Telangana State Public Service Commission: Hyderabad

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(GENERAL RECRUITMENT)Notication No. 31/2017

HallTicket No : 3117120401
Gender : FEMALE
Date of Birth : 06/07/1992
Community : SC
PH (VH/HH/OH) : : NO
Zone : zone6
REDDY - 500059

Paper Code & Subject (Objective type

Venue Code and Name Date & Time
General Studies & General Abilities
27/08/2017( 10:00AM-12:30PM ) (SUNDAY)
Paper Code: 17003
19004-Poornima Vidya Niketan High Civil Engineering
27/08/2017( 02:30PM-05:00PM ) (SUNDAY)
School, Gajula Ramaram Road, Near Paper: Code 17311
Manjeera Water Tank, Vegetable Market, Common Paper for Civil/Mechanical
28/08/2017( 10:00AM-12:30PM ) (MONDAY) Engineering
Shapurnagar, Hyderabad - 500 055 Paper: Code 17314

T.S.ID: TS1400117521 Aadhaar No. XXXXXXXXX9743

verication code(for oce use only) 1326009586*19004*0E8iOOJyLS!isug 24082017115630AM

Candidates must read all the instructions given

1. The hall ticket must be presented for verication along with at least one original (no photocopy or scanned copy) valid identication
card (for example: Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhaar-UID, Government Employer ID, Driving License). Aadhaar Card may be
carried by the candidate.
2. This hall ticket is valid only if the candidate's photograph and signature images are legible. To ensure this, candidate is advised to get
the print of the hall ticket on A4 sized paper using a laser printer, preferably a colour photo printer.
3. The candidates who do not have clear photographs or no photo on the hall ticket will have to bring two passport size photographs along
with a written representation to Chief Superintendent in order to be permitted to appear for the test.
4. The candidates should use black or blue ball point pen only to bubble answers in OMR sheet. And should bring Hall Ticket
without fail.
5. The candidates should use black or blue ball point pen only to ll Test Booklet Series on side-1 of OMR sheet.
6. Use of Whitener/Blade or Eraser on OMR Sheet will lead to invalidation of OMR Answer Sheet.
7. Candidates will be permitted to appear for the examination, ONLY after their credentials are veried by centre ocials.
Wherever Written Examination is held, only those candidates who are totally blind are allowed to write the examination with the
help of scribe and 10 minutes extra time is permitted to them per hour.
An extra time of 20 minutes per hour is also permitted for the candidates with Locomotors disability and CEREBRAL PALSY where
dominant (writing) extremity is affected for the extent slowing the Performance of function (Minimum of 40% impairment). No
scribe is allowed to such candidates.
Scribe will be provided to those candidates who do not have both the upper limbs for orthopedically handicapped. however ,no
extra time will be granted to them.
9. Candidates will be subjected to frisking to ensure that they are not carrying any electronic or any other gadgets, mobile phone,
tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth devices, Watch, Calculator, Log Tables, Wallet, Purse, Notes, Charts, Loose Sheets Or Recording
Instruments strapped to their body or pockets. Calculators are not allowed.
10. There may not be a guaranteed security facility for safe-keeping of valuable devices or personal belongings at the examination centre.
11. The gates of the Test Centres will be opened by 8.15 am and closed by 9.45 am and for afternoon session opened by 01:00 pm and
closed by 02:15 pm. No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination centre after closing the gate. The checking procedure
inside the test hall may include capturing bio-metric left thumbprint. This is a security feature which will allow TSPSC to verify
the identity of the candidate and also to check impersonation by any others. Therefore, they are advised not to apply any
external substances like Mehndi, Ink etc, on their hands/foot. Candidates are instructed not to wear shoes, Jewellery, Chains,
studs and also wrist watches to the Examination Centre.
12. The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and photographs available on the Nominal
Rolls and Hall Ticket through valid Photo identication documents like Aadhaar, Pan card, etc.
13. No candidate should not leave the examination hall till the Examination time ends.
14. The Commission would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If it is
suspected that the responses have been shared and the scores obtained are not genuine/ valid, the Commission reserves the right to
cancel his/ her candidature and to invalidate the Answer Sheet.
15. The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere fact that an Admission to the
examination does not imply that his/her candidature has been nally cleared by the Commission or that the entries made by the
candidate in his/her application have been accepted by the Commission as true and correct.
16. The candidates are expected to behave in an orderly and disciplined manner while writing the examination. If any candidate takes
away Answer Sheet of OMR based examination, his/her candidature will be rejected and in case of impersonation/ disorder/
misbehavior during Examination, necessary F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station, apart from
disqualifying his / her candidature.
17. Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualied from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from
the candidates.
18. This Hall ticket Issued subject to Scrutiny of His/her Application and the Equivalency of the Educational Qualication of the
applicant will be nalized at the time of certicate verication only.
19. The Penal Provisions of Act 25/97 published in the A.P. Gazette No. 35, Part-IV.B Extraordinary, dated: 21/08/1997 and Rules of
Procedures of TSPSC published in vide Gazette No.60, Dt: 28/12/2015 shall be invoked if malpractice and unfair means are noticed at any
stage of the Examination, apart from debarring from future exams of TSPSC, Other State Public Service Commission's & UPSC.
20. The candidates are instructed to ll the following column in the nominal rolls in additional to the regular information.

Question Booklet series code 1 letter (The series are A, B, C & D)

Place: Hyderabad.

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