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Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353


Computational study of CO2 absorption in aqueous and non-aqueous

solutions using MEA
Tingting Zhanga,b Zaoxiao Zhanga,b *
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University,
No.28 Xianning West Road, Xian 710049, P.R. China
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Xian Jiaotong University,
No.28 Xianning West Road, Xian 710049, P.R. China


Chemical absorption using Ethanolamine to capture CO2 is considered to be an effective way to cover the large
reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions. As the absorption capacity is different between aqueous and non-
aqueous solutions, in this work, the reaction processes about monoethanolamine (MEA) absorbing CO2 in aqueous
and non-aqueous (take methanol as the medium) solvation effect without solvent molecular are studied using density
functional theory (DFT), respectively. The result shows that the reaction mechanism is same both in aqueous and
non-aqueous solutions and a two-step reaction process can demonstrate it well. The main effect of the different
solvent on the reaction is the relative energy of the optimized configurations. The energy shows that stable
configurations have lower relative energy in methanol than in water, which demonstrates that the configurations are
more stable in non-aqueous solutions than those in aqueous solutions.
2014 TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of GHGT.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of GHGT-12
Keywords: CO2 absorption; DFT; MEA; water; methanol; solvation effect

1. Introduction

The large amount emission of CO2 has aroused big environmental issue, the Greenhouse effect [1]. Much
method had been discussed to alleviate this phenomenon, among all the method, chemical absorption that using

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-29-82660689; fax: +86-29-82660689.

E-mail address: [email protected].

1876-6102 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of GHGT-12
1348 Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353

aqueous alkanolamine solutions to absorb CO2 is an important industrial method for capturing CO2 from the flue gas
of power plants [1,2]. Among the alkanolamines available, extensive studies have been done on monoethanolamine
[MEA, HO(CH2)2NH2] for its ability of quickly absorbing CO2 in the form of a stable carbamate. However, most of
the studies focus on aqueous solutions and 30 percentages mass aqueous solution of MEA have good performance at
the temperature range of 0-150C and pressure range of 0.001-20 MPa. However, water has large latent heat and will
cost a lot of energy in the desorption process. In contrast, non-aqueous systems comprising a methanol solution of
alkanolamine have been commercially employed for absorption of CO2, H2S, and COS, etc., because of their high
solubility and capacity of acid gas, low corrosiveness and low energy consumption during generation of used liquor.
Thus non-aqueous solutions will have potential in absorbing CO2 with low energy consumption [3].
Several works were done on theoretical analysis about the reaction path and possible products on MEA and CO2
[4-6]. Da silva proposed that in the formation of carbamate, a single-step mechanism may account for the reaction
process, for the ion pair is unstable [4]. Bjrnar Arstad studied the reaction of ammonia, monoethanolamine (MEA)
and diethanolamine (DEA) respectively in absorbing CO2 using water as solvation effect medium [5]. Also, the
existence of extra reactant molecular was discussed about the effect on the activation energy of the reaction process.
AMP and aniline were also discussed to investigate the reaction mechanism about absorbing CO2. Though there are
extensive experimental and theoretical studies about the reaction mechanism about MEA and CO2, controversial
conclusion of it still exists. The reaction intermediate is always the discussion focus. Three reaction styles were
proposed among the studies [7],
(1) Single-step reaction mechanism. Two MEA molecular and one CO2 molecular react at the same time and
finally produce the MEACOO- and MEAH+.
(2) Zwitterion mechanism. First, one MEA molecular react with CO2 to form the ion pairs(MEA+COO-) as
intermediate, then the intermediate react with another MEA, and finally produce the zwitterions MEACOO- and
(3) Carbamic acid reaction mechanism. First, one MEA molecular react with CO2 to form the carbamate (MEA-
COOH) as intermediate, then the intermediate react with another MEA, and finally produce the MEACOO - and
Until now, almost all of the theoretical studies about the simulation works on the reaction mechanism are mainly
in gas phase and liquid phase which were taken water as solvent [4,8]. As the aqueous and non-aqueous solutions
have different absorption capability [3,9,10], in order to know the difference of the solvent effect on the reaction
mechanism of CO2 absorbing by alkanolamine, the study of MEA absorbing CO 2 in water and organic solvent
(methanol) will be discussed in this paper, respectively. As the reaction scheme proposed before, we would like to
discuss the reaction process that involves MEA and CO 2 without solvent molecular.

2. Computational detail

The calculations were performed using Gaussian software. The reaction process of MEA absorbing CO2 in
aqueous (take water as solvent) and non-aqueous (take methanol as solvent) solvation medium are studied. The
optimized geometries and frequencies of the reactants, products and transition states were obtained at the B3LYP/6-
31G level. Single-point energy calculations for important configurations were performed. The Reaction energies
equation is shown as: Ereaction = Eproducts - Ereactants, where Ereaction is the energy difference between products and
reactants for the corresponding reaction process, here Eproducts and Ereactants are the energy of products and reactants,
respectively [8].

3. Results and discussions

In this paper, we focus on the different solvent that affects the reaction process between MEA and CO2. And no
analysis about solvent molecular taking part in the reaction is discussed. Learnt from the discussion of other
researchers, MEA and CO2 molecular have two different spatial configurations, one is the relative position of MEA
and CO2 in ring structure (circle configuration), and the other one is straight chain [5,7]. The two configurations are
shown in Fig. 1.
Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353 1349

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. (a) the ring structure, (b) the straight chain structure.

The reaction processes of the two configurations are considered separately. The process contains two parts, the
first part is one MEA molecular reacts with one CO2 molecular, the second part is another MEA molecular reacts
with the product obtained at the first stage. The reaction process between one MEA molecular and one CO 2
molecular, it shows that they can react to form ion pair or the carbamate as mentioned before,

CO2  RNH 2 o RNH 2 CO2 or CO2  RNH 2 o RNHCO2 H (1)

then the product reacts with a second MEA molecular to form the final products.
To analysis the different solvent effect between water and methane, we would like to discuss the whole reaction
process with different solvent effect. In the following discussions, different reaction types with different solvent
effect are shown.

3.1. MEA+CO2

In this part, the reaction types between one MEA molecular and one CO 2 molecular in liquid phase with
different solvent were discussed.

167.64 1.62
175.56 2.84 2.54

TS 1
Process 1

1.48 1.51
117.51 132.46

Process 2 TS 2

118.21 1.35
1.64 1.51
136.23 132.64

TS 3

Fig. 2. The atom movements during the reaction process of MEA+CO2.

Fig. 2 shows the atom movement of the whole reaction process with solvation effect of water in the simulation
study. When MEA and CO2 molecular are in circle configuration, they first form an ion pair through a transition
state, then one hydrogen atom shifts from MEA to CO2, finally form the carbamate product. Process 1 in Fig. 2
shows the reaction diagram. When MEA and CO2 molecular are in straight chain configuration as process 2 shows,
the reaction are simplified to be a carbamate formation process, and no transition state is found before the ion pair
formation process. The energy change about this process is shown in Fig. 3. Here the zero point is the energy sum of
the separately optimized geometry of MEA and CO2. The black line shows the energy change of process 1, and the
1350 Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353

red line is for the process 2. From Fig. 2, we can see that in the reaction process, during the formation of ion pair,
the bond length of N-H shortens and the dihedral angle of C=O=C decreases. In the formation of carbamate, TS 2
and TS 3 are the transition state geometries for different spatial configurations. The atom movement of hydrogen,
the bond length of N-H and the dihedral angle of C=O=C have the same variation trend. As shown from Fig. 3,
despite the different spatial configuration, the energy change of the hydrogen transfer process (TS 2, TS 3) is almost
the same, and the activate energy barrier is 160 kJ/mol. As for TS 1, the forward energy barrier is not large but could
not be ignored.


Energy change for ring configuration
Relative Energy (kJ/mol)

Energy change for straight configuration





-12.16 -11.74
-43.35 -40.40

-46.87 -45.85
0 2 4 6
Reaction CoordinateOMEA+CO2 in water solvation effectP

Fig. 3. The energy change of the process of MEA+CO2 in water.

To investigate the solvation effect of methanol, the simulations on the same reaction process are studied, and the
atom movements are the same as those in water solvation effect. The energy changes of the whole process are
shown in Fig. 4. The energy changing trend is consistent with that in water, but the numerical value is different
which could be explained by the different solvation effect. The energy comparison between that in water and
methanol shows that for the optimized initial configurations, it is more stable in methanol for the energy of them are
lower than that in water.
Seen from the energy value in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, during the hydrogen transfer process, the circle configuration
has lower energy barrier than the straight configuration, and for the last carbamate product, the circle configuration
has lower relative energy and is much more stable.

Energy change for ring configuration
80 Energy change for straight configuration
Relative Energy (kJ/mol)





-12.82 -12.56
-41.80 -39.70

-49.10 -39.70
0 2 4 6
Reaction CoordinateOMEA+CO2 in methanol solvation effectP

Fig. 4. The energy change of the process MEA+CO2 in methanol.

The energy change shows that during the MEA+CO2 reaction process, it is more likely to form ion pair instead
of carbamate product, that is,

CO2  RNH 2 o RNH 2 CO2 (2)
Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353 1351

3.2. 2MEA+CO2

During the reaction process, when MEA and CO2 react to form the intermediate (ion pair), another MEA
molecular involves in and acts as a base. Then the hydrogen atom moves from N atom of the first MEA molecular to
the N atom of the second MEA molecular. The schematic diagram is shown as Fig. 5. Finally zwitterions are formed
as MEACOO- and MEAH+. The atom movements of different configurations reaction process are shown as process
3, 4, 5 in Fig. 5. Process 3 is the circle configuration reacting with MEA, and process 4 and 5 are the straight
configuration reaction process, and the difference between 4 and 5 is the relative structure of the second MEA. With
different configuration, the same hydrogen transfer process has different energy change as shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
Fig. 6 is the energy change of the reaction process in water solvation effect. The black line represents the energy
change of process 3, the red line represents the energy change of process 4, and the blue line represents that of
process 5. The zero point is the energy sum of the separately optimized molecular of two MEA and one CO2. Seen
from the data of the energy, the blue and the black line have same energy changing trend where there exists a small
but cannot be ignored forward energy barrier. For the red line, the forward energy barrier is the same with that of the
backward. Process 4 and 5 which is corresponding to the red and blue line, those two geometries is of the straight
chain configuration, and their initial energy of the optimized geometry is similar. But for the circle geometry, the
initial energy of the optimized geometry is lower than that of the straight chain geometries. Compared the
corresponding energy between Fig. 6 which represents the water solvation effect and Fig. 7 for methanol solvation
effect, the energy in methanol is lower than that in water, which demonstrates that the geometries are more stable in
methanol than in water.
The energy change of the reaction process shows that the reaction mechanism of 2MEA+CO2 prefer to be a
formation of zwitterions no matter in water or in methanol solvation effect, that is based on the formation of ion pair,
another MEA molecular reacts as a base to accept hydrogen proton and finally generate the zwitterions,

R  CH 2 (OH )CH 2

132.14 131.48 128.11

Process 3
1.48 1.40 1.47
1.56 1.54


Process 4

1.28 1.10

1.58 1.52 1.47

131.25 129.21
Process 5

1.39 1.09
1.51 129.51
1.58 1.55
133.92 132.83

Fig. 5. The atom movements during the reaction process of the 2MEA+CO2.
1352 Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353


0.00 process 3 ---ring configuration

process 4 ---straight configuration 1
process 5 ---straight configuration 2

Relative Energy (kJ/mol)



-50.37 -51.91
-51.88 -50.28
-59.92 -59.88 -67.06
0 2 4
Reaction Coordinate O2MEA+CO2 in water solvation effectP

Fig. 6. The energy change of the process 2MEA+CO2 in water.

0 process 3 ---ring configuration
process 4 ---straight configuration 1
-10 process 5 ---straight configuration 2
Relative Energy (kJ/mol)



-50 -51.70 -51.25

-52.76 -51.45
-61.16 -61.10 -66.99
0 2 4
Reaction Coordinate O2MEA+CO2 in methanol solvation effectP

Fig. 7. The energy change of the process 2MEA+CO2 in methanol.

4. Conclusions

The discussions above about the reaction process and energy change of MEA+CO 2 and 2MEA+CO2 show that
the whole reaction mechanism about MEA and CO2 can be stated by a two-step reaction process better than other
reaction mechanisms. That is, MEA and CO2 prefer reacting to form ion pair first and then the obtained ion pair
reacts with another MEA molecular to produce zwitterions. During the reaction process of MEA+CO 2, for different
spatial configurations, the reaction path is different. And the ring spatial configuration has lower relative energy of
the optimized structures than the straight configuration.
Compared the simulation study of the reaction process between MEA and CO 2 in water and methanol solvation
separately, the results of the atom movements and the energy change show that without the involvement of solvent
molecular, the reaction process of MEA and CO2 are the same no matter in aqueous or non-aqueous(methanol)
solutions. The main effect of the different solvent on the reaction is the relative energy of the optimized
configurations. The energy shows that configurations have lower relative energy in methanol than in water, which
demonstrates that the configuration are more stable in non-aqueous solutions than that in aqueous solutions.
The energy change shows that the forward reaction process has a small energy barrier, and the backward process
has big energy barrier, that is why it is easier to absorb CO 2 and can be operated at a low temperature but the
regeneration process need a large amount of energy and operate at high temperature.


This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51276141).
Tingting Zhanga and Zaoxiao Zhang / Energy Procedia 63 (2014) 1347 1353 1353


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