A Comparative Study of Monteburns and MCNPX 2.6.0 Codes in Ads Simulations

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2013 International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2013

Recife, PE, Brazil, November 24-29, 2013

ISBN: 978-85-99141-05-2



Graiciany P. Barros1,2,3, Claubia Pereira1,2,3 , Maria A. F. Veloso1,2,3 , Carlos E.

Velasquez1,2,3 and Antonella L. Costa1,2,3
Departamento de Engenharia Nuclear
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Avenida Pres. Antonio Carlos 6627- Campus Pampulha
31270-901 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
[email protected], [email protected]
Instituto Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologia de Reatores Nucleares Inovadores/
Rede Nacional de Fusão/FINEP


The possible use of the MONTEBURNS and MCNPX 2.6.0 codes in Accelerator-driven systems (ADSs)
simulations for fuel evolution description is discussed. ADSs are investigated for fuel breeding and long-lived
fission product transmutation so simulations of fuel evolution have a great relevance. The burnup/depletion
capability is present in both studied codes. MONTEBURNS code links Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code
(MCNP) to the radioactive decay burnup code ORIGEN2, whereas MCNPX depletion/ burnup capability is a
linked process involving steady-state flux calculations by MCNPX and nuclide depletion calculations by
CINDER90. A lead-cooled accelerator-driven system fueled with thorium was simulated and the results
obtained using MONTEBURNS code and the results from MCNPX 2.6.0 code were compared. The system
criticality and the variation of the actinide inventory during the burnup were evaluated and the results indicate a
similar behavior between the results of each code.


In recent years great interest has been displayed for accelerator-driven subcritical reactors
(ADS) to produce energy, transmute radioactive wastes and fertile to fissile fuel conversion in
a cleaner and safer way than at present. Pioneers in this revival have been Furukawa [1],
Bowman [2] and Rubbia [3]. Similar ideas were proposed almost 50 years ago [4–7].

The concept of ADS combines a particle accelerator with a subcritical core, in general, an
ADS consists of three parts: (1) accelerator, (2) spallation neutron target and (3) sub-critical
core. A high intensity proton beam with energy of around 1 GeV is injected into a target of
heavy metal, resulting in spallation reactions that emit neutrons. The spallation process is a
nuclear reaction where high-energy particles hit target nuclei of heavy elements. The main
purpose of spallation target in an ADS is to provide the primary neutron flux for driving the
fission process in the subcritical core.

The feasibility of thorium utilization in ADS has been investigated [8-10]. There are many
reasons for the resurgence of interest in the thorium fuel cycle nowadays. Thorium is about
three times more abundant than uranium abundance and is distributed in nature as an easily
exploitable resource in many countries. The main issue verified in the adoption of this fuel is
the initial enrichment requirement, since the use of natural thorium (232Th) is not feasible due
to the very low values of achieved criticality.

Multiple computer codes have been used to model ADS cores designed for the purpose of
burning fuels. The fuel evolution description is essential when it is desired to know fuel
breeding performance. In the present study, it was performed a comparison of MCNPX 2.6.0
[11] and MONTEBURNS 2.0 [12] codes on an ADS fueled with thorium simulation.
MCNPX depletion/ burnup capability is a linked process involving steady-state flux
calculations by MCNPX and nuclide depletion calculations by CINDER90. During the
burnup the MCNPX does not take into account the flux from external source, so the effective
neutron multiplication factor (keff) and fuel evolution results obtained in an ADS simulation
with MCNPX are just approximations. MONTEBURNS code links Monte Carlo N-Particle
Transport Code (MCNP) to the radioactive decay burnup code ORIGEN2. Monteburns
produces a large number of criticality and burnup results based on various material
feed/removal specifications, power(s), and time intervals. In MONTEBURNS the value of
the effective multiplication factor for an external source definition (spallation source) must be
calculated, so the flux from spallation source is take into account in an ADS simulation.

In summary, this computational study aims to determine the difference between the results
obtained using MONTEBURNS code and the results from MCNPX 2.6.0 in a lead-cooled
accelerator-driven system fueled with thorium simulation. A comparison of the results
obtained from each code allows verifying when it is considered the neutron flux from the
spallation source during the operation period. The system criticality, the neutron spectrum
and the variation of the actinide inventory during the burnup were evaluated and the results
indicate a similar behavior between the results provide by each code.


2.1. System Parameters

Fig. 1 shows schematic views of the simulated ADS in MCNPX and MONTEBURNS. The
codes share the same MCNP geometry. The basic geometry includes the lead spallation
target, a subcritical core, and the reflector. The accelerator tube has a radius of 1.5 cm, and
the axial position is in the center of the target. The spallation source is represented by a
neutrons source with a spectrum characteristic of spallation reactions. Such spectrum was
generated, in a previous simulation, using a beam of 1-GeV protons with a parabolic spatial
profile. There was used Bertini intranuclear cascade model for the transport of protons,
neutrons, and charged pions. The parameters of this simulation were described in [13].

Due to their higher neutron yields only heavy targets are considered practical. Lead or lead-
bismuth, are proposed as liquid targets. The use of only lead for the target prevents the
radiological hazards from 210Po, maintaining a high neutrons production by spallation, since
the values of spallation cross sections for the two materials are very close.

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

The core is a cylinder of 6.0 m3 filled with a hexagonal lattice loaded with a mixture of
ThO2 + 15% 233UO2. The volumetric fractions of coolant (54 %) and fuel (8 %) were
adjusted to obtain initial keff = 0.99. The inner diameter of the 156 fuel rods is 2. The coolant
used is natural Lead. This design offers many advantages like convective cooling, passive
safety and small neutron absorption cross section [14].

Another advantage of the lead coolant is that it is not a neutron moderator. This is important
because the protactinium effect, which limits the achievable values of keff, is less severe for
harder spectra. For solid fuels, systems without moderator and based on thorium, smaller
values of capture cross sections of fission products will reduce the keff variation and produce
a hardening (shift to higher energies) in the neutron energy distribution. So, the inventory of
U is much larger in fast reactors (about 7 times), with the associated larger breeding times
and inventory radiotoxicity [15].

Figure 1: Horizontal and vertical cross sections of the ADS.

2.2 Computational Tools

MCNPX 2.6.0 code was used to simulate the geometrical and operational characteristics of
the system. Such version is quite interesting for the ADS evaluation because it describes the
nuclear fuel evolution during the operation. For the simulation there was used a combination
of spallation source (external source - SDEF) and kcode-mode for the calculation of initial
keff and flux, describing in this way the real behavior of an ADS; that is, the initial criticality
is the sum of neutrons produced by fission in the fuel and the neutrons produced by spallation
in the target. During the burnup the code does not take into account the flux from external
source, so the keff and fuel evolution results obtained are just approximations. Moreover, the

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

keff results that were obtained during the burnup (kcode-mode) provide an insight of the
necessary contribution of the external source during the operation period.

The depletion/burnup capability of MCNPX is based on CINDER90. MCNPX depletion is a

linked process involving steady-state flux calculations by MCNPX and nuclide depletion
calculations by CINDER90. The code runs a steady-state calculation to determine the system
eigenvalue, 63-group fluxes, energy-integrated reaction rates, fission multiplicity, and
recoverable energy per fission (Q values). CINDER90 then takes those MCNPX-generated
values and performs the depletion calculation to generate new number densities for the next
time step. MCNPX takes these new number densities and generates another set of fluxes and
reaction rates. The process repeats itself until after the final time step specified by the user

MONTEBURNS is a fully automated tool that links the Monte Carlo transport code MCNP
with the radioactive decay and burnup code ORIGEN2. MONTEBURNS produces a large
number of criticality and burnup results based on various material feed/removal
specifications, power(s), and time intervals. The program processes input from the user that
specifies the system geometry, initial material compositions, feed/removal specifications, and
other code-specific parameters. Various results from MCNP, ORIGEN2, and other
calculations are then output successively as the code runs. The principle function of
MONTEBURNS is to transfer one-group cross-section and flux values from MCNP to
ORIGEN2, and then transfer the resulting material compositions (after irradiation and/or
decay) from ORIGEN2 back to MCNP in a repeated, cyclic fashion. [12]

In MONTEBURNS, the value of the effective multiplication factor for an “sdef” source
definition (external source) must be calculated from the value of the net multiplication
obtained from the MCNP [12]. Therefore, the neutron flux from spallation source (sdef) is
taking into account during the burnup and the results describe the real behavior of an ADS.

2.3 Computational Procedure

It was used for the MCNPX simulation a combination of ADS source (SDEF) and kcode-
mode for calculation of initial keff and flux. The SDEF source was positioned on the center of
the target. It was used the continuous energy library ENDF/B-VI.6. The burnup calculations
were performed in kcode-mode using 53 time steps, the total simulated time was 10 years and
the thermal power of operation throughout this period was 515MWt. The flux averaged over a
cell was calculated using the tally F4.

In the MONTEBURNS simulation was shared the same MCNP geometry, material
composition, nuclear data library, core thermal power, and the same spallation source
(SDEF). However, in MONTEBURNS simulation it is not necessary the use of a combination
of ADS source (SDEF) and kcode-mode. Because it is possible the calculation of the effective
multiplication factor for an “sdef” source definition. Therefore, the burnup calculations were
performed in sdef-mode, the total simulated time was 10 years and core thermal power of
515MWt .

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.


3.1 Neutronic Evaluation

Fig. 2 plots the keff evolution for both the MCNPX and MONTEBURNS codes. The keff
calculated by MCNPX for the first step was 0.99129 with a relative error of 0.00040 and keff
= 0.55886 with a relative error of 0.00045 for a last step. The results provided by
MONTEBURNS was keff = 0.99322 with a relative error of 0.00087 for the first step and keff
= 0.56770 with a relative error of 0.01701 for a last step.

Concerning the codes discrepancy, the keff values were higher for MONTEBURNS, mainly
because in this case the spallation source was considered during the burnup. However, it can
be noted that the difference between the keff values are smoothly small (the averaged
difference between values from MONTEBURNS and MCNPX was ≈ 0.02), indicating that
the MCNPX use for ADS simulations is a suitable alternative for description of this systems

The drop of the keff value is mainly due to the increased poisoning caused by the
accumulation of fission products having large neutron capture cross-sections and, of course,
the constant energy generation by the system.

Figure 2: Multiplication factors (keff) evolution.

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

In Figure 3 is shown the normalized neutron flux for MCNPX simulation and the
MONTEBURNS flux spectrum in the BOL (beginning of life). The normalization of the
MCNPX neutron flux was performed using the flux multiplier [16]:

Where ν is the neutrons emitted by fission and the is the recoverable energy per fission

Figure 3: Neutron spectra in the beginning of life.

The maximum flux in MCNPX simulation occurred around 250 keV, the use of fast neutrons
is important for the protactinium effect reduction. It can be observed a hard spectrum in
MONTEBURNS simulation as well as in MCNPX simulation.

3.1 Fuel Evolution

Fig. 4 describes the 232Th concentration for both the MCNPX and MONTEBURNS codes
during the 10 years of operation. The consumption of 232Th was very similar for both
simulations. It can be verified that the concentration of this isotope is reduced by about 43%
during the operation time. It is the result of the considerable capture cross section of this
isotope, which allows the 233U production. 233U is formed when 232Th captures a neutron, and
it soon undergoes two beta decays:

232 233 233 233

Th + n Th β- Pa β- U (2)

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

Figure 4: Th mass variations.

Fig. 5 shows the 233Pa concentrations during the 10 years of operation for the two codes. The
Pa production was very similar in the two simulations. It may be noted that this isotope is
formed in small scale which contributes negatively to the reactivity. Furthermore, the
protactinium effect is less severe for harder spectra like that. The protactinium effect is a
relevant question in the neutron spectrum choice for a thorium fueled system. Protactinium
captures neutrons (due to its large capture cross section) and, thus, decreases the reactivity
and fuel regeneration. The capture cross-section for the 233Pa in the fast region of the neutron
spectrum is lower than in the thermal region, so the non-use of moderator facilitates the fuel
regeneration by protactinium effect reduction.

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

Figure 5: Pa mass variations.

Fig. 6 presents the 233U concentrations during the operation time. Once again there was a
similar behavior in the isotope mass evolution. As can be verified in this figure the
concentration of this isotope decreases with the time. This isotope is produced by the
regeneration of the 232Th, but it is constantly consumed for power generation, since the initial
loading is used to generate 515 MWt thermal power for 10 years. After all, the 233U is the
main fissile isotope of the system.

The burnup rate for the system simulated is 561.35 g/day. For ten years of operation the
consumption is approximately 2049 kg of this isotope. It can be verified that the
concentration of this isotope 232Th is reduced by about 380 kg during the 10 years of
operation for MCNPX simulation and about 365 kg for MONTEBURNS simulation. This
indicates that not all the 233U consumed for the power generation comes from initial loading
system, but it comes from 232Th regeneration.

INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

Figure 6: U mass variations.


MONTEBURNS and MCNPX codes have proven to supply very similar results for an ADS
simulation. Although the MCNPX code does not take into account the flux from external
source during the burnup, the results of system criticality and the variation of the actinide
inventory indicate a similar behavior between the results of both codes. Indicating that the
MCNPX use for ADS simulations is a suitable choice for description of this systems

As future work will be simulated an ADS core fueled with thorium rods and burned fuel rods
using MONTEBURNS. Such study was already performed using MCNPX [17]. Similarly, an
ADS core fueled with thorium rods and reprocessed fuel rods previously performed using
MCNPX [18], will be simulated using MONTEBURNS.


INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

The authors are grateful to the Brazilian research funding agencies, CNEN (Brazil), CNPq
(Brazil), CAPES (Brazil) and FAPEMIG (MG/Brazil), for the support.


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INAC 2013, Recife, PE, Brazil.

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