The Oxidative Dehydrogenation of N-Butane in A Differential Side Stream

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Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245

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The oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butane in a differential side-stream

catalytic membrane reactor
David Milne , Tumisang Seodigeng, David Glasser, Diane Hildebrandt, Brendon Hausberger
Centre of Material and Process Synthesis, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The synthesis of butenes and butadiene from the oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butane is a chemical
Available online 27 April 2010 reaction of economic relevance and the choice of catalyst is of considerable importance. In this simulation
exercise a V/MgO catalyst in a differential side-stream catalytic membrane reactor was studied.
Keywords: The Recursive Convex Control (RCC) algorithm was used to determine the operating parameters
Attainable region required to determine the maximum yields of hydrocarbon products. The algorithm, in addition to select-
Recursive Convex Control Policy Algorithm
ing for the duty a single differential side-stream catalytic membrane reactor (DSR) in preference to a CSTR
and a PFR, also developed the prole for the optimal addition of oxygen along the length of the reactor.
Oxidative dehydrogenation
Differential side-stream reactor
The maximum yield of butenes, all three isomers, was found to be 0.119 carbon mass fraction.
The maximum yield of butadiene from the ODH of n-butane was found to be 0.799 carbon mass fraction.
The rates of formation of hydrocarbon reactants and products are discussed.
Statistical analyses of the ratios of formation rates of the butene isomers and of carbon dioxide to
carbon monoxide are presented.
The interplay between alternative reaction routes for the formation of butadiene is reviewed as well
as the validity of the kinetic data at low oxygen partial pressures.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Recently the Recursive Convex Control (RCC) algorithm has been
developed and used successfully to analyse complex chemical reac-
The attainable region (AR) method uses geometrical principles tions. These reactions, by virtue of many possible products, can be
to determine the multi-dimensional spatial region in which all the considered as possessing many dimensions to which can be added
reactants and products for reaction systems with known kinetics the further dimension of residence time. The RCC algorithm has
can be found. The AR method can also be used to nd the maximum been proved to be capable of solving multi-dimensional problems
yield of product as well as the reactor types and congurations nec- of a complexity previously considered too difcult to handle. Again,
essary to yield any slate of products within this spatial region. It has the characteristics of the RCC and its usage shall not be discussed in
been shown by Feinberg and Hildebrandt [1] that only three basic detail in this paper. Rather the attention of the reader is directed to
reactor types, a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR), a plug- the work of Seodigeng [6,7] for an extensive description of its capa-
ow reactor (PFR) and a differential side-stream reactor (DSR), in bilities. Sufce it to say that the use of the RCC algorithm requires
suitable congurations, are sufcient to provide any yield of reac- no prior understanding of AR theory to use it successfully. However,
tion products. In the absence of a complete sufciency condition, a knowledge of AR principles is useful in analysing the outputs from
presumed AR is usually termed a candidate AR (ARC ). the RCC method. Another feature of the RCC algorithm is that no
It is not the intention in this paper to describe AR theory in prior reactor assumptions are necessary as the recommended reac-
detail. Instead, the attention of the reader is directed to the work of tor type(s) and their sequencing are determined by the algorithm.
Glasser et al. [2,3] and Feinberg [4,5] for a comprehensive review N-butane and oxygen are supplied together at the tube inlet of
of Attainable Region theory and practice. a shell and tube reactor at atmospheric pressure and at a temper-
ature of 773K. The reactor tubes are packed with a V/MgO catalyst
containing 24 wt% of V2 O5 . A side-stream of oxygen at a pressure of
Abbreviations: AR, attainable region; ARC , candidate attainable region; CSTR, up to 6 atm inside the shell diffuses through the inert porous inor-
continuously stirred tank reactor; DSR, differential side-stream catalytic membrane ganic membrane tube wall to react with the hydrocarbons inside
reactor; IMR, inert membrane reactor; ODH, oxidative dehydrogenation; PFR, plug the tubes which are packed with the catalyst. Tllez et al. [8,9] used
ow reactor; RCC, Recursive Convex Control algorithm.
Corresponding author at: 16 Rooibos Avenue, Allen Grove, Kempton Park 1619, a SiO2 -modied -Al2 O3 membrane tube wall to distribute oxygen
South Africa. Tel.: +27 11 394 7683; fax: +27 11 717 7557. to the V/MgO catalyst inside the tubes. The pressure inside the tubes
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Milne). was taken to be 1 atm. The partial pressure of oxygen to the reactor

0920-5861/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
238 D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245

also were applicable to our earlier papers [10,11] and the relevance
of the results from the RCC tool to those from the earlier papers
depended upon identical operating parameters. Non-isothermal
heat transfer in the determination of attainable regions has been
investigated in particular by Hildebrandt et al. [12], Nicol et al. [13]
and Godorr et al. [14].
In a recent paper, Milne et al. [15] have described in greater
detail the application of the RCC method to the ODH of n-butane
and 1-butene.

3. Results

The RCC algorithm has been employed to identify candidate

Fig. 1. Reaction network for the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of n-butane to attainable regions (ARC s) and yields of hydrocarbon products for
butenes and butadiene. the following reactions.

was used as the primary control variable. The reaction network for Case 1: ODH of n-butane to form butenes (all three isomers).
the ODH of n-butane [8,9] is shown in Fig. 1. Case 2: ODH of n-butane to form butadiene.
This reaction network clearly shows the complexity of the ODH
process. Omitted from the scheme is the formation of water which The partial pressure of oxygen in the feed was varied between
is present ab initio. Of particular interest are the two reaction routes 85 kPa and a very low value and should a DSR be selected by the RCC
for the oxidation of n-butane to butadiene, one direct and the other algorithm as one of the three possible reactors additional oxygen
through the synthesis of butenes and their subsequent oxidation to would be supplied optimally along the length of the DSR so as to
butadiene. We shall discuss this later in the paper. attain the prole of the ARC . This reactor conguration is styled a
The kinetic data for the system, rates of formation, kinetic equa- critical DSR [1,16].
tions and data for the ODH of n-butane, 1-butene and butadiene are The results of these calculations are values of concentrations in
shown in Appendix A. terms of carbon mass fractions of the boundary values of a con-
vex region in a higher dimensional space. In order to present these
2. Experimental results in a way that is understandable to the reader we will present
graphical results of two-dimensional projections in terms of the
Our previous papers [10,11] showed that the maximum possi- variables of interest.
ble theoretical yields of butenes and butadiene from the ODH of
n-butane could be derived from an inert membrane reactor (IMR) 3.1. Case 1ODH of n-butane to form butenes
where the oxygen partial pressure was maintained at a very low and
constant value along the length of the reactor. In line with Attain- In the ODH of n-butane to butenes, we have nine possible chem-
able Region terminology we shall refer henceforth to this IMR as a ical substances. These include oxygen and water as well as the
DSR. Whereas the ensuing IMR, i.e. DSR, was of an impractical size oxidation both of butane and butenes to butadiene, the latter in
what did emerge from these studies were the theoretical maximum this case being considered as an undesirable by-product. To these
yields of hydrocarbon products possible from the ODH process. This nine substances, a tenth variable, residence time, can be added.
then presented the challenge of determining the necessary process Our earlier paper [11] found that a butenes yield of 0.119 carbon
conditions to achieve these maxima in a smaller reactor. Again, mass fraction was the theoretical maximum yield possible from the
in our earlier papers, we began with considering only a DSR and ODH of n-butane.
neglected the possibility that a PFR (or even a CSTR), in some con- Fig. 2 is the two-dimensional projection of the ARC identied by
guration with a DSR, might prove to be a better option. That the the RCC method for the ODH of n-butane to butenes.
optimal reactor conguration, without having to make any prior Fig. 2 shows the extreme points of the proles in mass fraction
assumptions regarding reactor types, emerges from the analysis of space for the yield of butenes (sum of all three isomers) from the
the RCC results is one of the strengths of this tool. ODH of n-butane as derived from the application of the RCC algo-
With the reaction scheme in Fig. 1 there is a very large increase
in the number of moles as the reaction proceeds. To use the AR
method with linear mixing laws, all hydrocarbon concentrations
are expressed in terms of mass fractions of carbon, the number of
carbon atoms remaining constant from the beginning to the end of
the reaction.
In the ODH of n-butane, the reaction system comprises nine
chemical species including oxygen and water. When residence
time is considered, the ODH of n-butane requires a 10-dimensional
space for a complete description. In our earlier papers [10,11]
the kinetic equations were applied to the nine species within
the 10-dimensions from which two-dimensional projections were
abstracted. Where extensions of these two-dimensional concen-
tration spaces were possible, i.e. through the elimination of any
concave areas, they were done solely within the two-dimensional
spaces and not by intrusion into higher dimensional hyperspaces.
In an attempt to keep the paper as focussed as possible on the
results from the RCC tool, we have assumed an isothermal condition Fig. 2. Projection of the set of extreme points derived from the RCC prole for the
of 773 K and a constant tube pressure of 1 atm. These assumptions ODH of n-butane to butenes (sum of all three isomers) plotted in mass fraction space.
D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245 239

rithm. Fig. 2 is a two-dimensional projection from a 10-dimensional and trans-2-butene and are associated with a butane concentration
hypersurface. of 0.623 carbon mass fraction.
In our earlier paper [11], the outer bound of the prole shown The selectivity of butane to butenes at any point of the prole
in Fig. 2 was associated with an extremely low and constant value in Fig. 2 is given by the ratio of its y-coordinate to the distance of
of oxygen partial pressure. A very large and impractical residence its horizontal projection on the x-axis from the feed point. Another
time also was required. The RCC method, as shall be shown later way of saying this is that the selectivity at any point of the pro-
in this paper, attained the prole shown in Fig. 2 by judiciously le is equal to the tangent of the angle between the x-axis and a
controlling the addition of the oxygen in the DSR resulting in a line from the feed point to the relevant point on the prole. It is
signicantly lower residence time. clear from Fig. 2 that the maximum selectivity occurs at the feed
The lower bound of the RCC prole in Fig. 2 corresponds to an point and thereafter diminishes. It retains a positive value until the
initial oxygen partial pressure of 85 kPa and the upper bound to a maximum point of the prole is attained and then becomes nega-
low partial pressure value. Our previous paper [11] showed that the tive. The butane-butenes prole is convex over its entire perimeter
upper bounds of this region for constant oxygen partial pressures and a property of a convex prole is the occurrence of maximum
of 0.25 kPa and an extremely low value were indistinguishable so selectivity at the feed point.
close were they together. The ratio of the yields of the three isomers, relative to trans-
Fig. 2 shows that at a low value of oxygen partial pressure the 2-butene, was found to be constant over the spectrum of oxygen
maximum yield of butenes (the sum of all three isomers, 1-butene, partial pressures. The ratios of formation were found to be 1.9:1.2:1
trans-2-butene and cis-2-butene) from the ODH of n-butane is for 1-butene:cis-2-butene:trans-2-butene and are shown in Fig. 4.
0.119 carbon mass fraction and occurs at a n-butane concentra- This is only to be expected. Referring to Table 2 in Appendix A at
tion of 0.623. The maximum yield from the lower bound is 0.103 the end of this paper, the rate expressions for the oxidation of n-
carbon mass fraction. We conclude that the maximum yields of butane to the three isomers of butene, r1, r2 and r3, are functions of
butenes are relatively insensitive to the partial pressure of oxygen. the partial pressure of n-butane and the selective oxidation of the
Despite the reduction of this partial pressure from 85 kPa to a low catalyst sites,  0 . What differentiates these rate expressions are the
value, the maximum yield of butenes increased by less than 16%. respective rate constants, k1, k2 and k3 (Table 3) and the ratios of
Our earlier paper [11] commented that the selectivity of butane these rate constants for 1-butene, cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene
for the maximum yield of butenes is but slightly inuenced by the are 1.9, 1.2 and 1.0 respectively.
oxygen partial pressure. In Fig. 5 we show the optimal control policy derived from the
Detailed analysis of the results from this RCC application (to be RCC algorithm for the distribution of oxygen along the length of the
shown later in this paper) conrmed that the outermost limit was
commensurate with a DSR to which the supply of oxygen was con-
trolled according to a specic regimen (not necessarily a constant
value of 0.25 kPa.)
Fig. 3 is a breakdown of the upper bound of Fig. 2 to show the
isomeric constituents and their contribution to the outer bounds
values. A characteristic of Fig. 3 is the preferential synthesis of 1-
butene followed by cis-2-butene with trans-2-butene having the
lowest rate of formation. In the absence of kinetic data for the
ODH of the individual isomers to carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
water and butadiene, we cannot exclude the possibility that the
reaction rate for the subsequent ODH of trans-2-butene exceeds
that for cis-2-butene and the latter, in turn, is greater than that for
The maximum yields of the individual isomers at the low oxygen
partial pressure mandated by the RCC method are 0.055, 0.035 and
0.029 carbon mass fractions respectively for 1-butene, cis-2-butene

Fig. 4. Ratio of yields of butene isomers relative to trans-2-butene as functions of

oxygen partial pressre.

Fig. 3. Breakdown of Fig. 2 to show the individual proles of the three butene Fig. 5. RCC operational oxygen control policy for the maximum yield of butenes
isomers plotted in mass fraction space at a very low value of oxygen partial pressure. from the ODH of n-butane.
240 D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245

Fig. 6. RCC oxygen control policy as a function of residence time for the maximum Fig. 7. Set of extreme points derived from the RCC prole for the ODH of n-butane
yield of butenes from the ODH of n-butane. to butadiene in mass fraction space.

reactor as a function of the yield of butenes. Fig. 5, in effect, says

that the initial partial pressure to the reactor should be 15.5 kPa gen partial pressure of 0.25 kPa. If the reaction were truncated once
and should be held constant at this level by the addition of fresh the oxygen partial pressure had dropped to 2 kPa, i.e. after 14 s, the
oxygen until the yield of butenes has reached 0.025 carbon mass yield of butenes would be 0.116 carbon mass fraction or 97% of the
fraction. This implies that initially the reactor should be a DSR with theoretical maximum.
a policy of constant oxygen partial pressure. We conclude that the controlled addition of oxygen to a DSR as
Once the yield of butenes has attained 0.025 carbon mass frac- shown in Figs. 5 and 6 effectively yields the theoretical maximum
tion, there is a change in the oxygen partial pressure. It now starts to amount of butenes from the ODH of n-butane and can do so with the
wane from a value of 15.5 kPa to a low value. According to the RCC total depletion of the oxygen and within a residence time of 100 s.
results, if the oxygen partial pressure along the remaining length Alternatively, the RCC concept has conrmed that for a residence
of the DSR is controlled in this manner and allowed to be reduced time of 14 s, a carefully controlled oxygen addition policy and a nal
to a low value, the maximum yield of butenes can be secured. Fig. 5 oxygen partial pressure of 2 kPa it is possible to produce yields of
also shows that the maximum yield of butenes from the ODH of butenes very close to the theoretical maximum quantity.
n-butane is relatively insensitive to oxygen partial pressures less
than 2 kPa. 3.2. Case 2ODH of n-butane to form butadiene
Fig. 6 shows the calculated optimal control policy for the addi-
tion of oxygen to the reactor as a function of residence time. In our earlier paper [11] the theoretical maximum yield of buta-
Fig. 6 shows that the partial pressure of oxygen is held constant diene from the ODH of n-butane was found to be 0.800 carbon mass
at 15.5 kPa for approximately 0.5 s after which the oxygen is effec- fraction. All the initial feed of n-butane was effectively oxidised to
tively allowed to be depleted at the controlled rate specied in Fig. 6. produce this quantity of butadiene.
The total residence time for this critical DSR is approximately 100 s. Fig. 7 shows the RCC proles in mass fraction space for the yield
The RCC results [15], Figs. 5 and 6 also showed that one can achieve of butadiene from the ODH of n-butane. It is a two-dimensional pro-
virtually this maximum yield after 14 s when the oxygen partial jection from a ten-dimensional hypersurface. As in Case 1 for the
pressure has dropped to 2 kPa. This is because of the asymptotic production of butenes from n-butane, in developing these proles
nature of the residence time prole close to this maximum value the RCC method considered all possible permutations and combi-
of butenes. nations of a CSTR, a PFR and a DSR to extend the prole to its furthest
Fig. 5 should be studied in conjunction with Fig. 6. extreme. A single membrane DSR was identied as the reactor type
Figs. 5 and 6 together show the operational control policy for the required to develop the ARC shown in Fig. 7.
supply of oxygen along the length of the reactor for maximising the The RCC maximum yield of butadiene, 0.799 carbon mass frac-
yield of the desired hydrocarbon product, butenes, from the ODH tion, was obtained when the initial n-butane effectively had been
of n-butane. totally oxidised. These concentrations agree with those shown ear-
Our use of the word control implies optimal control of the lier [11].
thermodynamic conditions, pressure, temperature, ow etc. for In our earlier paper [11], the outer bound of the prole shown
the best reaction rates and yields of hydrocarbon product. It in Fig. 7 was associated with an extremely low and constant value
does not refer to process control where the instrumentation is of oxygen partial pressure. A very large and impractical residence
designed by suitable feed-back loops to regulate these thermo- time also was required. The RCC method, as shall be shown later,
dynamic conditions and to correct any deviation from the set attained the prole shown in Fig. 7 by judiciously controlling the
conditions. addition of oxygen to a DSR and with a signicantly lower residence
It is concluded that a DSR, the feed to which is a stream of n- time.
butane and oxygen, the partial pressure of the latter being 15.5 kPa, As discussed earlier in this paper the ARC is the convex hull of the
is capable of providing the maximum possible yield of butenes after extreme points. Thus, the marked concavity apparent in Fig. 7 indi-
a total residence time of 100 s provided the supply of oxygen along cates a hyper-plane covering a large region of space. It was removed
the length of the DSR follows a dened pattern. by mixing fresh feed, Point A, with product from Point B in various
However, it must be stated that our previous papers [11,15] ratios, the locus for all the resulting outputs lying along the line AB.
showed that with a residence time of 75 s, it was possible to achieve The ARC for the system n-butane and butadiene was bounded by
a yield of butenes of 99.7% of the theoretical maximum possible. the two axes and the line AB. This region matched that identied
The reactor conguration for this was a DSR with a constant oxy- in our earlier paper [11].
D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245 241

Fig. 8. Proles of maximum selectivity of butane to butadiene at oxygen partial Fig. 9. Prole of maximum selectivity of butane to butadiene at oxygen partial
pressures between 0.05 kPa and 85 kPa. pressures from 0.05 kPa to 85 kPa.

The butane:butadiene mass fraction prole is concave from the where Y = maximum selectivity of butane to butadiene and
feed point, A, to a point B between the feed point and the zenith of X = oxygen partial pressure (kPa).
the prole. At high values of oxygen partial pressure, point B lies This equation is valid over the range of oxygen partial pressures
close to point A but with the reduction in oxygen partial pressure, from 0.05 kPa to 85 kPa.
point B moves along the prole in the direction of the maximum. The RCC algorithm specied a total residence time of approx-
It is a property of a concave prole that the point of maximum imately 15 000 s to yield a butadiene concentration of 0.8 carbon
selectivity is coincident with point B. As discussed in Case 1, the mass fraction.
maximum value of the selectivity occurs when the tangent at a In our previous paper [11] we showed that a butadiene yield
point on the prole emanates from the feed point. That this is so of 0.665 carbon mass fraction or 83% of the theoretical maximum
was shown in our earlier paper [17]. could be obtained from a DSR with a constant oxygen partial pres-
Fig. 8 below is a detailed analysis of Fig. 7 and shows the rela- sure of 0.25 kPa and with a residence time of 322 s. At a constant
tionship between the maximum selectivity of butane to butadiene, oxygen partial pressure of 2 kPa, the maximum yield of butadiene
i.e. the tangent point, at several values of oxygen partial pressure. was found to be 0.359 (45% of the theoretical maximum yield) with
In Table 1 we show the residence times and butane concentra- an associated residence time of 58 s.
tions for the values of oxygen partial pressure identied in Fig. 8. It is apparent that unlike Case 1, the synthesis of butenes, the
Also shown in Fig. 8 is the locus of selectivity maxima. Initially, as maximum yield of butadiene as illustrated in Fig. 10 is extremely
the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced, the maximum selectivity sensitive to low oxygen partial pressures.
of butane to butadiene increases rapidly with respect to residence In Fig. 10 we show the control policy for the partial pressure of
time. Below 0.25 kPa, this rate of increase slows and in the limit oxygen as a function of the yield of butadiene. Fig. 10, in effect, says
approaches a value of 0.8 with a corresponding increase in the that the initial partial pressure to the reactor conguration should
residence time necessary to attain this value. be approximately 12 kPa and its partial pressure in the tubes should
Fig. 9 shows the relationship between the maximum selectiv- be controlled according to this prole until the yield of butadiene
ity of n-butane to butadiene and the oxygen partial pressure in a has reached 0.8 carbon mass fraction.
differential side-stream membrane reactor. Fig. 11 shows that after a residence time of approximately
At low values of oxygen partial pressure, the prole assumes an 1000 s, the oxygen partial pressure has been reduced to 0.07 kPa, i.e.
asymptotic characteristic and as the partial pressure tends to a very effectively depleted, with a consequential cessation in the further
low value the maximum selectivity tends to a value of 0.8. That this yield of butadiene.
is so can be seen from a scrutiny of Fig. 7. It is clear from Fig. 11 that after approximately 300 s, the oxy-
A sixth-order polynomial curve (solid line) was found to give gen added is only sufcient to keep its partial pressure in the
the best t to the calculated data (shown as circles). tubes at a very low value and in effect only that which is required
The equation of this prole is to compensate for the oxygen depleted during the oxidation
It is concluded that a maximum butadiene yield of 0.8 carbon
Y = 0.2854 + 0.7503X 1 0.6488X 2 + 0.2786X 3
mass fraction can be obtained from a DSR where the addition of
0.0576X 4 + 0.0052X 5 0.0001X 6 oxygen is rigorously controlled. The total residence time for this

Table 1
Maximum selectivity of n-butane to butadiene, residence time and butane concentration for values of oxygen partial pressure.

Oxygen partial pressure (kPa) Maximum selectivity Residence time (s) Butane concentration, carbon mass fraction

85 0.29 34 0.68
2 0.52 34 0.41
1 0.60 66 0.30
0.5 0.67 130 0.20
0.25 0.71 254 0.12
0.1 0.75 613 0.06
0.05 0.77 1 198 0.03
242 D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245

Fig. 10. RCC operational control policy for the maximum yield of butadiene from Fig. 12. Rates of formation of butane, butenes, butadiene at a constant oxygen partial
the ODH of n-butane. pressure of 85 kPa.

yield, according to the RCC algorithm, is 15 000 s. However, accord-

ing to the RCC algorithm, at a residence time of 1000 s, the yield carbon dioxide and water. All the butane has been oxidised after
of butadiene is 0.745 carbon mass fraction, 93% of the theoretical approximately 500 s.
maximum. With a residence time of 332 s, the butadiene yield is Fig. 13 shows a similar pattern to Fig. 12. At a constant oxygen
0.665 carbon mass fraction, 83% of the theoretical maximum. If the partial pressure of 0.25 kPa, the rates of formation of the butene
reaction were ended after 32 s, by which time the oxygen partial isomers become negative after a residence time of 60 s as a conse-
pressure had been reduced to 2 kPa, the yield of butadiene would quence of oxidation to butadiene, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide
be 0.3 carbon mass fraction of 37% of the theoretical maximum and water. The initial rate of formation of butadiene reaches a max-
amount. imum after approximately 90 s and becomes negative after 320 s.
In Figs. 12 and 13, we show the rates of formation of butane, Thereafter, the rate of formation of butadiene essentially stays
butene (all three isomers) and butadiene at constant oxygen partial constant at a negative value of 0.002 mol/kg s until 1250 s when
pressure values of 85 kPa and 0.25 kPa. effectively it is completely oxidised to carbon monoxide, carbon
Scrutiny of Fig. 12 shows that the rates of formation of the dioxide and water. The chemical reaction effectively has ceased
three isomers of butene at a constant oxygen partial pressure of after 1250 s. All the butane has been oxidised after approximately
85 kPa initially decline and become negative after a residence time 500 s.
of approximately 40 s. The three isomeric rates of formation are so In Fig. 4, we showed that the ratios of the yields of 1-butene,
close together that they cannot be identied separately in Fig. 12 cis-2-butene to trans-2-butene were constant over the spectrum
(and in Fig. 13). After this milestone all the butenes resulting from of oxygen partial pressures from 85 kPa to 0.05 kPa. In Fig. 14 we
the ODH of butane are oxidised to butadiene, carbon monoxide, show that a similar constancy is applicable to the generation of
carbon dioxide and water at a rate greater than their formation carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
from the oxidation of n-butane. In the case of butadiene, initially In Fig. 14 the mean of the ratios of the moles of carbon dioxide
there is a growth pattern and a peak is attained after a residence to carbon monoxide at each value of residence time for each value
time of approximately 5 s. The rate of formation becomes negative of constant oxygen partial pressure.
after 110 s as the butadiene is oxidised to carbon monoxide, car- The data plotted in Fig. 14 represent the mean values of the
bon dioxide and water. At an oxygen partial pressure of 85 kPa, the CO2 :CO ratio at each oxygen partial pressure over the full gamut of
reaction effectively has ceased after a residence time of 1000 s as residence time. Superimposed upon Fig. 14 are the minimum and
all the hydrocarbons have been deep oxidised to carbon monoxide,

Fig. 11. RCC oxygen control policy as a function of residence time for the maximum Fig. 13. Rates of formation of butane, butenes and butadiene at a constant oxygen
yield of butadiene from the ODH of n-butane. partial pressure of 0.25 kPa.
D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245 243

all these rate expressions are a function of the partial pressure of n-

butane and of the selective oxidation catalyst sites,  0 (Appendix A).
When we compare the ratio of the rate expressions for the two reac-
tion paths, the relevant oxygen partial pressures and the oxidation
catalyst site expressions cancel each other and we are left with the
ratio of the respective rate constants, ki . The ratio of (k1 + k2 + k3 )
to k4 is 4.4 and is independent of the reactors operating condi-
tions. This means that for every mole of n-butane that is directly
synthesised to butadiene, 4.4 moles are oxidised to butenes and
subsequently to butadiene.

4. Validity of kinetic data

The main thrust of this simulation study was to use the Recur-
sive Convex Control (RCC) algorithm to determine the attainable
regions, maximum yields and the optimal reactor conguration for
Fig. 14. Molar ratio of yields of carbon dioxide relative to carbon monoxide as the synthesis of butenes and butadiene from the ODH of n-butane.
function of constant oxygen partial pressure.
Another reason for using the RCC algorithm was to establish the
most favourable reactor operating conditions commensurate with
reasonable residence times. What did emerge from his study was
the utilisation of low oxygen partial pressures to achieve these ends.
Several authors have expressed opinions, either directly or indi-
rectly, on the validity of kinetic data when applied at low partial
pressures of oxygen. Dixon [19] commented that for a reactor, typ-
ically of a shell-and-tube conguration, where a reactant is added
to the stream of reactants and products the apparently favourable
kinetics quoted in the literature might well be unfavourable at the
lower partial pressures of the added reactant that seem necessary
for the maximisation of the desired product.
The experiments conducted by Tllez et al. [8] on a V/MgO cat-
alyst seemingly spanned a range of oxygen partial pressures from
2 to 10 kPa. Later papers by Tllez et al. [9,20] quoted molar ratios
for oxygen to n-butane of 0.56 and furthermore pointed out that
oxygen-rich and oxygen-lean conditions can change the nature
of the catalyst signicantly. Assabumrungrat et al. [18] in their
research paper used an air to n-butane ratio of 8 in the reactant
Fig. 15. Standard deviation of the molar ratio of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide. feed as the standard condition but their experiments were carried
out over a range of air ratios between 1 and 15. This ratio range cor-
responds to oxygen to n-butane molar ratios of 0.23. These limits,
maximum values of the carbon dioxide ratio at each oxygen partial
in turn, correspond to initial oxygen partial pressures of 1876 kPa.
pressure. The minimum and maxima values are shown as broken
Corts et al. [21] studied the kinetics of a modied V/MgO cat-
lines. The fact that the mean values are almost coincident with the
alyst in a uidised-bed reactor under anaerobic conditions and
maximum values despite signicantly lower minimum values is a
claimed an improvement in the selectivity of butane to butenes and
reection of the consistency of the data. The ratio of formation of
carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide over the spectrum of oxygen
We have found that the yield of butenes seemingly is unaffected
partial pressures is 3.5 with a slight increase from 20 kPa to 3.6 at
by low oxygen partial pressures since yields close to the theoretical
1 kPa and thereafter declining to 3.4 at 0.05 kPa.
maximum are feasible at an oxygen partial pressure of 2 kPa, this
As an adjunct to Fig. 14, Fig. 15 shows the standard deviation
being the lower limit used by Tllez et al. (Fig. 5). This is not the case
of the carbon dioxide ratio around its mean value for each oxygen
in the synthesis of butadiene where the yield is highly sensitive to
partial pressure.
the oxygen partial pressure (Fig. 10).
Figs. 14 and 15 show that over the range of oxygen partial
Whereas we are not concerned unduly with the higher values
pressures from 85 kPa to 20 kPa, the mean value of the ratio of for-
of oxygen partial pressure, the kinetic data used in this study at
mation of carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide is 3.5 with a declining
low oxygen partial pressures require corroboration or, if found
standard deviation from 0.055 to 0.026. Below 20 kPa, the ratio
wanting, replaced with data that, like Caesars wife, are above
increases to 3.6 (standard deviation of 0.06) at 1 kPa and reducing
to 3.4 at 0.05 kPa with a standard deviation of 0.166. The minimum
This simulation study, inter alia, has emphasised the importance
standard deviation of the carbon dioxide ratio occurs at an oxygen
low oxygen partial pressures and, a fortiori, the need for reliable
partial pressure of 16 kPa.
kinetic data under these conditions. Consequently, the validity of
Finally, we wish to comment upon the priority of the alternative
our kinetic data at low oxygen partial pressures must be taken as
paths for the synthesis of butadiene. Referring to Fig. 1, butadiene
being unproven and of qualied applicability.
can be produced either by the direct oxidative dehydrogenation
of n-butane or via the production of butenes and their subsequent
ODH to butadiene. The question is posed as to which of the two 5. Conclusions
reaction paths predominates?
The rate expressions for the ODH of n-butane are shown in The attainable region analysis of the ODH of n-butane and 1-
Table 2. For the production of the butene isomers and butadiene, butene has been undertaken using the Recursive Convex Control
244 D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245

(RCC) algorithm. Whereas earlier simplistic approaches depended Table 2

Chemical reactions and rate expressions for the oxidative dehydrogenation of n-
upon a starting premise of a specic reactor conguration, the RCC
butane to butene and butadiene.
algorithm does not and the optimal reactor conguration for attain-
ment of the ARC emerges from the algorithm as an output. Reaction Rate expression
The simulation study shows that for the ODH of n-butane to Oxidation of n-butane
butenes and butadiene a differential side-stream catalytic mem- C4 H10 + 1/2O2 1-C4 H8 + H2 O (1) r1 = k1 PC4 H10 0
brane reactor with predened control patterns for the addition of C4 H10 + 1/2O2 Trans-2-C4 H8 + H2 O (2) r2 = k2 PC4 H10 0
C4 H10 + 1/2O2 Cis-2-C4 H8 + H2 O (3) r3 = k3 PC4 H10 0
oxygen can result in yields of hydrocarbon product close to the
C4 H10 + O2 C4 H6 + 2H2 O (4) r4 = k4 PC4 H10 0
theoretical maxima. Yields of butenes, in contrast to butadiene, are C4 H10 + 9/2O2 4CO + 5H2 O (5) r5 = k5 PC4 H10 0
relatively unaffected by low values of oxygen partial pressure. C4 H10 + 13/2O2 4CO2 + 5H2 O (6) r6 = k6 PC4 H10 0
Ratios of formation of butene isomers and carbon dioxide to Oxidation of 1-butene
carbon monoxide were shown to be constant over a wide range of 1-C4 H8 + 1/2O2 C4 H6 + H2 O (7) r7 = k7 PC4 H8 0
oxygen partial pressures. 1-C4 H8 + 4O2 4CO + 4H2 O (8) r8 = k8 PC4 H8 0
The synthesis of butenes from the ODH of n-butane proceeds 1-C4 H8 + 6O2 4CO2 + 4H2 O (9) r9 = k9 PC4 H8 0

faster than the direct synthesis of butadiene by a factor of 4.4. Oxidation of butadiene
The validity of the kinetic data at low values of oxygen partial C4 H6 + 7/2O2 4CO + 3H2 O (10) r10 = k10 PC4 H6 0
pressure remains unproven and requires corroboration. C4 H6 + 11/2O2 4CO2 + 3H2 O (11) r11 = k11 PC4 H6 0

Oxidation and reduction of catalyst sites

O2 + 2X 2X0 (12) r12 = k12 PO2 (1 0 )
Appendix A. O2 + 2Z 2Z0 (13) r13 = k13 PO2 (1 0 )

Tllez et al. [8,9] identied the independent balanced chemical

reactions involved in the ODH (Fig. 1) of butane and their associated The rate constant, ki = kio exp((Ea i/R)(1/T 1/T0 )), where
rate expressions as: T0 = 773 K.
In Table 2,  0 and 0 refer to the oxidation of catalyst sites and The equations for rates of formation, r1 to r9 , of the several
are dened as: species are:
Selective oxidation catalyst sites n-Butane
2k12 poxygen
0 = r1 = ((k1 + k2 + k3 + k4 )0 + (k5 + k6 )0 )pbutane
2k12 poxygen + (k1 + k2 + k3 + 2k4 )pbutane + k7 pbutenes
Non-selective oxidation catalyst sites

2k13 poxygen
0 =
2k13 poxygen + (9k5 + 3k6 )pbutane + (8k8 + 2k9 )pbutenes + (7k10 + 11k11 )pbutadiene

X and Z refer to the reduced active sites of the catalyst.

X0 and Z0 refer to the oxidised active sites of the catalyst.
pi is the partial pressure of the subscripted species, i, atm. a1 = ((k1 + k2 + k3 + k4 )0 + (9k5 + 13k6 )0 )0.5pbutane
The rate expressions presented by Tllez et al. [8,9] indicate a2 = (k7 0 + 8k8 0 )0.5pbutenes + 12 0.5k9 pbutenes 0
a dependency upon the partial pressures of butane, butene and a3 = (7k10 + 11k11 )0.50 pbutadiene
butadiene and the selective ( 0 ) and non-selective (0 ) oxidation a4 = (k12 (1 0 ) + k13 (1 0 ))0.5poxygen
catalyst sites respectively. The latter two, in turn, are functions of
the partial pressure of oxygen and of the partial pressures of butane,
r2 = (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 )
butene and butadiene.
Because the partial pressure of oxygen inuences the selective
and non-selective oxidation catalyst sites which in turn affects the
rate expressions it was adopted as the primary independent control r3 = (k1 pbutane k7 p1-butene )0 (k8 + k9 )p1-butene 0
The kinetic data for the system n-butane:butenes:butadiene Trans-2-butene
used in this study were taken from Tllez et al. [8,9] and from
Assabumrungrat et al. [18] and are shown in Table 3. r4 = (k2 pbutane k7 ptrans-2-butene )0 (k8 + k9 )ptrans-2-butene 0

Table 3
Rate constants and activity coefcients from Tllez et al. [8,9] and Assabumrungrat et al. [18].

Reaction Rate constant, kio (mol/kg s) Activity coefcient, Eai (kJ/mol)

C4 H10 + 1/2O2 1-C4 H8 + H2 O 62.33 103 144.9

C4 H10 + 1/2O2 Trans-2-C4 H8 + H2 O 32.83 103 142.7
C4 H10 + 1/2O2 Cis-2-C4 H8 + H2 O 39.67 103 139.1
C4 H10 + O2 C4 H6 + 2H2 O 30.83 103 148.5
C4 H10 + 9/2O2 4CO + 5H2 O 9.17 103 175.5
C4 H10 + 13/2O2 4CO2 + 5H2 O 25.83 103 138.4
C4 H8 + 1/2O2 C4 H6 + H2 O 685.0 103 164.7
C4 H8 + 4O2 4CO + 4H2 O 32.33 103 146.2
C4 H8 + 6O2 4CO2 + 4H2 O 115.67 103 107.2
C4 H6 + 7/2O2 4CO + 3H2 O 118.17 103 146.6
C4 H6 + 11/2O2 4CO2 + 3H2 O 435 103 102.0
O2 + 2X 2X0 2995 103 114.5
O2 + 2Z 2Z0 3255 103 5.5
D. Milne et al. / Catalysis Today 156 (2010) 237245 245

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