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A World Bank Group Flagship Report

Doing Business 2018

Reforming to Create Jobs

Comparing Business Regulation

for Domestic Firms in 190 Economies
2018 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank
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ISBN (paper): 978-1-4648-1146-3

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DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-1146-3
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Doing Business 2018

Reforming to Create Jobs


A World Bank Group Flagship Report
Doing Business 2018

on the Doing Business
Current features Historical data
News on the Doing Business project Customized data sets since DB2004

Rankings Law library

How economies rankfrom 1 to 190 Online collection of business laws and regulations relating to business
All the data for 190 economiestopic Contributors
rankings, indicator values, lists of More than 13,000 specialists in 190
regulatory procedures and details economies who participate in
underlying indicators Doing Business
Access to Doing Business reports as well Entrepreneurship data
as subnational and regional reports, case Data on new business density (number
studies and customized economy and of newly registered companies per 1,000
regional profiles working-age people) for 143 economies
The methodologies and research papers Distance to frontier
underlying Doing Business Data benchmarking 190 economies to the frontier in regulatory practice and a
distance to frontier calculator
Abstracts of papers on Doing Business /data/distance-to-frontier
topics and related policy issues Information on good practices
Showing where the many good
Doing Business reforms practices identified by Doing Business
Short summaries of DB2018 business have been adopted
regulation reforms and lists of reforms
since DB2006 /good-practice
Doing Business 2018

iv Foreword Doing Business 2018 is the 15th in a
series of annual reports investigating
1 Overview the regulations that enhance business
11 About Doing Business activity and those that constrain it.
Doing Business presents quantitative
22 Reforming the Business Environment in 2016/17 indicators on business regulation
and the protection of property rights
that can be compared across 190
Case studies economiesfrom Afghanistan to
Zimbabweand over time.
39 Starting a Business
Doing Business measures aspects of
Transparency of information at business registries regulation affecting 11 areas of the
life of a business. Ten of these areas
45 Dealing with Construction Permits
are included in this years ranking on
Private sector participation in construction regulation
the ease of doing business: starting
51 Registering Property a business, dealing with construction
Using information to curb corruption permits, getting electricity, registering
property, getting credit, protecting
56 Resolving Insolvency minority investors, paying taxes, trading
The challenges of successfully implementing insolvency reforms across borders, enforcing contracts and
resolving insolvency. Doing Business
also measures features of labor market
regulation, which is not included in this
years ranking.
62 References
Data in Doing Business 2018 are current
67 Data Notes as of June 1, 2017. The indicators are
119 Distance to Frontier and Ease of Doing Business Ranking used to analyze economic outcomes
and identify what reforms of business
126 Summaries of Doing Business Reforms in 2016/17 regulation have worked, where and why.

142 Country Tables

206 Labor Market Regulation

222 Acknowledgments
Doing Business 2018

In its 14 years of publication, Doing Business Since its inceptionwhen Doing Business
has come a long way. At a recent interna- covered 145 economiesthe scope of
tional forum, I heard the leaders of India the report has expanded to 190 econo-
and the Russian Federation talking about mies worldwide. The regulatory areas
how important it is for their countries to measured by the report have also been
improve their Doing Business rankings and expanded to include more aspects that
create more jobs for young workers. are relevant to the daily operations of
domestic small and medium-size firms.
When the first edition was published in For eight of the 11 Doing Business indica-
September 2003, little data was available tor sets, the reports traditional focus
on regulation affecting business activity. on efficiencydefined as the time, cost
Doing Business created a new approach and number of interactions necessary to
to policy reformone informed by hard incorporate a new business or connect
data and focused on domestic compa- a warehouse to the electrical gridhas
nies. The objectives of Doing Business are been complemented with a new focus
as clear as they are ambitious: to inform on regulatory quality. Doing Business data
the design of reforms and motivate these shows that efficiency and quality go hand
reforms through country benchmarking. in hand, reinforcing each other.
Behind each set of indicators lies rigorous
academic analysis, done in coopera- Despite these additions and improve-
tion with leading scholars. For example, ments, one aspect of Doing Business has
the indicators on efficient insolvency remained unchanged: its focus on pro-
systems were created with the help of moting regulatory reform that strength-
Professor Oliver Hart from Harvard ens the ability of the private sector to
University, the 2016 Nobel Prize winner create jobs, lift people out of poverty
in economics.1 In the years since the start and create more opportunities for the
of the project, over 3,000 peer-reviewed economy to prosper. The notion that the
academic papers and another 7,000 private sector has substantial economic,
working papers have been written using social and development impact is now
the Doing Business data. Their findings universally recognized. Responsible for
improve our knowledge of how economic an estimated 90% of employment in
policy works. developing economies, the private sector

1. Djankov and others 2008.


is ideally placed to alleviate poverty by Hard data helps do that. It gives a voice
providing the opportunities to secure a to the people to demand improved public
good and sustainable standard of living. services. It also increases government
accountability. Over the past decade,
Policy reforms catalyze private invest- more than 60 economies have estab-
ment. Promoting a well-functioning pri- lished regulatory reform committees that
vate sector is a major undertaking for use the Doing Business indicators. As a
any government. It requires long-term result, governments have reported more
policies of removing administrative than 3,180 regulatory reforms, includ-
barriers and strengthening laws that ing about 920 reforms that have been
promote entrepreneurship. inspired by Doing Business. This is true

Kristalina Georgieva
Chief Executive Officer
The World Bank
Washington, DC
Doing Business 2018

This year marks the 15th Doing Business report. Since the inception of the Doing Business uses 11 indicator sets to
project in 2003, the global business regulatory environment has changed measure aspects of business regulation
dramatically. Governments around the world have embraced and nurtured that matter for entrepreneurship.
advances in information technology to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and
Although good regulatory practices
increase transparency. Today, in 65 of the 190 economies covered by Doing
can be found around the world, they
Business, entrepreneurs can complete at least one business incorporation
are most common in OECD high-
procedure online, compared with only nine of the 145 economies measured in
income economies and the economies
Doing Business 2004. Furthermore, in 31 economies it is now possible to initiate
of Europe and Central Asia.
a commercial dispute online. This kind of progress can also be observed in the
other areas measured by Doing Business. Sub-Saharan Africa has the widest
variation in performance among the
areas measured by Doing Business, with
Doing Business measures aspects of and predictable. Conversely, in an Mauritius standing at 25 in the ranking
business regulation and their impli- economy where business regula- and Somalia at 190.
cations for firm establishment and tion is cumbersome or ambiguous,
operations. It does not include all she may be less willing to start South Asia is the only region not
the issues that are relevant for busi- her own company. In this case, the represented in the top 50 ranking for
nesses decisions, but it does cover economy forfeits a new entrepreneur ease of doing business. However, India
stands out this year as one of the 10
important areas that are under the as well as the associated capital
economies that improved the most in
control of policy makers. Governments investment and job creation. In turn,
the areas measured by Doing Business.
worldwide recognize the economic consumers have fewer, lower quality
and political benefits of improved and more expensive product choices. The regions with the highest share of
business regulation. In fact, 119 of the Such a scenario highlights the way in reforming economies in Doing Business
190 economies measured by Doing which cumbersome regulation can 2018 are Europe and Central Asia,
Business 2018 enacted at least one distort resource allocation by stifling South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.
business regulation reform in 2016/17. entrepreneurial endeavors in favor of
Of these, 79.8% implemented at least maintaining a less optimal status quo. Crises are opportunities for reform;
one reform for a second consecutive economies are more likely to
year and 64.7% for a third. Consider the case of the potential implement regulatory reforms in the
software entrepreneur. If she were a areas measured by Doing Business
Business regulation can enable new national of Canada, it would take just when there is fiscal distress. Evidence
shows that an economic crisis creates
ideas to come to life. When a software two procedures, one and a half days
a stronger motivation for reform than a
engineer realizes that she can develop and less than 1% of income per capita
change of government.
a better and less-expensive product to start her business in Toronto. First,
than is currently available, she may she would need to file for federal incor- Better performance in Doing Business
choose to start her own company to poration and provincial registration is associated with lower levels of
develop the idea. She will be more online via Industry Canadas Electronic unemployment and poverty.
likely to become an entrepreneur in an Filing Centre; this costs 200 Canadian
economy where the rules governing dollars ($159) and is completed
start-ups are accessible, transparent within a day. Second, she would need to

register online for value added tax; this case, as well as credit and equity market Specifically, incumbent firms are more
costs nothing and is completed within regulations and logistics of importing likely to continue operating despite
half a day. She can perform these steps and exporting goods (figure 1.1). There poor productivity because there is little
online from the comfort of her home. are many other factors that influence competition from new, more productive
As her business expands and becomes firm decisionssuch as the availability firms. In the absence of effective regula-
profitable, she would be expected to of skilled labor or market sizethat are tion, firms are also less inclined to leave
pay 20.9% of her commercial profits not captured in Doing Business. But the informal sector.1
in taxes and contributions annually. Doing Business focuses on key areas
However, if the same entrepreneur were of interaction between the govern- In addition, Doing Business measures
a national of the Philippines, living in ment and entrepreneurs, where policy the coverage, scope and quality of
Quezon City, the business incorporation makers and regulators can directly credit information available from credit
process would require 16 procedures, influence procedures to facilitate these registries and bureaus. When function-
take 28 days and cost around 16% of interactions. For more information on ing well, these institutions form an
income per capita. She would need to what is measured and what is not, see essential element of an economys
make 20 different tax and contribution the chapter About Doing Business. financial infrastructure by strengthening
payments and visit multiple agencies access to financial services, particularly
in person. Furthermore, her business credit. By collecting and sharing credit
would be expected to pay 42.9% of WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS information, such agencies reduce infor-
its commercial profits in taxes and OF IMPROVED BUSINESS mation asymmetries, increase access
contributions annually. Cumbersome REGULATION? to credit for small firms, lower interest
business regulatory structures such rates, improve borrower discipline
as these constrain the ability of entre- The 11 Doing Business indicator sets and strengthen bank supervision and
preneurs to transform their ideas into capture the effectiveness and quality of credit risk monitoring. Indeed, a study
viable businesses. business regulation. Research findings of a credit bureau serving the equip-
substantiate the economic relevance ment finance industry in the United
Doing Business measures the processes of the aspects of business regulation States found that better exchange of
for starting a business, obtaining a measured by Doing Business. Recent information between lenders results
building permit, getting an electricity research, for example, examines the in improved repayment behavior by
connection, transferring property, pay- impact of improving business regulation. firms, including lower incidences of
ing taxes, taking a commercial dispute One study finds that high start-up costs delinquencies and defaults. This impact
to court, and resolving an insolvency can result in lower overall productivity. was stronger for firms that typically lack

FIGURE 1.1 What is measured in Doing Business?

Starting a
Getting a
Labor market Dealing with
Starting a regulation
business construction
Resolving electricity

Operating in a Enforcing property
secure business contracts
Getting credit
Paying taxes Protecting
Trading across minority
borders investors
Dealing with

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: Labor market regulation is not included in the ease of doing business ranking.

informational transparency, such as small by not allowing creditors to take impor- Central Asia and three from East Asia
and young firms.2 tant decisions related to the company and the Pacific. Eighteen of the top 20
assets during insolvency procedures. are classified as high-income economies.
Doing Business places emphasis on the Another cause was the establishment of The top 5 performers are New Zealand,
quality of legal infrastructure and the a compensation scheme for agents man- Singapore, Denmark, the Republic of
strength of legal institutions. The pro- aging bankruptcy proceedings based on Korea and Hong Kong SAR, China. The
tecting minority investors indicator set, assets sold and operating revenues of a former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is
for example, measures the protection of firm, which created a significant increase the only upper-middle-income economy
minority shareholders. For businesses to in the cost of bankruptcy procedures on the list, while Georgia is the only low-
secure equity finance, legal mechanisms and reduced creditors recovery rate.4 er-middle-income one (table 1.1). To date,
are needed to prevent the use of corporate no low-income economy has reached the
assets by company insiders for personal In the area of cross-border trade, Doing top 20 group. However, being wealthy
gainespecially during financial crises Business measures the effectiveness does not guarantee a front-runner posi-
or times of market distress. Research of trade logistics. Several studies have tion in the ease of doing business ranking;
has shown that during the 2008 global underscored the importance of port many high-income economies still have
financial crisis, for example, companies automation and efficiency for both room for progress. Having few bureau-
in economies with better investor protec- trade facilitation and regional economic cratic hurdles, robust legal institutions
tions and stronger corporate governance development. These studies have found and laws and regulations that are based
experienced a smaller decrease in their that ports that are more automated on international good practices is what
market value. Conversely, firms in econo- require less maintenance, are more matters most for a good performance in
mies with weak legal structures saw a cost-effective and ensure better worker the ease of doing business ranking.
more significant decline in value.3 safety. Furthermore, a study of the
determinants of shipping costs from Among the top 20 economies, Georgia,
The Doing Business indicators on resolv- Latin America to the United States with a ranking of 9, has implemented the
ing insolvency provide evidence of a found thatfor most exporting econo- highest number of business regulation
strong relationship between regula- mieshigh transportation costs pose reforms since the launch of Doing Business
tory quality and efficient outcomes. even greater barriers to trade than in 2003a total of 47. With 41, FYR
The indicator set measures the qual- import tariffs, and that port inefficien- Macedonia has carried out the second
ity of regulation as the recovery rate cies significantly add to these costs. One highest number of reforms among the
for secured creditors and the extent to of the most striking findings is that by top 20. During the same period, Latvia
which domestic law has incorporated improving port efficiency from the 25th and Lithuania have also actively reformed
certain internationally-accepted prin- to the 75th percentile, shipping costs are their business regulatory environments,
ciples on liquidation and reorganization lowered by 12%, substantially increasing with 28 and 31 reforms respectively.
proceedings. Efficient outcomes occur the volume of bilateral trade.5 One of Among other reforms, Lithuania has
when viable businesses are given a the principal causes of port inefficiency made six reforms to its business incor-
chance to survive, while loss-prone, is excessive regulationprecisely what poration processes, five reforms to
inefficient firms exit the market, putting Doing Business advocates to curb. bankruptcy proceedings and four reforms
resources to better use elsewhere in to its taxation system. Many other top-
the economy. In the absence of strong ranked economies have followed this pat-
legal bankruptcy legislation, however, WHERE IS BUSINESS tern of continuous reform, demonstrating
the balance between firm survival and REGULATION BETTER? that comprehensive reform efforts can
efficient exit is distorted. This distortion lead to considerable improvements in an
was highlighted by research using data The overall measure of the ease of doing economys regulatory and business envi-
from Hungary, where the majority of business gives an indication of where it ronment. Another feature that the top
firms in bankruptcy were preserved and is easier for domestic small and medium- 20 economies have in commonalbeit
allowed to continue operating as going size firms to do business. Although the not measured by Doing Businessis that
concernsdespite generating sub- economies with the most business- on average they have higher labor force
stantial operating losses and resulting friendly regulation in this years ease participation rates and lower levels of
in low recovery rates for creditors. The of doing business ranking are relatively income inequality. Indeed, the average
main cause of this distortion was the diverse, the economies within the top 20 Gini coefficient6 of the top 20 economies
inadequate allocation of control rights share some common features. Fourteen is 0.3 (with 0 representing perfect equal-
between secured and unsecured credi- of the top 20 are OECD high-income ity and 1 representing perfect inequality),
tors, which decreased the recovery value economies; three are from Europe and compared to 0.4 for the lowest 20.7

TABLE 1.1 Ease of doing business ranking

2018 DTF DTF 2018 DTF DTF 2018 DTF DTF
Rank Economy score change Rank Economy score change Rank Economy score change
1 New Zealand 86.55 -0.18 65 Albania 68.70 + 0.96 129 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 55.72 +0.01
2 Singapore 84.57 +0.04 66 Bahrain 68.13 +0.01 130 Palau 55.58 +0.46
3 Denmark 84.06 -0.01 67 Greece 68.02 +0.01 131 Nicaragua 55.39 +0.09
4 Korea, Rep. 83.92 0.00 68 Vietnam 67.93 +2.85 132 Barbados 55.20 -0.09
5 Hong Kong SAR, China 83.44 +0.29 69 Morocco 67.91 -0.03 133 Lebanon 54.67 -0.10
6 United States 82.54 -0.01 70 Jamaica 67.27 +0.57 134 St. Kitts and Nevis 54.52 +0.18
7 United Kingdom 82.22 -0.12 71 Oman 67.20 +0.08 135 Cambodia 54.47 +0.23
8 Norway 82.16 -0.25 72 Indonesia 66.47 +2.25 136 Maldives 54.42 +0.64
9 Georgia 82.04 +2.12 73 El Salvador 66.42 +3.54 137 Tanzania 54.04 +0.11
10 Sweden 81.27 +0.03 74 Uzbekistan 66.33 +4.46 138 Mozambique 54.00 +0.97
11 Macedonia, FYR 81.18 -0.21 75 Bhutan 66.27 +1.06 139 Cte d'Ivoire 53.71 +2.04
12 Estonia 80.80 +0.05 76 Ukraine 65.75 +1.90 140 Senegal 53.06 +3.75
13 Finland 80.37 -0.11 77 Kyrgyz Republic 65.70 +0.54 141 Lao PDR 53.01 +0.43
14 Australia 80.14 0.00 78 China 65.29 +0.40 142 Grenada 52.94 -0.11
15 Taiwan, China 80.07 +0.41 79 Panama 65.27 +1.25 143 Mali 52.92 +0.30
16 Lithuania 79.87 +1.05 80 Kenya 65.15 +2.59 144 Niger 52.34 +2.26
17 Ireland 79.51 -0.19 81 Botswana 64.94 +0.07 145 Nigeria 52.03 +3.85
18 Canada 79.29 -0.09 82 South Africa 64.89 -0.08 146 Gambia, The 51.92 -0.01
19 Latvia 79.26 -0.79 83 Qatar 64.86 +0.61 147 Pakistan 51.65 +0.71
20 Germany 79.00 -0.19 84 Malta 64.72 +0.43 148 Burkina Faso 51.54 +0.20
21 United Arab Emirates 78.73 +1.87 85 Zambia 64.50 +3.92 149 Marshall Islands 51.45 +0.03
22 Austria 78.54 -0.15 86 Bosnia and Herzegovina 64.20 +0.42 150 Mauritania 50.88 +1.56
23 Iceland 78.50 +0.01 87 Samoa 63.89 +2.06 151 Benin 50.47 +1.85
24 Malaysia 78.43 +0.96 88 Tunisia 63.58 -0.20 152 Bolivia 50.18 +0.32
25 Mauritius 77.54 +2.09 89 Tonga 63.43 +0.50 153 Guinea 49.80 +0.32
26 Thailand 77.44 +5.68 90 Vanuatu 63.08 +0.02 154 Djibouti 49.58 +3.99
27 Poland 77.30 +0.18 91 St. Lucia 62.88 +0.01 155 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 48.99 +0.01
28 Spain 77.02 0.00 92 Saudi Arabia 62.50 +2.92 156 Togo 48.88 +0.64
29 Portugal 76.84 -0.14 93 San Marino 62.47 -0.03 157 Kiribati 48.74 -0.31
30 Czech Republic 76.27 +0.03 94 Uruguay 61.99 +0.35 158 Comoros 48.52 +0.47
31 France 76.13 -0.06 95 Seychelles 61.41 +1.01 159 Zimbabwe 48.47 +0.80
32 Netherlands 76.03 +0.51 96 Kuwait 61.23 +1.52 160 Sierra Leone 48.18 -0.06
33 Switzerland 75.92 +0.19 97 Guatemala 61.18 -0.43 161 Ethiopia 47.77 +2.08
34 Japan 75.68 +0.07 98 Dominica 60.96 +0.34 162 Madagascar 47.67 +3.05
35 Russian Federation 75.50 +0.81 99 Dominican Republic 60.93 +2.52 163 Cameroon 47.23 +2.18
36 Kazakhstan 75.44 +1.06 100 India 60.76 +4.71 164 Burundi 46.92 +0.06
37 Slovenia 75.42 +0.99 101 Fiji 60.74 +0.04 165 Suriname 46.87 +0.11
38 Belarus 75.06 +0.55 102 Trinidad and Tobago 60.68 -0.19 166 Algeria 46.71 -0.01
39 Slovak Republic 74.90 -0.25 103 Jordan 60.58 +2.38 167 Gabon 46.19 +1.33
40 Kosovo 73.49 +4.98 104 Lesotho 60.42 +0.54 168 Iraq 44.87 +0.48
41 Rwanda 73.40 +3.21 105 Nepal 59.95 +2.35 169 So Tom and Prncipe 44.84 +0.39
42 Montenegro 73.18 +1.64 106 Namibia 59.94 +0.54 170 Sudan 44.46 +0.17
43 Serbia 73.13 +0.26 107 Antigua and Barbuda 59.63 +0.98 171 Myanmar 44.21 +0.30
44 Moldova 73.00 +0.20 108 Paraguay 59.18 +0.06 172 Liberia 43.55 +3.10
45 Romania 72.87 +0.17 109 Papua New Guinea 59.04 +0.17 173 Equatorial Guinea 41.66 +1.77
46 Italy 72.70 +1.15 110 Malawi 58.94 +6.33 174 Syrian Arab Republic 41.55 +0.08
47 Armenia 72.51 +0.59 111 Sri Lanka 58.86 +0.13 175 Angola 41.49 +1.38
48 Hungary 72.39 +0.26 112 Swaziland 58.82 +0.25 176 Guinea-Bissau 41.45 +0.23
49 Mexico 72.27 +0.18 113 Philippines 58.74 +0.42 177 Bangladesh 40.99 +0.15
50 Bulgaria 71.91 +0.10 114 West Bank and Gaza 58.68 +3.80 178 Timor-Leste 40.62 -0.07
51 Croatia 71.70 +0.05 115 Honduras 58.46 -0.07 179 Congo, Rep. 39.57 -0.52
52 Belgium 71.69 -0.23 116 Solomon Islands 58.13 -0.01 180 Chad 38.30 -0.28
53 Cyprus 71.63 -0.49 117 Argentina 58.11 +0.07 181 Haiti 38.24 +0.01
54 Israel 71.42 +0.05 118 Ecuador 57.83 -0.01 182 Congo, Dem. Rep. 37.65 +0.22
55 Chile 71.22 +0.37 119 Bahamas, The 57.47 +0.82 183 Afghanistan 36.19 -1.80
56 Brunei Darussalam 70.60 +5.83 120 Ghana 57.24 +0.34 184 Central African Republic 34.86 +0.78
57 Azerbaijan 70.19 +3.12 121 Belize 57.11 +0.03 185 Libya 33.21 +0.03
58 Peru 69.45 +0.01 122 Uganda 56.94 +0.42 186 Yemen, Rep. 33.00 +0.06
59 Colombia 69.41 -0.11 123 Tajikistan 56.86 +0.93 187 South Sudan 32.86 -0.33
60 Turkey 69.14 +1.16 124 Iran, Islamic Rep. 56.48 +0.26 188 Venezuela, RB 30.87 -0.79
61 Costa Rica 69.13 +1.23 125 Brazil 56.45 +0.38 189 Eritrea 22.87 +0.42
62 Mongolia 69.03 +1.27 126 Guyana 56.28 +0.39 190 Somalia 19.98 -0.31
63 Luxembourg 69.01 +0.35 127 Cabo Verde 56.24 +0.42
64 Puerto Rico (U.S.) 68.85 +0.05 128 Egypt, Arab Rep. 56.22 +0.10
Source: Doing Business database.
Note: The DB 2018 rankings are benchmarked to June 2017 and based on the average of each economys distance to frontier (DTF) scores for the 10 topics included in
the aggregate ranking. For the economies for which the data cover two cities, scores are a population-weighted average for the two cities. A positive change indicates an
improvement in the score between 2016 and 2017 (and therefore an improvement in the overall business environment as measured by Doing Business), while a negative
change indicates a deterioration and 0.00 indicates no change in the score.

What can the Doing Business 2018 data tell FIGURE 1.2 Where it is easier to do business and where it is more difficult
us about global patterns? Good regulatory
practices are present in almost all of the Distance to frontier score (0100)

worlds regions. Aside from 28 OECD 100

high-income economies, the 50 highest-

ranked economies include 13 from Europe 80

and Central Asia, five from East Asia and

the Pacific, two from Sub-Saharan Africa 60
and one each from the regions of Latin
America and the Caribbean and the 40
Middle East and North Africa. Each region
also has a relatively wide spectrum of 20
strong and weak performers. Economies
are ranked based on the distance to frontier 0
score. This measure shows the distance OECD Europe & East Asia Latin America Middle East South Asia Sub-Saharan
high income Central Asia & Pacific & Caribbean & North Africa Africa
of each economy to the frontier, which
represents the best performance observed Highest score Lowest score Average score

on each of the indicators across all econo-

Source: Doing Business database.
mies in the Doing Business sample (box
1.1). In OECD high-income economies,
for example, New Zealand, Denmark and across all regions. Among the economies insolvency is only 33.04. Indeed, Doing
Korea have the highest overall distance of Sub-Saharan Africa, Mauritius has the Business data show considerable varia-
to frontier scores at 86.55, 84.06 and highest distance to frontier score (77.54), tion in performance between economies
83.92, respectively. Conversely, Greece, while Somalia the lowest (19.98). within the same region and within the
Luxembourg and Chile have the lowest same regulatory area. Within South Asia,
scores in this group, at 68.02, 69.01 and Regional rankings across different Doing India has the highest score (80) for pro-
71.22. However, the OECD high-income Business indicator sets also show large tecting minority investors compared to
group has the smallest gap between the variations. South Asia, for examplethe Afghanistans score of 10. Similarly, there is
highest and the lowest scores, of only only region not represented in the top 50 a substantial difference in scores between
18.53 percentage points (figure 1.2). listscores comparatively well for starting economies in the Middle East and North
Sub-Saharan Africa has the widest gap a business, with an average distance to Africa region. Malta, for example, has
(57.56 percentage points), with a regional frontier score of 83.27. In contrast, South a distance to frontier score for trading
average score of only 50.43the lowest Asias regional average score for resolving across borders of 91.01, while Algeria
only scores 24.15. Interestingly, all regions
have at least one economy in the top 20
ranking on the protecting minority inves-
BOX 1.1What is the distance to frontier score?
tors indicators and all regionsexcept the
Doing Business measures many different dimensions of business regulation. To
OECD high-income grouphave at least
combine measures with different units such as the number of days to obtain a
construction permit and the number of procedures to start a business into a sin- one economy in the bottom 20 ranking on
gle score, Doing Business computes the distance to frontier score. The distance to the protecting minority investors indica-
frontier score captures the gap between an economys current performance and tors. These patterns indicate that there is
the best practice across the entire sample of 41 indicators across 10 Doing Business further room for improvement across all
indicator sets. For example, according to the Doing Business database across all regions and at all income levels.
economies and over time, the least time to start a business is 0.5 days while in the
worst 5% of cases it takes more than 100 days to incorporate a company. Half a
day is, therefore, considered the frontier of best performance, while 100 days is WHICH ECONOMIES
the worst. Higher distance to frontier scores show absolute better ease of doing
business (as the frontier is set at 100 percentage points), while lower scores show
absolute poorer ease of doing business (the worst performance is set at 0 per-
centage points). The percentage point distance to frontier scores of an economy
on different indicators are averaged to obtain an overall distance to frontier score. Doing Business 2018 captures 264 busi-
For more details, see the chapter on the distance to frontier and ease of doing ness regulation reforms across the 10
business ranking. measured indicator sets. As in previous
years, Sub-Saharan Africa is the region

with the highest number of reforms (83 economy chose to target for improve- indicator sets capturing the most busi-
in total), followed by East Asia and the ment, while the change in the distance ness regulation reforms across regions
Pacific (45) and Europe and Central Asia to frontier score indicates the size of the in 2016/17 are paying taxes and trading
(44). The regions with the highest share impact those changes had on the Doing across borders. Indeed, the reform agen-
of reforming economies are Europe and Business data. Across all economies, the das of OECD high-income and East Asia
Central Asia (79%), South Asia (75%) average distance to frontier score increase and the Pacific economies appear to be
and Sub-Saharan Africa (79%), while the is 0.76 percentage points, with the highest dominated by regulatory changes cap-
OECD high-income group has the lowest regional increase in Sub-Saharan Africa tured by the paying taxes indicator set
share (46%). The indicator sets for start- (1.18), although this region does not have (figure 1.3). Lower-middle-income econo-
ing a business and getting credit record the highest percentage of economies mies have the highest average reform
the highest number of reforms (38 each) implementing at least one business count at 1.9 reforms each; low-income
in 2016/17. They are closely followed regulatory reform. Nevertheless, there is a economies are second highest at 1.3
by the trading across borders indicator strong correlation between the number of reforms. Unsurprisingly, high-income
set with 33 reforms. The least-reformed reforms and the actual improvement in the economies recorded the lowest average
areas as captured by Doing Business distance to frontier score.8 Doing Business reform count (1).
continue to be the indicators with a legal data show that it has become easier for
focusfor example, resolving insolvency small and medium-size enterprises to Of the 10 economies showing the most
(13 reforms) and enforcing contracts do business in 62.6% of economies improvement in performance on the Doing
(20). Legal reforms are typically slow to worldwide (or 119 of the 190 economies Business indicators, three are from Sub-
advance, mainly because they require measured by Doing Business). Saharan Africa, two from East Asia and
long-term political commitments, sub- the Pacific, two from Europe and Central
stantial resources and close collaboration While economies in the Sub-Saharan Asia, one from Latin America and the
between multiple regulatory agencies and Africa region show the highest aver- Caribbean, one from the Middle East and
rulemaking institutions. age increase in the distance to frontier North Africa and one from South Asia.
score, economies in the OECD high- Brunei Darussalam, the only high-income
It is important to look at both the num- income group have the lowest average economy on the list of top 10 improv-
ber of reforms and their impact on the increase (0.11 percentage points). This ers, showed the largest advance toward
distance to frontier score because they is not surprising as most OECD high- the global good practice frontier after
provide different information. The number income economies are already near to implementing eight reforms in 2016/17;
of reforms indicates how many areas an global good practices. The Doing Business it joins this list for the second year in a

FIGURE 1.3 The average number of reforms per economy is highest in South Asia but the average impact is biggest in Sub-Saharan Africa
Number of reforms and change in distance to frontier score
(average number per economy)
Average number of reforms making it easier to do business
Average number of reforms making it more difficult to do business
Average change in distance to frontier score





South East Asia & Europe & Sub-Saharan Middle East & Latin America & OECD
Asia Pacific Central Asia Africa North Africa Caribbean high income
Most common Protecting Trading
topic of reform Paying Registering a business; Getting Paying
minority across
by region taxes property Trading across credit taxes
investors borders

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: The average change in the distance to frontier score shows the change between Doing Business 2018 and Doing Business 2017.

row. El Salvador, India, Malawi, Nigeria FIGURE 1.4 Reform intensity tends to rise in response to crises
and Thailand also made impressive
strides and joined the 10 top improvers Resolving insolvency reforms
(average number per economy)
for the first time. Among top improvers,
Brunei Darussalam, India and Thailand
implemented the highest number of busi-
ness regulation reforms in 2016/17, with
eight reforms each. The remaining four 0.12

economies in the list of top improvers are: 0.10

Kosovo, Uzbekistan, Zambia and Djibouti. 0.08
For details on the reforms these countries 0.06
undertook, see the chapter on reforming
the business environment in 2016/17.
The database of Doing Business reforms













indicates differences in reform momen-
tum, both within topics and across regions.
Why are reforms more common in some
Source: Djankov, Georgieva and Ramalho 2017a.
years than others? When do economies
tend to reform in the areas covered
in Doing Business? Two main theories it. In general, political change is not Reforming in the areas measured by
explain the timing of regulatory reform. associated with more reform unless the Doing Business can be particularly ben-
The first suggests that economies reform political change takes place after the eficial to employment creation when
when they mustthat is, when there is fiscal crisis. Indeed, economies tend those reforms take place in the areas
no choice but to implement a regulatory to reform when they must, rather than of starting a business and labor market
change. In this case, an increase in reforms when they can. regulation.14 Such an assertion, how-
would be more likely during crises.9 A sec- ever, is made with some caveats from
ond theory argues that economies reform other research exploring causal relation-
when they canthat is, when govern- WHAT IMPACT DOES ships between business entry regulation
ments are recently elected and are in the BUSINESS REGULATION and job creation.15 Nonetheless, one of
honeymoon period.10 HAVE ON EMPLOYMENT AND the mechanisms through which busi-
POVERTY? ness regulation can impact employment
Doing Business data can be used to explore directly is the simplification of business
which theory is more likely to hold true Many factors explain poverty. These start-up regulations. Across economies
in practice. Recent research shows that can include vulnerability to natural there is a significant positive association
governments are more likely to reform disasters, remoteness, quality of gov- between employment growth and the
business regulation when their economy ernance, property rights, availability of distance to frontier score (figure 1.5).
is experiencing a fiscal crisis.11 This is infrastructure and services, proximity to While this result shows an association,
particularly true for regulation concern- markets, social relationships, the gender and cannot be interpreted in a causal
ing resolving insolvency, which showed of the head of household, employment fashion, it is reassuring to see that
a spike in reform activity in 2010/11,12 a status, hours worked, property owned economies with better business regula-
couple of years after the 2008/09 finan- and educational attainment.13 Several tion, as measured by Doing Business,
cial crisis. The reason is that these kinds of of these factors have a direct link to the also tend to be the economies that
reforms take time to be implemented and areas measured in Doing Business since are creating more job opportunities.16
captured by Doing Business (figure 1.4). the Doing Business indicators measure When it comes to unemployment, the
However, the effect of fiscal crises on factors such as the quality of governance expected opposite result is evident.
reform intensity is less robust when and property rights. Furthermore, Doing Economies with less streamlined busi-
public debt is lower. When a fiscal Business can have an indirect link to these ness regulation are those with higher
crisis can be solvedalbeit temporar- factors as improvements to business levels of unemployment on average. In
ilyby increasing borrowing, the need regulation can drive additional job cre- fact, a one-point improvement in the
for reform becomes less urgent. In ation. And ultimately, as a reliable source distance to frontier score is associated
contrast, the honeymoon theory of of income, employment can lift people with a 0.02 percentage point decline in
reforms has less evidence to support out of poverty. unemployment growth rate.17

FIGURE 1.5 Better business regulation is associated with employment growth and poorer regulation with higher unemployment

Employment growth rate between Unemployment growth rate between

2010 and 2015 (percentage points) 2014 and 2015 (percentage points)
2.5 2.5
1.5 1

1 0.5
0 -1

-0.5 -1.5
-1.5 -3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Average distance to frontier score, Distance to frontier score,

20102015 (0100) 2015 (0100)

Sources: Doing Business database; International Labor Organization data (

Note: The relationships are significant at the 1% level after controlling for income per capita. The left-hand side relationship also holds when using employment growth rate and
distance to frontier average score between 2010 and 2015.

Doing Business 2017 reported that there assist with the process of registering business analyzes new data about the
is a negative association between the their businesses. information available at business regis-
Gini index, which measures income tries. It finds that economies with more
inequality within an economy, and the The data support this interpretation as transparent and accessible information
distance to frontier score. Economies there is a strong association between have lower levels of corruption on
with poor quality business regulation inequality, poverty and business regu- average. The case study on registering
have higher levels of income inequal- lation. In fact, economies with better property analyzes the transparency of
ity on average. This relationship can business regulation have lower levels information as captured by the quality
be partially explained by the strong of poverty on average. Indeed, a 10 of land administration index and shows
association between measures of percentage point improvement in the that transparent land administration
poverty and the distance to frontier distance to frontier is associated with a systems are associated with a lower
score. When business regulation is 2 percentage point reduction in the pov- incidence of bribery.
overly cumbersome, entrepreneurs and erty rate, measured as the percentage of
workers are pushed out of the formal people earning less than $1.90 a day.21 The case study on dealing with con-
sector and must resort to operating Fragility is also a factor linked to poverty. struction permits analyzes private
in the informal sector.18, 19 The informal However, even fragile economies can sector participation in construction
sector is characterized by a lack of improve in areas that ultimately reduce regulation. It demonstrates that econo-
regulation, minimal social protection poverty levels. Despite their fragile mies which employ some form of pri-
and increased levels of poverty.20 status, several economies implemented vate sector involvement in construction
Individuals living in poverty are likely to reforms as captured by Doing Business regulation tend to have more efficient
gain the most from smarter and more 2018 (box 1.2). processes and better quality controls.
streamlined business regulation. When However, they also exhibit higher
bureaucratic hurdles are high, only the costs and a propensity for conflicts
most privileged members of society WHAT IS NEW IN THIS of interest. Finally, the case study on
can get things done, either through YEARS REPORT? resolving insolvency discusses three
hiring third parties or paying bribes. successful insolvency reformsin
In economies with complex company This years report presents four case France, Slovenia and Thailandand the
incorporation processes, for example, studies, two of which focus on trans- lessons learned that are transferable to
entrepreneurs tend to hire lawyers to parency. The case study on starting a other economies.

BOX 1.2 Crises as opportunities?

Fragile states, often characterized by weak governance, residual violence, concentrated poverty and inequality, face myriad devel-
opment and humanitarian challenges. Depleted human capital, minimal rule of law and violence all contribute to significantand
often extremerates of poverty in fragile states.a While fragile states are not home to the majority of the worlds poor, the poor are
disproportionately located in fragile states,b underscoring the need to address poverty in these economies. In poor and fragile states,
the private sector is often constrained by a lack of infrastructure, political instability, high rates of informality and poor business
skills. Private sector job creation is one of the factors that can diminish the incentives to engage in violence, thereby reducing
both fragility and poverty.c

Doing Business data show that fragile economies are reforming and approaching crises as opportunities for better business
regulations. As a result, the gap with non-fragile economies in some areas of business regulation has been narrowing over time
(see figure). In 2016/17, of the 34 economies classified as most vulnerable by the World Bank Groups 2017 Harmonized List
of Fragile Situations,d 14 implemented at least one business regulation reform and six economies implemented two reforms or
more. Getting credit was the most reformed area of business regulation, accounting for eight of the 24 reforms implemented
by this group. Djibouti recorded five reforms, the highest number among all fragile states. Djibouti reduced the fees associ-
ated with starting a business and construction inspections, implemented decennial liability for all professionals involved in
construction projects, increased the transparency of its land administration system and established a new credit information
system. As a result of these reforms, Djiboutis distance to frontier score improved by 3.79 percentage points.

Fragile states are converging with non-fragile states on the cost to register property and start a business
Average cost to register property Average paid-in minimum capital
(% of property value) requirement (% of income per capita)
14 600

12 500


2 100

0 0

























Non-fragile states Fragile states Non-fragile states Fragile states

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: Fragile states are classified based on the World Bank Groups Harmonized List of Fragile Situations for fiscal year 2017. The sample includes 174 economies
where data is available back to Doing Business 2006.

Kosovo, the second most-reformed country in the fragile states group, implemented three business regulation reforms.
Iraq, Madagascar, Myanmar, and Sierra Leone made two reforms each in 2016/17. Iraq simplified the process of starting a
business by combining multiple registration procedures and reducing the time to register a company. It also launched a new
credit registry, improving access to credit information. Similarly, Myanmar adopted a regulation that allows the creation of
credit bureaus, while Madagascar increased the coverage of its credit registry. Kosovo and Liberia undertook reforms in the
area of resolving insolvency in 2016/17. Both of these economies introduced a legal framework for corporate insolvency,
making liquidation and reorganization procedures available to debtors and creditors.
a. World Bank 2011.
b. Burt, Hughes and Milante 2014.
c. Collier and Hoeffler 2004.
d. The harmonized list also includes Tuvalu, the only economy from the list that is not measured by Doing Business.

a simplified preventive settlement procedure

for small companies and a new reconciliation
NOTES procedure for companies facing financial
difficulties, encouraging an agreement
1. Moscoso Boedo and Mukoyama 2012. between a debtor and its main creditors.
2. Doblas-Madrid and Minetti 2013. The OHADA Uniform Act also introduced
3. Enikolopov, Petrova and Stepanov 2014. provisions on cross-border insolvency that
4. Franks and Loranth 2014. were implemented in all 17 OHADA member
5. Clark, Dollar and Micco 2004. states.
6. The Gini coefficient, the most commonly- 13. Kraay and McKenzie 2014; Banerjee and Duflo
used measure of inequality, is a measure of 2011; Rodrick, Subramanian and Trebbi 2004;
statistical dispersion intended to represent the Buvinic and Gupta 1997.
income or wealth distribution of an economys 14. Bruhn 2011; Bruhn 2013; Branstetter and
residents. others 2014.
7. The relationship is significant at the 1% level 15. Bruhn 2013; Fajnzylber, Maloney and Montes-
after controlling for income per capita. Rojas 2011; Kaplan, Piedra and Seira 2011.
8. The correlation between the number of 16. The relationship is significant at the 1% level
reforms and the actual improvement in the after controlling for income per capita.
distance to frontier score is 0.57. 17. The relationship is significant at the 1% level
9. Drazen and Grilli 1993; Ranciere and after controlling for income per capita and
Tornell 2015. population size; it is shown in figure 1.5.
10. Haggard and Williamson 1994. 18. De Soto 1989.
11. Djankov, Georgieva and Ramalho 2017a. 19. Dabla-Norris, Gradstein, and Inchauste 2008.
12. The second peak is explained by substantial 20. Loayza and Serven 2010.
business regulation reforms undertaken by 21. Djankov, Georgieva and Ramalho 2017b.
the 17 member states of the Organization This association is significant when using the
for the Harmonization of Business Law in following indicator sets individually: starting a
Africa, known by its French acronym OHADA. business, dealing with construction permits,
The organization adopted a revised Uniform getting credit and enforcing contracts. The
Act Organizing Collective Proceedings for relationship holds after controlling for income
Wiping Off Debts in 2015, which introduced per capita and government expenditure.
Doing Business 2018

Doing Business
The foundation of Doing Business is the notion that economic activity benefits from Doing Business measures aspects of
clear and coherent rules: rules that set out and clarify property rights and facilitate business regulation affecting domestic
the resolution of disputes. And rules that enhance the predictability of economic small and medium-size firms defined
interactions and provide contractual partners with essential protections against based on standardized case scenarios
arbitrariness and abuse. Such rules are much more effective in shaping the incentives and located in the largest business city
of economic agents in ways that promote growth and development where they are of each economy. In addition, for 11
reasonably efficient in design, are transparent and accessible to those for whom they economies a second city is covered.
are intended and can be implemented at a reasonable cost. The quality of the rules
Doing Business covers 11 areas
also has a crucial bearing on how societies distribute the benefits and finance the
of business regulation across
costs of development strategies and policies.
190 economies. Ten of these
areasstarting a business, dealing
with construction permits, getting
Good rules create an environment where apply to firms at different stages of their electricity, registering property, getting
new entrants with drive and good ideas life cycle. The results for each economy credit, protecting minority investors,
can get started in business and where can be compared with those for 189 other paying taxes, trading across borders,
good firms can invest, expand and cre- economies and over time. enforcing contracts and resolving
ate new jobs. The role of government insolvencyare included in the
policy in the daily operations of domes- distance to frontier score and ease of
tic small and medium-size firms is a FACTORS DOING BUSINESS doing business ranking. Doing Business
central focus of the Doing Business data. MEASURES also measures features of labor market
The objective is to encourage regulation regulation, which is not included in
that is designed to be efficient, acces- Doing Business captures several impor- these two measures.
sible to all and simple to implement. tant dimensions of the regulatory
Doing Business relies on four main
Onerous regulation diverts the energies environment as it applies to local firms.
sources of information: the relevant
of entrepreneurs away from developing It provides quantitative indicators on
laws and regulations, Doing Business
their businesses. But regulation that is regulation for starting a business, deal-
respondents, the governments of the
efficient, transparent and implemented ing with construction permits, getting
economies covered and the World
in a simple way facilitates business electricity, registering property, getting
Bank Group regional staff.
expansion and innovation, and makes credit, protecting minority investors, pay-
it easier for aspiring entrepreneurs to ing taxes, trading across borders, enforc- More than 43,000 professionals in 190
compete on an equal footing. ing contracts and resolving insolvency economies have assisted in providing
(table 2.1). Doing Business also measures the data that inform the Doing Business
Doing Business measures aspects of features of labor market regulation. indicators over the past 15 years.
business regulation for domestic firms Although Doing Business does not pres-
through an objective lens. The focus of ent rankings of economies on the labor Doing Business data are widely
the project is on small and medium-size market regulation indicators or include used by governments, researchers,
international organizations and think
companies in the largest business city of the topic in the aggregate distance to
tanks to guide policies, conduct
an economy. Based on standardized case frontier score or ranking on the ease of
research and develop new indexes.
studies, Doing Business presents quantita- doing business, it does present the data
tive indicators on the regulations that for these indicators.

TABLE 2.1What Doing Business measures11 areas of business regulation marketplace without needlessly hinder-
ing the development of the private sector.
Indicator set What is measured
Starting a business Procedures, time, cost and paid-in minimum capital to start a The distance to frontier and
limited liability company
ease of doing business ranking
Dealing with construction permits Procedures, time and cost to complete all formalities to build a
warehouse and the quality control and safety mechanisms in the To provide different perspectives on the
construction permitting system data, Doing Business presents data both for
Getting electricity Procedures, time and cost to get connected to the electrical grid, individual indicators and for two aggregate
the reliability of the electricity supply and the transparency of tariffs measures: the distance to frontier score
Registering property Procedures, time and cost to transfer a property and the quality of and the ease of doing business ranking.
the land administration system
The distance to frontier score aids in
Getting credit Movable collateral laws and credit information systems assessing the absolute level of regulatory
Protecting minority investors Minority shareholders rights in related-party transactions and in performance and how it improves over
corporate governance
time. This measure shows the distance of
Paying taxes Payments, time and total tax and contribution rate for a firm to
comply with all tax regulations as well as post-filing processes
each economy to the frontier, which rep-
resents the best performance observed on
Trading across borders Time and cost to export the product of comparative advantage and
import auto parts each of the indicators across all economies
Enforcing contracts Time and cost to resolve a commercial dispute and the quality of in the Doing Business sample since 2005
judicial processes or the third year in which data were col-
Resolving insolvency Time, cost, outcome and recovery rate for a commercial insolvency lected for the indicator. The frontier is set
and the strength of the legal framework for insolvency at the highest possible value for indicators
Labor market regulation Flexibility in employment regulation and aspects of job quality calculated as scores, such as the strength
of legal rights index or the quality of land
administration index. This underscores
How the indicators are selected Business indicators on getting credit and the gap between a particular economys
The design of the Doing Business indica- getting electricity. performance and the best performance at
tors has been informed by theoretical any point in time and is used to assess the
insights gleaned from extensive research Some Doing Business indicators give a absolute change in the economys regula-
and the literature on the role of institu- higher score for more regulation and tory environment over time as measured
tions in enabling economic development.1 better-functioning institutions (such as by Doing Business. The distance to frontier
In addition, the background papers devel- courts or credit bureaus). Higher scores is first computed for each topic and then
oping the methodology for each of the are given for stricter disclosure require- averaged across all topics to compute the
Doing Business indicator sets have estab- ments for related-party transactions, aggregate distance to frontier score. The
lished the importance of the rules and for example, in the area of protecting ranking on the ease of doing business
regulations that Doing Business focuses minority investors. Higher scores are complements the distance to frontier
on for such economic outcomes as trade also given for a simplified way of apply- score by providing information about an
volumes, foreign direct investment, mar- ing regulation that keeps compliance economys performance in business regu-
ket capitalization in stock exchanges and costs for firms lowsuch as by easing lation relative to the performance of other
private credit as a percentage of GDP.2 the burden of business start-up formali- economies as measured by Doing Business.
ties with a one-stop shop or through a
The choice of the 11 sets of Doing single online portal. Finally, Doing Business Doing Business uses a simple averaging
Business indicators has also been guided scores reward economies that apply a approach for weighting component indi-
by economic research and firm-level risk-based approach to regulation as a cators, calculating rankings and determin-
data, specifically data from the World way to address social and environmental ing the distance to frontier score.4 Each
Bank Enterprise Surveys.3 These surveys concernssuch as by imposing a greater topic covered by Doing Business relates to
provide data highlighting the main regulatory burden on activities that pose a different aspect of the business regula-
obstacles to business activity as reported a high risk to the population and a lesser tory environment. The distance to frontier
by entrepreneurs in more than 131,000 one on lower-risk activities. Thus, the scores and rankings of each economy vary,
companies in 139 economies. Access economies that rank highest on the ease often considerably, across topics, indicat-
to finance and access to electricity, for of doing business are not those where ing that a strong performance by an econ-
example, are among the factors identified there is no regulationbut those where omy in one area of regulation can coexist
by the surveys as important to busi- governments have managed to create with weak performance in another (figure
nessesinspiring the design of the Doing rules that facilitate interactions in the 2.1). One way to assess the variability of

FIGURE 2.1 An economys regulatory environment may be more business-friendly in some areas than in others

Distance to frontier score (0100) Average of highest three topic scores

Average of all topic scores
100 Average of lowest three topic scores
New Zealand
Hong Kong SAR, China
United Kingdom
Macedonia, FYR
Taiwan, China
United Arab Emirates
Russian Federation
Slovak Republic
Costa Rica
El Salvador
Kyrgyz Republic
South Africa
St. Lucia
San Marino
Dominican Republic
Antigua and Barbuda
Papua New Guinea
Sri Lanka
Bahamas, The
Cabo Verde
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Cte d'Ivoire
Marshall Islands
Micronesia, Fed. Sts.
So Tom and Prncipe
Equatorial Guinea
Congo, Rep.
South Sudan
Source: Doing Business database.
Note: The distance to frontier scores reflected are those for the 10 Doing Business topics included in this years aggregate distance to frontier score. The figure is illustrative only;
it does not include all 190 economies covered by this years report. See the country tables for the distance to frontier scores for each Doing Business topic for all economies.

an economys regulatory performance is market size, the incidence of bribery and reforms should not focus only on these
to look at its distance to frontier scores corruption or the quality of the labor force. aspects, because those that it does not
across topics (see the country tables). measure are also important.
Morocco, for example, has an overall The focus is deliberately narrow even
distance to frontier score of 67.91, mean- within the relatively small set of indica- Doing Business does not attempt to quan-
ing that it is about two-thirds of the way tors included in Doing Business. The time tify all costs and benefits of a particular
from the worst to the best performance. and cost required for the logistical pro- law or regulation to society as a whole.
Its distance to frontier score is 92.46 for cess of exporting and importing goods The paying taxes indicators measure the
starting a business, 85.72 for paying taxes is captured in the trading across borders tax and contribution rate, which, in isola-
and 81.12 for trading across borders. At indicators, for example, but they do not tion, is a cost to businesses. However, the
the same time, it has a distance to frontier measure the cost of tariffs or of interna- indicators do not measurenor are they
score of 34.03 for resolving insolvency, 45 tional transport. Doing Business provides a intended to measurethe benefits of the
for getting credit and 58.33 for protecting narrow perspective on the infrastructure social and economic programs funded
minority investors. challenges that firms face, particularly with tax revenues. Measuring the quality
in the developing world, through these and efficiency of business regulation pro-
indicators. It does not address the extent vides only one input into the debate on the
FACTORS DOING BUSINESS to which inadequate roads, rail, ports and regulatory burden associated with achiev-
DOES NOT MEASURE communications may add to firms costs ing regulatory objectives, which can differ
and undermine competitiveness (except across economies. Doing Business provides
Many important policy areas are not to the extent that the trading across
covered by Doing Business; even within the borders indicators indirectly measure TABLE 2.2 Examples of areas not
areas it covers its scope is narrow (table the quality of ports and border connec- covered by Doing Business
2.2). Doing Business does not measure the tions). Similar to the indicators on trading Macroeconomic stability
full range of factors, policies and institu- across borders, all aspects of commercial Development of the financial system
tions that affect the quality of an econo- legislation are not covered by those on Quality of the labor force
mys business environment or its national starting a business or protecting minor-
Incidence of bribery and corruption
competitiveness. It does not, for example, ity investors. And while Doing Business
Market size
capture aspects of macroeconomic stabil- measures only a few aspects within each
ity, development of the financial system, area that it covers, business regulation Lack of security

a starting point for this discussion and the largest business city, and learning with applicable regulations. In practice,
should be used in conjunction with other from local good practices, Doing Business entrepreneurs may not be aware of what
data sources. has complemented its global indicators needs to be done or how to comply with
with subnational studies (box 2.1). Also, regulations and may lose considerable time
coverage was extended to the second trying to find out. Alternatively, they may
ADVANTAGES AND largest business city in economies with a intentionally avoid complianceby not
LIMITATIONS OF THE population of more than 100 million (as registering for social security, for example.
METHODOLOGY of 2013) in Doing Business 2015. Firms may opt for bribery and other infor-
mal arrangements intended to bypass
The Doing Business methodology is Doing Business recognizes the limitations the rules where regulation is particularly
designed to be an easily replicable way to of the standardized case scenarios and onerousan aspect that helps explain dif-
benchmark specific aspects of business assumptions. But while such assumptions ferences between the de jure data provided
regulation. Its advantages and limitations come at the expense of generality, they by Doing Business and the de facto insights
should be understood when using the also help to ensure the comparability of offered by the World Bank Enterprise
data (table 2.3). data. Some Doing Business topics are com- Surveys.5 Levels of informality tend to
plex, and so it is important that the stan- be higher in economies with particularly
Ensuring comparability of the data across dardized cases are defined carefully. For burdensome regulation. Compared with
a global set of economies is a central example, the standardized case scenario their formal sector counterparts, firms in
consideration for the Doing Business usually involves a limited liability com- the informal sector typically grow more
indicators, which are developed using pany or its legal equivalent. There are two slowly, have poorer access to credit and
standardized case scenarios with specific reasons for this assumption. First, private employ fewer workersand these workers
assumptions. One such assumption is limited liability companies are the most remain outside the protections of labor law
the location of a standardized business prevalent business form (for firms with and, more generally, other legal protections
the subject of the Doing Business case more than one owner) in many economies embedded in the law.6 Firms in the informal
studyin the largest business city of the around the world. Second, this choice sector are also less likely to pay taxes. Doing
economy. The reality is that business reg- reflects the focus of Doing Business on Business measures one set of factors that
ulations and their enforcement may differ expanding opportunities for entrepreneur- help explain the occurrence of informality
within a country, particularly in federal ship: investors are encouraged to venture and provides policy makers with insights
states and large economies. But gather- into business when potential losses are into potential areas of regulatory reform.
ing data for every relevant jurisdiction in limited to their capital participation.
each of the 190 economies covered by
Doing Business is infeasible. Nevertheless, Another assumption underlying the DATA COLLECTION IN
where policy makers are interested in Doing Business indicators is that entre- PRACTICE
generating data at the local level, beyond preneurs have knowledge of and comply
The Doing Business data are based on a
detailed reading of domestic laws and
TABLE 2.3 Advantages and limitations of the Doing Business methodology regulations as well as administrative
Feature Advantages Limitations requirements. The report covers 190
economiesincluding some of the small-
Use of standardized Makes data comparable across economies Reduces scope of data; only regulatory
case scenarios and methodology transparent reforms in areas measured can be est and poorest economies, for which
systematically tracked little or no data are available from other
Focus on largest Makes data collection manageable (cost- Reduces representativeness of data sources. The data are collected through
business city a effective) and data comparable for an economy if there are significant
differences across locations several rounds of communication with
Focus on domestic Keeps attention on formal sectorwhere Unable to reflect reality for informal
expert respondents (both private sector
and formal sector regulations are relevant and firms are sectorimportant where that is practitioners and government officials),
most productive largeor for foreign firms facing a through responses to questionnaires, con-
different set of constraints
ference calls, written correspondence and
Reliance on expert Ensures that data reflect knowledge of Indicators less able to capture variation
respondents those with most experience in conducting in experiences among entrepreneurs visits by the team. Doing Business relies on
types of transactions measured four main sources of information: the rel-
Focus on the law Makes indicators actionablebecause Where systematic compliance with the evant laws and regulations, Doing Business
the law is what policy makers can change law is lacking, regulatory changes will
not achieve full results desired respondents, the governments of the
economies covered and the World Bank
a. In economies with a population of more than 100 million as of 2013, Doing Business covers business regulation
in both the largest and second largest business city. Group regional staff (figure 2.2). For a

BOX 2.1Subnational Doing Business indicators: regional-level benchmarking in the European Union
Subnational Doing Business studies point to differences in business regulation and its implementationas well as in the pace of
regulatory reformacross locations in a single economy or region. For several economies, subnational studies are now periodi-
cally updated to measure change over time or to expand geographic coverage to additional cities. Six economies completed sub-
national studies this year: Afghanistan, Colombia, three EU member states (Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania) and Kazakhstan. In
addition, an ongoing study updated data for Nigeria.

With funding from the European Commissions Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), the first of a
series of new subnational reports was launched focusing on the European Union member states. Doing Business in the European
Union 2017: Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania builds on subnational studies completed in Italy, Spain and Poland. The next study in
the subnational series will cover Croatia, the Czech Republic, Portugal and the Slovak Republic.

These studies will provide valuable input to individual country reports produced for the European Semester, the European Unions
economic and fiscal policy coordination framework, and will be closely linked with the Lagging Regions initiative launched by the
European Commission in June 2015, which studies constraints to growth and investment in the European Unions low-income
and low-growth regions.

Doing Business in the European Union 2017: Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania goes beyond the largest business cities of Sofia, Budapest
and Bucharest to benchmark an additional 19 locations. In total, the study measures business regulation in 22 locationssix in
Bulgaria, seven in Hungary and nine in Romania. The study benchmarks the locations using five Doing Business indicator sets:
starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property and enforcing contracts.

The study finds that there are locations in each economy that outperform the EU average in at least one area. In Bulgaria, for
example, Varna and Pleven outperform the EU average on the starting a business indicators. This is also the case in Pecs and
Szeged (Hungary), which outperform the EU average on the dealing with construction permits indicators. All Hungarian cities
and Oradea (Romania) perform above the EU average for registering property; most locations also do so for enforcing contracts.
However, none of the subnational locations surveyed came close to the EU average on the indicators for getting electricity.

While no single location excels in all five areas covered by the study, most demonstrate a noteworthy performance in at least one
area, providing reform-minded officials with examples of existing good practices that can be replicated. For example, Bulgarian cities
could make starting a business easier by adopting the good practices observed in Varna. Cities in Hungary could make it easier to get
electricity by emulating the good practices of Szeged and Szekesfehervar. And Romanian cities could strengthen their own contract
enforcement regimes by studying the example of Timisoara. The study, which also includes comparisons with 187 other economies
worldwide, provides practical recommendations and showcases good practices for improving the business environment.

FIGURE 2.2 How Doing Business collects and verifies the data

Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct.

Questionnaire Data collection and analysis Report

development The Doing Business team distributes launch
the questionnaires and analyzes the
relevant laws and regulations along
The Doing Business team updates with the information in the Data verification The report is published,
the questionnaires and consults questionnaires. followed by media outreach
with internal and external experts. and findings dissemination.
The Doing Business team travels to The Doing Business team shares
approximately 30 economies. preliminary information on reforms
with World Bank Group regional teams
The Doing Business team engages in for their feedback.
conference calls, video conferences
and in-person meetings with The Doing Business team analyzes the
government officials and private data and writes the report. Comments
sector practitioners. on the report and data are received
from across the World Bank Group
Governments and World Bank Group through an internal review process.
regional teams submit information on
regulatory changes that could
potentially be included in the global
count of regulatory reforms.

detailed explanation of the Doing Business commercial court dispute, and read the Extensive consultations with multiple
methodology, see the data notes. insolvency code to identify if the debtor contributors are conducted by the team
can initiate liquidation or reorganization to minimize measurement error for the
Relevant laws and regulations proceedings. These and other types of rest of the data. For some indicatorsfor
The Doing Business indicators are based laws are available on the Doing Business example, those on dealing with construc-
mostly on laws and regulations: approxi- law library website.7 Since the data col- tion permits, enforcing contracts and
mately two-thirds of the data embedded lection process involves an annual update resolving insolvencythe time com-
in the Doing Business indicators are based of an established database, having a very ponent and part of the cost component
on a reading of the law. In addition to large sample of respondents is not strictly (where fee schedules are lacking) are
filling out questionnaires, Doing Business necessary. In principle, the role of the based on actual practice rather than
respondents submit references to the rel- contributors is largely advisoryhelping the law on the books. This introduces a
evant laws, regulations and fee schedules. the Doing Business team to locate and degree of judgment by respondents on
The Doing Business team collects the texts understand the laws and regulations. what actual practice looks like. When
of the relevant laws and regulations and There are quickly diminishing returns to respondents disagree, the time indicators
checks the questionnaire responses for an expanded pool of contributors. This reported by Doing Business represent the
accuracy. The team will examine the civil notwithstanding, the number of contribu- median values of several responses given
procedure code, for example, to check the tors rose by 60% between 2010 and 2017. under the assumptions of the standard-
maximum number of adjournments in a ized case (box 2.2).

BOX 2.2Where is the implementation of regulation more predictable and does it matter?
Doing Business measures the median duration of each procedure or process individually across the different indicator sets with
time components. However, in practice, the time it takes to complete the same transaction can differ significantly from one
entrepreneur to another. Because entrepreneurs place a premium on reliability and low risk, this variability in time can have
important implications.

This year, Doing Business sets out to better understand these differences for the eight indicators with a time component, namely
starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, paying taxes, trading across borders,
enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency. To do so, Doing Business collected data estimating the time to complete a procedure in
both the best and worst case scenarios in an economy. The data show that in Spain, for example, a commercial dispute trial takes
280 days on average in a normal case, but can range from 180 days to 550 days depending on the individual circumstances.

The data show thatacross the eight Doing Business indicators mentioned abovehigh-income economies have lower time
variability and, therefore, more predictable regulatory environments than low- or middle-income economies (see figure below
for an example). In addition, the data confirm that the median is very much at the center of the time distribution. In the United
Kingdom, for example, the median time for dealing with construction permits is 90 days. The worst case scenario is 120 days
and the best case scenario is 60 days, meaning that the distribution is centered around the median plus or minus 30 days.

High-income economies have the smallest difference between the best and worst case scenario time estimates
Time to start a business (days) Time to resolve insolvency (months)
25 40


15 25

10 15


0 0
Low income Middle income High income Low income Middle income High income

Median Difference Median Difference

Source: Doing Business database. (continued)


BOX 2.2Where is the implementation of regulation more predictable and does it matter? (continued)
Doing Business data also show that the median is positively correlated with the difference between the best and worst case
scenarios (see figure below). The longer the median time to comply with a regulation, the more difficult it becomes to predict the
time needed to do sothe median becomes a measure for the unpredictability in time. In fact, economies with more variability
in time do not experience higher levels of corruption on average other than what is already predicted by the median.

In economies where it takes longer to start or close a business, the time to do so is less predictable
Median time to start a business (days) Median time to resolve insolvency (months)
120 80


60 40


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Difference between the maximum and minimum Difference between the maximum and minimum
time to start a business (days) time to resolve insolvency (months)

Source: Doing Business database.

Doing Business respondents and getting electricity. Information that an incorporation lawyer may carry out
More than 43,000 professionals in 190 is incorporated into the indicators is also 10 such transactions each month. The
economies have assisted in providing provided by certain public officials (such incorporation lawyers and other experts
the data that inform the Doing Business as registrars from the company or prop- providing information to Doing Business
indicators over the past 15 years.8 This erty registry). are therefore better able to assess the
years report draws on the inputs of more process of starting a business than are
than 13,000 professionals.9 The Doing The Doing Business approach is to work individual firms. They also have access to
Business website shows the number of with legal practitioners or other profes- current regulations and practices, while
respondents for each economy and each sionals who regularly undertake the a firm may have faced a different set of
indicator set. transactions involved. Following the rules when incorporating years before.
standard methodological approach for The second reason is that the Doing
Selected on the basis of their expertise in time-and-motion studies, Doing Business Business questionnaires mostly gather
these areas, respondents are profession- breaks down each process or transaction, legal information, which firms are unlikely
als who routinely administer or advise such as starting a business or register- to be fully familiar with. For example,
on the legal and regulatory requirements ing a building, into separate steps to few firms will know about all the main
in the specific areas covered by Doing ensure a better estimate of time. The legal procedures involved in resolving a
Business. Because of the focus on legal time estimate for each step is given by commercial dispute through the courts,
and regulatory arrangements, most of practitioners with significant and routine even if they have gone through the pro-
the respondents are legal professionals experience in the transaction. cess themselves. But a litigation lawyer
such as lawyers, judges or notaries. In should have little difficulty in provid-
addition, officials of the credit bureau or There are two main reasons that Doing ing the requested information on all
registry complete the credit information Business does not survey firms. The first the procedures.
questionnaire. Accountants, architects, relates to the frequency with which firms
engineers, freight forwarders and other engage in the transactions captured by Governments and World Bank
professionals answer the questionnaires the indicators, which is generally low. For Group regional staff
related to paying taxes, dealing with con- example, a firm goes through the start- After receiving the completed ques-
struction permits, trading across borders up process once in its existence, while tionnaires from the Doing Business

respondents, verifying the information understanding the role of business regu- mean that they are all action-worthy
against the law and conducting follow-up lation in economic development, Doing in a particular context. Business regula-
inquiries to ensure that all relevant infor- Business is also an important source of tory reforms are only one element of a
mation is captured, the Doing Business information for researchers. strategy aimed at improving competitive-
team shares the preliminary descriptions ness and establishing a solid foundation
of regulatory reforms with governments Governments and policy makers for sustainable economic growth. There
(through the World Bank Groups Board Doing Business offers policy makers a are many other important goals to pur-
of Executive Directors) and regional staff benchmarking tool useful in stimulating suesuch as effective management of
of the World Bank Group. Through this policy debate, both by exposing potential public finances, adequate attention to
process, government authorities and challenges and by identifying good prac- education and training, adoption of the
World Bank Group staff working on the tices and lessons learned. Despite the latest technologies to boost economic
economies covered by Doing Business narrow focus of the indicators, the initial productivity and the quality of public ser-
can alert the team about, for example, debate in an economy on the results they vices, and appropriate regard for air and
regulatory reforms not reported by the highlight typically turns into a deeper water quality to safeguard public health.
respondents or additional achievements discussion on areas where business regu- Governments must decide what set of
of regulatory reforms. The Doing Business latory reform is needed, including areas priorities best suits their needs. To say
team can then turn to the local private well beyond those measured by Doing that governments should work toward
sector experts for further consultation Business. In economies where subnational a sensible set of rules for private sector
and, as needed, corroboration. In addi- studies are conducted, the Doing Business activity (as embodied, for example, in
tion, the team responds formally to the indicators go one step further in offering the Doing Business indicators) does not
comments of governments or regional policy makers a tool to identify good suggest that doing so should come at the
staff and provides explanations of the practices that can be adopted within their expense of other worthy policy goals.
scoring decisions. economies (box 2.1).
Over the past decade governments have
Data adjustments Many Doing Business indicators can be increasingly turned to Doing Business
Information on data corrections is pro- considered actionable. For example, as a repository of actionable, objective
vided in the data notes and on the Doing governments can set the minimum data providing unique insights into good
Business website. A transparent complaint capital requirement for new firms, invest practices worldwide as they have come
procedure allows anyone to challenge the in company and property registries to to understand the importance of business
data. From November 2016 to October increase their efficiency, or improve the regulation as a driving force of com-
2017 the team received and responded to efficiency of tax administration by adopt- petitiveness. To ensure the coordination of
over 180 queries on the data. ing the latest technology to facilitate the efforts across agencies, economies such
preparation, filing and payment of taxes as Colombia, Malaysia and the Russian
by the business community. And they Federation have formed regulatory reform
USES OF THE DOING can undertake court reforms to shorten committees. These committees use the
BUSINESS DATA delays in the enforcement of contracts. Doing Business indicators as one input to
But some Doing Business indicators inform their programs for improving the
Doing Business was designed with two capture procedures, time and costs that business environment. More than 60 oth-
main types of users in mind: policy makers involve private sector participants, such er economies have also formed such com-
and researchers. It is a tool that govern- as lawyers, notaries, architects, electri- mittees. In East Asia and the Pacific, they
ments can use to design sound business cians or freight forwarders. Governments include Brunei Darussalam; Indonesia; the
regulatory policies. Nevertheless, the may have little influence in the short Republic of Korea; the Philippines; Taiwan,
Doing Business data are limited in scope run over the fees these professions China; and Thailand. In the Middle East
and should be complemented with other charge, though much can be achieved and North Africa: the Arab Republic of
sources of information. Doing Business by strengthening professional licensing Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia
focuses on a few specific rules relevant regimes and preventing anticompetitive and the United Arab Emirates. In South
to the specific case studies analyzed. behavior. And governments have no con- Asia: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. In
These rules and case studies are cho- trol over the geographic location of their Europe and Central Asia: Albania, Croatia,
sen to be illustrative of the business economy, a factor that can adversely Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, the Kyrgyz
regulatory environment, but they are affect businesses. Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic
not a comprehensive description of that of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,
environment. By providing a unique data While many Doing Business indicators Poland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine and
set that enables analysis aimed at better are actionable, this does not necessarily Uzbekistan. In Sub-Saharan Africa: Benin,

Burundi, the Comoros, the Democratic registration reforms in Mexico also result- competitiveness and prevent them from
Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo, ed in 14.9% of informal business owners taking full advantage of their productive
Cte dIvoire, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, shifting to the formal economy.13 capacity. With the availability of Doing
Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Business indicators on trading across
Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Efficient and non-distortionary business borderswhich measure the time, pro-
Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia and regulations are important drivers of pro- cedural and monetary costs of exporting
Zimbabwe. And in Latin America and the ductivity. A study on India, for example, and importingseveral empirical studies
Caribbean: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa shows that inefficient licensing and size have assessed how trade costs affect the
Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, restrictions cause a misallocation of export and import performance of econo-
Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru resources, reducing total factor produc- mies. A rich body of empirical research
and St. Lucia. Since 2003, governments tivity by preventing efficient firms from shows that efficient infrastructure and a
have reported more than 3,180 regulatory achieving their optimal scale and allowing healthy business environment are posi-
reforms, about 920 of which have been inefficient firms to remain in the market.14 tively linked to export performance.19
informed by Doing Business.10 The study shows that removing these
restrictions would boost total factor pro- Improving infrastructure efficiency and
Many economies share knowledge on ductivity by an estimated 40-60%. In the trade logistics bring documented benefits
the regulatory reform process related to European Union and Japan, implicit taxes to an economys balance of trade and
the areas measured by Doing Business. on capital use were shown to reduce the individual traders. However, delays in
Among the most common venues for average size of firms by 20%, output by transit time can reduce exports: a study
this knowledge sharing are peer-to-peer 8.1% and output per firm by 25.6%.15 A analyzing the importance of trade logis-
learning eventsworkshops where offi- recent study on Cte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, tics found that a 1-day increase in transit
cials from different governments across Ghana and Kenya demonstrates large time reduces exports by an average of 7%
a region or even across the globe meet productivity gains following the removal in Sub-Saharan Africa.20 Another study
to discuss the challenges of regulatory of firm-level distortions caused by found that a 1-day delay in transport time
reform and to share their experiences. uneven regulations and a poor business for landlocked economies and for time-
environment.16 Research also shows that sensitive agricultural and manufacturing
Think tanks and other research raising the efficiency level of bankruptcy products has a particularly large negative
organizations laws in select OECD high-income econo- impact, reducing trade by more than 1%
Doing Business data are widely used by mies to that of the United States would for each day of delay.21 Delays while clear-
think tanks and other research organiza- increase the total factor productivity of ing customs procedures also negatively
tions, both for the development of new the former by about 30% through a rise impact a firms ability to export, particu-
indexes and to produce research papers. in bank loans to large firms.17 larly when goods are destined for new
clients.22 And in economies with flexible
Many research papers have shown the Considerable effort has been devoted to entry regulations, a 1% increase in trade
importance of business regulation and studying the link between government is associated with an increase of more
how it relates to different economic out- regulation of firm entry and employment than 0.5% in income per capita, but has
comes.11 One of the most cited theoretical growth. In Portugal, business reforms no positive income effects in economies
mechanisms on how excessive business resulted in a reduction of the time and with more rigid regulation.23 Research
regulation affects economic performance cost needed for company formalization, has also found thatalthough domestic
and development is that it makes it too increasing the number of business start- buyers benefit from having goods of
costly for firms to engage in the formal ups by 17% and creating 7 new jobs per varying quality and price to choose
economy, causing them not to invest or 100,000 inhabitants per month. New fromimport competition only results in
to move to the informal sector. Recent start-ups were more likely to be female- minimal quality upgrading in OECD high-
studies have conducted extensive empiri- owned, were smaller and headed by less income economies with cumbersome
cal testing of this proposition using Doing experienced, less-educated entrepre- regulation while it has no effect on quality
Business and other related indicators. neurs than before the reform, suggesting upgrading in non-OECD economies with
According to one study, for example, a that the reform created a more inclusive cumbersome regulation.24 Therefore,
reform that simplified business registra- environment for aspiring entrepreneurs.18 the potential gains for consumers from
tion in Mexican municipalities increased import competition are reduced where
registration by 5% and wage employment In many economies, companies engaged regulation is cumbersome.
by 2.2%and, as a result of increased in international trade struggle with high
competition, reduced the income of trade costs arising from transport, logis- Doing Business measures aspects of busi-
incumbent businesses by 3%.12 Business tics and regulations that impede their ness regulation affecting domestic firms.

However, research shows that better loans, suggesting that faster processing this negative effect is stronger in econo-
business regulationas measured by of debt recovery cases cut the cost of mies with stricter employment protection
Doing Businessis associated with high- credit.30 An in-depth review of global bank legislation.35 Rigid employment protection
er levels of foreign direct investment.25 flows revealed that firms in economies legislation can also have negative distribu-
Furthermore, foreign direct investment with better credit information sharing tional consequences. A study on Chile, for
can either impede or promote domestic systems and higher branch penetration example, found that the tightening of job
investment depending on how business evade taxes to a lesser degree.31 Strong security rules was associated with lower
friendly entry regulations are in the shareholder rights have been found to employment rates for youth, unskilled
host economy. In fact, foreign direct lower financial frictions, especially for workers and women.36
investment has been shown to crowd firms with large external finance relative
out domestic investment in economies to their capital stock (such as small firms By expanding the time series dimension
with costly processes for starting a or firms in distress).32 and the scope of the data, Doing Business
business.26 Another study showed that hopes to continue being a key reference for
economies with higher international There is also a large body of theoretical the debate on the importance of business
market integration have, on average, and empirical work investigating the regulation for economic development
easier and simpler processes for starting distortionary effects of high tax rates and both within and outside the World Bank
a business.27 cumbersome tax codes and procedures. Group (box 2.3).
According to one study, business licens-
Recent empirical work shows the impor- ing among retail firms rose 13% after a Indexes
tance of well-designed credit market tax reform in Brazil.33 Another showed Doing Business identified 17 different data
regulations and well-functioning court that a 10% reduction in tax complexity is projects or indexes that use Doing Business
systems for debt recovery. For example, comparable to a 1% reduction in effective as one of its sources of data.37 Most of
a reform making bankruptcy laws more corporate tax rates.34 these projects or institutions use indica-
efficient significantly improved the recov- tor level data and not the aggregate ease
ery rate of viable firms in Colombia.28 In Labor market regulationas measured by of doing business ranking. The indicator
a multi-economy study, the introduction Doing Businesshas been shown to have set most widely used is starting a busi-
of collateral registries for movable assets important implications for the labor mar- ness, followed by labor market regulation
was shown to increase firms access to ket. According to one study, graduating and paying taxes. These indexes typically
finance by approximately 8%.29 In India from school during a time of adverse eco- combine Doing Business data with data
the establishment of debt recovery tri- nomic conditions has a persistent, harmful from other sources to assess an economy
bunals reduced non-performing loans by effect on workers' subsequent employ- along a particular aggregate dimension
28% and lowered interest rates on larger ment opportunities. The persistence of such as competitiveness or innovation.

BOX 2.3Recent Doing Business research drawing on new data from Doing Business and World Bank
Enterprise Surveys
The Doing Business team conducted several studies in 2016/17 analyzing how the current data on business regulations from
Doing Business and the World Bank Enterprise Surveys are associated with various economic and institutional outcomes. These
studies found that:

Small and medium-size firms are more likely to be credit constrained. In addition, a more advanced credit information system
is associated with lower levels of credit constraints, particularly for smaller firms, firms that are not externally audited or
firms that lack a quality certification.a
Fiscal pressures encourage regulatory reform. However, the effect of fiscal imbalances on reform weakens when govern-
ments can rely on low borrowing costs.b
Service unreliability is a significant factor in low-income economies, where power outages fluctuate significantly from year
to year. Furthermore, burdensome electricity connections are associated with utility corruption and higher electricity sector
constraints reduce firm demand for energy inputs.c
There is a significant negative relationship between corruption and firm productivity when business regulation is high, but
there is no significant relationship when business regulation is low.d
a. Chvez 2017.
b. Djankov, Georgieva and Ramalho 2017a.
c. Arlet 2017.
d. Amin and Ulku 2017.

The Heritage Foundations Index of has changed in ways relevant for the features Index; International Institute for Management
captured by the indicators. The data collection Developments World Competitiveness
Economic Freedom, for example, has used process should therefore be seen as adding Yearbook; DHLs Global Connectedness Index
22 Doing Business indicators to measure each year to an existing stock of knowledge (GCI); PricewaterhouseCoopers Paying Taxes
the degree of economic freedom in the reflected in the previous years report, not as 2016: The Global Picture; Legatum Institutes
creating an entirely new data set. Legatum Prosperity Index; The Millennium
world in four areas, including rule of law, 9. While about 13,000 contributors provided data Challenge Corporations Open Data Catalog;
government size, regulatory efficiency and for this years report, many of them completed International Civil Service Effectiveness
market openness.38 Economies that score a questionnaire for more than one Doing (InCiSE) Index of Oxford University, Blavatnik
Business indicator set. Indeed, the total number School of Government and The Institute for
better in these four areas also tend to have of contributions received for this years report Government.
a high degree of economic freedom. is more than 16,000, which represents a true 38. For more on the Heritage Foundations Index
measure of the inputs received. The average of Economic Freedom, see the website at
number of contributions per indicator set and
Similarly, the World Economic Forum economy is more than seven. For more details,
uses Doing Business data in its Global see
Competitiveness Index to demonstrate /contributors/doing-business.
10. These are reforms for which Doing Business
how competitiveness is a global driver is aware that information provided by
of economic growth. The organization Doing Business was used in shaping the
also uses 13 Doing Business indicators in reform agenda.
11. The papers cited here are just a few examples
five indexes that measure institutions, of research done in the areas measured by
product market efficiency, labor market Doing Business. Since 2003, when the Doing
efficiency, financial market development Business report was first published, more
than 10.000 working papers and research
and business dynamism. These publicly articles published in peer-reviewed academic
accessible sources expand the general journals have discussed how regulation in the
business environment data generated areas measured by Doing Business influences
economic outcomes.
by Doing Business by incorporating it into 12. Bruhn 2011.
the study of other important social and 13. Bruhn 2013.
economic issues across economies and 14. Hsieh and Klenow 2009.
15. Guner, Ventura and Xu 2008.
regions. They prove that, taken individu- 16. Cirera, Fattal Jaef and Maemir 2017.
ally, Doing Business indicators remain a 17. Neira 2017.
useful starting point for a rich body 18. Branstetter and others 2014.
19. Portugal-Perez and Wilson 2011.
of analysis across different areas and 20. Freund and Rocha 2011.
dimensions in the research world. 21. Djankov, Freund and Pham 2010.
22. Martincus, Carballo and Graziano 2015.
23. Freund and Bolaky 2008.
24. Amiti and Khandelwal 2011.
NOTES 25. Corcoran and Gillanders 2015.
26. Munemo 2014.
1. Djankov 2016. 27. Norbck, Persson and Douhan 2014.
2. These papers are available on the Doing 28. Gin and Love 2006.
Business website at http://www 29. Love, Martinez-Peria and Singh 2013. 30. Visaria 2009.
3. For more on the World Bank Enterprise 31. Beck, Lin and Ma 2014.
Surveys, see the website at http://www 32. Claessens, Ueda and Yafeh 2014. 33. Monteiro and Assuno 2012.
4. For getting credit, indicators are weighted 34. Lawless 2013.
proportionally, according to their contribution 35. Kawaguchi and Murao 2014.
to the total score, with a weight of 60% 36. Montenegro and Pags 2003.
assigned to the strength of legal rights index 37. The projects or indexes using Doing Business
and 40% to the depth of credit information as a source of data are the following: Fraser
index. In this way, each point included in these Institutes Economic Freedom of the World
indexes has the same value independent of (EFW); The Heritage Foundations Index
the component it belongs to. Indicators for all of Economic Freedom (IEF); The World
other topics are assigned equal weights. For Economic Forums Global Competitiveness
more details, see the chapter on the distance Index (GCI); Networked Readiness Index
to frontier and ease of doing business ranking. (NRI, jointly with INSEAD); Human Capital
5. Hallward-Driemeier and Pritchett 2015. Index (HCI); Enabling Trade Index (ETI); Travel
6. Schneider 2005; La Porta and Shleifer 2008. and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI);
7. For the law library, see the website at http:// INSEADs Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI); Global Innovation Index (GII,
8. The annual data collection exercise is an jointly with Cornell University and the World
update of the database. The Doing Business Intellectual Property Organization); KPMGs
team and the contributors examine the Change Readiness Index (CRI); Citi and
extent to which the regulatory framework Imperial College Londons Digital Money
Doing Business 2018

the Business Environment
in 2016/17
From June 2, 2016, to June 1, 2017, Doing Starting a business in Thailand used to take 27.5 days. Today, thanks to a series of
Business recorded 264 regulatory reforms business regulation reforms, the process takes only 4.5 days. First, Thailand eliminated
making it easier to do businesswith the requirement that companies obtain a company seal. Previously, every certificate
119 economies implementing at least of shares had to be signed by at least one director and bear the company seal. And
one reform across the different areas second, Thailand repealed the requirement to obtain approval of the companys
measured by Doing Business. work regulations from the Labor Department. Before the reform, companies with
more than 10 employees were required to submit their work regulations to the Labor
The economies that showed the most
Department for approval. The companys work regulations are now checked during
notable improvement in Doing Business
regular labor inspections. Thailands case is not unique. In all, 38 economies reduced
2018 are Brunei Darussalam, Thailand,
the complexity and cost of business incorporation processes in 2016/17, making it
Malawi, Kosovo, India, Uzbekistan,
Zambia, Nigeria, Djibouti and El Salvador. easier and faster for entrepreneurs to start a business.

Starting a business and getting credit

were the areas with the highest incidence Reform pays off. Reducing administrative real GDP growth rates by about 1 percent-
of reforms in 2016/17, with 38 reforms burdens, simplifying regulation, strength- age point per year on average over the next
recorded in each area. Simplifying ening competition and cutting red tape are two decades.4 Improving infrastructure
registration formalities was the most reforms that are positively associated with efficiency and trade logistics bring docu-
common feature of reforms making it higher manufacturing productivity growth mented benefits to an economys external
easier to start a business. The most in low-income economies and aggregate trade balance and individual traders but
common feature of reforms making it productivity growth in middle-income transit delays can reduce exports. A study
easier to get credit was the introduction of economies.1 There is ample evidence of analyzing the importance of trade logistics
new credit bureaus and registries. the positive impact of reforming in the found that a 1-day increase in transit time
Doing Business areas with a historically reduces exports by an average of 7% in
Europe and Central Asia continued to
be the region with the highest share of higher number of reformsnamely start- Sub-Saharan Africa.5
economies (79%) implementing at least ing a business, paying taxes and trading
one business regulation reform, a trend across borders. Regulatory reforms that
that began over a decade ago. Sub- make it easier to start a formal business, WHO REFORMED THE MOST
Saharan Africa, however, was the region for example, are associated with an IN 2016/17?
with the highest total number of reforms increase in the number of registered firms
in 2016/17, with 83 reforms recorded and with a higher level of employment and From June 2, 2016, to June 1, 2017, Doing
across all areas measured productivity.2 The composition and quality Business recorded 264 regulatory reforms
by Doing Business. of taxation can have a significant impact making it easier to do businesswith 119
on productivity and economic growth.3 economies implementing at least one
East Asia and the Pacific had the highest Tax policies can negatively impact produc- reform across the different areas mea-
number of economies recording the tivity by creating disincentives for firms to sured by Doing Business (see table 3A.1 at
greatest overall number of reforms
engage in innovative activities or distort- the end of this chapter). However, start-
making it easier to do business in
ing the capital-labor allocation when con- ing a business, getting credit and trading
2016/17. Brunei Darussalam and Thailand
sidering labor taxes, including mandatory across borders are the topics with the
each implemented eight reforms while
social contributions. Research shows that highest incidence of reforms in 2016/17
Indonesia implemented seven reforms.
eliminating such fiscal barriers would lift (table 3.1).

TABLE 3.1 Economies in Europe and Central Asia recorded the highest share of greatest overall number of reforms mak-
reforms making it easier to do business in 2016/17 ing it easier to do business in 2016/17;
Brunei Darussalam and Thailand each
Number of reforms Region with the highest share of
Area of reform in 2016/17 reformers in 2016/17 implemented eight reforms while
Starting a business 38 South Asia Indonesia implemented seven reforms.
Latin America and the Caribbean and
Dealing with construction permits 22 Sub-Saharan Africa
the OECD high-income group had the
Getting electricity 20 Europe & Central Asia
smallest shares of economies imple-
Registering property 29 Europe & Central Asia menting business regulation reforms.
Getting credit 38 South Asia The Middle East and North Africa was
Protecting minority investors 21 South Asia also among the regions with a relatively
Paying taxes 30 East Asia & Pacific small share of economies reforming
(65%). Nonetheless, Saudi Arabia
Trading across borders 33 South Asia
implemented six reforms.
Enforcing contracts 20 South Asia
Resolving insolvency 13 South Asia
The 10 economies showing the most
Source: Doing Business database. notable improvement in performance
Note: The labor market regulation indicators also recorded 17 regulatory changes in the Doing Business 2018
report. These changes are not included in the total reform count. on the Doing Business indicators in
2016/17 were Brunei Darussalam,
The region with the highest share of econ- number of reforms in 2016/17 with 83 Thailand, Malawi, Kosovo, India,
omies reforming across all topics is Europe reforms recorded across all areas mea- Uzbekistan, Zambia, Nigeria, Djibouti
and Central Asia, continuing a trend that sured by Doing Business. Three-quarters and El Salvador (table 3.2). These econ-
began over a decade ago. Indeed, 79% of economies in the region implemented omies together implemented 53 busi-
of economies in the region implemented at least one business regulation reform ness regulation reforms across 10 of
at least one business regulation reform in 2016/17. Similarly, 75% of economies the areas measured by Doing Business.
recorded by Doing Business 2018. With in South Asia have implemented at least Overall, the 10 top improvers imple-
five reforms, Uzbekistan is the regional one business regulation reform captured mented the most regulatory reforms
leader on the total count of reforms, fol- in Doing Business 2018. in the area of getting credit (eight
lowed by Lithuania and Azerbaijan with reforms), starting a business, dealing
four reforms each. However, Sub-Saharan East Asia and the Pacific has the great- with construction permits and paying
Africa is the region with the highest total est number of economies recording the taxes (seven reforms in each area).

TABLE 3.2 The 10 economies improving the most across three or more areas measured by Doing Business in 2016/17
Reforms making it easier to do business
Ease of
doing Change Dealing with Protecting Trading
business in DTF Starting a construction Getting Registering Getting minority Paying across Enforcing Resolving
Economy rank score business permits electricity property credit investors taxes borders contracts insolvency
Brunei 56 5.77
Thailand 26 5.65
Malawi 110 5.42
Kosovo 40 4.94
India 100 4.66
Uzbekistan 74 4.50
Zambia 85 3.94
Nigeria 145 3.82
Djibouti 154 3.79
El Salvador 73 3.56

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: Economies are selected on the basis of the number of reforms and ranked on how much their distance to frontier (DTF) score improved. First, Doing Business selects the economies
that implemented reforms making it easier to do business in three or more of the 10 areas included in this years aggregate distance to frontier score. Regulatory changes making it
more difficult to do business are subtracted from the number of those making it easier. Second, Doing Business ranks these economies on the increase in their distance to frontier score
due to reforms from the previous year (the impact due to changes in income per capita and the lending rate is excluded). The improvement in their score is calculated not by using the
data published in 2016 but by using comparable data that capture data revisions and methodology changes. The choice of the most improved economies is determined by the largest
improvements in the distance to frontier score among those with at least three reforms.

Among the 10 top improvers, Brunei increased the transparency of dealing the business incorporation process by
Darussalam made the biggest advance with construction permits by publishing introducing the SPICe form (INC-32),
toward the regulatory frontier for the all relevant regulations, fee schedules and which combined the application for the
second consecutive year by implement- pre-application requirements online. In Permanent Account Number (PAN)
ing eight reforms making it easier to do addition, Nigeria improved access to credit and the Tax Account Number (TAN)
business. Brunei Darussalam removed information by legally guaranteeing bor- into a single submission. Furthermore,
post-incorporation procedures and rowers the right to inspect their own data following improvements to the online
implemented new building guidelines for and by starting to provide credit scores to system in 2016, the time needed to
construction, eliminating the requirement banks, financial institutions and borrow- complete the applications for Employees
to obtain a hoarding permit and to submit ers. Nigeria also introduced new central- Provident Fund Organization (EPFO)
both the commencement and completion ized electronic payment channels for and the Employees State Insurance
notice to the one-stop shop. Additionally, the payment of all federal taxes. Malawi Corporation (ESIC) decreased. The joint
Brunei Darussalam adopted a new secured halved the fees charged by the city council application for the Mumbai Value Added
transactions law that strengthened the and reduced the time to process building Tax (VAT) and the Profession Tax (PT)
rights of borrowers and creditors and plan approvals. It also improved access to also was fully implemented in January
strengthened minority investor protec- credit information by establishing a new 2017. India also strengthened access to
tions by increasing shareholders rights credit bureau. Zambia made exporting credit by amending the rules on priority
and role in major corporate decisions, and importing easier by implementing of secured creditors outside reorganiza-
clarifying ownership and control structures the ASYCUDA World data management tion proceedings and adopting a new
and requiring greater corporate transpar- system and made tax compliance easier insolvency and bankruptcy code that
ency. The economy also introduced an by introducing an online platform for filing introduced a reorganization procedure
electronic case management system for and paying taxes. All three economies for corporate debtors. In trading across
use by judges and lawyers and introduced introduced or made amendments to their borders, India reduced border compliance
an online system for filing and payment secured transactions laws. time by improving infrastructure at the
of the contributions to the employee Nhava Sheva Port in Mumbai. Export and
provident fund. Finally, in 2016/17 Brunei Kosovo and Uzbekistan are the two import border compliance costs were also
Darussalam enhanced its National Single economies in Europe and Central Asia that reduced in both Delhi and Mumbai after
Window for goods clearance. made the biggest advances toward the merchant overtime fees were abolished.
frontier in 2016/17. Kosovo recorded three Thanks to the increased use of electronic
Thailand, the other economy in East Asia reforms making it easier to do business, and mobile platforms, since July 2016
and the Pacific that made it to the list including adopting a new law that estab- importers under the Authorized Economic
of the 10 top improvers, implemented lishes clear priority rules inside bankruptcy Operator (AEO) program have been able
changes in eight areas measured by Doing for secured creditors and clear grounds to clear cargo faster through simplified
Business. Thailand streamlined the post- for relief from a stay for secured credi- customs procedures.
registration process to start a new busi- tors during reorganization procedures.
ness. Thailand also adopted a new secured Uzbekistan, which recorded five reforms, With four reformscaptured in the
transactions law that strengthened the streamlined the process of obtaining an indicators for dealing with construction
rights of borrowers and creditors, intro- electricity connection by introducing a permits, getting electricity, paying taxes
duced an automated risk-based system turnkey service at the utility that fulfills and trading across bordersEl Salvador
for selecting companies for tax audit and all connection-related services, including is the only economy in Latin America
increased the automation and efficiency the design and construction completion of and the Caribbean on this years list of
of enforcement processes in Bangkok. In the external connection. 10 top improvers. Similarly, Djibouti (with
addition, Thailand strengthened its land five reforms) is the only economy in the
administration system by implementing a With eight reforms making it easier to do Middle East and North Africa region on
geographic information system and scan- business in 2016/17, India was the only the list.
ning the majority of maps in Bangkok. economy in South Asia to join the list of
the 10 top improvers. India made obtaining
Three Sub-Saharan African economies a building permit faster by implementing REMOVING OBSTACLES TO
Nigeria, Malawi and Zambiamade it to an online Single Window System for the STARTING A BUSINESS
the list of 10 top improvers in 2016/17. approval of building plans; the new system
Nigeria made starting a business faster allows for the submission and approval Entrepreneurs in many economies con-
by introducing the electronic approval of building plans prior to requesting the tinue to face significant barriers to entry
of registration documents. Nigeria also building permit. India also streamlined when starting a business. Burdensome

and costly regulation can prevent Since its inception, Doing Business has
entrepreneurs from entering the formal captured at least one reform making it STREAMLINING THE
economy, negatively impacting both the easier to start a business in almost 95% PROCESS OF OBTAINING
public and private sectors. Formalization of economies. These reforms have made A BUILDING PERMIT
allows entrepreneurs and employees to it faster and easier for firms to launch
access the legal and financial services and formally operate. Fifteen years ago, The construction sector is a critical
available to registered companies (such it took entrepreneurs worldwide 52 days indicator of the health of an economy. An
as obtaining loans and social secu- on average to start and formally operate abundance of stalled construction proj-
rity benefits). There is clear evidence a firm. Today, it takes 20 days. ects is a visible sign of economic hardship,
that streamlining regulatory procedures while a booming construction industry is
can encourage business entry, busi- Simplifying registration requirements indicative of economic growth. Although
ness growth, job creation and rising can range from merging registration various obstacles remainincluding the
national incomes. procedures to eliminating redundant fragmented nature of the construction
processes. Several economies in Sub- industry and its hesitancy to adapt to
Thirty-eight economies made starting a Saharan Africa took steps to streamline technological changegovernments
business easier in 2016/17 by reducing these formalities in 2016/17 (figure 3.1). around the world are focused on imple-
the procedures, time or cost associ- By eliminating the requirement that menting reforms that reduce the time
ated with the process. Two-thirds of a woman must obtain her husbands and cost to obtain permission to build.6
these economies simplified registration permission to operate a business, the In 2016/17, five of the 22 economies
formalities by, for example, abolishing Democratic Republic of Congo made that reformed their construction permit-
requirements to obtain various approv- it easier for women to register firms. ting processes focused their reforms on
als or consolidating several registration And by combining multiple business reducing the time to obtain the building
processes into one. Others streamlined registration procedures, the Democratic permit itself (figure 3.2).
postregistration procedures by eliminat- Republic of Congo also reduced the time
ing the need to obtain a general business required to start a business by nearly a Cte dIvoire, which showed the most
license or company seal. And still others business week. significant improvement in this area in
set up or improved one-stop shops,
reduced or eliminated minimum capital
requirements and set up online platforms FIGURE 3.1 Economies in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have the highest share
of reforms making it easier to start a business in 2016/17
for entrepreneurs. Of the 38 economies
that reformed in this area, 12 implement-
ed complex improvements associated Share of economies that made it easier to start a business in 2016/17 (%)
with two or more types of reforms. 40

Equatorial Guinea advanced the most 35

toward the frontier in starting a business
in 2016/17. It did this by abolishing the 30
requirement to obtain an authorization
of establishment from the Office of 25
the Prime Minister to start a business.
Previously, it took four months on aver- 20

age for each new business to obtain

this authorization.

Niger, another economy that notably
improved the ease of starting a business,
reduced its minimum capital require-
ment, allocated more personnel to its
one-stop shopresulting in a reduc-
South Asia Sub-Saharan Middle East & Europe & East Asia Latin America OECD
tion in the time required to register a Africa North Africa Central Asia & Pacific & Caribbean high income
companyand allowed for the publica-
tion of the notice of company incorpora-
tion online free of charge. Source: Doing Business database.

FIGURE 3.2 Many economies made getting construction permits faster in 2016/17 Both an efficient connection process and
safeguards to mitigate outage risks are
crucial to business owners. Effective cus-
Time to get building permit (days)
tomer protections and regulations also
provide predictability for firms, enabling
350 them to better forecast risks.

300 Given the importance of the electricity

sector, many economies aim to improve
access to electricity and the quality of
200 supply to strengthen the operating envi-
ronment for small and medium-size
enterprises. Doing Business recorded
100 reforms in 20 economies making it easier
to get electricity in 2016/17. Of these,
50 12 economies focused on improving the
connection process and eight on the reli-
Cte d'Ivoire Gabon Tanzania Angola Lithuania ability of electricity supply.
DB2017 DB2018
The most common feature of elec-
Source: Doing Business database. tricity reforms in the past year was
improvement to the connection pro-
2016/17, established a one-stop shop for its permitting process by improving the cess. Regulatory changes that reduce
building permits and published deadlines, efficiency of its one-stop shop and increas- the number of interactions required
costs and procedures related to obtaining ing the frequency of building permit council between the utility or other third parties
the urban planning certificate. As a result, meetings to once a month. and customers when they apply for an
Cte dIvoire reduced the number of electricity connection are an effective
required procedures by four and the time In Europe and Central Asia, Ukraine way to improve the connection process.
to process applications by 210 days. reduced the cost of construction by Armenia successfully reduced the num-
significantly lowering mandatory inves- ber of interactions required in 2016/17
Notable progress was also made elsewhere tor contributions to Kyivs social and by installing a geographic information
in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 15 econo- engineering-transport infrastructure. system, eliminating the need for a site
mies reformed multiple aspects of their Lithuania reduced the time needed to inspection to issue the technical condi-
construction permitting processes. Gabon obtain technical conditions and the build- tions. As a result, the total time to obtain
streamlined procedures and reduced the ing permit. Uzbekistan streamlined the a connection was reduced from 138 days
time to obtain a building permit by setting process for obtaining approvals of land in 2016 to 127 days in 2017.
up an internal pre-approval meeting of plot allocations from various agencies.
relevant technical experts who examine In the Dominican Republic and Kenya
the application prior to a formal committee changes were made to improve the reli-
meeting. Gabon also made its building reg- MAKING ACCESS TO ability of power supply. Major upgrades
ulations, fee schedules and requirements ELECTRICITY MORE were made to the network infrastructure
to obtain a building permit available online. EFFICIENT AND RELIABLE in Santo Domingo and Nairobi, resulting
Similarly, Benin and Ghana improved in a notable reduction in the duration of
transparency by making regulations con- World Bank Enterprise Surveys data outages (figure 3.3). In Kenya, the utility
cerning construction openly accessible show that business owners in develop- in Nairobi invested in its distribution lines
online while Rwanda increased quality ing economies identify access to reliable and transformers and set up a squad
control during construction by introducing electrical services as the fourth largest specializing in restoring power when out-
risk-based inspections. Kenya reduced obstacle to doing business.7 However, ages occur. In the Dominican Republic,
construction fees by eliminating clear- electricity sector constraints vary. A dif- the utility in Santo Domingo built new
ance fees from the National Environment ficult connection process is associated substations, redesigned the network
Management Authority and the National with utility corruption and may hamper zoning plan and established a response
Construction Authority. Malawi halved firms,8 while an unreliable electricity squad to quickly restore service after an
building permit fees. Tanzania streamlined supply is linked to low firm productivity.9 outage. The initiatives implemented by

FIGURE 3.3 The duration of power outages has decreased in the Dominican Republic and Kenya

Dominican Republic Kenya

Average outage duration Average frequency of outages Average outage duration Average frequency of outages
per customer served (SAIDI) per customer served (SAIFI) per customer served (SAIDI) per customer served (SAIFI)
130 60 190 40

120 170
110 30
40 130
90 20
80 30

70 10
60 70

50 10 50 0
2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: The figures show the average number of hours without electricity supply (as measured by SAIDI) and the average number of power outages (as measured by SAIFI) per
customer served over the course of a year in the largest business city in each economy.

the utilities in both economies resulted in improving the quality of land adminis- 10% transfer tax and registration duty,
significant improvements in the reliability tration in 2016/17. The most common implementing a complaint mechanism
of electric supply. As a result, Kenya and improvements included increasing trans- and publishing service standards.
the Dominican Republic became eligible parency of information and increasing Rwanda also made improvements to its
to score on Doing Business reliability of administrative efficiency by reducing the property registration process in 2016/17.
supply and transparency of tariff index time to transfer property. Rwanda reduced the time for a property
as their System Average Interruption transfer by introducing new online ser-
Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Mauritius made the biggest improve- vices such as user searches of property
Average Interruption Frequency Index ment in the ease of registering property information and online property transfer
(SAIFI) scores are now below 100. in 2016/17. It did this by eliminating the filing and registration (figure 3.4). It is

FIGURE 3.4 Rwanda has consistently reduced the time it takes to transfer property
Time to transfer property (days)
Valid property rights are necessary to
support investment, productivity and 350
economic growth. Evidence from econo-
mies around the world suggests that
property owners with registered titles 250
are more likely to invest. They also have a
better chance of getting credit when using 200

their property as collateral. Likewise, hav- 150

ing reliable, up-to-date information in
cadasters and land registries is essential 100
for governments to correctly assess and
collect property taxes.
Twenty-nine economies made register- DB2008 DB2010 DB2012 DB2014 DB2016 DB2018

ing a property easier by increasing the

efficiency of property transfers and Source: Doing Business database.

now possible to search online for owners credit reporting by operationalizing a new credit bureaus in Nigeria, Qatar and
of specific properties, locations and the credit bureau, Credit Data CRB, in July the United Arab Emirates began offer-
encumbrances affecting the property. In 2016. The credit bureau distributes posi- ing credit scores to their data users as
addition, the parties, or their notary, can tive and negative credit information on a value-added service. Improvements
file the property transfer deed for regis- both firms and individuals and borrowers were also made in the distribution of
tration online. Niger significantly reduced have a legally-guaranteed right to inspect data from sources other than financial
registration costs by reducing notary their own data. Cameroon, Indonesia, institutions. In Bhutan, two utility
fees from 4% of the property value to Iraq, Jordan and Slovenia all established a companies began submitting positive
a regressive fee scheme based on the new credit bureau or registry in 2016/17. and negative information on consumer
property value. The government also Azerbaijan, Djibouti and Myanmar accounts to the credit bureau. In Kenya,
made changes to the General Tax Code to improved their regulatory framework for public utility companies and savings and
lower property transfer registration fees. credit reporting, enabling the creation of credit cooperative organizations are now
new credit bureaus in the near future. required to share credit information. In
Among regions, Europe and Central Asia the Islamic Republic of Iran, a vehicle
and Sub-Saharan Africa tie as the regions Economies in West Africa also imple- dealership began sharing information on
with the most reforms relating to the mented reforms in 2016/17 to improve credit-based transactions with the credit
transfer of property in 2016/17. In Europe their credit reporting systems. All West bureau.
and Central Asia, Croatia passed the Real African Economic and Monetary Union
Estate Transfer Act, which decreased the (WAEMU) member states have now In 2016/17, 18 economies made it
real estate transfer tax from 5% to 4%, formally adopted the Uniform Law on the easier for businesses to obtain credit
while Kazakhstan made cadastral plans Regulation of Credit Information Bureaus. by modifying legislation to encourage
in Almaty available to the public via the WAEMUs regional credit bureau, the use of moveable property as collat-
governments website and began pub- Creditinfo VoLo, began operations in eral. The most common feature of reform
lishing statistics on land disputes. The Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau and Togo in included improvements in the legislative
Russian Federation made property regis- early 2017. These economies joined Cte framework for secured transactions
tration services available at its one-stop dIvoire, Mali, Niger and Senegal, where encompassing functional equivalents to
shop and passed legislation requiring Creditinfo VoLo was launched in 2016 security interests and creating modern,
that property registrations be completed (figure 3.5). searchable collateral registries which
within nine working days. In Sub-Saharan are accessible on-line for the registra-
Africa, the land registry in Mauritania Elsewhere, economies adopted global tion, modification and cancelation of
launched a website that provides rel- good practices in credit reporting. The security interests. West Bank and Gaza
evant information to the public on land
registry services, including property
transfer regulations, procedures and fees. FIGURE 3.5 Timeline of West African Economic and Monetary Union regional
Senegal decreased property registration credit bureau
times by streamlining the interactions
between different departments at the
WAEMU Council of Uniform Law Creditinfo Volo starts
property registry, introducing internal Ministers adopts adopted by National operations in Burkina
Uniform Law Assembly of Mali Faso, Guinea-Bissau,
mechanisms to identify bottlenecks and Togo; Uniform Law
enacting internal time limits to speed up adopted by National
Assembly of Benin
the registration process.

STRENGTHENING ACCESS TO 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Uniform Law Creditinfo Volo starts
Twenty-four economies implemented adopted by national operations in Cte
assemblies of Cte dIvoire, Mali, Niger,
reforms improving their credit information dIvoire, Niger, Senegal; Uniform Law
Senegal adopted by national
systems in 2016/17. The most common assemblies of Burkina
Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Togo
feature of reform was the introduction
of new credit bureaus and registries to
improve the sharing of credit information.
Malawi made the most improvement in Source: Doing Business database.

made the most noteworthy improve- 51% of a companys assets must be Thirteen economiesAzerbaijan, Brunei
ment in 2016/17 by adopting a secured authorized by its shareholders and that Darussalam, Djibouti, Arab Republic of
transactions law in 2016 that establishes the notice of meeting should be sent 21 Egypt, France, Indonesia, Kazakhstan,
a modern collateral registry and allows days in advance. As a result of these and Lithuania, Malaysia, Nepal, Rwanda,
a general description of present and other amendments, Djibouti improved Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistanpassed
future assets used as security interests. its score on all six indices of the indicator legislation in 2016/17 that increased
The new rules also establish priority for set, resulting in a 21.67-percentage point corporate transparency requirements.
secured creditors outside insolvency and increase in its distance to frontier score for These laws give more agenda-setting
permit out-of-court enforcement. minority investor protections (figure 3.6). power to shareholders and disclose
board member activities in other com-
Belarus created the Registry of Twenty other economies also strength- panies, executive compensation and
Encumbrances on Movable Property ened minority shareholder protections audit reports. As a result, all of these
in 2016 to record, store and provide in 2016/17.10 Costa Rica enacted Law economies improved their scores on the
information on security interests in No. 9392 in October 2016 which pro- extent of corporate transparency index.
movable assets. Mongolias Law on vides specific protections for minority
Movable and Intangible Property Pledges, investors and strengthens safeguards Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam,
which entered into force in March 2017, against conflicts of interest. The board Djibouti, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Rwanda,
regulates the assignment of receivables, of directors now must vote on transac- Saudi Arabia and Thailand took steps to
financial leases and retention-of-title tions with interested parties and board clarify corporate governance, ownership
sales, requiring their registration with members who have a personal interest and control structures by, for example,
the collateral registry. Similarly, Brunei must clearly disclose their interest and enacting legislation that requires
Darussalam, the Kyrgyz Republic, abstain from voting in this case. Should companies to nominate independent
Mongolia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, shareholders choose to file a claim board members and set up an audit
Russia, Samoa, Turkey and Zambia intro- against the transaction, the law also committee. These changes resulted in
duced new laws establishing modern increases their access to evidence both improvements in the scores of these
collateral registries. before and during court proceedings. nine economies on the extent of owner-
As a result, Costa Ricas score improved ship and control index.
significantly on both the extent of disclo-
PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF sure index and the ease of shareholder Finally, 11 economies enacted regula-
MINORITY SHAREHOLDERS suits index, resulting in a 10 percentage tion in 2016/17 enhancing approval and
point increase in its distance to frontier disclosure requirements for related-party
Djibouti made the most noteworthy score for minority investor protections. transactions. Among them, Luxembourg
improvements to minority investor pro-
tections in 2016/17. A new law, Law No.
FIGURE 3.6 Djibouti strengthened minority investor protections the most in 2016/17
191/AN/17/7, which modified the Code
of Commerce, takes significant steps to
Index score (010)
mitigate the risk of prejudicial conflicts of
interest in companies. The law requires
directors to inform their board in detail of
any conflict of interest they may have on 6
a proposed transaction. If they decide to 5
proceed, they must also include the terms
of the transaction and the extent of the
conflict of interest in the annual report. 3

Even after these precautions, shareholders 2

can file in court to cancel the transac- 1
tion and recover any profits made by the
interested parties if the transaction was Extent of Extent of director Extent Extent of Extent of Ease of
prejudicial to the company. Shareholders disclosure index liability index of shareholder ownership and corporate shareholder
rights index control index transparency suits index
can also inspect transaction documents index
before filing a suit and seek reimbursement DB2017 DB2018
of their legal expenses. In addition, the law
stipulates that transactions representing Source: Doing Business database.

made it easier for shareholders repre- different assessment criteria for select- progress in the economies of Europe
senting 10% of the share capital of their ing companies for a tax audit, with its and Central Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa
company to get access to corporate focus now primarily on larger compa- remains the region with the smallest
information and to sue directors in nies. Low-risk companies and small share of economies using electronic filing
cases of prejudicial third-party transac- businesses would not be selected for a or payments. However, in 2016 the use of
tions. These 11 economiesCosta Rica, tax audit in the case of an underpayment online systems for filing and payment of
Djibouti, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, or self-reporting an error in the corpo- taxes resulted in efficiency gains in sev-
Luxembourg, Pakistan, Rwanda, Saudi rate income tax return. eral economies in the region, including
Arabia, Thailand and Ukraineimproved Botswana, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia.
on the extent of approval, extent of The most common feature of reforms Angola, Mauritania, Senegal and Togo
director liability and ease of shareholder in the area of paying taxes over the are improving their systems to enable
suits indices. past year was the implementation or taxpayers to shift from manual to online
enhancement of electronic filing and filing of tax returns in the near future.
payment systems. Besides El Salvador,
ENHANCING TAX 16 other economiesBotswana, Brunei Other economies directed efforts at
COMPLIANCE SYSTEMS Darussalam, India, Indonesia, Kenya, reducing the financial burden of taxes
Lithuania, Maldives, Morocco, New on businesses and keeping tax rates at
Properly developed, effective taxation Zealand, the Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi a reasonable level to encourage private
systems are crucial for a well-function- Arabia, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam sector development. With the objective
ing society. In most economies, taxes and Zambiaintroduced or enhanced of promoting more stable employment
are the main source of revenue to fund systems for filing and paying taxes online. conditions, Italy exempted employers
public spending on education, health India eased tax compliance on businesses from social security contributions for a
care, public transport, infrastructure by implementing an online platform for maximum of 36 months for hires with
and social programs, among others. the electronic payment of the Employee open-ended contracts from January
Tax policy is one of the most conten- Provident Fund and introducing admin- 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Japan
tious areas of public policy. A large istrative measures to ease corporate reduced the corporate income tax rate at
body of theoretical and empirical work income tax compliance (figure 3.7). the national level from 25.5% to 23.9%
examines the effects of high tax rates for tax years beginning on or after April
and complex fiscal systems. Although The use of electronic tax filing and pay- 1, 2015. The Bahamas reduced the rate
determining the optimal tax system can ment systems has increased substan- of stamp duty on land sales from 10% in
be challenging because context matters tially since 2006, with the most notable 2015 to 2.5% in 2016.
when economies want to maximize their
welfare, there is less uncertaintyfrom
FIGURE 3.7 India made paying taxes faster by requiring the electronic payment of
both theoretical and empirical perspec-
some taxes
tivesabout the distortionary effects
of high taxes and cumbersome tax sys- Time per year Distance to frontier score
tems. A good tax system should ensure (hours) for paying taxes (0100)
that taxes are proportionate and certain 260 70
(not arbitrary) and that the method of 240
paying taxes is convenient to taxpayers. 65
Lastly, taxes should be easy to adminis-
ter and collect. 200 60
El Salvador made the greatest advances 160 55
in tax payment systems in 2016/17.
Following regulatory changes, all com- 50
panies are now required to submit their 120

tax returns electronically. Electronic 100 45

payments are now used by a majority DB2017 DB2018

of companies in El Salvador for profit Time (hours) Distance to frontier score for paying taxes
taxes, value added taxes and labor taxes,
including mandatory contributions. The
tax administration also moved to a Source: Doing Business database.

of documentary and border compli- Eleven economies significantly upgraded

FACILITATING ance by more than 760 hours overall. their trade logistics infrastructure in
INTERNATIONAL TRADE More than half of this time savings is 2016/17. Inadequate infrastructure is
associated with the enhancement of one of the main burdens in interna-
International trade is a cornerstone of existing electronic systems. Zambia tional trade.14 As part of its National
economic development, as access to reduced the time to complete docu- Development Plan 2013-2017, Angola
international markets is strongly cor- mentary and border compliance by has significantly rehabilitated and
related with economic growth.11 Although about 30%, underscoring the impact upgraded the port of Luanda, expanding
tariffs on exports and imports have fallen of roll out of the ASYCUDA World the terminals, adding new berths and
on average in recent decades, non-tariff system, an automated customs data acquiring equipment. This has resulted in
measures have gained increasing promi- management system, to multiple improvements in handling processes and
nence.12 Optimizing time and costs in the customs offices nationwide. In 2017 reduced border compliance time for both
trade sector is strongly associated with Zambia increased the functionality of exports and imports.
trade growth, diversification and eco- the platform, enabling the electronic
nomic expansion.13 Accordingly, global submission of declarations, supporting The regions implementing the most
trade policies have shifted their focus documents and the online payment of reforms making it easier to trade across
from tariffs to trade facilitation, including customs fees. Following its upgrade borders in 2016/17 were Sub-Saharan
the elimination of trade-related transac- from ASYCUDA to the Sistema nico Africa (46% of reforms in this area) and
tions costs. Doing Business tracks global de Modernizacin Aduanera (Single East Asia and the Pacific (18%). Together,
trade policies and reforms that facilitate Customs Modernization System; the economies in these two regions
trade by implementing cost-effective, SUMA), Bolivia has enabled traders to account for nearly 64% of reforms in this
time-efficient and transparent regulatory clear their goods electronically, submit- area as captured by Doing Business 2018.
practices (figure 3.8). ting customs declarations and support- The remainder of reforms were made
ing documents online and eliminating by economies in Latin America and the
Of the 33 economies that undertook the need for visits to multiple govern- Caribbean (15%), the Middle East and
reforms making it easier to trade ment agencies to obtain clearance. As a North Africa (9%), South Asia (9%) and
across borders in 2016/17, 22 improved result, Bolivia reduced the time required Europe and Central Asia (3%).
their existing electronic systems for to prepare and submit all required
exports or imports, reducing the time documentation by 72 hours overall.
FIGURE 3.8 Reforms affecting customs, especially those regarding the
implementation of electronic systems, produce the highest time savings across regions A judicial system that provides effective
Total time reduction (hours)
commercial dispute resolution is crucial
900 to a healthy economy.15 Case manage-
800 ment systems supporting manual case
flow through forms and files contribute
to the overall timeliness and efficiency
of the justice system, especially when
combined with increased court automa-
400 tion and information communication
300 technology solutions.16 The introduction
200 of new case management features, or the
100 expansion of existing case management
0 or court automation systems, was the
Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America East Asia South Asia Middle East most common reform feature recorded
& Caribbean & Pacific & North Africa
in 2016/17. Some economiesGuyana
Electronic systems Customs administration Risk-based inspections Infrastructure and Kazakhstan, for examplefocused
on strengthening regulatory case
management principles by introducing
Source: Doing Business database.
Note: The time reduction captures reforms that were implemented and had a positive impact on time for the tighter time standards for key court
trading across borders indicator set from 2016 to 2017. The reforms recorded during this period are aggregated in events. Otherssuch as Switzerland
four wide-ranging categories: electronic systems, customs administration, risk-based inspections and infrastructure.
Regions with no reforms on time are excluded from the figure. and Taiwan, Chinafocused on the

implementation of a platform for the online case management system. Today a higher overall level of entrepreneurship
electronic submission of the initial com- the Windhoek High Court has a case in the economy and preserve jobs.19 By
plaint. Hungary strengthened its existing clearance rate of above 110% (figure 3.9), facilitating the efficient business exit
electronic-filing system by integrating it higher than some of the most sophisti- and liquidation of nonviable companies,
with a platform that allows litigants to cated economies in the world, including an insolvency framework supports the
pay court fees electronically. Finland and Sweden.17 efficient reallocation of resources across
the economy.20
Namibia, the economy that improved Other economies have strengthened
most notably in the area of enforcing judicial efficiency through the introduc- In 2016/17 Doing Business recorded
contracts in 2016/17, is witnessing the tion of a specialized commercial court. 13 reforms making it easier to resolve
results of a seven-year reform process Bhutan introduced dedicated benches insolvency. The most common feature
in case management and information that only hear commercial cases. Guyana, of reform was the introduction of a reor-
communication technology systems that Nicaragua, the Slovak Republic and ganization procedure as an alternative to
began with a peer learning exercise with Vietnam strengthened their regulatory liquidation. Cabo Verde, the Dominican
some of the top-performing economies environment by introducing a new Code Republic, Grenada, India, Kosovo, Liberia,
on the enforcing contracts indicators. of Civil Procedure. Malawi, Panama, Singapore and the
The reform process led to the approval United Arab Emirates adopted legal
of new court rules in 2014 that incorpo- regulations enabling parties to make use
rated many case management principles PROMOTING EFFICIENT of reorganization procedures for the pur-
such as time limits for key court events, BANKRUPTCY REGIMES pose of saving viable businesses where
early case management through pre- there is a prospect of financial recovery.
trial conferences, earlier intervention by Efficient regulation of corporate insolven-
the judge, tools to dispose of cases that cy is associated with increased access The reform in Kosovo is particularly
have been abandoned by the parties to credit for firms and on better terms.18 noteworthy. A comprehensive insolvency
and court-connected mediation. The Creditors are more willing to lend because law, which was adopted in July 2016,
court also upgraded its information they are more likely to recover their loans. introduced a number of modern features
communication technology systems Additionally, economies that reform their that are aligned with international good
and court users are now able to submit insolvency law to provide a mechanism practices. In addition to establishing
their initial complaint online, while judges for business rescue may reduce the reorganization and liquidation proce-
and lawyers have access to a dedicated failure rate among firms, help maintain dures, the law provided the debtor with

FIGURE 3.9 Namibia has reduced its case backlog by implementing a case management system

Number of cases









2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15

Registered cases Finalized cases

Source: Namibia Superior Courts data (


the option to submit a pre-packaged information on the financial affairs of TABLE 3.4 Puerto Rico (U.S.)s
rehabilitation plan before the commence- the debtor at any time. Additionally, Transformation and Labor Flexibility
ment of reorganization proceedings Azerbaijan and Georgia granted creditors Act (TLFA)
and established expedited insolvency the right to object to the decision accept-
Old framework Labor reform
proceedings for small and medium-size ing or rejecting creditors claims.
Length of the maximum probationary period
enterprises. These new elements not only for permanent employees
streamline liquidation and reorganization 3 months 9 months
proceedings in Kosovo in general, but CHANGING LABOR MARKET
Wage premium for daily overtime work and
are also likely to shorten the timeframe REGULATION weekly holiday work
for resolving insolvency. The law also 100% premium rate 50% premium rate
allows the debtor to obtain new financ- Regulation of labor markets is essential
Mandatory paid annual leave, workers with 1
ing after the commencement of insol- for the achievement of primary economic year tenure
vency proceedings to facilitate continued goals, such as the efficient allocation of 15 days 9 days
operations, regulates the treatment of resourcesthat is, the distribution of
Mandatory paid annual leave, workers with
contracts and establishes a cross-border resources to their most productive uses.21 5-10 years tenure
insolvency regime (table 3.3). Labor regulation is also indispensable 15 days 12 days
in protecting vulnerable groups from
Source: Doing Business database.
Upper-middle-income and high-income market failures, such as forced labor and
economies mainly focused their efforts discrimination.22 In addition to these including the hiring of workers, working
on strengthening the rights of creditors fundamental functions, smart labor hours, redundancy rules and job qual-
in insolvency proceedings in 2016/17. regulation can help advance a myriad of ity. Some economies made their labor
Azerbaijan, the Dominican Republic, economic and social goals, ranging from regulation more rigid while others made
Grenada, and Panama made important better responses to economic shocks to it more flexible; in some economies, the
amendments to their legal frameworks the promotion of equal opportunities and changes were in both directions. Puerto
to provide creditors with additional social cohesion. The challenge in devel- Rico (U.S.), for example, undertook a
safeguards and enable their participation oping labor policies is to prevent both substantial regulatory reform effort by
in important decisions that affect their over- and under-regulation by balancing adopting the Transformation and Labor
interests. The Dominican Republic and labor flexibility with worker protection.23 Flexibility Act (TLFA), which introduced
Grenada granted creditors the right to comprehensive changes to regulation in
approve the sale of substantial assets of In 2016/17, Doing Business recorded all areas measured by the indicator for
the debtor. Azerbaijan and Grenada pro- 17 reforms in the areas covered by the labor market regulation (table 3.4). The
vided creditors with the right to request indicators for labor market regulation, TLFA increased the length of the maxi-
mum probationary period for permanent
TABLE 3.3 Kosovos previous and new insolvency frameworks employees, decreased the premium
for daily overtime work and the wage
Previous framework New framework
premium for weekly holiday, decreased
Can a debtor initiate liquidation or reorganization procedures? the mandatory paid annual leave and
No liquidation or reorganization Yes. Debtors can initiate both procedures. established severance payments for all
employees wrongfully made redundant.
Do creditors vote on the reorganization plan?
No reorganization available. Yes. Creditors whose rights are affected by the proposed plan vote Kiribati also implemented significant
on it.
changes to labor regulation by approving
Can a court invalidate preferential and undervalued transactions concluded before insolvency proceedings? the Employment and Industrial Relation
No provisions. Yes. Code (EIRC) which regulates the number
Can a debtor obtain credit after commencement of insolvency proceedings? of work hours per day, establishes paid
No provisions. Yes. The debtor or the administrator may obtain new financing after annual leave and paid sick-leave and
the commencement of insolvency proceedings and the priorities of clarifies rules governing redundancies.
the new financing are clearly established.
Can creditors participate in important decisions?
Changes to the regulation of working
No provisions. Yes. Every creditor has the right to request information on the hours was a common feature of reform
debtor's financial situation from the insolvency representative and
may object to the decision regarding its own claims as well as claims in 2016/17. Albania reduced the number
of other creditors. of work hours to 48 per week. Similarly,
Source: Doing Business database. the Democratic Republic of Congo

established a standard workday of eight 17. CEPEJ 2016.

18. Cirmizi, Klapper and Uttamchandani 2010.
hours per day and designated Sunday as a 19. Klapper and Love 2011.
weekly rest day. Taiwan, China, increased 20. For more on how insolvency frameworks
the number of weekly rest days from one support the efficient reallocation of resources
across the economy, see Djankov 2009,
to two and also extended the length of Funchal 2008, Klapper 2011 and Visaria 2009.
mandatory paid annual leave. Bosnia and 21. World Bank 2012.
Herzegovina decreased wage premiums 22. Agell 1999.
23. Kuddo and others 2015.
for overtime work, night work and weekly
holiday work. Tajikistan abolished restric-
tions on night work by non-pregnant
women and non-nursing mothers.

In addition, some economies made

changes to legislation regulating
redundancy rules and costs. Tajikistan
increased the amount of severance pay
that an employer must provide when
making an employee redundant. The
Bahamas amended its legislation to
introduce priority rules that apply to
reemployment and Singapore adopted
legislation requiring employers to notify
the Ministry of Manpower when termi-
nating a group of nine redundant workers.

Economies also implemented legislation

in the area of job quality in 2016/17. The
United States (Los Angeles) established a
maximum of six working days of paid sick
leave a year. Colombia, the Dominican
Republic, India and Paraguay increased
the duration of paid maternity leave.

1. Dabla-Norris and others 2013.
2. Klapper and Love 2011.
3. IMF 2015.
4. IMF 2017.
5. Freund and Rocha 2011.
6. World Economic Forum 2017.
7. Enterprise Surveys database (http://www, World Bank.
8. Geginat and Ramalho 2015.
9. Grimm, Hartwig and Lay 2012.
10. The economies that strengthened minority
shareholder rights in 2016/17 are Azerbaijan,
Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Costa Rica,
Djibouti, Egypt, France, Georgia, India,
Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Rwanda, Saudi
Arabia, Thailand, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
11. World Bank Group and WTO 2015.
12. Hoekman and Nicita 2011.
13. Arvis and others 2016.
14. Lanz, Roberts and Taal 2016.
15. Ramello and Voigt 2012.
16. Gramckow and others 2016.

TABLE 3A.1 Who reduced regulatory complexity and cost and/or strengthened legal institutions in 2016/17and what did they do?
Feature Economies Some highlights

Making it easier to start a business

Simplified preregistration Bhutan; China; Democratic Republic of Congo; Djibouti made starting a business more affordable by reducing the fees to register
and registration formalities Republic of Congo; Czech Republic; Djibouti; and publish the notice of commencement of activity.
(publication, notarization, Dominican Republic; Equatorial Guinea;
inspection, and other Ethiopia; Gabon; Indonesia; Iraq; Jamaica; Kenya;
requirements) Madagascar; Mauritius; Morocco; Nigeria; Pakistan;
Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Thailand; Uzbekistan
Cut or simplified The Bahamas; Brunei Darussalam; Greece; India; The Bahamas made starting a business easier by merging the process of registering
postregistration procedures Iraq; Kenya; Kosovo; Madagascar; Malta; Niger; for the business license and value added tax. Greece made starting a business
(tax registration, social security Tajikistan; Thailand; Zimbabwe easier by creating a unified social security institution.
registration, licensing)
Introduced or improved India; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia made starting a business easier through the use of an online system,
online procedures which merges the name reservation and submission of the articles of association
into one procedure. Saudi Arabia also improved the online payment system,
removing the need to pay fees in person.
Created or improved one- Democratic Republic of Congo; Kuwait; Mauritania made starting a business easier by combining multiple registration
stop shop Mauritania; Moldova; Niger; Sierra Leone procedures.
Abolished or reduced Cameroon; Republic of Congo; Ethiopia; Gabon; Cameroon made starting a business easier by reducing the minimum capital
minimum capital requirement Niger requirement. Gabon made starting a business easier by reducing the minimum capital
requirement and by making the notarization of incorporation documents optional.

Making it easier to deal with construction permits

Reduced time for processing Angola; Brunei Darussalam; Cte dIvoire; Lithuania reduced the time it takes to obtain technical conditions and the building
permit applications El Salvador; Gabon; India; Kenya; Lithuania; permit. Niger introduced new rules to obtain a water connection as well as service
Mauritius; Niger; Nigeria; Tanzania; United Arab delivery objectives, resulting in a reduction in the time to obtain a water connection.
Emirates; Uzbekistan The Waste Water Management Authority (WMA) in Mauritius outsourced the design
and construction of sewage connection works to five private companies, thereby
reducing the time to provide sewage connection.
Improved transparency Benin; Cabo Verde; Gabon; Ghana; Niger; Nigeria; Gabon improved the transparency of information by publishing legislation
Seychelles related to the construction industry online. Nigeria (Kano and Lagos) increased
transparency by publishing all relevant regulations, fee schedules and pre-
application requirements online.
Streamlined procedures Brunei Darussalam; Gabon; Niger; Nigeria; Brunei Darussalam eliminated the requirement to obtain a hoarding permit and to
Uzbekistan submit both the commencement and completion notice to the one-stop shop. Niger
streamlined its internal processes and set up a building permit commission which
meets every Thursday to rule on permit applications.
Adopted new building Djibouti; El Salvador; Niger; Rwanda; United Arab Djibouti implemented a decree clearly establishing decennial liability for all professionals
regulations Emirates; Uzbekistan engaged in construction projects. Uzbekistan introduced a new system of allocating
land through a competitive selection process for land plots of up to a hectare.
Reduced fees Djibouti; Kenya; Malawi; Niger; Ukraine; United Kenya eliminated fees to obtain clearance from the National Environment
Arab Emirates Management Authority and the National Construction Authority. Malawi halved the
fees to obtain a building permit. The National Laboratory of Djibouti published new
official fees for its services, reducing the cost of concrete inspections.
Improved or introduced Angola; El Salvador; India El Salvador introduced a single window system, making preliminary construction
electronic platforms or online fees payable online. The Municipality of Greater Mumbai introduced an online
services single window system that allows for the submission and approval of building
plans prior to requesting the building permit along with various other services.
Introduced or improved one- Cte d'Ivoire; Tanzania Cte d'Ivoire created a one-stop shop for processing building permits. Tanzania
stop shop increased the efficiency of its one-stop shop by improving coordination among agencies.

Making it easier to get electricity

Facilitated more reliable power Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Jamaica; Kenya; Jamaica improved the reliability of supply in Kingston by investing in the
supply and transparency of tariff Mexico; Montenegro; Senegal; Vietnam distribution network through several initiatives, including the installation of smart
information meters and distribution automation switches.
Improved process efficiency Angola; Armenia; Indonesia; Italy; Niger; Armenia made getting electricity easier by imposing new deadlines for connection
Philippines procedures and introducing a new geographic information system at the utility.
Streamlined approval process Indonesia; Lithuania; Mozambique; Thailand; Mozambique reduced the time to get an electricity connection by streamlining
United Arab Emirates; Uzbekistan procedures through the utility instead of various agencies. Mozambique also
reduced costs by eliminating the security deposit for large commercial clients.
Improved regulation of Georgia; Indonesia; Mozambique; United Arab Georgia made getting electricity more affordable by reducing connection costs for
connection processes and Emirates new customers.

TABLE 3A.1 Who reduced regulatory complexity and cost and/or strengthened legal institutions in 2016/17and what did they do?
Feature Economies Some highlights

Making it easier to register property

Increased transparency of Benin; Brunei Darussalam; Djibouti; Hong Kong Mauritania created a new section on the government website containing
information SAR, China; Kazakhstan; Kuwait; Mauritania; information on the services provided by the land registry. Kazakhstan made
Mauritius; Nigeria; Pakistan; Seychelles; Suriname cadastral plans in Almaty available to the public and began publishing statistics on
the number of land disputes.
Increased administrative Antigua and Barbuda; Costa Rica; Guyana; Saudi Arabia implemented an online system to check for property ownership and
efficiency Kuwait; Nigeria; Russian Federation; Rwanda; encumbrances. Rwanda reduced the time to complete a property transfer from 12 to
Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Tajikistan seven days, by reducing the time needed to conduct a title search and registration.
Reduced taxes or fees Benin; Croatia; Indonesia; Mauritius; Myanmar; Niger decreased registration fees, effectively lowering the cost to register a
Niger; Senegal; Turkey property by 15%. Turkey made registering property easier by reducing mortar dues
(property transfer registration fees) from 4% to 3%.
Increased reliability of Hong Kong SAR, China; Romania; Serbia; Serbia and Thailand improved the reliability of their land administration systems
infrastructure Seychelles; Thailand by implementing a geographic information system. Hong Kong SAR, China, linked
information recorded by the Lands Department with that of the Land Registry.
Romania digitized its land book system in Bucharest.
Improved the accessibility of Armenia; Brunei Darussalam; Kazakhstan; Saudi Armenia, Brunei Darussalam, Kazakhstan and Saudi Arabia made their land dispute
the land dispute resolution Arabia mechanism more accessible by publishing statistics on land-related cases filed at
mechanism the court of first instance.

Strengthening legal rights of borrowers and lenders

Created a unified and/or Belarus; Brunei Darussalam; Kyrgyz Republic; Zambia strengthened access to credit by adopting a new law on secured
modern collateral registry for Malaysia; Mongolia; Nepal; Nigeria; Russian transactions that establishes a modern and centralized collateral registry.
movable property Federation; Samoa; Turkey; West Bank and Gaza;
Introduced a functional and Brunei Darussalam; Mongolia; Nepal; Nigeria; West Bank and Gaza strengthened access to credit by adopting the Security
secured transactions system Samoa; West Bank and Gaza; Zambia Interests in Moveable Property Act. The new law on secured transactions
implements a functional secured transactions system. The law regulates functional
equivalents to loans secured with movable property, such as financial leases and
retention-of-title sales.
Allowed for general Albania; Thailand; West Bank and Gaza Albania implemented new laws allowing for the general description of assets that
description of assets that can can be used as collateral.
be used as collateral
Expanded range of movable Thailand; Vietnam Thailand introduced a law that broadens the scope of assets which can be used as
assets that can be used as collateral to secure a loan.
Granted absolute priority to Albania; Brunei Darussalam; India; Kosovo; Turkey introduced a law that allows out-of-court enforcement.
secured creditors or allowed Malawi; Thailand; Turkey; West Bank and Gaza
out-of-court enforcement
Granted exemptions to India; Kosovo; Thailand Kosovo adopted a new bankruptcy law that includes protections for secured
secured creditors from creditors during an automatic stay in reorganization proceedings.
automatic stay in insolvency

Improving the sharing of credit information

Established a new credit Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Guinea-Bissau; Indonesia improved access to credit information by launching a new credit bureau.
bureau or registry Indonesia; Iraq; Jordan; Malawi; Slovenia; Togo
Improved regulatory Azerbaijan; Benin; Djibouti; Guinea-Bissau; Kyrgyz Djibouti improved access to credit information by adopting a law that creates a
framework for credit Republic; Myanmar; Turkey new credit information system.
Expanded scope of Bhutan; Islamic Republic of Iran; Kenya; In Bhutan, two utility companies began submitting positive and negative
information collected and Netherlands information on consumer accounts to the credit bureau.
reported by credit bureau or
Introduced bureau or registry Nigeria; Qatar; United Arab Emirates In the United Arab Emirates, the credit bureau began offering consumer credit
credit scores as a value- scores to banks and financial institutions as a value-added service to help them
added service assess the creditworthiness of borrowers.
Guaranteed by law borrowers Nigeria; Swaziland Swaziland adopted the Consumer Credit Act 2016 guaranteeing borrowers right to
right to inspect data inspect their own data.
Expanded borrower coverage Madagascar In Madagascar, the credit registry for microfinance institutions was consolidated
by credit bureau or registry with the registry for banks, expanding the number of borrowers listed in the
registrys database with information on their borrowing history from the past five
years to more than 5% of the adult population.

TABLE 3A.1 Who reduced regulatory complexity and cost and/or strengthened legal institutions in 2016/17and what did they do?
Feature Economies Some highlights

Strengthening minority investor protections

Expanded shareholders role Azerbaijan; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Djibouti; Lithuania enacted a law requiring the disclosure of information about board
in company management Arab Republic of Egypt; France; Georgia; Indonesia; members other directorships as well as basic information on their primary
Kazakhstan; Lithuania; Malaysia; Nepal; Rwanda; employment.
Saudi Arabia; Thailand; Uzbekistan
Enhanced access to Costa Rica; Djibouti; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Luxembourg adopted legislation allowing shareholders that represent at least 10%
information in shareholder Luxembourg; Rwanda; Thailand of the share capital to inspect transactions documents before filing a suit.
Increased disclosure Costa Rica; Djibouti; India; Saudi Arabia; Ukraine Costa Rica adopted a law requiring board members who have a personal interest
requirements for related-party in a proposed transaction to clearly disclose it and not participate in the decision.
Increased director liability Djibouti; India; Luxembourg; Pakistan Djibouti adopted a law allowing shareholders to hold interested directors (as well as
other board members) liable when a transaction with interested parties is unfair or
prejudicial to the company and to have them repay profits made from the transaction
upon a successful claim.

Making it easier to pay taxes

Introduced or enhanced Botswana; Brunei Darussalam; El Salvador; India; El Salvador mandated all business taxpayers to file their annual income tax
electronic systems Indonesia; Kenya; Lithuania; Maldives; Morocco; return through one of the available electronic methods (DET software or online
New Zealand; Philippines; Rwanda; Saudi Arabia; processing). The general online tax processing and payment system was also
Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vietnam; Zambia consolidated.
Reduced profit tax rate Japan; Norway Japan adopted the 2016 Tax Reform Bill on February 5, 2016, which reduced the
corporate income tax rate at the national level from 25.5% to 23.9% for tax years
beginning on or after April 1, 2015.
Reduced labor taxes and Belgium; France; Italy; Japan; Ukraine Ukraine introduced in 2016 a flat rate of 22% for the Unified Social Contribution
mandatory contributions tax paid by employers, which replaced the previous differentiated rates ranging
from 36.76% to 49.7%.
Reduce taxes other than The Bahamas; Indonesia; Thailand; Zambia Indonesia reduced the statutory rate for capital gains tax from 5% to 2.5%
profit and labor in 2016.
Simplified tax compliance China; India; Italy; Nigeria; Mauritania; Palau; India introduced the Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) in 2016
processes or decreased Ukraine to standardize the methods of computing taxable income and other tax accounting
number of tax filings or standards. Data gathering became more automated in India due to the use of
payments modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
Introduced a risk-based tax El Salvador; Thailand Thailand implemented a new automatic risk-based system for selecting companies
audit selection system for a tax audit in 2016. The system does not flag for a tax audit in cases of self-
reporting an error or an underpayment of tax liability due.
Introduced time limits for Senegal Senegal mandated by law that value added tax refunds be paid within 90 days
processing VAT cash refunds from the moment the tax authority receives the documents from the taxpayer
and the request for value added tax credit refund must be taken into account by
the administration within 30 days from the time the request has been submitted.
These changes were applied in practice.

Making it easier to trade across borders

Introduced or improved Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bolivia upgraded its automated customs system (SUMA) and reduced documentary
electronic submission and Cabo Verde; Comoros; Malawi; Mauritius; compliance time to export. Zambia expanded its customs management system
processing of documents for Oman; Pakistan; Sierra Leone; Sri Lanka; St. Kitts nationwide, allowing electronic payments.
exports and Nevis; Swaziland; Taiwan, China; Uganda;
Vietnam; Zambia
Introduced or improved Bolivia; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Cabo Verde; Due to improvements made to their respective electronic customs platforms,
electronic submission and Comoros; Indonesia; Jamaica; Kenya; Malawi; Cabo Verde and Kenya both reduced import documentary compliance time by
processing of documents for Mauritius; Oman; Pakistan; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; 24 hours. Brazil made trading across borders faster by enhancing its electronic
imports Vietnam; Zambia systemintegrating customs, tax and administrative agenciesreducing import
documentary compliance time by 72 hours.
Strengthened transport or Angola; India; Malaysia; Mauritania; Mauritius; Angola rehabilitated the Port of Luanda, improving handling processes and
port infrastructure for exports Mozambique; Pakistan; Qatar; Russian Federation; reducing border compliance time. The Russian Federation opened a deep water port
Singapore; Uganda on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, increasing competition and reducing the cost of
border compliance at the Port of St. Petersburg.
Strengthened transport or port Angola; India; Malaysia; Mauritania; Mauritius; Qatar made trading across borders easier by inaugurating the Hamad Port. Expansion
infrastructure for imports Pakistan; Qatar; Russian Federation; Singapore of existing ports in Singapore and Malaysia improved the terminal handling process.
Facilitated customs Botswana; Brunei Darussalam; El Salvador; El Salvador increased the number of customs officers for clearance and inspections,
administration for exports Ethiopia; India; Mauritania; Mauritius; So Tom e reducing border compliance time. Mauritius decreased the number of intrusive
and imports Prncipe; Saudi Arabia; Sierra Leone; Vietnam inspections, which reduced border compliance time for both exports and imports
by 10 hours.

TABLE 3A.1 Who reduced regulatory complexity and cost and/or strengthened legal institutions in 2016/17and what did they do?
Feature Economies Some highlights

Making it easier to enforce contracts

Introduced significant Guyana; Kazakhstan; Nicaragua; Senegal; Serbia; Nicaragua and the Slovak Republic each introduced a new Code of Civil
changes to the applicable civil Slovak Republic; Spain; Vietnam Procedure. Serbia adopted a new enforcement law that broadens and clarifies the
procedure or enforcement responsibilities of enforcement agents. Spain reduced the fees to file new cases.
Expanded court automation Azerbaijan; Hungary; Mauritania; Rwanda; Azerbaijan, Hungary and Thailand implemented platforms to pay fees electronically.
by introducing electronic Thailand Mauritania and Rwanda made decisions rendered at all levels in commercial cases
payment or by publishing publicly available.
Introduced or expanded the Brunei Darussalam; India; Namibia; Saudi Arabia India introduced the possibility of generating performance measurement reports.
electronic case management Brunei Darussalam, Namibia and Saudi Arabia introduced electronic case
system management systems.
Introduced electronic filing Namibia; Switzerland; Taiwan, China Namibia, Switzerland and Taiwan, China, introduced electronic filing systems for
commercial cases, allowing attorneys to submit the initial summons online.
Introduced or expanded Bhutan Bhutan introduced a dedicated bench to resolve commercial disputes.
specialized commercial court
Expanded the alternative Vietnam Vietnam introduced a new law regulating voluntary mediation.
dispute resolution framework

Making it easier to resolve insolvency

Improved the likelihood of Azerbaijan; Cabo Verde; Dominican Republic; Cabo Verde established the possibility for the debtor to receive new financing
successful reorganization Georgia; Grenada; India; Kosovo; Liberia; Malawi; after the commencement of insolvency proceedings and introduced corresponding
Panama; Thailand; United Arab Emirates priority rules.
Introduced a new Cabo Verde; Dominican Republic; Grenada; India; The United Arab Emirates introduced the option of reorganization for commercial
restructuring procedure Kosovo; Liberia; Malawi; Panama; Singapore; entities as an alternative to liquidation.
United Arab Emirates
Strengthened creditors rights Azerbaijan; Cabo Verde; Dominican Republic; The Dominican Republic granted creditors the right to object to decisions of special
Georgia; Grenada; Kosovo; Liberia; Panama importance made by the insolvency representative, such as the sale of substantial
assets of the debtor in the course of insolvency proceedings.
Improved provisions on Azerbaijan; Cabo Verde; Dominican Republic; Liberia allowed avoidance of preferential and undervalued transactions concluded
treatment Georgia; Kosovo; Liberia; Malawi; Panama; United prior to commencement of insolvency proceedings.
of contracts during insolvency Arab Emirates
Regulated the profession of India; Liberia; Malawi; Panama Malawi regulated the profession of insolvency administrator, including its duties,
insolvency administrators powers and liabilities.

Changing labor legislation

Altered hiring rules and Finland; Mongolia; Puerto Rico (U.S.) Puerto Rico (U.S.) increased the length of the maximum probationary period for
probationary period permanent employees, hired after the effective date of the Transformation and
Labor Flexibility Act (TLFA).
Amended regulation of Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Democratic Kiribati established rules for the number of work hours per day and the maximum
working hours Republic of Congo; Kiribati; Taiwan, China; number of working days per week.
Changed redundancy rules The Bahamas; Kiribati; Puerto Rico (U.S.); Singapore adopted legislation requiring employers to notify the Ministry of
and cost Singapore; Tajikistan Manpower when terminating a group of nine redundant workers.
Reformed legislation Albania; Colombia; Dominican Republic; India; The United States (Los Angeles) adopted the Paid Sick Leave Ordinance, allowing
regulating worker protection Kiribati; Latvia; Paraguay; Puerto Rico (U.S.); for a maximum of six working days of paid sick leave a year upon the oral or
and social benefits United States written request of an employee.
Source: Doing Business database.
Note: Reforms affecting the labor market regulation indicators are included here but do not affect the ranking on the ease of doing business.
Doing Business 2018

a Business
Transparency of information at business registries

Governments and civil society have come together in recent years to increase the Transparent information provided to
transparency of business information. New regulations have been adopted to improve the public by business registries can
transparency, particularly regarding the dissemination of company data. These reduce transactions costs and facilitate
changes have been made in the wake of a series of revelationssuch as the Panama investment decisions.
papers and the Bahamas leaksthat showed the extent to which individuals take
The most common types of information
advantage of obscure company ownership structures to illicitly move money around
shared by business registries include
the globe. There is now strong momentum behind expanding access to corporate
the companys name, its legal address
information, including company ownership.
and the names of its directors.

Information on beneficial ownership,

One way to increase transparency Providing public access to company corporate structure and annual
in the business environment is to information through business registries financial returns is less commonly
disclose beneficial ownership information strengthens confidence in businesses collected and made available to the
publiclythat is, to reveal the identity and institutions, but it also helps to public.
of individuals who ultimately enjoy the manage financial exposure and increase
benefits of property rights in equity, even market stability, thereby reducing the Technological advances have greatly
if they are not legal owners. Disclosure risks associated with doing business. enhanced access to information.
of beneficial ownership is useful in iden- Improving transparency necessitates
There is a strong association between
tifying suspected money laundering and the drafting of laws that expand public a transparent business registry and
potential terrorist financing. access to additional corporate data, such higher efficiency, as well as a lower
as the identities of the company direc- incidence of bribery.
To make ownership more transparent, tors, shareholders and beneficial owners.
Singapore amended its Companies Act
to require locally-incorporated compa- This year, Doing Business has collected
nies and foreign companies registered in preliminary data on the information gath-
Singapore to maintain beneficial owner- ered and shared by business registries in
ship information and to make the data 190 economies. Doing Business collects
public upon request. Ghana amended data on the public availability of both
its Companies Act in 2016 to regulate detailed corporate information (such as
disclosure of information on beneficial company name, directors, shareholders,
ownership. In May 2017 Germanys par- beneficial owners and so on) and the
liament passed a law requiring that the information needed to start a business
owners of all German enterprises (includ- (for example, a documents list, fee
ing offshore entities) be identified in an schedule, services standards and official
electronic beneficial ownership registry. statistics on firm creation). Each type of
Access to corporate information is vital for information obtained without the need
individuals and institutions looking to make for any personal interaction is assigned
sound investment decisions. It is crucial points to reflect greater transparency. The
for investors to know who they are doing features of transparency of information
business with in the global economy. range from 0 (least transparent) to 18

(most transparent). The aim is to capture predictability of transactions, transpar- 2011 alone it is estimated that develop-
new and actionable aspects related to the ency can also benefit financial institu- ing economies suffered nearly $1 trillion
business incorporation framework and to tions and company services providers as in illicit financial outflows.6 Transparent
understand how transparency of informa- it becomes easier for them to obtain the data on company ownership are vital in
tion in business registration varies across information they need to comply effec- combating money laundering, tax evasion,
regions and how it is associated with other tively with due diligence requirements.2 corruption and other illegal activities.
institutional and economic outcomes. Registries with clearly-stipulated
requirements facilitate the process of
registering and verifying information. WHAT KIND OF BUSINESS
HOW IMPORTANT IS There tends to be a culture of greater INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE
TRANSPARENCY IN competition and economic growth in TO THE PUBLIC?
BUSINESS REGISTRIES? economies where it is easier for compa-
nies to enter the market.3 Most business registries share some
As the principal agency responsible for data with the public about the companies
registering firms, business registries allow Transparency of information can broaden registered with them. The types of infor-
companies to acquire a legal identity. This the pool of potential investors by reduc- mation that are most commonly made
legal status enables a firm to enter into ing the need for personal connections. It public by the business registry are the
contracts with other firms, access formal can level the playing field for a budding companys name, legal address, year of
financial systems and bid on public-sector entrepreneur who may lack the necessary incorporation, type of business activity
contracts.1 Business registries play a vital connections to formally launch his or her and the names of its directors.7
role by ensuring that the information they company. By reducing the risk associated
collect from these companies is not only with an investment, transparency can help Information regarding a firms corporate
captured within their systems but is also investors determine the viability of a structure, annual returns and beneficial
available to the public. Sharing information transaction.4 Revealing public informa- ownership is less commonly made
publicly makes it easier to ensure that the tion to curb information asymmetry can available to the public. It is possible
information is accurate. also reduce a firms cost of capital by to access information on a companys
attracting increased demand from large corporate structurethat is, whether it
Business registry transparency can investors (due to increased liquidity of its has subsidiaries or belongs to a holding
increase the accountability of firms securities).5 The financial cost of a lack of companyand its beneficial ownership
and public officials. By improving the data transparency can be significant: in in only a few economies (figure 4.1).

FIGURE 4.1 Data on shareholders and directors are more accessible than data on beneficial owners

Type of information publicly available

(economies per region, %)



















OECD Europe East Asia Middle East Latin America South Sub-Saharan
high income & Central Asia & Pacific & North Africa & Caribbean Asia Africa

Online In person Not available

Source: Doing Business database.


Data on a firms corporate structure, for may prefer not to disclose their annual economies publish most of the informa-
example, is readily available in less than returns or annual accounts. tion collected on their websites.
one-third of economies worldwide.
Furthermore, the identity of a com- The business registry information most
panys beneficial owners is made public HOW IS INFORMATION widely available online includes the name
in fewer than one-quarter of economies MADE AVAILABLE TO THE of the company, its identification number,
globally; only 8% of economies in East PUBLIC? its legal address and the year the com-
Asia and the Pacific and 15% of OECD pany was incorporated. The most basic
high-income economies collect data During the past decade government informationthe company nameis
on beneficial ownership and make it agencies around the world have explored the information most commonly made
publicly available. ways to increase business registry trans- available online. The names of existing
parency. The need for access to corpo- companies are available online in 62%
In general, the types of business regis- rate information in the name of greater of economies covered by Doing Business,
try information made available to the transparency pushed many economies primarily because a company name must
public vary little across economies. to digitize their business registries and be verified before it can be registered as
The names of a companys directors, publish data online. By allowing around- a new business. The business registries
for example, are publicly available the-clock, online access to registry infor- in all OECD high-income economies
in 92% of high-income economies mation, the need for personal visits has offer online company name search. In
covered by Doing Business; this figure been reduced, significantly enhancing contrast, business registries in fewer than
is only slightly lower in low-income the utility of these registries. 10 economies in Sub-Saharan Africa
economies (84%). For other cat- including Nigeria and Rwandaoffer
egories of information, however, public Where company details can be searched this service (figure 4.2). More detailed
access is not equally provided across remotely, information and transaction informationsuch as information on a
economies. In 75% of high-income costs are reduced. Basic information firms shareholders, directors or benefi-
economies, for example, one can ver- underlying potential trade or business cial ownershipis less commonly made
ify the number and type of company dealingsfor example, whether an available online.
shares. This information can be pub- entity has the legal authority to com-
licly accessed at business registries mit to an export contract or whether a Information on a companys directors,
in fewer than half of low-income particular company is in good financial shareholders and beneficial owners is
economies. Similarly, while busi- standingcan be obtained quickly. The particularly important because it allows
nesses annual accounts are avail- majority of the business registries in the both business representatives and pri-
able for public consultation in most economies covered by Doing Business vate individuals to identify the owner-
high-income economies, these are share some company information online. ship of companies with which they may
available in only 10% of low-income Business registries in OECD high-income choose to do business or invest. In some
economies. Registries in many
developing economies either do not FIGURE 4.2 Company name search is mostly done in person in Sub-Saharan Africa
require companies to file annual
accounts with the business registry or OECD high income
provide limited access to businesses
annual accounts. As a result, the Europe & Central Asia

economy may be negatively impacted

South Asia
as poor quality corporate governance
regimes can restrict access to informa- East Asia & Pacific
tion and reduce investment returns.8
Middle East & North Africa

Some kinds of business data are more

Latin America & Caribbean
accessible than others. In general, public
access is greater when the information Sub-Saharan Africa
available is considered less sensitive.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Basic data such as a companys type
Share of economies offering name search, by method (%)
of activity or year of incorporation can
Online In person Not available
be found easily in most economies, but
for business reasons some companies Source: Doing Business database.

regions, however, this information is either FIGURE 4.3 Higher levels of transparency at the business registry are associated with
not available or can only be obtained in higher overall levels of transparency in an economy
person. In South Asia, for example, busi-
ness registries in 75% of economies only Control of corruption estimate
allow information about shareholders to 2.5
be made available in person. In contrast, 2.0
less than 20% of economies in Europe 1.5
and Central Asia require that those seek- 1.0
ing this information appear in person at 0.5
the business registry; in the vast majority
of economies in this region, shareholder -1.0
information can be obtained online. In -1.5
Sub-Saharan Africa, business registries -2.0
in 77% of economies do not make the -2.5
names of registered companies available 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Features of transparency of information
online. In East Asia and the Pacific, one-
third of economies do not publish the
legal address or the names of company
Sources: Doing Business database; Worldwide Governance Indicators (, World Bank.
directors online. This type of information Note: The Worldwide Governance Indicators control of corruption indicator captures perceptions of the extent to which
would allow a company, before doing public power is exercised for private gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as capture of the
state by elites and private interests. Estimate gives the economys score on the aggregate indicator in units of a standard
business with an individual, to verify, for normal distribution, ranging from approximately -2.5 to 2.5, with higher values representing lower corruption perceptions.
example, whether that person is a legiti- The features of transparency of information range from 0 (not transparent) to 18 (transparent). The sample includes 189
economies covered by both Doing Business and the control of corruption estimate (data on control of corruption estimate
mate company representative. not available for San Marino).The relationship is significant at the 1% level after controlling for income per capita.

Even when business registry informa- United Kingdom publish their entire busi-
tion is published online, it is not always ness registry database free of charge.9 HOW IS TRANSPARENCY OF
provided free of charge or made easily The presentation of the information can INFORMATION ASSOCIATED
searchable. In many economies, online also be a barrier. If data are available WITH EFFICIENCY AND
access to company information is only only through record-by-record searches, CORRUPTION?
available after preregistration or the for example, a person must begin their
payment of a subscription fee, limiting search with the company name or iden- Business registries facilitate the opera-
the information to those people who can tification number to access information tion of firms in the formal economy and
pay for it. In contrast, Denmark and the about it. they are often the first public institution

FIGURE 4.4 The time and cost to start a business tend to be lower in economies with higher transparency of information
at the business registry
Cost to start a business (% of GNI per capita) Time to start a business (days)
200 80

150 60

100 40

50 20

0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Features of transparency of information Features of transparency of information

Source: Doing Business database.

Note: The cost of starting a business is recorded as percentage of GNI per capita. The time required to start a business is recorded in calendar days. The features of transparency
of information range from 0 (not transparent) to 18 (transparent). Samples include 185 and 184 economies after the five highest cost estimates and the six highest time
estimates are removed as outliers, respectively. The relationship between the cost of starting a business and the features of transparency of information is significant at the 1%
level after controlling for income per capita. The same applies when the analysis is done using the time to start a business.

with which entrepreneurs interact. This Transparency can be approached from registries), particularly when transpar-
first interaction can have a formative multiple aspects. Beyond providing ency is conveyed on multiple levels (such
impact on the entrepreneurs perception readily available and reliable information as clearly stating business registration
of the efficacy of the public administra- about existing companies, it is important fees and the expected time to receive
tion. Indeed, the level of transparency that entrepreneurs can openly access incorporation documents).
and trust in an economy has been shown information about the requirements to
to be highly correlated with the level establish a business (such as a list of
of transparency of information at the required documents, fee schedules and CONCLUSION
business registry (figure 4.3). When services standards). When public access
business registry information is easily to information on company incorporation The transparency of the information
accessible and can be searched remotely, requirements is limited, it can represent provided by the business registry plays
it can facilitate business transactions by a substantial obstacle to entrepreneurs a vital role in an economy. Transparent
removing unnecessary steps and reduc- who want to start a business. However, business registries reduce information
ing transactions costs. when transparency is a priority for busi- asymmetry among entrepreneurs and
ness registries and all requirements are broaden the pool of potential investors
The level of transparency of information made public, more firms are able to enter by reducing the need for personal con-
at business registries is also associated the formal sector. If anyone can easily nections. Transparency can also raise
with the time and cost to start a business. obtain transparent information before a the accountability of public officials and
Data show that, on average, economies business transaction, it can increase the strengthen trust in public agencies. In
with greater transparency of information ability of companies to conduct proper the past decade, government agencies
tend to have faster and less costly pro- Know-Your-Client procedures, raising the around the world have used technology
cesses for starting a business (figure 4.4). level of trust in transactions and counter- to increase the transparency of public
In economies where official information parts. Easy access to relevant information services. Technology can be utilized by
on how to incorporate a business is not is also correlated with increased transpar- governments to improve transparency of
made readily available, entrepreneurs ency of interactions with public officials. company ownership and the procedures
may have to seek legal advice from third Doing Business data show that economies to start a business. This case study has
parties or visit various government offices with transparent business registries tend shown that the public availability of
to find reliable information. In contrast, to have lower incidences of bribery, both information on company ownership and
when the information is consolidated asked and given (figure 4.5). Transparent starting a business is associated with an
and easily obtained, entrepreneurs can information provides citizens with the increase in an economys overall level of
spend less time and money finding it; data they need to hold their counter- transparency, an increase in the efficiency
they can dedicate more time to running parts accountable and improves trust of business registration and a decrease
their business. in public agencies (including business in bribery.

FIGURE 4.5 Levels of bribery tend to be lower in economies with higher transparency of information at the business registry

Share of people who have been asked to pay a bribe (%) Share of people who paid a bribe (%)
100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Features of transparency of information Features of transparency of information

Sources: Doing Business database; Transparency International database (

Note: The features of the transparency of information range from 0 (not transparent) to 18 (transparent). The samples include 100 and 89 economies covered by both the Doing
Business database and the Transparency International database. The relationships are significant at the 1% level after controlling for income per capita.

This case study was written by Cyriane Coste,
Frederic Meunier, Nadia Novik, Morgann Reeves
and Erick Tjong.
1. ASORLAC, CRF, ECRF and IACA 2016.
2. De Simone and Fagan 2014.
3. Klapper, Laeven and Rajan 2006.
4. Malesky, McCulloch and Duc Nhat 2015.
5. Diamond and Verrecchia 1991.
6. Palstra 2014.
7. Accessibility to 14 types of business
information is included in this case study.
These are the following: name of company,
name of directors, name of shareholders,
name of beneficial owners, articles of
association, year of incorporation, company
identification number, legal address, physical
address, type of activity, annual accounts,
annual returns, capital structure and corporate
structure. In addition, the documents to start a
business, fees, service standards and statistics
are also included.
8. Bradley 2003.
9. Quintanilla and Darbishire 2016.
Doing Business 2018

with Construction Permits
Private sector participation in construction

The world has witnessed an unparalleled expansion of cities in recent decades. The Involving private sector engineers or
urban population of developing economies is projected to double by 2030, while firms in construction regulation is a
the area covered by cities could triple.1 In tandem with this trend, the construction trend that has been gaining traction in
industry is forecast to grow by more than 70%,2 reaching $15 trillion by 2025.3 With economies around the world.
the population of cities rising around the world, municipal authorities are struggling
Some form of private sector participation
to keep up with increased demand for their services. In developing economies,
in construction regulation is employed
in particular, building departments operating under tight budgets and resource
in 93 of the 190 economies covered by
constraints are finding it increasingly difficult to enforce building codes, ensure that
Doing Business.
quality standards are met and adhere to efficient service delivery processing times.
Private sector participation in building
regulatory processes has shown positive
In some economies, local municipalities local governments. Hiring private sector results in achieving regulatory goals.
have partnered with the private sector experts has addressed this critical gap However, the delegation of authority
to supplement their strained capacity to while improving the efficiency of the from the public to the private sector has
oversee construction. However, faster regulatory process. When it solicits the generated significant challenges.
and more efficient services provided by experts of private third-party engineering
third-party inspectors inevitably cost and architectural firms, the public sector Economies that employ some form
taps into specialized skills that enable of private sector involvement in
more. Doing Business data show that the
construction regulation tend to have
need to hire qualified third-party profes- more robust compliance checks. These
more efficient processes and better
sionals on construction projects raises firms play a key role in monitoring the
quality controls. Yet, they also exhibit
the cost of regulatory compliance by enforcement of building regulations and
higher costs and a propensity for
1% on average in lower-middle-income ensuring adherence to adequate stan-
conflicts of interest.
economies and by 1.3% on average in dards of quality control at various stages
upper-middle-income economies. The of construction. The policy choice to integrate private
average cost of regulatory compliance sector entities in construction regulation
in low-income economies without third- Initially pioneered in high-income econo- should be accompanied by appropriate
party involvement is 7.8% lower; the miessuch as Australia, Japan and the safeguards that favor the public interest
tradeoff is that it takes longer than in United Kingdomthe trend toward over private profits.
those with third-party involvement. involving private third-party engineers
or specialized construction firms in
The use of independent, private-sector public service delivery has been gradually
entities in construction regulation has gaining traction in lower-middle-income
provided a conduit for the increased and upper-middle-income economies.
participation of the private sector in the Modern construction systems increas-
regulatory process andwhen appropri- ingly involve licensed or approved private
ate safeguards are in placehas offered engineers or firms, often enabled by the
an innovative way of addressing regula- municipality and local enforcement agen-
tory gaps. Low compensation for public cies, to fulfill a building control function.
sector regulators has resulted in a scar- Indeed, data show that 93 out of the 190
city of qualified building professionals in economies covered by Doing Business use

some form of private third-party service in FIGURE 5.1 Private third-party services are more commonly used in construction
construction regulation. Of high-income regulation in high-income and upper-middle-income economies
and upper-middle-income economies,
Share of economies using private third-party
66.1% and 56.9%, respectively, use third- services in construction regulation (%)
party services in construction regulation, 70
while 37.7% of lower-middle-income
economies use third-party services.
In contrast, only 25% of low-income 50
economies make use of private third-
party services in construction regulation 40
(figure 5.1).


High income Upper middle income Lower middle income Low income
Over the past two decades, several mod-
els of private sector participation in build- Source: Doing Business database.
ing regulatory processes have emerged
in economies around the world. Private
participation in construction regimes can low-income economies. Under this legal building inspections during project execu-
range from a very limited role for the pri- framework, only buildings deemed safe tion, as is the case in 92% of economies
vate sectorsuch as in the Arab Republic by independent third-party entities can with private participation mechanisms.
of Egypt, where the Syndicate of Licensed be insured by an insurance company. Of these economies, 61% engage private
Engineers merely certifies the qualifica- entities in reviewing building plans, 54%
tions of the supervising engineerto The degree to which the private sector in conducting final inspections upon the
a more comprehensive role where a is engaged in regulatory activities varies completion of construction and 33% in
private firm has complete authority over significantly across economies (figure conducting risk assessments of projects.
the entire processsuch as in Australia, 5.2). However, the primary function of Nonetheless, the issuance of building and
where private building surveyors directly private third-party entities involved in occupancy permits remains largely under
oversee building design, control and construction regulation tends to focus on the purview of local authorities with only
inspection. In the United Kingdom,
builders are given the option of either
working with an approved private FIGURE 5.2 Almost all economies employing private-sector regulatory support allow
inspector or completing the required third-party inspections during construction
procedures with the public authorities. Share of economies allowing
specified third-party service (%)
In other economies, such as France and
the Republic of Congo, building controls
are associated with an insurance-driven 90

regulatory regime in which insurance and 80

warranty firms engage private inspection 70
firms in third-party reviews. While these 60
two economies share the same insur- 50
ance regime, there is a large disparity in
terms of their performance on the qual-
ity control index, where France scores
significantly higher than the Republic 20

of Congo. At least two parties are held 10

liable for any construction failure for a 0
period of 10 years in 32% of high-income Inspect during Review plans Conduct final Assess risks Issue building Issue occupancy
construction inspection permit permit
economies allowing third-party involve-
ment, but this figure falls to just 9% for Source: Doing Business database.

9% of economies delegating these regula- compared with just 40% before June in regulatory cost (figure 5.4). Even the
tory roles to the private sector. 2000. By establishing a successful regu- Netherlandsone of the few EU econo-
latory system that relies on third-party mies that has maintained exclusive public
checks, Japan increased its capacity to enforcement of building regulation
BENEFITS OF THIRD- detect deficiencies in building design and is now preparing to shift toward a more
PARTY INVOLVEMENT construction, offering timely and appro- hybrid system of enforcement involving
IN CONSTRUCTION priate remedies. Private third-party firms private third-party mechanisms.
REGULATION now play an instrumental and dominant
role in inspection works (figure 5.3). Introducing private third-party involve-
Economies can reap numerous ben- ment in construction regimes can also
efits when private sector involvement is Similarly, to improve the energy effi- expand regulatory capacity through
carefully implemented within a coher- ciency of its large stock of new buildings, efficiency gains. The use of private sec-
ent regulatory framework. In most EU in 2005 the Chinese government intro- tor third-party services allows for the
economies, there has been a complete duced an innovative private third-party flexibility to hire specialized expertise
shift from public to private governance mechanism to carry out compliance that is usually scarce in local municipal
mechanisms in building regulation, checks of green building code provi- governments, particularly in low- and
reflecting a desire to improve the quality sions, effectively tapping a vast and middle-income economies. Local govern-
of regulation, reduce the administrative readily-available pool of private sector ments are often subject to hiring restric-
burden for applicants and support a expertise. Five years after the reform, tions and operate with less competitive
greater focus on risk mitigation.4 compliance rates with regulatory pay scales that limit their capacity to hire
requirements had effectively doubled.6 well-qualified staff or contain the high
Public-private collaboration on con- level of staff turnover. These limitations
struction regulation has shown positive The former Yugoslav Republic of are usually compounded by a wide range
results including improved compliance Macedonia initiated sweeping construc- of factors, including inadequate local tax
with building regulations, more rigorous tion reforms in 2007/08 mandating bases to fund service delivery, limited
quality control throughout the project the use of private engineers licensed by transfers from national governments and
lifecycle and better processing efficiency. the Chamber of Engineers to undertake institutional capacity constraints.
Doing Business data show that private independent building plan reviews. Since
third-party involvement is associated then, FYR Macedonia has seen significant Doing Business data show that the
with better building quality in construc- improvements in the efficiency of con- process of dealing with construction
tion as measured by the building quality struction regulation as measured by Doing permits tends to be faster in economies
control index.5 Private sector involvement Business. The tradeoff has been an increase with private participation in construction
in construction regulation can support
the enforcement of building codes and
other applicable regulations. It effectively FIGURE 5.3 Private third-party inspection firms have become instrumental players
promotes compliance with the existing in Japan
legal framework, particularly in economies Share of inspections (%)
where clear, transparent rules and specific 100

technical instructions are prescribed. 90

Economies that integrated the private 70
sector into regulatory functions decades
ago have seen notable improvements
in building quality control. Japan, for
example, suffers from an extremely high
exposure to natural hazards such as 30

typhoons and earthquakes. The authori- 20

ties reformed building regulations in 1998 10
by introducing private third-party servic- 0
es to significantly expand its capacity to 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
carry out building inspections. By doing Public inspections Private inspections
so, it managed to increase the rate of final
inspections to more than 90% in 2016 Source: Japan, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism database (

FIGURE 5.4 FYR Macedonia reduced the number of procedures and time it takes to of transparency and accountability.
build a warehouse following the introduction of private third-party building plan review The delegation of such a key regulatory
mandate to the private sector should
Procedures (number)
Time (days)
always be coupled with strict oversight
Cost (% of warehouse value)
safeguards designed to hold public
25 300
interest above private profits.
Reform 250
20 implementation
For the private sector to successfully
200 assume such an important regulatory
15 role, a robust vetting system should be in
150 place. Private third-party entities carrying
10 out controls on construction are entrust-
100 ed to promote compliance with building
codes and regulations and enforce
50 rigorous safeguards in favor of the public
interest. For such an arrangement to work
0 0 as intended, the public sector should
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
regulate private third-party professionals
Procedures Cost Time and firms. Public sector agencies do so
by enforcing professional certification
Source: Doing Business database. criteria that render individuals and firms
eligible to take on a regulatory mandate.
regulation. High-income economies gains in efficiency. The planning office in Insufficient qualifications of private
employing private sector regulatory sup- Bogot, Colombia, for example, reduced individuals or firms would undermine the
port experience time savings of up to 60 the average time needed to process a objective of such a regulatory mechanism
days on average compared to economies construction permit from three years in as the quality of service provided by
that do not rely on third-party participa- 1995 to 73 days in 2012 after it began these professionals would fail to meet the
tion. Private sector involvement in build- using private professionals to carry out required standards of safety.
ing control activities has the potential to plan reviews and issue building permits.
promote administrative efficiency, which Given the successful integration of third- Economies with third-party involvement
in turn results in favorable economic out- party professionals in building control in regulatory functions often adopt specif-
comes. A study of the economic impact activities, the authorities are now con- ic standards of eligibility for private sector
of expediting permit processing reveals sidering extending the use of specialized entities to be able to fulfill such a critical
that improving administrative efficiency engineers to building inspections, which regulatory role. These standards typically
results in a 16.5% increase in property tax remain under the jurisdiction of local include a minimum number of years of
collection, a 5.7% increase in construc- public officials. professional experience, certification by
tion spending and a 0.6% increase in a recognized professional body and proof
the rate of financial return for the inves- of performance on previous contracts.
tor.7 In contrast, regulatory delays could CHALLENGES OF THIRD- When private certification requirements
undermine the profitability of building PARTY INVOLVEMENT were not properly implemented in New
projects,8 adding a financial burden that IN CONSTRUCTION Zealand in the 1990s, the authorities
amounts to 5% of total construction REGULATION quickly abandoned the shift to private
costs incurred by developers9 and reduc- sector building controls and reverted to
ing the likelihood of further investment. Models of private sector participation the traditional public sector regulatory
in construction regimes vary. While role. New Zealands attempt to adopt
Economies with the least efficient con- third-party involvement in construction third-party inspections failed due to the
struction permitting procedures have regulation can facilitate doing business lack of strong regulatory safeguards. This
enforcement systems that rely exclusive- in the construction industry by reduc- resulted in the leaky building syndrome.
ly on public authorities. Conversely, some ing the burden on local authorities, it In 2008, the cost to repair 42,000 leaky
economies that have transitioned from a comes with tradeoffsincluding higher buildings was estimated around 11.3 bil-
public approach to a more open system construction costs. Privatization of lion New Zealand dollars (approximately
involving partnerships with the private public services should be implemented $8.3 billion).10 Third-party involvement
sector have experienced significant carefully, with due regard to standards in construction regulation holds the

promise of improving the regula- requirements. This may entail the acceptable levels by enforcing fee
tory framework, but it could also result introduction of oversight mechanisms, a schedules (within suggested industry
in unintended adverse consequences if liability and insurance regime and a disci- guidelines) or by requiring fewer external
inadequately implemented. Although plinary framework that accompanies the professionals to be engaged by investors
22.2% of high-income economies with transfer of regulatory authority from pub- or local construction companies. In
third-party involvement covered by Doing lic officials to third-party entities as part the Republic of Korea, for example, an
Business have standard eligibility require- of an essential quality assurance mecha- independent third-party may not charge
mentsincluding number of years of nism of third-party providers. China, more than 1.29% of the estimated
experience, a university degree and proof for example, directed the Ministry of construction cost, in accordance with
of performance on similar projectsonly Housing and Urban-Rural Development the Regulation for Scope of Architect
3.3% of low-income economies require to certify private third-party companies Services and Fee Standard. In other
these standard qualifications. to carry out compliance checks of green economies, the local building authority
building code provisions. The ministry either conducts all construction over-
Certifying agencies are mandated with maintains a comprehensive online public sight or absorbs the cost of engaging
monitoring the enforcement of profes- database that contains information on external third-party professionals in the
sional standards. Government agencies certified third-party firms. It requires the process through outsourcing. In South
represent the largest share of certifying management of construction inspection Africa, local authorities can temporar-
bodies (68.5%) in those economies companies to maintain accountability ily appoint external building inspectors
covered by Doing Business, followed and quality of service, enforcing penalties to conduct inspections on behalf of the
by the national order of engineers when violations are discovered by regular local authority.
(19.6%) and other independent bodies inspections of third-party firms.
(13%) (table 5.1). In the United States,
professional certification for third-party When the regulatory framework clearly CONCLUSION
services is provided by the International defines the roles and responsibilities of
Code Council (ICC), a non-governmen- private service providers, third-party Sound construction regulation can save
tal organization. Japan and China, by entities are aware of their rights and human lives, improve health and safety
contrast, host this important function obligations under the law and can and support a prosperous and sustain-
under central ministerial authorities.11 exercise their authority within a legally able building sector and economy.12 It
The United Kingdom has mandated transparent environment. Furthermore, can help facilitate doing business by
an independent organizationthe accountability provisions governing safeguarding lucrative investments,
Construction Industry Councilto conflicts of interest should be put in strengthening property rights and pro-
administer the registration system for place to minimize their incidence and tecting the public from faulty building
Approved Inspectors (AIs). promote unbiased and independent practices. Private sector involvement in
regulatory control. Regulations in 76% the enforcement of building regulations
Having strict qualification standards in of economies that make use of third- has shown positive results in achieving
place is an essential and necessary ele- party inspectors explicitly require the regulatory goals.13 However, several
ment of a third-party regulatory regime, independence of third-party inspectors; challenges should be addressed before
but this alone is insufficient to ensure they should have no financial interests in a policy of private sector involvement in
that qualified professionals are delivering the project and should not be related to construction regulation is pursued. The
a satisfactory service. Special attention the investor or builder. transfer of authority from the public
should be given to the effective enforce- to the private sphere could undermine
ment of these professional certification Without strong liability and insurance the public interest. Public-private
regimes and rigorous professional certifi- collaboration in building regulation
cation mechanisms, third-party involve- has delivered successful results when
TABLE 5.1 Distribution of certifying ment in construction regulation can authorities have enforced strict quali-
bodies for third-party entities involved
become inefficient or fail to ensure high fication requirements, effective over-
in construction regulation
quality building standards. Moreover, sight mechanisms and provisions on
Certification agency for third- Number of builders could incur the high costs that conflicts of interest, among other fun-
party entities in construction economies
often accompany private-sector regula- damental safeguards. A wealth of peer
Government 63
tory control without fully benefiting experience accumulated over the past
Order of architects or engineers 18 from the advantages that this control 20 years is now available to economies
Other independent body 12 is intended to offer. Some economies considering integrating third-party
Source: Doing Business database. regulate the cost of such services to entities in construction regulation.

This case study was written by Baria Nabil Daye,
Marie Lily Delion, Imane Fahli, Thomas Moullier,
Keiko Sakoda, Jayashree Srinivasan and Yelizaveta
1. UN-Habitat 2016.
2. Moullier 2013.
3. Global Construction Perspectives and Oxford
Economics 2013.
4. Meijer and Visscher 2005.
5. For more on the building quality control index,
see the data notes.
6. As reported by the American Council for an
Energy-Efficient Economy.
7. PricewaterhouseCoopers 2005.
8. Wrenn and Irwin 2015.
9. Hsueh 2010.
10. Lovegrove 2016.
11. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport
and Tourism (MLIT) in Japan and the Ministry
of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
(MoHURD) in China.
12. Van der Heijden 2009.
13. Moullier 2017.
Doing Business 2018

Using information to curb corruption

Transparency is a key element of the quality of land administration systems. Transparency of information provided
Transparency eliminates asymmetrical information between users and officials by land administration systems can
with respect to services provided by the land administration, thereby increasing reduce transaction costs and facilitate
the efficiency of the real estate market. Transparent systems also strengthen investment in immovable property.
public confidence in governments and facilitate substantial reductions in the cost
In economies where information
of doing business.
on fee schedules and documentary
requirements is easily available,
the process of completing property
In 2013 Transparency International As a component of its registering
transfers tends to be more efficient.
reported that one in five users of land property indicator set, Doing Business
services globally claimed to have paid a has measured the transparency of land Since 2013, 25 economies have
bribe for services such as registering a administration systems for the past four become more transparent by launching
land title or obtaining updated property years.3 This research has focused on websites, publishing fee schedules,
ownership information. The prevalence whether information concerning the own- setting time limits and implementing
of bribery in the land sector creates ership and physical location of a property specific complaint mechanisms.
a substantial informal cost for those is public, whether essential information
trying to register or transfer land. For on the property transfer process is made In 51 economies, the only way to
those unable to afford illegal payments, obtain information about documentary
accessible, if there is an independent
requirements for property registration
it can also reduce access to land admin- and specific complaint mechanism to
is by having an in-person interaction
istration services, hindering property respond to issues raised by land registry
with a public official.
registration and increasing land tenure users and whether statistics on property
informality. In addition to bribes, cor- transfers in the largest business city of an Property-specific and independent
ruption can take the form of land record economy are published.4 complaint mechanisms are not
fraud or alteration, land document forg- common around the globe, indicating
ery and multiple allocations of the same Since 2013, 25 economies have improved an area for improvement to increase
plot of land. Officials may also leverage transparency by launching websites, transparency.
their position to benefit from parties publishing fee schedules, setting time
with an interest in acquiring, disposing limits and implementing specific com- A transparent land administration
of and developing land.1 plaint mechanisms. Senegal introduced system reduces opportunities for
a comprehensive website for its land corruption.
Integral components of a transparent administration system, which includes a
and efficient land administration system list of procedures, required documents,
include easy access to clear and credible service standards and official fees to
information on property ownership, open complete any property transaction.5
public access to information on proce- Similarly, Qatar and Guyana have
dures and fees for public services as well as increased transparency in their land
active public dissemination of regulations administration systems by expanding
affecting land rights. These measures can web-based land administration portals
reduce corruption and increase account- to include dedicated and comprehensive
ability of land administration authorities.2 sections on the services provided.6, 7

The documentary requirements for land transfer of ownershipshould be clearly

ACCESS TO INFORMATION registration should also be made available specified, including the timeframes for
DURING DUE DILIGENCE to the public. Parties involved in a property their completion. This allows the public
transaction can streamline their interac- to know beforehand what level of service
Information on the property, the parties tions with the agency in charge of prop- they can expect to receive, how much
and the transfer process is fundamental erty registration if they know beforehand it will cost and how long it will take.
for a property transaction to occur. what documents they will be required Moreover, by providing clear public guide-
Buyers and sellers will only be able to to submit. This greatly reduces the risk lines, governments set the standard for
make informed decisions when this infor- of unforeseen delays or obstacles to accountability of services offered by their
mation is widely available, either at a low submitting a property transferincluding land administration systems. Land registry
cost or free of charge. The parties should the incidence of informal payments. services that lack established timeframes
know the costs, required documents and When the list of required documents for completion can foster corruption in the
the expected duration of the transfer pro- is public and complete, for example, form of bribes. An official might purposely
cess before the transaction takes place. the likelihood that the parties would be delay registration, for example, to encour-
Although these conditions are necessary requested to come back with additional age clients to make facilitation payments
for a sound land administration, whether documents is reduced, expediting the to accelerate the process. Furthermore, in
an agency can deliver its services with registration process. the absence of enforced time limits, land
efficiency and accountability depends on registry users are unable to monitor the
other variables such as the capacity and Transparency of documentary require- status of their transactions.
reliability of its infrastructure. ments may also simplify a transaction by
potentially reducing the need to resort Service standards at land registries are
Around the world, 158 economies publish to third-party professionals to prepare a rare. Land registry users are not aware
fee schedules for services offered at the property transfer application (figure 6.1). In of any specific time limits promulgated
land registry. If a fee schedule is public, 51 economies, the only way to obtain infor- by law in 122 economies covered by
it is also likely to be available online. In mation about documentary requirements Doing Business. In addition, economies
131 economies, this information can be for property registration is by having an that do not establish service standards,
accessed through a dedicated website. in-person interaction with a public official. such as specific time limits, tend to com-
Although the use of online platforms is In Zambia, for example, where the list of plete property transfers less efficiently
common in high-income economies required documents is not publicly avail- (figure 6.2).
where 80% publish fees on websites able, a lawyer is hired to complete most of
only a third of low-income economies have the property transfer steps for a commer- The Land Revenues Office charter,
such portals. One example is Zimbabwe. cial warehouse, costing an entrepreneur an published in June 2013 by Nepals
In 2016, the economy launched an official additional 2.5% of the property value. Department of Land Reform and
website that includes a list of documents Management, provides a good example
and fees required to complete a land To promote full transparency, in addi- of how to set effective time limits. The
transaction, as well as a specific time tion to document and fee schedules, all charter contains a comprehensive list of
frame for delivering legally-binding docu- services provided by land registriessuch services provided by the Land Revenue
ments proving property ownership. as title search, ownership certificate or Office, the list of documents needed to

FIGURE 6.1 Transparency in land systems can bring efficiency gains

Average cost to transfer property (% of property value) Average time to transfer property (days)
8 100
5 60
3 40

0 0
Documentary requirements Documentary requirements Documentary requirements Documentary requirements
not publicly available publicly available not publicly available publicly available

Source: Doing Business database.


FIGURE 6.2 Economies that publish effective time limits tend to be more efficient in kept in the land registry. In those econo-
completing property transfers mies, parties must hire an authorized pro-
fessional to obtain ownership information,
Average time to complete property transfer (days)
making the process more burdensome.
In both cases, the agency in charge of
60 registering immovable property can reject
applications to access and retrieve owner-
ship information on a discretionary basis.
40 Public access should be embedded in land
administration systems.

20 Among the economies covered by Doing

10 Business, more than 70% of upper-middle
-income and high-income economies
make information on property ownership
Economies without service standards Economies with service standards
available to the public, whether for a nomi-
nal fee or free of charge. By contrast, only
Source: Doing Business database. 50% of low-income economies open their
records on land ownership to the public.
complete each service, the applicable its owners or creditorshelps to elimi- Globally, information about land owner-
fees and the effective deadline within nate uncertainty over property rights ship is restricted to intermediaries and
which the agency commits to deliver spe- or obligations that may encumber the interested parties in 31% of economies.
cific services. Similarly, the government property. In the absence of any public In 27 out of 190 economiesincluding
of Thailand established a one-day service records or any related rights to a prop- Chile, Poland and the United Statesthis
standard to register property transac- erty, the transaction costs can become information is freely available (figure 6.3).
tions. To comply with this commitment, overwhelming, risking that ownership
the number of staff is determined based becomes untraceable. Because cadastral maps do not usually
on the average number of transactions, contain any personal information about
preventing delays.8 In 127 of the 190 economies covered by the property owner, privacy concerns do
Doing Business, the information recorded not typically impact mapping agencies.
by the land registry is openly available to However, the number of economies
ACCESS TO INFORMATION the public. In the remaining economies, offering open access to maps is similar to
DURING A PROPERTY mainly because of privacy concerns, only the ones with open ownership informa-
TRANSACTION owners or third parties who prove legiti- tion.10 Overall, among the economies
mate interest can access the information covered by Doing Business, 33% do not
Land administration is defined by the
United Nations Economic Commission
FIGURE 6.3 Citizens in low-income economies have limited access to land
for Europe (UNECE) as the processes of
ownership information
determining, recording and disseminat-
ing information about the ownership, Share of economies by type of access to land records (%)
value and use of land when implementing 60
land management policies.9 One of the 50
major roles of a land registry is to make
land transactions public. By doing so,
it safeguards the interests of all parties 30

involved in sales or leases. 20

When parties engage in a prop-
erty transaction, it is essential that 0
Anyone who pays Freely accessible Only intermediaries Records not publicly
they obtain legally reliable information official fee to public and interested parties available

regarding the actual property involved Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income
in the transaction. The availability of
information on the propertyas well as Source: Doing Business database.

make information on land boundaries (figure 6.4). Globally, 22 economies offer Ombudsman, an official responsible for
publicly available. Sweden, on the other complaint mechanisms in their cadastre following up on all complaints, whose duty
hand, has an online system allowing or mapping agency. Doing Business data is to report to the lands ministry as well as
anyone to freely access property owner- suggest that this is one of the areas the client within 30 days.
ship information and maps dating back with the most room for improvement
400 years.11 worldwide. Governments can keep their stakeholders
engaged by collecting and publishing sta-
An independent and specific complaint tistics on land transactions. Transaction
ACCESS TO INFORMATION mechanism is important in the fight statistics benefit regulators as well as the
AFTER COMPLETION OF A against corruption. A study by Transparency real estate sector, serving as a data analy-
PROPERTY TRANSACTION International conducted in Burundi, Kenya, sis tool for policy makers to monitor the
Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda found that real estate market. Currently, 122 econo-
After property transactions are com- about 90% of respondents that encoun- mies covered by Doing Business publish
pleted, it is important to provide citizens tered a bribery incident did not report it statistics on land transactions. In Japan,
with a safe environment where they or make a complaint to any authority or for example, data on land transactions are
can register complaints. Unlike courts, official; the reasons differed from econ- published monthly at the municipal level.
an informal structure allows users to omy to economy. In Kenya, most of the In the United Arab Emirates, numbers on
be more forthcoming about possible respondents indicated that they did not land transactions in Dubai are compiled
abuses, relieving the courts of additional know where to report the incident, while daily and published on the land registrys
cases. In addition to allowing citizens in Tanzania most felt that no action would web portal.
to contribute to a better business envi- be taken to resolve their complaint.13
ronment, an independent and specific As of June 2017 it was possible to file a
mechanism for filing complaints would complaint online in only 19 economies REDUCING OPPORTUNITIES
also help governments to track issues covered by Doing Business. The Singapore FOR CORRUPTION THROUGH
and respond accordingly.12 Land Authority recently introduced a web TRANSPARENCY
portal to file complaints about any issues
Such complaint mechanisms promote related to their services. The Swedish Transparency in a land administration
three desired outcomes. First, the rights Land and Cadastral Authority introduced system provides a defense against
of citizens are safeguarded against any a new mechanism for filing complaints bribes intended to expedite the process
sub-standard servicewhether by mis- regarding errors identified on maps of land of registering property, changing a title,
take or faultprovided by the land reg- plots.14 Similarly, Guatemala and Vanuatu acquiring information on land or pro-
istry. Consequently, citizens can expect have successfully implemented alternative cessing cadastral surveys. Corruption in
the land registry to provide services in offline solutions. In Guatemala, an agency land administration can result in fraudu-
accordance with the applicable rules and within the public ministry investigates lent land transfers, undermine public
service guidelines. Second, citizens can claims related to the land registry. In confidence in existing land rights while
have more confidence in a land tenure 2014 Vanuatu appointed the first Lands reducing investment and formal land
governance system where information
is transparent and the officials providing
land transfer services are held account- FIGURE 6.4 Most economies do not provide an independent and specific complaint
able for their actions. Third, candid feed- mechanism for land registry issues
back can help improve the administrative
Share of economies with land registry complaint mechanism (%)
tasks performed by the land registry, 25
resulting in a higher quality of service.
Only 24 economies measured by Doing
Business have established complaint
mechanisms that improve the overall 10
quality of land registries; half of these
(12) are OECD high-income economies
or East Asia and the Pacific economies. 0
Such complaint mechanisms are not in East Asia OECD high Latin America Europe & Sub-Saharan Middle East South Asia
& Pacific income & Caribbean Central Asia Africa & North Africa
place in any of the economies of South
Asia or the Middle East and North Africa
Source: Doing Business database.

registration.15 Such corrupt behaviors FIGURE 6.5 A more transparent land administration system is associated with a
spur inefficient land ownership, with lower incidence of bribery at the land registry
land being owned by those most able to
Reported incidence of bribery at land registry (%)
participate in corrupt activities.16

Furthermore, corruption and abuse of 25

power can hinder the development of the 20

real estate market. It can have adverse 15
consequences on the business climate
and economic activities by increasing the
costs of doing business, thus undermin- 5
ing private sector confidence. High costs, 0
together with inefficient procedures 00.9 11.9 22.9 33.9 44.9 56
Score on transparency of information index (06)
discourage people from registering land
transactions, steering them instead into Sources: Doing Business database; Transparency International data (
Note: The analysis is based on data collected for the 95 economies covered in 2013/14 by both Doing Business
the informal land market. Corruption and Transparency Internationals Global Corruption Barometer 2013. The relationship is significant at the 1% level
in land management can have a direct after controlling for income per capita.

negative impact on business operations.

confidence in them. Having well-defined 12. The registering property indicator set only
considers dispute resolution mechanisms that
To be successfully deployed, full-fledged rules and standardsin addition to a safe
(i) have been designed specifically to cover
land reforms are time-consuming, costly, environment to censure wrongdoingis the services provided by the agency in charge
demanding an immense effort from gov- essential to ensure quality and efficiency of land registration and (ii) are managed by
a body that is independent from the agency
ernments and stakeholders. But a trans- in the administration of land tenure rights.
in charge. These requirements are essential
parent land administration systemone in constituting an efficient, fair and legitimate
in which all land-related information is governance system over land tenure rights.
13. Transparency International 2014.
publicly available, all procedures regarding NOTES 14. For more on Swedens mechanism for filing
property transactions are clearly docu- complaints regarding errors identified on maps
mented and information on fees for public This case study was written by Yuriy Valentinovich of land plots, see
Avramov, Albert Nogus i Comas, Laura Diniz, 15. Transparency International 2013.
services is easy to accessminimizes
Brendan Meighan, Esperanza Pastor Nunes and 16. Sreide and Williams 2014.
the opportunities for informal payments Geyi Zheng. 17. Peisakhin 2012; Rose-Ackerman 2004.
and abuses of the system. Indeed, cross- 1. Kakai 2012; Obala and Mattingly 2014.
country data show that the greater the 2. Zakout, Wehrmann and Trhnen 2006.
quality and transparency of a land admin- 3. For more information on the transparency of
information index, see the data notes.
istration system, the lower the incidence 4. In 11 economies with a population of more
of bribery at the land registry (figure 6.5). than 100 million as of 2013, Doing Business
also collects data for the second largest
business city.
5. For more on Senegals land administration
CONCLUSION system, see http://www.impotsetdomaines
Transparency is one of the most impor- 6. For more on Qatars web portal, see https://
tant tools for combating corruptionit is
the basic pillar of enhancing the quality 7. For more on Guyanas efforts to increase
transparency in land administration, see
of land administration.17 Moreover, rather
than serving as a complementary tool, -how-to-get-property/.
transparency should be considered as 8. Zakout, Wehrmann and Trhnen 2006.
9. UNECE 1996.
a key component when designing land 10. According to Doing Business data, 129
policies. It is crucial that citizens have economies provide for open access to maps
complete access to official land informa- recorded at the agency in charge of surveying
privately held land plots, while 127 economies
tion, regulations and applicable fees. By provide for open access to ownership
establishing mechanisms that shield information recorded at the land registry.
citizens from informal payments or other 11. For more information on Swedens mapping,
cadastral and land registration authority, see
abuses, governments not only strengthen
institutions but also increase the publics
Doing Business 2018

The challenges of successfully implementing
insolvency reforms

Since 2013/14, 19 economies have Access to finance is key to the development of the private sector. Lenders need tools to
introduced reorganization procedures assess not only the risk of non-repayment but also what happens if a debtor cannot repay
and another nine economies have debts as they mature. A good insolvency frameworkone with clear rules, that efficiently
improved their existing procedures. rehabilitates viable companies and liquidates non-viable onesprovides entrepreneurs
However, making them workable in and lenders with tools to evaluate the consequences of a worst-case scenario.
practice can be challenging.

France introduced a restructuring

Existing literature shows that legal pro- may decrease the failure rate of insolvent
procedurethe procdure de
tection of creditors and efficient enforce- firms. Research on the 1999 Colombian
sauvegarde (safeguard procedure)
ment are conducive to larger and more bankruptcy reform shows that by reducing
in 2005 to enable debtors to prevent
economic and financial difficulties. developed capital markets and that there reorganization costs through, for example,
Today, the procedure facilitates is a link between insolvency reforms and streamlining the reorganization process
business survival in three out of four access to credit.1 The specific features of and establishing mandatory deadlines on
initiated cases. an economys insolvency regime and its the length of proceedings, the new law
enforcement are important aspects for enabled viable companies to reorganize
Slovenia brought its legal framework the legal protection of creditors. Several and inefficient ones to liquidate (this was
closer to international good studies show that reforms strengthening not possible before the reform).6
practices in 2013. Greater access to the insolvency framework may reduce the
the reorganization procedures for cost of credit, increase the level of credit Doing Business tracks insolvency reforms
creditors has been accompanied by and lower interest rates on large loans.2 A across 190 economies. Since Doing
an impressive survival rate of viable study on the 2005 Brazilian bankruptcy Business 2005, 110 economies have
companies. reform found a reduction in the cost of introduced 205 changes aimed at facili-
debt together with a significant increase tating the efficient resolution of corporate
Although it took some time for
stakeholders in Thailand to get in the amount of total and long-term insolvency. This case study uses the
accustomed to reorganization debt.3 A more recent study found that the specific examples of France, Slovenia and
procedures, filings at the Central same reform led to an increase in secured Thailand to illustrate successful insol-
Bankruptcy Court increased steadily loans, as well as an increase in invest- vency reforms that can inspire similar
from 1% of total insolvency cases in ment and value of output in the years efforts elsewhere.
2011 to almost 9% in 2016. after the reform in Brazilian municipali-
ties with less-congested courts.4 Another
study shows that, across a sample of HOW HAVE ECONOMIES
Organisation for Economic Co-operation REFORMED THEIR
and Development (OECD) countries, INSOLVENCY SYSTEMS?
efficient bankruptcy procedures are asso-
ciated with a higher proportion of new Insolvency laws have traditionally focused
bank loans to large firms.5 on enabling the swift liquidation of
insolvent companies while organizing the
Other studies show that insolvency repayment of creditors. The focus of mod-
reforms that introduce or promote reorga- ern insolvency regimes has been to offer
nization procedures through the adoption restructuring tools to companies that are
of several international good practices economically viable but face temporary

financial distress in order to maintain the selected for this case study because they Many companies, however, still ended up
business activity. Recent reform efforts implemented insolvency reforms that stopping operations and being liquidated,
around the world have introduced this brought them closer to internationally mainly because they began the reorgani-
modern feature to insolvency frameworks -recognized good practicesparticularly zation process when their financial situa-
while also allowing the speedy liquidation through the introduction and improve- tion was already severely compromised.
of nonviable businesses. ment of restructuring procedures (table In response, the government amended
7.1). There is also a significant amount the insolvency law in 2005 to focus on
In 2013/14, the resolving insolvency indica- of information available on the evolu- preventing firms economic and financial
tors started measuring whether insolvency tion of court procedures following these difficulties. A new restructuring toolthe
laws complied with certain international reforms. Business reorganization has procdure de sauvegarde (safeguard proce-
standards, including access to reorganiza- become an increasingly utilized option dure)was introduced. It allowed debt-
tion proceedings for debtors and creditors. for viable firms in financial distress in all ors that are facing difficulties (but which
Since then, the most common type of three countries. have not yet ceased payments) to apply
reform recorded by the indicators has for court protection while they negotiate
been the introduction of or improvements The case of France a restructuring plan with creditors.
to reorganization procedures. During this Since the 1980s France has regularly
period, 19 economies introduced reorgani- assessed and updated its insolvency Contrary to initial expectations, the safe-
zation procedures and another nine econo- legal framework to encourage business guard procedure was not widely used.
mies improved their existing procedures.7 rescue. In the mid-1980swhen the When the procedure became available
number of firms declaring bankruptcy for the first time in 2006, only 509 safe-
Providing creditors with greater access to doubled compared to the previous guard applications were filed (compared
and participation in insolvency proceedings decadeliquidation was the only to 16,046 judicial reorganizations and
has been another common area of reform. option available to companies in finan- 31,045 judicial liquidations).8 One reason
Economies including Cyprus, Jamaica, cial distress. The number of business was that the criteria required to initiate
Kazakhstan, Mexico, Mozambique, St. liquidations rose from 11,000 in 1970 the safeguard procedure were too strict.
Vincent and the Grenadines, Switzerland to 25,000 in 1984. Members of the Debtors had to demonstrate that they
and Uganda have implemented reforms in legislature realized that some of these were facing difficulties that would result
this direction. Enabling creditors meaning- companies could have been saved had in insolvency, which was challenging.
ful participation in the process can make they been given the tools to restructure. Another reason was that the law did not
them more cooperative and less litigious, The legislature subsequently adopted clearly stipulate which partythe com-
and it can result in shorter proceedings. three laws in 1985 with the objective of pany managers or the court-appointed
saving viable businesses. A reorganiza- administratorwas responsible for the
Many factors, however, can make it tion procedure, open to debtors in ces- preparation of the safeguard plan, an
challenging to implement insolvency sation of payments that had a prospect issue which could deter managers from
reforms. Doing so requires not only the of survival, was introduced. starting the proceedings.
adoption of an insolvency law or amend-
ments to existing legislation but also TABLE 7.1 France, Slovenia and Thailand successfully implemented insolvency
changes to regulation to make the law reforms
workable in practice. An insolvency law
Country Motivation Reform content Outcome
often requires setting up new structures
France High number of bankruptcy Starting in 1985, introduced Increased number of
under the regulatory framework such cases; no possibility for restructuring procedures with focus initiated and successful
as, for example, a professional body companies to reorganize on preventing firms economic and reorganization cases
prior to the reform financial difficulties
of insolvency administrators. Successful
implementation also requires the buy-in Slovenia High number of insolvent Starting in 2008, introduced Increased number of
companies as a result of the preventive restructuring procedure initiated and successful
and active participation of the judiciary. 2008 global financial crisis; for medium and large-size reorganization cases
features of restructuring companies and simplified
procedures not suited; reorganization procedure for micro
no preventive procedures and small-size companies; improved
WHAT DID SUCCESSFUL available access to reorganization proceedings
for creditors
Thailand High number of non- Starting in 1998, introduced Increased number of
DIFFERENTLY? performing loans in the reorganization procedure for initiated and successful
context of the 1997 Asian corporate debtors; created reorganization cases
financial crisis; no possibility specialized bankruptcy court
Doing Business has recorded several for companies to reorganize
notable insolvency reforms. However, prior to the reform
France, Slovenia and Thailand were Source: Doing Business database.

The insolvency law was amended again FIGURE 7.1 A significant number of companies undergoing restructuring proceedings
in 2008 to make the safeguard proce- in France continue operating at the end of proceedings
dure more accessible and attractive to
debtors by simplifying the eligibility Companies continuing to operate
after specified procedure (%)
criteria. Debtors had only to demonstrate
difficultieseconomic, financial, or legal
that they could not overcome, without 50
having to define or qualify the gravity or
extent of those difficulties. The 2008 40
amendment also made the procedure
more attractive by clarifying that the man- 30
agers of the company were responsible
for preparing the safeguard plan with the 20
assistance of the court-appointed admin-
istrator. Furthermore, in 2011 France 10
introduced a procedurethe sauvegarde
financire acclre (accelerated financial
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
safeguard)under which a debtor can
reach an out-of-court arrangement with Safeguard procedure Judicial reorganization

a majority of its financial creditors and

then initiate summary court proceedings Source: Deloitte and Altares 2016.
to validate the agreement without nega- Note: Companies that continue operating include companies that adopted a reorganization or safeguard plan, or
that were sold as a whole.
tively impacting non-financial creditors.

These changes led to a significant increase measured by the rate of new firm entry and financial claims, as well as a new simpli-
in the number of new safeguard pro- entrepreneurship support.9 fied compulsory settlement procedure to
cedures filed, to 1,386 cases in 2009. offer a reorganization option for micro
Since then the number of filings has The case of Slovenia and small companies. A change was also
risen steadily, to 1,620 new cases in The early 2000s were a period of sig- made to the existing compulsory settle-
2014. Not only did the use of safeguard nificant reform in Slovenia as the country ment procedure to enable creditors to
procedures increase, but three out of prepared to join the European Union initiate the reorganization of companies
four cases terminated with an agreement in 2004. A new insolvency law was for the first time.
with creditors to enable the company to adopted in 2007, but it was insufficient
continue operating (figure 7.1). However, to cope with the challenging economic The procedures quickly became a popu-
the increased use of the safeguard proce- and financial conditions brought on by lar option for debtors and creditors. In
dure was accompanied by a significant the global financial crisis of 2008; many the first two years following the reform,
number of filings for liquidation, which in companies became insolvent. Firms suf- the proportion of companies using one of
2014 amounted to 69% of all insolvency fered from over-indebtedness and had the three procedures more than doubled,
cases filed. difficulties repaying their loans, leading to rising from 6% of total insolvency
an increase in corporate non-performing proceedings in 2013 to 14% in 2015.11
By allowing viable companies to restruc- loans to around 20% of total loans.10 Microenterprises, however, underwent
ture and continue operating as going con- Firms in Slovenia needed effective cor- corporate liquidation proceedings in the
cerns, the amendments to the insolvency porate restructuring procedures to guide vast majority of cases (96%) in 2016.
law aimed to support entrepreneurial risk- the restructuring of their debt. Microenterprises have less capacity
taking and encourage enterprise creation. to face a reorganization and to secure
Insolvency reforms may have contributed To address these needs and to bring the resources to enable them to operate in
in part to the surge in new businesses legal framework closer to international a situation of financial distress. Despite
in France525,000 companies were good practices, the government modified these challenges, microenterprises have
created in 2015, twice as many as in the corporate restructuring framework in also benefited from the restructuring
2000. This growth underscores the con- 2013. The changes included the creation options. Indeed, the number of simplified
nection made in the literature between of a new pre-insolvency restructuring compulsory settlement proceedings for
sound insolvency systems and the procedure for distressed medium and the benefit of microenterprises increased
level of entrepreneurship development as large-size companies to restructure their from 59 cases in 2014 to 85 in 2016.

Creditors have progressively taken FIGURE 7.2 Corporate reorganizations in Slovenia have become more successful
advantage of the enabled access to com- over time
pulsory settlement proceedings granted
Procedures (number)
to them in 2013; by 2016 they initiated
almost one-third of all cases. During the 100

same period, the number of successfully 90

terminated reorganization proceedings 80
increased significantly. In 2016, most 70
ended with an approved settlement 60
(figure 7.2).
One of the companies that benefited
from the restructuring procedures was 30

Pivovarna Lako, Slovenias largest brewer. 20

By the end of 2014, the companys total 10
financial liabilities stood at 226.8 million 0
euros (about $268 million). It negotiated a 2013 2014 2015 2016
restructuring plan with its creditors, which Rejected compulsory settlement and simpified compulsory settlement/conversion to bankruptcy
included a two-year debt rescheduling, Approved compulsory settlement and simplified compulsory settlement
the sale of shares in other companies and
an intensive search for additional capital.
Source: Slovenia Ministry of Justice 2017.
Following the agreement, the company
was bought by Heineken International
BV, which committed to provide financial regimes may encourage entrepreneur- plan with creditors. A specialized bank-
stability to the company. Following the ship and accelerate the speed of adjust- ruptcy court was established in 1999
sale of its assets in various corporations ment of non-performing loans.12 to adjudicate cases. Also, the Business
and entering into long-term loan agree- Reorganization Office (within the Legal
ments with Heineken, the company was The case of Thailand Execution Department) was set up to
able to repay its creditors in full in October The 1997 Asian financial crisis prompted administer new reorganization cases.
2015. Its value increased, the brewery a major insolvency reform in Thailand.
was able to continue operating, saving Non-performing loans had been increas- Considerable time was needed in Thailand
hundreds of jobs. ing before the crisis, reaching a peak of for stakeholders to become accustomed
42.9% of total loans in 1998. Thailands to reorganization procedures. Finding
Apart from increasing the likelihood of antiquated insolvency law needed to be expertise within Thailand to prepare
business survivalas shown by the ris- revised and given the features necessary reorganization plans proved challenging; it
ing number of successfully-terminated to perform. The 1940 Thai Bankruptcy required the capacity to negotiate a plan
compulsory settlement and simplified Act established the procedure of judicial with multiple creditors in a short period of
settlement proceduresthe insolvency liquidation for debtors unable to meet time to return the company to profitability.
reform may have contributed to broader their financial commitments. It relied on Managers of companies in financial dif-
positive economic effects. First, the an agency within the Ministry of Justice ficulties found it challenging to formulate
level of entrepreneurship and company the Legal Execution Departmentto a reorganization plan effectively. Debtors
formation in Slovenia increased. One direct the proceedings. The only aim of turned to large companies with foreign
year after the reform was introduced, the law was to organize the repayment of human capital that had expertise in draft-
6,243 new businesses were registered in creditors through liquidation procedures; ing such plans. However, this approach
Slovenia, the highest number in a decade it did not offer a channel for viable com- was expensive, making reorganization
(and similar to pre-crisis levels). Second, panies to survive. procedures accessible to only a small
progress has been made in addressing number of large debtors.
Slovenias high level of non-performing Amendments brought by the Bankruptcy
loans, which decreased from 15% of total Act of 1998 built on the existing legal and As a result, in the years following the
loans in 2012 to 7.9% in 2016. While institutional framework. They introduced reform, the number of annual applica-
these results do not establish a causal a reorganization procedure for corporate tions for reorganization was modest,
relationship with the insolvency reform, entities, giving insolvent debtors the averaging 30 to 70 (compared to approx-
they suggest that sound insolvency chance to negotiate a reorganization imately 700 annual applications for

liquidation).13 Realizing that the benefits The connection between the insolvency business, compared to 12.2% of firms in
of the procedure had to be explained to reform and the likelihood of business the region and 26.5% in all economies.
stakeholders, the government undertook survival is reflected in Doing Business While no causal relationship can be
outreach efforts. As local firms gained data. Resolving simple reorganization established between these results and
the necessary expertise to advise debtors cases in Bangkok has become easier over the bankruptcy reform in Thailand, they
during the reorganization process, time. Companies are now more likely to do show that access to credit improved
reorganization practices progressively continue operating at the end of reorga- in the years following the reform.
became more widespread in Bangkok. nization procedures. Also, today it takes
Consequently, all parties were able to 18 months on average, half the time it
experience the advantages of the new took in 2010, for a small company to go CONCLUSION
mechanism, enabling them to make use through reorganization, counted up to
of it to save viable businesses. Together the moment the reorganization plan is The successful implementation of insol-
with a greater understanding of the law, approved by creditors. vency reforms is not easy. Many factors
reorganization filings rose to 3.5% of must come into play for an insolvency
total insolvency cases in 2014 (from 1.1% Studies on the effect of insolvency reform to yield positive effects in both
in 2011).14 The share almost doubled in reforms that accelerate the procedures insolvency practice and the economy.
2015 and continued to rise in 2016, when find that they increase the aggregate Even in economies with strong legal
8.5% of insolvency petitions received by level of credit. Other studies suggest frameworks and institutions, insolvency
the judiciary were reorganization cases that where insolvency regimes are most reforms take time. It is a complex area
(figure 7.3). effective, creditors are more willing to of law, which is why different agencies
lend because they are more likely to including the judiciary as well as insol-
The rising use of reorganization proceed- recoup a larger share of a troubled loan.15 vency administratorsneed to be trained
ings in Thailand has driven an increase Following the reform in Thailand, domes- and given the means to carry out the tasks
in the rate of successful reorganizations tic credit to the private sector rose from envisioned in the law.
(that is, cases that end up with the 93% of GDP in 2001 to 147% of GDP in
approval of the reorganization plan, 2016.16 Banks are more willing to lend in Lessons can be drawn from reforms
regardless of whether they continue Thailand than in other parts of East Asia implemented worldwide. The French
operating in the longer term). The Central and the Pacific. Data from the World and Slovenian examples show the
Bankruptcy Courts reorganization plan Bank Enterprise Surveys show that only importance of constantly assessing the
approval rate reached 25% in 2016, up 2.4% of firms in Thailand identify access insolvency system. Insolvency law is
from 20% in 2015. to finance as a major constraint to doing not a static field. Rather, it serves the
economic system and needs to adapt as
the structure of the economy evolves.
FIGURE 7.3 Distressed businesses in Bangkok are more likely to pursue
reorganization today than seven years ago Implementing and refining insolvency
reform takes time; a quick fix will not
New reorganization cases as a share bring positive long-term results. The
of total insolvency cases (%)
example of Thailand illustrates the
importance of utilizing the existing
infrastructure to drive changethe focus
should be on building on existing laws
7 and institutions and creating new ones
6 only when the existing system cannot
5 be adapted. A new framework requires
4 training along with patience. Amending
the law should not be seen as a goal
in itself, but rather as a first step to be
followed by the thorough implementation
of the amended law.
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
All in all, the three examples suggest that
sound insolvency reforms can have a
positive impact on an economy. Providing
Source: Thailand Office of the Judiciary 2016. corporate debtors with the option to

reorganize increases the chances of

debt recovery by creditors, positively
influencing their willingness to lend. The
availability of reorganization procedures
also increases the likelihood that viable
firms will continue operating despite
financial difficulties, thus decreasing the
failure rate of firms, preserving jobs and
encouraging entrepreneurship.

This case study was written by Faiza El Fezzazi El
Maziani, Raman Maroz and Mara A. Quesada.
1. La Porta and others 1997; La Porta and others
1998; Klapper 2011.
2. Visaria 2009; Funchal 2008; Rodano, Serrano-
Velarde and Tarantino 2011.
3. Araujo, Ferreira and Funchal 2012.
4. Ponticelli and Alencar 2016.
5. Neira 2017.
6. Foley 1999; Dewaelheyns and Van Hulle
2006. For Colombia, Gin and Love 2008.
7. The 19 economies that have introduced
reorganization procedures are Brunei
Darussalam, Cabo Verde, Cyprus, the
Dominican Republic, Grenada, India, Jamaica,
Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique,
Panama, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and
the Grenadines, the Seychelles, Trinidad
and Tobago, Uganda, and the United Arab
Emirates. The nine economies that improved
their existing reorganization procedures are
Chile, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mexico,
Romania, Slovenia, Thailand, and Switzerland.
8. Deloitte and Altares 2016.
9. Lee and others 2011; Peng, Yamakawa and Lee
10. IMF 2015.
11. Slovenia, Ministry of Justice 2017.
12. Carpus-Carcea and others 2015.
13. Wisitsora-at 2015.
14. Thailand, Office of the Judiciary 2016.
15. Visaria 2009; Funchal 2008.
16. These data are from the World Development
Indicators database (http://data.worldbank
.org/indicator), World Bank.
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Doing Business 2018

The indicators presented and analyzed in Doing Business measure business regulation
and the protection of property rightsand their effect on businesses, especially
small and medium-size domestic rms. First, the indicators document the complexity
of regulation, such as the number of procedures to start a business or to register a
transfer of commercial property. Second, they gauge the time and cost to achieve
a regulatory goal or comply with regulation, such as the time and cost to enforce a
contract, go through bankruptcy or trade across borders. Third, they measure the
extent of legal protections of property, for example, the protections of minority
investors against looting by company directors or the range of assets that can be
used as collateral according to secured transactions laws. Fourth, a set of indicators
documents the tax burden on businesses. Finally, a set of data covers different aspects
of employment regulation. The 11 sets of indicators measured in Doing Business were
added over time, and the sample of economies and cities expanded (table 8.1).

METHODOLOGY numerous rounds of verication, leading

to revisions or expansions of the informa-
The Doing Business data are collected in tion collected.
a standardized way. To start, the Doing
Business team, with expert advisers, The Doing Business methodology offers
designs a questionnaire. The question- several advantages. It is transparent, using
naire uses a simple business case to factual information about what laws and
ensure comparability across economies regulations say and allowing multiple inter-
and over timewith assumptions about actions with local respondents to clarify
the legal form of the business, its size, its potential misinterpretations of questions.
location and the nature of its operations. Having representative samples of respon-
dents is not an issue; Doing Business is not
Questionnaires are administered to more a statistical survey, and the texts of the
than 13,000 local experts, including law- relevant laws and regulations are collected
yers, business consultants, accountants, and answers checked for accuracy. The
freight forwarders, government officials methodology is easily replicable, so data
and other professionals routinely admin- can be collected in a large sample of econo-
istering or advising on legal and regulatory mies. Because standard assumptions are
requirements (table 8.2). These experts used in the data collection, comparisons
have several rounds of interaction with and benchmarks are valid across econo-
the Doing Business team, involving confer- mies. Finally, the data not only highlight
ence calls, written correspondence and the extent of specic regulatory obstacles
visits by the team. For Doing Business 2018 to business but also identify their source
team members visited 26 economies to and point to what might be reformed. Doing
verify data and recruit respondents. The Business 2018 has no major methodological
data from questionnaires are subjected to change at the indicators level.

TABLE 8.1 Topics and economies covered by each Doing Business report
Topic DB 2004 DB 2005 DB 2006 DB 2007 DB 2008 DB 2009 DB 2010 DB 2011 DB 2012 DB 2013 DB 2014 DB 2015 DB 2016 DB 2017 DB 2018
Dealing with
construction permits
Trading across
Protecting minority
Labor market
a business
Number of
133 145 155 175 178 181 183 183 183 185 189 189 189 190 190
Note: Data for the economies added to the sample each year are back-calculated to the previous year. The exceptions are Kosovo and Montenegro, which were added to the sample
after they became members of the World Bank Group. Eleven cities (though no additional economies) were added to the sample starting in Doing Business 2015. The data for all sets
of indicators in Doing Business 2018 are for June 2017.1

when interpreting the data. First, for of the economy. (The exceptions are 11
LIMITS TO WHAT IS most economies the collected data refer economies which had a population of
MEASURED to businesses in the largest business more than 100 million in 2013, where
city (which in some economies differs Doing Business now also collects data
The Doing Business methodology has ve from the capital) and may not be rep- for the second largest business city.)2
limitations that should be considered resentative of regulation in other parts To address this limitation, subnational
Doing Business indicators were created
TABLE 8.2 How many experts does Doing Business consult? (box 8.1). Second, the data often focus
on a specic business formgenerally
Economies with given number
of respondents (%) a limited liability company (or its legal
Indicator set Respondents 12 35 6+ equivalent) of a specified sizeand may
Starting a business 2,235 10 22 68
not be representative of the regulation
on other businesses (for example, sole
Dealing with construction permits 1,316 14 41 45
proprietorships). Third, transactions
Getting electricity 1,121 17 42 41
described in a standardized case scenario
Registering property 1,282 20 35 45 refer to a specic set of issues and may
Getting credit 1,764 7 26 67 not represent the full set of issues that
Protecting minority investors 1,450 16 36 48 a business encounters. Fourth, the mea-
Paying taxes 1,685 8 29 63 sures of time involve an element of judg-
ment by the expert respondents. When
Enforcing contracts 1,412 14 41 45
sources indicate different estimates, the
Trading across borders 1,259 18 41 41
time indicators reported in Doing Business
Resolving insolvency 1,325 19 35 46 represent the median values of several
Labor market regulation 1,230 17 37 46 responses given under the assumptions
Total 16,079 15 35 50 of the standardized case.

BOX 8.1Benchmarking regulation and learning from good practices at the local level: the relevance of
subnational Doing Business studies
Policy makers are increasingly interested in how the business environment differs between locations within the same economy.
Substantial differences between locations that share the same legal and regulatory framework can be revealing: local officials
find it hard to explain why doing business is more difficult in their jurisdiction than in a neighboring one. By expanding the Doing
Business analysis beyond an economys largest business city, subnational Doing Business studies (which are undertaken at the
request of governments) capture these differences at the local level, allowing policy makers to effectively target bottlenecks and
improve the business environment across their economy.

Subnational studies show that there can be substantial variation in regulations or in the implementation of national laws across
locations within an economy (as in Kazakhstan, for example). Similarly, there can be variations within locations across econo-
mies (as in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania). Some economies experience more variation than others. A study completed in
2017 benchmarking five different provinces in Afghanistan, for example, showed that dealing with construction permits takes
as few as 96 days in Kandahar but almost four times as long in Kabul. Similarly, registering a property transfer takes 75 days in
Kandahar, but more than three times as long in Kabul.

What is the main lesson? Afghan policy makers do not have to look very far to improve business processes in Kabul. Reforming legisla-
tion is not always necessary. In some cases, the answer may be a staffing increase or a reduction in the paperwork required. Looking at
how processes work in other locationsin this case, Kandaharcan assist policy makers in replicating these good practices.

Furthermore, because the data produced by subnational Doing Business studies are comparable across locations within an economy
and internationally, policy makers can benchmark their results both locally and globally. This allows them to see how their overall
performance in Doing Business would improve if the largest business city were to adopt all of the good practices documented within
their borders. Six economies completed subnational studies in 2017: Afghanistan (five locations), Colombia (32 locations), three EU
member states (22 cities in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania) and Kazakhstan (eight locations). These studies show that if the latter
four economies were to adopt local good practices across the getting electricity indicators, for example, their overall performance on
the indicators would improve.

Subnational studies cover all regions of the world and economies of varying income levels, including fragile and conflict-affected
states such as Afghanistan, which completed a subnational Doing Business study in 2017 (see map). Ongoing studies include
those in Nigeria (36 states and the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja) and four EU member states (Croatia, the Czech Republic,
Portugal and the Slovak Republic). Since 2005 subnational reports have covered 485 locations in 71 economies. Seventeen
economiesincluding the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines and the Russian Federationhave under-
taken two or more rounds of subnational data collection to measure progress over time.

Subnational studies cover a large number of cities across all regions of the world

79 cities
in Europe and Central Asia
63 cities in OECD
high-income economies

30 cities
in the Middle East
and North Africa

46 cities 76 cities
in South Asia in East Asia
and the Pacific

82 cities
109 cities in Sub-Saharan Africa
in Latin America
and the Caribbean

IBRD 43044 |
This map was produced by the
Cartography Unit of the World Bank
denominations and any other information
shown on this map do not imply, on the
part of the World Bank Group, any
judgment on the legal status of any
territory, or any endorsement or
acceptance of such boundaries.

Source: Subnational Doing Business database.

Note: Subnational reports are available on the Doing Business website at

Economy characteristics
Gross national income per capita
Doing Business 2018 reports 2016 income per capita as published in the World Banks World Development Indicators 2017. Income
is calculated using the Atlas method (in current U.S. dollars). For cost indicators expressed as a percentage of income per
capita, 2016 gross national income (GNI) per capita in current U.S. dollars is used as the denominator. GNI data based on the
Atlas method were not available for Bahrain; Brunei Darussalam; Djibouti; Eritrea; the Islamic Republic of Iran; Kuwait; Libya;
Myanmar; Oman; Papua New Guinea; Puerto Rico (territory of the United States); Qatar; San Marino; Somalia; South Sudan;
the Syrian Arab Republic; Taiwan, China; Timor-Leste; Vanuatu; and Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela. In these cases, GDP or
GNP per capita data and growth rates from other sources, such as the International Monetary Funds World Economic Outlook
database and the Economist Intelligence Unit, were used.

Region and income group

Doing Business uses the World Bank regional and income group classications, available at https://datahelpdesk.worldbank
.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519. Regional averages presented in gures and tables in the Doing Business report include
economies from all income groups (low, lower middle, upper middle and high income), though high-income OECD economies
are assigned the regional classication OECD high income.

Doing Business 2018 reports midyear 2016 population statistics as published in the World Banks World Development Indicators 2017.

Finally, the methodology assumes that a more than 118,000 data points, each of formally operate an industrial or commer-
business has full information on what is which is made available on the Doing cial business, as well as the time and cost to
required and does not waste time when Business website. Historical data for each complete these procedures and the paid-in
completing procedures. In practice, com- indicator and economy are available on the minimum capital requirement (gure 8.1).
pleting a procedure may take longer if the website, beginning with the rst year the These procedures include the processes
business lacks information or is unable indicator or economy was included in the entrepreneurs undergo when obtaining
to follow up promptly. Alternatively, report. To provide a comparable time series all necessary approvals, licenses, permits
the business may choose to disregard for research, the data set is back-calculated and completing any required notications,
some burdensome procedures. For both to adjust for changes in methodology and verications or inscriptions for the compa-
reasons the time delays reported in Doing any revisions in data due to corrections. ny and employees with relevant authorities.
Business 2018 would differ from the recol- The website also makes available all origi- The ranking of economies on the ease of
lection of entrepreneurs reported in the nal data sets used for background papers. starting a business is determined by sorting
World Bank Enterprise Surveys or other The correction rate between Doing Business their distance to frontier scores for starting
rm-level surveys. 2017 and Doing Business 2018 is 8.8%.3 a business. These scores are the simple
average of the distance to frontier scores
Governments submit queries on the data for each of the component indicators
DATA CHALLENGES AND and provide new information to Doing (gure 8.2). The distance to frontier score
REVISIONS Business. During the Doing Business 2018 shows the distance of an economy to the
production cycle the team received 181 frontier, which is derived from the most
Most laws and regulations underlying such queries from governments. In addi- efficient practice or highest score achieved
the Doing Business data are available tion, the team held multiple video confer- on each indicator.
on the Doing Business website at http:// ences with government representatives All the sample in 65 economies and in-person meetings Two types of local limited liability compa-
questionnaires and the details underlying with government representatives from nies are considered under the starting a
the indicators are also published on the 44 economies. business methodology. They are identical
website. Questions on the methodology in all aspects, except that one company
and challenges to data can be submitted is owned by ve married women and
through email at [email protected]. STARTING A BUSINESS other by ve married men. The distance
to frontier score for each indicator is the
Doing Business publishes 24,120 indicators Doing Business records all procedures average of the scores obtained for each
(120 indicators per economy) each year. To officially required, or commonly done in of the component indicators for both of
create these indicators, the team measures practice, for an entrepreneur to start up and these standardized companies.

FIGURE 8.1 What are the time, cost, paid-in minimum capital and number of procedures production or sale to the public of
to get a local limited liability company up and running? goods or services. The business does
not perform foreign trade activities and
Cost does not handle products subject to a
(% of income per capita)
special tax regime, for example, liquor
Formal operation or tobacco. It is not using heavily pol-
luting production processes.
$ Leases the commercial plant or offices
minimum Number of
capital procedures and is not a proprietor of real estate.
The amount of the annual lease for
the office space is equivalent to one
income per capita.
Entrepreneur The size of the entire office space is
Preregistration Registration Postregistration (days) approximately 929 square meters
(10,000 square feet).
Does not qualify for investment
incentives or any special benets.
After a study of laws, regulations and be completed and whether procedures Has at least 10 and up to 50 employ-
publicly available information on busi- may be carried out simultaneously. It is ees one month after the commence-
ness entry, a detailed list of procedures assumed that any required information ment of operations, all of them
is developed, along with the time and is readily available and that the entre- domestic nationals.
cost to comply with each procedure preneur will pay no bribes. If answers Has a turnover of at least 100 times
under normal circumstances and the by local experts differ, inquiries continue income per capita.
paid-in minimum capital requirement. until the data are reconciled. Has a company deed that is 10 pages
Subsequently, local incorporation law- long.
yers, notaries and government officials To make the data comparable across
review and verify the data. economies, several assumptions about The owners:
the businesses and the procedures Have reached the legal age of majority
Information is also collected on the are used. and are capable of making decisions
sequence in which procedures are to as an adult. If there is no legal age of
Assumptions about the business majority, they are assumed to be 30
FIGURE 8.2 Starting a business: The business: years old.
getting a local limited liability company Is a limited liability company (or its Are sane, competent, in good health
up and running legal equivalent). If there is more and have no criminal record.
Rankings are based on distance to
than one type of limited liability Are married, the marriage is
frontier scores for four indicators company in the economy, the lim- monogamous and registered with
25% Time 25% Cost ited liability form most common the authorities.
Preregistration, As % of income among domestic firms is chosen. Where the answer differs according
registration and per capita, no Information on the most common to the legal system applicable to the
postregistration bribes included
(in calendar days) form is obtained from incorporation woman or man in question (as may
12.5% 12.5%
lawyers or the statistical office. be the case in economies where there
women men
Operates in the economys largest is legal plurality), the answer used will
12.5% 12.5% business city. For 11 economies the be the one that applies to the majority
men women
12.5% 25%
data are also collected for the second of the population.
women Paid-in largest business city (table 8A.1 at the
12.5% capital
end of the data notes). Procedures
Is 100% domestically owned and A procedure is dened as any interaction
25% Paid-in has five owners, none of whom is a of the company founders with external
25% Procedures minimum capital
Procedures are Funds deposited in a legal entity. parties (for example, government agen-
completed when bank or with a notary Has start-up capital of 10 times cies, lawyers, auditors or notaries) or
final document before registration (or
is received up to three months after income per capita. spouses (if legally required). Interactions
incorporation), as % Performs general industrial or between company founders or company
of income per capita
commercial activities, such as the officers and employees are not counted

as procedures. Procedures that must be Only procedures required for all busi- TABLE 8.3 What do the starting
completed in the same building but in dif- nesses are included. Industry-specic abusiness indicators measure?
ferent offices or at different counters are procedures are excluded. For example,
Procedures to legally start and formally
counted as separate procedures. If found- procedures to comply with environmental operate a company (number)
ers have to visit the same office several regulations are included only when they Preregistration (for example, name verification or
times for different sequential procedures, apply to all businesses conducting gen- reservation, notarization)
each is counted separately. The founders eral commercial or industrial activities. Registration in the economys largest business city a
are assumed to complete all procedures Procedures that the company undergoes Postregistration (for example, social security
themselves, without middlemen, facilita- to connect to electricity, water, gas and registration, company seal)
tors, accountants or lawyers, unless the waste disposal services are not included Obtaining approval from spouse to start a
use of such a third party is mandated by in the starting a business indicators. business or to leave the home to register the
law or solicited by the majority of entrepre-
Obtaining any gender specific document for
neurs. If the services of professionals are Time company registration and operation or national
required, procedures conducted by such Time is recorded in calendar days. The identification card
professionals on behalf of the company measure captures the median duration Time required to complete each procedure
are counted as separate procedures. Each that incorporation lawyers or notaries indi- (calendar days)

electronic procedure is counted as a sepa- cate is necessary in practice to complete a Does not include time spent gathering
rate procedure. Approvals from spouses procedure with minimum follow-up with
to own a business or leave the home are government agencies and no unofficial Each procedure starts on a separate day
(two procedures cannot start on the same day)
considered procedures if required by law payments. It is assumed that the mini- though procedures that can be fully completed
or if by failing to obtain such approval the mum time required for each procedure is online are an exception to this rule

spouse will suffer consequences under the one day, except for procedures that can Registration process considered completed once
final incorporation document is received or
law, such as the loss of right to nancial be fully completed online, for which the company can officially start operating
maintenance. Obtaining permissions minimum time required is recorded as No prior contact with officials takes place
only required by one gender for company half a day. Although procedures may take
Cost required to complete each procedure
registration and operation, or getting addi- place simultaneously, they cannot start (% of income per capita)
tional documents only required by one on the same day (that is, simultaneous Official costs only, no bribes
gender for a national identication card procedures start on consecutive days). A
No professional fees unless services required by
are considered additional procedures. In registration process is considered com- law or commonly used in practice
that case, only procedures required for one pleted once the company has received the Paid-in minimum capital (% of income per
spouse but not the other are counted. Both nal incorporation document or can offi- capita)
pre- and postincorporation procedures cially commence business operations. If Funds deposited in a bank or with a third party
that are officially required or commonly a procedure can be accelerated legally for (for example a notary) before registration or up
to three months after incorporation
done in practice for an entrepreneur to an additional cost, the fastest procedure is
a. F or 11 economies the data are also collected for
formally operate a business are recorded chosen if that option is more benecial to the second largest business city
(table 8.3). the economys distance to frontier score.
When obtaining a spouses approval, it
Procedures required for official correspon- is assumed that permission is granted at all official fees and fees for legal or
dence or transactions with public agencies no additional cost unless the permission professional services if such services
are also included. For example, if a company needs to be notarized. It is assumed that are required by law or commonly used
seal or stamp is required on official docu- the entrepreneur does not waste time and in practice. Fees for purchasing and
ments, such as tax declarations, obtaining commits to completing each remaining legalizing company books are included
the seal or stamp is counted. Similarly, if a procedure without delay. The time that if these transactions are required by law.
company must open a bank account in order the entrepreneur spends on gathering Although value added tax registration
to complete any subsequent procedure information is not measured. It is assumed can be counted as a separate procedure,
such as registering for value added tax that the entrepreneur is aware of all entry value added tax is not part of the incor-
or showing proof of minimum capital requirements and their sequence from the poration cost. The company law, the
depositthis transaction is included as a beginning but has had no prior contact commercial code and specic regulations
procedure. Shortcuts are counted only if with any of the officials involved. and fee schedules are used as sources
they fulll four criteria: they are legal, they for calculating costs. In the absence of
are available to the general public, they are Cost fee schedules, a government officers
used by the majority of companies, and Cost is recorded as a percentage of the estimate is taken as an official source.
avoiding them causes delays. economys income per capita. It includes In the absence of a government officers

estimate, estimates by incorporation The aggregate gap on the overall distance construction permits. These scores are
experts are used. If several incorporation to frontier of the indicator set is used to the simple average of the distance to
experts provide different estimates, the assess the impact of data changes. Any frontier scores for each of the component
median reported value is applied. In all data update that leads to a change of 2% indicators (gure 8.3).
cases the cost excludes bribes. or more on the distance to frontier gap is
classied as a reform (for more details, EFFICIENCY OF CONSTRUCTION
Paid-in minimum capital see the chapter on the distance to frontier PERMITTING
The paid-in minimum capital requirement and ease of doing business ranking). For Doing Business divides the process of
reects the amount that the entrepreneur example, if the implementation of a new building a warehouse into distinct pro-
needs to deposit in a bank or with a one-stop shop for company registration cedures in the questionnaire and solicits
third-party (for example, a notary) before reduces time and procedures in a way data for calculating the time and cost to
registration or up to three months after that the overall gap decreases by 2% or complete each procedure (gure 8.4).
incorporation. It is recorded as a percent- more, the change is classied as a reform. These procedures include, but are not
age of the economys income per capita. On the contrary, minor fee updates or limited to:
The amount is typically specied in the other small changes in the indicators that
commercial code or the company law. have an aggregate impact of less than 2% Obtaining all plans and surveys
The legal provision needs to be adopted, on the gap are not classied as a reform, required by the architect and the engi-
enforced and fully implemented. Any but the data is updated accordingly. neer to start the design of the building
legal limitation of the companys opera- plans (for example, topographical
tions or decisions related to the payment The data details on starting a business can surveys, location maps or soil tests).
of the minimum capital requirement is be found for each economy at http://www Obtaining and submitting all rel-
recorded. In case the legal minimum cap- This methodology was evant project-specific documents (for
ital is provided per share, it is multiplied developed by Djankov and others (2002) example, building plans, site maps
by the number of shareholders owning and is adopted here with minor changes. and certificates of urbanism) to the
the company. Many economies require authorities.
minimum capital but allow businesses Hiring external third-party supervi-
to pay only a part of it before registra- DEALING WITH sors, consultants, engineers or
tion, with the rest to be paid after the CONSTRUCTION PERMITS inspectors (if necessary).
rst year of operation. In Turkey in June Obtaining all necessary clearances,
2017, for example, the minimum capital Doing Business records all procedures licenses, permits and certicates.
requirement was 10,000 Turkish liras, required for a business in the construc-
of which one-fourth needed to be paid tion industry to build a warehouse, along
before registration. The paid-in minimum with the time and cost to complete each
capital recorded for Turkey is therefore procedure. In addition, Doing Business
2,500 Turkish liras, or 7.8% of income measures the building quality control FIGURE 8.3 Dealing with construction
permits: efficiency and quality of building
per capita. index, evaluating the quality of build-
ing regulations, the strength of quality
REFORMS control and safety mechanisms, liability Rankings are based on distance to
frontier scores for four indicators
The starting a business indicator set and insurance regimes, and professional
tracks changes related to the ease of certication requirements. Information Days to comply Cost to comply
with formalities with formalities,
incorporating and operating a limited lia- is collected through a questionnaire to build a as % of
bility company every year. Depending on administered to experts in construction warehouse warehouse value

the impact on the data, certain changes licensing, including architects, civil engi-
are classied as reforms and listed in the neers, construction lawyers, construc-
summaries of Doing Business reforms in tion rms, utility service providers, and 25% 25%
Time Cost
2016/2017 section of the report in order public officials who deal with building
25% 25%
to acknowledge the implementation of regulations, including approvals, permit Procedures Building
signicant changes. Reforms are divided issuance, and inspections. control
into two types: those that make it easier
to do business and those changes that The ranking of economies on the ease Steps to comply Quality of building
with formalities; regulation and its
make it more difficult to do business. The of dealing with construction permits is completed when implementation
starting a business indicator set uses one determined by sorting their distance final document is
criterion to recognize a reform. to frontier scores for dealing with

Will have road access and be located

FIGURE 8.4 What are the time, cost and number of procedures to comply with
formalities to build a warehouse? in the periurban area of the economys
largest business city (that is, on the
Cost fringes of the city but still within its
(% of warehouse value)
official limits). For 11 economies the
Completed data are also collected for the second
warehouse largest business city.
Will not be located in a special eco-
Number of nomic or industrial zone.
procedures Will be located on a land plot of
approximately 929 square meters
A business in the (10,000 square feet) that is 100%
construction owned by BuildCo and is accurately
industry Time
registered in the cadastre and land
Preconstruction Construction Postconstruction
and utilities registry where freehold titles exist.
However, when the land is owned
by the government and leased by
Submitting all required notications Has 60 builders and other employees, BuildCo., it is assumed that BuildCo.
for the start and end of construction all of them nationals with the techni- will register the land in the cadastre
and for inspections. cal expertise and professional experi- or land registry or both, whichever
Requesting and receiving all neces- ence necessary to obtain construction is applicable, at the completion of
sary inspections (unless completed by permits and approvals. the warehouse.
a hired private, third-party inspector). Has a licensed architect and a Is valued at 50 times income per capita.
licensed engineer, both registered Will be a new construction (with no
Doing Business also records procedures with the local association of archi- previous construction on the land),
for obtaining connections for water and tects or engineers, where applicable. with no trees, natural water sources,
sewerage. Procedures necessary to regis- BuildCo is not assumed to have any natural reserves, or historical monu-
ter the warehouse so that it can be used other employees who are technical or ments of any kind on the plot.
as collateral or transferred to another licensed specialists, such as geologi- Will have complete architectural and
entity are also counted. cal or topographical experts. technical plans prepared by a licensed
Has paid all taxes and taken out all architect and a licensed engineer. If
To make the data comparable across necessary insurance applicable to its preparation of the plans requires such
economies, several assumptions about general business activity (for example, steps as obtaining further documen-
the construction company, the ware- accidental insurance for construction tation or getting prior approvals from
house project and the utility connections workers and third-person liability). external agencies, these are counted
are used. Owns the land on which the ware- as procedures.
house will be built and will sell the Will include all technical equipment
Assumptions about the warehouse upon its completion. required to be fully operational.
construction company Will take 30 weeks to construct
The construction company (BuildCo): Assumptions about the (excluding all delays due to adminis-
Is a limited liability company (or its warehouse trative and regulatory requirements).
legal equivalent). The warehouse:
Operates in the economys largest Will be used for general storage Assumptions about the utility
business city. For 11 economies the activities, such as storage of books or connections
data are also collected for the second stationery. The warehouse will not be The water and sewerage connections:
largest business city (table 8A.1). used for any goods requiring special Will be 150 meters (492 feet) from
Is 100% domestically and privately conditions, such as food, chemicals, the existing water source and sewer
owned. or pharmaceuticals. tap. If there is no water delivery infra-
Has ve owners, none of whom is Will have two stories, both above structure in the economy, a borehole
legal entity. ground, with a total constructed area of will be dug. If there is no sewerage
Is fully licensed and insured to carry approximately 1,300.6 square meters infrastructure, a septic tank in the
out construction projects, such as (14,000 square feet). Each floor will be smallest size available will be installed
building warehouses. 3 meters (9 feet, 10 inches) high. or built.

Will not require water for re protection Time TABLE 8.4 What do the indicators on
reasons; a fire extinguishing system Time is recorded in calendar days. The the efficiency of construction permitting
(dry system) will be used instead. If a measure captures the median duration measure?
wet re protection system is required that local experts indicate is necessary
Procedures to legally build a warehouse
by law, it is assumed that the water to complete a procedure in practice. It is (number)
demand specied below also covers assumed that the minimum time required Submitting all relevant documents and obtaining
the water needed for re protection. for each procedure is one day, except for all necessary clearances, licenses, permits and
Will have an average water use of procedures that can be fully completed
Submitting all required notifications and receiving
662 liters (175 gallons) a day and an online, for which the time required is all necessary inspections
average wastewater ow of 568 liters recorded as half a day. Although proce-
Obtaining utility connections for water and
(150 gallons) a day. Will have a peak dures may take place simultaneously, sewerage
water use of 1,325 liters (350 gallons) they cannot start on the same day (that Registering the warehouse after its completion
a day and a peak wastewater ow of is, simultaneous procedures start on con- (if required for use as collateral or for transfer of
the warehouse)
1,136 liters (300 gallons) a day. secutive days), again with the exception
Will have a constant level of water of procedures that can be fully completed Time required to complete each procedure
(calendar days)
demand and wastewater flow online. If a procedure can be accelerated
Does not include time spent gathering
throughout the year. legally for an additional cost, the fastest information
Connection pipes will be 1 inch in procedure is chosen if that option is more
Each procedure starts on a separate day
diameter for water and 4 inches in benecial to the economys distance to though procedures that can be fully completed
diameter for sewerage. frontier score. It is assumed that BuildCo online are an exception to this rule
does not waste time and commits to Procedure is considered completed once final
document is received
Procedures completing each remaining procedure
A procedure is any interaction of the without delay. The time that BuildCo No prior contact with officials

building companys employees, manag- spends on gathering information is not Cost required to complete each procedure
(% of warehouse value)
ers, or any party acting on behalf of the taken into account. It is assumed that
Official costs only, no bribes
company with external parties, including BuildCo follows all building requirements
government agencies, notaries, the land and their sequence as required.
registry, the cadastre, utility companies, BUILDING QUALITY CONTROL
and public inspectorsand the hiring of Cost The building quality control index is
external private inspectors and techni- Cost is recorded as a percentage of the based on six indicesthe quality of
cal experts where needed. Interactions warehouse value (assumed to be 50 building regulations, quality control
between company employees, such as times income per capita). Only official before, during and after construction,
development of the warehouse plans and costs are recorded. All fees associated liability and insurance regimes, and
inspections by the in-house engineer, are with completing the procedures to legally professional certications indices
not counted as procedures. However, build a warehouse are recorded, including (table 8.5). The indicator is based on
interactions with external parties that those associated with obtaining land use the same case study assumptions as the
are required for the architect to prepare approvals and preconstruction design measures of efficiency.
the plans and drawings (such as obtain- clearances; receiving inspections before,
ing topographic or geological surveys), during and after construction; obtain- Quality of building regulations
or to have such documents approved ing utility connections; and registering index
or stamped by external parties, are the warehouse at the property registry. The quality of building regulations index
counted as procedures. Procedures that Nonrecurring taxes required for the has two components:
the company undergoes to connect the completion of the warehouse project are
warehouse to water and sewerage are also recorded. Sales taxes (such as value Whether building regulations are eas-
included. All procedures that are legally added tax) or capital gains taxes are not ily accessible. A score of 1 is assigned
required and that are done in practice recorded. Nor are deposits that must be if building regulations (including the
by the majority of companies to build a paid up front and are later refunded. The building code) or regulations dealing
warehouse are counted, even if they may building code, information from local with construction permits are avail-
be avoided in exceptional cases. This experts, and specic regulations and able on a website that is updated as
includes obtaining technical conditions fee schedules are used as sources for new regulations are passed; 0.5 if the
for electricity or clearance of the electrical costs. If several local partners provide building regulations are available free
plans only if they are required to obtain a different estimates, the median reported of charge (or for a nominal fee) at the
building permit (table 8.4). value is used. relevant permit-issuing authority; 0 if

TABLE 8.5 What do the indicators on none of these sources specify any of Rwanda, for example, the city hall in Kigali
building quality control measure? these requirements or if these sources must review the building permit applica-
specify fewer than the three require- tion, including the plans and drawings, and
Quality of building regulations index (02)
ments mentioned above. both a licensed architect and a licensed
Accessibility of building regulations (01)
engineer are part of the team that reviews
Clarity of requirements for obtaining a building The index ranges from 0 to 2, with the plans and drawings. Rwanda therefore
permit (01)
higher values indicating clearer and receives a score of 1 on the quality control
Quality control before construction index
(01) more transparent building regulations. before construction index.
In New Zealand, for example, all relevant
Whether licensed or technical experts approve
building plans (01) legislation can be found on an official Quality control during
Quality control during construction index government website (a score of 1). The construction index
(03) legislation species the list of required The quality control during construction
Types of inspections legally mandated during documents to submit, the fees to be paid, index has two components:
construction (02) and all required preapprovals of the draw- Whether inspections are mandated
Implementation of legally mandated inspections ings or plans by the relevant agencies (a by law during the construction pro-
in practice (01)
score of 1). Adding these numbers gives cess. A score of 2 is assigned if (i) a
Quality control after construction index
New Zealand a score of 2 on the quality government agency is legally man-
of building regulations index. dated to conduct technical inspec-
Final inspection legally mandated after
construction (02) tions at different stages during the
Implementation of legally mandated final Quality control before construction or an in-house engineer
inspection in practice (01) construction index (that is, an employee of the building
Liability and insurance regimes index (02) The quality control before construction company), an external supervising
Parties held legally liable for structural flaws after index has one component: engineer or rm is legally mandated
building occupancy (01) Whether by law, a licensed architect to conduct technical inspections at
Parties legally mandated to obtain insurance to or licensed engineer is part of the different stages during the construc-
cover structural flaws after building occupancy or committee or team that reviews and tion of the building and is required to
insurance is commonly obtained in practice (01)
approves building permit applications submit a detailed inspections report
Professional certifications index (04)
and whether that person has the at the completion of the construc-
Qualification requirements for individual who authority to refuse an application if tion; and (ii) it is legally mandated
approves building plans (02)
the plans are not in conformity with to conduct risk-based inspections. A
Qualification requirements for individual who
supervises construction or conducts inspections regulations. A score of 1 is assigned score of 1 is assigned if a government
(02) if the national association of archi- agency is legally mandated to conduct
Building quality control index (015) tects or engineers (or its equivalent) only technical inspections at different
Sum of the quality of building regulations, quality must review the building plans, if an stages during the construction or
control before construction, quality control during independent rm or expert who is a if an in-house engineer (that is, an
construction, quality control after construction,
liability and insurance regimes, and professional licensed architect or engineer must employee of the building company),
certifications indices review the plans, if the architect or an external supervising engineer
engineer who prepared the plans or an external inspections rm is
the building regulations must be pur- must submit an attestation to the legally mandated to conduct technical
chased or if they are not made easily permit-issuing authority stating that inspections at different stages during
accessible anywhere. the plans are in compliance with the the construction of the building and is
Whether the requirements for obtain- building regulations or if a licensed required to submit a detailed inspec-
ing a building permit are clearly architect or engineer is part of the tions report at the completion of the
specied. A score of 1 is assigned if committee or team that approves the construction. A score of 0 is assigned
the building regulations (including plans at the relevant permit-issuing if a government agency is legally
the building code) or any acces- authority; 0 if no licensed architect or mandated to conduct unscheduled
sible website, brochure, or pamphlet engineer is involved in the review of inspections, or if no technical inspec-
clearly species the list of required the plans to ensure their compliance tions are mandated by law.
documents to submit, the fees to be with building regulations. Whether inspections during con-
paid, and all required preapprovals struction are implemented in practice.
of the drawings (example: electrical, The index ranges from 0 to 1, with higher A score of 1 is assigned if the legally
water and sewerage, environmental) values indicating better quality control mandated inspections during con-
or plans by the relevant agencies; 0 if in the review of the building plans. In struction always occur in practice; 0

if the legally mandated inspections do with the approved plans and existing liabilityinsurance policy to cover
not occur in practice, if the inspections building regulations; 0 if the legally possible structural aws or problems
occur most of the time but not always, mandated nal inspection does not in the building once it is in use. A
if inspections are not mandated by occur in practice, if the legally man- score of 1 is assigned if the architect
law regardless of whether they com- dated nal inspection occurs most of or engineer who designed the plans
monly occur in practice. the time but not always, or if a nal for the building, the professional or
inspection is not mandated by law agency that conducted the technical
The index ranges from 0 to 3, with higher regardless of whether or not it com- inspections, the construction com-
values indicating better quality control monly occurs in practice. pany, or the project owner or investor
during the construction process. In is required by law to obtain either a
Antigua and Barbuda, for example, the The index ranges from 0 to 3, with decennial liability insurance policy
Development Control Authority is legally higher values indicating better quality or a latent defect liability insurance
mandated to conduct phased inspections control after the construction process. to cover possible structural aws or
under the Physical Planning Act of 2003 In Haiti, for example, the Municipality problems in the building once it is in
(a score of 1). However, the Development of Port-au-Prince is legally mandated use or if a decennial liability insurance
Control Authority rarely conducts these to conduct a nal inspection under the policy or a latent defect liability insur-
inspections in practice (a score of 0). National Building Code of 2012 (a score ance is commonly obtained in practice
Adding these numbers gives Antigua and of 2). However, the nal inspection by the majority of any of these parties
Barbuda a score of 1 on the quality control does not occur in practice (a score of even if not required by law. A score of
during construction index. 0). Adding these numbers gives Haiti 0 is assigned if no party is required
a score of 2 on the quality control after by law to obtain either a decennial
Quality control after construction index. liability insurance or a latent defect
construction index liability insurance and such insurance
The quality control after construction Liability and insurance regimes is not commonly obtained in practice
index has two components: index by any party, if the requirement to
Whether a nal inspection is mandated The liability and insurance regimes index obtain an insurance policy is stipu-
by law in order to verify that the build- has two components: lated in a contract, if any party must
ing was built in compliance with the Whether any parties involved in the obtain a professional insurance or an
approved plans and existing building construction process are held legally all risk insurance to cover the safety
regulations. A score of 2 is assigned liable for latent defects such as struc- of workers or any other defects dur-
if an in-house supervising engineer tural aws or problems in the building ing construction but not a decennial
(that is, an employee of the building once it is in use. A score of 1 is assigned liability insurance or a latent defect
company), an external supervising if at least two of the following parties liability insurance that would cover
engineer or an external inspections rm are held legally liable for structural defects after the building is in use, or
is legally mandated to verify that the aws or problems in the building once if any party is required to pay for any
building has been built in accordance it is in use: the architect or engineer damages caused on their own without
with the approved plans and existing who designed the plans for the build- having to obtain an insurance policy.
building regulations, or if a government ing, the professional or agency that
agency is legally mandated to conduct a conducted technical inspections, or The index ranges from 0 to 2, with higher
nal inspection upon completion of the the construction company; 0.5 if only values indicating more stringent latent
building; 0 if no nal inspection is man- one of the parties is held legally liable defect liability and insurance regimes.
dated by law after construction and no for structural aws or problems in the In Madagascar, for example, under
third party is required to verify that the building once it is in use; 0 if no party article 1792 of the Civil Code both the
building has been built in accordance is held legally liable for structural aws architect who designed the plans and the
with the approved plans and existing or problems in the building once it is construction company are legally held
building regulations. in use, if the project owner or investor liable for latent defects for a period of 10
Whether the nal inspection is imple- is the only party held liable, if liability years after the completion of the building
mented in practice. A score of 1 is is determined in court, or if liability is (a score of 1). However, there is no legal
assigned if the legally mandated nal stipulated in a contract. requirement for any party to obtain a
inspection after construction always Whether any parties involved in decennial liability insurance policy to
occurs in practice or if a supervis- the construction process is legally cover structural defects, nor do most par-
ing engineer or rm attests that the required to obtain a latent defect ties obtain such insurance in practice (a
building has been built in accordance liabilityor decennial (10 years) score of 0). Adding these numbers gives

Madagascar a score of 1 on the liability order of engineers or pass a qualifi- If an economy issued no building permits
and insurance regimes index. cation exam. A score of 1 is assigned between June 2016 and June 2017 or if
if national or state regulations man- the applicable building legislation in the
Professional certifications index date that the professional must have economy is not being implemented, the
The professional certifications index has a university degree (a minimum of a economy receives a no practice mark
two components: bachelors) in engineering and must on the procedures, time and cost indica-
The qualification requirements of the also either have a minimum number tors. In addition, a no practice economy
professional responsible for verify- of years of practical experience or be receives a score of 0 on the building qual-
ing that the architectural plans or a registered member of the national ity control index even if its legal framework
drawings are in compliance with the order (association) of engineers or includes provisions related to building
building regulations. A score of 2 is pass a qualification exam. A score quality control and safety mechanisms.
assigned if national or state regula- of 0 is assigned if national or state
tions mandate that the professional regulations mandate that the profes- REFORMS
must have a minimum number of sional must meet only one of the The dealing with construction permits
years of practical experience, must requirements, if they mandate that indicator set tracks changes related to
have a university degree (a minimum the professional must meet two of the efficiency and quality of construc-
of a bachelors) in architecture or the requirements but neither of the tion permitting systems every year.
engineering, and must also either be two is to have a university degree, Depending on the impact on the data
a registered member of the national or if no national or state regulation certain changes are classified as reforms
order (association) of architects or determines the professionals quali- and listed in the summaries of Doing
engineers or pass a qualification fication requirements. Business reforms in 2016/2017 section
exam. A score of 1 is assigned if of the report in order to acknowledge the
national or state regulations man- The index ranges from 0 to 4, with higher implementation of significant changes.
date that the professional must have values indicating greater professional Reforms are divided into two types:
a university degree (a minimum of a certication requirements. In Albania, those that make it easier to do business
bachelors) in architecture or engi- for example, the professional conducting and those changes that make it more
neering and must also either have a technical inspections during construc- difficult to do business. The dealing with
minimum number of years of practi- tion must have a minimum number of construction permits indicator set uses
cal experience or be a registered years of experience, a relevant university only one criterion to recognize a reform.
member of the national order (asso- degree and must be a registered architect
ciation) of architects or engineers or or engineer (a score of 2). However, the The aggregate gap on the overall distance
pass a qualification exam. A score professional responsible for verifying that to frontier of the indicator set is used to
of 0 is assigned if national or state the architectural plans or drawings are assess the impact of data changes. Any
regulations mandate that the profes- in compliance with building regulations data update that leads to a change of
sional must meet only one of the must only have a minimum number of 2% or more on the distance to frontier
above requirements, if they mandate years of experience and a university gap is classied as a reform (for more
that the professional must meet two degree in architecture or engineering (a details, see the chapter on the distance to
of the requirements but neither of the score of 1). Adding these numbers gives frontier and ease of doing business rank-
two is to have a university degree, or Albania a score of 3 on the professional ing). For example, if the implementation
if no national or state regulation certications index. of a new electronic permitting system
determines the professionals quali- reduces time in a way that the overall gap
fication requirements. Building quality control index decreases by 2% or more, such a change
The qualification requirements of the The building quality control index is the is classied as a reform. On the contrary,
professional who conducts the tech- sum of the scores on the quality of build- minor fee updates or other smaller
nical inspections during construction. ing regulations, quality control before changes in the indicators that have an
A score of 2 is assigned if national or construction, quality control during con- aggregate impact of less than 2% on the
state regulations mandate that the struction, quality control after construc- gap are not classied as a reform, but
professional must have a minimum tion, liability and insurance regimes, and their impact is still reected on the most
number of years of practical experi- professional certications indices. The updated indicators for this indicator set.
ence, must have a university degree index ranges from 0 to 15, with higher
(a minimum of a bachelors) in values indicating better quality control The data details on dealing with construc-
engineering, and must also either be and safety mechanisms in the construc- tion permits can be found for each economy
a registered member of the national tion regulatory system. at

limiting outages (such as a requirement FIGURE 8.6 Getting electricity:

GETTING ELECTRICITY to compensate customers or pay nes efficiency, reliability and transparency
when outages exceed a certain cap).
Doing Business records all procedures
Rankings are based on distance to
required for a business to obtain a perma- The ranking of economies on the ease of frontier scores for four indicators
nent electricity connection and supply for getting electricity is determined by sort-
Days to obtain Cost to obtain a
a standardized warehouse (gure 8.5). ing their distance to frontier scores for an electricity connection, as % of
connection income per capita
These procedures include applications getting electricity. These scores are the
and contracts with electricity utilities, simple average of the distance to frontier
all necessary inspections and clearances scores for all the component indicators
25% 25%
from the distribution utility and other except the price of electricity (gure 8.6). Time Cost
agencies, and the external and nal con- 25% 25%
nection works. The questionnaire divides Data on the reliability of supply are col- Procedures Reliability
of supply and

the process of getting an electricity lected from the electricity distribution transparency
of tariffs

connection into distinct procedures and utilities or regulators, depending upon the
solicits data for calculating the time and specic technical nature of the data. The Steps to file a connection Power outages
application, prepare and regulatory
cost to complete each procedure. rest of the information, including data on a design, complete mechanisms in
transparency of tariffs and procedures works, obtain approvals, place to monitor
go through inspections, and reduce them;
In addition, Doing Business measures the for obtaining electricity connection, are install a meter and transparency of
sign a supply tariffs
reliability of supply and transparency of collected from all market playersthe contract
tariffs index (included in the aggregate electricity distribution utility, electric-
distance to frontier score and ranking ity regulatory agencies and independent
on the ease of doing business) and the professionals such as electrical engineers, Note: The price of electricity is measured but does
not count for the rankings.
price of electricity (omitted from these electrical contractors and construc-
aggregate measures). The reliability of tion companies. The distribution utility
supply and transparency of tariffs index consulted is the one serving the area (or Assumptions about the
encompasses quantitative data on the areas) where warehouses are most warehouse
duration and frequency of power outages commonly located. If there is a choice of The warehouse:
as well as qualitative information on the distribution utilities, the one serving the Is owned by a local entrepreneur.
mechanisms put in place by the utility for largest number of customers is selected. Is located in the economys largest
monitoring power outages and restoring business city. For 11 economies the
power supply, the reporting relationship To make the data comparable across data are also collected for the second
between the utility and the regulator for economies, several assumptions about largest business city (table 8A.1).
power outages, the transparency and the warehouse, the electricity connection Is located in an area where similar
accessibility of tariffs and whether the and the monthly consumption are used. warehouses are typically located. In
utility faces a nancial deterrent aimed at this area a new electricity connection
is not eligible for a special invest-
FIGURE 8.5 Doing Business measures the connection process at the level of ment promotion regime (offering
distribution utilities special subsidization or faster service,
for example).
Is located in an area with no physical
constraints. For example, the property
is not near a railway.
Is a new construction and is being
connected to electricity for the
Generation Transmission rst time.
Has two stories, both above
ground, with a total surface area of
approximately 1,300.6 square meters
u New connections
u Network operation and maintenance
(14,000 square feet). The plot of
u Metering and billing land on which it is built is 929 square
meters (10,000 square feet).
Is used for storage of goods.

Assumptions about the Procedures TABLE 8.6 What do the getting

electricity connection A procedure is dened as any interac- electricity indicators measure?
The electricity connection: tion of the companys employees or its
Procedures to obtain an electricity
Is a permanent one. main electrician or electrical engineer connection (number)
Is a three-phase, four-wire Y con- (that is, the one who may have done the Submitting all relevant documents and obtaining
nection with a subscribed capacity internal wiring) with external parties, all necessary clearances and permits
of 140-kilo-volt-ampere (kVA) with such as the electricity distribution utility, Completing all required notifications and
a power factor of 1, when 1 kVA = electricity supply utilities, government receiving all necessary inspections
1 kilowatt (kW). agencies, electrical contractors and Obtaining external installation works and
possibly purchasing material for these works
Has a length of 150 meters. The electrical firms. Interactions between
connection is to either the low- or company employees and steps related Concluding any necessary supply contract and
obtaining final supply
medium-voltage distribution net- to the internal electrical wiring, such
Time required to complete each procedure
work and is either overhead or under- as the design and execution of the (calendar days)
ground, whichever is more common internal electrical installation plans, are
Is at least one calendar day
in the area where the warehouse not counted as procedures. Procedures
Each procedure starts on a separate day
is located. that must be completed with the same
Requires works that involve the utility but with different departments are Does not include time spent gathering
crossing of a 10-meter wide road (by counted as separate procedures (table
Reflects the time spent in practice, with little
excavation, overhead lines) but are 8.6). follow-up and no prior contact with officials
all carried out on public land. There is Cost required to complete each procedure
no crossing of other owners private The companys employees are assumed (% of income per capita)
property because the warehouse has to complete all procedures themselves Official costs only, no bribes
access to a road. unless the use of a third party is mandated Value added tax excluded
Includes only negligible length in the (for example, if an electrician registered
Reliability of supply and transparency of
customers private domain. with the utility is the only party allowed tariffs index (08)
Does not require work to install the to submit an application). If the company Duration and frequency of power outages (03)
internal wiring of the warehouse. can, but is not required to request the ser-
Tools to monitor power outages (01)
This has already been completed vices of professionals (such as a private
Tools to restore power supply (01)
up to and including the customers rm), procedures will be counted for each
service panel or switchboard and the interaction commonly done in practice. Regulatory monitoring of utilities performance (01)

meter base. Financial deterrents aimed at limiting outages (01)

Time Transparency and accessibility of tariffs (01)
Assumptions about the monthly Time is recorded in calendar days. The Price of electricity (cents per kilowatt-hour)
consumption for March measure captures the median duration Price based on monthly bill for commercial
It is assumed that the warehouse that the electricity utility and experts warehouse in case study
operates 30 days a month from 9:00 indicate is necessary in practice, rather Note: While Doing Business measures the price of
electricity, it does not include these data when calculating
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (8 hours a day), than required by law, to complete a the distance to frontier score for getting electricity or
with equipment utilized at 80% of procedure with minimum follow-up and the ranking on the ease of getting electricity.
capacity on average and that there no extra payments. It is assumed that
are no electricity cuts (assumed for the minimum time required for each Cost
simplicity reasons). procedure is one day. Although proce- Cost is recorded as a percentage of the
The monthly energy consumption is dures may take place simultaneously, economys income per capita and is
26,880 kilowatt-hours (kWh); hourly they cannot start on the same day (that exclusive of value added tax. All the fees
consumption is 112 kWh. is, simultaneous procedures start on and costs associated with completing
If multiple electricity suppliers exist, consecutive days). It is assumed that the procedures to connect a warehouse
the warehouse is served by the the company does not waste time and to electricity are recorded, including
cheapest supplier. commits to completing each remain- those related to obtaining clearances
Tariffs effective in March of the cur- ing procedure without delay. The time from government agencies, applying for
rent year are used for calculation of that the company spends on gathering the connection, receiving inspections
the price of electricity for the ware- information is not taken into account. It of both the site and the internal wiring,
house. Although March has 31 days, is assumed that the company is aware of purchasing material, getting the actual
for calculation purposes only 30 days all electricity connection requirements connection works and paying a security
are used. and their sequence from the beginning. deposit. Information from local experts

and specic regulations and fee sched- vary depending on the credit standing of transparency of tariffs index if it satisfies
ules are used as sources. If several local the company. The best possible credit two conditions. First, the utility must col-
partners provide different estimates, standing and thus the lowest possible lect data on all types of outages (measur-
the median reported value is used. In all commission are assumed. Where a bond ing the average total duration of outages
cases the cost excludes bribes. can be put up, the value recorded for the per customer and the average number
deposit is the annual commission times of outages per customer). Second, the
Security deposit the ve years assumed to be the length SAIDI value must be below a threshold of
Utilities may require security deposits as of the contract. If both options exist, the 100 hours and the SAIFI value must be
a guarantee against the possible failure cheaper alternative is recorded. under 100 outages.
of customers to pay their consumption
bills. For this reason, the security deposit In Hong Kong SAR, China, a customer An economy is not eligible to obtain
for a new customer is most often calcu- requesting a 140-kVA electricity con- a score if outages are too frequent or
lated as a function of the customers nection in March 2017 would have had long-lasting for the electricity supply
estimated consumption. to put up a security deposit of 63,600 to be considered reliablethat is, if the
Hong Kong dollars (~$7,850) in cash or SAIDI or the SAIFI values exceed the
Doing Business does not record the full check, and the deposit would have been determined thresholds. An economy
amount of the security deposit. If the returned only at the end of the contract. is also not eligible to obtain a score on
deposit is based on the customers The customer could instead have invested the index if data on power outages are
actual consumption, this basis is the one this money at the prevailing lending rate of not collected or collected partially (for
assumed in the case study. Rather than 5.0%. Over the ve years of the contract, example, planned outages or load shed-
the full amount of the security deposit, this would imply a present value of lost ding are not included in the calculation
Doing Business records the present value interest earnings of 13,760 Hong Kong of the SAIDI and SAIFI indices), and if
of the losses in interest earnings expe- dollars ($1,700). In contrast, if the cus- the minimum outage time considered
rienced by the customer because the tomer chose to settle the deposit with a for calculation of the SAIDI and SAIFI
utility holds the security deposit over a bank guarantee at an annual rate of 1.5%, indices is over 5 minutes.
prolonged period, in most cases until the the amount lost over the ve years would
end of the contract (assumed to be after be just 4,770 Hong Kong dollars ($590). For all economies that meet the criteria
ve years). In cases where the security as determined by Doing Business, a score
deposit is used to cover the rst monthly Reliability of supply and on the reliability of supply and transpar-
consumption bills, it is not recorded. To transparency of tariffs index ency of tariffs index is calculated on the
calculate the present value of the lost Doing Business uses the system average basis of the following six components:
interest earnings, the end-2016 lending interruption duration index (SAIDI)
rates from the International Monetary and the system average interruption What the SAIDI and SAIFI values are.
Funds International Financial Statistics frequency index (SAIFI) to measure the If SAIDI and SAIFI are 12 (equivalent
are used. In cases where the security duration and frequency of power out- to an outage of one hour each month)
deposit is returned with interest, the dif- ages in the largest business city of each or below, a score of 1 is assigned. If
ference between the lending rate and economy (for 11 economies the data SAIDI and SAIFI are 4 (equivalent
the interest paid by the utility is used to are also collected for the second largest to an outage of one hour each quar-
calculate the present value. business city; table 8A.1). SAIDI is the ter) or below, 1 additional point is
average total duration of outages over assigned. Finally, if SAIDI and SAIFI
In some economies, the security deposit the course of a year for each customer are 1 (equivalent to an outage of one
can be put up in the form of a bond: the served, while SAIFI is the average num- hour per year) or below, 1 more point
company can obtain from a bank or an ber of service interruptions experienced is assigned.
insurance company a guarantee issued by a customer in a year. Annual data What tools are used by the distribu-
on the assets it holds with that nancial (covering the calendar year) are collected tion utility to monitor power out-
institution. In contrast to the scenario in from distribution utility companies and ages. A score of 1 is assigned if the
which the customer pays the deposit in national regulators on SAIDI and SAIFI. utility uses automated tools, such as
cash to the utility, in this case the com- Both SAIDI and SAIFI estimates should an Outage/Incident Management
pany does not lose ownership control include planned and unplanned outages, System (OMS/IMS) or Supervisory
over the full amount and can continue as well as load shedding. Control and Data Acquisition
using it. In return, the company will pay (SCADA) system; 0 if it relies solely
the bank a commission for obtaining An economy is eligible to obtain a on calls from customers, and records
the bond. The commission charged may score on the reliability of supply and and monitors outages manually.

What tools are used by the distribu- electricity service (a score of 1). The when calculating the distance to frontier
tion utility to restore power supply. A Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, an score for getting electricity or the ranking
score of 1 is assigned if the utility uses independent national regulatory authority, on the ease of getting electricity. The data
automated tools, such as an OMS/ actively reviews the utilitys performance are available on the Doing Business website
IMS or SCADA system; 0 if it relies in providing reliable electricity service ( and are
solely on manual resources for service (a score of 1) and requires the utility to based on standardized assumptions to
restoration, such as eld crews or compensate customers if outages last ensure comparability across economies.
maintenance personnel. longer than a maximum period dened
Whether a regulatorthat is, an entity by the regulator (a score of 1). Customers The price of electricity is measured in
separate from the utilitymonitors are notied of a change in tariffs ahead U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour. A monthly
the utilitys performance on reliability of the next billing cycle and can easily electricity consumption is assumed, for
of supply. A score of 1 is assigned if the check effective tariffs online (a score of 1). which a monthly bill is then computed for
regulator performs periodic or real-time Adding these numbers gives the United a warehouse based in the largest business
reviews; 0 if it does not monitor power Kingdom a total score of 8 on the reliability city of the economy for the month of March
outages and does not require the utility of supply and transparency of tariffs index. (for 11 economies the data are also col-
to report on reliability of supply. lected for the second largest business city;
Whether nancial deterrents exist to On the other hand, several economies table 8A.1). As noted, the warehouse uses
limit outages. A score of 1 is assigned receive a score of 0 on the reliability of electricity 30 days a month, from 9:00 a.m.
if the utility compensates customers supply and transparency of tariffs index. to 5:00 p.m., so different tariff schedules
when outages exceed a certain cap, if The reason may be that outages occur may apply if a time-of-use tariff is available.
the utility is ned by the regulator when more than once a month and none of the
outages exceed a certain cap or if both mechanisms and tools measured by the REFORMS
these conditions are met; 0 if no deter- index are in place. An economy may also The getting electricity indicator set tracks
rent mechanism of any kind is available. receive a score of 0 if either the SAIDI or changes related to the efficiency of the
Whether electricity tariffs are transpar- SAIFI value (or both) exceeds the thresh- connection process, as well as the reli-
ent and easily available. A score of 1 is old of 100, or not all outages were con- ability of power supply and transparency
assigned if effective tariffs are available sidered when calculating the indices. In of tariffs. Depending on the impact on
online and customers are notified of a Suriname, for example, the utility does not the data, certain changes are classied
change in tariff a full billing cycle (that include load shedding in the calculation of as reforms and listed in the summaries
is, one month) ahead of time; 0 if not. SAIDI and SAIFI indices. Thus, based on of Doing Business reforms in 2016/2017
the criteria established, Suriname cannot section of the report in order to acknowl-
The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher receive a score on the index even though edge the implementation of signicant
values indicating greater reliability of the utility uses automated systems for changes. Reforms are divided into two
electricity supply and greater transpar- monitoring outages and restoration of types: those that make it easier to do
ency of tariffs. In the United Kingdom, for power supply and there is a transparency business and those changes that make it
example, the distribution utility company of electricity tariffs. more difficult to do business. The getting
UK Power Networks uses SAIDI and SAIFI electricity indicator set uses two criteria
metrics to monitor and collect data on If an economy issued no new electricity to recognize a reform.
power outages. In 2016, the average total connections to an electrical grid between
duration of power outages in London was June 2016 and June 2017, or if electricity First, the aggregate gap on the overall
0.326 hours per customer and the aver- is not provided during that period, the distance to frontier of the indicator set is
age number of outages experienced by economy receives a no practice mark used to assess the impact of data changes.
a customer was 0.166. Both SAIDI and on the procedures, time and cost indica- Any data update that leads to a change of
SAIFI are below the threshold and indicate tors. In addition, a no practice economy 2% or more on the distance to frontier gap
that there was less than one outage a year receives a score of 0 on the reliability of is classified as a reform (for more details,
per customer, for a total duration of less supply and transparency of tariff index see the chapter on the distance to frontier
than one hour. So the economy not only even if, for example, there is regulatory and ease of doing business ranking). For
meets the eligibility criteria for obtaining oversight of utilities on power interrup- example, if the implementation of a new
a score on the index, it also receives a tions, among others. single window at the utility reduces the
score of 3 on the rst component of the time to process new connection requests
index. The utility uses the automatic GE Price of electricity in a way that the overall gap decreases by
PowerOn Control System to identify faults Doing Business measures the price of 2% or more, such a change is classified
in the network (a score of 1) and restore electricity but does not include these data as a reform. On the other hand, minor

fee updates from the utility or other small reliability of infrastructure, transparency FIGURE 8.7 Registering property:
changes that have an aggregate impact of information, geographic coverage, land efficiency and quality of land
of less than 2% on the gap are not clas- dispute resolution and equal access to administration system
sified as a reform, but their impact is still property rights.
Rankings are based on distance to
reflected in the most updated indicators frontier scores for four indicators
for this topic. The ranking of economies on the ease
Days to transfer Cost to transfer
of registering property is determined by property between two property, as % of
local companies property value
Second, to be considered a reform, changes sorting their distance to frontier scores
in the data must be tied to an initiative led for registering property. These scores
by the utility or by the governmentand are the simple average of the distance to
25% 25%
not an exogenous event. For example, if frontier scores for each of the component Time Cost
outages increase considerably from one indicators (gure 8.7). 25% 25%
year to the next due to inclement weather, Procedures Quality
of land
this cannot be considered a reform that EFFICIENCY OF TRANSFERRING index

makes doing business harder. Similarly, PROPERTY

Steps to transfer Reliability,
if the cost of electricity-related materi- As recorded by Doing Business, the pro- property so that it transparency and
als (such as cabling or transformers) cess of transferring property starts with can be sold or used coverage of land
as collateral administration system;
decreases due to a currency appreciation, obtaining the necessary documents, such protection against land
this cannot be considered a reform that as a copy of the sellers title if necessary, disputes; equal access
to property rights
makes doing business easier. However, and conducting due diligence if required.
if a utility establishes a one-stop shop to The transaction is considered complete
streamline the connection process or if it when it is opposable to third parties and
installs an automated system to improve when the buyer can use the property, use Assumptions about the property
monitoring of power outages and restora- it as collateral for a bank loan or resell it The property:
tion of electricity services, these actions (gure 8.8). Every procedure required by Has a value of 50 times income per
would be considered reforms that made law or necessary in practice is included, capita, which equals the sale price.
doing business easier. whether it is the responsibility of the sell- Is fully owned by the seller.
er or the buyer or must be completed by a Has no mortgages attached and has
The data details on getting electricity third party on their behalf. Local property been under the same ownership for
can be found for each economy at http:// lawyers, notaries and property registries the past 10 years. The initial meth- provide information on procedures as Is registered in the land registry
odology was developed by Geginat and well as the time and cost to complete or cadastre, or both, and is free of
Ramalho (2015) and is adopted here with each of them. title disputes.
minor changes. Is located in a periurban commercial
To make the data comparable across zone, and no rezoning is required.
economies, several assumptions about Consists of land and a building. The
REGISTERING PROPERTY the parties to the transaction, the prop- land area is 557.4 square meters
erty and the procedures are used. (6,000 square feet). A two-story
Doing Business records the full sequence warehouse of 929 square meters
of procedures necessary for a business Assumptions about the parties (10,000 square feet) is located on the
(the buyer) to purchase a property from The parties (buyer and seller): land. The warehouse is 10 years old,
another business (the seller) and to Are limited liability companies (or the is in good condition, has no heating
transfer the property title to the buyers legal equivalent). system and complies with all safety
name so that the buyer can use the Are located in the periurban area of standards, building codes and other
property for expanding its business, use the economys largest business city. legal requirements. The property,
the property as collateral in taking new For 11 economies the data are also col- consisting of land and building, will be
loans or, if necessary, sell the property to lected for the second largest business transferred in its entirety.
another business. It also measures the city (table 8A.1). Will not be subject to renovations
time and cost to complete each of these Are 100% domestically and privately or additional construction following
procedures. Doing Business also measures owned. the purchase.
the quality of the land administration sys- Have 50 employees each, all of whom Has no trees, natural water sources,
tem in each economy. The quality of land are nationals. natural reserves or historical monu-
administration index has ve dimensions: Perform general commercial activities. ments of any kind.

FIGURE 8.8 What are the time, cost and number of procedures required to transfer TABLE 8.7 What do the indicators on
property between two local companies? the efficiency of transferring property
(% of property value) Procedures to legally transfer title on
immovable property (number)
Buyer can use
the property, Preregistration procedures (for example, checking
resell it or for liens, notarizing sales agreement, paying
use it as property transfer taxes)
Number of
Registration procedures in the economy's largest
Land & two-story business city a
Postregistration procedures (for example, filling
Seller with property title with municipality)
registered and no
title disputes Time Time required to complete each procedure
Preregistration Registration Postregistration (days)
Does not include time spent gathering
Each procedure starts on a separate day
Will not be used for special purposes, to complete a procedure. It is assumed though procedures that can be fully completed
online are an exception to this rule
and no special permits, such as for that the minimum time required for each
residential use, industrial plants, procedure is one day, except for proce- Procedure is considered completed once final
document is received
waste storage or certain types of agri- dures that can be fully completed online,
No prior contact with officials
cultural activities, are required. for which the time required is recorded
Has no occupants, and no other party as half a day. Although procedures may Cost required to complete each procedure
(% of property value)
holds a legal interest in it. take place simultaneously, they cannot
Official costs only (such as administrative fees,
start on the same day, again with the duties and taxes)
Procedures exception of procedures that can be Value Added Tax, Capital Gains Tax and illicit
A procedure is dened as any interaction fully completed online. It is assumed payments are excluded
of the buyer or the seller, their agents (if that the buyer does not waste time and a. F or 11 economies the data are also collected for the
an agent is legally or in practice required) commits to completing each remaining second largest business city.

with external parties, including govern- procedure without delay. If a procedure

ment agencies, inspectors, notaries and can be accelerated for an additional cost, seller are included. If cost estimates dif-
lawyers. Interactions between company the fastest legal procedure available and fer among sources, the median reported
officers and employees are not consid- used by the majority of property owners value is used.
ered. All procedures that are legally or in is chosen. If procedures can be under-
practice required for registering property taken simultaneously, it is assumed that QUALITY OF LAND
are recorded, even if they may be avoided they are. It is assumed that the parties ADMINISTRATION
in exceptional cases (table 8.7). If a pro- involved are aware of all requirements The quality of land administration index
cedure can be accelerated legally for an and their sequence from the beginning. is composed of ve other indices: the
additional cost, the fastest procedure is Time spent on gathering information is reliability of infrastructure, transparency
chosen if that option is more benecial to not considered. If time estimates differ of information, geographic coverage,
the economys distance to frontier score among sources, the median reported land dispute resolution and equal access
and if it is used by the majority of prop- value is used. to property rights (table 8.8). Data are
erty owners. Although the buyer may collected for each economys largest
use lawyers or other professionals where Cost business city. For 11 economies the data
necessary in the registration process, it is Cost is recorded as a percentage of are also collected for the second largest
assumed that the buyer does not employ the property value, assumed to be business city.
an outside facilitator in the registration equivalent to 50 times income per capita.
process unless legally or in practice Only official costs required by law are Reliability of infrastructure
required to do so. recorded, including fees, transfer taxes, index
stamp duties and any other payment to The reliability of infrastructure index has
Time the property registry, notaries, public six components:
Time is recorded in calendar days. The agencies or lawyers. Other taxes, such How land titles are kept at the registry
measure captures the median dura- as capital gains tax or value added tax, of the largest business city of the
tion that property lawyers, notaries or are excluded from the cost measure. economy. A score of 2 is assigned if the
registry officials indicate is necessary Both costs borne by the buyer and the majority of land titles are fully digital;

TABLE 8.8 What do the indicators on the quality of land administration measure? users to check the plans and cadastral
information on parcels along with satel-
Reliability of infrastructure index (08)
lite images (a score of 1). Databases
Type of system for archiving information on land ownership about land ownership and maps are
Availability of electronic database to check for encumbrances linked to each other through the TAKBIS
Type of system for archiving maps system, an integrated information system
Availability of geographic information system for the land registry offices and cadastral
offices (a score of 1). Finally, there is a
Link between property ownership registry and mapping system
unique identifying number for properties
Transparency of information index (06)
(a score of 1). Adding these numbers
Accessibility of information on land ownership
gives Turkey a score of 8 on the reliability
Accessibility of maps of land plots of infrastructure index.
Publication of fee schedules, lists of registration documents, service standards
Availability of a specific and separate mechanism for complaints Transparency of information
Publication of statistics about the number of property transactions
The transparency of information index
Geographic coverage index (08)
has 10 components:
Coverage of land registry at the level of the largest business city and the economya Whether information on land owner-
Coverage of mapping agency at the level of the largest business city and the economya ship is made publicly available. A
Land dispute resolution index (08) score of 1 is assigned if information
Legal framework for immovable property registration on land ownership is accessible by
Mechanisms to prevent and resolve land disputes anyone; 0 if access is restricted.
Whether the list of documents required
Equal access to property rights (-20)
for completing the registration of
Unequal ownership rights to property between unmarried men and women
property transactions is made publicly
Unequal ownership rights to property between married men and women available. A score of 0.5 is assigned
Quality of land administration index (030) if the list of documents is accessible
Sum of the reliability of infrastructure, transparency of information, geographic coverage, land dispute online or on a public board; 0 if it is not
resolution indices and equal access to property rights
made available to the public or if it can
a. F or 11 economies the data are also collected for the second largest business city. be obtained only in person.
Whether the fee schedule for com-
1 if the majority are scanned; 0 if the kept in a single database or in linked pleting the registration of property
majority are kept in paper format. databases; 0 if there is no connection transactions is made publicly avail-
Whether there is an electronic data- between the different databases. able. A score of 0.5 is assigned if the
base for checking for encumbrances. How immovable property is identied. fee schedule is accessible online or on
A score of 1 is assigned if yes; 0 if no. A score of 1 is assigned if there is a a public board or is free of charge; 0 if
How maps of land plots are kept at unique number to identify properties it is not made available to the public
the mapping agency of the largest for the majority of land plots; 0 if there or if it can be obtained only in person.
business city of the economy. A score are multiple identiers. Whether the agency in charge of
of 2 is assigned if the majority of maps immovable property registration
are fully digital; 1 if the majority are The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher commits to delivering a legally
scanned; 0 if the majority are kept in values indicating a higher quality of binding document that proves prop-
paper format. infrastructure for ensuring the reliabil- erty ownership within a specic time
Whether there is a geographic ity of information on property titles and frame. A score of 0.5 is assigned if the
information systeman electronic boundaries. In Turkey, for example, the service standard is accessible online
database for recording boundar- land registry offices in Istanbul maintain or on a public board; 0 if it is not made
ies, checking plans and providing titles in a fully digital format (a score of available to the public or if it can be
cadastral information. A score of 1 is 2) and have a fully electronic database obtained only in person.
assigned if yes; 0 if no. to check for encumbrances (a score of Whether there is a specic and sepa-
How the land ownership registry 1). The Cadastral Directorate offices in rate mechanism for ling complaints
and mapping agency are linked. A Istanbul have digital maps (a score of about a problem that occurred at
score of 1 is assigned if information 2), and the Geographical Information the agency in charge of immovable
about land ownership and maps are Directorate has a public portal allowing property registration. A score of 1

is assigned if there is a specic and score of 0.5) and the service standards registered at the land registry in Seoul
separate mechanism for filing a (a score of 0.5). And anyone facing a (a score of 2) and in the economy as
complaint; 0 if there is only a general problem at the land registry can le a a whole (a score of 2). In addition, all
mechanism or no mechanism. complaint or report an error by lling out privately held land plots are mapped in
Whether there are publicly available a specic form online (a score of 1). In Seoul (a score of 2) and in the economy
official statistics tracking the number addition, the Kadaster makes statistics as a whole (a score of 2). Adding these
of transactions at the immovable about land transactions available to the numbers gives Korea a score of 8 on the
property registration agency. A score public, reporting a total of 214,793 prop- geographic coverage index.
of 0.5 is assigned if statistics are erty transfers in Amsterdam in 2016 (a
published about property transfers in score of 0.5). Moreover, anyone who pays Land dispute resolution index
the largest business city in the past a fee can consult online cadastral maps The land dispute resolution index assess-
calendar year at the latest on June (a score of 0.5). It is also possible to get es the legal framework for immovable
1st of the following year; 0 if no such public access to the fee schedule for map property registration and the accessibility
statistics are made publicly available. consultation (a score of 0.5), the service of dispute resolution mechanisms. The
Whether maps of land plots are made standards for delivery of an updated plan index has eight components:
publicly available. A score of 0.5 is (a score of 0.5) and a specic mechanism Whether the law requires that all
assigned if maps are accessible by for ling a complaint about a map (a score property sale transactions be reg-
anyone; 0 if access is restricted. of 0.5). Adding these numbers gives the istered at the immovable property
Whether the fee schedule for access- Netherlands a score of 6 on the transpar- registry to make them opposable to
ing maps is made publicly available. ency of information index. third parties. A score of 1.5 is assigned
A score of 0.5 is assigned if the fee if yes; 0 if no.
schedule is accessible online or on a Geographic coverage index Whether the formal system of
public board or free of charge; 0 if it is The geographic coverage index has immovable property registration is
not made available to the public or if it four components: subject to a guarantee. A score of 0.5
can be obtained only in person. How complete the coverage of the is assigned if either a state or private
Whether the mapping agency commits land registry is at the level of the guarantee over immovable property
to delivering an updated map within largest business city. A score of 2 is registration is required by law; 0 if no
a specic time frame. A score of 0.5 assigned if all privately held land plots such guarantee is required.
is assigned if the service standard is in the city are formally registered at Whether there is a specic compen-
accessible online or on a public board; the land registry; 0 if not. sation mechanism to cover for losses
0 if it is not made available to the public How complete the coverage of the incurred by parties who engaged in
or if it can be obtained only in person. land registry is at the level of the good faith in a property transaction
Whether there is a specic and sepa- economy. A score of 2 is assigned based on erroneous information
rate mechanism for ling complaints if all privately held land plots in the certied by the immovable property
about a problem that occurred at economy are formally registered at registry. A score of 0.5 is assigned if
the mapping agency. A score of the land registry; 0 if not. yes; 0 if no.
0.5 is assigned if there is a specic How complete the coverage of the Whether the legal system requires
and separate mechanism for ling a mapping agency is at the level of the verication of the legal validity of the
complaint; 0 if there is only a general largest business city. A score of 2 is documents necessary for a property
mechanism or no mechanism. assigned if all privately held land plots transaction. A score of 0.5 is assigned
in the city are mapped; 0 if not. if there is a review of legal validity,
The index ranges from 0 to 6, with higher How complete the coverage of the either by the registrar or by a profes-
values indicating greater transparency mapping agency is at the level of the sional (such as a notary or a lawyer);
in the land administration system. In the economy. A score of 2 is assigned 0 if there is no review.
Netherlands, for example, anyone who if all privately held land plots in the Whether the legal system requires
pays a fee can consult the land ownership economy are mapped; 0 if not. verication of the identity of the par-
database (a score of 1). Information can ties to a property transaction. A score
be obtained at the office, by mail or online The index ranges from 0 to 8, with of 0.5 is assigned if there is verication
using the Kadaster website (http://www higher values indicating greater geo- of identity, either by the registrar or by Anyone can also get infor- graphic coverage in land ownership a professional (such as a notary or a
mation online about the list of documents registration and cadastral mapping. In lawyer); 0 if there is no verication.
to submit for property registration (a score the Republic of Korea, for example, all Whether there is a national database
of 0.5), the fee schedule for registration (a privately held land plots are formally to verify the accuracy of identity

documents. A score of 1 is assigned if (a score of 0.5). Adding these numbers gives Tonga a score of -2 on the equal
such a national database is available; gives Lithuania a score of 8 on the land access to property rights indexwhich
0 if not. dispute resolution index. indicates unequal property rights
How much time it takes to obtain a between men and women.
decision from a court of rst instance Equal access to property rights
(without an appeal) in a standard land index Quality of land administration
dispute between two local businesses The equal access to property rights index index
over tenure rights worth 50 times has two components: The quality of land administration index is
income per capita and located in the Whether unmarried men and unmar- the sum of the scores on the reliability of
largest business city. A score of 3 is ried women have equal ownership infrastructure, transparency of informa-
assigned if it takes less than one year; rights to property. A score of -1 is tion, geographic coverage, land dispute
2 if it takes between one and two assigned if there are unequal owner- resolution and equal access to property
years; 1 if it takes between two and ship rights to property; 0 if there indices. The index ranges from 0 to 30
three years; 0 if it takes more than is equality. with higher values indicating better qual-
three years. Whether married men and married ity of the land administration system.
Whether there are publicly avail- women have equal ownership rights
able statistics on the number of to property. A score of -1 is assigned if If private sector entities were unable to
land disputes in the rst instance. A there are unequal ownership rights to register property transfers in an economy
score of 0.5 is assigned if statistics property; 0 if there is equality. between June 2016 and June 2017, the
are published about land disputes economy receives a no practice mark on
in the economy in the past calendar Ownership rights cover the ability to the procedures, time and cost indicators.
year; 0 if no such statistics are made manage, control, administer, access, A no practice economy receives a score
publicly available. encumber, receive, dispose of and of 0 on the quality of land administration
transfer property. Each restriction is con- index even if its legal framework includes
The index ranges from 0 to 8, with sidered if there is a differential treatment provisions related to land administration.
higher values indicating greater protec- for men and women in the law consider-
tion against land disputes. In Lithuania, ing the default marital property regime. REFORMS
for example, according to the Civil Code For customary land systems, equality is The registering property indicator set
and the Law on the Real Property Register, assumed unless there is a general legal tracks changes related to the efficiency
property transactions must be registered provision stating a differential treatment. and quality of land administration sys-
at the land registry to make them oppos- tems every year. Depending on the
able to third parties (a score of 1.5). The The index ranges from -2 to 0, with impact on the data, certain changes are
property transfer system is guaranteed higher values indicating greater inclu- classied as reforms and listed in the
by the state (a score of 0.5) and has a siveness of property rights. In Mali, for summaries of Doing Business reforms in
compensation mechanism to cover losses example, unmarried men and unmarried 2016/2017 section of the report in order
incurred by parties who engaged in good women have equal ownership rights to to acknowledge the implementation of
faith in a property transaction based on property (a score of 0). The same applies signicant changes. Reforms are divided
an error by the registry (a score of 0.5). to married men and women who can use into two types: those that make it easier
A notary veries the legal validity of the their property in the same way (a score to do business and those changes that
documents in a property transaction (a of 0). Adding these numbers gives Mali a make it more difficult to do business. The
score of 0.5) and the identity of the parties score of 0 on the equal access to property registering property indicator set uses
(a score of 0.5), in accordance with the rights indexwhich indicates equal prop- two criteria to recognize a reform.
Law on the Notary Office (Law I-2882). erty rights between men and women. On
Lithuania has a national database to the contrary in Tonga, unmarried men First, the aggregate gap on the overall
verify the accuracy of identity documents and unmarried women do not have equal distance to frontier of the indicator set is
(a score of 1). In a land dispute between ownership rights to property according used to assess the impact of data changes.
two Lithuanian companies over the tenure to the Land Act [Cap 132], Sections Any data update that leads to a change of
rights of a property worth $770,000, the 7, 45 and 82 (a score of -1). The same 2% or more in the distance to frontier gap
Vilnius District Court gives a decision in applies to married men and women who is classied as a reform (for more details,
less than one year (a score of 3). Finally, are not permitted to use their property see the chapter on the distance to fron-
statistics about land disputes are col- in the same way according to the Land tier and ease of doing business ranking).
lected and published; there were a total of Act [Cap 132], Sections 7, 45 and 82 For example, if the implementation of
549 land disputes in the country in 2016 (a score of -1). Adding these numbers a new electronic property registration

system reduces time in a way that the FIGURE 8.9 Do lenders have credit information on entrepreneurs seeking credit? Is
overall gap decreases by 2% or more, the law favorable to borrowers and lenders using movable assets as collateral?
such change is classied as a reform. On
the contrary, minor fee updates or other
smaller changes in the indicators that
have an aggregate impact of less than Credit inf
2% on the gap are not classied as a
reform, but their impact is still reected Potential Can movable assets be
borrower used as collateral?
in the most updated indicators for this
indicator set. Movable Collateral Lender Credit bureaus
asset registry and registries

Second, the overall score on the quality of What types can be Can lenders
used as collateral? access credit
land administration is also considered as information on
a criterion. Any change of 1 point or more borrowers?
on the overall quality score is acknowl-
edged as a reform. For instance, the
completion of the geographic coverage
of the land registry of the business city
(2 points) is considered as a reform.
lawyers and veried through analysis Both cases examine the same set of
The data details on registering property of laws and regulations as well as legal provisions relating to the use of
can be found for each economy at http:// public sources of information on collat- movable collateral. eral and bankruptcy laws. Questionnaire
responses are veried through sev- Several assumptions about the secured
eral rounds of follow-up communication borrower (ABC) and lender (BizBank)
GETTING CREDIT with respondents as well as by contact- are used:
ing third parties and consulting public ABC is a domestic limited liability com-
Doing Business measures the legal rights sources. The questionnaire data are pany (or its legal equivalent).
of borrowers and lenders with respect conrmed through teleconference calls ABC has up to 50 employees.
to secured transactions through one set or on-site visits in all economies. ABC has its headquarters and only
of indicators and the reporting of credit base of operations in the economys
information through another. The rst set Strength of legal rights index largest business city. For 11 economies
of indicators measures whether certain The strength of legal rights index mea- the data are also collected for the
features that facilitate lending exist within sures the degree to which collateral
the applicable collateral and bankruptcy and bankruptcy laws protect the rights
FIGURE 8.10 Getting credit: collateral
laws. The second set measures the cover- of borrowers and lenders and thus
rules and credit information
age, scope and accessibility of credit infor- facilitate lending (table 8.9). For each
mation available through credit reporting economy it is rst determined whether Rankings are based on distance to frontier
scores for the sum of two indicators
service providers such as credit bureaus or a unitary secured transactions system
credit registries (gure 8.9). The ranking exists. Then two case scenarios, case A Regulations on nonpossessory security
of economies on the ease of getting credit and case B, are used to determine how interests in movable property

is determined by sorting their distance to a nonpossessory security interest is cre-

frontier scores for getting credit. These ated, publicized and enforced according 100%
scores are the distance to frontier score to the law. Special emphasis is given Sum of strength of
legal rights index (012)
for the sum of the strength of legal rights to how the collateral registry operates and
depth of credit
index and the depth of credit information (if registration of security interests is information index
index (gure 8.10). possible). The case scenarios involve a (08)

secured borrower, company ABC, and a

LEGAL RIGHTS OF BORROWERS secured lender, BizBank. Scope, quality and accessibility of credit
information through credit bureaus and registries
The data on the legal rights of borrow- In some economies the legal framework
Note: Credit bureau coverage and credit registry
ers and lenders are gathered through a for secured transactions will allow only coverage are measured but do not count for the
questionnaire administered to nancial case A or case B (not both) to apply.

second largest business city (table The strength of legal rights index The collateral registry has modern
8A.1). includes 10 aspects related to legal features such as those that allow
Both ABC and BizBank are 100% rights in collateral law and 2 aspects in secured creditors (or their represen-
domestically owned. bankruptcy law. A score of 1 is assigned tatives) to register, search, amend or
for each of the following features cancel security interests online.
The case scenarios also involve assump- of the laws: Secured creditors are paid first (for
tions. In case A, as collateral for the loan, The economy has an integrated or example, before tax claims and employ-
ABC grants BizBank a nonpossessory unied legal framework for secured ee claims) when a debtor defaults
security interest in one category of mov- transactions that extends to the outside an insolvency procedure.
able assets, for example, its machinery creation, publicity and enforcement of Secured creditors are paid first (for
or its inventory. ABC wants to keep four functional equivalents to security example, before tax claims and employ-
both possession and ownership of the interests in movable assets: duciary ee claims) when a business is liquidated.
collateral. In economies where the law transfers of title; nancial leases; Secured creditors are subject to an
does not allow nonpossessory security assignments or transfers of receiv- automatic stay on enforcement pro-
interests in movable property, ABC and ables; and sales with retention of title. cedures when a debtor enters a court-
BizBank use a duciary transfer-of-title The law allows a business to grant supervised reorganization procedure,
arrangement (or a similar substitute for a nonpossessory security right in a but the law protects secured credi-
nonpossessory security interests). single category of movable assets tors rights by providing clear grounds
(such as machinery or inventory), for relief from the automatic stay (for
In case B, ABC grants BizBank a busi- without requiring a specic descrip- example, if the movable property is in
ness charge, enterprise charge, oating tion of the collateral. danger) and setting a time limit for it.
charge or any charge that gives BizBank The law allows a business to grant The law allows parties to agree in the
a security interest over ABCs combined a nonpossessory security right in collateral agreement that the lender
movable assets (or as much of ABCs substantially all its movable assets, may enforce its security right out
movable assets as possible). ABC keeps without requiring a specic descrip- of court; the law allows public and
ownership and possession of the assets. tion of the collateral. private auctions and also permits the
A security right can be given over future secured creditor to take the asset in
The strength of legal rights index covers or after-acquired assets and extends satisfaction of the debt.
functional equivalents to security inter- automatically to the products, proceeds
ests in movable assets (such as nancial or replacements of the original assets. The index ranges from 0 to 12, with
leases and sales with retention of title) A general description of debts and higher scores indicating that collateral
only in its rst component, to assess how obligations is permitted in the col- and bankruptcy laws are better designed
integrated or unied the economys legal lateral agreement and in registration to expand access to credit.
framework for secured transactions is. documents, all types of debts and
obligations can be secured between REFORMS
the parties, and the collateral agree- The strength of legal rights index tracks
TABLE 8.9 What do the getting credit ment can include a maximum amount changes related to secured transactions
indicators measure? for which the assets are encumbered. and insolvency every year. Depending
A collateral registry or registration on the impact on the data, certain
Strength of legal rights index (012)
institution for security interests changes are classied as reforms
Protection of rights of borrowers and lenders
through collateral laws (010) granted over movable property by and listed in the summaries of Doing
incorporated and nonincorporated Business reforms in 2016/2017 section
Protection of secured creditors rights through
bankruptcy laws (02) entities is in operation, unied geo- of the report in order to acknowledge
Depth of credit information index (08) graphically and with an electronic the implementation of signicant
Scope and accessibility of credit information
database indexed by debtors names. changes. Reforms are divided in two
distributed by credit bureaus and credit registries The collateral registry is a notice- types: those that make it easier to do
based registrya registry that les business and those changes that make
Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) only a notice of the existence of a it more difficult to do business. The
Number of individuals and firms listed in the largest security interest (not the underlying strength of legal rights index uses the
credit bureau as percentage of adult population
documents) and does not perform a following criteria to recognize a reform.
Credit registry coverage (% of adults) legal review of the transaction. The
Number of individuals and firms listed in a credit registry also publicizes functional All changes in laws and regulations that
registry as percentage of adult population
equivalents to security interests. have any impact on the economys score

on the existence of a secured transac- Depth of credit information credit information, from either a credit
tion legal framework which regulates index bureau or a credit registry, to facilitate
the creation, publicity and enforcement The depth of credit information index lending decisions. If the credit bureau
of nonpossessory security interests and measures rules and practices affecting or registry is not operational or covers
their functional equivalents. Each year, the coverage, scope and accessibility less than 5% of the adult population, the
new laws and amendments are evalu- of credit information available through score on the depth of credit information
ated to see if they facilitate obtaining either a credit bureau or a credit registry. index is 0.
credit by small and medium enterpris-
es, allowing for maximum exibility in A score of 1 is assigned for each of the fol- In Lithuania, for example, both a credit
the choice of assets which can be used lowing eight features of the credit bureau bureau and a credit registry operate. Both
as collateral. Guidelines, model rules, or credit registry (or both): distribute data on rms and individuals
principles, recommendations and case Data on rms and individuals are (a score of 1). Although the credit registry
law are excluded. distributed. does not distribute data on on-time
Both positive credit information (for repayments, the credit bureau distributes
Reforms impacting the strength of example, original loan amounts, out- full positive and negative credit informa-
legal rights index include amendments standing loan amounts and a pattern tion (a score of 1). While the credit regis-
to or the introduction of a secured of on-time repayments) and negative try does not distribute data from retailers
transactions act, insolvency code, or information (for example, late pay- or utilities, the credit bureau does (a
civil code as well as the establishment ments and the number and amount of score of 1). Both distribute at least two
or modernization of any of the features defaults) are distributed. years of historical data (a score of 1).
of a collateral registry as measured by Data from retailers or utility compa- Although the credit registry has a thresh-
the indicators. For example, introducing nies are distributed in addition to data old of 290, the credit bureau distributes
a law which provides for a collateral from nancial institutions. data on loans of any value (a score of 1).
registry and actually establishing that At least two years of historical data Borrowers have the right to access their
collateral registrywhich is geo- are distributed. Credit bureaus and data in both the credit bureau and the
graphically centralized, unied for all registries that erase data on defaults credit registry free of charge once a year
types of movable assets and for both as soon as they are repaid or distrib- (a score of 1). Both entities provide data
incorporated and non-incorporated ute negative information more than 10 users access to databases through a web
entities searchable by debtors name years after defaults are repaid receive interface (a score of 1). Although the cred-
would represent a reform with a 1 a score of 0 for this component. it registry does not provide credit scores,
point increase and would therefore be Data on loan amounts below 1% of the credit bureau does (a score of 1).
acknowledged in the report. income per capita are distributed. Adding these numbers gives Lithuania a
By law, borrowers have the right to score of 8 on the depth of credit informa-
CREDIT INFORMATION access their data in the largest credit tion index.
The data on the reporting of credit bureau or registry in the economy.
information are built in two stages. First, Credit bureaus and registries that Credit bureau coverage
banking supervision authorities and charge more than 1% of income Credit bureau coverage reports the
public information sources are surveyed per capita for borrowers to inspect number of individuals and rms listed in
to confirm the presence of a credit their data receive a score of 0 for a credit bureaus database as of January 1,
reporting service provider, such as a this component. 2017, with information on their borrowing
credit bureau or credit registry. Second, Banks and other nancial institu- history within the past ve years, plus the
when applicable, a detailed question- tions have online access to the credit number of individuals and rms that have
naire on the credit bureaus or credit information (for example, through a had no borrowing history in the past ve
registrys structure, laws and associated web interface, a system-to-system years but for which a lender requested
rules is administered to the entity itself. connection or both). a credit report from the bureau in the
Questionnaire responses are veried Bureau or registry credit scores are period between January 2, 2016, and
through several rounds of follow-up offered as a value-added service to January 1, 2017. The number is expressed
communication with respondents as help banks and other nancial insti- as a percentage of the adult population
well as by contacting third parties and tutions assess the creditworthiness (the population age 15 and above in 2016
consulting public sources. The ques- of borrowers. according to the World Banks World
tionnaire data are conrmed through Development Indicators). A credit bureau
teleconference calls or on-site visits in The index ranges from 0 to 8, with higher is dened as a private rm or nonprot
all economies. values indicating the availability of more organization that maintains a database

on the creditworthiness of borrowers to acknowledge the implementation of Third, occasionally the credit information
(individuals or rms) in the nancial sys- signicant changes. Reforms are divided index will acknowledge legislative chang-
tem and facilitates the exchange of credit into two types: those that make it easier to es with no current impact on the data as
information among creditors. (Many do business and those changes that make reforms. This option is typically reserved
credit bureaus support banking and it more difficult to do business. The credit to legislative changes of exceptional mag-
overall nancial supervision activities in information index uses three criteria to nitude, such as the introduction of laws
practice, though this is not their primary recognize a reform. allowing the operation of credit bureaus
objective.) Credit investigative bureaus or laws on personal data protection.
that do not directly facilitate informa- First, all changes in laws, regulations and
tion exchange among banks and other practices that have any impact on the The data details on getting credit can
nancial institutions are not considered. economys score on the credit information be found for each economy at http://
If no credit bureau operates, the coverage index are classied as reforms. Examples The initial method-
value is 0.0%. of reforms impacting the index include ology was developed by Djankov, McLiesh
measures to distribute positive credit and Shleifer (2007) and is adopted here
Credit registry coverage data in addition to negative data, the with minor changes.
Credit registry coverage reports the distribution of credit data from utilities
number of individuals and rms listed in a or retailers or the introduction of credit
credit registrys database as of January 1, scores as a value-added service. Any PROTECTING MINORITY
2017, with information on their borrowing change that improves the score of a given INVESTORS
history within the past ve years, plus the economy in any of the eight features of
number of individuals and rms that have the index is considered a reform. Some Doing Business measures the protection
had no borrowing history in the past ve reforms can have an impact in more than of minority investors from conicts of
years but for which a lender requested one feature. For example, the introduc- interest through one set of indicators and
a credit report from the registry in the tion of a new credit bureau covering more shareholders rights in corporate gover-
period between January 2, 2016, and than 5% of the adult population that nance through another (table 8.10). The
January 1, 2017. The number is expressed distributes information on rms and indi- data come from a questionnaire adminis-
as a percentage of the adult population viduals, as well as positive and negative tered to corporate and securities lawyers
(the population age 15 and above in 2016 data and provides online access to data and are based on securities regulations,
according to the World Banks World users, represents a 3 point increase in the company laws, civil procedure codes
Development Indicators). A credit regis- index. In contrast, the introduction of leg- and court rules of evidence. The ranking
try is dened as a database managed by islation that guarantees borrowers rights of economies on the strength of minor-
the public sector, usually by the central to access their data in the largest credit ity investor protections is determined by
bank or the superintendent of banks, that bureau or registry in the economy rep- sorting their distance to frontier scores
collects information on the creditworthi- resents a reform with a 1 point increase for protecting minority investors. These
ness of borrowers (individuals or rms) in the index. scores are the simple average of the
in the nancial system and facilitates the distance to frontier scores for the extent
exchange of credit information among Second, changes that increase the of conict of interest regulation index and
banks and other regulated nancial coverage of the largest credit bureau or the extent of shareholder governance
institutions (while their primary objec- registry in an economy above 5% of the index (gure 8.11).
tive is to assist banking supervision). If adult population may also be classied as
no credit registry operates, the coverage reforms. According to the getting credit PROTECTION OF SHAREHOLDERS
value is 0.0%. methodology, if the credit bureau or reg- FROM CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
istry is not operational or covers less than The extent of conict of interest regula-
REFORMS 5% of the adult population, the score on tion index measures the protection of
The depth of credit information index the depth of credit information index is shareholders against directors misuse
tracks changes related to the coverage, 0. The impact of the reform will depend of corporate assets for personal gain
scope and accessibility of credit informa- on the characteristics of the economys by distinguishing three dimensions
tion available through either a credit bureau credit reporting system as it relates to of regulation that address conicts of
or a credit registry every year. Depending the eight features of the index. Expanded interest: transparency of related-party
on the impact on the data, certain changes coverage that does not reach 5% of the transactions (extent of disclosure index),
are classied as reforms and listed in the adult population is not classied as a shareholders ability to sue and hold
summaries of Doing Business reforms in reform but the impact is still reected on directors liable for self-dealing (extent
2016/2017 section of the report in order the most updated statistics. of director liability index) and access to

TABLE 8.10 What do the protecting minority investors indicators measure? system) on which 60% of the
shareholder-elected members have
Extent of disclosure index (010) Extent of shareholder rights index (010)
been appointed by Mr. James, who is
Review and approval requirements for related-party Shareholders rights and role in major corporate Buyers controlling shareholder and a
transactions decisions
member of Buyers board of directors.
Internal, immediate and periodic disclosure
requirements for related-party transactions Has not adopted any bylaws or articles
of association that go beyond the mini-
Extent of director liability index (010) Extent of ownership and control index (010)
mum requirements. Does not follow
Minority shareholders ability to sue and hold Governance safeguards protecting shareholders
interested directors liable for prejudicial related- from undue board control and entrenchment codes, principles, recommendations or
party transactions guidelines that are not mandatory.
Available legal remedies (damages, disgorgement Is a manufacturing company with its
of profits, disqualification, rescission of own distribution network.
Ease of shareholder suits index (010) Extent of corporate transparency index (010)
Assumptions about the
Access to internal corporate documents Corporate transparency on significant owners,
executive compensation, annual meetings and transaction
Evidence obtainable during trial audits Mr. James owns 60% of Buyer and
Allocation of legal expenses elected two directors to Buyers ve-
Extent of conflict of interest regulation index Extent of shareholder governance index member board.
(010) (010) Mr. James also owns 90% of Seller,
Simple average of the extent of disclosure, extent Simple average of the extent of shareholder rights, a company that operates a chain of
of director liability and ease of shareholder suits extent of ownership and control and extent of
indices corporate transparency indices retail hardware stores. Seller recently
closed a large number of its stores.
Strength of minority investor protection index (010)
Mr. James proposes that Buyer pur-
Simple average of the extent of conflict of interest regulation and extent of shareholder governance indices
chase Sellers unused eet of trucks to
expand Buyers distribution of its food
evidence and allocation of legal expenses publicly traded companies listed on products, a proposal to which Buyer
in shareholder litigation (ease of share- that exchange is less than 10, or if there agrees. The price is equal to 10% of
holder suits index). To make the data is no stock exchange in the economy, it Buyers assets and is higher than the
comparable across economies, several is assumed that Buyer is a large private market value.
assumptions about the business and the company with multiple shareholders. The proposed transaction is part
transaction are used (gure 8.12). Has a board of directors and a of the companys ordinary course
chief executive officer (CEO) who of business and is not outside the
Assumptions about the business may legally act on behalf of Buyer authority of the company.
The business (Buyer): where permitted, even if this is not Buyer enters into the transaction. All
Is a publicly traded corporation listed specically required by law. required approvals are obtained, and
on the economys most important Has a supervisory board (applicable all required disclosures made (that is,
stock exchange. If the number of to economies with a two-tier board the transaction is not fraudulent).

FIGURE 8.11 Protecting minority FIGURE 8.12 How well are minority shareholders protected from conflicts of interest?
investors: shareholders rights in conflicts
of interest and corporate governance

Rankings are based on distance to Extent of disclosure Mr. James

frontier scores for two indicators Disclosure and approval requirements suit
Law 60% 90%
Extent of director liability ownership, ownership,
Ability to sue directors for damages sits on board sits on board
of directors of directors

50% 50% Ease of shareholder suits Company A Company B

Extent of Access by shareholders to documents (buyer) (seller)
Extent of
conflict of shareholder plus other evidence for trial Transaction
interest governance involving
regulation index Minority conflict of interest
index shareholders

The transaction causes damages to The index ranges from 0 to 10, with higher 0 is assigned if the approving body
Buyer. Shareholders sue Mr. James values indicating greater disclosure. In cannot be held liable or can be held
and the other parties that approved Poland, for example, the board of direc- liable only for fraud, bad faith or gross
the transaction. tors must approve the transaction and negligence; 1 if the approving body
Mr. James is not allowed to vote (a score can be held liable for negligence; 2
Extent of disclosure index of 2). Poland does not require an external if the approving body can be held
The extent of disclosure index has ve body to review the transaction (a score liable when the transaction is unfair or
components: of 0). Before the transaction Mr. James prejudicial to the other shareholders.
Which corporate body can provide must disclose his conict of interest to Whether Mr. James pays damages for
legally sufficient approval for the the other directors, but he is not required the harm caused to the company upon
transaction. A score of 0 is assigned if to provide specic information about it (a a successful claim by the shareholder
it is the CEO or the managing director score of 1). Buyer is required to disclose plaintiff. A score of 0 is assigned if no;
alone; 1 if the board of directors, the immediately all information affecting 1 if yes.
supervisory board or shareholders the stock price, including the conict of Whether Mr. James repays prots
must vote and Mr. James is permitted interest (a score of 2). In its annual report made from the transaction upon a
to vote; 2 if the board of directors or Buyer must also disclose the terms of the successful claim by the shareholder
the supervisory board must vote and transaction and Mr. Jamess ownership in plaintiff. A score of 0 is assigned if no;
Mr. James is not permitted to vote; Buyer and Seller (a score of 2). Adding 1 if yes.
3 if shareholders must vote and Mr. these numbers gives Poland a score of 7 Whether Mr. James is disqualied
James is not permitted to vote. on the extent of disclosure index. upon a successful claim by the
Whether it is required that an exter- shareholder plaintiff. A score of 0 is
nal body, for example, an external Extent of director liability index assigned if no; 1 if he is disqualied
auditor, review the transaction The extent of director liability index has that is, disallowed from representing
before it takes place. A score of 0 is seven components:5 or holding a managerial position in
assigned if no; 1 if yes. Whether shareholder plaintiffs are any company for a year or more.
Whether disclosure by Mr. James able to sue directly or derivatively for Whether a court can void the trans-
to the board of directors or the the damage the transaction causes to action upon a successful claim by a
supervisory board is required. A score the company. A score of 0 is assigned shareholder plaintiff. A score of 0 is
of 0 is assigned if no disclosure is if suits are unavailable or are available assigned if rescission is unavailable or
required; 1 if a general disclosure of only for shareholders holding more is available only in case of fraud, bad
the existence of a conict of interest than 10% of the companys share faith or gross negligence; 1 if rescis-
is required without any specics; 2 capital; 1 if direct or derivative suits sion is available when the transaction
if full disclosure of all material facts are available for shareholders holding is oppressive or prejudicial to the
relating to Mr. Jamess interest in the 10% of share capital. other shareholders; 2 if rescission
Buyer-Seller transaction is required. Whether a shareholder plaintiff is is available when the transaction is
Whether immediate disclosure of the able to hold Mr. James liable for the unfair or entails a conflict of interest.
transaction to the public, the regula- damage the Buyer-Seller transaction
tor or the shareholders is required.4 A causes to the company. A score of 0 is The index ranges from 0 to 10, with
score of 0 is assigned if no disclosure assigned if Mr. James cannot be held higher values indicating greater liability of
is required; 1 if disclosure on the terms liable or can be held liable only for directors. In Austria, for example, deriva-
of the transaction is required but not fraud, bad faith or gross negligence; tive suits are available for shareholders
on Mr. Jamess conict of interest; 2 if 1 if Mr. James can be held liable only holding 10% of share capital (a score of
disclosure on both the terms and Mr. if he inuenced the approval of the 1). Assuming that the prejudicial transac-
Jamess conict of interest is required. transaction or was negligent; 2 if Mr. tion was duly approved and disclosed, in
Whether disclosure in the annual James can be held liable when the order to hold Mr. James liable a plaintiff
report is required. A score of 0 is transaction is unfair or prejudicial to must prove that Mr. James inuenced
assigned if no disclosure on the trans- the other shareholders. the approving body or acted negligently
action is required; 1 if disclosure on the Whether a shareholder plaintiff is able (a score of 1). To hold the other directors
terms of the transaction is required to hold the approving body (the CEO, liable, a plaintiff must prove that they
but not on Mr. Jamess conict of members of the board of directors or acted negligently (a score of 1). If Mr.
interest; 2 if disclosure on both the members of the supervisory board) James is found liable, he must pay dam-
terms and Mr. Jamess conict of liable for the damage the transaction ages (a score of 1) and is required to dis-
interest is required. causes to the company. A score of gorge his prots (a score of 1). Mr. James

can be neither ned and imprisoned nor recover their legal expenses from the shareholders rights and role in major
disqualied (a score of 0). The prejudicial company regardless of the outcome corporate decisions (extent of share-
transaction cannot be voided (a score of of their legal action. holder rights index), governance safe-
0). Adding these numbers gives Austria guards protecting shareholders from
a score of 5 on the extent of director The index ranges from 0 to 10, with undue board control and entrenchment
liability index. higher values indicating greater pow- (extent of ownership and control index)
ers of shareholders to challenge the and corporate transparency on owner-
Ease of shareholder suits index transaction. In Croatia, for example, ship stakes, compensation, audits and
The ease of shareholder suits index has a shareholder holding 10% of Buyers nancial prospects (extent of corporate
six components: shares can request that a government transparency index). The index also
Whether shareholders owning 10% of inspector review suspected misman- measures whether a subset of relevant
the companys share capital have the agement by Mr. James and the CEO rights and safeguards are available in
right to inspect the transaction docu- without ling suit in court (a score of 1). limited companies.
ments before ling suit or request that The plaintiff can access documents that
a government inspector investigate the defendant intends to rely on for his Assumptions about the business
the Buyer-Seller transaction without defense (a score of 1). The plaintiff must The business (Buyer) is a publicly
ling suit. A score of 0 is assigned if specically identify the documents traded corporation listed on the econ-
no; 1 if yes. being sought (for example, the Buyer- omys most important stock exchange.
What range of documents is available Seller purchase agreement of July If there is no stock exchange in the
to the shareholder plaintiff from the 15, 2015) and cannot simply request economy, it is assumed that Buyer is
defendant and witnesses during trial. categories (for example, all documents a large private company with multiple
A score of 1 is assigned for each of the related to the transaction) (a score of shareholders. Examples of company
following types of documents avail- 0). The plaintiff can examine the defen- forms that can be listed and have a
able: information that the defendant dant and witnesses during trial, without large number of shareholders include:
has indicated he intends to rely on for prior approval of the questions by the the Joint Stock Company (JSC), the
his defense; information that directly court (a score of 2). The standard of Public Limited Company (PLC), the
proves specic facts in the plaintiffs proof for civil suits is preponderance C Corporation, the Societas Europaea
claim; and any information relevant to of the evidence, while the standard (SE), the Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
the subject matter of the claim. for a criminal case is beyond a reason- and the Socit Anonyme/Sociedad
Whether the plaintiff can obtain cat- able doubt (a score of 1). The plaintiff Annima (SA).
egories of relevant documents from can recover legal expenses from the In 10 of the questions, the assessment
the defendant without identifying company only upon a successful out- is made assuming that Buyer is a
each document specically. A score come of the legal action (a score of 1). limited company. Buyer is instead a
of 0 is assigned if no; 1 if yes. Adding these numbers gives Croatia a limited liability company or its func-
Whether the plaintiff can directly score of 6 on the ease of shareholder tional equivalent: a distinct and sim-
examine the defendant and witnesses suits index. pler company form that cannot offer
during trial. A score of 0 is assigned shares to the public. Examples include
if no; 1 if yes, with prior approval of Extent of conflict of interest the Private Limited Company (Ltd),
the questions by the judge; 2 if yes, regulation index the Limited Liability Company (LLC),
without prior approval. The extent of conict of interest regula- the Sociedad de Responsabilidad
Whether the standard of proof for tion index is the average of the extent of Limitada (SRL), the Gesellschaft
civil suits is lower than that for a disclosure index, the extent of director mit beschrnkter Haftung (GmbH)
criminal case. A score of 0 is assigned liability index and the ease of shareholder and the Socit Responsabilit
if no; 1 if yes. suits index. The index ranges from 0 to Limite (SARL).
Whether shareholder plaintiffs can 10, with higher values indicating stronger
recover their legal expenses from the regulation of conicts of interest. Extent of shareholder rights
company. A score of 0 is assigned index
if no; 1 if plaintiffs can recover their SHAREHOLDERS RIGHTS IN For each component of the extent of
legal expenses from the company CORPORATE GOVERNANCE shareholder rights index, a score of 0 is
only upon a successful outcome of The extent of shareholder governance assigned if the answer is no; 1 if yes. The
their legal action or if payment of index measures shareholders rights in index has 10 components:
their attorney fees is contingent on a corporate governance by distinguishing Whether the sale of 51% of Buyers
successful outcome; 2 if plaintiffs can three dimensions of good governance: assets requires shareholder approval.

Whether shareholders representing Whether a potential acquirer must representing 5% can put items on
10% of Buyers share capital have the make a tender offer to all shareholders the meeting agenda.
right to call for an extraordinary meet- upon acquiring 50% of Buyer. Assuming that Buyer is a limited
ing of shareholders. Whether Buyer must pay declared company larger than a threshold set
Whether Buyer must obtain its share- dividends within a maximum period by law, whether its annual nancial
holders approval every time it issues set by law. statements must be audited by an
new shares. Whether a subsidiary cannot acquire external auditor.
Whether shareholders automatically shares issued by its parent company.
receive preemption or subscription Assuming that Buyer is a limited Extent of shareholder
rights every time Buyer issues company, whether it must have a governance index
new shares. mechanism to resolve disagreements The extent of shareholder governance
Whether the election and dismissal of among members. index is the average of the extent of
the external auditor must be approved Assuming that Buyer is a limited com- shareholder rights index, the extent of
by the shareholders. pany, whether a potential acquirer ownership and control index and the
Whether changes to rights associ- must make a tender offer to all mem- extent of corporate transparency index.
ated with a class of shares are only bers upon acquiring 50% of Buyer. The index ranges from 0 to 10, with
possible if the holders of the affected Assuming that Buyer is a limited com- higher values indicating stronger rights
shares approve those changes. pany, whether Buyer must distribute of shareholders in corporate governance.
Assuming that Buyer is a lim- prots within a maximum period
ited company, whether the sale set by law. REFORMS
of 51% of Buyers assets requires The protecting minority investors indica-
member approval. Extent of corporate tor set captures changes related to the
Assuming that Buyer is a limited com- transparency index regulation of related-party transactions as
pany, whether members representing For each component of the extent of well as corporate governance every year.
10% have the right to call for a meet- corporate transparency index, a score of Depending on the impact on the data, cer-
ing of members. 0 is assigned if the answer is no; 1 if yes. tain changes are listed in the summaries
Assuming that Buyer is a limited The index has 10 components: of Doing Business reforms in 2016/2017
company, whether all members must Whether Buyer must disclose direct section of the report in order to acknowl-
consent to add a new member. and indirect benecial ownership edge the implementation of signicant
Assuming that Buyer is a limited stakes representing 5%. changes. They are divided into two types:
company, whether members must Whether Buyer must disclose infor- reforms that make it easier to do business
rst offer their interest to the exist- mation about board members pri- and changes that make it more difficult
ing members before they can sell to mary employment and directorships to do business. The protecting minority
non-members. in other companies. investors indicator set uses the following
Whether Buyer must disclose the criteria to recognize a reform.
Extent of ownership and control compensation of individual managers.
index Whether a detailed notice of gen- All legislative and regulatory changes
For each component of the extent of eral meeting must be sent 21 calendar that impact the score assigned to a given
ownership and control index, a score of days before the meeting. economy on any of the 48 questions
0 is assigned if the answer is no; 1 if yes. Whether shareholders representing comprising the six indicators on minor-
The index has 10 components: 5% of Buyers share capital can ity investor protection are classied as a
Whether the same individual cannot put items on the general meeting reform. The change must be mandatory,
be appointed CEO and chair of the agenda. meaning that failure to comply allows
board of directors. Whether Buyers annual nancial shareholders to sue in court or for sanc-
Whether the board of directors must statements must be audited by an tions to be leveled by a regulatory body
include independent and nonexecu- external auditor. such as the company registrar, the capital
tive board members. Whether Buyer must disclose its market authority or the securities and
Whether shareholder can remove audit reports to the public. exchange commission. Guidelines, model
members of the board of directors Assuming that Buyer is a limited com- rules, principles, recommendations and
without cause before the end of pany, whether members must meet at duties to explain in case of non-compli-
their term. least once a year. ance are excluded. When a change exclu-
Whether the board of directors must Assuming that Buyer is a lim- sively affects companies that are listed
include a separate audit committee. ited company, whether members on the stock exchange, it will be captured

only if the stock exchange has 10 or more The data details on protecting minority as the total tax and contribution rate at
equity listings. If the economy has no investors can be found for each economy at the 15th percentile of the overall distribu-
stock exchange or a stock exchange with The initial tion for all years included in the analysis
less than 10 equity listings, the change methodology was developed by Djankov, La up to and including Doing Business 2015,
is taken into account only if it affects Porta and others (2008). which is 26.1%. All economies with a
companies irrespective of whether their total tax and contribution rate below this
shares are listed or not. threshold receive the same score as the
PAYING TAXES economy at the threshold.
Reforms impacting the protecting minor-
ity investors indicator set include amend- Doing Business records the taxes and The threshold is not based on any eco-
ments to or the introduction of a new mandatory contributions that a medium- nomic theory of an optimal tax rate
companies act, commercial code, securi- size company must pay in a given year as that minimizes distortions or maximizes
ties regulation, code of civil procedure, well as measures of the administrative efficiency in an economys overall tax
court rules, law, decree, order, supreme burden of paying taxes and contributions system. Instead, it is mainly empirical in
court decision, or stock exchange listing and complying with postling procedures nature, set at the lower end of the distri-
rule. The changes must affect the rights (gure 8.13). The project was developed bution of tax rates levied on medium-size
and duties of issuers, company managers, and implemented in cooperation with enterprises in the manufacturing sector
directors and shareholders in connec- PwC.6 Taxes and contributions measured as observed through the paying taxes
tion with related-party transactions or, include the prot or corporate income tax, indicators. This reduces the bias in the
more generally, the aspects of corporate social contributions and labor taxes paid total tax and contribution rate indicator
governance measured by the indicators. by the employer, property taxes, property toward economies that do not need to
For example, in a given economy, related- transfer taxes, dividend tax, capital gains levy signicant taxes on companies like
party transactions have to be approved tax, nancial transactions tax, waste col- the Doing Business standardized case
by the board of directors including board lection taxes, vehicle and road taxes, and study company because they raise public
members who have a personal nancial any other small taxes or fees. revenue in other waysfor example,
interest in seeing the transaction suc- through taxes on foreign companies,
ceed. This economy introduces a law The ranking of economies on the ease through taxes on sectors other than
requiring that related-party transactions of paying taxes is determined by sorting manufacturing or from natural resources
be approved instead by a general meet- their distance to frontier scores for paying (all of which are outside the scope of
ing of shareholders and that excludes taxes. These scores are the simple aver- the methodology).
shareholders with conicting interests age of the distance to frontier scores for
from participating in the vote. This law each of the component indicators (gure Doing Business measures all taxes and
would result in a 2-point increase on the 8.14), with a threshold and a nonlinear contributions that are government man-
corresponding question in the extent of transformation applied to one of the com- dated (at any levelfederal, state or local)
disclosure index and would therefore be ponent indicators, the total tax and con- and that apply to the standardized busi-
acknowledged in the report. tribution rate.7 The threshold is dened ness and have an impact in its nancial

FIGURE 8.13 What are the time, total tax and contribution rate and number of payments necessary for a local medium-size
company to pay all taxes and how efficient is it for a local medium-size company to comply with postfiling processes?

Total tax and contribution rate Time Postfiling index

per year To prepare, file and
pay value added or
sales tax, profit tax
% of profit and labor taxes and
before all taxes contributions

Number of payments Efficiency of postfiling processes

(per year)

FIGURE 8.14 Paying taxes: tax compliance included. For example, value added taxes Is 100% domestically owned and
for a local manufacturing company (VAT) are generally excluded (provided has five owners, all of whom are
that they are not irrecoverable) because natural persons.
Rankings are based on distance to
frontier scores for four indicators they do not affect the accounting prots At the end of 2015, has a start-up
of the businessthat is, they are not capital of 102 times income per capita.
Number of hours per Firm tax liability as reected in the income statement. They Performs general industrial or com-
year to prepare, file % of profits before
returns and pay taxes all taxes borne are, however, included for the purpose mercial activities. Specically, it pro-
of the compliance measures (time and duces ceramic owerpots and sells
25% payments), as they add to the burden of them at retail. It does not participate
Total tax and complying with the tax system. in foreign trade (no import or export)
25% contribution
Time rate and does not handle products subject
25% 25%
Postfiling Payments Doing Business uses a case scenario to to a special tax regime, for example,
measure the taxes and contributions liquor or tobacco.
paid by a standardized business and the At the beginning of 2016, owns two
Distance to frontier score Number of complexity of an economys tax compli- plots of land, one building, machinery,
on: number of hours to tax payments ance system. This case scenario uses a office equipment, computers and one
comply with VAT refund, per year
number of weeks to obtain set of nancial statements and assump- truck and leases one truck.
VAT refund, number of tions about transactions made over the Does not qualify for investment
hours to comply with
corporate income tax course of the year. In each economy incentives or any benefits apart
audit, number of weeks to tax experts from a number of different from those related to the age or size
complete a corporate
income tax audit rms (in many economies these include of the company.
PwC) compute the taxes and manda- Has 60 employees4 managers,
Note: All economies below the threshold receive tory contributions due in their jurisdiction 8 assistants and 48 workers. All
the same score in the total tax and contribution
rate component as the economies at the threshold. based on the standardized case study are nationals, and one manager is
If both VAT and corporate income tax apply, the
postfiling index is the simple average of the distance facts. Information is also compiled on also an owner. The company pays
to frontier scores for each of the four components: the frequency of ling and payments, for additional medical insurance for
time to comply with VAT refund, time to obtain VAT
refund, time to comply with corporate income tax the time taken to comply with tax laws employees (not mandated by any
audit and time to complete a corporate income tax in an economy, the time taken to request law) as an additional benefit. In addi-
audit. If only VAT or corporate income tax applies,
the postfiling index is the simple average of the and process a VAT refund claim and the tion, in some economies reimbursable
scores for only the two components pertaining to the
applicable tax. If neither VAT nor corporate income time taken to comply with and complete business travel and client entertain-
tax applies, the postfiling index is not included in the a corporate income tax audit. To make ment expenses are considered fringe
ranking of the ease of paying taxes.
the data comparable across economies, benets. When applicable, it is
several assumptions about the business assumed that the company pays the
statements. In doing so, Doing Business and the taxes and contributions are used. fringe benet tax on this expense or
goes beyond the traditional denition of that the benet becomes taxable
a tax. As dened for the purposes of gov- Assumptions about the business income for the employee. The case
ernment national accounts, taxes include The business: study assumes no additional salary
only compulsory, unrequited payments Is a limited liability, taxable com- additions for meals, transportation,
to general government. Doing Business pany. If there is more than one type education or others. Therefore, even
departs from this denition because it of limited liability company in the when such benets are frequent, they
measures imposed charges that affect economy, the limited liability form are not added to or removed from the
business accounts, not government most common among domestic rms taxable gross salaries to arrive at the
accounts. One main difference relates to is chosen. The most common form is labor tax or contribution calculation.
labor contributions. The Doing Business reported by incorporation lawyers or Has a turnover of 1,050 times income
measure includes government-mandated the statistical office. per capita.
contributions paid by the employer to a Started operations on January 1, 2015. Makes a loss in the first year
requited private pension fund or workers At that time the company purchased of operation.
insurance fund. It includes, for example, all the assets shown in its balance Has a gross margin (pretax) of 20%
Australias compulsory superannuation sheet and hired all its workers. (that is, sales are 120% of the cost of
guarantee and workers compensation Operates in the economys largest goods sold).
insurance. For the purpose of calculat- business city. For 11 economies the Distributes 50% of its net prots as
ing the total tax and contribution rate data are also collected for the second dividends to the owners at the end of
(dened below), only taxes borne are largest business city (table 8A.1). the second year.

Sells one of its plots of land at a prot frequency of payment, the frequency of TABLE 8.11 What do the paying taxes
at the beginning of the second year. filing and the number of agencies involved indicators measure?
Is subject to a series of detailed for the standardized case study company
Tax payments for a manufacturing company
assumptions on expenses and transac- during the second year of operation (table in 2016 (number per year adjusted for
tions to further standardize the case. For 8.11). It includes taxes withheld by the electronic and joint filing and payment)
example, the owner who is also a man- company, such as sales tax, VAT and Total number of taxes and contributions paid,
including consumption taxes (value added tax,
ager spends 10% of income per capita employee-borne labor taxes. These taxes sales tax or goods and service tax)
on traveling for the company (20% of are traditionally collected by the company
Method and frequency of filing and payment
this owners expenses are purely pri- from the consumer or employee on behalf
Time required to comply with three major
vate, 20% are for entertaining custom- of the tax agencies. Although they do not taxes (hours per year)
ers, and 60% are for business travel). affect the income statements of the com-
Collecting information and computing the tax
All nancial statement variables are pany, they add to the administrative burden payable
proportional to 2012 income per capita of complying with the tax system and so Completing tax return forms, filing with proper
(this is an update from Doing Business are included in the tax payments measure. agencies
2013 and previous years reports, Arranging payment or withholding
where the variables were proportional The number of payments takes into Preparing separate mandatory tax accounting
to 2005 income per capita). For some account electronic filing. Where full elec- books, if required
economies a multiple of two or three tronic filing and payment is allowed and Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit
before all taxes)
times income per capita has been used it is used by the majority of medium-size
to estimate the nancial statement vari- businesses, the tax is counted as paid Profit or corporate income tax
ables.8 The 2012 income per capita was once a year even if filings and payments Social contributions and labor taxes paid by the
not sufficient to bring the salaries of are more frequent. For payments made
all the case study employees up to the through third parties, such as tax on Property and property transfer taxes
minimum wage thresholds that exist in interest paid by a financial institution or Dividend, capital gains and financial transactions
these economies. fuel tax paid by a fuel distributor, only one
payment is included even if payments are Waste collection, vehicle, road and other taxes
Assumptions about the taxes more frequent. Postfiling index
and contributions Compliance time of a VAT refund process
All the taxes and contributions Where two or more taxes or contributions Time to receive a VAT refund
recorded are those paid in the second are led for and paid jointly using the Compliance time of correcting an error in the
year of operation (calendar year same form, each of these joint payments corporate income tax return including compliance
2016). A tax or contribution is consid- is counted once. For example, if manda- with an audit process if applicable

ered distinct if it has a different name tory health insurance contributions and Time to complete a corporate income tax audit
or is collected by a different agency. mandatory pension contributions are
Taxes and contributions with the led for and paid together, only one of extra time is included only if the regular
same name and agency, but charged these contributions would be included in accounting work is not enough to fulll
at different rates depending on the the number of payments. the tax accounting requirements. Filing
business, are counted as the same tax time includes the time to complete
or contribution. Time all necessary tax return forms and le
The number of times the company Time is recorded in hours per year. The the relevant returns at the tax author-
pays taxes and contributions in a indicator measures the time taken to ity. Payment time considers the hours
year is the number of different taxes prepare, le and pay three major types needed to make the payment online or
or contributions multiplied by the of taxes and contributions: the corporate in person. Where taxes and contributions
frequency of payment (or withhold- income tax, value added or sales tax, and are paid in person, the time includes
ing) for each tax. The frequency of labor taxes, including payroll taxes and delays while waiting.
payment includes advance payments social contributions. Preparation time
(or withholding) as well as regular includes the time to collect all informa- Total tax and contribution rate
payments (or withholding). tion necessary to compute the tax The total tax and contribution rate
payable and to calculate the amount pay- measures the amount of taxes and
Tax payments able. If separate accounting books must mandatory contributions borne by the
The tax payments indicator reflects the be kept for tax purposesor separate business in the second year of opera-
total number of taxes and contribu- calculations madethe time associated tion, expressed as a share of commer-
tions paid, the method of payment, the with these processes is included. This cial prot. Doing Business 2018 reports

the total tax and contribution rate for factor to be applied to the tax base. In The methodology for calculating the total
calendar year 2016. The total amount computing the total tax and contribu- tax and contribution rate is broadly con-
of taxes and contributions borne is tion rate, the actual tax or contribution sistent with the Total Tax Contribution
the sum of all the different taxes and payable is divided by commercial prot. framework developed by PwC and the
contributions payable after accounting Data for Iraq are provided as an example calculation within this framework for
for allowable deductions and exemp- (table 8.12). taxes borne. But while the work under-
tions. The taxes withheld (such as taken by PwC is usually based on data
personal income tax) or collected by Commercial prot is essentially net received from the largest companies in
the company and remitted to the tax prot before all taxes and contributions the economy, Doing Business focuses on
authorities (such as VAT, sales tax or borne. It differs from the conventional a case study for a standardized medium-
goods and service tax) but not borne prot before tax, reported in nancial size company.
by the company are excluded. The statements. In computing prot before
taxes included can be divided into ve tax, many of the taxes borne by a rm are Postfiling index
categories: prot or corporate income deductible. In computing commercial The postling index is based on four
tax, social contributions and labor taxes prot, these taxes are not deductible. componentstime to comply with VAT
paid by the employer (for which all Commercial prot therefore presents refund, time to obtain VAT refund, time
mandatory contributions are included, a clear picture of the actual prot of a to comply with corporate income tax
even if paid to a private entity such as a business before any of the taxes it bears audit and time to complete a corporate
requited pension fund), property taxes, in the course of the scal year. income tax audit. If both VAT and corpo-
turnover taxes and other taxes (such as rate income tax apply, the postling index
municipal fees and vehicle taxes). Fuel Commercial prot is computed as is the simple average of the distance to
taxes are no longer included in the total sales minus cost of goods sold, minus frontier scores for each of the four com-
tax and contribution rate because of the gross salaries, minus administrative ponents. If only VAT or corporate income
difficulty of computing these taxes in a expenses, minus other expenses, minus tax applies, the postling index is the
consistent way for all economies cov- provisions, plus capital gains (from the simple average of the scores for only the
ered. The fuel tax amounts are in most property sale) minus interest expense, two components pertaining to the appli-
cases very small, and measuring these plus interest income and minus com- cable tax. If neither VAT nor corporate
amounts is often complicated because mercial depreciation. To compute the income tax applies, the postling index is
they depend on fuel consumption. Fuel commercial depreciation, a straight-line not included in the ranking of the ease of
taxes continue to be counted in the depreciation method is applied, with paying taxes.
number of payments. the following rates: 0% for the land, 5%
for the building, 10% for the machinery, The definition of a tax audit includes any
The total tax and contribution rate is 33% for the computers, 20% for the interaction between the taxpayer and
designed to provide a comprehensive office equipment, 20% for the truck the tax authority post filing of the tax
measure of the cost of all the taxes a and 10% for business development return and payment of the tax liability
business bears. It differs from the statu- expenses. Commercial prot amounts due. Tax audit will include a correspon-
tory tax rate, which merely provides the to 59.4 times income per capita. dence between the taxpayer and the

TABLE 8.12 Computing the total tax and contribution rate for Iraq
Actual tax payable
Taxable base b a=rxb Commercial profit Total tax and
Statutory rate (ID) (ID) (ID) contribution rate
Corporate income tax (taxable income) 15 452,461,855 67,869,278 453,188,210 14.98%
Employer paidSocial security 12 511,191,307 61,342,957 453,188,210 13.54%
contributions (taxable wages)
Employee paidSocial security 5.00% 511,191,307 Not included
contributions (taxable wages)
Stamp duty on contracts Fixed fee Varies Small amount Small amount
Real Estate Ownership Transfer tax 0%6% Value of property 10,480,197 453,188,210 2.31%
Total 139,692,432 30.82%
Source: Doing Business database.
Note: Commercial profit is assumed to be 59.4 times income per capita. ID is Iraqi dinar.
* Profit before all taxes borne.

tax authority examining the taxpayers TABLE 8.13 Computing the value of the VAT input tax credit for Albania
records and dealings to verify whether
VAT rate Output VAT Input VAT
such taxpayers have correctly assessed R R x Sales (R x A + R x B)
and reported their tax liability and ful-
Sales = 20% ALL 7,479,772.97
filled other obligations. ALL 37,398,864.84

The indicators are based on expanded Capital purchase (A) = 20% ALL 5,556,402.78
ALL 27,782,013.88
case study assumptions.
Raw material expenses (B) = 20% ALL 6,233,144.14
ALL 31,165,720.70
Assumptions about the VAT
refund process VAT refund ALL 4,309,773.95
In June 2016, TaxpayerCo. makes a (R x A + R x B) (R x Sales)
large capital purchase: one additional Source: Doing Business database.
machine for manufacturing pots. Note: ALL is Albanian lek.
The value of the machine is 65 times
income per capita of the economy. submitting the annual tax return, but refund due to a capital purchase
Sales are equally spread per month within the tax assessment period. triggers an audit in 50% or more of
(that is, 1,050 times income per cases. Time includes: time spent by
capita divided by 12). Time to comply with VAT refund TaxpayerCo. on gathering informa-
Cost of goods sold are equally Time is recorded in hours. The indicator tion and preparing any documenta-
expensed per month (that is, 875 has two parts: tion (information such as receipts,
times income per capita divided by 12). The process of claiming a VAT nancial statements, pay stubs) as
The seller of the machinery is regis- refund. Time includes: time spent required by the tax auditor; time spent
tered for VAT. by TaxpayerCo. on gathering VAT by TaxpayerCo. on submitting the
Excess input VAT incurred in June information from internal sources, documents requested by the auditor.
will be fully recovered after four including time spent on any additional
consecutive months if the VAT rate analysis of accounting information A total estimate of zero hours is recorded
is the same for inputs, sales and the and calculating the VAT refund if the process of claiming a VAT refund is
machine and the tax reporting period amount; time spent by TaxpayerCo. done automatically within the standard
is every month. on preparing the VAT refund claim; VAT return without the need to complete
Input VAT will exceed output VAT in time spent by TaxpayerCo. preparing any additional section or part of the return,
June 2016 (table 8.13). any additional documents that are no additional documents or tasks are
needed to substantiate the claim for required as a result of the input tax credit
Assumptions about the the VAT refund; time spent submit- and in 50% or more of similar cases the
corporate income tax audit ting the VAT refund claim and addi- company will not be subjected to an audit.
process tional documents if that submission is
An error in the calculation of the done separately from the submission An estimate of half an hour is recorded for
income tax liability (for example, use of the standard VAT return; time submission of documents if the submis-
of incorrect tax depreciation rates, spent making representation at the sion is done electronically and is a matter
or incorrectly treating an expense as tax office if required; and time spent of minutes. An estimate of zero hours
tax deductible) leads to an incorrect by TaxpayerCo. completing any other is recorded in the case of a eld audit if
income tax return and consequently mandatory activities or tasks associ- documents are submitted in person and
an underpayment of corporate ated with the VAT refund (table 8.13). at the taxpayers premises.
income tax. As a continuation of the methodology
TaxpayerCo. discovered the error and change in Doing Business 2017, the In Kosovo, for example, taxpayers spend
voluntarily notified the tax authority time spent submitting the VAT refund 35.5 hours complying with the process of
of the error in the corporate income and additional documentsif that claiming a VAT refund. Taxpayers must
tax return. submission is done separately from submit a special form for a VAT refund
The value of the underpaid income tax the submission of the standard VAT request in addition to the standard VAT
liability is 5% of the corporate income returnis added starting from Doing return. Taxpayers spend two hours gather-
tax liability due. Business 2018. ing information from internal sources and
TaxpayerCo. submits the corrected The process of a VAT audit. This is accounting records and 1 hour to prepare
information after the deadline for captured if a request for a VAT cash the form. Taxpayers must also prepare and

have available for review all purchase and Doing Business 2018. These include: time Bahrain. If an economy has a VAT and the
sales invoices for the past three months, a to start the tax audit and time waiting for purchase of a machine is not subject to
business explanation of VAT overpayment the release of the VAT refund payment. VAT, the economy will not be scored on
for large purchases or investments, bank time to comply with VAT refund and time
statements, any missing tax declaration Time also includes an average waiting to obtain VAT refund. This is the case in
and a copy of scal and VAT certicates. time to submit the refund claim. The Sierra Leone. If an economy has a VAT that
Taxpayers spend four hours preparing average waiting time to submit the was introduced in calendar year 2016 and
these additional documents and five hours refund claim is half a month if the VAT there is not sufficient data to assess the
and thirty minutes submitting these docu- refund claim is led monthly. The average refund process, the economy will not be
ments in person at the tax authority office. waiting time to submit the refund claim scored on time to comply with VAT refund
Taxpayers must also appear in person at is one month if the VAT refund claim is and time to obtain VAT refund.
the tax office to explain the VAT refund led bimonthly. The average waiting time
claim and the reasons for the excess input to submit the refund claim is one and If an economy has a VAT but the ability
VAT in the month of June. This takes three a half months if the VAT refund claim to claim a refund is restricted to specic
hours. Additionally, the claim for a VAT is led quarterly. The average waiting categories of taxpayers that do not include
refund would trigger a full audit at the time to submit the refund claim is three the case study company, the economy
taxpayers premises. Taxpayers spend 20 months if the VAT refund claim is led is assigned a score of 0 on the distance
hours preparing the documents requested semi-annually. The average waiting time to frontier score for time to comply with
by the auditor including purchase and sales to submit the refund claim is six months VAT refund and time to obtain VAT refund.
invoices, bills, bank transactions, records on if the VAT refund claim is led annually. In Bolivia, for example, only exporters
accounting software, tax returns and con- are eligible to request a VAT refund. As a
tracts. Taxpayers submit the documents to Time includes the mandatory carry forward result, Bolivia receives a score of 0 on the
the auditor in person at their premises (zero time before a VAT refund in cash can be distance to frontier score for time to comply
hours for submission). paid. The carry forward time is zero if there with VAT refund and time to obtain VAT
is no mandatory carry forward period. refund. If an economy has a VAT and the
Time to obtain VAT refund case study company is eligible to claim
Time is recorded in weeks. Time mea- In Albania, for example, it takes 37.0 weeks a refund but cash refunds do not occur in
sures the total waiting time to receive a to receive a VAT refund. The request for a practice, the economy is assigned a score
VAT refund from the moment the request VAT refund triggers an audit by the tax of 0 on the distance to frontier score for
has been submitted. If a request for a VAT authorities. It takes four weeks for the time to comply with VAT refund and time
cash refund due to a capital purchase will tax authority to start the audit. Taxpayers to obtain VAT refund. This is the case in
trigger an audit in 50% or more of cases spend 8.6 weeks interacting with the Central African Republic. If an economy has
time includes time to start the audit from auditor and wait four weeks until the nal a VAT but there is no refund mechanism
the moment of claiming the VAT refund, assessment is issued. Taxpayers only in place, the economy is assigned a score
time spent by TaxpayerCo. interacting receive the VAT refund after the audit is of 0 on the distance to frontier score for
with the auditor from the moment an completed. Taxpayers wait five weeks for time to comply with VAT refund and time
audit begins until there are no further the release of the VAT refund payment. In to obtain VAT refund. This is the case in
interactions between TaxpayerCo. and Albania the taxpayers must carry forward Sudan. If an economy has a VAT but input
the auditor (including the various rounds the VAT refund for three consecutive VAT tax on a capital purchase is a cost on the
of interactions between TaxpayerCo. and accounting periods (three months in the business, the economy is scored 0 on the
the auditor), the time spent waiting for case of Albania) before a refund in cash is distance to frontier score for time to comply
the tax auditor to issue the nal audit requested. The three months (13 weeks) with VAT refund and time to obtain VAT
decision from the moment TaxpayerCo. carry forward period is included in the refund. This is the case in Myanmar. As a
has submitted all relevant information total time to receive a VAT refund. The continuation of the methodology change
and documents and there are no further VAT return is led monthly and thus 0.5 in Doing Business 2017, the methodology
interactions between TaxpayerCo. and month (2.1 weeks) is included in the total for the cases of mandatory carry forward
the auditor and the time spent waiting for time to receive a VAT refund. of four months or more has been refined.
the release of the VAT refund payment All economies who mandate taxpayers
from the moment the final audit deci- If an economy does not have a VAT, the to carry forward the excess input VAT for
sion has been issued by the auditor. As a economy will not be scored on the two four months or more before a cash refund
continuation of the methodology change indicators for a VAT refund processtime can be requested are coded, starting from
in Doing Business 2017, two new time to comply with VAT refund and time to Doing Business 2018, on the time to comply
components are added starting from obtain VAT refund. This is the case in with VAT refund and time to obtain VAT

refund assuming that there is still some stubs) as required by the tax auditor; In Switzerland, for example, taxpayers are
VAT credit remaining after the mandatory and time spent by TaxpayerCo. in subject to a single-issue audit conducted
carry forward has passed. submitting the documents requested at the taxpayers premises as a result of
by the auditor. amending a corporate income tax return
Time to comply with corporate per the case study scenario. Taxpayers
income tax audit An estimate of half an hour is recorded wait 30 days (4.28 weeks) until the tax
Time is recorded in hours. The indicator for submission of documents or payment authority starts the audit and interact for
has two parts: of the income tax liability due if the sub- a total of four days (0.57 weeks) with the
The process of notifying the tax mission or payment is done electronically auditor and wait for four weeks until the
authorities of the error, amending in several minutes. An estimate of zero nal assessment is issued by the auditor,
the return and making additional hours is recorded in the case of a eld resulting in a total of 8.86 weeks to com-
payment. Time includes: time spent audit if documents are submitted in per- plete a corporate income tax audit.
by TaxpayerCo. gathering information son and at the taxpayers premises.
and preparing the documents required If an economy does not levy corporate
to notify the tax authorities; time In the Slovak Republic, for example, income tax, the economy will not be
spent by TaxpayerCo. in submitting taxpayers would submit an amended cor- scored on the two indicators: time to
the documents; and time spent by porate income tax return electronically. It comply with corporate income tax audit
TaxpayerCo. in making the additional takes taxpayers one hour to correct the and time to complete a corporate income
tax payment if the payment is done error in the return, half an hour to submit tax audit. This is the case in Vanuatu.
separately from the submission of the the amended return online and half an
amended corporate income tax return. hour to make the additional payment An economy receives a no practice
As a continuation of the methodology online. Amending a corporate income mark on the payments, time, total tax
change in Doing Business 2017, the time tax return per the case study scenario in and contribution rate and postfiling index
spent in making the additional tax pay- the Slovak Republic would not trigger an indicators if the economy does not levy
ment was added starting from Doing audit. This brings the total compliance any taxes or mandatory contributions.
Business 2018 only if the payment is not time to two hours.
done separately from the submission REFORMS
of the amended return. Time to complete a corporate The paying taxes indicator set tracks
The process of complying with a income tax audit changes related to the different taxes and
corporate income tax audit. This is Time is recorded in weeks. Time includes mandatory contributions that a medium-
captured if self-reporting an error the time to start an audit from the moment size company must pay in a given year,
in the corporate income tax return the tax authority has been notified of the the administrative burden of paying taxes
resulting in an underpayment of the error in the corporate income tax return, and contributions and the administrative
corporate income tax due liability time spent by TaxpayerCo. interacting burden of complying with two postling
triggers an audit in 25% or more of with the auditor from the moment an processes (VAT refund, and tax audit)
cases. The threshold used for assess- audit begins until there are no further per calendar year. Depending on the
ing the corporate income tax audit is interactions between TaxpayerCo. and the impact on the data, certain changes are
lower than the threshold used in the auditor (including the various rounds of classied as reforms and listed in the
case of the VAT cash refund. This is interactions between TaxpayerCo. and the summaries of Doing Business reforms in
because the case study scenario of auditor), and time spent waiting for the tax 2016/2017 section of the report in order
self-reporting an error in the corpo- auditor to issue the nal tax assessment to acknowledge the implementation of
rate income tax return and resulting from the moment TaxpayerCo. has submit- signicant changes. Reforms are divided
in an underpayment of the tax liability ted all relevant information and documents into two types: those that make it easier
should only be an issue among a small and there are no further interactions to do business and those changes that
sample of companies selected for a between TaxpayerCo. and the auditor. As a make it more difficult to do business.
tax audit. On the contrary to the VAT continuation of the methodology change in The paying taxes indicator set uses one
cash refund, it is common that a one- Doing Business 2017, the time to start the tax criterion to recognize a reform.
time request for a VAT cash refund be audit is now taken into account.
exposed to a tax audit. Time includes: The aggregate gap on the overall distance
time spent by TaxpayerCo. on gather- Time to complete a corporate income to frontier of the indicator set is used to
ing information and preparing any tax audit is recorded as zero if in less assess the impact of data changes. Any
documentation (information such as than 25% of similar cases the case study data update that leads to a change of 2%
receipts, nancial statements, pay company will not go through an audit. or more on the distance to frontier gap is

classied as a reform (for more details, FIGURE 8.15 What makes up the time and cost to export to an overseas
see the chapter on the distance to trading partner?
frontier and ease of doing business rank-
ing). For example, if the implementation
of a new electronic system for ling
So Paulo
or paying one of the three major taxes Domestic transport: 8.6 hours, $763
(corporate income tax, VAT, labor taxes
and mandatory contributions) reduces Border compliance: 49 hours, $959
the time or the number of payments in
a way that the overall gap decreases by Documentary compliance: 12 hours, $226

2% or more, such change is classied as

a reform. Alternatively, minor updates Source: Doing Business database.
to tax rates or xed charges or other
smaller changes in the indicators that FIGURE 8.16 What makes up the time and cost to export to a regional
have an aggregate impact less than 2% trading partner?
on the gap are not classied as a reform,
but their impact is still reected on the
most updated indicators for this indica- Nairobi
tor set. I
Domestic transport: 9 hours, $967
Border compliance: 21 hours, $143
The data details on paying taxes can be Kampala
found for each economy at http://www
Documentary compliance: 19 hours, $191 This methodology was
developed by Djankov and others (2010).
Source: Doing Business database.

TRADING ACROSS BORDERS the time and cost for documentary com- If an economy has no formal, large-scale,
pliance and border compliance to export private sector cross-border trade taking
Doing Business records the time and cost and import (gure 8.17). place as a result of government restric-
associated with the logistical process of tions, armed conict or a natural disaster,
exporting and importing goods. Doing Although Doing Business collects and
Business measures the time and cost publishes data on the time and cost for
(excluding tariffs) associated with three domestic transport, it does not use these FIGURE 8.17 Trading across borders:
sets of proceduresdocumentary com- data in calculating the distance to frontier time and cost to export and import
pliance, border compliance and domestic score for trading across borders or the
Rankings are based on distance to
transportwithin the overall process ranking on the ease of trading across frontier scores for eight indicators
of exporting or importing a shipment of borders. The main reason for this is that
Time for documentary Cost for documentary
goods. Figure 8.15, using the example the time and cost for domestic transport compliance and border compliance and border
of Brazil (as exporter) and China (as are affected by many external factors compliance when compliance when
exporting the product exporting the product
importer), shows the process of exporting such as the geography and topography of comparative of comparative
advantage advantage
a shipment from a warehouse in the origin of the transit territory, road capacity and
economy to a warehouse in an overseas general infrastructure, proximity to the
trading partner through a port. Figure 8.16, nearest port or border, and the location 25% 25%
using the example of Kenya (as exporter) of warehouses where the traded goods Time Cost
to export to export
and Uganda (as importer), shows the are storedand so are not directly
25% 25%
process of exporting a shipment from a inuenced by an economys trade policies Time Cost
to import to import
warehouse in the origin economy to a and reforms.
warehouse in a regional trading partner
through a land border. The ranking of The data on trading across borders Time for documentary Cost for documentary
compliance and border compliance and border
economies on the ease of trading across are gathered through a questionnaire compliance when compliance when
borders is determined by sorting their dis- administered to local freight forward- importing auto parts importing auto parts

tance to frontier scores for trading across ers, customs brokers, port authorities
Note: The time and cost for domestic transport and
borders. These scores are the simple aver- and traders. the number of documents to export and import are
age of the distance to frontier scores for measured but do not count for the rankings.

it is considered a no practice economy. The exporting/importing rm hires Contributors are private sector experts
A no practice economy receives a and pays for a freight forwarder or in international trade logistics and are
distance to frontier score of 0 for all the customs broker (or both) and pays for informed about exchange rates and their
trading across borders indicators. all costs related to domestic transport, movements.
clearance and mandatory inspections
Assumptions of the case study by customs and other agencies, port Documentary compliance
To make the data comparable across or border handling, documentary Documentary compliance captures the
economies, several assumptions are compliance fees and the like. time and cost associated with compli-
made about the traded goods and the The mode of transport is the one most ance with the documentary requirements
transactions: widely used for the chosen export or of all government agencies of the origin
For each of the 190 economies cov- import product and the trading partner, economy, the destination economy and
ered by Doing Business, it is assumed as is the seaport or land border crossing. any transit economies (table 8.14). The
that a shipment is located in a ware- All electronic submissions of informa- aim is to measure the total burden of pre-
house in the largest business city of tion requested by any government paring the bundle of documents that will
the exporting economy and travels to agency in connection with the ship- enable completion of the international
a warehouse in the largest business ment are considered to be documents trade for the product and partner pair
city of the importing economy. For 11 obtained, prepared and submitted assumed in the case study. As a ship-
economies the data are also collected, during the export or import process. ment moves from Mumbai to New York
under the same case study assump- A port or border is dened as a place City, for example, the freight forwarder
tions, for the second largest business (seaport or land border crossing) must prepare and submit documents to
city (table 8A.1). where merchandise can enter or leave the customs agency in India, to the port
The import and export case studies an economy. authorities in Mumbai and to the cus-
assume different traded products. Government agencies considered rel- toms agency in New York City.
It is assumed that each economy evant are agencies such as customs,
imports a standardized shipment of 15 port authorities, road police, border The time and cost for documentary
metric tons of containerized auto parts guards, standardization agencies, compliance include the time and cost for
(HS 8708) from its natural import ministries or departments of agri- obtaining documents (such as time spent
partnerthe economy from which it culture or industry, national security to get the document issued and stamped);
imports the largest value (price times agencies, central banks and any other preparing documents (such as time spent
quantity) of auto parts. It is assumed government authorities. gathering information to complete the
that each economy exports the customs declaration or certicate of ori-
product of its comparative advantage Time gin); processing documents (such as time
(dened by the largest export value) Time is measured in hours, and 1 day spent waiting for the relevant authority
to its natural export partnerthe is 24 hours (for example, 22 days are to issue a phytosanitary certicate); pre-
economy that is the largest purchaser recorded as 22 24 = 528 hours). If cus- senting documents (such as time spent
of this product. Precious metal and toms clearance takes 7.5 hours, the data showing a port terminal receipt to port
gems, mineral fuels, oil products, live are recorded as is. Alternatively, suppose authorities); and submitting documents
animals, residues and waste of foods that documents are submitted to a cus- (such as time spent submitting a customs
and products as well as pharmaceuti- toms agency at 8:00 a.m., are processed declaration to the customs agency in per-
cals are excluded from the list of pos- overnight and can be picked up at 8:00 son or electronically).
sible export products, however, and in a.m. the next day. In this case the time for
these cases the second largest product customs clearance would be recorded as All electronic or paper submissions of
category is considered as needed. 24 hours because the actual procedure information requested by any government
A shipment is a unit of trade. Export took 24 hours. agency in connection with the shipment
shipments do not necessarily need to are considered to be documents obtained,
be containerized, while import ship- Cost prepared and submitted during the export
ments of auto parts are assumed to Insurance cost and informal payments for or import process. All documents pre-
be containerized. which no receipt is issued are excluded pared by the freight forwarder or customs
If government fees are determined by from the costs recorded. Costs are report- broker for the product and partner pair
the value of the shipment, the value is ed in U.S. dollars. Contributors are asked assumed in the case study are included
assumed to be $50,000. to convert local currency into U.S. dollars regardless of whether they are required
The product is new, not secondhand based on the exchange rate prevailing on by law or in practice. Any documents pre-
or used merchandise. the day they answer the questionnaire. pared and submitted so as to get access

TABLE 8.14 What do the indicators on the time and cost to export and import cover? time is the sum of the time spent at the
terminal in Almaty and the handling time
Documentary compliance
at the border.
Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents during transport, clearance, inspections and port or border
handling in origin economy
Doing Business asks contributors to
Obtaining, preparing and submitting documents required by destination economy and any transit economies
estimate the time and cost for clearance
Covers all documents required by law and in practice, including electronic submissions of information as and inspections by customs agencies
well as non-shipment-specific documents necessary to complete the trade
dened as documentary and physical
Border compliance
inspections for the purpose of calculating
Customs clearance and inspections by customs duties by verifying product classication,
Inspections by other agencies (if applied to more than 20% of shipments) conrming quantity, determining origin
Port or border handling at most widely used port or border of economy and checking the veracity of other infor-
Domestic transport mation on the customs declaration. (This
Loading and unloading of shipment at warehouse, dry port or border category includes all inspections aimed at
preventing smuggling.) These are clear-
Transport by most widely used mode between warehouse and terminal or dry port
ance and inspection procedures that take
Transport by most widely used mode between terminal or dry port and most widely used border or port
place in the majority of cases and thus are
Traffic delays and road police checks while shipment is en route considered the standard case. The time
and cost estimates capture the efficiency
to preferential treatmentfor example, that takes place at its port or border. The of the customs agency of the economy.
a certicate of originare included in time and cost for this segment include
the calculation of the time and cost for time and cost for customs clearance Doing Business also asks contributors
documentary compliance. Any docu- and inspection procedures conducted to estimate the total time and cost for
ments prepared and submitted because by other agencies. For example, the time clearance and inspections by customs
of a perception that they ease the passage and cost for conducting a phytosanitary and all other agencies for the specied
of the shipment are also included (for inspection would be included here. product. These estimates account for
example, freight forwarders may prepare inspections related to health, safety,
a packing list because in their experience The computation of border compliance phytosanitary standards, conformity and
this reduces the probability of physical or time and cost depends on where the the like, and thus capture the efficiency
other intrusive inspections). border compliance procedures take of agencies that require and conduct
place, who requires and conducts the these additional inspections.
In addition, any documents that are procedures and what is the probability
mandatory for exporting or importing that inspections will be conducted. If all If inspections by agencies other than
are included in the calculation of time customs clearance and other inspections customs are conducted in 20% or fewer
and cost. Documents that need to be take place at the port or border at the cases, the border compliance time and
obtained only once are not counted, same time, the time estimate for border cost measures take into account only
however. And Doing Business does not compliance takes this simultaneity into clearance and inspections by customs
include documents needed to produce account. It is entirely possible that the (the standard case). If inspections by
and sell in the domestic marketsuch border compliance time and cost could other agencies take place in more than
as certicates of third-party safety stan- be negligible or zero, as in the case of 20% of cases, the time and cost mea-
dards testing that may be required to sell trade between members of the European sures account for clearance and inspec-
toys domesticallyunless a government Union or other customs unions. tions by all agencies. Different types of
agency needs to see these documents inspections may take place with different
during the export process. If some or all customs or other inspec- probabilitiesfor example, scanning may
tions take place at other locations, the take place in 100% of cases while physi-
Border compliance time and cost for these procedures are cal inspection occurs in 5% of cases. In
Border compliance captures the time and added to the time and cost for those situations like this, Doing Business would
cost associated with compliance with that take place at the port or border. In count the time only for scanning because
the economys customs regulations and Kazakhstan, for example, all customs it happens in more than 20% of cases
with regulations relating to other inspec- clearance and inspections take place at while physical inspection does not. The
tions that are mandatory in order for the a customs post in Almaty that is not at border compliance time and cost for an
shipment to cross the economys border, the land border between Kazakhstan and economy do not include the time and
as well as the time and cost for handling China. In this case border compliance

cost for compliance with the regulations assumed to be containerized. In the 2% or more, such change is classied
of any other economy. cases where cargo is containerized, the as a reform. Minor shipping fee updates
time and cost for transport and other or other small changes on the indicators
Domestic transport procedures are based on a shipment con- that have an aggregate impact of less
Domestic transport captures the time sisting of homogeneous cargo belonging than 2% on the gap are not classied
and cost associated with transporting to a single Harmonized System (HS) as a reform, yet, but their impact is still
the shipment from a warehouse in the classication code. This assumption is reected on the most updated indicators
largest business city of the economy to particularly important for inspections, for this indicator set.
the most widely used seaport or land because shipments of homogeneous
border of the economy. For 11 economies products are often subject to fewer and The data details on trading across borders
the data are also collected for the second shorter inspections than shipments of can be found for each economy at http://
largest business city (table 8A.1). This products belonging to various HS codes. This methodology
set of procedures captures the time for was initially developed by Djankov and oth-
(and cost of) the actual transport; any In some cases the shipment travels from ers (2008) and was revised in 2015.
traffic delays and road police checks; as the warehouse to a customs post or termi-
well as time spent on loading or unload- nal for clearance or inspections and then
ing at the warehouse or border. For a travels onward to the port or border. In ENFORCING CONTRACTS
coastal economy with an overseas trad- these cases the domestic transport time is
ing partner, domestic transport captures the sum of the time for both transport seg- Doing Business measures the time and
the time and cost from the loading of the ments. The time and cost for clearance or cost for resolving a commercial dispute
shipment at the warehouse until the ship- inspections are included in the measures through a local rst-instance court (table
ment reaches the economys port (gure for border compliance, however, not in 8.15) and the quality of judicial processes
8.15). For an economy trading through a those for domestic transport. index, evaluating whether each economy
land border, domestic transport captures has adopted a series of good practices
the time and cost from the loading of the REFORMS that promote quality and efficiency in
shipment at the warehouse until the ship- The trading across borders indicator set the court system. The data are collected
ment reaches the economys land border records the time and cost associated through study of the codes of civil proce-
(gure 8.16). with the logistical process of export- dure and other court regulations as well
ing and importing goods every year. as questionnaires completed by local
The time and cost estimates are based on Depending on the impact on the data, litigation lawyers and judges. The ranking
the most widely used mode of transport certain changes are classied as reforms of economies on the ease of enforcing
(truck, train, riverboat) and the most and listed in the summaries of Doing contracts is determined by sorting their
widely used route (road, border posts) as Business reforms in 2016/17 section of distance to frontier scores for enforcing
reported by contributors. The time and the report in order to acknowledge the contracts. These scores are the simple
cost estimates are based on the mode and implementation of signicant changes. average of the distance to frontier scores
route chosen by the majority of contribu- Reforms are divided into two types: for each of the component indicators
tors. For the 11 economies for which data those that make it easier to do business (gure 8.18).
are collected for both the largest and the and those changes that make it more dif-
second largest business city, Doing Business ficult to do business. The trading across
allows the most widely used route and the borders indicator set uses a standard TABLE 8.15 What do the indicators on
most widely used mode of transport to be criterion to recognize a reform. the efficiency of resolving a commercial
different for the two cities. For example, dispute measure?
shipments from Delhi are transported The aggregate gap on the overall distance Time required to enforce a contract through
by train to Mundra port for export, while to frontier of the indicator set is used to the courts (calendar days)
shipments from Mumbai travel by truck to assess the impact of data changes. Any Time to file and serve the case
Nhava Sheva port to be exported. data update that leads to a change of 2% Time for trial and to obtain the judgment
or more on the distance to frontier gap is Time to enforce the judgment
In the export case study, as noted, Doing classied as a reform (for more details,
Cost required to enforce a contract through
Business does not assume a containerized see the chapter on the distance to frontier the courts (% of claim value)
shipment, and time and cost estimates and ease of doing business ranking). For Average attorney fees
may be based on the transport of 15 example, if the implementation of a single
Court costs
tons of noncontainerized products. In window system reduces time or cost in
Enforcement costs
the import case study auto parts are a way that the overall gap decreases by

FIGURE 8.18 Enforcing contracts: economys largest business city. For 11 FIGURE 8.19 What are the time and
efficiency and quality of commercial economies the data are also collected cost to resolve a commercial dispute
dispute resolution for the second largest business city through a local first-instance court?
(table 8A.1). Pursuant to a contract
Rankings are based on distance to
frontier scores for three indicators between the businesses, Seller sells
some custom-made furniture to Buyer Court
Days to resolve Attorney, court and worth 200% of the economys income
a commercial dispute enforcement costs as
through the courts % of claim value per capita or $5,000, whichever is
greater. After Seller delivers the goods Cost
to Buyer, Buyer refuses to pay the con-
33.3% 33.3%
Time Cost tract price, alleging that the goods are
not of adequate quality. Because they Company A Company B
33.3% (Seller & Commercial (Buyer &
Quality of judicial were custom-made, Seller is unable to plaintiff) dispute defendant)
processes sell them to anyone else.
index Filing & Trial & Enforcement
Seller (the plaintiff) sues Buyer (the service judgment
defendant) to recover the amount
Use of good practices promoting
quality and efficiency under the sales agreement. The
dispute is brought before the court
located in the economys largest busi-
ness city with jurisdiction over com-
EFFICIENCY OF RESOLVING A mercial cases worth 200% of income
COMMERCIAL DISPUTE per capita or $5,000, whichever is Buyer does not appeal the judgment.
The data on time and cost are built by greater. As noted, for 11 economies Seller decides to start enforcing the
following the step-by-step evolution of the data are also collected for the judgment as soon as the time allo-
a commercial sale dispute (gure 8.19). second largest business city. cated by law for appeal lapses.
The data are collected for a specic court At the outset of the dispute, Seller Seller takes all required steps for
for each city covered, under the assump- decides to attach Buyers movable prompt enforcement of the judgment.
tions about the case described below. assets (for example, office equipment The money is successfully collected
The competent court is the one with and vehicles) because Seller fears that through a public sale of Buyers mov-
jurisdiction over disputes worth 200% Buyer may hide its assets or otherwise able assets (for example, office equip-
of income per capita or $5,000, which- become insolvent. ment and vehicles). It is assumed that
ever is greater. Whenever more than one The claim is disputed on the merits Buyer does not have any money in his
court has original jurisdiction over a case because of Buyers allegation that the bank account, making it impossible for
comparable to the standardized case quality of the goods was not adequate. the judgment to be enforced through
study, the data are collected based on the Because the court cannot decide the a seizure of the Buyers accounts.
court that would be used by litigants in case on the basis of documentary
the majority of cases. The name of the evidence or legal title alone, an expert Time
relevant court in each economy is pub- opinion is given on the quality of the Time is recorded in calendar days, count-
lished on the Doing Business website at goods. If it is standard practice in the ed from the moment Seller decides to le /data economy for each party to call its own the lawsuit in court until payment. This
/exploretopics/enforcing-contracts. For expert witness, the parties each call includes both the days when actions take
the 11 economies for which the data are one expert witness. If it is standard place and the waiting periods in between.
also collected for the second largest busi- practice for the judge to appoint an The average duration of the following
ness city, the name of the relevant court independent expert, the judge does three different stages of dispute resolu-
in that city is given as well. so. In this case the judge does not tion is recorded: (i) filing and service; (ii)
allow opposing expert testimony. trial and judgment; and (iii) enforcement.
Assumptions about the case Following the expert opinion, the Time is recorded considering the case
The value of the claim is equal to judge decides that the goods deliv- study assumptions detailed above and
200% of the economys income per ered by Seller were of adequate only as applicable to the competent court.
capita or $5,000, whichever is greater. quality and that Buyer must pay the Time is recorded in practice, regardless of
The dispute concerns a lawful transac- contract price. The judge thus renders time limits set by law if such time limits
tion between two businesses (Seller a final judgment that is 100% in favor are not respected in the majority of cases.
and Buyer), both located in the of Seller.

The filing and service phase includes: necessary to obtain an order from TABLE 8.16 What does the quality of
The time for Seller to try and obtain the court to attach and seize the judicial processes index measure?
payment out of court through a non- assets, if applicable).
Court structure and proceedings index (05)
litigious demand letter, including the The time it takes to advertise, orga-
Availability of specialized commercial court,
time to prepare the letter and the nize and hold the auction. If more division or section (01.5)
deadline that would be provided to than one auction would usually be
Availability of small claims court and/or simplified
Buyer to comply. required to fully recover the value procedure for small claims (01.5)
The time necessary for a local lawyer of claim in a case comparable to Availability of pretrial attachment (01)
to write the initial complaint and gath- the standardized case study, then
Criteria used to assign cases to judges (01)
er all supporting documents needed the time between multiple auction
Evidentiary weight of womans testimony (-10)
for filing, including authenticating or attempts is recorded.
notarizing them, if required. The time it takes for the winning Case management index (06)
The time necessary to file the com- party to fully recover the value Regulations setting time standards for key court
events (01)
plaint at the court. of the claim once the auction is
The time necessary for Buyer to be successfully completed. Regulations on adjournments and continuances
served, including the processing
Availability of performance measurement reports
time at the court and the waiting Cost (01)
periods between unsuccessful Cost is recorded as a percentage of the Availability of pretrial conference (01)
attempts, if more than one attempt is claim value, assumed to be equivalent to
Availability of electronic case management
usually required. 200% of income per capita or $5,000, system for judges (01)
whichever is greater. Three types of costs Availability of electronic case management
The trial and judgment phase includes: are recorded: average attorney fees, court system for lawyers (01)
The time between the moment the costs and enforcement costs. Court automation index (04)
case is served on Buyer and the Ability to file initial complaint electronically (01)
moment a pre-trial conference is held, Average attorney fees are the fees that
Ability to serve initial complaint electronically
if such pre-trial conference is part of Seller (plaintiff) must advance to a (01)
the case management techniques local attorney to represent Seller in the Ability to pay court fees electronically (01)
used by the competent court. standardized case, regardless of nal Publication of judgments (01)
The time between the pre-trial reimbursement. Court costs include all
Alternative dispute resolution index (03)
conference and the first hearing, if costs that Seller (plaintiff) must advance
Arbitration (01.5)
a pre-trial conference is part of the to the court, regardless of the nal cost
case management techniques used borne by Seller. Court costs include the Voluntary mediation and/or conciliation (01.5)
by the competent court. If not, the fees that the parties must pay to obtain Quality of judicial processes index (018)
time between the moment the case is an expert opinion, regardless of whether Sum of the court structure and proceedings, case
served on Buyer and the moment the they are paid to the court or to the expert management, court automation and alternative
dispute resolution indices
first hearing is held. directly. Enforcement costs are all costs
The time to conduct all trial activities, that Seller (plaintiff) must advance to
including exchanges of briefs and enforce the judgment through a public Court structure and proceedings
evidence, multiple hearings, wait- sale of Buyers movable assets, regardless index
ing times in between hearings and of the nal cost borne by Seller. Bribes are The court structure and proceedings
obtaining an expert opinion. not taken into account. index has ve components:
The time necessary for the judge to Whether a specialized commercial
issue a written final judgment once QUALITY OF JUDICIAL PROCESSES court, section or division dedicated
the evidence period has closed. The quality of judicial processes index solely to hearing commercial cases is
The time limit for appeal. measures whether each economy has in place. A score of 1.5 is assigned if
adopted a series of good practices in its yes; 0 if no.
The enforcement phase includes: court system in four areas: court struc- Whether a small claims court and/
The time it takes to obtain an enforce- ture and proceedings, case management, or a fast-track procedure for small
able copy of the judgment and contact court automation and alternative dispute claims is in place. A score of 1 is
the relevant enforcement office. resolution (table 8.16). assigned if such a court or procedure
The time it takes to locate, identify, is in place, it is applicable to all civil
seize and transport the losing partys cases and the law sets a cap on the
movable assets (including the time value of cases that can be handled

through this court or procedure. If Case management index if only one of these reports is available
small claims are handled by a stand- The case management index has six or if none are.
alone court, the point is assigned components: Whether a pretrial conference is
only if this court applies a simplied Whether any of the applicable laws or among the case management tech-
procedure. An additional score of 0.5 regulations on civil procedure contain niques used in practice before the
is assigned if parties can represent time standards for at least three of the competent court and at least three
themselves before this court or dur- following key court events: (i) service of the following issues are discussed
ing this procedure. If no small claims of process; (ii) rst hearing; (iii) ling during the pretrial conference: (i)
court or simplied procedure is in of the statement of defense; (iv) scheduling (including the time
place, a score of 0 is assigned. completion of the evidence period; frame for ling motions and other
Whether plaintiffs can obtain pretrial (v) ling of testimony by expert; and documents with the court); (ii) case
attachment of the defendants mov- (vi) submission of the nal judgment. complexity and projected length of
able assets if they fear the assets may A score of 1 is assigned if such time trial; (iii) possibility of settlement
be moved out of the jurisdiction or standards are available and respected or alternative dispute resolution;
otherwise dissipated. A score of 1 is in more than 50% of cases; 0.5 if (iv) exchange of witness lists; (v)
assigned if yes; 0 if no. they are available but not respected evidence; (vi) jurisdiction and other
Whether cases are assigned ran- in more than 50% of cases; 0 if there procedural issues; and (vii) narrowing
domly and automatically to judges are time standards for less than three down of contentious issues. A score
throughout the competent court. A of these key court events or for none. of 1 is assigned if a pretrial conference
score of 1 is assigned if the assign- Whether there are any laws regulat- in which at least three of these events
ment of cases is random and auto- ing the maximum number of adjourn- are discussed is held within the com-
mated; 0.5 if it is random but not ments or continuances that can petent court; 0 if not.
automated; 0 if it is neither random be granted, whether adjournments Whether judges within the compe-
nor automated. are limited by law to unforeseen tent court can use an electronic case
Whether a womans testimony carries and exceptional circumstances and management system for at least
the same evidentiary weight in court whether these rules are respected four of the following purposes: (i) to
as a mans. A score of -1 is assigned in more than 50% of cases. A score access laws, regulations and case
if the law differentiates between the of 1 is assigned if all three conditions law; (ii) to automatically generate a
evidentiary value of a womans testi- are met; 0.5 if only two of the three hearing schedule for all cases on their
mony and that of a man in any type conditions are met; 0 if only one of the docket; (iii) to send notications (for
of civil case, including family cases; 0 conditions is met or if none are. example, e-mails) to lawyers; (iv)
if it does not. Whether there are any performance to track the status of a case on their
measurement reports that can be docket; (v) to view and manage case
The index ranges from 0 to 5, with generated about the competent court documents (briefs, motions); (vi) to
higher values indicating a more sophis- to monitor the courts performance, to assist in writing judgments; (vii) to
ticated and streamlined court structure. track the progress of cases through the semiautomatically generate court
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, for example, court and to ensure compliance with orders; and (viii) to view court orders
a specialized commercial court is in established time standards. A score of and judgments in a particular case. A
place (a score of 1.5), and small claims 1 is assigned if at least two of the fol- score of 1 is assigned if an electronic
can be resolved through a dedicated lowing four reports are made publicly case management system that judges
division in which self-representation available: (i) time to disposition report can use for at least four of these pur-
is allowed (a score of 1.5). Plaintiffs (measuring the time the court takes poses is available; 0 if not.
can obtain pretrial attachment of the to dispose/adjudicate its cases); (ii) Whether lawyers can use an electronic
defendants movable assets if they fear clearance rate report (measuring the case management system for at least
dissipation during trial (a score of 1). number of cases resolved versus the four of the following purposes: (i) to
Cases are assigned randomly through number of incoming cases); (iii) age access laws, regulations and case law;
an electronic case management system of pending cases report (providing a (ii) to access forms to be submitted to
(a score of 1). A womans testimony snapshot of all pending cases accord- the court; (iii) to receive notications
carries the same evidentiary weight in ing to case type, case age, last action (for example, e-mails); (iv) to track the
court as a mans (a score of 0). Adding held and next action scheduled); and status of a case; (v) to view and man-
these numbers gives Bosnia and (iv) single case progress report (pro- age case documents (briefs, motions);
Herzegovina a score of 5 on the court viding a snapshot of the status of one (vi) to le briefs and documents with
structure and proceedings index. single case). A score of 0 is assigned the court; and (vii) to view court orders

and decisions in a particular case. A fax or SMS (short message service), for through the internet (a score of 1). Adding
score of 1 is assigned if an electronic cases filed before the competent court. these numbers gives Estonia a score of 4
case management system that law- A score of 1 is assigned if electronic ser- on the court automation index.
yers can use for at least four of these vice is available and no further service of
purposes is available; 0 if not. process is required; 0 if not. Electronic Alternative dispute resolution
service is acknowledged regardless of index
The index ranges from 0 to 6, with higher the percentage of users, as long as no The alternative dispute resolution index
values indicating a more qualitative and additional in-person interactions are has six components:
efficient case management system. In required, and local experts have used it Whether domestic commercial arbi-
Australia, for example, time standards enough to be able to confirm that it is tration is governed by a consolidated
for at least three key court events are fully functional. law or consolidated chapter or section
established in applicable civil procedure Whether court fees can be paid of the applicable code of civil proce-
instruments and are respected in more electronically for cases filed before dure encompassing substantially all
than 50% of cases (a score of 1). The the competent court, either through a its aspects. A score of 0.5 is assigned
law stipulates that adjournments can dedicated platform or through online if yes; 0 if no.
be granted only for unforeseen and banking. A score of 1 is assigned if fees Whether commercial disputes of all
exceptional circumstances and this rule can be paid electronically and litigants kindsaside from those dealing with
is respected in more than 50% of cases are not required to follow-up with a public order, public policy, bankruptcy,
(a score of 0.5). A time to disposition hard copy of the receipt or produce a consumer rights, employment issues
report, a clearance rate report and an age stamped copy of the receipt; 0 if not. or intellectual propertycan be sub-
of pending cases report can be generated Electronic payment is acknowledged mitted to arbitration. A score of 0.5 is
about the competent court (a score of 1). regardless of the percentage of users, assigned if yes; 0 if no.
A pretrial conference is among the case as long as no additional in-person Whether valid arbitration clauses
management techniques used before the interactions are required, and local or agreements are enforced by local
District Court of New South Wales (a experts have used it enough to be able courts in more than 50% of cases. A
score of 1). An electronic case manage- to confirm that it is fully functional. score of 0.5 is assigned if yes; 0 if no.
ment system satisfying the criteria out- Whether judgments rendered by Whether voluntary mediation, con-
lined above is available to judges (a score local courts are made available to the ciliation or both are a recognized way
of 1) and to lawyers (a score of 1). Adding general public through publication in of resolving commercial disputes. A
these numbers gives Australia a score of official gazettes, in newspapers or on score of 0.5 is assigned if yes; 0 if no.
5.5 on the case management index, the the internet. A score of 1 is assigned Whether voluntary mediation,
highest score attained by any economy if judgments rendered in commercial conciliation or both are governed by
on this index. cases at all levels are made available a consolidated law or consolidated
to the general public; 0.5 if only judg- chapter or section of the applicable
Court automation index ments rendered at the appeal and code of civil procedure encompassing
The court automation index has four supreme court level are made available substantially all their aspects. A score
components: to the general public; 0 in all other of 0.5 is assigned if yes; 0 if no.
Whether the initial complaint can be instances. No points are awarded if Whether there are any nancial incen-
led electronically through a dedicated judgments need to be individually tives for parties to attempt mediation
platform (not e-mail or fax) within requested from the court, or if the case or conciliation (for example, if media-
the competent court. A score of 1 is number or parties details are required tion or conciliation is successful, a
assigned if such a platform is available in order to obtain a copy of a judgment. refund of court ling fees, an income
and litigants are not required to follow tax credit or the like). A score of 0.5 is
up with a hard copy of the complaint; 0 The index ranges from 0 to 4, with higher assigned if yes; 0 if no.
if not. Electronic filing is acknowledged values indicating a more automated,
regardless of the percentage of users, efficient and transparent court system. In The index ranges from 0 to 3, with higher
as long as no additional in-person Estonia, for example, the initial summons values associated with greater availability
interactions are required, and local can be led online (a score of 1), it can of alternative dispute resolution mecha-
experts have used it enough to be able be served on the defendant electronically nisms. In Israel, for example, arbitration
to confirm that it is fully functional. (a score of 1), and court fees can be paid is regulated through a dedicated statute
Whether the initial complaint can be electronically as well (a score of 1). In (a score of 0.5), all relevant commercial
served on the defendant electronically, addition, judgments in commercial cases disputes can be submitted to arbitration
through a dedicated system or by e-mail, at all levels are made publicly available (a score of 0.5), and valid arbitration

clauses are usually enforced by the with a 2-point increase in the index, while on the ease of resolving insolvency is
courts (a score of 0.5). Voluntary media- introducing incentives for the parties to determined by sorting their distance to
tion is a recognized way of resolving use mediation represents a reform with a frontier scores for resolving insolvency.
commercial disputes (a score of 0.5), it 0.5-point increase in the index. These scores are the simple average of
is regulated through a dedicated statute the distance to frontier scores for the
(a score of 0.5), and part of the ling fees Second, changes that have an impact on recovery rate and the strength of insol-
is reimbursed if the process is successful the time and cost to resolve a dispute may vency framework index (figure 8.20).
(a score of 0.5). Adding these numbers also be classied as reforms depending on
gives Israel a score of 3 on the alternative the magnitude of the changes. According to RECOVERY OF DEBT IN
dispute resolution index. the enforcing contracts methodology, any INSOLVENCY
updates in legislation leading to a change The recovery rate is calculated based on
Quality of judicial processes of 2% or more on the distance to frontier the time, cost and outcome of insolvency
index gap (for more details, see the chapter on proceedings in each economy. To make
The quality of judicial processes index is the distance to frontier and ease of doing the data on the time, cost and outcome
the sum of the scores on the court struc- business ranking) of the time and cost of insolvency proceedings comparable
ture and proceedings, case management, indicators is classied as a reform. Changes across economies, several assumptions
court automation and alternative dispute with lower impact are not classied as about the business and the case are used.
resolution indices. The index ranges from reforms but they are still reected on the
0 to 18, with higher values indicating bet- most updated indicators data. Assumptions about the business
ter and more efficient judicial processes. The business:
Third, legislative changes of exceptional Is a limited liability company.
REFORMS magnitude such as sizeable revisions of the Operates in the economys largest
The enforcing contracts indicator set applicable civil procedure, or enforcement business city. For 11 economies the
tracks changes related to the efficiency laws, that are anticipated to have a signifi- data are also collected for the second
and quality of commercial dispute resolu- cant impact on time and cost in the future. largest business city (table 8A.1).
tion systems every year. Depending on Is 100% domestically owned, with the
the impact on the data, certain changes The data details on enforcing contracts can founder, who is also chairman of the
are classied as reforms and listed in the be found for each economy at http://www supervisory board, owning 51% (no
summaries of Doing Business reforms in This methodology was other shareholder holds more than
2016/2017 section of the report. Reforms initially developed by Djankov and others 5% of shares).
are divided into two types: those that make (2003) and is adopted here with several Has downtown real estate, where it
it easier to do business and those changes changes. The quality of judicial processes runs a hotel, as its major asset.
that make it more difficult to do business. index was introduced in Doing Business Has a professional general manager.
The enforcing contracts indicator set uses 2016. The good practices tested in this index Has 201 employees and 50 suppliers,
three criteria to recognize a reform. were developed on the basis of internation- each of which is owed money for the
ally recognized good practices promoting last delivery.
First, changes in laws and regulations judicial efficiency.
that have any impact on the economys FIGURE 8.20 Resolving insolvency:
score on the quality of judicial processes recovery rate and strength of insolvency
index are classied as reforms. Examples RESOLVING INSOLVENCY framework
of reforms impacting the quality of judi-
cial processes index include measures Doing Business studies the time, cost Rankings are based on distance to
to introduce electronic ling of the initial and outcome of insolvency proceed- frontier scores for two indicators

complaint, the creation of a commercial ings involving domestic entities as well

court or division, or the introduction as the strength of the legal framework
of dedicated systems to resolve small applicable to judicial liquidation and
claims. Changes affecting the quality reorganization proceedings. The data for 50% 50%
Recovery Strength of
of judicial processes index can be dif- the resolving insolvency indicators are rate insolvency
ferent in magnitude and scope and still derived from questionnaire responses by index
be considered a reform. For example, local insolvency practitioners and veried
implementing a new electronic case through a study of laws and regulations
management system for the use of as well as public information on insol-
judges and lawyers represents a reform vency systems. The ranking of economies

Has a 10-year loan agreement debt enforcement procedure (foreclosure TABLE 8.17 What do the indicators on
with a domestic bank secured by or receivership) against the company. debt recovery in insolvency measure?
a mortgage over the hotels real
Time required to recover debt (years)
estate property. A universal business Assumptions about the parties
Measured in calendar years
charge (an enterprise charge) is also The bank wants to recover as much as
assumed in economies where such possible of its loan, as quickly and cheap- Appeals and requests for extension are included
collateral is recognized. If the laws ly as possible. The unsecured creditors Cost required to recover debt (% of debtors
of the economy do not specically will do everything permitted under the
provide for an enterprise charge but applicable laws to avoid a piecemeal sale Measured as percentage of estate value
contracts commonly use some other of the assets. The majority shareholder Court fees
provision to that effect, this provision wants to keep the company operating Fees of insolvency administrators
is specied in the loan agreement. and under his control. Management Lawyers fees
Has observed the payment schedule wants to keep the company operating Assessors and auctioneers fees
and all other conditions of the loan and preserve its employees jobs. All the
Other related fees
up to now. parties are local entities or citizens; no
Has a market value, operating as a foreign parties are involved.
going concern, of 100 times income Whether the business continues operating as
a going concern or whether its assets are sold
per capita or $200,000, whichever is Time piecemeal
greater. The market value of the com- Time for creditors to recover their credit Recovery rate for secured creditors (cents
panys assets, if sold piecemeal, is 70% is recorded in calendar years (table 8.17). on the dollar)
of the market value of the business. The period of time measured by Doing Measures the cents on the dollar recovered by
Business is from the companys default secured creditors
Assumptions about the case until the payment of some or all of the Present value of debt recovered
The business is experiencing liquidity money owed to the bank. Potential delay Official costs of the insolvency proceedings are
problems. The companys loss in 2016 tactics by the parties, such as the ling deducted

reduced its net worth to a negative gure. of dilatory appeals or requests for exten- Depreciation of furniture is taken into account
It is January 1, 2017. There is no cash to sion, are taken into consideration. Outcome for the business (survival or not) affects
the maximum value that can be recovered
pay the bank interest or principal in full,
due the next day, January 2. The busi- Cost
ness will therefore default on its loan. The cost of the proceedings is recorded as or debt enforcement (foreclosure or
Management believes that losses will a percentage of the value of the debtors receivership) proceedings (gure 8.21).
be incurred in 2017 and 2018 as well. estate. The cost is calculated on the basis The calculation takes into account the out-
But it expects 2017 cash ow to cover all of questionnaire responses and includes come: whether the business emerges from
operating expenses, including supplier court fees and government levies; fees of the proceedings as a going concern or the
payments, salaries, maintenance costs insolvency administrators, auctioneers, assets are sold piecemeal. Then the costs
and taxes, though not principal or interest assessors and lawyers; and all other fees of the proceedings are deducted (1 cent
payments to the bank. and costs. for each percentage point of the value of
the debtors estate). Finally, the value lost
The amount outstanding under the Outcome as a result of the time the money remains
loan agreement is exactly equal to the Recovery by creditors depends on tied up in insolvency proceedings is taken
market value of the hotel business and whether the hotel business emerges into account, including the loss of value
represents 74% of the companys total from the proceedings as a going con- due to depreciation of the hotel furniture.
debt. The other 26% of its debt is held by cern or the companys assets are sold Consistent with international accounting
unsecured creditors (suppliers, employ- piecemeal. If the business continues practice, the annual depreciation rate for
ees, tax authorities). operating, 100% of the hotel value is furniture is taken to be 20%. The furniture
preserved. If the assets are sold piece- is assumed to account for a quarter of the
The company has too many creditors to meal, the maximum amount that total value of assets. The recovery rate is
negotiate an informal out-of-court work- can be recovered is 70% of the value the present value of the remaining pro-
out. The following options are available: a of the hotel. ceeds, based on end-2016 lending rates
judicial procedure aimed at the rehabilita- from the International Monetary Funds
tion or reorganization of the company to Recovery rate International Financial Statistics, supple-
permit its continued operation; a judicial The recovery rate is recorded as cents on mented with data from central banks and
procedure aimed at the liquidation or the dollar recovered by secured creditors the Economist Intelligence Unit.
winding-up of the company; or a judicial through judicial reorganization, liquidation

FIGURE 8.21 Recovery rate is a function of the time, cost and outcome of insolvency FIGURE 8.22 Strength of insolvency
proceedings against a local company framework index measures the quality
of insolvency laws that govern relations
between debtors, creditors and the court
Secured creditor Recovery rate
with unpaid claim Time Cost Outcome Commencement Management of
of proceedings debtors assets
index Court index
Reorganization, liquidation or
debt enforcement proceedings

If an economy had zero completed cases proceedings; 0.5 if they can initiate
a year over the past ve years involving a only one of these types (either liquida-
Creditors Debtor
judicial reorganization, judicial liquidation tion or reorganization); 0 if they can-
or debt enforcement procedure (fore- not initiate insolvency proceedings.
Creditor Reorganization
closure or receivership), the economy What standard is used for com- participation proceedings index
receives a no practice mark on the time, mencement of insolvency proceed- index

cost and outcome indicators. This means ings. A score of 1 is assigned if a

that creditors are unlikely to recover their liquidity test (the debtor is gener- Whether the debtor (or an insolvency
money through a formal legal process. ally unable to pay its debts as they representative on its behalf) can reject
The recovery rate for no practice mature) is used; 0.5 if the balance overly burdensome contracts. A score
economies is zero. In addition, a no sheet test (the liabilities of the debtor of 1 is assigned if yes; 0 if rejection of
practice economy receives a score of 0 exceed its assets) is used; 1 if both contracts is not possible or if the law
on the strength of insolvency framework the liquidity and balance sheet tests contains no provisions on this subject.
index even if its legal framework includes are available but only one is required Whether transactions entered into
provisions related to insolvency proceed- to initiate insolvency proceedings; before commencement of insolvency
ings (liquidation or reorganization). 0.5 if both tests are required; 0 if a proceedings that give preference
different test is used. to one or several creditors can be
STRENGTH OF INSOLVENCY avoided after proceedings are initi-
FRAMEWORK The index ranges from 0 to 3, with ated. A score of 1 is assigned if yes;
The strength of insolvency framework higher values indicating greater access
index is based on four other indices: to insolvency proceedings. In Bulgaria, for TABLE 8.18 What do the indicators
commencement of proceedings index, example, debtors can initiate both liqui- on the strength of the insolvency
management of debtors assets index, dation and reorganization proceedings (a framework measure?
reorganization proceedings index and score of 1), but creditors can initiate only Commencement of proceedings index (03)
creditor participation index (gure 8.22; liquidation proceedings (a score of 0.5). Availability of liquidation and reorganization to
table 8.18). Either the liquidity test or the balance debtors and creditors (02)
sheet test can be used to commence Standards for commencement of insolvency
Commencement of proceedings insolvency proceedings (a score of 1). proceedings (01)
index Adding these numbers gives Bulgaria a Management of debtors assets index (06)
The commencement of proceedings score of 2.5 on the commencement of Continuation and rejection of contracts during
index has three components: proceedings index. insolvency (02)
Whether debtors can initiate both Avoidance of preferential and undervalued
transactions (02)
liquidation and reorganization pro- Management of debtors assets
Post-commencement finance (02)
ceedings. A score of 1 is assigned if index
debtors can initiate both types of pro- The management of debtors assets index Reorganization proceedings index (03)
ceedings; 0.5 if they can initiate only has six components: Approval and content of reorganization plan (03)
one of these types (either liquidation Whether the debtor (or an insolvency Creditor participation index (04)
or reorganization); 0 if they cannot representative on its behalf) can con- Creditors participation in and rights during
initiate insolvency proceedings. tinue performing contracts essential liquidation and reorganization proceedings (04)
Whether creditors can initiate both to the debtors survival. A score of 1 Strength of insolvency framework index (016)
liquidation and reorganization pro- is assigned if yes; 0 if continuation of Sum of the commencement of proceedings,
ceedings. A score of 1 is assigned if contracts is not possible or if the law management of debtors assets, reorganization
proceedings and creditor participation indices
creditors can initiate both types of contains no provisions on this subject.

0 if avoidance of such transactions is Reorganization proceedings Creditor participation index

not possible or if the law contains no index The creditor participation index has four
provisions on this subject. The reorganization proceedings index has components:
Whether undervalued transactions three components: Whether creditors appoint the
entered into before commencement Whether the reorganization plan is insolvency representative or approve,
of insolvency proceedings can be voted on only by the creditors whose ratify or reject the appointment of the
avoided after proceedings are initi- rights are modied or affected by the insolvency representative. A score of 1
ated. A score of 1 is assigned if yes; plan. A score of 1 is assigned if yes; 0.5 is assigned if yes; 0 if no.
0 if avoidance of such transactions is if all creditors vote on the plan, regard- Whether creditors are required
not possible or if the law contains no less of its impact on their interests; 0 to approve the sale of substantial
provisions on this subject. if creditors do not vote on the plan or assets of the debtor in the course of
Whether the insolvency framework if reorganization is not available. insolvency proceedings. A score of 1 is
includes specic provisions that allow Whether creditors entitled to vote assigned if yes; 0 if no.
the debtor (or an insolvency represen- on the plan are divided into classes, Whether an individual creditor has the
tative on its behalf), after commence- each class votes separately and the right to access nancial information
ment of insolvency proceedings, to creditors within each class are treated about the debtor during insolvency
obtain nancing necessary to func- equally. A score of 1 is assigned if proceedings. A score of 1 is assigned
tion during the proceedings. A score the voting procedure has these three if yes; 0 if no.
of 1 is assigned if yes; 0 if obtaining features; 0 if the voting procedure Whether an individual creditor can
post-commencement nance is not does not have these three features or object to a decision of the court or
possible or if the law contains no if reorganization is not available. of the insolvency representative to
provisions on this subject. Whether the insolvency framework approve or reject claims against the
Whether post-commencement nance requires that dissenting creditors debtor brought by the creditor itself
receives priority over ordinary unse- receive as much under the reorganiza- and by other creditors. A score of 1 is
cured creditors during distribution tion plan as they would have received assigned if yes; 0 if no.
of assets. A score of 1 is assigned in liquidation. A score of 1 is assigned
if yes; 0.5 if post-commencement if yes; 0 if no such provisions exist or if The index ranges from 0 to 4, with higher
nance is granted superpriority over reorganization is not available. values indicating greater participation
all creditors, secured and unsecured; of creditors. In Iceland, for example, the
0 if no priority is granted to post- The index ranges from 0 to 3, with court appoints the insolvency representa-
commencement nance or if the law higher values indicating greater com- tive, without creditors approval (a score of
contains no provisions on this subject. pliance with internationally accepted 0). The insolvency representative decides
practices. Nicaragua, for example, has unilaterally on the sale of the debtors
The index ranges from 0 to 6, with higher no judicial reorganization proceedings assets (a score of 0). Any creditor can
values indicating more advantageous and therefore receives a score of 0 on inspect the records kept by the insolvency
treatment of the debtors assets from the the reorganization proceedings index. representative (a score of 1). And any
perspective of the companys stakehold- In Estonia, another example, only creditor is allowed to challenge a deci-
ers. In Mozambique, for example, debtors creditors whose rights are affected by sion of the insolvency representative to
can continue essential contracts (a score the reorganization plan are allowed to approve all claims if this decision affects
of 1) and reject burdensome ones (a vote (a score of 1). The reorganization the creditors rights (a score of 1). Adding
score of 1) during insolvency proceed- plan divides creditors into classes, these numbers gives Iceland a score of 2
ings. The insolvency framework allows each class votes separately and credi- on the creditor participation index.
avoidance of preferential transactions tors within the same class are treated
(a score of 1) and undervalued ones (a equally (a score of 1). But there are no Strength of insolvency
score of 1). But the insolvency framework provisions requiring that the return to framework index
contains no provisions allowing post- dissenting creditors be equal to what The strength of insolvency framework
commencement nance (a score of 0) they would have received in liquidation index is the sum of the scores on the
or granting priority to such nance (a (a score of 0). Adding these numbers commencement of proceedings index,
score of 0). Adding these numbers gives gives Estonia a score of 2 on the reor- management of debtors assets index,
Mozambique a score of 4 on the man- ganization proceedings index. reorganization proceedings index and
agement of debtors assets index. creditor participation index. The index

ranges from 0 to 16, with higher values the changes. According to the resolving rankings of economies on these indica-
indicating insolvency legislation that is insolvency methodology any update in tors or include this indicator set in the
better designed for rehabilitating viable legislation leading to a change of 2% aggregate distance to frontier score or
rms and liquidating nonviable ones. or more on the distance to frontier gap ranking on the ease of doing business.
(for more details, see the chapter on the Detailed data collected on labor market
REFORMS distance to frontier and ease of doing busi- regulation are available on the Doing
The resolving insolvency indicator set ness ranking) of the recovery rate indicator Business website (http://www.doing
tracks changes related to the efficiency is classied as a reform. Changes with The data on labor market
and quality of insolvency framework lower impact are not classied as reforms regulation are based on a detailed ques-
every year. Depending on the impact but their impact is still reected on the tionnaire on employment regulations that
on the data, certain changes are most updated indicators. is completed by local lawyers and public
classied as reforms and listed in the officials. Employment laws and regula-
summaries of Doing Business reforms Third, occasionally the resolving insol- tions as well as secondary sources are
in 2016/2017 section of the report in vency indicator set will acknowledge reviewed to ensure accuracy.
order to acknowledge the implementa- legislative changes with no current impact
tion of signicant changes. Reforms on the data as reforms. This option is To make the data comparable across
are divided into two types: those that typically reserved to legislative changes economies, several assumptions about
make it easier to do business and those of exceptional magnitude such as sizeable the worker and the business are used.
changes that make it more difficult to revisions of corporate insolvency laws.
do business. The resolving insolvency Assumptions about the worker
indicator set uses three criteria to rec- This methodology was developed by The worker:
ognize a reform. Djankov, Hart and others (2008) and is Is a cashier in a supermarket or gro-
adopted here with several changes. The cery store, age 19, with one year of
First, all changes to laws and regulations strength of insolvency framework index work experience.10
that have any impact on the economys was introduced in Doing Business 2015. Is a full-time employee.
score on the strength of insolvency The good practices tested in this index were Is not a member of the labor union,
framework index are classied as reforms. developed on the basis of the World Banks unless membership is mandatory.
Examples of reforms impacting the Principles for Effective Insolvency and
strength of insolvency framework index Creditor/Debtor Regimes (World Bank Assumptions about the business
include changes in the commencement 2011b) and the United Nations Commission The business:
standard for insolvency proceedings, the on International Trade Laws Legislative Is a limited liability company (or the
introduction of reorganization procedures Guide on Insolvency Law (UNCITRAL equivalent in the economy).
for the rst time and measures to regu- 2004a). Operates a supermarket or grocery
late post-commencement credit and its store in the economys largest busi-
priority. Changes affecting the strength ness city. For 11 economies the data
of insolvency framework index can be LABOR MARKET are also collected for the second larg-
different in magnitude and scope and REGULATION est business city (table 8A.1).
still be considered a reform. For example, Has 60 employees.
implementing a post-commencement Doing Business studies the exibility of Is subject to collective bargaining
credit provision and designating it with regulation of employment, specically as agreements if such agreements cover
certain priorities represents a reform with it relates to the areas of hiring, working more than 50% of the food retail sec-
a potential 2-point increase in the index, hours and redundancy. Doing Business tor and apply even to rms that are
while changing the commencement also measures several aspects of job not party to them.
standard from the balance sheet test to quality such as the availability of mater- Abides by every law and regulation
the liquidity test represents a reform with nity leave, paid sick leave and the equal but does not grant workers more
a 0.5-point increase in the index. treatment of men and women at the benets than those mandated by law,
workplace (gure 8.23). regulation or (if applicable) collective
Second, changes that have an impact on bargaining agreements.
the time, cost or outcome of insolvency Doing Business 2018 presents the data for
proceedings may also be classied as the labor market regulation indicators in
reforms depending on the magnitude of an annex. The report does not present

FIGURE 8.23 What do the labor market regulation indicators cover? Job quality
Doing Business introduced new data on
2. Working job quality in 2015. Doing Business 2018
hours covers the following eight questions on
job quality: (i) whether the law mandates
equal remuneration for work of equal
value; (ii) whether the law mandates
1. Hiring 3. Redundancy
nondiscrimination based on gender in
hiring; (iii) whether the law mandates
paid or unpaid maternity leave;12 (iv)
the minimum length of paid maternity
leave (in calendar days);13 (v) whether
employees on maternity leave receive
4. Job 100% of wages;14 (vi) the availability of
five fully paid days of sick leave a year;
(vii) whether a worker is eligible for
an unemployment protection scheme
after one year of service; and (viii) the
minimum duration of the contribu-
Employment Data on redundancy cover eight ques- tion period (in months) required for
Data on employment cover three areas: tions: (i) whether redundancy is allowed unemployment protection.
hiring, working hours and redundancy as a basis for terminating workers; (ii)
(table 8.19). whether the employer needs to notify a REFORMS
third party (such as a government agency) The labor market regulation indicator
Data on hiring cover five questions: to terminate one redundant worker; (iii) set tracks changes in labor rules every
(i) whether xed-term contracts are whether the employer needs to notify year. Depending on the impact on the
prohibited for permanent tasks; (ii) a third party to terminate a group of data, certain changes are classied as
the maximum cumulative duration of nine redundant workers; (iv) whether reforms and listed in the summaries of
xed-term contracts; (iii) the length of the employer needs approval from a Doing Business reforms in 2016/2017
the maximum probationary period (in third party to terminate one redundant section of the report in order to acknowl-
months) for permanent employees; (iv) worker; (v) whether the employer needs edge the implementation of signicant
the minimum wage for a cashier, age 19, approval from a third party to terminate changes. Examples include a change
with one year of work experience; and a group of nine redundant workers; (vi) in the maximum duration of xed-
(v) the ratio of the minimum wage to the whether the law requires the employer term contracts, regulation of weekly
average value added per worker.11 to reassign or retrain a worker before holiday work, redundancy rules, notice
making the worker redundant; (vii) requirements and severance payments
Data on working hours cover eight whether priority rules apply for redun- for redundant workers, introduction of
questions: (i) the maximum number of dancies; and (viii) whether priority rules unemployment insurance and laws that
working days allowed per week; (ii) the apply for reemployment. mandate gender nondiscrimination in
premium for night work (as a percentage hiring and equal remuneration for work
of hourly pay); (iii) the premium for work Redundancy cost of equal value in line with ILO stan-
on a weekly rest day (as a percentage Redundancy cost measures the cost of dards. The introduction of a minimum
of hourly pay); (iv) the premium for advance notice requirements and sever- wage in the private sector is recognized
overtime work (as a percentage of hourly ance payments due when terminating a as a major reform and acknowledged in
pay); (v) whether there are restrictions redundant worker, expressed in weeks the reform summary. Changes in mini-
on night work; (vi) whether nonpregnant of salary. The average value of notice mum wages are reected in the Doing
and non-nursing women can work the requirements and severance payments Business data but not acknowledged in
same night hours as men; (vii) whether applicable to a worker with 1 year of ten- the reform summary. The introduction
there are restrictions on weekly holiday ure, a worker with 5 years and a worker of maternity leave or an increase in the
work; (viii) whether there are restrictions with 10 years is considered. One month is duration of maternity leave would be
on overtime work; and (ix) the average recorded as 4 and 1/3 weeks. acknowledged in the reform summary.
paid annual leave for workers with 1 year Occasionally the labor market regula-
of tenure, 5 years of tenure and 10 years tion indicator set will acknowledge
of tenure. legislative changes in areas not directly

that the transaction was duly disclosed and

TABLE 8.19 What do the labor market regulation indicators measure? approved. Doing Business does not measure
director liability in the event of fraud.
6. PwC refers to the network of member rms of
Hiring PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
(PwCIL) or, as the context requires, individual
Whether fixed-term contracts are prohibited for permanent tasks member rms of the PwC network. Each
Maximum duration of fixed-term contracts (in months), including renewals member rm is a separate legal entity and does
not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member
Maximum probationary period (in months) for permanent employees rm. PwCIL does not provide any services to
Minimum wage for a cashier, age 19, with one year of work experience (US$/month) clients. PwCIL is not responsible or liable for
the acts or omissions of any of its member
Ratio of minimum wage to value added per worker rms nor can it control the exercise of their
Working hours professional judgment or bind them in any way.
No member rm is responsible or liable for the
Maximum number of working days per week acts or omissions of any other member rm nor
Premium for night work, work on weekly rest day and overtime work (% of hourly pay) can it control the exercise of another member
rms professional judgment or bind another
Whether there are restrictions on night work, weekly holiday work and overtime work member rm or PwCIL in any way.
Whether nonpregnant and nonnursing women can work the same night hours as men 7. The nonlinear distance to frontier score for the
total tax and contribution rate is equal to the
Paid annual vacation days for workers with 1 year of tenure, 5 years of tenure and 10 years of tenure. distance to frontier score for the total tax and
contribution rate to the power of 0.8.
8. The economies for which a multiple of three
Length of maximum probationary period (in months) for permanent employees times income per capita has been used are
Honduras, Mozambique, West Bank and
Whether redundancy is allowed as grounds for termination
Gaza, and Zimbabwe. Those for which a
Whether third-party notification is required for termination of a redundant worker or group of workers multiple of two times income per capita
has been used are Belize, Benin, Bosnia and
Whether third-party approval is required for termination of a redundant worker or group of workers
Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, the Central African
Whether employer is obligated to reassign or retrain workers prior to making them redundant and to Republic, Chad, Fiji, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya,
follow priority rules for redundancy and reemployment Lesotho, Madagascar, the Federated States of
Micronesia, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger,
Redundancy cost (weeks of salary)
Nigeria, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands,
Notice requirements and severance payments due when terminating a redundant worker, expressed in South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo,
weeks of salary Vanuatu and Zambia.
9. To identify the trading partners and export
Job quality
product for each economy, Doing Business
Whether the law mandates equal remuneration for work of equal value collected data on trade ows for the most
recent four-year period from international
Whether the law mandates nondiscrimination based on gender in hiring
databases such as the United Nations
Whether the law mandates paid or unpaid maternity leave Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN
Comtrade). For economies for which trade ow
Minimum length of paid maternity leave (calendar days) data were not available, data from ancillary
Whether employees on maternity leave receive 100% of wages government sources (various ministries and
departments) and World Bank Group country
Availability of five fully paid days of sick leave a year offices were used to identify the export product
Whether unemployment protection is available after one year of employment and natural trading partners.
10. The case study assumption that the worker is
Minimum duration of contribution period (in months) required for unemployment protection 19 years old with one year of work experience
is considered only for the calculation of the
minimum wage. For all other questions where
the tenure of the worker is relevant, Doing
Business collects data for workers with 1, 5 and
measured by the indicators. This option 10 years of tenure.
is reserved for legislative changes of NOTES 11. The average value added per worker is the
exceptional magnitude, such as the ratio of an economys GNI per capita to the
1. The data for paying taxes refer to January- working-age population as a percentage of the
introduction of a new labor code. total population.
December 2016.
2. These are Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, 12. If no maternity leave is mandated by law,
The data details on labor market regulation Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, parental leave is measured if applicable.
the Russian Federation and the United States. 13. The minimum number of days that legally
can be found for each economy at http:// have to be paid by the government, the
3. This correction rate reects changes that The Doing Business exceed 5% up or down. employer or both. If no maternity leave is
website also provides historical data sets. The 4. This matter is usually regulated by stock mandated by law, parental leave is measured
exchange or securities laws. Points are awarded if applicable.
methodology was developed by Botero and 14. If no maternity leave is mandated by law,
only to economies with more than 10 listed
others (2004). Doing Business 2018 does firms in their most important stock exchange. parental leave is measured if applicable.
not present rankings of economies on the 5. When evaluating the regime of liability for
labor market regulation indicators. company directors for a prejudicial related-
party transaction, Doing Business assumes

TABLE 8A.1 Cities covered in each economy by the Doing Business report
Economy City or cities Economy City or cities Economy City or cities Economy City or cities Economy City or cities
Afghanistan Kabul Congo, Rep. Brazzaville Iran, Islamic Tehran Morocco Casablanca Somalia Mogadishu
Albania Tirana Costa Rica San Jos Iraq Baghdad Mozambique Maputo South Africa Johannesburg
Algeria Algiers Cte dIvoire Abidjan Ireland Dublin Myanmar Yangon South Juba
Angola Luanda Croatia Zagreb Israel Tel Aviv Namibia Windhoek Spain Madrid
Antigua and St. Johns Cyprus Nicosia Italy Rome Nepal Kathmandu Sri Lanka Colombo
Argentina Buenos Aires Czech Prague Jamaica Kingston Netherlands Amsterdam St. Kitts and Basseterre
Republic Nevis
Armenia Yerevan Denmark Copenhagen Japan Tokyo, Osaka New Zealand Auckland St. Lucia Castries
Australia Sydney Djibouti Djibouti Ville Jordan Amman Nicaragua Managua St. Vincent Kingstown
and the
Austria Vienna Dominica Roseau Kazakhstan Almaty Niger Niamey Sudan Khartoum
Azerbaijan Baku Dominican Santo Kenya Nairobi Nigeria Lagos, Kano Suriname Paramaribo
Republic Domingo
Bahamas, Nassau Ecuador Quito Kiribati Tarawa Norway Oslo Swaziland Mbabane
Bahrain Manama Egypt, Arab Cairo Korea, Rep. Seoul Oman Muscat Sweden Stockholm
Bangladesh Dhaka, El Salvador San Salvador Kosovo Pristina Pakistan Karachi, Switzerland Zurich
Chittagong Lahore
Barbados Bridgetown Equatorial Malabo Kuwait Kuwait City Palau Koror Syrian Arab Damascus
Guinea Republic
Belarus Minsk Eritrea Asmara Kyrgyz Bishkek Panama Panama City Taiwan, Taipei
Republic China
Belgium Brussels Estonia Tallinn Lao PDR Vientiane Papua New Port Moresby Tajikistan Dushanbe
Belize Belize City Ethiopia Addis Ababa Latvia Riga Paraguay Asuncin Tanzania Dar es Salaam
Benin Cotonou Fiji Suva Lebanon Beirut Peru Lima Thailand Bangkok
Bhutan Thimphu Finland Helsinki Lesotho Maseru Philippines Quezon City Timor-Leste Dili
Bolivia La Paz France Paris Liberia Monrovia Poland Warsaw Togo Lom
Bosnia and Sarajevo Gabon Libreville Libya Tripoli Portugal Lisbon Tonga Nukualofa
Botswana Gaborone Gambia, The Banjul Lithuania Vilnius Puerto Rico San Juan Trinidad Port of Spain
(U.S.) and Tobago
Brazil So Paulo, Georgia Tbilisi Luxembourg Luxembourg Qatar Doha Tunisia Tunis
Rio de Janeiro
Brunei Bandar Seri Germany Berlin Macedonia, Skopje Romania Bucharest Turkey Istanbul
Darussalam Begawan FYR
Bulgaria Sofia Ghana Accra Madagascar Antananarivo Russian Moscow, Uganda Kampala
Federation St. Petersburg
Burkina Ouagadougou Greece Athens Malawi Blantyre Rwanda Kigali Ukraine Kiev
Burundi Bujumbura Grenada St. Georges Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Samoa Apia United Arab Dubai
Cabo Verde Praia Guatemala Guatemala Maldives Mal San Marino San Marino United London
City Kingdom
Cambodia Phnom Penh Guinea Conakry Mali Bamako So Tom So Tom United New York City,
and Prn- States Los Angeles
Cameroon Douala Guinea- Bissau Malta Valletta Saudi Riyadh Uruguay Montevideo
Bissau Arabia
Canada Toronto Guyana Georgetown Marshall Majuro Senegal Dakar Uzbekistan Tashkent
Central Bangui Haiti Port-au-Prince Mauritania Nouakchott Serbia Belgrade Vanuatu Port-Vila
Chad NDjamena Honduras Tegucigalpa Mauritius Port Louis Seychelles Victoria Venezuela, Caracas
Chile Santiago Hong Kong Hong Kong Mexico Mexico City, Sierra Freetown Vietnam Ho Chi Minh
SAR, China SAR Monterrey Leone City
China Shanghai, Hungary Budapest Micronesia, Island of Singapore Singapore West Bank Ramallah
Beijing Fed. Sts. Pohnpei and Gaza
Colombia Bogot Iceland Reykjavik Moldova Chisinau Slovak Bratislava Yemen, Rep. Sanaa
Comoros Moroni India Mumbai, Delhi Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Slovenia Ljubljana Zambia Lusaka
Congo, Dem. Kinshasa Indonesia Jakarta, Montenegro Podgorica Solomon Honiara Zimbabwe Harare
Rep. Surabaya Islands
Doing Business 2018

to Frontier and Ease of
Doing Business Ranking
Doing Business presents results for two aggregate measures: the distance to frontier
score and the ease of doing business ranking, which is based on the distance to
frontier score. The ease of doing business ranking compares economies with one
another; the distance to frontier score benchmarks economies with respect to
regulatory best practice, showing the absolute distance to the best performance on
each Doing Business indicator. When compared across years, the distance to frontier
score shows how much the regulatory environment for local entrepreneurs in an
economy has changed over time in absolute terms, while the ease of doing business
ranking can show only how much the regulatory environment has changed relative to
that in other economies.

DISTANCE TO FRONTIER formulation the frontier represents the

best performance on the indicator across
The distance to frontier score captures all economies since 2005 or the third
the gap between an economys perfor- year in which data for the indicator were
mance and a measure of best practice collected. Both the best performance and
across the entire sample of 41 indicators the worst performance are established
for 10 Doing Business topics (the labor every five years based on the Doing
market regulation indicators are exclud- Business data for the year in which they
ed). For starting a business, for example, are established, and remain at that
New Zealand has the smallest number of level for the five years regardless of any
procedures required (1) and the shortest changes in data in interim years. Thus
time to fulfill them (0.5 days). Slovenia an economy may set the frontier for an
has the lowest cost (0.0), and Australia, indicator even though it is no longer at
Colombia and 112 other economies have the frontier in a subsequent year.
no paid-in minimum capital requirement
(table 9.1). For scores such as those on the strength
of legal rights index or the quality of land
Calculation of the distance to administration index, the frontier is set at
frontier score the highest possible value. For the total
Calculating the distance to frontier tax and contribution rate, consistent with
score for each economy involves two the use of a threshold in calculating the
main steps. In the first step individual rankings on this indicator, the frontier is
component indicators are normalized defined as the total tax and contribution
to a common unit where each of the rate at the 15th percentile of the overall
41 component indicators y (except for distribution for all years included in the
the total tax and contribution rate) is analysis up to and including Doing Business
rescaled using the linear transformation 2015. For the time to pay taxes, the frontier
(worst y)/(worst frontier). In this is defined as the lowest time recorded

TABLE 9.1 What is the frontier in regulatory practice?

Topic and indicator Who set the frontier Frontier Worst performance
Starting a business
Procedures (number) New Zealand 1 18a
Time (days) New Zealand 0.5 100b
Cost (% of income per capita) Slovenia 0.0 200.0b
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) Australia; Colombiac 0.0 400.0b
Dealing with construction permits
Procedures (number) No economy was at the frontier as of June 1, 2017. 5 30a
Time (days) No economy was at the frontier as of June 1, 2017. 26 373b
Cost (% of warehouse value) No economy was at the frontier as of June 1, 2017. 0.0 20.0b
Building quality control index (015) Luxembourg; New Zealand; United Arab Emirates 15 0d
Getting electricity
Procedures (number) Germany; Republic of Koreae 3 9a
Time (days) Republic of Korea; St. Kitts and Nevis; United Arab Emirates 18 248b
Cost (% of income per capita) Japan 0.0 8,100.0b
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) Belgium; Ireland; Malaysia f
8 0d
Registering property
Procedures (number) Georgia; Norway; Portugal; Sweden 1 13a
Time (days) Georgia; New Zealand; Portugal 1 210b
Cost (% of property value) Saudi Arabia 0.0 15.0b
Quality of land administration index (030) No economy has attained the frontier yet. 30 0d
Getting credit
Strength of legal rights index (012) Brunei Darussalam; Colombia; Montenegro; New Zealand 12 0d
Depth of credit information index (08) Ecuador; United Kingdomg 8 0d
Protecting minority investors
Extent of disclosure index (010) China; Malaysiah 10 0d
Extent of director liability index (010) Cambodia 10 0d
Ease of shareholder suits index (010) No economy has attained the frontier yet. 10 0d
Extent of shareholder rights index (010) India; Kazakhstan 10 0d
Extent of ownership and control index (010) No economy has attained the frontier yet. 10 0d
Extent of corporate transparency index (010) France; Norway; Taiwan, China 10 0d
Paying taxes
Payments (number per year) Hong Kong SAR, China; Saudi Arabia 3 63b
Time (hours per year) Singapore 49 i
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) Canada; Singaporej 26.1k 84.0b
Postfiling index (0100) No economy with both CIT and VAT has attained the 100 0
frontier yet.
Time to comply with VAT refund (hours) Croatia; Netherlandsl 0 50b
Time to obtain VAT refund (weeks) Austria; The Bahamas; Estonia 3.2 55b
Time to comply with corporate income tax audit (hours) Lithuania; Portugalm 1.5 56b
Time to complete a corporate income tax audit (weeks) Sweden; United States n
0 32b


TABLE 9.1 What is the frontier in regulatory practice? (continued)

Topic and indicator Who set the frontier Frontier Worst performance
Trading across borders
Time to export
Documentary compliance (hours) Canada; Poland; Spaino 1p 170b
Border compliance (hours) Austria; Belgium; Denmark q
1 p
Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) Hungary; Luxembourg; Norwayr 0 400b
Border compliance (US$) France; Netherlands; Portugals 0 1,060b
Time to import
Documentary compliance (hours) Republic of Korea; Latvia; New Zealandt 1p 240b
Border compliance (hours) Estonia; France; Germany u
Cost to import
Documentary compliance (US$) Iceland; Latvia; United Kingdomv 0 700b
Border compliance (US$) Belgium; Denmark; Estoniaw 0 1,200b
Enforcing contracts
Time (days) Singapore 120 1,340b
Cost (% of claim) Bhutan 0.1 89.0b
Quality of judicial processes index (018) No economy has attained the frontier yet. 18 0d
Resolving insolvency
Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) Norway 92.9 0d
Strength of insolvency framework index (016) No economy has attained the frontier yet. 16 0d
Source: Doing Business database.
a. Worst performance is defined as the 99th percentile among all economies in the Doing Business sample.
b. Worst performance is defined as the 95th percentile among all economies in the Doing Business sample.
c. Another 112 economies also have a paid-in minimum capital requirement of 0.
d. Worst performance is the worst value recorded.
e. In 17 other economies it also takes no more than 3 procedures to get an electricity connection.
f. Another 25 economies also have a score of 8 on the reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index.
g. Another 32 economies also have a score of 8 on the depth of credit information index.
h. Another 10 economies also have a score of 10 on the extent of disclosure index.
i. Defined as the lowest time recorded among all economies in the Doing Business sample that levy the three major taxes: profit tax, labor taxes and mandatory contributions,
and VAT or sales tax.
j. Another 30 economies also have a total tax contribution rate equal to or lower than 26.1% of profit.
k. Defined as the highest total tax and contribution rate among the 15% of economies with the lowest total tax and contribution rate in the Doing Business sample for all
years included in the analysis up to and including Doing Business 2015.
l. Another 8 economies also have a compliance time for VAT refund of 0 hours.
m. Another 10 economies also have a compliance time for corporate income tax audit of no more than 1.5 hours.
n. Another 92 economies also have a completion time for corporate income tax audit of 0 weeks.
o. Another 22 economies also have a documentary compliance time to export of no more than 1 hour.
p. Defined as 1 hour even though in many economies the time is less than that.
q. Another 15 economies also have a border compliance time to export of no more than 1 hour.
r. Another 16 economies also have a documentary compliance cost to export of 0.0.
s. Another 16 economies also have a border compliance cost to export of 0.0.
t. Another 26 economies also have a documentary compliance time to import of no more than 1 hour.
u. Another 22 economies also have a border compliance time to import of no more than 1 hour.
v. Another 27 economies also have a documentary compliance cost to import of 0.0.
w. Another 24 economies also have a border compliance cost to import of 0.0.

among all economies that levy the three is defined as 1 hour even though in many distributions of the rescaled data for
major taxes: profit tax, labor taxes and economies the time is less than that. most component indicators (very few
mandatory contributions, and value added economies need 700 days to complete
tax (VAT) or sales tax. For the different In the same formulation, to mitigate the procedures to start a business, but
times to trade across borders, the frontier the effects of extreme outliers in the many need 9 days), the worst performance

is calculated after the removal of outliers. is used for number of procedures. No In the second step for calculating the
The definition of outliers is based on the outlier is removed for component indica- distance to frontier score, the scores
distribution for each component indicator. tors bound by definition or construction, obtained for individual indicators for
To simplify the process two rules were including legal index scores (such as the each economy are aggregated through
defined: the 95th percentile is used for the depth of credit information index, extent of simple averaging into one distance to
indicators with the most dispersed distribu- disclosure index and strength of insolvency frontier score, first for each topic and
tions (including minimum capital, number framework index) and the recovery rate then across all 10 topics: starting a busi-
of payments to pay taxes, and the time and (figure 9.1). ness, dealing with construction permits,
cost indicators), and the 99th percentile getting electricity, registering property,
getting credit, protecting minority inves-
tors, paying taxes, trading across bor-
FIGURE 9.1 How are distance to frontier scores calculated for indicators? ders, enforcing contracts and resolving
Two examples
insolvency. More complex aggregation
A time-and-motion topic: getting electricity methodssuch as principal compo-
Distance to frontier nents and unobserved components
score for procedures
100 Regulatory frontier yield a ranking nearly identical to the
simple average used by Doing Business.1
Best performance
(frontier): Thus Doing Business uses the simplest
3 procedures method: weighting all topics equally and,
within each topic, giving equal weight to
each of the topic components.2
An economys distance to frontier score is
indicated on a scale from 0 to 100, where
40 0 represents the worst performance and
100 the frontier. All distance to frontier
performance calculations are based on a maximum
20 (99th percentile): of five decimals. However, topic ranking
9 procedures
calculations and the ease of doing busi-
ness ranking calculations are based on
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 two decimals.
Procedures (number)

The difference between an economys

A legal topic: protecting minority investors distance to frontier score in any previous
Distance to frontier score year and its score in 2017 illustrates the
for extent of disclosure index
100 Regulatory frontier extent to which the economy has closed
the gap to the regulatory frontier over
time. And in any given year the score
80 measures how far an economy is from
the best performance at that time.

60 Treatment of the total tax and

Best performance contribution rate
10 points The total tax and contribution rate com-
40 ponent of the paying taxes topic enters
the distance to frontier calculation in a
different way than any other indicator.
The distance to frontier score obtained
Worst performance: for the total tax and contribution rate
0 points
is transformed in a nonlinear fashion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 before it enters the distance to frontier
Extent of disclosure index (010) score for paying taxes. As a result of the
Source: Doing Business database. nonlinear transformation, an increase in

the total tax and contribution rate has a indicator toward economies that do not TABLE 9.2 Weights used in calculating
smaller impact on the distance to fron- need to levy significant taxes on compa- the distance to frontier scores for
tier score for the total tax and contribu- nies like the Doing Business standardized economies with two cities covered
tion rateand therefore on the distance case study company because they
Economy City Weight (%)
to frontier score for paying taxesfor raise public revenue in other waysfor
Bangladesh Dhaka 78
economies with a below-average total example, through taxes on foreign com-
Chittagong 22
tax and contribution rate than it would panies, through taxes on sectors other
have had before this approach was than manufacturing or from natural Brazil So Paulo 61
adopted in Doing Business 2015 (line B is resources (all of which are outside the Rio de Janeiro 39
smaller than line A in figure 9.2). And for scope of the methodology). In addition, China Shanghai 55
economies with an extreme total tax and it acknowledges the need of economies Beijing 45
contribution rate (a rate that is very high to collect taxes from firms.
India Mumbai 47
relative to the average), an increase has
Delhi 53
a greater impact on both these distance Calculation of scores for economies
to frontier scores than it would have had with two cities covered Indonesia Jakarta 78
before (line D is bigger than line C in For each of the 11 economies in which Surabaya 22
figure 9.2). Doing Business collects data for the Japan Tokyo 65
second largest business city as well as Osaka 35
The nonlinear transformation is not the largest one, the distance to frontier Mexico Mexico City 83
based on any economic theory of an score is calculated as the population-
Monterrey 17
optimal tax rate that minimizes dis- weighted average of the distance to
Nigeria Lagos 77
tortions or maximizes efficiency in an frontier scores for these two cities
economys overall tax system. Instead, (table 9.2). This is done for the aggre- Kano 23
it is mainly empirical in nature. The gate score, the scores for each topic Pakistan Karachi 65
nonlinear transformation along with and the scores for all the component Lahore 35
the threshold reduces the bias in the indicators for each topic. Russian Moscow 70
St. Petersburg 30
FIGURE 9.2 How the nonlinear transformation affects the distance to frontier score United States New York City 60
for the total tax and contribution rate Los Angeles 40

Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and

Social Affairs, Population Division, World Urbanization
Distance to frontier score Prospects, 2014 Revision, File 12: Population of
for total tax and contribution rate Urban Agglomerations with 300,000 Inhabitants or
100 Regulatory frontier More in 2014, by Country, 19502030 (thousands),

Variability of economies scores
A across topics
Each Doing Business topic measures
a different aspect of the business
regulatory environment. The distance to
40 D frontier scores and associated rankings
C of an economy can vary, sometimes
20 significantly, across topics. The average
correlation coefficient between the 10
0 topics included in the aggregate distance
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
to frontier score is 0.49, and the coef-
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit)
ficients between 2 topics range from
Linear distance to frontier score for Nonlinear distance to frontier score for
total tax and contribution rate total tax and contribution rate 0.34 (between getting credit and paying
taxes) to 0.63 (between getting electric-
ity and trading across borders). These
correlations suggest that economies
Source: Doing Business database. rarely score universally well or universally
Note: The nonlinear distance to frontier score for the total tax and contribution rate is equal to the distance to
frontier score for the total tax and contribution rate to the power of 0.8. badly on Doing Business topics (table 9.3).

TABLE 9.3 Correlations between economy distance to frontier scores for Doing Business topics
Dealing with Protecting Trading
construction Getting Registering Getting minority Paying across Enforcing Resolving
permits electricity property credit investors taxes borders contracts insolvency

Starting a business 0.51 0.51 0.45 0.39 0.54 0.57 0.44 0.42 0.49

Dealing with
0.60 0.48 0.39 0.45 0.45 0.50 0.37 0.40
construction permits

Getting electricity 0.51 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.63 0.52 0.55

Registering property 0.46 0.54 0.51 0.50 0.60 0.53

Getting credit 0.56 0.34 0.42 0.36 0.52

Protecting minority
0.50 0.44 0.48 0.61

Paying taxes 0.54 0.47 0.45

Trading across
0.47 0.57

Enforcing contracts 0.45

Source: Doing Business database.

Consider the example of Portugal. Its aggre- business regulation reform and in the improved the ease of doing business
gate distance to frontier score is 76.84. Its ability of different government agencies the most. First, it selects the economies
score is 91.26 for starting a business and to deliver tangible results in their area of that in 2016/17 implemented regulatory
100.00 for trading across borders. But its responsibility. reforms making it easier to do business
score is only 60.00 for protecting minority in three or more of the 10 topics included
investors and 45.00 for getting credit. Change in the distance to in this years aggregate distance to
frontier gap frontier score.3 Thirty-four economies
Figure 2.1 in the chapter About Doing Many topics use the magnitude of the meet this criterion: Angola; Azerbaijan;
Business illustrates the degree of vari- change in their distance to frontier gap to Benin; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cabo
ability for each economys performance classify changes as reforms. The change in Verde; Djibouti; El Salvador; Georgia;
across the different areas of business the distance to frontier gap is defined as India; Indonesia; Jamaica; Kazakhstan;
regulation covered by Doing Business. The (dtfprior year dtfcurrent year)/(100 dtfprior year), Kenya; Kosovo; Lithuania; Malawi;
figure draws attention to economies with where dtf is the aggregate distance Malaysia; Mauritania; Mauritius; Niger;
a particularly uneven performance by to frontier score for the specific topic. Nigeria; Pakistan; Russian Federation;
showing, for each economy, the distance For example, in 2016/17 Cameroon Rwanda; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia;
between the average of its highest three reduced the paid-in minimum capital Thailand; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates;
distance to frontier scores and the aver- requirement, resulting in an improve- Uzbekistan; Vietnam and Zambia.
age of its lowest three across the 10 topics ment in Cameroons aggregate distance Second, Doing Business sorts these econ-
included in this years aggregate distance to frontier score for starting a business omies on the increase in their distance
to frontier score. While a relatively small from 75.27 to 82.39. This reduced the to frontier score from the previous year
distance between these two averages distance to frontier gap for Cameroon by using comparable data.
suggests a broadly consistent approach (75.27 82.39)/(100 75.27) or 28.79%
across the areas of business regulation on starting a business in Doing Business Selecting the economies that implemented
measured by Doing Business, a relatively 2018. For a complete discussion of the regulatory reforms in at least three topics
large distance suggests a more uneven methodology for classifying changes as and had the biggest improvements in their
approach, with greater room for improve- reforms, see the data notes. distance to frontier scores is intended
ment in some areas than in others. to highlight economies with ongoing,
Economies improving the most broad-based reform programs. The
Variation in performance across topics is across three or more Doing improvement in the distance to frontier
not at all unusual. It reflects differences Business topics in 2016/17 score is used to identify the top improvers
in the degree of priority that government Doing Business 2018 uses a simple because this allows a focus on the absolute
authorities give to particular areas of method to calculate which economies improvementin contrast with the

relative improvement shown by a change in

rankingsthat economies have made in
their regulatory environment for business.



The ease of doing business ranking ranges

from 1 to 190. The ranking of economies
is determined by sorting the aggregate
distance to frontier scores, rounded to
two decimals.

1. See Djankov and others 2005. Principal
components and unobserved components
methods yield a ranking nearly identical to
that from the simple average method because
both these methods assign roughly equal
weights to the topics, since the pairwise
correlations among topics do not differ much.
An alternative to the simple average method
is to give different weights to the topics,
depending on which are considered of more
or less importance in the context of a specific
2. For getting credit, indicators are weighted
proportionally, according to their contribution
to the total score, with a weight of 60%
assigned to the strength of legal rights index
and 40% to the depth of credit information
index. Indicators for all other topics are
assigned equal weights.
3. Changes making it more difficult to do
business are subtracted from the total number
of those making it easier to do business.
Doing Business 2018

of Doing Business Reforms
in 2016/17
Doing Business reforms affecting all sets of indicators included in this years report,
implemented from June 2016 to June 2017.
Reform making it easier to do business
Change making it more difficult to do business

Afghanistan Angola
Starting a business Dealing with construction permits
Afghanistan made starting a business Angola made dealing with construc-
more costly by requiring that entrepre- tion permits easier and less time-
neurs pay the business license fee for consuming by improving its system for
three years at the time of incorporation. building permit applications.
Getting electricity
Albania Angola made getting electricity easier
Getting credit by upgrading Luandas electrical grid,
Albania strengthened access to credit thereby reducing the time it takes for
by introducing amendments to the the utility to complete feasibility stud-
Civil Code and the Law on Securing ies for new connections.
Charges and by adopting a new insol- Trading across borders
vency law. A security interest can now
Angola made trading across borders
be granted over any type of movable
easier by improving infrastructure at
propertyincluding tangible and
the Port of Luanda.
intangible assetsand secured credi-
tors are given absolute priority within
Antigua and Barbuda
insolvency proceedings.
Registering property
Labor market regulation
Antigua and Barbuda made property
Albania amended legislation to reduce
registration faster by eliminating an
the maximum number of hours (includ-
application backlog caused by a fire at
ing overtime) allowed in a workweek
the land registry.
and to mandate that women and men
be given equal remuneration for work
of equal value. Argentina
Dealing with construction permits
Argentina made obtaining a building
permit more costly by adopting a new
tax law for the city of Buenos Aires.

Reforms affecting the labor market regulation indicators are included here but do not affect the ranking
on the ease of doing business.

Armenia Labor market regulation tax and making the schedule of fees
The Bahamas amended its legislation and list of documents required for
Getting electricity to introduce priority rules that apply property registration available publicly.
Armenia made getting electricity to reemployment. Getting credit
easier by imposing new deadlines for
connection procedures and introduc- Benin improved its credit reporting
Bahrain system by introducing regula-
ing a new geographic information
system at the utility. Paying taxes tions that govern the licensing and
Bahrain made paying taxes more functioning of credit bureaus in the
Registering property member states of the West African
complicated by introducing a new
Armenia made registering property health care contribution borne by the Economic and Monetary Union
easier by improving the land admin- employer. (UEMOA).
istration systems dispute resolution
mechanisms. Bhutan
Starting a business Starting a business

Bangladesh made starting a business Bhutan made starting a business easier

Getting credit by reducing the time for obtaining a
more expensive by increasing the cost
Azerbaijan improved access to credit Security Clearance Certificate, regis-
of business registration at the Registrar
information by adopting a law allowing tering at the Office of the Registrar and
of Joint Stock Companies and Firms.
the establishment of credit bureaus. registering for taxes.
This reform applies to both Chittagong
Protecting minority investors and Dhaka. Getting credit
Azerbaijan strengthened minor- Bhutan improved access to credit infor-
ity investor protections by increasing Barbados mation by beginning to distribute pay-
shareholder rights and role in major ment data from two utility companies.
Paying taxes
corporate decisions, clarifying owner-
Barbados made paying taxes more Protecting minority investors
ship and control structures and requir-
difficult by introducing a new national Bhutan strengthened minority investor
ing greater corporate transparency.
social responsibility levy of 2% on the protections by clarifying ownership
Enforcing contracts value of products before VAT. and control structures but weakened
Azerbaijan made enforcing contracts minority investor protections by reduc-
easier by introducing a system that allows Belarus ing shareholder rights.
users to pay court fees electronically.
Getting credit Enforcing contracts
Resolving insolvency Belarus strengthened access to credit Bhutan made enforcing contracts
Azerbaijan made resolving insolvency by adopting two new decrees that easier by creating a dedicated bench
easier by making insolvency proceedings establish a unified collateral registry. to resolve commercial cases.
more accessible for creditors and grant-
ing them greater participation in the pro- Bolivia
ceedings, improving provisions on the
treatment of contracts during insolvency Paying taxes Trading across borders
and introducing the possibility to obtain Belgium made paying taxes less costly Bolivia made exporting and importing
post-commencement financing. by reducing the social security contri- easier by implementing the Sistema
bution rate paid by employers. nico de Modernizacin Aduanera
Bahamas, The (SUMA), an automated customs data
Benin management system.
Starting a business
The Bahamas made starting a business Dealing with construction permits
Bosnia and Herzegovina
easier by merging the processes of Benin increased the transparency of
registering for a business license and dealing with construction permits by Labor market regulation
registering for value added tax. publishing regulations related to con- Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted
struction online free of charge. legislation that decreased wage pre-
Paying taxes miums for overtime, weekly holiday
The Bahamas made paying taxes less Registering property and night work.
costly by decreasing the stamp duty on Benin made registering a property less
the sale of land. costly by eliminating the registration

Botswana land administration systems dispute Cabo Verde

resolution mechanisms.
Registering property Dealing with construction permits
Botswana made registering prop- Getting credit Cabo Verde made dealing with con-
erty more difficult by reducing the Brunei Darussalam strengthened struction permits easier by publishing
efficiency of its Registrar of Deeds as access to credit by adopting a new law all regulations related to construction
it implements the computerization of on secured transactions that estab- online free of charge.
manual records. lishes a unified legal framework for Trading across borders
Paying taxes movable assets and creates a modern, Cabo Verde made exporting and
Botswana made paying taxes easier by notice-based collateral registry. The importing easier by implementing an
establishing an online system for filing law also establishes priority rules for automated customs data manage-
and paying taxes. secured creditors inside and outside of ment system, ASYCUDA World.
insolvency proceedings and allows for
Trading across borders out-of-court enforcement. Resolving insolvency
Botswana made trading across borders Cabo Verde made resolving insolvency
easier by implementing a new automat- Protecting minority investors easier by adopting a law that intro-
ed customs data management system. Brunei Darussalam strengthened minor- duces a reorganization procedure and
ity investor protections by increasing facilitates continuation of the debtors
Brazil shareholder rights and role in major business during insolvency proceed-
corporate decisions, clarifying owner- ings. The law also allows creditors
Trading across borders
ship and control structures and requiring greater participation in important deci-
Brazil reduced the time for documen-
greater corporate transparency. sions during insolvency proceedings.
tary compliance for both exporting
and importing by enhancing its elec-
Paying taxes Cameroon
tronic data interchange system. This
reform applies to both Rio de Janeiro Brunei Darussalam made paying Starting a business
and So Paulo. taxes easier by introducing an online Cameroon made starting a business
system for filing and paying labor easier by reducing the minimum capi-
Brunei Darussalam contributions. tal requirement.

Starting a business Trading across borders Getting credit

Brunei Darussalam made starting a Brunei Darussalam made exporting and Cameroon improved access to credit
business faster by removing post- importing easier by enhancing the Brunei information by launching a new
incorporation procedures. Darussalam National Single Window credit registry.
and the customs clearance process.
Dealing with construction permits Canada
Enforcing contracts
Brunei Darussalam made dealing with
Brunei Darussalam made enforcing Dealing with construction permits
construction permits less cumber-
contracts easier by introducing an Canada made dealing with construc-
some by streamlining the process of
electronic case management system tion permits more expensive by
obtaining a building permit.
for the use of judges and lawyers. increasing fees for site plan approval
and building permits.
Getting electricity
Brunei Darussalam made getting Burkina Faso China
electricity more difficult by increasing
the number of procedures needed to Getting credit Starting a business
obtain a new connection. At the same Burkina Faso improved access to China made starting a business easier
time, a new compensation scheme credit information by launching a new by streamlining registration proce-
was introduced to incentivize the util- credit bureau. dures. This reform applies to both
ity to improve reliability. Beijing and Shanghai.
Paying taxes
Registering property Starting a business China made paying taxes easier by
Brunei Darussalam made registering Burundi made starting a business more introducing several measures to ease
property easier by increasing the expensive by increasing the cost of compliance. This reform applies to
transparency of its land administra- registering a business. both Beijing and Shanghai.
tion system and by improving the

Colombia Costa Rica Paying taxes

The Czech Republic made paying
Labor market regulation Registering property taxes more complicated by introduc-
Colombia increased the mandatory Costa Rica decreased the time needed ing new requirements for filing VAT
length of paid maternity leave. to transfer a property through several control statements.
measures, including the introduction
Comoros of effective time limits. Denmark
Trading across borders Protecting minority investors Dealing with construction permits
The Comoros made trading across Costa Rica strengthened minority Denmark made dealing with con-
borders easier by implementing an investor protections by allowing great- struction permits more expensive by
automated customs data manage- er access to corporate information raising the cost of building permits
ment system, SYDONIA++, which before and during trial and enhancing and the cost of obtaining a water and
reduced the time for the preparation disclosure requirements, but weak- sewage connection.
and submission of documents for both ened shareholder rights in certain
exports and imports. major transactions.

Congo, Dem. Rep. Cte dIvoire Starting a business

Djibouti made starting a business
Starting a business Dealing with construction permits
less costly by exempting new com-
The Democratic Republic of Congo Cte dIvoire made dealing with con- panies from professional license
made starting a business easier by elimi- struction permits easier by streamlin- fees and reducing fees to register
nating the requirement that a woman ing processes at its one-stop shop. a business and publish the notice
obtain her husbands permission to start of commencement.
a business and by combining multiple Croatia
business registration procedures. Dealing with construction permits
Dealing with construction permits Djibouti made obtaining a construction
Dealing with construction permits Croatia made dealing with construc- permit easier by reducing the cost of
The Democratic Republic of Congo tion permits more costly by increasing concrete inspections and by implement-
made dealing with construction the administrative fees for building and ing decennial liability for all professionals
permits more expensive by revis- occupancy permits. involved in construction projects.
ing the formula to assess building
Registering property Registering property
permit fees. At the same time, the
Croatia made it less costly to transfer Djibouti made registering property
Democratic Republic of Congo made
property by lowering the real estate easier by increasing the transparency
dealing with construction permits
transfer tax. of the land administration system.
more transparent by publishing all
regulations related to construction Getting credit
online free of charge. Cyprus
Djibouti improved access to credit
Labor market regulation Paying taxes information by adopting a law that cre-
The Democratic Republic of Congo Cyprus made paying taxes more dif- ates a new credit information system.
introduced regulation pertaining to ficult by increasing the frequency and
Protecting minority investors
working hours. number of VAT audits, including in
Djibouti strengthened minority inves-
cases of VAT cash refund requests. At
tor protections by requiring greater
Congo, Rep. the same time, paying taxes was made
disclosure of transactions with inter-
less costly following the introduction
Starting a business ested parties, strengthening remedies
of notional interest tax-deductible
The Republic of Congo made starting a against interested directors, extend-
expenses and an increase in the dis-
business easier by reducing the mini- ing access to corporate information
count rate on immovable property.
mum capital requirement for business before trial, increasing shareholder
incorporation and by replacing the rights and role in major corporate
Czech Republic
requirement for the managers criminal decisions, clarifying ownership and
records with a sworn declaration at the Starting a business control structures and requiring
time of the companys registration. The Czech Republic made starting a greater corporate transparency.
business less expensive by introduc-
ing lower fees for simple limited
liability companies.

Dominican Republic Protecting minority investors Trading across borders

Egypt strengthened minority investor Ethiopia made trading across borders
Starting a business protections by increasing shareholder easier through a series of initiatives
The Dominican Republic reduced the rights and role in major corporate including the implementation of a risk-
time needed to register a company by decisions. based inspection system, the streamlin-
streamlining processes at the chamber ing of documents for importers and the
of commerce. El Salvador strengthening of the customs authority.
Getting electricity Dealing with construction permits
The Dominican Republic improved the Finland
The municipal authorities in San
reliability of electricity by investing in Salvador introduced legislation Labor market regulation
grid expansion, redesigning network requiring phased inspections during Finland increased the length of the
zoning and setting up a power restora- construction as well as experience maximum probationary period for
tion squad to respond to outages. requirements for professionals in permanent employees.
Paying taxes charge of inspections. Furthermore,
The Dominican Republic made paying an online system was implemented France
taxes costlier by decreasing the infla- for the payment of preliminary
Protecting minority investors
tion rate. construction fees.
France strengthened minority investor
Resolving insolvency Getting electricity protections by increasing corporate
The Dominican Republic made resolv- El Salvador improved the reliability of transparency.
ing insolvency easier by adopting a electricity by introducing new software
Paying taxes
law that introduces a reorganization programs allowing better outage man-
France made paying taxes less costly
procedure and facilitates continua- agement and maintenance planning.
by lowering rates for social security
tion of the debtors business during Paying taxes
and training contributions.
insolvency proceedings. The new law El Salvador made paying taxes easier
allows creditors greater participation by implementing an online platform Gabon
in important decisions during insol- for filing and paying taxes and by mov-
vency proceedings. Starting a business
ing to a risk-based audit assessment
Labor market regulation selection system focusing on larger Gabon made starting a business
companies. easier by reducing the minimum
The Dominican Republic increased
capital requirement and by making the
the mandatory length of paid mater- Trading across borders notarization of incorporation docu-
nity leave.
El Salvador made exporting and ments optional.
importing easier by increasing the
Ecuador number of customs officers at the
Dealing with construction permits
Anguiat land border. Gabon made dealing with construc-
Registering property
tion permits faster by streamlining the
Ecuador made registering property more
process and increased transparency
burdensome by requiring a valuation Equatorial Guinea
by publishing regulations related to
certificate to register a property transfer. Starting a business
construction online free of charge.
Paying taxes Equatorial Guinea made starting a
Ecuador made paying taxes more business easier by eliminating the Georgia
costly by introducing a solidarity tax need to obtain an authorization of
Getting electricity
paid by employers and employees establishment from the Office of the
Prime Minister to start a business. Georgia made getting electricity more
through withheld salary contributions.
affordable by reducing connection
costs for new customers.
Egypt, Arab Rep. Ethiopia
Protecting minority investors
Registering property Starting a business
Georgia strengthened minority investor
The Arab Republic of Egypt made it Ethiopia made starting a business
protections by making it easier to sue
more difficult to register property by easier by eliminating the requirement
directors in cases of prejudicial transac-
raising the cost to verify and ratify a to open a bank account prior to com-
tions between interested parties, by
sales contract. pany registration.
increasing shareholder rights and role in

major corporate decisions and clarify- Guinea Registering property

ing ownership and control structures. Hong Kong SAR, China, improved
Dealing with construction permits the quality of its land administration
Resolving insolvency
Guinea made dealing with construction system by enhancing its reliability and
Georgia made resolving insolvency permits more expensive by increasing establishing a complaints mechanism.
easier by making insolvency proceed- the cost of building permits. At the
ings more accessible for debtors and same time, Guinea increased transpar-
creditors, improving provisions on Hungary
ency by publishing laws and regulations
treatment of contracts during insol- on a regularly updated website. Enforcing contracts
vency and granting creditors greater Hungary made enforcing contracts
participation in important decisions easier by introducing a system
during the proceedings. that allows users to pay court fees
Getting credit electronically.
Ghana Guinea-Bissau improved its credit
reporting system by introducing regu- India
Dealing with construction permits
lations that govern the licensing and
Ghana increased the transparency of functioning of credit bureaus in the Starting a business
dealing with construction permits by member states of the West African India made starting a business faster
publishing regulations related to con- Economic and Monetary Union by merging the applications for the
struction online free of charge. (UEMOA) and by launching a new Permanent Account Number (PAN)
credit bureau. and the Tax Account Number (TAN)
Greece and by improving the online applica-
Starting a business Guyana tion system. This reform applies to
both Delhi and Mumbai. Mumbai
Greece made starting a business Registering property also made starting a business
easier by creating a unified social Guyana decreased the time to transfer faster by merging the applications for
security institution. property byallocating higher resources value added tax and the Profession
to infrastructure and personnel. Tax (PT).
Enforcing contracts Dealing with construction permits
Paying taxes Guyana made enforcing contracts India reduced the number of proce-
Grenada made paying taxes more easier by adopting a new code of civil dures and time required to obtain a
costly by increasing stamp tax rates. procedure regulating time standards building permit by implementing an
Resolving insolvency for key court events. online system that has streamlined
Grenada made resolving insolvency the process at the Municipality
easier by introducing a reorganiza- Haiti of New Delhi and Municipality of
tion procedure for corporate entities. Paying taxes Greater Mumbai.
Grenada also introduced provisions Haiti made paying taxes more costly Getting credit
facilitating the continuation of the by increasing the rate for the business India strengthened access to credit
debtors business during insolvency license tax. by amending the rules on priority of
proceedings and allowing creditors
secured creditors outside reorganiza-
greater participation in important deci-
Honduras tion proceedings and by adopting a
sions during the proceedings. Grenada
new law on insolvency that provides a
also established a public office respon- Registering property
time limit and clear grounds for relief
sible for the general administration of Honduras made property registration
to the automatic stay for secured
insolvency cases. more difficult by reducing the number
creditors during reorganization pro-
of employees at the land registry.
ceedings. This reform applies to both
Guatemala Delhi and Mumbai.
Hong Kong SAR, China
Dealing with construction permits Protecting minority investors
Guatemala made dealing with con- Starting a business
India strengthened minority inves-
struction permits more complicated Hong Kong SAR, China, made starting tor protections by increasing the
and expensive by expanding the clas- a business more expensive by reintro- remedies available in cases of preju-
sification of projects requiring an ducing the business registration fee. dicial transactions between interested
environmental impact assessment.

parties. This reform applies to both In Jakarta, getting electricity was also Italy
Delhi and Mumbai. made easier after the utility stream-
lined the processing of new connec- Getting electricity
Paying taxes
tion applications. Italy made getting electricity easier by
India made paying taxes easier by streamlining the application process
requiring that payments be made elec- Registering property
and reducing the time for the external
tronically to the Employees Provident Indonesia made registering property works and meter installation.
Fund and introducing a set of admin- easier by reducing the transfer tax.
istrative measures easing compliance This reform applies to both Jakarta Paying taxes
with corporate income tax. This reform and Surabaya. Italy made paying taxes less costly by
applies to both Delhi and Mumbai. temporarily exempting employers from
Getting credit
social security contributions. Italy also
Trading across borders Indonesia improved access to credit made paying taxes easier by abolish-
India reduced import border compli- information by launching a new ing the Comunicazione dati IVA (value
ance time in Mumbai by improving credit bureau. This reform applies to added tax communication form).
infrastructure at the Nhava Sheva Port. both Jakarta and Surabaya.
Export and import border compliance
Protecting minority investors Jamaica
costs were also reduced in both Delhi
Indonesia strengthened minority inves-
and Mumbai by eliminating merchant Starting a business
tor protections by increasing sharehold-
overtime fees and through the increased Jamaica made starting a business
er rights and role in major corporate
use of electronic and mobile platforms. faster by reinstating next-day service
decisions and requiring greater corpo-
for company incorporation.
Enforcing contracts rate transparency. This reform applies
India made enforcing contracts easier to both Jakarta and Surabaya. Getting electricity
by introducing the National Judicial Jamaica improved the reliability of
Paying taxes
Data Grid, which makes it possible to the electricity supply in Kingston by
Indonesia made paying taxes easier
generate case management reports investing in the distribution network
by promoting the online filing of taxes
on local courts. This reform applies to through several initiatives, including
and by lowering the rate for capital
both Delhi and Mumbai. the installation of smart meters and
gains tax. These reforms apply to both
distribution automation switches.
Resolving insolvency Jakarta and Surabaya.
India made resolving insolvency Trading across borders
Trading across borders
easier by adopting a new insolvency Jamaica reduced the time for docu-
Indonesia made importing faster by
and bankruptcy code that introduced a mentary compliance for importing
introducing an electronic single billing
reorganization procedure for corporate by implementing a web-based
system. This reform applies to both
debtors and facilitated continuation customs data management platform,
Jakarta and Surabaya.
of the debtors business during insol- ASYCUDA World.
vency proceedings. This reform applies
to both Delhi and Mumbai. Iran, Islamic Rep.
Labor market regulation Getting credit
Paying taxes
India increased the mandatory length The Islamic Republic of Iran improved
Japan made paying taxes less costly
of paid maternity leave. This reform access to credit information by report-
by reducing the statutory rate for
applies to both Delhi and Mumbai. ing data on credit payments from an
corporate income tax and rates for
automobile retailer.
other taxes including mandatory labor
Indonesia contributions. This reform applies to
Iraq both Osaka and Tokyo.
Starting a business
Indonesia made starting a business Starting a business
less costly by reducing start-up fees for Iraq made starting a business easier by Jordan
limited liability companies. This reform combining multiple registration proce-
Getting credit
applies to both Jakarta and Surabaya. dures and reducing the time to register
Jordan improved access to credit
a company.
Getting electricity information by establishing a new
Indonesia made getting electricity Getting credit credit bureau.
less costly by reducing connection Iraq improved access to credit informa-
and internal wiring certification fees. tion by launching a new credit registry.

Kazakhstan Trading across borders on property transfers available to

Kenya reduced the time for import the public.
Registering property documentary compliance by imple- Getting credit
Kazakhstan made it easier to transfer menting its single window system,
a property by improving transparency The Kyrgyz Republic strengthened
which allows for electronic submis-
and the land administration systems access to credit by adopting two
sion of customs entries.
dispute resolution mechanisms. new decrees that establish a uni-
fied and modern collateral registry.
Protecting minority investors Kiribati The Kyrgyz Republic also improved
Kazakhstan strengthened minor- Labor market regulation its credit reporting system by
ity investor protections by increasing Kiribati introduced a mandatory mini- adopting a new law on exchanging
shareholder rights and role in major mum wage, provided specific rules on credit information.
corporate decisions, clarifying owner- working hours, introduced annual paid
ship and control structures, requiring leave and streamlined redundancy rules. Latvia
greater corporate transparency and
Labor market regulation
allowing greater access to corporate
Kosovo Latvia amended its legislation to
information during trial.
Starting a business extend the duration of the contribu-
Enforcing contracts tion period that is required before an
Kosovo made starting a business
Kazakhstan made enforcing contracts employee can become eligible for
easier by simplifying the process of
easier by introducing additional time unemployment protection.
registering employees.
standards for key court events that are
respected in the majority of cases. Getting credit
Kosovo strengthened access to credit
by adopting a new law that establishes Resolving insolvency
clear priority rules inside bankruptcy Liberia made resolving insolvency
Starting a business for secured creditors and clear grounds easier by introducing a legal framework
Kenya made starting a business easier for relief from a stay for secured credi- for corporate insolvency, making liqui-
by merging the procedures required to tors in reorganization procedures. dation and reorganization procedures
operate formally. available to debtors and creditors.
Resolving insolvency
Dealing with construction permits Kosovo made resolving insolvency
Kenya made dealing with construction Lithuania
easier by introducing a legal framework
permits less expensive by eliminat- for corporate insolvency, making liqui- Dealing with construction permits
ing fees for clearances from the dation and reorganization procedures Lithuania made dealing with construc-
National Environment Management available to debtors and creditors. tion permits easier by reducing the
Authority (NEMA) and the National time needed to obtain technical condi-
Construction Authority.
Kuwait tions and the building permit.
Getting electricity Getting electricity
Starting a business
Kenya improved the reliability of elec- Lithuania made getting electricity
Kuwait made starting a business easier
tricity by investing in its distribution easier by streamlining procedures and
by establishing a one-stop shop and
lines and transformers and by setting imposing deadlines for issuing internal
improving online registration.
up a specialized squad to restore wiring inspection certificates.
power when outages occur. Registering property
Kuwait made registering property Protecting minority investors
Getting credit
easier by reducing the number of days Lithuania strengthened minority inves-
Kenya improved access to credit infor- tor protections by increasing corporate
needed to register property and by
mation by starting to distribute data transparency.
improving the transparency of the land
from two utility companies.
administration system. Paying taxes
Paying taxes
Lithuania made paying taxes easier by
Kenya made paying taxes easier by Kyrgyz Republic introducing an electronic system for
implementing an online platform, iTax, filing and paying value added tax, cor-
Registering property
for filing and paying corporate income porate income tax and social security
The Kyrgyz Republic made property
tax and the standards levy. contributions. On the other hand, the
registration less transparent by no
longer making official statistics environmental tax was increased.

Luxembourg proceedings and introducing regula- containers, investing in infrastructure,

tions for insolvency practitioners. streamlining the movement of cargo and
Protecting minority investors consolidating the payment of fees.
Luxembourg strengthened minority Malaysia Enforcing contracts
investor protections by making it easier
to sue directors in case of prejudicial Getting credit Mauritania made enforcing contracts
related-party transactions and increas- Malaysia strengthened access to credit easier by making judgments rendered
ing access to corporate information. by adopting a new law that establishes at all levels in commercial cases
a modern collateral registry. available to the general public on the
courts websites.
Madagascar Protecting minority investors
Starting a business Malaysia strengthened minority inves-
Madagascar made starting a business tor protections by requiring greater
corporate transparency. Starting a business
easier by publishing the notice of com-
pany incorporation online free of charge Mauritius made starting a business
Trading across borders
and by allowing the payment of registra- easier by exempting trade fees for
Malaysia made importing and exporting
tion fees directly at the one-stop shop. licenses below MUR 5,000 and
easier by improving the infrastructure,
introducing the electronic certificate
Getting credit equipment and facilities at Port Klang.
of incorporation.
Madagascar improved access to credit
Maldives Dealing with construction permits
information by increasing the coverage
of the credit registry. Mauritius made dealing with construc-
Paying taxes
tion permits faster by outsourcing the
Maldives made paying taxes easier by design and construction of sewerage
Malawi introducing an online system for filing connection works.
Starting a business and paying taxes.
Registering property
Malawi made starting a business
Malta Mauritius made it easier to transfer
more expensive by increasing the
property by eliminating the transfer tax
cost of registering a business with the Starting a business and registration duty, implementing a
Registrar General. Malta made starting a business complaint mechanism and publishing
Dealing with construction permits easier by removing the requirement service standards.
Malawi made dealing with construc- for a trading license for general com-
mercial activities. Trading across borders
tion permits cheaper by halving the
Mauritius made trading across bor-
fees charged by the city council to
ders easier by improving the Cargo
process building plan approvals. Mauritania
Community System, introducing
Getting credit Starting a business advanced electronic document sub-
Malawi improved access to credit Mauritania made starting a business mission and updating the risk-based
information by establishing a new easier by combining multiple registra- inspection system.
credit bureau. Malawi also strengthened tion procedures.
access to credit by adopting a new law Registering property Mexico
that establishes clear priority rules inside
Mauritania made registering property Dealing with construction permits
and outside bankruptcy procedures.
easier by increasing the transparency Mexico made dealing with construc-
Trading across borders of the land registry. tion permits more costly by raising
Malawi made exporting and importing Paying taxes several fees. This reform applies to
easier by upgrading to a web-based both Mexico City and Monterrey.
Mauritania made paying taxes easier
customs data management platform,
by allowing for quarterly filing and pay- Getting electricity
ment of social security contributions. Mexico (Mexico City) improved the
Resolving insolvency reliability of electricity supply by
Trading across borders
Malawi made resolving insolvency installing smart meters, extending the
Mauritania made trading across borders
easier by introducing a reorganization medium-voltage network and imple-
easier through a series of initiatives at
procedure, facilitating continuation of menting a new system to remotely
the Port of Nouakchott, such as eliminat-
the debtors business during insolvency restore power service.
ing the requirement to weigh all import

Registering property payment with the application for busi- and establishes a centralized, notice-
Mexico (Monterrey) made registering ness incorporation. based, modern collateral registry.
property more expensive by raising the Registering property Protecting minority investors
municipal property transfer tax.
Morocco made registering property Nepal strengthened minority investor
more expensive by increasing registra- protections by requiring greater corpo-
Moldova tion fees. rate transparency.
Starting a business Paying taxes
Moldova made starting a business Morocco made paying taxes easier by
easier by removing the requirement to improving the online system for filing Getting credit
register with the Social Security Fund. and paying taxes. The Netherlands improved access
to credit information by lowering the
Mongolia Mozambique minimum loan amount to be included
Getting credit in the credit bureaus database.
Getting electricity
Mongolia strengthened access to credit Mozambique reduced the time to get an
by introducing a new Law on Movable electricity connection by streamlining
New Zealand
and Intangible Property Pledges and procedures through the utility instead of Paying taxes
by setting up a new collateral registry. different agencies. It also reduced costs New Zealand made paying taxes
The new law implemented a functional by eliminating the security deposit for easier by improving the online portal
secured transactions system. The large commercial clients. for filing and paying general sales tax.
collateral registry is operational, uni-
fied geographically, searchable by a Trading across borders Enforcing contracts
debtors unique identifier, modern and Mozambique made exporting easier New Zealand temporarily made
notice-based. by improving infrastructure at the enforcing contracts more difficult by
Maputo-Matola port complex. suspending the filing of new com-
Paying taxes
mercial cases before the Commercial
Mongolia made paying taxes more
Myanmar List of the High Court of New Zealand
burdensome by not allowing input VAT
during the establishment of a new
incurred on a business capital expen- Registering property
Commercial Panel.
diture to be deducted as input credit. Myanmar made registering property
less costly by reducing the stamp duty.
Labor market regulation Nicaragua
Mongolia amended its legislation to Getting credit
Enforcing contracts
reduce the maximum length of the Myanmar improved access to credit
employee probationary period. Nicaragua made enforcing contracts
information by adopting a regula-
easier by adopting a new code of civil
tion allowing the establishment of
procedure that introduces stricter case
Montenegro credit bureaus.
management rules.
Getting electricity
Montenegro improved the reliability Niger
of electricity supply by implementing Enforcing contracts
Starting a business
the Supervisory Control and Data Namibia made enforcing contracts
Acquisition (SCADA) automatic Niger made starting a business eas-
easier by introducing an electronic
energy management system and by ier by reducing the minimum capital
filing system and an electronic case
beginning to record data for the annual requirement for business incorpora-
management system for the use of
system average interruption duration tion, by reducing the time needed to
judges and lawyers.
index (SAIDI) and system average register a company and by publishing
interruption frequency index (SAIFI). the notice of company incorporation
online free of charge.
Getting credit
Morocco Dealing with construction permits
Nepal strengthened access to credit
Niger increased the transparency of
Starting a business by operationalizing the existing law on
dealing with construction permits by
Morocco made starting a business secured transactions that implements a
publishing regulations related to con-
easier by combining the stamp duty functional secured transactions system
struction online free of charge. Niger

also reduced the time and cost to and establishing a modern collateral terminal and enhancing its customs
obtain a building permit and the time registry. These changes apply to both platform for electronic document sub-
to obtain a water connection. Kano and Lagos. mission. These changes apply to both
Karachi and Lahore.
Getting electricity Paying taxes
Niger reduced the time to get an elec- Nigeria made paying taxes easier by
tricity connection by implementing a introducing new channels for payment
single window. of taxes and mandating taxpayers to Paying taxes
file tax returns at the nearest Federal Palau made paying taxes easier by
Registering property
Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) office. introducing editable and populated
Niger made registering property
This reform applies to both Kano and gross revenue tax forms and a system
easier by lowering the cost of trans-
Lagos. of barcoded payments.
ferring property.

Norway Panama
Paying taxes Resolving insolvency
Starting a business
Norway made paying taxes less costly Panama made resolving insolvency
Nigeria made starting a business faster
by reducing the statutory corporate easier by adopting a new insolvency
by allowing electronic stamping of
income tax rate. law that introduces a reorganization
registration documents. This reform
procedure and facilitates continua-
applies to both Kano and Lagos.
Oman tion of the debtors business during
Dealing with construction permits insolvency proceedings. The new law
Trading across borders
Nigeria (Kano) increased transparency also allows creditors greater partici-
Oman made exporting and import-
by publishing all relevant regulations, pation in important decisions during
ing easier by enhancing its online
fee schedules and pre-application insolvency proceedings and regulates
single window system for exports and
requirements online. Nigeria (Lagos) insolvency practitioners.
imports, reducing the time required for
made it easier to obtain construction
documentary compliance.
permits by streamlining the permitting Paraguay
process and increased transparency by
Pakistan Labor market regulation
publishing all relevant regulations, fee
schedules and pre-application require- Paraguay increased the mandatory
Starting a business
ments online. length of paid maternity leave.
Pakistan made starting a business
Registering property easier by replacing the need to obtain
Nigeria (Kano) made transferring prop- a digital signature for company incor-
erty more transparent by publishing the poration with a less costly personal Getting electricity
list of documents, fee schedules and identification number. This change The Philippines reduced the time to
service standards for property transac- applies to both Karachi and Lahore. get an electricity connection by imple-
tions. Nigeria (Lagos) made transferring menting a new asset management
Registering property
property easier and more transparent system and by creating a new schedul-
Pakistan (Karachi) improved the
by removing the swornaffidavit for cer- ing and planning office.
transparency of the land registration
tified copies of land ownership records, process by making the fee schedule Paying taxes
introducing a specific and independent and list of documents to submit for The Philippines made paying taxes easier
complaint mechanism and by publish- property registration available online. by introducing a new electronic system
ing statistics on land transfers. for payment and collection of housing
Protecting minority investors
Getting credit development fund contributions.
Pakistan increased minority investor
Nigeria improved access to credit infor- protections by making it easier to sue
mation by guaranteeing borrowers the directors in case of prejudicial transac- Puerto Rico (U.S.)
legal right to inspect their credit data tions with interested parties. This reform Labor market regulation
from the credit bureau and by starting to applies to both Karachi and Lahore. Puerto Rico (U.S.) increased the length
provide credit scores to banks, financial of the maximum probationary period
institutions and borrowers. Nigeria also Trading across borders
for permanent employees, decreased
strengthened access to credit by adopt- Pakistan made importing and exporting
the wage premium for overtime and
ing a new law on secured transactions easier by developing a new container
weekly holiday work, decreased the

mandatory paid annual leave and Registering property Registering property

established severance payments for all Rwanda made registering property Saudi Arabia improved the effi-
employees wrongfully made redundant. easier by implementing online ser- ciency of its land administration
vices to facilitate the registration of system by implementing an online
Qatar property transfers. platform to check for ownership and
encumbrances and by streamlining
Getting credit Protecting minority investors
the property registration process.
Qatar improved access to credit Rwanda strengthened minority inves-
Additionally, Saudi Arabia made regis-
information by starting to provide con- tor protections by making it easier to
tering property easier by improving the
sumer credit scores to banks, financial sue directors, clarifying ownership
land administration systems dispute
institutions and borrowers. and control structures and requiring
resolution mechanisms.
greater corporate transparency.
Trading across borders
Protecting minority investors
Qatar made exporting and import- Paying taxes
Saudi Arabia strengthened minor-
ing easier by inaugurating the new Rwanda made paying taxes easier by
ity investor protections by increasing
Hamad Port. establishing an online system for filing
shareholder rights and role in major
and paying taxes.
decisions, clarifying ownership and
Romania Enforcing contracts control structures, requiring greater
Registering property Rwanda made enforcing contracts corporate transparency and regulating
Romania improved the quality of land easier by making judgments rendered the disclosure of transactions with
administration by digitizing ownership at all levels in commercial cases interested parties.
and land records. available to the general public on the
Paying taxes
judiciarys website.
Saudi Arabia made paying taxes easier
Russian Federation by improving its online platform for
Samoa filing and paying taxes.
Registering property
The Russian Federation made it easier Getting credit Trading across borders
to transfer property by reducing the Samoa strengthened access to Saudi Arabia reduced the time
time needed to apply for state registra- credit with the implementation of the for documentary compliance for
tion of title transfer. This reform applies Personal Property Securities Act and exports and imports by reducing the
to both Moscow and St. Petersburg. by establishing a modern, notice- number of documents required for
based collateral registry to register customs clearance.
Getting credit
all types of charges and functional
Russia improved access to credit by equivalents. Enforcing contracts
adopting a new law that establishes Saudi Arabia made enforcing contracts
a modern collateral registry. This easier by introducing an electronic
So Tom and Prncipe
reform applies to both Moscow and case management system for the use
St. Petersburg. Trading across borders of judges and lawyers.
So Tom and Prncipe made exporting
Trading across borders
and importing easier by implementing Senegal
Russia made exporting and import-
a one-stop shop.
ing easier by opening a new deep Starting a business
water port on the coast of the Gulf of Senegal made starting a business more
Saudi Arabia
Finland, increasing competition and affordable by reducing the notary fees
reducing the cost of border compli- Starting a business for company incorporation.
ance at the Port of St. Petersburg. This Saudi Arabia made starting a busi-
reform applies to both Moscow and ness easier through the use of an Getting electricity
St. Petersburg. online system that merges name Senegal improved the monitoring
reservation and the submission and regulation of power outages
Rwanda of the articles of association into by beginning to record data for the
one procedure. Saudi Arabia also annual system average interruption
Dealing with construction permits duration index (SAIDI) and system
improved the online payment sys-
Rwanda increased quality control average interruption frequency index
tem, removing the need to pay fees
during construction by introducing (SAIFI).
in person.
risk-based inspections.

Registering property Sierra Leone South Sudan

Senegal made registering property
easier by lowering the costs of trans- Starting a business Starting a business
ferring property and by reducing the Sierra Leone made starting a business South Sudan made starting a business
time to transfer and register property. easier by combining multiple registra- more expensive by increasing business
tion procedures. registration fees.
Paying taxes
Senegal made paying taxes easier by Trading across borders
Sierra Leone made trading across
introducing time limits to the General
Tax Code for processing value added borders easier through a series of Enforcing contracts
tax cash refunds and applying these initiatives, including the elimination of Spain made enforcing contracts easier
time limits in practice. export permits and the implementa- by reducing court fees for filing a claim.
tion of pre-arrival processing.
Enforcing contracts
Sri Lanka
Senegal made enforcing contracts
easier by introducing stricter pre-trial Trading across borders
hearing rules that led to a reduction of Trading across borders Sri Lanka made exporting and import-
the time necessary to resolve a com- Singapore made exporting and import- ing easier by developing a customs
mercial dispute. ing easier by improving infrastructure single window.
and electronic equipment at the port.
Serbia Resolving insolvency St. Kitts and Nevis
Starting a business Singapore made resolving insolvency Trading across borders
Serbia made starting a business easier easier by establishing a new scheme St. Kitts and Nevis made trading across
by reducing the signature certification of arrangement procedure with borders easier by updating its website
fee and increasing the efficiency of features of the debtor-in-possession and implementing ASYCUDA, an
the registry, reducing the time for reorganization regime and introduc- automated customs data management
business registration. ing provisions applicable to prepack- system, reducing documentary com-
aged restructurings. pliance time for exports and imports.
Registering property
Labor market regulation
Serbia improved the reliability of its land
administration system by implementing Singapore adopted legislation that Suriname
a geographic information system. requires employers with more than
Registering property
10 employees to notify the Ministry
Enforcing contracts Suriname made transferring property
of Manpower if five or more employ-
Serbia made enforcing contracts easier more transparent by publishing the
ees are retrenched within any six-
by adopting a new enforcement law fee schedule and list of documents for
month period.
that broadens and clarifies the respon- property registration online.
sibilities of enforcement agents as well Slovak Republic
as the powers of the courts during the Swaziland
enforcement process. Enforcing contracts
Dealing with construction permits
The Slovak Republic made enforcing
Swaziland made dealing with con-
Seychelles contracts easier by adopting a new
struction permits more difficult by
code of civil procedure that intro-
Dealing with construction permits introducing a requirement that all new
duces pre-trial conference as part
The Seychelles increased the trans- construction projects be registered
of the case management techniques
parency of dealing with construction with the Construction Industry Council
used in court.
permits by publishing construction and that a levy payment be made.
industry regulations online free Slovenia Getting credit
of charge. Swaziland improved access to credit
Getting credit
Registering property information by adopting a law that guar-
Slovenia improved access to credit antees borrowers right to access their
The Seychelles improved the quality information by reporting both positive
of its land administration system by own data.
and negative data on consumers and
digitizing its maps and introducing a commercial borrowers.
complaint mechanism.

Trading across borders Tanzania prejudicial related-party transac-

Swaziland made exporting and import- tions, increasing shareholder rights
ing easier by implementing a web- Dealing with construction permits and role in major corporate deci-
based customs data management Tanzania made dealing with construc- sions and clarifying ownership and
platform, ASYCUDA World. tion permits easier by implementing control structures.
a one-stop shop and streamlining the
Paying taxes
Switzerland building permit process.
Thailand made paying taxes easier by
Enforcing contracts Registering property introducing an automatic risk-based
Switzerland made enforcing contracts Tanzania made registering property system for selecting companies for a
easier by introducing an electronic more expensive by increasing the land tax audit. It also made paying taxes
filing system. and property registration fee. less costly by reducing the property
transfer tax rate.
Taiwan, China Thailand
Enforcing contracts
Trading across borders Starting a business Thailand made enforcing contracts
Taiwan, China, made exporting easier Thailand made starting a business easier easier by introducing a system
by allowing different organizations by abolishing the requirement to obtain a that allows users to pay court fees
to electronically issue certificates companys seal and eliminating the need electronically. Thailand also reduced
of origin. for approval from the Labor Department enforcement times by increasing the
of company work regulations. automation and efficiency of enforce-
Enforcing contracts ment processes.
Getting electricity
Taiwan, China, made enforcing con-
Thailand made getting electricity easi- Resolving insolvency
tracts easier by introducing an elec-
tronic filing system. er by streamlining procedures through Thailand made resolving insolvency
the implementation of a geographic easier by changing the voting proce-
Labor market regulation information system, eliminating the dures for reorganization plans.
Taiwan, China, adopted legislation that external site inspection.
increased the number of mandatory Togo
paid annual leave days and the number Registering property
of weekly rest days. Thailand improved the reliability of its Getting credit
land administration system by imple- Togo improved access to credit informa-
menting a geographic information tion by launching a new credit bureau.
system and by scanning maps for most
Starting a business of Bangkok. Trinidad and Tobago
Tajikistan made starting a business eas-
Getting credit Paying taxes
ier by raising the revenue threshold for
Thailand strengthened access to Trinidad and Tobago made paying taxes
mandatory value added tax registration.
credit by adopting new legisla- more costly by increasing the rates for
Registering property tion that broadens the scope of the environmental tax and social secu-
Tajikistan made it easier and less costly assets that can be used as col- rity contributions paid by employers.
to register property by eliminating the lateral. Thailand now allows a gen-
need to register the sale-purchase eral description of assets granted
agreement at the municipal office. as collateral and allows the security
Tajikistan also made transferring prop- interest to automatically attach to Paying taxes
erty more costly by increasing fees. the proceeds of the original asset. Tunisia made paying taxes more costly
Labor market regulation It also establishes clear grounds by introducing a new exceptional cor-
for relief from a stay for secured porate income tax contribution.
Tajikistan adopted legislation that
changes the rules of severance pay- creditors during reorganization
ments. It also abolished restrictions on procedures and allows out-of-court Turkey
night work by non-pregnant women enforcement of collateral.
Registering property
and non-nursing mothers. Protecting minority investors Turkey made registering property
Thailand strengthened minority easier by lowering the costs of trans-
investor protections by making it ferring property.
easier to sue directors in case of

Getting credit Getting electricity Dealing with construction permits

Turkey strengthened access to credit by The United Arab Emirates made getting Uzbekistan made dealing with construc-
adopting a new law on secured trans- electricity easier by streamlining the tion permits easier by streamlining the
actions that establishes a unified col- connection process and eliminating process of obtaining approvals of land
lateral registry and allows out-of-court interactions between the customer plot allocations from various agencies.
enforcement of collateral. Turkey also and the utility to obtain external works.
Getting electricity
improved its credit reporting system Getting electricity was also made less
Uzbekistan streamlined the process
by adopting a new law on personal costly by the elimination of the security
of obtaining an electricity connection
data protection. deposit for connections under 150 kVA.
by introducing a turnkey service at the
Resolving insolvency Getting credit utility that fulfills all connection-related
Turkey made resolving insolvency The United Arab Emirates improved services, including the design and
more difficult by suspending applica- access to credit information by start- completion of the external connection.
tions for postponement of bankruptcy ing to provide consumer credit scores
Protecting minority investors
procedures introduced both before and to banks and financial institutions.
Uzbekistan strengthened minority
during the state of emergency.
Resolving insolvency investor protections by increasing cor-
The United Arab Emirates made porate transparency requirements.
Uganda resolving insolvency easier by adopt-
Paying taxes
Trading across borders ing an insolvency law that introduces
Uzbekistan made paying taxes easier
Uganda reduced the time for export a reorganization procedure and facili-
and less costly by introducing an elec-
documentary compliance and border tates continuation of the debtors busi-
tronic system for filing and paying
compliance by allowing for electronic ness during insolvency proceedings.
value added tax, land tax, unified
document submission and processing
social payments, corporate income
of certificates of origin and by further United States tax, infrastructure development tax,
developing the Malaba One-Stop Labor market regulation environmental tax, personal pension
Border Post.
The United States (Los Angeles) fund contributions and cumulative
increased the maximum days of paid pension contributions. However,
Ukraine sick leave per year. increases in land tax rates made pay-
Dealing with construction permits ing taxes more costly.
Ukraine made dealing with construc- Uruguay
tion permits easier by reducing fees. Venezuela, RB
Starting a business
Protecting minority investors Uruguay made starting a business Starting a business
Ukraine strengthened minority inves- more costly by increasing the value Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela
tors protections by requiring detailed of the official fiscal unit used for the made starting a business more expen-
immediate public disclosure of related- payment of government fees and by sive by raising several fees charged
party transactions. increasing business incorporation fees. during the business registration
process. Lawyer fees and publication
Paying taxes Paying taxes
costs were also increased.
Ukraine made paying taxes easier by Uruguay made paying taxes easier by
reducing the rate for the unified social enhancing the online portal used for
contribution tax. filing and paying taxes and making
electronic payments compulsory. Getting electricity
United Arab Emirates Vietnam increased the reliabil-
Uzbekistan ity of power supply by rolling out
Dealing with construction permits
a Supervisory Control and Data
The United Arab Emirates strength- Starting a business
Acquisition (SCADA) automatic
ened construction quality control by Uzbekistan made starting a business
energy management system for the
imposing stricter qualification require- easier by rolling out a new platform
monitoring of outages and the restora-
ments for professionals reviewing for business registration, starting with
tion of service.
drawings. It also reduced the time and name verification as the first step.
cost to obtain a building permit by Getting credit
eliminating a procedure. Vietnam strengthened access to
credit by adopting a new civil code that

broadens the scope of assets that can Paying taxes

be used as collateral. Zambia made paying taxes easier by
Paying taxes introducing an online platform for filing
and paying taxes. Paying taxes was
Vietnam made paying taxes easier by
also made less costly through a reduc-
abolishing the 12-month mandatory
tion of the property transfer tax rate.
carry forward period for VAT credit
and by introducing an online platform Trading across borders
for filing social security contributions. Zambia made exporting and importing
Trading across borders easier by implementing a web-based
customs data management platform,
Vietnam made exporting and import-
ing easier by upgrading the auto-
mated cargo clearance system and
extending the operating hours of the Zimbabwe
customs department. Starting a business
Enforcing contracts Zimbabwe made starting a business
Vietnam made enforcing contracts easier by eliminating the requirement
easier by adopting a new code of civil to advertise applications for a business
procedure and by introducing a con- license.
solidated law on voluntary mediation. Getting credit
Zimbabwe improved access to
West Bank and Gaza credit information by launching a
Getting credit new credit registry. However, credit
scoring was discontinued, reducing
West Bank and Gaza strengthened
access to credit information.
access to credit by introducing a new
secured transactions law and by setting
up a new collateral registry. The new
law implemented a functional secured
transactions system. It allowed general
description of single categories of assets
and allowed a general description of
debts and obligations. The collateral
registry is operational, unified geographi-
cally, searchable by a debtors unique
identifier, modern and notice-based. The
new law gave priority to secured credi-
tors outside insolvency procedures and
allowed out-of-court enforcement.

Getting credit
Zambia strengthened access to credit
by adopting a new Movable Property
Act and by setting up a new collateral
registry. The new law implemented
a functional secured transactions
system. The collateral registry is
operational, unified geographically,
searchable by a debtors unique identi-
fier, modern and notice-based.


Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

AFGHANISTAN South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 580
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 183 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 36.19 Population 34,656,032

Starting a business (rank) 107 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 175
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.28 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 30.63
Procedures (number) 3.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 7.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 228
Cost (% of income per capita) 82.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 344
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 185 Protecting minority investors (rank) 189 Border compliance (US$) 453
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 22.54 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 10.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 324
Time (days) 354 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of warehouse value) 89.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 2.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (US$) 900
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 0 Border compliance (US$) 750
Getting electricity (rank) 163 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 44.58 Enforcing contracts (rank) 181
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 176 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 31.76
Time (days) 114 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 41.97 Time (days) 1,642
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,426.7 Payments (number per year) 19 Cost (% of claim) 29.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 275 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 71.4
Registering property (rank) 186 Postfiling index (0100) 0.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 161
DTF score for registering property (0100) 27.50 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 23.62
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 250 Cost (% of estate) 25.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 26.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 3.0
ALBANIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 4,250
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 65 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 68.70 Population 2,876,101

Starting a business (rank) 45 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 24
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.49 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 96.29
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of income per capita) 12.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 9
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 51.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 10
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 106 Protecting minority investors (rank) 20 Border compliance (US$) 55
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.27 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 71.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 8
Time (days) 220 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 10
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 10
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 77
Getting electricity (rank) 157 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 48.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 120
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 125 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 53.66
Time (days) 134 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 63.94 Time (days) 525
Cost (% of income per capita) 513.0 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 34.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 261 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.3
Registering property (rank) 103 Postfiling index (0100) 57.61 Resolving insolvency (rank) 41
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.28 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 66.13
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 19 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 9.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 41.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 15.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ALGERIA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 4,270
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 166 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 46.71 Population 40,606,052

Starting a business (rank) 145 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 181
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.54 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 24.15
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 20 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 149
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 118
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 374
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 146 Protecting minority investors (rank) 170 Border compliance (US$) 593
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 58.89 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 33.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 249
Time (days) 146 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 327
Cost (% of warehouse value) 8.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 400
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 466
Getting electricity (rank) 120 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.56 Enforcing contracts (rank) 103
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 157 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.49
Time (days) 180 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 54.11 Time (days) 630
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,335.3 Payments (number per year) 27 Cost (% of claim) 19.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 265 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 65.6
Registering property (rank) 163 Postfiling index (0100) 49.77 Resolving insolvency (rank) 71
DTF score for registering property (0100) 43.83 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 49.24
Procedures (number) 10 Time (years) 1.3
Time (days) 55 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 50.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
ANGOLA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 3,440
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 175 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 41.49 Population 28,813,463

Starting a business (rank) 134 Getting credit (rank) 183 Trading across borders (rank) 180
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.09 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 5.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 25.28
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 36 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 169
Cost (% of income per capita) 17.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 192
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 240
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 80 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 825
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.80 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 180
Time (days) 173 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 460
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 1,030
Getting electricity (rank) 165 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 44.08 Enforcing contracts (rank) 186
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 103 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 26.26
Time (days) 121 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.54 Time (days) 1,296
Cost (% of income per capita) 990.1 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 44.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 287 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 49.1
Registering property (rank) 172 Postfiling index (0100) 94.95 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 40.86 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 190 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 2.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 13,400
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 107 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 59.63 Population 100,963

Starting a business (rank) 126 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 101
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.69 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 68.73
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 22 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 51
Cost (% of income per capita) 9.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 61
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 121
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 99 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 546
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.09 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 135 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 61
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 546
Getting electricity (rank) 39 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 83.50 Enforcing contracts (rank) 33
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 144 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 68.11
Time (days) 42 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 58.69 Time (days) 476
Cost (% of income per capita) 114.9 Payments (number per year) 57 Cost (% of claim) 27.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 192 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 41.9
Registering property (rank) 118 Postfiling index (0100) 69.40 Resolving insolvency (rank) 128
DTF score for registering property (0100) 56.61 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 35.26
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 32 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 10.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 19.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ARGENTINA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 11,960
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 117 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.11 Population 43,847,430

Starting a business (rank) 157 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 116
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 75.15 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 65.36
Procedures (number) 13 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 24 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 30
Cost (% of income per capita) 10.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 80.0 Border compliance (hours) 21
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 44.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 171 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 150
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 49.27 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 22 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 192
Time (days) 347 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 120
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 1,200
Getting electricity (rank) 95 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 70.01 Enforcing contracts (rank) 102
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 169 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.66
Time (days) 92 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 49.34 Time (days) 995
Cost (% of income per capita) 24.5 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 22.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 311.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 106.0
Registering property (rank) 117 Postfiling index (0100) 47.94 Resolving insolvency (rank) 101
DTF score for registering property (0100) 56.75 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 41.24
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.4
Time (days) 51.5 Cost (% of estate) 16.5
Cost (% of property value) 6.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 21.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
ARMENIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 3,760
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 47 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 72.51 Population 2,924,816

Starting a business (rank) 15 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 52
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.47 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 86.45
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 4.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 77.2 Border compliance (hours) 39
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 89 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 100
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.99 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 98 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 41
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 100
Getting electricity (rank) 66 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 78.53 Enforcing contracts (rank) 47
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 87 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.00
Time (days) 127 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 72.49 Time (days) 570
Cost (% of income per capita) 78.9 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 16.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 313 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 18.5
Registering property (rank) 13 Postfiling index (0100) 49.08 Resolving insolvency (rank) 97
DTF score for registering property (0100) 87.78 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.01
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.9
Time (days) 7 Cost (% of estate) 11.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.5
AUSTRALIA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 54,420
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 14 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 80.14 Population 24,127,159

Starting a business (rank) 7 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 95
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 96.47 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 70.65
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 2.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 7
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 264
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 6 Protecting minority investors (rank) 57 Border compliance (US$) 749
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 84.39 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 60.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Time (days) 121 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 39
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 525
Getting electricity (rank) 47 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 3
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 26 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 79.00
Time (days) 75 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 85.62 Time (days) 402
Cost (% of income per capita) 12.4 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 23.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 105 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 15.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 47.5
Registering property (rank) 51 Postfiling index (0100) 95.34 Resolving insolvency (rank) 18
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.17 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 78.79
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 4.5 Cost (% of estate) 8.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 82.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 20.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

AUSTRIA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 45,230
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 22 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 78.54 Population 8,747,358

Starting a business (rank) 118 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.13 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 21 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 52.8 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 12.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 42 Protecting minority investors (rank) 29 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 68.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 222 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 9 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 22 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 87.71 Enforcing contracts (rank) 9
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 39 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 75.49
Time (days) 23 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 83.34 Time (days) 397
Cost (% of income per capita) 93.5 Payments (number per year) 12 Cost (% of claim) 20.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 131 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 51.8
Registering property (rank) 31 Postfiling index (0100) 98.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 23
DTF score for registering property (0100) 79.97 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 77.43
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.1
Time (days) 20.5 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 80.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
AZERBAIJAN Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 4,760
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 57 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 70.19 Population 9,762,274

Starting a business (rank) 18 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 83
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.36 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 73.56
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 4.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 33
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 29
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 37.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 300
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 161 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 214
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 54.90 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 21 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 38
Time (days) 242 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 30
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 200
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 300
Getting electricity (rank) 102 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 67.98 Enforcing contracts (rank) 38
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 35 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.51
Time (days) 69 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.21 Time (days) 277
Cost (% of income per capita) 141.4 Payments (number per year) 6 Cost (% of claim) 18.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 195 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.8
Registering property (rank) 21 Postfiling index (0100) 83.79 Resolving insolvency (rank) 47
DTF score for registering property (0100) 82.07 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 62.27
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 5.5 Cost (% of estate) 12.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
BAHAMAS, THE Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 21,020
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 119 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 57.47 Population 391,232

Starting a business (rank) 108 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 157
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.18 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 53.07
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 21.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 12
Cost (% of income per capita) 13.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 550
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 86 Protecting minority investors (rank) 129 Border compliance (US$) 512
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.30 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 45.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Time (days) 180 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 51
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 550
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 1,385
Getting electricity (rank) 117 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.96 Enforcing contracts (rank) 74
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 55 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.43
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 78.09 Time (days) 532
Cost (% of income per capita) 124.1 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 28.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 233 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.5
Registering property (rank) 167 Postfiling index (0100) 95.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 64
DTF score for registering property (0100) 42.71 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 52.93
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 122 Cost (% of estate) 12.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 63.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BAHRAIN Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 22,858
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 66 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 68.13 Population 1,425,171

Starting a business (rank) 75 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 78
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.87 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 75.97
Procedures (number) 7.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 9.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 27.8 Border compliance (hours) 71
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 2.9 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 47 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 47
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 84
Time (days) 174 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 54
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 130
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 397
Getting electricity (rank) 79 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 74.83 Enforcing contracts (rank) 111
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 5 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.53
Time (days) 85 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 93.89 Time (days) 635
Cost (% of income per capita) 57.0 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 14.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 28.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 13.8
Registering property (rank) 25 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 90
DTF score for registering property (0100) 81.07 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 44.42
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 31 Cost (% of estate) 9.5
Cost (% of property value) 1.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 41.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
BANGLADESH South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 1,330
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 177 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 40.99 Population 162,951,560

Starting a business (rank) 131 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 173
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.67 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 34.86
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 19.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 147
Cost (% of income per capita) 22.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 99.7
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 225
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 130 Protecting minority investors (rank) 76 Border compliance (US$) 408.2
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.97 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 56.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14.2 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 144
Time (days) 269 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 183
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 370
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 1,293.8
Getting electricity (rank) 185 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 16.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 189
Procedures (number) 9 Paying taxes (rank) 152 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 22.21
Time (days) 428.9 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 56.13 Time (days) 1,442
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,602.9 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 66.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 435 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.4
Registering property (rank) 185 Postfiling index (0100) 44.36 Resolving insolvency (rank) 152
DTF score for registering property (0100) 27.67 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 27.71
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 244 Cost (% of estate) 8.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
BARBADOS Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 14,830
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 132 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 55.20 Population 284,996

Starting a business (rank) 99 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 129
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.11 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 61.88
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 15 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 54
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 41
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 109
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 155 Protecting minority investors (rank) 167 Border compliance (US$) 350
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 56.63 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 35.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 9 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 74
Time (days) 442 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 104
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 146
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 1,585
Getting electricity (rank) 160 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 46.36 Enforcing contracts (rank) 167
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 89 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 38.02
Time (days) 88 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.90 Time (days) 1,340
Cost (% of income per capita) 64.0 Payments (number per year) 29 Cost (% of claim) 19.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 245 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.3
Registering property (rank) 133 Postfiling index (0100) 74.08 Resolving insolvency (rank) 34
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.35 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 69.79
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 105 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 65.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BELARUS Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 5,600
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 38 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.06 Population 9,507,120

Starting a business (rank) 30 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 30
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.91 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 93.71
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 5
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 72.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 140
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 22 Protecting minority investors (rank) 40 Border compliance (US$) 108
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.34 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 65.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Time (days) 115 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 25 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 86.04 Enforcing contracts (rank) 24
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 96 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 70.36
Time (days) 105 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.81 Time (days) 275
Cost (% of income per capita) 110.0 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 23.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 184 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 52.9
Registering property (rank) 5 Postfiling index (0100) 50.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 68
DTF score for registering property (0100) 92.19 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 51.26
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 3 Cost (% of estate) 17.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.0
BELGIUM OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 41,860
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 52 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.69 Population 11,348,159

Starting a business (rank) 16 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.43 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 4 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 16.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 95.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 39 Protecting minority investors (rank) 57 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.36 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 60.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 212 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 103 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 67.30 Enforcing contracts (rank) 52
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 59 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 64.25
Time (days) 201 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.69 Time (days) 505
Cost (% of income per capita) 101.1 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 18.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 136 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 57.1
Registering property (rank) 138 Postfiling index (0100) 83.45 Resolving insolvency (rank) 11
DTF score for registering property (0100) 51.40 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 81.46
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 0.9
Time (days) 56 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 12.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 84.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
BELIZE Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 4,410
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 121 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 57.11 Population 366,954

Starting a business (rank) 161 Getting credit (rank) 170 Trading across borders (rank) 104
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 73.24 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 20.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 68.13
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 43 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 38
Cost (% of income per capita) 34.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 28
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 114 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) 710
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.28 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 127 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 688
Getting electricity (rank) 83 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 72.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 132
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 48 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 50.11
Time (days) 66 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.90 Time (days) 892
Cost (% of income per capita) 317.7 Payments (number per year) 29 Cost (% of claim) 27.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 147 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.1
Registering property (rank) 132 Postfiling index (0100) 85.09 Resolving insolvency (rank) 83
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.42 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.74
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 60 Cost (% of estate) 22.5
Cost (% of property value) 4.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 55.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BENIN Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 820
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 151 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 50.47 Population 10,872,298

Starting a business (rank) 56 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 136
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.58 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.78
Procedures (number) 5.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 8.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 78
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 5.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.7 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 46 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 412
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.85 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 59
Time (days) 88 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 82
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 529
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 599
Getting electricity (rank) 174 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 33.84 Enforcing contracts (rank) 170
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 174 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 36.34
Time (days) 90 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 44.73 Time (days) 750
Cost (% of income per capita) 12,304.6 Payments (number per year) 57 Cost (% of claim) 64.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 57.4
Registering property (rank) 127 Postfiling index (0100) 49.31 Resolving insolvency (rank) 105
DTF score for registering property (0100) 54.14 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 40.46
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 120 Cost (% of estate) 21.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 22.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
BHUTAN South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 2,510
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 75 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 66.27 Population 797,765

Starting a business (rank) 88 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 26
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.33 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 94.25
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 12 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 9
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 25.9 Border compliance (hours) 5
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 82 Protecting minority investors (rank) 124 Border compliance (US$) 59
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.69 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 46.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 21 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 8
Time (days) 150 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 5
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 110
Getting electricity (rank) 56 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 80.36 Enforcing contracts (rank) 25
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 17 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 69.99
Time (days) 61 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 88.00 Time (days) 225
Cost (% of income per capita) 461.4 Payments (number per year) 18 Cost (% of claim) 23.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 85 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.3
Registering property (rank) 56 Postfiling index (0100) 95.50 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 73.41 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 77 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 5.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
BOLIVIA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 3,070
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 152 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 50.18 Population 10,887,882

Starting a business (rank) 179 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 89
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 62.95 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.59
Procedures (number) 14 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 45 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 144
Cost (% of income per capita) 54.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 49.8 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 16.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 25
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 158 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 65
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 55.56 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 322 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 114
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 30
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 315
Getting electricity (rank) 101 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 68.18 Enforcing contracts (rank) 109
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 186 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.65
Time (days) 42 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 21.62 Time (days) 591
Cost (% of income per capita) 689.0 Payments (number per year) 42 Cost (% of claim) 25.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 1,025 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 83.7
Registering property (rank) 144 Postfiling index (0100) 50.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 99
DTF score for registering property (0100) 49.89 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 42.32
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 90 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 4.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 4,880
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 86 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.20 Population 3,516,816

Starting a business (rank) 175 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 37
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 65.91 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 91.87
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 65 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 12.1 Border compliance (hours) 5
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 12.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 41.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 92
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 166 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 106
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 51.77 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 8
Time (days) 193 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 17.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 97
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 109
Getting electricity (rank) 122 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.18 Enforcing contracts (rank) 71
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 137 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.67
Time (days) 125 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 60.43 Time (days) 595
Cost (% of income per capita) 357.7 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 36.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 411 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 23.7
Registering property (rank) 97 Postfiling index (0100) 47.68 Resolving insolvency (rank) 40
DTF score for registering property (0100) 61.56 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 67.28
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.3
Time (days) 24 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
BOTSWANA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 6,610
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 81 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.94 Population 2,250,260

Starting a business (rank) 153 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 50
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 76.22 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 86.65
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 48 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 18
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 54.0 Border compliance (hours) 5
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 179
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 59 Protecting minority investors (rank) 76 Border compliance (US$) 317
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.27 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 56.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 106 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 67
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 98
Getting electricity (rank) 124 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 59.38 Enforcing contracts (rank) 133
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 47 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 49.99
Time (days) 77 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.01 Time (days) 660
Cost (% of income per capita) 283.8 Payments (number per year) 34 Cost (% of claim) 39.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 120 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 25.1
Registering property (rank) 81 Postfiling index (0100) 82.70 Resolving insolvency (rank) 79
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.45 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 47.76
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 27 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 65.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
BRAZIL Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 8,840
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 125 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.45 Population 207,652,865

Starting a business (rank) 176 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 139
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 65.05 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 59.78
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 79.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 12
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 79.3 Border compliance (hours) 49
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 75.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 226.4
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 170 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 958.7
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 49.83 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19.2 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 434 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 63.1
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 106.9
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 969.6
Getting electricity (rank) 45 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.46 Enforcing contracts (rank) 47
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 184 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.00
Time (days) 64.4 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 32.97 Time (days) 731
Cost (% of income per capita) 54.5 Payments (number per year) 9.6 Cost (% of claim) 22.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5.4 Time (hours per year) 1,958 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.1
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 68.4
Registering property (rank) 131 Postfiling index (0100) 7.80 Resolving insolvency (rank) 80
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.60 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 47.46
Procedures (number) 13.6 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 31.4 Cost (% of estate) 12.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 12.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.8 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 32,840
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 56 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 70.60 Population 423,196

Starting a business (rank) 58 Getting credit (rank) 2 Trading across borders (rank) 144
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.23 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 95.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 58.70
Procedures (number) 5.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 12 Time to export
Time (days) 12.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 155
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 117
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 71.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 48 Protecting minority investors (rank) 40 Border compliance (US$) 340
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.62 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 65.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 20 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 132
Time (days) 83 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 395
Getting electricity (rank) 24 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 86.46 Enforcing contracts (rank) 61
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 104 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.95
Time (days) 36 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.41 Time (days) 540
Cost (% of income per capita) 41.5 Payments (number per year) 15 Cost (% of claim) 36.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 64.2 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 8.0
Registering property (rank) 136 Postfiling index (0100) 0.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 60
DTF score for registering property (0100) 51.48 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.11
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 298.5 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 47.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
BULGARIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 7,470
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 50 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.91 Population 7,127,822

Starting a business (rank) 95 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 21
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.37 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 97.41
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 23 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 4
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 74.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 52
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 51 Protecting minority investors (rank) 24 Border compliance (US$) 55
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.35 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 70.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 97 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 141 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 54.80 Enforcing contracts (rank) 40
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 90 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.04
Time (days) 262 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.78 Time (days) 564
Cost (% of income per capita) 468.4 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 18.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 453 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 27.1
Registering property (rank) 67 Postfiling index (0100) 69.30 Resolving insolvency (rank) 50
DTF score for registering property (0100) 69.30 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 60.02
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 3.3
Time (days) 19 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 19.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
BURKINA FASO Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 640
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 148 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 51.54 Population 18,646,433

Starting a business (rank) 74 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 113
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.17 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 66.58
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 13 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of income per capita) 42.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.3 Border compliance (hours) 75
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 6.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 86
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 53 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 261
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.20 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Time (days) 121 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 102
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 197
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 265
Getting electricity (rank) 179 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 29.42 Enforcing contracts (rank) 163
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 153 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 41.05
Time (days) 169 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 55.89 Time (days) 446
Cost (% of income per capita) 9,438.4 Payments (number per year) 45 Cost (% of claim) 81.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 41.3
Registering property (rank) 140 Postfiling index (0100) 49.31 Resolving insolvency (rank) 104
DTF score for registering property (0100) 50.44 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 40.68
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 67 Cost (% of estate) 21.0
Cost (% of property value) 12.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 23.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

BURUNDI Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 280
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 164 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 46.92 Population 10,524,117

Starting a business (rank) 42 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 164
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.94 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 47.02
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 4 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of income per capita) 33.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 59
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 4.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 168 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) 136
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 51.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 180
Time (days) 70 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 154
Cost (% of warehouse value) 12.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 3.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 1,025
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 444
Getting electricity (rank) 182 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 26.45 Enforcing contracts (rank) 150
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 138 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 45.74
Time (days) 158 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 60.34 Time (days) 832
Cost (% of income per capita) 15,517.3 Payments (number per year) 25 Cost (% of claim) 38.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 232 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 41.5
Registering property (rank) 95 Postfiling index (0100) 28.21 Resolving insolvency (rank) 144
DTF score for registering property (0100) 62.54 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 30.71
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 23 Cost (% of estate) 30.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 7.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
CABO VERDE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 2,970
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 127 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.24 Population 539,560

Starting a business (rank) 98 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 107
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.14 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 67.41
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 19.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 125
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 67 Protecting minority investors (rank) 164 Border compliance (US$) 780
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.25 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 36.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 107 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 125
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 588
Getting electricity (rank) 145 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.47 Enforcing contracts (rank) 43
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 75 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.69
Time (days) 88 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 75.15 Time (days) 425
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,136.3 Payments (number per year) 30 Cost (% of claim) 19.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 2 Time (hours per year) 180 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 36.6
Registering property (rank) 71 Postfiling index (0100) 80.65 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 66.57 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 22 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 2.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
CAMBODIA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 1,140
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 135 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.47 Population 15,762,370

Starting a business (rank) 183 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 108
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 51.91 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 67.28
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 99 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 132
Cost (% of income per capita) 51.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 49.9 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 82.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 179 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 375
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 41.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 20 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 132
Time (days) 652 Extent of director liability index (010) 10 Border compliance (hours) 8
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (US$) 120
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 240
Getting electricity (rank) 137 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 56.56 Enforcing contracts (rank) 179
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 136 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 32.67
Time (days) 179 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 61.28 Time (days) 483
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,993.2 Payments (number per year) 40 Cost (% of claim) 103.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 3 Time (hours per year) 173 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 21.7
Registering property (rank) 123 Postfiling index (0100) 25.97 Resolving insolvency (rank) 74
DTF score for registering property (0100) 55.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 48.25
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 6.0
Time (days) 56 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 14.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

CAMEROON Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,200
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 163 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 47.23 Population 23,439,189

Starting a business (rank) 122 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 186
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 82.39 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 15.99
Procedures (number) 6.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 16.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 66
Cost (% of income per capita) 35.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 202
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 16.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 8.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 306
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 140 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 983
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 163
Time (days) 135 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 271
Cost (% of warehouse value) 15.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 849
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 1,407
Getting electricity (rank) 121 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.35 Enforcing contracts (rank) 162
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 183 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 41.76
Time (days) 64 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 36.34 Time (days) 800
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,776.9 Payments (number per year) 44 Cost (% of claim) 46.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 624 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 57.7
Registering property (rank) 176 Postfiling index (0100) 49.31 Resolving insolvency (rank) 125
DTF score for registering property (0100) 37.33 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 36.73
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 2.8
Time (days) 86 Cost (% of estate) 33.5
Cost (% of property value) 19.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 16.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
CANADA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 43,660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 18 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 79.29 Population 36,286,425

Starting a business (rank) 2 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 46
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 98.23 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 88.36
Procedures (number) 2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 1.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 156
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 54 Protecting minority investors (rank) 8 Border compliance (US$) 167
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.87 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 78.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 249 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 163
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 172
Getting electricity (rank) 105 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 66.89 Enforcing contracts (rank) 114
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 16 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.35
Time (days) 137 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 88.05 Time (days) 910
Cost (% of income per capita) 125.3 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 22.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 131 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 20.9
Registering property (rank) 33 Postfiling index (0100) 73.23 Resolving insolvency (rank) 11
DTF score for registering property (0100) 79.31 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 81.46
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 0.8
Time (days) 4 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 87.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 370
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 184 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 34.86 Population 4,594,621

Starting a business (rank) 188 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 145
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 37.02 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 58.64
Procedures (number) 10 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 22 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 154.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 141
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 446.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 3.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 180 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 280
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 38.86 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Time (days) 219 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 98
Cost (% of warehouse value) 17.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 500
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 209
Getting electricity (rank) 183 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 24.64 Enforcing contracts (rank) 182
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 187 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 30.46
Time (days) 98 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 18.89 Time (days) 660
Cost (% of income per capita) 12,688.1 Payments (number per year) 56 Cost (% of claim) 82.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 483 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 73.3
Registering property (rank) 169 Postfiling index (0100) 5.13 Resolving insolvency (rank) 150
DTF score for registering property (0100) 41.92 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 28.13
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 4.8
Time (days) 75 Cost (% of estate) 76.0
Cost (% of property value) 11.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

CHAD Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 720
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 180 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 38.30 Population 14,452,543

Starting a business (rank) 185 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 172
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 50.26 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 40.12
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 60 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 87
Cost (% of income per capita) 171.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 106
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 25.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 188
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 153 Protecting minority investors (rank) 160 Border compliance (US$) 319
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 56.79 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 38.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 172
Time (days) 226 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 242
Cost (% of warehouse value) 12.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 500
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 669
Getting electricity (rank) 177 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 32.17 Enforcing contracts (rank) 154
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 188 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 44.58
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 17.92 Time (days) 743
Cost (% of income per capita) 9,821.1 Payments (number per year) 54 Cost (% of claim) 45.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 766 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 63.5
Registering property (rank) 159 Postfiling index (0100) 13.07 Resolving insolvency (rank) 150
DTF score for registering property (0100) 44.67 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 28.13
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 44 Cost (% of estate) 60.0
Cost (% of property value) 12.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
CHILE OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 13,530
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 55 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.22 Population 17,909,754

Starting a business (rank) 65 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 68
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.55 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 80.56
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 14.3 Border compliance (hours) 60
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 49.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 15 Protecting minority investors (rank) 57 Border compliance (US$) 290
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 80.28 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 60.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 133 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 54
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 290
Getting electricity (rank) 44 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.49 Enforcing contracts (rank) 56
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 72 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 62.81
Time (days) 43 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.17 Time (days) 480
Cost (% of income per capita) 68.1 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 28.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 291 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.0
Registering property (rank) 61 Postfiling index (0100) 58.36 Resolving insolvency (rank) 52
DTF score for registering property (0100) 70.90 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 59.47
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 28.5 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 1.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
CHINA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 8,260
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 78 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 65.29 Population 1,378,665,000

Starting a business (rank) 93 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 97
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.47 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 69.91
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 22.9 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 21.2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 21.4 Border compliance (hours) 25.9
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 95.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 84.6
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 172 Protecting minority investors (rank) 119 Border compliance (US$) 484.1
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 47.28 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 48.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 23 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 65.7
Time (days) 247.1 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 92.3
Cost (% of warehouse value) 7.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.6 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 170.9
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 745
Getting electricity (rank) 98 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 68.83 Enforcing contracts (rank) 5
Procedures (number) 5.5 Paying taxes (rank) 130 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 78.23
Time (days) 143.2 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 62.90 Time (days) 496
Cost (% of income per capita) 356.0 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 16.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 207 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 15.1
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 67.3
Registering property (rank) 41 Postfiling index (0100) 49.08 Resolving insolvency (rank) 56
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.15 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.82
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 19.5 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.3 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

COLOMBIA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 6,320
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 59 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.41 Population 48,653,419

Starting a business (rank) 96 Getting credit (rank) 2 Trading across borders (rank) 125
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.32 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 95.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 62.83
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 12 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of income per capita) 14.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 94.5 Border compliance (hours) 112
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 81 Protecting minority investors (rank) 16 Border compliance (US$) 545
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.71 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 73.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 64
Time (days) 132 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 112
Cost (% of warehouse value) 7.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 545
Getting electricity (rank) 81 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 74.18 Enforcing contracts (rank) 177
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 142 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 34.29
Time (days) 106 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 59.08 Time (days) 1,288
Cost (% of income per capita) 542.3 Payments (number per year) 12 Cost (% of claim) 45.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 239 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 69.8
Registering property (rank) 60 Postfiling index (0100) 48.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 33
DTF score for registering property (0100) 71.34 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 70.02
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 15 Cost (% of estate) 8.5
Cost (% of property value) 1.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 66.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
COMOROS Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 760
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 158 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.52 Population 795,601

Starting a business (rank) 166 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 111
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 72.01 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 66.87
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 16 Depth of credit information index (08) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 50
Cost (% of income per capita) 84.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 51
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 29.1 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 9.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 124
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 79 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 651
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 69.19 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Time (days) 108 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 70
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 4.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 93
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 765
Getting electricity (rank) 135 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 57.58 Enforcing contracts (rank) 180
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 168 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 32.05
Time (days) 120 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 49.86 Time (days) 506
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,050.5 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 89.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 100 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 216.5
Registering property (rank) 111 Postfiling index (0100) 57.33 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.66 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 30 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 8.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
CONGO, DEM. REP. Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 420
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 182 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 37.65 Population 78,736,153

Starting a business (rank) 62 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 188
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.78 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 1.26
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 698
Cost (% of income per capita) 28.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 515
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 9.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.7 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 2,500
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 121 Protecting minority investors (rank) 164 Border compliance (US$) 2,223
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.91 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 36.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 216
Time (days) 122 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 588
Cost (% of warehouse value) 8.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 875
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 3,039
Getting electricity (rank) 175 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 33.59 Enforcing contracts (rank) 172
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 181 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 36.06
Time (days) 54 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 39.40 Time (days) 610
Cost (% of income per capita) 14,885.8 Payments (number per year) 52 Cost (% of claim) 80.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 346 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 54.6
Registering property (rank) 158 Postfiling index (0100) 27.08 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 45.85 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 38 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 11.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

CONGO, REP. Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,710
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 179 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 39.57 Population 5,125,821

Starting a business (rank) 177 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 184
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 64.69 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 19.68
Procedures (number) 10 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 49 Depth of credit information index (08) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of income per capita) 77.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 276
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 2.9 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 11.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 165
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 125 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 1,975
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.07 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 208
Time (days) 164 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 397
Cost (% of warehouse value) 8.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 310
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 1,581
Getting electricity (rank) 181 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 28.42 Enforcing contracts (rank) 155
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 185 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 43.99
Time (days) 134 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 26.79 Time (days) 560
Cost (% of income per capita) 6,957.7 Payments (number per year) 50 Cost (% of claim) 53.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 602 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 54.3
Registering property (rank) 177 Postfiling index (0100) 12.29 Resolving insolvency (rank) 118
DTF score for registering property (0100) 36.04 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.98
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.3
Time (days) 55 Cost (% of estate) 25.0
Cost (% of property value) 16.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 18.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
COSTA RICA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 10,840
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 61 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.13 Population 4,857,274

Starting a business (rank) 127 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 73
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.65 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 79.32
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 22.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 8.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 20
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 32.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 70 Protecting minority investors (rank) 119 Border compliance (US$) 375
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.02 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 48.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Time (days) 135 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 80
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 420
Getting electricity (rank) 21 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 88.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 129
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 60 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 51.48
Time (days) 45 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.46 Time (days) 852
Cost (% of income per capita) 168.1 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 24.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 151 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 58.3
Registering property (rank) 49 Postfiling index (0100) 85.06 Resolving insolvency (rank) 131
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.36 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 34.42
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 11 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 29.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
CTE DIVOIRE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,520
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 139 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 53.71 Population 23,695,919

Starting a business (rank) 44 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 155
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.72 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 54.15
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of income per capita) 16.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 4.0 Border compliance (hours) 110
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 2.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 136
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 152 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 387
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 57.50 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 21 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 89
Time (days) 162 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 125
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 267
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 456
Getting electricity (rank) 129 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 58.73 Enforcing contracts (rank) 101
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 175 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.74
Time (days) 55 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 43.88 Time (days) 525
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,280.8 Payments (number per year) 63 Cost (% of claim) 41.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 50.1
Registering property (rank) 113 Postfiling index (0100) 44.50 Resolving insolvency (rank) 77
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.56 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 47.81
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.2
Time (days) 30 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

CROATIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 12,110
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 51 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.70 Population 4,170,600

Starting a business (rank) 87 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.39 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 12.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 126 Protecting minority investors (rank) 29 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 68.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 126 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 9.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 9 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 75 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.26 Enforcing contracts (rank) 23
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 95 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 70.60
Time (days) 65 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.90 Time (days) 650
Cost (% of income per capita) 298.5 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 15.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 206 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 20.6
Registering property (rank) 59 Postfiling index (0100) 61.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 60
DTF score for registering property (0100) 71.44 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.11
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.1
Time (days) 62 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 4.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 32.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
CYPRUS Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 23,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 53 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.63 Population 1,170,125

Starting a business (rank) 50 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 45
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.19 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 88.44
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 12.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 72.9 Border compliance (hours) 18
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 120 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 300
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.99 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 8 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 507 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 15
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 335
Getting electricity (rank) 67 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 78.32 Enforcing contracts (rank) 138
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 44 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.59
Time (days) 137 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.59 Time (days) 1,100
Cost (% of income per capita) 133.2 Payments (number per year) 28 Cost (% of claim) 16.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 127 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 22.7
Registering property (rank) 92 Postfiling index (0100) 76.07 Resolving insolvency (rank) 21
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.41 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 78.46
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 9 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 10.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 73.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.5
CZECH REPUBLIC OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 17,570
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 30 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 76.27 Population 10,561,633

Starting a business (rank) 81 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.44 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 79.5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 7.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 127 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 62.77 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 21 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 247 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 15 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 90.33 Enforcing contracts (rank) 91
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 53 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.21
Time (days) 68 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.26 Time (days) 611
Cost (% of income per capita) 23.8 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 33.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 248 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 50.0
Registering property (rank) 32 Postfiling index (0100) 90.75 Resolving insolvency (rank) 25
DTF score for registering property (0100) 79.68 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 76.69
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.1
Time (days) 28 Cost (% of estate) 17.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 67.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 25.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

DENMARK OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 56,730
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 3 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 84.06 Population 5,731,118

Starting a business (rank) 34 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.50 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 3.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 13.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 1 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 86.79 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 7 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 64 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 16 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 90.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 32
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 8 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 68.37
Time (days) 38 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 91.22 Time (days) 485
Cost (% of income per capita) 106.2 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 23.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 130 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 24.2
Registering property (rank) 11 Postfiling index (0100) 89.06 Resolving insolvency (rank) 7
DTF score for registering property (0100) 89.88 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 84.93
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 4 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 88.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
DJIBOUTI Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,908
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 154 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 49.58 Population 942,333

Starting a business (rank) 115 Getting credit (rank) 183 Trading across borders (rank) 159
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.38 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 5.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 51.87
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 14 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 35.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 109
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 95
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 84 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 944
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.48 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 50
Time (days) 111 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 78
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 1,209
Getting electricity (rank) 169 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 40.75 Enforcing contracts (rank) 175
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 108 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 34.78
Time (days) 125 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.91 Time (days) 1,025
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,979.9 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 34.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 76 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.7
Registering property (rank) 168 Postfiling index (0100) 49.57 Resolving insolvency (rank) 73
DTF score for registering property (0100) 42.65 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 48.32
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.3
Time (days) 39 Cost (% of estate) 11.0
Cost (% of property value) 12.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
DOMINICA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 6,750
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 98 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.96 Population 73,543

Starting a business (rank) 67 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 81
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.29 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 74.26
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 12 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 12
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 74 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 625
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 70.07 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 191 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 39
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 906
Getting electricity (rank) 46 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.43 Enforcing contracts (rank) 79
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 77 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.17
Time (days) 61 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 74.91 Time (days) 681
Cost (% of income per capita) 466.1 Payments (number per year) 37 Cost (% of claim) 36.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 117 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.2
Registering property (rank) 164 Postfiling index (0100) 79.66 Resolving insolvency (rank) 132
DTF score for registering property (0100) 43.40 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 34.41
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 42 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 13.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 29.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 6,390
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 99 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.93 Population 10,648,791

Starting a business (rank) 116 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 59
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.23 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 83.51
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 16.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 10
Cost (% of income per capita) 14.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 68.3 Border compliance (hours) 16
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 33.9 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 26.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 15
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 62 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 488
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 14
Time (days) 184 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 579
Getting electricity (rank) 108 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 64.74 Enforcing contracts (rank) 136
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 149 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.71
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 57.45 Time (days) 590
Cost (% of income per capita) 248.6 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 40.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 317 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.8
Registering property (rank) 79 Postfiling index (0100) 10.71 Resolving insolvency (rank) 121
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.67 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.59
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.5
Time (days) 45 Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 8.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.5
ECUADOR Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 5,820
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 118 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 57.83 Population 16,385,068

Starting a business (rank) 168 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 102
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 70.50 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 68.65
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 48.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 21.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 71.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 140
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 105 Protecting minority investors (rank) 124 Border compliance (US$) 560
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.32 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 46.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Time (days) 132 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 250
Getting electricity (rank) 85 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 72.16 Enforcing contracts (rank) 75
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 145 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.38
Time (days) 74 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 58.39 Time (days) 523
Cost (% of income per capita) 636.1 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 27.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 666 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 32.5
Registering property (rank) 74 Postfiling index (0100) 49.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 157
DTF score for registering property (0100) 66.18 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 25.01
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 5.3
Time (days) 38 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 17.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
EGYPT, ARAB REP. Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 3,460
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 128 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.22 Population 95,688,681

Starting a business (rank) 103 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 170
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.53 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 42.23
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 14.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 88
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 25.3 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 7.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 66 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 258
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.43 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 265
Time (days) 172 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 240
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 1,000
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 554
Getting electricity (rank) 89 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 71.24 Enforcing contracts (rank) 160
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 167 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 42.75
Time (days) 53 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 50.67 Time (days) 1,010
Cost (% of income per capita) 324.7 Payments (number per year) 29 Cost (% of claim) 26.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 3 Time (hours per year) 392 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 45.3
Registering property (rank) 119 Postfiling index (0100) 26.62 Resolving insolvency (rank) 115
DTF score for registering property (0100) 55.50 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 38.89
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 75 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 25.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

EL SALVADOR Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 3,920
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 73 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 66.42 Population 6,344,722

Starting a business (rank) 140 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 43
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 78.88 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 89.29
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 16.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 9
Cost (% of income per capita) 41.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 35.4 Border compliance (hours) 30
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 2.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 28.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 139 Protecting minority investors (rank) 160 Border compliance (US$) 128
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 60.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 38.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 23 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 13
Time (days) 122.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 67
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 128
Getting electricity (rank) 88 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 71.40 Enforcing contracts (rank) 105
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 61 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.20
Time (days) 56 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.35 Time (days) 786
Cost (% of income per capita) 502.0 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 19.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 180 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.5
Registering property (rank) 69 Postfiling index (0100) 49.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 84
DTF score for registering property (0100) 67.92 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.69
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.5
Time (days) 31 Cost (% of estate) 12.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 32.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
EQUATORIAL GUINEA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 6,550
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 173 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 41.66 Population 1,221,490

Starting a business (rank) 182 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 174
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 54.96 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 32.05
Procedures (number) 16 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 33 Depth of credit information index (08) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 154
Cost (% of income per capita) 103.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 132
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 30.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 6.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 85
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 160 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 760
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 54.95 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 240
Time (days) 144 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 240
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 1.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 70
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 985
Getting electricity (rank) 146 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.44 Enforcing contracts (rank) 104
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 177 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.25
Time (days) 106 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 41.54 Time (days) 475
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,185.2 Payments (number per year) 46 Cost (% of claim) 19.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 492 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 79.4
Registering property (rank) 162 Postfiling index (0100) 93.12 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 44.45 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 23 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 12.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
ERITREA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 823
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 189 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 22.87 Population 5,869,869

Starting a business (rank) 184 Getting credit (rank) 186 Trading across borders (rank) 189
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 50.60 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 0.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 13 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 84 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) no practice
Cost (% of income per capita) 27.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) no practice
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 118.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) no practice
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 186 Protecting minority investors (rank) 172 Border compliance (US$) no practice
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 0.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 31.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) no practice Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) no practice
Time (days) no practice Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) no practice
Cost (% of warehouse value) no practice Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) no practice
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) no practice
Getting electricity (rank) 187 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 0.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 119
Procedures (number) no practice Paying taxes (rank) 148 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 53.68
Time (days) no practice DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 57.50 Time (days) 490
Cost (% of income per capita) no practice Payments (number per year) 30 Cost (% of claim) 22.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 216 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 83.7
Registering property (rank) 178 Postfiling index (0100) 99.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 35.29 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 11 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 78 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 9.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ESTONIA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 17,750
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 12 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 80.80 Population 1,316,481

Starting a business (rank) 12 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 17
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 95.15 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 99.92
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 3.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 35.2 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 16.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 8 Protecting minority investors (rank) 76 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 82.50 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 56.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 103 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 41 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 83.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 11
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 14 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 74.34
Time (days) 91 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 89.56 Time (days) 455
Cost (% of income per capita) 168.8 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 21.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 50 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.7
Registering property (rank) 6 Postfiling index (0100) 99.38 Resolving insolvency (rank) 44
DTF score for registering property (0100) 91.02 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 65.62
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 17.5 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 27.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
ETHIOPIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 161 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 47.77 Population 102,403,196

Starting a business (rank) 174 Getting credit (rank) 173 Trading across borders (rank) 167
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 68.43 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 15.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 45.34
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 33 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 76
Cost (% of income per capita) 57.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 51
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 175
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 169 Protecting minority investors (rank) 176 Border compliance (US$) 172
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 50.55 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 28.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 194
Time (days) 130 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 166
Cost (% of warehouse value) 16.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 750
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 738
Getting electricity (rank) 125 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 59.29 Enforcing contracts (rank) 68
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 133 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.99
Time (days) 95 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 62.14 Time (days) 530
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,027.9 Payments (number per year) 30 Cost (% of claim) 15.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 306 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.6
Registering property (rank) 139 Postfiling index (0100) 50.89 Resolving insolvency (rank) 122
DTF score for registering property (0100) 51.32 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.31
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 52 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 6.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
FIJI East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 4,840
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 101 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.74 Population 898,760

Starting a business (rank) 160 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 75
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 73.26 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 77.57
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 40 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 56
Cost (% of income per capita) 16.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 56
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 76
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 92 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 317
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.69 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 34
Time (days) 141 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 42
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 58
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 320
Getting electricity (rank) 84 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 72.19 Enforcing contracts (rank) 89
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 120 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.44
Time (days) 81 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 66.00 Time (days) 397
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,391.9 Payments (number per year) 38 Cost (% of claim) 38.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 247 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.0
Registering property (rank) 58 Postfiling index (0100) 62.62 Resolving insolvency (rank) 92
DTF score for registering property (0100) 71.86 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.72
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 69 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 46.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 19.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

FINLAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 44,730
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 13 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 80.37 Population 5,495,096

Starting a business (rank) 26 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 34
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.15 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 92.44
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 14 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 20.9 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 6.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 70
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 37 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 213
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 65 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 20 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 88.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 46
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 12 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.40
Time (days) 42 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 90.14 Time (days) 485
Cost (% of income per capita) 27.1 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 16.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 93 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.4
Registering property (rank) 27 Postfiling index (0100) 93.09 Resolving insolvency (rank) 2
DTF score for registering property (0100) 80.73 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 92.82
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 0.9
Time (days) 47 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 4.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 88.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.5
FRANCE OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 38,950
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 31 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 76.13 Population 66,896,109

Starting a business (rank) 25 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.28 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 3.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 47.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 18 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 79.29 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 9 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 183 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 26 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 10
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 85.89 Enforcing contracts (rank) 15
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 54 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 73.04
Time (days) 71 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 78.55 Time (days) 395
Cost (% of income per capita) 6.0 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 17.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 139 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 62.2
Registering property (rank) 100 Postfiling index (0100) 92.40 Resolving insolvency (rank) 28
DTF score for registering property (0100) 60.69 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 73.91
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 1.9
Time (days) 64 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 73.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
GABON Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 7,210
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 167 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 46.19 Population 1,979,786

Starting a business (rank) 132 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 169
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.48 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 43.94
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 33 Depth of credit information index (08) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 2.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 28.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 200
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 149 Protecting minority investors (rank) 160 Border compliance (US$) 1,633
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 58.33 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 38.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Time (days) 276 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 170
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 1,320
Getting electricity (rank) 170 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 40.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 178
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 165 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 32.84
Time (days) 148 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 51.64 Time (days) 1,160
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,294.5 Payments (number per year) 26 Cost (% of claim) 34.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 488 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 46.8
Registering property (rank) 173 Postfiling index (0100) 42.47 Resolving insolvency (rank) 126
DTF score for registering property (0100) 40.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 36.11
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 102 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 10.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 14.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

GAMBIA, THE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 440
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 146 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 51.92 Population 2,038,501

Starting a business (rank) 171 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 105
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 69.00 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 67.81
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 25 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 128.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 109
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 133
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 118 Protecting minority investors (rank) 164 Border compliance (US$) 381
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 64.31 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 36.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 32
Time (days) 144 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 87
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 4.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 152
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 326
Getting electricity (rank) 156 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 49.29 Enforcing contracts (rank) 107
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 169 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.84
Time (days) 78 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 49.34 Time (days) 407
Cost (% of income per capita) 3,517.9 Payments (number per year) 49 Cost (% of claim) 37.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 326 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 51.3
Registering property (rank) 129 Postfiling index (0100) 53.46 Resolving insolvency (rank) 130
DTF score for registering property (0100) 53.28 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 34.71
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 66 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 7.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 26.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.5
GEORGIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 3,810
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 9 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 82.04 Population 3,719,300

Starting a business (rank) 4 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 62
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 97.84 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 82.43
Procedures (number) 2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 2 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 95.7 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 35
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 29 Protecting minority investors (rank) 2 Border compliance (US$) 383
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 77.57 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 81.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 63 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 15
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 189
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 9 Border compliance (US$) 396
Getting electricity (rank) 30 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.32 Enforcing contracts (rank) 7
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 22 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 75.97
Time (days) 71 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 87.14 Time (days) 285
Cost (% of income per capita) 176.8 Payments (number per year) 5 Cost (% of claim) 25.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 269 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 16.4
Registering property (rank) 4 Postfiling index (0100) 85.89 Resolving insolvency (rank) 57
DTF score for registering property (0100) 92.85 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.59
Procedures (number) 1 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 1 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 39.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
GERMANY OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 43,660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 20 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 79.00 Population 82,667,685

Starting a business (rank) 113 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 39
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.46 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 91.77
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 10.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 32.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 45
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 24 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 345
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 9 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 126 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 5 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 98.79 Enforcing contracts (rank) 22
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 41 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 71.32
Time (days) 28 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 82.14 Time (days) 499
Cost (% of income per capita) 40.2 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 14.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 218 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.9
Registering property (rank) 77 Postfiling index (0100) 97.67 Resolving insolvency (rank) 4
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.71 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 90.27
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.2
Time (days) 52 Cost (% of estate) 8.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 80.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

GHANA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,380
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 120 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 57.24 Population 28,206,728

Starting a business (rank) 110 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 158
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.02 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 52.32
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 14 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 89
Cost (% of income per capita) 17.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 16.5 Border compliance (hours) 108
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 1.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 155
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 131 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 490
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.90 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 76
Time (days) 170 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 89
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 474
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 553
Getting electricity (rank) 136 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 56.81 Enforcing contracts (rank) 116
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 116 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.00
Time (days) 78 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 66.47 Time (days) 710
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,080.5 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 23.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 224 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.2
Registering property (rank) 119 Postfiling index (0100) 49.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 158
DTF score for registering property (0100) 55.50 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 24.77
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.9
Time (days) 47 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 22.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
GREECE OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 18,960
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 67 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 68.02 Population 10,746,740

Starting a business (rank) 37 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 29
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.30 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 93.72
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 12.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 78.3 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 30
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 58 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 300
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.48 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 124 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 76 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 75.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 131
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 65 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 50.19
Time (days) 55 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.97 Time (days) 1,580
Cost (% of income per capita) 70.1 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 14.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 193 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 51.7
Registering property (rank) 145 Postfiling index (0100) 75.70 Resolving insolvency (rank) 57
DTF score for registering property (0100) 49.67 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.59
Procedures (number) 10 Time (years) 3.5
Time (days) 20 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 33.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
GRENADA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 8,830
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 142 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 52.94 Population 107,317

Starting a business (rank) 82 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 131
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.09 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 61.52
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 15 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 13
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 101
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 128 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) 1,034
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 62.22 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 146 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 37
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 1,745
Getting electricity (rank) 73 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.41 Enforcing contracts (rank) 76
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 141 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.33
Time (days) 38 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 59.39 Time (days) 688
Cost (% of income per capita) 187.8 Payments (number per year) 42 Cost (% of claim) 32.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 140 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.4
Registering property (rank) 141 Postfiling index (0100) 48.85 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 50.15 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 32 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 7.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

GUATEMALA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 3,790
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 97 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 61.18 Population 16,582,469

Starting a business (rank) 139 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 79
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 79.30 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 75.31
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 26.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 22.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.4 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 16.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 17.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 105
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 116 Protecting minority investors (rank) 172 Border compliance (US$) 310
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 64.63 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 31.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 32
Time (days) 205 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 7.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 140
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 405
Getting electricity (rank) 36 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.02 Enforcing contracts (rank) 176
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 100 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 34.55
Time (days) 44 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.30 Time (days) 1,402
Cost (% of income per capita) 550.6 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 26.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 248 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.2
Registering property (rank) 85 Postfiling index (0100) 33.04 Resolving insolvency (rank) 153
DTF score for registering property (0100) 64.44 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 27.57
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 24 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
GUINEA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 490
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 153 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 49.80 Population 12,395,924

Starting a business (rank) 125 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 165
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.77 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 46.24
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 8 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 139
Cost (% of income per capita) 67.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 8.9 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 128
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 75 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 778
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 69.92 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 156
Time (days) 161 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 91
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 180
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 909
Getting electricity (rank) 158 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 47.88 Enforcing contracts (rank) 117
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 182 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 53.87
Time (days) 69 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 38.93 Time (days) 311
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,639.8 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 45.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 400 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 61.4
Registering property (rank) 143 Postfiling index (0100) 12.77 Resolving insolvency (rank) 111
DTF score for registering property (0100) 50.07 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.27
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.8
Time (days) 44 Cost (% of estate) 8.0
Cost (% of property value) 8.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 20.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
GUINEABISSAU Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 620
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 176 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 41.45 Population 1,815,698

Starting a business (rank) 178 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 141
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 63.76 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 59.60
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 8.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of income per capita) 48.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.3 Border compliance (hours) 118
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 273.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 160
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 176 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 585
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 44.40 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 143 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 28.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 205
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 550
Getting electricity (rank) 180 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 29.01 Enforcing contracts (rank) 168
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 155 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 36.76
Time (days) 257 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 54.93 Time (days) 1,785
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,399.8 Payments (number per year) 46 Cost (% of claim) 28.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 218 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 45.5
Registering property (rank) 126 Postfiling index (0100) 45.34 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 54.41 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 48 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 5.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

GUYANA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 4,250
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 126 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.28 Population 773,303

Starting a business (rank) 92 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 142
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.55 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 59.33
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 18 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 200
Cost (% of income per capita) 9.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 52.8 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 78
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 163 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 378
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 54.66 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 156
Time (days) 208 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 4.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 63
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 265
Getting electricity (rank) 132 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 58.35 Enforcing contracts (rank) 93
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 123 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 57.87
Time (days) 82 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 65.08 Time (days) 581
Cost (% of income per capita) 441.7 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 27.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 256 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 32.3
Registering property (rank) 110 Postfiling index (0100) 54.24 Resolving insolvency (rank) 162
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.90 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 22.38
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 45 Cost (% of estate) 28.5
Cost (% of property value) 4.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 18.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
HAITI Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 780
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 181 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 38.24 Population 10,847,334

Starting a business (rank) 189 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 77
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 33.70 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 76.90
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 97 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 22
Cost (% of income per capita) 200.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 28
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 14.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 48
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 177 Protecting minority investors (rank) 188 Border compliance (US$) 368
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 44.15 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 20.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 28
Time (days) 98 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 83
Cost (% of warehouse value) 21.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 563
Getting electricity (rank) 138 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 0
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 55.40 Enforcing contracts (rank) 125
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 147 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 52.49
Time (days) 60 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 57.55 Time (days) 530
Cost (% of income per capita) 3,522.0 Payments (number per year) 47 Cost (% of claim) 42.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 184 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 42.8
Registering property (rank) 180 Postfiling index (0100) 48.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 32.22 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 312 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 6.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 2.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
HONDURAS Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 2,150
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 115 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.46 Population 9,112,867

Starting a business (rank) 150 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 115
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 76.98 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 65.85
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 13 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 41.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 44.9 Border compliance (hours) 88
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 20.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 113 Protecting minority investors (rank) 129 Border compliance (US$) 601
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.44 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 45.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 94 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of warehouse value) 7.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 70
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 483
Getting electricity (rank) 144 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.61 Enforcing contracts (rank) 152
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 164 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 45.54
Time (days) 39 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 51.74 Time (days) 920
Cost (% of income per capita) 790.8 Payments (number per year) 48 Cost (% of claim) 35.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 224 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 44.4
Registering property (rank) 91 Postfiling index (0100) 35.14 Resolving insolvency (rank) 142
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.42 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 32.07
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.8
Time (days) 29 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 18.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

HONG KONG SAR, CHINA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 43,240
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 5 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 83.44 Population 7,346,700

Starting a business (rank) 3 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 31
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 98.14 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 93.56
Procedures (number) 2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 1.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 57
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 5 Protecting minority investors (rank) 9 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 84.86 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 76.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 72 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 19
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 57
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 266
Getting electricity (rank) 4 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 99.02 Enforcing contracts (rank) 28
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 3 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 69.13
Time (days) 27 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 98.82 Time (days) 385
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.4 Payments (number per year) 3 Cost (% of claim) 23.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 72 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 22.9
Registering property (rank) 55 Postfiling index (0100) 98.85 Resolving insolvency (rank) 43
DTF score for registering property (0100) 73.54 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 65.69
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 0.8
Time (days) 27.5 Cost (% of estate) 5.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 87.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 27.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
HUNGARY OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 12,570
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 48 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 72.39 Population 9,817,958

Starting a business (rank) 79 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.60 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 89.8 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 43.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 90 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.93 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 20 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 205.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 110 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 63.26 Enforcing contracts (rank) 13
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 93 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 73.75
Time (days) 257 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.49 Time (days) 605
Cost (% of income per capita) 90.3 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 15.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 277 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 46.5
Registering property (rank) 29 Postfiling index (0100) 63.94 Resolving insolvency (rank) 62
DTF score for registering property (0100) 80.09 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 54.75
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 17.5 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 43.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.0
ICELAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 56,990
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 23 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 78.50 Population 334,252

Starting a business (rank) 55 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 69
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.71 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 80.27
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 11.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 6.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 64 Protecting minority investors (rank) 29 Border compliance (US$) 655
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.72 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 68.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 84 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 655
Getting electricity (rank) 11 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 92.24 Enforcing contracts (rank) 29
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 33 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 69.10
Time (days) 22 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.54 Time (days) 417
Cost (% of income per capita) 9.4 Payments (number per year) 21 Cost (% of claim) 9.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 140 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 29.7
Registering property (rank) 15 Postfiling index (0100) 87.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 13
DTF score for registering property (0100) 86.61 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 81.44
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 3.5 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 84.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

INDIA South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 1,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 100 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.76 Population 1,324,171,354

Starting a business (rank) 156 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 146
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 75.40 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 58.56
Procedures (number) 11.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 29.8 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 38.4
Cost (% of income per capita) 14.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 43.5 Border compliance (hours) 106.1
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 91.9
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 181 Protecting minority investors (rank) 4 Border compliance (US$) 382.4
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 38.80 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 80.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 30.1 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 61.3
Time (days) 143.9 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 264.5
Cost (% of warehouse value) 23.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (US$) 134.8
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 543.2
Getting electricity (rank) 29 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 85.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 164
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 119 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 40.76
Time (days) 45.9 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 66.06 Time (days) 1,445
Cost (% of income per capita) 96.7 Payments (number per year) 13 Cost (% of claim) 31.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 214 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.3
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 55.3
Registering property (rank) 154 Postfiling index (0100) 49.31 Resolving insolvency (rank) 103
DTF score for registering property (0100) 47.08 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 40.75
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 4.3
Time (days) 53 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 8.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 26.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.2 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
INDONESIA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 3,400
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 72 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 66.47 Population 261,115,456

Starting a business (rank) 144 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 112
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.93 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 66.59
Procedures (number) 11.2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 23.1 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 61.3
Cost (% of income per capita) 10.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 18.3 Border compliance (hours) 53.3
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 55.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 138.8
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 108 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 253.7
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.08 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 119.2
Time (days) 200.2 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 99.4
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 164.4
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 382.6
Getting electricity (rank) 38 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 83.87 Enforcing contracts (rank) 145
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 114 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 47.23
Time (days) 34 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.04 Time (days) 403
Cost (% of income per capita) 276.1 Payments (number per year) 43 Cost (% of claim) 70.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 207.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.9
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.0
Registering property (rank) 106 Postfiling index (0100) 68.82 Resolving insolvency (rank) 38
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.01 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 67.61
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.1
Time (days) 27.6 Cost (% of estate) 21.6
Cost (% of property value) 8.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 64.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.3 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.5
IRAN, ISLAMIC REP. Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 4,683
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 124 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.48 Population 80,277,428

Starting a business (rank) 97 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 166
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.16 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 46.11
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 15 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 55.8 Border compliance (hours) 101
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 54.7 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 125
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 25 Protecting minority investors (rank) 170 Border compliance (US$) 565
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.07 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 33.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 192
Time (days) 99 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 141
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 1 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 197
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 660
Getting electricity (rank) 99 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 68.43 Enforcing contracts (rank) 80
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 150 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.07
Time (days) 77 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 56.57 Time (days) 505
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,064.9 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 17.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 344 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 44.7
Registering property (rank) 87 Postfiling index (0100) 26.88 Resolving insolvency (rank) 160
DTF score for registering property (0100) 64.16 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 23.93
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 4.5
Time (days) 12 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 15.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 15.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

IRAQ Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 5,430
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 168 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 44.87 Population 37,202,572

Starting a business (rank) 154 Getting credit (rank) 186 Trading across borders (rank) 179
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 75.87 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 0.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 25.33
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 26.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 504
Cost (% of income per capita) 43.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 85
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 18.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 1,800
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 93 Protecting minority investors (rank) 124 Border compliance (US$) 1,118
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.66 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 46.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 176
Time (days) 167 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 131
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 500
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 644
Getting electricity (rank) 116 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 61.64 Enforcing contracts (rank) 144
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 129 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.02
Time (days) 51 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 63.55 Time (days) 520
Cost (% of income per capita) 466.6 Payments (number per year) 15 Cost (% of claim) 28.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 312 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 1.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.8
Registering property (rank) 101 Postfiling index (0100) 21.43 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.97 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 51 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 5.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
IRELAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 52,560
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 17 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 79.51 Population 4,773,095

Starting a business (rank) 8 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 47
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 95.91 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 87.25
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 30 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 305
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 76.99 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 149.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 253
Getting electricity (rank) 35 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.22 Enforcing contracts (rank) 98
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 4 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 56.03
Time (days) 85 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 94.46 Time (days) 650
Cost (% of income per capita) 52.8 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 26.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 82 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 26.0
Registering property (rank) 40 Postfiling index (0100) 92.93 Resolving insolvency (rank) 17
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.29 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 79.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 0.4
Time (days) 31.5 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 85.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.5
ISRAEL OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 36,190
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 54 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 71.42 Population 8,547,100

Starting a business (rank) 37 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 60
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.30 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 82.85
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 12 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 13
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 71.4 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 73
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 65 Protecting minority investors (rank) 16 Border compliance (US$) 150
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.69 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 73.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 44
Time (days) 209 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 64
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 70
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 307
Getting electricity (rank) 77 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 75.20 Enforcing contracts (rank) 92
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 99 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 57.93
Time (days) 102 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.35 Time (days) 975
Cost (% of income per capita) 14.1 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 25.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 235 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 27.0
Registering property (rank) 130 Postfiling index (0100) 61.36 Resolving insolvency (rank) 29
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.84 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 72.74
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 81 Cost (% of estate) 23.0
Cost (% of property value) 8.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 62.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ITALY OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 31,590
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 46 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 72.70 Population 60,600,590

Starting a business (rank) 66 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.42 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 6.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 13.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 30.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 96 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.26 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 227.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 28 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 85.27 Enforcing contracts (rank) 108
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 112 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.79
Time (days) 82 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.29 Time (days) 1,120
Cost (% of income per capita) 156.5 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 23.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 238 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.0
Registering property (rank) 23 Postfiling index (0100) 52.39 Resolving insolvency (rank) 24
DTF score for registering property (0100) 81.70 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 76.97
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 16 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 64.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.5
JAMAICA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 4,660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 70 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 67.27 Population 2,881,355

Starting a business (rank) 5 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 130
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 97.30 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 61.54
Procedures (number) 2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 3 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 47
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 24.1 Border compliance (hours) 58
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 98 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 876
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.22 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 56
Time (days) 141.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 80
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 906
Getting electricity (rank) 91 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 71.11 Enforcing contracts (rank) 127
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 122 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 51.87
Time (days) 95 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 65.67 Time (days) 550
Cost (% of income per capita) 237.3 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 50.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 268 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.1
Registering property (rank) 128 Postfiling index (0100) 19.68 Resolving insolvency (rank) 35
DTF score for registering property (0100) 53.70 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 69.31
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 1.1
Time (days) 18 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 9.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 64.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
JAPAN OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 38,000
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 34 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.68 Population 126,994,511

Starting a business (rank) 106 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 51
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.37 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 86.51
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 12.2 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 2.4
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 22.6
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 54
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 50 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 264.9
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.36 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 3.4
Time (days) 197 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 39.6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 107
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 299.2
Getting electricity (rank) 17 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 89.88 Enforcing contracts (rank) 51
Procedures (number) 3.4 Paying taxes (rank) 68 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 65.26
Time (days) 97.7 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.71 Time (days) 360
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.0 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 23.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 151 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 47.4
Registering property (rank) 52 Postfiling index (0100) 71.69 Resolving insolvency (rank) 1
DTF score for registering property (0100) 73.92 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 93.44
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 0.6
Time (days) 13 Cost (% of estate) 4.2
Cost (% of property value) 5.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 92.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

JORDAN Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 3,920
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 103 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.58 Population 9,455,802

Starting a business (rank) 105 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 53
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.40 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 85.93
Procedures (number) 7.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 12.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of income per capita) 24.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 15.3 Border compliance (hours) 38
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.1 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 2.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 16
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 110 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 131
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 55
Time (days) 62 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 79
Cost (% of warehouse value) 12.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 30
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 181
Getting electricity (rank) 40 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 83.33 Enforcing contracts (rank) 118
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 97 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 53.71
Time (days) 55 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.75 Time (days) 642
Cost (% of income per capita) 384.1 Payments (number per year) 25 Cost (% of claim) 31.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 128.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 28.1
Registering property (rank) 72 Postfiling index (0100) 34.69 Resolving insolvency (rank) 146
DTF score for registering property (0100) 66.40 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 30.53
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 17 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 9.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 27.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
KAZAKHSTAN Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 8,710
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 36 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.44 Population 17,797,032

Starting a business (rank) 41 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 123
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.95 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 63.19
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 128
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 54.4 Border compliance (hours) 133
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 320
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 52 Protecting minority investors (rank) 1 Border compliance (US$) 574
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.30 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 85.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Time (days) 123 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 70 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.77 Enforcing contracts (rank) 6
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 50 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 77.55
Time (days) 77 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.47 Time (days) 370
Cost (% of income per capita) 47.4 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 22.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 178 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 29.2
Registering property (rank) 17 Postfiling index (0100) 48.85 Resolving insolvency (rank) 39
DTF score for registering property (0100) 84.61 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 67.52
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 3.5 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 38.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
KENYA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,380
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 80 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 65.15 Population 48,461,567

Starting a business (rank) 117 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 106
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.20 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 67.63
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 25 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 19
Cost (% of income per capita) 26.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 30.4 Border compliance (hours) 21
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 191
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 124 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 143
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Time (days) 159 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 180
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 115
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 833
Getting electricity (rank) 71 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.68 Enforcing contracts (rank) 90
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 92 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.27
Time (days) 97 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.67 Time (days) 465
Cost (% of income per capita) 724.7 Payments (number per year) 26 Cost (% of claim) 41.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 185.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.4
Registering property (rank) 125 Postfiling index (0100) 62.03 Resolving insolvency (rank) 95
DTF score for registering property (0100) 54.49 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.11
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 4.5
Time (days) 61 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 27.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

KIRIBATI East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 2,380
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 157 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.74 Population 114,395

Starting a business (rank) 147 Getting credit (rank) 170 Trading across borders (rank) 127
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.47 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 20.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 62.08
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 31 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 40.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 16.2 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 310
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 111 Protecting minority investors (rank) 124 Border compliance (US$) 420
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.72 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 46.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 150 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 120
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 685
Getting electricity (rank) 168 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 41.50 Enforcing contracts (rank) 121
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 94 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 53.39
Time (days) 97 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.42 Time (days) 660
Cost (% of income per capita) 4,022.3 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 25.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 168 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 32.7
Registering property (rank) 146 Postfiling index (0100) 26.68 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 49.12 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 513 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 0.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 9.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
KOREA, REP. OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 27,600
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 4 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 83.92 Population 51,245,707

Starting a business (rank) 9 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 33
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 95.83 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 92.52
Procedures (number) 2 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 4 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 14.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 13
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 11
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 28 Protecting minority investors (rank) 20 Border compliance (US$) 185
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 77.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 71.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 27.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 27
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 315
Getting electricity (rank) 2 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 99.89 Enforcing contracts (rank) 1
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 24 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 84.15
Time (days) 13 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 86.69 Time (days) 290
Cost (% of income per capita) 37.0 Payments (number per year) 12 Cost (% of claim) 12.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 188 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.1
Registering property (rank) 39 Postfiling index (0100) 93.04 Resolving insolvency (rank) 5
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.34 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 89.33
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 5.5 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 84.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 27.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
KOSOVO Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 3,850
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 40 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 73.49 Population 1,816,200

Starting a business (rank) 10 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 48
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 95.67 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 86.87
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 38
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 28
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 40.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 127
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 122 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 105
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.72 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Time (days) 152 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 16
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 42
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 128
Getting electricity (rank) 106 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 66.12 Enforcing contracts (rank) 49
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 45 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 65.66
Time (days) 36 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.28 Time (days) 330
Cost (% of income per capita) 219.1 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 34.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 2 Time (hours per year) 155 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 15.2
Registering property (rank) 34 Postfiling index (0100) 49.16 Resolving insolvency (rank) 49
DTF score for registering property (0100) 78.12 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 60.13
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 27 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 39.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 20.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

KUWAIT Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 39,050
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 96 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 61.23 Population 4,052,584

Starting a business (rank) 149 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 154
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.21 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 54.24
Procedures (number) 9.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 38.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 31.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 8.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 15.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 191
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 129 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 602
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 62.20 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 23 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Time (days) 236 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 89
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 332
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 491
Getting electricity (rank) 97 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 69.60 Enforcing contracts (rank) 73
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 6 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.58
Time (days) 85 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 92.48 Time (days) 566
Cost (% of income per capita) 64.2 Payments (number per year) 12 Cost (% of claim) 18.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 98 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 13.0
Registering property (rank) 70 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 110
DTF score for registering property (0100) 67.55 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.44
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 4.2
Time (days) 35 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 32.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 1,100
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 77 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 65.70 Population 6,082,700

Starting a business (rank) 29 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 84
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.94 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 73.34
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 21
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 37.0 Border compliance (hours) 20
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 145
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 31 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 445
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 76.85 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 142 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 200
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 512
Getting electricity (rank) 164 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 44.19 Enforcing contracts (rank) 139
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 151 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.57
Time (days) 125 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 56.55 Time (days) 410
Cost (% of income per capita) 814.4 Payments (number per year) 51 Cost (% of claim) 47.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 225 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 29.0
Registering property (rank) 8 Postfiling index (0100) 37.38 Resolving insolvency (rank) 119
DTF score for registering property (0100) 90.21 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.67
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 3.5 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 35.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
LAO PDR East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 2,150
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 141 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 53.01 Population 6,758,353

Starting a business (rank) 164 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 124
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 72.56 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 62.98
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 67 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 216
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 12
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 11.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 235
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 40 Protecting minority investors (rank) 172 Border compliance (US$) 73
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.25 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 31.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 216
Time (days) 83 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 14
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 115
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 153
Getting electricity (rank) 149 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 52.65 Enforcing contracts (rank) 97
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 156 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 56.22
Time (days) 134 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 54.18 Time (days) 443
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,132.5 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 31.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 2 Time (hours per year) 362 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 26.2
Registering property (rank) 65 Postfiling index (0100) 18.57 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 69.55 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 53 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 1.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

LATVIA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 14,630
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 19 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 79.26 Population 1,960,424

Starting a business (rank) 21 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 25
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.11 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 95.26
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 43.1 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 88.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 35
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 49 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 150
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.41 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 192 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 62 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 79.05 Enforcing contracts (rank) 20
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 13 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 71.66
Time (days) 107 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 89.79 Time (days) 469
Cost (% of income per capita) 278.1 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 23.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 168.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.9
Registering property (rank) 22 Postfiling index (0100) 98.11 Resolving insolvency (rank) 53
DTF score for registering property (0100) 81.87 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 59.10
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 16.5 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
LEBANON Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 7,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 133 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.67 Population 6,006,668

Starting a business (rank) 143 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 140
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 78.17 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 59.71
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 15 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 42.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 42.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 22.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 142 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 410
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.66 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 249 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 180
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 135
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 695
Getting electricity (rank) 123 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.07 Enforcing contracts (rank) 134
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 113 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 49.85
Time (days) 75 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.21 Time (days) 721
Cost (% of income per capita) 130.2 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 30.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 181 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.3
Registering property (rank) 102 Postfiling index (0100) 27.48 Resolving insolvency (rank) 147
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.93 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 29.42
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 34 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 31.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
LESOTHO Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,210
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 104 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.42 Population 2,203,821

Starting a business (rank) 119 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 40
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.06 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 91.60
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 29 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.5 Border compliance (hours) 4
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 167 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 150
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 51.57 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 183 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 5
Cost (% of warehouse value) 12.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 150
Getting electricity (rank) 152 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 52.09 Enforcing contracts (rank) 95
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 111 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 57.18
Time (days) 114 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.68 Time (days) 615
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,341.8 Payments (number per year) 32 Cost (% of claim) 31.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 333 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 13.6
Registering property (rank) 109 Postfiling index (0100) 66.94 Resolving insolvency (rank) 124
DTF score for registering property (0100) 58.12 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 36.91
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.6
Time (days) 43 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 8.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 27.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 9.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

LIBERIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 370
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 172 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 43.55 Population 4,613,823

Starting a business (rank) 54 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 177
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.77 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 27.77
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 144
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 193
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 155
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 184 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 1113
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 28.94 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 25 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 144
Time (days) 87 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 217
Cost (% of warehouse value) 39.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 2.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 230
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 1,013
Getting electricity (rank) 176 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 32.95 Enforcing contracts (rank) 174
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 69 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 35.23
Time (days) 482 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.70 Time (days) 1,300
Cost (% of income per capita) 4,174.9 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 35.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 139.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 45.5
Registering property (rank) 183 Postfiling index (0100) 98.62 Resolving insolvency (rank) 106
DTF score for registering property (0100) 31.04 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 40.43
Procedures (number) 10 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 44 Cost (% of estate) 30.0
Cost (% of property value) 13.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 17.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 3.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.0
LIBYA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 5,193
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 185 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 33.21 Population 6,293,253

Starting a business (rank) 167 Getting credit (rank) 186 Trading across borders (rank) 118
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 71.72 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 0.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 64.66
Procedures (number) 10 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 35 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 30.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 41.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 186 Protecting minority investors (rank) 183 Border compliance (US$) 575
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 0.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 25.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) no practice Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Time (days) no practice Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 79
Cost (% of warehouse value) no practice Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 637
Getting electricity (rank) 130 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 58.66 Enforcing contracts (rank) 141
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 128 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.41
Time (days) 118 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 63.61 Time (days) 690
Cost (% of income per capita) 422.4 Payments (number per year) 19 Cost (% of claim) 27.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 889 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 32.6
Registering property (rank) 187 Postfiling index (0100) 90.16 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 0.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) no practice Time (years) no practice
Time (days) no practice Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) no practice Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 0.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
LITHUANIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 14,770
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 16 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 79.87 Population 2,872,298

Starting a business (rank) 27 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 19
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.05 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 97.70
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 9
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 19.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 45.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 28
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 12 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 58
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 81.43 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 75 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 33 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.25 Enforcing contracts (rank) 4
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 18 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 78.80
Time (days) 85 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 87.81 Time (days) 370
Cost (% of income per capita) 42.0 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 23.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 109.3 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 15.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 42.7
Registering property (rank) 3 Postfiling index (0100) 97.52 Resolving insolvency (rank) 70
DTF score for registering property (0100) 92.94 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 49.37
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 2.3
Time (days) 3.5 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 45.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 28.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

LUXEMBOURG OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 76,660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 63 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.01 Population 582,972

Starting a business (rank) 70 Getting credit (rank) 173 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.76 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 15.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 16.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 18.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 7 Protecting minority investors (rank) 119 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 83.71 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 48.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 157 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 15.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 31 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 14
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 21 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 73.32
Time (days) 56 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 87.37 Time (days) 321
Cost (% of income per capita) 34.4 Payments (number per year) 23 Cost (% of claim) 9.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 55 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 20.5
Registering property (rank) 88 Postfiling index (0100) 83.75 Resolving insolvency (rank) 86
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.85 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.42
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 26.5 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 10.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 43.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 25.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
MACEDONIA, FYR Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 4,980
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 11 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 81.18 Population 2,081,206

Starting a business (rank) 22 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 27
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.94 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 93.87
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 9
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 39.7 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 45
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 26 Protecting minority investors (rank) 4 Border compliance (US$) 103
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.01 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 80.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 96 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 8
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 150
Getting electricity (rank) 53 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 81.42 Enforcing contracts (rank) 35
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 29 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.79
Time (days) 97 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.72 Time (days) 634
Cost (% of income per capita) 200.1 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 28.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 119 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 13.0
Registering property (rank) 48 Postfiling index (0100) 56.36 Resolving insolvency (rank) 30
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.49 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 72.54
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 30 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 47.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 25.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
MADAGASCAR Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 400
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 162 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 47.67 Population 24,894,551

Starting a business (rank) 76 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 134
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.76 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.95
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 8 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 49
Cost (% of income per capita) 35.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 70
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 5.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 117
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 183 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 868
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 35.88 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 58
Time (days) 185 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 99
Cost (% of warehouse value) 54.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 595
Getting electricity (rank) 184 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 21.07 Enforcing contracts (rank) 158
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 131 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 42.85
Time (days) 450 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 62.70 Time (days) 871
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,322.0 Payments (number per year) 23 Cost (% of claim) 33.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 183 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.1
Registering property (rank) 161 Postfiling index (0100) 21.84 Resolving insolvency (rank) 133
DTF score for registering property (0100) 44.63 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 34.24
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 100 Cost (% of estate) 8.5
Cost (% of property value) 9.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 11.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MALAWI Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 320
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 110 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.94 Population 18,091,575

Starting a business (rank) 152 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 117
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 76.43 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 65.29
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 37 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 75
Cost (% of income per capita) 44.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 23.5 Border compliance (hours) 78
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 342
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 144 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 243
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.22 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 55
Time (days) 153 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 55
Cost (% of warehouse value) 11.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 162
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 143
Getting electricity (rank) 166 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 43.43 Enforcing contracts (rank) 151
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 134 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 45.55
Time (days) 127 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 62.10 Time (days) 522
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,341.6 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 69.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 177.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 34.5
Registering property (rank) 96 Postfiling index (0100) 33.41 Resolving insolvency (rank) 138
DTF score for registering property (0100) 62.45 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.28
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.6
Time (days) 69 Cost (% of estate) 25.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 12.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
MALAYSIA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 9,850
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 24 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 78.43 Population 31,187,265

Starting a business (rank) 111 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 61
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.78 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 82.75
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 18.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 10
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 82.6 Border compliance (hours) 45
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 63.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 45
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 11 Protecting minority investors (rank) 4 Border compliance (US$) 321
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 82.19 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 80.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 10
Time (days) 78 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 69
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 321
Getting electricity (rank) 8 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 94.33 Enforcing contracts (rank) 44
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 73 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.61
Time (days) 31 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.07 Time (days) 425
Cost (% of income per capita) 28.0 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 37.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 188 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.2
Registering property (rank) 42 Postfiling index (0100) 52.65 Resolving insolvency (rank) 46
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.06 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 62.51
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 13 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 81.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 27.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
MALDIVES South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 7,430
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 136 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.42 Population 417,492

Starting a business (rank) 68 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 152
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.06 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 55.87
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 12 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 42
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 1.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 18.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 300
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 54 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) 596
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.87 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 61
Time (days) 140 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 100
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 180
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 981
Getting electricity (rank) 143 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.69 Enforcing contracts (rank) 106
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 118 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.07
Time (days) 91 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 66.08 Time (days) 760
Cost (% of income per capita) 283.5 Payments (number per year) 17 Cost (% of claim) 16.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 390.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.2
Registering property (rank) 174 Postfiling index (0100) 46.10 Resolving insolvency (rank) 139
DTF score for registering property (0100) 39.97 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.26
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 57 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 15.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 50.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 2.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MALI Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 750

Ease of doing business rank (1190) 143 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 52.92 Population 17,994,837

Starting a business (rank) 104 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 85
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.46 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 73.30
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 8.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 58.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.8 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 5.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 33
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 134 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 242
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.36 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 77
Time (days) 124 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 98
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 545
Getting electricity (rank) 154 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 51.12 Enforcing contracts (rank) 159
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 166 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 42.80
Time (days) 120 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 51.55 Time (days) 620
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,794.6 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 52.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.3
Registering property (rank) 137 Postfiling index (0100) 25.71 Resolving insolvency (rank) 94
DTF score for registering property (0100) 51.43 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.22
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.6
Time (days) 29 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 11.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
MALTA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 24,140
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 84 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.72 Population 436,947

Starting a business (rank) 102 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 41
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.83 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 91.01
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 16 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 53.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 25
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 45 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 325
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 73.86 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 167 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 230
Getting electricity (rank) 78 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 75.16 Enforcing contracts (rank) 37
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 71 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.57
Time (days) 106 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.19 Time (days) 505
Cost (% of income per capita) 222.5 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 21.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 139 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 43.9
Registering property (rank) 147 Postfiling index (0100) 52.51 Resolving insolvency (rank) 117
DTF score for registering property (0100) 48.86 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 38.07
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 15 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 13.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 38.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.5
MARSHALL ISLANDS East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 4,450
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 149 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 51.45 Population 53,066

Starting a business (rank) 72 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 67
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.49 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 80.59
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 17 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 60
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 20
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 71 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 220
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 70.93 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 7 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Time (days) 38 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 1.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 43
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 220
Getting electricity (rank) 126 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 59.26 Enforcing contracts (rank) 99
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 83 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.93
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 73.45 Time (days) 616
Cost (% of income per capita) 675.4 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 32.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 120 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 64.8
Registering property (rank) 187 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 167
DTF score for registering property (0100) 0.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 9.19
Procedures (number) no practice Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) no practice Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) no practice Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 17.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 0.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MAURITANIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,120
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 150 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 50.88 Population 4,301,018

Starting a business (rank) 43 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 138
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.80 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.30
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 51
Cost (% of income per capita) 19.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 62
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 7.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 92
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 109 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 749
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.03 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 64
Time (days) 104 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 69
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 400
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 580
Getting electricity (rank) 148 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 65
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 179 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.43
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 40.71 Time (days) 370
Cost (% of income per capita) 4,628.4 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 23.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 2 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 71.3
Registering property (rank) 98 Postfiling index (0100) 17.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 61.25 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 49 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 4.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
MAURITIUS Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 9,760
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 25 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 77.54 Population 1,263,473

Starting a business (rank) 40 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 70
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.00 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 79.90
Procedures (number) 5.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 9
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 38
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 86.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 128
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 9 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 303
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 82.45 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 9
Time (days) 98 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 41
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 166
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 372
Getting electricity (rank) 51 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.03 Enforcing contracts (rank) 27
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 10 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 69.58
Time (days) 81 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 90.85 Time (days) 519
Cost (% of income per capita) 229.4 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 25.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 152 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 21.9
Registering property (rank) 35 Postfiling index (0100) 87.65 Resolving insolvency (rank) 36
DTF score for registering property (0100) 77.89 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 69.06
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 17 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 67.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.5
MEXICO Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 9,040
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 49 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 72.27 Population 127,540,423

Starting a business (rank) 90 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 63
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.84 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 82.09
Procedures (number) 7.8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 8.4 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 8
Cost (% of income per capita) 17.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 20.4
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 87 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 400
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.28 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14.7 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 17.6
Time (days) 82.3 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 44.2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 9.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.7 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 450
Getting electricity (rank) 92 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 70.99 Enforcing contracts (rank) 41
Procedures (number) 6.8 Paying taxes (rank) 115 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.01
Time (days) 100.4 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 67.01 Time (days) 341
Cost (% of income per capita) 314.3 Payments (number per year) 6 Cost (% of claim) 33.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 240.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.1
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 52.1
Registering property (rank) 99 Postfiling index (0100) 40.51 Resolving insolvency (rank) 31
DTF score for registering property (0100) 60.81 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 72.31
Procedures (number) 7.7 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 38.8 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 67.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.3 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MICRONESIA, FED. STS. East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 3,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 155 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.99 Population 104,937

Starting a business (rank) 170 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 58
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 69.56 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 84.00
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 16 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Cost (% of income per capita) 141.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 36
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 137 Protecting minority investors (rank) 183 Border compliance (US$) 168
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.05 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 25.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 35
Time (days) 86 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 56
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 180
Getting electricity (rank) 109 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 0
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 64.48 Enforcing contracts (rank) 183
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 110 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 29.39
Time (days) 105 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.78 Time (days) 885
Cost (% of income per capita) 343.2 Payments (number per year) 21 Cost (% of claim) 66.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 128 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 60.5
Registering property (rank) 187 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 119
DTF score for registering property (0100) 0.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.67
Procedures (number) no practice Time (years) 5.3
Time (days) no practice Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) no practice Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 3.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 0.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
MOLDOVA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 2,120
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 44 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 73.00 Population 3,552,000

Starting a business (rank) 23 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 35
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.76 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 92.32
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 13.6 Border compliance (hours) 3
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 44
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 165 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 76
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 51.98 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 28 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 276 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 41
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 83
Getting electricity (rank) 80 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 74.65 Enforcing contracts (rank) 62
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 32 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.87
Time (days) 87 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.55 Time (days) 585
Cost (% of income per capita) 721.4 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 28.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 181 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 40.5
Registering property (rank) 20 Postfiling index (0100) 90.79 Resolving insolvency (rank) 65
DTF score for registering property (0100) 82.60 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 52.56
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 2.8
Time (days) 5.5 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
MONGOLIA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 3,550
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 62 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.03 Population 3,027,398

Starting a business (rank) 59 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 110
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.08 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 66.89
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 168
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 62
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 45.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 64
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 23 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 191
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.19 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 115
Time (days) 137 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 83
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 210
Getting electricity (rank) 139 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 55.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 88
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 62 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.48
Time (days) 79 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.32 Time (days) 374
Cost (% of income per capita) 618.9 Payments (number per year) 19 Cost (% of claim) 30.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 3 Time (hours per year) 134 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 24.7
Registering property (rank) 50 Postfiling index (0100) 49.08 Resolving insolvency (rank) 93
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.18 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.54
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 10.5 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 17.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MONTENEGRO Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 6,970
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 42 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 73.18 Population 622,781

Starting a business (rank) 60 Getting credit (rank) 12 Trading across borders (rank) 44
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.07 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 85.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 88.75
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 12 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 5
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 8
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 31.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 67
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 78 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 158
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 69.30 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 8 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 10
Time (days) 152 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 23
Cost (% of warehouse value) 10.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 306
Getting electricity (rank) 127 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 59.17 Enforcing contracts (rank) 42
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 70 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.75
Time (days) 142 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.67 Time (days) 545
Cost (% of income per capita) 425.6 Payments (number per year) 18 Cost (% of claim) 25.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 300 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 22.1
Registering property (rank) 76 Postfiling index (0100) 70.49 Resolving insolvency (rank) 37
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.76 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 68.70
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.4
Time (days) 69 Cost (% of estate) 8.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 49.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.5
MOROCCO Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 2,850
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 69 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 67.91 Population 35,276,786

Starting a business (rank) 35 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 65
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.46 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 81.12
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Cost (% of income per capita) 8.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 25.0 Border compliance (hours) 19
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 107
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 17 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 156
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 79.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Time (days) 88.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 106
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 116
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 228
Getting electricity (rank) 72 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.52 Enforcing contracts (rank) 57
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 25 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 61.85
Time (days) 49 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 85.72 Time (days) 510
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,791.6 Payments (number per year) 6 Cost (% of claim) 26.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 155 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 49.8
Registering property (rank) 86 Postfiling index (0100) 98.62 Resolving insolvency (rank) 134
DTF score for registering property (0100) 64.35 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 34.03
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.5
Time (days) 22 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 15.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
MOZAMBIQUE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 480
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 138 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.00 Population 28,829,476

Starting a business (rank) 137 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 109
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 79.86 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 67.25
Procedures (number) 10 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 19 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 70
Cost (% of income per capita) 18.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 66
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 7.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 220
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 56 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 602
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.80 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 118 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 14
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 171
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 354
Getting electricity (rank) 150 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 52.54 Enforcing contracts (rank) 184
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 117 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 27.32
Time (days) 68 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 66.13 Time (days) 950
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,817.3 Payments (number per year) 37 Cost (% of claim) 119.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 200 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 36.1
Registering property (rank) 104 Postfiling index (0100) 58.56 Resolving insolvency (rank) 75
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.27 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 48.20
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 40 Cost (% of estate) 20.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 31.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 9.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

MYANMAR East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 1,315
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 171 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 44.21 Population 52,885,223

Starting a business (rank) 155 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 163
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 75.42 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 47.67
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 14 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 144
Cost (% of income per capita) 40.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 142
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 140
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 73 Protecting minority investors (rank) 183 Border compliance (US$) 432
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 70.33 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 25.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 95 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 230
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 210
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 457
Getting electricity (rank) 151 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 52.52 Enforcing contracts (rank) 188
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 125 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 24.53
Time (days) 77 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 63.94 Time (days) 1,160
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,155.3 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 51.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 282 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.2
Registering property (rank) 134 Postfiling index (0100) 45.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 164
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.30 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 20.39
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 85 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 14.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 5.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
NAMIBIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 4,620
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 106 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 59.94 Population 2,479,713

Starting a business (rank) 172 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 132
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 68.90 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 61.47
Procedures (number) 10 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 66 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 90
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 61.0 Border compliance (hours) 120
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 348
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 107 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 745
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.10 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 160 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 63
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 145
Getting electricity (rank) 68 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 78.12 Enforcing contracts (rank) 59
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 79 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 61.58
Time (days) 37 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 74.52 Time (days) 460
Cost (% of income per capita) 343.7 Payments (number per year) 27 Cost (% of claim) 35.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 302 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 20.7
Registering property (rank) 175 Postfiling index (0100) 77.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 123
DTF score for registering property (0100) 38.35 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 37.04
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 52 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 13.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 34.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 8.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
NEPAL South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 730
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 105 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 59.95 Population 28,982,771

Starting a business (rank) 109 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 76
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.04 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 77.17
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 16.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 43
Cost (% of income per capita) 24.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 1.7 Border compliance (hours) 56
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 110
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 157 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 288
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 55.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 117 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 61
Cost (% of warehouse value) 16.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 190
Getting electricity (rank) 133 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 57.95 Enforcing contracts (rank) 153
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 146 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 45.26
Time (days) 70 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 58.01 Time (days) 910
Cost (% of income per capita) 993.7 Payments (number per year) 34 Cost (% of claim) 26.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 339 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 29.6
Registering property (rank) 84 Postfiling index (0100) 33.35 Resolving insolvency (rank) 76
DTF score for registering property (0100) 64.82 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 48.15
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 6 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 43.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 5.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

NETHERLANDS OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 46,310
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 32 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 76.03 Population 17,018,408

Starting a business (rank) 20 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.28 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 3.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 95.2 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 76 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 69.33 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 161 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 52 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 81.58 Enforcing contracts (rank) 69
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 20 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.94
Time (days) 110 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 87.59 Time (days) 514
Cost (% of income per capita) 29.5 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 23.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 119 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 40.7
Registering property (rank) 30 Postfiling index (0100) 91.95 Resolving insolvency (rank) 8
DTF score for registering property (0100) 80.04 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 84.22
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.1
Time (days) 2.5 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 6.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 89.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 28.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
NEW ZEALAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 39,070
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 1 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 86.55 Population 4,692,700

Starting a business (rank) 1 Getting credit (rank) 1 Trading across borders (rank) 56
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 99.96 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 100.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 84.63
Procedures (number) 1 Strength of legal rights index (012) 12 Time to export
Time (days) 0.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 37
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 67
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 3 Protecting minority investors (rank) 2 Border compliance (US$) 337
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 86.36 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 81.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 93 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 25
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 15.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 367
Getting electricity (rank) 37 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 83.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 21
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 9 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 71.48
Time (days) 58 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 91.08 Time (days) 216
Cost (% of income per capita) 72.4 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 27.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 140 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 34.5
Registering property (rank) 1 Postfiling index (0100) 96.90 Resolving insolvency (rank) 32
DTF score for registering property (0100) 94.47 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 71.85
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) 1.3
Time (days) 1 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 84.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
NICARAGUA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 2,050
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 131 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 55.39 Population 6,149,928

Starting a business (rank) 138 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 74
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 79.61 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 78.99
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 14 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 65.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 55.9 Border compliance (hours) 60
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 20.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 47
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 174 Protecting minority investors (rank) 167 Border compliance (US$) 150
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 45.82 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 35.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 16
Time (days) 225 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 3.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 86
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 400
Getting electricity (rank) 100 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 68.33 Enforcing contracts (rank) 87
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 159 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.58
Time (days) 55 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 52.86 Time (days) 490
Cost (% of income per capita) 856.5 Payments (number per year) 43 Cost (% of claim) 26.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 201 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 60.2
Registering property (rank) 148 Postfiling index (0100) 52.55 Resolving insolvency (rank) 102
DTF score for registering property (0100) 48.85 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 40.89
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.2
Time (days) 56 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 35.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

NIGER Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 370
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 144 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 52.34 Population 20,672,987

Starting a business (rank) 24 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 122
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.65 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 63.61
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 51
Cost (% of income per capita) 8.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.2 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 11.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 39
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 164 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 543
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 53.70 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 156
Time (days) 91 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 78
Cost (% of warehouse value) 13.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 282
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 462
Getting electricity (rank) 162 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 44.86 Enforcing contracts (rank) 137
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 160 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.70
Time (days) 97 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 52.49 Time (days) 430
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,632.6 Payments (number per year) 41 Cost (% of claim) 52.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 270 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 47.3
Registering property (rank) 116 Postfiling index (0100) 38.02 Resolving insolvency (rank) 112
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.15 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.19
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 35 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 20.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
NIGERIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 2,450
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 145 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 52.03 Population 185,989,640

Starting a business (rank) 130 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 183
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.80 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 19.93
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 18.9 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 131.4
Cost (% of income per capita) 28.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.8 Border compliance (hours) 135.4
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 250
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 147 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 785.7
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 58.81 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15.1 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 172.7
Time (days) 110.3 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 283.7
Cost (% of warehouse value) 18.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.8 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 564.3
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 1,076.8
Getting electricity (rank) 172 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 34.68 Enforcing contracts (rank) 96
Procedures (number) 9.8 Paying taxes (rank) 171 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 56.32
Time (days) 149.4 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 48.44 Time (days) 454
Cost (% of income per capita) 334.8 Payments (number per year) 59 Cost (% of claim) 42.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 360.4 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.9
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 34.8
Registering property (rank) 179 Postfiling index (0100) 47.48 Resolving insolvency (rank) 145
DTF score for registering property (0100) 34.08 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 30.60
Procedures (number) 11.3 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 68.9 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 10.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 27.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.4 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
NORWAY OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 82,330
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 8 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 82.16 Population 5,232,929

Starting a business (rank) 19 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 22
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.30 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 96.97
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 4 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 4.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 21 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 125
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 78.83 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 110.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 125
Getting electricity (rank) 23 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 10
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 87.46 Enforcing contracts (rank) 8
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 28 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 75.71
Time (days) 66 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 85.18 Time (days) 400
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.4 Payments (number per year) 4 Cost (% of claim) 9.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 83 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.5
Registering property (rank) 14 Postfiling index (0100) 63.69 Resolving insolvency (rank) 6
DTF score for registering property (0100) 87.26 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 85.94
Procedures (number) 1 Time (years) 0.9
Time (days) 3 Cost (% of estate) 1.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 93.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 20.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

OMAN Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 15,871
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 71 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 67.20 Population 4,424,762

Starting a business (rank) 31 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 72
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.85 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 79.39
Procedures (number) 4.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 6.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 7
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 52
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 26.7 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 107
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 60 Protecting minority investors (rank) 124 Border compliance (US$) 261
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.15 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 46.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 7
Time (days) 172 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 70
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 124
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 394
Getting electricity (rank) 61 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 79.35 Enforcing contracts (rank) 67
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 11 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.02
Time (days) 62 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 90.60 Time (days) 598
Cost (% of income per capita) 77.7 Payments (number per year) 15 Cost (% of claim) 15.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 68 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 23.9
Registering property (rank) 54 Postfiling index (0100) 85.32 Resolving insolvency (rank) 98
DTF score for registering property (0100) 73.62 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 42.40
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 16 Cost (% of estate) 3.5
Cost (% of property value) 5.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 38.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
PAKISTAN South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 1,510
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 147 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 51.65 Population 193,203,476

Starting a business (rank) 142 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 171
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 78.61 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 41.94
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 17.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 55
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 6.7 Border compliance (hours) 75
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 9.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 257
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 141 Protecting minority investors (rank) 20 Border compliance (US$) 406
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.72 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 71.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 143
Time (days) 262.1 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 129.3
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 735
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 9 Border compliance (US$) 936.6
Getting electricity (rank) 167 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 42.39 Enforcing contracts (rank) 156
Procedures (number) 5.4 Paying taxes (rank) 172 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 43.49
Time (days) 180.7 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 46.43 Time (days) 1,071
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,663.7 Payments (number per year) 47 Cost (% of claim) 20.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 311.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.7
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.8
Registering property (rank) 170 Postfiling index (0100) 10.49 Resolving insolvency (rank) 82
DTF score for registering property (0100) 41.41 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.83
Procedures (number) 7.7 Time (years) 2.6
Time (days) 154.8 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 44.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.6 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
PALAU East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 12,450
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 130 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 55.58 Population 21,503

Starting a business (rank) 124 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 133
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.96 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.98
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 28 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 102
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 7.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 85 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 505
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.38 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 19 Extent of disclosure index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Time (days) 72 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 605
Getting electricity (rank) 140 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 54.84 Enforcing contracts (rank) 126
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 107 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 52.21
Time (days) 125 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.22 Time (days) 810
Cost (% of income per capita) 64.7 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 35.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 52 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 75.5
Registering property (rank) 43 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 166
DTF score for registering property (0100) 75.16 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 16.38
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 14 Cost (% of estate) 22.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 30.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

PANAMA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 12,140
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 79 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 65.27 Population 4,034,119

Starting a business (rank) 39 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 54
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.02 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 85.47
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of income per capita) 5.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 66.8 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 88 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 270
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Time (days) 105 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 490
Getting electricity (rank) 18 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 89.77 Enforcing contracts (rank) 148
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 180 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 46.19
Time (days) 35 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 39.66 Time (days) 790
Cost (% of income per capita) 17.2 Payments (number per year) 52 Cost (% of claim) 38.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 417 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.2
Registering property (rank) 83 Postfiling index (0100) 12.84 Resolving insolvency (rank) 107
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.17 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.59
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 22.5 Cost (% of estate) 25.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 27.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
PAPUA NEW GUINEA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 2,528
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 109 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 59.04 Population 8,084,991

Starting a business (rank) 129 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 137
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.04 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.47
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 41 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.0 Border compliance (hours) 42
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 117 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 660
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 64.42 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 120
Time (days) 217 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 85
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 790
Getting electricity (rank) 107 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 65.53 Enforcing contracts (rank) 171
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 91 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 36.21
Time (days) 66 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 71.71 Time (days) 591
Cost (% of income per capita) 27.2 Payments (number per year) 32 Cost (% of claim) 110.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 199 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.3
Registering property (rank) 122 Postfiling index (0100) 77.12 Resolving insolvency (rank) 141
DTF score for registering property (0100) 55.38 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 32.31
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 72 Cost (% of estate) 23.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 25.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
PARAGUAY Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 4,070
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 108 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 59.18 Population 6,725,308

Starting a business (rank) 146 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 120
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.52 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 64.03
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 35 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 39.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 44.6 Border compliance (hours) 120
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 25.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 120
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 72 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 815
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 70.52 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 121 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 135
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 500
Getting electricity (rank) 104 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 67.09 Enforcing contracts (rank) 70
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 127 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.77
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 63.73 Time (days) 606
Cost (% of income per capita) 161.6 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 30.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 2 Time (hours per year) 378 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.0
Registering property (rank) 75 Postfiling index (0100) 46.56 Resolving insolvency (rank) 100
DTF score for registering property (0100) 66.12 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 41.32
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.9
Time (days) 46 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 21.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

PERU Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 5,950
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 58 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.45 Population 31,773,839

Starting a business (rank) 114 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 92
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.39 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.45
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 26.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 10.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 37.4 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 61 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 460
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.90 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 188 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 583
Getting electricity (rank) 63 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 79.01 Enforcing contracts (rank) 63
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 121 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.70
Time (days) 67 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 65.81 Time (days) 426
Cost (% of income per capita) 349.6 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 35.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 260 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.6
Registering property (rank) 44 Postfiling index (0100) 19.24 Resolving insolvency (rank) 84
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.90 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.69
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.1
Time (days) 7.5 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 29.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
PHILIPPINES East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 3,580
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 113 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.74 Population 103,320,222

Starting a business (rank) 173 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 99
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 68.88 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 69.39
Procedures (number) 16 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 28 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 8.0 Border compliance (hours) 42
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 3.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 53
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 101 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 456
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.84 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 23 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Time (days) 122 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (US$) 50
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 580
Getting electricity (rank) 31 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 149
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 105 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 45.96
Time (days) 37 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.27 Time (days) 962
Cost (% of income per capita) 25.3 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 31.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 182 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 42.9
Registering property (rank) 114 Postfiling index (0100) 50.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 59
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.55 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 55.22
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.7
Time (days) 35 Cost (% of estate) 32.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 21.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
POLAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 12,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 27 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 77.30 Population 37,948,016

Starting a business (rank) 120 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 82.78 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 37 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 12.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 85.7 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 10.7 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 41 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 12 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 153 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 54 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 81.35 Enforcing contracts (rank) 55
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 51 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 63.44
Time (days) 122 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.42 Time (days) 685
Cost (% of income per capita) 18.6 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 19.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 260 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 40.5
Registering property (rank) 38 Postfiling index (0100) 77.36 Resolving insolvency (rank) 22
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.49 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 77.71
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 33 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 63.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 19.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

PORTUGAL OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 19,850
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 29 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 76.84 Population 10,324,611

Starting a business (rank) 48 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.26 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 7.8 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 32 Protecting minority investors (rank) 57 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 76.52 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 60.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 113 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 58 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 80.18 Enforcing contracts (rank) 19
Procedures (number) 7 Paying taxes (rank) 38 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 71.74
Time (days) 46 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 83.75 Time (days) 547
Cost (% of income per capita) 36.0 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 17.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 243 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.8
Registering property (rank) 28 Postfiling index (0100) 92.71 Resolving insolvency (rank) 15
DTF score for registering property (0100) 80.26 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 79.67
Procedures (number) 1 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 1 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 63.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 14.5
PUERTO RICO (U.S.) Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 29,697
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 64 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 68.85 Population 3,411,307

Starting a business (rank) 47 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 64
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.29 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 81.86
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 48
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 138 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 386
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 60.17 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 22 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 165 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 386
Getting electricity (rank) 69 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.94 Enforcing contracts (rank) 113
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 161 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.41
Time (days) 32 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 52.42 Time (days) 630
Cost (% of income per capita) 228.3 Payments (number per year) 16 Cost (% of claim) 30.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 218 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 63.4
Registering property (rank) 153 Postfiling index (0100) 13.76 Resolving insolvency (rank) 9
DTF score for registering property (0100) 47.19 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 84.20
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 191 Cost (% of estate) 11.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 69.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
QATAR Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 67,630
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 83 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.86 Population 2,569,804

Starting a business (rank) 89 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 90
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.00 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.51
Procedures (number) 8.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 10
Cost (% of income per capita) 6.7 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 25
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 28.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 19 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 382
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 79.16 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 58 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 290
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 558
Getting electricity (rank) 65 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 78.60 Enforcing contracts (rank) 123
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 1 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 52.79
Time (days) 90 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 99.44 Time (days) 570
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.7 Payments (number per year) 4 Cost (% of claim) 21.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 41 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 11.3
Registering property (rank) 26 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 116
DTF score for registering property (0100) 81.06 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 38.41
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.8
Time (days) 13 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 30.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ROMANIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 9,470
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 45 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 72.87 Population 19,705,301

Starting a business (rank) 64 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.67 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 12 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 54.8 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 17.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 150 Protecting minority investors (rank) 57 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 58.13 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 60.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 24 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 260 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 147 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 53.34 Enforcing contracts (rank) 17
Procedures (number) 9 Paying taxes (rank) 42 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 72.25
Time (days) 174 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.86 Time (days) 512
Cost (% of income per capita) 510.9 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 25.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 163 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.4
Registering property (rank) 45 Postfiling index (0100) 76.82 Resolving insolvency (rank) 51
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.70 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 59.78
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.3
Time (days) 16 Cost (% of estate) 10.5
Cost (% of property value) 1.4 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 35.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
RUSSIAN FEDERATION Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 9,720
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 35 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.50 Population 144,342,396

Starting a business (rank) 28 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 100
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 93.03 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 69.20
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 10.1 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 25.4
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 81.8 Border compliance (hours) 72
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 92
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 115 Protecting minority investors (rank) 51 Border compliance (US$) 665
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.25 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 61.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14.4 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 42.5
Time (days) 239.4 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 38.6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 152.5
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 587.5
Getting electricity (rank) 10 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 92.81 Enforcing contracts (rank) 18
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 52 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 72.18
Time (days) 83 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.29 Time (days) 337
Cost (% of income per capita) 41.5 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 16.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 168 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 47.5
Registering property (rank) 12 Postfiling index (0100) 73.14 Resolving insolvency (rank) 54
DTF score for registering property (0100) 88.72 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 57.83
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 13 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 40.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
RWANDA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 700
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 41 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 73.40 Population 11,917,508

Starting a business (rank) 78 Getting credit (rank) 6 Trading across borders (rank) 87
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.66 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 90.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 72.44
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 4 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 42
Cost (% of income per capita) 44.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 19.5 Border compliance (hours) 97
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 8.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 110
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 112 Protecting minority investors (rank) 16 Border compliance (US$) 183
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 65.56 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 73.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 113 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 86
Cost (% of warehouse value) 13.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 14.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 121
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 282
Getting electricity (rank) 119 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.69 Enforcing contracts (rank) 85
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 31 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.62
Time (days) 34 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.60 Time (days) 230
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,722.6 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 82.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 94.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.2
Registering property (rank) 2 Postfiling index (0100) 63.68 Resolving insolvency (rank) 78
DTF score for registering property (0100) 93.26 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 47.79
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 7 Cost (% of estate) 29.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 19.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 28.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SAMOA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 4,100
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 87 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 63.89 Population 195,125

Starting a business (rank) 33 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 148
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.54 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 57.81
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 9 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 51
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 180
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 83 Protecting minority investors (rank) 76 Border compliance (US$) 1,400
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 68.68 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 56.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 25
Time (days) 58 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 84
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 230
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 900
Getting electricity (rank) 60 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 79.70 Enforcing contracts (rank) 86
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 64 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.59
Time (days) 34 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.04 Time (days) 455
Cost (% of income per capita) 615.2 Payments (number per year) 37 Cost (% of claim) 24.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 224 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 19.3
Registering property (rank) 66 Postfiling index (0100) 91.88 Resolving insolvency (rank) 137
DTF score for registering property (0100) 69.51 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.38
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 15 Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 18.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.5
SAN MARINO Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 46,447
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 93 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 62.47 Population 33,203

Starting a business (rank) 112 Getting credit (rank) 183 Trading across borders (rank) 20
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 83.65 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 5.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 97.48
Procedures (number) 8 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 12.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 9.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 30.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 68 Protecting minority investors (rank) 175 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.20 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 30.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 145.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 50
Getting electricity (rank) 14 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 0
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 90.63 Enforcing contracts (rank) 78
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 40 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.25
Time (days) 45 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 82.32 Time (days) 575
Cost (% of income per capita) 60.8 Payments (number per year) 18 Cost (% of claim) 13.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 52 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.4
Registering property (rank) 78 Postfiling index (0100) 67.80 Resolving insolvency (rank) 109
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.68 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.48
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.3
Time (days) 42.5 Cost (% of estate) 5.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 47.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.5
SO TOM AND PRNCIPE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,730
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 169 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 44.84 Population 199,910

Starting a business (rank) 148 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 114
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 77.33 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 66.03
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 46
Cost (% of income per capita) 13.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 83
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 192.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 11.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 194
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 103 Protecting minority investors (rank) 187 Border compliance (US$) 426
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.49 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 21.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 17
Time (days) 67 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 150
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 0 Border compliance (US$) 406
Getting electricity (rank) 115 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 61.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 185
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 135 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 27.00
Time (days) 89 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 61.81 Time (days) 1,185
Cost (% of income per capita) 370.8 Payments (number per year) 46 Cost (% of claim) 50.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 424 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.0
Registering property (rank) 171 Postfiling index (0100) 92.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 41.06 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 52 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 10.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 4.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SAUDI ARABIA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 21,750
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 92 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 62.50 Population 32,275,687

Starting a business (rank) 135 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 161
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.04 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 49.59
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 18 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 81
Cost (% of income per capita) 6.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 50.2 Border compliance (hours) 69
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 105
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 38 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 363
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.52 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 122
Time (days) 89.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 228
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 390
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 8 Border compliance (US$) 779
Getting electricity (rank) 59 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 79.88 Enforcing contracts (rank) 83
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 76 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.78
Time (days) 68 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 75.00 Time (days) 575
Cost (% of income per capita) 32.1 Payments (number per year) 3 Cost (% of claim) 27.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 47 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 15.7
Registering property (rank) 24 Postfiling index (0100) 0.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 81.19 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 1.5 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 0.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
SENEGAL Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 950
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 140 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 53.06 Population 15,411,614

Starting a business (rank) 63 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 135
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.70 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 60.85
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 26
Cost (% of income per capita) 33.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 2.4 Border compliance (hours) 61
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 4.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 96
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 145 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 547
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.11 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 177 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 53
Cost (% of warehouse value) 10.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 545
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 702
Getting electricity (rank) 118 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 60.76 Enforcing contracts (rank) 142
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 178 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.15
Time (days) 75 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 40.79 Time (days) 740
Cost (% of income per capita) 3,619.6 Payments (number per year) 58 Cost (% of claim) 36.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 441 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 45.1
Registering property (rank) 121 Postfiling index (0100) 42.67 Resolving insolvency (rank) 91
DTF score for registering property (0100) 55.41 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 44.12
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 56 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 29.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
SERBIA Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 5,280
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 43 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 73.13 Population 7,057,412

Starting a business (rank) 32 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 23
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.57 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 96.64
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 5.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 4
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 35
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 10 Protecting minority investors (rank) 76 Border compliance (US$) 47
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 82.38 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 56.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 110 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 35
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 52
Getting electricity (rank) 96 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 69.97 Enforcing contracts (rank) 60
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 82 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 61.41
Time (days) 125 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 73.63 Time (days) 635
Cost (% of income per capita) 223.5 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 40.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 225.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.7
Registering property (rank) 57 Postfiling index (0100) 91.09 Resolving insolvency (rank) 48
DTF score for registering property (0100) 72.59 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 60.49
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 21 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 34.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SEYCHELLES Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 15,410
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 95 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 61.41 Population 94,677

Starting a business (rank) 141 Getting credit (rank) 133 Trading across borders (rank) 88
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 78.68 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 35.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.79
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 32 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 44
Cost (% of income per capita) 13.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 82
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 66.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 115
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 131 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 332
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.90 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 33
Time (days) 151 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 97
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 93
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 341
Getting electricity (rank) 134 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 57.86 Enforcing contracts (rank) 130
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 29 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 51.25
Time (days) 137 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.72 Time (days) 915
Cost (% of income per capita) 349.6 Payments (number per year) 29 Cost (% of claim) 15.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 3 Time (hours per year) 85 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.1
Registering property (rank) 62 Postfiling index (0100) 93.42 Resolving insolvency (rank) 67
DTF score for registering property (0100) 70.75 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 52.14
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 33 Cost (% of estate) 11.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 38.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 10.0
SIERRA LEONE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 490
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 160 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.18 Population 7,396,190

Starting a business (rank) 83 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 162
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.95 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 48.99
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 36.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 55
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.5 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 227
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 182 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 552
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 38.43 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 137
Time (days) 182 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of warehouse value) 22.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 387
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 821
Getting electricity (rank) 178 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 30.65 Enforcing contracts (rank) 100
Procedures (number) 8 Paying taxes (rank) 85 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 55.92
Time (days) 82 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 72.86 Time (days) 515
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,365.7 Payments (number per year) 34 Cost (% of claim) 39.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 343 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.0
Registering property (rank) 165 Postfiling index (0100) 95.41 Resolving insolvency (rank) 159
DTF score for registering property (0100) 43.27 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 24.72
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.3
Time (days) 56 Cost (% of estate) 42.0
Cost (% of property value) 10.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 11.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
SINGAPORE East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 51,880
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 2 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 84.57 Population 5,607,283

Starting a business (rank) 6 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 42
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 96.49 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 89.57
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 2.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 67.8 Border compliance (hours) 10
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 37
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 16 Protecting minority investors (rank) 4 Border compliance (US$) 335
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 80.26 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 80.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Time (days) 54 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 33
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 220
Getting electricity (rank) 12 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 91.33 Enforcing contracts (rank) 2
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 7 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 83.61
Time (days) 30 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 91.58 Time (days) 164
Cost (% of income per capita) 25.3 Payments (number per year) 5 Cost (% of claim) 25.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 64 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 15.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 20.3
Registering property (rank) 19 Postfiling index (0100) 71.97 Resolving insolvency (rank) 27
DTF score for registering property (0100) 83.57 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 74.31
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 0.8
Time (days) 4.5 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 88.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 29.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SLOVAK REPUBLIC OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 16,810
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 39 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 74.90 Population 5,428,704

Starting a business (rank) 83 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.95 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 12.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 79.4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 17.2 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 3.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 91 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.82 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 286 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 57 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 80.31 Enforcing contracts (rank) 84
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 49 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.63
Time (days) 121 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 79.88 Time (days) 775
Cost (% of income per capita) 50.8 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 30.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 192 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 51.6
Registering property (rank) 7 Postfiling index (0100) 87.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 42
DTF score for registering property (0100) 91.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 66.08
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 16.5 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 47.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 26.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 13.0
SLOVENIA OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 21,660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 37 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.42 Population 2,064,845

Starting a business (rank) 46 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.48 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 39.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 100 Protecting minority investors (rank) 24 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.01 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 70.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 239.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 19 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 89.16 Enforcing contracts (rank) 122
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 58 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 52.97
Time (days) 38 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.78 Time (days) 1,160
Cost (% of income per capita) 107.1 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 12.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 245 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.0
Registering property (rank) 36 Postfiling index (0100) 59.94 Resolving insolvency (rank) 10
DTF score for registering property (0100) 77.05 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 83.69
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 0.8
Time (days) 49.5 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 88.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.5
SOLOMON ISLANDS East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 1,880
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 116 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.13 Population 599,419

Starting a business (rank) 94 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 156
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.42 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 53.45
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 60
Cost (% of income per capita) 28.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 1.1 Border compliance (hours) 110
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 257
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 57 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 630
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 72.74 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 37
Time (days) 98 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 108
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 215
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 740
Getting electricity (rank) 113 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 63.10 Enforcing contracts (rank) 156
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 37 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 43.49
Time (days) 53 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 83.81 Time (days) 497
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,273.7 Payments (number per year) 34 Cost (% of claim) 78.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 80 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 32.0
Registering property (rank) 152 Postfiling index (0100) 100.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 143
DTF score for registering property (0100) 47.37 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 31.95
Procedures (number) 10 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 86.5 Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 24.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SOMALIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 442
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 190 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 19.98 Population 14,317,996

Starting a business (rank) 187 Getting credit (rank) 186 Trading across borders (rank) 160
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 45.77 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 0.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 51.60
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 70 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 73
Cost (% of income per capita) 203.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 44
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 350
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 186 Protecting minority investors (rank) 190 Border compliance (US$) 495
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 0.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 0.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) no practice Extent of disclosure index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 76
Time (days) no practice Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 85
Cost (% of warehouse value) no practice Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 0 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (US$) 300
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 0 Border compliance (US$) 952
Getting electricity (rank) 187 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 0
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 0.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 110
Procedures (number) no practice Paying taxes (rank) 190 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.58
Time (days) no practice DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 0.00 Time (days) 575
Cost (% of income per capita) no practice Payments (number per year) no practice Cost (% of claim) 21.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) no practice Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) no practice
Registering property (rank) 150 Postfiling index (0100) no practice Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 47.83 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 188 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 1.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
SOUTH AFRICA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 5,480
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 82 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.89 Population 55,908,865

Starting a business (rank) 136 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 147
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 79.97 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 58.01
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 45 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 68
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 64.4 Border compliance (hours) 100
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 170
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 94 Protecting minority investors (rank) 24 Border compliance (US$) 428
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.53 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 70.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 20 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 36
Time (days) 149 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 144
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 213
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 657
Getting electricity (rank) 112 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 63.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 115
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 46 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.10
Time (days) 84 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.02 Time (days) 600
Cost (% of income per capita) 146.6 Payments (number per year) 7 Cost (% of claim) 33.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 210 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 28.9
Registering property (rank) 107 Postfiling index (0100) 55.45 Resolving insolvency (rank) 55
DTF score for registering property (0100) 58.43 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 57.59
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 23 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 34.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.5
SOUTH SUDAN Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 182
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 187 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 32.86 Population 12,230,730

Starting a business (rank) 181 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 178
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 55.68 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 26.19
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 13 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 192
Cost (% of income per capita) 305.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 146
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 194
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 178 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 763
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 42.54 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 23 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 360
Time (days) 124 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 179
Cost (% of warehouse value) 15.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 350
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 781
Getting electricity (rank) 187 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 0.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 81
Procedures (number) no practice Paying taxes (rank) 66 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.99
Time (days) no practice DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.75 Time (days) 228
Cost (% of income per capita) no practice Payments (number per year) 37 Cost (% of claim) 30.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 210 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.4
Registering property (rank) 181 Postfiling index (0100) 95.87 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 31.79 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 50 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 14.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 5.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SPAIN OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 27,520
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 28 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 77.02 Population 46,443,959

Starting a business (rank) 86 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 1
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.65 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 100.00
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 13 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 15.9 Border compliance (hours) 0
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 12.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 79.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 123 Protecting minority investors (rank) 24 Border compliance (US$) 0
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 63.50 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 70.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 208 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 5.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 42 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 9
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.99 Enforcing contracts (rank) 26
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 34 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 69.97
Time (days) 95 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.44 Time (days) 510
Cost (% of income per capita) 100.1 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 17.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 152 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 46.9
Registering property (rank) 53 Postfiling index (0100) 93.60 Resolving insolvency (rank) 19
DTF score for registering property (0100) 73.88 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 78.74
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 12.5 Cost (% of estate) 11.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 76.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
SRI LANKA South Asia GNI per capita (US$) 3,780
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 111 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.86 Population 21,203,000

Starting a business (rank) 77 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 86
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.74 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 73.29
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 10.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 35.0 Border compliance (hours) 43
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 58
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 76 Protecting minority investors (rank) 43 Border compliance (US$) 366
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 69.33 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 63.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 115 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 283
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 300
Getting electricity (rank) 93 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 70.98 Enforcing contracts (rank) 165
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 158 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 39.31
Time (days) 100 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 53.70 Time (days) 1,318
Cost (% of income per capita) 777.0 Payments (number per year) 47 Cost (% of claim) 22.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 168 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 55.2
Registering property (rank) 157 Postfiling index (0100) 49.31 Resolving insolvency (rank) 88
DTF score for registering property (0100) 45.92 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 44.99
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 51 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 42.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 2.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.0
ST. KITTS AND NEVIS Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 15,850
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 134 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.52 Population 54,821

Starting a business (rank) 91 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 66
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.76 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 81.04
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 18.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 27
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 33 Protecting minority investors (rank) 119 Border compliance (US$) 335
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 76.27 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 48.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 33
Time (days) 105 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 37
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 311
Getting electricity (rank) 94 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 70.10 Enforcing contracts (rank) 50
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 124 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 65.51
Time (days) 18 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 64.41 Time (days) 578
Cost (% of income per capita) 239.2 Payments (number per year) 39 Cost (% of claim) 26.6
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 203 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 49.7
Registering property (rank) 184 Postfiling index (0100) 75.73 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 28.80 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 224 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 11.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 9.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ST. LUCIA Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 7,670
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 91 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 62.88 Population 178,015

Starting a business (rank) 69 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 82
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.79 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 73.87
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 19
Cost (% of income per capita) 21.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 27
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 63
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 34 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 718
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 76.21 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 14
Time (days) 116 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 27
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 98
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 842
Getting electricity (rank) 43 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.88 Enforcing contracts (rank) 71
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 74 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.67
Time (days) 26 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 75.73 Time (days) 645
Cost (% of income per capita) 203.7 Payments (number per year) 35 Cost (% of claim) 37.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 110 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 34.7
Registering property (rank) 105 Postfiling index (0100) 77.80 Resolving insolvency (rank) 127
DTF score for registering property (0100) 59.16 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 35.83
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 17 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 43.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 4.0
ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 6,790
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 129 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 55.72 Population 109,643

Starting a business (rank) 85 Getting credit (rank) 159 Trading across borders (rank) 93
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 86.82 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 25.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.08
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 15.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 28
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 44 Protecting minority investors (rank) 96 Border compliance (US$) 425
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 74.42 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 51.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 92 Extent of director liability index (010) 8 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 90
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 875
Getting electricity (rank) 90 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 71.14 Enforcing contracts (rank) 53
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 101 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 63.66
Time (days) 52 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.26 Time (days) 595
Cost (% of income per capita) 52.5 Payments (number per year) 36 Cost (% of claim) 30.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 108 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 11.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 39.3
Registering property (rank) 166 Postfiling index (0100) 63.89 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 43.10 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 47 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 11.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
SUDAN Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 2,140
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 170 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 44.46 Population 39,578,828

Starting a business (rank) 159 Getting credit (rank) 173 Trading across borders (rank) 185
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 73.51 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 15.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 19.16
Procedures (number) 10.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 36.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 190
Cost (% of income per capita) 27.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 2.4 Border compliance (hours) 162
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 428
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 133 Protecting minority investors (rank) 186 Border compliance (US$) 950
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.63 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 23.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 132
Time (days) 270 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 144
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (US$) 420
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 1,093
Getting electricity (rank) 110 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 63.26 Enforcing contracts (rank) 146
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 163 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 46.91
Time (days) 70 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 51.80 Time (days) 810
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,311.2 Payments (number per year) 42 Cost (% of claim) 19.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 3 Time (hours per year) 180 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 45.4
Registering property (rank) 89 Postfiling index (0100) 20.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 154
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.62 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 26.39
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 11 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 31.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 5.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 3.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SURINAME Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 7,070
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 165 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 46.87 Population 558,368

Starting a business (rank) 186 Getting credit (rank) 177 Trading across borders (rank) 80
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 48.27 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 10.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 75.02
Procedures (number) 13.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 84.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 12
Cost (% of income per capita) 97.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 84
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 104 Protecting minority investors (rank) 167 Border compliance (US$) 468
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.40 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 35.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 1 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Time (days) 223 Extent of director liability index (010) 0 Border compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 6.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 658
Getting electricity (rank) 131 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 58.55 Enforcing contracts (rank) 187
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 102 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 25.94
Time (days) 113 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.55 Time (days) 1,715
Cost (% of income per capita) 633.7 Payments (number per year) 30 Cost (% of claim) 37.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 199 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 3.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 27.9
Registering property (rank) 156 Postfiling index (0100) 48.85 Resolving insolvency (rank) 135
DTF score for registering property (0100) 45.95 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.98
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 46 Cost (% of estate) 30.0
Cost (% of property value) 13.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 8.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
SWAZILAND Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 2,830
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 112 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.82 Population 1,343,098

Starting a business (rank) 158 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 32
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 74.35 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 92.92
Procedures (number) 12 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 30 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 16.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 44.2 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.3 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 76
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 102 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 134
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 66.72 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Time (days) 116 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 7.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 76
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 134
Getting electricity (rank) 159 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 47.24 Enforcing contracts (rank) 169
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 63 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 36.72
Time (days) 137 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.27 Time (days) 956
Cost (% of income per capita) 753.7 Payments (number per year) 33 Cost (% of claim) 56.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 122 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 35.2
Registering property (rank) 115 Postfiling index (0100) 83.15 Resolving insolvency (rank) 114
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.40 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 38.90
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 21 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 7.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.4
Quality of land administration index (030) 16.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
SWEDEN OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 54,630
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 10 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 81.27 Population 9,903,122

Starting a business (rank) 13 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 18
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.67 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 98.04
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 7 Depth of credit information index (08) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 2
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 11.1 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 40
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 27 Protecting minority investors (rank) 29 Border compliance (US$) 55
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 77.89 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 68.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 8 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1
Time (days) 117 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 0
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 6 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 96.21 Enforcing contracts (rank) 36
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 27 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.61
Time (days) 52 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 85.28 Time (days) 483
Cost (% of income per capita) 31.2 Payments (number per year) 6 Cost (% of claim) 30.4
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 122 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 12.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 49.1
Registering property (rank) 9 Postfiling index (0100) 90.75 Resolving insolvency (rank) 16
DTF score for registering property (0100) 90.11 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 79.53
Procedures (number) 1 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 7 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 78.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 27.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

SWITZERLAND OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 81,240
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 33 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 75.92 Population 8,372,098

Starting a business (rank) 73 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 38
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.38 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 91.79
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 25.6 Border compliance (hours) 1
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 25.4 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 62 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 201
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 156 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 1
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 75
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 201
Getting electricity (rank) 7 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 94.41 Enforcing contracts (rank) 45
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 19 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 66.49
Time (days) 39 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 87.66 Time (days) 510
Cost (% of income per capita) 59.2 Payments (number per year) 19 Cost (% of claim) 24.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 63 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 10.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 28.8
Registering property (rank) 16 Postfiling index (0100) 83.21 Resolving insolvency (rank) 45
DTF score for registering property (0100) 86.12 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 62.63
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 16 Cost (% of estate) 4.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 46.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 23.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.0
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,037
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 174 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 41.55 Population 18,430,453

Starting a business (rank) 133 Getting credit (rank) 173 Trading across borders (rank) 176
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 80.43 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 15.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 29.83
Procedures (number) 7.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 15.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 84
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 84.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 7.1 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 725
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 186 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 1,113
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 0.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) no practice Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 149
Time (days) no practice Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 141
Cost (% of warehouse value) no practice Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 742
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 828
Getting electricity (rank) 153 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 51.99 Enforcing contracts (rank) 161
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 81 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 42.58
Time (days) 146 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 73.97 Time (days) 872
Cost (% of income per capita) 247.3 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 29.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 336 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 42.7
Registering property (rank) 155 Postfiling index (0100) 92.20 Resolving insolvency (rank) 163
DTF score for registering property (0100) 46.88 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 21.44
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 4.1
Time (days) 48 Cost (% of estate) 16.0
Cost (% of property value) 28.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 10.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
TAIWAN, CHINA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 23,284
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 15 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 80.07 Population 23,539,816

Starting a business (rank) 16 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 55
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.43 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 84.94
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 10 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 5
Cost (% of income per capita) 2.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 98.4 Border compliance (hours) 17
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 84
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 4 Protecting minority investors (rank) 24 Border compliance (US$) 335
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 86.32 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 70.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Time (days) 93 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 47
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 13.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 65
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 340
Getting electricity (rank) 3 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 10
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 99.45 Enforcing contracts (rank) 10
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 56 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 75.11
Time (days) 22 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.96 Time (days) 510
Cost (% of income per capita) 38.9 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 18.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 221 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 14.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 34.3
Registering property (rank) 18 Postfiling index (0100) 63.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 20
DTF score for registering property (0100) 83.89 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 78.63
Procedures (number) 3 Time (years) 1.9
Time (days) 4 Cost (% of estate) 4.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 82.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 28.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

TAJIKISTAN Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 1,110
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 123 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.86 Population 8,734,951

Starting a business (rank) 57 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 149
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.54 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 57.17
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 66
Cost (% of income per capita) 19.3 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 39.4 Border compliance (hours) 75
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 330
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 136 Protecting minority investors (rank) 33 Border compliance (US$) 313
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.21 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 66.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 25 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 126
Time (days) 182 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 107
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (US$) 260
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 223
Getting electricity (rank) 171 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 35.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 54
Procedures (number) 9 Paying taxes (rank) 132 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 63.49
Time (days) 133 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 62.27 Time (days) 430
Cost (% of income per capita) 811.5 Payments (number per year) 6 Cost (% of claim) 25.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 224 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 65.2
Registering property (rank) 90 Postfiling index (0100) 40.40 Resolving insolvency (rank) 148
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.50 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 28.76
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.7
Time (days) 36 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 3.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 36.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 3.0
TANZANIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 900
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 137 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 54.04 Population 55,572,201

Starting a business (rank) 162 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 182
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 73.03 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 20.21
Procedures (number) 11 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 28 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of income per capita) 42.9 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 6.2 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 275
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 156 Protecting minority investors (rank) 129 Border compliance (US$) 1,160
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 56.43 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 45.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 24 Extent of disclosure index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (hours) 240
Time (days) 184 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 402
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.6 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 375
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 1,350
Getting electricity (rank) 82 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 73.96 Enforcing contracts (rank) 58
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 154 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 61.66
Time (days) 109 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 55.49 Time (days) 515
Cost (% of income per capita) 843.8 Payments (number per year) 60 Cost (% of claim) 14.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 207 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 44.1
Registering property (rank) 142 Postfiling index (0100) 67.17 Resolving insolvency (rank) 108
DTF score for registering property (0100) 50.13 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 39.52
Procedures (number) 8 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 67 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 5.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 21.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
THAILAND East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 5,640
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 26 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 77.44 Population 68,863,514

Starting a business (rank) 36 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 57
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 92.34 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 84.10
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 4.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 11
Cost (% of income per capita) 6.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 56.6 Border compliance (hours) 51
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 97
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 43 Protecting minority investors (rank) 16 Border compliance (US$) 223
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 74.58 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 73.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Time (days) 104 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 50
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 43
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 233
Getting electricity (rank) 13 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 90.99 Enforcing contracts (rank) 34
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 67 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.91
Time (days) 32 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 76.73 Time (days) 420
Cost (% of income per capita) 63.1 Payments (number per year) 21 Cost (% of claim) 16.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7 Time (hours per year) 262 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 28.7
Registering property (rank) 68 Postfiling index (0100) 73.41 Resolving insolvency (rank) 26
DTF score for registering property (0100) 68.75 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 75.64
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 1.5
Time (days) 7 Cost (% of estate) 18.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.3 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 68.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 12.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

TIMORLESTE East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 1,861
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 178 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 40.62 Population 1,268,671

Starting a business (rank) 151 Getting credit (rank) 170 Trading across borders (rank) 98
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 76.60 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 20.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 69.90
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 9 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 33
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 96
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 268.6 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 5.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 159 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 350
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 55.29 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 44
Time (days) 207 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 100
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 3.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 115
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 410
Getting electricity (rank) 114 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 62.96 Enforcing contracts (rank) 190
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 139 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 6.13
Time (days) 93 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 60.32 Time (days) 1,285
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,258.0 Payments (number per year) 18 Cost (% of claim) 163.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 276 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 2.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 11.2
Registering property (rank) 187 Postfiling index (0100) 1.38 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 0.00 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) no practice Time (years) no practice
Time (days) no practice Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) no practice Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 0.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
TOGO Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 540
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 156 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.88 Population 7,606,374

Starting a business (rank) 121 Getting credit (rank) 142 Trading across borders (rank) 121
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 82.51 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 30.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 63.66
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 6 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) 11
Cost (% of income per capita) 66.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 67
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 31.5 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.6 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 25
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 173 Protecting minority investors (rank) 146 Border compliance (US$) 163
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 47.24 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 40.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 180
Time (days) 163 Extent of director liability index (010) 1 Border compliance (hours) 168
Cost (% of warehouse value) 13.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 3.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 252
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 612
Getting electricity (rank) 142 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 54.30 Enforcing contracts (rank) 143
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 173 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.10
Time (days) 66 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 44.99 Time (days) 488
Cost (% of income per capita) 5,017.6 Payments (number per year) 49 Cost (% of claim) 47.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 216 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 5.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 48.5
Registering property (rank) 182 Postfiling index (0100) 14.85 Resolving insolvency (rank) 81
DTF score for registering property (0100) 31.57 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 46.41
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 283 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 9.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 34.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 6.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.0
TONGA East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 4,020
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 89 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 63.43 Population 107,122

Starting a business (rank) 53 Getting credit (rank) 42 Trading across borders (rank) 103
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 90.81 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 70.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 68.20
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 10 Time to export
Time (days) 16 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 168
Cost (% of income per capita) 7.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 17.0 Border compliance (hours) 52
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 70
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 13 Protecting minority investors (rank) 138 Border compliance (US$) 201
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 80.86 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 41.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 13 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 77 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 26
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 148
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 330
Getting electricity (rank) 74 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 76.28 Enforcing contracts (rank) 94
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 98 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 57.32
Time (days) 42 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 70.56 Time (days) 350
Cost (% of income per capita) 89.9 Payments (number per year) 30 Cost (% of claim) 30.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 200 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 27.5
Registering property (rank) 160 Postfiling index (0100) 52.53 Resolving insolvency (rank) 136
DTF score for registering property (0100) 44.64 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.97
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.7
Time (days) 112 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 15.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 15,680
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 102 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 60.68 Population 1,364,962

Starting a business (rank) 71 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 126
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 88.57 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 62.60
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 10.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 32
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 75.5 Border compliance (hours) 60
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 250
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 119 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 499
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 64.19 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 16 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 44
Time (days) 253 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 78
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 250
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 635
Getting electricity (rank) 33 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 2
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 84.25 Enforcing contracts (rank) 173
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 162 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 35.62
Time (days) 61 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 52.22 Time (days) 1,340
Cost (% of income per capita) 212.4 Payments (number per year) 39 Cost (% of claim) 33.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 210 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 36.2
Registering property (rank) 151 Postfiling index (0100) 8.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 72
DTF score for registering property (0100) 47.50 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 48.48
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.5
Time (days) 77 Cost (% of estate) 25.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 26.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 12.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
TUNISIA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 3,690
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 88 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 63.58 Population 11,403,248

Starting a business (rank) 100 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 96
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 85.02 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 70.50
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 3 Time to export
Time (days) 11 Depth of credit information index (08) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of income per capita) 4.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 50
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 26.9 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 200
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 95 Protecting minority investors (rank) 119 Border compliance (US$) 469
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.49 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 48.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 27
Time (days) 96 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 80
Cost (% of warehouse value) 6.2 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 144
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 596
Getting electricity (rank) 48 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.28 Enforcing contracts (rank) 76
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 140 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 59.33
Time (days) 65 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 60.14 Time (days) 565
Cost (% of income per capita) 712.1 Payments (number per year) 9 Cost (% of claim) 21.8
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 145 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 64.1
Registering property (rank) 93 Postfiling index (0100) 22.91 Resolving insolvency (rank) 63
DTF score for registering property (0100) 63.21 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 54.53
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 1.3
Time (days) 39 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 6.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 52.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 11.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.5
TURKEY Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 11,180
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 60 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 69.14 Population 79,512,426

Starting a business (rank) 80 Getting credit (rank) 77 Trading across borders (rank) 71
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 87.59 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 55.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 79.71
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 6.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 5
Cost (% of income per capita) 12.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 16
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 7.8 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 80.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 87
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 96 Protecting minority investors (rank) 20 Border compliance (US$) 376
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 67.26 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 71.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 9 Documentary compliance (hours) 11
Time (days) 103 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 41
Cost (% of warehouse value) 4.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 142
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 7 Border compliance (US$) 655
Getting electricity (rank) 55 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 81.02 Enforcing contracts (rank) 30
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 88 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 68.87
Time (days) 55 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 72.40 Time (days) 580
Cost (% of income per capita) 457.7 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 24.9
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 215.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 41.1
Registering property (rank) 46 Postfiling index (0100) 50.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 139
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.67 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 33.26
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 7 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 15.3
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

UGANDA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 660
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 122 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 56.94 Population 41,487,965

Starting a business (rank) 165 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 127
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 72.25 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 62.08
Procedures (number) 13 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 24 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 51
Cost (% of income per capita) 33.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 6.4 Border compliance (hours) 64
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 102
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 148 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 209
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 58.37 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 18 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 138
Time (days) 122 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 154
Cost (% of warehouse value) 8.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 296
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 412
Getting electricity (rank) 173 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 6
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 34.11 Enforcing contracts (rank) 64
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 84 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.60
Time (days) 66 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 73.10 Time (days) 490
Cost (% of income per capita) 7,508.4 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 31.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 195 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 8.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 33.7
Registering property (rank) 124 Postfiling index (0100) 72.28 Resolving insolvency (rank) 113
DTF score for registering property (0100) 54.99 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 38.94
Procedures (number) 10 Time (years) 2.2
Time (days) 42 Cost (% of estate) 29.5
Cost (% of property value) 3.1 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
UKRAINE Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 2,310
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 76 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 65.75 Population 45,004,645

Starting a business (rank) 52 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 119
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.05 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 64.26
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 6.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.8 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 47.3 Border compliance (hours) 26
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 292
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 35 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 75
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.81 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 168
Time (days) 76 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 212
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 100
Getting electricity (rank) 128 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 58.80 Enforcing contracts (rank) 82
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 43 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 58.96
Time (days) 281 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 80.77 Time (days) 378
Cost (% of income per capita) 525.2 Payments (number per year) 5 Cost (% of claim) 46.3
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 327.5 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 9.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 37.8
Registering property (rank) 64 Postfiling index (0100) 85.95 Resolving insolvency (rank) 149
DTF score for registering property (0100) 69.61 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 28.24
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) 2.9
Time (days) 17 Cost (% of estate) 40.5
Cost (% of property value) 1.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 8.9
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.5
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 40,480
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 21 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 78.73 Population 9,269,612

Starting a business (rank) 51 Getting credit (rank) 90 Trading across borders (rank) 91
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.16 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 50.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 71.50
Procedures (number) 4.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 2 Time to export
Time (days) 8.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of income per capita) 13.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 54.5 Border compliance (hours) 27
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 8.8 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 178
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 2 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 462
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 86.38 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 12
Time (days) 50.5 Extent of director liability index (010) 9 Border compliance (hours) 54
Cost (% of warehouse value) 2.3 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 4 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 15.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 283
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 9 Border compliance (US$) 678
Getting electricity (rank) 1 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 99.92 Enforcing contracts (rank) 12
Procedures (number) 2 Paying taxes (rank) 1 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 74.02
Time (days) 10 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 99.44 Time (days) 445
Cost (% of income per capita) 25.2 Payments (number per year) 4 Cost (% of claim) 21.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 12 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 15.9
Registering property (rank) 10 Postfiling index (0100) not applicable Resolving insolvency (rank) 69
DTF score for registering property (0100) 90.02 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 49.80
Procedures (number) 2 Time (years) 3.2
Time (days) 1.5 Cost (% of estate) 20.0
Cost (% of property value) 0.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 28.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 21.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

UNITED KINGDOM OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 42,390
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 7 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 82.22 Population 65,637,239

Starting a business (rank) 14 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 28
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 94.58 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 93.76
Procedures (number) 4 Strength of legal rights index (012) 7 Time to export
Time (days) 4.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 4
Cost (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 24
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 25
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 14 Protecting minority investors (rank) 10 Border compliance (US$) 280
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 80.39 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 75.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 9 Extent of disclosure index (010) 10 Documentary compliance (hours) 2
Time (days) 86 Extent of director liability index (010) 7 Border compliance (hours) 3
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 0
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 0
Getting electricity (rank) 9 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 8
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 93.29 Enforcing contracts (rank) 31
Procedures (number) 3 Paying taxes (rank) 23 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 68.69
Time (days) 79 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 86.70 Time (days) 437
Cost (% of income per capita) 24.9 Payments (number per year) 8 Cost (% of claim) 45.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 110 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 15.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 30.7
Registering property (rank) 47 Postfiling index (0100) 71.00 Resolving insolvency (rank) 14
DTF score for registering property (0100) 74.51 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 80.24
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 21.5 Cost (% of estate) 6.0
Cost (% of property value) 4.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 85.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 24.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 11.0
UNITED STATES OECD high income GNI per capita (US$) 56,180
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 6 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 82.54 Population 323,127,513

Starting a business (rank) 49 Getting credit (rank) 2 Trading across borders (rank) 36
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 91.23 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 95.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 92.01
Procedures (number) 6 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 5.6 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 1.5
Cost (% of income per capita) 1.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 1.5
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 60
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 36 Protecting minority investors (rank) 42 Border compliance (US$) 175
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 75.77 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 64.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 15.8 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7.4 Documentary compliance (hours) 7.5
Time (days) 80.6 Extent of director liability index (010) 8.6 Border compliance (hours) 1.5
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 9 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (US$) 100
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4.4 Border compliance (US$) 175
Getting electricity (rank) 49 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5.4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.14 Enforcing contracts (rank) 16
Procedures (number) 4.8 Paying taxes (rank) 36 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 72.61
Time (days) 89.6 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 84.13 Time (days) 420
Cost (% of income per capita) 23.7 Payments (number per year) 10.6 Cost (% of claim) 30.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 7.2 Time (hours per year) 175 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 13.8
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 43.8
Registering property (rank) 37 Postfiling index (0100) 94.04 Resolving insolvency (rank) 3
DTF score for registering property (0100) 76.80 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 91.07
Procedures (number) 4.4 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 15.2 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.5 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 82.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 17.6 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 15.0
URUGUAY Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 15,230
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 94 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 61.99 Population 3,444,006

Starting a business (rank) 61 Getting credit (rank) 68 Trading across borders (rank) 151
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 89.80 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 60.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 56.29
Procedures (number) 5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 4 Time to export
Time (days) 6.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 24
Cost (% of income per capita) 22.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Border compliance (hours) 120
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 100.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 231
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 161 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) 1,095
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 54.90 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 21 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 251 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.0 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 8 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 8.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) 285
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 375
Getting electricity (rank) 50 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 1
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 82.12 Enforcing contracts (rank) 112
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 106 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 54.44
Time (days) 48 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 69.26 Time (days) 725
Cost (% of income per capita) 11.4 Payments (number per year) 20 Cost (% of claim) 23.2
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 190 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 41.8
Registering property (rank) 112 Postfiling index (0100) 49.54 Resolving insolvency (rank) 66
DTF score for registering property (0100) 57.59 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 52.15
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 1.8
Time (days) 66 Cost (% of estate) 7.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 41.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 22.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 9.5
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

UZBEKISTAN Europe & Central Asia GNI per capita (US$) 2,220
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 74 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 66.33 Population 31,848,200

Starting a business (rank) 11 Getting credit (rank) 55 Trading across borders (rank) 168
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 95.54 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 65.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 44.31
Procedures (number) 3 Strength of legal rights index (012) 6 Time to export
Time (days) 5 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 174
Cost (% of income per capita) 3.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 40.1 Border compliance (hours) 112
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 292
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 135 Protecting minority investors (rank) 62 Border compliance (US$) 278
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 61.26 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 58.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 17 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 174
Time (days) 246 Extent of director liability index (010) 3 Border compliance (hours) 111
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.4 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 11.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 292
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) 278
Getting electricity (rank) 27 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 85.50 Enforcing contracts (rank) 39
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 78 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 67.26
Time (days) 88 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 74.78 Time (days) 225
Cost (% of income per capita) 883.1 Payments (number per year) 10 Cost (% of claim) 20.5
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 8 Time (hours per year) 181 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.3
Registering property (rank) 73 Postfiling index (0100) 48.39 Resolving insolvency (rank) 87
DTF score for registering property (0100) 66.34 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 45.00
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 2.0
Time (days) 46 Cost (% of estate) 10.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.2 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 37.2
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 8.0
VANUATU East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 2,815
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 90 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 63.08 Population 270,402

Starting a business (rank) 128 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 143
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 81.23 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 59.13
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 18 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 44.4 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 9.4 Border compliance (hours) 38
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 190
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 151 Protecting minority investors (rank) 108 Border compliance (US$) 709
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 57.58 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 50.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 14 Extent of disclosure index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (hours) 48
Time (days) 124 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 126
Cost (% of warehouse value) 7.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 5.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (US$) 183
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 2 Border compliance (US$) 681
Getting electricity (rank) 86 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 72.01 Enforcing contracts (rank) 135
Procedures (number) 4 Paying taxes (rank) 57 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 49.27
Time (days) 120 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 77.85 Time (days) 430
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,090.4 Payments (number per year) 31 Cost (% of claim) 56.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 5 Time (hours per year) 120 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 8.5
Registering property (rank) 80 Postfiling index (0100) 69.04 Resolving insolvency (rank) 96
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.63 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 43.04
Procedures (number) 4 Time (years) 2.6
Time (days) 58 Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 45.1
Quality of land administration index (030) 18.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
VENEZUELA, RB Latin America & Caribbean GNI per capita (US$) 9,258
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 188 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 30.87 Population 31,568,179

Starting a business (rank) 190 Getting credit (rank) 122 Trading across borders (rank) 187
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 25.00 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 40.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 7.93
Procedures (number) 20 Strength of legal rights index (012) 1 Time to export
Time (days) 230 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 528
Cost (% of income per capita) 351.6 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 27.4 Border compliance (hours) 288
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 375
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 143 Protecting minority investors (rank) 177 Border compliance (US$) 1,250
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 59.27 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 26.67 Time to import
Procedures (number) 11 Extent of disclosure index (010) 3 Documentary compliance (hours) 1,090
Time (days) 434 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 240
Cost (% of warehouse value) 1.8 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.5 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 400
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 3 Border compliance (US$) 1,500
Getting electricity (rank) 186 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 16.85 Enforcing contracts (rank) 147
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 189 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 46.89
Time (days) 208 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 15.18 Time (days) 720
Cost (% of income per capita) 16,713.5 Payments (number per year) 70 Cost (% of claim) 43.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 792 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 65.0
Registering property (rank) 135 Postfiling index (0100) 19.72 Resolving insolvency (rank) 165
DTF score for registering property (0100) 52.29 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 18.66
Procedures (number) 9 Time (years) 4.0
Time (days) 52 Cost (% of estate) 38.0
Cost (% of property value) 2.7 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 5.6
Quality of land administration index (030) 5.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

VIETNAM East Asia & Pacific GNI per capita (US$) 2,050
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 68 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 67.93 Population 92,701,100

Starting a business (rank) 123 Getting credit (rank) 29 Trading across borders (rank) 94
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 82.02 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 75.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 70.83
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 22 Depth of credit information index (08) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 50
Cost (% of income per capita) 6.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 19.7 Border compliance (hours) 55
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 51.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 139
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 20 Protecting minority investors (rank) 81 Border compliance (US$) 290
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 79.03 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 55.00 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (hours) 76
Time (days) 166 Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) 56
Cost (% of warehouse value) 0.7 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 2 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 183
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 6 Border compliance (US$) 373
Getting electricity (rank) 64 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 7
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 78.69 Enforcing contracts (rank) 66
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 86 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 60.22
Time (days) 46 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 72.77 Time (days) 400
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,191.8 Payments (number per year) 14 Cost (% of claim) 29.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 6 Time (hours per year) 498 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.5
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 38.1
Registering property (rank) 63 Postfiling index (0100) 95.71 Resolving insolvency (rank) 129
DTF score for registering property (0100) 70.61 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 35.16
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 5.0
Time (days) 57.5 Cost (% of estate) 14.5
Cost (% of property value) 0.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 21.8
Quality of land administration index (030) 14.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 7.5
WEST BANK AND GAZA Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 3,230
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 114 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 58.68 Population 4,551,566

Starting a business (rank) 169 Getting credit (rank) 20 Trading across borders (rank) 49
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 69.59 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 80.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 86.67
Procedures (number) 10.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 8 Time to export
Time (days) 43.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Cost (% of income per capita) 45.1 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) 6
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 19.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 80
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 154 Protecting minority investors (rank) 160 Border compliance (US$) 51
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 56.70 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 38.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 20 Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) 45
Time (days) 108 Extent of director liability index (010) 5 Border compliance (hours) 6
Cost (% of warehouse value) 13.9 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 6 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 12.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 2 Documentary compliance (US$) 85
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 1 Border compliance (US$) 50
Getting electricity (rank) 87 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 3
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 71.46 Enforcing contracts (rank) 124
Procedures (number) 5 Paying taxes (rank) 109 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 52.51
Time (days) 47 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 68.84 Time (days) 540
Cost (% of income per capita) 1,475.3 Payments (number per year) 28 Cost (% of claim) 27.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 4 Time (hours per year) 162 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 15.3
Registering property (rank) 94 Postfiling index (0100) 34.47 Resolving insolvency (rank) 168
DTF score for registering property (0100) 62.71 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 7 Time (years) no practice
Time (days) 51 Cost (% of estate) no practice
Cost (% of property value) 3.0 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 0.0
Quality of land administration index (030) 13.5 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 0.0
YEMEN, REP. Middle East & North Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,040
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 186 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 33.00 Population 27,584,213

Starting a business (rank) 163 Getting credit (rank) 186 Trading across borders (rank) 189
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 72.68 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 0.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 0.00
Procedures (number) 6.5 Strength of legal rights index (012) 0 Time to export
Time (days) 40.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 0 Documentary compliance (hours) no practice
Cost (% of income per capita) 73.5 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Border compliance (hours) no practice
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 1.3 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) no practice
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 186 Protecting minority investors (rank) 132 Border compliance (US$) no practice
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 0.00 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 43.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) no practice Extent of disclosure index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (hours) no practice
Time (days) no practice Extent of director liability index (010) 4 Border compliance (hours) no practice
Cost (% of warehouse value) no practice Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 3 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 0.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 5 Documentary compliance (US$) no practice
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 4 Border compliance (US$) no practice
Getting electricity (rank) 187 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 0.00 Enforcing contracts (rank) 140
Procedures (number) no practice Paying taxes (rank) 80 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 48.52
Time (days) no practice DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 74.13 Time (days) 645
Cost (% of income per capita) no practice Payments (number per year) 44 Cost (% of claim) 30.0
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 248 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 4.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 26.6
Registering property (rank) 82 Postfiling index (0100) 96.34 Resolving insolvency (rank) 156
DTF score for registering property (0100) 65.21 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 26.14
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 3.0
Time (days) 19 Cost (% of estate) 15.0
Cost (% of property value) 1.8 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 19.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0
Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.

Reform making it easier to do business Change making it more difficult to do business

ZAMBIA Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 1,300
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 85 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 64.50 Population 16,591,390

Starting a business (rank) 101 Getting credit (rank) 2 Trading across borders (rank) 150
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 84.89 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 95.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 56.88
Procedures (number) 7 Strength of legal rights index (012) 11 Time to export
Time (days) 8.5 Depth of credit information index (08) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 96
Cost (% of income per capita) 34.2 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 8.7 Border compliance (hours) 120
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 0.0 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 200
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 69 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 370
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 71.04 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 72
Time (days) 189 Extent of director liability index (010) 6 Border compliance (hours) 120
Cost (% of warehouse value) 3.1 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 7 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 10.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 6 Documentary compliance (US$) 175
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 380
Getting electricity (rank) 155 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 4
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 49.92 Enforcing contracts (rank) 128
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 15 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 51.74
Time (days) 117 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 88.71 Time (days) 611
Cost (% of income per capita) 588.5 Payments (number per year) 11 Cost (% of claim) 38.7
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 164 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 7.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 15.6
Registering property (rank) 149 Postfiling index (0100) 85.94 Resolving insolvency (rank) 89
DTF score for registering property (0100) 48.69 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 44.85
Procedures (number) 6 Time (years) 1.0
Time (days) 45 Cost (% of estate) 9.0
Cost (% of property value) 9.9 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 48.5
Quality of land administration index (030) 7.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 6.0
ZIMBABWE Sub-Saharan Africa GNI per capita (US$) 940
Ease of doing business rank (1190) 159 Overall distance to frontier (DTF) score (0100) 48.47 Population 16,150,362

Starting a business (rank) 180 Getting credit (rank) 105 Trading across borders (rank) 153
DTF score for starting a business (0100) 59.28 DTF score for getting credit (0100) 45.00 DTF score for trading across borders (0100) 55.47
Procedures (number) 9 Strength of legal rights index (012) 5 Time to export
Time (days) 61 Depth of credit information index (08) 4 Documentary compliance (hours) 99
Cost (% of income per capita) 110.0 Credit bureau coverage (% of adults) 32.0 Border compliance (hours) 74
Minimum capital (% of income per capita) 0.0 Credit registry coverage (% of adults) 3.2 Cost to export
Documentary compliance (US$) 170
Dealing with construction permits (rank) 175 Protecting minority investors (rank) 89 Border compliance (US$) 285
DTF score for dealing with construction permits (0100) 44.73 DTF score for protecting minority investors (0100) 53.33 Time to import
Procedures (number) 10 Extent of disclosure index (010) 8 Documentary compliance (hours) 81
Time (days) 238 Extent of director liability index (010) 2 Border compliance (hours) 228
Cost (% of warehouse value) 22.5 Ease of shareholder suits index (010) 5 Cost to import
Building quality control index (015) 9.0 Extent of shareholder rights index (010) 7 Documentary compliance (US$) 150
Extent of ownership and control index (010) 5 Border compliance (US$) 562
Getting electricity (rank) 161 Extent of corporate transparency index (010) 5
DTF score for getting electricity (0100) 44.90 Enforcing contracts (rank) 166
Procedures (number) 6 Paying taxes (rank) 143 DTF score for enforcing contracts (0100) 38.73
Time (days) 106 DTF score for paying taxes (0100) 58.83 Time (days) 410
Cost (% of income per capita) 2,602.6 Payments (number per year) 51 Cost (% of claim) 83.1
Reliability of supply and transparency of tariffs index (08) 0 Time (hours per year) 242 Quality of judicial processes index (018) 6.0
Total tax and contribution rate (% of profit) 31.6
Registering property (rank) 108 Postfiling index (0100) 52.84 Resolving insolvency (rank) 155
DTF score for registering property (0100) 58.21 DTF score for resolving insolvency (0100) 26.21
Procedures (number) 5 Time (years) 3.3
Time (days) 36 Cost (% of estate) 22.0
Cost (% of property value) 7.6 Recovery rate (cents on the dollar) 19.7
Quality of land administration index (030) 10.0 Strength of insolvency framework index (016) 5.0

Note: Most indicator sets refer to a case scenario in the largest business city of an economy, though for 11 economies the data are a population-weighted average for the two largest business cities. For some
indicators a result of no practice may be recorded for an economy; see the data notes for more details. In starting a business, procedures (number), time (days) and cost (% of income per capita) are calculated
as the average of both men and women. For the postfiling index, a result of not applicable may be recorded for an economy.
Doing Business 2018

Market Regulation
Regulation of the labor market is an employeespoor firm productiv-
important aspect of the business envi- ity. Doing Business 2018 data show that
ronment that can influence employment 68.9% of economies provide at least
dynamics and productivity.1 Labor market five fully-paid days of sick leave annu-
imperfections can negatively affect job ally. The under-regulation of the labor
quality and job creation.2 Regulation can market may disproportionally affect
mitigate market failures and contribute specific groups. For female employees,
to a more productive allocation of labor discrimination in access to employment
resources within an economy. While and persistent gaps in income may
reforms toward more flexible labor regu- discourage them from entering the labor
lation could increase employment,3 labor market or participating in it to their full
under-regulation can also have negative potential. Doing Business 2018 data show
impacts by, for example, creating an that 48% of economies prohibit gender-
unsafe workplace or undermining worker based discrimination in hiring and 40.5%
quality of life. By setting the right incen- mandate equal remuneration for work
tives and deterrents for both employers of equal value.
and employees, labor regulation could
contribute to labor mobility and produc- In recent years Doing Business has
tivity growth.4 developed a more nuanced approach to
its labor market indicators by expanding
The challenge in developing labor policies its methodological scope, going beyond
is to avoid the extremes of both over- and the areas traditionally measured by
under-regulation by balancing labor flex- the report. Historically, Doing Business
ibility with worker protection. More flex- measured flexibility in the regulation of
ible regulation may allow an economy to employment as it relates to the hiring and
better adjust to economic shocks, varia- redundancy of employees and the sched-
tions in the business cycle and long-term uling of working hours. However, several
structural shifts, such as technological new components were added since Doing
and demographic changes. Data collected Business 2016, including the availability of
for Doing Business 2018 show that 64.7% at least five fully-paid days of sick leave
of economies allow the use of fixed-term a year, length of paid maternity leave,
contracts for permanent tasks and 78.9% unemployment protection, gender
do not have restrictions on night work. In nondiscrimination in hiring and equal
21.4% of economies the law requires the remuneration for work of equal value.
employer to reassign or retrain a worker This methodological expansion stemmed
before making that worker redundant. from a collaborative dialogue with inter-
ested stakeholders and the International
On the other hand, a lack of worker protec- Labor Organization. The changes
tion can lead to lower standards of living implemented were aimed at providing a
andwith unhealthy and unmotivated more comprehensive measure by setting

the right balance in labor market regula-

tion. The Doing Business labor market
indicators serve as an essential resource
for academics, journalists, private sector
researchers and others interested in labor
market regulation.

1. Martin and Scarpetta 2012.
2. World Bank 2012.
3. Amin 2007.
4. Martin and Scarpetta 2012.


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Afghanistan No No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 15.0 50.0 25.0 Yes No No Yes 20.0
Albania Yes No limit 182.3 0.4 3.0 5.5 50.0 25.0 25.0 Yes Yes No No 20.0
Algeria Yes No limit 187.1 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 Yes No No No 22.0
Angola No 120.0 148.4 0.3 3.0 6.0 10.0 75.0 20.0 Yes Yes Yes No 22.0
Antigua and Barbuda No No limit 604.9 0.4 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 12.0
Argentina Yes 60.0 936.7 0.6 3.0 5.5 13.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 18.0
Armenia Yes No limit 117.0 0.3 3.0 6.0 30.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Australia No No limit 2,068.3 0.3 6.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Austria No No limit 1,590.5 0.3 1.0 5.5 67.0 100.0 50.0 Yes Yes No No 25.0
Azerbaijan No 60.0 95.5 0.2 3.0 6.0 40.0 100.0 100.0 Yes No No Yes 17.0
Bahamas, The No No limit 867.5 0.3 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 11.7
Bahrain No 60.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 37.5 No Yes No No 30.0
Bangladesh (Chittagong) No No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 100.0 No Yes No No 17.0
Bangladesh (Dhaka) No No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 100.0 No Yes No No 17.0
Barbados No No limit 518.2 0.3 n.a. 5.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.3
Belarus No No limit 156.9 0.2 3.0 6.0 20.0 100.0 100.0 No Yes No No 18.0
Belgium No No limit 2,280.1 0.4 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 Yes Yes Yes No 20.0
Belize No No limit 332.0 0.6 6.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 12.0
Benin No 48.0 70.2 0.6 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Bhutan No No limit 54.1 0.2 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Bolivia h
Yes 24.0 291.7 0.7 3.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 100.0 No No No No 21.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina No 36.0 232.5 0.4 6.0 6.0 25.0 15.0 25.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Botswana No No limit 84.5 0.1 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) Yes 24.0 382.0 0.4 3.0 6.0 20.0 0.0 50.0 Yes Yes No No 26.0
Brazil (So Paulo) Yes 24.0 348.9 0.3 3.0 6.0 20.0 0.0 60.0 Yes Yes No No 26.0
Brunei Darussalam No No limit 0.0 0.0 n.a. 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No No 11.7
Bulgaria No 36.0 266.8 0.3 6.0 6.0 7.6 0.0 50.0 Yes Yes No Yes 20.0
Burkina Faso No No limit 90.8 0.9 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 No Yes Yes No 22.0
Burundi No No limit 2.4 0.1 6.0 6.0 35.0 0.0 35.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Cabo Verde Yes 60.0 115.3 0.3 2.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 35.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Cambodia No 24.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 30.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 19.3
Cameroon No 48.0 72.2 0.4 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 No Yes No No 25.0

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes 4.3 17.3 No No Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No Yes 10.1 10.7 Yes Yes Yes 365 No No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 4.3 13.0 Yes No Yes 98 Yes No No 36.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4.3 13.6 Yes No Yes 90 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes No 3.4 12.8 No Yes Yes 91 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 7.2 23.1 Yes Yes Yes 90 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No Yes No No 8.7 4.3 No No Yes 140 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes No No 3.3 8.7 Yes Yes Yes 126 No Yes Yes 0.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 2.0 0.0 Yes No Yes 112 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 8.7 13.0 No Yes Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 6.5
Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 2.0 10.7 No Yes Yes 91 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 4.3 60.7 No No Yes 60 Yes Yes Yes 0.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 26.7 No No Yes 112 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 26.7 No No Yes 112 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No Yes 3.7 12.5 No No Yes 84 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No Yes Yes No 8.7 13.0 Yes No Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 0.0
Yes No No No No No No No 19.7 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 105 No Yes No 14.4
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.7 8.3 No No Yes 98 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 7.3 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 8.3 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 56 Yes Yes No n.a.
No n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Yes No Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes 2.0 7.2 Yes Yes Yes 365 No Yes Yes 8.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 3.8 16.8 No No Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 6.6 8.9 No Yes Yes 120 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 6.6 8.9 No Yes Yes 120 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 3.0 0.0 No No Yes 91 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 4.3 Yes Yes Yes 410 No Yes Yes 9.0
Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 6.1 Yes No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes 8.7 7.2 No Yes Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 2.1 15.2 No No Yes 60 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes 7.9 11.4 No Yes Yes 90 No No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 11.6 8.3 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Canada No No limit 1,565.7 0.3 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 10.0
Central African Republic Yes 24.0 77.1 1.4 2.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 .. No Yes Yes No 25.3
Chad No 48.0 111.4 0.9 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 Yes No No No 24.7
Chile No 12.0 393.9 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 30.0 50.0 No Yes No No 15.0
China (Beijing) No No limit 290.1 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 6.7
China (Shanghai) No No limit 353.0 0.4 6.0 6.0 34.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 6.7
Colombia No No limit 267.5 0.3 2.0 6.0 35.0 75.0 25.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Comoros No 36.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 28.3 0.0 25.0 No Yes Yes No 22.0
Congo, Dem. Rep. Yes 48.0 65.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 25.0 0.0 37.5 Yes Yes No No 13.0
Congo, Rep. Yes 24.0 198.6 0.7 4.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 13.7 No Yes Yes Yes 29.7
Costa Rica Yes 12.0 588.3 0.4 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 Yes No No No 12.0
Cte d'Ivoire No 24.0 103.7 0.4 2.0 6.0 37.5 0.0 23.8 No Yes No No 27.4
Croatia Yes No limit 497.1 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Yes Yes Yes No 20.0
Cyprus No 30.0 1,076.2 0.4 24.0 5.5 0.0 100.0 100.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Czech Republic No 108.0 559.6 0.3 3.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 25.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Denmark No No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 25.0
Djibouti Yes 24.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No Yes 30.0
Dominica No No limit 344.9 0.4 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 13.3
Dominican Republic Yes No limit 334.7 0.4 3.0 5.5 0.0 100.0 35.0 No Yes Yes No 16.7
Ecuador Yes No limit 434.8 0.6 3.0 5.0 25.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 12.0
Egypt, Arab Rep. No No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 35.0 No Yes No No 24.0
El Salvador Yes No limit 252.7 0.5 1.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 125.0 Yes Yes Yes No 11.0
Equatorial Guinea Yes 24.0 745.9 0.8 1.0 6.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 No Yes Yes No 22.0
Eritrea Yes No limit 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 No Yes No No 19.0
Estonia Yes 120.0 533.2 0.2 4.0 5.0 25.0 0.0 50.0 Yes Yes No No 24.0
Ethiopia Yes No limit 0.0 0.0 1.5 6.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 No Yes No No 18.3
Fiji No No limit 296.3 0.5 3.0 6.0 4.3 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 10.0
Finland Yes 60.0 2,026.1 0.3 6.0 6.0 15.7 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 30.0
France Yes 18.0 1,765.1 0.3 2.0 6.0 7.5 20.0 25.0 Yes Yes Yes No 30.3
Gabon No 48.0 275.0 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Gambia, The No No limit 0.0 0.0 12.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 0.0
Georgia No 30.0 17.7 0.0 6.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 24.0

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes No No No No No No No 5.0 5.0 Yes No Yes 105 No No Yes 3.2
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4.3 17.3 No No Yes 98 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 7.2 5.8 Yes Yes Yes 98 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 23.1 No No Yes 126 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4.3 23.1 No Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4.3 23.1 No Yes Yes 128 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 16.7 No No Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 8.7 5.0 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes .. No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 10.3 0.0 No Yes Yes 98 No No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 8.7 6.9 No No Yes 105 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 14.4 No No Yes 120 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No Yes 5.8 7.3 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 7.9 7.2 Yes Yes Yes 208 Yes Yes Yes 9.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 5.7 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 126 No No Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 8.7 11.6 Yes Yes Yes 196 No No Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 126 No Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 4.3 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No Yes 10.1 9.3 No No Yes 84 No No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.0 22.2 No No Yes 98 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 0.0 31.8 Yes No Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 10.1 26.7 No No Yes 90 Yes No Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 22.9 No No Yes 112 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4.3 34.3 Yes No Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 3.1 12.3 No No Yes 60 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes No 8.6 4.3 Yes Yes Yes 140 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No 8.7 10.5 No No Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 5.3 No Yes Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 10.1 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 105 No Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7.2 4.6 Yes Yes Yes 112 Yes No Yes 4.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 14.4 4.3 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 26.0 26.0 No No Yes 180 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 4.3 No No Yes 183 Yes Yes No n.a.


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Germany No No limit 1,736.1 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Ghana No No limit 45.4 0.2 n.a. 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Greece Yes No limit 687.5 0.3 12.0 6.0 25.0 75.0 27.5 No Yes Yes No 22.3
Grenada Yes No limit 250.4 0.2 1.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 13.3
Guatemala Yes No limit 411.2 0.7 2.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes 15.0
Guinea No 24.0 50.0 0.7 1.0 6.0 20.0 0.0 30.0 No Yes Yes No 30.0
Guinea-Bissau Yes 12.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 6.0 25.0 50.0 0.0 No No No No 21.0
Guyana No No limit 202.9 0.4 n.a. 5.5 0.0 0.0 50.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Haiti No No limit 154.1 1.5 0.0 6.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No No 13.0
Honduras Yes 24.0 460.4 1.6 2.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 37.5 Yes Yes No No 16.7
Hong Kong SAR, China No No limit 885.3 0.2 1.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 10.3
Hungary No 60.0 465.9 0.3 3.0 5.0 15.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 21.3
Iceland No 24.0 2,079.3 0.3 3.0 6.0 0.9 0.8 1.4 No Yes No No 24.0
India (Delhi) No No limit 217.6 1.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 Yes No Yes Yes 15.0
India (Mumbai) No No limit 134.1 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 Yes No Yes Yes 21.0
Indonesia (Jakarta) Yes 36.0 248.9 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 75.0 No Yes No No 12.0
Indonesia (Surabaya) Yes 36.0 244.5 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 75.0 No Yes No No 12.0
Iran, Islamic Rep. No No limit 300.8 0.5 1.0 6.0 35.0 40.0 40.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Iraq Yes 12.0 120.4 0.1 3.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 Yes No No No 23.0
Ireland No No limit 1,832.8 0.3 12.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Israel No No limit 1,280.4 0.3 n.a. 5.5 0.0 50.0 25.0 No Yes Yes No 18.0
Italy No 36.0 1,973.7 0.5 2.0 6.0 15.0 30.0 15.0 No Yes No No 26.0
Jamaica No No limit 213.7 0.4 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 No Yes No No 11.7
Japan (Osaka) No No limit 1,329.5 0.3 n.a. 6.0 25.0 35.0 25.0 No Yes No Yes 15.3
Japan (Tokyo) No No limit 1,403.3 0.3 n.a. 6.0 25.0 35.0 25.0 No Yes No Yes 15.3
Jordan No No limit 299.4 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 25.0 Yes No No Yes 18.7
Kazakhstan No No limit 91.4 0.1 3.0 6.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No No 18.0
Kenya No No limit 233.2 1.1 12.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Kiribati No No limit 173.7 0.5 n.a. 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Yes Yes No Yes 30.0
Korea, Rep. No 24.0 967.7 0.3 3.0 6.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No No 17.0
Kosovo No No limit 150.0 0.3 6.0 6.0 30.0 50.0 30.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Kuwait No No limit 198.6 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 25.0 No No Yes Yes 30.0

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 10.0 11.6 No Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 3.6 46.2 No No Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No 0.0 15.9 Yes Yes Yes 119 Yes No Yes 4.0
Yes No No No No No No No 7.2 5.3 Yes Yes Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 27.0 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 5.8 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.0 26.0 No No Yes 60 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 7.0 Yes Yes Yes 91 No No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 10.1 0.0 No No Yes 42 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 7.2 23.1 No Yes Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 1.4 No Yes Yes 70 No No Yes 0.0
Yes No No No No No No No 6.2 7.2 No Yes Yes 168 No Yes Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 13.0 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 90 No Yes Yes 3.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 11.4 No Yes Yes 182 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 11.4 No Yes Yes 182 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 0.0 57.8 No No Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 0.0 57.8 No No Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 0.0 23.1 No No Yes 270 No No Yes 6.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 0.0 10.7 No Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No No 3.7 10.7 Yes Yes Yes 182 No No No 24.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 23.1 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4.5 0.0 Yes No Yes 150 No No Yes 3.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.0 10.0 No No Yes 56 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 0.0 No Yes Yes 98 No No Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 0.0 No Yes Yes 98 No No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4.3 0.0 No No Yes 70 Yes Yes No 36.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 4.3 No Yes Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 0.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 4.3 2.1 Yes Yes Yes 90 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No 3.7 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 4.3 23.1 No Yes Yes 90 Yes No Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes 4.3 7.2 Yes Yes Yes 270 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 13.0 15.1 No No Yes 70 Yes Yes Yes 6.0


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Kyrgyz Republic Yes 60.0 17.4 0.1 3.0 6.0 50.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Lao PDR No 36.0 105.8 0.4 2.0 6.0 15.0 150.0 50.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Latvia Yes 60.0 434.6 0.2 3.0 5.5 50.0 0.0 100.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Lebanon No 24.0 438.9 0.5 3.0 5.5 0.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 15.0
Lesotho No No limit 140.7 0.8 4.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 25.0 Yes Yes No No 12.0
Liberia No No limit 141.4 2.5 3.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 16.5
Libya No 48.0 323.7 0.5 1.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 30.0
Lithuania No 60.0 433.5 0.2 3.0 5.5 50.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.7
Luxembourg Yes 24.0 2,764.4 0.3 6.0 5.5 0.0 70.0 40.0 No Yes Yes No 25.0
Macedonia, FYR No 60.0 262.5 0.4 6.0 6.0 35.0 50.0 35.0 Yes Yes No No 20.0
Madagascar Yes 24.0 55.7 0.9 3.0 6.0 30.0 40.0 30.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Malawi Yes No limit 27.5 0.5 12.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 18.0
Malaysia No No limit 257.2 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 13.3
Maldives No 24.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 25.0 No Yes No No 30.0
Mali Yes 72.0 67.4 0.5 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Malta No 48.0 837.4 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Marshall Islands No No limit 517.5 0.8 n.a. 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 0.0
Mauritania No 24.0 90.8 0.6 1.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 No Yes Yes No 18.0
Mauritius No 24.0 236.8 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 17.0
Mexico (Mexico City) Yes No limit 151.7 0.1 1.0 6.0 0.0 25.0 100.0 No Yes No Yes 12.0
Mexico (Monterrey) Yes No limit 151.7 0.1 1.0 6.0 0.0 25.0 100.0 No Yes No Yes 12.0
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. No No limit 361.7 0.7 n.a. 7.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 0.0
Moldova Yes No limit 110.4 0.5 0.5 6.0 50.0 100.0 50.0 Yes Yes Yes No 20.0
Mongolia No No limit 116.9 0.3 3.0 5.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes No Yes 16.0
Montenegro No 24.0 218.9 0.3 6.0 6.0 40.0 0.0 40.0 No No No No 20.7
Morocco Yes 12.0 268.3 0.8 1.5 6.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 No Yes Yes No 19.5
Mozambique Yes 72.0 103.4 1.3 3.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes Yes No 24.0
Myanmar No No limit 68.3 0.4 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 Yes Yes No No 10.0
Namibia No No limit 0.0 0.0 n.a. 5.5 6.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Nepal Yes No limit 89.1 0.9 12.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 No No No No 18.0
Netherlands No 24.0 931.8 0.2 2.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 20.0
New Zealand No No limit 1,942.8 0.4 3.0 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 20.0

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 13.0 No No Yes 126 No No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 6.4 27.7 No No Yes 105 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes No 4.3 8.7 Yes Yes Yes 112 No No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 8.7 0.0 No No Yes 70 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 10.7 Yes No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 21.3 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 15.2 Yes No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes No 8.7 15.9 Yes Yes Yes 126 Yes Yes No 18.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes 17.3 4.3 Yes Yes Yes 112 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 8.7 No Yes Yes 270 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 5.8 8.9 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 12.3 Yes Yes Yes 56 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No No 6.7 17.2 No No Yes 60 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 7.2 0.0 No Yes Yes 60 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 9.3 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 7.3 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 126 No Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 0.0 No No No n.a. n.a. No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 6.1 No Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 4.3 69.3 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.0 22.0 No Yes Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.0 22.0 No Yes Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 0.0 No No No n.a. n.a. No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 8.7 15.0 No Yes Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 9.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 4.3 No No Yes 120 Yes Yes Yes 9.0
Yes No No No No Yes No No 4.3 6.9 Yes Yes Yes 45 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 7.2 13.5 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes No No 36.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 33.2 No No Yes 60 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 18.8 No No Yes 98 No Yes No 36.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 5.3 Yes Yes Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4.3 22.9 No No Yes 52 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 8.7 7.2 Yes Yes Yes 112 Yes No Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No Yes No No 0.0 0.0 No Yes No n.a. No Yes No n.a.


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Nicaragua No No limit 227.3 0.9 1.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 Yes Yes Yes Yes 30.0
Niger Yes 48.0 52.6 0.8 6.0 6.0 37.5 0.0 10.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Nigeria (Kano) No No limit 81.8 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 6.0
Nigeria (Lagos) No No limit 81.8 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 6.0
Norway No 48.0 3,286.3 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 Yes Yes Yes No 21.0
Omanh No No limit 845.3 0.5 3.0 5.0 50.0 100.0 25.0 Yes No No Yes 22.0
Pakistan (Karachi) Yes 9.0 129.8 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 Yes No Yes No 14.0
Pakistan (Lahore) Yes 9.0 129.8 0.6 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 Yes No Yes No 14.0
Palau No No limit 693.5 0.5 n.a. 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 0.0
Panama Yes 12.0 558.8 0.4 3.0 6.0 13.0 50.0 50.0 No Yes Yes Yes 22.0
Papua New Guinea No No limit 213.0 0.6 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 11.0
Paraguay Yes No limit 365.0 0.7 1.0 6.0 30.0 100.0 50.0 Yes Yes No Yes 20.0
Peru Yes 60.0 258.3 0.3 3.0 6.0 35.0 100.0 25.0 No Yes No No 13.0
Philippines No No limit 293.5 0.6 6.0 6.0 10.0 30.0 25.0 No Yes No No 5.0
Poland No 33.0 540.2 0.4 3.0 5.5 20.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Portugal Yes 36.0 735.2 0.3 3.0 6.0 25.0 50.0 31.3 No Yes Yes No 22.0
Puerto Rico (U.S.) No No limit 1,256.7 0.3 9.0 7.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 11.0
Qatar No No limit 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 Yes Yes No Yes 22.0
Romania Yes 60.0 365.7 0.3 3.0 5.0 25.0 100.0 75.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Russian Federation
Yes 60.0 299.0 0.3 3.0 6.0 20.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes Yes No 22.0
Russian Federation
Yes 60.0 272.5 0.2 3.0 6.0 20.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes Yes No 22.0
(St. Petersburg)
Rwanda No No limit 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 19.3
Samoa No No limit 207.6 0.4 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 10.0
San Marino Yes 18.0 2,147.1 0.4 1.6 6.0 35.0 0.0 26.3 No Yes No No 26.0
So Tom and Prncipe Yes 36.0 71.0 0.3 1.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 37.5 No No Yes No 26.0
Saudi Arabia No 48.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 No No Yes No 23.3
Senegal Yes 24.0 160.9 1.1 2.0 6.0 38.0 0.0 10.0 No Yes Yes Yes 24.3
Serbia Yes 24.0 212.0 0.3 6.0 6.0 26.0 110.0 26.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Seychelles No No limit 575.5 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Sierra Leone Yes No limit 84.5 1.1 6.0 5.5 15.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 23.0
Singapore No No limit 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 10.7

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 14.9 No Yes Yes 84 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 4.3 9.7 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No Yes No 3.2 0.0 No No Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No Yes No 3.2 0.0 No No Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes 8.7 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 343 No Yes Yes 0.0
No n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. No No Yes 50 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 4.3 22.9 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 4.3 22.9 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 0.0 0.0 No No No n.a. n.a. No No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No 0.0 18.1 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 3.3 9.2 No No Yes 0 n.a. Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 10.8 18.6 Yes No Yes 126 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 0.0 11.4 Yes No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 4.3 23.1 Yes No Yes 60 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 10.1 8.7 No Yes Yes 140 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No 7.9 9.1 Yes Yes Yes 120 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 0.0 0.0 No Yes Yes 56 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 7.2 16.0 No No Yes 50 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No Yes Yes 4.0 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 126 No Yes Yes 12.0

Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 8.7 8.7 No Yes Yes 140 Yes Yes Yes 0.0

Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 8.7 8.7 No Yes Yes 140 Yes Yes Yes 0.0

Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No 4.3 8.7 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 3.3 0.0 Yes No Yes 28 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0.0 0.0 No No Yes 630 No Yes Yes 9.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4.3 26.0 No No Yes 98 Yes No No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 8.6 15.2 No No Yes 70 Yes Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 10.5 No No Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes No Yes 0.0 7.7 Yes Yes Yes 135 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 4.3 7.6 No No Yes 98 No Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 13.0 62.5 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No No 3.0 0.0 No No Yes 105 Yes Yes No n.a.


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

Slovak Republic No 24.0 502.1 0.3 3.0 6.0 20.0 0.0 25.0 No Yes No No 25.0
Slovenia Yes 24.0 919.8 0.3 6.0 6.0 75.0 100.0 30.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Solomon Islands No No limit 114.5 0.4 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No No No No 15.0
Somalia No No limit 0.0 0.0 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 No No No No 80.0
South Africa Yes No limit 285.5 0.4 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 Yes Yes No No 18.3
South Sudan No 48.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No No No No 23.3
Spain Yes 48.0 1,005.9 0.3 6.0 5.5 6.6 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 22.0
Sri Lanka No No limit 75.1 0.2 n.a. 5.5 0.0 0.0 50.0 Yes No No No 14.0
St. Kitts and Nevis No No limit 563.3 0.3 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 14.0
St. Lucia No 24.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 21.0
St. Vincent and the
No No limit 311.9 0.4 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 18.7
Sudan No 48.0 67.1 0.2 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No No No No 23.3
Suriname No No limit 215.4 0.2 2.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 16.0
Swaziland No No limit 130.5 0.3 3.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Sweden No 24.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes Yes No 25.0
Switzerland No 120.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 6.0 25.0 50.0 25.0 Yes Yes Yes No 20.0
Syrian Arab Republic No 60.0 35.2 0.2 3.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 37.5 No No Yes No 21.7
Taiwan, China Yes No limit 649.8 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 33.0 No Yes No No 12.7
Tajikistan Yes No limit 60.4 0.4 3.0 6.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 Yes Yes No No 18.0
Tanzania Yes No limit 54.5 0.4 6.0 6.0 5.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 20.0
Thailand Yes No limit 229.4 0.3 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 6.0
Timor-Leste Yes 36.0 115.0 0.4 1.0 6.0 25.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes Yes No 12.0
Togo Yes 48.0 92.0 1.1 2.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 20.0 No Yes No No 30.0
Tonga h
No No limit 0.0 0.0 n.a. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes Yes No 0.0
Trinidad and Tobago No No limit 411.9 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 10.0
Tunisia No 48.0 243.4 0.5 6.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 25.0 No No No No 19.0
Turkey Yes No limit 616.3 0.4 2.0 6.0 0.0 100.0 50.0 Yes No No No 18.0
Uganda No No limit 1.9 0.0 12.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Ukraine Yes No limit 133.8 0.5 3.0 5.5 20.0 100.0 100.0 No No Yes Yes 18.0
United Arab Emirates No No limit 0.0 0.0 6.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 25.0 No No Yes No 26.0
United Kingdom No No limit 1,409.2 0.3 6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Yes No No 28.0

Redundancy rules cost Job quality

Third-party approval if 1 worker

Priority rules for reemployment?

contribution period (in months)

Equal remuneration for work of
Priority rules for redundancies?

protection scheme exists after

Severance pay for redundancy

for unemployment protection

Minimum length of maternity
Gender non-discrimination in
Retraining or reassignment? e

Notice period for redundancy

Dismissal due to redundancy

Availability of five fully paid

Paid/unpaid maternity leave

Whether an unemployment
dismissal (weeks of salary) d

dismissal (weeks of salary)d

Receive 100% of wages on

Third-party notification if

Third-party notification if
9 workers are dismissed?

9 workers are dismissed?

one year of employmenti

1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if

leave (calendar days) g

Minimum duration of
mandated by law? f

days of sick leave?

maternity leave?
allowed by law?

is dismissed?

equal value?

Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No 11.6 7.2 Yes Yes Yes 238 No No No 24.0
Yes No No No No No Yes No 5.3 5.3 Yes Yes Yes 105 Yes Yes Yes 9.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 4.3 10.7 No No Yes 84 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 23.1 No No Yes 98 No No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No 4.0 5.3 Yes No Yes 120 No Yes Yes 0.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 4.3 21.7 No No Yes 56 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 2.1 15.2 Yes No Yes 112 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 4.3 54.2 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No Yes 8.7 0.0 No No Yes 91 No No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 3.7 9.3 Yes Yes Yes 91 No Yes No n.a.

Yes No No Yes No No No Yes 4.0 10.0 No No Yes 91 No Yes No n.a.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 4.3 21.7 No No Yes 56 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 0.0 8.8 No No No n.a. n.a. No No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No Yes No 5.9 8.7 No No Yes 14 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 14.4 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 480 No No Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 10.1 0.0 Yes Yes Yes 98 No Yes Yes 12.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No 8.7 0.0 No No Yes 120 Yes No No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 3.8 11.6 Yes Yes Yes 56 Yes No Yes 12.0
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No 8.7 13.0 Yes Yes Yes 140 Yes No No 18.0
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes 4.0 5.3 Yes Yes Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 31.7 No No Yes 90 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes Yes No Yes No No No No 3.6 0.0 No No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes 4.3 8.8 Yes Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
No No No No No No No No n.a. n.a. No No No n.a. n.a. No No n.a.
Yes No No Yes No No No No 6.4 14.1 No Yes Yes 98 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 4.3 17.2 No No Yes 30 No Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No Yes 6.7 23.1 Yes Yes Yes 112 No Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 8.7 0.0 Yes No Yes 84 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes 8.7 4.3 No Yes Yes 126 Yes Yes Yes 6.0
Yes No No No No No No No 4.3 0.0 No No Yes 45 Yes Yes No n.a.
Yes No No No No No No No 5.3 4.0 Yes Yes Yes 14 No No Yes 0.0


Hiring Working hours

Fixed-term contracts prohibited

probationary period (months) c

Restrictions on overtime work?

Maximum length of fixed-term

Restrictions on weekly holiday

age 19, with one year of work

non-nursing women can work

Maximum number of working

Premium for work on weekly

Minimum wage for a cashier,

the same night hours as men

Premium for overtime work

Restrictions on night work?

Whether non-pregnant and

Ratio of minimum wage to

rest day (% of hourly pay)

experience (US$/month) b

Premium for night work

value added per worker
for permanent tasks?

Maximum length of
contracts (months) a

Paid annual leave

(% of hourly pay)

(% of hourly pay)

(working days)d
days per week

United States
No No limit 1,762.1 0.2 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 0.0
(Los Angeles)
United States
No No limit 1,846.0 0.3 n.a. 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 0.0
(New York City)
Uruguay No No limit 628.1 0.3 n.a. 6.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 No Yes No No 21.0
Uzbekistan Yes 60.0 129.2 0.5 3.0 6.0 50.0 100.0 100.0 No Yes No No 15.0
Vanuatu No No limit 271.5 0.7 6.0 6.0 0.0 50.0 25.0 No No No No 17.0
Venezuela, RB h
Yes 24.0 1,217.0 6.0 1.0 5.0 30.0 50.0 50.0 Yes Yes Yes No 19.3
Vietnam No 72.0 168.4 0.7 1.0 6.0 30.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 13.0
West Bank and Gaza No 24.0 371.3 0.8 6.0 6.0 0.0 150.0 50.0 Yes No Yes No 12.0
Yemen, Rep. No No limit 75.7 0.5 6.0 6.0 15.0 100.0 50.0 No No No No 30.0
Zambia Yes No limit 176.4 0.8 n.a. 6.0 4.3 100.0 50.0 No Yes No No 24.0
Zimbabwe No No limit 304.5 2.2 3.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 No Yes No No 22.0
a. Including renewals.
b. Economies for which 0.0 is shown have no minimum wage in the private sector.
c. Some answers are not applicable (n.a.) for economies in which there is no statutory provision for a probationary period.
d. Average for workers with 1, 5 and 10 years of tenure.
e. Whether the law requires the employer to reassign or retrain a worker before making the worker redundant.
f. If no maternity leave is mandated by law, parental leave is measured if applicable.
g. The minimum number of days that legally have to be paid by the government, the employer or both.
h. Some answers are not applicable (n.a.) for economies where dismissal due to redundancy is disallowed.
i. Some answers are not applicable (n.a.) for economies that do not have an unemployment protection scheme.

The following data were collected jointly with the World Bank Groups Women, Business and the Law team:
Can non-pregnant and non-nursing women work the same night hours as men?
Equal remuneration for work of equal value?
Gender non-discrimination in hiring?
Paid/unpaid maternity leave mandated by law?
Minimum length of maternity leave (calendar days)?
Receive 100% of wages on maternity leave?
Dismissal due to redundancy





allowed by law?

Third-party notification if




1 worker is dismissed?

Third-party approval if 1 worker





is dismissed?

Third-party notification if






9 workers are dismissed?

Third-party approval if





9 workers are dismissed?
Redundancy rules





Retraining or reassignment? e





Priority rules for redundancies?





Priority rules for reemployment?

Notice period for redundancy
dismissal (weeks of salary) d





Severance pay for redundancy





dismissal (weeks of salary)d

No Equal remuneration for work of





equal value?

Gender non-discrimination in




Paid/unpaid maternity leave





mandated by law? f

Minimum length of maternity



leave (calendar days) g



Receive 100% of wages on




maternity leave?
Job quality

Availability of five fully paid






days of sick leave?

Whether an unemployment



protection scheme exists after



one year of employmenti

Minimum duration of
contribution period (in months)





for unemployment protection

Doing Business 2018

Data collection and analysis for Doing Anna Reva, Margarida Rodrigues, Julie
Business 2018 were conducted by a team Ryan, Jayashree Srinivasan, Mihaela
led by Santiago Croci (Acting Manager, Stangu, Erick Tjong, Camille Henri Vaillon,
Doing Business) under the general direc- Mara Adelaida Vlez Posada, Jerry Wu,
tion of Rita Ramalho (Acting Director, Yelizaveta Yanovich, Marilyne Florence
Global Indicators Group, Development Mafoboue Youbi, Ins Zabalbeitia Mgica,
Economics). Overall guidance for the Philip Christopher Zager, Yasmin Zand,
preparation of the report was pro- Muqiao Zhang and Geyi Zheng. Rami
vided by Shantayanan Devarajan (Senior Abdulaziz Al Shaibani, Nyanya Browne,
Director, Development Economics) and Melissa Bueno, Daniel De la Hormaza,
Paul Romer (Senior Vice President and Joseph El-Cassabgui, Francesca Ermice,
Chief Economist of the World Bank). Ismael Eduardo Wilson Franco Gonzales,
The project was managed with the Xu Han, Marcy Jagdeo Adekoya, Edison
support of Adrian Gonzalez, Valentina Jakurti, Zain Jarrar, Sarp Yanki Kalfa,
Saltane and Hulya Ulku. Other team Valeriya Khoroshun, Chung Myung
members included Nadine Abi Chakra, Kim, Jamie Lee-Brown, Yousef Majzoub,
Ahmad AlKhuzam, Jean Arlet, Yuriy Ahmed Medhat M Garoub, Marie Parent,
Valentinovich Avramov, Erica Bosio, Izabela Prager, Victoria Ryan, Egiimaa
dgar Chvez, Maria Magdalena Chiquier, Tsolmonbaatar, Gergana Tsvetanova,
Cyriane Marie Coste, Baria Nabil Daye, Yarmi Jose Vidal Horscheck, Hong Jing
Christian De la Medina Soto, Marie Lily Wang, David Weinstein, Anthony Paul
Delion, Laura Diniz, Faiza El Fezzazi El Winszman, Xinyu Wu, Rongpeng Yang
Maziani, Imane Fahli, Ccile Ferro, Dorina and Mohamed W. Zakaria assisted in
Georgieva, Pelayo Gonzalez-Escalada the months before publication. Thomas
Mena, Maksym Iavorskyi, Nan Jiang, Moullier and Keiko Sakoda contributed to
Herve Kaddoura, Klaus Adolfo Koch- the writing of the chapter on dealing with
Saldarriaga, Olena Koltko, Magdalini construction permits.
Konidari, Khrystyna Kushnir, Nicole
Anouk Leger, Tiziana Londero, Silvia The online service of the Doing Business
Carolina Lopez Rocha, Raman Maroz, database is managed by Varun Doiphode,
Brendan Meighan, Margherita Mellone, Fengsheng Huang, Manoj Mathew,
Nuno Filipe Mendes Dos Santos, Frdric Arun Chakravarthi Nageswaran, Kunal
Meunier, Joanna Nasr, Marie-Jeanne Patel, Kamalesh Sengaonkar, Bishal Raj
Ndiaye, Albert Nogus i Comas, Nadia Thakuri, Vinod Thottikkatu, and Hashim
Novik, Kennedy Oyugi Okoyo, Tigran Zia. The Doing Business 2018 outreach
Parvanyan, Esperanza Pastor Nuez De strategy is managed by Indira Chand,
Castro, Madwa-Nika Phanord-Cadet, under the general direction of Phillip
Martin Andres Poveda Amarfil, Mara Jeremy Hay with support from World
Antonia Quesada Gmez, Parvina Bank Group communications colleagues
Rakhimova, Morgann Courtney Reeves, around the world.

The team is grateful for the valuable com- John Litwack, Gladys Lopez-Acevedo, Doing Business would not be possible
ments provided by colleagues, both within William F. Maloney, Trimor Mici, Mamo without the expertise and generous input
and outside the World Bank Group, and Esmelealem Mihretu, Andrei Mikhnev, of a network of more than 13,000 local
for the guidance provided by World Bank Ashish Narain, Claudia Nassif, Tatiana partners, including legal experts, busi-
Group Executive Directors. The team Nenova, Juri Oka, Sandie Okoro, Alice ness consultants, accountants, freight
would especially like to acknowledge Ouedraogo, Madalina Papahagi, Samuel forwarders, government officials and
the comments and guidance of Gabi Pienkangura, Martin Rama, M. Masrur other professionals routinely admin-
George Afram, Miah Rahmat Ali, Ashani Reaz, Massimiliano Santini, Jaehyang istering or advising on the relevant
Chanuka Alles, Amjad Bashir, Karim So, Sylvia Solf, The Corporate Registers legal and regulatory requirements in
Ouled Belayachi, Eugene Bempon, Lilia Forum, Moussa Traore, Yvonne M. Tsikata, the 190 economies covered. Contact
Burunciuc, Cesar Calderon, Mierta Capaul, Linda Van Gelder, Carlos Alberto Vegh details for local partners are available
Efrem Zephnath Chilima, Ted Haoquan Gramont, Julien Vilquin, John Wille, Ali on the Doing Business website at http://
Chu, Amila Indeewari Dahanayake, Zafa and Albert G. Zeufack.
Fernando Dancausa, Annette Dixon,
Simeon Djankov, Christian Eigen-Zucchi, The paying taxes project was conducted The names of the local partners wishing
Jorge Familiar Calderon, Manuela V. Ferro, in collaboration with PwC, led by Stef to be acknowledged individually are listed
Alvaro Gonzalez, Cemile Hacibeyoglu, van Weeghel. below. The global and regional contribu-
Lucia Hanmer, Caroline Heider, Andras tors listed are firms that have completed
Horvai, Joyce Antoine Ibrahim, Jane Bronwen Brown edited the manuscript. multiple questionnaires in their various
Jamieson, Aphichoke Kotikula, Aart Corporate Visions, Inc. designed the offices around the world.
Kraay, Esperanza Lasagabaster, Yue Li, report and the graphs.

GLOBAL CONTRIBUTORS Mohammad Afzal Hassanzada Haris Syed Raza Lorena Gega
Da Afghanistan Bank Gerrys Dnata Pvt. Ltd. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Advocates for International Development Audit sh.p.k.
Khalid Hatam Mohammad Taimur Taimur
American Bar Association, Section of International Law RIAA Barker Gillette AFG Da Afghanistan Bank Enida Gerxholli
Baker & McKenzie Registry of Security
Saduddin Haziq Roshan Kumar Thapa
BDO Afghan United Bank RGM International
Group LLC Gjergji Gjika
Deloitte Hussain Ali Hekmat
Gjika & Associates
Ikmal Engineering Madan Upadhyay
Construction Company RGM International Valbona Gjonari
DLA Piper Group LLC Boga & Associates
Rashid Ibrahim
EY A.F. Ferguson & Co., Najibullah Wardak Shirli Gorenca
Chartered Accountants, Ministry of Finance Kalo & Associates
FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation
a member firm of
Maseeh Ahmad Wassil Bojana Hajdini
Grant Thornton PwC network
Da Afghanistan Bank Drakopoulos Law Firm
GRATA International Waheed Iqbal
Rohullah Zarif Esa Hala
Legal Oracles
Ius Laboris - Alliance of Labor, Employment, ACCL International Tonucci & Partners
Benefits and Pensions Law Firms Sanzar Kakar
Ergys Hasani
Afghanistan ALBANIA
KPMG Gjika & Associates
Holding Group
Law Society of England and Wales Wolf Theiss Shpati Hoxha
M. Wissal Khan
Lex Mundi, Association of Independent Law Firms Legal Oracles Anjola Aliaj Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha
OPTIMA Legal Elira Hroni
PwC1 Thomas Kraemer and Financial
Kakar Advocats Kalo & Associates
Reed Smith LLP Artur Asllani Evis Jani
Khalid Massoudi Tonucci & Partners
Russell Bedford International Gjika & Associates
Masnad Legal Consultancy
White & Case Artan Babaramo Brunilda Jegeni
Ghulam Reza Mohammady General Directorate
Kakar Advocats Registry of Security
Saqib Naseer Sabina Baboci
A.P. Moller - Maersk Group Ilir Johollari
A.F. Ferguson & Co., Kalo & Associates
Chartered Accountants, Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha
Al Tamimi & Company
a member firm of Eglantina Bakiu Lala Bledar Kabashi
Arias Law PwC network Bitri & Bakiu Law Firm Ministry of Justice
Ashurst LLP Abdul Nasser Nazari Ledia Bei Neritan Kallfa
Association of Consumer Credit Rainbow Consulting Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha Tonucci & Partners
Information Suppliers (ACCIS) Services Renis Bega Miranda Kapllani
Boga & Associates Tariq Nazarwall Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha Benimpex & Co.
Dehsabz City Development Boiken Bendo
Centil Law Authority, Independent Olta Kaziaj
Bendo Law, Advocates Avanntive Consulting
DFDL Board of Kabul New & Legal Consultants
City Development sh.p.k.
ENSafrica Jona Bica
Habibullah Pirzada Migena Kolonja
Eversheds Sutherland EY Boga & Associates
ACCL International
Garca & Bodn Artan Bozo Rudi Laze
Habiburahman Qaderdan BOZO & Associates
Qaderdan Electricity BOZO & Associates
John W. Ffooks & Co. Law Firm
Company Law Firm
Lexincorp Njazuela Braholli
Shakir Rahimi Gilda Lika
Mayer Brown Gjika & Associates Bendo Law, Advocates
Irma Cacaj & Legal Consultants
Schoenherr Tamsil Rashid Boga & Associates Petraq Lika
SORAINEN Afghanistan
International Bank Doris Carcani OSHEE (Operatori
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Legal (TAG-Legal) Albanian Energy i Shperndarjes se
Irisglyn Rivero Regulator (ERE) Energjise Elektrike)
TransUnion International RGM International
Group LLC Megi Caushi Arbr Lloshi
VdA - Vieira de Almeida & Associados
Avanntive Consulting OPTIMA Legal
Abdul Wahid Rizwanzai sh.p.k. and Financial
AFGHANISTAN Haidar Barak RIAA Barker Gillette AFG
RGM International Rozana elmeta Tetis Lubonja
Taqi Ahmad Group LLC Ali Saberi Ministry of Justice
General Directorate
A.F. Ferguson & Co., Ikmal Engineering
Nadia Bazidwal of Taxation Rezarta Mataj
Chartered Accountants, Construction Company
a member firm of The Asia Foundation Ilir Daci Tirana District Court
PwC network Abdul Sami Sabir OPTIMA Legal
Sultan Maqsood Fazel Da Afghanistan Bank Andi Memi
Qaderdan Electricity and Financial Hoxha, Memi & Hoxha
Gloria Ahmadi
Kakar Advocats Company Zahid Safi Besnik Duraj
RIAA Barker Gillette AFG Eglon Metalia
Bari Alkozai Hasibullah Ghaforzai Drakopoulos Law Firm EY
PraeLegal PraeLegal Abdul Nasser Sahak Ana Dylgjeri
Da Afghanistan Bank Naim Mete
Shaheryar Aziz Chantal Grut Bank of Albania General Directorate
A.F. Ferguson & Co., Rosenstock Legal Services Saeeq Shajjan Sokol Elmazaj of Taxation
Chartered Accountants, Shajjan & Associates Boga & Associates
Naheed Habibi Aigest Milo
a member firm of Da Afghanistan Bank Aali Shan Ahmed Kalo & Associates
PwC network Dorina Fezollari
Icon Trading and Avanntive Consulting
Khan Hadawal Forwarding Company Orgita Milo
Mazhar Bangash Da Afghanistan Bank sh.p.k. Boga & Associates
RIAA Barker Gillette AFG

1. PwC refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwCIL), or, as the context requires, individual member firms of the PwC network.
Each member firm is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of PwCIL or any other member firm. PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible
or liable for the acts or omissions of any of its member firms nor can it control the exercise of their professional judgment or bind them in any way. No member firm is responsible
or liable for the acts or omissions of any other member firm nor can it control the exercise of another member firms professional judgment or bind another member firm or PwCIL
in any way.

Eno Muja Adnane Bouchaib Hakim Zerbout Joana Pacheco Hugh C. Marshall
Boga & Associates Bouchaib Law Firm Michel Hurel Algerie SARL Angola Counsel Marshall & Co.
Kristo Myridinas Hamid Boughenou Jlio Pascoal Gloria Martin
PricewaterhouseCoopers Become SCP ANGOLA ENDE-EP Francis Trading
Audit sh.p.k. Lus Andrade Agency Limited
Rachida Boughenou Antonio Pereira
Gjergji Nestor Become SCP PwC Angola EY David Matthias
General Directorate Sika Awoonor Antigua Barbuda Social
Hafida Bounefrat Joaquim Piedade
of Taxation Global Choice Angola Lda Security Board
Accountant UNICARGAS
Dorina Nika Jeanine Batalha Ferreira Septimus A. Rhudd
Merouane Chabane Djamila Pinto de Andrade
Lawyer PwC Portugal Rhudd & Associates
Socit de Distribution LEAD Advogados
Albulen Pano de lElectricit et du Pedro Bequengue Stedroy Roache
Andr Miguel Pitu
PricewaterhouseCoopers Gaz dAlger (SDA) Cmara dos Despachantes Antigua Public Utilities
Audit sh.p.k. Transitex Angola Authority (APUA)
Djamel Chorfi Oficiais de Angola
Laurinda Prazeres Cardoso
Loreta Peci Edvaldo Cahombo Andrea Roberts
Said Dib LEAD Advogados
PricewaterhouseCoopers Guich nico de Empresa Roberts & Co.
Banque dAlgrie
Audit sh.p.k. Jos Quarta
Guilherme Carreira Safiya Roberts
Ahmed Djouadi Instituto Regulador dos
Ardjana Shehi Edifer Angola Roberts & Co.
Law Firm Hadj-Hamou Servios de Electricidade
Kalo & Associates
& Djouadi - associate Luis Filipe Carvalho e guas (IRSEA) Megan Samuel-Fields
Enian Sina office of Dentons ADCA Law Firm, member Samuel Fields Consulting
Gonalo Antunes Rita
General Directorate of DLA Piper Africa Group Group Ltd.
Mourad El Besseghi Banco Nacional de Angola
of Taxation
Cabinet El Besseghi Jaime Carvalho Esteves Sharon Simmons
Sandra Saraiva
Ketrin Topiu PwC Portugal Land Registry
Hamil Faidi Gabinete Legal
BOZO & Associates
Studio A Irineu Chingala Angola Advogados Owren Smith
Law Firm
Lourdes Caposso Fernandes Development Control
Mohamed Lahbib Goubi Bruno Serejo
Anora Topi & Associados (LCF) Authority
Banque dAlgrie ELA Expert Legal
General Directorate
of Taxation Nelson Couto-Cabral Assistance Eleanor R. Solomon
Khaled Goussanem
3C International Clarke & Clarke
Bruno Turabi
Law Firm Goussanem Dinamukueno Lukie Srgio
& Aloui Ins Barbosa Cunha Olicargo Angola SA Frederick Southwell
Boga & Associates
PwC Portugal Development Control
Mohamed El-Amine Haddad Tatiana Serro
Alketa Urui Authority
Cabinet de Matre Alwin Leon Das FBL Advogados
Boga & Associates
Amine Haddad FAMS Transitrios Lda Arthur Thomas
Gervasio Simao
Gerhard Velaj Thomas, John & Co.
Samir Hamouda Patricia Dias GEPLI Angola
Boga & Associates
Cabinet dAvocats AVM Advogados Marietta Warren
Hugo Sipitali
Flavia Xhafo Samir Hamouda Interfreight Ltd.
Kalo & Associates Fernando F. Bastos Angola Counsel
Halim Karabadji FBL Advogados Beatriz Calcida Soares ARGENTINA
Donald Xhelili Socit de Distribution
Lourdes Caposso Fernandes Catumbela
First Court of Tirana de lElectricit et du Petrobras
Gaz dAlger (SDA) Lourdes Caposso Daniela Tavares Nunes
Evis Zaja Fernandes & Associados Lucas Abal
Abdelmalek Kherbachene Abreu Advogados
OPTIMA Legal Rivera & Asociados
and Financial Bouchemla Lanouar Joo Fialho Elsa Tchicanha
& Associs VdA - Vieira de Almeida Gabinete Legal Ignacio Acedo
Enida Zeneli & Associados Gonzalez & Ferraro Mila
Farouk Lakli Angola Advogados
BOZO & Associates
Law Firm Lakelec Marcelino Franco Renata Valenti Cecilia Andrea Acosta
Guich nico de Empresa Gabinete Legal MBB Balado Bevilacqua
Lareda Zenunaj Mohamed Lanouar Abogados
Bouchemla Lanouar Lus Frasto Varona Angola Advogados
Gjika & Associates
& Associs Abreu Advogados Ricardo Veloso Pablo J. Alliani
ALGERIA PwC Angola Alliani & Bruzzon
Walid Laouar Marilia Frias
Cabinet Laouar VdA - Vieira de Almeida Antnio Vicente Marques Jose Mara Allonca
Cabinet Mohammed
Tahar Benabid & Associados AVM Advogados Allonca Abogados Legal
Vincent Lunel & Business Consulting
Transit Saidji DS Avocats Alberto Galhardo Simes Orlanda Vuite
Miranda & Associados ADCA Law Firm, member Marina Altieri
Amel Aiad Harous Madjid De Dios & Goyena
Paulo Lobo of DLA Piper Africa Group
Accountant PwC Algeria Abogados Consultores
Abreu Carga e Trnsitos,
Mohamed Nadir Aissani Sid-Ahmed Mekerba Lda - Angola ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA Ignacio E. Aramburu
PwC Algeria Ghellal & Mekerba Estudio Moltedo
Dilma Lopes Antigua & Barbuda
Salima Aloui Mohamed Mokrane FBL Advogados Intellectual Property & Sebastian Ariel Uberti
Law Firm Goussanem Ministre des Finances- Commerce Office (ABIPCO) City of Buenos Aires
& Aloui Direction Gnrale du Chindalena Loureno
Domaine National Ftima Freitas Advogados Ministry of Labor Ariadna Artopoulos
Arab Aoudj M. & M. Bomchil
Hamid Ould Hocine Antnio Manuel da Silva Aisha Caleb
Cabinet dAudit et de
Studio A Instituto Regulador dos Ministry of Information, Mara Fernanda Arturi
Contrle des Comptes
Servios de Electricidade Broadcasting, Central Bank of Argentina
Djelloul Aouidette Malika Redouani e guas (IRSEA) Telecommunications
PwC Algeria and Information
Mercedes Balado Bevilacqua
Union Nationale
des Transitaires et
Arcelio Matias Technology - Customs MBB Balado Bevilacqua
Lazhar Sahbani Arclio Incio de Abogados
Commissionnaires PwC Algeria and Excise Division
Algriens (UNTCA) Almeida Matias Ardja-
Neil Coates Vanesa Balda
Mourad Seghir Prestao de Servios
Mohamed Atbi Grant Thornton Vitale, Manoff & Feilbogen
Bennani & Associs LLP e Consultoria, Lda
Etude Notariale Gonzalo Carlos Ballester
Madiha Silini Antonio Morgado Nkosi Cochrane
Mohamed Atbi J.P. OFarrell Abogados
LPA-CGR Avocats Guich nico de Empresa Development Control
Hind Belhachmi Authority Maria Laura Barbosa
LPA-CGR Avocats Rabah Tafighoult Marcos Neto
Gilbert Findlay Zang, Bergel &
Cabinet Tafighoult Banco Nacional de Angola
Abdelouahab Benali Antigua Public Utilities Vies Abogados
Transit Mouhoub Kamal Redouane Tazerouti Henrique Nogueira Nunes Authority (APUA) Federico Martn Basile
Michel Hurel Algerie SARL Albuquerque & Associados
Othmane Benali Colin John Jenkins M. & M. Bomchil
Accountant Hachemi Yanat Janota Nzogi Roberts Construction Nstor J. Belgrano
Accountant Energy and Water Ministry & Engineering Co. Ltd. M. & M. Bomchil

Pilar Etcheverry Boneo Javier M. Gatt Bicain Laura Piedrahita Abella Adolfo Tombolini Anahit Hakhumyan
Marval, OFarrell Candioti Gatto Rivera & Asociados Russell Bedford Ministry of Urban
& Mairal, member Bicain & Ocantos Argentina- member Development
Segundo Pinto
of Lex Mundi of Russell Bedford
Juan Jos Glusman Llerena & Asociados International
Gevorg Hakobyan
Ignacio Fernndez Borzese PwC Argentina Abogados Elawphant Law Firm
Luna Requena & Fernndez Valentina Toquier
Gonzalo Mara Gros Alejandro Poletto Andranik Harutyunyan
Borzese Tax Law Firm M. & M. Bomchil
J.P. OFarrell Abogados Estudio Beccar Varela Electric Networks
Fernando L. Brunelli Mara Paola Trigiani of Armenia
Eduardo Guglielmini Gustavo M. Prestipino
Alliani & Bruzzon Alfaro Abogados
Ministry of Energy INEC Ingenieria Electrica SA Hasmik Harutyunyan
Damin Burgio and Mining Mara Victoria Tuculet PwC Armenia
Mara Clara Pujol
Salaverri, Dellatorre, M. & M. Bomchil
Burgio & Wetzler Malbrn
Sandra S. Guillan Wiener Soto Caparrs Artak Hovakimyan
De Dios & Goyena Gonzalo Ugarte Big Energo LLC
Julio R. Martinez
Eduardo Bustamante Abogados Consultores Barbosa Abogados
Estudio Moltedo Mitrani Caballero Izabela Hovhannisyan
Federico Guillermo Absi Ojam & Ruiz Moreno Emilio Beccar Varela
Mariam Hovsepyan
Adriana Paola Caballero G. Breuer Estudio Beccar Varela
Rafael Ramognino Ter-Tachatyan Legal and
Wiener Soto Caparrs
Carlos Hernandez ECOVIS Argentina Abraham Viera Business Consulting
Federico Carenzo Consultores SRL Ramognino, de Albaladejo
Angela Hovshannisyan
Leonhardt & Dietl & Asociados SC Consultoria Municipal
Gabriela Hidalgo Ter-Tachatyan Legal and
Gabriela Carissimo Natalia Rauchberger Eduardo J. Viales Business Consulting
Fabin Hilal
Alfaro Abogados Mitrani Caballero Funes de Rioja & Asociados,
Casella & Hilal Abogados Vahe G. Kakoyan
Ojam & Ruiz Moreno member of Ius Laboris
Mariano E. Carricart
Mailen Hilen Rico Anna Karapetyan
Badeni, Cantilo, Federico Jos Reibestein Germn Wetzler Malbrn
Estudio Moltedo Ministry of Justice
Laplacette & Carricart Reibestein & Asociados Salaverri, Dellatorre,
Daniel Intile Burgio & Wetzler Malbrn Andranik Kasaryan
Luciano Cativa Juan Manuel Reyes Santa Cruz
Russell Bedford Yerevan Municipality
Luna Requena & Fernndez Roberto Wiman
Argentina- member
Borzese Tax Law Firm Consultoria Municipal Green Ingeniera David Khachatryan
of Russell Bedford
Avenue Consulting Group
Ma. Cecilia Herrero de Pratesi International Julio Cesar Rivera Joaqun Emilio Zappa
Registro de la Rivera & Asociados J.P. OFarrell Abogados Georgi Khachatryan
Andrea Junquera
propiedad inmueble de Avenue Consulting Group
Candioti Gatto Matas Rivera
la Capital Federal ARMENIA
Bicain & Ocantos Salaverri, Dellatorre, Rafik Khachatryan
Hector Osvaldo Chomer Burgio & Wetzler Malbrn The State Committee of KPMG
Federico Leonhardt
Juzgado de Primera Real Property Cadastre
Leonhardt, Dietl, Graf Sebastin Rodrigo Vigen Khachatryan
Instancia en lo Comercial of the Government of
& von der Fecht Alfaro Abogados Avenue Consulting Group
Agustn Comastri the Republic of Armenia
Francisco Lobos Ignacio Rodriguez Stanislav Kolesnikov
G. Breuer Mher Aghabekyan
Llerena & Asociados PwC Argentina Electric Networks
Roberto O. Condoleo Abogados Yerevan Municipality of Armenia
Juan Ignacio Ruiz
RCBM Auditores y Sergey Aghinyan
Pilar Lodewyckx Hardy Alfaro Abogados Hayk Mamajanyan
Consultores Tributarios Public Services Regulatory
Estudio Beccar Varela Arlex International CJSC
Diego Salaverri Commission of Armenia
Julio Condom Alcorta
Juan Manuel Magadan Salaverri, Dellatorre, Gor Margaryan
Escribana Condom Mike Ahern
PwC Argentina Burgio & Wetzler Malbrn Legelata
Roberto H. Crouzel PwC
Tomas Martinez Casas Luz Mara Salomn Nshan Martirosyan
Estudio Beccar Varela Amalia Artemyan
Llerena & Asociados J.P. OFarrell Abogados Ministry of Urban
Gabriel de Albadalejo Abogados Paradigma Armenia CJSC Development
Juan Martin Salvadores de
ECOVIS Argentina Zaruhi Arzuamnyan
Andrs May Arzuaga Lilit Matevosyan
Ramognino, de Albaladejo Legelata
Secretara General del De Dios & Goyena PwC Armenia
& Asociados SC
Gobierno de la Ciudad Abogados Consultores Hayk Asatryan
Oscar Alberto del Ro de Buenos Aires
Nshan Matevosyan
Gonzalo J. Sanchez Yerevan Municipality Arlex International CJSC
Central Bank of Argentina
Pedro Mazer Sanchez, Lupi & Asociados Ella Atoyan
Noelia Aldana Di Stfano Alfaro Abogados Armen Melkumyan
Ramiro Santurio PwC Armenia Fidelity Consulting CJSC
J.P. OFarrell Abogados
Julin Melis Leonhardt, Dietl, Graf Gayane Babayan
Candioti Gatto Rajiv Nagri
Anala Vernica Durn & von der Fecht Avenue Consulting Group
MBB Balado Bevilacqua Bicain & Ocantos Globalink Logistics Group
Mariela Alejandra Sas Anushik Baghdasaryan
Abogados Narine Nersisyan
Mara Fernanda Mierez M. & M. Bomchil Avenue Consulting Group
Dana Eizner Estudio Beccar Varela PwC Armenia
Enrique Schinelli Artur Buduryan
Severgnini, Robiola, Shavarsh Petakchyan
Diego Minerva Leonhardt, Dietl, Graf Legelata
Grinberg & Tombeur iLex Law Firm
Mitrani Caballero & von der Fecht
Daniel Fernandez de la Torre Ojam & Ruiz Moreno Hovhannes Chamsaryan Naira Petrosyan
Carolina Serra Avenue Consulting Group
Consultores SRL Paradigma Armenia CJSC
Jorge Miranda Estudio Beccar Varela
Sonia Ferrari Clippers SA Aharon Chilingaryan Sarhat Petrosyan
Maria Shakespear Paradigma Armenia CJSC
Consultores SRL Urbanlab Yerevan
Ino Mosse Estudio Beccar Varela
Pablo Ferraro Mila Construimos Arsen Chitchyan Suren Petrosyan
Osvaldo Solari Costa The Collegium of
Gonzalez & Ferraro Mila SP Consulting LLC
Miguel P. Murray International Union Business-Managers
Diego M. Fissore Murray, Anguillesi, Guyot, of Notaries Bankruptcy - SRO Hayk Pogosyan
G. Breuer Rossi & Sirito de Zavala Arsarqtex LLC
Federico Sosa Azat Dunamalyan
Mara Victoria Funes Pedro Nicholson Estudio Beccar Varela Arshinbank CJSC Nare Sahakyan
M. & M. Bomchil Estudio Beccar Varela Arshinbank CJSC
Maria Florencia Sota Vazquez Aikanush Edigaryan
Ignacio Funes de Rioja Luciano Jos Nstico Alfaro Abogados Trans-Alliance Thomas Samuelian
Funes de Rioja & Asociados, J.P. OFarrell Abogados Arlex International CJSC
Pablo Staszewski Shoghik Gharibyan
member of Ius Laboris
Alfredo Miguel OFarrell Staszewski & Associates KPMG Gor Shahbazyan
Eduardo Galleazzi Marval, OFarrell PwC Armenia
Ricardo Tavieres Mihran Grigoryan
Architect & Mairal, member
of Lex Mundi
PwC Argentina Avenue Consulting Group Ruben Shakhmuradyan
Alfredo Garcia Samartino Comfort R&V
Matas Olcese Mara Paula Terrel Tigran Grigoryan
Smart Logistics
HOLT Abogados HOLT Abogados Avenue Consulting Group Aleksey Sukoyan
Martn Gastaldi Court of First Instance
Estudio Beccar Varela Alla Hakhnazaryan

Hakob Tadevosyan Amy Stiles Alexander Klauser Lukas A. Weber Kamala Hajiyeva
Grant Thornton LLP NSW Office of the Brauneis Klauser Prndl Brauneis Klauser Prndl EY
Registrar General Rechtsanwlte GmbH Rechtsanwlte GmbH
Anoush Ter-Vardanyan Shamkhal Hasanov
Avenue Consulting Group Damian Sturzaker Florian Klimscha Elisabeth Zehetner-Piewald Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Marque Lawyers Freshfields Bruckhaus Austrian Chamber Limited
Liana Yordanyan
Deringer of Commerce
Ter-Tachatyan Legal and Simon Truskett Farid Huseynov
Business Consulting Clayton Utz, member Christian Kttl Anton Zeilinger Ekvita
of Lex Mundi Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance
Aram Zakaryan Ruhiyya Isayeva
ACRA Credit Bureau Cameron Watson Rudolf Krickl Kathrin Zeller Dentons
White & Case Australia PwC Austria Freshfields Bruckhaus
Gadir Ismayilov
Bruce Whittaker Michaela Krist Azerishiq OJSC
Hill Shire City Council Ashurst LLP CHSH Cerha Hempel
AZERBAIJAN Delara Israfilova
Spiegelfeld Hlawati,
Treasury of Australia Kellie Woodward
member of Lex Mundi
BM Morrison Partners LLC
McKays Lawyers Azersun
Paul Agnew Zaki Jabiyev
Gerald Mitteregger Parviz Abdullayev
McKays Lawyers Amanda Wu
International PwC Azerbaijan Aladdin A. Jafarov
Ashurst LLP Logistic Gateway
Irene Argeres Baku City Yasamal
Husniyye Abdullayeva District Court
White & Case Australia AUSTRIA Johannes Mrazek Ministry of Taxes
Mariam Azzo Austrian Regulatory Ummi Jalilova
Ministry for Science, Authority Chingiz Agarzaev GRATA International
Clayton Utz, member
Research and Economy
of Lex Mundi Gerhard Muggenhuber Mike Ahern Anar Janmammadov
Thomas Bareder BEV - Federal Office of PwC MGB Law Offices
Harold Bolitho
Oesterreichische Metrology & Surveying
King & Wood Mallesons Ilham Ahmedov Gunduz Karimov
National Bank
Thomas Mller Baku Administrative- Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Lynda Brumm
Henri Bellando Freshfields Bruckhaus Economical Court No. 1 Limited
PwC Australia
Graf & Pitkowitz Deringer Iftikhar Akhundov Bahar Kavuzova
Andrea Castle Rechtsanwlte GmbH
Elke Napokoj Ministry of Taxes PwC Azerbaijan
White & Case Australia Markus Bitterl bpv Hgel Nigar Alimova
Amanda Coneyworth Graf & Pitkowitz Rechtsanwlte OG Elnur Mammadov
Ministry of Taxes PwC Azerbaijan
Ferrier Hodgson Rechtsanwlte GmbH
MH Sdn Bhd Nikolaus Neubauer Jamil Alizada
Sonja Bydlinski PwC Austria Sahib Mammadov
Baker & McKenzie-CIS, Citizens Labour Rights
Fiona Curl Ministry of Justice
Felix Neuwirther Limited Protection League
White & Case Australia Thomas Deutinger Freshfields Bruckhaus Aykhan Asadov
Mark Dalby Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Zaur Mammadov
BM Morrison Partners LLC EY
Office of State Revenue, Deringer
NSW Treasury Christopher Peitsch Ismail Askerov
Martin Ebner CHSH Cerha Hempel Aysel Mammadova
MGB Law Offices BHM Baku Law Centre LLC
Stephen Davis Schoenherr Spiegelfeld Hlawati,
Nexia Australia Tibor Fabian member of Lex Mundi Zulfigar Babayev Faiq S. Manafov
BHM Baku Law Centre LLC Unibank
Kristy Dixon Binder Grsswang Verena Pchlinger
Marque Lawyers Rechtsanwlte GmbH PwC Austria Jamal Baghirov Gumru Mehdiyeva
Julian Feichtinger
BM Morrison Partners LLC BHM Baku Law Centre LLC
Paul Evans Moritz Salzgeber
McKays Lawyers CHSH Cerha Hempel Binder Grsswang Natavan Baghirova Ilgar Mehti
Spiegelfeld Hlawati, Rechtsanwlte GmbH BM Morrison Partners LLC Ekvita
Philip Harvey member of Lex Mundi
King & Wood Mallesons Johannes Samaan Aida Bagirova Rauf Memmedov
Martin Foerster Freshfields Bruckhaus Unibank Azerbaijan Customs
Stephen Jauncey Graf & Pitkowitz
Henry Davis York Deringer Farid Bakhshiyev Committee
Rechtsanwlte GmbH
Edwin Scharf GRATA International Telman Memmedov
Morgan Kelly Ferdinand Graf
Ferrier Hodgson SCWP Schindhelm Austria Khayyam Bayramov Ministry of Taxes
Graf & Pitkowitz
MH Sdn Bhd Rechtsanwlte GmbH Georg Schima Ministry of Justice Elkhan Mikayilov
Felicia Lal Kunz Schima Wallentin Orkhan Beydiyev Sector of Assistant
Andreas Hable Rechtsanwlte OG, Service of the President
Marque Lawyers Binder Grsswang Caspian Legal Center
member of Ius Laboris of Azerbaijan Republic
Melanie Lam Rechtsanwlte GmbH Eyyub Fataliyev on Economic Reforms
Camphin Boston - member Stephan Schmalzl PwC Azerbaijan
Sebastian Haensse Graf & Pitkowitz Farhad Mirzayev
of Russell Bedford Graf & Pitkowitz Rechtsanwlte GmbH Ikram Fikretoglu BM Morrison Partners LLC
International Rechtsanwlte GmbH Business Service Centre
John Martin Daniel Schmidt Ruslan Mirzayev
Herbert Herzig Binder Grsswang Jahangir Gafarov Adrem Attorneys
Thomson Geer Austrian Chamber Rechtsanwlte GmbH Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Mitchell Mathas of Commerce Limited Ruslan Mukhtarov
Norton Rose Fulbright Ernst Schmidt BM Morrison Partners LLC
Alexander Hofmann Halpern & Prinz Rustam Gasimov
Nicholas Mavrakis Lawyer Baker & McKenzie-CIS, Aynur Musayeva
Clayton Utz, member Helmut Sprongl Limited Expert SM Ltd.
Marianne Hrdlicka Austrian Regulatory
of Lex Mundi Altay Mustafayev
Armin Immervoll Authority Arif Guliyev
Aaron McKenzie PwC Azerbaijan Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Ministry of Finance Thomas Trettnak Limited
Marque Lawyers
Alexander Isola CHSH Cerha Hempel Konul Guliyeva
Patricia Muscat Spiegelfeld Hlawati, PwC Azerbaijan Turkan Mustafayeva
Graf & Pitkowitz BHM Baku Law Centre LLC
PwC Australia Rechtsanwlte GmbH member of Lex Mundi Shaban Gurbanov
Mia Rafa Eugen Velicu BM Morrison Partners LLC Sabina Orujova
Rudolf Kaindl Dentons
McKays Lawyers Strabag SE
Amith Gururaj Karanth Ayten Gurbanova
Dean Schiller Birgit Vogt-Majarek Expert SM Ltd. Ramiz Rustamov
PPC Insulators Sin RRG MMC
Fayman International Austria GmbH Kunz Schima Wallentin Fatima Gurbanova
Pty. Ltd. Rechtsanwlte OG, Zenfira Rzayeva
Zsofia Kerkapoly PwC Azerbaijan
Ruwan Senanayake member of Ius Laboris Ministry of Emergency
SCWP Schindhelm Austria Elchin Habibov Situations, State Agency
Jeremy Shelley Gerhard Wagner
Birgit Kettlgruber Financial Markets for Control over
Attorney-Generals KSV 1870 Supervisory Authority
Freshfields Bruckhaus Construction Safety
Department Deringer Arzu Hajiyeva

Shabnam Sadigova Portia Nicholson Laith Damer Mahdi Amin Afsana Khan
GRATA International Higgs & Johnson Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Comfort Group Lee, Khan & Partners
Legal (TAG-Legal) of Industries
Leyla Safarova Andrew G.S. OBrien II Anwar A. Khan
BM Morrison Partners LLC Glinton | Sweeting | OBrien Qays H. Zubi Mohammed Asaduzzaman Genesis Denim
Zubi & Partners Attorneys Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed
Mustafa Salamov Arthur K. Parris, Jr. Farhana Islam Khan
& Legal Consultants & Associates
BM Morrison Partners LLC ParrisWhittaker Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed
Najma Hassan A.S.A. Bari & Associates
Nazim Shukurov Courtney Pearce-Hanna
Ministry of Works, A.S. & Associates
Audit Azerbaijan Callenders & Co. Municipalities and
Mashfiqul Haque Khan
Urban Planning
Kazi Bari Lex Juris
Sona Taghiyeva Prince Rahming
K.A. Bari & Co.
Dentons PwC Bahamas Hessa Hussain
Md. Mydul H. Khan
The BENEFIT Company
Avijit Barua Lex Juris
Anar A. Umudov Chad D. Roberts
Geoservices Maritime
Alibi Professional Legal Callenders & Co. Khaled Jamsheer BD Pvt. Ltd.
Rukhsana Khan
& Consulting Services Bahrain Engineering Lex Juris
Castino D. Sands
Kapil Basu
Ilkin Veliyev Lennox Paton Bureau Sarjean Rahman Lian
Ministry of Taxes Jawad Habib Jawad Pvt. Ltd. FM Associates
Rochelle Sealy
Michael Wilson PwC Bahamas BDO Kazi Mahboob
Sushmita Basu
Michael Wilson & Anil Kumar PricewaterhouseCoopers A. Wahab & Co.
Merrit A. Storr
Partners Ltd. Kanoo Shipping - Yusuf Pvt. Ltd.
Chancellor Chambers Saqeb Mahbub
Javid Yusifov Bin Ahmed Kanoo WLL Mahbub & Company
Burlington Strachan Md. Halim Bepari
Caspian Legal Center Khalid Leila Hafiz and Haque Solicitors
Bahamas Electricity Shyikh Mahdi
Aygun Zeynalova Corporation Ministry of Industry Vertex Chambers
Mir Osman Bin Nasim
MGB Law Offices & Commerce
Roy Sweeting Lawyer Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Ulvia Zeynalova-Bockin Glinton | Sweeting | OBrien Ali Makki The Law Counsel
Paavan Chhabra
Dentons Ministry of Industry
Peter Whitehead & Commerce Healy Consultants Kamrun Nahar
Osprey Construction Group PLC
BAHAMAS, THE Omar Manassaki Sifat Jahan Nikita
Thomas Whitehead Arif Moinuddin Chowdhury Vertex Chambers
Jane Adams Zubi & Partners Attorneys
Osprey Construction & Legal Consultants Munim & Associates
KPMG Tanvir Quader
Dwayne Whylly Junayed A. Chowdhury Vertex Chambers
Kevin Basden Ali Marhoon
Lennox Paton Ministry of Industry Vertex Chambers
Bahamas Electricity Al Amin Rahman
Corporation & Commerce Md. Liaquat H. Chowdhury FM Associates
BAHRAIN M.L.H. Chowdhury & Co.
Sonia Brown Eman Omar Habiba Rahman
Ahmed Abbas Abdulla Zubi & Partners Attorneys Mohammed Chowdhury Self Fashion Limited
Graphite Engineering Ltd.
Hassan Radhi & Associates & Legal Consultants Anchor Logistics
Dayrrl Butler Md. Saidur Rahman
Ahmed Abdulla Hassan Ali Radhi Swad Chowdhury Self Fashion Limited
Moore Stephens Butler
& Taylor Chartered Ministry of Works, Hassan Radhi & Associates Counsels Law Partners
Municipalities and Tameem Rahman
Accountants and Noor Radhi Md Khademul Islam Choyon OGR Legal
Business Advisors Urban Planning
Hassan Radhi & Associates Obiter Dictum
Mohammed Al Ali Zarin Rahman
Kimberley Cleare Najib F. Saade Nasirud Doulah FM Associates
PwC Bahamas Al Ali & Legal
Consultants Law Office ASAR Al Ruwayeh Doulah & Doulah
& Partners Badhan Roy
Kandice Davis Shamsud Doulah Rahmans Chambers
Amel Al Aseeri
Utilities Regulation & Naji Sabt Doulah & Doulah
Competition Authority Zeenat Al Mansoori Saroj Gopal Roy
& Associates Survey and Land
Registration Bureau Dewan Faisal Rahmans Chambers
Surinder Deal A.S. & Associates
Zeenat Al Mansoori Ridi Rubaiyat
Higgs & Johnson Oleg Shmal
Zeenat Al Mansoori Osman Goni Tanjib Alam and Associates
Craig G. Delancy & Associates PwC Bahrain
OGR Legal
Ministry of Works Baiju Thomas Sadia Sarah
Salem Al Quti Simon Guidecoq FM Associates
& Transport Agility Logistics
Ministry of Works,
Randol Dorsett Municipalities and Aseel Zimmo Muhammad Tanvir Hashem Ammatul Uzma Sathi
Utilities Regulation & Urban Planning Supreme Judicial Council Munim A.S. & Associates
Competition Authority Munim & Associates
Reem Al Rayes Mohd. Shariful Islam Shaheen
Amos J. Ferguson Jr. Zeenat Al Mansoori BANGLADESH Anam Hossain Bangladesh Energy
Ferguson Associates & Associates FM Associates Regulatory Commission
Chittagong Water Supply
& Planners and Sewerage Authority Farhana Hossain Sohail Shakoor
Waleed Al Sabbagh
Wendy Forsythe Bahrain Customs FM Associates Pronayon
Dhaka Electricity Supply
Import Export Brokers Ltd. Company Ltd. (DESCO) Faria Huq Karisma Sharif
Noor Al Taraif
Vann P. Gaitor Zubi & Partners Attorneys A.S. & Associates HR Solutions
Munir Uddin Ahamed
Higgs & Johnson & Legal Consultants WAC Logistics Limited Ashiq Imran Imran Siddiq
Bryan A. Glinton Dana Alghareeb Fialka The Law Counsel
Suprim Ahammed
Haya Rashed Al Khalifa KPMG Arif Imtiaz Tasnia Siddiqui
Pamela Hill
Bahamas Power and Light Shehbaz Ameen Aminur Islam FM Associates
Gias Ahmed
Agility Logistics Auko-Tex Group Lex Juris A.M. Mahbub Uddin
Amanda John
Lennox Paton Nada Azmi Md Aminul Islam Mahbub & Company
Rajin Ahmed
Bahrain Economic Doulah & Doulah City Apparel-Tex Co. Abdul Wahab
Yolande Julien
Development Board A. Wahab & Co.
JaAnn Major Sayeed Abdullah Al Mamun Shairee Islam
Laverne Bacaser Khan Tanjib Alam and Associates Nurul Wahab
Higgs & Johnson
EY A.S. & Associates A. Wahab & Co.
Simone Morgan-Gomez Abdul Jabbar
Piyush Bhandari K.M. Tanjib-Ul Alam A.S. & Associates Alicia Yen
Callenders & Co.
Intuit Management Tanjib Alam and Associates Healy Consultants
Lester J. Mortimer Jr. Consultancy Mohammed Jabbar
DBL Group Group PLC
Callenders & Co. Nafiu Alam
Steven Brown FM Associates Sabrina Zarin
Michael Moss ASAR Al Ruwayeh Abdul Khaleque
Fialka FM Associates
Ministry of Finance & Partners Shajib Mahmood Alam
Counsels Law Partners Abdul Monem Khan
Andrea Moultrie Samir Canan
Higgs & Johnson Gulf House Engineering SPC Vertex Chambers

BARBADOS Percy Murrell Antonina Ivanova Yulia Mironchik Elizaveta Trakhalina

Big P. Customs Brokers Antonina Ivanova Arzinger & Partners Arzinger & Partners
Clarke Gittens Farmer and Air Sea and Land Legal Practice International Law Firm International Law Firm
Alicia Archer Transport Inc.
Ulyana Kavalionak Aleksandr Mironichenko Nikita Nikolayevich Trosko
Artemis Law Laurel Odle BNT Legal & Tax Ministry of Economy Vlasova Mikhel & Partners
Kevin Boulard PwC Barbados
Yurij Kazakevitch Dmitry Montik Dennis Turovets
Rotherley Rohan Pennegan Rdl & Partner, Belarus Lawyer Egorov Pugisnky Afanasiev
Construction Inc. KPMG Barbados and Partners (EPA&P)
Dmitry Khalimonchyk Andrei Mucha
Patricia Boyce Sheridan A. Reece Softclub LLC Minsk Cable (Electrical) Alena Usenia
Everson R. Elcock Carrington & Sealy Network Arzinger & Partners
& Co. Ltd. Alexandre Khrapoutski
International Law Firm
Thayreesha Singh Sysouev, Bondar, Vitaliy Nasanovich
Andrew F. Brathwaite LEX Caribbean Khrapoutski SBH Law Office Verkhovodko & Pavel Velishkevich
KPMG Barbados Partners LLC Grant Thornton
Lynthia Skeete Sergey Khromov
Kevin Burke Mount Gay Distilleries Verkhovodko & Valentina Neizvestnaya Irina Veremeichuk
Rotherley Ltd./Remy Americas Partners LLC RSM Bel Audit Verkhovodko &
Construction Inc. Partners LLC
Heather Tull Siarhei Khvastovich Elena Orda
Vincent Burnett David King & Co., Althaus Ltd. National Bank of the Igor Verkhovodko
Ministry of Labor and Attorneys-at-Law Republic of Belarus Verkhovodko &
Social Security and Human Alexander Kirienko
Partners LLC
Resource Development Kaye A. Williams Agency of Turnaround Veronika Pavlovskaya
Pinebridge Law Technologies Arzinger & Partners Dmitry Viltovsky
Trevor A. Carmichael International Law Firm Arzinger & Partners
Chancery Chambers Stephen Worme Nina Knyazeva
International Law Firm
The Barbados Light and Verkhovodko & Dzina Pinchuk
Adrian Carter Power Company Ltd. Partners LLC PwC Belarus Ekaterina Zabello
The Barbados Light and Vlasova Mikhel & Partners
Power Company Ltd. Alexander Kononov Sergey Pinchuk
BELARUS Grant Thornton Lawyer Vadzim Zakreuski
Berkeley Clark Ministry of Energy
BJS Customs Service Inc. RUP BelEnergoSetProekt Nadezhda Koroleva Victor Pleonkin
Anastasia Akulich Sysouev, Bondar, National Bank of the Olga Zdobnova
Heather A. Clarke Khrapoutski SBH Law Office Republic of Belarus Vlasova Mikhel & Partners
Corporate Affairs Borovtsov & Salei
and Intellectual Aliaksandr Anisovich Alexander Korsak Vera Poklonskaya Ekaterina Zheltonoga
Property Office PROMAUDIT Arzinger & Partners Egorov Pugisnky Afanasiev Verdict Law Office
International Law Firm and Partners (EPA&P)
Andrew Cox Anastasia Belenkevich Maksim Zhukov
Ministry of Labor and FBK Bel - PKF International Mikhail Y. Kostyukov Kirill Prihodko Sysouev, Bondar,
Social Security and Human Attorney-at-Law Arzinger & Partners Khrapoutski SBH Law Office
Resource Development Vladimir G. Biruk International Law Firm
Capital Group Dmitry Kovalchik Maxim Znak
Sherica J. Mohammed Stepanovski, Papakul & Anna Rusetskaya JurZnak Law Firm LLC
Cumberbatch Sergei Boiko Partners Attorneys-at-Law Egorov Pugisnky Afanasiev
Carrington & Sealy Minsk Cable (Electrical) and Partners (EPA&P) BELGIUM
Network Yuriy Kozikov
Adrian W. Cummins Borovtsov & Salei Olga Rybakovskaya Hubert Andr-Dumont
Carrington & Sealy Dmitry Bokhan Ministry of Energy
Yevgeniya Leonidovna McGuireWoods LLP
Verkhovodko &
Gloria Eduardo Partners LLC Kravchenko Illia Salei Jan Bael
PwC Barbados AZ Consultant Borovtsov & Salei Notariaat 14
Katsiaryna Buraya
Adrian M. Elcock Sysouev, Bondar, Inna Leus Vassili I. Salei Herlinde Baert
Everson R. Elcock Khrapoutski SBH Law Office Ministry of Justice Borovtsov & Salei Notariaat 14
& Co. Ltd.
Irina Butko Yuliya Liashenko Elena Sapego Matthias Bastiaen
Antonio Elcock Egorov Pugisnky Afanasiev Vlasova Mikhel & Partners Stepanovski, Papakul & PwC Belgium
Everson R. Elcock and Partners (EPA&P) Partners Attorneys-at-Law
Alexander Lieem Michel Bonne
& Co. Ltd.
Alexander Buzo BNT Legal & Tax Liubov Sergeevna Kulba Van Bael & Bellis
Andrew C. Ferreira Egorov Pugisnky Afanasiev Goellner Spedition
Sergei Makarchuk Patrick Boone
Chancery Chambers and Partners (EPA&P) CHSH Cerha Hempel Anna Shalimo PwC Belgium
Mark Franklin Maksim Chernykh Spiegelfeld Hlawati Belarus Verkhovodko &
Partners LLC Hakim Boularbah
Sharalee M.J. Gittens Minsk Cable (Electrical) Natalya Makhanek
Network Liedekerke Wolters
Chancery Chambers Grant Thornton Katsiaryna Shmatsina Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick,
Eugenia Chetverikova American Bar member of Lex Mundi
Anice C.N. Granville Maksim Maksimov
PwC Belarus Association Section of
LEX Caribbean Verkhovodko & International Law Stan Brijs
Sergey Chistyakov Partners LLC NautaDutilh
Marianne Greenidge Yuliya Shuba
KPMG Barbados Stepanovski, Papakul & Viktor Marinitch
Borovtsov & Salei Sara Cappelle
Partners Attorneys-at-Law Rdl & Partner, Belarus
Liza A. Harridyal-Sodha Monard Law
Aliaksandr Danilevich Maksim Slepitch
Harridyal-Sodha Elena Mashonskaya Martijn De Meulemeester
Danilevich & Volozhinets Arzinger & Partners
& Associates Arzinger & Partners International Law Firm PwC Belgium
Tatsiana Fadzeyeva International Law Firm
Jomo Crowther McGlinne Vitaliy Sorokin Kris De Schutter
Hope BNT Legal & Tax Sergey Mashonsky
National Bank of the Loyens & Loeff
Artemis Law Aliaksei Fidzek Arzinger & Partners Republic of Belarus
International Law Firm Didier De Vliegher
Claudette Hope-Greenidge PwC Belarus
Klim Stashevsky NautaDutilh
Ministry of Labor and Valentine Galich Yuliya Matsiuk
Arzinger & Partners Eric Dirix
Social Security and Human Verdict Law Office Arzinger & Partners International Law Firm
Resource Development International Law Firm Cour de Cassation
Maria Golovko Alla Sundukova
Nicholas Hughes Irina Mazurina Camille Dmm
Arzinger & Partners Ministry of Taxes
BDO Barbados International Law Firm Verdict Law Office National Bank of Belgium
and Duties
Keisha N. Hyde Porchetta Nikolai Gorelik Aleksei Mikhailov David DuPont
Dmitry Tihno Ashurst LLP
Harridyal-Sodha Arzinger & Partners Arzinger & Partners PwC Belarus
& Associates International Law Firm International Law Firm Danas Fol
Nikita Tolkanitsa Loyens & Loeff
Louisa Lewis-Ward Elena Hmeleva Anna Miritskaya
CHSH Cerha Hempel
KPMG Barbados Verkhovodko & BNT Legal & Tax Spiegelfeld Hlawati Belarus Alex Franchimont
Partners LLC Crowell & Moring

Alain Franois Robert Vermetten Abdou Kabir Adoumbou Hermann Senou Karma Yeshey
Eubelius Attorneys Transport & Project Cabinet Matre Sakariyaou Entreprise Gnrale De Ministry of
Logistics Nouro-Guiwa Construction Mackho Economic Affairs
Liesbet Fransen
Federal Public Ivan Verougstraete Rodolphe Kadoukpe Akoto Agbodjan Serge Prince
Service Finance Cour de Cassation Lawyer BOLIVIA
Rafikou Agnila Alabi
Pierre-Yves Gillet Katrien Vorlat Cabinet Matre Yessoufou Tanda PwC Bolivia
Cabinet dArchitecte Monard Law Rafikou Alabi Ministre du Cadre de Vie et Fernando Aguirre
du Dveloppement Durable Bufete Aguirre Soc. Civ.
Conny Grenson Bram Vuylsteke Franoise Amoussou
Eubelius Attorneys Notary Bram Vuylsteke Nouvelle Vision Jean-Bosco Todjinou Ignacio Aguirre
EcoPlan SARL Bufete Aguirre Soc. Civ.
Jean-Luc Hagon Tom Wallyn Aum Rockas Amoussouvi
NautaDutilh PwC Belgium Cabinet Rafikou A. Alabi Gilles Togan Carolina Aguirre Urioste
Maersk Benin SA Bufete Aguirre Soc. Civ.
Cedric Hauben Luc Weyts Charles Badou
DLA Piper UK LLP Cabinet dAvocats Augustin Fatondji Tonan Ren Alczar
Dirk Wouters
Charles Badou Port Autonome Autoridad de Supervisin
Sophie Jacmain Wouters, Van Merode
de Cotonou del Sistema Financiero
NautaDutilh & Co. Bedrijfsrevisoren Ferdinand Bokossa Yaou
BVBA - member of Russell Engineer Bnoit Wandi Richard Csar Alccer Garnica
An Jacobs
Bedford International Agence Nationale Autoridad de Fiscalizacin
Liedekerke Wolters Is-Dine Bouraima
du Domaine et du y Control Social de
Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick, Nicola Zenoni Agence de Promotion des
Foncier (ANDF) Electricidad (AE)
member of Lex Mundi Ashurst LLP Investissements et des
Exportations (APIEX) Adjt Fabrice O. Wilson Daniela Aragons Cortez
Evelien Jamaels
BELIZE Cabinet Matre Sanjins &
Crowell & Moring Stondji Pierre Codjia
Rafikou Alabi Asociados-Abogados
Emil Arguelles Cabinet dAvocats
Stphanie Kervyn de
Arguelles & Company LLC Charles Badou Geovanni Armaza R.
Meerendr BHUTAN
Deminor SA Bonaventure Dansou A. R. Logistics Bolivia
Jenny Armstrong
Africa Handling Bhutan Power
Marianne Laruelle Belize Companies and Corporation Ltd.
Johnny Arteaga Chavez
Corporate Affairs Registry and Logistics Direccin General de
Stephan Legein Tika Ram Bhandari Tierras de Santa Cruz
Andrew Bennett Michel Degbo
Federal Public Socit Bninoise Continental Accounts
Service Finance Glenn D. Godfrey & Co. LLP & Consultancy Service
Pedro Asturizaga
dEnergie Electrique Autoridad de Supervisin
Nathalie Locht Herbert Bradley
Nadine Dossou Sakponou Sonam Chophel del Sistema Financiero
McGuireWoods LLP Herbert Bradley Custom Credit Information
House Brokers Cabinet Robert M. Dossou Sergio Avendao
Catherine Longeval Bureau of Bhutan
Rodrigue Dossou-Togbe Rigoberto Paredes
Van Bael & Bellis Christopher Coye
Samten Dhendup & Associates
Courtenay Coye LLP Djakaridja Fofana Thimphu Thromde
Axel Maeterlinck Rigoberto Paredes Aylln
Ana Maria Espat PwC Cte dIvoire
Simont Braun Bhim Dhungel Rigoberto Paredes
Strukture Architects Nadege Honvo Zorig Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. & Associates
Allan Magerotte
Eubelius Attorneys Russell Longsworth Narcisse Justin Soglo Kencho Dorji Leonardo Azurduy Saunero
Caribbean Shipping Ordre National des Leko Packers Quintanilla, Soria &
Jan Moerkerke Agencies Ltd. Architectes et Urbanistes
Royal Federation of Nishizawa Soc. Civ.
Kencho Dorji
Mortgage Keepers Fred Lumor Noel Kelembho Ministry of Finance Andrea Bollmann-Duarte
of Belgium Fred Lumor & Co. SDV Logistics Salazar Salazar
Choki Gyeltshen
Pascale Moreau Tania Moody William Kodjoh-Kpakpassou & Asociados
Ministry of Finance
PwC Belgium Barrow & Williams Tribunal de premire Walter B. Calla Cardenas
instance de Abomey calavi Goutam Mukherjee
Johan Mouraux Estevan Perera Colegio Departamental
KCR Private Limited de Arquitectos de La Paz
DLA Piper UK LLP Estevan Perera & Monique Kothofa Faihun
Company LLP Etude Matre Tenzin Namgay
Grisett Carrasco Guerra
Leo Peeters Kothofa Faihun National Land
Peeters Advocaten-Avocats Vanessa Retreage C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados,
Commission Secretariat member of Lex Mundi
Reyes Retreage LLP Victorien D. Kougblenou
Emmanuel Plasschaert Agence Nationale Tashi Penjor
Crowell & Moring Aldo Reyes Asdrval Columba Jofre
du Domaine et du Ministry of AC Consultores Legales
Reyes Retreage LLP Economic Affairs
Johan Poedts Foncier (ANDF)
Sibelga Wilfred Rhaburn Carla De la Barra
Alain Ren Kpetehoto Dorji Phuntsho
W. Rhaburn Consulting Rigoberto Paredes
Aurlie Pollie Cabinet Artech Royal Securities Exchange & Associates
NautaDutilh Patricia Rodriguez of Bhutan Ltd.
Belize Companies and Sakariyaou Nourou-Guiwa Sergio Delgadillo
Eric Schmitz Cabinet Matre Sakariyaou Shrowan Pradhan
Corporate Affairs Registry Bolivian Bank Lawyer
PwC Belgium Nouro-Guiwa Niche Financial Services
Giacomo Sanchez Jose Diaz
Kristof Slootmans Arouna Oloulade Parishad Rai
Grant Thornton LLP DM Consultores Legales
DLA Piper UK LLP Socit Bninoise Bhutan Silicon Metal
Llewelyn Usher dEnergie Electrique Private Limited Cynthia Diaz Quevedo
Frdric Souchon International Financial Ferrere Attorneys
PwC Belgium Claude Olympio Jamyang Sherab
Services Commission Garuda Legal Services Jose Luis Diaz Romero
Ministere de la Justice
Timothy Speelman Saidi Vaccaro et de la Legislation Servicios Generales
McGuireWoods LLP Neelam Thapa
Arguelles & Company LLC en Electricidad y
Jules Pofagi Leko Packers Construccin (SGEC)
Bernard Thuysbaert Lisa Zayden
Deminor SA Alexandrine Falilatou Karma Tshewang
Horwath Belize LLP Alejandra Guevara
Saizonou-Bedie Visit Asia Guevara & Gutirrez SC
Bram Van Cauwenberge Cabinet dAvocats
NautaDutilh BENIN Prakash Veer Tyagi
Alexandrine F. Sergio Gutierrez
Gateway Rail Fright Limited Gutierrez Construccion
Jan Van Celst BCEAO Saizonou-Bedie
Kinley Wangdi y Materiales
DLA Piper UK LLP Fiduciaire Conseil et Olagnika Salam Credit Information Jorge Herrera
Gill Van Damme Assistance (FCA) Office Notarial Bureau of Bhutan
Olagnika Salam DM Consultores Legales
PwC Belgium GUOCE Phuntsho Wangdi
Alidou Sare Juan Carlos Ibaez Pereyra
Yannick Van Ranst John W. Ffooks & Co. Ministry of Finance
Agence Nationale Global Lines - Freight
Federal Public
Modeste Abiala du Domaine et du Sonam Wangdi and Cargo SRL
Service Finance
Bollor Transport Foncier (ANDF) Ministry of Labour and Jorge Luis Inchauste
Bart Van Rossum & Logistics Human Resources Guevara & Gutirrez SC

Jaime M. Jimnez Alvarez Jorge N. Serrate Salko Kruho Ruica Topi Bone Motau
Colegio de Ingenieros Wrth Bedoya Costa DB Schenker Attorney-at-Law Collins Newman & Co.
Electricistas y du Rels Abogados Office Lawyers
Sejda Kruica-Fejzi Mmatshipi Motsepe
Electrnicos La Paz Ruzica Topic, Nebojsa
Diego Tamayo JP Elektroprivreda Manica Africa Pty. Ltd.
Rodrigo Jimnez-Cusicanqui Wrth Bedoya Costa BiH Podrunica Makaric, Sasa Topic
Robert Mpabanga
Salazar Salazar du Rels Abogados Elektrodistribucija Edin Zametica
& Asociados Sarajevo TransUnion Botswana
A. Mauricio Torrico Galindo DERK (State Electricity (Pty) Ltd.
Paola Justiniano Arias Quintanilla, Soria & Emil Kukovi Regulatory Commission)
Walter Mushi
Sanjins & Nishizawa Soc. Civ. LRC Credit Bureau
Asociados-Abogados BOTSWANA Collins Newman & Co.
Ramiro Velasco Muamer Mahmutovic
Jeffrey Bookbinder Olebile Daphney Muzila
Fernando Krutzfeldt Colegio de Ingenieros Chamber of Commerce
Monasterio Electricistas y of Canton Sarajevo Bookbinder Business Law Bookbinder Business Law
Von Borries Blanco Electrnicos La Paz Andrew Chifedi Gasepale Nametso
Nebojsa Makaric
Estudio de Abogados Andrews Removal Slight Shift Pty. Ltd.
Omar Martinez Velasquez BOSNIA AND Office Lawyers & Freight Rajesh Narasimhan
Autoridad de Fiscalizacin HERZEGOVINA Ruzica Topic, Nebojsa Grant Thornton LLP
One Damane
y Control Social de Jasmin Beo Makaric, Sasa Topic Modimo & Associates Kwadwo Osei-Ofei
Electricidad (AE) FERK (Regulatory Branko Mari Nigel Dixon-Warren Osei-Ofei Swabi & Co.
Alejandra Bernal Mercado Commission for Energy in Mari & Co. Law Firm
the Federation of Bosnia
KPMG Onalenna Otlaadisa Diloro
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados,
and Herzegovina) Mejrima Memi-Drino Candice Dubane Bookbinder Business Law
member of Lex Mundi
Public Employment Office Collins Newman & Co.
Rub Mondaca Dario Bievi of Zenica-Doboj Canton Rory Peynado
Autoridad de Supervisin DB Schenker Lesego Gabasiane Gaborone City Council
Emir Naimkadi
del Sistema Financiero Bojana Bonjak-London Collins Newman & Co. Fred Phiri
JP Elektroprivreda
Ariel Morales Vasquez Mari & Co. Law Firm BiH Podrunica Vasie Hager Dalgliesh Lindsay
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados, Elektrodistribucija PwC Botswana Group Architects
Mubera Brkovic
member of Lex Mundi PwC Bosnia and Sarajevo Karen Phiri
Julius Mwaniki Kanja
Ramiro Moreno Herzegovina Indir Osmic Chibanda, Armstrongs Attorneys
Moreno Baldivieso Zlatko engi CMS Reich-Rohrwig Makgalemele & Co. Butler Phirie
Estudio de Abogados Unioninvest d.d. Hainz d.o.o. PwC Botswana
We-Bathu Kwele
Ana Carola Muoz Aez Mia Deli Aida Plivac Chibanda, Joanne Robinson
Indacochea & Asociados Spaho Law Office PwC Bosnia and Makgalemele & Co. Osei-Ofei Swabi & Co.
Mirko Olmos Slaven Dizdar Naledi Leepile Piyush Sharma
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados, Mari & Co. Law Firm Lejla Popara PwC Botswana Piyush Sharma Attorneys
member of Lex Mundi
Vinja Dizdarevi Olodar Prebani Fidellis Lekhao Moemedi J. Tafa
David Pando Mari & Co. Law Firm Lawyers Office Tkalcic- Botswana Unified Armstrongs Attorneys
Autoridad de Supervisin Dulic, Prebanic, Rizvic & Revenue Service (BURS)
del Sistema Financiero Amina Dugum Jusufbasic-Goloman Girlie Tobedza
Queen Letshabo Chibanda,
Carlos Pinto Fea Dupovac ore Rackovi Rahim Khan & Company Makgalemele & Co.
Ferrere Attorneys Advokatsko drutvo Central Bank of Bosnia
Spaho d.o.o. Sarajevo City Mafa Nilusha Weeraratne
and Herzegovina
Roco Plata Tectura International PwC Botswana
Rigoberto Paredes Dina Grebo Sanja Saf Botswana
& Associates Chamber of Commerce Unioninvest d.d. BRAZIL
of Canton Sarajevo
Mercia Bonzo Makgalemele
Oscar Antonio Plaza Ponte Hasib Salki Chibanda, Maysa Abrahao Tavares
Sosa Arijana Hadiahmetovi-Softi Jump Logistics d.o.o. Makgalemele & Co. Verzola
Buro de Informacin Mari & Co. Law Firm
Lana Sarajlic Kgaotsang Matthews Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Infocenter SA Kemal Hadzimusic & Flesch Advogados
Moribame Matthews
Arjana Selimi
Guillermo Pou Munt Chamber of Commerce
JP Elektroprivreda Kusigani Mbambo Eduardo Abrantes
CEAS srl of Canton Sarajevo
BiH Podrunica Bookbinder Business Law Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Ilda Raga Prado Vedran Hadimustafi Elektrodistribucija & Flesch Advogados
Wolf Theiss d.o.o. Sarajevo Finola McMahon
Sociedad de Ingenieros Sarajevo Marina Agueda
Osei-Ofei Swabi & Co.
de Bolivia De Luca, Derenusson,
Nermina Hadziosmanovich Nihad Sijeri
Ntandoyakhe Mhlanga Schuttoff e Azevedo
Joaqun Rodrguez PwC Bosnia and KN Karanovi & Nikoli
Herzegovina Rahim Khan & Company Advogados
Autoridad de Fiscalizacin Emir Spaho
y Control Social de Gaselabotlhe Mmolawa Antnio Aires
Samra Hadovi Advokatsko drutvo
Electricidad (AE) Law Office Hadzovic Brandbucket Demarest Advogados
Spaho d.o.o. Sarajevo
Patricio Rojas in association with Investment Pty. Ltd.
Mehmed Spaho Luiz Albieri
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados, Wolf Theiss Peo Malaika Mmopi
Advokatsko drutvo Albieri e Associados
member of Lex Mundi Bookbinder Business Law
Zijad Hasovi Spaho d.o.o. Sarajevo Maria Lcia Almeida
Mariela Rojas Mendieta Komora Revizora FBiH Abel Walter Modimo
Selma Spaho Prado e Silva
Buro de Informacin Amir Husi Modimo & Associates Demarest Advogados
Advokatsko drutvo
Infocenter SA Lagermax AED Bosna i Spaho d.o.o. Sarajevo Doreen Moeletsi Leila Alves
Sergio Salazar-Arce Herzegowina d.o.o. Botswana Unified
Mile Srdanovi De Luca, Derenusson,
Salazar Salazar Nusmir Huski Revenue Service (BURS) Schuttoff e Azevedo
FERK (Regulatory
& Asociados Huskic Law Office Advogados
Commission for Energy in Tiroeaone Mojatale
Sergio Salazar-Machicado the Federation of Bosnia Brandbucket
Emir Ibisevic Franklin Alves de Oliveira
Salazar Salazar and Herzegovina) Investment Pty. Ltd.
Deloitte Advisory Gomes Filho
& Asociados Services d.o.o. Bojana Tkali-Djuli Lobo & De Rizzo
Khumo Morupisi
Sandra Salinas Lawyers Office Tkalcic- Kua Mosi Enterprises Advogados
Arela Jusufbasi-Goloman
C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados, Dulic, Prebanic, Rizvic & Pty. Ltd. Ivana Amorim de Coelho
Lawyers Office Tkalcic-
member of Lex Mundi Jusufbasic-Goloman Bomfim
Dulic, Prebanic, Rizvic & Johannes Mosanawe
Ral Sanjins Elizagoyen Jusufbasic-Goloman Sasa Topic Ministry of Labour Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Sanjins & Attorney-at-Law and Home Affairs e Opice Advogados
Harun Kahvedi
Asociados-Abogados Office Lawyers Gabriel Araujo
Public employment office Petros Mosholombe
Ruzica Topic, Nebojsa
Carla Saracho of Zenica-Doboj Canton Botswana Power Oliverio Dal Fabbro
Makaric, Sasa Topic
Wbc Abogados SRL and University in Zenica Corporation Advogados
Nedada Kapidi Gianvito Ardito
Notary Pinheiro Neto Advogados

Amanda Aras Diana Braga Nascimento Pedro Costa Heloisa Bonciani Nader Jessica Frisch Rozes Kimelblat
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Toscani Barbosa, Mssnich & di Cunto Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
& Flesch Advogados Braga Nascimento Arago Advogados Duarte Garcia, & Flesch Advogados
e Zilio Law Firm Caselli Guimares e
Luiza Arjona Bruno Henrique Coutinho de Everton Gabriel Monezzi
Terra Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Leonardo Brandao Aguiar Braga Nascimento
& Flesch Advogados EY Servios Tributrios SS Rayes & Fagundes Cristiano Dias e Zilio Law Firm
Advogados Costa e Tavares Paes
Ticiana Ayala Natalia Brasil Correa da Silva Rafael Gagliardi
Sociedade de Advogados
Chediak, Lopes da Maria Cibele Crepaldi Affonso Demarest Advogados
Sergio Bronstein
Costa, Cristofaro, dos Santos Wagner Douglas Dockhorn
Veirano Advogados Rodrigo Garcia da Fonseca
Menezes Crtes, Renn Costa e Tavares Paes COPREVI Advocacia
e Arago Advogados Sociedade de Advogados Previdenciria Fonseca e Salles Lima
Joo Henrique Brum
Advogados Associados
Matheus Azevedo Bastos de
Dominges E. Pinho Marcelo Leonardo Cristiano Jos Ricardo dos Santos
Contadores Rafaella Gentil Gervaerd
Oliveira Fraga, Bekierman e Luz Jnior
Demarest Advogados Cristiano Advogados Braga Nascimento Chediak, Lopes da
Marcus Brumano
e Zilio Law Firm
Costa, Cristofaro,
Demarest Advogados
Josef Azulay Camilla Cunha Menezes Crtes, Renn
Barbosa, Mssnich & Cristina de Freitas Bueno Barbosa, Mssnich & Rodrigo Duarte e Arago Advogados
Arago Advogados Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Arago Advogados Veirano Advogados
Luis Filipe Gentil Pedro
& Flesch Advogados
Aldo Azullini Gabriel da Cmara de Queiroz Brigida Melo e Cruz Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Grupo Bechtrans Fernanda Ferreira Demarest Advogados Gama Filho e Opice Advogados
Bastos Buhatem Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Bruno Balduccini Carlos da Costa e Silva Filho Murilo Germiniani
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa Marcelo Elias Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
& Flesch Advogados
e Guerreiro Advogados Pinheiro Guimares e Opice Advogados
Rafael Baptista Baleroni
Frederico Buosi Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Pedro da Cunha e Silva de Daniel Giacomini
Vella Pugliese
& Flesch Advogados Carvalho Bruna Esch Braga Nascimento
Buosi Guidoni
Vella Pugliese Barbosa, Mssnich & e Zilio Law Firm
Rodrigo Baraldi dos Santos
Luiz Guilherme Camargo Buosi Guidoni Arago Advogados
Baraldi Advocacia Deborah Christina Giacomini
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Empresarial Adriana Daiuto Renata Espinola Gomes Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
& Flesch Advogados
Demarest Advogados EY Servios Tributrios SS & Flesch Advogados
Sarah Barbassa
Paulo Campana
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Joo Luis Ribeiro de Almeida Joo Paulo F.A. Fagundes Luiz Marcelo Gis
Felsberg Advogados
& Flesch Advogados Demarest Advogados Rayes & Fagundes Barbosa, Mssnich &
Rassa Campelo Advogados Arago Advogados
Priscyla Barbosa Ana Beatriz de Almeida Lobo
Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Veirano Advogados Veirano Advogados Fabio Falkenburger Rodrigo Gomes Maia
Renato Canizares Machado, Meyer, Sendacz Noronha Advogados
Matheus Barcelos Fernando Amaral
Demarest Advogados e Opice Advogados
Barbosa, Mssnich & de Almeida Prado Digenes Gonalves
Arago Advogados Angela Carvalho Sinerconsult Vanessa Felcio Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Veirano Advogados
Sergio Basso Fabola Meira Renata Gonalves
& Flesch Advogados
AES Eletropaulo de Almeida Santos Thomas Benes Felsberg Halliburton Produtos Ltda
Angela Pedreira de Freitas Braga Nascimento Felsberg Advogados
Fernanda Bastos Jean Stnio Goncalves Feitosa
Joaquim de Carvalho e Zilio Law Firm
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Josney Ferraz BRL Global Logistics
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
& Flesch Advogados Joo Victor de Barros Units Auditores
& Flesch Advogados Maria Eduarda Goston
Veirano Advogados Independentes
Leonardo Bastos Carvalho Tisi Ferraz
David Carvalho
Letech Engenharia Rodrigo de Castro Joo Guilherme Ferreira Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Kraft Advogados
Veirano Advogados Noronha Advogados e Opice Advogados
Jlio Henrique Batista Associados
Guerra e Batista Rafael De Conti Marilia Ferreira de Miranda Eduardo Ferraz Guerra
rika Carvalho
Advogados De Conti Law Office Tabeli de Notas e Protesto Guerra e Batista
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
de Santa Branca/SP Advogados
Roberto Bekierman & Flesch Advogados Otavio Augusto De Farias
Fraga, Bekierman e Carratu Gabriella Ferreira Marco Guerra
Thiago Carvalho Stob
Cristiano Advogados Guerra e Batista do Nascimento Knig do Brasil Carga
Noronha Advogados
Advogados Internacional Ltda
Gilberto Belleza Renata Fialho
Ramon Castilho
Belleza & Batalha C. Joo Claudio De Luca Junior Veirano Advogados Raphael Guerra
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Do Lago Arquitetos De Luca, Derenusson, Knig do Brasil Carga
& Flesch Advogados Wesley Figueira
Associados Schuttoff e Azevedo Internacional Ltda
Russell Bedford
Roberto Castro Advogados
Marcello Bernardes International Antnio Carlos Guidoni Filho
Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Beatriz Gross Bueno de Vella Pugliese
e Opice Advogados Guilherme Filardi
Moraes Gomes de S Buosi Guidoni
Leonardo Bertolazzi De Luca, Derenusson,
Fernanda Cirne De Vivo, Whitaker e
Braga Nascimento Schuttoff e Azevedo Bruno Habib Negreiros
Montorfano Gibson Castro Advogados
e Zilio Law Firm Advogados Barbosa
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Daniela de Pontes Andrade Veirano Advogados
Camila Biral Vieira & Flesch Advogados Nadio Filho
Lobo & De Rizzo
da Cunha Martins SMX Logistics Enrique Hadad
Ricardo E. Vieira Coelho Advogados
Demarest Advogados Loeser e Portela
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Rodolpho Finimundi
Gabriela Dell Agnolo de Advogados
Rodrigo Bittencourt
Braga Nascimento
Roberta Coelho de Souza
Ulha Canto, Rezende e Zilio Law Firm Felipe Hanszmann
Batalha Zeigler e Mendona de
e Guerra-Advogados Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa
Demarest Advogados Barros Sociedade de Leandro Amorim C. Fonseca
e Guerreiro Advogados
Alexander Blanco de Oliveira Advogados (ZMB) Costa e Tavares Paes
Vivian Coelho
World Line Freight Ndia Demoliner Lacerda
Sociedade de Advogados Luis Hiar
dos Santos Breder
Forwarder Ltda da Silva Lefosse Advogados
Ulha Canto, Rezende Alessandra Fonseca de Morais
Amir Bocayuva Cunha e Guerra-Advogados Mundie e Advogados Pinheiro Neto Advogados Alberto Jun II Shin
Barbosa, Mssnich & Eduardo Depassier Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Caroline Cordeiro Julian Fonseca Pea Chediak
Arago Advogados Loeser e Portela & Flesch Advogados
Costa e Tavares Paes Chediak, Lopes da
Mellina Bortoli Caliman Sociedade de Advogados Advogados Costa, Cristofaro, Carlos Augusto
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Claudia Derenusson Riedel
Menezes Crtes, Renn Leite Junqueira
Luiz Felipe Cordeiro
e Arago Advogados Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Carlos David Albuquerque Chediak, Lopes da De Luca, Derenusson,
Schuttoff e Azevedo & Flesch Advogados
Braga Costa, Cristofaro, Luiz Carlos Fraga
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Menezes Crtes, Renn Advogados Fraga, Bekierman e Flavio Kelner
& Flesch Advogados e Arago Advogados Cristiano Advogados RAF Arquitetura e
Planejamento Ltda
Marcel Cordeiro
PwC Brazil

Breno Kingma Estvo Mallet Vladimir Mucury Cardoso Antonio Celso Pugliese Fernando Semerdjian
Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa Mallet e Advogados Chediak, Lopes da Vella Pugliese Lobo & De Rizzo
e Guerreiro Advogados Associados Costa, Cristofaro, Buosi Guidoni Advogados
Menezes Crtes, Renn
Dan Kraft Glaucia Mara Coelho Marcelo Pupo Erik Sernik
e Arago Advogados
Kraft Advogados Machado, Meyer, Sendacz Felsberg Advogados Vella Pugliese
Associados e Opice Advogados Ian Muniz Buosi Guidoni
Ricardo Quaresma
Veirano Advogados
Gabriela Krieck Johnatan Maranhao XYZ Export Donizetti Antonio Silva
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Pinheiro Neto Advogados Ana Carolina Musa DAS Consultoria
Joo Ramos
& Flesch Advogados Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa
Manuel Marinho
e Guerreiro Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Eduardo Simes Lanna
Laila Kurati PwC Brazil & Flesch Advogados Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Serasa SA Cssio S. Namur & Flesch Advogados
Deborah Marques Ronaldo Rayes
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Sergio Andr Laclau Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados Rayes & Fagundes Michel Siqueira Batista
Veirano Advogados & Flesch Advogados Advogados Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa
Jorge Nemr e Guerreiro Advogados
Jos Paulo Lago Alves Ana Marra Gabriella Reao
Leite, Tosto e Barros
Pequeno EY Servios Tributrios SS Ulha Canto, Rezende Livia Sousa Borges Leal
Noronha Advogados Flavio Nicoletti Siqueira e Guerra-Advogados Demarest Advogados
Stefania Martignago
Daniel Lago Rodrigues De Luca, Derenusson, Anita Reis Guilherme Spinac
Registro de Imveis de Schuttoff e Azevedo Walter Nimir Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Demarest Advogados
Taboo da Serra Advogados Zeigler e Mendona de & Flesch Advogados
Walter Stuber
Barros Sociedade de
Alessandro Lambiasi Aldo Martinez
Advogados (ZMB)
Elisa Rezende Walter Stuber
De Conti Law Office Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Veirano Advogados Consultoria Jurdica
& Flesch Advogados Sergio Niskier
Thoms Lampster Andreza Ribeiro Marcos Tabatschnic
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Larissa Martins Vitor Novo Souza, Cescon, Barrieu PwC Brazil
Noronha Advogados Leite, Tosto e Barros & Flesch Advogados
Jos Augusto Leal Rodrigo Takano
Castro, Barros, Sobral, Vinicius Martins Flavio Nunes Erika Ribeiro Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Gomes Advogados Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Michael OConnor
de Menezes Pascoal e Opice Advogados
& Flesch Advogados De Conti Law Office
Andr Leo Guerra e Batista Bruno Tanus Job e Meira
Costa e Tavares Paes Renata Martins de Oliveira Advogados Laura Ribeiro Vissotto Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Sociedade de Advogados Machado, Meyer, Sendacz Evany Oliveira
1 Cartrio de Notas de & Flesch Advogados
e Opice Advogados So Jos dos Campos
Alexandre Leite Ribeiro do PwC Brazil Celina Teixeira
Valle Roberta R. Matheus
Joo Oliveira
Luis Fernando Riskalla 18 Oficio de Notas
VM&L Sociedade Lefosse Advogados Leite, Tosto e Barros
Veirano Advogados Rodrigo Teixeira
de Advogados Advogados
Gisela Mation
Lidia Amalia Oliveira Ferranti
Lobo & De Rizzo
Charles Lenzi Machado, Meyer, Sendacz Beatriz Roditi Lilenbaum Advogados
VM&L Sociedade
AES Eletropaulo e Opice Advogados Noronha Advogados
de Advogados Maurcio Teixeira Santos
Karina Lerner Eduardo Augusto Mattar
Eduardo Ono Terashima
Viviane Rodrigues Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Barbosa, Mssnich & Pinheiro Guimares Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados
Demarest Advogados
Arago Advogados Advogados & Flesch Advogados
Milena Tesser
Lucas Passos
Rafael Lins e Silva Nascimento Gustavo Mattos Marcelo Rolim Rayes & Fagundes
Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Costa e Tavares Paes Vella Pugliese Rolinvest Advogados
e Opice Advogados
Sociedade de Advogados Buosi Guidoni
Fbio Rosas Carlos Augusto Texeira
Ivana Pedreira Coelho
Guilherme Lippel Marcelo Mattos Souza, Cescon, Barrieu da Silva
Castro, Barros, Sobral,
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Veirano Advogados & Flesch Advogados
Gomes Advogados Gustavo Treistman
& Flesch Advogados
Thiago Medaglia Jos Luiz Rossi Veirano Advogados
Rogrio Rabelo Peixoto
Maury Lobo de Athayde Felsberg Advogados Serasa SA
Banco Central do Brasil Gisele Trindade
Chaves, Gelman, Machado,
Davi Medina Vilela Lia Roston Vella Pugliese
Gilberto e Barboza Gabrielle Pelegrini
Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa Rayes & Fagundes Buosi Guidoni
Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa
Odilon Lopes e Guerreiro Advogados Advogados
e Guerreiro Advogados Bruno Valente
Units Auditores
Aloysio Meirelles de Miranda Jorge Roylei Kou PwC Brazil
Independentes Rafaela Pepe
Ulha Canto, Rezende Vella Pugliese
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Luiz Fernando Valente
Tiago Lopes e Guerra-Advogados Buosi Guidoni
& Flesch Advogados De Paiva
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Adlilon Melo Victor Saldanha Pinheiro Neto Advogados
& Flesch Advogados Paula Pereira
PwC Brazil Braga Nascimento
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Nickolas Valentin Risovas
Letcia Lucas e Zilio Law Firm
Adriano Mendes & Flesch Advogados Machado, Meyer, Sendacz
Baraldi Advocacia
Assis E Mendes Advogados Cristina Salvador e Opice Advogados
Empresarial Nivio Perez dos Santos
Baraldi Advocacia
Camila Mendes New-Link Com. Ext. Ltda Christiane Valese
Zora Lyra Empresarial
Vianna Cardoso Rayes & Fagundes
Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa Maria Pia Bastos-Tigre
Kincaid | Mendes Rodrigo Sanchez Advogados
e Guerreiro Advogados Buchheim
Vianna Advogados Serasa SA
Bastos - Tigre, Coelho da Kamile Medeiros Valle
Marina Maccabelli
Marianne Mendes Webber Rocha e Lopes Advogados Rafael Santos Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Demarest Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados
Marina Meyer Claudio Pieruccetti
Thiago Machado & Flesch Advogados
De Luca, Derenusson, Vieira, Rezende, Barbosa Ronaldo C. Veirano
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Schuttoff e Azevedo e Guerreiro Advogados Priscilla Saraiva Veirano Advogados
& Flesch Advogados
Advogados Ulha Canto, Rezende
Antonio Claudio Pinto Maria Tereza Vellano
Pedro Maciel e Guerra-Advogados
Mnica Missaka da Fonseca AES Eletropaulo
Lefosse Advogados
Noronha Advogados Construtora MG Ltda Carolina Guerra Sarti
Anna Carolina Venturini
Lucilena Madaleno
Cssia Pizzotti
Costa e Tavares Paes
Aline Moraes Pinheiro Neto Advogados
EY Servios Tributrios SS Sociedade de Advogados
Noronha Advogados Demarest Advogados
Ademilson Viana
Renato G.R. Maggio Julia Schulz Rotenberg
Lycia Moreira Renato Poltronieri Demarest Advogados
Machado, Meyer, Sendacz Demarest Advogados
Fraga, Bekierman e Demarest Advogados
e Opice Advogados Marcelo Viegas
Cristiano Advogados Sabine Schuttoff
Durval Araulo Portela Filho Mar & Mar Engenharia
Jos Guilherme do De Luca, Derenusson,
Gustavo Morel PwC Brazil
Nascimento Malheiro Schuttoff e Azevedo Ana Cecilia Viegas Madasi
Veirano Advogados
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Marcos Prado Advogados Pinheiro Neto Advogados
& Flesch Advogados Souza, Cescon, Barrieu
Hugo Vieira
& Flesch Advogados
Mundie e Advogados

Victoria Villela Boacnin Siti Norzainah Binti Azharan Mahmoud Syaheer Yusoff Kristina Gouneva Slavi Mikinski
Pinheiro Neto Advogados Autoriti Monetari Tabung Amanah Pekerja Dobrev & Lyutskanov Legalex Law Office
Brunei Darussalam
Eric Visini Zulina Zainal Abidin Katerina Gramatikova Yordan Minkov
Felsberg Advogados Robin Cheok Royal Customs and Dobrev & Lyutskanov Dinova Rusev & Partners
Cheok Advocates Excise Department
Rafael Vitelli Depieri Hristian Gueorguiev Lyubomira Miteva
& Solicitors
1 Cartrio de Notas de Dinova Rusev & Partners Kinkin & Partners
So Jos dos Campos Wong Chung Hong BULGARIA
Stefan Gugushev Yordanka Mravkova
Chung Hong Sdn. Bhd. Svetlin Adrianov
Jos Carlos Wahle Gugushev & Partners Registry Agency
Veirano Advogados ZulAmali DP H Idris Penkov, Markov of Bulgaria
& Partners Yassen Hristev
Arkitek Idris
Eduardo Guimares Wanderley Kinkin & Partners Vladimir Natchev
Veirano Advogados Kunal Fabiani Stefan Angelov Arsov, Nachev, Ganeva
V Consulting Bulgaria Hristina Hristova
Karin Yamauti Hatanaka Simon Guidecoq DHL Express Bulgaria Yordan Naydenov
Souza, Cescon, Barrieu Rusalena Angelova Boyanov & Co.
Mohammad Faizal Haji Ali Djingov, Gouginski, Velyana Hristova
& Flesch Advogados
Brunei Methanol Company Kyutchukov & Velichkov Penkov, Markov Hristo Nihrizov
Natalia Yazbek
Nina Jasmine Haji Bahrin
& Partners Dimitrov, Petrov & Co.
Veirano Advogados Elitsa Asenova
Autoriti Monetari Kinkin & Partners Krasimira Ignatova Maria Pashalieva
Flavio Yoshida Brunei Darussalam PwC Bulgaria Penkov, Markov
Rayes & Fagundes Ina Bankovska & Partners
Norzanah Hambali Kinkin & Partners Iliya Iliev
Lands Department, Primorska Audit Viktor Pavlov
Andre Zanin de Oliveira Ministry of Development Mileslava Bogdanova-Misheva Company-member Directorate for State
Federao Nacional das Tsvetkova Bebov of Russell Bedford Supervision Control
Norizzah Hazirah Komarevski
Agncias de Navegao Hj Awg Hussin
International in Construction
Martima FENAMAR Marina Borisova
Department of Labor, Ginka Iskrova Ilian Petkov
Ministry of Home Affairs Kinkin & Partners PwC Bulgaria ISPDD
Farah Kong Plamen Borissov Rossen Ivanov Teodora Popova
Abdullah Ahmad Autoriti Monetari Borissov & Partners Arsov, Nachev, Ganeva Penev LLP
Architects Brunei Darussalam Emil Cholakov Vesela Kabatliyska Bozhko Poryazov
Arkitek Ibrahim Susan Law LM Legal Services Ltd. Dinova Rusev & Partners Delchev & Partners
Eco Bumi Arkitek DSunlit Sdn Bhd Christopher Christov Law Firm
Angel Kalaidjiev
Kha Arkitek Simon Leong Penev LLP Kalaidjiev & Georgiev Maria Pramatarova
KR Kamarulzaman Nikolay Cvetanov Sofia Municipality-Town
Ridzlan Lim Advocates & Associates Vladi Kalinov
Penkov, Markov Hall
& Solicitors Sofia Municipality-Town
Kathy Lim & Partners Hall Nikolay Radev
Zainon Abang C H Williams Talhar Kinkin & Partners
Lands Department, Ralitza Damyanova Dessislava Karpulska
& Wong Sdn Bhd Delchev & Partners
Ministry of Development PwC Bulgaria Silvia Ribanchova
Muhammad Billy Lim Law Firm Schoenherr
Rena Azlina Abd Aziz Abdul Aziz Hristina Kirilova
Registry of Companies Maria Danailova Kambourov & Partners Milen Rusev
Arkitek Rekajaya Danailova, Todorov
& Business Names Dinova Rusev & Partners
Harold Ng and Partners Law Firm Violeta Kirova
Amiruddin Abdul Aziz CCW Partnership Boyanov & Co. Aneta Sarafova
Arkitek Aziz Emil Delchev Danailova, Todorov
Ahmad Norhayati Delchev & Partners Nikolay Kolev
and Partners Law Firm
HJH Siti Norishan HJ Abdul Sepakat Setia Perunding Law Firm Boyanov & Co.
Ghafor Engineering Consultant Boiko Sekiranov
Daniel Borisov Delev Rada Koleva
Autoriti Monetari Sofia Municipality-Town
Siti Norishan Sofia Municipality-Town PwC Bulgaria Hall
Brunei Darussalam
Autoriti Monetari Hall Ilya Komarevski
Nur Shahreena Abdullah Brunei Darussalam Gergana Shinikova
Kostadinka Deleva Tsvetkova Bebov Kinkin & Partners
Tabung Amanah Pekerja Komarevski
Ghazalin Pengarah Gugushev & Partners
Saharana Ahmad Lands Department, Julian Spassov
Valeria Dieva Yavor Kostov
Lands Department, Ministry of Development McGregor & Partners
Kalaidjiev & Georgiev Arsov, Nachev, Ganeva
Ministry of Development Krum Stanchev
Awangku Aziz Pengiran Ali George Dimitrov Yordan Kostov
Hajah Norajimah Haji Aji Hassan ELIA PLC
Department of Labor, Dimitrov, Petrov & Co. Stephan Kyutchukov
Energy and Industry Petar Stefanov
Ministry of Home Affairs Department Tzvetelina Dimitrova Djingov, Gouginski,
Georgiev, Todorov & Co. Kyutchukov & Velichkov
Erma Ali Rahman Dayang Hajah Rahayu Dato Nina Stoeva
Registry of Companies Paduka Haji Abdul Razak Alexandra Doytchinova Anita Laleva
Legalex Law Office
& Business Names Darussalam Assets Schoenherr National Revenue Agency
Sdn Bhd Tsvetelina Stoilova
Aishah Alkaff Simeon Draganov Nina Lazarova
Kinkin & Partners
Veronica K Rajakanu Geodesy, Cartography Registry Agency
Najibah Aziz
Zuls Partners Law Office and Cadaster Agency of Bulgaria Roman Stoyanov
Royal Customs and
Penkov, Markov
Excise Department Yvonne Sim Silvia Dulevska Jordan Manahilov
& Partners
Bulgarian National Bank Bulgarian National Bank
Mohammed Roaizan Wario Tacbad Donka Stoyanova
bin Haji Johari Arkitek Haza Krasimir Gebrev Todor Manev
Dimitrov, Petrov & Co.
Autoriti Monetari Geodesy, Cartography Dobrev & Lyutskanov
Brunei Darussalam C.K Tan and Cadaster Agency Vessela Tcherneva-Yankova
B.T. Forwarding Company Svetozar Manolov
V Consulting Bulgaria
Kasmat Bin Hj Kaling Zornitsa Genova Sofia Municipality-Town
NBT (Brunei) Bernard Tan Thiam Swee CEZ Distribution Bulgaria Hall Yordan Terziev
Amanda Ting AD, member of CEZ Group Arsov, Nachev, Ganeva
Mahri Bin Hj Latif Hristina Manolova
Gemilang Latif Associates Ting Tiu Pheng Ani Petkova Georgieva Danailova, Todorov Alexandrina Terziyska
Arkitek Ting National Revenue Agency and Partners Law Firm Gugushev & Partners
Mohamad Iskandar Zulkarnain
Bin Omar Ali Cecilia Wong Tatiana Gerganova Ivan Marinov Laura Thomas
Zuls Partners Law Office Tricor (B) Sdn Bhd Sofia Municipality-Town Delchev & Partners LM Legal Services Ltd.
Hall Law Firm
Penigran Nina Jasmine Binti Kie Kong Yeong Kaloyan Todorov
Autoriti Monetari B.T. Forwarding Company Ralitsa Gougleva Elena Marinova Danailova, Todorov
Brunei Darussalam Djingov, Gouginski, Bulgarian National Bank and Partners Law Firm
Soon Teck Yu Kyutchukov & Velichkov
Petar Perunding Sdn Bhd Dimitrinka Metodieva
Gugushev & Partners

Svilen Todorov Ali Neya OBR Vasco Carvalho Oliveira Ramos Lidia Sancha
Todorov & Doykova Cabinet dAvocats Ali Neya ENGIC Engenheiros Ilidio Cruz &
Law Firm Associados Lda Associados - Sociedade
Sayouba Neya
Gahama Alain de Advogados RL
Lyubomira Todorova Cabinet dAvocats Ali Neya Ildio Cruz
Kinkin & Partners Ilidio Cruz & Viviane Santos
Eric NGuessan
Jean Marie Barambona Associados - Sociedade SAMP - Sociedades
Toma Tomov EY de Advogados RL de Advogados
Universit du Burundi
Dobrev & Lyutskanov
Lamoussa H. Ouattara
Cyprien Bigirimana Paulo David Tito Lvio Santos
Dilyana Tsoleva Cabinet dAvocats Ubago Group - Oliveira Ramos
Ministre de la Justice
Kinkin & Partners Moumouny Kopiho Frescomar, SA ENGIC Engenheiros
Remy Bigirimana Associados Lda
Georgi Tzvetkov Anna T. Ouattara-Sory
Guichet Unique de Burundi Manuel de Pina
Djingov, Gouginski, Cabinet Me Paulin SAMP - Sociedades Lanre Smith
Kyutchukov & Velichkov Salambr Jean-Marie Bukware de Advogados Bom Spec, Lda
Dimitar Georgiev Valkanov Andr Ouedraogo
Guichet Unique de
Cration dEntreprise Daniel Delgado Armindo Sousa
Sofia Water Cabinet Bonkoungou Inlogistics - Agncia FPS
Joseph Gitonyotsi de Navegao e
Miroslav Varnaliev Madina Ouedraogo
Jos Spinola
Unimasters Logistics PLC Bureau dAssistance la Ange-Dorine Irakoze Transitrios SA
Construction (BAC) SARL Rubeya & Co. Advocates Dnia Delgado
Siyana Veleva
Salvador Varela
Kinkin & Partners Martin Ouedraogo Ren-Claude Madebari PwC Portugal
Advocacia Consultoria
Union Internationale Legal Solution Chambers Jorge Lima Delgado Lopes Jurdica
Dimitar Plamenov Velichkov
de Notariat
Geodesy, Cartography Stanislas Makoroka Consultor Governao
Leendert Verschoor
and Cadaster Agency N. Henri Ouedraogo Universit du Burundi Eletrnica
PwC Portugal
Direction Gnrale Amanda Fernandes
Mariana Velichkova Anatole Miburo
des Impts
Tsvetkova Bebov Cabinet Anatole Miburo Ilidio Cruz & CAMBODIA
Komarevski Oumarou Ouedraogo Associados - Sociedade
Anatole Nahayo de Advogados RL Credit Bureau
Cabinet Ouedraogo
Nedyalka Vylcheva Universit du Burundi (Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
Delchev & Partners Ousmane Honore Ouedraogo Brites Fernandes
Horace Ncutiyumuheto PMAR Cabo Verde Chankoulika Bo
Law Firm Maison de lEntreprise
du Burkina Faso
Ncuti Law Firm & BNG Legal
Monika Yaneva Consultancy Toms Garcia Vasconcelos
Kalaidjiev & Georgiev Roger Omer Oudraogo Deloitte Lam Bui
Claude Ndayimirije Maersk Line Cambodia
Association Joana Gomes Rosa
Sofia Yordanova CGPR
Professionnelle Advocacia - Consultoria Seng Bun Huy
Penev LLP des Transitaires & Charles Nihangaza MAR Associates
Iliyana Zhoteva Commissionnaires en Consultant Charles Avdesh Kumar
Registry Agency Douane Agres Nihangaza JMD Trading, LDA Buth Bunsayha
of Bulgaria Acleda Bank PLC
Assana Pare Janvier Nsengiyumva Mirco Lima
Cabinet dAvocats REGIDESO PISO - Soc. de Imobiliria Sreypeou Chaing
BURKINA FASO Moumouny Kopiho e Contrues, Lda CSP & Associates Law Firm
Emmerence Ntahonkuriye
BCEAO Jules Sadou Direction Gnral Jos Maria Lima Barbosa Vajiravann Chamnan
Cabinet dAvocats de lUrbanisme et Vicente DFDL Mekong
Creditinfo VoLo
Moumouny Kopiho lHabitat (DGUH) Agencia Despacho (Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
GIFA Sarl Aduaneiro Jose Maria LBV
Kady Salia Happy-Herv Ntwari Eaknguon Chea
John W. Ffooks & Co. Cabinet dAvocats Legal Solution Chambers Teresa Livramento Monteiro HBS Law
Navitrans Moumouny Kopiho Dulce Lopes, Solange Phanin Cheam
Patrick-Didier Nukuri Lisboa Ramos, Teresa
Hermann Lambert Sanon Burundi Legal Space Municipality of Phnom Penh
Pierre Abadie Livramento Monteiro-
Groupe Hage Bureau of Urban Affairs
Cabinet Pierre Abadie Dogratias Nzemba Sociedade de Advogados
Moussa Ousmane Sawadogo Avocat la Cour Heng Chhay
Seydou Balama Ana Cristina Lopes Semedo
Direction Gnrale R&T Sok & Heng Law Office
Etude Matre Hubert Jacques Nzigamasabo Banco de Cabo Verde
Balama Seydou des Impts Rina Chhun
ABUTIP Joo Medina
Abdoul Aziz Son HBS Law
Victoire Bambara Willy Rubeya Neville de Rougemont
Cabinet dAvocats Cabinet Pierre Abadie & Associados Ouk Chittra
Rubeya & Co. Advocates
Moumouny Kopiho Marc N. Souga Electricit du
Benjamin Rufagari Fernando Aguiar Monteiro Cambodge (EDC)
Arsne Bazi Cabinet dAvocats Advogados Associados
Moumouny Kopiho GPO Partners Burundi,
AB Energie a correspondent Sopheak Virya Chroeng
Wanderleya Nascimento Arbitration Council
Aim Bonkoungou Alassane Tiemtore firm of Deloitte SAMP - Sociedades Foundation
SONABEL Autorit de Rgulation de Advogados
du Sous-secteur de Fabien Segatwa
Etude Me Segatwa Sou Doungchay
Dieudonne Bonkoungou lElectricit (ARSE) Alexandra Nunes MAR Associates
SCPA Themis-B Gabriel Sinarinzi PwC Portugal
Franceline To-Bouda Monyrith Eng
Bobson Coulibaly Cabinet dAvocats Me Cabinet Me Gabriel Sinarinzi Joo Nunes HML Law Group &
Cabinet dAvocats Franceline To-Bouda CSA Cabo Verde Consultants
Barthlemy Kere CABO VERDE Shipping Agency, Lda
Bouba Yaguibou Darwin Hem
Sansan Csaire Kambou SCPA Yaguibou & Associs Tiago Albuquerque Dias Joo Pereira BNG Legal
Cabinet dArchitecture Deloitte FPS
Agora Burkina Rassa Yo Pagnawat Heng
Cabinet dAvocats Ali Neya David Almada Luis Quinta P&A Asia Law Office
Aly Kanat D. Hopffer Almada Maersk Line Cabo Verde, SA
EY Albert Zoma & Associados Charles Ngoc-Khoi Hoang
Cabinet dAvocats Ali Neya Clvis Ramos HBS Law
Vincent Armand Kobian Bruno Andrade Alves Ilidio Cruz &
ARDI Architectes Conseils Ousmane Prosper Zoungrana PwC Portugal Sovanvotey Hok
Associados - Sociedade
Tribunal de Grande de Advogados RL HBS Law
Moumouny Kopiho Instance de Ouagadougou Lus Filipe Bernardo
Cabinet dAvocats Deloitte Rafael Rocha Fernandes Hans Hwang
Moumouny Kopiho BURUNDI Municipality of Praia Sok Xing & Hwang
Jelson C. Vicente
Armand Kpoda Agence de Promotion Agencia Despacho Jos Rui de Sena Xing Jiajia
SCPA Themis-B des Investissements Aduaneiro Jose Maria LBV Agncia de Despacho Sok Xing & Hwang
Sawadogo Natou Susana Caetano Aduaneiro Ferreira Sophorne Kheang
Banque de la Rpublique e Sena Lda
Cabinet dAvocats du Burundi PwC Portugal DFDL Mekong
Moumouny Kopiho (Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
Ministre des Finances

Robert M. King Somarith Sam Lolita Bakala Mpessa Augustin Yves Mbock Keked Nadine Tinen Tchadgoum
EY Electricit du Cameroun Audit CADIRE PricewaterhouseCoopers
Cambodge (EDC) International (CAC Tax & Legal SARL
Sereyrath Kiri Jacques Mbongue Eboa
Sciaroni & Associates Vattanakvisal San Cabinet dAvocats Chrtien Toudjui
BNG Legal Thomas Didier Remy Grard Wolber Afrique Audit Conseil
Kunthy Koy
Batoumbouck Baker Tilly
KN Legal Consulting Chhe Sao Elen
Constantin Didier Medou
Sok Siphana & Associates Medou Bergerele Reine
Sylvain Larbi
Pierre Bertin Simbafo Cabinet Medou Tsafack Dongmo
BNG Legal Neak Seakirin
Neak Law Office Ivan Mlacho
Juridique et Fiscal
Alex Larkin
Isidore Biyiha Vanture Consulting
DFDL Mekong Leung Seng
Guichet Unique des Eliane Yomsi
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd. VDB Loi Operations du Commerce
Jules Minamo
Karvan Finance
Exterieur-Gie Karvan Finance
Kang Leap Bopha Sin
Philippe Zouna
HML Law Group & BNG Legal Ahmadou Bouba Oumarou
Mungu Mirabel
PwC Cameroun
Consultants The Abeng Law Firm
Sao Socheata Elvis Chenwi
Souhuoth Leng Sok Siphana & Associates Chenwi & Associes Danielle Moukouri CANADA
P&A Asia Law Office D. Moukouri & Partners
Chanraksa Soeung Paul Marie Djamen TransUnion Canada
Chanmakara Ly P&A Asia Law Office Mobile Telephone Networks Jean Jacques Mpanjo Lobe
DFDL Mekong MCA Audit & Conseil David Bish
Lor Sok Cameroon (MTN) Torys LLP
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
Sok Xing & Hwang Aurlien Djengue Kotte Arielle Christiane Marthe
Tayseng Ly Mpeck Paul Boshyk
Neou Sonika Cabinet Ekobo McMillan LLP
HBS Law Atanga Law Office
Sok Siphana & Associates Joseph Djeuga
Samvutheary Mao Marie Agathe Ndeme David Chapman
Tiv Sophonnora SOTRAFIC PwC Canada
HML Law Group & CADIRE
Consultants R&T Sok & Heng Law Office Laurent Dongmo
Manfred Ndock Ekoume John Craig
Samnangvathana Sor Jing & Partners Fasken Martineau
Sadao Matsubara Guiness Cameroon
HBS Law DFDL Mekong William Douandji DuMoulin LLP
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd. Architect and Partners Bernard Ngaibe
Nimmith Men The Abeng Law Firm Kim Deochand
Sou Sorphea Narcisse Ekome Essake Corporations Canada
Arbitration Council
Foundation Sok Xing & Hwang Ekome Essake & Associs Ntah Charlote Ngara
Atanga Law Office Audrey Diamant
Nget Sovannith Ebot Elias Arrey PwC Canada
Samorn Mike
HBS Law P&A Asia Law Office ARC Consultants Ltd. Virgile Ngassam Njik
Ngassam, Fansi & Mouafo Isabelle Foley
Kun Sovanrithy Philippe Claude Elimbi Elokan Corporations Canada
Sophanny Mom Avocats Associs
Arbitration Council Sok Siphana & Associates
Marie Marceline Enganalim Dieu le Fit Nguiyan Ross Francis
Foundation Kheng Taingpor Fogler Rubinoff
Etude Me Enganalim Universit de Douala
Kaing Monika MAR Associates Marceline
Urbain Nini Teunda Robert Frazer
The Garment Heng Thy Cdric Enyime Blake, Cassels & Graydon,
Manufacturers PwC Cambodia George Njangtang member of Lex Mundi
Vanture Consulting
Association in Cambodia CONTEC SARL
Thavsothaly Tok Hyacinthe Clment Fansi Paul Gasparatto
Koy Neam BNG Legal Carine Obama Fossey Ontario Energy Board
KN Legal Consulting MOJUFISC Monde
Reangsey Darith Touch Ngassam, Fansi & Mouafo Attila Gaspardy
Vandeth Nguon Avocats Associs Juridique et Fiscal
EY PwC Canada
PwC Cambodia Berlise Fimeni Djieya Jacob Oben
Kong Vibol Salma Gilani
Nith Niteyana Atanga Law Office Jing & Partners
General Department Blake, Cassels & Graydon,
Sok Siphana & Associates of Taxation Sorelle Fonssouo Mogo Jasmine Ouethy member of Lex Mundi
Daniel Noonan Jing & Partners Mueke a Douala
Vannida Yen Christopher Gillespsie
au Cameroun
Sciaroni & Associates Arbitration Council Marie Ccile Fopoussi Gillespie-Munro Inc.
Foundation Ernest Pilo
Clint OConnell Yoine Goldstein
Philippe Fouda Fouda
DFDL Mekong Lyhout Yin BEAC Sige Ilias Poskipanis McMillan LLP
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd. HBS Law MOJUFISC Monde
Nicaise Ibohn Juridique et Fiscal Talia Gordner
Sophea Om Thearith You Blaney McMurtry LLP
The Abeng Law Firm
Acleda Bank PLC Sok Siphana & Associates Paul-Grard Pougoue
Paul T. Jing John Gotts
Sokvirak Pheang Potim Yun Bolleri Pym PwC Canada
Jing & Partners
PwC Cambodia VDB Loi Universit de Douala
Manguele Joseph Mary Grozdanis
Porchhay Phoung Claude Simo Fogler Rubinoff
CAMEROON Bollor Africa Logistics
Sciaroni & Associates CL Audit et Consei
Threse Joumessi John J. Humphries
Charkreymorkord Pok Etude Me Etoke Linda Tatabod Amuteng Toronto City Hall
Atanga Law Office
BNG Legal Armelle Silvana Abel Aurelie Joelle Tatang Ngadjeu A. Max Jarvie
MOJUFISC Monde Christian Kamdoum
Sok Ren Polina Atanga Law Office McMillan LLP
Juridique et Fiscal PwC Cameroun
Sok Siphana & Associates
Hlne Florette Tchidjip Andrew Kent
Armelle Silvana Claude Koumba
Robert Porter Kapnang McMillan LLP
Abel Piskopanis CFAO Cameroon
VDB Loi Atanga Law Office
MOJUFISC Monde Jean-Aime Kounga Jordan Knowles
Allen Prak Juridique et Fiscal Alain Tchiegang Dieukwa Blake, Cassels & Graydon,
The Abeng Law Firm
P&A Asia Law Office Atanga Law Office member of Lex Mundi
Roland Abeng Gaelle Kuitche
Borapyn Py The Abeng Law Firm Emmanuel Tchiffo Joshua Kochath
Ngassam, Fansi & Mouafo
DFDL Mekong Atanga Law Office Comage Container Lines
Elisabeth Ajamen Avocats Associs
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd.
BEAC Sige Pierre Morgant Tchuikwa Eric Leinveer
Serge Madola
Matthew Rendall CADIRE Blake, Cassels & Graydon,
Sok Siphana & Associates Oscar Alebga Tchande Magloire
Marcelle Tello member of Lex Mundi
The Abeng Law Firm PwC Cameroun
Navinth Rethda Ngassam, Fansi & Mouafo Jon A. Levin
R&T Sok & Heng Law Office Rosine Pauline Amboa Philippe Mbele Avocats Associs Fasken Martineau
Chris Robinson Juridique et Fiscal Michel-Antoine Mben Floriand Tiemeni Djieya
DFDL Mekong Ngassam, Fansi & Mouafo Atanga Law Office Alex Liszka
(Cambodia) Co. Ltd. Cyrano Atoka Avocats Associs IBI Group Inc.
Cabinet Francine Nyobe

Catherine MacInnis Laurent Hankoff Nadine Tinen Tchadgoum M. Alejandra Corvaln A. Ral Muoz Prieto
IBI Group Inc. ENERCA (Energie PricewaterhouseCoopers Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Russell Bedford
Centrafricaine) Tax & Legal SARL Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva Chile-member of Russell
Mike Maodus
Bedford International
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Ludovic Mdard Masrangue Trahogra Francisco De Sarratea
member of Lex Mundi Kolengue Kaye Cabinet dAvocats Associs PwC Chile Juan Pablo Navarrete
Avocats Sans Frontires Carey y Ca Ltda
Matthew Merkley Abdoulaye Yacouba Gonzalo Errzuriz
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Jean Paul Maradas Nado Mairie de NDjamena Urenda, Rencoret, Pablo Novoa
member of Lex Mundi Ministre de lUrbanisme Orrego y Drr Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos
Mahamat Tahir Youssouf
William Northcote Serge Mdard Missamou Nahar Jos Toms Errzuriz Nicols Ocampo
Shibley Righton LLP Club OHADA Rpublique Guichet Unique de Barros & Errzuriz Carey y Ca Ltda
Centrafricaine Creations dEntrepries
Meaghan Parry Peter Faille Alberto Oltra
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Yves Namkomokoina Sobdib Zoua Urenda, Rencoret, DHL Global Forwarding
member of Lex Mundi Tribunal de Commerce Cabinet Sobdib Zoua Orrego y Drr
Sergio Orrego
de Bangui
Daniel Peterson Patedjore Zoukalne Sebastian Garcia Urenda, Rencoret,
Davies Ward Phillips & Rigo-Beyah Parse Ministre de lUrbanisme, Urenda, Rencoret, Orrego y Drr
Vineberg LLP (Toronto) Cabinet Parse de lHabitat, des Affaires Orrego y Drr
Gerardo Ovalle Mahns
Foncires et des Domaines
Martin Pinard Tahina Nathalie Rajaonarivelo Sebastian Garrido Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle,
Corporations Canada John W. Ffooks & Co. Alessandri Abogados Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva
Gautam Rishi Francky Rakotondrina Silvio Geroldi Iglesias Luis Parada Hoyl
PwC Canada John W. Ffooks & Co. Boletn de Informaciones GEROARQ BAZ|DLA Piper
Gaynor Roger Ghislain Samba Mokamanede Ral Gmez Yez Miguel Pvez B.
Shibley Righton LLP Bamelec Andrea Abdala Urenda, Rencoret, Russell Bedford
Morales, Besa & Ca Ltda Orrego y Drr Chile-member of Russell
Harris M. Rosen
CHAD Leticia Acosta Aguirre Bedford International
Fogler Rubinoff Carolina Gonzalez
Redlines Group PwC Chile Daniela Pea Fergadiott
Patrick Shaunessy 3ACE Commerce
Energie et Etude Rodrigo Albagli Barros & Errzuriz
Torys LLP Diego Gonzlez
Albagli Zaliasnik Morales, Besa & Ca Ltda Vicente Portales
Daniel Styler Elisabeth Ajamen
Abogados Claro & Ca, member
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, BEAC Sige Sofa Haupt
Fernando Arab of Lex Mundi
member of Lex Mundi Oscar dEstaing Deffosso Alessandri Abogados
Morales, Besa & Ca Ltda Alberto Pulido A.
John Tobin Thomas Dingamgoto Cristian Hermansen Rebolledo
Luis Avello Philippi, Prietocarrizosa
Torys LLP Cabinet Thomas ACTIC Consultores Ferrero DU & Ura
PwC Chile
Shane Todd Dingamgoto Daniela Hirsch
Angeles Barra Nina Radovic Fanta
Fasken Martineau Mahamat Ousman Djidda Albagli Zaliasnik Besalco SA
DuMoulin LLP Philippi, Prietocarrizosa Abogados
Ferrero DU & Ura Gianfranco Raglianti
Sharon Vogel Philippe Fouda Fouda Javier Hurtado
Mara Jos Becker Carey y Ca Ltda
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP BEAC Sige Cmara Chilena de
Morales, Besa & Ca Ltda la Construccin Felipe Rencoret
George Waggott Prosper Kemayou
Sandra Benedetto Urenda, Rencoret,
McMillan LLP Transimex Tchad SA Fernando Jamarne Banduc
Orrego y Drr
PwC Chile Alessandri Abogados
Andrea White Mahamat Kikigne
Jorge Benitez Urrutia Alfonso Reymond Larrain
Shibley Righton LLP Daniel Labb V.
Reymond & Ca, Abogados
Jean Paul Nendigui Urrejola y Cia Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle,
N Consulting Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva Ignacio Riffo
REPUBLIC Guy Emmanuel Ngankam Philippi, Prietocarrizosa Chirgwin Larreta Peafiel
Toms Landeta
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ferrero DU & Ura Urenda, Rencoret, Cristian Riquelme
Guichet Unique Tax & Legal SARL
de Formalits des Mario Bezanilla Orrego y Drr Albagli Zaliasnik
Entreprises (GUFE) Issa Ngarmbassa Alcano Abogados Abogados
Ignacio Larran
Etude Me Issa Ngar mbassa Philippi, Prietocarrizosa Edmundo Rojas Garca
Elisabeth Ajamen Fernando Binder
BEAC Sige Benga Nomen Christopher PwC Chile Ferrero DU & Ura Conservador de Bienes
Express Cargo Races y Comercio
Jean Christophe Bakossa Rodrigo Cabrera Ortiz Michel Laurie
de Santiago
LOrdre Centrafricain Joseph Pagop Noupou Enel Distribucin Chile SA PwC Chile
des Architectes EY Juridique et Fiscal Tchad Alvaro Rosenblut
Marcelo Caceres Jara Juan Ignacio Len Lira
Albagli Zaliasnik
Jean-Nol Bangue Jean Bernard Padare Caceres Studio Reymond & Ca, Abogados Abogados
Cour de Cassation Socit civile Arquitectura Jose Luis Letelier
de Bangui professionnelle Bernardita Saez
Raimundo Camus Varas Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos Alessandri Abogados
Padare & Gonfouli
Blaise Banguitoumba Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Jorge Lohse
ENERCA (Energie Nissaouab Passang Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva Hugo Snchez Ramrez
Centrafricaine) Etude Me Passang Santiago Lopez Superintendencia
Miguel Capo Valdes PwC Chile de Insolvencia y
Thierry Chaou Anselme Patipw Njiakin Besalco SA Reemprendimiento
Sofia Credit EY Juridique et Fiscal Tchad Mara Esther Lpez Di Rubba
Hctor Carrasco Banco de Chile Andrs Sanfuentes
Maurice Dibert-Dollet Diane Sobmeka Pofinet Superintendencia de Philippi, Prietocarrizosa
Ministre de la Justice Socit civile Bancos y Instituciones Gianfranco Lotito Ferrero DU & Ura
professionnelle Financieras Chile Claro & Ca, member
Emile Doraz-Serefessenet Padare & Gonfouli of Lex Mundi Francisco Selam
Cabinet Notaire Mara Jesus Carrasco PwC Chile
Doraz-Serefessenet Tahina Nathalie Rajaonarivelo Urenda, Rencoret, Nicols Maillard
John W. Ffooks & Co. Orrego y Drr Maillard & Celis Abogados Ximena Silberman
Jacques Eboule Carey y Ca Ltda
SDV Logistics Claudia Randrianavory Isaac Cea Dominque Manzur
John W. Ffooks & Co. ICEA Proyectos e Urenda, Rencoret, Andrs Siles
Philippe Fouda Fouda Instalaciones Electricas Orrego y Drr Urenda, Rencoret,
BEAC Sige Nastasja Schnorfeil-Pauthe Orrego y Drr
Andrs Chirgwin Juan Pablo Matus
Cyr Gregbanda Ahmat Senoussi Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos Marcela Silva
Chirgwin Larreta Peafiel
Bamelec Architectural Philippi, Prietocarrizosa
Nury Clavera Sebastian Melero Ferrero DU & Ura
Marious Guibaut Metongo Abakar Ousman Sougui Philippi, Prietocarrizosa
Besalco SA
Bollor Africa Logistics en Direction de la Ferrero DU & Ura Luis Fernando Silva Ibaez
Rpublique Centrafricaine Promotion Economique Gonzalo Cordero Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle,
et du Secteur Priv Morales, Besa & Ca Ltda Nicols Miranda Larraguibel Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva
Alessandri Abogados

Alan Smith Zhitong Ding Hongli Ma Benny Xu Alexandra Arbelez Cardona

Smith y Ca Credit Reference Center of Jun He Law Office, J & Bach International Russell Bedford
Peoples Bank of China member of Lex Mundi Logistics Co. Ltd. Colombia-member
Jorge Timmermann
of Russell Bedford
BAZ|DLA Piper Tina Dong Jonathan Mok Yuan Xu
Lehman, Lee & Xu Angela Wang & Co. Shandong Starmen Co. Ltd.
Ricardo Tisi
Laura Arboleda
Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos Zack Dong Matthew Mui Qing Yang
Parra Rodrguez
ReedSmith PwC China Kunlun Law Firm Abogados SAS
Carlos Torres
Redlines Group Lijing Du Matthew Murphy Tianyao Yang
Felipe Aristizbal
Jun He Law Office, MMLC Group LehmanBrown Nieto & Chalela
Vctor Hugo Valenzuela Milln
member of Lex Mundi
Xiaochen Ni Yuan Yang
Felipe Valle Laura Ariza
Helen Feng European Union Chamber Credit Reference Center of Real Carga Ltda
Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos
Angela Wang & Co. of Commerce in China Peoples Bank of China
Nicols Velasco Jenschke Patricia Arrzola-Bustillo
Shuai Gao Lei Niu Andy Yeo
Superintendencia Gmez-Pinzn Zuleta
Aerospace Construction Zhong Lun Law Firm Mayer Brown JSM Abogados SA
de Insolvencia y
Company of China
Reemprendimiento Peng Pan Hang Yu
Estefania Arteaga
Grace Geng King & Wood Mallesons Siemens China TMF Colombia Ltda
Sergio Yvar
Zhong Lun Law Firm
Guerrero Olivos Giovanni Pisacane Natalie Yu
Cesar Barajas
Adam Gilbourne GWA Greatway Advisory Shanghai Li Yan Parra Rodrguez
Arturo Yrarrzaval Covarrubias
Easy Imex Ltd. Abogados SAS
Yrarrzaval, Ruiz-Tagle, Han Shen Xia Yu
Goldenberg, Lagos & Silva Shuquan He King & Wood Mallesons MMLC Group Maria Cristina Barco Becerra
Shanghai Univesity Prodesa y Cia SA
Jean Paul Zalaquett Tina Shi Jianan Yuan
Enel Distribucin Chile SA Sherry Hu Mayer Brown JSM Jun He Law Office, Luis Alfredo Barragn
Hogan Lovells member of Lex Mundi
Brigard & Urrutia,
Matas Zegers Ruiqiu Song
BAZ|DLA Piper Ziyan Huang King & Wood Mallesons Alan Zhang member of Lex Mundi
Jun He Law Office, King & Wood Mallesons Santiago Barrientos
Barbara Zlatar Ice Sun
member of Lex Mundi
Cariola Diez Perez-Cotapos PwC China Jessica Zhang Parra Rodrguez
Wilson Huo PwC China Abogados SAS
Yufan Sun
CHINA Zhong Lun Law Aurora Barroso
Firm - Beijing Jun He Law Office, Lingjuan Zhang
Shanghai Jialiang member of Lex Mundi Yingke Law Firm Parra Rodrguez
CPAs Limited Shan Jin Abogados SAS
Terence Tung Xin Zhang
King & Wood Mallesons Claudia Benavides Galvis
Shanghai XunNiu Mayer Brown JSM Global Law Office
Investment Management Xin Jin Baker & McKenzie
Angela Wang Yi Zhang
Co. Ltd. King & Wood Mallesons Fernando Bermdez Durana
Angela Wang & Co. King & Wood Mallesons
Steinberg HKC Catherine Jing Muoz Tamayo
Eric Wang Young Zhang & Asociados
White & Case LLP Mayer Brown JSM Beijing Xinhai Customs
Jiang Junlu Clearance Co. Ltd. Andres Bernal
Jacob Blacklock Guoqi Wang Real Carga Ltda
King & Wood Mallesons
Lehman, Lee & Xu Russell Bedford Hua-Ander George Zhao
Ioana Kraft CPAs - member of Russell King & Wood Mallesons Joe Ignacio Bonilla Glvez
Russell Brown European Union Chamber Bedford International Muoz Tamayo
LehmanBrown Xingjian Zhao & Asociados
of Commerce in China
Jessica Wang Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP
Qiang Chai Jack Kai Lei J & Bach International Juan Pablo Bonilla Sabogal
China Institute of Crys Zheng Posse Herrera Ruiz
Kunlun Law Firm Logistics Co. Ltd.
Real Estate Appraisers Lehman, Lee & Xu
and Agents Audry Li Jinghua Wang Martha Bonnet
Fei Zheng Cavelier Abogados
Zhong Lun Law Firm Jun He Law Office,
Elliott Youchun Chen member of Lex Mundi
Jun He Law Office,
JunZeJun Law Offices Juan Li member of Lex Mundi Mario Camargo
China Institute of Lihua Wang HM & Company Ltda
Jie Chen Jianying Zheng
Real Estate Appraisers Jun He Law Office, Claudia Marcela Camargo
Jun He Law Office, and Agents member of Lex Mundi
Jun He Law Office,
member of Lex Mundi member of Lex Mundi Arias
Qing Li Longxin Wang PwC Colombia
Jun Chen Christina Zhu
Jun He Law Office, Yingke Law Firm Samuel Cano
Shanghai City member of Lex Mundi
Hogan Lovells
Development Law Firm Thomas Wang Jos Lloreda
Viviane Zhu Camacho & Co.
Rachel Li Shanghai Boss & Young
Li Chen Zhong Lun Law Dacheng Law Offices
Jinan Shantong Wallace Wang Daro Crdenas
Firm - Beijing Wei Zhu Crdenas & Crdenas
Tax Consulting Mayer Brown JSM
Ellen Liu Shanghai Xinhai Customs
Mingqing Chen Xiaolei Wang Brokers Company Natalia Caroprese
Mayer Brown JSM Jos Lloreda
Jun He Law Office, Credit Reference Center of
Weina Zhu Camacho & Co.
member of Lex Mundi Grace Liu Peoples Bank of China
Russell Bedford Hua-Ander Dentons
Tao Chen Xiaolu Wang Carlos Carvajal
CPAs - member of Russell Delong Zou Jos Lloreda
Jun He Law Office, Bedford International Enhesa
Jun He Law Office, Camacho & Co.
member of Lex Mundi
Xuehua Wang member of Lex Mundi
Ning Liu
Xiaofeng Chen Beijing Huanzhong Luis Miguel Carvajal
Jun He Law Office, Roy Zou Codensa SA ESP
Beijing Huanzhong member of Lex Mundi
& Partners
Hogan Lovells
& Partners Anthea Wong Fernando Castaeda
Sherry Liu
Xinping Chen PwC China COLOMBIA Organizacin Corona
Noronha Advogados
Zhong Lun Law Firm Kent Woo Elvin Chiviri
Yanyan Liu EINCE Ltda
Diogo Colao Guangda Law Firm CAMACOL
Kunlun Law Firm Enrique lvarez
Olicargo International Yuanbao Wu Felipe Cuberos
Freight Forwarder Lucy Lu Jos Lloreda
Xiongzhi Law Firm Camacho & Co. Philippi Prietocarrizosa
(Shanghai) Co. Ltd. King & Wood Mallesons Ferrero DU & Ura
Xiaosong Xie Mndez Andrea Daniela
Lei Cui Scarlett Lu
Beijing Huanzhong PwC Colombia Lyana De Luca
Weiheng Law Frim King & Wood Mallesons Brigard & Urrutia,
& Partners
Fei Dang Xiaomin Luo Santiago Arango member of Lex Mundi
Xiaohong Xiong Jos Lloreda
MMLC Group Pengyuan Credit Patrick Del Duca
Services Co. Ltd. Pengyuan Credit Camacho & Co.
Michael Diaz Jr. Services Co. Ltd. Zuber Lawler & Del Duca
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP

Jennifer Diaz Luis E. Nieto Ral Alberto Surez Arcila Madiane Mohamed Issa Benoit Kapila
Prodesa y Cia SA Nieto & Chalela Surez Arcila & Cabinet dAvocat SDV Logistics
Abogados Asociados Bahassani
Juan Carlos Diaz Caterine Noriega Crdenas Donatien Kasseyet Kalume
Genelec de Colombia SAS Gestin Legal Colombia Diego Muoz Tamayo Faouzi Mohamed Lakj Axcess-Congo
Muoz Tamayo Tribunal de Commerce
Maria Fernanda Diaz Chacon Juan Sebastin Noriega Gracia Kavumvula
& Asociados Comoros
Baker & McKenzie Crdenas Ministre des Affaires
Gestin Legal Colombia Gustavo Tamayo Arango Mohamed Maoulida Foncires
Luis Aurelio Diaz Jimnez
Jos Lloreda Audit Conseil-International
Grupo Empresarial Adriana Carolina Ospina
Camacho & Co.
Dieu Donn Kfuma
Oikos SAS Jimnez Farahati Moussa Cabinet Khuma et Bekombe
Brigard & Urrutia, Olga Viviana Tapias Mouvement des
Carlos Fradique-Mndez Arly Khuty
member of Lex Mundi Russell Bedford Entrepreneurs
Brigard & Urrutia, Colombia-member Comoriennes (MODEC) Cabinet Emery Mukendi
member of Lex Mundi Juan Guillermo Otero Wafwana & Associs
of Russell Bedford
Gonzalez Azad Mze
Luis Gallo Medina International Marc Kongomayi Mulumba
Baker & McKenzie Cabinet dAvocats Mze
Gallo Medina Paola Tapiero Socit Nationale
Abogados Asociados Juan Andrs Palacios
Trade Leader
Ibrahim A. Mzimba dElectricit (SNEL)
Lewin & Wills Abogados Cabinet Mzimba Avocats
Wilman Garzn Christ Kuty
Faunier David Toro Heredia
Codensa SA ESP lvaro Parra
Codensa SA ESP
Halidi Ali Omar Cabinet Emery Mukendi
Parra Rodrguez Ministre de lconomie Wafwana & Associs
Julianna Giorgi
Abogados SAS Natalia Tovar Ibagos et du Commerce
Posse Herrera Ruiz Experian - Datacrdito
Emmanuel Le Bras
Santiago Parra Salazar Marco Raymond PwC
Hugo Gonzalez
Parra Rodrguez Nataly Traslavia
Cavelier Abogados Abdillah Mohamed Soihiri Jean-Marie Lepriya Molenge
Abogados SAS Parra Rodrguez
Kilnic Services Cabinet Ngaliema
Sandra Liliana Gutirrez Abogados SAS
Naufal Pedraza
Russell Bedford Productos Familia Maria Camila Valds
Desir Likolo
Colombia-member CONGO, DEM. REP. EGEC
Gallo Medina
of Russell Bedford Carolina Posada Albert-Blaise Akoka
Abogados Asociados Jean-Pierre Kevin Lofumbwa
International Posse Herrera Ruiz Deloitte RDC
Daniel Vargas Umaa Deloitte RDC
Santiago Gutirrez Daniel Posse Nathalie Banza
Experian - Datacrdito Francis Lugunda Lubamba
Jos Lloreda Posse Herrera Ruiz SDV Logistics
Camacho & Co. Frank Velandia Cabinet Lukombe
Natalia Eugenia Quijano Uribe
Teclogic Ltda Billy Batunzy & Les Avocats
William Rene Codensa SA ESP Cabinet Batunzy Carol Lutaladio
Gutierrez Oregon Patricia Vergara
Instituto Colombiano
Luisa Rico Sierra
Gmez-Pinzn Zuleta Siku Beya Direction Gnrale des
Agropecuario Leyva Ontier Abogados SA Cabinet Lukombe Douanes et Accises
Irma Isabel Rivera & Les Avocats Brigitte Luyambuladio
Edwar Hernandez Lilalba Vinasco
Genelec de Colombia SAS Brigard & Urrutia, Instituto Colombiano Hugo Bolanshi EGEC
member of Lex Mundi Yav & Associates
Agropecuario Aubin Mabanza
Thomas Holguin
Brigard & Urrutia,
Cristina Robayo Herrera
Alirio Virviescas Jonathan Bononge Klam & Partners Avocats
member of Lex Mundi
Parra Rodrguez Notara 41 de Bogot Rocat SARL Batrice Mabanza
Abogados SAS
Carlos Jair Gmez Guzmn Adriana Zapata Guillaume Bononge Litobaka Klam & Partners Avocats
Luis Carlos Robayo Higuera Rocat SARL
Parra Rodrguez Cavelier Abogados Yves Madre
Abogados SAS Russell Bedford
Colombia-member Franois Bota kilukidi Deloitte RDC
Carlos Mario Lafaurie Escorce of Russell Bedford COMOROS Wilvan Architecture Robert Majambo
PwC Colombia International Banque Centrale Claude Cherubala Yav & Associates
Nubia Lamprea Laura Rodriguez des Comores VARCONN Steve Manuana
Codensa SA ESP Cavelier Abogados Cabinet dAvocats Nicaise Chikuru Cabinet Emery Mukendi
Jorge Lara-Urbaneja Adrin Rodrguez Sad Ibrahim Munyiogwarha Wafwana & Associs
Arciniegas Lara Lewin & Wills Abogados Mohamed Abdou Chikuru & Associs Aristide Mbayo Makyata
Briceo Plana Prfecture Moroni Kankenga Daniel Direction Gnrale des
Jaime Alberto Rodrguez
Margarita Llorente Carreo Cuestas Consortium de Douanes et Accises
Hilmy Aboudsaid
Amarilo SA Notara 13 de Bogot construction dElectricit Patou Monkinda Molanga
Comores Cargo
et multi service (COCEM) ProCredit Bank
William Marn Bernardo Rodrguez Ossa International
Productos Familia Parra Rodrguez Zainoudine Ahamada Siegfried Dibong Louman Mpoy
Abogados SAS Ministre de lconomie PwC Congo (Democratic Mpoy Louman & Associs
Miguel Martinez Republic of)
Genelec de Colombia SAS Sonia Elizabeth Rojas Izaquita et du Commerce
Christine Mpunga Tshim
Gallo Medina Aida Ahmed Yahaia Prosper Djuma Bilali Banque Centrale du Congo
Camilo Martnez Beltrn Cabinet Masamba
Abogados Asociados I2A Societe Immobiliere
DLA Piper Martinez Beltrn Tarin Muhongo
Leonardo Romero des Comores Holly Embonga Tomboli
Nstor Humberto PwC Congo (Democratic
Prodesa y Cia SA Moissi Ali Chikuru & Associs Republic of)
Martnez Neira
Martinez Neira Abogados Katherine Romero Hinestrosa Energie Comoros Jose Engbanda Mananga Clstine Mukalay Kionde
Parra Rodrguez Feissoili Ali Oubeidi Guichet Unique de Socit Nationale
Alejandro Medina Cration dEntreprise
Abogados SAS Cabinet Feissoili dElectricit (SNEL)
Philippi Prietocarrizosa
Ferrero DU & Ura Cristina Rueda Londoo Omar Said Allaoui Irne Falanka Vaval Mukobo
Prieto & Carrizosa SA ECDI Cabinet Irne Falanka Cabinet Ngaliema
Juan Camilo Medina Contreras
PwC Colombia Ricardo Saldarriaga Salim Amir Amisi Herady Eliance Muloji Wa Mbuyi
Jos Lloreda Guichet Unique de Cabinet Ngaliema
Christoph Mller Mouzaoui Amroine Cration dEntreprise
Camacho & Co.
Parra Rodrguez Mouvement des Jean Pierre Muyaya Kasanzu
Abogados SAS Nader Samih Entrepreneurs Lydie Isengingo Luanzo Cabinet Emery Mukendi
Productos Familia Comoriennes (MODEC) Barreau de Kinshasa/ Wafwana & Associs
Juan Felipe Morales Acosta Matete
Jos Lloreda Paula Samper Salazar Youssoub Ibn Ismael Aticki Philippe Mvita Kabasele
Camacho & Co. Gmez-Pinzn Zuleta Barreau de Moroni Cedrick Kala Konga Banque Centrale du Congo
Abogados SA EGEC
Luis Gabriel Morcillo-Mndez Assoumani Hassani Jean-Paul Mvuni Malanda
Brigard & Urrutia, Ana Sanabria Ministre de lconomie Rene Kala Konga Cabinet Ngaliema
member of Lex Mundi TMF Group et du Commerce EGEC
Gabriel Mwepu Numbi
Francisco Javier Morn Lpez Jorge Sarmiento Kabasse Ibrahima Nicky Kanyiki Katshindi Direction Gnrale des
Parra Rodrguez Cavelier Abogados Ministre de lconomie ProCredit Bank Douanes et Accises
Abogados SAS et du Commerce

Nicaise Navanga Salomon Louboula Giorginella Carranza Tracy Varela Caldern Claude-Andre Groga
SDV Logistics Etude Notariale Louboula G Logistics Costa Rica SA Arias Law Cabinet Jean-Franois
Joseph Ngalamulume Lukalu Jay Makoundou Adriana Castro Alonso Vargas
Cabinet Yoko et Associs PwC BLP Abogados Lexincorp Annick Imboua-Niava
Patrick Ngandu Benic Mbanwie Sarr Margot Chinchilla Eugenio Vargas
(IKT) & Associs
Cabinet Ngaliema PwC SOCIACO Lexincorp
Nanette Kaba Ackah
Placide Nkala Basadilua Franoise Mbongo Andrey Dorado Marianela Vargas
Bollor Africa Logistics
Guichet Unique de Cabinet Mbongo Arias Law PwC
Cration dEntreprise Barnabe Kabore
Gaspard Ngoma Roberto Esquivel Abril Villegas
Victorine Bibiche Nsimba Ministre de la Oller Abogados Oller Abogados Kitifolo Kignaman-Soro
Kilembe Construction, de Webb Fontaine Cte dIvoire
Dieter Gallop Fernndez Jonathan Villegas Alvarado
Cabinet Yoko et Associs lurbanisme, de la Ville
G Logistics Costa Rica SA SOCIACO Kouam Klemet
et du Cadre de Vie
Marlyne Nzailu KSK Socit dAvocats
Miguel Golcher Valverde Guillermo Emilio Ziga
PwC Congo (Democratic Paul Obambi
Colegio de Ingenieros Gonzlez Angaman Koaudio
Republic of) Chambre de Commerce,
Electricistas, Mecnicos Expertis GHP Abogados KSK Socit dAvocats
dIndustrie, dAgriculture
Lon Nzimbi e Industriales
et des Metiers de Jafet Ziga Salas Guillaume Koffi
PwC Congo (Democratic Brazzaville Karla Gonzlez-Bolaos Superintendencia General Koffi & Diabat
Republic of)
Jean-Marc Ognango BLP Abogados de Entidades Financieras
Nol Koffi
Laurent Okitonembo
Deloitte Jorge Hernndez Cabinet Nol Y. Koffi
Cabinet Djunga & Risasi CTE DIVOIRE
Regina Nicole Okandza Yoka Colegio de Ingenieros
Yocoli Grce Konan
Pierre Risasi
Direction Gnrale Electricistas, Mecnicos BCEAO SCPA Dogu-Abb
Cabinet Djunga & Risasi des Impts
e Industriales
Cabinet Expertises Yao & Associs
Freddy Mulamba Senene Randall Zamora Hidalgo
Claude Jol Paka Creditinfo VoLo Kiyobien Kone
Mulamba & Associates Ordre National des Costa Rica ABC
KSK Socit dAvocats
Law Firm Avocats du Congo EOLIS
Stephanie Howard Pea
Barreau de Brazzaville Antoine Kon Yoha
Moise Tangala Aguilar Castillo Love Claude Aman Orakyzema Architectoura
Cabinet Irne Falanka Aim Pambou Bollor Africa Logistics
Elvis Jimnez Gutirrez
Bollor Transports Marc Arthur Kouacou
Antoine Tshibuabua Mbuyi Superintendencia General Nathalie Assou
& logistiques Mazars CI
Socit Nationale de Entidades Financieras Elisha & Associs
dElectricit (SNEL) Guillaume Kouame
Andre Franois Quenum Vicente Lines Alexandre Bairo
Cabinet Andre Bollor Africa Logistics
Seraphin Umba Arias Law KSK Socit dAvocats
Yav & Associates Francois Quenum Hermann Kouao
Jos Pablo Mass Abou Berte
Willy Vangu Malanda Francky Rakotondrina Imboua-Kouao-Tella
Andrs Mercado Tieri (IKT) & Associs
Wilvan Architecture John W. Ffooks & Co.
Oller Abogados Binde Binde
Jean Jacques Youlou Marylene Kouassi
Ngaliema Zephyrin Africa Trans-Logistics
Pamela Meza KSK Socit dAvocats
Cabinet Ngaliema Volana Sandra Zakariasy International
Oller Abogados
John W. Ffooks & Co. Blaise Kouassi Kouadio
Ignacio Monge Dobles Amaury Boscio Sield
Alpha Zinga Moko Pacheco Coto Lassiney Kathann Camara
Elisabeth Ajamen PwC Marie Leonard
Jorge Montenegro CLK Avocats Webb Fontaine Cte dIvoire
SCGMT Arquitectura Thierry Court
Patrice Bazolo COSTA RICA y Diseo
Charlotte-Yolande Mangoua
Tieri Etude de Matre Mangoua
PwC Batalla Salto Luna Eduardo Montoya Solano Arsne Dabl
Prosper Bizitou Djimasna NDoningar
TransUnion Superintendencia General SCPA Dogu-Abb
PwC de Entidades Financieras
Cour Commune de
Luis Acuna Yao & Associs Justice et dArbitrage
Claude Coelho Asesores Legales en Ana Cristina Mora (CCJA) de lOHADA
Zirignon Constant Delbe
Cabinet dAvocats Propiedad Industrial Expertis GHP Abogados Ministre de lAgriculture Georges NGoan
Claude Coelho
John Aguilar-Quesada Ricardo Murillo et du Dveloppement Rural Cabinet NGoan,
Alexis Debi Aguilar Castillo Love SOCIACO Asman & Associs
Issa Diabat
Paula Amador Cecilia Naranjo Koffi & Diabat Eric NGuessan
Lydie Diawara PwC Costa Rica LEX Counsel EY
Lynn Diagou
SNE (Socit Nationale
Arnoldo Andr Pedro Oller SCPA Dogu-Abb Patricia NGuessan
Lexincorp Oller Abogados Yao & Associs Cabinet de LIndeni
Georges Ebale
Alejandro Antilln Diana Pl-Hegeds Aboubakar-Sidiki Diarrassouba Isabelle Niamkey
Tribunal de Commerce
Pacheco Coto Pl-Hegeds & CLK Avocats CLK Avocats
de Brazzaville
Ortega Abogados Cheick Diop
Zahour El Hiouli Arturo Apstegui Jacques Otro
Pacheco Coto Marianne Pl-Hegeds Ortega Cabinet du Docteur Conseil National de
Business Lawyer
Gmez & Galindo Cheick Diop Avocats lOrdre des Architectes
and Interpreter
Carlos Araya Abogados Aly Djiohou Madou Ouattara
Mathias Essereke Central Law - Quiros
Abogados Mauricio Pars IJF Conseils Juridiques Tieri
Cabinet dAvocats
Mathias Essereke Expertis GHP Abogados Seydou Dongo
Carlos Arias Athanase Raux
Oller Abogados Natasha Perez Koffi & Diabat Cabinet Raux, Amien
Philippe Fouda Fouda
BEAC Sige Lexincorp Costa Rica Yolande Doukoure Shinabou & Associs
Luis Diego Barahona
PwC Costa Rica Andrea Saenz DSY Architecte Zinda Sawadogo
Joe Ppin Foundoux
PwC Aguilar Castillo Love Dorothe K. Dreesen KSK Socit dAvocats
Alejandro Bettoni Traube
Doninelli & Juliana Salamanca Valderrama Etude Matre Dreesen Melissa Seri
Gaston Gapo
Atelier dArchitecture Doninelli-Asesores BDG Building Projects SA Jean-Pierre Elisha Imboua-Kouao-Tella
et dUrbanisme Jurdicos Asociados Elisha & Associs (IKT) & Associs
Cristina Salas Trejos
Mose Kokolo Arturo Bonilla Merino Lexincorp Costa Rica Esmel Emmanuel Essis Lancin Sidib
PwC Solano, Rojas & Bonilla Guichet Unique de Guichet Unique du
Jos Luis Salinas
lInvestissement en Permis de Construire
Sylvert Brenger Eduardo Caldern-Odio Grupo Inmobiliario
BLP Abogados del Parque Cte dIvoire - CEPICI Mamadou Sylla
Kymbassa Boussi
Etude Matre Batrice Ramatou Fall Laboratoire du Batiment
Natalia Callejas Aquino Luis Snchez
Dianzolo, Huissier Guichet Unique de et des Travaux Publics
Aguilar Castillo Love Facio & Caas, member
de Justice of Lex Mundi lInvestissement en
Cte dIvoire - CEPICI

Osther Tella Mirela Fukar Dinko Lau Sanja Rodek Andrej miki
Imboua-Kouao-Tella Ministry of Justice LAURA d.o.o. Leko i Partneri Divjak, Topi &
(IKT) & Associs Attorneys-at-Law Bahtijarevi Law Firm
Tomislava Furi Sandra Lau
Gwnaelle Teruin Law Office Furcic LAURA d.o.o. Boris avori Ivan Zornada
Cabinet Jean-Franois avori & Partners Wolf Theiss
Ivan Gjurgjan Ivan Ljubic
Gjurgjan & ribar Croatian Chamber Katarina Savuk Anamaria Zuvanic
Euphrasie Tiacoh Radi Law Firm of Architects Odvjetniko drutvo Odvjetniko drutvo
AnyRay & Partners Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o. Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o.
Marta Glasnovic Marko Lovri
Eloi Kouakou Yao EY Savjetovanje d.o.o. Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi Slaven ego
CLK Avocats ego Law Office CYPRUS
Dino Gliha Ana Lubura
Didier Yao Koffi Kan ai & Partners Law Firm Gark Konzalting d.o.o. Zvonimir Sever Department of
AITM Croatian Chamber Customs & Excise
Kreimir Golubi Miran Maei
of Civil Engineers Olga Adamidou
Volana Sandra Zakariasy Golmax d.o.o. Maei & Partners Ltd.
John W. Ffooks & Co. Dino Simonoski Bukovski Antis Triantafyllides
Anja Grbe Josip Madirazza & Sons LLC
uri i Partneri d.o.o.
Seydou Zerbo Maei & Partners Ltd. Madirazza & Partners
SCPA Dogu-Abb Duanka imunovi Achilleas Amvrosiou
Iva Grgi Mihaela Malenica Artemis Bank Information
Yao & Associs Croatian Chamber
Bardek, Lisac, Muec, Vidan Attorneys-at-Law of Architects Systems Ltd.
CROATIA Skoko d.o.o. in Ivan S. Male
cooperation with CMS Ana-Marija Skoko Irene Anastasiou
Odvjetniko drutvo Bardek, Lisac, Muec, Ministry of Interior
PwC Croatia ReichRohrwig Hainz Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o.
Rechtsanwlte GmbH Skoko d.o.o. in Irene Anastassiou
Zagreb Stock Exchange Ivana Manovelo cooperation with CMS
Sonja Herceg Dr. K. Chrysostomides
Ivona Andelovic Maei & Partners Ltd. ReichRohrwig Hainz & Co. LLC
Croatian Bank for Rechtsanwlte GmbH
Odvjetniko drutvo Danko Markovinovi
Reconstruction and Andreas Andreou
Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o. State Geodetic Valentina okec
Development Cyprus Global Logistics
Andrea August Administration Korper & Partneri Law Firm
Sandra Hutter Marios Andreou
Agency for Investments Josip Martini Alan Soric
Croatian Energy PwC Cyprus
and Competitiveness Wolf Theiss Alan Soric & Aleksandra
Regulatory Agency
Zoran Avramovi Tomekovic Dunda Chryso Antoniou
Branimir Ivekovi Iva Masten Law Office Alexandros Economou LLC
Ministry of Justice Vidan Attorneys-at-Law
Ivekovi Law Office
Milan Bandi Morena otari Ioanna Apostolidou
Tina Jakupak Tin Mati Gjurgjan & ribar Ministry of Finance,
Central City Tin Mati Law Office
Commercial Court Radi Law Firm Tax Department
Administration of Zagreb
Vinka Jelavi Danijel Metri Irena ribar Radi Katia Argyridou
Hrvoje Bardek Varadin County
Agency for Investments Gjurgjan & ribar PwC Cyprus
Bardek, Lisac, Muec,
and Competitiveness Damir Mikuli Radi Law Firm
Skokod.o.o. in Pavlos Aristodemou
cooperation with CMS Irina Jeli The City of Varadin Marko Stilinovi Harneys
ReichRohrwig Hainz Hanekovi & Partners Andrea Mri ai & Partners Law Firm
Rechtsanwlte GmbH Ltd., member of Lex Mundi Anita Boyadjian
Boi and Partners Jana trangarevi Infocredit Group Ltd.
Maja Barievi Tamara Jeli Kazi Zeljana Muslim ai & Partners Law Firm
Croatian Bank for Odvjetniko drutvo Charalambos Charalambous
Financial Agency-HITRO. Vatroslav Subotic Ministry of Interior
Reconstruction and Bardek, Lisac, Muec, HR Center
Development Skoko d.o.o. in Ministry of Labour Georgia P. Charalambous
cooperation with CMS Dominik Musulin and Pension System
Marija Bartoluci Deloitte
Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi Ivana Suevi-Sori
Leko i Partneri Harry S. Charalambous
Attorneys-at-Law Saa Jovii Vladimir Nol Melin
Wolf Theiss EY Savjetovanje d.o.o. Goranka umonja Lakti
Nera Bero Hadjinicolaou Christina
Leko i Partneri Ana Junakovi Jelena Orlic Laktic & Partners
Ministry of Finance,
Attorneys-at-Law Laktic & Partners Wolf Theiss Law Firm Ltd.
Tax Department
Law Firm Ltd. Marin Svi
Zoran Bohaek Marina Pavi Antonis Christodoulides
Croatian Banking Tena Jurii Praljak & Svi Praljak & Svi
PwC Cyprus
Association Odvjetniko drutvo Tin Teak
Josip Peric Stavros Christofi
Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o. Madirazza & Partners
Martina Bosak Boi and Partners KPMG
Leko i Partneri Anica Kai Ana Udiljak
Igor Peria Constantinos Christofides
Attorneys-at-Law Central City Praljak & Svi
High Commercial Court of
Administration of Zagreb Kypros Chrysostomides
eljka Brege the Republic of Croatia Luka Urbac
Commercial Court Andrijana Kastelan Dr. K. Chrysostomides
Tatjana Pinhak Odvjetniko drutvo & Co. LLC
uri i Partneri d.o.o. Glinska & Mikovi d.o.o.
Mijo Brkovi Ministry of Justice
HROK d.o.o. Mislav Kemec Chrysostomos Chrysostomou
Ivan Pieta Hrvoje Vidan
Town Planning and
Rajka Bunjevac Filip Koi avori & Partners Vidan Attorneys-at-Law Housing Department
Croatian Chamber Agency for Investments Igor Vidra
Miroslav Plaar Chryso Dekatris
of Architects and Competitiveness Ministry of Justice
uri i Partneri d.o.o. Dr. K. Chrysostomides
Belinda ai Bruno Kokot eljko Vrban & Co. LLC
Lucija Popov
ai & Partners Law Firm HEP Distribution System
Iva Kemec Kokot Croatian Notaries Chamber Achilleas Demetriades
Iva Crnogorac Zagreb Civil Law Notary Operator Ltd. Lellos P. Demetriades
Marko Praljak
Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi Mario Vukeli Law Office LLC
Katarina Kokot Praljak & Svi
Saa Divjak High Commercial Court of Eleni Droussioti
Vesna Kadi Komadina Branimir Puskari the Republic of Croatia
Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi Dr. K. Chrysostomides
Customs Directorate Korper & Partneri Law Firm
Renata Duka of Croatia Petar ivkovi & Co. LLC
Hrvoje Radi Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi
Ministry of Justice Dean Kova Alexandros Economou
Gjurgjan & ribar
Mirta Duspari Agency for Investments Radi Law Firm Jelena Zjacic Alexandros Economou LLC
Croatian Bank for and Competitiveness Maei & Partners Ltd. Lefteris S. Eleftheriou
Josipa Rebrina
Reconstruction and Linda Krii Bosiljko Zlopaa Cyprus Investment
EY Savjetovanje d.o.o.
Development Customs Directorate Promotion Agency
Divjak, Topi & Bahtijarevi
Tihana Ana Relijic of Croatia
Bozidar Feldman Elikkos Elia
Anita Krizmani Vidan Attorneys-at-Law
Matic, Feldman & Department of Lands
Maei & Partners Ltd.
Herman Law Firm and Surveys

Elena Frixou George V. Markides Christiana Vassiliou Miliou Anezka Janouskova Ale Smetanka
Artemis Bank Information KPMG Antis Triantafyllides Ministry of Justice Kocin olc Balatk,
Systems Ltd. & Sons LLC advoktn kancel, s.r.o.
Pieris M. Markou Lucie Janouskova
Demetris Georgiades Deloitte Olga-Maria Zenon Czech Association of Kristna Solomonov
Harneys Antis Triantafyllides Energy Sector Employers Municipality of Prague 1,
Zoe Mina
& Sons LLC Trade Licensing Department
Elvira Georgiou Deloitte Lucie Kaerov
Antis Triantafyllides Kocin olc Balatk, Pavel Srb
Michalis Mouaimis CZECH REPUBLIC
& Sons LLC advoktn kancel, s.r.o. Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwlte
Mouaimis & Mouaimis LLC GmbH & Co.
Phedra Gregoriou KPMG esk Jan Klas
Panayotis Mouaimis republika, s.r.o.
Ministry of Justice Czech Association of Tomas Strelecek
and Public Order
Mouaimis & Mouaimis LLC Energy Sector Employers Ministry of Justice
Jan Andruko
Demetris Nicolaou White & Case
Michael Grekas Martina Kneiflov Petra Stupkova
KPMG Harneys EY PRK Partners s.r.o.
Denisa Assefov
Varnavas Nicolaou Schoenherr advoktn kancel,
Marios Hadjigavriel Eva Koci
PwC Cyprus member of Lex Mundi
Antis Triantafyllides Luk Balada Ministry of Finance
& Sons LLC Andry Panteli Municipality of Prague 1, Marek vehlk
Filip Kol
P.G. Economides & Co Trade Licensing Department vehl & Mikul
Costas Hadjimarcou Wolf Theiss Rechtsanwlte Advokti, s.r.o.
Leptos Estates Limited - member of Russell GmbH & Co.
Bedford International Libor Basl
Baker & McKenzie Sarka Tlaskova
Andreas Ioannides Jan Krampera
Christos Papamarkides Notarial Chamber of the
Electricity Authority Tom Bhounek Dvok Hager & Partners Czech Republic - Notsk
of Cyprus
BNT Attorneys-at-Law Petr Kucera Komora esk Republiky
Andriana Patsalosavvi
Elena Ioannides Rudolf Bicek CRIF - Czech Credit Daniel Vejsada
Dr. K. Chrysostomides Ministry of Bureau AS
Interior-Technical Schoenherr PRK Partners s.r.o.
& Co. LLC advoktn kancel,
Services David Bujgl Bohumil Kunc
Kypros Ioannides Squire Patton Boggs v.o.s. Notarial Chamber of the member of Lex Mundi
Chrysilios Pelekanos
Hadjianastassiou, Advoktn Kancel Czech Republic - Notsk Aneta Vermachov
Ioannides LLC PwC Cyprus Komora esk Republiky
Jan Capek Ministry of Justice
(Deloitte Legal) Carolos Petrou
EY Petr Kusy
Peta Co. Ltd. Jiri Vlastnik
Elefhteria Ioannou Ministry of Finance Vejmelka & Wnsch, s.r.o.
Ministry of Energy, George Petrou Ivan Chalupa
Squire Patton Boggs v.o.s. Lukas Lejcek
Commerce, Industry Peta Co. Ltd. Stanislav Votruba
and Tourism Advoktn Kancel BDP-Wakestone s.r.o. PREdistribuce
Ioanna Petrou
Peter Chrenko Jakub Lichnovsk
Georgios Karrotsakis PwC Cyprus Ludk Vrna
Insolvency Service, PwC Czech Republic PRK Partners s.r.o. Vrna & Partners
Maria Petsa advoktn kancel,
Department of Registrar Pavel Cirek
Cyprus Stock Exchange member of Lex Mundi Andrea Vrbkova
of Companies and Energy Regulator
Official Receiver Vejmelka & Wnsch, s.r.o.
Haris Satsias Office Czech Republic Daniela Machova
Erodotos Kassapis Lellos P. Demetriades Notarial Chamber of the Jonathan Weinberg
Law Office LLC Vladimr ek Czech Republic - Notsk White & Case
Russell Bedford Schoenherr
International Komora esk Republiky
Louiza Shiali Tomas Zach
PwC Cyprus Martin Daniin Peter Maysenhlder Kocin olc Balatk,
Christia-Lydia Kastellani Glatzov & Co. BNT Attorneys-at-Law advoktn kancel, s.r.o.
Dr. K. Chrysostomides Ioanna Siammouti
& Co. LLC Antis Triantafyllides Kamila Dakov Veronika Merjav
& Sons LLC White & Case White & Case DENMARK
Maria Katsikidou
Alexandros Economou LLC Andreas Sokratous Pavel Dejl David Musil Elsebeth Aaes-Jrgensen
Ministry of Interior Kocin olc Balatk, PwC Czech Republic Norrbom Vinding,
Harris Kleanthous advoktn kancel, s.r.o. member of Ius Laboris
Deloitte Eliza Stasopoulou Barbora Nedvdov
Cyprus Stock Exchange Svatava Dokoupilova White & Case Bo Andersen
Christina Kotsapa Czech Office for Surveying, Revision Kbenhavn I/S
Antis Triantafyllides Athina Stephanou Mapping and Cadastre Ji Nekovar
& Sons LLC Ministry of Finance, Euro-Trend, s.r.o.-member Peter Bang
Tax Department Kristna Domokoov of Russell Bedford Plesner
Kyriacos Kouros White & Case
Ministry of International Thomas Bang
Anna Stylianou
Interior-Technical Artemis Bank Information Dagmar Dubecka Radim Neubauer Lett Law Firm
Services Systems Ltd. Kocin olc Balatk, Notarial Chamber of the Jacob Christensen
advoktn kancel, s.r.o. Czech Republic - Notsk
Theodoros Kringou Electra Theodorou Plesner
First Cyprus Credit Bureau Ji Dvok Komora esk Republiky
Alexandros Economou LLC Frants Dalgaard-Knudsen
TH Energo Veronika Odrobinova
Nicholas Ktenas Georgia Theodorou Plesner
Andreas Neocleous & Tereza Ernyi Dvok Hager & Partners
PwC Cyprus Agnes Cathrine Emdal
Co. Legal Consultants PRK Partners s.r.o. Tom Prochzka Navntoft
Stelios Triantafyllides advoktn kancel, Dvok Hager & Partners
Andrie Kypridemou Antis Triantafyllides Kromann Reumert,
member of Lex Mundi
Insolvency Service, & Sons LLC tpn Radkovsk member of Lex Mundi
Department of Registrar Jindich Fuka Czech National Bank
Vasiliki Triantafyllides Anne Birgitte Gammeljord
of Companies and Glatzov & Co.
Antis Triantafyllides Tom Richter Rovsing & Gammeljord
Official Receiver Michal Hanko
& Sons LLC Clifford Chance Thomas Hansen
Olga Lambrou-Ioannou Bubnik, Myslil & Partners
Tryfonas Tryfonos Michal Rohacek Plesner
Mouaimis & Mouaimis LLC Marie Haskov
Department of Registrar Financni Sprava - General Silan Harmankaya
Andreas Lelekis of Companies and Schoenherr Financial Directorate PwC Denmark
Chrysses Demetriades Official Receiver Tomas Hejny
& Co. LLC Jaroslav Schulz Anna Amalie Jensen
Andrie Tsima White & Case INCZ CZ, s.r.o. Kromann Reumert,
Margarita Liasi Ministry of Finance, Vt Horek member of Lex Mundi
KPMG Mike Silin
Tax Department LEGALIT Advoktn DHL Czech Republic Jens Steen Jensen
Antonis Loizou Alexandros Tsirides Kancel s.r.o.
Dana Sldekov Kromann Reumert,
Antonis Loizou & Costas Tsirides & Co. LLC Ondej Hromdko member of Lex Mundi
Associates Czech National Bank
Ekaterina Varfolomeeva Municipality of Prague 1, Jacob C. Jrgensen
Michalis Marcou Trade Licensing Department Petr Smerkl
PwC Cyprus White & Case Lawyer
Electricity Authority David Ilczyszyn
of Cyprus Chrysilios Vassiliou Trine Kahr
Deloitte White & Case
Bruun & Hjejle

Lars Kjaer Houssein Mahamoud Barreh Evelina E-M. Baptiste Ludovino Coln Carlos Marte
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Service des Domaines et de Magistrate Court EY Agencia de Comercio
la Conservation Foncire Exterior CM
Troels Kjersgaard Marvlyn Estrado Pamela Contreras
Lett Law Firm Thierno Barry KPB Chartered JJ Roca & Asociados Jess Geraldo Martnez
Accountants Alcntara
Christian Kjlbye Loubna Bawazir Leandro Corral
Superintendencia de Bancos
Plesner Bank of Africa Mer Rouge Rhoda Joseph Guzmn-Ariza
Invest Dominica Authority Vanessa Mateo
Kamilla Krebs Idriss Bouha Rachel Cortes
JJ Roca & Asociados
Kromann Reumert, Massida Smart Solutions Glen Khan Headrick Rizik Alvarez
member of Lex Mundi Independent Regulatory & Fernndez Fabiola Medina
Sofia Curradi
Commission Medina Garrig Abogados
Mikkel Stig Larsen Jos Cruz Campillo
Ali Dini
Kromann Reumert, Noelize Knight Didier Jimnez Cruz Pea Laura Medina
Avocat la Cour
member of Lex Mundi Harris & Harris Jimnez Cruz Pea
Caleb de la Rosa
Hassan Mohamed Egue
Susanne Schjlin Larsen Michelle Matthew Dynatec Ligia Melo
Direction Legislation
Kromann Reumert, National Co-operative Medina Garrig Abogados
& Contentieux de la Leonardo de la Rosa
member of Lex Mundi Credit Union Limited
Directions des Impots Dynatec Melissa Mercedes
Lise Lauridsen
Flix Emok NDolo
Bertilia McKenzie JJ Roca & Asociados
Sarah de Len Perell
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Dominica Electricity
Groupe CHD Headrick Rizik Alvarez Rodolfo Mesa Chvez
Services Limited (DOMLEC)
Pelle Lykke Rrbk
Fahmi Fouad
& Fernndez Mesa & Mesa Abogados
Rovsing & Gammeljord Severin McKenzie
SELECT Rosa Daz Apolinar Muoz
McKenzie Architectural &
Kasper Lykkegaard Sorensen
Djama Guelleh Construction Services Inc. Jimnez Cruz Pea Schad Consulting
Spedman Global
Electricit de Djibouti Rafael Dickson Morales Natia Nez
Logistics AB Richard Peterkin
Mlanie Guerinot Grant Thornton Dickson Morales - Headrick Rizik Alvarez
Nikolas Meyer-Karlsen Abogados | Consultores & Fernndez
Mlanie Guerinot
Kromann Reumert, Eugene G. Royer
Ruben Edmead Indira Ogando
member of Lex Mundi Tolmone A. Haid Eugene G. Royer
Chartered Architect Martima Dominicana Deloitte RD, SRL
Gobad Architects
Robert Mikelsons
Zenon Felipe Pamela Ogando
Njord Law Firm Ramiss Houmed Dawn Yearwood
Yearwood Chambers Martima Dominicana Direccin General de
HLB Djibouti
Morten Bang Mikkelsen Impuestos Internos
Ingrid Fermn-Terrero
PwC Denmark Moustafa Houssein Ali
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Seibel Dargam Ramn Ortega
Electricit de Djibouti
Jesper Mortensen Henrquez & Herrera PwC
Plesner Zeinab Kamil Ali Rhadys Abreu de Polanco
Union Internacional Mara Fernndez A. de Pou Henry Pastrano Lluberes
Cabinet ZK
Andreas Nielsen del Notariado Latino Russin, Vecchi & Jimenez Cruz Pea
Bruun & Hjejle Ismael Mahamoud Heredia Bonetti
Mara Teresa Acta Elisabetta Pedersini
Universit de Djibouti
Michael Vilhelm Nielsen Headrick Rizik Alvarez Alejandro Fernndez de Castro Aaron Suero & Pedersini
Plesner Abdoulrazak Mohamed Ali & Fernndez PwC Dominican Republic
Kaulynam Peralta
Cabinet Avocats Associs
Susanne Norgaard Juan Alcalde Mary Fernndez Rodrguez EDESUR
Djibouti Abayazid &
PwC Denmark OMG Headrick Rizik Alvarez
Abdourahman Yakaira Prez
& Fernndez
Jim ksnebjerg
Ibrahim Mohamed Omar Melba Alcntara EY
Advokatpartnerselskabet Headrick Rizik Alvarez Romina Figoli
Cabinet CECA Luisa Ericka Prez Hernndez
Horten & Fernndez Headrick Rizik Alvarez
Abdallah Mohammed Kamil & Fernndez Superintendencia de Bancos
Carsten Pedersen Merielin Almonte
Etude Matre Edward Pia Fernndez
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Merielin Almonte Milagros Figuereo
Mohammed Kamil Biaggi & Messina
Estudio Legal Job, Bez, Soto &
Lars Lindencrone Petersen
Idriss Omar Asociados - member Julio Pinedo
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Patricia lvarez of Russell Bedford
Bureau dEtude Technique PwC Dominican Republic
Marianne Philip et Conseils (BETC) Medina Garrig Abogados International
Aime Prieto
Kromann Reumert, Mahado Omar Ana Alvira Mera Gloria Gasso
member of Lex Mundi
Prieto Cabrera &
Bureau dEtude Technique Agencia de Aduanas Mera OMG Asociados
Sofie Precht Poulse et Conseils (BETC) Maria Amalia Lorenzo Sandra Goico Arturo Ramirez
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Mohamed Robleh Djama Deloitte RD, SRL Seibel Dargam Aaron Suero & Pedersini
Tessa Maria Rosenberg Cabinet dAvocat Robleh Tamara Aquino Henrquez & Herrera
Sayra J. Ramirez
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Ayman Said JJ Roca & Asociados Vctor Gmez Prieto Cabrera &
Kim Sejberg Avocat Flavia Baez de George Headrick Rizik Alvarez Asociados
Castillo y Castillo & Fernndez
Thomas Christian Thune Aicha Youssouf Abdi Alejandro Miguel Ramrez
Bech-Bruun Law Firm Cabinet CECA Jennifer Beauchamps Pablo Gonzlez Tapia Suzaa
Jimnez Cruz Pea Gonzlez Tapia Abogados Ramirez Suzaa
DJIBOUTI DOMINICA Mara Hernndez & Asociados
Luis Eduardo Bernard
Banque Centrale Kertist Augustus Gonzlez Tapia Abogados EY Eduardo Ramos E.
de Djibouti Waterfront and Allied Paula Hernndez Mera Comisin Nacional de
Gustavo Biaggi Defensa de la Competencia
Workers Union Gonzlez Tapia Abogados
Direction de lHabitat Biaggi & Messina (PRO-COMPETENCIA)
et de lUrbanisme A.D. Jno Baptiste David Infante
Laura Bobea Reynaldo Ramos Morel
Jno. Baptiste Shipping Deloitte RD, SRL
Mohamed Abayazid Houmed Medina Garrig Abogados Ramos Morel & Asociados
& Customs Brokerage
Cabinet Avocats Associs Luis J. Jimnez
International Marvin Cardoza Jaime Roca
Djibouti Abayazid & Jimnez Cruz Pea
Abdourahman Rose Anne Charles
Direccin General de JJ Roca & Asociados
Impuestos Internos Alejandro Lama
Lawrence Alick Naomi Rodrguez
Mohamed Abdi Hassan Headrick Rizik Alvarez
C. Chambers Roberto Carvajal Polanco Headrick Rizik Alvarez
Cabinet ArkiMed & Fernndez
Jo-Anne Commodore
Carvajal Polanco & Fernndez
Ahmed Abdourahman Cheik & Asociados SRL Jos M. Lpez
Supreme Court Registry Mariel Romero
Sadik Ali Imael Andre Ceara Lopesa
Yakima Cuffy EDESUR
Cabinet ZK DMK Lawyers Paola Man Taveras
De Freitas & De Freitas Katherine Rosa
Santo Domingo Seibel Dargam
Idriss Assoweh and Johnson Jimnez Cruz Pea
Cabinet Assoweh Milvio Coiscou Castro Henrquez & Herrera
Lisa de Freitas Juan Rosario
& Associs Coiscou & Asociados Fernando Marranzini
De Freitas & De Freitas EDESUR
and Johnson Jos Coln Headrick Rizik Alvarez
EDESUR & Fernndez

Wendy Snchez Arturo Griffin Valdivieso Ayman Abdallah Madonna Azmy Hossam Elden Fida
TransUnion Dominican Prez, Bustamante y Ponce, AM Law Firm Maher Milad
Ashraf Elibrachy
Republic member of Lex Mundi Iskander & Co.
Abdel Latif Abdel Moneam Ibrachy Legal Consultancy
Felicia Santana Pedro Jos Hajj Ferri 3A International Tarek Badawy
Alaa Elkadry
JJ Roca & Asociados Ferrere Abogados Sarwat A. Shahid Law Firm
Mostafa Abdel Rahim Private Practitioner
Melissa Silie Rubby Lucero Helmy, Hamza & Partners, Waleed Badr
Mostafa Elshafei
Medina Garrig Abogados Cabezas & Cabezas-Klaere member firm of Baker & EastMed Shipping Group
Ibrachy Legal Consultancy
McKenzie International
Manuel Silverio Marisol Naranjo Benites Shaban Baker
Ehab Ahmed Elsharaby
Jimnez Cruz Pea South Trade & Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Central Bank of Egypt
Karim Adel Law Office
Solutions Ecuador South Cairo Electricity
Llilda Solano Khaled Balbaa
Distribution Company Essam Elshazly
DMK Lawyers Francisco Javier Naranjo KPMG Hazem Hassan
Horus Air And Sea
Santo Domingo Grijalva Doha Abdelfattah
Wagih Barakat Transport
FedLex AM Law Firm
Juan Tejeda AAW Consulting Engineers
Karim Emam
PwC Dominican Republic Jessahe Navarrete Hanan Abdelgamad Aly
Salma Basset PwC Egypt
DLL Law Office ECG Engineering
Laura Troncoso
Consultants Group SA Nour and Selim, in
Mohsen Emam
OMG Luis Nolivos association with Al
Central Bank of Egypt
Nolivos Lawyers Mostafa Abdel-Rahim Tamimi & Company
Richard Troncoso
Helmy, Hamza & Partners, Shahdan Essam
Deloitte RD, SRL Wolfgang Oberer
member firm of Baker &
Alah Bassyouni
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Schryver McKenzie International
Robert Valdez Mansour Boriek Legal (TAG-Legal)
Schad Consulting Letty Ordoez
Sherine Abdullah
Alexandria Port Authority,
Haitham Essmat
Empresa Pblica de Ministry of Transportation
Gisselle Valera Florencio Egyptian Electricity Utility Joudy International
Movilidad y Obras Pblicas and Consumer Protection
Jimnez Cruz Pea Joseph Sami Boutros For Import & Export
Andrea Pavn
Amr Mohamed Abo El Fetouh
Al Alameya Company
Vilma Veras Terrero Ahmed Ezzat
Vicsan Logistics SA General Authority
Jimnez Cruz Pea Helena Constantine Nour and Selim, in
Ciro Pazmio Ynez for Investment GAFI Maher Milad association with Al
Jeannerette Vergez Soto
P&P Abogados Ahmed Abou Ali
Iskander & Co. Tamimi & Company
Job, Bez, Soto &
Asociados - member Ciro Pazmio Zurita Hassouna & Abou Ali Mohamed Darwish Salma Ezzat
of Russell Bedford P&P Abogados Gamal A. Abou Ali
El Said Darwish & Partners Shalakany Law Office,
International member of Lex Mundi
Rodrigo Martin Pesantes Senz Hassouna & Abou Ali Menna El Abdeeny
Monica Villafaa Prez, Bustamante y Ponce, Abeer Abu Zeid
Ministry of Industry Mariam Fahmy
Russin, Vecchi & member of Lex Mundi and Foreign Trade Shalakany Law Office,
Youssry Saleh & Partners
Heredia Bonetti member of Lex Mundi
Ramiro Pinto Abdallah El Adly
Nermine Abulata
Dilcia Villanueva Pinto & Garcs Asoc. Ca PwC Egypt Hazem Fathi
Ministry of Industry
EDESUR Ltda - member of Russell Hassouna & Abou Ali
and Foreign Trade Yehia H. El Bably
Bedford International
Chery Zacaras
Mona Adel Hussein
El Bably Law Firm Shereen Fouad
Medina Garrig Abogados Patricia Ponce Arteta Egyptian Electricity
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Assem El Hawy
Bustamante & Bustamante Holding Company
Legal (TAG-Legal) Nour and Selim, in
ECUADOR Sandra Reed-Serrano association with Al Mennatullah Hamdy
Hoda Adel Saleh
Claudio Mesias Prez, Bustamante y Ponce, Tamimi & Company Ministry of Industry
Karim Adel Law Office
Agama Chiluisa member of Lex Mundi and Foreign Trade
Mohamed Refaat El Houshi
Empresa Electrica de Quito Mohamed Reda Afifi
Santiago Reyes The Egyptian Credit Hany Hanna
Pablo Aguirre DLL Law Office Bureau I-Score Ministry of Justice
Consultancies Office
PwC Ecuador Leonardo Semprtegui Medhat El Kaddy Mohamed Hashish
Mohamed Aggag
Mara Isabel Ailln Semprtegui Ontaneda Kadmar Soliman, Hashish
Ministry of Justice
Prez, Bustamante y Ponce, and Partners
Estefana Sigcha Orrico Hassan El Maraashly
member of Lex Mundi Karim Ahmed
DLL Law Office AAW Consulting Engineers Hassan Hassaan
Asma Marine Global
Mario Armendriz DLA Matouk Bassiouny
Jos Urizar Logistics and Freight Mohamed El Rafie
DLL Law Office (part of DLA Piper Group)
Ferrere Abogados Forwarder Alliance Law Firm
Mariella Baquerizo Dina Hassan
Hernan Vela Albuja Suzan Saad Ahmed Ibrahim El Salamoni
Equifax Ecuador Bur de Shalakany Law Office,
ISEFE Al-Saad for Hegazi Law
Informacin Crediticia C.A. member of Lex Mundi
Engineering Designs
David Villafuerte Ramy El Sayed Fawzy
Esteban Baquero Mohab Hassan
Trading Solutions Yulia V. Akinfieva General Authority
Ferrere Abogados Helmy, Hamza & Partners,
Consultores SA Youssry Saleh & Partners for Investment GAFI
member firm of Baker &
Diego Cabezas-Klaere Manuel Zurita Ashraf Al Wakeel Yasmine El Shahed McKenzie International
Cabezas & Cabezas-Klaere MZ Sistemas Electricos Central Bank of Egypt Shalakany Law Office, Tarek Hassib
Luis Cabezas-Klaere y Electronicos member of Lex Mundi
Mahmoud AlFeki Al Kamel Law Office
Cabezas & Cabezas-Klaere Aly El Shalakany
EGYPT, ARAB REP. Nadia Ali Mostafa Helmy
Juan Jos Campaa Cairo Governorate Shalakany Law Office, Ibrachy Legal Consultancy
del Castillo Cairo Governorate member of Lex Mundi
P&P Abogados Utility Data Center Mamdouh Ali Ahmed Omneia Helmy
Emad El Shalakany
Faculty of Economics
David Cornejo Egyptian Holding Company Ashraf Alkafrawy Shalakany Law Office, and Political Science,
PwC Ecuador of Water and Waste Water member of Lex Mundi
Mohamed Allam Cairo University
Augusto Curillo Island Agencies AM Law Firm Khaled El Shalakany
Taher Helmy
Empresa Electrica de Quito and Services Serene Almaleh
Shalakany Law Office, Helmy, Hamza & Partners,
member of Lex Mundi
Juan Carlos Darquea Naguib Abadir Sultans Law member firm of Baker &
Ferrere Abogados Nacita Corporation Sherry El Shalakany McKenzie International
Abd El Wahab Aly Ibrahim
Shalakany Law Office, Hossam Hilal
Fernando Del Pozo Contreras Omar Abd el Salam Abd El Wahab Sons
member of Lex Mundi
Gallegos, Valarezo & Neira Al Kamel Law Office Grant Thornton LLP
Mahmoud Alzayat
Khaled El Sharkawy
Paola Gachet Alaa Abd El Wahed Alzayat Law Firm Mohamed Hisham Hassan
Sarwat A. Shahid Law Firm Ministry of Investment
Ferrere Abogados General Organization of Ahmed Amin
Export & Import Control Mohamed El Sherbini
Martn Galarza Lanas Scope Badawi Hozaien
Sarwat A. Shahid Law Firm Hozaien Law Office
Puente Senz & Galarza Mohamed Abd El-Sadek Sayed Ammar
Attorneys-at-Law, Cia Ltda International Center for Passant El Tabei
Al Kamel Law Office Haytham Hussein
Law, Intellectual Property PwC Egypt Egyptian Global Logistics
Leopoldo Gonzlez R. and Arbitration (ICLIPA)
Paz Horowitz Abogados

Nada Hussein Mohamed Ahmed Salah El Din Mona Zobaa Ligia Maria Lazo Ventura Oscar Torres
Shalakany Law Office, Mostafa El Sayed General Authority Lazo Arquitectos Garca & Bodn
member of Lex Mundi Ministry of Justice for Investment GAFI Asociados
Laura Urrutia
Muhammad Hussein Sabaa Marina Mouris Thelma Dinora Lizama de
EL SALVADOR Mauricio Antonio Urrutia
Fachhochschule Ibrachy & Dermarkar Osorio
Sdwestfalen Law Firm Len Sol Arquitectos Superintendencia del
Superintendencia del
Sistema Financiero
Abdel Hamid Ibrahim Mostafa Nagi Francisco Armando Arias Sistema Financiero
Egyptian Financial Tanta Economic Rivera Mario Lozano
Julio C. Vargas Solano
Supervisory Authority Court of Appeal Arias Law Arias Law
Garca & Bodn
Badawy Ibrahim Mariam Negm Mauricio Bernal Lorena Madrid
Karla Elizabeth Zelaya
Ministry of Finance AM Law Firm AES El Salvador Aguilar Castillo Love
Mona Ibrahim Shimaa Omar Abraham Bichara Guillermo Massana Superintendencia del
UTI Readymade Garments AES El Salvador ATCASAL Asociacin Sistema Financiero
Export Council de Transportistas de
Mehiar Joulji Rafael Burgos Carga de El Salvador EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Sarwat A. Shahid Law Firm Ryham Ragab Arias Law
Ragab Law Firm Astrud Mara Melndez de EY
Saif Allah Kadry Alexander Cader Chvez
Soliman, Hashish Tamer Ragy PwC El Salvador Asociacin Protectora Segesa (Sociedad
and Partners Ragy & Partners Law Firm de Electricidad de
Claudia Castellanos de Crditos de El
Mohamed Kafafi Said Ramadan Arafa Salvador (PROCREDITO) Guinea Ecuatorial)
La Oficina de Planificacin
The Egyptian Credit Egyptian Financial del rea Metropolitana de Antonio R. Mndez-Llort Elisabeth Ajamen
Bureau I-Score Supervisory Authority San Salvador (OPAMSS) Romero Pineda & BEAC Sige
Omar Sherif Kamal El Din Hoda Sabry Carlos Roberto Alfaro Castillo Asociados, member Rui Andrade
Shalakany Law Office, Alexandria Port Authority, Aguilar Castillo Love of Lex Mundi VdA - Vieira de Almeida
member of Lex Mundi Ministry of Transportation & Associados
Christian Castro Ral Alberto Garca Mirn
Khaled Sherif Kamal El Dine Nouv Salama AES El Salvador Bufete Garca Mirn & Ca Maria Araujo
Shalakany Law Office, Al Kamel Law Office Miriam Eleana Mixco Reyna VdA - Vieira de Almeida
member of Lex Mundi Armando Chacon & Associados
Maaly Salim Lexincorp Gold Service
Mohamed Kamel Ministry of Trade Ricardo Molina Irene Balaguer Delgado
Al Kamel Law Office and Industry Walter Chvez L&S Abogados
Gold Service NOVITAS
Mohamed Kandel Zeinab Samir Francisco Campos Braz
Eduardo Ivn Colocho Catota Fernando Montano
Al Kamel Law Office Al Kamel Law Office Arias Law Solege
Innovations & Integrated
Ahmed Khairi Mohamed Serry Solutions, SA de CV Angel-Francisco Ela Ngomo
Jose Navas
Ministry of Justice Serry Law Office All World Cargo, SA de CV Nchama
Luis Alfredo Cornejo Martnez Juzgado de Instruccion
Mohanad Khaled Khalil Shaat Cornejo & Umaa, Ltda Moises Orlando Pacas M. de Bata
BDO Khaled & Co. Municipality of de CV - member of Russell ATCASAL Asociacin
Greater Cairo Bedford International de Transportistas de Philippe Fouda Fouda
Taha Khaled
BDO Khaled & Co. Doaa M. Shabaan Carga de El Salvador BEAC Sige
Celina Cruz
International Center for La Oficina de Planificacin Geraldine Palma Soraia Lacerda
Ahmed Khaleel
Law, Intellectual Property del rea Metropolitana de AES El Salvador Miranda Alliance
Mohamed Khodeir and Arbitration (ICLIPA) San Salvador (OPAMSS)
General Authority Carlos Pastrana Marta Lpez-Pena Gonzlez
Mohammad Shamroukh Porfirio Daz Fuentes L&S Abogados
for Investment GAFI Restauro Elettricit
Ministry of Justice DLM, Abogados, Notarios Costruzioni
Ashraf Maamoun Farag Joo Mayer Moreira
Sharif Shihata & Consultores
Bosch Center Sergio Perez VdA - Vieira de Almeida
Shalakany Law Office, David Ernesto Claros Flores AES El Salvador & Associados
Gomaa M. Madny member of Lex Mundi Garca & Bodn
Ministry of Trade Mnica Pineda Machuca Jose Mbara
Mohamed Fakhry Shousha Enrique Escobar PwC Equatorial Guinea
and Industry Pacheco Coto
Egyptian Financial Lexincorp
Ibrahim Maher Supervisory Authority Adriana Portillo Paulino Mbo Obama
DLA Matouk Bassiouny Guillermo Escobar Lexincorp Oficina de Estudios - ATEG
Shaimaa Solaiman Lexincorp
(part of DLA Piper Group) Ponciano Mbomio Nvo
Challenge Law Firm Ana Patricia Portillo Reyes
Ahmed Maher Badr Afifi Roberta Gallardo de Cromeyer Latamlex - Guandique Gabinete Juridico de
Frdric Soliman Arias Law Ponciano Mbomio Nvo
Ministry of Justice Segovia Quintanilla
Soliman, Hashish
Lamia Mahgoub and Partners Edwin Glvez Emilio Rivera Diosdado Nchama
PwC Egypt AES El Salvador PwC El Salvador Ministerio de Minas,
Mamdouh Taha Industria y Energia
Yaser Gamaluddin Mahmoud General Organization of Gabriela Garca Carlos Roberto Rodrguez
Hamam Export & Import Control Superintendencia del Consortium Centro Frida Ndong
The Egyptian Law Firm Sistema Financiero Amrica Abogados K5 Freeport Oil Centre
Randa Tharwat
Magdy Makky Nacita Corporation Ral Gonzlez Rene Rodas Jos Emilio Ndong
Customs Administration Consejo Nacional Gemma Logistics Abuy Asesores
Nariman Wagdy de Energa (CNE)
Mustafa Makram Youssry Saleh & Partners Otto Rodrguez Salazar Honorio Ndong Obama
BDO Khaled & Co. Yudy Guerrero Attorney-at-Law
Sara Wagdy Gold Service Mario Enrique Senz
Abouelela Mohamed Nacita Corporation Senz & Asociados Nanda Nzambi
Oriental Weavers Gerardo Guidos PwC Equatorial Guinea
Mona Wahba Aly El Din Expertis Jaime Salinas
Ahmed Mohamed General Authority Garca & Bodn Edna Oliveira
Ministry of Industry for Investment GAFI Guillermo Guidos Miranda Alliance
Expertis Oscar Samour
and Foreign Trade Antonio Ondo Obiang
Haidy Waheed Consortium Centro
Yasmin Mohamed Mahran AM Law Firm Antonio Guirola Moze Amrica Abogados Mangue
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Lexincorp Arab Contractors Co.
Amr Youssef Ernesto Snchez
Legal (TAG-Legal) Luis Roberto Hernndez Arita Arias Law Zenika Sanogho
Ibrachy Legal Consultancy
Ola Mohammed Hassan Hernndez Arita Ingenieros PwC Equatorial Guinea
Mohamed Youssef Alonso V. Saravia
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Benjamn Valdez Iraheta Asociacin Salvadorea Raquel Teresa Sern Calvo
Legal (TAG-Legal) de Ingenieros y L&S Abogados
Company for Yarn Hexiell Jarquin
Eman Mohey DLM, Abogados, Notarios Arquitectos (ASIA) Sergio Abeso Tomo
Darah Zakaria
Hassouna & Abou Ali & Consultores Luis Tevez Gabinete y Agencia T&E
Sharkawy & Sarhan
Alia Monieb Law Firm Benjamn Valdez
Ibrachy Legal Consultancy & Asociados

Boulbaba Zitouni Ben Yahia Ants Mailend Sisay Asres Habte Petros Rhea Chand
Guinea Services Advokaadibroo FLK Trading PLC Yichalal Transit Munro Leys
Providers SL Sorainen AS Service and Freight
Henok Assefa Sangeeta Chand
Forwarding PLC
Kaps Meelis Precise Consult Ministry of Justice
ERITREA Elektrilevi O Nigussie Seid
Yodit Assefa William Wylie Clarke
Senai Andemariam Ethiopia Revenues and
Veiko Meos The Motor & Customs Authority (ERCA) Howards Lawyers
Berhane Gila-Michael Creditinfo Eesti AS Engineering Company
Law Firm Visvanath Das
Meklit Seifu
Margus Mugu Ato Awoke Asfaw
Delnessahou Fiji Revenue and
Berhane Gila Michael COBALT Legal Awoke Asfaw Authorized Customs Authority
Berhane Gila-Michael Tadesse-Counselor
Accounting and Attorney-at-Law
Law Firm Sandra-Kristin Noot Isireli Fa
Ellex Raidla Asrat Bekele
Biruh Setargew The Fiji Law Society / FA
ESTONIA Advokaadibroo O ASGB Consulting PwC & Company Barristers
& Solicitors
Juulika Aavik Arne Ots Fekadu Bekele
Kebede Shai
Advokaadibroo Ellex Raidla Ethiopia Revenues and Ethiopia Revenues and
Dilip Jamnadas
Sorainen AS Advokaadibroo O Customs Authority (ERCA) Customs Authority (ERCA) Jamnadas and Associates

Angela Agur Olavi Ottenson Semere Wolde Bonger Jerome Kado

Kidist Sheferaw
NJORD Law Firm Deloitte Advisory AS National Bank of Ethiopia Mesfin Tafesse and PwC Fiji

Oliver marik Kaitti Persidski Hailu Burayu Associates Law Office Viren Kapadia
Advokaadibroo Estonian Chamber Lawyer Getu Shiferaw Sherani & Co.
Sorainen AS of Notaries
Kumlachew Dagne Mehrteab Leul & Associates Azam Khan
Aet Bergmann Martin-Johannes Raude
Mekdes Shiferaw Ministry of Local
Abinet Damtachew
BNT Attorneys-at-Law Ellex Raidla Green International Government
Construction Proxy
Advokaadibroo O Advokaadibroo O Logistic Services Mohammed Afzal Khan
Wondowosen Degefa
Nikita Divissenko Tnu Roosve
Ameha Sime Khan & Co. Barristers
Ethiopia Revenues and
Varul member of Tark Elektrilevi O Ameha Sime B.C. & Solicitors
Customs Authority (ERCA)
Grunte Sutkiene Einar Rosin Emily King
Teklay Gebrehiwot Delnessahou Tadesse
lleke Eerik KPMG Baltics O Delnessahou Munro Leys
Estonian Land Board Kertu Ruus Tadesse-Counselor Peter Ian Knight
Simon Getachew Kassaye and Attorney-at-Law
Kelli Eilart Advokaadibroo Cromptons Solicitors
Advokaadibroo Sorainen AS Fasil Tadesse Krishneel Krishna
Sorainen AS Berhane Ghebray FLK Trading PLC
Katrin Sarap Fiji Revenue and
Berhane Ghebray
Carri Ginter NJORD Law Firm Mesfin Tafesse Customs Authority
& Associates
Advokaadibroo Hli Sokk Mesfin Tafesse and Madhulesh Lakhan
Sorainen AS Solomon Gizaw Associates Law Office
Advokaadibroo Williams & Gosling Ltd.
HST Consulting
Janek Hamidanov Sorainen AS Dereje Taffese Hemendra Nagin
Metaprint Ltd. Yodit Gurji
Lisette Suik Solomon Demissie Tegegn Sherani & Co.
Fikadu Asfaw and
Andres Juss Advokaadibroo Net Engineering
Associates Law Office Supreena Naidu
Estonian Land Board Sorainen AS Consultancy AP Legal
Deborah Haddis Berhanu
Sander Krson Aivar Taro Michael Tekie
Mesfin Tafesse and Jon Orton
Varul member of Tark COBALT Legal Mehrteab Leul & Associates
Associates Law Office Orton Architects
Grunte Sutkiene Triin Toom
Getu Jemaneh Gaim Yibrah Tesema Armish Pal
Katre Kasepold Advokaadibroo Gaim Yibrah
Deloitte Consulting AP Legal
Estonian Logistics and Sorainen AS
Pvt. Ltd. Co. Seyoum Yonhannes Tesfy
Freight Forwarding Pradeep Patel
Veikko Toomere
Association Apollo Karumba Addis Ababa University BDO
NJORD Law Firm
PwC Gizeshwork Tessema
Jevgeni Kazutkin Mohnish Prasad
Neve Uudelt
Hough, Hutt & Partners O Belay Ketema Gize PLC Fiji Revenue and
Aliance of Independent
Belay Ketema Law Office Wossenyeleh Tigu Customs Authority
Ktlin Klaos Legal Advisers
PwC Estonia Tamrat Kidanemariam Mesfin Tafesse and Varunendra Prasad
Kai Vainola
Domenico Associates Law Office VP Lawyers
Edward Kostjuk Advokaadibroo
Tamrat Kidanemariam Osborne Wanyoike
Hough, Hutt & Partners O Sorainen AS Mele Rakai
Domenico Law Office PwC
Ingmar Vali Sherani & Co.
Villu Kve Tadesse Kiros
Estonian Supreme Court Centre of Registers & Getahun Worku Janet Raman
Tadesse Kiros Law Office Lawyer
Information Systems Munro Leys
Tanja Kriisa Mehrteab Leul
PwC Estonia Paul Varul Haileyesus Worku Shelvin Singh
Mehrteab Leul & Associates Woyn Chemicals PLC
Varul member of Tark Shelvin Singh Lawyers
Paul Knnap Grunte Sutkiene Yenehun Mamo
Advokaadibroo Mekidem Yehiyes Narotam Solanki
Peeter Viirsalu
Yenehun Birlie Law Office Mesfin Tafesse and
Sorainen AS PwC Fiji
Varul member of Tark Mahlet Mesganaw Getu Associates Law Office
Tanel Kn Grunte Sutkiene Eparama Tawake
Dagnachew Tesfaye Seyoum Yohannes Tesfay
Law Office Tark and Mahlet Mesganaw
Fiji Electricity Authority
Addis Ababa University
Gaily Kuusik ETHIOPIA Law Office Ana Tuiketei
Deloitte Advisory AS Sintayehu Zeleke AP Legal
Dagnachew Tesfaye Abetew Mekdes Mezgebu
Federal High Court
Martti Lemendik Dagnachew Tesfaye Mesfin Tafesse and
and Mahlet Mesganaw Associates Law Office FINLAND
Metaprint Ltd. FIJI
Law Office Nuredin Mohammed Manne Airaksinen
Hannes Lentsius WAF National Office Roschier Attorneys Ltd.
PwC Estonia Million Alemu Belayneh Molla Adgeh
Legal Practitioner MB Consulting Private Eddielin Almonte Timo Airisto
Kerstin Linnart and Consultant PwC Fiji White & Case
Aliance of Independent Limited Company
Legal Advisers Girma Alemu Mengesha Titus Mukora Lisa Apted Petri Avikainen
Assefa & Associates PwC Kenya KPMG White & Case
Berit Loog
Ministry of Justice Assefa Ali Beshir Mekonnen Muluneh Shiferaw Nicholas Barnes Hillevi Ekstrom
Assefa & Associates PwC Munro Leys OY Niklashipping Ltd.
Karin Madisson
Advokaadibroo Fikadu Asfaw Jone Cavubati Marja Eskola
Sorainen AS Fikadu Asfaw and Fiji Export Council PwC Finland
Associates Law Office

Oona Fromholdt Krista Rekola Segolene Dufetel Arnaud Pdron Sylvain Diangatebe Malongo
Castrn & Snellman White & Case Mayer Brown TAJ Socit dAvocats Socit dEnergie et
Attorneys Ltd. International LLP dEau du Gabon (SEEG)
Ingrid Remmelgas Arnaud Pelpel
Esa Halmari Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Jean-Marc Dufour Pelpel Avocats Anas Edzang Pouzere
Hedman Partners France eCommerce PricewaterhouseCoopers
Peter Salovaara Thomas Philippe
International Tax & Legal SA
Johanna Haltia-Tapio Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. Mayer Brown
Hannes Snellman Odile Dupeyr International LLP Gilbert Erangah
Petri Seppl
Attorneys Ltd. Solveig Avocats Etude Matre Erangah
PwC Finland Marie-Hlne Pinard-Fabro
Joni Hatanmaa Philippe Durand PwC Socit dAvocats Augustin Fang
Nikolas Sjberg
Hedman Partners PwC Socit dAvocats Cabinet Augustin Fang
Krogerus Attorneys Ltd. Emmanuelle Ries
Seppo Havia Thomas Ehrecke Miller Rosenfalck LLP Philippe Fouda Fouda
Aatos Solhagen
Dittmar & Indrenius BEAC Sige
Asianajotoimisto Benoit Fauvelet Jean-Francois Riffard
Henrietta Hindstrm White & Case Oy Banque de France Universite Clermont Gagan Gupta
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Auvergne, Ecole du Droit Olam International
Dina Stolt Ingrid Fauvelire
Harri Hirvonen Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Jeantet AARPI Nicolas Rontchevsky Dsir Lasseghe
PwC Finland Avocat et Professeur CNSS
Petri Taivalkoski Ivan Fron
Agrg des Facults
Lauri Jskelinen Roschier Attorneys Ltd. PwC Socit dAvocats Kevin Lebreton
de Droit
Ministry of the Action Rapide Transit
Jenni Teurokoski Louis Feuillee
Environment Pierre-Yves Rossignol
Hedman Partners White & Case Athanase Ndoye Loury
SCP Granrut Avocats
Pekka Jaatinen Syndic Judiciaire
Tuuli Vapaavuori-Vartiainen Nataline Fleury
Castrn & Snellman Guillaume Rougier-Brierre
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. Ashurst LLP Eric Mbah
Attorneys Ltd. Gide Loyrette Nouel,
member of Lex Mundi
Conservation de la
Seija Vartiainen Lionel Galliez
Johanna Jarvinen Propriet Foncire et
PwC Finland Conseil Suprieur du
Panalpina AB Philippe Roussel Galle des Hypothques
Notariat (Paris)
Marko Vuori Universit Paris Descartes
Sarianna Jrvi Louis Pascal Mbighi
Krogerus Attorneys Ltd. Nassim Ghalimi
White & Case Hugues Roux Ministre de lEconomie
Veil Jourde
Gunnar Westerlund Banque de France
Juuso Jokela Gaetan Mboza
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Rgine Goury
Suomen Asiakastieto Oy Abibatou Samb-Diouck 3M-Partners & Conseils
Mayer Brown
Etude Samb-Diouck
Mika Karppinen FRANCE International LLP Davy Mendoume
Hannes Snellman Michael Samol Ministre de lEconomie
Eau de Paris Franois Grenier
Attorneys Ltd. Jeantet AARPI
Yannick Mokanda
Mairie de Paris Kevin Grossmann
Milla Kokko-Lehtinen Maxime Samson Ministre de lEconomie
Cabinet Grossmann
PwC Finland Claire Adenis-Lamarre Pierre-Nicolas Sanzey Claude Mombo
Miller Rosenfalck LLP Karl Hepp de Sevelinges
Sini Laajala Stephenson Harwood Ministre de lEconomie
Jeantet AARPI
Hedman Partners Nadhia Ameziane Emmanuel Schulte Haymard Moutsinga
Dentons Marc Jobert
Kaisa Lamppu Bersay Associes Avocat la Cour
Jobert & Associs
PwC Finland Yves Ardaillou Maxime Simonnet Thierry Ngomo
Bersay Associes Ruben Koslar
Anna-Ilona Lehtonen Dentons ARCHi Pro International
Jeantet AARPI
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Vincent Audoir Johannes Singelnstein Lubin Ntoutoume
Allez & Associs Paul Lafuste
Jan Lilius Racine Avocats Cabinet SCP Ntoutoume
Veil Jourde
Hannes Snellman Julien Bellapianta et Mezher
Isabelle Smith Monnerville
Attorneys Ltd. ATS International Daniel Arthur Laprs
Smith dOria Jean Serge Ogoula
Avocat la Cour
Johanna Lilja Herv Beloeuvre Cellule E-Taxes
dAppel de Paris Lionel Spizzichino
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Fiduciaire Beloeuvre Willkie Farr & Laurent Pommera
et Associs Annie Le Berre
Jaakko Maijala Gallagher LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers
PwC Socit dAvocats
Russell Bedford Stphane Bnzant Tax & Legal SA
Jean Tarrade
International SCP Granrut Avocats Alann Le Guillou
Conseil Suprieur du Christophe Adrien Relongou
White & Case
Olli Mkel Florence Bequet-Abdou Notariat (Paris) PricewaterhouseCoopers
Hannes Snellman PwC Socit dAvocats Olivier Lopez Tax & Legal SA
Steven Theallier
Attorneys Ltd. Cohen & Gresser, AARPI
Pierre Binon Mayer Brown Anne Rodot
Kimmo Mettl Banque de France Elsa Lourdeau International LLP Action Rapide Transit
Krogerus Attorneys Ltd. Mayer Brown
Andrew Booth Franois Vergne Fabien Tannhof
International LLP
Linda Miettinen Andrew Booth Architect Gide Loyrette Nouel, Socit dEnergie et
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. Alexandre Majbruch member of Lex Mundi dEau du Gabon (SEEG)
Isabelle-Victoria Carbuccia Dentons
Mia Mokkila IVCH Paris Nicolas Walker H. Tchiffambeu
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Wladimir Mangel Reed Smith 3M-Partners & Conseils
Frdric Cauvin Mayer Brown
Marta Monteiro PwC Socit dAvocats Ronne Zana Ines Vaz
International LLP
Hannes Snellman PwC Socit dAvocats PricewaterhouseCoopers
Attorneys Ltd. Stphanie Chatelon Frederic Mercier Tax & Legal SA
Taj, member of Deloitte Mathez Transports GABON
Eeva-Leena Niemel Touche Tohmatsu Limited Laetitia Yuinang
Internationaux SA
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. John W. Ffooks & Co. Olam International
Chlo Chiapusso-Ello Orane Mikolajayk
Janne Nurminen SCP Granrut Avocats Municipalit de Libreville
Roschier Attorneys Ltd. Nathalie Morel GAMBIA, THE
Jean-Pierre Clavel Mayer Brown Angla Adibet
Emma Nyyssl Malick Bah
SCP Jean-Pierre Clavel International LLP Deloitte Juridique et Fiscal
Asianajotoimisto National Environment
White & Case Oy Stephan de Gror Nathalie Ngre-Eveillard Elisabeth Ajamen Agency
Jeantet AARPI White & Case BEAC Sige
Jani Pitknen Abdul Aziz Bensouda
Eversheds Attorneys Ltd. Jean-Paul Decorps Michel Nisse Philippe Bergon Amie Bensouda & Co.
Etude Matre Jean- PwC Socit dAvocats Action Rapide Transit
Arttur Puoskari Amie N.D. Bensouda
Paul Decorps Jean-Pierre Bozec Amie Bensouda & Co.
White & Case Catherine Ottaway
Antoine Delacarte Hoche Socit dAvocats Project Lawyers
Mikko Rajala Odzangbateh Dake
Guillemin Flichy AARPI Nicolas Chevrinais PwC Ghana
Bird & Bird Attorneys Ltd. Sabine Paul
Djaffer Doulache Miller Rosenfalck LLP EY FFA Juridique et Fiscal
Vuokko Rajamki Ida Denise Drameh
Cabinet RCA Regine DAlmeida Mensah Ida D. Drameh & Associates
Roschier Attorneys Ltd.

Dzidzedze Fiadjoe Giorgi Begiashvili Gia Jandieri Lasha Nodia Andreas Eckhardt
PwC Ghana Begiashvili & Co. New Economic School Nodia, Urumashvili PricewaterhouseCoopers
Limited Law Offices & Partners Legal Aktiengesellschaft
Sheriff Gaye David Javakhadze
Bollor Transport Levan Berdzenishvili Ministry of Economy and Tamta Nutsubidze
& Logistics Georgian Trans Sustainable Development Begiashvili & Co. Sigrun Erber-Faller
Expedition Ltd. Limited Law Offices Notare Erber-Faller
Sarane Hydara George Jugeli
und Voran
Mahfous Engineering Tatia Berekashvili Investors Council Papuna Papiashvili
Consultants Ministry of Economy and National Bureau Johann-Friedrich Fleisch
David Kakabadze
Sustainable Development of Enforcement DLA Piper UK LLP
Lamin S. Jatta
Grigol Kakauridze
Accord Associates Nino Berianidze George Paresishvili Alexander Freiherr von Aretin
Ministry of Economy and
Ministry of Economy and Georgian Stock Exchange Graf von Westphalen
Kebba Jobe Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Rechtsanwlte
Dabani Electrical Simon Parsons
Nikoloz Kakauridze
Enterprise Revaz Beridze PwC Georgia
Azimuti Ltd.
Eristavi & Partners Simon Grieser
Sulayman Jobe Tsisnami Sabadze
David Kakhiani Reed Smith LLP
DT Associates, Independent Nino Bezhitashvili Ministry of Economy and
Montage Georgia
Correspondence Firm Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Andrea Gruss
of Deloitte Touche Sustainable Development Irakli Kandashvili Merget + Partner
Natia Sakhokia
Tohmatsu Limited
Sandro Bibilashvili Oguz Kaan Karaer National Bureau Klaus Gnther
Sulayman M. Joof BGI Legal Maqro Construction of Enforcement Oppenhoff & Partner
S.M. Joof Agency
Temur Bolotashvili Irma Kavtaradze Levan Samanishvili Daniel Hacker
Mariam Kante Georgian Institute Ministry of Economy and Oceannet Georgia Ltd. PricewaterhouseCoopers
Bollor Transport of Building Sustainable Development Legal Aktiengesellschaft
Mikheil Sarjveladze
& Logistics Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Arsen Bortsvadze Mari Khardziani Ministry of Justice
Abdoullah Konateh Amper Co. Energy National Agency of Marc Alexander Hger
Manzoor Shah
Mahfous Engineering Solutions Public Registry Oppenhoff & Partner
Consultants Globalink Logistics Group
Giorgi Chichinadze Dachi Kinkladze Sebastian Harder
Tea Sonishvili
George Kwatia Ministry of Economy and Georgia Revenue Service PricewaterhouseCoopers
PwC Ghana Sustainable Development Ministry of Economy and Legal Aktiengesellschaft
Sergi Kobakhidze Sustainable Development Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Anna Njie Zurab Chkheidze PwC Georgia
Levan Targamadze
Amie Bensouda & Co. Begiashvili & Co. Nadine Haubner
Limited Law Offices Aieti Kukava Saba Construction Mayer Brown LLP
Clement Okey Alliance Group Holding
Giorgi Tavartkiladze
PwC Ghana Ekaterine Danelia Tina Hoffmann
Nodia, Urumashvili Sophio Kurtauli Deloitte Mayer Brown LLP
Baboucarr Owl National Bureau
& Partners Tamara Tevdoradze
National Water and of Enforcement Gtz-Sebastian Hk
Electricity Company Ltd. Giorgi Eliadze BGI Legal Dr. Hk Stieglmeier
Nino Kvinikadze
Fine Life Antonina Tselovalnikova & Partner
Ibrahima Salla Nodia, Urumashvili
Trust Bank Ltd. Khatia Esebua Gianti Logistics Elke Holthausen-Dux
& Partners
Alliance Group Holding Besik Tsimakuridze Mock Partnerschaft von
Janet Ramatoulie Sallah-Njie Natia Lapiashvili
Rechtsanwlten mbB
Torodo Chambers Mariam Gabashvili Dechert Georgia LLC Tamar Tvildiani
Eristavi & Partners Toyota Caucasus LLC Peter Holzhuser
Mary Abdoulie Danelia Lasha
Samba-Christensen Zviad Gabisonia Azimuti Ltd. Kote Ukleba Legal Aktiengesellschaft
Legal Practitioner Fine Life Electrical Service Group Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Ela Lekishvili
Aji Penda B. Sankareh Nikoloz Gamkrelidze F-Chain Samson Uridia Markus Jakoby
DT Associates, Independent CaucasTransExpress Ltd. Georgia Revenue Service Jakoby Rechtsanwlte
Irakli Lekishvili
Correspondence Firm
Teymuraz Gamrekelashvili Toyota Caucasus LLC Zviad Voshakidze
of Deloitte Touche Helmuth Jordan
Tohmatsu Limited Telasi Telasi Jordan & Wagner
Tea Loladze
Teona Gaprindashvili Ministry of Economy and Emre Yetiskin Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Bakary Sanneh
Nodia, Urumashvili Sustainable Development Maqro Construction mbH
Department of Physical
Planning and Housing & Partners Alexander Kollmorgen
Mirab-Dmitry Lomadze
Ekaterina Gazadze GERMANY K&L Gates LLP
Joseph E. Sarre Sofia Machaladze
Gambia Architectural and Georgian Stock Exchange Helge Aulmann Jrg Kraffel
Eristavi & Partners
Planning Consultants Archil Giorgadze Reed Smith LLP White & Case
Irakli Mamaladze
Yassin Senghore Dechert Georgia LLC Marc Bumer Ernst-Otto Kuchenbrandt
Tegeta Motors
Senghore Law Practice Givi Giorgadze Reed Smith LLP Deutsche Bundesbank
Jaba Mamulashvili
Hawa Sisay-Sabally Investors Council Anna-Lena Baur Baerbel Kuhlmann
Begiashvili & Co.
Lawyer Lasha Gogiberidze Limited Law Offices GSK Stockmann + Kollegen EY
Salieu Taal BGI Legal Judith Becker Claudia Kuhn
Nicola Mariani
Temple Legal Practitioners Lali Gogoberidze Dechert Georgia LLC Reed Smith LLP Reed Smith LLP
Ministry of Economy and Mark Bekker Andreas Lange
Elene Mebonia
GEORGIA Sustainable Development Bekker Logistica Mayer Brown LLP
Legal Partners
Marekh Amirashvili Alexander Gomiashvili Associated (LPA) LLC Henning Berger Peter Limmer
International JSC Credit Info Georgia White & Case Notare Dr. Limmer
Salome Meladze
Advocates LLC Levan Gotua BGI Legal & Dr. Friederich
Philipp Johannes Bergmann
Davit Askurava Begiashvili & Co. Reed Smith LLP Steffen Lindemann
Salome Meunargia
National Bureau Limited Law Offices Mayer Brown LLP
Legal Partners Jennifer Bierly
of Enforcement Goga Gujejiani Associated (LPA) LLC GSK Stockmann + Kollegen Ren Lochmann
Nino Bakhia Kaukasus Transport Reed Smith LLP
Roin Migriauli Justus Binder
National Agency of Logistik
Law Office Migriauli Reed Smith LLP Sabine Malik
Public Registry Nana Gurgenidze & Partners
Heiko Bsing SCHUFA Holding AG
Sandro Bakhsoliani Legal Partners
Giorgi Mikautadze PricewaterhouseCoopers
Insta LLC Associated (LPA) LLC Werner Meier
Tbilisi City Court Legal Aktiengesellschaft Simmons & Simmons
Mikheil Baliashvili Jaba Gvelebiani Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Ia Mikhelidze
Architectural Bureau Legal Partners Frank Mizera
Associated (LPA) LLC Georgia Revenue Service Thomas Bssow Reed Smith LLP
David Bardavelidze Sophie Natroshvili PwC Germany
Oceannet Georgia Ltd. BGI Legal

Marius Moeller Uwe Witt Abeku Gyan-Quansah GREECE Rita Katsoula

PwC Germany PricewaterhouseCoopers PwC Ghana Potamitis-Vekris
Legal Aktiengesellschaft Eydap SA
Isaschar Nicolaysen Rhoda Gyepi-Garbrah Dionysios Kazaglis
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Sophia Ampoulidou
DLA Piper UK LLP Ntrakwah & Co. Sarantitis Law Firm
Drakopoulos Law Firm
Dirk Otto GHANA Roland Horsoo Anna Kazantzidou
DENK Rechtsanwaelte Bouygues Construction Evangelos Angelopoulos Vainanidis Economou &
Solomon Ackom E Angelopoulos Law Office Associates Law Firm
John Piotrowski Grimaldi Ghana Ltd. Daniel Imadi
Jakoby Rechtsanwlte Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa Amalia Balla Anastasia Kelveridou
George Kingsley Acquah & Ankomah, member Potamitis-Vekris Kyriakides Georgopoulos
Sebastian Prgel Standard Chartered of Lex Mundi George Bersis Law Firm
White & Case Bank Ghana Limited
Rosa Kudoadzi Potamitis-Vekris Efthymios Kleftogiannis
Angela Reimer John Acquah Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa Dimitris Bimpas PwC Greece
Diaz Reus & Targ LLP Grimaldi Ghana Ltd. & Ankomah, member IME GSEVEE Constantinos Klissouras
Anselm Reinertshofer Larry Adjetey of Lex Mundi
Ira Charisiadou KIP Law Firm
Reed Smith LLP Law Trust Company Isaac Kunko Charisiadou Law Office Ioanna Kompou
Sebastian Reinsch Sena Agbekoh AB Lexmall & Associates
Viktoria Chatzara PwC Greece
Janke & Reinsch AB & David Mary Kwarteng IKRP Rokas & Partners Georgia Konstantinidou
Alexander Reus Irene Agyenim-Boateng PwC Ghana
Theodora Christodoulou Drakopoulos Law Firm
Diaz Reus & Targ LLP AB & David George Kwatia KLC Law Firm Lena Kontogeorgou
Malte Richter George Ahiafor PwC Ghana
Alkistis Christofilou Notary
Mayer Brown LLP XDSDATA Ghana Ltd. Yaw Kyere IKRP Rokas & Partners Panos Koromantzos
Martina Rothe Kweku Ainuson AB Lexmall & Associates
Evangelia Christopoulou Bahas, Gramatidis
Ashurst LLP AB Lexmall & Associates Eric Nii Yarboi Mensah & Partners
Jan Rudolph Cecilia Akyeampong Sam Okudzeto & Associates
Vasiliki Christou Olga Koromilia
Linklaters LLP Town and Country Godwin Ofosuhene Nkrumah PwC Greece
KLC Law Firm
Philipp Ruehland Planning Department Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa
Leda Condoyanni Liana Kosmatou
PricewaterhouseCoopers Mellisa Amarteifio & Ankomah, member
of Lex Mundi Hellenic Corporate C. Papacostopoulos
Legal Aktiengesellschaft Sam Okudzeto & Associates & Associates
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Gouvernance Council
Nene Amegatcher Kwadwo Ntrakwah
Eleni Dikonimaki Zafiria Kosmidou
Diedrich Schrder Sam Okudzeto & Associates Ntrakwah & Co.
Teiresias SA - Bank Karatzas & Partners
DLA Piper UK LLP Nana Yaw Ntrakwah
Kennedy Paschal Anaba Information Systems Dimitrios Kotsionis
Volker Schwarz Lawfields Consulting Ntrakwah & Co.
Sotirios Douklias Michael Kyprianou
HEUSSEN Abena Ntrakwah-Mensah & Co. LLC
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Kweku Brebu Andah KG Law Firm
Baker Tilly Andah + Andah Ntrakwah & Co.
mbH Panagiotis Drakopoulos Vasiliki (Cecilia) Kousouri
Chartered Accountants Wordsworth Odame Larbi Drakopoulos Law Firm Kyriakides Georgopoulos
Kirstin Schwedt
Wilfred Kwabena Consultant Law Firm
Linklaters LLP Anastasia Dritsa
Anim-Odame Sam Okudzeto Dimitrios Kremalis
Mike Silin Kyriakides Georgopoulos
Lands Commission Sam Okudzeto & Associates Law Firm Kremalis Law Firm,
DHL Czech Republic member of Ius Laboris
Iris Annan Rexford Assasie Oppong Elisabeth Eleftheriades
Marce Spielberger Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa KNUST KG Law Firm Irene C. Kyriakides
Reed Smith LLP & Ankomah, member Kyriakides Georgopoulos
of Lex Mundi Prince Oppong Boakye Stergios Frastanlis
Kai Sebastian Staak Law Firm
Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa Zepos & Yannopoulos Law
PricewaterhouseCoopers Daisy Joana Antwi & Ankomah, member Panos Lolonis
Legal Aktiengesellschaft Firm, member of Lex Mundi
Ntrakwah & Co. of Lex Mundi Hellenic Cadastre and
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Dionyssia I. Gamvrakis Mapping Agency
Kwabena Asante Offei Patience Ose-Nyarko
Dirk Stiller Sarantitis Law Firm
Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa Town and Country Artemis Malliaropoulou
PwC Germany & Ankomah, member Planning Department Georgios Garoufis International
Karl-Thomas Stopp of Lex Mundi PwC Greece Criminal Court
Vera Owusu Osei
Mock Partnerschaft von Akousa Akoma Asiama AB & David Dionysios Gavounelis Effrosyni-Maria Mantalia
Rechtsanwlten mbB Ntrakwah & Co. KIP Law Firm Elias Paraskevas
Cynthia Jumu Quarcoo
Tobias Taetzner Bridget Atta-Konadu Gerasimos Georgopoulos Attorneys 1933
CQ Legal & Consulting
PwC Germany Ntrakwah & Co. Geniko Emboriko Evangelos Margaritis
Henry Layea Quartey Mitroo - GEMI
Kvin Paul-Herv Tanguy Nana Akwasi Awuah Drakopoulos Law Firm
Baker Tilly Andah + Andah
PricewaterhouseCoopers AB Lexmall & Associates Chartered Accountants Antonis Giannakodimos Emmanuel Mastromanolis
Legal Aktiengesellschaft Zepos & Yannopoulos Law Zepos & Yannopoulos Law
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft Joyce Bediako Benjamin Quaye Firm, member of Lex Mundi Firm, member of Lex Mundi
Ntrakwah & Co. Ministry of Land and
Jonathan Tobler Antonios Gkiokas
Ayesha Bedwei Natural Resources of Alexandros N. Metaxas
DLA Piper UK LLP the Republic of Ghana PwC Greece Sarantitis Law Firm
PwC Ghana
Matei Ujica Christos Goulas
Thomas Blankson Jacob Saah Maria Moschopoulou
Reed Smith LLP Saah & Co. Kremalis Law Firm, Elias Paraskevas
XDSDATA Ghana Ltd. member of Ius Laboris
Arne Vogel Attorneys 1933
Binditi Chitor Shirley Somuah
M&P Dr. Matzen & Ntrakwah & Co. Aikaterini Grivaki Marilisa Myrat
Partner mbB AB Lexmall & Associates PwC Greece Karatzas & Partners
Diana Asonaba Dapaah Ebenezer Teye Agawu
Oscar Weller Dimitris V. Hatzihristidis
Sam Okudzeto & Associates Consolidated Shipping Anthony Narlis
Janke & Reinsch Agencies Limited Electrical Engineer Calberson SA
Hartmut Wicke Ras Afful Davis Efthymios Kallitsis
Climate Shipping & Trading Joyce Franklyn Thompson Anastasia Oikonomopoulou
Notare Dr. Wicke Ntrakwah & Co. KLC Law Firm
und Herrler Theodora D. Karagiorgou
Jerry Dei Koutalidis Law Firm
Sam Okudzeto & Associates M.C. Vasnani Athina Palli
Marco Wilhelm
Consolidated Shipping Artemis Karathanassi Zepos & Yannopoulos Law
Mayer Brown LLP Judith Donkoh Agencies Limited Firm, member of Lex Mundi
PwC Greece
Thomas Winkler Ntrakwah & Co.
Thecla Wricketts Catherine Karatzas Christina Papachristopoulou
DOMUS AG - member Kofi Edem Penty Bentsi-Enchill, Letsa KIP Law Firm
of Russell Bedford Karatzas & Partners
Renaissance Law Chambers & Ankomah, member
International of Lex Mundi Aristotelis Katranis Elena Papachristou
Christina Furler Kyriakides Georgopoulos Zepos & Yannopoulos Law
Gerlind Wisskirchen Furler Architects Ltd. Law Firm Firm, member of Lex Mundi
CMS Hasche Sigle

Konstantinos Papadiamantis Alexia Tzouni Isabelle Slinger Eduardo Castillo Cortes Edvin Montoya
Potamitis-Vekris Potamitis-Vekris Institute of Chartered Castillo Arquitectos Lexincorp
Accountants of the
Lily Papakiriaki Spyros Valvis Maria Mercedes Castro Maria Eugenia Morales Acea
Eastern Caribbean
Kyriakides Georgopoulos PwC Greece Garca & Bodn Corte Suprema de
Law Firm Sharon Tenny Justicia Guatemala
Penny Vithoulka Juan Carlos Chavarra
Grenada Industrial
Dimitris Papamentzelopoulos C. Papacostopoulos Development Corporation EY Anajoyce Oliva
KLC Law Firm & Associates Municipalidad de
Jose Andres Fuxet Ciani
Alana Twum-Barimah Guatemala
Christina Papanikolopoulou Konstantinos Vlachakis
Supreme Court Registry Lexincorp
Zepos & Yannopoulos Law Notary Julio Csar Ordez
Julio Contreras
Firm, member of Lex Mundi Shireen Wilkinson Montenegro
Kalliopi Vlachopoulou
Wilkinson, Wilkinson Registro General Banco G&T Continental
Stavros Papantonis Kelemenis & Co. & Wilkinson de la Propiedad de
Action Auditing Guatemala (RGP) Carlos Ortega
Lydia Vradi
SA - member of Russell Mayora & Mayora SC
Bedford International Karatzas & Partners GUATEMALA Juan Luis De la Roca
Registro Mercantil Jorge A. Osoy
Sofia Xanthoulea Empresa Elctrica
Martha Papasotiriou Municipalidad de
UnityFour John Tripidakis & de Guatemala SA Eleonora de Palma
Associates Law Firm ATA Servicios
Dimitris E. Paraskevas Protectora de Roberto Ozaeta
Fredy Yatracou Crdito Comercial Luis Pedro Del Valle
Elias Paraskevas PwC Guatemala
Attorneys 1933 PwC Greece Arias Law
Oty Aixa Farfn lvarez Marco Antonio Palacios
Stergios Zygouras Superintendencia de Claudia Lavinia Figueroa
Marios Petropoulos Palacios & Asociados
Kremalis Law Firm, Koutalidis Law Firm Administracin Tributaria Registro General
de la Propiedad de Raul Antonio Palma Cruz
member of Ius Laboris Erwin Ronaldo Alvarez Urbina
GRENADA Guatemala (RGP) ATA Servicios
Spiros Pilios Instaelectra Xpress
Danny Williams & Co. Jos Mara Flores Tint Erick Palomo
Genesis World Trans Nancy Amaya Registro General
Grenada Electricity ATA Servicios Abel Francisco Cruz Caldern
Katerina Politi de la Propiedad de
Services Ltd. Superintendencia de
Kyriakides Georgopoulos Pedro Aragn Guatemala (RGP)
Administracin Tributaria
Law Firm W.R. Agostini Aragn & Aragn Maria Jose Pepio Pensabene
W.R. Agostini & Co. Joel Estuardo Gamarro Palomo
Panagiotis Polychronopoulos Mario Ren Archila Cruz Cmara Guatemalteca
Kelemenis & Co. Raymond Anthony Arias Law Giovanni Garcia de la Construccin
Raymond Anthony & Co. ATA Servicios
Stathis Potamitis Jorge Luis Arenales de la Roca Claudia Pereira
Potamitis-Vekris James Bristol Arias Law Jose Gonzalez Mayora & Mayora SC
Henry, Henry & Bristol Precon
Vicky Psaltaki Jos Alejandro Arvalo Hugo Arvalo Perez
Sarantitis Law Firm Carlyle Felix Alburez Omar Gonzalez Arvalo Perez, Iralda
Ministry of Economic Superintendencia de Bancos Arquitectura Y Diseno y Asociados SC
Mary Psylla
PwC Greece Development, Planning, Elas Arriaza Senz Liz Gordillo Anleu Mlida Pineda
Trade, Cooperatives and Consortium - RACSA Arias Law Carrillo & Asociados
Eva Rodaki International Business
PwC Greece Sandra Audicio Diego Hernndez Edi Orlando Pineda Ramrez
Melissa Garraway QIL+4 Abogados SA Superintendencia de Bancos
Vasiliki Salaka Marine Cargo Line, SA
Seon & Associates
Karatzas & Partners Mara de los Angeles Barillas Carlos Guillermo Herrera Gabriela Posadas
Kim George Registro General QIL+4 Abogados SA
Ioannis Sarakinos Buchhalter
Kim George & Associates Saravia & Muoz de la Propiedad de
Sarakinos Law Manuel Ramrez
Carlyle Glean Jr. Guatemala (RGP)
Nancy Barrera EY
Nikolaos Siakantaris Gleans Construction PwC Guatemala Pamela Jimenez
UnityFour & Engineering Co. Ada Celeste Rios Cruz De
Arias Law
Jose Rodrigo Barrillas Garcia Sandoval
Konstantinos Siakoulis Cyrus Griffith
Novales Abogados Eva Maria Lima Registro de Garantias
Geniko Emboriko Labour Department Mobiliarias
Municipalidad de
Mitroo - GEMI Jorge Rolando Barrios
Annette Henry Guatemala
Bonilla, Montano, Andres Rivera
Ioannis Skandalis Ministry of Legal Affairs Toriello & Barrios Ruy Llanera Aceros Arquitectnicos
PwC Greece
Keith Hosten Comerical Americana de
Elmer Erasmo Beltetn Francisco Rivera
Ioanna Stamou Hostens (Electrical Construcciones (CONAME)
Morales Superintendencia de
Karatzas & Partners Services) Ltd. Mara Isabel Lujn Zilbermann Administracin Tributaria
Registro General
Alexia Stratou Ernie James de la Propiedad de QIL+4 Abogados SA
Alfredo Rodrguez Mahuad
Kremalis Law Firm, Ministry of Economic Guatemala (RGP) Juan Andrs Marroqun Consortium - RACSA
member of Ius Laboris Development, Planning, Luis Gustavo Berganza Carrillo & Asociados
Trade, Cooperatives and Ranulfo Rafael Rojas Cetina
Georgios Thanopoulos Registro General
International Business Csar Enrique Marroqun Corte Suprema de
IME GSEVEE de la Propiedad de Fernndez Justicia Guatemala
Athanasios Thoedorou Nigel A. John Guatemala (RGP) Superintendencia de Bancos
Latitudes Consult Federico Rolz
John Tripidakis Axel Beteta Marco Antonio Martinez Mr. Bodeguitas
John Tripidakis & Garvey Louison Eva Cacacho Gonzlez CPS Logistics
Louison Consulting Jose Rosales
Associates Law Firm QIL+4 Abogados SA Luis Amilcar Garca & Bodn
Kimon Tsakiris Debra Brenda Mason Emanuel Callejas Mazariegos Ramos
Grenada Nutmeg & Luis Alfonso Ruano
KG Law Firm Carrillo & Asociados
Cocoa Products Abelardo Medina CGW
Angeliki Tsatsi Natalia Callejas Aquino Ministry of Economy
Gail Ann Newton Maricela Sagastume
Karatzas & Partners Aguilar Castillo Love
Grenada Port Authority Magbis Mardoqueo Mndez Registro General
Antonios Tsavdaridis Rodrigo Callejas Aquino Lpez de la Propiedad de
IKRP Rokas & Partners Karen Samuel Registro General Guatemala (RGP)
Carrillo & Asociados
Samuel Phillip & Associates de la Propiedad de
Panagiota Tsinouli Delia Cantoral Glendy Salguero
Safiya Sawney Guatemala (RGP)
Kyriakides Georgopoulos EY PwC Guatemala
Law Firm Tradship International Ricardo Mendez Tello
Jorge Castaeda Salvador Augusto
Valentino Sawney EEGSA
Panagiota D. Tsitsa SPEC Saravia Castillo
Notary Panagiota Tsitsa Tradship International Edgar Mendoza Saravia & Muoz
Raul Castaeda PwC Guatemala
Katerina Tzamalouka David R. Sinclair Alfredo Skinner-Klee
Kyriakides Georgopoulos Sinclair Enterprises Limited Pedro Mendoza Montano Skinner-Kle & Asociados
Law Firm Juan Carlos Castillo Chacn Iurisconsulti Abogados
Aguilar Castillo Love Alejandro Solares
y Notarios
QIL+4 Abogados SA

Claudia Solares Soukeina Fofana Abdourahamane Tounkara Alcide Gomes Alfredo Silva
Registro de Garantias Banque Centrale de Guine Consulting Quid Juris SARL Cmara Municipal
Mobiliarias Guine (BCRG) de Bissau
Aboubacar Salimatou Toure Fernando Gomes
Francisco Solrzano Guy Laurent Fondjo Banque de Dveloppement TSK Legal Advogados A. Ussumane So
Superintendencia de Afriland First Bank de Guine e Jurisconsultos Losser Lda Business
Administracin Tributaria Development consultants
Joachim Gbilimou Mohamed Lamine Tour Vladimir Jorge Gomes
Jos Augusto Toledo Cruz Banque Centrale de Banque Atlantique Jorge Sousa
Yk Goumou
Arias Law Guine (BCRG) Camara de Comercio
Ministre de lIndustrie, des Neil Gomes Pereira
Industria Portugal
Arelis Yariza Torres de Alfaro PME et de la Promotion Mariama Cire Traore Centro de Formalizao Guin Bissau (CCIPGB)
Superintendencia de Bancos du Secteur Priv EY de Empresas
Fernando Tavares
Rodrigo Valladares Madigbe Kaba Barry Traor Liliane Gomis
Transmar Services Lda
Registro Mercantil Sylla & Partners Cabinet Matre Fatoumata Maersk Line
Amadou Barry Fernando Teixeira
Elmer Vargas Rene-Marie Kadouno Numna Gorky Mendes de
Ordem Nacional
Pacheco Coto EY Diallo Youssouf Medina
dos Arquitectos
TRANSMAR SA General Directorate of
Ivar Vega Diawara Karamokoba
Contributions and Taxes Gabriel Umabano
RV Instalaciones APIP-Guine Direction Kalivogui Zeze
TSK Legal Advogados
Gnrale des Douanes Cabinet dAvocat de Monica Indami
Roselyn Villatoro e Jurisconsultos
Me Kalivogui Zeze Bissau First Instance Court,
Novales Abogados Aribot Karim
Commercial Division Carlos Vamain
Direction Nationale Togba Nicolas Zomy
Marlon Virula Gomes & Vamain
des Impts Cabinet Matre Zomy Alceine Indjai
EY Associados
Bureau Prospectiva Bissau
Namory Keita
Direction Nationale GUINEA-BISSAU Carlos Leles GUYANA
des Impts BCEAO Cmara Municipal
Camara Abdoul Kabele de Bissau Digicom
Cabinet Camara Abdoul Mariama Cir Keita Diallo Creditinfo VoLo
Nimba Conseil SARL Suzette Maria Lopes da Costa Rodrigues Architects Ltd.
Yves Constant Amani Electricidade e Aguas Graa Tracey Bancroft
Cabinet dAvocats Fatoumata Koulibaly da Guine-Bissau Conservatria do Registo City Engineers Office
BAO & Fils Banque Centrale de
Ministrio da Economia Predial, Comercial Mayor & Councillors of
Guine (BCRG)
Toure Assata Aribot e Integrao Regional e Automvel City of Georgetown
Port Autonome Matnin Kourouma
Ministrio da Justia Gregorio Malu Wiston Beckles
de Conakry APIP Guine - Agence
Transmar Services Lda Correia & Correia Ltd.
de Promotion des Serge Agbomenou
Pierre Kodjo Avode Investissements Privs Bissau Equipamentos Miguel Mango Marcel Bobb
Sylla & Partners Audi - Conta Lda Fraser, Housty
Nounk Kourouma Jos Alves T
Mohamed Aly Bald Administration des Duarte Marques da Cruz & Yearwood
Ministrio da Justia Attorneys-at-Law
PwC Guinea Grands Projets et des MC&A - Sociedade
Marchs Publics Duarte Amaral da Cruz de Advogados RL
Mody Sory Barry Julius Campbell
MC&A - Sociedade Correia & Correia Ltd.
Direction Nationale Boua Kouyat de Advogados RL Vtor Marques da Cruz
des Impts Secrtariat du Dialogue MC&A - Sociedade Desmond Correia
Permanent Public-Priv Emlio Ano Mendes de Advogados RL
Aguibou Brt Correia & Correia Ltd.
GB Legal - Miranda
Ministre de lIndustrie, des Gbamon Kpoulomou Alliance Marciano Mendes Lucia Desir-John
PME et de la Promotion Tribunal de Premire Equitas-Advocacia & D & J Shipping Services
du Secteur Priv Instance de Mafanco Lus Antunes Consultoria Juridica
LUFTEC Tcnicas Rocky Hanoman
Renaud Bidault Mohamed Lahlou Elctricas Lda Ismael Mendes de Medina Pollonais, Blanc, de
Dmnagements PwC Guinea GB Legal - Miranda la Bastide & Jacelon
Internationaux et Jorcelene Badil Nhaga Alliance
Garde-Meubles Augustin Lovichi Lud Trnsito-Transitrios Renford Homer
Electricit de Guine Bissau Ruth Monteiro Guyana Power & Light Inc.
Ismaila Camara TSK Legal Advogados
Maersk Logistics SA Jean Alfred Mathos Serafim Baptista Kalam Azad Juman-Yassin
e Jurisconsultos
Notaire Mathos Lud Trnsito-Transitrios Guyana Olympic
Souleymane Camara Jean Alfred Bissau Halen Armando Napoco Association
Francis Charles Haba Equitas-Advocacia &
Kaba Moriba Tiago Bastos Kashir Khan
Cabinet Babady et Consultoria Juridica
Cabinet dAvocat AICEP Portugal Global Attorney-at-Law
Francis SCPA Kaba Moriba Eduardo Pimentel
Humiliano Alves Cardoso Centro de Formalizao Rhonda La Fargue
Sally Oussouby Cissoko Badara Niang Gabinete Advocacia de Empresas Guyana Power & Light Inc.
Direction Nationale EY
des Impts Malam Cassama Carlos Pinto Pereira Edward Luckhoo
Lamah Pierre Private Sector Luckhoo & Luckhoo
Fatoumata Cond Pinto Pereira & Associados
Commission Nationale Rehabilitation and
APIP Guine - Agence OHADA de Guine Tony Luis Pires Alexis Monize
de Promotion des
Development Project Guyana Office for
Investissements Privs Rassi Raja Armando Procel Investment
Cabinet dAvocat Koumy Januario Pedro Correia Repblica da Guin-Bissau
Abdelaziz Derrahi Harry Noel Narine
Mamadou Saliou Bald Banco da frica Fernando Resina da Silva
Electricit de Guine Occidental PKF International
Ministre de la VdA - Vieira de Almeida
Ahmadou Diallo Construction, de & Associados Charles Ogle
Seco Dafe
Chambre des Notaires lUrbanisme et Habitat Banco da frica Ministry of Labour,
Marta Sampaio Human Services and
Mamadou Aliou Diallo David Sandouno Occidental Mediterranean Shipping Social Security
Groupe MAD Bureau des Travaux Adelaida Mesa DAlmeida Company Lisbon (MSC)
Topographiques Carolyn Paul
Youssouf Diallo Jurisconta SRL Frederico Sanca Amice Legal
Chambre des Notaires Camara Mamadou Sanoussy Ibrahim Demba Maersk Line Consultants Inc.
Hann Dienaba Keita Notaire Camara Maersk Logistics Suleimane Seide Vishwamint Ramnarine
APIP-Guine Mamadou Sanoussy
Mamadjan Djalo Ministry of Finance PFK Barcellos, Narine & Co.
Barry Fatoumata Satouma Yari Sounah Madjens SARL Jos Semedo Reginald Roach
Cabinet Archi Plus Etude Yansane
Jose Carlos Esteves TSK Legal Advogados R&D Engineering Services
Naby Moussa Fofana Mohamed Sidiki Sylla JCE Consulting e Jurisconsultos
Sylla & Partners Ronald Roberts
Banque Centrale de Juliano Augusto Fernandes Dickson Siedi Independent Contractor
Guine (BCRG) Paul Tchagna Julafer & Lopesfino ARQUIDIS Estudos
PwC Guinea e Projectos Ryan Ross
Advogados Associados
Guyana Power & Light Inc.

Shantel Scott HONDURAS Gabriela Padilla Selraniy Chow Mat Ng

Fraser, Housty Casco-Fortin, Cruz PwC Hong Kong JLA-Asia
& Yearwood CNBS - Comisin Nacional & Asociados
de Bancos y Seguros Robert Chu James Ngai
Dino Rietti Financial Services and Russell Bedford Hong
Judy Semple-Joseph Comisin Nacional Arquitecnic the Treasury Bureau Kong - member of Russell
de Energa
Creditinfo Guyana of the Government of Bedford International
Jos Rafael Rivera Ferrari
Mario Aguero the Hong Kong Special
Leslie Sobers Consortium Legal Administrative Region
Kok Leong Ngan
Attorney-at-Law Arias Law CLP Power Hong
Milton Gabriel Rivera Urqua
Daniel Aguilera Tony Chu Kong Limited
Allyson West PwC Honduras Victon Registrations Ltd.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Transcoma Yeung Or
Conrado Rodriguez
Limited Edward Aguilera Cynthia Chung Inland Revenue
Advocatus Law Firm Deacons, member Department, HKSAR
Tonika Wilson-Gabriel Transcoma
Enrique Rodriguez Burchard of Lex Mundi
PricewaterhouseCoopers Olvin Aguilera Martinal Quan
Limited Aguilar Castillo Love Jimmy Chung Metopro Associates Limited
Fanny Rodrguez del Cid Russell Bedford Hong
Horace Woolford Vanessa Aguilera Hin Han Shum
Arias Law Kong - member of Russell
Guyana Power & Light Inc. Transcoma Bedford International Squire Patton Boggs
Germany Salgado
Roger Yearwood Juan Jos Alcerro Milla Holden Slutsky
Advocatus Law Firm Joanna Chung
Britton, Hamilton & Adams Aguilar Castillo Love Financial Services and Pacific Chambers
Ren Serrano the Treasury Bureau
Alberto Alvarez Brett Stewien
HAITI Arias Law of the Government of Addleshaw Goddard
Aguilar Castillo Love
Banque de la Juan Sinclair the Hong Kong Special
Valmir Araujo Administrative Region Keith Tam
Rpublique dHati Empresa Nacional de Dun & Bradstreet (HK) Ltd.
Operadora Portuaria Energa Elctrica
Mrov-Pierre - Cabinet Centroamericana Victor Dawes
Temple Chambers Tammie Tam
dExperts-Comptables Gustavo Solorzano
Geovanni Ayestas Mayer Brown JSM
COHEP (Consejo Jorge Forton
Theodore Achille III Empresa Nacional Hondureo de la Yuk Ting Fiona Fok
UNOPS De Energia Dun & Bradstreet (HK) Ltd.
Empresa Privada) JLA-Asia
Marc Kinson Antoine Jos Simn Azcona Wilson Fung
Cristian Stefan Handal Mayer Brown JSM Anita Tsang
ADEKO Enterprises Inmobiliaria Alianza SA Advocatus Law Firm PwC Hong Kong
Jude Baptiste Freddy Castillo Keith Man Kei Ho
Valerya Theodoracopoulos Wilkinson & Grist William Tsang
Cabinet Jude Baptiste Garca & Bodn Arias Law Y H Tsang & Co.
et Associs Samuel Ho
Helui Castillo Mariano Turnes Lawrence Tsong
Larissa Bogat COHEP (Consejo TransUnion Limited
Operadora Portuaria TransUnion Limited
Cabinet Lissade Hondureo de la Centroamericana Reynold Hung
Empresa Privada) PwC Hong Kong Paul Tsui
Jean Baptiste Brown Daysi Gricelda Urqua Hong Kong Association
Brown Legal Group Jaime Alberto Colindres Peter Kwon
Hernndez of Freight Forwarding
Rosales Ashurst Hong Kong
Martin Camille Cang TransUnion & Logistics Ltd. (HAFFA)
Electricit dHati Armando Urtecho Lpez Billy Lam King Wai Leonard Chan
Natalie Ann Cooper Umaa Mayer Brown JSM
Karl B. Couba COHEP (Consejo JLA-Asia
Inversiones Celaque SA Hondureo de la
David Lafortune Christie Lam Christopher Whiteley
Alejandra Cruz Empresa Privada) Hong Kong Financial
Brown Legal Group Ashurst Hong Kong
Casco-Fortin, Cruz Lizzeth Villatoro Secretary
Ronald Laraque & Asociados Fergus Wong
Casco-Fortin, Cruz Kai Chiu Lam
AAU & Asociados PwC Hong Kong
Graciela Cruz CLP Power Hong
Patrick Laurent Garca & Bodn Kong Limited David Wu
Mauricio Villeda Jr.
Cabinet Patrick Gutierrez Falla CYTS-Spirit Logistics Ltd.
Heidy Cruz Eva Lau
Laurent & Associs Garca & Bodn & Asociados Erica Xiong
The Land Registry
Camille Leblanc Jose Emilio Zablah Ulloa of Hong Kong Russell Bedford Hong
Gilda Espinal Veliz
Cabinet Leblanc & Associs PwC Honduras Kong - member of Russell
ASJ - Asociacin para Ka Shi Lau Bedford International
Garry Lhrisson una Sociedad ms Justa Mario Rubn Zelaya BCT Financial Limited
Atelier dArchitecture (BCTF)/Bank Consortium Yuan Xu
Jose Luis Haya Energa Integral
et dUrbanisme S. de RL de CV Trust Company Shandong Starmen Co. Ltd.
Dieuphte Maloir Limited (BCTC) Kwok Kuen Yu
Evangelina Lardizbal Benito Arturo Zelaya Clix
Sam Construction Lexincorp Yolanda Lau Companies Registry
Arias Law
Joel Nexil Addleshaw Goddard Sunny Yu
Erick Lezama
Air Courrier & Shipping HONG KONG SAR, CHINA Gina Lee Financial Services and
Arias Law the Treasury Bureau
Jean Yves Nol AECOM Asia TransUnion Limited
Rafael Enrique Medina Elvir of the Government of
Nol, Cabinet Cmara de Comercio e Company Limited Camille Leung the Hong Kong Special
dExperts-Comptables Industria de Tegucigalpa Squire Patton Boggs Administrative Region
Allen & Overy
Joseph Paillant Jess Humberto Medina-Alva Jenny Liu
Steinberg HKC
BUCOFISC Central Law Medina, Ashurst Hong Kong HUNGARY
Rosenthal & Asociados Albert P.C. Chan
Micosky Pompilus Terry LK Kan Hellmann Worldwide
The Hong Kong
Cabinet dAvocats Juan Carlos Meja Cotto Shinewing Specialist Logistics Kft
Polytechnic University
Chalmers Instituto de la Propiedad Advisory Services Limited Balzs Balog
Nick Chan
Margarette Antoine Sanon E. Mendoza Albert Lo Reti, Antall and
Squire Patton Boggs
Cabinet Margarette COHEP (Consejo TransUnion Limited Partners Law Firm
Antoine Sanon Hondureo de la Vashi Chandiramani
Kathy Lo Dnes Balog
Excellence International
Michel Succar Empresa Privada) Financial Services and ELM Hlzati Kft
Cabinet Lissade Ramn E. Morales Jacqueline Chiu the Treasury Bureau Sndor Bksi
PwC Honduras Mayer Brown JSM of the Government of
Salim Succar Partos & Noblet
Cabinet Lissade Nikki Chong the Hong Kong Special Hogan Lovells
Juan Diego Napky Administrative Region
Garca & Bodn Ashurst Hong Kong
Jean Vandal Sndor Benkei
Vandal & Vandal Lillian Chow Psyche S.F. Luk buda-jlak Zrt
Vanessa Oquel Fairbairn Catley
Garca & Bodn The Official Receivers
Low & Kong Hdi Bozsonyik
Office of the Special
Szecskay Attorneys-at-Law
Administrative Region Louise Ng
of Hong Kong Squire Patton Boggs

Beata Bujnoczki Kinga Mekler Margrt Berg Sverrisdttir Steinr orsteinsson Raghav Bansal
PricewaterhouseCoopers Sndor Szegedi Court of Arbitration Tollstjri - Directorate RSB League Consultants,
Hungary Ltd. Szent-Ivny Komromi of the Iceland Chamber of Customs Attorneys & Solicitors
Eversheds Sutherland of Commerce
Szilgyi Csaba Jon Vilhjalmsson Shashwat Bansal
buda-jlak Zrt Zsolt Miklshalmi Arnar Bjarnason EFLA Consulting Engineers RSB League Consultants,
buda-jlak Zrt Attorneys & Solicitors
Srosi Csand
Obuda-Ujalk Mariann Miskovics Jakob Bjrgvin Jakobsson INDIA Subhash Bansal
Sndor Szegedi Arctic Legal Services Ashok Dhingra Associates RSB League Consultants,
Zsuzsanna Cseri
Szent-Ivny Komromi Attorneys & Solicitors
Cseri & Partners Eversheds Sutherland
Karen Bragadttir Asiatic Electrical
Law Offices Tollstjri - Directorate Switchgear (P) Ltd. Sumitava Basu
Lszl Mohai of Customs Juris Corp
Krisztin Devecz Aum Architects
Mohai Law Office
Partos & Noblet Margret Anna Einarsdottir Sumant Batra
Hogan Lovells Gyorgy Nadas Jnatansson & Co. Consulta Juris Kesar Dass B & Associates
University of Debrecen Legal Services FCA India Automobiles
Nra Elmer-Szab Neeraj Bhagat
Sndor Szegedi Viktor Nagy Eymundur Einarsson Pvt. Ltd. Neeraj Bhagat & Co.
Szent-Ivny Komromi BISZ Central Credit Endurskoun og Jaynix Engineering Pvt. Ltd. M.L. Bhakta
Eversheds Sutherland Information PLC rgjf ehf
M.D. Architects Kanga & Co.
Gyula Gbriel Sndor Nmeth sta Margrt Eirksdttir
Maharani Laxmi Ammanni Pradeep Bhandari
Bogsch & Partners Szecskay Attorneys-at-Law BBA Legal
Centre for Social Intuit Management
Laszlo Gaspar Christopher Noblet lafur Eirksson Science Research Consultancy
FBIS Architects Partos & Noblet LOGOS, member
Ajay Abad M.P. Bharucha
Hogan Lovells of Lex Mundi
Mihly Gerht SKP Business Consulting LLP Bharucha & Partners
PricewaterhouseCoopers Galbavi Pl Sigrur Anna Ellerup
Jolly Abraham Deepak Bhaskar
Hungary Ltd. buda-jlak Zrt Registers Iceland
Desai & Diwanji Trilegal
Ervin Gombos rs Pnzes Bjrg Finnbogadttir
Alfred Adebare Moksha Bhat
GMBS Kft Registers Iceland
Sipka Pter LexCounsel Trilegal
Zoltn Gurszky University of Debrecen Anna Bjrg Gujnsdttir
Ca Surabhi Agarwal Gurleen Bhatia
ELM Hlzati Kft BBA Legal
Eszter Piller SS Kothari Mehta & Co. KNM & Partners
Csaba Attila Hajdu PricewaterhouseCoopers Gudrun Gudmundsdottir
Kritika Agarwal Gurpriya Bhatia
BNT Attorneys-at-Law Hungary Ltd. Jnar Transport
Majmudar & Partners I.L.A. Pasrich & Company
Tams Halmos Henriett Rabb Marta Gurn Blndal
Sanjay Kumar Agarwal Saurav Bhattacharya
Partos & Noblet University of Debrecen Court of Arbitration
Hogan Lovells of the Iceland Chamber
PwC India
Rita Rado Vinay Agarwal
of Commerce MIRC Electronics Limited Sukanya Bhattacharya
Attila Horvth Cseri & Partners
buda-jlak Zrt Law Offices Andri Gunnarsson Luthra & Luthra
Mayank Aggarwal Law Offices
Nordik Legal Services Luthra & Luthra
Dra Horvth Richard Safcsak
Law Offices Mona Bhide
Reti, Antall and BISZ Central Credit Reynir Haraldsson
Partners Law Firm Information PLC Jnar Transport Dave & Girish & Co.
Neeharika Aggarwal
Zsfia Sallai KNM & Partners Hetal Bilaye
Jzsef Horvth Hrur Dav Hararson
buda-jlak Zrt BNT Attorneys-at-Law Tollstjri - Directorate Nishith Desai Associates
Rahul Agrawal
of Customs Zoom In Group Nidhi Bothra
Andrea Jdi Nmeth Istvn Sndor
bpv / Jdi Nmeth Kelemen, Meszaros, Burkni Maack Helgason Vinod Kothari & Co.
Padmakar Agte Practicing Company
Attorneys-at-Law Sandor & Partners Creditinfo Iceland Power Solutions Secretaries
Atilla Jambor Szilvia Szeleczky Jn Ingi Ingibergsson Jotinder Ahluwalia Amit Brid
Dr. Jmbor Attila Budapest 1st District PwC Iceland Reliance Infrastructure
Law Office Municipality Brid Electric Corporation
Aalsteinn E. Jnasson Ltd.
gnes Szent-Ivny J.K. Budhiraja
Zoltn Janosi LEX Law Offices Aqil Ahmed
Partos & Noblet Sndor Szegedi Insolvency Professional
Hrbjartur Jnatansson South Delhi Municipal Agency of Institute of Cost
Hogan Lovells Szent-Ivny Komromi Corporation
Eversheds Sutherland Jnatansson & Co. Accountants of India
Ferenc Kalla Legal Services Praveen Alok
Adm Tth K.K. Chadha
GTF Kft Khaitan and Company
Dr. Tth dm Lra V. Jlusdttir Architect
Veronika Kiss
Kzjegyzi Iroda Lgmenn Laugavegi 3 ehf Saurabh Babulkar Harshala Chandorkar
Partos & Noblet Seth Dua & Associates
Hogan Lovells Jzsef Vizer Antoine Lochet TransUnion CIBIL Limited
RSM Hungary Tax and BBA Legal Surendrakumar Badge Sravani Channapragada
Andrea Kladiva BEST
Financial Advisory Bjorn Mar Olafsson J. Sagar Associates,
Cseri & Partners Services PLC
Law Offices PwC Iceland Tarun Baidya Advocates & Solicitors
Marton Leo Zaccaria Helga Melkorka ttarsdttir Vardhaman Customs Charu Lata
Andrea Kocziha Clearing & Forwarding
University of Debrecen LOGOS, member Universal Legal
PricewaterhouseCoopers Agencies
of Lex Mundi
Hungary Ltd. Anand Chatrath
ICELAND Kristjn Plsson Shashi Bala B. M. Chatrath & Co.
Csaba Kovcs Municipal Corporation
ELM Hlzati Kft Reykjavik Municipal Jnar Transport
of Greater Mumbai Jyoti Chaudhari
Building Control Officer sgeir . Ragnarsson Legasis Services Private
Gergely Kovcs Shrenik N. Bamb
Bogsch & Partners sta Slveig Andrsdttir BBA Legal
Shrenik N. Bamb Sanjiv Kumar Chaudhary
Registers Iceland Arna Sigurjnsdttir
Mikls Machcs & Associates Aseem Chawla
Measurement and Benedikt Egill rnason LMB Legal Services
Pallavi Banerjee Phoenix Legal
Technical Safety Authority LOGOS, member Gunnar Sturluson J. Sagar Associates, Chandni Chawla
(Budapest Capital City of Lex Mundi
LOGOS, member Advocates & Solicitors
Government Office) Phoenix Legal
Ragnar Tomas rnason of Lex Mundi
Pritam Banerjee Daizy Chawla
Csaba Mt LOGOS, member Rnar Svavar Svavarsson Deutsche Post DHL Group Singh & Associates,
buda-jlak Zrt of Lex Mundi
Veitur, Distribution-
Anupam Bansal Advocates and Solicitors
Dra Mth Heiar sberg Atlason Electrical System
ABRD Architects Manjula Chawla
PricewaterhouseCoopers LOGOS, member Jn rarinsson
Hungary Ltd. of Lex Mundi Neeraj Bansal Phoenix Legal
Creditinfo Iceland
Stefn rni Aulfsson
Jawaharlal Nehru Vinita Chhatwal
Helgi r orsteinsson Port Trust
LMB Legal Services I.L.A. Pasrich & Company
LEX Law Offices

Vinod Chithore Tarun Ghia Rohit Jain Dhiraj Khandelwal Yogesh Malhan
Municipal Corporation Singhania & Partners LLP Khandelwal Dhiraj Singh & Associates,
Arup Ghosh
of Greater Mumbai & Associates Advocates and Solicitors
Tata Power Delhi Sanjiv Kumar Jain
Priyanka Choksi Distribution Ltd. Vardhaman Customs Naveen Khanna Pragati Malik
Desai & Diwanji Clearing & Forwarding Sunrise Freight Forwarders Spaces Architecture Studio
Manoj Gidwani
Poorvi Chothani SKP Business Consulting LLP Tanya Khare Vipender Mann
Lawyer Sanyogita Jain Khaitan and Company KNM & Partners
Prabhakar Giri
KNM & Partners
Sachin Chugh Vardhaman Customs Rajeev Kharyal Rishabh G. Mastaram
Singhi Chugh & Kumar, Clearing & Forwarding Chinmay Jani Tata Power Delhi RGM Legal
Chartered Accountants Agencies Chinmay Jani Architect Distribution Limited
Manish Mathur
Chirag Dabhi Mukund Godbole Abhinava Jayaswal Gautam Khurana Mathur Associates
C & D Logistics GodboleMukadam Lawyer India Law Offices N Architects
and Associates
Manish Dadhania Anand Kumar Jha Ankit Khushu HL Meena
Precision Sintered Products Ankit Goel Central Board of Kachwaha & Partners Department of Industries
GTech Infra Engineers Excise & Customs
Chetan Daga Kamal Kishore Ajoy Mehta
Pvt. Ltd.
Sudit K. Parekh and Co. Abhijit Joglekar Sunrise Freight Forwarders Municipal Corporation
Gourav Goyal Reliance Infrastructure of Greater Mumbai
Neelesh Datir Shashank Kokil
Neeraj Bhagat & Co. Ltd.
ALBIEA Atul Mehta
Ravinder Komaragiri
Amit Gupta Sanjay Joseph Mehta & Mehta
Amin Dayani
Aay Aar Electricals The Tata Power
Income Tax
Control (P) Ltd. Company Limited Dara Mehta
Rhuta Deobagkar Department (India)
Little & Co.
Trilegal Ashish Gupta Piyush Joshi
Shinoj Koshy
Arms & Associates Luthra & Luthra Dipti Mehta
Sunil Deole Clarus Law Associates
Law Offices Mehta & Mehta
Deole Bros Atul Gupta Yogesh Joshi
Saniya Kothari Pankaj Mehta
Nimish Desai Trilegal Speedwell Technologies
LexCounsel Fortune Legal Advocates
NHD Forwarders Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.
G. D. Gupta & Legal Consultants
Vinod Kothari
Vishwang Desai Aay Aar Electricals Kunal Juneja
Control (P) Ltd. Vinod Kothari & Co. Preeti G. Mehta
Desai & Diwanji MP Law Offices
Practicing Company Kanga & Co.
Pushkar Deshpande Gunjan Gupta Kumalya Kale Secretaries
Anand Mohan Mishra
Kochhar & Co. Singhania & Partners LLP Shelter Associates
Gordhan Kukreja UNO ARCH
Rishi Dev Naveen Gupta Vikas Kallianpur Lawyer
Gunjan Mishra
Rishi Dev Architects Dass Gupta and Associates Vastu Shilp
Abhijeet Kulkarni Luthra & Luthra
and Associates
Pulkit Gupta Atul Kansal Capex Equipment Law Offices
Farida Dholkawala EY Indus Environmental Rental Solutions
Nikhil Mohan Mishra
Desai & Diwanji Services Pvt. Ltd.
Sameer Gupta Anup Kulkarni UNO ARCH
Rajiv Dogra Phoenix Legal Pranay Kapadia J. Sagar Associates,
Nilendu Mishra
Kodiak Container Navyata LifeSpace Advocates & Solicitors
Shubham Gupta Ministry of Corporate
Lines Pvt. Ltd. Luthra & Luthra Ajai Kumar
Aditi Kapoor Affairs - Registrar
Rakesh Dogra Law Offices Trilegal Jagmohan Kumar Saurabh Misra
Anagha Dongre Sudhanshu Gupta Vishal Kapoor Aarkitek Combine Saurabh Misra
Sudit K. Parekh and Co. Singhania & Partners LLP Ministry of Power & Associates,
Manoj Kumar
International Lawyers
Rajesh Dongre Prakash Hamirwasia Rajas Kasbekar Manoj & Associates
ABRD Architects SKP Business Consulting LLP Rajas Kasbekar Amit B. Mistry
Mrityunjay Kumar
Private Practice Laxmichand Chheda
Jigar Doshi Parma Nand Hans Dhingra &
SKP Business Consulting LLP MNC Management Shrinath Kasi Singh-Attorneys-at-Law
Solutions & Kapson Law Reliance Infrastructure Ajay Mital
Jitendra R. Doshi Mukesh Kumar
Ltd. South Delhi Municipal
Shreeji Services Anil Harish KNM & Partners
D.M. Harish & Co. Kripi Kathuria
Maulik Doshi Nitin Kumar
Phoenix Legal Bhavin Modi
SKP Business Consulting LLP Bhanu Harish Aarkitek Combine
Space Vision - Architect
Singhania & Partners LLP Vandita Kaul
Atul Dua Raj Kumar & Planner
Department of
Seth Dua & Associates Akil Hirani Raj Engineers
Financial Services, Hemal Modi
Majmudar & Partners
Manojkumar Dubal Ministry of Finance Vinay Kumar Sharp & Tannan
Manoj Dubal & Associates Michael D. Holland Madhav Design Group Group-member of Russell
Charandeep Kaur
FIABCI Bedford International
Harshit Dusad Trilegal Arvind Kumar Bhatnagar
Juris Corp Suresh L. Hulikal Arvind Kumar & Associates Priyanka Mongia
Ramneet Kaur
Allianz de Architecture Phoenix Legal
Riya Dutta ASP Associates Parveen Kumar Sharma
Advaya Legal Jomy Jacob CERSAI Avikshit Moral
Mitalee Kaushal
Office of Chief Juris Corp
Sunil G. Ambre KNM & Partners Manoj Kumar Singh
Commissioner of Customs Jitendra Mukadam
Sunil Ambre & Associates Singh & Associates,
Arun Kedia
Jyoti N. Jadhav Advocates and Solicitors GodboleMukadam
Ritika Ganju VAV Life Sciences P. Ltd. and Associates
Super Freight
Phoenix Legal Shreedhar T. Kunte
Sanjay Kesari
Pravin Jadhav Sharp & Tannan Hardik Mungekar
Anuj Garg Employee's Provident Daisaria Associates
Vastu Shilp Group-member of Russell
India Law Offices Fund Organisation
Bedford International
Bhagwan Jagwani Tanvi Muraleedharan
Pankaj Garg Giridhar Kesavan
Kruti Systems Samira Lalani Juris Corp
National Company Vinzas Solutions
Phoenix Legal
Law Tribunal Sameena Jahangir India Pvt. Ltd. Priyanka Naik
RGM Legal Minhaz Lokhandwala Sudit K. Parekh and Co.
Rahul Garg Gautam Khaitan
Desai & Diwanji
PwC India Anshul Jain O.P. Khaitan & Co. Vijay Nair
Luthra & Luthra Khushboo Luthra KNM & Partners
Sarthak Garg Farrukh Khan
Law Offices Singhania & Partners LLP
Phoenix Legal Diwan Advocates Ratnakar Nama
Dheeraj Jain Balkrishna M. Mandrekar Architect
Abhinav Gaur Mohd. Wasiq Khan
Rha Praxis Initiative Super Freight
Lawyer Diwan Advocates Vijayan Nambiar
Nikita Jain Divya Malcolm Delight Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
Rajeev Kumar Gera SKP Business Consulting LLP Kochhar & Co.
Gera & Associates

Vaibhav Nautiyal Ankita Ray Manoranjan Sharma Neha Sinha Nilesh Vikamsey
Indus Environmental Cyril Amarchand KNM & Partners Luthra & Luthra Khimji Kunverji & Co.
Services Pvt. Ltd. Mangaldas Law Offices
Rupali Sharma Vinayak Vishwas Patil
Harendar Neel Purushottam Redekar Kochhar & Co. Praveer Sinha Creative Consultants
J. Sagar Associates, GM Arch Pvt. Ltd. Tata Power Delhi & Designers
Saumya Sharma
Advocates & Solicitors Distribution Limited
Hiren Ruparel LexCounsel Rajiv Wadhwa
Sanjay Nirmal Balaji Shipping Agency Sanjay Sinha Aay Aar Electricals
Saurabh Sharma
Municipal Corporation Ministry of Labour Control (P) Ltd.
of Greater Mumbai
Dheeraj Ruri Juris Corp & Employment
Deep Consultancy and Rajiv Wadhwa
Shipra Sharma
Parag Pai Business Services Suharsh Sinha PLVK Power Engineers
Miti Ministry of Shipping AZB & Partners & Consultants
Rajneesh Sabharwal
Sangita Shet
Divyanshu Pandey Tata Power Delhi Vineet Sinha Girish Wadwekar
J. Sagar Associates, Distribution Ltd. Miti KNM & Partners Moksha Communications
Advocates & Solicitors Sujoy Shet
Suparna Sachar Veena Sivaramakrishnan Abhijeet Yadav
Janak Pandya O.P. Khaitan & Co. Miti Juris Corp The Tata Power
Nishith Desai Associates Santosh Shetty Company Limited
Shamik Saha Preetha Soman
Niraj Pangam Phoenix Legal International Nishith Desai Associates Akriti Yadav
G.L. Pangam & Associates Cargo Terminals KNM & Partners
Priyanka Sahi and Infrastructure Shweta Soni
Ajay Pant Grant Thornton India LLP Private Limited Fortune Legal Advocates Manoj Yadav
Indus Environmental & Legal Consultants Neeraj Bhagat & Co.
M. S. Sahoo Ashutosh Shingate
Services Pvt. Ltd.
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Eaton Industrial Systems Akhil Srivastava Neha Yadav
Amit Parab Board of India (IBBI) Private Limited Y R Electricals LexCounsel
Shelter Associates
Keshav Saini Arjun Shiv Rudra Srivastava Sanjay Yadav
Rajiv Paralkar KNM & Partners Trilegal Singhania & Partners LLP South Delhi Municipal
Deole Bros Corporation
Sirisha Sampat Vishnu Shriram Aravind Srivatsan
Kunal Pareek Kanga & Co. Phoenix Legal PwC India Sumiti Yadava
Tata Power Delhi Clarus Law Associates
Hitesh Sanghvi Prabhat Shroff Nitim Subhash
Distribution Ltd.
Hitesh Sanghvi Law Offices Shroff & Company Indimet Pvt. Ltd.
Amir Z. Singh Pasrich INDONESIA
Kanwar Sanjay Vikram Shroff Surendra Suri
I.L.A. Pasrich & Company BPJS Ketenagakerjaan
Swait Arch. Nishith Desai Associates Deep Consultancy and
Sameer Patel Business Services Hermawan Juniarto
Daya Saran Akash Shukla
Desai & Diwanji Law Firm
Super Freight PwC India Abhishek Swaroop
Sanjay Patil Luthra & Luthra Indonesia Notary
Jaspal Sarowa A.K. Singh
BDH Industries Limited Law Offices Organization
Jaspal Sarowa Vardhaman Customs
Vijay E. Patil Clearing & Forwarding Anuja Talukder Mentari Freight Services
Heemanshu Satija
Municipal Corporation Agencies PwC India
of Greater Mumbai
P. J. Associates PT Antar Benua Cahaya
Aakarsh Singh Medha Tamhanekar
Vijay Satpute PT Mulya Abadi Asro
Soumya Patnaik Universal Legal Universal Legal
J. Sagar Associates, Power Solutions
Akanksha Singh Rajesh Tayal Hizban Achmad
Advocates & Solicitors Sunil Sawant Indo Karya Senior
Diwan Advocates KNM & Partners
Alok Patnia Power Solutions
Bhisham Singh Stephanie Tellis Robertus Adinugraha
Alok Ranjan & Associates Sukrit Seth Melli Darsa & Co.
MNC Management Legasis Services Private
Ashish Patole Seth Dua & Associates Solutions & Kapson Law
Chetan Thakkar Shamy Adrian
Ashok Poojary Tarun Sethi Land Data and
Dileep Singh Kanga & Co.
MARS Shipping Agency Aarkitek Combine Samsung India Information Center
Anand Thakur
Aashit Shah Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Nafis Adwani
Joseph Pookkatt KEI Industries Ltd.
APJ-SLG Law Offices J. Sagar Associates, Dinesh Singh Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho,
Advocates & Solicitors SCL Pvt. Limited
Piyush Thareja Reksodiputro, member
Rashmi Pradeep Neeraj Bhagat & Co. of Lex Mundi
Dilip S. Shah
Cyril Amarchand Ranvir Singh
Mangaldas Reliance Infrastructure R.S. Associates
Pooja Thomas Widiarahmi Afiandari
Ltd. Phoenix Legal Nurjadin Sumono
Anush Raajan Sajai Singh Mulyadi & Partners
Gunjan Shah Amit Tiwari
Bharucha & Partners J. Sagar Associates,
Desai & Diwanji Advocates & Solicitors Ventrans India Eko Agus Supiadi
Ajay Raghavan UPTSA (Unit Pelayanan
Manish Shah Suhas Tuljapurkar
Trilegal Shailendra Singh Terpadu Satu Atap)
Sudit K. Parekh and Co. Legasis Services Private
Ravishankar Raghavan Sheetlesh Singh Surabaya Timur
Majmudar & Partners Paresh Shah
MNRD & Associates Prakash Veer Tyagi (One-Stop Shop)
RPS Logistics Gateway Rail Fright Limited
Hafeez Rahman Subodh Singh Hilman Ahmad
I.L.A. Pasrich & Company Prasham Shah
Office of Chief Ramesh K. Vaidyanathan Land Data and
Juris Corp Commissioner of Customs Advaya Legal Information Center
Vasanth Rajasekaran
Raj Shah Uday Y. Vajandar Lia Alizia
Seth Dua & Associates Vijiya Singh
Nina Electrical APJ-SLG Law Offices The Brihan Mumbai Makarim & Taira S.
N.V. Raman Corporation Electric Supply &
Fessy Alwi
MP Law Offices Amardeep Singh Bhatia Transport Undertaking
Vijay Shah
Ministry of Corporate Notary
Sharanya G. Ranga Architect Chahat Varma
Affairs - Registrar Cindy Anjani
Advaya Legal India Law Offices
Garima Shahi Shakti Singh Champawat Adnan Kelana Haryanto
Dipak Rao Singhania & Partners LLP Ashok Vashist & Hermanto
Desai & Diwanji
Singhania & Partners LLP R.S. Associates
A. Shaila Mukesh Singhal Karina Antonio
Meghna Rao Maharashtra Sales Ajay Verma Nurjadin Sumono
KNM & Partners
Singhania & Partners LLP Tax Department Juris Chambers Mulyadi & Partners
Ravinder Singhania
Yomesh Rao Ashwani Sharma Dipankar Vig Sasono Ardi Hersubeno
Singhania & Partners LLP
YMS Consultants Ltd. R.S. Associates MP Law Offices PT PLN (Persero), East
Alok Sinha Java Distribution
Shruti Rathore Himani Sharma Sameep Vijayvergiya
Alok Sinha & Co.
Diwan Advocates Axon Partners LLP Dhingra & Hizkia Ardianto
Singh-Attorneys-at-Law EY
L.N. Sharma
R.S. Associates

Cucu Asmawati Widigdya Gitaya Syamsul Ma'Arif Ety Puspitasari Ricardo Simanjuntak
Simbolon & Partners WSG & Company Mahkamah Agung CKB Logistics Ricardo Simanjuntak
Law Firm Republik Indonesia & Partners
Michael Hadi Indra Raharja
Ibrahim Assegaf PT Kredit Biro Bobby R. Manalu Aprilda Fiona & Yudianta Medio N. Simbolon
Assegaf, Hamzah Indonesia Jaya (KBIJ) Siregar Setiawan Manalu Partners Law Firm Simbolon & Partners
& Partners Law Firm
Joei Hadi Nata Tan Yasser Mandela Dewi Sri Rahayu
Nyoman Astawa Tycon Contractor Budidjaja & Associates Notaris & PPAT Nien Rafles Siregar
PT PLN (Persero) Indonesia Siregar Setiawan Manalu
Mohammad Iqbal Hadromi Manumpak Manurung Tantia Rahmadhina
State Electricity
Corporation Hadromi & Partners Rivai Triprasetio & Partners Risbert Soelaiman
Benny Marbun
Hamud M. Balfas
Melanie Sri Handayani PT PLN (Persero) Indonesia Dhamma Ratna Ardi Haqi Solla
Bank Indonesia State Electricity Notaris & Pejabat Otoritas Jasa
Law Office of HBP
Corporation Pembuat Akta Tanah Keuangan-Indonesia
& Partners Abdul Haris M. Rum
Financial Services
Himpunan Konsultan Ahmad Maulana Jean H. Reksodiputro
Reynalda Basya Ilyas Authority
Hukum Pasar Modal Assegaf, Hamzah PT Pefindo Biro Kredit
Budidjaja & Associates
& Partners Nadia Soraya
Hariyanto S.H. Sophia Rengganis
Dimas Bimo TNB & Partners
Hariyanto & Partners Mario Maurice Sinjal PwC Indonesia
Melli Darsa & Co.
Nurjadin Sumono Selvana Stella Oviona
Stefanus Haryanto Rengganis Rennganis
Fabian Buddy Pascoal Mulyadi & Partners Budidjaja & Associates
Hanafiah Ponggawa Adnan Kelana Haryanto Hadromi & Partners
& Hermanto Amalia Mayasari Tirtamarta Sudarman
& Partners Reza Riztama
Simbolon & Partners PT Pesat Jaya Utama
Prianto Budi
Ibnu Hasan
Law Firm PT Pratama Indomitra
TNB & Partners Konsultan - member Bambang Suprijanto
PT Pratama Indomitra
Ella Melany of Russell Bedford EY
Konsultan - member Yansah Hasstriansyah
Hanafiah Ponggawa International
of Russell Bedford Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Puspita W. Surono
& Partners
International Satu Pintu (BPTS) Mahesa Rumondor Ministry of Finance
Any Miami Adnan Kelana Haryanto
Tony Budidjaja Erwandi Hendarta Atik Susanto
PwC Indonesia & Hermanto
Budidjaja & Associates Hadiputranto, Oentoeng Suria & Partners
Hadinoto & Partners Kristo Molina Valdano Ruru
Didin Cahya Wahyudin Hantriono Susizo
Witara Cakra Advocates Makarim & Taira S.
Indonesian Public Tax Anang Hidayat Ministry of Finance
(in association with
Consultants Association PT GPI Logistics Ayudi Rusmanita
White & Case LLP) Otje Sutedi
(AKP2I Asosiasi Konsultan Nurjadin Sumono
Pajak Publik Indonesia) Nurman Hidayat Fifiek Mulyana SH PTI Architects
Mulyadi & Partners
Indonesia Investment Mulyana Abrar
Deded Chandra ST Suwandi
Coordinating Board & Advocates Indra Safitri
BPJS Kesehatan PT Bintang Timur
Himpunan Konsultan
Brigitta Imam Rahayoe Sri Mulyati
Teresa Chiquita Hukum Pasar Modal Randy Suwenli
Brigitta I. Rahayoe Rivai Triprasetio & Partners
Makarim & Taira S. Hanafiah Ponggawa
& Partners Ayundha Sahar
Alexander Nainggolan & Partners
Roy Coastrio Oentoeng Suria & Partners
Adiwidya Imam Rahayu
Hadromi & Partners Aria Suyudi
Lawyer Brigitta I. Rahayoe Rika Salim
Safita Ratna Narthfilda Consultant
Juni Dani & Partners Oentoeng Suria & Partners
Oentoeng Suria & Partners Pieter Talaway
Budidjaja & Associates Deshaputra Intanperdana Darma Saputra
Imran Nating Pieter Talaway &
Melli Darsa Hadromi & Partners Bank Indonesia
Indonesian Association Associates
Melli Darsa & Co. Jamaslin James Purba Widodo Saputro
of Receivers and Kurniawan Tanzil
Reginald A. Dharma James Purba & Partners Administrators (AKPI) PT Andhika Prima Perkasa
Makarim & Taira S.
Adnan Kelana Haryanto Pak Jatmiko Mahardikha K. Sardjana
Ratih Nawangsari Arief Tejo S.
& Hermanto District Court of Surabaya Hadiputranto,
Oentoeng Suria & Partners Indonesian Logistics and
Nawangwulan Dilla Savitri Hadinoto & Partners
Edy Junaedi Rizana Noor Forwarders Association
Rivai Triprasetio & Partners Badan Pelayanan Terpadu Nur Asyura Anggini Sari
PT Kredit Biro Achmad Tri Cahyono
Natasha Djamin Satu Pintu (BPTS) Indonesia Jaya (KBIJ) Bank Indonesia
Otoritas Jasa
Oentoeng Suria & Partners Brinanda Lidwina Kaliska Haryo Sedewo Keuangan-Indonesia
Monasisca Noviannei
Bama Djokonugroho Makarim & Taira S. Indonesia Investment Indonesia Investment Financial Services
Coordinating Board Coordinating Board Authority
Budidjaja & Associates Mirza Karim
KarimSyah Law Firm Harment Sembiring Gatot Triprasetio
Estu Dyah Putra Nugraha
Witara Cakra Advocates Indonesia National Rivai Triprasetio & Partners
Asma El Moufti Othman Karim
(in association with Single Window
KarimSyah Law Firm Runi Tusita
PT Terminal Petikemas White & Case LLP)
Surabaya Ibrahim Senen PwC Indonesia
Shakuntala Kartikasari
Reza Nurtjahja Armand Yapsunto
PTI Architects Trina Uli
Ahmad Fadli Muharamsyah &
PT Urbane Indonesia Simbolon & Partners
Brigitta I. Rahayoe Anita Lucia Kendarto Partners (AYMP)
& Partners Inta Oviyantari Law Firm
Notaris & Pejabat Erwin Setiawan
Pembuat Akta Tanah PTI Architects Sony Panji Wicaksono
Nurulita Fauzie EY
Brigitta I. Rahayoe Heru Pambudi Bank Indonesia
Johan Kurnia
Indra Setiawan
& Partners Hadiputranto, Ministry of Finance Haykel Widiasmoko
Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho,
Edly Febrian Widjaja Hadinoto & Partners Agung Pangestu Wijaya Abdul Hakim Garuda
Reksodiputro, member
Budidjaja & Associates PT Danadipa Bertu Nusantara, Harman
Ayu Katarina Kusnadi of Lex Mundi
& Partner
Fajar Febriandi Oentoeng Suria & Partners Ay Tjhing Phan Arief Setyadi
Arojoto Wisanto
PT Toyota Motor Winita E. Kusnandar PwC Indonesia PKF Accountants &
Manufacturing BAM Decoriat Indonesia
Kusnandar & Co. Business Advisers
Abraham Pierre
Garry Wood
Ratna Febrina Diana Kusumasari KPMG Lardi SH
SF Consulting PT Kredit Biro
Budidjaja & Associates Lardi & Partners
Deni Prasetyo Indonesia Jaya (KBIJ)
Lr. Fetnayeti Jatmiko Adi Kusumo Land Data and Taji M. Sianturi
Pelopor Yanto
Ministry of Trade Interiors & Co. Information Center Taji & Rekan
Land Data and
Aprilda Fiona Butarbutar Rosevelt Riedel Lontoh Norbertus Hengky Pratoko Kevin Omar Sidharta Information Center
Aprilda Fiona & Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Indonesian Logistics and Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho,
Jono Yeo
Partners Law Firm Reksodiputro, member Forwarders Association Reksodiputro, member
Budidjaja & Associates
of Lex Mundi of Lex Mundi
Sinuhadji Frans Yoshua Fredie Pratomo
Akbar Zainuri
Oentoeng Suria & Partners Noorfina Luthfiany PT Binatama Akrindo Obed Simamora
KarimSyah Law Firm
Bank Indonesia Land Office of Surabaya

Mohammad Zamroni Shirin Ozra Entezari Atiyeh Rezaei Hazim Akram Mohamad Khalil
Zamro Law Firm Dr. Shirin O. Entezari Dr. Shirin O. Entezari Attorney-at-Law
Ahmed Abbas Khareem
& Associates & Associates
Jacob Zwaan Qussay Jafar Al Alawi
Mohamad Khareem
KPMG Seyyed Amir Hossein Etesami Negin Saberi
Mohammed Al-Badri
Securities and Exchange International Law Zaid Mahdi
Amanat Baghdad
IRAN, ISLAMIC REP. Organization of Iran Office of Dr. Behrooz ADIB Company
(Baghdad Mayoralty)
Akhlaghi & Associates
Trade Promotion Shahin Fadakar Modher Taha Majeed
Hussein Al-Fadhili
Organization of Iran International Law Emadaldin Sakhaei Al Tamimi & Company
Office of Dr. Behrooz Ministry of Economic Advocates & Legal
Sareh Abadtalab Akhlaghi & Associates and Finance Affairs Hussein Al-Hadeethi Consultants
State Organization
for Registration of Soroosh Falahati Encyeh Seyed Sadr Nafa Ali Hassan Melih
Deeds and Properties Bayan Emrooz International Law Ministry of Electricity Hassan Melih
International Law Firm Office of Dr. Behrooz
Camellia Abdolsamad Qismah Ali Ali Mohammad Kanbar
Akhlaghi & Associates
International Law Allahyar Ghajar Central Bank of Iraq Khalid Mozan
Office of Dr. Behrooz Tehran Municipality - Ahmad Shabanifard
Ihsan Jasim Al-Khalidi Al Mozan Companies Group
Akhlaghi & Associates Fanavaran Shahr Co. International Centre
of Higher Education,
Ministry of Planning Rasha Nadeem
Morteza Adab Nasim Gheidi
Australia Rashid Al-Khouri BHC Law Firm LLC
Company Registration Gheidi & Associates
Law Office Sara Shabanifard Rashid Al-Khouri Adnan K. Nahidh
RS Component Zuhair Al-Maliki Siyah Group
Ali Ahmadi S. Arash H. Mirmalek
PERSOL Corporation Khatereh Shahbazi Al-Maliki & Associates Ammar Naji
Tehran Chamber of Law Firm
Commerce, Industries International Law Confluent Law Group
Amir Hosseini
and Mines Office of Dr. Behrooz Ghath Raad Al-Nidawi
PERSOL Corporation Akhlaghi & Associates Tom Nolda
Ministry of Planning
Mousa Ahmadi Nasim Jahanbani
Confluent Law Group
Islamic Azad University Farzan Shirvanbeigi Rukaya Sabaah Al-Oqabee
Great Tehran Tehran Municipality - Ammar Ralobide
Electricity Distribution Ministry of Planning
Behrooz Akhlaghi Fanavaran Shahr Co. Ammar Ralobide
International Law Company (GTEDC) Sattar Al-Qassy
Rajat Ratan Sinha Akram Saeed
Office of Dr. Behrooz Mohammad Jalili Accountant
RCS Pvt. Ltd. Business Attorney-at-Law
Akhlaghi & Associates Iran Credit Scoring Azhar Al-Rubaie
Advisors Group Dhirar Salim
Hamidreza Alipour Shirsavar Jafar Jamali Ministry of Planning
Pedram Soltani KASB General Contracting
Islamic Azad University Securities and Exchange Ali Al-Rubaii
PERSOL Corporation Kareem Salim Kamash
Ali Amani Organization of Iran
Sepideh Taheri Maysa Alshukr General Commission
Daya-Rahyaft Auditing & Hossein Kakhki Maysa Alshukr for Taxes
Management Services State Organization
Iran Customs Office for Registration of Florian Amereller Mohammed Mustafa Sami
Gholam Ali Asghari Farid Kani Deeds and Properties Amereller Rechtsanwlte Proger SPA
Great Tehran Atieh Associates
Electricity Distribution Mohammad Reza Talischi Suhaib Asad Ahmed Sauode
Company (GTEDC) Majid Mahallati PERSOL Corporation PwC Jordan Ahmed Sauode
A.M. Mahallati & Co. Ebrahim Tavakoli
Zayer Ayat Raad N. Athab Abdelrahman Sherif
Iranian National Tax Gholam Reza Malekshoar Bartar Associates Law Firm Raad N. Athab DLA Matouk Bassiouny
Administration (INTA) Central Bank of the Vrej Torossian (part of DLA Piper Group)
Islamic Republic of Iran Munther B. Hamoudi
Toktam Aynehkar Torossian, Avanessian Al-Buraq Engineering Stephan Stephan
PERSOL Corporation Mahnaz Mehrinfar & Associates Co. Ltd. PwC Jordan
International Law Gholam Hossein Vahidi
Fatemeh Bagherzadeh Office of Dr. Behrooz Malik Bair Khaled Yaseen
Farjam Law Office Dr. Vahidi & Associates Mena Associates, Al-Saqer Advisers
Akhlaghi & Associates
Zohreh Yazdani Paraei member of Amereller & Legal Services
Rambod Barandoust Fatemeh Sadat Mirsharifi Rechtsanwlte
Consultant Engineer Dahlia Zamel
Ministry of Commerce
Ahmad Yousefi Ahmed Dawood Mena Associates,
Hamid Berenjkar Ali Mirzaie BHC Law Firm LLC member of Amereller
Office of Hamid Berenjkar Attorney-at-Law
State Organization Rechtsanwlte
for Registration of Parham Zahedi Greg Englefield
Somayeh Bodaghi Confluent Law Group Haythem Zayed
Central Bank of the Deeds and Properties Gheidi & Associates
Law Office PwC Jordan
Islamic Republic of Iran Golazin Mokhtari Rafeef Hadeed
Atieh Associates Hamed Zamami Central Bank of Iraq
Golsa Daghighi IRELAND
International Law Bartar Associates Law Firm Safaa Hadi Ghani
Hamidreza Mokhtarian ESB International
Office of Dr. Behrooz Mehr International Elham Zareie Central Bank of Iraq
Akhlaghi & Associates Law Firm International Law Sen Barton
Nadhim Mansi Hafid
Gholam-Hossein Davani Office of Dr. Behrooz McCann FitzGerald
Mehdi Mousavi Daniel Heintel
Daya-Rahyaft Auditing & Akhlaghi & Associates John Comerford
PERSOL Corporation Mena Associates,
Management Services Cooney Carey Consulting
Vahid Nasiri member of Amereller
IRAQ Ltd. - member of Russell
Morteza Dezfoulian Bayan Emrooz Rechtsanwlte
EY Bedford International
Sofie Djagharbekian International Law Firm Abdulaziz Jabbar Abdulaziz
Torossian, Avanessian Gezairi Transport Company Registrar Miranda Cox
Fariba Norouzi PwC Ireland
& Associates Parsian Insurance Co. Iraqi Company Ltd. Director General
Sepideh Dowlatshahi Ahmed Abboud Al Janabi Mohamad Rasool Jaber Emma Doherty
Rasoul Nowrouzi Matheson
Bartar Associates Law Firm Mena Associates, Riyadh Hassan Japak
Zohreh Papi member of Amereller Gavin Doherty
Maryam Ebrahimi Central Bank of the Shahad Jassem
Rechtsanwlte Eugene F. Collins Solicitors
Dentons Islamic Republic of Iran BHC Law Firm LLC
Hadeel Salih Abboud Al-Janabi Gillian Dully
Maryam Ebrahimi Ghaleaziz Farmand Pourkarim Deepak John
Mena Associates, LK Shields Solicitors,
State Organization Tehran Municipality - member of Amereller Bridgeway Shipping &
for Registration of member of Ius Laboris
Fanavaran Shahr Co. Rechtsanwlte Clearing Services
Deeds and Properties Kenneth Egan
Mohammad Rahmani Mohammad Abdul Hassan Jwad Kadhim Kareem Arthur Cox, member
Roza Einifar Bayan Emrooz Al-Shams Show of Lex Mundi
International Law International Law Firm Ammar Abdul Jabbar
Office of Dr. Behrooz Proger SPA Garret Farrelly
Akhlaghi & Associates Yahya Rayegani Matheson
PraeLegal Iran Alkaznaji Abdulhassan
Alkaznaji Abdulhassan Laura Feely
Eugene F. Collins Solicitors

Frank Flanagan Roy Caner Doron Sadan Edoardo Augusto Bononi Mariano Davoli
Mason Hayes & Curran Erdinast Ben Nathan PwC Israel Studio Legale Associato Pirola Pennuto Zei
& Co. Advocates ad Ashurst LLP & Associati
Orla Hegarty Dan Sharon
University College Dublin Doron Cohen Dan Sharon - Consulting Gianluca Borraccia Daniele De Giorgi
Raveh, Ravid & Co. Engineers 2002 Ltd. PwC - Tax and Cleary Gottlieb Steen
Thomas Johnson
CPAs - member of Russell Legal Services & Hamilton LLP
Irish Building Bedford International
Daniel Singerman
Control Institute COFACEBDI Giampaolo Botta Antonio De Martinis
Itay Deutsch Spediporto - Associazione Spasaro De Martinis
William Johnston Yoav Tal
Naschitz, Brandes, Spedizionieri Corrieri e Law Firm
Arthur Cox, member Amir & Co. Erdinast Ben Nathan Trasportatori di Genova
of Lex Mundi & Co. Advocates Francesca De Paolis
Jonathan Finklestone Giuseppe Broccoli Studio Legale
Liam Kennedy Eran B. Taussig
Erdinast Ben Nathan BDA Studio Legale Salvatore De Paolis
A&L Goodbody & Co. Advocates Balter, Guth, Aloni LLP
Marco Buffarini Rosa Del Sindaco
Eamonn Madden Eylam Weiss
Eliran Furman Ministero dell'Economia Abbatescianni Studio
Cooney Carey Consulting Yigal Arnon & Co. Weiss-Porat & Co. e Finanze Legale e Tributario
Ltd. - member of Russell
Zeev Weiss
Bedford International Viva Gayer Claudio Burello Claudio Di Falco
Erdinast Ben Nathan Weiss-Porat & Co. PwC - Tax and Cleary Gottlieb Steen
Bernadette McArdle
& Co. Advocates Ita Yarmish Legal Services & Hamilton LLP
Irish Building
Control Institute Tuvia Geffen Dave Wolf & Co. Law Firm Sergio Calderara Claudio Di Mario
Naschitz, Brandes, Michal Zohar Neistein Clegal ADL Consulting
Gerry McCartney
Amir & Co. Naschitz, Brandes,
Irish Credit Bureau Federico Calloni Silvia Digregorio
Ido Gonen Amir & Co. Studio Corno - member Court of Appeal of Rome
Brid McCoy
Goldfarb Seligman & Co. of Russell Bedford
Amoss Solicitors ITALY International
Francesco Falsetti
Amos Hacmun Salini Impregilo
Eddie Meaney White & Case LLP
Heskia-Hacmun Law Firm Claudia Caluori
DHL Express Studio dell'Avvocato
Maddalena Ferrari
Liron HaCohen Paolo Acciari Studio Notarile Ferrari
Kevin Meehan Ministero dell'Economia Antich
Yigal Arnon & Co.
Compass Maritime Ltd. e Finanze Gianluca Cambareri
Guiseppe Ferrelli
Yael Hershkovitz
Tonucci & Partners Studio Legale Sinatra
Heather Murphy Fabrizio Acerbis
Gross, Kleinhendler,
Matheson Hodak, Halevy, PwC Italy Antonio Campagnoli
Barbara Mirta Ferri
Greenberg & Co. Il Punto Real PwC - Tax and
James O'Boyle Giuseppe Alemani
Estate Advisor Legal Services
The Property Registration Tali Hirsch Sherman Alemani e Associati
Authority Ministry of Construction Paolo Canal
Gianclaudio Fischetti
Iacopo Aliverti Piuri PwC - Tax and
Brian O'Malley and Housing Dentons Orsingher Ortu
Avvocati Associati Legal Services
A&L Goodbody Mirit Hoffman Reif Federico Antich Paolo Franceschetti
Laura O'Sullivan Dave Wolf & Co. Law Firm Studio dell'Avvocato Stefano Cancarini
PwC - Tax and Agenzia delle Entrate
Mason Hayes & Curran Yossi Katsav Antich
Legal Services Emanuele Franchi
Maurice Phelan Ruth Cargo Umberto Antonelli
Gianni Carf Pavia PwC Italy
Mason Hayes & Curran Zeev Katz Studio Legale Associato
ad Ashurst LLP PwC - Tax and Pier Andrea Fr Torelli Massini
Kevin Quinn PwC Israel Legal Services Carabba & Partners
PwC Ireland Vered Kirshner Gea Arcella
Civil Law Notary, Lawyer Cecilia Carrara Filippo Frigerio
Brendan Ringrose PwC Israel Legance Avvocati Associati Portolano Cavallo
Whitney Moore Adam Klein Claudia Adele Aresu Studio Legale
PwC - Tax and Sandro Cecili
Mark Traynor Goldfarb Seligman & Co. Arieti S.p.A. ACEA Group
Legal Services Marialaura Frittella
A&L Goodbody Gideon Koren Cocuzza e Associati
Roberto Argeri Nicla Cimmino
Joe Tynan Gideon Koren & PwC Italy
Cleary Gottlieb Steen Bruno Frugis
PwC Ireland Co. Law Offices
& Hamilton LLP Ludovica Citarella Italian Revenue Agency
Marcus Walsh Andrew Larah
Gaetano Arn BDA Studio Legale Paolo Gallarati
A&L Goodbody Steinmetz, Haring,
Gurman & Co. PwC - Tax and Ottavia Civardi Nctm Studio Legale
Patrick Walshe Legal Services A. Hartrodt Italiana SRL Andrea Gangemi
Philip Lee Solicitors Hadas Lavi
S. Horowitz & Co., Clemente Arricale Domenico Colella Portolano Cavallo
Emma Weld-Moore member of Lex Mundi Private Engineer - Orsingher Ortu Studio Legale
Daniel Murphy Solicitors Clemente Arricale Avvocati Associati Daniele Geronzi
Dana Leshem
Maura Young Erdinast Ben Nathan Gianluigi Baroni Stefano Colla Legance Avvocati Associati
Irish Credit Bureau & Co. Advocates PwC - Tax and PwC - Tax and Vincenzo Fabrizio Giglio
Legal Services Legal Services Giglio & Scofferi Studio
ISRAEL Michelle Liberman
S. Horowitz & Co., Alvise Becker Fabrizio Colonna Legale del Lavoro
Ben Baharav member of Lex Mundi PwC - Tax and Stel Perelli Antonio Grieco
S. Horowitz & Co., Legal Services Grieco e Associati
member of Lex Mundi Sharon Liberman Mattia Colonnelli de Gasperis
PwC Israel Vlad Beffa Colonnelli de Gasperis Valentino Guarini
Moshe Balter Studio Savoia Studio Legale PwC - Tax and
Balter, Guth, Aloni LLP Amnon Lorch
Yigal Arnon & Co. Susanna Beltramo Barbara Corsetti Legal Services
Yuval Bar-Gil Studio Legale Beltramo Portolano Cavallo Federico Guasti
Yigal Arnon & Co. Liron Mendelevitz
Claudia Beranzoli Studio Legale Studio Legale Guasti
Krief Albatros Ltd.
Jacob Ben-Chitrit Court of Appeal of Rome Filippo Corsini Francesca Inchingolo
Yigal Arnon & Co. Michael Mograbi
Carlo Berarducci Chiomenti Studio Legale Court of Appeal of Rome
Jeremy Benjamin Carlo Berarducci Barbara Cortesi Francesco Iodice
Goldfarb Seligman & Co. Rotem Muntner Architecture Studio Legale Guasti Cleary Gottlieb Steen
Ruth Cargo
Marina Benvenisti Paola Bernardo Marco Cosa & Hamilton LLP
Ruth Cargo Gil Oren PwC - Tax and Nctm Studio Legale Alberto Irace
Yigal Arnon & Co. Legal Services
Rona Bergman Naveh Antonio Cutini Arieti S.p.A. ACEA Group
Gross, Kleinhendler, Daniel Justin Permut Marta Bianchi PwC Italy Giovanni Izzo
Hodak, Halevy, Steinmetz, Haring, PwC - Tax and
Gurman & Co. Salvatore Cuzzocrea Abbatescianni Studio
Greenberg & Co. Legal Services Legale e Tributario
PwC - Tax and
Legal Services

Ignazio La Candia Luca Occhetta Chiara Sestagalli Danielle Archer Alton Morgan
Pirola Pennuto Zei Pirola Pennuto Zei Studio Legale Associato The Law Practice of Legis-Alton E. Morgan &
& Associati & Associati ad Ashurst LLP Danielle S. Archer Co. Attorneys-at-Law
& Associates
Pietro La Fortezza Fabiana Padroni Ginevra Sforza Sharon Neil Smith
DLA Piper Ristuccia & Tufarelli Portolano Cavallo Gregory Bennett Patterson Mair Hamilton
Studio Legale National Environment
Cecilia Laporta Luciano Panzani Camara Nelson
& Planning Agency
BDA Studio Legale Court of Appeal of Rome Massimiliano Silvetti West Indies Home
Leglia Rachel Bond Contractors
Francesco Laureti Ignazio Pasquetti
Patterson Mair Hamilton
Nctm Studio Legale Studio Pasquetti S.i.p. 2c Carlo Sinatra Sandralyn Nembhard
Studio Legale Sinatra Christopher Bovell ABTAX Limited
Stefano Liotta Giovanni Patti
Arieti S.p.A. ACEA Group Abbatescianni Studio Manlio Carlo Soldani Shyvonne Osborne
Legale e Tributario Errington Case Foga Daley
Alessandra Livreri Lorenzo Sozio
Jamaica Public Service
A. Hartrodt Italiana SRL Gino Pazienza Spasaro De Martinis Gina Phillipps Black
Company Limited
Ener-price Law Firm Myers, Fletcher & Gordon,
Enrico Lodi
Terrence Cooper member of Lex Mundi
CRIF S.p.A. Federica Periale Elisa Sulcis
CRIF NM Credit
Studio Legale Associato Studio Legale Sinatra Shalise Porteous
Ottavia Lombardo Assure Limited
ad Ashurst LLP National Land Agency
DLA Piper Maria Antonietta Tanico
Jemelia Davis
Federica Pianta Studio Legale Tanico Norman Rainford
Claudio Lumaca The Supreme Court
Cocuzza e Associati of Jamaica
Agenzia delle Entrate Andrea Tedioli
Annamaria Pinzuti Studio legale Tedioli Brian Denning
Judith Ramlogan
Stefano Macchi di Cellere
Studio Legale Associato PwC Jamaica Companies Office
Macchi di Cellere Giuseppe Telesca
ad Ashurst LLP
Gangemi LLP Agenzia delle Entrate Damion Dodd
Paul Randall
Maria Progida
PwC Jamaica Creditinfo Jamaica Limited
Federico Magi Roberto Tirone
PwC - Tax and
PwC - Tax and Cocuzza e Associati Hilary Reid
Legal Services Joan Ferreira-Dallas
Legal Services ABTAX Limited Myers, Fletcher & Gordon,
Francesca Tironi
Daniele Raynaud member of Lex Mundi
Carlo Majer PwC - Tax and
Raynaud Studio Legale Nicole Foga
Lexellent Legal Services Norman Shand
Foga Daley
Valentina Ricci Kingston and St.
Roberta Marconi Davide Tollardo
Stel Perelli Thalia Francis Andrew Corporation
Italian Revenue Agency Spasaro De Martinis
Marianna Ristuccia Law Firm Jacqueline Simmonds
Anna Chiara Margottini
Ristuccia & Tufarelli Lecia Gaye Taylor Jamaica Public Service
Orsingher Ortu Giacinto Tommasini
Hylton & Hylton Company Limited
Avvocati Associati Filippo Maria Riva Studio Legale Associato
PwC - Tax and Tommasini e Martinelli Kay-Ann Graham Chantal Simpson
Laura Marretta
Legal Services Nunes, Scholefield Myers, Fletcher & Gordon,
Romolotti Marretta Stefano Tresca
DeLeon & Co. member of Lex Mundi
Cinzia Romano iSeed
Donatella Martinelli
Studio Legale Narda Graham Tana'ania Small Davis
Studio Legale Associato Luca Tufarelli
Salvatore De Paolis DunnCox Livingston, Alexander &
Tommasini e Martinelli Ristuccia & Tufarelli
Levy Attorneys-at-Law
Tommaso Edoardo Romolotti Gabrielle Grant
Federico Mattei Valentina Turco
Romolotti Marretta Myers, Fletcher & Gordon, Hakon Stefansson
PwC - Tax and Portolano Cavallo
member of Lex Mundi Creditinfo Jamaica Limited
Legal Services Michele Salemo Studio Legale
StudioCredit Howard Harris Craig Stephen
Carloandrea Meacci Rachele Vacca de Dominicis
Foga Daley Creditinfo Jamaica Limited
Studio Legale Associato Francesca Salerno Grieco e Associati
ad Ashurst LLP Legance Avvocati Associati Marsha Henry-Martin Danielle Stiebel
Mario Valentini
Ministry of Local Myers, Fletcher & Gordon,
Gianluca Medina Mike Salerno Pirola Pennuto Zei
Government & Community member of Lex Mundi
Studio Legale Associato KRCOM & Associati
ad Ashurst LLP Humprey Taylor
Giuseppe Santarelli Elisabetta Ventrella
Matthew A. Hogarth Taylor Construction Ltd.
Gilberto Melchiorri Tonucci & Partners BDA Studio Legale
Wilmot Hogarth & Co.
United Nations Economic Sherica Taylor
Vera Santomartino Fabio Zanchi
Commission for Europe Donovan Jackson LEX Caribbean
Ministero dell'Economia BDA Studio Legale
Nunes, Scholefield
Michele Melchiorri e Finanze Marvalyn Taylor-Wright
Emilio Zendri DeLeon & Co.
United Nations Economic Taylor-Wright & Company
Arturo Santoro Arieti S.p.A. ACEA Group
Commission for Europe Topaz Johnson
Pirola Pennuto Zei DunnCox
Lorraine Thomas-Harris
Domenico Zuccaro
Laura Mellone & Associati LTN Logistics
Cleary Gottlieb Steen
Bank of Italy Grace Lindo International Co. Ltd.
Guido Savelli & Hamilton LLP
Nunes, Scholefield
Priscilla Merlino Spasaro De Martinis DeLeon & Co.
Lori-Ann Thompson
Filippo Zucchinelli
Nunziante Magrone Law Firm National Land Agency
PwC - Tax and Melinda Lloyd
Marco Monaco Sorge Paolo Savini Legal Services John Vassell
Jamaica Public Service
Tonucci & Partners Agenzia delle Entrate Company Limited DunnCox
Maria Teresa Monteduro Filippo Savoia JAMAICA Cheriese Walcott
Rachael Lodge
Ministero dell'Economia Studio Savoia Carl Chen & Associates Foga Daley National Land Agency
e Finanze
Felice Schipani Freight Handlers Limited Dominic Williams
Marlon Lowe
Micael Montinari Agenzia delle Entrate Jamaica Customs Jamaica Public Service
Portolano Cavallo Interplan Company Limited
Alice Scotti Department
Studio Legale Maritime and
Studio Legale Guasti Zaila McCalla
Lisa Williams
Davide Moretti Transport Limited Livingston, Alexander &
Lidia Maria Sella The Supreme Court
Bank of Italy Rivi Gardener & of Jamaica
Levy Attorneys-at-Law
Studio Corno - member
Valeria Morosini of Russell Bedford Associate Ltd. Anwar Wright
Karen McHugh
Toffoletto e Soci Law Firm, International The Shipping Association PwC Jamaica Taylor-Wright & Company
member of Ius Laboris of Jamaica
Andrea Semmola Scott Wright
Karlene McKenzie
Monica Negrini Studio Legale Associato Rollin Alveranga Cabinet Office of the Taylor-Wright & Company
BDA Studio Legale ad Ashurst LLP Ministry of Water, Government of Jamaica Angelean Young-Daley
Gianmatteo Nunziante Susanna Servi Land, Environment Jamaica Public Service
and Climate Change Jaime Mendoza
Nunziante Magrone Carabba & Partners United Nations Conference Company Limited
Althea Anderson on Trade & Development
LEX Caribbean (UNCTAD), Geneva

JAPAN Masayoshi Kobayashi Hiroaki Takahashi Wijdan Al Rabadi Anwar Ellaian

Baker & McKenzie Anderson Mori & EMRC Energy and Minerals The Jordanian Electric
Kansai Electric Power Tomotsune Regulatory Commission Power Co. Ltd. (JEPCO)
Hiroyuki Konishi
Daiki Akahane Konishi tax and Hiroto Takahashi Ziad Al Shufiyyen Vincent Flamant
Law Offices of Akahane, accounting Atsumi & Sakai EMRC Energy and Minerals Aqaba Container Terminal
Iseki & Honda (AIH Law) Regulatory Commission
Yasuyuki Kuribayashi Y. Takahashi Fadiz A. Freij
Fumika Cho City-Yuwa Partners Sankyu Inc. Maha Al-Abdallat Beiruti Attorneys &
White & Case Central Bank of Jordan Counselors at Law
Takafumi Masukata Junichi Tobimatsu
Jeffrey Dressler Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Tobimatsu Law Mohammad Al-Akhras Talah Ghosheh
White & Case PwC Jordan Amawi & Co. Advocates
Hiroaki Matsui Yamamoto Tomohide
Takuya Eguchi & Legal Consultants
Nishimura & Asahi Kinden Corp. Rawan Alameddin
Mori Hamada & Hammouri & Partners Rami Hadidi
Matsumoto - Osaka Naoki Matsuo Takaharu Totsuka
Law Firm Hadidi & Co. Attorneys
City-Yuwa Partners Anderson Mori &
Toyoki Emoto Tomotsune Eman M. Al-Dabbas Tariq Hammouri
Atsumi & Sakai Nakano Michiaki
International Business Hammouri & Partners
South Toranomon Naohiro Toyoda
Legal Associates Law Firm
Shuntaro Fujii Law Offices AEON Financial
Anderson Mori & Service Co. Ltd. Ashraf Aljafari George Hazboun
Tomotsune Kazuya Miyakawa
International Consolidated
PwC Tax Japan Yoshito Tsuji Zeinab Aljaafreh
Kiyoshi Fujita for Legal Consultations
Obayashi Corporation Central Bank of Jordan
Adachi, Henderson, Toshio Miyatake
Reem Hazboun
Miyatake & Fujita Adachi, Henderson, Takeo Tsukamoto Omar Aljazy
International Consolidated
Miyatake & Fujita Nishimura & Asahi Aljazy & Co. Advocates
Miho Fujita for Legal Consultations
& Legal Consultants
Adachi, Henderson, Teppei Mogi Ichiro Tsumiomri
Jenan Hijjawi
Miyatake & Fujita Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners EY Sabri S. Al-Khassib
Companies Control
Amman Chamber
Tatsuya Fukui Michihiro Mori Shougo Tsuruta Department
of Commerce
Atsumi & Sakai Nishimura & Asahi PwC Tax Japan Mohammad Hussein
Liana Al-Mufleh
Shinnosuke Fukuoka Tatsuaki Murakami Yoshihiro Tsutaya Al Refa'i International
Hammouri & Partners
Nishimura & Asahi Nishimura & Asahi Anderson Mori & Transport & Clearing Est.
Law Firm
Tomotsune Tayseer Ismail Ibrahim
David Gilmore Hirosato Nabika Naser Al-Mughrabi
Herbert Smith Freehills City-Yuwa Partners Yuichi Urata Nour Alsharq Trade
PwC Jordan
Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners Company Engineering
Tomoko Goto Hideto Nakai Moath Alsbin & Company Services
Nishimura & Asahi Kinden Corp. Jun Usami
EMRC Energy and Minerals
White & Case Abdullah Jaradat
Taichi Haraguchi Ken Nakatsuka Regulatory Commission
Abdullah & Partners
Ernst & Young Tax Co. Nakatsuka Ken Tax Kenji Utsumi Ghada Al-Sha'arawi
Accounting Office Nagashima Ohno Farah Jaradat
Yuichi Hasegawa Beiruti Attorneys &
& Tsunematsu Hammouri & Partners
Adachi, Henderson, Keisuke Nishimura Counselors at Law
Law Firm
Miyatake & Fujita White & Case Tatsuya Yagishita Zaid Al-Sha'rawi
Daito Koun Co. Ltd. Emad Karkar
Shunsuke Honda Miho Niunoya Central Bank of Jordan
PwC Jordan
Anderson Mori & Atsumi & Sakai Mizuho Yamada Hussien Alsorakhi
Tomotsune White & Case Rakan Kawar
Fumiya Obinata ISTD
Ali Sharif Zu'bi, Advocates
Kai Hoshino Nishimura & Asahi Michi Yamagami Eid M. Alwrikat & Legal Consultants,
EY Anderson Mori & Justice Palace member of Lex Mundi
Takeshi Ogura
Keisuke Imon Ogura accounting office Essa Amawi Samer Kawar
White & Case Shunichi Yamamoto Samer Kawar &
Kotaro Okamoto Amawi & Co. Advocates
Hiroshi Inagaki EY & Legal Consultants Associates, consultants
Hankyu Hanshin JORDAN and legal advisors
Daisuke Omote Mohammed Amawi
Express Co. Ltd. Department of Amawi & Co. Advocates Ahmed Khalifeh
Atsumi & Sakai
Ryuji Ino Lands & Survey & Legal Consultants Hammouri & Partners
Takashi Saito Law Firm
Ernst & Young Tax Co. EY Ahmad Amoudi
City-Yuwa Partners
Akiko Isoyama Hayja'a Abu Al Hayja'a CRIF Jordan Nadeen Khraset
Hitomi Sakai Abdullah & Partners
PwC Tax Japan Talal Abu Ghazaleh Faisal Asfour
Kojima Law Offices
Jun Ito Legal Services Co. Khalifeh & Partners Nadeen Khresab
Yuka Sakai Lawyers Abdullah Law Firm
Kintetsu World Nayef Abu Alim
City-Yuwa Partners
Express, Inc. Premier Law Firm LLP Raaed Asfour Hussein Kofahy
Sara Sandford ISTD Central Bank of Jordan
Saki Kamiya Hanin Abughazaleh
Garvey Schubert
Anderson Mori & Al Tamimi & Company Murad Awamleh Ammar Krayim
Barer Law Firm
Tomotsune Advocates & Legal Greater Amman Krayim Construction
Kei Sasaki Consultants Municipality
Kazuo Kasai Lama Krayim
Anderson Mori &
White & Case Fatina Abweini Hatem Barakat Krayim Construction
Hiroshi Kasuya Ministry of Justice
Tetsuro Sato Jafar Barham Rasha Laswi
Baker & McKenzie Waleed Adi Jordan Customs Zalloum & Laswi Law Firm
Baker & McKenzie
Yuijro Katayama EMRC Energy and Minerals
Yuri Sugano Regulatory Commission Aya Bassoumi Firas Malhas
Nishimura & Asahi Hammouri & Partners International Business
Nishimura & Asahi
Kenji Kawakami Malak Al Hasoun Law Firm Legal Associates
Sachiko Sugawara Ministry of Justice
Futaba Corporation Ayham Batarseh Ola Khalil Mohammad
Atsumi & Sakai
Toriuchi Kazuki Haifa Al Kiali Zalloum & Laswi Law Firm Central Bank of Jordan
Tomoyuki Susukida Magistrates Court
Alps Logistics Co. Ltd. Raeda Bawadi Nour Nayef Momani
White & Case
Takumi Kiriyama Zeina Al Nabih Magistrates Court Central Bank of Jordan
Junya Suzuki Al Tamimi & Company
Nishimura & Asahi Mohammad Beiruti Hala Mujalli
Baker & McKenzie Advocates & Legal
Akemi Kito Consultants Beiruti Attorneys & Greater Amman
Yasuyuki Suzuki Counselors at Law Municipality
PwC Tax Japan
Standard Chartered Bank Abd El Rahman M. Al
Akiko Kobayashi Qatawenh Yotta Bulmer Khaldoun Nazer
Yoshimasa Takagi Hammouri & Partners Khalifeh & Partners
Credit Information Attorney
EY Law Firm Lawyers
Center Corp.

Majd Nemeh Kuben Abzhanov Mariyash Kabikenova Islambek Nurzhanov Aigerim Tyurebayeva
International Consolidated GRATA International Rehabilitation Manager Synergy Partners Law Firm KPMG Kazakhstan
for Legal Consultations
Saule Akhmetova Elena Kaeva Ruslan Omarov Anara Urakova
Hamza Obidat GRATA International PwC Kazakhstan First Credit Bureau BMF Partners Law Firm LLP
International Consolidated
Altynbek Akpanov Aybek Kambaliyev Sergazy Omash Azim Usmanov
for Legal Consultations
Economic Research GRATA International Supreme Court of the Centil Law Firm
Mohammad Ouglat Institute Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan
Saltanat Kamenova Aliya Utegaliyeva
Akmaral Akylbayeva Economic Research Kazieva Orynkul PwC Kazakhstan
Mhanna Qattan ARNA Partners Institute Kazakhstan State Revenue Committee
Nikita Sergeevich Vasilchuk
Greater Amman
Gaukhar Alibekova Maksud Karaketov Yuliya V. Petrenko EnergoPromStroiProekt
Ministry of National Centil Law Firm BMF Partners Law Firm LLP LLC
Naji Qutieshat Economy
Alimzhan Karkinbaev Andrey Yuriyevich Sergei Vataev
International Business
Legal Associates
Assel Aralbayeva Ministry of Regional Ponomarenko Dechert Kazakhstan LLP
Supreme Court of the Development Almaty Branch of the RSE
Larissa Yemelyanova
Osama Y. Sabbagh Republic of Kazakhstan Research and Production
The Jordanian Electric
Anel Kassabulatova
Center of Land Cadastre Aequitas Law Firm
Power Co. Ltd. (JEPCO)
Andrey Artyushenko Signum Law Firm
Aigerim Yermahanova
Artyushenko & Partners Aigerim Raikhanova
Tareq Sahouri
Aigerim Kauldasheva
Centil Law Firm Ministry of National
Sahouri & Partners LLC
Samat Aryshev Supreme Court of the Economy
Almaty Energo Zbyt Republic of Kazakhstan Taizhanova Roza
Olga Olegovna Yershova
Siwar Saket Olympex Advisers
Khalifeh & Partners
Yermek Aubakirov Madina Kazhimova Notary Association
Lawyers Michael Wilson & Ministry of National Darya Ryapissova of the Almaty City
Partners Ltd. Economy GRATA International
Yerzhan Yessimkhanov
Majdi Salaita
Ali Sharif Zu'bi, Advocates
Zarina Baikenzhina Saltanat Kemalova Gaukhar Sapina GRATA International
& Legal Consultants, White & Case Signum Law Firm Ministry of National
Bakytgul Zhabaginova
member of Lex Mundi
Rakhat Baisuanov Lyazzat Kereitbayeva Economic Research
Lana Salameh ARNA Partners Ministry of National Talgat Sariev Institute Kazakhstan
JC Law Economy Signum Law Firm
Aigul Baizhanova Saken Zhailauov
Omar Salhea Ministry of Justice Yekaterina Khamidullina Nazym Seidakhmetova SAEN Engineering Group
ISTD Aequitas Law Firm Signum Law Firm
Elmira Battal Zhanar Zhandossova
Omar Sawadha Synergy Partners Law Firm Olga Kim Yerlan Serikbayev BMF Partners Law Firm LLP
Hammouri & Partners Centil Law Firm Michael Wilson &
Aidos Bekov Bulat Zhulamanov
Law Firm Partners Ltd.
JSC State Credit Bureau Askar Konysbayev Supreme Court of the
Manhal Sayigh GRATA International Aida Shadirova Republic of Kazakhstan
Arman Berdalin
The Jordanian Electric Dechert Kazakhstan LLP
Sayat Zholshy & Partners Alexander Korobeinikov Liza Zhumakhmetova
Power Co. Ltd. (JEPCO) Baker & McKenzie Abai Shaikenov Signum Law Firm
Aidyn Bikebayev
Adele Shaban Dentons Kazakhstan LLP
Sayat Zholshy & Partners Nurlan Kubenov Balykov Daulen Zhumalovich
JC Law KPMG Kazakhstan Elmira Shamayeva Inter-District Economic
Timur Bizhanov
Mohammed Y. Shaban White & Case Court of Almaty
Ministry of Regional Gaukhar Kudaibergenova
Amin Kawar & Sons Co. Development Signum Law Firm Sofia Shaykhrazieva Sofiya Zhylkaidarova
Nadia Shahin Centil Law Firm Signum Law Firm
Aizhan Bozaeva Tair Kulteleev
Amin Kawar & Sons Co. Ministry of Finance Aequitas Law Firm Meruert Sisembaeva
Ministry of Finance KENYA
Areen Shraideh Aziza Bozhakanova Gulmira Lamacharipova
International Business Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Alzhan Stamkulov Pyramid Builders
Legal Associates Synergy Partners Law Firm Philip Aluku
Victoria Chagay Elena Lee
Stephan Stephan Artyushenko & Partners Michael Wilson & Nurzhan Stamkulov SDV Transami
PwC Jordan Partners Ltd. Synergy Partners Law Firm Barack Barkwang
Alexander Chumachenko
Mohammed-Hanif Tarajia Aequitas Law Firm Madina Makanova Ulan Stybayev Coulson Harney LLP
Abdullah & Partners Signum Law Firm Mohammed A. Bhatti
Yuliya Chumachenko Yerzhan Manasov
Moawyah Tarawneh Aequitas Law Firm Linkage & Mind LLP Zhaslan Alimgazinovich Bhatti Electrical Limited
Khalifeh & Partners Sultanbekov Hillary Biwott
Lawyers Dmitriy Chumakov Marzhan Mardenova
Firma Paritet Ltd. Capital Markets Authority
Sayat Zholshy & Partners PwC Kazakhstan
Khaled Tuffaha Zarina Syzdykova Dennis Chiruba
KPMG Kawasmy & Saltanat Dauletova Yessen Massalin
GRATA International Anjarwalla & Khanna
Partners Co. KPMG Kazakhstan Olympex Advisers
Dana Tokmurzina Advocates
Azzam Zalloum Ruslan Degtyarenko Nurkhan Mermankulov
PwC Kazakhstan Philip Coulson
Zalloum & Laswi Law Firm Dentons Kazakhstan LLP Supreme Court of the
Republic of Kazakhstan Mirat Tokombayev Coulson Harney LLP
Mahmoud Ziuod Inara Elemanova
Nuclear and Energy Oliver Fowler
The Jordanian Electric Centil Law Firm Bolat Miyatov
Supervision and Control Kaplan & Stratton
Power Co. Ltd. (JEPCO) GRATA International
Sungat Essimkhanov Committee of the
Nuclear and Energy Victor Mokrousov Ministry of Energy Peter Gachuhi
Deema Abu Zulaikha Kaplan & Stratton
Talal Abu Ghazaleh Supervision and Control Dechert Kazakhstan LLP Yerzhan Toktarov
Legal Services Co. Committee of the Sayat Zholshy & Partners Francis Gichuhi Kamau
Elena Motovilova
Ministry of Energy A4 Architect
Kareem Zureikat Ministry of Finance Botanova Totynur
Alexander Giros Ben Githinji
Andrei Mukazhanov State Revenue Committee
Paradigm Projects APT Design Solutions
Almaty Energo Zbyt Shynggys Turez
Dinara Abdirova Daniyar Mussakhan Economic Research William Ikutha Maema
Ardak Idayatova Iseme, Kamau &
Olympex Advisers Norton Rose Fulbright Institute Kazakhstan
Aequitas Law Firm Maema Advocates
Emil Halilyevich Abdrashitov Abylkhair Nakipov Maria Turganbaeva
Majra Iskakova Milly Jalega
Notary Association Signum Law Firm Ministry of Justice
Almaty Energo Zbyt Iseme, Kamau &
of the Almaty City Nurken Turmakhambetov
Yevgeniya Nossova Maema Advocates
Kamil Jambakiyev
Sardar Inarovich Abdysadykov Dechert Kazakhstan LLP Ministry of Regional
Norton Rose Fulbright Development Abdilatif Jarso
Notary Association Kulbatyrov Nurlan
of the Almaty City Galiya Joldybayeva B.M. Musau & Co.
Economic Research Alexandr Tyo Advocates
Ministry of National Centil Law Firm
Kuben Abzhanov Institute Kazakhstan
Baker & McKenzie

Kenneth Kamaitha Benjamin Musau Joseph Taracha Seung Hee Grace Chang Ki Young Kim
Kaplan & Stratton B.M. Musau & Co. Central Bank of Kenya Shinhan Customs Yulchon LLC
Advocates Service Inc.
Martha Kamanu-Mutugi Maureen W. Makutano Rieu Kim
Kenya Power Peter Musyimi Axis Kenya Paavan Chhabra Barun Law LLC
Kenya Law Reform Healy Consultants
Cathrine Kamau Angela Waki Sang-jin Kim
Commission Group PLC
Deluxe Inks Limited Coulson Harney LLP KEPCO
Susan Mutinda Junghoon Cho
Reuben Njoroge Kamau Evelyn Wamae Seong Won (David) Kim
B.M. Musau & Co. Korean Electrical
Advocates Kenya Trade Network Contractors Association Hanaro TNS
Dreams Architects Agency (KENTRADE)
Sun Kyoung Kim
Arnold Mutisya Min Kyong Cho
Samuel Kamunyu
Coulson Harney LLP
Arphaxade Wanjala
White & Case LLP Foreign Yulchon LLC
Capital Markets Authority Legal Consultant Office
Angela Waweru Wonhyung Kim
Joshua Mutua
Apollo Karumba Kaplan & Stratton Yoon & Yang LLC
Kenya Power Sung-Min Cho
PwC Kenya Joyang Logistics
John Wekesa Yoon Young Kim
Jane Mutulili
Ronald Khavagali Kenya Power Hwang Mok Park PC
La Femme Engineering Young-Dae Cho
B.M. Musau & Co. Services Ltd. Kim & Chang
Edmond Wesonga Youn Jong Kim
Jacob W. Mwangi
B.M. Musau & Co. Jinhyuk Choi Shinhan Customs
Hassan Kibet Advocates Service Inc.
The Architectural Barun Law LLC
Iseme, Kamau & Association of Kenya Seong-Cheon Ko
Maema Advocates KIRIBATI Kyung-Joon Choi
Peter Mwaura Kim, Change & Lee Samil
Alan Kigen
Anjarwalla & Khanna Ministry of Public PricewaterhouseCoopers
Kamotho Maiyo & Advocates Works and Utilities Paul Jihoon Choi
Joonghoon Kwak
Mbatia Advocates Barun Law LLC
James Ndegwa Kenneth Barden Lee & Ko
William M. Kilonzo Attorney-at-Law Sung-Soo Choi
Kenya Power Alex Joong-Hyun Lee
Associated Services Kim & Chang
Christina Nduba-Banja Susan Barrie Samil
Timothy Kiman
Coulson Harney LLP Tobaraoi Travel Isabel Cleaver PricewaterhouseCoopers
Siginon Freight Ltd. Healy Consultants
Raweita Beniata Dong Hun Lee
Mbage Ng'ang'a Group PLC
Meshack T. Kipturgo
Waruhiu K'owade & OLP Kiribati Korea Customs Service
Siginon Freight Ltd. Ng'ang'a Advocates
Robert Flemer
Ierevita Biriti Eugene Lee
Kim & Chang
Owen Koimburi
Christine Njau Kiribati Chamber of Barun Law LLC
Mazars Kenya Iseme, Kamau & Commerce and Industry Mark Goodrich
Hongyou Lee
Maema Advocates White & Case LLP Foreign
Emmanuel Kubo Tomitiana Eritama Legal Consultant Office Panalpina Korea Ltd.
Sisule Munyi Kilonzo Victor Njenga Ministry of Labour Jae-Hahn Lee
& Associates Kaplan & Stratton & Human Resources Jason Ha
Barun Law LLC Kim, Change & Lee
Evelyn Kyania Development
Chege Njoroge Kyu Wha Lee
B.M. Musau & Co. Lesinko Njoroge Mantaia Kaongotao Sang-Goo Han
Advocates Yoon & Yang LLC Lee & Ko
& Gathogo MK Law & Co.
Kyung Yoon Lee
David Lekerai Tieri Kautuntamoa Sang-Hoon Han
Jacqueline Njoroge Kim & Chang
Iseme, Kamau & B.M. Musau & Co. Business & Companies Shin & Kim
Maema Advocates Advocates Regulatory Division, Moonsub Lee
Young Huh
Eric Lukoye Business Regulatory Healy Consultants Sojong Partners
Alex Nyagah Centre, Ministry of
Kenya Trade Network Archbuild Limited Group PLC Sangmin Lee
Agency (KENTRADE) Commerce, Industry Kim & Chang
& Cooperatives Ji-Sang Hur
Rose Nyongesa
Dominic Makau
Iseme, Kamau & Korea Customs Service Seung Yoon Lee
Central Electricals Motiti Moriati Koae
Maema Advocates C.W. Hyun Kim & Chang
International Ltd. Development Bank
Conrad Nyukuri of Kiribati Kim & Chang Su Yeon Lee
Jacob Malelu Yulchon LLC
Axis Kenya Laokiri Koreaua James I.S. Jeon
B.M. Musau & Co.
Advocates Robert Oimeke Kiribati Tax Office Sojong Partners Young Jin Lee
Energy Regulatory Jae-Wook Jeong Supreme Court of Korea
Nicholas Malonza Tion Neemia
Commission (ERC) Shipping Agency of Kiribati Shin & Kim Yong-Hee Lim
Sisule Munyi Kilonzo
& Associates John Ojwang Changho Jo Samil
Tiiroa Roneti
Nairobi City County Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers
Esther Manthi Ministry of Commerce,
Government Industry and Tourism PricewaterhouseCoopers Yunseok Lim
Capital Markets Authority
Sam Omukoko Bo Moon Jung Supreme Court of Korea
James Mburu Kamau Mautaake Tannang
Metropol Corporation Ltd. Kiribati Electrical Kim & Chang Young Min Kim
Iseme, Kamau &
Maema Advocates Esther Omulele Consulting & Haeng Chang Jung Yoon & Yang LLC
MMC Africa Law Contracting Services Hanaro TNS
Ken Melly Jae Wook Oh
Iseme Kamau & Maema Andrew Ondieki Naata Tekeaa Hyukjun Jung Barun Law LLC
Advocates (DLA Piper) PwC Kenya Development Bank Barun Law LLC Yon Kyun Oh
of Kiribati
Emma Miloyo Phillip Onyango Jinku Kang Kim & Chang
Design Source Kaplan & Stratton Tauniu Teraoi Moy
Lee & Ko Danbi Park
Tobaraoi Travel
Mansoor A. Mohamed Tom Odhiambo Onyango Kyung-won Kang Kim & Chang
Ruman Shipcontractors TripleOKlaw Advocates Reei Tioti
Samil Grace Park
Limited Ministry of Environment, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Cephas Osoro Kim & Chang
Lands & Agriculture
Peter Momanyi Horwath Erastus & Development (MELAD) Young-Seok Ki Jihye Park
Mazars Kenya Co. Member, Crowe Shin & Kim Lee & Ko
Horwarth International KOREA, REP.
Titus Mukora Byung-Tae Kim Sang Il Park
PwC Kenya Charles Osundwa Arnold Yoohum Baek Shin & Kim Hwang Mok Park PC
Kaplan & Stratton Kim & Chang
Teresia Munywoki Chul Man Kim Yong Seok Park
B.M. Musau & Co. Andrew Ragui Jennifer Min-Sook Chae Yulchon LLC Shin & Kim
Advocates PwC Kenya Korea Credit Bureau Jennifer Min Sun Kim Sang-ug Ryu
John Muoria Sonal Sejpal Kyoung Soo Chang Sojong Partners Supreme Court of Korea
Waruhiu K'owade & Anjarwalla & Khanna Shin & Kim
Ng'ang'a Advocates Advocates Jong-Hyun Kim Jeong Seo
Shin & Kim Kim & Chang

Minah Seo Naim Huruglica KUWAIT Abdullah Al-Ayoub Nada Bourahmah

Hwang Mok Park PC Kosovo Customs Abdullah Kh. Al-Ayoub The Law Offices of Mishari
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh & Associates, member Al-Ghazali and Rawan
Ji Seon Kim Rifat Hyseni Legal (TAG-Legal) of Lex Mundi Mishari Al-Ghazali
Hwang Mok Park PC Tax Administration
of Kosovo
Maged Abd Al Hady Abrar Alazemi Najmah Brown
Changho Seong Horwath Al-Muhanna Ministry of Finance Al-Adwani Law Firm
Seoul Central Albert Islami & Co.
District Court Albert Islami & Partners Anwar Al-Bisher Maysaa Mousa Bushihri
Mohammad Abdal AlBisher Legal Group Kuwait Municipality
Mi-Jin Shin Liresa Kadriu Zain Group
Kim & Chang VALA Consulting Ahmed Aldhoayan Twinkle Anie Chacko
Nader Abdelaziz Alraai Law Firm Abdulrazzaq Abdullah
Philippe Shin Arben Kelmendi ASAR Al Ruwayeh & Partners Law Firm
Shin & Kim Kelmendi & Partners LLC & Partners Areej Aldulaimi
Ministry of Justice Alok Chugh
Moon-Bae Sohn Leonik Mehmeti Sherif Shawki Abdel-Fattah EY
Korea Credit Bureau Deloitte PricewaterhouseCoopers Omar Hamad Yousuf Al-Essa
Al-Shatti & Co. The Law Office of Bader Ali Dashti
Ahn Sooyoung Fitore Mekaj
Al-Essa & Partners Customs - General
Hwang Mok Park PC Boga & Associates Farid Abdin Administration
Maersk Kuwait Co. W.L.L. Lulwha Alfahad
Kiwon Suh Delvina Nallbani
Ministry of Finance Fouad Douglas
Cheonji Accounting Boga & Associates Ahmed Abdou PricewaterhouseCoopers
Corporation ASAR Al Ruwayeh Nada F.A. Al-Fahad
Al-Shatti & Co.
Driton Nikaj
& Partners GEC DAR Gulf Engineers
Catherine J. Yeo Raiffeisen Leasing Consultants Talal Edan
Kim & Chang Kosova sh.p.k. Abdulrazzaq Abdullah Customs - General
Abdulrazzaq Abdullah Adaweyah Alfailakawi
Elizabeth Shinwon Yoon Besim Osmani Administration
& Partners Law Firm Ministry of Commerce
Shinhan Customs AB Olivier & Associates LLC and Industry Haya Essa Al Zayed
Service Inc. Hossam Abdullah Ministry of Justice
Besim Osmani
Al-Hossam Legal Rawan M. Al-Ghazali
Jae-Yoon Yoon Interlex Associates LLC The Law Offices of Mishari Mahmoud Ezzat
Korea Customs Service Hani Abu Daqa Al-Ghazali and Rawan Capital Market
Valdet Osmani
Credit Information Mishari Al-Ghazali Authority of Kuwait
Huiwon Yun Architect Association
Huiwon Yun Private of Kosovo
Nora Al-Haroun Jomon George
Practitioner Mohammad Abulwafa Capital Market Horwath Al-Muhanna
Loreta Peci
ASAR Al Ruwayeh Authority of Kuwait & Co.
KOSOVO & Partners
Audit sh.p.k. Shaikhah Alhelali Michel Ghanem
KPMG Albania shpk Lina A.K. Adlouni Meysan Partners
Naser Prapashtica Hanan Almudhahkah
Adlouni & Partners
Ministry of Economic Crimson Capital Ministry of Finance Marc-Aurele Grassin
Legal Consultants &
Development (MED) Blerim Prestreshi Attorneys Law Firm Meysan Partners
Rasha Al-Naibari
Ministry of Trade SCLR Partners Capital Market Sam Habbas
Hossam Afify
and Industry Ilaz Ramajli PricewaterhouseCoopers Authority of Kuwait ASAR Al Ruwayeh
USAID Partnerships for Ramajli & Partners Co. Al-Shatti & Co. & Partners
Jasem Al-Oun
Development Project Vigan Rogova Basma Akbar AREF Investment Group Mohammed Haneefa
Leonora Beka Ethem Rogova Law Firm Capital Market Maersk Kuwait Co. W.L.L.
Waleed Alowaiyesh
Kalo & Associates Authority of Kuwait
Ariana Rozhaja Capital Market Hussein M. Hassan
Gani Bucaj VALA Consulting Khaldah Al Ali Authority of Kuwait Abdullah Kh. Al-Ayoub
Energy Regulatory Office Ministry of Finance & Associates, member
Shendrit Sadiku Yousef Alroumi
of Lex Mundi
Destan Bujupaj PricewaterhouseCoopers Hanan Al Gharabally Capital Market
Destan Bujupaj Kosovo Capital Market Authority of Kuwait Samir Ibrahim
Enforcement Agent Authority of Kuwait Alraai Law Firm
Sami Salihu Jasem Alsharekh
Shyqiri Bytyqi Tax Administration Jasim Mohammad Al Habib Alraai Law Firm Jad Jabre
VALA Consulting of Kosovo Kuwait Municipality ASAR Al Ruwayeh
Adnan Alsharrah
& Partners
Ali Curri Arbena Shehu Hamad M. Al Mashaan Credit Information
KESCO Notary Chamber of the Al-Ahlia Contracting Network Wael S. Khalifa
Republic of Kosovo Group Global Clearinghouse
Naim Devetaku Tariq Hamad Alshatti
VALA Consulting Teki Shehu Heyam Al Mehri Al-Dostour Law Firm
Ministry of Justice Mazen A. Khoursheed
Sokol Elmazaj Ardi Shita Fahed Al-Subaih
Packaging & Plastic
Boga & Associates Meshari Al Nusf Capital Market
Fatmir Stublla Industries Co. KSCC
Kuwait Insurance Company Authority of Kuwait
Mirjeta Emini Arbresha Tuhina Dany Labaky
Boga & Associates Hashem Al Qallaf Haya Alzayed
Baker Tilly Kosovo The Law Office of
Kuwait City First Ministry of Justice
Yllka Emini Al-Essa & Partners
Gzim Xharavina Instance Court Najed Abdul Aziz
Tax Administration Architectural, Design Ahmed Labib
of Kosovo Rezq Al Sammak Abdulrahman Mohamad
and Engineering ASAR Al Ruwayeh
Kuwait Insurance Company Al-Bahar and Sons WLL
Haxhi Gashi & Partners
Arta Xhema Akusa Batwala
University of Prishtina, Nouf Al Sanea Anju Menon
Baker Tilly Kosovo ASAR Al Ruwayeh
Law Faculty Capital Market Abdullah Kh. Al-Ayoub
Lulzim Zeka Authority of Kuwait & Partners
Adea Geci & Associates, member
Baker Tilly Kosovo Lutfi Ben Fatma of Lex Mundi
AB Olivier & Associates LLC Ahmed Abdul Aziz Al
Petrit Zeka Thuwaikh Al-Twaijri & Partners Abdulrahman Mohamad
Lorena Gega Baker Tilly Kosovo Kuwait City First
PricewaterhouseCoopers Waleed BenHassan Capital Market
Instance Court Authority of Kuwait
Audit sh.p.k. Shpend Zeka Credit Information
PricewaterhouseCoopers Fahad Al Zumai Network Ayman Nada
Jashar Goga Kosovo Kuwait University
Kosovo Customs Piyush Bhandari Al Markaz Law Firm
Ruzhdi Zenelaj Ayyad Al-Adwani Intuit Management Seth Ochieng
Valon Hasani Deloitte Al-Adwani Law Firm Consultancy
Lawyer Healy Consultants
Ruzhdi Zeqiri Aiman Alaraj Priyanka Bhandari Group PLC
Bujar Haxhidauti Crimson Capital KEO International Intuit Management
Kosovo Customs Rabea Saad Al-Muhanna
Consultants Consultancy
Shaha Zylfiu Horwath Al-Muhanna
Rudina Heroi-Puka Central Bank of the Waleed Al-Awadhi & Co.
KESCO Republic of Kosovo Central Bank of Kuwait

Mohammed Radwan Saara Kabaeva Anthony Assassa Tuan Nhu Nguyen Janis Gavars
Alraai Law Firm Koan Lorenz VDB Loi EY Ellex Klavins, member
of Lex Mundi
Johnson Rajan Merim Kachkynbaeva Phetmany Boualivong Souvanno S. Phabmixay
Intuit Management Kalikova & Associates Electricite Du Laos SV Legal Advocate Andris Ignatenko
Consultancy Law Firm (Lao) Co. Ltd. Estma Ltd.
Thatsnachone Bounthanh
Ganesh Ramanath Elena Kaeva Xanglao Engineering Viengsavanh Phanthaly Viesturs Kadiis
PricewaterhouseCoopers PwC Kazakhstan Consultants ZICOlaw (Laos) Public Utilities Commission
Al-Shatti & Co. Sole Co. Ltd.
Amanbek Kebekov Siri Boutdakham Valters Kalme
Abdulwahab Abdullatif Sadeq Department of Cadastre Lao Law & Nampanya Phayboun Public Utilities Commission
Meysan Partners and Registration of Rights Consultancy Group ZICOlaw (Laos)
Snezhina Kazakova
on Immovable Property Sole Co. Ltd.
Aya Salih Khammuan Bouxatry DHL Express Latvia
Al-Adwani Law Firm Sultan Khalilov ZICOlaw (Laos) Komonchanh Phet-asa
Irina Kostina
Kalikova & Associates Sole Co. Ltd. Electricite Du Laos
Ibrahim Sattout
Law Firm Ellex Klavins, member
ASAR Al Ruwayeh Xaynari Chanthala Vassana Phetlamphanh of Lex Mundi
& Partners Evgeny Kim LS Horizon Limited (Lao) Electricite Du Laos
Dainis Leons
Koan Lorenz
Afrah Shabeeb Chatchai Chanyuttasart Sengny Phimmany Sadales Tkls AS
The Law Offices of Mishari Nurdin Kumushbekov Hung Huang (Lao) Sciaroni & Associates
Indriis Liepa
Al-Ghazali and Rawan USAID BEI Business Logistics Co. Ltd.
Mishari Al-Ghazali Environment Improvement
Khamphaeng Phochanthilath COBALT Legal
Project (by Pragma
Nawika Charoenkitchatorn ZICOlaw (Laos)
Dainis Locs
Chetan Sharma
Corporation) Lao Premier International Sole Co. Ltd.
Abdullah Kh. Al-Ayoub Law Office Court Administration
Ketsana Phommachanh
& Associates, member Kuttubai Marzabaev Rolands Lsveris
of Lex Mundi Orion Construction
Sirikarn Chattrastrai Ministry of Justice
Lao Premier International Sadales Tkls AS
Company Chansamone Phommachanto
Emad Tawfiq Law Office Zane Markvarte
Chinara Moldobaeva T.E.C. Logistics
David Walker Rawat Chomsri Markvarte Lexchange
ASAR Al Ruwayeh Umtul Muratkyzy Lao Premier International
Viengsamone Phommavongsa Law Office
& Partners Koan Lorenz Law Office Bank of Lao PDR
Ivo Maskalans
Abdullah Y. Al Khurafi Mariya Nazarova Agns Couriol
Phonexay Southiphong COBALT Legal
Miras Legal PwC Kazakhstan DFDL Design Group Co. Ltd.
Baiba Orbidane
Ahmed Zakaria Karlygash Ospankulova Bounyong Dalasone
Latsamy Sysamouth Ellex Klavins, member
Boubyan Capital IGroup, Public Association Lao Premier International Ministry of Justice of Lex Mundi
Investment Law Office Danyel Thomson Guna Paidere
Elena Petrova
JSC Bishkekkyrylush Bounyasith Daopasith DFDL Register of Enterprises
KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Lao Premier International Arpon Tunjumras Ilze Rauza
Nargiz Sabyrova
Almaz Abdiev Law Office Lao Premier International PwC Latvia
Veritas Law Agency
Department of Cadastre Aristotle David Law Office
Aisanat Safarbek Kyzy Lelde Rozentale
and Registration of Rights ZICOlaw (Laos)
GRATA International Huong Vu State Land Service of
on Immovable Property Sole Co. Ltd. EY the Republic of Latvia
Yulia Abdumanapova Emil Saryazhiev
Simeuang Douangbouddy Patthana Xaykosy Elina Rozulapa
Baker Tilly Bishkek LLC Credit Information
Xanglao Engineering Lao Premier International ER3
Bureau Ishenim
Gulnara Akhmatova Consultants Law Office
Erkin Saryazhiev Andris kutns
Lawyer Somlith Duangchanpasert Monmany Yaganagi AB Ways
Kompanion Bank CJSC
Atabek Akhmedov VDB Loi Lao Interconsult Co. Ltd.
Kanat Seidaliev Sandra Stipniece
GRATA International Daodeuane Duangdara Chamber of Sworn
GRATA International LATVIA
Sanzhar Aldashev VDB Loi Notaries of Latvia
GRATA International Saodat Shakirova Colliers International
Steve Goddard Darja Tagajeva
Arte Law Firm
Bayansulu Bassepova Arion Legal Raivis Bumanis PwC Latvia
PwC Kazakhstan Tatyana Shapovalova State Labour Inspectorate
Petlumpanh Inthajuck Ruta Teresko
Kerim Begaliev Aidin Omuralievich Sharsheev Electricite Du Laos Andis onka AZ Service Ltd.
Centil Law Firm Central Collateral Latvijas Banka
Bounlay Kangmanivanh Jnis Timermanis
Registration Office under
Elena Bit-Avragim VDB Loi Ainis Dabols AS Kredtinformcijas
Ministry of Justice
Veritas Law Agency Valyna Keochomsi Latvian Association Birojs
Anvar Suleimanov of Tax Advisers
Samara Dumanaeva LS Horizon Limited (Lao) Edgars Timpa
PwC Kazakhstan
Koan Lorenz Dokkeo Keovongsa Andris Dimants State Labour Inspectorate
Guljan Tashimova COBALT Legal
Nurlan Dzhusumaliev Bank of Lao PDR Ingus Uulis
Orion Construction
Ministry of Economy Company Phetlamphone Khanophet Anete Dimitrovska Public Utilities Commission
Bakytbek Dzhusupbekov Bank of Lao PDR Ellex Klavins, member Maris Vainovskis
Nurlan Sadykovich Temiraliev of Lex Mundi
Department of Cadastre Ministry of Justice Sisomephieng Khanthalivanh Eversheds Bitns
and Registration of Rights Bank of Lao PDR Valters Diure Elina Vilde
on Immovable Property Jibek Tenizbaeva Ellex Klavins, member
Koan Lorenz Kan Khuprasert Eversheds Bitns
of Lex Mundi
Victor Efremov Lao Premier International Sabine Vilka
Veritas Law Agency Idaiat Toktash Edvns Draba
Law Office COBALT Legal
Law Firm Lex Law Firm Sorainen
Akjoltoi Elebesova Ganesan Kolandevelu Armands Viskers
Credit Information Asel Tursuniiazova & Partners
KPMG Lao Co. Ltd. Baltic Legal
Bureau Ishenim Kumarel Nuramir LLC Jnis Dreimanis
Natchar Leedae Court Administration Krista Zaria
Chynara Esengeldieva Gulnara Uskenbaeva
Lao Premier International Ellex Klavins, member
Koan Lorenz Audit Plus Zlata Elksnia-Zairinska
Law Office of Lex Mundi
Kymbat Ibakova Gulnara Uskenbaeva PwC Latvia
Anna Linden Agate Ziverte
Koan Lorenz Supplier Association - Kalvis Engzers
Sciaroni & Associates PwC Latvia
Committee Member of CCI COBALT Legal
Indira Ibraimova Ha Manh Nguyen Daiga Zivtina
Mega Stroy LLC Mansur Usmanov Kaspars Freimanis
EY Ellex Klavins, member
Mega Stroy LLC Primus Attorneys-at-Law
Aidaraliev Erkin Isagalievich of Lex Mundi
Christian Metzger
Alternativa Garant LAO PDR Kristne Gailte Vadims Zvicevics
Law Firm Vongsa Nanthavong COBALT Legal
Electricite Du Laos COBALT Legal
Chonchanok Akarakitkasem
LS Horizon Limited (Lao)

LEBANON Georges Jureidini Khatleli Tomane Moteane F. Augustus Caesar Jr. Bob Weetol Livingstone
Coserv sarl - (KTM) Architects Caesar Architects, Inc. United Methodist
Nadim Abboud Panalpina Agents University
Law Office of A. Maseru Municipal Council Eva-Mae Campbell
Abboud & Associates Elie Kachouh Caesar Architects, Inc. Jura Lynch
Emile du Toit
ELC Transport Services SAL Attorney-at-Law
Nina Abdallah EY Preston Chea Doe
Khattar Associates Georges Kadige Thelma Law & Associates Nim'ne E. Mombo
Motselisi Khiba
Kadige & Kadige Law Firm PKF International
Nada Abdelsater-Abusamra Harley & Morris Clarence Cooper
AbdelSater AbuSamra & Michel Kadige Frontier Logistics Inc Brenda Brewer Moore
Mannete Khotle
Associates - ASAS LAW Kadige & Kadige Law Firm Association of Liberian
Compuscan Lesotho Henry Reed Cooper
Human Resource
Marie Abi Antoun Raydan Kakoun Cooper & Togbah Professionals (ALHRP)
Makali Lepholisa
AbdelSater AbuSamra & Badri and Salim El Law Office
Lesotho Revenue Authority
Associates - ASAS LAW Meouchi Law Firm, Klade Neufville
John Davis
member of Interleges Qhalehang Letsika Association of Liberian
Nancy Abou Ghaida Liberia Bank for Human Resource
Mei & Mei Attorneys Inc.
MENA City Lawyers Tatiana Kehdy Development and Professionals (ALHRP)
Baroudi & Associates Mateboho Litlhakanyane Investment
Riham Al Ali Ndubuisi Nwabudike
Quantum Consultants
Smayra Law Office Najib Khattar Morris Davis
Sannoh & Partners
Khattar Associates Monica Louro Kemp & Associates
Zeina Azzi James Nyenpan
Abdo Maatouk
Webber Newdigate Frank Musah Dean
Obeid & Medawar Law Firm Legal Watch
Smayra Law Office Veronica Matiea Dean & Associates
Corinne Baaklini Bill Nyumah
High Court
MENA City Lawyers Georges Mallat Samuel Dennis Jr.
Bro's Electric
Hyam G. Mallat Law Firm John Mclean SEB Electrical Team and Construction
Jean Baroudi
Compuscan Lesotho Associates (BECCA)
Baroudi & Associates Nabil Mallat Moses Dolo
Hyam G. Mallat Law Firm Renate Mholo Liberia Electricity Manzuer A. Raji
Boutros Bou Lattouf Corporation
EY AFSAT Corporation
EBL Bureau in Beirut Aline Matta
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Denis Molyneaux Fonsia Donzo
Arabella Reed
Tony Boutros Legal (TAG-Legal) Central Bank of Liberia
Webber Newdigate PwC
Russell Bedford
International Rachad Medawar Tseliso Monaphathi Folbay Edwin
Sylvester Rennie
Obeid & Medawar Law Firm High Court Frontier Logistics Inc Legal Watch
Najib Choucair
Central Bank of Lebanon Mirvat Moustapha Ntlatlapa Mosae Emmanuel Enders
Boye A. Robertson
MENA City Lawyers Sello-Mafatle Attorneys SEB Electrical Team Monrovia City
Alice Choueiri
MENA City Lawyers Andre Nader Molupe Mothepu Francis Folleh Corporations (MCC)
Nader Law Office Lesotho Revenue Authority Bro's Electric Philomena Bloh Sayeh
Hadi Diab and Construction
Smayra Law Office Rana Nader Daan Roberts Center for National
Associates (BECCA) Documents & Records
Nader Law Office Webber Newdigate
Mario El Cheikh George Fonderson (National Archives)
AGC SAL Toufic Nehme Duduzile Seamatha Baker Tilly Liberia Ocelia Scott
Law Offices of PwC
Richard El Mouallem Toufic Nehme Christine Sonpon Freeman Central Bank of Liberia
PwC Lebanon Tiisetso Sello-Mafatle Cooper & Togbah
Rana Osman Sello-Mafatle Attorneys Yancy Seeboe
Nada Elsayed Law Office National Custom Brokers
MENA City Lawyers
PwC Lebanon Lindiwe Sephomolo Arthur W.B. Fumbah Association of Liberia
Nehman Rhayem Association of Lesotho
Hadi Fathallah Baker Tilly Liberia Steven D. Seimavula
Electricit du Liban Employers and Business
ESCO Fathallah & Co. Lucia Gbala PKF International
Mireille Richa Starford Sharite
Izzat Fathallah Heritage Partner & Roland D. Siaka
Tyan & Zgheib Law Firm High Court Associates, Inc.
ESCO Fathallah & Co. West Construction
Jihan Rizk Hennie Smit Liberia, Inc.
Wafic Fathallah Deweh Gray
Khattar Associates PwC South Africa Female Lawyers
ESCO Fathallah & Co. Albert S. Sims
Jihad Rizkallah Mooresi Tau Thabane Association of Liberia Sherman & Sherman
Ribal Fattal Badri and Salim El
Law Office of A. Marorisang Thekiso Ernest Hughes
Meouchi Law Firm, Robert Smallwood
Abboud & Associates PwC Liberia Electricity PwC
member of Interleges
Elie Feghali Yara Romanos Phoka Thene Victor B. Smith
Badri and Salim El Leteng Diamonds Ruth Jappah
Badri and Salim El Alliance Consulting
Meouchi Law Firm, JSGB & Associates Engineers, Planners
Meouchi Law Firm, Mark Frederick Webber Legal Consultants
member of Interleges member of Interleges & Surveyors Inc.
Harley & Morris
Lea Ferzli Cyril Jones
Mustafa Saadeh Dieter Winkler Christoper C. Swen
Baroudi & Associates Jones & Jones Best Brains Technology
Tyan & Zgheib Law Firm Compuscan Lesotho
Serena Ghanimeh Abu Kamara Liberia Ltd. (BBTell)
Christelle Sakr
AbdelSater AbuSamra & LIBERIA Liberia Business Registry Darlington Y. Talery
Tyan & Zgheib Law Firm
Associates - ASAS LAW Momolu G. Kanda Kai Liberia Revenue Authority
Nisrine Mary Salhab Arthur Abdulai
Ghassan Haddad Express Handling Services Congloe and Ambrose Taplah
Hyam G. Mallat Law Firm Associates Inc.
Badri and Salim El Kemp & Associates
Meouchi Law Firm, Rached Sarkis Kofi Abedu-Bentsi
Baker Tilly Liberia Sophie Kayemba Mutebi
member of Interleges Consultant Justin Tengbeh
PwC National Custom Brokers
Rawad Halawi Mona Sfeir Adebayo M. Adeyemi
TSC Engineering Boakai Kollie Association of Liberia
Hyam G. Mallat Law Firm Alliance Consulting
Rayan Hdayfe and Construction Benjamin M. Togbah
EMEA Legal Counsels Rami Smayra Consultants, Inc. Engineers, Planners Cooper & Togbah
Smayra Law Office & Surveyors Inc. Law Office
Walid Honein Rajesh Angepat
Badri and Salim El Nady Tyan Bollor Africa Logistics Jonah Soe Kotee
Nyenati Tuan
Meouchi Law Firm, Tyan & Zgheib Law Firm Association of Liberian Tuan Wreh Law Firm
member of Interleges Patrick Bono Human Resource
Alaa Zeineddine Frontier Logistics Inc Professionals (ALHRP) J. Awia Vankan
Chawkat Houalla EMEA Legal Counsels Heritage Partner &
Adib & Houalla Law Office Henry N. Brunson Kwaiwo Kotee
FedEx Associates, Inc.
LESOTHO Association of Liberian
Fady Jamaleddine Human Resource T. Negbalee Warner
MENA City Lawyers Archiplan Studio William Buku
Liberia Revenue Authority Professionals (ALHRP) Heritage Partner &
Mohammad Joumaa Bidvest Panalpina Logistics Associates, Inc.
Cooper Kruah
PwC Lebanon Henries Law Firm

LIBYA Donatas Baranauskas Inga Karulaityte-Kvainauskiene Svajone Saltauskiene Peggy Goossens

Vilniaus Miesto 14 - Asis ECOVIS ProventusLaw Vilnius City 29th Pierre Thielen Avocats
Alteraz Engineering Notaru Biuras Law Firm Notary's Office
Consultants Andreas Heinzmann
Kornelija Basijokiene Romualdas Kasperaviius Simona arkauskait GSK Stockmann + Kollegen
Golden Planner Glimstedt State Enterprise D. Zabiela, M. Rindinas and
Architecture and Vronique Hoffeld
Centre of Registers S. Grigas Law Firm ZRG
Engineering Vilius Bernatonis Loyens & Loeff
Tark Grunte Sutkiene Milda Kaupelien Arvydas Sedekerskis Luxembourg SARL
Zahaf & Partners Law Firm
Ministry of Economy Lithuanian Electric
Andrius Bogdanoviius Chantal Keereman
Ahmed Abdulaziz Energy Association
JSC Creditinfo Lietuva Jonas Kiauleikis Bonn & Schmitt
Mukhtar, Kelbash
Law Firm Sorainen Aura Siinien
& Elgharabli Ausra Brazauskiene Franois Kremer
& Partners Vilnius City Municipality
Law Firm Ellex Valiunas Arendt & Medernach SA
Abdallah B. Al Hasse
ir partneriai, member Laura Kirileviit Donatas liora
Consultancy House Paul Lanois
of Lex Mundi Ministry of Economy Tark Grunte Sutkiene
Abdudayem Elgharabli
Alina Burlakova Agn Kisieliauskait Agneska Stanulevic
Mukhtar, Kelbash Florence Lhyvernay
Law Firm Ellex Valiunas Valiunas Ellex PwC Lithuania
& Elgharabli OPF Partners
ir partneriai, member
Augustas Klezys Gintar Stonien
Abdul Salam El-Marghani of Lex Mundi Tom Loesch
Law Firm Sorainen Gintare
PwC Daiva ekanaviien Law Firm Loesch
& Partners
Marius Strakaitis
Husam Elnaili Glimstedt Evelyne Lordong
Tomas Kontautas Lithuanian Chamber
PwC Robertas ioys Arendt & Medernach SA
Law Firm Sorainen of Notaries
Mahmoud ELSheikh Law Firm Ellex Valiunas & Partners Laurent Lucius
Ieva Tarailiene
University of Tripoli ir partneriai, member Chamber of Commerce
of Lex Mundi
Dalius Kontrimaviius State Enterprise
of the Grand-Duchy
Ahmed Ghattour National Commission for Centre of Registers
of Luxembourg
Ahmed Ghattour & Co. Justas Ciomanas Energy Control and Prices
Monika Tukaiauskait
Lithuanian Chamber Hawa Mahamoud
Paolo Greco of Notaries
Ieva Krivickait Law Firm Sorainen
Law Firm Sorainen & Partners GSK Stockmann + Kollegen
P&A Legal
Giedre Dailidenaite & Partners Jeannot Medinger
Jalal Hamad Daiva Uinskait-Filonovien
Primus Attorneys-at-Law Creos Luxembourg SA
Consultancy House Gediminas Kuncevicius Tark Grunte Sutkiene
Ignas Darguas Intermodal Philipp Metzschke
Hassan Hassaan Vygantas Vaitkus
Law Firm Sorainen Container Service Arendt & Medernach SA
DLA Matouk Bassiouny & Partners National Commission for
(part of DLA Piper Group) Egidijus Kundelis Energy Control and Prices Marco Peters
Aurelija Daubarait PwC Lithuania Creos Luxembourg SA
Bahloul Kelbash Vilija Vaitkut Pavan
Law Firm Sorainen
Mukhtar, Kelbash & Partners
Lauras Lukosius Valiunas Ellex Wim Piot
& Elgharabli Baltic Freight Services PwC Luxembourg
Adrijus Vegys
Asta Daudait
Belkasem Magid Obadi Ministry of Economy
Odeta Maksvytyt Bank of Lithuania Elisa Ragazzoni
General Electricity Primus Attorneys-at-Law Paul Wurth Geprolux SA
Agniet Venckiene
Company of Libya (GECOL) Gintaras Daugela
Bank of Lithuania
Linas Margevicius Law Firm Sorainen Judith Raijmakers
Ibrahim Maher Legal Bureau of & Partners Loyens & Loeff
DLA Matouk Bassiouny Giedre Domkute Linas Margevicius Luxembourg SARL
Darius Zabiela
(part of DLA Piper Group) AAA Law
Vilius Martiius D. Zabiela, M. Rindinas and Jean-Luc Schaus
Mahmud Mukhtar Artur Drapeko Metida Law Firm S. Grigas Law Firm ZRG Decker Braun Avocats
Mukhtar, Kelbash Law Firm Sorainen Zaboliene and Partners
Ernesta iogien Roger Schintgen
& Elgharabli & Partners
Laura Matukaityte Primus Attorneys-at-Law Paul Wurth Geprolux SA
Ali Naser Dalia Foigt Law Firm Sorainen
Povilas ukauskas Phillipe Schmit
Libyan Credit COBALT Legal & Partners
Law Firm Ellex Valiunas Arendt & Medernach SA
Information Center Reda Gabrilaviit Jolita Mekelyt ir partneriai, member
Abuejila Saif Annaser Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice of Lex Mundi Alex Schmitt
Saif Annaser Law Office Bonn & Schmitt
Aida Ganusauskait Tautginas Mickevicius Audrius vybas
Muftah Saif Annaser Law Firm Ellex Valiunas Ministry of Justice Glimstedt Valerio Scollo
Saif Annaser Law Office ir partneriai, member GSK Stockmann + Kollegen
Bronislovas Mikta
of Lex Mundi LUXEMBOURG Marielle Stevenot
Abdulkarim Tayeb State Enterprise
Libyan Credit Karolina Gasparke Centre of Registers MNKS Law Firm
Tom Baumert
Information Center BNT Attorneys-at-Law Chamber of Commerce Massimo Trifilio
Donata Montvydait
Mazen Tumi Yvonne Goldammer Law Firm Ellex Valiunas of the Grand-Duchy PwC Luxembourg
Tumi Law Firm BNT Attorneys-at-Law ir partneriai, member of Luxembourg
Davide Visin
of Lex Mundi Louis Berns PwC Luxembourg
ivil Golubev
LITHUANIA National Commission for Nerijus Nedzinskas Arendt & Medernach SA Candice Wiser
Loreta Andziulyte Energy Control and Prices PwC Lithuania Sbastien Binard Bonn & Schmitt
ECOVIS ProventusLaw Joana Gramakovait Michail Parchimovi Arendt & Medernach SA
Law Firm PwC Lithuania Motieka & Audzeviius Eleonora Broman MACEDONIA, FYR
Artras Asakaviius Dovile Greblikiene Algirdas Pekys Loyens & Loeff Igor Aleksandrovski
Law Firm Sorainen Valiunas Ellex Law Firm Sorainen Luxembourg SARL Apostolska &
& Partners & Partners Christel Dumont Aleksandrovski
Kostas Grigaitis
Andrea August AAA Law arn Prankonyt Dentons Ljubinka Andonovska
Agency for Investments Primus Attorneys-at-Law Catherine Dupont Central Registry of the
and Competitiveness Skomantas Grigas Republic of Macedonia
D. Zabiela, M. Rindinas and Justina Rakauskait PwC Luxembourg
Pavel Balbatunov S. Grigas Law Firm ZRG Glimstedt Natasha Andreeva
Grard Eischen
Lina Balbatunova Chamber of Commerce National Bank of the
Arturas Gutauskas Marius Rindinas Republic of Macedonia
Primus Attorneys-at-Law D. Zabiela, M. Rindinas and of the Grand-Duchy
Rimgail Balinait
S. Grigas Law Firm ZRG of Luxembourg Zlatko Antevski
National Commission for Frank Heemann
Energy Control and Prices Thomas Feider Lawyers Antevski
BNT Attorneys-at-Law Greta Roguckyt
Tark Grunte Sutkiene Administration de Dina Apostolova
Petras Baltuseviius Rokas Jankus lEnregistrement et Emil Miftari Law Office
DSV Transport UAB Motieka & Audzeviius Vytautas Sabalys des Domaines
Jomil Baranauskait Law Firm Sorainen Dina Apostolovska
Ieva Kairyt Margherita Gentili Emil Miftari Law Office
Valiunas Ellex & Partners
PwC Lithuania Dentons

Maja Atanasova Vojdan Monevski Ivana Velkovska Corinne Holy Rakotoniaina Parson Harivel Razafindrainibe
Georgi Dimitrov Attorneys Monevski Law Firm PwC Macedonia PricewaterhouseCoopers Etude Razafindrainibe
Tax & Legal Madagascar- / Ravoajanahary
Dragan Blaev Svetlana Neceva Tome Velkovski
PwC Madagascar
Timelproject Engineering Law Office Pepeljugoski AAG - Analysis and Lisiniaina Razafindrakoto
Advisory Group Hery Rakotonindrainy Bureau de Liaison SGS
Vladimir Bocevski Ilija Nedelkoski
Office de Regulation
Cakmakova Advocates Cakmakova Advocates Sladjana Zafirova
lectricit (ORE)
Olivier Ribot
TIVA-AS D.O.O.E.L. - Lexel Juridique & Fiscal
Jela Boskovic Ognjanoska Elena Nikodinovska
Valandovo Fidle Armand Rakotonirina
Lawell Attorneys Emil Miftari Law Office Cabinet Mazars Fivoarana
Louis Sagot
Dragisa Zlatkovski Cabinet d'Avocat
Ljupco Cvetkovski Marina Nikoloska
Siskon Ltd. Harotsilavo Rakotoson Louis Sagot
DDK Attorneys-at-Law Cakmakova Advocates SMR & HR Associates SA
Dragan Dameski Martin Odzaklieski MADAGASCAR MALAWI
Lanto Tiana Ralison
DDK Attorneys-at-Law Ministry of Transport PricewaterhouseCoopers
and Communications John W. Ffooks & Co. Everson Bandawe
Irene Dimitrievikj Tax & Legal Madagascar- Alliance Freight
Cakmakova Advocates Bojana Paneva Natacha Adrianjakamanarivo PwC Madagascar Services Limited
Law Firm Trpenoski Cabinet Mazars Fivoarana
Elena Dimova Handry Orlando Ramananarivo Andrew Chimpololo
Cakmakova Advocates Aleksandar Penovski Liva Harisoa Andriamahady Artchic Madagascar University of Malawi
Law Firm Trpenoski Madagascar Law Offices
Ana Georgievska Andriamahafaly Ramanantsoa (Polytechnic College)
DIMA Forwarders Ana Pepeljugoska Laura Andriamanjato Ministre de l'Equipement, Runcain Chimwala
Law Office Pepeljugoski SMR & HR Associates SA des Projets Prsidentiels
Dimche Georgievski Continental Freight
Eric Robson Andriamihaja et de l'Amnagement Agency Limited
DIMA Forwarders Valentin Pepeljugoski du Territoire
Law Office Pepeljugoski Economic Development Richard Chinawa
Bojan Gerovski Board of Madagascar Aviva Ramanitra
IKRP Rokas & Partners Iva Petrovska Ocean Air Freight Services
Tsiry Andriamisamanana Lexel Juridique & Fiscal
Cakmakova Advocates Ricky Chingota
Katarina Ginoska Roland Ramarijaona
Georgi Dimitrov Attorneys Andrea Popovski Aime Andrianasolo Savjani & Co.
Office de Regulation Delta Audit Deloitte
Central Registry of the Maryann Chitseko
Marijana Gjoreska lectricit (ORE) Laingo Ramarimbahoaka
Republic of Macedonia EY
Central Registry of the Madagascar Conseil
Republic of Macedonia Sonja Risteska Lalaina Andrianina Rakotonaivo
International Gautoni D. Kainja
Analytica MK Lexel Juridique & Fiscal
Angelina Gogusevska Kainja & Dzonzi
Andry Andriantsilavo Tsiry Ramiadanarivelo
Titanija Dooel Skopje Ljubica Ruben Innocent Kalua
Mens Legis Law Firm Office de Regulation William Randrianarivelo
Verica Hadzi D&A Attorneys
lectricit (ORE) PricewaterhouseCoopers
Vasileva-Markovska Sasho Saltirovski Tax & Legal Madagascar- Griffin Kamanga
AAG - Analysis and EVN Macedonia Cedric Catheline
PwC Madagascar Spine Cargo Co.
Advisory Group Bureau de Liaison SGS
Radovan Sanclic Felanasoa Randrianjafy Cyprian Kambili
Ana Hadzieva-Angelovska Law Firm Trpenoski Frdric Christophe Ranjatoely
Lexel Juridique & Fiscal Ministre de la Justice Dannie J. Kamwaza
DDK Attorneys-at-Law
Lidija Sarafimova-Danevska Omga Rasetanarimalala Kamwaza Design
Aleksandar Ickovski National Bank of the Eric Diore De Perigny
Ministre de l'Equipement, Partnership
Republic of Macedonia S.E.A.L.
Maja Jakimovska des Projets Prsidentiels Frank Edgar Kapanda
The Law Office of Simonida Yves Duchateau et de l'Amnagement Supreme Court of Appeal
Maja Jakimovska Shosholceva-Giannitsakis Bollor Africa Logistics du Territoire
IKRP Rokas & Partners Madagascar Alfred Kaponda
Aneta Jovanoska Trajanovska Sylvia Rasoarilala ESCOM
Lawyers Antevski Djino Skrijelj Raphal Jakoba Banky Foiben'i
VICTORIA SPED d.o.o. Skopje Madagascar Conseil Madagasikara / Banque Mavbuto Kasote
Emilija Kelesoska Sholjakovska International Centrale de Madagascar Kamwaza Design
DDK Attorneys-at-Law Sonja Stojcevska Partnership
Cakmakova Advocates Hanna Keyserlingk Sahondra Rasoarisoa
Risto Kitev Cabinet HK Jurifisc Delta Audit Deloitte Alfred Majamanda
MEPOS Operativa Ltd. Blagoj Stojevski Mbendera & Nkhono
EVN Macedonia Jody Pruvot Henintsoa Ratiarison
Zlatko T. Kolevski Associates
Cabinet HK Jurifisc Madagascar Law Offices
Kolevski Law Office Ana Stojilovska James Masumbu
Analytica MK Pascaline R. Rabearisoa Michael Ratrimo
Stanko Korunoski Tembenu, Masumbu & Co.
Delta Audit Deloitte Madagascar International
Central Registry of the Dragica Tasevska Container Terminal Noel Misanjo
Republic of Macedonia National Bank of the Mirado Ambininjara
Services Ltd. Savjani & Co.
Republic of Macedonia Rabearintsoa
Vladimir Kostoski Madagascar Law Offices Mahery Ratsimandresy Vyamala Aggriel Moyo
Apostolska & Paul Tobin Prime Lex PwC Malawi
Aleksandrovski PwC Bulgaria Rija Rabeharisoa
Cabinet Mazars Fivoarana Rotsy Ratsimbarison Misheck Msiska
Andrea Lazarevska Elena Todorovska Madagascar Conseil EY
Georgi Dimitrov Attorneys Lawell Attorneys Ketakandriana Rabemananjara
Office de Regulation International Arthur Alick Msowoya
Ivana Lekic Toni Trajanov lectricit (ORE) Thodore Raveloarison Wilson & Morgan
PwC Macedonia Macedonian Credit JARY - Bureau d'tudes
Bureau AD Skopje Sahondra Rabenarivo Charles Mvula
Georgi Markov Madagascar Law Offices Architecture Ingnierie DUMA Electrics Ltd. -
PwC Macedonia Dragan Trajkovski Princy Raveloharison Control Systems and
Eltek Jeannot Julien Padoue
Emil Miftari PricewaterhouseCoopers Energy Management
Emil Miftari Law Office Svetlana Trendova Etude de Me Jeannot Tax & Legal Madagascar- Matthews Mwadzangati
Apostolska & Rafanomezana PwC Madagascar Blantyre City Council
Vlatko Mihailov
Aleksandrovski Andriamisa Ravelomanana
Emil Miftari Law Office Tahina Rajaona Mtchuka Mwale
Stefan Trost Madagascar Law Offices PricewaterhouseCoopers Nicholls & Brookes
Petra Mihajlovska Tax & Legal Madagascar-
EVN Macedonia
Cakmakova Advocates Pierrette Rajaonarisoa PwC Madagascar Patricia Mwase
Natasha Trpenoska Bollor Africa Logistics Credit Data Credit
Oliver Mirchevski Landy Raveloson
Trenchevska Madagascar Reference Bureau Ltd.
EVN Macedonia Cabinet HK Jurifisc
Law Firm Trpenoski
Irena Mitkovska Jean Sylvio Rajaonson Yusuf Nthenda
Slavce Trpeski Etude Me. Rajaonson Jean Marcel Razafimahenina Chidothe, Chidothe
Lawyers Antevski Delta Audit Deloitte
Agency for Real & Company
Biljana Mladenovska Dimitrova Estate Cadastre Fetrahanta Sylviane
Rakotomanana Chantal Razafinarivo Grant Nyirongo
Lawyers Antevski Vladimir Vasilevski Cabinet Razafinarivo
PricewaterhouseCoopers Elemech Designs
Martin Monevski BETASPED d.o.o. Tax & Legal Madagascar-
Monevski Law Firm PwC Madagascar

Reena Purshtam Puan Morhaniza Hamir Khairon Niza Md Akhir Shu Shuen Tan Mohamed Munavvar
Malaysia Productivity Companies Commission Zul Rafique & Partners, Munavvar & Associates
Donns Shawa
Corporation Advocate & Solicitors Law Firm
RD Consultants Arvind Menon
Khalid Hashim Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd Raphael Tay Ahmed Murad
MALAYSIA Azmi & Associates Chooi & Company Mazlan & Murad
Hasliana Mohamad
Law Associates
Bank Negara Malaysia Noor Hassan Tenaga Nasional Berhad Hemant Thakore
Malaysia Productivity Ranhill Bersekutu Sdn Bhd Ismail Nashid
Bursa Malaysia Hanani Hayati Mohd Adhan
Corporation Maldives Customs Service
Azmi & Associates Kenneth Tiong
Inland Revenue Board Andrew Heng The Associated Chinese Hassan Raaif Mohamed
of Malaysia Azmi Mohd Ali
Ferrier Hodgson Chambers of Commerce Maldives Monetary
MH Sdn Bhd Azmi & Associates and Industry of Authority
Platinum Tax
Consultants Sdn Bhd Nik Mohd Fadhil Bin Salleh Malaysia (ACCCIM)
Abdul Hafiz Bin Hidzir Sulakshan Ramanan
Tenaga Nasional Berhad Fire and Rescue Department Vijayakumar Varutharaju EY
Worldgate Express of Kuala Lumpur
Services Sdn Bhd Tenaga Nasional Berhad
Wong Hin Loong Sumeera Rodrigo
Muzzamir Mohd Mydin
Aniza Abd Manaf Azman, Davidson & Co. Siti Wahida Binti Sheikh EY
Azmi & Associates Hussien
Credit Bureau Ang Seng Hing Ahmed Saif
Malaysia Sdn Bhd Zuhaidi Mohd Shahari Credit Bureau
Ushamas Forwarding Malaysia Sdn Bhd STELCO
(M) Sdn Bhd Azmi & Associates
Azura Abd Rahman Shuaib M. Shah
Land & Mines Office Rohaizad Mohd Yusof Anne Wai Yee Wong
Wei En Hoong
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Shah, Hussain & Co.
Tay & Partners North Port (Malaysia) Bhd Barristers & Attorneys
Nor Azimah Abdul Aziz
Companies Commission Mohd Yusoff Mokhzani Aris Wan Rosmawati Wan Ibrahim
Mohamad Ali Abdul Husain Mizna Shareef
Malaysia Productivity Malayan Banking Berhad
Idayu Abdul Rahim North Port (Malaysia) Bhd Shah, Hussain & Co.
Corporation Chee Lin Wong Barristers & Attorneys
Companies Commission Dato Dr. Sallehudin Ishak
Marina Nathan Skrine, member
Sonia Abraham Land & Mines Office of Lex Mundi
Manal Shihab
Companies Commission Suood Anwar & Co. -
Azman, Davidson & Co. Kumarakuru Jai
Swee Kee Ng Keat Ching Wong Attorneys-at-Law
Wilfred Abraham Ferrier Hodgson Zul Rafique & Partners,
MH Sdn Bhd Shearn Delamore & Co. Fathimath Sodhaf
Zul Rafique & Partners, Advocate & Solicitors
Advocate & Solicitors Noor Wahida Noordin Maldives Customs Service
Abdul Azis Japri
Ministry of International Yeoh Keng Yao
Wan Nur Ain Nabilah Tenaga Nasional Berhad Titimas Logistics Sdn Bhd
Sumudu Wijesundara
Trade and Industry EY
Azmi & Associates Norhaiza Jemon
Allison Ong Khairani M. Yusof
Muhammad Arif Harinder Companies Commission Malaysia Productivity
Lubna Zahir Hussain
Azman, Davidson & Co. The Law Commission
Titimas Logistics Sdn Bhd Manfred Tee Jeok Renn Corporation
Hock An Ong of the Maldives
Nur Sajati Binti Asan Shearn Delamore & Co.
Mohamed Jamielyn Jimmy MALDIVES
Tamilmaran A/L Palaniappan MALI
Azmi & Associates Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong
North Port (Malaysia) Bhd Avant-Garde Lawyers
Wan Amir Azlan
Dato Dr. Ir. Andy K. H. Seo Bank of Maldives PLC
Azmi & Associates Kim Yong Pang Creditinfo VoLo
Komathi P. Karuppanan Ferrier Hodgson Samih Adam
Shamsuddin Bardan Azmi & Associates MH Sdn Bhd Assadeck Allasane
Maldives Monetary
Malaysian Employers Direction Gnrale
Amos Kok Tan Kar Peng Authority
Federation des Douanes
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Kamaruddin Wee & Co. Junaina Ahmed
Mohd Nawawi bin Hj Said Advocates & Solicitors Oumar Bane
LOH Kok Leong Shah, Hussain & Co.
Abdullah Jurifis Consult
Russell Bedford LC Aurobindo Ponniah Barristers & Attorneys
Tenaga Nasional Berhad
& Company - member PwC Malaysia Mariam Bocoum
Mohamed Ahsan
Ahmad Fuad bin Md Kasim of Russell Bedford Matrans
Aminah Bt Abd Rahman ArchEng Studio
Tenaga Nasional Berhad International
Ministry of Urban Mahamane I. Cisse
Mohamed Shahdy Anwar
Che Adnan Bin Mohamad Christopher Lee Wellbeing, Housing and Cabinet Lexis Conseils
Suood Anwar & Co. -
Nadi Consult Era Sdn Bhd Christopher Lee & Co. Local Government Attorneys-at-Law Boubacar Coulibaly
Tahir bin Mohd Deni Cing-Cing Lee Ahmad Ridha Abdul Razak Matrans
Jatindra Bhattray
Tenaga Nasional Berhad Azmi & Associates AbRAZ Arkitects PwC Maldives Sekou Dembele
YM Tengku Rohana Binti Richard Lee Muzawipah Bt Md. Salim Etude Matre
Asma Chan-Rahim
Tengku Nawawi Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Tenaga Nasional Berhad Sekou Dembele
Shah, Hussain & Co.
Land & Mines Office
Seen Yin Lee Sugumar Saminathan Barristers & Attorneys Fatoumata D. Diarra
KC Chan Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Malaysia Productivity African Legal & Tax
Fazleena Fakir
Freight Transport Corporation Mali (ALT-Mali)
Jeff Leong Maldives Monetary
Network Sdn Bhd
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Victor Saw Seng Kee Authority Mamadou Diarra
Hong Yun Chang PricewaterhouseCoopers Cabinet Juri-Partner
Alex Lian Aishath Haifa
Tay & Partners Advisory Services Sdn Bhd
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Shah, Hussain & Co. Mariama Doumbia
Lee Cheng Keat Zamzuri Selamat Barristers & Attorneys Matrans
Perunding Mektrik Sdn Bhd Koon Huan Lim
Syarikat Bekalan Air Mohamed Hameed Abdoulaye Fofana
Skrine, member
Chow Keng Chin Selangor Sdn Bhd (SYABAS) Antrac Holding Pvt. Ltd. Matrans
of Lex Mundi
Indra Gandhi & Co. Fiona Sequerah Ameelia Hussain
San Peen Lim Baba Haidara
Eric Chin Christopher Lee & Co. Maldives Monetary Etude Gaoussou Haidara
PwC Malaysia
CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd Jagdev Singh Authority
Lim Litt Gaoussou Hadara
Jacky Choi PwC Malaysia Abdul Rasheed Ibrahim Etude Gaoussou Haidara
Ferrier Hodgson
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong MH Sdn Bhd Adeline Thor Sue Lyn Customs Service
Mamadou Ismala Konate
Jack Chor Russell Bedford LC Ishan Ibrahim Jurifis Consult
Kin Sin Low
Christopher Lee & Co. & Company - member Asia Forwarding Pvt. Ltd.
Jeff Leong, Poon & Wong Abdoul Karim Samba Timbo
of Russell Bedford
Melinda Marie D'Angelus Ahmad Lutfi Abdull Mutalip International Yameen Ibrahim Konat
Azmi & Associates Azmi & Associates Suood Anwar & Co. - Agence d'Architecture
Muhendaran Suppiah Attorneys-at-Law Cadet
Ruzaida Daud Ir. Bashir Ahamed Maideen Muhendaran Sri
Energy Commission Nadi Consult Era Sdn Bhd Savithri Karunaratne Gaoussou A.G. Konat
Esther Tan EY Agence d'Architecture
Indra Gandhi John Matthew Zul Rafique & Partners,
Prasanta Misra Cadet
Indra Gandhi & Co. Christopher Lee & Co. Advocate & Solicitors
PwC Maldives Mohamadi Magassa

Celestin Maiga Katia Cachia Avelino R. Gimao Jr. Mohamed Salem Mah Satyajit Bundhoo
SYTRAM GVZH Advocates Marshall Islands Social Tribunal de Commerce Banymandhub
Security Administration de Nouakchott Boolell Chambers
Brenger Y. Meuke Simon Camilleri
Jurifis Consult CreditInfo Richard W. Hamlin Moustapha Maouloud Adele Catherine
Okney & Hamlin Guichet Unique Mauritania ENSafrica (Mauritius)
Claudia Randrianavory Joseph Caruana
John W. Ffooks & Co. Malta Financial Services Don Hess Bah Elbar M'beirik Bernard Chan Sing
Authority (MFSA) College of the Chambre Commerciale Mauritius Network
Bourema Sagara
Marshall Islands auprs de la cour Services Ltd.
Jurifis Consult Laragh Cassar
d'appel de Nouakchott
Camilleri Cassar Jerry Kramer D.P. Chinien
Alassane T. Sangar
Advocates Pacific International, Inc. Abdou M'Bodj Registrar of Companies
Notary and Businesses,
Kyle DeBattista Lani Milne Ould Med Yahya
Oumar Sanogo Corporate and Business
Camilleri Preziosi Environmental Protection Direction Gnrale
Direction de l'Inspection Registration Department
Agency - Marshall Islands des Domaines et du
du Travail David Felice
Patrimoine de ltat Stephanie Chong Mei Lin
Architecture Project Philip A. Okney
Ah Tow
Djibril Semega Mazar Mohamed Mahmoud
Law Office of MCB Group Limited
Cabinet SEAG Conseil Neville Gatt
Philip A. Okney Hmettou
PwC Malta Socit Mauritanienne Jenifer Chung
Mamadou Moustapha Sow
Steve Philip
Cabinet Sow & Associs Steve Gingell d'Electricit (SOMELEC) PwC Mauritius
Chamber of Commerce
PwC Malta Ahmed Salem Mohamed Vall Jessen Coolen
Boubacar Thiam
Dennis James Reeder
Association Sandro Grech Direction Gnrale MCB Group Limited
Reeder & Simpson des Impts
Professionnelle des SG Malta Limited - Asmaa Coowar
Banques et Etablissement correspondent of Russell Michael Slinger Layti Ndiaye PwC Mauritius
Financiers du Mali Bedford International Chamber of Commerce SOGECO Mauritania
Amritraj Dassyne
Abdoulaye Toure Karl Grech Orr David M. Strauss Mine Ould Abdoullah Chambers of Notaries
Cellule Technique Ganado Advocates Attorney-at-Law Cabinet d'Avocat of Mauritius
des reformes et du
Roberta Gulic Hammett Ould Abdoullah
climat des Affaires MAURITANIA Veda Dawoonauth
PwC Malta Ishagh Ould Ahmed Misk Eversheds Sutherland
Moctar Toure Mohamed Abdallahi Bellil
Kurt Hyzler Cabinet Ishagh Miske (Mauritius)
Commission de Regulation
de l'Electricite et de l'Eau
GVZH Advocates Wane Abdelaziz Moustapha Ould Bilal Martine de Fleuriot de la
Consuelo Marzi Chambre de Commerce, Tribunal de Commerce Colinire
Imirane A. Tour d'Industrie et d'Agriculture
Ganado Advocates de Nouakchott ENSafrica (Mauritius)
Direction Nationale de de Mauritanie
l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat Michael Mifsud MHamed Ould Bouboutt A. Delbar
Identity Malta Agency Sid'Ahmed Abeidna Ministre des Affaires Customs House
Lasseni Tour SOGECO Mauritania Economiques et du Brokers Association
Etude Gaoussou Haidara Henri Mizzi Dveloppement
Camilleri Preziosi Jemal Abde Nasser Ahmed Carolyn Desvaux de Marigny
Alassane Traor Direction Gnrale Abdellahi Ould Charrouck ENSafrica (Mauritius)
ICON SARL John Paris des Douanes Atelier Architecture
CreditInfo Shalinee Dreepaul-Halkhoree
Kane Aly et Design
MALTA Juristconsult Chambers
Jonathan Scerri Guichet Unique Mauritania Hassena Ould Ely
Central Bank of Malta Enemalta PLC Amil Emandin
Mohamed Lemine Ould Babiye Port Autonome de
Nouakchott Association
Shawn Agius Jude Schembri Banque Centrale Professionnelle des
Inland Revenue Department PwC Malta de Mauritanie Ahmed Ould Radhi Transitaires
Matthew Attard Ian Stafrace Dieng Adama Boubou Banque Centrale
Yannick Fok
Ganado Advocates Ian Stafrace Legal Banque Centrale de Mauritanie
Eversheds Sutherland
Pierre Theuma de Mauritanie Haimoud Ould Ramdan (Mauritius)
Nicole Attard
GVZH Advocates Malta Enterprise Mohamed Marouf Bousbe Ministre de la Justice
J. Gilbert Gnany
Mark Attard Montalto Dimitris Tsoukalas Moulaye Ahmed Boussabou Mohamed Elmokhtar Roueiha MCB Group Limited
Ministry of Justice W.J. Parnis England Banque Centrale Bureau CAUPID
Tilotma Gobin Jhurry
de Mauritanie Aliou Sall Bank of Mauritius
Anthony Azzopardi Andrei Vella
Department of Industrial Camilleri Preziosi Mohamed Cheikh Abdallah Etude Me Aliou
Chavi Gonpot
and Employment Relations AFACOR - Audit Finance Sall & Associs
Luca Vella BLC Chambers
GVZH Advocates Assistance Comptable Sophie Teffahi
Kevan Azzopardi Yandraduth Googoolye
Organisation SARL Port Autonome de
Malta Financial Services Simone Vella Lenicker Bank of Mauritius
Authority (MFSA) Brahim Ebety Nouakchott
Architecture Project Moorari Gujadhur
Leonard Bonello Moulaye El Hassen Kamara Mohamed Yarguett
Quentin Zahra Ministre du Ptrole, de Madun Gujadhur
Ganado Advocates Socere Lambert Somec Chambers
Eurofreight l'Energie et des Mines
Mauritanie (SLSM)
Amanda Bonnci Andrew J. Zammit Gopaul Gupta
GVZH Advocates Fadel Elaoune MAURITIUS Velogic Ltd.
GVZH Advocates
Ministre des Affaires
Christopher Borg Economiques et du Supreme Court Arvin Halkhoree
Enemalta PLC MARSHALL ISLANDS Dveloppement Juristconsult Chambers
Daygarasen Amoomoogum
Kris Borg Bank of Marshall Islands Boumiya Hamoud Mauritius Chamber of Arzeenah Hassunally
Dr. Kris Borg & Commerce and Industry PwC Mauritius
Associates - Advocates Marshalls Energy Cheikhany Jules
Company Cheikhany Jules Law Office Wasoudeo Balloo Rubishwur Hemoo
Mario Raymond Borg KPMG Ministry of Local
Inland Revenue Department Helkena Anni Oumar Sada Kelly
Marshall Islands Registry Government and
Assurim Consulting Keshav Beeharry Outer Islands
Martina Borg Steven MCB Group Limited
GVZH Advocates Kenneth Barden Mohamed Koum Maloum
Attorney-at-Law Nooreena Hosany
BETEM Ingenieries de Khoushwant Bheem Singh Ministry of Local
Karl Briffa l'Energie et de l'Eau Notary
GVZH Advocates Tune Carlos Government and
Pacific International, Inc. Mohamed Lemine O/Bah Valerie Bisasur Outer Islands
Josianne Brimmer BLC Chambers
Fenech & Fenech Advocates Raquel De Leon Mohamed Lemine Selmane Deoyani Hurrynag
Marshall Islands Social Ministre des Affaires Urmila Boolell Registrar General
Joseph Buhagiar Security Administration Economiques et du Banymandhub
Malta Enterprise Navin Jowaheer
Kenneth Gideon Dveloppement Boolell Chambers Wastewater Management
Jeanelle Cachia PII Shipping Authority
GVZH Advocates

Nishi Kichenin Steven Sarangavany Sengayen Rodrigo Barros Carlos De la Garza Ricardo Gonzalez Orta
JurisTax Steven & Associates Ministry of Finance Martinez, Algaba, De Haro, Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz
Law Firm Curiel y Galvan-Duque SC Urquiza SC, member
Thierry Koenig Hernando Becerra de Cima
of Deloitte Touche
ENSafrica (Mauritius) Bhavish Sewraz Gonzalez Calvillo SC Jorge de Presno
Tohmatsu Limited
Juristconsult Chambers Basham, Ringe y Correa,
Anthony Leung Shing Luis Horacio Bortoni Vazquez
member of Ius Laboris Antonio Gonzalez Rodriguez
PwC Mauritius Deviantee Sobarun Secretaria de Desarrollo Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz
Registrar General Urbano (SEDUE) - Franco Alberto Del Valle Prado
Urquiza SC, member
Jayram Luximon
Secretariat for Urban Del Valle, Prado y of Deloitte Touche
Central Electricity Board Menzie Sunglee
Development and Ecology Fernandez, SC
Central Electricity Board Tohmatsu Limited
Malcolm Moller
Andrea Burgos Harfush Tracy Delgadillo Miranda
Appleby Dhanesswurnath Vikash Jose Gonzalez-Elizondo
Creel, Garca-Cullar, J.A. Trevio Abogados Baker & McKenzie
Bala Moonsamy Aiza y Enriquez SC SA de CV
Bank of Mauritius Alvaro Gonzalez-Schiaffino
CMT International Ltd. Gilberto Calderon Julia Daz
Muhammad R.C. Uteem Basham, Ringe y Correa,
Ramdas Mootanah Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Multitraslados member of Ius Laboris
Uteem Chambers Urquiza SC, member
Architecture & Design Ltd. Carlos Diez Garcia
Amy Vaulbert de Chantilly of Deloitte Touche James Graham
Manisha Mootoocurpen Tohmatsu Limited Gonzalez Calvillo SC 3CT
Juristconsult Chambers
Banymandhub Felipe Dominguez
Boolell Chambers Nashenta Vuddamalay Zindel Adrian Martin Camacho Sergio Granados
Fernandez Moore Stephens PwC Mexico
ENSafrica (Mauritius) Orozco Medina SC
Ashwin Mudhoo Comisin Federal
Juristconsult Chambers Bobby Yerkiah Adrian Guarneros
de Electricidad Dolores Enriquez
KPMG Servicio de Administracin
Loganayagan Munian Enrique Camarena Dominguez PwC Mexico Tributaria
Artisco International Maqueo, De Garay David Escalante
MEXICO Antonio Guerra Gomez
Khemila Narraidoo y Aguilar SC KPMG Cardenas Dosal SC
Comisin Reguladora Guerra Gomez, Abogados
Juristconsult Chambers Samuel Campos Leal Isaura Escobar
de Energa Mario Alberto Gutirrez
Nicholas Ng Gonzalez Calvillo SC Delegacin de
Instituto Registral y PwC Mexico
Eversheds Sutherland Carlos Cano Azcapotzalco
(Mauritius) Catastral del Estado Yves Hayaux-du-Tilly
de Nuevo Len PwC Mexico Miguel Espitia
Nader, Hayaux & Goebel
Daniel Ng Cheong Hin Jaime Cant Bufete Internacional
Mauritius Cargo Notara Pblica 62 F. Abimael Hernndez
Multitraslados Miguel Espitia
Community Services Ltd. Secretariat of Labour Solrzano, Carvajal,
Toms Cant Gonzlez Global Business University Gonzlez y Prez-Correa SC
Stphanie Odayen and Social Welfare
Cantu Estrada y Martinez Alfredo Falconer Orbe
Juristconsult Chambers Andrea Melissa Alans Ochoa Roberto Hernandez Garcia
(CEM Abogados) Comision Nacional
Pena Mouret Abogados SC COMAD SC
Nawsheen Oozeer Carlos Carbajal Bancaria y de Valores
Board of Investment Jaime Alejandro Gutirrez Vidal David Hoyos de la Garza
J.A. Trevio Abogados Luca Fernndez
(Mauritius) Instituto Federal SA de CV Snchez Devanny
Gonzalez Calvillo SC Eseverri SC
Cristelle Parsooramen de Especialistas de
Concursos Mercantiles Fernando Antonio Cardenas Victor Fernandez Sanchez
Banymandhub Ricardo Ibarra
Gonzalez Comisin Federal
Boolell Chambers Federico Alvarez Gonzalez Notary Public #44 Servicio de Administracin
de Electricidad
White & Case SC Tributaria
Elsie Rasolohery Pascal Lisa Carral F. Pedro Flores
ENSafrica (Mauritius) Miguel Andrade Gmez Ivan Imperial
Santamarina y Steta SC Moore Stephens
Asociacin Mexicana KPMG Cardenas Dosal SC
Hasanali Pirbhai Pedro Carreon Orozco Medina SC
de Agentes Mara Concepcin Isoard
Madun Gujadhur PwC Mexico Julio Flores Luna
Chambers Lesly Arellano Viesca
Mara Casas Lpez Goodrich, Riquelme Ritch Mueller, Heather
Varuna Punchoo Rivadeneyra, Trevino y Asociados
& De Campo SC Baker & McKenzie y Nicolau, SC
Notary Valente Fuentes Tello
Francisco Samuel Arias Kathalina Chapa Pea Jorge Jimnez
Iqbal Rajahbalee CAF-SIAC Contadores Maqueo, De Garay Russell Bedford Mxico
BLC Chambers Gonzlez y Aguilar SC
Notary Public 28 - member of Russell
Carlos Chvez
Lilowtee Rajmun Manuel Galicia Bedford International
Francisco Javier Arias Vazque Galicia Abogados SC
Mauritius Export Galicia Abogados SC Diana Jurez Martnez
Association Ministry of Finance Ernesto Chvez
Maria Antonieta Galvan Baker & McKenzie
Jos Alejandro Astorga Hilbert Intercontinental
Vivekanand Ramburun Carriles
Instituto Federal Network Services Adrian Kohlmann
Customs and Excise Tribunal Superior Kova Innovacin
de Especialistas de Carlos A. Chvez Pereda de Justicia del La
Concursos Mercantiles J.A. Trevio Abogados Ciudad de Mxico Alfredo Kupfer Dominguez
Dhanraj Ramdin SA de CV Snchez DeVanny
Mauritius Revenue Rodrigo Avendano Mauricio Gamboa
White & Case SC Eseverri SC
Authority Rodrigo Conesa TransUnion de
Maria Paulina Ritch Mueller, Heather Mexico SA SIC Ricardo Len-Santacruz
Jayshen Rammah y Nicolau, SC Snchez DeVanny
Merits Consulting AvendaoVerduzco Brenda Garcia
Goodrich, Riquelme Eseverri SC
Engineers Ltd. Bruno Cordova PwC Mexico
y Asociados PwC Mexico Luis Leyva Martinez
Annabelle Ribet Eduardo Garcia Fraschetto
Alberto Avila Comision Nacional
Juristconsult Chambers Samanta Cornu Sandoval Snchez DeVanny Bancaria y de Valores
Federation of Secretaria de Desarrollo Eseverri SC
Nicolas Richard Interamerican Urbano (SEDUE) - Carlos Lpez Jurez
Juristconsult Chambers Construction Paulo Gabriel Garza Gonzlez
Secretariat for Urban Goodrich, Riquelme
Industry (FIIC) Development and Ecology Poder Judicial del y Asociados
Andr Robert Estado de Nuevo Len
BLC Robert & Associates Elsa Regina Ayala Gmez Nancy Mireya Coronado Perez Alfonso Lpez Lajud
Secretara de Economa, Arturo Garza-Mtar
Purmessur Sarwansingh Direccion de Snchez DeVanny
Direccin General Proteccion Civil (Civil Snchez DeVanny Eseverri SC
Ministry of Local Eseverri SC
de Normatividad Protection Agency)
Government and Rogelio Lopez-Velarde
Mercantil (RUG) Jose Alberto Gonzalez
Outer Islands Jose Covarrubias-Azuela Lopez Velarde,
Alfonso Azcona Anaya Solrzano, Carvajal, KPMG Cardenas Dosal SC Heftye y Soria SC
Hurrydeo Seebchurrun
ZityMerka SA de CV Gonzlez y Prez-Correa SC Pamela Gonzalez
Central Electricity Board Jose Antonio Lozada Capetillo
Vanessa Barajas Juan Paulo Cruz de la Curz Gonzalez Calvillo SC Tribunal Superior
Geetanjali Seewoosurrun
Hub Logistics Mexico Poder Judicial del de Justicia del La
Central Electricity Board
Jorge Barrero Stahl Estado de Nuevo Len Ciudad de Mxico
Gilbert Seeyave
Santamarina y Steta SC David Cuellar
BDO Financial Services Ltd.
PwC Mexico

Arturo Lozano Guerrero Mara Jos Ortiz Haro Eduardo Reyes Daz-Leal Jos Santiago Jerry Kramer
Cantu Estrada y Martinez Galicia Abogados SC Bufete Internacional Grupo IMEV, SA de CV Pacific International, Inc.
(CEM Abogados)
Gilberto Osio Hctor Reyes Freaner Monica Schiaffino Prez Simon Lihpai
Gerardo Maltos Solrzano, Carvajal, Baker & McKenzie Littler Mexico Division of Forestry &
Grupo Sys Gonzlez y Prez-Correa SC Marine COnservation
Hector Francisco Reyes Lopez Arturo Surez
Gabriel Manrique Cynthia Irene Osio Sanchez Secretaria de Desarrollo KPMG Cardenas Dosal SC Ronald Pangelinan
Russell Bedford Mxico - COMAD SC Urbano (SEDUE) - A&P Enterprises Inc.
Juan Francisco Torres Landa
member of Russell Secretariat for Urban
Ral Paniahua Ruffo Salomon Saimon
Bedford International Development and Ecology
Nader, Hayaux & Goebel Hogan Lovells Micronesian Legal
Esteban Maqueo Barnetche Claudia Ros Services Corporation
Sonia Paredes Seplveda Jaime A. Tovar Villegas
Maqueo, De Garay PwC Mexico
y Aguilar SC
Pena Mouret Abogados SC Notara 116 Nora Sigrah
Fernando Rivadeneyra FSM Development Bank
Victor Paz Jaime A. Trevio
Jos Antonio Marquez Rivadeneyra, Trevino
Gonzlez CAF-SIAC Contadores & De Campo SC J.A. Trevio Abogados Joseph Vitt
Notary Public #2 Pohnpei Transfer &
Gabriel Pea Mouret Roberto Trevio Ramos
Jose Ignacio Rivero Storage, Inc.
Renato Martnes Quezada Pena Mouret Abogados SC Gonzalez Calvillo SC Poder Judicial del
EC Legal Estado de Nuevo Len
Sergio Pea Zazueta MOLDOVA
Beatriz Robles
Carlos Manuel Martinez TransUnion de CAF-SIAC Contadores
Alfonso Vargas
Mexico SA SIC Ritch Mueller, Heather National Commission
PwC Mexico for Financial Markets
Alba Rodriguez Chamorro y Nicolau, SC
Arturo Perdomo
Gerardo Martnez Comision Nacional Union Fenosa
Rivadeneyra, Trevino Galicia Abogados SC Bancaria y de Valores
Layla Vargas Muga
& De Campo SC Goodrich, Riquelme Alexei Bosneaga
Eduardo Perez Armienta
Irazu Rodrguez Garza y Asociados Ministry of Regional
Victor Hugo Nez Martnez Moore Stephens Comisin Federal
Orozco Medina SC Camilo Vazquez Lopez Development and
Mexican Tax de Electricidad Construction
Administration Santamarina y Steta SC
Luis Uriel Prez Delgado
Cecilia Rojas Andrei Caciurenco
Service (SAT) Goodrich, Riquelme Denise Carla Vazquez Wallach
Galicia Abogados SC ACI Partners Law Office
y Asociados Secretara de Economa,
Juan Sergio Alfonso Martnez
Maria Eugenia Romero Torres Direccin General Olga Ceban
Jos Jacinto Prez Silva
Comisin Federal Ministry of Finance de Normatividad National Union of
Operadora Terra Regia SA Mercantil (RUG)
de Electricidad Ral Sahagun Judicial Officers
Pablo Perezalonso Egua
Ana Lilia Martnez Valds Bufete Internacional Jos Luis Vega Garrido Roman Ceban
Ritch Mueller, Heather Goodrich, Riquelme
Secretara de Economa - y Nicolau, SC Juan Pablo Sainz Moldova Business
y Asociados People Association
Ministry of Economy Nader, Hayaux & Goebel
Fernando Prez-Correa
Rodrigo Vejar Flix Valeriu Cernei
Mariana Maxinez Solrzano, Carvajal, Jos Roberto Salinas
Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Maqueo, De Garay Gladei & Partners
Gonzlez y Prez-Correa SC Salinas Padilla, Roman y Aguilar SC
Urquiza SC, member vila & Associates, Valentina Chiper
of Deloitte Touche Guillermo Piecarchic
Legal Firm SC Luis Miguel Velasco Lizrraga Ministry of Economy
Tohmatsu Limited PMC LAW SC Snchez DeVanny
Jorge Sanchez Ludmila Ciubaciuc
Jose Alberto Miguel Perez Jos Piecarchic Cohen Eseverri SC
Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz PwC Moldova
Secretara de Economa, PMC LAW SC Urquiza SC, member Enrique Lavin Velez
Direccin General Federico Pineda of Deloitte Touche Mexican Tax Daniel Cobzac
de Normatividad Hub Logistics Mexico Tohmatsu Limited Administration Cobzac & Partners
Mercantil (RUG) Service (SAT) Andrei Crigan
Ricardo Platt Lucero Snchez de la Concha
Angel Humberto Montiel Federation of Baker & McKenzie Adrian Roberto Villagomez Moldova Business
Trujano Interamerican Aleman People Association
Tribunal Superior Luis Sanchez Galguera
Construction COMAD SC Anastasia Dereveanchina
de Justicia del La Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz
Industry (FIIC) Urquiza SC, member Claudio Villavicencio PwC Moldova
Ciudad de Mxico
Gizeh Polo of Deloitte Touche Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Silviu Foca
Ignacio R. Morales Lechuga Creel, Garca-Cullar, Tohmatsu Limited Urquiza SC, member Biroul de Credit - Moldova
Notara 116 Aiza y Enriquez SC of Deloitte Touche
Rodrigo Sanchez Mejorada Iulia Furtuna
Daniel Moran Tohmatsu Limited
Vctor Manuel Ponce Rosendo Snchez-Mejorada, Turcan Cazac
Gonzalez Calvillo SC Junta Local de Velasco y Rib Paula Villavicencio
Conciliacin y Arbitraje Gonzalez Calvillo SC Ana Galus
Guillermo Moran Karla Sanchez Reyes Turcan Cazac
Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz de Nuevo Leon
Secretara de Economa, Juan Pablo Villela Vizcaya
Urquiza SC, member David Eugenio Puente-Tostado Direccin General Creel, Garca-Cullar, Vasile Gherasim
of Deloitte Touche Snchez Devanny de Normatividad Aiza y Enriquez SC Popa & Associates
Tohmatsu Limited Eseverri SC Mercantil (RUG) Roger Gladei
Antonio Zuazua
Emilio Rodriguez Muniz Eric Quiles Gutierrez Alberto Sanchez Rodriguez KPMG Cardenas Dosal SC Gladei & Partners
Mexican Tax White & Case SC Direccion de Victoria Goncearuc
Administration Proteccion Civil (Civil MICRONESIA, FED. STS. Cobzac & Partners
Service (SAT) Olga Cristina Ramirez Acosta Protection Agency)
Secretaria de Desarrollo Marcelino Actouka Silvia Grosu
Eloy F. Muoz M. Urbano (SEDUE) - Cristina Sanchez Vebber Pohnpei Utilities PwC Moldova
IMEYEL Soluciones Secretariat for Urban Snchez DeVanny Corporation
Integrales SA de CV Development and Ecology Eseverri SC Andrian Guzun
Nixon Anson Schoenherr
Juan Njera Jorge Francisco Ramirez Carlos Snchez-Mejorada y Pohnpei Utilities
NDA Najera Danieli & Asocs Mazlum Velasco Corporation Patricia Handraman
Mexican Tax Snchez-Mejorada Gladei & Partners
Jorge Narvez Hasfura Rusty Carlos
Administration y Asociados Ana Iovu
Baker & McKenzie Pohnpei State
Service (SAT) Cristina Snchez-Urtiz Cobzac & Partners
Javier Luis Navarro Velasco Environmental
Baker & McKenzie Manuel Ramos Miranda & Estavillo SC Protection Agency Vladimir Iurkovski
Bufette de Obras, Servicios Quetzalcoatl Sandoval Mata Schoenherr
Mario Neave y Suministros SA de CV Lam Dang
Galaz, Yamazaki, Ruiz Velez y Sandoval SC Congress of the FSM Roman Ivanov
Urquiza SC, member Carolina Ramos Ballesteros Vernon David & Associates
Ricardo Sandoval Ortega Erick Divinagracia
of Deloitte Touche Miranda & Estavillo SC Comisin Federal Ramp & Mida Law Firm Cristina Martin
Tohmatsu Limited Brindisi Reyes Delgado de Electricidad
Mark Heath ACI Partners Law Office
Pablo Nosti Herrera Ritch Mueller, Heather Mara Esther Sandoval Salgado
y Nicolau, SC Micronesia Registration
Miranda & Estavillo SC Instituto Federal Advisors, Inc.
de Especialistas de
Concursos Mercantiles

Angela Matcov Nandinchimeg Banzragch Sebastian Rosholt Rado-Lolo Kastratovi Redouane Assakhen
Agency of Land Relations Tsogt & Nandin Minter Ellison Advokatska Kancelarija Centre Rgional
and Cadastre State d'Investissement
Delgermaa Bataa Scott Schlink Milica Komar
Enterprise "Cadastru"
New Logistics LLC Minter Ellison Vukmirovic Misic Law Firm Adnane Bahija
Mihaela Mitroi Dar Alkhibra
Uranzaya Batdorj Bayarjargal Sodbaatar Ana Krsmanovi
PwC Romania
Tsets LLP Anand Advocates Law Firm Ministry of Finance Fassi-Fihri Bassamat
Alexandru Munteanu Cabinet Bassamat
Dashzeveg Bat-Erdene Tumurkhuu Sukgbaatar Nikola Martinovi
PwC Moldova & Associe
Deloitte UBEDN Advokatska Kancelarija
Serghei Munteanu Toufiq Benali
Azzaya Batsuuri Ganbayar Surmaajav Milica Milanovic
Ministry of Regional Ministre de l'Urbanisme
Development and Electrosetiproject, LLC The Bank of Mongolia PricewaterhouseCoopers et de l'Amnagement
Construction Consulting d.o.o. du Territoire
Solongo Battulga Ganbagana Togtokhbayar
Oxana Novicov GTs Advocates LLP Deloitte Ivan Nikolic
Meriem Benis
National Union of Total Sped Hajji & Associs
Altanduulga Bazarragchaa Enkhtuvshin Tsetsegmaa
Judicial Officers UBEDN Anderson and Novica Pesic
Badria Benjelloun
Igor Odobescu Anderson LLP Pesic & Bajceta Ministre de l'Urbanisme
Jacob Blacklock
ACI Partners Law Office Lehman, Lee & Xu Ganzaya Tsogtgerel Zorica Pesic Bajceta et de l'Amnagement
Anderson and Pesic & Bajceta du Territoire
Aelita Orhei Bayar Budragchaa
Gladei & Partners Anderson LLP Karim Benkirane
ELC LLP Advocates Luka Popovi
Dudgen Turbat BDK Advokati Espace Transit
Vladimir Palamarciuc David C. Buxbaum
Turcan Cazac The Bank of Mongolia Mohamed Benkirane
Anderson and Dragana Radevi
Anderson LLP Munkh-Orgil Tuvaandorj CEED Espace Transit
Bodiu Pantelimon
SRL Reconscivil Anand Advocates Law Firm Meriem Benzakour
Tsendmaa Choijamts Radovan Radulovic
PwC Mongolia Alicia Yen Montenomax Cabinet dAvocats Morsad
Carolina Parcalab
ACI Partners Law Office Healy Consultants Oussama Boualam
Khatanbat Dashdarjaa Ivan Radulovi
Group PLC Lydec
Iulian Paatii Arlex Consulting Services Ministry of Finance
Khosbayar Zorig
Gladei & Partners Zoljargal Dashnyam Draen Raikovi Ali Bougrine
Arlex Consulting Services UGGC Law Firm
Maya Pircalab GTs Advocates LLP FinancePlus
ACI Partners Law Office Otgontuya Davaanyam MONTENEGRO Branka Rajicic Bouchaib Chahi
Anderson and PricewaterhouseCoopers Agence Nationale de la
Vladimir Plehov CEDIS
Anderson LLP Consulting d.o.o. Conservation Foncire
Dumitru Popescu Ministry of Economy du Cadastre et de la
Tseveensuren Davkharbayar Sead Salkovic Cartographie (ANCFCC)
PwC Moldova
Mongol Advocates Anja Abramovic FinancePlus
Irina Popuoi Prelevi Law Firm Abdallah Chater
Onchinsuren Dendevsambuu Slaven epanovi Centre Rgional
Cobzac & Partners
Deloitte Jelena Bogeti Scepanovic Law Office d'Investissement
Irina Rotari BDK Advokati
Elisabeth Ellis Marko Tintor Anas Chorfi
Ministry of Economy
Minter Ellison Bojana Bokovi Central Bank of Agence Marocaine pour
Elena Sadovici Ministry of Finance Montenegro le Developpement de
Gerel Enebish
Customs Service of the l'Entreprise (AMDE)
Republic of Moldova Lehman, Lee & Xu Bojan Boovi Vera Vucelic
Harrisons Solicitors Harrisons Solicitors Mahat Chraibi
Alexandru Savva Sanjkhand Erdenebaatar
PwC Mongolia Dragoljub Cibuli Saa Vujai PwC Advisory Maroc
Adrian Sorocean BDK Advokati Law Office Vujai Marie-Amlia da Silva
ACI Partners Law Office Alimaa Erdenebat
Hogan Lovells Milan Dakic Jelena Vujisi Marques
Tatiana Stavinschi BDK Advokati Law Office Vujai Chassany Watrelot
PwC Moldova Oyunbold Ganchimeg & Associs
The Bank of Mongolia Vladimir Dai Tatjana Vujosevic
Liviu Surdu BDK Advokati Ministry of Sustainable Driss Debbagh
GLORINAL SRL Dulguun Gantumur Kettani Law Firm
Development and Tourism
Minter Ellison Savo Djurovi
Lilia Tapu Adriatic Marinas d.o.o. Lana Vukmirovic Misic Merieme Diouri
PwC Moldova Simon Guidecoq Etude de Notariat Moderne
Vukmirovic Misic Law Firm
Dermot Kane Dragan Draca
Cristina Tiscul-Diaconu PricewaterhouseCoopers Sandra Zdravkovic Mohssin El Makoudi
ACI Partners Law Office Kane Tunelling LLC Dar Alkhibra
Consulting d.o.o. Montecco INC d.o.o.
Alexander Tuceac Undram Lhagvasuren Hamid Errida
Veselin Dragievi Djordje Zejak
Turcan Cazac Anand Advocates Law Firm AccounThink
Chamber of Economy BDK Advokati
Azzaya Lkhachin of Montenegro, Sector Maroc SARLAU
Alexander Turcan Jelena Zivkovic
Turcan Cazac PwC Mongolia for Associations and Kunal Fabiani
Eurofast Global
Amarjargal Lkhagvaa Economic Development
Safia Fassi-Fihri
MONGOLIA Lehman, Lee & Xu Sladana Dragovi MOROCCO BFR Associs
Ganzorig Luvsan Normal Company
Amarmurun Amartuvshin PortNet SA Simon Guidecoq
Lehman, Lee & Xu UBEDN Dragana Filipovic
Idriss Abou Mouslim Houda Habachi
Bayarmanla Manljav Ministry of Sustainable
Odgerel Amgalan Bhirat Bakouchi & Habachi -
Mongolyn Alt (MAK) Development and Tourism
Monlogistics HB Law Firm LLP
Corporation Sidimohamed Abouchikhi
Worldwide LLC Mile Guji
Normal Company Creditinfo Maroc Kamal Habachi
Dunnaran Baasankhuu Christopher Melville Bakouchi & Habachi -
Hogan Lovells Abdelkrim Karim Adyel
Minter Ellison Danilo Gvozdenovi HB Law Firm LLP
Ministry of Sustainable Cabinet Adyel
Munkhjargal Baashuu Ulziimaa Naidandorj Amin Hajji
Mongolian Company Development and Tourism Samir Agoumi
GTs Advocates LLP Hajji & Associs
Formation LLC Fata Hodi Dar Alkhibra
Telenged Baast Zohra Hasnaoui
Mend-Amar Narantsetseg Law Office Vujai Ali Alamri
Monlogistics Cabinet H-Avocats
Worldwide LLC GTs Advocates LLP Ana Jankov Moroccan Cargo Partner
BDK Advokati Aishah Alkaff Ahmad Hussein
Minjae Baek Tsogt Natsagdorj Cabinet H-Avocats
Anderson and Tsogt & Nandin Nada Jovanovic Amina Ammor
Anderson LLP Central Bank of Creditinfo Maroc Bahya Ibn Khaldoun
Enkhtsetseg Nergui Universit M.V. Souissi
Anand Advocates Law Firm Montenegro
Molor Bakhdal Malis Andrieu Rabat, MAROC
Tsets LLP Bayarsaikhan Nyamragchaa Milica Jovicevic Chassany Watrelot
Tsast Construction LLC Montenomax & Associs

Younes Jalal Henrique Castro Amaro Zara Jamal Ricardo Veloso Hnin Thet Wai
Transit JALAL Amaro Arquitectos JLA PwC Angola ZICOlaw Myanmar Ltd.
e Associados Lda
Nadia Kettani Adriano Joo Joaquim Vilanculos Lucy Wayne
Kettani Law Firm Carolina Balate PwC Mozambique FL&A - Fernanda Lopes & Lucy Wayne &
PwC Mozambique Associados Advogados Associates Limited
Rita Kettani Katia Jussub
Kettani Law Firm Goncalo Barros Cardoso CM&A - Carlos Martines Htut Khaung Win
Guilherme Daniel & Associados MYANMAR Yangon City Development
Yassir Khalil
& Associados AGX Logistics Committee
Yassir Khalil Studio Gimina Langa
Ebrahim Bhikh Sal & Caldeira, Myanmar Co. Ltd. Khin Phyu Win
Abdelatif Laamrani
PwC Mozambique Advogados, LDA Duane Morris & Selvam Myanmar Global Law Firm
Laamrani Law Office
Abubacar Cal Rui Loforte LLP Myanmar Myo Win
Hakim Lahlou
Electrovisao Lda CGA - Couto, Graa e PricewaterhouseCoopers VDB Loi
Lahlou-Zioui & Associs Associados, Sociedade
Eduardo Cal Myanmar Co. Ltd. Zaw Win
Mhammed Lahlou de Advogados
Sal & Caldeira, Rajah & Tann LLP Yangon City Development
Etude de Notariat Moderne Advogados, LDA B. Longamane Committee
Zineb Laraqui FL&A - Fernanda Lopes & Quamruddin Ahmed
Alexandra Carvalho Bay Line Shipping Pte. Ltd. Cho Cho Wynn
Cabinet Zineb Laraqui Associados Advogados
Monjardino Thilawa Special Economic
Mohamed Amine Mahboub Attorney-at-Law Fernanda Lopes Mar Mar Aung Zone Management
Etude de Me Mahboub FL&A - Fernanda Lopes & DFDL Committee
Natrcio Chambule
Associados Advogados Sam Britton
Amine Mahfoud Maputo City Court Kyaw Ye Tun
Amine Mahfoud Notaire (Commercial Chamber) Mara Lopes ZICOlaw Myanmar Ltd. Ministry of Finance
Henriques, Rocha & Sher Hann Chua
Noureddine Marzouk Pedro Chilengue
Associados (Mozambique Tilleke & Gibbins NAMIBIA
PwC Advisory Maroc Mott MacDonald PDNA Legal Circle Advogados)
Moambique, Lda Myanmar Ltd.
Adil Morsad Gino Absai
Eugnio Luis William Greenlee KPMG Advisory Services
Cabinet dAvocats Morsad Pedro Couto
Banco de Moambique DFDL (Namibia) Pty. Ltd.
CGA - Couto, Graa e
Ahmed Morsad Associados, Sociedade Duarte Marques da Cruz
Cabinet dAvocats Morsad Yu Lin Khoo Joos Agenbach
de Advogados MC&A - Sociedade ZICOlaw Myanmar Ltd. Koep & Partners
Tayeb Mohamed Omar de Advogados RL
Avelar da Silva Nay Myo Myat Ko Tiaan Bazuin
Avocat au Barreau Intertek International Ltd. Vtor Marques da Cruz
de Casablanca
Care Freight Services Ltd. Namibian Stock Exchange
MC&A - Sociedade
Thera Dai U Moe Kyaw Aye Adeline Beukes
Hicham Oughza de Advogados RL
CGA - Couto, Graa e Myanmar Customs Standard Bank
Dar Alkhibra Associados, Sociedade Stayleir Marroquim Namibia Limited
Mohamed Oulkhouir de Advogados Marroquim, Nkutumula, Yan Lin
Chassany Watrelot Macia & Associados Yangon City Electricity Daneale C. Beukes
Guilherme Daniel Supply Boards Engling, Stritter
& Associs Guilherme Daniel Carlos Martins & Partners
Abderrahim Outass & Associados CM&A - Carlos Martines Jean Loi
Fonction librale & Associados VDB Loi Clifford Bezuidenhout
Fabrcia de Almeida Henriques Engling, Stritter
Mohamed Rifi Henriques, Rocha & Joo Martins Ah Lonn Maung
& Partners
PwC Advisory Maroc Associados (Mozambique PwC Mozambique DFDL
Legal Circle Advogados) Benita Blume
Morgane Saint-Jalmes Tiago Martins Myo Min
H.D. Bossau & Co.
Arlinda de Lurdes Nhaquila Transitex Global Logistics Directorate of
Mehdi Salmouni-Zerhouni Conservatria do Registo Operations Pty. Ltd. Investment and Company Hanno D. Bossau
Salmouni-Zerhouni das Entidades Legais Administration (DICA) H.D. Bossau & Co.
Law Firm Joo Mayer Moreira
Alferio Dgedge VdA - Vieira de Almeida Yee Mon Mon Stephanie Busch
Ghalia Sebti FL&A - Fernanda Lopes & & Associados Yangon City Electricity ENSafrica | Namibia
Ait Manos Associados Advogados Supply Boards
Ana Berta Mazuze Andy Chase
Farhat Smail Fulgncio Dimande Henriques, Rocha & Nila Mu Stauch+Partners
Administration des Manica Freight Associados (Mozambique DICA Architects
Douanes et Impots Indirects Services SARL Legal Circle Advogados) Mya Myint Zu Esi Chase
Rachid Tahri Teresa Empis Falco Jean-Louis Neves Mandelli DFDL Advocate
Association des Freight VdA - Vieira de Almeida Shearman & Sterling LLP
Forwarders du Maroc Win Naing Dirk Hendrik Conradie
& Associados Win & Cho Law Firm Conradie & Damaseb
Ilidio Nhamahango
Rim Tazi Ahmad Essak BDO Mozambique
LPA-CGR Avocats Nwe Oo Myra Craven
PwC Mozambique Tilleke & Gibbins ENS
Kekobad Patel
Kenza Yamani Vanessa Fernandes Confederao das Myanmar Ltd.
Chassany Watrelot Andr Davids
CGA - Couto, Graa e Associaes Econmicas Su Wai Phyo Maersk Namibia Pty. Ltd.
& Associs Associados, Sociedade de Moambique (CTA) ZICOlaw Myanmar Ltd.
Amine Zniber de Advogados Britt du Plessis
Diana Ramalho Key Pwint Phoo Wai Standard Bank Namibia
Etude de Notaire Zniber Telmo Ferreira Sal & Caldeira, Care Freight Services Ltd.
Meryem Zoubir CGA - Couto, Graa e Advogados, LDA Marcha Erni
Chassany Watrelot Associados, Sociedade U San Lwin TransUnion
Arsnio Ricardo JLPW Legal Services
& Associs de Advogados Johann Espag
Maria Fatima Fonseca Kyaw Soe Min Clarke Architects
MOZAMBIQUE Christopher Tanner Myanma Apex Bank
Maputo City Court Ulrich Etzold
(Commercial Chamber) FAO Representation
HPF Advogados Cheah Swee Gim Etzold-Duvenhage Firm
Acacio Tembe Kelvin Chia Yangon Ltd.
Amina Abdala Pinto Fulane Stefan Hugo
Banco de Moambique Mott MacDonald PDNA
TTA Sociedade de Moambique, Lda Yuwadee Theanngarm PwC Namibia
Advogados Nipul K. Govan Tilleke & Gibbins
Constancio Tevete Frank Kpplinger
Henriques, Rocha & Myanmar Ltd.
Duarte Amaral da Cruz FL&A - Fernanda Lopes & Kpplinger Boltman
MC&A - Sociedade Associados (Mozambique U Myint Thein
Legal Circle Advogados) Associados Advogados Norbert Liebich
de Advogados RL Myint Thein & Son
Liana Utxavo Transworld Cargo
Lus Antunes Jorge Graa Danyel Thomson Pty. Ltd.
CGA - Couto, Graa e Manica Freight
LUFTEC Tcnicas Services SARL DFDL
Associados, Sociedade Anneri Lck
Elctricas Lda Su Su Tin
de Advogados Cesar Vamos Ver PwC Namibia
Sal & Caldeira, Win Thin & Associates
Abdul Satar Hamid
BDO Mozambique Advogados, LDA

Prisca Mandimika Usha Pandey Marcel Kettenis NEW ZEALAND Robert Muir
Ministry of Lands Pradhan, Ghimire PwC Netherlands Land Information
and Resettlement & Associates RSM New Zealand New Zealand
Edwin M.A.J. Kleefstra (Auckland)
John Mandy Dev Raj Paudyal Stolp+KAB Adviseurs Ian Page
MMM Consultancy University of Southern en Accountants BV
Mo Al Obaidi BRANZ
Queensland Hesketh Henry Lawyers
Marie Mandy Christian Koedam Mihai Pascariu
MMM Consultancy Devendra Pradhan PwC Netherlands Michael Brosnahan Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Pradhan, Ghimire Ministry of Business,
Tiago Martins Gerard Koster Innovation & Employment Jose Paul
& Associates
Transitex Global Logistics Baker & McKenzie Auckland City Council
Operations Pty. Ltd. Rajan Sharma Amsterdam NV Daniel Brunt
New Zealand Marcus Playle
Nepal Freight Forwarders
Memory Mbai
Thomas Kraan Customs Service Russell McVeagh
KPMG Advisory Services Stichting Bureau
Paul Chambers Silvana Schenone
(Namibia) Pty. Ltd. P. L. Shrestha Krediet Registratie
Evergreen Cargo Anderson Creagh Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Johan Nel Andrej Kwitowski Lai Limited
Services Pvt. Ltd. Kelvin Sue
PwC Namibia Akadis BV
Rajeshwor Shrestha Philip Coombe Simpson Grierson,
Tim Parkhouse Martijn Lentz Panalpina World member of Lex Mundi
Sinha Verma Law Concern
Namibian Employer's Chamber of Commerce Transport LLP
Andrew Tetzlaff
Federation Ramji Shrestha
Pradhan, Ghimire
Lucas Lustermans Robyn Cox Simpson Grierson,
Frank Sauerbach
& Associates Eversheds Sutherland BV Ministry of Business, member of Lex Mundi
Deutsche Gesellschaft Innovation & Employment
Danique Meijer Jennifer Tunna
fr Internationale Suman Lal Shrestha
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) H.R. Logistic Pvt. Ltd. HVK Stevens Legal BV George Culver Lowndes
PwC New Zealand
Sharon Neven Ben Upton
Johny M. Smith Mahesh Kumar Thapa
Walvis Bay Corridor Group Sinha Verma Law Concern PwC Netherlands John Cuthbertson Simpson Grierson,
PwC New Zealand member of Lex Mundi
Matthias Noorlander
Helmut Stolze
Conradie & Damaseb NETHERLANDS Authority for Consumers Matthew Davie Simon Vannini
and Markets Bell Gully
Ministry of Finance Mike Whale
Axel Stritter
Peter Plug Corey Dixon Lowndes
Engling, Stritter Joost Achterberg
& Partners Office of Energy PwC New Zealand
Kennedy Van der Laan Regulation
Erentia Tromp Maarten Appels Hugo Reumkens Simpson Grierson, Guillermo Abella
Institute of Chartered Van Doorne NV
Accountants of Namibia Van Doorne NV member of Lex Mundi Intermodal | CMA CGM
Ruud Berndsen Jan Willem Schenk Igor Drinkovic
Willem van Greunen Samantha Aguilar
Liander HVK Stevens Legal BV Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Kpplinger Boltman LatamLex Nicaragua
Gert Jan Boeve Rutger Schimmelpenninck Ashton Dunn
Stefan van Zijl Yara Valesia Alemn Sequeira
Van Benthem & Keulen NV Houthoff Buruma Astech Electrical Ltd.
Koep & Partners Arias Law
Reint Bolhuis Jack Schrijver Jonathan Embling Bernardo Arauz
NEPAL AKD Lawyers & Civil Baker & McKenzie Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Law Notaries Bautrans & Logistics
Amsterdam NV
Lalit Aryal Alexandra Flaus Humberto Argello
Matthijs Bolkenstein Maaike Sips Webb Henderson
LA & Associates Chartered CETREX
Eversheds Sutherland BV PwC Netherlands
Accountants Michael Gartshore Alfredo Artiles
Roland Brandsma Fedor Tanke Webb Henderson
Narayan Bajaj KPMG
PwC Netherlands Baker & McKenzie
Narayan Bajaj & Associates Ian Gault
Amsterdam NV Maria Alejandra Aubert
Ate Bremmer Bell Gully
Jaya Raj Bhandari Carcamo
Kennedy Van der Laan Manon Ultee
Nepal Electricity Authority Tony Gault Garca & Bodn
Martin Brink PwC Netherlands
Ankit Dhakal PwC New Zealand Juan Ramon Aviles Molina
Van Benthem & Keulen NV Kor Van Dijk
Dhakal & Ghimire Law Syvaie Ghamry Lawyer
Offices, Pvt. Ltd. Margriet de Boer Baker & McKenzie
Amsterdam NV Minter Ellison Rudd Watts Soledad Balladares
Sarita Duwal
Just Litigation
Advocatuur BV Lucy Harris Superintendencia de Bancos
JKK and Associates Gert-Jan van Gijs
VAT Logistics (Ocean Simpson Grierson, Henrik Bang
Wyneke de Gelder member of Lex Mundi
Suraj Guragain Freight) BV Exportadora Atlantic SA
PwC Netherlands
LA & Associates Chartered James Hawes
Accountants Wies van Kesteren Ana Carolina Baquero Urroz
Taco de Lange Simpson Grierson,
AKD Lawyers & Civil De Brauw Blackstone Latin Alliance
Janak Raj Joshi Westbroek member of Lex Mundi
Law Notaries Minerva Adriana Bellorn
Ministry of Land Reform Matthew Kersey
and Management IJsbrand Van Straten Rodrguez
Rolef de Weijs Russell McVeagh
Houthoff Buruma Stibbe Pacheco Coto
Rabin K.C. Jeffrey Lai
Corporate Law Associates Frdric Verhoeven Flavio Andrs Berros Zepeda
Marc Diepstraten Anderson Creagh
PwC Netherlands Houthoff Buruma Multiconsult & Cia Ltda
Shreedhar Kapali Lai Limited
Shangri-La Freight Pvt. Ltd. Janine Verweij Blanca Buitrago
Menno Duin Kate Lane
Vereniging van Office of Energy Garca & Bodn
Jha Kaushlendra Regulation Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Rotterdamse Cargadoors Edmundo Castillo
JKK and Associates Michael Langdon
Sharon Edoo Reinout Vriesendorp Expertis Castillo y Fiallos
Gourish K. Kharel De Brauw Blackstone Minter Ellison Rudd Watts
Eversheds Sutherland BV Francisco Castro
KTO Inc. Westbroek Alex MacDuff
Nol Ellens PwC Nicaragua
Amir Maharjan Floris-Jan Werners Russell McVeagh
Fruytier Lawyers Brenda Darce
SAFE Consulting Architects Van Doorne NV Annaliese McIntyre
in Business CETREX
& Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Webb Henderson
Arjan Enneman Stephan Westera Maricarmen Espinosa de
Ashok Man Kapali Lexence Andrew Minturn
Expatax BV Molina
Shangri-La Freight Pvt. Ltd. Qualtech
Jan Hockx Marcel Willems Molina & Asociados
Bijaya Mishra Fieldfisher NV International Ltd. Central Law
Pradhan, Ghimire Phillipa Muir
& Associates Bianco Witjes Ana Gabriel Espinoza
Mick Hurks Simpson Grierson,
Hcker Advocaten Liander Arias Law
Anjan Neupane member of Lex Mundi
Neupane Law Associates Bob Zonderwijk Maria Antonieta Fiallos
Niels Huurdeman
Houthoff Buruma Van Doorne NV Expertis Castillo y Fiallos

Diana Fonseca Joe Henry Thompson Habibou Kane Kadoure Mohammed K. Abdulsalam Blessing Ajunwo
Arias Law Estudio Jurdico Aduanero Agence Projedis Afrique Gitras Ltd. Alliance Law Firm
Terencio Garcia Montenegro Digenes Velsquez V. Bernar-Oliver Kouaovi Innocent Abidoye Ahmed Akanbi
Garca & Bodn Pacheco Coto Cabinet Kouaovi Nnenna Ejekam Associates Akanbi & Wigwe Legal
Maryeling Suyen Guevara Gustavo Viales Fati Kountche-Adji Lemea Abina
Sequeira Asociacin Nicaragense Cabinet Fati Kountche Sterling Partnership Azeez Akande
Arias Law de Agentes Navieras Jackson, Etti & Edu
Zeinabou Labo Maiga Oluseyi Abiodun Akinwunmi
Federico Gurdian Diana Zelaya Ministre de la Justice Akinwunmi & Busari Manuel Akinshola
Garca & Bodn Garca & Bodn Legal Practitioners Jacobs & Bigaels
Lambert Lain
Eduardo Gutierrez Mario Zelaya Etude de Matre Zainab Abolarin Iwilade Akintayo
Pacheco Coto DGuerrero Ings. SA Achimi Riliwanou CRC Credit Bureau Limited Kusamotu & Kusamotu
Denisse Gutirrez Rayo Aly Mamadou Ousmane Akinbiyi Abudu Bukola Akinwonmi
Garca & Bodn NIGER Ministre du Commerce EY Olaniwun Ajayi LP
BCEAO et de la Promotion
Gerardo Hernandez Peter Adaji Jesuloba Akinyele
du Secteur Priv
Consortium Legal Creditinfo VoLo Corporate Affairs Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Sabiou Mamane Naissa Commission
Rodrigo Ibarra Rodney Ministre de l'Energie Dafe Akpeneye
Tribunal de Commerce
Arias Law et du Petrole de Niamey
Bashir H. Adamu PwC Nigeria
Design Plus
Eduardo Lacayo Projet Scurit des Folake Alabi
Mamane Sani Manane
TransUnion Installations Electriques Bureau d'Etudes
Alawale Adebambo Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Intrieures au Niger (SIEIN) Bala & Himo Perchstone & Graeys
Brenda Ninoska Martnez Temidayo Alade
Aragn Ville de Niamey Ali Moctar
Olufunmilayo Adebanjo Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Consortium Legal Chambre des First Bank of Nigeria PLC
Abdallah Abdoulati Ezinne Alajemba
Jose Ivan Mejia Miranda Banque Centrale des Etats Notaires du Niger Olaleye Adebiyi Akanbi & Wigwe Legal
Garca & Bodn de l'Afrique de l'Ouest Sadou Mounkaila WTS Adebiyi & Associates Practitioners
Xiomara Mena Cyprien Abdoulaye Hask Solaire Olasupo Musa Adedokun Toyosi Alasi
CETREX Direction Gnrale Yay Mounkala National Collateral Banwo & Ighodalo
des Impts Cabinet d'Avocats Registry
Fernando Midence Mantilla Joke Aliu
Alvarado y Asociados, Daouda Adamou Mounkaila-Niandou Joseph Adegbite Aluko & Oyebode
member of Lex Mundi Office Notarial AHD Nigerian Ports Authority
Ibrahim Mounouni Al-Amin Aliyu
Soraya Montoya Herrera Issoufou Adamou Bureau d'Etudes Kunle Adegbite Corporate Affairs
NIGELEC Bala & Himo Canaan Solicitors Commission
Jeanethe Morales Nez
Superintendencia de Bancos Mohamadou Amadou Ali Hamidou Nafissatou Bode Adegoke Maimunat Aliyu
Fiduciaire Conseils et Audit Cellule de Partenariat Bloomfield Law Practice Corporate Affairs
Tania Muoz Public Priv Commission
KPMG Issouf Baco Steve Adehi
Socit Nigrienne Linda Rakotonavalona Steve Adehi and Co. Usman Aliyu Mahmud
Luis Murillo John W. Ffooks & Co.
de Transit (NITRA) Nigerian Communications
Rex Cargo Nicaragua SA Olufunke Adekoya
Achimi M. Riliwanou Commission
Ibrahim Boubacar Arbi Aelex, Legal Practitioners
Ramn Ortega Etude de Matre
Cabinet d'Ingnierie & Arbitrators Jonathan Aluju
PwC Achimi Riliwanou
Conseil (CIC-Niger Sarl) Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Ademola Adesalu
Jose Ren Ore Cruz Idrissa Tchernaka
Amadou Boukar CRC Credit Bureau Limited Chioma Amadi
Centro de Mediacion SCPA LBTI & Partners
Cellule de Partenariat Akanbi & Wigwe Legal
y Arbitraje CMA Adebayo Adewale
Public Priv Hamadou Yacouba Practitioners
Bawag Chambers
SilvioGuillermo Otero Quiroz Etude de Matre Dodo
Mohamed Amadou Boukar Kayode Amodu
GlobalTransInternacional Dan Gado Haoua Agbolade Adeyemi
Etude de Matre Mohamed J.B. Majiyagbe & Co.
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Ivania Paguaga Amadou Boukar Wouro Yahia Sola Arifayan
Arias Law Etude d'Avocats Marc Le Tunji Adeyemi
Moustapha Boukari Ikeyi & Arifayan
Bihan & Collaborateurs Banwo & Ighodalo
Antonio Palomares Cabinet Boukari Oluseye Arowolo
DISNORTE-DISSUR Ali Yeya Olamilekan Adeyemo
Moussa Coulibaly Deloitte
Direction Gnrale PwC Nigeria
Andrea Paniagua Cabinet d'Avocats
des Impts Jude Ashiedu
PwC Dominican Republic Souna-Coulibaly Mary Adeyi
Tinni Younoussa Dikko and Mahmoud
Wilder Prez Moussa Dantia
Bate International Solicitors and Advocates Oluwapelumi Asiwaju
Aimar Group Maison de G. Elias & Co. Solicitors
l'Entreprise Niger Albert Adu
Rigoberto Pineda and Advocates
NIGERIA Alliance Law Firm
Pineda Garca & Asociados Assatou Djibo Zion Athora
Etude de Matre Aso Villa Demo Day Dayo Adu
Alonso Porras EY
Djibo Assatou Bloomfield Law Practice
Pacheco Coto Credit Registry Services Ebunoluwa Awosika
Ali Djimba (Credit Bureau) PLC Daniel Agbor
Olga Renee Torres Ajumogobia & Okeke
CAT Logistics Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie
Latin Alliance Federal Inland Anthony Ayalogu
Mai Moussa Ellhadji Basshir Revenue Service Akram Ahmed
Yader Oswaldo Reyes Nigerian customs
Tribunal de Grande Bhagavan Clearing
Membreno Lagos State Government
Instance hors classe Agency Nigeria Ltd. Israel Aye
Grupo Vesta
de Niamey Nigerian Maritime Sterling Partnership
Balarabe Ahmed
Erwin Rodriguez Administration &
Bourema Fodi Maersk Line Nigeria Seth Azubuike
PwC Nicaragua Safety Agency
Cabinet d'Avocats Perchstone & Graeys
Fatima Aigbomian
Carlos Taboada Rodrguez Souna-Coulibaly Ijeoma Abalogu
Sterling Partnership Tomilehin Babafemi
Consortium Legal Gbenga Biobaku & Co.
Abder Rhamane Halidou G. Elias & Co. Solicitors
Michael Ajaegbo
Patricia Rodrguez Abdoulaye Ismail Abdulaziz and Advocates
Alliance Law Firm
Multiconsult & Cia Ltda Chambre Nationale des Pointblank Attorneys
Zainab Babalola
Notaires du Niger Kunle Ajagbe
Alfonso Jos Sandino Granera Stella Abdulkadir Akinwunmi & Busari
Perchstone & Graeys Legal Practitioners
Consortium Legal Souley Hammi Illiassou Jacobs & Bigaels
Cabinet Kouaovi Babatunde Ajibade
Rodrigo Taboada Bala Abdullahi Bisola Babington
SPA Ajibade & Co. Perchstone & Graeys
Consortium Legal Ali Idrissa Sounna Bank of Agriculture
Toutelec Niger SA Odein Ajumogobia
Carlos Tllez Fariha Abdullahi Jerry Bakut
Ajumogobia & Okeke Nigerian Export Processing
Garca & Bodn Seybou Issifi Dikko and Mahmoud
Urbamed Consult Solicitors and Advocates Zone Authority

Mohammed Bawa Oluwabamise Fatoke Jelilat Kareem E.A. Offiong Bayo Omole
Central Bank of Nigeria Perchstone & Graeys CRC Credit Bureau Limited National Collateral Matrix Solicitors
Risikat Bukola Bello Yetunde Filani Olatunde King David Omoleye
Ministry of Physical WTS Adebiyi & Associates Banwo & Ighodalo Ugonna Ogbuagu Kano Distribution
Planning and Urban Ikeyi & Arifayan Electricity Company
Augustine Fischer Dolapo Kokuyi
APM Terminals Detail Commercial Nelson Ogbuanya Seun Omothosho
Gilbert Benson-Oladeinbo Solicitors Nocs Consults CRC Credit Bureau Limited
Fatai Folarin
G. Elias & Co. Solicitors
and Advocates
Deloitte Ayodele Kusamotu Godson Ogheneochuko Oluwatunmise Omotoyinbo
Kusamotu & Kusamotu Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Tajudeen Funsho
Ibifubara Berenibara
Aelex, Legal Practitioners Tajudeen Ao Funsho Folabi Kuti Ozofu Ogiemudia Funke Onakoya
and Associate Perchstone & Graeys Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Akinwunmi & Busari
& Arbitrators
Legal Practitioners
Bolaji Gabari Alhassan L. Alhassan Abimbola Ogunbanjo
Betty Biayeibo
Punuka Attorneys SPA Ajibade & Co. Hope Attorneys Chris Ogunbanjo & Co. Adetola Onayemi
& Solicitors Office of the Vice President
Peter Gai Mobolaji Ladapo Makinde Ogunleye
Taofeek Bola Shittu Corporate Affairs Olaniwun Ajayi LP Corporate Castles Ltd. Gabriel Onojason
Ikeyi & Arifayan Commission Alliance Law Firm
Abubakar Ladi Dahiru Yvonne Ogunoiki
Cephas Caleb
Hassana Gambo Corporate Affairs Ikeyi & Arifayan Fred Onuobia
Aluko & Oyebode Universal Architects and Commission G. Elias & Co. Solicitors
Adebola Ogunsanya
Engineering Consults and Advocates
Afolabi Caxton-Martins
Ishaya Livinus Etsu Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Adcax Nominees Ltd.
Lionel Garrick Nigerian Electricity Aaron Onyebuchi
Gloria Ogwu
Fortelegal Partners Regulatory Strachan Partners
Mercy Chibuike-Iheama Commission (NERC) Punuka Attorneys
Centre for Management
Remi Gbajumo & Solicitors Amede Oputa
Development (CMD) Magistrate Court (Lagos) Tahav lorse-Sheriffs De Splendor Solicitors
Oladimeji Ojo
Associated Attorney
Ukata Christian
Akalonu Gertrude Uzochikwa Aluko & Oyebode Nnamdi Oragwu
Afriglobe Shipping Lines Ltd. Corporate Affairs Obinna Maduako Punuka Attorneys
Cindy Ojogbo
Commission Olaniwun Ajayi LP & Solicitors
Kyzito Dakyen Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Sagir Gezawa Abubakar Mahmoud Benedict Oregbemhe
Central Bank of Nigeria Mercy Ojukwu
S. S. Gezawa & Co. Dikko and Mahmoud SPA Ajibade & Co.
Bisola Dere Solicitors and Advocates Central Bank of Nigeria
Temitope Giwa Gbenga Oregun
Sterling Partnership Chinyere Okafor
Olaniwun Ajayi LP Muhammad Mainassara GMT Limited
Obinna Dike Central Bank of Nigeria G. Elias & Co. Solicitors
Osayaba Giwa-Osagie and Advocates Ola Orewale
Alliance Law Firm
Giwa-Osagie & CO Abdu Maiwada Abubakar Aelex, Legal Practitioners
Ikenna Okafor
Damilola Durosimi-Etti Kano Magistrate Court & Arbitrators
Olaniwun Ajayi LP
Lateefat Hakeem-Bakare Perchstone & Graeys
Ajumogobia & Okeke Oghogho Makinde Tunde Osasona
Ngo-Martins Okonmah
Colin Egemonye Aluko & Oyebode Whitestone Worldwide Ltd.
Goldsmiths Solicitors
Ibrahim Hashim Aluko & Oyebode
Electromech Prime Brenda Masangwa Olufunmilayo Osifuye
Chukwuma Okoroafor
Osaro Eghobamien S.A.N. Utility Resources Ltd. Mkono & Co. Advocates Lagos State Physical
Perchstone & Graeys Solola & Akpana Planning & Development
Tokunbo Ibrahim Kolawole Mayomi
Chidubem Okoye Authority
Emmanuel Egwuagu PwC Nigeria SPA Ajibade & Co.
Obla & Co. Olaniwun Ajayi LP Olufemi Ososanya
Joseph Idiong Felicia Mosuro
Oluwatosin Okunrinboye HLB Z.O. Ososanya & Co.
Nnenna Ejekam Association of Adcax Nominees Ltd.
Nnenna Ejekam Associates Nigerian Exporters Ajumogobia & Okeke Ignatius Nwosu Owelle
Bashir Mudi
Stephen Ola Jagun Homelux Construction
Tunde Ekundayo Maymunah Idris Kano Urban Planning & Equipment Co. Ltd.
Giant Views Plus Federal Ministry of Justice and Development
Jagun Associates
Authority (KNUPDA) Eniola Oladunjoye Abraham Oyakhilome
David Elesinmogun Anjola Ige
Banwo & Ighodalo First & First International
Elesinmogun & Egwuatu Olaniwun Ajayi LP Oluwatoyin Nathaniel
G. Elias & Co. Solicitors Moshood Olajide
Theophilus I. Emuwa Chimezie Ihekweazu
and Advocates PwC Nigeria Olajumoke Oyebode
Aelex Chikwem Chambers PwC Nigeria
Ugochi Ndebbio Kola B. Olatunbosun
Kenneth Erikume Chidinma Ihemedu
KPMG Architext Associates Oluwatomiwa Oyedara
PwC Nigeria Alliance Law Firm Akinwunmi & Busari
Juliet Ndoh Funmilayo Olofintuyi
Idongesit Essien Oluwabukola Iji Legal Practitioners
IMO State University Kusamotu & Kusamotu
Nigerian Export Promotion SPA Ajibade & Co. Taiwo Oyedele
Council (NEPC) Justine Nidiya Adebayo Ologe PwC Nigeria
Emmanuel Ikeakonwu
Corporate Affairs Perchstone & Graeys
Samuel Etuk Deloitte Commission Abiodun Oyeledun
1st Attorneys Olumide Ologe Detail Commercial
Nduka Ikeyi
Ifunanya Nwajagu Corporate Affairs
Samuel Etukakpan Ikeyi & Arifayan Solicitors
Federal Ministry of Justice Commission
Enabling Business Bukola Oyeneyin
Meshach Ikpe
Environment Secretariat Obinna Nwankwo Ajibola Olomola Akanbi & Wigwe Legal
Abubakar D. Sani & Co. National Collateral
Ekiomado Ewere-Isaiah KPMG Practitioners
Funmi Ilamah Registry
Jackson, Etti & Edu Afolasade Olowe Olubukola Oyerinde
Enabling Business Ugochukwu Obi
William Ezeagu Environment Secretariat Jackson, Etti & Edu PwC Nigeria
Perchstone & Graeys
Nigerian Export Promotion Temi Olowu Ademola Oyewuni
Ifedolapo Ilesanmi
Council (NEPC) V. Uche Obi Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Tiger Shipping
Kusamotu & Kusamotu Alliance Law Firm
Nosike Ezebo Uma Olugo
Oyeniyi Immanuel Samuel Oyeyipo
Ikeyi & Arifayan Nnamdi Obinwa 1st Attorneys Nigerian Export Promotion
Streamsowers & Khn KPMG
Anse Agu Ezetah Olufunke Olutoye Council (NEPC)
Ifedayo Iroche
Chief Law Agu Ezetah & Co. Chijioke Odo Aluko & Oyebode Patrick Oyong
Perchstone & Graeys Deloitte
Kenechi Ezezika Peter Oluwafemi Federal Ministry of Justice
Paul Kalejaiye
Ikeyi & Arifayan Onyinye Odogwu Jude & Partners Samuel Pamah
Kusamotu & Kusamotu Punuka Attorneys
Babatunde Fagbohunlu Tolulope Omidiji Benson and Brothers
Okorie Kalu & Solicitors Company
Aluko & Oyebode PwC Nigeria
Punuka Attorneys Abutu Odu
Omowumi Fajemiroye & Solicitors Emmanuel Omoju Mahendra Pandey
Olajide Oyewole LLP Eko Electricity
Olaniwun Ajayi LP WTS Adebiyi & Associates
Evarist Kameja Distribution PLC
Mkono & Co. Advocates

Tunde Popoola NORWAY Leif Petter Madsen Zuhaira Al Sulaimani Ahmed Subai
CRC Credit Bureau Limited Wikborg, Rein & Co. Curtis Mallet - Prevost, SASLO - Said Al
Norwegian Building Colt & Mosle LLP Shahry & Partners
Sulayman Bolanle Raheem Authority William Peter Nordan
Ministry of Physical Advokatfirma Haitham Omar Albalulah Roy Thomas
Planning and Urban Nanette Arvesen Simonsen Vogt Wiig Mohammed Ibrahim Oman Cables
Development Advokatfirmaet Law Firm Industry (SAOG)
Thommessen AS Christina Norland
Nura Sagir Umar Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA Najat Al-Ismaily Rajesh Vaidyanathan
High Court of Jan L. Backer SNR Denton & Co. Khimji Ramdas
Wikborg, Rein & Co. Ole Kristian Olsby
Justice - Kano
Homble Olsby Ahmed Aljahweri Simon Ward
Kofo Salam-Alada Eli Beck Nilsen advokatfirma AS M.O. Housing Curtis Mallet - Prevost,
Central Bank of Nigeria PwC Norway Colt & Mosle LLP
Einar Riddervold Adil Alsobhi
Sheriff Salami Stig Berge PwC Norway Alsobhi Construction
CRC Credit Bureau Limited Advokatfirmaet PAKISTAN
Thommessen AS Stle Skutle Arneson Umaima Al-Wahaibi
Simisola Salu Advokatfirma SNR Denton & Co. Cargo Corporation
PwC Nigeria Elin Bergman Simonsen Vogt Wiig
Menon Economics Ahmed Amor Al Esry Federal Board of Revenue
Temitope Samagbeyi Fredrik Sparre-Enger EY Maersk Line
EY John Ole Bjrnerud Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA
Hafslund Sahar Askalan National Electric Power
Abubakar Sani Iselin Stolpestad Sahar Askalan Regulatory Authority
Abubakar D. Sani & Co. Ingrid Fladberg Brucker The Bronnoysund Legal Advocacy &
Advokatfirma Register Center Consultancy (SAlegal) Tahir Abbas
Yewande Senbore Simonsen Vogt Wiig MCC Port Qasim
Olaniwun Ajayi LP Svein Sulland Russell Aycock
Camilla Bull Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA PwC Oman Zaheer Abbas Chughtai
Eric Sesu Homble Olsby Qaiser & Abbas Attorneys
PwC Nigeria advokatfirma AS Liss Sunde Azhar Azmi & Corporate Counsellors
Advokatfirma Rder DA Sahar Askalan
Taofeek 'Bola Shittu Per Arne Dhli Mahmood Abdul Ghani
Legal Advocacy &
Ikeyi & Arifayan Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA Kaare Christian Tapper
Consultancy (SAlegal) Mahmood Abdul
Wikborg, Rein & Co. Ghani & Co.
Christine Sijuwade Tron Dalheim Piyush Bhandari
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Arntzen de Besche Ragnar Ulsund
Intuit Management Umer Abdullah
Advokatfirma AS Hafslund Consultancy Abdullah & Hussain
Olusina Sipasi
Aelex, Legal Practitioners Lars Davidsen Kai Slve Urke
Priyanka Bhandari Farid Ud Din Ahmad
& Arbitrators Hafslund Wikborg, Rein & Co. Intuit Management KPMG
Olugbenga Sodipo Lill Egeland Oyvind Vagan Consultancy Khalil Ahmad
Ikeyi & Arifayan Advokatfirma The Bronnoysund Sadaf Buchanan Karim Chamber
Simonsen Vogt Wiig Register Center SNR Denton & Co.
Similoluwa Somuyiwa Nadeem Ahmad
Olaniwun Ajayi LP Knut Ekern Francis D'Souza Orr, Dignam & Co.
PwC Norway OMAN Advocates
Adeola Sunmola Jamie Gibson
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Turid Ellingsen Muscat Electricity Rana Ahmad
Distribution Company Trowers & Hamlins
Statens Kartverk Rana Ijaz & Partners
Femi Sunmonu Justine Harding
Femi Sunmonu & Marius Moursund Gisvold Muscat Municipality Jawad Ahmed
SNR Denton & Co.
Associates-Qais Conrad Wikborg, Rein & Co. Hussein Al Balushi Muhammad Farooq & Co.
Laureate Solicitors Mazoon Electricity Davis Kallukaran Chartered Accountants
& Notary Public Gjermund Grimsby Horwath Mak Ghazali LLC
Menon Economics Company Shabbir Ahmed
Rafiu Sunmonu Dali Al Habboub Faiz Khan MCC Port Qasim
Delmore Engineering Leo A. Grnfeld Al Busaidy Mansoor
Menon Economics SNR Denton & Co. Shahid Ahmed
and Construction Jamal & Co.
Company Limited Jarand Gule Hamed Amur Al Hajri Procon Engineering Pvt.
Oman Cables Pushpa Malani Ltd., part of Master Motor
Kolade T. Olawuni Yara International ASA PwC Oman
Industry (SAOG) Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Babalakin & Co. Erlend Haaskjold
Mohammed Al Khalili Mansoor Jamal Malik Waheed Ahmed
Ijeoma Uche Arntzen de Besche Al Busaidy Mansoor
Advokatfirma AS Al Busaidy Mansoor Legis Inn Attorneys &
KPMG Jamal & Co. Jamal & Co. Corporate Consultants
Kelechi Ugbeva Johan Astrup Heber Fathia Mbarak
Al Waleed Al Kiyumi Jamil Ahmed Khan
Blackwood and Stone LP Wikborg, Rein & Co. Trowers & Hamlins
SNR Denton & Co. Erection Engineers
Chinyerugo Ugoji Hilde Hksnes Yashpal Mehta and Contractors
Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA Abdulredha Al Lawati
Aelex SNR Denton & Co. Unmi Muraleedharan Majid Ahmed Khan
Ovie E. Ukiri Heidi Holmelin Muamir Design & Engg Erection Engineers
Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA Habib Murad Ali Al Raisi and Contractors
Ajumogobia & Okeke Central Bank of Consultancy LLC
Aniekan Ukpanah Odd Hylland Oman (CBO) Ahmed Naveed Farooqui Muhammed Anas Ajmal
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie PwC Norway Oman Cables Naveena Exporters
Hamood Al Rawahi
Anette Istre Sahar Askalan Industry (SAOG) Mehmood Alam
Adamu M. Usman
F.O. Akinrele & Co. Advokatfirma Legal Advocacy & Raghavendra Pangala TMT Law Services
Simonsen Vogt Wiig Consultancy (SAlegal) Semac & Partners LLC
Ebere Uzum Abbas Ali
Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie Andreas Jarb Ahmed Al Salmi Dhanalakshmi Pillai Perumal EY
Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA Sahar Askalan SNR Denton & Co.
Uzoamaka Wemambu Akhtar Ali
Legal Advocacy &
Stanbic IBTC Bank Ltd. Kyrre Width Kielland Johnson Rajan Akhtar Ali Associates
Consultancy (SAlegal)
Advokatfirma Rder DA Intuit Management
Uchechukwu Wigwe Syed Ahmed Ali
Eman Al Shahry Consultancy
Akanbi & Wigwe Legal Jarle Kjelingtveit Surridge & Beecheno
SASLO - Said Al
Practitioners UNIL AS Mohammed Raza
Shahry & Partners Tabassum Ali
Eirin Kogstad EY TMT Law Services
Kamaluddeen Yahaya Said bin Saad Al Shahry
Kamaluddeen Yahaya & Co. Arntzen de Besche Khalid Rhamtalah Al-Badwi
SASLO - Said Al Syed Ali Zafar
Advokatfirma AS Rajab Al Kathiri &
Samuel Yisa Shahry & Partners Mandviwalla & Zafar
Bente Langsrud Associates Legal
KPMG Thamer Al Shahry Consultants A.R. Asad
Arntzen de Besche
Naomi Zayumba SASLO - Said Al Daco International
Advokatfirma AS Nick Simpson
Mkono & Co. Advocates Shahry & Partners Transport Pvt. Ltd.
Per Einar Lunde SNR Denton & Co.
Wafa Al Shuaibi Jam Asif Mehmood
PwC Norway
SASLO - Said Al Ahmed & Qazi
Shahry & Partners

Bushra Aslam Dilawar Hussain Mohsin Malik Ghulam Rasool Hana Yahyal
Securities and Exchange DS Engineering Services Builders Associates Haider Shamsi & Co., Saiduddun & Co.
Commission Pvt. Ltd. Chartered Accountants
Shaukat Hussain Muhammad Yousuf
Muhammad Awais Nadeem Malik Saad Rasool Haider Shamsi & Co.,
Syed Intisar Hussain
EY Procon Engineering Pvt. Saad Rasool Law Chartered Accountants
Al Haj Faw Motors
Ltd., part of Master Motor Associates
Jahanzeb Awan (Pvt.) Limited Syed Zeeshan Ali
Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
Khalid Anwer & Co. Tayyab Raza EY
Azhar Iqbal
Muhammad Mansoor TMT Law Services
Anum Azhar Qureshi Law Associates
UF Logistics PALAU
Saad Rasool Law Abdur Razzaq
Hasan Irfan Khan
Associates Basharat Mehmood Qamar Abbas & Co. Jun Aclan
Irfan & Irfan
Qureshi Law Associates CTSI Logistics
Shaezer Azmat Khalid A. Rehman
Fiza Islam
EY Aitzaz Manzoor Memon Surridge & Beecheno Kenneth Barden
Legis Inn Attorneys &
RIAA Barker Gillette Attorney-at-Law
Fawad Baluch Corporate Consultants Saad Saboor
Khalid Anwer & Co. EY Tito Cabunagan
Muzaffar Islam
Muhammad Mudassir Palau Public Utility
Hasan Hameed Bhatti Legis Inn Attorneys & Ahmed Saeed
Advocate High Court Corporation
Lahore Waste Corporate Consultants Saad Rasool Law
Management Company Syed Muhammad Ijaz Associates Maria Cristina Castro
Ilyas Jabbar
Huzaima & Ikram Western Caroline
Akeel Bilgrami State Bank of Pakistan Rana Sajjad
Najmi Bilgrami Kashif Mukhtar Rana Ijaz & Partners Trading Co.
Tariq Nasim Jan
Collaborative Pvt. Ltd. National Industries Anthony Frazier
Datacheck Pvt. Ltd. Aftab Salahuddin
Huzaima Bukhari Anwar Kashif Mumtaz EY Sterlina Gabriel
Zafarullah Jan
Huzaima & Ikram Saiduddun & Co. Bureau of Land
Karachi International Jawad A. Sarwana
Aitzaz Aslam Chaudhary Container Terminal Faiza Muzaffar Abraham & Sarwana and Surveys
Saad Rasool Law Legis Inn Attorneys & Wilbert Kamerang
Ismail Javed Shakil Sarwar
Associates Corporate Consultants Palau Shipping
Javed Umar Enterprises Ghandhara Nissan Ltd.
Waheed Chaudhary Mohammad Nadeem Company, Inc.
Rubina Javed Mohammad Ali Seena
Legis Inn Attorneys & Procon Engineering Pvt. Mouias Kangichi
Texperts International Surridge & Beecheno
Corporate Consultants Ltd., part of Master Motor Koror State Government
M. Javed Hassan Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Zulfiqar Shah
Salman Chima Carlos Mariano
Texperts International Land Administration &
Chima & Ibrahim Muhammad Gohar Nawaz Carlos Mariano Law Firm
Lahore Waste Revenue Management
Babur Kabir
Khurram Shehzad Chughtai
Management Company Information System Ramsey Ngiraibai
MCC Port Qasim
Jus & Rem (LARMIS) Koror Planning and
Minam Karim Faryal Nazir Zoning Office
Faisal Daudpota Muhammad Shahid
LMA Ebrahim Hosain, LMA Ebrahim Hosain,
Khalid Daudpota & Co. Barristers, Advocates Synthetic Products Techur Rengulbai
Barristers, Advocates
& Corporate Legal Enterprises Limited Bureau of Public Works
Junaid Daudpota & Corporate Legal
Khalid Daudpota & Co. Consultants Consultants Shabir Sharif William L. Ridpath
Omaimah Nazir Mastrade21 William L. Ridpath,
Diana Dsouza Habib Kazi
Datacheck Pvt. Ltd. Khalid Anwer & Co. Arshad Shehzad Attorney-at-Law (AMCIT)
Owais Patel
Datacheck Pvt. Ltd. Taxperts V. Tikei Sbal
Huma Ejaz Zaman Mayhar Kazi
Mandviwalla & Zafar RIAA Barker Gillette Adnan Sheikh Financial Institutions
Ahmad Pervez Mirza Commission
Karachi Architects Affiliation Akram Sheikh Law
Ikram Fayaz
Associates Rhinehart Silas
Qamar Abbas & Co. Aftab Ahmed Khan
Faisal Perwaiz Umer Bureau of Revenue,
Surridge & Beecheno Perwaiz Umar Enterprises Barrister Sherjeel
Kausar Fecto Customs and Taxation
Akram Sheikh Law
Kausar Fecto & Co. Ahmad Shahzad Khan
Shahbakht Pirzada Associates Ken Sugiyama
Chartered Accountants Marium Associates RIAA Barker Gillette
Muneeb Ahmed Shiekh Palau Public Utility
Aman Ghanchi Ameer Khan Karachi Corporation
Mandviwalla & Zafar
Unilever Pakistan Limited Indus Motors Co. Ltd. Khushbakht Qaiser
Muhammad Siddique Sylcerius Tewalei
Asma Ghayoor Arif Khan Qaiser & Abbas Attorneys Bureau of Labour
& Corporate Counsellors Securities and Exchange
Sindh Building Qamar Abbas & Co.
Control Authority Zarfishan Qaiser PANAMA
Bilal Khan
Masood Siddiqui
Irfan Mir Halepota Al Haj Faw Motors Qaiser & Abbas Attorneys Alvaro Aguilar
& Corporate Counsellors Ashakoor & Bros
Law Firm Irfan M. Halepota (Pvt.) Limited Lombardi Aguilar Group
Naveed Qamar Ameena Suhail
Asma Hameed Khan Hilal Khan Gabriel Aguilar
Procon Engineering Pvt. Qureshi Law Associates
Surridge & Beecheno Al Haj Faw Motors Lombardi Aguilar Group
(Pvt.) Limited Ltd., part of Master Motor Haris Syed Raza
Ikramul Haq Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Aristides Anguizola
Gerry's Dnata Pvt. Ltd.
Huzaima & Ikram Jahan Khan Morgan & Morgan
Shaheen Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Adnan Qureshi Muhammad Tahir
Salman Haq Qureshi Law Associates Mercedes Araz de Grimaldo
State Bank of Pakistan
EY Shahzeb N. Khan Morgan & Morgan
RIAA Barker Gillette Junaid Qureshi Waqas Ahmed Tamimi
Khalil Hashmi Pakistan International Khatiya Asvat
Deloitte Yousuf Adil,
Synthetic Products Shair Khan Container Terminal Patton, Moreno & Asvat
Chartered Accountants
Enterprises Limited MCC Port Qasim
Abdul Rahman Ali Thaheem Fernando Aued
Saim Hashmi Faiz Ullah Khan Niazi Qamar Abbas & Co. Patton, Moreno & Asvat
Surridge & Beecheno
Ahmed & Qazi Saad Rasool Law
Associates Nageen Rahman Saud ul-Hassan Francisco A. Barrios G.
Faiz-ul Hassan KPMG PwC Panama
Land Administration & Misbah Kokab
Revenue Management TMT Law Services Zaki Rahman Farhan Ullah Gustavo Adolfo Bernal
Information System LMA Ebrahim Hosain, Attorney ETESA
Muhammad Saleem Kundi Barristers, Advocates
(LARMIS) Klaus Bieberach Schriebl
Kundi Services Ltd. & Corporate Legal Fiza Usama
Mohammad Hassan Bakshi Consultants Legis Inn Attorneys & Tax@Panama
Ali Abbas Lali
Association of Builders Corporate Consultants Giovanna Cardellicchio
Saad Rasool Law Arslan Rana
and Developers of
Associates MCC Port Qasim Chaudhary Usman APC Bur SA
Pakistan (ABAD)
LMA Ebrahim Hosain, Johanna Castillo
Irfan Majeed Kashif Rasheed
Khizer Hayat Barristers, Advocates Arias Law
Naveena Exporters Pak Suzuki Motor Co. Ltd.
Danyal Agencies & Corporate Legal

Luis Chalhoub Nelson E. Sales Sinton Spence Mbe Christian Kemper Cesar Angulo
Icaza, Gonzalez- Alfaro, Ferrer & Ramrez Sinton Spence Chartered Kemper Dejesus & Muiz, Ramrez, Perz-
Ruiz & Aleman Accountants Pangrazio Abogados Taiman & Olaya Abogados
Daniel Sessa
y Consultores
Julio Csar Contreras III Galindo, Arias & Lpez Lilian Sukot Evelin Aragon Grados
Arosemena Noriega PNG Power Ltd. Gabriel Lamas ADEX
Yinnis Sols de Amaya
& Contreras Onix SACI Consulting +
Union Fenosa - Alex Tongayu
Jimy Atunga Rios
Gonzalo Crdoba EDEMET - EDECHI Investment Promotion M.A.V. Logistica y
APC Bur SA Authority Pablo Livieres Guggiari Transporte SA
Hermes Tello
Estudio Jurdico
Juan Carlos Croston Electromechanical Sally Weatherstone
Livieres Guggiari
Guilhermo Auler
Manzanillo International Consulting Group Dentons Auler y Pinto Abogados
Terminal Operator MIT Nestor Loizaga
Ramn Varela Stuart Wilson Brian Avalos
Ferrere Abogados
Eduardo De Alba Morgan & Morgan LCS Electrical & Payet, Rey, Cauvi,
Arias, Fbrega & Fbrega Mechanical Contractors Augusto Mengual Prez Abogados
Gabriela Vasquez
Claudio De Castro Galindo, Arias & Lpez Alicia Yen Arelis Avila Tagle
Arias, Fbrega & Fbrega Healy Consultants Oscar A. Mersan Galli CONUDFI
Mario Vlieg
Group PLC Mersn Abogados
Jorge G. Lombardi Dutari Aleman, Cordero, Jose Luis Ayllon Carreo
Lombardi Aguilar Group Galindo & Lee Mara Esmeralda Moreno Cmara Peruana de
PARAGUAY Rodrguez Alcal la Construccin
Marisol Ellis
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Perla Alderete Moreno Ruffinelli
Icaza, Gonzalez- & Asociados
Guillermo Bracamonte
Ruiz & Aleman Vouga Abogados Miranda & Amado
Credit & Data
Bureau Limited Bruno Angulo Monica Nez
Felipe Escalona Stephany Giovanna Bravo de
PwC Paraguay Berkemeyer, Attorneys
Galindo, Arias & Lpez PwC Papua New Guinea & Counselors
Rueda Arce
Sandybelle Avalos Ransa Comercial SA
Ricardo Eskildsen Morales Rob Addis
Russell Bedford Anibal Pangrazio
Eskildsen & Eskildsen Pentagon Freight Kemper Dejesus &
Wilfredo Caceres
International Estudio Muiz, Ramirez,
Mara Cristina Fbrega Services (PNG) Ltd. Pangrazio Abogados
Enrique Benitez y Consultores
Perez-Taiman & Olaya
Arias Law Ian Clarke
BDO Auditores Consultores Renzo Camaiora
Juan Pablo Fabrega Polleri Dentons Roco Penayo
Maximo Gustavo Benitez Moreno Ruffinelli Gallo Barrios Pickmann
Fabrega, Molino & Mulino Paul Cullen
Gimenez & Asociados Fernando Castro
L. Fernandes Dentons
Superintendencia Muiz, Ramrez, Perz-
The Panama Maritime Rebecca Cullen de Bancos - BCP Yolanda Pereira
Berkemeyer, Attorneys Taiman & Olaya Abogados
Chamber Dentons
Alex Berkemeyer & Counselors Alvaro Chuquipiondo
Michael Fernandez Gibson Geroro Berkemeyer, Attorneys
Mara Antonia Ramrez de Barrios & Fuentes
Cmara Panamea de la Geroro Lawyers & Counselors Abogados
Construccin (CAPAC) Gwynn
Simon Guidecoq Hugo T. Berkemeyer Gwynn & Gwynn - Sandra Copacondori
Enna Ferrer Berkemeyer, Attorneys Legal Counsellors
Lea Henao Barrios & Fuentes
Alfaro, Ferrer & Ramrez & Counselors Abogados
Steamships Trading Veronica Recalde
Angie Guzmn Company Ltd. Juan Ramrez Biedermann Kemper Dejesus & Tomas Cosco
Morgan & Morgan Estudio Jurdico Pangrazio Abogados Russell Bedford Per -
Clarence Hoot
Edgar Herrera Livieres Guggiari y Consultores member of Russell
Investment Promotion
Galindo, Arias & Lpez Authority Carlos Caete Mauricio Salgueiro Bedford International
Jorge L. Lara T. BDO Auditores Consultores Vouga Abogados Ricardo de la Piedra
Lauari Ikavape
Ingeniera Lara SA Investment Promotion Pedro Cuevas Rafael Salomoni Estudio Olaechea,
Authority Administracin Nacional member of Lex Mundi
Cristina Lewis de la Guardia Salomoni & Asociados
Galindo, Arias & Lpez de Electricidad Jose Dedios
Timothy Koris Cecilia Snchez
PNG Power Ltd. Sergio Dejesus Vouga Abogados Payet, Rey, Cauvi,
Esteban Lopez Moreno Prez Abogados
Katz y Lopez Kemper Dejesus &
Sarah Kuman Angela Schaerer de Sosa
Pangrazio Abogados Carlos Roberto Drago Llanos
Ivette Elisa Martnez Saenz Allens y Consultores Escribana Pblica
Patton, Moreno & Asvat Peter Lowing Carlos Torres
Natalia Enciso Benitez Alex Espinoza
Olmedo Miranda Boyd Leahy Lewin Nutley Notary Public Grupo IBD
Sullivan PwC Peru
Arosemena Noriega Maria Gloria Triguis Gonzalez
& Contreras Maria Ines Galeano Hugo Espinoza Rivera
Doug Mageo Berkemeyer, Attorneys
Olmedo Abogados SUNARP
David M. Mizrachi Fidanque PNG Power Ltd. & Counselors
Mizrachi, Davarro & Uriola Nstor Gamarra Mara del Pilar Falcn Castro
Stephen Massa Emmanuel Trulls
Servimex SACI Estudio Llona &
Erick Rogelio Muoz Dentons Ferrere Abogados
Liliana Maria Gimnez de Bustamante Abogados
Sucre, Arias & Reyes Steve Patrick Andres Vera
Castillo Napolen Fernndez
Mayrolis Parnther Gadens Lawyers Direccin General de Vouga Abogados
Arias Law Ray Paul los Registros Pblicos David Vera
PNG Customs Service Fiama Fernandez Saldamando
Hassim Patel Lourdes Gonzalez Vouga Abogados
PwC Panama Daroa Peter Direccin General de Walter Vera
Investment Promotion los Registros Pblicos Luis Enrique Narro Forno
Sebastin Perez Vouga Abogados
Authority SUNAT
Union Fenosa - Nadia Gorostiaga Carlos Vouga
EDEMET - EDECHI Lou Pipi PwC Paraguay Luis Fuentes
Vouga Abogados
NCDC Municipality Barrios & Fuentes
Nayda Price Sigfrido Gross Brown Rodolfo Vouga Muller Abogados
Patton, Moreno & Asvat Nancy Pogla Estudio Juridico Vouga Abogados
Allens Linklaters Gross Brown Julio Gallo
Linda Quintero Gallo Barrios Pickmann
Pinzon Lozano & Desmond Pokajam Marcelo Gul Pavoni PERU
Asociados Arquitectos Investment Promotion TMF Group Lorena Galvez
Aguirre Abogados Gallo Barrios Pickmann
Anel Roach Authority Carl Gwynn & Asesores
Aleman, Cordero, Herjit Saini Gwynn & Gwynn - Alejandra Giufra Chavez
Galindo & Lee White & Case SC Estudio Llona &
Dentons Legal Counsellors
Guillermo Acua Roeder Bustamante Abogados
Mario Rognoni Renee Siaguru Norman Gwynn
Arosemena Noriega Rubio Legua Normand Diego Gomez
Allens Supreme Court of Justice
& Contreras Marco Antonio Alarcn Piana Barrios & Fuentes
Manfred Heyn Abogados
Estudio Luis Echecopar
Ferrere Abogados
Garca SRL

Rafael Gonzales Roxana Antonieta Pantigozo Hugo Silva Rosario Carmela Asutria Hector De Leon, Jr.
Barrios & Fuentes Delgado Rodrigo, Elas, SEC SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Abogados SUNAT Medrano Abogados & Gatmaitan
Francis Avellana
Gerardo Guzman Edmundo Paredes Ricardo P. Silva BAP Credit Bureau, Inc. Ann Sherrol De los Santos
Delmar Ugarte Abogados Superintendency of Estudio Muiz, Ramirez, Shareholders
Alex B. Runes
Banking, Insurance Perez-Taiman & Olaya Association of the
Carlos Hernndez Ladera
and Private Pension
MERALCO Philippines (SharePHIL)
Ransa Comercial SA Fund Administrator
Carla Sinchi
Manuel Batallones
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Anthony Dee
Jose Antonio Honda
Lucianna Polar Prez Abogados BAP Credit Bureau, Inc. SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Estudio Olaechea, Estudio Olaechea, & Gatmaitan
Merope Bautista
member of Lex Mundi Enrique Sebastin Soto Ruiz
member of Lex Mundi Tradecon Trading
Congreso de la Republica Corazon Del Castillo
Diego Huertas del Pino
Anglica Portillo Flores & Construction Siguion Reyna Montecillo
Barrios & Fuentes SUNARP
Jose Steck
& Ongsiako
Vera Marie Bautista
Abogados NPG Abogados
Juan Manuel Prado SyCip Salazar Hernandez Evelyn Dela Cerna
Felipe Eduardo Iannacone Silva
Edmundo Taboada & Gatmaitan Fast Link
SUNAT Estudio Llona & Barrios & Fuentes
Rosario Cherry Bernaldo
Bustamante Abogados Abogados Aimee Rose dela Cruz
Csar Balln Izquierdo Shareholders Isla Lipana & Co.
Ransa Comercial SA Maribel Prncipe Hidalgo
Carlos Tapia Association of the
Rubio Legua Normand NPG Abogados Philippines (SharePHIL) Jenny Jean Domino
Sacha Larrea
SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Scotiabank Peru Mara Jos Puertas
Claudia Tejada Ronald Bernas
& Gatmaitan
Gallo Barrios Pickmann Barrios & Fuentes Quisumbing Torres,
Alexandra Lemke
Abogados member firm of Baker & Rolando Ducut
Barrios & Fuentes Cesar Puntriano McKenzie International In-Line Forwarder
Abogados PwC Peru
Xenia Tello
Estudio Olaechea, Irene Joy Besido Garcia Alexander Dy
Gonzalo Leo
Manuel Quindimil member of Lex Mundi Kapunan Garcia & Villanueva Gabionza
Barrios & Fuentes Cmara de Comercio Castillo Law Offices & Dy Law Offices
Abogados Americana del Per
Ricardo Arturo Toma Oyama
SUNAT Kristine Bongcaron Karla Eunice
Juan Carlos Leon Siles
Bruno Marchese Quintana Martinez Vergara Paredes Garcia and
ADEX Rubio Legua Normand
Arturo Tuesta
Gonzalez & Serrano Golez Law Office
PwC Peru
German Lora
Fernando M. Ramos Pearl Grace Cabali Colonel Jesus Fernandez
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Barrios & Fuentes
Manuel A. Ugarte
Puyat Jacinto Santos Local Government
Prez Abogados Abogados Delmar Ugarte Abogados Law Office of Quezon City
Rafael Lulli Meyer Jean A. Unda Valverde
Alonso Rey Bustamante Juan Arturo Iluminado Florida Fomaneg
Rebaza, Alczar & De Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Sociedad Nacional de Cagampang de Castro Isla Lipana & Co.
Las Casas Abogados Prez Abogados Minera, Petrleo y Energa De Castro & Cagampang-
Financieros de Castro Law Firm
Catherine Franco
Jack Vainstein
Jos Miguel Reyes Quisumbing Torres,
Cesar Luna Victoria
Barrios & Fuentes Vainstein & Ingenieros SA Justina Callangan member firm of Baker &
Rubio Legua Normand Abogados SEC McKenzie International
Erick Valderrama
Milagros Maravi Sumar
Andrea Rieckhof Russell Bedford Per Renato Calma Arnelito Garcia
Rubio Legua Normand Gallo Barrios Pickmann - member of Russell Ortega, Bacorro, Odulio, AB Garcia
Bedford International Calma & Carbonell Construction Inc.
Orlando Marchesi
Andres Rieckhof
PwC Peru Rebaza, Alczar & De
Yelitza Valdivia
Roselle Caraig Geraldine S. Garcia
Las Casas Abogados Miranda & Amado Isla Lipana & Co. Follosco Morallos
Carlos Martnez Ebell
Rubio Legua Normand Financieros Mitchell Alex Valdiviezo Del & Herce
Mia Carmela Imperial
Jess Matos Anggie Rivera Quisumbing Torres, Vicente Gerochi IV
Barrios & Fuentes Rubio Legua Normand member firm of Baker & SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Estudio Olaechea,
member of Lex Mundi Abogados Manuel Villa-Garca McKenzie International & Gatmaitan
Juan Manuel Robles Estudio Olaechea, Domingo Castillo Ma. Cecilia Gironella
Gino Menchola
member of Lex Mundi
PwC Peru Rubio Legua Normand SyCip Salazar Hernandez Gironella Law Office
Rafael Villaran & Gatmaitan
Jorge Miranda Erick Rojas Carlo Miguel Romeo S. Go
Cmara Peruana de Estudio Luis Echecopar Jon Edmarc R. Castillo SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Rubio Legua Normand Garca SRL
la Construccin SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
Diego Muiz & Gatmaitan
Agustn Yrigoyen
Estudio Olaechea, Martin Ruggiero Manuel Z. Gonzalez
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Garca Sayn Abogados Luis M. Catibayan Martinez Vergara
member of Lex Mundi
Prez Abogados Sabino Zaconeta Torres Bureau of Import Services Gonzalez & Serrano
Juan Carlos Novoa
Felix Arturo Ruiz Sanchez Asociacin Peruana de Ria Danielle Ching George Matthew Habacon
Sociedad Nacional de Agentes Martimos
Minera, Petrleo y Energa Rubio Legua Normand KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. SyCip Salazar Hernandez
& Gatmaitan
Lilian Oliver Carolina Senz PHILIPPINES Kenneth L. Chua
SUNARP Rubio Legua Normand Quisumbing Torres, Judy Hao
Credit Information member firm of Baker & Angara Abello Concepcion
Alexandra Orbezo Carolina Salcedo Corporation McKenzie International Regala & Cruz Law
Rebaza, Alczar & De Estudio Muiz, Ramirez, Offices (ACCRALAW)
Las Casas Abogados Perez-Taiman & Olaya Department of Energy Juan Paolo E. Colet
Financieros Go Abigail Jose Emmanuel Hernandez
Ral Sanchez Toni Angeli Coo
Siguion Reyna Montecillo De Guzman San Diego
Luis Orrego Barrios & Fuentes Karl Raymond Cruz Mejia & Hernandez
Delmar Ugarte Abogados Abogados & Ongsiako
SyCip Salazar Hernandez
Juan Paolo Agbayani Tadeo F. Hilado
Ariel Orrego-Villacorta Raul Sanchez Sabogal & Gatmaitan
Martinez Vergara Angara Abello Concepcion
Barrios & Fuentes ADEX Robert Dalaodao Regala & Cruz Law
Abogados Gonzalez & Serrano
Pablo Santos In-Line Forwarder Offices (ACCRALAW)
Cristina Oviedo CONUDFI Ma. Carmen Agcaoili-Orena
Agcaoili & Associates Thomas John Thaddeus de Benito Jose L. de los Santos
Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pablo Santos Curo Castro ABS Law Firm
Prez Abogados ADEX Shirley Alinea Agcaoili & Associates
Martinez Vergara Charmane Kanahashi
David Pacheco Emerico O. de Guzman Paredes Garcia and
Victor Scarsi Gonzalez & Serrano
Estudio Olaechea, Luz del Sur Angara Abello Concepcion Golez Law Office
member of Lex Mundi Charina Amanda B. Javier Regala & Cruz Law
Martin Serkovic Skala Architects Justin Vincent La Chica
Nlida Palacios Offices (ACCRALAW)
Estudio Olaechea, Romulo, Mabanta,
SUNARP member of Lex Mundi Henry D. Antonio Buenaventura, Sayoc
KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. & de los Angeles,
member of Lex Mundi

Carina Laforteza Mariah-Rose Rafaela Ong Erdan Suero Karolina Czapska Aleksandra Kozlowska
SyCip Salazar Hernandez KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Raczkowski Paruch law DLA Piper Wiater sp.k.
Cristina Suralvo
& Gatmaitan firm Ius Laboris Poland
Maria Christina Ortua Ocampo & Suralvo Adam Krlik
Global HR Lawyers
Fredieric Landicho SyCip Salazar Hernandez Law Offices Kancelaria Prawa
Navarro Amper & Co. & Gatmaitan Katarzyna Czwartosz Restrukturyzacyjnego i
Shennan Sy
White & Case M. Studniarek Upadlosciowego Tatara
Hiyasmin Lapitan Ma. Milagros Padernal Kalaw Sy Vida
i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria i Wspolpracownicy
SyCip Salazar Hernandez Uy Singson Abella & Co. Selva & Campos
Prawna sp.k.
& Gatmaitan Iga Kwasny
Sheila Mae Panares Fidel T. Valeros
Micha Dbrowski Moore Stephens Central
Everlene Lee SEC Puyat Jacinto Santos
Ministry of Justice Audit Sp. z o.o.
Angara Abello Concepcion Law Office
Benedicto Panigbatan
Regala & Cruz Law Aleksandra Danielewicz Ewa achowska-Brol
SyCip Salazar Hernandez Gloria Victoria Y. Taruc
Offices (ACCRALAW) DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Wierzbowski Eversheds
& Gatmaitan Energy Regulatory
Sutherland sp.k., member
Jennifer Lee Commission Andrzej Dmowski
Gil Christopher Paredes of Eversheds Sutherland
Quasha Ancheta Russell Bedford Poland sp. (Europe) Limited
KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Carlos Martin Tayag
Pena & Nolasco z o.o. - member of Russell
Romulo, Mabanta,
Hilario Paredes Bedford International Wojciech Langowski
Jeva Lee Buenaventura, Sayoc
Paredes garcia & Miller Canfield
AB Garcia & de los Angeles, Ewa Don-Siemion
golez Law Office
Construction Inc. member of Lex Mundi Chajec, Don-Siemion & Katarzyna Lawinska
Ma. Patricia Paz Zyto Legal Advisors Baker & McKenzie
Ana Liezl Pelayo Amando Tetangco Jr.
In-Line Forwarder SyCip Salazar Hernandez Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Bartosz Draniewicz Agnieszka Lehwark
& Gatmaitan Kancelaria Prawa DLA Piper Wiater sp.k.
Joyce Liza Chan Jolina Pauline Tuazon
Maria Pilar Pilares-Gutierrez Gospodarczego i
Quisumbing Torres, Puyat Jacinto Santos Monika Leszko
Castillo Laman Tan Ekologicznego dr
member firm of Baker & Law Office DLA Piper Wiater sp.k.
Pantaleon & San Jose Bartosz Draniewicz
McKenzie International
Roland Glenn Tuazon Konrad Piotr Lewandowski
Maybellyn Pinpin-Malayo Edyta Dubikowska
Roane Alfredo Lopez Romulo, Mabanta, Maurice Ward &
Isla Lipana & Co. Squire Patton Boggs
Ortega, Bacorro, Odulio, Buenaventura, Sayoc Co. sp. z.o.o.
Calma & Carbonell Hailin Quintos & de los Angeles, Patryk Filipiak
Agnieszka Lisiecka
SyCip Salazar Hernandez member of Lex Mundi Filipiakbabicz Legal,
Herbert M. Bautista
Zimmerman Filipiak Wardyski & Partners
Local Government & Gatmaitan Martin Victorino Cusi
Restrukturyzacja SA Tomasz Listwan
of Quezon City Revelino Rabaja Villanueva Gabionza
& Dy Law Offices Maciej Geromin Moore Stephens Central
Mel A. Macaraig Isla Lipana & Co. Audit Sp. z o.o.
Allerhand Institute
Castillo Laman Tan Janice Kae Ramirez Virginia B. Viray
Pawe Ludwiniak
Pantaleon & San Jose Quasha Ancheta Puyat Jacinto Santos Micha Gliski
Law Office Wardyski & Partners Eltech
Sam Angelo Maducdoc Pena & Nolasco
Gil Roberto Zerrudo Konrad Marciniuk
KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Frederika Rentoy Magdalena Gmur
Quisumbing Torres, DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Miller Canfield
Marlon G. Mariano Local Government
of Quezon City member firm of Baker & Adam Marszaek
Local Government McKenzie International Rafa Godlewski
of Quezon City Wardyski & Partners DLA Piper Wiater sp.k.
Elaine Patricia S.
Reyes-Rodolfo Pawel Meus
Hector A. Martinez POLAND Bartosz Groele
Platon, Martinez Flores Angara Abello Concepcion Allerhand Institute Gide Loyrette Nouel
San Pedro & Leao Regala & Cruz Law Energy Regulatory Office Poland Warsaw
Offices (ACCRALAW) Andrzej Grzekiewicz
Naprawa Kabli Tomasz Michalik
Michael Mejia Gridnet
De Guzman San Diego
Leandro Ben Robediso Energetycznych MDDP Michalik Duska
Mejia & Hernandez KPMG R.G. Manabat & Co. Andrzej Rogowski Marcin Howka Dziedzic i Partnerzy
Kancelaria Adwokata
Pedro P. Rodriguez Wojciech Andrzejewski Anna Miernik
Enriquito J. Mendoza Marcina Howki
Romulo, Mabanta, Local Government Kancelaria Prawna Piszcz, Clifford Chance
of Quezon City Norek i Wsplnicy sp.k. ukasz Iwaski
Buenaventura, Sayoc Tomasz Milewski
& de los Angeles, Energomix
Ricardo J. Romulo Marcin Bcal Miller Canfield
member of Lex Mundi Romulo, Mabanta, Chajec, Don-Siemion & Michal Jadwisiak
Joanna Mot
Maria Teresa Mercado-Ferrer Buenaventura, Sayoc Zyto Legal Advisors White & Case M. Studniarek
& de los Angeles, i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria
CMS Cameron McKenna
SyCip Salazar Hernandez Tomasz Baranczyk
member of Lex Mundi Prawna sp.k. Adam Morawski
& Gatmaitan PwC Poland
Renz Jeffrey A. Ruiz Jakub Jdrzejak Morawski & Partners
Marianne Miguel Micha Barowski Law Firm
SyCip Salazar Hernandez SyCip Salazar Hernandez WKB Wierciski,
& Gatmaitan Wardyski & Partners Kwieciski, Baehr sp.k. Grzegorz Namiotkiewicz
& Gatmaitan
Patrick Henry D. Salazar Justyna Bartnik Magdalena Kaliska Clifford Chance
Jesusito G. Morallos Morawski & Partners
Follosco Morallos Quisumbing Torres, WKB Wierciski, Michal Niemirowicz-Szczytt
member firm of Baker & Law Firm Kwieciski, Baehr sp.k.
& Herce LEX IUVAT Kancelaria
McKenzie International Wojciech Bieganski Radcy Prawnego Michal
Mateusz Kaliski
Gregorio S. Navarro DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Niemirowicz-Szczytt
Navarro Amper & Co.
Neptali Salvanera Kancelaria Prawa
Angara Abello Concepcion Paulina Blukacz Restrukturyzacyjnego i Dominika Nowak
Perpetua Calliope Ngo Regala & Cruz Law Ministry of Finance Upadlosciowego Tatara DLA Piper Wiater sp.k.
Martinez Vergara Offices (ACCRALAW) i Wspolpracownicy
Gonzalez & Serrano Joanna Bugajska Marta Osowska
Rodolfo San Diego Jamp Karolina Kalucka White & Case M. Studniarek
Krisanto Karlo Nicolas De Guzman San Diego DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria
Nicolas & De Vega Mejia & Hernandez Rafa Burda Prawna sp.k.
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Aleksandra Kaminska
Law Offices
Jennilyn Sio Dentons Tomasz Ostrowski
Harold Ocampo Shareholders Kinga Cekiera White & Case M. Studniarek
Brevells Cekiera Tomasz Kaski
Isla Lipana & Co. Association of the i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria
Philippines (SharePHIL) Oleksiewicz sp.k. Sotysiski Kawecki
Jude Ocampo & Szlzak Prawna sp.k.
Ocampo & Suralvo Neil Sison Olga Chodorowska Sawomir Paruch
Kamiski & Partners Iwona Karasek-Wojciechowicz
Law Offices Sison Corillo Parone & Co. Raczkowski Paruch law
Kancelaria Prawnicza sp.k. Jagiellonian University
firm Ius Laboris Poland
Karen Ocampo Felice Suzanne Soria
Ocampo & Suralvo Angara Abello Concepcion Magorzata Chruciak Zbigniew Korba Global HR Lawyers
Law Offices Regala & Cruz Law CMS Cameron McKenna Deloitte Doradztwo
Krzysztof Pawlak
Offices (ACCRALAW) Podatkowe sp. z o.o.
Gwyneth Ong ukasz Chruciel Sotysiski Kawecki
Martinez Vergara Manilyn Rose Sotelo Raczkowski Paruch law Jacek Korzeniewski & Szlzak
Gonzalez & Serrano Isla Lipana & Co. firm Ius Laboris Poland Baker & McKenzie
Global HR Lawyers

Agata Pawlak-Jaszczak Anna Wietrzyska-Ciokowska Joo Cadete de Matos Tiago Gali Macedo Ana Sofia Silva
Kancelaria Prawna Piszcz, DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Banco de Portugal Gali Macedo & Associados Cuatrecasas, Gonalves
Norek i Wsplnicy sp.k. Pereira, RL (Portugal)
Anna Wojciechowska Susana Caetano Ana Margarida Maia
Malgorzata Pietrzak-Paciorek WKB Wierciski, PwC Portugal Miranda & Associados Rui Silva
Baker & McKenzie Kwieciski, Baehr sp.k. PwC Portugal
Vicente Caldeira Pires Carlos Pedro Marques
Mariusz Purga Jakub Woliski Pedro Raposo & EDP Distribuio - Joo Silva Pereira
Tomasik, Pakosiewicz, BNT Neupert Zamorska & Associados Energia, SA Barrocas Advogados
Groele Adwokaci i Zamorska Partnerzy sp.j. Ins Calor Catarina Medeiros Ins Sousa Godinho
Radcowie Prawni sp.p.
Steven Wood CICS.NOVA, Universidade PwC Portugal Gmez-Acebo & Pombo
Anna Ratajczyk-Saamacha Blackstones Nova de Lisboa Abogados, SLP Sucursal
Patricia Melo Gomes
Gide Loyrette Nouel em Portugal
Poland Warsaw Anna Wyrzykowska Francisco Campilho Morais Leito, Galvo
WKB Wierciski, EDP Distribuio - Teles, Soares da Silva Francisco Sousa Guedes
Radosaw Rudnik Kwieciski, Baehr sp.k. Energia, SA & Associados, member SGOC Sousa Guedes,
Chajec, Don-Siemion & of Lex Mundi Oliveira Couto &
Edyta Zalewska Vitor Campos
Zyto Legal Advisors Associados, Soc.
Gide Loyrette Nouel National Laboratory for Joaquim Lus Mendes
Advogados RL
Szymon Sakowski Poland Warsaw Civil Engineering - LNEC Grant Thornton
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Consultores Lda. Carmo Sousa Machado
Maciej Zalewski Rui Capote
Abreu Advogados
Marek Sawicki White & Case M. Studniarek PLEN - Sociedade de Andreia Morins
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria Advogados, RL PwC Portugal Rui Souto
Prawna sp.k. Raposo S Miranda
Gabriela Siegmund Fernando Cardoso da Cunha Antnio Mouteira Guerreiro
& Associados
Sotysiski Kawecki Anna Ziemian Gali Macedo & Associados Mouteira Guerreiro,
& Szlzak DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Rosa Amaral & Ricardo Veloso
Joo Carneiro
Associados - Sociedade PwC Angola
Karol Skibniewski Darius Zimnicki Miranda & Associados de Advogados RL
Sotysiski Kawecki Chajec, Don-Siemion & Diogo Vitorino Martins
Petra Carreira
& Szlzak Zyto Legal Advisors Rita Nogueira Neto Mouteira Guerreiro,
Garrigues Portugal Garrigues Portugal Rosa Amaral &
Michal Snitko-Pleszko Agnieszka Ziek SLP - Sucursal SLP - Sucursal Associados - Sociedade
Blackstones CMS Cameron McKenna de Advogados RL
Isa Carvalho
Eduardo Paulino
Marek Sosnowski Katarzyna Zukowska MBS Advogados Morais Leito, Galvo
Gide Loyrette Nouel Wardyski & Partners Teles, Soares da Silva PUERTO RICO (U.S.)
Jaime Carvalho Esteves
Poland Warsaw & Associados, member
Krzysztof yto PwC Portugal Autoridad de
Maciej Stepien Chajec, Don-Siemion & of Lex Mundi Energa Elctrica
Filipa Castanheira de Almeida
PwC Poland Zyto Legal Advisors Joo Branco Pedro
Morais Leito, Galvo Martha L. Acevedo-Peuela
Magorzata Studniarek Teles, Soares da Silva National Laboratory for O'Neill & Borges LLC
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. PORTUGAL & Associados, member Civil Engineering - LNEC
of Lex Mundi Olga Angueira
Micha Subocz Victor Abrantes Inga Petkelyte-Kilikeviciene Colegio de Arquitectos
White & Case M. Studniarek International Sales Agent Tiago Castanheira Marques KPL Legal y Arquitectos Paisajistas
i Wsplnicy - Kancelaria Anabela Aguilar Salvado Abreu Advogados de Puerto Rico
Pedro Cato Pinheiro
Prawna sp.k. Pedro Raposo & Gali Macedo & Associados
Joo Duarte de Sousa Antonio A. Arias-Larcada
Michal Suska Associados Garrigues Portugal McConnell Valds LLC
Accio Pita Negro
Energomix Bruno Andrade Alves SLP - Sucursal PLEN - Sociedade de Hermann Bauer
Filip witaa PwC Portugal Sara Ferraz Mendona Advogados, RL O'Neill & Borges LLC
Ministry of Finance Igor Amarii Morais Leito, Galvo Margarida Ramalho
Teles, Soares da Silva Jorge Cap Matos
Jadwiga Szabat MBS Advogados Associao de Empresas O'Neill & Borges LLC
& Associados, member de Construo, Obras
ECOVIS System Joana Andrade Correia of Lex Mundi
Rewident sp. z o.o. Pblicas e Servios Odemaris Chacon
Raposo Bernardo Estrella, LLC
Ana Luisa Ferreira
Leonart Szanajca-Kossakowski & Associados Sara Reis
Abreu Advogados Miranda & Associados Manuel De Lemos
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. Lus Antunes
Rita Ferreira Lopes Manuel de Lemos
Emil Szczepanik LUFTEC Tcnicas Maria Joo Ricou Aia Arquitectos
Elctricas Lda Morais Leito, Galvo Cuatrecasas, Gonalves
Ministry of Justice Teles, Soares da Silva Pereira, RL (Portugal) Carla Diaz
ukasz Szegda Filipa Arantes Pedroso & Associados, member PwC Puerto Rico
Wardyski & Partners Morais Leito, Galvo of Lex Mundi Ana Robin de Andrade
Teles, Soares da Silva Morais Leito, Galvo Antonio Escudero Viera
Marcelina Szwed Eduardo Fonseca McConnell Valds LLC
& Associados, member Teles, Soares da Silva
DLA Piper Wiater sp.k. of Lex Mundi
PwC Portugal & Associados, member Ubaldo Fernandez
Maciej Szwedowski Rui Gloria of Lex Mundi O'Neill & Borges LLC
Miguel Azevedo
Squire Patton Boggs Garrigues Portugal Tocha, Chaves & Telmo Rodrigues
Associados, SROC Alfonso Fernndez
Karol Tatara SLP - Sucursal Abreu Advogados Ivy Group
- member of Russell
Kancelaria Prawa Joo Banza Bedford International Filomena Rosa
Restrukturyzacyjnego i Nelson William Gonzlez
PwC Portugal Instituto dos Registos Colegio de Notarios
Upadlosciowego Tatara Nuno Gundar da Cruz
e do Notariado de Puerto Rico
i Wspolpracownicy Manuel P. Barrocas Morais Leito, Galvo
Barrocas Advogados Teles, Soares da Silva Pedro Rosa Pedro Janer
Dariusz Tokarczuk & Associados, member Garrigues Portugal
Gide Loyrette Nouel Jeanine Batalha Ferreira CMA Architects &
of Lex Mundi SLP - Sucursal Engineers LLP
Poland Warsaw PwC Portugal
Tiago Lemos Francisco Salgueiro Rubn M. Medina-Lugo
Mateusz Tusznio Mark Bekker
PLEN - Sociedade de Neville de Rougemont Cancio, Nadal,
Wardyski & Partners Bekker Logistica
Advogados, RL & Associados Rivera & Daz
Dominika Wagrodzka Antonio Belmar da Costa
Bruno Lobato Maria do Ceu Santiago Oscar O. Melndez-Sauri
BNT Neupert Zamorska & Associao dos Agentes
Mouteira Guerreiro, MBS Advogados Malley Tamargo &
Zamorska Partnerzy sp.j. de Navegao de
Rosa Amaral & Melndez-Sauri LLC
Portugal (AGEPOR) Filipe Santos Barata
Emilia Waszkiewicz Associados - Sociedade
de Advogados RL
Gmez-Acebo & Pombo Juan Carlos Mndez
Baker & McKenzie Andreia Bento Simes
Abogados, SLP Sucursal Reichard & Escalera
Morais Leito, Galvo
Cezary Wernic Helga Lopes Ribeiro em Portugal
Teles, Soares da Silva Antonio Molina
Ministry of Finance Mouteira Guerreiro,
& Associados, member Cludia Santos Malaquias Pietrantoni Mndez
Rosa Amaral &
Sebastian Wieczorek of Lex Mundi Miranda & Associados & Alvarez LLC
Associados - Sociedade
Dentons Joo Bettencourt da Camara de Advogados RL Cristina Serrazina
Credinformaes - Equifax Pedro Raposo &

Luis Mongil-Casasnovas Priyanka Bhandari Murad Sawalha Oana Cornescu Alexandra Ichim
Cancio, Nadal, Intuit Management Al Tamimi & Company uca Zbrcea & Asociaii
Alina Ignat
Rivera & Daz Consultancy Advocates & Legal
Sergiu Cretu Regional Inspectorate for
Jose Armando Morales Alexis Coleman uca Zbrcea & Asociaii Constructions Bucharest
Rodriguez Pinsent Masons LLP Zain Al Abdin Sharar
Alexandru Cristea Mariana Ionescu
JAM Cargo Sales Inc. Qatar International
Michael Earley uca Zbrcea & Asociaii Ordinul Arhitecilor
Court and Dispute
Jhansel Nez Sultan Al-Abdulla din Romania
Resolution Centre Tiberiu Csaki
Attorney & Partners
Dentons Europe - Todor Ctlina Iordache
Ali Sophie
Virmarily Pacheco Fouad El Haddad si Asociatii SPARL Bucharest City Hall
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Colegio de Notarios LALIVE LLC Legal (TAG-Legal) Radu Damaschin Diana Emanuela Ispas
de Puerto Rico
Ahmed Eljaale
Abdul Aziz Mohammed Nestor Nestor Diculescu Nestor Nestor Diculescu
Diego R. Puello lvarez Al Tamimi & Company Sorour Kingston Petersen Kingston Petersen
McConnell Valds LLC Advocates & Legal Ministry of Justice Anca Danilescu Horia Ispas
Marta Ramirez Zamfirescu Racoi & uca Zbrcea & Asociaii
Tabara Sy
O'Neill & Borges LLC Dalal K. Farhat Harb
LALIVE LLC Partners Attorneys-at-Law
Cristian Lina
FD Consult
Roberto E. Reyes Perez Dan Dascalu Eversheds Lina & Guia SCA
Reyes Perez & Mohammed Fouad ROMANIA D&B David i Baias Law Firm
Edita Lovin
Associates LLC Sultan Al-Abdulla
Arhipar SRL Adrian Deaconu Retired Judge of Romanian
& Partners
Jesus Rivera Taxhouse SRL Supreme Court of Justice
Banco Popular de Walid Honein Elena Abdulgani
McGregor & Partners SCA Luminia Dima Ileana Lucian
Puerto Rico Badri and Salim El
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Muat & Asociaii
Meouchi Law Firm, Daniel Alexie
Kenneth Rivera-Robles
member of Interleges
Kingston Petersen
Madalina Mailat
FPV & Galndez CPAs, Cosmin Anghel Rodica Dobre Clifford Chance Badea SCA
PSC - member of Russell Rafiq Jaffer Clifford Chance Badea SCA
Bedford International Al Tamimi & Company PwC Romania
Smaranda Mandrescu
Advocates & Legal Mihai Anghel Monia Dobrescu POP & Partners SCA
Victor Rodriguez uca Zbrcea & Asociaii
Consultants Muat & Asociaii Attorneys-at-Law
& Marine Co. Tamsyn Jones Gabriela Anton Constantin Dragos-Mircea Gelu Titus Maravela
KPMG Qatar uca Zbrcea & Asociaii Office of Architecture Maravela & Asociaii
Victor Rodriguez
PwC Puerto Rico Dani Kabbani Francesco Atanasio Laura Adina Duca Alexandra-Mikaela Mruoiu
Eversheds ENEL Nestor Nestor Diculescu Nestor Nestor Diculescu
Edgardo Rosa
Ioana Avram Kingston Petersen Kingston Petersen
FPV & Galndez CPAs, Upuli Kasthuriarachchi
PSC - member of Russell PwC Qatar Eversheds Lina & Guia SCA Alina Dumitrascu Neil McGregor
Bedford International Andreea Badea Cabinet Consultanta McGregor & Partners SCA
Pradeep Kumar
Jorge M. Ruiz Montilla Diamond Shipping Services DLA Piper Dinu SCA Economica Mercescu
Mariana Mercescu
McConnell Valds LLC Andrei Badiu Geanina Dumitru Cabinet Consultanta
Frank Lucente
3B Expert Audit - member Enel (former Electrica Economica Mercescu
Jaime Santos Al Tamimi & Company
Pietrantoni Mndez Advocates & Legal of Russell Bedford Muntenia Sud)
Mirela Metea
& Alvarez LLC Consultants International Nastasia Dumitru Maravela & Asociaii
Tania Vazquez Maldonado Seem Maleh Georgiana Balan DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Maria Cristina Metelet
Banco Popular de Al Tamimi & Company D&B David i Baias Law Firm Lidia Dutu POP & Partners SCA
Puerto Rico Advocates & Legal Florina Balanescu DLA Piper Dinu SCA Attorneys-at-Law
Consultants ENEL
Ral Vidal y Seplveda Serban Epure Ctlina Mihilescu
Omnia Economic Julie Menhem Irina Elena Bnic Biroul de Credit uca Zbrcea & Asociaii
Solutions LLC Eversheds POP & Partners SCA Iulia Ferstru-Grigore Stefan Mihartescu
Muhammad Mitha Attorneys-at-Law Maravela & Asociaii D&B David i Baias Law Firm
QATAR Al Tamimi & Company Paula Boteanu Raluca Gabor Mihaela Mitroi
Hani Al Naddaf Advocates & Legal DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Consultants uca Zbrcea & Asociaii PwC Romania
Al Tamimi & Company
Mihai Bucuiuman Adriana Gaspar Marian Mustareata
Advocates & Legal Peter Motti
Consultants Dentons Sandra Cahu Nestor Nestor Diculescu National Bank of Romania
DLA Piper Dinu SCA Kingston Petersen
Abdulla Mohamed Al Naimi Sujani Nisansala Adriana Neagoe
Qatar Credit Bureau PwC Qatar Maria Cambien Monica Georgiadis National Bank of Romania
PwC Romania DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Grace Alam Neil O'Brien Larisa-Georgiana Negoias
Badri and Salim El PwC Qatar Victor Cndea tefan Ghenciulescu DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Meouchi Law Firm, State Inspectorate Ordinul Arhitecilor
Ferdinand Ray Ona II Manuela Marina Nestor
member of Interleges for Constructions din Romania
Noble Global Logistics Nestor Nestor Diculescu
Rashed Albuflasa Ioana Cercel George Ghitu Kingston Petersen
Noble Global Logistics Michael Palmer D&B David i Baias Law Firm Muat & Asociaii
Squire Patton Andreea Nica
Mohammad Alkhalifa Boggs (MEA) LLP Marius Chelaru Fanizzi Giuseppe DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Ministry of Justice STOICA & Asociaii - ENEL
Sony Pereira Theodor Catalin Nicolescu
Maitha Al-Naemi Societate Civil de Avocai Magda Grigore Nicolescu & Perianu
National Shipping
Ministry of Justice and Marine Services Teodor Chirvase Maravela & Asociaii Law Firm
Maryam Al-Thani Company WLL Veronica Cocrlea Adina Grosu Raluca Onufreiciuc
Qatar Credit Bureau Johnson Rajan Jinga & Asociaii Dentons Europe - Todor Svescu & Asociaii
Intuit Management si Asociatii SPARL
Zied Alzobi Raluca Coman Gabriela Oprea
Ministry of Justice Consultancy Clifford Chance Badea SCA Ana-Maria Hrituc Clifford Chance Badea SCA
Sohaib Rubbani Protopopescu,
Amira Awad Razvan Constantinescu Andrei Ormenean
PwC Qatar Puscas si Asociaii
Ministry of Justice Dentons Europe - Todor Muat & Asociaii
Lilia Sabbagh si Asociatii SPARL Florentina Hurdubei
Imran Ayub Bogdan Papandopol
Badri and Salim El uca Zbrcea & Asociaii
KPMG Qatar Paula Corban Dentons Europe - Todor
Meouchi Law Firm, DLA Piper Dinu SCA Romina Iancu si Asociatii SPARL
Piyush Bhandari member of Interleges DLA Piper Dinu SCA
Intuit Management Anamaria Corbescu Mircea Parvu
Consultancy Mohamed Samy Dentons Europe - Todor Camelia Iantuc SCPA Parvu si Asociatii
Ministry of Justice si Asociatii SPARL Clifford Chance Badea SCA
Gheorghe Ptracu
Bucharest City Hall

Laurentiu Petre Tania Stefanita Teymur Akhundov Svetlana Demicheva Nadezhda Karavanova
Svescu & Asociaii Taxhouse SRL ALRUD Law Firm Dentons Department of Urban
Planning Policy
Sergiu Petrea Sorin Corneliu Stratula Vera Akimkina German Derbushev
of Moscow
SC Tecto Arhitectura Srl Stratula Mocanu PricewaterhouseCoopers
Andrei Andreev
& Asociatii Legal Kamil Karibov
Ana Maria Placintescu UNIFEEDER
Beiten Burkhardt
Muat & Asociaii Ctlina Sucaciu Yana Dianova
Anatoly E. Andriash
Maravela & Asociaii GRATA International (Attorneys-at-Law)
Carolina Pletniuc Norton Rose Fulbright
Eversheds Lina & Guia SCA Alina Tacea (Central Europe) LLP Daniel Dmitriev
Pavel Karpunin
Muat & Asociaii Energia LLC Capital Legal Services
Claudiu Pop Aleksei Anisimov
POP & Partners SCA Felix Tapai Khazov, Kashkin Olga Duchenko
Ekaterina Karunets
Attorneys-at-Law & Partners Kachkin & Partners
Diana Ttulescu Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Mihai Popa Nestor Nestor Diculescu Vitaly Anisimov Elizaveta Dvoinishnikova Limited
Muat & Asociaii Kingston Petersen GRATA International Capital Legal Services Roman Kashkin
Alina Elena Popescu Amelia Teis Irina Anyukhina Arslan Dyakiev Khazov, Kashkin
Maravela & Asociaii D&B David i Baias Law Firm ALRUD Law Firm PricewaterhouseCoopers & Partners
Iulian Popescu Iulian epure Suren Avakov Ivan Khaydurov
Muat & Asociaii Ordinul Arhitecilor Avakov Tarasov Natalia Dybina Hough Trofimov
din Romania & Partners Khazov, Kashkin & Partners
Mariana Popescu
& Partners Evgeny Khazanov
National Bank of Romania Ciprian Timofte Vladimir S. Averyanov
uca Zbrcea & Asociaii Law Office of Sergey Fedorov Roll Standard
Tiberiu Potyesz
Averyanov & Olenev Borenius Attorneys Snezhana Kitaeva
Bitrans Ltd. Anda Todor
Russia Ltd. Lenenergo
Dentons Europe - Todor Anna Babich
Olga Preda
si Asociatii SPARL Mannheimer Swartling Victoria Feleshtin
POP & Partners SCA Ksenia Kochneva
LEVINE Bridge DLA Piper
Attorneys-at-Law Adela Topescu Vladimir Barbolin
PwC Romania Clifford Chance Ilya Fomin
Vadim Kolomnikov
Elena Monica Preotescu
Golsblat BLP Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
DLA Piper Dinu SCA Andra Trantea Marc Bartholomy
DLA Piper Dinu SCA Clifford Chance Dzhaniko Gagua
Oleg Kolotilov
Sebastian Radocea
uca Zbrcea & Asociaii Madalina Trifan Gleb Bazurin Kulkov, Kolotilov &
Dentons Europe - Todor Liniya Prava Law Firm Marsel Galiautdinov Partners (KK&P)
Laura Radu
si Asociatii SPARL JSC Lukoil
STOICA & Asociaii - Edward Bekeschenko Aleksey Konevsky
Societate Civil de Avocai Ada uc Baker & McKenzie-CIS, Magomed Gasanov Pepeliaev Group
Jinga & Asociaii Limited ALRUD Law Firm Anastasia Konovalova
Magdalena Raducanu
Dentons Europe - Todor Cristina Tutuianu Evgenia Belokon Vladimir Vladimirovich Norton Rose Fulbright
si Asociatii SPARL PwC Romania Norton Rose Fulbright Golobokov (Central Europe) LLP
(Central Europe) LLP Center for Innovation Vadim Konyushkevich
Alexandra Radulescu Andrei Vartires
and Information
DLA Piper Dinu SCA Dentons Europe - Todor Victoria Belykh Liniya Prava Law Firm
Technology Foundation
si Asociatii SPARL OKB - United Credit Bureau
Dana Rdulescu Alexander Korkin
Lidia Gorshkova
Cosmin Vasilescu Artem Berlin Pepeliaev Group
Argentina Rafail Pepeliaev Group
Dentons Europe - Todor Kachkin & Partners Evgenia Korotkova
Dentons Europe - Todor si Asociatii SPARL Anton Grebennikov
si Asociatii SPARL Mikhail Beshtoyev Dechert LLP
FWD freight and
Cristina Gabriela Vedel
Corina Ricman Dmitry Bessolitsyn forwarding Evgeniy Koshkarov
POP & Partners SCA
Clifford Chance Badea SCA PricewaterhouseCoopers Arivist
Attorneys-at-Law Vladimir Grigoriyev
Bogdan Riti Committee on Urban Igor Kostennikov
Luigi Vendrami
Muat & Asociaii Roman Bevzenko Development and YUST Law Firm
DHL International Romania
Pepeliaev Group Architecture of
Ioan Roman Vadim Kovalyov
Daniel Nicolae Vinerean St Petersburg
Maravela & Asociaii Ekaterina Boeva Capital Legal Services
Maria Vlad ALRUD Law Firm Anna Grishchenkova
Angela Rosca Dmitriy Kozlov
Jinga & Asociaii Korelskiy Ischuk
Taxhouse SRL Sergey Bogatyev
Astafiev (KIAP) United Consulting Group
Andrei Zaharescu Beiten Burkhardt
Florica Salaytah Alyona Kozyreva
Bucharest City Hall Rechtsanwlte Igor Guschev
State Inspectorate Duvernoix Legal Norton Rose Fulbright
for Constructions Stefan Zamfirescu (Central Europe) LLP
Zamfirescu Racoi & Andrey Bondarchuk Teymur Guseynov
Cristina Sandu Leonid Kropotov
Partners Attorneys-at-Law Committee on Urban Egorov Puginsky
Taxhouse SRL Afanasiev & Partners DLA Piper
Development and
Raluca Sanucean RUSSIAN FEDERATION Architecture of Ekaterina Krylova
George Gutiev
uca Zbrcea & Asociaii St Petersburg
Golsblat BLP Agency for Strategic
Federal Customs Service Initiatives
Andrei Svescu Natalia Borisevich
Federal Service for State Roman Ibriyev
Svescu & Asociaii United Consulting Group Elena Kukushkina
Registration, Cadaster and MOESK
Julia Borozdna
Baker & McKenzie-CIS,
Corina Simion Cartography in Moscow Anton Isakov Limited
PwC Romania Pepeliaev Group
Federal Service for State Golsblat BLP
Leonid Kulakov
Alina Solschi Registration, Cadaster Thomas Brand
Roman Ishmukhametov Committee on Urban
Muat & Asociaii and Cartography Brand & Partner
Baker & McKenzie Development and
in St. Petersburg Olga Chirkova Architecture of
Oana Soviani Polina Kachkina
Dentons Europe - Todor Hyundai Motor Hannes Snellman St Petersburg
Kachkin & Partners
si Asociatii SPARL Manufacturing Rus, LLC Attorneys Ltd.
Dmitry Kunitsa
Nikita Kalinichenko
Diana Stan InTrans Alexander Chizhov Morgan Lewis
Nektorov, Saveliev
Ordinul Arhitecilor EY
Mosenergosbyt & Partners Roman Kuzmin
din Romania Dmitry Churin Liniya Prava Law Firm
Saint Petersburg Maxim Kalinin
Georgiana Stan Capital Legal Services
Supply Company Baker & McKenzie Sergei L. Lazarev
DLA Piper Dinu SCA Marat Davletbaev Russin & Vecchi
White & Case LLP Russia Lilia Kalinina
Ionut Stancu Nektorov, Saveliev
Pennville Holdings Limited Ekaterina Lazorina
Nestor Nestor Diculescu Andrei Afanasiev & Partners
PwC Russia
Kingston Petersen Baker & McKenzie-CIS, Darya Degtyareva
Limited Bogdan Lebed
Marie-Jeanna Stefanescu ALRUD Law Firm
BudMaks Construction

Sergei Lee Kliment Nechaev Artem Samoylov Alexandra Ulezko Natacha Bugondo
Castrn & Snellman Capital Legal Services Liniya Prava Law Firm Kachkin & Partners
Flavia Busingye
International Ltd.
Tatiana Nikolayevna Nekrasova Kirill Saskov Olga Varlamova East African Community
Evgeny Lidzhiev MOESK Kachkin & Partners Pennville Holdings Limited Secretariat
Lidings Law Firm
Dmitry Nekrestyanov Ulf Schneider Anastasia Vasilieva Louis de Gonzague
Sergey Likhachev Kachkin & Partners Schneider Group Beiten Burkhardt Mukerangabo
Golsblat BLP Rechtsanwlte Vision Technologies
Tatyana Neveeva Maxim Semenyako
(Attorneys-at-Law) Company
Anastasiya Likhanova Egorov Puginsky Iusland Law Offices
Geometriya Afanasiev & Partners Sergey Vasilliev Paul Frobisher Mugambwa
Vladimir Shabanov
DLA Piper PwC
Gregory Linkov Petr Nikitenko YIT Saint-Petersburg JSC
Center for Innovation Lidings Law Firm Artem Vasyutin Claver Gakwavu
Alexei Shcherbakov
and Information Deloitte & Touche CIS Rwanda Energy Group
Technology Foundation
Alexey Nikitin TsDS Group of Companies
Borenius Attorneys Inna Vavilova Patrick Gashagaza
Alexander Shevchuk
Yulia Litovtseva Russia Ltd. Prime Advice St. GPO Partners Rwanda
Pepeliaev Group Association of Petersburg Law Office
Pavel Novikov Institutional Investors Jean Havugimana
Dmitry Lobachev Baker & McKenzie-CIS, Stanislav Veselov ECODESEP Ltd.
Yulia Aleksandrovna Shirokova
Khrenov & Partners Limited ALRUD Law Firm
MOESK Francois Xavier Kalinda
Maxim Losik Anton Novoseltsev Denis E. Voevodin University of Rwanda
Vladimir Skrynnik
Castrn & Snellman Lidings Law Firm Dentons
Just Privatum Law Firm Dsir Kamanzi
International Ltd.
Gennady Odarich Aleksei Volkov ENSafrica Rwanda
Yury Smolin
Stepan Lubavsky PricewaterhouseCoopers National Bureau of
De Berti Jacchia Franchini Wilson Karegyeya
Finec Legal Credit Histories
Forlani Studio Legale Rwanda Utilities and
Yulia Ludinova Elena Ogawa Yuriy Vorobyev Regulatory Authority
Mihail Sergeevich Smolko
Committee on Urban LEVINE Bridge Pepeliaev Group
GSP Group Tushabe Karim
Development and
Irina Onikienko Viktoria Aleksandrovna Rwanda Development
Architecture of Nikolay Solodovnikov
Capital Legal Services Vostrosablina Board
St Petersburg Pepeliaev Group MOESK
Julia Oprenko Didas Kayihura
Sergey Lyadov Julia Solomkina
Norton Rose Fulbright Andrey Yakushin Fountain Advocates
Trans Business LEVINE Bridge
(Central Europe) LLP Central Bank of Russia
Eudes Kayumba
Ilya Lyubchenko Ksenia Soloschenko
Ekaterina Orlova Vadim Yudenkov Landmark Studio
United Consulting Group Castrn & Snellman
Attorney OOO Geotechnic
International Ltd. Thophile Kazeneza
Aleksandr Lyuboserdov
Olga Pankova Sergey Yurov Cabinet d'Avocats
Professional Legal Center Elena Solovyeva
Baker & McKenzie Monastyrsky, Zyuba, Kazeneza
Alexei Yurievich Makarovsky Agency for Strategic Stepanov & Partners
Sergey Petrachkov Initiatives Valence Kimeny
ALRUD Law Firm Vladislav Zabrodin National Bank of Rwanda
Sergey Sosnovsky
Bagel Maksim Anatolyevich Capital Legal Services
Maya Petrova Pepeliaev Group Patrice Manirakiza
Garant Energo
Borenius Attorneys Roman Zaitsev Repro Ltd.
Ksenia Stepanischeva
Sofya Mamonova Russia Ltd. Dentons
Lidings Law Firm Isae Mhayimana
Norton Rose Fulbright
Sergei Pikin Marina Zaykova Zenith Law Firm
(Central Europe) LLP Elena Subocheva
Energy Development Fund Closed Stock Company
Russin & Vecchi Alvin Mihigo
Alisa Manaka STS Energy
Ivan Podbereznyak R & Partners Law Firm
MOESK Ilya Sukharnikov
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP Andrey Zelenin
EY Valuation and Calvin Mitali
Vilena Mandrika Lidings Law Firm
Anna Ponomareva Advisory Services LLC Equity Juris Chambers
Russin & Vecchi
Golsblat BLP Andrey Zharskiy
Andrey Sukhov Merard Mpabwanamaguru
Igor Marmalidi ALRUD Law Firm
Sergei Vladimirovich Popov Department of Urban City of Kigali - One Stop
Pepeliaev Group
OOO Skiv Planning Policy Roman Zhavner Center for Construction
Igor Matveyev of Moscow Egorov Puginsky
Ilya Povetkin Alex Mugire
Borenius Attorneys Afanasiev & Partners
Lenenergo Fredrik Svensson Rwanda Customs
Russia Ltd.
Mannheimer Swartling Artem Zhavoronkov
Natalia Prisekina Richard Mugisha
Ekaterina Mayorova Dentons
Russin & Vecchi Dagadina Svetlana Trust Law Chambers
ALRUD Law Firm
Cliff Legal Services Evgeny Zhilin
Svetlana Prokofieva Elonie Mukandoli
Vladimir Meleshin YUST Law Firm
Lenenergo Dmitry Tarasov National Bank of Rwanda
Express Registrator
Avakov Tarasov Ekaterina Znamenskaya
Alexandr Pyatigor Lopold Munderere
Anastasia Mergasova & Partners Nektorov, Saveliev
MOESK Cabinet d'Avocats-Conseils
Capital Legal Services & Partners
Julia Tarasova
Daniil Rivin Jacques Munyandamutsa
Maria Mikhailova LEVINE Bridge
Baker & McKenzie RWANDA Rwanda Energy Utility
Morgan Lewis
Ilya Tarbaev Corporation Limited
Anton Romanov Bollor Africa Logistics
Stanislav Mikhaylov ABZ-Dorstroy
DMSTR Construction Pascal Mutesa
Holding RBI GM Corporate Consult
Vladlena Terekhina Rwanda Energy Utility
Alexander Rostovsky Limited (GMCC)
Nadezhda Minina PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporation Limited
Nektorov, Saveliev Castrn & Snellman Legal
International Ltd. Emmanuel Abijuru Patrick Mutimura
& Partners Capital Performance
Tatiana Tereshchenko BMP Consulting
Kirill Rubashevskiy Advocates
Dmitry Mishin Prime Advice St.
Liniya Prava Law Firm Pothin Muvara
PricewaterhouseCoopers Petersburg Law Office Angel Phionah Ampurire Rwanda Natural Resources
Legal Ekaterina Rudova Trust Law Chambers
Evgeny Timofeev Authority, Office of the
Michael Morozov Capital Legal Services Golsblat BLP Registrar of Land Titles
Ray Amusengeri
KPMG Russia Alexander Rudyakov PwC
Evgeniy Tregubenko Grace Nishimwe
Natalya Morozova YUST Law Firm T&T Services, LLC Rwanda Natural Resources
Richard Balenzi
Vinson & Elkins Anna Rybalko Trust Law Chambers Authority, Office of the
Sergey A. Treshchev
Deloitte & Touche CIS Registrar of Land Titles
Ivan Nasonov Squire Patton Boggs Alberto Basomingera
N-logistics Marianna Rybynok Moscow LLC Cabinet Znith Law Firm Aimable Nkuranga
Khrenov & Partners TransUnion Rwanda
Elena Nazarova Alexander Tsakoev
Schneider Group Gudisa Sakania Norton Rose Fulbright Martin Nkurunziza
MOESK (Central Europe) LLP GPO Partners Rwanda

Pius Ntazinda Keilani Soloi Giuseppe Ragini Abdulay Godinho Omar Al Ansari
Trust Law Chambers Soloi Survey Services Studio Legale e Notarile Direco dos Registos e Legal Advisors, Abdulaziz
Giuseppe Ragini Notariado de So Tom I. Al-Ajlan & Partners in
Fred Nuwagaba Leiataua Tom Tinai
Association with Baker
East African Community Institution of Professional Daniela Reffi Ronsima Gomes Santana
& McKenzie Limited
Secretariat Engineers Samoa (IPES) Ufficio Tecnico del Catasto Banco Internacional de
So Tom e Prncipe Fayez Al Debs
Christy Nyarwaya Leilani Va'a-Tamat Marco Giancarlo Rossini
PwC Saudi Arabia
PwC Vaai Hoglund & Studio Legale e Notarile Fernando Lima da Trindade
Tamati Law Firm Ministry of Public Works, Abdulrahman Saleh Alzeraigi
Emile Nzabamwita
SO TOM AND PRNCIPE Geographical-Cadastre, Al Sohaibani
Case Consultants Shane Wulf
Natural Resources, Abdulnasir Al Sohaibani
MWK Lawyers AGER - Autoridade and Environment
Dieudonne Nzafashwanayo
Geral de Regulacao Abdullah Al Tamimi
ENSafrica Rwanda Pascoal Lima Dos Santos Daio Al Tamimi & Company
Aaron Nzeyimana Cmara dos Despachantes Lawyer Advocates & Legal
CMA-CGM Rwanda Renzo Balsimelli Oficiais - So Tom Consultants
Ufficio Urbanistica e Prncipe Joo Mayer Moreira
Seth Ochieng VdA - Vieira de Almeida Sulaiman Al Tuwaijri
Healy Consultants Dennis Beccari Antnio de Barros A. Aguiar & Associados Saudi Arabian General
Group PLC Avv. Erika Marani SOCOGESTA Investment Authority
Herlander Rossi Medeiros
Nelson Ogara Gian Luca Belluzzi Eudes Aguiar Direco Geral dos Khalid Al-Abdulkareem
PwC Studio Commerciale Aguiar & Pedronho Studio Registros e do Notariado Clifford Chance
Belluzzi Adelino Amado Pereira
Josue Penaloza Quispe Silvino Mendes Luay Alamr
Bralirwa Ltd. Gianna Burgagni Amado Pereira & Direco de Obras Alamr Group Company for
Studio Legale e Notarile Associados, Sociedade Pblicas e Urbanismo Engineering Consultancy
Fred Rwihunda de Advogados
RFM Engineering Ltd. Cecilia Cardogna Manuel Morais Nizar Al-Awwad
Studio Legale e Notarile Andr Aureliano Arago EQUADOR - Viagens e Saudi Credit
Yves Sangano Jurisconsulta & Advogado Turismo Lda (Agente Bureau - SIMAH
Rwanda Development Vincent Cecchetti
Cecchetti, Albani Nuno Barata Belletrans)
Board, Office of the Fahad AlDehais
Registrar General & Associati Miranda & Associados Raul Mota Cerveira Eversheds Law Firm
of Rwanda Debora Cenni Jeanine Batalha Ferreira VdA - Vieira de Almeida
Eisa Aleisa
PwC Portugal & Associados
Pierre Valery Singizumukiza Alberto Chezzi Saudi Arabia Customs
Singizumukiza Pierre Studio Chezzi Lara Beirao Victor Nascimento
Nasser Alfaraj
Valery - Notary Public Central Bank of So Despachante Victor
Marco Ciacci Nascimento Legal Advisors, Abdulaziz
Asante Twagira Tom e Prncipe I. Al-Ajlan & Partners in
Banca Agricola
ENSafrica Rwanda Angelo De Jesus Bonfim Virna Neves Association with Baker
Sara Cupioli STP Counsel, member of & McKenzie Limited
Nelly Umugwaneza Amado Pereira &
Ufficio Tributario della Associados, Sociedade the Miranda Alliance
Repubblica di San Marino Afnan K. Al-Haboudal
M. Aimee Uwanyiligira de Advogados Zerna Nezef Al-Ghazzawi Professional
Rwanda Energy Utility Alessandro de Mattia STP Counsel, member of Association
Corporation Limited Miris Botelho Bernardo
Azienda Autonoma di Tribunal de 1a Instancia the Miranda Alliance
Stato per i Servizi Pubblici Fatima Alhasan
Maureen Wamahiu de Sao Tom (Juizo Civel) Anastcio Oliveira Legal Advisors, Abdulaziz
TransUnion Rwanda Laura Ferretti I. Al-Ajlan & Partners in
Sukayna Braganca Ana Posser
Stephen Zawadi Segreteria di Stato Banco Internacional de Association with Baker
Industria Artigianato e Posser da Costa
Millennium Law Chambers So Tom e Prncipe & McKenzie Limited
Commercio Trasporti e Advogados Associados
Ricerca - Dipartimento Paula Caldeira Dutschmann Nicholas Diacos Al-Hejailan
SAMOA Guilherme Posser da Costa
Economia Miranda & Associados The Law Firm of
Posser da Costa
Betham Brothers Salah Al-Hejailan
Marcello Forcellini Jaime Carvalho Esteves Advogados Associados
Enterprises Ltd. PwC Portugal Omar AlHoshan
Studio Chezzi Cosme Bonfim Afonso Rita
Lesa Ma Penn AlHoshan CPAs &
Davide Gasperoni Tnia Cascais Cmara de Comrcio,
Consultants - member
Ferila Brown Ufficio Tributario della Miranda & Associados Agricultura e Servios
of Russell Bedford
Planning and Urban Repubblica di San Marino Ilma Salvaterra International
Mirian Castelo David Pontfice
Management Agency Guich nico Para
Simone Gatti Banco Internacional de Abdulaziz Alhussan
Lawrie Burich World Line So Tom e Prncipe Empresas
Osool Law Firm
Quantum Contrax Ltd. Francisco Chibeles Vitor Santos
Cinzia Guerretti Naif Aljbaly
Shelley Burich World Line ECOMOVEL EBIC Empresa de
Naif Aljbaly Law Firm
Quantum Contrax Ltd. Construo Civil
Anna Maria Lonfernini Olinto Costa Sultan Almasoud
Henry Tamotu Ah Ching Studio Legale e Directorate of Taxes Edinha Soares Lima
Sherman & Sterling in
Notarile Lonfernini SoLima & Associados
Fiona Ey Ins Barbosa Cunha association with Dr. Sultan
Clarke Ey Lawyers Erika Marani PwC Portugal Manikson Trigueiros Almasoud & Partners
Avv. Erika Marani Posser da Costa Saud Almelhem
Patrick Fepulea'I Jaime de Oliveira Advogados Associados
Fepulea'I & Shuster Lucia Mazza ODL & Associados Department of Zakat
Ufficio Tecnico del Catasto Afonso Varela & Income Tax
Taulapapa Brenda Celiza Deus Lima Private Practitioner
Heather-Latu Daniela Mina ODL & Associados Aiman Meqham Almeqham
Latu Lawyers Idalcio Viana Al-Meqham Certified
Gianluca Minguzzi Cludia do Carmo Santos Public Accountants
Komisi Koria Antao Progetti S.P.A. Miranda & Associados SAUDI ARABIA
Clarke Ey Lawyers Nabil Abdullah Al-Mubarak
Emanuela Montanari Stela dos Santoa Soares Deloitte & Touche
Herman Kruse Posser da Costa Naif I. Alnammi
Lorenzo Moretti EY Saudi Arabia Customs
Kruse, Enari & Barlow Advogados Associados
Studio Legale e Notarile
Matafeo George Latu Agostinho Fernandes The Law Firm of Hatem Sultan Alqudiry
Alfredo Nicolini Abbas Ghazzawi & Co. Saudi Credit
Latu Lawyers Banco Internacional de
Lawyer Bureau - SIMAH
So Tom e Prncipe Khalid Abdulaziz
Tima Leavai
Sara Pelliccioni PwC Saudi Arabia Waleed Khaled AlRudaian
Leavai Law Edmar Ferriera Carvalho
Studio Legale e Notarile Saudi Arabian General
Lawyer Rupert Agius-Pease
Peato Sam Ling Avv. Matteo Mularoni Investment Authority
Samoa Shipping - in Associazione con Maria Figueiredo KPMG
Services Ltd. Bussoletti Nuzzo Miranda & Associados Ahmad Alsadhan
Naif Bader AI-Harbi Clifford Chance
& Associati Unified Registry - Ministry
Sala Theodore Sialau Toalepai Salvador Fonseca
Samoa Shipping Directorate of Taxes of Commerce & Industry Abdulmohsen Alshenify
Services Ltd. Saudi Arabia Customs

Wisam AlSindi SENEGAL Cheikh Loum Pouye Milan Brkovic Ivan Krsikapa
AlSindi Law Firm Finkone Transit SA Association of Ninkovi Law Office
BCEAO Serbian Banks
Abdullah Alsowayan Mamadou Mbaye Zach Kuvizi
Saudi Arabian Creditinfo VoLo SCP Mame Adama Marina Bulatovic Kuvizic & Tadic Law Office
Monetary Agency Baba Aly Barro Gueye & Associs Wolf Theiss
Kosta D. Lazic
Hussain Alsudairy PricewaterhouseCoopers Ngouda Mbaye Marija abarkapa Law Office Kosta D. Lazic
Ministry of Municipal Tax & Legal SA Hecto Energy AVS Legal
Milan Lazi
and Rural Affairs Mamadou Berthe Saliou Mbaye Ana ali Turudija KN Karanovi & Nikoli
Faisal Alzamil Atelier d'Architecture Hecto Energy Prica & Partners Law Office
Ruica Maukat
Eversheds Law Firm Ibrahima Diagne Birame Mbaye Seck Dragoljub Cibuli Serbian Business Registers
Haroon Ansary Gainde 2000 Direction du BDK Advokati Agency (SBRA)
PwC Saudi Arabia Amadou Diould Diallo Developpement Urbain
Vladimir Dabi Miladin Maglov
Lamisse Bajunaid Ministre de l'Urbanisme Elodie Dagneaux Ndiaye The International Serbian Business Registers
et de l'Assainissement
AlSindi Law Firm APIX Agence Charge Center for Financial Agency (SBRA)
Abdoul Aziz Dieng de la Promotion de Market Development
John Balouziyeh Aleksandar Manev
Centre de Gestion l'Investissement et des
Dentons Grands Travaux
Marina Dacijar Prica & Partners Law Office
Agre de Dakar Belgrade Commercial
Nada Bashammakh Djordje Mijatov
Malick Dieng Sadel Ndiaye Court
AlSindi Law Firm SCP Ndiaye & Mbodj Law Office Ili
CAFIJEX Milan Dakic
Piyush Bhandari Predrag Milenkovi
Alioune Badara Diop Absatou Ndiaye Samak BDK Advokati
Intuit Management Geni & Kebe Drai, Beatovi &
Consultancy ONAS Jovica Damnjanovic Partners Law Office
Amadou Diop Moustapha Ndoye Development
Priyanka Bhandari Milena Miti
Gainde 2000 Cabinet Maitre Consulting Group
Intuit Management Moustapha Ndoye KN Karanovi & Nikoli
Consultancy Angelique Pouye Diop Vladimir Dai
Aleksandar Mladenovi
APIX Agence Charge Macoumba Niang BDK Advokati
Kamal El-Batnigi
Registre du Commerce Mladenovic & Stankovic
de la Promotion de
KPMG et du Credit Mobilier
Gili Dekel in cooperation with Rokas
l'Investissement et des
Direct Capital S d.o.o. International Law Firm
Emad El-Hout Grands Travaux Herinjiva Tahirisoa
Alfanar Precast Rakotonirina
Lidija Djeric Veljko Nei
Fod Diop
Law Offices Popovic, Prica & Partners Law Office
Majed Mohammed Garoub Art Ingnierie SUARL Abibatou Samb-Diouck Popovic & Partners
Law Firm of Majed Etude Samb-Diouck Dimitrije Nikoli
Medieumbe Diouf
M. Garoub Uro Djordjevi Gebruder Weiss d.o.o.
ONAS Franois Sarr ivkovi & Samardi
Fehem Hashmi Djurdje Ninkovi
Abdoulaye Drame Socit Civile Law Office
Clifford Chance Professionnelle d'Avocats Ninkovi Law Office
Cabinet Abdoulaye Drame Zeljko Djuric
Amgad Husein Franois Sarr & Associs Bojana Noskov
Fama de Sagama Fall Gueye Continental Wind
Dentons Daniel-Sdar Senghor Wolf Theiss
ONAS Jelena Kuveljic Dmitric
Christopher H. Johnson SCP Senghor & Sarr, Zvonko Obradovi
Ibrahim Faye Notaires Associs Dragan Draca
Johnson & Pump in Serbian Business Registers
association with
SCI La Promobiliere PricewaterhouseCoopers Agency (SBRA)
Codou Sow-Seck
Al-Sharif Law Firm Moustapha Faye Geni & Kebe Consulting d.o.o.
Igor Oljai
Zaid Mahayni Socit Civile Ilija Drazic Advokatska Kancelarija
Professionnelle d'Avocats Ndatt Sy
SEDCO Holding Senelec Drai, Beatovi & Oljacic & Todorovic
Franois Sarr & Associs Partners Law Office
Mohammed Majed AlQahtani Ibra Thiombane Stefan Pavlovic
Catherine Faye Diop Dragan Gajin
Unified Registry - Ministry Cabinet Jurafrik Conseil Mladenovic & Stankovic
of Commerce & Industry
Ordre des Architectes Newton Law Group in cooperation with Rokas
du Sngal en Affaires (JCA)
International Law Firm
Justin McGettigan Jovana Gavrilovic
Balla Gningue Ndye Khoudia Tounkara
KPMG Prica & Partners Law Office aslav Petrovi
SCP Mame Adama Etude Me Mayacine
Tounkara et Associs Zaviin Semiz & Partners
Rukn Eldeen Mohammed Gueye & Associs Jelena Gazivoda
Omrania & Associates Law Offices Jankovi, Jasmina Petrovi
Antoine Gomis Popovi & Miti
SERBIA City of Belgrade,
Humaid Mudhaffr SCP Senghor & Sarr, Urbanism Department
Saudi Credit Notaires Associs Harrisons Danica Gligorijevic
Bureau - SIMAH Prica & Partners Law Office Mihajlo Prica
Matthias Hubert Milos Anelkovi Prica & Partners Law Office
Grahame Nelson PricewaterhouseCoopers Wolf Theiss Milo Ili
Al Tamimi & Company Tax & Legal SA ivkovi & Samardi Branka Rajicic
Advocates & Legal Senka Anelkovi Law Office PricewaterhouseCoopers
Abdou Kader Konat National Alliance
Consultants Consulting d.o.o.
Architecte DPLG for Local Economic Marko Janicijevic
Johnson Rajan Development Tomic Sindjelic Branimir Rajsic
Malick Kandji Groza Law Office
Intuit Management Karanovic & Nikolic
Consultancy APIX Agence Charge Aleksandar Andrejic Law Firm
de la Promotion de Prica & Partners Law Office Ana Jankov
Faisal Saad Al-Bedah l'Investissement et des BDK Advokati Marko Repi
Saudi Arabia Customs Grands Travaux Aleksandar Arsic Advokatska Kancelarija
PricewaterhouseCoopers Mihajlo Jovanovi
Oljacic & Todorovic
Emad Salameh Abdou Dialy Kane Consulting d.o.o. Advokatska Kancelarija
Al Tamimi & Company Cabinet Matre Oljacic & Todorovic Sonja Sehovac
Advocates & Legal Abdou Dialy Kane Vlado Babic ivkovi & Samardi
Air Speed Nemanja Kaavenda
Consultants Law Office
Mahi Kane A.D. InterEuropa, Belgrade
Muhammad Anum Saleem PricewaterhouseCoopers Jovan Beara Stojan Semiz
UVRA Irena Kalmi
Eversheds Law Firm Tax & Legal SA Zaviin Semiz & Partners
BDK Advokati
Subahi Mohammed Subahi Sidy Kanoute Slavko Bingulac Neda Spaji
Immorent Singidunum Duan Karali
Al-Ghazzawi Professional Avocat la Cour ivkovi & Samardi
d.o.o. DMK Tax & Finance
Association Law Office
Mouhamed Kebe
Jelena Bojovic Marija Karali
Mohammed Yaghmour Geni & Kebe Marko Srdanovi
National Alliance DMK Tax & Finance
PwC Saudi Arabia Municipality of Surcin
Mamadou Lamine Ba for Local Economic Milica Kouti
Soudki Zawaydeh APIX Development Mirjana Stankovic
Law Offices Jankovi,
PwC Saudi Arabia Development
Doudou Charles Lo Bojana Bregovic Popovi & Miti
Consulting Group
Finkone Transit SA Wolf Theiss Vidak Kovacevic
Wolf Theiss

Dragana Stanojevi Alex Ellenberger Mallay F. Bangura Sahid Mohammed Sesay Kohe Hasan
USAID Business Enabling Add Locus Architects Ltd. Electricity Distribution Serry Kamal & Co Reed Smith
Project - by Cardno and Supply Authority
Joseph Francois Mohamed Sherrington Samura Kaiwei Ho
Emerging Markets USA Ltd. Seychelles Planning Philip Bangura Electricity Generation Ministry of Manpower
Milica Stojanovi Authority Bank of Sierra Leone and Transmission
Jay Jay
Law Offices Jankovi, Company (EGTC)
Bernard Georges Ayesha Bedwei Just R. Transport
Popovi & Miti Georges & Georges PwC Ghana Vivian Solomon Enterprise Pte. Ltd.
Petar Stojanovi Supreme Court of
Fred Hoareau Adiatu Iyamide Betts Chong Kah Kheng
Joksovic, Stojanovi Sierra Leone
Company and KPMG Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
and Partners Land Registry Millicent Stronge
Anthony Y. Brewah Poh Chee Kai
Nikola Sugaris DeLuxe Chamber
Brian Julie Brewah & Co. Building & Construction
Zaviin Semiz & Partners Bryan Julie Law Chambers Donald Samuel Williams Authority
Nicholas Colin Browne-Marke
Robert Sundberg National Revenue
Conrad Lablache Court of Appeals Authority (NRA),
Soo How Koh
Development Pardiwalla Twomey PwC Singapore
Consulting Group Siman Mans Conteh Large Taxpayers Office
Lablache (LTO), Domestic Tax
Income Tax Board of Wong Kum Hoong
Marko Tesanovic Alison Lister Appellate Commissioners Department (DTD) Energy Market Authority
Wolf Theiss Seychelles Revenue
Kwesi Amo Dadson Oluyemisi Williams Huen Poh Lai
Ana Tomic Commission CLAS Consult Ltd.
PwC Ghana RSP Architects Planners
Joksovic, Stojanovi Carlos Loizeau & Engineers (Pte) Ltd.
and Partners Samiria Decker Prince Williams
Central Bank of Seychelles Corporate Affairs
CLAS Consult Ltd. K. Latha
Jovana Tomi Malcolm Moller Commission of Sierra Leone Accounting &
ivkovi & Samardi Momoh Dumbuya
Appleby Corporate Regulatory
Law Office Electricity Distribution Authority, ACRA
Marcus Naiken and Supply Authority
Sneana Tosi Hunt, Deltel & Co. Ltd. Dave Lau
Manilius Garber Ministry of Trade
Serbian Business Registers Accounting &
Margaret Nourice Jarrett-Yaskey, & Industry
Agency (SBRA) Corporate Regulatory
Stamp Duty Commission Garber & Associates: State Courts Authority, ACRA
Goran Vucic Architects (JYGA)
Joksovic, Stojanovi Brian Orr Lim Ah Kuan Yvonne Lay
and Partners MEJ Electrical Francis Kwame Gerber SP PowerGrid Ltd. Inland Revenue Authority
Halloway & Partners of Singapore
Sreko Vujakovi Zara Pardiwalla Yvonne Ang
Moravcevic, Vojnovic & Pardiwalla Twomey Public Utilities Board Lee Lay See
partners in cooperation Lablache Cyril Jalloh
Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
National Social Security Caroline Berube
with Schoenherr Wendy Pierre
and Insurance Trust HJM Asia Law & Co LLC Eng Beng Lee
Tanja Vukoti Marinkovi Company and Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP
Land Registry Mohamed Jalloh Piyush Bhandari
Serbian Business Registers
Akim and Satu C&F Agency Intuit Management Yuan Lee
Agency (SBRA) Victor Pool Consultancy Wong Tan & Molly Lim LLC
Milena Vukovi Buha Office of the Ahmed Yassin Jallo-Jamboria
Attorney General Priyanka Bhandari Edwin Leow
Ajilon Solutions Ransford Johnson Intuit Management Nexia TS Tax Services
Milo Vuli Lisa Rouillon Lambert & Partners, Consultancy Pte. Ltd.
Prica & Partners Law Office Attorney-at-Law Premiere Chambers
Andrew Chan Yik Wee Liew
Djordje Zejak Serge Rouillon Jerrie Kamara Allen & Gledhill LLP Wong Partnership LLP
BDK Advokati Attorney-at-Law KPMG
Ewe Jin Chan Joshua Lim
Milo ivkovi Divino Sabino Alieyah Keita ECAS Consultant Pte. Ltd. Accounting &
ivkovi & Samardi Pardiwalla Twomey Patrick Syl Kongo Corporate Regulatory
Lablache Jason Chan
Law Office National Revenue Authority, ACRA
Allen & Gledhill LLP
Igor ivkovski Veerghese Samuel Authority
Tan Chau Yee Kenneth Lim
ivkovi & Samardi Office of the Lansana Kotor-Kamara Allen & Gledhill LLP
Attorney General Harry Elias Partnership
Law Office Fast Track
YC Chee Meng May Lim
Anthony Savy de St. Maurice Commercial Court
SEYCHELLES RSM Chio Lim LLP Building & Construction
Aquarius Shipping George Kwatia Authority
Public Utilities Corporation Agency Ltd. Hooi Yen Chin
PwC Ghana
Polaris Law Corporation Peng Hong Lim
Fanette Albert Kieran B. Shah
Millicent Lewis-Ojumu PH Consulting Pte. Ltd.
Seychelles Planning Barrister & Ng Chin Lock
CLAS Consult Ltd.
Authority Attorney-at-Law SP PowerGrid Ltd. William Lim
Michala Mackay Credit Bureau
Clifford Andre Brohnsonn Winslow Chee Beow Chng
Corporate Affairs Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Law Chamber Of Winslow Naya Consulting Chip Eng Seng
Commission of Sierra Leone
Clifford Andre Corporation Ltd. Wai Hui Ling
SIERRA LEONE Ibrahim Mansaray Building & Construction
Justin Bacharie Fast Track Eng Christopher Authority
Electrical Consultant Amos Odame Adjei Commercial Court Insolvency and Public
Seychelles PwC Ghana Trustees Office Joseph Liow
Clifford Marcus-Roberts Straits Law
Karishma Beegoo Alfred Akibo-Betts KPMG Kit Min Chye
Appleby National Revenue Tan Peng Chin LLC Eugene Luah
Authority Tamba P. Ngegba Drew Napier
Terry Biscornet Ministry of Works Kamil Dada
Seychelles Planning Padrina Ardua Annan TetraFlow Pte Ltd. Chang Bek Mei
Housing and
Authority PwC Ghana Building & Construction
Infrastructure (MWH&I) Charmaine Deng Authority
Cyril Bonnelame Awoonor Renner Francis Nyama Building & Construction
Oceana Fisheries BCAR - Beacard Chambers Authority Loh Meiling
Electricity Distribution
Awoonor Renner Nexia TS Tax Services
Juliette Butler and Supply Authority Miah Fok Pte. Ltd.
Appleby Gideon Ayi-Owoo Afolabi Oluwole Credit Bureau
PwC Ghana Singapore Pte. Ltd. Nikisha Mirpuri
Petar Chakarov Customerworth
Reed Smith
Healy Consultants Isiaka Balogun Eduard Parkinson Joseph Foo
Group PLC KPMG The National Girish Naik
Electricity Distribution
Environment Agency PwC Singapore
Francis Chang-Sam Abdul Akim Bangura and Supply Authority
Law Chambers of Association of Clearing Sandy Foo Daryl Ng
Alusine Sesay
Francis Chang-Sam and Forwarding Drew Napier DNKH Logistics
Judiciary of Sierra Leone
Agencies Sierra Leone

Beng Hong Ong Mat Fojtl Christiana Serugova Nina Kristari Ana Vran
Wong Tan & Molly Lim LLC Geodesy, Cartography PwC Slovakia Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Fabiani, Petrovi, Jeraj, Rejc
and Cadastre Authority Attorneys-at-Law Ltd.
Teo Han Ping Michal Simunic Uro Krianec
Ministry of Manpower Marek Follrich echov & Partners s.r.o. SKM Law Firm Katja Wostner
Squire Patton Boggs BDO Svetovanje d.o.o.
Mark Quek Jaroslav kubal Sabina Lamut
Allen & Gledhill LLP Roman Hamala PRK Partners s.r.o. LamutS d.o.o Petra Zapuek
Hamala Kluch Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p.
Teck Beng Quek Jakub Vojtko Borut Leskovec
Vglask s.r.o.
Land Transport Authority JNC Legal s.r.o. Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Nina efran
Tatiana Hlukov Deloitte
Johnson Rajan Otakar Weis Vesna Loak
Ministry of Economy
Intuit Management PwC Slovakia Odvetniska druzba Neffat Tina vanut Mio
Consultancy Peter Hodl Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p.
Katarina Zaprazna Jera Majzelj
White & Case s.r.o.
Lim Bok Hwa Sandy PwC Slovakia Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
Just R. Transport Veronika Hruovsk SOLOMON ISLANDS
Michal Zthureck Miroslav Marchev
Enterprise Pte. Ltd. PRK Partners s.r.o. Credit & Data
White & Case s.r.o. PwC Svetovanje d.o.o.
Jimmy Soh Lucia Huntatov Bureau Limited
Miroslav Zako Nastja Merlak
Yusen Logistics JNC Legal s.r.o. Agnes Atkin
echov & Partners s.r.o. Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p.
Singapore Pte Ltd. Ministry of Land,
Miroslav Jalec
Dagmar Zukalov Matja Miklavi Housing and Survey
Hak Khoon Tan Zpadoslovensk
Energy Market Authority Distribun AS Zukalov - Advoktska SODO d.o.o.
kancelria s.r.o. Don Boykin
Bojan Mlaj Pacific Architects Ltd.
Henry Tan Mria Juraevsk
Nexia TS Tax Services PwC Slovakia Energy Agency of the
SLOVENIA Republic of Slovenia Anthony Frazier
Pte. Ltd.
Michaela Jurkov Nika Bosni Julie Haro
Eva Moina
Kristy Tan echov & Partners s.r.o. Odvetniki elih & Partnerji Premiere Group of
Allen & Gledhill LLP Schoenherr
Tom Kamenec Companies Ltd.
Maa Drkui Domen Neffat
Martin Tan Zukalov - Advoktska ODI Law Firm John Katahanas
Urban Redevelopment kancelria s.r.o.
Odvetniska druzba Neffat
Sol - Law
Authority Andrej Ekart Mateja Odar
Marin Kapec Local Court Maribor Sebastian Keso
Tay Lek Tan Zpadoslovensk Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
TRADCO Shipping
PwC Singapore Distribun AS Mojca Fakin Neli Okreti
Fabiani, Petrovi, Jeraj, Rejc Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Judy Kirchner
Yong Seng Tay Kristina Klenova Attorneys-at-Law Ltd. BJS Agencies Ltd.
Allen & Gledhill LLP White & Case s.r.o. Ela Omersa
Aleksander Ferk Fabiani, Petrovi, Jeraj, Rejc Silverio Lepe
Joo Heng Teh Martin Kluch PwC Svetovanje d.o.o. Sol - Law
Teh Joo Heng Architects Hamala Kluch Attorneys-at-Law Ltd.
Vglask s.r.o. Ana Filipov Sonja Omerza Wayne Morris
Siu Ing Teng Filipov o.p.d.o.o. Morris & Sojnocki
Singapore Land Authority Ivan Koleni Deloitte
Chartered Accountants
echov & Partners s.r.o. Pavle Flere Aljaz Perme
Edwin Tong Maurice Nonipitu
Allen & Gledhill LLP Roman Konrad Alenka Goreni Nataa Pipan-Nahtigal Kramer Ausenco
Profinam, s.r.o. Deloitte Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
Keam Tong Wong Andrew Radclyffe
Woh Hup Private Limited Miroslav Kopac Mia Gostinar Petra Plevnik
National Bank of Slovakia Law Firm Miro Senica Law Firm Miro Senica Gregory Joseph Sojnocki
Kok Siong Wong and Attorneys Ltd. Morris & Sojnocki
and Attorneys Ltd.
Steven Tan Russell Bedford Jakub Kovik Chartered Accountants
PAC - member of Russell CLS avojsk & Eva Gostisa Bojan Podgorek
Bedford International Partners, s.r.o Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Notariat John Sullivan
Sol - Law
Siew Kwong Wong Karol Kovcs Hermina Govekar Vii Anja Primoi
Energy Market Authority Notarska Komora Bank of Slovenia Deloitte Makario Tagini
Slovenskej Republiky Global Lawyers,
Isaac Yong Damijan Gregorc pela Remec Barristers & Solicitor
Fire Safety & Shelter Gabriela Kubicov Law Firm Miro Senica Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
Department PwC Slovakia and Attorneys Ltd. Whitlam K. Togamae
Jasmina Reidovi Whitlam K Togamae
Lin Zhan Soa Lehock Barbara Hoevar Notary Office Koak Lawyers
Reed Smith Alianciaadvoktov PwC Svetovanje d.o.o.
ak, s.r.o.
Patricija Rot Yolande Yates
Yin Zili Branko Ili Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Goh & Partners
Building & Construction Alex Medek ODI Law Firm
Authority White & Case s.r.o. Sanja Savi
Andra Jadek Deloitte SOMALIA
Nina Molcanova Matja Jan Abdul Rahmad Haji Abdalla
SLOVAK REPUBLIC PwC Slovakia Bostjan Sedmak
ODI Law Firm Odvetnik Sedmak Abdalla
Zreck Zeman Petra Murnov Banadir Regional
Andrej Jarkovi Branka Sedmak
Beta Babaov DEDK & Partners Law Firm Janei & Administration -
Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Municipality of Mogadishu
echov & Partners s.r.o. Milo Nagy Jarkovi Ltd.
Zpadoslovensk Andreja kofi Klanjek Ismail Abdullahi
Jn Budinsk Jernej Jeraj Deloitte
CRIF - Slovak Credit Distribun AS Fabiani, Petrovi, Jeraj, Ministry of Labour
Bureau, s.r.o. Nives Slemenjak and Social Affairs
Jaroslav Niznansky Rejc Attorneys-at-Law Ltd.
Schoenherr Abdikarin Mohamed Ahmed
Peter avojsk JNC Legal s.r.o. Boris Kastelic
CLS avojsk & Financial Institution of Rok Starc Horn Legal Consulting
Andrea Olovsk Services
Partners, s.r.o PRK Partners s.r.o. the Republic of Slovenia Notary Office Koak
Katarna echov Lovro Kleindienst Gregor Strojin Tahlil H. Ahmed
Simona Rapav Horn Legal Consulting
echov & Partners s.r.o. White & Case s.r.o. Transocean Shipping Supreme Court of the
Republic of Slovenia Services
Tomas Cermak Gerta Smelov-Flassikov Sao Koderman
Weinhold Legal Odvetnik Sedmak Tilen Terlep Maryan Ahmed Harun
Alianciaadvoktov Horn Legal Consulting
ak, s.r.o. Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
Tom Cibua Miro Koak Services
White & Case s.r.o. Zuzana Satkova Notary Office Koak Katarina Vodopivec
Supreme Court of the Mohamed Ali
Peter Drenka PwC Slovakia Gregor Kovai Simatech International -
Republic of Slovenia
Hamala Kluch Nikoleta Scasna Jadek & Pensa d.o.o. - o.p. Sima Marine Ltd.
Vglask s.r.o. PwC Slovakia Irena Vodopivec Jean
Nea Kranjc Bank of Slovenia
Jan Dvorecky Odvetniki elih & Partnerji
SCM Logistics s.r.o.

Daud Ali Abdulle Brendon Christian Rajat Ratan Sinha Peter Pitya Pelayo de Salvador Morell
Holac Construction Business Law BC RCS Pvt. Ltd. Business Ministry of Housing DeSalvador Real
Company Advisors Group Estate Lawyers
Haydn Davies Lomoro Robert Bullen
Abdulkadir Ali Adow Webber Wentzel Richard Steinbach Lomoro & Co. Advocates Ivn Delgado Gonzlez
Mayor's Office at the Norton Rose Fulbright Prez - Llorca
Gretchen de Smit Jeremaih Sauka
Municipality of Mogadishu South Africa
ENS Ministry of Justice Rossanna D'Onza
Bile Dhoore Danie Strachan Baker & McKenzie
Heather Dodd James Tadiwe
East Africa Modern Adams & Adams
Engineering Company Savage + Dodd Architects National Consultants Ivn Escribano
Zaidah Swart Association J&A Garrigues SLP
Anine Greef
Wolfsohn and Associates
Abdi Abshir Dorre TransUnion Mut Turuk Julia Fernndez Esteban
Somali Chamber of
Anton Theron Turuk & Co.Advocates Eversheds Nicea
Daneille Halters
Commerce & Industry Tonkin Clacey Pretoria
TransUnion Daniel Wani Adriadna Galimany
Mohamed Dubad
Paul Vermeulen Engineering Council Gmez-Acebo &
Nastascha Harduth
East Africa Modern CityPower of South Sudan Pombo Abogados
Werksmans Inc.
Engineering Company Jean Visagie Simon Patrick Wani Patricia Garcia
(EAMECO) Julian Jones
PwC South Africa Ajo & Co. Advocates Baker & McKenzie
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc.
Hassan Mohammed Farah Rory Voller Valentn Garca Gonzlez
Holac Construction Tobie Jordaan SPAIN
Companies and Intellectual Cuatrecasas,
Company Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. Property Commission (CIPC) Gonalves Pereira
Equifax Iberica
Omar Mohamed Farah J. Michael Judin
Anthony Whittaker Ministerio de Economa, Ignacio Garca Silvestre
Holac Construction Judin Combrinck CityPower Baker & McKenzie
Inc. Attorneys Industria y Competitividad
St. Elmo Wilken Basilio Aguirre Borja Garca-Alamn
Abdiwahid Osman Haji Lisa Koenig
ENS Registro de la J&A Garrigues SLP
Mogadishu Law Office TransUnion
Gareth Williams-Wynn Propiedad de Espaa Cristino Gomez
Mahad Hassan Jeffrey Kron
Karter Margub Iigo Alejandre Arkitandem Sl
Horn Legal Consulting Norton Rose Fulbright & Associates
South Africa Ashurst LLP Manuel Gomez
Colin Wolfsohn Maria Alonso J&A Garrigues SLP
Mahdi Hassan David Kruyer
Wolfsohn and Associates DLA Piper Spain
Daryeel Shipping Concargo Pty. Ltd. Juan Ignacio Gomeza Villa
and Forwarding Angel Alonso Hernndez Notario de Bilbao
Johnathan Leibbrandt SOUTH SUDAN
Webber Wentzel Ura & Menndez, Flaminia Gonzlez-Barba Bolza
Sadia Hassan Mufti Othaneil Akum member of Lex Mundi White & Case
Abdirahman Hassan Wardere Eric Levenstein Ministry of Justice
Werksmans Inc. Alfonso Alvarado Planas Alvaro Gonzlez-Escalada
Mogadishu University Roda Allison Dokolo Direccin General de Logesta
Hassan Abukar Hirabe Shoayb Loonat Lomoro & Co. Advocates Industria, Energa y Minas
Holac Construction Enumerate Consulting David Grasa Graell
Monyluak Alor Kuol Javier lvarez AGG
Company Kyle Mandy Liberty Advocates LLP J&A Garrigues SLP
Said Mohamed Hussein PwC South Africa Carlos Hernndez
Jimmy Araba Parata Jacobo Archilla Martn-Sanz Metropolitana de
Ministry of Commerce Venashrie Mannar Engineering Council Asociacion/
& Industry Aduanas y Transportes
Adams & Adams of South Sudan Colegio Nacional de &
Ahmed Jama Kheire Tiago Martins Ingenieros del ICAI
Gabriel Isaac Awow Juan Miguel Hernandez
Adami General Service Transitex Global Logistics Ministry of Justice Irene Arvalo Herrera
Godfrey Maina Macharia Operations Pty. Ltd. White & Case Ura & Menndez,
Premal Bataviya
Ahmed Mahmoud Patt Mazibuko Infotech Group Serena Argente Escartn member of Lex Mundi
City of Johannesburg - Raposo Bernardo Gabriele Hofmann
Abdiwahid Mohamed Building Development Leo Bouma & Associados
Somali Chamber of Newton Law Group Fourlaw Abogados
Commerce & Industry Nuria Armas Pablo Hontoria
Terrick McCallum Soro Edward Eli Banco de Espaa
Mariam Mohamed Import Forum Prez - Llorca
Baker & McKenzie
International Limited Ana Armijo Alejandro Huertas Len
Bashir Mohamed Sheikh Katlego Mmuoe Ashurst LLP
Mogadishu University Halim Gebeili J&A Garrigues SLP
Azwindini Molaudzi Newton Law Group Denise Bejarano
Ali Mohamud Mahadalle Guillermo Lillo Jaramillo
City of Johannesburg - Prez - Llorca
Hijaz Clearance and Ajo Noel Julius Kenyi J&A Garrigues SLP
Building Development
Forwarding Service Management Ajo & Co. Advocates Monika Beltram Mara Lourdes Lpez Rivera
Monereo Meyer PwC Spain
Samia Saciid Laban Naidoo Benson Karuiru Marinel-lo Abogados
East Africa Modern City of Johannesburg - EY Esperanza Lopez Rodriguez
Engineering Company Building Development Vicente Bootello Ura & Menndez,
Jimmy Kato J&A Garrigues SLP
(EAMECO) Management Jireh Services member of Lex Mundi
Hassan Yussuf Graeme Palmer Company Limited Agustn Bou Marina Lorente
International Bank Garlicke & Bousfield Inc. Jausas J&A Garrigues SLP
Nawaz Khan
of Somalia Hctor Bouzo Cortejosa
Shannon Quinn South Sudan Engineering Alberto Lorenzo
Judin Combrinck Solutions Solcaisur S.L. Banco de Espaa
Inc. Attorneys Hellen Achiro Lotara Antonio Bravo Julio Isidro Lozano
Bidvest Panalpina Logistics National Ministry of Eversheds Nicea
Kwanele Radebe LVA Luis Vidal + Architects
Pinsent Masons Africa LLP The Standard Bank of Labour, Public Service Laura Camarero
& Human Resources Joaquin Macias
South Africa Limited Baker & McKenzie
Douglas Ainslie Development Ashurst LLP
Bowmans Malope Ramagaga Rosalia Cambronero
Monywiir Marial Alberto Manzanares
CityPower Direccin General
Nicolaos Akritidis Ajo & Co. Advocates Ashurst LLP
Paradigm Architects Lucinde Rhoodie del Espacio Pblico,
Ramadhan A.M. Mogga Ayuntamiento de Madrid Gregorio Maraon Medina
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc.
Okyerebea Ampofo-Anti Ramadhan & Law Maraon Longoria SL
Webber Wentzel Wesley Rosslyn-Smith Lola Cano
Associates Daniel Marn
University of Pretoria Banco de Espaa
Kobus Blignaut Issa Muzamil Gmez-Acebo &
Attorney Richard Shein Ignacio Castrilln Jorge Pombo Abogados
Juba Associated Advocates
Bowmans Iberdrola Distribucin
Zamadeyi Cebisa Peter Atem Ngor Elctrica SAU Ignacio Martn Martn
Webber Wentzel David Short Rhino Stars Fernndez
Fairbridges Attorneys Miguel Cruz Amors Cazorla Abogados, SLP
PwC Spain

Marina Martinez lvaro Rojo P.N.R. Fernando Mohamed Rizni ST. LUCIA
Baker & McKenzie J&A Garrigues SLP Colombo Municipal Speed International
Council Freight Systems Ltd. Clive Antoine
Jorge Martn-Fernndez Javier Romeu Ministry of Sustainable
Clifford Chance TIBA Internacional SA Thuwaraka Ganeshan Heshika Rupasinghe Development, Energy,
Tiruchelvam Associates Tiruchelvam Associates Science and Technology
Alberto Mata Mireia Sabate
The Spain American Baker & McKenzie Thambippillai Gobalasingam Shane Silva Natalie Augustin
Bar Association Deloitte Julius & Creasy Glitzenhirn Augustin & Co.
Jaime Salvador
Jos Manuel Mateo Russell Bedford Espaa Jivan Goonetilleke Priya Sivagananathan Oswald Augustin
J&A Garrigues SLP Auditores y Consultores D.L. & F. De Saram Julius & Creasy Joseph Shipping
SL - member of Russell
Mara Jess Mazo Venero Naomal Goonewardena A.H. Sumathipala Judge Francis Belle
Bedford International
Consejo General Nithya Partners Neelakandan & Eastern Caribbean
del Notariado Eduardo Santamara Moral Neelakandan Supreme Court
Shehara Gunasekera
J&A Garrigues SLP
Jos Mara Menndez Snchez F.J. & G. De Saram Harshana Suriyapperuma Sardia Cenac-Prospere
Asociacion/ Pablo Santos Fita Securities & Exchange Floissac Fleming
M. Basheer Ismail
Colegio Nacional de Deloitte Abogados Commission & Associates
Ingenieros del ICAI Deloitte
Marcos Sobern J.M. Swaminathan Geoffrey Duboulay
David Jacob
Valentn Merino Lpez Linklaters Julius & Creasy Floissac Fleming
Valentn Merino Fits Express Pvt. Ltd.
Raimon Tagliavini Shehara Varia & Associates
Arquitectos SL Sonali Jayasuriya-Rajapakse
Ura Menndez F.J. & G. De Saram Michael Duboulay
Alberto Monreal Lasheras D.L. & F. De Saram
Francisco Tllez de Gregorio G.G. Weerakkody Floissac Fleming
PwC Spain Niral Kadawatharatchie & Associates
Fourlaw Abogados Colombo Municipal
Pedro Manuel Moreira Dos Freight Links Council Lydia Faisal
Adrin Thery International (Pte.) Ltd.
Richard Frederick and
SCA Legal SLP J&A Garrigues SLP Charmalie Weerasekera
Rajah Kadirgama Lydia Faisals' Chambers
Enrique Moreno Serrano
Ivan Tintore Subirana Fast transit logistics
Sylma Finisterre
Ura & Menndez, Metropolitana de Pvt. Ltd. Oshani Wijewardena
Finisterre Attorneys
member of Lex Mundi
Aduanas y Transportes D.L. & F. De Saram
Charana Kanankegamage
& Brenda Floissac-Fleming
Pedro Neira F.J. & G. De Saram John Wilson
Floissac Fleming
Cazorla Abogados, SLP
Alejandro Valls John Wilson Partners
H.E.I. Karunarathna & Associates
Baker & McKenzie
lex Nistal Vzquez Colombo Municipal
Monereo, Meyer &
Adrin Vzquez Council
Peter I. Foster & Associates
Marinel-Lo Abogados SLP Ura & Menndez, Michella Adrien
Chamila Karunarathne
member of Lex Mundi The Law Offices of Carol J. Gedeon
Nicols Nogueroles Peir F.J. & G. De Saram
Juan Verdugo Michella Adrien Chancery Chambers
Colegio de Registradores Sankha Karunaratne
de la Propiedad y
J&A Garrigues SLP Charlene Berry Garth George
F.J. & G. De Saram
Mercantiles de Espaa Fernando Vives Ruiz Scotiabank St. Lucia Electricity
Janaka Lakmal Services Ltd.
Rafael Nez-Lagos de Miguel J&A Garrigues SLP Neil Coates
Credit Information
Ura & Menndez, Grant Thornton Cheryl Goddard-Dorville
Bureau of Sri Lanka
member of Lex Mundi SRI LANKA Floissac Fleming
Ishara Madarasinghe Rayana Dowden & Associates
lvaro Felipe Ochoa Pinzn Asanka Abeysekera F.J. & G. De Saram Webster Law Firm
J&A Garrigues SLP Tiruchelvam Associates Claire Greene-Malaykhan
Sujeewa Mudalige Bernie Greaux Peter I. Foster & Associates
Juan Oate Anushika Abeywickrama PwC Sri Lanka Tropical Shipping
Linklaters F.J. & G. De Saram Natasha James
Kandiah Neelakandan Dahlia Joseph Rowe Eastern Caribbean
Francisco Pablo Nihal Sri Ameresekere Neelakandan & Joseph Rowe Supreme Court
DHL Express Consultants 21 Ltd. Neelakandan Attorneys-at-Law
John Larcher
Isabel Palacios Nandi Anthony Abirami Nithiananthan Adeola Moore J.H. Larcher's Electrics Ltd.
Clifford Chance Credit Information Tiruchelvam Associates Inland Revenue Authority
Bureau of Sri Lanka Kareem Larcher
Daniel Parejo Ballesteros Nirosha Peiris Shaunette Pemberton J.H. Larcher's Electrics Ltd.
J&A Garrigues SLP Surangi Arawwawala Tiruchelvam Associates Grant Thornton
PwC Sri Lanka Bradley Paul
Julio Peralta de Arriba Priyantha Peiris Steadroy Pemberton Bradley Paul Associates
White & Case Peshala Attygalle Colombo Municipal Five Diamond Services
Nithya Partners Company Ltd Richard Peterkin
Patricia Pila Council
Grant Thornton
DLA Piper Spain Harsha Cabral Dayaratne Perera Tony Scatliffe II
Chambers of R & T Design-Build Candace Polius
Mara Jos Plaza Colombo Municipal
Harsha Cabral Consultants Group Ltd. Polius & Associates
Asociacion/ Council
Colegio Nacional de Dilmini Cooray Heidi Lynn Sutton Martin S. Renee
Nissanka Perera
Ingenieros del ICAI D.L. & F. De Saram Law Offices of T.A.C.T. Renee's Construction
PwC Sri Lanka
Liburd & H.D. Sutton Company
Carlos Pol Savantha De Saram W.A. Chulananda Perera
Jausas D.L. & F. De Saram Sanshe N.N. Thompson Matthew T. Sargusingh
Department of Customs
St. Kitts Electricity Tri-Finity Associates
Carolina Posse Chamari de Silva Sunil Premarathna Department Catherine Sealys
Gmez-Acebo & F.J. & G. De Saram Department of Customs
Pombo Abogados Deborah Tyrell Procurement Services
Suvendrini Dimbulana Nishan Premathiratne International
Halix Corporation
Ignacio Quintana Elena D.L. & F. De Saram Chambers of
PwC Spain Larry Vaughan Chala Smith
Nilmini Ediriweera Harsha Cabral
Customs and Excise Registry of Companies and
Nelson Raposo Bernardo Julius & Creasy Sabaratnam Rajendran Department Intellectual Property
Raposo Bernardo Manjula Ellepola Department of Customs
& Associados Leonora Walwyn Finelle Smith
F.J. & G. De Saram Rasheedha Ramjani WalwynLaw Grant Thornton
lvaro Rif Amila Fernando Tiruchelvam Associates
Ura Menndez Lennox Warner Avery Trim
Julius & Creasy Hiranthi Ratnayake Lennox Warner Ministry of Physical
Javier Rodrguez Anjali Fernando PwC Sri Lanka and Partner Development, Housing,
Gmez-Acebo & F.J. & G. De Saram and Urban Renewal
Pombo Abogados Sanjeewanie Ratnayake Charles Wilkin QC
Ayomi Fernando Credit Information Kelsick, Wilkin & Ferdinand Leandra Gabrielle Verneuil
Eduardo Rodrguez-Rovira Employers' Federation Bureau of Sri Lanka Chambers of Jennifer
Ura & Menndez, Collin Williams Remy & Associates
of Ceylon
member of Lex Mundi Royal Logistics

ST. VINCENT AND Huzeifa Fareed Ahmed Osman Anneke Chin-A-Lin Chris Forte Rickard Jansson
THE GRENADINES Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer Swazi Surveys Panalpina AB
Joanne Danoesemito
& Associates Advocates
Central Water and VSH Shipping Earl John Henwood Kim Jokinen
Sewerage Authority Nazar Hamad Henwood & Company hrlings
Anoeschka Debipersad
Al Shaiea Company PricewaterhouseCoopers
St. Vincent Electricity A.E. Debipersad & Andrew Linsey
Services Ltd. Amr Hamad Omar Associates PwC Swaziland
Emirates Islamic Bank Elena Kadelburger
Kay R.A. Bacchus-Browne Norman Doorson Mangaliso Magagula
Miller Rosenfalck LLP
Kay Bacchus-Browne Ahmed Hamoda Elnour Management Institute GLIS Magagula & Hlophe
Chambers Sudan Electric Almira Kashani
Marcel K. Eyndhoven Nhlanhla Maphanga
Distribution Company Miller Rosenfalck LLP
Stanley DeFreitas N.V. EnergieBedrijven Lang Mitchell Associates
Defreitas & Associates Elwaleed Hussein Suriname Jarle Kjelingtveit
Gabsile Maseko
Vilma Diaz de Gonsalves Kenneth Foe A. Man Robinson Bertram
Corporate Services Inc. Mohamed Ibrahim Rikard Lindahl
Dirk Heave Tshidi Masisi-Hlanze
Somarain Oriental Co. Advokatfirman Vinge KB,
Theona R. Elizee-Stapleton Rachelle Jong-Along-Asan Masisi-Hlanze Attorneys member of Lex Mundi
Commerce & Intellectual Alaa Jalal Eldin Mohamed
Hakrinbank NV Sabelo Masuku
Property Office (CIPO) Ibrahim Dennis Linden
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer Antoon Karg Howe Masuku Lantmteriet
Zhinga Horne Edwards & Associates Advocates Lim A. Po Law Firm Nsibande Attorneys
Law Chambers of Zhinga Inger Lindhe
Thandiwe Mkandla
Horne Edwards Ahmed Mahdi Johan Kastelein Lantmteriet
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer Kastelein Design Henwood & Company
Stanley John Helne Lindqvist
& Associates Advocates Kenneth J. Motsa
Elizabeth Law Chambers Satish Mahes Bolagsverket - Swedish
Ghada Mahmoud Eljeedawi Hakrinbank NV Robinson Bertram Companies Registration
Moulton Mayers Somarain Oriental Co. George Mzungu Office (SCRO)
Moulton Mayers Henk Naarendorp
Tarig Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer Chamber of Commerce M&E Consulting Engineers Christoffer Monell
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer & Industry Knox Nxumalo Mannheimer Swartling
Martin Sheen & Associates Advocates Robinson Bertram Advokatbyr
Commerce & Intellectual Joanne Pancham
Property Office (CIPO) Amin Mekki Medani Chamber of Commerce Kobla Quashie Karl-Arne Olsson
El Karib & Medani & Industry Kobla Quashie and Wesslau Soderqvist
Shelford Stowe Advocates Associates Advokatbyra
Ministry of Housing, Edwards Redjosentone
Informal Human Lamis Mohamed Abdalgadir N.V. EnergieBedrijven Jos Rodrigues Jesper Schnbeck
Settlements, Lands Osman Suriname Rodrigues & Associates Advokatfirman Vinge KB,
and Surveys Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer member of Lex Mundi
Adiel Sakoer Bongani Simelane
& Associates Advocates
Trevor Thompson NV Eklipze Logistics Municipal Council Mikael Sderman
TVA Consultant Sayab Mohamed Osman of Mbabane Advokatfirman
Tjanderwatie Sieglien Sewdien
Ibrahim Swar Bastling & Partners
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer Coster Advocaten Pieter Smoor
SUDAN Integrated Development Astrid Trolle Adams
& Associates Advocates Prija Soechitram
Omer Abdel Ati Consultants (IDC) Miller Rosenfalck LLP
Tarig Monim Chamber of Commerce
Omer Abdelati Law Firm & Industry John Thomson Petter Vaeren
TM Advisory
Ali Abdelrahman Khalil Mormond Electrical Flood Herslow Home
Albert D. Soedamah
Shami, Khalil & Tariq Mubarak Contractors
El Karib & Medani Lawfirm Soedamah Albert Wllgren
Siddig Advocates & Associates Manene Thwala Advokatfirman Vinge KB,
Mohammed Abdullah Thwala Attorneys member of Lex Mundi
Jane Peggy Tjon
Mohammed Abdulhakim Omar
SDV Logistics Coster Advocaten Bradford Mark Walker Carl Johan Wallnerstrm
SDV Logistics Brad Walker Architects Swedish Energy
Silvano Tjong-Ahin
Wala Hassan Aboalela Rayan Omer Markets Inspectorate
Omer Abdelati Law Firm Management Institute GLIS Patricia Zwane (Energimarknadsinspektionen)
El Karib & Medani TransUnion ITC
Advocates Carol-Ann Tjon-Pian-Gi
Enas Salih Swaziland Pty. Ltd. Magnus Wennerhorn
Shami, Khalil & Lawyer and Sworn White & Case
Abdalla Abuzeid Translator
Abdalla A. Abuzeid Siddig Advocates SWEDEN Anna Werner
& Associates Milton van Brussel
Abdelkhalig Shaib Stockholm City Hall Elmzell Advokatbyr AB,
ASAR Al Ruwayeh BDO member of Ius Laboris
Mohamed Ibrahim Adam Charles Andersson
Dr. Adam & Associates & Partners Jennifer van Dijk-Silos
Law Firm Van Dijk-Silos Ashurst Advokatbyr AB SWITZERLAND
Hatim Al Hag Wafa Shami
Shami, Khalil & Kenneth van Gom Therese Andersson Rashid Bahar
Abdalla Bashir Ibrahim Alataya Siddig Advocates Gom Food Industries NV hrlings Br&KarrerAG
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer PricewaterhouseCoopers
& Associates Advocates Husameldin Taha Baboelal Widjindra AB Marc Bernheim
Sudanese Commercial Chamber of Commerce Staiger Attorneys-
Imtinan Ali Law Office (SCLO) & Industry Mats Berter at-Law Ltd.
Marwa Taha Andy Wong Myriam Bchi-Bnteli
Omer El Sharif Abdulla Shami, Khalil & N.V. EnergieBedrijven Alexander Broch PwC Switzerland
Emirates Islamic Bank Siddig Advocates Suriname resunds Redovisning AB
Lukas Bhlmann
Ahmed Eldirdiri Abdel Gadir Warsama Ghalib Anthony Wong Laura Carlson PwC Switzerland
Sudanese Commercial Dr. Abdel Gadir General Contractors Stockholm University,
Law Office (SCLO) Warsama Ghalib & Association of Suriname Department of Law Martin Burkhardt
Associates Legal Firm Lenz & Staehelin
Mohamed Elebodi ke Dahlqvist
CIASA Mohamed Zain SWAZILAND UC Massimo Calderan
KAYAN Consultancy Altenburger Ltd.
Ahmed M. Elhillali Federation of Swaziland Mia Edlund Legal + Tax
American Sudanese Employers and Chamber Baker & McKenzie
Consulting Inc. SURINAME of Commerce Ivo Cathry
Lars Hartzell Froriep Legal AG
Mustafa Elshiekh Notariaat Blom KPMG Elmzell Advokatbyr AB,
CIASA Robert Bottse member of Ius Laboris Boudry Charles
Lucas Bhembe
Hatim Elshoush Ezulwini Municipality Elisabeth Heide
El Barkal Engineering Sieglien Burleson Ashurst Advokatbyr AB Flavio Delli Colli
Ray Dlamini
Company Lenz & Staehelin
Dennis Chandansingh Bicon Consulting Engineers Erik Hygrell
Eyhab Fadl DCA Accountants Wistrand Advokatbyr Stefan Eberhard
Veli Dlamini
Mahmoud Elsheikh Omer & Consultants Oberson Abels SA
Interfreight Pty. Ltd.
& Associates Advocates

Suzanne Eckert Alaa Ahmad Yo-Yi Chen Tien-Tsai Lin Chun-Feng Wu

Wenger Plattner Syrian Strategic Think Formosa Transnational National Customs Brokers Taiwan International
Tank Research Center Association of ROC Ports Corp. Ltd.
Jana Essebier Chun-Yih Cheng
Vischer AG Sadi Alkhouri Formosa Transnational Veronica Lin Ja-Lin Wu
KPMG Syria Eiger National Development
Robert Furter Cathy Chin
Pestalozzi, member Serene Almaleh Taiwan International You-Jing Lin
of Lex Mundi Sultans Law Logistics & Supply Chi-Sheng Law Firm Pei-Yu Wu
Chain Association Baker & McKenzie
Gaudenz Geiger Layla Alsamman Julia Liu
Staiger Attorneys- Deloitte Syria May Chou Bollor Logistics Yen-yi Wu
at-Law Ltd. APL Taiwan Ltd. Winkler Partners
Jamil Ammar
Riccardo Geiser Rutgers Law School Philip T. C. Fei Kang-Shen Liu Alex Yeh
Altenburger Ltd. Fei & Cheng Associates Lexcel Partners LCS & Partners
Ghada Armali
Legal + Tax
Sarkis & Associates Mark Harty Shu-Ying Liu
Matthias Giger LCS & Partners Ministry of TAJIKISTAN
Reem Awad
CEVA Logistics Economic Affairs AITEN Consulting Group
Commerce & Engineering Sophia Hsieh
Olivier Hari Consultants Tsar & Tsai Law Firm, Wanyi Liu Association of Banks
Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd. member of Lex Mundi Financial Supervisory of Tajikistan
Mohammad Khaled
Thomas H. Henle Darwicheh Chin-Yun Hsu Baker Tilly Tajikistan
Banking Bureau
IL Industrie-Leasing Ltd. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Securities and Futures
Legal (TAG-Legal) Bureau, Financial Stacy Lo Bakhtiyor Abdulloev
Anouk Hirt ABM Trans Service LLC
Supervisory Commission Lexcel Partners
Br&KarrerAG Richard El Mouallem
PwC Lebanon Robert Hsu Alice Lu Manuchehr Abdusamadzoda
Ani Homberger CIBT - Credit Information
Bollor Logistics LCS & Partners
LALIVE Nada Elsayed
Taiwan Ltd. Bureau in Tajikistan
PwC Lebanon Judy Lu
David Jenny Zarrina Adham
Jamie Huang Lee and Li,
Vischer AG Anas Ghazi
Huang & Partners Attorneys-at-Law CJSC MDO Humo
Meethak - Lawyers
L. Mattias Johnson Zulfiya Akchurina
& Consultants Margaret Huang Wan-Chu Lu
Froriep Legal AG LCS & Partners Ministry of Interior GRATA International
Gordon Gray
Cyrill Kaeser Ilhom Amirhonov
National U.S.-Arab T.C. Huang Joseph Ni
Lenz & Staehelin Chamber of Commerce Huang & Partners Good Earth CPA ABM Trans Service LLC
Michael Kramer Dzhamshed Asrorov
Fadi Kardous Charles Hwang Patrick Pai-Chiang Chu
Pestalozzi, member Kardous Law Office Yangming Partners Lee and Li, CJSC MDO Humo
of Lex Mundi
Attorneys-at-Law Gulanor Atobek
Mamon Katbeh Gloria Juan
Cdric Lenoir Deloitte & Touche LLC
Central Bank of Syria Yangming Partners Shiaw-Der Pan
Hussein Khaddour Jung-Chang Lai Amirbek Azizov
Beat Luescher Ministry of Labor,
Syrian Legal Bureau Taipei City Government Lloyd Roberts
AZ Elektro AG Eiger Migration and Employment
Alaa Nizam Wei-Ping Lai of Population
Valerie Meyer Bahar
Alaa Nizam Law Office Yu-Ding Law Firm Ching-Ping Shao
Niederer Kraft & Frey AG National Taiwan University Denis Bagrov
Gabriel Oussi En-Fong Lan Centil Law Firm
Kaisa Miller
Oussi Law Firm Primordial Law Firm Scarlett Tang
EY Tsar & Tsai Law Firm, Abdulbori Baybabaev
Fadi Sarkis Jenny Lee Law Firm Lex
Andrea Molino member of Lex Mundi
Sarkis & Associates Pamir Law Group
MAG Legis SA Tanya Y. Teng Petar Chakarov
Arem Taweel Max Lee Healy Consultants
Konrad Moor Huang & Partners
Ebraheem Taweel Tsar & Tsai Law Firm, Group PLC
Brgi Ngeli Lawyers Law Office member of Lex Mundi Bee Leay Teo
Marco Mhlemann Baker & McKenzie Akhror Edgarov
Ebraheem Taweel Vivian Lee CJSC MDO Humo
EY Ebraheem Taweel Huang & Partners David Tien
Angela Oppliger Law Office Lee and Li, Manvel Harutyunyan
John Li Grant Thornton LLP
Vischer AG Attorneys-at-Law
LCS & Partners
Daniela Reinhardt TAIWAN, CHINA C.F. Tsai Elena Kaeva
Justin Liang PwC Kazakhstan
PwC Switzerland Jack Chang Deep & Far,
Baker & McKenzie Attorneys-at-Law
Alexander Reus Yangming Partners Assel Khamzina
Angela Lin PwC Kazakhstan
Diaz Reus & Targ LLP Kuo-Ming Chang Chiun-Yi Tsai
Lexcel Partners Ministry of
Roman Rinderknecht Joint Credit Alisher Khoshimov
Information Center Frank Lin Economic Affairs Centil Law Firm
EY Rexmed Industries Co. Ltd.
Sur-Form Chang David Tsai Khurshed Mirziyoev
Ueli Schindler Lexcel Partners
Acer Incorporated Jeffrey Lin Tax Committee under
AECOM/URS Joint Credit Rita Tsai Government of the
Daniel Schmitz Victor Chang Information Center APL Republic of Tajikistan
PwC Switzerland LCS & Partners
Kien Lin Kamoliddin Mukhamedov
Christine Chen Yu-ti Tsai
Corinne Studer Joint Credit Winkler Partners GRATA International
Handelsregisteramt Winkler Partners Information Center
des Kantons Huan-Kai Tseng Rustam Nazrisho
Daniel Chen Lilian Lin
PwC Taiwan Nazrisho & Mirzoev
Jean-Paul Vullity Winkler Partners Financial Supervisory Law Firm LLC
LALIVE Edgar Y. Chen Commission, Vivian W. Chen
Banking Bureau PwC Taiwan Temirlan Nildibayev
Patrick Weber Tsar & Tsai Law Firm, PwC Kazakhstan
EKZ Elektrizittswerke member of Lex Mundi Ming-Yen Lin Antoine Wang
des Kantons Zrich Deep & Far, TBBC Ltd. Ganchina Nuralieva
Emily Chen
Attorneys-at-Law Centil Law Firm
Stefan Zangger LCS & Partners Felix Yifan Wang
Belglobe International LLC Nelson J. Lin Yangming Partners Bahodur Nurov
Nicholas V. Chen
Huang & Partners GRATA International
Marc Zimmermann Pamir Law Group Richard Watanabe
Lenz & Staehelin Rich Lin PwC Taiwan Anjelika Pazdnyakova
Romy Chen
LCS & Partners Grant Thornton LLP
National Development Huang William
SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Council Sheau Chyng Lin Gibsin Electrical Faizali Rajabov
Primordial Law Firm Consultancy Association of
EY Ying-Hua Chen
Constructors of Tajikistan
Taiwan Stock Exchange

Firdavs S. Mirzoev Umaiya Masoli Metropolitan Pakwan Chuensunwankul Arunee Mahathorn

Nazrisho & Mirzoev Bank of Tanzania Electricity Authority Department of Business Thanathip & Partners
Law Firm LLC Development, Ministry Counsellors Limited
Abdul Masunga Ministry of Finance
of Commerce
Aisanat Safarbek Kyzy Zimbabwe Electricity Florian Maier
NEOEX Enterprise Co. Ltd.
GRATA International Transmission & Suwanna Chuerboonchai Antares Advisory Ltd.
Distribution Company PEL Engineering Co. Ltd. Securities and Exchange
Nadir Saidovich Thanissorn Masuchand
Said Ltd. Verediana Mkabahati Panida Agkavikai Baker & McKenzie
Bollor Africa Logistics Bangkok Global Law Nuttita Chungsawat
Emin Sanginzoda Rudeewan Mikhanorn
Offices Limited Antares Advisory Ltd.
Ministry of Labor, Deogratius Mmasy EY
Migration and Employment PwC Tanzania Chavapol Akkaravoranun Paul Connelly
Pongphan Narasin
of Population Baker & McKenzie International Legal
Freddy Moshy
Counsellors Thailand Mazars Thailand Ltd.
Kanat Seidaliev Tanzania Revenue Narupat Amornkosit
Limited (ILCT) Anuwat Ngamprasertkul
GRATA International Authority Energy Regulatory
Commission (ERC) Samruay Daengduang PwC Thailand
Marina Shamilova Mirumbe Mseti
Department of Business Bowornsith Nitiyavanich
Legal Consulting Group PwC Tanzania Somsak Anakkasela
Development, Ministry Hughes Krupica
PwC Thailand
Takdir Sharifov Ayoub Mtafya of Commerce Consulting Co. Ltd.
Takdir Sharifov Nexlaw Advocates Salinthip Anpattanakul
Monnira Danwiwat Nicha Nutchayangkul
Private Practitioner Silk Legal Company Ltd. Bangkok Global Law
Angel Mwesiga LawPlus Ltd.
Sherzod Sodatkadamov Abenry & Company Puangrat Anusanti Offices Limited
Surapol Opasatien
Nazrisho & Mirzoev Advocates EY Thanathat Ghonkaew
Law Firm LLC National Credit
Deogratias Myamani Janist Aphornratana Comin Thai Engineering Bureau Co. Ltd.
Farzona Tilavova Bank of Tanzania TMF Thailand Limited Solutions Co. Ltd.
Wynn Pakdeejit
Kamolot 1 Thirapa Glinsukon
Athanasius Nangali Jedsada Ariyachatkul Baker & McKenzie
Consulting Group PwC Thailand
Zimbabwe Electricity Thai Customs Department
Rangsima Pakkoh
Aliya Utegaliyeva Transmission & Manita Hengriprasopchoke
Amara Bhuwanawat Energy Regulatory
PwC Kazakhstan Distribution Company Thanathip & Partners
Siam Premier International Commission (ERC)
Abdurakhmon Yuldoshev Gerald Nangi Law Office Limited Counsellors Limited
Pakinee Pipatpoka
Ministry of Labor, Ako Law in association Kullakarn Indrasawat
Nuttapon Boonchokchuay National Credit
Migration and Employment with Clyde & Co.
Thai Customs Department
Port Authority of Thailand Bureau Co. Ltd.
of Population
Stella Ndikimi
Janpen Boonmool Chalermpol Intarasing Viroj Piyawattanametha
East African Law Chambers Tilleke & Gibbins
TANZANIA TVL Global Logistics Baker & McKenzie
Janet Ndyetabura
Ilala Municipal Council Anawat Buraphachon Monthcai Itisurasing Harit Na Pombejra
Department of Public Silk Legal Company Ltd.
Kinondoni Municipal Raymond Ngatuni Works and Town &
Council Kanok Jullamon Panitt Pongpakdee
ENSafrica Tanzania Country Planning The Supreme Court Onestop Export Service
Said Athuman Attorneys of Thailand
Thanakorn Busarasopitkul
Tanzania Revenue Ratana Poonsombudlert
Burure Ngocho PwC Thailand Suthatip Jullamon
Authority Ishengoma, Karume, Chandler MHM Limited
Guillaume Busschaert The Supreme Court
Lydia Dominic Masha & Magai Advocates of Thailand Ruengrit Pooprasert
Comin Thai Engineering
Alex Thomas Nguluma Solutions Co. Ltd. Blumenthal Richter
Lucas Elingaya Wallaya Kaewrungruang & Sumet
East African Law Chambers ENSafrica Tanzania Siam Commercial Bank PCL
Brendan Carroll
Attorneys Predee Pravichpaibul
Esther April Erners Baker & McKenzie Nuttinee Kaewsa-ard
Hope Paul Weerawong, Chinnavat
CRB Africa Legal Nopadol Chaipunya National Credit & Peangpanor Ltd.
ENSafrica Tanzania Bureau Co. Ltd.
Asma Hilal Bangkok Metropolitan
Attorneys Kanya Pujjusamai
CRB Africa Legal Administration Prasert Kongkauroptham
Charles R.B. Rwechungura Thai Contractors
Anitha Ishengoma Panotporn Chalodhorn Thai Contractors Association under HM
CRB Africa Legal Association under HM
Tanesco Ltd. Office of the Judiciary The King's Patronage
Eve Hawa Sinare The King's Patronage
Protase R.G. Ishengoma Aye Chananan Rangsima Rattana
Rex Consulting Limited Amnart Kongsakda
Ishengoma, Karume, Panu & Partners Legal Execution
Masha & Magai Advocates Ambassador Mwanaidi Sinare Bangkok Global Law Department
Albert T. Chandler Offices Limited
Sujata Jaffer Chandler MHM Limited Warantorn Rattanasombat
ENSafrica Tanzania Alan Laichareonsup
Nexia SJ Tanzania Attorneys Siam Premier International
Isorn Chandrawong Tilleke & Gibbins Law Office Limited
Faustin Joseph Kahatano Henry Sondo Bangkok Jurist Ltd.
Association Architects Phannarat La-Ongmanee Vunnipa Ruamrangsri
Abenry & Company Udomphan Chantana TMF Thailand Limited
of Tanzania Advocates PwC Thailand
Department of Lands
Alex Kalanje Chanida Leelanuntakul Ruthai Rugrachagarn
Miriam Sudi Phadet Charoensivakon
Zimbabwe Electricity Baker & McKenzie Thai Contractors
PwC Tanzania National Credit
Transmission & William Lehane Association under HM
Bureau Co. Ltd.
Distribution Company David Tarimo
Siam Premier International The King's Patronage
PwC Tanzania Damrong Charoenying Law Office Limited
Njerii Kanyama Chaiwat Rungsipanodorn
Bangkok Metropolitan
ENSafrica Tanzania Vulfrida Teye
Woraphong Leksakulchai Bangkok Metropolitan
Attorneys VELMA Law Hughes Krupica Administration
Chonlada Chayjaroensuksakul Consulting Co. Ltd.
Charles Kisoka Regis Tissier Watchara Sanghattawattana
TVL Global Logistics
East African Law Chambers Bollor Africa Logistics Atthapong Limchaikit Thai Contractors
Cheewin Chiangkan Inter Connections Logistics Association under HM
Stanley Mabiti Camilla Yusuf
Baker & McKenzie The King's Patronage
Abenry & Company CRB Africa Legal Sakchai Limsiripothong
Advocates Chinnavat Chinsangaram Peangnate Sathiensopon
Weerawong, Chinnavat
THAILAND Weerawong, Chinnavat & Peangpanor Ltd. Chandler MHM Limited
Nkanwa Magina & Peangpanor Ltd.
Bank of Tanzania Advance Adjusting Ubolmas Sathiensopon
Wassana Limwattanakul
Associates Co. Ltd. (AAA) Weerawong Chittmittrapap TVL Global Logistics Chandler MHM Limited
Mandisa Maketa Weerawong, Chinnavat
Bollor Africa Logistics C.K. & P. Electric Co. Ltd. Peangnate Sawatdipong
& Peangpanor Ltd. Weerasak Loysaior
Thai Customs Department Chandler MHM Limited
Sunil Maru Inspectrum Engineering Suphakorn Chueabunchai
Sumar Varma Associates Services Alexander James Seeley
Chandler MHM Limited Prateep Lumrungruang
DFDL International Legal
Salome Masenga LS Horizon Limited Counsellors Thailand
I & M Bank Tanzania Limited (ILCT)
MESI Engineering Co. Ltd.

Pradujduan Sirion Surasak Vajasit Vega Ramadhan Cedric Chalvon Koffi Sylvain Mensah Attoh
Bangkok Global Law Rajah & Tann PwC Indonesia Seguce Togo Cabinet Matre
Offices Limited Mensah-Attoh
Chinachart Vatanasuchart Gaurav Sareen Essenouwa Degla
Panya Sittisakonsin Tilleke & Gibbins Deloitte Compagnie Energie Colette Migan
Baker & McKenzie Electrique du Togo (CEET) Cabinet Matre
Kanokkorn Viriyasutum Ricardo Silva
Kulit Sombatsiri Chandler MHM Limited Miranda & Associados Kokou Djegnon
Thai Customs Department Ministre de l'Urbanisme Laname Nayante
Anthony Visate Loh Erik Stokes
et de l'habitat Calafi
Ratanavadee Somboon Deloitte RMS Engineering and
Legal Execution Construction Sdjro Koffi Dogbeavou Kwami Obossou
Somboon Weerawutiwong
Department SCP Dogbeavou & Associes OTR Commissariat
PwC Thailand Fernando Torro Alves
des Douanes
Kowit Somwaiya Caixa Geral de Essiame Koko Dzoka
Auradee P. Wongsaroj
LawPlus Ltd. Depositos (CGD) Lawyer Dissadama Ouro-Bodi
Chandler MHM Limited Office Togolais
Audray Souche Tim Robert Watson Aklesso Louis-Edson Edeou
Somchai Yungkarn des Recettes
DFDL PwC Indonesia Versus Architecture
Chandler MHM Limited Francky Rakotondrina
Korapat Sukhummek Bassimsouw Edjam-Etchaki
Yada Yuwataepakorn TOGO John W. Ffooks & Co.
PwC Thailand Direction des Services
Baker & McKenzie Technique de la Mairie Tihana Ana Relijic
Atchara Suknaibaiboon BCEAO
Vidan Attorneys-at-Law
TMF Thailand Limited TIMOR-LESTE Creditinfo VoLo Mathias A. Edorh-Komahe
Lawyer Samuel Sanwogou
Picharn Sukparangsee Jose Abilio A. M. Abbi Toyi Chambre de Commerce et
Bangkok Global Law Customs, Ministry Direction des Affaires Koffi Mawunyo Equagoo
d'Industrie du Togo (CCIT)
Offices Limited of Finance Domaniales et Cadastrales Cabinet dAvocats
Matre Mensah-Attoh, Adjmida Douato Soededjede
Malee Sumanotayan Nur Aini Djafar Alkatiri Abbas Aboulaye Koffi Sylvain SAFECO
Thai Customs Department Banco Central de Autorit de
Timor-Leste Rglementation du Secteur Brenger Ette Galolo Soedjede
Nuchapa Sungkakorn
de l'Electricit (ARSE) PwC Cte d'Ivoire Cabinet de Matre
Thai Customs Department Rui Amendoeira Galolo Soedjede
VdA - Vieira de Almeida Claude Adama N'dane Felibigou-Edjeou
Apinan Suntharanan
& Associados Aquereburu and Partners, OTR Commissariat Lazare Sossoukpe
Siam Commercial Bank PCL des Douanes SCP Dogbeavou & Associes
Socit d'Avocats
Pattamakan Suparp Jos Borges Guerra Juridique et Fiscal
Miranda & Associados Akossiwa Fonouvi Mouhamed Tchassona Traore
TMF Thailand Limited Cabinet de Matre Etude Me Mouhamed
Djifa Emefa Adjale Suku
Tanatis Suraborworn Paula Caldeira Dutschmann SCP Dogbeavou & Associes Galolo Soedjede Tchassona Traore
Bangkok Metropolitan Miranda & Associados
Mensah Adje Ayl Annie Gbadoe Deckon Gagnon Yawo Toble
Administration Miguel Carreira Martins Aquereburu and Partners, Cabinet dAvocats
Aquereburu and Partners,
Nattapon Suraratrangsi Wong Alliance Socit d'Avocats Socit d'Avocats Me Toble Gagnon
ZICOlaw Joo Cortez Vaz Juridique et Fiscal Juridique et Fiscal
Fafavi Tossah Adom
Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol VdA - Vieira de Almeida Kossi Mawuse Adjedomole Mmssil Dominque Gnazo SCP Dogbeavou & Associes
Legal Execution & Associados Martial Akakpo et Associs Cabinet de Notaire Gnazo
Senyo Komla Wozufia
Department Joana Custias Tchakoura Gnon Comelec lectricit
Komi Adjivon Kowuvi
Naddaporn Suwanvajukkasikij Miranda & Associados Socit Togolaise des Eaux OTR Commissariat
Apotevi Zekpa
LawPlus Ltd. Octaviana Da S. A. Maxanches des Douanes
Koudzo Mawuna Agbemaple Compagnie Energie
Hunt Talmage Banco Central de Autorit de Tino Hoffer Electrique du Togo (CEET)
Chandler MHM Limited Timor-Leste Rglementation du Secteur Aquereburu and Partners,
Komla Edem Zotchi
Pascoela M. R. da Silva de l'Electricit (ARSE) Socit d'Avocats
Jedsadaporn Tamnanjit Juridique et Fiscal Martial Akakpo et Associs
Mtouche Co. Ltd. Thailand Banco Central de Martial Akakpo
Timor-Leste Martial Akakpo et Associs Atchroe Leonard Johnson TONGA
Jeffery Tan SCP Aquereburu & Partners
Tricharoen Engineering Francisco de Deus Maia Nicolas Kossi Akidjetan Delores Elliott
Co., Ltd. Banco Central de Ordre National Sandra Ablamba Johnson
Timor-Leste Prsidence de la Pipiena Faupula
des Architectes du
Sasivimol Tanasarnti Rpublique du Togo Ministry of Revenue
Legal Execution Luis de Oliveira Sampaio Togo (ONAT)
and Customs
Department JSMP - Judicial Systems Yves Yaovi Akoue Gilbert Josias
Monitoring Programme Chambre de Commerce et Lopeti Heimuli
Kornjan Tangkrisanakajorn ETINSEL
d'Industrie du Togo (CCIT) Ministry of Infrastructure
Thanathip & Partners Casimiro dos Santos Kossi Adot Akpagana
Counsellors Limited JSMP - Judicial Systems Molgah Kadjaka-Abougnima Taaniela Kula
SCP Dogbeavou & Associes
Monitoring Programme Cabinet de Notaire Ministry of Lands, Survey,
Thitima Tangprasert Eklu Patrick Amendah Kadjaka-Abougnima Natural Resources
EY Tony Duarte Ordre National & Environment
Anthony Frazier des Architectes du Amatko Kangni
Ornanong Tesabamroong Martial Akakpo et Associs Loupua Kuli
S.J. International Togo (ONAT)
Joo Galamba de Oliveira Legislative Assembly
Legal Consulting and Abreu and C&C Advogados Coffi Alexis Aquereburu Komivi Kassegne of Tonga
Advisory Co., Ltd. Aquereburu and Partners, Compagnie Energie
Tereza Garcia Andr Electrique du Togo (CEET) Mosese Lavemai
Noppramart Socit d'Avocats
Miranda & Associados Juridique et Fiscal Ports Authority Tonga
Thammateeradaycho Kodko Cephas Keoula
Siam Premier International Adi Ghanie Ccile Assogbavi Chambre de Commerce et Samisoni Masila
Law Office Limited PwC Indonesia Etude Notariale Assogbavi d'Industrie du Togo (CCIT) Tonga Development Bank
Norarat Theeranukoon Eusebio Guterres Kossi Ayate Agbwonou Koudasse Seini Movete
Bangkok Global Law UNIDO Business Tribunal de Lome Cabinet de Matre Tonga Development Bank
Offices Limited Regulatory Consultant Galolo Soedjede Sione Tomasi Naite Fakahua
Antoine Ayivi
Atitaya Thongboon Joo Leite Ligue des Genies Kokou Kpeglo Fakahua-Fa'otusia
Legal Execution Miranda & Associados OTR Commissariat & Associates
Department Sandrine Badjili des Douanes
Carolina Letra Laki M. Niu
Martial Akakpo et Associs
Waraporn Tungwatcharobol Caixa Geral de Hokamto Kpenou Laki Niu Offices
Rajah & Tann Depositos (CGD) Ibrahima Beye Autorit de Sipiloni Raass
Prsidence de la Rglementation du Secteur
Kitipong Urapeepatanapong Andre Lopez Rpublique du Togo Jaimi Associates
ANL Timor, Unipessoal Lda de l'Electricit (ARSE) - Architects
Baker & McKenzie
Assiom Kossi Bokodjin Emmanuel Mamlan
Supawadee Vajasit Elisa Pereira Tuipulotu Taufoou
Cabinet dAvocats Martial Akakpo et Associs
Rajah & Tann Abreu and C&C Advogados Me Toble Gagnon Dateline Trans-Am Shipping

Vaimoana Taukolo Sheldon Mycoo Peter Bismuth Sofian Obbaia Elvan Aziz
Ministry of Commerce, Synovations Limited Tunisie Electro Technique Central Bank of Tunisia Paksoy Law Firm
Tourism and Labour
Kevin Nurse Omar Boukhdir Olfa Othmane Burak Babacan
Fine Tohi Johnson, Camacho & Singh Bollor Africa Logistics Banque Centrale de Tunisie KPMG
Dateline Trans-Am Shipping
Kerry Pariag Mongi Bousbia Habiba Raouadi Derya Baks
Lesina Tonga Town and Country Socit Tunisienne de Chafter Raouadi Law Firm Tarlan Baksi Law Firm
Lesina Tonga Law Firm Planning Division l'Elecricit et du Gaz (STEG)
Nizar Sdiri Aslihan Balci
Pesalili Tuiano Yolander Persaud Salaheddine Caid Essebsi Nizar Sdiri Law Firm Somay Hukuk Brosu
Ministry of Infrastructure Ashmead Ali & Co. Caid Essebsi & Ben
Ferid Smida Naz Bandik Hatipoglu
Salem Associs
Distquaine P. Tu'ihalamaka Sonji Pierre Chase Office de la Topographie akmak Avukatlk Ortakl
Ministry of Commerce, Johnson, Camacho & Singh Elyes Chafter et du Cadastre - Tunisie
Aya Bayburan
Tourism and Labour Chafter Raouadi Law Firm
Catherine Ramnarine Hafedeh Trabelsi ADMD - Mavioglu &
Paula Tupou M. Hamel-Smith & Co., Zine el Abidine Chafter Cabinet dArchitecture Alkan Law Office
Alpa Electric member of Lex Mundi Chafter Raouadi Law Firm Hafedeh Trabelsi
Harun Bayramoglu
Company Limited
Krystal Richardson Ali Chaouali Wassim Turki ITKIB Istanbul Textile
Christine M. 'Uta'atu M. Hamel-Smith & Co., Socit Tunisienne de AWT Audit & Conseil and Apparel Exporters'
Uta'atu & Associates member of Lex Mundi l'Elecricit et du Gaz (STEG) Association
Anis Wahabi
Tahifisi Vehikite Clyde Roach Faouzi Cheikh AWT Audit & Conseil Imge Besenk
KTEC Consultants. Rotech Services Ltd. Banque Centrale de Tunisie Pekin & Pekin
Mohamed Zaanouni
Kingdom of Tonga
Engineering Consultants
Keith Robinson Mona Cherif Cabinet Zaanouni Serdar Bezen
PricewaterhouseCoopers Gide Loyrette Nouel, & Associs Bezen & Partners
Fotu Veikune Limited member of Lex Mundi
Yeim Bezen
Ministry of Infrastructure TURKEY
Andre Rudder Abdelmalek Dahmani Bezen & Partners
Dianne Warner J.D. Sellier & Co. Dahmani Transit Boaz Elektk Aye Eda Bier
Skip's Custom Joinery Ltd. International Daitim A (Beda)
Alana T.G. Russell akmak Avukatlk Ortakl
Ashmead Ali & Co. Mohamed Derbel Gunduz Simsek Gago
BDO Avukatlik Ortakligi
Arun Seenath PwC Turkey
Regulated Industries Deloitte Mohamed Lotfi El Ajeri Metin Abut Aysegul Bogrun
Commission El Ajeri Lawyers EAL
Neshan Singh Morolu Arseven Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers
Ashmead Ali Ministry of Trade, Sarra Elloumi and Consultants
Hakan Au
Ashmead Ali & Co. Industry and Investment Cabinet Zaanouni Penetra YMM Ltd. Seyma Boydak
Linda M. Besson & Associs
Stephen A. Singh Zeynep Ahmetolu Serap Zuvin Law Offices
Caribbean Employers Johnson, Camacho & Singh Abderrahmen Fendri Morolu Arseven Baak Bumin
Confederation CAF Membre du Rseau
Tammy Timal-Toonday
International PwC Deniz Akba PERA Construction
Luis Dini Grant Thornton ORBIT Serap Zuvin Law Offices Esin amlbel
HSMDT Ltd. Solutions Limited Noureddine Ferchiou
Ferchiou & Associs Fatih Akbulut Turun Law Office
Rosanne Dopson Jonathan Walker Caya Group mit Can
J.D. Sellier & Co. M. Hamel-Smith & Co., Rym Ferchiou
member of Lex Mundi Ferchiou & Associs Efe Can Aknc Saribrahimolu Law Office
Thomas Escalante
ADMD - Mavioglu & Nabi Can Acar
TransUnion Turkessa Warwick Amina Fradi Alkan Law Office Morolu Arseven
Dennis Fakoory Brokerage Solution CAF Membre du Rseau
International PwC Seda Akipek Zeynep Cantimur
Fakoory & Company Ltd. Tonika Wilson-Gabriel Cerraholu Law Firm Capital Markets
Hadyn-John Gadsby PricewaterhouseCoopers Imen Guettat
Limited CAF Membre du Rseau Mey Akkayan Board of Turkey
J.D. Sellier & Co.
International PwC Herguner Bilgen Ozeke Maria Lianides elebi
Glenn Hamel-Smith Bener Law Office,
TUNISIA Anis Jabnoun Mjdem Aksoy evik
M. Hamel-Smith & Co., member of Ius Laboris
Gide Loyrette Nouel, Cerraholu Law Firm
member of Lex Mundi Mourad Abdelmoula
AFINCO, a member of member of Lex Mundi Sinan Akyz Ersay Cete
Melissa Inglefield Ministry of Customs
Nexia International Badis Jedidi Ministry of Customs
M. Hamel-Smith & Co., and Trade
Meziou Knani & Associs and Trade
member of Lex Mundi Ilhem Abderrahim
Socit Tunisienne de Simge Akyz-Haybat Huseyin Batuhan olak
Randall Karim Sami Kallel
l'Elecricit et du Gaz (STEG) Kallel & Associates Devres Law Office Herguner Bilgen Ozeke
Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Investment Adly Bellagha Duygu Alkan Serta Cogun
Mabrouk Maalaoui
Adly Bellagha & Associates CAF Membre du Rseau ADMD - Mavioglu & PwC Turkey
Sunil Lalloo
International PwC Alkan Law Office Yavuz Dayolu
GA Farrell and Associates Zied Ben Ali
Socit Tunisienne Slim Malouche Ekin Altnta PwC Turkey
Mariella Lange
d'Industrie Electrique Malouche PwC Turkey Gizem Demirci
et de Lumire (STIEL) Avocats-Conseils Saribrahimolu Law Office
Selin Barlin Aral
Orrisha Maharajh
Thouraya Ben Ghenia Samia Mayara Paksoy Law Firm Ebru Demirhan
Johnson, Camacho & Singh
Tribunal Immobilier - Tunisie Accelea Engineering Taboglu & Demirhan
Ergun Benan Arseven
Kevin Maraj
Wassim Ben Mahmoud Sarah Mebazaa Morolu Arseven Rhan Derici
Bureau Wassem Architect 3e Danmanlk Ltd. ti.
Limited Mehmet Mcahit Arvas
Ben Mahmoud
Christian Marquez Mohamed Mgazzen Ministry of Customs Emine Devres
Amel Ben Rahal Socit Tunisienne de and Trade Devres Law Office
Ministry of Trade,
Banque Centrale de Tunisie l'Elecricit et du Gaz (STEG)
Industry and Investment Aysun Atl ule Dilek elik
Anis Ben Said Amel Mrabet Ministry of Customs Cerraholu Law Firm
Imtiaz Mohammed
Global Auditing & Advising El Ajeri Lawyers EAL and Trade
Delta Electrical Deniz Diner ner
Contractors, Ltd. Abdelfetah Benahji Mohamed Taieb Mrabet Serdar Ay PwC Turkey
Ferchiou & Associs Banque Centrale de Tunisie Ministry of Customs
Nassim Mohammed Derya Doan
and Trade
EY Slah-Eddine Bensaid Hichem M'rabet Morolu Arseven
SCET-Tunisie Socit Tunisienne de Aykut Aydin
David Montgomery Orkun Dokener
l'Elecricit et du Gaz (STEG) Bezen & Partners
HLB Montgomery & Co. Abdessattar Berraies 3e Danmanlk Ltd. ti.
Cabinet Zaanouni Imen Nouira Murat Ayyldz
Evelyn Murphy Safa Mustafa Durakolu
& Associs Conservation Eryrekli Law Office
Tropical Shipping akmak Avukatlk
Agency Unlimited Foncire Tunisia

Hakan Durusel Ilker Karabulut Nursen Osmanoglu Bekir Tarik Yigit MaryRose Akii
Pekin & Pekin 3e Danmanlk Ltd. ti. Osmanoglu Hukuk | General Directorate FBW Group
Osmanoglu Law Firm of Land Registry
Elsen Ece Otlu zgr Karacaolu Daniel Angualia
and Cadastre
PwC Turkey Ministry of Customs Mert zden Angualia, Busiku &
and Trade Saribrahimolu Law Office Aylin Tarlan Tzemen Co. Advocates
Glen Engin
Tarlan Baksi Law Firm
akmak Avukatlk Baak Karako Yusuf Mansur zer Robert Apenya
Ortakl Morolu Arseven Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers Eser Tac Engoru, Mutebi Advocates
and Consultants TUYID - Turkish IR Society
Gkben Erdem Dirican Elin Karatay Leria Arinaitwe
Pekin & Pekin Pekin & Pekin Duygu Ozmen Mehmet Ali Taskin Sebalu & Lule Advocates
Pekin & Bayar Law Firm Odaman & Taskin Law Firm
Goktug Ersoy zge Kavasolu Justine Bagyenda
Paksoy Law Firm The Banks Association zlem zyiit Selen Terzi zsoylu Bank of Uganda
of Turkey YASED - International Paksoy Law Firm
Naz Esen Edward Balaba
Investors Association
Turun Law Office Betl Kencebay Deniz Torun EY
TUYID - Turkish IR Society Ahmed Pekin ADMD - Mavioglu &
zgr Can Geim Robert Bbosa
Pekin & Pekin Alkan Law Office
EY Burak Kepkep Kyeyune Robert
Paksoy Law Firm Ferhat Pekin Oguz Tumis
Tuba Gedik Alice Namuli Blazevic
Pekin & Bayar Law Firm 3e Danmanlk Ltd. ti.
PwC Turkey Sleyman Ksa Katende, Ssempebwa
Turk Telekom lknur Peksen Mehmet Selcuk Turkoglu & Co. Advocates
Oya Genay
Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers Capital Markets
Central Bank of the Serhat Kisakurek
and Consultants Board of Turkey
Joseph Buwembo
Republic of Turkey Bener Law Office, Buwembo & Co. Advocates
member of Ius Laboris Ecem Pirler Ibrahim Tutar
Mehmet Emir Gka Mark Bwambale
akmak Avukatlk Ortakl Penetra YMM Ltd.
akmak Avukatlk Ortakl zlem Kzl Voyvoda Kampala Capital City
akmak Avukatlk Ortakl Erenalp Renber Burcu Tuzcu Ersin Authority (KCCA)
Gksu Gkay
Pekin & Pekin Morolu Arseven
Pekin & Pekin Selman Ko Mulindwa Muwonge Desire
Cerraholu Law Firm Dilara Saatiolu Kayra er Buwembo & Co. Advocates
Hafize Gke
PwC Turkey Herguner Bilgen Ozeke
ADMD - Mavioglu & Serhan Koakl Matovu Emmy
Alkan Law Office Kolcuolu Demirkan Glbin ahinbeyolu Sait Uur Marma Technical Services
Koakl Attorneys-at-Law Central Bank of the ADMD - Mavioglu &
Alev Gler Nasali Joan
Republic of Turkey Alkan Law Office
Morolu Arseven Korhan Kocali Buwembo & Co. Advocates
Cerraholu Law Firm Batuhan ahmay Leyla Ulucan
Serkan Gul Lwanga John Bosco
Bener Law Office, Ersoy Bilgehan Lawyers
Herguner Bilgen Ozeke Galya Kohen
member of Ius Laboris and Consultants
Marma Technical Services
Taboglu & Demirhan
Kenan Gler Nicholas Kabonge
Bulent Sarac zlem ntez
Gler Dinamik Gmrk Umut Korkmaz
Ministry of Customs Ministry of Economy PwC Uganda
Mavirlii A Pekin & Pekin and Trade Marion Kakembo
Burcu Urganci
Onur Glsaran Vedia Nihal Koyuncu
Selim Saribrahimolu Herguner Bilgen Ozeke KSK Associates
Cerraholu Law Firm Tarlan Baksi Law Firm Saribrahimolu Law Office Francis Kamulegeya
. Bar Urhan
Omer Gumusel Nazm Olcay Kurt
Glce Saydam Pehlivan TSAD PwC Uganda
Pekin & Bayar Law Firm Herguner Bilgen Ozeke Paksoy Law Firm Ali Kankaka
Doa Usluel
Arzum Gunalcin Aybala Kurtuldu
Uur Sebzeci akmak Avukatlk Ortakl Kyazze, Kankaka &
Gnalin Hukuk Brosu Serap Zuvin Law Offices Bezen & Partners Co. Advocates
Anil Uysal
Nurettin Gndomu Dilara Leventolu Doreen Kansiime
imal eker Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Aktif Investment Bank AS Taboglu & Demirhan PwC Turkey Legal (TAG-Legal) Sebalu & Lule Advocates
Zeki Gndz Orhan Yavuz Maviolu Stephen Kasenge
Selen enocak Ufuk Yaln
PwC Turkey ADMD - Mavioglu & Kolcuolu Demirkan Herguner Bilgen Ozeke KSK Associates
Alkan Law Office Koakl Attorneys-at-Law
Burcu Gray Allan Katangaza
Ayegl Yalnmani
Morolu Arseven Maral Minasyan
mer Kayhan Seyhun Cerraholu Law Firm Bowmans (AF Mpanga,
Kolcuolu Demirkan Central Bank of the Advocates)
Can Grlek
Koakl Attorneys-at-Law Republic of Turkey
Hasan Yaar
Ministry of Economy Pekin & Pekin
Arthur Katende
Gokhan Mirahmetoglu
Irmak Seymen Katende, Ssempebwa
Ayegl Grsoy
Union of Chambers ADMD - Mavioglu &
Cneyt Yetgin & Co. Advocates
Cerraholu Law Firm and Commodity Gler Dinamik Gmrk
Alkan Law Office Baati Katende
Tuna Grsu Exchanges of Turkey Mavirlii A
Sinan va Katende, Ssempebwa
Ministry of Customs Busra Nur Muhammet Yiit & Co. Advocates
and Trade General Directorate
Odaman & Taskin Law Firm of Land Registry
Bener Law Office,
David Katende
Gktu Hala member of Ius Laboris
Zumbul Odaman Taskin and Cadastre EnviroKAD
Bezen & Partners Odaman & Taskin Law Firm Beste Yldzili
Sezil Simsek Sim K. Katende
Glin Halebak Kuakolu PwC Turkey Turun Law Office
Pelin Oguzer Katende, Ssempebwa
TUYID - Turkish IR Society Morolu Arseven Can Yilmaz & Co. Advocates
Murat Soylu
Timur Hlag Bezen & Partners Serap Zuvin Law Offices
Mert Oner Collins Dicksons
Central Bank of the KPMG Senay Ylmaz Kateshumbwa
Republic of Turkey al Snbl
PwC Turkey TOBB - The Union of Uganda Revenue Authority
Yavus Oner
Tolga pek Chambers and Commodity
KPMG Esin Tabolu Exchanges of Turkey
Vincent Katutsi
Herguner Bilgen Ozeke Kateera & Kagumire
Volkan Oray Taboglu & Demirhan
Mustafa Isik Melis Yksel Advocates
Gler Dinamik Gmrk Aysenaz Tahmaz Saribrahimolu Law Office
Ministry of Customs Mavirlii A Assumpta Kemigisha
and Trade akmak Avukatlk Ortakl
Murat Ylek Nangwala, Rezida
Mine Orer
Sevi Islamagec Dilara Tamtrk PGlobal Global Advisory & Co. Advocates
akmak Avukatlk Ortakl ADMD - Mavioglu & and Training Services Ltd.
Morolu Arseven Lucy Kemigisha
Kerem Utku rer Alkan Law Office
M. Yaz Kacar Izzet Zakuto EY
Tarlan Baksi Law Firm Elif Tan Somay Hukuk Brosu
Turun Law Office Sebaggala M. Kigozi
Burcu Osmanoglu Morolu Arseven
Ali Can Kahya Serap Zuvin Uganda Manufacturers
Osmanoglu Hukuk | Eda Tanriverdi Serap Zuvin Law Offices Association
Ministry of Economy Osmanoglu Law Firm Turun Law Office
Zeynep Kalayc Kenneth Kihembo
Paksoy Law Firm UGANDA KSK Associates
MMAKS Advocates

Mubaraka Nkuutu Kirunda Paul Semanda Oleksandr Fomenko Oles Kvyat Viktor Poternak
Uganda Manufacturers FBW Group Kievenergo Asters AiG Law Firm
Alan Shonubi Andriy Fortunenko Yulia Kyrpa Viktoriia Prokharenko
Lillian Helen Kuteesa Shonubi, Musoke & Co. Avellum AEQUO Aurora PJSC
Nangwala, Rezida
Charles Lwanga Ssemanda Oleksandr Frolov Oleksii Latsko Vadym Samoilenko
& Co. Advocates
Bestin limited CMS Cameron Egorov Puginsky Asters
Mercy McKenna LLC Afanasiev & Partners
Ambrose Turyahabwe Olga Samusieva
Uganda Registration DHL Global Ivan Nikolaevich Gelyukh Yevgen Levitskyi HLB Ukraine
Services Bureau Forwarding (U) Ltd. Kievenergo AEQUO
Iuliia Savchenko
Musuuza Lawrence
Bemanya Twebaze Leonid Gilevich Nikolay Alexandrovich Lezin Asters
Buwembo & Co. Advocates Uganda Registration Ilyashev & Partners Kievgorstroy
Maryana Sayenko
Services Bureau
Arnold Lule
Vitalii Grusevych Maksym Libanov Asters
Engoru, Mutebi Advocates Confederation of National Securities and
UKRAINE Natalia Selyakova
Builders of Ukraine Stock Market Commission
Michael Malan Dentons
Yaroslav Abramov Yaroslav Guseynov Nickolas Likhachov
Compuscan CRB Ltd. Integrites Viktor Semenyuta
PwC Spenser & Kauffmann
Richard Marshall Kievenergo
Denys Absalyamov Ilhar Hakhramanov Artem Lukyanov
PwC Uganda JSC Ukrenergochermet Olga Serbul
Avellum Dentons
Alex Mbonye Manzi Law Firm IP & C Consult LLC
Igor Agarkov Vitalii Hamalii Anastasiya Lytvynenko
Uganda Shippers Council Rokada Group Anna Shabinskaya
PwC Alkiris Law Firm
Paul Moores Private notary -
Mykola Agarkov Mykola Heletiy Dmytro Makarenko Shabinskaya Anna
FBW Group Egorov Puginsky CMS Cameron State Service for Geodesy, Viktorovna
Robert Mugabe Afanasiev & Partners McKenna LLC Cartography and Cadaster
Stepan Shef
Uganda Registration Mykola Aleksandrov
Services Bureau
Dmytro Honcharenko Oleh Malskyy HLB Ukraine
Egorov Puginsky Eterna Law Eterna Law
Afanasiev & Partners Victor Shekera
Patrick Mugalula
Katende, Ssempebwa
Oksana Ilchenko Victor Marchan KPMG
Rotov Alexander Egorov Puginsky Dentons
& Co. Advocates Confederation of Naida Shykhkerimova
Afanasiev & Partners
Albert Mukasa Builders of Ukraine Olexander Martinenko KPMG
BKA Advocates
Olga Ivanova CMS Cameron
Anna Babych Dmytro Simashko
Arzinger McKenna LLC
Cornelius Mukiibi AEQUO DLA Piper
Tetyana Ivanovich Olena Martsynovska
C. Mukiibi Sentamu Anastasia Belkina Anton Sintsov
& Co. Advocates Spenser & Kauffmann DLA Piper Ukraine LLC
PwC Egorov Puginsky
Priscilla Mutebi
Jon Johannesson Larysa Melnychuk Afanasiev & Partners
Gleb Bialyi IBCH Zammler 3PL
Engoru, Mutebi Advocates Egorov Puginsky Anastasia Sotir
Miriam Nabatanzi Afanasiev & Partners Oleg Kachmar Arsenyy Milyutin AEQUO
Uganda Registration Vasil Kisil & Partners Egorov Puginsky
Aleksandr Biryukov Yulia Spolitak
Services Bureau Afanasiev & Partners
LCF Law Group Oleg Kanikovskyi Eterna Law
Harriet Nakaddu Proxen & Partners Ivan Mustanien
Oleg Boichuk Natalia Spyrydonova
PwC Uganda EY
Egorov Puginsky Kostiantyn Karaianov Egorov Puginsky
Victoria Nakaddu Afanasiev & Partners DLA Piper Ukraine LLC Adam Mycyk Afanasiev & Partners
Sebalu & Lule Advocates Dentons
Bohdan Bon Yuriy Katser Andriy Stelmashchuk
Eva Nalwanga Gitta Dentons KPMG Mariya Natsyna Vasil Kisil & Partners
Kasirye Byaruhanga AiG Law Firm
Yulia Bondar Pavlo Khodakovsky Roman Stepanenko
and Co. HLB Ukraine Arzinger Artem Naumov Egorov Puginsky
Matthias Nalyanya Inyurpolis Law Firm Afanasiev & Partners
Timur Bondaryev Halyna Khomenko
LEX Uganda Advocates Arzinger EY Yuriy Nechayev Andriy Stetsenko
& Solicitors Avellum CMS Cameron
Alexander Borodkin Vadym A. Kizlenko
Priscilla Namusikwe McKenna LLC
Vasil Kisil & Partners Ilyashev & Partners Mykola Negrych
Shonubi, Musoke & Co. GEOS Development Mykola Stetsenko
Pavlo Byelousov Uliana Kolodii
and Construction Avellum
Jane Nankabirwa AEQUO Zammler 3PL
FBW Group Anna Ogrenchuk Artem Stoyanov
Kateryna Chechulina Maryana Kolyada
Diana Nannono LCF Law Group LCF Law Group
CMS Cameron PwC
Katende, Ssempebwa McKenna LLC Olena Ohonovska Dmitriy Sykaluk
& Co. Advocates Nataliia Kondrashyna
Egorov Puginsky DLF Attorneys-at-Law
Iaroslav Cheker Asters Afanasiev & Partners
Nusula Kizito Nassuna KPMG Dmytro Symanov
Capital Markets Authority Stanislav Koptilin
Kateryna Oliynyk Cai & Lenard
Sergey Chulkov Ilyashev & Partners Egorov Puginsky
Martin Ngugi Kievenergo Marharyta Tatarova
Brosban Consultants Andrey Kosharny Afanasiev & Partners
Eterna Law
Architecture and Planning Graham Conlon Elit Group Maryna Opirska
CMS Cameron Anna Tkachenko
Charles Odere Andrii Koshman DLA Piper Ukraine LLC
McKenna LLC Dentons
LEX Uganda Advocates KPMG Liliya Palko
& Solicitors Ivan Demtso Dmytro Tkachenko
Vladimir Kotenko KPMG
KPMG DLA Piper Ukraine LLC
Mercy Odu EY Olena Papazova
Bowmans (AF Mpanga, Aleksandr Deputat Dmytro Tkachenko
Alla Kozachenko KPMG
Advocates) Elit Group Riqueza Capital Group, LLC
DLA Piper Ukraine LLC Alesya Pavlynska
William Okello Dmytro Donenko Ivan Trofimenko
Alona Kravchenko Arzinger
ENGARDE Dept. of State Registration
Joseph Oteng Otogo Inyurpolis Law Firm Yuriy Petrenko and Notariat at the
Electricity Regulatory Alina Kuksenko Spenser & Kauffmann Ministry of Justice
Authority Mariana Dudnyk Asters of Ukraine
PwC Konstantin Pilkov
Alex Rezida Vitaliy Kulinich Cai & Lenard Oleg Tsvyah
Nangwala, Rezida Igor Dykunskyy Egorov Puginsky State Geokadastre
& Co. Advocates DLF Attorneys-at-Law Serhiy Piontkovsky
Afanasiev & Partners Baker & McKenzie Andriy Tsvyetkov
Moses Segawa Anna Folvarochna Tatyana Kuzmenko Attorneys' Association
Sebalu & Lule Advocates Asters Sergiy Popov
AiG Law Firm Gestors

Serhii Uvarov Hussain Almatrood Jonia Kashalaba Azizur Rahman Baher Yousef
Avellum Al Tamimi & Company PwC United Arab Emirates Chance Electromechanical Engineering Consultants
Advocates & Legal Works LLC Group (ECG)
Camiel van der Meij Khaled Kilani
PwC Aramex Emirates LLC Mohammed Sanaur Rahman Mohammed Zeen
Layali AlMulla Al Badha Electrical NAFFCO
Andriy Valentinovich Vavrish Saurbh Kothari
Dubai Municipality & Sanitary Ins. LLC
Chief Department of Town- Afridi & Angell, member
Planning, Architecture Mohammed Alsuboosi of Lex Mundi Nooshin Rahmanijade UNITED KINGDOM
and Urban Environment Dubai Courts Araa Group Advocates Experian Ltd.
Vipul Kothari
Design of the Kiev City & Legal Consultants
State Administration
Yousaf Al-Suwaidi Kothari Auditors The Insolvency Service
Dubai Courts & Accountants Johnson Rajan
Slava Vlasov Intuit Management White & Case LLP London
Piyush Bhandari Ravi Kumar
PwC Consultancy Alexandra Adams
Intuit Management Dubai Trade
Yuliia Volkova Consultancy Mehul Rajyaguru Clyde & Co.
Charles S. Laubach
AEQUO Al Hili Star Philip Allenby
Priyanka Bhandari Afridi & Angell, member Electromechanical
Elena Volyanskaya Intuit Management of Lex Mundi DLA Piper UK LLP
Works LLC
LCF Law Group Consultancy Clare Barras
Daniele Lavalle
Chatura Randeniya CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Olexiy Yanov Maryam Bin Lahej Al-Falasi Al Etihad Credit Bureau Afridi & Angell, member
Law Firm IP & C Consult LLC Dubai Courts of Lex Mundi Corina Barsa
Rana Madi
Yulia Yashenkova Mazen Boustany Dubai Municipality Clyde & Co.
Jochem Rossel
AiG Law Firm Baker & McKenzie PwC United Arab Emirates Ravi Basra
Christine Maksoud
Aleksandra Yevstafyeva Omar Bushahab Baroudi & Associates Lubbock Fine - member
Mohammad Safwan of Russell Bedford
Egorov Puginsky Business Registration Al Hashemi Planners,
Arslan Malik International
Afanasiev & Partners in Department of
Architects, Engineers
Economic Development OHM Electromechanic
Vasyl Yurmanovych Marie Batchelor
Junaid Malik Said Said Birketts LLP
Integrites Diego Carmona
Dubai Trade
Al Tamimi & Company Al Etihad Credit Bureau
Anton Zaderygolova Andrew Booth
Advocates & Legal Srikrishnan Mannapara Mohammed Ahmed Saleh Andrew Booth Architect
DLA Piper Ukraine LLC Consultants Dubai Municipality
Sony MEA
Galyna Zagorodniuk Moshe Bordon
R. Chandran Shammas Manthadathil Osama Shabaan Milbank, Tweed, Hadley
DLA Piper Ukraine LLC Transworld Shipping Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
Al Murjan Electrical & McCloy LLP
Anna Zorya Installation LLC Legal (TAG-Legal)
Maggie Chang Marlies Braun
Arzinger PwC United Arab Emirates Hassan Shakrouf
Lorance Mathew Wedlake Bell LLP
Safe Plus Technical Global Team UAE
PwC United Arab Emirates Services LLC Advaita Sharma CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Al Hamd Mohamed Mihlar Adam Global
Electromechanical Niaz Ebrahim Howard Bushell
Bright Electrical Intergulf Ltd. (an Clinton Slogrove
Works LLC IFFCO Group Co.) Her Majestys
Works LLC Al Tamimi & Company Land Registry
Pearl Homes Technical Abdulla Mohamed Advocates & Legal
Services LLC Dubai UAE Ghassan El Asmar Jonathan Caldwell
Araa Group Advocates Consultants
Dubai Electricity and DLA Piper UK LLP
Reed Smith Water Authority & Legal Consultants Izabella Szadkowska
Badih Moukarzel Al Tamimi & Company Brendon Christian
Qurashi Abdulghani Amany El Bagoury
Dubai Municipality Huqooq Legal Practice Advocates & Legal Business Law BC
Al Safar & Partners Consultants
Advocates and Legal Udayan Mukherjee Karen Clarke
Nadia Abdulrazagh
Nadia Abdulrazagh Consultants Dentons Walid Takrouri CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Advocacy & Legal Al Etihad Credit Bureau Colin Cochrane
Syed Ali Hussnain Gilani Mohammed Murshed Alam
Consultations Al Meher Contracting Al Murjan Electrical Hamad Thani Mutar Reed Smith LLP
Saleh Abdurahman Co. LLC Installation LLC Dubai Courts Simon Cohen
Araa Group Advocates Nasim Hashim Sarathe Natarajan Nitin Tirath Shearman & Sterling LLP
& Legal Consultants Afridi & Angell, member NAFFCO Dubai Trade Michael Collard
Laith Abu Qauod of Lex Mundi 5 Pump Court Chambers
Himadri Pathak Mohsen Tomh
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Talal Mohammed Hassan Intuit Management Options Engineering
Legal (TAG-Legal) James Collinson
Al-Tamimi Consultancy Consultancies DLA Piper UK LLP
Hesam Aghaloui Al Tamimi & Company
Vijendra Vikram Singh Paul Arun Udayabhanu James Cross
OHM Electromechanic Advocates & Legal
Consultants Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Bright Electrical Reed Smith LLP
Laila Al Asbahi Legal (TAG-Legal) Works LLC
Tamleek Real Estate Ahmed Hegazy Ashley Damiral
Iqbal Pedhiwala Hannan Uddin CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Registration Trustee Tamleek Real Estate
Registration Trustee Shabmans Trading EST Chance Electromechanical
Mahmood Al Bastaki Works LLC John Dewar
Bedarul Hoque Sinoj Philip Milbank, Tweed, Hadley
Dubai Trade Sriram Viswanathan
Power Electromechanical Silvia Pretorius & McCloy LLP
Obaid Saif Atiq Al Falasi Works LLC Dynatrade
Afridi & Angell, member Automotive Group Shannon Diggory
Dubai Electricity and of Lex Mundi
Water Authority Rita Jaballah Reed Smith LLP
Gary Watts
Al Tamimi & Company Motaz Qaoud Zaki Ejaz
Yousuf Mohd Al Khazraji Advocates & Legal Al Tamimi & Company
Al Khawaja Engineering Advocates & Legal Right Legal Advice
Dubai Electricity and Consultants Consultancy
Water Authority Consultants Thomas Fancett
Tara Jamieson Samer Qudah CMS Cameron McKenna LLP
Abdullah Al Nasser Jody Waugh
Afridi & Angell, member Al Tamimi & Company
Araa Group Advocates of Lex Mundi
Al Tamimi & Company Paul Fleming
Advocates & Legal Advocates & Legal
& Legal Consultants Consultants Dechert LLP
Edger Larose Joseph Consultants
Marwan Sultan Al Sabbagh Amptec Mohamed Younus Rafeeq Claire Fourel
Dubai Electricity and Anna White Ashurst LLP
Electromechanical LLC Binlahej
Water Authority Afridi & Angell, member
Sony Joseph Electromechanical LLC of Lex Mundi Nick Francis
Buti Al Subosi Intertechs Yusuf Rafiudeen PwC United Kingdom
Tamleek Real Estate Alan Wood
Electromechanical Dubai Electricity and
Registration Trustee PwC United Arab Emirates Robert Franklin
Contractors LLC Water Authority Clyde & Co.
Faizan Asif Ali Victoria Yates
Gul Kalam Ashraf M. Rahman
Blue Zone Afridi & Angell, member Jack Gardener
OHM Electromechanic Adam Global
Electromechanical LLC of Lex Mundi Clyde & Co.

Donald Gray Tom Neilson Manish Antani David Newberg Gaston Atchugarry
Darwin Gray LLP Milbank, Tweed, Hadley Eisner Jaffe PC Collier, Halpern, Gaston Atchugarry
& McCloy LLP Newberg, Nolletti, LLP Arquitectura-Uruguay
Louise Gullifer Pamy J. S. Arora
Oxford University, Peter Newman Cornell Group, Inc. Samuel Nolen Leticia Barrios
Commercial Law Center Milbank, Tweed, Hadley Richards, Layton & Finger,
Eve Brackmann Juan Bonet
& McCloy LLP P.A., member of Lex Mundi
Marc Harvey Stuart Kane Guyer & Regules,
DLA Piper UK LLP Kevin Nicholson Christopher OConnell member of Lex Mundi
Steven Clark
PwC United Kingdom Parker, Milliken, Clark,
Andrew Haywood Clark Firm PLLC Sofia Borba
O'Hara & Samuelian
Penningtons Manches LLP Phil Norton Architect
Federico Cruz
Clyde & Co. Richard O'Neill
Nicky Heathcote Luis Burastero Servetto
Mara Amalia Cruz Consolidated Edison
Her Majestys Felicia Hanson Ofori-Quaah Luis Burastero & Asoc.
Co. of NY, Inc.
Land Registry Milbank, Tweed, Hadley Vilas Dhar
Valeria Cabrejos
& McCloy LLP Dhar Law, LLP Eric Pezold
Robert Hillhouse Amorin Abogados
Snell & Wilmer
Clyde & Co. Elizabeth Ormesher Joshua L. Ditelberg
Lucia Carbajal
CMS Cameron McKenna LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP Darrell Pierce
Jess Hogan Posadas, Posadas & Vecino
DLA Piper UK LLP Ivan Orsolini Motsa Dubois
Federico Caresani
Reed Smith LLP FIABCI Shanen Prout
Chris Horrocks Galante & Martins
Law Office of
Dechert LLP Karolina Pechanova Michael Dyll
Shanen R. Prout Augusto Cibils
Diaz Reus & Targ LLP Texas International Freight
Daden Hunt
Kenneth Rosen
PwC Uruguay
Birketts LLP Ross Pooley David Elden
University of Alabama Maria Noel Corchs
Latham & Watkins LLP Parker, Milliken, Clark, School of Law
Karl Hurley TMF Group
O'Hara & Samuelian
Ofgem Helena Potts
Richard Rosen Victoria Costa
Latham & Watkins LLP Julia Fetherston
NYC Department
Michael Josypenko Hughes & Hughes
Boston Consulting Group of Buildings
Institute of Export Alexander Reus
Leonardo Couto
Diaz Reus & Targ LLP Irma Foley Daren M. Schlecter
Katherine Keenan Jose Maria Facal & Co.
Orrick, Herrington Law Office of Daren
Wedlake Bell LLP Lizzette Robleto de Howarth
& Sutcliffe LLP M. Schlecter Hernn de la Fuente
The Law Society of
Pascal Lalande Escribana de la Fuente
England & Wales Robert Goethe William Shawn
Her Majestys
Cornell Group, Inc. ShawnCoulson LLP Fernando De Posadas
Land Registry Alex Rogan
Posadas, Posadas & Vecino
Skadden, Arps, Slate, William Gould Joseph Tannous
Keavy Larkin
Meagher & Flom LLP TroyGould PC JT Construction Rosana Daz
David Rough
SuperintendencIa de
Javier Gutierrez Michael Temin
Mickael Laurans Servicios Financieros
Freedom Infrastructure Stuart Kane Fox Rothschild LLP
The Law Society of - Banco Central
England & Wales Tony Hadley del Uruguay
Magda Theodate
Philippa Scott Experian
Bob Ledsome Global Executive Carolina Diaz De Armas
Shearman & Sterling LLP Trade Consulting
Department for Thomas Halket Guyer & Regules,
Communities and Angela Shaw Halket Weitz LLP member of Lex Mundi
Julie Travis
Local Government Her Majestys Kamine Construction Law
Timi Anyon Hallem Anala Fernndez Gonzalez
Land Registry
Sarah Leslie Manatt, Phelps & Frederick Turner
Bergstein Abogados
Shepherd & Wedderburn Sandra Simoni Phillips, LLP Turner & Turner Javier Fernndez Zerbino
Department for
Monika Lorenzo-Perez Donald Hamman Bado, Kuster, Zerbino
Communities and James J. Varellas III
Reed Smith LLP Stuart Kane & Rachetti
Local Government Varellas & Varellas
Suzy Lovell Dennis Harber Hector Ferreira
Stuart Swift Javier Villa
CMS Cameron McKenna LLP Miami Legal, Title Hughes & Hughes
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley Russell Bedford
& McCloy LLP & Remediation International Fabiana Ferreyra
Ryan Lynch
Memery Crystal LLP Alex Turner Sanford Hillsberg Robert Wallace
TMF Group
Department for TroyGould PC Stuart Kane Juan Federico Fischer
Joanna Macintosh
Latham & Watkins LLP Communities and Neil Jacobs Fischer & Schickendantz
Ann Marie Zaletel
Local Government NI Jacobs & Associates
Neil Maclean Seyfarth Shaw LLP Federico Florin
Shepherd & Wedderburn Julia Vaynzof Christopher Kelleher Guyer & Regules,
Olga Zalomiy
Clyde & Co. Seyfarth Shaw LLP member of Lex Mundi
Neil Magrath Law Offices of Olga
UK Power Networks Amelia Villiers-Stuart Joshua Kochath Zalomiy, PC Sergio Franco
Wedlake Bell LLP Comage Container Lines PwC Uruguay
Christopher Mallon Isaac B. Zaur
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Alistair White John LaBar Clarick Gueron Andrs Fuentes
Meagher & Flom LLP DLA Piper UK LLP Henry, McCord, Reisbaum LLP Arcia Storace Fuentes
Geoff Wilkinson Bean, Miller, Gabriel Malka Zeefe
Medina Abogados
Peter Manning
Wilkinson Construction & LaBar PLLC Dentons Diego Galante
Simmons & Simmons LLP
Consultants Jen Leary Galante & Martins
Jane Marsden
Nicholas Williams CliftonLarsonAllen LLP URUGUAY Margarita Garcia
Memery Crystal LLP
Reed Smith Wen-Ching Lin Equifax - Clearing Estudio Lozano Ltda.
Charles Mayo
Alexandra Wood Law Offices of de Informes Alejandra Garca
Simmons & Simmons LLP
Clyde & Co. Wen-Ching Lin
Graetz Nuez Ferrere Abogados
Antoinette McManus
David Ziyambi Bradford L. Livingston
PwC United Kingdom Jimnez de Archaga, Daniel Garca
Latham & Watkins LLP Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Viana & Brause PwC Uruguay
Monika Mecevic
Jeffrey Makin
Dechert LLP Marta Alvarez Enrique Garcia Pini
Administracin Nacional Administracin Nacional
Paul Miller
Los Angeles Department Dietrick Miller de Usinas y Transmisin de Usinas y Transmisin
Reed Smith LLP Elctrica (UTE)
of Water and Power TroyGould PC Elctrica (UTE)
Charlotte Moller Rodrigo Goncalvez
Sam J. Alberts Stephanie Moura Bernardo Amorn
Reed Smith LLP Guyer & Regules,
Dentons Russell Bedford Amorin Abogados
Agnes Molnar International member of Lex Mundi
Benjamin Alexander Alfredo Arocena
Reed Smith Kelly J. Murray Daniel Gonzalez
Greenberg Glusker Fields Ferrere Abogados
Becca Naylor Claman & Machtinger LLP PwC United States Posadas, Posadas & Vecino
Reed Smith LLP

Nelson Alfredo Gonzalez Carolina Sarroca Otabek Suleimanov Arturo De Sola Lander Carlos Rivero
SDV Uruguay Arcia Storace Fuentes Centil Law Firm De Sola Pate & Brown, Cmara de Construccion
Medina Abogados Abogados - Consultores de Venezuela
Pablo Gonzalez Nargiza Turgunova
TMF Group Eliana Sartori GRATA International Carlos Domnguez Hernndez Andrena Rondn
PwC Uruguay Hoet Pelaez Castillo CONAPRI
Renato Guerrieri
Guyer & Regules, Leonardo Slinger Pedro Saghy
member of Lex Mundi Guyer & Regules, Utilities Regulatory Omar Fernandez Russo Despacho de Abogados
member of Lex Mundi Authority of Vanuatu CEPACEX miembros de Norton
Tomas Gurmendez
Rose Fulbright SC
Posadas, Posadas & Vecino Fabiana Steinberg Barry Amoss Jose Javier Garcia
Hughes & Hughes South Sea Shipping PwC Venezuela Eva Marina Santos
Andrs Hessdrfer
(Vanuatu) Ltd. Hoet Pelaez Castillo
Olivera Abogados Dolores Storace Maria Geige
& Duque
Arcia Storace Fuentes Loc Bernier Despacho de Abogados
Marcela Hughes
Medina Abogados Caillard & Kaddour miembros de Norton Laura Silva Aparicio
Hughes & Hughes Rose Fulbright SC Hoet Pelaez Castillo
Carolina Techera Alan Brown
Alfredo Inciarte Blanco & Duque
PwC Uruguay Fletcher Construction Luis Ignacio Gil Palacios
Estudio Inciarte Palacios, Ortega Lenhy Saraid Torrealba Flores
Lucia Techera Shirley Bule
Jimena Lanzani y Asociados Empresas Medina
Guyer & Regules, Barrett & Partners
Guyer & Regules, member of Lex Mundi Adriana Goncalves Oscar Ignacio Torres
member of Lex Mundi Laurence Cameron Baker & McKenzie Travieso Evans Arria
Juan Ignacio Troccoli Pacific Customs &
Santiago Madalena Rengel & Paz
Fischer & Schickendantz Freight Agencies Andres Gonzalez Crespo
Guyer & Regules, Casas Rincon Gonzalez Arnoldo Troconis
member of Lex Mundi Gerardo Violes Frederic Derousseau Rubio & Asociados DEmpaire Reyna
Violes Arquitect Studio UNELCO & Asociados
Leandro Marques
Diego Gonzalez Crespo
PwC Uruguay Mario Vogel Delores Elliott Casas Rincon Gonzalez Jose Valecillos
TMF Group Rubio & Asociados DEmpaire Reyna
Ana Claudia Marrero David Hudson
Bergstein Abogados Mara Eugenia Yavarone Hudson & Sugden & Asociados
Enrique Gonzalez Crespo
Ferrere Abogados Casas Rincon Gonzalez Delfin Zambrano
Enrique Martnez Bill Jimmy
Schickendantz Vanuatu's Own Logistics Rubio & Asociados
Chris Kernot Alfredo Hurtado
Despachantes de Uzbekenergo Hurtado Esteban y
Aduana del Uruguay Fr8 Logistics Ltd. Grant Thornton LLP
Ulugbek Abdullaev Asociados - member
Leonardo Melos Sandy Mwetu of Russell Bedford Ho Chi Minh City Power
Dentons Corporation (EVN HCMC)
Municipality of Port Vila International
Ricardo Mezzera Jahongir Abdurasulov
Mezzera Abogados Mark Pardoe Carla Hurtado Viet Anh Hoang
Charges Registry of the DIMAC Law Firm
South Sea Shipping
Alejandro Miller Artola Central Bank of Uzbekistan Enrique Itriago
(Vanuatu) Ltd. Frederick Burke
Guyer & Regules, Ravshan Adilov Rodriguez & Mendoza
member of Lex Mundi Nisha Rambay Baker & McKenzie
Centil Law Firm Daniela Jaimes (Vietnam) Ltd.
Barrett & Partners
Daniel Ignacio Mosco Gmez Azizbek Akhmadjonov Despacho de Abogados
Guyer & Regules, Mark Stafford miembros de Norton Tran Cong Quoc
Kosta Legal Bizconsult Law Firm
member of Lex Mundi Barrett & Partners Rose Fulbright SC
Rustam Akramov Giles Thomas Cooper
Pablo Mosto Martin St-Hilaire Gabriela Longo
GRATA International Duane Morris LLC
Administracin Nacional Cabinet AJC, an independent Palacios, Ortega
de Usinas y Transmisin Bobir Artukmetov correspondent member y Asociados Thi Bich Tram Dao
Elctrica (UTE) of DFK International
Elvina Asanova Sarai Lopez Indochine Counsel
Mateo Noseda GRATA International Transporte Internacional Thuy Linh Do
Guyer & Regules, Bokhodir Atakhanov Lgica Ocenica, CA Russell Bedford KTC
member of Lex Mundi Center for Coordination Claudia Abreu Assurance & Business
Greta Marazzi
and Development of Baker & McKenzie Advisors - member
Mara Concepcin Olivera Adrian & Adrian
Olivera Abogados Securities Market Tamara Adrian of Russell Bedford
Rafael Alberto Medina Ulacio International
Jakhongir Azimov Adrian & Adrian
Juan Martn Olivera Amato Empresas Medina
Olivera Abogados Diplomat Law Firm Yanet Aguiar Linh Doan
Pedro Mendoza LVN & Associates
Alisher Chaykhov Despacho de Abogados
Luca Patrn Mendoza Davila Toledo
Chamber of Commerce miembros de Norton Dang The Duc
Ferrere Abogados Rose Fulbright SC Maritza Meszaros
and Industry of Indochine Counsel
Mariana Pisn Uzbekistan (CCIU) Baker & McKenzie
Juan Enrique Aigster Thanh Duong
Bergstein Abogados Hoet Pelaez Castillo Lorena Mingarelli Lozzi
Maxim Dogonkin DIMAC Law Firm
Walter Planells Kosta Legal & Duque De Sola Pate & Brown,
Ferrere Abogados Abogados - Consultores Thanh Long Duong
Nail Hassanov Servio T. Altuve Jr. Aliat Legal
Maria Clara Porro Kosta Legal Servio T. Altuve R. Jos Manuel Ortega
Ferrere Abogados & Asociados Palacios, Ortega Lien Duong Hong
Nadira Hassanova y Asociados PwC Vietnam
Mara Posada Azalia Imprex Leidys Amengual
SuperintendencIa de CONAPRI Pedro Pacheco Le Hong Phong
Servicios Financieros - Kamilla Khamraeva PwC Venezuela Bizconsult Law Firm
Centil Law Firm Aixa Aez
Banco Central DEmpaire Reyna Bruno Paredes Dai Thang Huynh
del Uruguay Sergey Mayorov DFDL
& Asociados Logistika TSM
Mara Carolina Queralt Simay Kom Milton Lawson
Carlos Bachrich Nagy Ruth Paz
Arcia Storace Fuentes Muzaffar Salomov De Sola Pate & Brown, PwC Venezuela Freshfields Bruckhaus
Medina Abogados Credit Bureau Credit Abogados - Consultores Deringer
Informational- Bernardo Pisani
Mara Macarena Rachetti Marian Basciani Anh Tuan Le
Analytical Centre LLC Rodriguez & Mendoza
PwC Uruguay De Sola Pate & Brown, The National Credit
Nizomiddin Shakhabutdinov Eduardo Porcarelli Information Centre - The
Agustn Rachetti Prez Abogados - Consultores
Leges Advokat Law Firm CONAPRI State Bank of Vietnam
Bado, Kuster, Zerbino Francesco Castiglione
& Rachetti Alisher Shaykhov Baker & McKenzie
Juan Carlos Pr-Rsquez Nhan Le
Chamber of Commerce Despacho de Abogados Duane Morris LLC
Cecilia Ricciardi Geraldine dEmpaire
and Industry Uzbekistan miembros de Norton
Fischer & Schickendantz DEmpaire Reyna Rose Fulbright SC Phuong Uyen Le Hoang
Sofia Shaykhrazieva & Asociados Russin & Vecchi
Centil Law Firm

Loc Le Thi Van Anh Thai Victor Ghattas Suhaib Sharief Khaled Mohammed Salem Ali
YKVN Russell Bedford KTC - Arco The Palestinian Company Luqman Legal Advocates
member of Russell for Operational and & Legal Consultants
Logan Leung Lina Ghbeish
Bedford International Capital Lease (Pallease)
Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers Palestine Capital Nigel Truscott
Nguyen Thi Hong Thang Markets Authority Kareem Fuad Shehadeh Damac Group
Tien Ngoc Luu
VN Counsel A.F. & R. Shehadeh
Vision & Associates Hussein Habbab
Law Office
Dinh The Phuc Palestine Ijara Company ZAMBIA
Christopher Marjoram
Electricity Regulatory Mazin Theeb Energy Management
PwC Vietnam Authority of Vietnam
Nadeen Haddad
Shahd Electrical
The Palestinian Company Services
Hoang Minh Duc Engineering Consultants
Tan Heng Thye for Operational and Sudhir Balsure
Duane Morris LLC CSP Legal LLC Capital Lease (Pallease) Tareq Z. Touqan Swift Freight
Duy Minh Ngo Equity Legal Group International Ltd.
Chi Anh Tran Mohannad Hajali
VB Law Baker & McKenzie EY Yazeed Zakarneh Agatha Ntutuma Banda
Anh Thi Tu Nguyen (Vietnam) Ltd. Palestinian Shippers' Ministry of Lands and
Ali Hamoudeh
Indochine Counsel Council Natural Resources
Son Tran Duc Jerusalem District
Ha Nguyen Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers Electricity Company Kosty Ziadeh Salome Banda
DIMAC Law Firm (JDECo) Ziadeh Law Office KPMG
Nam Hoai Truong
Huong Nguyen Indochine Counsel George Handal Wilson Banda
Mayer Brown LLP Bethlehem Freight YEMEN, REP.
Tran Yen Uyen Patents and Companies
Khanh Ly Nguyen CSP Legal LLC Omar Hannoun Khalid Abdullah Registration
Russell Bedford KTC Palestine Real Estate Sheikh Mohammed Agency (PACRA)
Dzung Vu Abdullah Sons (est. 1927)
Assurance & Business Investment Co. Lewis K. Bwalya
LVN & Associates
Advisors - member Samir Hulileh Tariq Abdullah ZESCO Ltd.
of Russell Bedford Hong Hanh Vu Law Offices of Sheikh
PADICO Holdings Anthony Bwembya
International Mayer Brown LLP Tariq Abdullah
Hiba I. Husseini Patents and Companies
Minh Tuan Nguyen Phuong Vu Shafiq Adat Registration
Husseini & Husseini
Viet Premier Law Ltd. LVN & Associates Law Offices of Sheikh Agency (PACRA)
Ayman Jbail Tariq Abdullah
Oanh Nguyen Thu Hang Vu Lilian Chibale
Baker & McKenzie Honor Partnership Law Jamal Adimi KPMG
(Vietnam) Ltd. Company Limited Bilal Kamal Jamal Adimi Law Office
Kamal Law Firm Bonaventure Chibamba
Quoc Phong Nguyen Que Vu Thi Ghazi Shaif Al Aghbari Mutale
Aliat Legal Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers Rasem Kamal Al Aghbari & Ellis & Co.
Kamal & Associates - Partners Law Firm
Thi Minh Ngoc Nguyen Son Ha Vuong Mwelwa Chibesakunda
Attorneys and
The National Credit Vision & Associates Counsellors-at-Law Maher Al Kladi Chibesakunda & Company,
Information Centre - The Law Offices of Sheikh member of DLA Piper Group
State Bank of Vietnam WEST BANK AND GAZA Mohamed Khader Tariq Abdullah
Lausanne Trading Sydney Chipoyae
Thi Phuong Lan Nguyen Palestine Trade Khaled Al Wazir John Kaite Legal
Vietnam Credit Center - PalTrade Khaled Al Wazir Law Firm Practitioners
Information JSC (PCB) Deena Khalaf
Khaldon Abu Alsoud Al Kamal Shipping and Noura Yahya H. Al-Adhhi Alick Chirwa
Thi Phuong Thao Nguyen Arab Bank Central Bank of Yemen Sinok Logistics Ltd.
Clearing Co. (Ltd.)
Vietnam Credit
Information JSC (PCB) Nidal Abu Lawi Raja Khwialed Yaser Al-Adimi Sydney Chisenga
Palestine Real Estate Companies Control Abdul Gabar A. Al-Adimi Corpus Legal Practitioners
Tien Hoa Nguyen Investment Co. for Construction & Trade
S&B Law Mahmoud Kittana Bradley Choonga
Tareq Al Masri Kamal Law Firm Ramzi Al-Ariqi PwC Zambia
Tieu My Nguyen Ministry of National Grant Thornton Yemen
Honor Partnership Law Sireen Lubbadeh Namuyombe Gondwe
Economy Khaled Al-Buraihi Swift Freight
Company Limited (HPLaw) Ministry of National
Shadi Al-Haj Economy Khaled Al-Buraihi for International Ltd.
Tram Nguyen PwC Advocacy & Legal Services
LVN & Associates Dima Saad Mashaqi Prasad Hettiarachchi
Sharhabeel Al-Zaeem Ramallah Municipality Ahmed Al-Gharasi Electrical Maintenance
Tram Nguyen Al-Zaeem & Associates Al-Ghasari Trading Lusaka Ltd.
YKVN Wroud Meliji
Haytham L. Al-Zubi The Palestinian Company Mohamed Taha Hamood Jackie Jhala
Trang Nguyen Al-Zubi Law Office Al-Hashimi Corpus Legal Practitioners
for Operational and
The National Credit Capital Lease (Pallease) Mohamed Taha
Information Centre - The Moayad Amouri Malcolm G.G. Jhala
Hamood & Co.
State Bank of Vietnam PwC Emir Mushahwar Deloitte
Law Offices of Nabil Omar Al-Qatani
Dong Huong Nguyen Thi Thaer Amro Bruce Kaemba
A. Mushahwar Central Bank of Yemen
Rajah & Tann LCT Lawyers Amro & Associates Zambia Customs and
Law Office Manal Nassar Qais Alsanabani Forwarding Agents
Hung Duy Pham Q&A Law Office Association
Muhanad Assaf Jerusalem District
Russell Bedford KTC Electricity Company
Assurance & Business ITTQAN Consulting Services Mahmood Abdulaziz Charles Kafunda
(JDECo) Al-sharmani High Court
Advisors - member Firas Attereh
of Russell Bedford Tony H. Nassar Lawyer
Hussam Attereh Group John K. Kaite
International for Legal Services A.F. & R. Shehadeh Abdulla Farouk Luqman John Kaite Legal
Law Office Luqman Legal Advocates Practitioners
Huong Pham Duaa Aweida
YKVN Mark-George Nesnas & Legal Consultants
ITTQAN Consulting Services Kelly Kalumba
ITTQAN Consulting Services Amani Hail Green Cold Architects
Thanh Huong Pham Anan Boshnaq
The National Credit Raed Rajab Central Bank of Yemen
E-Freight International Co. Arnold Kasalwe
Information Centre - The Ejlal Mofadal EY Zambia
Imad Dayyah Wael Saadi
State Bank of Vietnam Central Bank of Yemen
Training & Management PwC Johan Lombaard
Anh Vu Phan Institute (TAMI) Laila A. Mohammed Manica Africa Pty. Ltd.
Hazem Salah
Indochine Counsel Al Aghbari &
Ashraf Far Arab Bank Fumanikile Lungani
Phan Nguyen Minh Phuong Partners Law Firm
ITTQAN Consulting Services Maysa Sarhan Corpus Legal Practitioners
VN Counsel Zuhair Abdul Rasheed
Ali Faroun Palestinian Monetary Christopher Mapani
Dang Anh Quan Authority Law Offices of Sheikh
Palestinian Monetary Patents and Companies
Russin & Vecchi Tariq Abdullah
Authority Registration
Nguyen Que Tam Agency (PACRA)
Philip Farrage
CSP Legal LLC Baker Tilly International

Ernest Mate Clayton Z. Chikara Ostern Mutero

Corpus Legal Practitioners Dhlakama B. Attorneys Sawyer & Mkushi
Bonaventure Mbewe Nonhlanhla Chiromo Alec Tafadzwa Muza
Bonaventure Mbewe Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Mawere & Sibanda
Legal Practitioners
Harriet Mdala Ruzayi Chiviri
Musa Dudhia & Company Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Christina Muzerengi
Grant Thornton Zimbabwe
Jyoti Mistry Beloved Dhlakama
PwC Zambia Dhlakama B. Attorneys Christopher Muzhingi
PwC Zimbabwe
Mukuka Mubanga Farayi Dyirakumunda
ZESCO Ltd. Expert Decision Sympathy Muzondiwa
Systems Zimbabwe Sawyer & Mkushi
Monde Mukela
Entry Point Africa Paul Fraser Duduzile Ndawana
Lofty & Fraser Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans
Chintu Y. Mulendema
CYMA Takunda Gumbo Itayi Ndudzo
Chinawa Law Chambers Mutamangira and
Muchinda Muma
Corpus Legal Practitioners Takura Gumbo
Atherstone & Cook Maxwell Ngorima
Charles Musonda
BDO Tax & Advisory
Simsurvey Mapping Obert Chaurura Gutu
Services Pvt. Ltd.
& Consultants Gutu & Chikowero
Edwell Ngwenya
Lloyd Musonda Charles Jaure
Freight World Pvt. Ltd.
Patents and Companies Zimbabwe Investment
Registration Authority Tatenda Nhemachena
Agency (PACRA) Mawere & Sibanda
Shamiso Khupe
Legal Practitioners
Chanda Musonda-Chiluba Gutu & Chikowero
Africa Legal Network (ALN) Farai Nyabereka
Charity Machiridza
Manokore Attorneys
Arthi Muthusamy BDO Tax & Advisory
PwC Zambia Services Pvt. Ltd. Michael Nyamazana
Africa Corporate Advisors
Inonge Elizabeth Muuba Rita Makarau
Musa Dudhia & Company High Court Zimbabwe Dorothy Pasipanodya
Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans
Kafula Mwiche Zanudeen Makorie
Madison Financial Coghlan, Welsh & Guest Phillipa M. Phillips
Services PLC Phillips Law
Chatapiwa Malaba
Hope Ndao Kantor and Immerman Nobert Musa Phiri
Musa Dudhia & Company Muvingi & Mugadza
Oleen Maponga nee Singizi
Legal Practitioners
Peter Ngoma Expert Decision
Simsurvey Mapping Systems Zimbabwe John Ridgewell
& Consultants BCHOD and Partners
Gertrude Maredza
Miriam Sabi Gutu & Chikowero Edward Rigby
ZRA - Taxpayer Services Casling, Rigby, McMahon
R. R. Mariwa
Namakuzu Shandavu Zimbabwe Electricity Unity Sakhe
Corpus Legal Practitioners Transmission & Kantor & Immerman
Distribution Company
Lindiwe Shawa Bellina Sigauke
PwC Zambia Tsungirirai Marufu-Maune Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
Gutu & Chikowero
Clavel M. Sianondo Sichoni Takoleza
Malambo and Company David Masaya Zimbabwe Investment
PwC Zimbabwe Authority
Chitembo Simwanza
ZESCO Ltd. Collen Masunda Ruby Tapera
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Investment
Mutengo Sindano
Ministry of Lands and Norman Mataruka
Natural Resources Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Murambiwa Tarabuku
Pearce McComish
Mildred Stephenson Thembiwe Mazingi
Credit Reference Coghlan, Welsh & Guest
Bureau Africa Limited Takunda Timbe
Jim McComish
T/A TransUnion Muvingi & Mugadza
Pearce McComish Legal Practitioners
Jimmy Zulu Architects
Deloitte Sonja Vas
Nyasha Mhunduru
Scanlen & Holderness
Lungisani Zulu Expert Decision
Bank of Zambia Systems Zimbabwe Adam Bongani Wenyimo
Gutu & Chikowero
H.P. Mkushi
ZIMBABWE Sawyer & Mkushi Ruvimbo Zakeo
Financial Clearing Bureau Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans
Kundai Msemburi
Richard Beattie Securities & Exchange
The Stone/Beattie Studio Commission
Tim Boulton Sithembinkosi Msipa
Manica Africa Judicial Services
Peter Cawood
PwC Zimbabwe Benjamin Mukandi
Freight World Pvt. Ltd.
Shaxious Cheza
Zimbabwe Investment Haruperi Mumbengegwi
Authority Manokore Attorneys
Simplicius Julius Chihambakwe Tiri Muringani
Chihambakwe, Speartec
Mutizwa & Partners Eldard Mutasa
High Court Zimbabwe
Doing Business 2018 is the 15th in a series of annual reports investigating the
regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. The
report provides quantitative indicators covering 11 areas of the business
environment in 190 economies. The goal of the Doing Business series is to
provide objective data for use by governments in designing sound business
regulatory policies and to encourage research on the important dimensions
of the regulatory environment for firms.

ISBN 978-1-4648-1146-3

SKU 211146

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