A Study On Absenteeism Among Workers at Textile Garment Manufacturing Industries in Coimbatore District
A Study On Absenteeism Among Workers at Textile Garment Manufacturing Industries in Coimbatore District
A Study On Absenteeism Among Workers at Textile Garment Manufacturing Industries in Coimbatore District
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October
3. The workers were expressed neutral opinion towards the promotion policy of the
4. The workers felt that they were recognized for his or her performance and potentials in
terms of Oral Appreciation solely. However the workers within the business were expecting
some financial edges as appreciation, which is able to encourage them to consecutive level.
Suggestions and Recommendations
The management ought to take the subsequent measures to reduce the rate of absenteeism.
1. Encouraging Employee Assistance Program.
2. Employee recognition should be advised always to reduce absenteeism.
3. Implementing Incentive schemes- To avoid superfluous absenteeism they will set up for
Incentives. Incentives like 2 hours of bonus buy monthly for 100% attendance.
4. Employee promotion has to be given for their best performance.
5. Delegation of Work should be planning to avoid over load: Management ought to properly
delegate the work, disinterestedly and may have a listing like job card to find out out the work
load of all employees.
6. Proper medical assistance should be provided.
7. Training programs should be conducted to improve the growth of the employee and the
8. Quality of work life of each and every employee should be improved.
9. Policies and Procedures: The Policies and Procedures of the Management ought to be in an
exceedingly clear manner, which is able to provide a clear image to any or all staff all
told aspects.
10. Make the employees to feel the job is secured and stress free.
11. Automation of maximum work should be an alternate solution for employee absenteeism
and attrition.
1. Kothari C R, Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques,(2nd ed; New Delhi: Viswa
Prakasham, 1996).
2. VSP Rao, Human Resources Management, Text and Cases, (2nd ed; Excel Books, 2007).
3. Aswathappa, Human Resources Development.
4. Dr. S.P. Gupta, Statistical Methods,(Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi,2001).
5. Industrial Relation, Trade Union and Labour Legislation-2009, P.R.N Sinha.
6. Dynamics of Industrial Relations-2008, C.B Mamoria.
7. B.D.Singh Industrial RelationsExcel Books 2008.
8. Dr K S Anandram Cases in Personnel Management Industrial Relations and Trade
Relations Everest, 2012.
9. An Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human resources Professionals.- Shawn A.
Smith and Rebecca A. Mazin.
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October
Table 1: Extent of personal growth and Development of employees
Levels Respondents Percentage
Very High 0 0
Low 78 16%
Very low 0 0%
317.00 63%
85.00 17%
45.00 9%
37.00 7%
Not sure
16.00 3%
500.00 100.00
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October
Very Satisfied 32 6%
Satisfied 103 21%
Neutral 325 65%
Dissatisfied 23 5%
Very Dissatisfied 17 3%
Total 500 100
Highly adequate 22 4%
Adequate 331 66%
Neutral 123 25%
Less than Adequate 16 3%
Highly less Adequate 8 2%
Total 500 100
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October
Excellent 0 0%
Very Good 319 64%
Neutral 115 23%
Poor 66 13%
Very Poor 0 0%
Total 500 100
Very Satisfied 0 0
Satisfied 198 40%
Neutral 167 33%
Dissatisfied 97 19%
Very Dissatisfied 38 8%
Total 500 100
Very Satisfied 0 0
Satisfied 294 59%
Neutral 138 28%
Dissatisfied 48 10%
Very Dissatisfied 20 4%
Total 500 100
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International Journal of Exclusive Global Research - Vol I Issue 10 October
Table 10: Proper Delegation of work may reduce the stress and over load
Levels Respondents Percentage
Highly Accepted 0 0
Accepted 150 30%
Moderate 286 57%
Not Accepted 64 13%
Highly not Accepted 0 0%
Total 500 100
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