A Study On Absenteeism Among Workers at Textile Garment Manufacturing Industries in Coimbatore District

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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October

A Study On Absenteeism Among Workers At Textile Garment Manufacturing Industries

In Coimbatore District
*Nithya Arun Karthik
Recent situation created monumental changes on the overall world that created the
countries extremely specializing in quality merchandise and repair. Easing of our Indian
economy causes vast changes within the company sector. Therefore organization sought
to enhance their work strategies, norms, technical and managerial skills.
Nowadays organizations face variety of issues, which can cause a serious loss to the
corporate. Absenteeism is one such space that acts as a serious issue to any or all the
organization. Absenteeism isn't new phenomenon to the Indian Industries. Thus heap of
efforts needs to be taken to seek out out the explanations for the absenteeism and
may establish the measures to cut back a similar.
This report is meant to grasp the precise image of absenteeism in a Private Textile
and Garment industry through observations and records. A trial has been created to seek out
an in depth image of the organization.
Keywords: Organization, Absenteeism, Private textile and garment industry.
After china India stands the second largest position in Textile and clothes production
and third largest producer in cotton. In Indian economy the textile and garment
industry accounted 14% of production and 16 % of exportation on 2005. Textile and
Garment industry covers the production of raw materials like cotton, jute, wool, silk, spun
yarn and extensive range of finished products unit were created.
India accounts for concerning 12% - textile fiber and yarns production within the world. 23% -
Spindle capability within the world, 61% - Highest loom capability together with hand looms.
About The Industry
The Royal Classic Groups (RCG) began in 1991 as an exporter and gradually grew into
an Rs.425 crore textile giant with two brands under it wings through its 100% vertical
integration state-of-the-art in-house production. In February 2001, the company launched its
maiden T-shirt brand Classic Polo, making its foray into the domestic market. Classic Polo
became the most preferred brand for Tees in a short while in the southern and western
markets posing a tough competition to the leaders in north and west. Within a short time, this
brand figured among the top five casual t-shirt brands in India. RCG acquired Smash, another
T-shirt brand, in September 2004 and launched its exclusive premium men's intimate wear
under the brand name Smash in April 2005.
Classic Polo was awarded as the brand for the year 2005-06 for men's casuals.
Although, Classic Polo is primarily a T-shirt brand, the range also offers a complete
lifestyle/wardrobe like exclusive T-shirts, shirts, trousers, denims, sweaters, jackets,
loungewear's etc.,
Need For the Study
The study focuses on however absenteeism affects the corporate productivity and a way
to overcome that. Absenteeism is a major problem for the management as a result of it
affects financial half and work schedules and plans. Quality of product may be a high concern
to the management, to form up the work management attempt to choose overtime, and lots
of fringe edges need to be planned.

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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October

Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the rate of absenteeism.
2. To identify and reduce the factors influencing absenteeism.
3. To know about the working environment existing in the market.
4. Automation of work should be improved to overcome Absenteeism.
1. The sample taken is merely 5% of the total population; therefore the views of the
interviewed employees cannot be attributed to the complete population.
2. Some respondents were reluctant to answer sure queries that warrant their personal
3. There may be a risk of bias from a number of the respondents against whom strict
disciplinary actions for absenteeism had been taken.
4. The employees were busy with their work thus they may not provide enough
time for the interview.
Research Methodology
The employees of 15 textile garment manufacturing industries in Coimbatore district of
Tamilnadu. The data for the study are collected through the primary as well as secondary
sources. Underneath primary method, information are collected by conducting series of
discussions with managers and employees. A structure schedule has been prepared and
interviewed and discussed with the employees within the company.
Sample size
A sample size of a 500 employees were elite for the study.
Research Design:
It is nothing but setting a sequence for the collection of datas that aims to unite
significance to the research .It is a blue print of the study, here descriptive research design
was used for analysis.
Sample Design:
Non-Probabilistic sampling method & convenient sampling was used in this study.
Methods of Data Collection:
In this study primary data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire,
which covers the entire objectives of the study and with the help of magazines and booklets
secondary data was collected.
Analysis tools
During this study appropriate mathematical and Statistical tools are used for
analyzing the Data.
Findings and Discussions
1. The data was analyzed using simple percentage method and Chi square test to find
out the rate of absenteeism in Textile garment manufacturing industry.
2. The result indicates that absenteeism rate is high, which is caused in the main because
of unaffordable work load, over time work, compensation policy, personal growth and
development of people, which is able to have an effect on the productivity and turnover of the
corporate, however the operating settings prevailed in the organization were good.
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3. The workers were expressed neutral opinion towards the promotion policy of the
4. The workers felt that they were recognized for his or her performance and potentials in
terms of Oral Appreciation solely. However the workers within the business were expecting
some financial edges as appreciation, which is able to encourage them to consecutive level.
Suggestions and Recommendations
The management ought to take the subsequent measures to reduce the rate of absenteeism.
1. Encouraging Employee Assistance Program.
2. Employee recognition should be advised always to reduce absenteeism.
3. Implementing Incentive schemes- To avoid superfluous absenteeism they will set up for
Incentives. Incentives like 2 hours of bonus buy monthly for 100% attendance.
4. Employee promotion has to be given for their best performance.
5. Delegation of Work should be planning to avoid over load: Management ought to properly
delegate the work, disinterestedly and may have a listing like job card to find out out the work
load of all employees.
6. Proper medical assistance should be provided.
7. Training programs should be conducted to improve the growth of the employee and the
8. Quality of work life of each and every employee should be improved.
9. Policies and Procedures: The Policies and Procedures of the Management ought to be in an
exceedingly clear manner, which is able to provide a clear image to any or all staff all
told aspects.
10. Make the employees to feel the job is secured and stress free.
11. Automation of maximum work should be an alternate solution for employee absenteeism
and attrition.
1. Kothari C R, Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques,(2nd ed; New Delhi: Viswa
Prakasham, 1996).
2. VSP Rao, Human Resources Management, Text and Cases, (2nd ed; Excel Books, 2007).
3. Aswathappa, Human Resources Development.
4. Dr. S.P. Gupta, Statistical Methods,(Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi,2001).
5. Industrial Relation, Trade Union and Labour Legislation-2009, P.R.N Sinha.
6. Dynamics of Industrial Relations-2008, C.B Mamoria.
7. B.D.Singh Industrial RelationsExcel Books 2008.
8. Dr K S Anandram Cases in Personnel Management Industrial Relations and Trade
Relations Everest, 2012.
9. An Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human resources Professionals.- Shawn A.
Smith and Rebecca A. Mazin.

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Table 1: Extent of personal growth and Development of employees
Levels Respondents Percentage

Very High 0 0

High 285 57%

Neither high nor low 137 27%

Low 78 16%

Very low 0 0%

Total 500 100

Table 2: Employee Recoginition

Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage

317.00 63%
85.00 17%
45.00 9%
37.00 7%
Not sure
16.00 3%
500.00 100.00

Table 3: Communication of Company Policies and Procedures

Levels Respondents Percentage
Strongly agree 249 50%
Somewhat agree 168 34%
Neutral 83 17%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Somewhat disagree 0 0%
Total 500 100

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Table 4: Compensation package and other incentives to the employees

Levels Respondents Percentage

Very Satisfied 32 6%
Satisfied 103 21%
Neutral 325 65%
Dissatisfied 23 5%
Very Dissatisfied 17 3%
Total 500 100

Table 5: Available resources to perform the work

Levels Respondents Percentage

Highly adequate 22 4%
Adequate 331 66%
Neutral 123 25%
Less than Adequate 16 3%
Highly less Adequate 8 2%
Total 500 100

Table 6: Relationship between Employer and Employee

Levels Respondents Percentage

Excellent 125 25%

Very Good 160 32%
Neutral 172 34%
Poor 27 5%
Very Poor 16 3%
Total 500 100

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Table 7: Relationship between Peer and Subordinate

Levels Respondents Percentage

Excellent 0 0%
Very Good 319 64%
Neutral 115 23%
Poor 66 13%
Very Poor 0 0%
Total 500 100

Table 8: Working Environment prevailing in the organization

Levels Respondents Percentage

Very Satisfied 0 0
Satisfied 198 40%
Neutral 167 33%
Dissatisfied 97 19%
Very Dissatisfied 38 8%
Total 500 100

Table 9: Opinion about the Existing Training need Identification

Levels Respondents Percentage

Very Satisfied 0 0
Satisfied 294 59%
Neutral 138 28%
Dissatisfied 48 10%
Very Dissatisfied 20 4%
Total 500 100

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Table 10: Proper Delegation of work may reduce the stress and over load
Levels Respondents Percentage

Highly Accepted 0 0
Accepted 150 30%
Moderate 286 57%
Not Accepted 64 13%
Highly not Accepted 0 0%
Total 500 100

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