Minor Periodontal Surgery in Ortho

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J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. n a c d . i n


Minor Periodontal Surgical Procedures Associated with

Orthodontic Treatment
Sphoorthi Anup Belludi1, Ruchi Banthia2, Anup Belludi3

Department of Periodontics
Dept. of Orthodontics
Modern Dental College and Research centre,
Indore In recent years, advances in techniques and dental materials as well
as a growing public interest in developing and maintaining a
healthy and attractive smile, has resulted in a greater
understanding of the interrelationships between periodontics and
orthodontics. A multidisciplinary approach is often necessary to
Reader1 treat and prevent dental problems in patients. Orthodontics and
Associate Professor2 Periodontics are interrelated in a variety of situations. Orthodontic
Professor3 instrumentation may be necessary in certain situations for a
successful restoration of periodontal health as well as for
satisfactory maintenance of tissue integrity. At par successful
orthodontic treatment for many patients will depend on the
periodontal preparation before and after treatment and the
maintenance of periodontal health throughout all phases of
Article Info
However this article will be mainly concentrating on the minor
Received: March 2, 2010 periodontal surgical procedures which would render optimal
Review Completed: March 20, 2010 orthodontic therapeutic results. This makes an interdisciplinary
Accepted: March 25, 2010 approach a paramount in achieving a predictable outcome.
Available Online: August, 2010
NAD, 2010 - All rights reserved
Key words: Orthodontics, Periodontics, Corticotomy, Fiberotomy,
Frenectomy, Gingivectomy

INTRODUCTION diagnosis is obtained and used to generate an

appropriate treatment plan and procedure. Another
Aesthetic considerations have influenced the
aspect is the orthodontic tooth movement which is
management of dental maladies in varying degrees
the basis of orthodontic treatment and is possible
for many years. Patient awareness and expectations
because of the inherent nature of the periodontium.
have increased recently to the point that less than
Orthodontic treatment affects the periodontal health
optimal aesthetics are no longer an acceptable
on two grounds. On one hand are forces generated
outcome. On the same plateau; an essential goal of
to move teeth and on the other, the compromise in
orthodontic treatment is the long-term stability of
oral hygiene.
the result. For this to be achieved the integrity of the
dentogingival junction must be respected, and The forces transmitted to the periodontium by
dental restorations and the periodontium must be orthodontic appliances quite certainly have a trauma
in harmony. A predictable, successful outcome can producing effect. Without this trauma producing
only be expected if a complete and accurate effect, tooth movement would not be possible. Many
advances have been made in understanding the
Email for correspondence: mechanisms involved in the process of tooth
[email protected]

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movement. However there are many pathologic although gingival recession may be a hazard of this
conditions affecting the periodontium that may procedure 3.
affect these mechanisms of tooth movement and
Periodontally accelerated osteogenic
alter the end result of the orthodontic treatment.
orthodontic procedure(PAOO):
Similarly awareness of the pathologic changes or
other undesirable changes which can occur in the The PAOO protocol derives its origin from
periodontium as a result of ideal or less than ideal Heinrich Koles concept of segmental block
orthodontic procedures would help in better movement of bone through complete corticotomy.
treatment procedure and management of the Modern selective alveolar decortication(SAD) and
patients. In addition, since periodontal diseases can PAOO protocols eliminate morbidity associated with
secondarily cause malocclusions, very often Koles bony block concepts, without compromising
orthodontic treatment would be an essential adjunct rapid tooth movement.According to Wilcko et
to periodontal therapy. So its important for the al(2001), this rapid movement is not a consequence
orthodontist and the periodontist to bear in mind of bony block movement,but rather due to a transient
the limitations, advantages and the disadvantages localized demineralization remineralisation
while rendering the treatment to the patient in phenomenon in the bony alveolar housing.Selective
totality. decorticating exposes graft material to medullary
spaces which helps in osteoblastic activity.
To deal with these aspects there are many Adittionally it provides osteopenic conditions in
innovative forms of therapies of periodontal minor alveolus which potentiates the demineralising effect
surgeries which may be used to improve the of orthodontic forces.This demineralization of
orthodontic tooth movement, to stabilize the results alveolar housing over the root surfaces leaves the
and enhance the esthetics. collagenous soft tissue matrix of the bone,which can
On a historical perspective; more than 25 years be carried with root surface and later remineralises
ago Edward described clinical techniques to help upon completion of orthodontic treatment. 4
prevent rotational relapse re-opening of closed Technique: PAOO surgery is performed during
extraction spaces and a simple yet effective the week following bracketing and archwire
technique for frenectomy. At about the same time, a activation,Facial and lingual selective alveolar
gingivectomy technique to increase the clinical decortications is performed utilizing circumscribing
crown length for esthetic improvement of corticotomy cuts and intra marrow penetrations.In
orthodontic results in specific situations was certain cases the activated bone and exposed root
reported.1, 2 Hence, not to lag behind, this article surfaces are covered with the bone grafting material
revolves around the tenet that how minor (a combinationof DFDBA Demineralised freeze
periodontal surgeries can aid orthodontic treatment dried bone allograft and xenograft extender). 5, 6
in todays era.
Although the PAOO technique requires the
Corticotomy: utilization of numerous modified diagnostic and
These procedures have been used for almost a treatment parameters; the technique enables to
century to assist tooth movements in orthodontics create rapid orthodontic tooth movement and to
(Suja 1991). reduce side effects like root resorption, tooth
devitalisation, relapse, inadequate basal bone and
This surgical procedure involves raising full bacterial time load factors like caries and
thickness buccal and lingual flaps and placing vertical periodontal infection. More significantly, the teeth
osseous grooves extending from just below the can be moved two to three times further than it
interproximal alveolar bone margin to beyond the would have been possible with traditional
apices of the teeth and then horizontal grooves to orthodontics alone and so also with an additional
connect the vertical cuts. The orthodontic appliance advantage of completing cases with an increased
is then activated immediately post operatively alveolar bone volume. This in turn, provides for a more

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intact periodontium, a decreased need for Various modifications of the original CSF
extractions, a degree of facial reshaping and technique have been described, in which the scalpel
increased bony support for teeth and overlying is inserted below the gingival margin (Ahrens et
tissues, thereby augmenting gingival and facial al.1970), or the cut is reduced to interdental vertical
esthetics. 7, 8 incisions on the buccal and lingual side. In neither
case are surgical dressings indicated, and clinical
healing is usually complete within 7-10 days.Rinaldi
The problem of relapse of orthodontically (1979) stated that the fiberotomy procedure is not
treated teeth in general and rotated teeth in recommended during active tooth movement, or in
particular has been recognized for years. the presence of gingival inflammation when
performed in healthy tissues after orthodontic
Methods to reduce the occurrence of rotational
therapy, there is negligible loss of attachment
relapse may include
(0.1-0.3). 10,11 (Fig: 1, 2)
1) complete correction, or over correction, of
The papilla split procedure:
rotated teeth
The papilla split procedure of Ahrens et al(1981)
2) stable long term retention with bonded
has been advocated for use in preventing rotational
lingual retainer, and
relapse in cases with minimal attached gingiva.Its
3) fiberotomy. effect on the periodontium are minimal. 12
Two soft tissue periodontal entities may Frenotomy:
influence the stability: the principle fibers of the
The maxillary labial frenum is a fold of tissue,
periodontal ligament, and the supra-alveolar fibers.
usually triangular in shape, extending from the
Whereas the fibers of the periodontal ligament and
maxillary midline area of the gingiva to the vestibule
the transseptal groups remodel efficiently and and midportion of the upperlip.The maxillary labial
histologically completely in only 2-3 months after frenum originates as a posterruptive remnant of the
orthodontic rotation of teeth. The supra-alveolar tectolabial bands, which are embryologic structures
fibers are apparently more stable with a slower rate appearing at approximately 3 months in utero and
of turn over. connecting the tubercle of the upper lip to the
Since the gingival soft tissues are composed palatine papilla. The relocation of the attachment in
primarily of nonelastic fibers, the exact mechanism an apical direction is usually accomplished by a
by which the gingival soft tissues may apply a force normal vertical growth of the alveolar process. The
capable of moving the teeth is yet unknown. From a failure of the attached frenal fibers to migrate apically
practical and clinical point of view, however, the results in a residual band of tissue in-between the
supracrestal gingival tissues do contribute to maxillary central incisors, which has been implicated
rotational relapse as evidenced by the effect of the as an important cause of persistent midline
circumferential supracrestal fiberotomy (CSF) diastemas. The residual frenal fibers which persist
technique, as first termed by Campbell et al.In1970, between the maxillary central incisors may also attach
Edwards reported a simple and effective surgical to the periosteum and internal connective tissue of
technique to alleviate the influence of the the V-shaped intermaxillary suture. In 1939, Hirschfeld
supracrestal fibers presumably have on rotational first called attention to the marginal attachment of
relapse. 9 the frenum as an etiologic factor in periodontal
disease and recommended its excision. 13
Technique: It consists of inserting a scalpel into
the gingival sulcus and severing the epithelial Corn describes in detail the classical frenotomy
attachment surrounding the involved teeth. The procedure. He states that a thick frenum resists
blade also transects the transeptal fibers interdentally orthodontic forces and is responsible for relapse of
by entering the periodontal ligament space. space closure subsequent to orthodontic forces.

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Bray (1976), has found a high correlation Another procedure to eliminate the alleged
between the pretreatment existence of notching of relapse is the Z plasty technique, which does not
the interseptal alveolar crest and the relapse of the remove the frenum but instead is intended to relax
orthodontically treated maxillary midline diastemas. the pull of the frenum of the interdental soft tissue.
In addition to creation of space between the Gingivectomy:
maxillary central incisors, and thus creating an area
Robiscek in1884 and Zentler in 1918 described
for food impaction, the frenal tissues have been
gingivectomy procedure in detail.
implicated with poor oral hygiene, due to difficulty
in tooth brushing and the resultant inflammatory The gingivectomy procedure that is followed
periodontal destruction. There is a definite paucity today was described by Goldman in 1951
of detailed clinical evidence directly correlating the Gingivoplasty: The term refers to surgical
existence of abnormal frenums (frenums which recontouring of the gingiva inorder to achieve a
appear abnormally large and\or attached especially physiologic contour. Gingival enlargements in
close to the gingival margin) and maxillary midline orthodontic patients are treated with gingivoplasty.
diastemas and consistently cause the relapse
Although the surgical procedure is similar to that
movement of orthodontically approximated incisors
of gingivectomy, the objective is different. The
in a midline diastema situation.
attached gingiva surrounding the teeth is reshaped
Variant techniques like the frenotomyand the to provide more esthetic and functional contours in
frenectomy have evolved to eliminate this this procedure. Gingivoplasty may be performed with
undesireable relapse phenomenon. rotary instruments, electrosurgery, laser or surgical
Frenotomy: is a partial removal of the frenum and blades, knives, scissors and tissue nippers. The final
to relocate the frenal attachment so as to create an contouring, or gingivoplasty, is used to thin the tissue
increased zone of attached gingiva between the on the interradicular surfaces and establishes a more
gingival margin and the frenum. fine contour.

Frenectomy: is the complete removal of the Gingivoplasty was also performed by Edwards
frenum, including its attachment to the underlying to eliminate the gingival clefts and invaginations
bone. resulting from orthodontic closure of extraction sites
which possibly led to the relapse of the therapy 15.
Frenectomies was a commonly performed
procedure which was an excisional surgery carried Gingivectomy: is the complete removal of the
over to the palatal aspect. soft tissue wall of the pocket.
Since this procedure includes the complete Although there are other indications for the
removal of the frenum, a common complication procedure, from orthodontic point of view
encountered with this technique is the undesireable gingivectomy can be carried out in presence of
loss of interdental papilla. Hence, the frenotomy persistent gingival swelling where real pocketing
which is a more superficial procedure, with only may be shallow but there is considerable gingival
partial removal of the frenum and just a relocation enlargement and deformity. If the inflamed gingival
of the attachment, is an esthetically preferable enlargement includes a significant fibrotic
procedure lately 14.(Fig: 3,4,5,6) In frenotomy, the component that does not undergo shrinkage after
attachment to the gingiva and periosteum is severed scaling and root planing or are of such size that they
and the insertion of the frenum is relocated upto the obscure deposition on the tooth surfaces and
alveolar mucosa Frenotomy may be indicated in the interfere with access to them, then gingivectomy
mandible when a marked frenum attaches within may be the treatment of choice which is likely to
thin gingiva and there is risk of development of labial produce a satisfactory result in patients undergoing
recession. orthodontic therapy.

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Figure 1 Figure 5

Figure 2 Figure 6

Figure 3 Figure 7

Figure 4 Figure 8

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