability of alternative load paths through structural redundancy, or
resistance to degradation, etc.
. Permitting controlled collapse of a structure where the probability of injury or fatality may
be reduced, for example for impact on lighting columns or signal posts.

B.7. Reconsideration
As indicated by Fig. B.1 (see Fig. 7.1) for the results of the risk analysis to become cl.B.7.1(1):
acceptable, the scope, design and assumptions may have to be revised and re-evaluated 1991-1-7
against the scenarios until it is possible to accept the structure with the selected mitigation

B.8. Communication of results and conclusions

Communicating the results of the risk analysis to the stakeholders without ambiguity is
essential, as is keeping a thorough record of the work.
The results of the qualitative and (if available) the quantitative analysis should be cl.B.8.1(1):
presented as a list of consequences and probabilities, and their degree of acceptance 1991-1-7
should be communicated with all stakeholders.
All the data that have been used to carry out a risk analysis and their sources should be cl.B.8.1(2):
recorded. 1991-1-7
All the essential assumptions, presuppositions and simplications that have been made cl.B.8.1(3):
should be summarised so that the validity and limitations of the risk analysis are made 1991-1-7
clear and recorded.
The recommendations for the measures to mitigate risk should be stated and be based on cl.B.8.1(4):
conclusions from the risk analysis. 1991-1-7

B.9. Application to buildings and civil engineering structures

Introduction to B.9
This section concerns the practical application of Sections B.1 to B.8 to buildings and civil
engineering structures. This Designers Guide will only cover the building examples given
in Annex B of EN 1990.

B.9.1. General
To mitigate the risk in relation to extreme events in buildings (and civil engineering cl.B.9.1(1):
structures) the design should consider one or more of the following measures: 1991-1-7
(a) Structural measures, where the structure and the structural members have been designed
to have reserves of strength or alternative load paths in case of local failures (i.e. the
strategy based on limiting the extent of localised failure as described in Sections 3.1 of
both this Designers Guide and EN 1991-1-7).
(b) Non-structural measures, which can include the reduction of:
. the probability of the event occurring
. the action intensity, or
. the consequences of failure.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

cl.B.9.1(2): The probability of occurrence of all accidental and extreme actions (e.g. actions due to re,
1991-1-7 earthquake, impact, explosion, extreme climatic actions) should be considered for a suitable
set of possible hazard scenarios. The consequences for each should then be estimated in terms
of the number of casualties and economic losses. Detailed information is presented in
Sections B.9.2 and B.9.3 below.
cl.B.9.1(3): The above approach (Section B9.2) is generally more suitable for those accidental and
1991-1-7 extreme events that constitute foreseeable hazards. The approach is less suitable for
unforeseeable hazards arising from, for example, design or construction errors and
unexpected deterioration. It is for this reason that more global damage tolerance design
strategies have been developed (see Annex A), e.g. the requirements on sucient ductility
and tying of elements.
cl.B.9.1(3): In this respect consider the situation whereby a structural member (e.g. a beam, a column)
1991-1-7 has been damaged by an event, to such an extent that the member has lost its normal load-
bearing capacity. By applying the strategy based on limiting the extent of localised failure as
described in Section 3.1, the remaining part of the structure is (for a relatively short period of
time dened as the repair period T) to withstand the normal loads with some prescribed
reliability as shown probabilistically in expression (B.1):
P(R < E in T | one element removed) < ptarget (B.1)

where R is the resistance of the member and E is the eects of the Actions.
The target reliability ptarget depends upon:
. the normal safety target for the building
. the period under consideration (hours, days or months), and
. the probability that the element under consideration is removed (by causes other than
those already considered in design).

cl.B.9.1(4): For conventional structures (e.g. using traditional materials and the types of buildings
1991-1-7 generally in Classications 1 and 2a and 2b in Table A1 of Annex A) all relevant collapse
possibilities should be included in the design. Where this can be justied, and for some
cases in agreement with the client and the controlling authority, failure causes that have
only a remote likelihood of occurring may be disregarded. The approach given in B.9.1(2)
should be taken into account. In many cases, and in order to avoid complicated analyses,
the strategy given in B.9.1(3) may be investigated.
cl.B.9.1(5): For unconventional structures (e.g. very large structures, those with new design concepts,
1991-1-7 those using new materials) the probability of having some unspecied cause of failure should
be considered as substantial. A combined approach of the methods described in B.9.1(2) and
B.9.1(3) should be taken into account.

B.9.2. Structural risk analysis

cl.B.9.2(1): Risk analysis of structures subject to accidental actions may be approached using the three
1991-1-7 steps explained below, taking Fig. 7.4 as an example:
1. Step 1 where assessment of the probability of occurrence of dierent hazards with their
intensities (Fig. 7.4(a)) is made.
2. Step 2 where the assessment of the probability of dierent states of damage and the
corresponding consequences for given hazards (Fig. 7.4(b)) is made.
3. Step 3 where the assessment of the probability of inadequate performance(s) of
the damaged structure together with the corresponding consequence(s) (Fig. 7.4(c))
is made.

cl.B.9.2(2): In accordance with Annex B of EN 1991-1-7, the total risk R is assessed by

R pHi pDj jHi pSk jDj CSk B:2
i1 j k1


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(a) (b) (c)

Step 1: Identification and modelling of relevant accidental hazards and the

assessment of the probability of occurrence of different hazards with different
Step 2: Assessment of damage states to structure from different hazards and
the assessment of the probability of different states of damage and
corresponding consequences for given hazards.
Step 3: Assessment of the performance of the damaged structure and the
assessment of the probability of inadequate performance(s) of the damaged
structure together with the corresponding consequence(s).

Fig. 7.4. Illustration of steps in risk analysis of structures subject to accidental actions

. it is assumed that the structure is subjected to NH dierent hazards, and
. that the hazards may damage the structure in ND dierent ways (can be dependent on the
considered hazards), and
. that the performance of the damaged structure can be discretised into NS adverse states
SK with corresponding consequences C(Sk)
. P(Hi) is the probability of occurrence (within a reference time interval) of the ith hazard
. P(Dj|Hi) is the conditional probability of the jth damage state of the structure given the
jth hazard, and
. PSk|Dj| is the conditional probability of the kth adverse overall structural performance S
given the ith damage state.
P(Sk|Dj) and C(Sk) can be highly dependent on time (e.g. in case of re and evacuation, Note 1 to
respectively) and the overall risk needs to be assessed and compared to acceptable risks cl.B.9.2(2):
accordingly. 1991-1-7
Expression (B.2), although it is primarily the basis for the risk assessment of structures Note 2 to
subject to rare and accidental loads, but it can be applied to structures subjected to ordinary cl.B.9.2(2):
loads. 1991-1-7
The economic feasibility of a risk assessment can be taken into account by having dierent
strategies for risk control and risk reduction. For example:
. The risk may be reduced by the reduction of the probability that the hazards will occur,
i.e. by reducing P(H). The risk of explosions in buildings might be reduced by removing
explosive materials from the building.
. The risk may be reduced by reducing the probability of signicant damages for given
hazards, i.e. P(D|H). For example, damage which might follow as a consequence of
the initiation of res can be mitigated by passive and active re control measures (e.g.
foam protection of steel members and sprinkler systems).
. The risk may be reduced by reducing the probability of adverse structural performance cl.B.9.2(3):
given structural damage, i.e. P(S|D). This might be undertaken by designing the 1991-1-7
structures with a sucient degree of redundancy, thus allowing for alternative load
transfer should the static system change due to damage.

B.9.3. Modelling of risks from extreme events

B.9.3.1. General format
As part of a risk analysis, potential extreme hazards such as earthquakes, explosions,
collisions, etc. will need to be investigated. The general model for such an event may consist


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

x2 *H

S: Structure
H: Hazard event with magnitude M at time t
S x1

Fig. 7.5. Components for the extreme event modelling

of the following components (see Fig. 7.5):

. a triggering event at some place and at some point in time
. the magnitude M of the energy involved in the event and possibly some other parameters
cl.B.9.3.1(1): . the physical interactions between the event, the environment and the structure, leading to
1991-1-7 the exceedance of some limit state in the structure.
cl.B.9.3.1(2): The occurrence of the triggering event for hazard H in B.9.3.1(1) may often be modelled as
1991-1-7 events in a Poisson process of intensity (t, x) per unit volume and time unit, t representing
the point in time and x the location in space (x1, x2, x3). The probability of occurrence of
failure during the time period up to time T is then (for constant  and small probabilities)
given by expression (B.3):
Pf T  N PFjM mfM m dm B:3

N T is the total number of relevant initiating events in the considered period of time
fM(m) is the probability density function of the random magnitude M of the hazard.
The probability of failure can depend on the distance between the structure and the loca-
tion of the event. In that case an explicit integration over the area or volume of interest is

B.9.3.2. Application to impact from vehicles

Guidance is given in this clause for the determination of the probability of failure in the event
of an impact that will occur if a vehicle, travelling along the roadway, leaves its intended
course at a critical place with sucient speed. No further guidance is given in this Designers
cl.B.9.3.2: Guide and if necessary for the design the reader should consult Clause B.9.3.2 of Annex B of
1991-1-7 EN 1991-1-7.

B.9.3.3. Application to impact from ships

Guidance is given in this clause for the determination of the probability of failure in the event
of an impact that will occur if a ship impacts a structure. This clause is more relevant for
bridge supporting structures and no further guidance is given on this clause in this Designers
cl.B.9.3.3: Guide and if necessary for the design the reader should consult Clause B.9.3.3 of Annex B of
1991-1-7 EN 1991-1-7.

B.9.4. Guidance for application of risk analysis related to impact from rail
Clause B.9.4(1) gives a very comprehensive list of issues which should be taken into account
when assessing the risk to people from derailed trains on the approach to Class A structures,
where the maximum permitted line speed is over 120 km/h, and Class B structures. Class A
cl.B.9.4(1): and Class B structures are dened in Table 4.3 of EN 1991-1-7 and this Designers Guide. No
1991-1-7 further guidance is necessary on the listed factors.


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Clause B.9.4(2) gives a very comprehensive list of issues which should be taken into
account for Class B structures either singly or in combination in determining the appropriate
measures to reduce the risk to people from a derailed train on the approach to a structure.
Class B structures are dened in Table 4.3 of EN 1991-1-7 and this Designers Guide. No cl.B.9.4(2):
further guidance is necessary on the listed factors. 1991-1-7


Copyright ICE Publishing, all rights reserved.


Annex C (informative):
Dynamic design for impact

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to information on the dynamic design for
impact in Annex B of EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General
Actions Accidental actions. The material described in this Chapter is covered in the
following clauses:
. General Clause C.1: 1991-1-7
. Impact dynamics Clause C.2: 1991-1-7
. Impact from aberrant road vehicles Clause C.3: 1991-1-7
. Impact from ships Clause C.4: 1991-1-7

Introduction to this chapter

Annex C is primarily applicable to bridge supporting structures and superstructures. In
this chapter of the Designers Guide the information given on impact dynamics in
EN 1991-1-7 will be discussed. If the reader requires information on the application of
impact dynamics for impacts from aberrant road vehicles and ships, these are covered
in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.

C.1. General
Impact, in the context of EN 1991-1-7, is an interaction phenomenon between a moving
object and a structure, in which the kinetic energy of the object is suddenly transformed
into energy of deformation. To determine the dynamic interaction forces, the mechanical
properties of both the object and the structure should be determined.
In many cases static equivalent forces (e.g. those in Chapter 4 of EN 1991-1-7 and this cl.C.1(1): 1991-1-7
Designers Guide) are commonly used in design.
Advanced design of structures to sustain actions due to impact may include explicitly one
or both of the following aspects:
. dynamic eects
. non-linear material behaviour.
In this Annex guidance is only given for dynamic eects. cl.C.1(2): 1991-1-7
Information on the probabilistic aspects and the analysis of consequences can be obtained Note to cl.C.1(2):
from Annex C. 1991-1-7

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

cl.C.1(3): 1991-1-7 No further information is given in this Designers Guide on Clause C.1(3), as this clause is
applicable primarily for bridges and guidance may be obtained from the Thomas Telford
Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.

C.2. Impact dynamics

Impact is characterised as either:
. hard impact, where the energy is mainly dissipated by the impacting body, or
cl.C.2(1): 1991-1-7 . soft impact, where the structure is designed to deform in order to absorb the impact

C.2.1. Hard impact

For hard impact, the equivalent static forces may be obtained from Chapter 4 Clauses 4.3 to
cl.C.2.1(1): 4.7 of EN 1991-1-7 or this Designers Guide. As an alternative, an approximate dynamic
1991-1-7 analysis may be performed following the simplied approximations given below in Clauses
C.2.1(2) and (3).
cl.C.2.1(2): For a hard impact analysis, the following assumptions are made:
. the structure is rigid and immovable, and
. the colliding object deforms linearly during the impact phase.
The maximum resulting dynamic interaction force is given by expression (C.1)
F vr km C:1
vr is the object velocity at impact
k is the equivalent elastic stiness of the object (i.e. the ratio between force F and total
m is the mass of the colliding object.

The force due to impact may be considered as a rectangular pulse on the surface of the
structure. In that case the duration of the pulse follows from:
Ft mv or t m=k C:2
If relevant, a non-zero rise time can be applied (see Fig. C.1).
When the colliding object is modelled as an equivalent impacting object of uniform cross-
section (see Fig. 8.1), expressions (C.3) and (C.4) should be used to determine k and m:
k EA=L C:3
m AL C:4

P, A, E, L vr km

F = dynamic interaction force

Rise time
t = mlk

Fig. 8.1. Impact model


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L is the length of the impacting object
A is the cross-sectional area
E is the modulus of elasticity
 is the mass density of the impacting object.
No additional information is required for Clause C2.1 (3). 1991-1-7

C.2.2. Soft impact

For the case where the structure is assumed elastic and the colliding object rigid, the cl.C.2.2(1):
expressions given in Section C.2.1 apply, with k being the stiness of the structure. 1991-1-7
For the case where the structure is designed to absorb the impact energy by plastic defor-
mations, the design will need to be such that the structures ductility is sucient to absorb the
total kinetic energy of the colliding object given below:
1 2
2 mvr

For the case of rigid-plastic response of the structure, the above requirement is satised by
the condition of expression (C.5):

1 2
2 mvr  Fo yo C:5
Fo is the plastic strength of the structure, i.e. the limit value of the static force F
yo is its deformation capacity, i.e. the displacement of the point of impact that the structure cl.C.2.2(2):
can undergo. 1991-1-7
No additional information is required for the note to Clause C2.2 (2). Note to cl.C.2.2(2):

C.3. Impact from aberrant road vehicles

This Section C.3 covers impact from aberrant road vehicles for which values for the
impacting force to be used in the design are given in Section 4.3 of this Part of this Designers
An alternative method to determine the impact force is given in C.3 of EN 1991-1-7, and cl.C.3: 1991-1-7
the reader may use this if required. However, this Section is more applicable for bridge
supporting structures and superstructures for which information is given in the Thomas
Telford Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.

C.4. Impact by ships

This Section C.4 covers ship impact in inland waterways and sea waterways.
This Section is more applicable for bridge supporting structures and superstructures for cl.C.4: 1991-1-7
which information is given in the Thomas Telford Designers Guide on Actions on Bridges.


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Annex D (informative):
Internal explosions

This chapter is concerned with the rules relating to internal explosions in Annex D of
EN 1991-1-7: Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures: Part 1.7: General Actions Accidental
actions. The material described in this chapter is covered in the following clauses:
. Dust explosions in rooms, vessels and bunkers Clause D.1: 1991-1-7
. Natural gas explosions Clause D.2: 1991-1-7
. Explosions in road and rail tunnels Clause D.3: 1991-1-7

Introduction to Annex D
The following denitions are used in this chapter on Annex D.
. Deagration which is dened as the propagation of a combustion zone at a velocity cl.1.5.3: 1991-1-7
that is less than the speed of sound in the unreacted medium.
. Detonation which is dened as the propagation of a combustion zone at a velocity cl.1.5.4: 1991-1-7
that is greater than the speed of sound in the unreacted medium.
. Venting panel which is dened as a non-structural part of the enclosure (wall, cl.1.5.17: 1991-1-7
oor, ceiling) with limited resistance that is intended to relieve the developing
pressure from deagration in order to reduce pressure on structural parts of the

D.1. Dust explosions in rooms, vessels and bunkers

When the design concerns dust explosions in rooms, vessels and bunkers, the type of dust cl.D.1(1): 1991-1-7
is represented by a material parameter KSt, which characterises the conned explosion
behaviour of the appropriate dust type. KSt may be experimentally determined by
standard methods for each type of dust.
A higher value for KSt leads to higher pressures and shorter rise times for internal Note 1 to cl.D.1(1):
explosion pressures. The value of KSt depends on factors such as changes in the chemical 1991-1-7
composition, particle size and moisture content. A sample number of Indicative values for
KSt are given in Table 9.1 of this Designers Guide. The table does list all the types of dust
covered by EN 1991-1-7 but the values for KSt for all the types of dust should be obtained
from Annex D of EN 1991-1-7. Note 2 to cl.D.1(1):
No further guidance is required for Note 2 of Clause D.4(1). 1991-1-7

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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

Table 9.1. KSt values for dusts

Type of dust KSt (kN/m2  m/s)

Brown coal 18 000

Cellulose 27 000
Coee 9 000
Corn, corn crush
Corn starch
Grain 13 000
Milk powder 16 000
Mineral coal
Mixed provender
Pea our
Rye our, wheat our
Soya meal
Sugar 15 000
Washing powder 27 000
Wood, wood our 22 000

Note 3 to cl.D.1(1):
1991-1-7 No further guidance is required for Note 3 of Clause D.4(1).
Clause D.1(2) gives an expression (D.1), which is not reproduced here, to determine the
venting area (A) of cubic and elongated rooms, vessels, and bunkers for dust explosions
within a single room. The venting area (A) is dependent upon the parameters below when
it is determined using expression (D.1):

. pmax is the maximum pressure of the dust

. KSt is the deagration index of a dust cloud, see Table D.1
. pred.max is the anticipated maximum reduced pressure in the vented vessel
. pstat is the static activation pressure with the size of existing venting areas
. V is the volume of room, vessel, bunker.

When using expression (D.1) it should be remembered that it is only valid with restric-
tions which are comprehensively listed in Clause D.1(2) of Annex D of EN 1991-1-7.
cl.D.1(2): 1991-1-7 Furthermore, when determining the venting area A using expression (D.1), care needs
to be observed regarding the units for the various parameters that are used.
Clause D.1(3) gives an expression (D.2), which is not reproduced here, to determine the
venting area (A) of rectangular enclosures. The venting area (A) is dependent upon the
parameters below when it is determined using expression (D.2):

. pmax is the maximum pressure of the dust

. KSt is the deagration index of a dust cloud, see Table D.1
. pBem is the design strength of the structure
. pstat is the static activation pressure with the size of existing venting areas
. V is the volume of the rectangular enclosure.

When using expression (D.2) it should be remembered that it is only valid with restric-
tions which are comprehensively listed in Clause D.1(3) of Annex D of EN 1991-1-7.
cl.D.1(3): 1991-1-7 Furthermore when determining the venting area A using expression (D.2), care needs to
be observed regarding the units for the various parameters that are used.
cl.D.1(4): 1991-1-7 Clause D.1(4) should be used for elongated rooms to determine the increase in the
venting area for the geometric parameters given in the Clause.


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D.2. Natural gas explosions

This clause gives guidance for buildings which have natural gas installed. In such situa-
tions the structure may be designed to withstand the eects of an internal natural gas
explosion using a nominal equivalent static pressure determined by expressions (D.4) and

pd 3 pstat D:4
pd 3 pstat =2 0:04=Av =V2 D:5
whichever is the greater,
pstat is the uniformly distributed static pressure at which venting components will fail, in
Av is the area of venting components, in m2
V is the volume of rectangular enclosure (m3).
Expressions (D.4) and (D.5) are valid for a room up to 1000 m3 total volume. cl.D.2(1): 1991-1-7
The pressure due to deagration can be taken to act eectively simultaneously on all of Note to cl.D.2(1):
the bounding surfaces of the room. 1991-1-7
For rooms in buildings which have dierent venting components with dierent pstat
values, the largest value of pstat should be used in the design.
If the value for pd is determined to be greater than 50 kN/m2 it does not need to be cl.D.2(2): 1991-1-7
taken into account, and thus the value of 50 kN/m2 can be used.
When using expressions (D.4) and (D.5) the ratio of the area of venting components cl.D.2(3): 1991-1-7
(Av) and the volume (V) should comply with expression (D.6) below:
0.05(1/m)  Av/V  0.15 (D.6)

D.3. Explosions in road and rail tunnels

In this Clause D3, expressions are given to determine the pressure time function in road cl.D.3(1): 1991-1-7
and rail tunnels in the case of a detonation and deagration. These clauses do not apply
for buildings and if guidance is required the reader may refer to the Thomas Telford
Designers Guide to Actions on Bridges.


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PART 7: EN 1991-1-7

References for Part 7

1. EN 1991-1-7: 2006. Eurocode 1 Actions on Structures Part 1-7: General Actions
Accidental actions.
2. Calgaro, J.-A., Tschumi, M. and Gulvanessian, H., Designers guide to EN 1991 for
bridges. Actions on bridges. Thomas Telford, London, 2002.
3. Gulvanessian, H., Calgaro, J.-A. and Holicky, M. Designers guide to EN 1990 Euro-
code: Basis of design. Thomas Telford, London, 2002.
4. ISO. ISO 2394:1998. General principles on reliability. ISO, Geneve, 1998.
5. ISO. ISO 3898:1997. Basis for the design of structures notation general symbols. ISO,
Geneve, 1997.
6. ISO. ISO 8930:1987. General principles on reliability for structures list of equivalent
terms. ISO, Geneve, 1987.
7. BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 1 1997 Structural use of plain, reinforced and
prestressed concrete. Part 2 1985 Code of practice for special circumstances. BSI,
8. BS 5950: Structural use of steelwork in building. Part 1 Code of practice for design
Rolled and welded sections. BSI, London, 2000.
9. BS 5628: Code of practice for use of masonry. Part 1 Structural use of unreinforced
masonry. BSI, London, 1992.
10. Reid, Stuart, G. Perception and communication of risk, and the importance of depend-
ability. Structural Safety 21. Elsevier Science, 1999, pp. 373384.
11. UIC 777-2R. Structures built over railway lines Construction requirements in the track
zone Edition: 2. Union Internationale de Chemins de Fer, Railway Technical Publica-
tions (ETF), 2002.
12. Mainstone, R. J., Nicholson, H. G. and Alexander, S. J. Structural Damage in Buildings
Caused by Gaseous Explosions and Other Accidental Loadings. BRE, Watford, 1978.
13. Mainstone, R. J. The Response of Buildings to Accidental Explosions. BRE, Garston,
Watford, 1976.
14. Allott and Lomax. Guidance on robustness and provision against accidental actions. CLG
internal report, ref: CI/21/2/66, London, May, 1999.
15. BSI. BS 5628: Code of practice for use of masonry. Part 1 1992. Structural use of
unreinforced masonry. BSI, London, 1992.
16. BSI. BS 5850: Structural use of steelwork in building. Part 1 2000. Code of practice for
design rolled and welded sections. BSI, London, 2000.
17. BSI. BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 1 1992. Structural use of plain, reinforced
and prestressed concrete. BSI, London, 1992.
18. BSI. BS 8110: Structural use of concrete. Part 2 1985. Code of practice for special
circumstances. BSI, London, 1985.
19. Proposals for Amending Part A Structure. A Consultation Package Available to the
20. BS 6399: 1996. Loading for buildings. Part 1. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads.
BSI, London, 1996.
21. Approved document A (2004) of the Building Regulations for England and Wales. HMSO,
London, 2004.
22. CIB WG 32. A framework for risk management and risk communications. CIB, CIB
Report 259, Rotterdam.
23. Ellis, B. R. and Currie, D. M. Gas explosions in buildings in the UK regulation and
risk. The Structural Engineer, 76, No. 19, 1998.
24. FEMA 386-2. Understanding your risks Identifying hazards and estimating losses. US
Federal Emergency Management Agency, August 2001, USA.


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Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations or tables.

accepted risks, 232, 233, 269270 vertical ties, 263264

accidental actions, 221284 walls, 241242, 261264
actions during execution, 210211 snow loads, 71, 7475, 80, 8586, 93, 99
EN 1991-1-7, 221284 action classication, 1314, 1618
accepted risks, 232, 233, 269270 actions during execution, 181182, 185187
action classication, 5, 227228 snow loads, 71
action representation, 240241, 252253 thermal actions, 163164
bomb attacks, 234 action representation, 1314
buildings, 222, 241245, 255264, 265275 accidental actions, 240241, 252253
classication of actions, 5, 227228 actions during execution, 182, 197211
collapse, 224225, 231, 234236, 257 imposed loads, 3537
collisions, 221222, 240249 self-weight, 3132
consequence classes, 224, 232, 236237, actions during execution
255264 EN 1991-1-6, 181218
design principles, 253254 accidental actions, 210211
design situations, 229237 action classication, 181182, 185187
explosions, 221222, 251254, 256257, action representation, 182, 197211
281283 alterations, 182, 217
re, 222, 254 atmospheric icing, 204
forklift trucks, 239, 245 auxiliary construction works, 182
helicopters, 239, 249 bridges, 182, 215
horizontal ties, 259263 buildings, 181218
identied actions, 230231, 232234 characteristic value, 190194, 197199
impacts, 221222, 240249, 274275, classication of actions, 181182, 185187
277279 climatic action, 191194
internal explosions, 251254, 281283 combination value, 197, 198
localised damage/failure, 230231, 232, concrete construction work, 193, 200,
234236, 255264 209210
rail trac, 239, 245248, 274275, 283 construction, 181218
representation of actions, 240241, construction loads, 185187, 198199,
252253 204210
risk analysis, 222, 265275 demolition, 182, 217
road vehicles, 239, 241245, 274, 279, 283 design situations, 182, 189195
robustness, 224225, 230, 233234, geotechnical actions, 200201
256257 handling factors, 199200
seismic action, 222, 229 horizontal actions, 214
ship trac, 248249, 274, 279 hydration eects, 202
ties, 235236, 259264 impacts, 193
trains, 239, 245248, 274275 limit states, 182, 194195, 213214
unidentied actions, 230231, 255264 non-structural members, 199200
variable actions, 227228, 234 predeformations, 201202

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actions during execution (continued ) characteristic value coecient k, 56, 7

EN 1991-1-6, 181218 classication of actions, 1618
prestressing, 201, 202 accidental actions, 227228
quasi-permanent value, 197, 198 actions during execution, 181182, 185187
reconstructions, 182, 217 snow loads, 71
representation of actions, 182, 197211 thermal actions, 163164
return periods, 190191, 192193 clearance factors, 243244
seismic actions, 211 climatic actions, 191194
self-weight, 199200 coecients
serviceability limit states, 182, 194195, characteristic value, 56, 7
213214 linear expansion, 160, 167168, 175
shrinkage eects, 202 snow loads, 8799, 117119
snow loads, 192, 193, 203 of variations, 117119
supplementary rules, 182, 213215 wind actions, 128, 146148, 153154
temperature, 202 collapse
thermal actions, 191192, 202 accidental actions, 224225, 231, 234236,
ultimate limit states, 194, 213 257
variable actions, 197199 concrete casting, 200
water, 203 roof collapse, 8687, 88
wind actions, 192194, 202203 collisions, 221222, 240249
administration area loads, 3844 columns, 38, 241242
aerodynamic coecients, 153154 combination value, 5, 6
aerodynamic shapes, 83, 84 accidental actions, 227, 234
aeroelasticity, 155 actions during execution, 197, 198
alteration actions, 182, 217 self-weight, 23
angle of repose, 14 snow loads, 73
architectural massing junctions, 160 thermal actions, 165166
arrangement of imposed loads, 3738 commercial area loads, 3844
arrangement of snow loads, 8389, 107 communication, risk analysis, 271
atmospheric icing, 204 concrete construction work, 193, 200, 209210
auxiliary construction works, 182 concrete structure self weight, 32
consequence classes, 224, 232, 236237, 255264
background response factors, 127 construction works, 181218
beams, imposed loads, 2324, 3738 loads, 185187, 198199, 204210
bomb attacks, 234 material density, 11, 29, 5556
bracing systems, 160, 235236, 259264 material storage, 205, 206, 207
bridges, 33, 175, 182, 215 self-weight, 11, 3133
bueting, 151 thermal actions, 177178
buildings continental snow fall, 84
accidental actions, 222, 241245, 255264, continuous oor slabs, 2527
265275 crushing, 41
actions during execution, 181218 cumulative distribution, 78, 79, 111112
construction loads, 185187, 198199, cylindrical roofs, 89, 9599
imposed loads, 1112, 2227, 3133, 3553 dancing, 1718
material storage, 205, 206, 207 deagration index, 281282
self weight, 3133 demolition, 182, 217
thermal actions, 167173, 177178 density, 11, 14, 29, 5556
bulk weight density, 14, 68, 121122 snow loads, 68, 121122
derailed rail trac, 245248
cantilever beams, 2324 design situations
car parks, 4950, 5758 accidental actions, 229237
casting concrete, 209210 actions during execution, 182, 189195
characteristic value of actions, 5, 67 density, self-weight and imposed loads, 1927
accidental actions, 227 snow loads, 7375, 80, 8586, 107
actions during execution, 190194, 197199 thermal actions, 165166
imposed loads, 20, 23, 3853 wind actions, 131
self-weight, 20, 3233 design working lives, 67
snow loads, 68, 7374, 7781, 111115 directional factors, 128
thermal actions, 165166 displacement height, 144


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disproportionate collapse, 224225, 231, 257 non-structural elements, 14

divergent wind actions, 155 notation, 14
domestic area loads, 3844 oce area loads, 3844
drifts, snow loads, 6768, 71, 7475, 8486, parapets, 5253, 5758
9299, 101103, 107 partitions, 14, 4142, 5253
dust explosions, 281283 people, 3538
dynamic characteristics of structures, 155, 156 permanent actions, 1516, 20
dynamic design, impacts, 277279 permanent loads, 2022
dynamic factors, 149151, 155 quasi-permanent value, 33
dynamic loading, 1718 reduction factors, 4244
representation of actions, 3132, 3537
earthquakes, 80, 211, 222, 229 residential area loads, 3844
EN 1990 roofs, 35, 3638, 5053
action classication/denitions, 46 self-weight, 11, 1517, 1927, 3133
requirements aecting EN 1991-1-7, 222223 serviceability limit states, 1920
EN 1991-1-1, 1159 shopping area loads, 3844
action classication, 1618 social area loads, 3844
action representation, 3132, 3537 special devices for maintenance, 4849
administration areas, 3844 storage areas, 4448
angle of repose, 14 stored material density, 11, 29, 5556
Annex A, 5556 structural elements, 14
Annex B, 5758 symbols, 14
arrangements of loads, 3738 synchronised rhythmical movement, 1718
beams, 2324, 3738 trac areas, 4950
buildings imposed loads, 1112, 1718, transport vehicles, 47
2227, 3133, 3553 ultimate limit states, 1920
cantilever beam against overturning, 2324 variable actions, 20, 2227
car parks, 4950, 5758 vehicles, 35, 4750
characteristic value of actions, 20, 23, 3233, walls, 38
3853 water levels, 22
classication of actions, 1618 EN 1991-1-2, re, 63
columns, imposed loads, 38 EN 1991-1-3
combination value, 23 snow loads, 67123, 192193, 203
commercial area loads, 3844 accidental actions, 71, 7475, 93, 99
construction material density, 11, 29, 5556 accidental design situation, 7475, 80,
construction works, 11, 3133 8586
continuous oor slabs, 2527 action classication, 71
denitions, 1314 actions during execution, 192, 193, 203
density, 11, 14, 29, 5556, 68 Annex A, 6768, 107
design situations, 1927 Annex B, 68, 109
domestic area loads, 3844 Annex C, 68, 7778, 111115
dynamic loading, 1718 Annex D, 68, 117119
examples, 20, 2325 Annex E, 68, 121122
oors, 2527, 3538 arrangement, 8389, 107
forklifts, 47, 48 bulk weight density, 68, 121122
free actions, 16, 1718, 17, 2327 characteristic values, 68, 7374, 7781,
frequent value, 23 111115
garages, 4950, 5758 classication of actions, 71
general, 1114 coecients, 8799, 117119
gross weight of vehicle, 14 collapse of roofs, 8687, 88
horizontal loads, 5253 combination values, 73
imposed loads, 1112, 1718, 2227, 3153, continental snow fall, 84
5758 cylindrical roofs, 89, 9599
industrial activity areas, 4448 denitions, 6970
lightweight structure loads, 18 density, 68, 121122
limit states, 1920 design assisted by testing, 69
long-span structures, 18 design situations, 7375, 8586, 107
machinery dynamic loads, 18 drifts, 6768, 71, 7475, 8486, 9299,
maintenance special devices, 4849 101103, 107
movable partitions, 14 European load maps, 111115


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EN 1991-1-3 (continued ) background response factors, 127

snow loads bueting, 151
exceptional drifts, 6768, 71, 7475, 107 coecients, 128, 146148, 153154
exceptional fall, 6768, 71, 74, 75, 7881, denitions, 127129
107 design situations, 131
exposure characteristics, 8788 directional factors, 128
exposure coecients, 8788, 92, 94 displacement height, 144
xed actions, 71 divergence, 155
frequent value, 73, 80 dynamic characteristics of structures, 155,
general, 6770 156
ground loads, 68, 7781, 111115, dynamic factors, 149151, 155
117119 end-eect factors, 147
imposed loads, 81 exposure factors, 128, 139143
limit states, 73, 80 external forces, 147
local eects, 101105 utter, 155
maps, 68, 7778, 111115 forces, 128, 129, 145148, 153154
maritime snow fall, 8485 friction, 128, 147148, 154
monopitch roofs, 89, 9091 galloping, 155
multi-span roofs, 89, 90, 9395 general, 127129
non-exceptional drifts, 6768, 74, 107 height displacement, 144
non-exceptional fall, 6768, 7475, 107 internal forces, 147
normal conditions, 6768, 74 mean wind velocity, 128, 137138
notation, 70 modelling, 133
obstacles, 104105 National Annex, 138, 140143, 149151
obstruction drifting, 101103 notation, 127129
overhang on roofs, 102104 orography factors, 128, 140143
parapets, 102, 103 peak velocity pressure, 128, 135, 139143
permanent actions, 81 pressures, 128, 129, 133, 135144, 145, 146,
persistent design situation, 7475, 8586, 153154
107 probability factors, 128
pitch angles, 9092 reduction factors, 146, 154
pitched roofs, 89, 90, 9193 resonant factors, 128
projection drifting, 101103 roughness factors, 128, 137138
quasi-permanent value, 73, 80 season factors, 128
rainfall, 86 shapes force coecients, 146148
return periods, 68, 117119 size factors, 143, 149151, 155
roofs, 8399, 102105 structural factors, 128, 149151, 155
seismic design, 80 surface wind pressures, 145, 146
self-weight, 81 symbols, 127129
serviceability limit states, 73, 80 terrain factors, 135143, 155
shape coecients, 8999, 109 turbulence intensity, 129, 138139
shapes on roofs, 8399 velocity, 128, 133, 135144
snowguards, 104105 vortex shedding, 155
symbols, 70 wake bueting, 151
testing and design, 69 wind forces, 128, 129, 145148, 153154
thermal characteristics, 8889 wind pressures, 128, 129, 133, 135144, 145,
thermal coecients, 8889, 92, 94 146, 153154
transient design situation, 7475, 8586, wind velocity, 128, 133, 135144
107 EN 1991-1-5
ultimate limit states, 73 thermal actions, 159178, 191192, 202
variable actions, 71, 7374 action classication, 163164
wind, 69, 81, 8384, 8788, 91, 9596 actions during execution, 191192
wind tunnel tests, 69, 8384, 91, 9596 Annex A, 175
EN 1991-1-4 Annex B, 177178
wind actions, 126156 architectural massing junctions, 160
actions during execution, 192194 bracing systems, 160
aerodynamic coecients, 153154 bridges, 175
aeroelasticity, 155 buildings, 167173, 177178
Annex F, 155, 156 characteristic values, 165166
Annexes A to E, 155 classication of actions, 163164


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coecients of linear expansion, 160, reconstructions, 182, 217

167168, 175 representation of actions, 182, 197211
combination values, 165166 return periods, 190191
construction works, 177178 seismic actions, 211
denitions, 161 self-weight, 199200
design situations, 165166 serviceability limit states, 182, 194195,
framing systems, 160 213214
frequency factors, 160 supplementary rules, 182, 213215
frequent value, 165166 symbols, 183
general, 159161 temperature, 202
geometry, 160, 167168 ultimate limit states, 194, 213
materials, 160, 167168 variable actions, 197199
movement, 160 water, 203
notation, 161 EN 1991-1-7
quasi-permanent value, 166 accidental actions, 221284
representation of actions, 167168 accepted risks, 232, 233, 269270
restraints, 160 action classication, 227228, 240241
return periods, 159, 163164 action representation, 240241, 252253
serviceability limit states, 165 Annex A, 255264
shade air temperatures, 163, 167, 175 Annex B, 265275
solar radiation, 163, 167, 172173 Annex C, 277279
strains, 160, 167168 Annex D, 281283
stresses, 167168 bomb attacks, 234
symbols, 161 buildings, 222, 241245, 255264, 265275
temperature, 160, 167173, 177178 classication of actions, 227228
ultimate limit states, 165 collapse, 224225, 231, 234236, 257
EN 1991-1-6 collisions, 221222, 240249
actions during execution, 181218 consequence classes, 224, 232, 236237,
accidental actions, 210211 255264
action classication, 181182, 185187 damage/failure, 230231, 232, 234236,
action representation, 182, 197211 255264
alterations, 182, 217 denitions, 223225
Annex A, 182, 213215 design principles, 253254
Annex B, 182, 217 design situations, 229237
atmospheric icing, 204 EN 1990 requirements, 222223
auxiliary construction works, 182 explosions, 221222, 251254, 281283
bridges, 182, 215 re, 222, 254
buildings, 181218 forklift trucks, 239, 245
characteristic value, 190194, 197199 general, 221225
classication of actions, 181182, 185187 helicopters, 239, 249
climatic action, 191194 horizontal ties, 259263
combination value, 197, 198 identied actions, 230231, 232234
concrete construction work, 193, 200, impacts, 221222, 240249, 274275,
209210 277279
construction, 181218 internal explosions, 251254, 281283
construction loads, 185187, 198199, limit states, 227
204210 localised damage/failure, 230231, 232,
denitions, 183 234236, 255264
demolition, 182, 217 National Annexes, 242, 244248, 258
design situations, 182, 189195 notation, 225
general, 181183 rail trac, 239, 245248, 274275, 283
geotechnical actions, 200201 representation of actions, 240241,
handling factors, 199200 252253
horizontal actions, 214 risk analysis, 222, 265275
impacts, 193 road vehicles, 239, 241245, 274, 279, 283
limit states, 182, 194195, 213214 robustness, 224225, 230, 233234,
notation, 183 256257
predeformations, 201202 seismic action, 222, 229
prestressing, 201, 202 ship trac, 248249, 274, 279
quasi-permanent value, 197, 198 symbols, 225


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EN 1991-1-7 (continued ) heavy machinery/equipment loads, 205, 206, 207

accidental actions height displacement, 144
ties, 235236, 259264 helicopters, 51, 52, 239, 249
trains, 239, 245248, 274275 horizontal actions during execution, 214
unidentied actions, 230231, 255264 horizontal loads, 5253
vertical ties, 263264 horizontal ties, 259263
end-eect factors, 147 hydration eects, 202
equipment loads, 205, 206, 207
Eurocodes icing, 204
benets, 23 see also snow loads
eld of application, 3 identied accidental actions, 230231, 232234
implementation, 34 impacts
links between, 2 accidental actions, 221222, 240249,
National Annexes, 3, 4 274275, 277279
National Standard implementation, 34 actions during execution, 193
Nationally Determined Parameters, 34 imposed loads
objectives, 12 EN 1991-1-1, 1112, 1718, 2227, 3153,
programme background, 13 5758
rules and contents, 3 arrangements, 3738
status, 12, 3 beams, 2324, 3738
exceptional snow drifts, 6768, 71, 7475, 107 buildings, 1112, 1718, 2227, 3133,
exceptional snow fall, 6768, 71, 74, 75, 7881, 3553, 5758
107 car parks, 4950, 5758
execution actions see actions during execution characteristic values, 3853
explosions, 221222, 251254, 256257, design situations, 2227
281283 oors, 2527, 3538
exposure characteristics, 8788 forklifts, 47, 48
exposure coecients, 8788, 92, 94 garages, 4950, 5758
exposure factors, 128, 139143 industrial activity areas, 4448
external forces, wind actions, 147 parapets, 5253, 5758
external temperature factors, 171173 people, 3538
extreme event risks, 272, 273274 reduction factors, 4244
roofs, 35, 3638, 5053
fatal accidental actions, 232 storage areas, 4448
re, 63, 222, 254 trac areas, 4950
xed actions, 71, 186, 187 transport vehicles, 47
oors, 2527, 3538 vehicles, 35, 4750
utter, 155 snow loads, 81
force coecients, wind, 128, 146148, 153154 industrial activity area loads, 4448
forklifts, 47, 48, 239, 245 inner environment temperatures, 171172
framing systems, 160, 235236, 259264 internal explosions, 251254, 281283
free actions, 1618, 2327, 186, 187, 227 internal forces, wind actions, 147
frequency of temperature measurements, 160 internal temperatures, 171172
frequent value, 56, 23, 73, 80, 165166 Italian snow loads, 7879, 92
friction, 128, 147148, 154
jumping, 1718
galloping, 155 junctions, architectural massing, 160
garage loads, 4950, 5758
gas explosions, 251252, 256257, 283 lightweight structure loads, 18
geometry, thermal actions, 160, 167168 limit states, 1920
geotechnical actions during execution, 200201 accidental actions, 227
gross weight of vehicle, 14 actions during execution, 182, 194195,
ground snow loads, 68, 7781, 111115, 213214
117119 snow loads, 73, 80
Gumbel type cumulative distribution, 78, 79, thermal actions, 165
111112 load-bearing walls, 261264
local eects, snow loads, 101105
handling factors, 199200 localised damage/failure, 230231, 232,
handtools, 205206 234236, 255264
hard impact, 278279 long-span structures, 18


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machinery predeformations, 201202

see also equipment loads pressure, 128129, 133146, 153154,
dynamic loads, 18 253254
maintenance special devices, 4849 prestressing, 201, 202
maps, snow loads, 68, 7778, 111115 probability factors, 128
maritime projection drifting, 101103
shipping, 248249, 274, 279 punching, 41
snow fall, 8485
masonry structures, 3233 qualitative risk analysis, 267268
materials quantitative risk analysis, 268269
density, 11, 29, 5556 quasi-permanent value, 5, 6
storage, 205, 206, 207 actions during execution, 197, 198
thermal actions, 160, 167168 imposed loads, 33
waste accumulation, 205, 206207, 208 snow loads, 73, 80
mean wind velocity, 128, 137138 thermal actions, 166
mechanical actions, 63
mitigation of risk, 269271 rail trac, 239, 245248, 274275, 283
modelling wind actions, 133 rainfall, 86
monopitch roofs, 89, 9091 reconstruction actions, 182, 217
movable partitions, 14, 4142 reduction coecients, 192193
moveable items storage, 205, 206 reduction factors, 4244, 146, 154
movement, thermal actions, 160 repose, angle of, 14
multi-span roofs, 89, 90, 9395 representation of actions
accidental actions, 240241, 252253
National Annexes, 3, 4, 7 actions during execution, 182, 197211
accidental actions, 242, 244248, 258 imposed loads, 3537
wind actions, 138, 140143, 149151 self-weight, 3132
national standard implementation, 34 thermal actions, 167168
Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs), residential area loads, 3844
34 resonance, 1718, 128
nominal section, load-bearing walls, 264 restraints, ties, 160, 235236, 259264
non-exceptional snow drifts, 6768, 74, 107 return periods
non-exceptional snow fall, 6768, 7475, 107 actions during execution, 190191, 192193
non-permanent equipment, 205, 206, 208 characteristic value coecient k, 6, 7
non-structural elements, 14 snow loads, 68, 117119
non-structural members during handling, thermal actions, 159, 163164
199200 risk
non-structural risk analysis, 2712735 acceptance, 232, 233, 269270
normal conditions, snow loads, 6768, 74 denition, 266
mitigation, 269271
obstacles on roofs, 104105 risk analysis, 222, 265275
obstruction drifting, 101103 buildings, 222, 265275
oce area loads, 3844 communication, 271
orography factors, wind actions, 128, denition, 266
140143 methods, 267269
oscillations, 1718 road vehicles
outer environment temperatures, 172173 accidental actions, 239, 241245, 274, 279,
overhanging snow on roofs, 102104 283
imposed loads, 47
parapets, 5253, 5758, 102, 103 robustness, 224225, 230, 233234, 256257
partitions, 14, 4142, 5253 Ronan Point collapse, 256257
peak velocity pressure, 128, 135, 139143 roofs
people, imposed loads, 3538 collapse, 8687, 88
permanent actions, 5, 1516, 20, 81 imposed loads, 35, 3638, 5053
permanent loads, 2022 snow loads, 8399, 102105, 109
persistent design situation loads, 7475, 8586, roughness factors, 128, 137138
personnel, construction loads, 205206 Scottish Highland snow loads, 93
pitch angles, 9092 season factors, 128
pitched roofs, 89, 90, 9193 seismic actions, 80, 211, 222, 229


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self-weight, 5 persistent design situation, 7475, 8586,

actions during execution, 199200 107
EN 1991-1-1, 11, 1517, 1927, 3133 pitch angles, 9092
snow loads, 81 projection drifting, 101103
serviceability limit states, 1920, 2223, 73, 80 quasi-permanent value, 73, 80
actions during execution, 182, 194195, rainfall, 86
213214 return periods, 68, 117119
thermal actions, 165 roofs, 8399, 109
shade air temperatures, 163, 167, 175 seismic design situation, 80
shape force coecients, wind, 146148 self-weight, 81
shapes on roofs, snow, 8399 serviceability limit states, 73, 80
ship trac, 248249, 274, 279 shape coecients, 8999, 109
shopping area loads, 3844 shapes on roofs, 8399
shrinkage eects, 202 snow overhang, 102104
single action classication, 5 snowguards, 104105
size factors, 143, 149151, 155 thermal characteristics, 8889
snow loads thermal coecients, 8889, 92, 94
actions during execution, 192, 193, 203 transient design situation, 7475, 8586,
EN 1991-1-3, 67123, 192193, 203 107
accidental actions, 71, 7475, 80, 8586, 93, ultimate limit states, 73
99 variable actions, 71, 7374
accidental design situation, 7475, 80, variations (coecients of ), 117119
8586 wind, 69, 81, 8384, 8788, 91, 9596
action classication, 71 wind tunnel tests, 69, 8384, 91, 9596
actions during execution, 192, 193, 203 social area loads, 3844
arrangement of loads, 8389, 107 soft impacts, 279
bulk weight density, 68, 121122 solar radiation, 163, 167, 172173
characteristic value, 68, 7374, 7781, steel structures, 33
111115 storage area loads, 4448
classication of actions, 71 storage of construction loads, 205, 206
coecients, 8799, 109, 117119 stored material density, 11, 29, 5556
collapse of roofs, 8687, 88 strains, 160, 167168
combination value, 73 stresses, 167168
cylindrical roofs, 89, 9599 structural elements, 14
density, 68, 121122 structural factors, wind, 128, 149151, 155
design situations, 7375, 80, 8586, 107 structural members during handling, 199200
drifts, 6768, 71, 7475, 8486, 9299, structural risk analysis, 271, 272273
101103, 107 substructures, 225
European load maps, 111115 superstructures, 225, 242245
exceptional drifts, 6768, 71, 7475, 107 supplementary rules to EN, 182, 213215,
exceptional fall, 6768, 71, 74, 75, 7881, 1991116
107 surface wind pressures, 145, 146
exposure characteristics, 8788 surfacing depths, 175
exposure coecients, 8788, 92, 94 Swedish snow loads, 9394
xed actions, 71 synchronised rhythmical movement, 1718
frequent value, 73, 80
ground loads, 68, 7781, 111115, 117119 temperature
imposed loads, 81 see also thermal
local eects, 101105 actions during execution, 202
maps, 68, 7778, 111115 changes, 160, 169173
monopitch roofs, 89, 9091 determination/range, 160, 169173
multi-span roofs, 89, 90, 9395 proles, 167168, 170173, 177178
non-exceptional drifts, 6768, 74, 107 strains, 160
non-exceptional fall, 6768, 7475, 107 surfacing depths, 175
normal conditions, 6768, 74 temporary state structure loads, 205, 207208,
obstacles, 104105 209
obstruction drifting, 101103 terrain factors, wind, 135143, 155
overhang on roofs, 102104 thermal actions, 63, 159178, 191192, 202
parapets, 102, 103 actions during execution, 191192, 202
permanent actions, 81 EN 1991-1-5, 159178, 191192, 202


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action classication, 163164 actions during execution, 197199

architectural massing junctions, 160 snow loads, 71, 7374
bracing systems, 160 vehicles
bridges, 175 accidental actions, 239, 241245, 274, 279,
buildings, 167173, 177178 283
characteristic value, 165166 imposed loads, 35, 4750
classication of actions, 163164 velocity, wind, 128, 133, 135144
coecients of linear expansion, 160, venting panels, 253254
167168, 175 vertical ties, 263264
combination value, 165166 vibrations, 1718
construction works, 177178 vortex shedding, 155
design situations, 165166
framing systems, 160 wake bueting, 151
frequency factors, 160 walkways, 53
frequent value, 165166 walls
geometry, 160, 167168 accidental actions, 241242, 261264
materials, 160, 167168 imposed loads, 38
movement, 160 waste material accumulation, 205, 206207, 208
quasi-permanent value, 166 water
representation of actions, 167168 actions during execution, 203
restraints, 160 levels, 22
return periods, 159, 163164 wind actions
serviceability limit states, 165 actions during execution, 192194, 202203
shade air temperatures, 163, 167, 175 EN 1991-1-3, snow loads, 69, 81, 8384,
solar radiation, 163, 167, 172173 8788, 91, 9596
strains, 160, 167168 EN 1991-1-4, 126156
stresses, 167168 actions during execution, 192194
temperature, 160, 167173, 177178 aerodynamic coecients, 153154
ultimate limit states, 165 aeroelasticity, 155
thermal characteristics of snow loads, 8889 background response factors, 127
thermal coecients of snow loads, 8889, 92, 94 bueting, 151
three-span continuous oor slabs, 2527 coecients, 128, 146148, 153154
ties, 160, 235236, 259264 design situations, 131
timber structure self weight values, 33 directional factors, 128
track end structures, 248 displacement height, 144
trac divergence, 155
accidental actions, 239, 241245, 274, 279, dynamic factors, 149151, 155, 156
283 end-eect factors, 147
area loads, 4950 exposure factors, 128, 139143
imposed loads, 47 external forces, 147
trains, 239, 245248, 274275 utter, 155
transient design situations, 7475, 8586, 107, forces, 128, 129, 145148, 153154
190 friction, 128, 147148, 154
transport vehicles galloping, 155
accidental actions, 239, 241245, 274, 279, height displacement, 144
283 internal forces, 147
imposed loads, 47 mean wind velocity, 128, 137138
tunnel explosions, 283 modelling, 133
turbulence intensity, 129, 138139 National Annex, 149151
orography factors, 128, 140143
ultimate limit states, 1920 peak velocity pressure, 128, 135, 139143
accidental actions, 227 pressures, 128, 129, 133, 135144, 145, 146,
actions during execution, 194, 212 153154
snow loads, 73 probability factors, 128
thermal actions, 165 reduction factors, 146, 154
unidentied accidental actions, 230231, resonant factors, 128
255264 roughness factors, 128, 137138
season factors, 128
variable actions, 5, 6, 20, 2227 shapes force coecients, 146148
accidental actions, 227228, 234 size factors, 143, 149151, 155


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wind actions (continued ) wake bueting, 151

EN 1991-1-4 wind forces, 128, 129, 145148, 153154
structural factors, 128, 149151, 155 wind pressures, 128, 129, 133, 135144, 145,
surface wind pressures, 145, 146 146, 153154
terrain factors, 135143, 155 wind velocity, 128, 133, 135144
turbulence intensity, 129, 138139 snow loads, 69, 81, 8384, 8788, 91, 9596
velocity, 128, 133, 135144 wind tunnel snow load tests, 69, 8384, 91,
vortex shedding, 155 9596


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