Brewersfriend Checklist Allgrain

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Brew Day Checklist for All Grain Recipes

Complete Recipe Builder:
Brewer: Brew Date:
Recipe Name: Beer Type:
Setup and Mash
Double check all ingredients are on hand for recipe, including prepared yeast starter if applicable.
Plan out mash schedule.
Begin heating strike water in hot liquor tank (HLT) or secondary kettle.
Add brewing salts as recipe calls for or to style.
Weigh out and mill grains.
Setup mash tun and kettle and ensure they are clean.
Make sure valves are closed on mash tun and brew kettle.
When strike water is ready, pre-heat tun, begin dough-in procedure and mash.
Monitor mash temperature during mash and adjust as necessary.
Start heating water for next infusion or sprage.
Take yeast out of fridge if using liquid ale yeast.

Sparge and Boil

Vorlauf (drain mash tun until runnings are clear and pour back into mash tun) then drain first runnings to kettle.
Add sparge water to mash, wait 20 minutes, then drain to kettle.
Take a gravity reading. Pre-boil gravity: ___________________
Fire the kettle and bring to a boil. Pre-boil wort collected: ___________________
Stir well as hot break occurs to avoid boil over. Start timer when boil starts.
Kettle Additions - ingredients / hops as recipe calls for:

Hops / Kettle Addition: _________________________________________________ @ time _____

Hops / Kettle Addition: _________________________________________________ @ time _____

Hops / Kettle Addition: _________________________________________________ @ time _____

Hops / Kettle Addition: _________________________________________________ @ time _____

Hops / Kettle Addition: _________________________________________________ @ time _____

With 10 minutes left, submerge wort chiller (if using immersion chiller).

Final Steps
Sanitize lid of kettle.
Flame out.
Add any final hop additions or kettle ingredients.

Copyright 2009-2012 Brewer's Friend LLC

Brewer's Friend All Grain Recipe Checklist

Final Steps (continued)

Set lid on kettle, activate wort chiller.
Begin sanitizing primary fermenter, cork, air lock, aeration stone/hose, funnel, wine thief.
When wort is cooled to ~70F / 21C, transfer wort into fermenter.
Aerate wort with aeration stone (or aerate by shaking, rocking, stirring)
Take hydrometer sample, record the value. Original Gravity: __________________
Pitch yeast. Wort Collected: __________________
Fit with airlock or blow off tube for high gravity or dark beers.
Move fermenter to temperature stable area protected from light.
Clean up equipment.

Racking optional or as called for (usually after about 7-10 days)

Move fermenter up to a table, let sediment settle.
Sanitize racking cane, hose, secondary fermenter.
Set secondary fermenter on the floor below the primary.
Carefully rack beer into fermenter, save a sample for tasting and hydrometer sample.
Add finings, dry hops, etc.
Fit with airlock.

Bottling when fermentation is complete (2-3 weeks for Ale)

Optional 'cold crash' for a day or two by putting fermenter into a fridge set as low as 34F (1 C).
Determine how many and what type of bottles to use.
Make sure you have enough crowns (caps) on hand.
Move fermenter up to a table, let sediment settle.
Begin sanitizing bottles.
Prepare priming sugar by dissolving in warm / boiled water and let cool.
Sanitize racking cane, hose, bottling bucket and spoon.
Carefully rack beer into bottling bucket, save a sample for tasting and hydrometer sample.
Add priming sugar solution, mix without splashing.
Siphon beer into bottles. Final Gravity: ______________________
Cap and mark bottles.

Kegging optional approach instead of bottling (easier)

Move fermenter up to a table, let sediment settle.
Sanitize keg.
Rack beer straight into keg, add priming sugar or force carbonate.

Drinking your beer!

Wait about 2 weeks and try some, note carbonation levels, flavor profile.
Ales are ready to go in about 4-6 weeks after bottling.
Copyright 2009-2012 Brewer's Friend LLC

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