Chapter 1 Algebra PDF

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Chapter 1

Prepared by:

Mohsen Y. Mansour
B.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering, MTC
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Mans. Uni.
Math & Science Teacher Career Certificate, AUC
Phone No. 01009387559 - 01011800408
Background Algebra.

Linear Equations.

Changing the Subject of a Formula.

Quadratic Equations.

Equations That Cannot be Factorized.

10/31/2017 Algebra 2
The Graphs of Quadratic Equations.

The Quadratic Formula.

Simultaneous Equations.


10/31/2017 Algebra 3


10/31/2017 Algebra 4
Collecting Terms

Removing Brackets

10/31/2017 Algebra 5

10/31/2017 Algebra 6

Finding Common Dominator

10/31/2017 Algebra 7

10/31/2017 Algebra 8
10/31/2017 Algebra 9


10/31/2017 Algebra 10

10/31/2017 Algebra 11
10/31/2017 Algebra 12
Since the numbers 2 and 3 appear on the bottom line, multiply through by 6 which
cancels both of them.

10/31/2017 Algebra 13
10/31/2017 Algebra 14
Changing the Subject
An Formula

10/31/2017 Algebra 15
An equation like this is often called a formula.

The variable A is called the subject of this formula because it only appears once
on its own on the left-hand side.

10/31/2017 Algebra 16
10/31/2017 Algebra 17
10/31/2017 Algebra 18


10/31/2017 Algebra 19
Quadratic Factorization

10/31/2017 Algebra 20
10/31/2017 Algebra 21
First you look for two numbers that can be added to give 2 and multiplied to
give 24:

6 + 4 = 2 6 (+4) = 24.

How to check your answer

10/31/2017 Algebra 22
How to check your answer

10/31/2017 Algebra 23
Perfect Square

Difference of
Two Squares

10/31/2017 Algebra 24
Coefficient of

Start by multiplying the two outside numbers together
6 (12) = 72
Now look for two numbers which add to give +1 (the coefficient of
x) and multiply to give 72 (the number found above).
(+9) + (8) = +1 (+9) (8) = 72
Splitting the middle term gives

10/31/2017 Algebra 25

Quadratic Equations

10/31/2017 Algebra 26
This is a quartic equation (its highest power of x is 4)

10/31/2017 Algebra 27
10/31/2017 Algebra 28
Solving Equations
cannot be

10/31/2017 Algebra 29
In the case of x2 6x + 2, for example, it is not possible to find two whole numbers
which add to give 6 and multiply to give +2.

Graphical Solution
To solve the equation x2 6x + 2 = 0 ,We draw the graph of y = x2 6x + 2
then we find the value of x at the point of graph intersection with x axis as
y = 0.

X is between 0.3 and 0.4 so approximately 0.35, or

between 5.6 and 5.7 so approximately 5.65.

10/31/2017 Algebra 30
Completing the Square

10/31/2017 Algebra 31
The Graphs
Quadratic Functions

10/31/2017 Algebra 32
= +
= + +
= ( ) +

10/31/2017 Algebra 33
10/31/2017 Algebra 34
The Quadratic


10/31/2017 Algebra 35
10/31/2017 Algebra 36
10/31/2017 Algebra 37
As you can see, the graph does not cut the x axis and so there is indeed no
real solution to this equation.

10/31/2017 Algebra 38
The discriminant, b2 4ac

10/31/2017 Algebra 39


10/31/2017 Algebra 40
Simultaneous equations means you need to solve two or more equations

10/31/2017 Algebra 41
This expression for d is now substituted in the other equation,
4h + 3d = 36, giving

10/31/2017 Algebra 42
This expression for d is now substituted in the other equation,
4h + 3d = 36, giving

Therefore a hen costs $6 and a duck $4

10/31/2017 Algebra 43
the graphs of the two equations, 6h + d = 40 and 4h + 3d = 36.
As you can see, they intersect at the solution, h = 6 and d = 4.

10/31/2017 Algebra 44
Non-Linear Simultaneous Equations

A linear equation in, say, x and y contains only terms in x and y and a constant
term. So 7x + 2y = 11 is linear.

7x2 + 2y = 11 is not linear, since it contains a term in x2

10/31/2017 Algebra 45
10/31/2017 Algebra 46

10/31/2017 Algebra 47
It is actually the case that multiplying or dividing by a negative number
reverses the inequality, but you may prefer to avoid the difficulty, as shown in
the examples below.

10/31/2017 Algebra 48
10/31/2017 Algebra 49
10/31/2017 Algebra 50
10/31/2017 Algebra 51
10/31/2017 Algebra 52

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