TIMO 2023 Solution Manual 1

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Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad

2023 – Heat Round

The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club
Solution Manual by Joross Lamarca, Ian Chris Semillano, and Peter John Haboc

This past paper solution manual is intended to promote as an additional resource in

competing to other Mathematical Olympiads. This manual is not affiliated nor is endorsed
as official solutions by the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad. All solutions
were created as a novel piece by the writers.

The questions here are mostly non-verbatim, and is just a recollection of the authors’
memory of the questions.


0 Problems 3

1 Solution to Problem 1 5

2 Solution to Problem 2 6

3 Solution to Problem 3 7

4 Solution to Problem 4 8

5 Solution to Problem 5 9

6 Solution to Problem 6 10

7 Solution to Problem 7 10

8 Solution to Problem 8 11

9 Solution to Problem 9 11

10 Solution to Problem 10 12

11 Solution to Problem 11 12
TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

12 Solution to Problem 12 13

13 Solution to Problem 13 14

14 Solution to Problem 14 15

15 Solution to Problem 15 15

16 Solution to Problem 16 17

17 Solution to Problem 17 18

18 Solution to Problem 18 19

19 Solution to Problem 19 20

20 Solution to Problem 20 21

21 Solution to Problem 21 22

22 Solution to Problem 22 22

23 Solution to Problem 23 23

24 Solution to Problem 24 24

25 Solution to Problem 25 25

26 Solution to Bonus Problem 27

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§0 Problems
1 1
1. If x + = 35, find x3 + 3 .
x x
2. Given that △ABC have side lengths 25, 29, and 36. Find its area.
3. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle ABC. It is given that the centroid of the triangle is
at C(10, 15) and side AB is collinear with line l with an equation of 8x + 6y = 30. Find the area
of the circle.
1 1 1
4. Find the number of sets of integral solution(s) of + = .
x y 2023
5. Find the value of x in the equation log4 x + log8 x + log16 x = 13.

6. Simplify 57 + 1400.
7. How many 4-digit numbers are there in which the sum of digits is 9?
8. Find the minimum possible value of a in (5 + a)y + (35 + 4a)y + 4a such that it has 2 possible
distinct roots.

9. Find the smallest integer greater than (6 + 19)3 .
10. What is the next term in the sequence?

2, 13, 57, 233, 937,

11. In how many ways can you arrange 7 identical straws, 3 identical forks, and 8 identical spoons in
a row?
12. Use hexadecimal number system to represent octal number 6432578 .
13. Find the minimum value of 4x2 + 9y 2 + 24x − 24y + 97.
14. Find the value of 25 +
25 +
25 +
25 + . . .
15. For acute angle θ, find the largest possible value of 18 cos θ tan θ + 27 cos2 θ.
16. If θ is an acute angle and tan θ = , find the value of tan θ cos θ − sin 2θ.
17. If abcde + badec + ceabd + dceab + edbca = 433329. Find the value of 7(a + b + c + d + e).
18. Given that x is a 5-digit positive integer. It leaves a remainder of 9, 7, and 2 when divided by 11,
9, and 4, repectively. Find smallest possible value of x.
19. Find the coefficient of x4 in the expansion of (5x2 + 3x + 8)4 .
20. Given A and B are three non-zero digits and the 3-digit numbers formed by these three digits
have the following properties:

• ABC has odd number of factors.

• ABC has the of divisors equal to 871.
Find the 3-digit number BCA.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

21. It is known that a > b and 51246a64b is divisible by 48. Find the greatest value of a × b.
22. In a box, there are 9 red balls, 3 green balls, and 4 yellow balls. If 8 balls will be withdrawn, what
is the probability of having at least 3 red balls?
23. There are 45 problems in a mathematical olympiad. The scores of each problem are allocated in
the following ways: 3 marks will be given for a correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted from
a wrong answer and 0 marks will be given for a blank answer. Find the minimum number of
candidate(s) to ensure that 3 candidates will have the same scores in the competition.
24. Balls in a box were numbered from 1 − 70. Malee picked 2 balls without replacement. What is
the probability that he will get a multiple of 7 in his first draw and a prime number on his second
25. In triangle ABC, the area of CP T S△CP T = 54, the area of triangle BCP S△BCP = 45 and the
area of triangle BP S S△BP S = 10. Find the area of quadrilateral ASP T SASP T .

Bonus Question:
Let p = p1 p2 . . . p6 be a permutation of the integers from 1 to 6. For any such permutation p,
we count how many integers there are which have nothing bigger on its left. We let f (p) be the
number of these integers for the permutation p. For example, f (612345) = 1 because only 6 has
nothing to its left which is bigger. On the other hand f (135462) = 4 because only 1, 3, 5, and 6
satisfy the condition. Let S be the sum of f (p) over all the 6! different permutations. Find the
numerical value of S.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§1 Solution to Problem 1

Problem statement

1 1
If x + = 35, find x3 + 3 .
x x

Answer: 42770

Solution I. Proposed by Ian Chris Semillano

For us to solve this, we need to recall the concept of Special Product.

Theorem 1.1 (Special Product)

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3 .

We are tasked to find x3 + . By expansion and substitution of values, we obtain

1 3
x+ = 353
1 1 1
x3 + 3(x)2 + 3(x) + 3 = 42875
x x x
3 1 1
x +3 x+ + 3 = 42875
x x
x3 + 3(35) + 3 = 42875
x3 + 3 = 42770

Solution II. Proposed by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano

Theorem 1.2 (Shortcut Formula)

Given that x + = n, then
x3 + = n(n2 − 3)

By substitution, we get
x3 + = n(n2 − 3)
x3 + 3 = 35(352 − 3)
3 1
x + 3 = 42770

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§2 Solution to Problem 2

Problem statement

Given that △ABC have side lengths 25, 29, and 36. Find its area.

Answer: 360

Solution by Joross Lamarca.

In order to get the area of the triangle given its side lengths, Heron’s formula will be used.

Theorem 2.1 (Heron’s Formula)

The area of the triangle given its side lengths a, b, and c can be calculated using
A△ = s(s − a)(s − b)(s − c)

where the semi-perimeter is

s= .

Upon substitution, we get that the semi-perimeter is

25 + 29 + 36
s = 45.

By utilizing the heron’s formula, this yields

A△ = 45(45 − 25)(45 − 29)(45 − 36)
= 45(20)(16)(9)
= (32 · 5)(22 · 5)(24 )(32 )

= 26 · 52 · 34
= 360.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§3 Solution to Problem 3

Problem statement

A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle ABC. It is given that the centroid of the triangle is
at C(10, 15) and side AB is collinear with line l with an equation of 8x + 6y = 30. Find the area
of the circle.

Answer: 616

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano, Joross Lamarca, and Peter John Haboc.
For us to understand the solution of this problem, we recall the formula for finding the shortest
perpendicular distance between a point and a line, and the area of a circle.

Theorem 3.1 (Perpendicular Distance Formula)

The perpendicular distance between a point and a line, that is, the shortest distance between the
center of a circle and a line tangent to it, is

|Ax + By + C|
r= √ .
A2 + B 2

Theorem 3.2 (Area of the Circle)

A circle O with radius r has an area of
Area of a Circle = πr 2
where, π ≈ .

Upon rearranging the equation of the line, we get 8x + 6y − 30 = 0. In this case, A, B, C, x, y are
8, 6, −30, 10, 15, respectively.
Hence, by substitution, we obtain

|(8)(10) + (6)(15) + (−30)|

r= p
(8)2 + (6)2
|140| 140
=√ = = 14.
100 10

Hence, by Theorem 3.2, we get the area of the circle as

[A] = π(14)2
= (14)2
= 616.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§4 Solution to Problem 4

Problem statement

1 1 1
Find the number of sets of integral solution(s) of + = .
x y 2023

Answer: 29

Solution proposed by Ian Chris Semillano.

Theorem 4.1 (Number of Divisors)

Let the prime factorization of n be

n = pa11 × pa22 × · · · × pakk

the number of divisors is equal to

= (a1 + 1)(a2 + 1) . . . (ak + 1).

To begin with, manipulate the algebraic equation. Thus, we have

1 1 1
+ =
x y 2023
xy − 2023x − 2023y = 0
xy − 2023x − 2023y + 20232 = 20232
(x − 2023)(y − 2023) = 20232

Now, we have to get the number of divisors of 20232 .

20232 = (7 · 172 )2
= (72 · 174 )
Number of Divisors = (2 + 1)(4 + 1) = 15.

We multiply it by 2 since x and y could be interchange. Moreover, since x, y ̸= 0 (undefined), we

cannot have x − 2023 = −2023 and y − 2023 = −2023. Hence, we subtract by 1.

= 2(15)
= 30 − 1
= 29.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§5 Solution to Problem 5

Problem statement

Find the value of x in the equation log4 x + log8 x + log16 x = 13.

Answer: 4096

Solution by Joross Lamarca, Peter John Haboc, and Ian Chris Semillano.
For us to understand the solution of this problem, we recall the properties of logarithm.

Theorem 5.1 (Exponential to Logarithmic Expression)

Given that a, m, and x are the base, exponent, and power, respectively,

am = x ⇒ loga x = m.

Theorem 5.2 (Logarithmic Property)

Given that a, m, x, n are the base, exponent, power, and exponent of base, respectively,
logan x = m ⇒ log x = m.
n a

Upon manipulation, the equation is congruent to

log4 x + log8 x + log16 x = 13

log22 x + log23 x + log24 x = 13
1 1 1
log2 x + log2 x + log2 x = 13
2 3  4 
1 1 1
log2 x + + = 13
2 3 4
log2 x = 13
log2 x = 12
x = 212
x = 4096.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§6 Solution to Problem 6

Problem statement

Simplify 57 + 1400.

√ √
Answer: 5 2 + 7

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Semillano. We recall the concept of Special Product.

Theorem 6.1 (Special Product)

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

The expression above should be written in the form (a + b)2 in order to cancel the radical symbol.
Before that, it must be written as a2 + 2ab + b2 .

= 57 + 1400
√ √
q q
= 57 + 4 · 350 = 57 + 2 350
√ √
Factor of 350 which will add up to 57 (50,7) = 50 + 7
√ √
= 5 2 + 7.

§7 Solution to Problem 7

Problem statement

How many 4-digit numbers are there in which the sum of digits is 9?

Answer: 165

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano. We use the concept of Stars and Bars.

Theorem 7.1 (Stars and Bars Formula)

The number of ways to place n indistinguishable stars into k labelled bars is
Ck−1 (for non-negative integers).

We could represent the digits of the number as a, b, c, and d. The thousands digit ̸= 0, so change it to
a = a′ + 1 to ensure it being greater than 0.

a′ + 1 + b + c + d = 9 ⇒ a′ + b + c + d = 8.

By substituting to the formula where n = 8 and k = 4, we get

= C4−1 = C311 = 165.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§8 Solution to Problem 8

Problem statement

Find the minimum possible value of a in (5 + a)y 2 + (35 + 4a)y + 4a such that it has 2 possible
distinct roots.

Answer: −6

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano. We use the concept of discriminant.

Theorem 8.1 (Discriminant)

Given the Quadratic function Q(x) in the form ax2 + bx + c, the discriminant will determine the
number of distinct real roots by

b2 − 4ac > 0 (2 real roots)

b2 − 4ac = 0 (1 real root)
b2 − 4ac < 0 (No real roots).

Observing the expression, it has the values of a, b, and c which we could substitute. Furthermore, the
condition states that it must have 2 real roots so discriminant is greater than 0.

(35 + 4a)2 − 4(5 + a)(4a) > 0

(16a2 + 280a + 1225) − (80a + 16a2 ) > 0
16a2 − 16a2 + 280a − 80a + 1225 > 0
200a > −1225
a > −6.125.

The minimum integer that satisfy the inequality is −6.

§9 Solution to Problem 9

Problem statement
√ 3
Find the smallest integer greater than (6 + 19) .

Answer: 1112

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano. Evaluate.

19 ≈ 4.358
(6 + 4.358)3 ≈ x
(10.358)3 ≈ 1111.39

Therefore, the smallest integer greater than (6 + 19)3 is 1112.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§10 Solution to Problem 10

Problem statement

What is the next term in the sequence?

2, 13, 57, 233, 937,

Answer: 3753

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.

Finding Patterns
Let ap and an be the previous and next term in the sequence, respectively. By observation, we could
figure out that the pattern goes like this

an = 4ap + 5.

By substituting, it will result to

a6 = 4a5 + 5
a6 = 4(937) + 5
a6 = 3753.

§11 Solution to Problem 11

Problem statement

In how many ways can you arrange 7 identical straws, 3 identical forks, and 8 identical spoons in a

Answer: 5250960

Solution by Peter John Haboc and Ian Chris Semillano.

In order to solve this problem, we must recall the concept of permutation with identical objects.

Theorem 11.1 (Permutation with Identical Objects)

The number of permutations with n objects of which p are alike, q are alike, r are alike . . . is
p! q! r! . . .

In the problem, we could see that n = 18, p = 7, q = 3, r = 8. By substitution, we get

7! 3! 8!
= 5, 250, 960.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§12 Solution to Problem 12

Problem statement

Use hexadecimal number system to represent octal number 6432578 .

Answer: 346AF

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.

In order to solve this problem, we must recall the concept of Number System conversion.

Theorem 12.1 (Octal to Decimal)

Let ab...yz 8 be the octal number, z be the last digit, and k be the number of digits, the conversion
will be

= (a · 8k−1 ) + (b · 8k−2 ) + ... + (y · 81 ) + (z · 80 )

With this, we could convert 6432578 to decimal number system by

= (6 · 85 ) + (4 · 84 ) + (3 · 83 ) + (2 · 82 ) + (5 · 8) + (7 · 80 )
= 196608 + 16384 + 1536 + 128 + 40 + 7
= 21470310 .

Theorem 12.2 (Decimal to Hexadecimal)

Let ab . . . yz 10 be the decimal number, and ak be the last quotient, the conversion will be

ab...yz ÷ 16 = a1 r. l
a1 ÷ 16 = a2 r. m
ak ÷ 16 = 0 r. ak

Write the remainders starting from the bottom going upward. ak ...ml16
Note the following:

10 11 12 13 14 15

Using this, we convert 21470310 to base-16 by

214703 ÷ 16 = 13418 r. 15
13418 ÷ 16 = 838 r. 10
838 ÷ 16 = 52 r. 6
52 ÷ 16 = 3 r. 4
3 ÷ 16 = 0 r. 3.

Therefore, it is equivalent to 346AF16 .

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§13 Solution to Problem 13

Problem statement

Find the minimum value of 4x2 + 9y 2 + 24x − 24y + 97.

Answer: 45

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano.

We recall the concept of Completing the squares.

Theorem 13.1 (Completing the Squares)

Write the quadratic in the form ax2 + bx + c where a = 1. Then, follow this procedure
 2  2
2 b b
⇒ x + bx + +c−
2 2
 2  2
b b
⇒ x+ +c− .
2 2

In order to express this into the format stated above, factor out the coefficient of x2 and y 2 .

= 4x2 + 24x + 9y 2 − 24y + 97

= 4(x2 + 6x + ) + 9(y 2 − y + ) + 97
24 16
= 4(x2 + 6x + 9) + 9(y 2 − y + ) + 97 − 36 − 16
9 9
2 4 2
= 4(x + 3) + 9(y − ) + 45.
In order to get the maximum the expression in the parenthesis must be 0. So assume that x = −3 and
y = . Therefore, the answer is 45.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§14 Solution to Problem 14

Problem statement

Find the value of 25 + .
25 +
25 +
25 + . . .

Answer: 27

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.

54 25x + 54
x = 25 + =
x x
x − 25 − 54 = 0
(x − 27)(x + 2) = 0
x = 27 and x = −2.

Take only the positive solution because the numbers are positive and the operation is all addition.
Therefore, x = 27.

§15 Solution to Problem 15

Problem statement

For acute angle θ, find the largest possible value of 18 cos θ tan θ + 27 cos2 θ.

Answer: 30

Solution by Joross Lamarca.

In order to understand the solution of this problem, we recall the famous Pythagorean identity in

Theorem 15.1 (Pythagorean Identity)

No matter what the value of θ is, it is always true that

sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1,
cos2 θ = 1 − sin2 θ,
sin2 θ = 1 − cos2 θ.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

Theorem 15.2 (Tangent Identity)

No matter what the value of θ is, it is always true that
sin θ
tan θ = .
cos θ

Theorem 15.3 (Vertex Formula)

The standard form of a parabola is y = ax2 + bx + c. The vertex form of the parabola is
y = a(x − h)2 + k. The vertex (h, k) can be determined as
−b −D
(h, k) = , .
2a 4a

sin θ
Observe that we can rewrite 18 cos θ tan θ + 27 cos2 θ as 18 cos θ + 27(1 − sin2 θ). Hence,
cos θ
18 sin θ + 27 − 27 sin2 θ. Note that we can set x = sin θ. Thus, by equating everything to zero and
treating it as a quadratic, we get −27x2 + 18x + 27 = 0. Notice that the leading coefficient −27 is
negative, which means it is a parabola opening downward and its vertex is at a maximum.
We are tasked to find the maximum value of the expression which simply means looking for h in the
vertex form. Hence,
−b −18 1
h= = = .
2a 2(−27) 3

We then substitute this to the original expression to obtain a maximum value. Thus,
1 1
−27 + 18 + 27 = 30.
3 3

Hence, the maximum value of the expression is 30.

In a similar fashion, we may look for the maximum value by completing the square as in Theorem 13.1.

−27x2 + 18x + 27 = −3x2 − 2x − 3 = 0

= x2 − x = 1 = 0
2 1 1
= x2 − x + = 1 +
3 9 9
1 2 10
=⇒ x − = .
3 9

We see that h = , as expected. Following the same step earlier, the maximum value still evaluates to
be 30.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§16 Solution to Problem 16

Problem statement

If θ is an acute angle and tan θ = , find the value of tan θ cos θ − sin 2θ.

Answer: −
Solution by Joross Lamarca. In order to understand this problem, we recall the sine double angle

Theorem 16.1 (Sine Double Angle Identity)

For any value of θ, it is always true that

sin 2θ = 2 sin θ cos θ.

Observe that we can rewrite tan θ cos θ − sin 2θ as sin θ − 2 sin θ cos θ. Since tan θ = , we see that the
sides opposite and adjacent to θ are 4 and 3, respectively. Subsequently, we see that this is a famous
Pythagorean triple (3 − 4 − 5); hence, the hypotenuse is 5, as shown in the figure below.

4 3
It is easy to see from the figure that sin θ and cos θ are and , respectively. We then substitute it to
5 5
sin θ − 2 sin θ cos θ. We get
4 4 3
sin θ − 2 sin θ cos θ = − 2
5 5 5
4 24 4
= − =⇒ − .
5 25 25

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§17 Solution to Problem 17

Problem statement

If abcde + badec + ceabd + dceab + edbca = 433329. Find the value of 7(a + b + c + d + e).

Answer: 273

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano.

Theorem 17.1 (Place Value)

Considering the place value of the number abcde, it is equal to

10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e.

By rewriting the 5-digit numbers taking into consideration their place values and simplifying it, the
equation yields

11111a + 11111b + 11111c + 11111d + 11111e = 433329

11111(a + b + c + d + e) = 433329
a + b + c + d + e = 39
7(a + b + c + d + e) = 39(7)
7(a + b + c + d + e) = 273.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§18 Solution to Problem 18

Problem statement

Given that x is a 5-digit positive integer. It leaves a remainder of 9, 7, and 2 when divided by 11,
9, and 4, repectively. Find smallest possible value of x.

Answer: 10294

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano. We must recall the concept of Chinese
Remainder Theorem.

Theorem 18.1 (Chinese Remainder Theorem)

Given pairwise coprime positive integers n1 , n2 , . . . , nk , and arbitrary integers a1 , a2 , . . . , ak , the
system of simultaneous congruences

x ≡ a1 (mod n1 )
x ≡ a2 (mod n2 )
x ≡ ak (mod nk )

has a solution, and the solution is unique modulo N = n1 n2 . . . nk .

 x ≡ 9 (mod 11)
x ≡ 7 (mod 9)
x ≡ 2 (mod 4)

 36x ≡ 9 (mod 11)
44x ≡ 7 (mod 9)
99x ≡ 2 (mod 4)

36x ≡ 9 (mod 11) 44x ≡ 7 (mod 9) 99x ≡ 2 (mod 4)

3x ≡ 9 (mod 11) 8x ≡ 7 (mod 9) 3x ≡ 2 (mod 4)
x1 = 3 x2 = 2 x3 = 2

= 36(3) + 44(2) + 99(2)(mod (4)(9)(11))

= 36(3) + 44(2) + 99(2)(mod (4)(9)(11))
= 394(mod 396) or 396k + 394.

Since x is the smallest 5-digit integer, so we compute as

396k + 394 ≥ 10000 ⇒ 396k ≥ 9604

k ≥ 24.25.

The mimimum value of k is 25. By substituting, 396 (25)+394 = 10294.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§19 Solution to Problem 19

Problem statement

Find the coefficient of x4 in the expansion of (5x2 + 3x + 8)4 .

Answer: 14001

Solution I by Ian Chris Semillano.

In this problem, we could use the concept of multinomial expansion.

Theorem 19.1 (Multinomial Expansion)

The multinomial theorem provides a formula for expanding an expression such as (x1 +x2 +· · ·+xk )n
for integer values of n. In particular, the expansion is given by
X n!
(x1 + x2 + ... + xk )n = · xn1 1 · xn2 2 · · · · · xnk k ,
n1 !, n2 !, . . . , nk !
n1 ,n2 ,...,nk ≥0

where n1 + n2 + · · · + nk = n and n! is the factorial notation of 1 × 2 × · · · × n.

Using multinomial expansion, for a, b, c ≥ 0. We have

X  4 
2 4
(5x + 3x + 8) = · (5x2 )a · (3x)b · (8)c
a, b, c
X  4 
= · (5)a · (3)b · (8)c · x2a+b .
a, b, c

4 4!
where a + b + c = 4 and = . Since a + b + c = 4, the only possible triples are (2,0,2),
a, b, c a!b!c!
(0,4,0), and (1,2,1). Therefore, the coefficient of x4 is given by

4 2 0 2 4 0 4 0 4
· (5) · (3) · (8) + · (5) · (3) · (8) + · (5)1 · (3)2 · (8)1
2, 0, 2 0, 4, 0 1, 2, 1
4! 2 0 2 4! 0 4 0 4!
· (5) · (3) · (8) + · (5) · (3) · (8) + · (5)1 · (3)2 · (8)1
2!0!2! 0!4!0! 1!2!1!
= (6)(25)(1)(64) + (1)(1)(81)(1) + (8)(5)(9)(8)
= 9600 + 81 + 4320
= 14001.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

Solution II by Joross Lamarca. In this problem, we could use the concept of binomial expansion.

Theorem 19.2 (Binomial Theorem)

For any positive integer n,
X n n−i i
(a + b) = a b.

Observe that we can rewrite (5x2 + 3x + 8)4 as (5x2 + (3x + 8))4 in order to make it a “binomial.”
Hence, we can now directly apply the Binomial Theorem, and we get
4 2 4 4 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 2 3 4
(5x ) + (5x ) (3x + 8) + 42(5x ) (3x + 8) + (5x )(3x + 8) + (3x + 8)4
0 1 3 4
= 625x8 + 1500x7 + 5350x6 + 7740x5 + 14001x4 + 12384x3 + 13696x2 + 6144x + 4096.

We see that the coefficient of x4 is 14001. Hence, the answer is 14001.

Solution III by Joross Lamarca.

In this problem, we could use the concept of Theorem 6.1.
Similar to Solution II above, we rewrite the expression to be (5x2 + (3x + 8))4 . By expanding and
looking for the cofficient of x4 , we get

(5x2 )2 + 2(5x2 )(3x + 8) + (3x + 8)2

25x4 + 30x3 + 89x2 + 48x + 64.

Since we need an extra power of 2, we square this entire expression, and we get

(25x4 + 30x3 + 89x2 + 48x + 64)2

= 625x8 + 1500x7 + 5350x6 + 7740x5 + 14001x4 + 12384x3 + 13696x2 + 6144x + 4096.

Hence, the answer is still 14001.

§20 Solution to Problem 20

Problem statement

Given A and B are three non-zero digits and the 3-digit numbers formed by these three digits have
the following properties:

• ABC has odd number of factors.

• ABC has the of divisors equal to 871.
Find the 3-digit number BCA.

Answer: 418

Solution by Peter John Haboc and Ian Chris Semillano.

In order for three-digit number ABC to have an odd number of factors, it must be a perfect square
and the sum of its divisors is equal to 871. By evaluation, 292 = 841 is the number that satisfy the
above-mentioned conditions. This implies that A = 8, B = 4, and C = 1. Thus, BCA = 418.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§21 Solution to Problem 21

Problem statement

It is known that a > b and 51246a64b is divisible by 48. Find the greatest value of a × b.

Answer: 72

Solution by Peter John Haboc.

In order to solve this problem, we must recall the divisibility rules.

Theorem 21.1 (Divisibility)

Since 48 is divisible by both 8 and 6. The number should satisfy the following conditions below

Divisible by 8 : the last three digits is divisible by 8.

Divisible by 6 : the number is divisible by 3 and 2.
Divisible by 3 : the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.

The last three digits of the number is 64b, and this could only be 640 or 648 in order to satisfy its
divisibility to 8.
If b = 0, the possible values of a to become divisible by 6 is 2, 5, and 8. Considering the elements (a, b)
such that a > b, these are the possible outcomes: (2, 0), (5, 0), and (8, 0).
If b = 8, the possible values of a to become divisible by 6 is 0, 3, 6, 9. Considering the elements (a, b)
such that a > b, this is the only possible outcome: (9, 8).
Checking their products, it was found out that 9 × 8 which is equal to 72 is the greatest value of a × b.

§22 Solution to Problem 22

Problem statement

In a box, there are 9 red balls, 3 green balls, and 4 yellow balls. If 8 balls will be withdrawn, what
is the probability of having at least 3 red balls?

Solution by Joross Lamarca and Ian Chris Semillano.
In order to solve this problem, we must recall the concept of combinations and probability of comple-
mentary events.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

Theorem 22.1 (Combination)

The number of combinations of r objects taken from a group of n distinct objects is denoted by
Crn and is given by this formula
n n!
= .
r r!(n − r)!

All in all, there are 16 objects, and we want to draw 8 balls. In 9 red balls, we want to get at least
3 to fill the total 8 balls to be withdrawn. This means the other 7 balls have to adjust so that at
least three of the red, green, and yellow balls are red. By complementary counting, or subtracting the
combinations of red balls appearing less than 3 times when withdrawn, we get
16 9 7 9 7
8 − 2 6 + 1 7

= .

§23 Solution to Problem 23

Problem statement

There are 45 problems in a mathematical olympiad. The scores of each problem are allocated in
the following ways: 3 marks will be given for a correct answer, 2 marks will be deducted from
a wrong answer and 0 marks will be given for a blank answer. Find the minimum number of
candidate(s) to ensure that 3 candidates will have the same scores in the competition.

Answer: 441
Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.
In the problem stated, we are going to utilize the concept of pigeonhole principle.

Maximum Score = 45(3) = 135

Minimum Score = 45(−2) = −90
[−90, 135] = 226 elements (including zero)

Take note that not all scores are possible. By doing some combinations, it can be seen that you cannot
get a score of 134, 133, 131, 128, -89, and -87. Therefore, we only get

= 2(226 − 6) + 1
= 2(220) + 1
= 441.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§24 Solution to Problem 24

Problem statement

Balls in a box were numbered from 1 − 70. Malee picks 2 balls without replacement. What is the
probability that he will get a multiple of 7 in his first draw and a prime number on his second

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.
To solve this, we must recall the concept of dependent events and the “or” rule in probability.

Theorem 24.1 (Dependent Events)

The outcome of one event affects the outcome of the other. If A and B are dependent events, then
the probability of both occurring is

P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B|A).

To begin with, let us identify the multiples of 7 from 1 − 70, as well as the prime numbers.

Multiples of 7: 7, 14. 21, 28, 35, 42, 48, 49, 56, 63, 70
Prime Numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67
Sample Space: 70

As the enumeration above shows, there 7 numbers divisible by seven and 19 prime numbers from 1-70.
7 19 133
Probability when the prime on 2nd draw is not 7 : × =
70 69 4830
7 18 126
Probability when the prime on 2nd draw is 7 : × =
70 69 4830

Theorem 24.2 (The “OR” Rule)

The Or Rule states that we can find the probability of either event A or event B occurring by
adding the probability of event A and the probability of event B

P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B).

Let A be the probability when the prime on 2nd draw is not 7, and let B be the probability when the
prime on 2nd draw is 7. Therefore, we could add the probability P of the two into
133 126
P(A + B) = P(A) + P(B) = +
4830 4830
= .

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§25 Solution to Problem 25

Problem statement

In triangle ABC, the area of CP T S△CP T = 54, the area of triangle BCP S△BCP = 45 and the
area of triangle BP S S△BP S = 10. Find the area of quadrilateral ASP T SASP T .

Answer: 56

Solution by Ian Chris Semillano.

Theorem 25.1
Areas of triangles with equal altitudes are proportional to the bases of the triangles. In the figure,
we have


= = and = =

Knowing that the areas of triangles with equal altitudes are proportional to the bases of the triangles

⇒ =
x + y + 10 x
⇒ =
54 + 45 54
⇒ 54(x + y + 10) = 99x
⇒ 6x + 6y + 60 = 11x
⇒ 6y + 60 = 5x. (1st Equation)

We also have
⇒ =
x + y + 54 y
⇒ =
45 + 10 10
⇒ 10(x + y + 54) = 55y
⇒ 2x + 2y + 108 = 11y
⇒ 2x + 108 = 9y. (2nd Equation)

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

By algebraic manipulation, we can get the value of y in terms of x using either the first or second
equation. In this case, we could utilize the 1st Equation by

⇒ 6y + 60 = 5x
⇒ 6y = 5x − 60
5x − 60
⇒y= .
Substitute the value of y in the 2nd Equation
5x − 60
⇒ 2x + 108 = 9
⇒ 4x + 216 = 15x − 180
⇒ x = 36.

Now that we already got the numerical value of x, we substitute it to any of the two equation in order
to get the value of y

⇒ 6y + 60 = 5x
⇒ 6y = 5(36) − 60
⇒ y = 20.

The area of quadrilateral ASP T is known to be x + y. Therefore, we get

⇒ x + y = 36 + 20
⇒ x + y = 56
⇒ AASP T = 56.

TIMO 2023 – Heat Round The RSHS Youth Mathematics Club

§26 Solution to Bonus Problem

Problem statement

Let p = p1 p2 . . . p6 be a permutation of the integers from 1 to 6. For any such permutation p,

we count how many integers there are which have nothing bigger on its left. We let f (p) be the
number of these integers for the permutation p. For example, f (612345) = 1 because only 6 has
nothing to its left which is bigger. On the other hand f (135462) = 4 because only 1, 3, 5, and 6
satisfy the condition. Let S be the sum of f (p) over all the 6! different permutations. Find the
numerical value of S.

Answer: 1764

Solution by Joross Lamarca.

Consider an arbitrary permutation abcdef , and cyclically rotate its first k elements. We see that exactly
one of these rotations has the maximum element among the first k elements located in the kth position.
1 X 6!
Thus, of the overall number of permutations satisfy the condition. Hence, S simplifies to be .
k k
Upon evaluating, we get that this is
X 6!
6! 6! 6! 6! 6! 6!
= + + + + +
1 2 3 4 5 6
= 1764.


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