ASHI Lawsuit

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Case: 1:17-cv-07935 Document #: 1 Filed: 11/02/17 Page 1 of 11 PageID #:1



Plaintiff, )
) No.
v. )
Defendants. )


Plaintiff, American Society of Home Inspectors, Inc. (ASHI), for its Complaint against

defendants International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) and Nickifor

Gromicko a/k/a Nick Gromicko (Gromicko), alleges as follows:


1. This is an action by ASHI against InterNACHI and its founder and current

Chairman, Gromicko, for defamation and false light invasion of privacy. ASHI and InterNACHI

are both national associations of home inspectors and, as such, are direct competitors for

members, among other things. Gromicko and InterNACHI have made no secret of the fact that

they will do whatever it takes to eliminate competition. For example, Gromicko has stated in

public forums that his stated goal is to live in a world where every inspection is performed by

an InterNACHI member and that he [doesnt] want any non-members to do any inspections on

anything, anywhere ever. In order to further his goals, Gromicko has once again published

false, defamatory and outrageous statement about ASHI stating in a public posting on July 17,

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2017 that ASHI was taken over by NAMBLA on Friday. NAMBLA is the acronym for the

North American Man/Boy Love Association, a group that advocates pedophilia and pederasty,

and the abolishment of ageofconsent laws. When informed by an InterNACHI Member that

the statement was creepy and not cool Gromicko not only failed to retract the statement, he

doubled down on it posting: Its a good thing they were taken over too. Most of the few

members they have left are beginning to suffer from rigamortis. These false and defamatory

statements were made with the intent to damage ASHIs reputation and cause it financial injury,

which they have. As a result, ASHI seeks compensatory and punitive damages against

InterNACHI and individually against its agent, Gromicko.


2. ASHI is a New York non-profit corporation with its principal place of business

located in Des Plaines, Illinois. ASHI is a citizen of the States of New York and Illinois. ASHI

is a national 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association of home inspectors.

3. Defendant InterNACHI is a Colorado corporation with a principal place of

business located in Boulder, Colorado. InterNACHI is a citizen of the State of Colorado.

InterNACHI is a national association of home inspectors. Although it represents itself as a non-

profit corporation, on information and belief, InterNACHI pays its Chairman, Gromicko, a salary

of over $300,000 a year.

4. Defendant Gromicko is an individual. Gromicko resides in and is a citizen of the

State of Colorado. Gromicko is the founder and current Chairman of InterNACHI.


5. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

1332(a)(1) as this is an action between citizens of different states wherein the amount in

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controversy exceeds the sum or value of $75,000 exclusive of interest and costs. This Court has

personal jurisdiction over the defendants due to defendants systematic and continuous business

connections and contacts with Illinois.

6. Venue is proper in this judicial district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(a)(2) in that

a substantial part of the events or omissions giving rise to this claim occurred in this judicial



7. ASHI is a national non-profit association of home inspectors with over 8,000

members. ASHI was the first association of its kind in the industry, and is recognized as the

most influential and respected association in the home inspection industry.

8. In order to become an Associate Member of ASHI, an inspector must pass an on-

line Standard of Practice/Code of Ethics examination from the ASHI Learning Center. To

renew, an Associate Member (and all other membership categories) must each year complete at

least 20 hours of acceptable continuing education. To move up to an Inspector Member, a

member must have performed at least 75 fee paid inspections, had a sample of their inspection

reports verified as being in compliance with the ASHI Standards of Practice, and passed the

National Home Inspectors Examination, a technical examination independently developed

and administered by the Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHS), or

passed a written state licensing examination for home inspectors. The NHIE is the same

examination used by many state governments for the licensing of home inspectors and has

undergone a rigorous approval process. To move up to and become a Certified ASHI Member,

an inspector must have performed at least 250 fee paid home inspections. (In addition to having

previously had a sample of their inspection reports verified as compliant with the ASHI

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Standards of Practice and passed the NHIE). ASHI is the only association of home inspectors in

North America whose certification program is formally submitted to, and accredited by, an

independent third party organization (The National Commission for Certifying Agencies).

9. InterNACHI is also a national association of home inspectors with an unknown

number of members across the country, including Illinois. InterNACHI was founded by

Gromicko. InterNACHI competes with ASHI for members throughout the United States and


Defendants History of False and Defamatory Statements

10. InterNACHI and Gromicko have a long history of publishing false and

defamatory statements about ASHI.

11. For example, in an effort to damage ASHIs reputation in the industry, and with

its membership, InterNACHI and Gromicko engaged in a campaign of spreading false and

defamatory statements about ASHI regarding its involvement in, and response to, a lawsuit

brought by a licensor of certain infrared technologies and procedures utilized in home

inspections. The same company that unsuccessfully sued ASHI also sued InterNACHI for

breach of a licensing agreement that InterNACHI had entered into with the company. Examples

of InterNACHI and Gromickos false and defamatory statements with regards to these lawsuits

include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following posts on InterNACHIs web forum (and

possibly other locations as well):

a. Nick Gromicko post on July 22, 2015 at 7:20 p.m.:

I kind of like it in the public forum. This plaintiff [HomeSafe]

sued ASHI and ASHIs President. ASHI paid them to settle it.
ASHI gave them a pile of money so that they can keep suing.
They did.

b. Nick Gromicko post on July 22, 2015 at 7:38 p.m.:

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I think its fine in the open [forum] section. The entire inspection
industry should know which association (ASHI) folded like a wet
paper bag and paid off the plaintiff and which association
(InterNACHI) hired two law firms and has been battling them.

c. Nick Gromicko post on July 22, 2015 at 9:14 p.m.:

Yes. We gave [HomeSafe] the entire list of InterNACHI members

who are using their patented process including phone numbers,
home addresses, and mothers maiden names. It was a blank sheet
of paper. Thats why they sued us with all of the money ASHI
quickly gave them. I predict that even with ASHIs settlement
money, theyll end up no better than all the other plaintiffs before
them who committed financial suicide by suing InterNACHI.

12. In addition to the above, on December 14, 2014, Gromicko and InterNACHI

further defamed ASHI in the Tampa Tribune in response to a favorable article published about

ASHI titled Finding the Right Home Inspector Key in Spotting Future Headaches. In response

to the article Gromicko and InterNACHI submitted the following statements to the papers on-

line comments section:

Nick Gromicko Chairman at InterNACHI

ASHI is a known diploma mill that anyone can join online in 30
seconds or less with nothing more than a valid credit card.

ASHIs highest membership designation is not much better. The

third party inspection test they mentioned in the article is the
NHIE, the very same minimum standard exam used by many states
to license inspectors fresh out of school.

Homebuyers should look for the ASHI logo to avoid it.

13. InterNACHI and Gromicko have also slandered ASHI by falsely stating to others

that the ASHI president gave HomeSafe a bunch of money when he and his association were

sued. This false and slanderous statement was attributed to Gromicko and was posted at least

twice by InterNACHI forum participants on July 24, 2015.

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14. As recently as October 27, 2017, Defendants posted on their discussion board

comments by Defendants calling ASHI and their members buffoons for their alleged

participation in opposing a program started by Defendants.

15. The above statements are all the more outrageous given Gromickos hypocrisy as

it was Gromicko and InterNACHI who caved in and through a written agreement settled the

claims brought against InterNACHI by infrared technology licensor.

Gromicko and InterNACHIs Long History of Trying to Harm Competitors

16. Gromicko and InterNACHIs statements that ASHI had settled the claims brought

against it by HomeSafe thereby providing HomeSafe with funds to pursue litigation against

InterNACHI were knowingly false and made with actual malice in an attempt to directly harm

ASHIs business and reputation.

17. In fact, Gromicko and InterNACHI have a long history of trying to unlawfully

harm InterNACHIs competitors and drive them out of business. Gromicko has not tried to hide

this, and has even boasted about it on InterNACHIs public forum. The following are examples

of Gromickos posts on the InterNACHI forum:

a. Again, Im not an industry advocate and never pretended to be. I wasnt

born to be that. Im an InterNACHI member advocate. Non-members
steal food off of InterNACHI members tables. My stated goal is to live in
a world where every inspection is performed by an InterNACHI member.
Im being as open and honest as I can be: I dont want any non-members
to do any inspections on anything, anywhere, ever.

b. Jim, I dont want to recruit the husband/wife run mini association that
has launched terrorist attacks at us at every turnI want to destroy them.
Were doing it little by little in the open market anyway (I doubt that they
have 400 due-paying members left), but this patent thing could be our
Enola Gay.

c. As Ive already explained Joe, I signed a confidentiality agreement with

the patent owners. Ill say this though this thing is a 3-headed, fire-
breathing dragon, one that I have no intentions on trying to slay. In fact,

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Im doing just the reverse. Im trying to get a saddle on it. And if I

succeed, Im going to ride it right into the mini-associations village.

d. Quote:

I would like to see Nick promise not to harm the home inspection
industry by threating or supporting any organization that threatens home
inspectors who utilize infrared thermography infringement lawsuits
based on the HomeSafe patents.

I cant make that promise. I have no duty to non-members. There are

only so many inspections jobs. I view non-members as stealing food off
the tables of InterNACHI members. Ive done way more than I should for
non- members already. Ive provided non-members with a safe haven.
What more do you want from me?

e. We still have a lot of legal work to do as there are numerous parties

involved. Were making sure we permanently protect InterNACHI
members while at the same time trying not to deter lawsuits from being
filed against NACHI members. Everything is going very well through. I
couldnt be more pleased with how it is all turning out.

f. But I admit, I have a long memory, so Im still not done. This patent thing
just might give me one more weapon to take some of their members
homes from them.

I am always astonished that plaintiffs fail to pull a case history on us

before they file. If they simply spent a few hundred dollars doing that
research theyd note that suing InterNACHI is nuts. Mark even went so
far in a few cases, to ask the courts for something very tiny but absurd so
that when he doesnt get it in the verdict, he can appeal even when
weve won. Yes, weve appealed verdicts that went our way just to
financially punish the plaintiffs and drag the proceedings out longer.

I might be able to figure out how to keep the punishment coming with this
patent thing. Give me a month. Staff is working on making a list of their
members that use IR cameras.

Anyway, the husband/wife-run mini-group is essentially obliterated. I just

couldnt (up until recently) find any other way to inflict any more harm on
them and their members. As I said, this whole thing is really working out
nicely for us. I couldnt be more pleased.

g. Quote:

Have anyone considered that there may be some out there who are just
making a living and may not even be aware of this orgs existence.

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No. If they are stealing inspection jobs from InterNACHI members and
taking bread from the tables of members, Nick Gromicko is their enemy.
Id prefer that they simply stop doing inspections, voluntarily. Again,
InterNACHIs position is that every inspection in the world should be
performed by an InterNACHI member.

h. Again, my position is that non-members should not only be offering IR

services, they shouldnt be doing any types of inspections at all. ALL
inspections in the world should be performed by InterNACHI members

Gromickos Most Recent Defamation

18. On July 17, 2017 at 11:07 a.m., Gromicko posted an article from the Washington

Post on the InterNACHI forum with his comment in the subject line: The Washington Post

pounds ASHI and recommends InterNACHI. In the body of the post he wrote: Thats how I

read it anyway. Your mileage may vary.

19. A few hours later at 2:26 p.m. an InterNACHI Member posted the following


Mine (sic) take does vary.

The writer recommends using either NACHI (International

Association of Certified Home Inspectors) or ashi (American
Society of Home Inspectors) inspector although the focus of the
article was regarding the poor practice of an ashi (American
Society of Home Inspectors) inspector.

20. Gromicko responded to this post at 7:23 p.m. on July 17, 2017 writing:

The reporter failed to note that ASHI (American Society of Home

Inspectors) was taken over by NAMBLA on Friday.

21. Later that evening an InterNACHI Member posted:

Google search of NAMBLA, not the result I was expecting?

The next day, on July 18, 2017 another Member posted:

Me either, creepy and not cool.

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22. NAMBLA is the well-known anacronym for North American Man/Boy Love

Association. NAMBLA was founded in 1978 and acts as an advocacy organization promoting

the abolition of age-of-consent laws and the legalization of sexual acts between grown men and

young boys.

23. Despite criticism from other InterNACHI Members regarding the post, Gromicko

did not retract or delete it. In fact, Gromickos doubled down on the NAMBLA remark in his

very next post. In his response to the post which characterized his NAMBLA remark as creepy

and not cool, Gromicko wrote:

Its a good thing they were taken over too. Most of the few
members they have left are beginning to suffer from rigamortis.

24. Gromicko and InterNACHI made the statement about ASHI being taken over by

NAMBLA knowing they were false, or with reckless disregard for their truth or falsity.

Gromicko and InterNACHI made the statements for the purpose of causing inspectors and others

to believe that ASHI was associated with an organization that promoted pedophilia, and

specifically pedophilia between men and boys. By doing so, Gromicko and InterNACHI

intended to injure ASHIs reputation.

25. As a direct and proximate result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions, ASHIs

reputation in the home inspection industry has been harmed. Gromicko and InterNACHIs

actions constitute defamation per se.

26. As a direct and proximate result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions, ASHI

has suffered, and will continue to suffer, damages in an amount to be determined, but which are

not less than $500,000.


27. ASHI realleges paragraphs 1 through 25 as if fully set forth herein.

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28. Gromicko and InterNACHI falsely communicated statements through

InterNACHIs internet forum that ASHI had been taken over by NAMBLA.

29. Gromicko and InterNACHIs statements were knowingly false, or made with

reckless disregard for their truth or falsity.

30. As a direct and proximate result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs false and

defamatory statements, ASHI has suffered harm to its reputation.

31. As a result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions, ASHI has suffered damages

in an amount to be proven at trial, but which are not less than $500,000.

32. Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions were willful, wanton and egregious and

therefore warrant the imposition of punitive damages.

(False Light)

33. ASHI realleges paragraphs 1 through 31 as if fully set forth herein.

34. Gromicko and InterNACHIs statements that ASHI had been taken over by

NAMBLA would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.

35. Gromicko and InterNACHI made the statements detailed herein knowing that

they were false, or with reckless disregard to their truth or falsity.

36. Gromicko and InterNACHIs statements were made publicly on InterNACHIs

internet forum.

37. As a result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions, ASHI has been placed in a

false light.

38. As a result of Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions, ASHI has suffered damages

in an amount to be proven at trial, but which are not less than $500,000.

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39. Gromicko and InterNACHIs actions were willful, wanton and egregious thereby

warranting the imposition of punitive damages.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff ASHI prays for the following relief against defendants

InterNACHI and Gromicko:

a. for compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at trial, but which are not

less than $500,000;

b. for punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial, but which are not less

than $1,500,000;

c. for its attorneys fees and costs; and

d. for such further relief as the Court may deem appropriate.


Respectfully submitted,



By: /s/Robert S. Grabemann

One of Its Attorneys

Robert S. Grabemann
Timothy M. Schaum
Daspin & Aument, LLP
227 W. Monroe Street
Suite 3500
Chicago, IL 60606


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