GRP Pipe Joint Thesis

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A thesis submitted in accordancewith the requirementsof

the University of Newcastle upon Tyne
for the Degree of Doctor in Philosophy


Fang Zong Hu


096 5: L447 X

Thes L5811-

To Xiaotong

This dissertation presents the results of research studies carried out in the Department of

Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Newcastle upon

Tyne between June 1992 and July 1995. The content is original, except where specific

referenceis made to the work of others, and includes nothing which is the outcome of work

donein collaboration.

No part of this dissertationhasbeensubmittedfor a degreeat any other university.

FangZong HU

Departmentof Mechanical,
Materials and Manufacturing
University of Newcastleupon Tyne

February 1997


In this thesis the static and fatigue characteristics of glass filament wound plastic pipes and
joints are examined by experiments and numerical analysis. A hydraulic fatigue test rig,

capable of exerting static or cyclic pressures of up to 70 MPa, was designed and built to
enable pressure tests to be carried out on glass reinforced epoxy and glass reinforced vinyl
ester composite pipes incorporating various joints. Static weepage and burst tests were

performed on tubular specimens with and without rubber liners to determine their weepage
and burst strengths under internal hydraulic pressure and to investigate the influence of the

Fatigue weepage tests were performed to determine the fatigue life and failure modes of glass

fibre/epoxy and glass fibre/vinyl ester pipes and joints. For each material system, three types

of specimen were tested. These were plain pipes, pipes with coupler-bonded joints (or
laminate joints in the case of vinyl ester resin based
pipes) and pipes with spigot/socket
bonded joints. All specimens were commercial products with nominal diameters of two
inches (50 mm). A family of curves showing pressure versus life was obtained. It was
observed that weepage mostly occurred close to the pipe joints when pipes were subjected to
internal pressure. Optical
microscopy was used to investigate the damage initiation and
propagation mechanisms in the specimens after testing.

Finally, two-dimensional and three-dimensionalfinite element analyseswere carried out to

calculate the stress and strain distributions, to predict the strength, to interpret the
experimental results and to examine the failure modes of the specimens. Ply-by-ply stress
analysisand the Tsai-Wu failure criterion were employedfor the strengthprediction.


I first would like to thank British Gas plc, Engineering ResearchStation, for providing
financial support for this project. I would also like to thank Ameron, of the Netherlands, and
Sarplast, of Italy, for supplying the GRP pipes and joints.

In particular, I would like to thank my supervisor, ProfessorA. G. Gibson, for his guidance
during the course of this research. I would also like to thank Dr. P.J. Boothby and Dr. P.S.

Hill of the Engineering ResearchStation of British Gas plc for their helpful discussionsand


I am grateful to Dr. D. Foster and Dr. B. Keneghan for reading the draft thesis and their
helpful suggestions.

Finally, the friendship and encouragement received from my colleagues in the Centre for
Composite Materials Engineering at the University
of Newcastle upon Tyne are gratefully
acknowledged, and many thanks are due to the technical staff for their support.



















3.2.1 Effect of Matrix

3.2.2 Effect of Fibres
3.2.3 Effect of Interface
3.2.4 Effect of ProductionProcess


3.3.1 Effect of the Mean Stress

3.3.2 Effect of Frequency 31
3.3.3 Effect of CompressiveLoading 32
3.3.4 Effect of EnvironmentalConditions 34


3.4.1 Effect of StressConcentrators 35

3.4.2 Effect of Edge-InducedStresses 37


3.5.1 GRP Pipes 38

3.5.2 Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints 46


3.7 SUMMARY 50




4.1.1 Introduction 74
4.1.2 Functions 74
4.1.3 Construction and Working Principles 75
4.1.4 Test Types 77
4.1.5 Definition of Failure 78
4.1.6 Experimental Procedure 79


4.2.1 Introduction 81
4.2.2 Cast Resin End-Fittings 81
4.2.3 Adhesively Bonded End-Fittings 82
4.2.4 StressAnalysis of Adhesively Bonded End-Fittings 83









5.2.1 Specimens
5.2.2 Experimental
5.2.3 Results and Discussion


5.3.1 Specimens
5.3.2 Experimental
5.3.3 Results and Discussion


5.4.1 Specimens
5.4.2 Experimental
5.4.3 Results and Discussion


















7.5.1 Coupler Bonded Joint 184

7.5.2 Socket/SpigotBonded Joint 188
7.5.3 Pipe End with Bonded End-Fittings 189
7.5.4 Thermal ResidualStressesin Filament Wound GRP Pipes 191
7.5.5 Self-Rotation of filament Wound GRP Pipes 192


7.6.1 LaminatedJoint 193

7.6.2 Socket/SpigotBondedJoint 196













COl,C02,... Codesfor coupler connectedpipe specimensin Chapter5.

CFRP Carbonfibre reinforced plastics.
ec Elastic tensile static failure strain of a composite.
em Fatigue strain limit of matrix.
Flt, Flt, Fat Tensile strengthof unidirectional lamina in principal material
Flc, F2c,F3c Uniaxial compressive strengths of unidirectional lamina in principal
material directions.
f12,f13,f23 Interaction coefficients in the Tsai-Wu failure criterion.
FRP Fibre reinforced plastics.
GFRP Glassfibre reinforced plastics.
GRE Glassreinforced epoxy.
GRP Glass reinforced plastics.
GRVE Glassreinforced vinyl ester.
JO1,J02,... Codesfor socket/spigotconnectedpipe specimensin Chapter5.
N Number of load cycles.
P Internal pressure.
PO1,P02,... Codesfor plain pipe specimensin Chapter5.
R Ratio of the minimum load to the maximum load of a constant
amplitude fatigue loading.
S Fatigue strength.
S12,S13,S23 Shearstrengthsof unidirectional lamina in material principal material
SA Stress amplitude.
SE Fatigue strength.
SM Mean stress.
Su Static ultimate strength.
UEWS Ultimate elastic wall stress.
VBO1,VBO2,... Codesfor vinyl esterbasedsocket/spigotbondedpipe specimens
in Chapter6.
Vf Fibre volume fraction.
VLO1,VLO2,... Codesfor vinyl esterbasedlaminatejointed pipe specimens
in Chapter6.
Yin Matrix volume fraction.
VPO1,VPO2,... Codesof vinyl esterbasedplain pipe specimensin Chapter6.
We Fibre weight fraction.
AT Temperaturechange.
Aa Stress range.
p Specific gravity of the pipe wall material.
Pf Specific gravity of glassfibre.
0 Filament wound angle to the pipe axis.
at Transversestressin unidirectional lamina.
ti Shearstress.


Table 2.1 Main commercial manufacturers of filament wound GRP pipes and fittings.

Table 2.2 Glassreinforcing fibre types.

Table 2.3 Physical and mechanical properties of Ameron Bondstrand0 2000 GRE pipe
compared with those of its components and steel.

Table 4.1 List of parts shown in the schematicdrawing of the fatigue test rig (seeFigure 4.4).

Table 5.1 Dimensionsand physical propertiesof the GRE pipes and Couplers(Ameron

Table 5.2 Typical pipe mechanicalpropertiessuppliedby manufacturer(Ameron Bondstrand


Table 5.3 Experimentalresultsfor plain GRE pipes.

Table 5.4 Comparisonof predictedweepagepressureswith experimentalresults.

Table 5.5 Experimentalresults for static testson couplerjointed GRE pipes.

Table 5.6 Experimental results for socket/spigot jointed GRE pipes.

Table 6.1 Nominal dimensionsof the threetypes of GRVE pipes tested.

Table 6.2 Measured dimensionsof the GRVE plain pipes.

Table 6.3 Test details for the GRVE plain pipes.

Table 6.4 Resultsof the GRVE plain pipe tests.

Table 6.5 Measureddimensionsof the GRVE laminatedjoints.

Table 6.6 Test details for the GRVE laminatedjoints.

Table 6.7 Resultsfor the GRVE laminatedjoints.

Table 6.8 Measureddimensionsof the GRVE socket/spigotjointed pipes.

Table 6.9 Test details for the GRVE socket/spigotjointed pipes.

Table 6.10 Resultsfor the GRVE socket/spigotjointed pipes.

Table 6.11 Comparisonof the resultsof the static weepagetests.

Table 6.12 Comparisonof the fatigue resultsfor GRVE pipes.

Table 6.13 Comparison of the results of the static burst tests carried out after weepage tests.

Table 6.14 Comparisonof the dimensionsof the GRE and GRVE specimens.

Table 7.1 Elastic constantsof glassreinforced epoxy unidirectional laminae.

Table 7.2 Elastic constants of the epoxy adhesive.

Table 7.3 Strength properties and coupling coefficients of the unidirectional GRE laminae
composing the pipe wall.

Table 7.4 Thermal expansioncoefficients of the unidirectional glass/epoxylamina.

Table 7.5 Elastic constantsof glass/vinyl esterpipe wall.

Table 7.6 Elastic constantsof glassCSM/vinyl esterlaminateof pipe joints.


Figure 2.1 Schematic view of a filament winding machine making angle-ply GRP pipes.

Figure 2.2 Adhesively bondedsocketand spigotjoints.

Figure 2.3 Various GRP pipe joints.

Figure 3.1 Fatigue life (S - N) curve.

Figure 3.2 Strain - life diagramfor unidirectional fibre compositesshowing the dominant
regionsof tensile fatigue damagemechanisms.

Figure 3.3 Fatigue damagemechanismsin unidirectional fibre reinforced composites.

Figure 3.4 S-N curve for glassfibre reinforced polyesterunder alternatingtension/


Figure 3.5 S-N curvesfor E-glassfibre compositeswith a number of matrices,showing the

effect of matrix type.

Figure 3.6 Schematicdiagram of three methodsof internal pressuretesting.

Figure 3.7 Initial failure (weepage stresses)and final failure (burst stresses)envelopes for
55 filament wound E-glass/epoxy popes subjected to biaxial loads.

Figure 3.8 Schematicillustration drawing formation of a weepagepath through the pipe wall
by the intersectionof transversecracks.

Figure 3.9 Weepageenvelopesfor filament wound GRE pipes.

Figure 3.10 Static failure envelopesof glassCSM/polyesterthin-walled pipes at different

failure stages.

Figure 3.11 Fatigue envelopefor rupture of thin-walled pipes.

Figure 3.12 ScaledS-N curves for 550wound GRE pipes subjectedto cyclic internal pressure
with different minimum/maximum pressureratio R.

Figure 3.13 Predictedfatigue envelopesfor 55 wound GRE pipes basedon Tsai-Wu


Figure 3.14 Adhesively bondedjoint types.

Figure 3.15 Relative failure strengthsand mechanismsof different bondedjoint types.

Figure 3.16 Typical coupler-connectedjoints.

Figure 4.1 Hydraulic rig for GRP pipe fatigue testing.

Figure 4.2 Schematic drawing of the hydraulic test rig.

Figure 4.3 Pressurisation system of the fatigue rig.

Figure 4.4 Schematicdrawing showing the the working principle of the fatigue rig.

Figure 4.5 The relationship of pneumatic and hydraulic pressure in the fatigue rig.

Figure 4.6 Cast resin end-fittings used by Soden et al.

Figure 4.7 Castresin end-fittings usedby British Gasp1c.

Figure 4.8 Adhesively bondedend-fittings.

Figure 4.9 Componentsof end-fitting usedfor pipe testing.

Figure 4.10 Illustration of the methodof end-collar removal.

Figure 5.1 Examplesof GRP pipes tested.

Figure 5.2 Schematicdiagram of the filament wound GRE plain pipe.

Figure 5.3 Typical crack path across the pipe wall.

Figure 5.4 Cracksin the resin-rich liner of a plain pipe.

Figure 5.5 Cracksinitiating from air bubblesin the resin liner of the pipe and propagatingin
the axial direction.

Figure 5.6 Crack propagationfrom liner to structural wall.

Figure 5.7 Crack propagationbetween55 plies.

Figure 5.8 Loss of modulus after application of tensile stressto glass/polyesterlaminates.

Figure 5.9 Internal pressure- hoop strain diagramsshowing failure modesfor GRE pipes with
or without liners.

Figure 5.10 Coupler-jointed GRE pipe specimenequippedwith end capsready to be tested.

Figure 5.11 Two GRE-pipesjointed by an adhesivelybondedcoupler.

Figure 5.12 P-N diagram for coupled GRE pipes.

Figure 5.13 Hoop stress- life diagramfor plain and coupled GRE pipes.

Figure 5.14 Nominal hoop strain - life diagramfor coupled GRE pipes.

Figure 5.15 Distribution of the failure locations along the axial direction.

Figure 5.16 Examples of the failed specimens.

Figure 5.17 Basic weepagemodesand the frequencyof pipe failure in eachmode.

Figure 5.18 Illustration of a coupler bonded joint showing cracks initiated in the resin-rich
liner of the pipes close to the joint.

Figure 5.19 A typical example of weepage failure.

Figure 5.20 Illustration of a GRE socket/spigotconnectedjoint.

Figure 5.21 P-N diagram for filament wound GRE pipe specimens,including plain, coupler
jointed and socket/spigotjointed pipes.

Figure 5.22 Failure locations in the socket/spigotjointed specimens.

Figure 5.23 External failure appearanceof the socket/spigotjoints tested.

Figure 5.24 Cracksin resin-rich liner of a socket/spigotjoint after weepagetests.

Figure 5.25 Inside failure appearanceof the socket/spigotjoint tested.

Figure 5.26 Comparisonof averageweepageand burst pressuresfor different types of


Figure 6.1 Glass-reinforcedvinyl esterplain pipe installed with end-capsready for testing in
the safetyenclosure.

Figure 6.2 Resin cracks in the GRVE pipe wall.

Figure 6.3 Illustration of a glassCSM/vinyl esterlaminatedjoint.

Figure 6.4 Central laminatejointed 2-inch pipes equippedwith end fittings ready to be tested.

Figure 6.5 Delamination at the laminatedjoint of specimenVL03 during a fatigue test.

Figure 6.6 Laminate material was burst away during a burst test on specimenVLO1.

Figure 6.7 The three types of GRVE specimenequippedwith end-capsready for tests.

Figure 6.8 Illustration of a central socket/spigot(taper to taper) adhesivelybondedjoint.

Figure 6.9 Spigot/socketbondedjoint (VBO1) failed due to the failure of the bonded

Figure 6.10 Load - life diagramfor the threetypesof glassreinforced vinyl ester(GRVE)
specimens,comparedwith the glassreinforcedepoxy (GRE) specimensstudiedin Chapter5.

Figure 6.11 Average weepage strengths for three types of GRVE specimens tested under
quasi-static internal pressure.

Figure 6.12 Fatigue life for threetypes of GRVE specimensunder cyclic internal pressureof
10 MPa.

Figure 6.13 Average burst strengths for the three types of GRVE specimens.

Figure 6.14 Examplesof burst GRVE pipe specimensunder internal pressure.

Figure 6.15 Through-thickness structures of pipe wall laminate of GRE and GRVE plain

Figure 6.16 Comparisonof averagestatic weepageand burst pressuresof GRE and GRVE
plain pipes.

Figure 7.1 3-dimensionalfinite elementmeshfor half the coupler connectedtubular joint.

Figure 7.2 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structuralwall of the filament wound GRE pipe
[55]3subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6MPa.

Figure 7.3 Shear stressesin the adhesive layer of the coupler-bonded joint under an internal
pressure of 15.6 MPa.

Figure 7.4 Through-thicknessvariation of Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of

filament wound GRE pipe [55]3subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6MPa.

Figure 7.5 Strainsin the inner and outer surfacesof the pipe under an internal pressureof 10

Figure 7.6 Distributions of Tsai-Wu failure indexesalong the pipe length after the outer ply

Figure 7.7 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of a six ply pipe [55]3 subjectedto
an internal pressureof 15.6MPa.

Figure 7.8 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall close to the socket/spigotbonded
joint subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6MPa.

Figure 7.9 Shearstressin the adhesivelayer of socket/spigotjoint subjectedto an internal

pressureof 15.6MPa.

Figure 7.10 GRP pipe with end-fitting subjectedto internal pressure.

Figure 7.11 Hoop stressesin the structuralpipe wall, resin liner and adhesivelayer.

Figure 7.12 Axial stressesin the structuralpipe wall, resin liner and adhesivelayer.

Figure 7.13 Shear stressesin the adhesive layer.

Figure 7.14 End-fitting modified by tapering the aluminium collar from the inside.

Figure 7.15 Thermal residual stressesinduced by curing (AT = -150 C) in the first ply of a
filament wound GRE pipe [A]3 with various values of the winding angle 0.

Figure 7.16 Maximum Tsai-Wu failure indexes for the filament wound GRE pipe [55]3 (in
the first ply) subjected to differing internal pressures.

Figure 7.17 Stresscomponentsin the first ply of the structuralwall of a filament wound GRE
pipe [55]3subjectedto differing internal pressures.

Figure 7.18 Rotation about the pipe axis occurring when a filament wound GRE pipe was
subjectedto internal pressure.

Figure 7.19 Rotation anglesabout the axis of six metre long pipes with various numbersof

Figure 7.20 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of filament wound glassreinforced
epoxy pipes with various numbersof plies.

Figure 7.21 Tsai-Wu failure indexes in the structural wall of a filament wound GRE pipe
[013 and [(O)2[/+6J with various winding angles.

Figure 7.22 Rotation angle about the axis of a six metre long filament wound GRE pipe [O]3
and [(O)2[/+A]with various winding angles.

Figure 7.23 Finite elementmeshfor GRVE laminatejoint.

Figure 7.24 Stresscomponentcontoursin the glassCSM/vinyl esterlaminate when the pipe

is subjectedto an internal pressureof 100MPa.

Figure 7.25 Hoop stressesin the CSM GRVE laminate of the pipe joint with different

Figure 7.26 Axial stressesin the CSM GRVE laminate of the pipe joint with different

Figure 7.27 Finite elementmeshfor GRVE socket/spigotjoint.

Figure 7.28 Shearstressdistributions in the adhesivelayers of the socket/spigotjoints with

different bonding lengths.

Figure 7.29 Suggestedmodification for socket/spigot(taperto taper) adhesivelybonded

Figure 7.30 Shear stress distributions in the adhesive layers of the socket/spigot joints with or
without modification.


Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) materials are now well-establishedin certain areasof

the marine, oil, chemical and processindustries. Their advantagesinclude high corrosion

resistance,low weight, low maintenancecosts, long service life and easy installation

compared to traditional metallic materials [1-5]. The most commonly used composite

componentsare GRP pipes and fittings, which can transporta variety of fluids [3-9].

In recentyears,compositematerialshave attractedconsiderableinterest within the offshore

industry, in particular for applications on platform topsides [10-17]. Initially, water pipes

for fire-fighting systemswere the main areaof applications. A more extensiveuse of these

materials has been hindered by the lack of documentation relevant to offshore applications.

Fatigue,impact and fire performanceare the main propertieswhich needto be assessed.

Since all structuresare subjectedto varying loads under normal working conditions, fatigue

is a common causeof damageand failure during service. Designing againstfatigue failure

and predicting fatigue life are difficult and complex processesdue to the many, and often

not well-understood, influencing parameters. Fatigue behaviour can be influenced by

microstructure and material properties, dimensions and geometry, production aspects,

loading conditions and load history, environment and lastly by the interaction of all these

parameters. To determine the influence of these parameterson the fatigue behaviour of

materialsand structuralcomponents, testson small standardspecimensand large

scalestructuralcomponentsmust undertaken.

Research on the fatigue performance of advanced composites began at the end of the

1960's,soon after their introduction, with glass,carbon and boron fibre composites[18-20].

These early works served as a basis for the later understanding of the complex fatigue

behaviour of polymer matrix composites. A number of materials and testing parameters

were studied during theseearly investigations,and it was soon recognisedthat carbon fibre

compositeshad an excellent fatigue behaviour with almost flat stress-life curves and a low

strengthdegradationrate. However, glass fibre composites,which have a lower modulus,

had a relatively poor fatigue performancecharacterisedby steeperstress- life curves and

higher strength degradationrates. With the advent of more effective non-destructiveand

destructivetesting methodsit becamepossibleto understandbasic damagemechanismsand

to assessdamage development. This resulted in a better understandingof the different

fatigue behaviours of carbon fibre composites and glass fibre composites.

In this thesis, Chapter 2 gives a description of the materials, manufactureand properties of

GRP pipes and joints, and Chapter 3 reviews the current understanding of fatigue

performanceand fatigue mechanismsin composite materials and structures. This review

concentrateson the most common reinforcing fibre materials, glass and carbon, when used

in organic resin matrices. Chapter4 describesthe main experimentaltechniquesutilised in

the present work. Chapter 5 presents the results of static and fatigue tests on glass

reinforced epoxy pipes and joints. Chapter 6 describesthe experimental study of glass

reinforced vinyl ester pipes and joints. At the end of Chapter 6, there is a discussion and

comparisons are made between the experimental results for the two material systems.

Chapter7 presentsthe results of finite element analyseson the specimenstested. Finally,

Chapter 8 draws some conclusions from this researchand makes suggestionsfor future



[1] Smith, C.S., Design of Marine Structures in Composite Materials, Elsevier Applied
Science, 1990.

[2] Kelly, J., Spero,A., Dorr, J. and Corona,K., Development

of Organic Matrix Composites
for Transport, Aircraft, Marine and Civil Structures, Proc. Ninth Int. Conf.
of on Composite
Materials (ICCM/9), Vol. VI, pp.283-290, Madrid, 12-16 July, 1993.

[3] Frost,S.R. and Cervenka,A., Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Filament Wound
Pipesfor Use in the Oil Industry, Proc. of Ninth Int. Conf. On CompositeMaterials, Vol. IV,
pp.63-73, Madrid, 12-16July, 1993.

[4] Wilhelm, G.F. and Schab,H.W., Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Piping for Shipboard
Applications, Naval EngineersJournal,Vol. 89, No.2,1977, pp. 139-159.

[5] Glass Reinforced Plastic Vessels and Pipework for the Chemical
and Process Industries,
A joint one day symposium sponsored by UMIST, the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers
and the Institution of Chemical Engineers, UMIST, 22 Sept. 1983.

[6] Eckold,G.C., A Design Method for Filament Wound GRP Vessels

and Pipework,
Composites,Vol. 16, No. 1,1985, pp.41-47.

[7] Eckold,G.C., A Performance-BasedDesign Methodology for Glass-ReinforcedPlastic

Pipework and Fittings, Proceedingsof the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E:
Journalof ProcessMechanical Engineering,Vol. 209, No.EI, 1995, 41-50.

[8] Grim,G.C., Shipboard Use of GRP Pipe Uuser's Experience, Conference on

Maritime and Offshore Use of Fibre Reinforced Composites, 2nd and 3rd June 1992,

[9] Cheremisinoff, N. P. and Cheremisinoff, P. N., FRP Pipe Products and Applications,
Chapter 3, Fiberglass-ReinforcedPlastics Deskbook, Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc.,

[10] Gibson, A. G., Composite Materials in the Offshore Industry, Metals and Materials,
Vol. 5, No. 10,1989, pp.590-594.

[11] Gibson, A. G., Composites in Offshore Structures, Composite Materials in Marine

Structures,Volume 2: Practical Considerations,Edited by Shenoi,R.A. and Wellicome,J.F.,
CambridgeUniversity Press,1993,pp.199-226.

[12] UKOOA GRP Work Group, Marinetech NW Programme,The Cost Effective Use of
Fibre ReinforcedCompositesOffshore,Progress Reports, 1995.

[13] Ciaraldi, S.W., Safety Philosophy for Use of Composite Materials Offshore, pp.319-
326; Composite Materials for Offshore Operations: Proceedings for the First International
Workshop, Houston, Texas, October 26-28,1993, NIST Special Publication 887, edited by
S.S.Wang and D. W. Fitting.

[14] McDonnell, P. and McNamara, J.F., Evaluation of GRP Composite Pipelines for High
Performance Offshore Applications, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 99-1,1995, pp. 11-18.

[15] Grove,S., (ed.), Fibre Reinforced Plastics Offshore. A Introduction to Applications,

Materials and Manufacture. Advanced Composites Manufacturing Centre, Polytechnic
South west, Sept. 1991.

[16] Boothby, P.J., Glass Reinforced Plastics for Offshore Topside Sea Water Pipework
The Current Position, Report,British GasEngineeringResearchStation, 1991.

[17] Medlicott,P.A. C., The Role of High Performance Composites in Oil Industry
Applications Offshore, Conference on Maritime and Offshore Use of Fibre Reinforced
Composites,2nd and 3rd June 1992,Gateshead,England.

[18] Boller, K. H., Fatigue Characteristicsof RP Laminates Subjected to Axial Loading,

Modern Plastics,Vol. 41,1964, pp. 145-188.

[19] Owen, M. J., Smith, T.R. and Dukes, R., Fatigue of Glass-ReinforcedPlastics, with
SpecialReferenceto Fatigue,Plasticsand Polymers,Vol. 37, No. 129,1969, pp.227-233.

[20] Dew-Hughes, D. and Way, J.L., Fatigue of Fibre-Reinforced Plastics: A Review,

Composites,Vol. 4, No.4,1973, pp. 167-173.



Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) are composite materials which comprise a polymeric

matrix reinforced with glass fibres. Methods of composite manufacture include hand lay-

up, spray-up, compression moulding, filament winding, centrifugal casting, pultrusion,

resin injection moulding and transfer moulding. Filament winding is the method most

commonly used to produce GRP pipes, one reason for this being the high fibre contents,

and hence the high levels of mechanical properties, that can be achieved. Filament winding
is a highly mechanised process, ideally suited to the accurate and consistent production of

hollow cylindrical components (i. e., pipes and vessels) [1]. Furthermore, the angle of the

reinforcement winding can be adjusted to give the required balance of axial and hoop
properties. Depending on the assumptions made, the optimum winding angle for the case
of simple biaxial loading arising due to the internal pressurisation of a close-end pipe is

approximately 550 to the pipe axis. Adjustment of the filament tension during winding is

used to control the glass fibre content of the composite, which is generally 20 to 60% of the
total volume.

Filament winding is illustrated in Figure 2.1. The fibre tows are impregnatedwith resin

and wound onto a rotating mandrel. The mandrel must be coatedwith a wax releaseagent
before the winding. When manufacturingpipes with resin-rich liner, the mandrel is coated

with resin and a liner material, usually C-glassscrim. The winding angle, 0, is determined
by the relative speedsof the lateral movementof the winding headand the mandrel rotation

and by the diameter of the mandrel. Careful control of the winding processis required to
ensure that the impregnated fibre bundles are laid up alongside each other. The fibre
bundles should be wound in such a way that the mandrel is completely covered and the

product has a constantwall thickness. For example, a fibre bundle with a bandwidth W

given by the expression:

w=e (2.i)

should be used to give full wrap for a small pipe with diameter d.

Table 2.1 lists the main manufacturers of commercial GRP pipes and fittings. To match

every pipe system for a certain pressure rating, there must be a complete range of fittings
with different sizes and configurations. The most common fittings include couplings,

nipples, flanges, tees, elbows, crosses, end caps and so on. These are manufactured either
by moulding or filament winding, depending on the application. The glass reinforced

epoxy (GRE) specimens tested in the present work were supplied by Ameron and the glass

reinforced vinyl ester (GRVE) specimens by Sarplast.

At present, there are mainly two British Standards relating to GRP pipes and fittings: BS

6464 [2] and BS 7159 [3]. These specify the requirements for the materials, properties,

design, manufacture, joining, inspection and testing of GRP pipes and fittings for the

chemical and process industries. A guideline for the use of GRP pipes on offshore

structures is recently developed by UKOOA GRP Work Group [4]. It consists of five

parts: Part 1- Philosophy and Scope; Part 2- Components and Manufacture; Part 3-
Systems Design; Part 4- Fabrication and Installation and Part 5- Operation. Other

standards relating to GRP pipes are API specifications [5,6], ASME/ANSI B31.3 [7] and
ASTM standards [8-30]. In the absence of detailed guidance on GRP pipes for offshore

applications, manufacturers and offshore operators have produced their own specifications,

which are heavily based upon the ASTM, BS and API standards.


The GRP pipes used in most industrial applications are generally made with thermosetting

resins. Four types of thermosetting resins predominate in GRP manufacture: polyester,

vinyl ester, epoxy and phenolic. Epoxies are the dominant matrix materials becausethey
have the best combination of strength, toughnessand chemical resistance,although they

tend to be somewhatmore expensivethan the other resin types. Phenolics, despite their
excellentfire resistance,tend not to be usedfor GRP pipes due to processingdifficulties.

There are several different types of glass fibre used for reinforcement, as shown in Table

2.2. E-glass is the most common reinforcement for GRP pipe. S-glass has a higher
Young's modulus, but is approximately five times more expensive than E-glass and is

therefore not used in the manufacture of the low to medium pressure pipes required for the

majority of marine and offshore applications. C-glass is supplied in a tissue form designed
to give a low overall fibre content when mixed with resin. This confers a high resistance to

chemical attack since the performance of the resin matrix in this respect is superior to that

of the glass fibres. Therefore, C-glass is often used in the inner resin-rich liner in the

manufacture of GRP pipe and fittings. The resin-rich liner is used as a diffusion barrier to

prevent fluid from reaching the glass fibres. It also allows the pipe bore to be smooth and
to have less resistance to the movement of the fluid.


The propertiesof GRP pipes are generally dependent the type,

on morphology, orientation
and proportion of the glass reinforcement,and also on the resin type. Typical mechanical
and physical properties of GRP pipes are given in Table 2.3 [31], which shows the
propertiesof glassfibre, epoxy resin and steel. GRP has a low density, approximately23%
of that of steel, and therefore a high specific strength. GRP pipes are anisotropic in terms
of mechanical properties and have different values in the hoop and axial directions.
Furthermore,GRP has a low modulus of elasticity, which makesGRP pipes susceptibleto
flexure and vibration due to pressurefluctuation. Consequently,
support spacing needsto
be shorterfor GRP piping than for steel.

Unlike metallic material, GRP is a strain-limited material which does not yield and can

accommodateminimal plastic deformation before damage occurs in the form of matrix

micro-cracking. This gives GRP only a small capacity for energy absorption and therefore

a relatively poor performance when subjectedto impact loading. As a result, special care
designing be to impact
must be taken when a composite structure which will subjected
loading. More discussionon the mechanicalpropertiesof GRP pipes will be given in next
Chapter,Section 3.5.


A range of methods are available for joining GRP pipe and fittings. These include the use

of adhesivejoints, mechanical`O'-ring joints, laminatedjoints, flangedjoints and threaded


An adhesive bonded joint comprises a socket and spigot arrangement which is bonded by

adhesive, as shown in Figure 2.2. The adhesive bonded joint is called the `QuickLock
joint' by Ameron [32] and the `Cement joint' by Wavin [33]. Three types of joint

structures can be used for this method. The first type involves a conical socket and

cylindrical spigot, as shown in Figure 2.2(a). In the second type shown in Figure 2.2(b),
both socket and spigot are conical. This is often referred to as a `Taper/Taper' joint. The

third type features a cylindrical socket and spigot (Figure 2.2(c)). The advantages of

adhesive bonded joints are their easy-manufacture, high strength and good sealing.
However, they are permanent connections which cannot be dismantled and reassembled.

Mechanical O-ring joint also involves a socket and spigot arrangement,as shown in Figure
2.3(a). The spigot end has a machinedgroove into which the O-ring seal (usually formed
from nitrile butadiene rubber) is mounted. The simplest arrangementof this type is the

non-restrainedjoint, which allows for axial movement of the spigot in the socket and for

some angular deflection. This is referred to by Wavin as the rubber seal joint. In the

restrainedjoint, a flexible thermoplastic locking strip is inserted through in

an opening the
socket end and occupies a groove between socket and spigot. This referred to as the
`KeyLock' joint by Ameron and as the `rubber seal lock joint' by Wavin. This

arrangementprovides axial restraint. For higher pressureapplications, more than one 0-

ring and locking be

ring may used. One attraction of the O-ring type joint is its toleranceto

angle deflection, which typically has values of 1 to 3 dependingon the pipe diameter and

the joint structure (with or without locking ring). A further feature is that, unlike the

adhesive bonded joint, the mechanical O-ring connection can be dismantled and

reassembled to accommodate changes in piping design. However, the socket of the

mechanical O-ring joint is more heavily reinforced than that of the adhesive bonded joint,
and the assembly can be more difficult in confined spaces.

The laminated joint is a butt joint which requires resin impregnated reinforcing fibres to be

wrapped manually around the abutting pipe ends, as shown in Figure 2.3(b). When

correctly carried out, the laminated joint offers optimum joint performance. However the
technique requires skilled labour and is time-consuming. Consequently, the joints can be

prone to fabrication faults and are also costly.

Threadedjoints tend to be used for high pressurepiping applications and are generally

restrictedto the smaller pipe sizes. The most common type is a simple threadedsocket and
spigot connection which may include an O-ring seal. Some threaded connections are
designed to be used in conjunction with an adhesive. Composite pipes and tubular

componentsoften incorporate threaded steel inserts which are integrally wound into the
endsof the componentsduring manufacture.

GRP flanges are produced in a number of forms, including hubbed, hubless (for heavy
duty) and loose ring (Van stone type). Pipes and fittings
supplied with integral flanges can
be connected with steel piping and allow for
easy assembly and disassembly. Alternatively
flanges can be incorporated into adhesively bonded or mechanical O-ring joint

The most widely used jointing method is the adhesive bonded joint, which offers the

advantagesof easy installation and high strength, particularly for pipe systemswith small
diameters(S 800 mm). In the presentwork, four types of joints are investigated. Theseare

the straight socket/ spigot bonded (QuickLock) joint and straight coupler bonded joint
manufacturedby Ameron, discussedin Chapter4, and the socket/spigot(taper/taper)joint
and laminatedjoint manufacturedby Sarplast,discussedin Chapter5.


[1] Shen,F.C., A Filament-Wound Structure Technology Overview, Materials Chemistry and

Physics,Vol. 42, No.2,1995, pp.96-100.

[2] BS6464: British Standard Specification for Glass Reinforced Plastic Pipes. British Standards
Institution, 1984.

[3] BS7159: British StandardCode of Practicefor Design and Constructionof Glass Reinforced
Plastic (GRP) Piping Systemsfor Individual Plantsor Sites.British StandardsInstitution, 1989.

[4] UKOOA GRP Work Group, Specifications and Recommended Practice for the Use of GRP
Piping Offshore, 1994.

[5] API 15LR, Specification for Low Pressure Fibreglass Line Pipe, API Specification
15LR(Spec 15LR), Sixth Edition. American Petroleum Institute. Sept. 1990.

[6] API 15HR, Specification for High Pressure Fibreglass Line Pipe, API Specification 15HR
(Spec 15HR). American Petroleum Institute. Sept. 1990.

[7] ASME/ANSI B31.3: 1987Chemical Plant and PetroleumRefinery Pipes.

[8] ASTM D648, StandardTest Method for Deflection Temperatureof Plastics under Flexural

[9] ASTM D695, StandardTest Method for CompressivePropertiesof Rigid Plastics,Approved


[10] ASTM D695M, Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Plastics
[Metric], Approved 1990.

[11] ASTM D696, Standard Test Method for Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of
Plastics, 1988.

[121ASTM D1599, StandardTest Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pressureof Plastic
Pipe, Tubing and Fittings, Approved 1988.

[13] ASTM D2105, StandardTest Method for Longitudinal Tensile Properties of Reinforced
ThermosettingResin Pipe and Tube, Approved 1985.

[14] ASTM D2143, Standard Test Method for Cyclic Pressure Strength of Reinforced,
thermosettingPlastic pipe, Reapproved1987.

[15] ASTM D2290, StandardTest Method for Apparent Tensile Strength of Ring or Tubular
Plasticsand Reinforced Plasticsby Split Disk Method, Reapproved1982.

[16] ASTM D23 10, StandardClassification for Machine-madeReinforced Thermosetting-Resin

Pipe, Reapproved1986.

[17] ASTM D4024, StandardSpecificationfor ReinforcedThermosettingResin (RTR) Flanges,
Approved 1981.

[18] ASTM D2343, Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Glass Fiber Strands, Yarns
and Rovings Used in Reinforced Plastics, Reapproved 1985.

[19] ASTM D2393, Standard Test Method for Viscosity of Epoxy Resins and Related
Components, Approved 1986.

[20] ASTM D2412, StandardTest Method for External Loading Properties of Plastic Pipe by
Parallel-PlateLoading, Approved 1977.

[21] ASTM D2444, Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Thermoplastic Pipe and
Fittings by Means of a Tup (Flatting weight), Approved 1984.

[22] ASTM D2471, StandardTest Method for Gel Time and Pack Exothermic Temperatureof
ReactingThermosettingResins, Approved 1988.

[23] ASTM D2563, Standard Practice for Classifying Visual Defects in Glass-Reinforced
PlasticLaminateParts, Reapproved1987.

[24] ASTM D2583, StandardTest Method for Indentation Hardnessof rigid Plastics by Means
of a Barcol Impressor, Approved 1987.

[25] ASTM D2924, Standard Test Method for External Pressure Resistance of Reinforced
Thermosetting-ResinPipe, Approved 1986.

[26] ASTM D2925, StandardTest Method for Beam Deflection of Reinforced Thermosetting
PlasticPipe Under Full Bore Flow, Reapproved1976.

[27] ASTM D2992, StandardMethod for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Reinforced
ThermosettingResinPipe and Fittings, Reapproved1977.

[28] ASTM D2996, Standard Specification for Filament-Wound "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-

ReinforcedThermosetting-Resin)Pipe, Approved 1988.

[29] ASTM D3567, Standard Practice for Determining Dimensions of Reinforced

ThermosettingResin Pipe (RTRP) and Fittings, Approved 1985.

[30] ASTM D3681, Standard Test Method for Chemical Resistance of Reinforced
ThermosettingResin Pipe in a Deflected Condition, Approved 1983.

[31] Ameron, Bondstrand Product Data: Bondstrand 2000 Fibreglass Pipe and Fittings for
GeneralIndustrial Service, 1985.

[32] Ameron, Bondstrand Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings for Offshore Drilling and Production
Applications, 1987.

[33] Wavistrong EngineeringGuide, Wavin Epoxy Pipe System,April 1990.

Table 2.1 Main commercial manufacturers of filament wound GRP pipes and fittings.

Manufacturer Location GRP products Diameter range


Ameron Holland, USA Bondstrand series 50-914

& Singapore epoxy pipe and

Sarplast Italy Marpi 150&200, 80-1000

(Vetroresina) Marcop 150 & 200
polyester and vinyl
esterpipe and fittings.

Wavin Holland Wavistrong T&E type 25-1200

epoxy pipe and

Smith USA Blue streak,Red 37-1200

Fiberglass thread,and Green
esterand epoxy pipe
and fittings.

Deutsche Germany F 1222 Fiberdur vinyl 25-750

Fibercast esterpipe and fittings.

OY Muotekno Finland Muotekno IP polyester 50-600

and vinyl esterpipe
and fittings.

Sipap France SeriesE110 epoxy 50-400

pipe and fittings.

Table 2.2 Reinforcing glassfibre types.

Material Main characteristics for offshore applications

E-glass Electrical grade, most common, low cost.

S-glass High strengthgrade,20% strongerthan E-glass,higher price.

C-glass Chemical grade, improved corrosion resistance.

D-glass Low dielectric grade, low dielectric constant, less strength than

ECR-glass Good corrosionresistance,good resistanceto strain corrosion. A

little more expensivethan E-glass.

Table 2.3 Physical and mechanicalproperties of Ameron Bondstrand0 2000 GRE

pipe [31] comparedwith thoseof its componentsand steel.

GRP pipe Glass Epoxy Steel

Hoop Axial fibre resin
Tensile strength 165 58.6 2400 81 450

Elastic modulus 25.2 11 76 3.3 210


Poisson'sratio 0.56 0.37 0.20 0.40 0.29

(v,.. x,v) (v.)

Density (kg/m) 1,800 2,550 1,400 7,860

Thermal expansion 18 5 60 15
coefficient C)

Thermal 0.33 1.05 0.1 63 (mild steel)

conductivity 150 (stainless
(W/(m. C) steel)

Bandwidth W giving
full wrap for small
Winding head diameter pipe


Filament with
wIm resin
Resin bath

Figure 2.1 Schematic view of a filament winding machine making angle-ply

GRP pipes. The winding angle 0 is determined by the relative speeds of the
lateral movement of the winding head and of the mandrel rotation and by the
diameter of the mandrel.

(a) Taper/straight

(b) Taper/taper

(c) Straight/straight

Figure 2.2 Adhesively bondedsocket and spigotjoints.

C-1- n_.;- Thermoplastic

(a) Mechanical O-ring


(b) Laminatedjoint

(c) Flangedjoint

Figure 2.3 Various GRP pipe joints.



The earliest work on the fatigue of compositeswas conducted in the late 1960s and

early 1970sby Boller [1] and Owen et al [2]. This work on glass and carbon fibre
reinforced plastics laid the ground for our current understanding of fatigue
mechanisms composites.

In order to investigate effectively the fatigue characteristics of filament wound glass

reinforced plastic pipes and joints, this Chapter provides a brief review of the relevant
literature. The review covers mainly the fatigue of composite materials and structures,

including GRP pipes and bonded joints. Only the most common reinforcing fibres,

glass and carbon, incorporated in organic resin matrices are discussed. More

extensive and detailed reviews of this subject have been carried out by Scholte [3],
Konur and Matthews [4] and Curtis [5].

Firstly, the fatigue characteristics of general composite materials are discussed,

including fatigue mechanismsand the influences of various material, structural and
loading parameters. Then, the rules of cumulative damage and approachesto life

prediction are reviewed. Finally the main points are summarised, as these were
helpful in the preparationof the test programmeand in the interpretationof the fatigue

results presentedin later Chapters. First of all, some basic concepts of fatigue are
describedas follows.


Fatiguecan be describedas a processwhich causesdamagein materialsand structures

under fluctuating loads of a magnitude much less than the short term ultimate

The accumulated damage may result in a gradual and significant decrease in
stiffness, crack growth and finally
mechanical properties such as strength and
failure or collapse. Glass reinforced plastics of all kinds have been found to
be susceptible to failure under fatigue loading [6,7].

The speed of the fatigue process is governed primarily by the magnitude of the
fluctuations of the load or deformation cycles, commonly referred to as the stressor
Another load effect parameter is the height of the mean or peak level of
strain range.
the load cycle, although this is of less importance than the stress range.

The main concepts associatedwith fatigue are endurance(or fatigue life), fatigue

strengthand fatigue limit.

" Fatiguelife is the total numberof load cycles of a given stressrange which can be

endured by the material or structurebefore fatigue failure occurs. Fatigue failure

can be defined either as total collapseor as loss of strengthor stiffness.

" Fatigue strength is the maximum cyclic load or stress range that a material or
structurecan withstand a given fatigue life.

" Fatigue limit is the maximum cyclic load that can be resisted indefinitely without

The relationship betweenthe fatigue strength and the fatigue life is most commonly

presentedas S-N or Wohler curves for constantamplitude loading, as shown in Figure

3.1. The horizontal axis gives the number of cycles N, and is normally presentedon a
logarithmic scale. The vertical axis gives the fatigue strengthS and may be plotted on

a logarithmic or a linear scale. The fatigue strength is usually presentedin the form of

a stressrange i or a double amplitude. However, sometimesthe fatigue strength is

represented the load amplitude or even by the maximum of the load cycle.

The most interestingand useful part of the curves,between 103and 5x 10 cycles, can
often representedby a straight line of the expression:

log (da) = c1- c2log N (3.1)

or: Aa= c, - c2 log N (3.2)

wherec, and c2are constants.

Normally, the first formula provides the best fit for test results of high cycle fatigue,

whilst for low cycle, high stress fatigue levels the second formula may be preferred.
A series of such curves must be produced for loadings with different levels of mean


There is usually a considerablescatter of results in fatigue testing. S-N curves

commonly represent mean fatigue strengths with a 50/50 chance of failure

corresponding to certain fatigue lives. A component designed on the basis of a mean
curve therefore has an equal chance of failure or survival at its service life. Since a
greaterchanceof survival is usually required as a basis for practical design, so called
designS-N curvesneedto be constructedbelow the meancurve.


The mechanism of the fatigue process in fibre reinforced composite materials is quite
different from that in metals, and depends on the properties of both the matrix and the

as well as on the interaction between the two [8-11]. Due to the

inhomogeneity and the anisotropy of fibre reinforced composites, crack paths are
highly complex, and the crack itself is not the only manifestation of structural damage.

Talreja [11,12] proposed fatigue damage mechanisms for unidirectional fibre

composites based on the strain-life diagram shown in Figure 3.2, which illustrates the

relationship between fatigue damage and fatigue loading. For cycles with short life at
high strain amplitudes, catastrophic fibre damage is dominant and failures occur
band the static tensile failure strain ec. For intermediate
within the scatter of cycles,

progressive damage mechanisms become dominant, while at high cycles below the

matrix fatigue limit em only matrix micro-cracking is seen [13] and the fibre
dominated strength does not reduce any further. The applicability of fatigue life

diagrams such as this has been discussed extensively in the literature [14,15].

Generally, there are three basic fatigue failure mechanisms in unidirectional fibre

composite materials. They are interfacial debonding, matrix cracking and fibre
breakage. These basic failure mechanisms and their interactions are described

extensively by Talreja [14], as illustrated in Figure 3.3. For multidirectional fibre

reinforced composites, a fourth basic failure mechanism resulting from matrix

cracking and interfacial debonding is called delamination. This causes debonding

betweenadjacentlayersof reinforcement.

Damage mechanismsin unidirectional composites using various fibres are widely

discussedin the literature in terms of the fibre deformation characteristicsand matrix
fatigue limit relations [16-23]. Progressivefatigue damage has been observedin
the experiments of GFRP and CFRP composites by Curtis and Moore [16] and

Lorenzo and Hahn [17,18]. The observed damage is in the form of matrix cracking

longitudinal splitting, which initiates from interfacial debonding and early matrix
It was found that more extensive damage took place in glass fibre
than in carbon fibre composites.

Some experimental work has been done on crossply laminates [24-30], angle-ply

laminates [31] and chopped strand mat reinforced composites [2,32]. It was found

that the damage mechanisms for crossply, angle-ply and CSM composites were
different from those in unidirectional composites.

Basic damage mechanisms in crossply laminates are:

- transverseply cracking,

- edge and internal delaminations,

- longitudinal cracks,
interfacial debondingand fibre fracture.

Failuresin angle-ply laminatesare developedin the following order:

interfacial debondingstartedin the ply with a maximum angle to the loading,
- resin cracking,
- delaminations,

- fibre fracture.

Damagedevelopmentin CSM compositesappearsto be in the following sequence:

- adhesionfailures betweenfibres and resin,

- resincracking,
- fracturesof single fibres,

- total failure causedby a propagatingmacroscopiccrack surroundedby

numeroussub cracks.

More discussionson the angle-ply laminates are in Section 3.5 where the failure of
GRPpipescomposedof curved angle-ply laminate is extensively discussed.

Although the foregoing descriptions of progressive fatigue damage mechanisms are

based in particular on tests of composites with unidirectional, crossply and CSM

reinforcement, these may be considered as applicable to all fibre reinforced plastic

materials. Since damage occurs progressively from interfacial debonding to resin

cracking and fibre breakage, fatigue test results for composite materials should

preferably be shown as in Figure 3.4 [33]. Interfacial debonding and resin cracking

occur at much lower load levels than that required for total failure. This debonding

and resin cracking may result in leakage and, if the penetrating media are able to

attack the fibre/resin interface and thereby weaken the composite material, can cause

premature final failure.

For compositepipes and pressurevessels, the resin cracking strength is of particular

concernbecause of the problem of media leakage caused by cracking. Unfortunately,

most published data have been obtained from small coupon specimenswhich were
broken in laboratorytestsand so representthe strengthof total fracture. Fatigue tests

should therefore be conductedusing tubular specimenscontaining working media

(e.g. gas,water or other liquids) to obtain the resin cracking strength.


The fatigue behaviour of composite structures is mainly influenced by structural

geometry, choice of composite materials, applied loading and environment. The

effects of the composite materials are influenced by the choice of composite
components,the lay-ups and the production process.

3.2.1 Effect of Matrix

The early work on the effect of matrix propertieson the fatigue behaviour of advanced

polymer matrix compositeswas carried out by Boller [1] and Davis et al [34]. They
studiedthe comparativefatigue performanceof laminatesof epoxy, silicone, polyester
and phenolic matrices reinforced with E-glass fabric, and concluded that the epoxy
matrix compositesgave the best results,as shown in Figure 3.5. Further investigations
have, subsequentlybeen carried out by Owen et al [35], Harris [23,30], Curtis [36],
Mandell et al [31], Newaz [37] and other groups.

The resins most commonly used as matrices for GRP are polyester, epoxy and vinyl

ester resins. The fatigue behaviour of epoxy resins is slightly superior to polyester,
vinyl ester, phenolic and silicone resins. The superior behaviour of epoxy resins is
attributed to their greater strength, better bonding to the fibres and lower shrinkage.
This results in smaller residual stresses,higher
strain without cracking and less
exposureto fibre corrosion [8]. From cyclic flexural testing of polyester and vinyl
ester resins [38,39], it was concluded that vinyl ester type resins had a significantly
better fatigue behaviour than polyester resin. Isophthalic
polyester was found to be
somewhat better than orthophthalic polyester resin whereas little difference was
observed between the standard vinyl ester and the new pre-acceleratedthixotropic
vinyl esters. Despite great chemical differences,the effect of the resin on the fatigue
strength of FRP is rather small when compared with the effect of the different

3.2.2 Effect of Fibre Effect of Fibre Type

The initial work on the effect of glass fibre properties on the fatigue behaviour of

polymer matrix composites was carried out by Boller [40] in the early 1960's. He
studied comparative fatigue performances of higher modulus S-glass and lower
modulus E-glass fibre-reinforced composites for the same matrices, and found that the
higher modulus composites had a superior fatigue performance. Later, Davies and

Sunsdrud [41] and other workers [42,43] also compared the tensile fatigue

performance of S-glass and E-glass fibre-reinforced epoxy matrix composites, again

concluding that S-glass composites had a better fatigue performance.

From the early 1970's,a large number of investigations into the fatigue performance

of carbon fibre-reinforced polyesterand epoxy matrix compositeswere carried out by

Owen et al [44,45], Curtis et al [16,19,36], Harris et al [23,46], Dharan [47,48],
Sturgeon [49 -52] and other groups [17,18,53]. It was found that high modulus

carbon fibre composites gave a superior fatigue performance, better than that of
metals,E-glassand S-glassreinforced composites.

Curtis and Dorey [19], Joneset al [28,29] investigatedKevlar fibre-reinforced plastic

composites and found that they had a fatigue performance intermediate between
carbonfibre compositesand glassfibre composites.

It has also been found that the fatigue performance of glass fibre composites is
improved through hybridisation with carbon fibres [54,55]. In a similar manner, the
fatigue performance of Kevlar-49 fibre composites can be improved through
hybridisation with carbon fibre.

Fibre stiffness and failure strain are clearly the key parametersin determining fatigue

performance. Generally, composites containing fibres with low modulus have a

steeper S-N curve than those containing fibres with high modulus. From tests by

various investigatorsit is that

suggested a ranking of fibre materials from best to worst

would be [3,4]:

- High modulus carbon fibre

- High strengthand low moduluscarbon

- Aramid/carbonhybrid

- Aramid

- Glass/aramidhybrid

- S-glass

- E-glass

25 Effect of Fibre Fraction

The effect of the fibre fraction on the longitudinal properties of composites can

generally be described by the rule of mixtures. This states that a composite property,
X, is equal to the volume fraction weighted-average of the contributions from the
fibre and matrix, X, = Xf V1 + X. V. where Xf Vf X. V. are the properties and
, , , ,
volume fractions of fibres and matrix respectively. As, in most cases, Xf X. , the
approximate form, X. Xf Vf is employed. Experimental results obtained by
= ,
Tanimoto and Amijima [56] confirm that an increase in fibre content results in an
improvement of fatigue strength in GRP laminates. The properties of the matrix are

used to predict the transverse and shear performance of the composite. Effect of Fibre Orientation

For UD fibre reinforced specimenswith fibres aligned at a specific angle to the

loading axis, the fatigue strength is found to decreaseas the fibre alignment angle
increases. Specimenswith an aligned angle of 00 provide the highest fatigue strength

and other properties in the load direction, whereasan angle of 900 gives the lowest
fatigue properties. Effect of Fibre Length

Compositesreinforced with short fibres generally have much lower initial and fatigue

strengths than those reinforced with long fibres. GRP containing short fibres (0.2
mm) has only 20% of the ultimate strength of continuous fibre GRP. The reason for

this is that in short fibre composites the load must be transferred from one fibre to
another by the matrix between them. This in
results a higher stresslevel in the resin

and especially in an increase of the shear forces at the interface between fibre and

26 Effect of Fabric

Many tests have been done on the effects of fabric construction [1,5,38,57-60]. The

construction and orientation of the reinforcement plays a critical role in fatigue

performance. In general, if more fibres are aligned with the main loads, then the
fatigue strengths for a given number of cycles are higher and the S-N curves are

Thus fatigue strength of laminates decreasesin the following order: laminates with
UD reinforcement in the loading direction, with non-woven reinforcement, with

woven fabrics or with random short fibre mats are in order of providing better fatigue
strengths [38,57]. This ordering can be explained largely by the differences in the
fraction of fibres orientated parallel to the loading direction. Other factors which
influence the modulus of elasticity of the laminate and thus the fatigue behaviour will
be the continuity of the fibres and the amount of stretching. Unidirectional fibres are

continuous and capable of relatively good stretching, resulting in a rather high

modulus of elasticity. The same applies for the non-woven fabrics, although not all
fibres are oriented parallel to the loading direction, resulting in a smaller load carrying
fibre-volume fraction and thus a lower modulus and a lower fatigue strength.

Woven composites are widely used in industry because they offer significant

advantagesin handling and fabrication over conventional non-woven materials.

However, their mechanicalproperties,particularly in fatigue loading [5], are generally

poorer than the equivalent non-woven material, mainly because of the inevitable
distortion of the fibres, but also becauseof the difficulties associatedwith achieving
high fibre volume fractions in woven composites.

3.2.3 Effect of Interface

By definition [61,62], an "interface", or in a more generalised concept, an

"interphase"exists from some point in the fibre where the local properties begin to

changefrom the fibre's bulk properties, through the actual interface into the matrix.
Interface thickness varies from a few to thousandsof m. The exact nature of the
interfaceregion and its effect on compositeperformanceis unclear [4].

The interface effects on fatigue performance of advanced composites have been

studiedby Sih and Ebert [63,64], Harris [9,23], Curtis [36] and other researchers.The
interface may have a significant effect on crack initiation as well as on crack

propagation,dependingon the bonding strengthof the interface and the orientation of

fibres and principal stresses. On the one hand, stressconcentrationsat the interface

can lead to rapid crack initiation and thus drastically reduce the life of a matrix. On
the other hand, the presence of interfaces may considerably slow down crack
propagation by effectively blocking and changing the propagation direction of the
crack. In addition, friction developed between fibre and matrix can absorb energy
neededfor crack propagation.

A comparisonhas been made in [3] of the fatigue strengthsof laminateswith various

fabric constructions under flexural loading and under axial loading [3,38,57]. The
fatigue strengths under flexural loading are always smaller than those under axial
loading[3, page 191]. The reason for this is probably the comparatively large stress

gradientthrough the thicknessof the laminate under flexural bending, which results in
considerableshearstressesin the interfacebetweenfibres and resin.

3.2.4 Effect of Production Process

In addition to the factors previously discussed,the fatigue behaviour may also be

affected by the production process and quality control. The curing and hardening
processescan affect the properties of the resin and the interface. During the
laminating processair bubbles may be entrappedin the fabric weave or in the surface
layer. Such voids may result in a fatigue strengthreduction factor of up to 1.3 or 1.4
for the onsetof resin cracking [65]. The distribution of the resin, the saturationof the

reinforcement and the stretching of the fibres are determined by the laminating
process. Inhomogeneousdistribution of the resin and slack in the fibres may result in
an overall or local influence on stiffness and fatigue strength.

Resin additives may affect the fatigue behaviour of the resin and of the laminate in an

adverse sense. Since the fatigue damage process starts with the onset of debonding
between fibres and resin, much attention should be paid to the quality of the interface.

Depending on the selected coupling agent, the static bond strength of polyester to

glass may increase by a factor of 4 or 5 [8]. It can be expected that this will also affect
the fatigue life at lower stress levels.


3.3.1 Effect of the Mean Stress

Fatigue data in the form of S-N curves do not show clearly the effect of the mean

stress on the fatigue behaviour. However, for design purposes this information may
be essential, in which case further S-N curves for different mean stresses are needed.
From these curves it is possible to construct a Smith diagram [66] or a master diagram
in which the stress amplitude is plotted against mean stress for chosen lives. Where

there have been insufficient test results to produce a master diagram, it has sometimes
been suggested that an approximation of the diagram can be produced, using a linear

relationshipbetweenthe stressamplitude SA, the mean stressSM, the fatigue strength

SE at zero mean stress for a given life and the static ultimate strength S,, of the


SA I SE =1- SM ISu (3.3)

This relationship is known as the modified Goodman law and is applicable to many

common metals.RegardingGRP, the use of SSmay be preferred to S. SSis the stress

rupture strength for the time corresponding to the cyclic endurance. However,
investigationsinto the suitability of this law, or of alternative relationships for GRP,
have shown a restricted area of applicability and a rather poor accuracy of

representationof the material propertiesin fatigue [66].

3.3.2 Effect of Frequency

For GRP tested in the fibre direction, the frequency of the fatigue loading affects the

properties significantly; the greater the rate of loading, the greater the strength. For

most other continuous fibre composites (CFRP and KFRP) tested in the fibre
direction, however, the effect is negligible, as long as hysteresis heating is also

negligible [67]. The reason for this is not entirely clear, but it is believed to be due to
the environmental sensitivity of the glass fibres rather than any visco-elastic effect
[68]. The composites with no fibres in the testing direction, where the resin matrix
has visco-elastic behaviour, will also often exhibit a significant rate effect.

When collecting fatigue data on composite materials, it is important to carry out the

static tests at the same rate as the fatigue tests, or the static strengths may be
artificially low. The best policy with GRP, as well as with laminatesshowing marked
hysteresisheating, is to carry out all fatigue tests at a constant rate of stressing [1].
Thus low load tests are performed at relatively high frequenciesand high load tests at
low frequencies.

As a general consideration for fatigue testing of composite materials, the test

frequencyshould be chosenso as to minimise the hysteresisheating of the materials,

or at leastto limit the temperaturerise to no more than a few degreescentigradeabove

ambient. The sourceof this heating effect is hysteresisin the resin and perhapsat the
fibre/matrix interface. Generally compositesdominated by continuous fibres mainly
in the test direction show lower strains and little hysteresis heating, and test
frequencies of around 10 Hz or more are suitable. However, resin-dominated
laminates,with few or any fibres in the test direction, show larger strains and marked
hysteresisheating; as a guide, frequenciesof 5 Hz or less are suitable [68].

3.3.3 Effect of Compressive Loading

Under compression load, the buckling strength of the fibre and shear forces in the
interface between fibre and resin may come to dominate the fatigue behaviour.

Although the fibres remain the principal load bearing elements, they must be

supported by the matrix and the fibre/matrix interface to prevent them becoming

locally unstable and undergoing a microbuckling type of failure (Curtis [69-71] and
Soutis [72-73]). Thus, the integrity of the matrix and the interface is far more

important in compressive fatigue loading than in tensile loading. Matrix and

interfacial damage develops for much the same reasons as in tensile loading, but

because of the greater demands on the matrix and the interface, compressive fatigue

loading generally has a greater effect on the strength of composite materials than

tensile loading [74]. In addition, local resin and interfacial damage in compressive

loading leads to fibre instability which is more severe than the fibre isolation mode

that occurs in tensile loading. Generally, much less information is available on the

compressive fatigue of composites, mainly because the compressive testing of these

materials presents many problems. Not least of these are the need to support the

specimens from undergoing macrobuckling, and the limitations imposed on specimen

geometry by the anisotropic nature of the materials.

Ultimately, the worst fatigue loading condition for composite materials is fully

reversedaxial fatigue, or tension - compression loading. The poorer behaviour of

composite materials in reversed axial loading compared with tensile loading results
from the inter-ply damagewhich develops in many of the laminate plies which lack
fibres in the test direction. This causeslocal layer delamination at relatively short
lifetimes. In tensile loading this is less serious, since the layers containing fibres

alignedalong the test direction continue to supportthe majority of the applied load. In
compression,however, tensile-induced damage of this type can lead to local layer
instability and layer buckling, potentially taking place before resin and interfacial

damagewithin the layers has initiated fibre microbuckling. Thus, for the same

maximum loading, fatigue lives in reversedaxial loading are usually shorter than for

zero-compressionor zero-tensionloading.

In composites typical damage consists of interlayer damage and reduced support for

the fibres with a consequentloss in compressivestrength,with the result that they are
more sensitiveto compressiveloading than tensile loading.

3.3.4 Effect of Environmental Conditions

The effect of the environment on fatigue behaviour depends on the sensitivity of the

laminate to the matrix properties, since it is usually the matrix or fibre-matrix

interface that is affected by absorbed moisture. Thus carbon fibre laminates, having a

strong fibre-matrix interface, show little sensitivity to moisture content [75-76] when
tested at room temperature. The laminate lay-up is also important; generally laminates

with a large percentage of fibres in the loading direction are little affected, whereas
those with few fibres in the loading direction may show a significant deterioration in

properties [5,77]. In addition, composites in modes such as compression or shear,

which impose significant stresses in the matrix, can also cause deteriorations in

properties when combined with environmental exposure, regardless of the laminate


For offshore structures, fatigue life may be reduced considerably due to the

environmental conditions such as sea water, especially if the surrounding medium can

penetrate into the laminate along surface cracks and debonded fibres. The reduction

of the fatigue strength is considerable at high load amplitudes, but small at lower

stress levels [33,77,78]. In this respect it must be realised that, under a random load

distribution, resin cracking and penetration by the sea water may occur at a very early

stage and thus affect the fatigue strength during subsequent low load cycles more

strongly than in the case of a constant amplitude loading. This shows the importance

of a tough surface layer. Data on fatigue tests in sea water are restricted in number.
Whilst tests in air are themselves limited in the applied frequency to about 5 Hz, this

limitation is much more serious in sea water since time is needed for the deterioration

of the laminate by the environment. The test frequency in sea water should therefore

not exceed the frequency under working conditions or, at most, 0.2 Hz [3]. A test of

up to 1 million cycles can be done performed in 2.5 days at 5 Hz, but a frequency of

0.2 Hz results in a test period of 2 months, which is expensive and time consuming.

Fatigue data on composite materials tested at elevatedtemperatureare scarce,but do

suggestthat steeperS-N curves are obtained,even for CFRP, when testedwet and hot
in fatigue [79].


Fatigue data are usually obtained from laboratory tests carried out on small specimens.

However, certain features in composite structures can cause them to be more

susceptible to fatigue damage than the base compiste materials. For example, bonded

or bolted joints, ply drop-offs used for tapering sections and the complex stressing
around attachment points could have significant effects on fatigue life. Once such
fatigue behaviours are understood, their effects can be minimised by careful design

and fabrication.

Fatigue testing on composite structures indicates that fatigue damage, comprising

resin cracking and fibre-debonding at stress-raisers such as holes and hatch corners,
usually remains very localised with negligible effect on overall structural behaviour.
However, fatigue is more likely to lead to serious problems at bonded structural

connections, which are widely used in the offshore pipeline system. The weakness is

caused by the absence of load-bearing fibres across the bonded interfaces and by the

low interlaminar tensile and shear strength in combination with the inevitable

occurrence of stress concentrations associated with joint geometry and bond

imperfections. In many cases the occurrence of loads perpendicular to the plane of the

laminate aggravates the problem. Purely theoretical estimates of joint strength seem

unacceptable. Reference must therefore be made to test data, and the development of a

new high-performance design should include a thorough programme of tests on all

important joints with evaluation of static and fatigue strength [3].

3.4.1 Effect of Stress Concentrators

There are many stress concentrators such as holes, notches, fasteners and other
imperfectionsin compositestructures. Boller [80] found that, in general,notcheshad
little effect on fracture strength (final failure) because of the large number of
debondingsites alreadypresentin the material. He also showedthat small holes had

no effect on long-life fatigue behaviour, presumably because progressive damage

quickly removedthe stressconcentrationdue to the hole.

In contrast the results presented by Owen and Bishop [81] showed that holes are fully

effective in initiating fatigue damage, although they do not always affect final failure.

They found that a circular hole acts as a stress concentrator at the onset of damage,

with reduction of the fatigue strength by a factor of between 2 and 4 in most GRP

materials and up to 10 in unidirectional GRP.

Shutz and Gerharz [82] showed that the notch sensitivity of (02145/02145/90)s

carbon/epoxy laminates changed during cycling in such a way as to eliminate the

stress concentration effect almost completely, whereas the opposite effect occurs
during fatigue cycling of metals. The accompanying reduction in notch sensitivity can

even lead to fractures away from the cross-section containing the notch. This effect
has also been observed in random short-fibre composites by Harris et al [83].

Studies of the notch sensitivity of woven GRP in the low cycle region (N<103) have

been carried out by Prabhakaran and Sridhar [84]. They observed rapid decreases of

the fatigue strength reduction factor Kf for 1<N<10 followed by smaller reductions
during continued cycling to about 500 cycles.

Summarisingthe above discussion,stressconcentratorsgenerally have less effect on

fatigue strength than they do on static strength. At low cycles, stress concentrators

may significantly reduce the fatigue strength of composite structures,but after a large

numberof load cycles the fatigue strengthsapproachthoseof the plain composites. In

addition, they mainly affect the matrix cracking strengths and have little effect on
fibre breaking strength. Since the main concern for GRP pipes is their matrix

cracking strengthat weeping, and since offshore fire systemsexperiencelow cycles of

pressure,the stress concentratorsmay significantly influence the fatigue strength of

GRP pipes usedfor offshore applications.

3.4.2 Effect of Edge-Induced Stresses

Edge-induced stressescan be a problem in many types of testing, and especially so in

fatigue. Both shear and normal stressescan develop at the coupon edges, arising from

the mismatch of properties between the layers [5,85-87]. The layer stacking sequence
is a critical variable and the magnitude of edge stressesvaries greatly with the relative

positions of the layers. Laminates with thin and evenly-distributed layers generally
lead to the lowest edge stresses.

The magnitude of edge-induced stresses will change both with temperature, since
layers have different expansion coefficients, and with moisture content, since layers

expand to different extents on absorbing external moisture [88]. The sign of the

external loading may also influence the significance of the edge effects. For example,

a laminate that is insensitive to edge effects in tensile loading may develop severe

edge-induced damage in compressive loading. Edge-induced damage usually grows

with increasing numbers of fatigue cycles. In the worst cases, the layers can become

completely delaminated, leading to potential environmental attack and certainly, to

serious losses in compressive strength.

The pipe endsof GRP pipe joints in offshore fire systemsare submergedin seawater.
The edge effects and sea water penetration may cause the pipe system to leak



3.5.1 GRP Pipes


GRP pipes are the most commonly used composite structural components. Their

fatigue behaviour is different to that of the common laminates, because of their large

flexure and multi-axial loading. In this section, a special discussion is carried out on

the performance of GRP pipes and their joints. Before discussing their fatigue

behaviour, the static results are reviewed. Static Behaviours

Extensive investigations on the static and fatigue behaviours of GRP pipes were
conducted Sodenet al [89-96], Hull et al [97-99], Cowling et al [100,101], Owen
et al [102,103], Frost et al [104-108] and other groups [109-115].

(a) TestingMethods

Hull et al [97] investigatedthe failure of glass/polyesterfilament wound pipe with the

`ideal winding angle', 54044'. Three basic methodsof internal pressuretesting were
used, as shown Figure 3.6. Mode 1 was the `restrainedend' test in which the pipe
endswere clamped by a thick frame, hence allowing no axial strain. Mode 2 was the
`closed-end'test in which the pipe ends were clamped but were unrestrainedso that
the axial stresswas half the hoop stress. Mode 3 was the `free-end' test, referred to as
`openended' test by Sodenet al [89], in which the pipe endswere free to slide on `0'

ring seals and therefore the axial stress was zero. The results of `Mode 2' tests
showedthat weepageoccurred at a hoop stressof about 100 MPa in short term tests,
but that burst occurredat a much higher hoop stressof 460 MPa. In comparisonwith
Mode 2 tests,the `Mode 3' testsgave a higher weepagehoop stressof about 240 MPa
but a lower burst hoop stressof about 250 MPa. In Mode 2 tests, the UD laminae in

the pipe wall had a higher transversestressthan they had in Mode 3 tests, the gross
pipe wall thus had a lower weepagehoop stress(therefore a lower failure pressure)
than in Mode 3 tests. Since the weepagestrength of the GRP pipes is of greater

concern,the more critical test mode, `closed-endtest' (Mode 2), in

was chosen the
currenttest program.

The GRP pipe tests were classified as weepage tests and burst tests according to the
installation of rubber liners [89,90,971. The test fluid would escape at weepage

pressure for a GRP pipe without a rubber liner, whereas the installation of a rubber
liner acting as an internal seal allowed the load to reach the higher burst stresses.

(b) Effect of Winding Angle

A simple expressionfor the effect of winding anglewas the netting analysis in which
it was assumedthat all of the load was carried by the fibres [93]. With a pipe wound

at 0 to the pipe axis, the axial stress o and hoop stress y are determined by,

ax =af cost 9 (3.4)

y = a1 sin20 (3.5)

where Qf is the stress in the filament. Therefore, the optimum angle of the

reinforcement is determined by,

tan20 = (3.6)

For a `closed-end' test, where the application of internal pressure gives rise to a
hoop/axial stressratio of 2: 1, the optimum winding angle is 5444'. When a "closed-

end" pipe with this optimum winding angle is subjectedto pure internal pressure,the
strong fibres in the pipe wall will carry most of the load, the weaker matrix will suffer

the leaststressesand thus the pipe has the highest strength(weepage).

The sameproblem was analysedby the author of this thesis using laminate theory to

examine the influence of the winding angle on the ply stresses.The results showed
that the UD laminae had a large value of ply stress6,, small values of the transverse

stressq2 and in-plane shearstress r12when the winding angle equalled 55. Basedon

the Tsai-Hill failure criterion, the pipe was predicted to have the maximum (weepage)

strengthwhen the winding angle was 55.

Spencerand Hull [98] conducted weepage tests using the `closed-end' method to
investigatethe effect of winding angle on the weepagestressesof GRP pipes. Their

test results confirmed that the weepagestresswas a maximum at a winding angle of

Fracture tests in Mode 2 and Mode 3 were also conducted by Spencer and Hull [98] to

examine the effect of winding angle of GRP pipes on pipe fracture strength. Their
Mode 2 tests indicated that the optimum winding angle was 550, the same as in Mode
2 weepage tests. In Mode 3 tests, the resistance to deformation and fracture increased

progressively with increase in winding angle.

Therefore, most of the commercial GRP pipes (Table 2.1) are using winding angle of
55 except some products for special purposes. However, according to the
experimental results on 55 GRE pipes under biaxial loads [89], shown in Figure 3.7,

the maximum hoop stress to weepage was achieved with a hoop/axial stress ratio
R=3.3/1, whereas at R=2/1 the weepage hoop stress was relatively low. The optimum

winding angle of practical GRP pipes therefore may not always agree with that

predicted by netting analysis [104-105] and further investigation is required.

In the current tests,all pipes were commercial products manufacturedby Ameron and
Sarplast,wound at winding angles of 55. It is important to note that the netting
analysis only valid when the applied loads combine to act in the direction of the
fibres. That the winding angle 55 is the optimum configuration is valid only for a

pipe with a 2: 1 ratio of hoop to axial stresses,seeEq.(3.6). In practice, however, pipe

systemscan be subjectedto any other load ratio.

(c) Failure Modes

In Mode 2 tests,Hull et al [97] observedthat weepagewas associatedwith debonding

of fibre/matrix interface and matrix cracking in the transversedirection. The final

failure of pipe with rubber liner involved in fibre breakage. Jones and Hull [99]

examinedthe microscopic failure mechanismsof GRP pipes and found that weepage
in Mode 2 tests was governedby the occurrenceand interaction of transversecracks,

as shown in Figure 3.8. These cracks initiated and propagatedalong the interface

under the influence of transversestressnormal to the fibre direction.

With Mode 3 tests, weepage occurred at very high stresses, close to the burst stress

[97]. Resin shear predominates in the early stages of deformation so that no weepage

paths in the form of interface and resin cracks were produced. Weepage occurred in

association with delamination effects.

Frost and Cervenka [104,105] conducted axial tensile, hoop and internal pressure tests

on 3 inch commercial GRE pipes. They observed that the failure mechanism was

matrix cracking and that the fibres remained intact. The matrix cracks ran through the

ply thickness and were parallel to the fibres. The ply stresses controlling the failure

were the transverse and shear stresses. Therefore, a failure criterion based on the
transverse and shear ply stresseswas proposed to fit the experimental data for 450,550

and 750 GRE wound pipes [105-108],

6r z 6t
-c- + Tail +C =1 (3.7)
Qt,fail r,fai[zfai[

where faii , zfaii and C were the material constants.

(d) Failure Envelopes

The strengthsof filament wound GRP pipes under biaxial loading were extensively

studied by Soden et al [89-94], Frost [106-108] and Owen [102,103]. Failure

envelopes under biaxial stresses (hoop and axial stresses) were obtained
experimentally and theoretically for GRE pipes with various winding angles,
including 35 [92,94], 55 [89,92,94], 72.5 [94], 75 [90]. Figure 3.7 showsthe

initial failure envelope(weepagestresses)and final failure envelope(burst stresses)of

55 GRE pipes subjectedto biaxial loads.

Based on the UMIST weepage data, Frost [107] predicted the weepage envelopes for
filament wound GRE pipes with the most commonly used winding angles of 45 and

55 by the simplified quadratic failure criterion (Equation 3.7), as shown in Figure

3.9. However, the manufacturing process of filament winding and subsequent post-

curing introduces residual stressesin GRE pipes. The residual stresses are generated
from the differences in thermal contraction between the individual plies comprising

the pipe wall and the overall composite pipe during the cool down from the maximum

cure to operation temperature. The solid lines in Figure 3.9, which had taken account

the influence of the thermal residual stresses, had better correlation with the

experimental data than the dotted lines (no residual stresses were considered). In
Figure 3.9, UMIST ultimate data from burst tests of GRE pipes fitted with rubber
liners were compared with the weepage strength (tests data and predictions), showing

that the weepage strength was about 50% of the ultimate strength for various
hoop/axial stress ratios.

Owen et al [102,103] usedthin-walled tubular specimensto investigatethe static and

fatigue strengthof GRP pipes under biaxial loads. Figure 3.10 shows the results for

glass CSM reinforced polyester pipes. Large differences can be seen in Figure 3.10
between the different failure stages, i.e. fibre/matrix interface debonding, resin
cracking and final rupture. Figure 3.11 shows the fatigue failure envelopesby burst
tests of glass CSM/polyester, 00 and 450 wound glass fabric/polyester pipes under
various values of the axial/hoop stressratio R. Comparing Graph (a) with (b) and (c),
glass fabric/polyester pipes had higher static and fatigue strengths than glass
CSM/polyesterpipes. When R=0.5 i. e. hoop stresswas two times axial stress (so
called "closed-end" tests), the glass fabric/polyesterpipes had a burst pressureof 260
MPa, about 3 times higher than the glassCSM/polyesterpipes.

43 Fatigue Behaviours

The fatigue behaviour of glass/polyester composites under biaxial loads was

investigated by Owen et al [102,103]. A large number of fatigue tests were conducted

loading internal pressure. The fatigue
on thin-walled tubes under combined axial and

envelopes for the final rupture of off-axis angle a=0 and a= 45 glass

fabric/polyester, glass CSM/polyester pipes are shown in Figure 3.11. Owen et al did

not, however, report weepage fatigue envelopes for these composites.

Recently,fatigue pressuretestswere conductedon 3-inch commercial filament wound

GRE pipes by Frost and Cervenka [104,105] under cyclic internal pressure with a

meanpressureof 200 bar and pressurerangesof 100 - 300,125 - 175 and 150 - 250

bar; and with a meanpressureof 150 bar and rangesof 50 - 250,125 - 175 and 100 -
200 bar. In all tests pipes failed by weepage, undergoing a practically uniform

seepageof water along the pipe length. S-N curves for various cyclic fatigue tests

with different mean and amplitude of the pressurecycle [104-106] were presentedas a

plot of scaled hoop stress against the logarithm of cycles to failure, as shown in

Figure 3.12. The scaledstresswas defined as,

hoop 41- R2 *maximumhoopstress (3.8)

scaled stress=

where R is the ratio of the minimum cyclic pressureto the maximum pressure.

Cyclic failure envelopesin the form of hoop stressagainst axial stressof GRE pipes

are presentedin Figure 3.13, and were deducedfrom Tsai-Wu failure criterion (static

failure) and the regression curve in the S-N diagram (fatigue failure) [104,105].
However,thesecyclic failure envelopesstill require experimentalverification.

It was found that the main failure mechanism of the GRE pipes is matrix cracking.

These matrix cracks ran through the ply thickness and were parallel to the fibres. The

ply stressescontrolling failure were therefore the transverse and shear stresses to the
fibre direction. A simplified failure criterion was subsequently developed by Frost

[107], based on a polynomial representation of the transverse and shear ply stressesin

the pipe wall. The failure criterion is of the form

Qt, fail
+ Tfail +C k (3.9)
6t, faii sail

where the failure coefficient k equals unity for static strength prediction. This

criterion then was generalised to fatigue failure by the introduction of a normalised

failure coefficient k=k(N), which was given in the form of scaled stress against cycles

to failure. In another paper [108], Frost applied the damage mechanics to GRP pipes

to obtain the equivalent stiffness matrix of the damaged materials. The normalised
failure coefficient k was therefore presented as the function of the damage density s

(or the spacing of matrix cracks).

Foral and Gilbreath [ 115] found that delamination was a potentially important failure

mode in filament-wound tubes with a small winding angle (0=20) when testedunder

axial tension.

3.5.2 Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints

(a) Lap Joint

By definition, a bonded joint consists of adherendsand adhesive, which can be

arranged various configurations. The most commonly used bondedjoint types are
single lap joints, double lap joints, stepped lap joints and scarf joints, as shown in
Figure 3.14. Extensive researchon their static behaviours has been carried out by

Hart-Smith [116-119], Adams [120], Liechti et al [121], Pickett and Hollaway [122].
Figure 3.15 shows the relative strengthsand failure modes of various bonded joint
types. Obviously, the simplest single-lapjoint gives the lowest strength whereasthe

complexscarfjoint has 100%load transferringcapability.

The failure modes of bonded composite joints are very complicated. The position of

crack initiation, the subsequent growth rate and the crack path in a joint depend on the
joint geometry, loading and the properties of both the adherends and the adhesive. In

particular, since the matrix of FRP laminates may be weaker than the structural

adhesives, failure may occur within the composite by delamination or inter-ply

fracture, rather than by debonding. Furthermore, inevitable defects in the adhesive

layer can lead to crack initiation and environment attack.

The amount of research carried out on fatigue has, however, been very limited [123-
125]. Robson and Matthews [125] performed tension-tension fatigue tests on carbon

fibre reinforced epoxy composite repair joints. It was observed that delamination

initiated at the edges of the joint and propagated inwards. Fatigue limits were lower

than those of virgin CFRP. Tiu and Sage [123,124] predicted the fatigue strengths of
bonded lap joints by applying finite element analysis. The first step of this method

was to calculate the stress concentration in both the adhesive and the composite

adherends. The second was to obtain the fatigue strength of each material. These

strengths were then compared with the maximum stress from the analysis of the joint

to predict its fatigue strength, using an appropriate failure criterion. It appeared

possible to predict the fatigue strength of joints by such methods, although a number

of investigations remain to be completed.

As has been observed,most researchon adhesively bondedjoints is focused on lap

joints. However, the application of thesetechniquesto tubular joints is questionable.

(b) Pipe Joint

Recently,Cowling et al [100,101] investigatedthe structural integrity of adhesively
bondedGRE pipe joints. Static tests were conductedon taper/taperpipe joints with

and without bonding defects under four loading conditions: tension, tension with
internal pressure,bending and bending with internal pressure. Finite element analysis
was performedfor the specimens. It was that the most defect-sensitiveloading
condition was bending plus internal pressure.

Fatigue tests were conducted on 1-, 3- and 6-inch diameter GRP pipes, fittings and
joints under conditions of internal pressure and bending stress, by Wilhelmi and Schab

[126]. Each pipe assembly included a 90 moulded GRP elbow, a filament-wound

sleeve coupling and moulded GRP flanges. The results showed that all failures

occurred by weepage through the pipe wall rather than in any of the joints or fittings.
Strain measurements on both moulded and filament-wound GRP fittings indicated

that they were operating at relatively low stress levels due to their rigidity compared to

that of the piping. It was emphasised that in all 14 assemblies with different diameters

there were no failures in any of the joints or fittings. But in my opinion, these results
do not necessarily mean that the fatigue strengths of pipes with fittings are the same as

for plain pipes themselves. The interaction between GRP pipes, joints and fittings

should be examined. Fatigue strength of the GRP pipes is, to a certain extent,

influenced by the presence of joints and fittings.

Couplers are widely used in GRP pipelines and have been recently investigated by
different groups[127-131]. Gustafsonet al [127] investigatedthe fatigue behaviour of

adhesive bonded joints consisting of filament-wound GRE pipes and coupler

subjected to water hammer loading (Figure 3.16a). Except for a few specimensin

which the bond lines contained large defects such as air entrapmentsetc., the fatigue
cracks mainly propagated through the 0/90 fabric reinforced wound coupler and

causedleakage. The 55 wound parent pipes were strong in comparison with the

couplers and adhesivelayers. Improvement in the bonding quality and modification

of the coupler were therefore required. In my opinion, the use of 55 wound

couplersand taper/taperconnectionsmay achievehigher strengths.

Two dimensional finite element analysis on bonded tubular joints connected by

straight/straightcouplers was carried out by Jena and Pradhan [128] to identify the

optimal geometricalparametersof the joints. The effects of defects in the adhesive

layer of tubular joints were investigatedby Melve and Moursund [129]. They found
that a defect size amountingto 85% of the areawithout bonding was critical for short
term strength. However, the effects in the bonding layer are much more significant
under fatigue loading, where cracks initiate and propagateto causeprematurefailure.

Huysmanset al [130] studied a coupler which was constructedby wrapping a prepreg

tape around the external pipe surface, as shown in Figure 3.16(b).

Juwono et al [131] investigated the environmental performanceof flat and tubular

scarf adhesivejoints, as shown in Figures 3.16(c) and (d ).

To summarise the discussion, generally there are four possible failure modes for


(1) adhesivebondedinterfacecracking; critical stressstatewith high shearand tensile

stressesand imperfections in the adhesive layer may be the reasons;

(2) joints or fittings fail because of their poor design;

(3) main structural membersfail in the zone influenced by the fittings becausethey act

as in
stress-raisers the structureand
(4) main structural membersfail in the zone far from fittings, indicating that fittings
havelittle effect on the fatigue strengthof the structures.


Since test data on fatigue are normally presentedin the form of S-N curves and relate

to constantamplitude fatigue tests,an important aspectof safe-life design is the use of

cumulative damagerules to predict fatigue life under conditions of varying or random

loading from constant amplitude fatigue data. The most widely used theory for

metallic structuresis the Palmgren-Miner i.

rule e.:

dN (3.10)

where ni is the current number of cycles at stressamplitudes a1, Ni is the number of

cycles to failure at ai and d is a constant somewhatless than unity at failure. The

sum is taken over all loading amplitudes. The Palmgren-Miner rule is linear and

hence stress-independent and free of stress interaction. Even though the accumulation

of fatigue damage in fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) is non-linear, Owen and Howe
[132] found that this law gave reasonable results for FRP laminates subject to multi-

stress level fatigue loading.

An alternative non-linear version of this failure criterion has been found to give
improved resultsfor CSM GRP laminates[132], i.e.

n` n`
d=A -B (3.11)

where A and B are material constantsand A is equal to unity at failure. Cumulative

damageexpressionsof the sameform may also be related to initial fibre-debonding,

resin cracking and fibre breakage.

The application of the fracture mechanicsapproachto GRP materials has been studied
by Owen and Bishop [133]. They found that it is possible to apply the conventional
Paris law, in which the crack growth rate da/dN is a function of the range of stress
intensity factor OK,
_ C(AK)m (3.12)


(1) There are three basic fatigue damage mechanisms in unidirectional fibre

composites: interfacial debonding, matrix cracking and fibre breakage. A fourth

failure mechanism for multi-directional reinforced composites is delamination which

is the result of matrix cracking and interfacial debonding.

(2) Fatigue damage in glass reinforced plastics propagates progressively from the
initial damage in the form of interfacial debonding and matrix cracking to the final
failure of the structures by fibre breakage. With GRP pipes and pressure vessels, the

matrix cracking strengths are of major concern because they become unserviceable

when matrix cracks penetrate the pipe wall. However, most published data were

obtained from small coupon specimens in laboratory tests. Therefore, fatigue tests

should be conducted using pipes containing working medium (e.g. gas, water or other
liquids) to obtain their fatigue strength when the weepage occurs.

(3) Since fatigue strength of GRP materials is dependenton the loading rate, a low

test frequencyshould be chosento minimise the hysteresisheating of the materials for

GRP fatigue tests. The best policy is to carry out all the tests at a constant rate of

stressing.For compositessubjectedto fatigue loading combined with environmental

conditions, the test frequency should not exceed the frequency under working
conditions or at most 0.2 Hz as the deterioration of the laminate by the environment

(4) Fatigue is more likely to lead to serious problems at bonded structural

connections, which weaknessis causedby the absenceof load-bearingfibres across
bondedinterfacesand by the inevitable bond imperfections.

(5) Although fatigue damage,comprising resin cracking and interfacial debonding at

stress-raiserssuch as the local joint area, usually remains localised with negligible
effect on overall structural fracture strength,the penetrationof harmful environmental
mediawill occur at a very early stageand may affect the fatigue strengthsignificantly.

(6) Composite fatigue performance (final fracture) is generally better than for metallic

materials. The composites have larger ratios of fatigue strength to static strength, such

that at long lifetime the difference is considerable. In addition to their light weight

and low maintenance cost, this superior fatigue performance is another incentive for a
more extensive application of composites to offshore structures in the future.
However, for composite pipes and pressure vessels where the weepage strength is

concerned, further work is required on their fatigue weepage performance.

(7) Fatigue strength is not currently a serious design criterion for composite structures,
but composite materials and structures are developing quickly. As static design

allowable strengthsare increased,

fatigue behaviour is becoming more important.

(8) There is still a great need for further, systematicresearchon composite fatigue.
This should include comparative evaluation of the fatigue damagemechanismsand

modelling of fatigue damagedevelopment,leading to fatigue prediction for composite



[1] Boller, K. H., FatigueCharacteristicsof RP LaminatesSubjectedto Axial Loading,

Modern Plastics,Vol. 41,1964. pp. 145-188.

[2] Owen, M. J., Smith, T. R. and Dukes, R., Failure of Glass-Reinforced Plastics, with
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CD f
rn -
a) m
N 7
lower fatigue limit

fatigue life or endurance

log number of cycles to failure

Figure 3.1. Fatiguelife (S-N) curve.

catastrophicfibre damage
(fibre breakageand interfacial debonding)

e. compositestatic failure strain

[ progressivematrix and interfacial

damage(matrix cracking and
5 interfacial shearfailure)

fatigue strain limit of composite(matrix)

log life

Figure 3.2 Strain-life diagram for unidirectional fibre composites showing the dominant

regions of tensile fatigue damagemechanisms,based on the so-called fatigue-life diagrams

proposed Talreja [11].

(a) tt
(b)1ttt -tAt

() tttt (d)
I 1111 11 IIItt

(e t t t tI t t t


cgs chit1tttIIIIII

Figure 3.3 Fatigue damagemechanismsin unidirectional fibre reinforced composite [14]

Matrix and interfacial cracking under off-axis fatigue of unidirectional composites:

(a) Openingmode crack growth (transversefibre debonding),8= 900,
(b) Mixed (opening and sliding) mode crack growth, 0<0< 900.

Ductile (polymer) matrix damage:

(c) Dispersedfailure mode: cracks confined to matrix only,
(d) Localised failure mode: cracks grow by fibre breakage and, at later stages, by
interfacial failure.

Fibre damage:
(e) Fibre break causinginterfacial debonding,
(f) Fibre break causingmatrix cracking,
(g) Fibres bridging a matrix crack,
(h) Combination of (e), (f) and (g).




in resin


P. 30
20 Bond-
H failures

1 1 2 3 4 3 6 7
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Numberof loadcycles

Figure 3.4 S-N curve for glassfibre reinforced polyesterunder alternating tension/
compression loading. (Ratio of maximum loading to minimum loading: R= -1,
frequency:100cycles per minute) [33]



280 eat-resistantepoxide

" poxide
210 \" H at-resistant
p lyester
70 Silicone

log N

Figure 3.5 S-N curves for E-glassfibre compositeswith a number of matrices,showing the
effect of matrix type [1].

Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3

Figure 3.6 Schematic diagram of three methods of internal pressure testing; in Mode 1 the
ends of the pipe are sealed and clamped to the thick end plates and tie bars hence allowing no
axial strain; in Mode 2 the ends are clamped and sealed but are unrestrained so that the axial
stress is half the hoop stress; in Mode 3 the ends of the pipe are free to slide on `0' ring seals
and therefore the axial stress is zero.

ooio0s (2/1)
3 c (3/1)
Oo O

S-0/1) q
200 "''

a ' /
100 /"
V1 .


A-" Initial failure of unlined tubes

0--- Final failure of lined tubes
o Final failure stressof lined specimens
l4/-1) previously tested without a liner
13 .4 cover specimens
+ Netting analysisprediction

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Hoop stress(MPa)

Figure 3.7 Initial failure (weepagestresses)and final failure (burst stresses)envelopesfor

550filament wound E-glass/epoxypipes subjectedto biaxial loads, obtainedby Sodenet al

Figure 3.8 Schematicillustration showing formation of a weepagepath through the pipe wall
by the intersectionof transversecracks.The flow of liquid is restrictedto the three contact
points [99].


500 o UMIST weep data

" UMIST ultimate data

Axial 400fi ,"S (lined)
stress aoo " Failure envelope
(MPa)200 0-0.0 " (residual stresses)
,0 . Failure envelope (no
residual stresses)

0 200 400 600 Boo

Hoop stress (MPa)

(a) 45 wound GRE pipes

i" "" o UMIST weep data
""" UMIST uhimate data
Axia12501 00 d0 (lined)

stress200 .,. -". ; Failure envelope

(M Pa)150 , (residual stresses)
10o -""- Failureenvelope(no
," residualstresses)
5 "

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Hoop stress (MPa)

(b) 55 wound GRE pipes

Figure3.9 Weepageenvelopesfor filament wound GRE pipes,calculatedby Frost [107].



50* 0,19-$
n ,A

7 /0 /

b" 0 1100 R&D

v 0 46-t- A



Figure 3.10 Static failure envelopes of glass CSM/polyester thin-walled pipes at different
failure stages,obtainedby Owen[103]


(? / /
a \0
/ . 01
E v'0
bT SD IDO R=0 1S(
N0 o-0-}o-o n
Qx MN/ma
N 0
II \p

/ --
-Ilk \
\ "e..

-loo \Pr



(a) glassCSM/polyester[103].

r a. d

R.. m/

zoo / 700 /

/ x". 0.5 // ". o t
o /x

x SiwtK
Soo 100 103
104 01,11
. 01
/x tOS i


MAi1MUM M00P 6"1'56' a. MNi
nRtss o. Mnmt
0 200 Soo 00 7
R. 0

p \
p `,.
\ R.. O"I
p q.. 0"i


. "i

q.. m
-a. -co

(b) a=0, glassfabric/polyester

[102] [102]
(c) oc=45,glassfabric/polyester

Figure 3.11 Fatigue envelopes for rupture of thin-walled pipes (a is off axis angle, R= axial

Scaled stress (MPa)2 (Thousands)
40 mA
35 R=0
D R=O.1
30 At A \ x R=0.2
= R=0.3

25 p x R=0.4
X R=0.5

" R=0.7
15 da/dN=A(K)' g n
o m=6.267
5 UEWS -- -- -$-


Figure 3.12 ScaledS-N curves for 550wound GRE pipes subjectedto cyclic internal pressure
with different minimum/maximum pressureratio R [106,107].

Hoop stress (GPa)

U. 44
. --o 100 cycles 0 cycles (static)
0.35 Q--" "01,000 cycles
0.3 o- - -a 10,000 cycles
-100,000 cycles
a--- -e 1,000,000 cycles

0.1 R(Hoop)=0
-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2

Axial stress (GPa)

Figure3.13 Predictedfatigue envelopesfor 550wound GRE pipes basedon Tsai-Wu

criterion [104,105].



- --------------




Figure 3.14 Adhesively bonded joint types.

W s
O Off'

Figure3.15 Relative failure strengthsand mechanismsof different bondedjoint types [118].





Figure 3.16 Typical coupler-connected joints.




4.1.1 Introduction

In order to apply cyclic pressureto Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) pipes it was necessaryto
build a dedicatedtest rig. Therefore, the main task in the first stage of this project was to
designand fabricatethe test rig. The basic requirementsfor the rig were that:

(a) it shouldbe fatigue resistantwith respectto the fatigue life of the GRP pipes to be tested;
(b) it should be capable of generating pressuresof up to at least 70 MPa statically and

cyclically and remain safefor operatorsand equipmentaround;

(c) it should be able to record the pressurehistory of the specimentested during a fatigue or

static test.

4.1.2 Functions

The rig usedin this project, shown in Figure 4.1, was designedand built by the author. It has
the following functions:

(a) It can producehydraulic pressures,using natural seawater, of up to 70 MPa (-10,000 psi).

(b) It can carry out static tests on pressurevessels,e.g. various tanks and pipes, subjectedto
internalor externalpressure.

(c) It can perform fatigue tests on various pressurevesselsunder cyclic internal or external

pressure. The test frequency can be controlled by varying the pressurisation speed, and is

generallynot higher than 20 cycles per minute dependingon the cyclic pressurelevel.

(d) It can perform static fatigue tests on various pressurevesselsunder a constant internal or


(e) It can perform tests on various vessels under pressure in combination with high

temperatureand corrosive solutions. The hydraulic systemwas made of stainlesssteel parts,

allowing the hydraulic media to contain additions of corrosive materials.

4.1.3 Construction and Working Principles

The constructionof the rig was basedon the ASTM standardtest method D2143 [1], which

gives guidelinesand suggestionsfor GRP pipe testing and rig construction. Figure 4.2 shows

schematicallythe construction of the rig. This consistedof two main systems;the pressure
system,as shown in Figure 4.3, to generatehigh pressuresin a hydraulic media by an air-

operatedpump, and the control and data acquisition systemto control the pressurecycle and
to display and storethe pressuredata within the system.

The principle of the rig is shown schematicallyin Figure 4.4. There are three circuits in the
figure; the electrical circuit, the pneumatic circuit and the hydraulic circuit. In the diagram,
El to E7 are the electric parts in the electrical circuit, Al to A7 are the pneumatic parts and

H1 to H7 are the hydraulic parts, as describedin Table 4.1.

(a) Pressurisation

The hydraulic pump (H1), model SC 10-400-12.5, was manufactured by SC Hydraulic

EngineeringCorporation. It can produce a hydraulic pressureof 20,000 psi (138 MPa) which
is almost twice the required maximum working pressure. The pump is driven by compressed
air with a pressure the range of 10 to 100 psi. The output of the hydraulic pressureof the
pump is approximately proportional to the input pneumatic pressure,as shown in Figure 4.5.
A start pressureof 0.3 bar (=4 psi) is required to start the pump, thus the line in Figure 4.5 is

shifted a little bit to the left. Adjusting the air pressureby altering regulator (Al) causeda
changein the hydraulic pressureoutput by the rig.

The pressure gauge, isolator valves, pressure transducer, stainless elbows, tees and other

hydraulic parts were also manufactured by the same company and are rated in 10,000 psi (-70

MPa). The pressure transducer (H4) was connected to a digital indicator (E3), type K9010,

which was supplied by Intersonde Limited. A full range calibration of the transducer was

carried out at a laboratory temperature of 21C. The K9010 digital indicator is a

microprocessor-based process indicator and alarm controller. It displays the pressure in the

system and sets off an alarm when the pressure becomes higher or lower than the preset

values. A system pressure higher than the preset `high pressure level' caused the alarm relay
E4 to switch, whereas a system pressure lower than the preset `low pressure level' caused the

alarm relay E5 to switch. These alarm relays were useful for producing cyclic pressure during

fatigue tests and were very important for setting a maximum safe pressure during static tests.

An air-operatedrelief valve (H5) was connectedto the rig to allow the releaseof pressure
when reachedthe maximum value during a fatigue test or when it reachedthe safe pressure
level during static tests. Two 3-way solenoid valves (A2 and A6) were mounted in the air
inlets of the pump and of the relief valve. Raising or lowering of the hydraulic pressurewas
achieved switching thesesolenoidvalves on or off.

The solenoidshuttle valve A6 was controlled by the high pressurelevel alarm relay (E4) and
the solenoid shuttle valve A2 was controlled by the low pressure level alarm relay (E5).
When the systempressurereachedthe presetHIGH level the alarm relay E4 switched on and
E5 switched off, causing the relief valve H5 to switch on and the pump off. Conversely,

when the system pressure reachedthe preset LOW level the alarm relay E4 switched off and
E5 on, causingthe relief valve H5 to switch off and the pump on. As a result, a "saw-tooth"

type pressurecycle was generatedin the systemand the seawater automatically cycled in the
hydraulic circuit. In each pressurecycle, systempressurefirstly increasedat a constant speed
from the preset minimum to the maximum pressure and then decreasedto the minimum

rapidly at very high pressurereleasespeed.Therefore, the pressurewavaform was normally a

right triangle with a constant pressurisation speed. The frequency of the fatigue load was
controlled by the pressurisationspeed of the pump and could be changed by adjusting the
input air pressurethrough regulator Al.

(b) Data-Logging System

The voltage signals from the pressure transducer (H4) and strain gauges were recorded by an

RM Nimbus PC-386/25 computer through a data acquisition and control board PC30AT

manufactured by Amplicon Liveline Limited. A Basic program was written for data

acquisition and the transformation of the voltage signal into pressure. A linear relation

existed between the output voltage of the board PC30AT and the hydraulic pressure shown in
the indicator (E3), up to 70 MPa. The system had 16-channel 12-bit A/D (analog/digital)
input and 2-channel 12-bit D/A (digital/analog) output facilities.

4.1.4 Test Types

GRP pipe specimenswith carefully designedend-caps(see section 4.2) were tested under

static or cyclic internal pressure. Load was applied using natural seawater as the hydraulic
medium. According to the load type and rubber liner installation, three types of tests were


(a) Static weepagetest: The specimenwas subjectedto static internal pressurewithout the
installationof a rubber liner, to measureits water weepagestrength;

(b) Fatigue weepage test: The specimen was subjected to cyclic pressure, without the
installationof a rubber liner, to measureits fatigue weepagestrength;

(c) Static burst test: The specimenwas installed with a rubber liner and subjectedto static
internalpressureto measureits burst strength.

No fatigue testswere carried out for specimenswith rubber liners.

4.1.5 Definition of Failure

For eachtype of test, a consistentdefinition of failure for all specimenswas madeas follows:

(a) Failure during static weepage test

The generalfailure mode of commercial GRP pipes in static testswas weepagein the form of

a sudden spout of water through the pipe wall or the adhesive interface of a joint. This

occurredas resin in the pipe wall cracked. Weepage generally causedthe systempressureto
drop rapidly to no more than 30% of the maximum pressure. Increasingthe pumping speedof
the rig failed to producea higher pressurewhich would have allowed the test to continue.

During the test, the computer data logging systemwas used to identify the pressureat which

weepagefirst occurred. Once the weepageoccurred,the specimenwas deemedto have failed.

(b) Failure during fatigue weepage test

During the fatigue weepagetest, the entire system was automatically pressure-cycled. The

smallestdetectableleak (seapageor weepage)was taken to constitute failure. This occurred

in the GRP pipe as a result of the formation of small matrix cracks, usually parallel to the
fibre reinforcement, which allowed leakage as the pressure reached its maximum value.
Normally, when the load returned to its minimum, the leakage would stop, even when the

pressuredid not reach zero. In most cases,leakage amountedto only a few drops and the
systemstill maintainedpressure. Both types of weepagetests made only the surroundingsof
the test rig wet and were generally safe.

(c) Failure during static burst test

In order to measurethe ultimate pressure strength, pipes were lined with rubber tubes to

prevent leakage of the pressurising fluid on resin cracking. For these lined pipes, matrix
crackingdid not constitute the failure of the pipe. Systempressurewas further increaseduntil
the final burst took place. At the moment when the burst occurred, system pressure

disappearedsuddenlywith a big `BANG'. A large proportion of the fibres were broken and

an obviouscrack or hole appearedon the pipe wall. Unlike the weepagetests, the burst tests
could very dangerous
when the burst occurred.

The rubbertube should provide a perfect seal and leakageshould never occur before the final
burst. Furthermore,the burst location should be in the gauge area of the pipe and at a

reasonable distance from the pipe ends, such as at least 2 to 3 times the pipe diameter. The

results for pipes failing near their ends should be discarded as they are affected by the end


4.1.6 Experimental Procedure

With eachtest, the operationprocedurespecifiedbelow was strictly followed:

(a) The specimenwas visually examinedto inspect for defectswhich may have arisen during
fabrication and transportation. The specimen's dimensions, including internal and external
diameters,wall thicknessand so on, were measuredat severallocations.

(b) The endsof the specimenwere reinforced, tapered(by machining), bonded to aluminium
collars and cured (see Section 4.2). The end caps (and a rubber liner for burst tests) were

then installed, ensuringthat both endswere perfectly sealed.

(c) The specimen was installed in a safety enclosure and isolated from the operator and

surrounding equipment. It was particularly important that, whilst one end of the pipe

specimenwas connectedto the rig to allow seawater to be pumped into the empty specimen,

the outlet at the other end of the specimenwas left open to allow air to come out.

(d) The pressurehigh level and low level relays were set to the maximum and the minimum

pressuresof the required hydraulic loading cycle. For to

example, apply a cyclic load of 0-

100bar, 100bar and 0 were set as the maximum and minimum values in the control unit. For

a static test, the maximum pressure was set to a high value, greater than the pipe static
strength,and the minimum to zero. Since the design limit of the test rig was 700 bar, the

maximumpressurewasnormally set to 700 bar for static tests.

(e) The pump was switched on and natural sea water was pumped into the system and the

specimen until water came out from the outlet of the specimen. The outlet end of the

specimenwas then lifted a little to assist the expulsion of the air. It is very important that all

the air is eliminated from the entire system. Then the outlet of the specimen was switched


(f) All electric, pneumatic and hydraulic circuits were then checked over to ensure that every

part was in its normal state. In particular, the pressure of the air input to the pump was set to

a very low level and it was ensured that the hydraulic pressurisation speed was not too high.

(g) The test was started by switching the pump on. The required pressurisation speed and
loading frequency were achieved by increasing the pneumatic pressureinput.

(h) All tests were conducted under room temperature. The temperature variation was

controlled in the range of 20 - 22 T.

(i) The number of load cycles and the history of the pressure were recorded by the data
logging system until the specimen failed. According to the definition of failure, the final
failure was confirmed, the number of load cycles to failure (or the failure load for static tests)

was recorded and failure status was also described. Consistent failure definitions were used
for all specimens(see Section 4.1.5)


4.2.1 Introduction

For the experiment on a pipe specimen subjected to internal pressure, it was necessary to fit

special end grips at both ends of the specimen. With such a `close-end' test, the axial load
induced by the internal pressure is transferred to the pipe wall through the end grips.

Therefore, a strong joint was used between the pipe wall and the end grips. During fatigue

tests, all components of the end grips should be fatigue-resistant. Furthermore, the sealing

construction between the pipe and end grips was carefully designed to prevent leakage of the
liquid at high pressure, since GRP pipe with low stiffness had relatively large deformation in

the radial direction. This section describes the design and manufacturing process of the
adhesively bonded end-fittings and their stress analysis.

4.2.2 Cast Resin End-Fittings

Soden et al [2-4] used cast resin end-fittings for quasi-static tests on a series of filament

wound GRP tubes subject to biaxial loads, as shown in Figure 4.6. The ends of the specimens

were sanded, cleaned and then reinforced with circumferentially wound E-glass fibres and
epoxy resin. The reinforced ends were then mounted in aluminium alloy grips using cast

epoxy resin.

In the work carried out by Soden et al, this design of end fittings was successful for thin

walled GRE tubeshaving 100 mm diameter and 1 mm wall thickness. However, for weepage
testsof commercial GRP pipes (e.g. Ameron Bondstrand 2000 seriesGRE pipes, seeTable
2.3) with 53.2 mm internal diameter and 3.6 mm wall thickness,the prevention of end leakage

was found to be difficult. Becauseof the large radial deformation of the pipe, the `O'-ring
betweenthe aluminium inner grip and the GRE pipe did not prevent leakagewhen subjected

to high pressure. For static burst tests, problems were also encounteredin the installation of

a strong(thick) rubber liner.

An improved design was proposed out by British Gas, as shown in Figure 4.7, in which a `V'-

shaped sealing ring was introduced. The `V' shaped ring provided a good seal over a large

pressure range, and allowed a rubber tube to be fitted between the `V' shaped ring and the
GRP pipe. However, tests using this type of end fittings were also unsuccessful due to

premature failure of the cast resin and end reinforcements. Further disadvantages of the cast

resin end-fittings were the difficulties associated with the injection and curing of the resin,

and the long period of time that it required. Therefore, a new design of end-fittings using

adhesive bonding was introduced in present research.

4.2.3 Adhesively Bonded End-fittings

The construction of the adhesively bonded end-fittings is shown in Figure 4.8. In contrast

with the cast resin end-fittings, the first design feature was that the pipe end was reinforced
with laminated woven E-glass fibres and epoxy resin, which provided higher axial strength
than circumferentially wound E-glass fibre reinforced epoxy used by Soden et al [2-4] and
British Gas. For 2 inch pipe specimens,the reinforcementlayer was 120 mm long and 5 mm

thick, although its thickness gradually reducedto zero as the gauge length was approached.
Both laminatedendswere then cured for 2 hours at 130C using heatingblankets.

The secondfeature was that the reinforced pipe end was machinedto a shallow angle of 1 8'
in order to fit a taperedaluminium collar. After the machinedends were cleaned and dried,

the taperedaluminium collars were bondedto both endsof the pipe with Ameron RP-48 two-
componentepoxy adhesive. The adhesivebonded joints were then cured at 130 C for 75
minutesusing an Ameron Bondstrandheating blanket.

Figure4.9 shows all the componentsof the end grips. An aluminium piston was insertedinto

the bore of the GRP pipe end and a special `V' shapedsealingring was fitted on the top of the
piston, allowing to expandwith the pipe under high pressureand thus ensuring a watertight
sealover the entire loading range. The piston and the aluminium collar were held in contact
by an aluminium clamp ring and a steel flange, bolted together by four studs. The number

and the diameter of the studs were determined from calculations of their strength and

stiffness. An O-ring was installed in the groove between the piston and the flange. The

flange was madeof steel to ensurethat there was a strong threadedjoint between the flange

andthe hydraulic rig.

After testing, a steel plug was used to dismantle the aluminium collars, which were strongly
bonded to the pipe ends, so that they could be recycled, as shown in Figure 4.10. To facilitate

this, the bonded pipe end was first heated to 250 C for 10 minutes by a heating jacket to

reduce the bonding strength. A special steel plug, which fatted the pipe bore, was then used

to push the collar off the pipe using a hydraulic ram.

The advantagesof the adhesively bonded end-fittings were:

(a) low stressconcentration;

(b) good sealingover the entire loading range;
(c) easeof fitting a rubber liner for a burst test;
(d) short preparationtime;
(e) easeof manufacture;
(f) reusable;
(g) low cost.

4.2.4 Stress Analysis of the Adhesively Bonded End-fittings

In order to determine correctly the important dimensions of the end fittings, such as the
bonding length, the tapering angle and the thickness of the reinforcement, simple strength

calculations and complicated finite element analysis were carried out by the author (see

Chapter7, page 189). The stressanalysis indicated that the stressconcentration induced by

the end-fittings mounting was negligible.


A knowledge of the weight and volume fractions of the fibres and matrix in the pipe wall was

required for the prediction of the mechanical properties. The weight fractions were measured
by means of burn-off tests carried out in accordance with BS 2782, Part 1, method 107K.
Section samples measuring 10 mm by 10 mm were cut from the GRP pipe wall and the joints,

and heated in a furnace at 500 C for approximately 5 hours. After the resin was completely
burnt off, the weight fractions of fibres, Wf, and of the matrix, W. were obtained. A
minimum of five specimens were used to obtain an average value.

The volume fractions for each specimencan be calculatedfrom the weight fractions and the
densityof the pipe, p, and of glassfibre, pf, by the equation:

Vf = Wf " p/pf (4.1)

For E-glassfibre, a value of pf= 2.55 g/cm3was used [5].

The density p of the pipe wall was measuredby submerging the section specimen in a

mercurybath and measuringthe up-thrust of the mercury,

p= (weight of specimenin air Pxp mercury

)/(up-thrust of mercury + P) (4.2)

wherethe density of the mercury p mercury = 13.56g/cm3.


Optical microscopy was used to examine the microstructure of the pipe wall, allowing

counting of the layers and measurementof the winding angle and the thicknessesof the
reinforcement layers, resin liner and the coating. Optical microscopy was also used to check
the crack initiation and propagationin different stages(weepageand burst). This was helpful
in the analysisof damageinitiation and crack propagation.


Strain gauges (5 mm single and two element rosettes,type N11-MA-5-350 and N21-MA-5-
350) were used to measurethe hoop and axial strain componentson the outer surface of the
GRP pipes and joints. The strain gauges were manufactured by SHOWA Measuring
InstrumentsCo., Ltd.


[1] ASTM D2143, Standard Test Method for Cyclic Pressure Strength of Reinforced
thermosettingPlastic Pipes,Reapproved1987.

[2] Soden,P.D., Kitcking, R. and Tse,P.C., Experimental Failure Stressesfor 55 Filament

Wound GlassFibre ReinforcedPlastic Tubesunder Biaxial Loads, Composites,Vol. 20, No.2,

[3] Highton,J, Adeoye,A. B. and Soden,P.D., Fracture Stressesfor 75 Degree Filament

Wound GRP Tubes under Biaxial Loads, Journal of Strain Analysis, Vol. 20, No.3,1985,

[4] Highton, J and Soden,P.D., End Reinforcement and Grips for Anisotropic Tubes, Journal
of Strain Analysis, Vol. 17, No. 1,1982, pp. 31-43.

[5] Smith, C.S., Design of Marine Structures in Composite Materials, Elsevier Applied

Table4.1 List of parts shown in the schematicdrawing of the fatigue test rig (seeFigure 4.4)

Al Lubrication, filter and pressure control unit

A2 3-way solenoid shuttle valve. (normal position: upstreamoff,
downstreamventedto air; energisedposition: upstream
connectedto downstream)
A3 Manual isolator valve
A4 Air pressure gauge (0 -7 bar)
A5 Lubrication, filter and pressurecontrol unit
A6 3-way solenoid shuttle valve
A7 Air muffler

El Personal computer
E2 Data acquisition and control board
E3 Transducerindicator
E4 Pressurehigh level relay
E5 Pressurelow level relay
E6 Counter

H1 Air operatedpump
H2 Air operatedrelief valve (normally open)
H3 High pressuremanual isolator valve
H4 Hydraulic pressure gauge (0 700 bar)
H5 Hydraulic pressuretransducer(0 - 700 bar)
H6 Needle valve
H7 Needle valve

Figure 4.1 Hydraulic rig for GRP pipe fatigue testing.

a. )
U) dp
a C)



E E 44
0 w
I u

' ca c



I "U

Figure 4.3 Pressurisation system
of the fatigue rig.


%w N cis
:2N U)


-c --J NN
Z s 0%

I' [

-- 44 ------ I-
M O. =
c bA


01 rY'
cn QQo, v,

WW3 w
3' u

Ln iTIi'i_1





1 600




Pneumatic pressure (Bar)

Figure 4.5 The relationship betweenpneumatic and hydraulic pressurein the fatigue
test rig. The maximum hydraulic pressureoutput is approximately
proportional to the input pneumaticpressure.A pneumaticpressureof 0.3
bar is neededto start the pump. Thus, the stable static pressureand the
pressurisationspeedcan be set by adjusting the input air pressure.

r Bleed screw
r End fitting for biaxial tension tests
Aluminium inner grip Oil Supply1
Aluminium outer grip
!-' Cast resin
Specimen end reinforcement
Filament wound tube
Rubber liner

Gauge Length

Scale mm

Figure 4.6 Cast resin end-fittings usedby Sodenet al [2].


'ound pipe

0- ring `V' shape sealing

Figure 4.7 Cast resin end-fittings used by British Gas plc.

steel flange aluminium piston

)und pipe

0- ring `V' shape sealing

Figure 4.8 Adhesively bonded end-fittings.

Figure 4.9 Components of end-fitting used for pipe testing.

i Steel plug


GRP pipe

Figure 4.10 Illustration of the method of end-collar removal.





Fire water systems in the offshore applications are generally subjected to regular tests.
Thousandsof pressurecycles will be accumulatedover the lifetime of the offshore structures
[1,2]. The presentinvestigation is primarily concernedwith the cyclic fatigue characteristics

of glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) pipes with adhesivelybondedjoints. Two inch (50 mm)
diameterpipes and fittings which were being consideredfor applications on offshore fire

water systemswere selectedfor the test programme. All the componentswere commercial

products. The various pipes andjoints testedare shown in Figure 5.1. The objectives of this
investigation were to study the responseof the filament wound composite pipework to
fatigue pressure loading in the range between the working pressure and the weeping
pressure, examine the interaction betweenthe pipes and the adhesivebondedjoints and to
determinethe failure mode.

This chapter describes the experimental results obtained with three types of GRE pipe

plain pipes,
couplerjointed pipes,
socket/spigotjointed pipes,

asshown in Figure 5.1(a), (b) and (c). The specimenswere a set of 2-inch (50 mm) nominal
diameter,44 bar nominal pressure,filament wound E-glass reinforced epoxy resin pipes,

seriesBS2000M, manufactured by Ameron. They included 7 plain pipes, 42 central coupler

joints and 5 central socket/spigotadhesivelybondedjoints.

Prior to the fatigue tests, several specimens of each type were tested under quasi-static
internal pressure. Several load levels for the fatigue testing were then determined once the

static weepagepressure was known. At each load level, 3 to 4 specimens were tested under

cyclic saw-tooth (approximately in a right triangle waveform) internal pressure. The pressure

of the sea water in the specimen was increased from the minimum pressure to the maximum

at an identical loading speed of 100 MPa per minute and then dropped to the minimum

rapidly (in a very short time). The frequency of the cyclic pressure varied slightly with the

maximum and the minimum pressures. The minimum pressure was always set to zero for all
tests conducted and the maximum pressure was from 8 MPa to 14.5 MPa corresponding to a
frequency range of 7- 12 cycles per minute.

The results demonstratethat all of the pipes tested have sufficient strength for offshore

applications. The fatigue strength of the specimenstested will be presentedin the form of
appliedinternal pressureversusnumber of cycles to failure, the P-N diagram.

Terms used in Chapter 5 and 6

Weepagetest: A GRP pipe is tested by applying internal pressureusing pressurisedsea-

water. Pipe failure is characterised by water weepage, the water seeping through cracks in
the matrix material and/or adhesive. No visible fibre breakage occurs in a weepage test.

Burst test: After the weepage test, the pipe is further tested by installing a rubber liner in

the pipe core and applying quasi-static internal pressure through pressurised water. Burst
failure is characterisedby a burst which causesa loud bang. No water weepageoccurs until

the final burst at the point of catastrophicfibre breakage.A burst test gives the strength of
fibre breakagein the pipe wall, which is not the real strength of a GRP pipe. The burst
strengthshows the potentiality of the GRE pipe, which can be achievedby using a liner with
a high failure strain (e.g. rubber liner and thermoplasticliner etc.).

GREpipe: A pipe made from epoxy resin reinforced by glass fibres. The GRE pipes tested
in the current work were manufacturedby filament winding.

GRVEpipe: A pipe madefrom vinyl esterresin reinforced by filament wound glassfibres.

P-N curve: The load - life fatigue curve of a GRP pipe plotted in the form of internal

pressureversus of
number pressurecycles to failure. The internal pressure always cycles
from the minimum pressureof 0 to the maximum of P. The pressureincreaseslinearly at a
identical speedof 100 MPa per minute and is releasedat a much higher speedproducing a

right triangle wave form.

Resin liner: The inside of a commercial GRP pipe normally contains a resin-rich liner

which offers higher resistanceto corrosive media than the reinforced pipe wall. Usually, the
material of the resin liner is the same as the matrix of the pipe wall. The thickness of the

resin liner varies among the various products of different but

companies, is normally between
0.5 to 2.0 mm.

Rubber liner: Following weepage,a large number of cracks are present in the pipe wall,

resin liner and adhesivelayer. The pipe can not normally contain pressurisedmedia unless a

rubber tube is installed to prevent leakage,or unless the pressurisingequipment is capableof

a very high flow rate. Usually, a cycle inner tube is used as the rubber liner. This should be
properly fitted between the end grips and the pipe core to ensurethat no water leakageoccurs

at the pipe endsduring a burst test.


5.2.1 Specimens

A total of seven plain pipe specimens were tested under static or cyclic internal pressure.
These were all commercial products in the series Bondstrand 2000M, manufactured by
Ameron, see Figure 5.1(c). Table 5.1 lists their geometric parameters and physical

properties. The nominal diameter of the pipes was 50 mm and the nominal pressure rating

was 4.4 MPa (the cyclic hydraulic design basis, ASTM Standard D2992). The actual
internal diameter was 53.2 mm and the total wall thickness was 3.6 mm (Figure 5.2). The

gross fibre volume fraction of the pipe wall was 44%. The pipes had a 0.1 mm topcoat and a
0.5 mm resin-rich inner liner with a C-glass mat reinforcement. The structural wall

comprised a reinforcement of E-glass fibres and an epoxy resin matrix. After the top coat

layer and the resin liner were removed, the volume fraction of the glass fibre in the structural

wall was measured to be 49.8%. The structural wall was composed of six plies of GRE

reinforced unidirectional laminae, the ply thickness being 0.5 mm and thus the total

thickness of the structural wall was approximately 3.0 mm. The winding angles were 55.

The pipe was wound with full wrap at each direction and there were no crossovers of +55

and -55 fibres. The gross length of each pipe was one metre. After the installation of the

end caps, this was reduced to a gauge length of 760 mm. Table 5.2 presents the main

mechanical properties of this GRE pipe[5].

5.2.2 Experimental

All sevenplain pipes, numbered as P01, P02, P07, were subjectedto internal pressure
through pressurisedsea water, using the hydraulic test rig describedin Chapter 4. Initially,
three specimens were tested under quasi-static internal pressure until water weepage

occurred. The remaining four were then testedunder cyclic saw-tooth pressure,as described
in Table 5.3. Two load levels were used for the four specimensin the fatigue tests. A cyclic
load of 0- 14.0 MPa was applied to P04 and P05, and 0- 11.0 MPa to P06 and P07. The
internal pressure was increased at a constant speed of 100 MPa per minute from the

minimum pressureto the maximum and then was dropped rapidly to zero. The frequencies

thereforehad valuesof between7 to 9 cycles per minute, dependingon the amplitude of the
cyclic pressure. were conductedunder the room temperatureof 20-22 C.

It was found that water weepage occurred at a relatively low pressure due to cracking of the

matrix material and the resin liner of the pipe wall. In order to allow the full strength of the

pipes to be determined, pipes P01, P02, P04 and P06 were fitted with rubber liners after the

weepagetests and were subjected to quasi-static internal pressure until they burst. The other

specimens P03, P05 and P07 were examined by optical microscopy to study the failure
mechanisms of the pipe wall.

During burst tests, special care had been taken becauseof the hazard associatedwith high

pressures up to 54 MPa (540 bar). Entrappedair was completely removed from the inside

of the specimensand from the entire hydraulic system to minimise the energy stored.
Specimenswere enclosedinside a lm by lm by 0.5m safety tank which was made of 1/4
inch thick steelplate.

The experimentalset-upwas the samedescribedin Chapter4.

5.2.3 Results and Discussion

The weepage test results from the seven plain pipe specimens (P01 to P07) are shown in

Table 5.3. These comprise the weepage pressures and the number of pressure cycles to

weepage. The burst pressures are the results of static burst tests. Specimens P01, P02 and
P03 gave quite consistent static weepage pressures. The maximum difference between P02

and P03 was 13.5%. The average static weepage pressure was 21.78 MPa. Fatigue tests on

specimens P06 and P07 gave longer fatigue lives under a lower load level of 11.0 MPa than

P04 and P05. Specimens P04 and P05 were subjected to fatigue pressures with higher

amplitudes, and thus had fewer pressure cycles to weepage. All four fatigue-tested

specimens were subjected to relatively high stresses in the `low cycle' fatigue region. Since

pipes in offshore fire systems normally experience a few thousands of tests during the

service life of the offshore rig, only low cycle fatigue tests (up to 2x 104 cycles) were carried

out. According to the discussion in Chapter 3, it is more appropriate to use identical loading

speed for all specimens than to use the same frequency. The loading speed depends on the

pumping capability, the volume and stiffness of the specimen, and the input air pressure to

the pump. The maximum pressurisation speed achieved was 100 MPa per minute using the

rig described in Chapter 4 for 1 metre long and 50 mm nominal diameter GRE pipes. Thus,

a uniform pressurisation speed of 100 MPa per minute was used for all pipes tested. This

was equivalent to a frequency of 9 cycles per minute for cyclic pressure ranged 0- 11 MPa.

It therefore took approximately 9 hours to conduct the test on specimen P06 continuously for

4,783 cycles. For a pipe tested to 20,000 cycles under pressure 0- 10 MPa, it took more

than 33 hours. Therefore, a fatigue test lasting longer than 20,000 cycles is rather time-


The burst pressuresfor specimensPOI, P02, P04 and P06 were also quite consistent,even

thoughdifferent pressureswere experiencedduring the weepagetests. The differenceswere

less than 4%. The weepagepressurecycles, it appears,only causedmatrix damagein the

pipe wall and had little influence on the burst pressureswhich mainly reflected the strength
of the glassfibre. The fact that the glass itself appearsundamagedby the fatigue processis

an interestingresult.

(a) Failure Modes

Different failure modes were observed in the weepage and burst tests by microscopy. In

weepage tests, the original commercial pipes failed under internal pressure due to water

weeping through cracks in the matrix of the pipe wall. As the internal pressure (static tests)

or the number of pressure cycles (fatigue tests) increases, fibres start to debond from the

surrounding matrix, cracks initiate and grow in the matrix between fibres, and finally the

cracks are joined up by cracks between the plies as shown in Figure 5.3. Little fibre
breakage occurred.

The cracks in the resin-rich liner were in the axial direction of the pipe, as shown in Figure
5.4. The resin liner would be expected to have isotropic mechanical properties and thus

samefailure strain in the hoop and axial directions. When subjected to internal pressure,
GRE pipes would be expectedto show hoop strains which were larger than the axial strains,

as discussedlater in Section (b): Stressand Strain Analysis, Eqs.(5.7) on page 108. Due to
the high level of hoop strain, the resin liner cracked in the axial direction. Figure 5.5 shows

a micrograph of a crack in the resin-rich liner of a pipe inner face. The crack apparently
initiated at the air bubbles, which were entrapped during the manufacturing process, and

grew along the axial direction of the pipe. Like a plate with an open-hole, in
a void the resin
liner causedstressconcentrationand thus the damageinitiation.

Figure 5.6 shows the microstructure of some cracks propagating in the resin-rich liner and
the GRE pipe wall in the thickness direction. This is a typical image taken from the pipe

crosssection. The first layer from the bottom of the image is the resin-rich liner, which had
little reinforcement. The C-glassfibres were randomly aligned in the resin-rich liner. Above

the resin liner layer is the E-glass reinforced epoxy structural pipe wall. Fibres were aligned

unidirectionally in each layer of the pipe wall at an angle of +55 or -55 to the pipe axis.
Cracks propagatedin the resin matrix between fibres. The fibres remained undamaged.
Delaminationswere observedbetweenthe +55 and -55 reinforced plies, but there were no
delaminationbetweenthe resin-liner and +55 reinforced ply.

Similarly, Figure 5.7 shows the microstructure of cracks crossing the GRE plies to the outer

coat. In this picture, the section specimen was cut at an angle of 55 direction to the pipe

axis. The plies with +55 and -55 winding angles could be easily distinguished. Matrix

cracks can be seen in the reinforced layers. There were also many cracks between the
plies due to delamination. However, there were no cracks perpendicular to the fibres

observed in the +55 plies. Thus the cracks crossed each ply by matrix cracking between

fibres and the cracks in two adjacent plies were joined by delamination.

As discussed in Chapter 3.2, damage in composite materials develops progressively from

fibre debonding, matrix cracking through to final fibre breakage. Corresponding to these
different failure stages, the materials show very different static and fatigue strengths, as

shown in Figure 3.4. The water weepage in the GRE pipes tested in the current work was

caused by the matrix cracking. The weepage pressure mainly reflected the matrix-cracking

strength of the pipe wall material. In order to measure the strength to fibre-breakage, GRE

pipes were further tested by inserting rubber liners and applying internal pressure until they
burst. The burst pressures are quite consistent and are independent of the pressure history

experienced prior to weepage. This is because the damage developed before weepage

resulted only in small cracks in the matrix, with no damage to the fibres. The failure mode

of the burst tests was catastrophic fibre breakage, as shown in Figure 5.1(c).

However,the matrix cracking causedthe stiffness reduction of materials, as shown in Figure

5.8. Owen et al [3] examinedthe loss of the modulus after the damagedevelopment. Thus,
the relation between the internal pressure and hoop strain in the GRE pipe wall can be
plotted as a curve in Figure 5.9. Before the debonding and matrix cracking start, the hoop

strain is proportional to the internal pressure. As the resin matrix cracks, the gradient of the


Figure 5.9 explains the failure process of the GRE pipes schematically. The equivalent

curve in the three graphs schematically demonstratesthe relationship between the applied
internalpressureand the damagestagesof the materials in the pipe wall. Point A marks the

start of the stage during which fibre debonding and matrix cracking occur in the GRE

structuralwall. When the pressureis lower than that at point A, the pipe deforms linearly.

Point B representsthe stage at which the resin-rich liner cracks. Since the resin liner is

usually formed from the same material as the matrix of the main pipe wall but has fewer
interfaceswith reinforcement, the resin liner has a higher matrix cracking strength. Thus

point B usually is reachedafter point A. However, if the resin liner is very thin, the voids or
other typesof defectsmay alreadypenetratethe resin liner and point B and A are the same.

Finally, point C is where the fibres break catastrophically. In Figure 5.9, graph (a) shows the
failure of a pipe without a liner (neither rubber nor resin-rich liners). The pressure can only

reach to point A, before water seeps through the pipe wall. This type of failure is controlled
by the matrix cracking strength of the GRE material. Graph (b) shows failure of a GRE pipe

with a resin liner. The pipe achieves higher strength up to point B, when the resin liner

cracks after the matrix cracking in the GRE structural wall. This type of failure is controlled
by the cracking behaviour of the liner material. The failure load can be predicted when the

hoop strain reaches the ultimate tensile strain of the liner material. The difference between

A and B is dependent on the thickness and the type of the resin liner. It is inevitable that

there will be some defects, such as the small bubbles shown in Figure 5.5, in the resin liner.
If the resin liner is not sufficiently thick, the defects and cracks initiating at these defects

may penetrate the resin liner prematurely. Points B and A converge and no extra weepage

strength will be achieved by the resin liner. Graph (c) shows the case of a burst test for a

pipe fitted with an extra rubber liner which has a low elastic modulus and a high failure

strain. Under these conditions, the maximum pressure will finally reach point C. This type

of failure is controlled by the fibre-breaking strength. In practical terms, the strength of

commercial GRE pipes corresponds to point A or B. So only a small proportion of the

strength of the E-glass is used.

(b) Stressand Strain Analysis

Considera "thin-walled" pipe which has an internal diameter D and a wall thickness t, (t <
0.1D), is subjectedto a pure internal pressureP. Assuming that the hoop and axial stresses

uniformly distribute in the pipe wall, then we can get,

6D =

According to the Hooke's law and the orthotropy assumption, the gross elastic strains in
axial and hoop directions are,
Qaxial hoop
Eaxiar =E vhoop,
axiat Ehoop
axial hoop

Shoop =E- vaxiar, hoop
hoop axial

where iai, Ehoop,Vaxial and
hoop Vhoop, are the elastic constantsof the pipe wall in axial
and hoop directions.

For the 9 filament wound GRE pipes, the ply strains are calculatedby,

COS 2e+ e sinee
-01= ,,
62= 6axial
sine e+Choop
COS2e (5.3)
712= 2(e, ,

According to the Hooke's law, the ply stressescan be calculatedfrom the ply strainsby,
E1 (E1+v21e2)
_ 1-v v
12 21
U2 (E2 + v12E1) (5.4)
T12 = G12Y12

whereEl, E2, V12,

V21and G12are the elastic constantsof the unidirectional GRE lamina in
the fibre and transversedirections.

The elastic constants of the UD lamina can be estimated by the rule of mixtures from the

properties of fibres and matrix. A Fortran program and the equations for the calculations are

given in Appendix A and B. For the E-glass/epoxy system used in the pipes tested, the

modulus of fibres Ef= 76 GPa, Poisson's ratio v1= 0.2; the modulus of matrix E,n= 3.4 GPa,

Poisson's ratio vm= 0.4. Therefore, from Appendix A and B, the elastic constants of the E-

glass/epoxy UD lamina with fibre volume fraction V=50% are,

El = 39.7 GPa
E2 = 7.1 GPa
v12= 0.30 (5.5)
v21= 0.054
G12= 3.3 GPa

The elastic constantsof 550 wound pipes in hoop and axial directions can be calculated by

the programand the equationsof the laminatetheory in Appendix A and C. They are,

Eaxiat= 8.1GPa
Eh,, = 16.1GPa
Vhoop, = 0.76 (5.6)
Vaxial,hoop = 0.38

From Egs.(5.1) to (5.4), we have ( when the internal pressureP and all stressesuse the unit

of MPa),

= 0.25 P

7.261713x 10-6
EQXia1= P

Ems,= 19.327505x 10-6 p) (5.7)

El = 15.357981x 10-6 P

E2= 11.231237x 10-6 (2..


Ql = 0.644226 (P.r)
(`, P)
a2 = 0.114306 (5.8)

T12= 0.0374158

whereP is the applied internal D

pressure, is the internal diameter and t is the wall thickness

of the GRE pipe.

(c) Prediction of WeepagePressure

The weepagepressure of a GRE pipe can be roughly estimated from the basic strength

propertiesof the UD lamina by using certain stress failure criteria. The typical fracture

strengthpropertiesof E-glass/epoxylamina (Vf= 50%) are as follows [1,2],

tensile strengthin fibre direction: a,,, = 1000MPa

tensile strengthin transversedirection: a2,t = 30 MPa

shearstrength in lamina plane: S12= 40 MPa

Maximum StressCriterion

In the maximum stresscriterion, the stressesin the principal material directions must be less

than the respectivestrengths,otherwise fracture is said to have occurred, that is for tensile
61 < 61, t

Q2< Q2,t (5.9)

Note that the shear strengthindependent of the sign of z12.

With the 2-inch Ameron BS2000M GRE pipe, the internal diameter for the structural pipe

wall is D= 54.2 mm and wall thickness t=3.0 mm. Using the stressesin Eqs.(5.8) and the
failure criteria (5.9), we obtain the weepageinternal pressure,

= 14.53MPa

at which the transversestress a2 equals the transversetensile strength a2,1. Hence it is

assumed failure mode is matrix cracking in transversedirection to fibres, causedby the

Tsai-Hill Failure Criterion

The Tsai-Hill failure criterion can be written as

cri C7162 Qi T12 e<1 no failure

1e1 (5.10)
at ai t QZ, Sie failure

Substituting the values of the stressesin Eqs.(5.8) and D= 54.2 mm, t=3.0 mm of the
structuralpipe wall into Eq.(5.10), we obtain the weepageinternal pressure,

Pepage= 13.95MPa

Unlike the maximum stress criteria, the Tsai-Hill criterion has taken account of the
interactionbetweenthe failure strengthsaj, t and Q2, but it can not predict the failure mode.

Frost's Criterion

Based on the observation that the failure mechanism of filament wound GRE pipes was

matrix cracking and fibres remained intact, Frost [4] concluded that the ply stresses
controlling the failure were the transverseand shearstressesto the fibre direction. Therefore
a simplecriterion was proposedas,

6Z zl Q2z12 5e<1 no failure

+ S2 +C _e e >_ 1 failure
't LW21,

where the interactive coefficient C was obtained by fitting the weepage data. Frost
suggestedC=-1.5 for the commonly usedGRE pipes [4].

Substituting the values of the stressesin Eqs.(5.8) and D= 54.2 mm, t=3.0 mm into the
Frost's criterion (5.11), we obtain the weepage internal pressure for 2-inch AMERON
BS2000M GRE pipes,

= 17.46MPa

Prediction Based on Manufacturer's Data

The following grossstrengthsof the pipe wall of 2-inch BS2000M GRE pipes were given by

the manufacturer[5],

Hoop strength: a,, =165 MPa (Test method: ASTM D1599)
Axial strength: a ia: MPa (Test method: ASTM D2105)

If we treat the pipe wall as homogeneousand use a criterion similar to the maximum stress
criteria comparing the grosshoop and axial stresseswith the correspondingstrengths,i. e.,

6hoop < hoop,fail

($. 12)
axial < 6axial, fail

Substituting the stressesin Eqs.(5.7) and D= 54.2 mm, t=3.0 mm into the above
inequalities, we get the weepageinternal pressurefor 2-inch AMERON BS2000M GRE


=12.97 MPa

at which the axial stressa;,, 1equalsthe axial tensile strength.


Table 5.4 comparesthe results of experiments with those of the above predictions. The

experimentson three specimensPOI, P02 and P03, as shown in Table 5.3, give an average

weepagepressureof 21.78 MPa. The four predictions are the pressureswhen the damage
initiation occurs and are lower than the experimental result which was the averageweepage

pressurewhen the last ply failed. Nevertheless,all failure criteria give reasonably close
predictions. The errors between the predicted and the measuredweepagepressuresare less

than 41%. The classic maximum stresscriteria and Tsai-Hill criterion give quite consistent
results. The best prediction has been obtainedby Frost's criterion for the pipes tested.


5.3.1 Specimens

A total of 42 straight-coupler jointed GRE pipes were tested. The specimens were all

commercial products in they series Bondstrand 2000M, manufactured by Ameron, and were

nominally the same. Each specimen, as shown in Figure 5.10, was 1 metre long and had 2

inches (50 mm) nominal diameter. It comprised two 500 mm long pipes and a 100 mm long

coupler, bonded with a two-part thermosetting epoxy adhesive, Ameron RP-48. The coupler

and the pipe ends were carefully machined, degreased, sanded and cleaned before the epoxy
adhesive was applied. The joints were then assembled and cured using a special heating

blanket for one hour at 130C. The geometry and dimensions of the joint are shown in

Figure 5.11. The external diameter of the machined section of the pipes was 59.2 mm,

compared with 60.4 mm for the pipe itself. A thickness of 0.6 mm, the top coat and the outer

ply, was removed away. The machined length was 50 mm, 5 mm longer than the overlap

with the coupler.

Both the pipes and the coupler were manufactured by filament winding. The basic geometric

parameters and physical properties of the pipes and the coupler are given in Table 5.1. The

coupler had an inner diameter of 60.2 mm, 1 mm greater than the external diameter of the

machined pipe ends allowing a 0.5 mm thick adhesive layer to bond them together. The

pipes were as described previously in Section 5.2.1.

5.3.2 Experimental

All 42 couplerjointed specimens were tested under static or cyclic internal pressure

generatedusing the hydraulic test rig describedin Chapter4. The specimenswere numbered
from COI to C42. Before performing the fatigue tests, three specimenswere tested under

quasi-staticinternal pressureuntil weepage. Fatigue testswere carried out by applying cyclic

saw-toothinternal pressurewith maximum values of 14.5,14.0,13.5,13.0,12.8,12.5,12.2,
12.0,11.8,11.5,11.2,11.0,10.5,10.0 and 9.5 MPa respectively. In eachcasethe minimum

pressurewas zero and thus R=O. An identical pressurisationspeedof 100 MPa per minute
was used all the fatigue tests. The resulting frequencieswere therefore between 6.9 to

10.5 cycles per minute, depending on the maximum pressure of the cycle. Low pressure tests
high frequencies and high pressure tests at low frequencies.
were thus performed at relatively

The same design of end-caps was used as for plain pipes (Chapter 4). Since the joints were

expected to be weaker than either the pipes or the ends, no additional glass/epoxy

reinforcement was needed at the specimen's ends before they were tapered by machining.
Therefore, the aluminium collars had a smaller inner diameter and a taper angle to fit the

shaved pipe ends. Burst tests were also conducted for coupler jointed pipes after weepage.
The experimental set-up was the same as for plain pipes described in Chapter 4.

Finite Element StressAnalysis

Finite element analysis was carried out using NISA software on the specimen subjectedto
internal pressure,to evaluate the significance of the stressconcentration at the joint. This

was found helpful in interpreting the failure modes. Details of the finite element analysisare
presented Chapter7.

5.3.3 Results and Discussion

The results of the static tests on coupler jointed GRE pipes are given in Table 5.5. The three

specimens COI, C02, and C03 showed quite similar weepage pressures. The average

weepage pressure was 19.29 MPa, slightly lower than that of the plain pipes, 21.78 MPa in

Table 5.3.

After the weepagetests, COI and C02 were fitted with rubber liners and were burst under

quasi-staticinternal pressure. Thesetwo specimensgave quite consistentburst pressuresand

their difference was less than 3%. As with the averageweepagepressure,the averagestatic
burst pressureof COI and C02 was 49.39 MPa, slightly lower than the value of 53.10 MPa
for the plain pipes shown in Table 5.3.

The resultsof fatigue testson 37 coupled GRP pipes are plotted in the P-N diagram shown in
Figure 5.12. Pipes were tested by applying cyclic saw-tooth internal pressureuntil water

weepageor up to 20,000 cycles. Of the 37 coupled specimens,four specimens(presented

with "+" ) did not fail after 20,000 cycles at load levels of 0-9.5 and 0- 10.0 MPa. All

points fall in a small scatter band, which shows a linear relationship between the internal

pressure and the logarithm of cycles, as shown in Figure 5.12. This is consistent with the

equation (3.2) which was supposed to be the best fit with the test results at low cycles and
high stress fatigue levels. The following equation is obtained by the least squares

calculations (see Appendix D):

P= 21.48- 2.86 log N (MPa) (5.13)

After the fatigue (weepage) tests, 17 specimens were equipped with rubber liners and burst
by applying quasi-static internal pressure. The burst pressures, shown in Figure 5.12, fell in

the scatter band close to a horizontal line. It appears that the weepage fatigue process had
little influence on the burst pressure. The burst tests gave an average pressure of 50 MPa,

almost the same as that shown in Table 5.5 for static tests.

Two specimens,C07 and C11, which had been intended for fatigue tests under cyclic

pressureof 0- 14.0 MPa, however failed by water weepagethrough the bonded interface at a
lower pressurethan the presetmaximum pressureof 14.0MPa. C07 failed at 12.70MPa and
C 11 at 12.53MPa. The prematurefailure appearedto have beencausedby poor bonding. In

the burst test after weepagefailure, C07 gave a burst pressureof 53.20 MPa, which was not
significantly different from specimenCOI, C02 and the other specimens,despite C07 having
lower weepagepressure. Therefore, the comparison of these results indicated that the burst

strengthwas independent
of the damagein the matrix and adhesiveduring weepagetests.

A comparisonis given in Figure 5.13 betweenthe fatigue strengthsof the coupled and plain

pipes. Fatigue life was plotted against nominal hoop stressin the pipe wall. The nominal
hoop stresswas calculated for the structural pipe wall by Eq.(5.1) or (5.7) discussedearlier,
in which the values, D= 54.2 mm and t=3.0 mm, were used. The fatigue results showed
little differences between the fatigue strengths of plain pipes and couplerjointed pipes,
despitethe latter gave lower static strengththan the former. It indicated that the presenceof

couplersdid not influence the fatigue weepagestrength as much as it did for static strength.
The reasonprobably was that the stressconcentrationin the pipe wall near the joint induced
by the installation of the thick-walled coupler only affected the damageinitiation. As ply

cracks and delaminations grew, the damaged plies degraded, the ply stresses were

redistributed and the stress concentration was eased. The coupler worked as a stress
concentrator. As discussedin Section 3.4.1 in Chapter 3, small stress concentrators in

composite structures have little effect on fatigue strength as progressive damage quickly
removedthe stressconcentration.

Fatigue life is plotted against the nominal hoop strain of the pipes in Figure 5.14 to show the

permissible level of the strain. The nominal hoop strains were calculated by the Hooke's law

and the nominal wall stresses. Eqs.(5.2) and (5.7) are used for the calculations. The fitted
line by the least squares calculations (see Appendix D) is:

= 0.75- 0.10logN (%) (5.14)

At N=10,000 and 20,000 cycles, the lower confidencelimit with 5% level of significance are

calculatedby Eq.(D8) in Appendix D. They are:

Ei, LowerLimit = 0.32% when N= 10,000 (5.15)

LowerLimit = 0.29%
6hoop, when N= 20,000 (5.16)

That is to say, 97.5% of the expectedfailures will be above 0.32% at N=10,000 and above
0.29 at N=20,000.

Figure 5.15 shows the failure positions of the specimensduring weepage and burst tests.
Most of specimensfailed in the external transition zone from the coupler to the pipe except 3
specimens by water weepagethrough bonding interface and 2 in the coupler. Burst of
the rubber-lined pipes occurred consistently in the pipe wall close to the joint, mostly 30 to
50 mm away from coupler shoulder. Figure 5.16 shows six typical examples of the burst

specimens. It was also observed that delamination occurred between the top ply and the
secondbefore the specimensfinally burst, starting from the shavedstep of the pipe end close
to the coupler.

Therearefour possibleweepagemodesfor the coupled specimensshown in Figure 5.17: (a)
through the coupler wall, (b) through the bonded interface, (c) through the pipe wall near to
thejoint and (d) through the pipe wall far from thejoint.

Figure 5.17 also shows the frequency of the occurrence of each weepage mode during tests.

Most of the failures occurred in mode C: weepage through the pipe wall close to the joint.
According to finite element analysis (Chapter 7), a stress concentration exists in this external

transition zone because the thick-walled coupler restricts the pipe expansion and causes local
bending. It seems that this stress concentration has caused the damage initiation and thus the
dominant failures in mode C. Fewer specimens failed in other minor modes A, B and D at
lower pressures. These minor failure modes appeared to be caused by various types of defect

existing in the adhesive layer, the coupler wall, the pipe wall or the liner. Therefore,

provided the quality of the adhesive bonding and the couplers are controlled, the bonded-
coupler joints can achieve the same fatigue strength of the plain pipes.

Gustafsonet. at. [6] performed fatigue tests on 4 inch diameter couplerjointed GRE pipes,

subjected to waterhammer loading. Weepage occurred predominantly through couplers

which were wound with 0/90 GRE woven fabric. In comparison with the couplerjoints
testedin the current work, one possibility for the differences of their failure modes was the
different designsof the couplers. The 55 filament wound coupler seemsstronger than the
0/900 fabric wound coupler. Fibre debonding and resin cracking probably are more easily
inducedby internal pressurein 0/90 fabric wound couplers. Therefore, the 55 filament

wound coupler appearsto be a better design.

Figure 5.18 shows the cracks in the resin-rich liner inside the pipe. Cracks were

predominantly distributed in the region near the coupler. The installation of the coupler
induced stressand strain concentration in the pipe wall in this region. The finite element

analysis (Figure 7.6 in Chapter 7) showed that the hoop strain was greater than the axial

strain in the liner. As the resin-liner would be expectedto have samefailure strains in hoop
and axial directions, the higher hoop strain had induced the liner to crack in axial direction.
Figure 5.19 shows a picture of the inside of a typical specimen,where the liner cracks could
be seen.


5.4.1 Specimens

A total of five spigot/socket jointed GRE pipe specimens were tested, all of which were

commercial products of Ameron, series BS2000M, as shown in Figure 5.1(a). Each

specimen comprised two 500 mm long pipes which were bonded through the spigot and

socket ends by a two-part thermosetting epoxy adhesive, Ameron RP-48. The dimensions of
the joint are shown in Figure 5.20. Compared with the 3.6 mm pipe wall, the thickness of
socket was mm. The bonding length was 40 mm, 5 mm shorter than the coupler joint. The

pipes and the manufacture of the joints were the same as the plain pipes and the coupler-

5.4.2 Experimental

Two specimens,JO1 and J02, were tested under quasi-static pressure until they failed by

weepage. Fatigue tests were carried out on three specimens,J03, J04 and J05, under two

pressureranges:0-8. OMPaand 0- 11.0 MPa, as describedin Table 5.6. The experimental

set-upwas the sameas that describedpreviously for couplerjointed pipes.

5.4.3 Results and Discussion

The resultsfor the spigot/socketjointed pipes are given in Table 5.6. SpecimensJO1and J02

weretestedunder static pressure,equivalent to 1/2 of the load cycle (from the minimum load
of zero to the weepageload). The averageweepagepressureof specimensJO1and J02 was
12.6 MPa. The fatigue tests were conducted on J03, J04 and J05. Specimen J03 only

withstood75 cycles to weepageunder the pressurecycles of 0- 11.0 MPa, and J04 and J05
were 357 and 5341 cycles under 0-8.0 MPa. Comparedwith the plain pipes in Table 5.3,
the socket/spigotjoints showed lower static and fatigue strengths. Figure 5.21 shows a
pressure- cycle (P-N) diagram, comparing the results of the socket/spigotjointed pipes with

thoseof plain pipes and of coupler jointed pipes. The static and fatigue weepagepressures
of the socket/spigot were significantly lower than the plain and couplerjointed pipes.

Burst testswere also conductedon the socket/spigotbondedjoints. The results are shown in
Table 5.6. The burst pressureswere significantly lower than those of the plain pipes (Table
5.3) and of couplerjointed pipes (Table 5.5). The average burst pressure of the four

specimenswas 31.54 MPa. The maximum difference between specimensJ03 and J05 was

Figure 5.22 shows the locations of the water weepage and the pipe burst. There were two

main types of failure modes in weepage tests: the socket failure and the adhesive interface

failure. Specimens J02 and J04 failed by water weepage through the adhesive interface and

JOI, J03 and J05 by the socket failure. Comparing the weepage pressures in Table 5.6, J02
had lower static weepage pressure than JO!, and J04 had shorter fatigue life than J05 under

the same cyclic pressure. This indicated the poor bonding between the socket and the spigot

of J02 and J04.

Of all the four burst tests,bursts occurred consistently at the samelocation and there was no

adhesiveinterface failure. Figure 5.23 shows the typical external appearances

of two burst

specimens.Since the defects in the adhesivehad very small dimensions,they did not greatly
influencethe burst strength.

Figure 5.24 shows the cracks in the resin-rich liner inside a socket/spigot jointed pipe.
Different from those of the plane pipes (Figure 5.4) and the couplerjointed pipes (Figure
5.18), cracks were aligned in the hoop direction in the region close to the socket bottom.
Since the resin-rich liner was expected to have isotropic mechanical properties, it was
assumed thesecracks were probably causedby large axial strain in the liner. According

to the finite element analysis, there were high axial strains at the socket bottom due to the
local bending. Figure 5.24 is a typical picture showing the inside failure appearanceof a
socket/spigot tested.

Figure 5.26 comparesthe averagestrengths of the three types of 2-inch GRE pipes. The

static burst the

pressures, static weepagepressuresand the fatigue weepagepressuresat 104

cycles were plotted in the same chart. The average fatigue pressures were obtained from the
fitted lines in Figure 5.21. These results showed that the plain pipes had the highest

strengths, the strengths of coupler jointed pipes were slightly lower than those of the plain

pipes, and the socket/spigot jointed pipes were the weakest. For all three types of

specimens, the static weepage pressures were approximately 40% of the burst strengths, and
the fatigue weepage pressures at 104 cycles were approximately 50% of the static weepage



(a) Strength

A pressure- life diagram is presentedin Figure 5.21 and a bar chart in Figure 5.26 for the 2-
inch filament wound GRE pipes andjoints. Theseresults show that the socket/spigotjointed

pipes had the lowest strengths. The couplerjointed pipes failed near to the joints but
exhibited a strengthcomparableto that of the plain pipes. The installation of a thick-walled
coupler did not severely influence the fatigue strength of a pipe but did affect its static

In relation to the working pressure range of 3 MPa (30 bar) used in offshore fire water

systemsand the pressurerating of 4.4 MPa (44 bar) of these pipe products, all the pipes
testedwere found to have sufficient strengths. The fatigue weepagepressure(at 104cycles)

of the weakest socket/spigotjoints was still 2.3 times higher than the working pressure
required. Therefore,they are applicablefor offshore fire system.

(b) Failure modes

Plain pipes failed by resin cracking. As the cracks penetratedthe pipe wall, water seeped
through the cracks and the pressure was released. With coupled pipes, water weepage
occurred predominantly through the pipe wall close to the coupler, where stress
concentrationexisted becauseof the local bending moments. The suddenchangeof the wall

thicknesswas the reasonfor this local stressconcentration. With socket/spigotjointed pipes,
weepageoccurredmostly through the pipe wall near the bottom of the socket.

(c) Test rig and end caps

The rig designed and built by the author worked well and was capable of producing static and

cyclic hydraulic pressures up to 70 MPa. The system was tested in the range between the 0
and 70 MPa and was verified to be safe. The computer data logging system played an
important role in identifying the maximum pressure at which weepage or burst first occurred.

All the specimens tested failed in gauge length or at joints with reasonable distances from

their ends, indicating that the modified design of adhesively-bonded end caps was a

successful one.


[1] Gibson, A. G., Composites in Offshore Structures, pp. 199-226, Composites Materials in
Marine Structures, Volume 2: Practical Considerations, Edited by Shenoi,R. A. and
Wellicime, J.F., Cambridge University Press, 1993.

[2] Boothby,P.J., Glass ReinforcedPlasticsfor Offshore Topside SeawaterPipework - The

CurrentPosition,ERS Report 4613, March 1991.

[3] Owen,M. J., Smith, T. R. and Dukes, R., Failure of Glass-Reinforced Plastics, with Special
Reference to Fatigue, Plastics and Polymers, June 1969, pp.227-233.

[4] Frost,S.R., Designing CompositePipelinesfor Use in the Oil Industry, Paperin

ConferenceProceedings:CompositeMaterials for Offshore Use, November 1994.

[5] Ameron Bondstrand Product Data, Bondstrand 2000M Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings for
Marine and Offshore Service.

[6] Gustafson,C.G., Semb,G. and Moursund,B., Fatiguefrom Waterhammeron Filament

Wound GRE-Pipesand Adhesive Bonded Joints. Proc. of Ninth Int. Conf. on Composite
Materials(ICCM-9), Vol. IV, pp.63-73, Madrid, 12-16July, 1993.

Table 5.1 Dimensionsand physical propertiesof the GRE pipes and couplers
(Ameron Bonstrand2000M).

GRP Pipes Couplers

Nominal diameter (mm) 50 50
Inner diameter (mm) 53.2 60.2
Outer diameter (mm) 60.4 71.2
Wall thickness(mm) 3.6 5.5
liner (mm) 0.5 -
structural wall (mm) 3.0 5.4
topcoat (mm) 0.1 0.1
Length (mm) 1000 100
Specific gravity 1.77 1.77
Grossfibre weight 64 64
fraction, w%
Grossfibre volume 44 44
fraction, v%
Fibre volume fraction in 50 50
structuralwall , v%
Fibre orientation 550 550
Internal pressurerating 4.4 5.3
(MPa) (cyclic hydraulic
design basis) [ASTM
Productionmethod Filament winding Filament winding
Weight (kg/m) 1.2 -

Table 5.2 Typical pipe mechanicalpropertiessuppliedby the manufacturer

(Ameron Bonstrand2000M). [5]

210C 930C
Longitudinal tensile strength(MPa) 58.6 47.6
Longitudinal tensile modulus (MPa) 11000 8500
Poisson'sratio (Vjal, hoop) 0.37 0.41
Circumferential tensile stressat 165 -
Circumferential tensile modulus (MPa) 25200 22100
Poisson'sratio (Vhoop, 0.56 0.70
Beam apparentelastic modulus (MPa) 11700 6900

Table 5.3 Experimental results for plain GRE pipes.

Weepage pressure Burst pressure(

Specimen (MPa) (MPa)
identifier Pressure to Cycles to Pressure to burst
weepage weepage (MPa)

POI 21.90 '/i static 52.14

Static P02 23.30 '/z (static) 53.17

tests P03 20.14 '/z static -
Average: 21.78

P04 0- 14.0(2) 275 53.90

Fatigue P05 0- 14.0 97 -
tests P06 0- 11.0 4,783 53.17
P07 0-11.0 2,144 -
Average: 53.10
1 11
c) A 4-
1 11 L11& VY -1 f1 -1JLtVb lJl. ) JF-....... I nn i pm
1V W-, MIA A
aWI -- DOA .,, A,"- f; f, , a ,.,; *Ii
i vv .. -- .. 1- ......

rubber liners and subjected to quasi-static internal pressure. The load was
increased gradually until they burst. Weepage failure was characterised by resin-
cracking and water weepage. Burst failure was characterised by catastrophic fibre-
(2)Cyclic saw-tooth internal pressure was applied by increasing the pressure at a
constant speed of 100 MPa per minute from the minimum pressure of zero to the
maximum pressure of 14 MPa and then releasing the pressure rapidly ( at very high
pressure release rate).

Table 5.4 Comparison of predicted weepage pressures with experimental results

Static weepage Errors to

Test or predictions* pressure experimental data

Experimental result (average) 21.78 -

Maximum stress criteria 14.53 33.3%
Tsai-Hill failure criterion 13.95 36.0%

Frost's criterion 17.46 19.8%

Prediction based on manufacturer's 12.97 40.4%

* Predictions carried out in Section 5.2(c)

Table 5.5 Experimental results for static tests on coupler jointed GRE pipes.

Specimen Weepage pressure Burst pressure

(MPa) (MPa)
Col 20.19 48.82
C02 19.05 49.96
C03 18.64 -
Average 19.29 49.39

Table 5.6 Experimental results for socket/spigot jointed GRE pipes.

Weepage tests Static burst tests

Specimen wee ae
identifier Weepage pressure Pressure cycles Burst pressure
or to (MPa)
cyclic pressure weepage
Static JOl 15.4 '/z (static) 31.74
tests J02 9.7 1/2(static) 33.50
Avera ge:12.6
J03 0-11.0 75 37.33
Fatigue J04 0-8.0 357 -
tests J05 0-8.0 5,341 23.60
Average: 31.54






Momm Air Awmm



,,_ (h)

Figure 5.1 Examples of GRP pipes tested:

(a) Adhesively bonded spigot/socket-jointed GRE pipe (Ameron BS2000M).

(b) Adhesively bonded coupler-jointed GRE pipe (Ameron BS2000M).
(c) Filament wound GRE plain pipe (Ameron BS2000M).
(d) GRE pipe with conductive fibres (Ameron BS7000).
(e) Adhesively bonded spigot/socket-jointed GRE pipe (Wavin).
(f) Adhesively bonded spigot/socket-jointed GRVE pipe (Sarplast).
(g) CSM laminate-jointed GRVE pipe (Sarplast).
(h) Filament wound GRVE plain pipe (Sarplast).

Figure 5.2 Schematic diagram of the filament wound GRE plain pipe. The
internal diameter is 53.2 mm. Total wall thickness is 3.6 nim, which
consists of 0.5 nom resin liner, 6 plies of 55" glass fibre reinforced
epoxy and 0.1 nom top coat.







resin-rich liner

Figure 5.3 Typical crack path across the pipe wall. Cracks initiated at the
fibre/matrix interface followed by matrix cracking, delamination
between plies and resin-liner fracture.

pipe wall


Figure 5.4 Cracks in the resin-rich liner of a plain pipe. The resin liner cracked in
the gauge region along the axial direction. These cracks were induced
by the hoop stress.

,.. :ir
- r


jk .

r_ y

1 x.

I ?.

Figure 5.5 Cracks initiating from air bubbles in the resin liner of the pipe and
propagating in the axial direction.

. ,,
GRE -550 ply

GRE 55 ply

,-., 0t, It


Figure 5.6 Crack propagation from liner to structural wall. This is a view from the
pipe cross-section. The resin liner is cracked in the pipe axial direction due
to the high hoop strain.

Top coat

!' r

r; fhfYY:.

GRE -55 ply

_ GRE 55 ply

_ =

GRE -550 ply


Figure 5.7 Crack propagation between 550 plies. The cracks propagated through
each ply by fibre debonding and resin cracking, and across the interface
between plies by delamination.

Loss of modulus

debonding crackin g
I .r "
10 -
" "O


02468 10 12 14 16 x103
applied stress lb f/in2

Figure 5.8 Loss of modulus after application of tensile stressto glass/polyester


Fibre breaking

Pweepage I ! Acoustic emission due
to fibre debonding and
matrix cracking

Hoop strain
(a) GRE pipe without liner


Liner breaking strain Hoop strain

(b) GRE pipe with resin-rich liner


Hoop strain
(c) GRE pipe fitted with extra rubber liner

Figure 5.9 Internal pressure- hoop strain diagramsshowing failure modesfor

GRE pipes with or without liners.

Figure 5.10 Coupler-jointed GRE pipe specimen equipped with end-caps ready to be


Figure 5.11 Two GRE-pipesjointed by an adhesivelybondedcoupler (Units of

dimensions:mm). The top-coat and the outer ply of the pipe endswere machinedoff
(0.6 mm thick).


60 - -----------

pressure Qburst
P pressure after fatigue
(MPa) *weepage pressure in fatigue tests


10 ,1\ yam

....... 1,000
......... 10,000
Number of cycles, N

Figure 5.12 P-N diagram for coupled GRE pipes. Specimens were tested by
applying a cyclic saw-tooth internal pressure until water weepage or up to
20,000 cycles. Some of the weepage-failed specimens were then installed
with rubber liners and subjected to quasi-static pressure until they burst.
The points (+) are the results for the pipes in which weepage did not
occur after 20,000 cycles.


*Coupled pipes
....... .......
200 Oplain

150 ------------
( MPa)
100 Results of
tatic tests
.,.... , ....,, ..,.

50 -- ---------------------------------

0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Number of cycles, N

Figure 5.13 Hoop stress - life diagram for plain and coupled GRE pipes. The
results of static and fatigue tests on plain pipes are compared with
those for the coupled pipes. Fatigue life is plotted against nominal
hoop stress in the pipe wall. Stress concentration in coupled pipes
does not affect fatigue strength so severely as it affects static strength.
The points (+) are the results for the pipes in which weepage did not
occur after 20,000 cycles.




strain 0.40



0.25 L-
100 1,000 10,000
Number of cycles, N

Figure 5.14 Nominal hoop strain - life diagram for coupled GRE pipes. Lower
confidence limit with two-sided 5% level of significance was 0.294
at 20,000 cycles. The points (+) are the results for the pipes in
which weepage did not occur after 20,000 cycles.

Pipe Coupler Pipe






-50 0 50 100 150
Distancefrom shoulderof joint (mm)

Number 10
failures 8

-50 0 50 100 150
Distancefrom shoulderof joint (mm)

Figure 5.15 Distribution of the failure locations along the axial direction. Both the
weepagepoints of the fatigue testsand the burst locations after fatigue
testswere predominantly in the region near the coupler ends.

Figure 5.16 Examples of the failed specimens. During burst tests, pipe failure was
characterised initially by whitening of the pipe wall, followed by
peeling of the outer plies, and finally by a burst in the area near to the

; ,

A u C D


80 ------------------
of 60 -------------
40 -0

Pm om
ModeA Mode B ModeC Made D

Mode A: Coupler wall,

Mode B: Bonded interface,
Mode C: Pipe wall near coupler,
Mode D: Pipe wall far from coupler.

Figure 5.17 Basic weepagemodesand the frequency of pipe failure in eachmode.


Figure 5.18 Illustration of a coupler bonded joint showing cracks initiated in the
resin-rich liner of the pipes close to the joint. Hoop stresses
induced the liner to crack in the axial direction.

Figure 5.19 A typical example of weepage failure. Liner cracks are located in
the area close to the joint and propagating in the axial direction.

Figure 5.20 Illustration of a GRE socket and spigot connectedjoint (Units for
dimensions:mm). A thicknessof 0.6 mm (the top-coat and the outer ply) of
the spigot were machinedoff before being bondedwith the socketby
adhesive.The machinedlength was 45 mm, 5 mm longer than the bonding

Coupler bonded joints
Q Socket/spigot bonded joints
Q Plain pipes
pressure 16



0 L.
0.1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Number of cycles, N

Figure 5.21 P-N diagram for filament wound GRE pipe specimens, including plain,
coupler jointed and socket/spigot jointed pipes. Plain pipes had almost the
same fatigue weepage pressures as the coupler-connected pipes. The
weepage pressures for the socket/spigot connected pipes were apparently
lower than those for the plain and coupled pipes.

A Weepage
Spigot Socket

X Burst

J01 AX J01
J02 X J02
J03 A
J04 X J03
J05 A XJ05

Figure 5.22 Failure locations in the socket/spigot jointed specimens. Of the five
specimens tested to weepage, JO1 and J02 were subjected to static internal
pressure, J03 subjected to a cyclic saw-tooth pressure of 0-11.0 MPa, and
J04 and J05 subjected to a cyclic saw-tooth loading of 0-8.0 MPa.
Weepage occurred through the pipe wall at the socket bottom of JO1, J03
and J05, and through the adhesive interface of J02 and J04. After the
weepage tests, four specimens (J01, J02, J03, J05) were fitted with rubber
liners and subjected to quasi-static internal pressure until they burst. All
bursts occurred at the sockets.

. ,

Figure 5.23 External failure appearance of the socket/spigot joints tested.

Both modes of matrix cracking and fibre breakage were observed in
the pipe wall.


e,.. may.;;

Figure 5.24 Cracks in resin-rich liner of a socket/spigot joint after weepage tests.
These were located in the zone near the bottom of the socket and
propagated in the hoop direction. They were probably induced by the high
axial strain caused by local bending.

Figure 5.25 Inside failure appearance of the socket/spigot joint tested.

Cracks observed in the bore hole were mostly located in the area
near the bottom of the socket and propagated in hoop direction.

53.1 O burst
50 0 static weepage
mfatigue weepage (10,000
40 cycles)
a) 31.54

0) 20
a) 12.6
0.45 0.45
Q 10

plain coupler socket/

pipes bonded spigot
joints bonded

Figure 5.26 Comparisonof averageweepageand burst pressuresfor different types of






Filament wound GRP pipe products basedon vinyl ester resin are also being consideredfor
use offshore fire system because of their lower cost and comparable properties [1-3].
However,limited performancedata are available to date for this type of pipes. The purposeof
the study reported in this Chapter is to compare the properties of filament wound glass-fibre

reinforced vinyl ester (GRVE) pipes and joints with those of glass reinforced epoxy (GRE)

products discussedin Chapter 5, and to evaluate the potential for the utilisation of GRVE

pipesin the offshore industry.

This Chapterdescribesthe experimental investigation into the static and fatigue strengthsof
GRVE pipes subjected to internal hydraulic pressure. Tests were performed on three types of

pipe specimens:

plain pipes,
central laminatedjoints,
central socket/spigotadhesivelybondedjoints,

as shown in Table 6.1. The specimenswere all 50 mm nominal diameter, 20 bar nominal
internal pressurepipes, manufacturedby Sarplast (Italy). The results showed that the plain

pipes testedcan withstand a static hydraulic pressureof up to 20 MPa, whilst the joints failed

at a load level of about half the pipe strength.



A total of six plain pipe specimens were tested. These were all filament wound fibreglass

reinforced vinyl ester resin pipes, having a nominal diameter of 50 mm, a nominal pressure of
20 bar. Table 6.2 gives the measured dimensions and the fibre contents for each specimen.
Each specimen was 1 metre long and had a 690 mm gauge length after installing the end-caps.
The gauge length was more than 10 times the pipe diameter. There were some small

variations in the wall thicknesses of the pipes. The average pipe wall thickness was 3.6 mm,
including a 1.5 mm resin-rich liner, 2.0 mm filament wound structural wall and 0.1 mm top

coat. The structural wall was composed of 4 plies and wound at winding angle 55. The

fibre volume fraction in structural wall was 54.30.3%. Figure 6.1 shows a specimen which

has been installed with end-caps and ready to be tested.


Of the six plain pipes, two were used for static tests and four for fatigue tests. The specimens

were numbered from VPO1 to VP06. The test details are presented in Table 6.3. Specimens

VP01 and VP02 were statically tested under quasi-static internal pressure. Specimens VP03

and VP04 were tested under a cyclic saw-tooth pressure of 0- 10 MPa and VP05 and VP06

under a cyclic saw-tooth pressure of 0- 11 MPa. After weepage tests, burst tests were carried

out on three pipes, VP01-03. The experimental set-up was the same as in GRE pipe tests

described in Chapter 4.


Table 6.4 presentsthe results for the plain pipe tests. In all thesetests,failures occurredin the

gauge length and thus the results were valid. VPO1 and VP02 gave static weepagepressures
of 20.76 MPa and 20.97 MPa, having a averageof 20.87 MPa. VP03 and VP04, being tested

undercyclic pressureof 10 MPa, about 48% of the static strength, gave fatigue lives of 4,885

and 4082 cycles. VP05 and VP06 under cyclic pressureof 11 MPa, about 53% of the static

strength,gavefatigue lives of 2,362 and 2,068 cycles. Theseresults showedthat the strengths
of the GRVE pipes were significantly reducedunder fatigue loading. Burst testson specimens
VPO1,VP02 and VP03 gave burst pressurefrom 24.75 to 27.39 MPa. The burst strength of
VP03 was similar to theseof VPO1 and VP02, although they experienceddifferent weepage
loading. It appearsthat the damagedevelopedduring weepagehad little effect on the burst

strength. Comparing the weepageand burst pressuresin Table 6.4, the burst pressureswere
just slightly higher than the weepagestrengths,while the GRE pipes showed large differences
betweenweepageand burst pressures(Table 5.3).

Figure 6.2 shows the cracks in a microscope photograph of the cross section of the pipe wall.
During weepage tests, the failure modes of the GRVE plain pipes were fibre/matrix interface

debonding,matrix cracking and delamination, which causedwater to seep through the pipe




Three central laminated joint specimens were tested, being numbered as VLO1, VL02 and

VL03. Figure 6.4 shows the three specimens ready to be tested, the ends of which were
GRE fabric laminates and bonded to aluminium collars (see Section 4.2).
reinforced with
They were samples of commercial products with 50 mm nominal diameter and 20 bar nominal

manufactured by Grouppo Sarplast. Each specimen was composed of two 500 mm

long filament wound Glass-Reinforced Vinyl Ester (GRVE) pipes joined by CSM glass/vinyl

ester lamination. The pipes were described in previous section.

Figure 6.3 shows the geometry and dimensionsof the joint. The ends of the two pipes were
tapered an angle of 255'. Both pipes were correctly aligned to the pipe axis, before

choppedstrand mat was laid over the gap and liquid vinyl ester resin was worked into the
fibres using brush and rollers. The laminated joint had an outer diameter of 65.2 mm. The

endsof the laminate strap had a 22 taper angle.

Table 6.5 gives the measureddimensionsand the fibre volume fractions of the specimens. In

eachcase the internal diameter was exactly 50 mm. The wall thickness and external diameter

varied slightly, although the difference was less than 0.6%. After the installation of end grips,
the one metre long specimenswere reducedto gaugelengths of 690 mm. The winding angle

was 54.3. The fibre volume fractions in the structural wall of the GRVE pipe and in the

CSM GRVE laminatedstrap were 54.30.3% and 17.60.5%respectively.


Table 6.6 describesthe details of the tests. Two specimens(VLO1 and VL02) were testedto

weepage by applying with quasi-static internal pressure. VL03 was tested under a cyclic

pressureof 0- 10 MPa. The frequency of the fatigue loading was 10 cycles per minute. After

the weepagetests, burst tests were conducted on specimensVLO1 and VL02 by applying

quasi-staticinternal pressure. The experimentalset-up was the sameas described in Sections
4.1.6 and4.2.3.


Table 6.7 presents the test results for the GRVE laminate jointed pipes. Specimens VLO1 and

VL02 had an average static weepage pressure of 14.76 MPa and an average burst pressure of

23.30 MPa. The later was 1.58 times higher than the former.

All three specimensfailed at the laminatedjoints. During the weepagetesting, water seeped
through the CSM laminate becauseof resin cracking and delamination in the laminated strap.
Figure 6.5 shows the visible delamination crack of specimenVL03 after the fatigue failure.
During the burst tests, failure also occurred at joints where fibres were broken in the CSM
laminatedstrap. Figure 6.6 shows specimenVLOI after its burst test where it can be seenthat

a piece of the joint material has been blown off. The whitened areasclose to the joint in the
picture show severedelaminationcracks.



Three central socket/spigot jointed pipe specimens were tested. Figure 6.7 shows a

socket/spigot bonded specimen, along with a plain pipe and a laminate jointed pipe. Each

socket/spigot specimen comprised two 500 mm long, 50 mm internal diameter filament

wound fibreglass reinforced vinyl ester resin pipes with a socket or a spigot. They were

connected by adhesive bonding between the socket and the spigot. Figure 6.8 shows the

construction and the dimensions of the joint. The nominal pipe wall thickness was 4.8 mm,

thicker than those of the GRVE plain pipe and laminate jointed specimens which were 3.6

mm thick and described in Sections 6.2 and 6.3. The pipe wall had a 1.5 mm resin-rich liner,

3.2 mm GRVE structural wall and 0.1 mm top coat. The structural pipe wall was wound with

6 plies of glass fibres at angles of 55. The spigot and the socket were shaved to a taper

angle of 612'. The spigot, which was 35 mm long, and the socket, which was 45 mm long,

were bonded together by adhesive paste. The average thickness of the adhesive was 0.5 mm.

Table 6.8 gives the measureddimensions and fibre volume fractions of the three specimens

which were marked with numbersVBO1, VB02 and VB03. The inner diameterswere exactly
50 mm but the outer diametersand wall thicknessesvaried slightly. After the installation of
the end grips, the one metre long specimenswere reduced to a 690 mm gauge length. The
fibre volume fraction in the structural wall was 55.10.3%.


Table 6.9 shows the details of the tests. Two specimens(VBO1 and VB02) were tested

statically to weepageby applying quasi-static internal pressure. VB03 was tested under a

cyclic saw-toothpressureof 0- 10 MPa. The frequency of the fatigue loading was 10 cycles

per minute. After the weepage tests, burst tests were performed on VBO1 and VB02 by

instaling rubber liners and applying quasi-static pressure. The experimental set-up was
describedin Chapter 4. Since the joint was expected to be weaker than the pipe and pipe

ends,no reinforcementwas neededat both ends before mounting the end-caps.


Table 6.10 presents the test results for the GRVE socket/spigot jointed specimens VBO1,

VB02 and VB03. Specimen VBO1 and VB02 gave an average static weepage pressure of

11.24 MPa and an average burst pressure of 47.49 MPa. The average burst pressure was four

times higher than the average weepage pressure. In the fatigue test, specimen VB03 failed by

water weepage after 971 cycles of an internal pressure of 0-10 MPa. All failures occurred at
the bonded adhesive interfaces during both weepage and burst tests. Figure 6.9 shows the

specimen VBO1 which failed during a burst test due to the failure of the adhesive interface.



Figure 6.10 shows the results for the three types of GRVE specimen plotted in a pressure

versus life diagram, comparedwith the results for GRE pipes obtained in Chapter 5. It was
found that the GRVE plain pipes had a weepagepressurecomparableto that of GRE pipes.
This indicates that the use of cheaper vinyl ester-basedpipes does not involve a very

significant lose of pipe strength at large number of cycles. Figure 6.10 also shows that both

types of the jointed GRVE pipes had lower weepagepressuresthan the GRE pipes and the

plain GRVE pipes. Since all pipes (GRE and GRVE pipes) had the same wall thickness (3.6

mm) and the samenominal diameter (50 mm), except the GRVE socket/spigotjointed pipes

which had a thicker pipe wall (4.8 mm), the nominal hoop stress- life diagram would be very

similar to Figure 6.10.

Figure 6.11 shows the average static weepage pressures for the three types of GRVE

specimen. Plain pipes had the highest weepagepressure. The socket/spigot bonded pipes

gavethe lowest averagestatic weepagepressureof 11.24 MPa, approximately 54% of that of

the plain pipes, even though the averagepipe wall thickness of the former was 4.8 mm, 33%

thicker than the latter. It is therefore apparentthat in this casethe joints are the weakestparts
of the pipe. In order to make full use of the pipe strength, strongerjoints would be desirable.
Nevertheless,all specimenstestedgave a static weepagepressureof more than five times the

nominal pressure(20 bar) of this product series,which was probably acceptable.

Figure 6.12 showsthe fatigue lives for the three specimentypes when subjectedto cyclic saw-

tooth internal pressureof 0- 10 MPa. It shows a similar relationship to that seen in Figure

6.11,the plain GRVE pipes having a longer fatigue life than the GRVE joints.

Since only four plain pipes, one laminated joint and one socket/spigot bonded joint were

testedunder cyclic pressure,the fatigue lives presentedhere might be of limited accuracy.

The purpose of these tests on GRVE pipes was to examine and compare their static and
fatigue strengthswith those of similar GRE products. To build a complete P-N curve, more
specimenswould needed.

WeepageFailure Modes

All of the GRVE specimenstestedunder static or cyclic internal pressurefailed by weepage.

With plain pipes, weepageoccurred uniformly over the whole gauge length. As the applied

the pipe wall first started to crack (indicated by acoustic emission), then
delaminated(causingpipe wall whitening to be observed) and finally water seepedout. For
the pipesjointed by CSM/vinyl ester laminate, weepageoccurred through the laminated strap
where delamination was observed during tests, as shown in Figure 6.5. Therefore, stronger
joints (or longer and thicker laminatedstraps)may be desirable.

In the case of the central socket/spigot bonded joints, water sprayed out through the

adhesivelybonded interface between the socket and the spigot when the pressurereachedits
maximum value. The failure was presumably caused by the failure of bonded adhesive
interface. No damagewas observedon the thick-walled sockets,spigots and pipe wall. This
indicatesthat a strongerbondedinterfacemay be desirable.

Burst Tests

Figure 6.13 shows the averageburst strengthsfor the three specimentypes. The aim of the
burst tests was to determine the full strength of the pipe wall laminate. Since the results in
Chapter5 showed that the pressurehistory experiencedby pipes during weepagetests had

almost no effect on the burst strength, the averageburst pressuresare calculated basedon all
the specimenstested. From Figure 6.13, the plain GRVE pipes had slightly higher burst
pressures those of the CSM laminatejointed pipes. However, in contrast to the weepage
tests,the socket/spigotjointed pipes had the highest burst strength, probably becauseof their
thick pipe wall. Theseresults indicated that the socket/spigotjointed pipes had the maximum


Figure 6.14 shows examples of the burst specimensof the three types of GRVE specimens.
The plain pipes burst at the gaugelength of the pipe wall and the two jointed pipes failed at
joints. The socket/spigotjoint failed by the failure of adhesively bonded interface and the
laminatedjoints by the failure of CSM/vinyl ester laminatedstrap.

The failures of the plain pipes in the pipe wall at reasonabledistancesfrom the ends showed
that the end grips and the reinforcementdid not induce significant stressconcentrations. The
joint failures in both of the jointed pipes indicate that they did not achieve their maximum

strengthand could be improved to obtain higher strength. The improvement can be: using a
larger bonding area or a stronger adhesivematerial, and tapering the edge of the socket and

spigot for socket/spigotjoints; using a thicker and longer external laminate for the laminated
joints. Finite element analysiswas carried out to optimise the design of the joints which will
be describedin Chapter7.

Comparison with GRE Pipes

Figure 6.15 comparesthe structuresof the pipe wall of the GRVE plain pipes describedin this
Chapterand of the GRE pipes describedin Chapter5. Both had the samegross wall thickness

of 3.6 mm, 0. lmm top coat and winding angle of 55 in the structural wall. Although they

were based on different matrix material systemsand had different numbersof reinforced plies
and different resin liner thicknesses,they all had similar weepagestrengths(Figure 6.10).

Figure 6.16 compares the average static weepageand burst pressuresof GRE and GRVE

pipes. Since weepagewas causedby fibre debonding and matrix cracking, weepagepressure

mainly dependedon the matrix and liner material. Thus, despite the different reinforcement
thickness,both types of pipes had similar weepagepressures. The weepagepressureof the
GRE pipes was slightly higher than that of the GRVE pipes. This might be becausethe
former usedstrongermatrix material epoxy.

Different from the weepagepressures,the averageburst pressureof GRE pipes was two times

more than that of the GRVE pipes. Since the failure mode of pipe burst was fibre breakage,
the burst strength was mainly dependant on the fibre reinforcement. GRE pipe had six

reinforcedlayers, thicker than GRVE pipe, thus had higher burst pressure.


All three types of glass reinforced vinyl ester pipe specimens tested had a high static weepage

strength, more than five times the nominal pressure (20 bar) of the products. In comparison

with more expensive epoxy pipes, the vinyl ester pipes showed comparable static and fatigue


Both types of GRVE pipe joints showed lower weepage pressures than plain pipes and

weepage failure occurred at joints. In order to make full use of the pipe strength, stronger

joints may be desirable. These two types of joints may need to be modified. With the

laminated joint, the modifications can be: increasing the length and the thickness of the CSM

laminated strap. With the socket/spigot bonded joints, increasing the bonding length and

reducing the taper angle of the socket and the spigot will increase the jointing strength.

The thick-walled socket/spigotbonded joint had the lowest weepagestrength but gave the
highest burst pressure than the other two types of specimens. This indicates that the
socket/spigot had a high potential weepagestrengthwhich can be utilised by employing


[1] Boothby,P.J., GlassReinforcedPlasticsfor Offshore Topside SeawaterPipework - The

Current Position, ERS Report 4613, March 1991.

[2] Gibson,A. G., Compositesin the Offshore Structures,pp. 199-226,Compositesmaterials

in Marine Structures,Volume 2: Practical Considerations,Edited by Shenoi,R.A. and
Wellicime, J.F., Cambridge University Press, 1993.

[3] Cheremisinoff,N.P. and Cheremisinoff,P,N., Fiberglass-ReinforcedPlastics Deskbook,

Chapter3: FRP Pipe Productsand Applications, Ann Arbor SciencePublishersInc., 1983.

Table 6.1 Nominal dimensionsof the threetypes of GRVE pipe specimenstested.

Central laminated Central socket/spigot

Plain pipe joint bondedjoint

Number of 6 3 3
Nominal diameter 50 50 50
Length (mm) 1000 1000 1000
Total pipe wall 3.6 3.6 4.8

Resin liner 1.5 1.5 1.5

Reinforcement 2.0 2.0 3.2
Top coat 0.1 0.1 0.1

Dimensionsof - Strap length: 100.0 Socket end length: 45.0

joint (mm) Strap thickness:4.0 Spigot end length: 35.0

Table 6.2 Measureddimensionsof the GRVE plain pipes.

Pipe Outer Inner Total Inner Gauge Total Volume

identifier diameter diameter wall resin- length Length fraction
(mm) (mm) thickness liner (mm) (mm) (%)
(mm) thickness (Fibre
(mm) reinforced
VP01 57.19 50 3.595 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3
VP02 57.23 50 3.615 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3
VP03 57.20 50 3.600 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3
VP04 57.33 50 3.665 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3
VP05 57.17 50 3.535 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3
VP06 57.22 50 3.610 1.5 690 1000 54.30.3

Table 6.3 Test details for the GRVE plain pipes.

Pipe identifier Type of tests Type of Frequency Cyclic pressure

loading (cycles/min) range
VPO1 static weepage& quasi-static - -
static burst internal
VP02 static weepage & quasi-static - -
static burst internal
VP03 fatigue weepage& saw-tooth 10 0-10
static burst cyclic internal
VP04 fatigue weepage saw-tooth 10 0-10
cyclic internal
VP05 fatigue weepage saw-tooth 9 0-11
cyclic internal
VP06 fatigue weepage saw-tooth 9 0-11
cyclic internal

Table 6.4 Results of the GRVE plain pipe tests.

Pipe Type Weepage Weepage Burst Failure

identifier of pressure cycles pressure location
test (MPa) (M Pa)
VPOI (a)static weepage 20.76 - - gauge length
(b)static burst 24.75 gauge ten th
- -
VP02 (a)static weepage 20.97 - - gauge length
(b)static burst - - 27.39 gauge length
VP03 (a)fatigue - 4,885 - gauge length
weepage - - 24.80 gauge length
(b)static burst
VP04 fatigue wee ae - 4,082 - gauge length
VP05 fatigue wee ae 2,362 au e length
VP06 fatigue wee ae - 2,068 gauge length
Average 20.87 25.65

Table 6.5 Measured dimensions of the GRVE laminated joints.

Specimen Pipe outer Pipe inner Total pipe Pipe resin- Fibre
identifier diameter diameter wall liner volume
(mm) (mm) thickness thickness fraction
(mm) (mm) (%)
(structural pipe
VLOI 57.23 50 3.615 1.5 54.30.3
VL02 57.19 50 3.595 1.5 54.30.3
VI-03 57.20 50 3.600 1.5 54.30.3
Pipe Outer Fibre Total Specimen
identifier diameter volume specimen gauge
of joint fraction length length
(mm) (%) (mm) (mm)
(CSM laminated
VLOI 65.51 17.60.5 1000 690
VL02 65.30 17.60.5 1000 690
VL03 65.23 17.60.5 1000 690

Table 6.6 Test details for the GRVE laminated joints.

Pipe identifier Type of test Type of Frequency Cyclic

loading (cycles/min) pressure
VLOI static weepage & static static internal - -
burst pressure
VL02 static weepage & static static internal - -
burst pressure
VL03 fatigue weepage saw-tooth 10 0-10
cyclic internal

Table 6.7 Results for the GRVE laminated joints.

Pipe identifier Type of test Weepage Weepage Burst Failure

pressure cycles pressure location
(MPa) (MPa)
VLOI static weepage 16.05 - 24.18 joint
& static burst
VL02 static weepage 13.46 - 22.42 joint
& static burst
VL03 fatigue weepage 1,217 joint
- -

Average 14.76 23.30

Table 6.8 Measured dimensions of the GRVE socket/spigot jointed pipes.

Pipe Outer Inner Total Inner Gauge Total Fibre

identifier diameter diameter wall resin- length Length volume
(mm) (mm) thickness liner (mm) (mm) fraction
(mm) thickness (%)
VBO1 59.59 50 4.795 1.5 690 1000 55.10.3
VB02 59.63 50 4.815 1.5 690 1000 55.10.3
VB03 59.60 50 4.800 1.5 690 1000 55.10.3

Table 6.9 Test details for the GRVE socket/spigot jointed pipes.

Pipe identifier Type of test Type of Frequency Cyclic pressure

loading (cycle/min) range
VBOI static weepage & static internal - -
static burst pressure
VB02 static weepage & static internal - -
static burst pressure
VB03 fatigue weepage saw-tooth 10 0-10
cyclic internal

Table 6.10 Results for the GRVE socket/spigot jointed pipes.

Pipe identifier Type of tests Weepage Weepage Burst Failure location

pressure cycles pressure
(MPa) (MPa)
VBOI static weepage 11.34 46.08 adhesive interface
& static burst
VB02 static weepage 11.13 48.90 adhesive interface
& static burst
VB03 fatigue weepage 971 adhesive interface
- -

Avera e 11.24 47.49

Table 6.11 Comparisonof the results of the static weepagetests.

Number Weepage
Type of specimen of tested pressures Weepagepositions
specimens (MPa)

Plain pipes 2 20.76


Water seepedthrough the resin

cracks in the pipe wall. Failure
occurred at the gauge length.

CentralCSM-laminate 2 16.05
joints 13.46

Water seepedthrough the cracks in

the CSM laminated joints.

Centralsocket/spigot 2 11.34
adhesivelybonded 11.13

Water seepedthrough the cracks in

the bondedinterface.

Table 6.12 Comparisonof the fatigue resultsfor GRVE pipes.

Number Pressure cycles

Type of specimen of to weepage Fatigue failure positions
tested under under
specimens 0-10 0-11
(MPa) (MPa)

Plain pipes 4 4,082 2,362

4,885 2,068

Water seepedthrough the resin

cracks in the pipe wall. Failure
occurred at the gauge length.

Centrallaminatejoints 1 1,217 -

Water seepedthrough the cracks in

the CSM laminated strap.

Centralsocket/spigot 1 971 -

Water seepedthrough the cracks in

the bondedinterface.

Table 6.13 Comparisonof the resultsof the static burst testscarried out after weepagetests.

Number Burst
Type of specimen of burst pressure Burst positions
specimens (MPa)

Plain pipes 3 24.75

Burst occurred at the gaugelength.

Centrallaminatejoints 2 24.18

Burst occurred at the CSM laminate

joints. At the centre of the joint,
someof laminate material flew

Centralsocket/spigot 2 46.08
bondedjoints 48.90
Joints were separatedthrough the
bonded interfaces.

Table 6.14 Comparisonof the dimensionsof the GRE and GRVE specimens.

Glass reinforced Glass reinforced

epoxy pipes vinyl ester pipes
Nominal diameter (mm) 50.0 50.0
Specimenlength (mm) 1000 1000
Total pipe wall thickness (mm) 3.6 3.6
Reinforcement thickness (mm) 3.0 2.0
(6 plies) (4 plies)
Resin liner thickness (mm) 0.5 1.5
coat thickness (mm) 0.1 0.1




Figure 6.1 Glass-reinforced vinyl ester plain pipe installed with end-caps ready
for testing in the safety enclosure.


. 7. .0.. -0

'-. -: """-"-.
. >t
;'_ - .

- _ ,-

f !

-` .-


Figure 6.2 Resin cracks in the GRVE pipe wall. The cracks propagated
through each ply by fibre/matrix interface debonding and matrix cracking,
and were joined by delamination between the plies.


Figure 6.3 Illustration of a glass CSM/vinyl ester laminated joint (Units for dimensions: nom).

Figure 6.4 Central laminate-jointed 2-inch pipes equipped with end fittings ready to be

Figure 6.5 Delamination at the laminated joint of specimen VL03 during a fatigue test.

Figure 6.6 Laminate material was burst away during a burst test on specimen VLOI.




Figure 6.7 The three types of GRVE specimen equipped with end-caps ready for tests.


35 --i

Figure 6.8 Illustration of a central socket/spigot (taper to taper) adhesively bonded joint
(Units for dimensions: mm).



Figure 6.9 Spigot/socket bonded joint (VBO1) failed due to the failure of the
bonded interface. The specimen was fitted with a rubber liner and
subjected to quasi-static internal pressure. The pressure was
gradually increased until the pipe burst.

-QSarplast 2" glass reinforced vinyl ester plain pipe
25 []Sarplast 2" glass reinforced vinyl ester laminated joints
Q--- OSarplast 2" glass reinforced vinyl ester socket/spigot joints
"..... " .. -Q Ameron 2" glass reinforced epoxy plain pipes
Ameron 2" glass reinforced epoxy coupled joints


10' 1 10 102 10 10 105

Number of cycles, N

Figure 6.10 Load life diagram for the three types of glass reinforced vinyl ester (GRVE)
specimens, compared with the glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) specimens studied
in Chapter 5. All specimens were subjected to cyclic saw-tooth internal pressure
until water weepage. Plain GRVE pipes showed a comparable strength to that of
the GRE pipes, but both types of GRVE joints gave lower strengths.




$ 10


plain pipes laminated joints bondedjoints

Figure 6.1 1 Average weepage strengths for three types of GRVE specimens tested
under quasi-static internal pressure. Two specimens were tested for each



0 laminated joints bonded joints

plain pipes

Figure 6.12 Fatigue life for three types of GRVE pipe specimens under cyclic internal
pressure of 10 MPa. The fatigue life of plain pipes is the average of two
specimens, VP03 and VP04. The fatigue life of the GRVE joints is
apparently lower than that of the plain pipes.






plain pipes laminated joints bonded joints

Figure 6.13 Average burst pressures for the three types of GRVE specimens. After the
weepage tests, the specimens were fitted with rubber liners and tested under
static internal pressure. The burst pressures shown were obtained from three
plain pipes, two laminated and two socket/spigot bonded joints.

Figure 6.14 Examples of burst GRVE pipe specimens under internal pressure.
The plain pipe burst at the gauge length. Both the laminated joint and
socket/spigot bonded joint failed at the joints. With the laminated
joint, a part of the joint material was burst away. The socket/spigot
joint failed by the adhesive interface failure.

Topcoat 0. lmm

+550 0.5 mm
0.5 mm
+550 0.5 mm
0.5 mm
+550 0.5 mm
0.5 mm
Resin-rich liner 0.5 mm

(a) GRE pipe

Topcoat 0.1 mm

+550 0.5 mm
0.5 mm
+55 0.5 mm
0.5 mm

Resin-rich liner 1.5 mm

(b) GRVE pipe

Figure 6.15 Through-thickness structures of pipe wall laminate of GRE and GRVE
plain pipes.


53.10 Burst

50 MWeepage
-- ..............

40 ----------------------------
CL W..
v 25.65
3 30
21.78 20.87
v 20
4 n\\\\\\\\\\ 'L\\\\\\\\\\ '-
10 ---- _. -I

GRE plain pipes GRVE plain pipes

Figure 6.16 Comparisonof averagestatic weepageand burst pressuresof GRE and

GRVE plain pipes. The GRE pipes were testedin Chapter 5 and the
GRVE in Chapter6.




This chapterpresents results of the numerical investigation into the filament wound glass

plastic (GRP) pipes and joints whose experimental results were described in
Chapters5 and 6. Ply strain and stresscomponentsand Tsai-Wu failure indexes [1,2] in the
GRP pipes and adhesivelybondedjoints have been calculated by the finite element method
three dimensionallaminated composite elements. The numerical results show a good
agreement the experimentalresults.


The NISA (Numerically Integrated element for System Analysis ) finite element analysis
[3] was used to model the stressesand deformation of the glass reinforced plastic
and joints subjected to internal pressure. The aim was to examine the capability of a
PC-basedfinite elementpackageto predict damageinitiation and failure in a GRP pipework.

NISA is a general purpose finite element program used to analyse a wide spectrum of

encountered in engineering. For filament wound glass reinforced plastic pipes, a

of three dimensional laminated composite and adhesive brick elements
model constructed
This was found helpful in interpreting the failure modes of the joints.
was used.


A 3-D curved isoparametric composite brick element was used for modelling the structural

pipe wall of filament wound GRP pipes and fittings. The element consists of a number of

plies of perfectly bonded unidirectional laminae with different ply thicknesses and fibre

directions. The element has 20 nodes, including 8 corner nodes and 12 side nodes. Each node
has three translational degrees of freedom (u, v, w) and has no rotational freedoms. The state
of stress characterised by six stress components ( a,, Q2, a3, r23,'r31and z12)in the principal

material directions of each ply. The mechanical properties of the UD laminae and the
thickness and orientation of each ply were defined in every element. The volume fraction and

elastic properties of UD laminae used are listed in Table 7.1, in which the elastic constants

were estimated by the Halpin-Tsai equations[6, pages 51-57]. For the E-glass/epoxy material

system, the modulus of the fibres Ef=76 GPa, Poisson's ratio vF0.2; the modulus of the

matrix Em=3.4 GPa and Poisson's ratio vm=0.4. In addition to the displacements, gross

stresses, gross strains, ply stresses and ply strains, the stress ratios and the Tsai-Wu failure

index were calculated for each ply referring to the maximum stress failure theory and the

Tsai-Wu failure theory.

A general 20-node 3-D brick element was used for modelling adhesivelayer in the bonded
tubular joints and the aluminium end-caps. This element is similar to the laminated
composite element except being homogeneousand having isotropic mechanical properties.
The elastic constantsand the shear strength of the epoxy adhesivelayer are listed in Table

The pipe was modelled with 36 elementsin the hoop direction and one element through the

thickness (covering all plies of the structural wall). Since the resin-liner had much lower

stiffnessthan the structural wall, it was consideredto have little influence on the stressesand
strainsof the reinforced layer. Therefore,the resin-liner was ignored in the calculation.


The strengthof a filament wound composite pipe is based on the strength of the individual

plies within the pipe wall. Successive ply failures will occur in the pipe wall as the applied
internal pressureincreases. The first ply failure (FPF) is followed by other ply failures until
the last ply failure (LPF), which correspondsto the ultimate failure of the pipe.

The interactive Tsai-Wu failure criterion was used for the strength prediction of

unidirectional fibre composites. The layer failure was presumedto have occurred when the
value of the Tsai-Wu failure index reachedunity [1],

f= f11 * Ql 'f22.62 + f33 'o 63 +f12 . 61 . 62 +f13 . 61 0 63 + f23 0 62 0 63

+ f44 0 T23 + f55 0Z3+ f66 ' T12 +' f1 61 + f2 62 + f3 Q3 (7.1

Of the 12 coefficients, nine can be obtainedfrom the strengthpropertiesusing simple tests,

Al =1I (Fit Fick, f22=102t F2ck, 133 = 11(F3t F3c

IIS232 2
J55=1Is3, 166=1IS12
fi =1I Fit -1/Fic, f2 =1/F2t-1I F2c, f3 =1/F3r-1IF3c

where F,, Fl, and F,, are uniaxial tensile strengths, F, F2cand F, the corresponding
, ,
compressive strengths and S2, S and S, the shear strengths referring to the principal
, 2
material directions (1,2,3), such that 1 is the fibre direction, 2 normal to 1 and 3 normal to the

The remaining coefficients f, f and f23 reflect the interaction between the material
2, ,
principal directions, and must be obtained by some type of biaxial testing. The strength
propertiesand coupling coefficients of the UD laminae in the GRE pipes are listed in Table
7.3, where the interactive coefficientsf, f, andf,, were approximatelycalculatedby[1],
2, 3,
f, = (-0.5) f, (i, j =1,2,3)
"j " ";"f
Similar calculationsare also conductedfor the glassreinforced vinyl esterpipes. More
detailsof the analysisare describedin the following sections.


7.5.1 Coupler Bonded Joint

FE Model

The joint shown in Figure 5.10 and 5.11 comprised two filament-wound fibreglass reinforced

epoxy resin pipes and a coupler bonded with epoxy adhesive. The coupler and pipe ends

were machined before the adhesivewas applied. The dimensions of the joint are given in

Table 5.1. The pipe had a 0.1 mm topcoat and a 0.5 mm resin liner. The load in the pipe wall

was mainly carried by the 3 mm thick (6 plies) structural wall which consistedof epoxy resin
reinforced by E-glass fibres. The volume fraction of the glass fibres in the structural wall was
50% and the winding angles were t55. The outside diameter of the machined part of the

pipe was 59.2 mm, comparedwith 60.4 mm for the pipe itself. A thickness of 0.6 mm of the

pipe wall (i.e. the top coat and the outer ply) was machined off and the machined pipe ends
only had 5 plies, [(55)2/-55]. According to the manufacturer's guidelines for pipe
installation, the machined pipe length was 50 mm, 5 mm longer than the overlap with the

coupler. This createda "groove" with a length 5

of mm and a depth of 0.5 mm between the

pipe and the coupler. The "groove" was generally coveredby adhesive.

Figure 7.1 shows the 3-dimensional finite element mesh which was constructedand analysed

using the NISA finite elementpackage. Half of the coupler connectedjoint was modelled and
symmetric boundary
displacement conditions were applied on the middle cross section of the
coupler. The pipe wall and coupler were modelled by the 20-node composite brick elements
describedin Section 7.3 and the adhesivelayer by 20-node isoparametricbrick elementswith
isotropic mechanical properties. There were 36 elements in the hoop direction and one

element in the thickness direction of the pipe wall (covering 6 plies). A finer mesh in the

axial direction was used in the thickness changing zone ("shoulder" area). In the bonded

overlap length, there were three elementsthough the thickness: one 3-D laminated composite
element modelling the machined pipe wall (5 plies only, the top coat and outer ply were
machinedaway), one isotropic 3-D element modelling the adhesivelayer (0.5 mm thick) and
one compositeelement for the coupler (12 plies, [55]6), seeFigure 7.1. Since the stiffness

of the resin-liner was much smaller than that of the structural wall, the resin-liner was

consideredthat there was little influence on the stressesand strains in the structural wall and
thus was ignored in the FE model.

Material Properties

The elastic constants of the GRE pipe wall were estimated using laminate theory. Appendix
B gives the equations for estimating the elastic constants of the unidirectional lamina from the

elastic constants of the fibres and matrix and the fibre volume fraction. Both the elastic

constants in the laminate plane and the through thickness were estimated for 3-dimensional
finite element analysis. For the E-glass/epoxy system [6],

Young's modulus of fibres: Ef = 76 GPa

Poisson'sratio of fibres: of = 0.2
Young's modulus of matrix: E. = 3.4 GPa
Poisson's ratio of matrix: vm= 0.4

For a unidirectional lamina of the GRE pipe with fibre volume fraction V=50%, the elastic

constantsin the principal material directions are calculatedby equationsin Appendix B (page
242) and listed in Table 7.1. Direction 1 is the fibre direction, 2 is the transversedirection in

the lamina plane and 3 is normal to the lamina plane.

Table 7.3 gives the strength properties and coupling coefficients of the UD laminae in the
GRE pipe wall. When running the finite element program NISA, both the elastic constants

and strengthpropertiesin the principal material directions were input.

The isotropic elastic and mechanicalpropertiesof the epoxy adhesiveare given in Table 7.2.

Resultsand Discussion

Figure 7.2 shows the distribution of the Tsai-Wu failure indexes (defined by Eq.7.1) in the

structural wall of the filament wound GRE pipe subjected to an internal pressure of 15.6
MPa. The pipe wall was composedof six unidirectional GRE composite layers in stacking

sequence Layer f representsthe inner ply where fibres aligned in 550direction to the
pipe axis. Layer 6 representsthe outer ply where fibres were in -550 direction. The internal

failure load the Tsai-Wu index
pressure of 15.6 MPa was the predicted of plain pipe when

unity. The results show that all layers had high Tsai-Wu indexes in the region near
the "groove". Layers 5 6 (outer had very high values in the "groove" area. When
and plies)

the distance from the "groove" was greater than 30 mm, the Tsai-Wu indexes became

constant and showed little influence of the joint. In the "remote" area, the inner ply (layer 1)

had the maximum Tsai-Wu failure index. The FE results in Figure 7.2 implied that the

damage (matrix cracking) started from the outer ply in the "groove" area. In the "remote"

area (equivalent to plain pipes) the damage initiated from the first ply. In the area where the

pipe was overlapped by the coupler, all plies of the pipe wall showed low failure indexes.

Since the maximum value of the Tsai-Wu indexes in the "groove" area was 2.4 times higher

than those in the "remote area", damage initiation was predicted to occur at an internal

pressure of 6.5 MPa, which was rather low compared with the weepage pressure of 19.29

MPa measured during tests (in Chpater 5). The reason probably was that the predicted values

were only for the first ply failure (FPF) while the test results were for the last ply failure

(LPF). After the first ply failed, more loads were required to cause successive failures in the

other plies. Therefore the first ply failure load was lower than the actual pipe strength. The

other reason might be that progressive damage removed the stress concentration near the
"groove" (when the top ply peeled off from the "groove", the local bending stresses in the

"groove" area would be decreased). Therefore, although the stress concentration affected the

strength for damage initiation, it had less effect on the weepage strength (i. e. last ply failure).

The prediction of the burst strength would be more difficult as the pipe wall was already
damagedby matrix cracking and thus the stiffness of the laminae was degraded by the
damages.Assumptions for stiffness degradation must be made and a step-by-step analysis

must be conducted to simulate the damage propagation. Burst strength can finally be
predictedby ply stress a1 reaching the tensile strength of the degradedUD laminae in fibre
direction. In the present work, only the elastic analysis of the undamagedpipe wall was

conductedand the predictions were only corresponding to the first ply failure. As the pipe
wall was relatively thin comparing to its diameter, there were no large differences between
the Tsai-Wu index in the first ply and that in the last ply for the plain pipes (or the "remote"

areaof the jointed pipes). Therefore, for plain pipes, the failure strength was approximately
consideredas the weepagestrength. However, for jointed pipes, the first ply failure strength
may be quite different from that of the last ply failure. Therefore, good predictions of the

weepage strength were not achieved in the current work, only the critical locations were
identified by the resultsof the elastic FE analysis.

Figure 7.3 shows the shear stress distributions in the adhesive layer under the same internal

pressure. The results showed shear stress concentrations at the edges of bonded interface.
Under the internal pressure of 15.6 MPa, the Tsai-Wu indexes in the structural wall were

greater than unity in the "groove" area (Figure 7.2) but the total shear stress in the adhesive
was less than its shear strength, approximately 22 MPa for the epoxy adhesive (Figure 7.3).
Therefore, no adhesive shear failure was predicted and the joint was expected to fail by the

pipe wall failure near the joint in the "groove" area. It agreed with the experimental results in
Chapter 5 that weepage and burst occurred predominantly in the zone close to the joint, as

shown in Figure 5.15 and 5.16. In Figure 7.3, it also gave an anti-symmetric (radial-hoop)

shear stress of up to 4 MPa in the adhesive which was caused by the unsymmetric laminate

structures of the pipe wall. The tendency of the self-rotation of a filament wound pipe with

unsymmetric laminated pipe wall will be discussed in Section 7.5.

Figure 7.4 shows the through-thicknessvariation of the Tsai-Wu failure indexes. In the cross

sectionnear the "shoulder" of the joint, the outer ply had the maximum value of the Tsai-Wu
indexesand the value in the inner ply was smaller. In the remote area,the index in the inner

ply was greaterthan that in the outer ply. The local bending moment might have causedthis
change. In the coupler-coveredarea,the index was very low indicating there was no damage
predictedin this area.

Although the resin-liner did not carry much of the load, its ultimate tensile strain might
influence the weepagestrength of a GRE pipe, as shown in Figure 5.9(b). Calculations were

also conductedby modelling the structural GRE pipe wall (composite laminate elements)and
the resin liner (isotropic elements). The hoop and axial strains in the resin liner were

examinedin Figure 7.5, comparedwith the strains in outer surfaceof the pipes under internal
pressureof 10 MPa (for comparing the measuredstrains under the sameload). The measured
strains in the outer surface of the GRE pipe (Section 4.5) are also shown in Figure 7.5. The
predictedstrains had a good agreementwith the measuredvalues in the outer surface. Both
hoop strains (in top face and resin-liner) in the "groove"
area near the coupler were slightly
higher than those in the "remote" area, whereasthe
axial strains showed a quick variation,

which indicated an axial bending in the "groove" area. The hoop strains were higher than the

axial strains, that probably was the reasonwhy the resin-rich liner in
cracked the direction of
pipe axis during the tests (Chapter 5, Figures 5.4 and 5.18). In the overlapped area, strains
were relatively low.

Although serious stress concentrations were predicted by the elastic analysis, coupler bonded

pipes gave only slightly lower weepage and burst pressures than plain pipes during tests (see
Figure 5.26). These stress concentrations caused the damage initiation at an early stage
(delaminations were observed between outer ply (layer 6) and layer 5 from the the edge of

the "groove") but the damage propagation might have quickly removed the stress
concentration. Therefore, a FE analysis was carried out on the pipe after the outer ply (layer
6) had completely peeled off. Figure 7.6 shows the distributions of Tsai-Wu indexes in a 5-

ply pipe which had no "groove". Layer 5 (which is the outer ply in the new FE model) had

the maximum value of the failure index of 1.8 in the region near the shoulder, which was
lower than that before the peeling (2.4 in Figure 7.2). It demonstrates that the damage

propagation reduced the stress concentration. However, since the pipe wall had an unbalanced

number of plies in +550 and -550 directions, the anti-symmetric shear stress Tmdi hoopin the
adhesive layer was further increased.

Assuming that only the topcoatsof the pipe ends were shavedwithout damaging the outer ply
(layer 6) of the original reinforced structural wall before the joint was assembledas shown in
Figure 7.7, the pipe wall had six balanced plies in the whole length, [55]3 and had no
"groove" near the joint. The maximum Tsai-Wu failure index of this assumedjoint, as shown
in Figure 7.7, was 1.2, only 45% of that for the thickly-machined pipe in Figure 7.2 and 67%

of that for the 5-ply pipe (outer ply was completely peeled off) in Figure 7.6. In practice,
however, it is difficult to achieve a uniform, thin and clean bonding interface by machining

only the 0.1 mm topcoat as the commercial pipe has a considerablevariation of pipe outside

7.5.2 Socket/Spigot Bonded Joint

The joint shown in Figure 5.20 was formed by a socket

and a spigot and bonded by epoxy
adhesive. A similar numerical model to that used for the coupler-connectedjoints described

in previous section was created and similar finite element analysis was carried out. Same

reason as for the coupler bonded joints, only the structural wall (6 plies) was modelled. The
heavily machined spigot (45 mm long) was modelled by 5-ply laminated elements. Figure 7.8

shows the Tsai-Wu failure indexes in the structural wall of the filament wound GRE pipes

under internal pressure of 15.6 MPa. The solid lines were the indexes of the first ply (inner
ply) and the dashed lines were of the outer ply. The Tsai-Wu index distributions in the spigot
side were similar to that of the coupler jointed pipe, as shown in Figure 7.2. As discussed in

previous section, the high Tsai-Wu failure index in the "groove" area of the spigot would be
reduced as the outer ply was peeled off from the "groove". The socket side, where had the

radius variation, also showed high Tsai-Wu failure indexes. Unlike the spigot side, the
maximum index occurred in the inner ply of the socket. Therefore, from these FEA results it

was assumed that the damage initiated from the inner ply of the socket in the radius variation

area. When the inner ply failed (the first ply failure), the second ply would carry the load

released by the first ply. Failure would propagate quickly to the second and third plies, and
finally penetrate the pipe wall and cause a failure (weepage). It appears to agree with the

failure observed in the tests that weepage mainly occurred at the bottom of the socket (see

Figure 5.22). The maximum index was approximately 2.5 times of those in the "remote"

area. Therefore, the loading for the first ply failure (FPF) was predicted approximately 40% of
that for the plain pipes, compared with the test result, the average weepage pressure

corresponding to the last ply failure (LPF), which was 58% of the measured weepage
pressure for the plain pipes. Figure 7.9 shows the shear stress in the adhesive of the bonding
interface under the same internal pressure. At the ends of the bonding line, it
showed shear
stress concentrations. Under the internal pressure of 15.6 MPa while the maximum Tsai-Wu
index equalled 2.5 (in the structural wall, Figure 7.8), the maximum shear stress in the
adhesive was less than the adhesive shear strength, approximately 22 MPa for epoxy adhesive
(Figure 7.9). Therefore, it was assumed that no adhesive shear failure occurred and the joint

failed by the failure of the socket of the pipe.

7.5.3 Pipe End with BondedEnd-Fittings

The specimen'send bonded with end-fittings, as shown in Figure 4.8,

was also modelled by
the finite elementmethod. Numerical analysiswas performed on the bondedjoint of the pipe
end with an aluminium collar when no extra end reinforcement was employed. Figure 7.10

shows the construction of the joint and the axial reactions in the pipe wall and in the

aluminium collar to the internal pressure for "close-end" tests. The collar was 110 mm long

and had an outer diameter of 100 mm. The pipe end and aluminium collar had a taper angle

of 102'. A uniform adhesive layer of 0.5 mm thick was used. The resin-liner (0.5 mm thick)

was also included in the FE model. The structural GRE pipe wall was modelled by 3-D

laminated composite elements with different numbers of plies depending on the axial
locations. The aluminium collar, the adhesive layer and the resin-liner were replaced by
isotropic 3-D elements. Figure 7.11 shows the hoop stress distributions along the pipe axis

when subjected to an internal pressure. The stresses were normalised by the applied internal

pressure. In the structural wall, the hoop stresses became slightly higher in the "shoulder"

area close to the aluminium collar. In contrast, the liner did not show much hoop stress

concentration in this area. In the aluminium collar and the pipe wall of the overlapped area,

the hoop stresseswere relatively low, and the hoop stresses in the adhesive and the liner were


Axial stresseshad the similar distributions, as shown in Figure 7.12. In the "shoulder" area

near the aluminium collar, the axial stressin the outer surfacebecamehigher than that in the
"remote" area. In the inner surface,the axial stressfirst becamelower as it got closer to the

collar, and then reachedits maximum at the "shoulder". The variations of the axial stresses
were causedby the axial bending of the pipe wall, becausethe thick-walled aluminium collar
restricted the expansion of the GRE pipe. In the "remote" area,the axial stressin the inner
surfacewas higher than that in the outer surface and both were constant. As it got closer to
the collar, the pipe wall was first bent inwards and thus the axial stress in outer surface
increasedand that in the inner surface decreased. As it reachedthe edge of the collar, the

pipe wall was bent outwards and thus the axial stressin the inner surfaceincreasedand that in
the outer surfacedecreased. Inside the aluminium collar, the axial stressesbecameconstant

again. In order to reduce the stressconcentrations,the pipe end was laminated with glass
fabric/epoxybefore mounting the aluminium collar, as shown in Figure 4.8. The experiments
in Chapter 5 and 6 showed that increasing the thickness of the pipe wall in the "shoulder"

areasuccessfully avoided the plain pipes failing at the ends.

In Figure 7.13, the solid line shows the distribution of the normalised shear stress in the

adhesivelayer when the adhesivehad a uniform thickness, as shown in Figure 7.10. At the

"shoulder" of the joint, there was a shear stress concentration. The maximum of the

normalised shear stress is 1.05. In order to reduce the shear stress concentration, a

modification was introduced by tapering the aluminium collar from inside and increasing the

local adhesive thickness, as shown in Figure 7.14. The dashed line in Figure 7.13 shows that

the maximum shear stress in the modified end joint was only 60% of that in the unmodified

7.5.4 Thermal Residual Stresses in Filament Wound GRP Pipes

The manufacturing process of filament winding and subsequentresin curing introduces

residual stressesin GRP pipes. The stressesare generatedfrom the differences in thermal
contraction between the individual plies comprising the pipe wall and the overall composite
pipe during the cool down from the maximum cure to operating temperature (the residual
stresseswithin a single ply due to different thermal contraction between the fibres and the
matrix were not taken into account in the current calculation). With filament wound glass
reinforced epoxy pipes, the difference between the cure and operating temperatures is
typically, AT = -150C. The linear thermal expansion coefficients of the unidirectional
laminaeare listed in Table 7.4.

Therefore, FE calculations were conducted to examine these thermal residual stressesand

their influence on the strength of GRE plain pipes. Figure 7.15 shows the thermal residual

stressesinduced by curing (AT=-150 C) in the first ply of the filament wound GRE pipe

[03] for various values of winding angle 0. When the winding angle is equal to 45, the

thermal stresscomponentsS11and S22becomethe maximum compressiveand tensile stresses

respectively. When 0=22.50and 67.50,the thermal shearstressS12becomesa maximum.

Figure 7.16 gives the maximum Tsai-Wu failure indexes for the filament wound GRE pipe
[55]3 (in the first ply) under different internal pressures when considering or not

consideringthe thermal residual stresses.By assumingthat the Tsai-Wu failure indexesequal

unity, the estimatedFPF internal pressuresare 10.2 MPa when the thermal residual stresses
areconsideredand 15.5 MPa when they are not taken into account. This producesan error of

Figure 7.17 shows the ply stressesin the first ply, which has the maximum Tsai-Wu failure
index when the filament winding GRE pipe [550]3is subjectedto various internal pressures.

Solid lines represent the results obtained without consideration of the thermal residual

stressesand dashedlines representthose with consideration of the thermal residual stresses.

It was found that the curing residual stressesincreasedthe ply stresscomponent S22 and S12
but reducedSi,. The overall influence to the pipe strength is that the pipe strength is reduced

as the Tsai-Wu failure index is increased,as shown in Figure 7.16.

7.5.5 Self-Rotation of Filament Wound GRP Pipes

Unlike pipes made from homogeneous materials, the filament wound composite pipes

generally can not be treated as axi-symmetric problems even though axi-symmetric loads are
applied. Rotation will occur when a filament wound composite pipe is subjectedto internal
pressure,as shown in Figure 7.18. This tendency to self-rotation induces extra hoop shear
stressin the adhesivelayer of the bondedjoints (Figure 7.3). It is found that the symmetry of
the lay-up of the pipe wall is the main parameterinfluencing the pipe rotation. Figure 7.19
shows the rotation angles of pipes with various numbers of unidirectional plies. The self-
rotation of the pipes with an odd number of plies is more severethan for those with an even
number of plies becauseof their imbalance of +550 and -55 reinforcements. As the number
of plies increases,the balance is improved and the self-rotation becomesless severe. Figure
7.20 presentsthe maximum Tsai-Wu failure indexes in the pipe wall with differing numbers

of plies in the sequenceof (+55/-55/+55/-55/...... ). It is found that the pipes with odd
numberof plies have higher Tsai-Wu failure indexesthan thosewith even number of plies.

Figures 7.21 and 7.22 show the influence of the winding angle on the maximum Tsai-Wu
failure index and self-rotation angle. Six ply [813 and five ply [(0)2/+A]
pipes are
investigated. Figure 7.21 indicates that for both types of pipes a winding angle of 55
the lowest Tsai-Wu failure indexes under internal pressurethus the highest strengths,which
agreewith the results of netting analysis. However, Figure 22 shows that pipes with this 55
winding angle have the largest self-rotation angle, which will introduce additional hoop shear
stressesin the pipe joints.


7.6.1 Laminated Pipe Joint

FE Model

Similar to the previous treatments for GRE pipes, the GRVE pipes and joints tested in
Chapter 6 (see Figure 6.7) were also modelled by finite element method. For the laminate
joints shown in Figures 6.3 and 6.4, a finite element model was constructedusing the NISA

package,as shown in Figure 7.23. The pipe wall and the joining laminate were modelled by
20-node brick elementswith orthotropic material properties. Static elastic calculations were

performed under internal pressureand corresponding axial loading. For a "thin-wall" pipe
with diameterD and wall thickness t, the correspondingtensile axial stress induced by
internal pressureP in the `close-end'pipe, equals

axia1-4t1 (7.3)

Elastic Properties

The orthotropic elastic properties in the three directions of the GRVE pipe wall are given in
Table 7.5. These were estimated using equations of laminate theory, as described in
AppendicesB and C, and the correspondingFORTRAN program presentedin Appendix A.

The elastic properties of a glass CSM /vinyl ester laminate can be estimated using the
following empirical equations[5,6],

E=g E1+g E2 (7.4)

G=g E1+4 E2 (7.5)

where El and E2 are calculated from the fibre Ef E,
modulus , matrix modulus n and fibre

volume fraction Vf by the equations,

El = EfVf + E,,Vm (7.6)

E2 E. (7.7)
_ 1-rlVf

71- Ef/E, n-1

and the coefficient is determinedempirically. For the usual caseof circular-section fibres,

a value of =2 was used[6]. For the E-glass/vinyl ester system used in the laminate pipe

Ef= 76,000MPa
Em= 3,400MPa

and the fibre volume fraction Vf = 0.176. The estimated elastic constants of the CSM
glass/vinyl esterlaminated strap are listed in Table 7.6.


Since the GRVE laminate joints tested in Chapter 6 failed by CSM laminated strap failure,

the stressesin the laminated strap were examined by the finite element analysis.Figure 7.24

shows the stress contours in the glass CSM/vinyl ester laminate strap when the pipe is
subjectedto an internal pressureof 100 MPa. Graphs (a), (b) and (c) show the normal stress
componentsin the axial, hoop and radial (or thickness) directions. Graph (d) shows the shear
stressand (e) the Von-Mises stress. From these graphs, it was found that the middle part of
thejoint suffered high stresses. High stressconcentrationsalso exist in the small local areas

of both tapered end-tips of the strap. These critical locations agree with experimental
observationswherematrix cracking and water weepageoccurred.

A direct way to improve the joint is to increase the thickness of the laminated strap.
Comparative FE calculations were performed for a GRVE joint with 4 mm thick CSM
laminated strap (such as the specimens tested in Chapter 6) and for a hypothesised 8 mm

thick strap. Figure 7.25 shows the hoop stresses in the CSM laminated strap (inner face).
The results show that the thicker laminate joint has a lower hoop stress (dashed line). Both

ends of the joint show stress singularities since an elastic continuous solid model was used,
although the materials behave elastic-plastically in the real joint. The high stressesat the ends

of the joint are also restricted to a very small local area. Figure 7.26 shows the axial stress

components in the CSM laminated strap (inner face) for the two laminate thicknesses.
Similar to the hoop stress, the thicker laminate joint has a lower axial stress. Therefore, the

thicker laminate joint will have a higher strength.

7.6.2 Socket/Spigot Bonded Joint

FE Model

Similar to the CSM laminated joints discussed in the previous section, the adhesively bonded

socket/spigot GRVE pipe joints tested in Chapter 6 (see Figure 6.8) were also modelled by
the finite element method. Figure 7.27 shows the finite element mesh. The structural wall of
the pipe was modelled by using 3-D 20-node brick elements with orthotropic material

properties. As the stiffness of the resin liner was relatively low compared with the GRVE

structural pipe wall, the resin liner was considered to have little influence on the stresses and

strains in the structural pipe wall and was thus ignored in the FE model. The elastic constants

of the filament wound GRVE pipe wall are listed in Table 7.5. The adhesive layer (0.5 mm
thick) was modelled by isotropic elements, with Young's modulus E=3.4 GPa and Poisson's

ratio v=0.35.


The tests describedChapter 6 showed that the failure of socket/spigotGRVE joints occurred

at the joints by water weepagethrough the adhesive interfaces. The adhesive failure was
possibly causedby the high shearstressin the adhesivelayer. Therefore, in this section, only
the adhesiveshear stresswas presented. Figure 7.28 shows the shear stress distributions in
the adhesivelayer from the socket mouth to the bottom (see Figure 6.8). The solid line is for
the testedspecimenwith 35 mm bonding length. One simple method to improve the joint is
to increasethe bonding length. The dashedline is for an assumedjoint with 70 mm bonding
length, showing a lower adhesive shear stress. Therefore, increasing the bonding length

reducestheshearstressin the adhesivelayer andincreasesthe strengthof thejoint.

From Figure 7.28, showing the results of elastic analysis, it is

also found that there are high
stressconcentrationfactors at the ends of the bonding line. The middle zone of the bonding
line sufferedrelatively low shearstress. Although the
end high stressesare restricted to very

local areas, they will cause failure initiation which may propagate quickly under fatigue

loading and cause the whole joint to fail completely. Hence, the author suggests a method to
improve the joint by tapering the socket and spigot mouths and increasing the edge adhesive

thickness, as shown in Figure 7.29. Finite element analysis was carried out on a joint which

was tapered into a slope of 1:4 3

over mm and having a local adhesive thickness of 1.25 mm,

2.5 times greater than the normal adhesive thickness (0.5 mm). Figure 7.30 shows the

adhesive shear stress for the modified joint (solid line), compared to that of the untapered
joint. An obvious reduction in stress concentration is found at the ends of the bonding line in

the finite element analysis. However, only numerical simulation was carried out for this

modification method, and experimental investigations are required before this approach can
be used for pipe products in the future.


Finite element analysis using three dimensional laminated composite solid elements is a

useful tool for the analysisof stressconcentrations,the prediction of failure initiation and the
interpretationof failure modesin filament wound compositepipes andjoints.

Comparing the working pressurerange of 3 MPa in practical offshore fire water systemsand
the product pressurerating of 4.4 MPa, numerical analysesand experimental investigation
indicate that the glass reinforced epoxy pipes and joints have sufficient strength for their


Coupler bondedjoints only slightly reducethe strength of plain GRE pipes but socket/spigot
bondedjoints reducethe strengthsignificantly due to seriousbending at the bell root.

It may be improper to analysefilament wound compositepipes by the use of an axisymmetric

model even though they are subjectedto an axisymmetric loading, becausethe effects of pipe
rotation and hoop shear stress may not be negligible, especially when pipes have an odd
numberof plies.

It is worth paying attention to the thermal residual stressesinduced by curing. The harmful

residualstressesmay not be negligible in certain cases.


[1] S.W.Tsai and H.T.Hahn, Introduction to CompositeMaterials, Technomic Publishing Co.

Inc., 1980,pp.277-327.

[2] D.Hull, An Introduction to CompositeMaterials, CambridgeUniversity Press,1981.

[3] User'sManual of the NISA Finite Element Analysis Software, 1993,pp.4.32.1 - 4.32.31.

[4] B.Jenaand B. Pradhan,Analysis and Optimisation of Bonded Joints with FRP Composite
Tubes. Proc. of Ninth Int. Conf. on CompositeMaterials (ICCM/9), Vol. IV, pp.82-88,
Madrid, 12-16July, 1993.

[5] B.D. Agarwal and L. J.Broutman, Analysis and Performanceof Fiber Composites,Wiley,
New York, 1980.

[6] C.S.Smith, Design of Marine Structuresin CompositeMaterials, Elsevier Applied


Table 7.1 Elastic constantsof glassreinforced epoxy unidirectional laminae.

Ei E2 E3 v12 v23

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

39700 7068 7068 0.30 0.16
G12 023 013 Vr

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%)

0.30 3308 3045 3308 50

Table 7.2 Elastic constantsof the epoxy adhesive

Tensile Young's Modulus Poisson'sratio Shearstrength

(MPa) (MPa)
3400 0.35 22

Table 7.3 Strengthpropertiesand coupling coefficients(') of the unidirectional GRE laminae

composingthe pipe wall [1,6].

Fly F, Ft F2c F3, F3

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
1000 600 30 110 30 110
S13 S12 fl3
S23 23 l2

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)"2 (MPa)'2 (MPa)2

35. 40. 40.
-1.51x10-4 -1.12x10"5 -1.12x10"5
(1) Approximately calculated from Fit, F1,, F21,F2,, F31and F3 by fj= (-0.5)1Fj-t F1Fc


Table 7.4 Thermal expansioncoefficients of the unidirectional glass/epoxylamina.

Linear thermal expansioncoefficient in fibre direction, 7x10

(XI, (1/C)
Linear thermal expansion coefficient in transverse 21x10
direction, a2 (1/C)

Table 7.5 Elastic constantsof glass/vinyl esterpipe wall.

(1 for fibre direction, 2 for transversedirection and 3 normal to the lamina plane;
x for axial direction, y for hoop direction and z for thickness direction.)

Ell E22 E33 V12 V23

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

39700 7070 7070 0.30 0.16
V13 G12 G23 G13

(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

0.30 3300 3050 3300
EX Ey E. vx, vy1
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
8100 16100 7100 0.38 0.12
V. Gx, G,. G..
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.12 9980 3220 3130

Table 7.6 Elastic constantsof glassCSM/vinyl esterlaminate of the pipe joints.

(x for axial direction, y for hoop direction and z for thicknessdirection.)

EX EY E. v, vn
(MPa) (MPa) ,
8700 8700 4210 0.41 0.36
vxz Gxy G, G,
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
0.36 3080 1690 1690

Figure 7.1 3-dimensional finite elementmesh for half the coupler connectedtubular joint.

index 2.6

2.4 .................. layer 1

2.2 ----------------- layer2

2.0 ------------- layer 3

1.8 .......................layer4


1.0 // \. \ ____in.
enen -e era rn___"___t__f; =T_.:.: r.: ___r. -. si =--r



0.2 yM

-0.2 a hesive pipe wall


-n r.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Distance from the centre of the coupler (mm)

Figure 7.2 Tsai-Wu failure indexes in the structural wall of the filament wound GRE pipe
[55], subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6 MPa. The outer ply of the pipe
end was machined away for 50 mm of its length, 5
only plies [+551-551+551-
551+55] was remained. Layer 1 representsthe inner ply +55 and layer 6 the
outer ply -55. All plies near the "groove" have high Tsai-Wu failure indexes.

20.0 .


16.0 Radial-axial shearstress

Radial-hoop shearstress
"----"-- Total shearstress









5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Distance from the centre of the coupler (mm)

Figure 7.3 Shearstressesin the adhesivelayer of the coupler-bondedjoint under an

internal pressureof 15.6MPa.


0.1726 0.3301 0.7760 1.826 1.049 0.9693

Figure 7.4 Through-thicknessvariation of Tsai-Wu failure indexes in the structural wall of

filament wound GRE pipe [55]3 subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6 MPa.
In the FE model, averagediameter is 57.2 mm and wall thickness is 3 mm. In the
bondedarea,the pipe wall only has 5 plies.

liner hoop strain

---- outer hoop strain

measuredhoop strain
liner axial strain
"" outer axial strain
Q rneasuredaxial strain
Strain ................................




adhesive pi wall

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Distancefrom the centreof the coupler (mm)

Figure 7.5 Strains in the inner and outer surfacesof the pipe under an internal pressureof 10
MPa. Hoop strains in the areaclose to the joint were slightly higher than those
in the remote area. Hoop strains were higher than axial strains, which was
probably the reason why the resin-rich liner cracked along the pipe axis.

Tsai-Wu 1.8
failure ----layer1
index 1.6
..................... layer 2

1.4 ------- layer 3

. ...............................................................
1.0 )




adhesive pipe wall, [55/55/+55]



. 06
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Distance from the centreof the coupler (mm)

Figure 7.6 Distributions of Tsai-Wu failure indexes along the pipe length after the
outer ply has peeled off. The pipe wall consists of five plies [(55)2
+55]. The outer ply correspondsto layer 5 and inner ply to layer 1.3-
D laminated element model was used for the GRE pipe which was
subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6MPa.

Tsai-Wu index
1.2 r
inner ply

1.0 ...................outer ply

--- adhesivelayer



0.2 shear stress / shear strength



adhesive pipe wall, [5513


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Distance from the centre of the coupler (mm)

Figure 7.7 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of a six ply pipe [550]3 subjected
to an internal pressureof 15.6 MPa. The pipe ends were slightly shavedwithout
damagingthe outer ply before the joint was assembled.

Tsai-Wu index
innerply of socket

2.2 -". -"-. - outer ply of socket

inner ply of spigot
...... """"""""""""""""" outer ply of spigot








adhesive socket


-n ic
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Distance (mm)

Figure 7.8 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural pipe wall close to the socket/spigot
bondedjoint subjectedto an internal pressureof 15.6MPa. The pipes have
higher Tsai-Wu failure indexesnear to the joint than in the other areas.

Shear stress
(MPa) 22.0


8.0 \/




10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Distance from the mouth of the socket (mm)

Figure 7.9 Shearstressin the adhesivelayer of socket/spigotjoint subjectedto an

internal pressureof 15.6MPa. Both endsof the bondedinterface gave
much higher shearstressthan the middle area.

If- Axial load P(nD2/4)
Aluminium collar
GRP pipe wall -
Axial load P(nD2/4)

Internal pressure P

Figure 7.10 GRP pipe with end-fitting subjectedto internal pressure. The pipe wall is
subjectedto a total axial load of P(tD2/4) for a "close-end" specimen.




a. +
v v


.. r 0
N 0 LO
U) U) N

.. . 'o.. L

0 v 0
it C
. 0
.. r

3 a C v
0 '-o
040 N i N
` O 4)
oo v
> : f CL T-
'C O
U) ,
n 0
U) 0

a) 0
I- 0
U a)
LO 0 to 0 ti)

ajnssaad IDUJ UI/ssa. IS

UC 4)

v -v a0
=3 :3
a LI
iN U) I'
cl CL CL
10 0EL EL 11 - LO
00- I"

a mss, UfN>,
v 42 v
'=I 0
L a)



0" . {J
v 1 -0
, v, III+

00 CD O
NO C\1

4) -0

-0 ,a

w i
cn L
b Q) O
rn U,
-C O
U -0 -v - Co
v 1
E 1



UU '0
a) N
sI-j f/1

rn LL
c OO
0 N
fq d
v I'

rA -0 0
Vl) Lr
Cl) rA 0
U, U .L O
v N

li b

w" O 0 Ii)
CLO ci 0

ainssa id jDUJ U /ssaJjs

AL collar Local tapering

GRP pipe wall

Figure 7.14 End-fitting modified by tapering the aluminium collar from the inside and
thus increasingthe adhesivethicknesslocally.

12 --- - ---
10 -- -- ----
-4 $11
--------, --. - S22
-10 -- -- ---, --- - -- S12
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Winding angle (degree)

Figure 7.15 Thermal residual stressesinduced by curing (OT=-150 C) in the first

ply of a filament wound GRE pipe [A]3with various values of the
winding angle 0. The averagediameter is 57.2 mm and the wall
thickness3 mm. A pipe with 45 winding angle has the maximum
thermal residual normal stresses.For commonly used55 wound
pipes, all residual stresscomponentsare therefore rather high.

--a- without residual
1.4 --, a- with residual stresses------------'... ...
w 1

0.8 - --- -- --- ------- --- --




02468 10 12 14 16 18 20
Internal pressure(MPa)

Figure 7.16 Maximum Tsai-Wu failure indexesfor the filament wound GRE
pipe [55], (in the first ply) subjectedto differing internal pressures.
The averagediameter is 57.2 mm and wall thicknessis 3 mm.
According to the Tsai-Wu failure criterion, the failure internal
pressureis 15.5 MPa when the thermal residual stressesare not
considered,and only 10.2MPa when the thermal residual stressesare
considered.Without consideringthe thermal residual stresses,the
pipe strengthwill thereforebe overestimated.

without residual stress
--- with residual stress
160 /- ------------ --

100 ---------------------------
.. --- - ---- -- --
/ S22_
40 .
20 jri"- S12
-y". . -"-T
02468 10 12 14 16 18 20
Internal pressure(MPa)

Figure 7.17 Stresscomponentsin the first ply of the structural wall of a filament
wound GRE pipe [55]3 subjectedto differing internal pressures.The
first ply has the highest ply stresses.Solid lines representthe results
obtained without considerationof thermal residual stressesand dashed
lines representthosefor which the residual stresseswere considered.
The pipe has an averagediameterof 57.2 mm and wall thicknessof 3

Figure 7.18 Rotation about the pipe axis occurring when it filament wound GRE
pipe was subjected to internal pressure.

Rotation angle
4 Id number of plies
0 'en number of plies

23456789 10 11 12
Number of plies

Figure 7.19 Rotation anglesabout the axis of the six metre long pipes with various
numbers plies (+55/-55/+55/-55/...... ). All pipes had the sameply
thicknessof 0.5 mm, averagediameter of 57.2 mm and nominal hoop stress
of 148.7MPa.

Tsai-Wu index
a dd number of plies
en number of plies
n 4s
2345 6789 10 11
Number of plies

Figure 7.20 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of filament wound glass
reinforced epoxy pipes with various numbers of plies (+55/-55/+55/-
55/...... ) and pipe wall thickness. Ply thicknesswas 0.5 mm, average
diameter 57.2 mm and nominal hoop stress148.7MPa.

5 plies
10 --- -- ----- -- --
..... 6 plies
9 "

35 ------- -----
4 ----------------
3 -------------
2 ------- -- --; ------ ,----
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Winding angle (degree)

Figure 7.21 Tsai-Wu failure indexesin the structural wall of a filament wound
GRE pipe [013and [(0)2/+0] with various winding angles. The
pipes were subjectedto an internal pressureand have the samenominal
hoop stressof 148.72MPa and nominal axial stressof 74.36 MPa.
The averagepipe diameter was 57.2 mm and ply thickness0.5 mm.

------------ -- ------ -------

5 plies
a ..... 6 plies

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Winding angle (degree)

Figure 7.22 Rotation angle about the axis of the six metre long filament wound GRE
pipes [013 and [(0)2/+0] with various winding angles. All pipes were
subjected to internal pressuresand had a nominal hoop stressof 148.72
MPa and nominal axial stressof 74.36 MPa. The averagepipe diameter
was 57.2 mm and ply thickness 0.5 mm.

Figure 7.23 Finite element mesh for GRVE laminatedjoint.

(a) axial stress
2 50 100 120 140 160 200 427 (E0)


(b) hoop stress

147 160 200 240 280 310 340 423 (E0)

--_ _.
(c) radial stress
40 0 20 52 (EO)
-108 -60 -40 -20

(d) shear stress -

-142 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 141 (E0)

(e) Von-Mises
0 150 200 250 300 350 400 446 (EO)

Figure 7.24 Stresscomponent contours in the glass CSM/vinyl ester laminate when the pipe
is subjected to an internal pressureof 100 MPa. It is found that the middle part of
the joint suffers high stresses. High stressesalso exist in the small local
areasof both tapered end-tips of the joint.




t=4 mm

---"t=8 mm


20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance (mm)

Figure 7.25 Hoop stressesin the CSM GRVE laminate of the pipe joint with different
thicknesses. The solid line is for a joint with 4 mm thick laminate and the
dashed line for a joint with 8 mm thick laminate. Increasing the laminate
thickness t will reduce the hoop stress. The stresseshave their maximum
values at the inner layer.


C t=4 mm
---"t_8 mm


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Distance (mm)

Figure 7.26 Axial stressesin the CSM GRVE laminate of the pipe joint with different
thicknesses. The solid line is for a joint with 4 mm thick laminate and the
dashed line for a joint with 8 mm thick laminate. Increasing the laminate
thickness t will reduce the hoop stress. The stresseshave their maximum
values at the inner layer.

Figure 7.27 Finite element mesh for GRVE socket/spigotjoint.


E 0.8
bonding length: 35 mm
---- bonding length: 70 mm
N 0.4


0 20 40 60 80
Distance from the socket mouth (mm)

Figure 7.28 Shearstressdistributions in the adhesivelayers of the socket/spigotjoints with

different bonding lengths. The joint with a bonding length of 70 mm generally
gives lower shear stressesthan the joint with a shorter bonding length of 35
4.8 1 spigot e7/ thickness:0.5 mm

Edgetaperedover 3 mm.
1.25 mm

--I-50 -------------- y- -"-------I -

Figure 7.29 Suggestedmodification for socket/spigot(taper to taper) adhesivelybonded

joint. The socket and spigot mouths are taperedand the edgethickness of the
adhesiveare 2.5 times of the normal adhesivethickness.(Units for dimensions:



y 1.0
---- untapered
c tapered
N 0.2

0 10 20 30 40
Distance from the socket mouth (mm)

Figure 7.30 Shearstressdistributions in the adhesivelayers of the socket/spigotjoints with

or without modification. The dashed line shows the results for the untapered
joint which has a uniform adhesivethickness(0.5 mm) over the whole bonding
length, as shown in Figure 6.8. The solid line is for the taperedjoint in which
the socket and spigot mouths are taperedand the local adhesivethicknessat the
endsof the bonding line is 2.5 times the normal adhesive thickness (0.5 mm).
The bonding length along the pipe axle is 35 mm.


Extensive experimental research has been carried out on filament wound glass reinforced

plastic pipes and joints. The aims of these tests were to supply data for British Gas plc and to

obtain confidence for the application of these products to offshore structures. Three

dimensional finite element numerical analyses have also been conducted for these pipes and
joints. The purposes of the numerical work were to understand the responses of the pipes and

joints to internal pressure and to explain the damage and failure developed in them during the


The scheduled test programme was completed successfully and satisfactory experimental

results were obtained. Fatigue tests were conducted for low cycles only (S 20,000 cycles) to

simulatethe loading conditions of fire systemson offshore platforms.

The following conclusionscan be drawn from this work:

(I) Experimental Method

In this thesis, an experimental method has been developed for the static and fatigue tests of
GRP pipes subjectedto internal pressures.This method has been proved to be successfulby a
large number of testson various pipes andjoints.


Tests of GRP pipes subjected to internal pressure are generally much more difficult than

conventional coupon specimentests. Although a standardtest method has been suggestedin

ASTM D2143, a special test rig is required to be built. Therefore, a fatigue test rig was

designedand built from scratch. This rig has been verified to be good by hundredsof hours of


In the rig, a test fluid of some type must be used to transmit the pressure. A difficulty often

encountered is the leakage of fluid which releases the system pressure. A precondition of a

successful test is that the entire system has been perfectly sealed. However, the seal situation

changes as the internal pressure and pressure cycle increase. Although the rig has been sealed

very well at low pressure, fluid may leak under high pressure conditions or after a certain

number of cycles due the pipe expansion and other deformations. Special sealing designs were
in the rig which worked satisfactorily under high pressures of up to 70 MPa and for long time

fatigue testing.

Another characteristic of the testing of GRP pipes subjected to internal pressure is the low
loading speed for static tests or low loading frequency for fatigue tests. The pressurisation

speed depends on the volume of the specimen and the size of the hydraulic pump. The rig
built for the present work can achieve a maximum pressurisation speed of 100 MPa per minute

for a pipe containing 2 litres of fluid. The pressure frequency also depends on the range of the

pressure cycle. For a pipe with 2 litres of water, the maximum achievable frequency of cyclic

pressure with a range of 0-10 MPa is 10 cycles per minute.

End Grips

Well-designed end grips were essentialfor successfultests on pipes, which should avoid end
leakageand end failure. The cast resin style designs in the published literature were found to
be unsuitable for the strong commercial pipes in the current test programme. The modified
design using adhesive bonding used in this research was successful. In addition, the new
designis more economical,time saving and is easyto manufacture.

Potential Risks

Since the tests involved hazardousequipment and operations,it was the responsibility of the

user of the methodsreported in this thesis to establishappropriatesafety practicesand to apply

limitations for certain cases. In order to help other workers avoid any potential risks, the

user'sexperiencesare summarised as follows:

(a) Incompressiblefluid must be used as the medium of pressurisation. Air or other type
of compressible media must be removed from entire system.
(b) A safetydevice or closure must be usedto isolate the system,particularly the pipes to
be tested,from any humansor equipment around.
(c) Safetyvalves should be used to releasethe pressurewhen it has reachedthe maximum
working pressure of the rig.
(d) The rig should be operated strictly by well trained people.

II) Experimental Results

All of the pipes and joints tested showed sufficient strengths for application to fire water

systemson offshore platforms. The maximum working pressurerange in offshore fire water
systemsis 3 MPa and the fatigue strengths of pipes and joints tested were greater than 7.5
MPa, i.e., 2.5 times the working pressure,over a test period of 20,000 cycles.

For the GRE pipes and joints reported in Chapter 5, the coupler joint showed a good strength

which was almost as high as that of the plain pipes. Socket/spigotjoints, however, gave lower
strengthdue to local bending at the socket bottom. Therefore, the coupler is a good fitting for
joining pipes not only becauseof its high strength but also for its easeand conveniencesof

The vinyl ester based pipes described in Chapter 6 showed comparable strengths to GRE

pipes, although both types of joints gave lower strengthsthan GRVE plain pipes. Therefore,
GRVE pipes should be used in the offshore industry since they are more economical.
However, the two types of joints testedmay needto be modified to achievehigher strength.

Failure Modes

Matrix cracking is the main failure mode of the GRP pipes subjectedto internal pressure. As

cracks initiated and propagatedin the resin matrix and resin liner, seawater seepedthrough the

pipe wall and the system pressure was released. In general, when water weepageoccurred,

noneof the fibres were broken.

For the GRE joints tested, the coupler connected joint had a strong bonding interface and
the coupler had superior strength. The socket/spigot bonded joint also had strong bonding but

the bending moment at the bottom of the socket caused it to have a lower strength than the

coupler-connected joint.

In the testsof GRVE pipe joints, both types failed at the joints. The laminatedjoint failed due
to the failure of the laminate strap, whereasthe socket/spigotjoint failed by bonding adhesive
failure. Water weepageoccurred through the laminated strap or adhesive interface. Both
designsmay need to be modified simply by increasing the laminate thickness and overlap

Burst Tests
The burst tests involving the insertion of extra rubber liners gave the burst strength which

reflected fibre breakage in the pipe wall. Although the burst strength was not the real strength
of the pipe, represented the potential or upper bound of the pipe strength which could be

achieved by using a pipe liner with a high failure strain.

(III) Numerical Work

The finite elementmethod is a power mathematicaltool for the analysisof complex composite

structures. Numerical models using 20-node composite laminate elements and 20-node brick

elementshave successfullysimulated GRP pipes andjoints.

(IV) Offshore Application

The cost effective GRP materials are attractive for offshore applications. From the fatigue
testsdescribedin this thesis, the GRP pipes andjoints have sufficient fatigue strength for them
to be used in the fire water systemsof offshore platforms. Parallel projects are investigating
their fire performance,impact properties,resistanceto environmentalexposureand so on. It is

optimistic that GRP pipes will be used widely on offshore platforms in the future.

Suggestions for Future Work

As this work was restricted to 50 mm diameter pipes, the results obtained and the

correspondingconclusions drawn can only be applied to small diameter pipe systems. The
fatigue performance of bigger pipes needs to be examined.

As only a small number of types of joints have been investigated, further work is required on

other types of joints, such as flanged joints, mechanical O-ring and key-lock joints, and other

commonly used fittings, such as elbows and tees.

Only internal pressure load was considered in the current work. In certain conditions,
however, bending moment and axial load are also important for fire pipes. Temperature

variations during day and night may also introduce significant stresses. Further research is
thereforerequiredunder more complex and severeloading and environmental conditions.




c- Filename e3-lam. f
c- A Fortran program for calculating three dimensional elastic
c-- constants for multi-directional composites.
c-- 20/02/1996 -- by F.ZHu
dimension sd(6,6), qd(6,6), td(6,6), hd(6,6)
dimension bql(6,6), bq(6,6), bs(6,6), hwork(6)
dimension h(200), ang(200)
open(1,file='e3-out. dat', status='unknown')
1 write(*, *)' Options for calculation : 1--- from Ef, vf, Em, vm, Rf
write(*, *)' (fibres and matrix)'
write(*, *)' 2 --- from UD lamina'
if(index. ne. 1.and.index. ne.2)goto 1
if(index. eq.2) goto 5
c--- (1)calculateE1,E2,E3,G12,G13,G23,vI2, vI3, v23 ... from Ef,Em,vf, vm,Vf
c-- Ref. C.S.Smith, Design of Marine Structuresin CompositeMaterials
c--- (pp.51-52,57-58)
c--- for unidirectional composites
C- -
write(*, *)' Fibre Youngs modulus : Ef=?'
write(*, *)' Fibre Poissons ratio : of=? '
read(*, *)vf
write(*, *)' Matrix Youngs modulus: Em=? '
read(*, *)em
write(*, *)' Matrix Poissons ratio: vm=? '
read(*, *)vm
write(*, *)' Fibre volume fraction: Rf=?'
c--- Default input value
c--- (for E-Glass/Epoxy)
c ef=76000.
c em=3400.
c of=0.2
c vm=0.4
c rf=0.5
c--- (for E-Glass/Vinyl ester)
c ef=76000.
c em=3400.
c of=0.2
c vm=0.4
c rf=0.5
c--- (for T300/Epoxy)
c ef=228000.
c em=3400.
c of=0.2
c vm=0.4
c rf=0.65
c--- (for carbon/epoxy,TOHO BESLON HTA/913C CIBA-GEIGY)
c ef=238000.

c em=3390.
c of=0.33
c vm=0.37
c rf=0.60
e1=ef*rf+em*(1: rf)
v12=vf*rf+vm*(1. rf)
ata=(ef/em- I .Y(ef/em+cs)
e2=em*(I. +cs*ata*rf)/(1: ata*rf)
ata=(gf/gm-1. )/(gf/gm+cs)
g12=gm*(1. +cs*ata*rO/(1. ata*rf)
cs=(akm/gm)/(akm/gm+2. )
g23=gm*(l. +cs*ata*rf)/(1. ata*rf)


write(1,*)' el=', el
write(1, *)' e2=', e2
write(1,*)' e3=',e3
write(1,*)' g12=',g12
write(1,*)' g13=',g13
write(1,*)' g23=',g23
write(1,*)' v12=',v12
write(1,*)' v21=',v21
write(1,*)' v13=',v13
write(1,*)' v23=',v23
write(*, *)' el=', el
write(*, *)' e2=',e2
write(*, *)' e3=',e3
write(*, *)' g12=',g12
write(*, *)' g13=',g13
write(*, *)' g23=',g23
write(*, *)' v12=',v12
write(*, *)' v21=',v21
write(*, *)' vl3 =',vl3
write(*, *)' v23=',v23

goto 6

5 continue
write(*,*)' E1 of UD lamina : E1=?'
write(*,*)' E2 of UD lamina : E2=?'
write(*, *)' G12 of UD lamina : G 12=?'
read(*, *)g12
write(*, *)' v12 of UD lamina : v 12=?'
read(*, *)v12
write(*, *)' G23 of UD lamina : G23=?(0 for default 0.9G 12)'
read(*, *)g23
write(*, *)' v23 of UD lamina : v23=? (O for default e3/2./g23-1)'
read(*, *)v23
i f(v23.eq.0.)v23=e3/2Jg23-1.
6 continue
c-- (2)calculateEx,Ey,Ez,vxy,vxz,vyz,Gxy,Gxz,Gyz for laminateswith
c--- variouslay-ups.(LaminateTheory).
c-- transformationof materialsparametersto rotatation x-direction.
7 write(*, *)' Total number of plies : Nt=7'
read(*, *)nt
if(nt. 1t.I
write(*, *)' Unreasonable --- Nt- ! Re-entry! '
goto 7
do ii=l, nt
write(*, *)' Angle for ply no. ',ii, ' :'
read(*, *)ang(ii)
write(*, *)' Thicknessfor ply no. ',ii, ' :'
end do

do 10 i=1,6
do 10j=1,6
10 gd(i,j)=0.

sd(4,4)=1Jg 12
write(1,11)((sd(i j) j=1,6), i=1,6)
11 format('----sd(6,6)----'/,(6e12.4))

ddd=(1: v12*v21-v23*v32-v31*v13-2. *v21*v32*v13)
ddd=ddd/(eI *e2*e3)
gd(1,1)=(1. v23*v32)/(ddd*e2*e3)
gd(2,2)=(1: v 13*v31)/(ddd *e 1*e3)
gd(3,3)=(1: v12*v21)/(ddd*e 1*e2)
gd(2,1)=(v21+v31 *v23)/(ddd*e2*e3)
qd(I, 2)=(vI2+v32*vI3)/(ddd*e1*e2)
gd(3,1)=(v31+v21 *v32)/(ddd*e2*e3)
gd(2,3)=(v23+v21 *v 13)/(ddd*e 1*e2)
gd(4,4)=g 12
write(*, 12)((gd(i;j)Lj=1,6),i=1,6)
12 format('----gd(6,6)----'/,(6e12.4))
c-- Checking[S][Q]=[I] ?
do 14 i=1,6
do 14j=1,6
do 13 k=1,6
13 hd(i j)=hd(i j)+sd(i, k)*gd(kj)
14 continue
write(*, 15)((hd(i,j), j=1,6),i=1,6)
15 format(' ---hd(6,6)----7, (6e12.4))
do 16 i=1,6
if(abs(hd(i,i)-1.).gt.1.e-2) stop 1111
do 16j=1,6
if(i. eq.j)goto 16
if(abs(hd(ij)). gt. I. e-2) stop 2222
16 continue


c--- [Q'(6,6)] for the entire laminates

do 17 i=1,6
do 17j=1,6
17 bq(i,j)=0.0
do 1000kply=1,nt

c---[T(6,6)] & [Q 1'(6,6)] for eachply

do 18 i=1,6
do 18j=1,6
td(i, j)=0.0
18 bgI(i, j)=0.0

td(1,4)=-2. *am*an
td(2,4)=+2. *am*an
td(4,1)=+1. *am*an
td(4,2)=-1. *am*an
td(5,6)=+1. *an
td(6,5)=-1. *an
do 21 i=1,6
do 21 j=1,6
hd(i, j)=0.
do 20 k=1,6
20 hd(i,j)=hd(i, j)+gd(i, k)*td(j, k)
21 continue
do 23 i=1,6
do 23 j=1,6
bgl(i, j)=0.
do 22 k=1,6
22 bql (i,j)=bq I (i, j)+td(i, k)*hd(k, j)
23 continue
write(1,25)((bg1(i,j), j=1,6), i=1,6)
25 format(' ----bq 1(6,6)---'/, (6e12.4))

c--- [Q'(6,6)1--
do 37 i=1,6
do 37 j=1,6
37 bq(ij)=bq(i, j)+bq 1(i,j)*h(kply)

1000 continue
c------------------[Q] for laminate---------------------------
do 38 i=1,6
do 38j=1,6
38 bq(i,j)=bq(i,j)/hh
write( 1,39)((bq(i,j), j=1,6), i=1,6)
write(*, 39)((bq(i,j), j=1,6), i=1,6)
39 format(' --[Q']--bq(6,6)----'/, (6e12.4))
c------------------[S] for laminate---------------------------
do i=1,6
do j=1,6
bs(i,j)=bq(i, j)
call SGJ1(n,bs,hwork,fail)
if(fail. eq.1)then
write(*, *)'***failed to obtain inversematrix of [Q]'
write(1,40)((bs(i,j), j=1,6), i=1,6)
write(*, 40)((bs(i,j) j =1,6),i=1,6)

40 format(' ---[S(6,6)]----'/, (6e12.4))
c--check [S'][Q']=[I] ?
do 44 i=1,6
do 44 j=1,6
do 43 k=1,6
43 hd(i j)=hd(itij)+bs(i, k)*bq(k, j)
44 continue
write(1,45)((hd(i'j)tj=1,6), i=1,6)
45 format(' ----hd(6,6)---- /, (6e 12.4))
do 46 i=1,6
if(abs(hd(i, i)-1. ). gt. 1.e-2)stop 3333
do 46 j=1,6
if(i. eq.j)goto 46
if(abs(hd(ij)). gt. 1.e-2) stop 4444
46 continue
c-----------Elastic constants for multi-directional laminate -----------
vxz=-1. *bs(1,3)/bs(1,1)
vyz=-1. * bs(2,3)/bs(2,2)
do 47 i=1,6
write(*, 48) (bq(i,j), j=1, i)
write(1,48) (bq(i, j)j=1, i)
47 continue
48 format(6f11.1)
write(1, *)' Ex=', ex
write(1,*)' Ey=',ey
write(1, *)' Ez=', ez
write(1, *)' vxy=', vxy
write(1,*)' vyx=',vyx
write(1, *)' vxz=', vxz
write(1,*)' vyz=',vyz
write(1,* )' Gxy=',gxy
write(1,*)' Gyz=',gyz
write(1,*)' Gxz=',gxz
write(*, *)' Ex=',ex
write(*, *)' Ey=',ey
write(*, *)' Ez=',ez
write(*, *)' vxy=', vxy
write(*, *)' vyx=', vyx
write(*, *)' vxz=', vxz
write(*, *)' vyz=', vyz

write(*, *)' Gxy=',gxy

write(*, *)' Gyz=',gyz
write(*, *)' Gxz=',gxz


DO 103 K=N, 1,M
IF(P.LE.0.0) GOTO 105
DO 102 I=2, N
Q=A(I, 1)
IF(I. LE. K)GOTO 100
GOTO 101
100 H(I)=-Q/P
101 DO 102J=2,I
A(I-1, J-1)=A(I,J)+Q* H(J)
A(N, N)=1/P
DO 103 I=2, N
A(N, I-1)=H(I)
DO 104 I=1,N-1
DO 104J=I+1,N
104 A(I, J)=A(J,I)
105 FAIL=1




The elastic constants for the components of the lamina are assumed as,

Young's modulus of fibres: Ef

Poisson's ratio of fibres: of
Shearmodulus of fibres: Gf = Ef/[2(1+vf)]

Young's modulus of matrix: E.

Poisson's ratio of matrix: vm
Shear modulus of matrix: Gm = Em/[2(1+vm)]

Consideringa unidirectional composite lamina with a fibre volume fraction Vf, its
elasticconstantsin the principal material directions can be estimatedby
E1 =EfVf+Em(1-Vf)

V12 =VfVf+Vm(1-Vf)

where n- _
- O.
- 1-1TVf ,. /,.nm tS
1+Vf Gf / Gm
G12 _ Gm where '. -1"
1-11 *V = 1.
f Gf/Gm+4.
V21 V12 "E

and its through thicknesspropertiesby,

E3 =E2
1+4 11 Vf Gf /Gin
G23 =Gm " -1
1-1j Vf Gf /Gm +"

""=km km Em
+2, and k
Gm Gm m=
2(1-vm -2v, )
G13 = G12

V13 =V12
V23 = -1
2G 23
V32 = V23




C1. Stress - Strain Relations of UD Lamina

Let the stressand strain vectors in the principal directions of a laminate,

Q= Q! Q2. 3, T12, T23, T31


E=(El, S2, S3,712,723,731 )

The stress- strain relations basedon the Hooke's law are,

E=Sa or a=QE

wherethe coefficient matrices are,

- V21 - y31

E1 E2 E3
- V12 - V32
EI E2 E3
-V13 -V23

E1 E2 E3
S=I 1


Qll Q12 Q13

Q21 Q22 Q11

Q31 Q11 Q33




whereEi, E2 , ...... are the elastic constantsof the UD lamina.

Q11 = (1- V23V32) /A E1E
Q22 = (1- V13V31) /A E1E
Q33 = (1- V12V21) /A E1E
Q12 =Q21 (V12 + V32V13) /AE1E2=(V21+V31V23) / AE2E3
Q23 = Q32 =(V23 +V21V13)/ AE1E2=(V32 +V12V31)/AE1E3
Q13 =Q31 =(V13+V12V23)/ AE1E2=(V31 +V21V32)/ AE2E3

Q44 = G12

Q55 = G23

Q66 = G13

A= (1- V12V21 - V23V32 - V31V13 - 2v21V32V13) /E1E2E3

Generally,S and Q are symmetrical, i. e.

vj vJ;
(t, j =1,2,3)
E; Ej

Assumingthe principal coordinate system0-123 rotates an angle cp around axis 0-3,

we get anothercoordidate system0-1'2'3. The stress- strain relations in coordinate
system0-1'2'3 are

E'= S' 6' or 6'= E'

where the coefficient matrix ,

m2 n2 2mn
n2 m2 2mn

mit -mit mn
-n m
m2 - n2

m=coscp and n= - since

C2. Elastic Constants of Multi-Directional Laminates

For a laminate system [cpl/cp2/....../c ] in which ply thickness is t1, t2, tn, the
elastic coefficient matrix is,

Q= (Q'1 tl +Q2 t2-1-...... +Qf tn)
n (C2)

where Q' j, Q'2 Q',, can be obtained by substituting

tp1, into
, ...... , , ...... , to
equation (C 1). And,

s, _[ Q11-,
The engineering elastic constants,

E'1=1/S'11 E'2=11S'22 E'3=1/S'33

G'12=1/S'44 G'23=1/S'5c G'31

v'23= -S'23/S'22 v'31= v'12=
-S'31/S'33 -S'12/S'11



(Ref. ASTM Standard D2992, Standard method for obtaining hydraulic design basis
for reinforced thermosetting resin pipe and fittings. )

Dl. Method of Least Squares

The following symbols are used:

n number of points on the plot of stress(or strain) versuscycles to failure;
f stressor strain;
h logarithm of cycles to failure;
F arithmetic average of all f values;
H arithmetic average of all h values.

By definition,
F_ if

Fatiguetest points are fitted by the following linear equation,

h=a+ b(f-F) (D2)

where the parametera and b are determinedby the least squarescalculation.


iy = j[h b(f H)}2. (D3)

-a- -

The abovefunction can be rewritten as,

Vf _ (V- n(a - H)2 + U(b -)2 (D4)

U= (f-F)2=Yf2-nF2
V=2: (h-H)2 lh2 (D5)
= -nH2
W =2: (f-F)(h-H)=lfh-nFH

From Eq.(D4), tV has the minimum when


Therefore, Eq. (D2) is the straight line which has the minimum total of the squares of
data. If b is positive, the experimental data are unsuitable for
errors with experimental
evaluating the materials.

D2. Lower Confidence Limit of Fatigue Strength

Consider an assigned value for h, for example, h=4.3010, corresponding to a fatigue

life of 20,000 cycles. Denote it by ho. The problem is to evaluate the uncertainty of
the corresponding value off, The value f, is evaluated by the Eq. (D2), i. e.,

fo = F+(h0 -a) lb (D7)

The lower confidence value of stressat h,, is given by, (SeeD4.)

fo, LLowerLimit (D8)

LowerLimit 'F+

I'Lowerrimit=[bD - is(D2/U)+(M/n)]/M (D9)
D= ho -H
t is the critical value of Student's t-distribution with (n-2) degreesof freedom
and for the chosen level of significance. (The statistical table of Student's t-
distribution at two-sided 5% level of significance is given in Section D5.)

M=b 2- (t2s2/U)

At two-sided 5% level of significance, 97.5% of the expected failures at ho will be

above the lower confidence limit of fo,JwerLimit.

D3. Upper Confidence Limit of Fatigue Strength

The upper confidence value of stressat ho is given by, (SeeD4.)

fo, LUpperLimit (D 10)

UpperLimit =F+

[bD /M
= + is (D2 / U) + (M / r), (D 11)

At two-sided 5% level of significance, 97.5% of the expected failures at h, will be

below the lower confidence limit of fo,Iwer Limitand 95% will be between the lower
and upper limits.

D4. Derivation of Formulas*

(* More details can be found in, [1]. BS3518, Part 5: Guide to the Application of
Statistics. [2] ASTM D2992: Standard Method for Obtaining Hydraulic Design Basis
for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe and Fittings. [3] B. W. Lindgrem, Statistical
Theory, 4th Ed., Chapman&Hall, 1993.)

Consider an assigned value of h, denoting as ho. The problem is to evaluate the

uncertainty of the corresponding value off, The value f, is evaluated by the Eq. (D2),

b(fo-F)=ho -H (D12)
z= b(fo - F) - (ho - H) (D13)

Then the expectedvalue of z is zero becauseof Eq.(D12) i. e.

E(z)=0 (D14)

and the varianceof z, Var(z), is given by,

Var(z)=(fo-F)2V(b)+V(H) (D15)

By least squarestheory we know that:

Var(H) = Q2 /n (D 16)
Var(b) = a21u (1317)
where o2 is the variance of the error in the determination of any single h value.

Introducing Eq.(D16) and (D17) into (D15), we have

Var(z) = a2 fo - F)2 /U+1/n, (D18)

The estimatefor & is:

s2 = (D19)

and evaluatedwith (n-2) degreesof freedom.

Consequently,an estimatefor Var(z) is given by:

Var(z) s2 [o-
= F)2 u +1/ n]
= _F)2/U+1/n]

andthe estimatedstandarddeviation of z is:

sZ=s (fo-F)2/U+1/n (D21)

The quantity [z-E(z)1/sz has Student's t-distribution with (n-2) degreesof freedom.
The statisticaltable of Student's t-distribution at two-sided 5% level of significance is
given in SectionA5. Let t denote the critical value of Student's t for (n-2) degreesof
freedomand for the chosenlevel of significance, a. Then the following inequity hold
with probability equal to the applicable confidence coefficient, (1-(X):
<_[z- E(z)] / sZ <-+t (D22)

which is equivalentto:
[z E(z)]2 /Var(z) <_t2 (D23)

The limits of this interval are given by:

[2 E(z)] t2Var(z) (D24)
- =

which, in view of Eq.(D14) and (D20), becomes:

z2 = t2s2[(fa-F)2 /U+1/n] (D25)

Introducing Eq.(D13), Eq.(D25) can be written:

[b(fo F) (ho H)]2 t2s2[(fo F)2 /11+1/nj
- - - = - (D26)
L= fo -F (D27)
D= ho-H (D28)

and solving Eq.(D26) for L, we obtain:

bDts. [b2 -(t2s2 /U)]/n+(D2 /U)
L= (D29)
b2- (t2s2/ U)
M=b 2- (t2s2/ U) (D30)

Then, the lower limit for L is given by:

[bD ]IM
Ll, = = is (D2 / U) + (M / ii) (D3 1)
and the upper limit:
LupperLimit /M
= / U) + (M / n), (D32)

Consequently,in view of Eq.(D27), the lower limit for f, is:

[bD /M
fo, is (D2 / U) + (M / n), (D33)
l owertimit=F+ -
and the upper limit:
[bD ]/M
fo, =F+
uppertimit + is (D2 / U) + (M / n) (D34)

D5. Statistical Table of Student's t-Distribution

Degrees of Student's Degrees of Student's Degrees of Student's

Freedom, n-2 "t"" Freedom, n-2 "t"" Freedom, n-2 "t"A
1 12.7062 46 2.0129 91 1.9864
2 4.3027 47 2.0117 92 1.9861
3 3.1824 48 2.0106 93 1.9858
4 2.7764 49 2.0096 94 1.9855
5 2.5706 50 2.0086 95 1.9853

6 2.4469 51 2.0076 96 1.9850

7 2.3646 52 2.0066 97 1.9847
8 2.3060 53 2.0057 98 1.9845
9 2.2622 54 2.0049 99 1.9842
10 2.2281 55 2.0040 100 1.9840

11 2.2010 56 2.0032 102 1.9835

12 2.1788 57 2.0025 104 1.9830
13 2.1604 58 2.0017 106 1.9826
14 2.1448 59 2.0010 108 1.9822
15 2.1315 60 2.0003 110 1.9818

16 2.1199 61 1.9996 112 1.9814

17 2.1098 62 1.9990 114 1.9810
18 2.1009 63 1.9983 116 1.9806
19 2.0930 64 1.9977 118 1.9803
20 2.0860 65 1.9971 120 1.9799

21 2.0796 66 1.9966 122 1.9796

22 2.0739 67 1.0060 124 1.9793
23 2.0687 68 1.9955 126 1.9790
24 2.0639 69 1.9949 128 1.9787
25 2.0595 70 1.9944 130 1.9784

26 2.0555 71 1.9939 132 1.9781

27 2.0518 72 1.9935 134 1.9778
28 2.0484 73 1.9930 136 1.9776
29 2.0452 74 1.9925 138 1.9773
30 2.0423 75 1.9921 140 1.9771

31 2.0395 76 1.9917 142 1.9768

32 2.0369 77 1.9913 144 1.9766
33 2.0345 78 1.9908 146 1.9763
34 2.0322 79 1.9905 148 1.9761
35 2.0301 80 1.9901 150 1.9759

36 2.0281 81 1.9897 200 1.9719

37 2.0262 82 1.9893 300 1.9679
38 2.0244 83 1.9890 400 1.9659
39 2.0227 84 1.9886 500 1.9647
40 2.0211 85 1.9883 600 1.9639

41 2.0195 86 1.9879 700 1.9634

42 2.0181 87 1.9876 800 1.9629
43 2.0167 88 1.9873 900 1.9626
44 2.0154 89 1.9870 1000 1.9623
45 2.0141 90 1.9867 1.9600

Two-sided 5% level of significance.


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