Contraception and Natural Family Planning
Contraception and Natural Family Planning
Contraception and Natural Family Planning
What What Pope Paul VI What Natural Family
Contraception warned Planning achieves
promised: contraception would instead:
lead to:
(1)Improved husband- (1)A barrier in the (1)Increased communication
wife relationships relationship between a between a husband and
(2)Less divorce with husband and wife wife
less family stress (2)More divorce (2)Less divorce
More promiscuity
(3)Women would be Less family stability
freed from male (3)An increase in women (3)Respects a woman’s
domination being seen as sexual bodily cycle and views her
(4) Less abortion and ‘objects’ as a ‘whole’
teenage pregnancy (4)More abortion
American studies have shown that the divorce rate among couples who use natural family planning is much
less than the divorce rate among couples who use artificial contraception. These studies are not religion
based and include many non-Catholics who follow natural family planning ‘fertility awareness’ methods.
One reason for this seems to be that NFP increases communication between a husband and wife. The
American figures, covering peoples of all religions:
Divorce rates, natural family planning: between 2 and 4%; Divorce rates, artificial
contraception: approx 50%
Source: Janet Smith, Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later (Washington DC: CUA Press, 1991), pp.109-128.