6.D50S-5 G643 (E) Sb4263e01

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Dec. 2008

Service Manual
G643E LP Engine
G643LP Engine

G35S-5, G40S-5, G45S-5, G50C-5, G55C-5

GC35S-5, GC40S-5, GC45S-5, GC50C-5, GC55C-5
G40SC-5, G45SC-5, G50SC-5, G55SC-5
G50S-5, G60S-5, G70S-5
Important Safety Information

Most accidents involving product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to observe basic
safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially hazardous situations
before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This person should also have the
necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.

Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing lubrication,
maintenance and repair on this product.

Basic safety precautions are listed in the Safety section of the Service or Technical Manual. Additional safety
precautions are listed in the Safety section of the owner/operation/maintenance publication.
Specific safety warnings for all these publications are provided in the description of operations where hazards
exist. WARNING labels have also been put on the product to provide instructions and to identify specific
hazards. If these hazard warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or other persons.
Warnings in this publication and on the product labels are identified by the following symbol.


Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.

Operations that may cause product damage are identified by NOTICE labels on the product and in this

DOOSAN cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The warnings
in this publication and on the product are therefore not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure, work method or
operating technique not specifically recommended by DOOSAN is used, you must satisfy yourself that it is
safe for you and others. You should also ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by the
operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair procedures you choose.

The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information available at the
time it was written. The specifications, torques, pressures, measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can affect the service given to the product. Obtain the complete and
most current information before starting any job. DOOSAN dealers have the most current information available.

Inspect for Intake Leaks................................ 28
Chapter 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Inspect Throttle Assembly............................. 28
Checking the TMAP Sensor(G643E only) ..... 28
Precautions before Service ................................. 7
Tightening Torque ............................................. 10 Exhaust System Maintenance........................... 28
Recommended Lubricants and Capacities....... 12 Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks................. 28
Engine Model and Engine Serial Number ......... 13
General Specification ........................................ 14 Maintenance Schedule ...................................... 29
G643F/G643FE Engine Power and Torque........ 16


General Information........................................... 31
General Maintenance......................................... 17 Engine Outline.............................................. 31
Test Fuel System for Leaks........................... 17 Specification ................................................. 32
Inspect Engine for Fluid Leaks ...................... 17 Torque Specification ..................................... 33
Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings................ 17 Engine Exploded View .................................. 41
Inspect Electrical System .............................. 17 Engine Construction ..................................... 45
Inspect Foot Pedal Operation........................ 17 Statement On Cleanliness And Care............. 45
Engine Oil Classification................................ 18 Use Of Rtv Sealer And Anaerobic Gasket
Checking Engine Oil Level ............................ 19 Eliminator ..................................................... 46
Replacing Engine Oil and Filter ..................... 19 Replacing Engine Gaskets............................ 47
Checking Compressed Pressure ................... 20 Thread Repair .............................................. 47
Special Tools................................................ 48
Cooling System Maintenance............................ 21
Coolant Recommendation............................. 21 Cooling System ................................................. 51
Check Coolant Level ..................................... 21 General Description ...................................... 51
Inspect Coolant Hoses .................................. 21 Testing & Adjusting....................................... 52
Checking coolant leaks ................................. 22 Cooling System Recommendation ................ 55
Specific gravity test ....................................... 22
Relation between Coolant concentration and Engine Lubrication ............................................ 57
Specific Gravity............................................. 22 General Description ...................................... 57
Checking and Adjusting Drive Belt ................ 23 Testing and Adjusting ................................... 58
Checking Belt for Damage ............................ 23
Disassembly of Engine...................................... 60
Ignition System Maintenance ............................ 24 Tools And Shop Equipment .......................... 60
Inspect Battery System ................................. 24 Accessory Removal...................................... 60
Inspect Ignition System ................................. 24 Cleaning ....................................................... 60
Inspection of Ignition Timing.......................... 24 Draining The Engine ..................................... 60
Inspection of Spark Plug ............................... 25 Engine Flywheel Removal ............................ 61
Exhaust Manifold Removal ........................... 61
Fuel System Maintenance ................................. 27 High Mounted Fan Bracket Removal............. 62
Replace LP Fuel Filter Element..................... 27 Coolant Pump Removal ................................ 62
Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation .................... 27 Valve Rocker Arm Cover Removal................ 63
Pressure Regulator/Converter Inspection ...... 28 Thermostat Removal .................................... 63
Inspect Air/Fuel Valve Mixer Assembly.......... 28 Intake Manifold Removal .............................. 64

G643(E) Service Manual 3 Index

Valve Train Component Removal.................. 64 Connecting Rod Bearings ............................. 93
Cylinder Head Removal ................................ 65 Connecting Rod Side Clearance ................... 94
Torsional Damper Removal........................... 66
Oil Pan Removal........................................... 66 Assembly of Engine .......................................... 95
Oil Pump Removal ........................................ 67 Prior to Assembly ......................................... 95
Engine Front Cover Removal ........................ 67 Crankshaft And Crankshaft Bearing Installation
Timing Chain and Camshaft Sprocket Removal ..................................................................... 95
..................................................................... 67 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Installation ... 96
Camshaft Removal ....................................... 68 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation............. 96
Balance Shaft Removal................................. 68 Piston and Connecting Rod Installation......... 96
Piston and Connecting Rod Removal ............ 69 Balance Shaft Installation ............................. 98
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Removal................ 70 Camshaft Installation .................................... 99
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Removal .. 70 Timing Chain and Camshaft Sprocket
Crankshaft Removal...................................... 71 Installation ...................................................100
Engine Front Cover Installation ....................100
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair ...................... 72 Torsional Damper Installation ......................100
Cylinder Block............................................... 72 Torsional Damper Installation ......................101
Cylinder Bore ................................................ 73 Oil Pump Installation....................................101
Measuring Cylinder Bore Taper and Out-Of- Oil Pan Installation.......................................102
Round........................................................... 73 Cylinder Head Installation ............................104
Cylinder Bore Reconditioning ........................ 74 Cylinder Head Installation ............................104
Boring .................................................... 75 Valve Train Component Installation..............104
Honing ................................................... 75 Valve Adjustment.........................................105
Piston Disassembly....................................... 76 Intake Manifold Installation...........................105
Measuring Piston Pin-To-Piston Clearance ... 77 Rocker Arm Cover Installation......................105
Piston Selection ............................................ 78 Exhaust Manifold Installation .......................107
Piston Assembly ........................................... 78 Flywheel Housing Installation.......................107
Intake and Exhaust Manifolds ....................... 80 Engine Flywheel Installation.........................108
Camshaft ...................................................... 80 Coolant Pump Installation ............................109
Camshaft Bearings ....................................... 81 Engine Accessory Installation ......................109
Balance Shaft ............................................... 82 Engine Setup and Testing............................109
Timing Chain and Sprockets ......................... 82
Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement ................ 82
Coolant Pump ............................................... 83 Chapter 4. ENGINE ELECTRICAL
Oil Pan and Valve Rocker Covers ................. 83 SYSTEM
Oil Pump....................................................... 83
Valve Train Components............................... 85 Specifications ...................................................110
Valve Lifters.................................................. 86 Ignition Timing .............................................110
Cylinder Head ............................................... 86 Ignition Sequence (Firing Order) ..................110
Disassembly .......................................... 86 Ignition Coil .................................................110
Cleaning, Inspection, and Measurement.... 86 Spark Plug...................................................110
Repair.................................................... 88 Distributor....................................................111
Valve Rocker Arm Stud Replacement .... 89 Sensor Gap .................................................111
Assembly............................................... 89
Thermostat and Coolant Outlet ..................... 90 Ignition System.................................................112
Torsional Damper ......................................... 90 General Description .....................................112
Crankshaft Bearings...................................... 91 Ignition System Control.........................113
Crankshaft Runout ........................................ 93 lgnition System Schematic for G643E ...114
Crankshaft End Play ..................................... 93 lgnition System Schematic for G643 .....114
Ignition System Inspection ....................115

G643(E) Service Manual 4 Index

Ignition Component Checks ................. 115 EMS Inspection and Repair..............................181
Inspection of Spark Plug Wires ............ 116 Engine Control Module[G643E]....................181
Inspection of Spark Plug ...................... 117 Crank Shaft Position Sensor [G643E] ..........182
Inspection of EST Distributor................ 118 IAT (Intake Air Temperature) Sensor [G643E
Inspection of Ignition Coil ..................... 120 and G643] ...................................................184
Disassembly and Assembly......................... 120 OxygenSensor (Pre-Catalyst) [G643E].........185
Ignition Coil.......................................... 120 Oxygen Sensor (Post-Catalyst) [G643E] ......186
EST Distributor .................................... 121 ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature) Sensor
Ignition Timing Adjustment for G643 Engine 123 [G643E and G643].......................................187
Final Timing Verification....................... 124 Angle Sensor-Accelerator [G643E and G643]
Ignition Timing Adjustment for G643E Engine ....................................................................190
................................................................... 125 Transmission Oil Temperature Switch [G643E]
Charging System ............................................. 126 Electronic Throttle Body [G643E and G643].192
General Description .................................... 126
Troubleshooting Procedure ......................... 129 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY
STARTING SYSTEM......................................... 134
General Description .................................... 134 G643E LP System Inspection and Repair........193
Diagnosis Procedure................................... 135 Removal and Installation..............................193
Start Relay Tests ........................................ 137 Hose Connections ................................194
Troubleshooting .......................................... 138 Removal and Installation of N-2007 LP
Starter Repair ............................................. 139 Regulator..............................................196
Removal and Installation of CA100 Mixer
for G643E.............................................197
Chapter 5. ENGINE MANAGEMENT Tests and Adjustments ................................199
SYSTEM (EMS) N-2007 Regulator Service Testing ........199
AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing ..........201
General Information......................................... 140 Idle Mixture Adjustment ........................201
Specifications.............................................. 140 Parts Description .........................................205
Component Location ................................... 145 CA100 Mixer for G643E Engine ............205
N-2007 Regulator for G643E Engine.....207
G643E EMS (Engine Management System)
Overview .......................................................... 148 G643 LPG System Inspection and Repair .......209
General Description .................................... 148 Removal and Installation..............................209
LPG Fuel System Operation........................ 151 Hose Connections ................................210
Electronic Throttle System .......................... 159 Removal and Installation of N-2001 LP
SECM......................................................... 163 Regulator/Converter .............................211
SECM Wiring Diagrams for G643E.............. 166 Removal and Installation of CA100 Mixer
for G643 ...............................................212
G643 EMS (Engine Management System) Tests and Adjustments ................................214
Overview .......................................................... 168 N-2001 Regulator Service Testing ........214
General Description .................................... 168 AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing ..........216
LPG Fuel System Operation........................ 171 Idle Mixture Adjustment ........................216
Electronic Throttle System .......................... 174 G643 LP Fuel Systems with O2 Sensor 216
Ignition System ........................................... 175 Parts Description .........................................218
SECM......................................................... 176 CA100 Mixer for G643 Engine ..............218
SECM (Load/Speed Management).............. 176 CA100 Disassembly and Service ..........220
CA100 Disassembled Service...............221
N-2001 Regulator for G643 Engine .......222

G643(E) Service Manual 5 Index

N2001 Regulator Disassembly Steps: .. 224 Chapter 8. ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS
N2001 Disassembled Service .............. 226
Reading Diagnostic Fault Codes .....................250
Displaying Fault Codes (DFC) from SECM
Chapter 7. BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING Memory .............................................................250
Clearing Fault (DFC) Codes .............................250
Preliminary Checks.......................................... 227 Fault Action Descriptions ................................251
Before Starting............................................ 227 Fault List Definitions ........................................251
Visual/Physical check.................................. 227

Basic Troubleshooting Guide ......................... 228 Appendix

Customer Problem Analysis Sheet .............. 228
Basic Inspection Procedure......................... 229 LPG And LPG Fuel Tanks ................................252
Connector Inspection Procedure ................. 230 Regulatory Compliance....................................256
Special Conditions for Safe Use ......................256
Basic Troubleshooting .................................... 234 Abbreviations ...................................................257
Intermittents................................................ 234
Corrective Action......................................... 234
Surges and/or Stumbles.............................. 235
Engine Cranking but Will Not Start / Difficult to
Start ........................................................ 236
Engine Cranking but Will Not Start / Difficult to
Start (contd.)........................................... 237
Lack of Power, Slow to Respond / Poor High
Speed Performance / Hesitation During
Acceleration ............................................ 238
Detonation / Spark Knock............................ 240
Backfire ...................................................... 241
Dieseling, Run-on ....................................... 241
Rough, Unstable, Incorrect Idle, or Stalling.. 242
Cuts Out, Misses......................................... 244
Poor Fuel Economy / Excessive Fuel
Consumption / LPG Exhaust Smell .......... 245
High Idle Speed .......................................... 246
Excessive Exhaust Emissions or Odors....... 247
Diagnostic Aids for Rich / Lean Operation ... 248
Chart T-1 Restricted Exhaust System Check ... 249

G643(E) Service Manual 6 Index

Precautions before Service Tightening Torque

Removal and Disassembly

Tighten the part properly to specified torque.

For prevention of wrong installation or reassembly Sealant

and for ease of operation, put mating marks to the
parts where no function is adversely affected.

Special Tool

Use specified brand of sealant.

Use of sealant other than specified sealant may
cause water or oil leaks.

Be sure to use Special Tools when their use is

specified for the operation.
Use of substitute tools will result in malfunction of
the part or damage it.

G643(E) Service Manual 7 Chapter 1. General Information

Replacement Part Genuine Part

When oil seal, O-ring, packing and gasket have When the part is to be replaced, be sure to use
been removed, be sure to replace them with new genuine part.
parts. For selection of appropriate parts, refer to the Parts
However, rocker cover gasket may be reused if it is Catalog.
not damaged.
Electrical System
Rubber Parts

1. Be sure to disconnect the battery cable from the

Do not stain timing belt and V-belt with oil or water.
negative (-) terminal of the battery.
Therefore, do not clean the pulley and sprocket with
2. Never pull on the wires when disconnecting
Oil and Grease
3. Locking connectors will click when the connector
is secure.

4. Handle sensors and relays carefully. Be careful

not to drop them or hit them against other parts.

Before reassembly, apply specified oil to the rotating

and sliding parts.

G643(E) Service Manual 8 Chapter 1. General Information

Precautions for catalytic Converter

If a large amount of unburned gasoline flows
into the converter, it may overheat and create a
fire hazard. To prevent this, observe the
following precautions and explain them to your

1. Use only unleaded gasoline.

2. Do net run the engine while the truck is at rest for

a long time. Avoid running the engine at fast idle
for more than 5 minutes and at idle speed for
more than 10 minutes.

3. Avoid spark-jump tests. Do spark-jumps only

when absolutely necessary. Perform this test as
rapidly as possible and, while testing, never race
the engine.

4. Do not measure engine compression for an

extended time. Engine compression tests must be
made as rapidly as possible

5. Do not run the engine when the fuel tank is nearly

empty. This may cause the engine to misfire and
create and extra load on the converter.

6. Avoid coasting with the ignition turned off and

during prolonged braking

7. Do not dispose of a used catalytic converter

together with parts contaminated with gasoline or

G643(E) Service Manual 9 Chapter 1. General Information

Tightening Torque
Tightening Torque Table of Standard Parts

Bolt nominal diameter Torque (kgm)

Pitch (mm)
(mm) Head mark 4 Head mark 7

M5 0.8 0.3 ~ 0.4 0.5 ~ 0.6

M6 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.6 0.9 ~ 1.1

M8 1.25 1.2 ~ 1.5 2.0 ~ 2.5

M10 1.25 2.5 ~ 3.0 4.0 ~ 5.0

M12 1.25 3.5 ~ 4.5 6~8

M14 1.2 7.5 ~ 8.5 12 ~ 14

M16 1.5 11 ~ 13 18 ~ 21

M18 1.5 16 ~ 18 26 ~ 30

M20 1.5 22 ~ 25 36 ~ 42

M22 1.5 29 ~ 33 48 ~ 55

M24 1.5 37 ~ 42 61 ~ 70
M5 0.8 0.3 ~ 0.4 0.5 ~ 0.6

M6 1.0 0.5 ~ 0.6 0.9 ~ 1.1

M8 1.25 1.2 ~ 1.5 2.0 ~ 2.5

M10 1.25 2.5 ~ 3.0 4.0 ~ 5.0

NOTE: The torques shown in the table are standard 1. When spring washers, toothed washers and the
vales under the following conditions. like are inserted.

1. Nuts and bolt are made of steel bar and 2. If plastic parts are fastened.
3. If oil is applied to threads and surfaces.
2. Galvanized plain steel washers are inserted.
NOTE: If you reduce the torques in the table to the
3. All nuts, bolts, plain washers are dry. percentage indicated below under the following
conditions, it will be the standard value.
NOTE: The torques shown in the table are not
applicable, 1. If spring washers are used : 85%

2. If threads and bearing surfaces are stained with

oil: 85%

G643(E) Service Manual 10 Chapter 1. General Information

General tightening torque
for bolts, nuts and taperlock studs

The following charts give the standard toque thread

values for bolts, nuts and taperlock studs of Standard torque
SAE Grade 5 or better quality. Exceptions are
given in other sections of the Service Manual
where needed. inches Ibft. Nm*

1/4 93 12 4
Use these torques for 5/16 18 5 25 7
bolts and nuts with 3/8 32 5 45 7
standard threads (con- 7/16 50 10 70 15
versions are 1/2 75 20 100 15
approximate). 9/16 110 15 150 20
5/8 150 20 200 25
3/4 265 35 360 50
7/8 420 60 570 80
1 640 80 875 100
standaed thread 1-1/8 800 100 1100 150
1-1/4 1000 120 1350 175
1-3/8 1200 150 1600 200
1-1/2 1500 200 2000 275

5/16 13 2 20 3
Use these torques for 3/8 24 2 35 3
bolts and nuts on 7/16 39 2 50 3
hydraulic valve bodies. 1/2 60 3 80 4
5/8 118 4 160 6

1/4 52 73
Use these torques for 5/16 10 3 15 5
studs with taperlock 3/8 20 3 30 5
threads. 7/16 30 5 40 10
1/2 40 5 55 10
9/16 60 10 80 15
5/8 75 10 100 15
3/4 110 15 150 20
7/8 170 20 230 30
taperlock stud 1 260 30 350 40
1-1/8 320 30 400 40
1-1/4 400 40 550 50
1-3/8 480 40 650 50
1-1/2 550 50 750 70

G643(E) Service Manual 11 Chapter 1. General Information

Recommended Lubricants and Capacities

Recommended Lubricants

Lubricant Specification Remarks

Engine Oil API Classification SJ or above SAE 10W30 or SAE 5W30
Automotive antifreeze
Concentration level 50%(normal)
Coolant (Antifreeze) suitable for gasoline engines
Concentration level 40%(tropical)
having aluminum alloy parts

Lubricant Capacities

Description G(C)35/40/45S-5,G50/60/70S-5

Oil Pan 4.3

Engine Oil (liters) Oil Filter 0.5
Total 4.8

Engine 7.6

Coolant (liters) Radiator & Hoses 11.4

Total 19

G643(E) Service Manual 12 Chapter 1. General Information

Engine Model and Engine Serial Indication of Engine Model and Serial
Number Number

Engine Emission
Fuel Type
Model Regulation
G643E LP 2007

G643 LP

* EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

* CARB: California Air Resources Board

G643E Engine
Engine Model Engine Serial Number
Comply with EPA 2007 Emission Regulation G643E/G643 30700001 to 39999999
Electronic Control by ECM
Features and Benefits of G643E/G643 Engine
Certified LP System available
Valve seat inserts
Closed loop LP Carburetion system
Valve seat system
3-way Catalytic Muffler is standard
SOHC valve system
G643 Engine
Timing chain system
Not comply with EPA 2007 Emission Regulation
Distributor Ignition system
Electronic Control by ECM
Electronic control system by ECM (Engine control
Standard LP System available module)

Open loop LP Carburetion system Drive-by-wire system

Muffler is standard Higher efficiency and lower fuel consumption

Min./Max. governor control

Automatic engine protection from overheating

and/or low engine oil pressure

Automatic transmission protection from

overheating (G643E Engine only)

Engine diagnostics by service-tool software

Forklift ground speed limit (optional)

G643(E) Service Manual 13 Chapter 1. General Information

General Specification
G643E Engine G643 Engine
ENGINE TYPE: 904-Cycle V6, Water Cooled
COMBUSTION SYSTEM: Naturally Aspirated
Pushrod Actuated Overhead Valves - 2 Per Cylinder
Auto Lash adjustment by hydraulic valve lifter
CAMSHAFT DRIVING: Timing Chain System
BALANCE SHAFT: One Balance Shaft System
DISPLACEMENT: 4294 cc (262 CID)
BORE: 101.60 mm (4.00 in.)
STROKE: 88.39 mm (3.48 in.)
COMPRESSIONPRESSURE: 690 kPa (100 psi) Minimum
FIRING ORDER: 1-6-5-4-3-2
WEIGHT: 296 Kg (653 lbs.), Wet
ENGINE ROTATION: Counter-Clockwise (CCW) when viewed from Flywheel End
IGNITION TYPE: Distributor System
IGNITIOIN TIMING: Electronic controlled by ECM
IGNITION COIL: 12 V operation volt
DISTRIBUTOR: Delco EST Distributor with ignition module
SPARK PLUGS: BOSCH 4205, 0.9mm (0.035in.) Air Gap
28 kPa (4 psi) @ 700 RPM
124 kPa (18 psi) @ 2000 RPM
Upper Limit: 130C (266F)
OIL TEMPERATURE: Recommended: 99 - 110C (210 - 230F)
Lower Limit: 80C (176F)
CRANKCASE CAPACITY: 4.3 L (4.5 qts.)
OIL FILTER: 0.47 L (0.5 qt.)
WATER PUMP ROTATION: Serpentine Belt Drive - Clockwise (CW) when viewed from engine front
Opening Temperature: 82C (180F)
Fully Open Temperature: 96C (205F)

G643(E) Service Manual 14 Chapter 1. General Information

G643E Engine G643 Engine
Closed loop LP Carburetion Open loop LP Carburetion
System System
Diaphragm Type Air Valve Diaphragm Type Air Valve
Assembly inside, Downdraft Assembly inside, Downdraft
(Model: CA-100) (Model: CA-100)
Two-Stage Negative Pressure Two-Stage Negative Pressure
Regulator (Model: N-2007) Regulator (Model: N-2001)
FUELTRIMVALVE (FTV): Dual Dither System None
FUEL FILTRATION: 40 Microns Maximum 40 Microns Maximum
ENGINECONTROLMODULE(ECM): 12 V operation volt, 48 pins of I/O 12 V operation volt, 24 pins of I/O
CRANK SENSOR Hall effect Sensor VR sensor built in Distributor
Intake Air Temp. & Manifold Intake Air Temp. & Manifold
Absolute Press. Sensor Absolute Press. Sensor
Two-Output Signals (Installed on Two-Output Signals (Installed
Accelerator Pedal) on Accelerator Pedal)
OXYGEN SENSOR: Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen
Sensor (HEGO)
12 V operation volt
Engine Coolant Temperature Engine Coolant Temperature
Sensor for ECM Sensor for ECM
Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor
Engine Coolant Temp. Sensor for
ECT-GAUGE for GAUGE on Instrument
GAUGE on Instrument Panel
Throttle Position Sensor (built in Throttle Position Sensor (built
Throttle Body) in Throttle Body)
THROTTLE BODY: Electronic Throttle Body Electronic Throttle Body
LP FUEL LOCK-OFF: 12 V operation volt 12 V operation volt
ENGINE OIL PR. S/W: 21.4 kPa (3.1 psi) 21.4 kPa (3.1 psi)
STARTER MOTOR: 12 Volt, 2.0 kW 12 Volt, 2.0 kW
ALTERNATOR: 12 Volt, 80 A 12 Volt, 80 A

Three-way Catalyst with Metal Muffler without Catalyst

G643(E) Service Manual 15 Chapter 1. General Information

G643/G643E Engine Power and Torque


RATED POWER kW 69.4 69.4

hp 93.0 93.0
PS 94.3 94.3

rpm 2,450 2,450

MAX TORQUE N-m 284 294
lbf-ft 210 217

kgf-m 29.0 30.0

rpm 1600 1600

GOVERNED SPEED rpm 2500 2500

LOW IDLE rpm 750 750

G643(E) Service Manual 16 Chapter 1. General Information

Suggested maintenance requirements for an engine equipped with an MI-07 fuel system are contained in this
section. The operator should, however, develop a customized maintenance schedule using the requirements
listed in this section and any other requirements listed by the engine manufacturer.

General Maintenance Inspect Engine for Fluid Leaks

Test Fuel System for Leaks Start the engine and allow it to reach operating

Turn the engine off.

Inspect the entire engine for oil and/or coolant


Repair as necessary before continuing.

Inspect Vacuum Lines and Fittings

Visually inspect vacuum lines and fittings for

physical damage such as brittleness, cracks and
kinks. Repair/replace as required.

Obtain a leak check squirt bottle or pump spray Solvent or oil damage may cause vacuum lines to
bottle. become soft, resulting in a collapsed line while
the engine is running.
Fill the bottle with an approved leak check solution.
If abnormally soft lines are detected, replace as
Spray a generous amount of the solution on the necessary.
fuel system fuel lines and connections, starting at
the storage container. Inspect Electrical System
Wait approximately 15-60 seconds, then perform a Check for loose, dirty or damaged connectors and
visual inspection of the fuel system. Leaks will wires on the harness including: fuel lock-off,
cause the solution to bubble. TMAP sensor, O2 sensors, electronic throttle,
control relays, fuel trim valves, crank position
Listen for leaks sensor, and cam position sensor.

Smell for LPG odor which may indicate a leak Repair and/or replace as necessary.

Repair any leaks before continuing. Inspect Foot Pedal Operation

Crank the engine through several revolutions. This Verify foot pedal travel is smooth without sticking.
will energize the fuel lock-off and allow fuel to
flow to the pressure regulator/converter. Apply
additional leak check solution to the regulator/
converter fuel connections and housing. Repeat
leak inspection as listed above.

Repair any fuel leaks before continuing.

G643(E) Service Manual 17 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Engine Oil Classification

Recommended API classification: Above SJ

Recommended SAE viscosity classification

*1. 10W-30 engine oil is recommended

If 10W-30 is not applicable, proper engine oil will be possible according to temperature ranges.

The following lubricants should be selected for all

engines to enhance excellent performance and
maximum effect.

1. Observe the API classification guide.

2. Proper SAE classification number should be

selected within ambient temperature ranges. Do
not use the lubricant with SAE classification
number and API grade not identified on the

G643(E) Service Manual 18 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Checking Engine Oil Level Replacing Engine Oil and Filter

Prolonged and repeated contact with mineral oil
will result in the removal of natural fats from the
skin, leading to dryness, irritation and dermatitis.
In addition, used engine oil contains potentially
harmful contaminants which may cause skin
Exercise caution in order to minimize the length
and frequency of contact of your skin to used oil.
In order to preserve the environment, used oil
and used oil filter must be disposed of only at
1. Check that the oil level is between MIN and designated disposal sites.
Max marks on the engine oil level gauge.

2. If the oil level is below MIN mark, add oil until 1. Drain engine oil.
the level is within the specified ranges.
1) Remove the oil filler cap.
3. Check the engine for oil contamination and
viscosity and replace if necessary. 2) Remove the oil drain plug, and drain the oil into
a container.

2. Replace oil filter.

1) Remove the oil filter.

2) Check and clean the oil filter installation


3) Check the part number of the new oil filter is as

same as old one.

4) Apply clean engine oil to the gasket of a new

oil filter.

5) Lightly screw the oil filter into place, and

tighten it until the gasket contacts the seat.

6) Tighten it an additional 3/4 turn.

G643(E) Service Manual 19 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

3. Refill with engine oil filter.

1) Clean and install the oil drain plug with a new

gasket. At this time, necessarily screen the spark plug
hole with a rag. Because hot coolant, oil, fuel,
Torque 40~70 Nm and other foreign material, being penetrated in
the cylinder through cracks can come into the
spark hole during checking compressed
2)Fill with fresh engine oil. pressure.
When cranking the engine to test compressed
Capacity Drain and refill 4.3 L pressure, necessarily open the throttle valve be-
fore cranking.
Oil filter 0.5 L

6. Install the compression gauge to the spark plug

3) Install the oil filler cap.
4. Start engine and check for oil leaks.
7. With the throttle valve opened, crank the engine
to measure the compressed pressure.
5. Recheck engine oil level.

Checking Compressed Pressure Standard (250~400 rpm) Limit 690 kPa

8. If any of all cylinders is out of limit, add a small

amount of engine oil to the spark plug hole, and
re-proceed the procedures (no.6-7) to the cylinder.

At this time, if the compressed pressure is increased,

it means that the piston, piston ring or cylinder
surface are worn or damaged, and if the
compressed pressure is decreased, it means that
the valve is clogged, the valve contact is faulty, or
the pressure leaks through gasket.

1. Prior to inspection, check that the engine oil, If a large amount of incomplete combustion
starter motor and battery are normal. gasoline comes into the catalytic converter,
emergency such as a fire can occur due to
2. Start the engine and run it until the engine coolant overheating. So this job should be done quickly
temperature reaches 80 ~ 95C. with the engine not operated.

3. Stop the engine and disconnect the ignition coil

and air cleaner element.

4. Remove the spark plug.

5. After opening the throttle valve completely, crank

the engine to remove foreign material from the

G643(E) Service Manual 20 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Cooling System Maintenance Antifreeze

DOOSAN recommends selecting automotive

Coolant Recommendation antifreeze suitable for gasoline engines using
aluminum alloy parts. The antifreeze should meet
The engine cooling system is provided with a ASTM-D3306 standard.
mixture of 50% ethylene glycol anti-freeze and 50%
water (For the vehicles of tropical area, the engine Check Coolant Level
cooling system is provided with a mixture of 40%
ethylene glycol anti-freeze and 60% water at the
The items below are a general guideline for
time of manufacture.)
system checks. Refer to the engine
Since the cylinder head and water pump body are
manufacturers specific recommendations for
made of aluminum alloy casting, be sure to use a 30
proper procedures.
to 60% ethylene glycol antifreeze coolant to assure
corrosion protection and freezing prevention.
Engine must be off and cold.


If the concentration of the antifreeze is below
Never remove the pressure cap on a hot engine.
30%, the anticorrosion property will be adversely
affected. In addition, if the concentration is
above 60%, both the antifreeze and engine The coolant level should be equal to the COLD
cooling properties will decrease, adversely mark on the coolant recovery tank.
affecting the engine. For these reasons, be sure
Add approve coolant to the specified level if the
to maintain the concentration level within the
system is low.
specified range.
Inspect Coolant Hoses
Coolant Water
Visually inspect coolant hoses and clamps.
Hard water, or water with high levels of calcium and Remember to check the two coolant lines that
magnesium ions, encourages the formation of connect to the pressure regulator/converter.
insoluble chemical compounds by combining with
cooling system additives such as silicates and Replace any hose that shows signs of leakage,
phosphates. swelling, cracking, abrasion or deterioration.

The tendency of silicates and phosphates to

precipitate out-of-solution increases with increasing
water hardness. Hard water, or water with high
levels of calcium and magnesium ions encourages
the formation of insoluble chemicals, especially after
a number of heating and cooling cycles.

DOOSAN prefers the use of distilled water or

deionized water to reduce the potential and severity
of chemical insolubility.

Acceptable Water
Water Content Limits (ppm)
Chlorides (CI) 40 maximum
Sulfates (SO4) 50 maximum
Total Hardness 80mg/ maximum
Total Solids 250 maximum
pH 6.0 ~ 8.0
ppm = parts per million

G643(E) Service Manual 21 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Checking coolant leaks

1. After the coolant temperature drops below 38C

loosen the radiator cap.

2. Check that the coolant level reaches filler neck.

3. Install the radiator cap tester to the radiator filler

neck and apply a pressure of 1.4kg/cm2 .
While maintaining it for 2 minutes, check the radiator,
hose, and connecting part for leak.

Because the coolant in the radiator is too hot,
never open the cap when it hot, or injury may
occur due to an outburst of hot water.
Dry out the inspection part.
When removing the tester, take care not to spill
the coolant.
When removing/installing the tester as well as
testing, take care not to deform the filler neck.

4. Replace parts if leak is detected.

Specific gravity test

1. Measure specific gravity of the coolant using a


2. After measuring the coolant temperature,

calculate specific gravity using the following table.

Relation between Coolant concentration and Specific Gravity

Temperature and Specific gravity of coolant (Temp.:) Freezing Coolant Concentration

10 20 30 40 50 temp() Specific Volume
1.054 1.050 1.046 1.042 1.036 -16 30%
1.063 1.058 1.054 1.049 1.044 -20 35%
1.071 1.067 1.062 1.057 1.052 -25 40%
1.079 1.074 1.069 1.064 1.058 -30 45%
1.087 1.082 1.076 1.070 1.064 -36 50%
1.095 1.090 1.084 1.077 1.070 -42 55%
1.103 1.098 1.092 1.084 1.076 -50 60%

G643(E) Service Manual 22 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Checking and Adjusting Drive Belt Checking Belt for Damage

Check the following items and replace the belt if


1. Check the belt surface for damage, wear and


2. Check the belt surface for oil or grease

1. Checking tension
3. Check the rubber part for wear or hardening.
1) Press the middle of the water pump pulley and
alternator pulley with 10kgf.
4. Check the pulley surface for crack or damage.
2) Inspect the belt deflection by pressing it.

3) If the belt deflection is out of the standard,

Inspect the belt tensioner.
(The belt tensioner is pre-set and spring

New belt Used belt
Drive belt deflection (L) 4.0~4.4mm 5.1~5.7mm

G643(E) Service Manual 23 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Ignition System Maintenance 4) If ignition timing is out of the standard, inspect
sensors concerned with ignition timing.
Inspect Battery System
Clean battery outer surfaces with a mixture of
Because ignition timing is fixed by set data
baking soda and water.
value in ECU, it is impossible to control on
Inspect battery outer surfaces for damage and purpose. (G643E Engine)
replace as necessary. Fist, check that sensors send output properly to
help determine ignition timing control.
Remove battery cables and clean, repair and/or
replace as necessary.
NOTE: Affective ECU input to Ignition timing control
Inspect Ignition System
Coolant temperature sensor
Remove and inspect the spark plugs. Replace as
required. Oxygen sensor

Inspect the ignition coil for cracks and heat Battery voltage
deterioration. Visually inspect the coil heat sink
fins. If any fins are broken replace as required. MAP sensor (Engine load)

Crankshaft position sensor

Inspection of Ignition Timing
Throttle position sensor
1. Inspection condition
Intake Air Temperature sensor
Coolant temperature : 80-90C(At normal
Temperature) 5) Check that actual ignition timing is changed
with engine RPM increased.
Lamp and all accessories : OFF

Transmission : In neutral position

Parking brake : ON

2. Inspection

1) Connect the timing light.

2) Measure RPM.

Low Idle 75015 rpm

NOTE: If RPM is not normal, it is impossible to

measure the proper ignition timing, so measure it at
a normal RPM.

3) Inspect the standard ignition timing.

G643E BTDC 195

G643 BTDC 05

G643(E) Service Manual 24 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Inspection of Spark Plug

Inspection and clean

3. Check the spark plug as below.

1) Insulator broken
1) Ignition cable
2) Terminal worn

3) Carbon deposit
1. Disconnect the ignition cables from spark plugs.
4) Gasket damaged or broken
2. Remove all spark plugs from the cylinder head
using a sparkplug wrench.
5) Porcelain insulator of spark plug clearance

Take care not to come foreign materials into
spark-plug mounting hole.

4. Check the plug clearance using a plug clearance

gauge and if the value is not within the specified
values, adjust it by bending the ground clearance.
When installing a new sparkplug, install it after
checking the uniform plug clearance.

Spark plug clearance 0.8~0.9 mm

G643(E) Service Manual 25 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Spark Plugs

5. Install the spark plug and tighten it to the specified

Take care not to over tighten it to prevent cylinder
head threads from damage.

Tightening torque 25~30 Nm


State Contact point is Contact point is

black white
Description Density of the Density of the
fuel mixture is fuel mixture is
thick thin
Lack of air Ignition timing is
intake fast
Spark plug is
Lack of torque

G643(E) Service Manual 26 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Fuel System Maintenance 8. Re-assemble the filter assembly aligning the
scribe lines on the top and bottom covers.

Replace LP Fuel Filter Element 9. Install the cover retaining screws, tightening the
screws in an opposite sequence across the cover.
Park the lift truck in an authorized refueling area with
the forks lowered, parking brake applied and the 10. Open the fuel valve by slowly turning the valve
transmission in Neutral. counterclockwise.

11. Crank the engine several revolutions to open the

fuel lock-off. DO NOT START THE ENGINE.
Turn the ignition key switch to the off position.

12. Check the filter housing, fuel lines and fittings for
leaks. Repair as necessary.

Testing Fuel Lock-off Operation

Start engine.

Locate the electrical connector for the fuel lock (A).

1. Close the fuel shutoff valve on the LP-fuel tank.
Run the engine until the fuel in the system runs
Disconnect the electrical connector.
out and the engine stops.
The engine should run out of fuel and stop within a
2. Turn off the ignition switch.
short period of time.
3. Scribe a line across the filter housing covers,
which will be used for alignment purposes when
re-installing the filter cover.
The length of time the engine runs on trapped fuel
vapor increases with any increase in distance
between the fuel lock-off and the pressure regulator

Turn the ignition key switch off and re-connect the

fuel lock-off connector.

4. Remove the cover retaining screws (1).

5. Remove top cover (2), magnet (3), spring (4), and

filter element (7) from bottom cover (5).

6. Replace the filter element (7).

7. Check bottom cover O-ring seal (6) for damage.

Replace if necessary.

G643(E) Service Manual 27 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Pressure Regulator/Converter Checking the TMAP Sensor(G643E only)
Verify that the TMAP sensor (F) is mounted tightly
Visually inspect the pressure regulator/converter into the manifold or manifold adapter (E), with no
(B) housing for coolant leaks. leakage.

Refer to Chapter 6 if the pressure If the TMAP is found to be loose, remove the
regulator/converter requires replacement. TMAP retaining screw and the TMAP sensor from
the manifold adapter.
Fuel Trim Valve Inspection (FTV)
Visually inspect the TMAP O-ring seal for damage.
Visually inspect the fuel trim valves (C) for Replace as necessary.
abrasions or cracking. Replace as necessary.
Apply a thin coat of an approved silicon lubricant
To ensure a valve is not leaking a blow-by test can to the TMAP O-ring seal.
be performed.
Re-install the TMAP sensor into the manifold or
1. With the engine off, disconnect the electrical manifold adapter and securely tighten the
connector to the FTVs. retaining screw.

2. Disconnect the vacuum line from the FTVs to the

pressure regulator/converter at the converters Exhaust System Maintenance
tee connection.
Inspect Engine for Exhaust Leaks
3. Lightly blow through the vacuum line connected to
the FTVs.
Start the engine and allow it to reach operating
Air should not pass through the FTVs when de-
If air leaks past the FTVs when de-energized,
Perform visual inspection of exhaust system from
replace the FTVs.
the engine all the way to the tailpipe. Any leaks,
even after the post-catalyst oxygen sensor, can
Inspect Air/Fuel Valve Mixer Assembly cause the sensor output to be effected (due to
exhaust pulsation entraining air upstream).
Refer to Chapter 6 for procedures regarding the Repair any/all leaks found. Ensure the length
LP mixer (D). from the post-catalyst sensor to tailpipe is the
same as original factory.
Inspect for Intake Leaks
Ensure that wire routing for the oxygen sensors is
Visually inspect the intake throttle assembly (E), still keeping wires away from the exhaust system.
and intake manifold for looseness and leaks. Visually inspect the oxygen sensors to detect any
Repair as necessary. damage.(G643E only)

Inspect Throttle Assembly

Visually inspect the throttle assembly motor

housing for coking, cracks, and missing cover-
retaining clips. Repair and/or replace as

NOTE: Refer to Chapter 6 for procedures on

removing the mixer and inspecting the throttle plate.

G643(E) Service Manual 28 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

Maintenance Schedule
NOTE: The MI-07 fuel system was designed for use with LPG fuel that complies with HD5 or HD10 LPG fuel
standards. Use of non-compliant LPG fuel may require more frequent service intervals and will disqualify the
user from warranty claims.


Every Every Every Every Every Every

CHCK POINT 250 500 1000 1500 2500 3000
Daily Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours
or or or or or or
1 month 3 month 6 month 9 month 15 month 18 month

General Maintenance

Test fuel system for leaks. Prior to any service or maintenance activity

Inspect engine for fluid leaks. X

Inspect all vacuum lines and fittings X

Inspect electrical system; check for loose,

dirty, or damaged wires and connections.
Inspect isolation mounts on engine control
module for cracks and wear; replace as X

Inspect all fuel fittings and hoses. X

Inspect foot pedal travel and operation X

Check for MIL lamp test at key-on.

If MIL lamp remains illuminated(indicating a
fault),use pedal to recover fault
code(s).Repair faults.
Engine Coolant

Check coolant level. X

Inspect coolant hoses and fittings for leaks,

cracks, swelling, or deterioration.

Engine lgnition

Inspect battery for damage and corroded


Inspect ignition system. X

Replace spark plugs X

Fuel Lock-Off/Filter

Replace LP fuel filter element. X

Inspect lock-off and fuel filter for leaks. X

Ensure lock-off stops fuel flow when engine

is off.

G643(E) Service Manual 29 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance


Every Every Every Every Every Every

CHCK POINT 250 500 1000 1500 2500 3000
Daily Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours
or or or or or or
1 month 3 month 6 month 9 month 15 month 18 month

Pressure Regulator/Converter

Test regulator pressures. X

Inspect pressure regulator vapor hose for

deposit build-up. Clean or replace as X
Inspect regulator assembly for fuel/coolant

Fuel Trim Valve(G420FE only)

Inspect valve housing for wear, cracks or


Ensure valve seals in the closed position

when the engine is off.

Replace FTV When indicated by MIL


Check air filter indicator X

Check for air leaks in the filter system. X

Inspect air/fuel valve mixer assembly for

Cracks, loose hoses, and fittings. Repair or x
Replace as necessary.
Check for vacuum leaks in the intake
system including manifold adapter and x
mixer to throttle adapter

Repair or replace throttle assembly When indicated by MIL

Inspect air filter. X

Replace air filler element X

Check TMAP sensor for tightness and

leaks. X

Exhaust & Emission

Inspect engine for exhaust leaks X

Replace PCV valve and breather element. X

Replace HEGO sensors When indicated by MIL

G643(E) Service Manual 30 Chapter 2. Recommended Maintenance

General Information
Engine Outline

G643 (E) Service Manual 31 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Specification Crankshaft
Crankshaft Journal
General Diameter #1
Type ................................................90 Degree V6 ...............62.199-62.217 mm (2.4488-2.4495 in)
Displacement ................................. 4.3L (262 CID) Diameter 2, #3
RPO (VIN Code) ......................... L35 (W), LF6 (X) ...............62.192-62.215 mm (2.4485-2.4494 in)
Bore.........................................101.6 mm (4.00 in) Diameter #4
Stroke.................................... 88.39 mm (3.480 in) ...............62.180-62.202 mm (2.4480-2.4489 in)
Compression Ratio ....................................... 9.2:1 Taper.......................0.0254 mm (.001 in.) MAX.
Firing Order .........................................1-6-5-4-3-2 Out-of Round...........0.025 mm (.0010 in.) MAX.
Crankshaft Bearing Clearance
Lubrication System Bearing #1
Oil Capacity ...................0.0254-0.0381 mm (.0010-.0015 in)
Without Filter Change .........................4.3 Liters Bearing #2, #3
With Filter Change Add .......................0.5 Liters ...................0.0254-0.0635 mm (.0010-.0025 in)
Oil Pressure (Minimum Hot) Bearing #4
.................. 41.4 kPa (6.0 psi) at 1,000 engine rpm ...................0.0635-0.0889 mm (.0025-.0035 in)
.............. 124.1 kPa (18.0 psi) at 2,000 engine rpm Crankshaft End Play
.............. 165.5 kPa (24.0 psi) at 4,000 engine rpm .......................... 0.0508-0.2032 mm (.002-.008 in)
OIl Filter System ..................................... Full Flow
OIl Pump Type................................... Gear Driven Connecting Rod
Connecting Rod Journal
Cylinder Bore Diameter.57.117-57.142 mm (2.2487-2.2497 in)
Diameter.101.618-101.643 mm (4.0007-4.0017 in) Taper........................0.0254 mm (.001 in) MAX.
Out-of Round .............. 0.0508 m (.002 in) MAX. Out-of-Round............0.0254 mm (.001 in) MAX.
Taper........................ 0.0254 mm (.001 in) MAX Rod Bearing Clearance
...................0.0254-0.0762 mm (.0010-.0030 in)
Piston Rod Side Clearance
Piston Bore Clearance ...................... 0.1524-0.4318 mm (.006-.017 in)
............................ 0.06096 mm (.0024 in) MAX.
Piston Rings Journal Diameter
Piston Compression Ring ...................47.440-47.490 mm (1.8677-1.8697 in)
Groove Clearance........ 0.010668 mm (.0042 in) End Play...........0.0254-0.2286 mm (.001-0.009 in)
Gap ........................... 0.889 mm (.035 in) MAX. Lobe Lift ................................. 0.05 mm (.002 in)
Piston Oil Ring Intake .............................. 7.018 mm (0.2763 in)
Groove Clearance.... 0.2032 mm (.008 in) MAX. Exhaust ........................... 7.252 mm (0.2855 in)
Gap .....................................1.651 mm (.065 in)
Balance Shaft
Oil Pan Front Bearing Journal Diameter
Engine Block Clearance ...............55.985-55.001 mm (2.1648-2.1654 in)
Tolerance ................... 0.254 mm (.010 in) MAX. Rear Bearing Journal Diameter
.................38.084-38.100 mm (1.4994-1.500 in)
Piston Pin Rear Bearing Journal Clearance
Diameter............ 23.545-23.548 mm (.927-.926 in) ...................0.0254-0.09144 mm (.001-.0036 in)
Clearance in Piston.. 0.0254 mm (.001 in) MAX.
Fit In Connecting Rod Valve System
0.02032-0.04064 mm (.0008-.0016 in) Interference Valve Lifter ................................... Hydraulic Roller
Valve Rocker Arm Ratio ..............................1.50:1
Exhaust Manifold Valve Lash ......................Net Lash No Adjustment
Surface Flatness........ 0.254 mm (.010 in) MAX. Face Angle ............................................45 degree
Seat Angle.............................................46 degree
Intake Manifold Seat Runout .................0.0508 mm (.002 in) MAX.
Surface Flatness........ 0.254 mm (.010 in) MAX. Seat Width Intake
.......................... 1.016-1.651 mm (.040-.065 in)
Cylinder Head Exhaust ............. 1.651-2.489 mm (.065-.098 in)
Surface Flatness...... 0.1016 mm (.004 in) MAX. Stem Clearance

G643 (E) Service Manual 32 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

..... High Limit Production + 0.0257 mm (.001 in) Intake Manifold Bolts
Exhaust First Pass .................................. 3 Nm (27 lbft)
..... High Limit Production + 0.0508 mm (2.03 in) Second Pass ......................... 12 Nm (106 lbft)
Valve Spring Free Length..............52 mm (2.03 in) Final Pass ............................... 15 Nm (11 lbft)
Closed Oil Filter Bypass Valve Bolt.......... 27 Nm (20 lbft)
..... 338-374 N at 43 mm (76-84 lb. at 1.70 in) Oil Level Indicator Tube Bolt ...... 12 Nm (106 lbft)
Open OIl Pan Nuts................................ 23 Nm (17 lbft)
. 832-903 N at 32 mm (187-203 lb. at 1.27 in) Bolts........................................ 25 Nm (18 lbft)
Installed Height Studs in Engine Block.............. 25 Nm (18 lbft)
...................... 42.92-43.43 mm (1.690-1.710 in) Oil Pan Drain Plug ....................... 25 Nm (18 lbft)
Valve Lift Oil Pump Bolt .............................. 90 Nm (66 lbft)
Intake...................................10.51 mm (.414 in) OIl Pump Cover Bolt.................. 12 Nm (106 lbft)
Exhaust ...............................10.87 mm (.428 in) Oxygen Sensor Wire Support Bracket Nut
.................................................... 11 Nm (97 lbft)
Spark Plugs
Torque Specification Cylinder Head (New) ............... 30 Nm (22 lbft)
Cylinder Head (All Subsequent Installation)
Balance Shaft Driven Gear Bolt ................................................ 20 Nm (15 lbft)
.......................20 Nm (15 lbft) (Plus 35 Degrees) Spark Plug Wire Support ........... 12 Nm (106 lbft)
Camshaft Retainer Bolt ..............12 Nm (106 lbft) Valve Lifter Guide Retainer Bolt ... 16 Nm (12 lbft)
Camshaft Sprocket Bolts..............28 Nm (21 lbft) Valve Rocker Arm Cover Bolts... 12 Nm (106 lbft)
Coolant Sensor ............................20 Nm (15 lbft) Water Outlet Bolt ......................... 25 Nm (18 lbft)
Connecting Rod Nut Water Pump Bolt ......................... 41 Nm (30 lbft)
.......................27 Nm (20 lbft) (Plus 70 Degrees)
Crankshaft Balancer Bolt ...........100 Nm (74 lbft)
Crankshaft Bearing Cap Bolt......105 Nm (77 lbft)
Crankshaft Position Sensor Bolt.....9 Nm (80 lbft)
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing
Nut and Bolt.................................15 Nm (11 lbft)
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing Stud
......................................................4 Nm (35 lbft)
Cylinder Head Bolt
First Pass.................................30 Nm (22 lbft)
Second Pass Torque Angle all Bolts in Sequence:
Short Length Bolt........................ 55 Degrees
Medium Length Bolt.................... 65 Degrees
Long Length Bolt ........................ 75 Degrees
Distributor Clamp Bolt ..................25 Nm (18 lbft)
EGR Valve Bolt
First Pass.................................10 Nm (89 lbft)
Final Pass................................25 Nm (18 lbft)
EGR Valve Pipe Bracket Bolt .......25 Nm (18 lbft)
EGR Valve Inlet Pipe Nut.............35 Nm (26 lbft)
Engine Block Drain Plug ..............20 Nm (15 lbft)
Engine Block Oil Gallery Plug Left Rear
....................................................20 Nm (15 lbft)
Engine Block Oil Gallery Plug Right Rear
....................................................25 Nm (18 lbft)
Engine Block Oil Gallery Plug Left Side Rear
....................................................20 Nm (15 lbft)
Engine Front Cover Bolt.............12 Nm (106 lbft)
Exhaust Manifold Stud and Bolt
First Pass.................................15 Nm (11 lbft)
Final Pass................................30 Nm (22 lbft)
Engine Flywheel Bolt .................100 Nm (74 lbft)
Front Lift Bracket Stud .................40 Nm (30 lbft)
Ignition Coil Bolt...........................11 Nm (97 lbft)

G643 (E) Service Manual 33 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Oil Pan Oil Filter

Tightning Specifications for Oil Pan Tightening Specifications for Oil Filter

(1) ............................................................Oil Pan (1) Wipe clean the filter adapter in the area that the
new filter makes contact. Put clean engine oil on
(2) Torque for Plug....................... 45 Nm (33 lbft) the new filter gasket. Install filter until contack is
(4) Torque for ten bolts................. 25 Nm (18 lbft) made the tighten 3/4 turn more.

(5) Torque for two nuts................. 25 Nm (18 lbft) (2) Torque for adapter is

................................54 14 Nm (40 10 lbft)

Oil Pump

Tightening Specifications for Oil Pump to Main Bearing Cap Bolt

(1)...........................................................Oil Pump

(2) Torque for bolt ...................... 90 Nm (66 lbft)

G643 (E) Service Manual 34 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Exhaust Manifolds Intake Manifolds

Exhaust Manifold Left Side

Tightening Specifications for Intake Manifolds

Intake manifold bolt in three steps using sequence

shown in IAGS023S

First pass ...................................... 3 Nm (27 lbft)

Second pass ............................. 12 Nm (106 lbft)

Third pass ................................... 15 Nm (11 lbft)

Exhaust Manifold Right Side

Tightening Specifications for Exhaust Manifold.

Exhaust manifold tighten bolts in two steps, begin
with the center bolts.

(1) Torque for exhaust manifold bolts

...................................................... 15 Nm (11 lbft)

(2) Torque for exhaust manifold bolts (second pass)

...................................................... 30 Nm (22 lbft)

G643 (E) Service Manual 35 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Flywheel Housing Flywheel

(1) Flywheel housing bolts should be torqued to (1) Torque for the bolts that hold the flyweel to the
...................................40 to 45 Nm (30 to 35 lbft) crankshaft100 Nm (74 lbft)

(2) Use a torch. Heat the ring around the entire

Flywheel Face Runout circumference, then drive the gear off the
flywheel using care not to damage the flywheel

Never heat the ring to a red hot condition this will
change the metal structure

Uniformly heat the ring gear to a temperature that

will expand the gear to permit installation.
Temperature must not exceed 204 (400 ).

As soon as the ring gear has been heated install it

on the flywheel.

Face Runout Check

Maximum permissible face runout of the flywheel

housing......................................0.20 mm (.008 in)
(See Flywheel Housing Checks in Testing And

G643 (E) Service Manual 36 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Flywheel Runout Pressure Cap

For checking procedure, see Flywheel And Flywheel

Housing in the Testing And Adjusting section.

Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity).

For testing procedure, see Cooling System Tests in

the Testing And Adjusting section.

Pressure valve opening pressure

.....................................85 to 110 kPa (12 to 16 psi)

Maximum permissible face runout of the flywheel Vacuum valve opening pressure
................................................0.19 mm (.0075 in) ........................................... 0 to 5 kPa (0 to 0.7 psi)

Outside Diameter Runout (Radial Eccentricity) Thermostat

Outside Diameter Runout Check

Full open temperature...... 85 to 95 (185 to 195)

Maximum permissible outside diameter runout of the

flywheel .......................................... 0.1 mm (.004 in)

G643 (E) Service Manual 37 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Camshaft Balance Shaft

(1) Torque for camshaft sprocket bolts (1) Front Bearing Journal Diameter
................................................ 20 Nm (15 lbft) ...... 55.985 to 55.001 mm (2.1648 to 2.1654 in)

(2) Torque for retainer mounting bolts (2) Rear Bearing Journal Diameter
.............................................. 12 Nm (106 lbft) ........ 38.084 to 38.100 mm (1.4994 to 1.500 in)
Rear Bearing Journal Clearence
(3) End play for the camshaft .......... 0.0254 to 0.09144 mm (.001 to .0036 in)
..............0.0254 to .02286 mm (.001 to .009 in)
(3) Balance Shaft Drive Gear Bolt
(4) Diameter of the surface journals for the camshaft ................................................ 20 Nm (15 lbft)
bearings new Torque plus 35 Degrees
..............51.03 to 51.05 mm (2.009 to 2.010 in)
(4) Balance Shaft Retainer Bolt
.............................................. 14 Nm (124 lbft)

NOTE : Balance shaft must be timed to camshaft


G643 (E) Service Manual 38 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Front Gear Cover

Height of camshaft lobes

(A) Intake lobe ....................... 7.018 mm (.2763 in)

(B) Exhaust lobe .................... 7.252 mm (.2855 in)

(C) Maximum permissible difference actual & (1) The front gear cover (1) of the engine must be
specified lobe lift................. 0.05 mm (.022 in) replaced if it is removed for any reason. The
cover is made of high impact plastic but can
See procedure under Testing And Adjusting section warp do to heat. To prevent oil leaks replace the
of manual on to due measurements cover.

(2) The front gear cover bolts should be torqued to

............................................... 15 Nm (11 lbft)

G643 (E) Service Manual 39 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Cylinder Heads Valve Clearence

Tools Needed A
Torque Angle Meter 1

(1) The 4.3 liter engine has screw-in rocker arm

studs with positive stop shoulders, NO valve
adjustment is necessary. When the valve train
requires service you simply tighten the rocker
arm nuts to 25 Nm (18 lbft).
NOTE : When installing the cylinder heads use a
new head gasket. Do not use sealer on the
composite gasket.

Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the following


All bolts are torqued to a torque of 30 Nm (22 lbft).

On the second pass a tool A degree wheel must be

Bolts in sequence.

1. Short length bolts (11, 7, 3, 2, 6, 10) 55 degrees

2. Medium length bolts (12, 13) 65 degrees

3. Long length bolts (1, 4, 8, 5, 9) 75 degrees

G643 (E) Service Manual 40 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Engine Exploded View

G643 (E) Service Manual 41 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System




G643 (E) Service Manual 42 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

G643 (E) Service Manual 43 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System


21 SPROCKET, CR/SHF (SEE ITEM 2A @ END) 79 BOLT, OIL PAN (HFH 5/16 - 18 X 7/8)
22 BOLT, CM/SHF SPROCKET 80 NUT, OIL PAN (5/16 - 18 X 20)

G643 (E) Service Manual 44 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Engine Construction the bearing uses a sleeve-type bearing.

The 4.3L (262 CID) engine is a liquid-cooled 90 V6 Valve Train

type with overhead valves, cast-iron block, cylinder
heads, and cast-iron balance shaft. The valve train is a ball pivot type. Motion is
transmitted from the camshaft through the valve
Cylinder Block lifter and valve pushrod to the rocker arm. The valve
rocker arm pivots on its ball and transmits the
The cylinder block has 6 cylinders arranged in a V camshaft motion to the valve.
shape with 3 cylinders in each bank. Starting at the
front of the engine, cylinders in the right bank are The valve lifters with roller followers keep all parts of
numbered 1-3-5 and cylinders in the left bank are the valve train in constant contact. Each lifter acts as
numbered 2-4-6 (when viewed from the front of the an automatic adjuster and maintains zero lash in the
engine). The firing order of the cylinders is 1-6-5-4- valve train and eliminates the need for periodic valve
3-2. The cylinders are encircled by coolant jackets. adjustment.

Cylinder Heads

The cylinder heads have one intake and one Statement On Cleanliness And Care
exhaust valve for each cylinder. A spark plug is
located between the valves in the side of the An engine is a combination of many machined,
cylinder head. The valve guides are integral and the honed, polished, and lapped surfaces with very fine
rocker arms are retained on individual threaded tolerances.
studs. Whenever valve train components, cylinder head,
cylinder, crankshaft, or connecting rod components
Crankshaft are removed for service, they should be retained in
order. At the time of installation, they should be
The crankshaft is supported by four crankshaft installed in the same locations and with the same
bearings. The number four bearing at the rear of the mating surfaces as when removed.
engine is the end thrust bearing. The bearings are
retained by bearing caps that are machined with the Any time the air cleaner or TBI unit is removed, the
block for proper alignment and clearances. intake opening must be covered. This will protect
against the entrance of foreign material which could
Camshaft follow the intake passage into the cylinder and
cause extensive damage when the engine is started.
The camshaft is supported by four full round, sleeve-
type bearings. A sprocket on the crankshaft drives a When any internal engine parts are serviced, care
timing chain which in turn drives the camshaft and cleanliness are important. A liberal coating of
through a sprocket. engine oil should be applied to friction areas during
assembly to protect and lubricate the surfaces on
Pistons and Connecting Rods initial operation. Throughout this Section, it should
be understood that proper cleaning and protection of
The pistons are made of cast aluminum alloy using machined surfaces and friction areas is part of the
two compression rings and one oil control ring. repair procedure. This is considered standard shop
Piston pins are offset 0.9 mm (0.0354 in.) toward the practice even if not specifically stated.
major thrust side (right side) to reduce piston slap as
the connecting rod travels from one side of the
piston to the other side after a stroke. The pins are a
press fit in the connecting rod and a floating fit in the

Balance Shaft

A cast-iron balance shaft is mounted in the

crankcase above and in line with the camshaft.
A camshaft gear drives the gear attached to the
balance shaft. The front end of the balance shaft is
supported by a ball-type bearing. The rear end of

G643 (E) Service Manual 45 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Use Of Rtv Sealer And Anaerobic Gasket Using Anaerobic Gasket Eliminator
1. Clean surfaces to be resealed with a chlorinated
Two types of sealer are commonly used in the solvent (GM P/N 1050454 or equivalent) to
engines covered by this manual. These are RTV remove all oil, grease, and old material.
sealer and anaerobic gasket eliminator sealer. It is
important that these sealers be applied properly and 2. Apply a continuous bead of gasket eliminator to
in their proper place to prevent oil leaks. THE TWO one flange.
CHANGEABLE. Use the sealer recommended in the 3. Spread the bead evenly with your finger to get a
procedure. uniform coating on the complete flange.
RTV (room temperature vulcanization) sealer is
used where a non-rigid part is assembled to a rigid 4. Assemble parts in the normal manner and torque
part. Common examples are oil pans and rocker immediately to specifications.
covers. Anaerobic gasket eliminator hardens in the
absence of air. This sealer is used where two rigid IMPORTANT: Anaerobic sealed joints that are
parts (such as castings) are assembled together. partially torqued and allowed to cure more than
When two rigid parts are disassembled and sealer five minutes may result in incorrect shimming of
or gasket is readily noticeable, the parts were the joint.
probably assembled using gasket eliminator.

Using RTV Sealer

1. Do not use RTV when extreme temperatures are

expected, such as exhaust manifold, head
gasket or where gasket eliminator is specified.

2. When separating components sealed with RTV,

use a rubber mallet and bump the part
sideways to shear the RTV sealer. Bumping
should be done at bends or reinforced areas to
prevent distortion of parts. RTV is weaker in
shear (lateral) strength than in tensile (vertical)

NOTICE: Attempting to pry or pull components apart

may result in damage to the part.

3. Surfaces to be resealed must be clean and dry.

Remove all traces of oil and RTV with a
chlorinated solvent (GM P/N 1050454 or
equivalent). Do not use petroleum cleaners such
as mineral spirits. They leave a film onto which
RTV will not stick.

4. Apply RTV to one of the clean surfaces. Use a

bead size as specified in the procedure. Run the
bead to the inside of any bolt holes. Do not allow
the sealer in any blind threaded holes, as it may
prevent the bolt from seating properly or cause
damage when the bolt is tightened.

5. Assemble while RTV is still wet (within 3

minutes). Do not wait for RTV to skin over.

6. Torque bolts to specifications. Do not overtorque.

G643 (E) Service Manual 46 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Replacing Engine Gaskets 1. Determine size, pitch, and depth of damaged
thread. If necessary, adjust stop collars on
cutting tool and tap to required depth.
Composite type gaskets are used in some areas IMPORTANT: Refer to the kit manufacturer's
of the engine assembly. These gaskets have a instructions regarding the size of drill and tap to
thin metal core. Use caution when removing or be used.
handling composite gaskets to help avoid
personal injury. 2. Drill out damaged thread.

3. Tap hole. Lubricate tap with light engine oil.

Clean the thread.

Thread Repair IMPORTANT: Avoid build-up of chips. Back out

the tap every few turns and remove chips.
Figure 12-2
4. Thread the thread insert onto the mandrel of the
Tool Required: installer. Engage the tang of the insert on the
end of the mandrel.
General purpose thread repair kits are
available commercially. 5. Lubricate the insert with light engine oil (except
when installing in aluminum) and install.
Damaged threads may be reconditioned by drilling
out, rethreading, and installing a suitable thread IMPORTANT: When correctly installed, the insert
insert. should be flush to one turn below the surface.

6. If the tang of the insert does not break off when

CAUTION backing out the installer, break the tang off with a
Wear safety glasses to avoid eye damage.

Figure 12-2 Repairing Thread Holes

G643 (E) Service Manual 47 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Special Tools

Tool # Description

J 21882 Oil Pickup Tube and Screen Installer

J 23738-A Valve Seal Leak Detector

J 24086-B Piston Pin Remover and Installer Set

J 24270 Ridge Reamer

J 3049-A Valve Lifter Remover

J 33049 Camshaft Bearing Remover and Installer

J 34673 Straightedge

J 35621 Crankshaft Rear Seal Installer

J 36669 Torque Angle Meter

J 36996 Bearing Remover

J 38834 Balance Shaft Bearing Service Kit

J 39046 Torsional Damper Puller and Installer

J 5239 Connecting Rod Guide Set

J 5590 Crankshaft Sprocket Installer

J 5715 0.0762 mm (0.003 in.) Reamer

J 5825-A Crankshaft Sprocket Puller

J 5830-02 Reamer Set J 5830-1, 5830-2, and 5830-3

J 5830-1 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) Reamer

J 5830-2 0.38 mm (0.015 in.) Reamer

J 5830-3 0.76 mm (0.030 in.) Reamer

J 6036 0.3302 mm (0.013 in.) Reamer

J 6098-01 Camshaft Bearing Remover and Installer

J 6621 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) Reamer

J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator

J 8001 Dial Indicator

J 8037 Ring Compressor

J 8056 Valve Spring Tester

J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor

J 8087 Cylinder Bore Gage

J 8089 Wire Brush

J 8092 Driver Handle

J 8101 Valve Guide Cleaning Tool

J 9290-01 Valve Lifter Remover

G643 (E) Service Manual 48 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

J 5590
J 3049-A
Crankshaft Sprocket
Valve Lifter Remover

J 6098-01
J 5715 or J 6036
Camshaft Bearing
Rocker Stud Hole Reamer

J 5239
J 8062
Connecting Rod Bolt Guide
Valve Spring Compressor

J 8087 J 8089
Cylinder Bore Gauge Carbon Remover Brush

J 7872
J 8001
Magnetic Base Dial
Dial Indicator

G643 (E) Service Manual 49 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

J 9290-01
J 8 037
Valve Lifter Remover
Piston Ring Compressor
(Slide Hammer Type)

J 24086-C
J 24270
Piston Pin Remover/
Ridge Reamer
Installer Set

J 24420-C
Universal J 21882
Crankshaft Pulley Oil Suction Pipe Installer

J 35621
Crankshaft Rear Oil
Seal Installer

G643 (E) Service Manual 50 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Cooling System
General Description

Cooling System Schematic

(1) Cylinder head. (2) Thermostat. (3) Recovery tank. (5) Radiator top hose. (6) Radiator pressure cap.
(7) Cylinder walls. (8) Radiator. (9) Radiator lower hose. (10) Water pump.

Water pump (10) is installed on the front of the thermostat (2) is open the coolant will go through
cylinder block. The water pump is driven by a single radiator top hose (5) and into the top tank of radiator
V belt from the crankshaft pulley. The inlet opening (8). Coolant then goes through the cores of the
of the water pump is connected to the radiator lower radiator. The air from the fan will make the coolant
hose (9). The outlet flow from the water pump goes cool as the coolant flows to the bottom of the
through passages inside the cylinder block. radiator and out hose (9) where the coolant returns
to water pump (10).
The coolant from the water pump through the
cylinder block passages has primary coolant flow to The radiator is equipped with a shroud to increase
and around the seats for the exhaust valves. This the efficiency of the fan and cause the air to be
method gives the coolant with the coolest pushed through the radiator and away from the lift
temperature flow to the hottest area during engine truck.
If the coolant is hot and the cooling system pressure
Cylinder walls (7) are cooled by the coolant flow is too high, some coolant flows to the top of radiator
through the block. After the coolant goes through the (8) through the tube to recovery tank (3). The
cylinder block it flows through cylinder head (1) to cooling system pressure is controlled by cap (6).
the thermostat housing, where the bypass type When the cooling system pressure goes above its
thermostat (2) is installed. The thermostat controls rated pressure, a valve opens in pressure cap (6)
the opening to radiator (8) to control the temperature which releases the cooling system pressure to the
in the cooling system. atmosphere. After the engine is at normal
temperature for operation, a development of vacuum
If the coolant is cold (cool), the thermostat will be is present in the cooling system. Pressure cap (6)
closed. The coolant circulates (makes a complete permits air in the radiator to remove the vacuum at
circuit) from the water pump and through the the same time coolant from recovery tank (3) is
cylinder block until the temperature of the coolant is pulled back into the radiator.
warm enough to make the thermostat open. When

G643 (E) Service Manual 51 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Testing & Adjusting 5. Inspect the drive belts for the fan.

Adhere to the following warnings when performing 6. Check for damage to the fan blades.
any tests or adjustments while the engine is running:
7. Look for air or combustion gas in the cooling
Work carefully around an engine that is running. 8. Inspect the filler cap and the surface that seals
Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are the cap. This surface must be clean.
moving, can cause personal injury.
9. Look for a large amount of dirt in the radiator core
and on the engine.
10. Check for loose or missing fan shrouds that
Exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide (CO)
cause poor flow of cooling air.
which can cause personal injury or death. Start
and operate the engine in a well ventilated area
only. In an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to
Cooling System Tests
the outside.

This engine has a pressure type cooling system. A

pressure type cooling system gives two advantages.
The first advantage is that the cooling system can
have safe operation at a temperature that is higher
than the normal boiling (steam) point of water. The
second advantage is that this type system prevents
cavitation (the sudden making of low pressure
bubbles in liquids by mechanical forces) in the water
pump. With this type system, it is more difficult for
an air or steam pocket to be made in the cooling

The cause for an engine getting too hot is generally

because regular inspections of the cooling system
were not made. Make a visual inspection of the
cooling system before testing with testing equipment.
Remember that temperature and pressure work
Cooling System Visual Inspection
together. When making a diagnosis of a cooling
system problem, temperature and pressure must
WARNING both be checked. Cooling system pressure will have
an effect on cooling system temperatures. For an
Do not loosen the filler cap or pressure cap on a example, look at the chart to see the effect of
hot engine. Steam or hot coolant can cause pressure and height above sea level on the boiling
severe burns. (steam) point of water.

1. After the engine is cool, loosen the filler cap (on a

radiator with a pressure cap, turn it to the first
stop) to let pressure out of the cooling system.
Then remove filler or pressure cap.

2. Check coolant level in the cooling system.

3. Look for leaks in the system.

4. Look for bent radiator fins. Be sure that air flow

through the radiator does not have a restriction.

G643 (E) Service Manual 52 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Pressure Cap Test Cooling System Leak Check

To test the cooling system for leaks, use the

following procedure:

If the engine has been in operation and the
coolant is hot, slowly loosen the pressure cap to
the first stop and let the pressure out of the
cooling system, then remove the pressure cap.

1. Remove pressure cap from the radiator.

Pressure Cap Diagram 2. Make sure the radiator is full (hot) or nearly full
(A) Sealing surface of cap and radiator. (cold) of coolant.

One cause for a pressure loss in the cooling system 3. Attach the Cooling System Pressurizing Pump
can be a bad seal on the pressure cap of the system. Tool to the radiator filler neck.
Inspect the pressure cap carefully. Look for damage
to the seal or the sealing surface. Any foreign 4. Pump the pressure to 20 kPa (3 psi) more than
material or deposits on the cap, seal or seal or the rated pressure of the cap.
sealing surface must be removed.
5. Check the radiator for outside leakage.
To check the pressure cap opening pressure, do the
following procedure. 6. Check all connections and hoses of the cooling
system for outside leakage.
7. If there is no outside leakage and the pressure
If the engine has been in operation and the reading on the gauge is still the same after 5
coolant is hot, slowly loosen the pressure cap to minutes, the radiator and cooling system do not
the first stop and let the pressure out of the have leakage. If the reading on the gauge goes
cooling system, then remove the pressure cap. down and there is no outside leakage, there is
leakage on the inside of the cooling system. Make
repairs as necessary.
1. Remove pressure cap from the radiator.

2. Put the pressure cap on the Cooling System

Pressurizing Pump Tool.

3. Look at the gauge for the pressure that makes the

pressure cap open. It must be as follows:
A403658 ............. 76 to 100 kPa (11 to 14.5 psi)

4. If the pressure cap is bad, install a new pressure


G643 (E) Service Manual 53 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Thermostat Cooling System Heat Problems

The thermostat is the wax pellet type. A jiggle valve To check if there is a good reason for heat problems
(which improves air bleeding during water supply) is do the checks that follow:
provided on the flange part. When the thermostat is
closed, the circulation of coolant is stopped, thereby 1. The indications of a heat problem are as follows:
making warm-up faster.
a. High coolant temperature indicator light is on
Operation or needle of coolant temperature gauge is in
red range.
When the temperature of the coolant is low, the
valve is closed by the spring, with the result that the b. Coolant boils out (comes out because of too
coolant circulates within the engine, without passing much heat) of the cooling system during
through the radiator. operations.
When the temperature of the coolant rises and
reaches a certain specified temperature, the valve c. Coolant boils out on the floor when the engine
opens and the coolant also circulates through the is stopped.
d. Coolant must be added at the end of each
When the temperature increases further and shift but Steps b and c are not present.
reaches a certain specified temperature, the valve
opens fully, allowing even more coolant to circulate 2. If indication in Step 1a is only present. It is
through the radiator. possible the problem is only a damaged gauge,
light or sender. Make a replacement of the
Thus, in this way the degree of valve opening is defective part.
varied according to the temperature of coolant, and
the temperature of coolant is adjusted by varying the 3. If indication in Step 1b is present, do the
amount of coolant caused to circulate through the procedure that follows:
a. Run the engine at medium idle (1200 rpm) for
Thermostat Test three minutes after high idle operation. This
cools off the hottest parts of the engine before
To test the thermostat opening temperature, use the it is stopped.
following procedure: b. Install a coolant recovery system on the truck,
if not already equipped.

WARNING 4. If indications in Step 1b, 1c or 1d are present, but

The pan, water and thermostat will be very hot Step 1a is not and the high temperature indicator
and can cause burns. Do not touch the pan, light does work, the problem can be a damaged
water or thermostat. Handle the components radiator cap seal or there can be a leak in the
with an insulated device for protection. cooling system. Complete the procedure that

1. Remove the thermostat from the engine. a. Do the Pressure Cap Test, Cooling System
Leak Check, Thermostat Test and Belt
2. Hang the thermostat in a pan of water. Put a Adjustment in the Testing And Adjusting.
thermometer in the water. Put the thermostat
completely under water. Do not let the thermostat b. Clean the radiator with hot water (steam
make contact with the pan. clean) at low pressure and use detergent or air
according to the different types of debris that
3. Put heat to the pan of water. Make the water in caused the radiator to be dirty (plugged).
the pan move around. This keeps all of the water
at the same temperature. c. Check the engine high idle setting.

4. The thermostat must start to open when the

temperature is 82C (180F). The thermostat must
be fully open at 96C (205F).

G643 (E) Service Manual 54 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

NOTE: Another condition that can cause heat Filling at over 20 liters per minute can cause air
problems is the ignition timing. Retarded (late) pockets in the cooling system.
timing causes the engine to send more heat to the
cooling system. Advanced (early) timing causes the After draining and refilling the cooling system,
engine to send less heat to the cooling system. operate the engine with the radiator cap removed
until the coolant reaches normal operatin
temperature and the coolant level stabilizes. Add
coolant as necessary to fill the system to the proper
Cooling System Recommendation level.

Coolant Information Operate with a thermostat in the cooling system all

year-round. Cooling system problems can arise
The engine cooling system is provided with a without a thermostat.
mixture of 50% ethylene glycol anti-freeze and 50%
water (For the vehicles of tropical area, the engine Coolant Water
cooling system is provided with a mixture of 40%
ethylene glycol anti-freeze and 60% water at the Hard water, or water with high levels of calcium and
time of manufacture.) magnesium ions, encourages the formation of
Since the cylinder head and water pump body are insoluble chemical compounds by combining with
made of aluminum alloy casting, be sure to use a 30 cooling system additives such as silicates and
to 60% ethylene glycol antifreeze coolant to assure phosphates.
corrosion protection and freezing prevention.
The tendency of silicates and phosphates to
precipitate out-of-solution increases with increasing
WARNING water hardness. Hard water, or water with high
If the concentration of the antifreeze is below levels of calcium and magnesium ions encourages
30%, the anticorrosion property will be adversely the formation of insoluble chemicals, especially after
affected. In addition, if the concentration is a number of heating and cooling cycles.
above 60%, both the antifreeze and engine
cooling properties will decrease, adversely DOOSAN prefers the use of distilled water or
affecting the engine. For these reasons, be sure deionized water to reduce the potential and severity
to maintain the concentration level within the of chemical insolubility.
specified range.
Acceptable Water
To prevent damage to your engine, never add Water Content Limits (ppm)
coolant to an overheated engine. Allow the engine to Chlorides (CI) 40 maximum
cool first. Sulfates (SO4) 50 maximum
If the lift truck is to be stored in, or shipped to, an
area with freezing temperatures, the cooling system Total Hardness 80mg/ maximum
must be protected to the lowest expected outside Total Solids 250 maximum
(ambient) temperature. pH 6.0 ~ 8.0
ppm = parts per million
The engine cooling system is protected with a
commercially available automotive antifreeze, when Using water that meets the minimum acceptable
shipped from the factory. water requirement may not prevent drop-out of
these chemical compounds totally, but should
Check the specific gravity of the coolant solution minimize the rate to acceptable levels.
frequently in cold weather to ensure adequate
protection. Antifreeze

Clean the cooling system if it is contaminated, if the DOOSAN recommends selecting automotive
engine overheats or if foaming is observed in the antifreeze suitable for gasoline engines using
radiator. aluminum alloy parts. The antifreeze should meet
ASTM-D3306 standard.
Old coolant should be drained, system cleaned and
new coolant added as recommended with the
commercially available automotive antifreeze.

G643 (E) Service Manual 55 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Make proper antifreeze additions.

Adding pure antifreeze as a makeup solution for

cooling system top-up is an unacceptable practice. It
increases the concentration of antifreeze in the
cooling system which increases the concentration of
dissolved solids and undissolved chemical inhibitors
in the cooling system. Add antifreeze mixed with
water to the same freeze protection as your cooling

G643 (E) Service Manual 56 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Engine Lubrication Filtered oil flows into the main gallery and then to
the camshaft, balance shaft, rear bearing, and
General Description crankshaft bearings. The valve lifter oil gallery
supplies oil to the valve lifters. Oil flows from the
Full pressure lubrication, through a full-flow oil filter valve lifters through the hollow valve pushrods to the
is supplied by a gear-type oil pump. Oil is drawn up rocker arms. Oil drains back to the crankcase
through the oil pump screen and passes through the through oil drain holes in the cylinder head. The
pump to the oil filter. The oil filter is a full-flow paper camshaft timing chain is drip fed from the front
element unit with an anti-drain back valve. An oil camshaft bearing. The pistons and piston pins are
filter bypass valve is used to ensure adequate oil lubricated by oil splash.
supply in the event the filter becomes plugged or
develops excessive pressure drop.

Figure 12-1 Engine Lubrication Flow

G643 (E) Service Manual 57 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Testing and Adjusting

Adhere to the following warnings when performing

any tests or adjustments while the engine is running.

Work carefully around an engine that is running.
Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are
moving, can cause personal injury.

Engine Oil Viscosity Recommendation
Exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide (CO)
which can cause personal injury or death. Start NOTE: In normal case, the recommended engine oil
and operate the engine in a well ventilated area for G643(E) engine is SAE 10W - 30.
only. In an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to
the outside. But, if the excessive valve noise occurs up to five
minutes after a cold start and if the maximum
Engine Oil ambient temperature is lower than 10C (50F), it is
recommended to change engine oil to SAE 5W - 30
Engine Oil Recommendation for that application.
The following oil specifications provide the Synthetic Oils
guidelines for the selection of commercial products :
Use gasoline engine oil. Recommended API service Synthetic engine oils are not recommended for use
classification is class SJ grade. in G643(E) Engine. Synthetics may offer advantages
in cold-temperature pumpability and high-
temperature oxidation resistance.
However, synthetic oils have not proven to provide
NOTICE operational or economic benefits over conventional
petroleum-based oils in G643(E) Engine. Their use
Failure to follow the oil recommendations can cause does not permit the extension of oil change intervals.
shortened engine life due to carbon deposits or
excessive wear. Lubrication System Problems

One of the problems in the list that follows will

Prior to changing oil, select an oil based on the generally be an indication of a problem in the
prevailing daytime temperature in the area in which lubrication system for the engine.
the engine is operated. The chart in figure is a guide
to selection the proper crankcase oil. Too much oil consumption.
IMPORTANT: Oils containing solid additives, non- Low oil pressure.
detergent oils, or low-quality oils are not
recommended for use in G643(E) Engine. High oil pressure.

Too much component wear.

G643 (E) Service Manual 58 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Too Much Oil Consumption Before starting the engine, the engine oil light(1) on
the instrument panel will turn on when the key
Engine outside oil leakage switch is turned to the ON position. The light will turn
off after the engine is started and while the engine is
Check for leakage at the seals at each end of the running, lidicating normal oil pressure. The light will
crankshaft. Look for leakage at the oil pan gasket turn on during operation only when there is
and all lubrication system connections. Check to see insufficient engine oil pressure to properly lubricate
if oil comes out of the crankcase breather. This can the engines internal parts.
be caused by combustion gas leakage around the
pistons. A dirty crankcase breather will cause high If the oil light comes on, indicating the pressure is
pressure in the crankcase, and this will cause low, check for the causes that follow:
gasket and seal leakage.
1. Low oil level in the crankcase.
Combustion area oil leakage
2. Defect in the oil pressure indicator light or oil
Oil leakage into the combustion area of the cylinders pressure sensor unit.
can be the cause of blue smoke. There are three
possible ways for oil leakage into the combustion 3. Restriction to oil pump screen.
area of the stems.
4. Leakage at the oil line connections.
1. Oil leakage between worn valve guides and valve
stems. 5. Worn connecting rod or main bearings. Worn
gears in the oil pump.
2. Worn or damaged piston rings, or dirty oil return
holes. 6. Oil pressure relief valve worn or stuck in the
OPEN position.
3. Compression ring and/or intermediate ring not
installed correctly. 7. Oil filter bypass valve stuck open. Oil filter is
restricted. Replace oil filter.
NOTE: Too much oil consumption can also be the
result if oil with the wrong viscosity is used. Oil with High Oil Pressure
a thin viscosity can be caused by fuel leakage into
the crankcase, or by increased engine temperature. Oil pressure will be high if the oil pressure relief
valve in the oil pump cannot move from the closed
Low Oil Pressure position.

Too Much Component Wear

When some components of the engine show

bearing wear in a short time, the cause can be a
restriction in an oil passage. A broken oil passage
can also be the cause.
If an oil pressure check is done and the oil pressure
is correct, but a component is worn because it does
not get enough lubrication, look at the passage for
oil supply to that component. A restriction in a
supply passage will not let enough lubrication get to
a component and this will cause early wear.
Instrument Panel
(1) Engine Oil Light

G643 (E) Service Manual 59 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Disassembly of Engine It is beyond the scope of this Section to cover in
detail the many different accessory installations.
English and Metric Fasteners Refer to the appropriate service manual section for
this information.

CAUTION Diagrams of emissions and vacuum hose routings,

wiring harness routing, accessory drive belt layout,
Late model engines use a combination of etc. should be made before removing accessories.
English and Metric threaded fasteners. The
components effected are starter motor, engine Cleaning
mounts, and flywheel housing mounting. Verify
that the proper fasteners are used whenever It is important that the engine be as clean as
removing or replacing one of these components. possible to prevent dirt from entering critical areas
during disassembly.

Tools And Shop Equipment Remove the engine accessories before cleaning, to
provide better access to the engines exterior
A clean well-lit work area should be available. Other surfaces. After removing the TBI unit, distributor,
necessary equipment includes: a suitable parts etc., cover the openings with tape to prevent the
cleaning tank, compressed air supply, trays to keep entry of contaminants.
parts and fasteners organized, and an adequate set
of hand tools. Methods used to clean the engine will depend on
the means which are available. Steam cleaning,
An approved engine repair stand will aid the work pressure washing, or solvent cleaning are some of
and help prevent personal injury or component the acceptable methods. Allow the engine to dry
damage. thoroughly before beginning any work.

Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout

this Section with a complete listing at the end of the Draining The Engine
Section. These tools (or their equivalents) are
specially designed to quickly and safely accomplish Remove or Disconnect
the operations for which they are intended. The use
of these special tools will also minimize possible 1. Oil pan drain plug and washer.
damage to engine components.
IMPORTANT: Allow the oil to drain into a proper
Some precision measuring tools are required for container.
inspection of certain critical components. Torque
wrenches are necessary for the correct assembly of 2. Oil filter.
various parts.
3. Coolant drain plug and/or knock sensor from the
Accessory Removal block.

The various procedures in this manual assume that IMPORTANT: Allow the coolant to drain from the
the engine accessories have been removed. These block into a proper container.
accessories may include one or more of the
following: Install or Connect

Hydraulic Pump NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

Drive Belt Tensioner
Alternator 1. Oil pan drain bolt.
Cooling Fan
Distributor 2. Coolant drain plug and/or knock sensor into the
Accessory Mounting Brackets block.
Starter Motor
Carburetor / Mixer Components

G643 (E) Service Manual 60 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Tighten Exhaust Manifold Removal

Coolant drain plug and/or knock sensor to Figure 12-4

14 Nm (124 lb. in.).

Drain plug to 25 Nm (18 lbft.).

Engine Flywheel Removal

Figure 12-3

Remove or Disconnect

1. Engine flywheel bolts.

2. Engine flywheel.
Figure 12-4 Exhaust Manifold

Remove or Disconnect

1. Exhaust manifold bolts and / or nut.

2. Heat shields.

3. Exhaust manifold.

4. Gaskets.

Figure 12-3 Engine Flywheel

G643 (E) Service Manual 61 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

High Mounted Fan Bracket Removal

Start By:

a. Remove fan belt.

b. Remove wires from alternator.

1. Remove bolts from pump pulley.

1. Remove (5) Bolts from bracket.

2. Remove the bracket assembly.

2. Remove pulley from pump.

Note: For installation of the fan bracket, reverse the

removal steps and torque mounting bolts to 50 Nm
(37 lbft.).

Coolant Pump Removal 3. Remove bolts from pump.

Remove or Disconnect

Start By:

a. Draining coolant from radiator.

b. Remove by-pass hose and

c. LP hose from pump.

d. Remove fan belt.

G643 (E) Service Manual 62 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

< Components >

4. Remove pump from engine.

5. Remove gasket and clean surface.

1. Gasket-Thermostat Housing 2. Thermostat Housing Spacer

Valve Rocker Arm Cover Removal 3. Thermostat Assembly 4. Housing-Thermostat 5. Bolt
6. ECT Sensor-SECM 7. Plug 8. Fitting
Figure 12-5 9. Water Temp Sender

Remove or Disconnect

1. Valve rocker arm cover bolts.

2. Valve rocker arm covers.

3. Gaskets.

1. Remove bolts. Remove thermostat housing and


Figure 12-5 Valve Rocker Arm Cover

Thermostat Removal

Start By: 2. Remove failed thermostat.

a. Draining coolant from radiator. 3. Clean both mounting surfaces, engine and
thermostat housing of any gasket material.
b. Removing upper radiator hose from thermostat

G643 (E) Service Manual 63 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Intake Manifold Removal Remove or Disconnect

Start By: IMPORTANT: Store all reusable components in

an exact order so they can be reassembled in
a. Remove fuel lines and linkage from carburetor. the same wear pattern location from which they
were removed. Mark the front end of the retainer.
b. Remove coolant bypass line from manifold.
1. Rocker arm nuts, balls, and valve rocker arms.
c. Remove the distributor from the manifold.
2. Valve pushrods.

3. Bolt.

4. Valve lifter retainer.

5. Valve lifters.

1. Remove the bolts from manifold.

Figure 12-6 Valve Rocker Arm and Components


2. Remove the intake manifold from the engine. Remove the lifters one at a time using a
magnet. Place the lifters in the organizer rack,
3. Remove the intake manifold gaskets from location. or tag them in some way to ensure they can
be returned to the valve lifter bore from which
4. Clean mounting surface where RTV sealant was they were removed.
used. Some lifters may be stuck in their bores due
to gum or varnish deposits. These lifters can
be removed using either J 3049-A (figure 12-7)
Valve Train Component Removal or J 9290-01 (figure 12-8).

Tools Required:

J 3049-A Valve Lifter Remover (Plier Type)

J 9290-01 Valve Lifter Remover
(Slide Hammer Type)

Figures 12-6 through 12-8

G643 (E) Service Manual 64 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

1. Remove spark plugs from cylinder head
Figure 12-7 Removing Valve Lifter

2. Remove bolts from cylinder head.

Figure 12-8 Removing Valve Lifter

Cylinder Head Removal

Remove or Disconnect
3. Remove cylinder heads from block.
Start By:

a. Removing high mounted fan bracket.

b. Remove distributor from intake manifold.

c. emove intake manifold assembly.

d. Remove exhaust manifold assemblies.

e. Remove rocker arm assemblies.

G643 (E) Service Manual 65 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Oil Pan Removal

Figures 12-10 and 12-11

Remove or Disconnect

1. Oil filter adapter bolts.

2. Oil filter adapter gasket.
3. Oil filter adapter O-ring seal, if equipped.
4. Oil filter adapter.
5. Oil pan nuts.
6. Oil pan bolts.
4. Remove head gasket. 7. Oil pan.
8. Gasket.

Torsional Damper Removal

Figure 12-9

Remove or Disconnect

Tool Required:

J 39046 Torsional Damper Puller and Installer

NOTICE: The inertial weight section of the torsional

damper is assembled to the hub with a rubber
sleeve. The removal procedures must be followed
(with the proper tools) or movement of the inertia
weight section of the hub will destroy the tuning of
the torsional damper and the engine timing
Figure 12-10 Oil Filter Adapter Equipped with Oil Cooler (Typical)
1. Torsional damper bolt.

2. Torsional damper using J 39046 (figure 12-12).

3. Crankshaft key.

Figure 12-9 Removing Torsional Damper Figure 12-11 Oil Pan

G643 (E) Service Manual 66 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Oil Pump Removal

Figure 12-12

Remove or Disconnect

1. Bolt from oil pump to main bearing cap.

2. Oil pump assembly.

3. Driveshaft and retainer.

1. Remove bolts from cover.

2. Remove cover from engine.

Figure 12-12 Oil Pump

Timing Chain and Camshaft Sprocket

Engine Front Cover Removal Removal

IMPORTANT: Once the composite cover is Figure 12-13

removed, DO NOT reinstall it. Always install a
new engine front cover. Measure

Start By: Check camshaft timing chain free play. If the

camshaft timing chain can be moved back and
a. Removing crankshaft pulley. forth in excess of 16 mm (0.625 in.), make a note
that the camshaft timing chain should be replaced
b. Remove crankshaft balancer. during assembly.

G643 (E) Service Manual 67 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

B. Pull the camshaft out from the block being
careful to prevent damage to the camshaft

Figure 12-13 Timing Chain and Sprockets

Remove or Disconnect

1. Camshaft sprocket bolts.

2. Camshaft sprocket and camshaft timing chain

Figure 12-14 Removing Camshaft
IMPORTANT: The sprocket has a light inter-
ference fit on the camshaft. Tap the sprocket on
its lower edge to loosen it.
Balance Shaft Removal
3. Balance shaft drive gear.
Figures 12-15 through 12-17

Camshaft Removal Tools Required:

Figure 12-14 J 38834 Balance Shaft Bearing Service Kit

J 36996 Bearing Remover
Remove or Disconnect
Remove or Disconnect
1. Camshaft retainer bolts and camshaft retainer.
1. Bolt.

2. Driven gear.

3. Retainer bolts.

4. Retainer.

5. Balance shaft using a soft faced hammer (figure


6. Balance shaft rear bearing using J 38834 and J

36996 (figure 12-17).
2. Camshaft.

A. Install three 5/16 - 18 bolts 100 - 125 mm (4-

5 in.) long into the camshafts threaded holes.
Use these bolts to handle the camshaft (figure

G643 (E) Service Manual 68 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

IMPORTANT: The balance shaft with front
bearing are serviced as an assembly. Use only
the correct tools for bearing and shaft
installation. Inspect the balance shaft driven
gear and the drive gear for nicks and burrs.

Piston and Connecting Rod Removal

Figures 12-18 and 12-19

Tools Required:

J 24270 Ridge Reamer

Figure 12-15 Balance Shaft and Components J 5239 Guide Set

Remove or Disconnect

1. Ridge or deposits from the upper end of the

cylinder bores as follows:

A. Rotate the crankshaft until the piston is at


B. Place a cloth on top of the piston.

Figure 12-16 Removing Balance Shaft

Figure 12-18 Removing Cylinder Ridge

C. Perform the cutting operation with J 24270

(figure 12-18).

D. Rotate the crankshaft until the piston is at


E. Remove the cloth and cuttings.

F. Repeat this procedure for each piston.

Figure 12-17 Removing Balance Shaft Rear Bearing
2. Mark the cylinder numbers on the tops of each

G643 (E) Service Manual 69 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

IMPORTANT: Marking them from the front to the Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Removal
rear, with the engine in an upright position and
viewed from the front: Figure 12-20

The right bank is numbered 1-3-5. Remove or Disconnect

The left bank is numbered 2-4-6. NOTICE: Take care when removing the rear crank-
shaft oil seal so as not to damage the crankshaft
3. Check the connecting rod and cap for identify- sealing surface.
cation marks.
1. Crankshaft rear oil seal. Insert a screwdriver into
IMPORTANT: Mark the parts if required. Marking the notches provided in the seal retainer and pry
them from the front to the rear, with the engine the seal out.
in an upright position and viewed from the front:

The right bank is numbered 1-3-5.

The left bank is numbered 2-4-6.

Store the connecting rod, bearings and cap together

as mating parts, so they may be reassembled in the
same position from which they were removed.

4. Connecting rod cap.

5. Connecting rod and piston.

Figure 12-20 Seal Removal Notches

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing


Figure 12-21

Remove or Disconnect

1. Bolts and nuts.

2. Oil seal housing.
3. Gasket.

Figure 12-19 Removing Piston and Connecting Rod

IMPORTANT: Attach J 5239 to the connecting

rod bolts (figure 12-19). Use the long guide rod
of J 5239 to push the connecting rod and piston
out of the bore through the top of the engine.

6. Connecting rod bearings.

Figure 12-21 Removing Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing

G643 (E) Service Manual 70 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Crankshaft Removal


Check the main bearing caps for location

markings. Mark the caps if necessary. The caps
must be returned to their original locations during

Remove or Disconnect


Be sure to mark bearings, rod and piston 3. Remove the crankshaft from the cylinder block
assemblies so when they are installed they will be in with extreme care, take care to avoid damage to
the correct location. crankshaft journals and thrust flange surfaces.

1. Remove crankshaft bearing cap bolts. 4. Remove upper main bearing inserts.

2. Remove the crankshaft bearings and lower

bearing inserts

G643 (E) Service Manual 71 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair

A solvent tank large enough to hold the larger

Cylinder Block
engine parts will be needed as well as various bristle
Figures 12-22 through 12-25
brushes and gasket scrapers. A source of
compressed air will also be helpful in the cleaning
Remove or Disconnect
1. Oil pressure fitting and sensor.
Special tools are listed and illustrated throughout
this Section, with a complete listing at the end of the
2. Coolant drain plugs.
Section. These tools (or their equivalents) are
specially designed to quickly and safely accomplish
3. Camshaft and balance shaft cup plugs.
the operations for which they are intended.
4. Front oil gallery cup plugs.
They should not be used in operations for which
they are not designed. These special tools, when
5. Rear oil gallery plugs.
they are properly used, will also minimize possible
damage to engine.

Some precision measuring tools are required for

inspection of certain critical components. These
include micrometers, torque wrenches, feeler gages,
dial indicator set, etc. The inspection work, when
performed with the proper methods and tools, is
most important.

The rebuilt engine cannot be expected to perform

properly if the parts are worn beyond acceptable
limits are reused.

NOTICE: Use only a razor-blade type scraper on

engine component surfaces. Use extreme care so
sealing surfaces are not scratched. Do not use any
other method or technique to remove gasket
Figure 12-22 Front Cylinder Block Oil Gallery Plugs
material except where indicated. Do not use
abrasive pads, sand paper or power tools to clean
gasket surfaces. These methods of cleaning can
damage the part. Abrasive pads also produce a fine
grit that the oil filter cannot remove from the oil.

NOTICE: If the engine is damaged internally and

needs to be rebuilt, make sure all foreign material is
completely flushed out of the cooling system / oil
cooler system (if equipped). Failure to flush out the
debris can result in damage to the rebuilt engine.

Figure 12-23 Left Side Cylinder Block Coolant Drain and Oil
Gallery Plugs

G643 (E) Service Manual 72 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Figure 12-24 Rear Cylinder Block Oil Gallery Plugs Figure 12-25 Measuring Cylinder Block Surface Flatness

Clean - If the gap is greater than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)

within 152 mm (6 in.) at any sealing location,
Sealing material from mating surfaces. the block must be replaced.
Boil cylinder block in caustic solution. Flush with - If the gap is found to be less than 0.05 mm
clean water or steam. (0.002 in.) at any sealing location and a cause
Cylinder bores. for leakage is suspected, then the minor
Threaded holes. irregularities may be carefully machined from
Oil galleries and passages. the block.
Scale deposits from coolant passages.
Spray or wipe cylinder bores and machined Oil pan, timing cover, and intake manifold
surfaces with engine oil. mounting surfaces for nicks. Minor irregularities
may be cleaned up with a flat file.

Cylinder Bore
All expansion plugs for lack of fit or leakage.
Valve lifter bores for deep scratches and deposits.
Cylinder bores for scoring or other damage.
Cracks in the block.
- Cylinder walls. Cylinder bore taper and out-of-round.
- Coolant jackets.
- Engine mount bosses.
- Main bearing webs. Measuring Cylinder Bore Taper and Out-
Main bearing bores and caps.
- All main bearing bores should be rounded and Figure 12-26
uniform in ID at all of the bearing supports.
- The area were the main bearing inserts contact Tool Required:
the main bearing bore should be smooth.
- If a main bearing cap is found to be damaged, J 8087 Cylinder Bore Gage (or equivalent)
replace the cap and line-bore the block.
IMPORTANT: If one or more cylinder bores are
Cylinder head mounting surface for flatness, rough, scored or worn beyond limits, it will be
using a precision straightedge and feeler gage necessary to smooth or true up such bores to fit
(figure 12-25). new pistons. No attempt should be made to cut
- Set the straightedge on the sealing surface to down oversize pistons to fit cylinder bores as
be inspected. this will destroy the surface treatment and affect
- Take the feeler gage and at various locations, the weight. The smallest possible oversize
check the gap between the straightedge and pistons should be used and the cylinder bores
the sealing surface. should be honed to size for proper clearances.

G643 (E) Service Manual 73 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

1. Refer to Specifications for tolerances.

2. Set the gage so the thrust pin must be forced in

about 7 mm (0.250 in.) to enter the gage in the
cylinder bore.

3. Center the gage in the cylinder and turn the dial

to 0.

4. Carefully work the gage up and down to

determine taper and turn it to different points
around the cylinder wall to determine the out-of- Figure 12-27 Typical Cylinder Wear Pattern
round condition. Measure the bore both parallel
to and at right angles to the engine centerline.
Measure at the top, middle, and bottom of the
bore and note the readings.

5. Recondition the cylinder bore as necessary, as

outlined later.

Figure 12-28 Measuring Cylinder Bore Gage

3. If the cylinders are found to exceed the specified

out-of-round or taper, honing or boring will be
necessary. Any cylinders that were found to have
less than 0.13 mm (0.005 in.) wear or taper may
not entirely clean up when fitted to a high limit
Figure 12-26 Checking the Cylinder Bore piston. If it is desired to entirely clean up the bore
in these cases, it will be necessary to rebore for
an oversize piston. If more than 0.13 mm (0.005
in.) taper or wear, they should be bored and
Cylinder Bore Reconditioning honed to the smallest oversize that will permit
complete resurfacing of all cylinders.
Figures 12-27 and 12-28
4. Fine vertical scratches made by ring ends will
1. Measure the cylinder bore for out of round and not, by themselves, cause excessive oil
taper as outlined previously. consumption; therefore, honing to remove them
is unnecessary.
2. Measure for wear at the top of the bore (point
A) and at the bottom (point B). 5. Make sure the honing stones are clean, sharp,
and straight. Move the hone up and down to
Cylinder bores can be measured by setting the produce a 45 to 65 cross-hatch pattern. Clean
cylinder gage dial at zero in the cylinder at the the bore thoroughly with soap and water. Dry
point of desired measurement. Lock the dial and rub in clean engine oil, then remeasure.
indicator at zero before removing from the
cylinder, and measure across the gage contact 6. If honing is not required, the cylinder bores
points with an outside micrometer, with the should be cleaned with a hot water and
gage at the same zero setting when removed detergent wash. Apply clean engine oil to the
from the cylinder (figure 12- 28). bore after cleaning.

G643 (E) Service Manual 74 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Boring 2. Occasionally, during the honing operation, the
cylinder bore should be thoroughly cleaned and
1. Before the honing or reboring operation is the piston selected for the individual cylinder
started, measure all new pistons with the checked for correct fit.
micrometer contacting at points exactly 90 from
the piston pin centerline. Some pistons must be 3. When honing to eliminate taper in the cylinder,
measured at a specified distance from the piston full strokes of the hone in the cylinder should be
crown. Refer to the proper Section for additional made in addition to checking measurement at
instructions. Then select the smallest piston for the top, middle and bottom of the bore
the first fitting. The slight variation usually found repeatedly.
between pistons in a set may provide for
correction in case the first piston is fitted too NOTICE: Handle the pistons with care and do not
loose. attempt to force them through the cylinder until the
cylinder has been honed to the correct size as the
2. Before using any type of boring bar, the top of piston can be distorted through careless handling.
the cylinder block should be filed to remove any
dirt or burrs. This is very important. If not 4. When finish honing a cylinder bore to fit a piston,
checked, the boring bar may be tilted which the hone should be moved up and down at a
would result in the re-bored cylinder wall not sufficient speed to obtain very fine uniform
being at right angles to the crankshaft. surface finish marks in a cross-hatch pattern at
the specified angle of 45 to 65.
3. The instructions furnished by the manufacturer
of the equipment used should be carefully 5. The finish marks should be clean but not sharp,
followed. free from imbedded particles and torn or folded
4. When reboring cylinders, all crankshaft bearing
caps must be in place and tightened to the 6. By measuring the piston to be installed at the
proper torque to avoid distortion of the bores in sizing point specified in the proper Section, and
the final assembly. Always make sure the adding the average of the clearance specification,
crankshaft is out of the way of the boring cutter the finish hone cylinder measurement can be
when boring each cylinder. Crankshaft bearings determined. It is important that the block and the
and other internal parts must be covered or piston be measured at room temperature.
taped to protect them during the boring or honing
operation. 7. It is of the greatest importance that refinished
cylinder bores are trued up to have the less than
5. When taking the final cut with a boring bar, leave specified out-of-round taper. Each bore must be
0.025 mm (0.001 in.) on the diameter for finish final honed to remove all stone or cutter marks
honing to give the required position to the and provide a smooth surface.
cylinder clearance specifications. (The honing or
boring operation must be done carefully so the 8. Refer to Specifications in the proper Section
specified clearance between pistons, rings, and piston to bore clearance tolerances.
cylinder bores is maintained).
9. After final honing and before the piston is
checked for fit, clean the bores with hot water
Honing and detergent. Scrub with a stiff bristle brush and
rinse thoroughly with hot water. It is essential
that a good cleaning operation be performed. If
1. When honing the cylinders, follow the hone any of abrasive material is allowed to remain in
manufacturer's recommendations for use, the cylinder bores, it will wear the new rings and
cleaning, and lubrication during honing. Use only cylinder bores in addition to the bearings
clean, sharp stones of the proper grade for the lubricated by contaminated oil. After washing, the
amount of material to be removed. Dull, dirty dry bore should then be brushed clean with a
stones cut unevenly and generate excessive power-driven fiber brush.
heat. When using coarse or medium grade
stones, use care to leave sufficient metal so that 10. Permanently mark the piston for the cylinder
all stone marks may be removed with the fine which it has been fitted.
stones used for finishing to provide proper

G643 (E) Service Manual 75 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

11. Apply clean engine oil to each bore to prevent Remove or Disconnect
1. Piston rings. In most cases, the rings should be
NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1. discarded and replaced with new ones at
Install or Connect 2. Connecting rod bearing inserts. If the inserts are
to be reused, place them in a rack so they may
1. Front oil gallery plugs. Coat plug outside be reinstalled in their original connecting rod and
diameter with sealant (GM P/N 12346004) or cap.
equivalent. 3. Piston pin.
2. Rear oil gallery plugs. Place the piston / connecting rod on support
fixture J 24086-20. Make sure the connecting
Tighten rod is fully supported.
Press out the piston pin.
Left rear plug to 20 Nm (15 lb. ft.).
Right rear plug to 25 Nm (18 lb. ft.). Clean
Left side plug to 20 Nm (15 lb. ft.).
1. Piston.
IMPORTANT: Do not have residue on camshaft Remove all varnish and carbon deposits. DO
bearing or seizure may result. NOT USE A WIRE BRUSH.
Remove the carbon from the ring grooves.
3. Camshaft and balance shaft cup plugs to proper Oil control ring groove holes.
depth. Coat plug outside diameter with sealant
(GM P/N 12346004) or equivalent. Inspect

4. Oil filter adapter, gasket, and bolts. 1. Piston pin bore in the piston and connecting rod.
Check for scuffing, burrs, etc.
Tighten 2. Piston for scratches wear, etc.
3. Connecting rod for cracks, nicks, etc. If a
Bolts to 25 Nm (18 lbft.). suitable jig is available, check the connecting rod
for a bent or twisted condition.
5. Coolant drain plugs.


Plugs to 20 Nm (15 lbft.)

6. Oil pressure fitting and sensor.


Fitting to 11 Nm (97 lb. in.) plus turn for

alignment if necessary.

Piston Disassembly

NOTICE: The connecting rod, bearing and cap need

to be stored together as mating parts, so they may
be reassembled in the same position from which
they were removed.

Figures 12-29 through 12-31

Tool Required:
J 24086-B Piston Pin Remover and Installer
Set Figure 12-29 Piston Rings and Components

G643 (E) Service Manual 76 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System


1. Piston pin diameter. Check against


2. Piston pin-to-piston clearance.

A. Measure the piston pin hole diameter.

B. Subtract the piston pin diameter from the

piston pin hole diameter to obtain the
Figure 12-30 Removing Piston Rings
C. Replace the piston and piston pin if the
4. Piston. clearance exceeds specifications. The piston
Ring land for cracking, wear, etc. and piston pin are a matched set and not
Ring grooves for burrs, nicks, etc. available separately.
Skirts and pin bosses for cracking.
Skirts for scuffing.

5. Connecting rod bearing inserts for scratches or

deep pitting.

Figure 12-32 Measuring Piston Pin Diameter

Figure 12-31 Removing Piston Pin

Measuring Piston Pin-To-Piston


Figures 12-32 and 12-33 Figure 12-33 Measuring Piston Pin Bore Diameter

G643 (E) Service Manual 77 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Piston Selection Piston Assembly

Figures 12-34 and 12-35 Assembling the Piston and Connecting Rod

1. Check the used piston to cylinder bore clearance. Figure 12-36

Measure Tool Required:

A. Cylinder bore diameter. Use a telescoping J 24086-B Piston Pin Remover and Installer Set
bore gage, located 65 mm (2.5 in.) below the
top of the cylinder bore (figure 12-34). Install or Connect

1. Piston and connecting rod.

A. The valve cutouts in the piston crown must be

opposite the connecting rod bearing tangs.
B. Lubricate the piston pin holes in the piston
and connecting rod with engine oil.
C. Install the pin guide to hold the piston and
connecting rod together. Be sure to use the
proper pin guide. Refer to the instructions
supplied with the tool.

Figure 12-34 Measuring Cylinder Bore Diameter

B. Piston diameter. Measure the piston skirt at a

right angle to the piston pin, at the centerline
of the piston pin (figure 12-35).
C. Subtract the piston diameter from the cylinder
bore diameter to determine piston to bore
D. Refer to Specifications in the proper Section.
Determine if the piston clearance is in the
acceptable range.

2. If the used piston is not acceptable, determine if

a new piston will fit the cylinder bore.
3. If a new piston does not bring the clearance
within tolerances, the cylinder bore must be
4. Mark the piston to identify the cylinder for which
it was fitted.

Figure 12-36 Installing Piston Pin

2. Piston pin.

A. Insert the piston pin into the piston pin hole.

B. Place the assembly on the support fixture.

Figure 12-35 Measuring Piston Skirt

G643 (E) Service Manual 78 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

C. Adjust the piston pin installer (J 24086-9) to Inspect
the correct length, using the letter-number
scale on the installer adjuster. This is 1. Ring fit as follows:
necessary to ensure that the piston pin is
pressed into the piston to the correct depth. A. Fit each compression ring to the piston on
Refer to the instructions supplied with the tool which it is going to be used.
for the proper setting.
D. Lock the adjuster in place with the lock ring.

NOTICE: After the installer hub bottoms on the

support assembly, do not exceed 35,000 kPa (5,000
PSI) pressure, as this could cause damage to the

E. Place the adjuster in the support fixture. Press

the piston pin into place (until the adjustable
installer bottoms in the support fixture).
F. Remove the piston and connecting rod
assembly from the tool and check the piston
for freedom of movement on the piston pin. Figure 12-38 Checking Ring Fit

B. Slip the outer surface of the top and second

Installing the Piston Rings compression ring into the respective piston
ring groove, to make sure that the ring is free.
Figures 12-37 through 12-39 If binding occurs at any point, the cause
should be determined. If binding is caused by
Measure the ring groove, correct by depressing the
groove with a fine cut file. If the binding is
1. Ring end gap as follows: caused by a distorted ring, try a new ring.

A. Select rings comparable in size to the piston NOTICE: All compression rings are marked on the
being used. upper side of the ring. When installing the
B. Slip the compression ring into the cylinder compression rings, make sure the MARKED SIDE
bore and press it down about 7 mm (0.250 in.) IS TOWARD THE TOP OF THE PISTON.
above ring travel. Make sure the ring is square
with the cylinder wall. NOTICE: The oil control rings are three piece types,
C. Measure the space or gap between the ends consisting of two rails and an expander.
of the ring with a feeler gage.
D. Refer to Specifications in the proper Section Assemble
for correct gap.
E. If the gap between the ends of the ring is not 1. Expander.
as specified, remove the ring and try another
for fit. 2. Lower rail.

3. Upper rail.

4. Lower compression ring.

5. Upper compression ring.

Flex all rings to make sure they are free. If

binding occurs at any point the cause should be
determined. If binding is caused by the ring
groove, correct by dressing the groove with a
fine cut file. If binding is caused by a distorted
ring, try a new ring.
Ring gaps must be 180 apart.
Figure 12-37 Measuring Ring End Gap Rail gaps must be 180 apart.

G643 (E) Service Manual 79 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Measure Camshaft

Ring clearance. Use a feeler gage and compare Figures 12-41 and 12-42
with Specifications.
Tool Required:

J 7872 Dial Indicator or Equivalent

IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to repair the

camshaft, replace it if damaged. Whenever the
camshaft is replaced, a new set of lifters must
also be installed.


Bearing surfaces and lobes for wear.

Figure 12-39 Measuring Ring-to-Land Clearance Keyway and threads for galling, gouges, or
Camshaft journal diameters (figure 12-41). Refer
to Engine Specifications for proper diameters.
Intake and Exhaust Manifolds Camshaft runout (figure 12-42). Mount the
camshaft in V-blocks or between centers. Using J
Figure 12-40 7872, check the intermediate camshaft journal.
Compare camshaft runout with Specifications. If
Clean the camshaft is excessively bent, replace the
camshaft and camshaft bearings.
Mating surfaces on intake manifold and cylinder
Excessive carbon buildup in the exhaust
passages of the intake manifold.
Scale and deposits from the coolant passages of
the intake manifold.
EGR passage of excessive carbon deposits.


Manifolds for cracks, broken flanges, and gasket

surface damage.
Alignment of manifold flanges. Use a straightedge
and feeler gage. If the flanges do not align, the
manifold is warped and should be replaced.
Figure 12-41 Measuring Camshaft Journals

Figure 12-42 Measuring Camshaft Runout

Figure 12-40 Checking Manifold Flange Alignment

G643 (E) Service Manual 80 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Camshaft Bearings Cleaning and Inspection

Camshaft Bearing Removal Clean

Figure 12-43 Camshaft bearing bores in the block.

Tool Required: Inspect

J 33049 Camshaft Bearing Remover and Camshaft bearings for scratches, pits, or loose fit
Installer in their bores. Replace the camshaft bearings if
Remove or Disconnect Camshaft lobes and journals for scratches, pitting,
scoring, and wear. Minor irregularities may be
1. Rear camshaft plug. cleaned up with emery cloth.

2. All camshaft bearings. Use J 33049 (figure 12- Camshaft Bearing Installation
Figure 12-43
A. Insert the tool with the correct collet into the
camshaft bearing you want to replace. Install or Connect

B. Turn the tool until the collet has tightened in Tool Required:
the bearing.
J 33049 Camshaft Bearing Remover and

NOTICE: The outer camshaft bearings must be

installed first. These bearings serve as guides for
the pilot, and help center the inner bearings during
the installation process.

NOTICE: Make sure to fit the correct cam bearing

into the bore. The cam bearing bores vary in size.

1. Rear camshaft bearings. Drive the bearings into

place using J 33049 from front of engine (figure

IMPORTANT: Make sure the camshaft bearing

hole (or holes) align with the oil hole (or holes)
in the block. On some engines, the oil holes may
be difficult to see. If so, use a piece of 2 mm rod
to check alignment.

Figure 12-43 Removing / Installing Camshaft Bearings 2. Front camshaft bearing using tool J 33049
(figure 12-43).
C. Push the center cone against the block and
into the bearing bore to center the tool. IMPORTANT: Make sure the camshaft bearing
hole (or holes) align with the oil hole (or holes)
D. Drive the bearing from the block. in the block.

E. Repeat this procedure to remove the 3. Inner camshaft bearings using tool J 33049.
remaining inner camshaft bearings. Note that Reverse of removal procedure.
the rear bearing must be removed from the
front of the block and the front bearing from 4. Camshaft rear plug.
the rear. This allows the tool to remain

G643 (E) Service Manual 81 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

A. Coat a new camshaft plug with sealer GM P/N Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement
12345493 or equivalent.
Figure 12-44
B. Install the plug. The plug must be installed
deep enough in camshaft bore. Tools Required:

J 5825-A Crankshaft Sprocket Puller

J 5590 Crankshaft Sprocket Installer
Balance Shaft
Remove of Disconnect
1. Crankshaft Sprocket. Use J 5825-A
Balance shaft front roller bearing and rear sleeve (figure 12-44).
for damage or excessive wear. The bearings are
serviced as an assembly. Use the correct tools 2. Key, if necessary.
for properly servicing the bearings.
Install or Connect
Balance drive and driven gears for nicks or burrs.
Replace gears that are damaged. 1. Key, if necessary.

Front and rear bearing journal diameters. Replace 2. Crankshaft sprocket. Use J 5590
the balance shaft if the diameter exceeds the (figure 12-44).
specifications. Refer to Specifications.

Rear sleeve bearing journal clearance. Replace

the balance shaft if the clearance exceeds the
specification. Refer to Specifications.

Timing Chain and Sprockets


Sprockets for chipped teeth and wear.

Timing chain for damage.
It should be noted that excessively worn
sprockets will rapidly wear a new chain. Likewise,
an excessively worn chain will rapidly wear a new
set of sprockets.

Figure 12-44 Crankshaft Sprocket Replacement

G643 (E) Service Manual 82 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Coolant Pump Oil Pump

Clean Figures 12-46 and 12-47

Old gasket from the gasket surface. Remove or Disconnect

NOTICE: Do not immerse the pump in solvent. The 1. Driveshaft and retainer.
solvent may enter the pump's permanently
lubricated bearings and cause premature bearing IMPORTANT: Do not remove pickup pipe and
failure. screen unless replacement is required.

Inspect The pickup pipe has a press fit in to the pump

Coolant pump shaft for rotation and end play. The
shaft and fan hub should turn straight and Do not remove the screen from the pipe. The
smoothly. If the hub wobbles or the shaft is noisy pickup screen and pipe are serviced as a
or feels lumpy when turned, replace the coolant complete assembly only.
pump. If the shaft end play exceeds 0.381 mm
(0.015 in.), replace the coolant pump. 2. Oil pump screen pickup.

Coolant pump body at the drain (weep) hole. 3. Screws.

Slight staining around the weep hole is normal.
Only replace the pump if coolant is dripping from 4. Pump cover.
the weep hole while the engine is running or while
the system is pressurized. IMPORTANT: Mark where the idler gear, drive
gear and shaft mesh together so they can be
reinstalled with the same gear teeth indexed.

5. Idler gear, drive gear and shaft.

Oil Pan and Valve Rocker Covers
6. Retaining pin.
Figure 12-45
7. Pressure regulator spring.
8. Pressure regulator valve.
Parts in solvent. Remove all sludge and varnish.

Old gaskets from the gasket surfaces.


Gasket flanges for bending or damage.

Rubber grommets and parts on the valve rocker

cover for deterioration.

Oil pan for rock damage or cracks.

Oil pan baffle for lack of fit.

Drain plug threads for stripping.

Figure 12-45 Inspecting Oil Pan and Components

G643 (E) Service Manual 83 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

2. Pressure regulator spring into the pump cover.

3. Retaining pin into the pump cover.

4. Drive gear and shaft into the pump body.

5. Idler gear into the pump body.

IMPORTANT: Match together the index marks on

the two gears made during disassembly.

6. Pump cover.

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

Figure 12-46 Oil Pump and Components 7. Bolts.

Clean Tighten

All parts in clean solvent and dry them with Bolts to 12 Nm (106 lb. in.)
compressed air.


Pump body for cracks, wear, or other damage.

Inside of the cover for cracks and wear that would

permit oil to leak past the ends of the gears.

Idler and drive gears for wear.

Drive gear and shaft for lack of fit in the pump


IMPORTANT: The pump gears, cover, and body

are not serviced separately. If any of the parts
are damaged or worn, the entire oil pump
assembly must be replaced.


Oil pump screen damage or loose fit of the pipe.

Pressure regulator valve for fit. The regulator

valve should slide freely in its bore without
sticking or binding.

Install or Connect

Tool Required:

J 21882 Pickup Tube and Screen Installer

1. Pressure regulator valve into the pump cover.

IMPORTANT: Replace the pressure relief valve

spring when reusing the oil pump assembly.

G643 (E) Service Manual 84 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Figure 12-47 Installing Oil Pump Screen

Inspect Valve Train Components

With the shaft extension installed on the pump, IMPORTANT: Store all reusable components in
turn the drive shaft by hand to check for smooth an exact order, so they may be reassembled in
operation. the same position from which they were
NOTICE: Be careful of twisting, shearing, or
collapsing the pipe when installing it to the pump. A Clean
damaged pipe can cause lack of lubrication and
engine failure. All parts in clean solvent and dry them with
compressed air.
8. Pickup screen and pipe.
Make sure the oil passages through the pushrods
A. If the pickup screen and pipe assembly was are clear.
removed, it should be replaced with a new
part. Loss of press fit condition could result in Inspect
an air leak and loss of oil pressure.
Valve rocker arms and balls at their mating
B. Mount the oil pump in a soft-jawed vise. surfaces. These surfaces should be free from
wear or damage.
C. Apply sealer to the end of the pipe.
Valve rocker arm areas that contact the valve
D. Tap the pickup screen and pipe into place, stems and the socket areas that contact the ends
using J 21882 and a hammer. of the pushrods. These areas should be free of
wear or damage.
E. The pump screen must be parallel with the
bottom of the oil pan when installed. Valve rocker arm nuts.

9. Oil pump drive shaft and connector. Valve pushrod ends for scoring, roughness, or

- Roll the pushrod on a flat surface to determine

its straightness. If the rod is bent, the rod will
not roll freely. Replace if necessary.

G643 (E) Service Manual 85 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Valve Lifters

This engine uses hydraulic valve lifters. Valve lifters

are serviced only as an assembly. No internal parts
are available. Service is limited to disassembly and
cleaning. Discard valve lifters that are excessively
worn or damaged.

IMPORTANT: Whenever the camshaft needs to

be replaced, a new set of hydraulic lifters must
also be installed.

Cylinder Head

Disassembly Figure 12-49 Valves and Components

Figures 12-48 and 12-49 Cleaning, Inspection, and Measurement

Tool Required: Figures 12-50 through 12-54

J 8062 Valve Spring Compressor Tool Required:

Remove or Disconnect J 8089 Wire brush

1. Compress the springs with J 8062 Clean

(figure 12-48).
Carbon from the combustion chambers using J
2. Keys. 8089.
Valve stems and heads on a wire wheel.
3. Valve spring cap. Carbon and old gasket from the cylinder head
gasket surface.
4. Spring. Valve guides using a valve guide cleaner.

5. Seal. Inspect

6. Valves. Cylinder head for cracks in the exhaust ports,

combustion chambers, or external cracks to the
IMPORTANT: Place the valves in an organizer coolant chamber. Gasket surfaces should be free
rack so they can be replaced in their original of damage.
position at reassembly. Valves for burning, pitting, or warpage. Refer to
Valve Grinding in this Section. Check the valve
stems for scoring or excessive wear. Stems must
not be bent.
Valve rocker arm studs for wear, damage, or
improper fit.
Valve seats for pitting or other damage. Grind or
reface as needed.
Rotators (if used). The rotators should move
smoothly without binding.
Cylinder head for surface flatness (figure 12-51).

Figure 12-48 Compressing Valve Springs

G643 (E) Service Manual 86 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

D. Move the stem of the valve from side to side
using light pressure to obtain a clearance
reading. If clearance exceeds specifications,
ream the valve guide bores for oversize valves
as outlined later.

2. Valve spring tension. Use J 8056 or equivalent.

Compress the springs, with dampers removed,

to the specified height and check against the
specifications chart.

Figure 12-50 Cleaning the Combustion Chambers Springs should be replaced if not within 44 N
(10 lb.) of the specified load.

3. Valve spring length. Replace the spring if the

length is not as specified.

Figure 12-51 Measuring Cylinder Head Surface


Tools Required:

J 8001 Dial Indicator (or equivalent)

J 8056 Valve Spring Tester

1. Valve stem to guide bore clearance.

NOTICE: Excessive valve stem to guide bore Figure 12-52 Measuring Stem-to-Bore Clearance (Typical)
clearance will cause excessive oil consumption and
may cause valve breakage. Insufficient clearance
will result in noisy and sticky functioning of the valve
and disturb the engine's smoothness.

A. Clamp a dial indicator (J 8001 or equivalent)

on one side of the cylinder head rocker arm
cover gasket rail.

B. Observe dial indicator movement while

moving valve from side to side (crosswise to
the head). The dial indicator measurement
must be taken just above the valve guide bore.

C. Drop the valve head about 1.6 mm (0.063 in.)

off the valve seat.

G643 (E) Service Manual 87 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Figure 12-53 Measuring Valve Spring Tension Figure 12-55 Valve / Seat Grinding

Figure 12-54 Measuring Valve Spring Length

Figure 12-56 Critical Valve Dimensions
Figures 12-55 through 12-58

Valve Grinding

Pitted valves must be refaced to the proper angle.

Valve stems that show excessive wear, or valves
that are warped excessively must be replaced.
When an excessively warped valve head is refaced,
a sharp or thin valve margin may result because of
the amount of metal that must be removed.
Undersize valve margins lead to breakage, burning,
or preignition due to heat localizing on this knife
edge (figure 12-55). Refer to Specifications. If the
edge of the valve head is less than specification
after grinding, replace the valve.

Several different types of equipment are available

for refacing valves. The manufacturer's instructions
for how to use the equipment should be carefully Figure 12-57 Measuring Valve Seat Concentricity
followed to attain the proper results.

G643 (E) Service Manual 88 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Valve Seat Grinding

Reconditioning the valve seats is very important.

The seating of the valves must be perfect for the
engine to deliver the power and performance it was
designed to produce.

Another important factor is the cooling of the valve

head. Good contact between each valve and its seat
will ensure that heat will be carried away properly.

Several different types of equipment are available

for refacing valves. The manufacturer's instructions
for how to use the equipment should be carefully
followed to attain the proper results.

Regardless of what type of equipment is used, it is

essential that valve guide bores be free from carbon
or dirt to ensure proper centering of the pilot in the
guide. Refer to Specifications for valve seat angle Figure 12-58 Reaming Valve Guides
Reaming Valve Guide
Figures 12-48, 12-49, 12-59 and 12-60
The valve guides used in this engine are simply
holes bored in the cylinder head. The valve guides Install or Connect
are not replaceable.
1. Valves.
If the valve stem-to-bore clearance as previously
measured is excessive, the valve guides should be A. Lubricate the valve stems with clean engine
reamed and a valve with an oversize stem installed. oil.
Oversize valves are available. Refer to Specifica- B. Insert the valves into the proper valve guides
tions. until the face of the valve contacts the valve
Select a reamer that will provide a straight, clean
bore through the entire length of the valve guide 2. Seal.
(figure 12-58).
A. Install the seal over the valve stem.
B. Hold the valve against the valve seat.
Valve Rocker Arm Stud Replacement C. Push the seal down the valve stem until it
bottoms out against the head.
Remove or Disconnect
3. Springs.
1. Valve rocker arm stud by unscrewing.
4. Valve spring cap.
Install or Connect
A. Compress the valve spring using J 8062
1. Valve rocker arm stud into cylinder head. (figure 12-48), enough so the lower valve stem
groove can be seen clearly.
Tighten B. Apply a small amount of grease to the area of
the upper valve stem groove.
Rocker arm stud to 47 Nm (35 lbft.). C. Assemble the two valve keys into the upper
groove using the grease to hold them in place.
D. Release the compressor tool J 8062, making
sure the valve keepers stay in place.
E. Repeat the preceding steps on the remaining

G643 (E) Service Manual 89 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Measure Thermostat and Coolant Outlet

1. Valve spring installed height of each spring as Remove or Disconnect

1. Bolts.
A. Use a narrow thin scale. A cutaway scale may
be helpful. 2. Stud.

B. Spring seat in the cylinder head to the top of 3. Coolant outlet.

the valve spring cap.
4. Gasket.
C. If this measurement exceeds the amount in
Specifications, install valve seat spring shims, 5. Thermostat (with gasket).
approximately 1.58750 mm (0.0625 in.) thick,
between the spring and cylinder head. NEVER Inspect
shim the spring so as to give an installed
height under the specified amount. Coolant outlet for cracks.

Install or Connect

1. Thermostat

2. New gasket.

3. Coolant outlet.

Figure 12-59 Cutaway Scale NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

4. Bolt.

5. Stud.


Bolts to 28 Nm (21 lbft.).

Stud to 28 Nm (21 lbft.).

Torsional Damper


Torsional damper weight for signs of shifting on the

Figure 12-60 Measuring Valve Spring Installed Height hub. Replace as needed. The area of the torsional
damper hub shaft that contacts the front crankshaft
seal for roughness or nicks. Replace the damper if
this condition exists. If damper is replaced, new
damper weights of the same size must be installed
on the new damper in the same location as the old

G643 (E) Service Manual 90 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Crankshaft Bearings Micrometer Method

Figures 12-61 through 12-63 Measure

Cleaning and Inspection 1. The crankshaft journal diameter with a

micrometer in several places, approximately 90
Clean apart. Average the measurements.

Crankshaft with solvent. 2. Compute taper and runout. Refer to Specifi-

- Do not scratch the bearing journals. cations for allowable limits.
- Remove all sludge from the oil passages with
compressed air. Install or Connect
Crankshaft bearing.
- Wipe free of oil with a soft cloth. 3. Crankshaft bearings into the crankshaft cap and
engine block.
4. Install crankshaft caps and bolts.
Crankshaft for cracks.
- Use the magnaflux method if available. 5. Tighten bolts to specification.
- Crankshaft, crankshaft bearing journals, and
thrust surfaces for scoring, nicks or damage Measure
caused by lack of lubrication.
- Main bearing inserts for scoring or other 6. Bearing inside diameter (I.D.) using an inside
damage. In general, the lower crankshaft micrometer.
bearings (except the #1 bearing) show the
greatest wear and distress from fatigue. Upon 7. Compare crankshaft bearing clearance with
inspection, if a lower crankshaft bearing is Specifications.
suitable for reuse, it can be assumed that the
upper crankshaft bearing is also satisfactory. If 8. If bearing clearances exceed specification, install
a lower bearing shows evidence of wear or new crankshaft bearings.
damage, both the upper and lower crankshaft
bearings must be replaced. A. Measure inside diameter with an inside
micrometer at 90 to the split line of the
Measuring Bearing Clearance crankshaft bearing.
B. Subtract journal diameter from bearing inside
Crankshaft bearings are of the precision insert type diameter to obtain bearing clearance. Refer to
and do not use shims for adjustment. If clearances Specifications for bearing inside clearance.
are excessive, new upper and lower bearings will be Replace or repair the crankshaft if clearance
required. Service bearings are available in standard exceeds specification.
size and undersize.

Selective fitting of crankshaft bearings is necessary

in production to obtain close tolerances. For
example, you may find one-half of a standard
crankshaft bearing with one-half of an undersize
crankshaft bearing.

To determine the correct replacement bearing size,

the bearing clearance must be measured accurately.
Either of the following two methods may be used,
however, the micrometer method gives more reliable
results and is preferred.

Figure 12-61 Measuring Crankshaft Journals

G643 (E) Service Manual 91 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Plastigage Method

Install or Connect

1. Main bearing inserts and crankshaft.

2. Gauging plastic.

A. Begin with the rear main bearing.

B. Wipe the oil from the crankshaft journal and
the lower main bearing insert.
C. Place a piece of gauging plastic the full width
of the lower bearing insert (parallel to the
crankshaft) on the journal (figure 12-62). Do
not rotate the crankshaft while the gauging
plastic is between the bearing and journal.

3. Main bearing cap and bolts. Figure 12-63 Measuring Gauging Plastic

4. Tighten bolts to specification. c. If the flattened plastic tapers toward the middle
or ends, there is a difference in clearance
Remove or Disconnect indicating taper, low spot, or other irregularity
of the bearing or journal.
Main bearing cap. DO NOT REMOVE THE d. Normally, crankshaft bearing journals wear
GAUGING PLASTIC FROM THE JOURNAL OR evenly and are not out-of-round. However, if a
LOWER MAIN BEARING INSERT. bearing is being fitted to an out-of-round
0.0254 mm (0.001 in.) (maximum) journal, be
sure to fit to the maximum diameter of the
journal. If the bearing is fitted to the minimum
diameter and the journal is excessively out-of-
round, interference between the bearing and
the journal will result in rapid bearing failure.
e. If the bearing clearance is within specifications,
the bearing is satisfactory. If the clearance is
not within specifications, replace the bearing.
Always replace both upper and lower bearings
as a unit.
f. A standard or undersize bearing combination
may result in the proper clearance. If the
proper bearing clearance cannot be achieved
using standard or undersize bearings, it will be
necessary to replace the crankshaft.
Figure 12-62 Placing Gauging Plastic on Journal
NOTICE: Crankshaft bearings must not be shimmed,
scraped, or filed. Do not touch the bearing surface
Measure with bare fingers. Skin oil will etch the bearing
Gauging plastic as follows:
g. Remove the flattened gauging plastic.
a. The flattened gauging plastic will be found
adhering to either the lower bearing insert or h. Measure remaining journals.
b. On the edge of the gauging plastic envelope
there is a graduated scale. Without removing
the gauging plastic, measure its compressed
width (at the widest point) with the graduations
on the gauging plastic envelope (figure 12-63).

G643 (E) Service Manual 92 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Crankshaft Runout b. Tighten bolts to specification.

Figure 12-64 c. Firmly thrust end of the crankshaft first

rearward then forward. This will line up the
Measure rear main bearing and crankshaft thrust
Tool Required:
d. With the crankshaft wedged forward, measure
J 7872 Magnetic Base Dial Indicator at the front end of the rear main bearing with a
feeler gage (figure 12-65). Refer to
1. Crankshaft run-out. Specifications.

A. Mount the crankshaft in V-blocks at crankshaft IMPORTANT: If correct end play cannot be
journals 1 and 4. obtained, be certain that the correct size rear
B. Use a dial indicator as shown (figure 12-64). main bearing has been installed. Some
C. If the main journals are misaligned, the production engines may use crankshaft
crankshaft is bent and must be replaced. The bearings that are wider across the thrust faces
main bearings must also be replaced at the than standard size bearings. Refer to
same time. Specifications for available bearing sizes.
D. Grind or replace the crankshaft if necessary.
In general, the lower inserts (except the # 1 Inspect
bearing) show the greatest wear and distress
from fatigue. Upon inspection, if a lower insert Crankshaft for binding. Turn crankshaft to check
is suitable for reuse, it can be assumed that for binding. If the crankshaft does not turn freely,
the upper insert is also satisfactory. If a lower loosen the crankshaft bearing bolts, one pair at a
insert shows evidence of wear or damage, time until the tight bearing is located. Burrs on the
both the upper and lower inserts must be bearing cap, foreign matter between the bearing
replaced. and the block or the bearing cap, or a faulty
bearing could cause a lack of clearance at the

Figure 12-64 Measuring Crankshaft Runout

Figure 12-65 Measuring Crankshaft End Play

Crankshaft End Play

Figure 12-65 Connecting Rod Bearings

Measure Follow all procedures outlined for crankshaft bearing

cleaning, inspection, and measurement. Refer to
Crankshaft end play as follows: Specifications.

a. Install crankshaft bearings, crankshaft, caps,

and bolts.

G643 (E) Service Manual 93 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Connecting Rod Side Clearance

Figure 12-66


Connecting rod side clearance as shown in figure

12-66. Refer to Specifications.

Figure 12-66 Measuring Connecting Rod Side Play

G643 (E) Service Manual 94 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Assembly of Engine
English and Metric Fasteners
If any undersized bearing are used, they must be
fitted to the proper journals.
Late model engines use a combination of
English and Metric threaded fasteners. The
components effected are starter motor, engine
mounts, and flywheel housing mounting. Verify
that the proper fasteners are used whenever
removing or replacing one of these components.

Prior to Assembly

The importance of cleanliness during the assembly

procedure cannot be overstressed. Dirt will cause 2. Lubricate all moving parts lightly with engine oil or
premature wear of the rebuilt engine. Lubricate all engine assembly lubricant.
moving parts lightly with engine oil or engine
assembly lubricant (unless otherwise specified) 3. Install crankshaft to cylinder block.
during assembly. This will provide initial lubrication
when the engine is started.

Crankshaft And Crankshaft Bearing


Install or Connect

IMPORTANT: If any undersized bearings are

used, they must be fitted to the proper journals.

Start by:
a. Making sure everything is clean
b. Then lubricate all moving parts before they are 4. Assemble lower crankshaft bearing to crankshaft
installed. bearing caps.

5. Install crankshaft bearing caps (except rear cap)

and bolts to the block.

1. Install upper crankshaft bearings to the block.

6. Torque crankshaft bearing cap bolts (except rear

cap) to : 105 Nm (77lbft)

G643 (E) Service Manual 95 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation

Figure 12-68

Tool Required:

J 35621 Seal Installer

Install or Connect

1. Crankshaft rear oil seal.

A. Lubricate the inner and outer diameter of the
seal with engine oil.
7. Install rear crankshaft bearing and bolts Torque B. Install the seal on J 35621.
to : 105 Nm (77lbft) C. Position J 35621 against the crankshaft.
Thread the attaching screws into the tapped
holes in the crankshaft.
D. Tighten the screws securely with a
screwdriver. This will ensure that the seal is
Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing installed squarely over the crankshaft.
Installation E. Turn the handle until it bottoms.
F. Remove J 35621.
Figure 12-67


Gasket surfaces on the block and seal retainer.

Install or Connect

1. New gasket to the block.

IMPORTANT: It is not necessary to use sealant

to hold the gasket in place.

2. Seal retainer.
3. Screws and nuts. Figure 12-68 Installing Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

Piston and Connecting Rod Installation
Screws and nuts to 15 Nm (11 lbft.)
Connecting Rod Bearing Selection

Figures 12-69 and 12-70

Tools Required:

J 5239 Connecting Rod Guide Set

J 8037 Ring Compressor
J 36660 Torque Angle Meter

Figure 12-67 Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing and Components

G643 (E) Service Manual 96 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

IMPORTANT: Connecting rod bearings are of the C. Without disturbing the ring end gap location,
precision insert type and do not use shims for install J 8037 over the piston.
adjustment. DO NOT FILE RODS OR ROD CAPS. D. The piston must be installed so that the notch
If clearances are excessive, install a new bearing. in the piston faces the front of the engine.
Service bearings are available in standard size E. Place the piston in its matching bore. The
and 0.050 mm (0.002 in.), 0.254 mm (0.010 in.), connecting rod bearing tang slots must be on
0.508 mm (0.020 in.), undersize for use with new the side opposite the camshaft. Using light
and used standard size crankshafts. taps with a hammer handle, tap the piston
down into its bore (figure 12-71). Guide the
Install or Connect connecting rod to the crankpin with J 5239
(figure 12-69). Hold the ring compressor
1. Lubricate the cylinder walls lightly with engine oil. against the block until all rings have entered
the cylinder bore.
2. Make sure the piston is installed in the matching F. Remove J 5239 from the connecting rod bolts

3. Connecting rod bearings.

A. Make sure that the bearing inserts are of the

proper size.
B. Install the bearing inserts in the connecting
rod and connecting rod cap.
C. Lubricate the bearings with engine oil.

4. Piston and connecting rod into the proper bore.

A. With the connecting rod cap removed, install

J 5239 onto the connecting rod bolts
(figure 12-69).
B. Locate the piston ring end gaps (figure 12-70).
Lubricate the piston and rings with engine oil.

Figure 12-70 Piston Ring End Gap Location

Figure 12-71 Installing Piston

Figure 12-69 Guiding Connecting Rod

G643 (E) Service Manual 97 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

IMPORTANT: Each connecting rod and bearing Tighten
cap should be marked, beginning at the front of
the engine. Cylinders 1, 3, and 5 are the right Balance shaft retainer bolts to 14 Nm (124 lb.in.).
bank and 2, 4, and 6 are the left bank (when
viewed from the front of the engine). The 4. Balance shaft driven gear (2) and bolt (1).
numbers on the connecting rod and bearing cap
must be on the same side when installed in the
cylinder bore. If a connecting rod is ever
transposed from one block or cylinder to
another, new connecting rod bearings should be
fitted and the connecting rod should be
numbered to correspond with the new cylinder

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

5. Connecting rod cap with bearing insert and nut.


Connecting rod bolt nuts to 27 Nm (20 lbft.). Figure 12-72 Rear Balance Shaft Sleeve Bearing
Connecting rod bolt nuts an additional 70 using
J 36660.


Connecting rod side clearance as outlined


Balance Shaft Installation

Figures 12-72 through 12-76

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1. Figure 12-73 Installing Balance Shaft Rear Bearing

Tools Required:

J 38834 Balance Shaft Bearing Service Kit

J 36996 Balance Shaft Installer
J 8092 Driver Handle
J 36660 Torque Angle Meter

Install or Connect

1. Balance shaft rear bearing using J 38834

(figures 12-72 and 12-73).

2. Balance shaft into block using J 36996 and

J 8092 (figure 12-74).

A. Dip the front balance shaft bearing into clean

engine oil before assembly. Figure 12-74 Balance Shaft and Components
B. Retaining ring on balance shaft front bearing
must be seated on case.

3. Install balance shaft bearing retainer and bolts.

G643 (E) Service Manual 98 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System


Balance shaft driven gear bolt to 20 Nm

(15 lb. ft.) plus an additional turn of 35 using
J 36660.

IMPORTANT: Rotate balance shaft by hand to

make sure there is clearance between the
balance shaft and retainer. If balance shaft does
not rotate freely, check to be sure retaining ring
on front bearing is seated on case. Turn the
camshaft so, with the balance shaft drive gear
temporarily installed, the timing mark on the
drive gear is straight up. With the balance shaft
drive gear removed, turn the balance shaft so
the timing mark on the driven gear points
straight down.
Figure 12-76 Balance Shaft Drive Gear-to- Driven Gear Timing
5. Balance shaft drive gear onto camshaft. Marks

IMPORTANT: Make sure the timing marks on the

balance shaft drive gear and driven gear line up
(figure 12-76).
Camshaft Installation
6. Balance shaft drive gear bolt.
Figure 12-77
Install or Connect
Bolt to 16 Nm (12 lb. ft.).
IMPORTANT: Coat camshaft lobes and journals
with Engine Oil Supplement (GM P/N 1052367) or
equivalent. Apply Engine Oil Supplement (GM
P/N 1052367) or equivalent, to all the teeth on the
distributor drive gear.

1. Install three 5/16 x 18 bolts 100 - 125 mm (4 - 5

in.) long into the camshaft threaded holes. Use
these bolts to handle the camshaft.

2. Camshaft to the engine (figure 12-77). Handle

the camshaft carefully to prevent damage to the
camshaft bearings.

Figure 12-75 Installing Balance Shaft NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

3. Camshaft retainer and retainer bolts. Coat

camshaft retainer plate with Engine Oil
Supplement (GM P/N 1052367) or equivalent.


Bolts to 14 Nm (124 lb. in.).

G643 (E) Service Manual 99 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Engine Front Cover Installation

IMPORTANT: Once the composite front engine

cover is removed, DO NOT reinstall it. Always
install a new engine front cover.

Install or Connect

1. Engine front cover to engine.

2. Front cover bolts.

Figure 12-77 Installing Camshaft NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.


Timing Chain and Camshaft Sprocket Front cover to block bolts to 9 Nm (80 lb. in.).

Figure 12-78

Install or Connect

1. Camshaft sprocket and timing chain (figure 12-78).

IMPORTANT: Line up the timing marks on the

camshaft sprocket and crankshaft sprocket
(view A, figure 12-78). The number 4 cylinder is
at top dead center of the compression stroke
with the timing marks in this position.

2. Camshaft sprocket bolts and nut.


Camshaft sprocket bolts and nut to 28 Nm

(21 lbft.).

Figure 12-78 Camshaft Timing Chain and Sprockets

G643 (E) Service Manual 100 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Torsional Damper Installation Oil Pump Installation

Figure 12-79 Figure 12-80

Tool Required: Install or Connect

J 39046 Torsional Damper Puller and Installer 1. Oil pump to the engine.

Install or Connect Align the slot in the oil pump shaft with the tang
on the distributor shaft.
1. Apply RTV sealant GM P/N 12345739 to The oil pump should slide easily into place.
crankshaft keyway (if removed). No gasket is used.
2. Crankshaft key (if removed).
2. Oil pump to main bearing cap bolt.
NOTICE: The inertial weight section of the torsional
damper is assembled to the hub with rubber type NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.
material. The correct installation procedures (with
the proper tool) must be followed or movement of Tighten
the inertial weight section of the hub will destroy the
tuning of the torsional damper. Oil pump to main bearing cap bolt to 90 Nm
(66 lb. ft.).
3. Stud (part of J 39046) to the crankshaft. Thread
the stud fully into the tapped hole in the

4. Torsional damper over the end of the stud. Align

the keyway in the torsional damper shaft with the
crankshaft key.

5. Bearing, washer, and nut.

A. Turn the nut to pull the torsional damper into

place (figure 12-79).
B. Remove the tool.

6. Torsional damper bolt and washer.

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.


Bolt to 95 Nm (70 lb. ft.).

Figure 12-80 Oil Pump Installation

Figure 12-79 Installing Torsional Damper

G643 (E) Service Manual 101 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Oil Pan Installation

Figures 12-81 through 12-85

Tool Required:

J 34673 Straightedge or equivalent

Install or Connect

1. Apply RTV sealant (GM P/N 12346141) or

equivalent to the front cover to block joint and to
the crankshaft rear retainer seal to block joint.
Apply the sealant about 25 mm (1.00 in.) in both
directions from each of the four corners (figures
12-81 and 12-82).

Figure 12-83 Installing Oil Pan to Engine Block

2. Oil pan gasket onto pan.

3. Oil pan to cylinder block (figure 12-83).

4. Slide oil pan back against straightedge using J

34673 or equivalent.

5. Oil pan bolts and nuts but do not tighten.

NOTICE: Refer to Notice on page 1.

Figure 12-81 RTV Sealing Points - Front of Oil Pan
Bolts to 25 Nm (18 lbft.) in the sequence shown
(figure 12-84).
Nuts to 23 Nm (17 lbft.).

6. Oil filter gasket.

7. Oil filter adapter O-ring seal, if equipped.

8. Oil filter adapter bolts (figure 12-85).


Bolts to 25 Nm (18 lbft.).


Oil filter adapter bypass valve and spring for

Figure 12-82 RTV Sealing Points - Rear of Oil Pan Bypass valve for cracks. If bypass valve looks
damaged in any way, replace the oil filter adapter

9. Lubricate new oil filter seal with clean engine oil.

10. Oil filter.

G643 (E) Service Manual 102 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Figure 12-84 Oil Pan Tightening Sequence

Figure 12-85 Oil Filter Adapter Installation With Oil Cooler


G643 (E) Service Manual 103 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Cylinder Head Installation

Figure 12-86

Tool Reqired:

J 36660 Torque Angle Meter


Gasket surfaces on the block and cylinder head

Install or Connect Figure 12-86 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence

1. Head Gasket

IMPORTANT: Do not use sealer on head gaskets.

Place the gasket over the block dowel pins with
the head up.

2. Cylinder head. Carefully guide the cylinder head

into place over the dowel pins and gasket.

Notice: Refer to Notice on page 1.

3. Cylinder head bolts. Coat threads of the cylinder

head bolts with sealing compound (GM P/N Figure 12-87 Valve Train Components
12346004) or equivalent and install fingertight.


A. Bolts to 30 Nm (22 lb.ft.).

B. Bolts in sequence using J 36660 to:
- Short length bolt (11, 7, 3, 2, 6, 10) 55
- Medium length bolt (12, 13) 65
- Long length bolt (1, 4, 8, 5, 9) 75

4. Spark plugs.


Spark plug - new cylinder head to 30 Nm

(22 lbft.).
All other subsequent installations to 20 Nm
(15 lbft.).

Figure 12-88 Valve Rocker Arms and Components

Valve Train Component Installation

Figure 12-87 and 12-88

IMPORTANT: Replace all valve roller lifters,

change the engine oil and filter, and add GM
Engine Oil Supplement GM P/N 1052367 (or
equivalent) to the engine oil whenever a new
camshaft is installed. Lubricate the valve lifters
bodies and roller with GM Engine Oil
Supplement GM P/N 1052367 (or equivalent)

G643 (E) Service Manual 104 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Install or Connect 4. Intake manifold bolts.

1. Valve lifters to the block. Tighten

2. Valve lifter guide and bolts. Note previously
made mark on the valve lifter guide. Reference Intake manifold bolts in three steps using
mark should be pointing toward front of engine. sequence shown in figure 12-90.

Tighten - Bolts in sequence to 3 Nm (27 lb. in.).

- Bolts in sequence to 12 Nm (106 lb. in.).
Guide bolts to 16 Nm (12 lbft.). - Bolts in sequence to 15 Nm (11 lbft.).

3. Valve pushrods.

A. Seat the valve pushrods into the socket of the Rocker Arm Cover Installation
valve lifters.
B. Coat the mating surfaces of the valve rocker Figure 12-91
arms and balls with Engine Oil Supplement
GM P/N 1052367 (or equivalent). Install or Connect

4. Valve rocker arms with balls on to the proper 1. New gasket.

stud. 2. Valve rocker arm cover.
5. Valve rocker arm nuts onto the studs (figure 12- 3. Valve rocker arm cover bolts.
88). Align the push rod into the valve rocker arm
while tightening valve rocker arm nut. No lash Tighten
adjustment is needed.
Rocker arm cover bolts to 12 Nm (106 lb. in.).

Valve rocker arm nuts to 25 Nm (18 lbft.).

Valve Adjustment

The 4.3L engine has screw-in rocker arm studs with

positive stop shoulders, no valve adjustment is
necessary. When the valve train requires service,
you simply tighten the rocker arm nuts to 25 Nm (18
lb. ft.).

Intake Manifold Installation

Figures 12-89 and 12-90

Install or Connect

1. Gaskets to the cylinder head with the port

blocking plates facing the rear of the engine.
2. RTV to the front and rear sealing surfaces on the
block. Apply a 13 mm (1/2 in.) bead of RTV (GM
P/N 1052366) or equivalent to the front and rear
of the block as shown in figure 12-89. Extend the
bead 4 mm (5/32 in.) up each cylinder head to
seal and retain the gaskets.
3. Intake manifold to the engine.

G643 (E) Service Manual 105 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Figure 12-89 Intake Manifold Sealer Application

Figure 12-90 Intake Manifold Tightening Sequence

Figure 12-91 Valve Rocker Arm Cover Installation

G643 (E) Service Manual 106 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Exhaust Manifold Installation

Figures 12-92

Install or Connect

1. Exhaust manifold gaskets.

2. Exhaust manifold.

3. Heat shield.

4. Exhaust manifold bolts and / or nuts.


Bolts in two steps, beginning with the two center


A. Bolts to 15 Nm (11 lbft.).

B. Bolts to 30 Nm (22 lbft.).

Figure 12-92 Exhaust Manifold

Flywheel Housing Installation

1. Place the flywheel housing to location.

2. Install the eight bolts that hold the flywheel

housing to location. Tighten the bolts to a torque
of 40 to 45 Nm (30 to 35 lbft.)

3. See Testing and Adjusting for correct procedure

to check flywheel housing runout.

G643 (E) Service Manual 107 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Engine Flywheel Installation

Figure 12-93

Install or Connect

1. Flywheel.

2. Flywheel bolts.


Bolts to 100 Nm (74 lbft.).

3. Check flywheel runout using a dial indicator. If

runout is excessive, remove flywheel, check and
clean mounting surfaces and install flywheel.
Check runout again.


Maximum flywheel runout: 0.20 mm (0.008 in.)

Figure 12-93 Engine Flywheel

G643 (E) Service Manual 108 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Coolant Pump Installation 4. Crank the engine several times. Listen for
anyunusual noises or evidence that parts are
Install or Connect binding.

1. Install gasket to block 5. Refer to Specifications for ignition timing

2. Install pump to location.
6. Start the engine and listen for unusual noises.
7. Run the engine at about 1000 RPM until it is at
operating temperature.

8. Listen for sticking lifters and other unusual


9. Check for oil and coolant leaks while the engine

is running.

3. Assemble bolts to pump and toque to: 40 Nm

(30 lbft.)

4. Assemble pulley to pump.

5. Assemble bolts to pulley and torque to 25 Nm

6 (18.0 4.5 lbft.)

Engine Accessory Installation

Install the engine accessories (distributor, oil filter,

generator, etc.). Connect all vacuum hoses and
electrical equipment the same way as removed.

Engine Setup and Testing

After overhaul, turn the engine over manually and

inspect for any unusual noises or evidence that
parts are binding. If parts are binding disassemble
engine to determine the source.

1. Install oil filter (if not already installed).

2. Fill the crankcase with the proper quantity and

grade of engine oil.

IMPORTANT: If a new camshaft or hydraulic

lifters were installed, add Engine Oil Supplement
GM P/N 1052367 (or equivalent) to the engine oil.

3. Fill the cooling system with the proper quantity

and grade of coolant.

G643 (E) Service Manual 109 Chapter 3. Engine Mechanical System

Specifications Ignition Coil

Ignition Timing

Rating.........................................................12 Volts

The correct timing is when the flywheel housing Resistance between B+ and ground (coil mounting
pointer is in alignment with the correct mark on the bracket) ....................................................... in finite
flywheel or when the single digit mark on the
flywheel is in alignment with the correct timing mark Resistance between B+ and C-................. 0.4 ohms
on the timing plate.
Resistance between B+ coil high voltage tower.......
............................................................. 8,000 ohms
Ignition Sequence (Firing Order)
Spark Plug

Spark plug gap (gasoline & LP) ..... 0.8 mm (.035 in)

Engine firing order..................................1-6-5-4-3-2 Torque for spark ............................. 30 Nm (22 lbft)

Spark plug wire Resistance

0-15 inch .................................. 3,000-10,000 ohms

15-25 inch ................................ 4,000-15,000 ohms

25-35 inch ................................ 6,000-20,000 ohms

G643(E) Service Manual 110 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Distributor Sensor Gap

The Air gap (X) between the trigger wheel and the
module is preset by General Motors. Therefore no
adjustment can be made or is required.

(1) Shaft end play ...197 to 198 mm (7.75 to 7.80 in)

The distributor end play will be checked with the

distributor in an inverted position from normal.
Measure from the mounting surface to the face of
the gear.

G643(E) Service Manual 111 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Ignition System
General Description

Ignition System Schematic

(1) Battery. (2) Ignition switch. (3) Coil. (4) Distributor. (5) Spark plug.

The ignition system has battery (1), ignition switch

(2), coil (3), distributor (4) with inner electronics
circuits and spark plugs (5). The battery and ignition
switch have terminals and closed contacts to permit
battery current flow through the ignition system.
These components must have closed current
connections to complete the operation of the ignition
circuit. Coil (3) and spark plugs (5) are of the
standard type. The ignition coil changes the low
voltage current into high voltage current to make a
spark at the gap of the spark plug. The coil has two
windings around a soft iron core. The primary has a
Distributor Components small number of turns of heavy wire, and the
(6) Sensor. (7) Trigger wheel secondary has many thousand turns of a very fine
wire. The primary winding is on the outside of the
secondary windings. The distributor has a sensor (6),
trigger wheel (7) with lobes and the electric circuit
that is a sealed unit inside the distributor housing.

G643(E) Service Manual 112 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Ignition System Control rotor arm and spark plug wires. The SECM uses the
signal from the GM (General Motors) Delco Ignition
Spark-ignited engines require accurate control of Module to determine the engine position and RPM
spark timing and spark energy for efficient at any time. It uses this information together with the
combustion. The MI-07 ignition system provides this information from the TPS sensor and TMAP to
control. The system consists of the following calculate the appropriate ignition timing settings.
The General Motors (GM) distributor (Figure 14)
SECM used in the Delco EST ignition system, incorporates
a Variable Reluctance (VR) sensor, which transmits
Distributer with ignition module * a reference signal to the GM ignition module (Figure
15) located on the distributor. A variable reluctance
Ignition coil(s) * sensor is an electromagnetic device consisting of a
permanent magnet surrounded by a winding of wire.
Crankshaft position sensor * The sensor is used in conjunction with a ferrous
signal rotor on the distributor shaft. The signal rotor
Crankshaft timing wheel * has six lobes, one for each cylinder. Rotation of the
signal rotor near the tip of the sensor changes the
Spark plugs * magnetic flux, creating an analog voltage signal in
the sensor coil.
(*) Customer-supplied components

The SECM, through use of embedded control

algorithms and calibration variables, determines the
proper time to start energizing the coil and fire the
spark plug. This requires accurate crank/camshaft
position information, an engine speed calculation,
coil energy information, and target spark timing. The 1
SECM provides a TTL compatible signal for spark
control. The coil must contain the driver circuitry
necessary to energize the primary spark coil
otherwise an intermediary coil driver device must be
provided. The SECM controls spark energy (dwell
time) and spark discharge timing. (1) lgnition Coil. (2) lgnition Module.

Figure 15. GM Ignition Module

The rising edge of the VR signal is converted to a

rising 5-volt signal by the ignition module. As the VR
signal passes back through zero volts, a falling edge
is created producing a square wave or digital signal,
similar to the signal produced by a Hall effect sensor.
This falling edge signal provides a stable engine
position reference at all engine speeds for the

Figure 14. GM Distributor

The MI-07 system is capable of operating with either

a distributor based ignition system or a
distributorless ignition system. The current
application uses a distributor based ignition system.
The distributor will have no internal advance
mechanisms giving the SECM consistent authority
over ignition timing. The spark is sent to the
appropriate cylinder in the conventional way via the

G643(E) Service Manual 113 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

lgnition System Schematic for G643E



lgnition System Schematic for G643




EST1 (5V)



G643(E) Service Manual 114 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Ignition System Inspection

Adhere to the following warnings when performing

any tests or adjustments while the engine is running.

Work carefully around an engine that is running.
Engine parts that are hot, or parts that are
moving, can cause personal injury.

WARNING Inspection of Distributor Rotor

(2) Distributor rotor.
Exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide (CO)
which can cause personal injury or death. Start
NOTE: Current models do not have a resistor in the
and operate the engine in a well ventilated area
rotor and do not need to be checked for resistance.
only. In an enclosed area, vent the exhaust to
the outside.
2. Inspect the rotor (2) for breaks and cracks. Check
the rotor blade and the spring for tension. Check
If the engine will not start, do the steps for ignition the rotor for fit on the distributor shaft. Replace the
Component Checks. Check the starting and the fuel rotor if the spring tensionor its fit on the distributor
systems for correct operation. If these systems are is not correct
correct, use the procedures given in ignition System
Test to check the ignition system. For the correct resistance value of rotor, see
Distributer in Specifications.
Ignition Component Checks

Spark Plug Wires Inspection

Distributor Cap Inspection
(1) Distributor cap. 3. Inspect the spark plug wires and the ignition coil
wire for wear, burnt and high voltage leaks. Check
The procedures that follow are given as a guide. the resistance of the spark plug wires, with a
Use these procedures to find possible solutions for Digital Multimeter.
ignition problems.
For the correct resistance value, see Spark Plug
Tools Needed And Spark Plug Wires in Specifications.

Digital Mutimeter or Equivalent 1 NOTE: The Electrical System Analyzer can be used
on the ohmmeter scale for the spark plug resistance
1. Inspect distributor cap (1). Look for breaks, cracks test.
or dirt inside and on the outside. Clean the
distributor cap inside and out.

G643(E) Service Manual 115 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Resistance Testing

1. Disconnect both ends of ignition cable (rotate

boot and pull at the boot only) being tested and
clean terminals.

2. Set ohmmeter on high scale and connect

ohmmeter to each end of cable being tested.
Twist cable gently while observing ohmmeter.

3. If ohmmeter reads above 25,000 ohms or

flucuates from infinity to any value, replace cable
Spark Plug Inspection being tested.
(3) Spark plug.
4. If the resistance of each cable is not within the
4. During installation of the spark plug wires, following bands, replace the cable being test-ed.
makesure the wire terminals make good
connections inthe distributor cap and on the spark 0 to 15 inch cable................. 3,000 / 10,000 Ohms
plugs. Inspectspark plug (3) insulator for cracks.
Clean the sparkplug of any oil or dirt before 15 to 25 inch cable............... 4,000 / 15,000 Ohms
25 to 35 inch cable............... 6,000 / 20,000 Ohms

Inspection of Spark Plug Wires Spark Plug Wire Routing

General Description

The spark plug wires are a carbon-impregnatedcord

conductor encased in an 8 millimeter diameter
silicone rubber jacket. Silicone wiring will withstand
very high temperature and is an excellent insulator
for the higher voltages.

Silicone is soft, pliable, and therefore, more

susceptible to scuffing and cutting. It is extremely
important that the spark plug cables be handled with
care. They should be routed so as not to cross
each other, or be in contact with, other parts of the
engine to prevent rubbing.

NOTICE: For proper operation, it is necessary to

keep ignition wires and distributor clean and free of
any dirt or corrosion.

G643(E) Service Manual 116 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Inspection of Spark Plug

Inspection and clean

1. Disconnect the ignition wires from the ignition

coil assy.

2. Remove all spark plugs from the cylinder head

using a spark plug wrench.

Take care not to come foreign materials into
spark-plug mounting hole. 4. Check the plug clearance using a plug clearance
auge and if the value is not within the specified
values, adjust it by bending the ground clearance.
When installing a new sparkplug, install it after
checking the uniform plug clearance.

Spark plug clearance 0.8 ~ 0.9 mm

3. Check the spark plug as below.

1) Insulator broken

2) Terminal worn

3) Carbon deposit

4) Gasket damaged or broken

5. Install the spark plug and tighten it to the specified
5) Porcelain insulator of spark plug clearance torque.
Take care not to over tighten it to prevent cylinder
head threads from damage.

Tightening torque 30 Nm

Spark Plug Analysis

Contact point Contact point

is black is white
Density of the Density of the
Description fuel mixture fuel mixture is
is thick thin
Lack of air Ignition timing
intake is fast
Spark plug is
Lack of torque

G643(E) Service Manual 117 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Inspection of EST Distributor Delco Distributor Module Testing

The Delco EST ignition system consists of the An approved module tester must be used in order to
distributor, ignition coil, wiring and spark plugs. The check the module. Use a Kent-Moore Module Tester
distributor contains a module, pickup coil and or equivalent.
conventional cap and rotor. There are no points or
condenser to adjust or change and no moving parts
except for the distributor shaft and rotor. Spark 1. Remove module from distributor.
advance and dwell are controlled by the distributor
module. The distributor module and pickup coil are 2. Connect red battery-cable clamp to positive
self-contained solid-state devices which are not (+)terminal and black battery-cable clamp to
repairable. If necessary, they may be replaced negative(-) terminal of a fully charged 12V battery.
separately but must be serviced as a complete unit.
3. Connect the adapter to yellow 2-way terminal
connector, and the adapter to black 3-
wayconnector of the tester (IAGS054S).

4. Connect black 4-way and 2-way connectors to

module terminals. Connect yellow 2-way
connector to yellow module terminals and engage
locking tabs.

5. Connect module ground clip of the tester to the

metal base of the module.

6. Hold the toggle switch in the 3-terminal test

position. If a momentary indication of the red "Fail"
light and then a steady indication of the green
"Pass" light occurs, go on to the next step. If a
steady indication of the red "Fail" light occurs, the
module is defective and should be replaced.

7. Disconnect black 4-way connector from module.

Disconnect yellow 2-way connector, rotate it 180
degrees so the lock and tab are opposite each
other, and reconnect it to the module terminals

Delco Distributor Component Testing 8. Hold the toggle switch in the 3-terminal test
position. A momentary indication of the red "Fail"
light and then a steady indication of the green
NOTICE "Pass" light mean the module is good. A steady
In the test procedures that follow, check the ignition indication of the red "Fail" light means the module
coil and each component of the distributor is defective and should be replaced.
separately to identify defective or good components.
These tests can be made with the distributor and
coil mounted on the engine or on the repair bench.

G643(E) Service Manual 118 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Pickup Coil Testing

Test 1 Tester Connections

1. Remove The distributor cap and rotor.

2. Disconnect the pickup coil leads from the module.

3. Connect an ohmmeter between the pickup coil

lead and housing (test 1, IAGS059S).
Reding should be infinite (no continuity).

4. Connect an ohmmeter to both pickup coil leads

(test 2, IAGS059S). Reading should be a constant,
unchanging value between 500-1500 ohms. Flex
leads by hand at coil and connector to locate
intermittent opens. Replace pickup coil if not
within specifications.

Test 2 Tester Connections

G643(E) Service Manual 119 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Inspection of Ignition Coil Disassembly and Assembly

Ignition Coil

Remove & Install Coil

1. Connect ohmmeter between "B+" or "C-" 1. Disconnect wire connectors (1) from the coil.
terminals and ground (coil-mounting bracket). On
high scale, reading should be infinite (test 1,

2. Connect ohmmeter between "B+" and "C-

"terminals. On low scale, reading should be nearly
zero (approximately 0.4 ohm) (test 2, IAGS004S).

3. Connect ohmmeter between "B+" or "C-"

terminals and coil high-voltage tower. On high
scale, reading should be approximately 8000
ohms. Reading should not be infinite(test 3,

NOTICE 2. Remove two bolts from coil mounting bracket and

On tests 2 and 3, reading may vary slightly remove the coil.
depending on coil temperature.
NOTE: For installation of the coil, reverse the
removal steps.
4. If reading is not within specification, replace coil.

G643(E) Service Manual 120 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

EST Distributor Install Distributor

Remove Distributor

1. Install the distributor (1) in position in the intake

manifold. Make sure that the rotor (2) is in
1. Disconnect coil harness (1) from distributor. alignment with the scribe mark and number one
2. Bring the engine to TDC on the compression
stroke before removing the distributor. 2. Install the distributor clamp and bolt to the

3. Remove the coil wire, spark plug wires (3) and

cap (4) from the distributor. 3. Install cap (4) and plug and coil wires to the

NOTE: Scribe an alignment mark on the distributor 4. Connect the coil harness to the distributor and the
and intake manifold to show the position of the rotor. coil wire to the coil.5.Check the ignition timing.
(See Test and Adjustment)
4. Remove the bolt, distributor clamp, and distributor.

G643(E) Service Manual 121 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Disassemble Distributor

Start By: Removing the distributor.

6. Pry off spring washer and remove retainer (8).

1. Remove rotor (1)

7. Unplug and remove the pickup coil (9).

8. Remove two screws (10) and remove pickup

module (11).
2. Remove gasket (2) from location.

3. Drive roll pin (3) from gear (4). Assemble Distributor

4. Remove gear (4), thrustwasher (5) and tabbed 9. Wipe distributor base and module clean, apply
thrustwasher (6). silicone lubricant between module and base for
heat dissipation.
NOTE: mark gear and shaft for correct assembly.
10. Attach module (11) to base with two screws (10).
Connect pickup coil (9) connector to module and
mount coil.

11. Assemble retainer (8) and fasten with a new

spring washer (7).

12. Assemble shaft, thrust washers, gear and roll pin

in proper alignment.

13. Spin shaft to ensure that teeth to not touch.

14. Install rotor.

5. Remove shaft assembly (7).

G643(E) Service Manual 122 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Ignition Timing Adjustment for G643
The ignition timing advance of G643 is controlled by
the SECM. The initial ignition timing setting of the
distributor is described in the following steps. It will IGNITION
be necessary to mechanically adjust the distributor MODULE
to an initial setting for startup, and then adjust the
final timing using the Service Tool.

1. Be sure engine is turned OFF.

2. Remove distributor cap (Figure 34).

Figure 35. Four-Pin Connector to Ignition Module
3. Disconnect the fuel lock-off connector at the lock
off so that fuel cannot flow during cranking.

4. Disconnect the 4-pin connector (Figure 35) to the

ignition module. This eliminates the +12 Vdc
power on Pin D and puts the ignition to a default
value not controlled by the SECM.

5. Connect standard inductive timing light (Figure

36) to the #1 cylinder.

6. Manually bar the engine so that the timing

indicator on the crankshaft pulley lines up to 0
Top Dead Center (TDC) of the #1 cylinder (Figure
37). Figure 36. Standard Inductive Timing Light

7. Verify that the distributor rotor is lined up with #1 8. Using standard inductive timing light with no offset
cylinder on the distributor cap (Figure 38). adjustment set the initial timing to 4 BTDC
(advanced) by rotating the distributor while
cranking the engine with the ignition key.

9. Tighten the distributor hold-down bolt to the

specified torque value and re-connect the 4-pin
ignition module connector and the fuel lock-off

(1) lgnition Coil. (2) lgnition Module.

Figure 34. GM Ignition Module

Figure 37. Engine Set at 0 Top Dead Center


G643(E) Service Manual 123 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Figure 42. Spark Control Lock Parameter
Figure 38. Topside of Engine Showing Position Unlocked
of Cylinders
2. The preferred reference timing to use for
NOTE: This completes the initial ignition timing. The verification with a timing light is 10 degrees BTDC.
final ignition adjustment can be made at engine In Figure 42 the Spark Advance with the engine
start-up using the software Service Tool. not running is 5.0 BTDC. To lock the spark at 10
BTDC a Spark Offset value of 5.0 would need to
be entered (5.0 + 5.0 = 10). Enter the appropriate
offset value that will equal 10 when added to your
Final Timing Verification engines spark advance. (10 Spark Advance =
Spark Offset). Once an offset value is entered the
To verify the mechanical timing adjustment of the OFF description will change and display
distributor you will need to lock the spark using the WARNING to alert you that the offset value is
Service Tool Test Screen and use the timing light to not set to 0.00.
verify adjustment.

NOTE: Service Tool software (Moto TuneViewer)

and the security Crypt Token is obtainable by
certified technicians through authorized dealers.

1. Without starting the engine turn the Key switch to

the ON position and open the Service Tool
Display Test Screen. The Spark Control Lock
parameter should be Unlocked as in (Figure 42).
The Spark Offset should read 0.00 and OFF in
the Units column of the display. When a value is
entered in the Spark Offset, the offset value is
added to the value displayed in the Spark
Advance parameter.

NOTE: You must always return the Spark Offset

value to 0.00 before closing the Service Tool or the Figure 43. Spark Control Lock Parameter
offset will be applied during engine operation Locked
causing inaccurate ignition timing with the possibility
of misfire or engine damage. 3. Select the Spark Control Lock Unlocked check
box. The check box display will change to read
Locked as in Figure 43. You have now locked
the SECM ignition timing at a fixed value (Spark
Advance + Spark Offset).

G643(E) Service Manual 124 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

4. Start the engine, using the timing light verify the
engine is running at the correct timing, in this case
10 BTDC. If it is not 10 BTDC loosen the
distributor hold down bolt and slightly adjust the
distributor for 10 BTDC using your timing light.
Tighten the distributor hold down bolt.

5. Un-check the Spark Control Lock, it should now

read Unlocked as in Figure 42 allowing the
SECM to control spark advance.

6. Enter 0.00 in the Spark Offset, the Warning

message should now read OFF as in Figure 44. [Figure] Crank Position Sensor of G643E Engine
The SECM is in full control of the spark advance
with no offset. NOTE: Affective SECM input to ignition timing
7. Setting the distributor position is now complete.
Coolant temperature sensor
Oxygen sensor
Battery voltage
MAP sensor (Engine load)
Crankshaft position sensor
Throttle position sensor
Intake Air Temperature sensor

If the distributor is severely misaligned, the rotor will

not properly align with the distributor cap and spark
will misfire or go to the wrong cylinder. When
replace the distributor, install new distributor as

1. Install distributor shaft into engine, aligning marks

Figure 44. SECM in Full Control of Spark made at time of removal (see, figure). Be sure that
Advance the shaft engages oil pump

2. Secure distributor with clamp

Ignition Timing Adjustment for G643E
3. Install distributor cap

On G643 engine, crankshaft position was sensed

from the distributor. Adjusting the distributor has a
direct affect on ignition timing - 1 degree of the
distributor rotation would produce a 2 degree
change in spark timing.

G643E engine senses crank position from the crank

position sensor and the target wheel. Rotating the
distributor will not directly affect ignition timing,
except in extreme conditions. When engine is
disturbed and ignition timing is incorrect, inspect the
sensors concerned with ignition timing, at first.

G643(E) Service Manual 125 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Charging System Alternators

The alternators used on these engines have three

General Description phase, full-wave, rectified output. They are the brush
type. Refer to the Alternator Coverage chart for
The alternator is an electrical and mechanical
detailed systems operation information
components driven by a belt from engine rotation. It
is used to charge the storage battery during the
engine operation. The alternator is cooled by an ALTERNATOR COVERAGE
external fan mounted behind the pulley. The fan
Alternator Manufacturer/
pulls air through the holes in the back of the
alternator. The air exits the front of the alternator, Part Number Series
cooling it in the process. The valeo alternator also
has an internal fan. This fan is mounted on the rotor. D167411 Korea-Delphi CS121D
This fan pulls air through the holes in the back of the
D187478 MICO/K1 Sealed
alternator to cool the rectifier bridge and regulator.
The air exits the front of the alternator.

The alternator converts mechanical and magnetic

energy to alternating current (AC) and voltage. This
process is done by rotating a direct current (DC)
electromagnetic field (rotor) inside a three phase
stator. The alternating current and voltage
(generated by the stator) are changed to direct
current by a three phase, full wave rectifier system
using six silicone rectifier diodes. Some alternators
have three exciter diodes or a diode trio. They rectify
the current needed to start the charging process.
Direct current flows to the alternator output terminal.

A solid state regulator is installed in or on the back

of the alternator. Two brushes conduct current,
through two slip rings, to the rotor field. Some
alternators have a capacitor mounted on them. The
capacitor protects the rectifier from high voltages. It
also suppresses electrical noise through a radio, if

The alternator is connected to the battery through

the ignition switch for alternator turn on. Therefore,
alternator excitation occurs when the switch is
turned on.

G643(E) Service Manual 126 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System


Charging system defect is almost caused by lack of

pan belt tension and faulty function of wiring,
connector, and voltage regulator.
One of most important thing during troubleshooting
of charging system is determining the reason
between overcharging and lack of charging. So,
prior to inspection of alternator, check the battery for
charging. Faulty alternator causes the following

1. Faulty battery charging

1) IC regulator fault (Short circuit)

2) Field coil fault

3) Main diode fault

4) Stator coil fault

5) Brush contact fault

2. Overcharging : IC regulator fault(Short circuit)

Other faults such as voltage adjusting problem
except above symptoms rarely happen.

G643(E) Service Manual 127 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Refer to the following troubleshooting table

Symptom Possible cause Remedy

With ignition Fuse cut off Replace

switch ON,
charging Bulb burnt out Replace
warning lamp Loose wiring connection Retighten
does not
illuminate Bad connection of L terminal Inspect and replace wiring

Loose or worn drive belt Correct or replace

With the
Fuse cut off Replace
engine started,
warning lamp Circuit breaker cut off Reset or replace
is not turned
off (Battery Faulty voltage regulator or alternator Inspect alternator
needs often
Faulty wiring Repair
Corrosion or wear of battery cable Repair or replace

Faulty voltage regulator (Charging warning lamp illuminates) Replace

Voltage detection wring fault Replace

Loose or worn drive belt Correct or replace

Loose wiring connection Retighten

Short circuit Repair

Battery is
discharged Circuit breaker cut off Reset or replace
Ground fault Repair

Faulty voltage regulator (Charging warning lamp illuminates) Inspect alternator

Battery out Replace

G643(E) Service Manual 128 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Troubleshooting Procedure

Inspection before Starting

1. Alternator and drive belt tension inspection.

G643(E) Service Manual 129 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

2. Alternator and outer terminal connection inspection.

G643(E) Service Manual 130 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

3. Battery outer terminal inspection.

Inspection after Starting

1. When starting, belt slip and noise inspection


2. Inspection of battery voltage at idling (At this time charge battery only)

G643(E) Service Manual 131 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Drop of Electric Pressure Test of Alternator Test
Output Wire
1. Start the engine.
This test is to check that wiring is correctly
connected between the alternator B terminal and 2. Repeating ON and OFF of headlight and small
battery (+) terminal. light, adjust the engine speed until an ammeter
reads 20A and at that time measure voltage.


1. If voltmeter reading is within the standard, it is


2. If voltmeter reading is more than the standard,

mostly wiring is faulty. In this case, inspect
wirings between the alternator and the battery (+)
terminal as well as between the alternator B
terminal and the fusible link.

3. Also prior to re-test, check and repair the

connecting part for looseness and the harness for
discoloration by overheating.

4. After test, adjust the engine speed at idle and turn

the light and ignition switch OFF.

5. Disconnect the battery ground cable.

6. Disconnect the ammeter and voltmeter.
1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.
7. Connect the alternator output lead wire to the
2. Disconnect the battery ground cable. alternator B terminal.

3. Disconnect the alternator output wire from the 8. Connect the battery ground cable.
alternator B terminal.
Output Current Test
4. Connect a DC ampere meter (0-100A) between
the terminal and the disconnected output wire. This test is to check that the alternator output
Connect (+) lead wire to the terminal B and (-) current is identified with the rated current.
lead wire to the disconnected output wire.
NOTE: In case of using a clamp type ammeter, it is
possible to measure current without disconnecting 1. Prior to test, inspect the following items and repair
the harness. if necessary.

5. Connect a digital voltmeter between the alternator 1) Be sure that the battery installed in the vehicle
B terminal and the battery (+) terminal. is normal. (See Battery)
Connect (+) lead wire to the terminal and (-) lead
wire to the battery (+) terminal. NOTE: When measuring output current, necessarily
use a slightly discharged battery. Fully charged
6. Connect the battery ground cable. battery is not enough to use for correct test owing to
insufficient load.
7. Be sure that the hood is opened.
2) Inspect the drive belt for tension. (See Engine
body )

G643(E) Service Manual 132 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

2. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 3. With the engine running at 2,500 rpm, turn ON the
high beam headlights, place the heater blower
3. Disconnect the battery ground cable. switch at HIGH measure the maximum output
current using a ammeter.
4. Disconnect the alternator output wire from the
alternator B terminal. NOTE: This test should be done as soon as
possible to measure the exact maximum current
because output current drops rapidly after starting
the engine.


1. Ammeter reading should be as same as the load.

If the reading is low even though the alternator
output wire is normal, remove the alternator from
the vehicle and inspect it.

Output current As same as Elecrical load

NOTE: Output current varies according to electrical

load or temperature of the alternator, so during test,
lack of electrical load causes impossibility of
measuring the rated output current. In this case, turn
on headlight to induce the battery discharging or
turn on other lights to increase the electrical load. If
alternator temperature or ambient temperature is too
high, it is impossible to measure the rated output
5. Connect a DC ampere meter (0-100V) between current, so prior to re-test, necessarily drop the
B terminal and the disconnected output wire. temperature.
Connect (+) lead wire to the terminal B and (-)
lead wire to the disconnected output wire.
Ambient temperature
Voltage adjust(V)
NOTE: Do not use clips or equivalent owing to high of voltage regulator()
current and Use bolts and nuts to tighten each
-30 14.5 ~ 15.4
connecting part securely.
25 14.3 ~ 14.9
6. Connect a volt meter (0-20V) between B
terminal and the ground. 60 14.0 ~ 14.8
Connect (+) lead wire to the alternator B
90 13.6 ~ 14.6
terminal and (-) lead wire to the proper position.

7. Connect the engine tachometer and then battery 2. After test, adjust the engine speed at idle and turn
ground cable. the light and ignition switch OFF.

8. Be sure that the hood is opened. 3. Disconnect the battery ground cable.

Test 4. Disconnect the ammeter and voltmeter.

1. Be sure that voltmeter reading is identified with 5. Connect the alternator output lead wire to the
battery voltage. alternator B terminal.
If voltmeter reading is 0V, it means short circuit of
wire between B terminal and the battery (-) 6. Connect the battery ground cable.
terminal, fusible link cut off or ground fault.

2. Turn the headlight ON and start the engine.

G643(E) Service Manual 133 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

General Description

The starting motor is used to turn the engine

flywheel lfast enough to make the engine run. The
starting motor has a solenoid. When the ignition
switch is activated, voltage from the electrical
system will cause the solenoid to move the pinion
toward the flywheel ring gear of the engine. The
electrical contacts in the solenoid close the circuit
between the battery and the starting motor just
before the pinion engages the ring gear. This
causes the starting motor to rotate. This type of
motor "turn on" is a positive shift starting motor.
When the engine begins to run, the overrunning
clutch portion of the pinion drive prevents damage to
the armature caused by excessive speeds. The
clutch does this by breaking the mechanical
connection. The pinion will stay meshed with the
ring gear until the ignition switch is released. A
return spring in the overrunning clutch returns the
clutch to its rest position.


G643(E) Service Manual 134 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Circuit Diagarm For Starting System

Diagnosis Procedure The starting motor solenoid has two functions:

The following simplified procedure is intended to 1. Engages the pinion with flywheel.
help the serviceman determine if a starting motor
needs to be removed and replaced or repaired. It is 2. Is a high current switch rated about 1000 amps
not intended to cover all possible problems and that actually turns on the starting motor.
conditions, but to serve only as a guide. The most
common 12 volt circuit is shown and discussed. The starting motor solenoid has two coils. Pull-in coil
(W) draws about 40 amps and hold-in coil (X)
General Information requires about 5 amps. The instant the start relay
closes, both coils (W) and (X) receive power. Battery
All starting systems are made up of four elements. voltage is applied to the high end of both coils, at
They are the ignition switch, start relay, the starting test point (3) which is the start (S) terminal. The low
motor solenoid and starting motor. end of hold-in coil (X) is permanently grounded to
the ground post or motor housing of the starting
Start switches are relatively low current devices. motor. Grounding for the low end, test point (4), of
They are rated to switch approximately 5 to 20 amps. pull-in coil (W) is momentary, and takes place
Because the coil of a start relay [between test point through the DC resistance of the starting motor. As
86 and 85] draws about 0.2 amp, the start switch soon as magnetic force builds in both coils, the
can easily turn on the start relay and have long life. pinion moves toward the flywheel ring gear. The
pinion will stop short of engagement of the flywheel
The switch contacts of a typical start relay are rated ring gear. Only then will the solenoid contacts close
to switch 30 amps. Because the solenoid requires 5 to power the starting motor. This temporarily
to 20amps the start relay can easily switch this load. removes the ground from pull-in coil (W), and puts
battery voltage on both ends of it while the starting
motor cranks. During this period, the pull-in coil is
out of the circuit. Cranking continues until power to
the solenoid is broken by releasing the ignition

G643(E) Service Manual 135 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

The result of these switches and relays is to permit a
5 amp dash-mounted switch to turn on a 500 to
1000amp motor used to crank an engine. Battery NOTICE
voltage (power) available during cranking varies
according to the temperature of the batteries. The Do not operate the starting motor for more than
following chart is a guide as to what to expect from a 30seconds at a time. After 30 seconds, the cranking
normal system. must be stopped for two minutes to allow the
starting motor to cool. This will prevent damage to
the starting motor due to excessive heat buildup.
If the starting motor cranks real slow or does not
Temperature 12V System
crank at all, do the following procedure:
-23 to -7 C (-10 to 20 F) 6 to 8 Volts
1. Measure battery voltage at the battery posts with
-7 to 10 C (20 to 50 F) 7 to 9 Volts the multimeter while cranking or attempting to
crank the engine. Make sure to measure the
10 to 27 C (50 to 80 F) 8 to 10 Volts
battery posts. Do not measure the cable post
Figure 1
The next chart shows maximum acceptable voltage 2. Is battery voltage equal to or greater than shown
loss in the high current battery circuit feeding the in Figure 1?
starting motor. These values are maximums for
machines of approximately 2000 SMH and up. If the battery voltage is correct, go to Step 3.
Newer machines would be less than those shown.
If the battery voltage is too low, Charge or
NOTE: Alow battery can be caused by battery
Circuit 12V System condition or a shorted starting motor.

Battery(-) post to starting motor (-) 3. Measure current draw on the (+) battery cable
0.7 Volts
terminal between the battery and the starting motor
Battery (+) post to solenoid (+) solenoid with the clamp-on ammeter. The
0.5 Volts maximum current draw allowed is 350 Amp. At
temperatures below27C (80F), the voltage will
Solenoid Bat terminal to solenoid be less and the current draw will be higer. If
0.4 Volts
Mtr terminal current draw is too much, the starting motor has a
problem and must be removed for repair or
Figure 2 replacement.
Voltages greater than those shown are most often
caused by loose and/or corroded connections or NOTE: If voltage at the battery post is within
defective switch contacts. approximately 2 volts of the lowest value in the
applicable temperature range of Figure1 and if the
Diagnosis Procedure large starting motor cables get hot, then the starting
motor has a problem and the Ammeter test is not

Digital Multimeter or Equivalent 1 4. Measure starting motor voltage from test point (4)
to (5) with the multimeter while cranking or
DC Clamp-On Ammeter or Equivalent 1 attempting to crank the engine.

G643(E) Service Manual 136 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

5. Is voltage equal to or greater than shown in Start Relay Tests
If the starting motor voltage is correct, the
battery and starting motor cables down to the 1. Put the multimeter on the 200 ohm scale.
motor are within specifications. Go to Step 8.
2. Put the multimeter lead to the 85 and 86 terminals.
If the starting motor voltage is low, the voltage
drop between the battery and the starting motor 3. The indication on the meter must be 82 5 ohms. If
is too great. Go to Step 6. the indication is not correct, the start relay must
be replaced.
6. Measure the voltage drops in the cranking circuits
with the multimeter. Compare the results with 4. Put the multimeter leads to the 30 and 87
maximum voltage drops allowed in Figure 2. terminals.

7. Are all the voltages within specifications ? 5. The indication must be "OL"(Over Load). If the
indication is not correct, the start relay must be
If the voltage drops are correct, go to Step 8, to replaced.
check the engine.
6. Connect WH wire to 86 and BK wire to 85
If the voltage drops are too high, repair and/ or terminal with the ignition switch to start position.
replace the faulty electrical component. Put the meter lead to 30 and 87 terminal.

8. Rotate the crankshaft by hand to make sure it is 7. The indication must be Zero ohm. If the indication
not locked up. Check oil viscosity and any is not correct the start relay must be replaced.
external loads that would affect engine rotation.

9. Is the engine locked up or hard to turn ?

If it is, repair the engine as required. If the

engine is not hard to turn, go to Step 10.

10. Does the starting motor crank?

If it does crank, remove the starting motor for

repair and/or replacement.

If it does not crank, check for blocked

engagement of the pinion and flywheel ring

NOTE: Blocked engagement and open solenoid

contacts will give the same electrical symptoms.

G643(E) Service Manual 137 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System


Starting system problem can be classified into Start

motor is not operating, Start motor is operating but
engine is not starting , and There is a lot of time
taken to start engine.

When the starting system has problems, before

removing the start motor, find where the problem
happens. Generally if it is difficult to start, there are
problems in ignition system, fuel system, and
electrical system. In this case, necessarily inspect
and repair step by step, or the same problem will

Symptom Possible cause Remedy

Low battery charging voltage Charge or replace

Loose, corroded or worn battery cable Repair or replace

Impossible cranking Inhibitor switch fault Adjust or replace

Circuit breaker cut off Reset or replace

Start motor fault Repair

Ignition switch fault Replace

Low battery charging voltage Charge or replace

Slow cranking Loose, corroded or worn battery cable Repair or replace

Start motor fault Repair

Start motor fault Repair

Continuous rotating of start
Ignition switch fault Replace
Start relay fault Replace

Short circuit of wiring Repair

Start motor is rotating but Worn or broken pinion gear tooth or motor fault Repair
engine is not cranking
Replace flywheel ring gear
Worn or broken ring gear tooth
or torque converter

G643(E) Service Manual 138 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System

Starter Repair


Remove or disconnect

Always disconnect the cable at the battery
before you make repairs to the engine.
Disconnect the cable at the negative terminal
first. Install a tag on the battery terminals first.
Install a tag on the battery terminals so that no
one connects the cable on the terminal.

1. Discount battery negative cable at negative


2. Disconnect the battery positive cable at positive


3. Put labels on wires and cables prior to

disconnecting to aid in correct installation.

4. Disconnect wires and cables from starter.

5. Hold starter so it wont fall. Remove capscrews

that fasten the starter to the flywheel housing.
Install capscrews to fasten the starter to the
flywheel housing.


Install or connect

1. Place starter in position in flywheel housing.

Install capcrews to fasten the starter to the
flywheel housing. Tighten cap screws to 38 NM
(28 lbft)

2. Connect wires and cables as labeled in removal.

3. Connect the battery positive cable at positive


4. Connect battery negative cable at negative


G643(E) Service Manual 139 Chapter 4. Engine Electrical System


General Information


SECM and Sensor/Switch Inputs

Components Items Specifications
G643E G643
Environmental / Ambient Operating -20 F to 221F [-29 C to 105 C]
Electrical Temperature
None None
Specifications 8-16 Vdc
Operating Voltage
Engine Control Module Operating Temperature -20 F to 221F [-29 C to 105 C]
8-16 Vdc
Operating Voltage SECM microprocessor may reset at
1 1
voltages below 6.3 Vdc

On-engine mounting, underhood

Operating Environment automotive
Crankshaft Position Type VR sensor
1 None
Sensor Tooth wheel 3X
TMAP Sensor MAP sensor Piezo- Resistivity type
0-5V output
1 1 Intake Air Temp Sensor Thermistor type
(built in MAP sensor)
2.0-3.0kohms at 20C
LP Fuel Temperature Type Thermister
Sensor 1 None Resistance 2.5k@20
Oxygen Sensor Type Zirconia Sensor (Heated)
2 None
Output Voltage 0 - 1V
Coolant Temperature Type Thermistor Type
1 1
Sensor Resistance 1.0-4.0 kohms at 20C
Acceleration Pedal Type Hall IC
Angle Sensor APP1(Low idle) 0.4 0.1 V
1 1 APP2(Low idle) 4.5 0.1 V
APP1(Hi idle) 3.6 0.15 V
APP2(Hi idle) 1.39 0.15 V
Engine Oil Pressure Actuation Pressure 0.3 +/- 0.1 kgf/cm^2
1 1
Transmission Oil Actuation Temperature 125C
1 1
Temperature Switch
Ground speed limit Sensor Magnetic Pick-up
option option
device Controller Digital output

G643(E) Service Manual 140 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Electronic Throttle System

Components Items Specifications
G643E G643

Electronic Throttle Minimum Electrical 1.5 ohms

System 1 1 Resistance of Throttle

G643(E) Service Manual 141 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

LP Fuel Components Specification

Components Items Specifications
G643E G643
LP Fuel System Operating Temperature -20 F to 221F [-29 C to 105 C]
LPG Composition HD5 / HD10 LPG. Failure to use fuel
- -
Requirements compliant with
HD5 or HD10 standards will void the
user warranty.
LP Fuel Filter 1 1 Fuel Filter Micron Size 40 micron
LP Fuel Lock-off 1 1 Electrical Resistance 20~25
N-2007 LP Regulator Fuel Supply Pressure 10 psi to 250 psi (68.95 kPa to
For G643E 1723.69 kPa)

Fuel Inlet Fitting 1/4 NPT

Fuel Outlet Fitting Two 3/4 NPT fittings with one plugged
and one 1/8 NPT fitting with plug

Fuel Supply -20 F to 120 F [-29 C to 49 C]

Temperature at Tank Outlet

Primary Pressure Tap 1/8 NPT with plug

Max Flow 50 lbm/hr LPG

Coolant Flow to Vaporizer > 1.0 gpm/100bhp, equipped with

1 None
140 F (60 C) thermostat

Fuel Outlet Pressure -0.7 0.2 inH2O @ 1.7 lbm/hr LPG

Setpoints (-1.744 0.498 mbar) @ 1.7 lbm/hr
-2.0 0.2 inH2O @ 50 lbm/hr LPG
(-4.982 0.498 mbar) @ 50 lbm/hr

Mounting Regulator should be installed with

centerline of outlet at least 15 below
horizontal to permit drainage of any
liquid precipitates from LPG fuel.

Diaphragm should be vertically


G643(E) Service Manual 142 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Components Items Specifications
G643E G643
N-2001 LP Regulator Fuel Supply Pressure 10 psi to 250 psi (69 kPa to 1724 kPa)
For G643
Fuel Inlet Fitting 1/4 NPT

Fuel Outlet Fitting One 3/4 NPT and one 1/8 NPT fitting
with plug

Fuel Supply -20 F to 120 F [-29 C to 49 C]

At Tank Outlet

None 1 Primary Pressure Tap 1/8 NPT with plug

Max Flow 50 lbm/hr LPG

Coolant Flow to Vaporizer >1.0 gpm/100bhp, equipped with

140 F (60C) thermostat

Fuel Outlet Pressure -0.5 0.35 [email protected] lbm/hr LPG

Setpoints (-1.25 0.87 mbar)@1.7 lbm/hr LPG)
-1.35 0.5 [email protected] lbm/hr LPG
(-3.36 1.25 mbar)@32.1 lbm/hr
CA100 Mixer Fuel LPG
For G643
Fuel Inlet Fitting 1/2 NPT Fuel inlet fitted with Delphi
temperature sensor

Air Intake Flange 2.25 (57.15mm) ID inlet, four #10-

24 screws in
1.94 (49.28mm) square pattern

Mixer Mounting Flange 1.87 (47.49mm ID outlet, four #12-

24 screws arranged in a rectangular

1 None Reference Pressure Ports Two 1/8-NPT ports. Pressure

readings must be identical within
0.25 inH2O (0.623 mbar) at all

Air Valve Vacuum (AVV) 1/4-28 UNF

Port Size

Fuel Inlet Adjustments None

Idle Air Adjustment None

Mounting Suitable for on-engine mounting in

vertical orientation

G643(E) Service Manual 143 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Components Items Specifications
G643E G643
CA100 Mixer Fuel LPG
For G643
Fuel Inlet Fitting 1/2 NPT
Fuel inlet fitted with Delphi
temperature sensor

Air Intake Flange 2.25 (57.15mm) ID inlet, four #10-

24 screws in 1.94 (49.28mm)
square pattern

Mixer Mounting Flange 1.87 (47.49mm ID outlet, four #12-

24 screws arranged in a rectangular
None 1
Reference Pressure 1/4-1/8 NPT ports. Pressure
Ports readings must be identical within
0.25 inH2O (0.623 mbar) at all

Air Valve Vacuum (AVV) 1/4-28 UNF

Port Size

Fuel Inlet Adjustments Power valve

Idle Air Adjustment Idle adjustment screw

Mounting Suitable for on-engine mounting in

vertical orientation
Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) Actuator Type On/off two-position valve compatible
2 None
Operating Voltage with LPG 8-16 Vdc

G643(E) Service Manual 144 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Component Location

LP Fuel Lock-off
Engine Control Module (SECM48)

TMAP Sensor
Crankshaft Position Sensor

Coolant Temperature Sensor

LP Fuel Temperature Sensor

G643(E) Service Manual 145 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Pre-Catalyst Oxygen Sensor Post-Catalyst Oxygen Sensor

Pedal Angle Sensor Engine Oil Pressure Switch

Ground Speed limit (option) Sensor Ground speed limit (option) - Controller

G643(E) Service Manual 146 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Electronic Throttle Body Fuel Trim Valve(FTV)

Ignition Coil Distributor

N-2007 LP Regulator CA100 Mixer

G643(E) Service Manual 147 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

G643E EMS (Engine Management System) Overview

General Description
MI-07 control system provides a complete, fully MI-07 is a closed loop system utilizing a catalytic
integrated engine management system that meets muffler to reduce the emission level in the exhaust
or exceeds 2007 emission standards for Large gas. In order to obtain maximum effect from the
Spark Ignited (LSI) engines established by the catalyst, an accurate control of the air fuel ratio is
California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the required. A small engine control module (SECM)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). uses two heated exhaust gas oxygen sensors
(HEGO) in the exhaust system to monitor exhaust
The control system is applicable to naturally gas content. One HEGO is installed in front of the
aspirated engines running on LPG and/or gasoline. catalytic muffler and one is installed after the
It provides accurate, reliable, and durable control of catalytic muffler.
fuel, spark, and air over the service life of the engine
in the extreme operating environment found in
heavy-duty, under hood, on-engine electronic

[Figure 1] MI-07 LP Fuel System for G643E Engine

The SECM makes any necessary corrections to the connecting the accelerator pedal to the electronic
air fuel ratio by controlling the inlet fuel pressure to throttle through the electrical harness; mechanical
the air/fuel mixer by modulating the dual fuel trim cables are not used. A throttle position sensor (TPS)
valves (FTV) connected to the regulator. Reducing monitors throttle position in relation to the
the fuel pressure leans the air/fuel mixture and accelerator pedal position sensor (APP) command.
increasing the fuel pressure enriches the air/fuel Even engine coolant temperature and adequate oil
mixture. To calculate any necessary corrections to pressure are monitored by the SECM. The SECM
the air fuel ratio, the SECM uses a number of controller has full adaptive learning capabilities,
different sensors to gain information about the allowing it to adapt control function as operating
engines performance. Engine speed is monitored conditions change. Factors such as ambient
by the SECM through a Variable reluctance (VR) temperature, fuel variations, ignition component
sensor. Intake manifold air temperature and wear, clogged air filter, and other operating variables
absolute pressure are monitored with a TMAP are compensated.
sensor. MI-07 is a drive-by-wire (DBW) system

G643(E) Service Manual 148 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

LP Fuel System of G643E (certified engine system)

Crank Sensor Throttle body

TMAP sensor
lgnition module
(built in Distributor)
Coolant Temp
2 Fuel trim valves

EG oil pressure switch

LP fuelock valve

T/M Temp switch

CAN communication

Accel pedal angle sensor SECM

Throttle position sensor

Pre Oxygen sensor

Post Oxygen sensor

LP fuel temp sensor

Ground speed Limit


G643(E) Service Manual 149 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

MI-07 System Components Intake/Exhaust manifold design

Catalytic converter and exhaust system

The MI-07 control system provides electronic control
to the following subsystems on mobile industrial
Throttle body
Air intake and air filter
Fuel delivery system
LPG mixer
Spark-ignition control system
LPG pressure regulator
Air throttle
Fuel trim valves
Sensors/Switches/Speed inputs
Fuel trim orifices
The chart below lists the MI-07 components required
for a G643 (E) engine operating on LP fuel.
Small engine control module (SECM), firmware
and calibration
G643E G643
Fuel system sensors and actuators
1 1 Engine Control Module
(SECM) Ignition system including spark plugs, cables, coils
None None Camshaft Position and drivers
1 1 Crankshaft Position
MI-07 System Features
1 1 TMAP Sensor
1 None Fuel Temperature The MI-07 system uses an advanced speed-density
Sensor control strategy for fuel, spark, and air throttle
1 None Transmission Oil control. Key features include the following.
Temperature Switch
2 None Oxygen Sensors Closed-loop fuel control
1 1 Coolant Temperature
Sensor Speed-load spark control with tables for dwell,
timing, and fuel type
1 1 Engine Oil Pressure
Speed-load throttle control with table for maximum
2 None Fuel Trim Valve
TPS limiting
1 1 Ignition Coil
1 1 Fuel Lock Off Solenoid
Closed-loop fuel control with two oxygen sensors
N-2007 N-2001 LP Regulator (one installed pre catalyst and one installed post
CA-100 CA-100 LP Mixer catalyst). The pre-catalyst oxygen sensor includes
(Certified) adaptive learn to compensate for fuel or
1 1 Electronic Throttle Body component drift. The post-catalyst oxygen sensor
includes adaptive learn to compensate the pre-
catalyst oxygen sensor setting for pre-catalyst
oxygen sensor drift and catalyst aging. The pre-
Key Components
catalyst oxygen sensor function includes
parameters for transport delay, O2 set point,
The MI-07 system functions primarily on engine excursion rich/lean, jump back rich/lean, and
components that affect engine emissions and perturbation.
performance. These key components include the
following: LPG fuel temperature compensation

Engine/Combustion chamber design Min/max governing

Intake/Exhaust valve configuration, timing and lift All-speed isochronous governing

G643(E) Service Manual 150 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Fixed-speed isochronous governing with three Limp Home Mode
switch-selectable speeds The system is capable of "limp-home" mode in the
event of particular faults or failures in the system. In
Fuel enrichment and spark timing modifiers for limp-home mode the engine speed is approximately
temperature and fuel type 1000 rpm at no load. A variety of fault conditions can
initiate limp-home mode. These fault conditions and
Transient fuel enrichment based on rate of change resulting actions are determined during calibration
of TPS and are OEM customer specific.

Transient wall wetting compensation for gasoline Service Tool

A scan tool/monitoring device is available to monitor
Input sensor selection and calibration system operation and assist in diagnosis of system
faults This device monitors all sensor inputs, control
Auxiliary device control for fuel pump, fuel lock-off outputs, and diagnostic functions in sufficient detail
solenoid, tachometer, MIL, interlocks, vehicle through a single access point to the SECM to allow
speed limiting, etc. a qualified service technician to maintain the system.
This Mototune software (licensed by Mototron
CANBus data transfer for speed, torque, etc. Communication) is secure and requires a crypt-
token USB device to allow access to information.

Other system features include:

LPG Fuel System Operation

Tamper-Resistance The principles outlined below describe the operation

Special tools, equipment, knowledge, and of MI-07 on an LPG fuel system.
authorization are required to effect any changes to
the MI-07 system, thereby preventing unauthorized An LPG fuel system consists of the following
personnel from making adjustments that will affect components:
performance or emissions.
Fuel filter
MI-07 is capable of monitoring and diagnosing Electric fuel lock-off solenoid valve
problems and faults within the system. These
include all sensor input hardware, control output Fuel pressure regulator/vaporizer
hardware, and control functions such as closed-loop
fuel control limits and adaptive learn limits. Upon Two orificed fuel trim valves
detecting a fault condition, the system notifies the
operator by illuminating the MIL and activating the Gas/Air mixer with fixed orifice for trim system and
appropriate fault action. The action required by each fuel temperature sensor
fault shall be programmable by the OEM customer
at the time the engine is calibrated. Miscellaneous customer-supplied hoses and
Diagnostic information can be communicated
through both the service tool interface and the MIL Fuel is stored in the customer-supplied LPG tank in
lamp. With the MIL lamp, it is possible to generate a saturated liquid phase and enters the fuel system
string of flashing codes that correspond to the fault from the tank as a liquid and at tank pressure. Fuel
type. These diagnostics are generated only when passes through a high-pressure fuel filter and lock-
the engine is not running and the operator initiates a off solenoid, and is then vaporized and regulated
diagnostic request sequence such as repeated down to the appropriate pressure to supply the
actuations of the pedal within a short period of time mixer. The regulator controls the fuel pressure to the
following reset. gas/air mixer.

G643(E) Service Manual 151 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Dual Dither Valve SECM

The key to meeting emissions requirements when The Small Engine Control Module (SECM) controls
operating in LPG is the dual dither valve hardware in the LPG lock-off solenoid valve and the FTVs. The
the fuel system. Similar to the MI-04 system, the lock-off solenoid is energized when fueling with LPG
dual dither system modulates the fuel pressure and the engine is turning. FTV modulation frequency
regulator outlet pressure by providing an offset to will be varied as a function of rpm by the SECM in
the regulator secondary stage reference pressure. order to avoid resonance phenomena in the fuel
By adding a second dither valve, or fuel trim valve system. FTV commands will be altered by the
(FTV), to the MI-07 system, smoother, more SECM in order to maintain a stoichiometric air-fuel
accurate control of supply pressure is achieved, ratio. Commands are based primarily on feedback
resulting in better control of air fuel ratio and from the exhaust gas oxygen sensor, with an offset
emissions. This smoother control also minimizes for fuel temperature.
wear on fuel system components such as the
regulator diaphragm and lever by significantly
reducing the pressure pulsations observed with a MI-07 LP Fuel Filter
single FTV.

After exiting the fuel tank, liquid propane passes

Regulator Pressure Offset through a serviceable inline fuel filter to the electric
fuel lock off. Figure 3 shows a typical inline type LP
fuel filter manufactured by Century. The primary
Regulator pressure offset is achieved through the function of the fuel filter is to remove particles and
use of a fixed orifice and a variable orifice in series. sediments that have found their way into the tank.
The inlet to the fixed orifice is connected to the The LP fuel filter will not remove heavy end solids
mixer inlet pressure (roughly equal to ambient and paraffins that build up in LPG fuel systems as a
pressure). The outlet of the fixed orifice is connected result of vaporization.
to both the pressure regulator reference port and the
inlet to the two FTVs (the variable orifice) that act in
parallel. The outlets of the FTVs are connected to
the mixer outlet, referred to as Air Valve Vacuum
(AVV). Thus, by modulating the FTVs, the pressure
regulator reference pressure can be varied between
mixer inlet pressure and AVV. For a given change in
the pressure regulator reference pressure, the
pressure regulator outlet pressure changes by the
same amount and in the same direction. The end
result is that a change in FTV modulation changes
the outlet pressure of the regulator/fuel inlet
pressure of the mixer, and thus the AFR. A major
benefit of this trim system results from the use of Figure 3. Inline LP Fuel Filter
mixer inlet pressure and AVV as the reference
pressure extremes. The pressure differential across
the mixer fuel valve is related to these same two
pressures, and thus so is fuel flow. Given this
arrangement, the bias pressure delta scales with the
fuel cone delta pressure. The result is that the trim
system control authority and resolution on AFR
stays relatively constant for the entire speed and
load range of the engine.

G643(E) Service Manual 152 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

MI-07 Fuel Lock-Off (Electric) the Run state, when the engine reaches pre-idle rpm.
When an operator turns on the key switch the lock-
off is opened, but if the operator fails to crank the
The fuel lock-off is a safety shutoff valve, normally engine the SECM will close the lock-off after 5
held closed by spring pressure, which is operated by seconds.
an electric solenoid and prevents fuel flow to the
regulator/ converter when the engine is not in
operation. This is the first of three safety locks in the
MI-07 system. N-2007 Pressure Regulator/Vaporizer

The pressure regulator/vaporizer receives liquid

LPG from the fuel storage tank, drops the pressure,
changes the LPG phase from liquid to vapor, and
provides vapor phase LPG at a regulated outlet
pressure to the mixer. To offset the refrigeration
effect of the vaporization process, the regulator will
be supplied with engine coolant flow sufficient to
offset the latent heat of vaporization of the LPG.

A thermostat provided in the coolant supply line to

maintain regulator outlet coolant temperature at or
below 140oF (60C) will minimize the deposit of fuel
Figure 4. Electric Fuel Lock Assembly
contaminants and heavy ends in the regulator and
assure a more controlled vaporization process with
In the MI-07 design, power is supplied to the fuel
reduced pressure pulsations.
lock-off via the main power relay with the SECM
controlling the lock-off ground (earth) connection.
A higher flow pressure regulator is required on
The lock-off remains in a normally closed (NC)
larger engines.
position until the key switch is activated.
This supplies power to the lock-off and the SECM,
but will not open the lock-off via the main power
relay until the SECM provides the lock-off ground
connection. This design gives the SECM full control
of the lock-off while providing additional safety by
closing the fuel lock-off in the unlikely event of a
power failure, wiring failure or module failure.

When the liquid service valve in the fuel container is

opened, liquid propane flows through the LP filter
and through the service line to the fuel lock-off.
Liquid propane enters the lock-off through the 1/4
NPT liquid inlet port and stops with the lock-off in the
Figure 5. N-2007 Regulator
normally closed position. When the engine is
cranked over the main power relay applies power to
The regulator is normally closed, requiring a vacuum
the lock-off and the SECM provides the lock-off
signal (negative pressure) to allow fuel to flow. This
ground causing current to flow through the windings
is the second of three safety locks in the MI-07
of the solenoid creating a magnetic field. The
system. If the engine stops, vacuum signal stops
strength of this magnetic field is sufficient to lift the
and fuel flow will automatically stop when both the
lock-off valve off of its seat against spring pressure.
secondary (2nd stage) valve and the primary (1st
When the valve is open liquid propane, at tank
stage) valve closes. Unlike most other
pressure, flows through the lock-off outlet to the
regulator/converters, the N-2007 primary valve
pressure regulator/converter. A stall safety shutoff
closes with fuel pressure rather than against
feature is built into the SECM to close the lock-off in
pressure, extending primary seat life and adding
case of a stall condition. The SECM monitors three
additional safety.
engine states: Crank, when the crankshaft position
sensor detects any engine revolutions; Stall, when
the key is in the ON position but the crankshaft
position sensor detects no engine revolutions; and

G643(E) Service Manual 153 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Liquid propane must be converted into a gaseous When the engine is cranking or running a negative
form in order to be used as a fuel for the engine. pressure signal (vacuum) travels through the vapor
When the regulator receives the desired vacuum fuel outlet connection of the regulator, which is the
signal it allows propane to flow to the mixer. As the regulator secondary chamber, and the vapor fuel
propane flows through the regulator the pressure is inlet of the mixer. The negative pressure in the
reduced in two stages from tank pressure to slightly secondary chamber causes a pressure/force
less than atmospheric pressure. As the pressure of imbalance on the secondary diaphragm, which
the propane is reduced, the liquid propane vaporizes overcomes the secondary spring force, opening the
and refrigeration occurs inside the regulator due to secondary valve and allowing vapor propane to flow
the vaporization of liquid propane. To replace heat out of the expansion chamber, through the
lost to vaporization, engine coolant is supplied by secondary chamber to the mixer.
the engine driven water pump and pumped through
the regulator. Heat provided by this coolant is
transferred through to the fuel vaporization chamber.

N-2007 Operation
(Refer to Figure 6.)
Liquid propane, at tank pressure, enters the N-2007
through the fuel inlet port (1). Propane liquid then
flows through the primary valve (2). The primary
valve located at the inlet of the expansion chamber
(3), is controlled by the primary diaphragm (4),
which reacts to vapor pressure inside the expansion
chamber. Two springs are used to apply force on Figure 6. Parts View of N-2007 Regulator
the primary diaphragm in the primary diaphragm
chamber (5), keeping the primary valve open when Because vapor propane has now left the expansion
no fuel pressure is present. chamber, the pressure in the chamber will drop,
causing the primary diaphragm spring force to re-
A small port connects the expansion chamber to the open the primary valve allowing liquid propane to
primary diaphragm chamber. At the outlet of the enter the regulator, and the entire process starts
expansion chamber is the secondary valve (6). The again. This creates a balanced condition between
secondary valve is held closed by the secondary the primary and secondary chambers allowing for a
spring on the secondary valve lever (7). The constant flow of fuel to the mixer as long as the
secondary diaphragm controls the secondary lever. demand from the engine is present. The fuel flow is
When the pressure in the expansion chamber maintained at a constant output pressure, due to the
reaches 1.5 psig (10.3 kPa) it causes a calibrated secondary spring. The amount of fuel
pressure/force imbalance across the primary flowing will vary depending on how far the
diaphragm (8). This force is greater than the primary secondary valve opens in response to the negative
diaphragm spring pressure and will cause the pressure signal generated by the air/fuel mixer. The
diaphragm to close the primary valve. strength of that negative pressure signal developed
by the mixer is directly related to the amount of air
Since the fuel pressure has been reduced from tank flowing through the mixer into the engine. With this
pressure to 1.5 psig (10.3 kPa) the liquid propane process, the larger the quantity of air flowing into the
vaporizes. As the propane vaporizes it takes on heat engine, the larger the amount of fuel flowing to the
from the expansion chamber. This heat is replaced mixer.
by engine coolant, which is pumped through the
coolant passage of the regulator. At this point vapor
propane will not flow past the expansion chamber of
the regulator until the secondary valve is opened. To
open the secondary valve, a negative pressure
signal must be received from the air/fuel mixer.

G643(E) Service Manual 154 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

CA100 Mixer

The mixer is installed above the throttle body and

meters gaseous fuel into the airstream at a rate that
is proportional to the volumetric flow rate of air. The
ratio between volumetric airflow and volumetric fuel
flow is controlled by the shaping of the mixer fuel
cone and biased by the controllable fuel supply
pressure delivered by the pressure regulator. Fuel
flow must be metered accurately over the full range
of airflows. Pressure drop across the mixer air valve
must be minimized to assure maximum power Figure 8. CA100 Mixer Attached to Throttle Body
output from the engine.
(Refer to Figure 98.)
The mixer fuel inlet is fitted with a thermistor-type The air/fuel mixer is mounted in the intake air stream
temperature sensor. This permits the SECM to between the air cleaner and the throttle. The design
correct fuel pressure to compensate for variations in of the main body incorporates a cylindrical bore or
fuel temperature. Left uncorrected, fuel temperature mixer bore, fuel inlet (1) and a gas discharge jet (2).
variations can cause significant variations in air fuel In the center of the main body is the air valve
ratio. assembly, which is made up of the air valve (3), the
gas-metering valve (4), and air valve diaphragm (5)
A higher flow mixer is required on larger engines. A and air valve spring (6). The gas-metering valve is
lower flow mixer is required on smaller engines. permanently mounted to the air valve diaphragm
assembly with a face seal mounted between the two

When the engine is not running this face seal

creates a barrier against the gas discharge jet,
preventing fuel flow with the aid (downward force) of
the air valve spring. When the engine is cranked
over it begins to draw in air, creating a negative
pressure signal. This negative pressure signal is
transmitted through four vacuum ports in the air

Figure 7. CA100 Mixer

CA100 Mixer Operation

Vapor propane fuel is supplied to the CA100 mixer
by the N-2007 pressure regulator/converter. The
mixer uses a diaphragm type air valve assembly to
operate a gas-metering valve inside the mixer. The
gas-metering valve is normally closed, requiring a
negative pressure (vacuum) signal from a cranking
or running engine to open. This is the third of the
Figure 9. Parts View of CA100 Mixer
three safety locks in the MI-07 system. If the engine
stops or is turned off, the air valve assembly closes
the gas-metering valve, stopping fuel flow past the
mixer. The gas-metering valve controls the amount
of fuel to be mixed with the incoming air at the
proper ratio. The air/fuel mixture then travels past
the throttle, through the intake manifold and into the
engine cylinders where it is compressed, ignited and

G643(E) Service Manual 155 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

A pressure/force imbalance begins to build across A main mixture adjustment valve on the fuel inlet of
the air valve diaphragm between the air valve the CA100 is not used in the MI-07 system, however
vacuum (AVV) chamber (above the diaphragm) and an idle mixture adjustment is incorporated into the
atmospheric pressure below the diaphragm. mixer (Figure 12). The idle mixture adjustment is an
Approximately 6 inH2O (14.945 mbar) of negative air bypass port, adjusting the screw all the way in,
pressure is required to overcome the air valve spring blocks off the port and enriches the idle mixture.
force and push the air valve assembly upward off Backing out the idle adjustment screw opens the
the valve seat. Approximately 24 inH2O (59.781 port and leans the idle mixture. The idle mixture
mbar) pulls the valve assembly to the top of its travel screw is a screw with locking threads that is factory
in the full open position. set with a tamper proof cap installed after
adjustment. Accurate adjustment of the idle mixture
The amount of negative pressure generated is a can be accomplished by adjusting for a specific fuel
direct result of throttle position and the amount of air trim valve (FTV) duty cycle with the Service Tool
flowing through the mixer to the engine. At low software or with a voltmeter.
engine speeds, low AVV causes the air valve
diaphragm assembly to move upward a small NOTE: Adjustments should only be performed by
amount, creating a small venturi. At high engine trained service technicians.
speeds, high AVV causes the air valve diaphragm
assembly to move much farther creating a large
venturi. The variable venturi air/fuel mixer constantly
matches venturi size to engine demand.

Figure 12. Idle Mixture Adjustment Screw

(with tamper proof cap removed)

Figure 10. Bottom View of Air Valve Assembly

Figure 11. CA100 Mixer Installed with Electronic


G643(E) Service Manual 156 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Fuel Trim Valve (FTV)

The Fuel Trim Valve (FTV) is a two-way electric

solenoid valve and is controlled by a pulse-width
modulated (PWM) signal provided by the SECM.
Two FTVs are used to bias the output fuel pressure
on the LPG regulator/converter (N-2007), by
metering air valve vacuum (AVV) into the
atmospheric side of the N-2007 secondary regulator
diaphragm. An orifice balance line connected to the
air inlet side of the mixer provides atmospheric
reference to the N-2007 when the FTV is closed.
The SECM uses feedback voltage from the O2
sensor to determine the amount of bias needed to
the regulator/converter.

In normal operation the N-2007 maintains fuel flow

at a constant output pressure, due to the calibrated
secondary spring. The amount of fuel flowing from
the N-2007 will vary depending on how far the
secondary diaphragm opens the secondary valve in
response to the negative pressure signal generated
by the air/fuel mixer. One side of the N-2007
secondary diaphragm is referenced to FTV control
pressure while the other side of the diaphragm
reacts to the negative pressure signal from the mixer.
If the pressure on the reference side of the N-2007
secondary diaphragm is reduced, the diaphragm will
close the secondary valve until a balance condition
exists across the diaphragm, reducing fuel flow and
leaning the air/fuel mixture.

G643(E) Service Manual 157 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Branch-Tee Fitting

secondary diaphragm, which lowers the reference

A branch-tee fitting is installed in the atmospheric
pressure, closing the N-2007 secondary valve and
vent port of the N-2007 with one side of the branch-
leaning the air/fuel mixture. The MI-07 system is
tee connected to the intake side of the mixer forming
calibrated to run rich without the FTV. By modulating
the balance line and referencing atmospheric
(pulsing) the FTVs the SECM can control the
pressure. The other side of the branch-tee fitting
amount of AVV applied to the N-2007 secondary
connects to the FTV inlet (small housing side). The
diaphragm. Increasing the amount of time the FTVs
FTV outlet (large housing connector side) connects
remain open (modulation or duty cycle) causes the
to the AVV port. When the FTVs are open AVV is
air/fuel mixture to become leaner; decreasing the
sent to the atmospheric side of the N-2007
modulation (duty cycle) enriches the mixture.

Figure 13. Fuel Trim Valves Connected to MI-07 System

G643(E) Service Manual 158 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Electronic Throttle System MI-07 Electronic Throttle
Conventional throttle systems rely on a mechanical
linkage to control the throttle valve. To meet
The electronic throttle system controls engine output
fluctuating engine demands a conventional system
(speed and torque) through electronic control of
will typically include a throttle valve actuator
mass airflow to the engine. Any DC motor-actuated
designed to readjust the throttle opening in response
or Limited Angle Torquemotor (LAT)-actuated
to engine demand, together with an idle control
throttle with less than 5A peak and 2A steady state
actuator or idle air bypass valve.
can be controlled. The TPS must be directly coupled
to the throttle shaft for direct shaft position
In contrast, the MI-07 system uses electronic throttle
control (ETC). The SECM controls the throttle valve
based on engine RPM, engine load, and information
A commonly used throttle is the Bosch DV-E5. This
received from the foot pedal. Two potentiometers on
throttle is available in a variety of bore sizes to meet
the foot pedal assembly monitor accelerator pedal
specific engine needs: 32mm, 40mm, and 54mm are
travel. The electronic throttle used in the MI-07
readily available throttle bore sizes; other sizes are
system is a Bosch 40mm electronic throttle body
possible. The Bosch throttle is a fully validated
DV-E5 (Figure 14). The DV-E5 is a single unit
automotive component incorporating a brushed DC
assembly, which includes the throttle valve, throttle-
motor with gear reduction, dual throttle position
valve actuator (DC motor) and two throttle position
sensors, throttle plate, and cast aluminum housing.
sensors (TPS). The SECM calculates the correct
In the event of an electrical disconnection or other
throttle valve opening that corresponds to the
related failure, the throttle plate returns to a limp-
drivers demand, makes any adjustments needed for
home idle position at a no-load engine speed above
adaptation to the engines current operating
curb idle speed. This provides sufficient airflow for
conditions and then generates a corresponding
the engine to move the vehicle on level ground. Any
electrical (driver) signal to the throttle-valve actuator.
throttle bodies used for MI-07 meet or exceed the
specification for the Bosch throttle bodies.

In terms of response, the throttle is capable of fully

opening and closing in less than 50 msec. Position
resolution and steady state control should be 0.25%
of full travel or better.

Figure 14. Bosch Electronic Throttle Body

The MI-07 uses a dual TPS design (TPS1 and

TPS2). The SECM continuously checks and
monitors all sensors and calculations that effect
throttle valve position whenever the engine is
running. If any malfunctions are encountered, the
SECMs initial response is to revert to redundant
sensors and calculated data. If no redundant signal
is available or calculated data cannot solve the
malfunction, the SECM will drive the system into one
of its limp-home modes or shut the engine down,
storing the appropriate fault information in the SECM.

G643(E) Service Manual 159 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

There are multiple limp-home modes available with Ignition System Control
electronic throttle control:
Spark-ignited engines require accurate control of
1. If the throttle itself is suspected of being spark timing and spark energy for efficient
inoperable, the SECM will remove the power to combustion. The MI-07 ignition system provides this
the throttle motor. When the power is removed, control. The system consists of the following
the throttle blade returns to its default position, components:
approximately 7% open.
2. If the SECM can still control the throttle but some
other part of the system is suspected of failure, Distributor with ignition module
the SECM will enter a Reduced Power mode. In
this mode, the power output of the engine is Ignition coil *
limited by reducing the maximum throttle position
allowed. Crankshaft position sensor *

3. In some cases, the SECM will shut the engine Crankshaft timing wheel *
down. This is accomplished by stopping ignition,
turning off the fuel, and disabling the throttle. Spark plugs *

The SECM, through use of embedded control

algorithms and calibration variables, determines the
proper time to start energizing the coil and fire the
spark plug. This requires accurate crank/camshaft
position information, an engine speed calculation,
coil energy information, and target spark timing. The
SECM provides a TTL compatible signal for spark
control. The coil must contain the driver circuitry
necessary to energize the primary spark coil
otherwise an intermediary coil driver device must be
provided. The SECM controls spark energy (dwell
time) and spark discharge timing.

Picture courtesy of Robert Bosch GmbH

Figure 15. Throttle Body Assembly Exploded View

Figure 14. GM Distributor

G643(E) Service Manual 160 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

The MI-07 system is capable of operating with either Exhaust System
a distributor based ignition system or a
distributorless ignition system. The current Heated Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensors (HEGO)
application uses a distributor based ignition system. The MI-07 system utilizes two HEGO (O2) sensors.
The distributor will have no internal advance One sensor is a pre-catalyst sensor that detects the
mechanisms giving the SECM consistent authority amount of oxygen in the exhaust stream and is
over ignition timing. The spark is sent to the considered the primary control point. Based upon
appropriate cylinder in the conventional way via the the O2 sensor feedback, the MI-07 system supplies
rotor arm and spark plug wires. The SECM uses the a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio to the catalytic
signal from the GM (General Motors) Delco Ignition converter. The catalytic converter then reduces
Module to determine the engine position and RPM emissions to the required levels. The second sensor
at any time. It uses this information together with the is a post-catalyst sensor that detects the amount of
information from the TPS sensor and TMAP to oxygen after the catalyst. This sensor is used as a
calculate the appropriate ignition timing settings. secondary control point to adjust the pre-catalyst
setpoint to ensure proper catalyst conversion
The General Motors (GM) distributor (Figure 14) efficiency.
used in the Delco EST ignition system, incorporates

Figure 18. HEGO (O2) Sensor

a Variable Reluctance (VR) sensor, which transmits
a reference signal to the GM ignition module (Figure Once a HEGO sensor reaches approximately 600F
15) located on the distributor. A variable reluctance (316C), it becomes electrically active. The
sensor is an electromagnetic device consisting of a concentration of oxygen in the exhaust stream
permanent magnet surrounded by a winding of wire. determines the voltage produced. If the engine is
The sensor is used in conjunction with a ferrous running rich, little oxygen will be present in the
signal rotor on the distributor shaft. The signal rotor exhaust and voltage output will be relatively high.
has six lobes, one for each cylinder. Rotation of the Conversely, in a lean situation, more oxygen will be
signal rotor near the tip of the sensor changes the present and a smaller electrical potential will be
magnetic flux, creating an analog voltage signal in noticed.
the sensor coil.
(1) lgnition coil (2) Ignition module In order for the sensor to become active and create
an electrical signal below 600F (316C) a heated
Figure 15. GM Ignition Module element is added to the sensor housing. Two wires
provide the necessary 12 Vdc and ground signal for
The rising edge of the VR signal is converted to a the heater element. A fourth wire provides an
rising 5-volt signal by the ignition module. As the VR independent ground for the sensor. The pre-catalyst
signal passes back through zero volts, a falling edge sensor heater is powered by the main power relay
is created producing a square wave or digital signal, and is always powered. The post-catalyst sensor
similar to the signal produced by a Hall effect sensor. heater is powered from an additional relay that is
This falling edge signal provides a stable engine controlled by the SECM. This relay is only energized
position reference at all engine speeds for the when the SECM calculates that water condensation
SECM. in the exhaust system and catalytic muffler prior to
the sensor should be evaporated. This is to avoid
thermal shock of the sensor that could prematurely
fail the sensor.

G643(E) Service Manual 161 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

The HEGO stoichiometric air-fuel ratio voltage target over a platinum and palladium catalyst. Cerium is
is approximately 500 mV and changes slightly as a also used to promote oxygen storage and improve
function of speed and load. When the pre-catalyst oxidation efficiency.
HEGO sensor sends a voltage signal less than 450
mV the SECM interprets the air-fuel mixture as lean.
The SECM then decreases the PWM duty cycle sent
to the fuel trim valves in order to increase the fuel
pressure to the mixer inlet; thus richening air-fuel
mixture. The opposite is true if the SECM receives a
voltage signal above 450 mV from the HEGO. The
air-fuel mixture would then be interpreted as being
too rich and the SECM would increase the duty
cycle of the trim valves.

The HEGO sensors are calibrated to work with
the MI-07 control system. Use of alternate senso- As exhaust and catalyst temperatures rise the
rs may impact performance and the ability of the following reaction occurs:
system to diagnose rich and lean conditions.
Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are reduced into simple
nitrogen (N2) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Catalytic Muffler Hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO)

are oxidized to create water (H2O) and carbon
In order to meet 2007 emission requirements a 3- dioxide (CO2).
way catalyst is necessary.

All exhaust gases pass through a catalyst that is

mounted in the catalytic muffler. It filters the harmful
gases through a dense honeycomb structure coated
with precious metals such as platinum, palladium,
and rhodium. Chemical reactions occur on these
surfaces to convert the pollutants into less harmful
gases. Catalysts store oxygen on lean mixtures
(less than optimal amount of fuel) and release
oxygen on rich mixtures (more than optimal amount
of fuel). The primary pollutant produced on the lean
swing is nitrous oxide. Oxygen is removed from
nitrous oxide by the converter, resulting in nitrogen
gas, a harmless emission. On the rich cycle, the The MI-07 control system monitors the exhaust
primary pollutant is carbon monoxide. By adding the stream pre and post catalyst and uses this
oxygen that was stored on the lean cycle to the information to control the air-fuel mixture. By using
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide is produced. the signals from the HEGOs, the SECM can
increase or decrease the amount of oxygen in the
Inside the catalytic muffler is a three-way catalyst as exhaust by modulating the FTVs and adjusting the
well as sound dampening and spark arresting air-fuel ratio. This control scheme allows the SECM
features. The three-way catalyst section consists of to make sure that the engine is running at the
a honeycomb coated with a mixture of platinum, correct air to fuel ratio so that the catalyst can
palladium and rhodium. As engine exhaust gases perform as required to meet the emissions
flow through the converter passageways, they certification.
contact the coated surface, which initiate the
catalytic process. The reduction catalyst is the first
stage of the catalytic converter. It uses platinum and
rhodium to help reduce the NOx emissions. The
oxidation catalyst is the second stage of the catalytic
converter. It reduces the unburned hydrocarbons
and carbon monoxide by burning (oxidizing) them

G643(E) Service Manual 162 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

SECM position sensor (TPS), and the accelerator pedal
position sensors (APP1 & APP2).
General Description
The SECM provides a transducer ground for all the
The Small Engine Control Module (SECM) controller sensors, and a low side driver signal controlling the
has full authority over spark, fuel and air. Utilizing a fuel lock-off, MIL, gasoline injectors, gasoline fuel
Freescale micro controller, the SECM has 48 pins of pump, and FTVs.
I/O and is fully waterproof and shock hardened. To
optimize engine performance and drivability, the
SECM uses several sensors for closed loop Fuel Management
feedback information. These sensors are used by
the SECM for closed loop control in three main During engine cranking at startup, the SECM
categories: provides a low side driver signal to the fuel lock-off,
which opens the lock-off allowing liquid propane to
Fuel Management flow to the N-2007 regulator. A stall safety shutoff
feature is built into the SECM to close the lock-off in
Load/Speed Management case of a stall condition. The SECM monitors three
engine states:
Ignition Management
Crank, when the crankshaft position sensor detects
any engine revolutions
Stall, when the key is in the ON position but the
crankshaft position sensor detects no engine
Run state, when the engine reaches pre-idle RPM.

When an operator turns on the key switch the lock-

off is opened but if the operator fails to crank the
engine, the SECM will close the lock-off after 5

To maintain proper exhaust emission levels, the

SECM uses a heated exhaust gas oxygen sensor
The SECM monitors system parameters and stores (HEGO) mounted before the catalyst, to measure
any out of range conditions or malfunctions as faults exhaust gas content in the LP gas system. Engine
in SECM memory. Engine run hours are also stored speed is monitored by the SECM through a variable
in memory. Stored fault codes can be displayed on reluctance (VR) sensor or Hall-Effect type sensor.
the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) as flash codes Intake manifold air temperature and absolute
or read by the MI-07 Service Tool software through pressure are monitored with a (TMAP) sensor.
a CAN (Controller Area Network) communication The HEGO voltage is converted to an air/fuel ratio
link. value. This value is then compared to a target value
in the SECM. The target value is based on
Constant battery power (12 Vdc) is supplied through optimizing catalyst efficiency for a given load and
the fuse block to the SECM and the main power speed. The SECM then calculates any corrections
relays. Upon detecting a key-switch ON input, the that need to be made to the air/fuel ratio.
SECM will fully power up and energize the main The system operates in open loop fuel control until
power relays. the engine has done a certain amount of work.
The energized main power relays supply 12 Vdc This ensures that the engine and HEGO are
power to the heated element of the oxygen sensors, sufficiently warmed up to stay in control. In open
fuel lock-off, fuel trim valves (FTVs), gasoline loop control, the FTV duty cycle is based on engine
injectors, gasoline fuel pump, crank sensor, cam speed and load.
sensor, and the ignition coils. Once the HEGO reaches operating temperature the
The SECM supplies voltage to the electronic throttle fuel management is in closed loop control for all
actuator, oil pressure switch, fuel temperature steady state conditions, from idle through full throttle.
sensor, and the coolant temperature sensor. In closed loop mode, the FTV duty cycle is based on
Transducer or sensor power (+ 5 Vdc) is regulated feedback from the HEGO sensor. The system may
by the SECM and supplied to the manifold return to open-loop operation when engine load or
temperature/air pressure (TMAP) sensor, throttle engine speed vary beyond a chosen threshold.

G643(E) Service Manual 163 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

The SECM makes any necessary corrections to the
air-fuel ratio by controlling the inlet fuel pressure to
the air-fuel mixer Reducing the fuel pressure leans
the air/fuel mixture and increasing the fuel pressure
enriches the air-fuel mixture. Control is achieved by
modulating the fuel trim valves.

Speed Management

Drive-by-wire refers to the fact that the MI-07 control

system has no throttle cable from the foot pedal to
the throttle body. Instead, the SECM is electronically Figure 20. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) on DV-E5
connected both to the foot pedal assembly and the Throttle
throttle body.
The SECM monitors the foot pedal position and NOTE : The DV-E5 throttle is not a serviceable
controls the throttle plate by driving a DC motor assembly. If a TPS sensor fails, the assembly
connected to the throttle. The DC motor actuates the should be replaced.
throttle plate to correspond to the foot pedal position
when the operator depresses the pedal. The SECM The MI-07 system also performs minimum (min) and
will override the pedal command above a maximum maximum (max) speed governing through the
engine speed and below a minimum idle speed. SECM and DBW throttle. For min governing, or idle
speed control, the idle speed is fixed by the SECM.
Unlike a mechanical system, the idle speed is not
adjustable by the end user. The idle speed is
adjusted by the SECM based on engine coolant
temperature. At these low engine speeds, the SECM
uses spark and throttle to maintain a constant speed
regardless of load.

The MI-07 system eliminates the need for air

velocity governors. This substantially increases the
peak torque and power available for a given system
as shown in Figure 21. When the engine speed
reaches the max governing point the speed is
Figure 19. Foot Pedal controlled by closing the DBW throttle. Using the
DBW throttle as the primary engine speed control
The use of electronic throttle control (ETC) ensures allows for a smooth transition into and out of the
that the engine receives only the correct amount of governor. If excessive over speed is detected, the
throttle opening for any given situation, greatly engine is shut down.
improving idle quality and drivability.

Two throttle position sensors (TPS1 and TPS2),

which are integral to the drive-by-wire (DBW) throttle
assembly, provide feedback for position control by
monitoring the exact position of the throttle valve.
See Figure 20.

SECM self-calibration and cross checking

compares both signals and then checks for errors.

G643(E) Service Manual 164 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Drive-By-Wire Signal Flow Process

Figure 21. Peak Torque and Power Available with

MI-07 System

Figure 22. Drive-By-Wire Signal Flow Process

Figure 22 describes the signal flow process of the

MI-07 DBW section. The foot pedal assembly uses
two potentiometers to detect pedal position.
These two signals, accelerator pedal position 1
(APP1) and accelerator pedal position 2 (APP2) are
sent directly to the SECM.
The SECM uses a series of algorithms to self
calibrate and cross check the signals from the pedal
assembly. A demand position for the throttle will
then be derived and sent to the throttle as a throttle
position sensor demand (TPSd). This signal will be
processed through a PID (Proportional, Integral,
Derivative) controller in the SECM to achieve the
appropriate motor-current response then passed to
the throttle. The throttle moves to the commanded
position and provides a feedback signal from the
throttle position sensors (TPS1 and TPS2) to the

G643(E) Service Manual 165 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Ignition Management SECM Wiring Diagrams for G643E

In the normal course of events, with the engine CAUTIONPROPER WIRING

operating at the correct temperature in defined
conditions, the SECM will use load and engine To prevent system faults be sure to follow good
speed to derive the correct ignition timing. In wiring practices. Poor wiring may cause unexpe-
addition to load and speed there are other cted or intermittent failures not related to MI-07
circumstances under which the SECM may need to components.
vary the ignition timing, including low engine coolant
temperature, air temperature, start-up, and idle
speed control.

SECM Electrical Mounting


In order to prevent the possibility of any SECM

malfunctions due to EMI/RFI emissions, the SECM
mounting and harness recommendations listed

The SECM should be mounted in a location that

minimizes the amount of EMI the module is
exposed to by locating it as far as practical from
all high tension components, such as ignition coils,
distributors, spark plug wires, etc. It is
recommended that the SECM be mounted at least
29.5 (749 mm) away from the distributor and
ignition coil, and at least 20 (508 mm) from the
nearest plug wire.

All wiring harnesses should be routed to minimize

coupling (both radiated and conducted), and be
securely fastened to minimize movement and
maintain proper clearance between the SECM
and all ignition system components.

The OEM must ensure that a high-quality ground

connection between the SECM and battery
negative () is provided and can be maintained for
the useful life of the vehicle. This may require the
use of star-type washers on all ground lug
connections between the SECM and the battery
and/or special preparation of all mating surfaces
that complete the ground connection in order to
ensure that the connection is sound.

G643(E) Service Manual 166 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)



F1 15A


14 AWG



F5 2A






B10_CAM+ LS04_A7












B21_CAN1- EST2_A10

120 OHM

1/4 W

















4 3




1 2



1 2












2 1




1 2

3 4





2 1




24 24

Figure21. SECM Wiring Diagram for G643E LP Fuel

G643(E) Service Manual 167 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

G643 EMS (Engine Management
System) Overview

General Description

MI-04 control system provides a complete, fully Engine speed is monitored by the SECM through a
integrated engine management system for naturally variable reluctance (VR) sensor. Intake manifold air
aspirated engines. temperature and absolute pressure are monitored
with a TMAP sensor. MI-04 is a drive-by-wire (DBW)
It provides accurate, reliable, and durable control of system connecting the accelerator pedal to the
spark and air over the service life of the engine in electronic throttle through the electrical harness;
the extreme operating environment found in heavy- mechanical cables are not used. A throttle position
duty, under hood, on-engine electronic controls. sensor (TPS) monitors throttle position in relation to
the accelerator pedal position sensor (APP)
The SECM monitors the engine through a number of command. Even engine coolant temperature and
different sensors to ensure optimal performance. adequate oil pressure are monitored by the SECM

Figure 2. G643 LP System

The LPG regulator and the mixer operate as an

open loop system since no mixture adjustments are
made by the SECM. The mixer does have an idle
mixture adjustment and a power valve adjustment.
Manifold pressure from the TMAP, rpm from the
crank position sensor and throttle position is used by
the SECM to calculate load. Feedback from the
electronic throttle is provided to the SECM by the
throttle position sensors (TPS).

G643(E) Service Manual 168 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

LP System of G643

Speed pick-up in Throttle body

lgnition Module
TMAP sensor

Coolant Temp

EG oil pressure switch LP fuelock valve

Accel pedal angle sensor CAN communication

Throttle position sensor

Ground speed limit


G643(E) Service Manual 169 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

MI-07 System Components Min/max governing

All-speed isochronous governing

The MI-07 control system provides electronic control
to the following subsystems on mobile industrial Fixed-speed isochronous governing with three
engines: switch-selectable speeds

Spark-ignition control system Spark timing modifiers for temperature and fuel
Air throttle
Input sensor selection and calibration
Sensors/Switches/Speed inputs
Auxiliary device control for fuel pump, fuel lock-off
Key Components solenoid, tachometer, MIL, interlocks, vehicle
speed limiting, etc.
The MI-07 system functions primarily on engine
components that affect engine emissions and CANBus data transfer for speed, torque, etc.
performance. These key components include the

Engine/Combustion chamber design Other system features include:

Intake/Exhaust valve configuration, timing and lift

Intake/Exhaust manifold design
Special tools, equipment, knowledge, and
authorization are required to effect any changes to
Throttle body
the MI-07 system, thereby preventing unauthorized
personnel from making adjustments that will affect
Air intake and air filter
performance or emissions.
LPG mixer
LPG pressure regulator
MI-07 is capable of monitoring and diagnosing
problems and faults within the system. These
Small engine control module (SECM), firmware
include all sensor input hardware, control output
and calibration
hardware, and control functions such as closed-loop
fuel control limits and adaptive learn limits. Upon
Fuel system sensors and actuators
detecting a fault condition, the system notifies the
operator by illuminating the MIL and activating the
Ignition system including spark plugs, cables, coils
appropriate fault action. The action required by each
and drivers
fault shall be programmable by the OEM customer
at the time the engine is calibrated.

MI-07 System Features Diagnostic information can be communicated

through both the service tool interface and the MIL
lamp. With the MIL lamp, it is possible to generate a
The MI-07 system uses an advanced speed-density
string of flashing codes that correspond to the fault
control strategy for fuel, spark, and air throttle
type. These diagnostics are generated only when
control. Key features include the following.
the engine is not running and the operator initiates a
diagnostic request sequence such as repeated
Open-loop fuel control with fuel specific controls
actuations of the pedal within a short period of time
for LPG
following reset.
Speed-load spark control with tables for dwell,
timing, and fuel type

Speed-load throttle control with table for maximum

TPS limiting

G643(E) Service Manual 170 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Limp Home Mode MI-07 LP Fuel Filter

The system is capable of "limp-home" mode in the The LP fuel filter of G643 engine is the same as that
event of particular faults or failures in the system. In of G643E engine. See, G643E EMS overview
limp-home mode the engine speed is approximately
1000 rpm at no load. A variety of fault conditions can MI-07 Fuel Lock-Off (Electric)
initiate limp-home mode. These fault conditions and
resulting actions are determined during calibration The LP fuel lock-off of G643 engine is the same as
and are OEM customer specific. that of G643E engine. See, G643E EMS overview

N-2001 Regulator/Converter
Service Tool
After passing through the electric fuel lock-off, liquid
A scan tool/monitoring device is available to monitor propane enters the N-2001 regulator/converter
system operation and assist in diagnosis of system (Figure 4). The N-2001 functions as a fuel vaporizer,
faults This device monitors all sensor inputs, control converting liquid propane to vapor propane and as a
outputs, and diagnostic functions in sufficient detail two-stage negative pressure regulator, supplying the
through a single access point to the SECM to allow correct vapor propane fuel pressure to the mixer.
a qualified service technician to maintain the system.
This Mototune software (licensed by Mototron The regulator is normally closed requiring a vacuum
Communication) is secure and requires a crypt- signal (negative pressure) to allow fuel to flow. This
token USB device to allow access to information. is the second of three safety locks in the MI-07
system. If the engine stops, vacuum signal stops
and fuel flow will automatically stop when both the
LPG Fuel System Operation secondary (2nd stage) valve and the primary (1st
stage) valve closes. Unlike most other
The principles outlined below describe the operation regulator/converters, the N-2001 primary valve
of MI-07 on an LPG fuel system. closes with fuel pressure rather than against
pressure, extending primary seat life and adding
An LPG fuel system consists of the following additional safety.

Fuel filter (supplied by customer)

Electric fuel lock-off solenoid valve
Fuel pressure regulator/vaporizer
Gas/Air mixer
Miscellaneous customer-supplied hoses and

Fuel is stored in the customer-supplied LPG tank in

saturated liquid phase and enters the fuel system
from the tank as a liquid and at tank pressure. Fuel
passes through a high-pressure fuel filter and lock-
off solenoid, and is then vaporized and regulated Figure 4. N-2001 Regulator
down to the appropriate pressure to supply the
mixer. The regulator controls the fuel pressure to the Liquid propane must be converted into a gaseous
gas/air mixer. The mixer meters fuel delivery based form in order to be used as a fuel for the engine.
upon airflow into the engine. When the regulator receives the desired vacuum
signal it allows propane to flow to the mixer. As the
SECM propane flows through the regulator the pressure is
reduced in two stages from tank pressure to slightly
The Small Engine Control Module (SECM) controls less than atmospheric pressure. As the pressure of
the LPG lock-off solenoid valve. The lock-off the propane is reduced the liquid propane vaporizes
solenoid is energized when fueling with LPG and the and refrigeration occurs inside the regulator due to
engine is turning. The lock-off is de-energized when the large temperature drop inside the regulator from
engine rpm is not detected. the vaporization of liquid propane. To replace heat
lost to vaporization, engine coolant is supplied by
the engine driven water pump and pumped through

G643(E) Service Manual 171 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

the regulator. Heat provided by this coolant is
transferred through to the fuel vaporization chamber.
Figure 5 shows the heat chamber and the coolant
passage in the N-2001 regulator.

Figure 6. Parts View of N-2001 Regulator

Since the fuel pressure has been reduced from tank

pressure to 1.5 psi (10.342 kPa) the liquid propane
vaporizes. As the propane vaporizes it takes on heat
Figure 5. Heat Chamber and Coolant Passage from the expansion chamber. This heat is replaced
by engine coolant, which is pumped through the
coolant passage of the regulator. At this point vapor
propane will not flow past the expansion chamber of
N-2001 Operation the regulator until the secondary valve is opened.
To open the secondary valve a negative pressure
Refer to Figure 6. signal must be received from the air/fuel mixer.
When the engine is cranking or running a negative
Liquid propane, at tank pressure, enters the N-2001 pressure signal (vacuum) travels through the vapor
through the fuel inlet port (1). Propane liquid then fuel outlet connection of the regulator (9), which is
flows through the primary valve (2). The primary the regulator secondary chamber, and the vapor fuel
valve located at the inlet of the expansion chamber inlet of the mixer. The negative pressure in the
(3), is controlled by the primary diaphragm (4), secondary chamber causes a pressure/force
which reacts to vapor pressure inside the expansion imbalance on the secondary diaphragm, which
chamber. Two springs are used to apply force on overcomes the secondary spring force, opening the
the primary diaphragm in the primary diaphragm secondary valve and allowing vapor propane to flow
chamber (5), keeping the primary valve open when out of the expansion chamber, through the
no fuel pressure is present. secondary chamber to the mixer.

A small port connects the expansion chamber to the Because vapor propane has now left the expansion
primary diaphragm chamber. At the outlet of the chamber, the pressure in the chamber will drop,
expansion chamber is the secondary valve (6). The causing the primary diaphragm spring force to re-
secondary valve is held closed by the secondary open the primary valve allowing liquid propane to
spring on the secondary valve lever (7). The enter the regulator, and the entire process starts
secondary diaphragm controls the secondary lever. again. This creates a balanced condition between
When the pressure in the expansion chamber the primary and secondary chambers allowing for a
reaches 1.5 psi (10.342 kPa it causes a pressure/ constant flow of fuel to the mixer as long as the
force imbalance across the primary diaphragm (8). demand from the engine is present. The fuel flow is
This force is greater than the primary diaphragm maintained at a constant output pressure, due to the
spring pressure and will cause the diaphragm to calibrated secondary spring. The amount of fuel
close the primary valve. flowing will vary depending on how far the
secondary valve opens in response to the negative
pressure signal generated by the air/fuel mixer. The
strength of that negative pressure signal developed
by the mixer is directly related to the amount of air
flowing through the mixer into the engine. With this
process, the larger the quantity of air flowing into the
engine, the larger the amount of fuel flowing to the

G643(E) Service Manual 172 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

CA100 Mixer

The mixer is installed above the throttle body and

meters gaseous fuel into the airstream at a rate that
is proportional to the volumetric flow rate of air. The
ratio between volumetric airflow and volumetric fuel
flow is controlled by the shaping of the mixer fuel
cone and biased by the controllable fuel supply
pressure delivered by the pressure regulator. Fuel
flow must be metered accurately over the full range
of airflows. Pressure drop across the mixer air valve
must be minimized to assure maximum power Figure 8. CA100 Mixer Attached to Throttle Body
output from the engine.
(Refer to Figure 98.)
A higher flow mixer is required on larger engines. A The air/fuel mixer is mounted in the intake air stream
lower flow mixer is required on smaller engines. between the air cleaner and the throttle. The design
of the main body incorporates a cylindrical bore or
mixer bore, fuel inlet (1) and a gas discharge jet (2).
In the center of the main body is the air valve
assembly, which is made up of the air valve (3), the
gas-metering valve (4), and air valve diaphragm (5)
and air valve spring (6). The gas-metering valve is
permanently mounted to the air valve diaphragm
assembly with a face seal mounted between the two

When the engine is not running this face seal

creates a barrier against the gas discharge jet,
preventing fuel flow with the aid (downward force) of
Figure 7. CA100 Mixer the air valve spring. When the engine is cranked
over it begins to draw in air, creating a negative
pressure signal. This negative pressure signal is
CA100 Mixer Operation transmitted through four vacuum ports in the air

Vapor propane fuel is supplied to the CA100 mixer

by the N-2001 pressure regulator/converter. The
mixer uses a diaphragm type air valve assembly to
operate a gas-metering valve inside the mixer. The
gas-metering valve is normally closed, requiring a
negative pressure (vacuum) signal from a cranking
or running engine to open. This is the third of the
three safety locks in the MI-07 system. If the engine
stops or is turned off, the air valve assembly closes
the gas-metering valve, stopping fuel flow past the
mixer. The gas-metering valve controls the amount
of fuel to be mixed with the incoming air at the
proper ratio. The air/fuel mixture then travels past Figure 9. Parts View of CA100 Mixer
the throttle, through the intake manifold and into the
engine cylinders where it is compressed, ignited and

G643(E) Service Manual 173 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

A pressure/force imbalance begins to build across A main mixture adjustment valve on the fuel inlet of
the air valve diaphragm between the air valve the CA100 is not used in the MI-07 system, however
vacuum (AVV) chamber (above the diaphragm) and an idle mixture adjustment is incorporated into the
atmospheric pressure below the diaphragm. mixer (Figure 12). The idle mixture adjustment is an
Approximately 6 inH2O (14.945 mbar) of negative air bypass port, adjusting the screw all the way in,
pressure is required to overcome the air valve spring blocks off the port and enriches the idle mixture.
force and push the air valve assembly upward off Backing out the idle adjustment screw opens the
the valve seat. Approximately 24 inH2O (59.781 port and leans the idle mixture. The idle mixture
mbar) pulls the valve assembly to the top of its travel screw is a screw with locking threads that is factory
in the full open position. set with a tamper proof cap installed after
adjustment. Accurate adjustment of the idle mixture
The amount of negative pressure generated is a can be accomplished by adjusting for a specific fuel
direct result of throttle position and the amount of air trim valve (FTV) duty cycle with the Service Tool
flowing through the mixer to the engine. At low software or with a voltmeter.
engine speeds, low AVV causes the air valve
diaphragm assembly to move upward a small NOTE: Adjustments should only be performed by
amount, creating a small venturi. At high engine trained service technicians.
speeds, high AVV causes the air valve diaphragm
assembly to move much farther creating a large
venturi. The variable venturi air/fuel mixer constantly
matches venturi size to engine demand.

Figure 12. Idle Mixture Adjustment Screw

Electronic Throttle System

Figure 10. Bottom View of Air Valve Assembly
The electronic throttle system of G643 engine is the
same as that of G643E engine. See, Electro-nic
throttle system of G643E EMS overview

Figure 11. CA100 Mixer Installed with Electronic


G643(E) Service Manual 174 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Ignition System GM Delco EST Ignition System

The MI-07 system is capable of operating with either

Spark-ignited engines require accurate control of
a distributor based ignition system or a
spark timing and spark energy for efficient
distributorless ignition system. The current
combustion. The MI-07 ignition system provides this
application uses a distributor based ignition system.
control. The system consists of the following
The distributor will have no internal advance
mechanisms giving the SECM consistent authority
over ignition timing. The spark is sent to the
appropriate cylinder in the conventional way via the
rotor arm and spark plug wires. The SECM uses the
Distributer with Ignition module
signal from the GM (General Motors) Delco Ignition
Module to determine the engine position and RPM
Ignition coil(s) *
at any time. It uses this information together with the
information from the TPS sensor and TMAP to
Crankshaft position sensor *
calculate the appropriate ignition timing settings.
Crankshaft timing wheel *

Spark plugs *

(*) Customer-supplied components

The SECM, through use of embedded control

algorithms and calibration variables, determines the
proper time to start energizing the coil and fire the
spark plug. This requires accurate crank/camshaft
position information, an engine speed calculation,
coil energy information, and target spark timing. The
SECM provides a TTL compatible signal for spark
control. The coil must contain the driver circuitry
Figure 14. GM Distributor
necessary to energize the primary spark coil
otherwise an intermediary coil driver device must be
The General Motors (GM) distributor (Figure 14)
provided. The SECM controls spark energy (dwell
used in the Delco EST ignition system, incorporates
time) and spark discharge timing.
a Variable Reluctance (VR) sensor, which transmits
a reference signal to the GM ignition module (Figure
15) located on the distributor. A variable reluctance
sensor is an electromagnetic device consisting of a
permanent magnet surrounded by a winding of wire.
The sensor is used in conjunction with a ferrous
signal rotor on the distributor shaft. The signal rotor
has six lobes, one for each cylinder. Rotation of the
signal rotor near the tip of the sensor changes the
magnetic flux, creating an analog voltage signal in
the sensor coil.

G643(E) Service Manual 175 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

The SECM monitors system parameters and stores
any out of range conditions or malfunctions as faults
in SECM memory. Engine run hours are also stored
in memory. Stored fault codes can be displayed on
the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) as flash codes
or read by the Service Tool software through a CAN
(Controller Area Network) communication link.

Battery power (12 Vdc) is supplied through the fuse

block to the main power relay. The ignition key
switch is used to energize the main power relay. A
main power relay supplies 12 Vdc power to the
(1) Ignition Coil (2) Ignition Module SECM, fuel lock-off, and the Smart Coil. The SECM
supplies positive voltage to the electronic throttle
Figure 15. GM Ignition Module actuator, oil pressure switch and the coolant
temperature sensor. Transducer or sensor power
The rising edge of the VR signal is converted to a (+5 Vdc) is regulated by the SECM and supplied to
rising 5-volt signal by the ignition module. As the VR the temperature/manifold air pressure sensor
signal passes back through zero volts, a falling edge (TMAP), throttle position sensor (TPS), and the
is created producing a square wave or digital signal, accelerator pedal position sensors (APP1 & APP2).
similar to the signal produced by a Hall effect sensor. The SECM provides a constant voltage (VCC) to the
This falling edge signal provides a stable engine Smart Coil Driver, transducer ground for the all
position reference at all engine speeds for the sensors, and a low side driver signal controlling the
SECM. fuel lock-off and MIL.

SECM (Load/Speed Management)

Drive by wire refers to the fact that the MI-07 control
Small Engine Control Module (SECM) controller has system has no throttle cable from the foot pedal
full authority over spark and air. the SECM has 24 (Figure 17) to the throttle body. Instead, the SECM
pins of I/O and is fully waterproof and shock is electronically connected both to the foot pedal
hardened (Figure 16). assembly and the throttle body. The SECM monitors
the foot pedal position and controls the throttle plate
To optimize engine performance and drivability, the by driving a dc motor connected to the throttle. The
SECM uses several sensors for closed loop dc motor actuates the throttle plate to correspond to
feedback information. These sensors are used by the foot pedal position when the operator depresses
the SECM for closed loop control in two main the pedal.
The use of electronic throttle control (ETC) ensures
Load/Speed Management that the engine only receives the correct amount of
throttle opening for any given situation, greatly
Ignition Management improving idle quality and drivability.

Figure 16. Small Engine Control Module (SECM) Figure 17. Foot Pedal

G643(E) Service Manual 176 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

A Throttle Position Sensor (TPS), (Figure 18) which
is integral to the Drive By Wire (DBW) throttle
assembly, provides feedback for position control by
monitoring the exact position of the throttle valve.

NOTE: The DV-E5 is not a serviceable assembly.

If the TPS sensor fails, the assembly should be

Figure 19. TMAP Sensor

The MI-07 system also performs minimum (min) and

maximum (max) governing through the SECM and
DBW throttle. For min governing, or idle speed
control, the idle speed is fixed by the SECM. Unlike
a mechanical system, the idle speed is not
adjustable by the end user. The idle speed is
adjusted by the SECM based on engine coolant
Figure 18. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) on DV- temperature. At these low engine speeds, the SECM
E5 Throttle uses spark and throttle to maintain a constant speed
regardless of load.
SECM self-calibration and cross checking of the
TPS is accomplished by comparing the TPS signal
to a calculated throttle position in the SECM
software (Predicted TPS). In addition to the throttle
position sensor, a temperature/manifold air pressure
sensor (TMAP) is used to monitor intake manifold
temperature and pressure (Figure 19). This enables
the SECM full control capabilities monitoring actual
airflow in relationship to desired airflow. The TMAP
sensor is a single unit incorporating both intake
manifold temperature and manifold pressure

G643(E) Service Manual 177 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Figure 21. Drive-By-Wire Signal Flow Process

(Figure 21) describes the signal flow process of the MI-07 Ignition Management
MI-07 DBW section. The foot pedal assembly uses
two potentiometers to detect pedal position. These In the normal course of events, with the engine
two signals, accelerator pedal position 1 (APP1) and operating at the correct temperature in defined
accelerator pedal position 2 (APP2) are sent directly conditions, the SECM will use load and engine
to the SECM. The SECM uses a series of algorithms speed to derive the correct ignition timing. In
to self calibrate and cross check the signals from the addition to load and speed there are other
pedal assembly. A demand position for the throttle circumstances under which the SECM may need to
will then be derived and sent to the throttle as a vary the ignition timing, including low engine coolant
throttle position sensor demand (TPSd). This signal temperature, air temperature, start-up, idle speed
will be processed through a PID (Proportional, control.
Integral, Derivative) controller in the SECM to
achieve the appropriate motor-current response
then passed to the throttle. The throttle moves to the
commanded position and provides a feedback signal
from the throttle position sensor (TPS) to the SECM.

G643(E) Service Manual 178 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

SECM Wiring Diagrams for G643 LP Engine

G643(E) Service Manual 179 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

G643(E) Service Manual 180 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)
EMS Inspection and Repair Fuel Temperature Sensor (FTS)
-40F to 266F (-40C to 130C) range,
48K ohm to 57 ohm sensor range
Engine Control Module[G643E]
HEGO (3) 0 to 1 V
The 48-pin Small Engine Control Module (SECM)
Auxiliary Analog Input (2) 0 to 5 V
and sensors provide the computational power,
algorithm logic, sensor inputs and control outputs to
Battery Voltage (Vbatt) (1) 8-18 V
control the system. The SECM receives signals from
the sensors, digitizes these signals, and then,
With the exception of battery voltage, all inputs are
through algorithms and calibration MAPs, computes
0-5 Vdc, ground referenced. Resolution should be
the desired output response to effect control of fuel,
0.1% or better. Accuracy should be 2% or better.
spark and air to the engine. The SECM also
provides a variety of other functions and features.
These include system monitoring and diagnostics to Frequency/Position Inputs
aid in maintaining efficient system operation and
auxiliary control. Crankshaft position

Variable reluctance (2-wire, 200 Vpp max) or 0-5

V Hall Effect with calibration selectable pull-up
resistor for open collector sensors Permits speed
resolution of 0.25 rpm and crankshaft position
resolution of 0.5

Camshaft position

Variable reluctance (2-wire, 200 Vpp max) or 0-5

V Hall Effect with calibration selectable pull-up
resistor for open collector sensors.

SECM/sensor inputs and control output specifica- Digital Inputs

tions are specific to the application, but include a
selection of the following:
Oil pressure switch
Normally open, internal pull-up resistor provided
to detect external switch to ground
Analog Inputs
Transmission oil temperature switch
The 48-pin SECM is equipped with sufficient analog Normally open, internal pull-up resistor provided
inputs for the following sensors. to detect external switch to ground

Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) 1bar MAP, 0 to Fuel select switch

5V Three-position switch for bi-fuel applications to
detect gasoline mode, LPG mode, and fuel off
Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) (center switch position)
-40F to 266F (-40C to 130C) range, 48 kohm
to 85 ohm sensor range Ground speed select switch
Permits selecting two different maximum engine
Throttle Position Sensor 1&2 (TPS1 & TPS2) 0 to speeds
Foot Pedal Position 1&2 (FPP1 & FPP2) 0 to 5 V Switched battery voltage

Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS)

-40F to 266F (-40C to 130C) range,
48K ohm to 85 ohm sensor range

G643(E) Service Manual 181 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Outputs Crank Shaft Position Sensor [G643E]

Saturated injector drivers (4) Component Location

10A peak, 45 V max, 1 injector per channel
capable of continuous on-time
Driver circuit designed for minimum turn-on/turn-
off delay
Minimum pulse width resolution of 1 usec

FTV drivers (2)

10A peak, 45V max. To drive an on/off fuel trim
valve with a minimum impedance of 5 ohms
Capable of continuous on-time
Drive circuit designed for minimum turn-on /turn-
off delay
FTVs will be pulse width modulated between 8
and 40 Hz with a minimum pulse width resolution
of 50 usec
Fuel lock-off solenoid valve
Low side switch, 10A peak, 4A continuous 45 V The Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKPS) is a hall
max effect type sensor that generates voltage using a
sensor and a target wheel mounted on the
Gasoline fuel pump drive crankshaft;
Low side switch, 10A, 4A continuous 45 V max During one crankshaft rotation there are the
rectangular signals. The ECM calculates engine
Electronic Spark Timing (EST) (4) RPM by using the sensor signal and controls the
TTL compatible outputs Software configured for the ignition timing.
coil-on-plug ignition system

Throttle control (1)

H-Bridge, 5A peak, 2.5A continuous at 2500 Hz
PWM includes current feedback for diagnostic

MIL (malfunction indicator lamp)

Low side switch, sufficient to drive a 7W incandes-
cent lamp continuously

CAN 2.0b serial communication for J1939 com-
munications, programming and diagnostics.
Requires proper termination resistance per CAN

G643(E) Service Manual 182 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Schematic Diagram for G643E MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure)
Sensor [G643E and G643]

Sensor Inspection
MAP sensor

The manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor is a

pressure sensitive variable resistor. It measures
changes in the intake manifold pressure which result
from engine load and speed changes, and converts
this to a voltage output. The MAP sensor is also
3 2 1
used to measure barometric pressure at start up,
and under certain conditions, allows the ECM to
automatically adjust for different altitudes. The ECM
supplies 5 volts to the MAP sensor and monitors the
ECM supplies 5 volts to the MAP sensor and
monitors the voltage on a signal line. The sensor
provides a path to voltage on a signal line. The
1. Turn ignition switch to OFF position and then
sensor provides a path to ground through its
disconnect CKPS connector.
variable resistor. The MAP sensor in put affects fuel
delivery and ignition timing controls in the ECM.
2. Remove the CKPS from the engine.
Circuit Diagram (G643E)
3. Turn ignition switch to ON position.

4. Apply battery voltage to the terminal 1 and ground MAP & IAT
terminal 1 and ground terminal 3 of CKPS as sensor
shown in the figure. IAT

5. Install a LED between +5V power and CKPS

3 2 1 4
terminal 2, and then set a steel wheel (or anything
made of steel ; hammer, wrench, bolt and nut etc.)
at the CKPS's tip.

6. Rotate the steel wheel slowly and check if the

LED flashes light.

If the LED blinks, the CKPS works normally Sensor IAT Sensor MAP
power signal ground signal
B24 B12 B1 B18


G643(E) Service Manual 183 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Circuit Diagram (G643) 2. Connect the electrical connector to the MAP/MAT
sensor. Verify that the connector clicks/locks into

3. Connect the negative battery cable.

IAT (Intake Air Temperature) Sensor

[G643E and G643]

Sensor Inspection

1. Measure the voltage between terminals 1 and 4 of

MAP sensor
the MAP sensor connectors.
Terminal 4 : MAP sensor ground
The intake air temperature sensor (IAT Sensor),
Terminal 1 : MAP sensor output
built in to the MAT sensor, is a resistor-based
sensor detect the intake air temperature. According
Engine state Test specification to the intake air temperature information frim the
Ignition SW. ON 4~5V sensor, the ECM will control the necessary amount
of fuel injection.
At idle 0.5~2.0V

2. If the voltage deviates from the standard value, Circuit Diagram (G643E)
replace the MAP sensor assembly.

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable. MAP

2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the

MAP/MAT sensor. 3 2 1 4

3. Remove the two screws retaining the MAP/MAT

sensor to the intake manifold.

4. Remove MAP/MAT sensor.

Installation Sensor IAT Sensor MAP

power signal ground signal
B24 B12 B1 B18
1. Place the MAP/MAT Sensor in position on the
intake manifold and install the two retaining ECM
screws. Tighten retaining screws to 6 Nm (53 lbf

G643(E) Service Manual 184 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Circuit Diagram (G643) OxygenSensor (Pre-Catalyst) [G643E]

Component Location

Pre - Catalyst Oxygen Sensor


The heated oxygen sensor is mounted on the front

side of Catalytic Muffler, which detects the oxygen
concentration in the exhaust gas. The heated
Sensor Inspection oxygen sensor produces a voltage that varies
between 0V and 1V. When the air/fuel ratio is lean,
1. Using a multimeter, measure the IAT sensor the oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas
resistance between terminals 3 and 4. increases and the front HO2S outputs a low voltage
(approximately0~0.1V). When the air/fuel ratio is
IG.SW.ON Temperature rich, the oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas
Resistance(k) decreases and the front HO2S outputs a high
(F) voltage (approximately0.8~1V). The ECM constantly
0 (32) 4.5 ~ 7.5 monitors the HO2S and increases or decreases the
fuel injection duration by using the HO2S signal,
20 (68) 2.0 ~ 3.0 which is called closed-loop fuel control operation.
40 (104) 0.7 ~ 1.6
80 (176) 0.2 ~ 0.4 Specification

Temperature Front Temperature

2. If the resistance deviates from the standard value, Front HO2S
replace the intake air temperature sensor Heater
assembly. () () () () Resistance
20 68 9.2 400 752 17.7
100 212 10.7 500 932 19.2
200 392 13.1 600 1,112 20.7
300 572 14.6 700 1,292 22.5

G643(E) Service Manual 185 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Schematic Diagram (G643E) Oxygen Sensor (Post-Catalyst) [G643E]

[CIRCUIT DIAGRAM] Component Location

HO2S (B1/S1) ECM





After Main Relay


The rear heated oxygen sensor is mounted on the
2 1 rear side of the Catalytic Muffler, which detects the
catalyst efficiency. The rear heated oxygen sensor
4 3
(HO2S) produces a voltage between 0V and 1V.
This rear heated oxygen sensor is used to estimate
C16 the oxygen storage capability. If a catalyst has good
HO2S (B1/S1) conversion properties, the oxygen fluctuations are
smoothed by the oxygen storage capacity of the
catalyst. If the conversion provided by the catalyst is
low due to aging, poisoning or misfiring, then the
oxygen fluctuations are similar to signals from the
Signal Wave Form front oxygen sensor.

Schematic Diagram (G643E)

HO2S (B1/S2) ECM



1 B1 - HO2S GND

If you release the accelerator pedal suddenly after

engine running about 2600 rpm, fuel supply will stop After Main Relay
for short period and the O2 sensor service data will
display values 200mV or lower. When you suddenly [HARNESS CONNECTORS]
press on the accelerator pedal down, the voltage will
reach 0.6 ~ 1.0 V. When you let the engine idle
again, the voltage will fluctuate between 200 mV or 1 2
lower and 0.6 ~ 1.0 V. In this case, the O2sensor 3 4
can be determined as good.

G643(E) Service Manual 186 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Signal Wave Form ECT Senser

The Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (ECTS) is
located in the engine coolant passage of the cylinder
head for detecting the engine coolant temperature.
The ECTS uses a thermister whose resistance
changes with the temperature. The electrical
resistance of the ECTS decreases as the
temperature increases, and increases as the
temperature decreases. The reference 5 V in the
ECM is supplied to the ECTS via a resistor in the
ECM. That is, the resistor in the ECM and the
thermistor in the ECTS are connected in series.
When the resistance value of the thermistor in the
The amplitude of the signal output of the rear HO2S ECTS changes according to the engine coolant
is small compared to the front HO2S because the temperature, the output voltage also changes.
rear HO2S detects emission gas purified by the
catalytic converter. This illustration is the normal Sensor Inspection
signal waveform of the rear HO2S at idle.


Temperature Rear Temperature Rear

() () Heater () () Heater
Resis- Resistanc
tance() e()
20 68 9.2 400 752 17.7
10 212 10.7 500 932 19.2
200 392 13.1 600 1,112 20.7
1. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor
300 572 14..6 700 1,272 22.5 from the intake intake manifold.

2. With the temperature sensing portion of the

engine coolant temperature sensor immersed in
hot water, check resistance.
ECT (Engine Coolant Temperature)
Sensor [G643E and G643] Temperature () ECTS Resistance(k)
20(68) 2.31~2.59
Component Location

3. If the resistance deviates from the standard value

greatly, replace the sensor.

G643(E) Service Manual 187 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Schematic Diagram (G643E) Installation

1. Install engine coolant temperature sensor and

tighten it to specified torque.

Tightning torque

Engine coolant temperature sensor "

15~20Nm (150~200 kgcm, 11~15 lbft)

2. Connect the harness connector securely.


Schematic Diagram (G643)

G643(E) Service Manual 188 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

LP Fuel Temperature Sensor [G643E]

[Harness Connectors]

1. Remove the LP fuel temperature sensor from the
The LP Fuel Temperature Sensor (FTS) is located in
adapter connected to LP mixer.
the LP fuel passage of the LP mixer for detecting the
LP fuel temperature. The FTS uses a thermistor
2. With the temperature sensing portion of the LP
whose resistance changes with the temperature.
engine fuel temperature immersed in hot water,
The electrical resistance of the FTS decrease as the
check resistance.
temperature increase, and increase as the
temperature decrease. The reference 5V in the ECM
is supplied to the FTS by way of a resister in the Temperature C (F) FTS Resistance (Ohms)
ECM. That is, the resistor in the ECM and the -20(-4) 15462
thermistor in the FTS are connected in series. When
the resistance value of the thermistor in the FTS 0(32) 5896
changes according to the LP fuel temperature, the 20(68) 2498
output voltage also change.
40(104) 1175

Circuit Diagram [G643E] 60(140) 596

80(176) 323

3. If the resistance deviates from the standard value

greatly, replace the sensor.

G643(E) Service Manual 189 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Angle Sensor-Accelerator
[G643E and G643] Circuit Diagram (G643)


[Harness Connectors]
Angle Sensor-Accelerator is located in the
accelerator pedal assembly. The engine speed
management deals with a Drive-by-wire system.
Drive-by-wire refers to the fact that the MI-07 control
system has no throttle cable from the foot pedal to
the throttle body. Instead, the ECM is electronically
connected both to the foot pedal assembly and the
throttle body. The SECM monitors the foot pedal
position and controls the throttle plate by driving a
DC motor connected to the throttle. The DC motor
actuates the throttle plate to correspond to the foot
pedal position when the operator depresses the
pedal. The SECM will override the pedal command
above a maximum engine speed and below a Inspection
minimum idle speed. The foot pedal assembly uses
1. Disconnect the Accelerator Pedals connector
two potentiometers to detect pedal position. These
from the main engine harness.
two signals, accelerator pedal position 1 (APP1) and
accelerator pedal position 2 (APP2) are sent directly
2. Inspect the electrical conditions with a follow
to the SECM. The SECM uses a series of algorithms
basic specification.
to self calibrate and cross check the signals from the
pedal assembly.
Signal output is on condition that input voltage
is ....................................................... 5V0.5%
Circuit Diagram [G643E] Rated current :....................................... 20 mA
Power : ............................................... 100 mW
Wire width :.......................................... 20AWG
- At start point : Signal A................... 0.4V0.1V
Signal B................... 4.5V0.1V
- At end point(Push for end) :
Signal A............... 3.60V0.15V
Signal B............... 1.39V0.15V

3. If the result value is out of the specification,

replace the Accelerator Pedal.

G643(E) Service Manual 190 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Transmission Oil Temperature [Harness Connectors]

Switch [G643E]

Transmission Oil Temperature Switch is located in
the adapter on transmission (T/M) for operating by
the transmission (T/M) oil temperature change. This
switch is normally open, and then it is closed as the
T/M oil temperature Increases to the 1253C.
Actually if the switch is closed by high T/M oil
temperature, the ECM makes engine shutdown with
fault set. If the T/M oil temperature decreases to the
118C, the switch is open again and the engine also
can run. This function can protect the engine of Tier- Inspection
3 and Non cert folk lift trucks from damage as
overheating. 1. Remove the Transmission Oil Temperature
Switch from the transmission.

Circuit Diagram [G643E] 2. Use an ohmmeter to check the continuity between

the 1 terminal and the 2 terminal. If there is
continuity, replace the Transmission Oil
Temperature Switch.

3. The Transmission Oil Temperature Switch is the

ON/OFF switch. So during the normal status the
switch circuit should be open.

G643(E) Service Manual 191 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)

Electronic Throttle Body Circuit Diagram [G643]

[G643E and G643]


[Harness Connectors]

The MI-07 system uses electronic throttle control
(ETC). The SECM controls the throttle valve based
on engine RPM, engine load, and information
received from the foot pedal. Two potentiometers on
the foot pedal assembly monitor accelerator pedal
travel. The electronic throttle used in the MI-07
system is a Bosch 32mm electronic throttle body
DV-E5. The DV-E5 is a single unit assembly, which
includes the throttle valve, throttle-valve actuator
(DC motor) and two throttle position sensors (TPS). Inspection
The SECM calculates the correct throttle valve
1. Check for loose, dirty or damaged connectors and
opening that corresponds to the drivers demand,
wires on the harness
makes any adjustments needed for adaptation to the
engines current operating conditions and then
2. Check the throttle assembly motor housing for
generates a corresponding electrical (driver) signal
coking, cracks, and missing cover-retaining clips
to the throttle-valve actuator.
3. Check the resistance of TPS sensor. (refer as
Circuit Diagram[G643E]
blow chart)

TPS PIN 2(GND) TO 1.25K +/-
(Throttle TPS PIN 3(PWR) TO 1.25K +/-
Position PIN 6(TPS1 SIGNAL) 30%
Sensor) TPS PIN 1(+DRIVER) ~3.0K +/-

G643(E) Service Manual 192 Chapter 5. Engine Management System (EMS)


G643E LP System Inspection and

Removal and Installation


LP gas is highly flammable. To prevent

personal injury, keep fire and flammable mate-
rials away from the lift truck when work is
done on the fuel system.

Gas vapor may reduce oxygen available for

breathing, cause headache, nausea, dizziness
and unconsciousness and lead to injury or
death. Always operate the forklift in a well
ventilated area

Liquid propane may cause freezing of tissue or

frostbite. Avoid direct contact with skin or tis-
sue; always wear appropriate safety protection
including gloves and safety glasses when
working with liquid propane.

The regulator/converter and mixer are part of a
certified system complying with EPA and CARB
2007 requirements. Only trained, certified techni-
cians should perform disassembly, service or
replacement of the regulator/ converter or mixer.

G643(E) Service Manual 193 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Hose Connections

Proper operation of the closed loop control greatly

depends on the correct vacuum hose routing and
fuel line lengths. Refer to the connection diagrams
below for proper routing and maximum hose lengths
when reinstalling system components.

NOTE: Preferred mounting of regulator is off engine.

Hose Specifications

Vacuum hose to comply to SAE 1403 Type I or SAE

J30 R7 R8 / EPDM textile reinforced / -40 F to
+257 F (-40 C +125 C / Inside Diameter: 7/32

Certified System Connections

DWG NO 5555-1201

Figure 26. Hose Connections for Certified Systems

G643(E) Service Manual 194 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM


Trim valves must be positioned 1 N-2007 Regulator 8 Solenoid (AFS Lock Off Valve)
vertically with flow arrows in position
Plastic WYE Fitting (black color) Brass Tee Fitting. 1/4 Tube x 1/8
shown 2 9
for 7/32 (5.56mm) ID Tube NPTF x 1/4 Tube
Fuel outlet must be min 15 Hose
below horizontal position CA100 Mixer
Only one 90 fitting permissible on 3 Valve (TEV Bosch Canister)
vapor fuel line between mixer and 1/4 (6.35mm) hose barb to 1/8
Plastic WYE Fitting (blue color) 11
regulator (As shown the temp 4 (3.2mm) male pipe, 125HBL, .062
for 7/32 (5.56mm) ID Tube
sensor adaptor is considered the flow ID
one 90 fitting.)
5 Adapter (temperature sensor) 12 1/4-28 UNF x 1/4 (6.35mm)
Vapor fuel fittings (regulator and
4 hose barb
mixer) must have minimum ID of
Sensor (coolant, temperature)
0.46 (11.68mm) 6
Nipple (.625 hex 4mp, 2.5L
Vapor hose length to be as short as 7
8 steel)
possible and have no restrictions for
best regulator performance

G643(E) Service Manual 195 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Removal and Installation of N-2007 LP N-2007 Installation Steps
Refer to Figure 28.
Follow the procedures below for removal and
reinstallation of the N-2007 regulator in certified 1. Install the nipple extension (6) with the lock-off to
systems. the regulator.

N-2007 Removal Steps 2. Install the fuel vapor outlet hose (5) to the
Refer to Figure 28.
3. Install the two cooling lines (4) and a thermostat
1. Close the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder (7) to the regulator.
or fuel storage container.
4. Install the four rear-mounting bolts that hold the
2. Purge the system of fuel by starting the engine regulator to the support bracket. Use a torque
and running until all trapped fuel in the system is wrench and tighten each bolt to 60-70 lbfin (6.78-
exhausted and the engine shuts down. 7.91 Nm).

3. Key switch in OFF position. 5. Install the fuel inlet line (1) to the lock-off, the two
vacuum lines (2) to the branch-tee fitting in the
regulator vent and re-connect the lock-off
4. Remove the fuel inlet line (1) from the lock-off, the
connector (3).
two vacuum lines (2) from the branch-tee fitting in
the regulator vent and disconnect the lock-off
6. Open the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder
connector (3).
or fuel storage container.
5. Remove the four rear-mounting bolts that hold the
regulator to the support bracket. This will allow
easier access to the remaining hose clamps.

6. Remove the two cooling lines (4) and a

thermostat (7) from the regulator.

NOTE: Either drain the coolant system or clamp off

the coolant lines as close to the regulator as
possible to avoid a coolant spill when these lines are

7. Remove the fuel vapor outlet hose (5) from the


8. Remove the nipple extension (6) with the lock-off

from the regulator.

Figure 28. N-2007 Regulator in Certified System

G643(E) Service Manual 196 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Removal and Installation of CA100 Mixer for 3. Key switch in OFF position.
4. Remove the air cleaner hose (1).
Follow the procedures below for removal and
reinstallation of the CA100 mixer. 5. Mark the two vacuum lines (2) to the mixer for
identification, as they must be reinstalled
CA100 Certified Mixer Removal Steps correctly for proper operation. Remove the two
vacuum lines (2).
14 12 6. Remove vapor fuel inlet line (3) from the fuel
13 temperature sensor fitting (4).
7. Disconnect the fuel temperature sensor
connector (5).
8. Disconnect the wires leading to the electronic
throttle body by pinching the lock tabs on either
10 side of the wiring harness connector. (See Figure
11 31 for location of connector)

9. Loosen the four bolts (6) that secure the
4 mixer/adapter/throttle body assembly to the
5 intake manifold.
8 10. Remove the mixer (9), the adapter (7), and the
throttle body (8) as an assembly by gently pulling
7 upwards. Take care not to drop anything down
2 the intake manifold.
11. Gently wiggle and pull to separate mixer and
1. Gasket 2. Adapter 3. Fitting adapter from the throttle body. Take note of the
4. Tmap 5. Washer 6. Bolt adapter orientation on the mixer, as it must be
7. Bolt 8. Gasket-ITB 9. ITB reinstalled correctly for proper fit on the throttle.
10. O-Ring 11. O-Ring 12. Mixer
13. Adapter 14. Fuel Temp Sensor 15. Fitting
16. Apollo Adapter 17. Bolt 12. Remove the four mounting screws that attach the
throttle body adapter to the mixer.

13. Remove the fuel temperature sensor (not shown)

from the tee (4).

14. Remove the fuel temperature sensor fitting

from the mixer. Take note of the fittings
orientation on the mixer, as it must be
reinstalled correctly for proper fit.

15. Remove the short vacuum port barb from the

mixer. (See Figure 32 for location of port barb
on mixer.)
Figure 30. CA100 Mixer in Certified System

1. Close the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder

or fuel storage container.

2. Purge the system of fuel by starting the engine

and running until all trapped fuel in the system is
exhausted and the engine shuts down.

G643(E) Service Manual 197 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

NOTE: A plastic O-ring spacer and an O-ring are CA100 Certified Mixer Installation Steps
inside the mixer/adapter assembly. Be careful not to
lose these items when removing the assembly from Refer to Figure 30.
the throttle (Figure 31).
1. Install the vacuum port barb onto the mixer (9).
Wiring harress
2. Install the fuel temperature sensor fitting (4) onto
the mixer.

3. Install the fuel temperature sensor into the fitting.

4. Ins tall the four mounting screws that attach the

throttle adapter (7) to the mixer. See Figure 32.
Torque bolts to 30-40 lbfin (3.39-4.52 Nm).

5. Position the mixer/adapter assembly onto the

throttle body (8), then drop in the four mounting
Figure 31. O-Ring and Spacer Within Mixer Adapter
bolts (6) and gently push down on the assembly
until it rests on the throttle body. Be careful not to
pinch the O-ring. (See Figure 31.)
Used only on certified
6. Attach the mixer/throttle body assembly to the
systems. Location may intake manifold, making sure gasket is in place.
vary depending upon Tighten the four mounting bolts.

7. Connect the wiring harness to the throttle body.

(See Figure 31 for location of connector.) Connect
PORT BARB the fuel temperature sensor connector (5) to the

8. Install the vapor fuel inlet line (3) to the fuel

Figure 32. Throttle Adapter Mount Screws temperature sensor fitting.

9. Install the two vacuum lines (2) to the mixer using

the previous marks for identification. Vacuum lines
must be installed correctly for proper operation.

10. Install the air cleaner hose (1).

G643(E) Service Manual 198 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Tests and Adjustments N-2007 Regulator Service Testing

For checking the N-2007 regulator/converter

WARNINGPROPER USE operation, the following tests can be performed (See
Chapter 5 for removal/installation of the N-2007
LP gas is highly flammable. To prevent perso- regulator). To check the secondary regulation
nal injury, keep fire and flammable materials (output) a simple vacuum hand pump can be used
away from the lift truck when work is done on to simulate the vacuum signal transmitted from the
the fuel system. air/fuel mixer when the engine is running. See listing
below for required hardware.
Gas vapor may reduce oxygen available for
breathing, cause headache, nausea, dizziness Break-Off Test
and unconsciousness and lead to injury or
death. Always operate the forklift in a well Secondary Stage Test Hardware
ventilated area
1. Hand vacuum pump
Liquid propane may cause freezing of tissue or
frostbite. Avoid direct contact with skin or tis- 2. Regulator vapor outlet test fitting 3/4 NPT x 1/4
sue; always wear appropriate safety protect- hose barb
ion including gloves and safety glasses when
working with liquid propane. 3. Union Tee 1/4 NPT with three 1/4 NPT x 1/4
hose barb

4. Vacuum hose

CAUTION 5. 0-3 WC Magnehelic gauge (inches of water

The regulator/converter and mixer are part of a
certified system complying with EPA and CARB Secondary Stage (Break-Off) Test
2007 requirements. Only trained, certified techni-
cians should perform disassembly, service or 1. Connect the vacuum pump, the Magnehelic
replacement of the regulator converter or mixer. gauge and the regulator vapor outlet to the Union
Tee fitting (Figure 34). Make sure there is no
leakage at any of the fittings.

2. Using the vacuum pump slowly apply enough

vacuum to measure above -2 WC on the gauge.
This vacuum signal opens the secondary valve in
the N-2007 regulator/converter.

3. Release the vacuum pump lever and you will see

the gauge needle start falling back toward zero.
When the pressure drops just below the specified
break-off pressure (-0.5 +/- 0.35 WC) of the
secondary spring, the needle should stop moving.

4. At this point the secondary valve should close. If

the secondary valve seat or the secondary
diaphragm is leaking the gauge needle will
continue to fall toward zero (proportional to the
leak size). An excessively rich air/fuel mixture can
be caused by a secondary valve seat leak and the
regulator should be replaced.

G643(E) Service Manual 199 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

3. Apply compressed air, wait for air to exit the hose
barb in the test port, and then connect the
Magnehelic gauge (Figure 36) to the hose barb
using the vacuum hose or vinyl tubing. This
prevents the gauge from reading maximum
pressure due to the large velocity of compressed
air entering the primary chamber.

4. Make sure there is no leakage at any of the

fittings. The static pressure should read between
40-60 of water column on the Magnehelic gauge
and maintain a constant pressure for 60 seconds.

Figure 34. Secondary Stage Test Connection

Pressure Test

Primary Stage Test Hardware

1. Shop air pressure regulator adjusted to 100 psi

2. Shop air hose fitting (1/4 NPT to air hose)

3. Air hose

4. Test gauge fitting (1/16 NPT x 1/4 hose barb)

Figure 36. Magnehelic Gauge Connection to Hose
5. Vacuum hose or vinyl tubing Barb

6. 0-60 WC Magnehelic gauge (inches of water 5. If the pressure reading begins to increase, a leak
column) is most likely present at the primary valve, either
the primary valve o-ring or the valve itself. If a leak
Primary Stage Pressure Test is present the regulator should be replaced.

1. Remove the primary test port plug from the side 6. If the pressure begins to decrease, the secondary
of the regulator and install the 1/16 NPT hose seat is probably not making an adequate seal and
barb fitting (Figure 35). is leaking. The regulator should be replaced.

2. Connect a compressed air line (shop air ~100psi) 7. If the test is successful, re-install the primary test
to the liquid propane fuel inlet of the N-2007 port plug and check the fittings for leaks. See
regulator (Figure 35). Chapter 5 for installation of the N-2007 regulator.

NOTE : The N-2007 primary stage pressure can

also be tested at idle on a running engine. The N-
2007 primary pressure should be between 40 inH20
(99.6mbar) and 55 inH20 (137 mbar) at 750 rpm,

Figure 35. Primary Stage Test Connection

G643(E) Service Manual 200 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

5. If the measured pressure drop is low, check for
vacuum leaks in the manifold, throttle, mixer,
CAUTION TMAP sensor and attached hoses.

LP gas is highly flammable. To prevent

personal injury, keep fire and flammable mate-
rials away from the lift truck when work is
done on the fuel system.

Gas vapor may reduce oxygen available for

breathing, cause headache, nausea, dizziness
and unconsciousness and lead to injury or
death. Always operate the forklift in a well
ventilated area

Liquid propane may cause freezing of tissue or

frostbite. Avoid direct contact with skin or tis-
sue; always wear appropriate safety protection Figure 37. Magnehelic Gauge Connection
including gloves and safety glasses when
working with liquid propane.
Ignition Timing Adjustment

AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing With the MI-07 system, ignition-timing advance is
controlled by the SECM see, chapter 4. Ignition
Purpose of Test system for the detail information.

Check for excessive or inadequate pressure drop

across CA100 mixer. Idle Mixture Adjustment

AVV Test Hardware The CA100 mixer requires adjustment of the idle
mixture screw to assure optimal emissions and
1. Union Tee fitting, 1/4 (6.35mm) NPT with three performance. This adjustment accounts for minor
1/4 (6.35mm) NPT x 1/4 (6.35mm) hose barbs part-to-part variations in the fuel system and assures
stable performance of the engine at idle. Once
2. Vacuum hose adjusted, the idle mixture screw is sealed with a
tamper proof cap, after which it need not be
3. 0-20 H2O differential pressure Magnehelic gauge adjusted for the life of the vehicle.

Therefore, the only situations in which the idle

AVV Test mixture screw needs to be adjusted are when the
engine is initially fitted with a fuel system at the
1. Install Union Tee fitting in the hose between the factory and following the field replacement of the
FTVs and the AVV fitting. Connect this fitting to mixer. Under these situations, follow the procedures
the low pressure port of the Magnehelic gauge below for adjustment of the idle mixture screw.
(Figure 37).
Factory Test Preparation:
2. Leave high pressure port of the Magnehelic
gauge exposed to ambient pressure (Figure 37). 1. Install the MI-07 fuel system, wiring harness and
SECM-48 control module on the engine.
3. With the engine fully warmed up and running at
idle (750 rpm) place the transmission in Neutral. 2. All coolant hoses should be attached, filled with
The AVV should be between 5 and 8 H2O of coolant and bled to remove any air.
pressure vacuum.
3. Attach LPG fuel lines.
4. If the measured pressure drop is excessively high,
check for sticking or binding of the diaphragm air 4. Attach wiring harness to battery power.
valve assembly inside the mixer. Replace mixer if
necessary. 5. Attach exhaust system.

G643(E) Service Manual 201 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

6. If present, set fuel select switch to LPG fuel.

When operated at the factory, it is critical to simulate

the airflow found on a forklift at idle as nearly as
possible in order to achieve the proper air valve lift
in the mixer. It may be necessary to place a load on
the engine to achieve the required airflow without
overspeeding the engine. Means of achieving this
load include:

a) Place an electrical load on the alternator. The

alternator should be able to briefly hold loads
of approximately 1.2 kW.
Figure 41. FTV Duty Cycle Percentage Displayed on
b) Attach the engine to a dynamometer. Service Tool

Attach the Mototune Service Tool to the wiring 8. Use the accelerator pedal to increase RPM above
harness and add parameter MAFPort to the display idle momentarily (rev the engine) then release the
screen. pedal to return to idle RPM. The duty cycle setting
should remain within the adjustment range (40-
45%). Place your thumb over the adjustment port
Factory Adjustment Procedure: for a more accurate reading by preventing air from
leaking past the mixture adjustment screw, which
NOTE : Be sure engine is fully warm (ECT>167F may cause the duty cycle to decrease.
[75C]) before performing the idle mixture
adjustment. 9. Use the Mototune Service Tool to lock the FTV
duty cycle. Set display parameter
1. Operating the engine on LPG fuel, start the DitherValveDC_ovr = locked (displayed in screen
engine and permit the engine to warm up until the tab Manual Override 1 under AFR Trim Vales,
coolant temperature (ECT on Mototune display) is select locked under box labeled Lock DC%).
approximately 167F (75 oC).
10. Use the Mototune Service Tool to monitor
2. Set APP input to minimum. throttle position (TPS1) and Exhaust gas oxygen
equivalence ratio (O2 Value in Figure 1). While
3. Adjust the load until engine speed reaches 750 monitoring O2, slowly increase the pedal input
rpm. (APP) to achieve a TPS1 value of 15%.

4. Mototune display parameter LP Fuel Control must 11. Use the Mototune Service Tool to unlock the
display Closed Loop. FTV duty cycle. Set display parameter
DitherValveDC_ovr = unlocked (displayed in
5. Use the Mototune Service Tool to monitor Duty screen tab Manual Override 1 under AFR Trim
Cycle % on the Mototune display. Vales, select unlocked under box labeled Lock
6. To adjust the idle mixture screw, use a 5mm hex
or Allen-type wrench. Turning the screw in 12. If at any time in step 10, O2 was greater than 1.2
(clockwise) should increase the duty cycle; turning go to step 13. If 02 remained below 1.2,
the screw out (counter-clockwise) should proceed to Step 15.
decrease the duty cycle.
13. Adjust the idle mixture screw on the mixer until a
7. Adjust the idle mixture screw on the mixer until a reading of 50-55% is reached for the FTV Duty
reading of 40-45% is reached for the FTV Duty Cycle in Closed Loop Idle (Figure 35).
Cycle in Closed Loop Idle (Figure 35).

G643(E) Service Manual 202 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

14. Use the accelerator pedal to increase RPM Field Adjustment Procedure:
above idle momentarily (rev the engine) then
release the pedal to return to idle RPM. The duty The idle mixture adjustment should only be
cycle setting should remain within the adjustment necessary on a new mixer that does not have the
range (50-55%). Place your thumb over the tamper proof cap installed. The method for making
adjustment port for a more accurate reading by the idle mixture adjustment to a running engine is to
preventing air from leaking past the mixture use the Service Tool software by connecting a
adjustment screw, which may cause the duty laptop computer to the SECM. If you do not have the
cycle to decrease. Service Tool a multimeter capable of measuring
duty cycle, such as a Fluke 87 III, can be used. If
NOTE : If the FTV Duty Cycle reading is NOT using a multimeter, connect the meter positive lead
between 25-60%, check for possible vacuum leaks, to between battery positive and the meter negative
manifold leaks, or a faulty mixer. to the FTV signal wire. For the Fluke 87, press the
RANGE button until 4 or 40 appears in the lower
15. Turn the ignition key to the OFF position to shut
right-hand corner of the display. Press the Hz
down the engine.
button twice so that the percent sign (%) appears on
the right-hand side of the display. The multimeter
16. Install the tamper proof cap on the idle mixture
will then read the duty cycle percentage the same as
screw adjustment port using a large pin punch,
so that no further adjustments can be made the Service Tool shown in Figure 41.
(Figure 36).
1. After installing a new mixer, operate the engine
Bon LPG fuel. Start the engine and permit it to
warm up until the coolant temperature (ECT on
Mototune display) is approximately 167F (75C).

2. Place the transmission in Neutral.

3. Mototune display parameter LP Fuel Control must

display Closed Loop.

4. Use the Mototune Service Tool to monitor Duty

Cycle % on the Mototune display.

5. To adjust the idle mixture screw, use a hex or

Allen-type wrench. Turning the screw in
(clockwise) should increase the duty cycle; turning
Figure 42. Installing Tamper Proof Cap the screw out (counterclockwise) should decrease
the duty cycle.

6. Adjust the idle mixture screw on the mixer until a

reading of 45-55% is reached for the FTV Duty
Cycle in Closed Loop Idle (Figure 41). If engine
idle performance is unstable screw the idle screw
in slightly to see if stability is obtained, but in no
case should duty cycle exceed 60%.

7. Use the accelerator pedal to increase rpm above

idle momentarily (rev the engine) then release the
pedal to return to idle rpm. The duty cycle setting
should remain within the adjustment range (45-
55%). Place your thumb over the adjustment port
for a more accurate reading by preventing air from
leaking past the mixture adjustment screw, which
may cause the duty cycle to decrease.

G643(E) Service Manual 203 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

8. If the FTV duty cycle reading is above 55% adjust
the idle adjustment screw outward and re-check
the duty cycle reading. Continue to do this until
the FTV duty cycle reading is within the optimum
range (45-55%). DO NOT adjust the screw so far
outward that the tamper proof cap cannot be
installed. A duty cycle measurement at Closed
Loop Idle of 40-60% is acceptable if the optimum
range of 45-55% cannot be reached through
adjustment. If the FTV duty cycle cannot be
adjusted below 60%, the mixer is faulty and
should be replaced.

NOTE : If the FTV Duty Cycle reading is NOT

between 25-60%, check for possible vacuum leaks,
manifold leaks, or a faulty mixer.

9. Turn the ignition key to the OFF position to shut

down the engine.

10. Install the tamper proof cap on the idle mixture

screw adjustment port using a large pin punch,
so that no further adjustments can be made
(Figure 42).

G643(E) Service Manual 204 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Parts Description

CA100 Mixer for G643E Engine

Parts List of CA100 Mixer (Certified)


1 Torx Screws (T-25) #10-24 x 5/8 4
2 Lockwashers (T-210) #10 SST 4
3 Mixer Cover 1
4 Mixer Spring 1
5 Diaphragm 1
6 Air Valve Assembly 1
7 Gas Valve Cone (part of air valve assembly) 1
8 Mixer Body 1
9 Expansion Plug Cap 1/2 x 1/16 thick ( 12.7mm x 27mm) 1
10 Fuel Inlet 1
11 Air Horn Gasket 1
12 Air Horn Adapter 2-1/16 (52.37mm) 1
13 Fillister Head Screws SEMS Lockwasher 10-24 UNC x 5/8 4
14 Throttle Body Gasket 1
15 Fillister Head Screws SEMS Split Lockwasher #12-24 x 5/8 4

G643(E) Service Manual 205 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Exploded View of CA100 Mixer (Certified)

Figure 44. CA100 Certified Mixer Exploded View

G643(E) Service Manual 206 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

N-2007 Regulator for G643E Engine

Parts List of N-2007 Regulator (Certified)


1 N-2007 Body 1
2 Diaphragm, Primary Assembly 1
3 Springs, Primary Assembly 2
4 Cover, Primary Assembly 1
5 Spring, Secondary Seat, Red 1
6 Dowel Pin 0.094 x 1 L ( 2.39mm x 25.4mm L) Hardened Steel 1
7 Diaphragm, Secondary Assembly 1
8 Lever, Secondary 1
9 Seat, Secondary 1
10 Valve Primary 1
11 Fillister Head Screws SEMS Split Lockwasher #12-24 x 5/8 6
12 Pan Head Screw SEMS Ext. Tooth Lockwasher #12-24 x 1/4 1
13 Body Gasket 1
14 Back Plate 1
15 O-ring, Size 107 GLT Viton 1
16 Bottom Plate Gasket 1
17 Plate Cover 1
18 Fillister Head Screws SEMS Split Lockwasher #12-24 x 1-3/8 6
19 Hex Head Screws SEMS Split Lockwasher 1/4-20 x 5/8 4
20 Plug, Socket Head Pipe (T-086) 1
21 Cover, Secondary Diaphragm 1
22 Lockwasher, Int. Tooth (T-210) #8 SST 6
23 Torx Screws (T-15) #8-32 x 5/8 6

G643(E) Service Manual 207 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Exploded View of N-2007 Regulator (Certified)

Figure 46. N-2007 Certified Regulator Exploded View

G643(E) Service Manual 208 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

G643 LPG System Inspection and
Removal and Installation


LP gas is highly flammable. To prevent perso-

nal injury, keep fire and flammable materials
away from the lift truck when work is done on
the fuel system.

Gas vapor may reduce oxygen available for

breathing, cause headache, nausea, dizziness
and unconsciousness and lead to injury or
death. Always operate the forklift in a well
ventilated area

Liquid propane may cause freezing of tissue or

frostbite. Avoid direct contact with skin or tis-
sue; always wear appropriate safety protection
including gloves and safety glasses when
working with liquid propane.

The regulator/converter and mixer are part of a
certified system complying with EPA and CARB
2007 requirements. Only trained, certified
technicians should perform disassembly, ser-
vice or replacement of the regulator / converter
or mixer.

G643(E) Service Manual 209 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Hose Connections

Proper operation of the closed loop control greatly depends on the correct vacuum hose routing and fuel line
lengths. Refer to the connection diagram below for proper routing and maximum hose lengths when
reinstalling system components.

NOTE: Preferred mounting of regulator is off engine.

Hose Specifications
Vacuum hose to comply to SAE 1403 Type I or SAE J30 R7 R8 / EPDM textile reinforced / -40 F to +257 F
(-40 C +125 C / Inside Diameter: 7/32 (5.56mm)

DWG NO 5555-1236
Figure 25. Hose Connections for G643 Engines


1 Fuel outlet must be positioned vertically in the down position

Only one 90 fitting permissible on vapor fuel line between mixer and regulator

3 Vapor fuel fittings (regulator and mixer) must have minimum ID of 0.59 (14.99mm)

Vapor hose length to be as short as possible and have no restrictions for best regulator performance

G643(E) Service Manual 210 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Removal and Installation of N-2001 LP

Follow the procedures below for removal and

reinstallation of the N-2001 regulator.

N-2001 Removal Steps

Refer to Figure 29.

1. Close the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder

or fuel storage container.

2. Purge the system of fuel by starting the engine Figure 29. N-2001 Regulator in Non-Certified
and running until all trapped fuel in the system is System
exhausted and the engine shuts down.
N-2001 Installation Steps
3. Remove the fuel inlet line (1) from the lock-off, the
vacuum lines (2) the regulator and disconnect the Refer to Figure 29.
lock-off connector (3).
1. Install the fuel vapor outlet hose (5) onto the
4. Remove the two rear-mounting bolts that hold the regulator.
regulator to the support bracket. This will permit
easier access to the remaining hose clamps. 2. Install the two cooling lines (4) onto the regulator.

5. Remove the two cooling lines (4) from the 3. Install the two rear-mounting bolts that hold the
regulator. regulator to the support bracket. Use a torque
wrench and tighten each bolt to 50-60 lbf-in (5.65-
NOTE: It will be necessary to either drain the 6.78 N-m)
coolant system or clamp off the coolant lines as
close to the regulator as possible to avoid a coolant 4. Install the fuel inlet line (1) onto the lock-off, the
spill when these lines are disconnected. vacuum line (2) onto the regulator and connect
the lock-off connector (3).
6. Remove the fuel vapor outlet hose (5) from the
regulator. 5. Open the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder
or fuel storage container.

G643(E) Service Manual 211 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Removal and Installation of CA100 Mixer for

Follow the procedures below for removal and

reinstallation of the CA100 mixer in non-certified

CA100 Mixer Removal Steps


12-01 Figure 33. CA100 Mixer in Non-Certified System

1. Close the liquid outlet valve in the forklift cylinder

or fuel storage container.

15 2. Purge the system of fuel by starting the engine

13 and running until all trapped fuel in the system is
exhausted and the engine shuts down.
11 3. Key switch in OFF position.
4. Remove the air cleaner hose (1).

9 5. Remove the vacuum line (2).

6. Remove vapor fuel inlet line (3) from the mixer (6).
7 7. Disconnect the wires leading to the electronic
3 throttle body by pinching the lock tabs on either
2 side of the wiring harness connector (8).
8. Loosen the four bolts (4) that secure the
(1) Gasket-Adapter Plate MTG. mixer/adapter/throttle body assembly to the intake
(2) Adapter-Intake Manifold
(3) Fitting manifold.
(4) TMAP sensor
(5) Washer-Tamp MTG
(6) Bolt-Tamp MTG 9. Remove the mixer (6) and the throttle body (7) as
(7) Gasket-ITB an assembly by gently pulling upwards. Take care
(8) Bolt-Adapter not to drop anything down the intake manifold.
(9) ITB
(10) O-Ring
(11) O-Ring Spacer 10. Gently wiggle and pull to separate mixer and
(12) Mixer
(13) Fitting
adapter from the throttle body. Take note of the
(14) Fitting- Vacuum Small adapter orientation on the mixer, as it must be
(15) Apollo Adapter reinstalled correctly for proper fit on the throttle.
(16) Bolt
(17) Fitting
11. Remove the four mounting screws that attach the
throttle adapter to the mixer.

12. Remove the vapor fuel inlet fitting from the mixer.

G643(E) Service Manual 212 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

CA100 Mixer Installation Steps NOTE : A plastic O-ring spacer and an O-ring are
inside the mixer/adapter assembly. Be careful not to
1. Install the vapor fuel inlet fitting onto the mixer. lose these items when removing the assembly from
the throttle (Figure 31).
2. Install the four mounting screws that attach the
throttle adapter (5) to the mixer. (See Figure 32).
Torque bolts to 30-40 lbf-in (3.39-4.52 N-m).

3. Position the mixer/adapter assembly onto the

throttle body (7), then drop in the four mounting
bolts (4) and gently push down on the assembly
until it rests on the throttle body. Be careful not to
pinch the O-ring. (See Figure 31.)

4. Attach the mixer/throttle body assembly to the

intake manifold, making sure gasket is in place.
Tighten the four mounting bolts. Figure 31. O-Ring and Spacer Within Mixer Adapter
5. Connect the wiring harness (8) to the throttle body.

6. Install the vapor fuel inlet line (3) to the mixer.

7. Install the vacuum line (2) to the mixer.

8. Install the air cleaner hose (1).

Figure 32. Throttle Adapter Mount Screws

G643(E) Service Manual 213 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Tests and Adjustments Secondary Stage (Break-Off) Test

1. Connect the vacuum pump, the Magnehelic

gauge and the regulator vapor outlet to the Union
WARNING PROPER USE Tee fitting (Figure 30). Make sure there is no
leakage at any of the fittings.
LP gas is highly flammable. To prevent perso-
nal injury, keep fire and flammable materials 2. Using the vacuum pump slowly apply enough
away from the lift truck when work is done on vacuum to measure above -2 WC on the gauge.
the fuel system. This vacuum signal opens the secondary valve in
the N-2001 regulator/converter.
Gas vapor may reduce oxygen available for
3. Release the vacuum pump lever and you will see
breathing, cause headache, nausea, dizziness
the gauge needle start falling back toward zero.
and unconsciousness and lead to injury or
When the pressure drops just below the specified
death. Always operate the forklift in a well
break-off pressure (-1.2 WC) of the secondary
ventilated area spring, the needle should stop moving.
Liquid propane may cause freezing of tissue or 4. At this point the secondary valve should close. If
frostbite. Avoid direct contact with skin or the secondary valve seat or the secondary
tissue; always wear appropriate safety diaphragm is leaking the gauge needle will
protection including gloves and safety glasses continue to fall toward zero (proportional to the
when working with liquid propane. leak size). An excessively rich air/fuel mixture can
be caused by a secondary valve seat leak and the
regulator should be replaced.

N-2001 Regulator Service Testing

For checking the N-2001 regulator/converter

operation, the following tests can be performed. To
check the secondary regulation (output) a simple
vacuum hand pump can be used to simulate the
vacuum signal transmitted from the air/fuel mixer
when the engine is running. See listing below for
required hardware.

Break-Off Test

Secondary Stage Test Hardware

1. Hand vacuum pump

2. Regulator vapor outlet test fitting 3/4 NPT x 1/4

hose barb
Figure 30. Secondary Stage Test Connection
3. Union Tee 1/4 NPT with three 1/4 NPT x 1/4
hose barb

4. Vacuum hose

5. 0-3 WC Magnehelic gauge (inches of water


G643(E) Service Manual 214 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Pressure Test Primary Stage Pressure Test

Primary Stage Test Hardware 1. Remove the primary test port plug from the side
of the regulator and install the 1/16 NPT hose
1. Hand vacuum pump barb fitting (Figure 31).

2. Regulator fuel inlet test fitting 1/4 NPT standard 2. Connect a compressed air line (shop air ~100 psi)
air coupling) to the liquid propane fuel inlet of the N-2001
regulator (Figure 31).
3. Test gauge fitting (1/4 NPT X 1/4 hose b)

4. Vacuum hose or vinyl tubing

5. 0-60 WC Magnehelic gauge (inches of water


Figure 32. Magnehelic Gauge Connection to Hose


3. Apply compressed air, wait for air to exit the hose

barb in the test port, and then connect the
Figure 31. Primary Stage Test Connection Magnehelic gauge (Figure 32) to the hose barb
using the vacuum hose or vinyl tubing. This
prevents the gauge from reading maximum
pressure due to the large velocity of compressed
air entering the primary chamber.

4. Make sure there is no leakage at any of the

fittings. The static pressure should read between
40-60 WC on the Magnehelic gauge and
maintain a constant pressure for 60 seconds.

5. If the pressure reading begins to increase, a leak

is most likely present at the primary valve, either
the primary valve o-ring or the valve itself. If a leak
is present the regulator should be replaced.

6. If the pressure begins to decrease, the secondary

seat is probably not making an adequate seal and
is leaking. The regulator should be replaced.

7. If the test is successful, re-install the primary test

port plug and check the fittings for leaks. See
Chapter 5 for installation of the N-2001 regulator.

NOTE : The N-2001 primary stage pressure can

also be tested at idle on a running engine. The N-
2001 primary pressure should be between
40 inH20 (99.635 mbar) and 55 inH20 (136.999
mbar) at 750 rpm, idle.

G643(E) Service Manual 215 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

AVV (Air Valve Vacuum) Testing Idle Mixture Adjustment

Purpose of Test NOTE : Be sure engine is fully warm (ECT>167F

[75C]) before performing the idle mixture
Check for excessive or inadequate pressure drop adjustment.
across CA100 mixer.
G643 LP Fuel Systems with O2 Sensor
AVV Test Hardware
Idle Adjustment
1. Union Tee fitting, 1/4 (6.35mm) NPT
with three 1/4 (6.35mm) NPT x 1/4 (6.35mm) 1. Install mixer and a UEGO or HEGO sensor. (A
hose barbs UEGO sensor should be used when desired phi
2. Vacuum hose settings are not at stoichiometric.)
3. 0-20 H2O differential pressure Magnehelic gauge
2. After the mixer is installed, start and warm up the
AVV Test engine to normal operating temperature
(ECT>167F [75C]). Also ensure that the vehicle
1. Install Union Tee fitting in the hose between the drive train and hydraulic systems are at normal
FTVs and the AVV fitting. Connect this fitting to operating temperatures per vehicle manufacturer
the low pressure port of the Magnehelic gauge recommendations.
(Figure 37).
3. Allow the engine to reach steady state at idle.
2. Leave high pressure port of the Magnehelic
gauge exposed to ambient pressure (Figure 37). 4. While monitoring the output of the UEGO or
HEGO sensor adjust the idle screw using a
3. With the engine fully warmed up and running at standard screwdriver until the desired phi reading
idle (750 rpm) place the transmission in Neutral. is achieved (phi = 1.00 to 1.01 is optimal). To
The AVV should be between 5 and 8 H2O of make the mixture richer, turn the screw clockwise;
pressure vacuum. to make the mixture leaner, turn the screw
4. If the measured pressure drop is excessively high,
check for sticking or binding of the diaphragm air 5. Rev the engine to take it off of idle and let it return
valve assembly inside the mixer. Replace mixer if to idle.
6. Once the engine has reached steady state at idle,
5. If the measured pressure drop is low, check for verify the phi reading. Adjust further as needed.
vacuum leaks in the manifold, throttle, mixer,
TMAP sensor and attached hoses.

Figure 37. Magnehelic Gauge Connection

Ignition Timing Adjustment

With the MI-07 system, ignition-timing advance is

controlled by the SECM.
The initial ignition timing setting of the distribytor is
described in chapter 4 Ignition System.

G643(E) Service Manual 216 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Power Valve Adjustment Power Valve Adjustment

1. The power valve should only be adjusted after the 1. The power valve should only be adjusted after the
idle screw has been adjusted properly. The idle screw has been adjusted properly. The
engine and vehicle drive train and hydraulics engine and vehicle drive train and hydraulics
should also be at normal operating temperatures. should also be at normal operating temperatures.

2. Apply a load to the engine while the engine is 2. Apply a load to the engine while the engine is
operating above idle speed. Torque converter stall operating above idle speed. Torque converter stall
is the preferred operating mode for this test. If a is the preferred operating mode for this test. If a
torque converter speed test cannot be performed, torque converter speed test cannot be performed,
the engine can be run at another speed (max the engine can be run at another speed (max
governor), but a load must be applied by using governor), but a load must be applied by using
hydraulics. hydraulics.
The power valve should be adjusted to obtain
NOTE : While adjusting the power valve, do not hold maximum torque converter stall speed.
engine at load point for longer than 5-10 seconds.
Holding for a longer period of time will cause the fuel NOTE : While adjusting the power valve, do not hold
temperature to drop, which could adversely affect engine at load point for longer than 5-10 seconds.
the power valve setting. Holding for a longer period of time will cause the fuel
temperature to drop, which could adversely affect
3. Monitor the output of the UEGO or HEGO sensor the power valve setting.
while the engine is at the higher speed with the
load applied (phi = 1.00 to 1.05 is optimal). 3. Once the power valve is set, bring the engine
back to idle and verify the idle screw setting.
4. If the phi reading is not at the desired level, bring
the engine back to idle and adjust the power valve.

5. Bring the engine back to the higher speed with a

load applied and verify the power valve setting.
Adjust further as needed.

6. Once the power valve is set, bring the engine

back to idle and verify the idle screw setting.

G643 LP Fuel Systems Without O2 Sensor

Idle Adjustment Figure 43. Main Mixture Adjustment on Bottom of

Mixer (partial view)
1. After the mixer is installed, start and warm up the
engine to normal operating temperature
(ECT>167F [75C]). Also ensure that the vehicle
drive train and hydraulic systems are at normal
operating temperatures per vehicle manufacturer

2. Allow the engine to reach steady state at idle.

3. With the idle screw completely tightened

clockwise, use a standard screwdriver to adjust
the idle screw counterclockwise until a minimum
average MAP value has been reached. The MAP
value is displayed on the Service Tool screen.

G643(E) Service Manual 217 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Parts Description

CA100 Mixer for G643 Engine

Refer to Figure 45 exploded view on facing page.


1 Screws 10-24 x 5/8 T-25 Button Head SEMS 4
2 Mixer Cover 1
3 Mixer Spring 1
4 Diaphragm 1
5 Gas Valve Cone (part of air valve assembly) 1
6 Mixer 1
7 Throttle Body Gasket 1
8 Screws 12-24 x 5/8 Fillister Head SEMS 8
9 Air Horn Adapter 1
10 Air Horn Gasket 1

Parts List for CA100 Mixer

G643(E) Service Manual 218 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Exploded View
CA100 Mixer

Figure 44. CA100 Non-Certified Mixer Exploded View

G643(E) Service Manual 219 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

CA100 Disassembly and Service

5 Figure M4

1. With the mixer/adapter assembly removed from the
engine, and the throttle adapter removed from the
mixer, remove the four cover retaining screws from
9 the top of the mixer (Figure M4).
3 14

Figure M5

1 15
2. Gently remove the diaphragm cover from the top of
the mixer. Take care not to loose the air-valve
spring shown in (Figure M5).



Figure M6

3. Remove the air-valve assembly from the mixer as

shown in (Figure M6).

G643(E) Service Manual 220 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

CA100 Disassembled Service

1. Clean the air valve assembly with soap and warm

water to remove heavy-end deposits. Inspect the
fuel metering valve and sealing ring for wear.
Replace worn components as necessary.

Replace all gaskets before assembly.

Clean the mixer body (casting) with a parts cleaning

solvent. Be sure to remove all seals and gaskets
Figure M7
before cleaning the casting with solvent. Make sure
all parts are completely dry before re-assembly.
4. Clean the heavy end deposits from the mixer body
with solvent. Be sure the mixer body is completely NOTE
dry before installing the new air-valve assembly. For re-assembly of the CA100
Replace the air-valve assembly as shown (Figure reverse the disassembly steps.
DO NOT spray car carburetor cleaner or
solvent into the mixer while installed on
the engine. These chemicals may damage
the oxygen sensor and cause pre-mature
failure of the catalytic muffler.

Figure M8

5. Place the alignment mark on top of the air valve

assembly toward the fuel inlet of the mixer; this
places the small notches in the fuel metering valve
(fuel cone) inline with the fuel inlet and the large
notches of the fuel metering valve cone,
perpendicular to the fuel inlet of the mixer. Now
reinstall the air-valve spring and diaphragm cover
(Figure M8).

Figure M9

6. Tighten the cover fastners and reinstall the mixer

on the engine (Figure M9).

G643(E) Service Manual 221 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

N-2001 Regulator for G643 Engine

Refer to Figure 47 exploded view on facing page.

Parts List
N-2001-RSA Regulator


1 Cover Screws 8-32 x 5/8 SEMS 4
2 Torx Screws (T-15) 8-32 x 5/8 Tamper Resistant 2
3 Lockwasher #8 Internal Tooth 2
4 Secondary Cover 1
5 Secondary Diaphragm Assembly 1
6 Pan Head Screw 10-24 x 1/4 w/Star Washer 1
7 Secondary Lever 1
8 Secondary Valve 1
9 Secondary Lever Fulcrum Pin 1
10 Red Secondary Spring 1
11 Pilot Valve Lever 1
12 Pilot Valve Lever Fulcrum Pin 1
13 Internal Hex Head Set Screw 8-32 x 1/4 1
14 Cover Screws 12-24 x 5/8 SEMS 6
15 Primary Diaphragm Cover 1
16 Primary Regulator Springs 2
17 Primary Diaphragm Assembly 1
18 1/8 NPT Hex Pipe Plug Fitting 1
19 Body Assembly 1
20 Body Seal O-ring 1
21 Body Gasket 1
22 Regulator Back Plate 1
23 Primary Seal O-Ring 1
24 Primary Regulator Valve 1
25 Cover Screws 12-24 x 5/8 SEMS 6
26 Inlet Seal O-Ring 1
27 Inlet Plug 1
28 Hex Head Screws 1/4-20 UNC-2A x 5/8 SEMS 2

G643(E) Service Manual 222 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Exploded View
N-2001-RSA Regulator

Figure 47. N-2001 Regulator Exploded View

G643(E) Service Manual 223 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

N2001 Regulator Disassembly Steps:

1 Figure R5

Figure R3

Figure R5

Remove the six primary diaphragm cover screws (4)

Figure R4 and the primary cover assembly (5).

1. Remove the six secondary cover screws (1), the

secondary cover (2) and the secondary
diaphragm (3).

2. Remove the six primary diaphragm cover screws

(4) and the primary cover assembly (5).

Figure R6

Remove the primary diaphragm by sliding the

diaphragm to one side, releasing the primary valve
pin (Figure R6).

G643(E) Service Manual 224 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM



Figure R7

6. Remove the body gasket (10), body o-ring seal

(11) and the fuel inlet plate, exposing the fuel inlet
expansion chamber and the coolant passage.

For re-assembly of the N2001
regulator/converter, reverse the steps for
8 disassembly. Tighten all fasteners to
recommended torque values and test the
9 regulator before installing in the vehicle.
Torque primary cover screws to (40-50
Figure R8 inch lbs.), secondary cover screws to (15-
18 inch lbs.).

Figure R9

Turn the regulator body over with the rear fuel inlet
plate facing up. Remove the primary valve access
plug (7), the primary valve (8) and the primary valve
o-ring seal (9). The primary valve goes through the
inlet plate, then through the body assembly and is
retained by the primary diaphragm (Figure R9).

G643(E) Service Manual 225 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

N2001 Disassembled Service

1. Clean the primary and secondary valves with

soap and warm water to remove heavy-end
deposits. Inspect the valve seats and o-rings for
wear. Replace worn components as necessary.

2. Clean the primary and secondary diaphragms

with soap and warm water. Inspect for wear, tears
or pinholes and deformations that may cause
leaks or poor performance of the .

3. Replace the body gasket of the coolant chamber

and body o-ring seal when servicing the N2001 to
avoid coolant leaks from the fuel expansion
chamber to the coolant passage.

4. Clean the regulator body (casting) with a parts

cleaning solvent. Be sure to remove all seals and
gaskets before cleaning the casting with solvent.

Figure R11

5. Make sure all parts (Figure R11) are completely

dry before re-assembly.

G643(E) Service Manual 226 Chapter 6. LPG FUEL DELIVERY SYSTEM

Preliminary Checks Visual/Physical check

MI-07 systems are equipped with built-in fault Several of the procedures call for a Careful
diagnostics. Detected system faults can be Visual/Physical Check which should include:
displayed by the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
and are covered in Chapter 9, Advanced SECM grounds for being clean and tight
Diagnostics. However, items such as fuel level,
plugged fuel lines, clogged fuel filters, and Vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and proper
malfunctioning pressure regulators may not set a connection.
fault code and usually can be corrected with the
basic troubleshooting steps described on the Air leaks at throttle body mounting and intake
following pages. manifold

If engine or drivability problems are encountered Exhaust system leaks

with your MI-07 system, perform the checks in this
section before referring to Advanced Diagnostics. Ignition wires for cracking, hardness, proper
routing, and carbon tracking
NOTE: Locating a problem in a propane engine is
done exactly the same as with a gasoline engine. Wiring for pinches and cuts
Consider all parts of the ignition and mechanical
systems as well as the fuel system. Also check:

Before Starting Connections to determine that none are loose,

cracked, or missing
1. Determine that the SECM and MIL light are
operating. Verify operation by keying on engine Fuel level in vehicle is sufficient
and checking for flash of MIL light. When the
Fuel is not leaking
ignition key is turned on, the MIL will illuminate
and remain on until the engine is started. Once
Battery voltage is greater than 11.5 volts
the engine is started, the MIL lamp will go out
unless one or more fault conditions are present. If
Steering, brakes, and hydraulics are in proper
a detected fault condition exists, the fault or faults
condition and vehicle is safe to operate
will be stored in the memory of the small engine
control module (SECM). Once an active fault
NOTE: The Visual/Physical check is very important,
occurs the MIL will illuminate and remain ON.
as it can often correct a problem without further
This signals the operator that a fault has been
troubleshooting and save valuable time.
detected by the SECM.

2. Determine that there are no diagnostic codes

stored, or there is a diagnostic code but no MIL

G643(E) Service Manual 227 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Basic Troubleshooting Guide
Customer Problem Analysis Sheet

1. Forklift Information

(I) VIN:

(II) Production Date:

(III) Hour meter Reading: (hrs)

2. Symptoms

Engine does not turn over Incomplete combustion

Unable to start
Initial combustion does not occur

Difficult to start Engine turns over slowly Other_________________

Rough idling Incorrect idling
Poor idling Unstable idling (High: ______ rpm, Low: ______ rpm)
Soon after starting After accelerator pedal depressed
After accelerator pedal released
Engine stall
Shifting from N to D-range

Poor driving (Surge) Knocking Poor fuel economy

Back fire After fire Other____________________________

3. Environment

Constant Sometimes (_________________) Once only

Problem frequency

Weather Fine Cloudy Rainy Snowy Other__________________

Outdoor temperature Approx._____ /

Suburbs Inner City Uphill Downhill

Rough road Other___________________________________

Engine temperature Cold Warming up After warming up Any temperature

Starting Just after starting (____min) Idling Racing
Engine operation Driving Constant speed Acceleration Deceleration


MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) Remains ON Sometimes lights up Does not light

DTC Normal DTC(_______________________________________)

G643(E) Service Manual 228 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Basic Inspection Procedure 4. Repair or replace the component that has a
Measuring Condition Of Electronic Parts
Resistance 5. Verify that the problem has disappeared with the
road test.
The measured resistance at high temperature after
vehicle running may be high or low. So all resistance SIMULATING VIBRATION
must be measured at ambient temperature (20, 68
), unless there is any notice. 1) Sensors and Actuators
: Slightly vibrate sensors, actuators or relays
NOTE: The measured resistance in except for with finger.
ambient temperature (20, 68) is reference value.
Intermittent Problem Inspection Procedure
Strong vibration may break sensors, actuators
Sometimes the most difficult case in troubleshooting or relays.
is when a problem symptom occurs but does not
occur again during testing. An example would be if a 2) Connectors and Harness
problem appears only when the vehicle is cold but : Lightly shake the connector and wiring
has not appeared when warm. In this case, harness vertically and then horizontally.
technician should thoroughly make out a
recreate (simulate) the environment and condition
which occurred when the vehicle was having the 1) Heat components suspected of causing the
issue. malfunction with a hair dryer or other heat

DO NOT heat components to the point where
they may be damaged.
DO NOT heat the ECM directly.

Simulating Water Sprinkling

1) Sprinkle water onto vehicle to simulate a rainy

day or a high humidity condition.

DO NOT sprinkle water directly into the engine
compartment or electronic components.

1. Clear Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC).

2. Inspect connector connection, and check terminal 1) Turn on all electrical systems to simulate
for poor connections, loose wires, bent, broken or excessive electrical loads (Radios, fans, lights,
corroded pins, and then verify that the connectors etc.).
are always securely fastened.

3. Slightly shake the connector and wiring harness

vertically and horizontally.

G643(E) Service Manual 229 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Connector Inspection Procedure

Handling of Connector

4. When a tester is used to check for continuity, or to

measure voltage, always insert tester probe from
wire harness side.

1. Never pull on the wiring harness when

disconnecting connectors.

5. Check waterproof connector terminals from the

connector side. Waterproof connectors cannot be
accessed from harness side.
2. When removing the connector with a lock, press
or pull locking lever. NOTE: Use a fine wire to prevent damage to the
terminal. Do not damage the terminal when inserting
the tater lead.

3. Listen for a click when locking connectors. This

sound indicates that they are securely locked.

G643(E) Service Manual 230 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Checking Point for Connector Wire Harness Inspection Procedure

1. Before removing the wire harness, check the wire

harness position and crimping in order to restore
it correctly.

2. Check whether the wire harness is twisted, pulled

or loosened.

3. Check whether the temperature of the wire

harness is abnormally high.

4. Check whether the wire harness is rotating,

moving or vibrating against the sharp edge of a
1. While the connector is connected:
Hold the connector, check connecting condition 5. Check the connection between the wire harness
and locking efficiency. and any installed part.

2. When the connector is disconnected: 6. If the covering of wire harness is damaged;

Check missed terminal, crimped terminal or secure, repair or replace the harness.
broken core wire by slightly pulling the wire
harness. Visually check for rust, contamination,
deformation and bend.

3. Check terminal tightening condition:

Insert a spare male terminal into a female ter-
minal and then check terminal tightening

4. Pull lightly on individual wires to ensure that each

wire is secured in the terminal.

Repair Method of Connector Terminal

1. Clean the contact points using air gun and/or

shop rag.

NOTE: Never uses and paper when polishing the

contact points, otherwise the contact point may be

2. In case of abnormal contact pressure, replace the

female terminal.

G643(E) Service Manual 231 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Electrical Circuit Inspection Procedure normal). To find exact break point, check sub line of
line 1as described in next step.
Check Open Circuit

b. Disconnect connector (B), and measure for

1. Procedures for Open Circuit resis tance between connector (C) and (B1)
and between (B2) and (A) as shown in [FIG.3].
Continuity Check In this case the measured resistance between
connector (C) and (B1) is higher than 1 and
Voltage Check the open circuit is between terminal 1 of
connector (C) and terminal 1 of connector (B1).
If an open circuit occurs (as seen in [FIG.1]), it can
be found by performing Step 2 (Continuity Check) or
Step 3 (Voltage Check Method) as shown below.

2. Continuity Check Method

NOTE: When measuring for resistance, lightly shake

the wire harness above and below or from side to

Specification (Resistance)
1 or less Normal Circuit
1 or Higher Open Circuit
3. Voltage Check Method

a. With each connector still connected, measure

the voltage between the chassis ground and
terminal1 of each connectors (A), (B) and (C)
as shown in [FIG.4].

The measured voltage of each connector is 5V,

5V and 0V respectively. So the open circuit is
between connector (C) and (B).

a. Disconnect connectors (A), (C) and measure

resistance between connector (A) and (C) as
shown in [FIG.2].

In [FIG.2.] the measured resistance of line1and

2 is higher than 1 and below 1 respectively.
Specifically the open circuit is line 1(Line 2 is

G643(E) Service Manual 232 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Check Short Circuit

b. Disconnect connector (B), and measure the

resistance between connector (A) and chassis
1. Test Method for Short to Ground Circuit ground, and between (B1) and chassis ground
as shown in [FIG.7].
Continuity Check with Chassis Ground
The measured resistance between connector (B1)
If short to ground circuit occurs as shown in [FIG.5], and chassis groundis1 or less. The short to
the broken point can be found by performing below ground circuit is between terminal 1 of connector (C)
Step 2 (Continuity Check Method with Chassis and terminal 1 of connector (B1).
Ground) as shown below.

2. Continuity Check Method (with Chassis Ground)

NOTE: Lightly shake the wire harness above and

below, or from side to side when measuring the

Specification (Resistance)
1 or less Short to Ground Circuit
1 or Higher Normal Circuit

a. Disconnect connectors (A), (C) and measure

for resistance between connector (A) and
Chassis Ground as shown in [FIG.6].

The measured resistance of line 1 and 2 in this

example is below 1 and higher than 1
respectively. Specifically the short to ground circuit
is line 1 (Line 2is normal). To find exact broken point,
check the sub line of line1 as described in the
following step.

G643(E) Service Manual 233 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Basic Troubleshooting An intermittent Service Engine Soon light with no
stored diagnostic code may be caused by:
Intermittents Ignition coil shortage to ground and arcing at
spark plug wires or plugs
An intermittent fault is the most difficult to
troubleshoot since the MIL flashes on at random,
MIL light wire to ECM shorted to ground
causing uncertainty in the number of flashes or the
conditions present at the time of the fault. Also, the
SECM grounds (refer to SECM wiring diagrams).
problem may or may not fully turn ON the MIL light
or store a code.
Check for improper installation of electrical options
such as lights, 2-way radios, accessories, etc.
Therefore, the fault must be present or able to be
recreated in order to locate the problem. If a fault is
EST wires should be routed away from spark plug
intermittent, use of diagnostic code charts may
wires, distributor wires, distributor housing, coil and
result in the unnecessary replacement of good
generator. Wires from SECM to ignition should have
a good connection.
Corrective Action
Most intermittent problems are caused by faulty
electrical connections or wiring. Perform careful
visual/physical check for:

Poor mating of the connector halves or terminal

not fully seated in the connector body (backed

Improperly formed or damaged terminal. All

connector terminals in problem circuit should be
carefully reformed or replaced to insure proper
contact tension

Loose connections or broken wires

Poor terminal to wire connection crimp

If a visual/physical check does not find the cause of

the problem, perform the following:

(1) Drive the vehicle with a voltmeter or Service

tool connected to a suspected circuit. Check if
circuit is active and signal is reasonable.

(2) Using the Service tool, monitor the input signal

to the SECM to help detect intermittent

(3) An abnormal voltage, or Service reading, when

the problem occurs, indicates the problem may
be in that circuit.

(4) If the wiring and connectors check OK, and a

diagnostic code was stored for a circuit having a
sensor, check sensor.

G643(E) Service Manual 234 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Surges and/or Stumbles
Engine power varies under steady throttle or cruise. Feels like the vehicle speeds up and slows down with no
change in the acceleration pedal.

Preliminary Checks
Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.
Be sure driver understands vehicle operation as explained in the operator manual.


The fuel management should maintain a stoichiometric air-fuel ratio under all
Oxygen sensor steady state operating conditions following engine warmup. Failure of the Pre-
malfunction catalyst O2 sensor should cause an O2 sensor fault that can be diagnosed with
the MIL lamp or Service Tool.

NOTE: To determine if the condition is caused by a rich or lean system, the

vehicle should be driven at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring pre-catalyst
O2 adapts*, dither valve duty cycle, or mechanical injector pulse width will help
Fuel system malfunction identify problem.
Check fuel supply while condition exists.
Check in-line fuel filter. Replace if dirty or plugged.
Check fuel pressure.

Check for proper ignition voltage output using spark tester.

Check spark plugs.
Remove spark plugs, check for wet plugs, cracks, wear, improper gap, burned
Ignition system electrodes, or heavy deposits.
malfunction Repair or replace as necessary.
Check condition of distributor cap, rotor and spark plug wires (where
Check ignition timing. Refer to application manual for specs.

Check vacuum lines for kinks or leaks.

Component malfunction
Check alternator output voltage. Repair if less than 9 or more than 16 volts.
Check condition of exhaust system.
Exhaust backpressure
Check backpressure before catalyst. It should be less than 3.5 psig (24.13 kPa).

(*) Refer to Table 1 for description of gaseous and liquid O2 adapts.

Related MIL Faults:

Pre-catalyst O2 sensor errors / O2 control errors
Dither valve DC faults / EST faults / ETC faults

G643(E) Service Manual 235 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Engine Cranking but Will Not Start / Difficult to Start

Engine cranks OK, but does not start for a long time. Does eventually run, or may start but immediately dies.

Preliminary Checks

Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.

Be sure driver is using correct method to start engine as explained in operators manual. Use clear flood
mode during cranking by fully depressing the pedal and cranking the engine. If engine does not start, continue


Verify selected fuel with Service Tool. Make sure fuel select switch
is in proper position.
Check for LPG vapor from LPG liquid outlet valve on tank.
Fuel container empty
Fill fuel container. Do not exceed 80% of liquid capacity.
Liquid valve closed Slowly open liquid valve.
Propane excess flow Reset excess flow valve in LPG tank.
valve closed Close liquid valve. Wait for a click sound; slowly open liquid valve.

Remove obstruction from the fuel line.

Close liquid fuel valve.
Using caution, disconnect the fuel line (some propane may
Plugged fuel line
Clear obstruction with compressed air.
Re-connect fuel line.
Slowly open liquid fuel valve.
Leak test.

Repair/replace as required.
Clogged fuel filter
See Chapter 2 Fuel Filter replacement.
Check connection
Faulty vapor connection between the
Verify no holes in hose.
pressure regulator/converter and the
Clamps must be tight.
Look for kinked, pinched and/or collapsed hose.
Repair/replace fuel lock-off.
Fuel lock-off malfunction
See Chapter 5 Fuel Lock-off.
Pressure regulator/converter Test regulator/converter operation and pressure.
malfunction See Chapter 6 LPG Fuel Delivery System.
Incorrect air/fuel or ignition/spark
See Chapter 8 Advanced Diagnostics.
Verify the crankshaft position signal is present
No crankshaft position sensor signal
See Chapter 8 Advanced Diagnostics.

G643(E) Service Manual 236 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Engine Cranking but Will Not Start / Difficult to Start (contd.)


Check Coolant Temperature Sensor using the Service Tool; compare coolant
temperature with ambient temperature on cold engine.
If coolant temperature reading is 5 greater than or less than ambient air
temperature on a cold engine, check resistance in coolant sensor circuit or
sensor itself. Compare CTS resistance value to Diagnostic Aids chart at end
SECM / control system of this section.
malfunction Verify that there is no code for ETC spring check fault.
Check for 0% APP during cranking.
Cycle key ON and OFF and listen for throttle check (movement) on key OFF.
Check for oil pressure switch faults.
Check for sensor sticking faults.
Check TPS for stuck binding or a high TPS voltage with the throttle closed.

Check fuel lock off (propane) or fuel pump relay gasoline operation: actuator
should turn ON for 2 seconds when ignition is turned ON.
Check fuel pressure.
Check for contaminated fuel.
Check both gasoline injector and lock off fuses (visually inspect).
Fuel system malfunction
Check propane tank valve & pickup. A faulty
in-tank fuel pump check valve will allow the fuel in the lines to drain back to the
tank after engine is stopped. To check for this condition, perform fuel system
Check FTV system for proper operation.

Check for proper ignition voltage output with spark tester.

Check spark plugs. Remove spark plugs, check for wet plugs, cracks, wear,
improper gap, burned electrodes, or heavy deposits. Repair or replace as
Check for:
Ignition system malfunction Moisture in distributor cap*
Bare or shorted wires
Worn distributor shaft/rotor*
Loose ignition coil ground
Pickup coil resistance and connections
(*) Where present

Related MIL Faults:

ETC spring check / ETC faults / EST faults / TPS conflict
APP faults / Encoder error / MAP faults
Injector faults / Oil pressure faults

G643(E) Service Manual 237 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Lack of Power, Slow to Respond / Poor High Speed Performance / Hesitation During

Engine delivers less than expected power. Little or no increase in speed when accelerator pedal is pushed
down part way. Momentary lack of response as the accelerator is pushed down. Can occur at all vehicle
speeds. Usually most severe when first trying to make vehicle move, as from a stop. May cause engine to stall.

Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.
Drive vehicle; verify problem exists.
Remove air filter and check for dirt or other means of plugging. Replace if needed.


Check for restricted fuel filter.
Check fuel supply.
Check for LPG vapor from LPG liquid outlet valve on tank.
Check for contaminated fuel.
Check for clogged fuel filter and repair or replace as required. See Chapter 4
Fuel Filter replacement
Check for plugged fuel line and remove any obstruction from the fuel line:
Close liquid fuel valve.
Using caution, disconnect the fuel line (some propane may escape).
Clear obstruction with compressed air.
Fuel system malfunction Re-connect fuel line.
Slowly open liquid fuel valve and leak test.
Check for faulty vapor connection between pressure regulator/converter and
Verify that there are no holes in hose.
Observe that clamps are tight.
Look for kinked, pinched and/or collapsed hose.
Monitor pre-catalyst O2 with Service Tool.
Check for proper pressure regulator operation.
See Chapter 6 Test and Adjustments.
Check for proper air/fuel mixer operation.

Check spark advance for excessive retarded ignition timing. Use Service Tool.
Check secondary voltage using an oscilloscope or a spark tester to check for a
Ignition system malfunction weak coil.
Check spark plug condition.
Check poor spark plug primary and secondary wire condition.

G643(E) Service Manual 238 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Lack of Power, Slow to Respond / Poor High Speed Performance / Hesitation During
Acceleration (contd.)


Check SECM grounds for cleanliness and secure

connection. See SECM wiring diagrams.
Check alternator output voltage. Repair if less than 9
volts or more than 16 volts.
Check for clogged air filter and clean or replace as
Check exhaust system for possible restriction.
Refer to Chart T-1 on later pages.
Component malfunction Inspect exhaust system for damaged or collapsed
Inspect muffler for heat distress or possible internal
Check for possible plugged catalytic converter by
comparing exhaust system backpressure on each
side at engine. Check backpressure by removing
Pre-catalyst O2 sensor and measuring
backpressure with a gauge.
See Chapter 3 Engine Mechanical System.
Engine mechanical Check engine valve timing and compression
Check engine for correct or worn camshaft.

Related MIL Faults:

EST faults
ETC faults
ETC spring check
TPS faults
APP faults
Encoder error
Delayed Shutdown faults

G643(E) Service Manual 239 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Detonation / Spark Knock
A mild to severe ping, usually worse under acceleration. The engine makes sharp metallic knocks that change
with throttle opening (similar to the sound of hail striking a metal roof).


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.


Check for proper fuel level:
Check for LPG vapor from LPG liquid outlet valve on tank.
Fill fuel container. Do not exceed 80% of liquid capacity.
Fuel system
malfunction Check fuel pressure.
To determine if the condition is caused by a rich or lean system, the vehicle
should be driven at the speed of the complaint. Monitoring with the Service
tool will help identify problem.

Check for obvious overheating problems:

Low engine coolant
Loose water pump belt
Restricted air flow to radiator, or restricted water flow through radiator
Cooling system malfunction
Inoperative electric cooling fan
Correct coolant solution should be a mix of anti-freeze coolant (or
equivalent) and water
High coolant temperature

Ignition system Check ignition timing.

malfunction Check spark module wiring.
Check exhaust backpressure.
Exhaust system malfunction Check for debris clogging the catalyst.
Check that pre-catalyst O2 sensor is functioning.

Check for excessive oil in the combustion chamber and/or blow by from
excessive PCV flow.
Engine mechanical Check combustion chambers for excessive carbon build up.
Check combustion chamber pressure by performing a compression test.
Check for incorrect basic engine parts such as cam, heads, pistons, etc.

Related MIL Faults:

EST faults
Encoder error
High coolant temperature faults

G643(E) Service Manual 240 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Fuel ignites in intake manifold or in exhaust system, making loud popping noise.

Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.
Simulate condition by reviewing operation procedure practiced by vehicle operator.


Perform fuel system diagnosis check:
Fuel system Check for fuel leaks
malfunction Check for MIL faults
Check for damaged components
Check proper ignition coil output voltage with spark tester.
Check spark plugs. Remove spark plugs, check for wet plugs, cracks, wear,
improper gap, burned electrodes, or heavy deposits. Repair or replace as
Ignition system
Check spark plug wires for crossfire; also inspect distributor cap, spark plug
wires, and proper routing of plug wires.
Check ignition timing.
Check compression: look for sticking or leaking valves.
Check intake and exhaust manifold for casting flash and gasket
Engine mechanical
Refer to Chapter 3 Engine Mechanical System.

Related MIL Faults: EST faults / ETC faults / Encoder error

Pre-catalyst O2 sensor faults

Dieseling, Run-on
Engine continues to run after key is turned OFF, but runs very roughly. If engine runs smoothly, check
ignition switch and adjustment.


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.


Fuel system
Check for fuel leaks or leaking injector.
Ignition switching Make sure power to system is shut off when key is in OFF position.

Fuel lock off valve Make sure lock off valve is closing properly.

Ignition system malfunction Check spark advance at idle.

Related MIL Faults: EST faults / ETC faults / Pre-catalyst O2 sensor faults

G643(E) Service Manual 241 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Rough, Unstable, Incorrect Idle, or Stalling
Engine cranks OK, but does not start for a long time. Does eventually run, or may start but immediately dies.


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.

Check for vacuum leaks.
Check that SECM grounds are clean and tight. See SECM wiring diagram


Monitor oxygen feedback to help identify the cause of the problem. If

the system is running lean or if the system is running rich evaluate
further i.e. dither valve duty cycle and injector pulse width.
Check for incorrect minimum idle speed that may be caused by foreign
material accumulation in the throttle bore, on the throttle valve, or on
the throttle shaft.
Fuel system Check that the injectors are clean and functioning.
malfunction Check for liquid fuel in propane pressure regulator hose. If fuel is
present, replace regulator assembly.
The pre-catalyst oxygen (O2) sensor should respond quickly to
different throttle positions. If it does not, then check the pre-catalyst O2
sensor for contamination. If the pre-catalyst O2 sensor is aged or
contaminated, the SECM will not deliver correct amount of fuel,
resulting in a drivability problem.
Check for LPG vapor from LPG liquid outlet valve on tank.
Fuel container empty
Fill fuel container. Do not exceed 80% of liquid capacity.
Ignition system
Check ignition system; wires, plugs, rotor, etc.
Test regulator operation and pressure.
LPG pressure regulator malfunction
See Chapter 6 Tests and Adjustments
Air/fuel mixer malfunction Check mixer.

Check throttle for sticking or binding.

Check PCV valve for proper operation by placing finger over inlet hole
in valve end several times. Valve should snap back. If not, replace
Component malfunction
Check alternator output voltage. Repair if less than 9 or more than 16
Perform a cylinder compression check.
Engine mechanical
See Chapter 3 Engine Mechanical System.

G643(E) Service Manual 242 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Rough, Unstable, Incorrect Idle, or Stalling (contd.)


Reset excess flow valve.
Excess flow valve closed Close liquid valve.
Wait for a click sound. Slowly open liquid valve.
Repair/replace as required
Clogged fuel filter
See Chapter 2 Fuel Filter Replacement
Remove obstruction from the fuel line.
Close liquid fuel valve.
Using caution, disconnect the fuel line (some
Plugged fuel line propane may escape).
Clear obstruction with compressed air.
Re-connect fuel line.
Slowly open liquid fuel valve & leak test.
Repair/replace fuel lock-off.
Fuel lock-off malfunction
See Chapter 2 Fuel Lock-Off.
Check connection.
Faulty vapor connection
Verify no holes in hose.
between the pressure regulator/converter and the
Clamps must be tight.
Look for kinked, pinched and/or collapsed hose.
Check level in cooling system:
Must be full, check coolant strength
-35F (-37C) minimum
Pressure regulator freezes Check coolant hoses.
Watch for kinks and/or pinched hoses.
Verify one pressure hose and one return hose.
Test regulator. See Chapter 6
Check for vacuum leaks.
Between mixer and throttle body
Vacuum leak
Between throttle body and intake manifold
Between intake manifold and cylinder head

Related MIL Faults:

EST faults
ETC Sticking fault
Pre-catalyst adapts error

G643(E) Service Manual 243 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Cuts Out, Misses
Steady pulsation or jerking that follows engine speed, usually more pronounced as engine load increases,
sometimes above 1500 rpm. The exhaust has a steady spitting sound at idle or low speed.


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.


Check fuel system specifically for plugged fuel filter, low pressure.
Fuel system Check for contaminated fuel.
malfunction Check lock off intermittent connection.
Check dither valve operation.

Check for spark on the suspected cylinder(s) using a shop oscilloscope or

spark tester or equivalent. If no spark, check for intermittent operation or
miss. If there is a spark, remove spark plug(s) in these cylinders and check
for cracks, wear, improper gap, burned electrodes, heavy deposits.
Ignition system
Check spark plug wires by connecting ohmmeter to ends of each wire in
question. If meter reads over 30,000 ohms, replace wire(s).
Visually inspect distributor cap, rotor, and wires for moisture, dust, cracks,
burns, etc. Spray cap and plug wires with fine water mist to check for shorts.
Check engine ground wire for looseness or corrosion.

Check for electromagnetic interference (EMI). A missing condition can be

caused by EMI on the reference circuit. EMI can usually be detected by
monitoring engine rpm with Service Tool. A sudden increase in rpm with little
Component malfunction
change in actual engine rpm indicates EMI is present. If problem exists,
check routing of secondary wires and check distributor ground circuit.
Check intake and exhaust manifolds for casting flash or gasket leaks.
Perform compression check on questionable cylinders. If compression is low,
repair as necessary.
Engine mechanical Check base engine. Remove rocker covers and check for bent pushrods,
worn rocker arms, broken valve springs, worn camshaft lobes, and valve
timing. Repair as necessary.

Related MIL Faults:

EST faults
ETC Sticking fault

G643(E) Service Manual 244 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Poor Fuel Economy / Excessive Fuel Consumption / LPG Exhaust Smell
Fuel economy, as measured during normal operation, is noticeably lower than expected. Also, economy is
noticeably lower than what it has been in the past. Propane fuel smell near vehicle sets off carbon monoxide


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.

Verify operator complaint: identify operating conditions.
Check operators driving habits:
Are tires at correct pressure?
Are excessively heavy loads being carried?
Is acceleration too much, too often?
Check air cleaner element (filter) for being dirty or plugged.
Visually (physically) check vacuum hoses for splits, kinks, and proper connections as shown on application


Check for faulty gasoline pressure regulator.

Check for leaking injector.
Fuel system Check that dither valve duty cycle is < 15%.
malfunction Check for too high propane pressure at mixer
(> 1 positive pressure).
Monitor Pre-catalyst O2 sensor with Service Tool.

Check engine coolant level.

Cooling system
Check engine thermostat for faulty part (always open) or for
wrong heat range.

Check ignition timing. Refer to application manual.

Check for weak ignition and/or spark control.
Ignition system
Check spark plugs. Remove spark plugs and check for wet
plugs, cracks, wear, improper gap, burned electrodes, or heavy
deposits. Repair or replace as necessary.

Check for exhaust system restriction or leaks.

Check induction system and crankcase for air leaks.
Check for clogged air filter; clean or replace as required.
Component malfunction Check FTV for housing cracks or obstructions; repair or replace
as required.
Check for vacuum leak. Check system vacuum hoses from
regulator to FTV and mixer. Repair or replace as required.
Air/fuel mixer malfunction Check mixer.
Pressure regulator malfunction / Test regulator operation and pressure.
fuel pressure too high See Chapter 6 Tests and Adjustments.
Check compression.
Engine mechanical
Refer to Chapter 3 Engine Mechanical System.

Related MIL Faults:

Pre-catalyst O2 sensor faults / Low side driver / Dither valve duty cycle
EST faults / Fuel adapt faults / Low coolant temperature

G643(E) Service Manual 245 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

High Idle Speed
Engine idles above the range of 750-1100 rpm.


Perform the visual checks as described at start of Basic Troubleshooting chapter.


Check all hoses and gaskets for cracking, kinks, or leaks.

Verify that there are no vacuum leaks.
Incorrect idle speed control
See Chapter 8 Advanced Diagnostics & Chapter 6 Tests and
Replace throttle.
Throttle sticking
See Fault Code 461: ETC_Sticking
Check pedal return spring travel for binding.
Check APP function with Service Tool.
Foot pedal sticking or incorrect pedal signal
Verify smooth change of APP reading with pedal movement.
See Chapter 8 Advanced Diagnostics.
Check for vacuum hose leak.
Engine mechanical Check for PCV malfunction.
Check for defective intake gasket.

Related MIL Faults:

ETC Sticking fault
Idle adapt out of range
MAP Sticking fault
MAP high value

G643(E) Service Manual 246 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Excessive Exhaust Emissions or Odors

Vehicle has high CO emissions.

NOTE: Excessive odors do not necessarily indicate excessive emissions.

Verify that no stored codes exist.
If emission test shows excessive CO and HC, check items that cause vehicle to run rich.
If emission test shows excessive NOx, check items that cause vehicle to run lean or too hot.


If the Service tool indicates a very high coolant temperature and the system
is running lean:
Cooling system Check engine coolant level.
malfunction Check engine thermostat for faulty part (always open) or for wrong heat
Check fan operation

If the system is running rich, refer to Diagnostic Aids chart on the next
Fuel system If the system is running lean, refer to Diagnostic Aids chart on the next
malfunction page.
Check for properly installed fuel system components.
Check fuel pressure.

Ignition system Check ignition timing. Refer to application manual.

malfunction Check spark plugs, plug wires, and ignition components.

Check for vacuum leaks.

Check for contamination for catalytic converter (look for the removal of fuel
filler neck restrictor).
Check for carbon build-up. Remove carbon with quality engine cleaner.
Component malfunction
Follow instructions on label.
Check for plugged PCV valve.
Check for stuck or blocked PCV hose.
Check for fuel in the crankcase.

Related MIL Faults:

Low side driver
Fuel adapt faults
EST faults

G643(E) Service Manual 247 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Diagnostic Aids for Rich / Lean Operation


Pre-catalyst O2 A/ D counts Consistently > 250 Consistently < 170

Pre-catalyst O2 sensor switching
Always high ADC Always low ADC
between high and low
Trim valve duty cycle > 90% < 10%
Pre-catalyst O2 sensor failed rich Pre-catalyst O2 sensor failed rich
Malfunction codes Pre-catalyst O2 sensor high Pre-catalyst O2 sensor high
Fuel adapts Fuel adapts
Closed loop operation Stuck in open loop Stuck in open loop

(*) The duty cycle injector pulse width criteria for lean or rich operation apply only if the O2 sensor is
functioning properly. If the sensor is not operating properly the criteria may be reversed.

Rich Operation Lean Operation

LP (Trim valve duty cycle>90%) LP (Trim valve duty cycle<10%)

Inspect hoses from AVV port (port on bottom of Check for vacuum leaks, replace hoses, o-rings,
mixer) to trim valves and regulator for leaks or and gaskets as necessary
blockages, replace as necessary.
Check balance line for blockage, replace as
Inspect in-line orifices for blockages (in wye), necessary
replace as necessary
Check vapor hose for restrictions, replace as
Check trim valves for proper operation, replace as necessary

Check regulator out pressure, replace if out of Check trim valves for proper operation, replace as
spec necessary

Inspect fuel cone for damage, replace mixer Check regulator out pressure, replace if out of
assembly as necessary spec

G643(E) Service Manual 248 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

Chart T-1 Restricted Exhaust System Diagnosis:
1. With the engine idling at normal operating
Proper diagnosis for a restricted exhaust system is temperature, observe the exhaust system
essential before replacement of any components. backpressure reading on the gage. Reading
The following procedures may be used for diagnosis, should not exceed 1.25 psig (8.61 kPa).
depending upon engine or tool used.
2. Increase engine speed to 2000 rpm and observe
gage. Reading should not exceed 3 psig (20.68
Check Atpre - Catalystoxygen (O2) Sensor kPa).

1. Carefully remove pre-catalyst oxygen (O2) sensor. 3. If the backpressure at either speed exceeds
specification, a restricted exhaust system is
2. Install exhaust backpressure tester or equivalent indicated.
in place of O2 sensor using Snap-On P/N
EEVPV311A kit and YA8661 adapter or Mac tool 4. Inspect the entire exhaust system for a collapsed
(see illustration). pipe, heat distress, or possible internal damage,
split welds, or cracked pipe.
3. After completing test described below, be sure to
coat threads of O2 sensor with anti-seize 5. If there are no obvious reasons for the excessive
compound prior to re-installation. backpressure, the catalytic converter is restricted
and should be replaced using current
recommended procedures.

Illustration Notes

1. Backpressure gage

2. Pre-catalyst Oxygen (O2) sensor

3. Exhaust manifold

G643(E) Service Manual 249 Chapter 7. Basic Troubleshooting

MI-07 systems are equipped with built-in fault identifies a twenty-six (26), which is the ETCSticking
diagnostics. Detected system faults can be fault. If any additional faults were stored the SECM
displayed by the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) would again have a long pause, then display the
as Diagnostic Fault Codes (DFC) or flash codes, next fault by flashing each digit. Since no other
and viewed in detail with the use of the Service Tool
faults were stored there will be a long pause then
software. When the ignition key is turned on, the MIL
will illuminate and remain on until the engine is one flash (1), pause, then two flashes (2). This
started. Once the engine is started, the MIL lamp will identifies a twelve meaning the fault list will begin
go out unless one or more fault conditions are again.
present. If a detected fault condition exists, the fault
or faults will be stored in the memory of the small Displaying Fault Codes (DFC)
engine control module (SECM). Once an active fault
occurs the MIL will illuminate and remain ON. This from SECM Memory
signals the operator that a fault has been detected
by the SECM. To enter code display mode you must turn OFF the
ignition key. Now turn ON the key but do not start
the engine. As soon as you turn the key to the ON
Reading Diagnostic Fault Codes position you must cycle the foot pedal by depressing
it to the floor and then fully releasing the pedal
G643E Engines (pedal maneuver). You must fully cycle the foot
pedal three (3) times within five (5) seconds to
All fault codes are three-digit codes. When the fault enable the display codes feature of the SECM.
codes are retrieved (displayed) the MIL will flash for Simply turn the key OFF to exit display mode. The
each digit with a short pause (0.5 seconds) between code list will continue to repeat until the key is
digits and a long pause (1.2 seconds) between fault turned OFF.
codes. A code 12 is displayed at the end of the code
Clearing Fault (DFC) Codes
EXAMPLE: A code 461 (ETCSticking) has been
detected and the engine has shut down and the MIL To clear the stored fault codes from SECM memory
has remained ON. When the codes are displayed you must complete the reset fault pedal maneuver.
the MIL will flash four times (4), pause, then flash six
times (6), pause, then flash one time (1) This CAUTION
identifies a four sixty one (461), which is the
ETCSticking fault. If any additional faults were Once the fault list is cleared it cannot be
stored, the SECM would again have a long pause, restored.
then display the next fault by flashing each digit.
Since no other faults were stored there will be a long
pause then one flash (1), pause, then two flashes First turn OFF the ignition key. Now turn ON the key
(2). This identifies a twelve, signifying the end of the but do not start the engine. As soon as you turn the
fault list. This list will then repeat. key to the ON position you must cycle the foot pedal
by depressing it to the floor and then fully releasing
G643 Engines the pedal (pedal maneuver). You must fully cycle the
foot pedal ten (10) times within five (5) seconds to
All fault codes are two digit codes. When the fault clear the fault code list of the SECM. Simply turn the
key OFF to exit the reset mode. The code list is now
codes are retrieved (displayed) the MIL will flash for
clear and the SECM will begin storing new fault
each digit with a short pause (.5 seconds) between codes as they occur.
digits and a long pause (1.2 seconds) between fault
codes. A code 12 is displayed at the beginning of Software released after level
the code list. MI07SEQ062V05_***.mfu allows fault codes to be
cleared while displaying the fault codes. You must
EXAMPLE: A code 26 has been detected fully cycle the foot pedal ten (10) times within five (5)
(ETCSticking) and the engine has shutdown and the seconds to clear the fault code list of the SECM.
MIL has remained ON. When the codes are The fault code list will continue to display until the
displayed the MIL will flash one time (1), pause, then end of the list is reached.
flash two times (2). This identifies a twelve (12),
which is the beginning of the fault list. It will then
pause for 1.2 seconds (long pause) and flash two
times (2), pause, then flash six times (6). This

G643(E) Service Manual 250 Chapter 8. Advanced Diagnostics

Fault Action Descriptions Fault List Definitions
Each fault detected by the SECM is stored in All the analog sensors in the MI-07 system have
memory (FIFO) and has a specific action or result input sensor range faults. These are the coolant
that takes place. Listed below are the descriptions of temperature sensor, fuel temperature sensor,
each fault action. throttle position sensors, pedal position sensors,
manifold pressure sensor, HEGO sensors, and
Engine Shutdown: The most severe action is an intake air temperature sensor. Signals to these
Engine Shutdown. The MIL will light and the engine sensors are converted into digital counts by the
will immediately shutdown, stopping spark, closing SECM. A low/high range sensor fault is normally set
the fuel lock-off closing, and turning off the fuel when the converted digital counts reach the
pump and fuel injectors. minimum of 0 or the maximum of 1024 (1024 = 5.0
Vdc with ~ 204 counts per volt).
Delayed Engine Shutdown: Some faults, such as
low oil pressure, will cause the MIL to illuminate for
30 seconds and then shut down the engine.

Cut Throttle: The throttle moves to its default

position. The engine will run at idle but will not

Cut Fuel: Fuel flow will be turned off.

Turn on MIL: The MIL will light by an active low

signal provided by the SECM, indicating a fault
condition. May illuminate with no other action or may
be combined with other actions, depending on which
fault is active. Additionally, the SECM includes software to learn
the actual range of the pedal position and throttle
Soft Rev Limit / Medium Rev Limit / Hard Rev position sensors in order to take full advantage of
Limit: System will follow various sequences to bring the sensor range. Faults are set if the learned
engine speed back to acceptable levels. values are outside of the normal expected range of
the sensor (e.g. APP1AdaptLoMin).
Level4 Power Limit / Level3 Power Limit / Level2
Power Limit / Level1 Power Limit: The maximum
engine power output will be limited to one of four
possible levels. The engine power is calculated from
measured engine parameters (e.g. MAP, rpm, fuel
flow, etc).

Disable Gas O2 Control: In LPG mode, closed loop

correction of air fuel ratio based on the Pre-catalyst
O2 sensor is disabled.

G643(E) Service Manual 251 Chapter 8. Advanced Diagnostics

Appendix water to remain in liquid state at the engines
operating temperature.

LPG And LPG Fuel Tanks The same principle is applied to LPG in a container,
commonly referred to as an LPG tank or cylinder.
LPG Fuel Supply Typically an LPG tank is not filled over 80% capacity
allowing for a 20% vapor expansion space. Outside
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) consists mainly of air temperature effects an LPG tank and must be
propane, propylene, butane, and butylenes in considered when using an LPG system. (Figure 2)
various mixtures. LPG is produced as a by-product shows the relationship between pressure and
of natural gas processing or it can be obtained from temperature in a LPG tank at a steady state
crude oil as part of the oil refining process. LPG, like condition.
gasoline, is a compound of hydrogen and carbon,
commonly called hydrocarbons. LPG Tank Pressure VS Temperature
In its natural state, propane is colorless and
odorless; an odorant (ethyl mercaptan) is added to 250

the fuel so its presence can be detected. There are 200

Pressure, psig
currently three grades of propane available in the 150
United States. A propane grade designation of HD5
(not exceeding 5% propylene), is used for internal 100

combustion engines while much higher levels of 50

propylene (HD10) are used as commercial grade 0

propane along with a commercial propane /butane -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

mixture. Figure 2 Temperature, deg F

With 128 PSIG vapor pressure acting against the

APPROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF HD5 liquid propane the boiling point has been raised to
PROPANE BY VOLUME slightly more than 80 deg. F / 27 deg. C.

Propane Propy Butane Iso- Methane

(C3H8) lene (C4H10) Butane (CH4)
90.0% 5%
2.0% 1.5% 1.5% 100%
min. max. Compressed
An advantage of LPG is the ability to safely store 128 PSIG Liquid
and transport the product in the liquid state. In the Propane
liquid state propane is approximately 270 times as
dense as it is in a gaseous form. By pressurizing a
container of LPG we can effectively raise the boiling
point above 44 deg. C / -42 deg. C, keeping the LPG Tank
propane in liquid form. The point at which the liquid Figure 3
becomes a gas (boiling point) depends on the
amount of pressure applied to the container.
NOTE: Vapor pressure inside an LPG tank depends
This process operates similarly to an engine coolant on the ambient air temperature outside the tank, not
system where water is kept from boiling by the amount of liquid inside the tank. A tank that is
pressurizing the system and adding a mixture of full of liquid propane at 80 deg. F will contain the
glycol. For example water at normal atmospheric same vapor pressure as a tank that is only full of
pressure will boil at 212 deg. F / 100 deg. C. If an liquid propane.
engines operating temperature is approximately 230
deg. F / 110 deg. C, then the water in an open un- LPGs relative ease of vaporization makes it an
pressurized cooling system would simply boil off into excellent fuel for low-rpm engines on start-and-stop
steam, eventually leaving the cooling system empty operations. The more readily a fuel vaporizes the
and over heating the engine. If we install a 10 PSIG more complete combustion will be.
cap on the radiator, pressurizing the cooling system Because propane has a low boiling point (-44F), and
to 10 PSIG, the boiling point of the water increases is a low carbon fuel, engine life can be extended due
to 242 deg. F / 117 deg. C, which will cause the to less cylinder wall wash down and little, if any,
carbon build up.

G643(E) Service Manual 252 Appendix

LPG Fuel Tanks Installing LPG Fuel Tanks

The two styles of LPG storage containers available When installing a tank on a lift truck, the tank must
for industrial use and lift truck applications are be within the outline of the vehicle to prevent
portable universal cylinders and permanently damage to the valves when maneuvering in tight
mounted tanks. Portable universal cylinders are spaces. Horizontal tanks must be installed on the
used primarily for off-highway vehicles and are saddle that contains an alignment pin, which
constructed in accordance with the DOT-TC (United matches the hole in the collar of the tank. When the
States Department of Transport Transport pin is in the hole, the liquid withdrawal tube is
Canada). The cylinders are referred to as universal positioned to the bottom of the tank. A common
because they can be mounted in either a vertical or problem is that often these guide-pins are broken off,
horizontal position (Figure 4). allowing the tank to be mounted in any position. This
creates two problems. 1). When the liquid
withdrawal tube is exposed to the vapor space, it
may give a false indication that the tank is empty,
when it actually is not. 2). The safety relief valve
may be immersed in liquid fuel. If for any reason the
valve has to vent, venting liquid can cause a serious
safety problem,

When empty, the tank is exchanged with a pre-
filled replacement tank. When exchanging a tank,
Figure 4 safety glasses and gloves should be worn.

NOTE: A 375-psig, relief valve is used on a DOT

forklift tank. The relief valve must be replaced with a
new valve after the first 12 years and every 10 years LPG Fuel Tank Components

The tank must be discarded if the collar is damaged

2 3 7 8
to the point that it can no longer protect the valves. It 9
must also be replaced if the foot ring is bent to the
point where the tank will not stand or is easily
knocked over.

6 12 10
Figure 5

(1) Fuel Gauge (2) 80% Stop Bleeder

(3) Pressure Relief Valve
(4) Service Valve (Tank end male coupling) (5) Filler Valve
(6) Alignment Pin
(7) Vapor Withdrawal Tube (Only used with Vapor Withdrawal)
(8) 80% Limiter Tube (9) Liquid Withdrawal Tube
(10) Foot Ring (11) Fuel Level Float (12) Collar

G643(E) Service Manual 253 Appendix

Fuel Gauge Service Valve

In figure 5 a visual fuel gauge is used to show the The service valve is a manually operated valve
fuel level in the tank. A mechanical float mechanism using a small hand wheel to open and close the fuel
detects the liquid propane level. A magnet on the supply to the service line (fuel supply line). The
end of the float shaft moves a magnetic pointer in service valve installs directly into the tank and has
the fuel gauge. Some units have an electronic two main categories, liquid and vapor service valves.
sending unit using a variable resistor, installed in Liquid service valves used on portable LPG tanks
place of a gauge for remote monitoring of the fuel use a 3/8 (3/8 NPT) male pipe thread on the
level. The gauge may be changed with fuel in the service valve outlet for attachment of a quick
tank. DO NOT REMOVE THE FOUR LARGE disconnect coupler.
ASSEMBLY, WITH FUEL IN THE TANK! An excess flow valve is built into the inlet side of the
service valve as a safety device in case of an
accidental opening of the service line or damage to
CAUTION the service valve itself. The excess flow valve shuts
It is not a legal practice to fill the tank through off the flow of liquid propane if the flow rate of the
the liquid contents gauge. liquid propane exceeds the maximum flow rate
specified by the manufacturer.
In some applications a fixed tube fuel indicator is
used in place of a float mechanism. A fixed tube
indicator does not use a gauge and only indicates
when the LPG tank is 80% full. The fixed tube
indicator is simply a normally closed valve that is
opened during refueling by the fueling attendant. Outlet
When opened during refueling and the tanks LPG
level is below 80%, a small amount of vapor will exit
the valve. When the LPG tank level reaches 80%
liquid propane will begin exiting the valve in the form Excess Flow
of a white mist (Always wear the appropriate Valve
protective apparel when refueling LPG cylinders). In Figure 6
order for this type of gauge to be accurate, the tank
must be positioned properly. When full (80% LPG)
the valve is closed by turning the knurled knob
clockwise. Typically a warning label surrounds the CAUTION
fixed tube gauge which reads STOP FILLING When the tank is in use the service valve should
WHEN LIQUID APPEARS. be completely open. If the valve is partly open,
the vehicle may not be getting enough fuel to
operate efficiently.

In addition to possibly starving the engine for

fuel, a partly open valve may restrict the flow
enough to prevent the excess flow valve from
closing in the event of a ruptured fuel line.

G643(E) Service Manual 254 Appendix

Most liquid service valves have an internal Filler Valve
hydrostatic relief valve and are usually labeled
LIQUID WITH INTERNAL RELIEF. The The liquid filler valve (Figure 9) has a male thread to
hydrostatic relief valve protects the fuel service line receive a fuel nozzle and typically has a plastic or
between the tank and the lock off from over brass screw on cap that is retained with a small
pressurization. The internal hydrostatic relief valve chain or plastic band to keep debris out of the filler
has a minimum opening pressure of 375 PSIG and a valve. The filler valve is a one-way flow device that
maximum pressure of 500 PSIG. These type of relief uses two check valves to allow fuel to enter the tank
valves have an advantage over external relief valves but prevent it from exiting. Both check valves are
because the propane is returned to the tank in the backpressure type check valves, designed so that
event of an over pressurization instead of venting backpressure from the tank assists the check valves
the propane to atmosphere. own spring pressure to close the valve. The first
valve uses a neoprene on metal seal and the
second valve uses a metal on metal seal.
Quick Disconnect Coupling
A weakness ring is machined into the filler valve just
The liquid withdrawal or service valve on a DOT above the check valves and will allow the filler valve
tank has male threads and accepts the female to shear off in case of an accident. The valve will
portion of a quick disconnect coupling (Figure 8). break or shear off above the check valves so that
The female portion is adapted to the liquid hose the tank will be sealed and no liquid propane can
going to the fuel system. Both halves are equipped escape.
with 100% shutoffs, which open when coupled
together to allow fuel flow. The coupler has two
seals. One is an o-ring and the other is a flat washer.
The o-ring prevents leakage from the shaft on the
other coupling and the flat washer seals when the
coupler is fully connected.
NOTE: The flat seal and / or the o-ring will Ring
sometimes pop off when disconnecting and slide up
the shaft of the mating connector, causing the valve
not to open when fully mated. The extra washer or
o-ring must be removed from the shaft and the
coupling reconnected. Figure 9

Figure 8

G643(E) Service Manual 255 Appendix

Regulatory Compliance
EPA / CARB Emissions Certification Do not connect or disconnect while circuit is live
unless area is known to be non-hazardous.
When properly applied and calibrated, s MI-07
control system is capable of meeting EPA 2007 LSI
Substitution of components may impair suitabil-
emission standards (40 CFR Part 1048.101) when
operating properly with an approved three-way ity for Class I, Division 2, or Zone 2 applications.
catalyst. The emission standards, including
appropriate deterioration factors over the useful life
of the system, are as follows:
Electrostatic Discharge Awareness
HC+NOx: 2.0 g/hp-hr [2.7 g/kW-hr]
All electronic equipment is static-sensitive, some
CO: 3.3 g/hp-hr [4.4 g/kW-hr]
components more than others. To protect these
components from static damage, you must take
Evaporative emissions comply with 40 CFR Part
special precautions to minimize or eliminate
1048.105. These standards apply only to volatile
electrostatic discharges.
liquid fuels such as gasoline. Note that the engine
crankcase must be closed.
Follow these precautions when working with or near
the control.
North American Compliance 1. Before doing maintenance on the electronic
control, discharge the static electricity on your
The N-2007 regulator is UL listed per Category ITPV
body to ground by touching and holding a
LP-Gas Accessories, Automotive Type.
grounded metal object (pipes, cabinets,
equipment, etc.).
The N-2007 regulator and CA100 mixer have
tamper-resistant features approved by CARB.
2. Avoid the build-up of static electricity on your
body by not wearing clothing made of synthetic
materials. Wear cotton or cotton-blend materials
as much as possible because these do not store
Special Conditions for Safe Use static electric charges as much as synthetics.

Field wiring must be suitable for at least 248F 3. Keep plastic, vinyl, and Styrofoam materials (such
(120C). as plastic or Styrofoam cups, cup holders,
cigarette packages, cellophane wrappers, vinyl
SECM-48 inputs are classified as permanently books or folders, plastic bottles, and plastic ash
connected IEC measurement Category I. To avoid trays) away from the control, the modules, and the
the danger of electric shock, do not use inputs to work area as much as possible.
make measurements within measurement
categories II, III, or IV.

SECM-48 input power must be supplied from a

power supply/battery charger certified to IEC
standard with a SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)
classified output.

SECM-48 inputs and outputs may only be

connected to other circuits certified as SELV (Safety
Extra Low Voltage).

G643(E) Service Manual 256 Appendix


ACFM Actual cubic feet per minute at the specified suction conditions
AFR Air fuel ratio
BHP Brake horsepower
Bi-Fuel Able to operate on either of two fuels
CTS Coolant temperature sensor
CNG Compressed natural gas
Dual Fuel Able to run simultaneously on two fuels, e.g. diesel and natural gas.
Often this term is incorrectly used to describe bi-fuel operation.
Spark-ignited engines are typically bi-fuel while compression ignition
engines are dual-fuel.
ECM Engine control module
FPP Foot pedal position
FPV Fuel primer valve
FTS Fuel temperature sensor
FTV Fuel trim valve
GPM Gallons per minute of flow
HEGO Heated exhaust gas oxygen (sensor)
LAT Limited-angle torque motor
LPG Liquified petroleum gas
MAP Manifold absolute pressure
MAT Manifold air temperature
MIL Malfunction indicator lamp
MOR Manufacturer of record for emissions certification on the engine
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
PHI Relative fuel-air ratio or percent of stoichiometric fuel
(actual fuel-air ratio / stoichiometric fuel-air ratio)
RPM Revolutions per minute
SECM Small engine control module
TMAP Temperature and manifold absolute pressure
TPS Throttle position sensor
VDC Voltage of direct current type
VE Volumetric efficiency
WOT Wide open throttle

G643(E) Service Manual 257 Appendix

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